— Line Work —
LIST OF WORKS Sue Pedley and Phaptawan Suwannakudt
Sue Pedley
Phaptawan Suwannakudt
Line Work: Rivers of the Basin #1
Line Work: Rivers of the Basin #5
Line Work: Rivers of the Basin #8
paper piano rolls, ink, paint, graphite, mixed media
bamboo and wire
graphite and pen on bamboo with silver thread
150 x 500 cm
500 x 30cm each (3 pieces)
1 x 100cm each (3 pieces) Sue Pedley
Sue Pedley and Phaptawan Suwannakudt Line Work: Rivers of the Basin #3 2021 Ink, acrylic on fabric made from cotton and pineapple fibre 150 x 50cm each (4 pieces)
Line Work: Rivers of the Basin #6 2021 casuarina seeds, mandavilla seeds, mandavilla pods, willow leaves, banana flowers, 13 glass containers, 10 platters
Phaptawan Suwannakudt Line Work: Rivers of the Basin #9 2021 bamboo, banana rope, wire 240 x 50 x 30cm
dimensions variable All works courtesy the artists.
Sue Pedley
Phaptawan Suwannakudt
Line Work: Rivers of the Basin #4
Line Work: Rivers of the Basin #7 a,b
graphite and paper
a, fabric, banana string, dyed rope
150 x 500 cm
b, flagon, glass punch set dimensions variable