Dear Friends,
Joffrey’s 2022–2023 season captivated the crowds at the Lyric Opera House with mesmerizing choreography, breathtaking athleticism, and poignant storytelling. We celebrated dance as a timeless and transcendent art form that resonates deeply within us all. And we were met with enthusiastic full houses, standing ovations, incredible audience engagement, and glowing reviews.
Beyond Borders opened the season with pieces that spoke to our ambitions, featuring choreography by Gerald Arpino, Liam Scarlett, and a world premiere by Chanel DaSilva. The season continued with a crowd favorite, Christopher Wheeldon’s The Nutcracker, before making history with the revival of Yuri Possokhov’s Anna Karenina, which broke box office records as the highest-grossing non-Nutcracker show ever. After a performance at the Kennedy Center, we returned home to close the season with the longawaited Chicago premiere of John Neumeier’s The Little Mermaid, our third highest-grossing non-Nutcracker ballet and the largest production ever mounted at the Joffrey.
The Academy of Dance achieved incredible growth, hosting a successful 13th annual Winning Works Competition at the Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago’s Edlis Neeson Theater, and appointed Suzanne Lopez, former Joffrey Company Artist and Rehearsal Director, as the new Abbott Academy Director. We are honored to have Suzanne lead the Academy, as she bears a 34-year history with the organization. In addition, Community Engagement Director Linda Swayze expanded the Joffrey’s reach throughout Chicago, ensuring aspiring artists from all over the city have access to dance education.
Concluding the year was the return of our annual fundraising event, alongside another Joffrey milestone. Featuring two days of festivities, we called it Sir. Real. A Joffrey Celebration. The weekend opened with a surreal transformation of the Old Post Office, followed by a first-of-its-kind free performance at Millennium Park. Over 7,500 Chicagoans gathered in the heart of the city to experience “Joffrey for All.”
Throughout it all, the Joffrey mission remained at the forefront. 2022–2023 not only stood as a testament to Joffrey’s ambitions and impact, but fully embraced the spirit of community, much like our founder, Robert Joffrey, who believed that dance was a universal language that spoke to everyone. We extend our deepest gratitude to our Company Artists, Board Directors, donors, subscribers, audience members, and persistent supporters — our impact would not be possible without you.
Anne L. Kaplan Chair, Joffrey Board of Directors Wheater The Mary B. Galvin Artistic Director President and CEO

Board of Directors
Anne L. Kaplan
Board Chair
Lorna Ferguson
Daniel L. (DL) Morriss
Vice Chair
Courtney C. Shea
Ronald J. Allen
Ashley Wheater MBE
The Mary B. Galvin
Artistic Director
Greg Cameron
President and CEO
Shari Massey
Assistant Treasurer
Patty Perkins Andringa
Annie Atzeff
Mary Jo Basler
Luann Blowers
Marc DeMoss
Roger Deromedi
Pamella Roland DeVos
Adam DeWitt
Patti S. Eylar
Shelley MacArthur Farley
Brendan Fernandes
Jamie-Clare Flaherty
Chip Flannagan
Emily Follas
Juliana Ford
Ellie Forman
Patrick M. Gallagher Jr.
Jill Garling
Dana Hokin Garvey
Mark Giragosian
Sabrina Gracias
Linda Chaplik Harris
Sandi Hartstein
Jerrilyn M. Hoffmann
Richard S. Holson III
Lashana Jackson
Greg Jenkins
Jim Kirk
Farissa Knox
Guy Lakonishok
Donna M. LaPietra
Lynda Sue Lane, MD
Michael Larsen
Zachary D. Lazar Jr.
Barry Litwin
Richard McDonald
James D. McDonough
Coco Meers
Jess Merten
Susan G. Oleari
Diane Patience
Dana Rice
Jeffrey C. Rubenstein
Elva Rubio
Bruce Sagan
Eric C. Schieber, MD
Liz Sharp
Ildefonso Alvim de Abreu e Silva
Chuck Smith
Maureen Dwyer Smith
Rita Spitz
Lauren F. Streicher, MD
MarrGwen Townsend
Jason J. Tyler
Amanda Williamson
Joel V. Williamson
Grace Barry†
Fred Eychaner
Sonia Florian
Mrs. Robert W. Galvin
Patricia H. Gerber†
Pamela B. Strobel
Ronald V. Waters III
Joseph H. Wender
William M. Daley
Fred Eychaner
Gary E. Holdren
Dr. David A. Kipper†
Zachary D. Lazar Jr.
C. Steve McMillian
Bruce Sagan
Maureen Dwyer Smith
Pamela B. Strobel
Jason J. Tyler
Ronald V. Waters III
As of February 1, 2023
† Deceased

Women’s Board of The Joffrey Ballet 2022–2023
Ellie Forman
Jessica Jecmen
1st Vice President
Chrissie Walker
Farissa Knox
2nd Vice Presidents
Merritt DeWitt
Annie Atzeff
Jenelle M. Chalmers
Johanna Ferguson
Elisabeth Adams
Julie O’Donnell Allen
Dr. Emily L. Arch
Anna Assenmacher
Melissa M. Babcock*
Grace Barry*
Mary Jo Basler
Nancy Gottlieb Bauer
Sally K. Bauer
Carolyn A. Blessing
Paula Borg
Halie Lyn Braden
Mary Kay Mudd Bushonville
Jaya Canaan
Rachel M. Cannon
Lynn Cohen
Kyoko Crawford
Sandra Deromedi
Ellen Distelheim
Dr. Jill S. Dodds
Alissa Eisemann
Beth Engel
Patti S. Eylar
Jennifer Rubin Fabian
Shelley MacArthur Farley
Jamie-Clare Flaherty
Anne Forman
Dana Hokin Garvey
Darcy Goldfarb, MD
Shana Bear Guthman
Elisa D. Harris
Julie Harron
Stacie R. Hartman
Sandi Hartstein
Leigh Ann Herman
Dominika Malinowska Hertsberg
Arica Hilton
Jerrilyn M. Hoffmann
Sherry Lea Holson
Qi Holtzman
Brooke Hubbuch
Amy Joffe
Marsha Kamen
Anne L. Kaplan
Aleksandra Khasina
Kathleen Klaeser
Laura Kofoid
Mrs. Frederick A. Krehbiel*
Kelly Rosen Lagrange
Melinda Lagrange
Dr. Lynda Lane
Wende Fox Lawson
Anne Lazar*
Dania Leemputte
Kathryn Meneely Leister
Laurie Mahler
Joan Malliband
Elizabeth Marcus, MD
Heather Martin
Cori Martindale
Edyta Mazza
Monica McGurk
Helen Hall Melchior*
Irene Michaels
Mrs. Julianne Migely
Rosemary Milew
Linda Curtis O’Bannon, MD
Susan G. Oleari
Mary Ellen Pavone, MD
Karen Peters
Molly Piech
Cindy Pinsky
Ibby Pinsky
Victoria Poindexter
D. Elizabeth Price
Christine Rahill*
Hallie Blanchard Rehwaldt
Emily Rubenstein
Elva Rubio
Dr. Susan Scanlon
Maggie Scheyer
Molly Schirf
Sarah Schrup
Liz Sharp
Courtney C. Shea
Veronica Siegel
Marilyn Slattery
Maureen Dwyer Smith*
Maria Smithburg
Rita Spitz
Liz Stiffel
Stacy Straub
Nancy Sussman
Cheryl Tama Oblander
Lauren D.W. Tatar
Marina D.W. Tatar
Adrienne Traisman
Melissa Trandel
Jennifer Tscherney
Andria van der Merwe
Annabelle Volgman
Bonalynn Wallach
Hilary Weinstein
Magnes Welsh
Susan L. Welsh
Diana Weiss Widman
Elizabeth Wippman
Laurie Wood
Leslie Zentner
Julie Zuckerman
Dora Aalbregtse
Melissa Anton
Jetta Boschen
Sophie Bross
Marisa Bryce
Mary Kay Burke
Joan Colmar
Kelly Dettmann
Pamella Roland DeVos
Deborah Gordon Engle
Sue-Gray Goller
Stephanie M. Grinage
Marjorie E. Habermann
Diana E. Harris
Martha Higgins
Courtney A. Hoffmann
Sharon King Hoge
Marci Holzer
Candace Collins Jordan
Elizabeth Ann Kasten
Donna M. LaPietra
Leslie Logsdon
Astrid A. McKinnon
Lori Mertz
Anne Simon Moffat
Shauna Montgomery
Geeta Nagpal
Mrs. Jay L. Owen Jr.
Mrs. John R. Pacholick
Mrs. James W. Pierpont
Camille Kearns Rudy
Kathleen Sarpy
Anne Shea
Amelia Silva
Carol J. Stone
Kathleen A. Swien
Yolanda Tyler
Noren Ungaretti
Victoria Verity
Carol A. Walter
Ann Waters
Pam Phillips Weston
Joyce M. Wippman
Marcie L. Wright
As of June 2023
*Honorary Member
† Deceased
The Generation J Leadership Council
Lauren Huefner
Sarah Shu
Rachel Izydorek
Jacqueline Lentz
Natalie Matwijiszyn
Abigail Susko

2022–2023 Revenue
2022–2023 Expenses
$17,397,562 ARTISTIC
$2,145,659 ADVANCEMENT
Statement of Financial Position
2022–2023 ASSETS Cash
Accounts Payable $311,878
Accrued Expenses $1,544,044
Deferred Revenue $2,083,578
Lease Liabilities $216,687
Total Liabilities $4,156,187
Net Assets without donor restrictions $24,313,617
Net Assets with donor restrictions $19,322,807
Total Net Assets and Liabilities $47,792,611

A Joffrey Celebration
Over the last decade, President and CEO Greg Cameron became the Joffrey’s Mr. Sir Real, bringing stability, vision, empathy, and impact. From creating the organization’s first endowment to retiring all debt, acquiring a turnkey studio space in the South Loop, expanding educational programs, and cultivating partnerships with Chicago institutions, Greg’s lasting legacy will be his creation of Joffrey for All, an initiative designed to form pathways for every person to experience the joy of dance.

We celebrated Greg’s ten years of commitment to the Joffrey with a celebration unlike anything Chicago had seen before; we called it Sir. Real. A Joffrey Celebration, featuring unforgettable moments and surprises around every corner. Transforming the Old Post Office into an all-consuming surreal dreamland, we welcomed over 850 guests to unleash their imagination, unlock their subconscious, and unravel into the fantastical fundraising bash.
Joffrey Tower Administration
Floor Named
‘The Greg Cameron Campus’
During the event, The Mary B. Galvin Artistic Director Ashley Wheater MBE, Board Chair Anne Kaplan, and Company Artists Dylan Gutierrez, Amanda Assucena, and Alberto Velazquez revealed the naming of Joffrey Tower’s Administration floor as “The Greg Cameron Campus” to honor Greg’s unparalleled leadership.


Joffrey JOY in Millennium Park
Known as “America’s Company of Firsts,” the Joffrey marked another monumental first with a “Joffrey for All” free performance at Millennium Park as a gift to all Chicagoans. Over 7,500 people gathered in the heart of the city to experience a program of works that honored our past, embraced the present, and looked to our future, featuring Company Artists, Academy of Dance, and Community Engagement students. The performance opened with a historical video narrated by Judy Hsu.
Before the performance, guests joined together on the lawn of the Pritzker Pavilion for an interactive dance class led by Joffrey Community Engagement Teaching Artist Keila Hamed-Ramos.
Alongside Joffrey Company Artists, Community Engagement students from the Exelon Strobel Program performed the first and third movements of Chanel DaSilva’s dynamic piece, colōrem
As part of the program, the Joffrey Academy of Dance performed excerpts from Paquita
Highlighting another frequent collaborator were two works by choreographer and Joffrey Rehearsal Director Nicolas Blanc: Convergence and Red Violin Caprices. Convergence features an original score by Phillip Glass, and Red Violin Caprices, born out of collaboration with violinist Phillipe Quint.
Joffrey for All concluded with a celebration of co-founder Gerald Arpino’s centennial with his crowd-pleasing work Suite Saint-Saëns, which weaves classical movement with the late choreographer’s signature style of speed and energy.



Joffrey Company Artist Roster

2022–2023 SEASON
“A feat of artistic genius and some of the best narrative choreography created for a 21st-century ballet.”
— Chicago Tribune
2022–2023 SEASON
2022–2023 Season Beyond
OCTOBER 12–23, 2022
Choreographer: Liam Scarlett
Music: Bjarte Eike, John Dowland, Arcangelo Corelli, Francesco Geminiani
Choreographer: Chanel DaSilva
Music: Cristina Spinei
World Premiere
Suite Saint-Saëns
Choreographer: Gerald Arpino
Music: Camille Saint-Saëns
The Nutcracker
DECEMBER 3–27, 2022
©Christopher Wheeldon
Music: Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky
Anna Karenina
FEBRUARY 15–26, 2023
Choreographer: Yuri Possokhov
Music: Ilya Demutsky
The Little Mermaid
APRIL 19–30, 2023
Choreographer: John Neumeier
Music: Lera Auerbach
A record-breaking season that spoke to our ambitions, provided a voice to rising choreographic talent, and reached audiences everywhere. The Joffrey’s 67th season celebrated a world premiere from a rising choreographic star, a revival from a Joffrey icon, the return of a Joffrey blockbuster, and a full-length story ballet of such grand scale that it is rarely seen in the United States.
We opened the season with Beyond Borders, a mixed rep program spotlighting Liam Scarlett’s Vespertine, Gerald Arpino’s Suite Saint-Saëns, and the world premiere of colōrem, a Joffrey-commissioned work by Chanel DaSilva. Audiences experienced the magic of Christopher Wheeldon’s The Nutcracker and the re-mount of Yuri Possokhov’s Anna Karenina. Closing the season in glorious fashion was the Chicago premiere of John Neumeier’s hauntingly beautiful interpretation of The Little Mermaid, the largest production ever mounted by The Joffrey Ballet.

The Joffrey marked its return to The Kennedy Center with Anna Karenina, dazzling D.C. audiences in seven breathtaking performances.
In March, Northrop Theater presented the Joffrey with a dynamic program of three works: Serenade — the first ballet George Balanchine created in America; The Times are Racing, an electric “sneaker ballet” from Tony Award®-winner Justin Peck; and the Northrop Centennial Commission Of Mice and Men adapted by choreographer Cathy Marston.

“There have been a couple of attempts to adapt Leo Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina... But Possokhov’s version, at the Kennedy Center, is a winning one.” — Broadway World
“Serenade, an interlude of gorgeous lifts and aching beauty followed. It was a mesmerizing work.” — Star Tribune
“An edgy, modern ballet piece with hints of hip-hop...At times ebullient, (The Times are Racing) throbbed with fast-paced energy as dancers raced toward a dramatic finish.”
— Star Tribune

Joffrey Academy ensemble in Warmer. Photo by Todd Rosenberg.New Leadership at Joffrey Academy, Official School of The Joffrey Ballet
In the summer, Suzanne Lopez was appointed the Abbott Academy Director of the Joffrey Academy of Dance. Lopez took over after nineteen years as a Company Artist, fourteen years as Academy Faculty, and most recently, seven years as Rehearsal Director.
Bringing her wealth of experience and unique perspective to the Academy, Lopez has called the Joffrey home for her entire professional career. Trained under co-founders Robert Joffrey and Gerald Arpino and steeped in their traditions and methodology, her inspiration is fueled by everything she has absorbed as a student, dancer, rehearsal director, and teacher. While building on the foundation of the Company established by our founders, Lopez moves the Academy forward into a new era of excellence through her leadership, knowledge, and vision.
Evolving the programs to meet the new demands of our ever-changing industry and preparing students for professional dance careers, Suzanne implements cutting-edge artistic programming for every Academy age and division, including Children’s, Youth and Adult Divisions, Summer Camps and Summer Intensives, Pre-Professional and Trainee, and Adaptive Programs. With a history that personifies the Joffrey mission, Lopez dedicates herself to making the Academy even more available to students, families, and faculty, embodying the “Joffrey for All” philosophy.

Presenting the best and brightest of the next generation.
Since its founding, the Academy has reached several milestones: Opening the new South Loop studios to increase accessibility for students from the city’s south and west sides, launching the Contemporary Ballet Training Program, and implementing Winning Works, a program created to recognize talented and emerging ALAANA (African, Latinx, Asian, Arab, and Native American) choreographers, providing them with a platform to showcase their original work at Chicago’s Museum of Contemporary Art’s Edlis Neeson Theater.
Chosen from a diverse pool of applications, four choreographers received stipends to create world premieres on the Studio Company and Academy Trainees under the mentorship of The Mary B. Galvin Artistic Director Ashley Wheater MBE. Choreographers of the 13th annual Winning Works included Natasha Adorlee, Christopher D’Ariano, Kameron Saunders, and Mike Tyus (Recipient of the Zach Lazar fellowship).
Over the last 13 years, Winning Works has proved to be far greater than a choreographic competition. Through propelling emerging artists forward and elevating new voices, Winning Works shapes the future of dance.

Community Engagement
It was a year of impact for Community Engagement, moving forward with energy, passion, and persistence while pushing boundaries to further the Joffrey’s mission. Community Engagement continues to expand the Joffrey’s reach by adding programs, partnerships, performance opportunities for students, and professional development for teaching artists.
29 schools
1,415 students
71 programs
2,152 hours of in-school programming
19 of 29 returning schools
136 in-school performances in addition to the Middle School Dance Club
24 Strobel dancers
30 Extensions students
25 Bridge Phase II students
7 community performances
55+ program at Garfield Park Conservatory
The return of the student matinee at the Lyric Opera House
4,681 students and teachers attended
27,320 students watched the virtual Nutcracker
412 complimentary tickets gifted to students
Joffrey For All performance at Millennium Park
Giving students opportunities to grow and give back to the community, below are additional Community Engagement highlights:
Extensions and Strobel students participated in The Chicago Live event at Navy Pier on September 24, along with two company members and two Academy students, and on October 29, the students participated in the Arts in the Dark parade, which showcases arts organizations across the city. Chicagoans and tourists alike gathered to watch the mile-long parade.
Continuing to be aware of the changing needs of our school partnerships, this year, we offered a Spanish iteration of The Nutcracker to schools unable to attend the performance in person.
In partnership with the University of Illinois Oncology Department, the Exelon Strobel students performed their annual program at the University’s Thanksgiving Festival. Volunteers from UI Health and the UIC College of Medicine honored the journey of pediatric hematology, oncology patients, and their families through song and dance. Under the direction of Community Engagement’s Michael Smith, students then engaged in a dance-a-long.
In partnership with Community in Schools, Joffrey’s Community Engagement teaching staff participated in six career days across the city. CE spoke to 220 students to connect Joffrey programs with local schools on art education and career opportunities.
Concluding the year, several Strobel students performed with Joffrey Company Artists in Chanel DaSilva’s Joffrey-commissioned work colōrem as part of the Joffrey for All celebration at Millennium Park.


Joffrey Company Artists Hyuma Kiyosawa and Valeria Chaykina in Suite Saint-Saëns. Photo by Cheryl Mann.
Joffrey Academy students. Photo by Cheryl Mann.DONORS
The Joffrey Ballet is grateful to our donors for providing funding that ensures quality and engaging experiences for a variety of audiences. The following is a list of donors who made gifts and pledges in support of the Joffrey’s 2022–2023 season’s projects, programs and endowment fund.
Abbott Fund
Searle Funds at The Chicago Community Trust
The Allstate Insurance Company
Alphawood Foundation Chicago
Chicago Athletic Clubs
Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events
Chicago Free for All Foundation
The Julius N. Frankel Foundation
The Grainger Foundation
Guarantee Trust Life Insurance Company
Illinois Arts Council Agency
Negaunee Foundation
Pritzker Foundation
Sage Foundation
The Shubert Foundation
Sidley Austin, LLP
Athletico Physical Therapy
Lloyd A. Fry Foundation
The Walter E. Heller Foundation
Jewell Events Catering
The John D. & Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation
The Elizabeth Morse Charitable Trust
Northern Trust
Polk Bros Foundation
AARP Illinois
BMO Harris Bank
The Brinson Foundation
Capital Group Companies
C.D. Peacock
The Crown Family
Grosvenor Capital Management
Grubhub, Inc.
Make It Better Foundation
Masuda, Funai, Eifert & Mitchell, Ltd.
Prince Charitable Trusts
Robert’s Pizza and Dough Company

Assured Guaranty
William Blair
Conagra Brands
Crain’s Chicago Business
Fifth Third Bank
John R. Halligan Charitable Fund
JPMorgan Chase
Max Mara
Mayer Brown LLP
National Endowment for the Arts
Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart, P.C.
Ortus Foundation | Sabrina Gracias
Peoples Energy Community Fund
Jerome Robbins Foundation and Trust
The Siragusa Family Foundation
Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP
The Chicago Community Foundation
U.S. Bank Foundation
Chirp Design, Inc.
The Irving Harris Foundation
Mazza Foundation
Mesirow Financial Holdings, Inc.
Dickerson Global Advisors
Neal Gerber & Eisenberg
Sahara Enterprises, Inc.
Amsted Industries
Morgan Stanley
Navy Pier
Individual Donors
The Joffrey Ballet is grateful to our donors for providing funding that ensures quality and engaging experiences for a variety of audiences. The following is a list of those who made gifts and pledges in support of the Joffrey’s 2022–2023 season’s projects, programs and endowment fund.
Anne L. Kaplan
Margot and Josef Lakonishok
Mary Jo and Doug Basler
Sandy and Roger Deromedi
Daniel and Pamella DeVos Foundation
The Florian Fund
Lorna Ferguson and Terry Clark
Cindy Galvin and Christopher Galvin
Sherry Lea and Richard Holson III
Nancy and Sanfred Koltun
Lynda Sue Lane, MD
Negaunee Foundation
Courtney C. Shea
Denise Littlefield Sobel
Robert and Penelope Steiner Family Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Arnold Tatar
Mr. and Mrs. Joel V. Williamson
Wilson Garling Foundation
Zell Family Foundation
Greg Cameron and Greg Thompson
Sonja & Conrad Fischer Foundation
Juliana and Robert Ford
Ethel and William† Gofen
Sabrina Gracias
Lindy and Mike Keiser
Kiphart Family Foundation
Kovler Family Foundation
Susan and Nicholas Noyes in memory of Clara Rideout Noyes and her love of ballet
Mr. and Mrs. John Patience
Rita Spitz and David Blears
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald V. Waters III
Women’s Board of The Joffrey Ballet
Edward B. Beam, Jr. in Loving Memory of John Palatinus and Jack Alexander
Liz Boshardy Memorial Fund
Suzanne Cameron and Stephen Cameron
Paul Chasnoff and Joe Hopper
Pamela Crutchfield
Marc DeMoss
Mr. and Mrs. Adam DeWitt
Michelle Goodman and Larry J. Goodman, MD
Joan M. Hall
Mr. and Mrs. David H. Hoffmann
Dana Hokin Garvey and Robert Garvey
Qi and Steven Holtzman
Lashana Jackson and Faheem Majeed
Mr. and Mrs. Zachary D. Lazar, Jr.
George L. Jewell
Myrna W. Kaplan
Julie and Guy Lakonishok
Coco B. Meers and Ethan Meers
Alexandra and John† Nichols
Pritzker Traubert Family Foundation
Jeffrey C. Rubenstein
Cari and Michael J. Sacks
Bruce Sagan and Bette Cerf Hill
Eric C. Schieber, MD
Bill and Orli Staley
Jeanette Stevens
Pamela and Russ Strobel
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Townsend
Mr. and Mrs. Jason J. Tyler
Mr. Miles D. White
Jennifer Zobair and Chuck Smith
Anonymous (2)
Melissa de Abreu e Silva and Ildefonso Silva
Prof. and Mrs. Ronald J. and Julie O. Allen
Annie and Kristopher Atzeff
Luann and David Blowers
Neil Bluhm
Barbara Bluhm-Kaul and Donald Kaul
Marlene Breslow-Blitstein and Berle Blitstein
Mr. and Mrs. Dean L. Buntrock
Lawrence Corry
Elliott Crigger
Mike DelBene
Ann M. Drake
Patti S. Eylar and Charles R. Gardner
Mr. and Mrs. William Farley
Marilyn Fields and Larry Fields
Tiffany and Chip Flannagan

$10,000–$24,999 (continued)
Jennifer Gallagher and Patrick Gallagher
Madeleine Grynsztejn and Tom Shapiro
Harris Family Foundation Sandi and Barry Hartstein
Mary Ittelson
Jessica Jecmen
Michael and Jennifer Larsen
Jay Byron Leibovitz in loving memory of Eric B. Eatherly
Miriam Hoover Foundation
Dr. Elaine Moor
Ken Norgan
Mrs. Abby McCormick O’Neil and Mr. Carroll Joynes
James D. McDonough
D. Elizabeth Price and Lou Yecies
Carol Prins and John Hart
Stephen Reiss and Rena Hozore Reiss
Dana Rice
Raymond Rodriguez
Elva Rubio, Rubiostudio
Joan and Paul Rubschlager
Susan Ruder
Shirley and Patrick Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Scheyer
Pamela Scholl
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Sharp
Dr. Rebecca Sherrick
Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Smith, Jr.
Maria and William D. Smithburg
Marjorie Staples
Liz Stiffel
Sarah Torri and Paul Swinand
Townsend Family Foundation
The Trachtenberg Family Charitable Fund
Byron and Tina Trott
Audrey Weaver
Hilary Weinstein
Pamela Phillips Weston and Roger L. Weston
Emily Strobel Amiet and Michael Amiet
Mrs. Joyce Chelberg
Eleanor and Jon DeMoss
Jacquelyn DeThorne
Amina Dickerson and Julian Roberts
Art and Lili Duquette
Deborah and Cody Engle
Joseph & Bessie Feinberg Foundation
Jamie-Clare Flaherty
Emily Follas and Timothy Jacob
Nancy Follis
The Hammarberg Family
Nancy Gottlieb Bauer
Mary L. Gray
Dedrea and Paul Gray
Karen Gray-Krehbiel and John Krehbiel, Jr.
Fay Hartog-Levin and Daniel Levin
Dr. and Mrs. Alan G. Harris
Janet W. and Robert A. Helman
Holly Hunt
Joanna Hwu
Kathleen and Glenn Ihrig
Greg Jenkins
Marilyn Katz and Scott Chambers
$5,000–$9,999 (continued)
Jeffrey Kerr
Jim Kirk
Laura Kofoid and David Ricci
Susan and Thomas Koltun
Dania and Patrick Leemputte
Ms. Linda Levey
John J. and Elisabeth K. Lewis
Susan Lichtenstein and John Rokacz
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Litwin
Philip Lumpkin
Margaret MacLean
Joan and David Malliband
Mr. and Mrs. E. Barry Mansur
Richard & Martha Melman Foundation
Jess and Amanda Merten
Gary Metzner and Scott Johnson
Mrs. Julianne Migely
Drs. Marsha and Robert Mrtek
Susan G. Oleari
Ian Paregol, in memory of Olivia Paregol
Robert Parris and Bradley Renner
Mary Ellen Pavone, MD and Christopher Novak
Michael Payette
Carol Pollock
Carol and Robert Rasmus
Sarah Schrup
Sidney Kohl Family Foundation
Louis and Nellie Sieg Fund
Brian Smith and Geyer Morford
Edwin and Richard Stebbins
Nancy and Ira Sussman
Peggy and James Swartchild
Cheryl Tama Oblander and Scott Oblander
Nathan Tannenbaum Foundation Inc.
Dr. Edward S. Traisman and Mrs. Adrienne S. Traisman
Richard and Noren Ungaretti
Cynthia Van Osdol and J.B. Sandwick
Diane and Troy Watkinson
Genevieve Weeks
Dia Weil
Richard and Diane Weinberg
Magnes Welsh
Ashley Wheater and Brian Johnson
Ms. Helen L. Dunbeck and Dr. John Zimmermann
Julie and Daniel Zuckerman
Anonymous (3)
Mr. and Mrs. William Adams IV
Dara Altshuler
Patty Perkins Andringa
Mary Anthony and Lewis Flint
Anna Assenmacher
Carey August and Brett August
Susan Baird and Stephen Baird
Christine Bakalar and John Bakalar
Sally Bauer and Bruce Bauer
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Beidler III
Heiji Choy Black and Brian Black
Ms. Carolyn A. Blessing
Margaret Block and Philip Block
Virginia and Norman Bobins
Phoebe Boelter and Fred Boelter
Paula Borg
Ms. Evelyn Bosenberg
John Brazzale
Anthony Bruck
Leslie Buchbinder
Carolyn Bucksbaum
Marion Cameron-Gray
Melanie Campbell and Scot Campbell
Rachel Cannon and James Meixner
Jenelle Chalmers and Stephen Chalmers
Lynn Cohen and Edward Cohen
Jeff Kerr and Jim Condon
Mrs. Erin C. Court and Mr. Stephen Court
Kyoko Crawford
Leah Missbach Day
Jack Eby
Alissa Eisemann
Lois Eisen and Stephen Eisen
Elizabeth Entinghe

$2,500–$4,999 (continued)
Johanna Ferguson and Nicholas Grossi
Arthur L. Frank
Robert Friedman
Ms. Loren Friend and Mr. Howard Friend
Greg and Christine Gallagher
Suzanne Gerhold
Bruce A. Gober, M.D.
Darcy Goldfarb, MD
Sue-Gray Goller
Barbara Greis and Howard Gottlieb
Michael Halberstam and Jack Segal
Stacie R. Hartman
Leigh Ann Herman
Sarai Hoffman and Stephen Pratt
Julie Holland
Lauren Huefner
Melinda Lagrange and Lucien Lagrange
Amy Joffe
Marsha Kamen
Sherry Kaplan and Barry Kaplan
Roberta Johnson Killeen and Timothy Killeen
Klaff Family Foundation
Erica Kuhlmann and Frank Kuhlmann
Derek and Sarah Ladgenski
Kelly Rosen Lagrange
Wende and Jim Lawson
Paul Legac & Alison Cisek
Kathryn Leister and Douglas Leister
Felicia Levin and Ronald Levin
Mia Levy and Paul Levy
Susan Lucas and Stuart Lucas
Laurie Mahler
Elizabeth Marcus, MD and Ira Belcove
Heather Martin and Sean Martin
Corinne Martindale
Lori McDonald and Richard McDonald
Monica McGurk
Adrienne Meisel and Rand Sparling
Barbara Mengarelli
John R. Menninger
Ms. Karen K. Migaldi and Mr. Scott F. Migaldi
Jazelle Morriss and Daniel L. (DL) Morriss
Barbara and Jonathan Moss
Janis Notz and John Notz
Linda Curtis O’Bannon, MD
Thomas O’Keefe
Cindy Pan and Eric Easterberg
Kimberlie Pearlman
Molly Piech
Cindy Pinsky
Ibby Pinsky and Milton Pinsky

Victoria Poindexter and Joseph P. Gaynor III
Mary Jo Potts and Jim Selsor
Bonnie Price
Madeline Rabb
Constance Rajala
Hallie Blanchard Rehwaldt and Thomas Rehwaldt
Jennifer Rubin Fabian
Camille Kearns Rudy and Robert M. Rudy
Barbara Atkins Ruhman
Judith and Michael Sawyier
Susan Scanlon
Sara Lee and Axel Schupf
Dr. Sheldon and Mrs. Illeane Schwartz
Cheryl Seder and John Seder
Sarah Shu
Veronica Siegel
Craig Sirles
Marilyn Slattery
Shirley Stanley and Paul Stanley
Mary Starshak and Joseph Starshak
Stacy Straub and Scott Straub
Nathan Tannenbaum Foundation, Inc.
Virginia Tobiason
Dana Shepard Treister and Dr. Michael
Roy Treister
Robert and Etti Van Etten
David J. Varnerin
Chrissie Walker and Joe Walker
Debbie Wang and David Hoyt
Leslie J. Warner and Stephen B. Warner
Sherrie Weiss and Albert Weiss
Diana and Stuart Widman
Amy Williams and Chad Williams
Elizabeth Wippman and Tom Wippman
Regina Witkowski and Kenneth Witkowski
Drs. Joan and Russ Zajtchuk
Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Zentner
Anonymous (2)
Kathleen and Jeff Abbott
James Alexander and Curtis Drayer
Evelyn Alter
Sandra Bass
Carrie Beach
Anne Brody and Michael Brody
Kamala Buckner
Anais Bueno
Katharine Burns and Nicholas Burjek
Nancy Crowe
Margaret Dolan
Shelby Durham
Ellie Forman and Jeremy Forman
Mimi Frankel and Bud Frankel
Jenny Freidheim and Ed Freidheim
Mr. Mark Giragosian and Mrs. Alexis Polito Giragosian
Helyn Goldenberg and Michael Alper
Deborah Graham
Susan M. Grosch
Sandra Guthman and Jack Guthman
Shana Guthman and David Guthman
Craig Hallenstein
Diana E. Harris
Elisa Harris and Ivo Daalder
Ronne Hartfield and Robert Hartfield
Amy Harwood and Evan Harwood
The Heestand Foundation
David Hiller
Arica Hilton
Sandy Ihm and Kenneth Belcher
Blake-Anthony Johnson
Nancy Karger and Frank Karger
Aleksandra Khasina
Robert Kohl and Clark Pellett
Maria Kokinakos
Matthew Koritz
Ms. Donna M. LaPietra and Mr. William Kurtis
Jacqueline Lentz
Jessie and Douglas MacDonald
Shari Massey and Bill Massey
Nichelle Mayberry and Willie Mayberry
Edyta Mazza
Sharon McGee
Lee and Sharon Oberlander
The William F. O’Connor Foundation
Marjory Oliker
Karen Peters and Charles Frank
Rheva Phillips
Pritzker Pucker Family Foundation
Richard Ryan
Carole Schecter
Patricia Schmalzl and William Schmalzl
Maggie Shore and Ken Shore
Marcey Siegel and Kenneth Siegel
Janet Carl Smith and Mel Smith
Patricia Smith
Tammy and Eric Steele
Patricia Sternberg
Dr. Lauren Streicher and Mr. Jason Brett
Lauren D.W. Tatar and Scott Borstein
Melissa and David Trandel
Annabelle Volgman and Keith Volgman
Annie Wallis and Tom Whitehead
Hilary Weinstein and Barry Weinstein
Olga Weiss and George Honig
Terry Willcockson
Amanda Williamson and Matthew Johnson
Lorin Adolph
Janet Alberti and Fred Schneider
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Amend
Stéphane Biehler
Judy Block
Betsy Bluestone and Larry Bluestone
Michelle Boone
Robyn Bowland
Jill Britton

$1,000–$1,499 (continued)
Natalie Brown
Burke-Brunger Fund of Horizons Foundation
The Carmi Family Charitable Fund
Mrs. John C. Colman
Anne Cooper
Emma Crossman
Karen Crossman
Emily Demarco
James Dennen
Debra Dietrich
Roberta Dillon
Beth Engel and James Fuentes
Geoffrey Flick
Philip Friedmann
Denise Gardner and Gary Gardner
Daryl Stokols and Jeff Stokols
Patricia Gillian and Michael Gillian
Ellen Greengoss
Beverly Grossman
Suzanne Gylfe
Dr. Maryl R. Johnson
Paula Kahn
Gloria Kearney and Dan Kearney
Lisa Key
Wendy Kilcollin and T. Eric Kilcollin
Amy Kim
Drs. Kristi Kirschner and Raymond Curry
Jennifer Krejci
George Kuebler
Wynne Labounta
Lucy Lehman and Ken Lehman
Janet Leopold and Thomas Leopold
Annie Liang-Zhou
Scott McCausland
Lori Mertz
Irene Michaels and Arny Granat
Rosemary Milew and Daniel Pilch
Patricia Miller and Christopher Miller
Mara Mills Barker
Mr. and Mrs. C. Barry Montgomery
Barbara Moser and David Moser
Sylvia Neil and Daniel Fischel
Jamin and Phoebe Nixon
Andrea Nocchiero and Anthony Nocchiero
Rita Novak
Sharon Olson and Fred Fleischbein
Janet Oppenheimer
Jean Perkins and Leland Hutchinson
Dayna Perlut
Madeleine and Harvey Plonsker
Richard Price
Abigail Pucker
Daria Reader
Janice Rodgers
Barbara Ruben
Peggy Ruff and Gerald Ruff
Onnie and Steven Scheyer
Terry Schwartz
Jim Selsor
Cynthia Shewan
Stephanie and Bill Sick
Joanne Silver
Bradley Sterrenberg
Mary Szela
Dr. Audrey Tatar and Dr. Michael Bresler
Jennifer Tscherney
Susan and Bob Underwood
Todd and Cari Vieregg
Albert Walavich
John Walcher
Wanji Walcott and Clive Walcott
Sylvia Wolf
Laurie Wood
Alice and Herb Zarov

Tribute Gifts — In Honor Of Joffrey Academy of Dance Scholarship Sponsors
The Grainger Foundation
Edward B. Beam, Jr. in Loving Memory of John Palatinus and Jack Alexander
Liz Boshardy Memorial Scholarship
Lawrence Corry
Richard Ellis and Christine DuBoulay Ellis Endowed Scholarship
Lorna Ferguson and Terry Clark
Guarantee Trust Life Insurance Company
Joanna Hwu
Jay Byron Leibovitz in loving memory of Eric B. Eatherly
Luminarts Cultural Foundation Fellowship by Myrna Kaplan
Morriss Academy Student Sponsorship
Rodriguez Family Tuition Scholarship
In Memory of Zaida E. Rodriguez
Rose L. Shure and Sidney N. Shure Endowed Scholarship
Jeanette Stevens
Sarah Torri and Paul Swinand
The Trachtenberg Family Charitable Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald V. Waters III
Mary Jo and Doug Basler
Nancy Follis
Ms. Laurie Mahler
Dr. Sheldon and Mrs. Illeane Schwartz
Emily Arch
The Artists of the Joffrey Ballet
Frederick Ashton
Patty Andringa
Grace Barry
Mary Jo Basler
Colene Byrd
Greg Cameron
Dale Coudert
Pam Crutchfield
Ruth Ellen Cull
DancEncounter Studio
Erica Edwards
The Entire Joffrey Staff
Patti S. Eylar
Fred Eychaner and Danny Leung
Shelley and Bill Farley
Joanna Ferguson
Jill Garling and the amazing talents of the Joffrey Troupe
Sarah Geocaris
Deborah Gordon Engle
Jose Guerrero
Joffrey Women’s Board Community Engagement
Ellen Feldman
The Fiala Family
Ellie Forman
Mary B. Galvin
Ethel and William Gofen†
Sue-Gray Goller and Kathryn Johnson
Erin Harrison
Sandi Hartstein
Amanda Heuermann
Victoria Jaiani
Jessica Jecmen
Anne L. Kaplan
Cindy A. Kronman
Zachary D Lazar Jr
Mrs. Linda Lopez
Suzanne Lopez
Laurie Mahler
Rosemary Milew
Nick Molcsan
Ken Norgan
Sue G. Oleari
Maisie & Violet Ortiz
Mary Ellen Pavone
Mia Prado
D. Elizabeth Price
Hallie Rehwaldt
Bradley Renner
Margaret Reynolds
Jordan Roloff
Jeffrey C. Rubenstein
Elva Rubio
Camille Kearns Rudy
Elizabeth Sharp
Amelia Silva
Pam B. Strobel
Linda Swayze
Cheryl Tama Oblander
Arnold Tatar M.D.
Marina Tatar
Magnes Welsh
Ashley Wheater
Diana and Stuart Widman
Phyllis Wills
Julie and Danny Zuckerman
In Memory Of
Paul J. Aliano
Grace Barry
John and Marilyn Brazzale
William Buckner
Willy Burmann
William Carter
Eric B. Eatherly
Josh Gordon
Judith Jecmen
Deborah Ann Klippel

Alice E. Moss
Dianne M Nishimura
Jacquelynn Poe
Fran Ramer
Zaida E. Rodriguez
Lillian Schrepfer
Eve Sparberg
Irene A. Stoesser
Barbara Swanson
Gayle Tama
Barry L. Weinstein
Carey Rose Winski and Ann Barzel
The Star Society
We celebrate The Star Society for making the Joffrey part of their legacy.
Anonymous (12)
Michael Spencer Albert
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Allen
Patty Perkins Andringa
Melissa M. Babcock
Pamela J. Block
Joan and Jeff Blumenthal
Greg Cameron and Greg Thompson
Jacqueline Caputo
Charles Capwell and Isabel Wong
Nisha Carpenter and Naomi Carpenter
Anne Chapman and Joshua Green
Paul Chasnoff and Joe Hopper
The Cox Trust
Helen Elkiss
Deborah Engle
Patti S. Eylar and Charles R. Gardner
Lorna Ferguson and Terry Clark
Christine B. Fisher
Bruce Gober MD and Donald Ratner
Michael Goldberger
Sue-Gray Goller
Larry and Michelle Goodman
Sandi and Barry Hartstein
Dale and Becky Heiking
Barbara Henigbaum Papp
Marci and Ronald Holzer
Jessica Jagielnik
Dar Johnson
Marsha Kamen
Anne L. Kaplan
Myrna W. Kaplan
Arthur Stewart Kerr and Marcia Davis Kerr
Paul A. Kobasa
Tracey F. Konicek
John C and Carol Anderson Kunze
Dr. Lynda Lane
Henrietta Leary
Linda Levey
Marsha Lieberman
Philip Lumpkin
Sean and Heather Martin
John McAllister
Kevin C. McGirr
Rosemary Milew and Daniel Pilch
Anne Simon Moffat and Prof. John Keith Moffat
Dr. Elaine Moor
Julie Willis Moore, in memory of Victoria Shiflet Cress
Cheryl Tama Oblander and Scott Oblander
Jonathan F. Orser
Darrell, Carmen, Alexander, Gabrielle Ortiz
Appreciation Event
The Star Society is a group of ballet enthusiasts who make extraordinary commitments in their estate plans. Through leaving a lasting legacy, the Star Society strengthens Joffrey’s impact through its Company, Academy and Community Engagement Programs.
In May 2023, we honored the Star Society at an Appreciation Luncheon. As part of the event, Abbott Academy Director Suzanne Lopez moderated a discussion with the Academy’s Head of Studio Company and Ballet Trainee Program, Oˇgulcan Borova, Company Artist José Pablo Castro Cuevas, and Academy Ballet Trainee Andre McGregor II. In her remarks, Suzanne spoke about the Academy’s impact and commitment to nurturing the next generation of dancers, followed by a rehearsal viewing of the Conservatory and Pre-Professional Program, Contemporary Ballet Trainee Program, and the Studio Company and Ballet Trainee Program.
Susan Peet
D. Elizabeth Price
Alyssa Quinlan
Christine and Daniel Rahill
Camille Kearns Rudy
Eric C. Schieber MD
Douglas M. Schmidt
Heidi Schultz
Terry A. Schwartz
Courtney C. Shea
Thomas G. Sinkovic
Craig Sirles
Marilyn Slattery
Brian Smith
Rita Spitz
Constance Steinhaus
Jeanette Stevens
Michael Nicholas Sutko
Marlene A. Van Skike
Stephen and Leslie Warner
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald V. Waters III
Magnes Welsh
Susan L. Welsh
Diana and Stuart Widman
Amanda Williamson and Matthew Johnson
Shannon Stone-Winding and Derrick Winding
Andrea and Rich Winship
Laurie Wood
Mrs. Anna Mary Zarrelli

Joffrey ensemble in colōrem. Photo by Cheryl Mann.Lashana Jackson

Since joining the Joffrey’s Board of Directors in 2022, Lashana Jackson has made a phenomenal impact. Lashana exemplifies leadership and generosity, leveraging personal and corporate resources from R1 RCM to support the Joffrey’s mission.
In addition, her work as Co-Chair of the 2023 Joffrey for All Celebration and free performance in Millennium Park was instrumental in ensuring its success. Drawing on her extensive experience as a Human Resources executive, Lashana infuses her position at the Joffrey with warmth and compassion. Her dedication to supporting the arts, youth programs, and social justice initiatives reflects her commitment to fostering positive change in the Chicago community, making her an invaluable Joffrey Director.
Linda O’Bannon, Nancy Sussman, and Magnes Welsh

During the 2022–2023 season, the Joffrey Women’s Board Community Engagement Committee, led by Co-Chairs Linda O’Bannon, Nancy Sussman, and Magnes Welsh, and in collaboration with Community Engagement Director Linda Swayze, launched The Community Engagement Book Initiative, which provides dance education books to students, school libraries, and teaching artists.
In its inaugural year, the Women’s Board fundraised over $8,800 to provide dance education books to over 190 young dancers participating in Joffrey’s after-school programs across the Chicagoland area. Their mission-driven ambition exemplifies the Women’s Board’s and Joffrey Community Engagement’s commitment to creating equitable access to exceptional arts learning.
Searle Funds at The Chicago Community Trust Impact
In November 2022, the Searle Funds at The Chicago Community Trust awarded the Joffrey a transformative gift — a $2 million grant (spendable cash and endowment funds) to support the Bridge Program. The Bridge Program, one of the Joffrey’s signature programs led by Director of Community Engagement Linda Swayze, trains students from Chicago Public Schools in the basics of ballet, awarding ten full scholarships to the Joffrey Academy of Dance annually.
Special thanks to Board Director Coco Meers for her advocacy, counsel, and willingness to be a sounding board for the Advancement team during this proposal process and for previous gifts from the Searle Funds at The Chicago Community Trust, including the creation of a new Nutcracker in December 2016, and for the Crisis Stabilization Fund in June 2020. The Searle Funds at The Chicago Community Trust gift was a tremendous vote of confidence in the “Joffrey For All” strategic plan — uplifting artists from classroom to studio to stage.

2022–2023 SEASON
Nancy & Sanfred Koltun
Sandy and Roger Deromedi
Sage Foundation
The Marina and Arnold Tatar Fund for Live Music
Presenting Sponsors
Denise Littlefield Sobel
Presenting Sponsor
Production Sponsors
Major Sponsor
Lorna Ferguson and Terry Clark
Greg Cameron and Greg Thompson
Dr. Rebecca L. Sherrick
Chicago Park District
National Endowment for the Arts
Lloyd A. Fry Foundation with Amina Dickerson
Kiphart Family Foundation
Courtney C. Shea
Joan M. Hall
Bruce Sagan and Bette Cerf Hill
Bill and Orli Staley Foundation
Pam and Russ Strobel
With gratitude to The Nutcracker Commissioning Sponsors: Margot and Josef Lakonishok
Searle Funds at The Chicago Community Trust
Hancher Auditorium, University of Iowa
And the many “Believers”
Commissioning and Presenting Sponsor
Mr. and Mrs. Joel V. Williamson
Commissioning and Major Sponsor
Mary Jo and Doug Basler
Major Sponsor
The Joffrey Ballet Women’s Board
And all of the generous donors who supported the World Premiere in 2019
Major Production Sponsor
Ethel and William Gofen†
Production Sponsors
Pamela Crutchfield
Jeanette Stevens
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald V. Waters III
Robert’s Pizza and Dough Company


In 2020, while re-thinking the environment of Joffrey Tower and how it could improve, President and CEO Greg Cameron launched an initiative to create an integrated campus environment and strengthen engagement between the Company Artists, Academy of Dance, and Administration.
Spearheaded by Joffrey Board Director and architect Elva Rubio with Corporate Concepts Inc., the Joffrey Tower Refresh project is the first-of-its-kind since the establishment of Joffrey Tower 15 years ago.
50% additional space added with a fitting room, design tables, and storage
New spray booth for efficient and safe dying of materials
Larger lobby space for students and parents
Enhanced staff lounge area with state-of-the-art kitchen
Additional meeting rooms and workspaces
Anonymous Foundation
Illinois Arts Council Agency
Anne L. Kaplan

Elva Rubio, architect of the Joffrey Refresh, joined the Joffrey Board of Directors in 2019, is currently on the Joffrey Women’s Board, serves as the Chair of the Facilities Committee, and is on the Executive Committee. Alongside Corporate Concepts Inc., Elva provided discounted services and leadership to the four-year project.

Elva Rubio has over 30 years of experience in various practice fields, including urban design, interior design, design education, communications, design strategy, and the built environment. Founder of Rubiostudio and recognized as a leader in her field, Rubio has received numerous industry awards and has participated in prestigious exhibitions at the Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago, The Art Institute of Chicago, and the Chicago Architecture Foundation.
The Mary B. Galvin Artistic Director
President & Chief Executive Officer
Suzanne Lopez
Abbott Academy Director
Raymond Rodriguez
Abbott Academy Director
Keesha Beckford
Youth Division Liaison
O˘gulcan Borova
Head of Studio Company and Ballet Trainee Program
Katlin Bourgeois
Head of Contemporary Ballet Trainee Program
Brianna Brandon
Academy Managing Director
Raúl Casasola
Academy Principal Teacher
Karin Ellis-Wentz
Head of Conservatory and Pre-Professional Program
Maria Gonzalez
Academy Administrative Associate
Molly Hillson
Academy Administrative Coordinator
Nia Khan
Communication and Logistics Coordinator
Amanda Sheller
Production Assistant
Oliver Till
Head of Children’s, Adult, and Adaptive Programs
Suzie Calarco
Gabrielle Confer
Brooke Ellis
Rhiannon Freimuth
Carly Liegel
Hannah Strahl
Sydney Swanson Receptionist Team
Brian Smith
Chief Advancement Officer
Kristen Bigham
Director of Major & Planned Gifts
Esme Burrows
Partnership Activation & Events Manager
Colene Byrd Director of Sales & Patron Services
Jade Capua Marketing Coordinator
Eleanor Carter Grant Writer
Bryce Coachman
Patron Services Associate
Chelsea Dvorchak
Advancement Operations & Data Specialist
Julia Doherty
Artistic Innovation Fund Project Manager
Sarah Fiala Marketing Director
Sarah Geocaris Associate Director of Annual Giving
Emily Hensley
Annual Giving Manager
Ramsey Hoey
Communications and Digital Media Director
Austin Jennings
Patron Services Supervisor
Carolyn McCabe
Digital Strategy Manager
Alicia Petrone
Major Gifts Manager
Bradley Renner Director of Development
Ryan Sandy
Patron Services Associate
Sierra Taylor
Patron Services Associate
Elina Walchuk
Patron Services Associate
Nicolas Blanc
Rehearsal Director
Adam Blyde
Rehearsal Director
Suzanne Lopez
Rehearsal Director
Scott Speck
Music Director & Conductor
Michael Moricz
Assistant Conductor & Company Pianist
Jorge Ivars Company Pianist
Cody Chen
General Manager
Jeremy Gubman
Artistic Administrator and Assistant to the Artistic Director
Catherine Eby Company Manager
Shandee Vaughan Production Manager
Chris Maravich
Lighting & Video Supervisor
Scott Wolfson Technical Supervisor
Katherine Selig
Principal Stage Manager
Amanda Heuermann Stage Manager
Ellie Cotey
Costume Manager
Gregg Benkovich
Shoe Manager
Jerica Hucke
Babara Luchsinger Lead Stitcher
Alyssa Pietrzyk
Brittany Crinson
Head of Wig and Makeup
Adam Todd
Master Carpenter
Ian Scarlato
Property Master
Matthew Carney
Master Electrician
Jeremy Hoen
Sound Person
John Wilson
Assistant Electrician/ Programmer
Joshua Townsend Flyperson
David Klein
Shop Carpenter
Linda Swayze
Director of Community Engagement
Keila Hamed-Ramos Community Engagement Associate
Julianna Jarik Community Engagement Manager
Carly Liegel
Community Engagement Program Coordinator
Ari Meixner
Community Engagement Business Administrator
Craig Miller Community Engagement Program Coordinator
Michael Smith Community Engagement Program Coordinator
Shari Massey Deputy Director & Chief Financial Officer
Erin Brown Human Resources Coordinator
Katie Dysard Staff Accountant
Paul Key Director of Technology
John Kurtz
Director of Facility Operations
Gee Lim Director of Finance
Lauren Martin Assistant to the President & CEO
Marisa Paulsen
Payroll and Accounts Payable Coordinator
Pablo Sanchez Board Relations Manager
Jeremy Theel Database & Systems Analyst
Sarah Venuti Yates Director of Human Resources