August 2010

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august 2010

How Peculiar? The

Cycle of

Prayer PART 4

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Praying for the Peace of Jerusalem FEATURES 7 THE CYCLE OF PRAYER - part 4 The beauty of the cycle of prayer is that if we know God spoke something from heaven, and we do our part by releasing that word back to Him with our faith, then there is no doubt that the prayers will be answered. 11 HOW PECULIAR? Are we peculiar people? Really peculiar? One of the first things that Jesus taught His disciples was for them to expect persecution. Why should they expect to be persecuted? Because they were to go against the norm. 17 PRAYING FOR THE PEACE OF JERUSALEM The very fact that such a small nation along a strip of land can cause the whole world to fight and take sides over who has ownership of that land is proof that the Bible is true and God will perform all that He has said He would do.


Prayer Matters Magazine 3 August 2010


august 2010

Q&A Session




Book Reviews






On The Cover: The Holy Spirit is the very essence of God and He has deposited Himself into every born-again Christian on the face of the earth. The power of Yahweh dwells in His people and needs to be released into a dark and troubled world to bring hope, healing and salvation.

August 2010 4 Prayer Matters Magazine


“One of the most unique prayer programs for churches that I have ever seen”

“This program changed the way that I pray for people” “I love the fact that me and my family are being prayed for every day because of Prayermap”

“Every pastor in America should use this tool to get their congregation to pray”

“wow” “I can’t believe that they don’t charge for this”

AUGUST | frontline

“Take your territory”

PEOPLE OF PRAYER September 10 marks an important day for the Pacific Northwest of the United States. The Joshua Group will be hosting a conference that will bring clarity to what it takes to bring spiritual transformation to a region. Much of what I have written in Prayer Matters Magazine will be taught. Regional transformation for Christ comes with a cost. It takes work, time, faith and a whole lot of prayer. I encourage the readers of this publication to attend the conference - either live or via the webcast. For those that live outside of the Pacific Northwest, know that the things taught on this day are meant for your region as well. You are responsible for the area that God has planted you in. No matter where you live, take a stand for Jesus Christ and watch the Holy Spirit manifest the power of God in people. Have a great August and see you soon! v RICK THORP, Publisher

Click here for conference registration information

PRAYER MATTERS MAGAZINE is a premier online publication that educates, empowers and engages Christians around the world. It challenges readers to take responsibility to advance the Kingdom of God. The mission of PMM is to equip individuals to become more effective in prayer, fasting and spiritual warfare. To submit an article to be considered for publication; if you have comments or questions; or for advertising opportunities, email: Copyright Notice: The written and visual contents of this magazine are protected by copyright. Excepting translations, you may not reproduce our articles online or in print without first obtaining written permission. Once you receive permission, inform us where and when the article will be reprinted. Prayer Matters Magazine articles cannot be reprinted without obtaining permission and notifying the magazine. Prayer Matters Magazine is a ministry of The Joshua Group. Copyright © 2010 Prayer Matters Magazine. All Rights Reserved. 5

Prayer Matters Magazine 3 August 2010

Need Prayer? Click here to submit your request

(continued on page 11)


OF PRAYER By Pastor Rick Thorp

(part 4)

As discovered last month, our prayers are vital in God’s agenda. When God speaks His desires from heaven and plants His words inside of us, we must release them by prayer and proclamation from the physical realm so that they can accomplish His work. Knowing God’s will, then releasing it from the earth through our spoken words is key to moving His kingdom forward and key to getting our prayers answered. When

Jesus, God’s Word, had completed His mission on earth, He returned back to heaven.

Because of the system God put in place for man to dominate the earth, His Word had to pass through the physical realm to accomplish its work. Similar to Jesus being spoken into the earth as God’s Word, God speaks a word to us, and as representatives on the earth, the word must pass through us before it can complete its mission. We are a mix of the spiritual and the physical. When we release His word with faith, it activates His power into the physical realm, then does the work which it was sent to do. We cannot just be carriers of His word, we must be ‘releasers’ of His word, and that is done through prayer and proclamation. This is the fourth part of the cycle of prayer.

returned to the Father and completed the cycle that began from the mouth of God. Jesus immeasurably gave of Himself. He poured Himself out even to the shedding of blood and death. He was innocent, yet He obeyed the Father to the very end. Just as Jesus gave something of Himself, we must give something of ourselves before our prayers are answered. God desires more than the words from our mouth. He is looking for something more than that. He desires something that comes directly from our heart, something from the depths of our soul - He desires our faith.

Faith is the key to getting prayers answered. There is no sense spending time with God in When Jesus came to the earth, He had an assign- prayer - even praying according to His will, if we ment. Once the assignment was completed, He don’t have faith and believe that it will come to (continued on page 9)

AUGUST | 2010 pass. What good is speaking, praying and proclaiming things that God gives us if the words are just empty and void of life? Our faith, coupled with God’s word in our spirits, is a perfect combination that creates and produces supernatural things. The Bible says that it is impossible to please God without faith (Hebrews 11:6). It also states that God wills that men pray every where, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting (1 Timothy 2:8). We must release faith along with our words to get prayers answered. Mark 11:24 puts it another way: “whatever we ask and pray, we must believe that we will receive them and we will have them.”

throne with the faith that is necessary to please Him. How could He not answer the prayer? It was His desire in the first place. Knowing the cycle of prayer brings new meaning to the famous scripture in Isaiah 55:11: “So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.”

When God speaks, His word will not return to Him until it has accomplished its work. It doesn’t return to Having faith in your prayer life Him dead. If God gives us a is easy if you know that what burden or a desire to pray for you are praying for is God’s certain people or situations, we will. The beauty of the cycle of must be obedient, otherwise prayer is that if we know God the word that He spoke will spoke something from heaven, not accomplish its work and and we do our part by releasing will not return to Him. He will that word back to Him with our never hear it because we didn’t faith, then there is no doubt speak it. Or perhaps we spoke that the prayers will be anthe word back to Him without swered. You know that God wants it, therefore, faith - that means that the word is considered you know that He will make it happen as long void. Even though His word is living and active, as we do our part in the praying and believing. we can void it out due to disobedience of not The prayers have to be answered because God is speaking it, or speaking it with a lack of faith. the one who spoke them in the first place. If we know that He spoke it, then faith isn’t an issue Think of the possibilities if we simply abide by because we know that God will make His own Gods will in prayer. The scripture promises of desires happen. Knowing this makes 1 John answered prayer and moving in the power of 5:14-15 come alive with new meaning: “14This is God come alive. It is debatable if it is necesthe confidence which we have before Him, that, if sary to understand the deep inner workings of we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. prayer. Even though there are things that man 15 And if we know that He hears us in whatever we cannot comprehend about how things work, ask, we know that we have the requests which we God makes it simple for us to grasp. Bottom have asked from Him.” line - when we pray, we must pray according to His will and have faith that He will accomplish Once God speaks His desires to His children from those things. the spiritual realm, the word passes through them, then with faith, is released back into the I began this series explaining that there is a cyspiritual realm where it originated. When God cle of prayer that many believers are not aware hears His own words coming through His crea- of, but once it is understood, it can literally tion, and His creation adds faith to it, He gladly transform a person’s faith and launch them into and willingly answers the prayers. God recog- an incredibly effective prayer life and a closer walk nizes His own word! It started from Him, went with God. This study has been a deep examination through the cycle and now rests back at His of the inner workings of prayer. It is true that

“Having faith is easy if you know that what you are praying for is God’s will.”


Prayer Matters Magazine 3 August 2010

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The Cycle of Prayer 1. God speaks His desires from the

spiritual realm by His breath/Spirit and words

4. God hears His own

words coming from man with their faith, then brings forth the manifestation and answer to the prayer

2. Those desires are planted into the physical realm by God speaking into the hearts and minds of His children on the earth

prayer is simply talking to God, but as we discovered, there is a whole world of spiritual exchange and motion taking place behind the scenes. When we grasp the importance of prayer and what really takes place when we do it, we can become a more powerful force that God can use to advance His agenda in our lives and the world around us. That is my prayer for you. Above is a diagram that helps illustrate the cycle of prayer. God bless you as you move forward in the things of God! v

3. Man, from the physical realm

then prays and proclaims God’s words, adds his faith and releases them back into the spiritual realm where they originated from

Pastor Rick Thorp is the Founder and President of The Joshua Group, a multifaceted prayer ministry that includes PrayerMap - a unique prayer program for churches; Prayer Matters Magazine; PrayFor-A-Million Project; and Prayer Move America – an intercessory prayer curriculum. He is an ordained minister and has been in church leadership for over 31 years. Pastor Rick is a passionate writer, speaker and teacher with a mission to spread revival and the power of God to the saved and unsaved alike. He resides in Tacoma, Washington, USA, with his wife Jennifer; has a daughter Ashley and two grandchildren. For more information, go to:

August 2010 4 Prayer Matters Magazine


How Peculiar? By Roxanne Miles

Are we peculiar people? Really peculiar? One of the first things that Jesus taught His disciples was for them to expect persecution (Matthew 5:10-12,10:16-25). Why should they expect to be persecuted? Because they were to go against the norm. They were to take a new path that no one other than God was authorizing. They were going to be in relationship with a man that expected them to leave their old lifestyle and relationships behind, to pick up their crosses and follow him, to pay the cost that it would take to finish the course, and forsake the simple usual way of life. They were going to become uncommon, they were going to become peculiar to the world in which they lived in, and they were going to have to commit to it with all their heart. Luke 14:25-33 challenges us all -- are we peculiar enough to be called a disciple of Christ? We’re probably not nearly as peculiar as we ought to be. As Christians, we can easily blend in as average people who flow from day to day without anything unusual about our lifestyle. We probably have some traditional or stereotypical Christian good in many aspects of our life. We may have a godly routine of prayer before dinner, or before bed. We might religiously attend church services on Sunday and Bible study on Wednesday. We may do many good and righteous things, but even good things can become routine and common when they separate from what they stand for or whom they honor. Each day can be lived in repetition or relationship; on auto pilot or full manual engagement. We must ask ourselves if we are zealous enough that the world would consider us peculiar. Titus 2:14 (King James Version) “Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem


Prayer Matters Magazine 3 August 2010

us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.” Titus 2:14 (New International Version) “who gave himself for us to redeem us from all wickedness and to purify for himself a people that are his very own, eager to do what is good.” Noah building an ark; Joshua marching around Jericho; Jesus spitting in the eye of the blind man; the disciples being so boisterous on the day of Pentecost that they were accused to be drunk and out of control: now that is peculiar!

I don’t think God is out of the business of miracles; He is still shaking up the natural with the supernatural. I think He is still calling peculiar people to take a place in the roll call of His Faith Hall of Fame. Take a minute to consider how most of the Old Testament heroes got listed in the 11th Chapter of the book of Hebrews. I contend that it was in part by being peculiar, being different. They were marching to the tune God played in their heart. We don’t see every priest listed. We don’t see that the entire Levite tribe is given credence just for the role they played. God called men and women by name because they dared to be different in the day and age in which they lived.

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I have charged myself to expect the unexpected and to move my relationship with God beyond the routine into the peculiar. Before heading to church, I ask God to remind me in some way during praise & worship, during the message or at any time through any means, that I serve a dynamic God. Any time I enter into His presence, anytime I stop to meditate on His goodness, anytime I have a decision to make, I have an opportunity to do it in an ordinary way, or I can choose to entertain a more eager, more personal approach to my God. I’ve come to see that the more dynamically I know Him, the more peculiar I allow myself to be. The more peculiar the relationship between myself and My God, the more rewarding and powerful it becomes.

prayer is never about vain repetitions (Matthew 6:7), His miracles didn’t take shouts and gyrations, long renditions of scripture or any rehearsal. He simply stretched out His hand, cast out, rebuked, touched, spoke and directed, but He did it under the inf luence of the Spirit and with authority and expectation. He did what the Spirit led Him to do as an act of faith; He carried an expectation that the action He did would gain God’s attention and bring God’s presence and power into the situation. He approached things differently than anyone else ever had before. That is what made Him peculiar. He was different than the religious leaders of the day. That is why the Pharisees who lived by tradition and ritual didn’t like Him. They weren’t zealous about good works. They weren’t peculiar. We can get up daily and eat breakfast, head to They were passionate about the law, about work, and not really think about how we got tradition, and about control…and God Himthere. We can spend most of our day follow- self came down to let them know that their ing the same pattern as the last. When we hearts were in the wrong place. They alone go into routine, life is simple, it is planned and it is efficient. It is common and requires little of us. However, if we dare to allow the Spirit to be in charge, each day is full of possibility. 1 Chronicles 4:10, is a clamoring from Jabez’s heart, "Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory…” Gaining new territory means going someplace you haven’t gone before. It is pioneering. When we explore new places in Christ, we have to be present and attentive because the routine no longer applies. When we cry out for more from God, we should recognize that we’ve opened the door to a new thing to unfold before us. If we give God the permission to disrupt our day, He does. So, are we asking Him to invade our days with His Glory? With His agenda? With something that is unique unto had the privilege to enter the Holy of Holies Him? Are we ready for something different and be in His presence, and yet they couldn’t enough that it would make us peculiar in the figure out that the King of Glory was right sight of the world? before them. They chastised Jesus for being eager enough about the Kingdom to heal on Jesus was common in many ways. The simple the Sabbath (Luke 6:9), but Jesus asked the man from Nazareth taught His disciples that most pertinent questions: “Is it lawful on the

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Sabbath day to do good or to do evil? To save life, or to destroy it?” Jesus questioned why old religious habits had formed that were stifling the Spirit. He challenged the Pharisees back for creating a norm of religious behavior that was absent the truth and passion of God. Are we following their legacy or the legacy of Christ? We are creating our identity in Christ everyday. If we are to follow the legacy of Christ in prayer, it may mean that we have to break a few rules. Normally these are rules of tradition or rules of propriety that we have applied to ourselves. We may have decided on the “proper way” to approach God from watching examples around us. Are these approaches to prayer fostering zealous, eager relations with God? Are they peculiar to us and our relationship with God in anyway? If not, we might want to take a risk. Begin to break out of the mold of tradition and become a disciple who is willing to withstand a little social persecution in exchange for depth and breadth in our prayer experiences. I am not saying to disregard and disrupt the order of the church services we attend, but I am saying that we may have more opportunities for passionate prayer within our day. A passionate, zealous pursuit of God will be evident through a prayer life that is eager to be in His presence and do His will. Peculiar (“periousious” in the Greek) is being beyond usual; uncommon, and abnormal. Prayer is not simply repetition of scriptures, a benediction or traditional stanza that can be learned and then continued to be stated without energy or expectation. Prayer goes beyond the words you state; prayer f lows out of your heart and soul. It is the personal, untidy desires that we pour into each word of prayer that touches the heart of God. The words don’t have to be “just right”, we just have to be fully present in the speaking of them to a God we believe is in the room with us, ready to be with us. We may be speaking


Prayer Matters Magazine 3 August 2010

or acting commonly, but with an expectation of an uncommon, personal experience. No experience with God is ever ordinary or routine. With Titus 2:14 calling out to us, we each have to decide how peculiar we are prepared to be. Will we praise more freely at the altar? Will our own prayer closet shake with our emotions? Will we let our hearts speak every word of our prayer? Will we be eager enough to release God’s glory uncommonly through common acts of faith? If so, we just might be peculiar enough to be called a disciple. v ROXANNE MILES is currently the Founding Director of Purposeful Progress Strategic Solutions, which is dedicated to helping faith and community based nonprofit organizations succeed through training, group facilitation, project management and strategic planning. Mrs. Miles has been in church leadership for almost 20 years and is a licensed evangelist, leader of intercession, Bible course instructor and regular conference presenter for women. Additionally, Roxanne uses her creative gifts via her ministry “Eden’s Gate”, to demonstrate God’s heart through illustrated sermons, drama and dance. She lives in Tacoma, Washington, USA, with her husband and two sons.

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August 2010 4 Prayer Matters Magazine


Q AUGUST | q and a

What does it mean to pray in Jesus’ name?


Prayer Matters Magazine 3 August 2010

A AUGUST | q and a

Praying in Jesus’ name means praying with His authority and asking God the Father to act upon our prayers because we come in the name of His Son, Jesus.

Praying in Jesus’ name means the same thing as praying according to the will of God, “This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have what we asked of Him” (1 John 5:14-15).

Saying “in Jesus’ name” at the end of a prayer is not a magic formula. If what we ask for or say in prayer is not for God’s glory and according to His will, saying “in Jesus’ name” is meaningless. Praying for things that are in agreement with God’s will is the essence of praying in Jesus’ name. v

August 2010 4 Prayer Matters Magazine


Praying for the Peace of Jerusalem By Deborah Cozzetti

As a child of God we understand the place that Israel has in the heart of our Father. Israel is the apple of His eye. Zechariah 2:89: “8For thus says the LORD of hosts: ‘He sent Me after glory, to the nations which plunder you; for he who touches you touches the apple of His eye. 9 For surely I will shake My hand against them, and they shall become spoil for their servants. Then you will know that the LORD of hosts has sent Me.’” It’s a fearful thing to have the hand of the LORD against a nation. Something the nations of this hour have forgotten. The LORD has given to Israel the Archangel Michael to guard them. No matter what you may think or feel about Israel they have an everlasting covenant with God that He will fulfill. The very fact that such a small nation along a strip of land can cause the whole world to fight and take sides over who has ownership of that land is proof that the Bible is true and God will perform all that He has said He would do. Do we hear of wars being fought over any other land with the contention and passion as the Gaza


Prayer Matters Magazine 3 August 2010

strip and West Bank? What other nation but Israel is the world watching with the belief that if they make peace it will bring peace to the world? The leaders of men have tried to bring about The Road Map to Peace…But the Bible says that everlasting peace will only come when Israel recognizes her Messiah and Jesus sits upon the throne of David. So then how do we pray for Israel? Many prophecies have been fulfilled and as world events unfold at a greater speed than ever before in history and the tension between Israel and Iran continues to heat up, we wonder how close we are to the return of our Lord? As a Christian living in a nation that at one time was a great friend of Israel and now seems to be turning her back on do we pray? How do we pray for our own nation? First we must remember what God has promised to Israel and to those who encounter her. God promised to Abraham in Genesis 12:2-3 that He would make him a great nation, bless him, make his name great and he would be a blessing to all. And to those who would encounter him, God would bless those who would bless him and curse those who would curse him. Clear harsh words to hear in these days when one needs to be careful not to offend anyone and justify sin away as not to appear hateful. But that doesn’t change the truth of what God said. He never changes.

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So how do we pray for our own nation? Pray for mercy and wisdom. And in your own heart and way continue to bless and support Israel. But what about Israel? The world is on the unfolding prophetic course where nations, including our own, are pulling back support and one day soon Gog? and its allies will attack Israel and no one but God will be there to deliver her. But that is how our Lord will bring her back to Him! He promises in Zechariah 8:7-8 'Behold, I will save My people from the land of the east and from the land of the west; 8 I will bring them back, And they shall dwell in the midst of Jerusalem. They shall be My people And I will be their God, In truth and righteousness.' And again in Ezekiel 38:16-17: “16You will come up against My people Israel like a cloud, to cover the land. It will be in the latter days that I will bring you against My land, so that the nations may know Me, when I am hallowed in you, O Gog, before their eyes.” God is going to show up in all His majesty! It will be glorious!!! All to show the nations who He is and to bring Israel back to Himself! His land... His people! So I ask again…How do we pray for Israel? We know that God Himself has brought them back to their land. Land that has been given to them for all eternity...they are there to stay. So we don’t pray for Israel to be divided. That would be against what God has promised them. But what happens if the road map to peace finally succeeds? We know that for the first three and a half years of the tribulation period there will be a peace treaty in place. Although false, for the Word of God says that after three and a half years the treaty is broken, it is coming and Jerusalem will be divided. We are to be as the sons of Issachar who had understanding of the times. The Lord has carefully presented to us the events that are soon to unfold so that we would understand the times we are living in and know how to

pray. To pray according to His heart, His word and His plan. In Psalm 122:6-9, the Holy Spirit instructs all of us to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and that because of our love for the house of the LORD our God we will seek her good. We know that her peace will only come when Jesus sets up His throne in Jerusalem. We are praying for that day. We are praying for the day when Israel will recognize Jesus Christ as her Messiah. We are praying for His people, who are the apple of His eye, to come into the truth of who He is and all of His righteousness. We are praying for that day when they gaze upon His nail scarred hands and feet, and receive the love and forgiveness He has been waiting for thousands of years to pour upon them and draw them close to Himself. We are praying for that day when the Father’s heart is overflowing with joy at the return of His first love. Never forget who Israel is in the heart of the Father. Pray for the day of that reunion. It’s coming and it will be glorious! Be united with your Father in your prayers for that day. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem! v Deborah Cozzetti is Founder and President of ROAR Ministries, in Puyallup, Washington. Deborah is strong in prophetic intercession, worship and teaching the prophetic word. ROAR Ministries believes in being a voice in the community and with that, Deborah helped to start a local school district coalition named Franklin Pierce YOUTH FIRST! in 2001 and was chair for the first two years of operation. She currently is co-chair but stepped down as chair in 2003-2004 to help start a nonprofit organization on behalf of homeless and displaced youth in her county. In February of 2004, ‘Youth Resources’ became a recognized nonprofit organization. Deborah has been the Executive Director of Youth Resources since 2004. Under “Dabar Ministries”, a writing ministry, Deborah teaches the Word of God, declaring the heart & truth of the Lord and destroying the false spirit of this age.

August 2010 4 Prayer Matters Magazine


Twelve Powerful Prayer Secrets By Pastor Terry Harris

part 10

courage, and He shall strengthen thy heart. Wait I say on the Lord." During the long term scenario God gives us a command to “be of good courage". Translated from the Hebrew, God is saying to seize and fasten yourself upon Him. This waiting comes after seizing the Lord and getting connected. The word fasten means to tie on and to remain connected. Your position during the long term scenario is to grab hold of God and fasten yourself to Him - and don't let go. Have the courage to get through it. During the long term scenario, what you see, feel and hear can begin to wear you down. It can look like you are never going to get the blessing. Sometimes things can begin to look like it is impossible. This is why He says "be of good courage". Make up your mind that during the long term scenario you are going to continue on in the Lord regardless of what is going on in your life. In Job 14:14 we find these words, “If a man die, shall he live again? All the days of my appointed time will I wait till my change comes?" The last seven words say, “will I wait till my change comes?" When you are in a long term situation, you need to be prepared to wait. How long? Until the change comes. Sometimes in life you can find yourself in the long term scenario. Many of us can pray and then think our challenge is going to be over right away, and when it doesn’t end, we cry out to God, "How long oh Lord!?" As we mature, we come to know that when He doesn’t answer right away, that is our sign to be patient. Trying to press God into my timeline is worthless. Psalms 27:13-14 states, “I had fainted unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait on the Lord, be of good


Prayer Matters Magazine 3 August 2010

Next, Psalm 25:1 says, “Unto thee O Lord do I lift up my soul, O my God I trust in thee, let me not be ashamed let not my enemies triumph over me. Yea, let none that wait on thee be ashamed, let them be ashamed that transgress without cause". You don’t want to wind up embarrassed and ashamed after doing all of the waiting. No one wants to come to the end of the scenario and have it turn out to be a disaster. The Hebrew word for shame means to be disappointed. It also means to be confounded and confused. During a long term scenario there are times that confusion may come. There are times where it doesn't make sense - you think it's going to go this way and it goes another way, but ultimately when it's all over, you're praying that God comes through and you are not embarrassed or confused . Through it all, even when it looks like nothing, you wait on Him with an expectation of something. Talk

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to God about the end being something which you don’t feel any shame in.

its okay to act foolish because of what you’re going through. Keep God’s way. Do not allow yourself to drop your standards of ChristianThe third part of the prayer is in Psalm 37:7, ity. "Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for him, fret Here is a prayer that combines each of the elenot thyself because of him who prospereth in his ments of this teaching: way because of the man who brings wicked devices to pass. Cease from anger and forsake wrath, “Father I come with praise and thanksgiving”. fret not thyself in any way to do evil for evildo- (Always enter his court and gates thankfully - alers shall be cut off, but those that wait upon the ways come to him with praise and thanksgiving.) Lord they shall inherit the earth." Verse 34 says, “Father I ask of You, in Jesus name, that You help "wait on the Lord, keep His way and He shall ex- me to seize and fasten onto You. God help me; alt thee to inherit the land, when the wicked are bless me to continue on in Thee. I want no slipcut off thy shall see it." During the long term page in my relationship with Christ. I don't want scenario you've got to find ways to rest in the one day where I crash and burn. Help me day by Lord. You have to give yourself some physi- day with this. God I ask at the end of my long cal, spiritual, mental and emotional breaks. term scenario that I will not be disappointed. You cannot stay wound up during a long term Father, I ask that I'm not confounded or confused scenario. A key ingredient to being patient and that at the end of this thing I will not feel in the Lord is getting your rest. Your waiting worthless.” upon God should be a season of rest and peace for you. “Father, I ask that You will bless me to have rest in You. In the natural I will do my part. When The long term scenario can drive you to anger. You bless me to have rest, I will take it. God, I Verse 8 says to cease from anger and forsake ask that You help me to keep Your ways. And fiwrath. There are frustrating things that can nally God I ask when this thing is over that I will crop up during this time but don't go into an- inherit the land, I will receive the blessing and ger. It will not do anything for you. Don’t everything will be alright in the end. I believe let your flesh rise up and lead you into an- when it's over that everything is going to be alger. Watch and keep anger under control as right. And I ask it all in Jesus name. Amen.” v you wait on the Lord. Don't let the devil cause you to do crazy things when you're angry. You TERRY HARRIS is the Founder have to believe that the long term scenario is and Senior Pastor of Tacoma going to end and that you are going to be alChristian Center in Tacoma, Washington. With Pastor Harris’ right. There has to be an expectation of vicleadership, the church, with over tory in the end. When you believe that, anger 1200 members, has been a powerhas no place. The final step is to keep His way. One of the traps Satan lays for you is justifying crazy behavior because of the long term scenario. Too often we are tempted to allow fleshly, ugly behavior just because of what we are going through. Satan will make you believe it is okay to blow up because you’re going through so much. Don’t deceive yourself into thinking

ful force in the city and the entire Western Washington region. After close to 30 years of vision and commitment, the church campus encompasses over 1-1/2 city blocks, and along with the sanctuary and offices, it includes a restaurant and a state-of-the-art gymnasium named Winners. In addition to operating a large church, Pastor Harris has taught God’s Word via a weekly television broadcast, serves on numerous Boards, has authored a book and continues to be a integral leader of the community.

August 2010 4 Prayer Matters Magazine


EDUCATION | bookshelf


BOO B book

learn Prayers that Release Heaven on Earth

John Eckhardt

God has a marvelous plan for His church. The prophets predicted a time when salvation, righteousness, peace, joy, rejoicing, and redemption will come to the world. Prayers That Release Heaven on Earth is your handbook for advancing the kingdom of God here and now. Combining powerful prayers with decrees taken from Scripture, it helps you understand God’s plan and keeps your heart and mind focused on Him. You will see how God’s plan is unveiled in the pages of the Gospels; be filled with hope for an earth filled with His righteousness; recognize how His plan demonstrates His grace and mercy for both Jews and Gentiles; get excited to pray diligently for heaven to be released on Earth now.


Prayer Matters Magazine 3 August 2010


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GROW study

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Don’t Leave God Alone Hank Kunneman

In todays fast-paced society it is easy to get distracted until your much-needed time with God is lost. But God wants your attention more than anything. He looks for ward to the time He spends with you and doesn’t want you to leave Him alone. The Bible is filled with examples of great men and women who would not leave God alone. Their cries to God changed their lives and the lives of others and altered the course of histor y. Don’t Leave God Alone explains the way to develop this type of personal relationship with God, the kind that moves His heart and makes a difference in the world.

August 2010 4 Prayer Matters Magazine



EVENTS | calendar

ap penings

aug-sept August 5-7 | Everett, WA THY KINGDOM COME Bill Hamon, Chuck Pierce, Peter Wagner, John Eckhardt, Dan Hammer Sonrise Chapel 11625 Airport Road Everett, WA 98204-8713 (425) 355-9129 August 19-21 | Kansas City, MO THE ENCOUNTER CONFERENCE AT THE KANSAS CITY REVIVAL Steve & Kathy Gray, Marc Brisebois, JD King, Dustin Smith, Tom Trout World Revival Church 9900 View High Drive Kansas City, MO 64134 877-804-LIFE August 19-22 | Anaheim, CA LIFE IN THE SPIRIT OUTPOURING James Goll and Munday Martin Stadium Vineyard Building 1531 S. Sinclair St. Anaheim, CA 92806 714-446-8884


Prayer Matters Magazine 3 August 2010

August 23-28| Phoenix, AZ PHOENIX INTERNATIONAL CHRISTIAN FILM FESTIVAL Over 40 speakers Fiesta Resort 2100 S Priest Drive Tempe, AZ 85282 866-980-5464 August 27-29 | Grand Forks, BC PINES BIBLE CAMP Cal Pierce Pines Bible Camp 1005 N Fork Road Grand Forks, BC V0H 1H8, Canada 250-442-0220 September 2-3 | Milwaukee, WI “ENGAGING THE REVELATORY REALM OF HEAVEN” CONFERENCE Apostles Bill & Venner Alston, Paul Keith Davis, Ana Mendez, Eyob Mamo, Brenda Kunneman, Cindy Jacobs Crowne Plaza Hotel - Airport 6401 South 13th Street Milwaukee, WI 53221 414.933.4199

EVENTS || calendar December.09 calendar

September 3-4 | Sacramento, CA THE CALL Lou Engle Raley Field 400 Ballpark Drive West Sacramento, CA 95691 September 9-12 | Oklahoma City, OK THE TRANSFERENCE OF WEALTH 2010 CONFERENCE! Hank Kunneman, Pat Francis, Lidia Zapico, Judy Jacobs, Trent Cory, Curt Landry, John Benefiel Cox Business Services Conv. Center 1 Myriad Gardens Oklahoma City, OK 73102 405-837-4610 September 10 | Tacoma, WA TAKE A STAND John Eckhardt, Gordon Banks, Axel Sippach, Rick Thorp The Temple Theater 47 Saint Helens Avenue Tacoma, WA 98402 800-795-4199

September 16-18 | Omaha, NE OPENING THE HEAVENS 2010 Hank & Brenda Kunneman, Richard Roberts, John Eckhardt, Kim Daniels Lord of Hosts Church 5351 S 139th Plaza Omaha, NE 68137 402-896-6692

got an event? let us know by emailing:

August 2010 4 Prayer Matters Magazine


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