The Journal - Edinburgh Issue 024

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Edinburgh’s University newspaper

Issue xxIV

Wednesday 30 September 2009

Annabel Goldie on education in scotland Leader of the scottish conservatives tells the journal why education in scotland has "fallen behind english schools" and how the conservatives would raise standards

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Napier students forced into Grant Management flats Napier students is forced to pay thousands of pounds to 'unscrupulous' private letting agency

Matthew Moore matthew.moore@journal-online.



Student renters will have their deposits looked after by a third party to protect them from unscrupulous landlords. Labour launch campaign to address funding for vulnerable students. Joe Pike

The difficulties at Napier student halls come as the university has dropped controversial charges for internet use which saw student paying up to £150 per person despite sharing their flats with three others. Students were effectively paying five times the market rate for internet in their flats. Local MP for the marginal Edinburgh South seat, Nigel Griffiths has “denounced” the university for ever expecting students pay for internet service. Describing the practice as “usury” he said that “internet charges were a tax on knowledge”. Speaking to The Journal, Mr Griffiths added he has always been opposed to the charges: “I argued that the internet was a crucial tool for students to achieve their Continued on Page 2


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Silvia Foteva

Edinburgh Napier University has had to place 30 students in private flats free of charge following massive demand for university accommodation this year. At a cost estimated to be in the thousands of pounds, the students are being housed in temporary accommodation with controversial Edinburgh letting agents Grant Management, and have been given meal passes and placed on a growing waiting list for rooms. A spokesperson for the university told The Journal: “Due to an overwhelming number of late applications to stay in University-managed flats we had to provide around 30 students with temporary private accommodation.” The university spokesperson continued: “These private flats have been provided free of charge, along with meal passes, to all those students affected.” According to university staff, the decision to house students with Grant Management was made on the basis that the agency could provide the space. Thomas Graham president of Edinburgh University Students’ Association, spoke to The Journal about his experience of the letting agency: “There have been a large number of students who have

complained about Grant Management. They’ve been unscrupulous in the past, certainly students have complained about them for not dealing with problems quickly enough.” Mr Graham said: “Since they were accredited by the landlords association they’ve repeatedly failed their tenants. I wouldn’t get a flat with them - they are the letting agency we get the most complaints about.” It is Napier policy to “guarantee” accommodation to all eligible students who apply by the cut-off date. Staff at the university said that the demand was coming from students who wished to remain in university managed flats coupled with new undergraduate students. Kasia Bylinska, president of the Napier Student Association, said: “The university has handled the situation very well and no students were left without accommodation. There are plans to build more student accommodation in the future, so that will solve the problem of growing numbers of first year students.”

Tenants to have deposits secured under new government rules

A national scheme for safeguarding rent deposits is to be introduced in Scotland, the housing and communities minister Alex Neil announced last week. The scheme introduces a third party who hold the deposit throughout a tenancy and acts as an independent arbiter during disputes between tenants and landlords. The minister said it was “time to take strong action” to protect tenants, and support the many landlords who do deal with deposits fairly. It aims to reduce the number of wrongly withheld deposits, speed up deposit returns, ensure funds are available at the end of the tenancy, and when there is a dispute, ensure that the amount returned is determined in a fair way. Mr Neil said: “When deposits are unfairly withheld, it can cause hardship and misery for the tenant and, in some cases, affect their ability to secure another tenancy.”

Students enjoy Latin Dancing in Bristo square during freshers week


Student Loans Company chaos

Lib Dems gamble with student vote

You’ve got to kill to be kind

Staff defend nation-wide delays in payments to students and place the blame on late applications

UK’s third party questions its commitment to ending tuition fees in England

The Journal’s Ross Cullen reports on what it was like to be on the ground in the country where swine flu began.

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Continued on Page 2


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Last-minute upset Edinburgh Rugby fall to first defeat of the new season as Chris Patterson misses with last gasp penalty

2 News

The Journal Wednesday 30 September 2009

Napier students forced into Grant management flats




Continued from Page 1




learning potential and that charges for the internet by the universities are a tax on knowledge.” A spokesperson for Consumer Focus Scotland, said that the internet should be provided at a fair price: “We would be concerned if students are being charged excessively to access the internet in university accommodation. Internet access is an essential requirement while studying and we would expect it to be made available to students at the going market rate.” Daniel Volpi, a fourth year Building Surveying student at Napier, told The Journal of his experience in first year student halls: “As a student, internet is a necessity. In the university halls we were not given the option to choose our internet provider. Not only that, the internet service provider who you are obliged to commit to if you wanted a connection in your room was disgracefully overpriced.” Mr Volpi added: “The price for

the academic year was somewhere in the region of £140 each, if I recall correctly, and the internet speeds were horribly slow, especially at peak hours.” On 30 July, one student wrote on the wall of a Facebook group called “Keysurf (Server not found)”: “Yeah seriously, I’m the only one in the building right now and it’s still shit, £80 for a year of discontent.” Set up for students to exchange anecdotes and information on the company, the bulk of anti-Keysurf Facebook groups are based in England. Edinburgh Napier has five student accommodations with a capacity of 937, with each of the halls situated around the city’s west end. Monthly rent the flats is typically between £343 and £353. [Edinburgh university accommodation varies between £325 and £385 depending on the size of the room. Figures are based on self-catered rooms with a shared bathroom.]

Tenants to have deposits secured under new government rules Continued from Page 1

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He continued: “We know that in many cases it is students and vulnerable tenants who are affected, and this is an absolute tragedy—these are the very people who can least afford to be treated in this way”. Liam Burns, National Union of Students (NUS) Scotland president said: “Students across Scotland are delighted that the Scottish Government is acting to protect their tenancy deposits. Unfairly withheld deposits are one of the biggest issues for students living in the private rented sector. “Alex Neil and the Scottish government deserve praise for taking this decision, but without the support we’ve had across the parliament, and the hard work of students and tenants’ group over a number of years, such as Shelter Scotland, this wouldn’t have been possible.” Ian Potter, operations manager for the Association of Residential Letting Agents (ARLA) said: “Safeguarding tenants and their welfare is paramount to

the property sector and we have long advocated the introduction of a deposit protection scheme in Scotland. “There has been much discussion around this and it is good that talk has translated into action.” Graeme Brown, director of Shelter Scotland, a housing and homelessness charity, welcomed the move, saying: “With estimates of the amount of money unfairly withheld each year running into millions, Scotland is clearly in need of a way to protect tenant’s deposits. “We’re delighted the Scottish government has listened to the problems faced by tenants and welcome the chance to help develop an effective scheme”. The announcement was followed by the launch of “Student Hardship Help is Priceless”, a campaign for an array of student support initiatives. The Labour shadow minister for higher education and universities, Claire Baker, who kicked off the e-petition called on the Scottish government to allocate the bulk of its student support funding to relief for poorer students.


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In the article "Rowdy Oasis concert forces rethink of Murrayfield alcohol policy" The Journal's standfirst stated that Murrayfielf had lost its unfettered alcohol license. This was misleading and we apologise to the SRU. The Journal would like to credit both Silvia Foteva for her photographs throughout the previous edition and Sophie Cameron for her illustration on page 21. We apologise for not doing so. The Journal is published by The Edinburgh Journal Ltd., registered address 37 Holyrood Road, Edinburgh, EH8 8AQ. Registered in Scotland number SC322146. For enquiries call 0131 651 6057 or email The Journal is a free newspaper for and written by students and graduates in the City of Edinburgh. Contact us if you’d like to get involved. Printed by Morton’s Printers, Licolnshire. Copyright © 2008 The Edinburgh Journal Ltd. Elements of this publication are distributed under a Creative Commons license - contact us for more information. Distributed byTwo Heads Media, www.twoheadsmedia. Our thanks to PSYBT, Scottish Enterprise, and all who make this publication possible.

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News 3

The Journal Wednesday 30 September 2009

Little progress in filling yawning gender pay gap In the wake of a damning report that reopens the debate on gender equality in the workplace, The Journal looks at one of the developing world's most striking injustices Alison Leighton & Matthew Moore An inquiry by the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) has revealed that women in the financial sector receive 80 per cent less in bonus payments than men. The enquiry was prompted by the G20 London Summit when finance ministers did not succeed in cutting individual bankers’ bonuses. Joe Swinson, Liberal Democrat MP for East Dumbartonshire and chairperson of the Liberal Democrat Women’s Policy Group told The Journal: “It’s appalling that forty years after the equal pay act women are still receiving a lower salary than men. The difference between men and women’s regular pay is already shocking but the gender pay gap in performance related pay has reached a whole new level of inequality.” According to a survey of 50 companies, women receive £2875 in performance related pay whilst men receive £14,554. Concerning basic pay, women receive 39 per cent less than men, but when bonuses and overtime are considered there is an annual pay gap of 47 per cent.


Swinson added: “Companies are missing out on serious talent by failing to give women the same opportunities as men and are ultimately breaking the law. The ability to take equal pay claims to court is a longwinded process. Instead, we need more companies to undertake an annual equal pay audit and make the findings accessible to the public.” The report suggests that among employment sectors, the financial arena exhibits one of the largest earning differences between men and women. A pay gap of 28 per cent in the

“It’s appalling that forty years after the equal pay act women are still receiving a lower salary than men." economy generally compares with 55 per cent in city firms. It has been ascertained that the huge variation in bonuses is a result of few women being able to obtain the top financial positions. Women’s

Boon Low




Deputy Labour leader Harriet Harmen has championed the cause of equal pay for women.







£2,875 Source: Financial Services Enquiry Sex discrimination and gender pay gap report of the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) September 2009

consistently lower starting salaries also contribute to their inability to climb the career ladder. Some companies have undertaken a pay audit to ensure that women’s salaries were equal to those of men although three out of four companies have not made any effort to target the disparity. The inquiry has prompted the introduction of more flexible hours and improved maternity rights for women with childcare responsibilities. Chairman of the EHRC, Trevor Phillips, and Equality minister, Harriet Harman, have agreed that the government urgently needs to address the gender pay gap in order to allow women the same opportunity to progress in their careers. This new inquiry follows a report by the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) ahead of International Women’s Day in March this year. The report found that in 2008 the number of women in politics, globally, had reached an all time high. Currently women hold 18 per cent of all elected senators or members of

parliament throughout the world, still short of the United Nations’ target of 30 per cent. The leading country in 2008 was post-conflict Rwanda with 56 per cent of positions assumed by females. Julie Ballington, programme officer for IPU, said that although the progress of women in politics had risen quickly since 1995 it would take 20 years for the 30 per cent target to be reached. Pia Cayetano, president of the IPU’s Coordinating committee of women parliamentarians said: “When women are involved in politics, we note that they bring a different perspective. They bring different talents, different views. So we feel that it is fundamental to democracy that women’s views are heard and that they are part of developmental agendas.” There are only a few countries who have no female politicians, primarily Pacific island states and Arab states. Founded in 1989, the purpose of the IPU is to enhance relations between parliamentary representatives and act as a medium for global parliamentary dialogue.

UK gender Pay gap * The UK was ranked 13th overall in the index of 130 countries behind Philippines, Sri Lanka and Latvia dropping 2 places since the 2007 report. * UK also ranked 81st on the Wage equality for similar work survey compared to 61st in 2007 report. * Estimated earned income Women (£'s): £16, 386 and Men: £24, 978 (Rank on Global Gender Gap report for this is 22).

Source: The Global Gender Report (2008)

4 News

The Journal Saturday 12 September 2009

Pirates of the Clyde strike in Greenock Pirates of the Caribbean ship was in Scotland as part of a tourist attraction

Chris Berkin A replica vessel that has previously starred in the Pirates of the Caribbean films was raided by youths while docked in Greenock, on the west coast of Scotland. Two men boarded the HMS Bounty in the early hours of the morning on Saturday 19 September, taking cash and sailing equipment. The stolen items included an immersion suit and a large American flag. A spokesman for Strathclyde Police stated that “inquiries are continuing” into the robbery. Captain Robin Walbridge, who has commanded the vessel for over a decade, stressed that he did not hold the incident against the people of Greenock. The ship, which was originally built in the sixties for Marlon Brando’s Mutiny on the Bounty, has since featured in 49 movies, including Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest and the sequel Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End. She now sails around the world as a tourist attraction for fans of the blockbuster film trilogy, attracting several hundred visitors on its Greenock stop.

Nomura officials said the use of social networking site for recruitment has been "misinterpreted" Alice Stanes

Pirates of the Caribbean replica ship saw cash and equipment looted The Bounty is modeled on an 18th century Royal Navy vessel that became famous in 1789 when the crew mutinied against Captain William Bligh. The mutineers had become accustomed to island life in Tahiti, where they returned and burned the ship.

Bligh was forced to navigate over 3,500 nautical miles in a rowboat, pursued by natives and without charts or compass, to safety in the Dutch East Indies. MGM Studios had originally planned to destroy the Canadian-built

ship when filming of the original movie finished, but Marlon Brando had grown so fond of the £750,000 replica that he threatened to quit if they did so. The ship, stripped of her treasures, set sail for Ireland the following Monday morning.

£11 million investment STV proposes 'Scottish for electric cars on Six' broadcast MSP warns that a Scottish based news outlook Glasgow streets could be "parochial and inward looking" Plug sockets to appear on street corners as new initiative aims to create jobs and cut pollution

Madeleine Battersby

More motorists will be encouraged to use electric vehicles in Glasgow under plans announced last week by the Energy Technologies Institute (ETI). The initiative will seek to increase the number of electric vehicle charging points available under a scheme called the Joined Cities Plan around the country. The £11 million plan aims to connect major cities across the UK with a network of electric vehicle charging points to allow electric vehicles easier access to and between main cities. ETI Chief Executive David Clarke, who announced the scheme at the Low Carbon Vehicle Event 2009, said: “Enabling plug-in vehicles to compete effectively in a market alongside petrol and diesel vehicles with their extensive infrastructure is a challenge. “These plug-in vehicles are currently unknown to most consumers, who will want to know if they will be versatile, will they be affordable and will they be as easy to refuel and recharge. “Through the Joined Cities Plan we will help to enhance the versatility and ease of recharging. Other aspects of the ETI project will determine what it will take to reach a self sustaining mass market.” The Joined Cities Plan is the result of extensive research and collaboration between global institutions and key vehicle recharging network providers, dedicated to making electric vehicles more accessible to the general public. Well-known companies supporting the scheme and advising its development include IBM, Siemens, 365

Nomura signs up Lehman Bros. trainees using Facebook

Energy, Elektromotive, and Coulomb Technologies. The executive member for sustainability and the environment in Glasgow, Councillor Irfan Rabbani said: “Glasgow is set to become a leader in driving environmental change through the development of electric vehicles and the infrastructure needed to make these vehicles a real option for businesses and the public. “The technologies we hope to bring to the city and the new ground we hope to break with our partners, as part of the Joined Cities network, are about creating a successful and sustainable future for Glasgow. “The Council is leading by example through facilitating the introduction and procurement of low carbon vehicles and now ensuring the infrastructure required to secure their longevity is in place.” Other elements of the Joined Cities Plan will include research into how to market electric vehicles, investigating consumers’ preferences, and establishing what infrastructure is needed to support the electric vehicle market. The Joined Cities Plan will preliminarily include Birmingham, Coventry, Glasgow, London, Middlesbrough, Milton Keynes, Newcastle, Oxford and Sunderland.

Join the debate

Emma Towers Scottish Television (STV) have publicly announced their intention to replace their current daily news broadcasts with a new ‘Scottish Six’ programme following similar failed attempts in the past. The show would aim to provide a more Scottish-orientated brand of local, Scottish, UK and international news. The show would be produced in partnership with ITN and is intended to air next year. At the Royal Television Society’s Cambridge convention on Friday 25 September, STV’s chief executive, Rob Woodward, gave a speech officially proposing the company’s new approach to Scottish news broadcasting. Woodward said: “The objective is to create a high quality, relevant bulletin that is unique; continues to serve the two million Scots that watch STV news every week; and engages new viewers both on TV and through our digital platform.” The BBC originally presented the ‘Scottish Six’ concept in 1999, proposing the implementation of a more locally-focused news programme for their Scottish viewers, but the proposal was dropped. In 2003 the plan was again broached and rejected after polls revealed that 45 percent of viewers were happy with the BBC’s regular news broadcasting. Former deputy Scottish Secretary George Foulkes MSP suggested that the ‘Scottish Six’ programme, in the hands of the BBC, could potentially create a “parochial and inward-looking” Scotland. Managing Director of Broadcasting at STV, Bobby Hain justified the company’s suitability for a Scottish news programme, saying: “This is a bold, innovative and forward thinking proposal and

is the next sensible step forward for Scottish news. “STV’s unique news service is highly valued by viewers in Scotland and has seen a rise in audience share over the past five years.” The proposed program would be one hour long and would extend the time slots for local news to ten minutes from the currently allocated five. Airing at 6pm daily, the show would be a direct challenge to BBC Scotland’s BBC News at Six. STV’s show would also draw on funds from the TV licence fee, money that was completely given over to BBC programming beforehand. A focus on localised news for Scottish viewers would be a central facet of the new broadcast. This would be achieved by adding to their popular local bulletins, currently comprising of Edinburgh, Glasgow, Dundee and Aberdeen. A bulletin for the Inverness and Highlands area would be added, along with an additional one for the Borders. The creation of 300 ‘micro-sites’ would also provide local coverage for cities, towns and smaller communities. STV’s proposal has been well received, especially by the Scottish National Party (SNP) who have been suggesting such a news program since 2007. Pete Wishart, the SNP’s Culture, Media and Sports Spokesperson, stated that “plans for a comprehensive Scottish six o’clock news program are very welcome, and must build on the existing success of STV’s local news services”. The drive to create a news program with a Scottish perspective has partly risen from a survey carried out by the Scottish Broadcasting Commission in May 2008, which revealed that 36 percent of Scottish viewers were either fairly or very dissatisfied with Scottish news reporting provided by Londonbased broadcasts.

A global investment bank has rehired around 60 per cent of graduate trainees let go by Lehman Brothers following the bank’s collapse in September last year, with claims that they used a social networking site to contact the individuals. A front-page article in the Financial Times suggested that the trainees were recruited through Facebook, a claim which Nomura told The Journal had been “misinterpreted.” Nomura, who have offices in Europe, North America and Asia, employed around 8,500 candidates following their global acquisition of Lehman’s businesses in Europe, Asia and the Middle East. Graduates were not initially part of this recruitment deal, but since then the Japanese bank has rehired a number of graduate trainees. A spokesperson for Nomura told The Journal: “We realised quite quickly that Lehman had established a strong graduate class through their recruitment, and we would have been silly not to take advantage of what Lehman had put in place.” This fast transition between the two companies has offered a lucky escape to many graduates who were recently let go by Lehman Brothers after only a short term of employment with the company. It also provides a long awaited boost to the decreasing number of opportunities available to current graduates. Commenting on this sudden development, Malcolm Horton, head of graduate recruitment at Nomura, said: “For the graduates who had just started it was certainly a shock – 90 per cent were ex-interns and had only been with Lehman for a matter of weeks. Though we were able to keep on a significant proportion of the graduates we weren’t able to find room for everybody. “It was a particularly difficult situation for me, as one of my main policies as head of graduate recruitment had been that unlike other banks we would never rescind offers or buy people out of their contracts before they started. We would always find a suitable position for them somewhere.” Nomura was quick to defend its use of the Facebook to track down candidates, citing “ease of communication.” “The use of Facebook has been slightly misinterpreted. A lot of the graduates were based in Europe and America, and with no contact details for them using the social networking site was the easiest way of contacting them.” A spokesperson confirmed. When questioned by The Journal as to whether the investment bank had plans to continue with this graduate recruitment scheme, Nomura responded: “The process is still ongoing; we could be—nothing is certain at this stage. Our graduate recruitment team are continually working and engaging with employees, and at this stage, it is important to keep these channels open.”

News 5

The Journal Wednesday 30 September 2009

Power to the People

Three years on from the widely praised but largely ignored reforms compiled after a year of nationwide research by the Power Inquiry, the campaign has relaunched to defer power to the people Matthew Moore

a “Deliberative Assembly” – a group of volunteers who form groups around the country and discuss the pledges and amend them or discard them depending on feedback from the public.

A new online campaign has been launched allowing members of the public to submit their own ideas on reform of the political system. The project, Power2010, has set itself the seemingly arduous task of addressing public disenchantment with British politics in the run up to the next general election. Directed by Pam Giddy, the project offers everyone the chance to contribute their personal solution to bring about more transparency. Ultimately, these ideas will be collated, debated, refined and honed by groups comprising members of the public across the country. After being whittled down to around thirty, these pledges will go before an online public vote lasting around one to two months. The top five pledges will be labelled the Power2010 pledges and election candidates at the forthcoming general election will be put under pressure to commit to the pledge. Pam Giddy spoke to The Journal: “The key objective is to motivate people, to get people together, to get distinctive ideas, to get them to feel as though they are feeding into something that actually can have a positive change.” Ms Giddy said that the idea was influenced through findings of the original Power Inquiry, which recommended around 30 reforms when it was published in 2006. What makes this initiative unique, is that unlike those before it, is demanding that the reforms come from the public and not a parliamentary committee. The gathered pledges will be put before

“This is designed to say: 'What power can ordinary folk have over the next parliament? What can we do now to help ensure that the next parliament is a reforming parliament?'” Pam Giddy, director of Power2010 “The deliberation gives people a chance to really assess and to trade off ideas and to put forward their short list. This gives people ownership and it means that a sensible brain is used to put pledges together,” said Ms Giddy. Activists in each constituency will sign up to support the pledge, and it is those individual activists who will take the finished pledge to their parliamentary candidate to lobby them. These individuals will drive local movements and they will continue to hold the members of parliament to account, once

Percentage of Votes won 2005 Westminister General Elections

Baroness Williams has described the current electoral system as 'broken'. elected. “It has to feel like it is owned by people,” said Ms Giddy. “We could sit in the office and say we did the Power Inquiry report and say these are the top five pledges, but that feels very top down to us.” The project sprouted from the 2005 Power Inquiry, chaired by Baroness Helena Kennedy, which led the biggest ever assessment of British democracy. Earlier this year The Daily Telegraph

Number of seats won 2005 Westminister General Elections




lent its hand, quite popularly, to the campaign for political reform when it published a complete disclosure of MP’s expenses. Baroness Shirley Williams, a Liberal Democrat peer, spoke to The Journal about the likelihood of reform: “There is a mood out there, that can be brought together which might not be as ambitious as Power2010 but it might go in that direction. On issues such as the size of the commons, scrutiny of powers, the

356 62

23.1 24

First-Past-the-post vs. PR seat allocation (approx.)

400 350









300 250 200 150






218 80

50 0

Labour 2005

Labour PR


Conservative 2005 Conservative PR


62 Lib Dem 2005

149 Lib Dem PR

question of reform of the lords, reform of expenses, perhaps, even conceivably talk of electoral reform, these are all on the table.” Reform of the latter—a more representative electoral system—would benefit the Lib Dems the most, as in the last election they won almost a quarter of the votes, compared with only a tenth of the seats in parliament. “It’s a broken system. I think it’s something like it takes 140,000 voters to elect a Lib Dem MP, 80,000 for Conservatives, 50,000 to elect Labour,” said Baroness Williams. Anthony Barnett, founder, former editor and frequent contributor to, published his pledge almost immediately. “No More Lords – no more peers appointed to the Lords. None. Busta!” In his contribution Mr Barnett said that people saw the Lords as the “main source of corruption in British politics” and warned that “unless we stop them now” there would be demands for compensation from the “tranche of Blairite riff raff”. Those who followed the online success of Barack Obama’s US electoral campaign will be familiar with some of the social organising that Power2010 aims to undertake. Blue Sky Digital, who championed Obama’s innovative campaign using social media and viral advertising to find people as they worked, networked or were simply grazing the net have been hired to extend the reach of the British project. Ms Giddy said that the key to success was not the internet: “The technology is just a means through which we can contact people and people can talk to each other and we can put people in the constituencies together but it is the offline campaigning and meeting people which will make this work.” The Power Inquiry and Power2010 are funded by the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust and the Joseph Rowntree Reform Trust Limited www.

6 Edinburgh News

The Journal Wednesday 30 September 2009

Farrell aims parting shot at council bossess

UK trade union Unite has expressed concern over the future of the Belhaven Brewery in Dunbar, the oldest independent Scottish brewery at 281 years old. Greene King Group recently announced the closure of the brewery’s bottling plant, leading to the loss of twenty local jobs and leaving the brewery’s future unclear. Unite Regional Industrial Officer Scott Foley said, “The impending closure of the Belhaven bottling plant and the quick-fire redundancy of 20 loyal workers without any consultation is unacceptable.”


reaching far enough. His own vision included bulldozing half of the famous street’s buildings in an attempt to revitalise the thoroughfare and restore purpose to its disused spaces on the upper floors. Sir Terry, the designing force behind Edinburgh’s financial district and mastermind of the Edinburgh International Conference Centre (EICC), has also spoken out in recent weeks against plans to extend the EICC – claiming it will compromise the architectural integrity of his original design.

Edinburgh student charity wins funding from Children In Need

Leader of Edinburgh City Council, Jenny Dawe, has rejected many of his comments and maintains that Sir Terry has had a big impact on the culture of change within the council, as well as bringing into action many positive transformations across the city. Describing the nature of his role as ‘Design Champion’ as that of Edinburgh’s “critical friend”, whose opinions can “be painful at times”, she has dismissed the accusations that his ideas were not acted upon effectively by leadership from within the council.

A charity run by Edinburgh students has this month been awarded £2,000 from the BBC’s Children In Need. The Children’s Holiday Venture (CHV) was setup to give young people aged 8-16 a break from their home environment. Katy Pendry, the Children’s Holiday Venture charity president, said that the sum from Children in Need is “a fantastic contribution and will go a long way”. CHV, which began as a student society in 1963, now works with approximately 120 children from socially deprived areas of Edinburgh, offering them support in the form of activities such as bowling, swimming and trampolining. David Ramsden, chief executive of BBC Children in Need said: “We are overwhelmed by the support of people

right across the UK as we know that for many people these are difficult times. It is a real tribute to the generosity and commitment of our supporters that we have matched last year’s efforts and have £36 million that we can use to make a real difference to many young lives.” The students involved organise weekly outings, camps and daytrips for the children and this involves maintaining two minibuses, which contribute to the Venture’s £40,000 a year running costs. Ordinarily this funding comes from donations and student fundraising. Children’s Holiday Venture is one of 46 projects in Scotland to receive grants from Children in Need, who are currently distributing the proceeds of their November 2008 appeal night, which raised a record breaking total of £20,991,216. The BBC charity provides support for children throughout the UK; however, every year funding requests exceed the sum of money raised.

Harry Cole, ex-chairman of Edinburgh’s Conservative and Unionist society has this week claimed responsibility for sparking the investigation into Baroness Scotland’s housekeeper. Mr Cole, who writes a popular blog under the pseudonym “Tory Bear” and has since gone on to found the Sunlight Centre released a statement suggesting that the Baroness not become an “overstayer” and resign. Baroness Scotland, the government’s attorney general, was forced to pay a £5000 fine for employing an illegal immigrant after a tabloid newspaper reported that her employees visa had expired.


University students have recently won a campaign to add an additional cycling lane between George Square and Kings Buildings. Over 10,000 students and staff cycle to and from the buildings. Following many serious injuries, the idea was taken to Edinburgh Council’s Transport Committee. Thomas Graham, EUSA president said, “It will improve safety for a significant number of people”.


Protesters calling themselves the “Menie Liberation Front” have defaced statues around Scotland in a bid to raise awareness of Donald Trump’s controversial development plans in Aberdeenshire. A spokesperson stated “throwing families from their homes for private development is outrageous.” 20 statues have been ‘transformed’ into Trump, sporting masks and golf clubs, and a sign listing the groups website. The protesters argue that Scotland should not “bend over backwards for big business, however damaging it is to local residents”. Photographs of the statues in Edinburgh, Aberdeen, Glasgow and Stirling and can be seen on the groups site: www.trumpstatues.

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Great Student Offers

Children's Holiday Venture given £2,000 grant to continue work with underprivileged youngsters across capital

Sophie McFarlane

wear them


Eloise Nutbrown

Sir Terry Farrell, the recently departed ‘Design Champion’ to Edinburgh City Council, left on a sour note after he roundly criticised officials. In a keynote address made at the City Chambers, Sir Terry struck out at the “impoverished” city-making culture he had experienced during his tenure working with council leaders to promote change and innovation within the capital. He blamed a “pervading inertia” and “introverted negativity” for the slow pace of development and urged councillors to be more accountable in their leadership. Sir Terry said : “The issue is, they have to realise they control the bureaucracy which runs the city for them. They need to become more assertive and demanding of their senior officers or things will not change.” The 58 members of Edinburgh City Council were also issued with a biting report by their urban development officer, a post he held for the past five years The report, which was accompanied by the acclaimed architect’s 2008 dossier on the future of Edinburgh, outlined his key criticisms and recommendations for the local authority. Among some of his specific criticisms was the decision to only include one tram stop on Princes St. in the new transport system currently underconstruction – a decision he feels will result in a failure to meet the needs of commuters. He openly denounced current efforts to transform the Princes St. area as not

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Edinburgh News 7

The Journal Wednesday 30 September 2009

New mosque breaks mould with local English-speaking imams Blackhall mosque is first in Edinburgh's West End Olivia Dobbs A new English-language mosque that opened earlier this year in the West End has been labelled a “beautiful example of a distinct European Muslim Identity” by an Edinburgh academic. Dr Christian Lange, of the Islamic Studies Department at the University of Edinburgh, said: “Muslim reformist thinkers like Tariq Ramadan have been arguing for many years that a distinct European Muslim identity, which respects both the demands of religion and of loyalty to one’s country of citizenship, is the way forward for Muslims living in Britain. “The new mosque in Edinburgh’s West End seems a beautiful example of this.” In a move designed to go against the tradition of foreign religious leadership of Britain’s Muslim places of worship, the imams at the Blackhall mosque are all native English speakers and Scottish citizens. However, the Khutba—the Friday prayer—is still held in Arabic or Urdu. Dr Lange, supporting diversity of religious expression on a local level, added: “More importantly, it is in the spirit of Islam itself. The Prophet of

“Muslim reformist thinkers like Tariq Ramadan have been arguing for many years that a distinct European Muslim identity, which respects both the demands of religion and of loyalty to one's country of citizenship, is the way forward for Muslims living in Britain." Islam is believed to have said that diversity of opinions is a sign of divine mercy shown to humankind.” The idea for such an institution

Capital slides down global financial table Credit crunch bites as Edinburgh falls seven places to 27th in ranking of global financial centres Nick Eardley Edinburgh’s prestige as a global financial centre has been dealt a blow after it slipped seven places in a report on competitiveness. Edinburgh was ranked 27th in the latest Global Financial Centers Index, seeing it fall behind the Isle of Man, Dublin and the Cayman Islands - a far cry from its position in March this year when the capital was ranked alongside Paris and Washington DC. London remained in the top spot, closely followed by New York. The report comes only weeks after Edinburgh was ranked the UK’s most desirable city to live in. Glasgow’s status also fell drastically in the report, falling 18 places to 49, leaving it behind the Bahamas and Vienna. A spokesperson for City of London corporation said: “This research demonstrates three trends: cautious optimism that the global financial services industry is showing signs of recovery, further movement of the financial business centre of gravity towards fastdeveloping markets – especially in

TOP 5 FINANCIAL CENTRES 1. London 2. New York 3. Honk Kong 4. Singapore 5. Shenzen Asia; and the emergence of a ‘Premier League’ of economically and socially interconnected cities.” The study, which is sponsored by the City of London, sees areas of financial importance ranked in terms of people and skills, business environment, property factors with other infrastructure, market access and general competitiveness. The fastest risers in the latest report were from the east, with five Asian cities breaking into the top ten spots. Shanghai rose 25 places to the number ten spot, whilst Shenzen—widely acknowledged as one of the worlds fastest growing financial centres— made its first appearance in the report ranked 5th. They were joined by Hong Kong, 3rd, and Singapore, 4th, in the top ten.

came from Sohail Ashfaque, 33, who is the main Imam of the Blackhall mosque. Speaking to The Journal, Mr Ashfaque said: “The main purpose was to build an infrastructure enabling Muslims to provide many services to other English-speaking Muslims and the entire community of Edinburgh. “We wanted to make a society which could fully integrate Muslims by using the official language of the country.” After graduating from the Dewsbury Islamic Institute ten years ago and returning to Scotland, Mr Ashfaque aimed to create a place for the Muslims of his community who were committed to their religion. His goal was to make an environment for Muslims to be confident and comfortable in their faith, which includes understanding everything that they study and pray for. Although officially opened in February, the Blackhall mosque has been undergoing various types of construction and improvements since. The recently converted mosque also offers classes in Arabic and Qur’an study, and is equipped with a spacious prayer hall, a community hall, a kitchen and a youth common room. In addition, a brand new Wudhu area has just been completed, which is where the Ablution—or washing of the face, arms, feet, and hair—takes place.

Dr Andrew Marsham of the Islamic Studies Department at the University of Edinburgh told The Journal that the launch of the mosque represents an important social marker, as Muslims who have been living in the UK now appear to have adopted English as their

native language, even in regards to their faith. The opening follows a survey in June conducted by the Scottish Islamic Foundation which revealed that 78 percent of respondents thought that the Khutba should be spoken in English.

Blackhall Mosque boasts a community hall and common room

Bidding on Forth bridge replacement could cost taxpayer millions MSPs asked to back refund policy to increase number of bidders as Edinburgh council urges delay to final decision on new crossing Nick Eardley MSPs have been asked to back plans to pay millions of pounds to companies who bid to build the new Forth road bridge, as calls were made to delay the final decision on whether or not to replace the bridge. Under plans proposed by Transport Scotland in September, bidders could be given as much as £10 million to cover their costs. The plan was unveiled in the same week that council leaders in Edinburgh urged the Scottish Government to delay its decision on replacing the bridge until at least 2011. Ainslie McLaughlin, Transport Scotland’s major projects director, told the Scottish Parliament finance committee: “We are looking potentially to reimburse if the project does not go ahead for the costs incurred in tendering for the project.” Under the reimbursement plans, unsuccessful bidders could be reimbursed by as much as £5 million, whilst a successful bidder would be paid double this amount should the project collapse. The proposal comes as concerns were raised that not enough is being done to attract bidders. There have been fears that the costs of preparing a bid for the contract to build the £2

billion bridge - one of Scotland’s largest ever infrastructure projects - may dissuade some companies from bidding for the contract. John Howison from Transport Scotland also told the committee: “The information we have leads us to believe that we are not secure in getting a competition, or even necessarily a single bidder, without making this commitment to meet these costs on this contingency basis.” The move is also seen as necessary by civil servants to protect bidders should the final bill to build a new bridge not pass through parliament. Ms McLaughlin added that “Ministers are seeking approval from parliament for the reimbursement of bidders’ costs in the event that the contract for the Forth replacement doesn’t go ahead, either because of failure of the bill or a further collective decision of the Scottish Government not to proceed with the contract.” However, some opposition politicians have claimed that the contingency measures, indicate a lack of confidence from the Scottish Government over the viability of the project. Liberal Democrat finance spokesman Jeremy Purvis said: “This is an indication of the lack of confidence within the Scottish Government about being able to handle this project and that they believe it might not happen at all. “If it is meant as an incentive for

companies to bid, the behaviour of the Scottish Government does not help to build up confidence in the project.” The proposal, which would have to be ratified by the parliament, would be the first time that such contingency measures have been introduced since the inception of the Scottish Parliament in 1999. Meanwhile, Edinburgh City Council have urged the Scottish government to delay making a final decision on the replacement of the bridge until new information on the condition of the existing bridge is available in 2011. Councillor Gordon Mackenzie said: “It is clear that we do not have to award a contract for two years or more. “We will be urging the Scottish Parliament to explore both the public transport strategy and the maintenance of the existing bridge as the bill progresses. This is a huge decision for our parliament and the process must ensure that MSPs have the information, time and space to do justice to all of the issues.” However, Cllr Mackenzie’s suggestion has been strongly criticised by business leaders in Fife. Alan Russell, Chief Executive of Fife’s Chamber of Commerce said: “This is a ridiculous, very short-sighted and insular viewpoint that does not take into account the fact that the new Forth bridge is a vital project for Scotland’s infrastructure and a lifeline for businesses and residents north of the Forth.”

8 Student News

The Journal Wednesday 30 September 2009

Student Loans Company defends delays Kathleen Oliver The Student Loans Company (SLC) has maintained it is not at fault for delays in loan payments at the start of this academic year, blaming late applications and a general increase in university attendance. An SLC spokesperson said: “Any student who applied on time should receive their funding on time. “We are processing late applications as quickly as possible. We acknowledge this will be a worrying time for those affected.” The company did however admit that even those who applied on time could potentially receive their loans later than expected. In a statement on the Directgov website, the SLC said: “If you get an initial payment that’s less than you were expecting, it will have been made to ensure you are paid on time. Your full entitlement will be paid as soon as possible.”

It is currently estimated that tens of thousands of students are still waiting to receive their student loan for the start of this academic year. Derek Ross, deputy chief executive of the SLC, acknowledged the severity of the situation, and agreed that some were “at risk of going to university without money”. “We are trying our best to go through these [applications] as quickly as we can…but there are quite a lot of worried people out there,” he said.

Universities across the country have reacted quickly to the developing situation, putting measures in place to aid cash-strapped students. Simon Eltringham, president of Herriot-Watt University’s Student Association, told The Journal: “We are concerned about the significant delays made by the Student Loan Company in issuing loans and paying fees this year. “We have found that this has affected English and Scottish students who are studying at Herriot-Watt who

applied for finance after the deadline.” Eltringham also added that HerriotWatt had “stepped up the promotion” of the hardship loan scheme. He advocated the guidance and advice services that all universities promote. A spokesperson for Edinburgh Napier told The Journal that students who potentially need support can be provided with it. “Measures are already in place to use Discretionary and Childcare Funds to help any eligible student who may be suffering financial difficulties.” The spokesperson added: “Specific measures are in place to help those students in immediate financial need. Information, advice and support is also available to students both in the University and in the students’ union, Napier Students’ Association.” Although hardship loans are an option for some students, they are in very high demand. In March of this year Claire Baker, Labour’s higher education spokeswoman, told The Scotsman that hardship funds in Scotland were “stretched beyond breaking point”.

No threat to UK universities from English-language degrees abroad Universities UK hits out at suggestion that courses taught in English on the continent could keep overseas students at home

Andy Williamson Universities UK (UUK) has told The Journal that the rise in Englishlanguage degrees taught at European universities poses little threat to the cosmopolitan makeup of the British student population. The response follows the publication of a study by the Academic Co-operation Association (ACA) showing that the number of English taught degrees in Europe has tripled in the past seven years. Universities UK (UUK) has acknowledged the potential competition from abroad, with a spokesperson stating they “are well aware of the emergence of new competitors for international students”. A spokesperson for UUK told The Journal that universities in Britiain would be encouraged to maximise the quality of their teaching: “Among ways that UK universities can cope with the increased international activity of our continental neighbours, and their growing tendency to teach in English, is by placing more emphasis on collaborative, partnership approaches. “Student mobility is part of a much wider range of international activities within partnerships, including research, staff exchange and curriculum development.” The study, published last year, showed that more than 4000 degrees are currently on offer throughout the continent, potentially competing with UK degrees. With the possibility of tuition fees rising in the UK over the next few years, countries such as Sweden, where higher education is free for all students

Swedish Universities Minister Anders Flodström predicts Swedish degrees to be offered entirely in English by 2025

regardless of nationality, offer students an alternative to British education. Anders Flodström, the university chancellor of Sweden, has predicted that all university degrees offered in Sweden will be in taught in English within the next 15 years. Professor Paul Wellings, former chair of the International European Policy Committee of the vice-chancellors’ umbrella group Universities UK, also agreed there was more choice for international students, but that the situation would not affect UK institutions

dramatically. Prof Wellings said: “The UK will lose some of its market share, but not its volume [of international students]. “But in the short-term, the complex visa requirements of the UK may see a flight of international students from the UK to Europe.” Jack Worden, Dean of International Strategy and Operations at Napier University said that competition from European institutions is a “temporary blip” and “unsustainable” in today’s economic climate.

Figures recently featured in a UUK report looking into trends in higher education have shown that the number of international students in Britain has increased by almost 50 percent in the past decade. The statistics show that China remains the “most significant” source of students to the UK. International students are an important source of income for UK universities as non-EU students pay larger sums for their courses than their British and European peers.

US college endowments slashed by financial crisis Elizabeth Griesedieck

Two US Ivy League institutions have reported significant losses on their endowment funds due to poor returns on investments made before the recession. Earlier this month, Harvard and Yale both released updated reports of the 2009 fiscal year, with the former suffering an almost 30 percent fall in funding – an $11 billion (£6 billion) drop in 12 months. Head of Harvard Management Company (HMC), Jane Mendillo, who oversees the university’s investment wing, reported a sizeable decline in Harvard’s endowment. Mendillo attributes the decrease to “extreme volatility and financial dysfunction” in the market. She is, however, optimistic about Harvard’s footing, adding that she is “confident that the portfolio is well positioned from both a risk and return standpoint to support the university and its operations into the future”. Yale president, Richard Levin, issued a budget update adjusting earlier endowment figures to account for a $1 billion loss in the last two months. Investment managers at the Conneticut college projected a decline of 25 percent in their returns, from almost $23 billion to $16 billion – exact figures haven’t been confirmed. Mr Levin said that the majority of their investments were in “illiquid assets which have not begun to recover their value”. Mr Levin said: “Because we did not make a full adjustment to the initial decline in our endowment and because it has declined further since last December, we are now projecting a general appropriations deficit in the range of $150 million each year from 2010-11 through 2013-14.” A Yale professor told The Journal: “We all have our salaries frozen for a year or two, but our research fund remains the same; we have the same smaller classes than do other schools, etc. So overall we are in fine shape and no one is in the slightest discouraged.” HMC distributed $1.7 billion to the Boston university’s operating fund in the last financial year, accounting for one third of the overall management cost. Financial endowments from private individuals and organisations, which are often donated with strict regulations, supplement revenue from tuition at Ivy League universities. Well invested endowments finance research, building projects, faculty and student services, and scholarship funds on a grand scale. As the recession unfolded, management at Harvard made a series of controversial cutbacks, however despite the decline there are no plans to cut funding to the generous need-based student scholarships for which it is well known. Rather, it is expanding them, and it plans further to abolish student loans in lieu of grants. As a result of the cuts twelve months ago, students vented their anger at their diminishing services. A third year student at Harvard, Stephanie Cole told The Journal: “There have been a lot of protests on campus. But I think they are making too big a deal about it. It is a good thing to see where we can make cuts because there is so much extravagance here already.”

Student News 9

The Journal Wednesday 30 September 2009

Leading academics call for reintroduction of tuition fees CBI calls for middle class families to pay for university Edinburgh's vice-chancellors and principals refuse to "put heir head over the parapet" in fees debate Constantine Innemée The debate surrounding the reintroduction of tuition fees in Scotland has been given new life following statements made by former University of Edinburgh principal Lord Sutherland and the principal of Aberdeen University. Speaking to The Times, Lord Sutherland said that tuition fees would improve teaching at Scottish Universities as well as provide a means of funding for poorer students. “English Universities have had an additional stream of funding and that allows them to do things like go for the staff they want and assure them they will get the working conditions they aspire to. “I do believe that we have to offer better scholarships to folk of disadvantaged backgrounds because the cost of living in university towns is very high.” His comments were echoed by Professor Duncan Rice, principal of the Universityof Aberdeen, who agreed that more income for universities was needed and poorer students would benefit from tuition fees. None of the principals and vicechancellors in Edinburgh have commented openly as yet, with one Edinburgh Napier spokesperson saying it was highly unlikely that any would “want to put their head over the parapet”. The University of Edinburgh did not comment on tuition fees explicitly, but did agree with Lord Sutherland on the need for more scholarships. A spokesperson said: “The University of Edinburgh will continue to work hard to obtain the maximum possible benefit for students from the public

funding it is allocated. “Lord Sutherland is correct to focus on the need for scholarships to support students from poor backgrounds who cannot afford fees and living costs.” Speaking to the Cross Party Group on Higher Education at the Scottish Parliament, Liam Burns, president of NUS Scotland, addressed the issue of tuition fees saying: “Under-funding students is just as much a problem for the future of Scotland as under funding universities. While we don’t know yet if there is a funding gap for Scottish universities, we do know that there are many problems with the student support system in Scotland. “The current debate about tuition fees is therefore very puzzling to Scottish students, when what we should be debating is how we tackle student hardship, and the worrying levels of commercial debt among students in Scotland. “…we know other countries fund their universities and students to a far greater extent than we do in the UK through general taxation. To jump straight to students to fund Scottish universities through tuition fees would therefore make no sense at all.” Mr Burns previously criticised the idea of tuition fees through an article published in The Scotsman, where he described them as “an attempt to disguise a call for more money for universities as some sort of altruistic bid to help poorer students into higher education”. The tuition fees debate in England was similarly revived through a Confederation of British Industry (CBI) report calling for students to pay more loans, pay higher fees and get smaller grants. The report also called for the government to abandon its aim of 50 per cent of 18-30 year-olds to go into higher education, stating that “the focus must be

Malcom Grant, provost of University College London has suggested a graduate tax as an alternative to tuition fees

on quality rather than quantity”. Responding to the CBI report universities minister David Lammy did not rule out the possibility of higher fees, but ensured the 50 per cent mark would stay the same. The recommendations made by the CBI’s Higher Education Taskforce come

after Nick Clegg, leader of the Lib Dems, said the party would reconsider its aim to get rid of tuition fees. Earlier this month, a graduate tax was suggested as an alternative to tuition fees by Malcolm Grant, provost of University College London. Grant, former head of Russell group

of elite universities, said that the current annual fee in England should be replaced by higher graduate tax, payable as a proportion of a graduate’s future earnings. The concept of a graduate tax was previously rejected when top-up fees were introduced in 2006.

University of Edinburgh to undergo a green transition

People and Planet launch new campaign to reduce the university's carbon footprint Laura McCaffrey

A new initiative aimed at developing and encouraging projects to reduce the Edinburgh university’s carbon emissions is to be launched on 1 October. The launch of Transition Edinburgh University, due to be held at Teviot Debating Hall, will introduce initial projects to staff, students and members of the community, as well as presenting research on the university’s carbon footprint. It will also offer an opportunity for attendees to share ideas and discuss future plans. The programme is funded by the Scottish Government’s £27 million climate challenge fund and is a joint venture between the University of Edinburgh People and Planet society and the Energy and Sustainability Office. Practical projects will include a “Pollock Carbon Challenge”, which seeks to reduce the carbon emissions of the main university residence, and a “Green Dragons’ Den” where staff and students can present their carbon reducing initiatives to a panel of

experts. The group’s Practical Programme and Engagement Officer, engineering student Tom McGrath, was positive about the success of the projects saying: “The possibilities for making Edinburgh a sustainable university are really inspiring. We’ve had input and enthusiasm from the whole university community. “Now that students are back and new people are arriving, we’re looking forward to seeing everyone’s ideas and practical involvement shape the future of Edinburgh’s green transition.” The projects come after the University of Edinburgh received a “first class” award and came top in the Scottish People and Planet’s University Green League. Transition Edinburgh University aims to take this achievement and use it to encourage citizens, businesses and organisations to reduce carbon emissions as part of the 10:10 campaign, which aims for a 10 per cent reduction by 2010. People and Planet is a UK wide network campaigning on poverty, human rights and the environment in over 120 universities, colleges and sixth forms.

People and Planet activists protest outside RBS in Edinburgh last week

Silvia Foteva

10 Academic

The Journal Wednesday 30 September 2009

Study finds possible use for 'junk' DNA Researchers have thrown light onto how a protein enables 'junk' DNA to be copy and pasted within the human genome

Chris Grainger Research by the University of Edinburgh has shed light into the process of DNA transposition which could enable the immune system to target infection more effectively. The process identified how a protein enables ‘junk’ DNA to be copy and pasted within the human genome. Dr Julia Richardson, who led the study, explains: “By forming a picture of the enzyme that causes DNA to shift, and discovering how this works, we understand more about how these proteins could be adapted and controlled. “This may one day enable genes to be pasted into cells exactly where they are needed - which could be of enormous benefit in developing gene therapies.” The cut-and-paste property of shifted DNA is now being used to develop tools for scientific research and medical applications. Learning more about transposition could help scientists understand how to control the

process and speed the development of gene therapies - which introduce into cells genes with beneficial properties that, for example, can fight hereditary diseases or cancer. Earlier this month, scientists at the University of Washington in Seattle were able to cure colourblindness in monkeys. It is, however, politically controversial, and has, in the few tests that have been carried out on humans, sometimes triggered cancer and other life-threatening complications. In May, researchers at Harvard University and the Catholic University at Leuven, Belgium published findings in Science that showed how some ‘junk’ DNA may enable organisms to adapt quickly to changes in their environment. The following month, a team of researchers at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland announced that plant ‘junk’ DNA may be key in helping scientists improve the control of gene expressions in transgenic crops. The University of Edinburgh study was funded by the Wellcome Trust and the Medical Research Council. It has been published in the journal Cell.

Artist Alan Davie finally awarded his honorary fellowship at ECA Adam Bell Artist Alan Davie has received an honorary fellowship from the Edinburgh College of Art (ECA) in a ceremony recognising his influential career. A private event was attended by 50 guests, including the principal of ECA, Ian Howard and staff from Dovecot Studios, where an exhibition entitled the ‘The Creative World of Alan Davie’ is currently running. Andrew Patrizio, ECA’s head of research, paid tribute to the artist, saying: “Edinburgh College of Art is delighted that Alan has accepted our invitation to become a most esteemed

Fellow of the College.” The octogenarian Davie said a few words in thanks and posed for shots with photographers. The reception served as an opportunity for Davie to view his latest exhibition, as well as to formally receive the fellowship, initially bestowed upon him in 2004. Davie studied at ECA from 19371941 before entering military service, serving in the artillery and manning anti-aircraft guns. Following his departure from the army he travelled Europe and was introduced to the abstract-expressionist movement, particularly the work of Jackson Pollock. These influences are present in much of Davie’s art, although he also drew inspiration from areas such as

African sculpture and Zen Buddhism. The current retrospective at Dovecot includes a wide selection of Davie’s work, taken from various stages throughout his life as an artist, a period of over 60 years. It is a showcase of his skills across the field, with pieces ranging from printmaking and painting, to sculpture and jewellery, even poetry and experimental jazz. Mr Patrizio said: “In Scotland, we proudly claim Alan Davie as one of our most illustrious artistic sons... he is a figure of national and international standing.” Davie, however, remains a modest man, having once written: “Art is something which happens to me, not something I make happen – therefore it’s ‘artless’.”

Research confirms Study challenges myths surrounding over–prescription of deeper voices are attractive mental health drugs Research at the University of Aberdeen suggests that, contrary to popular belief, GPs are not overprescribing antidepressants

Men with deeper voices have more children than men with high-pitched voices according to study Chris Grainger

Zachary Laporte

General practicioners are conservative with their antidepressant treatments, according to research by the University of Aberdeen. The team, led by Professor Ian Reid, studied over 30 GPs in four surgeries in the northeast of Scotland, and believe that their habits accurately represent national trends. It found that out of all the people who may have exhibited “significant symptoms” of depression, only half were given antidepressant treatments. According to Professor Reid, the statistics are problematic: “The current statistics just track prescription volume, not who is taking the drugs and why. “This means that if one person took all the antidepressants in one day, the usage statistic would be just the same as if everyone in the population took a proportionately smaller dose every day of the year.

“This means that the statistic is useless for determining quality of care.” Antidepressant use has trebled over the past decade in Scotland, and fears have been raised that this was the result of overprescription by GPs. The Scottish Government has committed to reduce antidepressant prescription by 10 percent, and aimed to cut the rise in

prescriptions to zero by this year. Prof Reid said that the drugs are sometimes prescribed for “obsessive compulsive disorder, pain, eating disorders, anxiety disorders: we aren’t sure just how prescriptions are distributed, and assuming that all [antidepressants] are prescribed for depression has led to lots of errors.”

Teenage girls are attracted to deeper male voices while younger girls are intimidated by them, new research from the University of St Andrews Department of Psychology has found. The study, entitled ‘Face and voice attractiveness judgments change during adolescence’, sought to examine ‘mate choice decisions’ during adolescence, a time when they are ‘becoming relevant’, according to the abstract. Tasmin Sexton, a postdoctoral researcher who led the study, said: “People start trying out adult relationships during their teenage years, and during this time we see changes in perceptions of what’s most attractive. It’s then that you’re learning about what’s attractive in a partner “It’s also a time when your peers are changing a lot in their appearance— for example, boys’ faces become more masculine, and their voices deepen in pitch—so maybe teens are responding to the changes they see around them.” Adolescents aged 11-15 were asked

to evaluate faces and voices which were digitally manipulated to be more or less masculine and deeper or higher in pitch. They found that younger girls were intimidated by the deeper voices, and associated them with characters like Darth Vader, while older ones found them more attractive. Younger boys preferred the higher pitched female voices as well, and as they got older they began to prefer less feminine, male faces. The research team concluded that this indicates that attractiveness judgments are “facultatively calibrated to the individual’s life stage, only reaching adult values upon sexual maturity when mate choice decisions become relevant”. This builds upon previous research at St Andrews. In 2006, research published by a team led by Dr David Feinberg in the journal Hormones and Behaviour found that women prefer deeper male voices when their chance of conception is higher. Recent research from a team of researchers at Harvard University corroborates these findings, showing that men with deeper voices tend to have more children than men with highpitched ones.

Student Politics 11

The Journal Wednesday 30 September 2009

External Convener brands EUSA election changes 'undemocratic' EUSA executive makes controversial changes to election rules without consulting the Student Representative Council

Megan Taylor The external affairs convener at the Edinburgh University Students’ Union (EUSA) has raised concerns over new amendments to student election guidlines made by its elected student officials. The changes enacted by the EUSA Executive Committee—which includes the four sabbatical Officers—allows non-matriculated persons to help candidates campaign, meaning non-students can aid a nominee. External Affairs Convener Katherine McMahon expressed her concerns to The Journal: “The manner in which these rules have been amended without consulting the SRC is unacceptable. While it is constitutionally permissible for the Association Executive to make these decisions on their own, it is undemocratic. “I am worried about the fact that students with support from elsewhere will be given an unfair advantage. “It makes entering into EUSA even harder than it already is for ordinary students without a vast support network, particularly for those who have not been involved before.” A main concern arising from this decision is the fact that students who are affiliated with a political party will have a major advantage over an ordinary candidate who decides to run on his or her own merit. Vice President for Academic Affairs, Evan Beswick is sticking by the joint decision and told The Journal: “It clears up a lot of confusion. When

Megan Taylor

Votes are cast at a EUSA AGM I was campaigning last year I was unsure if my friends outside the University were allowed to glue posters on to cardboard for me. The old rule didn’t reflect reality. “The claim that hordes of people are going to come up and give a particular candidate an unfair advantage is simply not true. All the student elections across the country are held at more or less the same time so it just wouldn’t be practical.” President of EUSA, Thomas Graham also agrees that eradicating the rule is a change for the better. He told The Journal: “It was a stupid rule.

“The VPAA for 2007/2008, Anna, mentioned in her acceptance speech that she’d like to thank her sister and her boyfriend for coming up from home to help her campaign. If she’d admitted to them helping before she’d won the election she would have been forced to withdraw from the race. This proves it was not very well publicised anyway and was a hard rule to stay true to.” In addition to introducing nonmatriculated people to the EUSA elections, they are now allowing any candidate to spend up to £50 of their own money on their campaign whereas previously using more extra money than

your opponents was prohibited. Furthermore, the four sabbatical officers can now for the first time run for a second term in office if they decide they would like to carry on. The changes were never officially announced and were only noticed by other EUSA members when the nominations for the first year and by-elections opened and the new rules were published alongside the old ones. Ms McMahon added: “We will be bringing up the issue at the first full council meeting on Tuesday [29 September] and we will be fighting for our voice to be heard.”

Tory student leader in double arrest bender Joe Cawley, head of Edinburgh University's Conservative and Unionist Association receives backing from Tory party officials

Megan Taylor The head of EUSA has criticised the university’s student Conservative association following the chairman’s run-in with the police last week for drunken misconduct. The new chairman of the Conservative and Unionist Association (EUCUA), Joe Cawley, was issued an on the spot fixed penalty fine of £40 from Lothian and Borders Police for a breach of the peace after an incident on Thursday 17 September. President Thomas Graham told The Journal: “It is clear that the Conservative Club have not changed their attitude towards Scotland’s drink culture and have let the Students’ Association down.” Police were called to Northumberland Place in Edinburgh’s New Town where they found two males climbing up nearby scaffolding and making unsociable amounts of noise. The 20 year-old third year Philosophy student had been drinking heavily at a nearby party shortly before he proceeded to disturb residents.

Little interest in EUSA first year and byelections

In a statement issued by Mr Cawley, he described what he could remember of the incident before profoundly apologising. He said: “There was just a ladder outside the flat and I just climbed up. I went up the scaffolding and was almost certainly being too loud. “I imagine the police turned up at the request of one of the local residents. They asked us to come down and we did, and we were given the fine. “I deeply regret the incident, it reflects badly on myself and the association. It has wasted police time and resources and I cannot apologise enough. “I like to think we all make mistakes in our time and I hope that this won’t affect my work with the Conservative Party.” Thomas Graham, President of EUSA, expressed his disappointment to The Journal, saying: “He is an individual student in a position of responsibility and we are very disappointed he has decided to act in this way. “We feel sorry for the Conservative Club who have to begin the year dealing with this. It is a great disappointment especially after the success of Edinburgh’s Fresher’s Week which

"I have no plans to leave the post at the moment; short of David Cameron calling up and telling me to leave.”

had such an emphasis on non-alcohol related events.” The students’ association went on to explain that action could not and would not be taken against individual students based on their actions outside the university. The chairman also revealed he had no intention of resigning, saying: “I’ll stay in the post unless Central Office say otherwise. I have no plans to leave the post at the moment; short of David Cameron calling up and telling me to leave.” The Scottish Conservatives are standing by Mr Cawley. A spokesman told The Journal: “Joe Cawley has apologised and as far as we are concerned that is the end of the matter.” Last year’s chairman and author of the conservative gossip blog ‘Tory Bear’, Harry Cole told the The Journal: “It seems Joe took the celebrating the resurgance of the Conservative Party on campus a little too far. I would be pretty chuffed to now have more members than all the other parties on campus. “It would have been a tragedy for the student papers if he hadn’t been more notorious than his predecessor though.”

Edinburgh University Student Association (EUSA) President Thomas Graham insists he’s not worried despite a distinct lack of interest in the lesser positions currently open for candidates in by- and first year elections. With nominations due to close this week, only 11 people had announced their intention to run for the 106 seats available, with no contested place thus far. Mr Graham remains confident that the impressive turnout in the general election last March will be echoed in these forthcoming by- and first year elections. He told The Journal: “I am confident that we will encourage many students to stand for positions. The feedback we’ve had from freshers only just in the first week of nominations is promising.” With EUSA’s entire working system under scrutiny for being too complicated and a long overdue governance review expected later this academic year, some of the roles available may seem daunting to any returning student or Fresher who is totally new to the world of student politics. Out of the positions available, the majority will gain a seat on the Student Representative Council (SRC). Last year, third year Religious Studies student Chris Champion was elected as a New College Ordinary Representative and explained to The Journal his main role and responsibilities: “I met with students and discussed their issues and relayed them back to the rest of the council. I also helped organise events at New College with the other SRC members.” Asked whether he found the role a good use of his time, Mr Champion replied: “Yes, it was good in terms of voting on issues that matter to students. I also got the opportunity to attend and speak at last year’s NUS extraordinary conference which was something I would not have been allowed to do had I not been in that position. “Although I guess I felt with the other three positions at New College it did kind of feel that the ordinary member position was there just to make up numbers.” Meanwhile, at Edinburgh Napier University, two vacancies were made available on the Napier Student Association (NSA) Executive - a Faculty of Engineering, Computing & Creative Industries (FECCI) Officer and a Postgraduate Student Officer. Nominations closed on Wednesday 30 September. EUSA elections will take place on Wednesday 7 and Thursday 8 October 2009. The votes will be cast electronically through the MyEd online portal and only fully matriculated students are able to vote.

12 Student Politics

The Journal Wednesday 30 September 2009

Liberal Democrats court UoE student vote

With Edinburgh South a main target seat for the Liberal Democracts, campaigning for student votes has begun Joe Pike The Liberal Democrats have been courting the votes of students at the University of Edinburgh with visits by high-profile party figures. Jo Swinson MP, the party’s foreign affairs spokesperson and Tavish Scott MSP, leader of the Scottish Liberal Democrats, made visits to the university campus in freshers’ week to highlight their efforts at engaging students. The Edinburgh South constituency of incumbent Labour MP Nigel Griffiths is number one on the Lib Dem’s list of target seats in Scotland. The 2005 general election saw

Quickfire with Tavish Scott Q. Best friend in politics? A. Inside my party: [former Scottish Lib Dem leader] Nicol Stephen. Outside my party: [independent MSP] Margo McDonald. Q. Most formidable political opponent? A. Alex Salmond. Q. Earliest political memory? A. Joe Grimmond, former MP for Orkney at Shetland coming to my parents’ house to canvass for votes in the 1960s. Q. Political hero? A. Joe Grimmond. Q. Political villain? A. Norman Tebbit. Q. Blair or Brown? A. Neither. Q. Campbell or Kennedy? A. Kennedy. Q. Must-watch TV programme? A. Have I Got News For You. Q. Best thing about your job? A. Meeting people and getting out of parliament. Q. Worst? A. Meeting people who are telling you you’re doing an awful job. Q. If you hadn’t become a politician, what would you be? A. God only knows. Something in sport and business. Q. How do you relax? A. By having four children. Q. Do you have more or less notches on your bedpost than Nick Clegg? A. A question I wouldn’t begin to answer.

Labour win in the constituency by just 405 votes, making the seat the ninth most marginal in the UK. Mr Griffiths has faced a tough local climate since the News of the World published an article earlier in the year alleging the married MP “cavorted with a naked brunette in his Parliamentary office on Remembrance Day.” The Lib Dems prospective candidate for Edinburgh South, Fred Mackintosh has intensified his campaign for the seat in preparation for a 2010 general election. He said: “We’re aiming for a 6 May election which is good for students because they’re still here to vote”. Mr Mackintosh said that issues of student hardship were key to his party’s agenda: “I am confident that our general election manifesto will include a pledge to scrap tuition fees”. He continued: “Student income is inadequate, especially at this time of recession when graduate unemployment and house prices are high. We need to work hard to prevent students from getting into debt.” Edinburgh South includes Marchmont, Newington and Sciennes, popular residential areas amongst students. Scottish Lib Dem leader Tavish Scott visited Bristo Square and Teviot Row House to sign a pledge supporting a National Union of Students “Overstretched and Overdrawn” campaign which aims to get the Scottish government to recognise the financial challenge facing students. He told The Journal: “It’s very important that the Scottish government now ensure that the £30 million they’ve allocated to helping students comes to fruition. My worry would be that at a time of spending constraint they will find other things to spend money on.” Discussing the issue of higher education funding, he commented: “It’s the biggest challenge we all face.” Mr Scott, a graduate of Edinburgh’s Napier College—now Edinburgh Napier University—highlighted the potential problems Scotland could face if the funding situation changed further in England: “We know there’ll be a lot less money around in public terms. So Scotland’s going to have to react to that. We must make sure that our universities, not just here in Edinburgh but across the country, remain world-class.” Liam Burns, President of the National Union of Students (NUS) Scotland said: “We welcome the cross-party support for our proposals, which not only provide grants to the very poorest students and support for student parents, but starts us on the road to dealing with the reality of the current economic climate for students in alleviating commercial debt, and stopping Scotland’s students from becoming even more overdrawn and overstretched.” The issue of higher education under independence has come to the fore since the Scottish Governments recent announcement that they intend to hold a referendum on the issue as early as 2010. Asked what the state of universities would be like in an independent Scotland, Tavish Scott said: “My concern is that there wouldn’t be the money to keep our universities world class. There won’t be money to do everything the SNP want to do. Universities wouldn’t be the top priority, would they?” He continued: “You’ve got to put up an embassy in every country in the world and you’ve got to make sure a Scottish army exists and a Scottish navy exists. How do you make our universities compete with that? It’s just a distraction from making sure we keep our universities where they need to be.”

PM ready to make cuts to Britain's nuclear fleet Gordon Brown accused of tokenism as plans are made for one of the UK's four Trident nuclear submarines to be scrapped Neil Bennet

Mr Scott said the Lib Dems would not go into coalition with the SNP in the Scottish Parliament during the current term, but didn’t rule out a deal after the next Holyrood elections. He commented: “The current position in this parliament is that the SNP are a minority government and they’ll continue as that for the remainder of this parliament. I’m not going to prejudge what the state of politics will be after 2011. What I do know is that independence is not the right way forward for Scotland and I wouldn’t support it.” Jo Swinson, who serves as MP for East Dunbartonshire in addition to her foreign affairs brief, visited George Square to speak in a debate on “rebuilding our broken political system”. Until the Norwich by-election of July this year Swinson was the youngest

MP in parliament and has a particular interest in issues affecting young women, having chaired a policy paper called “Real Women” over the past year. Ms Swinson described the work to The Journal: “We looked at tackling the pay gap, flexible working hours, measures for protecting young women travelling at night. Specifically, safety request stops on buses late at night. “Incidentally, that would protect men too. Statistics show the final mile of a late night to be the most dangerous.” Swinson also discussed representation of women in the media: “We recognise the pressures that young girls and women are under everyday with airbrushed images of women being shown to them by the media. We’d expect any photographs that had been touched up to come labelled.”

Having announced preliminary plans to reduce the number of nuclear submarines from four to three, Prime Minister Gordon Brown has faced criticism for maintaining any at all. The UK’s present complement of four Vanguard class nuclear-armed submarines, based at Faslane naval base near Helensburgh on the west coast of Scotland, will start reaching the end of their operational lifetimes in the next ten years, prompting the government to reach a decision regarding their replacement. Morag Balfour, vice chair of the Scottish Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND), told The Journal: “I find myself somewhat underwhelmed by Gordon Brown’s plan to limit Trident’s replacement to three boats. When that joyous day comes, we will still retain enough fire-power to obliterate a nation or two. “Mr Brown must do better than this, for all our sakes. We can’t afford these weapons morally, legally or economically.” During a speach made at the UN General Assembly in New York last week, Mr Brown said his proposal was a “grand global bargain between nuclear weapon and non-nuclear weapons states”. Prime Minister Brown said: “All nuclear weapons states must reciprocally play their part in reducing nuclear weapons as part of an agreement by non nuclear states to renounce them. “This is exactly what the Non-Proliferation Treaty intended. In line with maintaining our nuclear deterrent I have asked our national security committee to report to me on the potential future reduction of our nuclear weapon submarines from four to three.” There have been further reports that the government will also consider reducing the number of nuclear warheads before the non-proliferation treaty conference in May next year. The Guardian has reported that officials are actively considering reducing its 160 operationally available warheads when the present system is replaced. Anti-nuclear and peace campaigners welcomed the move, but were disappointed that an opportunity for a larger step towards full disarmament seems to have been missed. In a response published on their website, Kate Hudson, chair of the CND warned: “The reality is that if the nuclear weapons states maintain and rearm their nuclear weapons, this will encourage other states to acquire nuclear weapons.”

National Politics 13

The Journal Wednesday 30 September 2009

SNP unveil Scottish budget awash with cuts Cutbacks put down to £500 million reduction imposed by Westminister say ministers at Holyrood Joe Pike John Swinney, the Scottish finance minister, has unveiled the SNP’s proposed £35bn budget for the next year. The budget included significant cuts in funding to many government departments, which ministers at Holyrood have claimed is a result of a £500 million reduction imposed by Westminster aimed at improving efficiency. Mr Swinney said: “In light of the difficult financial climate that we face, as a responsible government we have therefore had to face difficult choices about where to reduce planned spending next year”. Areas having to absorb significant cuts include housing and regeneration which faces a £253 million reduction, and enterprise with a fall of £76 million. The Scottish Government also aim to save £14 million through efficiency savings in their administrative costs. Areas benefiting from the proposed budget include health with an increase of £263 million and the police service which sees a rise of £6 million. Most controversial among the cuts is the decision to scrap Glasgow’s £120 million airport rail link, a key part of the city’s infrastructure ahead of its hosting of the Commonwealth Games in 2014. Mr Swinney added: “I have been determined to act in a way that protects jobs, supports families and communities and keeps our investment in skills,

innovation and our industries of the future.” Labour finance spokesman Andy Kerr said Mr Swinney was responsible for the cuts: “Like the latter-day Sweeney Todd, the demon barber of Fleet Street, he’s been caught in the act standing over the body.” Mr Kerr continued: “What is that body? It’s the Glasgow Airport Rail Link and the jobs and the economic impact that we would’ve had.” The Liberal Democrats’ Jeremy Purvis attacked the Scottish Government as a whole in his response to the budget, commenting that it “does not address the key needs, nor does it make some of the changes that we will have to see in the coming year.” Conservative finance spokesman Derek Brownlee said the rail link decision was due to Labour’s cuts continuing: “It won’t be the last, given the state the public finances are in.” The scrapping of the Glasgow Rail Link led the leader of Labour-controlled Glasgow City Council, Steven Purcell, to claim that “the Scottish Government has a clear anti-Glasgow agenda.” Mr Purcell suggested that nationalist heartlands in east and north east Scotland were being given sizeable investment while Scotland’s biggest city got “the crumbs off the table.” The Scottish Government has denied the allegations with Finance Secretary John Swinney pointing out the project’s rising costs and the fact that “Glasgow commands the highest level of per-person funding from the Scottish Government in local authority spending, in any

mainland local authority.” University students faired well from the announcement, with much of the £49m reduction in the education budget coming from teacher training. Higher education funding will rise by £22m. Liam Burns, president of the National Union of Students (NUS) Scotland, said: “I’m over the moon that we’ve seen a year on year increase in funding for higher education. Hopefully

this will allow time for a bit of perspective on the higher education funding debate which is looming, and put a stop to irrational calls for tuition fees to be reintroduced in Scotland.” Mr Burns continued: “I think it’s important to remember however that there is still a cut compared to what was budgeted for this year compared to the initial spending review in 2007. The issue of how we keep Scottish

universities funded to a broadly comparable level with the rest of the UK is not going to go away any time soon.” A spokesperson for Universities Scotland, the body which represents the 20 higher education institutions north of the border, said: “In this budget the Scottish government has put universities right at the heart of its strategies for economic recovery and we very much welcome that.”

Lib Dems may drop commitment to scrap English tuition fees Party leader Nick Clegg admits that policy may fall as part of wider cuts Nick Eardley Liberal Democrat leader Nick Glegg has admitted that the party may be forced to abandon its flagship policy to scrap tuition fees in England as part of “serious and bold” cuts to public spending. Clegg said that whilst the party was fundamentally opposed to the fees, it would be wrong to promise to abandon the charges in the current economic climate. Speaking at the party’s conference in Bournemouth, Mr Clegg said: “I believe that tuition fees are wrong, I believe they need to be abolished, I want to do it as soon as possible. “But we need to treat people like grown-ups, and we need to be realistic. Ending tuition fees would cost billions of pounds every year. We need to be certain we can afford it before we make any promises.” The admission came as part of the Lib Dems annual conference, at which Clegg also said that he would be prepared to drop any policies that proved too expensive in the event that his party are in power after the next election. Although a pledge to scrap tuition fees is included in the Fresh Start for Britain document ratified by the

conference, the report also includes the caveat that any policies which “required public investment will only be introduced as and when resources can be identified by cutting public spending elsewhere”. The move has provoked debate within the party, with former party leader Charles Kennedy alluding to the problems of dropping flagship policies. Speaking to BBC 1’s Andrew Marr Show, Mr Kennedy said that the promises had served the party well, adding: “In terms of parliamentary reality these groups were very important to us at the last election—some of the gains that we made not least against Labour.”

"We need to be certain we can afford it before we make any promises.” Lib Dem pensions spokesperson, Steve Webb, has also warned against the negative message being portrayed by the party, saying that more hope was needed in their electoral messages. However, the message has been warmly received by the youth wing of the party. Elaine Bagshaw, chair of Liberal Youth, told The Journal: “The party has no plans to drop its commitment to scrap tuition fees. “We realise that we’re currently

in a tough economic climate, and we wouldn’t be able to implement all our plans in one go.” She added: “We must accept the point that Nick Clegg has put across,

which is that it is time for the Liberal Democrats to get serious about what we can practically achieve as a Liberal Democrat government in the current economic climate.

“We cannot expect to fulfill every policy commitment that the Liberal Democrats have ever made in one parliamentary term, or possibly even two, given the state of the economy.”

The Journal Wednesday 30 September 2009

Comment 15

Comment Discussion&Debate

First, improve Scottish education Annabel Goldie tells The Journal how the Scottish Conservatives intend to prioritise reform of education in Scotland Annabel Goldie MSP


ne of Scotland’s proudest legacies is its education system. Since medieval times, Scotland has always been at the forefront of teaching, and the list of Scottish writers, philosophers, economists, inventors and others is an incredible testament to our academic history. Sadly Scotland is no longer a world leader in this field. In the ten years since devolution spending has doubled, but standards have flatlined. Despite spending £4.7 billion per year, Scottish pupils have fallen below the international average in Maths and Science. We are now even falling behind English schools. It is bad enough not qualifying for the World Cup, but when our schools are being overtaken as well, something has to change. Labour and the SNP have proven beyond all doubt that just increasing spending doesn’t improve standards. That is just as well, as the damage done to the public finances means that we can no longer just increase spending to disguise the structural faults in the system. Recent governments have avoided real reform and either tinkered with meaningless additions such as universal free school meals, or promised the impossible. Only last week Fiona Hyslop had to abandon her plan to reduce class sizes to 18 in Primary 1-3. This was a policy that was hugely expensive, impossible to implement, and designed as a political scam rather than as part of a coherent agenda to improve schools. Scotland deserves better. I believe that we need change in our schools. We need to get away from the current centralised bureaucracy and move towards devolving choice towards people who work in and use our schools. That’s where the Scottish Conservatives enter this debate. We believe that there are three areas where we can improve choice and also improve standards in education. We want to drive up standards of attainment by improving testing for primary school pupils. We want to deal with discipline in schools by creating second chance centres. Most importantly we want to radically improve schools by introducing a policy allowing parents to choose which state school their child attends. While improving testing to drive up reading, writing and arithmetic is self explanatory, our other two policies need a little more explanation. Discipline is a huge problem in Scotland’s schools. Every ninety seconds a child is excluded from school. Every ten

minutes a staff member is attacked. This is Scotland we are talking about - it seems incredible, but these are the government’s own figures. And the bulk of the problem comes from a small minority of children. It is these continually disruptive pupils we want to deal with. The way we will change this is by removing them from the classroom and sending them to Second Chance Centres. These centres are the best place to educate disruptive pupils so they can learn to work in a mainstream environment. But crucially, while the disruptive pupil is learning this, the rest of the class is unaffected. That leads to better teaching, better results, and better overall attainment for Scotland. But dealing with disruptive pupils is not enough. There is a gulf between schools; if you live in an area with a good school that’s great, but if you don’t, then your whole life can be affected. It’s great to get to University, but only 30 percent of students come from socially deprived areas, as opposed to the 60 percent from wealthier locations. That is not fair, it is not right, and the fact that no other party is prepared to address this is a scandal. That is what the Scottish Conservatives school choice policy is all about. Every child has the right to go to a good state school. If their local school is not of high enough quality, then they should have the right to attend a better one even if it is in a different catchment area. And by attaching a premium to pupils from the worst off areas, there is an incentive for schools to work harder at helping those in the worst areas. As Conservatives we believe in giving people more control over their lives, and this informs our educational policy. So we want to give parents more choice over which school their child attends. We want to give teachers control over their classrooms. We want to give headteachers control over their schools in areas such as exclusion and recruitment. This is what we stand for as a party. We want the best education for everyone. We believe in giving people from every walk of life the best opportunity that we can. And we believe the way to do that is to give people more choice and control over their own lives. That is a core belief for Conservatives, and one that is just as relevant and important in a recession as at any other time. That is how we believe we can raise the standard of education in Scotland. Annabel Goldie MSP is leader of the Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party. For more information about the Scottish Conservative plans for education please go to

16 Comment

The Journal Wednesday 30 September 2009

Falling dangerously behind Any debate on university funding should include a frank discussion of tuition fees, and have the preservation of quality at its core Thomas Graham It’s just a decade since we decided to scrap upfront tuition fees in Scotland and just over a year since the Scottish Government decided to scrap the graduate endowment. In Scotland we’re lucky to have free education. The question is, can it last? The answer isn’t clear, but much depends on what happens in England. This year there will be a review into Higher Education funding there—a review that will consider whether the cap on fees should be lifted. We have already seen the calls for fees south of the border to increase. From ridiculous proposals from the CBI, to smug Vice-Chancellors simply waiting for the fees to go up, there is very much a sense that it is inevitable. The question being discussed by the Vice-Chancellors is whether it’ll go up to £5k or £7k, not whether it will go up at all. Recently, we’ve seen the most damaging proposals yet. The CBI’s

suggestion that we scrap student support entirely and increase funding for universities through the extra cash this releases is outrageous. Don’t get me wrong—I’m all for increased funding for universities, but at the expense of everyone but the wealthiest? No thanks. It’s not even just those who are poorest or most disadvantaged that would miss out as a result of this proposal. I suspect that many of you reading this, like me, couldn’t afford to be at university without a student loan. In Scotland we are faced with two immense challenges. Firstly, we don’t give students enough financial support to last them through a year. Secondly, we are already falling behind England and this gap will increase if fees do go up. The Scottish Government has allocated £30m to improving student support in Scotland, but this doesn’t go far enough. Small improvements can be made with this money, but the minimum loan in Scotland is just £915 compared to £3564 in England. It’s an unpleasant fact, but as a result of the fees system in England, students in

England receive a much more generous financial support package. At the moment universities are funded in Scotland at a level which is supposedly “broadly comparable” to England. For example, Edinburgh University receives £4,165 for each social science student it teaches. If we were in Manchester, that figure would be £7,172. Now of course, if you do the maths, you’ll realise that without the student’s tuition fee the Scottish Government does actually give more cash to the university, but that doesn’t really matter—the outcome is that our universities are falling behind their English counterparts already. All this leads to a pretty uncomfortable situation. We’ve already seen calls from people like the former head of Universities Scotland (he was also the previous Vice-Chancellor at Edinburgh University) for the reintroduction of fees so we can keep up. We face some really tough decisions: do we want to have world class universities if the Scottish Government won’t stand by it’s commitment to fund them from general taxation? Is a free education

with poor student support better than a paid for education with less barriers? And if we did have to pay, how would you stop it being a barrier like fees are in England? There aren’t easy answers to these questions, but we do have to have answers to them soon. To me though, one thing is clear—we must have world-class higher education in Scotland. Scottish students deserve to have access to top-class institutions and Scotland badly needs them to secure its future economic prosperity. I will be at the forefront of the campaign to ensure that the Scottish Government meets its commitment to keep our universities fully funded. However, there’s a real chance that it will become apparent that they cannot meet that commitment. We cannot shirk our responsibility to the students of tomorrow by failing to engage in the discussion of alternative funding models if it comes. We must be at the forefront of the debate, putting students needs above Vice-Chancellor’s wants. What is clear is that there will continue to be calls for upfront tuition

Enter the dragon

It may be the lack of political freedom in China which sees it take the lead on combatting climate change

Marthe Lamp Sandvik “One or twice a year we are invited to attend an important climate change event such as this one,” Mohammed Naseed, president of the Maldives, told a United Nations climate change summit in New York last week. “Deep down, we know you are not really listening.” With every inconsequential summit on climate change, the chance of avoiding a potentially catastrophic rise in global temperatures, and of saving vulnerable countries like the Maldives from devastation, becomes slimmer. The world’s two biggest emitters of carbon, the United States and China—together responsible for 40 per cent of world emissions—are due to meet together with other UN member states in Copenhagen this December. It is becoming increasingly clear that the outcome of this climate conference is vital to the long-term prospects of mankind. Global carbon emissions have not gone down since the Kyoto protocol came into force in 2001; in fact since 1997 they have increased by 25 percent. The question is: how can global warming be counteracted if the two largest emitters cannot find a way of working together to combat it? In April, the London G20 summit demonstrated that it is in fact possible for world leaders to work together to deliver a cohesive solution to a major global problem. But whereas the prospect of economic collapse had an immediate sobering effect on world leaders, climate change seems to have ended up on the bottom of the ‘to do’ list. The worst effects of global warming will be endured by our children and the next generation, and not the voters

who decide the political fate of leaders such as Gordon Brown in forthcoming general elections. Expensive measures to combat climate change, potentially at the cost of jobs and services and with little immediately visible impact, are inevitably seen as a political risk. It’s here that the Chinese government have a freer hand than their Western counterparts. An oft-quoted estimate has it that the Chinese economy needs to maintain an annual growth rate of eight percent to ward off large-scale civil unrest, and political tensions continue to bubble in many parts of the country. But Hu Jintao’s government, freed from the need to win re-election in an open vote, are able to pursue long-term goals with relative impunity. The ambitions of China’s leaders

Yvo de Boer, the UN’s leading climate official said he expected Beijing to become the “world leader“ when it came to dealing with climate change extend far beyond rocketing economic growth and raising living standards to western levels. As proved by the enormous importance attached to last year’s Beijing Olympics, the Chinese government is intent on securing international prestige and authority to match the country’s economic might. This might be a reason why their leader has pledged to reduce China’s carbon intensity and emissions by “a notable margin” by 2020, and to focus more on renewable and nuclear energy. The last point is vital, as China’s GDP

is growing at a fast pace, its emissions and energy needs are likely to continue to grow for the foreseeable future. However, the recent details of the country’s plans lead to hopes that their government might take a serious stance on one of the most pressing issues of the 21st century. Yvo de Boer, the UN’s leading climate official said he expected Beijing to become the “world leader“ when it came to dealing with climate change. Whether the United States, who failed to ratify the Kyoto Protocol, will have anything to bring to the table will be dependant on the passage through Congress of the Waxman-Markey bill, which pledges a cut in emissions by 25 percent from 1990 levels by 2020. Since its approval by the House of Representatives, the bill has stalled in Washington’s upper chamber, where bills on climate change tend to be regarded with less concern for the latest scientific evidence than for the powerful political interests vested in industrial and financial institutions. It looks increasingly unlikely that any legislation will be in place before Copenhagen, leaving Barack Obama unable to commit to firm targets on emissions cuts, and making the US a threat to the passing of a multilateral treaty. China’s refusal to commit to any reduction in carbon emissions in 2001 served as an excuse for the American Senate not to ratify the Kyoto protocol. Ironically, we might end up seeing a second failure by the Americans to pledge anything of substance in Copenhagen providing the Chinese with a lead role on international climate change. Marthe Lamp Sandvik is Comment Editor of The Journal.

fees. We scrapped fees in Scotland a decade ago because they don’t work. Two-thirds of the students who didn’t come to university this year did so because of their worries about the financial pressures they would face. We need to support schools and families with the lowest progression rates to engage in higher education, not put them off with a plan that has £10,000 debt written on the front cover. It’s our job to make sure that whatever happens, we end up with a system of support and funding for our universities that has equal access at its core. We must ensure no one misses out on university because they are put off by the price tag. The debate is coming and I can’t urge you enough to get involved when it happens. It’s our collective responsibility to make sure, whatever the outcome of the present discussion, that every student has the best possible opportunity to go to university. Thomas Graham is president of the Edinburgh University Students' Association

Comment 17

The Journal Wednesday 30 September 2009


Is human evolution over? Neil Bennet


Starting-up in a downturn Mark Strudwick CBE, Chief Executive of leading Scottish charity, The Prince’s Scottish Youth Business Trust explains why a graduate jobs crisis might be the perfect time to go into business Mark Strudwick Over the last 18 months, there’s no doubt that the country has been badly affected by the global economic downturn. These difficult financial times have hit us all hard and the business community is no different. Businesses are struggling, but many others seem to be thriving nonetheless. Last year PSYBT saw a dramatic increase in the amount of young people selecting the route of self-employment, with 621 individuals starting up in business with our help. This was a 9% increase on 2007, and since starting our new financial year in June, the increase has been phenomenal. In July it increased by 107%, and by 70% in August, with September set to do the same. There are many reasons for this, but with youth unemployment at its highest in 15 years, many young people currently have to find and make their own opportunities. Amongst this group 18-24 year-olds have been the hardest hit. Many have left education to face an ever decreasing job market. For them self-employment is the more viable and often only option. Peter McLean of The Foodie Company Ltd and Chloe Patience and Mhairi McNicol of Bebaroque are two such examples of this. Peter decided to launch his own business after leaving University and has never looked back. Graduating in Hospitality Management from Napier University, Peter recognised a gap in the market for a modern Scottish Hamper and created Foodieboxes. Foodieboxes, which are crammed full of locally sourced, high quality food, aim to modernise hampers and support

other young Scottish food manufacturing companies. Since launching, Foodieboxes have proven to be hugely popular with products being sent to customers all over the world. Due to their popularity, Peter has now opened his own retail outlet, The Foodie Company shop in Edinburgh. Future plans include the launch of Foodie Gadgets, selling coffee machines, pizza slicers and other kitchen essentials. Peter’s entrepreneurial skills were rewarded earlier this year when he received a BT Scotland Young Entrepreneurs Award for ‘Most Visionary Business’. Creative designers Chloe Patience, 27, and Mhairi McNicol, 25, graduated in textiles at the Glasgow School of Art in 2005 and went on to gain masters qualifications in textiles and fashion. Their unique designs of printed and embroidered hosiery are now selling in

stores all over the world. With interest mounting in online sales, the two are delighted with their future prospects. Since starting up in business in July 2007, they have also accumulated a number of prestigious awards including ‘Scottish Accessory Designer of the Year’ at the Scottish Fashion Awards 2008, and more recently ‘PSYBT Business Awards Regional Winner 2009’. Bebaroque is gaining a very sound reputation throughout the industry, and their success looks set to continue. This year PSYBT reaches a major milestone by celebrating its 20th anniversary. Since launching in 1989, we’ve helped more than 11,000 young people to start up over 9,000 businesses and invested over £31 million back into Scotland’s economy. Essentially PSYBT provides critical finance and professional support to people in Scotland aged 18-25, whoever they are and wherever they come from, so that they can

set up and run their own business. As ‘lenders of last resort’ to aspiring young entrepreneurs, and with a particular commitment to help support the most disadvantaged members of society, PSYBT often works with individuals that may otherwise struggle to access mainstream banking products and services. PSYBT works very closely with Business Gateway, local authorities, accountants, lawyers, bankers, training providers, colleges and universities, voluntary organisations and a whole host of other partners to support young people in business. As well as providing grants and ‘soft loans’, a critical additional element of PSYBT’s offering to young people is its unique package of ‘aftercare’ support, or ongoing business mentoring. A team of 600 volunteers from Scotland’s business community help to deliver this free advice service. Self-employment has always been considered a risky option but those who have done it will tell you that it’s rewarding, flexible, fun, and best of all, you’re your own boss. It’s not always about having an ingenious idea or inventing a revolutionary new product. Many people start up in business because they have a skill or a hobby that they have developed into a business. For example, handmade stationery companies, dog walkers, jewellery designers, childcare providers, kitchen fitters, gardeners, clothes designers, handmade chocolate companies, window cleaners and furniture makers, to name just a few. It’s clear that the future is uncertain and especially so in these difficult financial times; however, there has also never been a better time to seek out new opportunities. Mark Strudwick is the CEO of the Prince's Scottish Youth Business Trust

Professor Steve Jones began the first in this year’s series of Enlightenment talks at the University of Edinburgh with a map of Thomas More’s Utopia. Professor Jones’s controversial lecture, “Is human evolution over?” signals Utopia as a vision of an ideal future, and he goes on to argue that we have indeed reached this point— genetically. We are treated to a quick lesson in evolutionary theory, where Professor Jones explains what’s necessary for evolution to take place. First, it requires mutation on which to act; there need to be differences in order for those differences to be selected. Next, selection has to take place, either through differences in survival rates or differences in reproductive success. Finally, evolutionary change can also occur through genetic drift; that is, more or less random changes in the gene frequencies in populations. Each of these have, arguably, been made impotent in the developed world. There’s been no great increase in mutation rates and, due to economic development and other improvements, survival rates have rocketed while fertility rates have fallen. This means “opportunity for selection” has been dramatically reduced. Lastly, considering that evolutionary change relies to a large extent on inbreeding in small populations, genetic drift has largely lost its power due to growth in worldwide travel and cosmopolitanism. All of this, however, comes with some caveats. Firstly, we are talking about evolution in the popular sense, rather than using a geneticist’s definition. And, as Jones admits, his argument only really applies to the developed world and doesn’t hold with regard to the rest of the globe. So in one sense Jones makes a reasonable assertion in saying, “human evolution is over” in the developed, global north. The real problem with Jones’s argument is that his way of framing the discussion is trapped in an Enlightenment conception of progress. Contrary to popular belief, evolution doesn’t have a singular direction. Organisms necessarily started off simple before some could become more complex. But complexity is not a measure of success— some of the most evolutionary successful organisms are unicellular bacteria. Nor is complexity a measure of superiority. The anthropocentric idea of a general progression from “lower”, simpler organisms to “higher”, more complex ones is idealist and echoes prevalent ideas from and prior to Darwin’s day about the nature of progress in human history. Jones might very well understand all of this but his popular writing and discussion, which cites Utopia as the goal of evolutionary progress, does little to help public understanding of how these theories might apply to our society. Maybe human evolution is over—so what? Contrary to Jones’s conclusion, this doesn’t mean we are living in Utopia—we can’t look for idealism in our genes. Things can and will continue to change; the forms that society have taken have evolved much faster than our biological make up. If we want to change the world, or build a ‘Utopia’, it will be achieved through social action, not natural selection. Neil Bennet is a graduate student at the Institute for the Study of Science, Technology and Innovation. Professor Steve Jones is head of the Department of Genetics, Evolution and Environment at UCL.

18 Editorial

The Journal Wednesday 30 September 2009

Letters Re: Wikipedia abolishes unrestricted editing


Dear Sir/Madam,

Too many cooks Scotch Broth used to be on the menu at Pollock Halls’ John McIntyre Centre (JMC) restaurant rather frequently. Though such humble fare may no longer be welcome following the recent refurbishment of the facilities at the JMC, the former staple was no doubt chosen for the flexibility and ease of its preparation – just throw whatever cheap ingredients you have to hand into a pot, and it practically cooks itself. Its seems as if this government is determined to prove that higher education policy can be produced in the same way, and presumes that no matter what the quality of the end product is, students will—much like at the JMC—keep lining up for more. The past few weeks have seen a flurry of proposals, counter proposals, opprobrium and recrimination in the media, with every interested party seemingly determined to put forward its own ideas on how to fund Britain’s universities, at the expense of all others. As is reported in this issue of The Journal, Lord Sutherland, the former head of Universities Scotland, has called for the reintroduction of tuition fees north of the Border; n England, the head of the Russell Group of researchled universities has called for a graduate tax to fill the gap. The Confederation of British Industry has called for ‘middle-class’ families to pay up to £5,000 in tuition, couching a highly unpopular

suggestion in highly unpopular language. At their party conference, the Liberal Democrats nearly self-immolated over the suggestion that Nick Clegg might drop the party’s pledge to ax university fees. Meanwhile, the shining examples of good fiscal management of higher education across the water—the Unites States’ Ivy League universities—have posted huge losses in endowment funding, showing that where the state fails, the market can’t always be expected to provide. If ideas are in abundance, it is merely because leadership is at a premium. Consider the absurd image of government minister David Lammy boldly standing by Labour’s pledge to put 50 percent of school leavers through higher education at the same time as his department fines universities for recruiting too many students. If the state’s response to the problem is ridiculous, then that of student and academic representatives is often vain. Liam Burns of NUS Scotland is quick to criticise the CBI’s statements, but fails to find common cause with its desire to see quality valued over quantity. Likewise, the University and College Union is noble in its defense of affordable degrees; its record on addressing academic feedback quality is less illustrious, and the group did not cover itself in glory in demanding a 9 percent pay rise earlier this year just as inflation crossed

into negative territory. Who, then, is missing from this heady stew of vested interests and partisan positions? It is, unsurprisingly, the students themselves who are being left out of the crowded debate, and whose interests, despite the density of views being offered in their name, are nonetheless poorly managed. That it takes an OECD report to measure the degree to which students are being short changed by the higher education system in the UK—to the tune of £2.7 billion in relation to our European neighbours—is a apt illustration of this. In this new age of austerity, when the political discourse revolves around the idea of cutbacks, it is perhaps also apt that the solution which readily recommends itself is to pair back the discourse. The old adage about too many cooks is particularly pertinent in this case, when the many players are unable to interact with each other in a useful manner. When the answer to so many intractable global problems, from climate change through global poverty to the financial crisis, is to hold a summit, perhaps Britain’s voices on higher education funding should sit down together to hear each other’s arguments, arguably for the first time. So long as it is the students who are the only ones stirring the pot.

Power to the people Reform means different things to different people. In the mid nineteenth century, the Chartists fought for universal suffrage and the end of the dominance of the landed classes in parliament, while at the start of the twentieth, the Suffragettes spearheaded the campaign to include the right to vote for women in the reform debates of the time. In present day Scotland, one of the key reform topics is the relationship between the parliaments at Holyrood and Westminster, whilst for others the focus lies with the often unrepresentative system which is used to elect members of the parliament in London. However, whether in chaining one’s self to railings or voting in the referrendum that called for the reestablishment of a Scottish Parliament, all reform movements seem to have at their core an extraordinary interaction between ordinary members of society and the powers that seek to represent them. The serious questions that have been asked of the relationship between elected representatives and those who elect them in the wake of the expenses controversy, only serve to further highlight the need for the opinions of the most important component of any democratic society - the electorate - to have their say, and in a meaningful way. The devastating impact the recent

scandal has had on the trust that the public has in parliamentarians has been well documented, whilst growing public apathy, exemplified in a declining turnout reaching below 60 per cent in 2001, highlights that an increasing number of people are disenfranchised with the current political system. In many ways the general election that will be held within the next nine months will be a crossroads for democracy in Britain. The three main parties at Westminster all have ideas about how to reform the parliamentary system and, despite the sizable damage that has been done to the reputation of parliament, the chance to embrace change is one that many see as positive. Most importantly, it presents the opportunity to invoke a raft of measures that have the potential to strengthen British democracy. Power2010 offers a fascinating opportunity for the public to engage with the process of reforming the British parliamentary system that is slowly grinding into action at Westminster. Rather than presenting another MP filled committee inquiry that is confined to the corridors of power, the project will give the thousands of people throughout Britain who have ideas about how to make the parliamentary system more accessible and engaging the chance to

Home rule needed on alcohol

have their voices heard. Through this campaign we will begin to see indications of the changes that have the ability to reinvigorate trust in the political process. It would be difficult to try and predict the results of such a survey given that one of the main attributes of the process is that people will be able to suggest whatever changes they believe are necessary; those suggestions that may at first glance provide difficult reading for the powers that be, are those that may be the most important. It is these potentially far reaching suggestions - changes to the electoral system and public interaction with parliament to name but two - that have the ability to give a new lease of life to the decaying relationship between the represented and their representatives. The success of Power2010 rests on its potential to interact with a wide mix of the electorate, and then the ability of campaigners to lobby for support from candidates. But if those who hold the reins of power ignore the results of this exercise, it will be to the detriment of democracy and public engagement in politics. The answers to the questions of reform can only come from those who have for so long have no voice in these debates: it is time for their voice to be heard.

This article is wrong. Dead wrong. It’s repeating the same game of broken-phone-journalism that the New York Times started. I’m getting sick of explaining how wrong it is. The Journal’s post has even managed to introduce an error that I don’t remember from any of the other reports—the FlaggedRevs software most certainly wasn’t invented to deal with edit wars. The coverage of this story is ironic: traditional “reliable” news outlets are getting a story wrong - a story which, by the way, implies that their model of content creation is the only viable one - while the less traditional blog and wiki sources are getting the story right. In the wording of the Internet: “FAIL”. Posted on This article is factually incorrect, from the headline downwards. If “facts” like the ones in this article were added to Wikipedia, they would be removed within minutes, because it is non-neutral and lacking in references to reliable sources. It claims that this will introduce “stricter controls” - this is totally incorrect. Currently, thousands of biographic articles on Wikipedia cannot be edited by non-registered users, because they have been ‘semi-protected’. This is an unfortunate necessity to prevent the articles from being overwhelmed with vandalism. The ‘flagged revisions’ will mean that the semi-protection can be lifted, so that anyone will be able to edit the articles - and their edits will be checked before appearing to users that only wish to see verified information. If only this newspaper took the same precautions in checking their own information before publishing. Posted on

The Scottish Government’s plan to discourage drinking by raising prices, whilst to be welcomed, is somewhat ill thought out in that it does nothing to protect the poor from resorting to the manufacture of alcohol at home as an alternative. Using cheap household ingredients and inexpensive equipment readily available from otherwise respectable retailers, alcohol can easily and legally be made for little more than the price of lemonade. Not only is home brewing and winemaking currently totally uncontrolled, but it cheats the Exchequer of revenue which could otherwise be used to treat the deleterious effects of alcohol. If the SNP’s “War on Alcohol” is to be taken seriously, they really must do something to control this dangerous process which was, after all, only made legal in the 1960s. Sincerely, John Eoin Douglas Straightening to the point Dear Editor, I note that hair straighteners have been introduced to several West Dunbartonshire schools in a bid to encourage more girls to take part in Physical Education. Whilst in no way seeking to perpetuate the state condoned sadism I experienced at school from teachers intent on making me waste my valuable energy on sporting activities, I trust that, in the interests of gender equality, these devices will also be made available to boys who wish to straighten their hair. Anything less is failing our children. Sincerely, John Hein

Send us an email and share your opinion with over 70,000 students in Edinburgh. The Journal will publish a selection of your letters in every edition making sure that everyone has the chance to have their say.

get it on the web

Profile 19

The Journal Wednesday 30 September 2009

Friends don't let friends build trams Iman Qureshi and Eloise Nutbrown take a look at Edinburgh's controversial 'design tsar' Sir Terry Farrell - Edinburgh's 'critical friend' Iman Qureshi, Eloise Nutbrown “I still don’t think that the fact that this is a capital city, and a worldclass one at that, resonates enough at national level,” wrote Sir Terry Farrell in a statement printed in the Scotsman last week. The comment constituted part of an effort to provide the public with “a more constructive and positive” reflection on his time as ‘design champion’ for Edinburgh than that offered by the leader of the city’s council, Jenny Dawe, who damned him with faint praise in naming him the capital’s ‘critical friend’, following his public denouncements of Edinburgh City Council. Nonetheless, Sir Terry’s latest opinions provided ample foundation upon which the local authority leader could base her valuation of the eminent architect. Both the source of some of Edinburgh’s most exciting modern buildings and developments, as well as one of the city’s most virulent critics, Sir Terry offers measures of both positive influence and biting denigration to merit recognition on both counts. The renowned architect is famous in the UK for landmark designs such as the SIS building in Vauxhall and has been awarded many distinctions in his long career, including a knighthood in 2001. Having started out in his profession with the modest, if practical, task of designing two ventilation shafts, Sir Terry progressively reached loftier professional heights, establishing his own firm in 1965 and going on to produce consistently acclaimed work in cities across the globe. The ‘design tsar’ formulates his distinctive style using postmodern concepts that combine high art with contemporary high-tech culture, and his portfolio boasts some fascinating architectural achievements. Among these is the TV-am building in London, which exhibits a row of giant eggcups on the rooftop with satirical reference to the breakfast shows broadcast from inside its walls; with typical postmodern irony, these egg cups also function as a play on the architectural motif of urns on classical buildings. As a specialist in urban regeneration, planning and development, his vision has notably tended to see architecture as part of a wider landscape, and indeed as integral parts of the city as a whole. This all-encompassing approach to urban space has often seen his work take the form of long-term development plans, opposed to a series of autonomous, short-term, architectural projects; Edinburgh’s urban landscape is gradually bearing the imprint of this fundamental ethos. Since accepting the role of Edinburgh City Council’s ‘design champion’ in 2004, Sir Terry has pushed his vision of a modernised city centre and has been an integral presence in the urban development that is sweeping the capital. His long-term development projects, including the Princes Street tram system and regeneration of the Leith ‘waterfront’ area, have had a noticeable impact on the local geography. The controversial tram-works (by which Princes Street has descended into a temporary state of chaos) was a major component of Sir Terry’s plans to expand the city centre and improve accessibility to areas such as Haymarket and Leith. He has persistently earmarked the latter locale for future

regeneration as an area with the potential to resemble a European or Mediterranean boardwalk. Impressively, he even goes so far as to herald the waterside area as that of the new New Town—the future centre of wealth creation for the city. Yet, despite the extensive changes Sir Terry has succeeded in bringing about, the doyen of architecture has persistently and publicly lambasted Edinburgh City Council for what he feels is an “almost non-existent” rate of progress. In his very vocal opinion, this has principally caused the city to fall embarrassingly behind in comparison to the development and growth of other

UK cities such as Manchester, Birmingham and Newcastle. A stubborn commitment to his artistic values, however, is nothing new for the ambitious architect, who has recently launched a fierce resistance to new proposals to expand the Edinburgh International Conference Centre (EICC). He has vehemently insisted that any modification to the original design of the award winning building, of which he was the master planner, would threaten the architectural integrity of the iconic building. In addition to making swipes at the ‘pervading inertia’ and complacency of the local authority, Sir Terry has

also flagged up conservation groups as a major blockage for progress and change. Vocal and active opposition in Edinburgh has been against the urban and postmodern development that has swept over newer cities like Glasgow. Edinburgh, with its unique cocktail of gothic, Renaissance and neoclassical architecture, is steeped in history; the question that really needs to be asked is whether Sir Terry’s style is compatible with a city like Edinburgh which has managed to preserve its medieval plan over the centuries and into today’s urban environment. If not, how does Edinburgh cope with the rising population and increasingly congested city

Sophie Cameron

centre? Temperamental as the relationship between Edinburgh and Sir Terry may be, there are some areas in which his strong and enthusiastic visions for change are taking shape with minimal contention. His views on a unified and inclusive city-making process, involving both public and private stakeholders alike, has manifested itself in the production of a city-making forum, whereby it may be possible for much of Edinburgh’s future to be driven by a collective effort and reactive exchange of ideas and visions.

20 Feature

The Journal Wednesday 30 September 2009

You've got to kill to be kind Ross Cullen was on hand to observe the first outbreak of swine flu in Mexico. Now back in the UK - where rates of infection are again on the rise - he looks back at how the country dealt with the hysteria over the H1N1 virus, and used the pandemic disease as the catalyst for social and political reform


HE SMALL TOWN of La Gloria, a tiny rural backwater in the state of Veracruz in eastern Mexico, was catapulted into the international spotlight in April of this year when reports surfaced that pigs infected with the H1N1 virus originated from a farm in the village. A couple of locals had died in the spring from unknown and misdiagnosed conditions, later confirmed to be swine flu. Due to the remote position of the village and poor communication and organisation from state health officials, the cases were not investigated properly and the infection was allowed to spread, moving rapidly to neighbouring states and from there to the capital. As rumours broke of a never-beforeseen disease crossing the country, hearsay was blown out of context, and newspapers and television bulletins gave details of contradicting and misleading figures. At one point, a friend contacted me with the absurd suggestion that the authorities were thinking of closing Mexico City. Indeed, it was not until a press conference was held on 27 April 27, in which numbers, cases and deaths were confirmed by Health Secretary José Ángel Córdova, that the population had a clearer idea of what was going on. Córdova gave frequent interviews in which he discussed the problem and outlined that the government had an emergency plan and had implemented different measures aimed at trying to control what was fast becoming uncontrollable. Yet while it was helpful to have soldiers lining the streets handing out face masks, nobody was taught how to use them properly, and this resulted in them simply becoming further breeding ground for the virus. It took the transport authorities too long to get to grips with the task of cleaning the Metro underground system – another place with a high-risk of infection – although they did eventually post notices stating that ‘This carriage is cleaned every 72 hours’ on the side of some trains. News developed at lightning speed and despite governmental reassurances that with calm and pragmatism there was no need to worry, the tourists fled the country in droves. Both national and international columnists turned on the Mexican agricultural and health ministries, and the country became a scapegoat for the fast-spreading disease, despite the fact that H1N1-infected pigs were rumoured to have been found on a Canadian farm before the one in La Gloria. Mexico could not help but suffer a black mark against its record. With drug gangs and earthquakes already scaring tourists off, the last thing Mexico needed at a time of global recession was to suffer a setback in one of its most profitable industries: tourism. Empty beaches and bars abounded and the international restrictions placed on Mexican planes and boats only exacerbated the problem. Politicians were getting frustrated and the Mexican under-secretary of human rights at the United Nations, Juan Manuel Gómez Robledo,

speaking at a summit in New York on 4 May complained: “We cannot live in a world of perceptions that are giving rise to xenophobic protests, which affect relations between states”; UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon echoed his comments, saying: “We must avoid exaggerated reactions which do not help contain the virus.” The 5 May national holiday was approaching, a celebration in recognition of a military victory over the French, and usually a time for visiting relatives and enjoying a large meal. But this year, 5 May was turned into a five-day nationwide shutdown. In an admirable and generally successful move, the government shut all public services, from schools and universities to museums and libraries, to try to slow the outbreak. In an address to the nation, President Felipe Calderón advised families to stay at home and to refrain from leaving their local community. He urged the population to use their hand to cover their mouth when coughing and sneezing and to dispose of all used tissues quickly. Unfortunately, for the majority of the nation, that meant dropping the dirty hankie in the street. And this is where the country really suffered as standards of general public hygiene are low. Litter is widespread and skips overflow with rotting rubbish. In the city, levels of air pollution are shockingly high and, on bad days, the sky is tinged brown. Swine flu can be overcome with simple measures, as David Bailey, chairman of the British Medical Association’s Welsh Committee outlined: “In most cases, it will be a mild illness and the vast majority of people will recover quickly by taking paracetamol or ibuprofen, and drinking plenty of fluids.” Where these guidelines are not followed, swine flu infections can become more serious, and many patients’ cases were complicated in Mexico by the fact that they had already been suffering from respiratory problems or another condition related to personal hygiene. Millions of Mexicans smoke, and fluorescent-coloured soft drinks are preferred to a bottle of mineral water. A Mexican diet contains vast quantities

of meat and spices and, although the fruit intake is high, the variety of vegetables eaten is low and salads are almost non-existent. Being a developing country, Mexico is in a transitional state. On one hand, the economy is growing and the financial district of Mexico City is burgeoning. On the other hand, however, million-peso impetuses in the health sector have had little effect, key family drugs like aspirin and cough medicine remain pricey and the daily queues outside the local surgery are only getting longer. However, efforts to improve general sanitation at the base levels are increasing. Running through the centre of the town where I was living, there was a sludge-filled stream into which a lot of the locals tipped their refuse. Yet what was a scum-covered, stinking brook at the start of the year had been turned into a clean, concrete-sided irrigation channel by the time I left. Last week The Economist reported that in the face of a 1.8 percent cut in public spending, the Mexican government has ring-fenced two areas on which it wants to raise spending, one of which is achieving universal health care. Mexico is leading the cause for progressive politics in Latin America, relations with the USA are picking up and the country is getting back onto its feet. But while a vaccine for use in the UK has just been approved by the EU, news websites and channels in Mexico have long abandoned reporting swine flu, preferring to focus on exposing corrupt police chiefs. Now that the tourists are coming back, the politicians have also returned to the core issues for voters. In recent elections, the handling of the swine flu outbreak played no part in canvassing and campaigning. Instead, multi-coloured walls were daubed with the usual election promises of ‘more schools’, ‘safer roads’ and ‘financial support for farmers’. Interestingly, the Mexican actor Gael García Bernal, star of films such as Y Tu Mamá También and Babel, said in an interview with The Daily Telegraph that, in forcing families to spend more time together, strengthening ties and enjoying quality time at home, “swine flu was good for Mexico.”

"Swine flu was good for Mexico"

The Journal Wednesday 30 September 2009

Feature 21


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Arts & Entertainment 23

The Journal Wednesday 30 September 2009

A cure for the summertime blues Though the more raucus attractions of the Fringe may have long since packed up and left, Edinburgh's galleries are quietly offering a last chance for some Festival culture

Rachael Cloughton THERE ARE CERTAIN lessons quickly learned when beginning life as a student: tupperware is indispensable, second-hand clothing is ‘vintage’ and abandoned furniture is invariably worthy of the laborious journey back to the flat. Students have mastered the art of turning one man’s trash into another’s treasure, however inventive the demands. Yet at the beginning of term, among the hazy chaos of freshers’ week and the assumption that the Fringe packed up and left long ago, it is easy for even the most economical student to miss out on some of the finest leftovers going: the Festival’s blockbuster art exhibitions. Determined not to fall into the same trap as in recent years, when acclaimed Festival shows such as Andy Warhol and the Impressionists lingered on into term-time so quietly that they were ignored altogether, my aim was to cram the four leading shows into a single day. The Fruitmarket’s collection of Eva Hesse’s Studiowork proved an intriguing starting point. A suspended waxy, ochre sheet of cheesecloth, closely resembling the translucency of dead skin, opens the show and immediately establishes the exhibition’s visceral nature. It is surrounded by encased objects whose primitive design dates them as easily centuries older than their mere forty years. Aptly described

by curator Briony Fer as ‘material thoughts’, these curious sculptures are inherently experimental, exploring the unconventional materials—fibreglass, latex and resin— through which Hesse established her reputation and challenged common perceptions of sculpture. Upstairs the artworks appear further resolved and emit the organic sensuality of Hesse’s more famous works. Black enamel pieces hung along the wall oppose a plinth holding several fragile, shell-like paper sculptures. Despite exploring a broad range of ideas and materials, all contrasts collapse through Hesse’s complex arrangements, keeping the exhibition congruous. After the ephemeral and experimental Hesse, the painstaking and accomplished technique of my next stop, the National Gallery’s The Discovery of Spain, was all the more amplified. Not only is the show a testament to the great artistic talents of that country and those who sought inspiration from it, but also a rich illustration of Spanish history. Goya’s etching series The Disasters of War, a violent and gritty commentary on the Peninsular Wars, is a sobering start to the exhibit. The real show-stopper, however, is the central room, so loaded with masterpieces from Murillo, El Greco and Velazquez that it is almost overwhelming. Even perennial favourites from the National Gallery’s permanent collection, such as Velazquez’ Old Woman Cooking Eggs, breathe new life when surrounded by the loaned

works. The focus of this room is largely on Murillo’s Christ at the Pool of Bethesda. Painted with such astounding naturalism, the foreground figure appears to fall out of his gilded enclosure and onto the entranced viewers. Even the most illustrious of galleries may struggle to follow a show as captivating as The Discovery of Spain. Nevertheless, the non-profit, contemporary Collective gallery is so entirely different that it proves a refreshing change in scenery after the hours spent in the National Gallery complex. The intimate space currently holds two videos from Susan Norrie, entitled Enola and Shot. Taking its aesthetic from budget sci-fi movies and the soundtrack from Disney’s “It’s a Small World”, Enola hovers over a toy-town of famous landmarks; a chilling commentary on what Norrie envisions to be a world scarred by nuclear trauma. That said, this conclusion is difficult to unravel, particularly after the relatively clear narratives in The Discovery of Spain. The Collective’s ambiguity proves a worthy predecessor to the greater mystery inherent in Joseph Kosuth’s show at the Talbot Rice. ‘An Interpretation of The Title’: Nietzsche, Darwin and the Paradox of Content proves the perfect exhibit to close the day, since its challenging nature can afford no distractions. Kosuth litters the installation with philosophical and scientific references, provoking many questions but no easy answers. It is this uncertainty which draws in the viewer and

prompts a real engagement with the piece. With 20th century icons, Old Masters, and up-and-coming contemporary artists all on your doorstep, now is the perfect time to explore Edinburgh’s rich art scene. The great differences between the works on show are an intriguing and effective way of sampling the richness and diversity of culture available at the Edinburgh



Phantom Band

Beggar's Opera



Venue: Oran Mor Dates: 23 September Price: £8 Ray Philp

EVER WONDERED WHAT the end of the world would be like? At the best of times, it’s a morbid fantasy indulged in regularly by contemporary cinema, but a preoccupation with an extinction level event doesn’t so much represent a boundless lust for nihilism on a global scale as much as it does the extent of our collective desire to discover the essence of our humanity. The Phantom Band, while ostensibly uconcerned with any sort of apocalypse, are a striking example of the duality that such scenarios present. Take Deep Impact. At the precipice of non-existence, the

protagonists face down impending doom by holding hands, lighting some candles and generally resolving to settle their differences. At the other end of the spectrum, a Mad Max depiction of doomsday portrays a barren wasteland of decay and criminality, where sadomasochist punks descend into the sort of depravity that might see nearby Oxfams plundered for everything from hand-me-down jumpers to Danielle Steel paperbacks. The Glasgow sextet (although they’re a man down tonight) exist somewhere between these two extremities of conjecture, insofar as any attempt to pin down their particular essence would result in a similarly contradictory juxtaposition. The Guardian’s Graeme Thomson was even compelled to surmise them as a blend of “…gothic folk, krautrock, doo-wop and electro”, an incongruous alliance of genres. Yet, as the heartwarming lament of “Island” silences a crowd of up-for-it Glaswegians, these irreconcilable genres come together in an entirely natural way, as if such a combination has been staring us in the

face all this time. The regular bantering between frontman Rick Anthony and the assembled congregation suggests that The Phantom Band have long since excised an itinerant habit of gigging under a variety of mysterious pseudonyms. Such quirks only add to the goodwill gathered on the back of their widely heralded LP, Checkmate Savage, and of the songs from the album, “The Howling” is received by the most cacophonous volume of whoops and whistles. “Folksong Oblivion”, however, best typifies The Phantom Band in précis. A beguiling mix of downtempo Balearic techno and anti-folk stylings, it manages to annihilate preconceptions of complimentary genres by conceiving a contradiction that simply works in itself. In a final act of idiosyncrasy, Anthony goes as far as to reveal how The Phantom Band have pulled it all off; in “The Whole Is In My Side”, he concedes that he “was only trying to be a man”. And we don’t need anything as melodramatic as an asteroid hurtling towards the earth to acknowledge as much.

The Lyceum open their new season in style with a timely and creative adaptation

Amy Taylor HAVING BARELY RECOVERED from the annual stress of the Edinburgh Festival, the Lyceum open their 2009/10 season with the world premiere of a new adaptation of John Gay’s most famous satire, The Beggar’s Opera. A co-production between CATS winners Vanishing Point and

Festival. For those who missed the Fringe and associated cultural festivities, or those already nostalgic for its return, a day spent at the galleries is the perfect remedy. Eva Hesse: Studiowork, The Fruitmarket Gallery, ends 25 October The Discovery of Spain, National Gallery, ends 11th October Belgrade Theatre Coventry, this staging delves deep into the pursuit of unobtainable riches and the darker side of society. Set in a seemingly pre-apocalyptic future, The Beggar’s Opera follows the escapades of masked vigilante and serial philanderer MacHeath (Sandy Grierson), as he conducts ‘a fair redistribution of wealth’ by stealing from the rich and giving to the poor. But with his success and ultimate celebrity comes trouble, as those closest to him plot his downfall. Matthew Lenton’s production is a visually stunning reworking of Gay’s classic satire, which lends itself well to the current economic climate. Peppered with issues of consumerism, fashion, the cult of celebrity and segregation, this piece reveals the true extent of human greed and excess, but keeps its tongue pressed firmly in cheek. As events unfold, it’s the omnipresent media who become the enemy, as their constant broadcasts move from informing the audience to controlling the play altogether. Originally written as a pastiche of Italian opera, Gay’s script has been stripped and reworked, allowing for new dialogue and live music from ‘A Band Called Quinn.’ It’s the inclusion of live music that makes this play so memorable, as the band’s experimental electronica contrasts beautifully with the Lyceum’s more traditional surroundings. Vanishing Point’s adaptation of this classic satire is a familiar and colourful beacon in these dark financial times. Strong performances from the cast supported by Kai Fischer’s simple yet imaginative underground set and Eve Lambert’s eclectic futuristic costumes, with crisp video projection from Finn Ross. This is a funny, unique, and highly original play that is completely unforgettable for all the right reasons.

24 Arts & Entertainment

The Journal Wednesday 30 September 2009



Gang of Four

COMEDY Jongleurs Comedy Club Jongleurs 3 October 19:00 and 21:30, tickets from £14 Line up includes: Tim Clark, Phil Walker, Aaron Counter and Junior Simpson., 0844 844 0044

 Venue: HMV Picture House Dates: 18 Sep Price: £22 Ray Philp

The proposed ban on off-license alcohol sales to under-21s has been savaged in the Scottish media Simon Welsh

Gang of Four have every right to feel smug. Let’s be clear: smugness is seldom something to be encouraged, nor is it inherent in frontman Jon King. Smugness, after all, is the realm of Thatcherism. Smugness supports Manchester United. Smugness, above all else, loves to say “I told you so”. King fails to offer any such sentiment and yet, as he stoops on stage, an ageless spectre of post-punk, the throng gathered before a revamped Gang of Four—only King and Andy Gill remain of the original quartet— senses that he’d be entitled to a moment of prophesying onanism. In the thirty years since the Leeds quartet released Entertainment!, a zenith of abrasive Das Kapital inspired post-punk, the world that King and Gill dismissed

with such sulphurous disdain as a free market free-for-all in 1979 is now merely the same game with different players, despite the apparent wane of Reaganomics since the neoliberal nadir of the 80s. King, from the outset, takes great pleasure in thrusting the serrated edges of Gang of Four’s oeuvre at the throats of the onlooking crowd, even chilling the blood on occasion (shrieking “I’m so restless” as he does at the denouement of ‘Glass’ whilst leaping dementedly in all directions, serves as a discomfiting flash of what The Exorcist might look like filtered through Maoist sympathies). Strangely, such mercurial moments don’t possess the galvanising effect that tonight’s atmosphere sorely needs. In fact, the opening twenty minutes is fairly subdued, which is as much an indictment of the














overpriced lager (at nearly £4 a pint) as it is of King and Gill’s lopsided set list. Gang of Four don’t truly hit their stride until the vertiginous guitars and clustered percussion of ‘Not Great Men’, and from here on in Gang Of Four barely put a foot wrong. ‘I Love A Man In Uniform’ is crisp and urgent, benefiting from a rhythm section that is indistinguishable from the original line-up of Dave Allan and Hugo Bernham, while ‘Damaged Goods’, the penultimate three minute burst of jarring guitars and one of Andy Gill’s less asphyxiating riffs, rounds off the show on a pleasing if incongruous note. Gang of Four are, contrary to the obvious interpretation, as relevant as they’ve ever been, and their ideological alacrity remains untainted by the tethers of age and the presumption of wisdom.

Best of Scottish Comedy The Stand 30 September, 20:30 £6 (£5/3) A feast of homegrown talent try out do what they do best, presented by Vladimir McTavish.

DANCE Scottish Dance Theatre Dancebase 28 November, 13:00-15:00, £14 (£11) Dance class led by a member of Scottish Dance Theatre, explores two contrasting dance pieces created for SDT. 0131 225 5525

GALLERIES As Others See Us National Gallery Complex 10:00-17:00, 6 August-8 November, Photographs of famous Scots are accompanied by their favourite Robert Burns poems, to mark the 250th anniversary of his birth.

MUSIC EUJO: Ed Uni Jazz Orchestra Open Rehearsal The Jazz Bar 3 October 5:00 Open and accessible session by Edinburgh University’s 15 piece jazz orchestra. 0131 220 4298 The Black Seeds HMV Picture House 29 September 7:00 £12.50 (£7.50) Kiwi reggae legends, Then Black Seeds bring their eclectic fusion of funk, soul and dub to Edinburgh with the release of their latest album, Solid Ground. 0844 847 1740

THEATRE Little Shop of Horrors Festival Theatre 28 September-3 October, 7:30 (Thu and Sat 14:30 and 19:30) £11.00-£30.00 (£8.50-£9.00) Alan Menken and Howard Ashman’s classic family friendly musical. 0131 529 6000 The Improverts Bedlam Theatre 2 October 22:30 £4.00 (£3.50) Spontaneous theatre and late night tom foolery from this legendary troupe. 0131 225 9893

Arts & Entertainment 25

The Journal Wednesday 30 September 2009



Theoretical Girl

Saturday Show

 Venue: Sneaky Pete's Date: 15 September Price: £5 Marcus Kernohan

This is just conjecture, because I have never been a musician, but I would imagine that playing a show to ten people in a city five hundred miles from home might not be the most exhilarating experience. So, if you are able to play with grace and good humour in such conditions—and after both of your support acts cancel on the night—you’re doing something right. Theoretical Girl, the brainchild of Essex multi-instrumentalist Amy Turnnidge, rises to the challenge of organisational disaster and a lacklustre turnout at Sneaky Pete’s with considerable panache, developing a dialogue with the audience and taking the show far beyond any reasonable expectations of an ‘intimate’ set. Despite the absence of her usual backing

band—replaced for the evening by an ad hoc pairing of a truckercapped drummer and an Afro-sporting giant of a bassist—Theoretical Girl amble through a superb fortyfive minutes of unashamedly twee electro-infused pop. The wistfully lovelorn “Divided” is a particular pleasure, while the evening takes a darker turn with “Red Mist” and its interplay of jagged guitars and slightly gothic vocal line. The highlight, however, is the undoubtedly sugary ‘60s-style pop ballad of “The Boy I Left Behind”.


Unfortunately, the band make the classic small-venue mistake of allowing the rhythm section to swamp the vocals, at times rendering Turnnidge’s naturally tuneful voice almost inaudible. In a venue as cramped as Sneaky Pete’s, micing the drumkit is just overkill, and takes a little of the shine off what is otherwise a highly polished performance. Despite this, and the lack of the eclectic range of instrumentation that fleshed out debut album Divided, Theoretical Girl nonetheless succeed in delivering an enjoyable and energetic set to a crowd who grow consistently more appreciative with every song.

Venue: The Stand, Queen Street Dates: 26 September Price: £13

If you’re a fan of raw statistics, you could consider the fact that more than half the audience went straight up and bought the album after the band left the stage— a good number by anyone’s standards.

The weekly comedy offering from Edinburgh's local stand-up venue is a quick-fire, no-frills promise of a good time

Adam Knight Stand-up is as much about the venue as it is the personality. It’s about the potential for failure as well as the opportunity to shine. It’s about sitting as far away from the stage as possible to avoid getting picked on, and then getting picked on anyway. More than anything, it’s about sharing the joke with a room full of people. We’re rather spoilt for choice in Edinburgh, what with staging the world’s biggest arts festival every August, but that’s by no means where the story ends.

THIS WEEK @ CAB VOL This autumn, Cabaret Voltaire welcomes a new intake of students to Edinburgh by staging an eight-day Alternative Freshers’ Week. Running from Friday 25 September to Friday 2 October, Cab’s Alternative Freshers’ Week features an array of top-notch guest DJs and live acts. You don’t have to be a fresher to enjoy the Alternative Freshers’ Week - it’s open to clubbers of all trades and persuasions - but if you’ve just arrived in Edinburgh to embark on your studies, it’s a great introduction to Cab and the ideal way to kick off your social life in your new surroundings. Friday 25 September SUGARBEAT with FOAMO, SH!T ROBOT and UTAH SAINTS Kicking off Cab’s 8-day-long Alternative Freshers’ Week in spectacular style, Sugarbeat throws a three-guest party. 11pm - 3am £5 before midnight /£6 after midnight

Monday 28 September TRADE UNION with ATOMIC HOOLIGAN Trade Union are delighted to be welcoming Atomic Hooligan along. Don’t you dare miss this. 10.30pm - 3am £ 2 / £ 1 for NUS, NHS, ECCF members, hospitality workers and backpackers. Tuesday 29 September SPLIT with TOTAL SCIENCE and MC WREC Two of the most prolific producers within the drum & bass movement and they’ve recorded for a plethora of different labels under a range of monikers. 10.30pm - 3am - Free entry Wednesday 30 September WE ARE ELECTRIC with HEY TODAY! (live set) plus Gary Mac “Top notch bangers are an increasingly rare commodity these days, but you can always trust an act like Hey Today! to provide the goods when you’re in need of some four to the floor thumping hugeness.” 10.30pm - 3am Free before 11.30pm £ 3 after 11.30pm

Saturday 26 September SICK NOTE SATURDAY with MATTIE SAFER A special Saturday edition of Sick Note, with very special guest DJ MATTIE SAFER from The Rapture 11pm - 3am £6

Thursday 1 October SICK NOTE with VILLAINS VILLAINS, the LA electro production outift causing a massive stir Stateside right now. Villains have remixed a string of top artists, including Bloc Party (Hunting For Witches and Ares), and Daft Punk (Around The World). 11pm - 3am - Free entry

Sunday 27 September KILLER KITSCH with DJ Kris Menace Kris is fast becoming one of the most respected producers and DJs in electronic music. He has worked with musical mavericks such as Felix Da Housecat and Jagz Kooner. 10.30pm - 3am £ 6 / £ 5 students

Friday 2 October TOKYOBLU with FRIENDLY FIRES DJ set Cab’s Alternative Freshers’ Week wraps up with a Tokyoblu guest DJ set from Mercury Prize nominees FRIENDLY FIRES. 10.30pm - 3am £ 9 on the door / £ 7 in advance

Join The Journal while you still can www. journalonline.

The Stand Comedy Club on Queen Street has a long history both of discovering new talent and drawing back heavyweight names to its intimate, slightly ramshackle rooms. On a Saturday night, for the price of merely £13, audiences are treated to a quadruplebill of familiar and delightfully obscure faces. That’s two and a quarter hours of live entertainment for the price of a DVD. This week’s show, hosted by the sharp-tongued Craig Hill, offered about as diverse a group of comics as four men in their thirties could conceivably be. From the engaging storytelling of Matt Green to the effortless charm and warmth of headliner Kevin Gildea, each act toyed with a different style of stand-up with varying degrees of success. Jason Kevan’s cheeky grin helped him escape intact, despite inching dangerously close to the boundaries of good taste. Bruce Fummey,

however, was not so successful, offering tired clichés about the Scottish in the manner of Frankie Boyle—whose visage glared disapprovingly from a nearby poster. The overall laughter level remained high, however, thanks to some snappy pacing and Hill’s joyously camp interludes. Yes, you may have to fight for a seat— never mind one of the cabaret-style tables—but there’s a tangible sense of community at The Stand. Crucially, the comedians onstage have ample opportunity to fail, sometimes spectacularly, but that’s as much a part of the night as the moments when the floor quivers with the sheer force of the audience’s laughter. Watching stand-up on television is like playing tennis on the Wii: it’s amusing, of course, but it’s also morally reprehensible. It’s time we yanked ourselves from the sofa and rediscovered the experience of watching raw, unedited performance its best and worst.

26 Fashion

The Journal Wednesday 30 September 2009

London Fashion Week: It's what they make of it Helen Broadfoot NEW YORK, LONDON, Milan and Paris are again taking on their responsibility as the world’s fashion capitals, using the opportunity of their respective fashion weeks to showcase their talents; from budding new designers with fresh lines to established brands producing innovative new collections. The New York and London fashion weeks have now drawn to a close, and while Milan is currently underway the industry is already buzzing with excitement about the Spring 2010 collections. In New York, longstanding favourites including Marc Jacobs drew inspiration from the theatre, ballet and opera. This was evident not only in the mixing of pastels with darker petrol-blue tones, but also in the prominence of frills on shorts, skirts, trousers and tops. In contrast, Marc by Marc Jacobs showcased one of his most colourful collections yet: contrasting prints including spots, checks and African tribal patterns, which somehow worked. Rodarte was equally inspiring: layers of plaid, leather and wool in earthy browns and plenty of black were draped around the models’ bodies, creating beautiful figure-hugging pieces. In London, newer designers Mary Katrantzou and Danielle Scutt both focused on slightly psychedelic prints. Mary’s collection concentrated on simple shift dresses but the colourful print created a 3D

feel. The structure of Danielle’s collection was more elaborate; layers, frills and structured shoulders were met by toned-down print. What is exhibited on the catwalks ultimately determines what will be sold in shops, and the trends that we will buy into. To those outside the industry, fashion week is a spectacle. It creates a buzz, drawing in crowds from around the world, and provides an opportunity to tap into the image created by the glossy magazines of an exuberant and glamorous world; one which sells the idea of beauty, wealth and perfection. The glitz and glamour may be what draws in those outside of the industry, but what does fashion week mean for those on the inside? Mary Forestier-Walker, head designer of eponymous new label Mary Mary London, who showcased their collection at the 2009 Edinburgh University Charity Fashion Show, offers The Journal this insight. “These shows spur on my creativity, enforcing a personal ambition to one day showcase the Mary Mary collection on such a stage,” she tells The Journal. Mary reveals that it’s important to know what’s going on and to be aware of designer’s work and their direction: “Each collection is so varied, and can be hugely inspirational.” She particularly admires cohesive and beautiful collections and has a critical approach towards collections which are not to her personal taste. These observations are an integral process into maintaining focus on her own collection.

A world of Westwood in Edinburgh's east

This year, Mary’s favourites included Jonny Scott’s show with its comic twist. As the lights dim and anticipation mounts, the Flintstones soundtrack plays and the catwalk is filled with a flurry of trendy, wellgroomed Fred-and-Wilmas. Oranges and pinks are featured prominently with white bones used to tie the garments together, and accessorised with huge statement hair. Commenting on the show, Mary states, “It was Jonny’s first show in London and it proved both entertaining and inspiring.” Luella Bartley’s show was another highlight for Mary. “Having worked for Luella before starting up my own label, I was interested to see which direction her fabric selection and silhouettes would go,” she says. This year’s spring collection, like most of her past collections, had playful undertones similar to Scott’s. The models wore high-waisted spotted trousers and puffball spotted dresses with red bows in their hair, giving a Disney/Mickey Mouse feel to the collection. True to style, Luella’s collection showed ‘80s undertones with clinched-in waists and exaggerated hips. Her key style dresses with cut-out hearts on the front panels were also featured - so girly and so Luella! Fashion Week is the designer’s opportunity to learn where the industry is heading and what styles, patterns, silhouettes, trends, colours and textures are being used. Mary sees it as a chance to return to the studio, and consider what could be added or altered as well as reflecting and

ensuring her own collection is heading in the right direction. This contemplation is seen in her new autumn/winter collection, a romantic vision exuding the desirable innocence that the Mary Mary brand captures all too well. The new collection incorporates the ruffles and frills seen in the summer, with simple shift/swing dresses in soft wools. It boasts a variety of navy charcoal greys and blacks. True to the label, key detailing can be found in the trim around the ruffled collars, and particularly in the LBD - a heart-shaped neckline, meters of skirt, a large gold bow and a sash at the back, finished off with gold trimming defining the flow to the panels. Other key pieces

are the navy jackets, with velvet trims in contrasting colours. Mary explains how the shocking pink with gold under-collars and cuffs are a staple this season, as are the Victorian coats with Peter Pan collars, floral panelled back pleats and statement cuffs with their ditsy floral covered buttons. Mary Mary London continues to grow, with its new online shop and bespoke service, as well as its exciting new winter collection. Ultimately, the Mary Mary brand hopes to show at London Fashion Week. In doing so, they hope to have the opportunity to inspire budding designers, just as they have been inspired, thus completing the creative cycle that is Fashion Week.

The EUSA Elections

Nominations open 14th September Nominations close 1st October, 12 noon

Corniche introducing the biggest names in design to Jeffrey Street passers-by Helen Broadfoot WITH LONDON FASHION Week now at an end it has been Vivienne Westwood’s Red Label Spring/Summer Collection that has made an impression. With a fresh approach, Westwood based this collection around English Heritage, with simple, pretty pieces thrown together creating an effortless and fun look. The models strutted down the catwalk in a variety of styles from pretty tea dresses to her original punk roots of a corset/hot-pant combination, all in pastel colours from the blue and white stripes to the pink and white gingham patterns. Accessorised with floppy sunhats, oversized bags, real life puppies and an upbeat ‘seaside’ theme tune, the show was entirely successful in creating and transcending this fresh, fun and young new collection. Those drawing inspiration from the show could do worse than visit Corniche Designer Clothes Store, founded in 1976 in Edinburgh, and located in humble surroundings on Jeffrey Street. It prides itself on selling key up-to-date collections, from a

range of designers from all over the world, including a selection of Vivienne Westwood items. Over the years, Corniche has stocked all of Westwood’s labels, including the Gold and Red labels, in addition to the Anglomania currently in stock. To compliment these garments, the store also sells Vivienne Westwood jewellery, accessories and bags. The Vivienne Westwood Man label is also stocked, boasting a selection of items that offer an alternative for the male buyer; mundane suits made edgier yet still beautifully tailored, and wearable for any occasion. Alongside the Vivienne Westwood brand, other designers also feature heavily instore, including Rundholz, Girbaud, Nigel Cabourn and Masnada. Corniche has been at the forefront of introducing new designers to a wider UK audience, including Alexander McQueen, D&G, Betty Jackson and many more and they are constantly adding new names to their inventory, including designers just starting out in the fashion world. Appropriately, it offers a great starting point for fashion-seekers looking for top drawer design in Edinburgh, too.

/elections stand.indd 1

09/09/2009 10:36:36

Food & Drink 27

The Journal Wednesday 30 September 2009

Rocky Horror Picture House The Picture House's new potentially crowd-pulling club nights have gotten off to an unconvincing start Jane Maddison jane.maddison@journal-online. THIS SEPTEMBER SEES the launch of three new club nights at the HMV Picture House. Octopussy, a student fest, kicks the weekend off on a Thursday night. Revellers can enjoy the HMV’s own Adventures In Sound, an indie, electro and pop fusion with DJ Andy Wilson on a Friday night, while Kieron Mellotte brings up the rear with Saturday evening’s Beat Control. The new club nights are aimed at filling a niche in the Edinburgh scene. David Laing, group operations manager for venue operator MAMA Group says that “despite its reputation as a cultural hub, Edinburgh has lacked any real sense of balance for clubbers for years. “Previously, unless you liked R’n’B, commercial dance or cheese, there were only a few credible alternatives available. These were at much smaller venues and nothing on the scale of what the HMV Picture House has to offer.” Similarly to the Glasgow ABC’s successful alternative club nights, the HMV Picture House will attempt to carve itself into a relatively undersized Edinburgh indie scene. Since opening its doors in September 2008, the HMV Picture House has been unable to stage late night club

nights following legal action brought against them by the club’s previous owner, Luminar. The conditions under which the building was sold to MAMA Group prevented them from holding club nights in direct competition with Luminar’s Lava & Ignite in Tollcross. After a long legal battle, the HMV Picture House has finally managed to secure its long-awaited licence. Over the past five years there has been a shift in student clubbing trends, with diminishing popularity in the big cheesy chart venues and a rise in smaller, inimitable clubs and club nights. There is still a gap in the market—perhaps fuelled by the loss of The Liquid Room—for a weekend club night to cater for the conscientious indie/pop lover. By moving to attract this clientele the HMV Picture House is also attempting to regenerate and improve Lothian Road’s poor after-dark reputation. The area presents a contrasting mix of cultural hubs such as the Usher Hall, Lyceum Theatre and Filmhouse and the seedier strip-joints and bars. Being part of the “collective pool” of artistic venues, General Manager John Stout envisions the Picture House as a venue that will revitalise Lothian Road’s after-dark reputation by catering to the more discerning clubber. The venue itself is majestic and pristine; the art-deco walls are set and ready to absorb the sounds of Little Boots, Muse and Bat for Lashes, but

the challenge of transitioning from being primarily a concert venue into a successful club, as well as filling it with eager revellers, remains. Friday’s Adventures in Sound certainly had a challenge on its hands. Having negotiated the dense assembly of security staff to get into the venue, once inside, the patrol of crowd-controllers—while appropriate for an Oasis concert—intimidated the small gaggle of clubbers. The dance floor policing seemed strange, not least because the Picture House has gone to such lengths to win their dance floor in the first place. The austerity was a turn-off and the night never really took off. The anticipated indie/electro/pop mix was too much on the chart side, and played it just a bit too safe. For an alternative club night, it proved far from groundbreaking. The drinks specials are reasonably enticing, but it could take more than cheap booze to coax students into making the trek down to the depths of Lothian Road. The Picture House may have won its legal case, but that is only half the battle. Adventures In Sound needs to assert itself: while it will attract a friendly and potentially trendy student crowd, the venue needs to open its arms and embrace clubbers, not frighten them so that they remain glued to their bar stools. The potential is there, but it needs some serious fine-tuning.

Catacomb cool is a feast for the i Let your inhibitions go at The One Below

Holy burger Gourmet burgers bring a revitalised feel to Holyrood Jane Maddison jane.maddison@journal-online.

Jane Maddison BOASTING ONE OF only three interactive i-bars in the world, the WestEnd’s One Below is a contrasting mix of ancient Edinburgh and chic virtual worlds. Unlike any of the city’s other über-cool cocktail bars, the cavernous One Below is a “place to go but not to be seen”. While on the weekends the secret booths, hidden behind nooks and crannies, may be filled with a hodgepodge of city workers, couples and partygoers, The One Below has just launched its first

mid-week student night. Inhibition runs Wednesdays from 9pm to 3am, meaning that students can enjoy the luxury of this effortlessly stylish bar without having to fork out a fortune. As with all other nights of the week, groups can book one of the numerous noise-cancelling iPod booths. Tucked into the walls away from the main bar, you can throw your own private party with 6 to 20 of your closest friends. Full table service is offered, so there’s no need to queue. The drinks list screams quality; Absolut Vodka, Bombay Sapphire, Herradura Blanco Tequila and mixers for £2. Exclusive Inhibition

cocktails are the highlight of the evening: for £3.50 you can indulge in a punchy Passion Mojito - a mixture of rum, lime, mint, sugar and fresh passionfruit - or a yummy Lipgloss with gin, raspberries, pomegranate and lavender syrup. Uniquely, and very pleasurably, The One Below’s cool catacomb style allows you to hide away, sip your cocktail and enjoy your friends’ company in private. Or if you prefer, you can dance the night away to DJ Finn’s mixed-up beats. If none of that takes your fancy, then prop a seat at the i-bar and let your mind be mesmerised. The choice of cool is yours.

IT IS NOT very often that I walk out of an atmospheric and tastefullydecorated pub on to Holyrood Road. In fact, before visiting Holyrood 9a, I had never done such a thing. Just around the corner from the touristtraps of the Royal Mile and St Mary’s Street’s array of fabulous restaurants, this tavern has been slowly but surely establishing itself since opening its doors in July on one of Edinburgh’s most underwhelming drags. Dark and modest from the outside, the interior is refined and welcoming. Their pride and joy is their selection of delicious gourmet burgers; served sandwiched between sourdough buns with a side of fries and coleslaw, and artfully presented on a breadboard. The burger connoisseur can choose from a selection of original beef burgers (from £5.75), vegetarian options such as the haloumi burger (£6.75), and alternatives like the lamb and wild rosemary burger (£7.95), all of which can be washed down with a choice of twenty European beers on tap. The options on offer include Duvel Green, Erdinger and Stewarts Edinburgh Gold. My cheeseburger was robust and succulent—undoubtedly one of the best I’ve had in Edinburgh—and I didn’t have to compromise on the

salad or fries. The Fire Burger (£6.95), a 6oz beef burger with jalapenos, spicy salsa and pepper Jack cheese was well-balanced and tangy, but not overpowering. Along with my mains I guzzled down a Bacchus Framboise, a delightfully balmy Belgian raspberry beer (£2.25 glass, £4.50 pint). The daily offer of two beers and two burgers for £15 between 3pm and 6pm allows late lunchers to mix and match with affordable impunity. The beauty of Holyrood 9a is that the food and drinks are top quality, with not a hint of pretension. From the stylish yet modest décor right down to the menu, you get the sense that a great deal of thought and care went into everything here. If you are after more than just your average bite to eat or a regular beer, Holyrood 9a offers that little bit extra exquisitely.


Abbeyhill Meadowbank Terrace, 950, 3, 2S 1D, 0870 635 3700 Ann Terrace, 695, 2, 2D G P, 0870 635 9422 Piershill Place, 650, 2, 2D, 0870 635 3700 Royal Park Terrace, 650, 2, 2D, 0870 635 3700 Royal Park Terrace, 1195, 4, 1S 3D, 0870 635 3700 Royal Park Terrace, 1180, 4, 1S 3D, 0870 635 3700

Balgreen Whitson Road, 580, 1, 1D G CG O, 0870 635 8312

Barnton Barnton Court, 525, 2, 2D 2T W P, 0870 635 2418 Whitehouse Road, 495, 1, 1D, 0870 635 6450 Pinegrove Gardens, 1200, 4, CG P, 0870 635 9308

Bellevue Bellevue Place, 650, 2, 2D G CG Z, 0870 635 6872 Cornwallis Place, 575, 2, 2D W CG Z, 0870 635 9320 Broughton Road, 500, 1, 1D -1B -1T G, 0870 635 9332

Blackford Charterhall Grove, 895, 3, 3D E CG P, 0870 635 9234 Langton Road, 670, 2, 2D G CG O, 0870 635 9316

Broughton Blandfield, 895, 3, 1S 2D, 0870 635 6450 Mcdonald Road, 850, 3, 1S 2D G CG P, 0870 635 2418 North Pilrig Heights, 700, 2, , 0870 635 9308 Bonnington Court, 525, 1, 1D 1B W P, 0870 635 4820 Broughton Road, 475, 1, 1D G, 0870 635 9320 Broughton Road, 450, 1, 1D 1B CG Z, 0870 635 9326 Beaverhall Road, 440, 1, 1D, 0870 635 2418 Union Street, 1300, 4, 4D G CG, 0870 635 2418 Broughton Place, 1200, 4, 4D G Z, 0870 635 9312

Bruntsfield Gillespie Place, 925, 3, 1S 2D G, 0870 635 2418 Bruntsfield Place, 1900, 5, 5D G Z, 0870 635 9560 Leamington Terrace, 1700, 5, 5D G CG Z, 0870 635 9324 Bruntsfield Gardens, 1450, 5, 1S 4D G CG Z, 0870 635 9592

Canonmills Warriston Road, 800, 2, 1D 1T G PG P, 0870 635 6872 Rodney Street, 750, 3, 3D, 0870 635 3700 Warriston Road, 750, 2, 2D G, 0870 635 4820 Rodney Street, 650, 2, 2D, 0870 635 3700 Warriston Road, 600, 2, 2D, 0870 635 4820 Heriothill Terrace, 525, 1, 1D, 0870 635 3700 Canon Street, 495, 1, 1D CG, 0870 635 6782 Logie Green Road, 495, 1, 1D, 0870 635 9456 Bellevue Road, 1280, 4, 4D, 0870 635 3700

City Centre South Bridge, 890, 1, G, 0870 635 9660 Dicksonfield, 850, 3, 1S 2D, 0870 635 6450 Hopetoun Street, 850, 3, 3D G P, 0870 635 2418 Atholl Crescent, 825, 2, 2D G Z, 0870 635 4820 Broughton Place, 825, 2, G Z, 0870 635 3728 Montgomery Street, 800, 3, 3D, 0870 635 3700 Russell Gardens, 750, 2, 2D G P, 0870 635 2418 Murano Place, 695, 2, 2D G P, 0870 635 9314 Spittal Street, 695, 2, 1S 1D G, 0870 635 9660 Dicksonfield, 675, 2, 2D G P, 0870 635 4820 Mcdonald Road, 650, 2, 2D G P, 0870 635 2418 Niddry Street, 620, 1, 1D Z, 0870 635 9324 Forth Street, 610, 1, , 0870 635 9352 Elm Row, 1000, 3, 3D, 0870 635 3700

Clermiston Parkgrove Path, 525, 1, 1D G, 0870 635 9320

Colinton Howe Park, 875, 3, 1S 2D G PG P, 0870 635 2418 Spylaw Avenue, 575, 1, G P, 0870 635 2010 Bonaly Rise, 465, 1, 1D G CG P, 0870 635 4820 Bonaly Rise, 465, 1, 1D -1B -1T G, 0870 635 9332

Comely Bank Comely Bank Road, 950, 3, 3D E O, 0870 635 9448 Comely Bank Road, 775, 2, Z, 0870 635 9308 Comely Bank Street, 700, 2, 2D G CG O, 0870 635 9320 Orchard Brae Avenue, 700, 2, 2D G P, 0870 635 4820 Orchard Brae Avenue, 675, 2, 2D G P, 0870 635 4820 Learmonth Court, 650, 2, 2D W CG, 0870 635 1612 Comely Bank Place, 620, 2, , 0870 635 9352 Comely Bank Place, 600, 2, 2D, 0870 635 1992 Avenue Villas, 1400, 2, 2D G PG P, 0870 635 9314 Comely Bank Road, 1100, 4, 4D G CG Z, 0870 635 9312

Corstorphine Burnbrae Drive, 725, 1, 1D G CG P, 0870 635 9422 Featherhall Avenue, 700, 2, G PG O, 0870 635 9316 Corstorphine High Street, 675, 2, 2D G P, 0870 635 4820 Manse Street, 650, 2, 2D G CG, 0870 635 2418

Ormiston Terrace, 600, 2, 2D E CG, 0870 635 9434 Victor Park Terrace, 595, 2, 1S 1D G, 0870 635 9314 Ormiston Terrace, 500, 1, 1D CG O, 0870 635 2010

Craiglockhart Myreside View, 900, 2, CG, 0870 635 9308 North Meggetland, 570, 2, 1S 1D G O, 0870 635 9560 Lockharton Gardens, 1250, 4, 1S 3D G PG O, 0870 635 9314


Area Agent phone number

Buccleuch Street, 750, 2, 2D W CG Z, 0870 062 9434



Cramond Vale, 795, 3, 2D 1B G CG P, 0870 635 2418

Monthly Rent

Crewe Toll Ferry Road Avenue, 700, 3, 3D G CG O, 0870 635 9558 West Pilton Rise, 595, 3, 3D E O, 0870 635 9384 Telford Road, 575, 2, 1S 1D W CG O, 0870 635 4820

Dalry Dalry Road, 975, 3, 3D, 0870 635 3700 Easter Dalry Road, 800, 3, 1S 2D G CG P, 0870 635 4820 Easter Dalry Place, 750, 2, 2D G P, 0870 635 4820 Easter Dalry Rigg, 750, 2, 2D G P, 0870 635 4820 Easter Dalry Rigg, 750, 2, 2D G P, 0870 635 4820 Easter Dalry Road, 750, 2, 2D G P, 0870 635 4820 Easter Dalry Place, 725, 2, 2D G P, 0870 635 4820 Northcote Street, 725, 2, 2D G P, 0870 635 4820 Easter Dalry Drive, 650, 2, 2D P, 0870 635 9596 Murieston Crescent, 650, 2, 2D G Z, 0870 635 9362 Murieston Road, 625, 2, 2D G CG Z, 0870 635 9558 Murieston Terrace, 625, 2, 1S 1D G, 0870 635 2418 Caledonian Place, 620, 2, , 0870 635 9352 Caledonian Road, 620, 2, 2D G CG, 0870 635 2418 Wardlaw Street, 450, 1, 1D G O, 0870 635 6450 Slateford Road, 1020, 3, 3D, 0870 635 3700 Slateford Road, 1005, 3, 3D, 0870 635 3700

Davidsons Mains Craigcrook Road, 795, 2, 2D G, 0870 635 6450 Craigcrook Road, 495, 1, 1D G CG, 0870 635 2418 Corbiehill Road, 460, 1, 1D G, 0870 635 6782

Dean Village Dean Path, 850, 2, 2D G, 0870 635 4820 Hawthornbank Lane, 675, 2, 2D W P, 0870 635 9362

Duddingston Duddingston Park South, 575, 2, G P, 0870 635 9384 Magdalene Avenue, 550, 2, 2D G PG O, 0870 635 6604 Duddingston Park South, 499, 2, 1S 1D G P, 0870 635 9384 Peffer Bank, 400, 1, 1D G CG P, 0870 635 9558

East Craigs Craigmount Hill, 525, 2, 1S 1D W P, 0870 635 3780

Easter Road Easter Road, 800, 3, 1S 2D G CG O, 0870 635 6872 Easter Road, 750, 3, 3D, 0870 635 3700 Broughton Road, 700, 1, 1D, 0870 635 3700 Cambusnethan Street, 670, 2, 2D, 0870 635 3700 Albion Gardens, 650, 2, 2D G P, 0870 635 6450 Dicksonfield, 650, 2, 2D, 0870 635 3700 Albert Street, 625, 2, 2D G, 0870 635 9314 Rossie Place, 575, 2, 2D, 0870 635 3700 St. Clair Street, 550, 2, 2D E CG P, 0870 635 9460 Albion Terrace, 545, 2, 1S 1D -1B -1T G, 0870 635 9332 Albion Road, 495, 1, , 0870 635 9352 Albion Road, 495, 1, 1D G O, 0870 635 9446 Easter Road, 480, 1, 1D G CG, 0870 635 2418 Rossie Place, 425, 1, G CG O, 0870 635 1992 Easter Road, 1380, 4, 4D, 0870 635 3700

Ferry Road East Pilton Farm Avenue, 675, 2, 2D G P, 0870 635 4820

Fettes East Pilton Farm Avenue, 975, 3, 3D G P, 0870 635 4820 East Pilton Farm Crescent, 720, 3, 3D G P, 0870 635 8696 East Pilton Farm Crescent, 625, 2, , 0870 635 9308 East Pilton Farm Crescent, 625, 2, 2D G CG P, 0870 635 8696

Fountainbridge Gibson Terrace, 525, 1, 1D G O, 0870 635 9446 Yeaman Place, 400, 1, 1D E Z, 0870 635 9478 Dundee Terrace, 1300, 4, 4D G Z, 0870 635 9340

Gilmerton Gilmerton Road, 625, 2, 2D G P, 0870 635 9314 Gilmerton Road, 525, 1, 1D E P, 0870 635 9234

Gorgie Newton Street, 935, 3, 3D G CG Z, 0870 635 2418 Sinclair Gardens, 725, 2, 2D G P, 0870 635 3780 Coxfield, 525, 1, 1D G P, 0870 635 4820 Wardlaw Terrace, 525, 1, 1D G CG O, 0870 635 9320 Henderson Terrace, 515, 1, 1D G CG Z, 0870 635 2418 Westfield Road, 500, 1, G O, 0870 635 7736


Wardlaw Place, 495, 1, 1D G CG O, 0870 635 9594 Wardlaw Place, 495, 1, 1D 1T G CG, 0870 635 2418 Wardlaw Street, 495, 1, 1D W O, 0870 635 9314 Wardlaw Terrace, 495, 1, 1D G CG, 0870 635 2418 Smithfield Street, 475, 1, 1D E CG O, 0870 635 1316 Wardlaw Street, Edinburgh, 425, 1, , 0870 635 9245 Wheatfield Place, 425, 1, 1D W O, 0870 635 9312

Granton Hesperus Crossway, 895, 3, 2D 1T G PG P, 0870 635 9460 Colonsay View, 695, 3, G P, 0870 635 6450 Hesperus Crossway, 650, 2, 2D G P, 0870 635 4820 Lower Granton Road, 650, 1, 1D G CG O, 0870 635 9322 Saltire Square, 650, 1, 1D G P, 0870 635 9388 Colonsay Way, 599, 2, 2D G P, 0870 635 9456 Colonsay Close, 595, 2, 2D G, 0870 635 3780 Colonsay Close, 575, 1, 1S 1D G P, 0870 635 9245 Waterfront Gait, 545, 2, 2D G P, 0870 635 9456 Lower Granton Road, 535, 2, 1S 1D G P, 0870 635 9314 Wardieburn Street East, 530, 2, 2D G CG O, 0870 635 1312 Waterfront Park, 530, 1, , 0870 635 9352 West Granton Road, 525, 2, 1S 1D G P, 0870 635 9456 Royston Mains Place, 495, 2, 2D G O, 0870 635 6782 Waterfront Park Edinburgh, 475, 1, 1D G, 0870 635 9326

Grassmarket Websters Land, 650, 1, 1D G Z, 0870 635 6872 Websters Land, 495, 1, 1D W Z, 0870 635 9324

Greenbank The Steils, 800, 2, 2D G PG O, 0870 635 4820

Haymarket Lansdowne Crescent, 775, 2, 2D G Z, 0870 635 9302 Easter Dalry Place, 750, 3, 3D G P, 0870 635 4820 Easter Dalry Place, 750, 2, 2D G P, 0870 635 4820 Easter Dalry Road, 750, 2, 2D G, 0870 635 4820 Easter Dalry Road, 750, 2, 2D G P, 0870 635 4820 Easter Dalry Road, 750, 2, 2D G P, 0870 635 4820 Grove Street, 650, 2, 2D, 0870 635 3700 Morrison Street, 550, 1, , 0870 635 9560 Morrison Street, 550, 1, 1D G Z, 0870 635 9560 Morrison Street, 550, 1, 1D G Z, 0870 635 9560 Morrison Street, 530, 2, 1S 1D O, 0870 635 9316 Morrison Street, 1550, 5, 5D, 0870 635 3700 Morrison Street, 1000, 3, 3D, 0870 635 3700

Hillside Montrose Terrace, 980, 3, 3D, 0870 635 3700 Brunton Gardens, 950, 3, 3D, 0870 635 3700 Montrose Terrace, 900, 4, 2S 2D, 0870 635 3700 Montgomery Street, 775, 2, 2D G CG O, 0870 635 6872 Brunswick Road, 750, 2, 2D G CG P, 0870 635 6872 Albert Place, 725, 3, 3D, 0870 635 3700 Brunswick Street, 625, 2, 2D G CG Z, 0870 635 9362 Hillside Street, 595, 2, 2D G CG Z, 0870 635 9558 Easter Road, 525, 1, G CG Z, 0870 635 6872 Edina Place, 475, 1, 1D G CG O, 0870 635 9320 Blenheim Place, 1700, 5, 5D, 0870 635 3700 Hillside Crescent, 1450, 4, 4D, 0870 635 3700 Brunswick Street, 1395, 5, 5D, 0870 635 3700 Brunswick Street, 1370, 4, 4D, 0870 635 3700 Montrose Terrace, 1005, 3, 3D, 0870 635 3700 Montgomery Street, 1000, 3, 3D G Z, 0870 635 9320

Holyrood Holyrood Road, 900, 2, 2D G P, 0870 635 6872 Gentle’s Entry, 850, 2, 2D G P, 0870 635 8312 Spring Gardens, 825, 3, 2D P, 0870 635 4820 Gentles Entry, 825, 2, 2D G P, 0870 635 4820 Lochend Close, 775, 2, 2D G CG P, 0870 635 9314 Queen’s Park Court, 699, 3, 1S 2D W P, 0870 635 9456 St. John’s Hill, 575, 1, 1D G, 0870 635 2418 Holyrood Road, 2250, 4, 4D G P, 0870 635 4820 Spring Gardens, 1450, 4, 4D G, 0870 635 4820

Viewcraig Street, 1400, 4, 4D G, 0870 635 1876 Royal Park Terrace, 1100, 4, 4D G CG O, 0870 635 9322

Inverleith Eildon Street, 725, 2, 2D 1B G CG O, 0870 635 9456 Easter Warriston, 575, 1, 1D G P, 0870 635 9314 Eildon Terrace, 515, 1, 1D G CG P, 0870 635 9424 Inverleith Terrace, 1000, 3, Z, 0870 635 9308

Juniper Green Woodhall Millbrae, 725, 2, 2D G P, 0870 635 9314 Lanark Road, 650, 1, 1S 2D G P, 0870 635 9478 Lanark Road, 525, 1, 1D W P, 0870 635 9478

Leith Dalmeny Street, 990, 3, 3D, 0870 635 3700 Bernard Street, 980, 3, 3D, 0870 635 3700 Lorne Street, 980, 3, 3D, 0870 635 3700 Annandale Street, 975, 3, 3D, 0870 635 4820 Great Junction Street, 965, 3, 3D, 0870 635 3700 Madeira Street, 950, 4, 4D G O, 0870 635 4820 Iona Street, 950, 3, 3D, 0870 635 3700 Easter Road, 940, 3, 3D, 0870 635 3700 Easter Road, 930, 3, 3D, 0870 635 3700 Easter Road, 930, 3, 3D, 0870 635 3700 Easter Road, 930, 3, 3D, 0870 635 3700 Largo Place, 930, 3, 3D, 0870 635 3700 Ferry Road, 900, 4, 4D, 0870 635 3700 Great Junction Street, 900, 3, 3D, 0870 635 3700 Lorne Street, 900, 3, 3D, 0870 635 3700 Portland Row, 730, 2, , 0870 635 9308 New Cut Rigg, 725, 2, 2D O, 0870 635 3700 Portland Gardens, 725, 2, P, 0870 635 9308 Albion Road, 700, 2, G P, 0870 635 9660 Edina Street, 700, 2, 2D, 0870 635 3700 The Shore, 700, 2, 2D G P, 0870 635 4820 Tower Place, 700, 2, 2D G P, 0870 635 4820 Tower Place, 700, 2, 2D G P, 0870 635 4820 Gladstone Place, 1000, 3, 3D, 0870 635 3700 Western Harbour Way, 1000, 3, 3D G P, 0870 635 4820

Leith Links Links Gardens, 960, 4, 4D, 0870 635 3700 Duke Place, 650, 2, 2D G P, 0870 635 9388 Links Gardens, 595, 1, 1D, 0870 635 3700 Blackie Road, 560, 1, 1D G O, 0870 635 8696 Easter Hermitage, 550, 2, 2D E CG P, 0870 635 6872 Easter Road, 550, 2, 2D E CG P, 0870 635 3780 Rosevale Terrace, 500, 2, 2D -1B -1T G, 0870 635 9332 Gladstone Place, 1550, 5, 5D, 0870 635 3700 Gladstone Place, 1350, 5, 5D, 0870 635 3700 Wellington Place, 1150, 4, 4D G O, 0870 635 9234

Leith Walk Sloan Street, 990, 3, 3D, 0870 635 3700 Leith Walk, 980, 3, 3D, 0870 635 3700 Dalmeny Street, 960, 3, 3D, 0870 635 3700 Tinto Place, 950, 4, 4D, 0870 635 3700 Arthur Street, 950, 3, 1S 2D G PG P, 0870 635 1614 Dalmeny Street, 930, 3, 3D, 0870 635 3700 Leith Walk, 900, 4, 4D, 0870 635 3700 Leith Walk, 900, 3, 3D, 0870 635 3700 Leith Walk, 850, 3, 3D, 0870 635 3700 Pilrig Glebe, 800, 3, 1S 2D G P, 0870 635 9314 Iona Street, 790, 3, 3D, 0870 635 3700 Leith Walk, 750, 3, 3D, 0870 635 3700 Leith Walk, 750, 3, 1S 2D G, 0870 635 9326 Stead’s Place, 590, 2, , 0870 635 9434 Stead’s Place, 575, 2, 2D G P, 0870 635 9384 Leith Walk, 550, 2, 2D W O, 0870 635 9326 New Orchardfield, 550, 2, 2D W CG P, 0870 635 9558 Dalmeny Street, 525, 1, 1D G CG O, 0870 635 2418 Buchanan Street, 495, 1, 1D G CG, 0870 635 2418 Dalmeny Street, 1020, 4, 4D, 0870 635 3700 Dryden Street, 1005, 3, 3D, 0870 635 3700


Bedrooms: Heating: Garden: Parking: Furniture:

Liberton Kirkgate, 800, 2, 2D G PG O, 0870 635 4820 Old Burdiehouse Road, 750, 3, 1S 2D G P, 0870 635 9460 Howden Hall Drive, 675, 2, , 0870 635 6450 Braefoot Terrace, 600, 2, 2D G CG P, 0870 635 9468 St. Katharine’s Crescent, 550, 2, 2D CG, 0870 635 9558 Blackford Glen Road, 510, 1, 1D G PG O, 0870 635 9424 Nether Craigour, 495, 1, 1D E P, 0870 635 9424

Lochend Lochend Road, 615, 2, 2D G P, 0870 635 9456 Lochend Square, 550, 2, 2D -1B -1T G, 0870 635 9332 Beechwood Terrace, 525, 2, 2D -1B -1T G, 0870 635 9332 Piersfield Terrace, 500, 1, 1D G CG O, 0870 635 2414

Marchmont Sciennes, 550, 1, 1D E Z, 0870 635 6872 Findhorn Place, 1700, 5, 5D, 0870 635 3700 Thirlestane Road, 1595, 4, 4D G CG Z, 0870 635 1614 Warrender Park Crescent, 1350, 4, 1S 3D G CG Z, 0870 635 2418 Marchmont Street, 1300, 4, 4D G CG Z, 0870 635 2418 Thirlestane Road, 1125, 3, 3D G CG O, 0870 635 9478 Arden Street, 1100, 3, 3D G, 0870 635 9314 Arden Street, 1050, 3, 3D G CG, 0870 635 2418

Meadowbank Piershill Terrace, 725, 2, 2D CG, 0870 635 2418 Queens Park Court, 700, 3, 1S 2D -1B -1T, 0870 635 9332 Willowbrae Road, 650, 2, 2D G P, 0870 635 2154 Willowbrae Road, 650, 2, 2D G P, 0870 635 2418 Piershill Terrace, 600, 2, G, 0870 635 9245 Dalziel Place, 575, 1, 1D, 0870 635 3700 Meadowbank Terrace, 575, 1, 1D, 0870 635 3700 Marionville Road, 560, 1, 1D G CG O, 0870 635 9362 Dalgety Road, 550, 2, 2D G P, 0870 635 4820 Cambusnethan Street, 550, 1, 1D G O, 0870 635 4820 Dalgety Avenue, 525, 1, , 0870 635 9352 Piersfield Grove, 495, 2, 1S 1D W O, 0870 635 9688 Piersfield Grove, 480, 1, 1D G CG O, 0870 635 9326 Dalziel Place, 475, 1, 1D 1B, 0870 635 4820 Meadowbank Crescent, 475, 1, 1D -1B -1T G, 0870 635 9332 Comely Green Place, 1450, 5, 5D, 0870 635 3700 Parsons Green Terrace, 1120, 4, 2S 2D, 0870 635 3700

Meadows Hope Park Crescent, 1050, 3, 3D G Z, 0870 635 6872

Merchiston Saddlers Mews, 825, 2, 2D E, 0870 635 9320 Dorset Place, 640, 2, W P, 0870 635 9560

Morningside Falcon Avenue, 995, 3, 3D G Z, 0870 635 9324 Falcon Gardens, 995, 3, 3D G CG, 0870 635 2418 Comiston Road, 850, 3, 3D G O, 0870 635 9322 Littlejohn Road, 850, 2, 2D G P, 0870 635 4820 Craighouse Gardens, 625, 2, 2D W P, 0870 635 9312 Comiston Terrace, 625, 1, 1D G O, 0870 635 9362 Springvalley Terrace, 550, 1, 1D G CG, 0870 635 2418 Comiston Gardens, 1200, 4, G CG O, 0870 635 9596 Morningside Road, 1200, 4, 4D G CG Z, 0870 635 9334 Maxwell Street, 1050, 3, 3D G CG Z, 0870 635 2418 Steels Place, 1035, 3, 3D, 0870 635 3700 Hermitage Gardens, 1000, 2, CG O, 0870 635 9308

Murrayfield Campbell Avenue, 925, 3, 3D G PG P, 0870 635 9314 South Beechwood, 650, 2, 1S 1D G CG O, 0870 635 4820 Upper Coltbridge Terrace, 1350, 4, 1S 2D 1T G O, 0870 635 9320 Kinellan Road, 1350, 3, PG P, 0870 635 9308

Musselburgh Newbigging, 595, 2, 2D G, 0870 635 2418 Inglis Avenue, 550, 2, 2D G PG O, 0870 635 1312 Mansfield Avenue, 495, 1, 1D E PG O, 0870 635 2418

S Single D Double T Twin B Box G Gas Central W White Meter E Electric PG Private CG Communal Z Zone O On-Street P Private UF Unfurnished

New Town Hillside Crescent, 995, 2, 2D G PG Z, 0870 635 9474 Heriot Row, 900, 2, CG Z, 0870 635 9308 Hopetoun Crescent, 885, 2, G P, 0870 635 9320 St Stephen Street, 825, 2, 2D G P, 0870 635 4820 Fettes Row, 800, 3, 1S 2D G P, 0870 635 4820 St Stephen Street, 800, 2, 2D G P, 0870 635 4820 St Stephen Street, 800, 2, 2D G P, 0870 635 4820 Broughton Street, 1500, 5, 5D G Z, 0870 635 9312 North Castle Street, 1500, 2, 1S 1D G Z, 0870 635 4820 St Vincent Place, 1500, 2, 2D G P, 0870 635 4820 St Vincent Place, 1500, 2, 2D G P, 0870 635 4820 East London Street, 1400, 4, 4D G Z, 0870 635 9320 Regent Terrace, 1275, 4, 1S 3D G PG Z, 0870 635 9688 Dundonald Street, 1250, 3, , 0870 635 9352 Moray Place, 1250, 2, 2D G Z, 0870 635 4820 Scotland Street, 1250, 2, 1S 2D G Z, 0870 635 4820 Gayfield Square, 1200, 4, 1S 3D G Z, 0870 635 9316 York Lane, 1050, 2, 1S 1D G PG P, 0870 635 6872

Newington Suffolk Road, 950, 2, 2D G PG, 0870 635 2418 Dalkeith Road, 930, 3, 3D, 0870 635 3700 Minto Street, 900, 3, 3D W Z, 0870 635 9322 West Powburn, 860, 3, 1S 2D G CG P, 0870 635 9434 Dalkeith Road, 850, 3, 1S 2D G CG O, 0870 635 9326 South Oxford Street, 850, 3, 3D G Z, 0870 635 6872 Lutton Place, 725, 2, 2D, 0870 635 3780 South Clerk Street, 725, 2, 2D, 0870 635 9245 Upper Gray Street, 725, 2, 2D G P, 0870 635 4820 Dalkeith Road, 1050, 3, 3D, 0870 635 3700 Mayfield Road, 1000, 4, 4D G O, 0870 635 9334 East Preston Street, 1000, 3, , 0870 635 9352 East Suffolk Park, 1000, 2, 2D G P, 0870 635 4820

Old Town Jeffrey Street, 800, 2, 2D G, 0870 635 1614 Jeffrey Street, 750, 1, 1D G Z, 0870 635 9314 Canongate, 540, 1, 1D G Z, 0870 635 9320 Upper Bow, 500, 1, 1D E, 0870 635 9478 Ramsay Garden, 2500, 4, CG, 0870 635 9308 Ramsay Garden, 2000, 4, 1S 2D 1T G CG, 0870 635 6872 Ramsay Garden, 1500, 3, 1S 2D, 0870 635 6872

Oxgangs Oxgangs Park, 600, 2, 2D G CG O, 0870 635 8694 Firrhill Drive, 545, 2, 2D G PG O, 0870 635 9302

Portobello Brunstane Road, 790, 2, 2D G PG O, 0870 635 9302 Arthur View Crescent, 675, 3, G CG O, 0870 635 1876 Coillesdene Drive, 595, 2, 2D 1B G P, 0870 635 3872 Northfield Grove, 595, 2, 2D W CG P, 0870 635 3780 Ramsay Place, 475, 1, 1D E, 0870 635 9320 Elcho Terrace, 1000, 3, 3D G PG O, 0870 635 4820

Slateford Gorgie Road, 990, 3, 3D, 0870 635 3700 Slateford Road, 795, 3, 3D G O, 0870 635 9312 Hermand Crescent, 750, 2, 2D, 0870 635 3700 Duff Street, 650, 2, 2D, 0870 635 3700 Hutchison Crossway, 650, 2, 2D G PG, 0870 635 2418 Violet Terrace, 550, 2, 2D E PG Z, 0870 635 4820 Moat Street, 500, 1, 1D E O, 0870 635 9314 Moat Street, 495, 1, , 0870 635 9352 Moat Street, 475, 1, 1D G CG O, 0870 635 9594 Angle Park Terrace, 460, 1, 1D W CG Z, 0870 635 9424

St Leonards South Gray Street, 1085, 3, 3D G P, 0870 635 3728

Stenhouse Stenhouse Avenue West, 650, 2, 2D G CG O, 0870 635 7736 Stenhouse Cottages, 650, 2, 2D G PG O, 0870 635 7736 Stevenson Drive, 595, 2, 2D G O, 0870 635 7736 Stevenson Drive, 595, 2, 2D G CG O, 0870 635 7736

Stenhouse Terrace, 560, 2, PG, 0870 635 9352

Stockbridge Dean Park Street, 960, 3, 3D, 0870 635 3700 Marys Place, 900, 3, 3D G Z, 0870 635 9388 Dean Terrace, 875, 3, Z, 0870 635 9308 Patriothall, 825, 2, 2D G P, 0870 635 9314 Patriothall, 800, 2, 2D G P, 0870 635 9314 Patriothall, 800, 2, 2D G P, 0870 635 9314 Malta Green, 510, 1, 1D, 0870 635 3700 Dean Street, 1050, 2, Z, 0870 635 9308 Fettes Row, 1000, 3, 3D -1B -1T G, 0870 635 9332

The Shore Lochinvar Drive, 795, 2, 2D G P, 0870 635 2418 Constitution Street, 775, 3, 3D W CG P, 0870 635 2418 Western Harbour Way, 775, 2, 2D G P, 0870 635 8690 Rennie’s Isle, 750, 2, 2D G P, 0870 635 2418 Portland Gardens, 745, 2, 2D, 0870 635 2418 Tower Place, 720, 2, 2D G, 0870 635 9558 Sandport, 700, 2, 2D G CG P, 0870 635 9558 Constitution Street, 695, 2, 2D W O, 0870 635 1614 Timber Bush, 630, 2, 2D G, 0870 635 2418 Giles Street, 625, 1, 1D G P, 0870 635 9234 Tolbooth Wynd, 595, 2, 2D -1B -1T G, 0870 635 9332 Sheriff Park, 575, 2, 2D G, 0870 635 2418 Salamander Street, 550, 2, 2D 1B G CG O, 0870 635 9558 Salamander Court, 550, 1, 1D G P, 0870 635 9594

Tollcross East Fountainbridge, 695, 2, 2D G P, 0870 635 9314 Lauriston Place, 690, 2, , 0870 635 9352 Lochrin Terrace, 600, 1, , 0870 635 6872 Fountainbridge, 550, 1, 1D, 0870 635 3700 Fountainbridge, 550, 1, 1D, 0870 635 3700 Lauriston Street, 475, 1, 1D W Z, 0870 635 9312 Panmure Place, 450, 1, 1D E, 0870 635 9316 High Riggs, 1200, 3, G P, 0870 635 3780 Lothian Road, 1040, 3, 3D, 0870 635 3700

Trinity Dudley Avenue, 750, 2, 2D G CG O, 0870 635 6872 Starbank Road, 595, 2, G O, 0870 635 6604 East Trinity Road, 575, 2, , 0870 635 9352 Craighall Crescent, 575, 1, 1D G CG O, 0870 635 9594 Darnell Road, 550, 2, 1D 1T W O, 0870 635 9320 Grandfield, 495, 1, 1D W P, 0870 635 9460 South Trinity Road, 485, 1, 1D 1B G O, 0870 635 4820

Viewforth Horne Terrace, 460, 1, 1D CG Z, 0870 635 9334 Leamington Terrace, 3000, 9, 1S 8D G Z, 0870 635 9326

West End Melville Place, 900, 2, 2D 1B G Z, 0870 635 4830 Palmerston Place, 875, 2, 2D G CG, 0870 635 2418 Buckingham Terrace, 800, 2, 2D, 0870 635 4820 Atholl Place, 750, 1, 1D E Z, 0870 635 9320 Rothesay Terrace, 725, 1, 1D G PG Z, 0870 635 9320 Orchard Brae Avenue, 675, 2, 1D 1T G P, 0870 635 9320 Oxford Terrace, 675, 2, 2D, 0870 635 4820 Buckingham Terrace, 675, 1, 1D W Z, 0870 635 9320 Easter Dalry Wynd, 675, 1, 1D G P, 0870 635 9300 Eton Terrace, 650, 1, 1D E CG Z, 0870 635 6872 Glasgow Road, 645, 2, 2D G CG P, 0870 635 4826 Oxford Terrace, 550, 1, 1D G O, 0870 635 6450 Haymarket Terrace, 1700, 5, 5D, 0870 635 3700 Lansdowne Crescent, 1700, 3, 3D G, 0870 635 9468 Coates Place, 1400, 4, 4D G O, 0870 635 6450 Alva Street, 1300, 4, 4D G, 0870 635 9245 South Charlotte Street, 1100, 2, 2D G, 0870 635 9314

Willowbrae Piershill Terrace, 595, 2, 2D -1B -1T G, 0870 635 9332 Northfield Drive, 575, 1, 1D E CG O, 0870 635 9320

Sport 29

The Journal Wednesday 30 September 2009


SHORTS Snippets of sports news and events from the last fortnight Liam McCabe

Smaller teams hope to drink from the cup of glory Liam McCabe

was on the oval ball game. Football was almost frowned upon.


lthough Edinburgh University were knocked out of the Scottish Cup at the first time of asking last weekend, there are still several Edinburgh teams still competing for the famous old trophy. Hibs and Hearts will enter the competition at a later stage, but the romance of the Cup is all about teams from the lower leagues, like Edinburgh’s very own Spartans and Edinburgh City, earning their shot at the big boys. Edinburgh Evening News reporter, and East of Scotland Football aficionado, Keith Anderson, recently took the time to give The Journal his memories of this famous old Trophy... “The Scottish Cup evokes many memories for me, especially as I grew up in the rugby-orientated town of Selkirk in the Borders. At both primary and secondary schools, the emphasis

The Scottish Cup does for me what no other competition can - and that includes World Cups, European Cups, FA Cups - in fact, any other cup competition that you want to mention. My first ever Scottish Cup Final was in season 1966/67 when my friend and I travelled by train from Galashiels and off we went to Glasgow to see the Scottish Cup Final between Aberdeen and Celtic. I didn’t support either team, although that did not deter me. Incidentally, the crowd that day was 126,102 and for the record Celtic won 2-0 with a double from Willie Wallace. The following month that same Celtic team went on to lift the European Cup and since that night they have been known to the football world as the Lisbon Lions. But back to the Scottish Cup! I suspect that neither Selkirk, nor Edinburgh University, or any other East of Scotland League club will ever

lift the coveted trophy, which is being played for this season in its 125th year. But who will win it? It would be rather pleasing for an Edinburgh club to have their name engraved on the oldest cup in the footballing world, but is this a possibility? The Spartans have caused some major upsets in recent seasons with well-merited victories against SFL opposition, namely Alloa Athletic, Arbroath, Berwick Rangers, Queen’s Park and Annan Athletic. The students of Edinburgh University have etched their names in Scottish Cup history in recent seasons with wins against Highland League sides Keith and Deveronvale. Edinburgh City have also recorded wins against Wick Academy and Inverness Clachnacuddin while Whitehill Welfare gave Celtic a shock at Easter Road in 1996 before losing only 3-0 to the holders. Hearts have lifted the trophy on seven occasions, the last time being as recently as 2006 when they beat

Gretna in the final. Before that, the Tynecastle men won it in 1998, 1956, 1906, 1901, 1896 and 1891. Hibs, and no supporter of the Easter Road club will need reminding of this fact, have picked up the Scottish Cup on only two occasions, the last being in 1902 and previously in 1887. The trophy also came to Edinburgh in 1895 when the now defunct club St Bernard’s triumphed 2-1 against another club no longer in existence - Renton. So what are the chances of an Edinburgh club returning to the Capital in May next year parading the Scottish Cup along Princes Street in an open top tram? Don’t waste your student grant at the bookmakers! But do remember that The Scottish Cup is full of wonderful memories, and some painful ones, and every player and supporter has a part to play in this truly great competition. Just ask the wee boy from Selkirk who has followed this competition with interest for 51 years.“

Hibs return to form with away win

Hibs bounced back from their poor midweek performance with a convincing win away at Motherwell on Saturday. Goals from Colin Nish, Derek Riordan and Merouane Zemmama gave Hibs their fourth win in six league games, and sent the Easter Road side into joint 2nd place in the SPL. New signing Liam Miller was outstanding for Hibs, who racked up three goals for the second League match in a row. Hibs’ next match is this Saturday at Easter Road, versus Dundee United in a third-versus-fourth SPL clash.

Kings blown away by Tornadoes

City of Edinburgh Kings, Scottish National basketball champions for the past three seasons, were dealt a blow last Friday, falling to a 74-70 defeat away to Troon Tornadoes. Kings struggled against a bigger Troon line up, including newlysigned ex-Scottish Rocks forward, Daniel Donnelly. Kings will look to bounce back in a double header against Falkirk Fury and East Lothian Peregrines this weekend at Portobello High School.

England defeat Sri Lanka

England defeated Sri Lanka by six wickets in the ICC Champions Trophy in Johannesburg last Friday, on the back of an unbeaten 62 from Eoin Morgan. Muttiah Muralitharan, so often Sri Lanka’s star man, took only one wicket, while being hit for 60 runs in 10 overs. England became the only unbeaten team in Group B of the Trophy, in a confident batting performance that belied the nerves they had shown in the ODI series versus Australia.

British pair reach first ATP Final

British pair Colin Fleming and Ken Skupski have given British tennis a lift following the UK’s Davis Cup defeat to Poland, reaching the doubles final of the Open de Moselle in France. The pair, who were snubbed by John Lloyd for the Davis Cup match, won in straight sets in the semi-final, setting up a final showdown with Arnaud Clement and Michael Llodra of France. The win lifts the pair into the top 100 ranked men’s doubles partnerships in world tennis, which Shupski has called a “landmark achievement”.

David versus Goliath

Britain’s David ‘The Haymaker’ Haye is to fight Nikolay Valuev of Russia for the WBA World Heavyweight championship this November. The 7ft 2 Valuev is yet to be knocked out or floored in his 16-year career, but the Briton, who is almost a foot shorter and eight stones lighter than his opponent, is in a confident mood ahead of the fight, stating that “David only needed a slingshot and stone to flatten Goliath, my right hand generates more power than that”.

30 Sport

Honours even as Edinburgh sides battle out a thrilling draw University side scrape face-saving try in dying minutes against bottom-of-the-table opposition Tom Tennant

University of Edinburgh 1st XV 20 - 20 Murrayfield Wanderers Edinburgh University 1st XV secured a dramatic draw at Peffermill on Saturday 26 September, scoring a try two minutes from the end of the game to prevent what had looked a likely win for the visiting Murrayfield Wanderers. With Edinburgh 6th in the National 1 league and the Wanderers struggling in 9th at the start of the game, and with both sides having lost on the previous Saturday, this was always likely to be a tough and potentially close game - and so it proved. The university, playing the first half into the wind, started in excellent fashion and scored with just five minutes gone. Sam Bellhouse started the move with an excellent break. He passed to McTurk who then popped the ball off to Michael Johnson who finished expertly in the corner. With the try converted Edinburgh had made the perfect start, but the university couldn’t hold on to their lead as the first piece of concerted pressure from the Murrayfield Wanderers rewarded them with a try of their own: a series of rucks and powerful drives from an impressive pack lead to an easy try under the posts. Ill-discipline from both teams resulted in numerous penalties

throughout the match, but neither side seemed to have the confidence or impetus to capitalize, with a handling error or forward pass often ensuing. The Wanderers kicker did make the most of one opportunity, however, to give his side a slender lead with twenty minutes left in the first half. There was still time in the first half for one try apiece. First, the Wanderers bundled the ball over from a scrum five meters out before Jamie Doubleday, Edinburgh’s captain in the absence of the injured Jamie Clegg, won a turnover for his side and passed to Michael Johnson on the crash ball. His powerful run produced another penalty, and the ensuing lineout, close to the Wanderers line, led to Rick Wright darting in under the opposition pack to score close to the posts. With the score at 15-15 at half time it was perhaps inevitable that the second half would produce aggressive but slightly nervy rugby. For much of it, Edinburgh struggled to make inroads into the opposition half, and instead were camped on the back foot in their own half. The pressure from the Wanderers was building and their pack, having been a formidable force all game, produced another try with a powerful drive leading to a score in

the corner. Wanderers’ number 9, who had struggled to find his range, sent the crucial conversion wide, and was to rue his error by the end of the match. The turning point of the game came with ten minutes to go, as the Wanderers number 5 dumped an Edinburgh player off the ball. His yellow card meant the Wanderers were down to fourteen men for the rest of the game, and allowed Edinburgh to finally start producing some plays through the backs, with Bellhouse in particular making inroads in the midfield. Edinburgh’s final attacking move saw Wright take a quick tap 20 meters from the opposition line. The ball moved quickly and smoothly through the hands of the backs and Callum Williams, on as a substitute, finished well in the far corner to huge cheers from a substantial crowd. This left the score at 20 points apiece, and it was left to Ian McGhee to take a difficult conversion to effectively win Edinburgh the game. His kick, however, was not well struck and went well wide of the posts. There is no doubt that the University would have been the happier of the two sides at the end of the game, earning a good point in a match in which the Wanderers had made more of the running.

The Journal Wednesday 30 September 2009

Hamilton fightback goes unrewarded against Hearts Continued from p.32 by Goncalves, whose header came back off the bar. Accies were awarded a free kick after a foul by Michael Stewart on 38 minutes, from which Hastings’ effort took a slight deflection, before sailing just wide of goal. Billy Reid’s men were afforded their best chance of the opening 45 minutes shortly before half time. Mikael AntioneCurier latched on to a speculative ball over the top and found himself with a clear sight of goal. The ex-Hibs man was unable to keep his shot down however, and smashed wildly over. Csaba Laszlo would have had some stern words for his charges at half time, and the hosts started the second period with an increased sense of urgency. Suso collected Stewart’s quick free kick on the left before cutting inside and hitting a curling right foot shot which Cerny did well to hold. The breakthrough came after 52 minutes. David Witteveen used his strength to hold off Canning and turned inside before he was tripped in the area. Alan Muir pointed to the spot and Stewart converted for the second consecutive game. Hearts doubled their lead within ninety seconds. Another Craig Thomson corner was poorly dealt with, and Stewart volleyed the youngster’s cross back towards goal, where Suso forced it home from close range. You could have been forgiven for thinking that two quick goals

would have knocked the stuffing out of Hamilton, but the response from the Lanarkshire men was rapid. Ismael Bouzid missed his interception, affording Marco Paixao a free run on goal. The Portuguese forward showed his composure, calmly sliding the ball past Balogh to halve the deficit. The same player had a chance to level within two minutes, but his volley was straight at the Hearts keeper. From then on, Accies showed plenty of endeavour, yet it was Hearts who looked more likely to add to their lead. Substitute Arvydas Novikovas sent a left foot shot wide, whilst Witteveen should have sealed the win with just minutes left, though the Austrian striker appeared to slip whilst shooting from twelve yards. Hamilton sent on ex-Chelsea striker Leon Knight in an attempt to salvage a point, but the Tynecastle side were resolute enough to secure the win. Hearts: Balogh; Thomson; Goncalves; Zaliukas; Bouzid; Suso (Novikovas); Black (J. Stewart); M. Stewart; Driver; Obua; Witteveen (Robinson) Hamilton: Cerny; McClenahan; Hastings; Canning; McLaughlin; Wesolowski (Louhoungou); McArthur; Antione-Curier (Knight); Mensing (Evans); Paixao; Mason Referee: Alan Muir



Sport 31

The Journal Wednesday 30 September 2009

Hearts' Cup dream still alive as Pars pay the penalty Glen and Stewart send Hearts through to Quarter Finals in a strong second-half showing

Huge turnout as Gunners stumble in their attempt to cement league lead Lewis Mallen

Liam McCabe Hearts progressed to the Quarter Final stage of the Co-Operative Insurance Cup after coming from behind to defeat First Division side Dunfermline Athletic, in an unconvincing performance at Tynecastle. The Pars’ fans had travelled across the Forth in good numbers, and the away side gave their supporters plenty to cheer about in the early stages, more than holding their own against their SPL opponents and taking the lead after 14 minutes. A lovely reverse ball from Greg Ross inside Hearts’ left fullback, Lee Wallace, sent Graeme Bayne through on goal, and Bayne did not waste his opportunity, striking low to the goalkeeper’s right. Hearts appeared to be rattled by this early goal, and were unable to present any threat to a solid Dunfermline defence. This was underlined on 26 minutes, when Dunfermline centre half Andy Dowie was able to flick a backheader to his own goalkeeper from his own six-yard line under no pressure from Hearts strikeforce. Dunfermline were comfortable in possession and with their lead. Hearts’ first shot on goal came on the half hour mark, and summed up their play in a poor first half, as David Obua’s ambitious volley sailed high over Fleming’s cross bar. Andy Dowie went down with a head knock soon after, and the Hearts fans took their opportunity to let their heroes know that the performance was not good enough.

Celtic champions trample Edinburgh's unblemished record

Heart of Midlothian 2 - 1 Dunfermline Athletic This seemed to spark the home side into action, and Hearts began to threaten. They had the ball in the net on 35 minutes, through Zaliukas, though the defender was deemed to have been offside. Five minutes later, a goalmouth scramble in the Dunfermline six-yard box saw Obua’s strike cleared off the line, before Gary Glen’s acrobatic attempt flew inches over Fleming’s cross bar in the last chance of a first half. Hearts equalised within ten minutes of the re-start, after David Obua made his way down the left wing, and crossed for Gary Glen to nod home from six yards out. Dunfermline did not crumble, and although Hearts exerted greater pressure, the Pars forced a corner midway through the second half. Balogh came for the ball, but got nowhere near it, prompting howls of anguish from the Gorgie faithful, as a Dunfermline forward only narrowly missed out on making contact at the back post. Only a few minutes later, Hearts claimed the lead. Obua went down in the box under the challenge of Neil McGregor, who was booked for his indiscretion in what appeared a soft penalty award from referee Brian

Winter. Dunfermline’s Greg Ross was also booked for his part in the ensuing fracas, as he took his protestations further than Winter was prepared to tolerate. Hearts Captain, Michael Stewart, stepped up to send Fleming the wrong way from 12 yards, and put his side into the lead. Hearts were energised by their second goal, and looked more impressive as the match wore on. Dunfermline struggled to make any headway, and introduced ex-Hearts players Andy Kirk and Austin McCann in an attempt to find an equaliser. There were half chances for the away side, but nothing clear-cut as the home side Hearts held on comfortably and moved forward to the quarter final stage. Hearts: Balogh, Wallace (Black, 45), Goncalves, Palazuelos, Santana, Obua, Bouzid, Stewart (Captain), Zaliukas, Glen (Smith, 67), Thomson. Subs: MacDonald (GK), Kucharski, Thomson. Dunfermline: Fleming, Woods (Cardle, 55), Muirhead, Holmes, McGregor, Dowie, Ross (McCann, 82), Burke, Bayne, Phinn (Kirk, 75), Gibson. Subs: Higgins, Paterson (GK). Referee: Brian Winter.

Edinburgh University 1 - 7 Western Wildcats

Nem necte volumenducid uta Natibeati andit dolessi nciae. Itatur aut

Edinburgh lost 19-21 to European champions Leinster in dramatic fashion at Murrayfield on Friday night. A massive crowd of over 5,700 saw Chris Paterson miss a last minute penalty that would have won the game for Edinburgh and further consolidated their place at the top of the Magners League. The loss signals the home side’s first defeat in ten league games; however, Edinburgh head coach Rob Moffat will be buoyed by an impressive attacking performance from his squad. Ben Cairns touched down for the only try of the night with the Edinburgh back line providing a constant threat. Within the opening two minutes Edinburgh were penalised for straying offside, which allowed Leinster’s young centre Fergus McFadden to take the first three points of the match. Paterson brought the home side back into the match with two first half penalties before McFadden struck again on the stroke of half time with a long range kick. Edinburgh were unlucky not to take the lead before half time after their direct running and precision kicking saw Leinster commit several unforced errors. The visitors’ frustration reached its inevitable conclusion after 36 minutes when the Irish side were reduced to 14 men after several blatant infringements in the ruck. Unfortunately for the home side they could not capitalise on their oneman advantage and their own consistent ill-discipline saw Leinster score two McFadden penalties in the early stages of the second half. The Gunners saw their chances of a win fade further when Scott MacLeod was sent to the sin bin on 45 minutes. Against the run of play the home side took the lead through Cairns’ converted try, which came as a result of

a John Houston line break and quick hands from Craig Hamilton. With the score at 13-12 the game looked destined to go to the wire with the Leinster blitz defence proving to be effective in shutting down the previously dangerous Edinburgh back line. To the frustration of the home support the Gunners continued to commit penalties, which McFadden duly converted to take the score to 13-18 with only ten minutes left. Paterson closed the gap to 16-18 with a long range penalty and took the lead with a penalty from the half-way line with only one minute remaining. In a dramatic finale Ally Hogg collected the restart on his own 22 but was unceremoniously turned over by a committed Leinster forward pack, which gifted the visitors’ Jonathan Sexton a drop goal. With the game appearing to be over, the home side were gifted one final chance to snatch a victory when Leinster gave a penalty away straight from the restart. Agonisingly Paterson fell short with the last kick of the match, condemning Edinburgh to their first defeat of the season. Edinburgh: Paterson, Robertson, Cairns, De Luca, Visser, Godman, M. Blair, Traynor, Ford, G. Cross, C. Hamilton, MacLeod, MacDonald, Grant, Hogg. Replacements: Houston for De Luca (41), Jacobsen for Traynor (51), Kelly for Ford (54), Young for G. Cross (71), Newlands for Grant (64). Not Used: S. Turnbull, Laidlaw. Leinster: R. Kearney, Horgan, McFadden, D’Arcy, Fitzgerald, Berne, Reddan, Healy, Fogarty, Wright, Cullen, Hines, McLaughlin, O’Brien, Heaslip. Replacements: Sexton for Berne (41), Jackman for Fogarty (53), Ross for Wright (53), Toner for Hines (77), Jennings for McLaughlin (53). Not Used: S. Keogh, Dempsey. Att: 5,761

32 Sport


The Journal Wednesday 30 September 2009


Hacker: Liam McCabe looks at the proud tradition of the Scottish Cup


Edinburgh University held to a draw by Murrayfeild Wanderers


Old cup rivalry stoked by Edinburgh home defeat University side well-beaten by undefeated opposition Liam McCabe A brace from Aaron Somerville and a late goal from substitute Steve Dongo made the difference for an impressive Vale side at Peffermil. The Vale took the lead through Somerville’s header after only 14 minutes, and were not to relinquish their lead in a match dominated by the Borderers, who maintain their 100 percent record in competitive action. Vale set the tone from the start, with their ‘front four’ of Andy Martin, Geri Rossi, Aaron Somerville and Ousman

Sonko all threatening an unsteady but resolute Edinburgh defence. Martin in particular, on the right wing, was causing all sorts of problems, and served notice of his intentions after only nine minutes. A good run from the tricky wide man, followed by a crisply struck low shot that went narrowly wide of Steven Oliver’s right hand post, were the first indications of number seven’s menace, and he was to make a more telling contribution soon after. After 22 minutes, more good work from Martin on the right wing saw him ghost past the uni defender, and send a great cross into Edinburgh’s box. Somerville rose highest of all in a

University of Edinburgh 1st XI - 0 Vale of Leithen - 3 packed penalty area to nod home, and give his side the lead that their early play deserved, as the ball squirmed from Oliver’s grasp, and crawled over the line. Edinburgh’s goalkeeper will no doubt feel that he could have done better, but on the balance of play, even the most fanatical of University men could not have denied Vale their goal. The old saying goes that a team is never more vulnerable in defence than when they have just scored, and Edinburgh almost proved that old adage to be true on 24 minutes. A free kick from the right was floated into the Vale box, right onto the head of Darren Jarvie, whose bullet header was well saved by Walker in the visitor’s goal. This was to be the only real threat posed by the students in a first half full of industry, but very little inspiration for the home side, and one in which Vale might have doubled their lead before the break, had Oliver not been equal to Rossi’s strike. Edinburgh made a change early in the second half, introducing Benji Antoni in place of James Brownie, as manager Dougie Samuel chased an equaliser. Unfortunately for the exSpartans man, the visitors grabbed their second goal of the day only minutes later: a nice turn and a fantastic shot from the edge of the box, low to the goalkeeper’s left, gave Somerville his second goal of the afternoon, and presented Edinburgh with a real challenge in the remaining half hour of the match. Vale almost made it three immediately from the re-start, as Martin had the beating of his man yet again, and rolled the ball to Rossi at the edge of the box. The forward’s strike seemed destined for the top corner, before Oliver

threw himself to his right to divert the ball away for a corner. A fantastic strike, bettered only by Oliver’s save, as Vale of Leithen grew in confidence. Beecher and Munro were introduced with 25 minutes remaining, as Edinburgh attempted to mount a comeback. This was not to materialise, though, as Vale still posed the greater threat, with Martin prominent as always. Edinburgh’s afternoon was summed up in the ninetieth minute of the match, when James Craigen hooked a shot wide of goal at the end of a frustrating afternoon for the midfielder. Vale brought Dongo and Moffat into the fray as the game wound down, and the former was to grab his own piece of the limelight in the last significant action of the match. As the final whistle approached, the substitute went past his marker at the edge of the Uni box, before playing a cool finish into the bottom left-hand corner of Steven Oliver’s net. Dongo’s strike rounded off a great win for the First Division side, who more than earned their place in the next round of world football’s oldest national cup competition. Edinburgh University: Oliver, Thompson, Davison (Beecher, 65), MacKinnon, Jarvie, Brownie (Antoni, 57), ScottWoodhouse, Dodds, Oswald (Munro, 65), Beesley, Craigen. Subs not used: Tait (GK), Neil Irvine. Vale of Leithen: Walker, Tainsh, Lee, Stewart, Hall, Greenhill, Martin, Gilon, Rossi (Dongo, 90), Sonko, Somerville (Moffat, 90). Subs not used: Wilson (GK), Jones, Shortreed.

Hamilton fightback goes unrewarded against Hearts Second home win in a week for struggling capital side Heart of Midlothian - 2 Hamilton Academical - 1 Ross Pilcher Hearts claimed their second home win in four days with a hardfought 2-1 victory over Hamilton on Saturday. Goals from Michael Stewart and Suso Santana gave the Jambos a much-needed three points, following their midweek Cup success against Dunfermline. The Gorgie side were the first to threaten. After six minutes, Jose Goncalves’ cross from the left reached Suso at the back post, though the Spaniard was unable to connect properly with his volley. Minutes later, another Goncalves cross picked out David Witteveen, who volleyed high over Tomas Cerny’s cross bar. David Obua was next in line to spurn an opportunity at the back post, heading wide after Andrew Driver’s cross. Hamilton had their first meaningful attempt on goal after quarter of an hour. Janos Balogh failed to deal with Richard Hastings’ corner and was fortunate that Wesolowski could only stab the ball wide. Hearts then went close from a set piece of their own. Craig Thomson’s corner was met powerfully

Continued on p.30

Physical Leithers grind out victory at Heriot-Watt Heriot-Watt University 0 - 1 Leith Athletic Toby Powell, Joe Ohlsson A scrappy affair at the John Bryson Arena was settled by a Chris Beaton tap-in at the par post, after a thunderous shot from teammate Rory Stewart. The game was not without its controversies, however, with questions raised over whether or not Beaton was onside, and a handful of suspect decisions from the officials over the course of the game. The game started slowly, with Leith the better of the two sides as HeriotWatt struggled to string any meaningful passes together. Leith’s lone striker, Greg Irvine, looked dangerous in the first half, and the first chance of the game fell to him. Irvine was unable to convert however, misfiring at the vital moment. Leith Athletic’s failure to capitalise

on their strong start was almost punished by Heriot-Watt when Jamie Brown found space on the left-hand side, but he sliced his shot wide from 15 yards. It was goalless at half time with Leith undoubtedly on top, but neither team looking like taking the game by the scruff of the neck. “No one-half wonders”, was the message from the Leith Athletic dressing room at half time, although Heriot-Watt started stronger after the break. The Watt were unlucky not to go in front after Aaron James’ well struck shot from a tight angle thundered against the post. The goal came ten minutes into the second half, and was somewhat against the run of play. From then on the game opened up with countless missed

opportunities from both sides, but even a couple of tactical substitutions from Heriot-Watt coach Michael Renwick couldn’t bring them back into the game. Leith demonstrated more of a desire to win than did their opponents, although their nerves did begin to show towards the end. Some reckless challenges from Leith players, and the constant gifting of possession to the home side, gave the impression an equalizer was on the cards. Unfortunately for Heriot-Watt it did not come, and Leith move forward into the 3rd round of the Alex Jack Cup. Following the match Leith Athletic manager Eugene Taylor praised his team’s dogged determination and their ability to stick to the game plan, while expressing gratitude that they weren’t made to pay for their missed chances. He is no doubt looking forward to the challenge of the next round.

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