3 minute read
She Can Cup 2021 Results
Miraas Jeddah won the inaugural edition of the Cup, while TKS Sharks finished second and the Magpies third. Pearl Wright (G11) top-scored for the Sharks, while fellow Shark Haya Abugosh (G7) won the Best Tournament Goalkeeper award. Further information about the tournament can be found at the following link.
The tournament was organized by Wedyan Babatain in conjunction with Graduate Affairs and the Students for Sustainability group. Thanks are due to Wayne Bartelink for refereeing all the games and HSE for helping with safety and logistics. The She Can Cup is part of a grassroots movement by the Saudi Sport For All Federation promoting women’s empowerment, and spreading awareness among girls and all members of society about the potential and competence of women.
If you are a TKS student who is interested in playing for the TKS Sharks teams, contact Andrew Wright at andrew.wright@thekaustschool.org.
If you are interested in playing for KAUST’s Magpies Women’s Football Club, contact Wedyan Babatain at wedyan.babatain@kaust.edu.sa.

Collaboration with KAUST
University Library
By TKS Grade 7 Integrated Humanities Team
How do systems help with organization? Is the time it takes to understand a system worth it? How can systems and processes help someone achieve goals? Students in Grade 7 Integrated Humanities explored these questions during their first unit of the academic year: Systems for Success.
Part of this exploration was how to access and use the TKS library. Students completed a mini guided inquiry about the Dewey Decimal System, used at the TKS library, and then visited the KAUST University Library to learn about a different classification system: The Library of Congress. Catherine De Levay, TKS Library and Information Specialist, and KAUST University library specialists, Ali AlQahtani, Mamdoh H. Aljodaibi, Hayfa H. Howaidi, and Jayamika Shah helped students experience firsthand how different systems can help us achieve the same goal - in this case, organizing and locating books in a library system. To showcase their learning, students considered which systems or processes could make a middle school student’s life easier. They created videos and screencasts to inform and engage their target audience on how to use their highlighted system or process.
For many Grade 7 students, exploring beyond the classroom and engaging with KAUST University was a highlight of this unit. We are grateful to interim director Nora M. Alshibani for giving our students this opportunity, and we hope to maintain and build upon this TKS-University collaboration.

Student Council Association
Update By Youssef Elhagrasy President
The Student Council Association (SCA) is back in action. After the recent General Council elections, the SCA is now complete with 8 high school representatives, 9 middle school representatives and 7 executive council members. The executive council members have met with one another since the beginning of the year however, September 29, happened to be the first meeting with the general council representatives. As life begins to go back to normalcy, the SCA has to begin to plan events. Some of these events will be brand new and others will be returning fan-favorites. It all depends on how the democratically elected Executive and General Councils decide to operate in the current school year. Keep your eye out for Teacher Appreciation Day on the 5th of October 2021, as well as more projects that are in the works. It is a pleasure for me to lead the student council for “The Last Dance” (like Michael Jordan) and I hope to have a successful and refreshing year. I am determined to leave a positive legacy at this school.
Executive Council:

- Youssef Elhagrasy (President) - Hamza Khasawneh (Vice President) - Karen Rivera (Secretary) - Varshini Chandrasekaran (Recording Secre tary) - Mohammed AlGhaith (Communications Officer) - Cyrille Lery (Action Liaison) - Aabish Imran (Tech Officer)
High School General Council:
- Judy Masry (Grade 9) - Rosario Gomes (Grade 9) - Elena Ketcheson (Grade 10) - Laila ElJishi (Grade 10) - Hazem Amad (Grade 11) - Sofia Tempone (Grade 11) - Mohaned Althagafi (Grade 12) - Miguel Viegas (Grade 12)