Teaching and Learning is the engine room of the School. Academic Excellence is essential for the School’s ongoing success. Consequently, the priorities for the 2019-2021 Triennium include attracting and retaining high quality staff through the continuing development of The King’s Institute.
e will seek to improve our online offerings and presence and explore opportunities in food security and languages. “We are one school, with three campuses. Thus, Tudor House will continue to be top of mind through the implementation of the Tudor House Business Plan.” The following strategic initiatives have been identified as significant for the School’s success over the coming decade and worthy of prioritisation in the 2019-2021 Triennium: Global Certification Initiative:
• Develop
Business Case for International Baccalaurete.
• Continue
to support and develop current VET programs. Explore and develop business case for offering courses in-house for Primary Industries, Construction, Food Tech & Hospitality through auspicing.
• Explore
a VET leadership course for Cadet Corps.
Academic Excellence Initiative: • Staffing
structure and allocations to attract and retain high quality staff.
• Tutoring
expansion – Boarding and Day houses.
• Develop
the technological capability to enable academic data to better inform teaching and learning.
• Commence
designing and build a new Centre for Thought Leadership that brings together English, History, Philosophy, Biblical Studies and Languages into an inter-disciplinary teaching and learning facility to replace the old science building.
• Commence
designing, development and building of STEAM Quadrangle, to complete Education Precinct.
Languages Initiative: • Immersion
and multi-modal language (French, German, Chinese & Indonesian)
• Language
exchange programs and strengthen languages with the view to meeting the requirements of the International Baccalaurete.
Libraries Initiative: • ICT
and Libraries restructure. Following the appointment of a Director of Knowledge Services, integrate ICT and Library services to take advantage of economies of scale and to improve service provision.
Tudor House initiative: • Implement • Tudor
Tudor House Business Plan.
The King’s Institute Initiative: • Enhancement
of Teaching and Learning and Professional Practice.
• Develop
opportunities for staff development and leadership.
• Build
partnerships with parents and universities.
• Further
develop mentoring and coaching.
• Teacher
growth and development program.
• Develop
high levels of teacher accreditation.
King’s Online Initiative: • King’s
On-line – Content Management System, Learning Management System and intercampus communication.
• Student/Staff/Parent
Food Security Initiative: • Paddock
to Plate – continue to develop Tudor House program. Consider a Paddock to Plate coordinator role with new TKS catering contract.
• Explore
and develop food security initiatives in PYP programs.
• Strengthen
and expand the School’s Agriculture programs and involvement.
House PYP Accreditation.
• Scholarship
program to be reviewed towards a fully funded model. 19