Gazette January 2022
Staff have noticed students are trusting their own ability to problem-solve and are becoming more confident in their own ideas and bringing their own voice into their work. This nurtured critical thinking is crucial to long-term learning.
Learning to be Online Like all schools in metropolitan Sydney, King’s spent all of Term 3 in lockdown and faced the challenges of a sustained period of online learning. Adversity at our doorstep, the School rose to the occasion, finding innovative ways to ensure that the School’s commitment to Academic Excellence, Character Development and Christian Community could be maintained and sustained via digital platforms. Our ability to adapt as a School showcased new approaches that, moving forward, will be adapted and incorporated into many facets of the School’s operations.
Rapid development in the use of technology There is no substitute for the relational. Through a rapid implementation of Canvas, Teacher Dashboard, and specific functions in Zoom, teachers were able to sustain a commitment to academic excellence through flexible and personalised learning experiences for our students. Resources were consolidated onto one platform, facilitating engaging and collaborative learning in a remote learning environment. Discussion boards allowed students to engage in deep discussion and thoughtful writing on key topics. Using multiple platforms to inform their feedback and subsequent discussions with the class, teachers and students found the ease of screen-sharing and immediate, recorded teacher feedback very effective.
Prep Co-curricular During Lockdown https://vimeo.com/601598422 Senior Co-curricular During Lockdown https://vimeo.com/601560109
Subject-specific tools such as MathsBase, which uses artificial intelligence and requires students to show their problem-solving techniques, have also given teachers greater