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K-2 Literacy Project
K-2 Literacy Project
Shannon O’Dwyer Deputy Head (Academics) –Preparatory School
In 2022 the Prep School dedicated a significant amount of professional learning to a K-2 Literacy Project. This project involved examining the evidence base for the new English K-2 Syllabus, which is due for implementation in 2023.
Current educational research has significant implications for pedagogy, assessment, and resourcing of Early Years’ Literacy at Prep. As a School, we are shifting away from a broad and balanced English program, towards a more structured and sequential literacy program, based on current educational research. We have been on this journey for several years, as we have introduced:
• Multisensory Structure Language (MSL) for research-based spelling instruction, • sentence-level instruction as the foundation of our TKS Writing Program, and
• Hegerty oral language program, to strengthen phonological and phonemic awareness.
This year, as a result of extensive research, collaborative planning, and professional learning, we have made the following additional improvements to our program:
• shifting from predictable to decodable texts for early reading instruction to strengthen word-attack skills, reinforce phonics instruction and reduce overreliance on context cues,
• implementing a more comprehensive reading assessment tool, to evaluate grapheme/phoneme correspondence, single word reading, sight word knowledge, fluency, decoding and comprehension skills, and • creating a new Scope and Sequence,
Assessment Schedule, and Curriculum
Planners for English K-2, • creating a consistent TKS Daily Review to increase efficiency and clarity of instruction in phonics, spelling, handwriting and sight words, and • extending our collection of quality literature, which is rich in language, symbolism, themes, and diverse contexts.
The K-2 Literacy Project is being led by Sara Clarke (Early Stage One and Stage One Curriculum Coordinator) and Michelle Tyree (Kindergarten Teacher and in-house expert in the Science of Reading). Sara and Michelle spent weeks analysing resources, programs, and practices used across each sector to design our K-2 Literacy Curriculum Model. They built upon excellent practices at King’s, while enhancing elements of phonics, reading, and vocabulary instruction, and created exemplar units for each grade and resource packs to ensure consistency across the Early Years. Sara spent additional days leading professional learning with each team of teachers from Kindergarten to Year 2. During these sessions, the teachers mapped new English outcomes into the Programme of Inquiry, identified mentor texts for each unit, developed the English Planner, and explored the TKS Daily Review.
To ensure that this professional learning is embedded across the school, all Prep School teachers completed three NESA Curriculum Modules. Additionally, several teachers attended AIS Courses in vocabulary instruction, phonics, or curriculum mapping.
This literacy project will take several years, as it begins in the Early Years and will be extended through Years 3-6. This year, we are delighted with the deep research and extensive curriculum development that has occurred. The refinements to our program are the result of professional learning and collaboration by Sara Clarke, Michelle Tyree and all the K-2 teachers at Prep.
Scarborough, H.S. (2001). Connecting early language and literacy to later reading (dis)abilities: Evidence, theory and practice. In S. Neuman & D.
Dickson (Eds.), Handbook for research in early literacy (pp. 97-110). Guilford