2021/22 | CDT (SLC) 2022/23 | LCPL (CWC) 2023/24 | CUO
2020/21 | CDT (JLC) 2021/22 | CPL (SLC) 2022/23 | SGT (CWC) 2023/24 | CUO
(FLD) 2020/21 | LCPL (JLC) 2021/22 | CPL (SLC) 2022/23 | CPL (CWC) 2023/24 | CUO
Whatresponsibilitiesdoesyourrank entail?
“AsaCUO,Iamresponsibleforthe Pioneersplatoon.Asaplatoon,wearein chargeofrunningtheconfidencecourse, makingsureeveryoneischallengedand havingagoodtime AstheCUOitismy responsibilitytogetallmyboystocreatea supportiveenvironmentforallcadets”
“Theprimaryresponsibilitiesofourrankare toplaneffectivelytoprovideourcadetswith thebesttrainingpossible,aswellasworkin cohesionwithmysergeanttoensureour plansareacteduponaccordingly.Oncamp, weleadtheplatoonwithoutsupervision throughthebushandneedtoensureour skillsaredevelopedtoastandardwherewe canensurethesafetyofourcadets.”
Whatwasyourfavouriteexperience duringthetrainingparade?
“Myfavouriteexperienceduringthetraining paradehasbeenseeingalltheCUOsrun theconfidencecoursewiththeircadets.”
“Myfavouritetrainingparademomentwas probablywatchingtheboysadaptandwork togetherinlastweek’strainingparadeand seeinghowstrongtheyhavebecomeasa PLT.”
“I enjoy the moments towards the end of drill periods when the platoon has worked hard, and you can see the cohesion forming for whatever new movement they are learning ”
Whatwasyourfavouriteexperience duringtheAFX?
“WhenIwaspartofthePathfindersplatoon, sittinginhammocksonthemountainaswe waitedforplatoonstocomeupwasavery enjoyableexperience”
“MyfavouriteexperienceduringAFXhasbeen trekkingwithmatesovertheyears.”
“I'vealwaysenjoyedthemate-shipformedon thetrek,withjustourselvesandour backpacks Sittingaroundthecampfireaftera longdayoftrekkingandsharingstorieswill alwaysbeahighlight”
“Don’toverpackanddon’tcomplaintoyour CUOs,theyalreadyhaveenoughstressand responsibility.”
“Enjoyitandmakematesbecauseyou neverknowwhereyou’llendupinthefuture”
“Dothelittlethingsright,andcadetswillbe muchmoreenjoyable”
Our No. 1 uniform has a very long history and is intricately entwined with the history of the Cadet Corps. When George Fairfowl Macarthur first sought approval for the uniform it had a navy jacket, and grey flecked trousers with a red stripe 7/8 inch about 2cm wide.
Our uniform, while there are others similar in Europe, remains the oldest military uniform still being worn in our country and so should be worn with pride knowing that generations of previous Kingsmen have worn it before.
In 1874 Macarthur requested a change to the uniform and it is this change to the uniform that we still wear today. We are fortunate to have a copy of the letter Macarthur wrote to the tailors requesting the changes. He describes and draws the Austrian knots he wanted to be stitched down on the shoulders and the cuffs and notes that they should be in scarlet. He underlines the fact that the stripe “must be full” ¼ inch (1cm) wide He changed the trousers to navy and chose the grey fleck (pepper and salt) for the jacket, effectively swapping the previous design The school hat was still the “French” style of kepi but now it too was grey with red facings and scarlet piping.
“The purpose of the confidence course is to instill the cadets with more confidence. Cadets will experience physically difficult situations in the future and the course that consists of obstacles and challenges will help with their confidence. ”
“Confidence course makes our platoon more fit and gives us strength. It makes our cadets to be sigmas and more alpha.”
“Being an NCO for the 1st year platoon is way more tougher than I thought. Trying to teach the younger cadets that have no skills is the hardest part. However, love how they are improving over time.”
“It’s not an easy job to take care of these young cadets Thankfully, all of my cadets are sigmas and alphas now and improved a lot since when we first met They will do great during AFX.”
“Honestly I thought I had no hope this year Thankfully I was able to lead the cadets well and they are doing a great job Hope they can even do well during AFX.”
"Make sure your drills are perfect and ready to perform straight away. Drills are the most basic and important aspect of TKSCC and our school. The Regimental Passing out parade is coming soon as well so it’s good to know your drills now, rather than learn it next term on the spot. Makes your life easier.”
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."
– Joshua 1:9
This passage from Joshua 1:9, which emphasises fortitude, bravery, and faith in God's presence, is frequently used to encourage cadets. It inspires cadets to take on obstacles head-on because they know that heavenly assistance will be with them every step of the way. This biblical assurance provides direction for tenacity and resilience in the demanding world of cadet training.
CUO Peter Wang
WO2 Marcus Madrid
SGT Justin Cho
CPL Yiming Bai
SGT James Harrison
SCPL Vikram Goel
SCPL Chris Jaensch
SCPL William Giorgione
CPL Athithan Vignakaran
CDT Prangan Das
SGT Christian Teo
SCPL John Awakian
SCPL Edward Huang
LCPL Edward Wong
LCPL Charmin Abhayawickrama
SGT Kevin Xiong
SCPL Caden Anbu
CPL Tom Tang