Message from the Headmaster
The King’s School, Tudor House is an icon in the Australian educational landscape, and in 2022, it proudly celebrates its 125th anniversary and its 80th year of association with The King’s School.
As a Pre-Kindergarten to Year 6 co-educational day and boarding school, Tudor House is the only school of its type in Australia. It is celebrated as a place where children develop independence, emotional intelligence, and value for self. The 169-acre campus in the idyllic Southern Highlands is the perfect backyard for boys and girls to explore, play and experience a quality holistic education.
Education at King’s grows and develops our students to become Global Thought Leaders through a combined emphasis on Academic Excellence with Character Development in the context of Christian Community. Each of these three elements contributes to nuturing each student’s growth as a whole person through the quality of mind, body and relationships.
Tudor House provides an immersive environment where our boys and girls can push themselves to their limits in sport, performing arts and outdoor education. Christian Community is at the heart of The King’s School, Tudor House and allows every child the opportunity to develop social competence and build life-long relationships and their own spiritual identity.
The ‘Uniquely Tudor’ capital Appeal is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to support the next chapter of this incredible school so that students for the next half century can experience those ‘only at Tudor’ moments.
I urge you to consider being part of this exciting project by giving as generously as you can.
Our campus master plan will ensure the development of world-class facilities to match the world-class education and assist current and future Tudorians to be Global Thought Leaders who are ready to take their place in this Global Century.
The King’s School is an International Baccalaureate World School, and Tudor House is the only school in the Southern Highlands offering the Primary Years Programme (PYP). The expansive grounds of Mr Tony George Headmaster | The King’s School
Message from the Head of School
I cannot help but marvel at where Tudor House finds itself in its 125th year, and I am deeply honoured to serve the School as it celebrates this significant milestone.
Through the years, Tudor House has operated on tight budgets, resourcefulness, the support of The King’s School and the generosity of its Alumni. The community has pulled together to keep the doors open and to ensure that more children can proudly identify as Tudorians.
Each generation has had Headmasters, staff, parents and Old Tudorians who have given heart and soul to perpetuating the heritage, tradition, and spirit of Tudor House. From its humble beginnings in 1897 under the guidance of founder Wilfred Inman, it is fair to say that Tudor House has come a long way, and I can proudly say that Inman’s original vision is alive and well, and Tudor remains true to its DNA.
The spirit of challenge, adventure and risk-taking remains the most valuable and defining feature of a Tudor House education and has been resolutely defended in the face of opposition and school systems where a culture of risk aversion dominates the landscape.
The Tudor House of 2022 is a flourishing co-educational school with 260 students and over 30 staff. The School is bursting at the seams, and the future is bright. The ‘Uniquely Tudor’ Appeal is an essential next step that Tudor House must make. The program will help to overcome the significant infrastructure challenges of our growing enrolment and provide a firm foundation for future Tudorians.
Many of the current Tudor House facilities have served generations of Tudorians, but now is the perfect time to consider what facilities are needed to educate future generations. The ‘Uniquely Tudor’ Appeal is the largest building program in Tudor House history. It is a bold and audacious appeal and lives up to our motto In Domino Confido To reach our goal will take the collective effort of our multi-generational community – united, transformed, and touched by our experiences as part of the Tudor House community.
Please show your support in whatever way you can and help us to forge ahead with the uniquely Tudor education for the next 125 years.
Mr Adam Larby Head of School | The King’s School, Tudor House125 Years of History
The values instilled in every individual, and the memories created at The King’s School, Tudor House will last a lifetime. Tudor House is focused on achieving Academic Excellence with Character Development in the context of a Christian Community.
The unique potential of Tudor House can be realised through improvements to the learning environment. Such improvements will enhance learning opportunities as well as the wellbeing of students and teachers, and will reinforce the community spirit that is quintessentially Tudor House. The complex needs of our ever-changing world, including greater care for the environment, and the challenges of the next chapter for our young generations, means now more than ever that the unique Tudor House ‘adventure of learning’ must be inculcated in students.
‘I will never forget my Tudor years. They were the best schooldays of my life.’
TUDOR HOUSE SCHOOL CAPTAIN ROBERT ROYLE, 1933 (TKS ’34 - ’35)A Uniquely Tudor Vision
125 years of history, 125 years of memories, and a vision for the next chapter of Tudor House that perpetuates the School’s proud traditions for future generations.
The vision for the ‘Uniquely Tudor’ Appeal is to ensure every student at Tudor experiences a world-class quality education, with facilities designed for students to realise their full potential which supports them to grow in mind, body and soul.
The design includes nature-inspired, integrated facilities that connect students, educators and the community to the surrounding landscape. It is a vision that honours the legacy of past Tudorians, celebrates the present and boldly imagines the future.
Our Future
The vision for Tudor House is a unique, nature-based learning adventure, that honours its heritage and is inspired by the beautiful landscape of the Southern Highlands.
The Masterplan is comprised of many individual projects that together create a framework for future development at the School. The Masterplan projects are listed below and shown on the site plan:
Refurbish Meyer House to create student accommodation New Kahiba outdoor education facilities
New Active Education Centre
New Year 5 and 6 learning areas ‘inspired by nature’
New STEM Learning Centre including Maker Space and bike repair hub/workshop
Expanded and refurbished library
New Year 2 learning areas, that are ‘inspired by nature’
Refurbished existing learning areas to inspire ‘nature-based learning’
Enhanced Dining Precinct Refurbish Inman House to create centralised administration and school reception
Expanded and refurbished boarding facilities
Enhanced landscaping to create age-appropriate adventure play and outdoor learning areas
Active Education Centre
A place to come together
Green spaces, wild places, nature at its best.
A sense of adventure created from curiosity and a desire to learn.
The Active Education Centre is a place to gather, learn, explore and play. Connections between the indoors and outdoors are seamless, with the active education experience extending well past the building to the landscape beyond. The Centre will boast a championship-size basketball court, with spectator seating for the wider school community.
An indoor rock-climbing wall will be popular for the adventuresome Tudorians, with ample natural light and a view of the Tudor landscape.
Architecture that enhances the spirit of adventure, connects with the landscape, and creates places to gather.
Artist’s ImpressionSTEM Learning Centre
Space to explore and discover
A place where curious minds can explore and discover and the whole child is nurtured and equipped with skills to last a lifetime.
Centrally located within the campus, the STEM learning area and bike hub strongly connect to the natural landscape beyond.
The facility will support the principles of STEM learning, which focuses on students as creators, designers and innovators. The STEM Learning Centre will include opportunities for skills development with everything from high level technology to basic crafts so that students of all interests and abilities can challenge themselves. The spaces are a place where students can go to tinker and experiment, fostering a hands-on approach to learning and allowing students to become innovators and solve real-life problems.
Artist’sArchitecture that provokes curiosity and encourages ‘tinkering’, equipping current and future generations with the ability to be adaptive, creative and critical thinkers in an ever-changing world.
Artist’s ImpressionThe Dining Precinct
Nuturing Global Thinking
At the heart of the School lies a supportive, inclusive and generous community. A welcoming place steeped in history.
With expansive views of the broader pastoral landscape and a connection to Inman House, the Dining Precinct integrates harmoniously with both history and nature. The new Dining Precinct will enhance the dining experience at Tudor House, with a ‘Paddock to Plate’ philosophy, inspiring the design of both indoor and outdoor dining areas. The connection to nature, sharing food and sense of community, overlap in a very characteristically Tudor House way creating memories to last a lifetime.
Architecture that responds to the unique sense of place, celebrating heritage while looking towards the future.Artist’s Impression
From the Chair of the Foundation
If you wish to make a tax deductible contribution via our secure website, to help this project become a reality then ‘Be a Cheerful Giver’.
Over 50 years have passed since I graduated from Tudor House in 1971. Many of my fondest memories in life come from the three years I spent at Tudor House as a boarder, and many of my dearest friends are my mates from Tudor. Having maintained a strong association with Tudor House over the years, as a parent and a member of the Council and Foundation, I have seen up close the incredible impact and lasting influence this School has on its students.
I believe it is important to recognise the positive impact and influence and to give back to a place that formed and shaped you into who you are today.
I warmly invite you to contribute to the ‘Uniquely Tudor’ Appeal. We need donations of all sizes, and I encourage you to consider how you might be able to leave a lasting legacy that serves Tudor House for decades to come. There are opportunities to support specific parts of the building program with significant gifts, including naming opportunities.
Please contact the ‘Uniquely Tudor’ Appeal Director ( to arrange a confidential discussion about the nature and timing of your gift.
Mr Mark Webeck Chairman | Tudor House Foundation OLD TUDORIAN (‘71)
Frequently Asked Questions
How much is the Uniquely Tudor Appeal seeking to raise? $30 million.
When will enhancements and construction begin?
The timetable for the ‘Uniquely Tudor’ building program will depend upon the generosity of donors and how quickly funds are raised. A phased timeframe over the next three to five years is likely.
Will school activities be affected during construction?
No. School activities will continue as usual. Tudor House students will have a front-row seat to watch as their School is transformed.
Do I have to make a gift in full, or can donors make pledges and fulfil their gifts over time?
Donors may pledge a gift amount and then take up to five years to fulfil their pledges. Donors can give one-off donations or regular contributions.
May I make a contribution other than cash?
Yes. Gifts of appreciated stocks and bonds, life insurance, and charitable trusts are accepted with gratitude. Please consult your tax professional for more information on the benefits of different methods of giving and their tax deductibility.
Are gifts tax-deductible?
All donations are to be made to the Tudor House Foundation School Building Fund ABN 78 117 406 354 which is registered with the ATO for Deductible Gift Recipient Status. Cash donations to this account of $2 or more will therefore be tax-deductible. You should consult with your tax professional for more information regarding the potential tax deductibility regarding other gifts.
How will donors be recognised?
Tudor House will create a Donor Board to permanently honour significant donors who wish to be recognised.
Does the Appeal include naming opportunities?
For significant donors, Tudor House may be willing to consider honouring family members, friends, admired teachers or other loved ones. Please consult with the School for further details.
What will be the first building project?
The first project will be classrooms under the Library, and we expect the Dining Precinct to be the second project completed.
What will be the student capacity once the Building Projects are complete?
The new capacity for Tudor House will be approximately 350 students (including up to 70 boarders). There will be two streams for Pre-Kindergarten to Year 4 and three streams for Years 5 and 6.