1 minute read
WELL-BEING AT KING’S ...time to care...
At King’s, the well-being of our pupils is of utmost importance and we are passionate about every child and young person being able to benefit from support to improve resilience, mental health and self-esteem.
We appreciate how life can, at times, feel overwhelming and create feelings of anxiety and stress. Having space and time to talk things through in a confidential place can help life to feel manageable.
The Tutor and Head of Year are a natural first contact to help pupils resolve any difficulties and they work closely with Mrs Phillips, the Deputy Head, Pastoral. They may suggest speaking with Mrs Emma Tyer, our Well-being Mentor, as the next step. Alternatively, pupils can email Mrs Tyer directly or pop into Welfare to ask for an appointment.
A vital part of our well-being service at King’s also includes our School Nurses: Mrs Rachel Griffiths, Mrs Clare Balding and Mrs Louise Hann who are all trained nurses. The Welfare Team is here to promote and support physical and mental health and well-being to the whole school community.
In addition, the Chaplaincy Team are available for our pupils to talk to every lunchtime in the Chaplaincy Centre.