1 minute read
To be more comfortable when everything seems to be going wrong. Second Form pupil
To be more resilient and control my thoughts. I learnt I am stronger than I thought and have rediscovered a lot about myself. Sixth Form pupil
I learnt new ways to cope with my feelings. Fifth Form pupil
Talking to people you can trust helps to make the worries go away. Junior School pupil
The sessions have helped with my concentration. Second Form pupil
They have made me feel more confident about my worries and that if I say to myself “no that isn’t true” then I worry less. That I can change my negative mindset. Fourth Form pupil
To not get into as much trouble and to work harder. I learnt that if I put my mind to it and listen I can actually be quite smart. Second Form pupil
How to cope in difficult situations and that I am more resilient than I think. Third Form pupil
Learning techniques and how to deal with anxiety and stress. I learnt that selfcare is so important and that I do have some good qualities. Sixth Form pupil
I am very grateful that when I needed the help there was always someone I could go to, to talk to and that I was never left to be upset on my own.
Third Form Pupil