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School Communication

Open communication between parents and the school is encouraged and is essential to our successful partnership. At King’s we want your children to be happy. No concerns should be allowed to fester and all issues, however small, should be raised between parents and teachers as early as possible. Your child’s class teacher should be your first point of contact whether that is by letter, email, telephone call or arranging a meeting. Email addresses for all staff can be found on the school website.

As a guide, if you email during the working week, you should expect a response within 48 hours. This will allow a member of staff to look into your concern. Please remember that our staff are not in school during the holidays, so it is recommended that you contact the main school reception in Paddock House outside of term time office@thekingsschool.co.uk

Any changes of contact details should be given to the Junior School Reception.

Junior School Office 01452 337 302

Mrs Nicky Parkin

Mrs Sarah Mills

Miss Rhian Esfandiarinia

Senior School (01452) 337337

Aftercare/Holiday Club 0800 7720753 info@atlascamps.co.uk

Medical Centre (01452) 337318

E-mail junior@thekingsschool.co.uk

Website http://www.thekingsschool.co.uk

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/KingsSchoolGlos

Instagram @ksgjunior

Twitter @KSGJunior

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