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How We Will Contact You

In the interests of all, good lines of communication between parents, children and staff are essential.

Information Friday —You can expect most information to be sent home on a Friday. This will include;

Prep Diaries (Reading folders for Transition classes) These provide a useful means for swift written communication, since form teachers and parents read them daily.

• Cloisters, the Junior School weekly newsletter, containing news, reports, and important information about forthcoming events.

• Letters and Forms for trips, events and activities.

Class Dojo (online App) for KS1 and Transition classes. For all regular communication about your child’s progress and events.

My School Portal (MSP) will be used as a central point for all forms, letters, your children’s reports, personal information and SOCs sports match information, music lessons, clubs and activity bookings.

Teams (Microsoft 365) - used for home-schooling, live streaming of lessons and some online homework tasks.

Classlist - An online platform for communication with other parents and the KSPA.

School Cloud - An online booking system used to book parents’ evening appointments.

Clarion Call will be used to contact groups of parents via text message or email. If you do not wish to receive information from the school in this way, you may unsubscribe from this service. However, this may mean that you miss important information and required forms for completion.

Telephone/Email messages will be swiftly attended to by the Junior School administration team. Please be aware that the school has a policy of answering emails within 48 hours of receipt during the working week.

Policies are available to parents on request as well as on the website including:

• The Admissions Policy

• The Attendance Policy

Parents’ Evenings are held during the Michaelmas and Lent Terms for Key Stage 1 and Michaelmas and Trinity for Key Stage 2.

• Learning Skills (including pupils with English as an additional language)

• The Curriculum Policies

• The Behaviour Policies

• The Anti-bullying and e-safety policies and procedures

Appointments should be made for detailed discussion and review of urgent issues. In the first instance, concerns should be raised with the class teacher. Should the problem remain unresolved, please contact the relevant member of the Junior School Management Team (JSMT).

• The Complaints Procedure

• Missing Child Policies

• Last inspection report

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