The Pedagogic Excellence

The social transformation has pivoted from literacy to intellectual enhancement!
Today, academicians, researchers, and educational leaders are found to induce innovative technologies and transformative pedagogies that are not only informationalbased but are primarily focused on experiential learning. This has paved the way to the future of globalization effect.
In the modern globalized era, the world has been successfully integrated into an ecosystem that is inclusive in its nature and progressive in its development. And, if we scout for a similar progression in the education sphere, one of the best geostrategic sites is the United States. Being the epicenter of technology innovation, trade, political affluence and progressive thought leadership, the region has successfully generated dense employment opportunities.
With such dynamics, the migration of students and professionals has increased; this has given rise to US educational institutions to usher in with flying colors. Known with the development, we, The Knowledge review ventured into a journey to find out the US educational leaders who are making a difference in the global education ecosystem.
Presenting you our most exciting edition, "5 Best Colleges and Universities in US 2022," we wish you all the greetings for a pleasant journey into the stories of educational innovation that will drive you into a world, where impossibility doesn't exist, and intelligence is a crown of future leaders! T R Bhushan Bhad Bhu sha n Bha dArkansas State University
Florida State University
Harrisburg University of Science and Technology
University Housing provides a safe, diverse, and wellmaintained environment that complements and supports the academic mission of the University.
Florida State University has been ofcially designated as a preeminent research university in the state by the Florida Legislature as a result of having met a set of rigorous benchmarks.
Harrisburg University of Science and Technology offers STEM-focused degree programs that lead to great careers. Southern University
Southern University and A&M College (SUBR) is an institution engulfed with talented, professional, and knowledgeable stakeholders that are eager to assist and go above and beyond for all students.
The University of Illinois at Chicago
The University of Illinois Chicago is an acclaimed research institution with 16 colleges dedicated to the discovery and distribution of knowledge.
We offer innovative academic and research programs in science and technology that respond to local and global needs.
TThe prominent colleges and universities of the U.S. are offering excellent educational and career development opportunities to students. They are introducing innovative curriculums and excellent educational and infrastructural facilities. These colleges and universities are focused on transforming students into leaders and decision makers of tomorrow.
One such leading university, which is taking education and innovation to the next level, is none other than Harrisburg University of Science and Technology (HU) . As the first non-profit private STEM-focused university founded in more than 100 years in Pennsylvania, HU was established in 2001. It aimed to address the need of Pennsylvania’s Capital
Region for increased educational opportunities in applied science and technology-related fields. Harrisburg University offers undergraduate and graduate degree programs in the STEM -Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math fields. The university’s educational programs are built in response to market needs, and 91% of the students build family sustaining careers in their fields or become accepted to graduate school within six months of graduation. HU was named the #1 STEM university in the US by Corporate LiveWire in 2018, 2019, and 2020.
Between HU’s Harrisburg campus, Philadelphia location, the recently opened Panama location, and online platform, the university enrolls 6,469 undergraduate and graduate degreeseeking students.
This year, HU established a location at the City of Knowledge in Panama City, Panama. Here, it is offering graduate degrees in analytics, cybersecurity and control management, project management, and data science. This strategic association has immense potential for the development of the region and is the beginning of a fruitful relationship. This relationship is based on the firm belief of both institutions in the empowerment of people so that, through knowledge, they positively impact their lives, environments, and the world.
The HU Panama location will also offer cutting edge professional development seminars and courses , as well as seek research collaboration opportunities with universities and other innovative entities in the region.
Panama’s City of Knowledge is a center of education, research, and development. The site offers Latin
American students the same cuttingedge technology, faculty, and resources available at the university’s main campus in Harrisburg.
The Harrisburg University campus delivers high-tech facilities and equipment not found on most campuses. It is also situated near the region’s top employers. HU also is home to several research centers and institutes, addressing a broad range of interests, issues, and industries. These centers provide experiential opportunities for students, serve as a bridge to businesses and organizations, and drive economic development.
HU also holds numerous summer camps that introduce students to the STEM fields. Summer camp programs include opportunities for high school students to engage in certification, internship, and exploration programs in various STEM fields. High school students can participate in programs with topics such as video design, raspberry pi exploration, interactive design and branding, STEM training with virtual reality, video production, aquaponics, and more.
Under the leadership of University President Dr. Eric Darr , HU has expanded to Philadelphia and Panama. It has grown its enrollment to nearly 6,500 students hailing from more than 102 countries. Dr. Eric Darr’s appointment as president marked a turning point in the history of the university, which has also launched new graduate and undergraduate programs, attracted scholarship support, and opened new housing facilities for students. As president, he ushered in Esports as the university’s only varsity sport.
His leadership has spurred economic development throughout the area. Whether it is through the outstanding curriculum or Esports tournaments like the HUE invitational, which is the largest collegiate Esports tournament in the U.S., HU President Dr. Eric Darr’s leadership has brought about a new era of prosperity at Harrisburg University. Dr. Darr is also overseeing the construction of the university’s more than $100 million Education Center, which will stand 11 stories high and house at least an additional 1,000 students.
expert graduates who have proper understanding of applied science and technology-related fields.
Harrisburg University has made many memorable achievements throughout its celebrated tenure. For the past three consecutive years, it has been named U.S. STEM University of the Year by Corporate LiveWire . The university is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education. It educates students hailing from more than 102 countries.
100% of accepted full-time undergraduate students receive a scholarship from HU. The undergraduate student body consists of 34% female and 62% minority members. The graduate student body has 47% women members.
91% of the university’s graduates who responded to a survey reported they were employed or enrolled in graduate school within six months of graduation. HU’s Esports team, the Harrisburg University Storm, has won the ‘Best Collegiate Esports Program’ honor at the Tempest Awards gala for the last two consecutive years. It is an annual program that honors the Esports industry’s most innovative companies and executives.
Harrisburg University is one of the first schools to create a varsity Esports team, offering full-tuition scholarships to its players. The Storm also won two consecutive Collegiate Overwatch National Championships since its inception in 2018.
HU houses a 16-story state-of-the-art academic tower in downtown Harrisburg. The education center is only a few blocks away from the Capitol building and is at an ideal
distance from popular employers. The university also has plenty of research centers dedicated to a variety of interests, issues, and industries which give students the space to experiment, while also serving as a bridge to businesses.
The low student-to-faculty ratio is one of the biggest advantages for HU students, as it allows them to involve their mentors in discussions and interactions. The professors are dedicated individuals who ensure that full attention is given to their students
and all their doubts or queries are addressed. Various other resources ensure that every student is ready to venture out into the professional world. An online tutoring service called Brainfuse provides students with oneon-one sessions with a professional tutor in an array of subjects.
Stepping Ahead Harrisburg University of Science and Technology has its own unique approach, and it will continue to be a different kind of university based on the results it achieves. It is dedicated only to education in the STEM fields.
HU’s STEM-focused curriculum establishes the foundation for a student experience unlike any other private university. Guided by faculty who are respected leaders in their fields, the university’s students transform the classroom education into careers that make a difference in the world.
“When you enroll, you become part of a diverse, vibrant community, in which school and city are partners in the
pursuit of excellence for our students,” expresses the management. “Students from around the globe come to HU to broaden their knowledge, expand their horizons, explore the unknown, nurture their ideas, and grow into leaders.”
Marching forward, Harrisburg University will continue to provide the very best in STEM higher education while growing and adding new programs, facilities, and opportunities for students, and economic development for the city of Harrisburg, the region, and beyond. It has recently opened an institution in Panama. Additionally, with the addition of new undergraduate and graduate programs, strategic partnerships, and the $100 million Education Center that it is building downtown, Harrisburg University will continue in its role as the leader in STEM higher education.
We provide access and support to students who want to pursue a career in science and technology.
Like most fields, education has
seen a constant evolution of new technology. Gadgets, software, applications, and platforms designed to make teaching more efficient and engaging seem to be invented every day.
As an educator, it can be very tempting to get swept up in the excitement around something new that promises to make learning fun for students. But there are a number of factors to consider before making any investment in a new technological element of our classroom practice.
For something to be truly innovative, it must create a permanent shift in how we do, and think about things. It's not always easy to identify what will simply be a fad and what is set to stay.
While using technology, it will certainly be a significant part of most students' professional lives, it is still important to strike a balance between tech-based learning and interactive instruction. The so-called soft skills needed for effective interpersonal communication, conflict resolution, effective leadership and collaboration cannot be downloaded.
Students need time away from their screens during the school day, especially since the work done outside the classroom is increasingly reliant on computers. We should be helping our students to identify when technological
tools should be used if they need to be used at all, and, if so, exactly how they can be best applied to any given situation.
My father always said, " Work smart, not hard ." I think this applies here, especially if we consider that working smart means knowing which tool is best for the job. Sometimes, it is a cool app or software program, but in many cases, the more effective learning pathway involves teamwork, creativity and old-fashioned trial and error.
One way to work toward a good balance is to ask ourselves when considering a new ed-tech product, "Can I implement this in my classes in a way that will be authentic?" In other words, will students use this in a way that is genuinely interesting to them, or will they see it as just another element of schoolwork that is disconnected from their lives and the world beyond school?
The Technology Integration Matrix (TIM), a project of the Florida Center for Instructional Technology, College of Education, University of South Florida, states authentic use of technology in education " involves using technology to link learning activities to the world beyond the instructional setting. This characteristic focuses on the extent to which technology is used to place learning into a meaningful context, increase its relevance to the learner,
and tap into students' intrinsic motivation".
What this tells us is terribly obvious once it is pointed out: the way technology tools are most often used in schools is teacher-directed and decontextualized from students' lives. In such cases, many students will switch off because while the tool is something new or modern, it is being presented in a way that merely makes it another assignment for school.
Several years ago, for example, when blogs were a relatively new and popular internet source of information and entertainment, I decided that my class's poetry unit would be completed in blog format. Each student would have their own blog page where they would present the final draft of each of their pieces, and their classmates could comment and give constructive feedback. I thought the use of a blog would make poetry more fun and interesting to students, when in fact, applying poetry in this way just made blogs less cool.
'Was my idea a bad one?' Not really, but the use of a popular online format, taken out of its context and used for my classroom purposes, didn't have the intended spark because students could see right through it. It also meant little to them outside the classroom.
To improve on this example, rather than to assign a specific, restrictive
space for student writing, I could have collaborated with the IT team and asked students to choose and create their own digital space for sharing. Perhaps some would have chosen a blog format, and with that permission to have creative license, the products would likely have flourished. (It is important to note here that online safety and data protection add additional challenges to this type of freedom and are paramount in how we organize such assignments.)
Just before the pandemic, it felt as if the pendulum had finally started to swing back toward interpersonal, interactive and experiential learning after a honeymoon period of BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) and one-toone laptop policies in schools. Parents, students, and teachers were starting to feel like there was something missing from the classroom when so much of what they were doing was virtual.
We saw Scandinavian models with small children roaming the woods become en vogue. We saw students in German kindergartens literally hammering nails and sawing boards, and we longed for our children to have a taste of some of the less padded experiences of our formative years.
Then, when the world was thrust into distance learning out of necessity, these ideas were quickly forgotten. We suddenly needed all these digital platforms and so were fully immersed in a virtual world where discussions took place on Zoom and assignments were disbursed and collected online.
Today, we are emerging from that phase, and, as an educator, I hope we can learn from what we have experienced. We should shake off the digital malaise that has settled around us, close our laptops and reintroduce
ourselves to each other. Innovation is not the sole property of technology. If we can manage to be reflective on our experiences, be authentic in our practices and equip students with all the tool—digital and interpersonal—they'll need for success, then "innovative" will not just be another buzzword but a true component of our schools.
Jeffery Wessel Upper School Assistant Principal, GEMS American Academy QatarThe continuously developing world has seen immense growth with the help of unending technological advancements in the quest to achieve things that were once considered impossible. New theories and discoveries are brought forward now and then to accomplish certain goals that do not put an end to and add to the advancements of technology.
But how have such transformations been possible?
There could be various answers to this question, but the root of every answer would be ‘education’ . From high-end devices to the everyday routine of living, everything has witnessed a
massive transformation with the help of education.
With the spinning wheel of time, the educational sector has seen several changes that were made to cope with the ever-changing norms of humans and their ways of living. Different pedagogies were applied to maintain the correct balance of education everywhere.
Developed countries such as the United States realized the need for education a long time ago and have proved to be one of the best countries for better education. The country has various pedagogies that even walk hand in hand with technology for effective learning of students and a better future.
What are some pedagogies to adopt from US universities?
Social Pedagogy establishes a support role to deal with children and their families to ensure their well-being, growth, and education. It also shows that education is very crucial for the development and well-being of students. Moreover, such pedagogical practices are meant as forms of practice that support the development of social learning in the life of a student. It is by nature that students are social people, but they also require education to effectively express themselves. Public education can differ from country to country depending upon the social background and culture of the people. The US has its own ways and might differ from other countries as well.
One prime example of this can be found in the ways countries use social education to emphasize the
significance of things like empathy and kindness. The knowledge of the practitioners plays a vital role in using the right materials for students to explore at the correct time during their developmental phase. Social pedagogy refers to the system of education that usually deals with common social issues that are somehow related to human needs, such as inequality.
Socratic Pedagogy deeply consists of the dialogue between students and instructors. The instructor might ask students questions and explore beliefs that reveal the views and perceptions of the students. It includes a process where the learners can develop their social and psychological skills to become active members of a democratic society.
An example of Socratic pedagogy: Science or mathematics can be looked at when students think beyond the obvious. This type does not regularly find a specific answer but raises new questions for the dialogue.
Culturally responsive teachings mostly consider cultural contexts. To apply this teaching, teachers change their ways of pedagogical practice after they observe the students and plan some methods according to their cultural needs. Sometimes changes in the policies and procedures are also made by the educational institutes to facilitate more participation from different communities.
An example of culturally responsive pedagogy: this teaching includes the diverse races, ethnicities, backgrounds, and beliefs of the students. Cultural responsiveness of a political study would state the analysis and debates of
a wider range of political topics in the contexts of different cultures. In legal studies, it means maintaining different religious beliefs and cultures in view, such as how they might view similar legal matters.
Critical pedagogy is considered a teaching philosophy that encourages a classroom teacher to persuade learners to critique structures of power and oppression. Oppressed people need to become critically conscious as it is the first step toward liberation and social change. The learners are not active when it comes to learning, interacting, and problem-solving. Instead, they are mainly engaged in memorizing, receiving, and repeating information. Therefore, critical pedagogy is also stated as progressive, and some policy makers also call it radical as it critiques the power structures that are mostly taken for granted. Critical teaching aims to encourage students to question and challenge their thoughts, ideas, practices, and beliefs in order to obtain a deeper understanding of thinking critically.
Teachers can enhance critical pedagogy by providing audio-visual materials to encourage students to witness the causes and deeper meaning of everything, whether it be war, religion, or even politics. Students can also look out for statements that seem very biased toward popular culture and the media.
Teaching methods will keep on changing from time to time, but the US has always walked hand in hand with them and has adapted methods that have proved to be effective and efficient for better development and the future of the students.
Southern University and A&M College have lived as a model for a long-cherished dream of thousands of people for more than 136 years. Illustrating a living legacy of determination, commitment and success, being the only historically black university system in the United States.
Southern University has been striving relentlessly through its teaching methodology to prepare students for success beyond education, creating outstanding leaders throughout its glorifying history. The school successfully retains its prodigy, staying attached to its culturally deep roots while keeping at par with the advancements in global education.
The Knowledge Review takes immense pride in presenting the esteemed University's Journey and vision through the President of the Southern University System and Chancellor of Southern University and A&M College, Mr Ray L. Belton.
Southern University and its Fitful Journey Southern University was chartered in 1880 by the
General Assembly of the State of Louisiana following a movement led by several individuals in the 1879 Louisiana State Constitutional Convention to establish 'an institution for the education of persons of color' . Southern
University opened its campus in New Orleans on March 7, 1881, with twelve students. Just five years later, the institution had outgrown its facilities, and in 1892 Southern University and A&M College were recognized by the United States Federal Government as a Land Grant College. In 1914, the campus of Southern University moved from New Orleans to Scott's Bluff overlooking the Mississippi River in Baton Rouge.
Ÿ Southern University and A&M College is the flagship of the Southern University System, the only HBCU (Historically Black Colleges and Universities) system in the nation.
Ÿ Southern in the higher education community has over 30 academic programs awarding bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees. With
representation from more than 20 countries, Southern University is a melting pot for culture, education, and service. Its arts, nursing,
The widespread accomplishments of the faculty at Southern university, the students, and alumni have positively impacted society at every level, from the White House to local and state leaders, history changers, and makers.
engineering, computer science, and business programs, among others, continue to grow to become among the best in the state and nation. Also, Southern University is a leader in economic and workforce development on local, state, and national levels.
Ray L. Belton, who has served in the dual role of president-chancellor at Southern University since 2016, led the University during many advancements. This includes the successful reaccreditation by SACS/COC and the coveted Carnegie 2 Research Institution designation. The University has also experienced a consistent increase in the student population,
corporate and governmental partnerships, and in-demand programming. Alumni giving other fundraising efforts have also been lauded as some of the top philanthropic activities in the nation.
The mission of Southern University and A&M College, also an 1890 landgrant institution, is to provide a student-focused teaching and learning environment that creates global leadership opportunities for a diverse student population. The teaching, research, service, scholarly and creative expectations for students and faculty are achieved through the institution's bachelor's, master's, and
doctoral programs via different instructional modalities and public service.
The University's vision is to provide access and opportunity to students and matriculate graduates who are equipped to excel in a 21st-century, knowledge-based, global economy.
Southern University's Core Values are: Ÿ Student-Centered Ÿ Academic Excellence Ÿ Access Ÿ Integrity Ÿ Research and Scholarship Ÿ Innovation Ÿ Diversity Ÿ Community
Accreditations and the Academic Excellence
Southern University is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges to award certificates, baccalaureate, masters, and doctorate degrees. The University has also been named one of the top 20 HBCUs in the nation by the US News and World Report. Southern University and A&M College is a Carnegie Research 2 institution.
Southern University and A&M College prioritize providing opportunities for the diverse population to achieve a high-quality education. The institution
President of the Southern University System and Chancellor of Southern University and A&M College
Students are not 'just another number,' as class sizes are small, allowing student-instructor interaction. The University is home to many firstgeneration college students, nontraditional students, and even students who feel they are not quite ready for the four-year experience. “
programs for freshman and sophomore students.
SUSLA Connect — offers two-year college classes that can transfer seamlessly into the four-year experience.
SUSLA is Southern University Shreveport, one of the SU System's five campuses.
Other: Tutoring services, Honors College, Veteran's program.
Vision: IMAGINE 20K
is fully accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) and is proud of its rich heritage of giving highly qualified graduates. More than 96 percent of all academic programs are nationally accredited by speciality area organizations.
Academic excellence provides the highest quality education and learning experiences made possible by its academically and professionally qualified faculty and staff. The Southern University offers opportunities for contextual learning, state-of-the-art facilities, safe and aesthetically pleasing surroundings, and resources necessary to support teaching and learning.
Southern University has become one of the nation's rising stars in graduate and undergraduate level education through quality undergraduate, graduate, professional, and research programs among its five campuses.
Transforming American Education While explaining the University's foothold and its contribution to the
American education, Ray says, "The widespread accomplishments of the faculty at Southern University, the students, and alumni have positively impacted society at every level, from the White House to local and state leaders, history changers, and makers." Southern University continues to produce a diverse group of professionals and is proof that HBCUs are committed to instilling greatness into the workforce.
Advanced Course Offerings
Southern University prides itself on its familial environment. While speaking about how the University hones grooming young talent to make future leaders, Ray asserts, "Students are not 'just another number,' as class sizes are small, allowing student-instructor interaction. The University is home to many first-generation college students, nontraditional students, and even students who feel they are not quite ready for the four-year experience." Several programs are in place at the University to assist all students with specific niche needs. Among them are:
University College — offers tailored advisement, tutoring, and other
The Southern University and A&M College have envisioned and drafted a strategic plan (IMAGINE 20K) to be road mapped from 2018 to 2030. The IMAGINE 20K plan provides direction for how Southern University will continue to advance by strategically focusing investments in the areas where the University can have the most significant impact.
The Southern University's plan presents ten broad goals to ensure that the academic programs prepare students to meet the workforce needs of a global, 21st century, knowledgebased economy by welcoming the world to its campus.
To accomplish this, IMAGINE 20K includes goals to improve campus life through infrastructural development, increase student enrollment to 20,000 students (10,000 on-campus and 10,000 online students), and expand the University's footprint throughout the city of Baton Rouge and the state of Louisiana. The strategic plan also includes priorities to support community improvements to meet the needs of residents, Southern students, and faculty, to build partnerships with the surrounding community to achieve the University's vision.
The discovery of technology
was to cater and ease human needs, and ever since, it has loyally been serving all businesses and institutes to accomplish greater heights and achieve their established missions and goals. From logistics to education, it has been effective in providing the necessary boost to their growth.
But any kind of growth requires education, as it has been the first step toward advancement and success. Without proper education, the possibilities of the constantly changing world would fade. But the norms and ways of education have changed throughout time. Ever since the blend of technology and education, the duo
has made tremendous advancements in the education system.
The need for education in technology and vice versa is a basic necessity in contemporary times. This has been well understood by top-notch countries and thus has taken steps to enhance the level of education with the use of technology.
One of these countries is the United States. Being one of the most prominent countries, it has established and proved itself efficient in every aspect. Research showed that 79% of the country's population is literate, which is higher than in many other countries.
How is the US adapting to technological changes?
Delve in to learn!
Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the United States has seen a rapid growth in distance learning. People have shifted toward it for safety reasons, and thereafter, it has become an educational technology trend overnight. This increased the demand for more online educational platforms. eLearning is basically electronically delivered training or education.
The task of education is simplified by eLearning as it delivers the content through laptops, smartphones, tablets, and computers. It is a time saver and also opens doors for interactive learning. Learners can decide for themselves what they need to learn with their fingertips and also get the chance to directly interact with onscreen information.
Moreover, it becomes an encouraging point for students when the decision-
making power of what to learn next is in their hands.
Easing With Blockchain Technology Technology has also given rise to various methods that bypass the traditional limits of education. In the United States, the Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) from blockchain has brought many benefits to the education sector, more specifically in data storage. Whenever new data is added, DLT adds another block to the system, which makes the storage technically limitless.
Parallelly, the data starts encrypting and distributing to multiple computers in the system, making the transacting data transparent and decentralized.
Blockchain technology is mostly used in ePortfolios and Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) to verify knowledge and skills. DLT systems provide solutions to eLearning agencies' problems of scale, authentication, and cost. And, it also helps student applicants in publishing their achievements while in the jobsearching phase.
In the US EdTech market, AI is considered the "in thing" now. Various predictions have been made that AI could grow by more than 45% and could become the primary trend. AI has the capability to automate the basic activities in education, like grading the marks. It has opened the doors for teachers to automate the grading of fillin-the-blank and multiple-choice questions. Hence, automated grading of the writing seems very near in the coming years.
Moreover, the benefits of AI go for both sides: learners and educators. Students can get help from the AI
tutors when teachers are occupied with other students or work. And, AI-driven programs are also helpful in providing feedback for learners and educators. Many schools have already adopted AI systems to monitor student progress and alert teachers about issues with the students' performances. It has been established that AI is a reliable assistant for in-class teaching.
The class learning experience of students in the US has witnessed an exceptional change since the welcoming of Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) into education. The rise in demand for experiential learning has brought forth the development of learning with AR and VR.
Learning has become more fun and interactive than old methods. While VR gives a constructed reality, AR provides an enhanced view of a real image. Hence, they make the task of explaining complex concepts that plain images or even lab experiments can't show very easy. Such as, VR comes in handy when attending a medical training course as it creates the possibility of experiencing real-world surgeries in a low-risk environment.
When it comes to educational technology trends in the United States, there is a lot to digest. However, technology has made its place in the education sector and has changed its entire learning and teaching process. More specifically, eLearning has given a rapid boost to the convenience and accessibility of education and also changed the learning attitudes and desires of students in the country.