India’s 10 Best Online Education Providers, 2019

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N O W L E DEducation. G E RInnovation. E V I ESuccess W


VOL 1 JANUARY - 2019




Online Education Providers, 2019

Abhay Kumar

Co-founder & CEO

Institute of Real Estate & Finance Creating Future Real Estate Leaders and Managers

From the


A New Era of Learning


ur editorial team sat down and discussed the primary advancements that have been progressed since our own education. Answers in the form of complaints were majority same; we did not have such choices and resources when we were studying. The social media, electronic devices, internet were not present in our time. Internet was decent, but we could not afford the bandwidth required to access the internet for the same and that too on the limited systems of 512MB RAM. Another point that came out of the discussion was that our parents also used to convey the same words. They did not have mobile phones, not even an ‘I’ of the internet, no facilities and not to mention, their frightful tales of reaching the school; how they cut across the seas, defeating aquatic animals, crossing tracks barefoot in the negative fifty degrees etc. The conclusion was the same and the most evident one-the technology will never stop evolving, and the upcoming generation will always have the upper hand. Therefore, here we are at another level of education, which is available easily but requires the will in distracting the distractions that the current advancements bring along with it to achieve a successful career. The digitization has contributed a considerable effect on the education. It has revamped how education is imparted and consumed. Outperforming the reading and writing via the book-based learning methods, it has transformed the conventional classroom practices into interactive systems eradicating the long hour boring sessions and transforming it into a lively environment. In conclusion, educational trends have made the learning and teaching simplified for the students and teachers. The key factors altering today’s level of education are the smartphones, infiltration of internet, governmental initiatives like Digital India, cloudbased learning, going paperless, and the inclusion AR/VR in the education. These platforms have made it easy to access the performance of students, teachers, and the effectiveness of the technology being utilized. Furthermore, the plethora of IT related platforms and edu-startups have surged new version of learning modules in the ever-changing demands of education.

Anmol Preet Singh

Education very much like technology can be compared to the ripple in the water, carrying forward the trends in the industry. The best thing to do in this scenario is to be innovative and have the willingness to adapt to modern developments surrounding us. T R

Editor-in-Chief Pooja M. Bansal Managing Editor Ananda Kamal Das Executive Editor Anmol Preet Singh Art & Design Head Amol Kamble Associate Designer Poonam, Shweta Art & Picture Editor Rahul Kavanekar Co-designer Shweta Ambilwade Business Development Manager Akansha Garewal Marketing Manager Ankush Patel Sales Executives Truptesh, Aditi, Priyanka Technical Head Swapnil Patil Technical Specialist Amar, Pratiksha Digital Marketing Manager Prashant, Rahul SME-SMO Executives Swati, Manoj Circulation Manager Tanaji

JANUARY, 2019 We are also available on :

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08 Institute of Real Estate & Finance Setting the Standards for the Real Estate Education across Industries

Articles 34

Professional’s Viewpoint The Yearn For Talent in the Gcc: How to Retain Staff in the Era of Job-Hopping


Industry Lookout Trends Re-shaping Online Education


Editor’s Desk Making New Ways for Interns: Virtual Internship

World Wide Web-Class 38 The Rapidly Growing Popularity of Distance Education in India

Special Global Education Tech Leader of 2019



Child Learning: Simplifying Communication and Educating Students for Success in a Digital World


20 20 Digital Vidya 26

Sponsoring the Leaders of Tomorrow

26 EasyShiksha

Student’s Best Go-to-Stop for Simplied Learning


32 NeoStencil

A Test-Prep Platform Empowering Career Dreams to Come True

42 PlanetSpark 42

Transforming Education through Game-Based Blended Learning







An Easy Access of Education for Students


he advent and rapid progress of technology have generated quite a buzz over online education in India. Numerous professionals and students have signed up for online courses in recent years to hone their relevant skills. While observing such trends, one can say that the number of people taking up online education will rise significantly in the near future. However, with the limitation of acceptance of these technologies, a hybrid solution is expected to gain more popularity in the approaching years wherein online education providers will deploy offline centers to provide classroom-simulated teaching experiences to students. Various other trends such as gamification and video learning are likewise gaining popularity in India and we have already witnessed prominent players gearing up for the same in order to enhance the engagement of learners. Keeping these technological advancements in education, The Knowledge Review presents this special issue “India’s 10 Best Online Education Providers, 2019”, which features the finest education providers in the online arena that are embracing the modern trends and are providing the simplest access to the education all the while fabricating the next-gen long life learners.

On the cover, we have featured IREF (Institute of Real Estate & Finance); a pioneer in imparting online real estate learning and the first one to do the same in this sector. The issue also includes, Child Learning; Digital Vidya; EasyShiksha; NeoStencil; PlanetSpark; Shezartech; Tridat Technologies Pvt. Ltd; Uolo technology; and Vidyanext. While learning about these platforms do not forget the industry expert's viewpoint and the articles masterly crafted by our in-house editors. Now it is time to turn the pages and enlighten yourself with the leading online institutes in India. T R

Institute of

Real Estate & Finan

Cover Story


‘ To impart quality education in real estate, construction and housing finance sector using technology and partnership with various institutes and domain experts


ndia’s real estate industry is currently around 180 billion $ comprising Real Estate, Construction, and Housing Sector. It is expanding very briskly and generating the second largest employer in the country but at the same time is highly unorganized and full of malpractices. The advent of Real Estate and Regulation Act (RERA) implemented by the Government of India in May 2017 has pushed the real estate sector towards professionalism and strong growth in coming years. Likewise, real estate education must play a role in getting relieved of such bad practices, promote professional education, and boost the sector capability. Institute of Real Estate & Finance (IREF) is one such online platform, which caters to the relevant teaching of Real Estate Management and allied sectors like construction management and housing finance. In the brief span of five years, this online platform has splashed its success color all over the industry. As previously mentioned, it is the first online portal in real estate, construction management and housing finance. The platform earned Abhay Kumar Co-founder & CEO



2013- NDTV award for Best Real Estate Institute, 2014-Devang Mehta B School Award, 2015- Lokmat Best Education Institute. In 2018, The Higher Education Review Magazine recognized IREF as “India’s Top Ten most Promising E-learning Platform”. With over 2000 plus students and alumni network of IREF, it has created successful entrepreneurs across India. Institute's motto is to promote online education in the given sector, IREF is continuously enhancing and building up a user-friendly active web portal for learning. It is also conducting a weekly webinar to share the importance of real estate sector education along with collaborating with universities and institutes to introduce national and regional programs. Dominating the Online Education Established in 2010 as one of the first portals to implement online real estate education, IREF has been invited by the Government of India to extend inputs and view on RERA in presence of the standing committee. The platform’s own E-learning portal is fully equipped with the latest elearning technology, wherein students learn through online classes, self-paced models, quiz, and test and case-studies. It further provides a total virtual classroom allowing students to experience a wholesome new classroom. The online platform has served over 2000 students across India and has alleviated them in setting up their





career and entrepreneurial venture in Real Estate, Construction Management, and Housing Finance. For classroom programs, the university/institute backs up the accreditations and for online programs, IREF provides autonomous certification recognized by numerous companies and industry experts. A Comprehensive Curriculum IREF focuses on industry-ready courses to its students, so that they adapt to the new marketing techniques easily and have broad exposure to the real estate development. Consequently, they have a better understanding of the consumer behavior, thus making the preferred choice of the organization. Students attain a diverse exposure by studying in IREF. They have two options: 1 To work with real estate and construction companies in various capacities like Marketing, Sales, Operations, Project Management and Management Roles 2 They can start their own companies in the same sector as real estate developers, real estate project management consultants, housing finance (DSA), real estate consultant and various other opportunities Additionally, students can avail interest free (0 % rate of interest) education loan from Thirumeni Finance Pvt. Ltd. (Varthana). This can help students to achieve their professional dream. Creating Real Estate leaders through classroom programme in association with Symbiosis Institute of Management Studies. In 2016, the platform established a

‘ full-time job oriented postgraduate program with Symbiosis Institute of Management Studies (SIMS) for Real estate, Construction, and Housing Finance sector. This program gained tremendous positive feedback from the industry due to the relevant high requirement. This course has followed with excellent placement offers from elite firms. In 2018, it further collaborated with SIMS for the part-time program for working professionals in real estate, construction, and housing finance sector.

• • • • • • •

Software Training Site Management Marketing, Sales & CRM Property Valuations Managing Tender & Contracts Business Feasibility & Finance Housing Finance etc.

Full Time PGADM in Real Estate and Construction Management (SIMS) (Eligibility- 50% in Graduation/ B.E. Civil/ B.Arch.) For fresh graduate/ experienced graduates seeing career in real estate, construction and housing finance Part Time Certification Program in Real Estate and Construction Management (SIMS) (Eligibility- 50% in Graduation/ B.E. Civil/ B.Arch.) For working professionals, graduates, entrepreneurs. Sanket Chiplunkar Placement in charge of Symbiosis Institute of Management Studies Real Estate and Construction department has confidently stated that “when the fresher's join the PG classroom program with SIMS Real Estate and Construction Management, they receive a boost in their career with a best industry placement packages and key role in finest of the enterprises”

The main objective of full-time postgraduate course at SIMS is to developed and to bridge the gap between rising demand for the true talent and the unavailability of supply for the same in the real estate sector, thereby creating gainful employment opportunities for any aspiring student who wishes to get into this sector. The programme carves ready-professionals possessing a healthy mix of technical, management, and administrative abilities.

Highly Industry recommended online programme on IREF e-learning Platform . Post Graduate Program in Real Estate Business Management and Entrepreneurship (Online Program) (Eligibility- Any graduate / Diploma) For individuals who want to start real estate services business (marketing company, brokerage firm, real estate consulting firm, home loan DSA)

The programme offers inputs as per the RERA, which is now the backbone of real estate and construction industry. The students receive significant knowledge to analyze and exploit the entrepreneurial opportunities available in this sector. The focus of the curriculum is handed out to the distinctive aspects of real estate business management. Some of the key areas covered in course are: • Construction Management • Entrepreneurship • Business Development

Post Graduate Program in Real Estate Business Management (Online Program) (Eligibility- Any graduate / Diploma) For any working professional in real estate sector Post Graduate Program in Real Estate Marketing (Online Program) (Eligibility- Any graduate / Diploma) For any working professional in Marketing/ Digital marketing of real estate sector

The Versatile Management Four outstanding key personalities lead the online platform to next level Abhay Kumar (Co-founder & CEO), Ganesh Nikam (Co-founder and Director), Ashlesha Paranjape (Head of Academics), and Abhijit Pal (Operations Head) Abhay Kumar started this online institute from zero to 2000+ students across India working or running their own companies. He is B.E, MBA from Symbiosis (SIMS) and Masters in Labor Law. As an entrepreneur, he has over 15 years of experience in the real estate sector.

Post Graduate Program in Real Estate Regulation Act (RERA) (Online Program) (Eligibility- Any graduate / Diploma) For any individual seeking to build up knowledge and deeper understanding of Real Estate Regulation Bill -2017 and encouraging individuals to set up their own RERA consultancy (e.g. Real Estate Development Firm or Real Estate Consulting Firm) For online courses, professionals and students have excellent opportunity to gain employment in international, national, and regional companies. Certification will provide professionals support in their career growth and promotions. They can initiate their own independent business or develop into an entrepreneur. The urgent need to create professionals and skill based talented pool readily available for real estate, construction and housing finance industry will be one step closer with the platform like IREF .

Ganesh Nikam Co-founder & Director

Ganesh Nikam is involved in bringing new partners and investment into the company. He is a Doctor (MBBS), MBA from Symbiosis (SIMS) and has 15 plus years’ experience as an entrepreneur. Ashlesha Paranjape helps to create, monitor, and deliver courses on the platform and through the partners. She is a Chartered Accountant (CA) having over 20 years of experience in banking & Finance, real estate, and Mortgage.

Ashlesha Paranjape Head of Academics

Abhijit is instrumental in the development and overall operations of the E-learning platform. He is B.Tech, MBA in operations from Symbiosis (SIMS) and has three plus years’ experience in real estate and construction industry. T R

Abhijit Pal Operations Head


Learning Simplifying Communication and Educating Students for Success in a Digital World


o connect parents and schools with each other locally and to communicate seamlessly by using any digital channel, from anywhere and without a hassle Early education is the most important part of any child’s life. This is where the foundation of future learning is formed and no parents want to compromise on that. With the same understanding and to help school and parents to develop children to the best of their abilities, Child learning is one of the largest and rising early education platform designed especially for children from early to secondary schools to universities. In Aug 2015, the firm designed the new generation, global, and cost-effective parent-teacher communication digital platform called cJourney™ in the United Kingdom. Child Learning Limited set up their first franchise in


India in March 2016 with a few partners’ schools on board. The firm recognized India as one of the largest alongside its growing education needs and hence, established its franchise here. The Flagship Product cJourney™ is the flagship product of Child Learning Limited. It is a web, mobile, and tablet app suite, which simplifies the communication among parents, teachers, and schools. The digital platform eases up the day-to-day administrative activities for the schools and allows them to focus only on the learning and development of the child, which it truly cares about. The app currently serves early and primary schools in India and the UK. In parallel, the firm plans to launch the same app in the US with various other global markets. Features like sending broadcast messages, SMS, pictures,

attachments, daily diaries; call and chat, fee management, event invites within cJourney app enable the schools and parents to communicate digitally without a hassle. cJourney offers handy feature like daily diary, where schools can send daily updates and next day activities in advance to parents. Its observations feature can be shared by both the schools and parents. Other features include fee management, which enables school administrations to manage fee payments and share fee receipts. Furthermore, the school admin can also send free reminders to the parents to avoid any delay in payment. The most important feature of the app is the security of the child i.e. GPS tracking of school buses. This feature ensures the safety of children, offering

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a real-time tracking to parents and school admins. The group recently rolled out an Event Invites feature wherein schools can add, manage and share the events and meetings with parents. School can invite parents for parent-teacher meetings, Independence Day, Republic Day etc. at a specific date and time. To be precise, cJourney helps good and professional schools to save time, effort, money and provides a top professional image and branding at a global stage. Aims and Objectives Child learning’s objective is to become a global education technology leader by 2020. It aspires to be a prominent name in digital education through its innovative, specific, useful, and value-based products and services. It will continue to strengthen its reach to every parent and schools around the globe and bring them on-board, not as an educator but as a partner in using the cJourney as the amazing communication platform. cJourney visions to provide a sense to the parents that they can connect with their children every time even inside the school, without even being physically present. It further wants to support its schools to focus primarily on the learning and development of the child and leaving the digital world and communication on cJourney's shoulders. The Tech-Savvy Leaders Being an engineer from a profession, Gagan Rana helms the chair of Founder and CEO of the Child Learning. He earned his engineering degree from Bharti Vidyapeeth, Pune, and an MBA from Strathclyde University, Glasgow, UK. Prior to founding Child Learning, he has worked as Product Manager for BBC UK, Mercedes-Benz UK, Volkswagen Financial Services UK, Lloyds Banking Group UK, Yodel UK etc. He is quite passionate to make cJourney a global success in the education technology market and to change the ways of going forward in which education industry communicates.


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Child Learning: - Special Global Education Tech Leader of 2019 Daniela Thompson is the Education Advisor and is a subject matter expert at Child’s learning and development. She is also an Assistant Head and Senior Teacher of an Outstanding School in the UK. Daniela has worked with other schools to develop their mathematics teaching and works with trainee teachers. Being a proud mother of two sons, she provides great insight in shaping cJourney’s features both as a parent and as a teacher. Disrupting the Traditional Communication Systems With the assistance of digital technology, the group plans to simplify parent-student-children efforts as simple as possible. For instance, teachers can send diary notes to multiple parents by click of a button , which would have been written separately in each child’s diary. The app jumps further and provides observations by teachers and parents, where both can share their remarks with analysis and advise the next steps to ensure the quality education of the child. The group is also planning to develop online learning modules for the children (5 months to 5 years) with the help of their Partner Education Experts. These modules will leverage the current traditional systems as well as comprise futuristic techniques to impart early education. Both, the parents and teacher will be able to gain an advantage by these modules. In addition, the group is rigorously planning to protect the user data and provide a continuous and consistent experience to its franchise, partners, and the end users. Promoting Digital Education The group focuses on its blogs and social media platforms to promote digital education and regularly publishes best practices to be used in schools or at home by parents. Child Learning updates its social media regularly with various global education frameworks. To complement innovation and keeping it ahead always of time, the group asks challenging questions to its school’s partners to provide the complete education and even guide them to do so by using its education subject matter experts. Esteemed Wall of Fame In the short span of two years, Child Learning has achieved much success quickly and has been awarded alongside acknowledged by many people in the industry. The group is much proud on its key achievements and the results of its hard work and satisfaction of its school partners to provide a repeated business, for example; Little Kids, Kids Castle, and many more. Some of the prominent achievements of the group are: • Listed in “The Top 10 Most Promising Education App provided in 2017” by Silicon India/US Magazine Group • Having twenty schools on board in India via Franchise Model with 1200+ students and growing every week • A secure and reliable presence in Android, iOS and Web platforms • Approved as “The Great British Business” by Telegraph UK. Additionally, a documentary is being made on its business with a live date of 23rd April 2019 • Awarded as “10 Leading Players in Education Industry in 2018” by Business Sight Media Global Magazine • Successfully launched #cJourney in the UK on 22nd November 2018 in Hilton Hotel, Milton Keynes, UK, even got 5 leads, which will be finalized in early 2019. Education for the Future The group will continue to strengthen the base of cJourney and will roll out the app into global education markets. It will also keep adding new features to support India, UK and global requirements. As previously mentioned, it is working on the development of online learning modules for early education industry and simultaneously working on rolling out an Artificial Intelligence feature to predict the future of a child and influence the future if required. This will benefit parents and teachers to guide the children in building a better future. In addition, the group wants approved users to view the live video inside the school by its new feature cVideos. It is also working on a feature called order school meals for the UK and other markets. T R


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Digital Vidya Sponsoring the Leaders of Tomorrow Our approach to training participants is greatly industry-oriented


n today’s digitized world, the demand for skilled professionals is rising immensely. This digitization has built a rift between demand and supply of experienced professionals. Bridging the same gap, Digital Vidya imparts knowledge relevant to digital marketing and data science skills. Established in 2009, Digital Vidya shares relevant digital marketing experience with diverse specialists and entrepreneurs assisting in their growth process. It is Asia’s leading Digital Marketing and Data Analytics platform and the first one to introduce Social Media Marketing Workshop Series in India. Since its outset, over 35000+ professionals including CXOs from over 15000+ brands have taken part in 3000+ Digital Marketing & Data Science training by Digital Vidya across Asia. These brands include Nokia, Google, eBay, Reliance, Star TV, Cisco, MakeMyTrip, Naukri, SAP, Citibank, Toyota, Intel, ITC, CNBC, Madison, and CII. Digital Vidya also provides customized Digital Marketing & Analytics Training Programs for corporations to escalate their businesses. The curriculum of all its programs is effective and up to date. It bears a hands-on approach to teaching and employs a plethora of case studies coupled with demonstrations to make the students learn. All of this contributes to the ability of the students to perform their jobs with no further training. Doorway Connecting Students with Industry Digital Vidya bridges the aforementioned gap by concentrating on serving training to students, professionals, corporations and even to educational institutions. It currently offers Certified Digital Marketing Master Course, specialized Digital Marketing Courses & multiple other Data Science Courses.

India, Facebook, LinkedIn, NASSCOM & Vskills. It also offers an exclusive course in Content Marketing in association with LinkedIn alongside an in-depth Facebook Marketing course in association with Facebook. Key Personalities behind Digital Vidya Pradeep Chopra and Kapil Nakra, two IIT students formulated Digital Vidya together. Pradeep Chopra is Co-founder and CEO of Digital Vidya. Being an international speaker and an author on Digital Marketing & Entrepreneurship, he is one of the most sought-after speakers in Digital Marketing. He is a core member of the Global Committee at SEMPO (Search Engine Marketing Professional Organization), a non-profit organization that nurtures the growth of Digital Marketing globally. He also helms the chair of the advisory board of Social Media Chambers Malaysia. Kapil Nakra is a first generation Serial Entrepreneur. He has co-founded three companies in the last 17 years. He commenced his entrepreneurial drive in 2000 when he launched his first undertaking, Whizlabs Software, where he helped to secure over 100 Enterprise Customers and facilitated the company in obtaining ‘Most Innovative Indian IT Company’ award from NASSCOM in 2004. In his recent commitments, he takes care of product and delivery at Digital Vidya. As a pioneer of Digital Marketing in India, Kapil has grown along with the Internet Industry as a user, a service provider and now as an educator. Under their leadership, in a short span of time, Digital Vidya became the one-stop destination for Social Media Education in India wherein professionals from every sphere of life and students knocked Digital Vidya’s doors to seek assistance. Soon after that, Digital Vidya also introduced with its in-house customized training programs for corporations.

The platform is an honored partner of major international brands including Google Partners Academy, Microsoft


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Promoting Digital Education The founders of Digital Vidya speak at international events in the Digital Marketing and Data Science domains. One of the primary and persistent events formulated by Digital Vidya is the webinars. The webinars present real-time connectivity and interaction between industry leaders and practitioners. Digital Vidya is proud to have conducted over two-hundred webinars, which have influenced their 100,000+ people community. In the year 2018, Digital Vidya collaborated with Content Marketing Summit Asia - a pioneer event that allows the innovators, publishers, brands, technology enablers from around the globe to come closer and impart knowledge to the general audience, making the best out of it. This year in July, Digital Vidya associated with NASSCOM Foundation, allowing participants to obtain real-life Digital Marketing experience while promoting social causes of NASSCOM Foundation. Beyond Digital Education The platform carries associations with several organizations to furnish Digital Marketing needs. Digital Vidya not merely builds up and sends candidate resumes to organizations with relevant vacancies but also mentors the students throughout the hiring process. The online schools state, “High level of mentorship is something unique to our Institute”. Digital Vidya also has a dedicated placement cell that provides support to all candidates who finish the program. It understands the students, and shares relevant job profiles from brands and agencies with them. A comprehensive placement system has been built to cater to the demands of the students. Lately, it has introduced an SEO executive Training Program with a Job Guarantee. Future Roadmap Digital Vidya will continue to strengthen its dominance in the international markets by offering the best training possible. Digital Vidya vouches by three distinct values; Transparency, Excellence and Customer Delight. All these values combined have made the platform a top Digital Marketing & Data Science Training provider in Asia. Moreover, it would make its programs applicable to the newer audience in India, which would lead it to start numerous new courses and explore the broad opportunities. T R


N O W L E DEducation. G E RInnovation. E V I Success E W January 2019


Industry Lookout


Online Education


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he year 2018 witnessed the growth of technology in the form of diverse technological advancements and trends. AR/VR, AI, and ML being the prominent ones, these trends have shined on the educational sectors as well. In this year, we watched out bots in the digital era. They were effective in guiding and motivating users, boosting productivity all the while refining and personalizing content relevant for the people’s need. In the new year, we hope to look towards the new trends, both being trendy and some in action which will influence the learning industry. So, let us have a glance at


N O W L E DEducation. G E RInnovation. E V I Success E W January 2019

some of these that are re-defining the e-learning industry. Microlearning Organizations are seeking microlearning as an essential solution. It is a remarkable method of implementing learning with small portions of material, which is easily employable and objective-based. The firms are seeking to take advantage of microlearning to continue to enjoy this interesting and innovative mode of learning. Trainees can grasp quickly and can learn at a repetitive time as well. This retention will become better gradually, rather than

the ongoing long hours of boring traditional learning modules. These interactive modules can be implemented in the videos, both small and large games, quizzes, and infographics. Another add-on to the advantages is that it supports any device. This trend will definitely rule 2019. Adaptive Learning Adaptive learning deals with customizing the existing modules in the library for specific groups. This trend has strengthened with the adoption of many new emerging players. Adaptive learning with the


support of confidence-based assessments and effective analytics and measurements of training effectiveness will take the e-learning to the next level.

children with special needs in learning modern skills.

Organizations will benefit from better competition rates and learners will enjoy learning content that is personalized for them. With effective assessment, users can skip the content that they are confident about. The year 2019 will witness the adaptive learning in action while its experimental phase got over in the last year.

Firms and corporations are investing in game-based learning to empower and engage the learners. Studies reveal that gamification aid in improving retention rates and better application of the subject learned. Firms are pursuing to carry out more game-based solutions as it adds value to the organizations in wide learning as they invent games corresponding to the needs of the learner.

Gamification and Game-based Learning

AR and VR Video-based Learning Both of these technological advancements have imparted into every corner of the world. In education, AR augments the existing content through interesting overlays, graphics, and images and makes them pop-out of the screen. This experience enhances the interaction between the learner and the content. VR is also on the same rise and shine and firms are looking at it as important solutions as e-learning companies use effective instruction designs to enhance VR experience. The mixture of 360-degree photographs, interactions, and many more elements enhances cognitive learning especially for the children and people with special needs. AI and Assistance With the advent of AI, numerous bots have emerged and are swaying and setting up an exceptional learning curve for learners during their courses. The AI-powered bots predict user’s behavior and promote personalized learning. By taking these modules, the learners face difficulties and challenges for further personalization with performance being recorded.

The infiltration of the internet and numerous online video-based websites like YouTube has compelled firms to accommodate video-based learning. The trainee can learn in form of instructor-led training or via contextual videos. This trend will play a crucial role in disseminating information. Currently, the industry is concentrating on reducing the latency of video being played and its size. Social Learning Social learning has taken up its pace in the last few years and emphasizes on developing a learning organization. It involves collaboration between the individuals at a place offering different forms of communication practices such as forums, chat sessions, and training sessions. With such thriving inter-connected tools, social learning will rise and leave its mark this year. Like technology, e-learning is subjected to continuous transformation, up gradation and becoming progressively user-centered. Organizations and learners must surround themselves around these trends to cope up with these ever-changing technological dynamics. T R

Firms are employing these AI learning modules in their learning process and during moments in need. Furthermore, the practice of bots will benefit people and


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Student’s Best Go-to-Stop for Simplied Learning To bring everything that an educator or an Edu-seeker needs under one roof


orld Wide Web has revolutionized every other sector. From banking, shopping, IT, everything is now available at a push of a button. In the same essence, online education has also poised its unyielding roots in the industries. Online education industry will be a $1.96 billion industry by 2021 according to research conducted by KPMG. This virtual education has long evolved from the traditional ways of just being digitized correspondence courses. Today, it features videos, blogs, podcasts, and even live chats and is becoming more popular than ever. EasyShiksha is one such prominent name in online education as an online platform. It is a child company of HawksCode Softwares Private Limited. It provides simplified online education with a prime aim of delivering better education to every Edu-seeker. Being the firms’ motto of access education as easy as pie, it converts simple student’s dreams into a product Easy for simple and Shiksha for education. The firm provides a coordinated stage to profit of instructive substances like understudies, workforce, colleges, and various other instructive establishments. The obvious advantage is the virtual location wherein students build their own infrastructure surrounding them. Whenever they feel comfortable, they can start learning there. By using this virtual infrastructure, Edu-seekers can learn from online courses, online test series, college listing, school listing, online news blog, educative videos, magazines and so on.


Virtuous Agendas The firms’ long shot is to fetch everything that an educator or Edu-seeker needs under one roof. The firm feels very proud of providing the same and hitting the targets every single time. It does not stop there, and after attaining one, it sets up a new target. Talking about the vision, the firm states, “we want to keep combining the education with the solution coming from the technology. We want EasyShiksha to provide you with every single opportunity that will help you grow into the best circumstances. We will strengthen our preeminent programs and encourage the development of specific new programs that present strategic opportunities for all”. A Wizard with a Digital Wand Sunil Sharma is the tech wizard at EasyShiksha as its CEO. He devotes his inspiration to his family, who taught him to be decorous and disciplined. From his family, he learned the joy of hard work and mentored himself with such experiences. While growing up, Sunil faced many financial difficulties. His situation led him to think about the others who were facing the same. Hence, after graduating from Computer Science, he decided to be responsible for everyone’s education. Afterward, by learning new business aspects, he planned to upgrade every student into “Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere”. Sunil recognizes two barriers in the Indian education system. These barriers are preventing students’ talent from

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achieving a better platform to rise. He counts these as the social and economic barriers. Because of money and orthodox thinking, the students are not able to attain quality education, which they truly deserve. All these circumstances made him realize that just being a software developer will not complete the task, hence he jumped into the technical world to build a strong empire that eradicates all the barriers in the education system. Splashing the Colors of Success Everywhere Recently, many magazines have recognized the firm for its outstanding educational offerings. It was featured in YourStory on their digital magazine website. CIO Review has featured it as “Top 20 Most Promising Edu-Startup� and also been recognized by Silicon India. However, the firm feels exceptionally proud of being recognized by the State Government of Rajasthan. In 2017, EasyShiksha ranked in top 25 startups in Rajasthan and the Former CM of Rajasthan, Vasundhara Raje Sindhya, gave the recognition certificate. The firm considers its every success as a big one. It has set separate milestones set as goals. Recently, the firm took a huge risk of making a presence in Magazine world. The risk paid off and its first magazine was a huge success and is planning to launch another one. Furthermore, EasyShiksha is also planning to make its video channel big too. Fabricating the Next-Gen Generation As already said before, EasyShiksha is committed to providing high-quality online education. It makes the difference by offering a platform where everyone can access the right information. Many programs like campus ambassador, career helper, online courses are offered free of cost to everybody, helping students to make a better career. It also provides free online test series to its students who are eyeing for government jobs. For easy accessibility, EasyShiksha is also available as a mobile app, considering all the students’ requirements. The application can be accessible by everyone from everywhere. The app is building its audience swiftly, all thanks to the feedback from students, parents, and institutes, which are inspiring the firm to work better and improve their services. T R


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Making New Wa T

he internship is an effective way for the under-study and graduates to attain the skills and experience required to secure a suitable job. Internships are available in every nameable program compared to the last few decades where it lingered with the medical industry only. Last decade also made its name in the revolutionizing technology which provided virtual use in entertainment, education, business, and many other industries. A virtual internship is one such branch in the education industry which aids graduates to gain experience while working in a remote professional environment. Virtual internship debuted in the information technology sector way back in the 1990s. This internship entails working from home, connected to the work environment remotely and does not require physical presence at an office location. Such internships are now a legitimate way of obtaining experience, that can be listed on résumés. Candidates communicate through email, Skype, WhatsApp, webinars, and many more. Virtual internships are available in all major fields but are still rare. Experts base this growth in virtual internships on the expanding popularity of social media. Surveys show that most pupils are positive about such online experiences and programs. The Growth Factor One of the main reasons for the rise in virtual internships is due to the rapid explosion of entrepreneurs, startups, and minor ventures. These


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Editor’s Desk

ays for Interns Virtual Internship


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startups and minor companies have space constraints. This remote employee situation works well for them saving time, space, and money. As a startup is small and expanding, it gets difficult for the employees to monitor an intern. These internships are popularly aiming small business to mid-business to online business. Companies and candidates believe that content and social media/related jobs, does not require physical presence and the virtual presence will do the trick. This strategy makes sense for the global companies forcing laboring from the other side of the world. The Intern Virtues and Shortcomings As internships last for short brevity of time-few weeks to months- it is difficult for an applicant to relocate for such a short time. Some candidate does it because they want to intern with a specific company. The advantage lies in the flexibility and freedom, especially for the unpaid internships. Students wait until their winter and summer breaks are over and then they apply for the internship. Consequently, this virtual internship can save their lot of time and students can do their internship side by side. Furthermore, this provides them with a perfect opportunity of working a job doing both simultaneously. Students can work in their free time and according to their suitable schedule. A student can work around his school, work and social calendar. Cross-cultural competencies can also be learned by working virtually for an international company or organizations. On the side of shortcomings, virtual internships can create a barrier of communication between the applicant and the employer. Communications skills, especially professional are major learning part of an internship. Additionally, it will be difficult for the intern to ask his/her employer any doubts or concern. Further, in the virtual internship program, the intern may not be able to form appropriate self-discipline and management skills. The intern has to invest in his/her own computer, internet, mobile phone, and many other tools in order to create a virtual environment which can increase the overall costs of the contender. An intern can make


him/herself shine in others book by implementing hard work in professional opportunities; however, virtual one will definitely miss such opportunities. And most importantly, the virtual candidate will find difficulties in understanding the corporate culture. The Employer Highs and Lows Sometimes some employers do not have enough work to support a full-time intern and a virtual internship makes it easier for them to hire interns on the project basis. The employer will not have allocated office space and other resources for this virtual intern. Further, this internship allows an employer to select an aspirant from the whole world as the intern will be hired on a remote basis. Such internships aid in time management and all the tasks and questions are handled via email, phone, Skype etc. The employer will not be able to convey the company’s corporate culture in a virtual environment. A virtual intern will be unable to help with hands-on project and tasks where physical presence is required. A state clear form of communication should be established between the candidate and employer. A virtual internship will fail if its management is not strong. Therefore, management should have a clear process, systems, understanding, and outcomes of the intern tasks. The Win-Win Situation As the current market job is extremely competitive, completing an internship - virtual or not - is more important. When prepared appropriately, it can be a solution for both the employer and intern. Flexible nature of virtual internships will aid more students in gaining internships. On the other hand, as companies continue to try to find new ways to reduce their costs, virtual internships provide a low cost, but high return, option for the employer. In conclusion, virtual internships are a win-win for both employers as long as the appropriate steps and actions are taken by both parties. T R

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A Test-Prep Platform Empowering Career Dreams to Come True The platform seamlessly connects students with India’s best teachers via a live learning environment, thus, ensuring that education reaches beyond the four walls of a physical classroom.


eoStencil is a live-learning platform in the form of a curated marketplace that connects top educators/teaching professionals of the country with students across India. Offering online classes for IAS, IES, GATE, Judicial Services, SSC, Banking and State PCS aspirants, it is an extensive platform addressing the entire exam preparation needs which consists of classes, study material, test series, counseling, discussion forums and many more. The platform draws up with India’s top-notch mentors/teachers and digitizes the classrooms for students to have access to the classes organized without the call for to relocate or travel. An Exceptional Platform Established in 2015, NeoStencil has proven its worth when it comes to government jobs exams preparation. To be able to fulfill the vision of students, NeoStencil came into being, it has proven its worth in regards to government jobs exams preparation.

candidates. In addition, NeoStencil has signed a MoU with RedCarpet - a financial technology start-up, offering financial aid to students appearing in various competitive examinations. This collaboration will support students who are not able to pay the tuition fees immediately. An Ardent Leader Kush Beejal is the CEO and Co-founder of NeoStencil. He has pursued his education from IITB and IIMC and has worked for six years in the startup industry prior to establishing his own venture. He has successfully led the business segments from scratch for leading corporates like GATX and NCDEX.

It has been awarded as one of the most impactful ed-tech companies in South Asia region by Tyton Group. All the reputed media houses such as Indian Express, Economic Times, DNA, NDTV, The Hindu etc. have extensively covered NeoStencil, lauding the solution it brings to the problems of millions of aspirants.

He has taught himself the tough lessons of coaching all the while preparing for college entrances and not having access to competent teachers and institutes. He recognizes the lack of capacity that students deal with and move to metro cities. Seeking at the on-going momentum, he was swift to recognize that the access to top teachers was perpetuating the divide between the haves and have-nots. It was this obstacle that Kush figured out with a vision of leveraging technology in establishing a leveled playing field for students from remote areas. Ultimately, he fulfilled the dreams of young minds of either becoming leading government officers or pursuing their lifelong goals.

Recently, NeoStencil has inked a MoU with Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities Department, UP. The MoU aims at aiding close to 3000 physically challenged students to prepare for government job exams. This will provide them with a leveled playing field and an opportunity to compete with similar means as compared to the other

Major Achievements of NeoStencil Over the years, NeoStencil has worked meticulously and consistently and has met the harbor of success by its stellar performance. In Civil Services Exam, 2017 - 120 candidates out of a total of 990 who finally got selected were online students of NeoStencil. Almost 50% of students


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on NeoStencil platform come from 400+ tier III and IV towns of India. Students from the hinterland can now access quality education with the help of just a laptop/smartphone and a decent internet connection. One of the Alumina, Namrata Jain secured AIR-99 in IAS exam accessed NeoStencil’s online classes from Dantewada – a Naxal affected region. The specially-abled students can leverage NeoStencil for exam preparation without having to travel to the coaching institutes. Another Alumina is Saumya Sharma who secured AIR - nine in the Civil Services examination. Major Events Organized by NeoStencil The finest approach to obtain the questions answered, doubts clarified and to learn the right preparation strategy is by connecting with the toppers and teachers themselves. NeoStencil organizes seminars pan India, wherein, the past exam toppers, and India’s top teachers, interact with the exam aspirants. It has recently organized seminars in cities like Hyderabad, Jaipur, New Delhi, Bhubaneswar, Varanasi, Meerut, and Bengaluru. These seminars comprise Civil Services Exam toppers, many State PSC toppers AND distinguished faculty who share their journey, experiences and preparation tips with the students. These seminars see a footfall of 700-1000, attended by current students, future aspirants and parents alike, and receive immensely positive feedback. NeoStencil regularly promotes these types of events in prestigious colleges. Opening the Doors of Opportunities and Exposures Neostencil conducts exams for government job recruitment, so if the students clear these exams, they apply for numerous government jobs. The platform provides training for civil services exam which is India’s most prestigious government jobs exam. Students who clear these exams have become IAS, IPS, IFS officers among others. Two of the Alumina are Abhilash Mishra (AIR 5, UPSC 2016), Suman Sourav Mohanty (AIR 9, UPSC 2016) - two of its students from last year have finished their IAS training and are ready to take on their responsibilities as officers. Similarly, the students of others exams - IES, GATE, SSC, State PCS - all hold prestigious positions in the government. T R


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Professional's Viewpoint

About the Author A seasoned B2B copywriter and digital marketer, Gent Mehmeti leads the marketing team at Dubai's LEORON Professional Development Institute, one of the leading professional training enterprises in the EMEA region.


January 2019


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The Yearn For

in the How to Retain Staff in the Era of Job-Hopping


ith global markets becoming more competitive each day, many are quick to assume that talent is abundant. The discourse among peers adheres to the belief that employment opportunities are getting scarce - leaving the public to lionize the importance of keeping a steady job. But, the discourse among those who handle talent is different, reporting a growing trend of job-hopping in the GCC region. Last-year’s findings by Hays latest market report highlighted a staggering number of struggling GCC HRs who cited staff retention as one of the main pain points in their corporate strategy – roughly 21% naming this as the biggest challenge facing their HR departments in the next 12 months. This year, around 61 per cent of employees are expecting a salary increase – leaving the possibilities for another talent exodus open – if requirements are not to be fulfilled. 3 Reasons For Talent To Stay While most agree that retention is now an imperative, there’s a clear distinction between suggested means to boost the process. In addition to classic elements, GCC recruiters identify the following noncompensation ones: • Flexible Work Policies – The Middle East plays a special role in fostering global talent. As such, some countries from this region have become go-to hubs for expatriates from all over the world, ranging from Europe to USA and beyond. It is


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imperative that employees adopt to their native work culture, offering workplace flexibility. Flexible hours, compressed work weeks, telecommuting options, on-site childcare, and more are quickly becoming common demands by employees in the region. Experts report on multifold payoffs from offering such liberal policies at work: engagement and loyalty among employees topping the list. • Employee Engagement – Employee appetites evolve with the market. This brings a plethora of operatives who are no longer satisfied with an approach suggesting top down management with a bossy CEO. Instead, these employees prefer to stay informed and consulted on company decisions. Organizations often refer to the Gallup Q-12 questionnaire as their preferred tool to measure employee engagement. • Learning and Development – Often referred as the leading motivational factor behind employee retention strategies, L&D plays a crucial role in shaping the future of your employees and consequently your organization. Led by the premise that your workforce is your most priced asset, many HRs believe that investing in the skills of your employees is imperative to professional wellbeing. Conversely, recognizing important capabilities for success among managers and employees is a criterion for new and updated learning and development curriculums for the several levels of workers at your workplace. From public instructor-led sessions to in-house training and self-paced online learning, offering your employees the right professional development opportunities is a contemporary method of making them fit for the industry and your organization’s upcoming needs. Whether you choose loading up your LMS with digital content or prefer to go one step further and provide a blended learning environment for your employees, experts advise that training is an absolute must.

Training benefits the individual, the organization as well as the collective team in terms of increased knowledge. More so an organization that develops its people attracts the best of talents as people value growth and more so boosts employee engagement and enhances retention. Learning experiences are like journeys. The journey starts where the learning is now and ends when the learner is successful. The end of the journey isn’t knowing more, it’s doing more “says independent HR advisor and member of LEORON Institute’s Faculty of Experts, Mr. Abdulhussain Tejani. The talent war is not exclusive to the West anymore. A culture of self-aware employees who’ve thrived in the booming western economies inspires current shifts in the GCC - providing the region with field-tested strategies to win the war on talent. And, while distinctive local insights and capabilities are often desirable to maximize the return of global assets, talent goes a step further – quickly adopting to global norms. “As professionals, we need to look at how we develop and engage the hearts and minds of our workforce through learning and development initiatives, changing the mindset of employees to engage, develop and retain the wealth of talent we have within the region with innovative solutions using technology to enhance the learner journey”, explains Kevin Haslam – Academic MCIPD. On the other hand, lack of transparency, nepotism and favoritism, misalignment of talent, and outdated attendance policies are often identified as a set of global HR practices that can drive your employees away to greener pastures. T R

“The cost of not training your employees is higher than the cost of training. It is ironic that we expect more from people and yet we hesitate to invest in them.


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The Rapidly

World Wide Web-Class

Growing Popularity of




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ith the advent of various virtual technologies, the term distance is no longer an alien word today. The same goes for the education and the power of such is that it can be achieved from the comfort of anybody’s home. Distant education can be referred to as a boon to working professionals and homemakers. However, it also makes a lot of sense for those who wish to enhance their skill sets and wants to make them varied as much as possible. In addition, with the rise in the number of Ed-tech startups providing online courses, globalization, and internet penetration, it is easy to see why the scholars prefer the distant learning programs over the traditional methods. As the results, everyone gets to be the student and everybody gets to learn, at any time of the world.


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Five Quick Reasons


One of the main reasons is the expense of learning online, which is drastically less than a regular college.


The expenses include only video content, online lectures, and internet costs, which reduces the overall production for an individual.


Rhythm is maintained by documenting each video and audio content properly for later use.


Allows individuals to pursue professional coursed such ass MBA, M.T M.Tech and other PG courses while working.


The process saves time as well as money and provides the utmost job opportunities time being the course studied.


The Benefits The growing popularity of distance learning has taken off in the short span of the last five years. Industry experts indicate that our nation will grow to become a prominent hub for imparting the digital mode of education. As per the universities are concerned, they now get the ability to extend and reach along with overcoming the shortage of teachers. For students, it enables the easiest access to knowledge and resources and this learning method is evolving to be known as open learning, non-formal education, and continuing education. Because of its any-time and any-where approach, many people such as, who missed out earlier, up-gradation, and higher education are opting for this type of learning. Furthermore, the students of rural areas are beginning to prefer this option due to aforementioned benefits, as its reduced expenses over the conventional methods. Majority of corporations even allows and pays an individual to go through such courses as it adds value to the skillset and aids the firm in retaining the experienced employee.

Role of technology Technology has made it all possible and has put together all the tools-smart boards, interactive multimedia, and animation. In traditional methods, where the teacher would use the chalk and board, the animated content is able to teach the most complex topics of engineering and medical. Adding great value, these modules provide better clarity and understanding to the students, making it a more effective education imparting solution.

The Participation Consistency is required in order to enjoy the fruits of distance learning. Studies reflect that the students registering for a distance learning program have the rate of 70 % admission when the course begins. Thirty-thirty five complete the course and merely 5-10 percent appear


for the final test to attain certification. An argument can be made that, not all individuals look for certification and most of them just complete the course to enhance or learn their skillset. This is similar to someone learning Google sheets to document activities and using it to simplify the tracking of operations.

Government Initiatives The government of India has set up some core structures for eLearning to pave the path for introducing multimedia and technology to enhance effective learning. Using the right technology and industry support in various sectors, high-quality e-learning solutions are being deployed. Technology co-exists as the PC costs and internet penetration becomes less expensive and thus strengthening the distance learning technology. However, there is a need for such more initiatives such as the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to improvise the content creation, infrastructure, statutory recognition, and geographical reach-out. Adding to the benefits, this will allow students to benefit from pervasive access to multiple language content and learning.

Supplement, not a Substitute E-learning should be used as an effective tool to impart education, which can improve the quality of education, provided it is deployed effectively. However, distance learning cannot replace the on-campus training completely. It is only a supplement and not a substitute for the campus training. While being in progress, students have now begun to adopt the distance learning on a larger scale. Nevertheless, the education providers have not yet concluded, whether students will gravitate towards the classrooms that keep them in line or the classroom that keep them online. The solution can be to form a hybrid solution comprising the blended personas off both in-person and online learning. But, it is ultimately to the innovators how they want to set preferences for the scholars as they turn up tomorrows’ job seekers and professionals. T R

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Transforming Education through Game-Based Blended Learning To spark the joy of learning in children and to become India’s most trusted brand in K-8 learning by providing engaging and outcome focused learning experiences “


lended learning will bring about the next disruption in education” - Clayton Christensen, Architect of Disruptive Innovation

With the account of ‘India can finally say no to boring Tuitions’, PlanetSpark is altering traditional KG to 8th tuitions through game-based blended learning, which incorporates classroom teaching with technology, right in the neighborhood. With a swiftly expanding branded chain of 150+, tech-enabled home-based schooling planets in Delhi NCR, PlanetSpark is rendering common tuition classes obsolete through robust and gamified learn-tech products and certified teachers in K to 8th education. Being a tech-based, full stack platform, PlanetSpark is organizing the yet unorganized and massive K8 Tuitions market through a full-stack platform for blended learning. The Dynamic Duo Maneesh Dhooper and Kunal Malik co-founded PlanetSpark. Manish completed his MBA from XLRI Jamshedpur and gave up his career at Novartis, Switzerland to move back to India and set up this education venture. Before co-founding PlanetSpark, he has managed UrbanClap as the head of the education services business. Kunal Malik has also completed his MBA from XLRI Jamshedpur and has worked in India’s leading FMCG Company, Unilever in diverse positions spanning Business Partnering, Supply Chain, and Factory. Designed by educationists from XLRI Jamshedpur, PlanetSpark gathers its inspiration from child cognitive psychology and learning pedagogy and offers it in an engaging and gamified means to make students fall in love with academics.


Under their leadership, PlanetSpark has accomplished many victories and have splashed its colors of success all over the world. Forum for Indian Institute of Technology and Joint Entrance Examination (FIITJEE) backs PlanetSpark as India's largest education companies as its seed investor. Entrepreneur Magazine identified it among The Top 50 Emerging Startups of 2019 and it is also noticed as one of The Top 10 Education Apps by Silicon India. Core Value Prop PlanetSpark provides its core value prop to the customers in the form of “Blended Learning” and “Game-Based Learning”. Blended Learning, a combination of classroom and online learning is on the verge of revolutionizing K12 market across the world. For young kids, there is a dire need of a combination of face-to-face learning and tech-enabled learning. Pure play “Learning Apps” does not solve the issues, as young children need a physical tutor to take their hand, look at them in the eye and guide them through the learning process. This is the importance of a teacher in early education. Hence, in the firm’s “Blended Approach”, children have an instructor teaching face-to-face with the aid of tech-based learning, which makes learning fun and opens infinite avenues to support the learning process. According to the firm, it is the future of K8 education in India and worldwide. Games Based Learning is simply learning through games. Games considerably build up the learning process and further make it a fun-filled and worthwhile experience. PlanetSpark’s internal data indicates that there is a 600%

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rise in learning time spent since the introduction of learning games. It can scale mobile-based learning games through an internal tech product that lets trainees fill up a short form and outputs a new learning game URL within minutes. Core Beliefs The STEPS methodology of PlanetSpark draws inspiration from inquiry-based learning, child cognitive psychology, gamification, and active learning pedagogy to craft learning experiences designed for pre-teens in the format that they love and enjoy the most! This helps in better conceptual clarity and greater retention. Students at PlanetSpark are much more engaged at learning by using the game-based learning approach. PlanetSpark’s core beliefs are: Learning is fun: Every child can fall in love with learning if taught the right way Mastering concepts: Learning is incomplete without mastery of a concept 21st century needs smart skills: The 21st-century child must possess critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills Lectures are for the past: The child should be actively involved in the learning process Major Events Organized by PlanetSpark PlanetSpark organizes mini-workshops at the teacher’s place. These workshops have the dual purpose of creating an engaging session for children and also educating parents about PlanetSpark's learning system. Concerning the future development, the app creator is at an inflection point and is ready to scale. In the next 12 months, it will:• Scale up to seven cities • Generate a supply of 5,000 registered partners and one lakh unregistered tuition teachers • Have 40,000 PlanetSpark students and 1 million app users • It will be live in entire K8 all subjects full-stack tutoring T R


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EYFS Curriculum EYFS FROM UK (Early Years Foundation stage) GLOBAL PRACTICES Amalgamation Montessori Redulf Reggio Emilia Approach Experiential Learning

About us We all know that children construct their understanding of the world through experience. In order to make learning real, children need to explore, ask questions & assess their understanding. This approach undepins Petals Preschool, known for most innovative curriculum, Packed full of Practical investigation & outdoor learning. Allow your child to unleash his true Potential.

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Academic We offer an innovative curriculum-based program for children that focuses on promoting the cognitive, social, emotional, and physical development of each child. We follow a unique curriculum which combines a play-based approach resulting in a rich learning environment that ensures that we have a healthy head start upon entering kindergarten academically and socially.

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