Most Recognized Law Institutes of the Year, 2023

Page 2 Vol. 03 | Issue 01 | 2023 Vol. 03 Issue 01 2023 India The Impact of Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives in Law Schools Law School of the Year, RECOGNIZED Most Exploring the Intersection of Creativity and Legal Education



A lawyer without books would be like a workman without tools.
- Thomas Jefferson

Commending the

Flawless Displays in Enhancing Legal Literacy

Law is essential to society because it provides its members with a standard of behavior. By providing law students with a general and cultural education that prepares them to be excellent law-abiding citizens, legal education generously benefits society. Students who receive this legal education learn the value and applicability of democratic culture. In contemporary rising nations looking to develop into social welfare states and discover sustainable ways to raise people's socio-economic position, the issues of law, legal education, and development have come to be intertwined. The same holds true for our nation.

In 2023, it is time to recognize the most distinguished law institutes that have made significant contributions to the legal field. These institutes have demonstrated excellence in research, teaching,

and community engagement, and have produced legal scholars and professionals who have made notable contributions to the legal profession. The institutes that have been recognized have shown exceptional commitment to advancing the law and promoting justice in their respective jurisdictions.

In its following edition, Most Recognized Law Institutes of the Year, 2023, The Knowledge Review recognizes and commends the institutes for their outstanding achievements. We believe that they will continue to serve as models of excellence in legal education and research and inspire other institutes to strive for the same level of excellence.

Have an excellent read!

T R Anish David A ni sh D a vi d
Editor's Note

Breaking Barriers 22 Law and Arts 36 Articles

The Impact of Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives in Law Schools

Exploring the Intersection of Creativity and Legal Education

I C F A I L a w S c h o o l 08 Cover Story
C O N T E N T S 18 Profiles B h a r a t i V i d y a p e e t h ( D e e m e d t o b e U n i v e r s i t y ) N e w L a w C o l l e g e , P u n e Instilling the Fragrance of Law in Future Students 26 C h r i s t A c a d e m y I n s t i t u t e o f L a w Translating Justice for Everyone 32 I n d o r e I n s t i t u t e o f L a w Allowing Students to Explore Endless Opportunities of the Legal Paradigm 40 T h e S c h o o l o f L a w a n d L e g a l A f f a i r s ( S L L A ) Aiming for the Beerment of the Society
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Most Law Instutes

of the Year, 2023

Brief Name of the Institute Web Address

Bharati Vidyapeeth Birla Global University

Christ Academy Institute of law, Bangalore DME Law School

Bharati Vidyapeeth, the parent body of Bharati Vidyapeeth University was established on 10th May, 1964 by Dr. Patangrao Kadam with the objective of bringing about intellectual awakening & overall development of the people of the country through education.

The core strength of the university is its commitment towards research and development. The university, this way, aims at catering to the need of the young mass of the country and to take Odisha to the global arena in the sphere of higher education.

Christ Academy Group of Institutions is a result of the efforts of the Devamatha Province in accordance with the CMI dream and vision to serve society in the field of education.

DME Law School runs GGSIPU affiliated and Bar Council Approved Five-year Integrated Law Courses. BA-LAW and BBA-LAW are professional degree courses that equip the students with knowledge and skill of every branch of law and making them articulate, accurate, and meticulous in plaint-drafting and sharp in court arguments ICFAI Law School

The ICFAI Law School provides best-in-class legal education with an excellent and continuous teaching-learning process with a student-centric and industry-friendly dynamic curriculum

Indore Institute of Law, Indore

International Institute of Research and Studies, Faridabad

KIIT Law School, Bhubaneswar


Indore Institute of Law was established in the year 2003 with a similar vision to bring innovation & development in the field of legal education by sharing in-depth knowledge of the law and understanding the growth demands of the legal industry.

The institute strives for social and economic welfare of the society and the world as a whole in varied ways. Shobhit University

The School of Law and Legal Affairs (SLLA)

KIIT School of Law, in a short span of seven years, has overcome hurdles and broken many barriers. The meticulously frame rich course curriculum was also reflected in the model curriculum proposed by the Bar Council of India.

Shobhit University is a leading Indian university that offers undergraduate, professional, and graduate students a unique academic environment.

The School of Law and Legal Affairs (SLLA) was established to improve in the stream of legal studies and the legal system for the betterment of society.

New Law College, Pune
o v  S t  y


AAn Institute with the ability to change the trajectory of a student's career in today's competitive times by carving a pathway embracing the dynamism of Law studies and hence providing an edge to them is none other than ICFAI Law School, Hyderabad.

ICFAI Law School, Hyderabad is one of the best-in-class law schools

emphasizing and incorporating problem-solving abilities in the aspiring judiciary of the country. Moreover, it provides a student-centric and industry-friendly dynamic curriculum for students. Besides that, the school emphasizes becoming a Center of Excellence in legal education.

While catering to the Most Recognized Law Institutes of the Year, 2023 , The Knowledge Review interviewed the school's management,

while highlighting the institute's success story since its beginning and enlightening us about its future perspectives.

The Beginning Story of ICFAI Law School

The Faculty of Law, commonly known as ICFAI Law School, is a constituent of ICFAI Foundation for Higher Education (a Deemed-to-be University) established under Section 3 of the UGC Act, 1956, and the school is located in the lush green environment in the vicinity of the historical city of Hyderabad. The ICFAI Law School started its academic journey way back in the year, 2010.

P r o f . ( D r ) A . V . N a r s i m h a R a o

The ICFAI Law School provides bestin-class legal education with an excellent and continuous teachinglearning process with a student-centric and industry-friendly dynamic curriculum. It also offers real-life exposure to the student and carves them into market-ready legal professionals, the ordinary student who desires to make the law their dream career.

The school is inspired by the diversified teaching methodologies, internships, industrial interface and networking with professionals, excellent placements and careeroriented training. State-of-the-art infrastructure and a centralized learning environment offers an open

Most Recognized Law Institutes of the Year, 2023

platform for students to acquire knowledge in law education and accomplish their goals.

Vision and Mission Statement

While stating the vision, the school management says, "The vision of the ICFAI Law School, Hyderabad is to be the Centre for Excellence in the field of Legal Education with high-quality student-centric teaching, learning and research approach and the dream destination for the next generations of Legal Professionals."

While, the mission of the Law School is to carve mediocre students joining and transform them into well-equipped and market-ready legal professionals by:

Ÿ Providing student-centric and participative learning opportunities

Ÿ Designing a dynamic, cutting-edge curriculum having the blend of theory and practice with a multidisciplinary approach embedded with technology, instilling problem-solving skills to address complex socio-economic, business and political challenges.

About Prof. (Dr) A.V. Narsimha Rao, Director, ICFAI

Law School, Hyderabad

Leading the prestigious college to success, Dr A.V. Narsimha Rao guides the students to excellence thanks to his intensive experience in the education sector. Dr Rao brings 17 years of teaching experience in law education to the table, as a professor.

Prior to serving the Law School, Dr Rao was the torch bearer for several other programs in ICFAI and other colleges. He was Dean of Law

Programs (Coordination) at ICFAI Universities Group; Associate Professor and Dean of the Faculty of Law, The ICFAI Foundation for Higher Education; Associate Dean, 'Amicus Books', of the legal research wing of the ICFAI University; and Head of the Department, Amicus IPR Consulting of the ICFAI; Principal at the ICFAI Law School; as well as a visiting professor, NALSAR Law University, Hyderabad for MBLA and ML (FS&CM) programs.

Prior to contributing to the education sector, Dr Rao served the Bank of India for 20+ years in different positions such as a Legal Ocer, Credit Manager, Dy Manager (Administration), etc. His total work experience is about 37 + years plus (industry experience of 20 years and 17+ years in teaching and research in law).

Dr Rao has exhibited his innate talent and skill in various projects by fulfilling the position of an apt leader, such as in 'Administrative Reforms in AP High Court'. He examined the existing systems in the High Court of Andhra Pradesh. He also handled a project for the Airports Authority of India and submitted 'Due Diligence' reports on contracts of some airports.

Working his way up for the betterment of his organization, Dr Rao conceptualized the model and pattern of Law Journals for ICFAI. He edited The ICFAI Journal of Alternative Dispute Resolutions, The ICFAI Journal of Cyber Law, and the ICFAI Journal of Intellectual Property Rights. And at present, he is editing the ICFAI Journal of Insurance Law.

Under Dr Rao's undisputed leadership, more than fifty articles have been published in Andhra Law Times, AIR and other reputed Journals and magazines, along with four original books. He was also an editor for 20 books on various subjects of law.

Offering a Matrix of Flexible, Interlinked Concepts that Practitioners Can Choose

The ICFAL Law School, Hyderabad, offers flexible and interlinked concepts that help practitioners to choose various courses. Catering to the needs of law education, the school has introduced a list of courses under general electives like Business Law, International Trade Law, International Law, Law and Agriculture, Crimes & Criminology and Constitutional Law

and Honours courses like Constitutional Law, Intellectual Property Rights, Cyber & Data Protection Laws and Criminal Law.

The school also offers some self-study and seminar courses to its students. Every student can opt for one or two courses from the list during their semester, which is 'Non-Letter Graded Courses.'

However, a faculty will be allocated for these courses; the student may consult the assigned faculty member for guidance to complete the course. The students have to give two seminar presentations for the course in front of the panel of experts for evaluation of the course study and for allotting the Non-Letter Grade to the students, which will be reflected on the Grade Sheet issued by the University.

The Self Study/Seminar course helps the students make better credits, augments their focused and specialized knowledge, and assists in self-learning. Students can also exercise independent thinking, which is very important in the study.

Self-study activity is more effective rather than attending lectures. Selfstudy and seminar courses enrich the student's research skills, understanding and assimilating the subject matter and sharpening the presentation skills.

Below mentioned are the topics/courses for self-study:

Ÿ Sports Law

Ÿ Law relating to NGOs

Ÿ Law pertaining to Tribal Population

Ÿ Law relating to child abuse

Ÿ Registration and Stamp Duties

Ÿ Consumerism

Ÿ Climate Change

Ÿ Special Economic Zones

Ÿ Legal Services Authorities

Ÿ Non-performance assets in banks

Ÿ Law relating to the Cooperative banks

Ÿ Bankruptcy Law

Ÿ Public and Private Partnerships

Ÿ Green Field Airports.

Learning for Pupil Holistic Development

ICFAI Law School provides a platform to its students for 360-degree learning, catering to 21st-century skillsets required for new-generation lawyers to take challenges of complicated or composite litigation cropping up in the current socio-legal and political environment.

The school prepare its students to organize and participate actively in conferences, seminars, webinars, moot court competitions (both intra and inter-colleges and universities), legal aid camps etc. Moreover, every student has to be a member of one of the student clubs and 'Centres of Excellence' to have comprehensive and holistic grooming with the changing dynamics of legal education in India.

The following are the student clubs:

Ÿ Vox Populi- the Debate Society

Ÿ GAIA- the Environmental Club

Ÿ ADR Club

Ÿ Mirakhi- The Cultural Club

Ÿ Legal Aid Society

Ÿ Knight Ranger- The Sports Club

Ÿ Bizlex

Ÿ Photography Club

Ÿ Moot Court Society

The following are the Centres for Excellence:

Ÿ Centre of Excellence in Commercial and Corporate Law

Ÿ Centre of Excellence in Environment and Forest Law

Ÿ Centre of Excellence in Intellectual Property Law

Ÿ Centre of Excellence in Criminal Law

Ÿ Centre of Excellence in Cyber Law and Data Protection Laws.

Projects Honing the Law Pupil's Ability and Competency

When we asked the school management about the unique project that hones the debating ability and competency among the students,

ICFAI Law School provides a platform to its students for 360degree learning, catering to st 21-century skillsets required for new-generation lawyers.

stating their response, note, "At ICFAI Law School, we have four clinical courses and legal aid projects to hone the ability and competency of the students in the areas of Alternative Dispute Resolution, Drafting, Pleading and Conveyancing, Professional Ethics and Moot Court. These courses provide practical exposure to the students, and the five-internship programme conducted over five years helps them have hands-on experience

in civil, criminal and corporate matters."

The school also provide guest lectures to its students, and for that, the school invites eminent academicians and practising legal professionals. The students get an opportunity to understand the application of various laws and management concepts and ideas. Guest lectures are considered as significant learning tools as the

students note the experiences of legal professionals directly.

ICFAI also arranges a series of special lectures by eminent scholars for most courses. Besides that, the law school implements a mentoring process to help new students join the law programme. The students get divided into groups, and each group will be mentored by one faculty member from the Law School.

The process aimed to help the students overcome their academic and nonacademic problems and streamline their inherent skills towards gearing up for the best career options.

Mending the Ways of Global Law

ICFAI Law School has introduced courses of international significance as electives, such as Intellectual Property Rights, including the international regime of IPR, Copy Right Law, Law of Patents, Law of Trade Marks and Service Marks, TK, GI and Farmer

Rights, Intellectual Property and Industrial Designs IPR Valuation and Management, IPR Protection and Technology.

Cyber and Data Protection Laws include subjects like Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Law and Regulations, Cyber Crimes, e-Commerce and Law, Data Privacy and Protection Law, Blockchain and Cryptocurrency legal analytics, Cyber Security and Cyber forensics,

e-Governance and Judicial Administration and Emerging Technologies related concepts and Law.

It has to its credit several certificate courses like Immigration Law, Cyber Law and Law of Financial Services.

ICFAI Law School has memberships and Networks with the following:

Ÿ Member of the International Association of Law Schools (USA).

Ÿ Member of Asian Law Institute, Singapore.

A Wave of the ICFAI Law School's Future

IFHE is a premier deemed university, and it is accredited by NAAC with an 'A++' grade. The accreditation is dedicated to its teaching and research methodologies that meet global standards.

The ICFAI Law School, Hyderabad, would like to focus on maintaining a balance between academic, co-curricular, extra-curricular and

social activities to enable the students to become good citizens with concern for society.

The school would like to focus on the following:

Ÿ Designing the curriculum periodically, which includes soft skills and internship programmes in synchronization with the industry requirement.

Ÿ Comprehensive Relationship with industry and academia.

Ÿ Student-centric academic delivery.

Ÿ Continuous evaluation and feedback.

Ÿ Focus on research and publication of articles in Scopus journals.

Ÿ Collaborations with industry and foreign education.

Ÿ Enhancing consultancy services.

Ÿ Intensive legal aid awareness programmes for reaching out to masses in rural and suburban areas.

Ÿ Signing MoUs with top-notch universities of the world for faculty and student exchange programmes.

Ÿ To facilitate placements in national and multinational companies.

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(Deemed to be University)

New Law College, Pune

Instilling the Fragrance of Law in Future Students

Asociety needs the rule of law because it establishes a standard of behaviour for its members. Legal education serves society in general by providing law students with a social and cultural education that helps them became more ethical, law-abiding citizens. Students who receive legal education learn the value and necessity of democratic culture.

In contemporary developing societies, which are striving to become social

welfare states and are attempting to improve the socio-economic situation of the populace through peaceful methods, the notions of law, legal education, and development have come to be intertwined. The same is valid for our nation. In a developing nation, it is essential for legal education to educate lawyers who have a social conscience.

Law school prepares students for a variety of legal careers and societal roles through professional education in the legal field. For instance, policymakers, attorneys, legal educators, administrators, etc., whose range and breadth are constantly expanding in contemporary democracies. In light of this, legal education's in need of breadth is understood in contemporary India.

In India, legal education started during the British rule. Law programmes were established at Hindu College in Calcutta and Elphinstone College in Bombay, a long time before India attained its independence in 1947. The primary goal of legal education at the time was to prepare future attorneys to assist the High Courts and Subordinate Courts in the administration of justice.

All persons involved in administration, trade, or business must now have a basic understanding of the law. A citizen must have a basic understanding of at least some legal concepts in order to effectively exercise his civic rights. The law and its underlying principles and ideals must be understood by officials and other people who play significant roles in the administration of justice, such as police officers, businesses, and politicians.

Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University) New Law College, Pune is one of the top institutions committed to providing society with top-notch lawyers by cultivating in students the necessary knowledge, skills, and dispositions to help them become good citizens, assist others to become aware of their rights, and protect society from injustice.

We headed Bharati Vidyapeeth Institute while looking for Most

Recognized Law Institutes of the Year, 2023 , where we spoke with Dr Ujwala Bendale , the Dean and I/C Principal . She then discussed the institute's founding history, vision, and

18 | March 2023 |
We are one of the top institutions committed to providing society with top-notch lawyers by cultivating in students the necessary knowledge, skills, and dispositions.

future endeavours in an interactive conversation with The Knowledge Review.

To learn more about the institute, scroll down

Enlighten us about the college’s journey from its inception to being a prestigious law college.

Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University) New Law College, Pune, is one of the premier institutes imparting legal education in the country. The College was established by our Founder Chancellor, Dr. Patangrao Kadam way back in 1978.

From mere a sapling to an evergrowing and ever-flourishing ark, the College indeed has traversed long but a glorious journey and today, it appears like a glittering diamond in the crown of legal education in India. Today, it is one of the top law colleges in India imparting quality legal education. The

Most Recognized Law Institutes of the Year, 2023

nd College has secured 2 Rank by th Education Post Magazine, 2022, 5 th Rank by Outlook, 2022 , 11 Rank by rd India Today , 3 Rank by the CSR Magazine, and has consistently been ranked among the top law schools in the country. The institute has been reaccredited with ‘A+’ Grade by NAAC in 2017, received ‘Category-I’ Status th by UGC and has also been ranked 68 by NIRF

Tell us about the mission, vision, and core values of your esteemed law school.

While our mission is to spread the fragrance of law and to ensure real taste of justice to the masses, our vision is to uphold the dignity of human being and also to promote awareness of rights and duties of citizen and to render social justice to the poorest of poor.

Dissemination of the knowledge of the laws professional expertise in the

process of law, to make the student of law good lawyers who are alive to the role that law plays in the social, political and economic advancement of the country, exposure of the law students to ‘Court Room’ work, the achievement of a comprehensive ‘Map of Reality’ about the inter-relation of legal and social process are some of our goals and core values.

Kindly brief us about the featured person and their contributed towards college’s success?

Dr Ujwala Bendale, Dean and I/C Principal, is well known for her academic contributions in legal education. National Law Day Award2022 is recently conferred on her at the hands of Hon’ble Mr Justice K.G. Balakrishnan, Former Chief Justice of India in the presence of many other legal luminaries.

She has also won the prestigious ‘ Best Law Teacher Award ’ on several

19 | March 2023 |

occasions. She also headed a delegation of Students and Faculty Members at Harvard Law School in the recent past. Her vast experience, global outlook and her contribution towards the College’s progress is commendable. Besides, she is also the champion of human rights and lauds for the rights of the vulnerable section of society.

What are the course objectives and expected learning-outcomes of your college for your students?

The Course objectives and expected learning-outcomes have indeed become need of the hour. We, at NLC, deploy a very scientific method to identify, map and attain the learning outcomes. The Programme objectives, Programme Specific Outcomes, Course

Objectives, and Course Specific Outcome are identified and defined with the help of the experts and the technology driven atmosphere which makes our College a fun place to study as we focus ultimately on global employability driven teaching and learning atmosphere.

Are there any unique programs introduced by the college to help student have a global understanding of law?

Besides the traditional UG law programmes like BB.A LL.B 5 Year, BA LL.B 5 Year, LL.B 3 Year, PG law programmes like LL.M 2 Year, the College has Diploma programme in 14 diverse research areas such as Labour Laws, IPR, Tax Laws, Foreign Investment Laws, etc.

In tune with National Education Policy, the College has also introduced several Value added Course in association with The Mediator’s Academy, London which further provides in depth understanding of global laws. The College will soon introduce several specialized law programmes in regional languages so as to boost local and regional employments.

What kind of extra-curricular and co-curricular activities and events do you conduct at your school? How do you ensure maximum student engagement in these events? While some extra-curricular activities such as Moot Courts, MUNs, Mock Parliament, Debate Competitions remains the integral part, the College ensure the organization of several key

Dr Ujwala Bendale

Dean and I/C Principal, Bhara Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University) New Law College, Pune

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events like Oxford Style Debate Competitions, Justice P.N. Bhagwati International Moot Court Competition on Human Rights, Surana and Surana National Trail Advocacy Moot Court Competition and Judgment Writing Competition, Regional Conclave on Legal Education, International Conclave on Legal Education, Panel Discussion on various issues, Madhyasthta- the ADR Cell related activities etc.

How do help your students prepare for their future? What kind of special facilities/arrangements/ initiatives have you launched for the same?

While embracing the traditional Classroom and Moot Court Room Teaching, the College firmly believes in the Gladiator Model of teaching and learning with a fine sense of social justice. Thus, College actively encourage students to undertake training programmes in various specialized subjects through legal experts. The College regularly invites Judges from Supreme Court and various other High Courts, Senior Advocates, renowned academicians so that students can interact directly and get the real legal world experience.

Please mention your college’s most notable achievements, accolades, accreditations, and awards. The College has received ‘ IIRFEducation Impact Award-2021 .’ The College has also received ‘Gold Star Award’ from the Bar Council of India. The College is also known for its legal aid and extension activities and has thus, received ‘ The Best Legal Aid Centre and Award-2020. ’

Besides this, the College has secured nd 2 Rank by Education Post Magazine th th 2022, 5 Rank by Outlook 2022, 11 rd Rank by India Today, 3 Rank by the CSR Magazine, and has consistently been ranked among the top law schools in the country. The institute has been

re-accredited with ‘A+’ Grade by NAAC in 2017, received ‘Category-I’ Status by UGC and has also been th ranked 76 by NIRF.

How do you envision the future of your prestigious college going forward?

With its firm focus on academic and administrative innovations, global employability, and nation building, the College, with its technology-driven approach, would certainly march ahead to achieve overall excellence. I am quite sure that the College soon would transcend all boundaries and would become a leading legal research hub for leading scholars and researchers from all across the world.

21 | March 2023 |
We, at New Law College, deploy a very scientific method to identify, map and attain the learning outcomes.
Breaking Barriers 22 | March 2023 |

The Impact of Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives in Law Schools

Access to justice is critical in a

democratic society, and diversity in the legal profession increases the chance of access for a more diverse community. Law school diversity allows people from a variety of backgrounds to contribute to the larger legal community.

Race or ethnicity, as well as exceptional abilities, are just a few of the factors that contribute to the crucial diversity in law school and the legal profession. Age, geographic location, financial background, and nationality diversity also contribute to a richer experience in the law school classroom for all students.

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Inclusive law schools not only teach prominent lawyers, but they also have an indirect influence on the surroundings of these aspiring individuals. Law school training aids in the effective application of government laws and orders.

Diverse Faculty to Lead

Faculty diversity is just as vital as student diversity. Teachers from a variety of backgrounds are increasingly being hired by educational institutions. This helps students identify with teachers, who then structure their lessons to account for student diversity. Culturally relevant lesson design takes center stage, with a teacher emphasizing not only academic success, but also crosscultural awareness and competency, activism, and political analysis.

Many perspectives strengthen the learning experience. Diversity in the classroom has been shown in studies to have a significant impact on student performance. Furthermore, when lesson plans reflect the students and their diverse experiences, they gain a deeper understanding of a subject as they study it from several angles. This gives kids a larger perspective and opens their minds to deeper ideas.

Fostering Creativity

Different learning environments also foster creativity in the interpretation and application of knowledge, data, and facts. Group activities with a broad range of participants serve to foster a pleasant environment and group dynamic for creative and collaborative learning. Bringing together various pupils aids in critical thinking and problem solving, especially when

applied to real-world business situations.

In recent years, diversity and inclusion initiatives have become increasingly important in higher education institutions, including law schools. Diversity and inclusion initiatives aim to promote a more inclusive environment by acknowledging and valuing differences among students, faculty, and staff.

Tormenting the Challenges Together

Diversity and inclusion initiatives in law schools are important for several reasons. First, they help to create a more inclusive environment where all students, regardless of their race, gender, or socio-economic background, feel valued and supported. This is especially important in law schools, where students are often exposed to complex and challenging legal concepts and may feel isolated or excluded if they do not feel that they belong.

Diverse Representation

Second, diversity and inclusion initiatives help to promote a more diverse legal profession. This lack of diversity is a problem because lawyers play a critical role in shaping public policy and advocating for marginalized communities. Promoting diversity and inclusion in law schools can help to create a more diverse and representative legal profession.

Enhancing the Quality with Diversity

Third, diversity and inclusion initiatives in law schools can help to improve the quality of legal education. When students are exposed to a

diverse range of perspectives and experiences, they are better equipped to understand the complex legal issues facing our society. This can lead to more innovative and creative solutions to legal problems.

Changing Legal Landscape

One way that law schools are promoting diversity and inclusion is by actively recruiting and admitting students from diverse backgrounds. Law schools may also offer scholarships or other financial incentives to encourage students from underrepresented communities to apply. Additionally, law schools may provide support services, such as academic counseling.

Diversity in the legal profession is vital because it creates a more accurate depiction of society as a whole, allowing firms and legal departments to better serve their clients. A diverse workplace also generates new opportunities and contributes to higher employee engagement and retention for lawyers and their businesses. A varied workforce fosters different points of view, which leads to innovation.

The gradual increase in the number of diverse attorneys, the establishment of widely appreciated, concrete measures such as T he Mansfield Rule , the growth of mentoring, and the increasing emphasis on varied representation in leadership positions are all having a positive impact. If the legal profession sustains and builds on this momentum, a true representation that reflects the clients who are serviced and produces even better outcomes is achievable.

24 | March 2023 |

LAW Christ Academy



Translating Justice for Everyone

In an endeavour to foster socioeconomic equality, human society has embraced many transitions. From integrating the global community with peace treaties like Versailles, Armistice, and Saint German-en-Laye to empowering human society with Paris Conventions, political systems have always been re-discovering their idealogues and social practices with parley to reach the armistice of social cohesion.

Being aware of the aggressive wars that triggered power relations between various power blocks throughout human history, one might think— "What translated the un-imaginary peaceful living into the reality of today?"

Most Recognized Law Institutes of the Year, 2023

Sounds Mind Boggling! Right?

The answers to the above puzzle can be found by judiciously understanding the causality of Christianism.

Rising out of the barbaric times of the Roman Empire, Jesus of Nazareth began preaching a message of love and forgiveness. His life and teachings led to the rise of Christianity. This religion had a great influence on people throughout the world. Leaving behind the sociopolitical ideals of Christianism and holding on to the cohesive social intent of a peaceful society, the global fraternity came up with a one-stop solution— jus gentium (law of all nations).

Students are our ambassadors, so assuring the students' happiness and keeping them satisfied by providing them quality education is another responsibility we have delightfully taken care of.

Transgressing these lessons of social equity, the legal institutions reshaped the world with Peace, Love, and Happiness. To keep this flame ignited and to ensure that the key lessons obtained from Indian constitutional values are inculcated in the mainstream society, CHRIST ACADEMY INSTITUTE OFLAW was established in 2017.

The institute found its inspiration from Jesus Christ and the Supreme Guru and St. Kuriakose Elias Chavara, the founder of Carmelites of Mary Immaculate (CMI). It envisions to be a leading-edge centre of global excellence in legal education, research, and policy analysis, catalyzing through its graduates and its innovative ideas, legal reforms necessary to effectively serve the needs of the common people in India.

Guiding this transformative change in Indian Law education is Fr. Dr. Davis Panadan CMI , Principal of Christ Academy Institute of Law(CAIL). With an enriching experience of being a director of DVK Research Centre, he is unleashing the true potential of academic excellence and simultaneously inculcating educational ethics in the law community.

We at The Knowledge Review crossed paths with Fr. Dr. Davis Panadan CMI to learn the inspiring story and more about the college, its mission, and its contribution to enhance the educational quality in the Indian Law space.

CAIL- The Centre of Excellence

The institute has the mandate to deliver socially engaged legal education, meeting the highest global academic and professional standards.

Sharing insights about the college facility, Fr. Dr. Davis Panadan CMI says, "Our classroom represents diversity and

national character, with students and faculty hailing from 26 states across the nation."

Since its inception, it has been the endeavor of the CAIL faculty to bring out books on various law and non-law subjects according to the Karnataka State Law University syllabus. CAIL has already made a mark in a publication by bringing out 47 books within a short span of 4 years. Two of these books are translated into Kannada.

Being resilient to its mission, the college has been re-discovering its education standards and walks on its futuristic roadmap in order to bring Indian Directive Principles of State Policies into life.

Steering the Wheel of Transformation

Standing at the helm of this transformation through CAIL's educational objective is Fr. Dr. Davis PanadanVarghese CMI.

His educational qualifications include a Bachelor of Theology, Philosophy, Economics, and Law. His post-graduate qualifications include LL.M. He also has an M.Phil, Licentiate in Canon Law from PIO Rome, and a Ph.D. degree from NLSIU Bangalore. Fr. Dr. Davis is the Academic Council Member of Karnataka State Law University for the academic year 2021-22. He has served as a Director of the Post Graduate Centre at DVK during the year 2009 to 2012 and as a Director of DVK Research Centre during the year 2012-2017.

He has served as a finance administrator of DVK, Bangalore, during the year 2012-15. He possesses teaching experience at the National University of Juridical Sciences, Calcutta, in the subjects of Public International Law, Jurisprudence, Constitutional Law, and Family Law. Fr. Dr. Davis is recipient of

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Fr. Dr. Davis Panadan, CMI

5 years Integrated

B.A., LL.B

An Integrated course with Polical Science (Major), Sociology (Minor), Economics (Minor) and other related subjects to enable an efficient understanding of the law and its social implicaons.


5 years Integrated

B.B.A ., LL.B

Salient Features

An Integrated course that includes Commerce and Business Administraon along with the in-depth study of law and legislature.

5 years Integrated B.Com. , LL.B

An Integrated course that aligns students interest in the fields of Accounng, Management, Finance, Human Resource Management or Informaon systems.

'Kempegowda Award' for a social worker from Bruhat Bangalore Mahanagara Palike in 2011.

Christ Academy Group of Institutions is indeed proud of Fr. Dr. Davis Panadan, who is the author of 13 law books (Publisher: MPPHouse).

"All the written books are very good comprehensive Textbooks and Guides for the students and faculty fraternity," says the Principal of CAIL.

Enabling Students for a Bright Future

Being an affiliated college to KSLU, Karnataka, CAIL has to follow the syllabus prescribed by the University. In order to bridge the gaps in the curriculum, CAIL has introduced 'Add on Courses' on new and emerging areas.

This helps the students to get the benefit from innovation at CAIL. The add-on courses help the students to get the benefit of studying in a premier law school.

Judicial Services Training is another innovation at CAIL. Training is given st from 1 year onwards to prepare students to write the Judicial Services examination without any additional cost. CAIL is the only law school in India that has made training for judicial service examination a part of its curriculum, making it unique of its own kind.

Facilitating Unique Features

CAILlibrary houses a large collection of books, journals, and periodicals. Students can refer to laws that deal with

a wide range of subjects, both national and international. Apart from this, the library has a good stock of all prescribed and reference books on major and minor courses offered in the curriculum.

Students have easy access to books, periodicals, and online journals round the clock through its digital library services. Other unique services includeScholarships, Village Sustainable Development Programme, Mentorship Programme, Internship and Placements.

The unique- 'Happiness Lab' at CAIL aims to facilitate students' mental health by conducting programs that help them overcome difficult situations.

Professional counsellors are available at campus to address the concerns of the student community.

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Achievements, Accolades, Accreditations, andAwards

th CAIL is only in its 5 year of existence. Within this short span, its students have won prizes at National Level Moot Court Competitions, International Mediation Competition, and Model Parliament.

"One of our students is selected as the Campus Ambassador by Bar and Bench to represent CAIL , " says Fr. Dr. Davis.

CAIL has already made a mark in publication by bringing out 47 books on law and non-law subjects within a short span of 4 years.

Adding more feathers of achievements to the Christ Academy Institute of Law hall of fame, three students of the law

Institute has won the third prize in the Asia-Pacific Moot Court Brief Writing Competition.

Envisioning the Future

CAIL is guided by India's core constitutional values to deliver socially engaged legal education meeting the highest global academic and professional standards and directly engages with social challenges, evaluating and responding, in particular, to the legal dimensions of globalization.

The institute emphasizes its impact on fostering a legal/justice system that effectively meets the needs of the common people in India. The institution stands by its core values. The prominent ones are enlisted below:






Being one of its own kind, CAIL has been appreciated by a wide variety of student pool and academic communities. There are multiple academic and co-curricular activities implemented in college that help students and teachers with a real-time understanding of the Indian Law system and, at the same time, empower students and faculty with inter-cultural cohesion.

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Indore Institute of Law

Allowing Students to Explore Endless Opportunities of the Legal Paradigm

Education is all about understanding the requirements of the students and providing them with the opportunity to explore themselves. It revolves around realizing the potential of every student and allowing them to understand that they can bring massive changes in society with their dedicated endeavors.

It is truly said that sometimes all it takes to make the most significant change is a will to dream and visualize a future different than the present. Indore Institute of Law (IIL) was established in 2003 with a similar vision. It is a community of like-minded individuals who have the vision to bring innovation and development in the field of legal education by sharing in-depth knowledge of the law and an understanding of the growing demands of the legal industry. The institute creates an apt environment of learning through its unique theoretical and empirical approach with the objective of achieving dynamic teaching and learning processes.

In a very short span of time, IIL garnered the recognition of being the only institute in the private sector to offer all major law courses, i.e., B.A.LL.B. (Hons.), B.B.A.LL.B. (Hons.), B.B.A.LL.B. (Hons.) with Global and Transnational Exposure, LL.B.(Hons.), and LL.M. all under one roof.

IIL provides a multitude of opportunities for students to choose the best possible opportunities for them in the legal education paradigm. The institute believes in the holistic development of students by providing practical training and exposure in addition to the required classroom learning model.

The institute has captured the spirit of transnational educational models for years and coordinated several international trips for the students. This includes trips to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) and International Criminal Court (IIC), Hague, Netherlands, and an educational tour to Hariot-Watt University and Middlesex University, Dubai, UAE.

With a perfect blend of academic teachings, practical training and extra-curricular activities, IIL ensures that an incessant stream of knowledge flows unflinchingly and uninterrupted with the proliferating effulgence of meticulous learning by mentoring and providing consistent opportunities.

Mission, Vision, and Core Values of IIL

IIL was founded with a vision to be one of India's most prominent law colleges. It has established itself as one of the most recognized law colleges in the country. The institute is committed to providing the best platform for global legal education to students. The curriculum and courses are designed in order to give complete exposure to the students in both domestic and international law practices.

At IIL, students have the option to choose from a variety of law courses, where they are offered complete law programs along with practical training and research papers to get an all-round understanding of the law in detail.

IIL is driven by the objective of forming a community where people come together and respect the law and take an oath to use it in an honest way for the betterment of society.

The institute has a vision of accomplishing the following:

Ÿ To be a globally reckoned institute harmonizing the concept of 'Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam.'

Ÿ To yield just and humane competent legal professionals and responsible citizens who inculcate the building pillars of The Constitution, i.e., Justice, Equality, Fraternity, and Secularism.

Ÿ To deliver equal opportunity for education.

Ÿ To create a gateway for international advocacy to establish itself as a global centre of excellence for legal education.

Furthermore, IIL is also focused on its mission which encompasses the following:

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Most Recognized Law Institutes of the Year, 2023

Ÿ Bridging the industry-academia gap through unique teaching pedagogy and capability enhancement programs.

Ÿ Establishment of centers of academic research and excellence to contribute to research and bring innovation and evolved perceptions of legal knowledge.

Ÿ Creating an ecosystem of research and innovation, bringing academic excellence to the students.

Ÿ Establishing a Skill Development Cell to hone advocacy skills and to nurture legal professionals who contribute to society.

Ÿ Imparting globalized knowledge, skills, and exposure in the field of Alternate Dispute Resolution focused on avoiding denial of justice due to delay, thereby nurturing compassionate and competent professionals.

Allowing Students to Develop a Global Understanding of Law

IIL offers students an excellent academic program, which allows them to understand essential concepts of law. Various courses endowed by the institute aim at unlocking the potential of every student so that they can successfully take on stiff challenges in the legal arena. IIL allows the students to opt for a five-year integrated law programme –B.B.A.LL.B. with Global and Transnational Exposure.

Some of the key features of this programme include:

Ÿ International certification programmes.

Ÿ International educational tours.

Ÿ International summer/winter internship arrangements.

Ÿ Visit to the International Criminal Court and the International Court of Justice, Hague, Netherlands.

Ÿ Visit Parliament House, Supreme Court, High Courts, District Courts, Tribunal Courts, Lok Adalat, etc.

Ÿ International competitions – debate and extempore, presentations, quizzes, Model United Nations (MUN), Moot Court Competitions, etc.

Ÿ The college has also organized guest lectures and interactions with eminent personalities from the law field, including legal professionals, advocates, judges, and chief justices from national and international courts, ensuring the students get the best exposure and updates in the field of law.

The institute is commied to providing the best platform for global legal education to students and the courses are designed in order to give complete exposure to the students in both domestic and international law practices.
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The Driving Force of IIL

IIL is delivering excellent educational and careerdevelopment opportunities to the students owing to the fervent leadership of Dr Akshay Kanti Bam , the Founder and Chairman . He aims to promote legal education across the globe and has successfully made it the first degree in central India, where students are eager to make a career in law.

With an eye on the future, Dr Bam made IIL a hub for legal education in the country and has provided the students with opportunities to interact with the global legal fraternity via workshops, conferences, and special lectures. He understands that this will aid the students in gathering more information about the upcoming developments in the field of law and the innovations surrounding it.

Under Dr Bam's astute leadership, IIL has become one of the leading private law colleges in the country and the number one private law college in Central India.

Providing Global Exposure to Ensure Overall Growth

Over the last 20 years of its illustrious history, IIL has been focusing on the overall growth of its student. The institute's faculty is carefully appointed for their knowledge, skills, and shared love for the law. This approach has made it unique in its foundation. Where other institutes focus on

graduation, IIL focuses on creating professional lawyers who will uplift and lead India to be a progressive society.

IIL has launched various projects in view of providing global exposure to its student. The institute also offers the best internship opportunities to its students so that they accumulate real-time industry experience while studying. This beautifully constructed collaboration of knowledge and skills has made IIL a recognizable institute in India. It has registered its name in the global book of world records for its notable journey.

Opportunities to Explore the Extra-curricular IIL

has always followed the legacy of many co-curricular and extra-curricular activities to help its students not only get bookish knowledge but also provide exposure to hone their skills. It helps them to discover that special spark that makes them different from others.

To brush up their skills, IIL conducts many more competitions, which include the following:

Ÿ Shri Genda Lal Bam Memorial International Debate Competition helps in sharing ideas and thoughts about the burning issue in the country

Ÿ Shri Kanti Lal Bam International Model United Nations Conference helps to showcase the oratory skills and the democratic process of the country

We have always been adaptive to the latest technological advances in the education system to reduce the learning complexity.
r A k s h a y K a n t i B a m Founder and Chairman, Indore Institute of Law

Ÿ The International Lex Bonanza is an annual law fest that helps in honing legal skills with varieties of competitions and participation from around the globe

Ÿ Smt. Nirmala Devi Bam Memorial International Moot Court Competition is another flagship event for law students to showcase their advocacy skills.

Numerous students have benefited to date under student exchange programs. IIL provides a certificate of participation, which helps the students to earn credit scores. It also assists the students in getting good marks in the subject. With the objective of inculcating better leadership quality among the students, the institution has set up many clubs and societies which are entirely governed by the students themselves.

Shaping the Students' Careers

IIL presides over the overall development of every student to land them not just a befitting career but also an opportunity to grow in the competitive world. For that, it has tie-ups with many law firms and corporates where the students can get hands-on practical exposure and get a better knowledge of the subject.

The institute also conducts a series of webinars and seminars regularly. The management believes that the need for education over the online platform is vast. IIL focuses on the short-term certification program in association with LedX - Legal Education by Xperts, where students can access the course material virtually from any location. These online training programs are catered to individuals where the students get personalized, practical, and industrybased learning from expert mentors with one on one mentorship programs.

Success Saga

The institute has been striving hard to cater to quality legal education since 2003. As an outcome, it has been ranked

number one in Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh and Rajasthan.

IIL has always contributed towards strengthening the legal fraternity by nurturing 18,000+ alumni who are now working as legal professionals. It has produced 72 civil judges, 2 DSPs, 1 SP, 1 Member of Legislative Assembly from Agar, 1 Member of Parliament from Dewas Constituency, 1 JAG, and numerous ADPOs and Academicians.

Furthermore, IIL has received many awards, which include the following:

Ÿ The Most Promising Law College in M.P. by Brands Academy in the year 2015.

Ÿ Excellence in Education Awards 2016 for Brand of the year.

Ÿ My FM/IDA King awards for the best Educational building of Central India Consecutively in the year 2012-2013-2014-2015.

Ÿ Best Concrete Structure in Private Sector Constructions Award in 2014 by Ultra Tech.

Nurturing the Leaders of the Legal Arena

IIL had a very humble beginning. However, it has always had a clear vision of creating professional lawyers who will uplift and lead India to be a progressive society. The institute offers its students the best environment to study and develop their skills.

IIL has been adaptive to the latest technological advances in the education system to reduce learning complexity. The institute provides a well-equipped and high-tech computer lab, a library with the latest editions of books, journals, and databases, a sophisticated moot court, well-furnished thematic and interactive classrooms, and internships and placements. It also ensures that the students are engaged in productive activities so that they can develop holistically.

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Exploring the
of Creativity and Education Legal

Creativity has long been seen as C a defining feature of legal education, but only recently have the two become intertwined. Today, creativity and legal education are inextricably linked, with the incorporation of creative means of analysis and problem solving into traditional courses becoming increasingly popular. There is an evergrowing need for innovative thinking within the field to keep up with changing laws and regulations, which

Law and Arts

can often be difficult to interpret without creative approaches.

One way that creativity has impacted legal education is through interdisciplinary study. Students must now think outside of discrete areas like criminal or business law to gain a more comprehensive understanding of how different subjects interact and shape each other. This shift can be credited largely to increasing globalization and technological advances that have

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necessitated a knowledge base beyond what traditional educational frameworks provide.

Another way in which creativity has impacted legal education is through its emphasis on critical thinking skills. In today's world there are numerous potential approaches one could take towards any given problem – from ethical theories to economic principles – necessitating an ability on behalf of students to think critically about their options before making decisions. Legal educators must therefore not only instill knowledge but also help students develop ways for them to approach complex issues in novel ways beyond established protocols.

Keeping the Artistic Side Alive

Creativity allows students the opportunity to express themselves artistically while still gaining important knowledge related directly or indirectly relevant for their future careers as lawyers or advocates; this disciplinebridging capability creates exciting opportunities for both teachers and pupils alike. Creative activities such as creating logos, designing websites, developing marketing campaigns all allow those studying Law an opportunity not just learn facts by rote but also understand how various topics relate together in practice.

In addition, technology can be used as part of a creative process whereby software tools such as databases aid lawyers when analyzing cases similar ones from past providing valuable insights into how decisions were reached previously thus helping determine appropriate outcomes based on precedent data points such insight would simply not be available if

practitioners had limited access information sources due solely manual processes.

Lateral Thinking

Lateral thinking exercises help bring out these unique relations between seemingly unrelated concepts thus allowing learners broaden their thought processes outside confinements pure logic build better arguments support conclusions decided upon previously mentioned methodologies.

Creative Lawyering

Creative lawyering involves going above beyond using strategies typical strategies employed by peers ensure success client's case though means unconventional methods improving chances achieving favorable outcome far surpassing usual expectations.

Design Thinking

Design Thinking goes yet step further employing human centered design techniques create solutions problems faced existing clients potential new customers doing so allows great deal insight reach audiences ideas effectively deliver services users really need

Incorporating Creativity in Law Education

The intersection of creativity and legal education can be a fascinating area of exploration. Legal education is traditionally focused on analytical and logical reasoning, while creativity involves originality, innovation, and imagination. However, incorporating creativity into legal education can enhance legal reasoning and problemsolving skills, foster innovation in legal practice, and prepare lawyers to address emerging legal issues.

Here are a few ways in which creativity can be incorporated into legal education: Law students can be taught to apply creative problem-solving techniques to legal problems. This could involve brainstorming, visualization, or other creative techniques to generate innovative solutions.

Legal concepts can be difficult to grasp, but visual and artistic representation can help. Using diagrams, infographics, and other visual aids can help students understand legal concepts more easily.

Encouraging collaboration and teamwork among law students can promote creativity. By working together, students can generate new ideas and approaches to legal problems.

Engaging law students in experiential learning activities, such as simulations or role-playing exercises, can encourage creative thinking and problem-solving.

Encouraging law students to explore other disciplines, such as the arts, literature, or design, can inspire creative thinking and provide a fresh perspective on legal issues.

Incorporating creativity into legal education can help law students develop the skills and mindset needed to be successful in a rapidly changing legal landscape. As new legal challenges arise, lawyers with creative problem-solving skills will be better equipped to navigate these challenges and find innovative solutions.

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The School of Law and Legal Affairs (SLLA)

Aiming for the Beerment of the Society

“'Law', a word if looked up in the dictionary, says the set of official rules and if used by someone is a protector."

Society has always needed rules and morals to function effectively and efficiently. Ever since the beginning of civilisation, these rules were not called laws but rather ethics and morals. However, with lots of changes, a fleet of centuries, and different rules, India came on the constitutional pages of the British Empire. This era introduced the courtroom of justice and words of the law to Indians, forming the basis of the modern-day court and judicial system.

Today, law is seen as a protective layer to guard the rights and to ensure that there are 'The Lawyers' . They could be

seen as ones who stand for individuals and protect their rights. As easy as it might sound, the actual job requires a lot of study, knowledge, analysing power, and perspective, qualities that could only be developed.

As one of the largest legal professions in the world, Indian law is one of the most pursued careers in the nation, with numerous law schools. However, it is a responsibility to create a responsible future for the judicial system.

One of the schools that tried to shoulder the responsibilities is 'The School of Law and Legal Affairs (SLLA)' with the aim of creating an individual leading to the betterment of society. The school has flourished

under the guidance of Prof. Dr Manu Singh, the Director of the school and has created a place for itself.

Let us have an insightful look at this amazing law school and know more about it.

Journey Since Inspection

The School of Law and Legal Affairs (SLLA) was established in 2010 and has been approved by the Bar Council of India (BCI) and UGC MOOCs. It is a constituent unit of Noida International University founded by Maruti Educational Trust. The university is approved by University Grants Commission (UGC) and consists total 11 schools in different fields.

SLLA strives to evolve and impart comprehensive legal education and achieve excellence, along with promoting advanced studies and research in all branches of law.
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SLLA was established with an aim to offer legal education by providing an environment for all law aspirants to improve in the stream of legal studies and the legal system for the betterment of society. It offers varied integrated programs such as Bachelor of Business Administration- Bachelor of Law (BBA LLB) and Bachelor of ArtsBachelor of Law (BA LLB) as Honors programs. Additionally, the institute also offers LLB and Master of Law (LLM) at the PG level.

SLLA has highly qualified and experienced faculty with advanced degrees in law from renowned Central and State Universities. This creates an opportunity for students to be guided by experts. The students are further refined by the inclusion of various activities preparing them to stand in the real court.

Located within the premises of the NIU, the institute has access to a stateof-the-art campus, Wi-Fi facility, wellmaintained hostels, library, and an ultra-modern Yamuna Express Educational Hub (YEEH), making the environment just perfect for students.

Most Recognized Law Institutes of the Year, 2023

Mission: Learning to Abide

The institution believes in disseminating legal knowledge in a resourceful way to help the nation's development. To achieve this objective, the SLLA strives to evolve and impart comprehensive legal education and achieve excellence, along with promoting advanced studies and research in all branches of law.

It sensitizes the students of law regarding the various socio-legal issues of the country and inculcates cultural, legal, and ethical values in students with a view to foster the Rule of Law and the objectives enshrined in the Constitution of India.

Apart from this, the school looks forward to raising legal awareness in the community for greater social and economic justice, combining quality education with the necessary input of practical training, and preparing students for a variety of legal and lawrelated careers.

Vision of Responsibilities

SLLA works towards the growth, development, and formation of a

generation of students who possess the intellectual genius, moral consciousness, and social responsibility to ensure the Rule of Law. The intention is to develop this not just locally but also propagate the same globally.

Being an institution for legal studies, it believes that the onus to show the way to integrate the rule of law within the society and remove any discrimination with respect to person, property, or community in the society rests with it.

With such a vision, SLLA is the perfect ground for Judges, Legislators, and Public Servants in the making who would form part of the governing system in the future. "We endeavour to make them best in whatever constructive they do and polish them into professionals who would make a mark in the legal area," says Prof. Manu Singh.

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The Featured person

Prof. Dr Manu Singh, the Dean of SLLA, has been a faculty of some of the most recognised law schools in the country, including Gitarattan International Business School, Amity University, and Swami Vivekanand Subharti University.

She has contributed immensely to imparting quality legal education and has been conferred with Academic Excellence Award by Droit Penal: Indian Law Journal on Crime and Criminology. She has attended, participated in, and chaired both National as well as International Seminars numerous times.

Dr Singh has also looked after the legal aid clinics and camps organised under the guidance and supervision of the Uttar Pradesh State Legal Services Authority for spreading socio-legal awareness. She has conducted many workshops to spread awareness about the fundamental rights of oppressed and downtrodden sections of society.

Apart from these achievements, she has authored 'Lectures Notes on Constitutional Law' published in 2019 and 'The Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973' published in 2020. Her research paper, 'The Right to Elementary Education in India: Connotations and Reflections,' is a knowledgeable document for the members of the law community.

Dr Singh commands exceptional research skills and has been a great orator. She continuously inspires students to expand their horizons and has been very successful in enabling young minds to utilize their full potential.

From Coal to Diamond

The course frame of SLLA is built to acquaint the student with understanding the legal terms and concepts which are routinely used in the legal profession. It also enables the students to develop a sense of professionalism.

The course enables the student to understand the various theories and concepts which deal with the sources of law; an in-depth understanding of the concept of neither legal practice nor legal education can be a purposive activity.

The introduction of the course has provided students with a fundamental base of the concepts relating to law. An initial understanding of the legal system will help students in acquiring the ability to think rationally.

Understanding Law Globally

The Centre for Juridical Studies was established at SLLA in 2002 to impart training of special Law Papers the BA.LL.B. along with assimilation, creation, and dissemination of knowledge in the field of legal education. It aims at contributing toward social development and the nation-building process by inculcating the values of good citizenship, national unity, and integrity. It also looks toward the training and development of human resources, thereby providing

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employment opportunities and scope for social development.

Preparing the Lawyers

Law as a field requires a lot more than education within books. SLLA suffices this demand of the field and creates a strong base for its students to stand in the field. The school organises Moot Court exercises to offer students an opportunity to hone their oratory, analytical, and research skills, building up their confidence and teaching them basic etiquette required in a real court. Moot Court competitions provide law students with a practical and realistic way of learning and acquiring skills for a better future as proficient lawyers.

With the aim to spread legal awareness among students and people at large, the Legal Aid & Services Clinic at SLLA inducts students to use their knowledge of the law to provide free legal aid to those who are most in need of it through various media. The Legal Aid functions that it performs are preventive, remedial, activist, and reformative.

Apart from this, legal literacy camps, debates, seminars, legal counselling, public speaking, poster making, street plays, and liaison with Legal Services Authorities are organized.

The institution supports its students in writing papers and publishing articles in journals, which stands of special importance to the students.

Preparing the Base

To provide appropriate guidance and insight into the field, SLLA arranges monthly guest lectures by renowned Advocates, Retired Judges, Eminent Jurists, and Legal Luminaries from the Legal fraternity on a mandatory basis to share their wisdom and practical skills with students. Apart from these, Career Counselling Sessions and Placement Sessions are conducted for students on a regular basis.

Achievements Through Years

The institution has seen success numerous times; however, it takes most of the pride in the success of its students and vice versa.

The students at the school have represented it at the National Environmental Youth Parliament 2022,

which was held in the Parliament of India on the 16th of April, 2022. Along with this, the university backed the Consolation award by holding the immediate 4th position amongst the 24 Universities across the states of Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand on the basis of quite satisfactory performances by the speakers.

Envisioning the Future

SLLA, as a Law School, invests in imparting knowledge and skills that are relevant to legal practice and is interested in understanding the current state of legal practice and the skills required of young lawyers.

The institution plays an integral role in realising the mission of the university. The students are taught the practical aspects of the law, with practitioners addressing the students on various aspects of the law. Further, the law subjects are integrated with other subjects helping students to obtain a multi-disciplinary perspective in their research, writing, and analysis.

SLLA looks forward to partnering with the engineering school and offering niche courses in cyber security for law students.

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The institution has seen success numerous times; however, it takes most of the pride in the success of its students and vice versa.

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