Nursing ofthe Year
Pro Chancellor, Chitkara University, Punjab and HP

Pro Chancellor, Chitkara University, Punjab and HP
'Ahh, this hurts! Can somebody please take me to a doctor?’
These are the most encountered sentences a person comes across when they physically hurt themselves. Though the doctor is the person who examines it, oftentimes, it is the nurses that cater to that pain. From cleaning the wound to its dressing, everything is touched and felt by a nurse before the doctor writes the medication for you.
But the question arises, why is it that the nurses are the ones often surrounded by the spotlight in the dark, but the doctors are taking the credit?
Though being a doctor is a tough task that requires no chance of mistakes, nurses are the one that makes a skilled doctor an efficient one.
While the world finds rooted itself beneath the layers of health hazards, catering to the patient's needs in illness needs to be done with care, with a touch of humanity. And as Charlie Chaplin right said in his Oscar-winning speech, "And this world has room for everyone, and the good Earth is rich and can provide for everyone. The way of life can be free and beautiful, but we have lost the way. Greed has poisoned men's souls, has barricaded the world with hate, has goose-stepped us into misery and bloodshed.”
But the times have changed since then. With the inclusion of technology and other advancements in the field, it has become easier for the world to cater to the already existing diseases. However, on the other hand, the arrival of new mutilated diseases is troubling the caretakers of the healthcare industry. Despite the unknown hazards that threaten nurses' lives, they are stitching the world together with love, holding the world from falling apart in pieces.
The latest act of their true heroism was seen during the COVID-19 pandemic, but what came after that was shocking. WHO, amidst the havoc created by a
virus, announced that the world is on the verge of a shortage of nurses.
With this news hitting the broadcast channels worldwide, many heads turned to the field of nursing education. While the genesis of love required for the field comes naturally to humans, it was not hard to track down the nursing aspirants.
However, the confusion raised the question in many youngsters about which college was the best to study nursing. The Knowledge Review , being an education magazine, decided to come up with an edition that would answer all the raised questions of the aspirants.
Hope this edition serves its purpose by answering all your questions and helping humanity stitch this world together with love.
Have a lovely read!
Ash le sh K h adse
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Charnock Healthcare Institute, Kolkata
Chitkara University
College of Nursing, CMC & Hospital, Ludhiana Dayananda Sagar University
Charnock Healthcare Institute is a unique medical education institute, which creates quality manpower for all levels of healthcare delivery. A state of the art institute, provides Nursing and Paramedical training under one roof.
Chitkara University is the leading private North Indian University with campuses in Punjab, Himachal Pradesh and accredited with prestigious A+ Grade by NAAC securing its position among top 5% Universities in India.
The Christian Medical College & Hospital, Ludhiana is an educational and research institution of an all India character established and run by the minority Christian community. Its primary aim is to educate and train Christian men and women as health professionals, in the spirit of Jesus Christ for the healing ministry of the Church in India.
Dayananda Sagar Institutions founded in the 60s by one such visionary, late Sri Dayananda Sagar committed to take knowledge to the people, transforms today’s students into responsible citizens and professional leaders of tomorrow.
Galgotias University is devoted to excellence in teaching, research and innovation, and to develop leaders who'll make a difference to the world. Galgotias University
KLE Nursing Institute of Nursing Sciences, Belagavi Samaritan College of Nursing SDM University
Shree Swaminarayan College of Nursing, Gandhinagar
Subharti University
KLE Academy of Higher Education and Research’s Institute of Nursing Sciences aims to be the center of academic excellence and research in the country, aspiring to achieve high level of quality nursing education, practice and research in par with the global community.
Samaritan College of Nursing is setting new milestones in the field of nursing education by enhancing the education quality and producing quality healthcare professionals.
SDM University will set the highest standards of teaching and learning by awakening the intelligence of the students and nurturing the creativity hidden in them by creating an environment where the ancient wisdom blends with modern science, to transform them into whole human beings to face the challenges.
Shree Swaminarayan College of Nursing, Gandinagar is a leading Nursing institute who is setting the bar for quality nursing education in India.
Subharti University aims to develop programs of the highest standards, and to produce confident, self-reliant, responsible youth having skills, social values, leadership, and entrepreneurship bent of mind in highly competitive technologically advanced, ever-changing needs of society.
Chitkara School of Health Sciences is already prepared for VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity) world.
Oh God, it hurts! I need to see a doctor!" this is a statement that most of us often say and sometimes hear others say. Other than the profession of teacher, even a doctor's profession is considered one of the noblest professions in the world. But what would happen if only doctors had to do everything?
From surgery to preparing for surgery, from medication to injecting essential fluids to dressing a wound, requires attention, time, dedication and care. Remove nurses from any hospital, and it would definitely be like an empty place with a handful of doctors catering to hundreds of patients. Doesn't it sound unfair for the nurses who are the healthcare industry's backbone?
Well, though they might not get the due credit that they thoroughly deserve, they are still making a huge difference in our lives. From taking care of the patients to off-loading the burden of a doctor, nurses have become an essential part of our healthcare routine.
But is it easy to be a nurse? Since they share the responsibility of life, being a nurse is as hard as being a doctor. That is the reason, through years of studying and rigorous training, they tend to handle any emergency situation effectively and in a healthy manner.
Over the years, the healthcare sector has seen significant changes that are helping the world to better its healthcare services. To upskill the aspirants of the health care industry and create experts with calibre equal to doctors, Chitkara School of Health Sciences is bringing on the advancements in the industry and being the difference that the world wants to be.
Under the guidance of Dr. Madhu Chitkara, the Pro-Chancellor Chitkara University has produced
some of the finest experts in the health sector who bring effective change in the industry. Dedicated to training and shaping them into professionals, Chitkara School of Health Sciences has dedicated itself to creating one of India's finest nursing colleges.
Foundation and Years of Progress Chitkara School of Health Sciences was established in 2012 with the first
4-year program B.Sc. Nursing is recognized by Indian Nursing Council and Punjab Nurses Registration Council. In the year 2016, Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing was started, followed by M.Sc. Nursing in five specializations (Medical-Surgical Nursing, Psychiatric Nursing, Community Health Nursing, Child Health Nursing, and Obstetrics and Midwifery Nursing) in the year 2020.
Since the year of inception, the school has seemingly grown from one batch of 60 students to more than 300 students. The institution's focus also shifted from teaching to Research and entrepreneurship development. The school strives relentlessly to maintain the quality of nursing education through comprehensive faculty expertise in different specializations and research.
After being fundamental in the establishment, Dr. Madhu Chitkara, a seasoned academician and edupreneur is leading the Chitkara University from the front.
She holds a PhD in Education and has had a diversified career with variegated experience in the field of education spanning four decades. With a rich
Research is the need of the hour, faculty and students of Chitkara School of Health Sciences are actively involved in research and publications in high-quality journals.
experience in managing numerous academic ventures and leading by example, she holds a knowledgeable and focused mindset to deliver on her promises.
The University has developed a strong network with over 200 universities and institutions throughout the world, including those in the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, China, Japan, Taiwan, Singapore, and Australia, thanks to her vision. Her continual goal is to build strong industry contacts to provide the greatest possible job chances for new graduates with reputable organizations like Infosys, Amazon, Mahindra,
Dr. Harmeet Kang Chitkara School of Head, Health SciencesFortis, Safexpress, SAP, Deloitte, Morgan Stanley, and Ernst & Young.
Dr. Harmeet Kang: Heading the Chitkara School of Health Sciences
The founding Principal at Chitkara School of Health Sciences, Dr. Harmeet Kang, is the product of eminent institutions in India. She completed her bachelor's in nursing from PGIMER, Chandigarh. Masters in Cardiological/CTVS Nursing from AIIMS, New Delhi, and PhD in Medical-Surgical Nursing under National consortium for PhD in Nursing by Indian Nursing Council and RGUHS, Bangalore.
She has received various accolades for her contribution to the nursing profession and was selected for International Postdoctoral Fellowship by Sigma Theta Tau International Honour Society of Nursing and International Network for Doctoral Education in Nursing, which she completed at Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing, Baltimore, MD in the year 2019. She is actively involved in professional development activities and research. Her research interests include NCD prevention and management, nurse-led clinics and community interventions, and women's health.
Chitkara School of Health Sciences provides the following programs in Nursing:
Undergraduate Programs: B.Sc. Nursing (Basic) 4 years degree program, Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing
Ÿ Postgraduate Programs: M.Sc. Nursing in five specializations (Medical-Surgical Nursing, Psychiatric Nursing, Community Health Nursing, Child Health Nursing, and Obstetrics and Midwifery Nursing)
Doctorate Program: PhD in Nursing
Academic Initiatives: Chitkara School of Health Sciences has a state-of-theart educational infrastructure. The simulation labs are utilized to provide the skill and clinical decision-making training prior to hospital exposure to make the students confident in handling the actual clinical situations. The teacher to students ratio (1:10) is maintained throughout. Teachinglearning and co-curricular processes are designed so that the students emerge as skilful, employable, and ethical global citizens. The valueadded courses, sports, and cultural
avenues allow all the students to explore their potential to the fullest.
At Chitkara School of Health Sciences, skill development and theory-practical integrations are core to academic activities. Best of the clinical experience is provided to the students at private as well as government hospitals. Problem-based learning is another academic initiative by the school, where students learn through doing as they conduct the community health needs assessments and plan and implement the care for individuals and families. Students actively organize a number of health education activities and health assessment camps for the community people.
The school facilitates International exposure through opportunities to join summer schools in foreign universities and collaborative projects with partner universities. This, in turn, supports and broadens the students' outlook on local and global health issues and helps in all-around development.
Global Week (an annual feature at Chitkara University) is another excellent academic initiative where the international faculty teaches the
students for one week and apprises them to the international and global health issues. At the Global week, integration of research work happens at each level, be it undergraduate or postgraduate program.
The Centre for Entrepreneurship Education Development (CEED) at Chitkara University provides opportunities for students to think out of the box and come up with ideas to solve health-related and societal issues by forming multidisciplinary teams. Nursing students actively participate in hackathons at the regional and national levels. The CEED provides mentoring support for the new startup ideas to convert into successful entrepreneurship.
Chitkara School of Health Sciences, being the constituent institution of Chitkara University, provides extra opportunities to the students for the holistic development of students. Students at the Chitkara school excel in their discipline and other extracurricular activities, theatre, photography, singing, dancing, sports activities, etc.
The school also provides learning foreign languages while undergoing professional degree programs that prepare the students for international placements. While the personality development and communication skills development activities are routine features conducted with the support of the language department and office of students affairs.
For the all-around development and well-being of students, the school provides a state of the art sports facilities and gym facilities available
to students on the campus. Students at Chitkara get a number of opportunities to participate in intra and interuniversity level competitions in sports and extracurricular activities to explore their potential to the fullest.
The school also puts efforts into providing the best placement opportunities for students during their final year to join the best hospitals and institutions immediately after the completion of the program.
According to Dr. Chitkara, as she states, "The education sector is changing very fast with the emergence of Information technology and digitalization. And the COVID pandemic challenge provided the opportunities for the school to integrate technology and the virtual mode of imparting education." Dr. Chitkara explains further, "Although we were already using the technology in nursing education prior to the COVID pandemic, full transition to online education was not a challenge for students and faculty. The faculty members are already involved in developing e-content and MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses)." The school has conducted several faculty development programs for their University and others in MOOCs development and student engagement in online classes.
Dr. Chitkara further adds, "Research is the need of the hour; faculty and students of Chitkara School of Health Sciences are actively involved in Research and publications in highquality journals. Overall the institution is already prepared for VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity) world."
•To prepare the competent nurses with expertise in clinical and community settings with dedication, passion, commitment, humanity, and devotion.
•To be recognized as a global leader in quality and value-driven education and Research in nursing disciplines.
•To provide integrated and technology-driven healthcare education and research through worldclass faculty, infrastructure, and curriculum
•To contribute to building a skilled & competent healthcare professionals society through the best industry-academia collaboration
•To inculcate high moral, ethical, and professional standards amongst students who will be committed to improving the health and well-being of individuals, families, and communities at large
•NAAC A+ Accreditations
•Recognition by the Indian Nursing Council and State Nursing Council
•International Collaborative projects
•Research Output: Scopus indexed
•Faculty members recognized at the National and International level
•A doctoral program in nursing
Moreover, Chitkara School of Health Sciences has planned to offer the following choice-based credits courses
AI in healthcare, Video production: More online course development by faculty as per UGC notification to offer at least 40% course in online mode.
Ÿ The Centre of Excellence in multidisciplinary research in
healthcare and evidence-based nursing practise is already established, and a number of research and health promotion activities are planned under these centres.
Ÿ Multidisciplinary and collaborative projects by students and faculty.
Ÿ Faculty start-ups are also in plan for the future.
Off. No. 22, Rainbow Plaza, Shivar Chowk, Pimple Saudagar, Pune, Maharashtra 411017
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The word reality check is one of the most used words
in the healthcare sector. But what exactly is a reality check? Probably when you get a taste of what happens in real life and life you imagined.
The most heartbreaking reality check a person encounters in their life is often related to health. A similar reality check was given to the entire world when the World Health Organisation (WHO) declared COVID-19 as a pandemic on th nd 11 March 2020. In April 2021, when the 2 wave was at its peak, some patients in Bihar's Gopalganj district hospital needed to be put on ventilators. The life-saving devices could not be used due to a manpower crisis. The unfortunate incident highlighted the acute shortage of medical staff—doctors, nurses, paramedics, and technicians. For the record, the country has 37.6 health
workers for every 10,000 people. The WHO benchmark is a minimum of 44.5.
Moreover, it is predicted that 18 MILLION will be the number of health care workers in the world will be short by 2030. Several key factors contribute to the shortages, including a growing ageing population, an ageing health workforce, rapid increases in chronic diseases, and the limited capacity of health education programs. The prevailing health emergencies demand radical steps and urgent hiring of medical staff in the entire world. The Indian government has already made several key initiatives, including improving medical student enrollment, establishing new institutions, and supporting the growth of existing medical institutions to encourage the healthcare industry. But when it comes to serving 1.39 billion people, only government initiative is not enough. To plan for the overall strengthening of the Indian healthcare system, the government, as well as the private players, need to kick-start their journey and ensure that necessary steps are taken at the right time.
To cater for the need of society and to provide an extra pair of hands to the extremely occupied health care professionals, Mr Prashant Sharma, the MD of Charnock Hospital, founded the Charnock Healthcare Institute
In an interestingly interactive conversation with The Knowledge
Review magazine Mrs Vinita Misra , the CEO of Charnock Healthcare Institute, highlighted the incredible story of the institute and how the institute is creating a place that caters to the growing needs of the modernist traditional healthcare industry.
The inception story of Charnock Healthcare Institute started with the inception of Charnock Hospital. While being a multi-speciality hospital capable of serving 300 patients at a time, the hospital felt the need to have an institute of its own to produce nursing and paramedic professionals.
Highlighting the college's inception story, Mrs Vinita says, "We started in the year 2011 with just one course, GNM, with only 30 students. In 2014 we started B.Sc nursing, and in 2015 we came up with B.Sc in Paramedics. Today we have 100 seats in GNM, 100 in B.Sc Nursing, 60 in B.Sc paramedics, and more than 650 students in our college. Last year we received INC approval for M.Sc nursing, and the training will start from the academic year 2022-2023."
While the entire healthcare education facilities concentrate on the traditional education system, Charnock Healthcare Institute also focuses on building strong character among their students, equipping them with the right tools to face any challenge life throws.
Emphasizing that ability to build a strong character and describe the institute's vision and mission, Mrs Vinita says, "For us, every child is our responsibility, and their growth is our real success. Our vision is to develop this institute
into a world-class institution known for its infrastructure, excellence in academics, and professional acumen. Our mission is to disseminate high-quality education in all health sciences streams amongst the youth and inculcate values and ethics to be practised in the pursuit of their professions."
Charnock Hospital and Charnock Healthcare Institute is the brainchild of Mr Prashant Sharma, the MD of the institute and hospital. Being a futuristic and visionary person, he had predicted the growing crisis of the medical staff worldwide.
Starting the initiative in 2011, CHI took the form of an institution empowering women. This is why 90% of the base, from students to teachers and non-teaching staff, are women. Looking for an incredible leader for such an astonishing and change-driving institute, Mr Prashant Sharma, Introduced Charnock Institute to Ms Vinita Misra, the current CEO of the organization, which took over the responsibility in 2017.
Talking about her incredible leadership skills, Mr Prashant Sharma says, "When she joined the college, was having 60 GNM seats. 60 B.Sc Nursing seats and 50 B.Sc paramedics seats which have gone up to 100 seats in GNM and B.Sc nursing and 60 in paramedics, and we have started M.Sc nursing too. After her joining, the organization has received two prestigious awards for its excellent service."
Paramedical and nursing being the core elements of medical space, the basic requirement for entering this space required to have a science background in education. While GMN was open for all until 2020 but, from 2021, only 30% of the total seats were to be given to students from arts and commerce backgrounds.
The students have to clear the entrance exam organized by the Health University. Regarding how the institute helps equip students with values and skills, Ms Vinita says, "The entire admission process is very systematic and organized. Now coming to human values, the child has to be mentally strong but compassionate. He or she should have a zeal to help people in need. We organize different motivational lectures, yoga classes, free blood donation camps, medical camps, and many other activities so that our students maintain good mental health and learn their responsibilities towards society."
The Charnock Healthcare Institute has introduced many programs to help its students have a complete outlook on the global medical space. Explaining how the institute caters to imbibe the global outlook, Ms Vinita asserts, "We want our students to be a global citizens and want them to work in different parts of the world. We are having a discussion with Middle East countries and NHS (UK) for their placement. We are organizing OET training (occupational English Test) for our teachers so that they can guide our students to learn global English required for medical professionals."
When asked about the holistic development of Charnock's students, Ms Vinita beautifully explained the entire process saying, "As nursing and paramedic training is quite a tough
training and students can feel mental pressure on them, we keep different other activities for them to improve their mental health. We organize yoga classes, karate classes, an annual picnic, educational excursions, and debates. Our students participate in a different cultural competition organized by all the colleges and win many prizes. We keep organizing cultural activities around the year to keep the environment healthy and playful. We give personal attention to every child. In case of any psychological problem, we help them with proper counselling. We just don't focus on making only good healthcare professionals, but we concentrate on making them good human beings with high values."
With such holistic development programs in place and other pedagogical ventures, Charnock Healthcare Institute has also won the two most prestigious awards in the healthcare sector.
Ÿ Worldwide Achievers Award, 2019 for the Best Nursing College in West Bengal
Ÿ Iconic Education Award, 2021 as the Most Innovative Healthcare Institute of the Year
Roadmap for Futuristic Medical Education Envisioning the future and what is to be expected from the Charnock Healthcare Institute, Ms Vinita highlights, "We want to become a one-stop solution for medical education. We are in the process of opening B. Sc in Medical Lab
Technology (BMLT), B. Sc in Physician Assistantship, and B.Sc. in Physiotherapy (BPT) and expect to start these courses in the academic year 2022-2023. In the next 5 years, we are planning to come up with MMBS, BSCH (B. Sc. in Community Health). In the future, we see ourselves as a university concentration on all medical sciences and research."
Colleges are the most happening places for students, as they get many opportunities to enhance their skills. Besides learning programs, students get a chance to explore through various extracurricular activities, and the most fun moments of college are friends and lots of funny activities.
One will get all these benefits inside the colleges. But before college, the students find it challenging to select an appropriate college based on their specified chosen fields. There are numerous colleges for one particular field of education. But then, one constantly questions which one is the best college for them.
The students look for colleges that can help them to provide significant future platforms, guidance throughout their course, and quality education. It is always said that if the student base education is from a science background, they always prefer to pursue MBBS or engineering fields. Besides MBBS, many students go for the nursing stream, as it has abundant scope in the future.
Many people do think that nurses are not as qualified as doctors. However, it is a myth that being a nurse requires lots of self-restraint because they care for the patient like a family. It is evident that when someone is suffering from an illness, they need complete care, kindness, and love, and apart from our family, nurses do much care of every patient.
Although, anyone looking for an illustrious nursing career should consider all the following factors before selecting any nursing college.
Ÿ Place and Venue
Location is always the critical factor that students ensure before taking admission. The institute is the distance from one's home or any other place where they are staying; other than that, if the college is located in a city metropolitan area can offer the students unexpected benefits in various things like outside training, mentoring and hospitals/venues where students can complete their practice.
On the other hand, if the college is situated in a local area, it can offer the students a more personalized learning approach and guide them towards their desired goals.
Ÿ Capacity of Classrooms
One has to look at the size of their classroom as a giant classroom has a huge capacity for students; due to that,
faculties could not be able to concentrate on each student.
But the renowned colleges do have big classrooms; however, there should be proper infrastructures like mikes, projectors, seating arrangements, and many more things. All this infrastructure helps the faculties handle the crowd of students simultaneously and make concepts clear to them. The students also need to ensure that laboratories and the instruments required for the practice should be available.
When choosing a nursing college, one should look that the college must be accredited by one of two national organizations, i.e., The National League of Nursing Accrediting Commission or The Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education.
Suppose one is applying for the specialization in the nursing stream. In that case, those colleges must have different accrediting organizations like Nurse Anesthetist and Nurse Midwife, The American College of NurseMidwives Division of Accreditation, and The Council on Accreditation of Nurse Anesthesia Educational Programs.
The students should gain as much experience as they can during their training time; that is why one should check the college's rotational clinical rotation program. And if the colleges collaborate with renowned hospitals, it brings lots of advantages to one's handon experiences.
While joining the nursing college, one should evaluate how much time they will spend in clinical rotation and what discipline and specialities they are getting in the college.
Stating all other factors, one should consider the NCLEX examination success rate necessary because the high success rate shows that the college provides quality education and proper training. At the same time, the low success rate picturizes that the college might not offer enough training to their students.
Placements are another vital aspect that the students should ensure if the colleges collaborate with the affiliated and renowned hospital, which assist abundance of job and training opportunities to the students.
Tuition fees depend on the colleges one chooses, as the renowned colleges charge high tuition fees, and the local college offers the course at affordable fees. But those who want to pursue their nursing career should not look for the fees factor, as the profession has a plentiful horizon and pays you back as much as you spend during the course.
When one selects a college or a particular field of learning, there is always confusion among all the students about which one is good or best for their career. To encounter the challenge, one should do a SWOT analysis to know their interest field of education. During selecting the college, one must consider all the mentioned factors in the above article.
Education in nursing has always been in demand, and the students pursuing nursing have lots of scope in any country, earn lots of benefits, and have a proud feeling for doing a good deed through serving others during their most difficult times.
- Madhu GuleriaSSpeaking in front of an audience
can be as nerve-wracking as going to a job interview or taking a crucial test, yet it's a talent that needs to be learned in order to raise one's confidence and advance all facets of their career.
Be it at a social gathering or business conference, being able to speak publicly is an essential asset. Good public speaking sparks innovation and opportunities. It is one of the best strategies to start a change and inform and engage the general people. You have the power to change the world around you through public speaking.
At work or at home—whether it is making presentations at work or speaking up at a family event—we're likely to face an audience at any given point in our lives. In order to communicate well in front of a large audience, here are some useful pointers one needs to know:
Ÿ Plan and Organize your Material; Organize your Thoughts and Materials
To make an impact on your audience, understand your audience first. Starting the speech with something interesting, such as storytelling, can be a powerful opener in public speaking. A strong public speech must be well-structured
and executed with a powerful oration. Prepare thoroughly so as to feel confident enough.
Ÿ Practice and Rehearse your Speech
Without proper practice, you cannot deliver a good speech. Practice is the key to 'confidence' . The more thoroughly prepared you are, the less fear of failure you feel.
Record yourself delivering your speech and pay attention to the tone of your voice, facial expressions, body language and body stance. You could also deliver your speech to another person and ask them for genuine feedback and reflection on their response.
Make sure you put enough emphasis on important words and ensure your body language correlates with what you are trying to convey to your audience.
Ÿ Engage with the Audience
Public Speaking can be termed a 'twoway street' phenomenon. Your speech delivery and the audience's response go hand-in-hand. Crowd engagement is incredibly essential. A good oration should not be one-sided. The audience should be able to respond to your
speech and feel your power and presence.
Introduce pauses in your speech to not only slow yourself down and breathe but to give the audience a chance to think about what you have said. When an oration is delivered too fast, it incites confusion and obscurity. Record yourself and get used to your voice and speaking style, and feel more confident in yourself.
Ÿ Maintain a Confident Mindset If you want to feel confident and completely eliminate fear and anxious thoughts, develop a positive, winning mindset. Often before being on stage, we envision something terrible happening, such as an awkward pause or forgetting what we were going to say. These thoughts give way to more anxiety and nervousness than we really should be, and hence, we should focus on yourselves instead and prepare confidently.
Ÿ Practice your Breathing Exercising proper breathing techniques can help you become more confident and allow you to articulate each word with precision and sound confidence, which is essential to give a great presentation. To avoid sounding shaky and nervous, do some deep breathing and stay hydrated before speaking.
Maintaining a steady pace while speaking is important. We tend to start talking too fast when we get anxious or excited. Consciously take your time to speak more slowly, pause to regulate your breathing, and give the audience time to process what you just said and experience its impact. To help you restore composure and feel less stressed, incorporate strategic pauses.
Sometimes body language can say much more about a person than words, especially while on stage. It's important to use your body language to project confidence and encourage audience engagement.
Avoid moving around excessively because this could indicate nervousness and could draw the audience's attention. Your remarks can be made more compelling and have an influence on the audience by using little hand gestures and facial expressions.
Watching and monitoring old speech
performances from good speakers can be a great way to understand their strategies and ways of speaking and maintain confidence. It allows us to know how to make strategic pauses and garner more attention from the audience and make an impact.
Most of us fear speaking up publicly due to judgement and societal expectations. There will always be contrasting opinions on the same issue, but we must strive to develop our personal opinion and work confidently. Above mentioned public speaking tips help us feel more confident in our speech and hopefully encourage many to participate in future.
The need for love, care, and
compassion are must to develop into a healthy individual. These attributes create the reflection of themselves in an observing individual. These emotions have positive effects as well as the ability to make one feel loved. These emotions are of special importance, especially in the healthcare industry, where the treatment, feelings, and will to live play an important role.
It is scientifically proven that these factors result in the better health of the patient, which makes it essential for nurses and doctors to have empathic emotions. Though the doctor is one of the noblest professions, most patients trust nurses more as they have strong soft skills and established relationship is of the caregiver. As per the record, the most trusted profession in the world for consecutive 19 years is nursing!
Nurses are known to be compassionate, kind, and loving along with being highly skilled and knowledgeable. Though it is a very demanding job, it gives satisfaction to many and provides a reason to believe in humanity. Along with this, it is a highly offered career choice with numerous benefits.
Let's have a brief look at the offerings of nursing as a career.
Though it is a very demanding profession, it is also a profession in demand providing high salary and job security. The average annual salary across the globe for a registered nurse is $85,513 per year, in addition to different bonuses, paid sick time, vacation, and holidays along with healthcare and life insurance.
These offerings might differ from institution to institution; however, most healthcare facilities provide these services.
Development as a Person
Nurses are usually known for being benevolent, which helps them treat their patients better as they develop a good rapport with them.
They have experience with all kinds of patients from different regions of the
world and have to deal with them. This develops a strong understanding of differences, culture, and soft skills in them, which helps in their overall development as a person, with a better understanding of emotions and empathy.
Thinking of nurses, the first picture that flashes the mind is of a kind person taking care of someone in the hospital. However, many other institutions and facilities also have the requirement for nurses, which provides them with numerous job opportunities.
This pushes away any chance of getting bored with the career, providing an escape by changing the job. Unlike other career options, the switch of jobs provides an entirely different nature of the work environment for the nurses. This is because there are many sectors that require nurses; some of these opportunities include:
Hospital nurses
School nurses
Home health nurses
Missionary nurses
Military nurses
Forensic nurses
Apart from these, there are many other opportunities present for nurses, which clearly showcases the rising demand for a nurse in almost every sector.
With this many opportunities, nurses can shift or choose to work in the area that interests them. This allows flexibility to change jobs in different industries in accordance with individual needs. They can work in mental health services, cardiovascular facilities, in schools, as well as help in surgery, and the list can go on.
All nurses go through the basic training program that teaches them the foundational skills needed to take care of a patient. These training programs are also provided by the institutions that hire them to be adaptable and understand the work. Later on, one can choose the option that best suits them or even keep on experimenting with it until finding the right one!
One stereotype regarding the career as a nurse is that they have quite a strict schedule, which allows less opportunity to travel and explore. Though it might be true to a certain extent, it is not the entire reality.
Many geographical areas have staff shortages in the health care sector. The need for nurses in these areas is intense and has increased even more as a result of the post-pandemic effect.
This has created the need for travel nurses. This provides great travel opportunities to nurses to travel around the world and the benefit of better pay, including housing stipends, non-taxed per diems, and much more. Usually, travel nurses live in an area for up to 26 weeks.
With one of the most engaging jobs, nurses have a tight schedule which might affect their personal lives to an extent. However, more than facilities, benefits, and security this career choice provides an individual with a sense of responsibility and fulfilment. Caring for others is certainly not an easy task, but the relief, smiles, and well-being of a patient could certainly shove away the exhaustion and fatigue, providing a high level of job satisfaction.
- Chaitali Vairatehri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara University (SDM University) was established under the Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara University Act. 2018 and is in existence since December 19, 2018 as a State Private University of Karnataka State at Sattur, Dharwad.
The University has been sponsored by Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Educational (SDME) Society, Ujire, Dakshina Kannada District, Karnataka, a premier non-profit Educational Society. This Society is under the sacred aegis of Shree Kshetra Dharmasthala and with the able guidance of its distinguished President, Poojya Shri D. Veerendra Heggade who is the Chancellor of the University.
SDM University is the only Private University which incorporated the digital examination from its inception wherein students write their examination on e-pads making it easy for them. It is also well received by the evaluators who carry out the digital evaluation with 'zero error correction' The results announcement is also very fast compared to the conventional methods.
He is a visionary leader, and his dream is to start a Centre of Excellence in Medical Education and Healthcare for the people of the North Karnataka Region at an affordable cost. Under the able guidance of the Chancellor and the Vice-Chancellor, the University and its constituent Institutions provides quality education and healthcare.
The University provides a very conducive environment across the campus with modern infrastructure for studies, hostels, and nutritious food.
Dr Niranjan Kumar, a renowned Plastic Surgeon of the Country is leading the University as its first Vice Chancellor. During his period, the University and its constituent Institutions have secured top ranks in the Country.
Caregiver and worker bee are two words that come to our minds when the word 'Nurse' is heard. A nurse refers to a nursing professional who is one of the frontline workers during a pandemic. Choosing nursing as a career is a hard decision because the sensitivity of this job is parallel to doctors.
Nursing is a healthcare career that entails caring for the sick and injured. Every healthcare department has a nurse to help patients recover faster by creating a happy environment. A nurse's primary responsibility is to check the health of patients with physical or psychological disorders and administer prescribed medication regularly. Nursing is seen as a noble and well-respected profession.
Nursing is one of the most rewarding careers available. A nurse will have the opportunity to work with cutting-edge medical technologies in addition to caring for patients. Due to nursing shortages, the demand for nurses is continuously increasing. The salary scale is likewise significantly greater than it has ever been.
The demands of an increasingly complicated healthcare business have recently changed the role of nurses and those with a bachelor's degree are most qualified to act as caregivers and patient advocates in this new terrain. Employers increasingly realise that students with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree are the most suited to satisfy the nation's growing demand for nurses.
To be a good nurse, you must get the required knowledge and an acknowledged degree certificate. For that, searching for a suitable university with the course and professional faculties is difficult. A university situated on the southern side of India solves all these hurdles to reach your goal of being a certified nurse worldwide, SDM Institute of Nursing Sciences . Being one of the leading Institutes in Karnataka, it inculcates high standards to learning and practice nursing with a vision.
At this institute they offer three programs, namely, DGNM (Diploma in General Nursing & Midwifery), Basic B.Sc. (Nursing), and M.Sc. (Nursing) in all specialities. All these programs are recognised by the Government of Karnataka and approved by Karnataka State Nursing Council, Bangalore and Indian Nursing Council, New Delhi.
With the guidance of Poojya Shri Dr. D Veerendra Heggade, Hon'ble Chancellor of the University, and Dr. Niranjan Kumar, Vice-Chancellor of the University, the Institute of Nursing Sciences has gone through a massive transformation since its establishment and has grown to be one of the most culturally diverse Institute in Northern Karnataka. Today it is a constituent unit of Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara University and subscribes to a tripartite mission, including their outreach which bridges the areas of teaching, services and research.
The institute instils leadership for the education of nurses at the undergraduate and master's levels within an integrated diverse, and dynamic healthcare system which follows the strict education standards set by the apex bodies.
As an ambitious Institution, it is consistently placed on the top with a reimagined undergraduate and postgraduate curriculum. With cutting-edge facilities, inspirational academic program, and vibrant campus life it has become the student's favourite institute to study nursing. It is a place where nursing students can attain widely recognised and respected qualifications. Through their unique academic experience, students develop highly valuable leadership skills like global citizenship, intercultural intelligence and personal and social responsibility.
The institute is committed to providing technical resources in pursuit of academic success for the students. They achieve this goal by collaborating with the Medical College and Hospital and Nursing Services to adopt innovative concepts in patient care that enhance teaching and learning opportunities. They also give possibilities for professional growth by efficiently integrating novel educational
technologies into teaching practices and they collaborate to satisfy faculty and student needs.
Chronicles of SDM Institute of Nursing Sciences SDM Institute of Nursing Sciences, Dharwad, was established in the year 2006 under the auspice of Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Educational Society, Dharwad. Today, the institute is enjoying the status of Constituent Unit of Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara University, Dharwad, a unique multidisciplinary private university that is the culmination of the visionary founder, Poojya Shri DVeerendra Heggade, Chancellor of the institute.
It is one of the renowned Nursing Institute imparting quality nursing education in the northern part of Karnataka. In the rapidly changing education scenario and healthcare delivery system, development in information and communication technology, nursing education has become more dynamic than ever before.
SDM Institute of Nursing Sciences believes that nursing education should impart and develop students' imagination. "Imagination is where new ideas are created, and progress becomes possible. It becomes more important than knowledge because knowledge is what they already know, whereas
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imagination is what moves individuals forward," says SDM's management.
True to their mission, providing excellence and quality is their motto. The institute has constantly endeavoured to train competent, compassionate, and caring nursing personnel empowered to be socially conscious, morally upright, and emotionally balanced.
Nursing professionals are dedicated to offering technical tools to help our students achieve academic achievement. The institute accomplishes this purpose by collaborating with its Medical College and Hospital. Nursing services implement creative patient care ideas that enhance teaching and learning
opportunities. They also give possibilities for professional growth by effectively integrating novel educational technologies into teaching methods and working cooperatively to satisfy faculty and student needs.
•Promote academic programs that invoke social involvement and are responsive to meet national and international healthcare standards.
•Enhance accessibility to better educational opportunities for deserving and qualified students through establishment of local and international academic linkage.
•Provide an opportunity to develop caring behaviour, clinical reasoning and competency in delivering nursing care with an emphasis on safety within the scope of the nursing practice.
•Bridge the gap between education and practice by integrating tripartite system in the curriculum.
•Focuses inter-professional training systems to enhance patient health outcomes and decrease healthcare cost.
•Enhance institutional visibility at international and national levels by collaborating with well recognized institution and agencies.
To pursue excellence in preparing quality nursing personnel.
This vision is derived with the mission by preparing
Create a university of which the Nation is proud of. “
To prepare competent, compassionate nursing professionals distinguished by liberal art education, evidence-based practice, clinical reasoning, safe patient care, and commitment to social justice are the things that make them different from the others. Core Values •Respect
competent compassionate nursing professionals distinguished by liberal art education; evidence based practice, clinical reasoning, safe patient care and committed to social justice.
As an ambitious institute and being a dream project of Hon’ble Poojya Shri D. Veerendra Heggadeji, consistently placed on the top with reimagined undergraduate and postgraduate curriculum, cutting edge facilities, inspirational academics and vibrant campus life where students can attain widely recognized and respected qualification. Through unique academic experience students assume highly valuable leadership skills like global citizenship, intercultural intelligence, personal and social responsibility.
The objective of the institute is to make learning inspiring, delightful, and enjoyable. This will attract the brightest professors and students and instill strong values of trust, love, and spirituality in the children. The institute encourages both a collaborative and exclusive community.
They believe they can make a difference in the world by transforming today's students into a future leader and a better human beings. They are experimenting with novel educational methods and developing passionate teachers. They provide a calm environment for their students to prepare them for social challenges.
The institute's main goal is to build a university that the nation can be proud of. They are an effective nation-building partner. They have developed an environmentally sustainable institution based on the ideas of beauty, love, and justice.
SDM Institute of Nursing Sciences offers diverse undergraduate and postgraduate curriculum courses in M.Sc. Nursing with five different expertise, such as MedicalSurgical Nursing, Child Health Nursing, Mental Health Nursing, Community Health Nursing, and OBG Nursing. Including courses bachelor's in science (Nursing), Diploma in General Nursing & Midwifery (DGNM), and General Duty HealthcareAssistant Course (GDHA).
Transform the student of today to be a leader of tomorrow and a better human being. “