Shree Bankey Bihari Dental College,

Ghaziabad: Upskilling Dental Health Care to Global Standards
Education and Health are considered as backboneof the society. India as a nation is on the cusp of emerging as the superpoweron world map. All this is possible only due to the strong nation building process where utmost care is being taken to provide the best education and health to its people which help to groom the most efficient human resource possible. With the current educational system and global pandemic scenario, it is now clear that for a nation to strive ahead, it needs to be strong in the education and helath that it provides to its citizens.
With the aim of contributing to India as a emerging global health care hub and to create finest health care proividers, the students must be groomed well in an environment. Shree Bankey Bihari Dental College and Research Centre (SBBDC) is one such college that grooms students in a holistic environment to be the leaders in dentistry and dental research.
In our endeavour to find ‘The Best Dental Colleges in India, 2022’, we crossed paths with SBBDC. In an interactive conversation with Mr Manish Garg, Founder of
Shree Bankey Bihari Educational Society, he unveiled some of the unique educational scholastics of the SBBDC and its future ventures.
The Genesis of an Incredible Dental Institute
Mr Manish Garg, the founder of Shree Banket Bihari Educational Society, founded the SBBDC in the year 2004. He discovered his passion for health and education and decided to provide the best in the field of dental education. He embraced the noble vision of providing the highest standards of dental education with utmost patient care, which meets global standards.
Since the inception of SBBDC in 2004, under the able leadership of Mr. Manish Garg, the college has grown exponentially. Starting out by offering BDS courses, the college sensed the need to venture into the arena of specialised dental services and today, under the able guidance of Manish Garg, SBBDC is offering all the BDS courses and MDS courses in eight subjects.
Talking about the leadership skills of the founder, the college management says, “He has been influential in providing an inspirational milieu for proficient inclusive development. His contributions have led to a perfect blend of skilful learning and patient care in dentistry by budding dental professionals.“
A Worldly State-of-the-Art Campus
With a vision to provide global education standards to the future dentists of the country, SBBDC houses a state-of-the-art, world-class campus infrastructure with the inclusion of the latest technological advancements in the field of education. The college departments are well-equipped, with a library holding a collection of the latest journals and books.
Along with that, the college also has separate residential facilities for students. Talking about the holistic campus, Mr Manish says, “The college has shown tremendous uptrend in its growth trajectory with the increasing number of patients attending the outpatient department. The college has unassailably maintained its
position as one of the top choices of students pursuing dental education over the years.“
Visionary Mission
Shree Bankey Bihari Dental College, Ghaziabad is committed to providing selfless service with excellence in education, healthcare and research. The college is focused on achieving its mission to serve the community and uplift dental education by imparting quality education in dentistry and providing good health and well-being to all sections of society.
Head of the Institution
The college is headed by Dr Sunanda Roy Choudhury, Principal, Professor and Head of the Department of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics. She envisions developing public and community health programs to improve overall dental awareness and the health of the masses. She has always emphasised bringing research into practice. She has always believed that the best patient care can only be achieved by providing the students with the latest evidence-based learning and patient treatment protocols.
SBBDC’s Unique Education Facilities and Program Offerings
The college emphasises the holistic development of the student to a skilled professional trained to provide health services with utmost care and compassion. The institution has been one of the front runners in adopting technological advancements to improve the education standards. The pre-clinical training is emphasised as it forms a strong foundation. The students are given ample exposure to the clinical scenario with overall comprehensive learning. The college has already trodden on the path of digitisation to improve skills, efficiency and understanding in learning.