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N O W L E DEducation. G E RInnovation. E V I Success EW
10 Best
Institutes FOR lAW IN INDIA 2019
Presidency University Committed to Innovation and Excellence in Teaching, Research, and Knowledge Transfer
Editor-in-Chief Pooja M. Bansal Managing Editor Ananda Kamal Das Art & Design Head Amol Kamble Associate Designer Poonam, Shweta Art & Picture Editor Rahul Kavanekar Co-designer Sapana Shinde Business Development Manager Akansha Garewal Marketing Manager Ankush Patel Sales Executives Priyanka, Truptesh Technical Head Swapnil Patil Technical Specialist Amar, Pratiksha Digital Marketing Manager Prashant SME-SMO Executives Swati, Manoj Circulation Manager Tanaji
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CONTENTS COVER STORY Presidency University Committed to Innovation and Excellence in Teaching, Research, and Knowledge Transfer
Brain Boosters
Psyche Recharge
Healthy Diet and Regular Exercise for enhancing Brain Function
Mental Games to boost Memory
Robo Justice
Law: The Rewarding Profession of 'Delivering Justice'
Robots: The future of Law Enforcement
Asian Law College 20
The ICFAI University Dehradun Creating an Intellectually Stimulating Environment for Research, Education, and Development
Promoting Excellence in the Field of Legal Education
Indore Institute of Law 34 Advancing and Disseminating Learning and Knowledge of Law
Institute of Law & Research Creating Legal Awareness 40 through Education and Empowerment
cxo 32 Astute Thoughts
Urgent Need for Innovation and Advancement with Technology in Law
42 Expert’s Insights What is the Importance of Co-Curricular Activities for Holistic Development of Students in Schools?
Exploring the Torchbearers of Legal Education in India
he legal education sector in India is evolving at a rapid pace. We can observe a growing interest among students to pursue law as a career. The 21st century has witnessed equal participation from both the private and public sectors in the improvement of legal education. As a result, there has been growth in infrastructure and investment, and introduction of revolutionary strategies bringing changes in law education. The leading educational institutions are offering specialized training in law, based on the interest of each student and are collaborating with foreign universities and exchange programs. They aim to train individuals and transform them into furnished professionals who uphold the law and contribute towards strengthening the nation’s legal system.
The Knowledge Review thus comes up with a special issue “The 10 Best Institutes for Law in India, 2019” which highlights some of the best institutes in India that are transforming legal education while promoting creativity. It showcases those institutes which have set a global standard in the field of legal education, research, and training. On the Cover, we have Presidency University, which is committed to create professionals of integrity and character with a social slant. This issue also includes Amity Law School; Asian Law College, Noida; Glocal University; ICFAI University, Dehradun; Indore Institute of Law; Institute of Law & Research, Faridabad; Jagran Lakecity University-School of Law; Noida International University; and Shobhit University. We have also included informative articles by Stephen Ladas, Assistant Headmaster at the International Community School (ICS) Bangkok, and by Advocate Shelina Mobhani. So, flip through the pages for more information on these top institutes! T R
Presidency University Committed to Innovation and Excellence in Teaching, Research, and Knowledge Transfer
Cover Story T H E
IN INDIA, 2019
Our motive is to provide knowledge-based technological support and services to the industry towards its growth and development
-Nissar Ahmed, Chancellor
The University aims to be value-driven and to excel globally beyond peers and create professionals of integrity and character with a social slant. -Prof. Dr. Vijayan Immanuel, Pro Chancellor
residency Group of Institutions (PGI), comprises, besides Presidency University, seven Schools and a College. While the College offers Programs, at both the Undergraduate and Postgraduate levels, in Information Technology, Commerce, Management, and Journalism, the Schools offer Program affiliated to CBSE & ICSE Boards. Presidency College, located in Bengaluru, has been re-accredited with an ‘A+’ Grade by NAAC.
The Presidency University is a testimony to the fact that the Group has almost over four decades of experience in education, from Kindergarten to 12th Standard and finally to Higher Education. It envisions in positioning amongst the best universities in the world, in the shortest span possible through focus on Innovative and Research-oriented Teaching Pedagogy, State-of-the-art Facilities, Industryfriendly Curriculum backed by concrete action plans and an unwavering commitment to pursuit of excellence. Vibrant Campus Life The University provides its students numerous co-curricular activities to enrich their cultural interests. The Department of Student Affairs of the University encourages students to take part in a wide variety of cultural competitions, such as singing, dancing, debates, creative writing, etc. It also organizes various fests, annual events, extra-curricular and cultural activities, where students participate
enthusiastically to make the clinical events a huge success. These include Debates, Client Counseling, Moot Court, Judgment Writing and Crime-scene investigation, and Skits & Advocacy Initiatives on Social Issues like Gender and Child Abuse. The various Clubs of the University include Magazine Club, Science Club, Cultural Club; Theatre Club, Yoga & Meditation Club and more. The School of Law also hosts the Legal Aid Centre which has provided and continues to provide free legal assistance to the underprivileged. The Legal Aid Clinic at Presidency University, conducted in collaboration with the Karnataka State Legal Service Authority, provides students an opportunity to interact with Judges of High Court and acquire skills to be deployed while addressing legal issues faced by the common people. Igniting Excellence in Education The University is proud to uphold a four-decade old tradition as one of Bangalore’s most prestigious Educational Groups and is equally proud to witness the rise of the next generation of their students, as among the legal minds in the country. The result is a passionate, highly engaged community, which works collaboratively on equal opportunity academic environs and inclusivity. The Academic Program of School of Law [SOL] is
designed to foster Intellectual Vibrancy Academic Rigor and Community Activism. SOL offers an integrated 5-year Honors Bachelor’s Degree Program in Law in the three [3] disciplines of BA, LL.B. [Hons], BBA LL.B. [Hons.], and B.Com, LL.B. [Hons], with a strong multi-disciplinary interface. This provides an important immersion into Economics, Sociology, Political Science, Technology, Leadership and Management Domain and Training for the Entrepreneurial Lawyer. The signature feature of the Law Program is its Experiential Pedagogy, Updated Syllabus and Credited Internships. There is a strong focus on capstone opportunities, including Seminars, Research Forums, Legal Clinics and Moot Court with the knowledge that they have acquired in their various courses. The Legal Profession today is rapidly evolving and is attaining phenomenal growth in specialized legal fields like Cyber Laws, Gender, Intellectual Property Rights, Arbitration, and Commercial Litigations. A growing number of traditional Law Firms also are now hiring lawyers to perform non-traditional jobs in the realm of Information Technology, Knowledge Management, and Project Management. The Law Curriculum, at Presidency University is constantly upgraded to include a range of particularly unique and progressive courses like Banking and Insurance Law, Maritime and Admiralty Law, Media Law, Sports Law, Bankruptcy and Insolvency Law, Mergers and Acquisitions, Laws relating to Women and Children, Law relating to Infrastructure Projects, International Humanitarian Law and so on. Promoting Unity in Diversity
SOL is a close-knit community of Faculty, Students, and Staff dedicated to providing an excellent Legal Education. The Faculty-Members are from Premier Legal Institutions, and have accomplished substantially in their respective domains of expertise. The students are active and supportive of one another and also take up leadership roles in the many dynamic student bodies. The Professional Staff at the University is committed to helping their students excel in the Program. Together, they are developing conscientious, skilled, and socially committed Legal Professionals who will go on to be employed in Private
We aim to create, sustain and apply learning in an Interdisciplinary Environment with thrust on Ethical, Ecological and Economic aspects of Nation Building, the three [3] Es of National Development
The School of Law has Students and Faculty from all over the country. This diverse Pan-India Community has helped to create a deeper, richer, and more supportive experience for every Student, Faculty as well as the Administrators, as diversity brings with it diverse perspectives, backgrounds, approaches, and experiences.
-Prof. Dr. Radha Padmanabhan , Vice Chancellor
Practice, in Corporate Houses, in Civil Services, Government, or in Public interest. Scholarships and Financial Assistance The University also takes various initiatives to support the students financially. It provides Fee Concession to deserving economically disadvantaged section of students. In addition, students belonging to SC, ST, and OBC categories receive scholarship from Government of Karnataka. The Management provides Merit Scholarship, Karnataka Students’ Fee Concession, Ex-Presidency Fee Concessions, PGI -Staff Fee Concessions, J &K Students’ Fee Concessions, Defence/Ex-Defence Scholarship, Kendriya Vidyalaya Student Scholarship, SC / ST Category Scholarship, Minority Scholarship, Scholarship for Physically Challenged Students and so on. Opportunities and Exposures Presidency University Students of Law have indefinite access to the Learning and Professional Development Centre which offers Advice on Salary Negotiation, Interview Preparation, and Career Guidance. The School of Law of the University maintains an updated database of its students from which the Companies, Law Firms and other prospective employers can have access to this resourceful talent pool. The University has entered into collaborative arrangement with Premier Law Schools like NLSIU, Professional Bodies like Confederation of Indian Industries, the Judicial Academy etc. to provide students with cutting-edge professional training and competitive advantage. The Legal Aid Clinic and Pro Bono Programs ensure that students apply the understanding of the Law, as they gain in the classroom, to professional practice, working with some of the very same advocates and judges who are in a position to hire or recommend them for a job. As every student plans his/her career, there is unfettered and complete support from their Teaching Faculty, who have deep network to the legal community as well as from a team of experienced advocates who are closely associated with Learning and Professional Development Centre. Building Successful Careers Presidency University understands and values the importance of Placement Assistance in shaping the career of the students. Along with academic excellence, equal-gender
focus, importance is given on preparing the students to face the rising challenges from the growing demands from the industry. More emphasis is on investing in Training, Soft Skills Development, relevant Certification Programs, and calling for inputs from the Industry in building and revising the curriculum and Program Structure at the university. Students also regularly get the opportunity of interacting with professionals from the industry to understand the career opportunities and practical aspects. The Internship Program is one of the most important and valued aspects of the School of Law, confirming their commitment to providing the students with the best possible educational experience. The Internship helps to introduce and explore the roles and responsibilities of a Lawyer. Exposure to an Internship Program may aid students in obtaining the relevant Legal Practice. The Internship is a Mentored Practice and it is a credited course starting from the Third Semester. Consequently, the students get a head start on acquiring the skills they will need when they commence their careers. The School of Law at Presidency University offers Internships at various Government Agencies, Non-profit Companies and Law Firms, both in and around Bengaluru. Many students take advantage of the Summer Vacation and spend four weeks Off Campus, in a clinical setting, and then come back to Campus to commence their new semester. T R
We aim to impart globally applicable skill-sets to student, through exible Program Offerings and support the Industry in talent development and in that direction to inculcate a spirit of new venture creation amongst the students
-Prof. Dr. Sapna Mohan, Dean, School of Law
ABOUT THE DEAN Dr. Sapna Mohan is the Dean, School of Law at Presidency University. She has focused on enhancing the quality of student experience to keep pace with changes in the Legal Education and Practice. Dr. Sapna was instrumental in increasing Career Development Opportunities for students through the expanded avenues for students in ingraining Practical Skills in Clinics, Externships, and Semester-inPractice. Dr. Sapna has raised the School’s Public Interest Prole through adoption of the Pro Bono Program and focused Legal Aid.
REGULAR EXERCISE for enhancing
aintaining a healthy diet is important not only for physical health, but also mental wellbeing. Research states that eating for brain health enhances brain function and prevents common cognition disorders. Consumption of power foods helps in improving cognitive function, memory growth, enhances decisionmaking ability, mental response time, and mood. Antioxidants and other nutrients present in power foods help protect the brain. Moreover, these foods provide essential fatty acids which contribute in stimulating and strengthening brain cells. Including these healthy foods in the diet can improve mental focus and protect the brain’s health. Foods for boosting Brain’s Power Consuming foods that improve mental health is very important for everyone. It can easily be said that consumption of healthy food can lead to a wholesome life. Parents must make sure that they provide their children the below mentioned food products for their overall physical development. Salmon and Tuna: Salmon and tuna contain healthy fats, which are vital foods for the brain. These fishes provide natural oils full of Omega-3 fatty acids like DHA. Eating these fishes leads to stimulation of brain cell growth. Moreover, they improve mood, reduce stress, which in turn improves cognitive ability. Also, the Omega-3s in salmon and tuna helps fight cognitive and memory disorders like dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Olive Oil: Having many health benefits, olive oil is a popular choice among many dieticians and health experts. Also, it is a key ingredient to enhance brain functioning.
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Brain Boosters
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Being an excellent source of polyphenol, it acts as a defense shield for the brain. Many antioxidants in olive oil improve brain functioning and reduces risk of brain-related diseases. It also helps in battling disorders like depression and dementia. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, olive oil intensifies healing process and improves overall health. Soy: Soy is a power food rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, much like salmon and tuna. It is also rich in lean protein and contains iron which is an essential nutrient for overall health and brain function. Deficiency in iron can lead to deterioration in memory, attention span, and learning ability. Individuals can opt for edamame, tofu, and soybased protein, which can help support brain cells, improve memory, concentration, and help in learning quickly. Almonds and Walnuts: An important add-on to a healthy diet or an excellent snack is almonds and walnuts. They are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids and lean protein, strengthening brain cells and improve cognitive function. They also contain antioxidants and vitamin-E, which protect the brain from the risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. It has been found from research that people following a
high vitamin-E diet show reduced risk of dementia to around 70%. Eggs: When it comes to both physical and mental health, eggs play the role of a powerhouse. Power packed with nutrients, eggs help the brain in many different ways. Choline, an important compound present in eggs, helps in shaping the chemical make-up of the brain’s neurotransmitters and improves brain function. In addition, cholesterol present in eggs helps form brain cell membranes and powers the brain’s cells and structures. Moreover, eggs contain several antioxidants, protein, and healthy fats, which play an important part in protecting the brain. Coconut Oil: Coconut oil is also a popular health food among many. It provides various benefits to the brain. The fats present in coconut oil break down into ketones, which is then used by the brain for energy. Coconut oil helps in reducing free radicals that can damage brain cells and affect cognition. It also provides saturated fat, which contributes in improving brain function, protect the brain, and reduce risk of neurological disorders. Green Leafy Vegetables: These food products are essential for the brain as they are rich in nutrients that strengthen the brain, enhance its
functioning, and protect it from damage and diseases. The brain remains supercharged with the intake of diet rich in antioxidants, Omega-3s, healthy fats, irons, and other nutrients. It also protects us from several neural disorders. Daily Exercise and Healthy Food: A Perfect Combination Routine exercise helps reduce insulin resistance and inflammation, and stimulate the release of chemicals that improve the health of brain cells. It also induces growth, abundance, and survival of new blood vessels in the brain. Moreover, exercise improves mood and sleep, along with reducing stress and anxiety. According to studies, it is observed that people who exercise have greater control in thinking and memory, in contrast to those who do not. It has also been proven that if people engage in a regular program of moderate intensity exercise for six months or a year, they may experience increase in the volume of certain brain regions. Eating healthy food and performing regular physical activity can work wonders for the human body. It ensures proper blood circulation and smooth functioning of other processes in the body. T R
February | 2019
Asian Law College Promoting Excellence in the Field of Legal Education
The institute aims to raise the standard of legal education and training through innovative approach towards the legal education, training, and legal process through capacity building of the student.
he importance and need of legal education has increased by leaps and bounds as it acts as a catalyst in building up a nation by facilitating the settlement of disputes within the recognized framework of law. Asian Law College (ALC), affiliated to CCS University, recognized by Bar Council of India, strives to impart quality legal education with a view to produce world class professionals, corporate lawyers, scholars, academicians in law, and interdisciplinary professionals. The college provides the perfect platform for exploring opportunities and a conducive environment for teaching, learning, and research. Offering Distinct Academic Programs ALC has a steady approach on governing contemporary legal issues in this developing global world. Currently they offer two courses namely BA LLB (5 Years) and LLB (3Years). The college also offers a variety of other diploma/certificate courses like
Diploma in Corporate and Legal Communication; Diploma in Media & Entertainment Laws (Asian Academy of Film and Television); Diploma in Cyber Law (Asian School of Cyber Law); Diploma in Intellectual Property Rights; and Diploma in Foreign Language- French & German. Scholarships and Financial Assistance In order to encourage students to fulfill their dream of becoming the country’s top legal professionals without any financial disability, Asian Law College provides scholarship to the meritorious students based on their result in the last educational program like 12thstd. and graduation. ALC also helps the students with regard to bank loans. A separate division of staff is dedicated to this purpose with the single motive of minimizing the financial burden on the students and their parents. ALC as an institution is also open for consideration of meritorious students’ fees exemption to permissible limit as per the internal policy of institution.
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Dr. Saleem Akhtar Former Dean Aligarh Muslim University
About the Director Dr. Saleem Akhtar is the Director of ALC. He is an illustrious alumnus of Aligarh Muslim University and has also served the university as the Dean and Chairman of the Faculty of Law. At Asian Law College, he has contributed with the noble idea of setting up Asian Law College Judicial Coaching Academy for the students of ALC. He is actively engaged in the programmes of various societies at Asian Law College like Moot Court Society, Legal Aid Society, Law and Media Society, and Literary Law Society. He believes in exchange of ideas through conference and seminars due to which ALC has hosted a series of expert talk and guest lectures and is in continuous process of organizing national seminars on recent and relevant legal issues. TM
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IN INDIA, 2019
Major Events In order to maintain the interest of students in academics, the college organizes an array of extra-curricular events including: · Kesshet: An annual event organized every year which provides a mixture of academic as well as non-academic events for students. · Athleema: Athleema is the annual sport meet which is organized every year. · Moot Courts (Intra and InterCollege) · Law and Media Sessions · Legal Aid Camps · Legal Quizzes and Debates Fostering a Learning Ambience ALC being one of the promising law colleges in India has maintained its diversified approach with regard to the students as there are students from almost all states of India. The cultural diversity of the crowd also makes the study of law interesting in the campus as it promotes fraternity. The institute provides world class infrastructure when it comes to classrooms, computer lab, library, hostel etc. The institution’s philosophy is to provide the best possible environment for each and every student who has trusted ALC as an institution. The additional diplomas and certificates which are rendered to the students from ALC are at par with the international standard of education. The areas covered by the institute are recognized at international level like intellectual property law, cyber law, foreign language, media, and so on. The interdisciplinary diplomas are a major encouragement for international students who want to learn law under Indian context and have a comparative study of them.
Career Opportunities and Exposures ALC boasts of strong and evident personality of all its students by the time they are ready to face the real world. It has the Centre for Skill Development (CSD) which works on improving on all aspects of personality of each and every student. The CSD helps the students not only in their overall personality development but also guides them on various personal issues ranging from stress management to realization of a successful career in law. The Corporate Resource Cell (CRC) at Asian Law College takes responsibility of the placements and summer internship of all the students. It organizes various guest lectures, talk with industry experts, interaction with lawyers and judges, and discussion with corporate personalities, helping the students of the college to fix their aim after having a bird’s eye view on all possible opportunities in the legal field. The cell evaluates each and every student since the inception of their journey with the college till their final placements. T R
Psyche Recharge
to boost Memory
February | 2019
ur brain is a natural storage device, which can retain up to 2.5 petabytes of information. Thus, they have the capacity to store around 3 million hours of television content. However, retrieving this huge amount of information is also quite a huge task. This requires constant training of the brain and sharpening its abilities.
Regular exercise and consumption of healthy food can assist in boosting our memory. Along with that, we can also play certain games which can assist in sharpening our long-term and short-term memory. Must-Play Mental Games There are many games which help in sharpening our cognitive and reasoning skills. Some of them have been mentioned below: Playing Crossword Puzzles- But not too often Crossword puzzles give us the best opportunity to test our cognitive skills. Studies suggest that developing a habit of playing crossword puzzles help in delaying the onset of dementia. The only issue with this game is that if people regularly complete the game in record time, then they are not giving themselves the required challenge. In such cases, one can alternate crosswords with other word-search games. A Game of Shopping is Effective Individuals can memorize small shopping lists while they go to the market. For example, if they need milk, eggs, and vegetables, they can memorize the items as numbers. As a result, milk will be ‘number 1’, eggs will be ‘number 2’, and vegetables will be ‘number 3’. So, if eggs are second in your list, then you will remember that you have to purchase milk first. This will help you in not only remembering the item, but also, where it is in the list. This can also help in splitting expenses among friends and family, where one can figure out who made what expenses and in which order. Solving Jigsaw Puzzles While solving jigsaw puzzles, the brain has to deal with a variety of colors and shapes in order to assemble a complete visual piece. The more number of pieces, the harder the brain has to concentrate. Research shows that placing a piece of puzzle at the right spot produces dopamine, which can help in increasing concentration. Also people can experiment with smaller
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puzzles by flipping and joining the pieces. Multitasking Videogames Playing shooting games on TV can be fun, but they don’t necessarily boost one’s cognitive function. Individuals can opt for games which require them to react to a stimulus. Features like a road sign or a new environment can assist in improving working memory. They can also enhance the ability to recall information while solving a problem. Research states that such activity enhances brain’s activities and assists in better coping with interference and distractions. The Suitcase Game A group of people can also engage in a game where the first person declares that they are packing a suitcase with one item. The next person repeats the declaration and adds another item. This way, every person adds an item to the previous list. A player is disqualified if they miss a previously inserted item. This game enhances an individual’s concentration and induces brain activity. Concentration Game We may have played variety of concentration games in childhood –
games with cards, dices, and so on. But another interesting alternative to this exercise is to opt for the ‘spaghetti’ variation. In this game, individuals can arrange cards or similar items in a messier way. This will make it difficult to remember the location of cards. As a result, it will make the players concentrate hard on figuring out the card’s location, in turn, boosting their memory. Sudoku Sudoku has been a staple game published in newspapers for years. This is because it makes the players rely heavily on their memory. In this game, individuals have to remember a series of numbers while rehearsing their placement in the nine-space grids. This game makes the player rely heavily on working memory. Initially, it can be a very challenging and effective game, but once an individual’s brain gets used to organizing the numbers, things get easier, and it’s time for players to try another new and challenging brain game. Chess One of the most popular, intellectual, and challenging games is chess. For new players, dependence on short-term
memory to analyze the board and plan their next move is quite natural. While, there are many experienced players who use long-term memory to strategize a fool-proof plan of how to beat their opponents in a game. Brain Yoga Individuals can also try brain yoga, which is very interesting and can be tricky at times. In this, individuals can take their left hand and extend their thumb. They need to do the same with the right hand, except they have to extend the little finger in this case. While doing so, people will realize that this activity is not that easy to carry out. It requires proper concentration and coordination. This results in strengthening neural connections, which in turn improves memory and gray matter functions. Healthy Food and Regular ExerciseThe Supportive Factors Good mental health requires intake of healthy food products like fish, green leafy vegetables, eggs, olive oil, nuts, and so on. Also, if people exercise regularly, it will be beneficial not only for the brain, but for their body as well. For better results, participating daily in such activities is essential for every individual. T R
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THE ICFAI University Dehradun Creating an Intellectually Stimulating Environment for Research, Education, and Development
The University aims to offer world class, innovative, careeroriented professional post graduate and undergraduate programs through inclusive technologyaided pedagogies.
he ICFAI University Dehradun (IUD) is a constituent of ICFAI Group that is widely recognized as a centre of excellence in the education sector. The group comprises 11 universities, 9 b-schools, 7 tech schools, and 6 law schools. The Dehradun campus was established in 2003, and it houses four schools of higher learning, namely, ICFAI Law School, ICFAI Business School, ICFAI Tech School, and ICFAI Education School. Haven of Educational and Infrastructural Brilliance IUD offers 17 programs, including Ph.D. in all the schools. The university is recognized by UGC under Section 2(f) of the UGC Act, 1956, BCI, and NCTE. It is a student centric university which focuses on holistic development of the students. It has evolved into an institution that grooms its students into innovative and ethically grounded individuals, capable of managing a change in a global professional environment and serving the nation with utmost devotion. The structure and syllabi of its academic programs are benchmarked with best of the institutions. The university houses certain specialty labs set up in association with premier
institutions, including: • Texas Instruments Lab by Texas Incorporation, USA • E-Yantra Robotics Lab and Nodal Center (Sponsored by MHRD-Govt of India & IIT Bombay) • Virtual Lab Resource Center by IIT Delhi • North Region Hub by FOSS Project of IIT Bombay IUD offers various courses in disciplines of management, law, engineering, and education, at UG and PG levels. In all, it offers thirteen programs including B.Tech, M.Tech, BBA, MBA, BA LL.B (Hons), BBA LL.B (Hons), and so on. It has also introduced innovative specialization B.Tech in mechatronics. Co-Curricular and Extra-Curricular Activities The university strikes a balance between theory and practice. They give students opportunities to practice in the real world, the theory that they have learnt in the class. Various co-curricular and extracurricular activities are conducted for bringing out and sharpening the talent of its students, such as bridge programs, soft skill development programs, and yoga & stress management (Art of Living) programs. Moreover, many national competitive events are organized by the
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IN INDIA, 2019
students including Management Fest, Tech Fest, Moot Court, and Model United Nations. This helps students to sharpen and show their talent and develop competitive spirit.
Dr. Pawan K Aggarwal Vice Chancellor
About the Vice Chancellor The Vice Chancellor of The ICFAI University, Dehradun is Dr. Pawan K Aggarwal. He holds a Ph.D degree in economics from the prestigious Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi. Endowed with more than 38 years of rich experience as an acclaimed academician, policy advisor, trainer, administrator, and institution builder, he has served eight years as Director/Associate Pro Vice Chancellor of an educational institute of repute, and more than two years as Vice Chancellor.
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Various activities conducted at the university include annual fests like ‘IUD Utsav’ (a cultural fest) and Sports Fest. They are conducted and supported by various clubs such as Cultural Club, College to Corporate Club, Photography Club, Sports & Trekking Club, Yoga & Meditation Club, and Social Responsibility Club to facilitate complete personality development and social life at the campus. Remarkable Accomplishments Throughout its glorious journey, the university has achieved numerous landmarks. Their strengths are reflected in their rankings by external agencies and excellent placements with some of the students receiving more than one offer. Many of the students are receiving internships with stipend ranging from Rs.5000/- to Rs.25000/per month. As of date, IUD has produced 5000+ alumni and more than 50 Ph.Ds. The alumni of the university cover the globe and their contributions are making a difference everywhere. Some of the rankings awarded to the university are: • IBS Business School -Ranked 1st in Uttarakhand by CSR-GHRDC Survey 2018 -Ranked 7th in North Zone by Silicon India Survey 2018 • ICFAI Tech School -Ranked 1st in Uttarakhand by India Today Survey -Ranked 2nd in Uttarakhand by CSR-GHRDC Engineering Colleges Survey 2018 • ICFAI Law School -Ranked 1st in Uttarakhand by Careers 360 as well as India Today Survey 2018 -Ranked 4th in North India among the Pvt. Law Colleges by The Week, Survey 2018
Scholarships and Financial Assistance IUD not only provides quality education, but also offers financial aid to the students in need. The university offers the following financial support: • Merit scholarship throughout a program based on the past academic record • Merit scholarship based on the performance during a program • Fee concession for students of Uttarakhand domicile • Fee concession for wards of armed forces, border security forces, and personnel belonging to CRPF or Police Dept. personnel (current/retired) • Students are given support for participating in academic/cultural/ sports events conducted by other institutions Diversified Career Opportunities All the four schools of IUD are renowned for their brilliant placement records. The students represent the ICFAI University, Dehradun in almost all spheres of corporate, higher education, judiciary, and social dimensions. Placement records and repeated recruitment by many recruiters are a strong evidence of excelling career opportunities for the students. T R
The Rewarding Profession of ‘Delivering Justice’
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very court usually holds a picture or a statue of ‘Lady Justice’ in which its/whose every single component symbolically represents something ‘positive’ and ‘humane’. Its sword represents a state of authority, scale represents objectives of standard, and blindfolded face represents the impartial justice delivery. Moreover, the whole statue represents that you (The lawyer, and Judges) hold the unlimited power to bring a smile back on the faces of victims at the conclusion of a case. This is what the ‘Profession of Law’ is meant for. If you are passionate about delivering justice to the needy, this profession is right for you. Likewise, if money itself gives a thrill to your life, then also this profession does not get you disappointed. Required Vital Skills in the Profession of Law India is a democratic country which runs on the guidelines of our constitution, which is one of the longest written constitutions among any sovereign country in the entire world. People often seek justice as par with the numerous articles, schedules and various amendments written in the constitution. But a common citizen does not understand the nitty-gritty of every legal aspect at a microscopic level, and hence the need of a proficient lawyer arises. On the other hand, lawyers also have to read a plethora of books to make his/her/their client’s case stronger. Moreover, it is not easy to find required ammunition in a very limited time, thus, a good lawyer should have a fast and sharp reading skill, which helps them to
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understand the subject quickly. Moreover, good typing/writing skills are also important as lawyers are the persons who have to prepare for citizens most of the legal documents, be it a contract, registry, certificates or any other government authorized document. Without having good typing and writing skills, you can lose some important clients and ultimately suffer significant professional losses. Furthermore, you should have good communication skills to present your point in a dignified manner. Top lawyers also carry good listening skill that is vital in executing any legal operation. But over the top of all, one skill without which all of these above have of no use is the ability to think logically. Critical thinking is very much crucial in winning any case. Unless you have this skill, chances remain grim to win any case. How/Why/When/Where etc. are very much required in the arena of public justice. The lawyer who knows the right timing of asking right questions and gives precise answers without any delay holds the high prestige in this profession. This is the reason, most of the competitive exams frame questions that evaluate candidate based on its reading, writing, speaking, and logical thinking ability. A lucrative Career Amongst All There is a huge requirement of talented lawyers in India. The former CJI of India, Dipak Misra, once told that there are more than 3.3 crore cases still pending in different courts in India that include the lower court, high courts, and the supreme court. Another top lawyer at a recent event spoke that there is a shortage of nearly 30 lakh lawyers in India. Currently India has approx. 15 lakh lawyers against the requirement of 45 lakh lawyers. These figures itself speak about the plethora of opportunities this profession can offer. On part of remuneration, some find solace in providing justice to the needy while many are also earning in lakhs for each hearing. There are many large and mid-sized law firms
in India that recruit law graduates and provide them a handsome salary. Many of them also pay in lakh/month. Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas, AZB, Luthra and Luthra, Jyoti Sagar Associates (JSA), Trilegal, Khaitan and Company, ICICI bank Co., Kochhar and Co., Bharucha Partners among others provide a lucrative salary and good career path to their new hires. A law graduate after successful completion of their course can join corporations in the various legal segments like corporate law, mergers and acquisitions, taxation and international trade etc. Recognized Courses for Law Aspirants Universities in India offer varied academic courses concerning legal education. Notably famous amongst all are Bachelor of Law or LLB, LLM or Master of Law, and Master of Business Law. Bachelor of Law or LLB is a three year undergraduate course which covers seven basic modules related to legal education like: criminal law, equity and trusts, land law, tort law, and EU law, contract law, constitutional or administrative law amongst others. On the other hand, LLM or Master of Laws is a post graduate course which is available to students who have a degree, usually in law or significant professional experience of the legal arena. Apart from these programs, many institutions also provide integrated undergraduate programs like BA LLB, BSc LLB, BBA LLB, B Com LLB, and MBA LLM amongst others. Common law aptitude test (CLAT) is the premier exam for any law aspirant that wants to study law from any top notch institute. This exam tests a candidate’s potential on the parameters of English, Maths, Legal Aptitude, Logical Reasoning, and General Knowledge and then decides the fate of aspirants on a merit basis. T R
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dvocates are at the heart of every community, working tirelessly to help and support their clients, be it to facilitate businesses or provide valuable personal advice –we advocates are here to help. The essential role of a lawyer is to assist our clients to the best of our abilities and uphold the rule of law; this has not changed, but the way we do our jobs has progressed simultaneously with the world we live in. Across our society we are at present going through unmatched rates of economic and technological transformations. As our clients work hard to respond to these changes, we as professionals will have to rise to the challenge, and technology offers huge opportunities for lawyers to innovate in ways, which benefit their clients and them, as well as the technology innovators that assist them. It’s just kind of embedded in our core that we’re constantly looking at the quality of our work and how to improve it. And if one doesn’t have that ethos, they just rapidly fall behind because of the competition. It is about improvement of value to our clients and also liberation of lawyers to do the things they do really well, for which we can recover, and that our clients would really value. So nothing about innovation changes our stratagem. Innovation, we are going to use to augment what we presently offer and improve our client proposition. That’s a very important part of it.
Technology is becoming an ever more central part of our social and commercial interactions, enabling businesses to study us as much as we engage with them. This greater wealth of data may raise privacy and security concerns for some, but it also brings a newfound utility to the customer experience and a shift towards a seamless means of transacting that, for many far supersedes any privacy fears. Law firms that invest in technology and other means to better understand their clients and their needs will be able to design more tailored solutions. Agile resourcing of solutions will assist firms in better understanding their margins and set pricing strategies accordingly. Those deploying sophisticated pricing engines that make relevant and insightful solutions more affordable to clients are those most likely to retain a competitive edge for their business. Admission to justice is understood as the aptitude for people to address their routine legal problems, either through recourses to courts or other forums. It is estimated that globally, around 4 billion people live outside the reach of the law, and do not have the security, opportunity or protection to redress their grievances and injustices. Challenges of right of entry to justice can be manifested in multiple ways; these include where courts and legal institutions are out of reach of plaintiffs for reasons of costs, reserve or even an absence of knowledge of rights and prerogatives. In various February | 2019
Astute Thoughts occasions the text of law itself is riddled with complications and that makes it problematic to understand and use efficiently. Access to justice can thus be an expensive perception that has symbolic, financial, informational, and structural implications for battles against poverty, inequality, violence, and a lack of progress. Technological advancement in the legal profession that sees access to justice as a key driver for building peaceful and inclusive societies is the need of the hour. I, for instance, have been using the technological advancements like instant messaging to keep my clients updated with their case status and sending them documents and petitions for reading prior to them coming to my office for finalization, thereby reducing the time required to finalize the draft of the petition or whatever document there might be. The High Court of Bombay, where I regularly take up cases, have also adopted the technological advancements with open heart as almost everything in the High Court has been digitized and accessible to Lawyers as well as litigants. There is a saying that, if one doesn’t change course with the changing winds, they will be broken apart by the sheer force of nature. The new innovations that we keep seeing every day in our day to day lives fits the above saying perfectly. The new generation of lawyers, e.g. my brother Advocate Saif Mobhani, are even better at adapting to technological advancements that are offered on the platter, which the old crop such as us are not able to comprehend at such breathtaking speed. The legal proverb of the process established by the law is changing every minute as the courts embrace technology, be it serving of summons through instant messaging apps or marking the presence of the litigating party sitting 1000 miles away through video conferencing, it is either we adapt or we perish. T R
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ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Advocate Shelina Mobhani is one of the leading lawyers in Mumbai who specializes in the elds of civil disputes and matrimonial Cases. Getting her Sanad in 2008, she has completed 10 fruitful years in this profession serving the society, one case at a time.
Indore Institute of Law Advancing and Disseminating Learning and Knowledge of Law
I The institute aims to make legal process an efficient instrument of social development and establish new standards of excellence in legal education.
con Education Society (I.E.S), as a first step to achieve its objectives, decided to set up an exclusive and independent college to provide specialized and high quality law education for professionals, coupled with all basic infrastructural facilities. The society established Indore Institute of Law (IIL) in 2003, which is the first independent and exclusive college of law in Indore. It is affiliated to the Bar Council of India and Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya (DAVV), Indore. The Teaching pedagogy, courses, admission process and examination process are strictly in terms of regulations of DAVV, Indore. IIL is the only private college in Madhya Pradesh where all the law courses like B.A.LL.B. (Hons.), B.B.A. LL.B. (Hons.), LL.B. (Hons.), and LL.M. are offered under one roof. Remarkable Accomplishments IIL has achieved various laurels throughout its glorious journey. They have been awarded on numerous occasions for promoting academic excellence. Among its many notable recognitions, it has also received
“Education Excellence Award” by Brands Academy India. The name of IIL has appeared in the Golden Book of World Records and has been awarded Certificate of Excellence. Vibrant Life of Students IIL is a student driven college. They believe in democracy and therefore students are even given an opportunity to be a part of management by constituting various students’ societies. There are one Students Council and nine societies namely Election Commission, Event Management Society, Online Society, Placement Society, Legal Aid Society, Literary Society, Moot Court Society, Sports Society, and Alumni Society which are controlled and worked by the students. Peerless Education and Infrastructure With a perfect balance of academics and extracurricular activities, the students of IIL understand the values of sacrifice, sensitivity, and courage to fight for the right to serve the profession with commitment, integrity, and excellence. Highly qualified and dedicated faculties provide opportunities to the students to
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acquire the fundamental knowledge, skills, and ethos necessary for entry and success in the professional practice of law.
Akshay Kan Bam Chairman
About the Chairman Akshay Kanti Bam is the Chairman of the institute. He is a man of substance who does not believe in day dreaming, but has the courage to chase them and turn them into reality. With his endless efforts, in just a short span of 10 years, he has transformed IIL into a prominent name in legal education in India. Mr. Akshay Bam is the recipient of Captains of Industry Award 2015 from Shri Shivraj Singh Chouhan former Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh. He has also been awarded for Entrepreneur of the Year 2016 by Madhya Pradesh Entrepreneur & Excellence Award, Indore 2016. TM
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IIL believes in 360º development of the students. To cultivate research and analytical skills in students, the institute promotes various publications. This includes the Law Journal “The Legal Voice of India” and Law & Management Journal “Udgyam Vigyati”. Further, it publishes a monthly newsletter “Nyaya Disha” which is a wonderful platform for the students to showcase their deep understanding of law and its surroundings which will lead them to be excellent legal professionals. IIL has world class, beautiful and Eco-friendly building amidst lush green surrounding, opposite globally famed Indian Institute of Management (IIM) in Indore. This castle-like building houses Smart Class Rooms, Seminar Halls, e-library, Moot Court Room, Auditorium, Residential Campus for Girls and Boys and several such unique facilities. Dainik Bhaskar and Ernst & Young have awarded IIL’s educational building the status of Best Education Building of Central India in the year 2012-2013-2014-2015 consecutively. Scholarships and Financial Assistance IIL offers scholarships and financial aid to the brilliant students coming from economically disadvantaged and backward classes. Students portraying academic excellence are awarded with cash prize of Rs. 31,000 every year. IIL also provides scholarship to the students those are selected in IILET (Indore Institute of Law Entrance Test). This year, the institute has distributed scholarship worth more than twenty lakhs. Assorted Career Opportunities The institute provides a variety of exposures and career opportunities to its students. It aims at overall career
development of career graph of the students. IIL has signed letter of understanding (MoU) with renowned corporates, law firms, and LPOs for internship and placement of students amongst prospective recruiters such as HDFC Bank; Kotak Mahindra Bank; Luthra & Luthra; Anand and Associates, New Delhi; Lex Qual, Coimbatore; Biz and Legis, Ernakulam; Diwan and Associates, Mumbai; Ferry Dhiman and Company, Chandigarh; Bharti Infratel; Airtel; Abhay Nevagi and Associates Pune; and many more. Promoting Unity in Diversity In order to promote diversity, IIL holds a fair selection entrance test without any reservation of seats based on domicile or any other criteria. Students from all states gather at the institute as individuals. Various channels promote the college throughout India. Many students attempt the exam based on the recommendation of experts, who consider it as one of the best law Institute. IIL encourages the students to pursue international exchange programs, as they want their students to transcend the boundaries of their city, state, or country and attain career excellence. T R
oday’s age of technological innovations has provided us with many up gradations and new facilities. Almost every sector has been greatly affected by cuttingedge technologies. Law enforcement is no such exception. We may have watched films where Robocop single-handedly takes care of violent criminals of Detroit. This fantasy is gradually turning into a reality as today’s police robots are designed to deal with those situations which are difficult to handle or dangerous for ordinary cops. They can manipulate objects and utilize latest technology to gather real-time data and provide useful results.
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Robo Justice
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Robots in Bomb Diffusion Bomb threats are a major danger for police officers. A wrong move can be lethal for the officer and anyone close by. Robots can prevent this from happening by replacing an officer and diffusing a bomb, using cameras, sensors, and microphones. Professional bomb disposers from a safe distance can control them. As a result, even if a mistake is made, no one would be injured. Using this technology, errors can be reduced and several bomb experts can be employed for the job. These robots can be controlled by joy sticks, as they are designed after video games. This makes their operation easier and reduces the amount of training needed to handle them properly. Additionally, they are equipped with cameras, microphones, and sensors for chemicals, biological, or nuclear agents, which gives the bomb disposer an idea of the type of bomb they are dealing with. Also, many of these robots have hand-like manipulators which come in handy whenever a door needs to be opened, or a bomb has to handled or moved. Emergence of Search and Rescue Bots The police are nowadays using search and extraction robots in rescue operations. These bots can assist in searching for victims through damaged buildings after disasters, which are unsafe for cops to enter. Recently, GPS and thermal imaging have also been added to the arsenal of these robots which gives them and the police an extra advantage. These bots can locate survivors of any disaster and can relay back information to the rescuers. They are also capable of reaching the survivors by digging through the rubble. Some rescue robots can also provide aid and remove obstacles to reach safely to the survivors. On many occasions, a police officer or civilian is injured and can’t be rescued from the scene because of an ongoing fire fight. At such times, search and rescue bots can come to their aid, using their bulk to protect the person being rescued. Surveillance Robots easing Law and Order Robots have also made their mark in surveillance and safety. They are ruling the skies with air police drones
surveying an area to make sure it is safe and free from any sort of disturbance or threat. These drones are as agile as small insects and can be controlled remotely. They have attached video camera, which sends images back to a computer. Additionally, they have the provision of wireless charging along with an attached LED lamp which acts as a searchlight. They have a short flying time of seven minutes. The police are also installing robo-guards in prisons. These bots are equipped with cameras and specialized software which can detect inmate behavior. They have been designed in such a way that they can detect something abnormal like a prison fight or a prisoner lying on the floor. Accordingly, it will alert the authorities so that they can take appropriate action. Robots for Directing Traffic The police are also implementing robots in traffic control. Authorities at Kinshasa, Congo are utilizing robotics to ensure road safety through constant monitoring, prevention of accidents, and disaster relief. They have installed giant metal robots on the streets to remind students about road and traffic safety. Implementing AI for Prompt Response Technological upgradations can also be witnessed in the latest robot models. The incorporation of AI in robots is equipping them to take action themselves, rather than being controlled by remotes. It enables them to survey a specific area, record suspicious behavior, and so on. These new allies can assist the police force to overcome potential threats. They can act as their eyes and ears in strategic areas. The implementation of such system can also protect the police and prevent them from taking risks of their own safety. The advent of robotics in law enforcement has already introduced revolutionary developments in the field. With emerging monumental changes in the field, we can soon witness a scenario where the police won’t have to draw their guns to contain a situation. Rather, a simple push of the button will enable the robots to capture the criminals and bring them to justice. T R
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Institute of Law & Research Creating Legal Awareness through Education and Empowerment
The Institute aims to inculcate cultural, legal, and ethical values with a view to foster research and development.
he Institute of Law & Research (ILR) is a premier law institute located in lush green pollution free zone at Faridabad, surrounded by multifarious education houses. ILR Faridabad was established in 2001 to conduct 5 years LL.B. (integrated law course), 3 years LL.B (Hons) course, and LL.M. 2 Years programme. ILR is housed in a newly constructed multi-storied ultramodern campus spread over 5 acres of land with all modern amenities. Promoting a Learning Environment The institute has a unique characteristic of progress since its establishment and the working environment is very conducive to teaching learning process. The dedication shown by the faculty members and other non-teaching staffs is always welcomed. The institute is proud to have alumni, working as successful judges, leading lawyers, politicians, and legal luminaries. The new horizon of legal education will meet the future demand of society and the institute will fulfill the society need. ILR has recognized that in this ever changing economy, it is important for them to restructure themselves in order to maintain the status.
The full time and visiting faculties are able to provide a practical touch with the theory. The Institute also invites eminent personalities from the legal field to share their knowledge with their students. It aims to remain as an ever growing center of legal education in the coming days. A Hub of Academic Excellence ILR’s primary motive is to provide the best possible educational experience for the overall development of the students. It conducts various activities under the expert supervision of talented faculty members. As such, these activities have made vital contribution in the life of the students. Some of the major educational activities carried out in the institute include: • Paper writing and debate competition • Seminar and conference on current issues • Moot court and drafting competition • Inter class test and oral presentation • Legal aid and paralegal services in district court • Mock trial and interview session • Training and placement The institute is proud to have well qualified teachers drawn from academic and legal sector, who are experts in their
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field. Additionally, nine faculty members of the institute have been selected for judiciary, while working in the institute.
Prof. (Dr) Ravi K Handa Director
About the Director and Principal Prof. (Dr) Ravi K Handa is the Director of ILR. He is well qualied and having experience more than 25 years in academic eld. He has taken the Institute to new heights in the short span of time. He is an eminent educator guiding much number of Ph.D scholars MD University, Rohtak and other universities. Prof (Dr) Zafar Hussain is the Principal, who is well qualied in the eld of Law and having more than 16 years experience in teaching. He is eminent educationist and well known in the eld of Law.
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Extra-Curricular Activities The institute emphasizes on overall personality development of the students. As a result, they conduct a variety of extra-curricular activities. The students are encouraged to participate in debates, declamations, dramas, sport events, literary and cultural activities, quiz competitions, and moot court competitions. They encourage students to organize and to participate in various events and activities organized from time to time. For inter-section competitions, the institute has formulated four houses in each section namely, N.A. Palkhiwala House, K.K-al House, F.S. Nariman House, and Shanti Bhushan House. Moreover it conducts voluntary services and blood donation camps. The students of ILR have won National and State level Moot Court at various Universities. The institute has successfully organized National Seminar, NCR (Regional) Moot Competition, 2011 and 2018. The students are encouraged to participate in debates, declamations, dramas, literary, and cultural activities, and quiz competitions. Exceptional Infrastructural Facilities ILR aims to provide a lasting educational experience accompanied with state-of-the-art technologies and advanced equipment. The institute is housed in ultra-modern building in the land spread over 5 acres in lush green area. It has spacious and well-furnished hostel separately for boys and girls. The institute provides hygienic food and refreshment to the students at campus. It houses a well-furnished library which is constantly enriched by the acquisition of the latest books and journals, keeping in view with the changing times. It has a variety of
literature viz. newspaper, books, case law reports, magazine report, and journals that are available in full sets. Financial Assistance The institute is run and managed by Adhyamaan Educational and Research Institutions (Trust). The trust is running more than 12 institutes all over the country including a deemed-to-beuniversity. They provide scholarship to meritorious students. The female students are provided transportation facilities at minimum cost. The meritorious and needy students are supported financially under the welfare schemes of the government. Placements and Career Opportunities ILR paves path towards a bright career for the students. A large number of meritorious and sincere students of the institute have been selected in Haryana judicial services, legal, and administrative services. Apart from that, the leading lawyers and academicians of the institutes have been strong source of inspiration to the young generation. Students of the institute have been part of the corporate and outsourcing services in the different sectors of the legal arena. T R
ABOUT THE AUTHOR Stephen Ladas currently serves as the Assistant Headmaster at the International Community School (ICS) Bangkok. He came to ICS as a High School History teacher, serving two years in that role. After receiving his Master’s Degree in Educational Administration, he moved into secondary school administration for six years. After that, he had the privilege of moving into the role of Assistant Headmaster of the school. He is currently serving in his 12th year at ICS. His wife teaches Elementary Art, and he has three children who have been attending ICS for several years now. They are enjoying life in Bangkok and at ICS. Stephen Ladas Assistant Headmaster
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Expert’s Insights
olistic development, educationally speaking, addresses a variety of student growth areas that schools aim to advance in the educational lifetime of a student. These include not only the intellectual aspects of a child’s also growth, but development of the moral, spiritual, emotional, and physical arenas - all integral to the development of the ‘whole child’. Part of our collective human experience is to attach meaning and purpose to what we experience. Our minds and hearts work in concert with each other to enable us to think through decisions and have the ability to feel how decisions impact ourselves and others around us. Critical thinking, collaboration, communication, and creativity are vital skills to develop in students as they grow to make decisions that affect not only their own lives, but impact our society. All of this together, make co-curricular activities vital in developing students holistically. In pre-adolescence, a child’s brain is developmentally at its greatest capacity for learning, making this a crucial time for discovery, growth, and exploration. Conversely, during adolescence, the brain is also pruning synapses that aren’t cultivated or used regularly. It is an ideal time for brain development. Co-curricular activities from a young age offer a vast array of opportunities to grow and strengthen students holistically, providing a chance to cultivate and nurture their intellectual, social, physical, emotional, and even moral or spiritual selves. For example, playing sports after school builds teamwork, physical strength, a spirit of determination, and perseverance. Activities such as robotics, drawing, web design, foreign language learning, playing music, etc. bring out the creative, curious, and critical thinking sides of students. It is well worth mentioning that balance is also a key component when working to build holistic growth in children. Parents often feel pressure to fill their child’s free
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time with as many activities as possible. Child psychologists actually suggest more of a balance at no more than 2-3 activities in any given semester or time period. One thing that can be overlooked in thinking about educational development is the vitality of free, imaginative play. Creativity and teamwork flourish during free, unstructured times with friends. It is vital that we keep room in their schedules to cultivate these times. Many international schools in Bangkok emphasize on the emotional & spiritual components of a child. Developing how we feel about others, ourselves, and the world around us is integral to being ‘whole’ people who can lead fulfilled lives, impacting the world with purpose, meaning and goodness. A key piece of that is granting opportunities for positive relationships to be forged between students and teachers. Student learning increases when an encouraging rapport is built with a teacher because students want to feel listened to and valued as individuals, knowing the teacher cares for them and desires to do what is in their best interest. An emphasis on developing trusted relationships with students is at the heart of many successful teachers. Students respond with educational risk-taking and overall increased learning when a teacher provides a safe classroom learning environment through a trusted student-teacher relationship. Nowadays, international schools offer a variety of afterschool enrichment activities for students, and encourage them to participate in small teacher-student mentoring groups. Students join these small groups, including a trusted teacher and a handful of peers, and are encouraged to share their daily thoughts and experiences in a safe, comfortable environment. Such group activities build rapport and trust between teachers and students, and lead to greater holistic development in the children by providing an outlet for emotional support and social development. T R