The 10 Most Admired PG Institutes in India 2019

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N O W L E DEducation. G E RInnovation. E V I Success EW INDIA

VOL-5 MAY - 2019





admired PG Institutes in India,


AURORA’S PG COLLEGE An Institute of Excellence in Technical Higher Education

From the



he world today is moving at a pace that is bound to leave youngsters stunned and confused. This may hamper smooth movement of their overall academic growth. Many students today are well aware of the exposure that they need in order to find an ideal career path. But even with all the facilities available at their fingertips, there’s a lot more to the world than meets the eye. To assist the students’ transition between undergraduate and postgraduate studies, universities are providing them with a plethora of opportunities.

Embarking on the Journey towards Academic Enlightenment

Urvasi. S. Talekar

It is clearly seen today, that many jobs that were the most sought after are now the least opted for. With the constant advancements in technology, the struggle to stay relatable in the world also comes into question while seeking out a job. It is in fact rightly quoted – There is nothing permanent except change. – Heraclitus. This has since led to the development of more intricate and comprehensive training programs which will help the students gain these skills. The top priority is given to soft skills training, coaching in various softwares, personality training as well as courses in multiple languages spoken throughout the world. Languages in fact are mandatory as many professions may require the person to travel to different parts of the world. That said, it is known that there is a difference between being well educated and well aware and being aware is the way towards having an ideal career. Hence, implementing all of these skills in the academic curriculum is of extreme importance and will ensure that the youngsters of today are well prepared for the journey ahead. T R

Editor-in-Chief Pooja M. Bansal Managing Editor Ananda Kamal Das Executive Editor Urvasi. S. Talekar Art & Design Head Amol Kamble Associate Designer Poonam Mahajan Art & Picture Editor Rahul Kavanekar Co-designer Deepanjali Jena Business Developement Manager Ankush Patel Marketing Manager Pradnya Bedke Sales Executives Ashish, Kajal, Ashwini Technical Head Pratiksha Patil Technical Specialist Amar Sawant Digital Marketing Manager Prashant Chevale SME-SMO Executives Uma, Ketki Circulation Manager Tanaji

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An Institute of Excellence in Higher Education



Expert始s Outlook The Future of Education with Technology at the Forefront

36 Expert始s Voice Education is the Backbone of the Society and University is the Source of Strength

26 Mentor始s Mind Winning the War for Talent with Technology Tools

20 GL Bajaj Institute of Management and Research, Greater Noida An Establishment of Neoteric Thoughts

30 School of Geoinformatics Remote Sensing Applications Centre – Tutoring Young Minds in Breakthrough Technology

42 Thejus Engineering College Providing Remarkable Academic Wisdom





Editorʼs Pick

Editorʼs Perspective

The Intricacies of Choosing an Appropriate Degree

Enforcing Collaborative Learning for Students Favor

Reuse, Reduce Recycle and Make the World a Better Place to Live!





Exploring India’s Foremost Post Graduate Institutes “The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education” - Martin Luther King, Jr.


ducation is one important aspect in an individual’s life that leads to one’s discovery of their passions, interests and helps them set a goal. It provides them with a doorway towards unlocking a variety of opportunities and helps in channeling their learning in the right direction. Post-Graduation is one of the most significant educational paths one has to walk through to be eligible for some ideal career opportunities. This phase is one that prepares youngsters to excel in whichever field they go on to choose. The Knowledge Review, thus, introduces an issue of “The 10 Most Admired PG Institutes in India, 2019” which features some of the most highly recommended and prestigious institutions. These institutes bring forth a vast curriculum as well as highly qualified faculty which assist in guiding students towards a bright and secure future. On the Cover, we have Aurora’s PG College, an institute known to provide world class education to its students while preparing them for their careers. It also includes, G.L.Bajaj Institute of Management and Research, Remote Sensing Applications Centre, Thejus Engineering College, Heritage Business School, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Kristu Jayanti College, Bangalore, MIT School of Distance Education, and Shri Ram College of Commerce, Delhi. Additionally, this issue also contains insightful articles by industry experts Sandeep Mukherjee and Kapil Sharma. Our in-house editors have also come up with creative and resourceful articles titled “Enforcing Collaborative Learning for Students Favor” and “The Intricacies of Choosing an Appropriate Degree”. T R



Aurora aims to achieve high standards of excellence in higher education by synergizing professional inputs, cutting edge technologies, learning ambience and social relevance



An Institute of Excellence in Higher Education


he Aurora’s PG Colleges, Ramanthapur are located in the central part of the city, established in 1995, by Aurora Group, one of the largest educational groups in the state of Telangana. These are approved by AICTE, New Delhi and affiliated Osmania University. The institutions are accredited by National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) with A+ Grade during the first cycle of Assessment, indicating the quality sustained in every aspect. A large number of students are drawn to the institutions owing to the quality of education offered, coupled with a scope for overall development of the students through a wide range of curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. The core strength of the institutions is the visionary management practices embraced by highly qualified, experienced and dedicated faculty with inordinate orientation towards teaching and research. The core values are student centeredness with an equal opportunity for all the students and staff. The academic environment encourages great student participation in the teaching learning process, with further emphasis on interactive learning. The Learning Management System (LMS) offers a prospect for learning beyond the class room with an opportunity to stay connected with the faculty beyond the working hours. State of the Art Infrastructural Facilities The Institution has a myriad of facilities offered to the students to make sure that their journey with the institutions is accomplished with success. One of the features is the expansive library which in the truest sense is a learning center with plenty of learning space to accommodate the readers. It is functional from 8 am to 6 pm on all the working days and is subscribed to a large number of national and international journals. It is a home to large collection of reference books of various disciplines and hosts a large collection of digital books and CDs. Large collection of journals, repositories are available through EBSCO, J-Gate, DELNET and National Digital Library. Remote access to instructional and library resources is provided to users through a dedicated cloud network. The computer laboratories are highly enhanced with modern facilities to empower the students with upto-date knowledge and skills in programming languages like C, C++, MS Office, Oracle, OS (UNIX), and Java. The hub of all database related

The campus is entirely Wi-Fi enabled making it easier for the students and faculty to access the internet round the clock. The classrooms, laboratories and seminar halls are ICT (Information and Communication Technology) enabled with provision to watch MOOCS and other online courses offered through National and International platforms. The entire campus is highly secured with CCTV surveillance system. The institution holds the reputation of “Zero Ragging” campus and is well admired for its Gender equity practices. Majority of the faculty are women; equal opportunities are provided to girls and representation of women in Board of Governors and other high level bodies is greatly encouraged. An Oasis of Opportunities Aurora has been the provider of quality educational facilities to the students from all over the country since 1995. The Master of Business Administration program offered is affiliated to Osmania University. The two year program is offered through ‘Choice Bases Credit System (CBCS), where the students will have an opportunity to choose the general papers of their choice along with an opportunity to study multidisciplinary courses. The Masters’ program in Computer Applications enables the students learn the basic concepts of Information Technology with an orientation to learn specialized courses in Database Management, Artificial Intelligence and other areas of contemporary relevance.

The institutions also offer 5 years Integrated Program in Management, where the students can pursue BBA and MBA together. Aurora is known for its unique methodology of teaching learning practices with emphasis on the overall development of the students. The campus is always buzzing with student activities round the year with a diverse range of indoor and outdoor events, activities and celebrations. Regular visits to the industries and manufacturing organizations are conducted to train the students with various functional aspects of Management and computer applications. The institutions are having membership with Confederation of Indian Industries (CII), Confederation of Women Entrepreneurs (COWE), National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC) etc. Regular interaction is facilitated between the industry and academia to enhance the knowledge and skills of the students and the faculty. The central Training and Placement office provides 100 percent placement assistance to the students of all programs. It supports in training the students with necessary soft skills and techniques required to have placements with reputed national and multinational corporations. The top Indian Multinational Giant ITC recognized the campus as the ‘Most Preferred Destination’ for campus placements, which is mark of the employability skills possessed by our students. An Array of Exciting Events The students have the opportunity to take part in multiple professional activities that are conducted from their first semester onwards. Students’ participation in workshops, events, student meets, techno cultural fests is highly encouraged. Various festivals like Ganesh Chaturthi,

activities i.e., DBMS applications, are provided through a dedicated laboratory equipped with legal versions of Oracle 8i, data warehousing and data mining tools. A separate language laboratory is made available to the students to enhance the soft skills and linguistic abilities and to make them globally competitive.

Our commitment lies in grooming the students to be globally competitive with academic brilliance, good communication and leadership abilities with a bent of human values, professional ethics and social responsibility

Dr. Madhavi Madireddy Director

A PERSONALITY WITH DISTINCT IDEOLOGIES AND INITIATIVES Dr. Madhavi Madireddy was assigned the responsibility of being the Director of Aurora’s PG Colleges in 2013. She holds multiple academic credentials, with a rich teaching experience of more than two decades coupled with administrative capability of more than a decade. She drove towards implementing new age interactive, experiential and supplementary teaching methods, with the support of Sri Raja Babu the Chairman and with the guidance and expert advisory of Dr. Ramesh Nimmatoori the Secretary of Aurora Group. The Academic partnership with Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore is a major initiative for promoting online learning. The institutions have been actively participating in ‘Unnath Bharath Abhiyan’ the flagship program of Government of India aimed towards the development of villages in the country. Her initiatives have also fetched various Memoranda of Understanding with multiple industries as well as brought collaborations with reputed training and entrepreneurship development organizations at National and International levels. Under her leadership, the institutions are accredited with A+ Grade by NAAC in 2018. Best Institution Award received from the Government of Telangana for the student volunteer support towards the ‘Swachch Bharat’ program is yet another milestone in the journey towards excellence. Being a seasoned academician, Dr. Madhavi has published multiple articles in various national and international journals. She is the author of “Principal’s Handbook for MBA Colleges” and “Students Academic Manual for MBA’ which were granted copyrights by the Government of India. She has been a guide to various students’ internships and projects from the past two decades. She has been the convener in many seminars, conferences and workshops. She is a member in the Board of Studies for CKT College, Mumbai and recognized examination panel member in various autonomous colleges. She became a registered assessor in the National Assessment and Accreditation Council. ‘Quality is a constant pursuit and we strive to maintain it in every aspect of our functioning, be it the teaching learning, student support, alumni engagement, social service or the overall progress of the institution. The students distinction in bagging the university top ranks is a mark of our academic excellence’ says Dr. Madhavi.

We are working towards being a center of excellence in higher education and research while being capable of making signicant contribution to the empowerment of the individual and society

Dussera, Diwali, Ramzan, Christmas are celebrated in the campus to encourage the spirit of fraternity and equivalent treatment for all religions. The annual events are named appropriately to portray the spirit of the occasion. Anubhuthi-Annual Day, Samaroh- Mini Convocation, Alaap- Induction Program, Anveshana- Management Meet, Abhyasa- IT Meet, Sammelan- Alumni Meet are the platforms for students to showcase their talents in various co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. The top performers are honored with merit certificates and Gold Medals along with their parents. T R



N O W L E DEducation. G E RInnovation. E V I ESuccess W

Off. No. 22 & 510, Rainbow Plaza, Shivar Chowk, Pimple Saudagar, Pune, Maharashtra 411017 Phone - India: +91 7410079881/ 82/ 83/ 84/ 85 Email: For Subscription:




EDUCATION with Technology at the Forefront


ith technology making rapid inroads into the world wide education space, today’s youth are as much in reverence of technological boon as they are ardently interested in leveraging technology to augment their learning experience. Speed, accuracy and connectivity gifted with the unique feature of sharability, are the primary reasons why future education is largely depending on technological epidemic. Though most of the machine learning tools are based of cognitive functions between artificial intelligence and human intelligence, given a chance, no human would prefer to say no to the technological grey of today’s knowledge bank. Complexity is nothing but compounded simplicity. The more complex it is, the better it is a tool for simplicity. The future of education, hence, just can’t be thought of without technology being at the forefront. Let us examine why tomorrow’s education can’t just exist without technology – Digital Literacy : Much before a child learns the basics of alphabets and phonetics, he becomes literate on digital platforms. Communication begins with understanding signs and


signals and signs and signals make the foundation for any language. Thus, the journey of 0 and 1 in the child’s life begins so early that nobody realizes when he becomes bondman to machines. When the child enters into his early schooling days, he looks around for familiar impressions of signs that he is used to – the early teaching aids used for kids are all machine oriented these days. This is digital literacy that outpaces academic literacy in the student’s career. Supremacy of Visual Data : Visual data leaves darker impression in child’s brain. Compared to what was in practice some ten years ago in terms of class room delivery, has seen paradigm shift now. No classroom these days has only chalk and board, digital boards empowered with interactivity has become must for all schools and universities now. Enhanced contents doubled with multidimensional illustrations and powered with audio video tools have been able to successfully make place among the youth. Innovative Learning Models : Teaching has been replaced by learning. And that is the biggest truth of the day. Time has come of open source learning resources. May | 2019



N O W L E DEducation. G E RInnovation. E V I ESuccess W

Expert's Outlook

Sandeep Mukherjee

About the Author

Chief Operating Ofď€ cer


Sandeep Mukherjee is an experienced individual who has previously worked as a senior teacher of the Commerce department in Sunbeam Group of Educational Institutions. He has since moved upwards into an administrative position as the Chief Operating Ofď€ cer in the same institute, Sandeep is also a regular writer on a plethora of magazines such as the Education World, The Education Today, the Edubench, the Career 360 where he has explored multiple educational topics.


N O W L E DEducation. G E RInnovation. E V I ESuccess W

May | 2019


Inter dependability of various domains and inter alia relationship among them has been amplified by way of never stopping innovations in learning. There is no one way or standard way for explaining concepts of science or language or human dynamics. Innovations happen every time we close our eyes with deep thoughts. Learning in Global Classrooms : Cloud is the only safe place to store data and to fetch from, now a days. Password is perhaps the best ever invention of mankind. Teaching-Learning modules are totally interactive now and realms of knowledge are ever increasing with expanse of data base every day. And there is no limit to it. A day will come when students will mark their attendance only digitally as their entire education system will become cloud based. Artificial Intelligence : Given that AI is based on a complex programme built to mimic the cognitive functions between two human brains, it comes handy around the problem solving premises of a learning structure. AI is spreading its tentacles rapidly and is entering into redefining growth and expanse of human civilization at a galloping speed. From a simple phone to ocean bed sensors- everything is AI based. AI, perhaps, will be defining everything in future education when it will come to easing up complex concepts of science and mathematics and societal issues through personalized learning algorithms. Social Media to Social Lessons : Education is a community munificence practiced with cultural differences. With increasing role of social media straight from the school days of a child, future education is going to be influenced a lot by the vices and virtues of the varieties and oddities of social media graphics in human minds. The boom of internet and 4Gs and 5Gs, connectivity with any part of the globe and sharing of info with anyone known or unknown, has become just a blink ! This, of course, calls for technology to be at the forefront of education in future. Careers of the Future : With the day to day increasing advent of technology and its ever growing importance in human life, majority of the career options of the future are bound to be technology oriented, technology will always have an extra edge over any other factor, be it agriculture, science, politics, media or defense. Technology will create itself further with human interventions to produce only a better generation of technology itself. Summarily speaking, with the growth of mankind, digital options too are increasing in leaps and bounds. The Cloud and the Internet are to be the only king and the Queen ruling the world in future. Education will become so much personalized and optionally scalable with varied aptitude of learners in future, that we will scarcely require any curriculum to follow. Teachers will become facilitators as students in most of the classes would be learning without being taught – virtual reality powered by artificial intelligence will become the only reality of life...of education…of learning…of teaching ! T R


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G L BAJAJ INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT AND RESEARCH, GREATER NOIDA An Establishment of Neoteric Thoughts The institute, apart from being at its innovative best, provides plenty of encouragement to students to seek out their dreams and goals. GL Bajaj Institute of Management and Research ( was established in 2007 under its parent institute GL Bajaj Group of Institutions and has been on an educative journey since. Since it imparts value based education in a thought – provoking and novel milieu, the institute has managed to carve a niche for itself in a record time of ten years. Even today it strives to be favorable for the development of its students and ensures that they are provided with a plethora of opportunities to enlighten their lives further. Situated in Greater Noida, it is one of the most leading institutes for management studies for youngsters aiming to make a mark in the field. Development Oriented Infrastructure The institute has provided the students with a modern, eco-friendly and fully networked campus. It is designed to have minimalistic structures in the midst of well-maintained trees, shrubs and lawns which speak of the immense greenery positioned throughout the area. This creates an ambience full of serenity and helps the students have a placid mind. The classrooms on the other hand are made comfortable for the students with air conditioning and spacious lecture halls. The institute’s computer center consists of a myriad of resources to assist the students in their academics. It also contains multiple contemporary facilities such as 2 auditoriums with a seating capacity of 350 people, an amphitheater which is capable of holding 2000 people at once along with numerous conference halls. The acoustics and sound systems implemented here are also top notch. To supplement the student’s knowledge, the institute has a library with a collection of over 19315 meticulously put together volumes, 155 Indian and International journals, magazines and newspapers. Along with this, the institute also provides the students with sports infrastructure to keep them active, Wi-Fi facility to keep them connected and spacious hostel rooms.


A Perspicacious Visionary Mr. Pankaj Agarwal, Vice Chairman, GL Bajaj Educational Institutions is known for being a youth icon who has been working tirelessly to ensure value based quality education for students. His vision of brilliance as well as path breaking initiatives, have won the institute a lot of accolades on various platforms. He believes in using his philanthropic thoughts to impart value based education in favor towards the overall development of the students. For his contribution to the eld, Mr. Pankaj Agarwal has been conferred with the illustrious Rashtriya Shiksha Ratna award by the Minister for Higher a n d Te c h n i c a l E d u c a t i o n , S h r i Bhupendrasinh M Chudasama. He was also conferred with the Samaj Ratna award for being a Young Entrepreneur by Dr. Mahesh Sharma, the Union Minister of State for Tourism and Culture.

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A Pathway of Wisdom Apart from being student friendly in terms of infrastructure, GLBIMR also provides means of an ideal career for students. The institute offers a two year full time ‘Post Graduate Diploma in Management’ or PGDM which is approved by the AICTE, Ministry of HRD, Government of India. It also offers dual specialization along with an emphasis on creativity enhancement and experimentation. Marketing, Human Resources Management, Operations Management, Information Technology and International business are some of the specialization courses offered as per career aspirations of the students. The multi-directional approach, the highly experienced faculty from reputed institutes and the enabling environment in the institute is what contributes to the transformation of an aspiring professional into an employable contributor for the society and nation. The students are also able to gain global academic exposure through the Exchange Programs and the institute assures outstanding placements in the various sectors such as FMCG, Retail and Banking. Additionally, Certification courses in Digital Marketing, Advance MS Excel and Entrepreneurship Certification are supplements to the students’ knowledge bank. An Indication of Brilliance with Opportunities Galore It is a well established fact that hard work results in positive outcomes and perseverance which gives rise to success. T H E


N O W L E DEducation. G E RInnovation. E V I ESuccess W

May | 2019

GLBIMR has grown immensely within a very short period of time and this is visible through the various parameters such as academic performance of students, outstanding placements, awards and rankings. Dr. Urvashi Makkar, Director General, GLBIMR was conferred with Lifetime Achievement Award for Exemplary Contribution in Higher Education on 3rd January, 2019. The institute has been awarded with the “Education Excellence Award for Best Institute in Industry Linkages” conferred by Indian Education Network (IEN) on January 21, 2019. This reputation of GLBIMR has allowed it to maintain its legacy by finding glorious placement opportunities for its students in the batch 2017-2019. Prominent companies such as American Express, Big Bazaar, Decathlon, Axis Bank, and several others have visited the campus. Apart from placement drives, the institute also conducts mock interviews, Expert Talk Series, Placement Readiness Enhancement Program (PREP) and Summer Internship to Pre-placement Offer” (SIPO) which ensure ideal exposure to the students. T R


The Intricacies of Choosing an




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N O W L E DEducation. G E RInnovation. E V I ESuccess W


“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” – Sir Benjamin Franklin


aking life’s decisions is hard, especially when it involves choosing a career path that will stay with the person for the rest of their lives. When choosing it, one needs to be extremely careful in order to ensure that the right decisions are taken. When the future is in the balance it's always wiser to think twice before coming to a conclusion. Youngsters today have too many options on hand which can be confusing for them. A lot of research needs to go into the making of one’s career which will shape them into better individuals. And finding ones passion can help in unlocking a dream job opportunity which can truly transform their lives. Finding the Path of Interest Post-Graduation is a stage where the students are capable of making their own decisions in a wiser manner. Having had an experience with their under graduate degree, they’re able to frame their path accordingly. But a lot of them tend to get entrapped into a state of confusion where they may want to pursue a course that's different from the one before. When choosing a post – graduate course it needs to be done keeping a particular career or stream in mind. One needs to be completely sure of how it will help them in terms of knowledge as well as how much the person is interested in it. If one has consistently been pursuing something, it’s wise to keep doing so as it maybe a passion rather than a compulsion. Future Employability Concerns With the innumerable new courses coming up, it isn’t necessary for the youngsters to be puzzled about which one to pick. One needs to maintain an awareness of which career options are gaining momentum in the industry. This will assist them towards understanding whether the choice they’ve thought of making is beneficial enough or whether they need to shift their focus into some other streams. In certain workplaces, the technologies keep changing according to the global scenarios. And by the time students graduate, the technology that they’ve learnt and the ones being used in the various companies are completely different. A post-graduation degree then, in required field will help enhance one’s knowledge while increasing their



N O W L E DEducation. G E RInnovation. E V I ESuccess W

May | 2019


chances at finding employment in reputed companies. This is very important especially for the long run as a career should be able to last longer and provide an immersive knowledge experience. Finding a Comfort Zone – At Home or Away Post – Graduation is a phase where the students are mostly sensible enough to take their own decisions and are capable of living by themselves. This is why many of them tend to decide to move out of their homes and join universities in different cities and countries. This also helps in giving them the necessary exposure of the external world. One can also choose this option in case they seek out better opportunities and the world today requires every variety of experience. But there are a few who prefer to find a better institute which lies well within the comfort zone which is also a valid reason. This is due to convenience reasons as well as a way to save up on the economic front. In Search of a Foolproof Institute In order to progress towards a better future, a person needs to be aware of the kind of university he would want to be a part of. One needs to make sure that the university is providing ample facilities that will encourage their mental as well as academic growth. The individual needs to make sure that the stay facilities are convenient enough to ensure some comfort after the long and grueling hours of studying. University life can also get pretty boring especially if the person stays on a campus with no leisure time amenities such as a gym, sports arena or any other sort of recreational center. This is also essential in order to keep the mental stability of the person intact. Apart from this, the classrooms also need to maintain their standards in order to facilitate learning in a better manner. Proper desks and benches are a necessity, as students need to endure multiple hours in the classrooms and these are just the basics that need to be kept in mind. When the students explore universities they should make sure to compulsorily check the classrooms for these facilities. Probing Through the Curriculum The most important part of a student’s life is knowing that the course they’ve chosen is taught in a proper manner and will help supplement their knowledge. Some institutions add unnecessary subjects into their courses which will only multiply the pressure on the students. One needs to watch out for these as they will just be a pile on in the disguise of an add-on subject. It usually takes away the focus from the core subjects and may cause a deviation in their career path. It can also lead to confusion over which subject is to be given the higher priority. The Monetary Aspect When people seek admissions into universities they look at the ones that fit their monetary limitations. A majority of the students who belong to middle class families look out for institutes that will at least provide a decent number of facilities to them at an affordable cost. In a lot of cases, students try to manage all their finances on their own and a university with a higher cost can make it a burdensome task. A university that provides financial aid of some sort to its students can be an ideal choice for youngsters. This will not only help students save money but will help them stay focused on their academics rather than worrying about repaying a huge loan. Valuing One’s Ingenuity Lastly, the students applying should know the value of their skills and should have their course requirements sorted. A lot of youngsters come under the pressure of choosing subjects that are popular among the peer group. Though it may seem like a good choice in the moment, it may not help in the long run. It’s indeed essential to pick a course that one is truly and genuinely interested in as it matters to the person’s career. A lot of youngsters also pick courses for experimentation or trial and error purposes. One needs to keep in mind the long run before they come to any conclusion and decide accordingly such that their skills shine through in university. T R


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N O W L E DEducation. G E RInnovation. E V I ESuccess W

Kapil Sharma Chief Sales Ofď€ cer


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N O W L E DEducation. G E RInnovation. E V I ESuccess W

Mentor’s Mind

Winning the War for Talent with

TECHNOLOGY TOOLS ABOUT THE AUTHOR Kapil Sharma is Chief Sales Ofcer – International Business at Collabera. Kapil is an industry renowned and a prominent leader in the IT stafng industry and has been in driving strategy, business innovation, and client relationships globally. Kapil brings in a rich experience in Account management, Client Servicing, People Management, Strategic Sales & Marketing, Sales Force Development & enablement, P& L Management, Business & Corporate Strategy, Training & Retention, Contract Negotiations and Brand Management. Kapil has played a strategic role in building & expanding Collabera's International operations across various geographies and has been instrumental in setting up operations in countries like Philippines, Singapore, Malaysia, & Australia in APAC, UK, Ireland, Netherlands, Romania and Poland in the European region and Canada in the North America. Kapil's rm belief in a holistic approach towards focus on strategic client relationships, have resulted in several global recognitions for Collabera across International Markets. Kapil, with his diverse experience with innovative stafng models, strategic planning, cross-border talent acquisition and bringing innovations in hiring and sourcing techniques, has been able to add tremendous value to the customers globally. T H E


N O W L E DEducation. G E RInnovation. E V I ESuccess W

May | 2019


he National Higher Education Commission, in its report has estimated that the average age of population in India by 2020 would be 29 years. This makes us the youngest future workforce in the world. However this impressive statistic will not be enough to capture the attention of the world. If we really want to shine in the global job market, companies in India will have to shift their focus from filling jobs to cultivating careers. Organisations will have to use talent-centric tools and technologies to win the war for talent and shape future careers. Usage of innovative technologies will enable staffing firms and talent acquisition managers to dramatically improve their interaction with the candidates. Staffing firms that will excel in attracting, retaining and nurturing talent with the use of latest technologies will outperform others. Automating the recruiting process creates a winning edge for companies and candidates alike. On one hand, it reduces the effort to attract, recruit and retain talent for the recruiting organisation. And on the other hand, both, recruiters and recruits appreciate the usage of technology that enhances their engagement levels and takes away the load of mundane hiring tasks.


Recently there has been an increase in the usage of technology even in high-touch recruiting models. Technology usage has enabled a staffing team to capture the candidate profile in a number of ways: through chatbot conversations, by checking person’s online profile, or through video interviews. What is important is to store and reuse this useful information in future in a quick and easy way. This can be achieved through smart usage of technology in recruitment. Let us see how we can use technology to enhance talent acquisition experience: Robust database You would agree that direct sourcing is a huge threat and staffing firms must always have a better candidate database than their customers. Candidate data quality and completeness of information are of paramount importance. This helps staffing firms to fill positions faster directly from the database. An automated process to update critical data elements such as work history, contact information etc adds immense value to the direct recruiting process. Staffing firms are increasingly investing in technologically to create and update superior database to confidently engage niche talent and provide better candidates to client organisations. Talent relationship management (TRM) tools TRM tools give you visibility into newer aspects of candidates that are not available in their resume or cannot be revealed during an interview. Things like whether they viewed a job posting or started but didn’t finish an online application etc can be obtained through TRM tools. These may look trivial information but it comes in very handy to convert interested job seekers into candidates. Video based interview tools Remote work and telecommuting have become more commonplace these days in the staffing industry where candidates do not want to come into the branch for an in-person interview. Video chat, video conferencing, and video interviewing are useful tools frequently used by recruiters.

Social media recruitment Companies believe that they should communicate with candidates based on the candidate's preferred communication method. These days the variety of communication methods used by the millennials is mindbending: smart phone, voicemail, email, text, instant messaging, LinkedIn direct message, Facebook Messenger, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram and many others. The social recruiting platforms must be integrated with the recruiter's staffing software so he can manage all communications in an integrated manner. It looks like the trend of social recruiting will grow even further in future, making it imperative for staffing professionals to capitalize on this trend to the best of their abilities. Applying AI and machine learning in recruitment No conversation on technology would be complete without addressing the role of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning. These technologies are poised to immensely benefit staffing firms to improve the talent experience and increase recruiter efficiency. These technologies will improve candidate search results and match accuracy that will enable staffing firms to find a better fit. The new gen technologies will also offload work from the recruiting firm such as conducting the initial screening and establishing an interview time. Mobile recruitment Smart phones are increasingly used for searching the web. This makes it imperative for staffing professionals to use mobile devices to stay in touch with candidates. Career websites and recruitment software will have to be build in a way that they are mobile compatible. While the future of recruiting looks full of usage of new gen technologies, it is important to stress on the fact that a winning talent acquisition strategy will have to be the one which is balanced. Personalised interactions and learnings will have to be blended well with digital technology in order to fulfil different recruitment objectives. Machine interaction is transactional. Personal interaction can be transformational. Responsible organisations and smart recruiters will have to adopt a blended approach to win the war for talent. T R

Companies are also investing in gamification and predictive hiring tools. These tools help to confirm candidate skills and fit. These online assessment tools are more fun than the traditional personal interview technique. Most of the staffing firms also believe they are more accurate than the traditional candidate assessment methods.


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N O W L E DEducation. G E RInnovation. E V I ESuccess W





SCHOOL OF GEOINFORMATICS Remote Sensing Applications Centre – Tutoring Young Minds in Breakthrough Technology The university takes a lead in better management, of an entire gamut of natural resources.

Remote Sensing Applications Centre was established by the Government of Uttar Pradesh in Lucknow in May 1982. It was formally inaugurated as an autonomous organization while becoming the first of such an organization in the state. The centre is registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1960 and is involved in developing new technology to help with remote sensing. The institute aims at utilizing upcoming technologies of aerial and satellite Remote Sensing in varied natural resources management programmes. The centre is also ensuring regular institutional interaction with multiple user departments for efficient and sector wise utilization of the technology. The Government of Uttar Pradesh has ensured the completion of major projects along with providing vital information to other areas. Dr. A.L.Haldar is the present acting director of the centre. An Ideal Centre for Learning The institute implements latest technology along with outstanding infrastructure to ensure a lasting educational experience. The center has a computer and image processing lab which helps the students gather information about the geospatial domain. This allows the office to be involved in innovative endeavors while executing, inferring, archiving and retrieving crucial information. This is thoroughly extracted using the remote sensing satellites and ancillary spatial and non-spatial data. A small soil and water analysis laboratory is available to meet the concerns of ongoing projects. Some basic and advanced equipments have been implemented which take note of significant parameters such as the soil’s pH levels, EC, texture, micronutrients, soluble cations along with determining the pesticide residue in it. Additionally, the library has a vast collection of books and journals related to the field of Remote Sensing, GIS and various other application areas. They are available in multiple formats such as print and journals which provide the necessary information to the members comprising of scientists, researchers and students as well as staff members. The collection in the library adds up to over 8591 books apart from various dictionaries, atlases, multimedia CDs and the kind. The centre also offers its students multiple reprographic


Dening an Adept Personality Dr. Sudhakar Shukla is the present Head of School of Geoinformatics RSAC – UP who has secured his M-Tech from the prestigious IIT – Roorkee. He possesses a PGDEE as well as a Ph.D degree. His current responsibilities are directed towards the Surface Water Resources Division and the School of Geoinformatics. He is also procient in applying satellite Remote and GIS techniques for surface and ground water management, geo – environmental assessment and also for disaster management at the state level. Shukla has also worked as an assistant professor in the Department of Geology, University of Lucknow .In his work experience of 28 years he has written and published 50 research papers.

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facilities such as a heavy duty photocopier and printer, thermal binding machine, plastic lamination machine etc. An Insight into Academic Programmes and Events The activities at RSAC – UP are usually under the domains of various natural resources such as water, earth, soil, agriculture and horticulture as well as environment and ecology. The center has also expanded its studies into various other disciplines such as Geographical Information System, Global Positioning System, LiDAR Bathymetric surveys. These give them an insight into the streams of digital image processing, Remote Sensing as well as the application of remote sensing technology into forestry, geosciences, atmospheric sciences, human settlement analysis, scale mapping, bathymetry etc. In order to get trained and skilled manpower in this field, has led to the formation of the School of Geo –Informatics in 2013 which is located within the premises of RSAC-UP. It provides students with a 2 years M.Tech course in Remote Sensing and GIS which is affiliated to DR. APJ Abdul Kalam Technical University and is approved by AICTE, Govt of India along with an intake of 18 students per year. This is also well equipped with the state of art infrastructural facilities as well as modern tools used for the benefit of the students' education. The institute also organizes various events such as Yoga day-22nd June, Remote Sensing



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day- 12th August, Teachers day-5th Sept, Engineers day-15th Sept and Swakshata Diwas. The School of Geoinformatics also provides opportunities to those students interested in cricket and badminton tournaments which enhances the arena of extra curriculars in students. Alumni and Achievements For its extraordinary contribution to the field of Remote Sensing Technology, the School of Geoinformatics – RSAC was awarded the Excellence Remote Sensing Applications Institute in U.P’. This award was conferred upon it at the 3rd Uttar Pradesh Tehcnical Education Summit – 2015 on the 5th of September. Apart from its accolades the institute has also produced some outstanding alumni, notably, few of them are listed below • Rahul Bajpai from the batch of 2013-2015: has worked as the lecturer at the Maharana Pratap Engineering College and is currently the Assistant Manager Technology at Genesys International in Lucknow. • Sachchidanand from the batch of 2016-2018: was a topper in the M-Tech course and has worked in R.P Singh & Co as a Civil Engineer. He is at present a Junior Research Fellow in the Civil Engineering Department at Indian Institute of Technology-Roorkee. T R



Collaborative Learning for

Students Favor


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N O W L E DEducation. G E RInnovation. E V I ESuccess W

Editor’s Pick

“Collaboration is like carbonation for fresh ideas. Working together bubbles up ideas you would not have come up with solo, which gets you further faster.” - Caroline Ghosn


he educative world today has achieved immense levels of advancements which have helped in enhancing the quality of education imparted on students. Technology for example has made things easier by allowing students the convenience of utilizing the internet and other facilities. This way every person is able to excel in their own manner at academics and gain extra information as well in any topic they desire. Yet, this has in some ways reduced the amount of team work that is necessary to facilitate essential communication skills among the classmates. Hence it is of utmost importance that educators introduce the concept of collaborative learning from the initial stages of schooling to the students. This educational approach towards learning as well as teaching is a process where students work together on a common topic in groups. It can be to solve a problem, complete a particular task assigned to them or think of new and innovative ideas for projects. Glimpse into a Diverse Methodology Present day youngsters aren’t as exposed to direct communication as their older counterparts. In order to incorporate this method of learning, teachers need to prepare the students well in advance. This is necessary as the mind needs to gradually be molded in that particular direction and some students may find it different and unusual to grasp. It’s ideal for the class to last 50 minutes to initiate the conversations and help the students become familiar with the topic of discussion as well. Encouraging dialogue in the classrooms can give rise to meaningful interactions which can act as an



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initiator of new and creative ideas as well. When students are taught to sustain in a group while taking independent decisions as well, they also learn to become a part of a community which ensures assistance to anyone that may require it. There are several components that are involved in the process such as negotiation between the group, sharing common thoughts and ideologies while also verbalizing them and turning them into a positive output. This will additionally stimulate and lead to elaboration of further conceptual knowledge. Execution of the Methodology It is very important that as an educator one needs to keep their expectations clear. This helps the students’ gain an idea of how much effort needs to be put in for a particular topic. It’s always a good idea to lend the students a helping hand with regard to hint questions or giving them an idea of the formatting. This makes communicating easier for them while also bringing forth seamless discussions among the classmates. It will also help them in meeting their individual learning goals as well. It may initially seem like a challenge that the teachers will need to get through while trying to create new and innovative collaboration activities. When the groups are assigned that isn’t where the task is completed, in fact the teacher will have to ensure that there is a healthy conversation taking place. Usually some students may seem hesitant to place their thoughts in front of the entire group, but with a little encouragement and support they open up and this is exactly when they can find their voice. The quality that is extremely essential that is the ability to research also receives a push as everyone working together will ensure exchange of vital information. This also increases the knowledge bank of the group as a whole. While conversing with each other, the students will definitely get familiar with each other which is an added benefit but it’s still necessary for them to be familiar with other classmates as well. Hence, sometimes exchanging their groups can help them communicate with more people in a better manner. Perquisites of Coordinated Learning When the students learn to bring in coordination into their learning journey, they find things getting easier to deal with. This process helps in enhancing the achievement of the students as everyone is earning credit for their efforts. This in turn leads to more positivity among themselves which is excellent to gain a wide circle of friends or acquaintances. Communication is an extremely important element in collaborative learning and it builds the quality in every student. The students also start having a task centric approach as they do not need to worry about how they will be able to extract information. The communication skills developed during an academic tenure will always help the youngsters in their future endeavors. The students also show better attitudes towards their lecturers as they’re able to understand what the lecturers say and teach. Additionally, the quality of coordinated learning will ensure that when the students step into their respective workplaces, they’re ready to take charge of the tasks given to them and be better employees. T R


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N O W L E DEducation. G E RInnovation. E V I ESuccess W

Education is the Backbone of the Society and University is the Source of Strength


ducation means a form of learning in which knowledge, skills and habits are transferred from one generation to the next generation. The education of the person starts when he is born. As there are three levels of education primary, secondary and tertiary, each level equally plays a vital role in the development of the society. Education gives people the skills they need to help themselves out of poverty or in other words into prosperity. It teaches us how one can live his life better, relationships and manner of living in a society then in country and in world at global level. The societies are known by their leaders; if they are well educated they can implement the systems in an efficient manner and easily perform their duties under the rules and equality with every person. An uneducated leader cannot give justice to everyone and thus have an adverse effect on the development of the society. Education finds its application in various fields like Agriculture, Medical, Technology and so on which provides juncture to exhibit their skill sets. The societies who knows the importance of education strives hard to acquire it. Hence, the education plays a huge role in developing a society; it can be also called as “the foundation and backbone of society”. In general all levels of education are important but the most important one is tertiary level which includes colleges, Universities and the higher education. It concedes strength to the society. Universities provide the professional training for high level jobs, as well as the education is necessary for development of personality. The role of Universities is very important to all sectors from social as well as legal point of view. It can help in providing with the new knowledge and skills needed to meet the challenges of sustainable development in a community, in raising public awareness, responsible behavior.


Universities are regarded as key institutions in the processes of social change and development. Another role that Universities may play is in the building of new institutions of civil society, in developing new cultural values, and in training and socializing people of new social era. In the last two decades, higher education from the Universities worldwide has moved from the periphery to the center of governmental agendas. They are now seen as crucial national assets in addressing many policy priorities, and as: sources of new knowledge and innovative thinking, providers of skilled personnel and credible credentials, contributors to innovations, attractors of International talent and business investments, agents of social justice and mobility, contributors to social and cultural vitality and determinants of health and well-being. Universities deals with the universality of the knowledge, they are concerned with human being in all their manifestations- biological, mental, emotional, objective and subjective-and their social, cultural and economic organizations and interaction with each other, they are concerned with the physical world within which human beings find themselves and the physical world we have created for ourselves. These things are common to the whole University endeavor whatever the discipline. They are the foundation upon which the University enterprise rests and upon which its significance for society is built. It is considered as the function of University is to provide direct in-out benefits for society’s economic prosperity. The well-being of society depends on the quality education and to make its “backbone” strong Universities are source of strength. T R

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N O W L E DEducation. G E RInnovation. E V I ESuccess W

Expert's Voice

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Prof. Chetan R. Bhamare holds an M.A in English along with a Bachelor in Education from the Savitribai Phule Pune University. He is now a professor at the RJSPM-ACS College in Pune.

Prof. Chetan R. Bhamare professor



N O W L E DEducation. G E RInnovation. E V I ESuccess W

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EUSE, EDUCE ECYCLE and Make the World a Better Place to Live!


ndia, one of the fastest developing country is struggling to balance its extraordinary growth with sustainable waste management. Waste, to most people, is just that unneeded junk that gets thrown to the curb. The advancement in technology has changed the appearance of the world in the last few decades. Technology has created many industries, producing the liquid and solid wastes that adversely affect the environment. Every year, improper disposal of garbage contributes to devastating epidemics of mosquito-borne malaria, dengue, yellow fever and other potentially fatal diseases. Sometimes deadly virus, spread by rodent urine or feces, have been linked to poor sanitation facilities.


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N O W L E DEducation. G E RInnovation. E V I ESuccess W

Editor’s Perspective



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With rapid urbanization, the country is facing a massive waste management challenge. Over 378 million urban people generate 60 million tonnes of municipal solid waste per annum. Only 43 million tonnes (MT) of the waste is collected, 11.8 MT is treated and 31 MT is dumped in landfill sites. Solid Waste Management (SWM) is one among the basic essential services provided by municipal authorities in the country to keep the urban city clean. However, almost all of them deposit solid waste at a dump yard within or outside the city haphazardly. A Success Story of Biogas to Power Project Set up in Pune by the Maharashtra Government Recently, Pune Govt. has taken a remarkable step in developing segregated municipal solid waste bio-methane projects those serves not only in generating power, but also help in the organizing and disposal of waste in the city. It is a known fact that municipal solid waste (MSW) generation in Pune is among the highest in Indian cities with an average of 350-450 gms (with 40% organic matter) of waste generated per capita per day. What’s interesting is that the organic and biodegradable portion of the solid waste is 70 percent which is a significant consideration in the concept of solid waste management. The basic idea behind setting up a bio-methanation plant was to treat the organic waste in a decentralized manner, at its source, in the most environmentally efficient way. This helps the PMC save on transportation costs of such wastes to the landfill site which is 22 km away from the model colony area. Opening Opportunities for Social Entrepreneurs in India Waste management is a huge problem but it is also a large opportunity in India. According to a report by market research Company, India waste management market will be a great opening for the entrepreneur. Recently, Clean and Green India conference that took place in Delhi highlighted the opportunities for social enterprises in the Clean and Green India movement with a specific focus on water, waste management, Infrastructure, etc. Green Infrastructure

huge opportunities for the young entrepreneurs in the market to meet India’s green infrastructure needs and beyond. Waste Management In a country like India, liquid and solid waste management are undoubtedly the cornerstone for a clean and green India. It is clearly an area of focus. On the ground, various solutions, best practices, and business models have emerged. In some areas, we see some cases of dramatic turnarounds. In many other cases the situation is only worsening owing to delays and at best inaction. Progress is visible in the space of solid waste management. Any waste management is still largely left to the traditional approach that either doesn’t work or are fraught with gaps in implementation. The current solutions are infrastructure based, require large investments and are always operating in a catch-up mode. The entrepreneur can tap into this unexploited space with innovate ideas and can churn out great profits from this practically untouched sector of the industry. Waste management rules in India are based on the principles of “precaution” “sustainable development”, and “polluter pays”. These laws force municipalities to act in an environmentally responsible manner—restoring balance if their actions disrupt it. The increase in a waste generation as a by-product of economic development has led to various subordinate legislation for regulating the manner of disposal and dealing with generated waste are made under the umbrella law of Environment Protection Act, 1986 (EPA). Specific forms of waste are the subject matter of separate rules and require separate compliances, mostly in the nature of authorizations, maintenance of records and adequate disposal mechanisms. The best mean for efficient waste management is to ensure segregation of waste at source and to ensure that the waste goes through different streams of recycling and resource recovery. Then reduced final residue is deposited scientifically in sanitary landfills. A major limitation of this method is the costly transportation of MSW to far away landfill sites. However, to solve the problem finding the cost of the problem is in priority. T R

Green infrastructure is vital in providing and connecting life support systems for environments. It includes parks and reserves, gardens, waterways, streets and transport corridors, pathways and greenways, squares and roof gardens and living walls, just to name a few. This provides


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N O W L E DEducation. G E RInnovation. E V I ESuccess W






THEJUS ENGINEERING COLLEGE Providing Remarkable Academic Wisdom While utilizing a holistic approach to education, the college continues to nurture the professional manpower of tomorrow

Thejus Engineering College was founded in the year 2009. It is a product of the Cheruvathur Foundation and is affiliated to the APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University (KTU). It is also approved by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) and was sanctioned by the Government of Kerala. The institute makes sure to provide the students with a chance to fabricate new designs along with developing efficient managerial policies. These initiatives will help develop the learners attention towards people’s safety, healthcare and their welfare. Infrastructure The infrastructure of the college is beyond par with excellent facilities for the betterment of the students. To ensure that the students get the benefit of academics, the college has a library with a splendid collection of over 13,000 books which cover every sector of science, engineering and technology, humanities as well as management. It also has a distinct periodical section and has subscriptions to national as well as international journals along with newsletters from renowned organizations and societies. It has also implemented technology into the library by providing online facilities such as the digital library for the students who have a keen interest in Computer Assisted Learning. The institute’s computer lab is equipped with 650 highly advanced computer systems due to which the facility is used by various other institutes to conduct online examinations such as GATE and JEE (Mains). The college also has lecture studios along with drawing halls and well equipped laboratories. Students can also avail hostel facilities which provide a homely atmosphere. There are separate buildings for girls and boys, and each building is provided with a trusted caretaker as well as security guards for their safety. It also houses resident tutors to help the students with their academics. That aside, the students also have transport facilities for their convenience and a canteen to provide them with delicious food at an affordable price.


An Entity of Immense Expertise C.C. Thampi the Chairman is a global businessman who lives with the vision of creating skilled professionals in the engineering sector. He is an NRI businessman since the last 30 years in the UAE who channelizes a portion of his business prots to make long standing contributions to the society and has therefore identied professional education led for this purpose. Under his guidance the college ensures that the students are prepared to be professionals of the future and are provided with a holistic approach to education.

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Academic Endeavors The college offers a plethora of courses to their students which allow them to increase their knowledge base. The B.Tech courses have five departments ranging from electronics and communications engineering, computer science and engineering, civil engineering, mechanical engineering and electrics and electronics engineering courses. Among the PG courses geo technical engineering and structural engineering are extremely popular among youngsters. Apart from these, there are also choices between power systems, manufacturing systems and management and applied electronics and communication systems. Provision of Recognition and Opportunities The Cheruvathur Foundation has ensured that students who’ve shown high levels of academic excellence as well as those who belong to financially weaker backgrounds are given scholarships worth Rs 2 Crore every year. This ensures that the students are given equal chances to find themselves flourishing in their lives. The students of TEC are seen achieving higher levels of success in the University exam since the beginning. In the past decade, over 120 students have accomplished multiple ranks which portrays the efficiency of the institute. TEC also organizes a variety of academic and extra – curricular events such as the All T H E


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India Interuniversity Chess Competition, Thejomay – a technical fest, various International and National Conferences and Rhythm – an art fest. Recruitment Preparation and Offers The students of TEC can also find multiple development programmes to ensure enhancement of their skills. The soft skills training teaches students the nuances of group activities along with providing counseling, lecturing and psychological games. It also involves learning through games and interactive sessions. The students are taught to live by the quote – Aware, Awake and Alive. The department also comprises of a language lab to allow proliferation of the students’ communication skills. In order to ensure that students learn in a more practical manner, industrial visits are also conducted. The learners are also given internship opportunities to gather experience of how a work environment can be. The college makes sure that the students are able to strike a balance between academics as well as fun activities. They also bring in recruiters such as Bosch, L&T, Amazon and Accenture to give their students a chance at being placed in some of the most reputed companies in the country. T R


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