The 10 Most Leading Career Counselling Companies_ 2020

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VOL 04 | ISSUE 02



Rajkunwar Bhosale



uidance and counselling are the important educa onal tools in shaping the personality and basic orienta on of a student. All good things, when ini ated early in the child’s life, turn out to be successful over a period of me. Counselling from a young age helps a child tackle the nega ve ideas that might have been planted by his/her peers in school and college. Hence, the need for a career counselor to assist the child in molding its future is extremely important. It has highly become important and the role of a professional trainer is gaining prominence. A school counsellor is seen as a role model and receives

huge respect from students. The counsellors, by virtue of their training, usually come across as friends with the students. They listen to their complaints, shortcomings, and provide guidance in the quest of molding the child in the right direc on towards a successful and sa sfactory life ahead. Several research studies state that the total development of a child can only take place in an environment conducive for teaching and learning. It is in the realiza on of the above that all educa onal services which can promote teaching and learning in schools are given prominent a en on by educa onal planners. Counselling services and career guidance for students are some of the top school educa onal services that can benefit the students lifelong. It is no secret that the best guidance and counselling services in schools and colleges can develop, assess, and improve educa onal programs. It can enhance teaching and thereby improve the competence of the children. Today, career guidance in a student’s life has become extremely important in the wake of numerous career choices. The several career paths available for the students can confuse them in choosing the best. Also, equally significant is to understand the impact of emo onal, hormonal, and societal changes on students. These aspects are central during the transi on of the child from childhood to adulthood which is a difficult one, even for the most balanced child. Alongside the influence of the family, school and its environment have major influence. The modern educa on approach, guidance and counseling can be the solu on to these worries and a basis for broader educa on for life. While being nonmedical and non-psychiatric, it can help individuals with specific personal problems. Thus for the overall development, career counselling and guidance support shall make it easier for students to gain much more clarity about their future prospects.

It is always about the constant and con nuous interac on between the students and the teachers that bring about the most desirable results. In this issue of The Knowledge Review, we applaud The 10 Most Leading Career Counselling Companies, 2020 who are making sure that the youth has a dream to fulfill and a direc on to tread on. The company lis ng includes Astute Career Counselling Academy, which works with a vision to empower students with the best career choices matching the skills, abili es, and personality; Career2Success, an ins tu on preferred by a number of schools/ colleges/ universi es/ coaching centres and NGOs in Delhi NCR region and many states of North India; Des ny Planners, an ins tute that provides counselling to develop a sense of awareness towards the job and to iden fy one’s strengths and weaknesses; Tucareers, a provider of accurate and research-based career guidance framework; and Univariety, an organiza on that addresses the gaps in career guidance for school students. We have few more companies like Academics & Beyond; Careeline Educa on Founda on; Educa on & You; Global Careers; Global Tree; which are also included in the project lis ng. Also make sure to read the curated ar cles from various industry experts and our in-house editorial team. Have an exci ng read ahead! T R




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Articles Editor’s Special Metacognition – A Phenomenon worth Exploring


Editor’s Pick


Curiosity: An Aspect Essential to the Human Mind

APRIL, 2020

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CAREER2SUCCESS Guiding Students to take up Jobs which can Unleash their Best Potential

The Starting Point The company began as an entrepreneurial venture formed by a group of proven professionals from diverse backgrounds. Its sole aim was to guide and mentor the youth towards gainful employment in line with their interests and inclinations. Skill deďŹ cit identiďŹ cation is at the core of what the company does with secondary school students/ college students and young working professionals.

Mr. Gaurav Sachdeva

Career2Success is preferred by a number of schools/ colleges/ universities/ coaching centres and NGOs in Delhi NCR region and many states of North India. It acts as a career counselor for these institutions, working closely with their students and assisting them in making informed choices on educational streams and careers.

Chief Counselor

The company aims to direct and mentor the youth towards gainful employment.


very student aims to pursue a successful career after completing education in the stream of their choice. However, many a times, they get confused regarding which career path to pursue or how to prepare for competitive examinations. They look out for counselors which can assist them in choosing the best career path, while preparing them to succeed in challenging examinations. A leading institution guiding students towards a successful career journey is Career2Success.


The company uses psychometric tests and other contemporary assessment techniques to gauge the capabilities of participants. Accordingly, it prepares customized career prescription charts based on their scores and counseling. A Student-Centric Company Career2Success constantly focuses on providing the best services to the students. It leaves no stone unturned to lead students towards career excellence. The company employs multi-media techniques for interacting with participants- one to one, webcasting, video conferencing, online assistance, seminars, conferencing, and other public forums. On enrollment, participants get periodic updates as they get plugged into the ecosystem of careers, talk shows, expert guidance, and tests. April | 2020


Most Leading



An Erudite Personality Career2Success ascends towards the peak of excellence under the dedicated leadership of Mr. Gaurav Sachdeva, the Chief Counselor. He is a technocrat MBA with over 12 years of industry and counseling experience. After being associated with companies such as RBS and Stellar, Mr. Gaurav developed interest towards career mentoring when he took jobs in noted educational groups of Delhi NCR region. Besides teaching, he was also responsible for providing training placement and career counseling at various institutions.

Overcoming Hurdles Confidently The company believes that career counseling is an emerging field. About a decade ago, there was very little awareness about making informed career choices. Both institutions and individuals were reluctant to give time, slot and space for such activities. “Our regular participation in career fairs, seminars, and conferences gave us visibility,” states team Career2Success. The company has developed close association with its customers, which has given it acceptability and recognition. It believes that it is no longer ‘a novice’ in this field. Team Career2Success has received numerous positive feedbacks and referrals, which has acted as a motivational factor and has paved the path for its success. Embracing Technology for better Outcomes Career2Success has tremendous faith in the power of digital media. Its technology partners and media associates provide it with real time updates on careers, exams, emerging opportunities, job trends, career fairs, and other events. The company uses social media for regular updates and to interact with the audience. It constantly updates its website to deliver customer experience. Building Bright Careers The company follows a time-tested scientific approach to career counseling. It employs psychometric testing to understand the personality, aptitude, behavior, and attitude of the candidate. The mind mapping process helps team April | 2020


Career2Success to validate the results of all the earlier tests and to draw conclusions regarding candidate suitability with respect to preferred career choices. The company follows a holistic approach with each of its candidates irrespective of the pressure created by family/ peer group. Additionally, it offers full counseling services to working professionals with respect to mid career review. Career2Success believes that we live in rapidly changing times. Advent of modern technologies can render existing skills obsolete. It is essential for individuals to keep up with the current trends and learn newer skills. This will help in attaining successful career goals. The company assists students to stay abreast with information on different courses in line with their careers. It counsels them on how to enhance their skills and accelerate their career progression. th Furthermore, students of 9thand 10 are counseled on stream choices based on their performance, interest area and aspirations. At + 2 level, the company informs students about the course options and the selection criteria. Furthermore, it educates college students about internship/career options and the selection criteria.

Towards the Future Career2Success believes that there is immense potential in the field of career counseling. It plans to spread its wings across pan India and pan Asia. Implementation of interactive technologies to deliver real-time services is its key concern. Moving ahead, the company will invest in technology platforms to increase the frequency of webcasts and podcasts. Career2Success is aiming to develop tie ups with overseas partners. This will provide more scope for Indian students/ professionals going abroad for studies/ jobs. Many students from neighboring countries will also get the opportunity to pursue education from Indian colleges and universities. Thus, the future will see both organic and inorganic growth at Career2 success. T R



April | 2020

“Our life is what our thoughts make it.” - Marcus Aurelius


he human mind is capable of various things that are beyond imagination and till date, it holds various mysteries that are yet to be unraveled. The most impressive fact is that an organ such as the brain is capable of devising and developing every idea that exists in the world today. But these ideas are a result of a variety of thoughts and just pondering over those thoughts constantly. This quality is something that is naturally a part of the human mind’s design, but in a world automated with technology, everything is left to just that. People have been putting lesser efforts in thinking up ideas but are instead depending on the internet which is a result of technology. This very process is known as Metacognition which portrays an awareness of the cognitive process within the mind. The Functioning of Metacognition On a normal basis, the brain and over a 100 billion neurons process a truckload of information at over 200 times per second which is incredible for the body. This is how the mind is able to multi – task while keeping itself alert. The process of metacognition involves allowing students to find a spot where their thoughts can function better. And this can be implemented into every single aspect of life and any subject be it mathematics, problem solving or reading skills. The process of metacognition can help in developing

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and strengthening any weak points a person may have. Though varied, the learning strategies can be supplemented by making students aware of using their thoughts to acquire real knowledge. Keeping these factors in mind can help the students in understanding how their strengths and weaknesses work. A lot of them tend to focus better in environments such as libraries or open grounds. Allowing them to do so, will encourage their thoughts to function effectively. Self-awareness is also an important aspect of metacognition as it plays a vital role in improving students learning due to the ability to think increasing with age. Research says that most of the youngsters metacognitive ability develops between the age 12 – 15. Varied Levels of Thought Development Process When a popular author said that thoughts help in creating things, he knew the very power of human thoughts. These words speak of how thoughts if developed and used in the right way can create a plethora of positive opportunities. This will help in keeping change constant. The current shift in the way the education system works stresses upon how students need to work on their thoughts. It inspires students to be self-regulated learners and figure out the art of independently learning new things. Metacognition also urges youngsters to critically analyze their own thoughts in order to overcome adverse situations or occurrences. In a fluctuating world, we hear of how the future generations will be working jobs that are only just being invented. This will require students to put up extra efforts with regard to their mindset. In order to help boost metacognition levels, one needs to keep in mind the three stages. The first phase involves planning, where the pupils are made to think about the educative goal the teacher has set. This is meant to enable them to find a way to approach the upcoming tasks along with different strategies to tackle them. Each stage of this phase is targeted towards maximizing one’s own productivity and in the process think of the preparation to be done in order to execute things effectively. The second phase known as the monitoring phase involves the learners implementing the plan thought of previously and observing its results. They have to make sure to stay on the track in order to


earn their goals. The final stage is the evaluation stage. This helps in determining if the strategy implemented was successful or not. This gives people the opportunity to analyze how their thoughts could’ve been much better and what could’ve been done to improve them. It will also allow them to adapt to different circumstances in the future. The Knack of Enhancing Metacognition As mentioned, it is essential that students are taught that their minds are wired for growth. By teaching them to think over their thoughts, it helps them develop a flexible mindset and they engage in more positive thoughts. In order to help them upgrade this ability, it’s good to encourage students to keep thought journals where they can record their thoughts. This will help them filter through the positive and negative ones. They can also record a number of questions which speak of how their thoughts functioned in a particular day. It functions as an analytical as well as empowering tool to help the students think better. A lot of research studies show that when a person develops a growth mindset rather than a fixed one, it results in reflective thinking. Another method to augment one’s metacognition skills is to use what is called a wrapper. It’s a short break between an ongoing activity. For instance, prior to a lecture give the students a couple of tips on listening to the session actively. Post the lecture, test the students by asking them to recollect what was taught and ask them to write down the ones that they remember. This will allow students to analyze how accurately they remember their thoughts during the session. This technique not only reduces metacognitive skills but also increases learning. The teachers can then implement more of such activities pertaining to bigger issues such as politics or poverty. This will train them to think of social issues and causes in a positive light and ensure the right actions. This quality if constantly worked upon can be a boon to people as individuals as well as a group. After all, as the saying goes, it’s always better to think twice before one acts which is much better than encountering an error in thoughts. T R

April | 2020


Guiding you on the Right Career Path

style, psychological wellbeing, professional interest, character and anger management. It guides them in correcting their attitude towards work, learning pattern and managing their behaviour under pressure. Such guidance gives clarity and ultimately helps each individual to get a great boost to achieve their goals in life. Yogesh Satishchandra Baheti Founder

Extraordinary Mind Behind Destiny Planners Yogesh Satishchandra Baheti is the Founder of Destiny Planners. He founded Destiny Planners in August 2011. On the educational front, he has received a Professional Agency Builder Degree from Kinder Brothers International, Dallas, USA. He has an overall experience of 21+ years and has worked for various MNCs such as Glaxo Smith Kline, MaxLife, Birla Sunlife, TATA AIG, Just dial and a few more.


he current world is a place where there are a lot of opportunities to succeed. While there are many options to achieve the goals, at the same time the challenges are also enormous. The market situations combined with interpersonal issues are creating enough chaos in India and abroad. In such situations, people tend to come under work pressure leading to switching in jobs.

Currently, Yogesh is a certiďŹ ed career analyst by Edu Milestone, learning specialist by Energeia SOI-USA. Apart from this, he is certiďŹ ed by SEBI for the Association of Mutual Funds in India (AMFI). Providing Career Guidance

The two major reasons behind decreasing job satisfaction are the lack of awareness and balancing work life and personal life. Destiny Planners provide counselling to develop a sense of awareness towards the job and to identify one’s strengths and weaknesses.

Depending on the age of the students, Destiny Planners provide a customized career plan. The basic career analysis at this counselling are provided to students who are still in school. Depending on their interest, talent and various multiple intelligence assessments, the counsellors suggest the stream to pursue a career. It also provides counselling to engineering and other graduate students.

Destiny Planners helps professionals in getting conscious with their core competencies such as preferred working

Apart from that, Destiny Planners provides counselling to professionals who are facing problems at their


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Most Leading



workplace. It helps the clients overcome early and midlevel crises. People suffering from personal issues are also counselled through behaviour analysis and a viable solution is provided. Along with this, students who are willing to move abroad for higher education are provided counselling. Destiny Planners also offers immersive learning through 360-degree virtual reality. Overcoming the Challenges


online meetings sessions. The counsellors are available on Facebook, WhatsApp and YouTube Channel so as to reach students, parents and professionals present at any part of the world. Due to this many students who are from Australia, Muscat, India are being benefitted. Yogesh says, “We make people aware of – Google Hangout Now Duo, Skype, Zoom, Goto Meeting, any desk, TeamViewer and Video Call apps for Counselling and Online payment systems.” Students are also equipped with artificial intelligence-based output by using technological tools like dashboards. This helps the students clear their respective entrance exam.

Speaking about the challenges, Yogesh says, “We know of no more difficult occupational challenge than that faced by a counsellor as he or she moves from their formal education into doing counselling. A physician can learn from other physicians how to set the broken leg so that the body’s systems will mend it. Then that physician can use that skill in his or her practice.” However, every counsellor brings a unique personality to the counselling situation and every client responds to that personality differently from every other counsellor. Yogesh adds, “And you as a counsellor respond to each client uniquely because of who they are! Each client-counsellor relationship is unique!”

According to Yogesh, “There are eight vital kinds of Intelligence by which one person differs from another. Though we have eight bits of intelligence, each one is developed in a particular way that makes us unique and different from each other. Multiple intelligence theory asserts that individuals with a high level of aptitude in a particular type of intelligence do not necessarily have a similar aptitude in any other type of intelligence. If a student has an interest, passion, skills and abilities in a particular career then he becomes a genius in that domain.”

Embracing the Technological Advancements

Endless Students Assistance

In this digital world, technology plays a significant role and Destiny Planners has excellent enforcement of technology. It has online career guidance platforms and

The aim of Destiny Planners is to develop the best interpersonal skill. This is done by understanding one’s natural character traits, identifying and further developing their core competencies. The team at Destiny Planners help its clients in making a proper plan to achieve their goals and live their dreams. It helps them identify the most suitable learning and leadership styles by discovering their own abilities and choosing the right career path.

April | 2020

Our mission is to touch lives by empowering people to achieve success and personal as well as professional happiness in future

At Destiny Planners, students are helped to set a smart goal according to their age and their talent. Concluding on this note, Yogesh says, “By giving them online student dashboard for monitoring their progress, we take a timely review and assign the best mentor for particular courses. It is done to help them get technical knowledge and for development in particular fields. We also provide job assistance across India.”T R


Rahul Puri Head of Academics


April | 2020

CXO Standpoint


Breeds the Right Information


t is everywhere in this day and age. Whether we like it or not, social media and the digital age means that we are bombarded by more information and news than any generation in history. At times the overload is so much that it is hard to focus on what is important much less try to figure out what indeed is the actual truth with so many conflicting stories circulating on a variety of platforms, all suggesting they have it ‘right’ and more importantly - ‘first’. We can blame all this on technology but the real culprits here are us. Using a wonderful and historic technology like the internet for such shameless purposes of selfpropagating messages to fulfil sometimes unscrupulous and many times greed based interests is extremely low but it is the reality of the world we live in so better that we learn how to distinguish the real from the fake and

April | 2020

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Rahul Puri is the Head of Academics of India’s finest film, communication and creative education institute, Whistling Woods International & Managing Director of India’s leading entertainment company, Mukta Arts Ltd. A business graduate from Kings College London, he started his career as an investment banker at UBS Warburg. Rahul Puri moved to Mumbai in 2002 and worked in the sector of Corporate Finance & Strategy before he joined Mukta Arts Ltd. to produce and distribute Indian films. Rahul contributes to all aspects of the company now including production, distribution, financing, marketing, and exhibition. He was keenly involved in the setup of Whistling Woods International and now is setting up and building out a chain of Cinemas under the brand name of Mukta A2 Cinemas.


the lies and falsehoods from actual facts. ‘Fake news’ is a way of life today with people ditching serious, well researched journalism and information that takes time to collate and verify with WhatsApp forwards that are instant and usually sensationalist and almost always, utter nonsense. So for the younger generation, which has not grown up relying on newspapers and Television coverage (which by the way is also quickly becoming corrupted by this ‘breaking news’ environment in a bid to stay relevant), their news sources are what they read on their smart phones through their social media platforms of choice or through their messaging apps that send and receive unverified information faster than the speed of thought. How then can education be positioned to help this generation distinguish the false narratives from the real truths? How do educators help young people read the information they are presented and ensure that they can spot the biases, slants and untruths strategically presented within to shift perceptions and alter our understanding of incidents and happenings to suit a few people with vested interests? Critical reasoning is something that must become compulsory in all schools so that students growing up can logically and rationally reason out things and thereby develop a sense of quickly understanding whether something that has been said, is likely true or not. This is a vital skill which is lacking in a majority of school curriculums which try to further the cause of memory-based knowledge of ‘facts’, which are destined to fade over time rather than giving young people the skill to quickly reason out a problem given to them and use simple techniques to judge the best course of action. Standard school curriculum should quickly move away from asking objective questions which rely on recall and head their assessments to subjective questions which call for opinion based on logical reasoning and choices which can then be reviewed and questioned by teachers. This gives young people the basic platform to approach the barrage of information which is flowing at them and rationalize what looks right and wrong quickly through simple logical questioning. Students must also be compelled to learn about the media. This seems strange because there are a number of courses like drama and film that are in some curriculum


and syllabus around the world but again, these are craft based teachings and not really teachings that focus on criticism of the media platform itself. It’s fine to learn to critique a piece of content, but what about critiquing the platform that distributes that particular content. A solid understanding of the media and the way it works, both as a platform as well as a business will give young people a solid education into what to be vary of and how to question the things that the media is circulating in the name of ‘fact’. This is extremely vital today with the expansion of digital media into our homes and personal spaces. What sources of information are credible? How to look for inconsistencies within text? How to spot bias in words, language, mannerisms, images, etc.? All these can be taught to young people in a means that gets them to question. The key here, which many of you have probably noticed, is for that teaching itself not to be biased or prejudiced in the first place or else students will see things only from the perspective lens of their faculty. However, once taught, these are skills that students can use to apply to their own judgements as well. And I have seen many a student over-turn their own opinion, which they believed well informed, after researching into a multitude of sources and removing their prism of bias that they viewed an incident through. It is critical therefore to first start this exercise by students themselves understanding that they can only open themselves up to searching for real information in this information overloaded age, once they are clear about what their own biases are. Everyone has them. You reading this, me writing it. We are all a function of our experiences and the things we have seen, read and heard around us. All rational and critical thinking begins when we question these in a way to remove the blinkers of myopia that constrains us. Then perhaps we can begin to see what is correct information and this is something only education and the removal of ignorance can do. Thus it is vital for schools and colleges to begin to build into their learning pedagogy an ability for students to shape their own individuality not just in creativity but first in the lens that they view the world around them in. This then makes all education and learning unique and valuable to every single student listening.

April | 2020

Curiosity An Aspect Essential to the Human Mind "My favorite words are possibilities, opportunities and curiosity. I think if you are curious, you create opportunities, and then if you open the doors, you create possibilities." - Mario Testino


uriosity is a word that speaks majorly of how a human’s mental growth is associated with this growing ability. It heavily relates to every general feature of an individual's development. This then creates in them a desire to gain more knowledge and skill about varied topics in life. This quality is seen when students are constantly exploring, grasping new information while asking relatable questions and seeking new learning experience. How Does it Benefit Students’? Being a part of society today, requires immense knowledge of a wide various subjects that may or may not be related to a specific stream of study. But with higher curiosity levels, it is observed that students spend a major amount of time in acquiring knowledge through many resources. This is where students feel the need to push themselves into the abyss of information. By not initiating curiosity or refuting it, it may build a gap between what they seem to know and what they want to know. Research has also showed how much it influences the overall performance of the students and the level of hard work they put into it. By doing so, the students start building


up adaptive behavior which helps them tolerate as well as revert to complex emotions such as anxiety, humor playfulness, out-of-the-box thinking and plenty of other attributes that are directly proportional to ideal social outcomes. Additionally, in a world today where technology is used immensely, students tend to become actively involved in learning more. This is where their individual curiosity is proved and shows how they are ready to push through to find answers to their own question. This in turn also build the ability in them to take individual decisions. Students by constantly building up their curiosity are not only benefiting on the academic front, but in their future careers as well. Plenty of industry experts speak of how curiosity is the key element of a successful organizations. But, it’s also a necessity to ensure that the students do not get too carried away and use their curiosity in a regulated manner. The Onset of Curiosity – Allowing Further Growth of Mind Curiosity needs to be built using various factors, and not just topics that are unrelated. It needs to involve past experiences and a vast knowledge bank

where a thought pattern is formed in the mind of the students. They can themselves observe how well selfdirection is utilized as they seek to understand things. Ways to Stimulate Curiosity Among Students • Asking Questions – Initiating questions that begin with a ‘why’ can help in bringing the questions into students' minds. The answers to such questions are also the ones that involve greater levels of engagement than just direct fact bases questions. This helps in inciting deeper interest towards the subject or topic among them. • Reward Curiosity – The best way to do so, is to feed the concept into their minds and eventually reward them for their rising curiosity. A reward system is always efficient as students start relating their rise in curiosity to being given compliments for the same. This also gives them a push to go even further into the topics without any external influence. • Make it Okay to ‘not know’ things – A lot of students hesitate in showing their lack of knowledge but making them do so will effectively get rid of this thought. The implementation of April | 2020

Editor’s Pick

assessment-based learning may tend to create an illusion in the students' mind that they do indeed know things. This is where things may start getting difficult for them when they may have doubts about newer subjects. Educators can work towards reassuring the students that not knowing something is alright if they are able to question it in the right way. Sessions at the end of class where they can ask any doubts no matter how basic they maybe are are helpful. It can help in getting them past the initial hesitation and gives them assurance that no doubt is silly. • Use more relatable current events – news reports are always intriguing and also easily grab people’s attention. Using them to relate to the subject will easily help students ask purposeful questions. They in turn help in unearthing whatever is beneath the surface of the reports which leads into cultivating curiosity as a habit. • Teach Students to be Skeptics – The term skeptic literally means to look around, enquire or explore. This challenges the students comfort zone and is in fact a great method to increase curiosity levels. Looking at the world, it is clear that human kind has come this far using the one quality and that has created a wide range of changes. Being keen about learning new things will always be the key factor in new creations and inventions which will be beneficial to the people as well as the world. T R

April | 2020


schools. The four pillars of the organization are Counselling, Alumni Management, Psychometric Assessments & Research Tools, and University Guidance. The Role Model Jaideep Gupta, the Founder & CEO holds a Masters’s degree in Business Administration from the reputed Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies. There, he was chosen for the prestigious Global Leadership Program in Finance & Strategy (FMP) by General Electric. But, his instincts drove him towards his passion to become an entrepreneur. While studying in prestigious institutions like IIT, Kanpur, University of Michigan, and working in various education domains, Jaideep’s passion in the education sector grew more intense. This ultimately made him devote himself entirely to education and subsequently establish Univariety.


t doesn’t matter whether one excelled academically or not. Every student has a unique ability and a set of skills that cannot be taken away.

What matters more is how well we can include the skill set of every student and focus on individual ability. Students need constant encouragement to be able to really build on their skills. And, this approach can be systemically enhanced for every student through career counselling- an art of understanding the pain points of the students. It can guide the student with advice and roadmaps for a successful career. Univariety, an Ed-tech company, established in the year 2011, has adopted this approach and is doing some phenomenal work. The organization addresses the gaps in career guidance for school students. It offers tech-enabled career guidance and alumni management solutions to


According to Jaideep’s comprehensive knowledge and general insight into education, “Education is not an industry, it is a concept, a concept which has the power to impact the lives of millions of students, parents, and educators.” With his persistence and determined focus, Univariety has emerged as a leading tech-based career guidance platform in India. Jaideep’s vision has provided access to Guidance and Counselling to thousands of students, counsellors, educators, and parents across India. Jaideep has taken Guidance to students beyond metros and reached the deeper pockets of the country including tier 2 and tier 3 towns like Ghatsila in Jharkhand, Jammu, and Indore among hundreds of other cities. He strongly believes, “Access to Guidance is as fundamental as Education. Why should students in tier 2 and 3 cities not have access to world-class Career Guidance?” Jaideep, under his leadership, has optimized the Univariety’s counselling function. He has delivered his best, partnering with global brands like UCLA Extension to

April | 2020

provide Indian teachers access to the Global Career Counsellor certification.

company which has pioneered the use of technology in education, right from the level of schools.

Jaideep’s next brainchild of providing an Alumni Management and Engagement System to Schools has already found takers in some of India’s best schools. ‘The world’s greatest Learning Institutions like Harvard and IIT recognize that they are only as good as their Alumni. However, with regard to the Indian education scenario, Jaideep feels, “Indian schools need to recognize that their biggest success story is their Alumni who serve several key purposes other than fundraising.”

Its team of expert counsellors guide the students through a virtual mode regardless of time and place. Its services can be also accessed through a mobile app that contains tools that offer different functionalities in terms of guidance from counsellors and alumni. Learn more,

Metrics that Matter

Through effective career counselling and guidance, the organization has produced many jewels in its 9-year-longjourney. Its website, helps in

Univariety creates post-school college planning systems within schools in India and abroad. It guides thousands of school students to plan their career. The organization until now has created a strong network of over 4,00,000 connections throughout India. Its guidance solutions act as a comprehensive platform for 600+ premier schools and their students across India. The organization has partnered with UCLA Extension endorsing its flagship ‘Global Career Counsellor’ certification for teachers, psychologists, and career counsellors. With this globally acclaimed certification, Univariety holds up a network of more than 5000 certified Global Career Counsellors. Read more here: In the recognition of its inclusive efforts to guide the students, Univariety, in late 2017, received a funding of $1.9 mn from the Info Edge Group- India’s premier online classifieds company. In March 2020, Univariety raised $1.1 million from Info Edge. This is the second investment that Info Edge has made within two years. Remarkably, Univariety with its media partner Fortune India and PwC, the process advisors, have conceptualized first of its kind certification, named ‘Future 50 Schools Shaping Success’. The initiative aims to recognize the efforts put in by schools in crafting student careers and shaping their success in the advancing world. The initiative involves a transparent evaluation process. As a result, in its very first edition, the initiative witnessed engagement from over 600+ schools. Read more here: Leveraging Technology

upskilling students, parents, counsellors and educators with a wide range of offerings. Students can choose the product that best suits their career interests and work towards their dream college and job. A Unique Approach It is important to make students mentally prepared and understand what it takes to lead a promising life. A platform, ‘Student journey’ is set to equip the students with skills that enable them to effortlessly crack entrance and other competitive examinations. Also, it aims to make the students employable to meet the global job market challenges. It helps them get admitted to reputed colleges and institutions across the country and abroad. The process of career guidance at ‘Student journey’ differs for every grade as the journey of students of every grade is unique. Students are assessed by expert counsellors, psychometric tests & research tools, and through professional roadmaps. Your questions about career options will be definitely answered, click here

Univariety is the largest and fastest-growing ed-tech

April | 2020


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