The Philippines is a country of
hills, mountains, beautiful beaches, and clearly intelligent and beautiful people. However, its lush green vegetation, fertile lands, and conspicuous volcanoes hide its rich ancient and modern history.
th In the 19 century, the country welcomed some of the powerhouses from Europe. After a number of powerhouses across the world had their eyes for these beautiful landscapes, the power dynamics of the country had been shifting abruptly from one crown to another.
In the process of these powershifts, the common people of the Philippines
faced continuous struggles with sustainability and growth. While the other parts of the world reported significant advancements, the Philippines was often left stranded, dripping with blood while ushering through its fair share of struggles. But its resilient socio-political demography made it a powerhouse in the making, backed by some of the most prominent leaders across the world.
However, in this transition process from being suppressed to being a dominant country in its region, the Philippines made it clear that any government, whether that be of Ferdinand Marcos—who introduced the famous Martial Law—or that of
Joseph Estrada, the power that juggled from one extreme ideology to other, made it difficult for the Philippines as a whole to stand for themselves.
In the midst of all the uncertainties caused around, the common people of the Philippines had the nerve to dethrone a government out of power and form a new one that aligns with their ideology. With such complex dynamics shifting constantly, their emerged a fearless state of the Philippines ready to take on the world.
Today, Philippines stands together for its common people with the help of some prominent superpowers, fighting the country's various power dynamics. Having said that, amid this transition period that was observed by the world, there is something very interesting to note: the Philippines had some of the best education and university system in thst the 20 and early 21 centuries.
Interesting, isn't it?
Well, in this contemporary world where the Philippines already have
global influence, the country houses some of the best educational institutions that are the source of transition.
Recognizing this incredible education system that is defining, redefining, and re-redefining the political and social turbulence of the country, we at The Knowledge Review ventured out to find - The 5 Best Educational Institutes in Philippines, 2022 , and the Republic of the Philippines did not disappoint.
Flip through the pages of this informative edition and know the ten best education institutes present in the country. Also, scan through the articles penned down by our in-house editorial team to further enhance your knowledge about the education system in the Philippines.
Philippines: An Ideal Destination for International Student
Bringing Culture and Nature’s Study to Educational Spotlight
Building the Present and Moulding the Future
Specialized and Organized Act of Gathering Physical Data
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Mariano Marcos State University mmsu.edu.ph
Philippine Carabao Center at Central Luzon State University dge.upd.edu.ph
Training Center for Applied Geodesy and Photogrammetry
Kalinga State University uap.asia
University of Asia and the Pacific
Kalinga State University is an prominent university in Philippines aiming to enhace the education system for nation builders. pcc.gov.ph
MMSU’s mandate is to provide advanced instruction in the arts, agricultural and natural sciences, and technological and professional fields.
The Philippine Carabao Center (PCC), operating as an attached agency of the Department of Agriculture, is mandated to conserve, propagate, and promote the Carabao as a source of milk, meat, draft power and hide to benefit the rural farmers.
The Training Center for Applied Geodesy and Photogrammetry, established in 1964 as the research and extension arm of the Department of Geodetic Engineering, continues to be a center of excellence for education, training and research in the fields of surveying and mapping in the Philippines.
The University of Asia and the Pacific is a private, not-for-profit institution of higher learning that offers some of the most outstanding academic programs in Asia.
"Utilize innovative and creative methods, strategies, and technologies to find solutions to problems and formulate and implement decisions " - Dr. Eduardo T. Bagtang.
Human beings are a fantastic creation of nature, and their minds are breaching the boundaries by bringing new innovative technologies. Highlighting the advancements brought by technology, the education sector is adopting various technology-driven changes initiating ways to enhance the education for the students by personalizing the learning experience and focusing more on culture and nature's study.
Many prominent universities across the world are guiding the students to deal with the natural calamities. To determine such advanced education, Kalinga State University is also adopting and diversifying its lifelong learning in natural disasters and cultural research.
The university aims to empower the students to fulfill their academic and professional passions and engages them in diverse perspectives by holding their values and beliefs as ethical practice locally or globally in an institution that is diverse, welcoming, and inclusive for all students, faculty, and staff.
In quest of finding The 5 Best Educational Institutions in the Philippines, 2022 , we came across Dr. Eduardo T. Bagtang, the President of Kalinga State University. Shedding some light on the detailed insights and approach of the university, he also shared his vision for the future of the university.
The Bigwig's Journey
Born with the leadership qualities, Dr. Eduardo T. Bagtang is a fullfledged Professor and the President at Kalinga State University. Before joining the University, Dr. Bagtang was a member of the Philippine Presidential Management Staff from 1987 to 1994.
As an academic leader, he won various awards at regional, national, and international levels, and recently he received the "Outstanding Educator 2022" award from the Province of Kalinga. He is also a recipient of the 2018 Chief Marketing Officer Asia's Education Leadership Excellence Award as well as the Education th Leadership Award during the 4 Asia's Best B-School Awards in Singapore.
Dr. Bagtang is a prominent leader who encourages the university's quality and innovative academic programs. The program's initiatives and institutional accreditation raised the SUC (State Universities and Colleges) University's status from Level II to III. As a project leader, he pilots research projects on climate change, indigenous ecological conservation, and induced landslide susceptibility, which were funded by external agencies. Program complementation from other agencies and linked with government agencies which strengthened the development pursuit of the university.
He has published his research workon Farming Management, Landslide Susceptibility, and many more. Dr. Bagtang is also associated with local and foreign establisheds. He also participated in advanced leadership training and fellowships, including the prestigious ASEAN Leaders' Program.
Kalinga State University in 1974 Kalinga Community College of Trade and Industries KCCTI, which offered vocational courses in poultry, piggery, garments, trades, and native loom weaving.
On December 15, 2015, the Philippine Commission on Higher Education
The 5 Best Educational Institutes in Philippines, 2022
granted the university status under the provisions of R.A. 10584; now, the university indulges the students in various subjects such as agriculture, forestry, social and natural sciences, and technology.
Apart from the arts, science, law, criminology, governance, business, and computer studies, the Kalinga State University offers 29 other bachelor's programs and six graduate degree programs in business administration, public administration, education, and rural development. It also offers the Juris Doctor Program.
These courses have been provided in every Kalinga University extension. However, the main campus of the prestigious Kalinga State University is in Tabuk city, and the other two expanding campuses are in Dagupan and Rizal.
For developing the farmers, rural and urban communities, the university has been mandated to conduct research on a priority basis with the help of appropriate technology for increasing agro-industrial productivity. It also seeks to develop sustainable knowledge, economically viable, socially acceptable, and environmentfriendly technologies, which support local, regional, national, and international priorities.
The research and extension activities include unique projects such as Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Practices, Watershed management, Indigenous people studies, climate change, disaster risk reduction, and landslide training for communities and nonexpert people.
Furthermore, to improve the quality of services, the university collaborates with local and international agencies to promote the visibility and capability of the university in segments of instruction, research, and extension.
Kalinga State University focuses on bringing innovative technologies into the education sector and promoting various research and extension programs.
A Knowledge and Technology Hub in the Asia-Pacific Region
Kalinga State University shall primarily provide higher and advanced education, professional instruction, and training in arts, agriculture, forestry, social or natural sciences, technology, and other fields of study. It also promotes research and extension services and provides progressive leadership in its areas of specialization.
strong will and determination to face the tasks and responsibilities in dealing with complex realities to make lives better for others and themselves.
To attain its vision-mission, KSU always adheres to excellent governance in all its endeavors and treats all its clientele and employees with kindness and compassion to promote a strong sense of serviceorientedness and commitment; it also fosters unity or love for nature and humanity .
When we asked about the priorities of their institution in terms of course objectives and student learning, the attributes mentioned are creatively expressed in EC²LiPSE:
Ÿ Effective Teamwork- The University works well with others and can understand and access people's behavior, attitudes, and interpersonal skills.
Ÿ Culturally Competent - Engaging students in diverse cultural and Indigenous perspectives in global and local settings.
Lifelong Learners - Manifest strong will and determination to face the tasks and responsibilities in dealing with complex realities to make lives better for others and themselves
Ÿ Professionally Competent - KSU demonstrates the understanding and mastery of the fundamental knowledge and skills required for effective professional practice in the specialization.
Socially and Ethically Responsible - The University holds the personal values and beliefs as professional ethics with Filipino family values, industry-desired values, and global citizen values,
A quality assurance office of the university looks after the internal and external quality systems through institutional and program accreditation.
The officers are guided by the University Quality Management System, which provides the policies and mechanisms to comply with regulatory and statutory requirements at all levels.
The University arranges various extracurricular and co-curricular development activities for the student's interpersonal growth. Sports, cultural performances, literary competitions in educational clubs, talent shows,
spelling bees, writing competitions, debates, mock trials, school newspapers, and drama productions are some of the university's activities. All these activities are arranged by the student services and placement services office.
To prepare the students for the future, they have developed essential centers and the facility. The innovation center, birthing clinic, ICT center, campus library, student center, central laboratory, speech laboratories, food technology center, gymnasium, research centers, sports oval, and fitness center, to name a few.
Kalinga State University intends to make a heroical venture to address the emerging trends in higher education and explore strategies for international students studying in Kalinga, International collaboration among education and research institutes, Intercultural Development, Academic Mobility, Inclusive education through online or distance education, and nontraditional delivery modes.
Dr. Eduardo T. Bagtang President, Kalinga State UniversityThe University also created the Office of Distance Education, Transnational Education, and International Linkages in 2017. The enormous task of the university was the intentional steps of assimilation of an international, intercultural, or global extent into the purpose, functions, and services of the university to enhance the quality of teaching and research for all students and staff to enable them to make a meaningful contribution in the society.
KSU has endorsed an agreement with regional organizations such as the Association of Universities in Asia and the Pacific (AUAP) and the University Mobility in the Asia-Pacific (UMAP) for massive collaborations. The
ASEAN partnership with the university has been explored aggressively.
Special Awards, Accreditations, and Achievements of KSU
Being a renowned university, the Kalinga State University has received many awards and accolades to make it the best university; now, we will present a few of its achievements :
Ÿ Evaluated as State University and Colleges Level III.
The outstanding performance of physical and financial aspects as evaluated by the Regional Department of Budget and Management.
The CHED awarded grants to establish the Geophysical Information Service center and Kalinga Cultural Heritage Studies and Edu-tourism Center.
Three programs are certified as Level IV by the Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities in the Philippines (AACCUP).
DOST awarded grants for the Modernization of Engineering Laboratory to cope with global challenges.
Kalinga State University is in the top 101-200 WURI Ranking 2022.
When inquired about the university's future, Dr. Bagtang said, "Kalinga State University envisions empowering the students to fulfill their academic and professional passions and welcoming inclusive education for all students, faculty, and staff. The collaborative environment is open to the free exchange of ideas, where research, creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship can flourish and achieve their full potential."
In Summation, Kalinga State University's unconventional inspiration for education is diversifying the segments that provide a sense of accountability, independence, and community interdependence among the students.
rosperous with culture, the Philippines is a country with a core of hospitality. It is surrounded by people's friendliness and the peace and beauty of nature; it makes a perfect spot for a relaxed stay.
Growing with time, the country has acquired recognition from tourists across the world. This tourism is not only for entertainment but also has majorly developed for studies. Educational tourism has increased in the Philippines considerably over the past few years. This could be seen as a consequence of its natural environment, inclusive culture, and excellent educational facilities.
Studying abroad is one of the most common options considered by the students of a new age, as a popular belief is not only to learn from the best institutions but also to learn from surrounding and people. Considering this, one of the places that could excel in providing the best educational environment and facilities to students has to be the Philippines.
If you are considering studying abroad, this might be an indication directing you to your destination: The Philippines
The Philippines' education is on similar lines to the world and yet differs a little. The programs provided usually take a similar amount of time. The undergraduate degree in the country takes up to four years. However, the country's medical education program is longer than most parts of the world, which takes approximately 5 to 7 years to complete.
Considering the American influence on the country, one of its official languages is English. This has resulted in most of the educational programs being taught in English, which is a benedictory factor for international students who communicate in English.
With comfort for learning, many institutions in the country provide different scholarships to international students, encouraging their studies. In addition to this is the reasonable fee structure provided by most institutions.
With studies in budget and affordable education, the Philippines is one of the popular destinations for studies. This is encouraged more with the private universities providing special provisions for international students. It
offers students a platter full of various courses and programs to choose from.
With around 1,949 higher education institutions, finding the right school or institution for studies in the Philippines is an easy task. However, making a choice of one from the selected institutions could be difficult.
With such a wide range of institutions available, students can choose a school best suited for them. This also involves factors such as environment, culture, and adaptability of the school apart from excellence in education.
Efficient Cost of Living
Settling in any area in the Philippines has an affordable cost of living compared to other countries. The average cost of living for an individual in Manila, the capital of the Philippines, is around $580, which is about 28200PHP per month. This cost of living becomes lower outside Manila; though it does not include the rent, it still is quite affordable.
Many students are eligible for international scholarships, which differ from institution to institution and could prove beneficial to international students. This could prove helpful for students in managing expenses.
It is said that an individual is a representation of culture, and the Philippine people are known to be friendly; thus no doubt that the country is rich in culture. One could find themselves easily adapting to the people's culture and lifestyle of the locals.
As a diverse nation, the Philippines has dozens of regional languages and three official languages. Renowned for their hospitality and their welcoming
attitude, finding reliable friends would not be an issue.
Exploring Relaxation in 2000 Ways Home to different religions, ethnicities, and native languages, the Philippines is a beautiful place to explore. It has 2000 accessible islands out of 7600 of its islands. This provides cultural assimilation, leisure fun, and a perfect opportunity to relax and take a break from a week full of educational exhaustion.
Strong historical evidence could be seen throughout the country in the form of century-old churches, fortresses, gardens, and museums. It proves to be one of the eminent places for history lovers.
As one of the fastest-growing economies in the world and performing at the top in Southeast Asia, the Philippines has given birth to numerous growth opportunities for students.
These opportunities include different internships and job opportunities. Bearing opportunities for businesses, it is a good place to practice the skills and even start a start-up.
The Philippines, as an educational attraction, provides students with more than academic education; it provides them with practical knowledge, experience, and a feeling of belonging. It is a place of nature and beauty with history and ethnicity. It is a perfect destination for students to learn about life and to study.
- Chaitali VairateLLearning, unlearning, and
relearning. These are the st essential skills for the 21 century that educators across the world try to inculcate in today's learners. Research and communication play a crucial role in this process, especially in higher education practices. Universities worldwide know this too well, and the University of Asia and Pacific (UA&P) has let out its sails to take on the challenge.
To begin with, this private not-forprofit Philippine university has for its forerunner the prominent Center for Research and Communication (CRC), an economic think tank established by Dr. Jesus P. Estanislao and Dr. Bernardo M. Villegas, both alumni of Harvard University, together with a small group of young professionals. CRC offered graduate courses in economics and gradually expanded its reach with its innovative academic programs. In 1995, the Commission on Higher Education granted CRC a university status. Since then, CRC has become known as the University of Asia and the Pacific or UA&P.
Having started its journey in the field of education in 1967, UA&P continues to abide by its educational principles: UA&P believes that the primary purpose of education is the integral formation of the human person, the fullest development of everything that
is human in the individual… Hence, the University dedicates itself to the highest standards of professional excellence in our academic, scientific and cultural endeavors; the inculcation of sound and time-tested human and social values and attitudes in people; and the arduous but most spiritually rewarding pursuit of wisdom, the synthesis of love of God and knowledge, faith and reason, culture and life.
In a conversation with UA&P President Dr Winston Conrad B. Padojinog , the man at the helm of UA&P shares the different learning initiatives started and adopted by the University that completes the integral development of its students in this modern world.
The world has gone through some major changes since the COVID-19 pandemic started. With the impetus provided by the pandemic for a swift shift toward standardizing the academic process, the University has curated an outcome-based student learning program for holistic development.
"One of the key developments has been the collection of data on academic operations and academic performance in a single platform—our learning management system—which has given
us the opportunity to do a deeper review of what is going on in our University," says Dr. Padojinog.
"We are developing a new framework for teaching practice across the institution that is very explicitly geared towards measuring learning outcomes—in both quantitative and qualitative ways—and away from the 'content delivery' practices that have been prevalent in educational institutions for a very long time now. This entails a multi-year campaign to
help both teachers and students shift their focus from 'performance' (test scores, etc.) to learning outcomes."
Homegrown Leader
There is always something special about the leaders that climb up the ladder in their own playground. Similar is the story of the fourth President of the University of Asia and Pacific, Dr Winston Conrad B. Padojinog.
He has served the University in various capacities and handled many important positions at the University. All these opportunities provided him with the credentials, credibility, and competence to lead the University, which is committed to building brilliant academicians, researchers, and st administrators for the 21 century.
"His wealth of knowledge on industrial economics and strategic management has exposed him to the external and practical working as a consultant and policy adviser to industry, businesses, government units, and policymakers. It has presented to him direct and practical experiences related to management and leadership knowledge, skills, and mindset that has allowed UA&P to stay relevant and a step ahead in meeting urgent yet unserved societal needs," observes a university official about Dr. Padojinog.
The introduction of LMS has allowed
the University to centralize the course delivery and student activity, along with maintaining the high quality of education in UA&P. The university officials have highlighted that in the next few years, the focus will be on assisting the academic managers with the help of data collected to monitor and improve teaching practices and achieve the expected learning outcome in all of the departments of the University.
Talking about how the University plans to inculcate quality education in its curriculum driven by data, the University President notes, "Data is not the end-all and be-all of our efforts. We still believe in the value of a liberal arts curriculum as a foundation for our various specializations, so we continue fostering a teaching culture that is focused on developing skills such as critical thinking, effective communication, and other skills st required for the 21century."
UA&P believes that the primary purpose of education is the integral formation of the human person, the fullest development of everything that is human in the individual.
There are organizations for writers, theatre artists, dance enthusiasts, musicians and music producers, environmental conservationists, entrepreneurs, scholars, public speakers, ideathon seekers, student leaders, science lovers, peer counsellors, athletes, and mass servers.
UA&P offers a diverse selection of activities, development programs, and volunteer opportunities for students who aim to optimize their UA&P experience. The University advocates responsible participation in student government, student publications, student organizations, and varsity teams and sports clubs. These combine to address the various needs of students and provide an atmosphere conducive to personal learning and growth. The annual Unitas Awards recognizes the accomplishments of achieving student interest groups, associations, and guilds.
Emphasizing on the different personal interests and hobbies that the University provides venues for the students to explore, a student affairs officer mentions, "There are organizations for writers, theatre artists, dance enthusiasts, musicians and music producers, environmental
conservationists, entrepreneurs, scholars, public speakers, ideathon seekers, student leaders, science lovers, peer counsellors, athletes, and mass servers."
Academic Excellence Beyond Geographical Boundaries st Global exposure in this 21 century has become the need to excel in any spectrum of life. Even for the principle of learning, unlearning, and relearning, global exposure has been identified as a deciding factor. In that view, UA&P has developed a robust student exchange program with partner universities across Asia, the Pacific, Europe, and Latin America. Moreover, the University of Asia and the Pacific is also a member of several international associations that provide opportunities for mobility in learning beyond geographical boundaries.
Preparing the Present for the Future UA&P provides students access to several online platforms and resources
that help them become more productive wherever they go. At their fingertips are sets of communication and collaboration tools designed to facilitate learning and a better university experience.
More important, however, is the Student Mentoring Program of UA&P, which is an intrinsic part of the University's liberal education. Through this program, the University offers interdisciplinary industry-relevant knowledge, skills, and values which are reinforced on a one-to-one personal level.
Moreover, the mentoring sessions may occur twice a month and on a regular basis. The conversations between the student and mentor are kept confidential, which helps the student to reflect upon, assess, evaluate, and integrate their learning skills and experiences. This way, under the guidance of the mentor, the student is
benefited from upskilling their intellectual skills and moral criteria.
The University President explains why the University has chosen this path to develop a holistic future for its students. Dr. Padojinog states, "Part of a student's integral formation is a deeper understanding of themselves and their growth in spiritual life. Hence, we encourage students to meet their mentors and to take advantage of the many other opportunities for intellectual and spiritual growth that the University provides."
Envisioning the future of the University, Dr Winston Conrad B. Padojinog asserts, "UA&P will continue to cater to both the local and global labor markets and respond to the needs of the labor force in the Fourth Industrial Revolution."
"I imagine our University to be an excellent example of the integration of knowledge, pedagogy, and technology. In-classroom presence will be complemented with other learning modalities, such as on-the-job training, collaboration with other schools, participation in competitions, etc. In short, hybrid education will be the norm," he further adds.
"The qualifications of the faculty and administrative staff will include indepth knowledge and familiarity with the use of digital technology and its seamless integration with knowledge and pedagogy. Upskilling and reskilling of the faculty will be critical for a successful hybrid program. Our digitized administrative services will be end to end—from marketing to admission, registration, enrollment, schooling, and all the way to graduation and alumni engagement," he explains.
Ÿ "Outstanding Position Paper Award" and the "Distinguished Delegation Award" at National Model United Nations in New York, the world's largest and oldest ongoing intercollegiate Model UN.
Ÿ Grand Champions of the Asian Business Case Competition 2021. Becoming the first Philippine team to have ever won in the 13-year history of Asia's largest sustainability case competition.
UA&P is one of 15 Philippine universities now among the best higher education institutions in the world, according to the 2022 Times Higher Education Impact Rankings.
UA&P Institute of Law achieved a 100% passing rate in the 2021-2021 Bar Examinations.
UA&P School of Law and Governance faculty member Atty. Joel Arzaga was awarded the Viktor Frankl Award in recognition of his contributions to the formation of young people from the Asia Pacific region and for his public advocacy for the right to life and for the sanctity of marriage and the family.
Ÿ The London-based International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC), which seeks to establish integrated reporting and thinking within the mainstream business practice, has appointed UA&P Center for Social Responsibility Executive Director Mr Colin L. Hubo as one of its global ambassadors.
This led schools to find a way to ensure that students learn from their homes, and technology played a huge role in the initiative. Online schools were started,
and education resumed at an equal pace. The adaption of various technologies and interaction between institutions, faculty, and students was remarkable as well. After the end of the deadly pandemic, institutions have continued the use of technology more inclusively than ever before.
Currently, the role of technology in education has increased. It has bought the best mentors and institutions within a click's reach, enclosing the world with a friendly technology globe.
Technological induction in education has introduced flexibility in the learning process. It has made learning possible from any corner of the world, and the pre-recorded lectures can be heard at any convenient time.
Not only this but technology also allows institutions to connect with mentors and famous personalities abroad through video calls. This provides students with mentorship and excellent knowledge of experts.
This allows the learner to go through the entire learning experience once again at a similar pace resulting in better understanding. Along with this, it cuts down the chances of a student missing lectures and thus studies.
Today's technology provides students with the opportunity to engage in some famous certification courses and internships across the world from the comfort of their homes. This proves to be an excellent learning experience for students helping them learn from the best mentors.
The learning process is supposed to involve both the teachers and the
students equally rather than one giving and the other receiving, which is the traditional method of learning. This provides an intimate experience of learning as the feeling of being talked to on a personal level is created.
The discussions in online classes provide better opportunities for introverted students who do not prefer to speak in the presence of a class. This also leads to the discussion on the subject becoming interesting and active involvement.
It is important to understand that every student is different and has different strengths and weaknesses. For the best in the individual, it is important to focus on the students and know how to deal with their weaknesses. This personalized program could be delivered to all the students personally via official websites of institutions or collaborated websites that make this possible.
Embracing Individual Diversity
Paying attention to every individual is as important as understanding their differences. Schools are paying special attention to this factor and have helped students by connecting with them.
Schools have introduced online modes of interaction between teachers and students through official websites, ensuring the help and privacy of students. It has made it possible to connect to every individual on a personal level while maintaining equality through a diversity of talents. Not only this, but the facility also provides support to teachers to keep tabs on students' development, helping them further.
Better Understanding Studies have suggested that the use of
technology, especially virtual teaching, could increase the concentration of students. Hence, using video graphics and other visual teaching methods could help development.
This is a visible effect of technology in the educational sector. Not only does it catch students' attention for a greater amount of time, but it also makes the learning experience more fun and enjoyable.
The new generation of students has incorporated the use of the internet and other technological equipment in their studies on a larger scale. This has made the collection of information easy for them. It has also provided students and teachers with numerous options to display and present their projects and works.
Change of Exam Style
Online examinations today have replaced the traditional method of exams. Many schools and colleges prefer to conduct their examinations online. These examinations are conducted under strict regulations and are easier for students to access from different places, hence providing students with an opportunity to give exams even from vacation destinations!
In this ever-evolving world of technology, technological touch on the education sector has proved positive for the development of students and teachers. This development has the ability to bring about change in almost every sector of the world as leaders are being created in the institutions. There definitely is a lot more to be explored.
- Chaitali Vairate
"Share your dreams and they will be inspired. Plant seed of knowledge and they will grow and reproduce beyond measures."
- Terry A. O'Neal.
WWhy is education so necessary in everyone's life? It provides you with a vision to be a leader. If you plant the seed of the knowledge, it will grow to be the powerhouse of wisdom for generations to come. For instance, when people intend to buy anything, they research and learn about it before buying. Similarly, education is the seed of knowledge that grants a person to be independent and offers him or with the power to take decisions.
Primarily, education started with the aim of educating humans about life. However, over time, as the world's needs changed, the need for education also changed. Today, people have the liberty to choose the type of education they want. And modern pedagogies in the education sector with the inclusion of personalized learning have brought more clarity and flexibility to learning, making the entire process of learning a fun one.
In this modern era, management, engineering, and arts are some of the most prominent courses that many students opt for. However, apart from these standard courses, the Bachelor of Science in a Geodetic Engineering
degree program is one of the professional courses in which students innate physical data on the surface of the earth using precision instruments in a professional and organized way.
Out of the several universities offering bachelorette programs in geodetic engineering, UP Department of Geodetic Engineering (UP DGE) and Training Centre for Applied Geodesy and Photogrammetry (TCAGP) is the country's leading institute based in the Philippines. The institute provides advanced creative and innovative geospatial solutions for developing society's lifestyle.
In a conversation with The Knowledge Review , the UP DGE and TCAGP's current Chairman and Director, Dr Jak Sarmiento, shared his learning experiences and future goals and highlighted the institute's upcoming endeavours.
The institute was established in 1925 as the School of Surveying in the UP College of Engineering as an academic unit offering the Associate in Surveying Program. In 1937, the institute revised the associate program to a full-blown Bachelor of Science in Geodetic Engineering Degree Program, leading to the establishment of the UP DGE.
In 1964, the institute formed and integrated the Training Centre for Applied Geodesy and Photogrammetry (TCAGP) with the UP DGE as a research or extension branch of the department.
The TCAGP develops the capacity of the DGE in nation-building by offering high-impact capacity building or research and development services and partnering with the government, private, and the international community.
Being the country's leading institution in geospatial research and instruction, it serves the nation by grooming the aspirants through its undergraduate and graduate degree programs and various training modules. Since its formal establishment, the department and centre have continuously enhanced their resources through constant faculty development and facility up-gradation to meet the nation's growing demands and be the solution provider for the challenges in the global community. Today, UP DGE and TCAGP continue to be the centre of excellence for education, training and research in geodetic and geomatics engineering in the Philippines.
Dr Jak Sarmiento is an astute leader leading the Geodetic Engineering department.
During the pandemic, he led the Department through the difficult restrictions while maintaining a very high standard of faculty, staff and student care. It was because of these unparallel managerial skills he managed to retain the faculty, staff, and students.
Under Dr Sarmiento's guidance, the institute's department maintained high productivity in research and development. He has initiated and added two more research laboratories, while a new one is under construction as you read this.
His experience and network contributed to expanding the departments' reach locally and internationally, bringing more engagement in the field of geodetic engineering. This ultimately exposed students to a holistic learning experience while enhancing the budget and taking essential measures to smoothen the administrative process.
Insights and Expeditions
'Honor and Excellence' are the core values which are also the founding stone of UP DGE & TCAGP. Further, Dr Sarmiento shared the institute's insights (vision) and expeditions (mission).
The UP DGE & TCAGP's banner is Tracing the Past. Scaling the Present. Charting the Future. The department's foresight is to be a global geodetic and geomatics engineering institution-advancing honour and excellence in education, research, and service to society.
The mission is embodied in these three statements.
To nurture honourable, globally competitive, and socially
responsible geodetic and geomatics professionals.
To advance creative and innovative geospatial solutions for enhancing society's quality of life. Ÿ
To partner with fellow institutions, agencies, and communities in nation-building.
The UP DGE and TCAGP designed flexible courses in compliance to the Washington Accord of the International Engineering Alliance.
The department listed specializations endeavours are:
Land administration and real estate valuation, land surveying and subdivision planning
Classical and applied geodesy
Navigation, positioning, and timing
Remote sensing
Light detection and ranging
Digital cartography and mapping
Disaster informatics for risk reduction and response
Environmental Modelling and simulation
Geographic information systems and visualization
Infrastructure and environmental management
Natural resource monitoring and development
UP DGE and TCAGP is one of the
To nurture honorable, globallycompetitive and socially-responsible geodetic and geomatics professionals.
premier national research universities, and it provides rigorous academic and practical training to students and trainees. It provides students, trainees, faculty members, and staff with a constructive and conducive culture with an environment for productive learning.
A Glance Towards the Magnified Global Exposures of the Institute
The institute has many comprehensive Bachelor of Science in Geodetic Engineering (BSGE) courses highlighting the advancements in the fields of surveying, mapping, cartography, geodesy, and geomatics. These are very inclusive programs that help the students to get excellent exposure all over the world.
Apart from the bachelor's courses, the institute also offers the Master of Science program in Geomatics Engineering (MSGmE). This course has three specialization tracks to focus on the student's expertise and efforts in completing their graduate research thesis.
These specialization tracks are as follows:
Applied Geodesy
Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry
In a conversation with Dr Sarmiento, he shared that the institute has the ladder for the growth of the students in their upcoming future and said, "The institute's academic training itself builds the students' skills for the reallife problem. The trainees and students are mentored through their inclusive research and development projects and industry partners."
The institute has seven thematic research laboratories: Ÿ Applied Geodesy and Space Technology (AGST) Research Laboratory
Research and Development Laboratory for Computational Geodesy (CGRD) Ÿ Environmental Systems Applications of Geomatics Engineering (EnviSAGE) Laboratory
Geodesy and Satellite Altimetry (GeoSA) Laboratory
Geomatics for Sustainability and Renewable Energy (SuRE) Laboratory Ÿ Geosimulation Research (GeoSim) Laboratory
collaborates with various government agencies and some private practitioners. The department acquired state-of-the-art equipment, which is used for better simulation and the practice of the profession and to advance the level of local geodetic and geomatics research.
The institute considers extra-curricular activities as an important element in driving student engagement in the institute. Here are some of the initiatives that the institute takes to maintain a higher engagement rate, as highlighted by Dr. Sarmiento: Ÿ
UP DGE & TCAGP conducts seminars, trainings and conferences to advance the Geodetic and Geomatics Engineering Profession. Ÿ Partnering with government agencies and local government units in research and extension projects.
The department has organized the Philippine Geomatics Symposium (PHILGEOS).
training that builds their skills for real-life problems, students and trainees are mentored through research and development projects and industry partners.
Surveying and Land Valuation Research Laboratory (SurvLAV)
The UP DGE & TCAGP also maintains two instructional laboratories: Ÿ
The Remote Sensing Image Analysis Instructional Laboratory
The Geographic Information Systems Instructional Laboratory
Apart from these facilities, the institute
Emphasizing on PhilGEOS, Dr. Sarmiento says, "The PhilGEOS is one of the Philippines Premier gatherings of geodetic and geomatics technology developers, researchers, professionals, users, and students. PhilGEOS began in 2012 and continues to be a biennial event, drawing active participation from international and local delegates."
Dr Sarmiento also shared some recent projects that the department has implemented, Ÿ Development of Integrated Mapping, Monitoring and Analytical Network System for Manila Bay and Linked Environments (MapABLE) Ÿ
A Link-Up of Geomatics and
Social Science Research for the Development of Smarter Cities Project (LUNGSOD)
Solar PV Resource and Installation Assessment Using Geospatial Technologies (SINAG)
Ÿ Ambient Air Remote Sensing, Modelling, and Visualization Environment (AirMOVE)
The student organizations such as the Geodetic Engineering Club and the Society of Geodetic Engineering Majors have conducted outreach events such as seminars and wellness activities (among many other activities) for their students and other institutions' students.
The institute's Bachelor of Science in Geodetic Engineering Program was chosen by the Philippine Commission on Higher Education to be the country's centre of Excellence in Geodetic Engineering among the 30+ schools.
In recognition of their academic accreditations and excellence in training and educating the current and future geodetic engineers, they feel very proud of the department for maintaining its consistent record of excellence in the professional Geodetic Engineers.
The institute is also known for its excellent performance in the Geodetic Engineers Licensure Examinations, maintaining the tradition of producing the country's top geospatial professionals.
The Projects of the institute also received recognition from the international community. The primary awards are the Geospatial World Excellence Award for Policy
Implementation (2014), Asia Geospatial Excellence Award (2014) and the Presidential Anti-Corruption Commission Medal (2019).
Enlighten Institutes Foresight
Envisioning the institute's future and stating the institute's future goals, Dr Sarmiento says, "The UP DGE & TCAGP is currently preparing for growth and expansion of services while revolutionizing how things are conducted in the dynamic new normal. Some of the initiatives that are undergoing groundwork are: Ÿ
The UP DGE & TCAGP Data Centre will store and distribute data from TCAGP-implemented research projects. The PhD in Geodetic and Geomatics
Engineering Degree Program. The UP DGE & TCAGP underwent an aggressive faculty capacitybuilding program spanning a decade to prepare for this initiative. Ÿ
The TCAGP is upgrading into the National Geospatial Research Institute (NGRI). The formation of the NGRI, by law, will ensure that the critical services of the department to the government will remain funded and operate optimally.
These initiatives, among others, are envisioned to maintain the UP DGE & TCAGP as a powerhouse for geospatial research and propel the department to the next level of service for society."
Jak Sarmiento, PhD Chairman and Director