Recently, I've had the
opportunity to have an inclusive, interactive, and enlightening conversation about universities that student target. Names of the most prominent universities across the world were put forth, and so was their ideologies and philosophy about education.
'Who built these buildings in which we are safely discussing about the future of the world?'
'The Builders!' answered the murmuring students from the middle to the end rows.
'What is the idea behind the technology that amplifies the voice that made my low whisper reach the last person cribbing about the education system?' I asked.
'The microphone,' answered a front row student, 'amplifying the voice over the stranger.'
'And what about the bodies that you proudly carry around for the strength it
reflects?' I asked a few well-built students sitting in the middle rows, blocking the view of a few girls sitting behind them.
'The protein powders?' guessed one of the boys in the row after a couple of seconds of hesitation.
Taking this conversation forward, I addressed them, 'With all the prominent universities in sight, who do you think have built the genesis of all the answers?' I asked. Without waiting for an answer, I continued, 'these were not geniuses who studied at some of the best universities in the world. They were passionate people who specialised in one thing, which allowed them the future (US) witness their greatness.'
'But today, they have set the benchmark very high for someone like the youth to follow and studying them is extremely important.' I added. 'Education and technology are separate entities, but if studied, can create wonders and this infrastructure with the carvings on the walls, the able voice modular and supplements that have given you these incredible bodies is the proof!' I further
added addressing the gym freaks in the front row.
While this mini monologue left the entire hall and the group of students in awe of technology and education, I ended my talk by saying, 'And that is the reason you should study Technology.'
But the inspiration for this edition— The Best Innovative Tech University of India, 2022 —came in the form of a question from a cornered student with glasses, a dangling posture and a wiser attitude toward learning.
'As an editor of an education magazine, which university would you suggest us to be admitted to?' he asked.
And I was speechless, leaving the hall to its constant murmur, I decided to give them the university of their choice.
So let this edition help you find the best innovative tech university for engineering in this modern world and have a happy read.
Editor from
is recognized by The Knowledge Review Magazine in an annual listing of
who is redefining and streamlining the modern tech education in India with personalised learning and other unique academic pedagogies.
Pooja M. Bansal Editor-in-ChiefThe School is known for the wide range of courses, state-ofthe-art labs, highly accomplished faculty .
EEngineering has become a popular career choice for a number of students in India. Even the government initiatives of technical education have a role to play in making the engineering profession excellence in disguise in India. The vision seen by the first Prime Minister of India, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, suggested and set up the most prominent and nationally recognized engineering institutes.
However, as the world moved forward, the field of engineering started exploring itself, bringing a great deal of sectors and businesses under its large umbrella. With the boost that was observed in the software development and robotics perfectly blending with the emergence of machine learning, AI, Broadcasting, Art Design Technology, Film and Television, Fine Arts, and Performing Arts, education in India demanded to be enhanced and stay relevant to the current trends across the world.
Considering engineering as one of those sectors which can give the required national growth while addressing the growing needs of a diverse and youth population like India, Prof Dr. Mangesh T. Karad, the Executive President, and ViceChancellor, envisioned a future with MIT Art, Design, and Technology University's Founder and an eminent educator in India, Dr. Vishwanath Karad and introduced the relevant and most prominent engineering courses in the Indian education system in 2001, with MIT School of Engineering
Today, MIT Art, Design, and Technology University is a place where creativity and innovation coexist. The University is established to offer innovative technological programs in the various fields of Engineering, Design, Technology, Management, Broadcasting and journalism, Film and Television, Fine Arts, and Performing Art. MIT Art Design technology
university is sponsored body of the MAEER's Trust MIT Group of Institutions. Father founder Dr. Vishwanath Karad has laid the Stone of this MIT Group of Institutions, which believes in the Universal Truth values and peace promotion.
The success of any university is in its quality education and vision to provide and groom students in a holistic environment that assists in students' inclusive growth. Raising the bar high for maintaining quality education at the MIT ADT University, the Executive President and Vice-Chancellor of MIT ADT University, Prof Dr. Mangesh Karad, has empowered the institute with quality education standards and provided students with inculcating educational initiatives of international standards in the Oxford of the East—Pune.
We have designed our academic courses to be heavy on doing lab work so that students get to work more on practicals and not just the theory.
"He is an educationist with a keen interest in specialized engineering niches and has introduced specialized engineering courses like Naval Engineering, Food Technology, etc., to transform students into industry leaders. His persistent efforts are towards recognition of MIT among the most valued and the prestigious brand State the college's unique education facilities and infrastructure," said the university management about Prof Dr. Mangesh Karad.
Today, MIT ADT University is distinctly known for its quality engineering faculty and technology. Bringing innovative new branches in the field of engineering, Dr. Mangesh Karad can be credited with bringing relevant conventional engineering branches for students to harness and stay updated with the industry like Marine Engineering, Bioscience
Engineering, and Food Processing Technology.
The IRON LADY of MIT When an education institute MIT-ADT caters to the holistic development of students, the institute requires a pillar to maintain the daily management and collectively take the institute forward.
When the eyes moved around for the position of dean, all eyes landed on Prof. Dr. Sunita M Karad, Director of MITCOM & ICT and Dean of Engineering & Management and the MIT-ADT University
Being an eminent academician and researcher, she has been associated with the MIT Group of Institutions for more than 25 years at served in various positions at the institute. Her constant efforts led to the strong foundation and establishment of the Engineering and Technology wing at the University.
Executive President and Vice Chancellor at MIT ADT UniversityWhen the field of engineering was not just limited to machines and the industrial revolution and saw the rise of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning on the rise, the world needed an institution that would cater to these technological and social uplift of the st global community in the 21 century. To find the solution to the greatest technological and social problems of st 21 century, MIT- School of Engineering was established.
This eminent and one of the trendsetters in the Indian engineering education paradigm trains the students to become future leaders and lead the most prominent organizations in the world towards a capable future in the ever-changing corporate landscape.
The School of Engineering aims to offer students a real-world and practical academic experience that will help them become successful professionals. At SOE, various degree programs are offered at Undergraduate/Postgraduate, and Doctoral degree levels in various
Departments like Information Technology, Computer Science and Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Civil engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering. Other Micro Specialisations are offered under this banner.
MIT-SOE offers distinguishing specialization courses of B.Tech and M.Tech relevant to the current industrial paradigm level like Cloud Computing, Data Analytics, Robotics, and the Automation, Mechatronics, Electrical Vehicle Technology, Energy Engineering, DevOps Architecture, Big Data, Data Analytics, VLSI and Embedded Systems, Aerospace Engineering and much more relevant st and based on 21-century futuristic technology.
Dean Engineering & Technology Director-ICT & MITCOM Dean Management MIT ADT University
The SOE's Department of Civil Engineering forbears was established with a commitment to mobilise the resources and equip the civil engineering domain with men and materials of excellence. This approach has also ensured that the school becomes a pivotal centre of service to the industry, academia, and society with the latest technology.
Talking about the establishment of a 'Centre of Excellence' in the civil engineering domain, Prof. Dr. Mangesh Karad asserted, "As a step towards achieving the long-term goal of establishing a "Centre of Excellence" The department offers consultancy services for testing of building material viz. Steel, cement, coarse aggregate, fine aggregate, bricks, soil, concrete, and water testing. Structural auditing, Third party inspection, Reinforced concrete and Steel design of the structures, Stability analysis, Supervision and
Quality control, BOQ/Project planning in MSP etc., to several governments and semi-government organisations, private sectors and the local contractors and builders."
Highlighting the results of creating a centre of excellence in the civil domain, Prof. Dr. Mangesh Karad further highlights, "Consultancy cell is established to improve the interactions with industry. Department actively promotes consultancy by adopting these measures. Also, the department has identified different domains of specialisation and formed a group of faculties in a pyramid structure, with senior faculty as a mentor and other faculties working under his/her guidance. Area of expertise of faculties is published on website under consultancy cell. In addition, there are visits and discussions of different faculty groups with industry."
In view of achieving the tag of the centre of excellence, the school also houses some of the most distinguished laboratories for the holistic development of aspirants in the civil line. The distinguishing features of laboratories are:
Applied Mechanics Lab
Surveying Lab
Model Lab
Concrete Technology Lab
Geotechnical Engineering Lab
Transportation Engineering Lab
Environmental Engineering Lab
Computer Lab
Moreover, with the school settled at the centre of the civil domain, here are the consultancy services offered by the department to various government, semi-government and private organisations:
Structural audit of buildings for private and government projects.
Third Party Inspection of private
Expert Supervision of private and government projects Ÿ
Testing of Construction Materials for various agencies Ÿ
Mix Design of Concrete for various agencies
Surveying for various agencies Ÿ
On site testing for private and government projects Ÿ
Soil Testing for private and government projects
The faculties are also focused on Research & Consultancy works according to their ongoing projects. Till date, the faculties have registered and published four patents (3 National and 1 International) and published 25 plus papers in peer-reviewed journals and conferences at National and International levels. One of the faculty is also a recipient of the Excellence Award, Young Researcher Award, Dynamic Professor Award, and Gold Medal at M. Tech CASAD. The students also actively participate in research work such as paper presentation, patent publishing, competitions, etc.
The department is currently working on various projects like Rainwater Harvesting for the entire MITADT University campus, Grey Water Harvesting Project, Parking plan for the University campus.
Bio-bricks by using agro-waste and wastewater sludge Ÿ
"Experimental investigation on torsional behaviour of reinforced concrete beams partially wrapped with aramid fibre." Ÿ
Quality management and reward scheme in construction project Ÿ
Transforming urban mobility Pune: A case study of Pune Metro Ÿ
Analysis of mechanical properties of black cotton soil reinforced with
coir fibres Ÿ
Effects of water quality on quality of concrete
Low-cost brick
Smart parking for new buildings of MIT ADT University, Pune
Design of effluent treatment plant for Trimurty Dairy industry
Low-cost greywater treatment at the source
Passive solar energy building
The effect of curing temperature on geopolymer concrete
Flexible pavement using waste plastic
Performance rating of construction projects
Permeable pavement
Self-curing mortar containing super absorbent polymer
Sustainable sound absorption panel by using Agro waste
Preliminary Research on Effective Length of Concrete Filled Steel Tubular Columns in Sway Frame
Ÿ Nonlinear Finite Element Modelling of Concrete-Filled Circular FRP Arch Tubes under Monotonic Loading
Interaction Study Between RC Frame and Infill Wall
New technique to improve the ductility of steel beam to column bolted connection. Ÿ Predictions of structural response by using AI tools Ÿ
Structural analysis of long and short piers in Metro rail projects
Manufacturing and testing of Concrete Canvas sheets with locally available materials. Ÿ Flexural Performance of Fibre Reinforced Mortar with Low Fibre Content Ÿ Study of Steel-Concrete Composite Members with use of Parallel Flange Steel Beams. Ÿ Manvel and Katang Bamboo as Reinforcement in Concrete
An integrated approach for Structural Health Monitoring
Analysis and Design of Moment
End Plate Connection with various bolt alignments for Biaxial Loading Ÿ Impact Assessment of Digital Transformation in Workflow for Structural Engineering Companies - Concept to Commissioning Ÿ Seismic Fragility Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Frames Ÿ Mechanical Property of Hybrid Fibre Reinforced Ferro cement Ÿ
Numerical Simulation of Wind Pressure Distribution on Regular Mega-Frame Surface Ÿ Behaviour of the infill in-plane walls under lateral loads in reinforced concrete frames Ÿ Study on Recron Fibre to improve the compressive strength of concrete Ÿ Predictive application of artificial intelligence in structural engineering Ÿ
Effect of Steel Fibre on Ductility of SCC
Mechanical properties of Geopolymer Concrete with respect to Alternative Chemical Activators Ÿ Design and analysis of cold-formed steel structures for multi-storey buildings.
M. Tech Transportation Engineering. Ÿ
Effect of Temperature Variation on Rigid Pavement using Sensors Ÿ Assessment of Congestion Mitigation Measures on Eastern Expressway, Thane. Ÿ
Design of Stone Matrix Asphalt with Crumb Rubber and Coconut Shell Charcoal
Soil Stabilisation using Sugarcane Bagasse Ash and Plastic Ÿ Soil stabilisation using construction and demolition waste Ÿ
Design of Pervious Concrete using Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag and Hydro-sludge. Ÿ Modelling the Effect of Daily Driving Patterns of Private Taxies on Fuel Consumption at Fleet Level Ÿ
Study on Operational Performance of Arterial Corridor between Urban and Rural Ÿ Partial Replacement of Coarse Aggregates with Waste Rubber for the Design of Cement Concrete Pavement Ÿ Analysis of Accident Blackspots on National Highways in Solapur District and Possible Mitigation Measures Ÿ
Lime Stabilized Black Cotton Soil and Bamboo Fibre Mixture as Subbase Material Ÿ
Capacity Estimation of Roundabout Ÿ Road Safety Audit using GIS Ÿ Study of Rubber Aggregated Flexible Pavement Design using Rejuvenator Ÿ
Development of Pavement Maintenance Management System for National Highway
Our faculties possess complementary multi-disciplinary expertise with an immensely high research and innovation mindset and a strong academic background . This ensures our , students’ overall growth prepares them for the market, and is capable of exploring the ever-growing R&D in the field of bioengineering.
Most of the Professional Universities need to understand the market trends and based on the same need to train the manpower to the cuttingedge technology trends.
SOE's Department of Mechanical Engineering: The Centre of Excellence in Robotics and Automation
The School of Engineering's Department of Mechanical Engineering is also known as the Centre of Excellence in Robotics and Automation with the AICRA (All India Council of Robotics and Automation). This unique collaboration caters to the unique specialization offered to the students and is recognized by various industries.
SOE has excelled in its vision of staying and maintaining quality education standards by providing integrated courses with the industry leaders. Talking about their academic ventures in the education space and how the collaborative project is helping in shaping tomorrow's future, Prof. Dr. Mangesh Karad says, "Artificial intelligence and the machine learning- in association with Rubiscape, Centre of excellence in the cloud computing with AWS academy, Centre of Excellence in Deep Leaning & Data Analytics along with the TCS, Centre of Excellence in Blockchain Technology with the Blockchain Technology Council of State Govt of Maharashtra, Centre of Excellence in DevOps Architecture with IBM, Mobile computing with Apple Lab to generate tomorrow's thought leaders in the private sector, government, and nongovernmental organizations."
Emphasizing more on this entrepreneurial venture of the School of Engineering, Prof. Dr. Sunita Karad says, "Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering has established the Microchip Laboratory in association with TECKSCHOOL, which helps the professionals to groom as Microchip Certified Trainer. Also, the same Department has established the Agri Engineering Lab with the
IEEE. Setup of e-yantra laboratory with IIT Bombay and the Ministry of HRD initiative to set up the Robotics laboratories across India.”
"The School is known for the wide range of courses, state-of-the-art labs, highly accomplished faculty (well known in their areas of research and consultancy practices), student societies, & design build environment teams," she further added.
Technology today is evolving at a rapid pace, enabling quick transformation and impactful progress, causing an acceleration of the rate of change. However, it is not only technology trends and emerging technologies that are evolving, but a lot more has also changed this year due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, making IT professionals realize their role will not stay the same in the contactless world tomorrow. And an IT professional in 2021-22 will constantly be learning, unlearning, and relearning (out of necessity if not desire).
Listed below are the top new technology trends that 2022 students can learn under the banner of the School of Engineering at MIT-ADT:
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Cyber Security
Cloud computing and Automation
Blockchain Technology
Internet of Things (IoT)
Full Stack Development
Deep Learning and Analytics
Electrical Vehicle Technology
Augmented Reality & Virtual Reality
Energy Engineering
Transportation Engineering
Robotics and Automation
Creating a Centre of Excellence in AI and ML AI /ML over the years have gained
navigation apps, smartphone personal assistants, image and speech recognition superiority, ride-sharing apps, and so much more. Growing the global Artificial Intelligence Market with an estimation of a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 39.7% during the forecast period by $58.3 billion in 2020 to $309.6 billion by 2026.
Addressing the lack of market trends in the education sector for AI and ML, Prof. Dr. Mangesh Karad says, "Most of the Professional Universities need to understand the market trends and based on the same need to train the manpower to the cutting-edge technology trends."
Today, AI and ML, including computer vision, are changing the dynamics of the robotics industry. To stay ahead and relevant in a global market, companies have started depending on autonomous robots that can perceive, interact, and conceptualize the world around them. As industries begin to navigate this modern technological revolution, they have started looking for trusted and experienced technology partners. Deep learning models use artificial neural nets to produce accurate results for processing large quantities of data, including images, texts, and sounds. AI-driven Automation has proven useful in various applications across numerous industries, including the aviation, medical, agriculture, energy, and material handling markets. Artificial Intelligence is being used to automate tasks and diagnose equipment malfunctions or detect product anomalies. For instance, AI and ML can predict peak travel times, assist with passenger check-in, and automate routine maintenance tasks within the aviation industry. Artificial Intelligence is being used across the board to automate dangerous tasks, augment or replace skilled labour, and
streamline operations. And yet, despite these advances, AI still cannot think abstractly or creatively. This means that there is a need for an everevolving workforce that is trained in robotics and advanced manufacturing.
School of Engineering Computer Science and Engineering Department is a pioneer in establishing the B. Tech Degree Program in AI/ML, and the
Department is establishing the Centre of Excellence in AI/ML with the Rubiscape
The Indian government's NITI Aayog program, AI for All, is increasingly working toward augmenting the economic growth expected to reach 1.3% by 2035 with the help of AI technology. Mastering AI and machine learning will help you secure jobs like:
AI Research Scientist
AI Engineer
Machine Learning Engineer
AI Architect
Cyber Security and Privacy Concerns: Security threats have grown immensely over the years, and looking at the growth of the cloud sector; the projectile growth is estimated to grow equally in the near future. MIT-School of Engineering recognizes this need of the upcoming industry and keeps the students relevant with the industry requirement. In collaboration with ICT Academy , the Department of Computer Science and Engineering has decided to train and provide manpower in the Palo Alto Certification.
The areas in which the School of engineering specializes are: Ÿ Ethical Hacker Ÿ Malware Analyst
Security Engineer Ÿ Chief Security Office
Cloud Computing and the Cloud Architecture:
Since everything around is set to revolve around virtual reality, the storage on the cloud platform has made life much easier. The cloud segment is expected to reach new heights with forecasted CAGR. Providing multiple benefits to the organization by reducing the operational cost and making the
deployment hassle-free, computing and cloud architecture are the most relevant options for having a career option suitable in the 21 century. st
Talking about the engineering school's relevance to the new age careers, Prof. Dr. Sunita Karad says, "The Department has established the Laboratories with the Amazon Web Service Academy, and the department has the certified trainers available on the board, and they ensure that the manpower is trained for the required certification."
Few specialization courses that the MIT-SOE offers in the new-age edge and quantum computing are: Ÿ Cloud Reliability Engineer Ÿ Cloud Infrastructure Engineer Ÿ Cloud Architect and Security Architect Ÿ DevOps Cloud Engineer
"The Blockchain Technology"
Blockchain technology has developed and moved a long way forward, taking the form of currencies in this highly modern world. The technology can be described as a data set that can be added and never changed or removed. Making a chain of data called a block, hence the word, blockchain. Recognizing this as one of the fastest growing sectors of the industry, the Department of Computer Science and Engineering has established the center of excellence with the Blockchain Council of the State Govt. of Maharashtra.
A few of the courses that MIT's School of Engineering specializes in are: Ÿ Risk Analyst Ÿ Tech Architect Ÿ Crypto Community Manager Ÿ Front End Engineer
The arrival of the internet has opened
The continuous efforts have paid off, and we are proud to state that our institute has made great strides in innovation and research since its inception in 2016. Our students have been well trained in both biology and engineering tools and techniques . The course curriculum has been designed in consultation with industry luminaries and eminent scientists from national research laboratories .
doors to numerous possibilities that one can achieve with the help of the internet. These things created and built around the virtual connection called the internet are called as Internet of Things or simply the IoT. With the help of IoT, the IT industry has enabled devices, home appliances, cars, and much more to be connected to and exchange data virtually.
Mechanical Engineering with Robotics and Automation Engineering Specialisation under Centre of Excellence with AICRA (All India Council of Robotics and Automation), in correspondence with IoT, has opened the doors of learning in Robotics and Automation.
With the boom that has been seen in digitalization and IT, aspirants have shown a keen interest in Automation and the mechanical aspect of machines along with the supporting parallel industries like designing, researching, and building new artificial intelligent imbibed robots. Catering to this modern requirement of new-age engineers, MIT provides:
Ÿ B. Tech in Robotics & Automation Engineering will allow students to assist the Industry prerequisite for the implementation of new and smart technologies covering methods of analysis & optimization of first-hand robots and mechanisms.
Automated and Robotics engineers use computer engineering, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, software engineering, and biological mechanics knowledge.
Automation and Robotics engineering have certainly been crucial to the event of humanity, and unquestionably, this may accompany great responsibilities.
Ÿ Robotics & Automation
Engineering includes design development and up-gradation in terms of automating products, systems, and procedures in every walk of human life.
The Engineer graduates from the Robotics & Automation program are equipped with knowledge and skills to work in an ample variety of engineering careers in both the public
and the private sectors.
Robotics and Automation Engineers develop & design Robots and provide mechanical and software solutions for automating tasks that are bungling or problematic for humans to perform.
Ÿ Design Robotic solutions.
Ÿ Automate processes to improve productivity.
Ÿ Research on advanced robotics technology.
Ÿ Develop innovative ways to integrate Automation into everyday life.
Ÿ Develop systems and algorithms.
Few achievements and acknowledgments for robotics and automation students from the Centre of Excellence, MIT SOE's Department of Mechanical engineering are:
Ÿ Web Portal and Mobile Application for 3D Mold Design (Consultancy for VEM Tooling Pvt Ltd.)
Ÿ Air Quality Monitoring Index
(Smart Campus Cloud Network)
Path Planning Algorithm for Humanoid (DRDO, Pune)
Agritech: Space Tech Bhaml (Bharat Markup Language)(Tech Mahindra)
faculty members of the Department are actively involved in various research works carried out in collaboration with various organizations within India and abroad.
laboratories with state-of-the-art facilities. Below are the state-of-the-art laboratories for the aerospace department:
Aerodynamics Laboratory
Ÿ Aircraft Structures Laboratory
Automated Monitoring System for Intelligent Viticulture (National Center of Research for GrapesICAR)
Smart Farming (GeoLife India Pvt. Ltd)
Data Analytics Solutions for Inspector General of Registration
Ÿ Web Portal (Schimmel Tooling)
Highlighting a few student achievements of MIT SOE students in Robotics and Animation
Final Year Student Nilesh Zagade got Selected by UK Power Networks, London, with a package of 63.42 Pounds per year (60.42 LPA).
The Department of Aerospace Engineering believes that the institute's success relies on the success of its students. Here are some of the most notable achievements, accolades, accreditations, and awards:
Aashish Sudam Sarode participated in International Astronomy and Astrophysics Competition and secured Bronze Medal.
Ÿ Shrikant Dnyandev Sude participated in Saur Urja Vehicle Challenge (SUVC-2020) and secured AIR-2.
Prof. Sumitra Pundlik represents MIT ADT University as the Leader of the Pune Subchapter under One Quantum (Domain- Quantum Computing).
Ÿ Rakshita Devi & Rushikesh Patil participated in the RC Aircraft event at IIT Kharagpur and secured 2nd prize.
Ÿ Aircraft Propulsion Laboratory Ÿ Electronics, Instrumentation, and Control Laboratory Ÿ
Avionics Laboratory
Ÿ Rocket Propulsion Laboratory Ÿ Computer Aided Drawing and Design laboratory
Department of Bioengineering Sciences & Research
Dr. Rekha Suagndhi has been certified as Apple Certified Trainer for Application Development with Swift.
Ÿ Rishabh Naik & Rushikesh Karandikar participated in the Rocket launching event at COEP Pune and secured 1st prize.
Prof. Reetika Kerketta has Palo Alto, Celonis, and CISCO Certified Faculty Members for Computer Networks and Cybersecurity professionals.
Entrepreneurial Achievement: Secondyear student of Aerospace Engineering developed an Automatic Sanitizer during the time of COVID-19 lockdown and started his own entrepreneurial venture.
India has a population of more than 1.3 billion, and thus, in order to provide a good healthcare system, nutrition, and a benign environment for such a large population, our society needs a large number of bioengineers. The objective of commencing the School of Bioengineering at MIT ADT University was to initiate small steps towards fulfilling these needs by training the youth in the upcoming integrated, multi-disciplinary field of bioengineering.
Bagged many consultancy projects in various domains with a revenue amount of around $100K.
In the Aerospace Engineering Department, MIT's SOE has created a Centre of Excellence for Computational Fluid Dynamics. The Department is dedicated to carrying out high-end computational research work. Moreover, the students and
Ongoing research projects: The Department is in collaboration with ARDE-DRDO High-Speed Fragment launcher by Rotary Mechanism for the impact test.
State-of-the-art Laboratories Laboratories are a workshop for learners who wish to attain success in the field. Recognizing the need to have a playground for the students who wish to conquer the sky, the School of Engineering has set up a number of
The School of Bioengineering Sciences & Research aims to prepare students for ambitious careers in the bioengineering arena by imparting super-specialized training through a project-based learning approach. The courses are curated in such a way that they promote entrepreneurship and the associated ecosystem in bioengineering. Moreover, the research activities in the School of Bioengineering Sciences and Research are wide-ranging, reflecting the diversity of modern biotechnology and providing an ideal milieu for interdisciplinary collaborative research and interaction between students and faculty.
The MIT School of Bioengineering Sciences & Research has always
committed to conducting applied research in the frontier, multidisciplinary areas of modern biology and developing a cohesive, talented cohort of multitasking peers. "We have designed our academic courses to be heavy on doing lab work so that students get to work more on practicals and not just the theory. Our focus has been to nurture students to be great problem solvers and require them to do a variety of projects throughout their student life at our institute. As a result, our students have already worked on live projects in the industry, which led them to success," the school management added.
The institute lays strong emphasis on research culture and innovation ecosystem. Emphasizing that, the School of engineering management says, "We have designed and developed 14 state-of-art laboratories and a preincubation BETiC satellite center with IIT Mumbai ."
As bioengineering bridges engineering, biology, and physical science, to encompass this interdisciplinary discipline, the faculty and students explore the following broad themes and research areas: Ÿ Biotechnology Ÿ Biomedical Engineering Ÿ Bioinformatics Ÿ Environment and Sustainability
Explaining why and how the research areas are important for the holistic development of students, Prof. Dr. Mangesh Karad says, "Our faculties possess complementary multidisciplinary expertise with an immensely high research and innovation mindset and a strong academic background. This ensures our students' overall growth, prepares them for the market, and is capable of exploring the ever-growing R&D in the field of bioengineering. The faculties are hired from highly reputed, extremely prestigious national and international institutions/ industries,
e.g., Lupin Research Park, Pune, Cognizant Technology Solutions, Fresenius Kabi, Thyrocare Technologies Ltd., Terumo Corp, BBraun Medical, Asian Android Pvt Ltd, and eminent research institutions, e.g., Université de Technologie de Compiègne, France, University of Florida, University of Tennessee USA, National Institute of Virology, Indian Institutes of Science Education and Research (IISER), Indian Institute of Technology - Madras, National Chemical Laboratory Pune, Haffkine Institute of Training Testing and Research Mumbai, Defence Institute of Advanced Technology, (DRDO), Agricultural Research Centre for cotton, Advanced Centre for Treatment Dharwad Karnataka, Research and Education in Cancer (ACTREC), North-Eastern Hill University, IIAE, etc."
"The continuous efforts have paid off, and we are proud to state that our institute has made great strides in
innovation and research since its inception in 2016. Our students have been well trained in both biology and engineering tools and techniques. The course curriculum has been designed in consultation with industry luminaries and eminent scientists from national research laboratories. They have represented the institute at the national level SMART India Hackathon (SIH 2020), KPIT Sparkle, NIC, Terre Policy Centre, and international fora at DBT sponsored iGEM competition Boston 2019, Copenhagen Hackathon, United Nations, Earth Hack International Sweden and brought home laurels. To sum up, the future is bright for life sciences and health care domain, especially in the wake of the recent pandemic that has necessitated the critical need for a robust health care system worldwide," he further adds.
Department of Marine Engineering (Under Maharashtra Academy of Naval Engineering and Training MANET Banner)
Marine engineers are responsible for the upkeep of types of machinery on board. It covers oil tankers, container ships, and other types of vessels. They are in charge of maintaining the Ship's interior systems, including propulsion, steering, refrigeration, and electrical systems. Deck officers, on the other hand, are involved with safe navigation, cargo operations, and general safety and maintenance of the Ship's life-saving equipment. As per reports, there are around 72 pre-sea maritime institutes in India. Out of the total maritime colleges in India, 79% are Private colleges, and 21% are Public/Government colleges.
The Maritime Training and Education sector is booming to provide students with this opportunity to take the sea by storm. However, only a few can excel
in this arduous job. Maharashtra Academy of Naval Education and Training (MANET) has undertaken this task admirably since its inception in 2001. It is a constituent unit of the prestigious MIT ADT University. Maharashtra Academy of Naval Education and Training (MANET, Pune) is one such training Institute established in 2001 at the MIT, Kothrud Campus, with the vision to provide skillful and dedicated seafarers to the world of shipping. MANET is approved by the Directorate General of Shipping, the Ministry of Shipping, and the Government of India . It is also certified by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism (MLIT), JapanShip- in- . It also has the Campus , which is a replica of the Ship's engine room on Campus.
MANET is the recipient of numerous awards and recognitions. It received the ' Devang Mehta foundation award for Educational Leadership Award' in 2014 . It was also honored to be the 'Best Maritime Training Institute' by the ABP news channel in 2015 . It has been featured in the top 100 best engineering colleges poll by the Time of India in 2014 and was the only marine college to make it on the list.
MANET also supports gender equality by assisting females in achieving academic success. MANET attracts girls from all around the nation who want to achieve their lifetime ambition of working in the Merchant Navy. Many MANET graduated girl cadets are working on merchant navy ships and have established themselves as role models for others who aspire to work in this profession.
This University Department offers two degrees, namely the four years B. Tech in Marine Engineering and three years
B.Sc. in Nautical Science programs. Successful completion of the four years B. Tech. The Marine Engineering program enables cadets to join as Trainee Marine Engineers initially, and after successfully passing further exams of Govt. of India, they can work as Chief Engineers on Board. Recent trend shows that the demand for Marine Engineers and deck officers is expected to grow 12% from the year 2022 to 2026, faster than the average for all occupations.
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Microchip Development Laboratory – In Association with TeckSchool : The Memorandum of Association (MoU) was signed between the Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering and Microchip in association with TECKSCHOOLMicrochip , th Certified Trainer, on 29 August 2019. The objective of the MoU is to organize the FDPs, and Students Development Program at the Department of E&CE of SOE. The processors of the microchip family are being used in various types of robots. Microchip has provided processor development boards for approximately $1000.
Creating Visionaries of Tomorrow MIT-ADT university's School of Engineering has dedicated itself to building an innovative technology space for the youth of this country. With such state-of-the-art engineering colleges, which also happen to be the center of excellence, MIT's School of Engineering is creating visionaries of tomorrow to make this world an innovative space for growth and development.
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In the aurora of the 21 century,
which is prominently advanced, with many technological innovations, human life has become easy and accessible, as modern technology has replaced manual efforts.
With the help of technology communicating from one edge of the universe to another edge has become easy with laptops, mobile phones, and many other devices. All these technologies are now known as traditional technological advancements; however modern
technologies like Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Augmented Reality, Virtual reality, and many other technologies are playing a vital role in today's generation.
All these technologies are highly used in corporates and manufacturing industries, and these technologies consume less time to perform a single task. Industries and corporates are looking for young minds who can cater to the industrial demand, and people need to be skilled in modern technological tools, as it helps them to stand out from the folks.
After knowing this fact, many schools, colleges and universities are introducing various subjects related to modern technology.
But why do schools and colleges emphasize technology in their regular curriculum? Artificial intelligence, Machine learning and others are tools that help students learn about the technologies and meet industrial demand.
All these technological tools not only help to fulfil the industrial demands but also helps the schools and colleges to imply that the technology on their campuses enhances the teaching methodology of the faculties and makes learning more accessible for students.
And since the occurrence of COVID19, many universities have adopted modern technological tools. According to the McKinsey new research report 2021, the students and teachers are eager to pursue new classroom learning technologies which have been embraced during COVID-19; however, universities could adopt and support the more technological shift.
Adopting modern technology in universities has several benefits, which have been discussed below:
Earlier, schools and universities used blackboards and chalk to write and draw things so the students could get a fair idea about the concepts. It used to take lots of effort from all the faculties and consumes the massive cost of the schools and universities.
However, electronic devices have replaced blackboards and chalks in the techno-savvy world. But, as one can say, electronic gadgets are costlier than
chalks and blackboards. These devices consume one-time costs and last for a long in schools and universities.
The blackboard's primary goal was to give the students a proper understanding of the concepts. In contrast, a digital blackboard provides students with much better clearance of any subject or concept.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, schools and universities took online lectures through various software, and many universities also provided their student's laptops and tabs for learning purposes. Since then, schools and institutions have launched inclassroom devices so students can use the devices during lectures to understand the subjects better.
The devices also show visual pictures related to their topics, which helps them gain a more profound knowledge of the matter.
Students get bored during lectures sometimes and don't understand things, which may affect their academics. Although, with the changing landscape, the teaching pattern has changed, and now the faculties are using projectors to show pictures, videos or case studies, making the students curious to learn and score well in their academics.
As technology has opened many doors for various educational systems, another benefit of modern technology in universities is enhancing communication and collaboration among teachers and students.
Online learning has brought many opportunities for students to
amalgamate with each other through online platforms and organizes many projects which have to be submitted through online, all these projects are distributed among the team of students where everyone has been assigned work, and every student comes up with their innovative ideas and information which enriches the knowledge.
In the process, the students build a good rapport with teachers and improve their communication.
As discussed before, modern technological tools are helping the future generation to get used to these technologies.
It allows them to bring more innovation and development to the world, as technology is itself an innovation; however, with its help, the world has been seeing a drastic transformation that is developing the lifestyle of humans and making everything accessible to them.
The Bottom Line Advancement in digitalization and technology is the bewildered step of universities, which prepares the young generation for the digital environment; technology plays a vital role in the world. The universities are investing in technology-based education to enhance the quality of education. With the advanced learning approach, the universities are making the student industry ready.
Industries are also adopting various technologies for the smooth functioning of their firm and looking for young students who can cater to the industry's needs.
- Madhu GuleriaConstruction is an art as well as the science of creating objects. Being a diversified field of effective collaboration, it includes the erection, maintenance, and repair of buildings and other immobile structures and building roads and service facilities. It delivers buildings, infrastructure, industrial facilities, structural additions, and alterations. Typically designed as the process of planning, designing, executing, building, and covering repairs, maintenance, and improvement of work.
In the Bronze Age, craftsmen, bricklayers, and carpenters appeared. And around 3000 years ago, Egyptians started building large structures from stone and baked brick; the most prominent examples of this can be seen in the 2,500years-old Guatemala temple, constructed with hand-covered stone.
Channelising and removing all the ancient architecture, the roots of construction can be traced back to North America, the origin of residences and shelters in colonies that gave rise to agriculture.
Taj Mahal, Great Wall of China, Pyramids of Egypt, Grist Mills, Water Mills, and Windmills are some historical examples of sustainable construction. In 1796, the industry started using Cast-iron pillars to Construct ten stories, and by the 19th Century, 14 to 15 stories equipped with elevators were raised to 100 stories.
Today construction is the leading industry, counting for 10% of global GDP and 7% of the global workforce employment, which is 273 million people . During the pandemic, the construction industry's output dropped to 2.4% in 2020 and rose to 5.8% in 2022 .
Today's industry trend demands Lighter, Stronger Metallic, and Synthesis products. These new products withstand natural disasters, such as earthquakes and hurricanes and more than 40% of Construction Projects are fast-track in the st 21 Century. Taiwan, Malesia, and Hong Kong have boosted their economy by accelerating the construction sector for a vibrant economy. On the same line, Malaysia and China are using the same strategy by rebuilding cities and highways.
Every segment construction project needs a unique team to plan, design, construct and maintain the project. Industrial Construction needs a high expertise team in planning, cost estimating, and designing the construction, whereas Infrastructure Construction, also known as heavy civil engineering, includes large public work, dams, bridges,
highways, railways, and wastewater utility distribution. Hence, they need highly trained project managers highly supervised by a construction manager, design engineer, construction engineer, and project architect.
Owners of the company projects or clients are the driving force behind the construction industry. Architects, structural designers, and construction managers supply specifications, methods, statements, design, and schedule of the project and perform supervision and quality control functions. The constructor ensures that the work is done and delivered on time.
In big construction projects, a bid for work secures them. Club under the conglomerate of prime constructors, and subcontractors, engage their own minor and petty contractors and vendors for various work to a network of thousands of contracting farms for carrying out contractual activities in a time-bound framework.
The Multiplicity of Agencies: Multiple agencies work in many governments and semigovernment municipal committees. Planning with the Mining Department, Forest Department, Safety Inspectors, Fire Department, Labor Department, Director of Industries, Local Police and Administration, Sales Tax, Income Tax, Excise Department, and various other public departments is done in towns and across the nation. On a typical construction site, never-ending clearance certificates are also invited.
• Complexity : Construction Industry is complex in nature. High-tech, highly mechanized tools, and equipment plant machinery are needed.
• Uniqueness : Every construction project is unique and different in its own nature. Two identical bridges are to be constructed because of the location issues such as soil and subsoil, which may introduce many variations.
• Quality of Supervision : Quality supervision of high order is needed for every site. A small deviation in parameters such as Time, Cost, and Quality may affect variations in the Project Cost.
• Mobility : Vertical, Horizontal movement of materials, human resources, equipment etc., are continuously changing. Construction industries affect all sectors of the economy.
• Linkage to Other Industry : Linkage to this Industry and High-Value addition provides sustainable growth to every economic sector. Surveying Companies, Architecture engineering firms' inspection services,
•project management firms, model creating firms, plumbing, heating, central air condition, electrical wiring, lighting equipment, elevators, and escalators depend on the Construction Industry.
• Organizational setup : Public/Private Government sectors are not designed for administrative structure in highly dependent and conflict-prone environments.
• Safety Hazards : The accident rate on site is higher than in other industries.
• Labor Quality : Labor productivity largely depends on the quality of the labour workforce available in each geographical area. Poor quality of construction is major concern because of the unskilled workforce.
• Productivity Dependency : Supply and demand of material and workforce affect construction site productivity. Planning, designing and execution control and maximizing productivity.
Technology advancement in ERP systems helps project managers to develop successful plans for civil engineering projects from the start of work through completion, as well as throughout the construction life cycle. Thus, Most of the ERP software helps from planning, Project control to the cost and revenue estimation to avoid project failures because of labour cost and deadline meetups, raw material planning, HR, and design developments. Real-time project tracking, streamlining operations with the simplified information exchange.
Construction Industry in India Scenario :
•Construction Industry is rising by 7 to 8 % annually, rd and by 2025 India will be 3 largest market in the world.
•Indian Construction Industry requires 30 million people with Assets of ₹200 billion, which includes the inclusion of more than 200 firms in the Corporate Sector.
•The Indian Construction industry is the country's least productive and competitive industry.
•The Real Estate Segment includes Hotels, Office, Residence, retails, and Leisure Parks.
Infrastructure Opportunities in India: Union Budget 2022-23 of GOI has done high budgetary allocation for the infrastructure sector of ₹10 lakh Cr (US$130.57 Million) National Infrastructure Pipeline (NIP) is expanding 9335 projects . Private investment into physical and social infrastructure leads to a high US $5 trillion economic growth by 2024-25 .
The Prime Minister of the Government of India has launched the Gati Shakti-National Master plan for Multimodal Connectivity Gati Shakti-the digital platform will bring 16 Ministries, including Railways, Roadways together for integrated planning and coordinated implementation of infrastructure connectivity projects.
This infrastructure scheme includes Bharatmala, Sagarmala, inland waterways, dry/land ports, UDAN development of special economic zones, textiles, clusters, pharmaceutical clusters, defense corridors, electronic parks, industrial corridors, fishing clusters, Agri zones will be covered to make Indian business more competitive. Technologies like Spatial planning tools developed by ISRO and BISAG-N (Bhaskar Acharya National Institute for Space Applications and Geoinformatics are needed).
Moreover, cargo-related Mumbai port trust projects include expanding petroleum oil and lubricant, bunkering terminal,
faculty for LNG handling (clean energy), and Barging of containers between JNPT and Mumbai. Berth of coastal facilities like Indira Dock for coastal cargo, erection of temporary soils for bulk commodities.
Improving Rail Connectivity - Connectivity through dedicated government company Indian Port Railway and Ropeway Company Ltd.
Sea Tourism Projects of Mumbai Port Trust – Projects through International Cruise Terminal (ICT), Mumbai port waterfront for seaside Restaurants, Amphitheatre, Domestic Cruise Terminal, Marina, Floating Restaurants, and Harbor Cruises Water Taxis etc.
Ro-Pax Terminal - Waterways, Ropeways best Sewri to Elephanta (8K.M s-₹700Crc projects)
•NITI Aayog and Quality Control of India (QCI) launched the "National program and Project Management Policy Framework" (NPMPF) announced to establish Industrial Parks inside its power projects.
•Indian Oil Corporation announced 10,000 EV charging stations in India by 2024 to fortify the country's EV infrastructure .
•The Dubai government of industrial parks, IT towers, multipurpose towers, logistic centres, a medical college, and a specialized hospital in Jammu and Kashmir.
•~12% ICRA will increase the cement production in India
•The US plans to introduce 574 projects worth $82 billion in the country's seaport under the Sagarmala Project .
REL-(NPTC) - 100% subsidiary to 470 MW solar projects in Rajasthan and 200 MW solar projects in Gujarat . Adani Group has signaled Green to invest US$ 20 billion over the next ten years in renewable energy generation and component manufacturing .
In September 2021, Larsen and Toubro (L&T) demonstrated its hydrocarbon engineering and watereffluent treatment, power transmission, and distribution capability during Dubai Expo.
BHEL's collaborative initiatives to address the growing demand potential in Railway Transportation, including Metro and Suburban Railways, include an initiative with Indian Railways for setting up a Greenfield Mainline Electrical Multiple Unit (MEMU) Coach Factory in Rajasthan
•February 2021, GMR Group signed an MoU with Airbus to explore collaboration opportunities across aviation services, technologies, and innovation.
•JLL Report stated that warehousing demand is expected to grow ~160% to reach 35 million sq. ft. in 2021.
•Investment in the logistics sector is expected to reach US$ 500 billion annually by 2025 to contribute to a US$ 5 trillion economy in 2025.
•India needs to construct 43,000 houses every day until 2022 to achieve the vision of Housing for All by 2022.
100% foreign direct investment (FDI) in the construction industry is allowed under the automatic route for urban infrastructures such as urban transport, water supply, sewerage, and sewage treatment. Thereby to contribute to the 9 % share in India's GDP, it is expected that 51 Million people can be employed, and thus the construction Industry in India is expected to reach $1.4 TN by 2025.
Construction Business Rules and Regulation: Real Estate Regulation Authority (RERA) benefits the homebuyers, developers, industry, penalties under RERA, and project registration to become RERA-approved broker.
College of Management, the finest sector-specific business school, has launched programs in association with CREDAI to upskill any background. CREDAI represents 13000+ developments across 217 city chapters in 21 states. Graduates work in the back offices and grow in their careers.
•Helps to enhance technology trends. In mega township projects, to overcome challenges of disaster-resistant houses, Mass transportation, Heavy raw material ordering, and robotics-controlled construction monitoring, the use of Man less vehicle technology understanding trend is the need of the hour.
•Students get the benefit of Designing, Planning, and Consultancy opportunities as well as can do skilled consultancy sever in the timely delivery of tasks like brickwork, formwork, centring, Decentering, DE Shutting, shutting, and equipment service etc.
•Students can start their own Entrepreneur journey by identifying the financial opportunities, thereby investing in Assets, tools, plant equipment, M/C may, cent erg etc.
•Training skilled labour by formally completing apprentice programs such as brickwork, masonry, and welding.