The Importance and Impact of Recreational Activities in the Educational Curriculum

Recreational Activities

The significance of this saying has increased manifold in today’s fast-paced and competitive world where students are forced by both their guardians and the conglomerate of society and situations as a whole to devote increasing hours in academic learning , whether theoretical or practical

What is recreation?
Recreation consists of activities or experiences carried on within leisure, usually chosen voluntarily by the participant –either because of satisfaction, pleasure or creative enrichment derived, or because he perceives certain personal or social values to be gained from them.

1. Physical Health

2. Mental Health
3. Improved Quality of Life
Various studies have shown the importance of recreations on one’s life specifically in three aspects- physical health, mental health and improving quality of life.
If such opportunities are lessening in a home set up, then it should be part of the educational
recreational activities in an educational set up will be academically more enriching for the student in many ways:

1. Students are more enthusiastic to learn in outdoor learning activities as compared to traditional indoor setting and also more motivated. They also develop a better attitude towards the environment and more responsible behavior
2. It helps in building communication skills and team building as students have to work in groups to solve problems.

3. It also helps in boosting memory as there is more practical experience and the information can be soaked up wholly by the brain in a more fresh.

4. It also helps in moral development as students get the opportunity to undertake leadership, question actions and regulations and accept responsibility for their own behavior.
5Enhances peer relationships and interpersonal skills. Students can also excel in areas other than academics where they have an interest.
a student
majority of his/her time. In fact,