Taking this opportunity, I want to address every person who has picked up this edition from any newsstand or was handed over by someone to ask a question,
‘What is the human obsession with flying?’
Now, some might say that it was the invention of airplanes that triggered humans with an obsession of flying, hence, the obsession. Which is indeed true! However, walking beyond these boundaries of the present world we are living in, I decided to roam some of the old libraries and dusted a couple of—on the verge of barely surviving—books.
Interestingly, the thought that inspired my obsession with the human obsession of flying derived from the books that on any surface of the earth would not be considered a crime to possess, the ancient history of humanity, from the mythical and ancient times which have laid the stepping stone to success for humans for centuries. Or rather—that would be an inappropriate word to say, ah—millenniums to follow, the books of religious, human imagination and fantasy.
Now, while carefully flipping the pages, I came across the Gods and the creatures that would have the ability to fly and allow humans to ride them. For instance, the God Vishnu, the Hindu deity of preservation, rode an eagle, or in the Chinese mythology, there is the mention of the dragon, a mythical animal flying and ruling the sky. Though European history tells the story of dragons being ridden by humans, which somewhere contradicts the eastern mythology. But that is a separate point of discussion.
Though this served as enough theory to prove that since the beginning, humans had been obsessed with conquering the three forms, space, water and land, that made human obsessed with flying.
And now that you have hanged till here reading some ancient connections, I would like to ask you another question, 'Why a machine or an object to fly?'
Well, it is technically impossible for humans to fly, and it would take another couple of million years to evolve into flying creatures. But the urge to fly first and, inspired by the mythical times and the ancient stories of flying carpets, came the idea to build a machine.
Though that idea was far quicker than waiting probably single-digit million years, with just a hope to evolve that way, Wright Brother, after several failures by its pre-thinkers, presented the world with the flying object, the Wright Flyer.
And studying human nature for a long and making their dream a reality, flying was made possible for humans. Moving ahead came the need to teach people how to fly and even make a career out of it, which forced the thenmodern universities to introduce the study of aerospace.
Today, more than 1800 pilots are being produced every year in the USA alone, and there are some colleges for not making just pilots but modern-day air steerers!
In The Knowledge Review' s venture to find 'The Most Impactful Aerospace Engineering College to Watch in 2022,' derived from an idea to just dust some books and make a place in those dusty shelves for someone like me to find, we present you this small booklet, that will tell the story of one of the most impactful aerospace engineering colleges of its time. And for people reading this in the current age, why the college in this edition allows you to make your flying dream a reality.
Also, read through the articles to find some of the interesting reads and trends for common people.
Have a happy and insightful read!
-Ashlesh Khadse ashlesh.khadse@insightssuccess.com
Mississippi State equips students with the experiences and problem-solving skills they need for success in their careers and beyond.
Make the Dreams of an Aerospace Engineering
Come True B A G L E Y C O L L E G E O F E N G I N E E R I N G
Since the dawn of time, humans have dreamed of flying - a dream that finally became reality with the first flight in 1903. Ever since that moment, aerospace has evolved at warp speed into a field of study that is riper for invention and discovery.
Mississippi State University's Department of Aerospace Engineering is keeping the dream alive by helping students explore new frontiers of flight through exposure to analytical simulation and experimental resources, including full-scale flight testing at MSU’s Raspet Flight Research Laboratory - the largest university flight research facility in the U.S.
A University Tradition of Progress
Created by the Mississippi Legislature in 1878, Mississippi State University opened its doors in the City of Starkville in 1880 as the Agricultural and Mechanical College of the State of Mississippi. Its beginning also included designation as a U.S. landgrant college, established by the Morrill Act of 1862, launching it as a comprehensive research university that has—to this day—addressed complex global challenges.
The institution received its first accreditation from the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools in 1926. In 1958, the Legislature renamed it Mississippi State University.
Today, Mississippi State provides a comprehensive range of undergraduate and graduate programs to students from all 50 states and 86 countries.
Building on its land-grant tradition, MSU strategically extends its expertise throughout the state, region, nation—and globally—offering educational access not only on the main Starkville campus, but on its Meridian campus, through Extension services, Center for Distance Education, and numerous other centers and institutes.
Under the leadership of Dr. Rani Sullivan , Head and Professor of Mississippi State's Department of
Dr.Rani Sullivan Head and Professor Dept. of Aerospace Engineering, Mississippi State University
Aerospace Engineering, the university provides students with a comprehensive program of study that emphasizes an active learning protocol along with skills to conduct basic, applied, and interdisciplinary research. Major areas of study include aerodynamics, structural mechanics, controls, and autonomous systems.
Students pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree in aerospace engineering may concentrate on aeronautics, the study of aircraft that operate in Earth's atmosphere; or astronautics, the study of spacecraft that operate outside Earth's atmosphere. MSU also offers enriching graduate programs, including online learning, that lead to Master of Science degrees (thesis and non-thesis) and Doctor of Philosophy degrees.
The faculty's externally funded research, supported by the U.S. Department of Defense, federal laboratories, and the aerospace industry, creates opportunities for graduate assistantships while enhancing MSU's experimental and simulation capabilities.
Aerospace students benefit from experiential learning opportunities by participating in multi-disciplinary student design teams, co-operative education programs, summer industry internships, and undergraduate
research programs. This supports MSU's goal to produce highly skilled graduates with industry-relevant and research-relevant qualifications.
Innovating for the Future –Aerospace Research
Established in 1935, MSU's Department of Aerospace Engineering has a rich heritage of educational leadership and innovative research involving aerodynamics, flight mechanics, and composite-structures technology.
Distinguished aerospace faculty were instrumental in establishing three major research centers at the university:
Ÿ Raspet Flight Research Laboratory (RFRL and an FAA Center of Excellence in Uncrewed Aircraft Systems)
High-Performance Computing Collaboratory (HPCC)
Ÿ The Institute for Clean Energy Technology (ICET)
The first all-composite aircraft (XV11A MARVEL) and the first experimental all-composite business jet (Honda MH-02) were designed, developed, and flight tested at MSU.
Examples of current research include:
Ÿ The development of multiscale and multi-physics models for highspeed aircraft to determine structural response, aerothermodynamics, and material degradation.
Ÿ Machine learning for spatial perception in unknown environments, blast energetics performance in hypersonic systems, and design and manufacture of advanced composites for aerospace applications.
Benefiting from close proximity to MSU's technical workforce, aerospace industries such as Airbus Helicopters, Aurora Flight Sciences, and Stark Aerospace have located in the Golden Triangle region - collectively known as the Aerospace Corridor.
Aim for the BEST – then reach HIGHER.The Most Impac ul Aerospace Engineering College to Watch in 2022
Mississippi State offers several activities that enable students to stay on top of technology trends, including participation in the August Raspet Student Chapter of the American Society for Aeronautics and Astronautics.
Many students also are members of multi-disciplinary, award-winning competition design teams: Space Cowboys (high-speed rocketry), Xipiter (uncrewed aircraft systems), and CubeSat MSU (space hardware).
The undergraduate curriculum concludes with a year-long senior capstone team project, allowing students an immersive research experience.
The department applies industryrelevant computational tools and processes in all aerospace courses to help graduates build computational competency. Students are provided with real-world professional experiences through internships, co-ops, and study-abroad programs.
Preparing Students to Thrive Mississippi State equips students with the experiences and problem-solving skills they need for success in their careers and beyond. The university provides a dynamic student experience within an inviting campus and college town, where students of diverse interests and backgrounds can explore what excites them and build lasting memories.
Every student is unique, and MSU's campus resources reflect this individualized perspective by offering a comprehensive range of programs, resources and services that help students successfully navigate their college careers and attain personal growth and development.
From counseling services and health and wellness programs to student leadership and community engagement resources to a robust veterans’ assistance network and a cultural diversity center, the MSU community is focused on ensuring that all students achieve their full potential.
Making an Impact Locally and Globally
Mississippi State has established a
legacy of leadership on a variety of research fronts with significant local, state, national and global impacts.
Contributing to MSU's worldwide reputation as a change maker is its research enterprise, which employs more than 4,000 research scientists and personnel, creating opportunities for spin-off and start-up companies, and attracting effective and strong privatesector and public partners in key industries.
MSU holds the R1 'Very High Research Activity' designation from the Carnegie Foundation, as well as the 'Innovation and Economic Prosperity University' designation from the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities, recognizing MSU's work
to advance engagement and economic well-being.
Also, the National Science Foundation recognizes MSU as the highest-ranked university in the state and a top 100 university nationally.
The university is well positioned to expand its role as an economic driver in the future, in large part because of the faculty's preeminence in critical research focus areas like cybersecurity and advanced computing, uncrewed aircraft systems and aerospace, agriculture and natural resources, engineering and materials science, and automotive and mobility systems.
As home to the Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Fish, funded by
USAID, MSU supports the sustainable development of aquaculture and fisheries in developing countries. The university has also combined forces with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations to eliminate starvation in developing countries.
Its Orion System is the nation's fifth fastest academic supercomputer site, and MSU is one of only six universities in the nation to house a presidential library, the Ulysses S. Grant Presidential Library. MSU also is among the 10% of U.S. colleges and universities that shelter a Phi Beta Kappa chapter.
MSU serves as the national lead university for the FAA's Center of
Excellence for Uncrewed Aircraft Systems and is ranked sixth globally for its entrepreneurship research initiatives. MSU's Center for Entrepreneurship and Outreach has helped young entrepreneurs raise more than $1 million annually to launch around 100 new ventures through its Venture Catalyst Program.
Mississippi State is one of only a few schools in the U.S. to hold all three of the National Security Agency’s centers of academic excellence credentials: CAE Cyber Defense, CAE Cyber Research, and CAE Cyber Operations. MSU also leads the NSA-sponsored national CAE Cyber Operations Community of Practice and is recognized as a top 10 Military Friendly School by VIQTORY. In addition, the university leads the Department of Homeland Security's Common UAS Test Site.
MSU's National Research and Training Center on Blindness and Low Vision is the nation’s only federally funded center focused on employment outcomes for people with blindness or low vision.
MSU has always offered academic programs and research opportunities designed to equip its students with problem-solving skills not only to achieve success in their careers and in life, but to solve the globe's most pressing challenges.
Beyond classroom instruction, the university strives to shape tomorrow's leaders by providing more hands-on and real-world experiences. This places students in roles of responsibility. Through an empowering environment, students are encouraged to learn, create, and innovate.
Mentoring is another crucial activity that can make all the difference in helping students advance in their college and career journeys. In recent years, MSU has established an online network and mentorship platform, The Bulldog Connection, where recent graduates and alumni can seek mentorships, connect with industry peers, find job opportunities and access other helpful resources that facilitate personal and professional development.
According to Dr. Sullivan, it is important for institutions to recognize that today’s students want an education that allows them to contribute to the world in meaningful ways. Aerospace missions and applications can fulfill that goal by providing opportunities to positively impact human life on earth.
"Our close-knit department emphasizes collegiality, integrity and ethics, professional skills, and leadership development of our students. We appreciate and value diversity in our community and encourage students to work hard in and out of the classroom. We encourage our students to aim for the BEST – then reach HIGHER," she says.
More information on Mississippi State's Aerospace Engineering program, contact Dr. Sullivan at sullivan@ae.msstate.edu More on admission to Mississippi State is available by emailing admit@msstate.edu and the university web address is www.msstate.edu.
Recognize that today’s students want an educa on that will allow them to contribute to the world in meaningful ways.
is recognized by The Knowledge Review Magazine in an annual listing of
The Most Impactful to Watch in 2022 ENGINEERING COLLEGE
for elevating and enhancing the education quality for Aviation Engineering and adding more feathers to humanity's dream of flying.
Pooja M. Bansal Editor-in-ChiefAlittle more than a century ago,
humans took their flight model to the world and showed the world living proof that flying is not just a mere fragment of imagination for humans.
Curled up in the mythical and magical stories of humans flying and dominating the sky, humans have desperately shown their love for flying since its existence. It was brought to reality by Oliver and Wilbur Wright in the year 1903. And depicting it correctly way ahead of this, English Author Douglas Adams once said, "The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss."
However, spreading the wings wide and broad, the world picked up the pace taking humans on its longawaited dream of flying. However, the world came to know of these miniflying machines of the sky during World War II. Making it a sight of horror and awe at the same time.
Captivating on this factor and choosing aspiration and living over the cost of death, the end of the Second World War brought a new night to aviation engineering.
So, let's delve into and discuss the past, present and future of aviation below:
The entire 20-century later created a win-win situation for the leaders of the flying adventure of humans. Soon, after the dawn of humanity after WW-II, humans began to explore and test the exportation through the air.
Conquering that in a spans of few years, humanity gave wings to every individual, allowing them to explore the deep light blue sky, clouds and what lay beyond it. Witnessing the depth of the skies and knowing the
intricacies of the physics, astrology and stars, humans' venture of flying took a new face, the venture to fly higher, faster and beyond mother earth.
With the rise in the number of people wishing to be the wings of flight for humanity, the number of people studying aerospace and flying also increased. Fuelling humanity's this venture, humans started to explore and witness the space the mighty eye can see.
Changing its aspiration from conquering the sky to conquering space in a matter of time. The past has witnessed humans literally using humans, animals, and even machines to explore the depth of dark and wide space around the mighty earth.
Walking gets too boring when you learn to fly! - Shakira
Though the above quote was said in a completely different context, it also exactly predicts, interprets and brings human nature to reality. Ever since humans discovered how to fly, they have been trying, testing and overreaching themselves by aiming to fly higher, farther and faster.
The exploration of air has found humanity flying higher than it used to and at a much faster speed. Today, the fastest-moving aircraft in an X-15 is capable of going up to Mach 6.7. At the same time, the military's jet Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird lurks in behind it. And the fastest commercial Concorde had discarded some laws of physics for a few.
Having said that, what lies ahead for these flying enthusiasts is even more challenging as it can make them greater than the mythical GODS.
Challenging the Speed of Light! When humanity's venture of flying became a reality, another venture was brought to light: the venture of becoming God and proving the God Particle theory. Today, humans are still exploring the wide-open skies while also taking the world on a flight with them.
On the other hand, the enthusiasts who called themselves the explorers of space started exploring beyond the blue skies and moving ahead with infinity. Exploring different natural objects like the black holes, galaxies, and the planets light years ahead, humanity's dream of aviation has now started to challenge the speed of light.
As the bedrock setter and poet, the great Dante once said, "O human race, born to fly upward, wherefore at a little winds dost thou so fall?"
Inspired by this ideology and trying, testing, failing and failing better, humanity has begun from starching the floor of space and moving ahead with the speed that can define the future of mankind.
The Future is Up There!
Taking inspiration from mythical stories, human's wide inspiration, aspiration and desperation, humanity's future seems to be up there, floating there in space somewhere. It can be expected that the field of aviation can defy, deny and redefine the laws of physics in the near future.
Also, as the current exploration made by some of the prominent figures made exploring space a reality. The future can be on the rocks that we have named weirdly could be our next home. Until they let humans hang on to the threads of Dante Alighieri's The Devine Comedy.