Dusting the internet to find some of the most prominent business schools in the world, the wall of history kept repeating on every school that was bound to solidify its existence. Every institution has a history that they proudly tell, but the history that shows us the future is not
the university's past but the past of the community, the commoners, and the people who keep the cycle of humanity alive.
Having said that, one country that continuously kept itself in the recent history books of the people in Germany Despite the horrors that Adolf Hitler cast in WW-II, the story of Germany or rather the history of Germany speaks volumes for itself. Igniting the flame of progression, prosperity and hope.
So, let's flip some of the pages of history back and have a peek-a-boo at the recent German history. Starting the story from WW-I, Germany was crippled to ashes, and the proof of that
is clearly stated in the Treaty of Versailles! However, under unprecedented and uncertain circumstances, it was Adolf Hitler forced everyone's finger to point towards Germany on the world map.
However, as they say, 'A l l i t t a kes i s o n e m a n 's a m b i t i o n t o cr ea t e a r u cku s . ' It was Hitler's ambition to conquer Europe that cost Germany a deadly war for humanity to remember.
Apart from all these war-based events in Germany, what caught my attention was the historical event of The Fall of the Berlin Wall. The significance of this event in history might be blurred by the peaceful lifestyles lines the world has gifted us, but back then, it was a matter of survival and justice for the people living in the same country.
Intriguing as it may sound, that's the truth And now, coming to the present time, Germany is the ideal destination for knowledge, education, innovation, passion, culture, you name it. Bringing all the fingertips back to Germany for holistic education; as Angela Merkel rightly said, " G er m a n y h a s b eco m e a co u n t r y t h a t m a n y p eo p l e a b r o a d a s s o ci a t e w i t h h o p e. "
Now, coming back to my research to give you your perfect college to study business, T h e K n o w l ed g e R evi ew came across N O R D A K A D E M I E , and its unique business educational pedagogies reminded the fall of the
berlin wall. Well, not actually the berlin wall, but the quality education wall that restricted many aspirants from the world from exploring the depths of modern business.
So, let this edition be the guide for you to explore the unique international business education pedagogies of NORDAKADEMIE.
Also, flip some more pages to find out why studying in Germany is the best choice one makes.
And always remember as William Faulkner once said, 'H i s t o r y i s n o t w a s , i t i s . ’
Have a happy and insightful read! T R
As h le s h K h a ds e
university is a place of encounter where lifelong 'nodes' are tied for a strong personal network.
Life is nothing but the art of
balancing important things on a multi-edged sword. As the popular quote goes, 'Reality is different than fiction,' it is certainly true in this case. The tilting balance of important things resides the genesis of the business, on which the entire world around systematically revolves.
With the genesis of the business decades past, the idea of the economy was brought into the world by the forerunners of thought leadership. Today, economics and businesses run the world, but economics and businesses are much more than that.
"Economics is too important to leave it to the economists."
Quoting Steve Keen and his strong foreshadowing perception of economics, it was found necessary for the change drivers to introduce multiple collaborations with business, economics, humanity, and learning.
Many proficient thinkers realised the need for a unique collaborative structure when the world was on the verge of entering an era of significant changes in 1981. In his venture to set up a dual course study in 'Industrial Engineering and Management' at the Schleswig-Holstein University of Cooperative Education, Dr. Georg Plate deliberately laid the foundation of NORDAKADEMIE Gemeinnützige Aktiengesellschaft Hochschule der Wirtschaft (NORDAKADEMIE Non-profit Corporation University of Economics).
In its quest to find 'The Most Prominent Business School in Germany, 2022,' The Knowledge Review magazine, came across NORDAKADEMIE, a prominent
In 10 years' time, the NORDAKADEMIE will be playing to its strengths on the education market, which will have become much more professional by then.
We see ourselves as an innovative, alert, creative, educationcentred and entrepreneurial university. We fill this self-image with life every day - for the benefit of our students!
business school that is making economics and business studies futureready for the world.
“Being a business school, which has always been a step ahead of its current age since its inception, there is always an imitative outlook on the future on how the world will look from behind the stage. While talking about the school's uniqueness and its educational pedagogies for instilling the art of balancing the ideologies, ethics and rules of economics and business in the students, Prof. Dr. Stefan Wiedmann , President and Diploma Industrial Engineer, Christoph Fülscher , Chancellor of the university , shares the story of underpinned success of one of the most prominent business schools st of 21-century.
Laying the Foundation Stone of NORDAKADEMIE The inception story of
NORDAKADEMIE can date back to May 1981, when Dr. Georg Plate initiated a project manager at the Schleswig-Holstewig University of Cooperative Education on 1 April 1981. In his practical attempt to set a dual course study program in 'Industrial Engineering and Management' , he started with a simple mailing campaign.
Amongst the 500 mails sent, it resulted in one positive response from Drägerwerk AG, which agreed to provide two study places for a completely new- yet visionary, training model. In the attempt to keep the project alive, Dr. Georg Plate also found the need to bring more investment from major industry players.
Showcasing the importance of Dr. Georg Plate in the inception of the university and in setting up the
university into what it is today, the current president of the university, Dr. Stefan Wiedmann, says, "In addition to Dräger, companies such as Airbus, Fette, Hatlapa, Körber, Mobil Oil, Philips, Rotring and Telefunken were involved from the beginning and played a decisive role in the founding of the later NORDAKADEMIE."
"It was probably, in particular, the success of the dual study programme which tipped the scales in favour of founding a university supported by business and industry: all those involved - employers and graduates alike - were satisfied with the quality of the three and a half year course at the
vocational academy. The only criticism was the lack of a formal, internationally recognised university degree," the Chancellor of the university, Christoph Fülscher, added.
Moving swiftly in the field of education, all founding members of NORDAKADEMIE felt the need to establish the Academy as a private University of Applied Sciences. They were being supported by NORDMETALL, an employers association of the metal and electrical industry, by promoting this idea to their member companies. Thereby
more businesses joined and a unique business model was created: a University of Applied Sciences 100% owned by private companies in Germany.
On 25th February 1992, 20 companies showed enthusiasm and agreed to the setup of a non-profit limited company, which was to be the sponsor of the future university.
With the support of member companies and a promising future for business academics, the state recognition of NORDAKADEMIE came on 22 October 1992 as a university of applied sciences with dual courses of study.
Our young Bachelor students can all spend a (voluntary) semester abroad in the 5th semester at one of our more than 40 partner universities around the world. In Europe, participation in the ERASMUS+ funding programme is also possible.
We cannot solve a problem by using the same kind of thinking we used, when we created them.
- Albert Einstein
Dr. Stefan Wiedmann highlighted when the lectures began and how they have shaped themselves today: "Lectures began at the beginning of January 1993, and the university was officially opened on 19 February 1993. Today, around 1,500 Bachelor students live and learn on the NORDAKADEMIE Campus in Elmshon."
"In 2013 NORDAKADEMIE opened the Graduate School in Hamburg, where part-time Master's degrees can be obtained. Today, around 1,000 young professionals are studying for their Master's degree there," he further added.
NORDAKADEMIE, as a university, was born from business and industry. While most universities focus on grooming economists in a business environment, NORDAKADEMIE always keeps an eye on the occupational profiles that are relevant to the current business world.
The mission— 100% YOUR FUTURE. Bachelor. Master. Career —of the university is developed on that ideation to train young, ambitious people in the business, technical and software development qualifications and understanding their needs, whether that be the dual Bachelor's course or the part-time Masters' Program.
"We see ourselves as an innovative, alert, creative, education-centred and entrepreneurial university. We fill this self-image with life every day - for the benefit of our students!" emphasises Prof. Dr. Stefan Wiedmann, President of NORDAKADEMIE.
After 25 years the founding team
passed on the torch to a tandem that now leads the University, Prof. Dr. Stefan Wiedmann as president and Diploma Industrial Engineer Christoph Fülscher as Chancellor. Both are also the Managing Directors of the charitable public company. With new work processes and fresh study programmes, they are setting the course for the next successful 30 years.
The inception of NORDAKADEMIE was based on the ideation of studying two integral programs, such as business and technology at the same time, becoming the industrial engineering degree. The particular high career opportunities relevant in this current world are based on the special business models that many industries have developed.
Talking about the intuitive academic programs started by the university, the university management says, "The particularly high career opportunities for NORDAKADEMIE students are based on the special business model: the dual study programme in the Bachelor's degree and the part-time study programme in the Master's degree. The students are thus connected to practice, to the companies, from the very beginning. In addition, it is a hiring requirement for every professor at NORDAKADEMIE that they come from practice, from industry, and therefore know what the young professionals need to become successful in professional practice."
Being a university that has always been a step ahead of the current trends in the industry and business world, NORDAKADEMIE finds it necessary to provide its students with a holistic global exposure.
Emphasising on how the university achieves that, Christoph Fülscher, Chancellor of the university, says, "Our young Bachelor students can all spend a (voluntary) semester abroad in the 5th semester at one of our more than 40 partner universities around the world. In Europe, participation in the ERASMUS+ funding programme is also possible."
Further continuing in depth, Christoph Fülscher further adds , "A component of the Master's programme is a so-called 'Master's Project' in which internationally positioned companies to give our students a concrete question as a 3-month project."
Through this unique Master's program for students studying for MBA, international lectures in necessary languages such as English, Spanish, and French are introduced at the university.
Delivering Complete Learning
The uniqueness of NORDAKADEMIE is in the courses that it offers. While most universities focus is one trait of business, the academic curriculum of both the 5 Bachelor's and 6 Master's Degree are based curated for attaining maximum engagement of students with learning.
"Bachelor's students also have the opportunity to choose a specialisation from the 5th of 7 semesters. In addition, we offer an extensive Studium Generale, i.e., a large selection of seminars with which students can educate themselves beyond their own horizons. Here are a few examples: Leadership Training, Conflict Management, Public Relations, Politics & Economics, Online Marketing, and many more.
Analogously, Master's students can
The dual study programme enables me to learn and understand processes and structures. I can put my theoretical knowledge directly into practice, for example, in computer science. On top of that, I already earn my own money during the dual study programme, which is really a great combination! I would describe my dual studies at EDEKA as varied, goal-oriented and innovative.
- Jeremy, student, Business Information Systems“From my point of view, the dual study programme at NORDAKADEMIE is the ideal way for committed students in the field of economics. The theoretical knowledge learned in blocks can be excellently combined with practical experience. This concept ensures a demanding but high-quality education and prepares students for professional life in a goal-oriented manner.
- Nils, student, Business Administration degree programme
During my dual studies, I particularly enjoyed the insights into di erent departments of my employer and the associated freedom to develop and to keep di erent paths open for myself. Even after a short time, I was able to combine my knowledge from theory and practice, contribute it and even help others with my own experiences - that is something very special for me.
- Laura, Business Administration degree programme
The fascinating fields of HR management and psychology are two sides of the same coin. One deals with the business and extrinsic motivational aspects, the other with the intrinsic motivational factors that drive people at an individual and organisational level. During their studies, the students will have the opportunity to explore both disciplines in depth, apply what they learn to real-life situations and add real value to their future career.
- Prof. Dr. David Scheffer, Lecturer in Business Psychology
take various certificate courses, for example, Business Analytics or Software Development," Chancellor Christoph Fülscher added.
Modern education has been spreading its wings in multiple ever since the introduction of technology in education. Explaining how the university is benefitting from it, Prof. Dr. Stefan Wiedmann says, "Basically, we are a university that believes in the benefits of face-to-face teaching.
“Nevertheless, we have naturally opened up to modern teaching methods: Online, hybrid, and similar. In addition, more and more edutainment modules are being incorporated into teaching."
"A university is a place of encounter where lifelong "nodes" are tied for the personal network. This strong network is just as important for the students as the academic degree; this is much easier to realise in presence. In addition, I am looking forward to the anniversary events for the 30th anniversary of the NORDAKADEMIE, and I am especially happy when we achieve our goals together."
"In 10 years' time, the NORDAKADEMIE will be playing to its strengths on the education market, which will have become much more professional by then. For example, the combination of the main content areas
of business informatics, industrial engineering, business administration and psychology will be more in demand than ever. The dovetailing of these fields is the topic of digital transformation, i.e. what is currently driving all companies in their change processes. Becoming a strategic partner for people and companies here is a great opportunity. The strong partner network already offers an excellent basis for this. In addition, I envisage great flexibility on the part of the university in order to adapt to the time and space constraints of the (international) students. At the same time, events will also be didactically developed to meet the changing requirements."
"But all this can be copied by competitors. What cannot be copied, however, will be the innovative, alert, creative, educational culture of an entrepreneurial university," envisions Christoph Fülscher.
Economics is too important to leave it to the economists.
for breaking the stereotypical beliefs of business education and being the forerunner of holistic business education in the 21st century.
Pooja M. Bansal Editor-in-Chiefermany, the way we know and see it today, is very different from what it was a few decades ago. Riding on the tides of growing technological advancements, innovations, effective automobiles and, most importantly, instilling the values of a quality, peaceful and harmonious lifestyle, Germany in every way has become the forerunning country with stable and confident governance.
But as Pearl Buck, once rightly said, "If you want to understand today, you had to search yesterday." And the traces of the current happenings in Germany can be easily depicted by flipping through the pages of history.
Furthermore, the history of Germany is an epic tale of 'Rags to Riches' and deliberately challenging, discarding, and mending the rules of the world. Germany has become one of the powerhouses of education in the world.
Education in Germany is considered the most prized possession, and the fact of it can be seen clearly, as the number of Sanskrit Universities present in Germany is more than in India, from where the roots of Sanskrit languages can be traced.
Today, many international students wish to complete their learning arc in Germany. Moreover, Germany has also groomed some of the trendsetting cities of the world that are shaping the curvature of the business.
So, you are an international student wishing to study business abroad; below are five of the many reasons why you should study modern-day business in Germany.
Yes, you have read it right. As the Germans consider education as their most prized possession, German universities almost do not charge tuition fees to the students.
Furthermore, if you are an Englishspeaking person, getting admitted to such universities becomes easy because only the business education courses offered in German are in English because of the rising internationalism.
So, discard the fact that education abroad is costly. Education almost becomes an integral part of life if you know the right place. Moreover, the learning culture in Germany is all about innovation, ideation and execution. And the proof of that can be seen as the world turning to Germany to become an educational powerhouse.
Housing the likes of Munich Business School, ESTM Berlin, Nordakademie, etc., Germany houses some of the top business schools in the world. With low tuition costs and an excellent learning culture, Germany offers international students the perfect place to learn, grow and contribute to the fast-growing and developing world.
Even the Top-Ranked Universities' culture aims to groom the students in an exclusive atmosphere that curates their love for the subject. Other than that, most of these business schools are established in the prominent business centres of Germany. This way, you get to stay close to international business and understand business from the curious student's point of view.
Europe has always been considered as the trendsetting continent in the world. Setting the themes of modern business, culture, technology, etc., Germany is a powerful member of the European Union. And being a part of the EU, you get to travel Europe from Germany and be the forerunner of the latest educational pedagogies in the world.
Nevertheless, the Universities in Germany also offer their students a trip around Europe to understand business under different domains, influences, etc. Other than that, travelling through
Europe is a dream of many, and you living that dream in your learning years can contribute hugely to your career and the growth arc that students desperately carve for!
The culture of Germany is unique from all the countries in the world. Groomed in history and the ancient civilisations and empires, the culture has mapped a unique graph that defines why Germany is always a step ahead of the world.
Roam the busy streets of prominent German cities, get involved in the celebrations, and enjoy the indulging festivals that re-instils humanity in humans and gives a sense of freedom and liberty.
With the costs of education reduced by a significant margin, the cost of living in Germany becomes a healthy affair for international students. Though international students always miss homemade food, with the lifestyle of leading countries and a busy lifestyle that keeps the wheel of progression running, by the time the international student completes his course, he is ready to settle and live happily in the historic fatherland of Germany.
Germany is a magnificent country with a history of a long history. And being one of the forerunning countries of the st 21 century, it is the most preferred study and live destination sought by innovative students around the world. So, just in case you are looking for some more reasons to study in Germany, maybe read the previous profile once again and start your career's glorifying journey.