Certified Balanced Scorecard Management System Professional
In Parnership with:
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia 2016 editions: 3 - 5 April 25 - 27 September Experience the practical business implication of the Balanced Scorecard through an intensive simulation
3 Key Business Benefits Improve the performance of your company by practicing a sound Balanced Scorecard Management System; Ensure excellence in achieving organizational strategic objectives through a rigorous cascading process of the Balanced Scorecard Architecture across all organizational levels; Attain the company’s desired state of evolution by deploying aligned and structured performance management tools.
„The course was very comprehensive and informative. It helped me have a clear understanding of KPIs and developed my skills around setting my own departmental KPIs. Thank you!” Anfal Al Qumaish, The Institute of Public Administration, UAE Info at: www.kpiinstute.org | +966 115 102 716 | amahfouz@igtc.com.sa | +966 55 97 55 777