Performance Management in 2016: GCC Special Edition

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Executive summary Performance Management in 2016 GCC Special Edition a relentless year in terms of Performance Management advancements, and it 2016 was has brought forth what we now consider to be the next age in this domain: an age of maturity, of thoughtful decisions, of respect gained and earned, of hard work and commitment. This new age in Performance Management is what we celebrate through Performance Management in 2016: GCC Special Edition. This year, the success of the previous reports developed by The KPI Institute has highlighted the need for a more introspective look into this specific field, on certain areas across the globe. Thus, the three special editions of Performance Management in 2016, namely the GCC, the ASEAN and the North America ones accompany the Global edition. The time has come for us to migrate, from viewing the whole picture of this discipline, to studying details found in different regions of the same picture. This special edition of the Performance Management report series is the material representation of the discipline across one region, comprised of six countries: United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Oman, Bahrain and Kuwait. What draws interest in performance management within the Gulf Cooperation Council region is the successful incorporation of elements specific to the area. The region is a leader in terms of innovative business solutions, transplanting and executing plans from paper to reality with high levels of efficiency and effectiveness. A preview of performance management in the GCC is represented by the numerous forward strides achieved by each and every member state, such as Kuwait and Oman looking to diversity their economies, in order to lessen their dependence on oil and focus on other sources of revenue, whilst the UAE is building its development along the World Bank’s SDGs, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is focusing on social innovation, and Bahrain is concentrating on improving the relationship between government and citizens by developing a modern e-government platform. Performance Management in 2016: GCC Special Edition is part of the annual series with the same name, developed by The KPI Institute with the purpose of revealing the methodical, non-pertaining and truthful state of performance management, as it is implemented today by organizations, governments and nations across the globe. The content which ensues aims to bring forth the specificity of Performance Management within the GCC, among others. The two paths followed are defined by what sets GCC practices apart, but also what aligns them with the rest of the world. Extensive and exhaustive analysis has stood at the base of each section of the report, from insights into each of the six country-specific Performance Management systems, to the interviews given by experts in this discipline, to the complete range to educational programs which incorporate Performance related courses within their curriculum.

Editorial coordination: Aurel Brudan, CEO of The KPI Institute

An appropriate citation for this magazine is: The KPI Institute, Performance Management in 2016: GCC Special Edition, August, 2017, Melbourne, Australia Indemnity statement: The KPI Institute has taken due care in preparing the analysis contained in this publication. However, noting that some of the data used for the analysis has been provided by third parties, The KPI Institute gives no warranty to the accuracy, reliability, fitness for purpose, or otherwise of the information. The KPI Institute shall have no liability for errors, omissions, or inadequacies in the information contained herein or for interpretations thereof. The opinions expressed herein are subject to change without notice. Published by: The KPI Institute Editorial coordination: Aurel Brudan Andrei Costea Editorial Staff: Maria Juncu Research Team: Marcela Presecan , Ana Lechintan Andrea Minelli Alina Miertoiu Teodora Oltean-Gocan Ana Maria Sabau )

Feedback regarding this edition and inputs for future editions are highly appreciated by our team and should be directed at

Š 2017 The KPI Institute Ltd. All Rights Reserved. ID Number: TKI0171061 ISBN-13: 978-1974201754 ISBN-10: 1974201759

DTP: Headquarters: Melbourne Office, Life.lab Building 198 Harbour Esplanade, Suite 606 Melbourne Docklands, VIC 3008 Australia T: +61 3 9028 2223 M: +075 4864 336 PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT IN 2016: GCC EDITION


Introduction 1. Executive Summary 2. Visual Summary

About the Report


4. About the Report

Perspectives 5. Introduction 6. GCC Perspectives 10. Interviews

Around the World 18. Map Overview



18. Introduction 19. Country Profiles 21. Global Insights

Trends 36. Trends and Statistics




Around the World





40. Educational Introduction 41. Educational Degrees & Programs

Career 60. Careers & Salaries 61. Events






64. Bestselling Books 65. Latest Published Books 66. Communities 68. Portals

Software 69. Gartner releases its 2017 Magic Quadrant for BI software solutions






About the Report Education The Education section reveals the complete range of universities across the six countries that have at least one degree dedicated to Performance Management. Compare and review the diversity of subjects these have to offer, together with duration of studies and tuition fees. The data was collected from each university’s official website.


The report Performance Management in 2016: GCC Special Edition is developed as a qualitative study which reflects the performance management reality across a specially designated region: the Gulf Cooperation Council. The study was conducted by The KPI Institute over a period of 3 months and it focuses on data available in the January 2016 – December 2017 timeframe. Both primary and secondary sources were used to compile the report.

Perspectives Explore the Perspectives section to see what Performance Management academics, practitioners and consultants from the GCC have to say regarding this field, what the future has in store for it, and also what areas need improvement. Additionally, see what experts think about Personal Performance and how they measure and improve their daily performance outside working hours.

Legislation The section encompasses all GCC nations as they were in 2016, namely the Kingdom of Bahrain, the Kingdom of Kuwait, the Sultanate of Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. The main concern regarded changes that 2016 might have brought to each country’s legislation on performance management systems, their implementation process and immediate outcomes. Sources considered for this were governmental websites, strategic development plans and official reports.

Trends in Search Continuing the tradition of past years’ Performance Management reports, in 2016 the same tool, Google Trends, and a new one – Mangools, to obtain graphic data regarding keyword search operations performed last year, worldwide.


Some of the world’s most important performance-events are held in the GCC region. This section presents a list of the most relevant conferences held in 2016, together with announced events in 2017. All of them have been selected based on the event’s main theme.

Books This section of the report is dedicated to books which have either Performance Management, or a closely-related subject, as the main theme. The chapter is split into two distinct sections: one centers on best-selling books, while the other focuses on the latest published books.

Portals The Portals section was created with the intention of providing necessary guidelines for online orientation in the Performance Management field. Thus, it comprises two tables which provide a ranking of the ten most accessed Performance Management related websites.

Communities What online community can one visit in order to grasp the most valuable Performance Management insights? This section of the report was compiled with the intention of answering this question.

Career The section provides an overview of the job and salaries trends, as they evolved in 2016, in the GCC area.

Software This section presents the results of the Gartner study, which aims to rank software solutions providers according to a set of unique variables.


5 Interviews


A crucial point in every research project, regardless of the subject, is to have access to insights from experts in the field. The report Performance Management 2016: GCC Special Edition continues the standard set by the previous editions, which consists of gathering and compiling opinions from numerous specialists in the field, in order to provide an overview of the state of the discipline.


Regardless of the field, progress can only come through the collective efforts of academics, consultants and practitioners, who develop the discipline through their work, providing insights from practice. This edition of the report features interviews with specialists from the latter two specializations. From the public to private sector, authorities in the domain shared their expertise and


Which were the 2016 key trends in Performance Management, from your point of view?



What are your thoughts on the integration of Performance Management at organizational, departmental and employee level?





Which will be the major changes in managing performance, in the future?




knowledge, shedding light on vital issues, such as the best practices in Performance Management, what is the current downturn in today’s practice and what can be done to take the field to the next level. All interviewees answered the following set of questions (1-13), with Question 14 varying based on each of our interviewee’s specialization:

Personal Performance

Which are main challenges of Performance Management in practice, today?


What should be improved in the use of Performance Management tools and processes?


What is your opinion on the emerging trend of measuring performance outside working hours?

What personal performance measurement tools do you use?

What would you consider as a best practice in Performance Management?


Specific Question

What aspects of Performance Management should be explored more through research?



14 a



14 b

Which organizations would you recommend to be looked at, due to their particular approach to managing performance, and their subsequent results?

Which aspects of Performance Management should be emphasized during educational programs?

What are the limits that prevent practitioners from achieving higher levels of proficiency in Performance Management?

Practitioners: Which were the recent achievements in generating value from performance management in your organization? For Consultants: What are the processes and tools you look at, in order to differentiate a successful performance management system, from a superficial one?


Which of the existing trends, topics or current aspects within Performance Management have lost their relevance and/ or importance, from your point of view? PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT IN 2016: GCC EDITION




Which were the 2016 key trends in Performance Management, from your point of view? Our interviewed panel of experts noted that two very prevalent trends swept across 2016 – the greater in-depth use of data analytics and a simplification of review meetings, which is a trend that has started quite a few years back, but is now steadily coming full circle. On the one hand, in-depth data analytics & analysis fill the gap that many decisionmakers encounter when they are at a risk of losing the balance between using KPIs and analytics, to measure their company’s performance.

The entire process of cascading and integration PM at all levels should be seen as a tool used to build a better and clearer future for the company, not as a control mechanism for tracking past performance. If you build a loyal, supportive and happy team, any issues such as behavioral implications are quickly swept away. If talented, strategic planners understand these two important details, then integrating PM at all levels will a resounding success.


Which will be the major changes in managing performance, in the future?

Furthermore, this trend is strengthened by the rise of OKRs, the sudden heightened emphasis on Financial KPIs and new elements such as neuroleadership applied to performance, as all of these have to be measured in one way or another and data analytics are the answer.

When it came to judging the future, responses were quite varied and as such, here are some of the changes that our experts envision for Performance Management:

On the other hand, we have started to notice an even greater simplification of performance review processes, with many companies across the area deciding that it is time for continuous review and onthe-task feedback, rather than quarterly or yearly meetings. As one interviewee mentioned, individuals forget what feedback they received at the start of the year and by the time you reach the end, feedback on their year-long performance is somewhat redundant, as you can no longer fix any issues that might have occurred during the mid-year period.

• Online Analytical Processing and managing performance will not be limited to quarterly reports, it will be daily/real time based to accompany the technological and virtual revolution


What are your thoughts on the integration of Performance Management at the organizational, departmental and employee level? Among the answers we’ve received, there is unanimous agreement that cascading PM at all levels is very important and effective as well, from a performance standpoint. However, all of our specialists have noted if your strategy does not explicitly emphasize performance, then employees will be reluctant to accept it as a guideline for the company’s development. 6

• Big Data and data analytics will enable performance reporters to reach deeper levels

• Managing performance will become more objective and purpose driven if people are more free to find their way to get it • More reliance on automated real-time dashboards • There will be major changes in talent management, leaders creation and coaching • Prediction-based analysis of performance will gain more traction


What aspects of Performance Management should be explored more through research? When thinking about research endeavors, some of the main highlighted points were exploring neuroleadership & the psychosocial aspect of performance management, understanding the relationship between

leadership styles and performance management and developing scientific methods to set KPI thresholds by taking in consideration the internal & external factors impacting enterprise performance and not depending only on benchmarking.


Which organization would you recommend to be looked at, due to their particular approach to managing performance, and their subsequent results? Among the list of companies which our specialists see as having a strong and welldeveloped Performance Management System or that manage performance in an outstanding manner, one can find the following: • Apple • Google, Facebook, Dropbox • Barry-Wehmiller • Saudi Aramco • General Electric In addition to these, our interviewees noted that any organization which invests in a PM system, has a committed leadership and continually tries to improve its outputs is worth praising and respecting, as they are dedicated to improving themselves.


Which of the existing trends, topics or current aspects within Performance Management have lost their relevance and/or importance, from your point of view? Many subjects within Performance Management have long lost their relevance, but not everyone is quite aware of this. So, we have asked our panel of specialists what are some of the trends, topics or current aspects within PM that do not seem to be as relevant nowadays as they used to be: • The periodical or cyclical view of performance is slowly losing the spotlight

PERSPECTIVES • Top-down objectives





there is an inevitable need to improve all performance measurement techniques

• Annually evaluating or managing performance by orders, commands and threats

• We need to improve & work on the increasingly popular trend of automation, ensuring it is customized, relevant and always up-to-date

• Fixed performance planning processes are no longer relevant


Which are the main challenges in today’s Performance Management practice? The interviewed professionals have identified numerous challenges related to the field, from very general to very specific ones. The challenges that most professionals referred to are: • The need to align KPIs with the appropriate performance objectives • Setting and approving SMART KPIs • The process of approving targets; while setting targets can sometimes be a difficult process, approving them is even more challenging • Maintaining the link between performance management and rewards • Maintaining high levels of employee motivation • Making sure that your feedback system and your performance audit gives you the chance to act upon your findings and results immediately


What do you think should be improved in the use of Performance Management tools and processes? Far from offering simple improvement suggestions, the interviewed professionals provided numerous examples of improvements brought to performance management tools and processes that could help organizations achieve the desired outcomes. Some of them are: • With the increasing shift in business models from a brick base to the click base,

• The introduction of new mechanisms for selecting proper KPIs • The proper integration of data analytics tools and performance management tools • The main tools and processes that need improvement are: self-discipline, engagement, alignment, as well as lean processes • Feedback should always be tied to your next plan cycle for the performance review • Being more empathetic towards employees and trying to understand them through consultative and discussion based reviews, rather than through something which is done on a hardline periodical basis


What would you consider as a best practice in Performance Management?

Some of the aspects regarded by the interviewed professionals as best practices in the field are: • Changing performance management from a restriction or punishment tool, to an improvement and growth re-invention tool • Building KPIs by using a top-down model, as it is easier to manage them this way


Which aspects of Performance Management should be emphasized during educational programs? Given the current curriculum in many universities and schools around the world, our experts agreed that there are still numerous performance related aspects that are not fully addressed through the existing educational programs. Some of the mentioned aspects are: • A greater emphasis on risk management, coaching and mentoring • The behavioral aspects of performance and the meaningfulness of KPIs • How to determine a strategy’s goals and objectives for each KPI • Educational programs should place more emphasis on setting targets and on changing management • How to properly plan for performance management, crucial success factors for performance management and how to maintain performance


What are the limits that prevent practitioners from achieving higher levels of proficiency in Performance Management?

The limits identified by professionals revolve around the following major points: • The lack of technological acumen and the superficiality with which data from different sources is integrated

• Using Objective Key Results • Constantly communicating the monitoring process results to the entire entity, to gain support and maintain engagement • Engaging employees and ensuring they are part of the strategic plan, as well as allowing them access to participate in executing its tasks • Maximizing the use of predictive analyses

• Poor management support for performance management and a lack of appropriate data & data custodians • Misunderstanding the purpose of control vs. direction, and how to properly manage this phenomenon • The range of authority, lack of transparency in policies and procedures • Limiting their personal bias PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT IN 2016: GCC EDITION




What is your opinion on the emerging trend of measuring performance outside working hours? Our interviewed specialists concluded that measuring performance outside working hours should not be looked upon with a negative view. If people wish to willingly measure whatever it is that they want to improve on, then they should be free to do so. Moreover, they believe that many a times, this habit can come in quite handy, since given that we’re human, we are all prone to becoming overwhelmed by events in our lives. On more than one occasion, an individual may suffer from distress in his personal life, causing him to underperform at work. This would be an ideal scenario when the individual should sit down with his manager and talk things through, so that his underperformance is accounted for and not misjudged. One interesting point of view was that people should be measured based on their achievements, as opposed to the number of hours they work. So, if someone wishes to take their work outside regular working hours, just to finish their task, they should be measured based on the fact that they have accomplished their task, not on the fact that they worked overtime, as the task itself may hold more value in an evaluation than the number of hours invested in it.


What personal performance measurement tools do you use?

When it comes to this topic, our consultants and practitioners stated that apart from using spreadsheets or OKRs for personal purposes or step & goal trackers, they do not typically use any other tools.


14 a

Specific Question Practitioners: Which were the recent achievements in generating value from performance management in your organization?

As far as achievements are concerned, some of the most noteworthy mentions were cost optimization, enhancing profitability (EBITDA), and delivering strategic initiatives and programs on schedule and on budget with the intended benefits fulfilled, generating value through alignment, improving resource & waste management and production times through predictive analyses.

14 b

For Consultants: What are the processes and tools you look at, in order to differentiate a successful performance management system, from a superficial one? When it came to this question, the answers we received were quite practical and could be valuable points of interest for anyone wanting to improve & develop their performance management system. First off, one would be able to discern between a successful and a superficial system by looking at the quality of system outputs, namely reports with less errors and less rectifications, the effective use of external data sources and the costs of running the system. Secondly, other processes or tools that may offer insight into the system’s performance are: the capability to reflect automatic and on-spot forecasts on the revenue and profit enhancements when changing certain KPI targets; the capability of the system to integrate multiple data sources and provide a clear interface to multiple data custodians, and last but not least, the capability to do automation and OLAP. Thirdly, a successful PM system is linked to the organization’s strategy, does not employ more than 6 KPIs per department/person, has a forward thinking, quarterly performance appraisal, has informal periodic conversations and the capability of analyzing the authority of KPIs vs. their responsibility.

Interviewees Manal Mulla KSUMC, Post Graduate Medical, Education Center, General Administrative Manager, Saudi Arabia

Mohammed Al-Ghamdi Saudi Telecom, Enterprise Business Unit, Director of Performance and Programs, Saudi Arabia

Ahmed A. Mustafa Mobily, Consultant, Saudi Arabia

Jorge Castellote Innoway, Founding Partner, United Arab Emirates

Mahadi Osman Independent Consultant, Consultant, United Arab Emirates


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Browse through the programs that focus on the subjects you want to master on: PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT IN 2016: GCC EDITION


INTERVIEWS Practitioner that are in need of improvement are: selfdiscipline, engagement, alignment, as well as lean processes.

Name: Manal Mulla Organization: KSUMC, Post Graduate Medical Education Center Current Position: General Administrative Manager Country: Saudi Arabia

Trends 1. Which were the 2016 key trends in Performance Management, from your point of view? I believe that the focus will shift away from annual performance evaluations to continuous evaluations, and that the dialogue on performance development and coaching will focus more on talent management than on management against objectives. 2. What are your thoughts on the integration of Performance Management at the organizational, departmental and employee level? Performance management at the organizational level will experience an increase in talented strategic planners, who will create and effectively lead the organizational change trend towards a higher and more competitive level. 3. Which will be the major changes in managing performance, in the future? I hope that some of the major changes in managing performance in the future will include: less predefined feedback sessions, feedback based on individual employee’s needs, less SMART goals and more purpose oriented goals, as well as more forward oriented performance discussions.

Research 4. What aspects of Performance Management should be explored more through research? Performance management at the organizational level will experience an 10

increase in talented strategic planners, who will create and effectively lead the organizational change trend towards a higher and more competitive level. 5. Which organizations would you recommend to be looked at, due to their particular approach to managing performance, and their subsequent results? I believe that the organization that people need to look at more closely is BarryWehmiller, for its human oriented leadership style along with its great success. 6. Which of the existing trends, topics or particular aspects within Performance Management have lost their relevance and/or importance, from your point of view? Annual evaluation or managing performance by orders and threats have completely lost their relevance because people nowadays understand their rights and have their own way of managing their work.

Practice 7. Which are the main challenges of Performance Management in practice, today? I think employees would be more motivated by having them work for the institute/ organization as owners and not just as workers, as a way to insure alignment and engagement. 8. What should be improved in the use of Performance Management tools and processes? In my opinion, the main tools and processes

9. What would you consider as a best practice in Performance Management? A best practice in performance management would be engagement. When employees are engaged in all the processes within the organization, they will perform better. Employees should be part of the strategic plan and participate in executing its tasks.

Education 10. Which aspects of Performance Management should be emphasized during educational programs? When it comes to education, I think employees should be taught risk management in business school. Risk management should include overall thinking and creativity, establishing the big picture regarding competition, business and economic rapid changes and employee management. 11. What are the limits that prevent practitioners from achieving higher levels of proficiency in Performance Management? SThe limits that prevent practitioners from achieving higher levels of proficiency in Performance Management are the range of authority, transparency in policies and procedures.

Personal Performance 12. What is your opinion on the emerging trend of measuring performance outside working hours? I hate to be stuffy or suffocating but yes performance outside working hours should be measured. Working overtime is one of the costs employees have to pay to speed goals achievement, therefore performance should be measured for best cost effectiveness analysis and measurements, as well as for staff planning, etc. 13. What personal performance measurement tools do you use?


Practitioner Name: Mohammed Al-Ghamdi Organization: Saudi Telecom, Enterprise Business Unit Current Position: Director of Performance and Programs Country: Saudi Arabia

Trends 1. Which were the 2016 key trends in Performance Management, from your point of view? Data analytics are becoming a crucial input for management decision-making processes that are at a risk of losing the balance between using KPIs and analytics to drive actions and decisions. This emerged as a direct result of the real-time data dearth and information hunger that began to exist between company executives. Availability of data such an important topic, that is even driving performance measurements not only during, but also outside working hours.

Some of the methods or say tools that I usually use are moral engagement, by encouraging people to be proud of being members of our leading educational center, alongside looking to align all efforts to reach the goals and objectives, as well as planning to implement talent management and leader creation strategies.

Specific Question 14. Practitioner Point of View: Which were the recent achievements in generating value from performance management, in your organization? We generated value through alignment. When I first started working in my office, I noticed that the employees had no understanding of the work flow. To achieve the center’s objectives, we needed to implement the center’s vision and mission, to cascade our goals, to draw the executive plan, flowchart, proper working pathway, to cascade objectives and distribute tasks and align all efforts to achieve the goals of the center’s vision.

2. What are your thoughts on the integration of Performance Management at the organizational, departmental and employee level? Having proper integration of performance management at the organizational, departmental and employee level brings focus on the strategic objectives driven by each level. A well-established performance process would allow managers to: • Align employees’ actions on the micro level to the entity’s strategic objective; • Provide visibility and leverage accountability on the granular level; • Document performance; • Enhance focus on what matters; • Enhance productivity through optimized goal setting and management. 3. Which will be the major changes in managing performance, in the future? I believe performance management is being revolutionized, to keep track with the changes with data analytics and business intelligence trends as we have more reliance on automated real-time dashboards, which I expect will grow exponentially.

Research 4. What aspects of Performance Management should be explored more through research? Performance management is a group of policy derived processes that aim to maintain focus and engagement, as well as help the entity perform. Carefully planning, monitoring and rewarding the implementation for such processes and consequent outcomes plays a major role in their success. One other important aspect is having balance between the performance management process and the goal management process. 5. Which organizations would you recommend to be looked at, due to their particular approach to managing performance, and their subsequent results? All industries plan and implement performance management processes, but some like the air transportation, industrial manufacturing, O&M, and Telecommunications industries benefit more than others. 6. Which of the existing trends, topics or particular aspects within Performance Management have lost their relevance and/ or importance, from your point of view? Having an adaptive performance planning process, as industry pace shifts are accounted for in years rather than decades.

Practice 7. Which are the main challenges of Performance Management in practice, today? One very relevant challenge of performance management in practice today is maintaining the link between performance management and rewards, as the existence of this link is essential to achieving one’s planned goals. PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT IN 2016: GCC EDITION



Personal Performance

One very relevant challenge of performance management in practice today is maintaining the link between performance management and rewards.

8. What should be improved in the use of Performance Management tools and processes? There are two aspects that should be improved when using performance management tools and processes, namely the introduction of new mechanisms for selecting proper KPIs, and the proper integration of data analytics tools and performance management tools. 9. What would you consider as a best practice in Performance Management? The practices introduced and advocated by the leading KPI body - The KPI Institute - help unify all efforts towards a more holistic performance management view across different industries and cultures. One important approach is to keep communicating the monitoring process results to the entire entity, to gain support and maintain engagement.

Education 10. Which aspects of Performance Management should be emphasized during educational programs? In my opinion, the three aspects of performance management that should be emphasized during educational programs are: how to properly plan for performance management, crucial success factors for performance management and how to maintain performance. 11. What are the limits that prevent practitioners from achieving higher levels of proficiency in Performance Management? Some of the limits that prevent practitioners from achieving higher levels of proficiency in performance management include: data availability, management engagement, linking performance to rewards, cultural differences, and economic factors i.e. costs of implementation. 12

12. What is your opinion on the emerging trend of measuring performance outside working hours? I think that measuring performance outside working hours could provide valuable inputs for different industries, as it would assist in identifying patterns affecting performance during working hours. 13. What personal performance measurement tools do you use? I mostly use Micro-strategy, Excel, business objects, and Tableau business intelligence tools.

Specific Question 14. Practitioner Point of View: Which were the recent achievements in generating value from performance management in your organization? The recent achievements in generating value from performance management in my organization have been: • • •

Cost optimization, Enhancing profitability (EBITDA), Delivering strategic initiatives and programs on schedule and on budget with the intended benefits fulfilled.

Consultant Name: Ahmed A. Mustafa Organization: Mobily Current Position: Consultant Country: Saudi Arabia

Trends 1. Which were the 2016 key trends in Performance Management, from your point of view? One key trend in 2016 that I believe was very important was the prevalence of Financial KPIs and that of other KPIs related to them, as opposed to other performance measures, due to multiple external factors influencing them, which had to do with the general economy and the degradation of oil prices. 2. What are your thoughts on the integration of Performance Management at the organizational, departmental and employee level? One key trend in 2016 that I believe was very important was the prevalence of Financial KPIs and that of other KPIs related to them, as opposed to other performance measures, due to multiple external factors influencing them, which had to do with the general economy and the degradation of oil prices.

3. Which will be the major changes in managing performance, in the future? Business Intelligent tools will have a key role in managing performance. Online Analytical Processing and managing performance will not be limited to quarterly reports, it will be daily/real time based to accompany the technological and virtual revolution.

Research 4. What aspects of Performance Management should be explored more through research? I believe that Developing scientific methods to set KPI thresholds by taking in consideration the internal & external factors impacting enterprise performance and not depending only on benchmarking, are some of the main aspects of performance management that should be explored more through research. 5. Which organizations would you recommend to be looked at, due to their particular approach to managing

PERSPECTIVES One aspect that needs to be improved in the use of performance management tools and processes is automation. An automated system can ensure that an organization’s performance management is built on best practices. Apart from that, such a system can also encourage management and employee participation and it can operate more efficiently.

One main challenge of performance management in practice is getting SMART KPIs.

performance, and their subsequent results? I think that there are many international companies that have achieved great performance and gained customer satisfaction. One such company, which can be taken as an example due to its successful approach and great results, is Apple. 6. Which of the existing trends, topics or particular aspects within Performance Management have lost their relevance and/ or importance, from your point of view? I strongly believe that all performance management aspects remain important for the enterprise and are eligible for improvement.

Practice 7. Which are the main challenges of Performance Management in practice, today? One main challenge of performance management in practice is getting SMART KPIs. When dealing with KPIs you have to know what the chosen KPI is indicating and you have to identify the process that is needed in order for that KPI to reach the standard norm. That is why a KPI should always be SMART - specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time phased. 8. What should be improved in the use of Performance Management tools and processes?

9. What would you consider as a best practice in Performance Management? In my opinion, a best practice in performance management is building KPIs by using a top-down model. By adopting a top-down approach, one can have better insight into the selected KPIs, and he/she can manipulate them easier.


Specific Question 14. Consultant Point of View: What are the processes and tools you look at, in order to differentiate a successful performance management system, from a superficial one? I usually look at three processes and tools to differentiate a successful performance management system from a superficial one: the capability to reflect automatic and on-spot forecasts on the revenue and profit enhancements when changing certain KPI targets. The capability of the system to integrate multiple data sources and provide a clear interface to multiple data custodians, and last but not least, the capability to do automation and OLAP.

10. Which aspects of Performance Management should be emphasized during educational programs? I think that one aspect of performance management that needs to be emphasized during educational programs is how to determine a strategy’s goals and objectives for each KPI. 11. What are the limits that prevent practitioners from achieving higher levels of proficiency in Performance Management? There are two main issues that prevent practitioners from achieving higher levels of proficiency in performance management, namely poor management support for performance management and a lack of appropriate data & data custodians.

Personal Performance 12. What is your opinion on the emerging trend of measuring performance outside working hours? Currently the business is not limited to a specific geographical area, and most of it requires to be covered 24/7. That is why performance management should measure performance at all times. 13. What personal performance measurement tools do you use? I mostly use Business Inelegant and dashboard tools. PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT IN 2016: GCC EDITION



Consultant they must change to align themselves with other teams and with the company.

Name: Jorge Castellote


Organization: Innoway Current Position: Founding Partner Country: United Arab Emirates

Trends 1. Which are the 2016 key trends in Performance Management, from your point of view? In my opinion, some of the key trends in Performance Management in the last year were: OKRs- Objectives and Key Results, neuroleadership applied to performance, and the difference between measuring business performance - execution, and business discovery - innovation. 2. What are your thoughts on the integration of Performance Management at organizational, departmental and employee level? I strongly believe that this process of integration shouldn’t be a control mechanism to track past performance, but a tool towards a better and clearer future. 3. Which will be the major changes in managing performance, in the future? Managing performance will become more objective and purpose driven if people are more free to find their way to get it. This means more freedom, flexibility and accountability.

Research 4. What aspects of Performance Management should be explored more through research? I think that one very important aspect that needs to be thoroughly explored is neuroleadership, namely the use of neuroscience to improve performance. 5. Which organizations would you recommend to be looked at, due to their particular approach to managing performance, and their subsequent results? Among the many organizations out there 14

that deserve to be recognized because of their approach to managing performance and their subsequent results, I would like you to take a closer look at Google, Facebook and Dropbox. 6. Which of the existing trends, topics or particular aspects within Performance Management have lost their relevance and/or importance, from your point of view? There are a number of existing trends, topics and aspects within Performance Management that have lost their importance, but for me the two most significant aspects that have lost their relevance are top-down targets and fixed annual objectives.

Practice 7. Which are main challenges of Performance Management in practice, today? One vital aspect that has proved to be a challenge is the process of approving targets. While setting targets can sometimes be a difficult process, I believe that approving them is even more challenging, because the success of the whole process is balanced upon their relevance and accuracy. 8. What should be improved in the use of Performance Management tools and processes? I think that all tools and processes that are used in Performance Management should not be used to control, but to create a forwardthinking process. 9. What would you consider as a best practice in Performance Management? In my opinion, a best practice in Performance Management is the use of Objective Key Results, most commonly known as OKRs. By using OKRs, an organization can set the strategy and goals over a specified amount of time for its employees or teams. This way all employees have the chance to evaluate how well they executed their objectives, and to identify what

10. Which aspects of Performance Management should be emphasized during educational programs? Educational programs should place more emphasis on setting targets and on changing management. I believe these two aspects have not been thoroughly covered and future employees should better understand their importance, as well as the best ways to approach them. 11. What are the limits that prevent practitioners from achieving higher levels of proficiency in Performance Management? In my opinion, many practitioners misunderstand the purpose of control vs. direction, and how to properly manage this phenomenon.

Personal Performance 12. What is your opinion on the emerging trend of measuring performance outside working hours? Working outside working hours is becoming the norm, which is affecting work and life balance. My personal opinion is that to avoid this dilemma, performance must be measured based on achievements, as opposed to the number of hours someone has worked (e.g. Netflix endless vacation days). In the long term, new regulations must be put in place to avoid conflicts (e.g. France regulation on emails after 6pm). 13. What personal performance measurement tools do you use? I mostly use the Balanced Scorecard and OKRs.

Specific Question 14. Consultant Point of View: What are the processes and tools you look at, in order to differentiate a successful performance management system, from a superficial one? A successful performance management system is linked to the organization’s strategy, does not employ more than 6 KPIs per department/person, has a forward thinking, quarterly performance appraisal, has informal periodic conversations and the capability of analyzing the authority of KPIs vs. their responsibility.


Consultant As this practice became more concerned with unlocking the potential of an organization, it led to more collaboration between different functions evidenced by roles like Chief Information/Technology Officer(CIO/CTO), Strategic Finance Business Partner, etc.

Name: Mahadi Osman Organization: Independent Consultant Current Position: Consultant


Country: United Arab Emirates

Trends 1. Which are the 2016 key trends in Performance Management, from your point of view? I believe that the utilization of technological advancements has shaded over all performance management stages, starting from designing goals, through performance data collections/ analysis and ending with performance reporting. 2. What are your thoughts on the integration of Performance Management at organizational, departmental and employee level? At the organizational and departmental levels, there is a lot to be done regarding goal congruency, that is why integration needs to be evident. However, when we cascade down to the employee level, I believe that more attention should be paid to the human aspect. The need for building a loyal, supportive and happy team means that issues like the behavioral implications of a performance management system or the need for motivating and building a strategic mindset are of paramount importance. 3. Which will be the major changes in managing performance, in the future? I think that Big Data and data analytics will enable performance reporters to reach deeper levels, and I also believe that we will see more detailed performance reports.

Research 4. What aspects of Performance Management should be explored more through research? In my opinion, the relationship between leadership styles and performance management should be a subject of more research.

5. Which organizations would you recommend to be looked at, due to their particular approach to managing performance, and their subsequent results? I have no specific name, but any organization that invests in a performance management system, gives leadership commitment and continually improves the system outputs, could be regarded as an excellent example. 6. Which of the existing trends, topics or particular aspects within Performance Management have lost their relevance and/or importance, from your point of view? I think that the periodical or cyclical view of performance is slowly going to lose the spotlight. The business environment has become more dynamic and more vigilant, and the need for an accurate and on-time piece of information would be more imperative.

Practice 7. Which are main challenges of Performance Management in practice, today? The need to align KPIs with the appropriate performance objectives is still a challenging task and I think that it will continue being so. 8. What should be improved in the use of Performance Management tools and processes? With the increasing shift in business models from a brick base to the click base, there is an inevitable need to improve all performance measurement techniques. 9. What would you consider as a best practice in Performance Management? Regardless of the way in which we do that, I think that one of the best practices so far is the change in performance management from a restriction or a punishment tool, to an improvement and a growth re-invention tool.

10. Which aspects of Performance Management should be emphasized during educational programs? I urge people to place more emphasis on the field that is concerned with the behavioral aspects of performance and the meaningfulness of KPIs. 11. What are the limits that prevent practitioners from achieving higher levels of proficiency in Performance Management? I think that the lack of technological acumen and the superficiality with which data from different sources is integrated represent the two main obstacles here.

Personal Performance 12. What is your opinion on the emerging trend of measuring performance outside working hours? I agree to measuring performance outside working hours for the sole purpose of career or leadership development and coaching rather than accountability or compensation. 13. What personal performance measurement tools do you use? I mainly use Excel spreadsheets as a personal performance measurement tool, and so far it is enough to do the work.

Specific Question 14. Consultant Point of View: What are the processes and tools you look at, in order to differentiate a successful performance management system, from a superficial one? I believe that the quality of system outputs, namely reports with less errors and less rectifications, the effective use of external data sources and the costs of running the system, are the main features of any successful performance management system. PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT IN 2016: GCC EDITION




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Introduction As our data shows, the GCC memberstates are placing an increasingly higher importance on efficient management, with a strong covet for output growth. It is easily perceived that much effort has been invested in the reformation of outdated structures, as well as in the progressive advancement of forward thinking management systems. National initiatives for performance improvement have led to the development of performance management foundations


that will eventually become the backbone of fully functioning performance management systems. The following section is intended to shed light on the state of performance management systems in the GCC’s countries. A detailed analysis of the performance management systems, within certain public sector agencies, surfaced valuable information regarding the enactment of in-depth

performance management frameworks and comprehensive strategies for performance improvement. Crucial transformations and vital reforms unraveled the cardinal significance of performance measurement and performance management systems put at work. The report was compiled only by using Government official websites or webpages belonging to other public institutions.


Country Profiles Bahrain The Economic Vision 2030 was launched as part of the Kingdom’s ambitious programme to ensure the enduring well-being and prosperity of all Bahraini. The National Development Strategy (2015-2018) represents the next step in Bahrain’s journey toward the attainment of the Vision, as it outlines the medium-term strategic direction of the country. Its main strategic priorities are: maintain a safe and pleasant environment; enhance the quality and accessibility of social services; achieve sustainable quality growth; ensure fiscal sustainability to fund the future; ensure excellence in infrastructure; ensure sustainable development of strategic resources; enhance government performance and efficiency. The government worked to establish a pilot power plant that can generate 5MW from solar and wind technologies and that became operational at the beginning of 2016.

Kuwait Kuwait’s Five Year Development Plan (2015 / 2016-2019 / 2020), aims to improve public services and develop the statistics and national information systems, provide an investment-attractive environment to support development, and improve the citizens living standards, deepening their belonging to their homeland of Kuwait. These developments can lead to the realization of a better infrastructure, advanced legislation, and an encouraging business environment. Moreover, different fields of development, general goals and policies, and planned quantitative targets have been determined in cooperation with General Secretariat for the Supreme Council for Planning & Development.

Oman In 2015, The Research Council (TRC) of Oman started implementing a support system which will aid the ongoing assessment of TRCbacked research impact and performance improvement. The two main objectives of this system are to measure the impact and performance of TRC-funded projects and collect data in order to set a KPI baseline for future projects. Based on its objectives for research development, The Oman TRC approved in 2016 a Water Research Strategic Program, the establishment of an Environmental Excellence Center and three pilot projects that are to be developed over the next 3 following years – The Continuous Hybrid Cooling Using Geothermal and Solar Heat Sources and Underground Storage Systems project, the Submarine Groundwater Discharge project and the IATI Wastewater project. The three pilot projects will be put into practice with the aid of the Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres. The reasoning behind the latter two is to keep up with current and future challenges surrounding the growing need for water, as the projects aim to track the movement of water as well as controlling environmental factors and pollution in the marine environment and looking to build local water treatment units in residential areas that are away from the central sewage systems. The first project’s

objective is to take advantage of Oman’s great amount of solar and thermal energies, which can be used afterwards in the production of electricity, reducing its energy dependence on fossil fuels and also reducing the country’s greenhouse gas emissions.

Qatar As part of the National Vision 2030, Qatar started a public sector development and modernization process that will focus on ensuring high levels of government performance. As stated on the government’s official website, “modern public institutions focus on human capital development, practice performance management and deliver public services consistently with efficiency and effectiveness, meeting the expectations of stakeholders”. The State of Qatar has also been focusing on the levers that institutions must apply to modernize, including Policy and planning, Human resources development, Organizational alignment and Performance Management. As part of the Qatar National Development Strategy 2011 – 2016, the following areas are considered key points for performance improvement of government: strategic policy and planning, budget and financial management, organizational alignment, human resources development, streamlined institutional processes, the advancement of information technology and further improving performance management.

Saudi Arabia The Federal Authority for Government Human Resources passed, in 2008, the Federal Decree Law #11, which applies a performance management system on all Federal Ministries and Authorities. Saudi Arabia’s Employee Performance Management System (EPMS) was developed taking into consideration all the modern managerial concepts available. Its guiding principles are: •

Strategic alignment: each employee’s input is cascaded and aligned with the government’s strategic direction;

Management by objectives: employees take part in two main processes, namely establishing objectives and strategic planning;

Continuous feedback: employee performance is increased by “fair, accurate and proactive feedback from line managers;”

Integration: tracing the link between performance at work and incentives such as pay increase, promotion, training, development opportunities;

Fairness and credibility: the EPMS must be “consistent, fair and credible,” and all features should be established through “clear standards, policies and procedures.”



AROUND THE WORLD The structure of this system is fairly simple, as it consists of two main bodies: objectives (the outcome achieved through an employee’s work over a year) and competencies (the tools or procedures used by an employee to complete the work). In 2016, Saudi Arabia introduced the National Center for the Measurement of the Performance of Public Agencies (NCMPPA), which is responsible for the evaluation of the performance of public agencies, through the application of uniform and effective methodologies and tools. As a whole, the main goals behind this institution is to improve government services, identify inefficiencies, make sounder budget allocations, build greater accountability and public trust. In full detail, the NCMPPA will: •

Create indices to assess the levels of quality of, and public satisfaction with, the services offered by public agencies

Support efforts for the improvement of the performance of public agencies

Identify impediments to optimal performance and suggest appropriate solutions

Spread the culture of measuring and improving performance

In order to achieve the above-mentioned duties, the National Center will have the right to conduct site visits and audits, organize workshops, appoint consultants and experts, provide administrative advice to public agencies, prepare and publish studies and reports and finally, enter into associations and partnerships (including with universities, research centers and specialized institutions) for the exchange of experience and know-how.

United Arab Emirates For the UAE, 2016 marked one of its greatest achievements in pursuing its Vision 2021 goal, which is the continued development of a world-leading infrastructure base. Far-reaching urban planning projects, like the Abu Dhabi Emirate-wide Vision 2030 or the Dubai Urban Development Master Plan 2020 stood at the core of these achievements. Thanks to these plans, the UAE jumped into the top 5 of the Nabarro Infrastructure Index, which rates countries across the world in terms of investment attractiveness, surpassing countries such as France and Germany, only overtaken by the UK, Canada, the USA and Australia. Even more so, in November 2016, the Abu Dhabi General Services Company, Musanada, announced that the Abu Dhabi-Dubai Highway is 98% completed and soon to be opened for public use. The highway is an extension of the Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Road, which will connect several points of interest within the UAE, such as the Seih Shuaib area at the Abu Dhabi border and Dubai with the Sweihan interchange, on top of providing access to the city of Abu Dhabi during peak hours and its international airport, as well as the Yas & Saadiyat islands. Other noticeable achievements would be the implementation of the “government accelerator”, a new mechanism meant to speed up the decision-making process. Furthermore, as of 2016, the UAE leads 20

the region in more than 100 development indicators and its economy has witnessed a massive jump, with the GDP doubling from AED 663 billion to AED 1360 billion. Its non-oil exports have increased from AED 113 billion to 603 billion, whilst the share of government services has increased from AED 23 billion to AED 86 billion. The great strides made in the healthcare and education sector are also quite visible – the number of doctors increased from 10.000 to 17.000, whilst government spending in the education sector rose by 57%, with State universities increasing their number of accreditation programs from 206 to 862. Moreover, two new ministries were established, the Ministry of Happiness and the Ministry of Culture and Knowledge Development, which will aim to safeguard the Arabic language. Even more so, the leading global communications marketing firm, Edelmen, ranked the UAE as the number one country in the world when it comes to people’s confidence, surpassing China and Singapore.


Global Insights


Bahrain’s e-Government ADVANCE Vision Marcela Presecan, ¸ Head of Research Programs


oday’s citizens have become increasingly demanding, expecting more and more from all sides, especially government. Systematic procedures, streamlined government administrative decisions, easily understandable information, as well as facilities that can be accessed by anyone, anywhere, are just a few things that today’s citizens desire. Furthermore, once these amenities are provided, a responsive government should always look to measure its citizens’ satisfaction levels in regards to the services it offers.

to work with, shedding that veil that used to shroud government operations in mystery, for so many years. Nowadays, transparency equals information, and informed citizens are happy citizens. Bahrain’s ADVANCE Vision Clean display, user – friendly, and good categorization completed with its own service-

owner maps and data, are the first impression of e-Government Bahrain website. Their high income level places Bahrain among the developed countries list, which is proof that unstoppable innovation leads to extraordinary results. Starting with the country’s ADVANCE Vision, which “aims for ambitious yet achievable targets”, the new e-Government Strategy 2012 – 2016 succeeded in creating an efficient and effective program for every citizen.

Given the wave of software and hardware developments that started years ago and has only grown in recent times, governments should look to maximize their citizens’ keenness towards technology. Thus, by making use of a comprehensive, feedback-style approach, state administrations can get citizens to review and monitor their performance voluntarily, actively improving their government. Such an approach are the e-government programs that are being designed all over the world. This is a solution that covers all the aspects of state management, in order to facilitate citizen access to public services, having quickly become a shining example of state administration best practice. It is a win – win solution, since both parties are directly involved. Citizens benefit from good, accessible, responsive services from all governmental branches, while governments can easily monitor their services’ development and performance, as well as client satisfaction with said services, in real time. In the past, citizens were very reluctant when it came to dealing with government matters. But this is no longer the case, as apps, software and online platforms now offer them a gateway through which they can measure, judge, quantify and offer feedback on their government’s performance. Moreover, by deploying e-government services, in sectors such as education, healthcare, economics and many more, state administrations are only giving citizens more and more information

The main objective of the ADVANCE Vision is to increase citizens’ awareness towards the program, which can reach values of roughly 90%, and customer satisfaction levels of more than 80%. There are 34 government entities involved in the project, who work to expand the e-Government service, as well as reach the desired target of having 50% of the state’s entities interact with clients on a weekly basis, through social networks, thus reflecting one of their Key Objectives: Increased Societal Participation and Engagement. Furthermore, when discussing what governmental e-services can a citizen access, he/she can pay their water and electricity bills, as well as track their payment history. This service is just

one example of the over 90 projects designed across the ERU Framework. The ERU Framework stands for Environmental, Readiness, and Usage. The Environmental aspect addresses many country-wide factors that help develop a more customer-centric service, and an efficient & effective Government. Readiness addresses the Government’s capabilities to deliver solid infrastructure. Usage addresses not only customer-focused services, but also the interaction between these services, in order to ensure the best possible customer experience. These 90+ projects are reviewed annually, so that their respective indicators are always kept up to date. PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT IN 2016: GCC EDITION



High level security and back-up failsafe systems will be implemented as well, given the amount of demand these services have generated, highlighting the fact that the Bahrain government does not wish to be caught out of position when it comes to data security. Also, a few Next-Gen technologies will be considered for deployment alongside the aforementioned security systems – IoT and Mashups. Moreover, to ensure that Government services are available around the clock, ten mobile apps will accompany the e-services platform. As far as the private sector is concerned, businessess can access a Bahraini comprehensive virtual job market platform, which will have round-the-clock call center service experts offering advice on business operations. In addition to this, on the government’s website, any entrepreneur will be able to find 37 services for business such as: Commercial Registration Services,


Materials Testing Results, and any other services related to stakeholder needs when it comes to government permits, legislation and regulations.

With its comprehensive and all-encompassing take on managing the country through and through, the new e-Government ADVANCE Vision, complemented by its ` will surely be “one that will become a showcase for others to learn from and to follow.”


Global Insights


The New Kuwait – A diversified, sustainable, economy Ana Lechintan, ¸ Senior Business Research Specialist


uwait - a country hovering on one of the world’s largest oil reserves. A country which extracts over 60% of its GDP from the ground, which represents an estimated 95% of its export revenue. Oil, however, can sometimes turn into quicksand in the Arabian Desert and its dropping prices have taken their toll on the nation’s economy. Kuwait wants to prove that its economy is not a castle made of sand (and oil), therefore it developed pertinent strategies to manage its performance and strengthen its foundation. Kuwait’s economy is fully integrated and aligned to the world economy, mainly through its oil exports. Thereby, it is highly susceptible to global influences, such as economic crises, fluctuations in oil demand and prices. The

government is fully aware of these facts, and has launched a series of ambitious initiatives, meant to weaken oil dependency by empowering the private sector, fostering the development of small and medium enterprises and attracting foreign investors, among others. In April 2017, in the Emir of Kuwait’s a speech held during the first session of the National Assembly’s 15th legislative term, where he formally announced that the Arab country is facing a strong decline in its revenues, due to the global collapse in oil prices. At the same time, a few proposed solutions to this situation were the following: reducing the general spending, increasing public revenues by developing tax systems and rationalizing the current subsidies. In the past, the Kuwaiti economy had been

dominated by the public sector, accompanied by a generous welfare system. Now, the private sector will increase its contribution to the national economy in partnership with the public sector and through managing the state’s utilities. This initiative is bound to provoke massive changes in a country where 87% of the citizens, approximately nine out of ten people, are employed in the public sector. Even more, 58% of the unemployed Kuwaitis would prefer to remain workless than to join the private sector. All these aspects made it imperative for the government to highlight the benefits of its strategies, which it successfully managed to do through its Vision 2035 and the Kuwait National Development Plan, the latter being explained for the population in a comprehensive, visually stimulating manner on a dedicated website.

NewKuwait Pillars and Strategic Directions, Available at: PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT IN 2016: GCC EDITION



Kuwait Vision 2035 The Vision 2035, branded the “New Kuwait”, centers around 6 strategic aims of development to be attained until 2035: • Increasing the Gross Domestic Product as well as the citizens’ standard of living, through focusing on non-oil growth, the diversification of the production base, strengthening the financial institutions’ competitiveness and focusing on the just distribution of the national income. • Fostering a positive economic environment for the private sector to become the leading

Kuwait’s Vision

development generator, among others through the privatization of state-owned enterprises, the optimization of administrative and regulatory obstacles, the simplification of investment procedures and the attraction of foreign investors.

• Consolidating and preserving the Islamic and Arab identity in accordance to the country’s constitution.

• Supporting social development by promoting education, training and research, aligning health and services to international standards.

In alignment and cascaded from the “New Kuwait” Vision, the Mid-Range Development Plan (2015/2016 – 2019/2020) is built on five themes that represent a desired “end state” for Kuwait. Its purpose is to provide a unified national framework for strategic planning. In this direction and to ensure an objective measurement of the progress towards reaching the set targets, global indices are utilized for benchmarking at an international level. This approach represents an improvement in relation to previous development plans, where there was no direct link between KPIs and goals, policies and projects.

• Adjusting demographic policies to the development strategy by optimizing the demographic composition of the population, improving the skills of the indigenous population as well as of the expatriate workforce and by promoting the observance of human rights. • Improving the effectiveness of government administration through an increased degree of transparency and accountability, the implementation of electronic tools for the delivery of public services and the modernization of information dissemination with the focus on the development of the information society.

The Mid Rage Development Plan (2015/2016 – 2019/2020)

The indexes selected for measuring the country’s performance against the vision’s themes are based on international sources and are broken down into their subcomponents -

Five themes

”Transforming Kuwait into a financial and trade centre, attractive to investors, where the private sector leads the economy,

Prosperous & diversified economy - Developing a prosperous & diversified economy through ensuring growth in the economy, other than from oil production and developing a strong presence in a variety of industries.

creating competition and promoting production-efficiency, under the umbrella of

Effective and transparent government - Creating a transparent government, through improving fairness and responsibility in policymaking, formalizing rules and regulations and the proper implementation of formulated policies.

enabling government institutions, which accentuates values, safeguards social identity, and achieves human resource development, as well as balanced

Citizen participation & respect of the law - Creating a respected rule of law through controlling corruption, building confidence in and respect of rules of society and improving citizen participation in government.

Nurturing & cohesive nation - Developing a nurturing & cohesive nation through providing high quality healthcare and education and ensuring the economy and the infrastructure provides a good quality of life for residents.

development, providing adequate infrastructure, advanced legislation and inspiring business environment.”

Globally relevant and influential player - Acting as a globally relevant and effective partner through maintaining strong political, economic, trade and diplomatic influence internationally.

Kuwait Mid-Range Development Plan, Available at:


AROUND THE WORLD key performance indicators, in order to provide more granular measurement criteria. KPI results which are below the set target form an area of improvement, where the responsible entities will have to concentrate their efforts in order to yield better scores. A number of 20 indexes are used, most of which belong either to the World Bank, or to the World Economic Forum. These include: # Ease of doing business index, # Business sophistication index, # Logistics performance index, # Environment performance index, # Healthcare quality index, # Workforce readiness index, # Education quality index. As already mentioned, each one of these indexes is de-aggregated in order to identify the Index (percentile) 15. Healthcare quality index (54)


Kuwait government is one step closer to reaching its Vision for the year 2035. Best results should be obtained if the index framework would be constantly adapted and a Performance Management System would be designed especially for Kuwait (rather than solely relying on international indexes), based on specific strategic objectives, KPIs and initiatives, customized for the country’s context and later on cascaded to its ministries and public agencies.

exact area where improvements are required. Thus, the # Ease of doing business index for instance, takes into consideration various variables: # Starting a business, # Dealing with construction permits, # Getting electricity, # Registering property, # Getting credit, # Protecting minority investors, $ Paying taxes, % Trading across borders, # Enforced contracts, % Resolving insolvency. For each index in the Development Plan, you will find listed the current results, the strategic direction (initiatives to be taken in order to obtain improved results), and the exact description and potential owners.

By envisioning and actively contributing to the development of a business environment marked by sustainability and diversity, the country is prone to pour oil on the troubled economic waters and return to its place as one of the wealthiest and prosperous countries in the world.

Through designing an objective, structured performance management framework, the




Current percentile

Strategic direction





Reduce rate of diabetes and other lifestylerelated noncommunicable diseases

Description Improve preventive healthcare through a more integrated healthcare system and encouraging increasingly healthy lifestyle choices (focus should be on diabetes and obesity)

Potential owner Ministry of Health

Increase public health campaigns and introduce regulations to target smoking and unhealthy foods 15.2

Life expectancy




Increase life expectancy of population

Introduce modern continuum of care to ensure better healthcare, with a particular focus on improving primary healthcare provisions

Ministry of Health

Develop a more competitive healthcare system through improved data tracking and increased private involvement Better attract and retain healthcare talent by providing favourable conditions and improved training

Kuwait Mid-Range Development Plan, Available at: PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT IN 2016: GCC EDITION



Global Insights


Oman’s Foundations for a Sustainable Future Andrea Minelli, ¸ Business Research Analyst


ocated just south of the UAE States, the Sultanate of Oman has experienced a wealthy pattern in terms of economic development since the early 2000s, primarily due to the exploration of its oil reserves. With high oil prices, the Omani economy was barely impacted by the international financial crisis and has registered robust growth figures.

As mentioned above, the Five Year plan has been developed and prepared in light of the various challenges affecting the Omani economy, represented by sharp fluctuations in oil prices at the international level, the recurrence of conflicts and violent political changes in many neighboring countries and a general wave of economic recession due to a slower economic growth.

These figures eventually dropped significantly in recent years, mainly due to an overall drop in oil prices. Considering the country’s high dependence towards oil and gas, which add up to represent around 88% of the Omani GDP, the oil prices drop was seen as a wake-up call for the local Omani government and its financial institutions.

The Five Year plan takes into consideration all of these economic and social circumstances, with the goal of creating a quantitative shift in the Omani economic sectors, and to foster the creation of non-oil revenue sources.

In 2015, economic growth has been fueled to a large-extent by non-hydrocarbon sectors and by a more diversified economy, that has focused its resources on infrastructure projects, manufacturing and tourism. However, given Oman’s high dependence on raw materials, along with an alarmingly under-skilled workforce, the government has been taking actions, believing that a more diversified economy can provide the foundations for a more sustainable economic development. These foundations have been developed and discussed in the “Oman Vision Plan 2020” that is considered to be the first trailblazer for the long-term Omani Future Vision 2040.

The transformations, planned by the Omani government in response to the above-mentioned challenges, can be classified as follows: • Shifts in the structure of the Omani economy from one primary source, oil, to a diversified production base that includes

all the promising sectors Oman has a competitive advantage in; • Shifts in growth drivers by empowering domestic and foreign investment to take a leading role promoting Public-PrivatePartnerships; • Shifts in the management of public finance to be more effective and disciplined through rationalizing expenditure and increasing non-oil revenues; • Shifts in the labor market structure, in preparation for developing several training and qualification programs for Omani citizens. The Plan’s formulation occurred through a series of more than 40 panel discussions and 5 workshops, and has been based on five dimensions, aiming at confronting the challenges faced by the Oman’s economy.

Oman’s Five – Year Development Plan (2016 – 2020) – Vision Plan 2020. In early 2016, the Omani government has developed and approved their Vision for Oman’s Economy plan 2020, as a preliminary step towards the Omani Future Vision 2040. The main goal of this plan lies in the diversification and innovation of the Omani economy with the integration of five promising sectors: Transformational industries, logistics, mining & fisheries and manufacturing. 26

Oman Vision 2020 Plan, Available at:

AROUND THE WORLD The Eleven Pillars of the Five-Year Plan The Government has established a set of pillars that structure the Vision 2020 Plan, aimed at accelerating the process of productivity and competitiveness of the Omani economy. 1. The first priority is creating a stable macroeconomic status of the Sultanate in order to promote investor confidence and mitigate the consequences of oil price fluctuations on the country’s growth and citizen’s income levels. Given the uncertainties related to unpredictable global changes such as oil prices & political crises, the Plan has developed multiple scenarios to serve as secondary financial pathways for the Omani economy. The scenarios are, each, based on assuming a defined price for oil fluctuations, and a defined range of variation regarding the quantity produced. The following data is taken from the evolution of oil prices in the last 36 years.

Oman fluctuations in oil prices, Available at:

2. Economic diversifications and broadening the production base are the main goals, by eliminating structural obstacles that may limit the exploration of promising sectors in order to diversify growth sources. In order to achieve such diversification, the Sultanate aims to prioritize the development of such promising sectors, by increasing the share of non-oil exports in total exports. It is expected that the oil share of total GDP will decrease from 44% to 30% in the Vision Plan 2020. Below, it is possible to analyze the shift towards non-oil related activities. 3. Provision of productive and remunerative work opportunities for citizens. Taken from a 2015 Statistical Project, more than 40% of the workforce either has limited skills or is quite under-skilled. Moreover, according to the study, only 47% of Omani graduates enter the labor market. The Vision Plan 2020, and to a stronger extent the Vision Plan 2040, aims at shifting its available human capital to becoming a more qualified workforce through the creation of several national training programs; 4. Development of private sector and improving the business environment, supporting both domestic and foreign private sector investments, in response to

Oman sources of growth, Available at: the fall of Oman’s ranking in the Global Competitiveness Index. 5. Emphasis on comprehensive social development, comprising education, training and employment programs, in order to bridge the gap between the educational system supply and the demand for labor in Oman. 6. Enhancing the role of youth, through educational programs and defining achievable target levels of Omanization.

7. Implementation of the National Strategy for Urban Development, through an intensification of government investments directed to the least developed regions; 8.Developmentofgovernoratesandlocalcommunities, which will work on increasing their performance levels in diverse areas such as education, health and social services throughout the country’s regions. 9. Enriching cultural life and promoting the role of citizenship and identity, with cultural and musical events; PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT IN 2016: GCC EDITION


AROUND THE WORLD 10. Furthering environmental sustainability and confronting natural disasters, through energy national management plans.; 11. Upgrading government performance, by raising e-government execution programs, updating the systems of Human Resources management and increasing their efficiency and distribution, while revising sectoral policies and regulations to ensure full conformity with governance standards. The Targets of the Vision Plan 2020 In a mid-sized, open economy where the biggest driver of growth in the history of the country has been oil, managing the transition to a more diversified economy can be considered challenging. Fortunately, through the development of these eleven pillars, Oman aims at achieving the strategic targets set in its Vision Plan by 2020. The financial and economic targets included in its strategy are as in the figure on the right. As far as the Ministry of Tourism is concerned, the government is expecting to see an increase in direct contributions to the Omani GDP from around 2% to 5% by 2020. This figure is seen as reasonable enough, given that there has been an increase in the number of tourist facilities around the territory along with an increase in the number of foreign visits. According to the Sultanate’s Plan, the role of the tourism sector is expected to become more and more relevant. The Tourism Strategy 2016-2040 aims at providing guidelines on how to improve the Sultanate’s position as a tourism hub, with the creation of more than half a million jobs and a turnaround investment of more than RO20bn. Conclusion Oman has exerted serious efforts to diversify its economy during the last twenty years, partially achieving its goal by reducing its dependency on oil-export-revenues. With the development of the Vision Plan 2020, Oman is pursuing the path towards the creation of a broader portfolio of profitable activities, focusing on the five sectors targeted by the government that will eventually reduce economic and financial risks annexed to oil– related practices. 28

Vision Plan 2020 Targets, Available at:

Given the shrinking fossil fuel resources available in the territory, Oman should succeed its long-term quest of diversification by liberalizing the economy and establishing a much bigger private sector that serves as an economic growth and job creation engine. “In 2015, the contribution to the total GDP from private service industries amounted to 49.9% , but there is uncertainty for the future years as the economy will continue to be affected by drop in oil prices”, Ali Shaban, representative of W J Towell, commented. With the objective of developing a sustainable long-term plan, the Energy Master Plan 2040, which is part of the Vision Plan 2040, aims at providing the guidelines to develop the recommended strategies to maximize the benefits of energy resource diversification in Oman.


Global Insights


The Qatar National Bank: Strategizing for Performance Teodora Oltean-Gocan, Business Research Analyst


fter the financial crisis that began in 2008, banks have been taking steps to improve their performance management and measurement capabilities in light of new economic and market conditions and new management needs. Banks are trying to manage costs better, deepen relationships with customers and enhance product mix and pricing decisions. These and other factors are causing banks to re-examine and improve the ways in which they measure and report business performance. Performance Management in the Banking Industry Bank performance management has been a hot topic in recent times. With increasing pressure from federal regulations and the downturn in the economy, financial institutions have been searching for new and innovative approaches to improve their bottom-lines. In this regard, some major areas of emphasis and trends which are emerging across the industry are as follows: • Reviewing and enhancing organizational management profitability-reporting methodologies; • Emphasizing the use of business-unit key performance indicators (KPIs); • Refining customer- and channel-profitability measurement and analytics; • Improving the alignment of the performance management process’ components; • Improving systems support and the automation of the performance management process; • Improving data quality and consistency. In some of the world’s largest banks, monthly organizational profitability reporting is sophisticated and well-accepted. However,

bank executives are looking for measures that will assist them in understanding potential future performance, as well as in analyzing historical financial performance. The use of enterprise and specific business KPIs in management reporting is growing. Banks are determined to see which KPIs will allow them to gain insights into the enterprise’s underlying performance beyond a purely financial view. Reporting on KPIs that truly drive value provides more information upon which to make decisions and engage in strategic discussions about the business. Each bank has its own KPI selection process. KPIs are appropriate to the specific needs of each entity, being based on its strategy and the general vision. For the most part, some of the more common KPIs practiced by the banking industry include the following:

# New accounts opened # Account attrition % Balance growth # Products per customer # Delinquencies % Net promoter score # Headcount The Qatar National Bank: A Case Study Today, the Qatar National Bank is one of the leading banks in Qatar. This company has both public and private organizations as its stakeholders, hence 50% of the Qatar National Bank is owned by the government, while the rest of the bank’s shares are owned by the Qatari public. When analyzing Qatar’s banking sector, it can be easily noticed that it’s a rather restrictive market. This is due the fact that the National Bank has more than 50% out of the total market share. PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT IN 2016: GCC EDITION


AROUND THE WORLD At the same time, as the bank is to meet the expectations of its customers, it has decided to bring focus to and work on their customers’ loyalty. The latter is of paramount importance in the contemporary business environment, especially when the competition in the financial industry has increased dramatically.

The National Bank of Qatar is well known for developing and implementing an efficient performance management system. The adoption and usage of these tools have ensured the company’s rapid development. The whole system used by National Bank of Qatar was constructed in perfect alignment with the bank’s strategy and market fluctuations. Hence, they have introduced internal changes to improve the quality of their services and, furthermore, they have also diversified their services. The latest internal changes that have taken place aim at improving its efficiency and maximizing return on equity.


In this context, the National Bank’s focus on rebranding is quite logical. In fact, the bank has attempted to change its logo, as a first small step of refreshing its public image. The ultimate goal of all these changes and rebranding is adapting the bank’s image to today’s ever shifting business environment.

viewed as one of the major target customer groups. Every objective stated in the strategy is reported monthly, in order to track progress and to ensure that all the goals will be met in time. Even though the KPIs used by the National Bank of Qatar are not available for the public, some KPIs which can be used in this situation are: # New young clients % New client’s satisfaction #Employees meeting the desired level of skills %Employees turnover

Another important aspect of its strategy is the fact that the bank has been engaging additional staff and highly qualified professionals. This strategy is very important because Human Resources constitute a strategically important part of the bank’s assets. In addition to this, the involvement of well-qualified specialists will improve the bank’s competitive position. Finally, the Qatar National Bank pays particular attention to its young clients, which are strategically important for the bank and are

% Retention rate Taking into consideration the information presented in this article, it is quite clear that every financial institution should look to readapt their strategy, and their way of collecting & reporting data, in order to make sure that they will survive in a continuously changing market and satisfy an increasingly wide array of customers.

The course is available in digital format on marketplace:


Global Insights

Saudi Arabia

Step up in social innovation to stand out Alina Miertoiu, ¸ Director of the Center for Performance


nnovation is a key driver for performance in the private sector, where it is constantly used in order to gain competitive advantages by increasing the range of products or services of the company, managing the resources more efficiently, reducing the environmental footprint or in order to increase their employees retention and motivation. If the benefits of innovation in the private sector are well known, what about its relevance for the public sector? Should governments start looking at innovation as a tool to increase their overall performance and effectiveness? Due to the complexity of the issues that the government is dealing with, innovation could help the public sector find new and more resource effective ways of tackling with some of those issues. Hence, The Economist Intelligence Unit created the # Social Innovation Index, which aims to assess the ability of countries to drive social innovation and to pinpoint ways in which countries can stimulate social innovation. The index is divided into four main areas Policy and institutional framework, Financing, Entrepreneurship and Society, each sub-divided in sub-categories. A more complex calculation formula of the index could be expressed as: A*44,44% + B*22.22% + C*15% + D*18.33%, where: A= Existence of national policy on social innovation*25% + Social innovation research and impact*20% + Legal framework for social enterprises*20% + Effectiveness of system in policy implementation*20% + Rule of law*15%; B= Availability of government financing to promote social innovation*50% + Ease of getting credit*25% + Total public social expenditure*25%; C= Risk-taking mindset*25% + Citizen’s attitude towards entrepreneurship*25% + Ease of starting a business*25% + Development of clusters*25%;

D= Culture of volunteerism*20% + Political participation*20% + Civil society engagement*20% + Trust in society*20% + Press freedom*20%. In 2016, out of the 45 countries analyzed, the top performers were the United States, United Kingdom and Canada, while the less performant three were Saudi Arabia, Paraguay and Philippines. Moreover, Saudi Arabia is ranked 49th in the measurement of businessfriendliness environment conducted by the World Bank. Although the # Social Innovation Index does not assess the inputs of the private sector, which usually has great involvement, nor the actual achievements, the instrument can be considered a starting point and can draw the necessary attention on the subject. Saudi Arabia is well-known as one of the largest oil exporters, but since the price of oil dropped all of a sudden, Saudi Arabia had to find other measures to support its development. One alternative for the country was to create a more knowledge and service-based economy, by stimulating innovation among its citizens, thus increasing entrepreneurial activities. The potential for Saudi Arabia to do so is quite high as a there was a notable increase in Saudi applicants for the MITEF Arab Startup competition – a 15% increase, which was due to the fact that more than half of the successful entrepreneurs in the KSA are under 35 years

old. Saudi Arabia has seen this opportunity and has integrated it in its National Strategy for Transformation into a Knowledge-based Economy by 2030 and took additional steps for implementing the strategy, such as: •

Investing in education and research to foster innovation;

Creating 40 business incubators;

Developing a financing network for start-ups.

Although these measures are a good start, they only address the issue in a general manner. Our recommendation is to start addressing particular issues based on the sub-metrics of the Innovation Index. For example, Saudi Arabia could start working on creating a more streamlined manner to use the country’s legal framework and develop easier access to public financing for the general public. These measures could support the other two goals of the country’s project for 2030, as it aims to improve its rank in the Government Effectiveness Index published by World Bank and the Global Competitive Index published by World Economic Forum. One final thing to keep in mind is that indicators measuring the risk-taking mindset, attitude towards entrepreneurship or civil society engagement should not be overlooked. This mindset is the basis for the actual development of entrepreneurial activities and will bring about the largest increase in growth.




Global Insights

United Arab Emirates

How the UAE Vision 2021 National Agenda builds upon the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals Ana Maria Sabau, Sustainability Specialist


dopted by more than 150 countries, the 2030 UN Agenda for Sustainable Development, launched in September 2015, aims to “end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity”, through a set of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) addressing a total of 169 targets. The SDGs call for global action and collaboration from governments, civil society and businesses and cover a wide range of sustainability topics, including health, poverty, education, gender equality, climate change and environmental issues. At corporate level, the SDGs are driving the involvement of businesses in achieving societal sustainability goals at a global level. The United Arab Emirates (UAE), one of the early adopters and promoters of the SDGs, is currently ranked 55th out of 149 countries worldwide on its state of progress on SDG targets, in an unofficial ranking created by a team of independent experts of the Sustainable Development Solutions Network. A report highlighting the UAE’s efforts to achieve the SDGs and the progress already made on each of the 17 goals was published in April 2017. The UAE has been focusing on sustainable development within its own national policies, being a main theme within its Vision 2021 National Agenda, launched in 2010 by H.H. Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai. The plan, developed by over 300 officials from 90 federal and local government entities, includes national key performance indicators in the sectors of education, economy, healthcare, police and security, housing, infrastructure and government services, comparing the UAE against global benchmarks. Thus, it is not surprising that there are several overlaps between the UAE’s National Agenda and the 17 SDGs, which facilitate the implementation of the global goals at the UAE’s level and amplify the country’s contribution to the UN’s agenda. 32

To highlight the country’s commitment and ensure an optimal implementation of the SDGs, the National Committee on SDGs was established in February 2017, bringing together 15 government entities under the chairing of Her Excellency Reem bint Ebrahim Al Hashimy, Minister of State for International Cooperation. The committee’s first priorities include the development of a national implementation plan that aligns the SDGs with the UAE’s own development agenda, the establishment of a review mechanism and the facilitation of countrywide engagement from a range of stakeholders, including the government, academia, think tanks and the private and non-profit sectors. The national implementation plan will consist of two major elements: • A governance framework which specifies the institutional settings and the roles and responsibilities of all the stakeholders across government in order to achieve the objectives on the SDG agenda • A Statistical Implementation Plan highlighting the government’s approach to monitoring and reporting on SDG indicators, using data collected or coordinated by the country’s national statistics system. The SDGs serve as a complimentary framework to the UAE’s existing National Agenda and global competitiveness reports to guide policy by providing the government an aspirational set of goals and targets in an international context. The SDGs set targets and benchmarks on a range of issues beyond economic growth and productivity, such as social, environmental and inclusive economic development, using a multidimensional approach. The UAE recognizes that setting goals is not enough and, as such, both the six pillars of its National Agenda and its approach to contributing to each of the SDGs, rely on using accurate data and sound research and analysis to monitor and report progress.

At the same time, the SDGs are aligned with the key performance indicators in the Vision 2021, being compatible with the UAE’s datadriven policymaking, which placed science and technology at the core of its governance policy for sustainable development. Moreover, the holistic approach to development employed by the UN, moving past the role of GDP, health and education, is in line with the UAE’s own approach, highlighted in the groundbreaking appointments of ministers for youth, tolerance, happiness and the future, in 2016. The overlap between the SDGs and the UAE’s National Agenda is particularly visible in the areas of environmental sustainability, education and healthcare. Relevant national key performance indicators have already been established in these areas, further facilitating the management and measurement of progress towards the SDGs. Environmental sustainability With the aim of ensuring sustainable development while preserving the environment, the main focus points of the UAE Vision 2021 National Agenda are: improving the quality of air, preserving water resources, increasing the contribution of clean energy and implementing green growth plans. Through its Green Economy Initiative launched in 2012, the UAE aims to meet the increasing demand for electricity and water through renewable energy sources. It plans to increase its target for power generation from clean energy to 30% by 2030, as well as to produce 25% to 30% of its electricity requirement from both nuclear and solar energy. To achieve these objectives, the following national key performance indicators were chosen:

AROUND THE WORLD These environmental sustainability objectives are in line with multiple SDGs: 6. Clean water and sanitation, 7. Affordable and clean energy, 11. Sustainable cities and communities and 13. Climate action. Education

learning opportunities for all. The UAE aims to achieve a first-rate education system, involving improved teaching methods, internationally accredited teaching staff, smart learning programs, new licensing and evaluations systems, as well as curriculum revision.

The 4th SDG ensures inclusive and equitable quality education and promotes lifelong

Increasing enrollment in preschools and enhancing the rate of graduation from

secondary schools to international standards represent other important objectives on the National Agenda. The UAE’s commitment to education is also visible through the maximum federal budget allocation of 20.5% for 2017, amounting to AED 10.2 billion. Here are some of the national KPIs selected to monitor the progress of the environmental and education sectors.

Environmental sustainability INDEX







Air Quality Index

An indicator that measures the quality of air in terms of supplying daily information on pollution and the negative effects it may have on human health. The indicator measures the (4) main air pollutants: nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide and ozone.

Ministry of Climate Change and Environment, in coordination with the National Center for Meteorology and Seismology

76% (2016)

Ministry of Climate Change and Environment


Percentage of Treated Waste of Total Waste Generated

An indicator that measures the percentage of treated waste out of the tital generated waste (solid municipal waste) using various treatment methods (recycling, incineration, waste-to-energy, chemical treatment, exporting for external treatment, except for the landfill), in line with the methodology used by the OECD.

22.60% (2016) Ministry of Climate Change and Environment, in coordination with the Federal Competitiveness and Statistics Authority


Share of Clean Energy Contribution

An indicator that measures the contribution of clean energy sources (renewable, nuclear) to the total energy mix.

Ministry of Energy

0.23% (2015)

Ministry of Energy


Water Scarcity Index

An indicator that measures water overuse by monitoring fresh water usage (including surface water, renewable water and fossil water) as a percentage of overall renewable water in the UAE. The result is weighted to take into account destination and waste water treatment.

Ministry of Energy

Ratio of 6.30 (2016)

Ministry of Energy

Ministry of Climate Change and Environment

UAE Vision 2021, Available at: Education INDEX







Average TIMSS Score

An indicator that reflects the nation’s ranking and score in the TIMSS test, which evaluates the math and science skills of students in grades 4 and 8

International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement

TIMSS 2015: - Mathematics Grade 4: Rank 39 - Science Grade 4: Rank 40 - Mathematics Grade 8: Rank 23 - Science Grade 8: Rank 23

Ministry of Education


Upper Secondary Graduation Rate

An indicator that measures the percentage of national students graduating from secondary education out of the population in the age group of 18 years (measured as the number of graduates, regardless of age, divided by the population aged 18 years)

Ministry of Education and The Federal Competitiveness and Statistics Authority

96.7% (2016)

Ministry of Education


Enrollment Rate in Preschools (public and private)

An indicator that measures the percentage of children between the age of 4 and 5 who are enrolled in preschools (this indicator emphasizes the importance of providing children with a good foundation at an early age)

Ministry of Education and The Federal Competitiveness and Statistics Authority

91% (2016)

Ministry of Education


Average PISA Score

An indicator that measures the country’s ranking and scores in the PISA exam, which evaluates reading, mathematics and science skills for 15 year old students

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development

PISA 2015: - Mathematics: Rank 47 - Science: Rank 46 - Reading: Rank 48

Ministry of Education


Percentage of Students with High Skills in Arabic, according to the national tests

An indicator that measures the share of ninth grade students with high skills in the Arabic language (reading, writing), according to the national tests. This indicator covers students in public and private schools, at the national level (NKPI specific to UAE).

Ministry of Education

67% (2016)

Ministry of Education



AROUND THE WORLD Healthcare This pillar of the UAE’s National Agenda is in line with the third SDG - Good health and well-being The Government aims to provide its citizens with a world-class

healthcare system, planning to have all public and private hospitals accredited according to the national and international quality standards of medical services and staff. In addition, the agenda focuses on preventive medicine, aiming to decrease the incidence

of cancer and lifestyle diseases. In 2016, the UAE Government had allocated 7.9% of the budget (AED 3.8 billion) for the health sector. Some of the national key performance indicators included to monitor the progress in healthcare are:








Number of Deaths from Cancer per 100,000 Population

An indicator that measures the deaths from malignant tumors per 100,000 population

World Health Organization

99 deaths per 100,000 population (2012 figure published in 2014 report)

Ministry of Health and Prevention


Percentage of Accredited Health Facilities

An indicator that measures the share of public and private hospitals adhering to national or internationally-recognized standards (NKPI specific to UAE)

Ministry of Health and Prevention

64% (2016)

Ministry of Health and Prevention


Healthcare Quality Index

An indicator that measures the quality of healthcare from (3) perspectives: basic health outcomes, health infrastructure and preventive care, and physical and mental health satisfaction

Legatum Prosperity Indicator

Rank 28 (2016)

Ministry of Health and Prevention


Number of Physicians per 1,000 Population

An indicator that measures the average number of physicians per 1,000 population (including general practitioners and all specialties except dentistry)

World Health Organization

2.53 physicians per 1000 population (2007 - 2013 average published in 2015 report)

Ministry of Health and Prevention


Number of Nurses per 1,000 Population

An indicator that measures the average number of nurses per 1,000 population

World Health Organization

3.16 nurses per 1000 population (2007 - 2013 average published in 2015 report)

Ministry of Health and Prevention

UAE Vision 2021, Available at:

As the SDGs are becoming a global reporting standard and a common language on sustainable development between governments, they provide opportunities for countries to showcase their achievements and positive impact in several areas at a global level. For the UAE, that has been successful in achieving world-leading policy outcomes in a short period of time, it represents an optimal framework to highlight its progress and ambitious goals in areas such as renewable energy deployment, quality education and world-class healthcare services. The use of key performance indicators at a national level and for each policy subject, further simplifies the implementation of the SDGs in the UAE and enhances the monitoring of results.

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TRENDS Trends and Statistics


his section comprises information about online search trends and statistics. On a regional scale, Performance Management has seen a steady level of interest, as will be shown

Bahrain - Performance Management - Interest over Time (IoT)

Bahrain – Performance Management – Monthly Search Volume (MSV)

Kuwait – Performance Management Interest over Time (IoT)

Kuwait - Performance Management – Monthly Search Volume (MSV)


in our graphics. We have used two sources, Google Trends – to highlight interest over time, and Mangools – to showcase monthly average search volumes. The latter is a top choice for

SEO enthusiasts, as it offers two solid analytics tools which can yield valuable information regarding trends, no. of searches, CPC, PPC and other SEO-related items.


Oman - Performance Management Interest over Time (IoT)

Oman - Performance Management – Monthly Search Volume (MSV)

Qatar - Performance Management Interest over Time (IoT)

Qatar - Performance Management – Monthly Search Volume (MSV)

Saudi Arabia - Performance Management - Interest over Time (IoT)




Saudi Arabia - Performance Management – Monthly Search Volume (MSV)

United Arab Emirates - Performance Management - Interest over Time (IoT)

United Arab Emirates - Performance Management - Interest over Time (IoT)

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Institutions offering performance-related degrees Institutions offering performance-related subjects


he following section is dedicated to university degrees and specific courses on performance management and several other neighboring subjects. The selection encloses prestigious universities from the GCC region, together with the degrees they offer for specialized management courses and educational tuition fees.

and growing a generation of managers, business specialists and performance experts. The University College of Bahrain offers a Bachelor and Master’s Degree in Business Administration, while the Kuwait University College of Business Administration also has a Master’s Degree in Business Administration.

Thus, the first table encompasses universities which offer degrees in Performance, Strategic Management, Business Information Management and others, alongside their relevant curriculums and program costs.

Moreover, in Oman, you will find institutions such as the Modern College of Business and Science that has a Bachelor’s Degree in BA, an Associate of Science program in BA and a Master’s Degree in BA. In addition to this, the Qatar University College of Business and Economics also provides a Master’s Degree in BA.

At a quick glance, we can already that the region is heavily invested in teaching, nurturing


Last, but not least, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates have an extended array of Business & Management Universities and Schools, such as the King Saudi University, the King Abdulaziz University Faculty of Economics and Administration, the United Arab Emirates University College of Business and Economics or the Abu Dhabi University College of Business. The second table is focused not on university degrees but on Performance Management or Strategic Management courses. As can be seen, there is a wide array of choices here as well, just as in the first table.

EDUCATION Table: Educational Institutions which offer degrees in Performance Management






Related subjects/topics

Cost (2015 fees)

University of Bahrain College of Business Administration

Kingdom of Bahrain


Bachelor of Science in Business Management

4 years

• Organization and Management • Organization Behavior • Production and Operations Management • Managing Small Business • Organization Development and Change • Business Ethics • Creativity and Innovation Management • Human Resources Planning and Development • Current Issues in Management • Risk Management and Insurance


Arabian Gulf University



Master of Business

18 months

of Bahrain

• Leadership and Organizational Behavior • HR & Compensation Management • Managing People • Entrepreneurial Manager • Decision Making and Negotiation • Corporate & Competitive Strategy • Global Strategy & Managing the Global Corporation • Business sustainability & Society • Geopolitics in Asia • Logistics & Supply Chain Management • Public Policy, Social and Political Development in GCC

BHD 12,500

French Arabian Business School

Ahlia University College of Business and Finance

Kingdom of Bahrain

• Organizational Behavior & Leadership • Development • Consumer Behaviour • Human Resources Management • Quality Management • Strategic Management • Entrepreneurship & Innovation/New • Product Development • Management Information Systems • Competition, Innovation & Change • Entrepreneurship & Small Business Strategy

Undergraduate Programs: BHD 100 - 130/ credit-hour/ semester ($265.252 $344.754)

• Human Rights • Principles of Management • Organization & Management • Human Resource Management • Enrepreuship • International Management • Supply Chain Management • Total Quality Management

BHD 435/ course (2013) ($1,153.80)

University College of Bahrain

Kingdom of Bahrain




Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing and Management Master’s Degree in Business Administration

Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration Master’s Degree in Business Administration

4 years

4 years

(net of tax) ($33,156.48)

Graduate Programs: BHD 160/ credit-hour/ semester ($424.313)









Related subjects/topics

Cost (2015 fees)

Kingdom University College of Business Administration

Kingdom of Bahrain


Bachelor of Science in Business Management

3 years

• Organizational Behaviour • Operations Management • Strategic Management • Business Decision Making • Management & Leadership Development • Human Resources Management • Small Business Management • Insurance & Risk Management • Organizational Change & Development • Personnel Management • New Product Management • Compensation Management • Entrepreneurship • Forcasting For Business • Public Management

BHD 110/3 credit hour ($291.702)

AMA International University of Bahrain College of Administrative and Financial Services

Kingdom of Bahrain


Master of Business Administration

2 years

• Foreign Business Policy Theory & BHD 87,500/ Development credit unit • Sociology of Development ($232,034.03) • Corporate Stragey in International Business • International Entrepreneurship • Project Management • Corporate Strategy & International Business • Human Resources Management

Gulf University College of Administrative and Financial Sciences

Kingdom of Bahrain


Bachelor’s Degree in Human Resources Management & Public Relations

4 years

• Operations Research Management BHD 100/ • Production & Operations Management credit hour • Human Resources Management ($265.252) • Organizational Behavior • Leadership & Managerial Communication • Small Business Management • Corporate Social Responsibility • Human Resources Strategy • Human Resources Planning & Recruitment • Human Resources Performance Management • Human Resources Training & Development • Compensation & Benefits Management

King Saud University

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


Bachelor’s Degree in Management Master’s Degree in Business Administration

5-9 semesters

• Human Resource Development • Consumer Behavior • Human Resource Development • Staffing and Human Resource Planning • Compensation Management • Quality and Productivity Improvement • Operations Planning and Control • Organizational Behavior • Strategic Management • Organizational Change & Develoment • Managerial Leadership • Performance Management & Compensation









Related subjects/topics

Cost (2015 fees)

King Abdulaziz University Faculty of Economics and Administration

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


Masters in Public Administration

2 years

• The Theory of Public Administration N/A • Human Behavior in Public Organizations • Organizational Thinking • Policy Comparison • Administrative Decentralization • Management Analysis • Organizational Development Strategies • Contemporary Isssues in the Civil Service • Management of Public Utilities • Planning and Development Administration • Evaluation of Government Programs • Policy and Decision-making

Umm Al-Qura University College of Management Sciences and Tourism

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


Bachelor of Business Administration

2 years

• Principles of management • Business Communications • Organizational Behavior • Production Operations and Technology Management • Development of Managerial Thinking


King Faisal University College of Business Administration

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


Bachelor/Master of Business Administration

8 semesters

• Human Resources Management • Marketing Segmentation and Consumer Behavior • Organizational Behavior • Production and Quality Management • Production Management • Strategies and Policies Management • Contract and Negotiation Management

Undergradute: Local: $1,000 $2,500 International: $2,500 - 5,000 Postgraduate: Local: $12,500 - $15,000 International: $17,500 $20,000

Jazan University Faculty of Business Administration

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration

4 years

• Event Management • Logistics & Material Management • Entrepreneurship. & Small Business Management • Crisis Management • Production & Operations Management • Employees Administration • Negotiation & Counselling • Project Planning & Control • Global Outsourcing • Total Quality Management • Insurance & Risk Management • International Business Administration • Industrial Psychology • Change Management • Knowledge Management










Related subjects/topics

Cost (2015 fees)

Taif University College of Administrative and Financial Sciences

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration: Management Bachelor’s Degree in Management of Health Services and Hospital


• Production and Operation Management • Fundamentals of Organization and Management • Modern attitudes in organizations • Organizational Behaviour • Negotiation Management • Human Resource Management • Business Communication


Qassim University College of Business and Economics

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


Master in Business Administration

2 years

• Organizational Behavior • Management Information Systems • Production and Operations Management • Strategic Management • Human Resource Management


Majmaah University College of Business Administration

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration




Alfaisal University College of Business

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


Bachelor’s Degree in Human Resources Master’s Degree in Business Administration

2 years

SAR 200,000 • Employee learning and development ($53,261.26) • Compensation and Total Reward Management • Improving Human Performance • Organizational Behavior • Strategic Management • Quantitative and Qualitative • Research Methodology • Supply Chain Management • Leading Organizational Change • Entrepreneurship and Innovation • HRM Planning, Recruitment and Selection

Salman Bin Abdulaziz University College of Business Administration

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


Bachelor’s Degree in Management


• Prediction of Business • Management Science • International Management • Managing Innovation and Entrepreneurship • Strategy and Policy for Competitive Advantage • Leadership and Change • Operations Management • Strategic Management Using Computer Simulation • Negotiation and Consensus Building


University of Hail College of Business Administration

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


Bachelor’s Degree in Management Information System

4 years

• Self-development skills • Operation Management • Organizational Behavior • Human Resource Management • Strategic Management









Related subjects/topics

Cost (2015 fees)

Al Jouf University College of Humanities and Administrative Sciences

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration




Dammam University College of Business Administration

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


Bachelor of Science in Managament Information Systems

5 years

• Business Ethics and Social Responsibility • Organizational Behavior • Strategic Management • Global Business • Operations Management


Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd University College of Business Administration

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration

4 years

• Professional Development and Competencies • Critical Thinking and Problem Solving • Leadership and Teamwork • Organizational Behavior • Entrepreneurship • Strategic Management • Human Resource Management

SAR 22500 ($5,991.89)

Northern Border University College of Business Administration

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


Master’s Degree in Business Administration



SAR 5000 ($1,331.53)

Efat University College of Business

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


achelor’s Degree in Entrepreneurship Bachelor’s Degree in Human Resources Management

4 years

• Decision Sciences • Operations Management • Human Resource Management • Strategic Management • Compensation and Benefits Management • Leadership and Power • Entrepreneurship

SAR 35,000/ semester ($9,320.78)

Dar Al Uloom University College of Business Administration

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


Master’s Degree in Business Administration

2 years

• Human Resources Management SAR 5000 • Organizational Behavior ($1,331.52) • Strategic Management • Performance Management and People Development • Leading Organizational Change • trategic Management of Human Resources and Innovation • Consumer Behavior • Information Resources Management • Enterprise Resource Planning • Leadership Development • Strategic Leadership • Entrepreneurship • Organizational Behavior • Information Resources Management









Related subjects/topics

Cost (2015 fees)

Al Yamamah University College of Business Administration

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration Master’s Degree in Business Administration Master’s Degree in Human Resources Management Executive MBA in International Management and Leadership

2 - 4 years

• Organizational Behavior • Introduction to Risk Management • Employee Benefits • Total Quality Management • Consumer Behavior • Entrepreneurship • Foundations Of Leadership • Strategic Management • Human Resources Management • Entrepreneurship-Corporate Ventures & Strat-Ups

SAR 24,000 ($6,391.90)

University of Business and Technology

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


Bachelor’s Degree in Human Resources Master’s Degree in Business Administration

2-4 years

• Organizational Behavior • Human Resources Management • Operations Management • Human Resource Development • Management Performance • Compensation Management • Organizational Design & Development • Entrepreneurship • Management Information Systems

SAR 1670/ credit hour 2917/credit hour ($444.788 $776.914)

Fahad Bin Sultan University College of Business and Management

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration Master’s Degree in Business Administration Executive Business Administration

2 - 4 years

• Organizational Behaviour • Quantitative Methods in Business • Leadership & Entrepreneurship • Strategic Management • Investment Management • Strategic Management • Human Resources Management • International Business and Management • Total Quality Management • Change Management • Consumer Behavior • Risk Management in Financial Institutions

EMBA: SAR 85,000 ($22,636.80)

Kuwait University College of Business Administration

Kingdom of Kuwait

Kuwait City

Master’s Degree in Business Administration

2 years

• Consumer Behavior • Human Resources Management • Leadership and Group Dynamics • Management Planning and Decision Making • Organizational Behavior • Strategic Management


American University of Kuwait

Kingdom of Kuwait

Kuwait City

Bachelor of Business Administration in Management

4 years

• Human Resource Management • International Business Management • Business Relationship Management

KWD 230/ credit hour ($782.258/ credit hour)








Related subjects/topics

Cost (2015 fees)

Australian College of Kuwait

Kingdom of Kuwait

Kuwait City

Bachelor’s Degree in Business Management

2 years

• Organizational Behavior • Human Resources in Organizations • Managing Organizational Change • Quality Management • Production and Operations Management • Entrepreneurship, Innovation & New Ventures • Business Integration

KWD 2,670.000/ semester ($9,089.86)

Kuwait Maastricht Business School

Kingdom of Kuwait

Al Dasma

Master’s Degree in Business Administration

1 year

• Accounting for Managers • Global Corporate Strategy • Global Supply Chain Management • Innovation and New Business Ventures • Leadership, Change and Organization • Corporate Responsibility and Ethics

KWD 9,729.50 ($33,097.92)

Sultan Qaboos University College of Economics and Political Science



Bachelor of Science in Management

4 years

• Introduction to Management Information Systems • Organizational Behavior • Operations Management • Human Resources Management • Strategic Management


Oman College of Management and Technology Department of Administrative and Financial Sciences



Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration

2 years

• Introduction to Public Management • Human Resources Management • Production Management • Small Business Management • Knowledge Management • International Business Management • Organization Theory • Strategic Management • Taking Decisions Theory • Practice & Development of Administrative Skills • Administration of Organizational Changes • Consumer Behavior

OMR 60/credit hour ($155.844/ credit hour)

University of Nizwa College of Economics, Management & Information Systems



Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration Master’s Degree in Business Administration

2 - 4 years

• Business Environment and Policies • Organizational Behavior • Auditing • Communications Systems in International Trade • International Business Management • Entrepreneurship • Organizational Theory • Human Resources Management • Organizational Development and Change • Global Business Strategy • Small and Family Business Management • Managerial Decision Modeling

OMR 150/ semester ($389.661/ semester)









Related subjects/topics

Cost (2015 fees)

Middle East College Management Studies Department



Bachelor of Science in Business & Information Systems (Human Resource Management)

4 years

• Principles of Organization and Management • Human Resources Management • Information Systems Management • Strategic Management • Employee Relations • Staffing, Training & Development • Compensation and Performance Management • Knowledge Management and Business Intelligence

OMR 1110/ semester ($2,883.12/ semester)

Sohar University Faculty of Business



Bachelor’s Degree in Management Executive Master of Business Administration

2-4 years

• Organizational Communications • Research Methods • Database Management • Gulf Business Environment • Strategic Management • Human Resource Management • Organizational Behavior • Purchasing & Inventory Management • Operations Management

OMR 5,400/ MBA course ($14,029.61/ MBA course)

Dhofar University College of Commerce and Business Administration



Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration Management Master’s Degree in Business Administration

2 - 4 years

• Consumer Behavior • Customer Relationship Management • Sales Management • Brand Management • Strategic Management • Business Environment • Supply Chain Management • Managing and Leading in Organization

OMR 150/ credit hour ($389.712/ credit hour)

Muscat College Scottish Qualifications Authority Program



Bachelor’s Degree in Business Studies

3 years

• Managing People and Organization • Office Administration • Creating a Culture of Customer Care • Business Culture and Strategy • Human Resources Management


Modern College of Business and Science



Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration Associate of Science in Business Administration Master’s Degree in Business Administration

6 months 4 years

• Strategic Management N/A • Management and Organizational Behavior • Professional Skills Development • Human Resource Management • Employee Training & Development • Entrepreneurship • Consumer Behavior • Managing Talent to Maintain Performance Standards • Managing Human Resource from a Strategic Perspective • Assessing & Meeting Future Leadership Needs








Al Buraimi University College Department of Business Administration and Accounting



Bachelor’s Degree in 2/3/4 years Human Resources Development Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration Advanced Diploma in HR Development Advanced Diploma in Business Administration Master’s Degree in HR Development Master’s Degree in Business Administration

Related subjects/topics

Cost (2015 fees)

• Management and Organizational Behavior • Operations Management • Human Resource Development • Recruitment & Selection • Training & Development • Performance Management • International Business Management • Negotiation & Conflict Management • Strategic Planning & Implementation • Decision Making & Creativity • Management Skills • Strategic HRM • Organization Change & Development • Consumer Behavior • Risk Management • Strategic Management

OMR 55/ credit hour ($142.857/ credit hour)

College of Banking and Financial Studies



Bachelor of Science in Business and Management Master’s Degree in Business Administration

2 - 3 years

• Aractice of Management Skills • Organizational Design • The Firm and Strategic Human Resource Management • Resource Planning • The Transformation of Work • Understanding Strategic Management • Human Resource Management • Brand Management • Creativity and Innovation • Applied Strategic Management • Human Resource Development • Organizational Change • Sustainable Operations Management • Auditing • The Learning Manager • Comparative Corporate Governance • Entrepreneurial Management & Leadership • Managing People in Organizations • Strategy Analysis and Evaluation

OMR 1250 2250/semester ($3,246.33 - 5,843.40/ semester)

Mazoon University College



achelor’s Degree in Business Administration Master’s Degree in Business Administration

2 - 4 years

• Management & Oraganizational Behavior • Human Resource Management • Strategic Management • Organizational Psychology • Human Resources Development • Organization Behavior & Development

OMR 65/ credit hour ($168.809/ credit hour) OMR 5400/ MBA ($14,024.15/ MBA)









Related subjects/topics

Cost (2015 fees)

Sur University College Business Department



Bachelor of Business Administration in Management and Marketing Master’s Degree of Business Administration in Management and Marketing

2 - 4 years

• Human resource management • Consumer behavior • International business strategy • Business Performance Management • Management Control System

OMR 800/ semester ($2,077.65)

Majan College Faculty of Business Management



Bachelor’s Degree in Human Resource Management Master’s Degree in International Human Resource Management Master’s Degree in Business Administration

2 - 3 years

• Performance Management • Human Resource Management • Organisational Behaviour • Work Psychology • Contemporary Issues in Human Resource Management • Strategic Human Resource Management • Strategic Management • Employee Relations • Leading and Managing People • Mobilising Creativity and Innovation • Entrepreneurship & Small Business Management • Thriving in a Competitive Global Context

OMR 250/ module ($649.266/ module)

• Gulf Regional Legal Environment of Business • Managing People and Performance • Critical Reasoning • Operations Management • Managing Organisations • Strategic Management • Enterprising Management • Managing and Leading Change • Risk Management • Contemporary Management Issues • Consumer Behaviour • Managing In Organisations • Systemic Management • Leadership & Organizational Change • Human Resource Management • Operations Management • Strategic Management

OMR 1125/ semester ($2,921.7/ semester)

Gulf College




Bachelor’s Degree in Business Management Master’s Degree in Business Administration

2 -3 years

OMR 312.5/ 3rd year of Bachelor Degree ($811.583/3rd year of Bachelor Degree) OMR 6229/ IHRM Master’s Degree ($16,177.12/ IHRM Master’s Degree)







Related subjects/topics

Cost (2015 fees)

Qatar University College of Business and Economics



Master’s Degree in Business Administration

2 years

• Managerial Accounting for Decision Making • Operations Management • Strategic Management • Human Resources Management • Management for Change and Innovation • Project Management • International Business Management • Entrepreneurship & Small Business Management • Enterprise Resources Planning

QAR 500/ credit hour ($137.320/ credit hour)

United Arab Emirates University College of Business and Economics


Abu Dhabi

Bachelor’s Degree of Business Administration Bachelor’s Degree of Human Resources Development and Management Master of Business Administration Doctor of Business Administration

2 - 4 years

• Organizational Behavior • Human Resources Management • Staffing Organizations • Human Resources Performance Management • Compensation & Benefits Management • Strategic Management • Organizational Behavior • Innovation and Creativity • Entrepreneurship • Consumer Behavior • Human Resources Performance Management • Compensation & Benefits Management • Strategic Human Resources Management • Organizational Development & Change Management • Leadership & Organizational Behavior • Performance and Rewards Management • Strategic Management in a Dynamic Environment • Management and Leadership • Organizational Excellence Modeling • Contemporary Issues in Customer Behavior

AED 2750/ credit hour (MBA) ($748.676)

Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration

4 years

• Managing Behavior & Organizations • Principles & Practices of Management • Consumer Behavior • Statistical Analysis for Management • Methods & Models of Management Science

AED 17,500/ semester (undergraduate) ($4,764.37)

American University of Ras Al Khaimah


Ras al-Khaimah

AED 8400/ credit hour (DBA) ($2,286.89)

AED 2,400/ credit hour (MBA) ($653.399)









Related subjects/topics

Cost (2015 fees)

American University of Sharjah School of Business Administration



Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Master of Business Administration Executive Master of Business Administration

2 - 4 years

• Management of Public Organizations • Organizational Behavior • Managing Human Resources • Management and Leadership Development • Cross-Cultural Management • Negotiation and Conflict Management • Managing Change and Innovation • Management Intervention and Consultation • Career Management • Entrepreneurship • Principles of Leadership • Leadership and Human Capital • Leadership and hamge Management • Strategic Management in a Global Environment • Human Resource Management • Performance Management • Training and Development • Staffing

AED 41,730/ semester (undergraduate) ($11,360.98) AED 4,040 (MBA) ($1,099.89) AED 4,222 (EMBA) ($1,149.43)

Zayed University College of Business



Executive Master’s in Business Administration

2 years

• Executive Master’s in Business Administration • Human Resource Management • Operations Management • Entrepreneurship • Global Business Strategy

AED 128,000 ($34,847.48)

University of Sharjah College of Business Administration



Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration Executive Master in Business Administration

2 - 4 years

• Organizational Behavior • Leadership and Change Management • Operations & Supply Chain Management • Strategic Management • Human Resources Management • Total Quality Management • Decision Sciences • Managing, Recruiting and Selection • Customer Relationship Management • Creative Thinking & Problem Solving • Managing Change & Innovation • Development Management • Creative Strategies in Public Administration

AED 1,474/ credit hour (undergraduate) ($401.295)

Bachelor of Business Administration Master of Business Administration

2 - 4 years

• Operations Management • Business Process Simulation • Organizational Behavior • International Management • Leadership • Entrepreneurship • Supply Chain Management • Managing Chain & Innovation • Strategic Management

AED 2,500 -

American University in Dubai School of Business Administration



AED 2,240/ credit hour (EMBA) ($609.837)

37,500/credit hours (undergraduate) ($680.637 - 1 0,209.51/ credit hours) AED 9,900 - 2 9,700/credit hours (graduate) ($2,695.31 8,085.92/credit hours)








Related subjects/topics

Cost (2015 fees)

University Wollongong in Dubai



Bachelor of Business Administration Bachelor of Commerce: Human Resource Management Bachelor of Commerce: International Business Master of Business Administration Master of International Business Master of Strategic Human Resource Management

2 - 4 years

• Organizational Behaviour • Managing Human Resources • Organizational Analysis • Continuous Quality Improvement • Strategic Management • Strategic Decision Making • Human Resource Development • Cross Cultural Management • Management of Change • Performance Management

AED 209,100 /program (undergraduate) ($56,975/ program)

Bachelor of Business Administration in Management Bachelor of Business Administration in Human Resource Management Master of Business Administration; Concentrations in Finance and Human Resource Master of Human Resource Management Doctor of Business Administration

2 - 4 years

• Leadership and Communication • Strategic Management • Corporate Performance Management • Training and Development • Central Issues in Human Resource Management • International Human Resource Management • Organizational Behaviour • Compensation and Contemporary Issues • Job Evaluation and Performance Appraisal • Negotiation and Conflict Resolution for HR • Organizational Change • International Business Management

AED 1,500/ credit hour (undergraduate) ($408.382)

Bachelor of Business Administration Master of Business Administration

2 - 3 years

Abu Dhabi University College of Business

Manipal University



Abu Dhabi


• Organizational Behavior • Human Resource Management • Life Skills Development • Strategic Management • Entrepreneurship • UAE Business Environment • Performance Management • Organizational Development • Organizational Change • Compensation Management • Training and Development • Human Capital Management • Consumer Behavior • Customer Relationship Management • Technology Management • Risk Management and Insurance

AED 96,480 /program (postgraduate) ($26,289 /program)

AED 2,700 3,500/credit hour (postgraduate) ($735.088 952.892) AED 4,400 (doctoral studies) ($1,197.92)

AED 36,000/year (undergraduate) ($9,800.85) AED 39,000/year (postgraduate) ($10,617.59)









Related subjects/topics

Cost (2015 fees)

Ittihad University College of Management & Information Systems


Ras alKhaimah

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration


• Human Resource Management • Production & Operations Management • Organizational Behavior • Organizational Development • Strategic Management • Change Management • Entrepreneurship • Purchasing & Supply Management • Building High Performance Teams

AED 900/ credit hour ($245.02)

Amity University



Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration: Entrepreneurship Master’s Degree in Business Administration: Entrepreneurship

2 - 3 years

• Entrepreneurial Process & Behaviour • Evaluating Ventures Opportunity & Developing Business Model • Behavioural Science • Innovation & Business Growth • Creating & Leading Entrepreneurial Organization • Strategic Management • Emerging Business Sectors and New Technologies • Building High Performance Organization Culture • Managerial Strategic Relationship

AED 30,000/

• Personal Management and Communication • Organizational Behavior • Consumer Behavior • Public Enterprise Management • Human Resource Management • Entrepreneurship • Change Management • Leadership and Motivation Techniques • Talent Management • Brand Management • Personal Management • Organizational Development and Employee Management

AED 1,900/ course (undergraduate) ($517.267)

SZABIST Institute of Science and Technology

Canadian University of Dubai School of Business Administration






Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration Master’s Degree in Busines Administration Executive Master of Business Administration

Bachelor of Business Administration in Human Resource Management

2 - 4 years

4 years

year (undergraduate) ($8,220) AED 35,000/ year (postgraduate) ($9,590)

AED 2,000/ course (postgraduate) ($544.492) AED 2,200/ course (EMBA) ($598.941)

AED 62,090/year • Human Resource Management ($16,903.75) • Organizational Behavior • Strategic Management • Management of Information Systems • Compensation Management • Human Resource Development • Strategic Human Resource Management • Performance Appraisal and Compensation • Conflict Resolution







Related subjects/topics

Cost (2015 fees)

The British University in Dubai Faculty of Business



Master in Business Administration Master of Science in Human Resource Management

2 years

• Strategy and Human Resource Management • Organisational Behaviour and Business Leadership • Organisational Change • Strategic Management • Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility

AED 64,000/ program ($17,423.74)

Al Ghurair University College of Business Studies



Bachelor of Business Administration Master of Business Administration

2 - 3 years

• Human Resources Management • Organizational Behavior • Leadership Skills • Operations Management • Consumer Behavior • Auditing • Working Capital Management • Database Management Systems • International Human Resources Management • Strategic Management of Human Assets • Total Rewards Management • Talent Management • Organizational Change

AED 1,150/

• Human Resource Management • Employee Staffing and Development • Strategic Management • Strategic Human Resource Management • Organizational Development • Performance Appraisal and Reward System

AED 1,250/ credit hour (undergraduate) ($340.307)

• Leadership & Team Effectiveness • Strategic Management • Leadership & Human Resources Management • Management and Organizational Behavior • Risk Management • Human Resources Management • Leadership Development • Change Management • Total Quality Management and Continuous Improvement • Planning and Development • Performance Management, Compensation and Employee Benefits • Strategic HR Management • Employee Relations

AED 30,300/

ALHOSN University Faculty of Business

University of Dubai



Abu Dhabi


Bachelor of Business Administration Master of Business Administration

Bachelor’s Degree in Management Bachelor’s Degree in Human Resources Management Bachelor’s Degree in Entrepreneurship Management Master of Business Administration Doctor of Business Administration

2 - 4 years

2 - 4 years

credit hour (undergraduate) ($313.083) AED 72,000 (postgraduate) ($19,601.71)

AED 2,000 / credit hour (postgraduate) ($544.492)

program (undergraduate) ($8,249.05) AED 9,100/ program (postgraduate) ($2,477.44) AED 15,000/ program (PhD) ($4,083.69)









Related subjects/topics

Cost (2015 fees)

American University in the Emirates College of Business Administration



Bachelor of Business Administration Bachelor of Business in Human Resources Management Master in Business Administration

2 - 4 years

• Organizational Behavior • Strategic Management • Human Resource Management • Negotiation Skills • Staffing and Techniques for Employee Selection • Employees Training and Development • Compensation and Benefits Management • Strategic Human Resource Management • Leadership and Change Management • Innovation and Entrepreneurship • Organizational Development

AED 3,255/ course (undergraduate) ($892)

University of Modern Sciences



Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Bachelor of Science in Human Resource Management Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship Master of Business Administration

2 - 4 years

• Strategic Management and Business Policy N/A • Managing Organizational Change • Global Human Resource Management • Quality & Productivity Sustainability and Improvement • Creativity and Innovation in Business • Risk Analysis and Modelling



Bachelor of Commerce in Management Master of Business Administration Master of Human Resource Management

2 - 3 years

• Organisational Behaviour and Management • Strategic Decision-Making • Human Resource Management Law • Effective Leadership • Organizational Change, Management and Consultancy • Human Resource Management Perspectives • Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management • Risk Management

AED 24,000/ trimester (undergraduate) ($6,534.11)

Bachelor in Human Resource Management

4 years

• Organizational Behaviour • Customer Relationship Management • Knowledge Management • Events Risk Management • Consumer Behavior

AED 3,300/every

Bachelor of Business Administration

4 years

• Human Resources Management • Management and Organizational Behavior • Staffing Organizations • Employee Training and Development • Performance Management and Total Rewards • Career Management • Quality of Work Life • Leadership and Organization Development

AED 2475/course ($673.831)

College of Business

Murdoch University Murdoch Business School

Jumeira University

City University College of Ajman

AED 9,000/ course (postgraduate) ($2,466)





AED 96,000/ program (postgraduate) ($26,136.46)

3 credits ($898.441)


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EDUCATION Table: Performance Management University Subjects




Kingdom of Bahrain

Gulf University College of Administrative and Financial Sciences

Human Resources Performance Management

Bachelor’s Degree


Middle East College

Bachelor of Science

Al Buraimi University College Sur University College Majan College Faculty of Business Management Gulf College

Compensation and Performance Management Managing Talent to Maintain Performance Standards Performance Management Performance Management Business Performance Management Performance Management Managing People and Performance

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

King Saud University Alfaisal University College of Business Dar Al Uloom University College of Business Adminitration University of Business and Technology

Performance Management & Compensation Improving Human Performance Improving Human Performance Performance Management and People Development Management Performance

Master’s Degree Bachelor’s Degree Bachelor’s Degree Master’s Degree Master’s Degree Bachelor’s Degree

United Arab Emirates

United Arab Emirates University

Human Resources Performance Management Performance and Rewards Performance Management Performance Management Performance Management Continuous Quality Improvement Performance Management Performance Management Performance Management Building High Performance Teams Building High Performance Teams Building High Performance Organization Culture Organizational Development and Employee Management Performance Appraisal and Compensation Performance Appraisal and Compensation Performance Appraisal and Reward System Organizational Development Performance Management, Compensation and Employee Benefits Total Quality Management and Continuous Improvement Quality & Productivity Sustainability and Improvement Quality & Productivity Sustainability and Improvement Performance Management and Total Rewards

Master’s Degree

Modern College of Business and Science

College of Business and Economics American University of Sharjah School of Business Administration University Wollongong in Dubai Abu Dhabi University College of Business Manipal University Ittihad University College of Management & Information Systems Amity University SZABIST Institute of Science and Technology Canadian University of Dubai School of Business Administration ALHOSN University Faculty of Business University of Dubai

University of Modern Sciences College of Business City University College of Ajman

Related Degree

Master’s Degree Bachelor’s Degree Master’s Degree Bachelor’s Degree Bachelor’s Degree Master’s Degree Bachelor’s Degree

Master’s Degree Master’s Degree Master’s Degree Bachelor’s Degree Master’s Degree Bachelor’s Degree Master’s Degree Master’s Degree Bachelor’s Degree Bachelor’s Degree Bachelor’s Degree Master’s Degree Bachelor’s Degree Master’s Degree Bachelor’s Degree Bachelor’s Degree Bachelor’s Degree Master’s Degree Bachelor’s Degree Master’s Degree PhD Bachelor’s Degree Master’s Degree Bachelor’s Degree

STATE OF EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT REPORT 2017 GLOBAL EDITION Explore an international research study conducted by The KPI Institute in its effort to identify latest trends in employee performance management.

SURVEY FINDINGS 65% of reward systems are built on performance bonuses and salary increases 69% deem the appraisal system a good context for employee feedback 82% use EPM to evaluate employee performance The State of Employee Performance Management 2017 Global Edition, reveals findings that cover a vast range of key topics related to employee appraisal, from the use of structured employee performance management systems to insights into the system’s dynamics (tools, coordination, periodicity), reward practices, satisfaction and software solutions used.







Useful to any executive manager, HR professional as well as entrepreneurs and analysts interested in employee performance management.

The report is available in electronic format on




he number of available positions related to Performance Management is an important indicator, as it shows the concept’s importance, growth rate and market penetration. Research was conducted for all six countries in the GCC. We used the popular job website Glassdoor. com, to find out the approximate number of jobs offered in the field of Performance Management. The following tables contain data obtained from this website when searching for two keywords: “Strategy Manager” and “Performance Manager”. It can be noticed that the total number of positions for “Performance Manager” and “Strategy Manager” vary based on each country’s evaluation of what job would fit either of these roles.

Table 1. Performance Manager positions

For “Performance Manager”, the leading markets seem to be the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, followed by Qatar and Kuwait. When it comes to ”Strategy Manager”, there are a few shifts, with the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia still in the lead, but this time it is trailed by Qatar and Bahrain. Overall, the research offers an overview on the openings for performance-related roles around the region and, considering the increasing interest in Performance Management at all levels, it seems reasonable to extrapolate this situation to the entirety of a year.

Table 2. Strategy Manager positions

Wages Wages are an important factor in determining both the attractiveness and profitability of a domain. The data below, made public by the free jobs and career community PayScale, delivers an outlook over the pay range correspondent to Performance Managers and Strategy Managers, across all the country-markets listed above. It should be noted that PayScale may not have enough data for both job roles, which may result in some country-markets only featuring wage levels for one of the two.









Saudi Arabia


United Arab Emirates




No. of Available Positions

Country-Market Bahrain








Saudi Arabia


United Arab Emirates


Table 3. Wage levels per country-market

Country-Market Bahrain


Oman The highest, lowest and average wages are based on the available positions found on the above-mentioned job website. The wage ranges are estimated, which entails that their accuracy might be affected. Furthermore, differences may also come from the various positions required: some industries are looking for Senior Performance Managers and, therefore, they will have a higher average salary than the other ones.


No. of Available Positions



Saudi Arabia


Job Role

$USD Min

$USD Max

$USD Average

Performance Manager




Strategy Manager




Performance Manager




Strategy Manager




Performance Manager




Strategy Manager




Performance Manager




Strategy Manager




Performance Manager




Strategy Manager




Performance Manager




Strategy Manager






he following section presents an overview of the main conferences, trainings and seminars that will take place in 2017, all over the region. From Abu Dhabi & Dubai, to Jeddah and Muscat, performance management conferences and other events have been providing both practitioners and academics with new knowledge and techniques in this specific field. For this year’s events section, we will be bringing you a series of conferences

organized by both worldwide renown firms, as well as a few that will either be organized by or in partnership with The KPI Institute. 2017 promises to be an eventful year for performance management-related events. This year, topics appear to revolve around strategy, BI and data analysis, employee engagement and boosting productivity. The information has been gathered using the official websites of the events or the organizers For “Performance Manager”, the leading

markets seem to be the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, followed by Qatar and Kuwait. When it comes to ”Strategy Manager”, there are a few shifts, with the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia still in the lead, but this time it is trailed by Qatar and Bahrain. Overall, the research offers an overview on the openings for performance-related roles around the region and, considering the increasing interest in Performance Management at all levels, it seems reasonable to extrapolate this situation to the entirety of a year.

Table: Performance Management events in 2017





Duration Organizer


10 – 14 September

Building Skills for Working in Teams: Igniting Passion & Activating Potential in Teams



5 days

Oxford Management Center

USD $4,500

17 – 21 September

Decision Making in Projects

Practitioners and Professionals


5 days

Oxford Management Center

USD $4,500

24 – 28 September

Strategy Building & Sustaining Competitive Advantage



5 days

Oxford Management Center

USD $4,500

8 – 10 October

Aligning Training and Strategy in Your Business: Achieving Effective and Efficient Development Strategies


Abu Dhabi

5 days

Oxford Management Center

USD $3,500

24 – 28 December

Manpower Organisation, Succession Planning & Trend Analysis



5 days

Oxford Management Center

USD $4,500

17 – 21 September

Efficient Administration Skills



5 days


USD $4,600

24 – 28 September

Employee Engagement: Boosting Productivity and Retention



5 days


USD $4,600

10 – 14 December

ASQ Approved Lean Six Sigma Green Belt

Practitioners and Professionals


5 days


USD $4,900

24 – 28 December

Business Intelligence: Data Analysis and Reporting Techniques

Practitioners and Professionals

Abu Dhabi

5 days


USD $4,600

5 – 7 December

Operational Excellence Week Middle East 2017

Practitioners and Professionals


3 days

International Quality and Productivity

In House Processes and Operations: Professionals - USD $2,749 - $3,399. Solutions Providers - USD $3,649



CAREER Table: Performance Management events in 2017





Duration Organizer


17 – 21 September

Continuous Innovation & Process Improvement

Practitioners and Professionals


5 days


USD $4,150

24 – 28 September

Enterprise Project Management & Business Performance



5 days


USD $4,150

3 – 7 December

Performance Measurements, Continuous Improvement & Benchmarking



5 days


USD $4,950

10 – 14 December

Aligning Training and Strategy in Your Business: Achieving Effective and Efficient Development Strategies


Abu Dhabi

5 days


USD $4,950

Table: The KPI Institute events or partnerships – 2017 - 2018




Duration Organizer


International Conferences N/A – December

Performance Improvement & KPIs Conference

Kuala Lumpur


The KPI Institute


20 - 22 March, 2018

Strategy and Performance Excellence Conference – 2nd Edition


3 days

The KPI Institute


Conferences in Romania 18 – 19 October

Conferința Managementul Performanței în România


2 days

The KPI Institute


22 – 23 November

Conferința Managementul Performanței în România


2 days

The KPI Institute




Find the most suitable KPIs to measure your business success! Examples of documented Key Performance Indicator Definitions for an in depth view on Performance Measurement Newly released publications: 14 Functional Area KPI Dictionaries 18 Industry KPI Dictionaries

7 years of business research invested

30,000+ resources studied

20+ subject matter experts involved

Content. Methodology. Visual Summary. Introduction. Global Perspectives. Practitioners’. Perspectives. Academics’ Perspectives. Consultants’ Perspectives. Map Snapshot. Country Profiles. Country Legislations. Trends in Search. 2015 Statistics. Media Exposure. Educational Programs. Main Events in the field. Career. Bestselling Books. Latest Published Books. Journal Articles. Portals. Communities. Corporate Performance Management Software. Business Intelligence Software. Employee Performance Management Software. | Interviews. Australia. China. Italy. Indonesia. New Zealand. Pakistan. Saudi Arabia. Singapore. Turkey. United Kingdom. | Keywords analyzed. Analytics. Balanced Scorecard. BI. Business Intelligence. Business Performance Management. Corporate Performance Management. Dashboard. Employee Evaluation. Employee Performance. Employee Performance Management. Enterprise Performance Management. Individual Performance Management. Individual Performance Plan. Key Performance Indicators. KPI. Metrics. Operational Performance Management. Performance Appraisal. Performance Criteria. Performance Evaluation. Performance Management. Performance Management Plan. Performance Management System. Performance Measures. Performance Review. Scorecard. Strategic Performance Management. Strategy Execution. Strategy Implementation. Strategy Management. | Educational Degree Institutions. Aston University. University College Dublin. Erasmus University Rotterdam. HEC Paris. Heriot-Watt University Edinburgh Business School. University of Leicester. London School of Economics and Political Science. MIP Politecnico di Milano. University of Liege HEC Management School. École Supérieure de Commerce Paris Europe. Universita degli Studi di Palermo. Franklin University. New York University Stern School of Business. University of Pennsylvania Wharton Business School. Regis University. Weber State University. Bellevue University. Georgetown University. University of Sydney. The University of Adelaide. Monash University. King Abdulaiz University, Faculty of Economics and Administration. Beirut Arab University, Faculty of Business Administration. United Arab Emirates University. Zayed University College of Business. Peking University Guanghua School of Management. The Chinese University of Hong Kong. University of Delhi, Faculty of Management Studies. Africa University, Faculty of Business Administration. University of Cape Town, Graduate School of Business. North-West University, Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. | Performance Management Events. 2015. Bahrain: Manama; Egypt: Cairo; Hungary: Budapest; Hong Kong; India: Mumbai; New Zealand: Auckland; Oman: Muscat; Saudi Arabia: Jeddah; Scotland: Edinburgh; Singapore: Singapore; Spain: Barcelona; United Arab Emirates: Dubai; United Kingdom: London; United States: Florida, New York, San Diego, San Francisco, Texas. | Career. Jobs. Salaries. | Book Categories. Business Performance Management. Corporate Performance Management. Employee Performance Management. Enterprise Performance Management. Individual Performance Management. Operational Performance Management. Performance Management. Personal Performance. Strategic Management. Strategy Execution. | Peer Reviewed Journals. Top 18. | Portals. Top 10 Most Visited. | Communities Analyzed. Balanced Scorecard. Business Intelligence. Corporate Performance Management. Employee Performance Management. Key Performance Indicators. | Software. Gartner: Magic Quadrant for Business Intelligence and Software Solutions. | 232 countries reviewed. 87 with performance management legislation in place. Abkhazia. Afghanistan. Åland Islands. Albania. Algeria. American Samoa. Angola. Anguilla. Antarctica. Antigua and Barbuda. Argentina. Armenia. Aruba. Australia. Austria. Azerbaijan. Bahamas. Bahrain. Bangladesh. Barbados. Belarus. Belgium. Belize. Benin. Bermuda. Bhutan. Bolivia. Bosnia and Herzegovina. Botswana. Brazil. British Virgin Islands. Brunei. Bulgaria. Burkina Faso. Burma. Burundi. Cambodia. Cameroon. Canada. Cape Verde. Caribbean Netherlands. Cayman Islands. Central African Republic. Chad. Chile. China. Christmas Islands. Cocos (Keeling) Islands. Colombia. Comoros. Congo, Democratic Republic of the. Cook Islands. Costa Rica. Cote d’Ivoire. Croatia. Cuba. Curacao. Cyprus. Czech Republic. Denmark. Djibouti. Dominica. Dominican Republic. Ecuador. Egypt. El Salvador. Eritrea. Equatorial Guinea. Estonia. Ethiopia. Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas). Faroe Islands. Fiji. Finland. France. French Guiana. Gabon. Gambia, The. Georgia. Germany. Ghana. Greece. Grenada. Guadeloupe. Guam. Guernsey. Guyana. Honduras. Hong Kong. Hungary. Iceland. India. Indonesia. Iran. Iraq. Ireland. Isle of Man. Israel. Italy. Jamaica. Japan. Jersey and Saint Pierre and Miquelon. Jordan. Kazakhstan. Kenya. Kiribati. Korea, North. Korea, South. Kosovo. Kuwait. Kyrgyzstan. Laos. Latvia. Lebanon. Lesotho. Liberia. Libya. Liechtenstein. Lithuania. Luxembourg. Macau. Macedonia. Madagascar. Malawi. Malaysia. Maldives. Mali. Malta. Marshall Islands. Mauritania. Mauritius. Mayotte. Mexico. Micronesia, Federated States of. Moldova. Monaco. Mongolia. Montserrat. Montenegro. Morocco. Mozambique. Namibia. Nauru. Nepal. Netherlands. New Caledonia. New Zealand. Nicaragua. Niger. Nigeria. Niue. Norfolk Islands. Norway. Oman, Sultanate of. Pakistan. Palau. Palestine. Panama. Papua New Guinea. Paraguay. Peru. Philippines. Pitcairn Islands. Poland. Portugal. Puerto Rico. Qatar. Réunion. Romania. Russia. Rwanda. Saint Barthelemy. Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha. Saint Kitts and Nevis. Saint Lucia. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. Samoa. Sao Tome and Principe. Saudi Arabia. Senegal. Serbia. Seychelles. Sierra Leone. Singapore. Sint Maarten. San Marino. Slovakia. Slovenia. Solomon Islands. Somalia. South Africa. South Ossetia. Spain. Sri Lanka. Sudan (South). Suriname. Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands. Swaziland. Sweden. Switzerland. Syria. Taiwan. Tajikistan. Tanzania. Thailand. Timor-Leste. Togo. Tokelau. Tonga. Transnistria. Trinidad and Tobago. Tunisia. Turkey. Turkmenistan. Turks and Caicos Islands. Tuvalu. Uganda. Ukraine. United Arab Emirates. United Kingdom. United States. Uruguay. Vatican City. Uzbekistan. Vanuatu. Vietnam. Virgin Islands. Wallis and Futuna. West Bank. Western Sahara. Zambia. Zimbabwe.


More Publications INTERVIEWS


“New IT developments and software tools allow countries around the world to break conventional boundaries.”




State of the discipline annual magazine

“Collaborative efforts will grow continuously and further impact Performance Management.”

Perspectives 13 Interviews. 10 Countries. Practitioners. Academics. Consulants

Around the World Performance - related legislation in 232 countries

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Resources Best-selling books. Latest published books. Academic articles. Portals. Communities

Software Gartner’s Magic Quadrant for 2016.

PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT IN 2016: GCC EDITION For more details visit our store:



he following section of the report is dedicated to bestselling books which have either Business Strategy, Measurement, Improvement/ Management, Employee Performance or the BSC as their main theme.

The selection includes the top five books on sold, the world’s biggest online retailer, for each category. The rankings below were generated in February, 2017, and since then, changes might have occurred.

Table: Top 5 books on “Business Strategy”

Business Strategy






Business Strategy: A guide to effective decision-making (Economist Books)

The Economist and Jeremy Kourdi



The Art of Strategy: A Game Theorist's Guide to Success in Business and Life

Avinash K. Dixit and Barry J. Nalebuff



Scaling Up: How a Few Companies Make It...and Why the Rest Don't (Rockefeller Habits 2.0)

Verne Harnish



Business Model Generation: A Handbook for Visionaries, Game Changers, and Challengers

Alexander Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur



Good Strategy Bad Strategy: The Difference and Why It Matters

Richard Rumelt






The Personal MBA: Master the Art of Business

Josh Kaufman



The First-Time Manager

Loren B. Belker and Jim McCormick



How to Improve Your Leadership and Management Skills - Effective Strategies for Business Managers

Meir Liraz



Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap and Others Don't

Jim Collins



How Successful People Think: Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life

John C. Maxwell






The Balanced Scorecard: Translating Strategy into Action

Robert S. Kaplan and David P. Norton



Balanced Scorecards and Operational Dashboards with Microsoft Excel

Ron Person



Balanced Scorecard Step-by-Step: Maximizing Performance and Maintaining Results

Paul R. Niven



Balanced Scorecard: Step-by-Step for Government and Nonprofit Agencies

Paul R. Niven



Execution Excellence: Making Strategy Work Using the Balanced Scorecard

Sanjiv Anand


Table: Top 5 books on “Business Management”

Business Management


Table: Top 5 books on “Balanced Scorecard

Balanced Scorecard





he following section of the report is dedicated to the latest published books which have either Business Strategy, Measurement, Improvement/ Management, Employee Performance or the BSC as their main theme. The

selection includes the top five books on sold, the world’s biggest online retailer, for each category. The rankings below were generated in February, 2017, and since then, changes might have occurred.

Table: The latest published books on “Business Strategy”

Business Strategy






The Value Driven Business: The Simple Strategy To Create A Business You Love

Benjamin Teal



Turning Goals into Results (Harvard Business Review Classics): The Power of Catalytic Mechanisms

Jim Collins



The Check-in Strategy Journal: Your Daily Tracker for Business and Personal Development

Robert Craven and Adam Harris



The Most Effective Content Marketing Strategies You Need to Master (Online Business Marketing Guides Book 3)

Jason Britt



Passive income: Ideas and strategies on how to acquire financial freedom and live life on your terms

Horace Townsend






Managing Millennials - The 5 Minute Guide (Sales Management, Team Management, Motivation Management)

Jake Archer



Manage.Lead.Transform: A Project Manager's Guide to reducing projects timelines by 50% or more

Shakeel Akhtar and Ayesha Hakim



250 Greatest Words of Wisdom on Business, Entrepreneurship, Leadership & Management and Success from Richard Branson: Powerful Quotes and Life Lessons from Famous People

Hanks, Thomas Jay



How to Dissolve the Divide: Tales from the Business-Management World

J. D. Strazz



Entrepreneurship: An Entrepreneur's Guide to Wealth Building

Benjamin Sallai






Preference for Balanced Scorecard Measures: The Effects of Compensation and Strategy Formulation

Linghua Wang



Strategy Driven for Success Handbook: Deploy Strategies - Achieve Objectives Celebrate Successes

Rod Baxter



Balanced Scorecard for Performance Measurement

IntroBooks and Andrea Giordani



A Guide to the Balanced Hoshin: A Better Way to Plan and Execute Strategy

Paul Osborn and Dave Nave



Budgeting, Forecasting and Planning In Uncertain Times

Michael Coveney and Gary Cokins


Table: The latest published books on “Business Management”

Business Management


Table: The latest published books on “Balanced Scorecard”

Balanced Scorecard







or today’s business environment and the fast-paced corporate world, even e-mail connections may seem too slow and unresponsive. Since 2012, social media has been encompassed in a booming ascension trajectory. While everyday connections are being delivered by platforms such as Facebook, business to business interactions migrated towards specialized social networks, such as LinkedIn. It offers the proper environment to share, exchange and analyze current trends, news and expertise related to various fields of business. Thus, when it comes to Performance Management, seven different categories of groups have been identified, namely Performance Management, Business Strategy, Performance Measurement, Performance Improvement, Employee Performance Management, Balanced Scorecard and Business Intelligence. The highly dynamic nature of the field becomes obvious when looking at the number of members registered for some of the top groups, in each category: The

Table: Performance Management communities

Business Improvement, Change Management, Corporate Culture & Performance Management group has around 85,764 members, the Strategy Consulting Network – 186,947, PERFORMANCE: Measurement, Management, KPI, Balanced Scorecard, Business Intelligence, Analytics – 24,439, Human Resource Management (HR, SPHR, SHRM, Recruiter) – 174,754, Business Intelligence Professionals (BI, Big Data, Analytics, IoT) – 236,056. Every group has experienced an increase in the number of members over the years, thus reflecting the increasing interest given to specific domains related to performance management. Each group’s member base is represented below. The number of members was correct at the time of the research. However, given the high dynamism of social media, the number of members for the presented groups might have changed.

Table: Business Strategy communities

Performance Management

Business Strategy

Business Improvement, Change Management, Corporate Culture & Performance Management


Business Strategy & Competitive Strategy Forum


PERFORMANCE: Measurement, Management, KPI, Balanced Scorecard, Business Intelligence, Analytics


PERFORMANCE: Measurement, Management, KPI, Balanced Scorecard, Business Intelligence, Analytics


Performance Management Professional Group


Strategy Consulting Network


Table: Performance Measurement communities

Table: Performance Improvement communities

Performance Measurement

Performance Improvement

Certificate in Investment Performance Measurement (CIPM)


Business Improvement, Change Management, Corporate Culture & Performance Management


PERFORMANCE: Measurement, Management, KPI, Balanced Scorecard, Business Intelligence, Analytics


PERFORMANCE: Measurement, Management, KPI, Balanced Scorecard, Business Intelligence, Analytics


Performance Measurement


"International Society for Performance Improvement - ISPI"



RESOURCES Table: Employee Performance Management communities

Table: Balanced Scorecard communities

Employee Performance Management

Balanced Scorecard

Human Resources (HR) & Talent Management Executive


Balanced Scorecard Practitioners Global Network


Human Resource Management (HR, SPHR, SHRM, Recruiter)


PERFORMANCE: Measurement, Management, KPI, Balanced Scorecard, Business Intelligence, Analytics


Employee Performance Management (HR)


Balanced Scorecard Group


Table: Business Intelligence communities

Business Intelligence Business Intelligence Professionals (BI, Big Data, Analytics, IoT)


Business Analytics, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence


Business Intelligence & Analytics Group


ARE YOU USING THE LATEST KPIS? Freshly launched, 2016, the Top 25 KPIs Reports Series brings you a selection of KPIs, researched and refined, that can help you strengthen your performance measurement and management framework.




PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT IN 2016: GCC EDITION For more details visit our store:





t comes as no surprise that today’s world relays mostly on online content as a prime source of information and knowledge. The following section was born with the intention of providing necessary guidelines for online orientation in the Performance Management field. Thus, the tables below provide a ranking of the ten most accessed Performance Management related websites, based on

their online traffic statistics. Moreover, this year we have decided to separate & compare websites based on their respective categories, as some are software providers, while others are online libraries or repositories. The ranking in the first table is provided by, while the second table was provided by, both of which offer trustworthy web statistics rankings.

Table: The most visited portals according to




Rank on Alexa.comd































Table: The most visited portals according to




Global rank on


Category rank on










































SOFTWARE Gartner releases its 2017 Magic Quadrant for BI and analytics platforms February of 2017 marked the release of a yearlong expected report, the Magic Quadrant for Business Intelligence and Analytics Platforms published by Gartner. In 2016, Gartner redesigned the Magic Quadrant for BI and analytics platforms to reflect a new, more modern, user-centric business perspective, compared to the older IT-defined enterprises. Now, in 2017, there is evidence “that the BI and analytics platform market’s multiyear transition to modern agile business-led analytics is now mainstream.” “Reduced feature differentiation among a crowded market of players, buyer requirements for larger enterprise deployments, and the emergence pricing pressure are evidence of the maturity of the current market.”

analytics. Includes analytics for individual business units and users. 3. Governed Data Discovery Supports a workflow from data to self-service analytics to SOR, IT-managed content with governance, reusability and promotability of user-generated content to certified SOR data and analytics content. 4. OEM or Embedded BI Supports a workflow from data to embedded BI content in a process or application. 5. Extranet Deployment Supports a workflow similar to agile centralized BI provisioning for the external customer or, in the public sector, citizen access to analytic content. Future trends

The Gartner team underlines the importance of the Magic Quadrant as it focuses on products that meet the criteria of a modern BI and analytics platform, which are driving the majority of net new mainstream purchases in the market today.

Finally, the Gartner report isolated the BI and

analytics platforms trends for the near future. According to them, by 2020: • “smart, governed, Hadoop/Spark-, search- and visual-based data discovery capabilities” will merge into a single group of next-generation data discovery capabilities as components of modern BI and analytics platforms; • 90% of modern BI platforms will have a natural-language generation and artificial intelligence feature; • 50% of analytic queries will be generated using search, natural-language processing or voice, or will be auto-generated; • the number of citizen data scientists will grow five times faster than the number of data scientists. What is more, by 2021, “the number of users of modern BI and analytics platforms that are differentiated by smart data discovery capabilities will grow at twice the rate of those that are not, and will deliver twice the business value.”

Platform leaders Just like last year, the leaders in Gartner’s Magic Quadrant are Microsoft, Qlik and Tableau. The quadrant ranks the BI and analytics platforms based on their ability to execute, correlated with their completeness of vision, among others. Magic Quadrant ranking indicators Gartner uses a series of ranking variables which are called “use cases”. Analytics vendors, such as the above mentioned ones, are assessed for their support of five main use cases: 1. Agile Centralized BI Provisioning Supports an agile IT-enabled workflow, from data to centrally delivered and managed analytic content, using the self-contained data management capabilities of the platform. 2. Decentralized Analytics Supports a workflow from data to self-service PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT IN 2016: GCC EDITION



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BENEFITS Worldwide reach. Over 5000 certified KPI world-wide professionals. Partnering with the leader. Proven global leader in performance management and KPIs training. Collaborate for success. Management tools, technical guidance, and go-to-market resources to help you become a performance management expert and drive business success. Develop unrivalled expertise. The KPI Institute insight plus Membership online sales and our consultant resource centers provide partners with the same tools and reference materials that our employees use in the field.



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