Performance Management in 2015: GCC Special Edition

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“The GCC is poised to make new strides in Performance Management, with its continuous emphasis on data and employee empowerment.”




State of the discipline annual magazine

“Collaboration. Information. Communication. These are the guiding principles on which the GCC Performance Management events are built around.”

Perspectives 11 interviews. 6 countries. Practitioners. Academics. Consultants.

Around the World Performance - Performance-related legislation in the GCC countries

Keyword Trends Statistics for the most popular performance-related keywords in Google search

Education Degrees. Subjects. Main Events.

Resources Best-selling books. Latest published books. Academic articles. Portals. Communities

Software Gartner’s Magic Quadrant for 2016.


Executive summary Performance Management in 2015 of maturity, of thoughtful decisions, of respect gained and earned, of hard work and commitment.

Š 2016 The KPI Institute Ltd. All Rights Reserved. ID Number: TKI0161021 ISBN-13: 978-1530608164 ISBN-10: 1530608163

The This new age in Performance Management is what we celebrate through Performance Management in 2015: GCC Special Edition. This year, the success of the previous reports developed by The KPI Institute has highlighted the need for a more introspective look into this specific field, on certain areas across the globe. Thus, the three special editions of Performance Management in 2015, namely the GCC, the ASEAN and the North America ones accompany the Global edition.

An appropriate citation for this magazine is: The KPI Institute, Performance Management in 2015: GCC Special Edition, April, 2016, Melbourne, Australia

The time has come for us to migrate, from viewing the whole picture of this discipline, to studying details found in different regions of the same picture. This special edition of the Performance Management report series is the material representation of the discipline across one region, comprised of six countries: United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Oman, Bahrain and Kuwait.

Indemnity statement: The KPI Institute has taken due care in preparing the analysis contained in this publication. However, noting that some of the data used for the analysis has been provided by third parties, The KPI Institute gives no warranty to the accuracy, reliability, fitness for purpose, or otherwise of the information. The KPI Institute shall have no liability for errors, omissions, or inadequacies in the information contained herein or for interpretations thereof. The opinions expressed here in are subject to change without notice.

a relentless year in terms of Performance Management advancements, and it 2015 was has brought forth what we now consider to be the next age in this domain: an age

What draws interest in performance management within the Gulf Cooperation Council region is the successful incorporation of elements specific to the area. The region is a leader in terms of innovative business solutions, transplanting and executing plans from paper to reality with high levels of efficiency and effectiveness. A preview of performance management in the GCC is represented by the Adaa 2.0, which prevails as the updated version of the first Arabian performance management software. The UAE continues to transpose its National Vision into reality, by relentlessly improving itself based on performance monitoring systems and Kuwait rose its petroleum industry to new peaks grace to better business management. Performance Management in 2015: GCC Special Edition is part of the annual series with the same name, developed by The KPI Institute with the purpose of revealing the methodical, non-pertaining and truthful state of performance management, as it is implemented today by organizations, governments and nations across the globe. The content which ensues aims to bring forth the specificity of Performance Management within the GCC, among others. The two paths followed are defined by what sets GCC practices apart, but also what aligns them with the rest of the world. Extensive and exhaustive analysis has stood at the base of each section of the report, from insights into each of the six country’s specific Performance Management system, to the interviews given by experts in this discipline, to the complete range to educational programs which incorporate Performance related courses within their curriculum. Feedback regarding this edition and inputs for future editions are highly appreciated by our team and should be directed at

Editorial coordination: Aurel Brudan CEO, The KPI Institute

Published by: The KPI Institute Editorial coordination Aurel Brudan Diana Zarnescu Editorial Staff Andrei Costea Research Team Marcela Presecan, Catalin Stoia, Tudor Modruz, Cristina Tarata, Irina Palesciuc, Danial Sobhanzadeh Design Javier Rocha Robles, Andrei Popoviciu Headquarters: Melbourne Office Life.lab Building 198 Harbour Esplanade, Suite 606 Melbourne Docklands, VIC 3008 Australia T: +61 3 9028 2223 M: +075 4864 336 PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT IN 2015: GCC SPECIAL EDITION


Introduction 1. Executive Summary 4. About the Report

About the Report


5. Visual Summary

Perspectives 6. Regional Overview 8. Introduction 9. GCC Perspectives 12. Practitioners’ Perspectives 12. Academics’ Perspectives 13. Consultants’ Perspectives 14. Interviews



Around the World 30. Map Overview 30. Introduction 33. Regional Insights

Trends 42. Trends in Search 56. 2015 Statistics




Around the World





64. Educational Programs 82. Main Events

Career 85. Job Trends 86. Salaries

Resources 88. Bestselling Books





93. Latest Published Books 98. Academic Journal Articles 104. Portals 105. Communities

Software 106. Software News






About the Report The report Performance Management in 2015: GCC Special Edition is developed as a qualitative study which reflects the performance management reality across a specially designated region: the Gulf Cooperation Council. The study was conducted by The KPI Institute over a period of 5 months (December, 2015 – April, 2016) and it focuses on data available in the January 2015 – January 2016 timeframe. Both primary and secondary sources were used to compile the report.

Perspectives Explore the Perspectives section to see what Performance Management academics, practitioners and consultants from the GCC have to say regarding this field, what the future has in store for it, and also what areas need improvement. Additionally, see what experts think about Personal Performance and how they measure and improve their daily performance outside working hours.

Legislation The section encompasses all GCC nations as they were in 2015, namely the Kingdom of Bahrain, the Kingdom of Kuwait, the Sultanate of Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. The main concern regarded changes that 2015 might have brought to each country’s legislation on performance management systems, their implementation process and immediate outcomes. Sources considered for this were governmental websites, strategic development plans and official reports.

Trends in Search Continuing the tradition of past years’ Performance Management reports, in 2015 the same tool, Google Trends, was employed to obtain graphic data regarding key word search operations performed on Google’s search engine.

Education The Education section reveals the complete range of universities across the six countries that have at least one degree dedicated to Performance Management. Compare and review the diversity of subjects these have to offer, together with duration of studies and tuition fees. The data was collected from each university’s official website.

Events Some of the world’s most important performance-events are held in the GCC region. This section presents a list of the most relevant conferences held in 2015, together with announced events in 2016. All of them have been selected based on the event’s main theme.


Books This section of the report is dedicated to books which have either Performance Management, or a closely-related subject, as the main theme. The chapter is split into two distinct sections: one centers on best-selling books, while the other focuses on the latest published books.

Articles Articles relevant to Performance Management have been selected and compiled into a list of 88 items, all relevant to the field. The search was conducted using Google Scholar and Key words used during the selection process included: performance management, organizational performance, performance measurement, operational performance, employee performance and personal performance.

Portals The Portals section was created with the intention of providing necessary guidelines for online orientation in the Performance Management field. Thus, it comprises two tables which provide a ranking of the ten most accessed Performance Management related websites.

Communities What online community can one visit in order to grasp the most valuable Performance Management insights? This section of the report was compiled with the intention of answering this question.

Career The section provides an overview of the job and salaries trends, as they evolved in 2015, across all six of GCC’s member states. Additionally, the independent regional overviews of each country enable a comprehensive view upon the situation of the discipline and allow comparisons across countries.

Software In order to help readers make informed decisions about their software solutions, this section presents two different ranks, offered by distinct entities and compiled in a different manner. For both rankings, the software solutions are roughly clustered into solutions for Corporate Performance Management, Business Intelligence and Human Resources.


Visual Summary

Performance-related events in 2015 Institutions offering performance-related degrees Institutions offering performance-related subjects




Regional Overview


Adel Mreer

Ahmed Al-Ebrahim

Jamil Girgis

Senior Strategy Specialist, Yesser Government Program Saudi Arabia

Chief Executive Officer, GCC Interconnection Authority Bahrain

Manager of Performance Management, Al Ahli Bank Kuwait

Mohammad Abdullah

Zaid Al Huneidi

Khaled M. Alomari

Executive Director, The National Fund for SME Development Kuwait

Market Research Manager, Kuwait Finance House Kuwait

Director of Organizational Development, Tamer Group Saudi Arabia

Zainab Mohammed

Turki A. Al-Asmari

Mohamed Abdul-Ghani El-Sayed

CEO Property Management & Marketing, Wasl United Arab Emirates

Performance Manager, Tamkeen Technologies Saudi Arabia

Assistant Professor of Hospitality Management, Sultan Qaboos University Oman

Sutan Emir Hidayat

Khalid S. Abdallah

Head of Business School, University College of Bahrain Bahrain

Corporate Risk Manager, Saudi Arabian Railway Saudi Arabia




INTRODUCTION 14 Questions Bahrain


crucial point in every research project, regardless of the subject, is to have access to insights from experts in the field.

11 Interviews Kuwait





Saudi Arabia

United Arab Emirates

The report Performance Management 2015: GCC Special Edition continues the standard set by the previous editions, which consists of gathering and compiling opinions from numerous specialists in the field, in order to provide an overview of the state of the discipline.

Relying on the idea that, regardless of the domain, progress can only come through the collective efforts of academics, who develop the discipline through their research, consultants, who help the new discoveries break into the world and practitioners, who provide day-to-day insights from practice, The KPI Institute offers you a collection of 11 interviews with specialists from all three of the above-mentioned categories. From Bahrain to the United Arab Emirates, authorities

in the domain shared their expertise and knowledge, shedding light on vital issues, such as the best practices in Performance Management, what is the current downturn in today’s practice and what can be done in order to elevate the field, further on.

Which are the 2015 key trends in Performance Management, from your point of view?






What are your thoughts on the integration of Performance Management at the organizational, departmental and employee level?


Which will be the major changes in managing performance, in the future?

Which are the main challenges of Performance Management in practice, today?

What should be improved in the use of Performance Management tools and processes?


What would you consider as a best practice in Performance Management?

What aspects of Performance Management should be explored more through research?





Which organizations would you recommend to be looked at, due to their particular approach to Performance Management and their subsequent results ?

6 8

What Performance Management question would you like to ask researchers?

Which aspects of Performance Management should be emphasized during educational programs?

What are the limits that prevent practitioners from achieving higher levels of proficiency in Performance Management?


What is your opinion on the emerging trend of measuring performance outside working hours ?

All interviewees answered a set of questions (1-13), and Question 14 varied on the type of professional. The questions that the 11 specialists answered to are the following:

What personal performance measurement tools do you use?

14 a

Specific Question - Academics: We are developing a database of subjects and degrees in Performance Management. What are your suggestions relevant to the database (i.e. subjects or degrees such as the Masters in Managing Organizational Performance)?

14 b

Specific Question – Practitioners: Which were the recent achievements in generating value from Performance Management in your organization?

14 c

Specific Question – Consultants: What are the processes and tools you look at, in order to differentiate a successful performance management system, from a superficial one?



Which are the 2015 key trends in Performance Management, from your point of view?

list of some of changes our experts envision for Performance Management:

Other trends highlighted were the general decentralization of Performance Management systems, a greater degree of integration between companies and their employees, a better understanding of what KPIs genuinely are and how to select the best ones for each business scenario and last, but not least, risk management and how to avoid organizational mismanagement through precise objective and goal-setting.

• Changing the way we measure and manage performance • Transferring from the annual review cycle to an ongoing review cycle and a more simplified performance management process in general • A more applied distribution of rankings • Discovering new methodologies and practices related to performance • Finding a hybrid between removing the system altogether and changing it, like Microsoft, Accenture, Google and others have done • Greater emphasis on Performance Management’s impact regarding work motivation • Moving away from data/achievement-based results and more towards measurements that have to do with staff skills and attitudes • Enhanced focus on ongoing performance improvement • And finally, an even greater role for Big Data and IT tools and instruments



Our experts almost wholly agreed that Performance Management is becoming more ITfocused. The Information Technology industry has brought new tools and instrument, which over the years have proven a massive boon to practitioners, consultants and academics worldwide. One small point of contention is the speed at which this shift is happening, with some seeing it fast-paced, while others view as a slow & steady process.

What are your thoughts on the integration of Performance Management at organizational, departmental and employee level? When it came to integrating Performance Management at all levels, the results are unanimous, so to say: our interviewed experts agree that such an endeavor is tantamount to success. Whether it is considered ”the link between all three”, ”the key to aligning all of the organization’s efforts and resources”, “the ultimate and right thing to do”, “vital for both the company and its employees’ future” or “of paramount importance”, the general idea stays the same, only the wording differs. Such an integration effort is generally seen as the main way of ensuring that your company is on the same page with its employees and viceversa. One cannot evolve without the other and cascading PM down to all levels only offers a smoother transition.


Which will be the major changes in managing performance, in the future?

When it came to judging the future, responses were quite varied and as such, the following is a

What aspects of Performance Management should be explored more through research? As well as with the previous question, interests here were quite diverse, as each expert posed questions mainly relating to his or her specific role within their organizations. Thus, a wide array of topics was mentioned, from seeing how Performance Management is perceived from a human capital perspective, finding the optimum number of reviews conducted in a year, how to align rewards to performance more objectively, the return on investment of various Performance Management elements, to aspects such as the use of PM tools, by senior executives, to guide current performance and set future targets, planning, monitoring and rewards and how these three elements can be aligned or the design of financial customer-oriented measurement processes. These are but a few of the many research topics our panel of professionals nominated, as this particular question stirred a lot of interest and each of them offered us rich and extensive insight into what can be done to further improve this field of expertise.


Which organizations would you recommend to be looked at, due to their particular approach to Performance Management and their subsequent results ? Among the most often mentioned organizations that are often seen as noteworthy models of proficiency, we can find the following: • Google, Facebook, IBM, Netflix, Apple • Al-Bustan Palace by Ritz Carlton, Intercontinental Hotels Group • Harley Davidson • Omega Inc. • The Gulf Cooperation Council Interconnection Authority • General Electric • Motorola • Uber, Airbnb • The Oman Tourism Development Company • The Dubai Water & Electricity Authority • Dammam University


What Performance Management question would you like to ask researchers?

Many subjects are yet to be fully explored in Performance Management, but some of the more pressing questions of our time are as follows: • How to achieve breakthroughs in performance and transform strategies into actions? • What are the impacts of performance management on employee performance? • How to better use Big Data in data gathering? • Has research tacked the issue of creating a strategically-thinking culture in an organization? • Has there been any research conducted on identifying ways to strategically align organizations with the least level of resistance and/or resentment from employees? • Should behavioral dimensions be part of assessing performance or should we just park it aside for developmental reasons? • How do employees perceive performance management systems and how are they going PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT IN 2015: GCC SPECIAL EDITION


PERSPECTIVES to handle the application of such systems, if they had the opportunity to implement it in their organizations? • What was the real RoI, benefit and achievement of PM systems in severe cases, such as a company being near bankruptcy? • How to link rewards to performance during recessions or sluggish economic conditions?


Which are the main challenges of Performance Management in practice, today? The interviewed professionals have identified numerous challenges related to the field, from very general to very specific ones. The challenges that most professionals referred to are:

• Providing a long-term management system that invests in customers, employees and new product development • Lack of commitment from both Top Management and/or employees

management tools and processes that could help organizations achieve the desired outcomes. Some of them are:

• Having a well-established and agreed-upon mission, vision, goals, a highly dedicated team and a well-developed reward scheme

• The ability of an organization to mobilize and exploit its intangible or invisible assets more decisively than investing and managing physical, tangible assets

• Ensuring that both the company and its employees excel individually and institutionally and achieve the organization’s goals, mission and vision

• Continuously improving data management and our analytical capabilities, along with the level of our employees’ awareness regarding PM tools and processes

• Adapting to the environment and adopting many of the new revolutionary developments, in order to stay competitive

• Alignment of organizational strategy with culture, leading to a rewards-based culture • Developing tools that have “scenariodelivery” capabilities, which will help managers with their decision-making • Tools should be made more mobile, accessible, to be used on the move • Shifting PM from being owned by HR, to being owned by line managers across the organization

• Lack of focus in the organization • Resistance, sometimes coupled with resentment • Individuals clinging to old practices

• Real-time reporting and escalation of measures that fall behind or which are ahead of the target

• Cultural changes, coupled with aspects such as organizational justice

• Senior management should play an advanced role in defining strategies, corporate objectives and developing Performance Management processes

• Accurately measuring performance and linking all objectives to small sets of KPIs

• Developing better communication during the quarterly review process

• Building clear expectations for each role • Linking rewards to performance in an objective manner and retaining good employees


Far from offering simple improvement suggestions, the interviewed professionals provided numerous examples of improvements brought to performance



Which aspects of Performance Management should be emphasized during educational programs? Given the current curriculum in many universities and schools around the world, our experts agreed that there are still numerous performance related aspects that are not fully addressed through the existing educational programs. Some of the mentioned aspects are: • Understanding the major concepts very well and applying them in real life situations • Mastering the usage of the available tools • Teaching students how to design and set up appropriate KPIs • Creating a strategically-based environment


What would you consider as a best practice in Performance Management?

Some of the aspects regarded by the interviewed professionals as best practices in the field are:

• Conquering Top Management buy-in What should be improved in the use of Performance Management tools and processes?

To be noted that quite many professionals, on top of the aforementioned aspects, also specified that having a proper and systematic Balanced Scorecard is still a top option when it comes to best practices.

• The ability to measure progress against strategy, on a regular basis • How to align people to strategy • Having proper planning and monitoring processes in place • Decentralizing PM as much as possible

• Understanding communication and the importance of awareness • How to set up expectations and how to interpret them • Exploring many different types of PM processes, from different organizations • Educational programs should be built around real life cases, not merely theoretical ones • Learning how to accurately measure performance indicators and how to offer timely and frequent feedback



overly-processual and a step too far. In their perspective, we shouldn’t try to measure everything that comprises our self.

The limits identified by professionals revolve around the following major pillars:


• Not only using performance management tools, but applying them according to each unique business scenario, responding to issues in a flexible manner

A large number of respondents replied that the Balanced Scorecard is their main tool of measuring performance, whether during or outside working hours, as it provides a comprehensive analysis.

• Creating greater awareness when it comes to the general utility of having a PM system implemented • Lack of support and direction from senior management • Properly understanding one’s counterparts, as in the companies they work with • Obtaining real-time data • Having clear communication plans • Understanding their own practice and business, its critical success factors and accurately articulating the proper KPIs for each situation


What is your opinion on the emerging trend of measuring performance outside working hours ? Many of our respondents see this as a positive aspect and view it mostly from the employee perspective, in terms of what each employee can achieve in his spare time, whether it’s learning something new or improving an existing skill, to further his abilities while he’s on the job. Others consider it a purely personal activity, which each and every one of us can engage in, via the numerous apps and gadgets that are available to us. Whether we measure our health, our personal daily physical activity gains, our individual and family expenses, reaction time or general time management, it’s all about what every person looks for in a tool of his or her choice. In contrast, a few professional are not entirely sold out on the idea and see it as

• Getting more buy-in and allocating more for Performance Management-related actions • Tying up performance to rewards

What personal performance measurement tools do you use?

Aside from this, others listed using various apps and gadgets, like smartwatches, a calories calculator, fitness and wellness dashboards the FitBit gear, annual income and outcome trend analyzers to measure their personal performance, with a few choosing a more technical approach, opting for Excel sheets, Business Plans, KPIs or cloud-based solutions.

14 a

Academics: We are developing a database of subjects and degrees in Performance Management. What are your suggestions relevant to the database (i.e. subjects or degrees such as the Masters in Managing Organizational Performance)? When speaking about our database, our interviewed academics both converged on the same idea – ensuring that it’s publicly available and kept up-to-date. They also mentioned that providing university rankings would be most useful, as it allows those interested in furthering their studies to find the best places to do so. Lastly, it was noted that cooperating with accreditation agencies, in order to find out why a certain university did or did not receive accreditation, and presenting this bit of information, would help other educational institution managers understand what it takes to become an eligible purveyor of knowledge.

14 b

Practitioners: Which were the recent achievements in generating value from Performance Management in your organization? Our interviewed practitioners have achieved quite a few forward strides in their endeavors of generating value from Performance Management in their organizations. A few are listed next:

• Decentralizing decision-making • Introducing organization-wide state-ofthe-art, online platforms • Implementing clear, streamlined communication plans, which easily integrate new employees into the existing PM framework • Aligning every single employee, manager and specialist around common objectives, through measurement frameworks, like Scorecards, and effective objective setting • Enhanced visibility of ”pain points”

14 c

Consultants: What are the processes and tools you look at, in order to differentiate a successful performance management system, from a superficial one? The main aspect to look at here would be the methods and instruments used for analyzing, measuring and reporting data. If these are reliable and the data that they produce is accurate and representative of the current status-quo, then that means you have a fineworking Performance Management system in place.

As organizations attempt to transform themselves to successfully compete in the future, they are turning to a variety of improvement initiatives and trends that must be closely watched and observed.

What are the limits that prevent practitioners from achieving higher levels of proficiency in Performance Management?




Practitioners’ Perspectives Our panel of practitioners wholly agree that Performance Management is in high demand these days, constantly evolving and being adapted worldwide, to suit everyone’s needs. And two major drivers behind this rapid evolution are employee engagement and data. Regarding the first one, we’re seeing more and more programs, plans, structures, frameworks and schemes that integrate all employees, from the front liners, to the ones a level below top management, in the company’s decision-making endeavors. This doesn’t necessarily mean that everyone sits at a round table and discusses company-related issues; it simply means that more and more organizations have developed employee feedback systems, where each individual can express his opinion on the company’s goals, objectives, vision and mission. This in turn, according to our experts, has led to another healthy phenomenon – transparent

and streamlined communication channels between managers and employees, which has spurred the latter’s trust in the former, and the company in general. Couple this with the decentralization wave, which many firms have been riding, and you end up with an extremely interconnected organization, built on trust, reciprocity and feedback. Such developments are doubly good, as they suit the current generation of workers like a glove, allowing them to easily choose a company that feels like home. On the second point, regarding data, our practitioners have noticed that an increasingly large amount of companies have started to make great use of Big Data and have integrated data in any aspect that concerns the company, whether this is financial reporting, analyzing the relationship between KPIs, employees and objectives, analyzing staff skills and finding methods of improving them or simply gathering information on their

Academics’ Perspectives From the points of view of our interviewed academics, existing performance measurement approaches, which mainly rely on financial KPIs, are slowly being rendered obsolete. If an organization is too reliant on financial aspects, it hinders its ability to actually create future economic value, as the path towards success is narrowed down to one thing – making profit, disregarding costs or quality. This type of mentality brought the downfall of many companies and should be left behind. As such, they hope that the current wave of changes, such as moving from an industrial age competition to an information technology one, will continue to develop.

This is all part of the way that organizations are trying to reshape themselves, in order to stay competitive and also retain much of today’s talent, which is comprised of individuals that are quite different from their previous generations. Some of the major changes that companies have already started to adopt, in order to fulfil these aforementioned objectives is switching to a continuous review cycle, instead of an annual one, simplifying how performance management processes work in general, moving away from annual individual ratings and developing customer segmentation plans, in order to better serve their clientele.

Today we’re witnessing new trends in Performance Management and organizations alike, such as enhanced employee empowerment, the presence of a continuous improvement mindset, cross-functions between departments, stronger links between customers and suppliers, the advent of knowledge workers and many more.

In closing, our academics note that all these novel efforts will yield their own success stories, champions, gurus, consultants and leaders, which are to be closely monitored and studied and if they prove to be profitable and generate positive results in the long term, they should most definitely be replicated.


market targets, seeking ways of acquiring a larger clientele. Moreover, one overarching theme that was constantly attached to the data discussion was the fact that although data is being used in an increasing fashion, we need to find better ways of visualizing it, as current methods are quickly becoming lackluster. In a world where companies strive to keep current talent and continuously develop it, rather than seeking new blood all the time, how you present data is just as important as the data itself. Tying in with what was previously mentioned about employees, having both sufficient information and a transparent, objective and clear method of exhibiting said information is already becoming a deciding factor regarding a company’s success or downfall. People and numbers are at the heart of every great organization, thus ensuring that the two are in accord will determine whether a company sinks or swims.


Consultants’ Perspectives Our interviewed consultant, who is also a practitioner in the field, is confident that given current trends, Performance Management is gaining new ground every day and since it is incredibly malleable, companies and governments alike recognize this swift evolution and choose to set up in place a PM system that is tailored to their needs. He mentions that in Saudi Arabia especially, he has encountered many a cases, in both large state agencies or private corporations, where there was an issue with either under-performance or having a clear vision regarding crisis management. Given that this field of expertise is constantly growing and as organizational deficits become more visible, Performance Management would need to put higher

demand on accurate, relevant and valuable reporting, as many organizations – some even from the aforementioned Saudi Arabia, tend to place great emphasis on long term objectives and on carrying out preliminary analyses of the risk involved. The thought process here is that if companies do not have a reliable manner of issuing trustworthy performance reports, then all of their plans hinge on the concepts of luck and hope, as they are blindly proceeding with strategy they may have put in place. Since our consultant is also a practitioner, this last point ties in with one of the main aspects highlighted by the very practitioners that we’ve interviewed – the fact that data and reporting will play a much greater role in the upcoming years.

On a last note, top management buy-in was mentioned as being a key element for Performance Management. Unlike most points of view, where the employee’s buyin must be obtained, our interviewed consultant sees the former just as important, if not more, than the latter. This is due to the fact that a company’s CEO or Bureau of Directors are those handling the steering wheel and if these individuals do not trust the management system that you’re trying to implement, none of their subordinates will either. And if that happens, you will not get easy access to the data you need to make said system work and so forth. Trust builds success, thus gaining trust in your system is tantamount to success.


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INTERVIEWS Practitioner 6. What KPI trends have you come upon in 2015, regarding their selection, documentation & data gathering? The use of Big Data in data gathering and the way it offers individuals many alternatives and options during the KPI selection phase.

Name: Adel Mreer Organization: Yesser Government Program Current Position: Senior Strategy Specialist


Country: Saudi Arabia

1. What is your personal example to improve one’s performance, both career-wise and as a lifestyle? Knowing their needs. You can’t improve someone’s performance without knowing how to motivate them; by knowing what is in it for him and what kind of needs he wants to satisfy, he becomes motivated. The hierarchy of human needs by Abraham Maslow is a great way of discovering people’s needs. 2. Do you think there is a difference between Performance Management in western countries, as opposed to eastern countries? In general, Performance Management as concept and methodology is the same all over the world, regardless of what kind of school you are following. If I want to look at differences in the Performance Management environment, I wouldn’t look at it from a geographical point of view. I would look at it from an organizational point of view. There is a difference, to a certain extent, between Performance Management in the private sector and public sector (nonprofit organizations), especially when linking performance with awards and incentives. 3. What is your opinion on the global standardization level performance management has reached? I believe Performance Management has reached a good standardization level globally and this is one of the main reasons it is being adapted wildly and growing rapidly.


Research 4. Big Data and has brought huge amounts of data. How do you analyze and then manage the amount of information your work with? People can measure everything and come up with endless lists of measurements by using concepts like Big Data and the 4Vs, especially when we talk about organizations that engaged their customers through social media. These organizations have to deal with huge amounts of data, due to the messiness of data (Veracity) in Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Snapchat etc. The way I analyze and manage the amount of information is by selecting the right measures, which help me test the organization’s strategy periodically, or identifying underlying cause or new market opportunities. 5. What can be considered as innovation in Performance Management in 2015? I think aligning the Risk Management model with the Balanced Scorecard in a practical way.

I believe PM has reached a good

standardization level globally and this


is one of the main reasons it is being

adapted wildly and growing rapidly.

7. One of the recent trends in the field is abandoning rating-based performance management and annual appraisals. What is your opinion on this perspective? Well, I personally think the main driver to go in this direction is linking performance with “forced curve”, which I believe does not negatively affect companies, nor is it fair, for that matter, in most organizations due to many reasons. In this innovation era, talented employees are looking for coaching, knowledge management and employee development. 8. Can you envisage any major changes affecting Performance Management in the future? Performance Management is evolving like any other element in management. I think the major change in the future will be in the link between Performance and Reward Management. A lot of work needs to be done there, otherwise Performance Management will be meaningless. 9. How do you see the tendency to move towards flat organizational structures, as opposed to hierarchical organizations, evolving? I tend to side more with flat organizations, whenever there is no micromanagement and an appropriate culture and talent base.

Specific Question 10. What new elements are you planning to introduce, or change, within the Performance Management system in your organization? Get more buy-in and allocate more time to PM. It’s never too much to communicate: “communicate seven times, seven different ways”.


Practitioner Name: Ahmed Al-Ebrahim Organization: GCC Interconnection Authority Current Position: Chief Executive Officer Country: Bahrain

Trends 1. Which are the 2015 key trends in Performance Management, from your point of view? The key trends are mainly focused on methods of reporting performance, and developing the most suitable indicators to measure performance. 2. What are your thoughts on the integration of Performance Management at organizational, departmental and employee level? By having a Strategy Implementation Office (SIO) in place dedicated to ensuring that the vision, mission, goals and reporting is efficiently done. Having an effective performance management system in place will definitely ensure that all the information is being cascaded to all levels in the organization. 3. Which will be the major changes in managing performance, in the future? It is expected that technological advances will be the major contributor to change in the field of performance management. Other contributors will be new methodologies and practices to enhance performance.

Research 4. What aspects of Performance Management should be explored more through research? The aspects which need to be explored are: Organizational culture, Resistance, Importance of Strategy, and methods of implementing it successfully. Other aspects are improving the methods of data gathering and alignment of strategy from the Corporate to the Functional, all the way through to the individual level.

5. Which organizations would you recommend to be looked at, due to their particular approach to managing performance, and their subsequent results? Definitely organizations which have successfully completed their performance cycle over a course of 1-2 years. In addition, organizations which have implemented a performance management system, and companies which are on the brink of doing so are also considered a plus. Organizations such as Dubai Water & Electricity Authority, Nama Group (Oman), Electricity & Water Authority (Bahrain), Dammam University, and GCCIA are suitable examples. 6. What Performance Management question would you like to ask researchers? There are 2 questions I would like to ask: 1. Has there been any research or studies conducted on identifying ways to strategically align organizations with the least level of resistance and/or resentment from employees? 2. Has research tackled the issue of creating a strategically-thinking culture in an organization?

Practice 7. Which are main challenges of Performance Management in practice, today? The main challenges can be summarized as follows: Lack of commitment from both Management and/or employee; lack of focus in the organization; resistance and sometimes resentment. 8. What should be improved in the use of Performance Management tools and processes? Not to mention too many of the ideas for improvement and achieving successful

outcomes, some key examples are: alignment of organizational strategy with culture – leading to a reward-based culture. Others may be tools with ‘scenario delivery’ capabilities that will assist management on better decision-making. 9. What would you consider as a best practice in Performance Management? Having a well-established and agreed upon mission, vision, goals and a highly dedicated team, eager to achieve the ultimate objective, and also have a well-developed reward scheme.

Education 10. Which aspects of Performance Management should be emphasized during educational programs? The following: change management (resistance); organizational culture (creating a strategically based environment); communication and the importance of awareness; continuity and determination to achieve goals and methods on how to resolve weaknesses/gaps in the performance cycle. 11. What are the limits that prevent practitioners from achieving higher levels of proficiency in Performance Management? What can be considered a limit to achieving higher levels of proficiency is ‘lack of support and direction’ from senior management (Executives / Board). The other is ‘transparency’ on all levels in an organization. In order to achieve proficiency, an organization must be totally aligned and motivated on all levels.

Personal Performance 12. What is your opinion on the emerging trend of measuring performance outside working hours? Although this may not be quite apparent to many, it does have its advantages if one really considers applying it. By measuring performance in your daily activities, such as ‘managing your relationships with others, or managing your finances, even managing your health’ is definitely a well-proven process that can add value to one’s lifestyle.



PERSPECTIVES 13. What personal performance measurement tools do you use? At GCCIA, we are currently using a Balancedscorecard performance management system to monitor performance on a corporate and functional level.

Practitioner Name: Jamil Girgis Organization: Al Ahli Bank, Kuwait

Field Specific Questions

Current Position: Manager of Performance Management

14. Regarding academia, we are developing a database of subjects/degrees in Performance Management. What are your suggestions relevant to the database (i.e. subjects/degrees such as the Masters in Managing Organizational Performance)? I believe that this science, considered to be relatively new, should not only be taught at the university levels, but courses and training in this field also need to be provided. 15. As far as consultancy is concerned, what are the processes and tools you look at, in order to differentiate a successful performance management system, from a superficial one? Some of the common issues that consultants have encountered are lack of satisfaction from the user, regarding reporting schemes which the performance system should produce. Also, the accessibility of using the system is another aspect where consultants face resistance. Overall, having a well-defined system that can meet all the requirements of an organization is a necessity, and it should include other features such as ‘scenario’ and ‘what-if’ analysis. 16. From the point of view of a practitioner, which were the recent achievements in generating value from performance management in your organization? Tying up rewards to performance. Ever since our organization began linking our annual rewards to performance, the level of resistance was reduced and the levels of synergy and dedication increased throughout all levels of the organization.

I believe that this science, considered to be relatively new, should not only be taught at the university levels, but courses and training in this field also need to be provided.


Country: Kuwait

Trends 1. Which are the 2015 key trends in Performance Management, from your point of view? Mainly, I would say it’s decentralization, let’s say maybe “unengineering” the whole process. Over the past few years, it has been too engineered, it’s treated as an absolute science and we forget that there’s a human part to it. As such, people tend to forget the soft side in performance management. Making the system a bit more mobile, less complicated, simplifying the whole process these would be trends I have noticed. 2. What are your thoughts on the integration of Performance Management at organizational, departmental and employee level? One thing that is quite adamant here, especially in the Arab world as a whole people tend to look at only their performance, rather than the whole picture. Sometimes, they simply skip looking at themselves when the company is doing bad or not in their favour. We tend to approach this by explaining to employees how the remuneration system works, how compensation works and how it’s linked to their individual KPIs. So the actual cascading process and making it as visible as possible, from the CEO to the general manager, down to the teller in a bank, should be visible and linked, with people clearly understanding how the link works. Furthermore, you should have an actual online platform to help capture all of this.

3. Which will be the major changes in managing performance, in the future? There’s a lot of talk about abolishing the whole performance management approach, removing the forced ranking. Frankly, we reached a point where, as banks or any other company in the Middle East, we have a good database, with everything 100% accurate and due to this, I do not see the aforementioned point happening anytime soon. What needs to be done is finding a hybrid between abolishing the system, forced rankings etc and what is happening nowadays. Something in the middle, the best of both worlds.

Research 4. What aspects of Performance Management should be explored more through research? KPIs, financial customer-oriented processes, even individual KPIs are quite easy to measure these days. What truly needs to be looked at, especially since most PM systems include a behavioral or competency section, is to find a way to quantify these areas. Many dictionaries and off-the-shelf products have their own indicators, but what tends to happen is many managers simply use these to inflate or deflate someone’s score. As such, a way to independently measure behavior would be interesting, near impossible, but something to be looked at. 5. Which organizations would you recommend to be looked at, due to their particular approach to managing performance, and their subsequent results? Like I previously mentioned, I would like to see

PERSPECTIVES a hybrid approach, between what we and other companies are doing, such as Google, Facebook, IBM. The approach of these companies, which have moved out of the forced ranking system, may be a bit extreme and too decentralized if you want a conventional workforce. A middle ground between their ideas and existing ideas would make it a very interesting system, which would attract very many companies. 6. What Performance Management question would you like to have answered by researchers? Should behavioral dimensions be part of assessing performance or should we just park it aside for developmental reasons?

Practice 7. Which are main challenges of Performance Management in practice, today? Well, if we’re to take a look at the Arab world, PM took its time to be introduced here. In fact, I am currently in Egypt, trying to introduce it to the bank that was bought by ABK recently. The whole notion, although it seems old and outdated in most of the world, right here it is a bit new and every time we meet in conventions, what you tend to see is quite old practices, things people used to do 5-10 years ago, with practitioners talking about whether these are something new in the world. Our main challenge is people. Employees, managers and stakeholders would look at the tiniest of details, whatever connection didn’t work and remove the whole process. We need to get their buy-in, in order for PM to stick. 8. What should be improved in the use of Performance Management tools and processes? Most of them tend to be over-engineered, introducing 1000 KPIs, where you only need a few. This does not help at all, when you consider the fact that in this region, people focus heavily on lagging indicators and reminisce about the good old days, for whatever reason. If you try to streamline the process and implement leading indicators, they back off, since these are much harder to achieve. So in terms of improvement, tools should be made more mobile, more accessible, to be used wherever you are, in addition to developing a more personalized mix of KPIs which can used together with these instruments.

If I were to sum it all up in one go, it would be: simplify the whole approach! 9. What would you consider as a best practice in Performance Management? My issue with most PM systems is the fact that they try to remove the human side out of it, they are designed to treat employees as if they are robots - we ask you do to 12345, and you have to do 12345. The how, what, when aspects all play a factor in it, but it is still very robotic, robust and ends up losing its value. How I envision a best practice is to decentralize PM as much as possible. Reviews should not be done once or twice a year. Even quarterly reviews do not work, simply put. The relationship between a manager or division leader and employees should be part of the whole system, with day-to-day activities and check-ups comprising the core of your framework. Whenever you have daily plans and tasks, with an online platform on which you can organize them, you have a very, very robust and solid system to work with.

Education 10. Which aspects of Performance Management should be emphasized during educational programs? One thing that needs to be emphasized more, as people seem to lack it, is the following thought: anything I do or am asked to do means that I have exceeded expectations. What I mean by this is that if you set your expectations for only your tasks, finish them and afterwards someone asks you to help them out as well and you have the time to do so, that means you have overachieved, which is very good. People need to learn how to set expectations. Not everything I do is overachieving or underachieving, but by setting my expectations as a comparison between what was asked of me and what I delivered, I can see that I managed to achieve my targets and then some. People need to learn how to do this. Moreover, understanding how the relationship between you and your company works is another topic. It’s not always only about you or the company, it’s a two-way relationship. Lastly, simply being humble is something that would need to see more teaching time.

11. Which limits need to be surpassed in order to achieve higher levels of proficiency in Performance Management, among practitioners? Well, for someone to actually be successful in this area of expertise, they would need to truly understand their counterparts, as in the companies they will work with. They need to have and extremely good relationship with its management officials, as this will ensure that business requirements are clearly depicted throughout the measured KPIs, any Scorecards that they might use etc. This would be the limit to overcome - better knowing and understand your partner, what it wants, needs and so forth. Working in the HR office, on the 11th floor, by yourself, will really not work. You have to get involved and help the business out. This will sometimes require you to go out of your way just to help them create their Scorecards and KPIs or ensure that the overall mission, objectives, core tenets and ideas are cascaded all the way downwards. Also, always remember to highlight the importance of cascading these elements. And after all these are covered, the last point you have to thoroughly explain is how the compensation and bonus systems work. As long as its made extremely clear to employees, how their bonuses and compensation are related to objectives, you will have no problem in getting their buy-in and that is when you know you have overcome the previously-mentioned limit - knowing your counterpart. But again, all of these cannot be achieved unless you have an excellent relationship with a company’s executive branch.

Personal Performnce 12. What is your opinion on the emerging trend of measuring performance outside working hours? From my point of view, it never truly works. Maybe it’s something new, to everyone, and I really doubt anyone would like to be measured on a personal level, according to certain KPIs. Right now, people tend to hate it when it comes to actual work, they feel they are being policed or someone’s monitoring them. Frankly, for me, measuring performance outside work would start from smartwatches, weight gain/loss programs and so on.




People need to learn how to set expectations. Not everything I do is overachieving or underachieving.

Practitioner Name: Mohammad A. H. Abdullah Organization: The National Fund for SME Development

It’s quite a new trend, but is it effective? I don’t think so, for now at least. I think it needs a bit of time to actually grow on people.

Current Position: Executive Director Country: Kuwait

13. What personal performance measurement tools do you use? Yes, the ones mentioned earlier: the smartwatches and the FitBit gear. But if I were to see such endeavors become more integrated in peoples’ lives, I think one example would be via banks offering personal performance measurements on peoples’ accounts. It would be nice to get some business intelligence data on our potential and actual spending trends and so on. 14. Which were the recent achievements in generating value from performance management in your organization? In ABK, performance management existed in the past, but it was very bureaucratic and robust. What happened over the past two years was a decentralization of decision-making: someone that was 3-4 levels above our employees would not know what is happening at lower levels. As such, we empowered line managers to be part of the decision-making process, to create better connectivity throughout the institution. In addition to this, we introduced a stateof-the-art online platform, across Kuwait, UAE and Egypt, which helped people see the value of distribution, especially when it came to bonuses. They could easily see their bonuses, even after we published our annual report and due to this factor, confidence in the system grew. The more they knew, the more interested they became - people would login just to see the scorecards of everyone, from the CEO, to a teller. So these two things, enhanced connectivity and the implementation of a more transparent online platform, with a very easy-to-use interface, where everyone can see the other’s objectives and KPIs, were the two major achievements in Performance Management, in this institution.


Trends 1. What are your thoughts on the integration of Performance Management at organizational, departmental and employee level? Performance management is the link between all three. It sets the language and translates the strategy from the organizational objectives to the departmental ones, and into individual goals. This very process creates a list of measurable milestones that become the yardstick of how successful an employee is; and indeed how successful a department and an organization is, in meeting their respective targets. 2. Which will be the major changes in managing performance, in the future? Going paperless was and remains an exercise to improve efficiency. I believe future efficiency will be in what we do with data. Big data and analytics are developing rapidly, and performance will be measured using many more variables than we do today. 3. What aspects of Performance Management should be explored more through research? Performance management is a process that is meant to improve or enhance an organization’s performance. This is achieved by impacting the performance of the individuals and teams within it. There is very little credible research about the impact of performance management on work motivation in the Middle East. This is an area of vast importance and can provide guidance for organizations –

especially with the large numbers of young professionals joining the labor market. 4. Which organizations would you recommend to be looked at, due to their particular approach to managing performance, and their subsequent results? Public sector organizations – particularly those with heavy annual recruitment drives. I believe we have two challenges for the young population of this region: creating jobs and maintaining a driven workforce. The latter needs to be addressed more urgently in the public sector, than in others. 5. What Performance Management question would you like to have answered by researchers? There is significant research which posits that linking performance to payment, for strategic and creative roles, does not work. In fact, it has the opposite effect. The link does however work for more routine, mundane roles. Performance-related pay therefore works for simpler jobs that do not require creative thinking. Yet we keep rewarding leaders using the same failed model. How can we better incentivize leaders to be creative? We will need an alternative model to the one we use today. Research like this will help build the foundations of a potential new model.

Practice 6. Which are main challenges of Performance Management in practice, today? In short, a cultural change is a must. It is happening – but it’s not happening fast enough. For example: something as basic

PERSPECTIVES as forced ranking in an annual appraisal is not easy to implement when supervisors blame management for ratings decisions. Organizational justice, even when it’s only the perception, is another major hurdle to overcome for this cultural change to be hastened. 7. What should be improved in the use of Performance Management tools and processes? A shift from performance management being a process that is owned by HR, to one that is owned by line managers across the organization, and for it to be understood as a strategic tool that is year-round and not just an annual appraisal.

Specific Question 12. Which were the recent achievements in generating value from performance management in your organization? In my current organization, we have not yet completed our first year. Having said that, our goals were set and clearly communicated, even the vague ones; new staff received a

Practitioner Name: Zaid Al Huneidi Organization: Kuwait Finance House Current Position: Market Research Manager

8. What would you consider as a best practice in Performance Management? Planning and monitoring. These are two words that are used often but remain without a well-defined process – especially for younger, less-experienced managers. If applied correctly, having a system in place that defines the parameters to be monitored, from an agreed strategic plan, creates a very healthy working environment.

Education 9. Which aspects of Performance Management should be emphasized during educational programs? The link between organizational and individual goals; and between performance and reward, not just payment.

Personal Performance 10. What is your opinion on the emerging trend of measuring performance outside working hours? I don’t know enough about this. However, if it’s what I think it is, I believe it’s going a little too far- even in our time of being fashionably ‘holistic’. 11. What personal performance measurement tools do you use? The Balanced Scorecard for performance and our own competency framework for talent management.

detailed orientation and every attention was paid to the smallest of details in describing how the relationship between organization and individual will be based on performance. This has greatly impacted the motivation of the staff, and the impact is visible at every meeting and event.

Country: Kuwait

Trends 1. Which are the 2015 key trends in Performance Management, from your point of view? I believe there is a growing trend to achieve corporate sustainability, structure the organization to become flexible to market conditions, and encourage a generation of innovative solutions. 2. What are your thoughts on the integration of Performance Management at organizational, departmental and employee level? Performance Management processes are key to aligning all of the organization’s efforts and resources, to achieve a well-planned set of goals that would create focus and steer the organization in the right direction. The common approach to do this is to have the objectives set from top to bottom at different organizational levels and functions. The main challenge, however, lies in successfully aligning all the objectives, to create the thrust that would push the organization forward. 3. Which will be the major changes in managing performance, in the future? With exception to senior executives and sales staff, and due to the difficulty of having full

control on achieving objectives, I believe that organizations will slowly steer away from or have a more balanced approach to measuring performance from actual data and achievement-based results, to measurements that have more to do with staff skills and attitudes.

Research 4. What aspects of Performance Management should be explored more through research? Alternatives or better combinations of reward systems for improving performance, such as promotions, bonuses and granting company shares. The optimal size of these rewards, for each alternative, should also be researched. 5. Which organizations would you recommend to be looked at, due to their particular approach to managing performance, and their subsequent results? Google is following an interesting peer-based review, which includes co-workers that are junior level. They are asked to state one thing the reviewee should do more of and one thing that they can do in a different way. Finally, managers decide on the final evaluation of an employee, based on the summaries of these assessments.




Practice 7. Which are main the challenges of Performance Management in practice, today? The biggest challenge is to accurately measure performance and link all objectives to small sets of Key Performance Indicators – KPIs, so that managers can spot any deviations and are able to react accordingly. 8. What should be improved in the use of Performance Management tools and processes? Real-time reporting and escalation of measures that fall behind or which are ahead of the target, from bottom or middle level management to main KPIs. This can help predict results and offers time to adjust poor performance at early stages, before it affects top levels. 9. What would you consider as a best practice in Performance Management? Effective use of the Balanced Scorecard, along with a systematic performance appraisal system, where the objectives of the employee are aligned with those of the organization and again, are monitored through a Balanced Scorecard. Next up would be linking results with performance appraisal, so that employees who achieve their objectives can be rewarded. This process interconnects organizational success with that of the employees and makes them more engaged, which also results in higher employee satisfaction. Some organizations even go as far as giving shares to all staff, which motivates them to excel at their jobs and generates ultimate staff engagement.

Education 10. Which aspects of Performance Management should be emphasized during educational programs? Exploration of different performance management processes, according to different organizations - in size and nature, with the ultimate goal of getting one’s staff engaged. This can mainly be emphasized through case studies and practical applications. 11. Which limits need to be surpassed in order to achieve higher levels of


proficiency in Performance Management, among practitioners? Getting data in real-time is one of the issues that can support tracking performance and adapting quickly to what really works, to further push performance in the right direction. Another pressing issue is the involvement of all staff members in the goal-setting process, which broadens the organization’s view for goal selection, and encourages commitment by staff to achieve these goals.

Personal Performance 12. What is your opinion on the emerging trend of measuring performance outside working hours?

I believe it’s important to balance work and personal life. Hiring the right people and automating processes can surely help in keeping managers at ease outside working hours. There are also software tools that can be programmed to send alerts in case of unfortunate circumstances, which require the manager’s attention. This brings comfort to managers and makes them feel in control, without obsessing over figures by the minute. 13. What personal performance measurement tools do you use? On a personal level, I am obsessed with measuring everything from my weight, sleeping patterns, to spending and savings. I usually use Microsoft Excel since it’s very flexible and easy to use.

Practitioner Name: Khaled Mahmoud Alomari Organization: Tamer Group Current Position: Director of Organizational Development Country: Saudi Arabia

Trends 1. Which are the 2015 key trends in Performance Management, from your point of view? Technological advances were the major trend. Implementing Performance Management Systems was, most of the time, second priority in most companies due to the complexity of the process itself and the required infrastructure. Employee engagement and the direct link with Performance Management was another major important topic in 2015. 2. What are your thoughts on the integration of Performance Management at organizational, departmental and employee level? In past years, the market has grown drastically and most companies have been looking to Individual Performance as a stand-alone point of view, to keep the momentum on an employee’s growth as routine practices, which was something they had to have! Due

to market and economic issues, companies soon realized the importance of reviewing, aligning and linking performance on all levels in one equation: Company, Department and Individual performance as one, and as such got to adopt real, practical performance management systems. 3. Which will be the major changes in managing performance, in the future? I believe companies, especially in this region, will treat Performance management more seriously and will leave no more room for compromise. On the one hand, the labor market dynamics are changing and the demand for quality talent that is able to deliver high performance, will be on the rise. On the other hand, employees are no longer satisfied with yearly meetings that assess their performance at a single point in time, but grades them on the past 12 months.


4. What aspects of Performance Management should be explored more through research? I believe having accurate life readings of behavioral aspects. Organizational Behavior Management should be further researched, to give practitioners insights on how to implement the most suitable performance management system. 5. Which organizations would you recommend to be looked at, due to their particular approach to managing performance, and their subsequent results? SABIC, GE, McDonald, BUPA and the United Arab Emirates Government. 6. What Performance Management question would you like to have answered by researchers? I am keen to know more about how employees perceive performance management systems and how they are going to handle the application of such systems, if they had the opportunity to implement it in their organizations.

Practice 7. Which are main challenges of Performance Management in practice, today? Building clear expectations for each role and specifying key KPIs which govern the performance of individuals and organization! On top of that, having consistency in measuring performance is another challenge we are facing in practice, due to limited personnel that are specialized in Talent Management, in this region. 8. What should be improved in the use of Performance Management tools and processes? Senior management should play an advanced role in defining strategies, corporate objectives and developing Performance Management processes and other related programs in their organization, hence creating performance driven cultures. Communicating common goals and ensuring employee buy-in and alignment are very important steps before launching and

implementing a simplified performance management processes. 9. What would you consider as a best practice in Performance Management? Implementing Balanced Scorecards! Cascaded corporate objectives into Departmental and Individual Objectives, KPIs and targets are the best practices I recommend. In addition, we have been talking about a 360-degree methodology and sadly, regional practitioners have not implemented it in a way that achieves such a comprehensive point of view.

Education 10. Which aspects of Performance Management should be emphasized during educational programs? Educational Programs should be built on real life cases, rather than just offering a theoretical approach, giving participants the chance to practice and interact in solving those cases. This can be achieved by involving high specialized and experienced practitioners to design and deliver such programs. 11. Which limits need to be surpassed in order to achieve higher levels of proficiency in Performance Management, among practitioners? In addition to my response to the previous question, communication plans are an important part of the practitioner’s toolkit, in order to build awareness for the right performance management system and right KPIs across the organization.

Personal Performance 12. What is your opinion on the emerging trend of measuring performance outside working hours? Performance is a commonly used term nowadays, it would seem! Smartphones and apps are widely used in all personal life aspects, from health and sport, to personal and family expenses, time management etc. Setting personal targets and measuring progress became a common habit among individuals.

Personally I use a calories calculator, fitness and wellness dashboards, in addition to monthly and annually income and outcome trend analyzer.

Specific Question 14. Which were the recent achievements in generating value from performance management in your organization? We are striving to align everybody around common objectives, through effective objectivesetting and measurement frameworks, like Scorecards. We were able to achieve more harmony and synergy across all levels in the organization. As result, we managed to enhance talent management, reward management, resources allocation and employee programs.


Organizational Behavior

Management should be further

researched, to give practitioners insights on how to implement the most



suitable performance management system.

13. What personal performance measurement tools do you use?





Practitioner Name: Zainab Mohammed Organization: Wasl Current Position: CEO Property Management & Marketing Country: United Arab Emirates

1. Which are the 2015 key trends in Performance Management, from your point of view? Employee goals are increasingly more aligned with organizational visions. SMART objectives are increasingly set by employees, instead of managers. A key benefit of this is employees being the owners and drivers of their own success. Managing risks through performance management is also a developing trend. 2. What are your thoughts on the integration of Performance Management at organizational, departmental and employee level? Integration of Performance Management at all organizational levels is of paramount importance. Organizational vision must be cascaded across all departments, including functional, divisional, department and employee relations. For instance, we see Balanced Scorecards being implemented in many organizations, but rarely beyond the departmental level. 3. Which will be the major changes in managing performance, in the future? We believe a major change will focus on ongoing performance improvement. Instead of it being a one-time annual event, primarily linked to rewards such as salary increase or bonus, forward thinking organizations will regularly utilize performance management exercises. These will be tools to constantly improve employee skills and capabilities, resulting in improved efficiency across the organization.


Research 4. What aspects of Performance Management should be explored more through research? Greater understanding is needed to find the optimum number of reviews conducted in a year and how to align rewards to performance more objectively.

8. What should be improved in the use of Performance Management tools and processes? Objective goals, accurate updates, timely updates and reporting. Where it’s possible, monthly or quarterly reporting of performance is a must, for which good performance management tools and processes are a prerequisite. 9. What would you consider as a best practice in Performance Management? In my opinion, Balanced Scorecards, when deployed properly and systematically.


Research regarding how to carry out performance management can be seen as a more comprehensive human resource management system and would also be beneficial; this will combine an employee’s professional development and career aspirations with alignment to goals.

10. Which aspects of Performance Management should be emphasized during educational programs? Setting objective goals, accurate measurement of performance indicators, combined with timely and frequent feedback.

5. Which organizations would you recommend to be looked at, due to their particular approach to managing performance, and their subsequent results? Motorola and GE received much attention in recent decades, with Silicon Valley giants such as Google setting examples in the present.

11. Which limits need to be surpassed in order to achieve higher levels of proficiency in Performance Management, among practitioners? Understanding their own businesses and its critical success factors are limiting factors for many practitioners. The next one would be to accurately articulate the necessary KPIs. Good practitioners master both of these two aspects.

Google has had sustained performance even during challenging economic scenarios, and combined this with highly effective employee engagement, resulting in it being highly valued by current and potential employees as one of the best companies to work for, particularly due to workplace motivational factors. 6. What Performance Management question would you like to have answered by researchers? How to link rewards to performance during recessions or sluggish economic conditions.

When it comes to best practices, Balanced Scorecards, when properly and systematically deployed, are still the top choice.


7. Which are main challenges of Performance Management in practice, today? Linking rewards to performance in an objective manner and retaining good employees.


Personal Performance


12. What is your opinion on the emerging trend of measuring performance outside working hours? Only performances that consistently impact the organization’s bottom-line count.

Name: Turki Abdulrahman Al-Asmari Organization: Tamkeen Technologies Current Position: Performance Manager

13. What personal performance measurement tools do you use? No specific tool, but for my function, I measure overall performance against KPIs on a quarterly basis. Key customer-centric KPIs are measured more frequently, some even on a weekly basis.

Specific Question 14. Which were the recent achievements in generating value from performance management in your organization? Wasl has successfully deployed enterprisewide SAP, which provides instant performance information on various key KPIs. At an individual level, many employees are part of the organization-wide personal development program, for which accurate and timely measurement of performance is also key. This has helped in succession planning and retaining outstanding employees.

Country: Saudi Arabia

Trends 1. Which are the 2015 key trends in Performance Management, from your point of view? In a world full of data, Performance Management is making things even more difficult for decision makers, with so many figures and graphs that make it hard for them to grasp what’s happening in their organization, let alone on what they should focus on. I think the emphasis will be on how to utilize all of this data and make sense of it, on the decision makers’ part, so they will be able to steer their organization towards their ultimate goal. 2. What are your thoughts on the integration of Performance Management at organizational, departmental and employee level? This process of integrating and cascading Performance Management across all levels, in any organization, is vital not only to the organization as a whole, in order to achieve their objectives but most importantly to make sure that People are aligned to the Strategy.

Research 4. What aspects of Performance Management should be explored more through research? It would be interesting to see how is Performance Management perceived from a human capital perspective, in different cultures regarding evaluating employees, receiving feedback, the frequency of performance reviews etc. 5. Which organizations would you recommend to be looked at, due to their particular approach to managing performance, and their subsequent results? I think it would be interesting to look at IT companies, like Uber, Netflix, Airbnb, Apple, Facebook, due to their volatile industry and their impact on traditional business models. 6. What Performance Management question would you like to have answered by researchers? What kind of skills and competencies would be required, in the future, for the people working in the field of Performance Management/ Strategy Execution?

Without this linkage, no matter what solid strategy or comprehensive measures you have in place, it won’t work if you can’t translate it to the people who are going to execute your strategy. So the key thing here is how to initiate this process in a proper way to make sure that all Performance Management efforts are not wasted in the process.

7. Which are main challenges of Performance Management in practice, today? From my modest experience so far, I think the first and most important challenge to conquer is top management buy-in.

3. Which will be the major changes in managing performance, in the future I think in this new era of Big Data, the major changes in managing performance would be where to look at with all this information and how to use it the right way.

Having worked in several organizations, I’ve noticed that management teams that believe in the importance of Performance Management framework/Strategy Execution have a higher probability of succeeding and achieving their strategy, compared to other




PERSPECTIVES management teams who look at this as irrelevant for their core business and day-today operations. The second main challenge would be to align the whole organization and communicate across all levels, to get people involved and focus their efforts towards achieving the organization’s objectives.

8. What should be improved in the use of Performance Management tools and processes? During the quarterly review process, some organizations tend to forget about the importance of bottom-up communication, especially from those frontline employees who know the nitty-gritty details of the business. So, there is a lot of enhancement that can be done in this quarterly process to get feedback from all employees and get their opinion heard at the decision makers’ table. The tools used to manage Performance Management/Strategy Execution across the organization can accommodate this bottomup feedback, to make sure that decision makers can implement the necessary corrective actions as quickly as possible. 9. What would you consider as a best practice in Performance Management? The best practice in Performance Management I think would be the ability to measure the progress against strategy, on a regular basis and how to align people to strategy, which ultimately provides two main things, Clarity and Focus.

Education 10. Which aspects of Performance Management should be emphasized during educational programs? I believe corporate performance part is straightforward, so emphasis should be focused towards performance reviews between teams and how to use the data on corporate/ departmental performance to enhance internal operations and a team’s performance. 11. Which limits need to be surpassed in order to achieve higher levels of proficiency in Performance Management, among practitioners?


Communication barriers are something that need to be surpassed, since nowadays, the business environment requires a set of different skills when communicating to different audiences in an organization.

Personal Performance 12. What is your opinion on the emerging trend of measuring performance outside working hours? I think this is an important aspect for any organization in the long-term, which is usually captured in Employee Engagement Surveys, to measure the integration of organizational and personal goals. This measurement is vital to any organization, since it depends on its most important resource, namely people. 13. What personal performance measurement tools do you use?

In order to manage our workload and annual plans with my team, we use a cloud-based solution that offers us an overview of our big plans and more importantly, we use it to focus on what needs to be done on a weekly basis, so that we concentrate our efforts and have a better work-life balance.

Specific Question 14. Which were the recent achievements in generating value from performance management in your organization? Before we started rolling out our Performance Management initiative, we found out that there is misalignment between the Board of Directors and the management team. When it came to what needs to be done at a corporate level and this exercise of implementing our PM initiative resulted in updating a more realistic strategy that is actionable.

Academic Name: Mohamed Abdul-Ghani El-Sayed Organization: Sultan Qaboos University Current Position: Assistant Professor of Hospitality Management Country: Oman

Trends 1. Which are the 2015 key trends in Performance Management, from your point of view? First off, I would like to mention that my answers to these interview questions were based on my humble experience, personal growth and life-long learning stemmed from working in various hospitality management organizations in the Middle East and in the United States of America and also from working in several higher education programs in the United States of America and administering a tourism management higher education program in the Sultanate of Oman. You can imagine the difference from a profit-oriented mentality and paradigm to a non-profit public institution mentality and paradigm. Besides, managing a

diverse group of individuals with various socioeconomic, ethnic and educational backgrounds is also a challenge in itself. We all have to admit that “existing performance measurement approaches, primarily relying on financial accounting measures, are becoming obsolete” and “reliance on summarized financial performance measures are hindering organizations’ abilities to create future economic value”. We are all also witnessing a shift from the industrial age competition to the information age competition. We are living in the new operating environment, which is built on a new set of operating assumptions such as: cross-

PERSPECTIVES functions, links to customers and suppliers, customer segmentation, global scale, innovation and knowledge workers.

Club, the National Hospitality Institute, Oman Tourism Coolege, Pritiviti® Oman and of course Sultan Qaboos University.

As organizations attempt to transform themselves to successfully compete in the future, they are turning to a variety of improvement initiatives and trends that must be closely watched and observed. Each of these improvement programs and trends will have to brings its own success stories, champions, gurus and consultants.

6. What Performance Management question would you like to have answered by researchers? All of the improvement programs and tools available nowadays compete for the time, energy and resources of senior executives. Each offers the promise of breakthrough performance and enhanced value creation for many, if not all, of the organization’s constituencies: shareholders, customers, suppliers and employees. The question would be “how to achieve breakthroughs in performances and transform strategies into actions?”.

2. What are your thoughts on the integration of Performance Management at organizational, departmental and employee level? The key is to align individual, organizational and cross-departmental initiatives and to identify entirely new processes for meeting customer and shareholder objectives. 3. Which will be the major changes in managing performance, in the future? Changing the way we measure and manage performance, and also meeting the major challenge of how to measure and manage performance in the organizations of tomorrow.

Research 4. What aspects of Performance Management should be explored more through research? Finding solutions and answers to the question of “How senior executives are using performance management tools to guide current performance and target future performance?”. 5. Which organizations would you recommend to be looked at, due to their particular approach to managing performance, and their subsequent results? I am sure the Sultanate of Oman has several public and private sector organizations to look at. I can name a few that I have been in touch with, in my field such as: the Ministry of Tourism, The Oman Tourism Development Company (OMRAN), Al-Mouj Muscat (Integrative Tourism Complex), Shangri-La Barr Al Jissah Resort & Spa, Al-Bustan Palace by Ritz Carlton, Intercontinental Hotels Group, the Royal Opera House, Muscat Hills Golf & Country

Practice 7. Which are main challenges of Performance Management in practice, today? Providing a long-term management system that invests in customers, employees, new product development and in systems – rather than managing the bottom line to pump up short-term earnings. 8. What should be improved in the use of Performance Management tools and processes? The ability of an organization to mobilize and exploit its intangible or invisible assets more decisively than investing and managing physical, tangible assets. 9. What would you consider as a best practice in Performance Management? “Navigating to a more competitive technological, and capability-driven future cannot be accomplished merely by monitoring and controlling financial measures of past performance.” Kaplan, Robert S. & Norton, David P., 1996. In the past, organizations measured success by how well they could capture the benefits of scale and scope from economies. The emergence of the information age, however, made obsolete many of the fundamental assumptions of the industrial age competition. Now, organizations can no longer gain sustainable competitive advantage by merely rapidly deploying new technology into physical assets or via excellent management of financial assets and liabilities. The impact of the information age is even more

revolutionary for service organizations than for manufacturing ones. This information age environment requires new capabilities for competitive success.

Education 10. Which aspects of Performance Management should be emphasized during educational programs? The focus should be placed on understanding the major concepts very well, on mastering the usage of the available tools and finally on implementing those concepts and tools in real life situations, to prove their validity and reliability in achieving one’s planned results. If I were to name just a few of those concepts, those would be: total quality management, just-in-time production and distribution systems, time-based competition, lean production systems, lean enterprise, building customerfocused organizations, activity-based cost management, employee empowerments, re-engineering and how to transform an organization into a learning organization. 11. Which limits need to be surpassed in order to achieve higher levels of proficiency in Performance Management, among practitioners? Breakthroughs in performance require major changes, these changes include changes in measurement and management systems. Practitioners should be able to cope with these changes and respond accordingly. The main idea for practitioners is not to be proficient in using only the performance management tools only, but to be able to apply them in their unique business environments and also have the agility and flexibility to respond to different challenging situations and circumstances, while being able to achieve their goals. Of course, here comes the role of the KPI Institute as a beacon for education and training in that matter.

Personal Performance 12. What is your opinion on the emerging trend of measuring performance outside working hours? It is really a good idea. Our personal and professional success should be measured and having that balance ought to be our goal in life. There are other things in life besides being successful at work.




Organizations can no longer gain

sustainable competitive advantage by

merely rapidly deploying new technology into physical assets […]

13. What personal performance measurement tools do you use? On the personal level, I don’t have a specific personal performance measurement tool per se, I have some principal rules and values of engagement which guide my performance in general. Staying true to myself is one of them, knowing that I cannot achieve all goals by myself. Sticking to “The Golden Rules” in different affairs is another one, trying to be ethical in all my dealings. “Walking the walk, talking the talk, & walking my talk” would sum it up.

Specific Question 14. We are developing a database of subjects/degrees in Performance Management. What are your suggestions relevant to the database (i.e. subjects/ degrees such as the Masters in Managing Organizational Performance)? I don’t have any particular suggestion for a degree. Just keep up the good work and make it available for everybody who would benefit from it.

Academic Name: Sutan Emir Hidayat Organization: University College of Bahrain Current Position: Head of Business Administration and Humanities Department (Head of Business School) Country: Bahrain

Trends 1. Which are the 2015 key trends in Performance Management, from your point of view? Two key trends in performance management, if we are to speak about the educational sector in Bahrain for example, are empowerment and a continuous improvement mindset. Many universities and higher education institutions in Bahrain are currently led and run by professionals and there is a clear segregation between owners and management, like in the case of corporations. In addition, with the existence of a national quality assurance agency, the spirit of continuous improvement has been embedded in most institutions in Bahrain. 2. What are your thoughts on the integration of Performance Management at organizational, departmental and employee level? It is a must. Performance management must be integrated at the organizational, departmental and employees level, in order to ensure a sustainable, institutional level of success, to which even higher education institutions adhere.


3. Which will be the major changes in managing performance, in the future? Some expected major changes in managing performance are transferring from the annual review cycle to an ongoing review cycle, to simplified performance management processes overall and a more applied distribution of rankings, instead of annual individual ratings.

Research 4. What aspects of Performance Management should be explored more through research? From my point of view, at least three important aspects of performance management must be explored more through research, namely planning, monitoring and rewards. Planning is knowing how effective and efficient the formulation of policies and procedures is within an institution. Monitoring means how we measure our employees’ performance on a daily basis. Rewards are related to creating a performance-based reward system.

5. Which organizations would you recommend to be looked at, due to their particular approach to managing performance, and their subsequent results? There are many companies which can be viewed as performance management case studies, such as Harley Davidson, Omega Inc. and Network solutions Inc. Each company reflects good practices of performance management, in different aspects. 6. What Performance Management question would you like to have answered by researchers? What are the impacts of performance management on employee performance? Even though there are many research papers that discuss the issue, there is still a need to have more research that utilizes advanced techniques, to better understand this topic.

Practice 7. Which are main challenges of Performance Management in practice, today? Many studies found several performance management challenges in practice, such as inserting performance management as a continuous process rather than an annual event, engaging employees in the performance management process, designing an appraisal and rewards system to suit the performance management process. 8. What should be improved in the use of Performance Management tools and processes? We need to continuously improve our data


9. What would you consider as a best practice in Performance Management? What I see as a best practice in performance management is when both organization and its employees can excel individually and institutionally, and achieve the organization’s goals, mission and vision.

Education 10. Which aspects of Performance Management should be emphasized during educational programs? It is very important, in my opinion, that educational programs emphasize teaching students how to design and set up appropriate KPIs. Each KPI must be clearly and fairly weighted and students can better understand this through an appropriate curriculum. 11. Which limits need to be surpassed in order to achieve higher levels of proficiency in Performance Management, among practitioners? Awareness is the key word here. Currently, the awareness level of employees and top management of most companies in the GCC, towards performance management, is still relatively low. Therefore, improving the level of awareness through seminars, forums and training is necessary, in order to achieve higher levels of proficiency in performance management.

Personal Performance 12. What is your opinion on the emerging trend of measuring performance outside working hours? As long as employees perform well and achieve the set targets, there should be no issue about measuring performance inside and outside working hours. Management by objective focus on the results – this should be maintained for both job-related tasks and personal life ones. 13. What personal performance measurement tools do you use? As an academician, I have set up my own KPIs, which monitor specific areas, such research, community service and teaching and learning methods.

Specific Question 14. We are developing a database of subjects/ degrees in Performance Management. What are your suggestions relevant to the database (i.e. subjects/degrees such as the Masters in Managing Organizational Performance)? There are many universities across the world that offer certificates, bachelor and master degrees, specialized in performance management. Listing them in a database will help those interested, in pursuing their study regarding performance management and in choosing the right university. Providing the university ranking is also very beneficial. Last, but not least, cooperation with established accreditation agencies is crucial for this endeavor.

What I see as a best practice

in performance management is when both organization and its

management and analytical capabilities and the level of the employees’ awareness towards performance management tools and processes.

employees can excel individually and institutionally […]

Consultant Name: Khalid Saleem Abdallah Organization: Saudi Arabian Railway/Self-Employed Current Position: Head, Enterprise-Risk & PMO\Strategy, Risk & PMP/PMO Consultant/Trainer Country: Saudi Arabia

Trends 1. Which are the 2015 key trends in Performance Management from your point of view? Performance Management, at a country level, in government entities and also at the level of various corporations, is gaining momentum, importance and visibility. In Saudi Arabia, the 2030 Strategy, approved by a royal decree, was presented in April, 2016, but triggered and developed earlier with the Performance Management core attributes in mind.

2. What are your thoughts on the integration of Performance Management at organizational, departmental and employee level? Definitely this is the ultimate and right thing to do; however, we must mitigate the usual risks, via a deeper analysis of the maturity, readiness, resources and change magnitude of the Enabling ECO systems initiatives (top-down/ bottom-up), for units like: Board of Directors – BoD for short, OSM, Business Units, Major departments, HR, IT, Finance etc.

Through my first-hand experience in interviews and networking, with large government entities and corporations suffering from underperformance or crisis-management, I saw lot of drive and urgency to establish clear long term objectives, with some pre-analysis of risks and a few methods to track them via performance management (i.e. RACI matrix, dashboards, follow-up and reporting).

3. Which will be the major changes in managing performance, in the future? More demand on accurate and valuable reporting would be among the first things, due to the fact that people in the GCC are currently in a honey-moon establishing mode. Afterwards, they would like to gradually see more penetration of Performance Management




An example of this would be as follows: you close the PFM system, change or fire staff and end up asking yourself “Why are we doing this?” These are late questions! I have seen a lot like that happen in organizations where there is no real-buy-in of the OSM/PFM function.

Research 4. What aspects of Performance Management should be explored more through research? 1. Readiness of various Management levels, best practices and organizational risks, related to: implementing, integrating and embedding the PFM thinking, discipline, activities, and deliverables; 2. ROI of PFM elements, such as any resources, tools, controls etc; 3. Lean PFM; 4. Customization of PFM for various Industries and types of organizations, i.e. telecommunications, defense and the lifecycle of maturity in organizations like start-ups, mature organizations, declining organizations, JVs, etc. 5. Which organizations would you recommend to be looked at, due to their particular approach to managing performance, and their subsequent results? All types, whether they are commercial, NGOs, government agencies, ministries etc. 6. What Performance Management question would you like to have answered by researchers? What was the real ROI, benefits and achievements of PFM, in severe cases, like a company being near bankruptcy? Or one that has its profits declining? What about New Strategy /JV implementation? 2. If a government entity implements a PM system, is that just lip service or should it be seen as a proper system? 3. What are the key enablers, best practices and risks of implementing the OSM/ PFM?


Performance Management, at a country level, in government entities and also at the level of various corporations, is gaining momentum, importance and visibility.

Practice 7. Which are main challenges of Performance Management in practice, today? Simply put, the real scope, actual deliverables, management commitment, management usage of outputs, accountabilities, cultural aspects, Change Management and many other. 8. What should be improved in the use of Performance Management tools and processes? Awareness, training, enablement, empowerment of PFM resources/interfaces and the utilization of results/deliverables. 9. What would you consider as a best practice in Performance Management? In layman terms, to learn first and not simply managing a people – period framework, which can be perceived as being valuable at all-levels and bringing added-value, if done correctly and not just merely as another audit function!

Education 10. Which aspects of Performance Management should be emphasized during educational programs? The value, effects/risks of not having one in place, some simple case studies and some basic projects/exercises, like measuring the performance of a football team/mountain trip performance/vacation period enjoyment performance curve and so on. 11. Which limits need to be surpassed in order to achieve higher levels of proficiency in Performance Management, among practitioners? Basic education/certificates, such as the ones developed by Robert Kaplan/The Palladium Institute.

12. What is your opinion on the emerging trend of measuring performance outside working hours? Well sure, it cannot be separated, but it should be implemented with care, so as to not be so bureaucratic or like a police watch-dog in action. It should be limited or adjusted with other key areas like: essential family commitments, committed meetings, safety, criminal activities or BI regarding security risks. 13. What personal performance measurement tools do you use? Simple dashboards, Excel sheets, Business Plans, Risk Registers, Follow-up reports.

Specific Question 14. Which were the recent achievements in generating value from performance management in your organization? Also, what are the processes and tools you look at, in order to differentiate a successful performance management system, from a superficial one? Among our most recent achievements, I would list an enhanced visibility of pain points, assessment of the present situation and future improvements potential. When it comes to differentiating between systems, I would say that a successful Performance Management system is one equipped with precise reporting tools, which provide accurate data, that ultimately leads to getting the CEO’s/BoD’s buyin, as trust in the system builds up, given the accurate information provided.

From my point of view, at least three important aspects of performance management must be explored more through research, namely planning, monitoring and rewards.

The OSM/PFM disciplines will be more empowered, due to the link with the CEO/BoD, at least in good cases. In the case OSM/PFM, if it’s not strongly linked with the CEO/BoD, then the trend would be different and destructive.

Personal Performance

in documents, policies, procedures, processes, in an integrated manner.


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esearch articles, know-how, insights from ce management, all migrating from online the performance management discipline Engage. Stimulate. Train. Reward. Energize. Director at Abu Dhabi Sewerage Services nt at Maastricht School of Management, erational Excellence, Abunayyan, KSA; Tor – Professor of Sustainability & Enterprise hip: Benefits and available options: Event s analyst consultation. Advisory services. Management Toolkits, KPI Dictionaries, cated to performance. First steps on the Management. Inspiration sources. 3 main 14 Functional Area KPIs Dictionaries. 18 st suitable KPIs to measure your business nt: A Brief History. Insights into a Strategic ged a Government, a Malaysian Approach. Annually. | Articles: Strategy: External m Satisfied Customers to Brand Advocates. tors. Organizational Performance: Sports Balanced Scorecard: Balanced Scorecard otic Organizations: The Solution for Low ent: Predict Future Crisis by Recognizing ective Dashboards. Innovation: M-Health What You Want to Achieve and Go for It! nchmarking. A Story of Best Practices and hould we use KPI documentation forms? ch are the key steps to implementing an ack. Perform. | Hardware Review. Devices, he trends? Why is it happening? Where products that best illustrate the current ok at and learn from. Recommended for Business Planning Professional; Certified ed Employee Performance Management sis Professional; Certified Benchmarking mer Service Performance Professional; Scorecard. Business Intelligence. Business d. e e s. al. t.

1st Issue! Autumn 2015

Performance Magazine, Printed Edition. Second issue, December, 2015. Content: News. Can you hear the music? Or how KPIs can alter reality. Performance in the big league. An Enel strategy. Volkswagen: improving performance the wrong way. Performance Management in Namibia: contracts for all ministers. Sweden said “Yes!” to the 6-hour working day. Reaping rewards, increasing productivity. Business Development Manager reaches top 3 best jobs in America, in 2015. Connecting the dots: lack of innovation leads to failure of new products. Managers engaging employees on social media increase change success rates. Study links professional success to high EQ. Cover story: The state of the performance improvement INTERVIEWS and Key Performance Indicators in 2015. Expert Interviews: Ahmed Ragab. Principal Partner, Resilience&, Kuwait. Bert de ACADEMICS. PRACTITIONERS. Winter. Director of Logistics Operations for Printing & Personal Systems Hardware & Supplies EMEA, Hewlett-Packard, CONSULTANTS. Belgium. Luis Gargalo. Management Control Systems Department Coordinator, Wayfield, Trading Internacional, SA – Grupo Insights from practice Refriango, Portugal. Michael J. Sutton. Associate Professor of Management Gamification, Serious Games, and Simulations, Westminster College, USA. Mohamad Yassine. Director of Institutional Effectiveness, Adjunct Professor, Gulf University ACROSS THE WORLD for Science and Technology, Kuwait. Musa Bulus. Senior Strategy Analyst, Central Bank of Nigeria, Nigeria. Around the HOW KPIS CHANGED A World: Governmental Performance. The Illinois Department of Public Health. GRUMA Mexico. A Performance Model Built GOVERNMENT. on Innovation. Reaching the Right Audience in North America: A Digital Marketing Perspective. Strategy Formulation: A Malaysian approach Emirates Identity Authority Strategic Plan 2014 – 2016. Strategy and Performance Management. How to improve your INSIGHTS INTO A STRATEGIC decision-making process? Emerging Performance Management Trends in 2015. Change Management and the Transitional PLANNING PROCESS: THE ABU Process in Organizations. 5 Emerging Manufacturing Trends. Employee Performance Management. Emotional Branding DHABI SUSTAINABILITY GROUP From reporting to action or How to Engage Customers Emotionally. The Challenges in Building an Employee Performance Centered Ecosystem. Managing Difficult Employees. A topnotch leadership skill. Performance Measurement. Why Does It Take My Bank 90 ARTICLES Days to Approve a Loan? Game Measurement. A Recipe for Success. Innovation Performance. Evaluation of Research, Development and Engineering through KPIs. What do a video game and a MBA Professor Have in Common? Performance BALANCED SCORECARD SYSTEMS One road towards automation Improvement. Leaders, Life-cycles and Performance. Risk Management. Prisons. The Risk Management Experts. Ask the Experts. Which Data Matters the Most? Lifestyle. Unlocking Human Performance. A Leadership Challenge. What Makes You AUTHENTIZOTIC ORGANIZATIONS The solution for low engagement Happier: levels Buying or Doing? Why and How You Should First Invest in Yourself? Hardware Review. Form-1: Money-friendly 3D printing. The Adidas Smart Ball. When Accuracy Wind the Gold Medal. IKEA. A Kitchen for Our Future Selves. Software + LIFESTYLE, HARDWARE & Review. Air Fuel Synthesis. Fixing Energy Supply Problems and Global Warming. SmartApps. Connecting Parts, Connecting SOFTWARE, AND RECOMMENDED Worlds. Sutisoft. Sutisoft Is Upgrading and You Should Too. PUSH. Fitness Measurement at Its Finest. Recommended. RESOURCES Readings to Warm Up Your Winter. Punch Above Your Weight!: How to Succeed at Whatever You Want to Do, by John R. Potter. How to Measure Anything: Finding the Value of Intangibles in Business, by Douglas W. Hubbard. Big Data and The Internet of Things: Enterprise Information Architecture for a New Age, by Robert Stackowiak, Art Licht, Venu Mantha, Louis Nagode. Your Strategy Needs a Strategy: How to Choose and Execute the Right Approach, by Martin Reeves, Knut Haanaes, Janmejaya Sinha. Rich Dad, Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids about Money that the Poor and Middle Class Do Not!, by Robert T. Kiyosaki. Think to Win: Unleashing the Power of Strategic Thinking, by Paul Butler, John F. Manfredi, Peter Klein. The First Steps of a Social Network. Keywords: Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). Balanced Scorecard. Performance Management. Performance Measurement. Performance Improvement. Strategy and Business Planning. Employee Performance Management. Supplier Performance Management. Personal Performance Management. Data Analysis. Data Visualization. Benchmarking. Customer Service Performance. Innovation Performance. Balanced Scorecard Management PORTRAIT System Performance. Measurement. Evolution. Accuracy. Big Data. Management. Business Intelligence. Ethics. Education. Solution. Problem-solving. Decision-making. Project Management. Project Planning. KPI Selection. KPI Documentation. KPI Evaluation. KPI Life-cycle. Data gathering. Data presentation. Initiatives. Adjustment. Management techniques. Ishikawa. The 5 Why’s. The Fishbone Technique. SWOT Analysis. Value Flow Analysis. Expert Interviews. Academics. Consultants. Practitioners. Events. Research. Mission. Vision. Strategy. Best knowhow. Data and Facts. Common Sense. Data Accuracy. Performance Magazine Focus Categories: Editorials. News. Interviews. Multimedia. Strategy. Balanced Scorecard. KPI. Organizational Performance. Operational Performance. Individual Performance. Personal Performance. Around the World. Interviews. Articles. Editorials. Multimedia. News. The KPI Institute’s Professional Certification Programs.

AUREL BRUDAN A lifetime dedicated to performance

January edition

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Issue No. 3

No. 2


Performance Magazine, Printed Edition. Third issue, February, 2016. Content: News. Agile talent and performance management. Building leaders, building companies. HR frozen in time. Gartner releases its 2016 Magic Quadrant for BI and analytics platforms. One way our way or how to turn your employee into a customer. “I create the world that creates me.” Sulon’s augmented reality. The future of productivity. The virtual workplace. The art of managing conflicts. Three game changers in employees’ annual ranking systems. The Global Risk Report of 2016. Events. The KPI Institute’s partner KPISoft recognized by CIOReview. Cover story: A partner in action. KPISoft. Expert Interviews: Ahmed Al-Ebrahim. INTERVIEWS CEO of GCC Interconnection Authority, Saudi Arabia. Andrias Suganda. Strategic Performance Management Manager at Gunung Sewu Group, Indonesia. Harry Hertz. Director Emeritus, Baldrige Performance Excellence Program at the National ACADEMICS. PRACTITIONERS. Institute of Standards and Technology, USA. Jane Farley. Director at Real Outcomes, New Zealand. Mansoor Ahmed. CONSULTANTS. Director Technology Strategic Planning, Etihad Etisalat, Saudi Arabia. Sam Plummer. Director at The Wellspring Initiative, Insights from practice USA. Portrait. Cameron Mirza, Head of Strategy and projects, Higher Education Council, Kingdom of Bahrain. Creating a more performant tomorrow. Around the World: Petrochina. Performance within state-owned enterprises. Performance AROUND THE WORLD Management in the US Department of Justice. Performance Management. Best practices from the UAE Government. Green Performance. England’s environmental agency. Individual Performance. Performance Management in cross cultural GRUMA MEXICO: A performance model backgrounds. How to create a motivating and productive workplace. Rating the rater: The annual game of show and tell. built on innovation Leadership models within organizations. Operational Performance. 5 Steps for increasing hotel efficiency. The Iceberg Model. Environmental performance. In the cut flower industry. Performance Measurement. Measuring the performance of GOVERNMENTAL PERFORMANCE: software development projects. How to measure world prosperity? Organizational Performance. Good ethics make good The Illinois Department business. Strategy and Performance Management. Business homecoming. The repatriation challenge. Ask the Experts. 6 Public of Health Pillars of the performance measurement framework. Lifestyle. Brain training apps and you. A personal performance and usability analysis. Understanding burnout. One step closer to avoiding it. Broke no more! Personal finance management ARTICLES 101. Hardware Review. iRobot, iMeeting. Remote presence for the enterprise. Heads up on the road with Sensehud! The HOW TO IMPROVE YOUR future of automotive conncectivity! Sulon’s augmented reality. Enhance your reality. Tracking health performance with DECISION-MAKING PROCESS? Lifetrak. Capture the best. Software Review. Analytics made easy with SPSS. Predictive analytics software and solutions. EMERGING PERFORMANCE Managing your business in detail with Revel. The iPad POS solution for your dream business. What to expect from 2016’s MANAGEMENT TRENDS IN 2015 software development. Submerging into Virtual Reality. Recommended. Titles to include in your 2016 reading list. Originals: How Non-Conformists Move the World, By Adam Grant. Endurance Executive: A CEO’s Perspective on the Marathon of Elite + LIFESTYLE, HARDWARE & Business Performance, By Alex P. Bartholomaus. Strategy That Works: How Winning Companies Close the Strategy-toSOFTWARE, AND RECOMMENDED Execution Gap, By Paul Leinwand. Performance Management in Higher Education: Theoretical Foundations and Empirical RESOURCES Investigations, By Elsa Serpico. The Opportunity Analysis Canvas, By James V. Green. The Phoenix Project: A Novel About IT, DevOps, and Helping Your Business Win, By Gene Kim, Kevin Behr, George Spafford. The Big Short of the 2007 Financial Crisis. Keywords: Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). Balanced Scorecard. Performance Management. Performance Measurement. Performance Improvement. Strategy and Business Planning. Employee Performance Management. Supplier Performance Management. Personal Performance Management. Data Analysis. Data Visualization. Benchmarking. Customer Service Performance. Innovation Performance. Balanced Scorecard Management System Performance. Measurement. Evolution. Accuracy. Big Data. Management. Business Intelligence. Ethics. Education. Solution. Problem-solving. Decision-making. Project Management. Project Planning. KPI Selection. KPI Documentation. KPI Evaluation. KPI Life-cycle. Data gathering. Data presentation. Initiatives. Adjustment. Management techniques. Ishikawa. The 5 Why’s. The Fishbone Technique. PORTRAIT SWOT Analysis. Value Flow Analysis. Expert Interviews. Academics. Consultants. Practitioners. Events. Research. Mission. Vision. Strategy. Best know-how. Data and Facts. Common Sense. Data Accuracy. Performance Magazine Focus Categories: Editorials. News. Interviews. Multimedia. Strategy. Balanced Scorecard. KPI. Organizational Performance. Operational Performance. Individual Performance. Personal Performance. Around the World. Interviews. Articles. Editorials. Multimedia. News. The KPI Institute’s Professional Certification Programs. Certified Strategy and Business Planning Professional. Certified KPI Professional and Practitioner. Certified Performance Improvement Professional. Certified Employee Performance Management Professional. Certified Personal Performance Professional. Certified Data Visualization Professional. Certified Data Analysis Professional. Certified Benchmarking Professional.


February edition

Commitment to performance, commitment to people.

INTERVIEWS ACADEMICS. PRACTITIONERS. CONSULTANTS. Insights from practice AROUND THE WORLD PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT In the U.S. Department of Justice GREEN PERFORMANCE England’s environmenal agency PETROCHINA Performance within state -owned enterprises ARTICLES INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE Performance management in cross-cultural backgrounds PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT Measuring the performance of software development projects LIFESTYLE BROKE NO MORE! Personal finance management 101 UNDERSTANDING BURNOUT One step closer to avoiding it




March edition

Creating a more performant tomorrow.







Introduction The countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council have stood out, more than once, as excellence models within the Performance Management field, either at corporative, or at governmental level. As such, there is an increased demand to research the implementation status of Performance Management systems at national level. They are not simply user of these systems, but they are innovators and thought leaders within the domain. The section which ensues goes through every member country of the GCC and explains


what performance management system it had implemented together with its benefits and main features. While the first part comprises an overview of performance management at the governmental level in Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates, the second part analyzes the subject topic more profoundly. All the information was gathered by using only official Government websites and it was correct at the time of this research (April, 2016).



Country Profiles Profiles of countries which have legislated a Performance Management System within their governmental institutions:

Kingdom of Bahrain In Bahrain’s public sector, the majority of the performance management related issues and policies have been adopted, since 2000, with the support of the Economic Development Board (EDB). Amongst its many accomplishments, the Government, together with the EDB, implemented reforms within the economic, financial and educational sectors. Currently, progress is made towards achieving the Economic Vision 2030. The eGovernment Strategy Plan for the 2012-2016 period embraces a performance management system which aims to achieve balance between internal reforms and external future investors. Despite a volatile oil price predicament during the second half of 2014, the Bahraini fiscal performance remained strong, with government revenues rising to 11% and expenditures declining by the same amount. The sectoral performance shows a mixed portrait, but with mostly good shades, being able to see increases in stock market indices in the Hotel & Tourism, Services, Investment and Commercial Banking industries. Moreover, the World Economic Forum ranks Bahrain on the 60th place, in the Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Index, due to its strong business environment, ICT readiness, price competitiveness, and ground and port infrastructures. So as we can see, the internal reforms mentioned earlier are bringing in very promising results.

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia The Federal Authority for Government Human Resources passed, in 2008, the Federal Decree Law #11, which applies a performance management system on all Federal Ministries and Authorities. Saudi Arabia’s Employee Performance Management System (EPMS) was developed taking into consideration all the modern managerial concepts available. Its guiding principles are: •

Strategic alignment: each employee’s input is cascaded and aligned with the government’s strategic direction;

Management by objectives: employees take part in two main processes, namely establishing objectives and strategic planning;

Continuous feedback: employee performance is increased by “fair, accurate and proactive feedback from line managers;”

Integration: tracing the link between performance at work and incentives such as pay increase, promotion, training, development opportunities;

Fairness and credibility: the EPMS must be “consistent, fair and credible,” and all features should be established through “clear standards, policies and procedures.”

The structure of this system is fairly simple, as it consists of two main bodies: objectives (the outcome achieved through an employee’s work over a year) and competencies (the tools or procedures used by an employee to complete the work). In 2015, a report by the OECD, ”Governance in the Public Sector”, concluded that the interest given to human resources in the federal government by United Arab Emirates leaders is a testament of excellence and a worthy model to follow. Their latest development, the third stage of the Vision 2021, was built around empowering HR departments in order to further qualify its national human resource, by implementing a highly efficient and proficient HR information management platform, BAYANATI. Furthermore, as part of their National Transformation Plan, Saudi leaders plan to switch their economy from being oil-dependent to mostly relying on investments. As such, they are putting together a Public Investment Fund of over 2 trillion dollars that aims to slowly and steadily raise non-oil revenue. “We are working on increasing the efficiency of spending,” said Prince Mohammed, who is second-in-line to the throne. The government used to spend up to 40 percent more than allocated in its budget and that was whittled to 12 percent in 2015, he said. “So I don’t believe that we have a real problem when it comes to low oil prices.”

Kuwait A National Performance Framework project was deployed in 2011 by the State Audit Bureau (SAB). The purpose is to increase the Bureau’s effectiveness in performance evaluation methods and to ensure that all governmental entities in Kuwait comply with national and international anticorruption standards and regulations. As of right now, no clear KPIs have been set or reported on, as data aggregation efforts are mainly done manually and as such, it is very time-consuming and inefficient. The SAB has already reported on a few critical areas that require improvement, such as the comprehensiveness and value of reporting, ensuring that data quality is up to par or improving the efficiency, transparency and reliability of the entire process and as a result, is considering partnering up with another entity in order to reach its performance goals.

Oman Several of Oman’s public institutions have installed a Performance Management System, and the Civil Aviation Authority’s system is the youngest one, as it was unveiled in 2014. After agreeing that such a system would considerably improve its activity, the Public Authority for Water and Electricity implemented its own performance management system. In 2015, The Research Council (TRC) of Oman started implementing a support system which will aid the ongoing assessment of TRC-backed research impact and performance improvement. The two main objectives of this system are to measure the impact and performance of TRC-funded projects and collect data in order to set a KPI baseline for future projects.




Qatar As part of the National Vision 2030, Qatar started a public sector development and modernization process that will focus on ensuring high levels of government performance. As stated on the government’s official website, “modern public institutions focus on human capital development, practice performance management and deliver public services consistently with efficiency and effectiveness, meeting the expectations of stakeholders”. The State of Qatar has also been focusing on the levers that institutions must apply to modernize, including Policy and planning, Human resources development, Organizational alignment and Performance Management. As part of the Qatar National Development Strategy 2011 – 2016, the following areas are considered key points for performance improvement of government: strategic policy and planning, budget and financial management, organizational alignment, human resources development, streamlined institutional processes, the advancement of information technology and further improving performance management.

United Arab Emirates The Federal Authority for Government Human Resources passed, in 2008, the Federal Decree Law #11, which applies a performance management system on all Federal Ministries and Authorities. Saudi Arabia’s Employee Performance Management System (EPMS) was developed taking into consideration all the modern managerial concepts available. Its guiding principles are: •

Strategic alignment: each employee’s input is cascaded and aligned with the government’s strategic direction;

Management by objectives: employees take part in two main processes, namely establishing objectives and strategic planning;

Continuous feedback: employee performance is increased by “fair, accurate and proactive feedback from line managers;”

Integration: tracing the link between performance at work and incentives such as pay increase, promotion, training, development opportunities;

Fairness and credibility: the EPMS must be “consistent, fair and credible,” and all features should be established through “clear standards, policies and procedures.”

The structure of this system is fairly simple, as it consists of two main bodies: objectives (the outcome achieved through an employee’s work over a year) and competencies (the tools or procedures used by an employee to complete the work). In 2015, a report by the OECD, ”Governance in the Public Sector”, concluded that the interest given to human resources in the federal


government by United Arab Emirates leaders is a testament of excellence and a worthy model to follow. Their latest development, the third stage of the Vision 2021, was built around empowering HR departments in order to further qualify its national human resource, by implementing a highly efficient and proficient HR information management platform, BAYANATI. It is the go-to source for many of the important procedures and regulations of the federal government, relating to human resources. Furthermore, the report mentions that in order to maintain current levels of performance, both the federal and local governments of the UAE must concentrate on the matter of knowledge transference and exchange of experiences between foreign and in-house agencies, to continuously improve and maintain itself at the forefront of governmental developments.


Regional Insights


Bahrain - driven by Performance Management Danial Sobhanzadeh Business Research Analyst, The KPI Institute The Kingdom of Bahrain, a country located in the heart of the Persian Gulf, is considered to be a popular destination for capital investment. The country hosts more financial institutions than any other country within the Gulf Cooperation Council - approximately 400. In addition to this, Bahrain is considered to be a logistic entrance portal to the Middle East markets.

clearly understand the role of the performance management systems. Once the Performance Management System has become functional at the organisational level, it has to be cascaded down to departmental and employee level. The evaluation process takes place when performance is objectively assessed, by means of using Key Performance Indicators. Additionally, employee engagement is a critical factor for improving performance within an organisation.

While Bahrain’s economy is on the rise, the country presses this fortunate status and significantly focuses on performance enhancement, by implementing Performance Management Systems. The Civil Service Bureau of Bahrain has developed a Corporate Performance Management system, in order to enhance productivity, develop governmental services and elevate the overall performance of government employees. In order to successfully implement this Performance Management System, Bahrain has created a framework, whereby performances are recorded and adequately measured. The emphasis is on personal development, in order to enhance the overall strategy and business performance.

What strategy can be used to build a performance culture? The strategy development process starts with the KPI selection. During the selection process, custodians need to focus on selecting the right KPIs, meaning assessing whether the chosen KPIs facilitate measuring the objectives set by the organization. Subsequently, KPI documentation becomes an important step in the strategy. By means of proper KPI documentation, the process is standardized, enabling performance enhancement research to be conducted in a more straightforward manner. Data gathering can be considered the third step within the strategy development process, for creating a performance culture. The focus needs to be on data accuracy, as this facilitates research efforts to be more precise, resulting in an adequate data analysis process.

But in what way can Bahrain create the right performance culture? The best approach is to focus on the following key elements: Communication


Communication is of great importance, both internally and externally. The organisation should focus on creating transparency and accessibility. Proper communication between employees and other entities will enable the organization to perform significantly better in the long run.

In a performance culture, compensation plays a vital role in the business strategy and environment. Compensating performance should be done tactically, as payments are a common way to compensate for doing great work. That being said, an increase in payment is not always the best solution.

Comprehensive performance management

It is significantly important to have a sustainable growth plan, allowing the organisation and its employees to align their vision among the values, vision, mission and strategy of the organization.

Assessment is an important factor within comprehensive performance management frameworks, meaning employees should

Again, as indicated above, Key Performance Indicators are important tools used for performance enhancement. KPIs facilitate the assessment and visualization of data, enabling the custodian to draw conclusion on pre- selected areas of interest, which can also become quite helpful when dealing with compensation.

The data analysis process needs to be done by a competent team of custodians, thus allowing the data to be interpreted correctly. Furthermore, this data needs to be reported in such a manner that it is available for a larger number of the organisation’s members to visualize it. Taking action can also be considered as an important step, whereby custodians focus on improving the performance of key areas. Last but not least, we have the learning and improving steps of the process. This part forces performance and expertise levels to increase, ensuring better results in future cases. These steps can be considered guidelines for performance enhancement endeavours, allowing the organisation to work systematically towards performance improvement. PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT IN 2015: GCC SPECIAL EDITION



Regional Insights


Kuwait’s workforce demographics trends – does national culture matter for performance? Catalin Stoia Business Research Analyst, The KPI Institute Welcome to Kuwait, the country where roughly nine out of ten people work in the public sector and where the unemployed are still not willing to join the private sector anytime soon. The reasons? Plenty and of all kinds. Aside from the socioeconomic circumstances that led to this acute public-private imbalance 87% of Kuwait’s manpower works in the public sector, there are also cultural factors affecting workforce behavior. Thus, this article will look over all these potential causes, but will press on the cultural traits which not only attest the Kuwaiti people’s partiality for a job in the public sector, but also influence human performance. But in order to get a handle on this, let’s first take a look over at Kuwait’s profile and numbers, the recent changes in national workforce demographics, as well as its economic growth prospects. Kuwait’s oil reserves account for more than 6% of global supply and its dependence on oil is quite obvious, since over half of the GDP and 89% of government income are a result of petroleum sales. Under these conditions, the country’s growth forecast is most highly associated with oil prices, which are by no means good enough at the moment, standing at a modest US$ 44/barrel. An oil price of at least US$ 50/barrel is needed, so that Kuwait can rebalance its economy, a curbstone hard to hit if OPEC and non-OPEC members will not reach an agreement with regards to the current oversupply. This is an improbable culmination, given the last meeting in Doha. On April 17th, Iran and Saudi Arabia stood their ground, stating that there is no room for an oil production freeze. And as the world oil producers met in Qatar, Kuwaiti oil workers started a strike over pay reforms. The strike made OPEC’s fourth largest oil producer reduce its output to 1.1 million barrels/day, down more than half from Kuwait’s daily average of 3 million barrels/day. Even so, non-Kuwaiti oil workers were not on strike,


already feeling uneasy with the rumors about a dire drop in foreign employee numbers, with expats accounting for over 70% of the total 4.2 million people living in the West Asian country. The number of employees in Kuwait totals up to 42% from the total population, namely 1.8 million, out of which only approx. 340,000 are Kuwaiti nationals. The actual unemployment rate in Kuwait is 3.5%, which means that almost 12,000 people are currently looking for a job. What is surprising, however, is that 58% of the unemployed Kuwaitis would rather stay at home, instead of joining the private sector, as a survey conducted by Kuwait’s Central Statistical Bureau reveals. Inexplicable, at least at first sight, given the fact that public sector employees will be the first ones to suffer from the new payroll schemes that are going to be introduced this year, coming as a response to the sharp drop in crude oil prices that occurred last January. However, as severe as this situation may seem, national culture might answer to (y) our perplexity; Geert Hofstede, a Dutch professor and social psychologist, well-known for his cultural dimensions, highlighted the importance of a society’s culture on the values its members. It is extremely interesting to see how cultures affect the way people think and act, and even more interesting, the way they do

business and how they behave at work. But let’s see if cultural factors might explain this tendency for public sector jobs; thus, let’s take a look over Hofstede’s cultural framework and the scores Kuwaitis got for the dimensions this is comprised of. Even if the model consists of six dimensions, namely Power Distance, Individualism, Masculinity, Uncertainty Avoidance, Long Term Orientation and Indulgence, the data available for the latter two was not conclusive enough, whereas the scores for the rest of those revealed important aspects. Bear in mind that even if culture can be only used meaningful by comparison, it can still offer important indicators concerning human behavior. Kuwait scores high on the Power Distance dimension, achieving a score of 90, which shows that people have deep respect for hierarchical order and that they have no problem with the unequal distribution of power. Working in the public sector comes with influence, by no way achievable if being an entrepreneur or working for one – or, at least, this is what most of the Kuwaitis think. Public sector jobs also accommodate higher salaries, oftentimes less exhausting work, shorter working hours, and more public holidays. In short, power.

The Hofstede Centre, Kuwait Culture Information, Available at

AROUND THE WORLD Individualism refers to the extent of interdependence a population or society cultivates among its members. Judging by the score Kuwait got for this dimension 25, Kuwait is considered to be a collectivist society, characterized by devotion and commitment to the group. And when little short of all your friends work in the public sector, one cannot but empathize with their thought-process. With a score of 40 for the Masculinity dimension, Kuwait is considered a relatively feminine society. This reveals a predisposition to submissiveness, whereas standing out

of the crowd is considered to be out of the common road, which is usually trailed by a group. Thus, starting your own business or working for a private sector entrepreneur is not seen as a common road approach. Uncertainty avoidance relates to a society’s perception regarding future. In many cases, this refers to job security. A score of 80 for this dimension reveals a predilection for staying away from uncertainty. Which, indeed, can be easily accomplished by working in the public sector, in any country, not just Kuwait. As it can be observed in the above chart, there is currently no score for the last two dimensions.

Regional Insights

So what have we learnt from all of this? Well, for starters, culture does matter. Not only the national one, but also the organizational one. Furthermore, culture is what makes us different in the first place. Of course, it cannot influence or have a massive impact on oil prices, terrorism eradication efforts, environmental sustainability issues, neither decide the UEFA Champions League winners, but it will always represent that small part that should never be neglected and cannot be neglected. Culture is everywhere around us, in an ever-changing state and it is up to us as individuals to decide what’s a productive culture and what is not.


Oman heading towards the “The Digital Society” Tudor Modruz Business Research Analyst, The KPI Institute

The e-Oman strategy was revised several times, from its 2003 launch, in order to increase focus in the following areas:

“Giving attention to human resources, including the provision of the various tools required to enhance their performance, incentives to develop their capabilities, diversifying their creative talents and to improving their scientific and practical qualifications, is the basis of real development and the cornerstone in its structure which is based on solid foundations.” - Qaboos bin Said Al Busaidi, Sultan of Oman.

IT Industry Development Increase comptenecy of Omani IT manpower, enable growing Omani IT businesses particularly Small and Medium Enterprises and creating jobs.

Qaboos bin Said al Busaidi - The Sultan of Oman wishes for a sustainable development for his people, by creating thousands of jobs for nationals in the ICT sector, through the e-Oman initiative. E-Oman’s main goal is to deliver significant improvements when it comes to the quality of governmental services for its population.

E-government & e-services Increase delivery, integration and quality of electronic Government services and drive their adoption by citizens, residents and businesses.

In March 2003, His Majesty began concentrating on his grand vision of transforming Oman into a sustainable knowledge-based economy, through the development of the “Omani Digital Society” and the e-government platform. His Majesty also encouraged government officials and agencies to simplify operational processes and procedures, adopt technology in their daily operations, and focus on the electronic delivery of their services.

Enabling Society and Individuals Drive digital literacy and IT skills while enabling society’s use of digital technologies and connectivity.

Following His Majesty’s vision, Oman authorities had to set up an official governmental portal that showcases all governmental services, either by integrating them into appropriate categories or by providing a link for each in part. Therefore, The Information Technology Authority (ITA) was appointed with the design and implementation of the transformation strategy for Oman. The ITA received the responsibility of integrating governmental entities in a simple, efficient and sustainable platform. The Oman Ministerial Cabinet approved the eGovernement Transformation Plan in June

Oman, Information Technology Authority 2014 Report, Available at MediaCenter/Document_detail.aspx?NID=103

2012, also establishing clear instructions and targets in order to ensure that the e-services provided to the population




Regional Insights improve constantly. By following the main goals of the eGovernment Transformation Plan - increasing the integration and quality of governmental services and their adoption by businesses and citizens alike, the ITA offered unconditional support, training and coaching to all of the 84 governmental entities involved.

Oman NITTA was in charge with the development of workers’ Information Communications Technology (ICT) skills and capabilities, but also with increasing awareness regarding the importance of ICT skills and current levels of proficiency within the government and community. Therefore, to have a very structured approach to these 2 goals, NITTA has developed the following projects and initiatives:

Following the support and consultancy given to governmental agencies, the ITA was also responsible for making annual performance assessments for each governmental entity, in order to measure the degree of target achievement. In order to be able to measure the transformation plan’s progress levels, the ITA has established an eGovernment Transformation Assessment System, a tool composed out of clear measurement processes and procedures that allowed authorities to identify gaps and system bottlenecks. “The ITA has worked proactively to steer Oman toward the knowledge society, consequently achieving a great number of significant accomplishments at international and local levels. The Sultanate was internationally ranked 48 out of 193 countries surveyed for eGovernment by the UN Department for Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) in 2014 moving 16 positions from previous year. The move from 64 in 2012 position into 48 in 2014 showed a significant improvement in the Oman’s eGovernment.” - Dr. Ahmed Mohammed Al Futaisi, The Information Technology Authority Chairman.

Omani society and plays a big part in enhancing citizens’ abilities and understanding of modern digital technology. The CITT project delivered IT literacy training programs to the general population through the use of Community Knowledge Centers (CKC) and Women’s Community Knowledge Centers (WCKC). 1.2 Government IT Training and Certification (GITTC) This project was specifically designed to provide civil service workers with the necessary information and digital skills to cope with the eGovernment services requirements. 1.3 Specialized IT Training (SITT) This program was developed to provide specialized training courses and granting opportunities to IT workers, in order for them to obtain valuable certifications in their field. This program aimed to increase the number of certified IT workers in different areas of the field.

Oman, Information Technology Authority 2014 Report, Available at MediaCenter/Document_detail.aspx?NID=103 1.1 Community IT Training (CITT) The Community IT Training Project delivered sustainable training courses at all levels of the

The increased focus of Oman in the development of eGovernment services and human capital in general underlines their intention to become a knowledge society, in which every person can easily get informed and access whatever governmental information he/she requires.

The key element of the e-Oman strategy is represented by the Society and Human Development perspective, which offers specialized training courses to IT industry workers, in order to enhance their knowledge, and thus become eligible for more advanced certification courses. Another key aspect of Oman’s human development plan is represented by the desire to eliminate digital illiteracy from its population and government employees. As a result, The National IT Training & Awareness Framework (NITTA) was developed by ITA, in order to monitor the progress made in achieving the desired state of evolution for the aforementioned objectives.


Oman, Information Technology Authority 2014 Report, Available at


Regional Insights


Enhancing K-12 Performance in Qatar Marcela Presecan Business Research Analyst, The KPI Institute Tales were told and conclusions were reached, and somehow we have unanimously agreed that the way to get ahead is by first admitting the challenges we face. As such, we have made a conscientious decision thereafter, to also equip ourselves with the right tools to defeat those challenges. Whether it is people, organizations or governments, performance management has somehow made humanity aware of the need for coherence. Entities all over the world have claimed the use of performance management tools in their toil for self-improvement, however, it is not adoption but standardization that best enables consistency. In its pursuit of the Qatar National Vision 2030, The Ministry of Education and Higher Education in Qatar actively responds to the need for continuous improvement through the execution of the National Development Strategy 2011-2016. As such, the main challenges are as follows: •

• •

The underachievement level of students in math, sciences and the English language at all levels;

Scientific Research. The programs are outcomebased and they advocate the use of performance management tools such as Key Performance Indicators, targets and project-based initiatives. The need for standardization is best perceived within the program aimed at improving K-12 general education, where a differentiation between KPIs, targets and initiatives is implied. Proper standardization ensures that the performance management terminology is uniformly distributed, used and understood, so as to facilitate compatibility and interoperability. As such: KPIs should start with 3 types of symbols: $ = Value of; # = Number of; % = Percentage of. This approach will guarantee that KPIs are easily identified within the performance report. Furthermore, using this technique will ensure efficiency in KPI naming and will eliminate redundancy. Objectives should start with action verbs and they can be a simple statement of

In response to the aforementioned challenges, The Ministry of Education and Higher Education in Qatar created a number of five programs, namely: 1) Core and Cross-Cutting Education and Training; 2) Improving K-12 General Education; 3) Improving Higher Education; 4) Strengthening Technical and Vocational Education and Training; and 5) Enhancing

Moreover, it simplifies communication, enhances transparency and streamlines procedures.

Program: Improving K-12 General Education Outcome

KPIs and (NDS Targets)

9. Universal access to high quality public and private K-12 education provided

• • • •

• •

Insufficient alignment between the national curriculum and the needs of the labor market;

Limited opportunities for continuous education after secondary school.

Initiatives should start with nouns, so as to provide an indication of the specific activity and effort the organization has to put forward, in order to achieve the set objectives. All things considered, standardization provides a formal convention by which we choose to speak a common language. Even though not as specific as mathematics or physics, the general language of performance management should facilitate efficient interactions and crystal clear mutually agreed-upon decisions. Such an approach guarantees a uniform understanding of performance within an organization.

Ministry of Public Health, National Health Strategy

Existing weaknesses in educational administration and the development of teachers;

Low standards in some private schools;

something that the company wants to achieve. Lengthy and complicated objective statements can create confusion and are difficult to communicate, both internally and externally.

Objective Improve K-12 general education

Enrollment exceeds 95% School capacity expands in line with enrollment growth Hither quality school facilities Plans for improving education quality in private schools are completed Retention and dropouts rates are close to zero Performance levels meet international standards Number of outstanding schools increases

Project 9.1. Establish education policies that include mandatory kindergarten and secondary schooling, so as to achieve a net enrollment ratio of 95% throughout K-12 schooling. 9.2. Develop an infrastructure capacity plan, to ensure provision for all children 9.3 Enhance private school institutional capacity 9.4. Provide incentives to attract outstanding schools to establish branch campuses in Qatar




% Enrollment rate


Education policies that include mandatory kindergarten and mandatory secondary schooling

% Retention rate


Infrastructure plan to ensure there is sufficient capacity for all children

% Drop-out rate


Feedback mechanism

% High school graduation rate


Learning resources and programs to address the diverse learning needs of all students

% Enrollment in higher education


Educational and working skills needed to enable students to fulfill their potential

% Graduate employment rate


Student exposure to work environments




Regional Insights

Saudi Arabia

Strategic Planning in Healthcare in Saudi Arabia Health Research, developed by the King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology, in collaboration with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Economy and Planning.

Cristina Tarata Business Research Analyst, The KPI Institute During the last decade, more and more governmental agencies and state-owned organizations have shifted their management approach from traditional commandand-control techniques, to measure-andimprove. This transformation, on one hand pressured by higher expectations regarding public services and on the other, incurred by the need to increase accountability and transparency, has been successfully achieved through the use of modern performance management practices and instruments.

Key learning points:

Strategy is translated using several tools, namely goals, objectives, KPIs and action plans. If properly used, they transform ambiguous and complicated strategic plans into simple and clear management instruments.

1. The Importance of Research The strategic planning process relied on multiple research sources, through which all the relevant information necessary to shape the strategy, was collected. The strategic context was mapped by identifying the current state of healthcare research, using a traditional, yet effective tool - the SWOT analysis.

An increased interest for improving management practices is encountered among quite a few Middle East Governments, for which strategic planning is not only better articulated, but also more clearly communicated. Analyzing strategic plans from recent years, tools such as objectives, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and strategy maps are very commonly used to express what the government wants to achieve.

Secondary research was undertaken in order to identify several other models, which would serve as reference points. Six models, from different parts of the world, were assessed in order to extract valuable information and good practice examples that can be adopted by Saudi Arabia.

When it comes to Saudi Arabia, this means supporting and promoting performance management practices, for which The National Center for Evaluation the Performance of Public Agencies was created in 2015.

The organizational identity was reviewed before formulating a strategy. The vision, mission and program values were considered in the process of strategic planning. This is important because it conveys the purpose of the entity, around which a strategy should be developed. The authenticity of its identity is given by the extent to which vision and mission statements are reflected in its actions.

A case study worth analyzing, to showcase good practices in terms of strategy formulation, is the Strategic Planning Priorities for Advanced Medical and

3. Strategy – Measurement - Action

2. Organizational Identity as a starting point

For each goal, it is recommended to associate specific objectives, as a goal will only indicate the strategic direction; but at a tactical level, concise objectives must be defined. Furthermore, in order to make each objective quantifiable, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) should be selected. This way, strategy becomes actionable, meaning that we get a clear picture of what success looks like. Also, related to action, initiatives should be clearly identified, in order to ensure that KPIs reach their targets and objectives are fulfilled. These initiatives or action plans indicate how a strategy is implemented in practice. 4. The ability to differentiate between Key Tools It is important to be able to easily differentiate between goals, objectives, KPIs and initiatives. Looking at the following example, consider using a different approach to express your strategic objectives. Objective – To create a locally competent talent pool, capable of conducting innovative medical and health sciences research. KPI - # Proposals from national universities, medical and research centers Target – 25 proposals

Strategic Goal #1 Tactical Objective

Action Plans

Measurable Indicators


To develop training programs to create a locally competent talent capable of conducting novel medical and health sciences research

1. Create a culture of grant funded operations at national universities, medical and research centers 2. Prepare RFP for training program contract awards 3. Define competitive review/ award criteria

1. Solicitation of 25 proposals from national universities, medical and research centers ( at a modest rate of 1 per institution in the KSA as a starting measure)

1. Preparation of skilled basic, translational and clinical science researchers as outlined in the RFP and contract deliverables for both phD and postdoctoral level training

To develop training programs and on-the-job training opportunities to create a pool of technically skilled support staff and technicians who are commited to good laboratory practices

1. Create a culture of grant funded operations at national universities, medical and research centers 2. Prepare needed skilled technical research support staff

1. Solicitation of 50 proposals from national universities, medical and research centers (at a modest rate of 2 per institution in the KSA as a starting measure)

1. Preparation of skilled basic, translational and clinical science researchers as outlined in the RFP and contract deliverables for research technicians, research laboratory managers, and research assistants


AROUND THE WORLD Action Plan - RFP for training program contract awards - Competitive review/ award criteria

action plan. As well as “to prepare training programs” is more of an action plan, rather than an objective.

In order to easily distinguish between these concepts, objectives can be expressed using verbs, while action plans or initiatives should indicate the project that supports that specific objective.

5. KPIs to Monitor Outcomes

For example, “create a culture of grantfunded operations at national universities” is an objective that can rather be achieved through several projects, instead of an

The Assessment/Outcome KPIs indicates the aftermath of achieving the set objectives, but it can be transformed into other KPIs, which are associated to the said objectives.

For example, in the case of tactical objective 1, the outcome KPIs can be % Researchers trained, % Researchers with skills at desired

Regional Insights

level. This approach will make it easier to monitor outcomes and report performance. 6. The Right Format for Strategy Formulation The strategy was formulated by involving all relevant key stakeholders in the process and actively engaging them, by conducting a strategic planning workshop. The workshop format is very useful, because it leverages collective intelligence, contributes to earning buy-in from stakeholders and increases the overall understanding level of the strategy.

United Arab Emirates

Striving for energy efficiency in the UAE Irina Palesciuc Business Research Analyst, The KPI Institute Energy efficiency will be a growing challenge, as stated in the 2015 UAE State of Energy Report, as fast population and economic growth and high consumption rates make servicing citizens a strenuous task. The popular belief tends to be that the United Arab Emirate’s speedy economic growth and development stems from its electricity framework, which receives its power from oil. However, the truth is that 90 per cent of its electricity is generated by the use of natural gas, rather than oil. Despite the fact that the natural gas reserves in the UAE are estimated to be the 5th largest on the planet, the country has also been importing gas since 2007. Presently, the primary energy mix is, for the biggest part, made out of natural gas (71%) and oil (28%), with 100% of power being gas generated. Based on the UAE’s annual statistics reports, released by the UAE Ministry of Energy, the increasing demand for energy and water is a defining trait of the energy sector, calling for an equivalent increase in energy generation. Between 2008 and 2014, existing electricity capacity grew by 45%, with Dubai increasing capacity by 44.6% and Abu Dhabi by 61.3%. In 2014, the total existing capacity in the country reached 28,829 megawatts (MW). Energy demand has increased substantially, on par with the country’s GDP, in the period between

2008 and 2014. Overall, the total electricity used within the country reached 111,685 GWh in 2014. Peak loads grew by 41% between 2008 and 2014. And this trend of energy demand and consumption will continue, unless counteracted.

5. To become a world leading figure in land, sea and air infrastructure and the world’s first in streamlined business

The majority of opportunities for these efficiency improvements lie in the commercial and residential sector buildings, the largest energy consumers.

7. To increase Emiratisation in the private sector 10 times. If motivation is not enough, the government will enforce new measures to increase Emiratisation.

In order to achieve a sustainable and diversified economy, in January 2014, the UAE government announced a seven-year National Agenda. The agenda’s focus is on improving the quality of air, preserving water resources, increasing the contribution of clean energy and implementing green growth plans. In general, the targets of the National Agenda are as follows:

For the Ministry of Energy, this agenda means that the energy sector targets will need to be reached by generating 24% of energy requirements through clean energy sources, while simultaneously reducing its per capita greenhouse gas emissions and reaching a 5 tonnes/capita energy capacity by 2021.

1. To be the first government worldwide that uses smart services, setting the standard for other nations around the world 2. To direct all schools and curricula towards smart learning and increase investment in preschool education 3. To make the UAE the safest place on earth, and reduce the response time to emergency calls to a record time of four minutes 4. To increase the per capita gross income by 65% over the next seven years

6. To decrease the housing eligibility waiting period, to two years from the date of application

The UAE government aims to reach its objectives on time and track the progress of its National Agenda initiatives through the use of Key Performance Indicators and targets. The innovative solutions that are necessary for the creation of a sustainable and diversified economy and a sustainable energy source, will also aid the UAE in becoming a competitive knowledge economy. After all, in order to sustainably generate water and energy for residential consumption, there will be a need for world-class infrastructure and technology. As such, in time, the quality of life in the UAE will naturally improve even more, due to the availability of energy-efficient housing and transport.




Regional Insights

United Arab Emirates

National Key Performance Indicators - Sustainable Environment and Infrastructure Index 1













2021 Targets

Key Sponsor

Air Quality Index

An indicator that measures the quality of air in terms of supplying daily information on pollution and the negative effects it may have on human health. The indicator measures the (4) main air pollutants: nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide, ozone.

Ministry of Climate Change and Environment in coordination with the National Center for Meteorology & Seismology

65.30% (2015)


Ministry of Climate Change and Environment

Percentage of Treated Waste of Total Waste Generated

An indicator that measures the percentage of treated waste out of the total generated waste (solid municipal waste) using various treatment methods (recycling, incineration, waste-to-energy, chemical treatment, exporting for external treatment, except for the landfill), in line with the methodology used by the OECD.

Share of Clean Energy Contribution An indicator that measures the contribution of clean energy sources (renewable, nuclear) to the total energy mix. Water Scarcity Index

Networked Readiness Index (Telecommunications & IT sectors)

Quality of Air Transport Infrastructure

An indicator that measures water overuse by monitoring fresh water usage (including surface water, renewable water and fossil water) as a percentage of overall renewable water in the UAE. The result is weighted to take into account desalination and waste water treatment. A composite indicator that measures the readiness of a country to capture opportunities provided by information and communication technology to increase competitiveness based on (4) perspectives: Environment (the regulatory environment for information and communication technology and the environment for business and innovation), Readiness (Infrastructure for information and communication technology and availability of expertise/skills), Usage (use of ICT by individuals, businesses and government), Impact (the economic and social impact of information and communication technology). An indicator that measures the overall level of infrastructure at airports in the country and its adherence to international standards.

Quality of Port Infrastructure

An indicator that measures the overall level of infrastructure of ports in the country and its adherence to international standards.

Logistics Performance Index

A composite indicator that measures the quality of infrastructure support for logistics activities based on a global survey on the performance of logistics in (6) perspectives: the effectiveness of border and customs management in terms of simplicity and speed, the quality of trade and transport infrastructure, the ease of shipping at competitive prices, the efficiency and quality of logistics services, the ability to track and trace cargo, and arrival of cargo to destinations on time.

Ministry of Climate Change and Environment in coordination with the Federal Competitiveness and Statistics Authority

Ministry of Energy

Ministry of Energy

World Economic Forum – Global IT Report

World Economic Forum – Global Competitiveness Report

World Economic Forum – Global Competitiveness Report

World Bank

21.55% (2015)

0.23% (2015)

Ratio of 6.95 (2015)

Rank 23 (2014 Result - 2015 Report)

Rank 2 (2015 - 2016 Report) Rank 3 (2015 - 2016 Report) Rank 27 (2014 Report)



Ratio of 4.0

Among the top 10 countries

Rank 1

Rank 1

Among the top 10 countries

Ministry of Climate Change and Environment

Ministry of Energy

Ministry of Energy

Telecommunications Regulatory Authority

General Civil Aviation Authority

Federal Transport Authority – Land & Maritime

Federal Transport Authority – Land & Maritime



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TRENDS Trends in search C ontinuing

the tradition of past years’ Performance Management reports, in 2015 the same tool, Google Trends, was employed to obtain graphic representation of the keyword search operations performed on Google’s search engine. The data exposed below represents the level of interest for certain selected key words within the 2004 – 2015 timeframe. To complete the information displayed by Google search trends, the “Performance Management in 2015” report also regards the countries that registered the highest number of searches per employed keyword. Thus, while “Performance Management” has the highest number of searches in Kenya, “Analytics” was the term with the highest interest rates in The Netherlands. At Organizational level, the search for Strategy Execution has known the highest rate of interest

based on number of searches. If, up until 2007, interest levels were almost inexistent, after 2007 searches for this concept boomed and levels remained high even after 2015. The opposite side of the spectrum, with the most downward trend, is experienced by searches for “Performance Management”, which reached its lowest levels after 2015. This is acceptable since the domain has expanded considerably and interests shifted from general terms, such as this, to more specific aspects of Performance Management. At operational levels, several trends have been experiencing a continual ascension. Interests for “BI”, “Analytics” and “KPI” have been rising steadily while the trend for “Operational Performance Management”, which was close to zero until 2011, has risen to its highest point after 2014. Downward

trends have been registered for “Business Intelligence”, “Metrics” and “Performance Measures”. Mention must be made that, for “BI” (or “bi”), which also has other everyday meanings across several languages, the direction of the trend can be influenced by unrelated searches. However, this influence is limited, as unrelated searches are more likely to be stable over time. At individual level, upward trends have been registered for “Individual Performance Management” and “Performance Management Plan”. While the latter has been on a continual rise since 2007, the former has been rising mostly since 2011. Trends that are losing interest in searches are “Employee Evaluation,” “Performance Appraisal,” “Performance Criteria,” and, lastly, “Performance Evaluation.”

Trends in Organizational Performance Management

Figure: Google Search trends for “Performance Management” for the period 2004-2015


Figure: Regional interest for Google Search trends for “Performance Management”






Botswana Uganda Zimbabwe Kenya Mauritius Ethiopia Ghana



Figure: Google Search trends for “Business Performance Management” for the period 2004-2015







Australia India United Kingdom Canada United States Germany

Figure: Regional interest for Google Search trends for “Business Performance Management”

Figure: Google Search trends for “Corporate Performance Management” for the period 2004-2015








Figure: Regional interest for Google Search trends for “Corporate Performance Management”

United Kingdom United States




Figure: Google Search trends for “Enterprise Performance Management” for the period 2004-2015





Figure: Regional interest for Google Search trends for “Enterprise Performance Management”



India United States

Figure: Google Search trends for “Performance Management System” for the period 2004-2015


Figure: Regional interest for Google Search trends for “Performance Management System”






South Africa Philippines India Pakistan Malaysia Australia United Kingdom



Figure: Google Search trends for “Strategy Management” for the period 2004-2015







Zimbabwe Kenya Ghana South Africa Nigeria Sri Lanka Singapore

Figure: Regional interest for Google Search trends for “Strategy Management”

Figure: Google Search trends for “Strategy Implementation” for the period 2004-2014


Figure: Regional interest for Google Search trends for “Strategy Implementation”






Kenya South Africa Malaysia Philippines India Australia United Kingdom




Figure: Google Search trends for “Strategy Execution” for the period 2004-2015








Figure: Regional interest for Google Search trends for “Strategy Execution”

United States United Kingdom

Figure: Google Search trends for “Strategic Performance Management” for the period 2004-2015







Figure: Regional interest for Google Search trends for “Strategic Performance Management”

United Kingdom United States




Figure: Google Search trends for “Balanced Scorecard” for the period 2004-2015







Kenya Peru Sri Lanka South Africa Ecuador Singapore Germany

Figure: Regional interest for Google Search trends for “Balanced Scorecard”

Trends in Operational Performance Management

Figure: Google Search trends for “Analytics” for the period 2004-2015


Figure: Regional interest for Google Search trends for “Analytics”






Netherlands India Estonia Singapore United Kingdom Ireland Czech Republic




Figure: Google Search trends for “Business Intelligence” for the period 2004-2015







South Africa Singapore India Kenya Tunisia United Arab Emirates Nigeria

Figure: Regional interest for Google Search trends for “Business Intelligence”

Figure: Google Search trends for “Key Performance Indicators” for the period 2004-2015


Figure: Regional interest for Google Search trends for “Key Performance Indicators”






United Arab Emirates South Africa Singapore Australia Philippines Ireland Pakistan



Figure: Google Search trends for “KPI” for the period 2004-2015







India Singapore United States Kenya Sri Lanka Canada Ireland

Figure: Regional interest for Google Search trends for “KPI”

Figure: Google Search trends for “Performance Measures” for the period 2004-2015


Figure: Regional interest for Google Search trends for “Performance Measures”






South Africa Australia Philippines Malaysia United States Canada United Kingdom




Figure: Google Search trends for “Operational Performance Management” for the period 2004-2015










Figure: Regional interest for Google Search trends for “Operational Performance Management” Not enough search volume to show results.

Figure: Google Search trends for “Scorecard” for the period 2004-2015




Pakistan India Sri Lanka Nepal Bangladesh United Arab Emirates Qatar

Figure: Regional interest for Google Search trends for “Scorecard”

Figure: Google Search trends for “Dashboard” for the period 2004-2015









Philippines United States Netherlands United Kingdom Singapore New Zeeland Malaysia

Figure: Regional interest for Google Search trends for “Dashboard”

Trends in Individual Performance Management

Figure: Google Search trends for “Individual Performance Management” for the period 2004-2015





Figure: Regional interest for Google Search trends for “Individual Performance Management”



United States

Figure: Google Search trends for “Individual Performance Plan” for the period 2004-2015










Figure: Regional interest for Google Search trends for “Individual Performance Plan”

United States

Figure: Google Search trends for “Employee Performance Management” for the period 2004-2015







India Australia Canada United States United Kingdom

Figure: Regional interest for Google Search trends for “Employee Performance Management”

Figure: Google Search trends for “Employee Performance” for the period 2004-2015









Uganda Kenya Ghana Nigeria Sri Lanka Pakistan Philippines

Figure: Regional interest for Google Search trends for “Employee Performance”

Figure: Google Search trends for “Employee Evaluation” for the period 2004-2015







Philippines United States Canada Malaysia India Australia United Kingdom

Figure: Regional interest for Google Search trends for “Employee Evaluation”

Figure: Google Search trends for “Performance Appraisal” for the period 2004-2015










Uganda Kenya Ghana Ethiopia Jamaica Trinidad & Tobago Tanzania

Figure: Regional interest for Google Search trends for “Performance Appraisal”

Figure: Google Search trends for “Performance Criteria” for the period 2004-2015







Philippines Australia India United Kingdom United States Canada

Figure: Regional interest for Google Search trends for “Performance Criteria”

Figure: Google Search trends for “Performance Evaluation” for the period 2004-2015









Ethiopia Nigeria Philippines Kenya Sri Lanka Bangladesh Pakistan

Figure: Regional interest for Google Search trends for “Performance Evaluation”

Figure: Google Search trends for “Performance Review” for the period 2004-2015







Singapore Australia New Zealand Kenya Philippines Canada United States

Figure: Regional interest for Google Search trends for “Performance Review”

Figure: Google Search trends for “Performance Management Plan” for the period 2004-2015








Figure: Regional interest for Google Search trends for “Performance Management Plan”

United States United Kingdom



2015 STATISTICS T he popularity of Performance Management

and its components in 2015 was also assessed by analyzing the Average Monthly Searches of performance related keywords, throughout the 2015-2016 period. This section was created by using Google Keyword Planner and it shows the months certain selected keywords in the field registered the highest number of searches. Because the statistics were compiled in January, 2016, the results provided are highly accurate.

Graphics were generated for all levels, from organizational, to operational and individual. The overall trend for searches, at all levels, revealed that the periods with the highest number of searches were the first and last months of 2015, while the summer months, namely July and August, registered the lowest level of searches. Within each category, some of the keywords were more popular in searches than other.

Thus, at the organizational level, “Balanced Scorecard” was the highest searched term, with a monthly average of over 110,000 searches. At the operational level, “BI” and “Analytics” both registered high number, the former close to 550,000 monthly searches while the latter 2,240,000 searches. In the Individual performance category, “Performance Appraisal” and “Performance Review” were the most searched for items, with an average of monthly searches between 40,500 and 12,100.

Average monthly searches for Organizational Performance Management


Average Monthly Searches

Balanced Scorecard Performance Management Performance Management System Strategy Implementation Strategy Management Enterprise Performance Management Corporate Performance Management Business Performance Management Strategy Execution Strategic Performance Management

110,000 40,500 6,600 2,900 2,400 1,600 1,600 1,000 1,000 390

Table: Search volumes for Performance Management – Organizational level keywords

Figure: Monthly searches in 2015 for “Balanced Scorecard”

320K 240K 160K 80K

Figure: Monthly searches in 2015 for “Performance Management System”


Figure: Monthly searches in 2015 for “Performance Management System”



Jan 2015












Jan 2016

Jan 2015












Jan 2016

Jan 2015












Jan 2016

600K 400K 200K

450K 300K 150K

TRENDS Figure: Monthly searches in 2015 for “Strategy Implementation”

Figure: Monthly searches in 2015 for “Strategy Management”

Figure: Monthly searches in 2015 for “Enterprise Performance Management”

Figure: Monthly searches in 2015 for “Corporate Performance Management”

Figure: Monthly searches in 2015 for “Business Performance Management”

Figure: Monthly searches in 2015 for “Strategy Execution”

Figure: Monthly searches in 2015 for “Strategic Performance Management”

2M 1.5M 1M 500K

Jan 2015












Jan 2016

Jan 2015












Jan 2016

Jan 2015












Jan 2016

Jan 2015












Jan 2016

Jan 2015












Jan 2016

Jan 2015












Jan 2016

Jan 2015












Jan 2016

2.4M 1.8M 1.2M 600K

600K 450K 300K 150K

1M 750K 500K 250K

800K 600K 400K 200K

3M 2.25M 1.5M 750K

800K 600K 400K 200K



TRENDS Average monthly searches for Operational Performance Management


Average Monthly Searches

Analytics BI KPI Dashboard Business Intelligence Scorecard Metrics Key Performance Indicators Performance Measures Operational Performance Management

2,240,000 550,000 368,000 301,000 110,000 74,000 33,100 27,100 1,900 110

Table: Search volumes for Performance Management – Operational level keywords

Figure: Monthly searches in 2015 for “Analytics”

10M 7.5M 5M 2.5M

Figure: Monthly searches in 2015 for “BI”











Jan 2016

Jan 2015












Jan 2016

Jan 2015












Jan 2016

Jan 2015












Jan 2016

Jan 2015












Jan 2016


800K 600K 400K

600K 450K 300K 150K

Figure: Monthly searches in 2015 for “Business Intelligence”




Figure: Monthly searches in 2015 for “Dashboard”


900K 300K

Figure: Monthly searches in 2015 for “KPI”

Jan 2015

1.2M 900M 600K 300K

TRENDS 1.6M 1.2M 800K 400K

Figure: Monthly searches in 2015 for “Metrics”

Figure: Monthly searches in 2015 for “Performance Measures”

Figure: Monthly searches in 2015 for “Operational Performance Management”












Jan 2016

Jan 2015












Jan 2016

Jan 2015












Jan 2016

Jan 2015












Jan 2016

Jan 2015












Jan 2016

2M 1.5M 1M 500K

Figure: Monthly searches in 2015 for “Key Performance Indicators”

Jan 2015

800M 600K 400K 200K

1.2M 900K 600K 300K

1.6M 1.2M 800K 400K

Business, more than any other occupation, is a continual dealing with the future; it is a continual calculation, an instinctive exercise in foresight.

Figure: Monthly searches in 2015 for “Scorecard”

Henry R. Luce



TRENDS Average monthly searches for Operational Performance Management


Average Monthly Searches

Analytics BI KPI Dashboard Business Intelligence Scorecard Metrics Key Performance Indicators Performance Measures Operational Performance Management

2,240,000 550,000 368,000 301,000 110,000 74,000 33,100 27,100 1,900 110

Table: Search volumes for Performance Management – Individual level keywords

Figure: Monthly searches in 2015 for “Performance Appraisal”

Figure: Monthly searches in 2015 for “Performance Review”

Figure: Monthly searches in 2015 for “Performance Evaluation”

Figure: Monthly searches in 2015 for “Employee Evaluation”

Figure: Monthly searches in 2015 for “Employee Performance”


400K 300K 200K 100K

Jan 2015












Jan 2016

Jan 2015












Jan 2016

Jan 2015












Jan 2016

Jan 2015












Jan 2016

Jan 2015












Jan 2016

400K 300K 200K 100K

400K 300K 200K 100K

400K 300K 200K 100K

500k 375k 250K 125K


Figure: Monthly searches in 2015 for “Performance Criteria”

1M 750K 500K 250K












Jan 2016

Jan 2015












Jan 2016

Jan 2015












Jan 2016

Jan 2015












Jan 2016

Jan 2015












Jan 2016

50K 37.5K 25K 12.5K

Figure: Monthly searches in 2015 for “Employee Performance Management”


Figure: Monthly searches in 2015 for “Individual Performance Plan”


Figure: Monthly searches in 2015 for “Individual Performance Management”

Jan 2015

375K 250K 125K

120K 80K 40K

800K 600K 400K 200K

What do you need to start a business? Three simple things: know your product better than anyone. Know your customer, and have a burning desire to succeed. Dave Thomas

Figure: Monthly searches in 2015 for “Performance Management Plan”



SCHEDULED COURSES IN 2016 First Half of a Year-long Training Program United States



Certified KPI Professional

Perth Washington D.C. Las Vegas Santiago

18 - 20 May 22 - 24 Jun 27 - 29 Jun 21 - 23 Sep




Certified KPI Professional

Cape Town

17 - 19 Oct

Southeast Asia



Certified Strategy and Business Planning


12 - 14 Sep

Certified KPI Professional

Hong Kong

1 - 3 Jun

Certified KPI Professional and Practitioner

Kuala Lumpur

15 - 19 Aug

Certified Performance Improvement Professional

Bangkok, Thailand

6 - 8 Jun

Certified Employee Performance Management

Kuala Lumpur Singapore

23 - 25 May 21 - 23 Sep

KPI Masterclass


30 - 31 May




Certified KPI Professional

London, U.K Geneva Warsaw

11 - 13 Jul 29 Aug - 1 Sep 12 - 14 Sep

Middle East



Certified Strategy and Business Planning

Riyadh, K.S.A

1 - 3 May

Certified KPI Professional

Cairo, Egypt Dubai Dubai

8 - 10 May 22 - 24 May 18 - 20 Sep

Certified KPI Practitioner

Dubai Dubai

25 - 26 May 21 - 22 Sep

Certified KPI Professional and Practitioner

Jeddah, K.S.A Dubai Riyhad Dubai

1 - 5 May 22 - 26 May 14 - 18 Aug 18 - 22 Sep

Certified Performance Improvement Professional

Dubai Dubai

18 - 20 May 25 - 27 Sep

Certified Customer Service Performance Professional


8 - 10 May

Certified Balanced Scorecard Professional

Riyadh, K.S.A

25 - 27 Sep

Certified Supplier Performance Professional


8 - 10 May

KPI, Dashboard & Scorecard in Banking

Riyadh, K.S.A

8 - 9 May

KPI Masterclass

Teheran, Iran

24 - 25 May

For more details visit our store at:

THE KPI INSTITUTE’S PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATION PROGRAMS Certified Strategy and Business Planning Professional The course will help improve the business planning process and long-term organizational performance, through the use of strategic planning tools that will ultimately lead to smarter and quicker strategic decisions.

Certified KPI Professional and Practitioner This program is meant to improve the practical skills in working with KPIs and developing instruments like scorecards and dashboards. Participants will acquire a sound framework to measure KPIs, starting from the moment they are selected, until results are collected in performance reports.

Certified Performance Improvement Professional This course offers insights and best practices for improving performance in different scenarios, from data analysis and reporting, decision making and initiative management, to building a performance culture.

Certified Employee Performance Management Professional Attendees will gain exposure to best practices and key concepts and will learn how to establish and use criteria for performance evaluations, from implementation to improvement and maintenance of the company’s employee performance management system.

Certified Personal Performance Professional The two-day interactive program will help you understand personal performance, by explaining the benefits and clarifying the process of measuring it. It focuses on identifying ways to boost your performance outside working hours.

Certified Data Visualization Professional An exclusive framework that provides insights on effective visual communication, through a rigorous approach to creating visual representations of vast information, techniques of standardization and tailored data visualization tools.

Certified Data Analysis Professional Attendants will understand through practical learning how to effectively collect, analyze and interpret data by enabling managers/ analysts to draw insights from both quantitative and qualitative data, based on historical statistics and trend analysis.

Certified Benchmarking Professional Benchmarking methodological uniqueness is represented by the identification and analysis of the processes that lead to a superior performance of a company, offering the opportunity to compare an organization’s performance against industry competitors.

Certified Supplier Performance Professional Participants’ skills in managing supplier performance and developing a strategic approach to procurement will be developed by enabling the identification of performance gaps and implementing action agreements with suppliers.

Certified Customer Service Performance Professional Participants will not only understand the importance and implementation phases for the Customer Service Excellence standards, but they will be given the necessary tools to implement it internally and measure its impact externally.

Certified Innovation Performance Professional This course provides an interactive practicebased learning environment, focusing on best practices for developing and maintaining an innovation-oriented organizational culture within organizations. Certified Balanced Scorecard Management System Professional The course focuses on delivering all the information needed to fully comprehend the value of the Balanced Scorecard, as well as on developing the necessary skills for a successful implementation.

To browse through our upcoming training courses visit our online store at:

EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS GCC universities offer an impressive number

of performance-related degrees and subjects. In addition, approximately 70 universities across the GCC have at least one degree with specialization in organizational management. The first table present a list of higher education institutions, clustered by pertaining country, together with the degrees they offer, the duration of the studies, subjects offered per degree and, lastly, tuition fees. If the first table focuses namely on the variety of subjects offered by each degree level, the second one contains a selection of those universities in GCC that have integrated Performance

Management courses in their curriculum. The GCC universities offer all levels of degrees in strategic and organizational management: Bachelor, Bachelor of Science, Master, Master of Science, MBA, Executive MBA and PhD. The most frequent subjects included in their curriculum are: Organizational Management, Strategic Management, Human Resources Management, Organizational Change & Development, Behavioral Management and Performance Management & Compensation. Among the higher education entities which provide a specialized Performance Management course, there are the Gulf

The extended range of education institutions that provide a degree with a performancerelated specialization prove the fact that performance management has extended to a point where it became a study subject in itself, crucial to all managerial practices. The level of interest in gaining expertise in this domain, even from the early stages of superior studies, is also following a growth trajectory.


University name


Related subjects/topics


Cost (fee per year)

Kingdom of Bahrain

University of Bahrain College of Business Administration

Bachelor of Science in Business Management

• Organization and Management • Organization Behavior • Production and Operations Management • Managing Small Business • Organization Development and Change • Business Ethics • Creativity and Innovation Management • Human Resources Planning and Development • Current Issues in Management • Risk Management and Insurance

4 years


Kingdom of Bahrain

French Arabian Business School, Arabian Gulf University

Master of Business Administration

• Leadership and Organizational Behavior • HR & Compensation Management • Managing People • Entrepreneurial Manager • Decision Making and Negotiation • Corporate & Competitive Strategy • Global Strategy & Managing the Global Corporation • Business sustainability & Society • Logistics & Supply Chain Management

18 month​​s​

BHD 12,500 (net of tax) ($33,156)

Kingdom of Bahrain

Ahlia University College of Business and Finance

Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing and Management

• Organizational Behavior & Leadership • Development • Consumer Behaviour • Human Resources Management • Quality Management • Strategic Management • Entrepreneurship & Innovation/New • Product Development • Management Information Systems • Competition, Innovation & Change • Entrepreneurship & Small Business Strategy

4 years

Undergraduate Programs: BHD 100 - 130/ credit-hour/ semester ($265.252 $344.754)

Master’s Degree in Business Administration


University in Bahrain, the King Saud University in Saudi Arabia, the Al Buraimi University College in Oman and the United Arab Emirates University in the UAE.

Graduate Programs: BHD 160/credithour/semester ($424.313)



University name


Related subjects/topics


Cost (fee per year)

Kingdom of Bahrain

University College of Bahrain

Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration

• Human Rights • Principles of Management • Organization & Management • Human Resource Management • Enrepreuship • International Management • Supply Chain Management • Total Quality Management

4 years

BHD 435/course (2013) ($1,153.80)

Master’s Degree in Business Administration

Kingdom of Bahrain

Kingdom University College of Business Administration

Bachelor of Science in Business Management

• Organizational Behaviour • Operations Management • Strategic Management • Business Decision Making • Management & Leadership Development • Human Resources Management • Small Business Management • Insurance & Risk Management • Organizational Change & Development • Personnel Management • New Product Management • Compensation Management • Entrepreneurship • Forcasting For Business • Public Management

3 years

BHD 110/3 credit hour ($291.702)

Kingdom of Bahrain

AMA International University of Bahrain College of Administrative and Financial Services

Master of Business Administration

• Foreign Business Policy Theory & Development • Sociology of Development • Corporate Stragey in International Business • International Entrepreneurship • Project Management • Corporate Strategy & International Business • Human Resources Management

2 years

BHD 87,500/ credit unit ($232,034.03)

Kingdom of Bahrain

Gulf University College of Administrative and Financial Sciences

Bachelor’s Degree in Human Resources Management & Public Relations

• Operations Research Management • Production & Operations Management • Human Resources Management • Organizational Behavior • Leadership & Managerial Communication • Small Business Management • Corporate Social Responsibility • Human Resources Strategy • Human Resources Planning & Recruitment • Human Resources Performance Management • Human Resources Training & Development • Compensation & Benefits Management

4 years

BHD 100/ credit hour ($265.252)





University name


Related subjects/topics


Cost (fee per year)

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

King Saud University

Bachelor’s Degree in Management

• Human Resource Development • Consumer Behavior • Human Resource Development • Staffing and Human Resource Planning • Compensation Management • Quality and Productivity Improvement • Operations Planning and Control • Organizational Behavior • Strategic Management • Organizational Change & Develoment • Managerial Leadership • Performance Management & Compensation

5-9 semesters


Master’s Degree in Business Administration


Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

King Abdulaziz University Faculty of Economics and Administration

Masters in Public Administration

• The Theory of Public Administration • Human Behavior in Public Organizations • Organizational Thinking • Policy Comparison • Administrative Decentralization • Management Analysis • Organizational Development Strategies • Contemporary Isssues in the Civil Service • Management of Public Utilities • Planning and Development Administration • Evaluation of Government Programs • Policy and Decision-making

2 years


Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Umm Al-Qura University College of Management Sciences and Tourism

Bachelor of Business Administration

• Principles of management • Business Communications • Organizational Behavior • Production Operations and Technology Management • Development of Managerial Thinking

2 years


Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

King Faisal University College of Business Administration

Bachelor/Master of Business Administration

• Human Resources Management • Marketing Segmentation and Consumer Behavior • Organizational Behavior • Production and Quality Management • Production Management • Strategies and Policies Management • Contract and Negotiation Management

8 semesters

Undergradute: Local: $1,000 - $2,500 International: $2,500 - 5,000 Postgraduate: Local: $12,500 $15,000 International: $17,500 $20,000



University name


Related subjects/topics


Cost (fee per year)

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Jazan University Faculty of Business Administration

Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration

• Event Management • Logistics & Material Management • Entrepreneurship. & Small Business Management • Crisis Management • Production & Operations Management • Employees Administration • Negotiation & Counselling • Project Planning & Control • Global Outsourcing • Total Quality Management • Insurance & Risk Management • International Business Administration • Industrial Psychology • Change Management • Knowledge Management

4 years


Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Taif University College of Administrative and Financial Sciences

Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration: Management

• Production and Operation Management • Fundamentals of Organization and Management • Modern attitudes in organizations • Organizational Behaviour • Negotiation Management • Human Resource Management • Business Communication



Bachelor’s Degree in Management of Health Services and Hospital Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Qassim University College of Business and Economics

Master in Business Administration

• Organizational Behavior • Management Information Systems • Production and Operations Management • Strategic Management • Human Resource Management

2 years


Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Majmaah University College of Business Administration

Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration

• N/A



Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Alfaisal University College of Business

Bachelor’s Degree in Human Resources

• Employee learning and development • Compensation and Total Reward Management • Improving Human Performance • Organizational Behavior • Strategic Management • Quantitative and Qualitative • Research Methodology • Supply Chain Management • Leading Organizational Change • Entrepreneurship and Innovation • HRM Planning, Recruitment and Selection

2 years

SAR 200,000 ($53,261.26)

Master’s Degree in Business Administration





University name


Related subjects/topics


Cost (fee per year)

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Salman Bin Abdulaziz University College of Business Administration

Bachelor’s Degree in Management

• Prediction of Business • Management Science • International Management • Managing Innovation and Entrepreneurship • Strategy and Policy for Competitive Advantage • Leadership and Change • Operations Management • Strategic Management Using Computer Simulation • Negotiation and Consensus Building



Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

University of Hail College of Business Administration

Bachelor’s Degree in Management Information System

• Self-development skills • Operation Management • Organizational Behavior • Human Resource Management • Strategic Management

4 years


Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Al Jouf University College of Humanities and Administrative Sciences

Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration

• N/A



Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Dammam University College of Business Administration

Bachelor of Science in Managament Information Systems

• Business Ethics and Social Responsibility • Organizational Behavior • Strategic Management • Global Business • Operations Management

5 years


Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd University College of Business Administration

Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration

• Professional Development and Competencies • Critical Thinking and Problem Solving • Leadership and Teamwork • Organizational Behavior • Entrepreneurship • Strategic Management • Human Resource Management

4 years

SAR 22500 ($5,991.89)

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Northern Border University College of Business Administration

Master’s Degree in Business Administration

• N/A


SAR 5000 ($1,331.53)

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Efat University College of Business

Bachelor’s Degree in Entrepreneurship

• Decision Sciences • Operations Management • Human Resource Management • Strategic Management • Compensation and Benefits Management • Leadership and Power • Entrepreneurship

4 years

SAR 35,000/ semester ($9,320.78)

Bachelor’s Degree in Human Resources Management 68



University name


Related subjects/topics


Cost (fee per year)

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Dar Al Uloom University College of Business Administration

Master’s Degree in Business Administration

• Human Resources Management • Organizational Behavior • Strategic Management • Performance Management and People Development • Leading Organizational Change • trategic Management of Human Resources and Innovation • Consumer Behavior • Information Resources Management • Enterprise Resource Planning • Leadership Development • Strategic Leadership • Entrepreneurship • Organizational Behavior • Information Resources Management

2 years

SAR 5000 ($1,331.52)

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Al Yamamah University College of Business Administration

Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration

• Organizational Behavior • Introduction to Risk Management • Employee Benefits • Total Quality Management • Consumer Behavior • Entrepreneurship • Foundations Of Leadership • Strategic Management • Human Resources Management • Entrepreneurship-Corporate Ventures & Strat-Ups

2 - 4 years

SAR 24,000 ($6,391.90)

• Organizational Behavior • Human Resources Management • Operations Management • Human Resource Development • Management Performance • Compensation Management • Organizational Design & Development • Entrepreneurship • Management Information Systems

2-4 years

SAR 1670/credit hour - 2917/ credit hour ($444.788 $776.914)

Master’s Degree in Business Administration Master’s Degree in Human Resources Management Executive MBA in International Management and Leadership

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

University of Business and Technology

Bachelor’s Degree in Human Resources Master’s Degree in Business Administration





University name


Related subjects/topics


Cost (fee per year)

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Fahad Bin Sultan University College of Business and Management

Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration

• Organizational Behaviour • Quantitative Methods in Business • Leadership & Entrepreneurship • Strategic Management • Investment Management • Strategic Management • Human Resources Management • International Business and Management • Total Quality Management • Change Management • Consumer Behavior • Risk Management in Financial Institutions

2 - 4 years

EMBA: SAR 85,000 ($22,636.80)

Master’s Degree in Business Administration Executive Business Administration


Kingdom of Kuwait

Kuwait University College of Business Administration

Master’s Degree in Business Administration

• Consumer Behavior • Human Resources Management • Leadership and Group Dynamics • Management Planning and Decision Making • Organizational Behavior • Strategic Management

2 years


Kingdom of Kuwait

American University of Kuwait

Bachelor of Business Administration in Management

• Human Resource Management • International Business Management • Business Relationship Management

4 years

KWD 230/ credit hour ($782.258/ credit hour)

Kingdom of Kuwait

Australian College of Kuwait

Bachelor’s Degree in Business Management

• Organizational Behavior • Human Resources in Organizations • Managing Organizational Change • Quality Management • Production and Operations Management • Entrepreneurship, Innovation & New Ventures • Business Integration

2 years

KWD 2,670.000/ semester ($9,089.86)

Kingdom of Kuwait

Kuwait Maastricht Business School

Master’s Degree in Business Administration

• Accounting for Managers • Global Corporate Strategy • Global Supply Chain Management • Innovation and New Business Ventures • Leadership, Change and Organization • Corporate Responsibility and Ethics

1 year

KWD 9,729.50 ($33,097.92)



University name


Related subjects/topics


Cost (fee per year)


Sultan Qaboos University College of Economics and Political Science

Bachelor of Science in Management

• Introduction to Management Information Systems • Organizational Behavior • Operations Management • Human Resources Management • Strategic Management

4 years



Oman College of Management and Technology Department of Administrative and Financial Sciences

Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration

• Organizational Behavior • Introduction to Public Management • Human Resources Management • Production Management • Small Business Management • Knowledge Management • International Business Management • Organization Theory • Strategic Management • Taking Decisions Theory • Practice & Development of Administrative Skills • Administration of Organizational Changes • Consumer Behavior

2 years

OMR 60/credit hour ($155.844/ credit hour)


University of Nizwa College of Economics, Management & Information Systems

Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration

• Business Environment and Policies • Organizational Behavior • Auditing • Communications Systems in International Trade • International Business Management • Entrepreneurship • Organizational Theory • Human Resources Management • Organizational Development and Change • Global Business Strategy • Small and Family Business Management • Managerial Decision Modeling

2 - 4 years

OMR 150/ semester ($389.661/ semester)

Master’s Degree in Business Administration





University name


Related subjects/topics


Cost (fee per year)


Middle East College Management Studies Department

Bachelor of Science in Business & Information Systems (Human Resource Management)

• Principles of Organization and Management • Human Resources Management • Information Systems Management • Strategic Management • Employee Relations • Staffing, Training & Development • Compensation and Performance Management • Knowledge Management and Business Intelligence

4 years

OMR 1110/ semester ($2,883.12/ semester)


Sohar University Faculty of Business

Bachelor’s Degree in Management

• Organizational Communications • Research Methods • Database Management • Gulf Business Environment • Strategic Management • Human Resource Management • Organizational Behavior • Purchasing & Inventory Management • Operations Management

2 - 4 years

OMR 5,400/ MBA course ($14,029.61/ MBA course)

• Consumer Behavior • Customer Relationship Management • Sales Management • Brand Management • Strategic Management • Business Environment • Supply Chain Management • Managing and Leading in Organization

2 - 4 years

OMR 150/credit hour ($389.712/ credit hour)

Executive Master of Business Administration


Dhofar University College of Commerce and Business Administration

Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration Management Master’s Degree in Business Administration


Muscat College Scottish Qualifications Authority Program

Bachelor’s Degree in Business Studies

• Managing People and Organization • Office Administration • Creating a Culture of Customer Care • Business Culture and Strategy • Human Resources Management

3 years



Modern College of Business and Science

Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration

• Strategic Management • Management and Organizational Behavior • Professional Skills Development • Human Resource Management • Employee Training & Development • Entrepreneurship • Consumer Behavior • Managing Talent to Maintain Performance Standards • Managing Human Resource from a Strategic Perspective • Assessing & Meeting Future Leadership Needs

6 months 4 years


Associate of Science in Business Administration Master’s Degree in Business Administration




University name


Related subjects/topics


Cost (fee per year)


Al Buraimi University College Department of Business Administration and Accounting

Bachelor’s Degree in Human Resources Development

• Management and Organizational Behavior • Operations Management • Human Resource Development • Recruitment & Selection • Training & Development • Performance Management • International Business Management • Negotiation & Conflict Management • Strategic Planning & Implementation • Decision Making & Creativity • Management Skills • Strategic HRM • Organization Change & Development • Consumer Behavior • Risk Management • Strategic Management

2/3/4 years

OMR 55/ credit hour ($142.857/ credit hour)

• Practice of Management Skills • Organizational Design • The Firm and Strategic Human Resource Management • Resource Planning • The Transformation of Work • Understanding Strategic Management • Human Resource Management • Brand Management • Creativity and Innovation • Applied Strategic Management • Human Resource Development • Organizational Change • Sustainable Operations Management • Auditing • The Learning Manager • Comparative Corporate Governance • Entrepreneurial Management & Leadership • Managing People in Organizations • Strategy Analysis and Evaluation

2 - 3 years

OMR 1250 2250/semester ($3,246.33 - 5,843.40/ semester)

• Management & Oraganizational Behavior • Human Resource Management • Strategic Management • Organizational Psychology • Human Resources Development • Organization Behavior & Development

2 - 4 years

OMR 65/credit hour ($168.809/ credit hour) OMR 5400/ MBA ($14,024.15/ MBA)

Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration Advanced Diploma in HR Development Advanced Diploma in Business Administration Master’s Degree in HR Development Master’s Degree in Business Administration


College of Banking and Financial Studies

Bachelor of Science in Business and Management Master’s Degree in Business Administration


Mazoon University College

Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration Master’s Degree in Business Administration





University name


Related subjects/topics


Cost (fee per year)


Sur University College Business Department

Bachelor of Business Administration in Management and Marketing

• Human resource management • Consumer behavior • International business strategy • Business Performance Management • Management Control System

2 - 4 years

OMR 800/ semester ($2,077.65)

• Performance Management • Human Resource Management • Organisational Behaviour • Work Psychology • Contemporary Issues in Human Resource Management • Strategic Human Resource Management • Strategic Management • Employee Relations • Leading and Managing People • Mobilising Creativity and Innovation • Entrepreneurship & Small Business Management • Thriving in a Competitive Global Context

2 - 3 years

OMR 250/ module ($649.266/ module)

Master’s Degree of Business Administration in Management and Marketing Oman

Majan College Faculty of Business Management

Bachelor’s Degree in Human Resource Management Master’s Degree in International Human Resource Management Master’s Degree in Business Administration

OMR 312.5/ 3rd year of Bachelor Degree ($811.583/3rd year of Bachelor Degree) OMR 6229/ IHRM Master’s Degree ($16,177.12/ IHRM Master’s Degree)


Gulf College

Bachelor’s Degree in Business Management Master’s Degree in Business Administration


• Gulf Regional Legal Environment of Business • Managing People and Performance • Critical Reasoning • Operations Management • Managing Organisations • Strategic Management • Enterprising Management • Managing and Leading Change • Risk Management • Contemporary Management Issues • Consumer Behaviour • Managing In Organisations • Systemic Management • Leadership & Organizational Change • Human Resource Management • Operations Management • Strategic Management

2 -3 years

OMR 1125/ semester ($2,921.7/ semester)



University name


Related subjects/topics


Cost (fee per year)


Qatar University College of Business and Economics

Master’s Degree in Business Administration

• Managerial Accounting for Decision Making • Operations Management • Strategic Management • Human Resources Management • Management for Change and Innovation • Project Management • International Business Management • Entrepreneurship & Small Business Management • Enterprise Resources Planning

2 years

QAR 500/credit hour ($137.320/ credit hour)


United Arab Emirates University College of Business and Economics

Bachelor’s Degree of Business Administration

• Organizational Behavior • Human Resources Management • Staffing Organizations • Human Resources Performance Management • Compensation & Benefits Management • Strategic Management • Organizational Behavior • Innovation and Creativity • Entrepreneurship • Consumer Behavior • Human Resources Performance Management • Compensation & Benefits Management • Strategic Human Resources Management • Organizational Development & Change Management • Leadership & Organizational Behavior • Performance and Rewards Management • Strategic Management in a Dynamic Environment • Management and Leadership • Organizational Excellence Modeling • Contemporary Issues in Customer Behavior

2 - 4 years

AED 2750/ credit hour (MBA) ($748.676)

• Managing Behavior & Organizations • Principles & Practices of Management • Consumer Behavior • Statistical Analysis for Management • Methods & Models of Management Science

4 years

Bachelor’s Degree of Human Resources Development and Management Master of Business Administration Doctor of Business Administration


American University of Ras Al Khaimah

Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration

AED 8400/ credit hour (DBA) ($2,286.89)

AED 17,500/ semester (undergraduate) ($4,764.37) AED 2,400/credit hour (MBA) ($653.399)





University name


Related subjects/topics


Cost (fee per year)


American University of Sharjah School of Business Administration

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

• Management of Public Organizations • Organizational Behavior • Managing Human Resources • Management and Leadership Development • Cross-Cultural Management • Negotiation and Conflict Management • Managing Change and Innovation • Management Intervention and Consultation • Career Management • Entrepreneurship • Principles of Leadership • Leadership and Human Capital • Leadership and hamge Management • Strategic Management in a Global Environment • Human Resource Management • Performance Management • Training and Development • Staffing

2 - 4 years

AED 41,730/ semester (undergraduate) ($11,360.98)

• Executive Master’s in Business Administration • Human Resource Management • Operations Management • Entrepreneurship • Global Business Strategy

2 years

AED 128,000 ($34,847.48)

• Organizational Behavior • Leadership and Change Management • Operations & Supply Chain Management • Strategic Management • Human Resources Management • Total Quality Management • Decision Sciences • Managing, Recruiting and Selection • Customer Relationship Management • Creative Thinking & Problem Solving • Managing Change & Innovation • Development Management • Creative Strategies in Public Administration

2 - 4 years

AED 1,474/ credit hour (undergraduate) ($401.295)

• Operations Management • Business Process Simulation • Organizational Behavior • International Management • Leadership • Entrepreneurship • Supply Chain Management • Managing Chain & Innovation • Strategic Management

2 - 4 years (undergraduate) ($680.637 10,209.51/credit hours)

Master of Business Administration Executive Master of Business Administration


Zayed University College of Business


University of Sharjah College of Business Administration



American University in Dubai School of Business Administration

Executive Master’s in Business Administration

Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration Executive Master in Business Administration

Bachelor of Business Administration Master of Business Administration

AED 4,040 (MBA) ($1,099.89) AED 4,222 (EMBA) ($1,149.43)

AED 2,240/ credit hour (EMBA) ($609.837)

(graduate) ($2,695.31 8,085.92/credit hours)



University name


Related subjects/topics



University Wollongong in Dubai

Bachelor of Business Administration

• Organizational Behaviour • Managing Human Resources • Organizational Analysis • Continuous Quality Improvement • Strategic Management • Strategic Decision Making • Human Resource Development • Cross Cultural Management • Management of Change • Performance Management

2 - 4 years

• Leadership and Communication • Strategic Management • Corporate Performance Management • Training and Development • Central Issues in Human Resource Management • International Human Resource Management • Organizational Behaviour • Compensation and Contemporary Issues • Job Evaluation and Performance Appraisal • Negotiation and Conflict Resolution for HR • Organizational Change • International Business Management

2 - 4 years AED 1,500/ credit hour (undergraduate) ($408.382)

Bachelor of Commerce: Human Resource Management Bachelor of Commerce: International Business

Cost (fee per year) AED 209,100/ program (undergraduate) ($56,975/ program) AED 96,480/ program (postgraduate) ($26,289/ program)

Master of Business Administration Master of International Business Master of Strategic Human Resource Management


Abu Dhabi University College of Business

Bachelor of Business Administration in Management Bachelor of Business Administration in Human Resource Management Master of Business Administration; Concentrations in Finance and Human Resource

AED 2,700 3,500/credit hour (postgraduate) ($735.088 952.892) AED 4,400 (doctoral studies) ($1,197.92)

Master of Human Resource Management Doctor of Business Administraion





University name


Related subjects/topics


Cost (fee per year)


Manipal University

Bachelor of Business Administration

• Organizational Behavior • Human Resource Management • Life Skills Development • Strategic Management • Entrepreneurship • UAE Business Environment • Performance Management • Organizational Development • Organizational Change • Compensation Management • Training and Development • Human Capital Management • Consumer Behavior • Customer Relationship Management • Technology Management • Risk Management and Insurance

2 - 3 years

AED 36,000/ year (undergraduate) ($9,800.85)

• Human Resource Management • Production & Operations Management • Organizational Behavior • Organizational Development • Strategic Management • Change Management • Entrepreneurship • Purchasing & Supply Management • Building High Performance Teams


AED 900/ credit hour ($245.02)

• Entrepreneurial Process & Behaviour • Evaluating Ventures Opportunity & Developing Business Model • Behavioural Science • Innovation & Business Growth • Creating & Leading Entrepreneurial Organization • Strategic Management • Emerging Business Sectors and New Technologies • Building High Performance Organization Culture • Managerial Strategic Relationship

2 - 3 years

AED 30,000/year (undergraduate) ($8,220)

• Personal Management and Communication • Organizational Behavior • Consumer Behavior • Public Enterprise Management • Human Resource Management • Entrepreneurship • Change Management • Leadership and Motivation Techniques • Talent Management • Brand Management • Personal Management • Organizational Development and Employee Management

2 - 4 years

Master of Business Administration


Ittihad University College of Management & Information Systems


Manipal University

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration: Entrepreneurship Master’s Degree in Business Administration: Entrepreneurship


SZABIST Institute of Science and Technology

Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration Master’s Degree in Busines Administration Executive Master of Business Administration


AED 39,000/ year (postgraduate) ($10,617.59)

AED 35,000/year (postgraduate) ($9,590)

AED 1,900/ course (undergraduate) ($517.267) AED 2,000/ course (postgraduate) ($544.492) AED 2,200/ course (EMBA) ($598.941)



University name


Related subjects/topics



Canadian University of Dubai School of Business Administration

Bachelor of Business Administration in Human Resource Management

• Human Resource Management • Organizational Behavior • Strategic Management • Management of Information Systems • Compensation Management • Human Resource Development • Strategic Human Resource Management • Performance Appraisal and Compensation • Conflict Resolution

4 years

AED 62,090/year ($16,903.75)


The British University in Dubai Faculty of Business

Master in Business Administration

• Strategy and Human Resource Management • Organisational Behaviour and Business Leadership • Organisational Change • Strategic Management • Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility

2 years

AED 64,000/ program ($17,423.74)

Al Ghurair University College of Business Studies

Bachelor of Business Administration

• Human Resources Management • Organizational Behavior • Leadership Skills • Operations Management • Consumer Behavior • Auditing • Working Capital Management • Database Management Systems • International Human Resources Management • Strategic Management of Human Assets • Total Rewards Management • Talent Management • Organizational Change

2 - 3 years

AED 1,150/ credit hour (undergraduate) ($313.083)

• Human Resource Management • Employee Staffing and Development • Strategic Management • Strategic Human Resource Management • Organizational Development • Performance Appraisal and Reward System

2 - 4 years AED 1,250/ credit hour (undergraduate) ($340.307)


Master of Science in Human Resource Management

Master of Business Administration


ALHOSN University Faculty of Business

Bachelor of Business Administration Master of Business Administration

Cost (fee per year)

AED 72,000 (postgraduate) ($19,601.71)

AED 2,000 / credit hour (postgraduate) ($544.492)





University name


Related subjects/topics


Cost (fee per year)


University of Dubai

Bachelor’s Degree in Management

• Leadership & Team Effectiveness • Strategic Management • Leadership & Human Resources Management • Management and Organizational Behavior • Risk Management • Human Resources Management • Leadership Development • Change Management • Total Quality Management and Continuous Improvement • Planning and Development • Performance Management, Compensation and Employee Benefits • Strategic HR Management • Employee Relations

2 - 4 years

AED 30,300/ program (undergraduate) ($8,249.05)

• Organizational Behavior • Strategic Management • Human Resource Management • Negotiation Skills • Staffing and Techniques for Employee Selection • Employees Training and Development • Compensation and Benefits Management • Strategic Human Resource Management • Leadership and Change Management • Innovation and Entrepreneurship • Organizational Development

2 - 4 years AED 3,255/ course (undergraduate) ($892)

• Strategic Management and Business Policy • Managing Organizational Change • Global Human Resource Management • Quality & Productivity Sustainability and Improvement • Creativity and Innovation in Business • Risk Analysis and Modelling

2 - 4 years

Bachelor’s Degree in Human Resources Management Bachelor’s Degree in Entrepreneurship Management Master of Business Administration Doctor of Business Administration UAE

American University in the Emirates College of Business Administration

Bachelor of Business Administration Bachelor of Business in Human Resources Management Master in Business Administration


University of Modern Sciences College of Business

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Bachelor of Science in Human Resource Management Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship Master of Business Administration


AED 9,100/ program (postgraduate) ($2,477.44) AED 15,000/ program (PhD) ($4,083.69)

AED 9,000/ course (postgraduate) ($2,466)




University name


Related subjects/topics



Murdoch University Murdoch Business School

Bachelor of Commerce in Management

• Organisational Behaviour and Management • Strategic Decision-Making • Human Resource Management Law • Effective Leadership • Organizational Change, Management and Consultancy • Human Resource Management Perspectives • Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management • Risk Management

2 - 3 years

Master of Business Administration Master of Human Resource Management

Cost (fee per year) AED 24,000/ trimester (undergraduate) ($6,534.11) AED 96,000/ program (postgraduate) ($26,136.46)


Jumeira University

Bachelor in Human Resource Management

• Organizational Behaviour • Customer Relationship Management • Knowledge Management • Events Risk Management • Consumer Behavior

4 years

AED 3,300/every 3 credits ($898.441)


City University College of Ajman

Bachelor of Business Administration

• Human Resources Management • Management and Organizational Behavior • Staffing Organizations • Employee Training and Development • Performance Management and Total Rewards • Career Management • Quality of Work Life • Leadership and Organization Development

4 years

AED 2475/course ($673.831)




again, the issue of performance management was central to managementrelated conferences. A tendency has been noticed to cause a change in the themes of these events. Thus, the shift has orbited from more general themes such as Performance Management to particular subjects: setting specific KPIs. In terms of locations, the GCC is, once more, a sought after environment for business meetings, with a high number of international events taking place here, especially in the UAE and Qatar. Numerous conferences, training courses, workshops and seminars are organized in this region, from international to national ones. Most of these events are dedicated to academics and practitioners.

The highest number of large events, though, are found in the practitioners’ field since it is here, in practice, within organizations, that all managerial initiatives are tested for effectiveness and efficiency. From the ranks of the more prestigious, internationally valued events, the Project Management Institute’s conference on the GCC 2030 Vision stands out. The annual event, organized in Manama in 2015, highlighted the importance of Project Management, as an overarching theme. Another aspect that draws attention is that there is an increasing interest in computer software and online platforms that support and enhance performance

management strategies. Events such as the Government Performance & Benchmarking Summit organized in Oman, or the Smart Data Summit held in Dubai, highlight the importance of integrating technology in managerial practices as an important operational tool. The 2016 events provide a peek into the already announced conferences but also the topics proposed for the current year. Mention must be made that all the information presented below has been compiled using the official websites of the events and that the details regarding dates and fees were correct at the time of their gathering (April, 2016).

Table: Performance Management events in 2015







19-21 January

15th International Conference: Delivering GCC 2030 Vision through Excellent Project Management


Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain

3 days

Project Management Institute

22-25 March

Learning & Talent Development Forum


Dubai, UAE

4 days

Informa & Talent Enterprise

20-21 April

Government Performance & Benchmarking Summit Achieving world-class standards in government excellence through successful performance improvement strategies


Dubai, UAE

2 days

International Quality & Productivity Center

27-28 April

Government Performance & Benchmarking Summit - Driving Omani government excellence through improved performance management and e-transformation strategies


Muscat, Oman

2 days

Centre for Organizational Excellence Research

10-14 May

Performance Management: Setting Objectives and KPI’s


Dubai, UAE

5 days

Oxford Management Centre

25-26 May

The Smart Data Summit 2015: Driving Customer Insight & Business Performance Through Big Data Solutions


Dubai, UAE

2 days

Expotrade Global









9-20 August

Integrating Strategic, Operational & Tactical Leadership for Outstanding Performance


Dubai, UAE

10 days


17-18 October

XIII International Conference on Business, Economics and Management


Dubai, UAE

2 days

Excellence in Research and Innovation for Humanity

15-19 November

Improving Operation Performance & Productivity


Dubai, UAE

5 days

Oxford Management Centre

23-25 November

CSR Saudi Arabia 2015


Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

3 days

Informa Middle East

29 November3 December

Performance Management: Setting Objectives and KPI’s


Dubai, UAE

5 days

Oxford Management Centre

Table: Performance Management events in 2016





Duration Organizer


23-24 May

3rd Annual Smart Data Summit 2016


Dubai, UAE

2 days

Expotrade Global


29 May-1 June

ATD Middle East 2016 Conference Practitioners & Exhibition

Dubai, UAE

4 days

Informa Middle East

US$1300 US$2250

24-28 July

Data Analysis Techniques


Dubai, UAE

5 days

Oxford Management Centre


24 July4 August

Integrating Strategic, Operational & Tactical Leadership for Outstanding Performance


Dubai, UAE

12 days



17-19 October

Government and Enterprise Asset Management Congress


Dubai, UAE

3 days

Informa Middle East


17-20 October

Performance Improvement and KPIs Conference


Dubai, UAE

4 days

The KPI Institute

US$950 US$3,295

23-27 October

Business Process Analysis & Modelling


Dubai, UAE

5 days

Oxford Management Centre


30 October-3 November

Manpower Organisation, Succession Planning & Trend Analysis


Abu Dhabi, UAE 5 days

Oxford Management Centre


14-16 November

HR Summit and Expo 2016


Dubai, UAE

3 days

Informa Middle East


18-22 December

The Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt Program

Practitioners & Professionals


5 days






OCTOBER 17th - 20th 2016 ∙ CONRAD HOTEL ∙ DUBAI

The first Middle East Conference that brings tomorrow’s improvement strategies into today’s business world! key benefits of attending Integrate performance improvement approaches across organisations. Align KPIs across departments and employees.








Build a performance culture, by engaging staff and management.



keynote speakers

Drive process and quality performance




Discover new ways to operate performance systems.


International and regional thought leaders sharing best practices at the Conference Aurel Brudan Chief Executive Officer The KPI Institute, Australia

endorsed by


Cameron Mirza

Head of Strategy and Projects, Ministry of Education, Kingdom of Bahrain

strategic partner

Mohamed M. Mahmoud Senior Advisor to the Minister, Ministry of Economy and Planning, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

community partner

Altjani Hussin

Health Economics Consultant, Dubai Health Authority, United Arab Emirates

media partners

Read more about the Conference by accessing: FEBRUARY 2016


CAREER “Career” section of the Performance T he Management in 2015: GCC Edition report is aimed at delivering information about the management job trends and salaries in 2015. Management and top management have been considered the most representative categories for the development and implementation of performance management and measurement systems, thus the need to assess the state of these two job categories. The section provides an overview of job trends and salaries as they are in the GCC. The main job trends and performance criteria are presented for each region, followed by tables and charts to visualize salary levels of the main management and top management position analyzed.

Performance Manager

Nr. of Available Positions












Saudi Arabia



Job Trends The number of available positions related to Performance Management is an important indicator, as it shows the concept’s importance, growth rate and market penetration. Research was conducted for all six countries, using Bayt. com, a popular website, in order to find out the number of jobs offered in this domain. The following tables contain data obtained from this website when searching for three different roles and keywords: “Performance Manager”, “Strategy Manager” and “Performance Management”, as well as the proportion of positions available per country and website. The job positions were manually selected according to their relevance to the keyword and field. The data was correct at the time of the research (March 2016). It can be easily noticed that the total number of positions for “Performance Management” is larger than the ones for “Performance Manager” and “Strategy Manager”, as a wider range of roles are included in this keyword and the search was not limited to specific job profiles. For all three job positions, the UAE seems to be the leading market, followed by Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Qatar. Given that most job openings, posted on different websites, expire after a month, we can infer that this is a monthly situation for the presented job markets. Overall, the research offers an overview on the openings for performance-related roles around the GCC, in a random month of 2015, and thus seems reasonable to extrapolate this situation to other periods of the year as well.

Strategy Manager

Nr. of Available Positions












Saudi Arabia



Performance Management

Nr. of Available Positions












Saudi Arabia






are an important factor in determining both the attractiveness and profitability of a domain. The data below, made public by the free jobs and career community PayScale, delivers an outlook over the pay range correspondent to Performance Managers and Strategy

Managers, in each of the GCC countries, in alphabetical order. The highest and the lowest salaries are based on the available positions found on the job website listed before, with the estimated average value being provided as some countries did not have data for the highest/lowest value for

that position. The salary ranges are estimated and, therefore, the accuracy might be affected. Differences also come from the different positions required: some industries are looking for Senior Performance Managers and, therefore, they will have a higher average salary than the other ones.

Gross Salary Per Annum


Job Description



Performance Manager




Strategy Manager




Performance Manager




Strategy Manager




Performance Manager




Strategy Manager




Performance Manager




Strategy Manager




Performance Manager




Strategy Manager




Performance Manager




Strategy Manager







Saudi Arabia

United Arab Emirates

Human Resources Manager Salary




Human Resources Manager Salary




Average Salary for Skill: Performance Management


Average Salary for Skill: Performance Management


Average Salary for Skill: Performance Management Saudi Arabia

Average Salary for Skill: Performance Management



BESTSELLING BOOKS T he following section of the report is dedicated to bestselling

books which have either Performance Management, or a closelyrelated subject, as the main theme. The selection was made according to the top ten books on sold, the world’s biggest online retailer. The large number of results shown for each of the selected keywords highlight an increase in the

number of experts offering their expertise in this domain, as well as a higher maturity when it comes to performance related research and publishing. The rankings below were generated in December, 2015 and, since then, changes might have occurred.

Table: Top 10 books on “Performance Management” (December 2015)

Performance Management






Triggers: Creating Behavior That Lasts—Becoming the Person You Want to Be

Marshall Goldsmith, Mark Reiter



The Truth About Employee Engagement: A Fable About Addressing the Three Root Causes of Job Misery

Patrick M. Lencioni



Work Rules!: Insights from Inside Google That Will Transform How You Live and Lead

Laszlo Bock



The Disciplined Leader: Keeping the Focus on What Really Matters

John Manning, Katie Roberts



Creating Innovators: The Making of Young People Who Will Change the World

Tony Wagner



Blue Ocean Strategy, Expanded Edition: How to Create Uncontested Market Space and Make the Competition Irrelevant

W. Chan Kim, Renée Mauborgne



Leadership: Elevate Yourself and Those Around You – Influence, Business Skills, Coaching & Communication

Ross Elkins



Under the Hood: Fire Up and Fine-Tune Your Employee Culture

Stan Slap



Performing Under Pressure: The Science of Doing Your Best When It Matters Most

Hendrie Weisinger, J.P. Pawliw-Fry



Management: Golden Nugget Methods to Manage Effectively – Teams, Personnel Management, Management Skills, and Conflict Resolution

Ross Elkins


Table: Top 10 books on “Corporate Performance Management” (December 2015)

Corporate Performance Management






The Best Place to Work: The Art and Science of Creating an Extraordinary Workplace

Ron Friedman PhD



Key Performance Indicators: Developing, Implementing, and Using Winning KPIs

David Parmenter



Business Valuation For Dummies

Lisa Holton



Key Performance Indicators For Dummies

Bernand Marr



Data Driven: How Performance Analytics Delivers Extraordinary Sales Results

Jenny Dearborn



Performance and Progress: Essays on Capitalism, Business, and Society

Subramanian Rangan



The Leadership Capital Index: Realizing the Market Value of Leadership

Dave Ulrich



Corporate Value Creation: An Operations Framework for Nonfinancial Managers (Wiley Corporate F&A)

Lawrence C. Karlson



The 2016-2021 Outlook for Corporate Performance Management (CPM) Software in the United States

Icon Group International



Corporate Project Management: Planning, Scheduling & Tracking Performance

Dr. Lionel Smalley




Table: Top 10 books on “Business Performance Management” (December 2015)

Business Performance Management






Work Smarter Not Harder: 18 Productivity Tips That Boost Your Work Day Performance

Timo Kiander



Performance Reviews (HBR 20-Minute Manager Series)

Harvard Business Review



Mastering Leadership: An Integrated Framework for Breakthrough Performance and Extraordinary Business Results

Robert J. Anderson, William A. Adams



The Open Organization: Igniting Passion and Performance

Jim Whitehurst



Information Technology for Management: Digital Strategies for Insight Action, and Sustainable Performance

Efraim Turban, Linda Volonino



Performance Management: Learn the system of different processes that combine to create an effective workforce within your company that an effectively reach your business goals

Farooq Soofi



How to design and install industry sales incentive compensation plans: A practical guide to installing business and industry performance-based incentive bonus plans

Dale Arahood



Business Intelligence and Performance Management

Peter Rausch



Transforming Business with Program Management: Integrating Strategy, People, Process, Technology, Structure, and Measurement (Best Practices and Advances in Program Management)

Satish P. Subramanian



Bridging Organization Design and Performance: Five Ways to Activate a Global Gregory Kesler, Amy Kates Operation Model


Table: Top 10 books on “Enterprise Performance Management” (December 2015)

Enterprise Performance Management






Lean Enterprise: How High Performance Organizations Innovate at Scale (Lean(O’Reilly)

Jez Humble, Joanne Molesky



Agile Metrics in Action: Measuring and Enhancing the Performance of Agile Teams

Christopher W.H. Davis



The Wisdom of Teams: Creating the High-Performance Organization

Jon R. Hatzenbach, Douglas K. Smith



Enterprise Search: Enhancing Business Performance

Martin White



Directing the ERP Implementation: A Best Practice Guide to Avoiding Program Failure Traps While Tuning System Performance (Resource Management)

Michael W. Pelphrey



PHR/SPHR Professional in Human Resources Certification Deluxe Study Guide Sandra M. Reed, Anne M. Bogardius



Primed to Perform: How to Build the Highest Performing Cultures Through the Neel Doshi, Lindsay McGregor Science of Total Motivation



Enterprise Information Management in Practice: Managing Data and Leveraging Profits in Today’s Complex Business Environment

Saumya Chaki



Trust and Betrayal in the Workplace: Building Effective Relationships in Your Organization

Dennis Reina PhD



Integrated Enterprise Excellence, Vol 1: The Basics: Golfing Buddies Go Beyond Forrest Breyfogle III Lean Six Sigma and the Balanced Scorecard




RESOURCES Table: Top 10 books on “Operational Performance Management” (December 2015)

Operational Performance Management






Quality Management Systems: Building and Sustaining Performance Excellence (Operational Excellence Series Book 5)

Krasimir Kirov



Practical Lean Six Sigma for Offices (New! Revised with Links to over 30 Excel Worksheets): Using the A3 and Lean Thinking to Improve Operational Performance in ALL Types of Office Environments!

Rob Ptacek



Operational Excellence: Journey to Creating Sustainable Value

John S. Mitchell



Quantitative Models for Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking: Data Envelopment Analysis with Spreadsheets (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science)

Joe Zhu



Big Data: Using SMART Big Data, Analytics and Metrics To Make Better Decisions and Improve Performance

Bernard Marr



The End of the Job Description: Shifting From a Job-Focus To a Performance-Focus

Tim Baker



Benchmarking for Performance Evaluation: A Production Frontier Approach

Subhash C. Ray, Subal C. Kumbhakar



Star Performance: Uniting Planning and Doing for a High Performance Leadership Model

Justin Thompson



Supply Chain Optimization under Uncertainty. Supply Chain Design for Optimum Performance

Barrie Michael Cole



Achieving Excellence in Deal/Distributor Performance: How to Increase Profitability, Cash Flow, Market Share and Customer Retention (Excellence in…Industrial Equipment Distribution)

Walter J. McDonald, Tim Hilton


Table: Top 10 books on “Individual Performance Management” (December 2015)

Individual Performance Management






Step by Step in Developing BSC – Based Individual Performance Management (Indonesian Edition)

Suwardi Luis



Performance Management

Ganeshbhai C. Narbhavar



Performance Management Essentials

Lynette Lyons



Performance Magazine: Printed Edition – 2/2015 (Performance Management: Printed Edition) (Volume 1)

The KPI Institute and Aurel Brudan



Human Performance Consulting (Improving Human Performance)

James S. Pepitone



N=1: How the Uniqueness of Each Individual Is Transforming Healthcare

John Koster and Gary Bisbee



Dive into Performance Management

Leslie Macfarlane



Performance Management – Simple Steps to Win, Insights and Opportunities for Maxing Out Success

Gerard Blokdijk



Achieving the Perfect Fit (Improving Human Performance)

Nick Boulter, Murray Dalziel PhD, Jackie Hill



Managing People: A Practical Guide for Front-line Managers

Rosemary Thomson, Eileen Arney



RESOURCES Table: Top 10 books on “Employee Performance Management” (December 2015)

Employee Performance Management






Dealing with Problem Employees: How to Manage Performance & Personal Issues in the Workplace

Amy Delpo JD, Lisa Guerin JD



Mastering Employee Engagement: Easy Performance Management Tools by David Zinger

David Zinger, Melany Gallant



Anytime Coaching: Unleashing Employee Performance, Second Edition

Teresa Wedding Kloster, Wendy Sherwin Swire



Managing Employee Performance and Reward: Concepts, Practices, Strategies

John Shields



Strategic Reward and Recognition: Improving Employee Performance Through John G. Fisher Non-monetary Incentives



7 Best Practices for Effective Human Resource Management: Hire the Right People and Create the Rules to Get the Best Results From Your Employees

Bill Gottlin



Why They Follow: How to Lead with Positive Influence

Scott Love



What Does It Mean To Be A Manager?: Five Phases of Employee Performance and Eighteen Tasks of Management

Gil Herman



The Ultimate Manager’s Guide To Managing Employees

Roy Spieckerman



StandOut 2.0: Assess Your Strengths, Find Your Edge, Win at Work

Marcus Buckingham


Table: Top 10 books on “Personal Performance” (December 2015)

Personal Performance



Author Gene Robinson



Who Knew? And Why Didn’t They Tell Us???: Your Pocket Personal Performance Coach



Instant Motivation: The surprising truth behind what really drives performance Chantal Burns


Organize Tomorrow Today: 8 Ways to Retrain Your Mind to Optimize Performance at Work and in Life

Jason Selk, Tom Bartow,


Time Management: learn the 6 vital steps to boost productivity, increase daily performance, and create action ((productivity, self help, personal transformation)

Johnathan Emile



Conquering Life’s Stage Fright: Three Steps to Top Performance

Mark Schulman



Future Brain: The 12 Keys to Create Your High-Performance Brain

Jenny Brockis



The Pressure Paradox: Your Path to Maximum Productivity, Performance & Peace of Mind

Martin Grunburg



The Energized Executive: How to Get Focused, Strong and Calm. 25 Easy Tools for Jessica Schmidt, Jennifer Colen, Peak Performance in Business and Beyond. (Executive Sutra Leadership Series Book 1) Nicole Goddard



Brain Hacks, Unlock Your Intelligence

T.J. Robinson



The 21 Laws of High Performance

Mario Scian


2015 2015

Matthew Rudy



RESOURCES Table: Top 10 books on “Strategy Execution” (December 2015)

Strategy Execution






The Future of Technology Management and the Business Environment: Lessons Alfred A. Marcus on Innovation, Disruption, and Strategy Execution



Strategic Analytics: Advancing Strategy Execution and Organizational Effectiveness

Alec Levenson



Your Strategy Needs a Strategy: How to Choose and Execute the Right Approach

Martin Reeves, Knut Haanaes, Janmejaya Sinha



Leading with Strategic Thinking: Four Ways Effective Leaders Gain Insight, Drive Change, and Get Results

Aaron K. Olson, B. Keith Simerson



Strategy Rules: Five Timeless Lessons from Bill Gates, Andy Grove, and Steve Jobs

David B. Yoffie, Michael A. Cusumano



Foundations of Strategy

Robert M. Grant, Judith J. Jordan



The Execution Pipeline: A Step-By-Step Guide To Moving Your Business Idea From Dream To Reality

Anthony M. Flynn



Remix Strategy: The Three Laws of Business Combinations (Harvard Business School Press)




Business Strategy: A guide to effective decision-making (Economist Books)

The Economist, Jeremy Kourdi



Enterprise IoT: Strategies and Best Practices for Connected Products and Services

Dirk Slama, Frank Puhlmann, Jim Morrish, Rishi M. Bhatnagar


Table: Top 10 books on “Strategic Management” (December 2015)

Strategy Management






Strategic Management: Text and Cases

Gregory Dess, Gerry McNamara



Strategic Management: A Critical Introduction

Richard Godfrey



Strategic Management for Tourism, Hospitality and Events

Nigel Evans



Strategic Management in Public Services Organizations: Concepts, Schools and Ewan Ferlie, Edoardo Ongaro Contemporary Issues


Research Methods for Strategic Management

Giovanni Battista Dagnino, Maria Cristina Cinici



Everything in Its Place: Entrepreneurship and the Strategic Management of Cities, Regions, and States

David B. Audretsch



Strategic Brand Management

Richard Rosenbaum-Elliott, Larry Percy



Strategic Sourcing and Category Management: Lessons Learned at IKEA

Magnus Carlsson



Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases

Jeffrey H. Dyer, Paul Godfrey



Strategic Planning: As Simple as A,B,C

David R. Mcclean





LATEST PUBLISHED BOOKS T he following list was compiled by using the same methodology

employed for Bestselling Books, only with the focus being placed on the publication date. The content of this section reflects the most recent areas of interest in the Performance Management field, as

seen by experts. Since the list containing the latest published books in this domain was created in January, 2016, changes might have occurred in the time lapsed. However, the information presented was accurate at that time.

Table: The latest published books on “Performance Management” (January 2016)

Performance Management






Hiring Greatness: How to Recruit Your Dream Team and Crush the Competition

David E. Perry, Mark J. Haluska December 30th, 2015


How To Lead A Quest: A Handbook for pioneering executives

Jason Fox

December 29th, 2015


Performance Management in Higher Education: Theoretical Foundations and Empirical Investigations

Elsa Serpico

December 29th, 2015


Building a Culture of Innovation: A Practical Framework for Placing Innovation Cris Beswick, Jo Geraghty December 28th, 2015 at the Core of Your Business


Performance Reviews and Coaching: The Performance Management Collection Dick Grote


Managerial Strategies and Practice in the Asian Business Sector

U Zeyar Myo Aung, Patricia December 22nd, 2015 Ordoñez de Pablos


Strategic Management and Business Analysis

Wyn Jenkins, Dave Williamson

December 18th, 2015


Eliminating Project Waste: The massive business performance opportunity ‘hiding in plain sight’

Jed Simms, Alexandra Chapman

December 17th, 2015


An Introduction to Operations Management: The Joy of Operations

Ajay Das

December 16th, 2015


Partnering with the Frenemy: A Framework for Managing Business Relationships, Minimizing Conflict, and Achieving Partnership Success

Sandy Jap

December 10th, 2015

December 22nd, 2015

Table: The latest published books on “Corporate Performance Management” (January 2016)

Corporate Performance Management






Decide: How to Manage the Risk in Your Decision Making

Bryan Whitefield

December 21st, 2015


Performance Magazine: Printed Edition – 2/2015 (Performance Management Printed Edition) (Volume 1)

The KPI Institute and Aurel Brudan

December 15th, 2015


Financial Intelligence for Supply Chain Managers: Understand the Link between Operations and Corporate Financial Performance

Steven M. Leon

November 27th, 2015


Managing Big Data Integration in the Public Sector (Advances in Public Policy and Administration)

Anil Aggarwal

November 4th, 2015


Corporate Project Management, Planning, Scheduling & Tracking Performance Dr. Lionel Smalley

October 30th, 2015


Managing thee Corporate University Watershed (Optimising Demand-led Learning)

Richard Dealtry

October 19th, 2015


Selling, General, and Administrative (SG&A) Expenses Performance Management

Ron Dimon

October 18th, 2015


The 2016-2021 Outlook for Corporate Performance Management (CPM) Software in the United States

Icon Group International

September 30th, 2015


Does Corporate Performance Improve After Mergers?

Paul M. Healy

September 27th, 2015


Corporate Special Forces: A perpetual competitive edge in 5 steps

Frank Koehler, John Sell, Cris Noel

September 4th, 2015



RESOURCES Table: The latest published books on “Business Performance Management” (January 2016)

Business Performance Management






How to Assess the Health of Your Business Regularly: Basics for Beginners

Joan Mullally, Jim Franklin

December 27th, 2015


Analytics in Operations/Supply Chain Management

Muthu Mathirajan, Chandrasekharan Rajendran

December 24th, 2015


The Handbook for Integrity in Business: Do You Operate Your Business with Integrity Principles

Dennis AuBuchon

December 23rd, 2015


Evaluating Performance for Business

Megan Savage

December 20th, 2015


Customer Experience Management: How to Improve on Performance and Results & Increase Customer Loyalty

Brooke R. Envick PhD

December 17th, 2015


On Business Management: Doubting a Nobel Laureate

Cameron Best

November 25th, 2015


The link between human resource practice and business performance

Eby Gold

November 25th, 2015


Worlds Collide: How Business Can Be Enriching For All!: Be the leader who knows how to make it happen

The McArdle Burkhardt Center for Leadership and Business Development

November 6th, 2015


Enterprise Search: Enhancing Business Performance

Martin White

October 25th, 2015


Brilliant Productivity (Brilliant Business)

Grace Marshall

January 8th, 2015

Table: The latest published books on “Enterprise Performance Management” (January 2016)

Enterprise Performance Management






Enterprise Information Management in Practice: Managing Data and Leveraging Profits in Today’s Complex Business Environment

Saumya Chaki

December 17th, 2015


Integrated Enterprise Excellence, Vol II: Business Deployment: A Leader’s Guide for Going Beyond Lean Six Sigma and the Balanced Scorecard

Forrest Breyfogle III

December 19th, 2015


Internal Auditing and Enterprise Risk Management: A Research Approach on the Evolution, Roles of Internal Auditors, Implementation, Challenges and the Impact of the Erm on Organisational Performance

Mohd Ariff Bin Kasim, Siti Rosmaini Binti Mohd Hanafi

November 5th, 2015


Energized Enterprise: Leading Your Workforce to New Peaks of Performance in the Public Sector and Beyond

Marta Wilson

September 15th, 2015


Challenges, Performances and Tendencies in Organisation Management

Ovidiu Nicolescu, Lester Lloyd-Reason

July 29th, 2015


Understanding the Lean Enterprise: Strategies, Methodologies, and Principles for a More Responsive Organization

Andrea Chiarini, Pauline Found, Nicholas Rich

Juy 10th, 2015


Innovation Spaces in Asia: Entrepreneurs, Multinational Enterprises and Policy

Maureen McKelvey, Sharmistha Bagchi-Sen

May 27th, 2015


The Importance of Operating Figures in Enterprise Controlling. Analysis of the Different Performance Measurement Systems

Julia Teigeler

May 11th, 2015


Measuring and Communicating Security’s Value: A Compendium of Metrics for Enterprise Protection

George Campbell

April 15th, 2015


Enterprise Relationship Management: A Paradigm for Alliance Success

Andrew Humphries, Richard Gibbs

March 3rd, 2015


RESOURCES Table: The latest published books on “Operational Performance Management” (January 2016)

Operational Performance Management






ERP as a Strategic Tool to Drive Business Performance Improvement

Gene Caiola, Dr. Jill A. O’Sullivan

December 14th, 2015


Bridging Organization Design and Performance: Five Ways to Activate a Global Operation Model

Gregory Kesler, Amu Kates

November 23rd, 2015


Organisational Performance Management in Sport (Routledge Research in Sport Ian O’Boyle Business and Management)


The Supply Chain Game Changers: Applications and Best Practices that are Shaping the Future of Supply Chain Management

Theodore Stank, J. Paul Dittmann, Michael Burnette, Chad W. Autry

October 22nd, 2015


Effective Strategy Execution: Improving Performance with Business Intelligence (Management for Professionals)

Bernd Heesen

September 9th, 2015


Operations Management: Practical Guide To Operations Management

Eng. Yaser Ibrahim Kashgari

May 17th, 2015


Quality Management Systems: Building And Sustaining Performance Excellence (Operational Excellence Series Book 5)

Krasimir Kirov

April 29th, 2015


The Practical Lean Six Sigma Pocket Guide XL - Using the A3 and Lean Thinking to Improvement Operational Performance in ANY Industry, ANY Time!

Rob Ptacek, Todd Sperl, Jayant Trewn PhD, Joe Eubanks, Jody Alexander


Big Data analysis: data-driven enterprise performance optimization. process management and operational decisions

Mei Da Wen Bo Te, Wu Jun Shen Yi


Supply Chain Optimization under Uncertainty. Supply Chain Design for Optimum Performance

Barrie Michael Cole

November 23rd, 2015

March 23rd, 2015

March 1st, 2015 January 15th, 2015

Table: The latest published books on “Individual Performance Management” (January 2016)

Individual Performance Management






Performance Management In a Day

Charles Nilsson

December 23rd, 2015


Practical Management Strategies: A simple guide to leadership and management

Dr. Karel de Laat PhD


Career Planning and Succession Management: Developing Your Organization’s Talent for Today and Tomorrow, 2nd Edition

William J. Rothwell, Robert D. Jackson, Cami L. Ressler, Maureen Connelly Jones, Meg Brower

June 30th, 2015


Human Performance Consulting (Improving Human Performance)

James S. Pepitone

June 29th, 2015


Evidence of Leadership: A Review of the Science of Leadership

Dr. Mark T. Green

June 17th, 2015


Authentic Personal Brand Coaching: Entrepreneurial Leadership Brand Coaching Hubert K. Rampersad for Sustainable High Performance

June 1st, 2015


Step by Step in Developing BSC - Based Individual Performance Management

Suwardi Luis

May 18th, 2015


The CEO’s Guide from Good to Great: How to Focus the Power of Your People and Move to the Next Level

Stephen Hawley Martin

May 10th, 2015


Managing People: A Practical Guide for Front-line Managers

Rosemary Thomson, Eileen Arney, Andrew Thomson

February 27th, 2015


Managing People in Sport Organizations: A Strategic Human Resource Management Perspective

Tracy Taylor, Alison Doherty, Peter McGraw

January 15th, 2015

October 22nd, 2015




Table: The latest published books on “Employee Performance Management” (January 2016)

Employee Performance Management






Dream Job in 90 Days: Practical Steps for Career Success

Anurag Mehra, Abhijeet Virmani

December 30th, 2015


Human Resource Management

Mir Asfand Yar Bakht Ali

December 29th, 2015


Building a Culture of Innovation: A Practical Framework for Placing Innovation at the Core of Your Business

Cris Beswick, Jo Geraghty, Derek Bishop

December 28th, 2015


Think One Team: The Revolutionary 90 Day Plan that Engages Employees, Connects Silos and Transforms Organisations

Graham Winter

December 21st, 2015


Analysis of different rewards at ABC House to improve employee’s performance

Muhammad Naeem

November 25th, 2015


Employee Commitment - Simple Steps to Win, Insights and Opportunities for Maxing Out Success

Gerard Blokdijk

November 17th, 2015


Performance Management: Learn the system of different processes that combine to create an effective workforce within your company that can effectively reach your business goals

Farooq Soofi

November 12th, 2015


Employee Engagement and its Relation to Hospital Performance

Srinivas Goud Bulkapuram

November 10th, 2015


Latent Output: Realizing Hidden Potential

Karuna Shankar Pande

November 7th, 2015


Work Progress Feedback and Employees Performance in Organizations

Beauttah Mwangi Waweru, Alice Simiyu, Kellen Kiambati

October 30th, 2015



Table: The latest published books on “Personal Performance” (January 2016)

Personal Performance




The Aha! Moment: The Guide to Creating a Game Changer

Cory The Author

December 31st, 2015


Maximum Performance and Productivity

George Carroll

December 30th, 2015


Design Your Life from the Inside Out: Create a Blueprint for Living an Outstanding Life

Tina Murray

December 28th, 2015


Managing The Mental Game: How To Think More Effectively, Navigate Uncertainty, & Build Mental Fortitude

Jeff Boss

December 26th, 2015


The Entrepreneurial Self: Fabricating a New Type of Subject

Ulrich Bröckling

December 25th, 2015


Organize Tomorrow Today: 8 Ways to Retrain Your Mind to Optimize Performance at Work and in Life

Jason Selk, Tom Bartow, Matthew Rudy

December 22nd, 2015


Think Like an Entrepreneur, Act Like a CEO: 50 Indispensable Tips to Help You Stay Afloat, Bounce Back, and Get Ahead at Work

Beverly E. Jones

December 21st, 2015


HealthWealth: Feel Like A Billion Dollars Every Day Of The Week

Daniel Grant

December 21st, 2015


Time Management: learn the 6 vital steps to boost productivity, increase daily Johnathan Emile performance, and create action ((productivity, self help, personal transformation))

December 20th, 2015


Future Brain: The 12 Keys to Create Your High-Performance Brain

November 2nd, 2015


Jenny Brockis


Table: The latest published books on “Strategy Execution” (January 2016)

Strategy Execution






The Future of Technology Management and the Business Environment: Lessons on Innovation, Disruption, and Strategy Execution

Alfred A. Marcus


Organizational Change and Strategy: An Interlevel Dynamics Approach

João Neiva de Figueiredo, Nicholas S. Rashford, David December 24th, 2015 Coghlan


The TOP 5%

Jed Simms, Alexandra Chapman


Strategic Sustainable Business (Leading Innovative Organizations)

Jonathan H. Westoever PhD December 10th, 2015


Social Media for Writers: Marketing Strategies for Building Your Audience and Selling Books

Tee Morris, Pip Ballantine, Chuck Wendig

December 1st, 2015


Growing Pains: Building Sustainably Successful Organizations

Eric G. Flamholtz, Yvonne Randle

November 23rd, 2015


Strategic Focus: The Art of Strategic Thinking

Cecilia Lynch

November 3rd, 2015


Strategic Analytics: Advancing Strategy Execution and Organizational Effectiveness

Alec Levenson

November 2nd, 2015


Making Strategy Works


July 10th, 2015


Your Strategy Needs a Strategy: How to Choose and Execute the Right Approach

Martin Reeves, Knut Haanaes, Janmejaya Sinha

June 9th, 2015

December 24th, 2015

December 16th, 2015

Table: The latest published books on “Strategic Management” (January 2016)

Strategic Management






Edge Strategy: A New Mindset for Profitable Growth

Alan Lewis, Dan McKone

December 29th, 2015


Strategic Foresight for Public Institutions

Witter Tobias

December 29th, 2015


Strategic Management and Business Analysis

Wyri Jenkins, Dave Williamson

December 22nd, 2015


Business Strategic Plan: Ultimate Guide for Strategic Plan

Benard Volt, Charity W. K.

December 16th, 2015


Strategic Brand Management

Alexander Chernev

December 15th, 2015


Advanced Strategic Management: A Multi-Perspective Approach

Véronique Ambrosini, Mark December 11th, 2015 Jenkins, Nardine Mowbray


Strategic Management

Richard Lynch

December 4th, 2015


Strategic Talent Management: Contemporary Issues in International Context

Paul Sparrow, Hugh Scullion, Ibraiz Tarique

December 3rd, 2015


Strategic Alliances for Sme Development (Research in Strategic Alliances)

T. K. Das

November 1st, 2015


Cognition and Strategy (Advances in Strategic Management)

Giovanni Gavetti, William Ocasio

August 28th, 2015





T here are two stages in the process of improving a certain field of

activity or subject. The first takes place on the theoretical scene and the second employs the gained knowledge in a real-life situation. Because the two are inseparable, education plays a role that is just as important as its practical applications. As such, the following section is an extension of the educational side of performance management, by presenting a list of academic articles written in 2015.

The selection has been made based on the following key words: performance management, organizational performance, performance measurement, operational performance, employee performance and, finally, personal performance. The information has been gathered by using the following sources: Google Scholar Search, and

Performance Management (Table: The Latest Publised Articles)

No. Title


Publication date



Management innovation and firm performance: An integration of research findings

Richard M. Walker, Jiyaeo Chen, Deepa Aravind

Oct, 2015

European Management Journal


Selected Components Affecting Quality of Performance Management Systems

Lucie Jelinkova, Michaela Striteska

Dec, 2015


The interaction of chief executive officer and top management team on organization performance

Fang-Yi Lo, Pao-Hung Fu

Dec, 2015

Journal of Business Research


Product portfolio management – Targets and key performance indicators for product portfolio renewal over life cycle

Arto Tolonen, Marzieh Shahmarichatghieh, Janne Harkonen, Harri Haapasalo

Dec, 2015

International Journal of Production Economics


Renewal of Performance Management System in Family Agatha Rinta Suhardi Company

Nov, 2015

Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences


Strategic Performance Management with Focus on the Customer

Michaela Striteska, Lucie Jelinkova

Dec, 2015

Procedia – Social Behavioral Sciences


Benchmarking construction waste management performance using big data

Weisheng Lu, Xi Chen, Yi Peng, Liyin Shen

Dec, 2015

Resources, Conversation and Recycling


Environmental operations management and its links with proactivity and performance: A study of the UK food industry

Stephanie Graham, Antony Potter

Dec, 2015

International Journal of Production Economics


Green supply chain management and firms’ performance: Ana Beatriz Lopes de Sousa Nov, 2015 Understanding potential relationships and the role of green Jabbour, Fernanda Cortegoso sourcing and some other green practices de Oliveira Frascareli, Charbel Jose Chappetta Jabbour

Resources, Conversation and Recycling

Procedia – Social Behavioral Sciences

10 The effects of forecast typ and performance-based incentives on the quality of management forecasts

Clara Xiaoling Chen, Kristina Oct, 2015 M. Rennekamp, Flora H. Zhou

Accouting, Organizations and Society

11 Evaluation of knowledge management performance: An organic approach

Le Chen, Patrick S.W. Fong

Jun, 2015

Information & Management

12 The Experimental Research Regarding the Promotion of High Performance Managment within Arad University Sport Club

Serban Ovidiu Gheorghe, Mihailescu Nicolae

May, 2015

Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences


RESOURCES Performance Management (Table: The Latest Publised Articles)

No. Title


Publication date


13 Developing a performance management framework for a Ian O’Boyle national sport organization

May, 2015

Sport Management Review

14 Strategic Business Performance Management on the Base Roman Zamecnik, Rastislav of Controlling and Managerial Information Support Rajnoha

Oct, 2015

Procedia Economics and Finance

15 Supplier Performance Management at Higher Education Sallaudin Hassan, Siti Hajar Institutes Ramli, Rahmat Roslan, Jimisiah Jaafar 16 Performance Management in Horizontal Business Networks: A systematic review

Nov, 2015

Franciele Bonnato, Luis Aug, 2015 Mauricio Martins de Resende, Leozenir Mendes Betim, Rafael da Silva Pereira, Thompson von Agner

Procedia Economics and Finance


17 Management and performance of strategic multipartner Lara Agostini, Roberto SME networks Filippini, Anna Nosella

Nov, 2015

International Journal of Production Economics

18 Strategic cost management and performance: The case of environmental costs

Jean-François Henri, Olivier Boiral, Marie-Josée Roy

Mar, 2015

The British Accounting Review

19 Performance Management as a Process of Promoting Innovation in Software Industry

Athanasios Giannopoulos

Feb, 2015

Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences

20 Changing Routine: Reframing Performance Management Philip Stiles, Jonathan Trevor, Jan, 2015 within a Multinational Elaine Farndale, Shad S. Morris, Jaap Paauwe, Günter K. Stahl, Patrick Wright

Journal of Management Studies

21 Does Training Matter? Evidence from Performance Management Reforms

Alexander Kroll, Donald P. Moynihan

Feb, 2015

Public Administration Review

22 Unpacking the black box: A realist evaluation of performance management for social services

Hwee Tend Robyn Tan, Gill Harvey

Nov, 2015

Public Administration Review

23 Towards an autonomic performance management approach for a cloud broker environment using a decomposition-coordination based methodology

Rajat Mehrotra, Srishti Srivastava, Ioana Banicescu, Sherif Abdelwahed

Apr, 2015

Future Generation Computer Systems

24 Exploring staffs’ work performance of M food chain: From human resources management perspective

Pao-Cheng Lin, Hui-Ling Hu, Shao-Yu Li, Pei-Kuan Lin

Jun, 2015

Service Systems and Service Management

25 Hybridity, coping mechanisms, and academic performance management: comparing three countries

Christine Teelken

Jan, 2015

Public Administration Review

26 Public Sector Size and Performance Management: A Case-Study of Post-Revolution Tunisia

Anne Brockmeyer, Maha Khatrouch, Gaël Raballand

Jan, 2015

Social Science Research Network

27 The Role of Organizational Social Capital in Performance Management

Michele Tantardini, Alexander Kroll

Oct, 2015

Public Performance & Management Review

28 Performance Measurement and Management in the Public Sector: Some Lessons from Research Evidence

Jie Gao

Jun, 2015

Public Administration and Development



RESOURCES Performance Measurement (Table: The Latest Publised Articles)

No. Title


Publication date



The Significance of SOEs Performance Measurement as Policy Instrument in Baltic Countries

Ruta Kloviene, Edita Gimzauskiene, Dalius Misiunas

Dec, 2015

Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences


The Aspects of Performance Measurement in Public Sector Organization

Ingrida Balaboniene, Giedre Dec, 2015 Vecerskiene

Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences


Is Performance Measurement System Going Towards Sustainability in SMEs?

Lina Kloviene, Maria-Teresa Speziale

Dec, 2015

Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences


The use of Web analytics for digital marketing performance measurement

Joel Järvinen, Heikki Karjaluoto

Oct, 2015

Industrial Marketing Management


Future proofing PPPs: Life-cycle performance measurement and Building Information Modelling

Peter E.D. Love, Junxiao Liu, Aug, 2015 Jane Matthews, Chun-Pong Sing, Jim Smith

Automation in Construction


The ‘logic of escalation’ in performance measurement: An analysis of the dynamics of a research evaluation system

Peter Woelert

Policy and Society


Evolution of the performance measurement system in Debora M. Gutierrez, Feb, 2015 the Logistics Department of a broadcasting company: An Luiz F. Scavarda, Luiza action research Fiorencio, Roberto A. Martins

International Journal of Production Economics


Measuring health system performance: A new approach to Toni Ashton accountability and quality improvement in New Zealand

Aug, 2015

Health Policy


The Concept of Management Control System and Its Relation to Performance Measurement

May, 2015

Procedia Economics and Finance

Ladislav Siska

Mar, 2015

10 Incorporating destination quality into the measurement of A. George Assaf, Efthymios G. Aug, 2015 tourism performance: A Bayesian approach Tsionas

Tourism Management

11 Use of wearable technology for performance assessment: A Enrica Papi, Denise Oseivalidation study Kuffour, Yen-Ming A. Chen, Alison H. McGregor

Jul, 2015

Medical Engineering & Physics

Publication date


Organizational Performance (Table: The Latest Publised Articles)

No. Title



Effect of Intellectual Capital on Organizational Performance Maryam Jameelah Hashim, Idris Osman, Syed Musa Alhabshi

Nov, 2015


Structural equation modelling on knowledge creation in Six Sigma DMAIC project and its impact on organizational performance

Ang Boon Sin, Sihaiza Zailani, Mohammad Iranmanesh, T. Ramayah

Oct, 2015


Impacts of Implementation of the Effective Maritime Security Management Model (EMSMM) on Organizational Performance of Shipping Companies

Elena Sadovaya, Vinh V. Thai

Jun, 2015


Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences

International Journal of Production Economics The Asian Journal of Shipping and Logistics

RESOURCES Organizational Performance (Table: The Latest Publised Articles)

No. Title


Publication date



Structural equation modelling on knowledge creation in Six Sigma DMAIC project and its impact on organizational performance

Ang Boon Sin, Sihaiza Zailani, Mohammad Iranmanesh, T. Ramayah

Oct, 2015

International Journal of Production Economics


Cleaner production, environmental sustainability and organizational performance: an empirical study in the Brazilian Metal-Mechanic industry

Eliana Andréa Severo, Julio Jun, 2015 Cesar Ferro de Guimarães, Eric Charles Henri Dorion, Cristine Hermann Nodari

Journal of Cleaner Production


The Interdependence Between Human Capital and Organizational Performance in Higher Education

Stefania Zlate, Cerasela Enache

Apr, 2015

International Journal of Production Economics


Effect of investments in manufacturing practices on process efficiency and organizational performance

DonHee Lee, Boo-Ho Rho, Seong No Yoon

Apr, 2015

International Journal of Production Economics


The moderating effect of organizational life cycle stages on the Sophia Su, Kevin Baird, Herb Mar, 2015 association between the interactive and diagnostic approaches Schoch to using controls with organizational performance

Management Accounting Research


Effect of diversity on human resource management and organizational performance

Chia-Mei Lu, Shyh-Jer Chen, Apr, 2015 Pei-Chi Huang, Jui-Ching Chien

Journal of Business Research

10 Corporate Cultures Integration and Organizational Performance: A Conceptual Model on the Performance of Acquiring Companies

Syazliana Astrah Mohd Idris, Jan, 2015 Rabiah Abdul Wahab, Aini Jaapar

Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences

11 The impact of media relations on certain organizational Edit Terek, Milan Nikolic, and business performances: Serbian case Jelena Vukonjanski, Bojana Gligorovic, Branka Jankovic

Sep, 2015

Public Relations Review

12 Innovation and technology creation effects on organizational performance

Kuo-En Huang, Jih-Hwa Wu, Dec, 2015 Shiau-Yun Lu, Yi-Chia Lin

Journal of Business Research

13 An analysis of the direct and mediated effects of employee commitment and supply chain integration on organizational performance

Rafaela Alfalla-Luque, Juan A. Marin-Garcia, Carmen Medina-Lopez

Apr, 2015

International Journal of Production Economics


Operational Performance (Table: The Latest Publised Articles)

No. Title


Publication date


The impact of customer-based brand equity on the operational performance of FMCG companies in India

Bijuna C. Mohan, A. H. Sequeira

Dec, 2015


Inter-firm dependence, inter-firm trust and operational Xinping Shi, Ziqi Liao performance: The mediating effect of e-business integration

Dec, 2015

Information & Management


Customer integration and operational performance: The Roberto Chavez, Wantao mediating role of information quality Yu, Cristina Gimenez, Brian Fynes, Frank Wiengarten

Dec, 2015

Decision Support Systems

IIMB Management Review



RESOURCES Operational Performance (Table: The Latest Publised Articles)

No. Title



A semi-empirical ship operational performance prediction model for voyage optimization towards energy efficient shipping

Ruihua Lua, Osman Turan, Dec, 2015 Evangelos Boulougouris, Charlotte Banks, Atilla Incecik


Strategic agility of Korean small and medium enterprises and Hojung Shin, Jae-Nam Lee, its influence on operational and firm performance DaeSoo Kim, Hosun Rhim

Oct, 2015

International Journal of Production Economics


Measuring operational performance of OSH management system – A demonstration of AHP-based selection of leading key performance indicators

Daniel Podgórski

Mar, 2015

Safety Science


Firm performance in dynamic environments: The role of operational slack and operational scope

Jeremy J. Kovach, Manpreet Jul, 2015 Hora, Andrew Manikas, Pankaj C. Patel


Carbon emission reduction: the impact on the financial Isabel Gallego-Álvarez, and operational performance of international companies Liliane Segura, Jennifer Martinez-Ferrero

Sep, 2015

Journal of Cleaner Production


Ergonomics Climate Assessment: A measure of operational performance and employee well-being

Sep, 2015

Applied Ergonomics


The Relationships of Human Success Factor, Information Abdul Razif Abdul Razak, Technology, and Procurement Process Coordination Akmal Aini Othman, Veera on Operational Performance in Building Construction Pandiyan Kaliani Sundram Industry – A Proposed Conceptual Framework

Nov, 2015

Procedia Economics and Finance

Krista Hoffmeister, Alyssa Gibbons, Natalie Schwatka, Jogn Rosecrance

Publication date

Journal Ocean Engineering

Journal of Operations Management

10 Operational Excellence for Sustainability of Nepalese Industries

Dr. Sateesh Kumar Ojha

May, 2015

Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences

11 Operational improvement competence and service recovery performance: The moderating effects of role stress and job resources

Yefei Yang, Peter K.C. Lee, T.C.E. Cheng

Jun, 2015

International Journal of Production Economics


Publication date


Employee Performance (Table: The Latest Publised Articles)

No. Title 1

The Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence of Managers, Innovative Corporate Culture and Employee Performance

Erkut Altındag, Yeliz Kösedagı

Dec, 2015

Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences


Employee Satisfaction and Performance as Intervening Variables of Learning Organization on Financial Performance

Saarce Elsye Hatane

Nov, 2015

Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences


Effect of Training, Competence and Discipline on Employee Performance in Company (Case Study in PT. Asuransi Bangun Askrida)

Anwar Prabu Mangkunegara Nov, 2015 dan Abdul Waris

Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences


Family firms, employee satisfaction, and corporate performance

Minjie Huang, Pingshu Li, Felix Oct, 2015 Meschke, James P. Guthrie

Journal of Corporate Finance


RESOURCES Employee Performance (Table: The Latest Publised Articles)

No. Title


Publication date


Martin Huber, Michael Lechner, Conny Wunsch

Sep, 2015

Journal of Health Economics


Workplace health promotion and labour market performance of employees


The relationship between hotel employees’ cross-cultural Worarak Sucher, competency and team performance in multi-national Cathering Cheung hotel companies

Aug, 2015

International Journal of Hospitality Management


Managing High-Potential Employees

Jul, 2015

Procedia Economics and Finance


Intermediate Manager Behaviors Leading to Employee Job Julianna Marcotte, Olivier Performance and Well-being: A Conceptual Framework Doucet, Michel Cossette

Jul, 2015

Procedia Economics and Finance


Transformational leadership dimensions and employee creativity in China: A cross-level analysis

Chaoping Li, Hao Zhao, Thomas M. Begley

Jun, 2015

Journal of Business Research

10 Smart Health Care Monitoring Technologies to Improve Employee Performance in Manufacturing

Kati Kõrbe Kaare, Tauno Otto

Feb, 2015

Procedia Engineering

11 Motivational drivers that fuel employees to champion hospitality brand

Lina Xiong, Ceridwyn King

Jan, 2015

International Journal of Hospitality Management

No. Title


Publication date



Performance, performativity and second language identities: How can we know the actor from the act?

Ruth M. Harman, Xiaodong Zhang

Dec, 2015

Linguistics and Education


Managing personal networks: An examination of how high-self monitors achieve better job performance

Song Wang, Qiongjing Hu, Bowen Dong

Dec, 2015

Journal of Vocational Behavior


The effect of experiential learning on subsidiary knowledge and performance

Waheed Akbar Bhatti, Jorma Oct, 2015 Larimo, Dafnis N. Coudounaris

Journal of Business Research


Personal Competences of Succession Pool for Management Positions within University Competitiveness Increase: Meaning and Identifications

Alexander Grudzinskiy, Ludmila Dec, 2015 Zakharova, Natalia Bureeva, Irina Leonova, Andrey Mahalin

Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences


Does personal social media usage affect efficiency and well-being?

Stoney Brooks

Computers in Human Behavior


Coping Efficacy and Project Involvement Effects on Personal and Professional Expectations

Orazio Licciardello, Claudia Oct, 2015 Castiglione, Alberto Rampullo

Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences


Managing Mass Sport Participation: Adding a Personal Performance Perspective to Remodel Antecedents and Consequences of Participant Sport Event Satisfaction

Du James, Jordan Jeremy S., Nov, 2015 Funk Daniel C.

Journal of Sport Management


Training perceptions, engagement, and performance: Luke Fletcher comparing work engagement and personal role engagement

Jul, 2015

Human Resource Development International


When Performance Gets Personal: Towards a Theory of Performance-Based Identity and Identification

Jan, 2015

Academy of Management Proceedings

Marek Rebeták, Viera Farkašová

Personal Performance (Table: The Latest Publised Articles)

Benjamin W. Walker

May, 2015





It comes as no surprise that today’s world relays mostly on online content as a prime source of information and knowledge. The following section was born with the intention of providing necessary guidelines for online orientation in the Performance Management field. Thus, the tables below provide a ranking of the ten most accessed Performance Management related websites, based on their online traffic statistics. The ranking in the first table is provided by Alexa. com, while the second table was provided by, both of which are considered the web statistics authorities. Table: The most visited portals according to (March 2016)

The order of the selected websites differs for and While the first one presents, and as the first three portals, the latter,, shows enterprise-dashboard. com, and as the most visited Performance Management websites. However, the overall trend is centered on performance related tools, such as Dashboards, Scorecards and KPIs.

Table: The most visited portals according to (March 2016)

No. Name

Rank on

No. Name

Rank on

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

236,800 360,753 472,030 539,442 643,659 1,049,777 1,125,290 2,196,954 2,312,988 7,526,321

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

175,403 176,817 377,547 402,918 830,498 1,389,344 1,509,939 Not Ranked Not Ranked Not Ranked



COMMUNITIES For today’s business environment and the fast-paced corporate

world, even e-mail connections may seem too slow and unresponsive. Since 2012, social media has been encompassed in a booming ascension trajectory. While everyday connections are being delivered by platforms such as Facebook, business to business interactions migrated towards specialized social networks, such as LinkedIn. It offers the proper environment to share, exchange and analyze current trends, news and expertise related to various fields of business. Thus, when it comes to Performance Management, five different categories of groups have been identified, namely Performance Management, Balanced Scorecard, Business Intelligence, Key Performance Indicators and Employee Performance Management.

analysis. If in 2014, the Business Intelligence Professionals (BI, Big Data, Analytics, IoT) had 90,549 members, in 2015 it has grown up to 174,250 members. The Human Resources (HR) & Talent Management Executive group had, in 2014, 352,139 members but, in 2015, it numbered 416,797 members. Also, the group PERFORMANCE: Measurement, Management, KPI, Balanced Scorecard, Business Intelligence, Analytics grew from 15,710 to 19,014 members. Overall, every group experienced an increase in the number of members, thus reflecting the increasing interest given to specific domains related to performance management.

The highly dynamic nature of the field becomes obvious when comparing the number of members from the 2014 to the 2015

Each group’s member base is represented below. The number of members was correct at the time of the research (March, 2016). However, given the high dynamism of social media, the number of members for the presented groups might have increased ever since.

Table: Performance Management communities

Table: Key Performance Indicators communities

Performance Management Business Improvement, Change Management and Performance

Key Performance Indicators 59,782

PERFORMANCE: Measurement, Management, KPI, 19,014 Balanced Scorecard, Business Intelligence, Analytics Performance Management Professional Group

Performance Measurement


Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Users Group



Table: Balanced Scorecard communities

Table: Employee Performance Management communities

Employee Performance Management

Balanced Scorecard Balanced Scorecard Practitioners Global Network

PERFORMANCE: Measurement, Management, KPI, 19,014 Balanced Scorecard, Business Intelligence, Analytics


Human Resources (HR) & Talent Management Executive


PERFORMANCE: Measurement, Management, KPI, 19,014 Balanced Scorecard, Business Intelligence, Analytics

Human Resource Management (HR, SPHR, SHRM, 131,538 Recruiter, Resources Manager, Talent Strategy & Staffing)

Balanced Scorecard Group

Employee Performance Management (HR)



Table: Business Intelligence communities

Business Intelligence Business Intelligence Professionals (BI, Big Data, Analytics, IoT)


Business Analytics, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence 97,693 Business Intelligence & Analytics Goup






A s the entire report proves, one of the biggest trends in 2015 was

the emergence of huge amounts of data that organizations have to deal with, at all levels. In order to ease both the access and the understanding, performance related systems need different enablers, and technology always comes in hand. This edition presents the results of two studies conducted by different entities and in different manner, but having the same purpose, namely to rank software solutions providers. Details about their results can be found below on roughly the same levels, specifically chosen for consistency. February of 2016 marked the release of a year-long expected report, the Magic Quadrant for Business Intelligence and Analytics Platforms published by Gartner. ( Their overall perspective on the BI and analytics world of 2015 sums up to the following: “The BI and analytics platform market’s multiyear shift from IT-led enterprise reporting to business-led selfservice analytics has passed the tipping point. Most new buying is of modern, business-user-centric platforms forcing a new market perspective, significantly reordering the vendor landscape.” As prime specialists in this area of expertise, the Gartner team concluded that the BI and analytics platform market has definitely shifted in 2016 to a new, more modern, user-centric business perspective, compared to the older IT-defined enterprises.


Platform leaders: Leaders in the Gartner Quadrant are Microsoft, Qlik and, the best of them all, Tableau, which holds onto its number one position for the fourth year in a row. The quadrant ranks the BI and analytics platforms based on their ability to execute, correlated with their completeness of vision, among others. Ranking indicators: Other important ranking vectors are the so-called “use-cases.” These assess how the platform reacts in 5 scenarios: agile-centralized BI provisioning (which allows for an agile workflow), decentralized analytics (which also supports the workflow from registered data to self-service analytics), governed data discovery (highlights the governance, reusability and promotability of the content), embedded BI and extranet deployment (same as the embedded BI scenarios, only with an external end-user). Future trends: Finally, the Gartner report isolated the BI and analytics platforms trends for the near future. According to them, by 2018, users and analysts will gain access to self-service tools in order to prepare data. Also, this self-service data preparation will be either integrated in an end-to-end analytical platform or become one of the features of an existing platform. Also by 2018, next-gen data discovery will comprise “smart, governed, Hadoop-based, searchbased and visual-based data discovery” into one single form.


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Content. Methodology. Visual Summary. Introduction. Global Perspectives. Practitioners’. Perspectives. Academics’ Perspectives. Consultants’ Perspectives. Map Snapshot. Country Profiles. Country Legislations. Trends in Search. 2015 Statistics. Media Exposure. Educational Programs. Main Events in the field. Career. Bestselling Books. Latest Published Books. Journal Articles. Portals. Communities. Business Intelligence Software. | Interviews. Bahrain. Kuwait. Oman. Saudi Arabia. United Arab Emirates. | Keywords analyzed. Analytics. Balanced Scorecard. BI. Business Intelligence. Business Performance Management. Corporate Performance Management. Dashboard. Employee Evaluation. Employee Performance. Employee Performance Management. Enterprise Performance Management. Individual Performance Management. Individual Performance Plan. Key Performance Indicators. KPI. Metrics. Operational Performance Management. Performance Appraisal. Performance Criteria. Performance Evaluation. Performance Management. Performance Management Plan. Performance Management System. Performance Measures. Performance Review. Scorecard. Strategic Performance Management. Strategy Execution. Strategy Implementation. Strategy Management. | Educational Degree Institutions. University of Bahrain. Arabian Gulf University. Ahlia University College of Business and Finance. University College of Bahrain. The Kingdom University. AMA International University of Bahrain. Gulf University College of Administrative and Financial Sciences. King Saud University. King Abdulaziz University. Umm Al-Qura University. King Faisal University. Jazan University. Taif University. Qassim University. Alfaisal University. Salman Bin Abdulaziz University. University of Hail. Al Jouf University. University of Business and Technology. Dammam University. Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd University. Northern Border University. Efat University. Dar Al Uloom University. Al Yamamah University. Fahad Bin Sultan University. Kuwait University. American University of Kuwait. Australian College of Kuwait. Kuwait Maastricht Business School. Sultan Qaboos University. Oman College of Management and Technology. University of Nizwa. Middle East College. Sohar University. Dhofar University. Muscat College. Modern College of Business and Science. Al Buraimi University College. College of Banking and Financial Studies. Mazoon University College. Sur University. Majan College. Gulf College. Qatar University. United Arab Emirates University. American University of Ras Al Khaimah. American University of Sharjah. Zayed University. University of Sharjah. American University in Dubai. University Wollongong in Dubai. Abu Dhabi University. Manipal University. Ittihad University. Amity University. SZABIST Institute of Science and Technology. Canadian University of Dubai. The British University in Dubai. Al Ghurair University. ALHOSN University. University of Dubai. American University in the Emirates. University of Modern Sciences. Murdoch University. Jumeira University. City University. | Performance Management Events. 2015. Bahrain: Manama; Oman: Muscat; Saudi Arabia: Jeddah; United Arab Emirates: Dubai. | Career. Jobs. Salaries. | Book Categories. Business Performance Management. Corporate Performance Management. Employee Performance Management. Enterprise Performance Management. Individual Performance Management. Operational Performance Management. Performance Management. Personal Performance. Strategic Management. Strategy Execution. | Peer Reviewed Journals. Top 18. | Portals. Top 10 Most Visited. | Communities Analyzed. Balanced Scorecard. Business Intelligence. Corporate Performance Management. Employee Performance Management. Key Performance Indicators. | Software. Gartner: Magic Quadrant for Business Intelligence and Software Solutions. | 6 countries reviewed. Bahrain. Kuwait. Oman. Qatar. Saudi Arabia. United Arab Emirates.

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