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May 29, 2017

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Your Guide to What’s Happening in NH’s Lakes Region





May 29 • Vol 34 • No 8


Veterans Remember WWII • page 3

What’s Up • pages 6-9

Golf • page 10

Boat Rentals • page 26

See More at

Get The Skinny Around the Winni

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May 29, 2017


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May 29, 2017

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Local Veterans Remember World War II By Sarah Wright Every veteran has a story. Together, these stories make up the fabric of our nation’s history. Throughout time, stories like these have been passed down from generation to generation. We can learn a lot from someone else’s experiences, especially those of our veterans. Most inspirational is how these individuals joined the fight for our freedoms, and helped our country persevere through a time of war. On Memorial Day, and every day, we should be thankful for the sacrifices countless men and women made for the United States of America. I was lucky enough to talk with two World War II veterans, and here are their stories. Warren Pond enlisted in the Merchant Marine when he was 19 years old. He received his basic training in Mississippi before spending the next couple of years as an engineer on ships stationed primarily in the North Atlantic. The Merchant Marine is the fleet of ships, which carries imports and exports during peacetime and becomes a naval auxiliary during wartime to deliver troops and war material. “In 1939 and 1940, the German subs were really beating us up all along the east coast,” says Warren, “We lost a lot of boys and ships. It wasn’t until we officially entered the war (WWII) in 1941 that we finally got some protection and traveled in escorted convoys.” Warships from different ports would meet up to form fleets of 40 or more ships to cross the Atlantic Ocean together. Even so, the American, Canadian, and English escort warships had their hands full fighting off the German “wolf pack” submarines. Convoy destinations were secret, cameras were not allowed on board, and mail was censored, all in an effort to prevent such intelligence from getting into German hands. An old saying from the time was, “Loose

Luther “Smitty” Smith fought bravely in World War II. He is pictured here at the Wright Museum of World War II in Wolfeboro. lips sink ships.” Casualties were very high. In fact, most people are unaware that the Merchant Marines suffered the highest percentage of losses of those who served. Warren served on freighters that carried supplies to England and on a troop ship that transported troops from England to France, and returned with those who were injured but still mobile. (Serious injuries were handled by hospital ships.) German prisoners were also transported. His ship, the Marine Wolf, made 105 trips between Le Havre in France, and South Hampton, England. Missions were hazardous. “The Germans owned most of Europe, so we were directly under fire,” says Warren, “There were constant aerial attacks.” Warren also made one trip through the Mediterranean destined for Iraq on the Persian Gulf. However, it was terminated by a German aerial torpedo just east of Algiers, on Hitler’s birthday in 1944. “We abandoned ship, and got in the lifeboats,” recalls Warren. “When we saw the ship wasn’t sinking, we went back aboard and limped into Algiers. Eventually, we got patched up in Gibraltar and sent back to the

Warren Pond working in the Wright Museum’s Victory Garden States.” Warren was in South Hampton, England in May of 1945 when the Germans surrendered (“The Brits went wild”) and when Japan surrendered a few months later. There was much to celebrate. Warren went on one last trip carrying cargo to Shanghai before returning home to the United States in 1946. He had gotten married in 1943 while he was serving, and when he was finally home, he and his wife started a family. Warren still loves being on the water and spent many years sailing on the ocean to places like Bermuda and the Virgin Islands. He and his wife lived in the Virgin Islands for over 20 years before moving to Wolfeboro. We thank him for his service. Luther “Smitty” Smith always wanted to fly, so when he enlisted on October 13th, 1942 he chose to enlist

in the Air Force. The United States military needed bombing crews and Smitty volunteered to be a gunner, because he knew that was the quickest way to get in the air. He trained in opencockpit aircraft, and practiced firing on enemy planes by aiming at a target on a cable attached to the plane. During the war, his squadron was based in the East Anglia region of England, and he flew missions from there in a B-17. Missions averaged about eight hours, and the military targets included places that were involved in the manufacture of aircraft or petroleum products. The British Air Force bombed targets during the night, and the Americans bombed targets during daylight hours. “There was always anti-aircraft fire,” says Smitty, “On our tenth mission, in July of 1943, we were shot up and lost two engines.” He continues, “We started throwing everything overboard to lighten the plane, and disconnected the turret and ammo boxes. We finally brought the plane down in a field in Patcham, England and had to abandon it.” The men spent the night at a hotel, before being picked up by another plane the next day that took them back to the base. Smitty completed 13 missions before his plane was shot down and he lost his right hand. The men parachuted out, and because Smitty couldn’t pull the rip cord on his right side, the tail gunner pulled a static line to open • Veterans Continued on page 4

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May 29, 2017

• Veterans Continued from page 3 his parachute. When the three men landed, they were captured and taken to a German hospital where they were operated on. The next day, they were transferred to a German military hospital, and then a month later to an interrogation center for questioning. After that, they were sent to a hospital for wounded POWs, staffed by English doctors, and finally to the Luft 4 Camp for Air Force prisoners in Poland. After having been a POW for over eight months, Smitty left the camp with five other men in an exchange of disabled prisoners. The disabled

American prisoners were traded for disabled German prisoners. He received an Honorable Discharge, and returned home to Fryeburg, Maine. With the loss of his right hand, finding work was difficult, but he found seasonal work to keep busy. Smitty kept in touch with his friends from the Air Force, visiting with them through the years. We thank him for his service. For all those members of the military who died while serving our country, and to those veterans who lived to tell their stories, we honor them for their bravery. (Editor’s note: special thanks to the staff of the Wright Museum in Wolfeboro

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Castle in the Clouds Summer of Events Begins Memorial Day weekend and beyond is the perfect time to visit Castle in the Clouds in Moultonboro and enjoy the mountaintop views, the stunning Arts & Crafts mansion, horseback rides, waterfalls, nature walks, and outdoor dining. In the Carriage House Gallery, the exhibit “Finding Place on Paper” showcases the works of contemporary printmakers and poets in the Lakes Region and White Mountains. All the prints are for sale with proceeds to benefit Castle in the Clouds. The juxtaposition of image and word provides a fascinating perspective on the creative process and is designed to deepen our appreciation for these special landscapes. Listen to recorded loon calls, try your hand at building a cairn, or compose an original verse with magnetic poetry. Printmakers include Matt Brown, Mary DiBurro, Terry Downs, Marian Federspiel, Peter Ferber, Roger Goldenburg, Margaret Merritt, Christopher Morse, Maryellen Sakura, Jane Grant Tentas, and Jude Valentine. The exhibit is sponsored by White Mountain Subway, and Leone, McDonnell & Roberts. The centerpiece of the renowned

mountaintop estate is the Lucknow mansion, built in 1914 on an outcrop overlooking Lake Winnipesaukee and the Belknap and Ossipee Mountains. From every room, visitors can see spectacular scenery and views, making any visit a rewarding and inspiring experience. Open from 10 am to 5:30 pm, seven days a week through October 22, the Castle in the Clouds also offers dozens of additional programs. Noted ornithologist Bob Ridgely leads a bird walk on June 19, various performers provide music at the Carriage House on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays starting June 26, and outdoor yoga classes are offered on Wednesdays in July and August at 6 pm. Long-time favorites include the Antique and Classic Automobile Event on Saturday, July 8, and the Lucknow Summer Gala and Auction on July 14. For more and all program details, go to Castle in the Clouds is owned and operated by the not-for-profit Castle Preservation Society whose mission is to preserve, interpret and share the buildings and landscape of the Castle in the Clouds as an educational and cultural resource for the Lakes Region.

May 29, 2017

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Make A Splash! WE ARE THE





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May 29, 2017

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May 27-29, Memorial Day Craft Fair at Mill Falls, Meredith, free admission, large variety of handmade goods, Castleberry Fairs, May 27-29, Memorial Day Weekend Kids Cruise Free (under age 13) aboard M/S Mount Washington on Memorial Day weekend. Offer good on all daytime cruises from all ports. (Limit 2 kids per adult), departs from Weirs Beach daily, 10 am and 12:30 pm; from Wolfeboro Saturday, 11:15 am; from Alton Bay Sunday 11:15 am. 366-5531 or go to May 27-29, Veterans and Military Personnel Special ($10 cruise offer for Military & Veterans aboard the M/S Mount Washington Memorial Day Weekend.) Military personnel, veterans & their families qualify for a $10 ticket price p/p on all daytime cruises Memorial Day Weekend. Kids under 13 cruise free, from Weirs Beach daily, 10 am and 12:30 pm; from Wolfeboro Saturday, 11:15 am; from Alton Bay Sunday 11:15 am. 366-5531 or May 30, Fiber Art Group, 9:30 am-noon, fiber artists meet, drop in visitors welcome, quilting, sewing, rug hooking, etc. Free, bring your project to work on, meets every other Tues. year round, Remick Museum & Farm, Tamworth village, does not include museum admission, info: 323-7591. May 30, The Three Stooges and the Axis, presented by Dan Schroeder, 7 pm, Wright Museum, Center St., Wolfeboro, advance reservations: 569-1212, www.


May 31, Cyanobacteria Blooms Research program, 7 pm, free, public welcome, talk by Dr. Jim Haney, prof. of biology at UNH, Squam Lakes Association, 534 US Route 3, Holderness. Info: 968-7336. June 1, AARP Safe Driving Program for age 50 & older, 9 am-4 pm, Taylor Community Woodside Building, Union Ave., Laconia, course fee: $15; call 3661226. June 1-2, New Hampshire Lakes Association 2017 Lakes Congress, with keynote speaker Dr. Wallace J. Nicols, author of “Blue Lakes, Blue Mind Go Deeper,” Church Landing, Mill Falls at the Lake, Daniel Webster Highway, Meredith, info: 226-0299. June 2-4, 3rd Annual Naz Aquamania Boat Show, boats, water toys, music and food, large water boat show, NASWA, 1086 Weirs Blvd., Weirs Beach/Laconia, info:, 366-4341. June 2-4, Fiddler on the Roof, Rochester Opera House, Rochester, 335-1992, June 3, Alton Town Wide Yard Sale, individual sales all over town, 8 am-2 pm, rain or shine, 875-0109 for info. and yard sale location maps. June 3, American Cancer Society Relay for Life, 10 am-4 pm, The Nick, Rt. 28, Wolfeboro, info: 569-1909.

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June 3, Kirkwood Gardens Day, 9 am-noon, Squam Lakes Science Center, Holderness, plants, baked goods for sale, get garden tips, 968-7194.

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June 3, Clean Up the Bay Day, Meredith Rotary Club, 9 am, volunteer welcome to help clean up around and on the waters of Meredith Bay, gather at Meredith Town Docks and Hesky Park, info: 279-7600. June 3, FREE Fishing Day in NH, free, NH Fish & Game, 11 Hazen Drive, Concord, learn fishing techniques, 271-3421.

To Do...

3-season porch

June 3, Bow Wow Fest, 9 am-noon, Lake Opechee Inn, 62 Doris Ray Court, Laconia, food trucks, pet parade, vendors, bike raffle, agility course, meet CO Mancini and his K9 Ruger (from Animal Planet’s North Woods Law: NH!) Benefit for NH Humane Society. Info: 524-3252.

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June 3, Make Your Own Sketchbook, 10 am-2 pm, Art Works, Chocorua, info/ registration: June 3, National Dairy Month Celebration, 10:30 am, live farm animals, events, tours, Remick Country Doctor Museum & Farm, Tamworth, info: 323-7591. (Also June 10, 17 and 24). June 3, Summer Sizzle, 10 am-2 pm, Gilmanton Year Round Library, Rt. 140, Gilmanton Iron Works, children’s events, local artisans, food, antique cars, music, raffle, info: 364-2400. June 3, Tuftonboro Town Wide Yard Sale, 9 am-1 pm, yard sale locations all over town, map available at town office and June 4, Glass Suncatcher Class, 12:30-2:30 pm, League of NH Craftsmen, Meredith Fine Craft Gallery, 279 Daniel Webster Highway, Meredith, info/sign up: 279-7920. June 4, Kids Spring Derby, Gunstock Pond, Gilford, 9 am-noon, Belknap County Sportsmens Assoc., Gilford, 524-8885,

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June 4, Loon Preservation Committee’s Summer Luncheon & Auction Fundraiser, 11 am-2 pm, Bald Peak Colony Club, Melvin Village, tickets/info: 476-5666, email:

May 29, 2017

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June 4, 67th Curley-Drew Fishing Derby, 10 am-noon, Harriman-Hale Post #18 of The American Legion and Fidelity Lodge #71, International Order of Odd Fellows, co-sponsoring annual derby for children. Rain or shine, Whitten Pond (Rte. 109A), Tuftonboro. Derby open to all children 12 years of age and under. Refreshments available free of charge to all who attend. Prizes to be awarded in each of the four age groups. Info: 569-9817 and leave a message. June 5, Cross Cut: The Mills, Logging & Life on the Androscoggin, 7 pm, by Rebecca Rule, Wolfeboro Historical Society, free, public welcome, held at Community Center, 22 Lehner St., Wolfeboro, info: 834-0193. June 6, Rugged Communalism: Summer Camp, Education and Democracy, 5-6 pm, exhibit curator Paul J. Hutchinson talk on summer camps using outdoors to teach responsibilities of living in a democracy, Museum of the White Mts., 34 Highland St., Plymouth, info: 535-3210. June 6, Songs for Soldiers, Veterans and Patriots, presented by Ramblin Richard, 7 pm, Wright Museum, Center St., Wolfeboro, advance reservations: 569-1212, June 6, Summer Lecture Series, Squam Lakes Conservation Society & Squam Uplands Initiative, takes place at Squam Lakes Natural Science Center, 7 pm, 9687194, June 8, Season Opening Reception, 6-9 pm, public welcome, good, new exhibits on display, NH Boat Museum, Center St., Wolfeboro, tickets/info: 569-4554, www. June 9, Full Moon Campfire & Walk, 7:30-9 pm, free, BYO flashlight, Remick Country Doctor Museum & Farm, Tamworth, info: 323-7591.

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June 9, Lakes Region Humane Society Fashion Show and Luncheon, noon, show, lunch, raffle, held at Bald Peak Colony Club, Moultonboro, $60 p/p, RSVP: 539-1077. June 10, AMYA region 1 US12 Championship, 9 am-3 pm, Bridge Falls Path, Glendon Street Municipal Parking lot, Wolfeboro. Hosted by New Hampshire Boat Museum Back Bay Skippers, June 10, Art & Bloom, 10 am-4 pm, Wolfeboro Town Hall Great Hall, Main St., Wolfeboro, floral arrangements and artwork, refreshment, art and floral demos during the day, $5 adults; kids under age 12 free. Governor Wentworth Arts Council, 569-1190 or

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June 10, Annual Bird Breeding Census, 5:30-8 am and 8-9 am, Squam Lakes Natural Science Center, Holderness, info: 968-7194, June 10, 11th Annual Peter Makris Memorial Run, NASWA Resort, breakfast on the beach, hot buffet lunch after ride with live music at NazBar, 1086 Weirs Blvd., Weirs Beach, info: 366-4341. June 10, Love Letters by A.R. Gurney, 6:30 pm, Belknap Mill, 25 Beacon St. East, Laconia, tickets/info: 524-8813, June 10, Marion Cleveland Cohen Memorial Golf Tournament, 1 pm, 258 Gov. Wentworth Hwy, Moultonboro, benefits Barnstormers Theatre, info/pre-register:

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June 10, National Dairy Month Celebration, 10:30 am, live farm animals, events, tours, Remick Country Doctor Museum & Farm, Tamworth, info: 323-7591. (Also June 17 and 24).



Brain saving fun... Serious Merriment!! Starting at 7pm

June 10, NE Lyman Boat Show, 9 am-3 pm, town docks, Wolfeboro, www. June 10, Plant Sale, Opechee Garden Club, email for location, time, further info: June 10, Strafford Wind Symphony, Rochester Opera House, Rochester, 3351992,



Multi-talented host Paul Luff and a great variety of talent. Beginning at 7pm. To get in the gig,email:

June 10-18, Laconia Motorcycle Week, motorcycle related events all over Lakes Region, info/full schedule:



It’s all about the ladies with Cody James setting the groove - ladies enjoy half-priced drinks and more* Beginning at 7pm

June 11, Brewing Honey Wine & Honey Kombucha, 1-3 pm, learn how to make mead, ArtWorks, 132, White Mt. Hwy, Chocorua, info/pre-register: artworks4us2@ June 13, Dragonflies and Damsels, live music at 6:30 pm, program at 7 pm, speaker: Pam Hunt of NH Aubudon, takes place at Wakefield-Brookfield Historical Society, 2851 Wakefield Road, free, all welcome, info: 340-2295. June 13, NE Quilts and the Stories They Tell, with Pam Weeks, NH Humanities program, 10:30 am, public welcome, Moultonboro Public Library, Rt. 25, Moultonboro, info: 476-8895.



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May 29, 2017

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June 14-24, The Rocky Horror Show, Winnipesaukee Playhouse, 50 Reservoir Rd., Meredith, 279-0333,

Smart Home Controls

June 15, NE Lighthouses and the People Who Kept Them, 7 pm, Minot-Sleeper Library, 35 Pleasant St., Bristol, free, NH Humanities sponsored program, 7443352.

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June 15, Plants of Field & Forest Series: Outdoor Walk, 10-11:30 am, Remick Country Doctor Museum & Farm, Tamworth, pre-register: 323-7591. June 16, Moonlight Madness, downtown Wolfeboro, info: 569-2200. June 16, Outdoor Concert in Rotary Park, Ossipee Mt. Boys, 6:30-8 pm, free, bring lawn chair or blanket, in case of rain show will be held indoors at Belknap Mill, 25 Beacon St. East, Laconia, 524-8813, June 16, Summer Gala & Silent Auction, by Moultonboro Women’s Club, takes place at Lions Hall, Old Rt. 109S, Moultonboro, info:


June 13, NH Heritage Museum Trail, Remick Country Doctor Museum, American Independence Museum & Millyard Museum presentation, 7 pm, Wright Museum, Center St., Wolfeboro, advance reservations: 569-1212,

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June 16, The Mighty Ducks, (PG), Dusk, Foss Field Soccer Field, Wolfeboro. Rain date is Saturday. ONGOING: Belknap Mill, programs and self-guided tours of the Power House, 1823 historic former textile mill. Hours/information: 524-8813. The Mill Plaza, 25 Beacon Street East, Laconia. Belknap Range Conservation Coalition Meetings, 3rd Thurs. of the month, email for meeting time and place. Benz Center Senior Meals, Sandwich, each Wednesday at noon. Well-balanced meal. Age 60 and older, small donation requested, 284-7211, Billiards Club, Monday nights at 6:30 pm, Tapply Thompson Community Center, Bristol, pick-up pool games, chance to socialize, info: 744-8159. Book Sale, first Sat. of each month, Cook Memorial Library, Tamworth, 10 amnoon, 323-8510. Castle in the Clouds, tours/exhibits/events, café, walking trails, Rt. 171, Moultonboro, info: 476-5900, Childrens’ Theatre Camp, with Sharon Arsenault, various dates, visit www. for dates and times. Rochester Opera House, 31 Wakefield St., Rochester, 335-1992. Coffeehouse Open Mic Night, 1st Sat. of the month until June, 7 pm, sign up to perform 6-6:50 pm, Doris L. Benz Community Center, 18 Heard Rd., Center Sandwich. Free, open to public. Concerts at 12 Main, Arts Center at 12 Main, Sandwich village, select concerts/ performances. Info: 284-7115, Country, Bluegrass, and Gospel Music Jam, Tuesdays, 6:30-9:30 pm, Old White Church, Route 109A, Tuftonboro, across from Tuftonboro General Store and Post Office. Musicians and listeners welcome. Free, 569-3861. Explore Squam Cruise, daily 1-2:30 pm, call for hours, Squam Lakes Natural Science Center, Holderness, pre-register info: 968-7194, Also offering Nature of the Lakes Cruise: 7/4-8/31; Loon Cruises: 6/5-8/28; Dinner & Sunset Cruise: 7/20 & 7/27; Lake Explorers Family Cruise: 7/11, 7/25 & 8/8.

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Fiber Friends, Tuesdays, 10 am-12:30 pm, drop-in fiber arts group, work on rug hooking, needlecrafts, knitting, etc. No formal instruction, but participants offer support, free, new members always welcome, or drop by to view working fiber projects, Gilford Public Library, 31 Potter Hill Rd., Gilford, 524-6042. Finding Place on Paper – Contemporary Poets and Printmakers Explore the Lakes Region & White Mts., on exhibit through Oct. 22, work of local artists and poets work on display, Carriage House, Castle in the Clouds, Moultonboro, www., 476-5900.

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Ladies Night with James Cody, 7 pm, Patrick’s Pub, 18 Weirs Rd., Gilford, 2930841,

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Lakes Region Genealogy Interest Group, meets last Thursday of the month; weekly morning classes on Wednesday from 10-11:30 am at Wolfeboro Public Library, for more info. call Cindy Scott: 569-2428.

For More Information FREE ESTIMATES 284-6618 •

Live Blues, every Friday night at 8 pm, Pitman’s Freight Room, 94 New Salem St., Laconia. Call 494-3334,

May 29, 2017

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Live Jazz, every Thursday at 8 pm, Pitman’s Freight Room, 94 New Salem St., Laconia. Call 494-3334, Lunch Box to Paint Box, noon-1 pm, first Tues. of each month artist Larry Frates demonstrates drawing and painting, free, public welcome, Belknap Mill, 25 Beacon St. East, Laconia, 524-8813, Masonic Breakfast, first Sunday of each month, 7-11:30 am, 35 Trotting Track Road, Wolfeboro. Fresh fruit, omelets made to order, scrambled eggs, hash browns, cereal etc. Millie B Boat Rides, tour Lake Winnipesaukee from vintage wooden Hacker Craft Millie B, rides run for 45 minutes, departs from Wolfeboro Town Docks, call NH Boat Museum for tickets/info: 569-4554, NH Boat Museum, exhibits: Racing on the Bay: The Wolfeboro Vintage Race Boat Regatta, Big Dreams; Little Boats: Mid-Century Model Toy Boats and Half Hull Models: Small Plans, Big Boats. Plus new exhibits of vintage boats and cars. 399 Center St., Wolfeboro, 569-4554, Open May 27-Columbus Day. Open Mic, every Friday at 7:30 pm, The Back Room at the Mill Fudge Factory, 2 Central St., Bristol, 744-0405, Open Mic, every Tuesday, hosted by Paul Luff, those interested in performing:, Patrick’s Pub, 18 Weirs Rd., Gilford, 293-0841, www. Prescott Farm Environmental Education Center, dawn-dusk, 928 White Oaks Rd., Laconia. Historic farm with 160 acres offers three miles of hiking trails, gardens, bird and wildlife viewing plus barn. Special events and programs throughout the year. Call 366-5695, Remick Country Doctor Museum & Farm, Tamworth, 323-7591, info/summer hours: Summer season hours: June 17-Sept. 2 - Mon.-Fri. 9 am-5 pm; Sundays 9 am-4 pm River Otter Feeding, (May 1-Nov. 1), Mon., Wed., & Fri. 11:30 am, see two playful river otters enjoy an early lunch, learn about otter biology, included in regular trail admission, Squam Lakes Natural Science Center, Holderness, 968-7194, www. Sandwich Historical Society, Elisha Marston House Museum, Sandwich, summer hours from June 24-Sept. 30: Wed.-Sat. 10 am-4 pm for more information: www. or 284-6269. This year celebrating 100th anniversary of the Sandwich Historical Society!

Memorial Day - Columbus Day Weekends

New Hampshire


Sculpture Walk, sponsored by Greater Meredith Program, free, open to public, tour outdoor, juried Meredith sculpture walk year round, info: www. Summer Camps – The White Mts. Roots of an Iconic American Experience, through Sept. 13, 2017, history of camping/summer camps in NH White Mountain exhibit, Museum of the White Mountains, 34 Highland St., Plymouth, 535-3210. Sunday Brunch Cruise aboard the M/S Mount Washington, May 21-Oct. 22, cruise Lake Winnipesaukee aboard the Mount. Departs Weirs Beach at 10 am and 12:30 pm. Departs from Alton Bay at 11:15 am. (May 21 through October 22) 366-5531 or Tamworth Writer’s Group, meets second Tuesday of each month, 5 pm, Cook Memorial Library, downtown Tamworth. Led by Ed Martinez, aboutwritingtamworth@, 730-4482. Team Trivia, every Monday, 7 pm, Patrick’s Pub, 18 Weirs Rd., Gilford, 293-0841, The American Soldier, A Photographic Tribute, The Civil War to the War in Iraq, on exhibit from July 1-Oct. 31, Wright Museum, Center St., Wolfeboro, 5691212, Trails Open Daily, (May 1-Nov. 1), Squam Lakes Natural Science Center, Holderness, 9:30 am-5 pm, admission charge, live animals in enclosures along the trail, info:, 968-7194.

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Wellness Wednesdays Yoga on the Lawn of Lucknow (Castle in the Clouds, 6 pm, every Wed. from July 5-Aug. 30, pre-register (space is limited to 25 participants), Rt. 171, Moultonboro, 476-5900. Wolfeboro Inn Special Events, Taco Night on Tuesdays 4-9 pm; Sun. Brunch, every Sun. 10 am-2 pm; music on Sat. nights, Wolfe’s Tavern, Wolfeboro Inn, 90 N. Main St., Wolfeboro, 569-3016, Wolfeboro Rotary Club Meeting, Mondays, 5:30 pm, 1812 Room at Wolfeboro Inn, 90 N. Main St., Wolfeboro, light dinner, guest speaker on various topics of interest, for more info:

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May 29, 2017

Upcoming and Interesting at the Wright Museum The Wright Museum, located at 77 Center Street in Wolfeboro, will host the sixth lecture in its “Ron Goodgame and Donna Canney 2017 Educational Program Series” on Tuesday, May 30 from 7 to 8 pm, with doosr opening at 6 pm. Three Stooges and the Axis will be the program, presented by Daniel Schroeder. Join Wright Museum volunteer and Stooge-alcoholic Daniel Schroeder as he presents part five of his “Three Stooges take on the Axis Powers” series. Come along with the Three Stooges, Americans first SEALs (SEa, Air, Laughs) as they poke fun at the Axis powers and do their part to win the war. This is a fun time for young and old. Admission is $8.00 per person, by cash or check. Wright Museum members are admitted for free. Space is limited, and reservations are strongly recommended to ensure sufficient

seating for all. Call 603-569-1212 to reserve your seat today. Upcoming in June at the Wright Museum, more interesting programs will take place. On Tuesday, June 6, Ramblin Richard will present Songs for Soldiers, Veterans and Patriots. Accompanying himself on three instruments, “Ramblin’ Richard” will sing songs (some written by veterans) and tell stories about how the songs relate to the lives and experiences of our men and women in uniform. His songs and stories will be sure to touch the hearts of all patriotic Americans. Songs range from the earliest days of our military up to recent times. Please plan to attend the 73rd anniversary of D-Day, June 6, to enjoy the talents of “Ramblin Richard”. A retired professor, Richard Kruppa is a member of the New England Foundation for the Arts. He studied American folk and gospel music and performs more than

Pease Road, Meredith

Oak Hill


2017 RATES

Golf Course

9 Holes $15 18 Holes $25 Unlimited Golf After 3 pm $15 After 5 pm $10 Julie Rivers, Visit Teaching Professional Lessons 603-986-1840

Jonathan Rivers Director of Golf 603-539-7733

300 shows each year to audiences of all ages and interests. NH Heritage Museum Trail will take place on Tuesday, June 13. The Remick Country Doctor Museum and Farm; The American Independence Museum; and The Millyard Museum and The New Hampshire Heritage Museum Trail consists of 17 New Hampshire museums, from the seacoast to the mountains between Portsmouth and Plymouth. The diversity within the Trail is astounding, ranging from farm and aviation museums to museums focusing on a submarine and Lake Winnipesaukee. Between them, the Trail Museums had over 225,000 visitors in 2016. In this presentation, staff from three of the Trail museums will speak about their extraordinary institutions. On Tuesday, June 20, Professor Sarah Batterson will present Women Soldiers of the American Civil War. Throughout

Play The Best Courses in the Lakes Region


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5 Play Tickets $59 pp Fri-Sat

$40 pp

3 pm-Close Coupon Required

$45 pp

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$49 pp


Before 2 pm

18 HOLES Include Greens Purchase for $299 and give as gifts, introduce $44orpp Fees & Power Cart to the$49 pp of golf a friend or neighbor game

3 pm-Close

Before Noon

use as yourRates guest pass. Use After any day, any time. 9-Hole 2 pm included. Only Available for a Limited “The Total Golf Club Experience” Cart isAvailable time. The only restriction Route S. Wolfeboro, NHfor Tee Times: 603-539-7733 • is Valid thru28, Sept. 2017 • Call they expire October 31, 2017 Serving a Full on Menu Daily/Takeout Open to the public anytime Call for Tee Times 569-3569

Entertainment, Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner 7 Days Year-round Restaurant: 603-539-2901 Memberships Available

• Wright Museum Continued on page 11


Route 16B • Center Ossipee,NH03814 •


history, women have participated in war efforts not only at home but also on the battlefield. Women have always played important roles in army camps – from nursing, to laundry, food service, and, prostitution. For a small but significant number of women, war not only brought them into battle, it motivated them to disguise themselves as men and take up the musket and sword. This lecture will focus on the adventures of some of the known women who risked their lives, asking what motivated these women and if they truly were ahead of their time. Professor Sarah Batterson holds a Ph.D. in History from the University of New Hampshire and a joint-M.A. in Anthropology and Women’s Studies. She currently teaches courses in African-American history and Gender History at UNH.

“The Total Golf Club Experience” Route 28, S. Wolfeboro, NH

Golf Round Every Tuesday

Open to the public anytime Call for Tee Times 569-3569

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Visit Friday PHEASANT RIDGE 18 Holes Coupon Next GOLF CLUB Day Play 18 Holes with Cart 18 Holes with Cart ½ PRICE! Weekday 18 Holes Coupon

$47 pp (normally $52) Valid Tuesday - Thursday

$52 pp (normally $62) Weekly Holes Come18 play Kingswood any day summer and Not play next withthis Cart Special Validthe with any other

Not Valid with any other for halfdiscount price!* or on Holidays (Not Valid onday Holidays) discount or on Holidays “The Total Golf Club Experience” Coupon Required Coupon Required Madness Route 28, S. Wolfeboro, NH Monday *Next day play is same value $35 per person Expires 8/31/17 OpenExpires to the8/31/17 public anytime paid on 1st day played. Call for Tee Times 569-3569 Tuesday & Wednesday Memberships Available

Weekday 9 Holes Coupon

9 Holes with Cart $27 pp (normally $30)

Valid Monday - Thursday

Senior Special (55+, Before Noon)

$39 per person

Wednesday Ladies (Before Noon)

Not Valid with any other discount or on Holidays Coupon Required

$39 per person

Expires 8/31/17

(after 2 pm)

Fri, Sat & Sun $37 per person

Weekday 18 Holes Coupon

Friday 18 Holes Coupon

18 Holes with Cart

18 Holes with Cart

$47 pp (normally $52) Valid Mon, Wed, Thurs Not Valid with any other discount or on Holidays Coupon Required Expires 8/31/17

Weekly 18 Holes with Cart Special (Not Valid on Holidays)

Tee Off Tuesdays $35 per person

Wednesday & Thursday Senior Special

$52 pp (normally $62) Not Valid with any other discount or on Holidays Coupon Required Expires 8/31/17

Weekend 9 Holes Coupon

Weekday 9 Holes Coupon

9 Holes with Cart

9 Holes with Cart

$39 per person

9 Holes with Cart

Valid Monday - Thursday

Thursday Ladies

Valid Friday - Sunday

$32 pp (normally $37) Valid Friday - Sunday Not Valid with any other discount or on Holidays Coupon Required Expires 8/31/17

140 Country Club • Gilford • 603-524-7808 •

$27 pp (normally $30)

(55+, Before Noon)

(Before Noon) Not Valid with any other discount or on Holidays Coupon Required

$39 per person

Expires 8/31/17

(after 2 pm)

Fri, Sat & Sun $37 per person

Weekend 9 Holes Coupon $32 pp (normally $37)

Not Valid with any other discount or on Holidays Coupon Required Expires 8/31/17

3 Country Club Road • Ashland • 603-536-2227 •

May 29, 2017

Page 11

Summer Sizzle at Gilmanton Year-Round Library The Gilmanton Year-Round tique, modified and unique vehicles Library on Rt. are welcome to 140 in Gilmanton come and showIron Works will off their vehicles. th be hosting its 5 After shopannual Summer ping, playing and Sizzle on viewing autos, stay for a barbeSaturday, June 3 que lunch prefrom 10 am to 2 pm. pared by the liAs in past brary volunteers. This event years, events are scheduled that will be the last opportunity to will appeal to all purchase tickets ages and interest groups. Over a for the summer dozen local arraffle – take a tisans, crafters chance on winning a summer and growers will One of the items (a handmade Adirondack be selling their CSA share from goods. In addi- chair constructed by John Howe) to be Winnipesaukee raffled off at the library’s upcoming Woods Farm tion to vendors, Summer Sizzle event. (Courtesy photo) plants for the or a handcraftgarden, a silent ed Adirondack auction, raffles and the sale of used chair constructed by local resident, John Howe. Winners will be anbooks will be featured. A local favorite, the Dump Run nounced at the conclusion of the afGang, will be providing live mu- ternoon’s events – you will not have sic throughout the day. Face paint- to be present to win. ing and games will be offered All proceeds from this event will for youngsters – and the young at be used to benefit the operations of heart. For car lovers, antique cars the Year-Round Library. will be on display. Those with an-

• Wright Museum Continued from page 10 An avid history enthusiast since the age of 8, in her spare time Batterson can be found reading about the past or exploring historical sites around New England. On Tuesday, June 27, the program will be Veteran’s Reflections, History Preserved. William R. Graser will be the guest author/lecturer. (A book signing will follow the program.) Graser’s Veterans’ Reflections contains personal experiences of 60 veterans who served in America’s wars, from World War II to Operation Enduring Freedom (Afghanistan). Graser spent almost eight years interviewing the veterans for this book. He seamlessly weaves their first-hand experiences

into the history of the wars in which they served, putting their stories into historical context. Their stories span the range of emotions – from funny to heart wrenching to fearful. The veterans’ stories also allow readers to understand and appreciate what it means to be a veteran who is devoted to freedom. Sergeant First Class William R. Graser, USA (Ret.) served in the US Army Security Agency. Among his assignments were Korea, Vietnam, Thailand, and Germany, including West Berlin. Fascinating programs take place weekly right through the summer and into October. To pre-register to ensure seating, please call the Museum at 603569-1212. Visit the museum at www.

Kirkwood Gardens Day Saturday, June 3 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Gain inspiration from Kirkwood Gardens and find beautiful plants for your own garden. All proceeds benefit Kirkwood Gardens, established 1995.

Sponsored by:

Bringing You Nearer to Nature | 603-968-7194 | Route 113, Holderness, NH

The Cornerstone Open Bald Peak Colony Club Monday, June 12, 2017 Limited Space Available 18 Hole Scramble with lunch, reception and silent auction. The proceeds of this golf tournament will fund the programs and scholarships of the only independent grade school in southern Carroll County. Because of generous community support over the last 30 years, Cornerstone has positively impacted the lives of hundreds of students and families.

Cornerstone Christian Academy, 129 Route 28, Ossipee, NH 03864 | Contact us at 603.539.8636 |

Page 12

May 29, 2017

Outstanding NH Women The Queen of the Lake By Kathi Caldwell-Hopper (Photo courtesy M/S Mount Washington) If there was a job description for Polly May’s position at the M/S Mount Washington, it might read something like this: Must be willing to multi-task; must love talking with people from a variety of countries; must have a willingness to learn new things; must be cool and courageous under pressure; must show compassion; must be able to serve as unofficial tourism expert/ ambassador; must be curious and love a challenge and like to be busy; must have a great sense of humor and a good memory. That is quite a list, and most people would shy away from applying for such a job. But not Polly, who has been working at the M/S Mount Washington’s office since 1980. On any given spring, summer or fall day, she is asked to do many tasks and she embraces being busy. You will find her at the ticket window of the Mount’s Weirs Beach office, ready to greet, to answer questions…and of course, to sell tickets for a memorable ride on the Mount, or its smaller sister vessels, the Sophie C (mailboat) and/or the Doris E. “I’m not someone who likes to sit and do nothing!” Polly explains with a laugh. “When I’m at home, for example, I love to work in my flower garden. And I love my job because it keeps me busy. No two days are ever the same.” Many, many return customers, who saunter up to the Weirs Beach ticket window to inquire about the Mount Washington, find a laughing, happy Polly there to greet them. Or she might be training new seasonal help; those

many teens and college students might be shy and nervous the first day on the job, but they soon blossom under Polly’s guidance and care. Indeed, if you stop to chat with Polly outside the ticket window on the boardwalk area, it is difficult to complete a sentence. Polly is constantly interrupted by returning customers and old friends, who are eager to catch up after the winter. How did Polly land such an unusual job that requires her to be part Lakes Region ambassador, part Lakes Region historian, salesperson, cheerleader and all-around good sport? Her eyes twinkle as she recalls, “I am originally from Vermont. My husband, Donald, and I spent many weekends boating on Lake Winnipesaukee and when he sold his business in Vermont, he said he wanted to ‘go to the lake and get a job.’ ” And that is what he did, bringing Polly to New Hampshire with him. “It was 1980 and I remember walking around the Weirs area and thinking I wanted a job that would be fun. I decided to stop by the Mount Washington’s office. I told them I was looking for a job and they said they had been thinking of hiring someone. Russell Brown hired me to be a ticket agent and office manager.” These days, Polly’s title is director of sales (she has been with the company for 37 years). Ask anyone who works with Polly and they will tell you she is less about titles and more about getting the job done. Few people know as much as tourism in the area, and can answer the many questions of those who are purchasing tickets for a cruise on the Mount. Polly says she loves talking with British and German and Spanish customers, among others, who


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bring a taste of the international world to the Weirs Beach area. What sorts of questions do customers ask? Polly laughs again as she says, “The question we get the biggest kick out of is when someone calls and asks how long it will take for the boat to get to the top of Mount Washington! I answer questions about the ship, how long and what time cruises depart, where the ship goes, prices, where to eat and shop for example.” When Polly started at the M/S Mount Washington all those years ago, the ticket office was in a small red shed (an old railroad station). At that time, she worked year round, spending the winter season doing a number of office tasks and sales and sending out mailings, etc. “In the winter the bathrooms at the Weirs were closed, so the owner at that time would pile the staff into his car and drive us to the Gandy Dancer (restaurant) down the road to use their bathrooms!”

Polly paints a picture with words of those days and all the fun she had at the job. Scott Brackett, she says, was the owner (from 1971-1985), and she recalls with fondness the “mystery trip” he treated the staff to at the end of each summer season. “And back in the early days, we worked at the Center Harbor dock office in the shipyard and then we moved to the Weirs for the summer months. “When I first worked here, we took orders for tickets over the phone,” she recalls. “We used to have stacks of checks and we used typewriters. We also had to hand-write every order. This was before computers! I remember the advent of computers and telling everyone I was going to quit (because it looked so complicated to learn).” But Polly learned the new system and today she uses the computer every • NH Women Continued on page 20


an Exhibit of Work by League Artists. Now Thru May 31


We are proud to present Dragonfly Wings, earrings designed and created by Lucy Golden EXCLUSIVELY for this exhibit. Stop in and see this fabulous collection of DRAGONFLIES.

League of NH Craftsmen Meredith Fine Craft Gallery 279 DW Hwy. • Meredith • 603-279-7920 • Like us on Facebook so you can see other beautiful things made by NH’s finest artists ~

May 29, 2017

Page 13

EXIT Realty Leaders May 29, 2017

Spectacular Mountain Views Effingham - $299,900 3 Bd, Province Lake Home

FREEDOM, NH The lake peeks at you as you pull into the paved drive and park the car in the oversized 2-car garage. Feel the stress melt away as you open the shades to see the wide view of the Ossipee Lake and the mountains beyond. Open floor plan of the large kitchen living and dining area on the main floor is complemented by the 4-season sun room. Three walls of glass provide full view of the lake and let in lots of sunshine. First floor bedroom, full bath and laundry room mean everything you need is on the first floor! Having the gang up? Upstairs has room for many: two large bedrooms, a full bath and even a closet so large you can fit three more beds! If that isn’t enough space, you have a cottage for even more room! A quick drive brings you to King Pine/Purity Spring Resort, for skiing, tubing, skating and fine dining! Drive a bit further to North Conway for shopping, entertainment – $119,900 or just enjoying the sight of Mt WashingtonOssipee glistening with a fresh coat of snow. When summer rolls around, put the dock2in, boat over 2Bdrm, Bth,bring 2.30the Acres and start enjoying summer on Ossipee Lake. The swimming, fishing and boating you can do from your own dock will make cherished memories. MLS# 4471266 $890,000

Freedom - $890,000 4 Bdrm, Ossipee Lake Home

Ossipee - $29,900 Knox Mtn , 1.4 Ac Lot

Ossipee - $89,900 22 Ac Lot, Close to Boat Launch

Ossipee - $49,000 2 Bdrm, 1 Bth, 1.44 Acre

An Immaculate Original

Ossipee - $39,000 1.5 Acre Corner Lot

Effingham – $249,900 2Bd, 1Bth, 53 Ac., Views

603-539-9595 354 Rte 16B Ctr Ossipee, NH

OSSIPEE, NH A clean and comfortable cottage on Leavitt Bay. Knotty pine walls and pine floors give this home a real lake feel. Nice brick fireplace is the centerpiece of the living area. Keep it as is or make the updates you desire to turn this cottage into your year round dream lake home. Watch the sunrise in the East as you sip a cup of coffee on your three-season out the door and take a dip Effingham - $159,900 porch. Run Freedom - $250,000 in the lake. One hundred feet of sandy beach awaits for all 2 Bdrm,your 2 Bth 6+ Acres 64 Acres,on3the lotsbeach of record summer fun. Build a campfire at night as you converse with family and friends. Take a slow canoe trip around the lake or maybe waterskiing and tubing is more your style. This property fun for all! Take your boat and watch the July 4th fireworks on the lake. (Dock is included.) Detached garage offers plenty of room to store your toys. This home is a must-see, with lake living as it should be. Enjoy the many amenities the area offers, take a short drive to Hobb’s restaurant where they brew their own beer. Ski at any of the five ski resorts, all within an hour’s drive. Shop at the North Conway outlets. Just sit and relax, enjoying the view from your new home. Need a weekend break from city living? Welcome home to 124 Effingham - $43,999 Ossipee - $74,969 Leavitt Road. MLS# 4630675 $424,900

5.30 Acres Level Lot

877-539-9500 www.EXIT

2.38 Acs Total, 2 lots

603-569-4419 94 Center St Wolfeboro, NH

Page 14

May 29, 2017

NH Waterfront Luxury Randy Parker Cell 603-455-6913

Lake Winnipesaukee

Extraordinary Views

Lake Winnipesaukee

WOLFEBORO Prestigious Winnipesaukee Waterfront Estate, 180° views, 4.5 private acres, 6 bedrooms, entertaining kitchen, great room, full mahogany covered deck, sandy beach, 2-slip covered docking and sunsets! $4,295,000 (4446155)

MOULTONBOROUGH Possibly the best view property in the Lakes Region with endless mountain and lake views. Located on 62 acres with a 2,000 sf deck, heated pool, luxe interior. $1,980,000 (4503232)

MOULTONBOROUGH Exceptional lakeside living! 180° SW Lake views, sun all day! Two-dock system, breakwater, lush landscaping, home theater, 1st floor master bedroom, carriage house with in-law apartment. A must see! $1,975,000 (4228378)

Grand Colonial

TUFTONBORO Gorgeous 1700’s Colonial, completely restored, set on 10+ acres. Period features with updated modern amenities make a truly spectacular estate. In-ground pool, barn, privacy and views. $1,295,000 (4427885)

Farmhouse and Acreage

Lake Access Condo

TUFTONBORO Post & Beam farmhouse on 12.46 acres of pasture land. 4 bedrooms, 2 baths with open-concept living room/dining room. Vaulted ceilings and glass across back. Great property with room to keep your horses. $549,000 (4600025)

WOLFEBORO Easy, carefree turn-key living, lakeside, doesn’t get much better than your own luxury, 3-bedroom, 3.5-bath condo! Amenities include lush landscaping, beautiful beach, remodeled Trex horseshoe shaped dock! $509,000 (4612762)

Lake Winnipesaukee

WOLFEBORO Exceptional Winnipesaukee property boasts 154’ shoreline, SW exposure, walk-in sandy beach, covered boat slip, over-water decking, protected water, spectacular views, sun! Open floor plan, fireplace, master suite. $1,595,000 (4483655)

Mirror Lake

TUFTONBORO Terrific Mirror Lake cottage, 118’ shoreline, southern exposure, sandy beach, level lot, privacy. Knotty pine interior, center fireplace, sunny interior plus a beautiful sun porch. $425,000 (4376116)

Visit us at to view all properties for sale in the Lakes Region! 15 Railroad Avenue • Wolfeboro, NH 03894 • Tel. 800-726-0480

MLS #4436158

MLS #227319

MLS #4632674

MLS #4633341

230 Governor Wentworth Hwy., Wolfeboro 100’ sugar sand beach, 2-bay boathouse on Lake Winnipesaukee $2,780,000 Jodi Hughes-Emerson - 603-455-9533

79 Waumbeck Road, Wolfeboro 13.84 acres with 3 lots-of-record and barn $695,000 Fae Moore - 603-833-0644

245 South Main Street, Wolfeboro Commercial building outfitted for medical offices $628,000 Jodi Hughes-Emerson - 603-455-9533

78 South Shore Road, Barnstead Half Moon Lake waterfront log home $538,000 Jodi Hughes-Emerson - 603-455-9533

MLS #4630366

MLS #4630913

MLS #4633082

MLS #4628598

525 Beach Pond Road, Wolfeboro Country charm on 8.35 acres and a post & beam barn. $589,900 Jane Mooney - 603-986-2594

#40 Point Breeze, Wolfeboro 2 Beaches, tennis, dock space on Lake Wentworth $385,000 Sue Vail - 781-307-2996

1 Holly Lane, Brookfield Highly desirable neighborhood - deck, porch and barn $331,900 Fae Moore - 603-833-0644

10 Bassett Road, Wolfeboro 3-bedrooms - sunroom, deck and screened porch $298,000 Ames Oickle - 603-520-7014

22 South Main St., Wolfeboro, New Hampshire • 603-569-6060 ©2017 BHH Affiliates, LLC. An independently owned and operated franchisee of BHH Affiliates, LLC. Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices and the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices symbol are registered service marks of HomeServices of America, Inc.®. Equal Housing Opportunity.

May 29, 2017

Page 15

Moultonborough An historic and remarkable property with nearly 90 acres consists of three lots of record. The first is the Kona boathouse, a residence with living quarters with 4 bedrooms. The second lot is the Kona beach with 20 boatslips. The third is the Mansion with guest rooms, dining room and convention area.





One of the most tasteful and quality homes on Lake Winnipesaukee. Sweeping views with a 270’ waterfront, a sandy beach, a double U-shaped dock with a canopy and spacious waterside decking add to outdoor fun. Architecturally designed and constructed to perfection. Spectacular views. $5,800,000

This Queen Ann Victorian style home has been built with care and precision. The design, the attention to detail, the care with which it has been maintained. Coffered ceilings, walls of cherry, raised panels, hardwood flooring, all are simply beautiful! Sandy beach and oversized, canopied docking. $4,695,000

An outstanding, sweeping lot with 297’ frontage. Included is a 3-bedroom main home plus a guesthouse and a 4-car garage. Enormous covered dock and sandy waterfront. The large deck adds easy living space and is perfect for enjoying the ever-changing sunsets. It is a special Governor’s Island waterfront home. $1,695,000

Gilford - This lovely and tasteful home has wonderful lake and mountain views. A flexible floor plan allows for up to six bedrooms, if desired. The oversized, sweeping deck overlooks a private yard and takes advantage of the picturesque, long views. Beautifully built, tastefully decorated and finished, this is a terrific home! $1,495,000

Laconia - This lovely home sits on a beautifully landscaped lot with fabulous lake views. Sit on your private patio that overlooks a manicured lot to the picturesque water views. Step inside, and you will be impressed with the spacious rooms and soaring ceilings. The home is stately and beautifully maintained. $1,329,000

Gilford - On a lot with professional, naturalized landscaping this Governor’s Island home is a charm. Multiple fireplaces, large decks, picture windows to capture sunsets. Rustic and casual in design. Sunny lot with desirable SW exposure. Large dock surrounded with granite patios. Super, sandy swimming area. $1,095,000

Gilford - A stunning 4-bedroom antique home restored and enlarged with utmost care and style. The precision and quality with which this home was constructed will impress the most discerning buyer. Custom moldings, hand hewn beams and flooring, raised paneling, all beautifully finished. Governor’s Island location. $679,000

Gilford - A beautiful Colonial style, Governor’s Island home that has been beautifully updated and maintained. The first floor master bedroom has a wonderful spa-like bath. Chef ’s kitchen opens to a comfortable family room and a spacious sun room. The fireplace and built-ins. Nice! $599,000

Meredith - Enjoy stunning views of Lake Winnisquam and mountains beyond from this private 8 acre lot. Driveway and electricity have been brought to the site. Enjoy Waldron Bay Association rights which include clubhouse, beach, tennis and possible moorings. Location is prime, private and convenient. $149,000

Susan Bradley Realtor®, CRS, ABR, GRI

Direct: 603-493-2873 email: | 348 Court Street, Laconia, NH 03246 | 603-524-2255

Page 16

May 29, 2017

LOCA L OW N ERSHIP • LOCA L K NOW L EDGE • GLOBA L R E ACH Meredith Office: 603-279-7046 • 1-800-926-5253 97 Daniel Webster Hwy. (One mile south of Rte. 104 on Rte. 3)

“We Sell the Lakes Region” ™

Laconia Office: 603-528-0088 • 1-888-214-0088 1921 Parade Road (At entrance to South Down Shores on Rte. 106)

Gilford: 296’ of crystal-clear shorefront on Lake Winnipesaukee. 7,000 sf luxury home with 5 BR, 8 BA and beautiful, custom features and upgrades. 2 covered boat slips and 2 additional slips with an auto boat lift. $3,795,000 MLS# 4631150

Laconia: Nantucket-style cape with 244’ on Lake Opechee! This f lawless 3 BR home exudes warmth and country-charm throughout its 2,191 sf. of living space. Recently improved with many beautiful upgrades. $589,000 MLS# 4626754

Gilford: 4 BR waterfront home with 185’+\- of waterfront, expansive docking with a breakwater system, two slips plus a mooring. This property includes additional parcels of land, all with stunning views, totaling 2.6 +\- acres. $899,900 MLS# 4514054

Laconia: An ultimate Lake Winnipesaukee vacation home! Private location with 2 BR, Pine f loors, wood interior and long lake views from every room. Sandy bottom shorefront and new permanent dock. $639,000 MLS# 4629005

Moultonborough: Charming lake front cape along the shores of Lake Winnipesaukee. 3 BR, 1,152 sf. home situated on 1.8 acres with 200’ of shorefront. Sunshine almost all day long and great views. $650,000 MLS# 4481164

Laconia: Open concept, 3 BR townhouse with deeded beach rights to Plantation Beach on Lake Winnipesaukee that includes access to a day dock and tennis courts. End-unit condo with cozy fireplace and updated kitchen. $196,000 MLS# 4628350

Holderness: Minutes away from Squam Lake! Top-notch quality throughout the home. 4,500 sf., 3 BR, 4 BA, solid Mahogany wood f looring, extensive plumbing and heating system, radiant f loor heating on the 1st & 2nd f loor. $925,000 MLS# 4631433

Laconia: 5-BR, condo in South Down Shores on Lake Winnipesaukee. Enjoy the modern kitchen that expands to the large living room with sliders to the cozy brick patio. SDS has private, sandy beaches, a yacht club, walk trails and more! $449,900 MLS# 4622426

Meredith: Adorable 3 BR cottage on Lake Winnipesaukee with 101’ of shorefront. Extensively renovated and tastefully remodeled. Separate guest cottage, a sandy beach, and docking with covered area and power lift. $975,000 MLS# 4624311

Gilford: 4 BR Timber Bay condo on Lake Winnipesaukee. 370’ of sandy beach, your own 27’ boat slip and 180° views of Lake Winnipesaukee. Tastefully remodeled, screened porch and covered patio area. $450,000 #4630144

Gilford: Lake Winnipesaukee waterfront home with long range views, sandy beach and a permanent dock, for up to 6 boats with double L tie-ups and a sun-deck. The home features over 1,700 sf. plus a detached garage. The open concept kitchen f lows into the dining room and onto the living room with a fieldstone fireplace, custom woodwork and sliders that open to a huge lake side patio. Large master bedroom with cathedral ceilings and private covered balcony. $975,000 MLS# 4630788

The R ea ltors® at Roche R ea lt y Group set the standard for service in all segments of real estate. Our knowledge of the market, experience, and dedication provide our clients with greater insight and a richer perspective on a truly unique marketplace. To learn about real estate in the Lakes Region, please call or stop by one of our two offices in Meredith or Laconia, or visit our comprehensive website:

May 29, 2017

Page 17

Honor. Remember. Celebrate. Local Expertise. Global Exposure.


Design meets function in this detailed open floor plan. Enjoy large first floor master suite and three guest rooms upstairs with an additional private suite over the garage. Ideal private location! $2,499,000 | MLS#4515649




This front row home has a lovely open layout with tons of natural light and a large deck to enjoy your waterfront privacy.

Large home on five acres with four plus bedrooms, game room with bar, fireplace and association beach with moorings.


$860,000 | MLS#4456256 ASHLEY DAVIS | 603.455.7110

ASHLEY DAVIS | 603.455.7110

$869,900 | MLS#4632290 RUTH NEIDHARDT | 603.455.0176







A developers dream; all driveways are in, prior septic plans were approved and home sites are cleared. Perfect for someone to move in, build and sell. $625,000 | MLS#4503272

Charming three bedroom, one and a half bath cottage with natural woodwork, bead board and 100' on Lake Winnipesaukee.

This private location offers a sandy beach, western view with incredible sunsets, level maintenance free lot, long open water view with no homes on the opposite shoreline.

SARA HOLLAND | 802.291.3850

$525,000 | MLS#4627089 ASHLEY DAVIS | 603.455.7110







Beautifully restored early 1800's Vintage Farmhouse artfully blends historic details and charm with modern amenities.

Four bedroom, three bath home overlooking Lake Winnipesaukee. One level living with hardwood floors, central air and finished lower level. Access to sandy beach, marina and trails. $400,000 | MLS#4631669

Gently sloping 1.86 acre Currier and Ives lot with classic post and beam and sugar shack in historic Gilmanton Corners. Ideal spot for home or business venture.

$459,000 | MLS#4630612 ROY SANBORN | 603.455.0335

BRIAN NEIDHARDT | 603.738.3798

$464,900 | MLS#4611078 ASHLEY DAVIS | 603.455.7110

$95,000 | MLS#4619386 ROY SANBORN | 603.455.0335


Fo u r S e a s o n s S I R .c o m Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated.

WO L F E B O R O 6 0 3. 9 4 1 . 1 0 0 0

Page 18

May 29, 2017

Island Real Estate

A division of Maxfield Real Estate


MOULTONBOROUGH // Two Lake Winnipesaukee waterfront lots ($510,000 below assessment) with 847’ water frontage, open water and mountain views, beach, permanent deepwater dock, small island and cottage.

EAST ALTON // Stunning 4-bedroom timber frame contemporary with 120’ of prime Lake Winnipesaukee frontage and 7,000 sq. ft. of luxurious living space on 3 levels, beautiful views and meticulously maintained.

MOULTONBOROUGH // 122’ waterfront and 1.48 acres on Lake Winnipesaukee. Four-bedroom, 3.5-bath, 2,415 sq. ft. contemporary on one of the lake’s prettiest points of land. Private dock.

$1,899,900 (4630791)

$1,725,000 (4621045)

$1,250,000 (4506309)

Call 253-9360

Call 569-3128

Call 569-3128

Island REAL ESTATE NEW DURHAM // Executive Ranch Style 2,160 sq. ft. waterfront home totally remodeled on 52 acres. Private concrete bridge crossing Jones Pond. Large living room with south facing views. 38’x16’ front deck. $650,000 (4610658) Call 875-3128

WOLFEBORO // Prime Lake Winnipesaukee waterfront location for this 4-bedroom, 4-bath townhouse with 3 levels, 2 kitchens, deck and patio and gorgeous sunset views, sandy beach, dock and garage. $450,000 (4633603) Call 569-3128

LACONIA // Winnipesaukee waterfront! 1-bedroom, with loft detached condo with expansion potential. Deeded 23’ boat slip. Sandy beach, low condo fees. New deck, roof & siding.

TUFTONBORO // A two bedroom cottage in Red Gate Cottage Colony; this unit is one of the best with front row view of Lake Winnipesaukee; sandy beach, assigned dock and much more.

WOLFEBORO // Waterfront with 400’ sandy frontage and two cottages. Located in Fernald’s Basin to enjoy canoeing and kayaking. Just minutes to boating on the big lake. Start your family compound today! $299,000 (4498546) Call 569-3128

NEW DURHAM // Nice 2-bedroom ranch sits up on the hill overlooking Merrymeeting Lake. Beach rights just down the road. Great year round home or summer getaway.

$339,900 (4488742)

Call 569-3128


TUFTONBORO // Lake Winnipesaukee: 3.2 acre Basin lot with 315’ shorefront. Western exposure. Boating access to main lake. Gently rolling wooded parcel. Perfect year-round or vacation. $299,000 (4351205) Call 569-3128

NEW DURHAM // Nice wooded 1.5 acre building lot with beach rights to crystal clear Merrymeeting Lake. Build your dream home or camp here and enjoy the quiet. $54,900 (4426256) Call 875-3128

$389,900 (4630795)

$159,900 (4628613)

Call 253-9360

Call 875-3128

MEREDITH // Great location to mainland and clubhouse this 21’ boat slip is ready for you to enjoy this summer! $34,900 (4630713) Call 253-9360

COW ISLAND - TUFTONBORO Premier 4-acre location – 4-bedroom, 4-bath, with natural woodwork, vaulted ceilings, oversized windows, extensive deck and hot tub. 250’ waterfront with small beach, oversized U-shaped dock and single dock. $865,000 (4623779) Call 569-3128

DOW ISLAND - MOULTONBOROUGH Beautiful island home on the west side of the island has it all, 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, custom kitchen; privacy, sunsets, 176’ of waterfront with 2 beaches & U-shaped dock. Welcome to island living! $625,000 (4622513) Call 569-3128

TUFTONBORO // Great opportunity to build a home on a one acre lot within a short walking distance to one of the best kept secrets in the Lakes Region on pristine, reservoir fed, Lower Beech Pond. $30,000 (4617932) Call 569-3128 • Maxfield Real Estate has been bringing people and homes together for over 60 years. Explore the thousands of properties now being offered in the Lakes Region and beyond from the comfort of your own home. is the go-to-site for buyers and sellers, with a wealth of information and resources to meet all your needs. Just one more reason why Maxfield is “simply the best.”

Wolfeboro: 15 Railroad Avenue • 603-569-3128 Center Harbor: Junction Rtes. 25 & 25B • 603-253-9360 Alton: 108 Main Street • 603-875-3128

BEAR ISLAND – MEREDITH Spacious 1.56 acre building lot on historic Bear Island. Electric installed at lot. Building area cleared. 126.50’ of waterfront, partial sandy bottom. 180 degree view includes 3 moutain ranges. It’s time to build! $182,000 (4627639) Call 569-3128

May 29, 2017

Page 19

Art Works - Chocorua Creative Arts Center offers June workshops Art Works – Chocorua Creative Arts quick and basic class making mead & Center has two unique workshops jun the beekeeper’s way. coming up in June. The first event Learn how to brew one gallon of offers a chance to learn to make a honey kombucha, known as “Jun” or handmade book in the “Make Your Own one gallon of simple honey wine, known Sketchbook” as “mead” to class on June take home with 3 from 10 am instructions on to 2 pm with how to start instructor your own home J o h a n n a brew routine Finneganusing nature’s Topizer. Create most healthful your own book sweetener. All and get inspired materials will to fill it! While be provided. you can certainly Please call or go out and buy a email to preblank book, with register; the class the help of this Create a handmade book and get inspired to fee is $50.00 class, you’ll find fill it at Art Works in Chocorua. (Courtesy and includes a out how much photo) fermenting jar, more satisfying honey, starter it is to make your and excellent own book! Students will learn how to Wonalancet water. cut, fold, and bind pages together to For more information and to make a blank book that can be used preregister, contact Art Works at 603for sketching, writing, or collecting 323-8041, artworks4us2@gmail. photographs. Students will be sent a com, or visit the gallery at 132 White list of tools to bring upon registration. Mountain Highway (Rt. 16), Chocorua, The class fee is $60.00. NH. June hours are Saturday & Sunday, Dress to get sticky for the June 11 10 am to 5 pm (open everyday in July workshop on “Brewing Honey Wine and August). Check online for future & Honey Kombucha” from 1 to 3 pm. classes at www.chocoruaArtworks. Learn the ancient and tasty process, com. taught by Athena Contas. This is a very


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Text: 51004 then message the number under the photos.

LAKESIDE TOWNHOME UNIT 13 | SATURDAY, JUNE 3RD - $299,900 Ossipee - $29,900 Freedom Ossipee Lake Effingham OssipeeWow-beautiful are some - $890,000 Effingham- Water access to the $299,900 Ossipee- Waterfront Ossipee - $29,900 Freedom - $890,000 3 Bd,ofProvince Lake Home Knox Mtn , 1.4kayaking. Ac Lot 4 Bdrm, Ossipee Lake Home feel, knotty pine walls, the reactions to this home with Pine River for fishing and Lake Homewith a lake Knox Mtn , 1.4 Ac Lot 4 Bdrm, Ossipee Lake Home fireplace. $424,900. 3-bay garage. $375,000 $187,900. Text Code#E011051 Text Code#E214868 Text Code # E193088

$119,900 2.30 Acres

$39,000 rner Lot

Ossipee - $89,900

• Lake Views Throughout Unit

• Gas Fireplace • Priced at $565,000

Ossipee - $49,000

22 Ac Lot, Close to Boat Launch – 2$119,900 Ossipee Bdrm, Bth, 1.44 Acre Ossipee - $49,000 Ossipee- 2-bedroom ranch tucked Ossipee OssipeeCape, 1formal dining room, - $89,900 Ossipee-3-bedroom, 2-bath home, 2Bdrm, 2 Bth, 2.30 Acres 22 Ac Lot, Close to Boat Launch porch2 Bdrm, 1.44 Acre away in the woods. $155,900. hardwood floors and brick hearth. screened close1 Bth, to Ossipee Lake. $170,000. $173,000. Text Code #E152171 Text Code#E 212739 Text Code#E212730

Effingham - $159,900 2 Bdrm, 2 Bth 6+ Acres

Ossipee- Quiet country setting, large living-room, deck, nice yard. $169,900. Text Code #E215181

Freedom - $250,000 64 Acres, 3 lots of record

Ossipee - $39,000 Effingham Tamworth- Listen to the sound of - $159,900 Ossipee- Want Freedom to start- $250,000 a home 1.5 Acre Corner Lot 2 Bdrm, 2 Bth 6+ Acres 64 Acres, 3 lots of record the babbling brook, lots of privacy business or retire? This ranch has on 2.40 acres. $199,900. a lot to offer. $229,900. TEXT#E215836 Text#E183417

Fryeburg- 1 acre lot town water, paved road, brook on Fryeburg- 5.01 acre nicely elevated lot on quiet dead Ossipee -end $74,969 road near village -corner lot affords plenty of road 2.38 Acs Total, 2 lots frontage. $40,900. Freedom- Builders take notice this lot has community

Effingham - $43,999 $249,900 the boundary.5.30 $49,900. Acres Level Lot Ac., Views


• 1,524 sq. ft. | 2 beds | 2.5 baths • High-End Finishes

water -Lake Ossipee Village lot with beach club memOssipee- 1.50 acre lot nice flat lot build year-round or 603-569-4419 877-539-9500 Effingham – $249,900 94vacation bership to sandy beach on Ossipee Lake. $56,000. getaway.- $43,999 $24,000. CenterEffingham St Ossipee - $74,969 www.EXIT 5.30 Acres Level Lot 2Bd, 1Bth, 53 Ac., ViewsWolfeboro, NH 2.38 Acs Total, 2 lots

603-539-9595 354 Rte 16B Ctr Ossipee, NH

877-539-9500 www.EXIT

603-569-4419 94 Center St Wolfeboro, NH

THE PINEHURST–14 SKIPPER’S COURT | SUNDAY, JUNE 4TH • 2,093 sq. ft. | 3 beds | 2.5 baths • First-Floor Master Suite

• Finished Space Above Garage

• Attached Garage • Priced at $609,000

AMENITIES INCLUDE: Lake Access· Swimming Pools· Tennis Courts· Fitness Center· Hiking Trails Access to Southworth clubs in the U.S., U.K. & Bahamas 421 Endicott St. North, Laconia, NH 03246 | | 603.524.4141

Properties offered exclusively by Meredith Bay Lighthouse Realty, LLC. The Lodges are part of Bluegill Lodge at Meredith Bay, a condominium. The townhomes are part of The Townhomes at Meredith Bay, a condominium. Some first floor units do not have direct elevator access into unit. This is not an offer to sell property to, or solicitation of offers from, residents of NY, NJ, CT or any other state that requires prior registration of real estate. Prices and terms are subject to change without notice.

Page 20

May 29, 2017

The Ultimate Winnipesaukee Experience RATTLESNAKE ISLAND: A fantastic setting on the broadside of Rattlesnake Island offering 150’ of private waterfront. Spacious two bedroom, two bath log home with lots of charm. Natural wood throughout. Open kitchen with granite counters and breakfast bar. Large dining and living area floor-to-ceiling fireplace. Sliders across the front of the home open to multiple decks. Nice level area near the water. MLS 4626797 $545,500

SLEEPER ISLAND: A BEAUTIFUL 1/2 acre lot on the southwest side of Sleeper Island on Lake Winnipesaukee - the island with the Castle. Exceptional mountain views, abundant sun and walking trails around the interior. Day trip or camp out while you plan your own island oasis. MLS 4628926 $122,500

MELODY ISLAND: A short ride from Wolfeboro, you’ll find this pristine island property! Encompassing a peninsula w/ 500’ of waterfront, it is private, level and immaculately maintained. Four bedroom contemporary was custom designed with water views from every room! A grand fireplace is the focal point of the open concept living/dining/kitchen. Large wraparound deck is idyllic for dining, lounging, nature watching and toasting sunsets every evening. A 20’ x 27’ boathouse with attached docking for several watercraft at a time. A 10’ x 50’ crib dock offers docking and the perfect peaceful setting. Unsurpassed long range views from sunrise to sunset. MLS 4619783 $899,000


Real Estate A division of Maxfield Real Estate

Betty Ann Bickford 603.651.7040

15 Railroad Avenue, Wolfeboro 603.651.7040 | 603.569.3972

Randy Parker 603.455.6913


MEREDITH - Custom-designed, Adirondack lake house with western exposure, oversized deck, dock with deep water, sandy bottom. Picturesque views. $1,950,000 #4600794

day and is quite proficient. While computers have made her work easier and faster, she says she always stays as long as it takes to get the job done, although she technically works a 9 am to 5 pm day in the office. In between selling tickets, doing all sorts of office tasks and sales, there are the inevitable questions from those visiting the area. “They want to know about the parking meters at the Weirs and where to eat and find lodgings and how long it takes to get to the White Mountains. We really are unofficial Chamber of Commerce experts!” One of the most popular rides is on the Sophie C (mail boat), according to Polly. “It is beloved with tourists, and they love to watch the mail being delivered from the boat to all the islands. It is really unique. The Doris E is a great shorter ride and good for families with young children, because it is only one-hour long.” Because it will soon be time for the annual Race & Rally in midJune, known as Bike Week, of course Polly gets asked a lot of questions about the event that brings thousands of motorcycles to the area. (Many make Weirs Beach their must-see place to visit.) “Bike Week is always different!” Polly says. “In the 1980s, it was more boisterous and there was a lot more traffic. Now I think it is quieter and many people who attend are older. I am in the office all week, answering the phone…and of course, answering lots


MEREDITH - Waldron Bay on Lake Winnisquam in Meredith. Custom-built contemporary home with a country flair, 3 finished levels. $599,900 #4507277

15 North Main Street • 603-569-2533 (NH) 1-800-621-2533

WAKEFIELD - 3-bedroom, 2-bath, waterfront townhouse with dock, beach, swimming pool, tennis, walking trails & wonderful water view on desirable 5 mile Pine River Pond. $259,900 (#4627372)


348 Court Street • 603-524-2255 (NH) 1-800-639-5077

WAKEFIELD - Meticulous turn-key Belleau Lake access home. Boat launch and 3 beaches! $187,500 #4633198

Make Memories Here

GILFORD - Incomparable quality and sophisticated design for this home sited on a sweeping 300’ waterfront lot. $4,395,000 #4396576


Prow-front Chalet featuring 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, openconcept living, wonderful deck for entertaining, newer 2-car garage with walk-up storage above, and even an outdoor sauna! Hike and snowmobile directly from this over 4-acre wooded, corner lot! A 4-season gem close to Castle in the Clouds!

GILFORD - Summer living at it’s best at this lakefront cottage with large sun-porch and dock. $618,000 #4607526

View these and all Lakes Region Listings on our Website!

Christopher M. Williams, REALTOR 603.340.5233 cell

Tuftonboro-Melvin Village

Build your dream home in a low-tax town on this 1+ acre lot with Lake Winnipesaukee access and dock/mooring potential. Nestled in the heart of the village, only 30 lots share the 2.5 acre waterfront lot and docks. This is your opportunity to make memories on the big lake in the home of your dreams! Offered at $144,900

MEREDITH - Extraordinary post and beam home that is tucked behind a gated entrance and has a prime waterfront. $4,875,000 #4514795

Four Season Gem

Now Priced at $299,900.00

CENTER HARBOR - Views extend past Bear Island to Copper Top. This home has been lovingly maintained. Covered veranda’s offer views of the lake or the village. WOLFEBORO - 4-bedroom, 2-bath. Needs $369,900 #4496743 a little work, convenient location. Large lot, attached barn with possible expansion opportunity. Zoned for multi family, business, or office space. $127,000 (#4632847)

We Move More of The Lakes Region!

• NH Women Continued on page 21


32 Whittier Highway • 603-253-4345 (NH) 1-800-639-4022

MOULTONBORO - Views to the Belknap mountains. Fabulous walk-in beach, crankup dock, 3-bedroom, 2-bath, 2-car garage. $749,000 #4463714

of questions!” Fall is also a busy season for the M/S Mount Washington. Polly loves the autumn season and says it has become quite popular with visitors who count their vacation incomplete until they take a trip on the Mount to see the foliage and the area from the water. Among the changes Polly has seen is watching some staff members come and go, and some stay on and grow up in the business. She speaks fondly of co-owner Jim Morash. “Jim is originally from Vermont and so am I, so there is that connection. He started out here as a deck hand! Eventually he became a captain and now he is a co-owner (with Ed Gardner and Chris Secord).” (According to information about Jim Morash at www.cruisenh. com, “As a young boy growing up and spending his summers on Bear Island, he watched his brother and sister enjoy their summers working on the “MOUNT”, thus giving him the idea to follow them some day. Jim started with the Flagship Company in 1979 working as a deckhand during his college years. He joined on full time in 1982 and has risen through the ranks serving as a Deck Officer, Purser, Small Boat Skipper, Pilot, and Marketing Director. He was promoted to Captain and General Manager in 2000 and in 2006 he became part of the ownership and Chief of Operations.”) Polly speaks well of all three owners and adds that the entire staff work well together. “It’s a team effort.”

EnjoyLakes Region



• NH Women Continued from page 12

Mary Hunter, REALTOR 603.856.1880 cell

249 Whittier Highway - Route 25 Center Harbor, New Hampshire Office (603)253.8131 • Toll Free (800)834.5759

May 29, 2017

Page 21

• NH Women Continued from page 20 To reinforce the fact that titles aren’t very important to her, Polly says no one on the staff works under her, but rather she works with the entire staff. “This is a great place to work, and I never know what each new day will bring.” It means the world to Polly to keep in touch with and receive letters from young people she trained. One young woman wrote and told Polly, “You were the best boss I ever had.” Polly goes on to stress, “We have a lot of smart, young people working here each year and they are fun to work with.” These days, Polly and Donald spend winters in Florida. They travel to and from Florida by train (she says riding trains across the country is her all-time favorite thing to do). In the summer, when Polly and Donald have houseguests, they love to take them for Sunday Brunch on the Mount Washington. No one would serve as a better tour guide to the Lakes Region than Polly, who knows the area so very well. Sitting at an outside table overlooking the Weirs dock area and the Mount taking on passengers on a Saturday morning, Polly reflects for a moment on the 37 years of fun and activity she has seen at her job. “You know, it has been great – I’ve made a lot of friends. Great people like

Millie Beach (the former director of the Lakes Region Association), among others. My husband was a bartender on the Mount and he retired a few years ago. Every year I say I am going to retire, but here I am again for another season!” It could be because Polly likes to keep busy. It could be because she loves to see the customers who are genuinely happy to greet her each season. But as much as anything, it is because of the iconic symbol of the Lakes Region: the M/S Mount Washington. “The Mount has a mystique,” Polly reflects as she gazes at the ship not far from her outdoor table. “It is special and you can never get away from that fact.” Certainly Polly was lured by that mystique when, in 1980, she walked up to the little office and asked if they were hiring. Luckily for all those who know and adore Polly, the M/S Mount Washington was in need of someone just like her that day. Someone who could do it all; a person not afraid to jump in where and when it was needed. She may not have been handed a set-in-stone title or job description when she was hired, but it turns out that is just the way Polly likes it. (For ticket prices and an operation schedule for the M/S Mount Washington, the Doris E and Sophie C, call 603-3665531 or visit

Art & Bloom…on June 10 The Governor ments will be available. Wentworth Arts At 11:30 am, Council (GWAC) will host an Art & Rebecca Carter Bloom exhibition will present a flocelebrating the art ral demonstration. Rebecca has recentof GWAC members ly opened Branch with beautiful, creand Bloom, locatative and inspiring floral arrangements ed in Clark’s Plaza off Center St. in on Saturday, June 10 in Wolfeboro. Wolfeboro. At 2 pm well-known loOver 20 garden clubs, floral decal artist, Helene signers and local Pierce, will present gardeners from In the window of Avery Insurance in an art demonstraaround the lake will downtown Wolfeboro, an example of tion. and flobe interpreting the art and a floral interpretation for the Art art through floral ar- upcoming Governor Wentworth Arts ral arrangements Council Art & Bloom is on display. will be for sale. rangements. Art & Bloom will (Courtesy photo) The Governor run from 10 am to Wentworth Arts 4 pm and will be held in Wolfeboro Council is a 501(c)(3) non-profit arts Town Hall upstairs in the Great Hall. organization promoting the arts in local The exhibit is open to the public with schools, libraries and the community. an admission fee of $5. Children age Visit to learn more 12 and under are free. The Town Hall is about the group or the Art & Bloom handicap accessible, and light refreshevent. PLYMOUTH OFFICE 238-6990 HOLDERNESS OFFICE 968-7615 MEREDITH OFFICE 603-279-6470 “One Click and You’re Home!”

Bristol, NH

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620 Tenney Mtn. Hwy, Plymouth, NH | 603-238-6990 Curry Place, Holderness, NH | 603-968-7615 3 Mill Street, Meredith, NH | 603-279-6470

This property has views of Newfound Lake, Cardigan Mountain and sunsets that will take your breath away. This open-concept contemporary home is framed in with floor-to-ceiling windows in the living and dining room that invite a panoramic view of the lakes and mountains to the west. The generous floor plan also features a gas fireplace, ash hardwood flooring flowing into the kitchen with beautiful cabinetry, granite countertops, stainless steel appliances, and direct access to the oversized deck. There is a large master suite, two more guest rooms, and a ¾ bath with laundry area that complete the first level. The lower level has ample room for exercise equipment, storage galore, all the utilities, and an oversized garage. This home is nestled at the top of Sunset Heights with nightly views of the orange sunsets.

MLS #4632328 Offered at $379,900

34 North Main St., P.O. Box 2180 Wolfeboro, NH 03894 603-569-4488

CROSS NECK RD. TUFTONBORO: Main house and WYANOKE GATE LN. WOLFEBORO: Beautiful Winter guesthouse on 6 level acres with over 200’ of waterfront, Harbor, waterfront home with dock, boathouse and sandy beach, dock & boathouse. $4,200,000 wonderful entertaining spaces. $1,675,000

#LakeLife SUMMER HEADQUARTERS! Lakes Region’s Full Line Ships Store

NH Boat Registrations now available! FULL ASSORTMENT OF BOATING SUPPLIES & ACCESSORIES Boat Lifts • Docks • Dock Hardware • Dock Boxes • Mooring Supplies • Marine Lines • Pull Toys Trampolines • Cleaning Supplies • Hard & Soft Coolers • Paddleboards • Kayaks • Swim Rafts Slides • Life Vests • Flagpoles • Swim Ladders • Apparel • Full Dive Shop

NORTH MAIN ST. WOLFEBORO: Charming 3-bedroom, ADVENT COVE RD. MEREDITH: Amazing! 6 private 2-bath condo unit with wood floors, stone fireplace and acres, lovely home, 2-bay boathouse with registered heliport and spectacular views. $3,750,000 shared frontage on Mirror Lake. $325,000


603.293.4000 | 1218 UNION AVE LACONIA NH | PAUGUS BAY (Accessible by water) EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY

Page 22

May 29, 2017

Little Church Theater Announces 15th Summer Season Titled the “little theater that can,” the Little Church Theater on Rt. 113 in Holderness opens for its 15th summer season with an ambitious mix of fresh and inventive shows, annual favorites, laugh-out loud comedy and rowdy nights of music. The awardwinning theater is open from late June through August, so don’t miss out on a chance to see an entertaining show this summer. (For seat selection and tickets, visit The Dixie Swim Club will take place June 29, 30 and July 1, offering a Jones Hope Wooten comedy focused on five former members of a college swim team who gather on North Carolina’s Outer Banks every August to laugh, cut loose and catch up on their crazy lives.

The Dixie Swim Club is a hilarious and touching comedy by Jones, Hope and Wooten, about friendships that last forever. The play drops in at the same cottage in five-year intervals to see how things are going as the women not only relive their glory days with toasts to the team mantra, “the faster we swim, the sooner we win”, but also work through life’s issues with heavy doses of sass and zingers, such as “Until I got married I did not know what happiness was. By then it was too late.” Best friends to the end, they still don’t cut each other any slack as they reminisce, gossip about or support each other. Characters include self-absorbed Lexie, overachieving lawyer Dinah, former team captain and bubbly organizer Sheree, one-time nun

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New Stick Built Ranches starting at $239,900*

* Price of land not included.

Best Book of a Musical in 2009. The 8th Annual Project Greenway Green Design Fashion Contest & Show will be offered on Wednesday, July 26 at 7 pm. The Little Church Theater’s Project Greenway Contest challenges designers to use only recycled and repurposed materials to create a unique design that is also re-wearable. Anyone can enter the contest, now through July 24, individually or as a team. The registration cost is $25. A total $2,000 in cash prizes will be awarded in two age categories of 11-16 and 17 and over. More details and entry forms can be found at On Wednesday, July 26, models will “walk the red carpet for recycling” in front of a panel of judges while the designers explain their use of recycled materials. The Project Greenway show is open to all. Ticket prices are $30 for reserved seats in rows 1-4 and $10 for general admission. White Rabbit Red Rabbit is up next from July 27-29 at 7:30 pm. On each night (from July 27-29), the Little Church Theater will welcome the audience to White Rabbit Red Rabbit with this announcement: “The play you are about to see is sealed inside an envelope.” There is no director. No set. No rehearsals. The actor will be handed a previously unseen script that evening and everything will unravel in real time. It will be, promises the Associated Press “an eye popping experience for everyone.” White

• Little Church Continued on page 23


The best kept secret in the Lakes Region

New Stick Built Cape starting at $289,900*

Drew Farm Donald McWhirter Builder - Melvin Village 603-340-0341

Jeri and luckless Vernadette with her self-deprecating humor. On July 8 at 7 pm, Just BECAUSE Band with Marty Pelletier will bring the acoustic trio of Ed Bernard, Louise Bernard and Marty Pelletier playing an eclectic assortment of Americana cover tunes and original tunes written by their “mandolin player extraordinaire”, Marty. An unusually titled show, called [title of show] will take place July 13-15, 20-22 at 7:30 pm, and July 16 and 23 at 2 pm. A Musical About Two Guys Writing a Musical About Two Guys Writing a Musical (book by Hunter Bell and music and lyrics by Jeff Bowen), the play is called “smart and funny and catty” by the Chicago Tribune. Struggling writers Jeff and Hunter hear about a new musical theatre festival and decide to enter. The problem is they have no ideas and the submission deadline is just three weeks away. After enlisting Susan, Heidi and Larry (on piano) to help, the big idea finally comes to light: they’ll write a musical about the unnerving and hectic process of writing a musical. Will they finish in time? Will their show be selected? Will their friendships stay intact? The answers are all in [title of show] – a name taken from the space on the festival’s application form which asks for the [title of show]. The play is full of funny one-liners and comedic songs that poke fun at audiences, producers, casting, composing music and writing lyrics. Written by Hunter Bell with lyrics by Jeff Bowen, [title of show] received a Tony Award nomination for

New Stick Built Colonial starting at $339,900*

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May 29, 2017

Page 23

• Little Church Continued from page 22 Rabbit Red Rabbit is the international hit by the award-winning Iranian playwright Nassim Soleimanpour. A conscientious objector unable to leave his native Iran, Soleimanpour has written this “wild and utterly original” play in English that draws attention to his status as a censored writer. Each night will be different. Each actor only performs once. Anything can happen. “Wildly unpredictable and completely unforgettable, White Rabbit Red Rabbit is a punch in the air for self-expression; a testament to the power of words to transcend cultures and borders. You have to be there,” claims the New Zealand Herald. Live fiddle music lovers will want to be there on August 2 at 7 pm for NH Fiddle Ensemble. Acoustic musicians on guitars, mandolins, banjos, and basses will be playing lively fiddle music in a variety of traditions - folk, country, pop, swing, melodious Irish, classical, Cajun and bluegrass. The ensemble is as diverse as a group can be, ages 6 to 85, from all walks of life, but its members have one thing in common - they love to play together! Be ready to tap your feet and dance in your seat at this rowdy, feel good show. Sylvia is scheduled for August 1719 with a Sunday matinee on August 20. A.R. Gurney wrote “Sylvia” and it will strike at the heart of every pet owner. It is a funny and heart-warming comedy (PG-rated) about a romantic triangle of Greg, Kate and a streetsmart dog named Sylvia. When Greg brings Sylvia home, he sets off a string

of hilarious complications that put his marriage with Kate in serious jeopardy. The more Gregg’s wife Kate insists that there’s no room for Sylvia in their lifestyle, the more the dog becomes the center of the household and of Greg’s world. Sylvia (played by an actor) is eager to please, doting on Greg with unconditional love. Sylvia also tries to talk her way into being allowed to sit on the furniture and is amusingly foul-mouthed, especially when she’s in heat or cussing out a cat. Greg and Kate eventually compromise, and Sylvia becomes a valued part of their lives. A fundraiser for the NH Humane Society will be part of the show. NH Fiddle Ensemble Concert, led by Ellen Carlson, offers blues, bluegrass, jigs, jazz, Cajun, and country music! 2017 Back by popular demand, the show’s date is TBA. Be ready to tap your feet and dance in your seat at this rowdy, exhilarating, feel good show. The NH Fiddle Ensemble is a group of acoustic musicians on guitars, mandolins, banjos, and basses playing lively fiddle music in a variety of traditions - folk, country, pop, swing, rich melodious Irish, classical, driving rhythmic Cajun and bluegrass. “It’s more than just fiddle tunes,” according to Ellen Carlson, the main NH Fiddle Ensemble coach. “There are kids playing fiddles behind their backs and hula-hooping while they play, a 75-year-old woman stepping up to rip up a bluegrass fiddle tune solo, a 50-year-old teetotaler who can belt out a great Irish drinking song, a 60-yearold woman singing the blues, a stone mason who steps up to play an upright bass solo on a Swing song, and so much

more.” Donations will be accepted at the door. Unless otherwise noted, evening show times are 7:30 pm. Sunday matinees are at 2 pm. Online tickets are available at littlechurchtheater. com. Events and dates are subject to change. Event updates will be posted on The mission of The Little Church Theater is to serve

as a gathering place for creativity in the performing and visual arts. Theater Staff develop and presents programs, events and instruction in order to enrich, educate and entertain the people of the surrounding communities. The Little Church Theater is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization. Call 603-9682250 for tickets and information.


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Custom built waterfront home on a 1.8 acre lot in a very private and quiet area on Lees Pond. Wide lot with 300’ of frontage, sandy beach, deck over the water and picturesque views. 2 brick fireplaces, hardwood floors, granite kitchen, pantry and laundry room connecting to the breezeway and garage. Custom windows, views from every room, finished lower level with family room, tiled bath and more! Deck, screened porch, sunroom with spa, detached workshop and paved driveway.

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Page 24

May 29, 2017

Lasagna Dinner at Union Church on June 8 The Women’s Fellowship of the Union Congregational Church in Wakefield/Union kicks off another year of homemade summer suppers with a taste of Italy. On Thursday, June 8, a delicious spread of homemade lasagnas, tossed salad, Italian rolls,

yummy assorted homemade pies, coffee and/or punch will be available from 5:30 to 7:00 pm. The supper is a chance to get out and enjoy a meal and make new friends. Tickets are sold at the door only – no pre-reservations are accepted. The cost

is $8 for adults and $4 for children. The church is located at 80 Main Street in the village of Union (part of Wakefield) and the dinner will be served in the historic Reunion Grange Hall – Hotchkiss Commons across the street from the church (at 71 Main Street). There will be plenty of parking available in front of and behind the

church, in front of the Grange Hall and along the street. Hotchkiss Commons is handicapped accessible. All proceeds from the dinner will go to the Women’s Fellowship’s programs, which benefit the church, the community and world missions. For more information, call Betty at 603-473-2727.


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May 29, 2017

Page 25

The Winnipesaukee Sailboat Share

of friends can enjoy the beauty of Winnipesaukee. In their registration materials, Parks and Recreation candidly encourages, “Meant to satisfy any curiosity about what is involved in managing a keelboat, this may be of special interest to anyone considering the Sailboat Share program or adult sailing classes…This is also just a really good deal for anyone who wants to spend a couple of hours on our beautiful lake on a really nice boat.” Like so many traditions in the Lakes Region, the Sailboat Share was started by one man’s donation, another man’s brainstorm, and a slew of volunteers giving their hours and talents. On the Wolfeboro town website, Parks and Recreation describes the program’s

• Sailboat Share Continued on page 28

Own a Piece of the Bay...

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chance to get out on the lake.” Of course, before taking the boat out, members of the Sailboat Share are required to meet safety criteria. They must pass swim and sailing tests administered by the Parks and Rec sailing staff. If they have not already taken a sailing course, they are advised to take the “Adults Learn to Sail: Keelboat” course for those age 16 and offered during six sessions this summer. Over 10 days, the courses meet four times in three-hour sessions. Courses start June 6, July 11 and August 1, with afternoon and evening sessions available. Reasonably priced at $85 for residents and $128 for nonresidents, the course teaches boat handling and knots, in addition to the basics of sailing. Like the Sailboat Share, the course is made possible by the collaboration of Wolfeboro Parks and Recreation with long-time Lakes Region businesses and non-profits: Wolfeboro Corinthian Yacht Club, Irwin Marine and the New Hampshire Boat Museum. Interested in sailing but not sure you can commit to a Sailboat Share? You are invited to enjoy a 2 ½ hour introductory cruise with the program’s U.S. Sail-certified instructors on May 30, June 1, 20, 22, 29, or July 6. For just $20 each, you and a handful

birth this way, “The innovative program was started in 2012 when a boat was donated to the New Hampshire Boat Museum by Tuftonboro resident Bill Stockman. While the staff and volunteers of the Museum were considering the best use of the boat, Wolfeboro resident Bob Lemaire came forward with the idea of a sailboatsharing program, which he pitched to the Wolfeboro Parks and Recreation Department and the New Hampshire Boat Museum. The basic concept of the program is that community members and visitors can buy a ‘membership’ or ‘share’ of the boat for a season (which was set at a low flat fee of $400), and then use the boat throughout the season without the hassle of ownership, registration, maintenance and repairs, moorings, trailering, insurance, etc.…The program effectively lowered the cost of boating so that a diverse array of community members can get out and enjoy sailing on Lake Winnipesaukee without having to cover the full expense of ownership on their own. “Both the Wolfeboro Parks and Recreation Department and the


Story by Barbara Neville Wilson Photo by Joshua Spaulding Many people come to the Lakes Region looking for a retreat from civilization. There’s something soothing when you let your hair dry naturally after a swim, when you are involuntarily unplugged from the Internet, or when supper is an indulgent double-scooped, twice-churned ice cream in a cone. Also, there is something quaint in the enjoyment of community band concerts in town parks, holidays celebrated with homegrown parades, and the family boat built under a tent. It’s always fun, too, to see the Lakes Region’s twist on urban trends, like the sharing economy. You’ve heard of Air BnB and Lyft, maybe even Outdoorsy, where ordinary folks rent out underused RVs. But have you heard about the Wolfeboro Sailboat Share? The Wolfeboro Sailboat Share is a collaboration between the New Hampshire Boat Museum, Brewster Academy and Wolfeboro Parks and Recreation. Through it, sailors own a time-share in a 24-foot keelboat for the sailing season. This year, the season runs June 10 to September 24. For $400 (or $600 for non-residents of Wolfeboro), plus a refundable security deposit of $100, sailors have access to a boat with paid-for mooring, maintenance and insurance. They are guaranteed four reserved weekend and six weekday four-hour time slots, and an unlimited number of spontaneous slots in the morning, afternoon, or evening. The program avoids the disappointment of double booking by always requiring advance reservations. The program is the obvious extension of the successful adult Learn-to-Sail courses offered through Wolfeboro Parks & Recreation. Says director Christine Collins, “The Share program gives people who can’t afford a boat, a

ES T D 19 82





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Page 26

May 29, 2017



s ntain

Mou coast


Sketching the Lakes Region Story and artwork by Kathi Caldwell-Hopper “I don’t believe in making pencil sketches and then painting your landscape in your studio. You must be right under the sky.” —William Merritt Chase I like to draw and I love the scenic beauty of the Lakes Region. I find the ever-changing landscape and light to be a continual fascination. More than once I have made myself late for a meeting or appointment because I got carried away by a scenic spot; I just had to pull over to the side of the road and grab my sketchpad for a few minutes while I attempted to capture even a bit of Mother Nature’s landscape. Certainly, I do not claim to be a skilled artist, but I have always found great joy and relaxation in drawing and painting. However, with two active children and many commitments, I had little time to drive to a scenic spot and drag a sketchpad, pencils and other paraphernalia along with me. Over the last few years, my children finished college and started careers. Now that my kids are independent, I find myself, now and then, drawing again.

Stonewall ink and pencil sketch.

Boat Rentals

Tentatively, I set out one spring day to one of my favorite places – Wellington State Park in the Newfound Lake area. It was a Saturday, and sunny and warm. I packed a lunch, a bottle of water, brought along a jacket and my sketchpads and pencils. I found the parking lot populated with just a smattering of cars, because it was early in the season. “Phew!” I said to myself with relief. I hadn’t spent a day sketching outdoors in ages and I was initially shy. What if someone stopped to watch over my shoulder? What if they offered an opinion? I shuddered to think of it, because I was not sure if I was up to instant critiques from strangers! Wellington offers a nice beach, but it has many little areas sheltered by trees, with picnic tables, lake views and privacy. This was just the thing for me – a table to spread out my sketch pad and lunch and a place where I could take advantage of wonderful views of the lake in privacy. I had, unfortunately, not taken into account the fact that no matter how sunny and warm it is away from the open water, near any lake/open water, the breeze can become a strong wind • Day Tripping Continued on page 27



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May 29, 2017

Page 27

• Day Tripping Continued from page 26 in late spring/early summer and fall. I shivered my way through a few sketches, but things got considerably better when I switched to a more sheltered area a bit further away from the open water. I began to make mental notes about how to prepare for a day of outdoor sketching. Bring a heavier jacket or dress in layers; make use of cloth rags and towels vs. paper towels for cleaning brushes and wiping up spills; bring a small trash bag; always pack durable Scotch tape to ensure that sketch paper would stay on the drawing board and not blow around in the wind; whittle down my supplies to just what was necessary (I soon learned that dragging around heavy art supplies defeated the joy of drawing outdoors). My cell phone was also a necessity, so I could keep someone apprised of my whereabouts. Also, the camera in a cell phone is a great way to take snapshots of drawings in progress to view at a later time. I found myself returning to Wellington a few more times and discovered the hidden-away places, such as a little cluster of trees or a group of rocks at the end of the beach, were just as fascinating as all that open water. Wellington State Park is located at 614 West Shore Road in Hebron, NH; call 603-744-2197 for information. (For open hours/information and admission fees at Wellington State Park, according to www.nhstateparks. org/visit/state-parks/wellingtonstate-park.aspx, “Dates and times are weather dependent and subject to change without notice. For up-to-date hours, please call the park directly. This park is always open for recreation unless otherwise posted. During off hours and the off-season, the park is typically not staffed, comfort stations are not available and gates may be closed. The off-season poses unique

Watercolor of NH landscape. risks inherent when participating in outdoor recreational activities. Please be aware that many State Park areas and trails are not staffed during the off-season, and day-use fees are not collected. Recreationists should possess the necessary knowledge, skill, and equipment to ensure their own safety. Users assume all risk while recreating in State Park land.”) I noticed, as I drove from place to place, that I started to pay attention to the landscape, the light and the sky. “Would this or that scene be fun to draw?” I asked myself often when

driving by a view of the lake or a pond or the mountains. When wintertime snow fell, I delighted in the soft shadows of narrow birch trees on the white landscape. The gray light, the softness of snow and the contrasting, ever-changing waters of Winnipesaukee were something I never tired to studying. I do not often venture far from my car, because I see little need to drag art supplies deep into the woods when there are so many beautiful scenes closer at hand. One special spot I love and would recommend to anyone

wishing to enjoy nature is Profile Falls Recreation Area in Bristol (off Rt. 3A near the Bristol/Hill town line). The recreation land is managed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and it has many nice places to walk and picnic. (Visit or call 978-318-8111 for information.) It is a very step-back-in-time sort of place, and a great spot to relax with a picnic lunch and a sketchpad. Please use caution when walking near the water/ falls area. One of my favorite places to sketch and relax is Ellacoya State Park near Rt. 11 (Scenic Road in Gilford; call 603-293-7821). The area is run by the NH Division of Parks and Recreation and is busy during the summer. Nevertheless, it is a wonderful place to sit and draw. There are many picnic tables – some near the beach/water and some far enough away from the water to offer shade from nearby trees. On a sunny, late summer’s day, with a light wind blowing, the clouds can look wild as they scuttle across the bright blue sky. It is a scene I never grow tired of looking at and sketching. This summer, I will grab any free time I may have and continue my daytrip-to-sketch adventures. I find the opportunity to get close to the natural world very appealing. I like to watch the changing of the seasons and colors and the sky in all its moods and in my own way, to capture Lakes Region scenery just for fun and relaxation. As artist William Merritt Chase once said about drawing and painting outdoors, “You must be right under the sky.” (Be careful to check for ticks and watch for poison ivy at any wooded/ outdoor location. Do not venture onto private property, carry out your trash and always let someone know where you are when on any adventure trek. Call ahead to any public park location for handicap accessibility and other information.)

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Page 28

May 29, 2017

shore wishing they could afford to get • Sailboat Share out on the water. Well, this innovative Continued from page 25 concept solved both of these problems New Hampshire Boat Museum simultaneously.’” enthusiastically endorsed the In 2014, the Wolfeboro Sailboat innovative idea from Lemaire. Ethan Share received a “Best of NH” award Hipple, Former Director of Parks and from NH Magazine. Recreation for Wolfeboro, said, ‘Think If you would like to learn more about the typical boat on the lake—it about the sailboat share on Lake sits vacant for probably 95% of the Winnipesaukee, go to the Sailboat time and gets used only occasionally Sharing page on http://www. after work or on the weekends. And then think of all of the people who sit on Where-To-Go, What-To-Do Guide Your

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The Gallery at One New Hampshire Avenue Opens with Photographs by Michael Culver Connecticut The Gallery Academy of at One New Fine Arts. Hampshire A wellAvenue in known New Portsmouth’s York City Tradeport photography opens for dealer has its initial described exhibition Culver as with People, having, “an Places and educated and T h i n g s , refined eye.” Photographs His work has by Michael Cemetery Gate, Michael Culver Photo. also been characterized as imaginative, Culver. The Gallery is located on the containing an elegant and sophisticated first floor of One New Hampshire sense of composition and light. Avenue and is open Monday through Culver has been listed in Who’s Who Friday from 9 am to 5 pm, and on in American Art; American Artists: Saturday from 9 am to 1 pm. An Illustrated Survey of Leading People, Places and Things consists Contemporaries; and in Who’s Who of 35 color and black-and-white of Emerging Leaders in America. He photographs. The exhibit will be at the is also a Fulbright grantee who has Gallery at One New Hampshire Avenue studied in the Netherlands, Belgium through July, 2017. and France. Culver is a frequent writer Culver, who is the Executive and lecturer on art, and has been a juror Director at Wolfeboro, NH’s Wright for numerous art exhibitions. Museum of WWII is a photographer Culver has been the director of the and painter. He has had 11 one-man Wright Museum of WWII in Wolfeboro exhibitions and his art work has also since 2013. Previously, he served as been included in numerous invitational Director and Curator at the Naples shows throughout the U.S. Culver’s Museum of Art in Naples, Florida, work is in several museum collections, and at Maine’s Ogunquit Museum of including the Rhode Island School of American Art. Design Museum, as well as in many Additional examples of Culver’s public and private collections. photographs and paintings can be Most recently, Culver’s photographs viewed at The have appeared in venues such as: the Gallery at One New Hampshire Avenue Lagrange (GA) National Exhibit; the 18th and 19th Annual Texas National; is a subsidiary of Two International and the 101st National Exhibit at the Group, LLC.


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May 29, 2017

Page 29

A Scriven Summer

The Scriven Arts Colony launched in 2015 to host poetry readings, film screenings, and more in a circa 1790 barn in Gilmanton. Season three is kicking off at the Colony and it will feature five events. This year there’s a new twist as well: a free yoga class every Saturday morning at 9 am. After the internet blossomed in the late 1990s, the American newspaper all but died, and it was rumored that radio would likewise fade to oblivion. Instead, the medium reinvented itself, delivering a bevy of new shows spanning the breadth of what “radio” can be. Gilmanton Iron Works native Sam Evans-Brown is host of one such show, Outside/In, which airs weekly on New Hampshire Public Radio, exploring the natural world and how we use it. On June 30 at 7:30 pm, he will talk about how radio’s renaissance is playing out at NHPR, and about how he conceived his show and what he hopes it can become. On July 8 at 7:30 pm, a documentary film: Democracy Through the Looking Glass by Kevin Bowe, dives deep into the rabbit hole of the 2016 New Hampshire primary to portray how polarized American politics has become in an era of fake news and lightning-fast social media. Following the 75-minute film, a discussion featuring Bowe and Gilmanton resident/Boston University political scientist Virginia Sapiro will address how today’s citizens can engage in civil discourse and build harmony across party lines. Attendees are encouraged to bring an appetizer to share or, alternatively, a friend of whose politics differ from their own. As he grew up in Lima, Peruvianborn photographer Hector Emanuel regarded Lake Titicaca, which straddles the Peruvian-Bolivian border high in the Andes, as a timeless, almost mythical place. More recently, he’s made six extended trips to the lake

to record the festivals and daily lives of the Aymara and Quechua Indians living on the shores—and to connect with the spirit of his great-greatgrandfather Carlos, a photographer and musician who lived by Lake Titicaca in the late nineteenth century. On July 22 at 7:30 pm, Emanuel will discuss his Lake Titicaca project and other work, including his coverage of the Colombian civil war, which has earned him awards from the National Press Photographers Association and the World Press Photo Foundation. A lifelong Gilmanton summer resident and an art history professor at Clark University, in Worcester, Kristina Wilson is a leading expert on furniture design and the author of Livable Modernism: Interior Decorating and Design During the Great Depression, published by Yale University Press. Now at work on a new book about the 1950s, Wilson will discuss how the Herman Miller Furniture Company incorporated ‘exotic’ tourist art from faraway lands in its advertising to give its products—including storage pieces, tables, and chairs—a global, cosmopolitan air. The talk will take place on August 14 at 7:30 pm. Back by popular demand, this year’s haunted house will see Gilmanton actor Chas Townsend and his wily cohorts from the Gilford High School drama club resurrecting long-dead Gilmantonites from the grave, on October 31 at 6 pm. Titled Haunted House: Ghosts of Gilmanton Past features a haunting atmosphere, ghouls of all ages, including the serial killer H.H. Holmes, and chilling soliloquies on the lives they led in our humble New England village. Additionally, the Scriven Arts Colony in Gilmanton will offer a free one-hour yoga class each Saturday at 9 am. Set in a charismatic circa 1790 barn, the classes will be taught by Jade

Badger, a one-time Gilmanton resident now moving back to town as she and her husband, Bobby, build a home on Crystal Lake. Currently a teacher in training at Yogaworks, in Boston, Badger has been practicing yoga for 17 years. Her classes will integrate Hatha and Vinyassa Flow as they focus on deepening the connection between mind, body, and breath. “It’s great to be back in Gilmanton,” she says. “I hope my class will bring together yogis of all abilities.” Badger is an avid distance runner. Her

son, Beck, is one of New Hampshire’s top high school swimmers, and her son, Bode, is an award-winning skier. If you have a yoga mat and props, please bring them. The Scriven Arts Colony will have a small batch of mats and props on hand for people who don’t have one. Donations are encouraged, but not required. The Scriven Arts Colony is located at 452 New Hampshire Route 140, Gilmanton, NH 03237. For directions and a full schedule of Scriven events, please visit

Daytime Scenic Cruises Charters & Catered Events Local Brews & Thirsty Thursday Cruises Full Schedule at Your Where-To-Go, What-To-Do Guide for the Lakes Region

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Where-To-Go, Your 17-27’ Models What-To-Do Guide for the Lakes Region

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May 29, 2017

Ride the New Hampshire Boat Museum’s Millie B One of the best ways to tour Lake Winnipesaukee is by vintage wooden boat. The New Hampshire Boat Museum’s vintage Hacker Craft, Millie B, is the perfect way to sit back, relax and tour the lake in style. Rides commenced on Saturday, May 27 and will continue through Columbus Day weekend. The Millie B excursion is the best of its kind. Offered as a 45-minute narrated tour along the eastern shore of the lake, you will see spectacular scenery, and learn about the history, geology, and ecology of Lake Winnipesaukee. And you’ll see great houses and maybe even a loon or two! Reservations are encouraged and may be made by calling the New Hampshire Boat Museum at 603-5694554. Or take your chances and show up at the Wolfeboro Town Docks to see if there’s room on the next ride. During the shoulder seasons, the boat runs on the weekends only. During July and August the boat runs daily. All tours are weather dependent. The exact schedule can be viewed at the Museum’s website:

The New Hampshire Boat Museum’s Millie B started operating for the season on Saturday, May 27. (Courtesy photo) Two trained New Hampshire Boat Museum staff is always on duty, as well as a dock attendant who sells tickets and helps visitors on and off the boat and the boat’s captain. Captains have their commercial license and each one gives a unique and informative tour. As an added bonus, all those who take a Millie B boat ride receive a

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free admission pass to tour the New Hampshire Boat Museum, located on Center Street in Wolfeboro. Regular ticket prices for the day tours are $22 for adults, $20 for Museum members, seniors, teens and active military; $10 for children, with children under 5 free of charge. A family rate is available for $60, which

includes two adults with two children. For those wanting a more personalized experience, charters are available. The Millie B provides unique memories to help you celebrate major events such as weddings, birthdays and anniversaries. Many brides choose to arrive in style at their lake wedding on the Millie B. And, of course the Millie B is also the perfect setting for unforgettable wedding photos. To learn more about the Millie B, visit the New Hampshire Boat Museum’s website at The New Hampshire Boat Museum is open to the public for the 2017 season daily through Monday, October 9, 10 am to 4 pm, Monday through Saturday, and Sunday 12 noon to 4 pm. The Museum is a not-for-profit institution focusing on New Hampshire’s boating and fresh water heritage. It is located at 399 Center Street, Wolfeboro Falls, two miles from downtown Wolfeboro in the former Allen “A” Resort dance hall/theater building. For further information contact the Museum at 603-569-4554,, or via Facebook.

Logging and Life Program The Wolfeboro Historical Society has received a grant from the New Hampshire Humanities to fund a fascinating program. Well-known speaker Rebecca Rule will present a program titled “Cross Cut: The Mills, Logging and Life on the Androscoggin on June 5 at 7 pm. Using oral histories, Rebecca Rule recreates the voices of north country people and uses new and vintage photos to tell the story of logging, the Berlin Mills, and life in the Androscoggin valley, from the beginnings of the logging industry in the 1800s, through the boom years of the Brown Company and subsequent mill owners, and on to the demolition of the stacks in 2007.



Audience members will be invited to share their own stories and discuss the logging and paper industries and the special place “north of the notches.” John Rule assists with a PowerPoint presentation of photos and information from his own research into the history of the Brown Company as an Archivist at the New Hampshire Historical Society. The public is invited to attend; the program will be held at the Community Center, 22 Lehner Street in Wolfeboro. This program is free and light refreshments will be provided. For information, call Anita Bessette, Program Director at 603-834-0193.

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May 29, 2017

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May 29, 2017

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