Laker 7 18l

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July 18, 2016

Your Guide to What’s Happening in NH’s Lakes Region


July 18 • Vol 33 • No. 16




Antique Boat Show, The Garlic Guy, and Lakes Region Events


Boat Rentals Page 33

What’s Up Pages 6-10

See More at

Golf Page 27

Get The Skinny Around the Winni

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July 18, 2016


Lakeport Landing Marina Has Enjoyed Over 38 Years Of Business In The Lakes Region. Our Facility Represents The Finest Example In Marine Sales & Service.

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July 18, 2016

It All Starts with a Cuppa: Coffee, Crumbs and Castle in the Clouds By Barbara Neville Wilson When I lived in Washington, D.C., I was often surprised by the number of people who lived in the city but had never gone to the top of the Washington Monument. Or never enjoyed a picnic supper on the Capitol Lawn, listening to the National Symphony Orchestra. Or inhaled the scent of tropical flowers in the Botanical Gardens mid-winter. Determined not to be “that” person here in the Lakes Region, I love when The Laker assigns me a story where I have to be a tourist for the day. On this day, my assignment is to enjoy a nosh at Moultonboro’s Cup & Crumb, then take the traditional tour of Castle in the Clouds. The morning dawns wet and unseasonably chilly, and I am thrilled. It means my friend Brenda won’t need to spend the morning watering gardens and she can join me. She picks me up and we wind our way on Route 171 from my home in Tuftonboro. We pass Canaan Valley Road where Camps Sentinel and Merrowvista make their home on the shore of Dan Hole Pond, a water body formed when a volcano cone sank eons ago. Campers see the backside of the same mountains viewed from the rooms and porches of Thomas Plant’s luxurious mansion, Lucknow at Castle in the Clouds. We pass the familiar Burma Shave signs across from a well-kept farm; the signs read: Within this vale of toil

and sin your head grows bald but not your chin Burma Shave The sign is located just before Route 171 merges with Route 109. We wave a quick “later” to the Castle Gatehouse on our way to the Cup & Crumb, a bakery and coffeehouse that has won must-go status among many residents and visitors. I’ve never been there before and Brenda turns left at the junction of 109, Bodge Hill Rd and Old Route 109. The bakery closes at 1 pm on

REL A X Rustic stYLE!

Saturday and my watch reads 12:20, yet the parking lot is nearly full. We join a short line at the glass display case. I notice the post on the blackboard, “Help Mother Earth. Let us know if you walk, run, or bike here for a 5% discount,” but my attention quickly transfers to a lemon raspberry scone—but how can I choose? There are croissants and coffeecake, and muffins, and everything looks tasty and fresh. Brenda studies with a bit more discernment. She’s gluten free but doesn’t see anything in the case. “Oh, we get them from another

bakery,” says the worker behind the register, pointing out brownies, cookies and a large crumb muffin on top of the counter. “Our kitchen just isn’t large enough to handle gluten free properly.” Brenda chooses the crumb cake muffin and opts to drink almond milk chai. After a long argument with myself - “Do I want a breakfast sandwich or a sweet?” - I decide the scone is really calling my name, and add a Cup & Crumb mug of dark coffee. It’s a perfect combination. I run into a Wolfeboro friend who says, “We found this place after hiking with friends up at the Castle,” she says, “We love it.” As we leave, some seasonal visitors say, “We come here whenever we’re up. Sometimes that’s once a day every day.” I notice the “Best of NH 2016” sticker on the door and understand why. Despite the gray skies, we decide to take the original carriage road to the Castle from the Route 171 gatehouse. It’s a winding path, but at several spots, trees have been cleared and parking spots made. We choose not to brave the rain to take the boardwalk to Fall of Songs, but notice other pull-offs where motorists can enjoy lake and mountain views without leaving the car. Reaching the top, we come out of the woods, and gasp a little at the sight of an imposing stone structure topped by an undulating terra cotta roof. It’s not the Castle; it’s merely the Carriage House,

• Cup & Crumb Continued on page 12

M/S Mount Washington On Lake Winnipesaukee

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Scenic Cruises

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Enjoy a buffet brunch and entertainment while cruising the lake. From Weirs 10 & 12:30, from Alton Bay 11:15. Smiley Publishing Group, LLC dba Panoramic Publishing Group/The Laker P.O. Box 119, Wolfeboro Falls, NH 03896

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This newspaper assumes no financial responsibility for typographical errors but will reprint that part of an advertisement in which the typographical error affects the value of same. Advertisers will please notify the management immediately of any errors which may occur. All rights reserved. No reproduction in part or whole without expressed written consent. Cover Photo Courtesy of Mary Trickett


Dinner Dance & Theme Cruises

ADVERTISING Jim Cande Mitch Hanson

Family Party Night

PRODUCTION MANAGER Gina Lessard PRODUCTION Yvette Bohn Kathi Caldwell-Hopper CIRCULATION Kathy Larson

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Kids under 13 cruise free Wednesday nights (limits apply). From Weirs Beach 6–8

Summer Lobsterfest July 22 - From Weirs Beach 7 PM, from Meredith 7:30

Complete schedule on line: 1-888-THE MOUNT • 603-366-5531

Page 4

July 18, 2016

All Flavors Hard and Soft Serve

Shibley’s Drive-In Ice Cream Seafood • Lobster Rolls

Fresh Ground Burgers Daily

875-6611 for Takeout Open 7 days 11 am to close

Next to Mini Golf • Alton Bay

Craft Beer Relay - Coming to Gunstock Mountain Resort July 23rd! Sign your team up today!

Norman Rockwell in the 1940s Lecture by Tom Daly The Wright Museum will host Tom Daly for the tenth session of the “Ron Goodgame and Donna Canney 2016 Educational Programming,” titled “Norman Rockwell in the 1940s” on Tuesday, July 19, beginning at 7 pm. Doors open at 6 pm. Norman Rockwell was – and continues to be – one of America’s most popular artists. During World War II, Rockwell put a human face on daily life in home front America with iconic paintings that appeared on the covers of The Saturday Evening Post. Tom Daly will speak about Rockwell’s life and his art of the 1940s – including the famous “Four Freedoms,” “Rosie the Riveter,” “The Homecoming,”

Rt. 11 • Alton Bay


Prizes for best team name, costumes, and MORE!

“Home on Leave,” and “Back to Civies.” Thomas Daly is the Curator of Education for The Norman Rockwell Museum in Stockbridge. The museum is located in the Massachusetts town in which Norman Rockwell lived for the last twenty-five years of his life. The programs he created have served tens of thousands of visitors. He also has traveled to many parts of the country to lecture about Mr. Rockwell’s work. Admission is $8 per person and free for Wright Museum members. Space is limited; RSVPs are strongly recommended to ensure sufficient seating for all lecture attendees. Call 569-1212 to reserve your seat today.

The best clams, onion rings and burgers on the lake! Enjoy the view from our rooftop deck! Just down the street from the dock. Closed Tuesday

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Come by boat or car!

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July 18, 2016


July 30, 2016 9am-2pm for more information visit or call 603.651.8840

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July 18, 2016

TheThe The

Village Corner Village Corner Village Corner July 18, History of the Pike Family and Their 19th Century Beginnings, 7 pm, talk by Milo Pike, Laconia Historical & Museum Society, Rotary Hall, Laconia Public Library, 5271278. July 18, “Moonlight Serenade” Walk, Whitten Woods, Ashland, explore the woods while being serenaded by New Hampshire Music Festival Musicians, all ages and experience levels welcome, 7 pm, park at the Glidden’s 167 Highland Street, Ashland. For more info:, 968-7336.

Seabags Are In! Lake Decor, Apparel, and More

Lake Decor, Apparel, and More Lake Decor, Apparel, and More

July 18, NICK Golf Classic, Lake Winnipesaukee Golf Club, 8:30 am shotgun start, info: 569-1909,

1003 Whittier Highway

July 18, Refugee Resettlement in Laconia, lecture presented by Carol Pierce, 6:30 pm, Taylor Community’s Woodside Building, Laconia, free, open to public, reservations requested, 524-5600,, or on Facebook.

Moultonborough, NH 03254 (Next to the Post Office) 1003 Whittier Highway Moultonborough, NH 03254

1003 Whittier Highway Moultonbor ough, NH 03254

July 18, Walks & Talks, Native Americans and Plants, led by Liz Charlebois from Mt. Kearsarge Indian Museum, 10 am, ID plants Native Americans used, Castle in the Clouds, tickets/info: 476-5900, Rt. 171/Old Mountain Rd., Moultonboro, www.castleintheclouds. org.

July 18-Aug. 22, Kaleidoscope, art exhibit from NH university and college students, Castle in the Clouds, free admission to exhibit, 476-5900, Rt. 171/Old Mountain Rd., Moultonboro,

House Chickens!

July 18-19, Lake Discovery Summer Camp, Session 1, 9 am – noon, grades K – 2, NH Boat Museum, Center St., Wolfeboro, info: 569-4554, July 18-22, Summer Art Camp, grades 2 – 12, morning (9 am – noon) and afternoon (1 – 4 pm) sessions, UNH Museum of Art, Paul Creative Arts Center, 30 Academic Way, Durham, for more information and to register:,, or 8623712. July 19, Big House, Little House, Back House, Barn: Connected Farm Buildings of NE, Belmont Corner Meetinghouse, 16 Sargent St., Belmont, 7 pm, public welcome, 524-8268. July 19, Full Moon Campfire & Walk, Remick Museum & Farm, Tamworth, 7:30 – 9 pm, join museum educators around the campfire for stories, s’mores, and a twilight stroll, if it is raining this event will not be held, dress for the weather, bring your own bugspray and flashlight, for more info: 323-7591,

Chickens by Jennifer Diggs

No Home is Complete Without One! League of NH Craftsmen Meredith Fine Craft Gallery

July 19, Nearer to Nature Walk, presented by Squam Lakes Natural Science Center, Unsworth Preserve, Sandwich, 9 – 11:30 am, adults only, 968-7194,

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July 19, Presentation by Tom Daly, curator of the Norman Rockwell Museum, 7 – 8 pm, Wright Museum, 77 Center St., Wolfeboro, info.: 569-1212, 7/18

July 19, Reuben Whitten and 1816, the Year Without a Summer, 7 pm, Whipple House Museum, 14 Pleasant St., Ashland. July 19 & 20, Lil-Srouts “Kamp Kindness,” 10 am – noon, ages 5 – 7, Creatures Great and Small, Libby Museum, Wolfeboro, 569-5709, July 19-22, 19th Century Childhood, Remick Museum & Farm, Tamworth, 9 am – 1 pm, children will be in costume performing chores, attending school, playing games, and completing handcrafts, ages 9 – 14, preregistration required, to register and for more info: 323-7591, July 20, Lakes Region Curling Association Informational Meeting, Wolfeboro Public Library, Wolfeboro, 7 pm, all are welcome, for more information: July 20, Lucy Crawford: A Living History Presentation, 5 – 6 pm, Museum of the White Mountains, Plymouth, living history presenter Dijit Taylor will share Crawford’s stories of life in the mountains, July 20, Nature Play Time, Squam Lakes Natural Science Center, Holderness, 10 – 11 am, outdoor free play for ages 3 and under, pre-registration required: 968-7194, www.nhnature. org. July 20-22, Lake Discovery Summer Camp, Session 2, 9 am – noon, longer field trip day on 22; grades 3 – 6, NH Boat Museum, Center St., Wolfeboro, info: 569-4554, www.nhbm. org. July 21, “Brush and Pen: Artists and Writers of the White Mountains,” documentary produced by Andrea Melville, 7 pm, Madison Library, Rt. 113, Madison, for more info: 367-8545. July 21, Kidventures, 10 am – 3 pm, ages 7 – 13, Learn with an expert about NH’s Karner Blue Butterfly, Libby Museum, Wolfeboro, 569-5709, July 21, On This Spot Once Stood…Remembering the Architectural Heritage of NH, Libby Museum, N. Main St., Wolfeboro, 7 pm, public welcome, 569-1035. July 21, Outdoor Walks, Remick Museum & Farm, Tamworth, 10 – 11:30 am, led by museum educator/herbalist Carol Felice, included with museum admission, info: 323-7591, July 21, The Old Town Canoe Company and Other Builders of the Penobscot Valley, talk by Benson Gray, 7 pm, pre-register: 569-4554, NH Boat Museum, Center St., Wolfeboro.

Peter Ferber Gallery Show ~ New Original Paintings

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Unveiling at 9:30 a.m. Artist Reception to follow Open Monday- Saturday 9:30 am to 5 pm • Sunday 11 am to 3 pm 9 North Main Street • Downtown Wolfeboro, NH 603-569-6159 •

July 22, Adventure Ecology Series, Back-Country Cooking – More Than Just Granola Bars and Trail Mix, 10 am-noon, led by an intern guide Squam Lakes Assoc., Holderness, info: 968-7336, pre-register: July 22, Small Farmers Club: “Little House” Scenario: A Little Prairie House, Remick Museum & Farm, Tamworth, 10 am – 12 pm, ages 2 – 6, limited space, preregister by July 21, to register or for more info: 323-7591,

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July 18, 2016

WE ARE THE EXCLUSIVE July 22-24, The Complete Works of William Shakespeare, presented by Advice to the Players, Sandwich Town Hall, tickets/info: 284-7115.


Luxury Pontoons

July 23, Adventures in Art, 10 am-noon, free, ages 7 & up, families welcome, sock doll workshop with Susan Foster Brown, Libby Museum, 755 N. Main St., Wolfeboro, 569-1035, July 23, Lakes Region Open Waterski Competition, 8 am, Back Bay, Wolfeboro, runs until sunset, info: 393-7307. July 23, Making Herbal Products, Part 2: Making Tinctures, Oils, & Salves, Remick Museum & Farm, Tamworth, 10 am – 1:30 pm, rain or shine, bring a lunch, ages 16 & up, registration closes July 19, to register or for more info: 323-7591, July 23, Melvin Village Church Fair & Boutique, Rt. 476 Gov. Wentworth Highway, Tuftonboro, info: 544-9661. July 23, Sanbornton Old Home Day, 8:30 am, breakfast at Lane Tavern, Sanbornton, farm stand, baked goods, ice cream, vintage carts, balloon bursts, Wildlife Encounters, story teller, craft demos, art exhibit, Scout and 4H groups, Cow Pat Bingo, cribbage, and more, parade with Moulton’s Band at 3 pm. July 23, Squam Lake Second Annual Summertime Canoe Classic Bass Tournament, Squam Lake, 8 am – 2 pm, fishing tournament, non-motorized crafts, all abilities welcome, for more information or to register: 968-7336, July 23, Traditional Basket Making, free craft demonstration by League of NH Craftsmen member Ray Lagasse, 10 am – 1 pm, Sandwich Home Industries, 32 Main Street, Center Sandwich, 284-6831.

Hands Down the Smoothest Ride on the Water! Looking for high performance fun paired with all the luxury you need to spend a perfect day on the big lake? Look no further than Sanpan for the most pleasurable ride on the water!

July 23 & 24, Northeastern Ballet Theatre Dracula Auditions, original ballet by Edra Toth, 2 pm for 6 – 8 year olds, 2:30 pm for 9 – 11 year olds, 3 pm for ages 12 and up, audition fee, show will be performed Oct. 29, 7/23: Wolfeboro Studio, 26 Glendon Street, Wolfeboro, 7/24: Dover Studio, McConnell Center, Suite 239, entrance #8, Dover, for more info: www., 834-8834, or


High Performance Pontoon Boats

July 23-26, Used Book Sale, Bayswater Books, 12 Main St., Center Harbor, 253-8858, July 23 & 30: Beginning Tatting with a Shuttle with Elaine O’Donal, 7/23: 10 am – 2 pm; 7/30: 10 am – noon, League of NH Craftsmen, DW Highway, Meredith, pre-register/ info: 279-7920. July 23, Traditional Basket-Making - Free Craft Demonstration by Ray Lagasse, juried member of the League of NH Craftsmen. Sandwich Home industries, 32 Main Street on the Green, Center Sandwich 603-284-6831 July 23-30, 2nd Annual Lake Week, fun filled week of activities including guided hikes, group paddles, gatherings and more, Newfound Lake Region Association, info: 744-8689. July 24, Annual Summer Luncheon & Benefit Auction, 11 am – 2 pm, Loon Preservation Committee, purchase tickets by July 15, tickets: 476-5666 or, takes place at Church Landing, Meredith.

All the room and amenities of a family pontoon boat combined with the handling and control of a high-performance tri-toon

Pontoon Boats

July 24, Gallery Reception for Kaleidoscope, art exhibit from NH university and college students, Castle in the Clouds, 5:30 pm, free admission to exhibit, 476-5900, Rt. 171/Old Mountain Rd., Moultonboro, July 24, Karner Blue Butterfly Family Day, learn about the butterfly, crafts, games, butterfly tent, free museum entrance, 11 am – 3 pm, Libby Museum, 755 N. Main St., Wolfeboro, 569-1035. July 24, Loudon Road Race Series, NH Motor Speedway, Rt. 106, Loudon, 783-4031.

Tuscany Series Starting at 149/month


July 25, Christmas for the Critters, Squam Lakes Natural Science Center, Holderness, 9:30 am – 5 pm, last trail admission at 3:30 pm, 968-7194,, July 25-29, Summer Art Camp, grades 2 – 12, morning (9 am – noon) and afternoon (1 – 4 pm) sessions, UNH Museum of Art, Paul Creative Arts Center, 30 Academic Way, Durham, for more information and to register:,, or 8623712. July 25-Aug. 5, Summer Theatre Camp, Broadway Kids Acting Out!, ages 6 – 12, Rochester Opera House, Rochester, info:, 335-1992. July 26, Fiber Arts Group and Demonstrations, Remick Museum & Farm, Tamworth, 9:30 am – 12 pm, for more info: 323-7591, July 26, Historic Homes of Gilmanton, Old Town Hall in Gilmanton Iron Works, 7:30 pm, social hour and refreshments at 7 pm, presented by Gilmanton Historical Society, for more info: 267-6098 or e-mail July 26, Invasive Species Removal Day, Squam Lakes Natural Science Center, 9:30 – 11:30 am, adults can learn how to identify and remove invasive species, pre-register: 968-7194,


An affordable boat that is family friendly and easy to own, easy to operate and easy on the wallet. More people bought Tuscany Boats last year than any other pontoon boat!


July 26, John Winant, NH Man of the World, Hill Historical Meetinghouse, 265 Murray Hill Rd., Hill, 7 pm, public welcome, 273-6890. July 26, Travel the World Lunch Film Series, Stockholm, Sweden, bing a bag lunch, library provides dessert, 30 minute travel film, noon, free, public welcome, Wolfeboro Public Library, S. Main St., Wolfeboro, info: 569-2428. July 26 & 27, Lil’ Sprouts “Kamp Kindness,” 10 am – noon, ages 5 – 7, In the Garden, Libby Museum, Wolfeboro, 569-5709,



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July 18, 2016


GeezLouise! Eclectic Home Decor

Eclectic Home Decor

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July 26-29, Eclectic Art, Remick Museum & Farm, Tamworth, 9 am – 1 pm, ages 9 – 14, participants will be immersed in a variety of art media including drawing, painting, and stenciling, preregistration required, to register or for more info: 323-7591, www. July 27, Introduction to the Corvid Family, with wildlife keeper Jen Casper, Quincy Bog Natural Area, Rumney, July 27, Yoga Wild, Squam Lakes Natural Science Center, 10 – 11am, animal-themed yoga for ages 4 – 7, 968-7194, July 28, 50 Nature Activities for Kids, 10 – 11:30 am, Squam Lakes Natural Science Center, Holderness, 968-7194, July 28, Kidventures, 10 am – 3 pm, ages 7 – 13, Explore the Libby Invention Convention, Libby Museum, Wolfeboro, 569-5709, July 29, Book Discussion, Grace in Gilmanton, exactly 60 years ago, and shortly after she moved to Gilmanton, novelist Grace Metalious published Peyton Place. Metalious died in 1964. Grace’s daughter, Marsha Duprey, will speak, along with University of Southern Maine professor Ardis Cameron, Unbuttoning America: A Biography of Peyton Place. A lively discussion is sure to ensue. Scriven Arts Colony, 452 NH Rt. 140, Gilmanton, info: or follow on Facebook. July 29-31, Art Show & Sale, Runnells Hall, Chocorua, artist’s reception on 7/29 from 6 – 8 pm, for more info: 323-8041. July 30, 43 Annual Winnipesaukee Antique & Classic Boat Show, 9am – 2 pm, Wolfeboro Town Docks, Wolfeboro, 569-3288. July 30, Adventures in Art, 10 am – noon, free, ages 7 & up, families welcome, Zen Tangle with Jill Moxcey, 755 N. Main St., Wolfeboro, 569-1035, July 30, Fairy House and Toad Tower workshop for children, 9 – 11:30 am, Quincy Bog Natural Area, Rumney, July 30, Hebron Fair, over 90 vendors, crafts, food, lunch, rummage sale, silent and white elephant, dunking booth, pony rides, live auction, chicken barbecue at 5:30 pm, info: www. July 30 & 31, Garden Railroad Display, presented by the New Hampshire Garden Railway Society, Heritage Park Railroad Museum, Union, free, for more info: www. Aug. 1, Walks & Talks, Geology, led by Bob Newton, professor of geology at Smith College, 10 am, Castle in the Clouds, tickets/info: 476-5900, Rt. 171/Old Mountain Rd., Moultonboro,

ONGOING Adult Summer Sailing Series, Wednesdays, Squam Lakes Assoc., Holderness, 5 – 7 pm, throughout the summer, info: 968-7336, Adventure Ecology, Fridays through August 19, presented by the Squam Lakes Association Conservation Interns, free, covers a variety of nature and conservation related topics. For more info:, 968-7336. Arts Walk, last Saturday of each month, 5 – 8 pm, self guided tour of galleries and arts locations in Wolfeboro, 569-2762, hosted by Governor Wentworth Arts Council, Belknap Mill, programs and self-guided tours of the Power House, 1823 historic former textile mill. Hours/information: 524-8813. The Mill Plaza, 25 Beacon Street East, Laconia. Benz Center Senior Meals, Sandwich, each Wednesday at noon. Well-balanced meal. Age 60 and older are targeted, small donation requested, 284-7211, http://www.benzcommuitycenter. Billiards Club, Monday nights at 6:30 pm, Tapply Thompson Community Center, Bristol, pickup pool games, chance to socialize, info: 744-8159. Book Sale, first Sat. of each month, Cook Memorial Library, Tamworth, 10 am – noon, 323-8510. Community Youth Sailing Program, Squam Lakes Assoc., weekly sailing classes from June 27 – Aug. 12, info: 968-7336, Explore Squam Cruise, daily 11 am, 1 & 3 pm, Squam Lakes Natural Science Center, Holderness, 968-7194, Farm Anniversary Celebrations, (Sundays July 17, Aug. 21, Sept. 18 & Oct. 16) farm memorabilia exhibits, farm info, farm breakfast served, exhibit free, fee charged for breakfast, info: Huntoon Farm, 46 Huntoon Rd., Danbury, info: 768-5579. Franklin Hospital Summer Farmer’s Market, Tuesday afternoons, 3 – 6 pm, July 5 – Sept. 13, on the lawn of the hospital grounds, Aiken Ave., Franklin, info: 934-2060 ext. 8369. Granite State Circus, “Dream Baby Dream,” July 2 through Labor Day, join NH’s very own big top circus for a fun filled performance suitable for the whole family. tickets and info: www. Kirkwood Gardens, stroll the garden with many colorful plants and shrubs that naturally attract birds. Free and open to public. Squam Lakes Natural Science Center, 23 Science Center Road, Holderness, 968-7194, Lakes Region Genealogy Interest Group, meets last Thursday of the month; weekly morning classes on Wednesday from 10 – 11:30 am at Wolfeboro Public Library, for more info call Cindy Scott: 569-2428.

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July 18, 2016

Lake Winnipesaukee Museum, Rte. 3, Weirs Beach. Preserving and promoting history of Lake Winnipesaukee and vicinity with memorabilia, photos, maps, models of famous steamboats 18331939, posters and photos of grand hotels plus artifacts ranging from Indian arrowheads to Big Band posters. Also lectures and children’s corner. Call for hours: 366-5950, Libby Museum, a museum of natural history, Tuesday-Saturday 10 am – 4 pm, Sunday noon – 4 pm, Route 109, Wolfeboro, for more information: 569-5709, Loon Cruise, Mondays & Wednesdays 3 – 4:30 pm, Squam Lakes Natural Science Center, Holderness, 968-7194, Masonic Breakfast, First Sunday of each month, 7 – 11:30 am, 35 Trotting Track Road, Wolfeboro. Fresh fruit, omelets made to order, scrambled eggs, hash browns, cereal etc. Mountain Lion Training & Feeding, Thursdays at noon, Squam Lakes Natural Science Center, Holderness, info: 968-7194. New Hampshire Boat Museum, “We’ve Got You Covered: Art From MotorBoating Magazine Covers 1914-1935”, an exhibit of boating magazine covers, runs from May 28 – Oct. 10, 399 Center St., Wolfeboro, info: 569-4554,

Scenic Vintage Boat Rides on Lake Winnipesaukee DEPARTS WOLFEBORO TOWN DOCKS DAILY


New Horizons Band of the Lakes Region, meets Tuesdays at 7 pm at Music Clinic, Rt. 3, Belmont, all musicians welcome, info: 528-6672.


Ossipee Knit/Crochet meets at the Ossipee Public Library on the second and fourth Friday of each month, 1:30-3 pm. Painting for Pleasure, gathering of non-professional watercolor and acrylic painters, 10 am – 3 pm, Lower Corner Schoolhouse, contact Joan at 284-6604 or Jan at 284-6487. Bring lunch. Prescott Farm Environmental Education Center, dawn – dusk, 928 White Oaks Rd., Laconia. Historic farm with 160 acres offers three miles of hiking trails, gardens, bird and wildlife viewing plus barn. Special events and programs throughout the year. Call 366-5695, www.prescottfarm. org. Railroad Museum, 1 Chapel St., Union, visit the restored 1911 Boston & Maine Railroad Station housing railroad artifacts, tour the 1903 Railroad Snowplow, and view the 1909 era Boston & Maine Model Railroad in the restored 1875 Freight House. Heritage Park Railroad Museum is open Saturdays and Sundays noon to 4 pm. Admission is free. Radio-Controlled Sailing on Back Bay, Bridge-Falls Path, Wolfeboro. One-meter Solings compete 1 pm Tuesdays, US12’s compete 1 pm Thursdays, both sessions weather permitting. Free-sailing Footy’s available for youngsters to try on Tuesday. More information at Remick Country Doctor Museum & Farm, daily activities and Tours, June 20–Saturday, September 3. Monday-Friday, 9 am to 5 pm, Saturday 9 am to 4 pm. A full day of history-based exploration for all generations. Remick-made lunch available Tues. and Wed., July 5 to Aug. 31; limited supply. 323-7591.


New Hampshire


River Otter Feeding, every Mon., Wed. & Fri., 11:30 am, watch playful river otters enjoy lunch, Squam Lakes Natural Science Center, Holderness, info: 968-7194, Sailboat Races, Thursday evenings, Lake Winnipesaukee Sailing Assoc., Gilford,, time/location: Sandwich Farmer’s Market, Corner House Parking Lot, Center Sandwich, 9 – 11:30 am. Sandwich Historical Society, “Old Highways: North Sandwich to the Notch” exhibit in the Wentworth Room at Elisha Marston House Museum, Sandwich, for more information: www. or 284-6269. Sculpture Walk, sponsored by Greater Meredith Program, free, open to public, tour outdoor, juried Meredith sculpture walk year round, info:


Silver Lake Railroad, runs from July 2 – Sept. 3, 55-minute, six mile round trip through gorgeous backwoods of Madison. Train rides by donation, depart Silver Lake Depot, Rt. 113 on Saturdays and Sundays noon, 1, 2 & 3 pm. Visit restored 1941 Stirling Diner, Depot Museum. Donations accepted, Taking the Lead: Women and the White Mountains, through Oct. 7, exhibit at Museum of the White Mountains, 34 Highland St., Plymouth, info: 535-3214. Tamworth Summer Farmer’s Market, Saturdays, May 14 – Oct. 22, parking lot of Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 30 Tamworth Rd., Tamworth, 9 am – 1 pm, info: www. Thursday Laconia Outdoor Marketplace, weekly June 4 – Sept. 24, municipal parking lot, downtown Laconia, weekly market from 3 – 6 pm, veggies, breads, crafts, farm produce and more, info: 528-8541. Trails open, Squam Lakes Natural Science Center, Holderness, 9:30 am – 4:30 pm, interactive trail with live animal exhibits. Admission charge; 968-7194, Turtle Talk, every Tuesday at 1:30 pm, interactive discussion, Squam Lakes Natural Science Center, Holderness, info: 968-7194, Up Close to Animals, daily at 11 am, noon, 1, 2, & 3 pm, Squam Lakes Natural Science Center, Holderness, info: 968-7194. Wildlife Encounters, Wednesdays in July and Aug., live animal show, free, noon – 1 pm, Libby Museum, 755 N. Main St., Wolfeboro, info: 569-1035. Wolfeboro Farmer’s Market, June 2 – Oct. 6, Thursdays from 12:30 – 4:30 pm. Cate Park, Wolfeboro, info: Winnipesaukee Scenic Railroad, Meredith, scenic tours of Winnipesaukee and Paugus Bay, featuring daily entertainment and popular “Rail & Sail” package with M/S Mount Washington, daily through August 28, and Sept. 3 & 4,





Page 10

July 18, 2016

Dirt and Rock Excavation Company House Lots Cleared and Stumped • Foundations Dug Dirt & Rock Excavation • Retaining Walls Driveway Construction • Licensed Septic Installers Round Rock Walls • All Aspects of Landscaping Professional Tree Removal • Fully Insured

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July 19, Open Mic Night, 7:30 pm, hosted by Jonathan Lorentz. Patrick’s Pub & Eatery, 18 Weirs Rd., Gilford, 293-0841, If you are interested in performing, please contact Jonathan at or 556-9079. July 19-23, Dancing at Lughnasa, Barnstormers Theatre, Tamworth, tickets/info: www. July 20, 7th Annual Project Greenway, 7 pm, “Walk the Red Carpet for Recycling,” Little Church Theater, Rt. 113, Holderness, tickets/info: 968-2250,


July 20, Barbershop Concert, presented by the Lakes Region Chordsmen, featuring the district champion quartet On Air, Winnipesaukee Marketplace, 21 Weeks Street, Weirs Beach, 366-5800, www.


Drop Ins $10 10 Visits $75 Unlimited Cardio & Circuit $ 39/Mo. or $99/3 Mos. Unlimited Studio Classes Cardio & Circuit All Inclusive $ 59/Mo. or $159/3 Mos.

July 20, Ladies Night, 8 pm, with Cody James, Patrick’s Pub & Eatery, 18 Weirs Rd., Gilford, 2930841, July 20, Summer Concert, Lindsay Roberts, accompanied by pianist Tamar Greene, Broadway favorites, 7:30 pm, The Arts Center, 12 Main St., Sandwich, admission by donation, info: 284-7532. July 20-30, Living Together, drama/comedy play, Winnipesaukee Playhouse, www., 279-0003. July 21, 2 Good 2 Be True Thursdays, 8 pm, with Paul Warnick, Patrick’s Pub & Eatery, 18 Weirs Rd., Gilford, 293-0841,

603-569-YOGA or 603-569-9642 615 Center St., Wolfeboro

Monday Wednesday Friday

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STEP BACK IN TIME as you stroll the grounds of this picturesque

village. Explore over 20 structures full of objects depicting rural 19th century New England lifeways.

• UPCOMING EVENTS • July 23 & 24: Annual Civil War Event; The 6th of Maine Battery

July 21, Dinner & Sunset Cruise on Squam Lake, presented by Squam Lake Natural Science Center and Walter’s Basin Restaurant, 5 – 9 pm, reserve your seats: 968-7194, July 22, Brett Walberg Trio Concert, presented by Patio Garden Restaurant, Weirs Beach, open to all ages, full bar and menu available, 7 – 10 pm, for more info:, patiogarden@, 366-5800. July 22, Center Harbor Band Concert, downtown bandstand, free, 7 pm. July 22, Dueling Pianos, 9 pm, prepare your friends for some serious fun as you pick the music and

7/18 join the show, Patrick’s Pub & Eatery, 18 Weirs Rd., Gilford, 293-0841,

July 22, Fireworks, presented by the Weirs Action Committee, Weirs Beach area, 10:30 pm, info:,, or visit Weirs Action Committee on Facebook. July 22, Glenn Miller Orchestra concert, Kingswood Arts Center, Wolfeboro, Great Waters Music Festival, 7:30 pm, tickets/info:

Activities for kids, Victorian Fashion Show, Civil War Era Music, High Tea and More! Open 10 am to 5 pm | July 1 - Columbus Day | Closed Tuesday & Wednesday 70 Elm Street | Newfield, ME | 207-793-2784 |

July 22, Music Under the Tent concert with jazz/blues vocalist Linda Pouliot, food 6 pm, concert 7 pm, Wakefield Opera House, 2 High St., Sanbornville, info: 522-0126. July 23, Bandstand Concert, Saxx Roxx, Alton Bay, bring lawn chair for seating, free, public welcome, 7 pm, info: 875-0109. July 23, Brad Myrick Quartet, Saturday Sessions, 9 pm, this week enjoy jazz from the Quartet, rotating styles of music each week: Acoustic Rock, Irish, Jazz and Blues. Patrick’s Pub & Eatery, 18 Weirs Rd., Gilford, 293-0841,

Your Destination for the Finest Diamonds & Jewelry in the Lakes Region

July 23, Mar Maguire Band, blend of swing, folk, country, 7 pm, Wolfeboro Community Bandstand, Cate Park, Downtown Wolfeboro, weather dependent, July 23, Shelli LaTorre Trio Concert, presented by Patio Garden Restaurant, Weirs Beach, open to all ages, full bar and menu available, 7 – 10 pm, for more info:, patiogarden@

Celebrating 46 Years of Fine Design & Crafting


Cash For Gold & Gems

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Concerts at 12 Main, Arts Center at 12 Main, Sandwich village, 7:30 pm, select concerts. Info: 2847115,

Open Wed. thru Sat. 10 to 5 or by appointment

In the Little Mauve Victorian Rt. 25 At the Lights • Center Harbor

Country, Bluegrass, and Gospel Music Jam, Tuesdays, 6:30 – 9:30 pm, Old White Church, Route 109A, Tuftonboro, across from Tuftonboro General Store and Post Office. Musicians and listeners welcome. Free. Call 569-3861.


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Homemade Chocolates, Our Famous Make-Your-Own-Sundae Smorgasbord 10 Rooms of Wicked Cool Gifts! Serving Belgian Waffle Breakfast Weekends 8am - 12noon Hours: Monday - Friday 10am-10pm Saturday & Sunday 8am - 10pm Route 3, Weirs Beach • 603-366-4466 • OPEN ALL YEAR

Country Acoustic Picking Party, Wednesdays, 7 – 9 pm, Tilton Senior Center, Tilton. Community Band Concerts, featuring Gilford Community Band, free, Village Field, Gilford, Wednesdays (June 26, July 6 & 20, Aug. 3 & 17), 7:30 pm, free, public welcome, (if raining concerts held in Gilford High School). Friends of Wolfeboro Community Bandstand Concert, Cate Park, Wolfeboro, Saturdays 7 – 9 pm in July and August, Live Blues, every Friday night at 8 pm, Pitman’s Freight Room, 94 New Salem St., Laconia. Call 4943334,

6/208/22Live Jazz, every Thursday at 8 pm, Pitman’s Freight Room, 94 New Salem St., Laconia. Call 494-3334,

Open Mic/Jam Night, Thursdays, 7 – 11 pm, Hawg’s Pen Cafe, Farmington. All levels, styles, and genres welcome. Info: Open Mic, every Friday at 7:30 pm, The Back Room at the Mill Fudge Factory, 2 Central St., Bristol, 744-0405, Wolfeboro Inn Special Events, Sushi Night, every Tues., 4 – 9 pm; every other Thur. Date Night with free babysitting, 5 – 9pm; Sun. Brunch, every Sun. 10 am – 2 pm; Wolfe’s Tavern, Wolfeboro Inn, 90 N. Main St., Wolfeboro, 569-3016, parks. July 18, Team Trivia, 8pm, Patrick’s Pub & Eatery, 18 Weirs Rd., Gilford, 293-0841, www.patrickspub. com.

Page 11

July 18, 2016

Welcome to


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Penny Candy Color Ad Final:Layout 1


9:15 PM

Page 1

5/18/08 9:15 PM Page 1 Penny Candy Shop

Penny Candy Color Ad Final:Layout 1 FUN CANDY

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Penny Candy Color Ad Final:Layout 1

9:15 PM

Page 1

5/18/08 9:15 PM Page 1 Penny Shop Helium Candy Balloons FUN CANDY

Penny Candy Shop FINEDurgin CHOCOLATES 15 North Main Street, Stables PARTY FAVORS Wolfeboro, NH 03894 CORPORATE GIFTS 603-569-9800

A Flag and Gift Emporium

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Visit us at either location! 279 S. Main St. Wolfeboro 603-569-7960

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Page 12

July 18, 2016

AF te r

est. 1994


Ye Ar s

ALL We OVerLOOK Is WOLFeBOrO BAY! Named Best Dining in Wolfeboro ~ NH Magazine

2014 2014

1st Place Winner

Kingswood Youth Center Chili Cookoff

Taste of Winnipesaukee - Pescetarian

Applewood Smoked Prime Rib $19.95 Every Friday 6-8pm While it Lasts Open daily from 11am to 9pm • 569-8668

OverlOOking the wOlfebOrO tOwn dOcks 27 S. Main Street • 569-8668 Check out our new website:

Interior of Lucknow, Moultonboro. • Cup & Crumb Continued from page 3


Multi-talented host Jon Lorentz and a great variety of talent. To get in the gig, email:


It’s all about the ladies as Cody James sets the groove and ladies get 1/2 Off drinks*

Thur. 2 GOOD 2 BE TRUE

which houses year-round offices, an intimate gallery, a function room with gorgeous Winnipesaukee views, and the Carriage House Restaurant, now open for lunch every day and offering dinner with live music Monday and Thursday nights. We park and in a few minutes, the red trolley-style tram picks us up. Dave is our chauffeur, and he banters jovially. He points to his red shirt and says, “People wearing red shirts are volunteers and full-time employees. They all have two things in common: a great deal of knowledge and they love to talk.” He proves the point, going on, “There’s a [outdoor] wedding this afternoon. The pictures will be beautiful, with just a little bit of light peeking through the clouds.” Someone asks if a tent will be set up in case it rains. He says yes, but “nine times out of 10 the rain stops. Go figure.”

wOlfebOrO, nh We draw up to the front entrance of the Arts & Crafts style Castle and enter the Sun Parlour, where staff member Mary Ann greets us. She has lived in the area and been associated with the Castle all her life. The Parlour gives the illusion of being outdoors while protecting from the elements. The wall farthest from the driveway offers breathtaking views of forest and farms below and Lake Winnipesaukee beyond. There’s a tasteful fireplace on the outer wall of the main house. As she talks, Mary Ann weaves in her own memories with facts about Thomas Plant, construction of the estate, and history after its sale at mortgage foreclosure in 1941. In brief, the rags-to-riches Plant amassed one of the world’s largest fortunes as the owner of the largest shoe factory in the world. His Queen Quality Shoes brand was one of the first to mass-market women’s fashionable shoes, and he utilized the latest

• Cup & Crumb Continued on page 13

Dine In or Pig Out Check Out the New Pig Pals Pub

Local favorite Paul Warnick on stage with $2 Drafts and 2-for-1 Apps & ‘Tinis* after 8pm


Prepare your friends for some serious fun as YOU pick the music and join in the show beginning at 9pm


Rotating styles of music each week beginning at 9pm.

*Specials and Entertainment Details at

18 Weirs Rd. • Gilford, NH • 603-293-0841

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Corner of Routes 16 & 25W, West Ossipee, NH

Page 13

July 18, 2016 • Cup & Crumb Continued from page 12 technology and superior employment conditions to maintain quality and production standards. Mary Ann says his employees had “healthcare, a doctor on call in the building—how many companies have that now?— daycare, a cafeteria, billiard room, and if you needed to let off steam, three bowling alleys.” In 1910, at the age of 51, he sold the business, retired and began amassing land in Moultonboro on the recommendation of his brother, William, who owned property on Tuftonboro Neck. By effort of anonymous go-betweens, he eventually took title to 6,300 acres that included seven mountain peaks, a two-mile swath of land from the mountains to the shore of Lake Winnipesaukee, and one mile of shoreline on the Big Lake. In 1913, Plant and his second wife, Olive, began work on the Arts & Crafts style mansion which they named Lucknow. Sixteen months and 1,000 workers later, the project was complete. Their new estate boasted a stable/ garage, gatehouses, a greenhouse, a golf course, a lake, 45 miles of carriage and riding paths, electricity produced at the estate’s own hydroelectric power plant, and a 16-room home. It featured seven bathrooms with innovative needle head showers, ammonia brine refrigeration, a fire suppression system, central vacuum, and a magnificent pipe organ said to have been heard on Winnipesaukee when played at full volume.

Sadly, a series of bad investments and bad timing led to the loss of Plant’s fortune, and when he passed away in 1941, the estate was foreclosed and sold. Subsequent owners bought the estate for personal use and its natural assets, and in 1959 it was opened by the Robie family as a tourist attraction named Castle in the Clouds. In 2002, the Lakes Region Conservation Trust purchased it and the Castle Preservation Society is charged with caring for the Castle and its outbuildings, bringing them back to their Plant-era elegance. To my eye, the Society is moving ahead at an impressive pace, and taking great pains to bring visitors along with them. Just in the past nine months, more rooms have been opened to the self-guided tour. Brenda and I take our time, enjoying the human details, like a cloth-bound dressmaker’s guide in a servant’s cloak room, Thomas Plant’s exercise rings in his dressing area, the invitation to write a letter from Olive’s desk, and the true-to-the-era toilet paper next to a commode. We are particularly impressed by the well-written broadsides on topics such as servants, building techniques, restoration efforts and Olive’s updates about her life at Lucknow. Enough copies allow us to read to our own depth and at our own pace, and as we take the information in, we see that each room seems to offer some way to interact. A closet in a guest room offers children a chance to dress in 1920s era clothing. Some chairs have tags that say “It’s ok to sit here,” while others kindly

request, “Please don’t sit here.” Signage notes that in some cases research is still ongoing and asks visitors their thoughts about the question. And in every room, an expert in a red shirt is ready to chat if we want to learn more. The grounds of Castle in the Clouds are open every day of the year from dawn to dusk. The Castle mansion is open for tours, 10 am to 5:30 pm daily until October 23, and the Carriage

House Restaurant offers lunch and special dinner experiences throughout the season. For more about private and special events, dining, tours, hikes and horseback riding, visit www. Cup & Crumb is located at 84 Governor John Wentworth Highway (Route 109), Moultonboro; visit www. Your Where-To-Go, What-To-Do Guide for the Lakes Region Weirs

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isit the Castle and you’ll see.

ACOUSTIC NIGHT Monday Evenings thru Sept. 5, 5:30-8:30 - Live music on the Terrace. Dinner & Drinks available for purchase. $10 Cover Charge per person. Tickets required in advance.

JAZZ AT SUNSET Thursday Evenings thru Sept. 8, 5:30-8:30 - Live music on the Terrace. Dinner & Drinks available for purchase. $10 Cover Charge per person. Tickets required in advance.

1914 Arts and Crafts Mansion 5,500 Acres of Trails and Waterfalls Patio Cafe with Sumptuous View Horseback Riding Gift Shop


Volunteer Opportunities Available Castle Open Daily

603-476-5900 • • Moultonborough, NH, Overlooking Lake Winnipesaukee





Original art by Peter Ferber

Page 14

July 18, 2016

New Hampshire Music Festival July 5 through August 4, 2016 All TuesdayEVENTS and Thursday THURSDAYORCHESTRA JULY 23 JULY 23 FAMILY THURSDAY concerts start at 7:30 PM at the ORCHESTRACLASSICS CLASSICS FAMILY EVENTS Family Concert, 10-11 AM Silver Center for the Arts in

July 7, 14, 21, 28 &7/28 August 4 7/21, & 8/4


Visit Check website for schedulefor schedule and details NEW! WOLFEBORO forMadedetails & WOLFEBORO CHAMBER SERIES possible with generous CHAMBER MUSIC support from Lincoln tickets & 8/1 Financial Foundation July 11, 25 &7/25 August 1 7/19, 7/26 & 8/2

July 5, 12, 19, 26 & August 2

MUSIC IN THE MOUNTAINSCheck our website Made possible with generous support from Lincoln Financial Foundation

WWW.NHMF.ORG · SILVER CENTER BOX OFFICE: 603.535.2787 | 800.779.3869

Tramway Artisans Over

70,000 Gifts!

at the Tramway Marketplace

Gifts Galore! Unique Gifts • Jewelry • Furniture • Candles and Scents Garden Decor • Home, Lake and Lodge Decor • More! Junction of Routes 16 and 25 (Next to McDonald’s) • West Ossipee • Open Seven Days • 539-5700

Squam Lake Dinner & Sunset Cruise Thursday, July 28 Start your evening with a delicious dinner at Walter’s Basin Resturant followed by a sunset cruise on beautiful Squam Lake. $55 per person

Summer Programs for Young Children at Squam Lakes Natural Science Center Squam Lakes Natural Science Center is pleased to offer two Natural Adventure series to help bring you and your kids outside this summer. Nature Play Time, a 1-hour play session for children ages 3 and under, will allow unstructured play in nature for you and your little one. Each session of Nature Play Time will be an opportunity for parents and children to take advantage of that day’s program: play in a shallow stream with scoops and buckets, balance on log beams while in the forest, or tap into your creativity and help your child build a stick fort. Nature Play Time sessions will set the stage for parents and their children to enjoy playtime in New Hampshire’s outdoors. Nature Play Time is scheduled for Wednesdays, July 20; August 3; August 17; September 14; and October 12 from 10 am to 11 am. Nature Play Time activities will take place outdoors; please dress for the weather accordingly. The cost per session for Nature Play Time is $5/ member child; $7/non-member child. The Science Center’s second natural adventure, Yoga Wild, gives a fun, fresh perspective on youth yoga. These sessions will work with children ages 4 to 7, helping to teach spatial concepts, stimulate their senses, and develop motor skills as they use their imaginations to mimic animals. To top it all off, each of the Yoga Wild sessions will wrap-up with a visit from a live animal. Yoga Wild will be held on Wednesdays, July 13; July 27; August 10; and August 24 from 10 am to 11 am. The cost per session for Yoga Wild is $7/member child; $9/non-member child.

Both adventure series offer entertaining activities to help keep your child active and interested in New Hampshire ecology during the summer months. These one-hour sessions can even make a perfect addition for a day-trip to the Science Center. The public is welcome to attend one or all of the planned program sessions. Reservations are required and can be made by calling 968-7194. In addition to the Science Center’s two Natural Adventure series, the Science Center also offers Guided Discoveries, which last one week long and may accommodate children ages 4 through 12. Visit The Science Center’s website,, to find more information about these two Natural Adventures, or to learn more about Guided Discoveries opportunities for your children. The mission of Squam Lakes Natural Science Center is to advance understanding of ecology by exploring New Hampshire’s natural world. Through spectacular live animal exhibits, natural science education programs, an informal public garden, and lake cruises, the Science Center has educated and enlightened visitors since 1966 about the importance of our natural world. Squam Lakes Natural Science Center is located on Route 113 in Holderness, an easy drive from exit 24 off I-93, and is open daily from May 1 through November 1. The Science Center is accredited by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) and is the only AZA-accredited institution in all of northern New England. For further information about the Science Center, call 968-7194 or visit www.

Join us for a Scenic Tour of Lake Winnipesaukee E. Edersheim

Celebrating 50 Years 1966-2016 | 603-968-7194 | Route 113, Holderness, NH

Summer Cruise Schedule July 1 - September 5 (90 Minute Scenic Tour)

The Winnipesaukee Belle Public Scenic Cruises Private Charters & Events 603.569.3016 800.451.2389

Monday - Friday Scenic Cruises 10:30 am & 1:30 pm Sunday Scenic Cruises ~ 12:00 pm Tickets are $16 for adults, $8 for children, $12 for seniors, military & General’s Club

Thirsty Thursdays (2 1 & over) 6:30pm Entertainment & Cocktail Cruise $15 Adults • $12 General’s Club

Pay as you board at: Wolfeboro Town Docks, 4 North Main Street Wolfeboro, NH 03894

Page 15

July 18, 2016

Lake Discovery Summer Camp At NH Boat Museum It’s not too late to sign your kids or Discovery Camp. grandkids up for the New Hampshire The cost to attend is $15 per day Boat Museum’s Lake Discovery for members and $18 per day for notCamp. This day camp offers a funyet-members. Snacks are provided filled week of each day. Camp hands-on, active sessions are as adventures related follows: to boating and our S e s s i o n lakes, rivers, and 1: Children streams. entering lower Jaime Laurent, elementary a recently grades K-2, July retired employee 18-19 from 9 of Brewster am to noon. Academy, will S e s s i o n again lead this 2: Children year’s camp. entering upper Jaime has planned elementary a great line up of grades 3-6, July fun crafts, games, 20-22 from 9 and experiments. am to noon, Jaime has had with Friday 26 years of the 22 being a teaching and longer field trip student leadership day e x p e r i e n c e . To help the Having grown Museum plan up on Lake for materials Scenes from last year’s Wi n n i p e s a u k e e , and snacks, Lake Discovery Camp. she is passionate please make about the Lakes reservations Region and it’s care and protection in advance. Spots fill up quickly so for future generations. She is excited reserve your child’s place today. to inspire this year’s campers’ For further information and to imaginations as they make new register for Lake Discovery Camp, memories on the lake. contact the Museum at 569-4554, Highlights for the week include, special off-site visits for each session. or via Facebook. The New Hampshire Younger students will ride Mollie the Boat Museum is a member of the Trolley to the Wolfeboro town docks “Experience New Hampshire Heritage: to meet members of Marine Patrol and The Portsmouth to Plymouth Museum tour their patrol boat. They will then Trail.” To learn more about the Trail, head to Back Bay on the Trolley to visit meet the Back Bay Skippers and learn The New Hampshire Boat Museum how to sail radio-controlled model is open to the public for the 2016 sailboats. Older students will ride season and will remain open daily Mollie the Trolley to the Wolfeboro through Monday, October 10, 10 am Town docks where they will ride the to 4 pm Monday through Saturday, New Hampshire Boat Museum’s Millie and Sunday 12 to 4pm. The Museum B followed by a tour with the captain is a not-for-profit institution that of the docked Winni Belle and a bag focuses on the social history of life lunch onboard. on New Hampshire’s lakes and the Other activities include fun games, state’s important fresh water boating crafts, and art projects. Older students traditions. It is located at 399 Center will become Watershed Warriors and Street, Wolfeboro Falls, 2 miles from conduct experiments and learning downtown Wolfeboro in the former about the ecology of our lakes and Allen “A” Resort dance hall. streams. This is the fourth year of Lake

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Open Daily 10-5 • Sunday 12-5

Hand-Rolled Sushi Every Tuesday Tiki Tuesdays Start 6/28! Artisan Tacos & Beer Flights Every Thursday Music Trivia Bingo Every Other Friday Farmer’s Market & Farm to Table Dinner 9/25

90 North Main Street Wolfeboro, NH 03894 603.569.3016

Page 16

July 18, 2016

A n t i q u e & C l a s s i c Boat Show to be in Wolfeboro Saturday, July 30 will mark the first time that the New England Chapter of the Antique and Classic Boat Society will hold their annual antique boat show in Wolfeboro. This major Chapter event will be located at the town docks from 9 am to 2 pm. This is an exciting show f o r s p e c t a t o r s with a wide variety of antique and classic boats being displayed. In the 1920s, wooden boat builders across the country were producing boats that would attract all segments of the population – with an emphasis on quality, workmanship, and speed. According to local Winnipesaukee history: “The Weirs officially opened for business on May 29, 1928, with over one thousand people attending the festivities. Terry Page and his Atlantic Orchestra were present, courtesy of Jim Irwin who also took the opportunity

to commission what he called “ChrisCraft Row” on the south side of the Winnipesaukee Gardens. He had 12 new boats on display and hoped the new models would draw in customers. To make buying a boat easier, ads were taken out in the local papers hawking the incredible new opportunity to buy a Chris-Craft out of income. This brand new idea for a recreational boat allowed people to place only 40% of the purchase price down and then equal payments on the remaining balance for 12 months. The ads stressed how no other boat company could offer such generous terms, the closing line read ‘A year to pay – A lifetime to enjoy!’” (From Winnipesaukee Racing History by Mark Howard courtesy of the New Hampshire Boat Museum.) All was going well until the depression, when orders for boats began dropping quickly around the


$2 off child’s admission (limit 4 per family)

July 2–September 5, 2016 at Faro’s Restaurant/Weirs Beach Tickets & Showtimes:

country. Several builders could not survive the struggling economy and all the builders that were still in business coming out at the end of the depression were scarred badly. Three to four years after the depression boat building began reviving in earnest and builders started focusing more on producing boats that families could enjoy. By the time WWII arrived most all of the boat builders shut down their plants for personal craft and focused on building boats for wartime. Today, two original boat builder names, and their original building plans, Gar Wood and HackerCraft, were recently bought and have begun limited reproductions of some of the most elegant and well-built boats of the era. Another of those original builders, Chris-Craft, had become the largest and most well organized of all the builders, and has managed to continually reinvent itself. The Chris-Craft name has been maintained, through several

owners, from its beginnings in the very early twenties, and the company is still building boats today. We are pleased to have Chris- Craft a s this year’s Marquee Boat. Individuals who might like to enter their boat in the show, especially anyone with a Chris-Craft, should visit for forms. There is a specific cut off date for registration and all boats much be registered in advance. Boats can be judged or not. Either way is great. There will be a Friday night registration and awards will be presented late Saturday at the awards ceremony. Come enjoy Wolfeboro, “the oldest resort in America” and take yourself back in time when life was simple. Shop at the ships store or meet Peter Ferber and view all his wonderful prints. It’s all in a fun day at the lake! For information about the event and the New England Chapter of the Antique and Classic Boat Society, contact President Dennis Schauer at


2016 Schedule July 22 - The Glenn Miller Orchestra FREE for all WWII veterans at Kingswood Arts Center July 29 -

Great Waters Music at the NICK!

Carolyn Ramsay Band, Ash Fischbein, Ossipee Mountain Boys, Haase Ordway Band at Nicholas J. Pernokas Recreational Park Aug. 5 -

The Motown Experience at Kingswood Arts Center

Aug. 12 - North Shore at Anderson Hall


Aug. 19 - The Hit Men at Kingswood Arts Center


at The Kingswood Arts Center Wolfeboro, New Hampshire Friday, July 22nd at 7:30pm

Thanks To Our Sponsors

Aug. 26 - TUSK at Kingswood Arts Center

TICKETS 603-569-7710

Page 17

July 18, 2016

July 18, 2016

Prestigious Lake Winnipesaukee Estate Lake Winnipesaukee Waterfront Estate

has 180° lake views, 4.5 private acres. This gracious, classic home has 6 bedrooms, many with their own baths, a large entertaining kitchen that eases into the dining room and great room beyond with its wall of glass and two story granite fireplace. A full mahogany covered deck, sandy beach, 2-slip covered docking and sunsets! Wolfeboro - $4,695,000 Jane Mooney 603-986-2594

Prime LocationLakeside at Winnipesaukee Stunning 4 bedroom, 5 bath

Contemporary, just remodeled to the highest of standards; fabulous Great Room with a soaring ceiling, exposed beams, wood burning fireplace, numerous built-ins and a huge wall of windows overlooking the lake, luxurious 1st floor master suite, level landscaped lot, permanent dock. Every room is of generous size and most have outstanding lake views. Alton - $1,800,000 Carol Bush 603-387-4733 • Maxfield Real Estate has been bringing people and homes together for over 60 years. Explore the thousands of properties now being offered in the Lakes Region and beyond from the comfort of your own home. is the go-to-site for buyers and sellers, with a wealth of information and resources to meet all your needs. Just one more reason why Maxfield is “simply the best.” Wolfeboro: 15 Railroad Avenue • 603-569-3128 Center Harbor: Junction Rtes. 25 & 25B • 603-253-9360 Alton: 108 Main Street • 603-875-3128

Page 18

July 18, 2016

Gilford This totally rebuilt cottage is on a fabulous lot with amazing views.Two docks, town sewage, an acre of land, rolling lawns... this is a fantastic property.The home has been totally rebuilt and has two bedrooms and a bunk room.The wrap around porch is perfect for enjoying the lake and mountain views.The gas fireplace provides ample heat. It is fully insulated and could be easily converted to year round use.





One of the most tasteful and quality homes on Lake Winnipesaukee. Sweeping views with a 270 ft waterfront, a sandy beach. A double Ushaped dock with a canopy and spacious waterside decking add to outdoor fun. Architecturally designed and constructed to perfection. Spectacular views. $5,800,000

Enter a winding driveway to a private courtyard with commanding views, sweeping lawn, sandy beach & a W-shaped dock with canopy. The kitchen is amazing! Appointed with the finest appliances & custom Birdseye Maple counters complemented by spacious eating & cozy sitting areas with fireplace. Patio doors lead to a covered, sweeping veranda with multiple sitting & outdoor dining areas. $4,495,000

Sophisticated design, incomparable quality and functionality embraced by timeless architecture, this extraordinary home was designed and constructed with perfection. Sited on a sweeping 300’ waterfront lot with ever changing sunsets, the home takes advantage of picturesque lake views, private, covered dock, patios and beach. $4,395,000

Moultonborough - Crystal clear waterfront! Long lake and mountain views! A level Lot! A sandy swimming area! A gentle point of land for privacy! If these features are on your “wish list”, this is the property for you. The cottage is original and needs updating, but the footprint is terrific with great proximity to the shore. $999,000

Gilford - A beautiful Colonial style, Governor’s Island home that has been beautifully updated and maintained.The first floor master bedroom has a wonderful spa-like bath. Chef’s kitchen opens to a comfortable family room and a spacious sun room. The oversized living room has a fireplace and built-ins. Second level has a second master, and two additional bedrooms. $729,000

Gilford - This tasteful home is located in a desirable and convenient Gilford neighborhood. It is open in design with a Great Room with a soaring ceiling, wall of glass and a gas fireplace. The gleaming hardwood floors are throughout the main level. Convenience of a first floor Master bedroom. This is a terrific home perfect for executive living. $489,900

Laconia - A spacious 4 bedroom waterfront home on a level lot. With a U-shaped dock and sandy beach you will enjoy the best of lake living. The waterside family room has walls of glass and a fireplace with wood stove.The oversized deck overlooks a private, fenced in yard and water views. This is a great home for year round enjoyment. $499,900

Gilford - This desirable Gilford condo is spacious with three bedrooms. The sun shines throughout the Great Room from three sets of sliders. An end unit with two main level decks allows easy access to the expanse of lawn. The kitchen is well appointed. Enjoy tennis, beach, a day dock and a list for moorings. It is a wonderful condominium association. $289,000

Tuftonboro - Winnipesaukee waterfront in the Basin in Tuftonboro. A half acre with 117 feet waterfront. Convenient and nice. $220,000

Susan Bradley Realtor®, CRS, ABR, GRI

Direct: 603-493-2873 email: | 348 Court Street, Laconia, NH 03246 | 603-524-2255

No Other Lakes Region Agent Sold More $1,000,000 Homes in 2015!

Page 19

July 18, 2016 34 North Main St., P.O. Box 2180 Wolfeboro, NH 03894 • 603-569-4488


center Harbor

32 Whittier Highway • 603-253-4345 (NH) 1-800-639-4022

WOLFEBORO: Lovely Winter Harbor home with beautiful WOLFEBORO: 1812 Period Colonial with a spacious interior, landscaping, dock, boathouse and wonderful entertaining refinished hardwood floors and attached, original post and spaces. $1,675,000 MLS #4502333 beam barn. $290,000 MLS #4498652

ALTON - Adirondack styled contemporary lakehouse! Extremely well appointed, dock, 155’ water frontage. $2,299,000 #4466356

ALTON - Post & Beam contemporary home on Hills Pond, sandy beach area, dock, private, 148 feet of waterfront. $595,000 #4453057

MOULTONBORO - Lake Kanasatka Lake house sits at waters edge, 90’ frontage, conveniently located. $499,000 #4499992


WOLFEBORO: The finest home being offered on Lake Wen- TUFTONBORO: Main house & guest house on 6 level acres tworth! Boasting 5,631 sq ft of living space with lake and with over 200’ of waterfront, sandy beach, dock & boathouse. heath frontage. $2,745,000 MLS #4454235 $4,200,000 MLS #4462482


15 North Main Street • 603-569-2533 (NH) 1-800-621-2533


WOLFEBORO - Restored Antique 3-bedroom Cape in convenient South Wolfeboro location offers hand-hewn beams, wide pine floors & 1st floor living with additional 2 bedrooms upstairs. $169,000 #4475620

366 Lake St., Bristol, NH 03222 Hebron - This exquisite lakefront home is nestled on a double lot with breathtaking views to the southwest. Located in the quaint, low-tax town of Hebron, this property offers 3 bedrooms including a master suite with views of Newfound Lake. A contemporary feel with a solarium, and an abundance of windows through which to take in the view, provides lots of light making this a bright and cheery home. On a cool day enjoy the ambiance and warmth from the pellet stove insert in the family room while gazing out at your impressive waterfront view. Mature landscaping and an expansive grassy lawn extends to the waters edge for relaxing in your lawn chair or enjoying summer activities. MLS 4477039 $790,000 Alexandria - The perfect spot for all seasons. Private waterfront with 282 feet of shoreline on Newfound Lake mooring, boat dock, raft and sandy beach! Overlooking Newfound Lake, this exquisite lakefront home has breath taking views of the lake and mountains. The property offers 3 bedrooms including a first floor master suite with views of Newfound Lake. The open concept of the kitchen, dining and living room offers a cathedral ceiling adding to the ambiance of the house. After a day on the lake, settle back and enjoy the benefit of a gourmet kitchen—top of the line in every way. Over sized garage with plenty of room for vehicles, and all the toys to enjoy the seasons. Enjoy the comfort of radiant heat on the first floor and the many upgrades to this fine home. MLS 4501815 $855,000

WOLFEBORO - Rust Pond cottage with an updated kitchen, hardwood floors, expansive deck, outdoor shower, dock, and more! Perfect to relax, entertain and create memories. $310,000 #4488910

We Move More of The Lakes Region!


348 Court Street • 603-524-2255 (NH) 1-800-639-5077

LACONIA - Spacious 4-bedroom Winnipesaukee home on a level lot with U-shaped dock. $479,000 #4485121

GILFORD - Beautifully updated 3-bedroom Condo with community beach, tennis and docks. $459,000 #4461658

MOULTONBORO - 28’ dock, two bedrooms, 1.5 bath, screened porch, year-round free standing unit, views, sandy beach. $349,000 #4502025

BELMONT - One of the largest units in this waterfront community. Shared 400’ beach, playgrounds and boat launch. $179,900 #4483219

TILTON - Quaint 2-bedroom cottage on Lake Winnisquam. Amenities include sun deck, moorings and more. $147,000 #4485328

View these and all Lakes Region Listings on our Web site!

OPEN HOUSE THIS WEEKEND July 23 & 24 | 10am – 4pm

Turf Talk Brown Lawn Blues Summer can mean hard times for New England lawns. Hot weather combined with improper mowing can trigger a cascade of turf problems such as weeds, crabgrass, browning and harmful insects. To immediately protect your lawn and reduce summer browning: Apply liquid compost tea to improve soil health • Apply a slow release fertilizer with grub and/or tick protection • Mow high – at least 2.5-3"– and mulch your clippings to minimize browning • Don’t mow in the heat of the day • Keep your mower blades sharp •

Visit for tips on keeping your lawn healthy and green.

Bluegill Lodge Condominiums | Starting at $450k – Furnished • 1,300 to 2,000 sq ft | 2 & 3 beds

• Garage Parking

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• Direct Elevator Access

• Lakeview Deck

• High-End Finishes

AMENITIES INCLUDE Swimming Pool, Tennis Courts, Fitness Center, Lake Access, Community Gardens, Walking Trails, and access to Southworth clubs in the U.S., U.K. and Bahamas.

Tr e e · Tu r f · G a r d e n · L a n d · F o r e s t

We’re All About Your Life Outside



Our Consultations Are Always Complimentary Meredith 603.279.7400 • Concord 603.225.9600 Web • Blog Accredited NH Better Business Bureau, A+ Rating & Tree Care Industry Association | 603.524.4141 GPS Address: 421 Endicott Street North, Laconia, NH 03246-1820 Properties offered exclusively by Meredith Bay Lighthouse Realty, LLC. The Lodges are part of Bluegill Lodge at Meredith Bay, a condominium. Some first floor units do not have direct elevator access into unit. This is not an offer to sell property to, or solicitation of offers from, residents of NY, NJ, CT or any other state that requires prior registration of real estate. Prices and terms are subject to change without notice. Southworth reciprocal program is subject to change. See reciprocal program materials for full details.

Page 20

July 18, 2016

Unbeatable craftsmanship and high end finishes throughout over 2,500 sq.ft. with three bedrooms, oversized garage and finished lower level.

Custom Contemporary Home at Meredith Bay

Spectacular lot on Lake Winnipesaukee

Stunning home built with great attention to detail. Located in the gated Meredith Bay community. Features over 4400 sq. ft. of living space with four bedrooms and four baths.

LACONIA, NH | $379,900 | MLS#4466821 ASHLEY DAVIS | 603.455.7110

LACONIA, NH | $995,000 | MLS#4501577 BRIAN NEIDHARDT | 603.738.3798

300 ft of waterfront with a large sugar sand beach and sandy bottom 50 feet out. This is an extremely private residence on Sachem Cove which is one of the most desirable coves in Meredith.

Prestigious Winnipesaukee Waterfront

Secluded Country Retreat

Governors Crossing

Enjoy privacy, serenity, and the convenient location of this custom high quality home with 200’ of prime waterfront. MEREDITH, NH | $2,845,000 | MLS#4442006 ROY SANBORN | 603.455.0335

Stunning Quality and Workmanship Beautifully restored early 1800's Vintage Farmhouse artfully blends historic details and charm with modern amenities. MOULTONBORO, NH | $449,900 | MLS#4489188 ROY SANBORN | 603.455.0335

"The Clearing Farm" - a magical enclave tucked away from view on 64 acres on Tamworth's famed Cleveland Hill. Main home, guesthouse, artist studio plus private swimming pond. TAMWORTH, NH | $1,295,000 | MLS#4486869 STEVE PATRIQUIN | 603.387.2532

MEREDITH, NH | $1,700,000 | MLS#4500098 RUTH NEIDHARDT | 603.455.0176

Enclosed Boat House on Little Squam This enclosed boat house covers a deeded boat slip at Squam River Landing Boat Club within the Riveredge Marina. Many Boatslips are also available. Call for details. ASHLAND, NH | $129,000 CARL SACK | 603.566.2386

The Possibilities Are Endless

Condominium at Waukewan Village

First time on the market in over 40 years. 254 acre parcel consisting of rolling hills, pond, large areas of timber, stone wall bordered fields and even your own granite quarry. This land is suitable for a subdivision or private estate.

Bright and airy end unit condo, conveniently located in the heart of the Lakes Region. Two bedrooms including spacious master, fully applianced eat-in kitchen, large living area, deck overlooking the pond and a garage.

BROOKLINE, NH | $2,700,000 | MLS#4469405 BRIAN NEIDHARDT | 603.738.3798

MEREDITH, NH | $195,900 | MLS#4501248 REBECCA WHITCHER | 603.393.7072

MEREDITH 603.677.7012


WOLFEBORO 603.941.1000

Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated.

Page 21

July 18, 2016

Quintessential Ranch Meticulously maintained home Level lot great for entertaining – Open concept living areas. 3-bedroom, 3-bath Lower level den/game room $199,900

Year-Round Contemporary Ranch One acre level lot close to the beach 3-bedroom, 2-bath, Cathedral ceilings, skylights, Open concept living areas New family room edition $279,000

Enjoy the Cottage Near the Lake 3 Bedroom, 1 bath bungalow Close to the Balmoral Clubhouse & beach Cottage feel throughout, Central heat and air. Ready to Move In! $159,000

Year-Round Chalet Style

Cute-as-a-button Chalet

3-bedroom, 2-bath, Large deck to enjoy summer evenings. Many recent upgrades—roof, boiler, paint & more, heated garage, nicely landscaped. $179,900

3-bedroom, 2-bath, Open concept living, dining, kitchen. Nice side and back yard with fire pit. Full basement & underneath garage Cathedral ceilings, skylights $199,900

249 Whittier Highway - Route 25 Center Harbor, New Hampshire Office (603)253.8131 • Toll Free (800)834.5759

Ultimate Lakeside Luxury

Remarkable home on a sensational lot with sandy beach and an enormous, covered dock for three boats. Enjoy picturesque sunsets and added outdoor living space from the sweeping, enclosed, stone patio with fireplace. This home was architecturally designed and custom built with unmatched detail and quality. Sophisticated, state-ofthe-art systems are easily monitored and controlled by your personal computer. The theater has custom seating and sound. The billiards room with curved walls and fireplace area is a gentleman’s dream. The private gym rivals the finest health club. The Master Suite is luxurious and spacious, and the Great Room overlooks the manicured lawn and gardens toward picturesque lake and mountain views. The walkout lower level includes a summer kitchen, family room, game room and spa. With a carriage home and nine garages, this is the Ultimate Governor’s Island Lake Home!

Susan Bradley

Direct: 603-493-2873 348 Court Street, Laconia, NH 03246 | 603-524-2255

No other Lakes Region Realtor Sold More Million Dollar Homes in 2015. I would take great pride in helping you sell yours now or in the future.

Page 22

July 18, 2016

Island Real Estate

A division of Maxfield Real Estate


WOLFEBORO // Magnificent Lake Winnipesaukee Estate on Hopewell Point offers a rare opportunity to own 550 feet of waterfront, 5.93 acres with breathtaking panoramic views from sunrise to sunset.

MOULTONBOROUGH // Spectacular Lake Winnipesaukee home features 2-story entry foyer with fireplace; lake & mountain views from most rooms. Home theater, study, granite countertops, breakwater, 2 docks & sunsets!

EAST ALTON // Outstanding Winnipesaukee property! Charming 5 bedroom Cape with far-reaching sunset views, beautifully landscaped with decks, beach, gazebo and dock, elegant and gracious interior, outstanding in every way.

$5,500,000 (4469598)

$1,975,000 (4228378)

$1,650,000 (4469433)

Call 569-3128

Call 569-3128

Call 569-3128

Island REAL ESTATE TUFTONBORO // Waterfront cottage on Mirror Lake, 195’ shoreline, sandy beach and dock, featuring 3 bedroom / 2 bath, stone fireplace, pine woodwork, screened porch, deck, plus great views and landscaping. Call 569-3128 $499,000 (4193481)

TUFTONBORO // Stunning post and beam Cape with views and nearby deeded access to Mirror Lake, 3 bedrooms, 3 baths, custom details throughout, moor your boat and enjoy this beautiful lake.

WOLFEBORO // Waterfront with 400’ sandy frontage & two cottages. Located in Fernald’s Basin to enjoy canoeing & kayaking. Just minutes to boating on the big lake. Start your family compound today!

$439,900 (4480323)

$315,000 (4498546)

Call 569-3128

Call 569-3128

BIG BARNDOOR ISLAND - ALTON Beautiful 1.5 Acre level bldg. lot on the NE shore with view of Wolfeboro Harbor. Partially wooded, pretty setting, crystal clear Lake Winni water. Dock included. Short boat ride to public docks in Wolfeboro. $349,900 (4497656)

ALTON // Classic Sunset Lake waterfront cottage, refurbished and lovingly maintained. Open interior, woodstove, dock, steps into water, deck, and spectacular views! Ten minutes to Alton Bay.

NEW DURHAM // Merrymeeting Lake: This year-round home is nestled in the woods on 1 acre just across the street from your shared 60 foot waterfront lot.

ALTON // Custom Contemporary with water access to Half Moon Lake. 20’ tall granite fireplace in the livingroom. Fireplace in the master bedroom too. Covered deck & hot tub room. 2-car gar. has full 2nd story.

$299,000 (4473386)

$229,900 (4479520)

$219,900 (4448860)

Call 569-3128

Call 875-3128

Call 875-3128


WOLFEBORO // Lake Winni Beach Access: Level .28 acre building site. Lightly wooded. Easy walk to super sandy shared beach & picnic area in Winter Harbor. Docks/mooring waiting list. $89,999 (4139895) Call 569-3128

TUFTONBORO // Great opportunity to build a home on a one acre lot within a short walking distance to one of the best kept secrets in the Lakes Region on pristine Lower Beech Pond fed by a reservoir. $30,000 (4487043) Call 569-3128

HOLDERNESS // Wooded .23 acre lot close to Squam Lake. Enjoy nearby shopping, restaurants, skiing, public boat launch and private beach access. Bring your blueprints. Affordable lake living! $33,500 (4465989) Call 253-9360

ALTON // Two wooded water access lots with an expired septic plan. Enjoy the beaches and water on Hills Pond and Sunset Lake. Good location! $16,750/ea. (4480158/4480159) Call 875-3128 • Maxfield Real Estate has been bringing people and homes together for over 60 years. Explore the thousands of properties now being offered in the Lakes Region and beyond from the comfort of your own home. is the go-to-site for buyers and sellers, with a wealth of information and resources to meet all your needs. Just one more reason why Maxfield is “simply the best.”

Wolfeboro: 15 Railroad Avenue • 603-569-3128 Center Harbor: Junction Rtes. 25 & 25B • 603-253-9360 Alton: 108 Main Street • 603-875-3128

Call 569-3128

COW ISLAND - TUFTONBORO Affordable, fully furnished Lake Winnipesaukee cottage in protected & secluded cove on 522 acre Cow Island, 2 docks, southern exposure, level yard & sandy bottom shore. $229,000 (4474345)

Call 569-3128

BEAR ISLAND - MEREDITH Spacious 1.56 acre building lot on historic Bear Island. Electric installed at lot. Building area cleared. 126.50’ of waterfront, partial sandy bottom. 180 degree view includes 3 mountain ranges. It’s time to build! $182,000 (4485698)

Call 569-3128

Page 23

July 18, 2016

Don Womack Is “The Garlic Guy” By Sarah Wright I love garlic, and I’m suspicious of anyone who says they don’t like it. (Surely they’re joking!) Most of the recipes I cook include garlic, and even when I come across a recipe that doesn’t call for it, I’ll often add a little anyway. My kids have learned to expect the smell of garlic in the air when I’m cooking dinner. So naturally, I was very interested to talk to Don Womack, owner of Lindon Garlic Farm in Gilmanton. I had so many questions! Although I assumed he had grown up with a love of garlic, Don told me that he actually didn’t eat it much before he started farming it. Years ago, while living in southeastern Massachusetts, a neighbor of Don’s asked if he could plant some garlic for her in his garden. He did a little research, planted some cloves, and waited. What happened next was life changing. “Growing garlic is like magic,” says Don. Fairly easy to grow, Don was impressed with the result of his first garlic harvest, and started doing more research, but this time, it was market research on commercial garlic farming. He decided to go for it. In 2008, Don and his wife, Linda, planted their first garlic crop in Gilmanton, and combined their names to form Lindon Garlic Farm. Success followed. It wasn’t long before Don learned how to make garlic powder. He gave it out as holiday gifts to family and friends, and everyone loved it. “It

exploded with interest,” says Don, who later added dried granules and chips to the farm’s product line. “It’s all pure garlic, a blend of three or four varieties that we grow,” says Don. In fact, the dried garlic products sell out so fast that Don doesn’t currently have any inventory to sell! “I have customers who buy it by the case, because they know it’ll sell out,” says Don. Processing and dehydrating the garlic is serious business. If you drive by the barn while they’re working, you’ll definitely smell it in the air. Although Don has built up somewhat of an immunity to the smell, it’s still overwhelming. “We wear eye protection and respirators while we’re making the powder,” says Don. Today, they try to keep up with demand by planting and harvesting 35,000 to 40,000 bulbs of garlic each year, thankfully with help from some extra staff, and attachments that get

pulled behind the tractor. Clove “seeds” are usually planted in October, about six weeks before the first hard freeze, and then harvested nine months later, in mid-July to early August. Don typically chooses eight to 10 varieties for planting, preferring porcelain garlics like German White and Music. Both varieties are easy to grow with a nice size and good flavor. Consequently, these are also good varieties for home gardeners to start with. And the more I talked with Don, the more I wanted to add some garlic to my garden. So, what else is there to consider when growing garlic? Well, first off, garlic plants like full sun. Healthy soil is also important, with garlic preferring iron-rich soil that has a good sulfur content. Don doesn’t have any problems with animals bothering his plants, as the natural garlic smell keeps them away, but he does know growers who have had nibbles from moles or voles. However,

the real pest to think about that can possibly eat your root system away are nematodes in the soil. (Raised beds can help prevent this from occurring.) In fact, garlic seeds can be infected with nematodes, so be sure to buy them from a reputable source. Other than that, the usual rules apply: water, fertilize, and keep the weeds away. When it’s close to harvest time, the leaves on the garlic plant will start to die from the bottom up. It’s time to pick them when the leaves are 50 percent dead. “If you’re still unsure, you could always move some dirt away from the top of the bulb to see if the cloves have formed,” says Don. Minerals and nutrients in the soil can cause color streaking, which won’t affect the flavor. I know I’ve seen purple streaks, but Don says that red streaks can also occur. If you don’t plan on using the garlic right away, the bulbs will keep for about three to six months on average, although soft neck garlic lasts longer than hard neck varieties. Garlic naturally loses moisture over time, so storage at 60 percent humidity at temperatures no lower than 35 to 40 degrees is ideal. Don suggests, “You could also chop the garlic and freeze it in small baggies for later use.” “The Garlic Guy” is always looking for new ways to use garlic, and his latest interest involves garlic scapes. The scape is a flower that grows in the

• Garlic Continued on page 26

Great Views from Moose Mountain to Copplecrown


Governor Wentworth School System ~ 45 Minutes to the Portsmouth Traffic Circle SOLD SOLD SOLD


View Lot





The Drew Farm Subdivision in beautiful Brookfield offers the best of all worlds. This former farm land is accented with century old rock walls, mature trees and provides luxurious yet affordable home sites in a quintessential New England setting. Quiet and peaceful yet near everything. Located in the highly regarded Gov. Wentworth school district and close proximity to highly acclaimed private schools, Brookfield allows you many of the amenities of beautiful Wolfeboro without the crowded summer congestion. 4 Bedroom, 3 Bath Colonial Home from the low $400,000s with Mountain Views. Turn Key - New Construction

Drew Farm

603-340-0341 603-340-0340

The best kept secret in the Lakes Region

Similar To Be Built

Page 24

July 18, 2016 MLS 4493816

MLS 4488404

MLS 4485348

MLS 4472347

53 Clay Point Road, Alton $549,900 Deeded Deep Water Dock on Lake Winnipesaukee Fae Moore • (603) 833-0644

8 Brookside Circle, Moultonborough $348,000 Brookfront with Direct Lake Winnipesaukee Access Jodi Hughes Emerson • (603) 455-9533

179 Alton Mountain Drive, Alton $274,900 Updated Home with Big Winnipesaukee Views Roberta Takis • (603) 986-1855

203 Forest Road, Wolfeboro $748,000 Winnipesaukee Waterfront with “Caribbean Feel” Fae Moore • (603) 833-0644

MLS 4441105

MLS 4502217

MLS 4501740

MLS 4415651

Goodhue & Hawkins, Sewall Rd, Wolfeboro $125,000 30’ End Boat Slip, Marina Amenities Dennis Schauer • (603) 651-8840

251 North Shore Rd, New Durham $848,000 Impeccable Custom Home on Merrymeeting Lake Jodi Hughes Emerson • (603) 455-9533

27 Crystal Shore Rd, Wolfeboro $698,000 Crescent Lake Waterfront with Direct Wentworth Access Jodi Hughes Emerson • (603) 455-9533

45 Suncrest Drive, Wolfeboro $899,900 Custom Home with Vast Lake & Mountain Views Roberta Takis • (603) 986-1855

22 South Main St., Wolfeboro, New Hampshire • 603-569-6060 ©2016 BHH Affiliates, LLC. An independently owned and operated franchisee of BHH Affiliates, LLC. Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices and the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices symbol are registered service marks of HomeServices of America, Inc.®. Equal Housing Opportunity.

“Making the Lakes Region Your Home!” Randy Parker-603-455-6913 Jane Mooney-603-986-2594 LAKE WINNIPESAUKEE

WOLFEBORO Exceptional Winnipesaukee property! 3-bedroom home, 3 adjacent lots, 350’ shoreline, southwest exp., beach, boat slip. $2,995,000 (4483345)


ALTON Fantastic Cedar Cove Contemporary, sandy Lake Winnipesaukee beach, open concept, master suite, sun porch, deck, master suite. $525,000 (4441056)




WOLFEBORO Traditional home, private, landscaped grounds, blends comfortable & formal living spaces. Walk to Carry Beach. $1,500,000 (4122716)

TUFTONBORO Gorgeous Adirondack offers lake living at its finest! 120’ sandy frontage, dock, SW exposure, sunsets. $890,000 (4472816)

TUFTONBORO Gorgeous Cow Island waterfront on Lake Winnipesaukee, 165’ shoreline, dock, sandy swimming, long water views. $599,000 (4416721)




MOULTONBOROUGH Gorgeous Lake Winnipesaukee access Condo in beautiful Bald Peak! Enjoy private, wooded setting. sandy waterfront lot, dock and sunsets. $425,000 (4501235)

WOLFEBORO Turn-key home, great neighborhood. Spacious first floor, large living room, fireplace, hard wood flooring, finished lower level. $319,000 (4487586)

WOLFEBORO This is a very well-built 2400 sq. ft. ranch, 3-bedrooms, 3-baths and 2- car attached garage. Landscaped grounds. Great quality, Great price! $299,000 (4500792) Maxfield Real Estate • 603-569-3128 15 Railroad Avenue • Wolfeboro, NH 03894 Real Estate. Real Simple.

Page 25

July 18, 2016

97 Daniel Webster Hwy | Meredith, NH | (603) 279-7046 • 1921 Parade Rd. | Laconia, NH | (603) 528-0088

Luxury home in prestigious Lake Ridge community Meredith: Overlooking Meredith Bay, this impressive 5 brdm, 5 bath home is settled at the end of a private cul de sac. Sweeping lake and mountain views can be enjoyed from almost every room. Large windows and doors allow sun to flood the living space with light throughout the day. The exceptional design of this very livable home encompasses 5,236 sqft. and features 2 gas fireplaces, granite counters, wet bar, HW flooring, indoor endless exercise pool, whirlpool tub, outside cabana with hot tub, house generator, and security system. Two garages provide capacity for 4 vehicles. The Lake Ridge association offers a private outdoor pool, BBQ area,and day dock. Just Reduced! $799,000 MLS# 4468929

Alton: This island paradise offers 334' of shorefront, extensive docking protected by 2 large breakwaters, 2 swim areas, & perfect southerly & westerly exposure. Main residence has 3 bdrms, 2 baths, & 2 porches. Next door is a log bunkhouse that sleeps 11. $779,999 MLS# 4493975

Laconia: 3,200+ sqft. waterfront home on Lake Opechee. Eastern exposure, beautiful sunrises, and great views. App. 227' of lakefront, sandy beach and lake bottom, landscaped grounds, plus an association beach only steps away! Just Reduced! $579,900 MLS# 4465303

Sandwich: This 4,886 sqft. estate offers 3 brdms, 5 baths, and includes a gourmet kitchen, HW floors, indoor resistance pool, & high end finishes throughout. 313’ of shorefront & 2 expansive docking systems and a lakeside cottage with stone FP. $2,795,000 MLS# 4492954

Moultonborough: Cozy cottage with delightful Lake Winnipesaukee views. 100' of shorefront with a dock and outbuilding at the water’s edge. Quiet area, perfect for water skiing, kayaking or fishing. Use as is or build your dream lakefront home! $575,000 MLS#4501270

Gilford: Lockes Island on Lake Winnipesaukee! 100' of frontage with stone breakwater and plenty of boat parking. 3-bedroom main house and bunk house with its own bath. Lovely screened in sunroom perfect for summer days. $399,900 MLS#4496812

Laconia: Lake Winnipesaukee waterfront home on Paugus Bay. Currently used as a seasonal 3-bedroom home, this property could easily been winterized for year round use. There’s also a water’s edge deck and boat dock. $529,000 MLS# 4478287

Gilford: This is one of the great, old island cottages available on the “Big Lake”! The views of the lake, Timber Island, and Mount Washington beyond are exceptional. Located not too far from the town docks in Gilford. This vintage cottage includes 1,340 sqft. of living space with 4 bedrooms and a nice fireplace. $379,000 MLS#4491211

Laconia: The long Lake Winnipesaukee views can be seen from every room in the house. Recent improvements include, brand new waterside stone walls, new beach area, no grass to mow, new A/C system, a year-round permanent dock was just replaced last year. $675,000 MLS#4487836

Laconia: This waterfront home on Lake Winnisquam has 214' of crystal clear shorefront with a boathouse and 2 docks. This home has been completely renovated, right down to the studs. New Pella windows that leave the home with beautiful views and lots of light. $670,000 MLS#4501347

Prices starting at $549,900!

The Lake Houses at Christmas Island! • Approx. 1,000 ft. of shorefront on Lake Winnipesaukee • 16 New luxury town homes on 3.2 acres • 16 Boat slips (one for each home) • Two natural sandy beaches, plus a private boat launch • Direct water frontage: All town homes sited at the water's edge

• Westerly exposure with lots of sun, great sunsets and sweeping lake views • 3-4 bedroom, 3 bath units; from 2,400 to 3,000 sqft. of living space and an attached garage • Finest quality throughout with granite, hardwoods, tile • City water and sewer • Professional landscaping

Since 1997 Roche Realty Group has sold over $1.7 billion of NH's properties involving 6,420 transaction sides, and has ranked in the top 10 real estate firms in the entire state of NH out of 2,267 firms statewide reporting sales during this 19-year period.* * Statistics obtained from NNEREN’s Firm Market Share Report covering the period of 1/1/1997 – 5/31/2016 for all real estate firms in NH

Page 26

July 18, 2016

• Garlic Continued from page 23 middle of the garlic plant, the stalk of which is like a scallion. Google it and you’ll see that they’re well known to foodies. They taste very light and fresh and are great grilled with a little butter, or chopped into a salad. Don thinks the best way to enjoy scapes is minced in a pesto, replacing the typically used

basil. I tried a sample of his garlic scape pesto at the Wolfeboro Farmers Market and it was amazing. Don is hoping to bottle it for sale in the future. I decided to purchase a bunch of his scapes, and I can’t wait to grill them up, or just chop them into an omelet. Don and Linda participate in local farmers markets, including the Wolfeboro Market as well as the

one in Gilford. They also travel to garlic festivals, and have recently added upcoming holiday fairs to their schedule, including the Sandwich Fair this October. If you have any questions for Don, you can email him at Don@ (His website, www. is currently under construction, but will be back up soon.) Lindon Garlic Farm is located at 46

Dow Road in Gilmanton. If you don’t run into him at the farmers market, stop by the farm this summer to purchase some garlic for yourself. I had one last question for Don. Although he himself doesn’t mind it, did he know a secret for getting rid of garlic breath? “I haven’t heard of anything that really works, but perhaps chewing on a mint sprig might help.”

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PANORAMIC VIEW OF SQUAM LAKE: Five acre building site with one of a kind views of Squam Lake. Prime location with mature woodland and field land. Dreamy! MLS# 4406489 $375,000

LAKE WINONA: Private year round home with 200’ shorefront & 2.7 acres. Sandy beach and L shaped dock. Open concept living area with hearth and screened porch. MLS#4493449 $549,000

CENTER HARBOR ESTATE: Immaculately restored 1915 brick Colonial situated on 28 acres with spectacular views of Squam Lake. Paved circular drive, carriage house & large barn. MLS # 4445037 $1,795,000

LAKE WAUKEWAN: Over 30 acres and 850’ of shorefront with southwest exposure. Sandy beach area & walking trails. Very private yet only two miles to downtown Meredith. MLS#4434118 $699,000

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Page 27

July 18, 2016

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Not Valid with any other discount or on Holidays Coupon Required

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Not Valid with any other discount or on Holidays Coupon Required Expires 7/31/16

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Page 28

July 18, 2016

Lots of Happenings at The Libby Museum Summer is off to a busy start for the Libby Museum in Wolfeboro with many happenings for you and your family this July. Lil’ Sprouts for children ages 5-7, Kidventures for ages 7-13 and Saturday Art Adventures for all ages are popular again this year, but there are still some selected openings if you are looking for something to inspire your family. The first Wildlife Adventures program had over 90 happy attendees (visit for specifics and online registration or call 569-1035). Now is the time to plan for July and August major programs and events for all ages for the season of 2016. The Libby will kick off its annual evening program series by presenting well-known speaker Maggie Stier with


a New Hampshire Humanities program called, “On This Spot Once Stood... Remembering the Architectural Heritage of New Hampshire.” The program will take place on Thursday, July 21 from 7 to 8 pm. Maggie Stier showcases some of the celebrated buildings New Hampshire has lost, and explores how and why we remember and commemorate those losses. Her program will draw from historical and contemporary photographs, maps and other historical records to explore the significance of these structures, explain their eventual fate and analyze popular responses to the loss. Particular attention will be devoted to places where a building was memorialized in some way. Audiences will be challenged to think about other examples, and consider the ways in

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which we remember what is no longer there. Stier serves as the statewide field service representative for the NH Preservation Alliance. Since 2005, she has been affiliated with the Old Man of the Mountain Legacy Fund, playing a key role in the development of the new Profile monument and plaza in Franconia Notch, and creating educational programs and events to build greater awareness of the resources of this unique area. She is coauthor of Into the Mountains: Stories of New England’s Most Celebrated Peaks, published by the Appalachian Mountain Club, and has written and lectured on a wide variety of topics related to cultural history and historic preservation. Stier is adjunct faculty at Plymouth State University, former director of The Fells Historic Estate and Gardens on Lake Sunapee, and serves on the NH State Parks Advisory Council. She has recently helped organize a Heritage Commission Committee for the Town of Wolfeboro, for which she currently serves as the Chairman. The following is a list of July programs and events at the Libby Museum. The featured Monthly Artist, of July is Betty Fournoy Brown. July 21: Evening Lecture: “On This Spot Once Stood”….Remembering the architectural heritage of N, 7-8 pm, Maggie Stier (NH Humanities Lecture Series), free, public welcome. July 24: Free Family Day, Karner Blue Butterfly, 11 am-3 pm, Fish and Game Karner Blue expert Rebecca Segelhurst lecture from 11 am-noon; demonstrations, children’s games and crafts, face painting, Bailey’s Ice Cream, Hot Dog Bob, Butterfly Tent, Official Opening of the Libbywoods

Walk, free, donations benefit Friends of the Libby. (Sponsored by the Friends of the Libby Museum.) Featured Monthly Artists for month of August: Pat Smith, photographer and Fred Foley, primitive painter. August 3: Wentworth House Trolley Jaunt, 1-3 pm, $5 adults - children free. Travel with Lady Wentworth and Governor John Wentworth in Molly the Trolley to visit the Wentworth House site and hear stories of happened there, then return to the museum and celebrate the Governor’s birthday with cake and refreshments. August 11: Evening Lecture: by NH Mushroom Company, 7-8 pm, fantastic fungi filled evening. Learn about beginner mushroom hunting basics and helpful tips for mushroom identification. Free, public welcome. August 13: Walk and Talk with Mrs. Libby 1-2 pm, free, public welcome. August 18: Evening Lecture: Q. David Bowers, Wolfeboro’s Story as a Magnet for Tourists 1900-Present, 5:30-7 pm in The Great Hall at the Wolfeboro Town Hall (sponsored by the Libby Museum), Tickets available at: Wolfeboro Chamber of Commerce, Libby Museum, Wolfeboro Town Hall. September 15: Friends of the Libby Annual Meeting Lecture: 7 pm, free, public welcome, speaker Dennis Walsh of the New Hampshire Fish and Game presents Bears in New Hampshire. The museum is open through Labor Day, Tuesday through Saturday from 10 am to 4 pm and Sunday from noon to 4 pm. It is open Saturday and Sunday through Columbus Day after Labor Day weekend. For information, call 569-5709 or visit www. All Programs are kindly sponsored by The Friends of the Libby.

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Page 29

July 18, 2016

Old School Meets New School from Boston’s Iconic Rock & Blues Scene Magic Dick, harmonica player for Boston’s legendary J. Geils Band has recently teamed up with 2015 Boston Music Award winning guitar and vocal sensation, Shun Ng, to create one of the most dynamic musical acts to come out of Boston in a long time. Their music is a soulful blues that rocks out and yet is thoughtful, emotional and it is performed by virtuosos on their respective instruments. The duo will be playing at the Flying Monkey Performance Center on Sunday, July 24 at 6:30 pm. Since 1969, Magic Dick has toured the world playing stadiums with the J. Geils Band. He explains the formation of the duo: “From the moment I first heard Shun Ng’s CD ‘Funky Thumb Stuff’ I knew that a manifest musical collaboration was about to happen. Shun’s sound simply made me feel very alive and induced in me a synchronous alignment of musical DNA as if it was his intention as well as mine all along… now we are a duo and I couldn’t be more delighted.”

Roomful of Blues, Magic Dick of the J. Geils Band, and 2015 Boston Music Award Winner Shun Ng team up at the Flying Monkey Performance Center July 24. Quincy Jones says of Shun, “When you see Shun Ng, you won’t believe your eyes nor your ears – he belies all stereotypes, all premonitions. I was simply blown away by both his soul and his science – his creativity and his uniqueness is astounding.” If that wasn’t enough, the evening

Gilford Summer Fair and Pancake Breakfast Mark your calendars so that you don’t miss the Gilford Community Church Summer Fair held on Friday, August 26 from 4 to 7 pm and on Saturday, August 27 from 7:30 am to 2 p.m. The Annual Rotary Pancake Breakfast will be held at the Youth Center from 7 am until 10 am. The fair will be held on church grounds, as usual, with live music, Chuck Wagon hamburgers and hot dogs, ice-cream and drinks. The White Elephant will be held in the fellowship hall of the church. A Silent Auction will be held in the Youth Center, along with the selling of Children’s toys and games. The church is accepting donations for the White Elephant until August 22: books, stationery, puzzles, music,

movies, kitchen items, knick-knacks, baskets, fishing stuff, sporting goods, and outdoor items are all welcome. Clean items, please, and no baby strollers, car seats, clothes, shoes, large electrical appliances, encyclopedias, exercise equipment, computers, televisions or suitcases (unless antique). Donated Jewelry should be brought to the church office. Let the church know if you have any items of value that you would like to donate to the Silent Auction. Small antiques or small fine furniture will be accepted, as well as collectibles. Gilford Community Church is located at 19 Potter Hill Rd. in the village of Gilford and can be reached by phone at 524-6057.

will continue with a New England musical institution. For nearly half a century, Roomful of Blues has been delivering its signature blend of swing, rock ‘n’ roll, jump, blues and R&B to euphoric audiences all over the world. Blues Revue says, “Roomful of Blues is a sheer joy...


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contagious, finger-popping, headbopping grooves...the horns blast loud and proud...explosive and electrifying.” The band has earned five Grammy Award nominations and a slew of other accolades, including seven Blues Music Awards. With their masterful combination of jumping, horn-heavy blues and R&B, it’s no wonder why the great Count Basie called them “the hottest blues band I’ve ever heard.” Old school meets new school from the legendary and always pioneering Boston music scene. Rock and Blues Royalty mingles with a recent Boston Music Award Winner for an exciting evening of Rock N’ Blues that is sure to leave old fans talking about new sensations. Tickets for Roomful of Blues, Magic Dick & Shun Ng are $25 and $35 for premier seating. For more information on upcoming shows or to purchase tickets call the box office at 536-2551 or go online at www.flyingmonkeyNH. com.

6/17/16 3:00 PM

Page 30

July 18, 2016

Dudley Laufman Contra Dance Tickets on Sale Now Tuftonboro Old home Days is pleased to have renowned musician and caller Dudley Laufman along with his wife, Jacqueline, lead the dancing on Saturday August 27, at 7:30pm. The Contra dance will be held at the Tuftonboro Central School Gym, 205 Middle Road, Center Tuftonboro. All dances will be taught. No partner or prior experience is necessary. All ages

are welcome. Soft-soled, non-marking shoes are required. Dudley Laufman has been dubbed an “elder statesman of the American Folk Dance scene,” having called his first dance in 1948. He is the bridge generation between the old-time New England village dance tradition and the counterculture revival of contra dancing which began in the 1970s.

recipients over the 21-year history of the program. Tickets are $5 each and may be purchase in advance at the Tuftonboro Town Offices – 240 Middle Road, Ctr. Tuftonboro, or at the door on August 27. For More information call the Tuftonboro Town Offices at 569-4539 or email

Laufman has remained true to the historic tradition dance throughout his musical career and he remains a vital and active member of the New England dance circuit. He received the nation’s highest honor in the folk and traditional arts in 2009: the National Heritage Fellowship, awarded by the National Endowment for the Arts, one of only three New Hampshire

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Page 31

July 18, 2016

Summer with Squam Lakes Association Join Squam Lakes Association (SLA) for a variety of fun events in the coming weeks including new events in the continuing Adventure Ecology Program and fishing in beautiful Ashland. Backcountry Cooking Course There are many activities that can take us into the backcountry, but backpackers are often limited on the amount of meals they can carry. Having a good, hot meal while backpacking and camping can make all of the difference in the world. High levels of exercise cause us to burn energy more quickly, and harsh conditions can increase our need to intake food and calories. Learning new ways to cook light-weight, nutritious, and good tasting food is a fun way to make the back-country experience even more enjoyable. Join SLA Conservation Intern, Erin Shilling, on July 22 from 10 am - 12 pm for a backcountry cooking course. Erin will lead a group on a short walk to a field by the SLA, and then learn some ways to prepare meals for backpacking and camping. The group will practice how to build a fire for cooking and will have the opportunity to cook some tasty dishes that are sure to satisfy the hungriest camper. Erin will teach basics as well as some handy tips for how to make the most out of cooking in the outdoors. By the end of this program, participants will know how to cook basic but tasty meals over a camp stove or open fire while out camping with limited resources. Ages 12 and up are welcome. Participants under 12 must be accompanied by a parent. For more information, or to sign up for this Adventure Ecology Program,

bass, and longest combined total of 13.5”. A second tournament took place on July 16 and the final opportunity to participate in the Canoe Classic will be Saturday July 23. This year the SLA is partnering with Eastern Adaptive Sports (EAS) to provide a quiet water fishing experience, allowing adaptive anglers the opportunity to fully participate in the event. To learn more about the Canoe Classic, or to register for the final tournament, please contact the Squam Lakes Association 968-7336, or visit the website at www.squamlakes. o rg / s u m m e r t i m e - c a n o e - c l a s s i c tournament-series. visit the SLA website ( or contact the SLA directly (968-7336). The SLA also offers other Adventure Ecology trips throughout the summer. Every Friday from June 17 through August 19, these free programs are open to the public and cover a variety of nature and conservation related topics. The Adventure Ecology programs are presented by the Squam Conservation Interns who spend their summers on Squam performing important conservation work in support of the Association’s mission. First Round Leaderboard Results of the Squam Canoe Classic Bass Tournament Series Last Saturday, the first round of the Squam Canoe Classic Bass Tournament Series was held on Squam Lake. Participants enjoyed a quiet morning of bass fishing as cooler temperatures and overcast skies allowed for low boat traffic and preferable fishing conditions this time of year. Pete Markarian of the Squam Lakes Association won the first round with a 7.5” long small mouth


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Page 32

July 18, 2016

Sandwich Open Barns: Lecture & Tour, Saturday, August 20 Join the New Hampshire Preservation Alliance with partners Sandwich Historical Society and Sandwich Barn Preservation Committee for a day of barn exploration with the experts. This event takes place on Saturday August 20 from 10 am to 4:30 pm. Registration opens at 9:30 am in the Sandwich Town Hall, Center Sandwich. Enjoy a day of historic barns, scenic landscapes, and local history in the hills of central New Hampshire. Sandwich has a wealth of historic agricultural buildings and seven distinctive examples will be showcased during the barn tour The event kicks off at 10 am with “The History of Agriculture as Told by Barns,” an illustrated lecture presented by John Porter, co-author of Preserving Old Barns, followed by a brief introduction to the region’s agricultural history by Sandwich Historical Society board member Jim Mykland. A selfguided tour of seven Sandwich barns will follow the lecture and run from 12 - 4:30 pm. A barn expert will be on hand at each barn to talk about architectural features, framing styles, and agricultural uses. Five of the featured structures are included in the statewide Barn Tax Incentive Program (RSA 79-D), which authorizes municipalities to grant property tax

relief to owners who can demonstrate the public benefit of preserving their agricultural buildings, and agree to maintain them throughout a minimum 10-year preservation easement. Highlights of the tour include a large gambrel roofed barn on a 1920s gentleman’s farm that was used as a patent museum in the 1940s, an 1830s working barn once owned by actor Claude Rains, of Casablanca fame, and a recently restored 1885 windmill used to pump water on the former Isaac Adams Estate. Adams was a distant cousin of President John Adams and the inventor of the Adams Press, which revolutionized the printing industry. Attendees will also have the opportunity to tour the Sandwich Historical Society’s Quimby Barn Museum, which houses the Sandwich Concord Coach, as well as the Society’s c. 1850 Elisha Marston House Museum. Barns are disappearing from our New Hampshire landscape, said Beverly Thomas, Preservation Alliance program director and tour coordinator, “and we want to increase appreciation for them and encourage their preservation. It’s gratifying to see that so many of these Sandwich barns continue to dot the landscape and are

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Sandwich Open Barns: Lecture & Tour, on Saturday, August 20 will feature this 1875 Yankee barn which houses a herd of alpaca, a flock of chickens and a Percheron draft horse. being used in some way by their owners today.” She believes that Sandwich has one of the highest numbers of barns of all towns in NH. Cyclists are welcome too! Enjoy a more intimate experience of the back roads of Sandwich by cycling from barn to barn along lightly traveled paved and well-maintained dirt roads. The ride offers beautiful vistas of the Sandwich and Ossipee Ranges, passes through the Lower Corner Historic District, a National Register District, and provides the opportunity to take a side trip up the Historic Sandwich Notch Road, passing by the one remaining homestead of this once-active 19th century hill farm community. For more information, go to www. Call the New Hampshire Preservation Alliance at 224-2281 or e-mail bt@nhpreservation. org to register. Pre-registration is encouraged and sign-ups by August 15 receive a $5 Early Bird Discount. The cost for the event is $30 for members of partnering organizations and $40

for non-members. Optional boxed lunches are $10 and must be purchased by August 15. Tour proceeds will help support barn preservation programs in New Hampshire. Generous sponsors of the Preservation Alliance’s Old House & Barn Program include: Bedard Preservation & Restoration; Ian Blackman LLC, Restoration & Preservation; Crown Point Cabinetry; Fifield Building Restoration & Relocation; Paul Brien, General Contractor; Chinburg Builders; and Schoen Custom Woodworking. The Preservation Alliance is New Hampshire’s non-profit, membershipbased organization committed to the preservation of historic landmarks, communities and landscapes through leadership, education and advocacy. The Sandwich Historical Society collects and preserves the material culture and historical record of the Town of Sandwich, and uses these resources in service to the public through educational experiences and outreach to the community.

Saturday Summer Worship in the Chapel The First United Methodist Church of Gilford is holding Saturday evening worship services through August 27 at 5 pm in the Charles French Outdoor Chapel that is located behind the church (follow the signs). If the weather is uncooperative, the service will be held in the church’s sanctuary. Services will last about 45 minutes. Pastor Tom Getchell-Lacey will be leading some of the services, and some of our retired pastors and laity will be helping lead on different weeks. This

informal service will be a welcome break in the day’s activities. There will be a communion service on the first Sunday in August. The church is located at 18 Wesley Way (off Rt. 11A near the 3/11 bypass). If you need directions, please call the church office Monday – Friday 8:30 am – Noon, or leave a message and they will get back to you. Come join the fellowship and share in this unique worship experience with your family and friends.

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Page 33

July 18, 2016

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Page 34

July 18, 2016

New Hampshire Boat Museum Hosts Lecture on Old Town Canoes Canoeing has long been a popular form of recreation on New Hampshire’s lakes. You might wonder just how long canoes have been used for recreation. If so, you will be interested in the next talk at the New Hampshire Boat Museum’s evening lecture series. The Museum is pleased to host Benson Gray, great grandson of one of the founders of Old Town Canoe and a knowledgeable expert on canoe history. His talk is titled “The Old Town Canoe Company and Other Builders of the Penobscot Valley.” The event will be held on Thursday, July 21 at 7 pm and is free and open to the public. Mr. Gray will talk about the history of canoe building with an emphasis on Old Town Canoe of Maine. His

presentation will cover the native birch-bark builders and then move up through the major wood-canvas builders including companies like Gerrish, Thatcher, Morris, Carleton, White, Old Town, and Penobscot. The use of more modern materials like molded plywood, fiberglass, vacuum molding, and rotational molding will also be touched upon. Mr. Gray will also cover some of the resources available for researching about old canoe. In addition to the illustrated talk, Mr. Gray will bring a collection of small model canoes to illustrate the progression of canoe construction techniques. Benson Gray grew up in Old Town, Maine and has always loved old

Family Owned and Operated Since 1949

canoes. His work with computers, along with an interest in the history of canoe builders, has led to some interesting collaborations. He worked on a project scanning the Old Town Canoe Company catalogs. This later developed into a whole set of CDs documenting catalogs from a variety of small boat manufacturers. His largest projects was with the Wooden Canoe Heritage Association. In this project he recorded the Old Town, Carleton, and Kennebec canoe build records, along with organizing an archive of the Wooden Canoe Journal magazines. Lisa Simpson Lutts, the Boat Museum’s Executive Director says, “We are excited to have Benson Gray speak at the Boat Museum. His encyclopedic knowledge of canoe history will allow attendees to learn about the canoe’s place in boating history.”

The New Hampshire Boat Museum is open to the public for the 2016 season and will remain open daily through Monday, October 10, 10 am – 4 pm Monday through Saturday, and Sunday noon – 4 pm. The Museum is a not-for-profit institution that focuses on the social history of life on New Hampshire’s lakes and the state’s important fresh water boating traditions. It is located at 399 Center Street, Wolfeboro Falls, 2 miles from downtown Wolfeboro in the former Allen “A” Resort dance hall. For further information contact the Museum at 569-4554, museum@, or via Facebook. The New Hampshire Boat Museum is a member of the “Experience New Hampshire Heritage: The Portsmouth to Plymouth Museum Trail.” To learn more about the Trail, visit

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Page 35

July 18, 2016

Mary Maguire Band Returns to Bandstand on Saturday The Friends of the Wolfeboro Community Bandstand roll into the middle of July a band that made its debut in the bandstand two years ago returns to the shores of Lake Winnipesaukee. The Mary Maguire Band will take to the stage on Saturday, July 23, at 7 p.m. at the bandstand in Cate Park. The band weaves American roots of swing, western swing, folk and country into the group’s performance. Maguire’s voice has graced the airwaves from Los Angeles to Boston, from France to Russia and China and she’s appeared on stage with many talented artists, including Tom Rush, Livingston Taylor, John Sebastian, Christine Lavin, T. Graham Brown and more. She has teamed with bandmate Jeff Horton to present vocal harmony workshops at New York’s Grey Fox Bluegrass Festival, at the Joe Val Bluegrass Festival in Boston, Maine’s Thomas Point Beach Bluegrass Festival and Connecticut’s Podunk Bluegrass Festival. Horton’s powerful vocal range is well known to the New England bluegrass scene and his solid acoustic bass was a key component of the Neon Valley Boys and Northern Lights. When he and Maguire met, they realized the musical possibilities, which result in a very powerful sound. Tom Yoder is a Seacoast-region resident who lends his talents on fiddle and mandolin for the Mary Maguire Band. He has performed with artists

such as Dickie Betts, Travis Tritt, Jo Dee Messina, Willie Nelson and Merle Haggard. He also played fiddle in The Don Campbell Band and performed at the Grand Ole Opry as winners of a national talent contest. John Tibert also brings a uniquely warm and wonderful mandolin sound and harmony vocals to the band and also adds an adept guitar picking sound. The band has performed all over the Northeast and has earned raves for the performances from numerous locales, including the Open Book Coffeehouse in Canton, Mass., which lauded, “The Mary Maguire Band was one of our best shows ever.” The Mary Maguire Band promises magnificent vocals propelled by sure-fingered picking and rock-solid rhythms that get folks off their seat and onto their feet. The Friends of the Wolfeboro Community Bandstand have been providing free Saturday night concerts in Cate Park for more than 20 years and continue that tradition with a show every Saturday night in July and August. Shows will start at 7 pm and run until 9 pm, with a brief intermission. All donations collected in a pass-the-hat offering go toward helping the Friends of the Wolfeboro Community Bandstand continue to bring in quality acts every summer. If rain is threatening, this free concert will be postponed and a sign will


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Page 36

July 18, 2016

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Rochester Opera House presents “The Elton Experience with Bill Connors” With an uncanny resemblance to Sir Elton John, Bill Connors has perfected every mannerism, voice inflection and nuance of the Rocket Man’s performances. Bill Connors has perfected the art of portraying Sir Elton John. Every mannerism, voice inflection and nuance has been carefully studied and recreated. Bill mimics Sir Elton John in every way, bringing 15 years of experience in over 3,000 performances as a professional vocalist and pianist, to the Rochester Opera House. You will think you are watching Elton himself, with costume changes, and all his hits for an evening

of fun! The show kicks off at 8 pm, doors open at 7 pm. Reserve tickets online or call/stop by the box office 3351992, Wednesday through Friday from noon to 5 pm and one hour before the show. There is a cash bar; an adult must accompany guests under age 18. Waste Management, TD Bank North, Eastern Propane, sponsors the show. The Rochester Opera House is located in City Hall, 31 Wakefield Street, Rochester, NH. Visit www. for more information.

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July 18, 2016


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Calling All Artists for Paint Wolfeboro Event All artists are invited to join Paint Wolfeboro, a day of plein air painting in downtown Wolfeboro on Wed., August 17. Participants in the seventh annual event, sponsored by the Governor Wentworth Arts Council, will enjoy a day of outdoor painting in the scenic town on the shores of Lake Winnipesaukee. Artists can set up downtown, along the lakeshore, or on one of Wolfeboro’s nearby walking trails. Visitors can watch works of art being created and can purchase pieces either during the day or at a sale that runs from 2 to 3 pm in Cate Park. Artist registration begins at 9:30 am at the Community Bandstand in Cate Park, with painting under way until 2 pm. Artists pay a $15 advanced registration (or $20 the day of event) fee and agree to give 40 percent of any

sales to the Governor Wentworth Arts Council. Artists set the prices for their work and any unsold paintings remain the property of the artist. Those registered receive coffee and pastries in the morning, and water throughout the day. In addition, runners will be available to provide work-site coverage for artist breaks. The Governor Wentworth Arts Council uses the monies raised to support arts programming in local schools and libraries. For more information and a registration form, visit www., email info@, or call one of the co-chairs, Debbie Hopkins (569-4994) or Madelyn Albee (569-1701). Artists who register by July 25 will have their names included in event publicity. The rain date for the event is Thurs., August 18.

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Page 38

July 18, 2016

The Producers at Interlakes Summer Theatre Running through July 24 at Interlakes is The Producers. This wildly funny show is based on Mel Brooks’ classic cult comedy film and is a winner of a record breaking 12 Tony Awards on Broadway. The plot of the show is simple: a down-on-his-luck

Broadway producer and his mild-mannered accountant come up with a scheme to produce the most notorious flop in history thereby cheating their backers (all “little old ladies”) out of millions of dollars. Only one thing goes awry: the show is a smash hit!

Authentic Casual Apparel for Casual Lakeside Lifestyles

The antics of Max Bialystock and Leo on Sunday. Matinees are Wednesday Bloom as they maneuver their way and Thursday at 2 pm. Tickets are fecklessly through finding a show (the available at the box office Monday gloriously offensive “Springtime For Saturday 10 am to 5 pm and Sundays Hitler”), hiring a director, raising the 12 pm to 4 pm. Call 707-6035 to remoney and finally going to prison for serve your seats. This summer, Intertheir misdeeds is a lesson in broad lakes will also feature: My Fair Lady comic construction. At the core of Tuesday July 26 through Sunday Authe insanely funny adventure is a poigust 7 and Footloose Tuesday August gnant emotional journey of two very 9 through August 14. different men who become friends. Interlakes Summer Theatre has With a truly hysterical book co-writbrought Broadway to this vacation ten by Mel Brooks and Thomas Meeresort town for locals and vacationers han (Annie) and music and lyrics by alike for the past nine years. Each Mr. Brooks, The Producers skewers summer, the producing director, NanBroadway traditions and takes no cy Barry, leads an artistic team from prisoners as it proudly proclaims itBoston and New York in presenting a self an “equal opportunity offender!” wide variety of musicals. Don’t miss This year, the show features returning out on these wonderful opportunities Interlakes actors, Mikey LoBalsalmo, to see great shows that feature great Inaki Augustin, Cary Mitchell, Stemusical and artistic talent. Give the phen Antonelli and Fred Frabotta. box office a call to purchase your Performances will be at Interlakes tickets and friendly staff members Auditorium, 1 Laker Lane, through will ensure that you get the best seats What-To-Do Guide Your Where-To-Go, July 24. Performances are 7:30 pm possible. Tuesday through Saturday and 5 pm for the Lakes Region

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Page 39

July 18, 2016

Sectional Docks Floating Docks Rolling Docks Swim Platforms Decking options: Wood, Aluminum or Composite. Installation available

Members of the Meredith Sculpture Walk Docent Committee shown planning for the 2016 tours. (L-R) Beverly Heyduk, Lissa Goodby, Chairman, Diane Lane and Sue Witham. Not pictured: Tuffy Hamblet, Jodie Herbert, Karol Keating, Liz Lapham, Pat McFarlin and Sandy Sabutis.

Meredith Sculpture Walk Tours Begin The Greater Meredith Program announces the beginning of the 2016 Meredith Sculpture Walk. Docents who have been trained about the background of the various sculptures will lead tours throughout Meredith’s village and parks. There will be 23 new pieces displayed along with 9 returning pieces from last year. Docents will explain the thoughts of the artists while they were creating the different pieces as well as the materials and construction. This is an opportunity to learn more about the public art that has been installed by the Greater Meredith Program. Tours will leave from the Mill Falls Marketplace in front of Innisfree Bookstore on Wednesdays and Saturdays at 10 am during July and August. In September they will be on Saturdays at 10 am. Special group tours can be arranged in advance by contacting The Greater Meredith Program. A self-guided brochure/walking

map is available in kiosks found at the entrance to Hesky and Scenic Park, the Courtyard on Main Street and in front of the Post Office, outside Oglethorpe’s in the Mill Fall Marketplace as well as Town Hall, the Meredith Library and various businesses throughout the walk. The brochure may also be downloaded from the GMP website. The brochure includes the Directory of Sculptors and contact information, along with the name and location of each sculpture along the walk. The Greater Meredith Program (GMP) is a nonprofit community economic development organization seeking to enhance economic vitality, historical and cultural heritage, and town-wide beautification. For more information about GMP or volunteer opportunities, please call 279-9015, email GMP@metrocast. net or visit the website at www.

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Page 40

July 18, 2016

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