Laker 8 8 l

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August 8, 2016

Your Guide to What’s Happening in NH’s Lakes Region


August 8 • Vol 33 • No. 19




Historic Laconia Fair, Squam Swim, and more!


Boat Rentals Page 30

What’s Up Pages 25-29

See More at

Golf Page 11

Get The Skinny Around the Winni

Page 2

August 8, 2016

LAKEPORT LANDING MARINA 65 Gold Street Laconia, NH 03246 (603) 293 - 3755

Lakeport Landing Marina Has Enjoyed Over 38 Years Of Business In The Lakes Region. Our Facility Represents The Finest Example In Marine Sales & Service.

Page 3

August 8, 2016

Squam Swim…for the Loons By Kathi Caldwell-Hopper Photo courtesy Loon Center One might say Wendy Van de Poll attracts wildlife, specifically loons. If that seems like an odd thing to attract, it makes a lot of sense once you talk with Wendy. As a person who has spent her adult life working with all sorts of animals, the fact that when Wendy swims Squam Lake, loons often come very close isn’t unusual at all. Wendy knows how to behave around loons, and she isn’t out on the water to do anything but swim and enjoy the beauty of the lake. Perhaps the loons sense calmness about her, or that she is on their side. Whatever the reason, Wendy says that on a recent quiet early morning swim, she had the lake area to herself. As she swam, she suddenly saw a group of loons very close; as anyone who knows about loons will tell you, that is quite unusual. “I tell them, ‘Don’t worry. I’m going to make sure you get new shoes!’” she laughs. She is referring to the Squam Swim, which she started and continues to do every year in support of the Squam Lake Loon Initiative at the Loon Preservation Committee on Lee’s Mills Road in Moultonboro. “I started the swim 12 years ago,” she recalls. “The first two years I did the swim solo and swam seven miles on Squam Lake.” The first year, as friends and interested spectators observed the

Wendy and her team at the Squam Swim. swim, she was asked what she was raising money for. “When I was swimming one day, an eagle followed me,” Wendy says. “I decided to do the swim the first year to raise money for the NH Audubon’s eagle project. The second year, I decided the swim would benefit the Loon Center.” Wendy loves to swim and so the fundraiser event is a natural for her. But by the third year, she realized it would be a much better and more fun event if she had other swimmers join her in a relay swim. At that time it officially became the Squam Swim and now this year is the 10th anniversary of the fun event. This year’s swim will take place on August 11 at the Sandwich town beach and once again, the team will swim the seven-mile length of Squam Lake in a

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relay fashion. Wendy stresses this is not a highly competitive event, but rather a great way to raise money in a laid-back, supportive atmosphere. Each year sees a different group of swimmers come forward to volunteer, although some participants return more than one year. “We have about eight swimmers and three to four spotters who are awesome and keep us safe while we are swimming. Spotters are in kayaks and stay beside the swimmers during the relay.” Wendy usually swims three miles during the relay and the other swimmers do two to three miles each. Rockywold Deephaven Camps generously donates the use of a pontoon boat for Wendy and the team. The team has a celebratory early-morning potluck breakfast on the pontoon boat and then the Squam

Swim begins, with each team member entering the water for their portion of the swim while the others cheer them on. “This is not a competitive swim, but rather a fun chance to raise money and relax. The participants have to be able to swim a mile in an hour in order to do the event,” she says. “And we do the swim no matter if it’s raining or sunny.” Wendy trains for the event by swimming every day, and she keeps healthy by sensible eating and exercise. Because this is the 10th anniversary of the swim, Wendy expects a good turn out of spectators to cheer them on. Those who wish to donate can do so by going to the Loon Preservation Committee’s website and visiting the • Squam Swim Continued on page 4

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PUBLISHER Dan Smiley ADVERTISING Jim Cande Mitch Hanson PRODUCTION MANAGER Gina Lessard PRODUCTION Yvette Bohn Kathi Caldwell-Hopper CIRCULATION Kathy Larson

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Page 4

August 8, 2016

• Squam Swim Continued from page 3 Squam Swim page under the Events header. ( php) Says Harry Vogel, senior biologist and executive director of the Loon Preservation Committee, “This is a great fundraiser event and it also raises awareness of the effort to bring the loons back. Loons have had a tough time. Savings the loons is what we do and we work to bring their population back. “They are known as the recluses of the lakes and we really don’t know totally why they are declining,” he adds. The Squam Swim, he explains, has raised over $150,000 over the 10 years it has been in existence. This is an amazing amount, and Vogel says the money is used to help the loons. For example, to test just one loon egg for contaminants costs $3,000. “There are 15 pairs of loons on Squam Lake and about 25 to 30 pairs on Lake Winnipesaukee,” he says. Obviously, Vogel, Wendy and others would like to help the loons and see those numbers increase. As part of the Squam Swim, the Loon Preservation Committee will be offering a special loon tour with staff biologist Tiffany Grade the day of the swim (August 11). The tour will meet at Walter’s Basin in Holderness and take a boat tour to learn about loons starting at 10:45 am. The tour ends at the town beach so everyone can cheer on Wendy and her team as they complete the swim. There will be a picnic lunch to follow. To pre-register

for the loon tour, call 476-5666. Wendy would like to see donations increase and reach her goal this year of hitting or surpassing the $200,000 mark since it is the 10th anniversary of the Squam Swim. As a former biologist specializing in wolves, Wendy has a deep interest in wildlife. Her criteria for the Squam Swim was that the funds raised be used for loon research. “The ecosystem is very important to me and I love wildlife,” she says. Wendy is a best-selling author and runs the Center for Pet Loss Grief (www. Her books and information on her work can be found at the website. When she read that loons were having a difficult time, Wendy took notice. As a swimmer, she has had many good, close encounters with loons. “They follow me when I swim,” she laughs. “When I was swimming recently [as mentioned above], the loons were only 20 feet away.” If one were to be whimsical, it seems the loons know a friend when they see one and were there to encourage Wendy to be the best swimmer she can be. Perhaps they know the importance of the efforts to save the loons and what an integral part Wendy and her team are as they take to the water on this 10th anniversary of the Squam Swim. Spectators are welcome to cheer on the swimmers at the Squam Swim; for information visit or call 476-5666. To donate to the Loon Preservation Committee’s Squam Lake Loon Initiative, visit (http://www.loon. org/squam-swim.php).

Buck Ridge Chainsaw will demonstrate at the fair.

Fab Exhibitors and Buck Ridge Chainsaw at On the Green 2 Arts & Crafts Come and join the fun at the On The Green 2 Arts & Craft Festival at Brewster Academy, 80 Academy Dr., in Wolfeboro on Friday and Saturday, Aug. 12-14, from 10 am to 5 pm and Sunday from 10 am to 4 pm. There will be over 80 fabulous exhibitors. On Saturday from noon to 2 pm, Buck Ridge Chainsaw will be giving a chainsaw demonstration not to be missed. The talented artist will delight with his awesome creations as he carves with his chainsaw. Some of the arts and crafts will include outstanding metal art designs,

porcelain pottery, fine jewelry, photography, quilts and quilted runners, herbal dips, wood turned bowls, hand painted furniture, leather belts and pocketbooks, handmade soaps, cedar wood furniture, books with author signings, stained glass, sweater mittens, clothing, freshsqueezed lemonade, kettle corn and lots more. The festival will be held rain or shine under a canopy. Admission and parking are free. There will be food and the music of Tim Janis. Call 5284014 or visit www.joycescraftshows. com.

GREAT WATERS MUSIC FESTIVAL TICKETS 603-569-7710 Friday, Aug. 12 at 7:30pm

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Thanks To Our Sponsors

Page 5

August 8, 2016

Tickets Still Available for New Hampshire Boat Museum’s 10th Annual Boathouse Tour Spend a magical morning or afternoon with the New Hampshire Boat Museum touring fascinating boathouses on Lake Winnipesaukee during the 10th Annual Boathouse Tour. The event is Thursday, August 11, with a rain date of Friday, August 12. Tickets are still available, but are selling fast for the 9 am and 1 pm tours. To purchase your tickets, either visit or call the Museum at 569-4554. There are three types of tickets available for purchase. For those wishing to ride in an elegant vintage wooden boat driven by the boat’s experienced owner, tickets are $150 per person. For those wishing to ride in a variety of fun antique cars, tickets are $75 per person. And for those wishing to drive their own car, tickets are $40 per person. Members of the New Hampshire Boat Museum receive a 10% discount on these prices. “We are thrilled to be celebrating our 10th anniversary of this unique signature event for the New Hampshire Boat Museum,” says Kristin Isley, the Boathouse Tour Chair. “The Boathouse Tour is one of the Museum’s most popular educational events that gets people learning about New Hampshire’s rich lake history. Funds raised from the tour assist the Museum’s general operating fund.”
 Currently there are five boathouses that will be toured via boat, including two that are on Lake Winnipesaukee islands. For those taking the tour by antique or personal car, there are

Rt. 11 • Alton Bay


Fascinating boathouses will be on this year’s Annual Boathouse Tour. currently four boathouses to tour. The boathouses are a mix of historic to modern. Many of them hold the owner’s vintage wooden boats. Participants get out and tour each boathouse with guides available to tell the boathouse’s history. For those taking the tour via their own car, participants meet at the New Hampshire Boat Museum to begin their tour. Detailed maps, with driving directions, along with wristbands are picked up at the Museum that morning. Self-drive tickets can be purchased the day of the tour. The Boat Museum opens early at 9 am to accommodate car tour participants. Each boathouse location has parking easily available with signage clearly marking the site.

The New Hampshire Boat Museum is

open to the public for the 2016 season and will remain open daily through October 10, 10 am – 4 pm Monday through Saturday, and Sunday 12 – 4 pm. The Museum is a not-for-profit institution that focuses on the social history of life on New Hampshire’s lakes and the state’s important fresh water boating traditions. It is located at 399 Center Street, Wolfeboro Falls, 2 miles from downtown Wolfeboro in the former Allen “A” Resort dance hall. For further information contact the Museum at 569-4554, museum@, or via Facebook. The New Hampshire Boat Museum is a member of the “Experience New Hampshire Heritage: The Portsmouth to Plymouth Museum Trail.” To learn more about the Trail, visit

Come by boat or car!

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Chainsaw Wood Demo Sat 12-2

Page 6

August 8, 2016

Artisans on the Green August 11 On August 11, artists and craftsmen will gather in tents on the Sandwich green in Center Sandwich to demonstrate their skills and sell their work. The colorful festival begins at 10 am and continues throughout the day until 4:30 pm. This one-day event is fun for all ages and occurs rain or

shine. Luncheon will be served by the Sandwich Women’s Club with all proceeds going to their educational scholarship program. Admission and parking are free of charge. Artisans will talk about their work and answer your questions. The event is hosted by the Sandwich Home Industries, and

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Artists at work at Artisans on the Green.


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generously sponsored by the Meredith Village Savings Bank. Among participating artists are woodworker Robin Dustin, fiber artists Jen Elliott, Wendy Chappius and Donna Carlucci and Julie Hird. Adam Nudd Hoymeyer will be on hand to answer your questions about Tappan Chairs and both Tammara Mann and Diane Coveny will exhibit their pottery. Photographers, watercolor and oil painters, jewelers, glass artists, furniture makers and authors all will be demonstrating their skills and talking about their work. And finally

don’t miss Diane Johnson of Soft Touch Farm whose adorable animals show festivalgoers what their fur can produce. A founding member of the League of New Hampshire Craftsmen, The Sandwich Home Industries has been supporting artisans and providing craft education for over 80 years. Artisans on the Green has grown out of this tradition. Today it encompasses over 50 artists and craftsmen. For more information visit artisansonthegreen. com or call the Sandwich Home Industries at 284-6831.

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Fine Jewelry, Photography, Scarves, Watercolors, Over 100 Booths American Made Candles, Stone, Painted of Clothing, Floral Design, Woodturning, Quilts, & Knits, Folk Art, Doll Clothes, Arts, Crafts Specialty Foods! Tile,Jewelry, Laser Photography, Craft, Pet Products, Accessories, Fine Handbags, Hair Country Woodcrafts, Folk Art, Doll Clothes Accessories, Aroma-Therapy, Furniture, Cut Eggs,&Fragrance, Soap, Fiber Art, Soap, Metal, Pottery, Turned Wood, Walking Sticks, Toys,Candles, Ceramics, Handbags,Herbal Dips, Candies, Cutting Boards, Pine Cone Creations, Pet Treats, Maple & Honey Products and much more! Designer Floral, Painted Clothing, Fleece, Vintage Chic, Calligraphy, Fiber Arts, Herbal Dips, Fudge, Maple, Oils, Vinegars, Candies and More!

Free Admission ~ Rain or Shine

Directions: Spaulding ~Turnpike to Exit 15 FreeTake Admission Rain or Shine onto Route 11 West Directions from Route 93 take Exit 32

August 8, 2016

Lots Going on at Squam Lakes Natural Science Center Black Bear Expert to Speak at the Science Center Black bears are an incredible species that make a rare and exciting encounter when seen in the wild. Though these bears require respect and distance from humans, they have also adapted to share the available living space in New Hampshire forests. In order to help the public better understand these beautiful creatures, Squam Lakes Natural Science Center in Holderness is hosting Wildlife Biologist Ben Kilham, who will speak about his experiences with black bears on Tuesday, Aug. 9 at 7 pm. Kilham has spent decades studying black bears, particularly in a vast tract of northern New Hampshire woodlands. Over the years, Kilham has had the incredible experience of being able to take in orphaned bears, feeding the infants; teaching them to decipher the forest around them; and eventually reintroducing them back into the wild. Once free, the orphaned bears still regard Killham as their mother. One orphaned black bear in particular, now 20-years old has opened a rare window into her daily life. This bear has helped Kilham paint a picture of how she and wild bears communicate, how black bears carry out their daily lives, and the process of raising their young. The program is great opportunity to listen to a specialist speak on his personal experiences while also delving into important information regarding black bear populations in the region. Kilham has been featured in five internationally televised documentaries, has debuted in over 40 nationally broadcast radio shows, including National Public Radio, and has also made guest appearances on The Today Show, Good Morning America, ABC Nightly News, The David Letterman Show, and more. Join Ben Kilham for his exciting lecture. There is no charge to attend, but reservations are required and may be made by calling 968-7194. The Squam Lakes Natural Science Center has educated and enlightened visitors since 1966 about the importance of our natural world. Squam Lakes Natural Science Center is located on Route 113 in Holderness, an easy drive from exit 24 off I-93, and is open 1 through November 1. Sundance Film about Flaws in Modern School Systems

The Science Center invites the public to a special viewing of Most Likely to Succeed, an inspiring and captivating film aimed at helping communities identify the flaws in their school systems. This compelling 90-minute film empowers communities to ratify American school systems. Dr. Tony Wagner of Harvard’s Innovation Lab will introduce the film and take part in a panel discussion with New Hampshire’s Department of Education Deputy Commissioner Dr. Virginia Barry after the film. Dr. Tony Wagner, an expert in residence at Harvard University’s Innovation Lab and a Senior Research Fellow at the Learning Policy Institute, co-authored a book under the same title with Ted Dintersmith, which served as the basis for the film. The book and film are revolutionary and eye opening and have been described by Laszlo Block, SVP of People at Google and author of WORK RULES as “bracing, revelatory, and always backed up with hard facts. Most Likely to Succeed should top the reading list for any teacher, parent, citizen, or high school or college student. Wagner and Dintersmith’s incisive prose slices through the politics to show - without pointing fingers how schools can refocus to prepare our children for the jobs of the future.” The book that served as the basis for the film, Most Likely to Succeed: Preparing Our Kids for the Innovation Era, will be available for purchase during the event ($27.00). Dr. Wagner’s repertoire of work experience includes 12 years as a high school teacher, working as a K-8 principle, a university professor in teacher education, founding executive director of Educators for Social Responsibility, while also having written six books and many articles on this subject, attending numerous national and international conferences, and serving as the Strategic Education Advisor for Most Likely to Succeed, which premiered at the 2015 Sundance Film Festival. Dr. Wagner also serves as a Trustee of Squam Lakes Natural Science Center. The public is invited to attend this event on Saturday, Aug. 13, at 7 pm inside the Hagerman Auditorium at the Holderness School, located on Route 175 in Holderness. The cost to attend is $10 per person with all

Live Bands • 3 Stages Dance Club • Great Food 2 Full-Service Bars

proceeds benefiting the Blue Heron School Scholarship Fund at Squam Lakes Natural Science Center. Blue Heron School is New Hampshire’s first nature-based Montessori early learning center. All donations to the Blue Heron School Scholarship Fund help provide families with the opportunity to enroll their children into the school where they may learn, grow, and discover

through a unique nature-based education perspective. To attend this movie event, please RSVP by Friday, Aug. 12 by calling 968-7194 ext. 7. Parking is available at the Ice Rinks and the Carpenter lots at the Holderness School. For more information regarding the film, visit

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Page 8

August 8, 2016

Celebrate Tuftonboro at Its First Annual Old Home Days By Abby Scott Old Home Days have always been a staple of small town New Hampshire. Community members come together to celebrate their town’s heritage and catch up on each other’s lives every summer, usually complete with food and fun for the whole family. Just type “Old Home Day” into Google and you’re met with page after page of exciting events in the New England area. Some towns boast picnics and foot races, while others advertise auctions and antiques. Several towns have even been at it for over a century, perfecting the formula for a successful Old Home Day. Tuftonboro, on the other hand, is celebrating its very first Old Home Days the weekend of August 26 through 28. The weekend is packed full with a picnic, foot race, cardboard boat race, antique car show, and more, giving even the most established Old Home Days a run for their money. Curious as to what it takes to pull together such a massive event, I talked with some of the people who have been working tirelessly over the past 10 months to make Tuftonboro’s first Old Home Days a reality. Gina Lessard, Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Commission and a key player in bringing Old Home Days to Tuftonboro, says that they began their work with one thing in mind: “[finding] a way to bring the community together.” The Old Home Days Committee was formed last October, and the eight or

so community members quickly began making plans for the summer. Jackie Rollins, the town’s tax collector for nearly 30 years, was thrilled to learn about the potential of an Old Home Day in Tuftonboro, and joined the committee right away. “This is an awesome idea!” she remembers thinking. “Let’s do it!” Gina says they spent the first few monthly meetings thinking up ideas – the already established Town Picnic and 5K Road Race were two events they wanted to be sure to include. They toyed with the idea of an Old Home WEEK, but decided to save that for the future. (Gina hinted at a big celebration for the town’s 225th birthday in 2020!) While the goal of Old Home Days may have been to bring the community together, it’s clear to see the Tuftonboro community at work in just the planning of the event. As the committee began narrowing their focus and deciding on events, community members began stepping up to lead and organize them. “[Someone] said ‘I want to do a nature walk,’” Jackie says, and another local decided to organize an antique car rally. The Melvin Village Church youth group volunteered to run the cardboard boat race, and the Parks and Rec Department said they’d handle the 5K and movie night. Even the Police and Fire Departments volunteered their services to help with the foot race and the picnic. “It’s been a committee effort,” says Jackie, who herself is in charge of the chicken dinner and scavenger hunt.

Mason jar mug commemorating Tuftonboro’s First Old Home Days. Along with the many volunteers for the events, the Committee reached out to Tuftonboro Central School to hold a logo design contest. As a part of their civics lesson, fifth graders from the school began designing possible logos for the first annual Old Home Days. The winning design, a whimsical depiction of a barn and horse-drawn wagon, is featured on Tuftonboro Old Home Days paraphernalia and commemorative Mason jar mugs featuring the design will be available for purchase at the Town Offices and any of the weekend’s events. Throughout the past year, the Old Home Days Committee have spent hours working, organizing, and planning, but for a community as

special as the one they’ve found in Tuftonboro, they don’t mind. “I am the eighth generation to live in this town,” says Jackie. “Tuftonboro is in my blood.” Gina, while not a native, grew up in Tuftonboro and cites the “nice community” as the thing that kept her in the area as she raised her own family. It’s only fitting that the personal histories of the event’s organizers be deeply entwined in Tuftonboro’s own history as they prepare to celebrate the town’s heritage at the end of the month. When asked what events they were most looking forward to, Gina and Jackie couldn’t pick just one – “I’m looking forward to the whole weekend,” Jackie says – and with all


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Page 9

August 8, 2016 place rain or shine. More information about Tuftonboro Old Home Days and other events in the town can be found online at Interested in helping out? Contact

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Lake Effect er ed


be sure to stop by the Tuftonboro Central School Dining Room from 5:30 – 7:30 pm for a baked chicken dinner. The dinner is complete with salad, rolls, and dessert and to-go boxes are available. Later in the evening, head over to the Tuftonboro Central School Gym for a Contra Dance from 7:30 – 9:30 pm. Join musician and caller Dudley Laufman and his wife Jacqueline for a night of music, dancing, and fun. No prior experience is required, but be sure to wear soft-soled, non-marking shoes for the gym floor. Tickets can be purchased in advance at the Town Offices. After a busy day Saturday, start Sunday off slowly with a Nature Walk at Davis Memorial Field at 10 am hosted by the Tuftonboro Conservation Commission. Guides will be available to point out wildlife signs and plant life in the woods and wetlands around the Field. Come with your questions and wear comfortable shoes for a short and informative walk. At 11 am, bring your glove and bat for a pick-up softball game at Davis Memorial Field. Join a mixed team or just cheer on your favorite player for a slow-pitch, six-inning game. After the game at 1 pm, head to Central Park for the annual Town Picnic. Bring a potluck dish and a chair or blanket. Hotdogs, hamburgers, and drinks will be provided. Central Park will be transformed with games, a dunk tank (featuring Tuftonboro policemen), and live music from local musicians including Mark Dearborn and Brian Hastings to send off the first Tuftonboro Old Home Days with a bang. Be sure to mark your calendar for Tuftonboro Old Home Days, taking place from August 26 – 28 and pick up a commemorative Mason jar mug featuring the winning logo design to remember the first Old Home Days for years to come. Most events are expected to take


the town has to offer, I can see why. Tuftonboro Old Home Days kicks off on Friday with a free ice cream social and movie under the stars starting at 7 pm at Davis Memorial Field. Ice cream sandwiches will be served from an antique ice cream truck and at 8 pm The Goonies will be shown on the big screen. Be sure to bring a chair, blanket, and the kids for this 1980s family classic. Concessions will also be available for purchase during the movie. Saturday morning starts early with the Tuftonboro 5K Run/Walk at the Tuftonboro Central School, 205 Middle Road. Registration begins at 7 am with a kids’ Fun Run starting at 7:45. The 5K walk begins at 8 am and a half hour later at 8:30 runners will take to the roads. Pre-registration is preferred for the run/walk, though Fun Run registration is only available the day of the race. Register online at www. At 10 am on Saturday, the Historical Society Museum will host a free Scavenger Hunt with questions focusing on Tuftonboro past and present. (“We did [this scavenger hunt] as a family once and it was lots of fun!” says Jackie.) Later in the day, from 1 – 3 pm, Davis Memorial Field will be filled with antique cars for the free Antique Car Show. This is a fun, non-judged event and all cars 1975 or older are welcome to join. Contact Mark Smith at 544-2230 or for more information. Concessions will be available for purchase during the event. Head to 19 Mile Beach for the Cardboard Boat Race at 3pm Manually powered, homemade cardboard boats are welcome and complete rules and registration can be found at www. Whether you’re a racer or a spectator, the race is sure to be a blast. If you’ve worked up an appetite after all the Saturday Old Home Day events,

2 ith, NH 03

Jackie, Gina or Heather at the Town Offices at 569-4539; Gina says “We never turn anybody away.” And if I’ve learned anything about Tuftonboro, I can certainly say that’s true.

Apparel Jewelry Home Goods and Gifts

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Page 10

August 8, 2016

Ashland Railroad Station Museum presents “On This Spot Once Stood...” Maggie Stier will present her for the NH Preservation Alliance, and is embarking on a new career as the program “On This Spot Once Stood... Director of Development at Castle in Remembering the Architectural Heritage of New Hampshire”, at 7 pm the Clouds. on Thursday, Aug. 11, at the Ashland This free program is sponsored by Railroad Station Museum. The state the Ashland Heritage Commission, cosponsored by the Ashland Historical has lost many historic buildings to Society and largely funded by New fire, neglect and demolition. The Hampshire Humanities. It will be the program looks at how some of these buildings are remembered through first public program presented by the Ashland Heritage Commission, which plaques, markers and other means, and considers the ways in which we recall was organized less than a year ago. Light refreshments will be served. what isn’t there any longer. Maggie Stier is well versed in The Railroad Station Museum is historic preservation issues, as she located at 69 Depot Street on Route 132 in Ashhland village, about a half has served as the of The Fells mile south of What-To-Do the junction ofGuide Routes Historic House and Gardens onYour LakeWhere-To-Go, 132, 3 and 25. Sunapee, has worked for the past ten for the Lakes Region years as the field service representative

Shelly Walsh, Meghan McCandless, Mary Hannah Dober and Caitlin Donahue appear in Footloose at the Interlakes Summer Theatre, Meredith, through August 14.

Footloose at Interlakes Summer Theatre

Interlakes Summer Theatre in Meredith is finishing off this summer’s season with a show that will be performed for the first time ever in New Hampshire’s Lakes Region. Footloose opens on August 9 and runs through August 14. The classic tale of teenage rebellion and repression features a delightful combination of dance choreography and realistic and touching performances. When teenager Ren McCormack and his family move from big-city Chicago to a small Midwestern town, he’s in for a real case of culture shock. Though he tries hard to fit in, the streetwise Ren can’t quite believe he’s living in a place where rock music and dancing are illegal. However, there is one small pleasure: Ariel Moore, a troubled but lovely blonde with a jealous boyfriend. Add a Bible-thumping minis-

Your Where-To-Go, What-To-Do Guide for the Lakes Region

WATER... It’s the only part of your home you will consume.

Your Where-To-Go, What-To-Do Guide for the Lakes Region


ter, who is responsible for keeping the town dance-free, and the town is ripe for revolution. Ren and his classmates want to do away with this ordinance, especially since the senior prom is around the corner, but only Ren has the courage to initiate a battle to abolish the outmoded ban and revitalize the spirit of the repressed townspeople. Performances will be at Interlakes Auditorium 1 Laker Lane, through August 14 at 7:30 pm Tuesday through Saturday and 5 pm on Sunday. Matinees are Wednesday and Thursday at 2 pm. Tickets are available at the box office Monday through Saturday from 10 am to 5 pm and Sundays 12 pm to 4 pm. Call 707-6035 to reserve your seats. Don’t miss out on this exciting final show of the season!

-Do Guide for th Go, What-To e Lake o T e r s Reg e h io ur W


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isit the Castle and you’ll see.

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JAZZ AT SUNSET Thursday Evenings thru Sept. 8, 5:30-8:30 - Live music on the Terrace. Dinner & Drinks available for purchase. $10 Cover Charge per person. Tickets required in advance.

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Original art by Peter Ferber

Page 11

August 8, 2016

Oak Hill Golf Course

Pease Road, Meredith


2016 RATES 9 Holes $14 18 Holes $24 Unlimited Golf After 3 pm $14 After 5 pm $10

Got Golf? Play The Best Courses in the Lakes Region Jonathan Rivers Director of Golf ProShop & Tee Times 603-539-7733 Teaching Professional Julie Rivers-603-986-1840 Route 16B • Center Ossipee

Mon-Thurs 18-holes

$49/cart $39/Walking

Fri-Sun 18-holes

$59/cart $49/Walking

After 3pm with cart 18-Holes - Mon-Thurs $39 • Fri-Sun $49 9-Holes - Mon-Thurs $29 • Fri-Sun $39 16 Years & Younger Juniors Pay Their Age & Cart Fee! (18 hole)

Mon-Thurs 9-holes

$39/cart $31/Walking


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$49/cart $41/Walking

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“The Total Golf Club Experience” Route 28, S. Wolfeboro, NH Open to the public anytime Call for Tee Times 569-3569

Purchase for $249 or $299 respectively and give as gifts, introduce a friend or neighbor to the game of golf or use as your guest pass. Use any day, any time. Cart is included. The only restriction is they expire on October 31, 2016


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258 Gov. Wentworth Highway (Route 109) • Moultonboro, NH • 603-476-5930

Weekday 18 Holes Coupon

18 Holes with Cart $47 pp (normally $52) Valid Tuesday - Thursday Not Valid with any other discount or on Holidays Coupon Required Expires 8/31/16

Weekday 9 Holes Coupon

9 Holes with Cart $27 pp (normally $30)

Valid Monday - Thursday


Weekly 18 Holes with Cart Special (Not Valid on Holidays)

Monday Madness $37 per person

Tuesday & Wednesday Senior Special (55+, Before Noon)

$39 per person

Wednesday Ladies (Before Noon)

Not Valid with any other discount or on Holidays Coupon Required Expires 8/31/16

$39 per person

Fri, Sat & Sun (after 2 pm)

$37 per person

the public anytime West On Route 49, North onOpen OwltoStreet

Call for Tee Times 569-3569

Friday 18 Holes Coupon

Weekday 18 Holes Coupon

Friday 18 Holes Coupon

18 Holes with Cart

18 Holes with Cart

18 Holes with Cart

$52 pp (normally $62)

$47 pp (normally $52) Valid Mon, Wed, Thurs

Not Valid with any other discount or on Holidays Coupon Required

Not Valid with any other discount or on Holidays Coupon Required

Expires 8/31/16

Expires 8/31/16

Weekly 18 Holes with Cart Special (Not Valid on Holidays)

Tee Off Tuesdays $37 per person

Wednesday & Thursday Senior Special

$52 pp (normally $62) Not Valid with any other discount or on Holidays Coupon Required Expires 8/31/16

Weekend 9 Holes Coupon

Weekday 9 Holes Coupon

9 Holes with Cart

9 Holes with Cart

$32 pp (normally $37)

$27 pp (normally $30)

$39 per person

9 Holes with Cart

Valid Friday - Sunday

Valid Monday - Thursday

Thursday Ladies

Valid Friday - Sunday

Not Valid with any other discount or on Holidays Coupon Required

Not Valid with any other discount or on Holidays Coupon Required

Expires 8/31/16

Expires 8/31/16

140 Country Club • Gilford • 603-524-7808 •

(55+, Before Noon)

(Before Noon)

$39 per person

Fri, Sat & Sun (after 2 pm)

$37 per person

Weekend 9 Holes Coupon $32 pp (normally $37)

Not Valid with any other discount or on Holidays Coupon Required Expires 8/31/16

3 Country Club Road • Ashland • 603-536-2227 •


Page 12

August 8, 2016

Welcome to


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Penny Candy Color Ad Final:Layout 1


9:15 PM

Page 1

5/18/08 9:15 PM Page 1 Penny Candy Shop

Penny Candy Color Ad Final:Layout 1 FUN CANDY

Penny Candy ShopThe little-town FINEDurgin CHOCOLATES 15 North Main Street, Stables PARTY FAVORS Wolfeboro, NH 03894 CORPORATE GIFTS 603-569-9800

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Penny Candy Color Ad Final:Layout 1

Page 1 Balloons FUN CANDY

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9:15 PM

Penny Candy Color Ad Final:Layout 1

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5/18/08 9:15 PM Page 1 Penny Shop Helium Candy

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Page 13

August 8, 2016

Unique Local Treasures Featured at Tuftonboro Library Auction The singular talents of several generations of Tuftonboro folk are reflected in their special donations to the Love Our Library Auction, sponsored by the Friends of the Tuftonboro Library. Unique local handcrafts and artwork, culinary magic, priceless experiences, and even an heirloom will all be up for bid on Friday, Aug. 12 at the Todaro Center in the Tuftonboro area. Winning bidders will take home a lovely view of Mt. Chocorua painted on a wooden keepsake box by Barbara Williams, and one of Theresa Hlushuk’s distinctive hand-woven baskets, filled with jars of Chef Wade’s special sauces and salsas, and a gift certificate for four of Jackie Rollins’ famous fruit pies – mix or match strawberry-rhubarb, blueberry, or apple. As for priceless experiences, how about a ride for one adult and two kids in Tuftonboro’s own 10-engine-1 in the 4th of July Parade? Or an hour-long concert by musician and vocalist, Natalie Hebden, for a private party, family reunion, or non-profit fundraising event. Or an exclusive tour of the NH State House and lunch with Senator Jeb Bradley. The heirloom is a brightly colored afghan throw, which

presents a chance to support two pillars of the community at once. It was hand-crocheted by Phoebe Whitten Willy, who was born in Tuftonboro on June 26, 1915, and just celebrated her 101st birthday. Her afghan will be featured during the live auction, and proceeds from the winning bid will be split 50/50 with the Tuftonboro Grange #142 – Pomona #8, of which she is the eldest member. Other items up for bid include vacation getaways to a private lake and lodge in Vermont for fly-fishing; to a luxurious harborside hotel in Newport, RI for sightseeing; and to a waterfront cottage on Peaks Island, ME for the upcoming Labor Day Weekend. Golfers can bid on rounds of golf at Lake Winnipesaukee Golf Club, Bald Peak Golf Club, and Ridgewood Golf Club. Patriots’ fans will be vying for two frontrow seats on the five-yard line for Tom Brady’s first home game of the season, Sunday, Oct. 16, against the Cincinnati Bengals. Love Our Library Auction tickets are $25, available at the Library and Geez Louise in Tuftonboro, and Black’s and Antonucci Insurance in Wolfeboro. The ticket price includes bid cards for silent and live auctions offering more than 80 exceptional

items, live music by the Lakeside Ramblers, delicious hors d’oeuvres and desserts, complimentary beer, wine, and soft drinks, and a funfilled evening that will benefit the

Tuftonboro Library Building Fund. For more information, or to reserve tickets, please call the Library at 569-4256.

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Check with your local fire department if permissible fireworks are allowed in your area.

Page 14

August 8, 2016

Symbols That Move Us On Thursday, August 11, from 5 to 7 pm, Arts on the Edge Wolfeboro and the First Congregational Church present Symbols that Move Us: a collaborative talk with Reverend Gina Finocchiaro and Sculptor David Neufeld, MFA Interdisciplinary Arts. Reverend Gina Finocchiaro and David Neufeld will begin a conversation on the power of symbols

in our sense of God, faith, and human existence. Combining the insights of one of Wolfeboro’s religious leaders and an artist of 50 years experience promises to offer the possibility for attendees to explore the symbolic power and nature of God and the origin of faith. Dr. Carl Jung popularized the words, “Bidden or unbidden, God is

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David Neufeld art. present.” As one of the originators of modern psychology, Dr. Jung focused on mythic images and stories as having ancient origins yet being central to knowing ourselves. Dr. Jung will not be present. Many of the sculptural works in the current exhibit at the First Congregational Church, Between Two Worlds, possess a primal form: assemblages of objects found all over the world, on beaches, roads, in cellars, The feel ancient, they contain bits of history and they have


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provoked animated responses from exhibit attendees for the past month. The exhibit will continue through September 5, open six days a week. Plan to attend on Thursday and explore what moves us, where that motion comes from, and where it may lead us. Between Two Worlds and this talk are sponsored by Arts on the Edge Wolfeboro and the First Congregational Church of Wolfeboro UCC. The event and exhibit is free. All are welcome. For more information visit www. or call 569-1555.

open 7 days

Page 15

August 8, 2016

Harvest 4 Way 5k Road Races Start Aug. 13 A new opportunity exists for running enthusiasts to enter four 5K races in the Lakes Region. Harvest 4 Way 5K means four good races, four months, four good causes. The top winners of all four combined races will receive a special prize. All of the races offer a taste of the natural beauty of the area... whether on the wooded trails or by the shimmering waters. Proceeds benefit some great causes that focus on enhancing the local community. The series kicks of on August 13 with the Wanakee Wilderness 5K. Located at Wanakee UMC, this challenging but exciting cross-country course takes runners through the beauty of the local hills and valleys of the camp. You simply can’t beat the view from Look Out Point, the granite rocks of Lemon Squeeze, and the cool breeze of the Waterfront. For more information visit or Childcare will be provided by a nurse and professional nanny for those who wish to run but have small children. Registration starts at 7:30 am and the race begins at 9 am. Friends of Meredith Library Book-it

5K is a family fun run on the shores of Lake Waukewan on September 3. This certified course is challenging with beautiful views. You’ll enjoy a great downhill finish. Preregistration is on Friday September 2 from 5 pm to 7 pm at Community Park on Main Street, Meredith. On Saturday, registration starts at 7:30 am at Community Park with Book-It walkers starting at 8:30 am and runners at 9 am. Bookworm, a 1.2 mile course, starts at 8 am and Inchworm a 400 meter race for children 5 and under starts at 8:15 am. For more information e-mail mplbookit@ or call Beverly Heyduk at 279-1206 or Barbara Brann at 2795565. Sponsored by the Lions Club, the Meredith Bay Trick or Trot race on October 29 was created to celebrate running, health, Halloween and community spirit. Located at Meredith Bay, the Trick or Trot has beautiful views of Lake Winnipesaukee and small town charm. Registration starts at 8 am on October 29 with the 5K beginning at 9:30 am. For more information please contact Jamie Good at,

Facebook or 707-1317. November 5 brings the Farm Fun Run. The Moulton Farm 5K offers a unique course that takes you around the farm, through our fields, and through part of our corn maze. A shorter course is available for children. If you don’t run, come and cheer on the runners


as they make their way to the finish line. Registration will be at 9:00 am, with the Kids’ Fun Run at 9:30 am and the adult Race at 10:00 am. For more information please contact Kyle at or visit

In Wolfeboro! A Museum of Natural History Programs • Exhibits Wildlife • Scavenger Hunt

Open Tues. - Sat. 10-4, Sun. 12-4, closed Mon. 755 N. Main St. • Rt 109 • Wolfeboro • (look for Libby Link)


2016 Alton Bay Barbershop Jamboree The Town of Alton Parks and Recreation and the Lakes Region Chordsmen are once again bringing barbershop harmony to the Lakes Region. It all starts on Friday, Aug. 19 at Alton Bay. Registration opens for barber shoppers at 3 pm at the Community House in Alton Bay. There will be a free concert at the bandstand from 7 to 9 pm on Friday, Aug. 19. A mock quartet competition is slated for Saturday afternoon at the bandstand at 1 pm and quartets may pop up in restaurants in the Alton area. Don’t miss the Great Gathering Saturday at 7:45 pm at Prospect

Mountain High School on Suncook Valley Road in Alton, where a variety of quartets and choruses will gather in one place for a final culmination of barbershop talent for your entertainment. Tickets/Buttons for this concert are available at the Alton Parks and Rec office in Alton Town Hall on Main Street in Alton and at the door for $10. Tickets are also available online at altonbaybarbershopjamboree2016. You can also see some of the talent coming by scrolling through the Lakes Region Chordsmen’s Facebook page at AltonBayBarbershopJamboree.

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Sallie Wolf, Bearcamp Pond III, watercolor, 30 x 22 inches

69 Maple St. (Rt.113) Center Sandwich, NH

Open Daily 10-5 • Sunday 12-5

Page 16

August 8, 2016

60’s Invasion Coming to Cate Park in Wolfeboro The Friends of the Wolfeboro The band also turned to music of the Community Bandstand will be early 1960s to help make themselves more entertaining and now feature welcoming back ’ Invasion, a band that takes listeners back on a trip to songs from the early part of the decade Guide What-To-Do Your Where-To-Go, one of the most influential decades in such as “Runaround Sue” by Dion and musical history. The concert is set for forthe Belmonts and “Can’t Help Falling the Lakes Region Saturday, Aug. 13, from 7 to 9 pm. in Love,” by Elvis Presley. The band has made numerous The band takes concertgoers through each year of the 1960s, bringing back appearances around the Lakes Region and has previously played in the memories of those times by talking concert series. about the many social events and The group started building its sporting events that took throughout the 60s decade. The group also will repertoire from the band that is primarily responsible for defining the play some of the television themes that music of the 1960s, The Beatles, but were popular at the time, as they hope Region the Lakes Where-To-Go, Your to bothfor entertain and educate listeners. has expanded its catalogWhat-To-Do to include a Guide wide variety of other bands, including Dave Dunham plays guitar and keyboard and also sings. He began his the Byrds, the Grass Roots and more.

Your Where-To-Go, What-To-Do Guide for the Lakes Region

performing career at 15, singing top 40 hits and rock and roll with Other Voices, Plum Loco and Morning Hours. Jack Little plays bass guitar and also adds vocals to the mix. His background in brass instruments and his love of jazz brought him around several jazz ensembles during the late 1970s and eventually led to him studying guitar. He has performed original music with Paintbox at a number of establishments throughout the region. Dave Vose is the band’s drummer and also chips in on vocals. He has performed with The Drifters, Freddy Cannon and Freedom and is also kept busy as an artist and clinician with the Yamaha company and as a professor at Berklee College of Music in Boston. Bob Cleary plays guitar and sings with the group and brings many years of professional experience to the stage. He has shared the stage with Rex

Trailer, Henry “The Fonz” Winkler and others. He studied music at Berklee College of Music and performance and theater art at Emerson College. The Friends of the Wolfeboro Community Bandstand continues to provide quality entertainment to the citizens of the Lakes Region with the free community concert series each and every Saturday night in July and August, weather permitting. If bad weather is in the forecast and the concert has to be cancelled, there will be a sign at the entrance to the park announcing such as well as a notice at While there is no charge for the concert, a pass-the-hat collection is taken at intermission to help support the Friends of the Wolfeboro Community Bandstand and the efforts to continue to provide high-quality acts in the bandstand every summer.

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IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Budgets are estimated on fuel consumption history. Significant

in consumption or fuel prices canPRE-BUY: affect your monthly payment the season outcome of TRADITIONAL BUDGET: Make payments without a locked-in price BUDGET ASSURANCE CAP: Take comfort in changes spreading your estimatBUDGET Spread out yourand/or heating costs over even your budgeting results. To participate in an Eastern Budget Assurance CAP, Fixed Price Budget or Pre-Buy Plan you must enter into an Agreement with Eastern. The Agreement is a legal easy and manageable. Spread your annual fuel costs over even month- ed fuel costs over even monthly payments. Never pay more than your monthly payments while locking in the price per gallon for your expected contract and sets forth the terms and conditions of your participation in the Plan. Please read the carefully as it will be a binding contract. Under the Pre-Buy Plan, you will be required ly payments. Automatically receive your prompt pay discount as part of capped rate for your anticipated fuel needs, noAgreement matter how high prices fuel pre-purchased needs for the by period of October 1, 2016 to aMay 31, 2017. to take delivery of all product you May 31, 2017 to avoid paying shortage fee. First payFIXED PRICE BUDGET: Take comfort in spreading your estimated fuel costs over monthly budget payments. First payment is due at time of enrollment. rise. When fuel costs are below your cap, you pay the lower price. First ment is due at time of purchase. even monthly payments. Never pay more than your fixed rate for your anticipated fuel Eastern Propane & Oil • Claremont, NH • Danvers, MA • Franklin, MA • Hudson, NH needs, no matter how high prices rise. First payment is due at time of enrollment. payment is due at time of enrollment. PRSRT STD ASSURANCE CAP: Take comfort in spreading your • estimated fuel US Postage Lebanon, NH • Loudon, NH Rochester, NH • Tamworth, NH • Winchendon, MA FIXEDBUDGET PRICE BUDGET: Take comfort in spreading your estimated fuel PAID costs over even monthly payments. Never pay more than your capped rate for your For current plan details please visit Manchester, NH costs anticipated over even monthly Never pay more your fixed rate FULL SEASON PRE-BUY: Lock inyour the price per gallon by making a one fuel payments. needs, no matter howthan high prices rise. When fuel costs are below Permit No. 724 For current pricing call our cap, you pay the lower price. First payment is due at time of enrollment. 800.523.5237 PO Box of 1800 for your anticipated fuel needs, no matter how high prices rise. First pay- time purchase of your expected fuel|needs for the period October 1, Rochester, NH 03866-1800 Customer Care Department at 800.523.5237 FULL SEASON PRE-BUY: Lock in the price per gallon by making a one time ment purchase is due at time of enrollment. 2016 to May 31, 2017. Payment in full is due at time of purchase. of your expected fuel needs for the period of September 1, 2016 to

May 31, 2017. Payment in full is due at time of purchase. BUDGET PRE-BUY: Spread out your heating season costs over even monthly payments while locking in the price per gallon for your expected fuel needs for the period of September 1, 2016 to May 31, 2017. First payment is due at time of purchase.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Budgets are estimated on fuel consumption history. Significant changes in consumption or fuel prices can affect your monthly payment and/or the outcome of your budgeting results. To participate in an Eastern Budget Assurance CAP, Fixed Price Budget or Pre-Buy Plan you must enter into an Agreement with Eastern. The Agreement is a legal contract and sets forth the terms and conditions of your participation in the Plan. Please read the Agreement carefully as it will be a binding contract. Under the Pre-Buy Plan, you will be required to take delivery of all product you pre-purchased by May 31, 2017 to avoid paying a shortage fee.

For current plan details please visit For current pricing call our Customer Care Department at 800.523.5237

Eastern Propane & Oil • Claremont, NH • Danvers, MA • Franklin, MA • Hudson, NH Lebanon, NH • Loudon, NH • Rochester, NH • Tamworth, NH • Winchendon, MA 800.523.5237 |

Page 17

August 8, 2016

August 8, 2016

Lakefront living at its best.


Lake Winnipesaukee Retreat

3 MAIN STREET MEREDITH, NH 03253 603.677.7012

For those who are seeking a waterfront home on Lake Winnipesaukee that blends contemporary and classic design along with true luxury finishes then look no further. With unmatched panoramic views and western exposure, 200 Windermere boasts one of the finest locations on the lake. The current owners have taken painstaking effort to renovate and enhance the home to a very high level. The living room is highlighted by soaring ceilings, a large flat stone fireplace and extensive glass to enjoy the lake views. The first floor master bedroom suite features a fireplace, soaking tub, dressing room, walk-in tile shower and cedar closet. Each guest room has beautiful lake views and feature their own distinctive bathroom. Additional features include radiant heat, central air, large breakwater and dock.

WOLFEBORO 21 CENTRAL AVENUE WOLFEBORO, NH 03894 603.941.1000 Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated.

$2,350,000 | MLS#4471359 Brian Neidhardt | 603.738.3798 | Ruth Neidhardt | 603.455.0176 |

Page 18

August 8, 2016

Laconia On this beautiful, level lot with wonderful views, this sun-filled home was built with style and flair. A Great Room has a soaring ceiling and fireplace. It leads to a glass lined sun room to enjoy picturesque views. Walk into a sandy swimming area and enjoy your U-shaped dock. Location is convenient. $1,149,000




An historic and remarkable property with nearly 90 acres consists of three lots of record. The first is the Kona boathouse, a residence with living quarters with 4 bedrooms. The second lot is the Kona beach with 20 boat slips. The third is the Mansion with 37 guest rooms, dining room and convention area.

One of the most tasteful and quality homes on Lake Winnipesaukee. Sweeping views with a 270’ waterfront, a sandy beach, a double U-shaped dock with a canopy and spacious waterside decking add to outdoor fun. Architecturally designed and constructed to perfection. Spectacular views.

Sophisticated design, incomparable quality and functionality embraced by timeless architecture this extraordinary home was designed and constructed with perfection. Sweeping 300’ waterfront lot, ever changing sunsets, picturesque lake views, private, covered dock, patios and beach.




Gilford - This totally rebuilt cottage is on a

Gilford - Sitting on a knoll overlooking

fabulous lot with amazing views. Two docks, town sewage, an acre of land, rolling lawns. This is a fantastic property. The home has been totally rebuilt and has two bedrooms and a bunk room. The wrap-around porch is perfect for enjoying the lake and mountain views.

dramatic mountain views, this custom log home is private, spacious and appealing. The warmth of wood, the beamed ceilings, the special custom detailing are all inviting and special. A gym, a loft, an office all add perfect space in this outstanding home on nearly 28 private acres. $729,000

Gilford - A beautiful Colonial style, Governor’s Island home that has been beautifully updated and maintained. The first floor master bedroom has a wonderful spa-like bath. Chef’s kitchen opens to a comfortable family room and a spacious sun room. The oversized living room has a fireplace and builtins. Nice! $689,000

Laconia - A spacious 4 bedroom waterfront home on a level lot. With a U-shaped dock and sandy beach you will enjoy the best of lake living. The waterside family room has walls of glass and a fireplace with wood stove. The oversized deck overlooks a private, fenced in yard and water views. $479,000

Gilford - This new home has been built with

Gilford - A view lot in Gunstock Acres with

quality and style. Open in design with a Great Room with glowing hardwood flooring and sliders leading to an enormous deck that overlooks lovely mountain views. Irrigation, central air, alarm system, large expanse of lawn and covered porch. A wonderful new home.

beach rights. It is perfect for building your new home and overlooking majestic lake and mountain views. $87,900



Susan Bradley Realtor®, CRS, ABR, GRI

Direct: 603-493-2873 email: | 348 Court Street, Laconia, NH 03246 | 603-524-2255

No Other Lakes Region Agent Sold More $1,000,000 Homes in 2015!

Page 19

August 8, 2016

Island Real Estate

A division of Maxfield Real Estate


WOLFEBORO // A world class Lake Winnipesaukee masterpiece, 6 acres, 430’ of shore frontage, a marvel of slant roofs, dramatic angles and stunning views. A unique and timeless design.

WOLFEBORO // Prestigious Winnipesaukee Waterfront Estate, 180° views, 4.5 private acres, 6 bedrooms, entertaining kitchen, great room, full mahogany covered deck, sandy beach, 2-slip covered docking and sunsets!

MOULTONBOROUGH // 4 bedrooms, 6 bathrooms, custom kitchen, dark hardwood flooring, natural stone and granite throughout. Master en suite offers custom built walk in closet, and large stone shower with private deck!

$16,000,000 (4478406)

$4,695,000 (4446155)

$1,995,000 (4489040)

Call 569-3128

Call 569-3128

Call 253-9360

Island REAL ESTATE MEREDITH // A beautiful offering…new to market! 220’ on Lake Winnipesaukee with 2.33 acres, SW exposure, 3 bedroom camp with loft. Level lot. The quintessential lake cottage with huge screened porch. $749,900 (4493266)

Call 253-9360

OSSIPEE // Breathtaking lake and mountain views, sugar sand beach, two - 2 bedroom year round homes on Ossipee Lake. Great investment for large families, rental income or both. $459,900 (4487660) Call 569-3128

WAKEFIELD // One-of-a-kind gorgeous waterfront Colonial on Pine River Pond. Exceptional features: private dock, additional covered dock, sandy beach & crow’s nest. Spacious home with attached 2-car garage. Completely renovated in 2000. $699,000 (4489241) Call 569-3128

WOLFEBORO // Lake Wentworth yearround contemporary with preferred southwest exposure, gorgeous sunset views and sandy bottom shore with crystal clear water. Quite charming and being sold turn-key. $525,000 (4503230) Call 569-3128

ALTON // Quiet, private Alton Bay well maintained home with access to Lake Winnipesaukee. Three bedrooms, 1-bath + 3/4 bath with great entertaining space on wrap around deck. Property includes a shared 20’ dock. $320,000 (4504990) Call 875-3128

ALTON BAY // This is a great little camp. Everything is newly renovated, and it comes completely furnished! Beach rights on Sunset Lake and Hill’s Pond. $113,000 (4407254)

Call 875-3128


MOULTONBOROUGH // Spectacular 2.33 acre lot with 621’ of waterfront and dock permit on Lake Winnipesaukee located in the low tax town of Moultonborough. $949,900 (4492077) Call 253-9360

OSSIPEE // 26 acres, highly visible location on Route 28, borders the Poland Brook with nice water views, abuts Village District. Development potential. $125,000 (2772893) Call 569-3128

TUFTONBORO // Lake Winnipesaukee: 3.2 acre Basin lot with 315’ shorefront. Western exposure. Boating access to main lake. Gently rolling wooded parcel. Perfect year round or vacation. $310,000 (4351205) Call 569-3128

ALTON // 1.17 Acre sloping and wooded lot has access to private 590’ shared sandy beach on Half Moon Lake. Expired 3 bedroom septic plan is available. Possible lake views. $69,900 (4484405) Call 875-3128 • Maxfield Real Estate has been bringing people and homes together for over 60 years. Explore the thousands of properties now being offered in the Lakes Region and beyond from the comfort of your own home. is the go-to-site for buyers and sellers, with a wealth of information and resources to meet all your needs. Just one more reason why Maxfield is “simply the best.”

Wolfeboro: 15 Railroad Avenue • 603-569-3128 Center Harbor: Junction Rtes. 25 & 25B • 603-253-9360 Alton: 108 Main Street • 603-875-3128

BEAR ISLAND - MEREDITH A former guest cottage of Bear Island hotel. 3 bedroom, living/dining/kitchen, ¾ bath. Decks, views, westerly exposure, sandy swim area. Abuts Lover’s Lane, one of many trails on island interior. $335,000 (4488447) Call 569-3128

RATTLESNAKE ISLAND - ALTON LOCATION! Private, protected, sun, sunsets. Open & bright cottage, pine paneled bunkhouse. Paddleboard, kayak, swim, hiking trails lead to island summit. Lots of decking, fantastic long range views! Boatslip available at Minge Cove. Call 569-3128 $320,000 (4485683)

GANSY ISLAND - MOULTONBOROUGH Located on a very quiet and peaceful area of the lake. Songbirds, loons and views! 6 abutting parcels ranging from 1.24 acres with 300’ frontage, to 2.58 acres with 520’ frontage Offered from $195,000 to $235,000 Call 569-3128

Page 20

August 8, 2016 PLYMOUTH OFFICE 238-6990 HOLDERNESS OFFICE 968-7615 MEREDITH OFFICE 603-279-6476 “One Click and You’re Home!”


Littleton, NH

620 Tenney Mtn. Hwy, Plymouth, NH | 603-238-6990 Curry Place, Holderness, NH | 603-968-7615 3 Mill Street, Meredith, NH | 603-279-6476

Spindle View Townhomes

• Attached Garage

• Starting at $575,000

• Open-Concept First Floor

• Lakeview Master Suite

• Walk-Out Lower Level

AMENITIES INCLUDE Swimming Pool, Tennis Courts, Fitness Center, Lake Access, Community Gardens, Walking Trails, and access to Southworth clubs in the U.S., U.K. and Bahamas.

MLS #4451304 Offered at $485,000

34 North Main St., P.O. Box 2180 Wolfeboro, NH 03894 • 603-569-4488

NEW LAKEVIEW LIVING • 1,824 sq ft | 2 beds | 2 baths

This property offers something for everyone: year-round living on Partridge Lake, privacy, waterfront with dock, and the gentleness of the trees and woodland surrounding you. Total acreage:12.20+/acres, a rare find! Main house has been remodeled & offers open concept living, 5 bedrooms, 2 baths, sauna and 2-car garage. Living room features brick fireplace & picture window. Large wraparound porch, spacious deck with lake views — enjoy the sunsets & listen to the loons.

WOLFEBORO: “The Lodge” is now four, 2- bedroom/1-bath MEREDITH: Custom built & Energy Star rated home on 13 condos offered as one parcel with beach and dock on Mirror private acres with mountain views and 155’ of waterfront. Lake to enjoy. $975,000 MLS #4442500 $1,850,000 MLS #4499079 | 603.524.4141 GPS Address: 421 Endicott Street North, Laconia, NH 03246-1820 Properties offered exclusively by Meredith Bay Lighthouse Realty, LLC. The townhomes are part of The Townhomes at Meredith Bay, a condominium. This is not an offer to sell property to, or solicitation of offers from, residents of NY, NJ, CT or any other state that requires prior registration of real estate. Prices and terms are subject to change without notice. Southworth reciprocal program is subject to change. See reciprocal program materials for full details.

WOLFEBORO: Beautiful in-town home with two masters, TUFTONBORO: Main house & guest house on 6 level acres modern kitchen, in-ground pool and amazing screened-in with over 200’ of waterfront, sandy beach, dock & boathouse. porch. $675,000 MLS #4506277 $4,200,000 MLS #4462482




center Harbor

MOULTONBORO - This stunning Winnipesaukee Waterfront home is beautifully constructed, expertly maintained. Architectural interest at every turn. $2,995,000 #4432771

EXIT Realty Leaders

32 Whittier Highway • 603-253-4345 (NH) 1-800-639-4022

ALTON - Spectacular Adirondack styled contemporary lakehouse! Extremely well appointed throughout, 155’ water frontage. $2,299,000 #4466356

MEREDITH - Come see this private, extraordinary setting on Lake Winnisquam. Gorgeous water views overlooking the Loon preserve. $425,000 #4438224

Tamworth—$39,900, 1.70 ac, Rustic camp, Needs TLC,

Conway— $5,500 Time Share Eastern Inns! 1Bdrm,

Ossipee- $74,000, .22 ac 2 Bdrms, 1Bth, Town Wtr

Parsonfield, ME - $234,900 2Bd, 2Bth, Golf Course Home

Wolfeboro - $189,900 condo 2Bd, 3Bth, Patio, Garage

Ossipee— $179,900, 4.22 Ac 3 Bdrms, 2 Bths,

Wakefield - $299,900 4Bdrm, Balch Lake Acc.

Sandwich - $178,900 2.9 acre, 2Bd, 1Bth

Freedom - $25,000 Land .92 ac, Close to Village

Ossipee - $274,900 2Bdrm 4Bth, Lake Access Condo

Ossipee— $225,000 1.14 Ac. 3 Bdrms, 3 Bths,


15 North Main Street • 603-569-2533 (NH) 1-800-621-2533

WOLFEBORO - Bright & sunny 3-bedroom 2-bath close to Winni boat launch & Mirror Lake. Screened porch with hot tub. Brick hearth in kitchen, cathedral ceiling and skylight! $224,900 #4495571

TUFTONBORO - A true piece of history on 12+ acres!! 5-bedroom, 4-bath built in 1784. Period details. Updated kitchen, 3 fireplaces, Updated electric with generator. Bright & sunny. $425,000 #4505187

We Move More of The Lakes Region!


348 Court Street • 603-524-2255 (NH) 1-800-639-5077

GILFORD - Landmark 15-room home on Governor’s Island is truly one of a kind with an amazing waterfront. $4,695,000 #4493464

MOULTONBOROUGH - Enjoy picturesque open water views from every room at this sun-filled home on a private point. $829,000 #4493289

MOULTONBORO - 28’ dock, two bedrooms, 1.5 bath, screened porch, year round free standing unit, views, sandy beach. $339,000 #4502025

LACONIA - Lovely turn key condo in a small self-managed association within walking distance to Lake Opechee. $132,000 #4492320

CAMPTON - Exceptional custom cape with panoramic views and spacious open floor plan. $374,900 #4494615

View these and all Lakes Region Listings on our Web site!

Tamworth—$189,900, 2.40 acres 2 Bdrms, 2 Bths.

603-539-9595 354 Rte 16B Ctr Ossipee, NH


603-569-4419 94 Center St Wolfeboro, NH

Page 21

August 8, 2016

Breathtaking Winnipesaukee Views

Spectacular Lot on Lake Winnipesaukee

Rare Opportunity on Loon Lake

200 degree views of Lake Winnipesaukee, islands and all the surrounding mountain ranges from this 15.5 acre hillside location.

300 ft. of waterfront with a large sugar sand beach and sandy bottom 50 feet out. This is an extremely private residence on desirable Sachem Cove.

Rarely does a property on Loon Lake come on the market. 5.17 acre parcel of land with 467 feet of waterfront and a log cabin shell.

MEREDITH, NH | $1,700,000 | MLS#4500098 RUTH NEIDHARDT | 603.455.0176

FREEDOM, NH | $399,900 | MLS#4484354 RICK SCHWARTZ | 603.867.8370

ALTON, NH | $2,500,000 | MLS#4503715 STEVE PATRIQUIN | 603.387.2532

Bright and Open

Restored Country Cape

Camp Fisher

This four year old home is as nice as they come and there are positively no excuses to be made here! You'll love the bright, open concept floor plan the minute you walk in the door!

Restored Cape on 30 acres. Long road frontage assures privacy or subdivision potential. Period features retained, large heated barn.

Vintage Winnipesaukee 6 acre Compound with a two bay boat house and sand beach on Smith Point in Alton. Staggering open water views to the Ossipee and Sandwich Mountain ranges.

LACONIA, NH | $339,900 | MLS#4504067 ROY SANBORN | 603.455.0335

FREEDOM, NH | $649,000 | MLS#4471249 STEVE PATRIQUIN | 603.387.2532

ALTON, NH | $3,999,900 | MLS#4476288 CARL SACK | 603.566.2386

17 Loon Road — Grouse Point

The Townhomes at Meredith Bay

Classic Waterfront Cottage

The home has commanding views of Lake Winnipesaukee and the Ossipee Mountains from almost every room. The current owners have lovingly enhanced the property over the years to a meticulous level.

One of the finest and newest developments on Lake Winnipesaukee. This unit has long views of the lake and Ossipee Mountains. Large open main floor with large kitchen.

Comfortable and quaint cottage style waterfront home. Open concept with two bedrooms, three baths, finished lower level, deck, storage shed and one bedroom guest cottage.

MEREDITH, NH | $1,595,000 | MLS#4502851 RUTH NEIDHARDT | 603.455.0176

LACONIA, NH | $555,000 | MLS#4474296 BRIAN NEIDHARDT | 603.738.3798

MEREDITH, NH | $839,000 | MLS#4494843 REBECCA WHITCHER | 603.393.7072

MEREDITH 603.677.7012


WOLFEBORO 603.941.1000

Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated.

Page 22

August 8, 2016

Just a short drive to town! A traditional New England Home Adorable Salt Box style 3 Bedroom 2 bath New kitchen & flooring 1st Floor laundry room Large deck for entertaining Quiet area, sloping 2 acre lot

Wolfeboro - reduced to $159,900

Carefree Living-Contemporary Cape 2 bedroom, 2 bath home 1100 square feet of living space .53 acre lot in desirable area Walk to Carry Beach on Winnipesaukee Association takes care of landscaping Plowing of private road & driveways

Waterfront Retreat! Enjoy Wolfeboro area lakes Direct boating access to both Crescent Lake & Lake Wentworth Rustic charm – 3 Bedroom, 2 bath 2400 sq. ft. living area Cottage inspired kitchen and dining area Lower level entertaining space Master bedroom with private balcony

Wolfeboro - $199,900

Call Christopher Williams cell: 603-340-5233

$495,000 - Wolfeboro

249 Whittier Highway - Route 25 Center Harbor, New Hampshire Office (603)253.8131 • Toll Free (800)834.5759

“Making the Lakes Region Your Home!” Randy Parker-603-455-6913 Jane Mooney-603-986-2594 LAKE WINNIPESAUKEE

WOLFEBORO Exceptional Winnipesaukee property! 3 adjacent waterfront lots, 350’ shoreline, 2.4 acres, southwest exp., sandy beach, covered boat slip. Contemporary 3 bedroom, open floor plan, fireplace, master suite. $2,995,000 (4483345)


ALTON Fantastic Cedar Cove Contemporary, 300’ gorgeous sandy beach on Lake Winnipesaukee. Lovely open concept with fantastic sun porch, huge deck and large master suite. Finished lower level. $525,000 (4441056)




TUFTONBORO Gorgeous 1700s Colonial gracing 10+ acres, lovingly restored to original splendor, wonderful blend of period features and modern amenities, truly one of the most spectacular estates in the Lakes Region. In-ground pool and barn. $1,295,000 (4427885)

TUFTONBORO Gorgeous Adirondack offers island living at its finest! Quality, unique craftsmanship, open concept, stunning master suite, 120’ sandy frontage, dock, sunny southwest exposure with gorgeous sunsets. $890,000 (4472816)

TUFTONBORO Year-round home with three floors of livingspace, 3-bedroom, 3-bath, sandy beach, private dock. Private bay for kayaking and canoeing, with access to the Big Lake! $749,900 (4497714)




TUFTONBORO Mountain View Farm! Exceptional 1994 Colonial, 17+ acres, 3394sf, 3 floors of living space, master suite, living room with massive granite fireplace, historic feel with modern amenities. $425,000 (4439958)

TUFTONBORO Lovely 1780 farmhouse, original beams & floors, large rooms, beautiful sun porch overlooks spectacular mountain views, landscaped lot, huge backyard, 25 total acres, plus 2-bedroom guesthouse. $399,000 (4010740)

TUFTONBORO Beautiful 3900 sf Colonial with large lawn offering plenty of space! Open kitchen/dining/ living, first floor master, fireplace, above-ground pool, set on 2.39 acres. Convenient, central location! $349,900 (4374031) Maxfield Real Estate • 603-569-3128 15 Railroad Avenue • Wolfeboro, NH 03894 Real Estate. Real Simple.

Page 23

August 8, 2016 MLS 4445640

MLS 4481223

MLS 4504365

MLS 4502261

499 East Side Drive, Alton $234,000

6 Millwood Road, Wolfeboro $1,150,000

39-17 Harbor Way, Wolfeboro $598,000

13 Knoll Road, Wolfeboro $218,000

Lake Winnipesaukee Access & Sandy Beach Fae Moore • (603) 833-0644

Crescent Lake Waterfront Karin Lovering • (603) 651-8944

Lake Winnipesaukee Pine Harbor Condo Fae Moore • (603) 833-0644

Walk to Carry Beach & Downtown Jodi Hughes Emerson • (603) 455-9533

MLS 4485348

MLS 4436158

MLS 4430629

MLS 4415651

179 Alton Mountain Drive, Alton $272,900

230 Gov Wentworth HWY, Tuftonboro $2,995,000

59 Furber Lane, Wolfeboro $548,000

45 Suncrest Drive, Wolfeboro $899,900

Updated Home with Big Winnipesaukee Views Roberta Takis • (603)986-1855

Custom Winnipesaukee Waterfront Jodi Hughes Emerson • (603) 455-9533

Huge Views of Lakes & Mountains Jodi Hughes Emerson • (603) 455-9533

Custom Home with Vast Lake & Mountain Views Roberta Takis • (603) 986-1855

22 South Main St., Wolfeboro, New Hampshire • 603-569-6060 ©2016 BHH Affiliates, LLC. An independently owned and operated franchisee of BHH Affiliates, LLC. Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices and the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices symbol are registered service marks of HomeServices of America, Inc.®. Equal Housing Opportunity.

Great Views from Moose Mountain to Copplecrown


Governor Wentworth School System ~ 45 Minutes to the Portsmouth Traffic Circle SOLD SOLD SOLD


View Lot





The Drew Farm Subdivision in beautiful Brookfield offers the best of all worlds. This former farm land is accented with century old rock walls, mature trees and provides luxurious yet affordable home sites in a quintessential New England setting. Quiet and peaceful yet near everything. Located in the highly regarded Gov. Wentworth school district and close proximity to highly acclaimed private schools, Brookfield allows you many of the amenities of beautiful Wolfeboro without the crowded summer congestion. 4 Bedroom, 3 Bath Colonial Home from the low $400,000s with Mountain Views. Turn Key - New Construction

Drew Farm

603-340-0341 603-340-0340

The best kept secret in the Lakes Region

Similar To Be Built

Page 24

August 8, 2016

Iconic Screen Lover Rudolph Valentino Stars in Double Feature He was the cinema’s first sex symbol, causing hordes of female moviegoers to flock to his pictures throughout the 1920s. He starred in films designed to show off his Latin looks, his smoldering eyes, and his dancer’s body. And his untimely death in 1926 prompted mob scenes at his funeral in New York. He was Rudolph Valentino, who remains an icon for on-screen passion long after he caused a sensation in the 1920s. Two of Valentino’s most acclaimed films will be screened with live music on Thursday, Aug. 18 at 6:30 pm at the Flying Monkey Moviehouse and Performance Center, 39 South Main St., Plymouth. The Sheik (1921) served as the blockbuster that launched the Valentino craze, while Son of the Sheik (1926), a sequel, is widely regarded as Valentino’s finest work. Son of the Sheik was the actor’s last film, released following his death in August 1926 from complications from peritonitis. He was only 31 and at the

Rudolph Valentino stars with Agnes Ayres in ‘The Sheik’ (1921), part of a double feature of big-screen passion to honor the 90th anniversary of the iconic actor’s untimely death. Also on the bill is ‘Son of the Sheik’ (1926), a sequel to the original. Both movies will be shown with live music on Thursday, Aug. 18 at 6:30 pm at the Flying Monkey Moviehouse and Performance Center in Plymouth, NH. (Courtesy Image) height of his career when he died. An Italian immigrant who arrived penniless at Ellis Island in 1913,

Friendly Webster Lake In Franklin

Historic Home… Historic Home…

WATERFRONT: Updated Circa 1820 home on 10+ acres bordered by stone walls. Breathtaking views of

WebsterUpdated Lake! Sale approved buildable LAKECircaincludes 1820on home on 10+ Build your dream home on the onlyWATERFRONT: available building lot serene Webster Lake. Over a half acre partially cleared acres bordered by stone views of FRONT lot with walls. 108’ Breathtaking owned WATERFRONT. Formal lake front approved buildable lot withWebster sunrise and 130of feet of waterfront. Set sail from your dock on the beautiful 600 Lake!views Sale includes LivRm w/FP. 1st flapproved r MBR orbuildable guest LAKEBR w/en suite 3/4 FRONT lotcanoeing. with 108’ of owned WATERFRONT. Formal acre lake. Enjoy motor boating, sailing andbath. Takew/SS an afternoon and kayak New kitchen & Granite. Bonus seasonalto the mini island, the sandbar, or check LivRm w/FP. 1st flr MBR or guest BR w/en suite 3/4 wing includes GreatRm w/stone 26’ deck out the navigable brook. Evenings offer incomparable sunset. And whenFP.winter approaches, the Webster lake community New kitchen w/SS29x23 & Granite. Bonus seasonal o’looks29x23 water!GreatRm 4-car w/stone garage.FP. Boating, fishing, snowwingWhy includes 26’ deckwith offers up snowmobiling andTO ice fishing. settle for pre-owned homes high prices on busy lakes, when you can TEXT P136151 85377 & nearby $629,900 o’looksmobiling water! 4-car garage.skiing! Boating, fishing, snowTEXT 85377 custom build theP136151 home ofTO your dreams on the “friendly” lake for just a portion of the expense? MLS 4500128. $195,000 mobiling & nearby skiing! $629,900

CraigJacobson Jacobson Craig

office isowned independently owned and operated. Each office is Each independently and operated. (C) (C)603-689-2001 603-689-2001 436 Amherst Street • Nashua, NH 03063 436 Amherst Street • Nashua, NH 03063 (O) 603-889-7600 (O) 603-889-7600

Ready to list your home, or buy your next home? Call me direct for a no hassle, smooth sailing experience. Experience, Know How, and Recommendations to prove it.

Valentino rose to superstar status in a series of silent pictures that enflamed the passions of female moviegoers from coast to coast and around the world. But he was more than a pretty face—during his career, critics praised Valentino as a versatile actor capable of playing a variety of roles; his achievements included popularizing the Argentinian tango in the 1921 drama Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. But Valentino’s brief stardom was defined by the Sheik roles, which brought a new level of exotic sexuality to the movies, causing a sensation at the time. In theaters, women openly swooned over Valentino’s on-screen image, especially in roles such as the Sheik, which featured elaborate costumes. At its peak, his popularity was so immense that it inspired a backlash among many male moviegoers, who decried Valentino’s elegant image and

mannerisms as effeminate. Valentino’s sudden death only fueled his status as a legendary romantic icon of the cinema. For years, a mysterious woman dressed in black would visit his grave at the Hollywood Park Cemetery in Los Angeles, leaving only a single red rose. Valentino was aware of his effect on audiences, saying “women are not in love with me but with the picture of me on the screen. I am merely the canvas upon which the women paint their dreams.” The Valentino double feature is the latest in a series of monthly silent film screenings at the Flying Monkey Moviehouse and Performance Center. The series aims to recreate the lost magic of early cinema by bringing together the elements needed for silent film to be seen at its best: superior films in best available prints, projection on the big screen, live musical accompaniment, and a live audience. “These films are still exciting experiences if you can show them as they were designed to be screened,” says Jeff Rapsis, accompanist for the screenings. “There’s a reason people first fell in love with the movies, and we hope to recreate that spirit. At their best, silent films were communal experiences in which the presence of a large audience intensifies everyone’s reactions.” For each film, Rapsis improvises a music score using original themes he creates beforehand. None of the music is written down; instead, the score evolves in real time based on audience reaction and the overall mood as the movie is screened. Admission to the program is $10 per person. For more information about this and other events at the Flying Monkey, visit www.flyingmonkeynh. com or call 536-2551.

Notes From The Arborist 366 Lake St., Bristol, NH 03222

69003.27.7.Jacobson.indd 1

69003.27.7.Jacobson.indd 1

Bristol - Classic lake cottage with over 100 feet of sandy pristine Newfound Lake frontage. Includes 2 moorings and a dock! There is more than meets the eye with this one. On a nice summer day sit on the porch and take in the view. The lake has much to offer; the interior has been kept rustic, but could be finished for year-round 9/10/15 6:52 AM use. On the main level find the large kitchen, a large guest bedroom, a full bath and living areas with a wood stove to take the chill off on a cool night. The master bedroom overlooks the lake. Own part of the history of the lake. Time to start making your own memories. 9/10/15 6:52 AM MLS 4485446 $375,000 Alexandria - The perfect spot for all seasons. Private waterfront with 282 feet of shoreline on Newfound Lake mooring, boat dock, raft and sandy beach! Overlooking Newfound Lake: this exquisite lakefront home has breath taking views of the lake and mountains. The property offers 3 bedrooms including a first floor master suite with views of Newfound Lake. The open concept of the kitchen, dining and living room offers a cathedral ceiling adding to the ambiance of the house. After a day on the lake, settle back and enjoy the benefit of a gourmet kitchen—top of the line in every way. Oversized garage with plenty of room for vehicles, and all the toys to enjoy the seasons. Enjoy the comfort of radiant heat on the first floor and the many upgrades to this fine home. MLS 4501815 $855,000

Insect: Magnolia Scale Neolecanium cornuparvum Description

A tenacious, large, soft shell scale insect specific to magnolia.

Affected Species

Magnolia species including: Star, Saucer and many hybrid varieties.


Large easily seen scales cover the woody stems of the tree. The insects attach to the vascular system and feed on sap. Branches and leaves are often black with mold that grows on the insect’s excrement known as honeydew.

Timing of Treatment

Early dormant treatments. Crawlers are vulnerable when active late summer and into fall.

Treatment Options

Early or late dormant oil, season-long systemic treatments or topical treatments during crawler stages. Several treatments are recommended. T r e e


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Page 25

August 8, 2016

Tenth Annual




Aug. 8, Fishing Derby, noon, 9 am, Little’s Pond, Little Pond Rd., Sandwich, ages 12 & under, prizes, refreshments, 284-7701.


Aug. 8, LRGHealthcare Golf Classic, Laconia Country Club, Elm St., Laconia, shotgun starts at 8:30 am and 2 pm, info: 527-7063. Aug. 8, Madison Scholarship Golf Scramble, 7:30 am, Indian Mound Golf Course, www.madison-nh. org.

NHBM.ORG 603-569-4554

Aug. 8, Red Cross Blood Drive, Saint Katharine Drexel Church, 1 Hidden Springs Road, Alton, 2-7 pm, 1-880733-2767. Aug. 8-19: Summer Theatre Camp, Spotlight on Musical Theatre, ages 13+, Rochester Opera House, Rochester, info:, 335-1992. Aug. 9, Black Bears, 7 pm, talk by wildlife biologist Ben Kilham, free, public welcome, pre-register: 968-7194, Squam Lakes Natural Science Center, Holderness.

Generously Sponsored by

New Hampshire


KEVIN LAWLOR • 569-9486

Aug. 9, Community Church Ladies Aid Fair, 10 am-2 pm, white elephant, baked goods, crafts, etc., Hodge Building, Sandwich Fairgrounds, Sandwich, 284-6151. Aug. 9, Steve Blunt & Friends, high energy show with singing and dancing, family show, 10-11 am, Sandwich Fairgrounds stage, info: 284-6665 (rain location: Sandwich Town Hall). Aug. 9-10, Lil’ Sprouts “Kamp Kindness,” 10 am – noon, ages 5 – 7, Peace, Libby Museum, Wolfeboro, 569-5709, Aug. 9-11, Friends of the Library Book Sale, 10 am-3 pm, Samuel Wentworth Library, Smith Bldg., Sandwich Fairgrounds, 284-6294. Aug. 10, A Theatre Near You, history of movie theatres in NH, 7 pm, Lake Winnipesaukee Museum, Rt. 3, Weirs Beach, 366-5950, Aug. 10, Annual Youth Softball Game (87th annual), ages 10-15, Quimby Field, Sandwich, 284-6473. Aug. 10, Cookout in Quimby Field, noon, all welcome, Sandwich, sponsored by Camp Hale. Aug. 10, Red Cross Blood Drive, Our Lady of Grace Chapel, 2 West Shore Road, West Shore Road and NH 3A, Bristol, 1-6 pm, 1-800-733-2767.

Scenic Vintage Boat Rides on Lake Winnipesaukee DEPARTS WOLFEBORO TOWN DOCKS DAILY


Aug. 10, Searching for Life in the Universe, with biologist Sarah Turtle, Quincy Bog Natural Area, Rumney,

NH’s Oldest Candy and Old-Fashioned Ice Cream Shoppe

Aug. 10, Sports Day, 1-4 pm, Quimby Field, Sandwich, races, tug-o-war, pie eating contest and more, all ages welcome, 284-6473. Aug. 10, Yoga Wild, Squam Lakes Natural Science Center, 10 – 11 am, animal-themed yoga for ages 4 – 7, 968-7194, Aug. 10-11, The Tempest, 5:30 pm, Shakespeare’s play, Advice to The Players, Sandwich Fairgrounds, 284-7115. Aug. 11, Artisans on the Green, crafts, food, demos on Sandwich Green, info: artisansonthegreen@ Also Sandwich Woman’s Club Luncheon on the Green and Raffle from 11-2 pm. Aug. 11, Between Two Worlds, artist talk, 5 – 7 pm, First Congregational Church, Wolfeboro. Aug. 11, Garden & Property Tour, 10-11 am, Prescott Farm, 928 White Oaks Rd., Laconia. Preregister: 366-5695, Aug. 11, Geology of Ossipees, hike with PSU professor Mary Ann McGarry, 9:30 am, pre-registration required: Lakes Region Conservation Trust, 253-3301,

Celebrating 110 Years!

Wednesdays $1.00 One-Scoop Cone

Homemade Chocolates, Our Famous Make-Your-Own-Sundae Smorgasbord 10 Rooms of Wicked Cool Gifts! Serving Belgian Waffle Breakfast Weekends 8am - 12noon Hours: Monday - Friday 10am-10pm Saturday & Sunday 8am - 10pm Route 3, Weirs Beach • 603-366-4466 • OPEN ALL YEAR

Aug. 11, Ham and Bean Supper, 5:30 and 6:15 seatings, Reunion Grange, Hotchkiss Commons, 71 Main St., Union, 522-6713.

Cook Shop and Fine Specialty Foods

Aug. 11, Imperial Russian Faberge Eggs, program with Marina Forbes, Moultonborough Public Library 4 Holland St, Moultonborough, 7 pm, public welcome, 476-8895. Aug. 11 Kidventures, 10 am – noon, ages 7 – 13, Outdoor Adventure: Fantastic Fungi, Libby Museum, Wolfeboro, 569-5709, Aug. 11, Life in Paris: Pictures & Stories with Henry Smith, travel program series, Great Hall, Wolfeboro Town Hall, free, 7 pm, public welcome, 569-2428. Aug. 11, Nature of NH-Natural Communities in the Granite State, Summer Nature Talk Series, with Sigrid Salmela; nature photos of Ben Kimball and Dan Sperduto, 7 pm, Loon Center, Lees Mills Rd., Moultonboro, 476-5666, Aug. 11, NH Mushroom Company Lecture, 7 – 8 pm, free, public welcome, learn about beginner mushroom hunting and identification, Libby Museum, Wolfeboro, 569-5709, www.thelibbymuseum. org. Aug. 11, On This Spot Once Stood…Remembering the Architectural Heritage, Ashland RR Station Museum, 69 Depot St., Ashland, 7 pm, public welcome, 968-7716.

Stop in and See What’s New! •Freshly Prepared Foods To Go •Fresh Local Produce • Gadgets Galore! OPEN DAILY • 603-569-6869 • 12 Railroad Ave., Wolfeboro •


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August 8, 2016


an exhibit of loons by various League Artists. Aug 1- 31

Come in and see this creative collection of loons in various media. Prints, paper, pottery and more.

Aug. 11, 63rd Annual Penny Sale by Bristol Rotary, 6:30 pm, Newfound Mem. Middle School, Bristol, silent auction, raffle, prizes. Aug. 11, Sleeping Beauty, 7 pm, Northeastern Ballet Co., Kingswood Regional High School, S. Main St., Wolfeboro, 837-8834. Aug. 11, Squam Swim, Sandwich Town Beach, Sandwich, benefit Loon Preservation Committee loon research, spectators welcome, info/time: 476-5666. Aug. 11, Symbols That Move Us, 5-7 pm, collaborative talk, 1st Congregational Church, Wolfeboro, free, public welcome, info: 569-1555.

League of NH Craftsmen Meredith Fine Craft Gallery

Aug. 11, 10th Annual Boathouse Tour, NH Boat Museum, Wolfeboro, pre-register info: 569-4554.

279 DW Hwy. • Meredith • 603-279-7920 • Like us on Facebook so you can see other beautiful things made by NH’s finest artists ~

Aug. 11, Trike, Bike & Doll Carriage Parade, 10:30 am, starts at Quimby Field, Sandwich, prizes, 284-6473.



Aug. 12, Life of Alfred Quimby, 7 pm, talk by Manchester Historical Soc. Assoc. President, Benz Center, Sandwich, 284-6666. Aug. 12, Love Our Library Auction, 6 pm, The Todaro Center, North Woods Camp, Tuftonboro, $25 ticket includes live music, hors d’oeuvres, desserts, beer and wine, and an array of items up for bid. Benefit Tuftonboro Library Building Fund; 569-4256, tickets: Black’s Paper & Gift Store, Wolfeboro, Tuftonboro Free Library, Geez Louise, Melvin Village.


Aug. 12, Magnificent Big Trees of Prescott Farm, 10-11 am, Prescott Farm, 928 White Oaks Rd., Laconia. Pre-register: 366-5695,

Food • Spirits • Billiards • Games


Aug. 12, Campfire Sing-Along, 7-8 pm, with resident musician, flatbread pizza samples, Prescott Farm, 928 White Oaks Rd., Laconia. 366-5695, Aug. 12, Family Block Party, 5 – 8 pm, B&M Railroad Park, Alton, BBQ, music, games, 875-0109.


Located Above

Aug. 12, Adventure Ecology Series, Squam Bird Ecology & Kayaking, 10 am – noon, led by an intern guide Squam Lakes Assoc., Holderness, info: 968-7336, pre-register:

Aug. 12, Red Cross Blood Drive, Woodside Building, 227 Ledges Drive, Laconia, noon-5 pm, 1-800733-2767.

Overlooking the Wolfeboro Town Docks GPS: 27 S. Main St. 03894

Aug. 12, Walk at River Hill River Conservation Area, 9 am, Sandwich, Lakes Region Conservation Trust, pre-register: 253-3301, Aug. 12, Water Sports Day, noon, town beach, Sandwich, 284-6743. Aug. 12, Family Fun Triathlon: Swim, Bike, Run, Squam Lake Town Beach, Sandwich, register at 4:30 pm, starts 5 pm, 284-6473. Aug. 12-14, On the Green 2 Arts & Crafts Festival, Brewster Academy, Academy Drive, Wolfeboro, Fri. & Sat.: 10 am-5 pm; Sunday: 10 am-4 pm, over 100 vendors with a variety of crafts, foods, florals, Joyce’s Craft Shows, 528-4014,

Edra Toth | ARTISTIC DIRECTOR Presents

Aug. 12-14, The Tempest, (Fri. & Sat. at 7:30 pm; Sun. at 2 pm), Shakespeare’s play, Advice to The Players, Sandwich Town Hall Theatre, 284-7115. Aug. 12-21, Alton Old Home Week, events throughout the week, info: 875-0109. Aug. 13, A Trip Around the Ring, guided walking tour of Center Sandwich, Main to Maple to Church St., meet at Sandwich Historical Society at 12:50 pm, rain or shine. Aug. 13, Alton Historical Society Open House, 11 am-3 pm, J. Jones & Sons Freight Bldg., Depot St., Alton. Aug. 13, Alton Old Home Week 5K Road Race, 9 am start, registration 7:30 – 8:30 am, Alton Bay Bandstand; pre-registration, map, and more info:

Thursday, August 11, 7:00pm Kingswood Arts Center 21 McManus Rd. Wolfeboro, NH

Aug. 13, 40th Annual Alton Bay Boat Show, informal, fun, non-judged vintage boat show, Alton Bay town docks, 9 am – noon, info: NH Boat Museum, 569-4554.


Aug. 13, Adventures in Art, pottery with Tara Junkin, Libby Museum, Wolfeboro, 10 am, ages 7 & up; families welcome, pre-register:

$20.00 | Adult $17.50 | Children, Students & Seniors $60.00 | Family of Four Pack Group tickets available Purchase tickets on-line at: or call 603.834.8834

Aug. 13, Alexandria Church Fair, 9 am – 3 pm, bake sale, crafts, music, kids activities, more, in the village. Aug. 13, 14th Annual Brenda’s Ride with Friends, 10 am, Faro’s Italian Grille, Weirs Beach, info: 520-7996, Aug. 13, 14th Annual Woods, Water & Wildlife Festival, 10 am – 3 pm, Branch Hill Farm, 307 Applebee Rd. Milton Mills, Moose Mt. Greenways, Aug. 13, Fun with Needle-Felting, free craft demonstration by Sandwich New Hampshire artist Diane Johnson, 10 am – 2 pm, Sandwich Home Industries, 32 Main Street, Center Sandwich, 284-6831.

Northeastern Ballet Theatre is a fiscally sponsored non-profit organization P.O. Box 1164, Wolfeboro Falls, NH 03896 •

Art | Sanborn ‘16

Aug. 13, Hebron Gazebo Program Family Fun Day, events throughout the day, hiking, games, barbecue, book sale, puppet show, Uncle Steve Band, Jim Barnes, and The Reminisants, fireworks at 8:30 pm., 744-3335.

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August 8, 2016

Wolfeboro's "Wet Paint" Sale Wednesday, August 17 Rain Date: Thursday, August 18

Aug. 13, Most Likely to Succeed Film Screening, hosted by Squam Lakes Natural Science Center, 7 pm, Hagerman Auditorium, Holderness School, Rte. 175 Holderness, RSVP requested, call 968-7194 ext.7, for more information: or

Watch artists paint scenes around downtown Wolfeboro from 10 to 3

Aug. 13, Parade, 2 pm, Alton Bay & Alton, 875-0109.

Purchase your favorite one on the spot or at Cate Park 10 to 3

Aug. 13, Parish Helpers’ Village Fair & Cookie Walk, 9 am-2 pm, 1st Congregational Church, 2718 Wakefield Rd., Wakefield. Aug. 13, Seeing Smartly, Connecting with Nature through the Lens of Your Smartphone, 2-4 pm, $20, Prescott Farm, 928 White Oaks Rd., Laconia. Pre-register: 366-5695, Aug. 13, Suncatcher Glass Workshop with Lynn Haust, 10 am – 12 noon, League of NH Craftsmen, DW Highway, Meredith, pre-register/info: 279-7920. Aug. 13, Town Meeting House Open House, Hill Historical Society, 265 Murray Hill Road, Hill, 10 am – 2 pm, admission free, local history and info on moving of village of Hill, 265 Murray Hill Rd., Hill, also tours of historic Dickerson Schoolhouse, info:

'Kids Watercolor Painting 11 to 2 and

Mouse Prints 11:30 to 1 Sponsored by the Governor Wentworth Arts Council

Casual Clothing and aCCessories

Aug. 13, Walk and Talk with Mrs. Libby, 1 – 2 pm, free, public welcome, Libby Museum, Wolfeboro, 569-5709,

Vera Bradley, Lilly Pulitzer, Eliza B., Leatherman, Woolrich, Hatley, Scout

25% off

select full-priced


ONGOING Adult Summer Sailing Series, Wednesdays, Squam Lakes Assoc., Holderness, 5 – 7 pm, throughout the summer, info: 968-7336,


Adventure Ecology, Fridays through August 19, presented by the Squam Lakes Association Conservation Interns, free, covers a variety of nature and conservation related topics. For more info:, 968-7336. Arts Walk, last Saturday of each month, 5 – 8 pm, self guided tour of galleries and arts locations in Wolfeboro, 569-2762, hosted by Governor Wentworth Arts Council, Belknap Mill, programs and self-guided tours of the Power House, 1823 historic former textile mill. Hours/information: 524-8813. The Mill Plaza, 25 Beacon Street East, Laconia. Benz Center Senior Meals, Sandwich, each Wednesday at noon. Well-balanced meal. Age 60 and older, small donation requested, 284-7211, Billiards Club, Monday nights at 6:30 pm, Tapply Thompson Community Center, Bristol, pick-up pool games, chance to socialize, info: 744-8159.

25% Off Vera Backpacks Aug 11-14th

Main Street • Wolfeboro • nH (603) 569-5558

TheThe The

Village Corner Village Corner Village Corner

Book Sale, first Sat. of each month, Cook Memorial Library, Tamworth, 10 am – noon, 323-8510. Community Youth Sailing Program, Squam Lakes Assoc., weekly sailing classes from June 27 – Aug. 12, info: 968-7336, Explore Squam Cruise, daily 11 am, 1 & 3 pm, Squam Lakes Natural Science Center, Holderness, 968-7194, Franklin Hospital Summer Farmer’s Market, Tuesday afternoons, 3 – 6 pm, through Sept. 13, on the lawn of the hospital grounds, Aiken Ave., Franklin, info: 934-2060 ext. 8369. Granite State Circus, “Dream Baby Dream,” through Labor Day, join NH’s very own big top circus for a fun filled performance suitable for the whole family. tickets and info: History of Fashion, through Sept. 20, “From Fifth Avenue to Town House Road: Fashion and Accessories in Effingham,” free, public welcome, by Effingham Historical Society, exhibit at County Courthouse, Courthouse Square, Ossipee, call for a viewing (alow 24 hr. notice): 539-4071. Kirkwood Gardens, stroll the garden with many colorful plants and shrubs that naturally attract birds. Free and open to public. Squam Lakes Natural Science Center, 23 Science Center Road, Holderness, 968-7194, Lakes Region Genealogy Interest Group, meets last Thursday of the month; weekly morning classes on Wednesday from 10 – 11:30 am at Wolfeboro Public Library, for more info call Cindy Scott: 5692428. Lake Winnipesaukee Museum, Rte. 3, Weirs Beach. Preserving and promoting history of Lake Winnipesaukee and vicinity with memorabilia, photos, maps, models of famous steamboats 1833-1939, posters and photos of grand hotels plus artifacts ranging from Indian arrowheads to Big Band posters. Lectures and children’s corner. Call for hours: 366-5950, Libby Museum, a museum of natural history, Tuesday-Saturday 10 am – 4 pm, Sunday noon – 4 pm, Route 109, Wolfeboro, for more information: 569-5709, Loon Cruise, Mondays & Wednesdays 3 – 4:30 pm, Squam Lakes Natural Science Center, Holderness, 968-7194, Masonic Breakfast, First Sunday of each month, 7 – 11:30 am, 35 Trotting Track Road, Wolfeboro. Fresh fruit, omelets made to order, scrambled eggs, hash browns, cereal etc.

Seabags Are In! Lake Decor, Apparel, and More

Lake Decor, Apparel, and More Lake Decor, Apparel, and More 1003 Whittier Highway

Moultonborough, NH 03254 (Next to the Post Office) 1003 Whittier Highway Moultonborough, NH 03254

1003 Whittier Highway Moultonbor ough, NH 03254

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Page 28

August 8, 2016


GeezLouise! Eclectic Home Decor

Eclectic Home Decor

Rte Melvin Village, NH (next to Melvin P.O.) New109, Treasures Every Time You Visit!

Mountain Lion Training & Feeding, Thursdays at noon, Squam Lakes Natural Science Center, Holderness, info: 968-7194.

Rte 109, Melvin Village • 603-544-2011 • Thursday - Sunday • 10am-5pm Rte 448 109, Melvin NH (next to Melvin P.O.) 20-30%Village, off selected furniture!

New Hampshire Boat Museum, “We’ve Got You Covered: Art From MotorBoating Magazine Covers 1914-1935”, an exhibit of boating magazine covers, runs through Oct. 10, 399 Center St., Wolfeboro, info: 569-4554,

the “Jewel of Lake Winnipesaukee ” Wolfeboro Discover 20-30% off selected furniture!

New Horizons Band of the Lakes Region, meets Tuesdays at 7 pm at Music Clinic, Rt. 3, Belmont, all musicians welcome, info: 528-6672.

~Gently Used Furnishings and More~ Labor Day Weekend Sale

Labor Day Weekend Sale

Open Fridays 1-5, Saturdays 9-5, Sundays 11-5


Learn About Our Colonial History See Views of Lake Winnipesaukee, Beautiful Waterfront Homes, Attractions, Museums and Shops

Open Fridays 9-5, Sundays 11-5 HOP ON & OFF 1-5, ALLSaturdays DAY! Adults $8 Child (4-12) $4 Under 4 FREE!

Leaves On the Hour From Town Docks On the Half-Hour From Railroad Station 10-4 Seven Days Wolfeboro Trolley Company

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Narrated Trolley Tours • Private Charters

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At Wingate Farm 15 Dame Road, Tuftonboro

Next Event Theme: Dog Days of Summer Next Event August 11-13 (10am-4pm)

For Every Season at Wingate Farm features an ever-changing variety of intriguing and unique items including quality antiques, vintage, retro and deco items for the discriminating buyer and collector.

Ossipee Knit/Crochet meets at the Ossipee Public Library on the second and fourth Friday of each month, 1:30-3 pm. Painting for Pleasure, gathering of non-professional watercolor and acrylic painters, 10 am – 3 pm, Lower Corner Schoolhouse, contact Joan at 284-6604 or Jan at 284-6487. Bring lunch. Prescott Farm Environmental Education Center, dawn – dusk, 928 White Oaks Rd., Laconia. Historic farm with 160 acres offers three miles of hiking trails, gardens, bird and wildlife viewing plus barn. Special events and programs throughout the year. Call 366-5695, Radio-Controlled Sailing on Back Bay, Bridge-Falls Path, Wolfeboro. One-meter Solings compete 1 pm Tuesdays, US12’s compete 1 pm Thursdays, both sessions weather permitting. Free-sailing Footy’s available for youngsters to try on Tuesday. More information at Railroad Museum, 1 Chapel St., Union, visit the restored 1911 Boston & Maine Railroad Station housing railroad artifacts, tour the 1903 Railroad Snowplow, and view the 1909 era Boston & Maine Model Railroad in the restored 1875 Freight House. Heritage Park Railroad Museum is open Saturdays and Sundays noon to 4 pm. Admission is free. Remick Country Doctor Museum & Farm, daily activities and Tours, through Saturday, September 3. Monday-Friday, 9 am to 5 pm, Saturday 9 am to 4 pm. A full day of history-based exploration for all generations. Remick-made lunch available Tues. and Wed., through Aug. 31; limited supply. 323-7591. River Otter Feeding, every Mon., Wed. & Fri., 11:30 am, watch playful river otters enjoy lunch, Squam Lakes Natural Science Center, Holderness, info: 968-7194, Sailboat Races, Thursday evenings, Lake Winnipesaukee Sailing Assoc., Gilford,, time/ location: Sandwich Farmer’s Market, Corner House Parking Lot, Center Sandwich, 9 – 11:30 am. Sandwich Historical Society, “Old Highways: North Sandwich to the Notch” exhibit in the Wentworth Room at Elisha Marston House Museum, Sandwich, for more information: www.sandwichhistorical. org or 284-6269. Sculpture Walk, sponsored by Greater Meredith Program, free, open to public, tour outdoor, juried Meredith sculpture walk year round, info: Silver Lake Railroad, through Sept. 3, 55-minute, six mile round trip through gorgeous backwoods of Madison. Train rides by donation, depart Silver Lake Depot, Rt. 113 on Saturdays and Sundays noon, 1, 2 & 3 pm. Visit restored 1941 Stirling Diner, Depot Museum. Donations accepted, www. Taking the Lead: Women and the White Mountains, through Oct. 7, exhibit at Museum of the White Mountains, 34 Highland St., Plymouth, info: 535-3214. Tamworth Summer Farmer’s Market, Saturdays, through Oct. 22, parking lot of Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 30 Tamworth, Tamworth, 9 am – 1 pm, info: www.tamworthfarmersmarket. org. Thursday Laconia Outdoor Marketplace, weekly through Sept. 24, municipal parking lot, downtown Laconia, weekly market from 3 – 6 pm, veggies, breads, crafts, farm produce and more, info: 528-8541. Trails open, Squam Lakes Natural Science Center, Holderness, 9:30 am – 4:30 pm, interactive trail with live animal exhibits. Admission charge; 968-7194, Turtle Talk, every Tuesday at 1:30 pm, interactive discussion, Squam Lakes Natural Science Center, Holderness, info: 968-7194, Up Close to Animals, daily at 11 am, noon, 1, 2, & 3 pm, Squam Lakes Natural Science Center, Holderness, info: 968-7194. Wildlife Encounters, Wednesdays in Aug., live animal show, free, noon – 1 pm, Libby Museum, 755 N. Main St., Wolfeboro, info: 569-1035. Wolfeboro Farmer’s Market, through Oct. 6, Thursdays from 12:30 – 4:30 pm. Cate Park, Wolfeboro, info: Wolfeboro Rotary Club Meeting, Mondays, 5:30 pm, 1812 Room at Wolfeboro Inn, Wolfeboro, light dinner, guest speaker on various topics of interest, for more info: Winnipesaukee Scenic Railroad, Meredith, scenic tours of Winnipesaukee and Paugus Bay, featuring daily entertainment and popular “Rail & Sail” package with M/S Mount Washington, daily through August 28, and Sept. 3 & 4, Aug. 8, Adult Ultimate Frisbee Game, 5 pm, Sandwich, info: 284-6743.

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August 8, 2016

PRICING Drop Ins $10 10 Visits $75

Aug. 8, Acoustic Monday, 5:30 – 8:30 pm, enjoy dinner and live music, Castle in the Clouds, Rt. 171/455 Old Mountain Rd., Moultonboro, 476-5900, Aug. 9-14, Footloose, Interlakes Summer Theatre, Interlakes Auditorium, 1 Laker Lane, Meredith, Tuesday-Saturday at 7:30 pm, Sunday at 5 pm; matinees on Wednesday & Thursday at 2, 707-6035.

Unlimited Cardio & Circuit $ 39/Mo. or $99/3 Mos. Unlimited Studio Classes Cardio & Circuit All Inclusive $ 59/Mo. or $159/3 Mos.


Aug. 10, Summer Concert, Frank Paine, classical vocal, accompanied by Allan DiBiase, piano, 7:30 pm, The Arts Center, 12 Main St., Sandwich, admission by donation, info: 284-7532. Aug. 11, Jazz at Sunset, 5:30 – 8:30 pm, Castle in the Clouds, Rt. 171/455 Old Mountain Rd., Moultonboro, tickets: 476-5900, Aug. 11, Sleeping Beauty, Northeastern Ballet Theatre, 7 pm, Kingswood Arts Center, Wolfeboro, info/ tickets: or 834-8834. Aug. 11-20, A Murder is Announced, Barnstormers Theatre, Tamworth, tickets/info: www. Aug. 11-13 & 18-20, Summer of Faith, original play, 7:30 pm, Little Church Theatre, Rt. 113, Holderness, tickets/info: 968-2250, Aug. 12, Center Harbor town concert with Annie & the Orphans, 7 – 9 pm, downtown bandstand, Center Harbor, info: Aug. 12, Cindy Duchin and Higher Ground, 5:30 – 8:30 pm, Mill Falls Marketplace, in the courtyard, Meredith, free. Aug. 12, Fireworks, presented by the Weirs Action Committee, Weirs Beach area, 10:30 pm, info:,, or visit Weirs Action Committee on Facebook. Aug. 12, Movies in the Park, Jurassic World, dusk, Foss Field, Wolfeboro, free, public welcome, bring a blanket, rain date: the following day, Aug. 12, Music Under the Tent Concert with Seacoast Men of Harmony, food, 6 pm, concert 7 pm, Wakefield Opera House, 2 High St., Sanbornville, info: 522-0126. Aug. 12, Nihco Gallo Trio Concert, presented by Patio Garden Restaurant, Weirs Beach, open to all ages, full bar and menu available, 7 – 10 pm, for more info:, patiogarden@, 366-5800. Aug. 12, North Shore Acapella Concert, Anderson Hall, Wolfeboro, Great Waters Music Festival, 7:30 pm, tickets/info: Aug. 13, ‘60s Invasion, show band featuring comedy and ‘60s era rock and roll, 7 pm, Wolfeboro Community Bandstand, Cate Park, Downtown Wolfeboro, weather dependent, www. Aug. 13, Alton Old Home Week Fireworks, Alton Bay, 9 pm, info: 875-0109. Aug. 13, Bandstand Concert, Annie and the Orphans, Alton Bay, bring lawn chair for seating, free, public welcome, 7 pm, info: 875-0109. ONGOING Concerts at 12 Main, Arts Center at 12 Main, Sandwich village, 7:30 pm, select concerts. Info: 2847115, Country, Bluegrass, and Gospel Music Jam, Tuesdays, 6:30 – 9:30 pm, Old White Church, Route 109A, Tuftonboro, across from Tuftonboro General Store and Post Office. Musicians and listeners welcome. Free. Call 569-3861. Country Acoustic Picking Party, Wednesdays, 7 – 9 pm, Tilton Senior Center, Tilton. Community Band Concerts, featuring Gilford Community Band, free, Village Field, Gilford, Wednesdays (June 26, July 6 & 20, Aug. 3 & 17), 7:30 pm, free, public welcome, (if raining concerts held in Gilford High School). Live Blues, every Friday night at 8 pm, Pitman’s Freight Room, 94 New Salem St., Laconia. Call 4943334, Live Jazz, every Thursday at 8 pm, Pitman’s Freight Room, 94 New Salem St., Laconia. Call 494-3334, Open Mic/Jam Night, Thursdays, 7 – 11 pm, Hawg’s Pen Cafe, Farmington. All levels, styles, and genres welcome. Info: Open Mic, every Friday at 7:30 pm, The Back Room at the Mill Fudge Factory, 2 Central St., Bristol, 744-0405, Wolfeboro Community Bandstand Concert Series, every Sat. in July and August, 7 – 9 pm, Cate Park, Downtown Wolfeboro, Wolfeboro Inn Special Events, Sushi Night, every Tues., 4 – 9 pm; every other Thur. Date Night with free babysitting, 5 – 9pm; Sun. Brunch, every Sun. 10 am – 2 pm; Wolfe’s Tavern, Wolfeboro Inn, 90 N. Main St., Wolfeboro, 569-3016,

603-569-YOGA or 603-569-9642 615 Center St., Wolfeboro

Monday 6:30am - 7:00pm Wednesday 6:30am - 7:00pm Friday 6:30am - 7:00pm

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Page 30

August 8, 2016

Boat Rentals

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Page 31

August 8, 2016

Life in Paris at the Wolfeboro Library Dreaming of the beautiful streets of Paris? Take a photographic and musical trip through the City of Light and Love with retired UNH Professor Henry Smith, as Wolfeboro Public Library continues its 2016 Travel the World theme with Smith’s program, Life in Paris, on Thursday, Aug. 11 at 7 pm in the library’s meeting room. This presentation is a collection of

images and stories that Professor Smith has collected over his many years of ongoing travel to France. Informative and entertaining, he shares his keen interest in life in France, social and political, past and present - the art and graffiti, his personal encounters, the open-air markets, cemeteries, and so much more. Smith encourages others who have visited Paris to share their

own experiences during the gathering. Henry Smith is an emeritus professor of the University of New Hampshire where he was a lecturer in French from 1988-2005. He holds a Master’s in French Language, Literature and Civilization. He travels to France every year to keep up with life in France - language, culture, and life on the

streets. The library is able to bring Professor Smith’s program Life in Paris to Wolfeboro courtesy of the UNH Speakers Bureau. Wolfeboro Public Library’s programs are free and open to all. For more information call 569-2428 or visit

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Surf Musician Donavon Frankenreiter Coming to Flying Monkey Many things in life are fickle. Music in one. Two singing surfers from Hawaii. One so famous he’s parodied on “Saturday Night Live.” The other, as equally talented, is known by a more modest but discerning audience. Donavon Frankenreiter, who will perform August 26 at The Flying Monkey Performance Center, doesn’t mind the comparisons to Jack Johnson. “I understand it,” Frankenreiter says. “And being mentioned in the same sentence as him, that’s good company. He’s a good guy and a great songwriter and he gave me my start in music.” Johnson produced Frankenreiter’s debut album and co-wrote several of the songs. “Sonically, my first record sounded similar [to Jack’s sound] but when people see me live and hear all my other stuff, they realize I’m a lot different,” Frankenreiter says. It’s equally noteworthy that 42-yearold Frankenreiter has also been a

professional surfer, with multiple endorsements, since he was a teenager. In 2004, when he was 30, he recorded his first album and has recorded eight solo albums since. Frankenreiter’s dual careers keep the married father of two on the road and away from his home on the north shore of Kauai about eight months of the year. “On the road, it’s nonstop planes, trains and chaos,” he says. “Home is like a dreamscape. I love it.” That does not mean Frankenreiter plans to cut back on either career, as both surfing and music feed his soul. And for that audiences in New Hampshire can feel fortunate, as they will get to hear his laid back, soulful surf-rock in little the Flying Monkey. (Local rising star Jay Psaros will open the night.) For more information on upcoming shows or to purchase tickets call the box office at 536-2551 or visit www.

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Page 32

August 8, 2016

Learn about the History of Fashion at a Special Effingham Historical Society Exhibit



SATURDAY, AUGUST 13 An informal, non-judged boat show with all “woodies” welcome on a first come, first served basis. Spectators are encouraged to stroll the docks, view the vintage boats and cast a ballot for The People’s Choice Award.

9 AM - 12 PM

New Hampshire


The Effingham Historical Society invites you to visit the Historic Carroll County Courthouse on Courthouse Square in Ossipee from now through September 20 to view a special exhibit hosted there entitled, “From Fifth Avenue to Town House Road: Fashion and Accessories in Effingham.” Featuring a wide range of clothing and accessory items from the Society’s collections, this exhibit looks at what those items can tell us about the individuals who wore and used them, as well as the communities and times in which they lived. This exhibit is free and open to the public. It may be viewed before and after any regularly scheduled Ossipee Historical Society program or by appointment. To schedule an appointment, please contact Erik Jones at 539-4071. Please be aware that at least 48 hours-notice may be necessary for viewings by appointment. Founded in 1953, the Effingham Historical Society (EHS) seeks to furnish an opportunity for united thought, study and action in collecting and preserving articles of historic

interest to the Town of Effingham; to select, protect, arrange, and record documents and artifacts; and to show handiwork, home furnishings, and habits of the life of our forefathers in order to communicate the historical values of the Town and to provide present and future access to our cultural past. The EHS is a privately funded non-profit organization that relies on contributions from individuals, corporations, and foundations to sustain its operations and is located at 1014 Province Lake Road in Effingham, NH. The EHS presents a humanitiesrelated program on the third Friday of each month, at 7 pm unless otherwise announced, followed by refreshments and the business meeting. Programs are free and open to the public unless otherwise indicated. The EHS Museum is open prior to each month’s meeting and by appointment. For more information on programs, call Sheila T. Jones, EHS Vice President, at 5394071. For all other inquiries, call Paul D. Potter, President, at 300-2224.

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Your Where-To-Go, What-To-Do Guide for the Lakes Region

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Page 33

August 8, 2016

Yester year The Amazing Laconia Fair By Kathi Caldwell-Hopper “Remember this is to be the Great Fair of 1901. Four days and an evening of Solid Rest, Comfort and Entertainment. Consider the Great Entertainment Given and take your Sweethearts, Wives, Brothers, Sisters and Cousins” Laconia Fair bulletin, 1901 These words of encouragement were meant to entice hoards of people to the Laconia Fair, held September 3 through 6 in 1901. In today’s world, we are accustomed to the Rochester Fair, the Sandwich Fair, and other agricultural fairs around New Hampshire, but the good old Laconia Fair no longer takes place and as a result, many never heard of it. According to the Fair program of 1901, (courtesy the archives of the Lake Winnipesaukee Museum in Weirs Beach), that year saw a very hot summer. Indeed, the program promised a fair with lots of entertainment that would in itself be “the hottest time you ever saw.” Among the amusements, the program said the Merchant’s Midway, while amazing two years before, would be beautiful and “bigger and better” in 1901. The Laconia Fair, held at what is today the Opechee Park area, would have been a huge draw in 1901. Trains ran daily to downtown Laconia, a short walk from the park and visitors likely came from elsewhere to see the fair. A description of the grounds at the turn-of-the-century paints a picture with words of a tranquil, beautiful place. “Located upon the shores of beautiful Lake Opechee, it is very seldom in the afternoon but what there is a cool breeze, which insures [sic]

the comfort of the visitors even on the warmest days.” The program went on to describe “two pleasant groves, one of them situated on the shore of the lake.” One area of the grove had a well with cold water, which was welcomed by those who picnicked in the area. And when it came to alcohol, “no liquors or other intoxicants are allowed to be sold upon the grounds” the public was warned. What was on schedule in 1901? Quite a lot, even by today’s standards. A racing program would have been popular, with $31,000 in purse money. Some of the best racehorses in New England were scheduled to run. The year 1901 was considered part of the Victorian era, with décor that would today be considered cluttered; ornate displays of flowers were part of the trend. The Floral Hall at the Laconia Fair would have been pleasing to the ladies, with over 150 feet of display space. There was concern there might not be “proper room for all our entries” which also included vegetables. A Mechanical and Agricultural Exhibit was held under a 50 by 110 ft. tent where modern farm machinery would be displayed. The program warned, “The farmer who does not keep up with modern machinery cannot compete with his up-to-date brother.” There were games of chance, among them the “Wild Girl from Yucatan and Bosco, the girl who grew fat eating snakes.” A Western cowboy would be there to thrill youngsters with his skill and daring. Apparently, 1901 was a year of change for the Laconia Fair. No longer would the event be just an agricultural fair, with long lines to see animal pulls and competitions. Between these events, spectators could sit in comfort in the stands and partake in vaudeville-

type entertainment. Conway and Leland, the “Merry Monopedes” thrilled the audience with acrobatics and comedy routines.

Arvello the Gymnast also performed, • Yesteryear Continued on page 34

Welcome to our new 100,000 sq/ft state-of-the-art storage facility.We are pleased to offer this service once again after many years of waiting lists. Heated storage options available for boats of all sizes.

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Page 34

August 8, 2016

Brendan Smith presents The Flatlander Chronicles Brendan Smith, editor of the Cocheco Times and Weirs Times, will share stories of his adjustment to life in New Hampshire after moving here from New York 30 years in a program on Tuesday, Aug. 16 at 2 pm at Back Bay, a Taylor Community in Wolfeboro. The event is free and open to the public, but reservations are requested and can be made by calling 5245600. The program will be held at the

• Yesteryear Continued from page 33

Back Bay Community House, located at 66 Taylor Drive, off Bay Street, Wolfeboro. Mr. Smith is author of the book The Flatlander Chronicles and also pens a weekly column entitled “A F.O.O.L (Flatlander’s Observations On Life) in New Hampshire.” Visit or like Taylor Community on Facebook to keep up with all future events. Your Where-To-Go, What-To-Do Guide for the Lakes Region

Lake Winnipesaukee Boat Tours

Go anywhere you want to go on the BIG lake! Commercially Licensed & Insured Affordable Hourly Rates What-To-Do Guide for the Lakes Region Where-To-Go, Your 508-243-8185 | | Veteran Owned

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along with the Brothers Lanoles, “double trapeze artists supreme.” Such acts appear to have been very popular at the time, because the 1901 program is full of those with acrobatic skills, such as The Everett Trio and the Great Bovais. Marion Story, a local girl, was a part of the entertainment as well, and presented a cornet solo performance. Although these acts were thrilling, people waited with excitement to see the hot air balloon and parachute jumps done by Professor Stafford and Miss Stafford. The daring Professor also did cannon balloon ascension, which was dangerous. No fair would be complete without music and the Laconia Fair in 1901 offered seven bands, including the Franklin Military Band, Carroll County Band, Pease’s City Band, Hill Cornet Band, the Center Harbor Band, and Rublee’s Band (which the reader was assured needed no recommendation) and the Tilton Cornet Band. Every child either had or wanted to have a bicycle, and they likely loved the act of Hacker and Lester, the World’s Greatest Trick Bicyclists. (Laconia Fair management apparently saw the bicycle act at the Music Hall in Boston and could not resist booking them for the NH fair in Laconia.) High divers Professor and Madame Norin thrilled Laconia Fair audiences with their daring act. On Thursday

Your Where-To-Go, What-To-Do Guide for the Lakes Region

of the Laconia Fair, the Professor saturated his clothing with oil and then ascended an 85-ft. tower. Once at the tower’s top, he set himself aflame and then dove into a tank of water only 43 inches deep and 14 by 17 feet wide and long. The show program tells us the act was not allowed to go on at a previous event, due to the police stopping the Professor’s daring plunge. There was so much to see and do at the Laconia Fair, crowds must have been large. Visitors would have come by railroad as well as other modes of transport. A schedule listing all railroad routes to Laconia was listed in the show’s program, with trains running from as far away as Vermont and the Massachusetts border towns. Eventually, the fair ceased to operate and was replaced over time by other fairs with more of an agricultural emphasis, such as the Belknap County 4-H Fair. The first 4-H Fair was held in around 1943 in the Laconia area. Today’s fairs have musical acts, food, a midway, agricultural exhibits, tractor and animal pulls and more, but there is no denying the old-time Laconia Fair, with its daring divers and acrobats and vaudeville-type performers were the thrill that brought people from all over to the area for a few days every year. It was a wonderful and entertaining way to mark the start of September, and probably a happening that people, hungry for entertainment, looked forward to all year.

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August 8, 2016

Claude Bourbon at Wakefield Opera House Sept. 7

Ready for a unique and talented take on a wide range of musical traditions? Join the Wakefield Opera House on September 7 at 7 pm for a night of Medieval and Spanish blues by famed guitarist Claude Bourbon. Claude is known throughout Europe and America for amazing guitar performances that take blues, Spanish, Middle Eastern, and Russian stylings into uncharted territories. Each year Claude plays more than 100 shows around the world. Claude has played countless venues, including Glastonbury Festival, Isle of Wight Festival, Colne Great British & Blues Festival, Rock O’Z Arene, Avenches, Switzerland, among others. He has shared the stage in Europe and the USA with countless musicians, Calvin Russel, Charlie Morgan (Elton John, Gary Moore), Jan Akkerman (Focus), Steve Grossman

(Miles Davis), Herbie Armstrong (Van Morisson), Jose Barrense Dias and many more. Now based in the UK, some of this guitarists’ influences allow us a fascinating insight into this remarkable musician: Paco De Lucia, Deep Purple’s Richie Blackmore, Joaquin Rodrigo, JJ Cale, Monty Python, JS Bach and Fleetwood Mac’s Stevie Nicks, to name a few. One reviewer even noted that although “Claude’s roots were in blues, that is like saying Leonardo da Vinci was a painter.” Intrigued? Experience an evening of exploration in the unique ambiance of the Thumb! Here is just a taste of the praise Claude has received over the years: “Claude Bourbon is a unique figure today… his playing is almost indescribable,” writes The Hook, Charlottesville,

VA. “Never heard anyone get that much beautiful sound out of a J-45,” says Bob from Tucson, AZ. “Do you know what medieval guitar sounds like? I didn’t either ‘til I hooked up with Claude! This is some cool stuff, and he’s French and everything!” remarks Dolores River Brewery in Dolores, CO. Altadena News, CA, wrote of Claude’s performance: “A breathtaking acoustic fusion of blues, jazz, folk, classical and Spanish guitar from a stunning guitar virtuoso…” BBC, UK had this to say about the musician: “…This accomplished artist offers tender, compelling performance through highly developed precision. His sound instantly creates ambience – from haunting Spanish moods to

lyrical, romantic jazz, Claude Bourbon provides both a rich evening of music for lovers, and a real treat for music lovers…” Don’t miss this opportunity to see Claude Bourbon perform live at the Wakefield Opera House. Tickets are $15 at the door or $12 in advance from Ed Morrison, 522-0126; Angie Nichols at the Wakefield Town Hall Tax Office; Lovell Lake Food Center, Sanbornville; Sharper Image Salon and Woodman’s Corner Barber Shop, East Wakefield. The Opera House is located at 2 High Street 2nd Floor, Sanbornville, NH and can be found on Facebook as Wakefield Opera House.


Traditional Ham and Bean Supper on Aug. 11 in Union A fabulous meal is awaiting you! August 11 is the date for the next traditional ham and bean supper at the Reunion Grange – Hotchkiss Commons, 71 Main Street in the village of Union in the town of Wakefield. The menu includes: two kinds of home-made beans, sliced ham, hot dogs, potato salad, cole slaw, rolls, assorted home-made pies, coffee and lemonade. All that for $8 per adult and $4 per child! The meal is served family-style, with seatings at 5:30 and 6:15 pm. Seating is on a first

come, first served basis - no tickets or reservations. The ladies of the Union Congregational Church have been preparing and serving these suppers for decades and they have become a popular summertime tradition. There is plenty of free parking behind the church, which is across the street from Hotchkiss Commons, and along the street. The building is air-conditioned and handicapped accessible. Call Jennifer at 522-6713 for directions or more information. Come and experience great food made by great

Page 35

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Page 36

August 8, 2016

Tower Numbers Don’t Do Justice to Tuftonboro’s Abenaki Tower Story & Photos by Barbara Neville Wilson

I read “WATCH.” I approach closer, already finishing the thought in my head. It must say “WATCH Head”? or “WATCH Low Clearance,” right? No. Now I see the whole phrase: “WATCH TV.” Really? “Watch TV”? Out here? Subconsciously, I question the blogger. If it’s humorous—and spelled correctly—is it really graffiti? I start up the solid steps, counting along the way, 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10. I round a landing and climb the next flight. Then the next. Soon I glance up and see the final flight and a couple peering down. She turns to him. “Do I go forward or turn around?” This final flight is more ladder-like than the rest. They join me seconds later. Although technically from “away,” Craig is quick to note he’s been coming to the Tower since he was a kid. Summers at Merrymount always include a visit, and this year Tracy has joined him. “There’s nothing quite like it” back home in Benicia, California, she says, catching her breath and smiling. Craig’s family has summered across the street for generations. I presume they were privy to plans after two academics took a walk on a fine summer day. Third generation Abenaki Tower Association member Karen BurnettKurie recounts, “In Tuftonboro one August day in 1923, Joshua Q. Litchfield, headmaster of the

7:14 pm: arrival 109: NH Route taken 350: steps from the parking lot 80: feet tall 745: feet above sea level $400: bid to build in February 1924 $500: actual cost 7/1924: first dedication $10 paid/season/15 seasons to raise and lower flag on Sundays $12,000: cost to rebuild 7/1978: second dedication 7: hikers met 7:42: departure Hot midsummer and it’s been a most perfect day: chores complete before the sun swelters, lunch on the deck on a warm cushioned chair, Christmas in July at Children’s Theatre matinee, hugs from 7 year-old Kiera just off the stage, meet-up with, old friend’s family visiting from far away, glimpse of a Garwood as it leaves the town docks. Sunset is soon. I pull into the Abenaki Tower parking lot off Rt. 109, a little behind my self-imposed schedule. Another car is parked and another pulls in beside mine. I start up the wide groomed trail. Soon, I meet a man walking briskly down. Just stopping by after an afternoon at the beach, he says. He speaks of his visit almost like a guilty pleasure and quickly moves on. I round a slight curve from the woods and see the Tower rise. Solid, it sits nearly 100-ft. tall on utility poll legs. Warned in blogs about graffiti,

• Abenaki Tower Continued on page 37


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Page 37

August 8, 2016 • Abenaki Tower Continued from page 36 Agassiz School in Jamaica Plains, MA and Frank Speare, President of Northeastern University in Boston, went for a walk and found themselves standing on Edgerly Hill, gazing out over clear pastures at the waters of Lake Winnipesaukee. Due to extensive foresting and the ravages of forest fire, the land then would not be recognized as today’s mature forest. The outdoors enthusiasts suggested a tower for the spot and quickly organized a group of like-minded people, naming Chester I. Campbell president. In February 1924, plans were drawn up, and the land was purchased for $800 from John Edgerly. Lewis McIntire, of Tuftonboro, put in a bid to construct the tower for $400. It was accepted” and less than a year later, the tower was dedicated in front of a crowd of 125. Despite rumors saying the tower was built for fire watching or World War II plane patrol, the Tower’s stated purpose is simply to provide a view, and I see the purpose was achieved as I top the final flight of rungs. Laid out spectacularly are treetops and rolling hills, Lake Winnipesaukee, the Ossipees and a glimpse of Castle in the Clouds. I’m soon joined by Christine and Richie of Derry, carrying thermal mugs and smiling broadly. “We’re here to celebrate,” says Christine. “We sold our house…and we’re celebrating.” Married 28 years, they’ve had a long haul for 15: first with health problems for her, and last fall, a heart attack with a one percent chance of survival for

Photo (Twilight): No camera captures the true view seen from the top of Abenaki. him. At that moment, says Christine, they realized “life changes in a second” and they don’t have time to wait to do the things they want to do. They put their house on the market in April, deciding to go on the road and see the world. When they received the offer on their house just nights ago, they chose Abenaki Tower as the very best place to celebrate their new life. “Will you take a picture of us? I want it for the scrapbook I’m starting.” We hear footsteps and a smiling face rises from the steps. This is Alley, we learn, and right behind her is JT. He just earned his Marketing MBA. For her first 20 years, Alley has spent every August in the same rented house down below, and Abenaki Tower is on her three-item “must see” list for JT’s first visit. It also includes the Pier 19 Grocery where she has gotten ice cream since she was a girl, and Castle in the Clouds, which they just visited. “They were having a wedding, and we

just sort of ‘snuck in’” to the Carriage House, she confides. She remembers coming to the Tower when she was so small her little legs couldn’t make it up the final flight of stairs. “My dad used to carry me.” We’re all silent a while, watching water bug boats on the lake, scanning

the sky for the small plane we hear buzzing, unsuccessfully coaxing cameras to capture hues painted by the fast-setting sun. Reluctantly, I glance at my watch and head down the ladder. From the landing below, I hear Alley move to a spot on the letter-filled rail. “Look. That’s my name! I wrote my name every summer. Then one year I found out it was illegal. My friend told me it was against the law and I could be arrested.” I hear the angst of her preteen self. “All winter long I thought about how I was going to buy some paint and paint over it.” Can you paint over memory? (Read Karen Burnett Kurie’s history of the Abenaki Tower by visiting www. pdf. Support maintenance of Abenaki Tower by joining the Abenaki Tower and Trail Association, PO Box 222, Melvin Village, NH 03850.)

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August 8, 2016

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Page 39

August 8, 2016

New Activities Planned for MMRG’s 14th Annual Woods, Water & Wildlife Festival Moose Mountains Regional Greenways’ 14th annual Woods, Water & Wildlife Festival will take place on Saturday, August 13 from 10 am to 3 pm at Branch Hill Farm (BHF), 307 Applebee Road in Milton Mills, NH. This day-long celebration of the great outdoors is an opportunity for families to have fun and experience the delights of the natural world together. Returning festival attendees will find lots of new fun activities and learning opportunities this year. In Build a Bee House, kids can make houses for native bees using tubes, clay and plant pots, or make their own chicken hand puppets and learn about raising chickens at home in the Backyard Chicken Workshop presented by UNH Cooperative Extension Food & Ag and 4H Divisions. The whole family can become ‘Watershed Warriors’ by completing six activity stations about lake ecology and ways to keep your lake healthy, brought by the NH Lakes Association. Learn about the return of American chestnut trees in a guided walk to see BHF’s chestnuts. A new festival focus on sustainability showcases Global Awareness Local Action from Ossipee, with demonstrations on home composting, gardening in raised beds, and utilizing rain barrels as well as Goatscaping from Naylen Farm in Conway, which pens their goats inside a moveable fence to gobble up your invasive species without chemicals. Many favorite events will be back as well. Take your kids on a Guided Family Forest Walk, a fun discovery adventure led by MMRG Education Coordinator Kari Lygren - a great time was had by all on her first festival walk last year! Volunteer instructors from NH Fish & Game provide poles and bait to kids for Let’s Go Fishing! in the Branch Hill Farm pond. Nature experts display rescued animals at the Squam Lakes Wildlife Workshop and Ruth Scruton’s Traveling Barnyard brings their petting zoo. Two differently themed hayrides give everyone a choice and chance to ride. Kids Discover the Forest and Nature’s Playground let families

more business, organizational, and individual sponsors and supporters and to the dedicated volunteers who have already signed up to help out. More volunteers are needed; please call Kari Lygren at 978-7125. A few business sponsorships of festival events are still available; please contact Virginia Long at

The haywagon is full and ready for its trip to the Salmon Falls River at the 2015 WWW Festival. explore and play amongst the ferns and tall trees. Volunteers from the NH Farm Museum, local craftsmen, and a horse logging operation demonstrate traditional rural skills. Kids can get creative in the Tree Cookie Craft Corner and they love to explore the Amazing Corn Maze. Homemade salads, desserts, hot grilled food, and cold smoothies will be on sale along with T-shirts and raffle baskets of local fresh produce and other items. The festival takes place rain or shine. No pets please. Restrooms and most events are wheelchair accessible. The cost is $5/person or $10/family and free to ages 12 and under and to MMRG members; all events are included in the admission price. For more information, visit Festival proceeds and business sponsorships support MMRG’s land conservation and educational outreach mission. MMRG is grateful to its festival underwriters, the Siemon Company and Branch Hill Farm/ Carl Siemon Family Charitable Trust, which is also the co-presenter. MMRG would like to thank the following major sponsors: Bruce and Jennifer Rich, Carl and Beth Siemon, Charlie Moreno Consulting Forester, the Gene Hays Family, and S&S Plumbing and Heating. Thanks are also due to many Your Where-To-Go, What-To-Do Guide for the Lakes Region

Moose Mountains Regional Greenway is a non-profit land trust serving Brookfield, Farmington, Middleton, Milton, New Durham, Wakefield, and Wolfeboro (see www. Branch Hill Farm/Carl Siemon Family Charitable Trust is a private operating foundation (see


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Page 40

August 8, 2016

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