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September 19, 2016
Your Guide to What’s Happening in NH’s Lakes Region
September 19 • Vol 33 • No. 25
Fall Hikes, Dances, Sculpture Walk & Fun!
Golf Page 6
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What’s Up Pages 18-20
Get The Skinny Around the Winni
Page 2
September 19, 2016
Captain Jim Morash to tell the history of “Big Boats on the Big Lakes” Jim Morash knows the history of the boats—the M/S Mount Washington, big boats on the lakes, and he’s lived Sophie C and Doris E—have provided the history. He has mail service as gone from catchwell as transing the waves as a portation and kid to making the tourist cruises. waves as captain Beyond beof the big boat. ing the clock Morash shares for many onhis experiences shore (time to with the Flagship go home for Company from lunch, time deckhand to capto get home tain, general manto weed the ager, part owner garden beand chief of operfore Dad gets ations on the M/S home, time to Mount Washingget the mail ton. or time for Jim will chat cocktails with with the guests at others) the big the Laconia Hisboats of the torical and Mulake provided seum Society on important serMonday, Septemvices over the ber 19 at 7 pm in years. Rotary Hall/Laco- Captain Jim Morash navigates the M/S The public nia Public Library. Mount Washington on Lake Winnipesaukee. is welcome to Like so many (Courtesy photo) this free prelocals, Morash sentation and started by catching also to the re“The Mount’s” waves off Bear Island ception of the public opening of the where his family summered. Later he newest exhibit in the library, “The worked summers on board as a deckGreat Ships of Laconia” on Septemhand and has been cruising for over 30 ber 27 at 6 pm. Call 603-527-1278 for years, learning the ropes and history more information. The Laconia Historfrom workers in earlier times. ical & Museum Society always welBoats have provided mail service to comes new members. the islands since 1892. Morash’s big
Apple Fest Celebrates the Season The Effingham Preservation Society will hold an Apple Fest on Saturday, September 24 from 9 am to 1 pm at their headquarters on the corner of Province Lake Rd. (Route 153) and Town House Road. Apple Fest will be a celebration of all things apple. To kick off the event, an apple-baking contest is set from 10 to 11 am. Bring any baked item that includes apples, and try for your chance to win a Barclay Crocker gift set. Entry is free and open to all ages. Submissions with anything that uses apple as a base is welcome, including apple pie, apple bread, apple cookies, or even baked apples. Fresh apple cider making will take place from 11 am to 1 pm; try your hand at an old-fashioned style apple
press and enjoy some freshly pressed apple cider. The Effingham Preservation Society was started in 1999 in what was the old Grange Hall. Its mission statement is “Preserving the Landmarks and Historic Buildings of Effingham”, and the group has spent about 17 years restoring the Grange Hall. This is done through weekly bake sales, local produce, events throughout the summer and by donations. The Effingham Preservation Society is open Saturdays from 9 am to 1 pm through October. New members and visitors are always welcome. To learn more about Apple Fest, or the Effingham Preservation Society, please contact Kathy Lambert at 603539-7878.
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May 31, 2017. Payment in full is due at time of purchase. BUDGET PRE-BUY: Spread out your heating season costs over even monthly payments while locking in the price per gallon for your expected fuel needs for the period of September 1, 2016 to May 31, 2017. First payment is due at time of purchase.
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September 19, 2016
Great Fall Hikes for Families Story and photos by Sarah Wright
One of the many wonderful things about the Lakes Region is the abundance of hikes and beautiful views, especially in the autumn season. My favorite family photos tend to be those taken out exploring nature. But it can be hard to know what you’re getting into when you set out on a trail. What’s easy for one person may not be easy for another, and difficult trails are not recommended for families with young kids. If you’re a beginner, or just looking for a fun day out on a relaxing hike, I sorted through all the popular trails for you, and weeded out the ones that might leave you sore the next morning. For a spectacular view of Squam Lake, there’s a hike with a fairly easy incline that leads to the top of West Rattlesnake Mountain. At just under two miles, it’s one of the shortest hikes in the area that will reward you with an amazing and unobstructed view of the lake. It’s also especially beautiful during foliage season. You’ll find the Old Bridle Path off Route 113 in Holderness. Don’t forget to pack a picnic lunch to enjoy at the top! Another popular trail is Mount Major in Alton, along Route 11. On the weekend, there are usually cars parked all along the road near the trailhead. Now, I’m torn about this one. Some people consider it to be easier than most hikes, but there are areas where you will have to scramble up some rocks. So, maybe this isn’t the best hike for
really young children, but older kids will love it. Despite a total elevation of less than 2,000 feet, the summit provides breathtaking 360-degree panoramas and amazing views of Lake Winnipesaukee. To beat the crowds, hike on a weekday, or arrive early on the weekend. For a similar view to Mount Major, albeit with some tree obstruction, my family enjoys hiking up Lockes Hill. There is a sign for the trail down the road from Mount Major on Route 11 in Gilford. This is actually a great hike to do with kids. It’s a 1.8 mile loop, if you start on the trail to the left from the parking area, and go the whole way around. For a shorter, but slightly steeper hike, you can just go up the
trail to the right of the parking lot and back down again the same way. Both trails meet at the top. A couple of cool features for kids include a standing binocular viewfinder at the top, so kids can look out at the lake and zoom in on houses and boats. Also, on the trail that leads up from the right, there’s a spot where people moved large rocks and fashioned them into chairs and couches for people to sit on. My boys thought that was awesome. We were also lucky to find lots of wild blueberries at the top. I’ll definitely be heading back there when the leaves are near peak color! The Elwell Trail in Bristol is another relatively short hike with beautiful scenery that will lead you to the scenic
Goose Pond. You can park at Wellington State Park to access the trail, or in the parking area about a tenth-of-a-mile up on West Shore Road. Take the yellow trail to Goose Pond, and you’ll enjoy a pleasurable hike around streams before gently climbing the mountainside. It’s a two-mile loop around the pond once you reach it, so many hikers stop at the pond for a picnic and then go back the same way they came. If you have kids with you, be sure to point out the beaver dams at either end of the pond. North of Sandwich on Route 49 is the Smarts Brook Trailhead in Thornton. This is considered an easy trail that will lead you to a popular swimming hole in about 40 minutes. From the parking lot, cross the brook and on the other side, the trail will turn left and enter the woods. Stay right and follow the trail until you join with a logging road. Turn left at this intersection to stay on the Smarts Brook Trail, and you will eventually reach the swimming hole. The trail continues and meets up with other trails, so if you have young children with you, just retrace your steps back out. If you have the time for a three-mile hike, you could instead take the Pine Flat Trail along Smarts Brook, turn right onto the Yellow Jacket Trail, cross the wood bridge at about two miles, and then take another right down Smarts Brook Trail back to the parking lot. You’ll be rewarded with some great views of the Smarts • Fall Hikes Continued on page 4
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Rock, Roll & Remember Foliage Dinner Cruise
Page 4
September 19, 2016
• Fall Hikes Continued from page 3 Brook gorge on your way. Another great option for taking in some beautiful foliage color is to hike a leisurely trail around a lake. And if you’re lucky enough to catch a mirrorimage reflection of the leaves in the water, all the better! At White Lake State Park off Route 16 in Tamworth, my kids and I have seen wild flowers, tadpoles, and beaver activity. The foot path is well-maintained for easy footing. We’ve also hiked around Quincy Bog in Rumney. It’s a flat, mile-long hike, that’s a great way to introduce young children to nature. We’ve seen lots of
birds, mushrooms, and the occasional turtle. My kids especially liked the boardwalk that crossed over the water. There is a parking area on Quincy Bog Road off Quincy Road. Take Route 25 and then pick up Smith Bridge Road to Quincy Road. Whatever hike you choose, even if it’s just your local walking trail, don’t let autumn pass you by. This is the perfect weather for enjoying nature, and New Hampshire trees always put on an amazing color show. I like to collect leaves with my boys, and see how many color combinations we can find. When we get home, I often find small pinecones and acorns in their sweatshirt pockets, too!
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It’s Time to Order Holiday Wreaths from the Wolfeboro Garden Club Although we’re still enjoying summer weather, it’s time to start thinking about ordering holiday wreaths from the Wolfeboro Garden Club. Proceeds from the wreath sales—the club’s only fundraiser for the year—sustain the group’s scholarship fund, the planting and maintenance of 11 town gardens, and other special community projects. For example, money from the wreath sales supports the club’s partnership with the Agricultural Science program of the Region 9 Voc Tech at Kingswood Regional High School. Students from the towns of Wolfeboro, Ossipee, Alton, Tuftonboro, Brookfield, New Durham, Effingham, Moultonborough, and Barnstead participate in this program. The wreaths are premium quality, double-sided fresh and fragrant Balsam fir. They are decorated with
a generously sized, hand-tied bow in one of six ribbon choices that include three new selections this year. Sizes available include 16, 22 and 30-in. and 36-in. outside diameter. The 22-in. wreath is the perfect size for a standard door; the 30-in. size is suitable for an extra large door. A 10-yard garland made of Balsam, Cedar and White Pine is also available. Wreaths will be delivered on Wednesday and Thursday the week before Thanksgiving. Wolfeboro Garden Club members already have started visiting local businesses to take orders. The club also welcomes orders from individuals. For additional information or to order wreaths, contact Andrea Dudley at 603-569-8246 or Betsy Booth at 603767-5888. All orders must be received by October 3.
Multi-talented George “Rusty” Locke to Perform at Taylor Community George “Rusty” Locke was born in New Hampshire almost 70 years ago and has spent much of his life in the state of hard stonewalls and tall pines. His music spans decades and contains bits and pieces of his life strung out in a variety of musical styles. Locke is a gifted storyteller, musician, actor and writer and he will bring his talents to Taylor Community in Laconia on Monday, September 19 at 2 pm for a performance at Taylor’s Woodside Building. This event is free and open to the public, but please RSVP to 524-5600 to ensure seating. Locke joined the Army at age 17 and went to Korea as a photographer and combat journalist in the early 1960s,
writing for the 1st Cavalry Division and The Pacific Edition of Stars and Stripes. It was while he was in the far east that Locke began writing the songs of his life. When he returned to the states, Locke spent time in the southwest as a radio producer and writer at White Sands Missile Range and began performing and touring in the west Texas area where he absorbed the young folk music explosion that was taking place. After time spent in the service, Locke returned to New England and attended school in Boston, then began a career in radio broadcasting in central New Hampshire. Visit, or on Facebook to keep up with all events.
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Among the Sculptures - Meredith By Kathi Caldwell-Hopper
Main Street area, as well as along the waterfront. I decided to follow the map, versus wandering from sculpture to sculpture, so that I could see every piece of outdoor art in chronological order. Number one on the map had me walk just about a block up Main Street (take care crossing busy Daniel Webster Highway and make sure and use sidewalks if you are walking from the town docks area). The first sculpture listed on the map is General Tsao, He’s No Chicken, sculpted by Richard J. Foster. If I were driving past, I might not have taken the time to really look at this wonderful piece of art, which is placed on the side of Sunshine and Pa’s (restaurant). Thus, it is important to get out and walk so nothing is missed. The sculpture of the General stands at attention, and he seems to be holding a lantern in one hand and a huge spear in the other, while guarding the space with his metal feet planted firmly on the ground. Next is Insight Out, by Conrad • Day Tripping Continued on page 7
Bird in Hand by Dale Rogers. this year’s expanded exhibit.” When I returned from my north country drive, I parked my car in the lot by the Meredith town docks, so I could get out and take the Sculpture Walk. Like any local resident, I know of many beautiful places and fun things to do in the Lakes Region, but just never seem to find the time to explore in my own backyard. I had taken parts of the Sculpture Walk with my daughter in the past, but never took the time to complete the entire walk that finds sculptures all over the downtown area. I started with picking up a brochure for GMP at a kiosk at the entrance to the lakefront Hesky Park area. (Kiosks with maps for the Sculpture Walk also are available at the downtown post office and online at the GMP’s website.) Although one would have to have their eyes closed not to see all the sculptures in Hesky Park and the waterfront area, there are other sculptures around town as well and I suspected some might not be as readily visible, so the map was helpful. Indeed, the colorful map gave information that there are 32 sculptures on the walk, and many are on the
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It’s nice to find something beautiful when you least expect it. That is what has made my many day trip adventures fun over the years, and probably the reason I keep writing about those treks. Such was the case when I drove past a few eye-catching outdoor sculptures in downtown Meredith. I was heading to the White Mountains for an appointment on a sunny September day when I glanced to the Hesky Park area near the Meredith Town Docks (on Daniel Webster Highway). Many people were strolling around the grassy spot, clearly enjoying the variety of sculptures; driving onto Route 25, I noticed even more sculptures placed here and there. The lake created a beautiful background for the sculptures and I promised myself I would stop on my way back through Meredith and take a closer look. As a writer for The Laker, I often travel locally, so I am well aware of the Meredith Sculpture Walk, a project of the Greater Meredith Program (GMP). At the website www., the work of the organization states that, “The Greater Meredith Program (GMP) is a non-profit community economic development organization dedicated to enhancing economic vitality, historical and cultural heritage, and town-wide beautification. It strives to achieve these goals through direct advocacy and action, plus it seeks to capture and extend the vision, energy and interorganizational cooperation that has made Meredith into the fine town it has become.” The Sculpture Walk is now in its third year, and it is a wonderful way to promote the arts while adding more beauty to an already attractive downtown/waterfront area in Meredith. Writes Bev Lapham, chairman of the Sculpture Walk project, “Our concept for the Meredith Sculpture Walk (MSW) began in 2012 with sculptural additions to the Courtyard on Main Street, a major GMP beautification project. Residents and visitors enjoyed them so much that we decided to expand the exhibit throughout the town and launched the Meredith Sculpture Walk. Through the enormous dedication and hard work of the MSW Committee and the continued generosity of our sponsors, we are delighted to present
Presrt Std US Postage US Postage PAID PAID Laconia, NH Laconia, NH Permit #200 Permit #200
Page 5
September 19, 2016
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Page 6
September 19, 2016
The New Hotel Weirs Featuring Robert Ames The Lake Winnipesaukee Museum on Rt. 3 in Weirs Beach (next to Funspot) is hosting a presentation titled The New Hotel Weirs on Wednesday, September 21 at 7 pm. The Lakes Region has been a popular tourist destination for centuries, beginning with the Penacook tribes who summered at Weirs Beach. During the steam coach era many people passed through the area on their way to the White Mountains. The advent of the railroad saw the Lakes Region’s development into a tourist destination in its own right. Centered around the railroad, grand hotels sprang up to accommodate the influx of tourists. One of the largest and grandest of these hotels was the New Hotel Weirs, which had 150 rooms. The presentation will explore the history and evolution of the New Hotel Weirs. The Hotel Weirs originated as The Diamond Island House on nearby Diamond Island. This was a popular location during the 1860s and into the 1870s. Then the hotel lost popularity, Your Where-To-Go, What-To-Do Guide for the Lakes Region
Play The Best Courses in the Lakes Region
Got Golf?
A hiker takes in the beauty of the Lakes Region; courtesy photo.
Hike on Copple Crown Mountain On Saturday, October 1, Moose Mountains Regional Greenways (MMRG) will offer a free, guided hike on Copple Crown Mountain in Brookfield. The Copple Crown Trail is one of the Lakes Region’s most popular hikes. After a round-trip distance of more than five miles and an elevation gain of 1,560 feet, hikers will be rewarded by spectacular views from two different summits. MMRG secretary, Art Slocum, an avid hiker, experienced outing leader and former property adopter of the Copple Crown Conservation Area will lead this trip for Lakes Region Conservation Trust. During the hike, Slocum will share some history of the area and information about nearby conserved lands. The hike is planned to start at 10 am and finish by 1 pm. Please bring water and snacks or lunch. Although the event is free and open to the public, pre-
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registration is required; call MMRG education coordinator Kari Lygren at 603-978-7125 or email info@mmrg. info. No pets, please. MMRG is grateful to the business sponsor of this event, Jodi HughesEmerson, real estate agent with Berkshire Hathaway Spencer-Hughes Real Estate of Wolfeboro. A non-profit land conservation organization serving Brookfield, Farmington, Middleton, Milton, New Durham, Wakefield, and Wolfeboro, MMRG works to conserve and connect valuable water resources, farm and forestlands, wildlife habitats, and recreation land. Throughout the year, MMRG offers many educational opportunities to inform all ages about the benefits of our region’s natural resources. For more information about MMRG and a calendar of upcoming events, visit
Pease Road, Meredith
Your Where-To-Go, What-To-Do Guide for the Lakes Region
d or ss.
and around 1880 the Diamond Island House was cut into sections and hauled over the ice to the Weirs. It is said that as the last section reached the steamboat landing, it slid into the water. It took every available ox in the county to set it right. At its new location at Weirs Beach, the hotel became known as the Hotel Weirs. In the late 1890s, the hotel underwent an expansion and was called the New Hotel Weirs. The New Hotel Weirs met its demise when on the evening of November 9, 1924, a fire, which started in the Weirs Music Hall spread to a total of 12 structures in the surrounding area, including the New Hotel Weirs. Weirs Beach native and local historian Robert Ames will present the history of The New Hotel Weirs. The event is free for Lake Winnipesaukee Historical Society members; for nonmembers there is a $5 fee with all proceeds going to benefit the Historical Society’s ongoing renovations. Please RSVP to 603-366-5950.
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Page 7
September 19, 2016 • Day Tripping Continued from page 5 Levenson, located near the Meredith Historical Society building on Main Street. The sculpture mixes various forms to create a soothing, Zen-like piece that fits just right in its location. Following this, Gray Ghost by Hugh Gibbons is a tall, stately sculpture and Pull of the Moon, by Andreas von Huene is sculpted into a piece of granite, reminding me of a Greek goddess or Egyptian figure carved in a raised manner from the stone’s flat surface. Number five on the walk really caught my eye with its forms that seem to try to fit together, made of concrete, expansion form and found wood. Titled Release, the sculpture is by Claire Roll. There is no missing the boldly colored black and blue sculpture titled Music by Valery Mahuchy. It is placed near the Meredith Public Library on Main Street and is a whimsical piece that somehow defines music very well with its swirls and colors. Jenny’s Bouquet is number seven on the walk, and it beckons from in front of the library with a tall, narrow form and various circular shapes that look like a metal flower bouquet; it was created by Richard Gerber. Other sculptures on Main Street include gracefully swirling Thrice by John BonSignore; Pheasant by Tom Sleeper, Darling (for deer lovers!) by Quinn Morrissette; Arctic Ice with the look of a real chunk of ice by Melanie Zibit and curvy, gentle Hydrolith by Kevin Duffy. Some of the sculptures are placed around the Mill Falls marketplace area and seem to fit well here and there, such as the amusing Bull by Andreas von Huene. There is no doubt that the Hesky Park/waterfront area sculptures receive a lot of notice due to their placement near the busy highway. Each year, the large and talked-about sculptures beckon and this year’s perhaps most eye-catching art, titled Tres Bien by Rita Dee, cannot be missed with its huge, horse shape made of driftwood. The day I took the Sculpture Walk, many people were out enjoying the nice September weather, and as I watched,
Tres Bien by Rita Dee. Tres Bien seemed to draw visitors like a magnet. Strollers were stopping to check out the sculpture or some were having their photo taken near the big horse. Among my personal favorites on the walk is Bird in Hand, a whimsical, large Cor-Ten piece in the shape of a hand with bright red birds, one perched atop the hand and one sitting inside the form. It is by Dale Rogers and was up next on the walk as the path loops around the waterfront and past Lago (restaurant). Shadow Deer Leaping by Wendy Klemperer is made of plasma cut steel and reminds one of the many deer that are encountered scampering through the woods…or at times, across the road. Master Yoga is of a bronze figure that emits a quiet peacefulness by Josie C. Dellenbaugh, followed by another favorite of mine, Icarus by Drew Klotz. Made of aluminum, steel and stone, the pieces picks up gentle breezes and move in the wind. As the walk continues, it features many wonderful sculptures that are placed with the lake always in the background. At the end of the walk, beautiful Lover’s Light, made of stainless steel and created by Steven Hayden, mixes curved circular shapes.
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The Loon Center & Markus Wildlife Sanctuary
EXHIBITSHIKING TRAILSVIDEOS The Loon’s Feather Gift Shop Selling All Things Loon
Thurs - Sat 9-5 Columbus Day - Mid May Mon - Sat 9-5 Mid May - July 1 Everyday 9-5 July 1 - Columbus Day
183 Lee’s Mill Road, Moultonborough, NH603-476-LOON (5666)WWW.LOON.ORG Clip this ad for 10% off in the gift shop!• Excluding sale items and consignments
For those who wish to take the Sculpture Walk, but with some guidance, the GMP offers guided tours on Saturdays through September 24 at 10 am. (Group tours are welcome, but call ahead to make arrangements.) All tours meet a docent guide by Innisfree Bookshop in Mill Falls Marketplace. The tours are free and in the summer months are offered on Wednesdays
and Saturdays; during the quieter off-season, tours take place only on Saturdays through September 24. Those who don’t mind being outdoors on a winter’s day can take the walk, self guided. Volunteer winter care of the sculpture areas is by the local high school “Snow Brigade.” The sculptures stay in place for one year and each spring, there is a call to artists to submit their work for consideration for the next year’s Sculpture Walk. (Information is online at www.greatermeredith program. com.) If you are looking for something fun and inspiring to do on any given day this fall, perhaps followed by lunch at one of Meredith’s many restaurants and some shopping, head to the town for the Sculpture Walk. The Sculpture Walk is free and it’s all about creativity and beauty. It shows how any area can be enlivened by the addition of artwork, even in the most unexpected places. For further information on the programs and events at the Greater Meredith Program, call 603-279-9015 or email
Melvin Village Marina, Inc. • Offering New, Pre-Owned and Brokerage Boat Sales • Service & Parts Dept. • Fuel Dock and Ship Store • Boat Rentals • Boat Registrations • NH Temp Boat Licenses
2 Locations to Serve You! In Ossipee On Lake Winnipesaukee 463 Governor Wentworth Highway Melvin Village, NH • 603-544-3583
801 B Route 16, Ossipee, NH 603-651-1001
1914 Arts and Crafts Mansion • 5,500 Acres of Trails and Waterfalls Patio Cafe with Sumptuous View • Horseback Riding • Gift Shop
New at the Castle this Fall! Scenic Road Only Admission
Enjoy one of the most beautiful drives in all of New England - winding from the main entry of the estate along the lower end of Shannon Brook and ending at the historic Carriage House, this two mile drive features breathtaking views of Lake Winnipesaukee, a stunning waterfall, and beautiful foliage from beginning to end. Only $10 per vehicle! Friends of the Castle take the drive for FREE. Available daily from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Extended Service in the Carriage House Restaurant
Enjoy the autumn sunset from the Carriage House terrace every Monday and Wednesday. Seating and serving hours in the restaurant will be from 11:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. - guests will be seated on a first come, first served basis. Make a day of it with an afternoon visit to the Castle followed by dinner, or come just for the meal.
Castle Open Daily For Tours
CASTLE 603-476-5900 CLOUDS Moultonborough, NH Overlooking Lake Winnipesaukee IN THE
Original art by Peter Ferber
Page 8
September 19, 2016
Wolfeboro Museums Participate in Smithsonian’s Museum Day Live! See Two Museums in One Day The New Hampshire Boat Museum and the Wright Museum of World War II will open their doors free of charge on Saturday, September 24, as part of Smithsonian Magazine’s 12th annual Museum Day Live! A nationwide event, Museum Day Live! offers free admission to
visitors presenting a Museum Day Live! ticket. Each ticket allows two individuals free admission. One ticket is permitted per household. Tickets may be downloaded at museumday. Visitors who present Your Where-To-Go, What-To-Do Guide for the Lakes Region TheThe The
the Museum Day Live! ticket will gain free entrance for two to both the Wright Museum and the New Hampshire Boat Museum on September 24 only. This special day represents how museums throughout the country are committed to make learning and the spread of knowledge accessible to everyone. Museum Day Live! allows museums across all 50 states to open their doors to anyone who is interested. Last year’s event drew over 400,000 participants and this year’s event expects record-high participation. “We are thrilled to be teaming up with the Wright Museum to offer
free admission during the Museum Day Live! event. We hope that everyone in the area takes advantage of this wonderful one-day offering to visit both museums,” said Lisa Simpson Lutts, Executive Director of the NH Boat Museum. Both the New Hampshire Boat Museum and the Wright Museum are open on Saturday, September 24 from 10 am to 4 pm. The Wright Museum is located at 77 Center Street and the Boat Museum is located at 399 Center Street. For further information about both museums visit or
Village Corner Village Corner Village Corner Your Where-To-Go, What-To-Do Guide for the Lakes Region Seabags Are In! Lake Decor, Apparel, and More 1003 Whittier Highway Your Where-To-Go, Moultonborough, NH 03254 (Next to the Post Office) 1003 Whittier Highway What-To-Do Guide Moultonborough, NH 03254 1003 Whittier Highway for the Lakes Region
Lake Decor, Apparel, and More Lake Decor, Apparel, and More Moultonbor ough, NH 03254
Farmers Market & Farm to Table Dinner
September Hours: Monday - Saturday 9:30 to 5 Open for Art Walk, Sat. September 24 from 5 to 7 9 N. Main Street, Wolfeboro, NH 603 569-6159
Sunday Sept.25
Five-course dinner $45 for adults, $25 for kids under 12. General’s Club members get $2 off!
What-To-Do Guide for the L , o G o akes re-T e Reg h W r ion You WITH
Reserve Your Dinner Spot! 603569.3016 The Wolfeboro Inn & Wolfe’s Tavern 90 N Main St, Wolfeboro, NH 603.569.3016
Design ▪ Permit ▪ Construct LACONIA . NH 603.293.4000 “One call does it all.” Remember —PERMITS TAKE TIME!
Our full-service concept will guide you through each step of a project from initial concept, through permitting, and finally construction. Most every waterfront project requires a permit, plan ahead, call us today!
Page 9
September 19, 2016
September 19, 2016
The fine art of living.
Grouse Point Club
3 MAIN STREET MEREDITH, NH 03253 603.677.7012
17 Loon Road represents one of the finest homes to ever come on the market at Grouse Point. The home has commanding views of Lake Winnipesaukee and the Ossipee Mountains from almost every room. The current owners have lovingly enhanced the property over the years to a meticulous level. The home features 5800 sq. ft. of living space including five bedrooms, five baths and a fully outfitted au pair wing. The large chef's kitchen has ample eat-in area and prep space. Living spaces are open and airy with high ceilings and beautiful molding. Master suite features a sitting area with gas fireplace, private deck and elegant bath. The lower level family room opens into a home theater with stadium seating for movie night. From the screen porch you step onto the extensive decks perfect for entertaining. Another highlight is the lush landscaping throughout the property. Also included is a dock at the Grouse Point yacht club. Amenities include clubhouse with heated pool, fitness room and tennis. $1,595,000 | MLS#4502851
WOLFEBORO 21 CENTRAL AVENUE WOLFEBORO, NH 03894 603.941.1000 Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated.
Ruth Neidhardt 603.455.0176 |
Page 10
September 19, 2016
own a long, private drive, this impressive home overlooks an expanse of lawn, a sandy beach, a covered dock toward fabulous lake and mountain views. With three levels of quality living space, you will enjoy an oversized master suite with spa-like bath and three additional en-suite bedrooms plus a terrific bunk room.The home is special. The location is prime.The lot is fabulous. $1,995,000
A remarkable home on a sensational lot with sandy beach and an enormous, covered dock for three boats. Enjoy picturesque sunsets and added outdoor living space from the sweeping, enclosed, stone patio with fireplace. This home was architecturally designed and custom built with unmatched detail and quality. With a carriage home and nine garages, this is the Ultimate Lake Home! $10,000,000
Enter a winding driveway to a private courtyard with commanding views, sweeping lawn, sandy beach & a W-shaped dock with canopy. The kitchen is amazing! Appointed with the finest appliances & custom Birdseye Maple counters complemented by spacious eating & cozy sitting areas with FP. Patio doors lead to a covered, sweeping veranda with multiple sitting & outdoor dining areas. $4,495,000
A stunning home under construction designed & built to perfection. Enjoy amazing sunsets from this prime waterfront home with SW exposure. Floor plan is perfect with an amazing Great Room that opens to waterside decks & a fabulous Post & Beam porch with fireplace. Bonus area over the garage is finished with a private guest suite which includes sitting room, bedroom and bath. $2,995,000
This lovely and tasteful home has wonderful lake and mountain views. A flexible floor plan allows for up to six bedrooms, if desired. The oversized, sweeping deck overlooks a private yard and takes advantage of the picturesque, long views. Beautifully built, tastefully decorated and finished, this is a terrific home! $1,595,000
The extraordinary detail and quality with which this home has been built will impress the most discerning buyer. Open in design with walls of windows to take advantage of the unobstructed lake and mountain views. There’s an in-law private suite on the lower level that opens to a spacious patio. It includes a private dock and community pool. $999,000
This dramatic contemporary home has a great lake view and is on a wonderful, level lot. Beautifully landscaped with a heated inground pool, a two car detached garage and an attached two car garage. Central air, new roof, new siding, new paint. Governor’s Island amenities. $699,000
A beautiful Colonial style, Governor’s Island home that has been beautifully updated and maintained. The first floor master BR has a wonderful spa-like bath. Chef’s kitchen opens to a comfortable family room and a spacious sun room. The oversized living room has a fireplace and built-ins. Nice! $629,000
This charming home sitting on a knoll at the crest of Governor’s Island is private and special. Recent upgrades include siding, windows, heat pump, central air and an added 3/4 bath.With a large deck overlooking a view plus an oversized deck over the detached garage, there is room for wonderful outdoor living. $399,900
Winnipesaukee waterfront in the Basin in Tuftonboro. A half acre with 117 feet waterfront. Convenient and nice. $220,000
Susan Bradley Realtor®, CRS, ABR, GRI
Direct: 603-493-2873 email: | 348 Court Street, Laconia, NH 03246 | 603-524-2255
No Other Lakes Region Agent Sold More $1,000,000 Homes in 2015!
Page 11
September 19, 2016 620 Tenney Mtn. Hwy, Plymouth, NH | 603-238-6990 Curry Place, Holderness, NH | 603-968-7615 3 Mill Street, Meredith, NH | 603-279-6476 “One Click and You’re Home!”
Holderness, NH
Historic Holderness farmhouse known as "Amesbury". One of a kind property on beloved White Oak Pond. This home was completely renovated and also added onto by the current owner. New addition includes large kitchen and wrap around covered porch overlooking the water. Large attached barn is the perfect place for kayaks, row boats and canoes. Amazing landscaping throughout the property. Private dock for your boating needs. This property is a must see and offers a strong value for waterfront in Holderness. MLS #4512610 • Offered at $999,000
Adirondack Style waterfront home in desirable Holderness location. Large frontage on White Oak Pond in the Squam Watershed. Designed and built by local craftsman, no detail has been overlooked. Gourmet Kitchen for those who love to cook. Two field stone fireplaces. Detached post and beam barn with radiant in floor heat boasts a woodworking shop. Also includes an additional post and beam art studio with water views. This unique property has something for everyone. MLS #4512626 • Offered at $1,599,000
34 North Main St., P.O. Box 2180 Wolfeboro, NH 03894 • 603-569-4488
TUFTONBORO: Beautiful 3-bedroom/4-Bath waterfront home with WOLFEBORO: Built in 1896, historic Mirror Lake Lodge is now four beach, U-shaped dock and 2-bedroom, guest cottage at the water’s condos offered as one parcel with beach and dock. edge. $1,600,000 MLS #4403908 $975,000 MLS #4442500
SINGLE-LEVEL LAKEVIEW LIVING Bluegill Lodge Condominiums | Starting at $460k – Furnished • 1,300 to 2,000 sq ft | 2 & 3 beds
• Garage Parking
• Open-Concept Living
• Direct Elevator Access
• Lakeview Deck
• High-End Finishes
AMENITIES INCLUDE Swimming Pool, Tennis Courts, Fitness Center, Lake Access, Community Gardens, Walking Trails, and access to Southworth clubs in the U.S., U.K. and Bahamas. | 603.524.4141 GPS Address: 421 Endicott Street North, Laconia, NH 03246-1820 MEREDITH: Custom built & Energy Star rated home on 13 private WOLFEBORO: Get exactly what you want! Quality new construcacres with mountain views and 155’ of waterfront. tion with 5,500 sq ft and 220’ of sandy bottom waterfront with $1,850,000 MLS #4499079 dock. $4,350,000 MLS #4481699
Properties offered exclusively by Meredith Bay Lighthouse Realty, LLC. The Lodges are part of Bluegill Lodge at Meredith Bay, a condominium. Some first floor units do not have direct elevator access into unit. This is not an offer to sell property to, or solicitation of offers from, residents of NY, NJ, CT or any other state that requires prior registration of real estate. Prices and terms are subject to change without notice. Southworth reciprocal program is subject to change. See reciprocal program materials for full details.
Great Views from Moose Mountain to Copplecrown
Governor Wentworth School System ~ 45 Minutes to the Portsmouth Traffic Circle SOLD SOLD SOLD
View Lot
The Drew Farm Subdivision in beautiful Brookfield offers the best of all worlds. This former farm land is accented with century old rock walls, mature trees and provides luxurious yet affordable home sites in a quintessential New England setting. Quiet and peaceful yet near everything. Located in the highly regarded Gov. Wentworth school district and close proximity to highly acclaimed private schools, Brookfield allows you many of the amenities of beautiful Wolfeboro without the crowded summer congestion. 4 Bedroom, 3 Bath Colonial Home from the low $400,000s with Mountain Views. Turn Key - New Construction
Drew Farm
603-340-0341 603-340-0340
The best kept secret in the Lakes Region
Similar To Be Built
Page 12
September 19, 2016
32 Whittier Highway • 603-253-4345 (NH) 1-800-639-4022
Moultonborough - Long lake views to the Belknaps. Custom designed kitchen, large windows. 1st-floor master suite, 100’ of frontage. $1,599,000 #4514030
Moultonborough - Prow-front A-Frame home on large private lot, nice views, open-concept home with first-floor master, plus guest suite, 130’ of frontage. $1,049,000 #4504160
Moultonborough - VIEW, VIEW, VIEW! Sunny, open and very cute home on an amazing Black Cat Island lot. Westerly exposure, Large dock w/breakwater, 105’ of water frontage. $849,900 #4492978
15 North Main Street • 603-569-2533 (NH) 1-800-621-2533
SANDWICH - Vintage 1840’s summer cottage 3-bedroom, 1-bath with 42’ x 36’ barn set on 40 acres. Bike to Bearcamp Pond. Mountain views frame field & forest. $349,000 (#4507983)
Moultonborough - This open concept, waterfront has been meticulously maintained! Situated on private Wakondah Pond in low tax Moultoborough with 400’ of MIDDLETON - Cozy Sunrise Lake water frontage. $369,900 #4513942 Waterfront 2-bedroom, 1-bath, wonderful year round retreat. 1st floor bedroom, soaking tub, gas burning stove. Sandy beach, dock & raft. $245,900 (#4485664)
We Move More of The Lakes Region!
348 Court Street • 603-524-2255 (NH) 1-800-639-5077
Laconia - Grandfathered 3-bedroom Laconia - 3-bedroom condo with finished Boathouse with 2-boat slips on lower level. Amenities inc. pool, tennis, day dock on Winnipesaukee. Winnipesaukee. $499,000 #4488424 $204,000 #4461119
Meredith - Extraordinary home with private gated entrance & 245’ of frontage on Winnipesaukee. $4,875,000 #4514795
Tilton - Fabulous views of Lake Winnisquam from this 2-bedroom condo with great rental potential. $169,900 #4514278
View these and all Lakes Region Listings on our Website!
Classic New Englanders O
nce a B & B, the house with 4-bedrooms, 4-baths is in A-one condition, with a fabulous new family room, master bedroom and huge office added in 2002. Beautiful Colonial details throughout the original house. Sit on the front screened porch and watch the fireworks over Lake Winnipesaukee, or enjoy total peace and quiet on the back side of the house overlooking a sweeping lawn. The kitchen is equipped with top of the line appliances. The house also has a delightful history, once owned by Joseph Senter who fought at Bunker Hill. One can easily walk to the village. Listing includes 1.9 acres with house plus .47 acre vacant lot. Must be seen to truly appreciate.
Center Harbor - $415.000 ~ Listing Agent Lisa Wardlaw
he renovations are complete and this house is absolutely move-in ready. This charming 3-bedroom, 3-bath New Englander has been transformed into a light and bright comfortable home. The upgrades include an upscale kitchen with all new white cabinetry, granite counter tops, and stainless steel appliances. First floor amenities include a rustic family room, inviting master suite with luxury bath and a laundry room. There are two additional bright and sunny bedrooms on the 2nd floor with a 3/4 bath. For the garden enthusiast, this property is ideal; custom stonework, perennial gardens and fruit trees. Squam Lake, Chamberlain Reynolds Memorial Forest just across the road. Center Harbor $359,000 ~ Listing Agent Amy Elfline
249 Whittier Highway - Route 25 Center Harbor, New Hampshire Office (603)253.8131 • Toll Free (800)834.5759
Page 13
September 19, 2016
Panoramic views of The White Mountains
1800s Federal Home
Custom Designed Cape
Although originally built in 1968, many upgrades have been completed in this multi-sided Contemporary.
If you have always wanted a quintessential older home in a historic village setting here is your chance. This home awaits the finishing touches so you can make it your own.
Contemporary Cape set on over eight wooded acres complete with a post and beam country barn and a three season porch.
DALTON, NH | $399,000 | MLS#4441949 SARA MAFFEI | 802.291.3850
GILMANTON, NH | $249,900 | MLS#4512607 ROY SANBORN | 603.455.0335
OSSIPEE, NH | $374,900 | MLS#4480129 STEVE PATRIQUIN | 603.387.2532
Country Estate with Dock on Squam
The Magic at Squam River Landing
Estate in Sandwich NH consisting of 75’ sandy Re-live your youth, when everything around shorefront on Squam with a u-shaped dock. you was green and crisp. You spent your days Less than a mile away are three homes, two outside enjoying nature in its unaltered state. The majestic views will captivate you. car attached and three car detached garages.
Rare opportunity on Loon Lake Rarely does a property on Loon Lake come on the market. 5.17 acre parcel of land with 467 feet of waterfront and a log cabin shell.
SANDWICH, NH | $1,500,000 | MLS#4423024 RUTH NEIDHARDT | 603.455.0176
ASHLAND, NH | $275,000 | MLS#4476204 PAULA HINCKLEY | 603.566.6608
FREEDOM, NH | $379,900 | MLS#4484354 RICK SCHWARTZ | 603.867.8370
Ranch-Style Home in Meredith
Waldron Bay Home
Classic Waterfront Cottage
Brand new roof on this very cute ranch-style home with two bedrooms on the main level and an additional rooms in the finished lower level. Beamed great room with great natural light and cathedral ceiling.
Beautiful home in the prestigious Waldron Bay Community on Lake Winnisquam. Spacious open floor plan. Three bedrooms, three bath contemporary design with floor to second level glass.
Comfortable and quaint cottage style waterfront home. Open concept with two bedrooms, three baths, finished lower level, deck, storage shed and one bedroom guest cottage.
MEREDITH, NH | $299,000 | MLS#4504589 RUTH NEIDHARDT | 603.455.0176
MEREDITH, NH | $389,999 | MLS#4492163 CARL SACK | 603.566.2386
MEREDITH, NH | $839,000 | MLS#4494843 REBECCA WHITCHER | 603.393.7072
MEREDITH 603.677.7012
WOLFEBORO 603.941.1000
Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated.
Page 14
September 19, 2016
WATER... It’s the only part of your home you will consume.
EXIT Realty Leaders
Effingham - $24,900 1.30 Ac lot in Lost Valley
Freedom - $62,500 .92 Ac lot, Lake Access
Ossipee – $229,900 3Bd, 1 Bth, 2.20 Acres
Ossipee - $89,900 22 Ac Lot, Close to Boat Launch
Wakefield - $299,900 4Bd, Balch Lake Access
Effingham - $115,00
Ossipee - $155,000 2Bd, 1Bth, River Frontage
Brownfield, ME $52,900 10 Acs on the Saco River
603-539-9595 354 Rte 16B Ctr Ossipee, NH
Ossipee - $169,900 3Bd, 2 Bth , 1.57 Acs
Ossipee - $27,900 .56 Acre lot, near Connor Pond
INSIST ON THE BEST! Gilford Well Company
Tamworth - $25,000 .52 Ac Lot in Ski & Beach
Ossipee - $ 85,000 29.90 Acs , Wooded Lot
877-539-9500 www.EXIT
94 Center St Wolfeboro, NH
MLS 4436158
MLS 4497043
MLS 4481223
MLS 4480250
230 GWH - Tuftonboro $2,995,000 Lake Winnipesaukee Waterfront Jodi Hughes Emerson • (603) 455-9533
44 Eaglemere - Tuftonboro $1,488,000 Lake Winnipesaukee Waterfront Peter Travers • (617) 823-1794
6 Millwood - Wolfeboro $1,150,000 Crescent Lake Waterfront Karin Lovering • (603) 651-8944
68 Basin Road - Alton $895,000 Lake Winnipesaukee Waterfront Jodi Hughes Emerson • (603) 455-9533
MLS 4437707
MLS 4512635
MLS 4510256
MLS 4314514
21 Pumpkin Point - Alton $828,000 (Just Reduced) Lake Winnipesaukee Waterfront Fae Moore • (603) 833-0644
108 East Side Drive, Alton $399,000 Lake Winnipesaukee Waterfront Ames Oickle • (603) 520-7014
79 Winona Shores - Meredith $398,800 Lake Waukewan Waterfront Land Fae Moore • (603) 833-0644
69 Hillsgrove - Barnstead $239,900 Beach Rights Lower Suncook Roberta Takis • (603) 986-1855
22 South Main St., Wolfeboro, New Hampshire • 603-569-6060 ©2016 BHH Affiliates, LLC. An independently owned and operated franchisee of BHH Affiliates, LLC. Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices and the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices symbol are registered service marks of HomeServices of America, Inc.®. Equal Housing Opportunity.
Page 15
September 19, 2016
Live the Dream on Winnipesaukee!
NEW LISTING ON LAKE WINNIPESAUKEE- The ultimate in privacy, comfort & space with desirable SW exposure for sunsets, a level landscaped lot with a sandy beach to die for! 5 fireplaces, Cherry floors, 5 bedroom suites, 7 baths, two loft areas, sunporch, built-ins everywhere, beautiful finished lower level with Pub room, fireplace, game room and a fully appointed Home Theater room, over 5700SF of living space and 3-car garage. MOULTONBORO $2,350,000.
Ellen Mulligan, Broker Associate
ADIRONDACK BEAUTY BUILT IN 2012 with captivating open water views, boathouse with power lift, breakwater dock, sandy beach, 220’ of WF and land on both sides of road for a total of 6.9 acres. 16 rooms of luxury and custom details with a blending of hardwoods throughout. Soaring ceiling, stone fireplace in Great Room, multi-purpose sunporch with fireplace, gourmet kitchen with center island, Wolfe appliances & abundant custom cabinets. ALTON $2,650,000.
Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage 32 Whittier Highway, Center Harbor, NH 03226 Office: 603-253-4345 ext. 124 | Cell: 603-387-0369
email: The Mulligan Team | Lake Winnipesaukee
WOLFEBORO Prestigious Winnipesaukee Waterfront Estate, 180° views, 4.5 private acres, 6 bedrooms, entertaining kitchen, Great Room, full mahogany covered deck, sandy beach, 2-slip covered docking and sunsets! $4,295,000 (4446155)
MOULTONBOROUGH Possibly THE best VIEW property in the Lakes Region with endless mountain and lake views. Located on 62 acres with a 2,000 sf deck, heated pool, luxe interior. $1,980,000 (4503232)
WOLFEBORO This home is a custom-built, 5-bedroom/4-bath, open-concept Contemporary. Beautiful 3-seaon gazebo-shaped sunroom overlooks private backyard. Master with full bath, custom cherry cabinets in kitchen. Easy walk to lake! $699,000 (4512604)
ALTON-1907 original Lake Winnipesaukee cottage with dry-land boathouse all at the waters edge! Very well maintained 3-bedroom/2-bath with the lake side living room sliders opening up to the shoreline. $599,000 (4514625)
WOLFEBORO Meticulous, quality-built home with abundant amenities and features. Four-season sunroom, custom kitchen cabinetry & first-floor Master with en suite. Wooded privacy, yet minutes to downtown. $599,000 (4511350)
TUFTONBORO Gorgeous carriage-style Cape, 3-bedroom, 3-bath, tucked into 2.3 private wooded acres. Custom chef-style kitchen, gas-fireplace, master includes fireplace, walkout to deck and hot tub. Walking distance to town beaches! $499,000 (4514593)
WOLFEBORO Beautiful 4-bedroom, 2.5 bath Cape is located in a very desirable neighborhood, private yet close to downtown. Two-car attached garage, fencedin yard, irrigation system, walk-out basement with workshop. Nicely landscaped! $374,900 (4493514)
ALTON Classic Sunset Lake waterfront cottage, refurbished and lovingly maintained. Open interior, woodstove, dock, steps into water, deck, and spectacular views! Ten minutes to Alton Bay. $299,000 (4473386)
“Welcome Home to the Lakes Region!”
Randy Parker-603-455-6913 Maxfield Real Estate • 603-569-3128 15 Railroad Avenue • Wolfeboro, NH 03894
Page 16
September 19, 2016
Island Real Estate
A division of Maxfield Real Estate
ALTON // Prestigious Lake Winnipesaukee, Alton location for this impressive 4-bedroom/5-bathroom contemporary just remodeled to the highest of standards, fabulous Great Room, luxurious 1st-floor master suite, level lot, permanent dock, outstanding views. $1,800,000 (4497305) Call 569-3128
ALTON // Exceptional Winnipesaukee home in Alton with spectacular views, covered boat slip, gorgeous grounds, rich and welcoming interior! Beautiful master suite, gourmet kitchen, incredible family room with bar. Simply magnificent!
MOULTONBOROUGH // RARE 350’ Lake Winnipesaukee waterfront on 1-acre with a 3-bedroom cottage + bonus sleeping cottage, sugar sand beach with permanent U-shaped dock, westerly exposure…this is a special property!
$1,795,000 (4184069)
$930,000 (4486786)
Call 569-3128
Call 253-9360
Island REAL ESTATE WAKEFIELD // One-of-a-kind gorgeous Waterfront Colonial on Pine River Pond. Exceptional features incl. private dock, additional covered dock, sandy beach and crow’s nest. Spacious home with attached 2-car garage completely renovated in 2000. $699,000 (4489241) Call 569-3128
WOLFEBORO // Lake Wentworth yearround contemporary with preferred southwest exposure, gorgeous sunset views and sandy bottom shore with crystal clear water, quite charming and being sold turn-key. $525,000 (4503230) Call 569-3128
TUFTONBORO // Waterfront cottage on Mirror Lake, 195’ shoreline, sandy beach and dock, featuring 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, stone fireplace, pine woodwork, screened porch, deck, plus great views and landscaping. $499,000 (4193481) Call 569-3128
WAKEFIELD // SWEET: classic 1950s CAMP on the best lot of the shore. Granite steps into water, dock, sandy frontage. Vintage pine paneling. Screened porch. Bunk House. PERFECT!
WOLFEBORO // Cozy 2-bedroom cottage at Piping Rock in Winter Harbor has been well maintained, recently updated kitchen, beautiful sandy beach, assigned dock and good rental history.
$357,000 (4494826)
$299,999 (4437644)
ALTON // Choice location with 150’ frontage on Hills Pond. Two-Bedroom cottage has a rustic interior, new shakes for siding, new bath & detached garage. The water’s-edge deck leads to the 40’ dock. Great sunset views. $229,900 (4428623) Call 875-3128
Call 569-3128
Call 569-3128
CENTER HARBOR // Squam Lake Waterfront Lots; one with 4.3 Acres and 214’ frontage; 2nd lot with 5.25 Acres and 364’ frontage; mooring allowed, shared beach. Sturtevant Cove Association. Call 569-3128 $349,777ea. (4478528/4478517)
WOLFEBORO // An excellent ¾ acre lot with water access to pristine Lower Beech Pond; beach rights and tennis court.
ALTON // Waterfront lot with 278’ frontage on Bear Pond. This 7-acre lot is the peaceful location for your custom home in a mature forest setting. Fish, swim, kayak, snowmobile & enjoy New Hampshire. $99,000 (4330946) Call 875-3128
TUFTONBORO // Affordable 0.75 acre building lot with state approved 3-bedroom septic design and deeded water access where you can moor your boat and enjoy all that Mirror Lake has to offer. $37,500 (4427948) Call 569-3128
$54,900 (4471055)
KENISTON ISLAND – WOLFEBORO “Camp Comfort” Occupy the entire SE peninsula with these 3 lots. Includes 785’ waterfront, minimal boat traffic, 3-bedroom/2-bath, stone fireplace, screened porch, and a 18x30 boathouse. Call 569-3128 $925,000 (4503522)
Call 569-3128 • Maxfield Real Estate has been bringing people and homes together for over 60 years. Explore the thousands of properties now being offered in the Lakes Region and beyond from the comfort of your own home. is the go-to-site for buyers and sellers, with a wealth of information and resources to meet all your needs. Just one more reason why Maxfield is “simply the best.”
Wolfeboro: 15 Railroad Avenue • 603-569-3128 Center Harbor: Junction Rtes. 25 & 25B • 603-253-9360 Alton: 108 Main Street • 603-875-3128
MELODY ISLAND – WOLFEBORO Captivating 500’ frontage peninsula. 4-bedroom contemporary, water views from every room. Grand fireplace. Boathouse, 10x50 crib dock, custom docking. Privacy, sunrise, sunsets, wildlife, 100’ natural sand swimming. VIEWS. Rare offering. $949,000 (4483500) Call 569-3128
PITCHWOOD ISLAND – MEREDITH 1900s cottage with 10x32 cov. porch. Private 1.34 acre lot, 192’ frontage. 6x30 u-shape dock. Sun, sandy bottom, sunsets, views. Short ride to the Weirs for dining and entertainment. $349,000 (4482429) Call 569-3128
Page 17
September 19, 2016
Square Dance, Contra Dance, Folk Dancing…FUN!
Drop Ins $10 10 Visits $75 Unlimited Cardio & Circuit $ 39/Mo. or $99/3 Mos. Unlimited Studio Classes Cardio & Circuit All Inclusive $ 59/Mo. or $159/3 Mos.
being a very large dance. You know at GALA that everyone is going to help you along, and if a dance is too challenging for the group, the caller will swap to something easier.” Callers are key to fun at contra and square dances. They set the tone of the dance and tempo for the band, and teach the steps and adjust calls to the dancers. Perhaps because of the structured influence of Henry Ford, square dancing is a little more formalized than contra dancing. Square dancing is marked by the formation of “squares” of dancers: four couples facing one another as the dance begins. Couples run through a series of “Do si does,” “allemandes,” “swing your partners” “promenades,” and other moves, switching partners and moving around the square, returning home and to their original partner at the end. Sometimes dancers show off their skills with customized versions of traditional moves, and some take their moves to the next level of competition. A traditional contra dance features two lines of dancers facing one another, performing moves, some shared with square dancing. In both dance forms, the caller walks participants through steps, the first few turns, but since the moves are repetitive, he or she can usually shrink to the background as the dance moves into its third or fourth rotation, inserting just a reminder here and there. The rhythm of the music and muscle memory takes over and suddenly, the room of dancers begins to move organically, like a well-practiced team. Square dance couples often wear stylized western apparel. Plaids, scarves and lariats are commonly seen on men, while women wear peasant-
style blouses and full skirts with ruffled petticoats and pettipants underneath. Cowboy boots or dance shoes complete the outfits. Rhinestones are plentiful at special dances or competition. At contra dances, there is less emphasis on a uniform look, and rhinestones are rare. Instead, dancers are urged to wear comfortable clothing and soft-soled shoes. Contra dance series are particularly family friendly. Wolfeboro caller Beverly Woods notes the intergenerational emphasis of local
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• Dancing Continued on page 21
Goody Good
School’s in session! No news there, but do you know school is in session for square dancing, too? The Winnipesaukee Squares dance club offers two evenings of square dance lessons starting on Thursday, September 22, and continuing on September 29 and October 6 at the Leavitt Park Clubhouse in Laconia. From 7 pm to 8:30 pm, you can learn the basic steps of this quintessentially American activity. Will the classes include a history lesson, too? Will the callers tell the story of square dancing and its older cousin, the contra dance? Will they explain that socializing has been the heart of country dancing since its British origin in Queen Elizabeth I’s reign in the 1600’s? That folk dances were a way for just regular people to stand against the oh-so-complicated court dances of the upper social classes centuries ago? That they were rural communities’ response to urban couple dances like the waltz in the 19th century? That they were a successful attempt to take the focus off licentious jazz by Henry Ford in the 20th century? That in 1982, President Ronald Reagan signed an Act of Congress making Square Dancing the official National Folk Dance? That New Hampshire is considered the contra dancing capital of the world by some experts? If they do talk history, I hope the lessons are short, and the chance to whirl around the floor given full sway, for surely country dancing is a fine way to while away long winter evenings. Dancers enjoy ageless fun, get a good workout, and most important of all, build community. Twenty-four year old Emily Marsh of Wolfeboro has been contra dancing “ever since I could be dragged through the steps by my parents.” It’s “a great way to meet people, plus get a little exercise in a fun way. There isn’t that self-conscious aspect that’s present in other dancing; all the moves are set out for you, and you can just jump in and have fun.” Emily attends the G.A.L.A. (Global Awareness Local Action) dances, an eight-month series of dances held the last Saturday of each month from September-April in Wolfeboro’s Great Hall in the Town Office building, and will travel to others when her schedule allows. “The GALA dances are really special because they are incredibly inviting to newcomers, while also
dances. She will sometimes see “three generations of a family dancing together…When young people dance with adults, there is a sense that the dance welcomes the young people into their expanding role in the community. That moment when it’s a small child’s turn, perhaps for the first time, to lead the whole line of people around through the next steps - you can see the joy and welcome in every face. And yes, those young people do get older, and do keep coming to the dances, and eventually they bring their own children to the dances.” Henry Ford’s effort to bring square dancing back to American popularity received support from his friend Thomas Edison through the recording of square dance music and calls. Many adults, elementary school students in the 1950s, 60s and 70s, may remember the frustration felt in gym classes, straining to hear and follow a recorded caller’s scratchy commands. Luckily, Lakes Region country dances feature live bands, usually made up of a fiddle, percussion, keyboard, and often an accordion, flute or mandolin, or other instruments, too.
By Barbara Neville Wilson Photos courtesy GALA
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Page 18
September 19, 2016
Tramway Artisans
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at the Tramway Marketplace
Sept. 19, M/S Mount Washington Captain Jim Morash talk, reminiscences about Big Boats on the Big Lake, Laconia Historical & Museum Society, Laconia Public Library, Laconia, 7 pm, free, public welcome, info: 527-1278. Sept. 19, Rusty Locke in Concert, 2 pm, Taylor Community Woodside Building, Union Ave., Laconia, free, public welcome, pre-register for seating: 524-5600. Sept. 20, Being Mortal: Hospice 101, 6:30 pm, talk by Hospice nurse Donna Tondreau, Gilford Public Library, Potter Hill Rd., Gilford, 524-6042.
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Sept. 20, De-Coding Espionage in WWII, talk by Dr. Douglas Wheeler, 7 pm, Wright Museum, Center St., Wolfeboro, pre-register: 569-1212. Sept. 20, The Supreme Court – How Does it Operate?, 7 pm, at Meredith Public Library, Main St., Meredith, free, info: 279-4303. Sept. 20 – 23, Certified Interpretive Guide Training - 8:30 am - 4:30 pm, training through National Assoc. for Interpretation. Register: or contact Certified Interpretive Trainer Audrey Eisenhauer at http://Audrey.eisenhauer@ Squam Lakes Natural Science Center, Holderness. Sept. 21, Welcoming Communities – Immigrant and Refugee Stories, 5-7 pm, Gilford Public Library, Potter Hill Rd., Gilford, 524-6042. Sept. 21, Tales of Hiking/Exploring the White Mts. from 1878 – 1886, 4 – 5 pm, free, Museum of the White Mts., Plymouth, info: 535-3210.
Celebrating 110 Years!
9/510/3Sept. 21, Dr. Christopher Smart talk, senior policymaker to international economic
Wednesdays $1.00 One-Scoop Cone
affairs in President Obama administration, Taylor Community, Union Ave., Laconia, 6 pm, Woodside Building, free, public welcome, reservations: 524-5600.
Homemade Chocolate Our Famous Make-Your-Own-Sundae Smorgasbord 10 Rooms of Wicked Cool Gifts!
Sept. 21, The Weirs Hotel, Robert Ames program on history of the hotel, 7 pm, Lake Winnipesaukee Museum, Rt. 3, Weirs Beach, 366-5950,
Hours: Weekdays 10am-6pm Saturday 10am - 9pm & Sunday 10am -6pm
Sept. 22, Bear Island and M/S Mount Washington, 7 pm, Center Harbor Historical Society program, public welcome, speaker: Jim Morash, Schoolhouse Museum, 94 Dane Rd., Center Harbor, 968-3902.
Route 3, Weirs Beach • 603-366-4466 • OPEN ALL YEAR
Sept. 22, Techniques of the White Mts. Painters, 9:30 – 11 am, free, talk by NH painter Lauren Sansaricq, Museum of the White Mts., Plymouth, free, public welcome, info: 535-3210. Sept. 22-25, Brilliant Being, 7 pm (also 1 pm on 9/24 & 25), PSU faculty concert, dance, music, Plymouth State Univ., Studio Theatre, Plymouth, 535-ARTS. Sept. 22-24 & Oct. 1, Rummage Sale, Holderness Community Church Annex Building, 919 US Rt. 3, Holderness, 968-7643, www.holdernesscommunitychurch. org. Sept. 23, Music in the Pub with Cindy Duchin & Friends, 6:30 pm, Corner House Inn, 22 Main St. Sandwich, 284-6219. Sept. 23-25, NASCAR Races, NH Motor Speedway, Rt. 106, Loudon, 783-4931, Sept. 23, Treasures from the Isle of Shoals, Meredith Bay Colony Club NH Humanities program by Dennis Robinson, 7 pm. Reservations :279-1500, www.
New Hampshire
Sept. 23, Nearer to Nature Fall Foliage Cruise, 10 am – noon, Squam Lakes Natural Science Center, Holderness, info/pre-register: 968-7194, www.nhnature. org. Sept. 24, ABCs of Letterpress Printing, 9:30 am – 4:30 pm, learn letterpress printing, Canterbury Shaker Village, Shaker Rd., Canterbury, 783-9511, www. Sept. 24, Antique Car & Boat Rendezvous, 9 am – 3 pm, Wolfeboro Town Docks, Wolfeboro, food, music, awards, hosted by New England Chapter of Antique & Classic Boat Society Inc., Sept. 24, Apple Day, Effingham Preservation Society, 9 am – 1 pm, Province Lake Rd. and Town House Rd., food, all things apple! Call 539-7878. Sept. 24, Broadway Idol, musical play, Winnipesaukee Playhouse, Meredith, www., 279-0003. Sept. 24, Community Contra Dance, G.A.L.A., Wolfeboro Town Hall, 84 S. Main St., Wolfeboro, 7 – 10 pm, info: 539-6460, Sept. 24, Harvest Festival, 11 am – 3 pm, music, demos, historic crafts, wagon rides, games, food & more, NH Farm Museum, Cleveland Hill Rd., Tamworth, 3237591, Sept. 24, Investigating Autumn, Part I, 10 – 11:30 am, Squam Lakes Natural Science Center, Holderness, info: 968-7194,
Page 19
September 19, 2016
18th Annual Autumn Sept. 24, Llama Felted Hat Demo with Carrie Cahill-Mulligan, 11 am – 2 pm, free, League of NH Craftsmen Meredith Fine Craft Gallery, 279 DW Highway, Meredith, info: 279-7920. Sept. 24, Moose Mountain Dixie Land Jazz Band with Lance MacLean concert, 7 pm, Wakefield Opera House, 2 High St., Sanbornville, tickets: 522-0126. Sept. 24, Not So Ordinary Pumpkin Patch, 11 am – noon; 1 – 2 pm, naturalist led tour of pumpkin patch, Prescott Farm Environmental Education Center, White Oaks Rd., Laconia, pre-register: 366-5695. Sept. 24, Rugs in the Shaker Spirit, 10 am – 4 pm, learn Shaker needlecraft/rug making techniques, Canterbury Shaker Village, Shaker Rd., Canterbury, 783-9511, Sept. 24, Smithsonian Magazine Museum Day Live, free admission to the museum, 10 am – 4 pm, Wright Museum, & NH Boat Museum Center St., Wolfeboro, 5691212. or 569-4554. Sept. 24, Taste of Gilmanton, a farm-to-table dinner consisting solely of Gilmanton-raised food, 5 pm. Scriven Arts Colony, 452 NH Rt. 140, Gilmanton, info: or follow Scriven Arts Colony on Facebook. Sept. 24 & 25, Indigo, Shibori & Clay Resist Dyeing, 10 am – 5 pm, learn the ancient art of clay resist dyeing. League of NH Craftsmen/Sandwich Home Industries, Main St., Sandwich, info/pre-register: 284-6831. Sept. 25, Bark for Life, 10 am, bring your canine friend for fun activities to benefit fight against cancer, New Durham Ball Field, Smitty’s Way, New Durham, free, info: 380-2544. Sept. 25, Indigo and Shibori one-day class, 10 am – 5 pm, learn the ancient art of Japanese resist and natural indigo dyeing. League of NH Craftsmen/Sandwich Home Industries, Main St., Sandwich, info/pre-register: 284-6831. Sept. 25: Spectacular Spiral Bracelet with Deb Fairchild, 12 – 4 pm, League of NH Craftsmen, DW Highway, Meredith, pre-register/info: 279-7920.
Saturday October 1 10am - 6pm
Sunday October 2 10am - 4pm
Fine Jewelry, Country Wood Crafts, Watercolors, Pottery, Metal, Stemware, Photography, Ceramics, Candles, Bird Houses, Folk Art, Wearable Art, Fiber, Floral, Sea Glass, Fleece, Scarves, Tapestry, Recycled Fiber, Soaps, Turned Wood, Fire Colorant, Vintage Chic, Herbal Dips, Salsas, Sauces, Wine Slushy Mixes, Kettle Corn, Oils, Maple and more!
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Sept. 25-26, Lakes Region Triathlon & Festival, Welllington State Park, Newfound ONGOING Arts Walk, last Saturday of each month, 5 – 8 pm, self guided tour of galleries and arts locations in Wolfeboro, 569-2762, hosted by Governor Wentworth Arts Council, Belknap Mill, programs and self-guided tours of the Power House, 1823 historic former textile mill. Hours/information: 524-8813. The Mill Plaza, 25 Beacon Street East, Laconia. Billiards Club, Monday nights at 6:30 pm, Tapply Thompson Community Center, Bristol, pick-up pool games, chance to socialize, info: 744-8159. Community Photo Club NH Architecture in Black and White, through Sept. 30, exhibit at Silver Center, Plymouth State Univ., Plymouth, free, public welcome, 535-ARTS. Concerts at 12 Main, Arts Center at 12 Main, Sandwich village, 7:30 pm, select concerts. Info: 284-7115, Country, Bluegrass, and Gospel Music Jam, Tuesdays, 6:30 – 9:30 pm, Old White Church, Route 109A, Tuftonboro, across from Tuftonboro General Store and Post Office. Musicians and listeners welcome. Free. Call 569-3861. Country Acoustic Picking Party, Wednesdays, 7 – 9 pm, Tilton Senior Center, Tilton. Explore Squam Cruise, daily 11 am, 1 & 3 pm, Squam Lakes Natural Science Center, Holderness, 968-7194, History of Fashion, through Sept. 20, “From Fifth Avenue to Town House Road: Fashion and Accessories in Effingham,” free, public welcome, by Effingham Historical Society, exhibit at County Courthouse, Courthouse Square, Ossipee, call for a viewing (allow 24 hr. notice): 539-4071. Kirkwood Gardens, stroll the garden with many colorful plants and shrubs that naturally attract birds. Free and open to public. Squam Lakes Natural Science Center, 23 Science Center Road, Holderness, 968-7194,
Music Beer German Food
Stein Hoist Contest
Cornhole Toss Face Painting & More
Lake Winnipesaukee Museum, Rte. 3, Weirs Beach. Preserving and promoting history of Lake Winnipesaukee and vicinity with memorabilia, photos, maps, models of famous steamboats 1833-1939, posters and photos of grand hotels plus artifacts ranging from Indian arrowheads to Big Band posters. Lectures and children’s corner. Call for hours: 366-5950, Live Blues, every Friday night at 8 pm, Pitman’s Freight Room, 94 New Salem St., Laconia. Call 494-3334,
The Wolfeboro Inn & Wolfe’s Tavern 90 N Main St, Wolfeboro, NH 603.569.3016
Page 20
September 19, 2016
RIVEREDGE MARINA Year Round Full Service Marina Winterization • Winter Storage • Winter Work Shrink Wrap • Spring Make Ready • Boat Rentals Slip Rentals • Valet
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Live Jazz, every Thursday at 8 pm, Pitman’s Freight Room, 94 New Salem St., Laconia. Call 494-3334, Loon Cruise, Mondays & Wednesdays 3 – 4:30 pm, Squam Lakes Natural Science Center, Holderness, 968-7194, Masonic Breakfast, First Sunday of each month, 7 – 11:30 am, 35 Trotting Track Road, Wolfeboro. Fresh fruit, omelets made to order, scrambled eggs, hash browns, cereal etc. New Hampshire Boat Museum, “We’ve Got You Covered: Art From MotorBoating Magazine Covers 1914-1935”, an exhibit of boating magazine covers, runs through Oct. 10, 399 Center St., Wolfeboro, info: 569-4554, wwwnhbm. org. Open Mic/Jam Night, Thursdays, 7 – 11 pm, Hawg’s Pen Cafe, Farmington. All levels, styles, and genres welcome. Info: Open Mic, every Friday at 7:30 pm, The Back Room at the Mill Fudge Factory, 2 Central St., Bristol, 744-0405, Plymouth State University Art Faculty Exhibit: Roots & Growth, through Oct. 7, Karl Drerup Art Gallery, Plymouth, free, public welcome, info: 535-ARTS. Prescott Farm Environmental Education Center, dawn – dusk, 928 White Oaks Rd., Laconia. Historic farm with 160 acres offers three miles of hiking trails, gardens, bird and wildlife viewing plus barn. Special events and programs throughout the year. Call 366-5695, Radio-Controlled Sailing on Back Bay, Bridge-Falls Path, Wolfeboro. One-meter Solings compete 1 pm Tuesdays, US12’s compete 1 pm Thursdays, both sessions weather permitting. Free-sailing Footy’s available for youngsters to try on Tuesday. More information at Railroad Museum, 1 Chapel St., Union, visit the restored 1911 Boston & Maine Railroad Station housing railroad artifacts, tour the 1903 Railroad Snowplow, and view the 1909 era Boston & Maine Model Railroad in the restored 1875 Freight House. Heritage Park Railroad Museum is open Saturdays and Sundays noon to 4 pm. Admission is free. Remick Country Doctor Museum & Farm, activities and tours, Monday-Friday, 10 am to 4 pm, Saturday 10 am to 3 pm, Tamworth, 323-7591, www.remickmuseum. org. River Otter Feeding, every Mon., Wed. & Fri., 11:30 am, watch playful river otters enjoy lunch, Squam Lakes Natural Science Center, Holderness, info: 968-7194, Sandwich Farmer’s Market, Corner House Parking Lot, Center Sandwich, 9 – 11:30 am. Sandwich Historical Society, “Old Highways: North Sandwich to the Notch” exhibit in the Wentworth Room at Elisha Marston House Museum, Sandwich, for more information: or 284-6269.
Specializing in IMRON Finishes & ALEXSEAL INTERPROTECT Blister Repair High-Performance Blister Coating with White High-Gloss Finish
Sculpture Walk, sponsored by Greater Meredith Program, free, open to public, tour outdoor, juried Meredith sculpture walk year round, info: www.
Taking the Lead: Women and the White Mountains, through Oct. 7, exhibit at Museum of the White Mountains, 34 Highland St., Plymouth, info: 535-3214. Tamworth Farmer’s Market, Saturdays, through Oct. 22, parking lot of Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 30 Tamworth, Tamworth, 9 am – 1 pm, info: www. Thursday Laconia Outdoor Marketplace, weekly through Sept. 24, municipal parking lot, downtown Laconia, weekly market from 3 – 6 pm, veggies, breads, crafts, farm produce and more, info: 528-8541.
Solitude by William Hays
surround yourself with beautiful things
League of NH Craftsmen Meredith Fine Craft Gallery 279 DW Hwy. • Meredith • 603-279-7920 • Like us on Facebook so you can see other beautiful things made by NH’s finest artists ~
Trails open, Squam Lakes Natural Science Center, Holderness, 9:30 am – 5 pm, last trail admission at 3:30 pm, interactive trail with live animal exhibits. Admission charge; 968-7194, Turtle Talk, every Tuesday at 1:30 pm, interactive discussion, Squam Lakes Natural Science Center, Holderness, info: 968-7194, Up Close to Animals, Saturdays and Sundays at noon and 2 pm through Oct. 9, Squam Lakes Natural Science Center, Holderness, info: 968-7194. Wolfeboro Farmer’s Market, through Oct. 6, Thursdays from 12:30 – 4:30 pm. Cate Park, Wolfeboro, info: Wolfeboro Inn Special Events, Sushi Night, every Tues., 4 – 9 pm; every other Thur. Date Night with free babysitting, 5 – 9pm; Sun. Brunch, every Sun. 10 am – 2 pm; Wolfe’s Tavern, Wolfeboro Inn, 90 N. Main St., Wolfeboro, 569-3016, www.
Page 21
September 19, 2016 • Dancing Continued from page 17 Winter may be months away, but the country dance scene is already heating up. Here are some of the dances you can put on your calendar now. Thursdays, September 22, 29 & October 6, 7 to 8:30 pm: Winnipesaukee Squares Dance Lessons at the Leavitt Park Clubhouse, Laconia. “Friendship set to Music! Family. Singles, Couples & Families are welcome! Laughter is required!” says their website. Saturday, September 24, 7 to 10 pm: Global Awareness Local Action (G.A.L.A.) Contra Dance Series. Wolfeboro Town Hall. Family friendly dance series runs the last Saturday of every month through April 22, 2017. Byron Ricker calls this month’s dance with music by Liz and Dan Faiella. Saturday, October 8, 8 to 11 pm: Gilmanton Dance Series. Gilmanton Town Hall. Contras and squares with
live music the second Saturday of every month. The dance will include a Silent Auction to support Stephen Winchester in his recovery from heart surgery. Saturday, October 15, 7:30 to 9:30 pm: Caller: Adam Boyce; music by Adam and Sue Hunt, Conway Dance
Using Cemeteries for Genealogy Norma Mooney Milne will present a program at the Wolfeboro Public Library on South Main Street in Wolfeboro on Thursday, September 29 at 6:30 pm on using cemeteries and headstones for genealogy. The program takes place in conjunction with the Lakes Region Genealogy Interest Group. The program is free and open to all. Milne, a resident of Concord, NH and summer resident of Wolfeboro, has been researching her family for over 25 years. She is a member of the New England Historic Genealogical Society, the New Hampshire Historical Society and a lineage society, the Sons and Daughters of the First Settlers of Newbury, Massachusetts. Of Irish and English decent, she conducts the majority of her research in Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Vermont. Of particular interest to Milne is locating the cemeteries and headstones of her ancestors, especially those who are buried in New England.
With this in mind, she located several online databases that can assist anyone in locating headstones for their relatives. For her presentation, Milne will share her knowledge of the websites and Billiongraves. com, including how to register for these websites, how to navigate and search for cemeteries and headstones, as well as how to create memorials and upload digital photographs to these websites. You are encouraged to bring your laptops and smartphones and have photographs of headstones loaded on your devices. The Lakes Region Genealogy Interest Group is free and open to the public for all those with an excitement for genealogy, beginner or professional. Monthly meetings are held the last Thursday evening of the month at the library. For more information, please call Cindy Scott at the Wolfeboro Public Library at 603569-2428.
Series, third Saturday every month at Brown Church in Conway this month (at Tin Mountain Conservation Center in following months). Sponsored in part by Mountain Top Music Center;
refreshments available. Saturday, October 22, 7 to 10 pm: G.A.L.A. Contra Dance Series (as above) Saturday, November 19, 7:30 to 9:30 pm: Albany Dance Series, third Saturday of every month at Tin Mountain Conservation Center. Featuring Caller Gale Wood, and music by Shana Aisenberg and Beverly Woods. A special New Year’s Eve Contra Dance will be held at the Town Hall in Tamworth featuring famed caller Dudley Laufman and his band Two Fiddles. Dance series continue through the winter. For updated information about dances throughout the state, see https:// traditions/live-free-dance.htm.
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Page 22
September 19, 2016
October at the Squam Lakes Natural Science Center Fall is a beautiful time of year, and a great time for a visit to the Squam Lakes Natural Science Center in Holderness. Bring the whole family for a walk on the trail and/or to take a workshop. Invasive Species Removal Work Day will take place on Thursday, October 6 from 9:30 to 11:30 am. Adults join Master Gardener Liz Stevens to learn to identify and remove invasive plant species. Participants will begin each session with a brief introduction to an invasive species and then head out onto the Science Center grounds to learn and practice techniques for removing that species from an area. Learn skills to apply to removing invasive species from your own property. Snacks and lemonade will be provided to wrap up the work sessions. Wear sturdy shoes and bring work gloves, water, insect repellent and sunscreen. There is no
charge to attend but pre-registration is required. 50 Nature Activities Series: Investigating Autumn II will take place on Sunday, October 9, from 10 to 11:30 am. To help celebrate the 50th anniversary of Squam Lakes Natural Science Center, the organization has published a book, 50 Nature Activities for Kids, by Senior Naturalist Dave Erler. Each program in the series, running throughout the year, will feature activities from the book to get participants exploring nature outdoors and a project to take nature home. Copies of the book will also be available for sale in the Howling Coyote Gift Shop for $14.95. Activities take place both indoors and outdoors; an adult must accompany children. Investigating Autumn activities include: How Tall is that Tree?, Pinecone Peanut Butter Bird
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Investigating Autumn series for youngsters at the Science Center; courtesy photo. Feeder, and Preserving Fall Foliage. The cost is $7 per member child; $9 per non-member child. On Wednesday, October 12 from 10 to 11 am, Nature Play Time is a program for children ages 3 and under. Youngers can join in some unstructured play in nature. Set the stage for fun to laugh and explore the natural world together. Participants will play in a shallow stream with buckets and scoops one week and play in the forest walking on log balance beams, and making stick forts the next week. Participants can come once or every session. This program will be held outdoors, so please dress accordingly. The cost is $5 per member child per session; $7 per non-member child per session. Get in the spooky spirit with Halloween Hoot ‘N Howl on Saturday, October 15 from 6 to 8:30 pm. Visitors will enjoy an eerily entertaining 40-minute guided tour around the Science Center grounds. Trail walks feature live skits with a seasonal theme and depart every 10 minutes from 6 to 7:30 pm. Come in costume and dress suitably for outdoor weather. After the tour, visitors can warm up with Halloween games and tasty treats. Reservations are required in advance by calling 603-968-7194 x7. The cost is $8 for members; $11 for non-members. There will be $1 off each reservation
paid by Friday, October 7. There are still plenty of ongoing programs at the Science, so stop by to get a look at the animals. Up Close to Animals takes place on Saturdays and Sundays at 12 noon and 2 pm through October 9. Visitors meet live animals up close and learn about them from an experienced naturalist educator. The engaging talks at the amphitheater on the animal exhibit trail feature a variety of different animals, including birds like peregrine falcon, saw-whet owl, or sharp-shinned hawk; mammals like woodchuck, porcupine, skunk, or coyote; and reptiles like wood turtle, or Blanding’s turtle. Up Close to Animals presentations are part of regular trail admission and reservations are not required. River Otter Feeding happens very Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 11:30 am. See the two playful resident river otters enjoy an early lunch. Expert volunteers tell visitors about otter biology and ecology, while also serving up a tasty treat or two. River otter feeding time is included in regular trail admission. Get out on the water this fall with the Explore Squam Cruise on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 11 am and 1 pm (through Thursday, October • Squam Lakes Continued on page 23
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September 19, 2016 • Squam Lakes Continued from page 22 6) and on Friday through Monday at 11 am, 1 and 3 pm (through Monday, October 10). The unforgettable guided tour has something to delight everyone. Learn about the natural history of the lake, the wildlife that makes Squam so special, and the people who have enjoyed the lakes for over 5,000 years. View locations where the movie On Golden Pond was filmed over 30 years ago. Watch Common Loons and Bald Eagles. All Squam Lake Cruises are 90-minutes and depart from the dock on Route 3 at the bridge, next to Walter’s Basin Restaurant in downtown Holderness. Squam Lake Cruises are on canopied pontoon boats. Binoculars are available for wildlife viewing at no additional cost. There is limited space for Squam Lake Cruises; please reserve your seat by calling 603-9687194. The tour is not recommended for children age 3 and under. Nature of the Lakes Cruise takes place on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at 3 pm (through Thursday, October 6). Uncover the rich natural history of Squam Lake with an experienced naturalist educator. Observe loons and Bald Eagles and their nesting sites along with other wildlife. Learn how animals survive
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and adapt to their aquatic world. Gain an appreciation and deeper understanding of Squam Lake from mountain ranges to island stories to quiet spots during this memorable lake experience. All Squam Lake Cruises are 90-minutes and depart from the dock on Route 3 at the bridge, next to Walter’s Basin Restaurant in downtown Holderness. Squam Lake Cruises are on canopied pontoon boats. Binoculars are available for wildlife viewing at no additional cost. There is limited space for Squam Lake Cruises. The cruise is not recommended for children under 3. The mission of Squam Lakes Natural Science Center is to advance understanding of ecology by exploring New Hampshire’s natural world. Through spectacular live animal exhibits, natural science education programs, an informal public garden, and lake cruises, the Science Center has educated and enlightened visitors since 1966 about the importance of our natural world. Squam Lakes Natural Science Center is located on Route 113 in Holderness, an easy drive from exit 24 off I-93, and is open daily through November 1. To pre-register/reserve a space at one of the programs or cruises, call 603-968-7194 or visit www.
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Page 24
September 19, 2016
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