Laker 9 26 l

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September 26, 2016

Your Guide to What’s Happening in NH’s Lakes Region





Grab Some Fall Fun!

September 26 • Vol 33 • No. 26


Golf Page 4

See More at

What’s Up Pages 6-8

Get The Skinny Around the Winni

Page 2

September 26, 2016

Rotary Club of Wolfeboro To Host Annual Radio Auction SANDWICH NEW HAMPSHIRE



We welcome


Granite Statee Disc Dogs

Oxen Pulling is back at the fair! MO


~ M on da y ~

Say goodbye to Art Harriman Monday Even Kids Scaven ts for the Family: ger The W omen’s Hunt Skillet Toss Pickup Truck T he Gentlemen ’s Pull Keg Toss


08 09 10, 2016 •

Fairgrounds open daily



Friday Midway Preview 4-9 • Pay One Price Rides $20 Saturday Pay One Price Rides 9-2 $20 Rides Open at 9am Saturday, Sunday & Monday Midway by Gillette Shows

Be sure to bid for items on Saturday October 1, during the Rotary Club of Wolfeboro’s Annual Radio Auction fundraiser. Auction bidding opportunities cover a wide array of goods, dinners and services donated by many area businesses and individuals. Listeners may bid for the items between 9 am and 1 pm, when the auction will be broadcast live via WEEI 101.5 FM and 104.9 The Hawk. Rotarians will be on hand to take your telephone bids. Call 603-569-5666 the day of the auction to place your bid. Winning items may be picked up at the Wolfeboro Community Center, 32 Lehner Street, Wolfeboro on the day of the auction between 1 and 4 pm. This is the largest fundraiser of the year hosted by the Rotary Club of Wolfeboro. Since the Rotary Radio Auction began years ago, it has raised tens of thousands of dollars to support

many local non-profits and funded hundreds of scholarships for local students. “This year we have an exciting array of items to bid on.” said Dick Mosher, President of the Wolfeboro Rotary Club. “Be sure to check out all the items in this week’s insert in the Granite State News. Also photos of some items can be seen on the Wolfeboro Rotary Club’s Facebook page.” To learn more about the Wolfeboro Rotary Club visit www. The Rotary Club of Wolfeboro meets each Monday at 5:30 pm in the 1812 Room of the Wolfeboro Inn. Following a light dinner, members hear a guest speaker on various topics of interest. Interested men and women are always welcome to come and learn more about the benefits of joining Rotary.

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in consumption or fuel prices canPRE-BUY: affect your monthly payment the season outcome of TRADITIONAL BUDGET: Make payments without a locked-in price BUDGET ASSURANCE CAP: Take comfort in changes spreading your estimatBUDGET Spread out yourand/or heating costs over even your budgeting results. To participate in an Eastern Budget Assurance CAP, Fixed Price Budget or Pre-Buy Plan you must enter into an Agreement with Eastern. The Agreement is a legal easy and manageable. Spread your annual fuel costs over even month- ed fuel costs over even monthly payments. Never pay more than your monthly payments while locking in the price per gallon for your expected contract and sets forth the terms and conditions of your participation in the Plan. Please read the carefully as it will be a binding contract. Under the Pre-Buy Plan, you will be required ly payments. Automatically receive your prompt pay discount as part of capped rate for your anticipated fuel needs, noAgreement matter how high prices fuel pre-purchased needs for the by period of October 1, 2016 to aMay 31, 2017. to take delivery of all product you May 31, 2017 to avoid paying shortage fee. First payFIXED PRICE BUDGET: Take comfort in spreading your estimated fuel costs over monthly budget payments. First payment is due at time of enrollment. rise. When fuel costs are below your cap, you pay the lower price. First ment is due at time of purchase. even monthly payments. Never pay more than your fixed rate for your anticipated fuel Eastern Propane & Oil • Claremont, NH • Danvers, MA • Franklin, MA • Hudson, NH needs, no matter how high prices rise. First payment is due at time of enrollment. payment is due at time of enrollment. PRSRT STD ASSURANCE CAP: Take comfort in spreading your • estimated fuel US Postage Lebanon, NH • Loudon, NH Rochester, NH • Tamworth, NH • Winchendon, MA FIXEDBUDGET PRICE BUDGET: Take comfort in spreading your estimated fuel PAID costs over even monthly payments. Never pay more than your capped rate for your For current plan details please visit Manchester, NH costs anticipated over even monthly Never pay more your fixed rate FULL SEASON PRE-BUY: Lock inyour the price per gallon by making a one fuel payments. needs, no matter howthan high prices rise. When fuel costs are below Permit No. 724 For current pricing call our cap, you pay the lower price. First payment is due at time of enrollment. 800.523.5237 PO Box of 1800 for your anticipated fuel needs, no matter how high prices rise. First pay- time purchase of your expected fuel|needs for the period October 1, Rochester, NH 03866-1800 Customer Care Department at 800.523.5237 FULL SEASON PRE-BUY: Lock in the price per gallon by making a one time ment purchase is due at time of enrollment. 2016 to May 31, 2017. Payment in full is due at time of purchase. of your expected fuel needs for the period of September 1, 2016 to

May 31, 2017. Payment in full is due at time of purchase. BUDGET PRE-BUY: Spread out your heating season costs over even monthly payments while locking in the price per gallon for your expected fuel needs for the period of September 1, 2016 to May 31, 2017. First payment is due at time of purchase.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Budgets are estimated on fuel consumption history. Significant changes in consumption or fuel prices can affect your monthly payment and/or the outcome of your budgeting results. To participate in an Eastern Budget Assurance CAP, Fixed Price Budget or Pre-Buy Plan you must enter into an Agreement with Eastern. The Agreement is a legal contract and sets forth the terms and conditions of your participation in the Plan. Please read the Agreement carefully as it will be a binding contract. Under the Pre-Buy Plan, you will be required to take delivery of all product you pre-purchased by May 31, 2017 to avoid paying a shortage fee.

For current plan details please visit For current pricing call our Customer Care Department at 800.523.5237

Eastern Propane & Oil • Claremont, NH • Danvers, MA • Franklin, MA • Hudson, NH Lebanon, NH • Loudon, NH • Rochester, NH • Tamworth, NH • Winchendon, MA 800.523.5237 |

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September 26, 2016

Riding in the Clouds at The Castle Story & Photos by Barbara Neville Wilson It’s a brilliant day—yet another in the series of cobalt blue sky days we have had this fall. I put in early hours at my desk so I can get away in the afternoon. On this day, my friend Brenda arrives and we head out, driving two-laned roads, quiet after Labor Day’s rush and the re-opening of school. Our destination? Horseback riding at Castle in the Clouds in Moultonboro. We leave reality behind when we turn the corner from Route 109 onto Old Mountain Road. The signs below advertise Yoga on the Lawn and Horseback Riding in the Clouds. Timetables and “must do” lists recede to the background as the car climbs the winding hill. We go the road less travelled by, turning left at the “T” in the road, away from the parking lots of guests touring the Castle in the Clouds or eating at the Carriage House. Instead, we head to a different parking lot. As we pull in, a smiling group mills around the large open Barn, speaking another language but obviously happy with the adventure they just had. We adjust phones and clothes, leave the car and are greeted by…goats. The goats are a running joke at the Barns this year, we learn later. Laurie, barn manager and owner of the Riding in the Clouds horses, loves goats and started with two early in the season. It wasn’t long before her son and his

girlfriend found another on Craig’s List and dropped it into the mix, just to see what she would do. The goats are friendly and their antics provide comic relief as we wait for the other riders joining us on our scheduled ride. I pay for our ride and learn that Andrea, at the cash register, will also be our guide. A recent graduate in psychology and criminal justice from Plymouth State University, she is enjoying perhaps her final summer leading tours. We can tell from her words that, although she is excited for her next step, Riding in the Clouds has been a special experience over her high school and college summers. And she’s not the only one. All the team members we meet are friendly and eager to share their enthusiasm for the horses and the marvelous scenery around them. We sign the required liability forms,

choose helmets, wander the barns and play with the goats. It’s not long before the others arrive to join our tour, and the Barn staff lead horses to the “Loading Dock.” I remember a few giggling, less-thansuccessful attempts to swing my five-foot frame over the huge frame of a mule I was to ride at the Grand Canyon, finally having to be rather unceremoniously helped; i.e., pushed from the rear, by the tour guide. None of that here! The raised platform allows us to step down onto the horse almost gracefully, but first Andrea sits on her horse, Mr. Ed, and gives us pointers and rules to ride by: Hold onto the reins, heels down, lean forward uphill, lean backward down, and stay single file. All the horses are beautiful and wellbehaved. Brenda’s royal blue t-shirt

perfectly complements the camel color of Trigger’s palomino coat ahead of me. My affinity for redheads is satisfied by the deep russet of “Red,” while our fellow riders make quick friends with Shogun and Cooper. We leave the barns and turn left, past pasture, up the hill and into the woods. When Thomas Plant created his hilltop estate in the early 20th century, he cobbled together 6,300 acres from property already carved out of mountain and forest. Although there is probably a master map somewhere, it’s difficult to tell which 43 miles of hiking trails and 15 miles of bridle paths were built by his legendary workers, which were built by BF Shaw in the decades before, or which are more recent additions. But on this magnificent day, it doesn’t matter. Except for one brief moment when the engineering genius of particularly intricate stacked rock takes my attention, I only live in the now of the guided ride. Andrea keeps a steady commentary with Brenda, who can hear her well. Our companions behind banter about his comfort level on horses (low) and her relief to be riding again. (We knew she was a serious rider when she arrived at the barn in riding boots and with her own helmet.) I enjoy listening and watching as the landscape and early afternoon light change around us. After a few minutes in the full glare • Riding Continued on page 5

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Photo: G. Murphy

Scenic Cruises

Daily from Weirs Beach at 10 & 12:30. Also from other ports.

Sunday Champagne Brunch

Smiley Publishing Group, LLC dba Panoramic Publishing Group/The Laker P.O. Box 119, Wolfeboro Falls, NH 03896

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Enjoy a buffet brunch and entertainment while cruising the lake. From Weirs 10 & 12:30, from Alton Bay 11:15.

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$10 discount for adults over 60 - Friday, September 30.


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Rock, Roll & Remember Foliage Dinner Cruise

Page 4

September 26, 2016

A Tribute to Sarah Josepha Hale at Gilmanton Historical Society A native of Newport, New Hampshire, America’s first female editor, Sarah Josepha Hale, made Godey’s Lady’s Book the most influential women’s magazine of its time. She is also known as the author of the poem “Mary’s Lamb” and for her efforts over three decades to have Thanksgiving decreed

living in Boston, including an editorial career that spanned five decades. The program is sponsored by the New Hampshire Humanities. The program, at Old Town Hall in Gilmanton Iron Works, begins at 7:30 pm. Social hour and refreshments begin at 7 pm. The Society’s museum in the basement of Old Town Hall will be open at 7 pm. This is the final program in the Gilmanton Historical Society’s 2016 summer series. A brief annual meeting to elect officers will precede the program. The programs are free and open to the public. The hall is handicapped accessible. Donations to support the work of the Society are always


19th Century

willowbrook Willowbrook village

STEP BACK IN TIME as you stroll the grounds of this picturesque

village. Explore over 20 structures full of objects depicting rural 19th century New England lifeways.

• UPCOMING EVENTS • October 2: Ash Sunday ( White Ash Tree Woodcraft Day) part of Southern Maine Woods All October programming.

October 8, 4:30-6:30: Oktoberfest! (Fundraiser Dinner & Music) Tickets For Sale. Open 10 am to 5 pm | July 1 - Columbus Day | Closed Tuesday & Wednesday 70 Elm Street | Newfield, ME | 207-793-2784 |

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a national holiday. In this living history set in 1866, Sharon Wood portrays Ann Wyman Blake, a resident of West Cambridge, Massachusetts speaking of her admiration for Hale. As Blake, Wood shares stories of Hale’s many accomplishments while

Check Out Our New Lower Day Play Rates for 2016 at Memberships Available


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Emmy Nominated Pianist/Composer Coming to Taylor Community

• Riding Continued from page 3 of sunshine in the open, we enter a wooded trail where the green of leaves pops against the dusty brown of the trail. The horses crisscross the trail to find comfortable footing against rocks. We dutifully lean forward as we ascend the hill, eventually crossing between stonewalls to emerge into pasture. This is where the horses are released at night, Andrea tells us. “A room with a view,” I think as I take a picture of the broad expanse of Winnipesaukee below. As we head downhill and toward the Barn, my heart sinks. “Is this it? Is this the whole ride? I want more,” but my fear is needless. Once at the bottom, we cross the dusty road, take a well-trod path across the green grass, then take a new path downhill, into more woods. The big picture scenic views of the pasture are left behind as we descend paths parallel to the rushing sound

of countless waterfalls. Here I am watching for the small changes, the details of tree types, the carved steps with clues of man’s hand, and wildlife. The horses and riders enjoy the coolness of shade for long minutes as we explore. Eventually our horses have crossed the bridge to bring us out to the other side. I watch reluctantly, knowing when we pass the pond that we are inevitably headed back to the Barn. Hmmm… do I sense a quicker step in Red? Of course! For him, the Barn isn’t the end of a lovely respite, but the prospect of a tasty treat and rest in his stall. My one disappointment in the afternoon’s ride? That more fall foliage was not displayed. That will change quickly as October unfolds. I may return because I’d like to ride in the clouds once again. Riding in the Clouds is open yearround. Reservations are strongly recommended, especially during peak foliage. Call 603-476-8350.

William Ögmundson is an Emmy Award nominated composer and professional pianist residing in New England with his family. He has performed throughout the U.S. and Europe — most notably at the Vatican and Notre Dame de Paris — and his original compositions have been performed worldwide. William will bring

his talents to Taylor Community for an afternoon performance on Thursday, Sept. 29 at 2 pm in the Woodside Building on Union Avenue in Laconia. The event is free and open to the public, but RSVPs are requested by calling 524-5600. For more information, visit

Squam Lake Cruises Daily through October 10 Squam Lake is a gem among New Hampshire lakes. See its amazingly clear water, rocky shores, celebrated islands, historic homes, scenic mountain views, and remarkable wildlife. Reservations recommended.

E. Edersheim

Celebrating 50 Years 1966-2016 | 603-968-7194 | Route 113, Holderness, NH

Presrt Std US Postage US Postage PAID US Postage PAID PAID Laconia, NH PAID NH Laconia, Laconia, NH PermitNH #200 Laconia, Permit #200 Permit #200 Permit #200

1914 Arts and Crafts Mansion • 5,500 Acres of Trails and Waterfalls Patio Cafe with Sumptuous View • Horseback Riding • Gift Shop 2 BAYSHORE DRIVE Presrt Std MEREDITH, NH 03253 Presrt Std Presrt Std US Postage

Presrt Std US Postage US Postage PAID PAID Laconia, NH Laconia, NH Permit #200 Permit #200

New at the Castle this Fall! Winter Winter Storage Storage Winter Storage

Winterand Storage and and and

Scenic Road Only Admission

FallFall Boat Boat SaleSale Fall Boat Sale

Enjoy one of the most beautiful drives in all of New England - winding from the main entry of the estate along the lower end of Shannon Brook and ending at the historic Carriage House, this two mile drive features breathtaking views of Lake Winnipesaukee, a stunning waterfall, and beautiful foliage from beginning to end. Only $10 per vehicle! Friends of the Castle take the drive for FREE. Available daily from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Boat Storage Value Package Pricing

Presrt Std Presrt Std US Postage US Postage PAID PAID Laconia, NH Laconia, NH Permit #200 Permit #200

Includes: Haul-Out, Engine Winterization, Shrink-Wrap, Storage, Summerizing and Spring Launch • Inside or Outside Storage Available

Winter Storage and

Extended Service in the Carriage House Restaurant

Low Prices and Great Service Save up to 20%!

Enjoy the autumn sunset from the Carriage House terrace every Monday and Wednesday. Seating and serving hours in the restaurant will be from 11:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. - guests will be seated on a first come, first served basis. Make a day of it with an afternoon visit to the Castle followed by dinner, or come just for the meal.

603-476-5900 Moultonborough, NH Overlooking Lake Winnipesaukee Original art by Peter Ferber



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Page 5

September 26, 2016

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Page 6

September 26, 2016

TheThe The

Village Corner Village Corner Village Corner Sept. 25-26, Lakes Region Triathlon & Festival, Welllington State Park, Newfound Lake, 7442713. Sept. 27, Examination of the Attack on Pearl Harbor, talk by Dr. Douglas Wheeler, 7 pm, Wright Museum, Center St., Wolfeboro, $8 p/p, limited seating; pre-register: 569-1212.

Seabags Are In! Lake Decor, Apparel, and More

Lake Decor, Apparel, and More Lake Decor, Apparel, and More 1003 Whittier Highway Moultonborough, NH 03254 (Next to the Post Office) 1003 Whittier Highway

Moultonborough, NH 03254

1003 Whittier Highway Moultonbor ough, NH 03254

Tramway Artisans

Over70,000 Gifts!

at the Tramway Marketplace

Sept. 27, Travel the World Lunch Film Series, Quebec, Canada, bring a bag lunch, library provides dessert, 30 minute travel film, free, noon, public welcome, Wolfeboro Public Library, S. Main St., Wolfeboro, info: 569-2428. Sept. 27, Tribute to Sarah Josepha Hale (writer of Mary Had a Little Lamb/founder of Thanksgiving holiday), 7 pm, Gilmanton Historical Society, Old Town Hall, Gilmanton Iron Works, free, public welcome. Sept. 28, NH’s Long Love-Hate Relationship with its Agricultural Fairs, 7 – 8 pm, talk on the history and ups and downs of NH’s fairs, Cook Memorial Library, Main St., Tamworth, 323-8510, public welcome, free. Sept. 29, Bucky Lewis concert, 3 pm, Meredith Bay Colony Club, Upper Mile Point Drive, Meredith, free, 279-1500 to reserve seating. Sept. 29, Outdoor Walk, 10 - 11:30 am. Learn to recognize useful, interesting, edible or medicinal plants on the property of Remick Country Doctor Museum & Farm, Tamworth Village. Dress for the day’s weather and varied terrain. Feel free to bring a small notebook or camera. Additional walk dates in October. Walks included with $5 Museum admission. 603-323-7591. Sept. 29, Piano Concert, 2 pm, pianist William Ögmundson, Taylor Community Woodside Community, Union Ave., Laconia, free, RSVP: 524-5600. Sept. 29, Using Cemeteries for Genealogy, 6:30 pm, public welcome, free, Wolfeboro Public Library, S. Main St., Wolfeboro, info: 569-2428. Sept. 30, Music in the Pub with Peter Heimlich, 6:30 pm, Corner House Inn, 22 Main St. Sandwich, 284-6219. Sept. 30, Nuno Felting Scarf with Melinda LaBarge workshop, 9 am – 3 pm, League of NH Craftsmen, DW Highway, Meredith, pre-register/info: 279-7920. Oct. 1, Annual Wolfeboro Rotary Radio/TV Auction, 9 am – 2 pm, Wolfeboro Community Center, Wolfeboro,

Unique Gifts • Jewelry • Furniture • Candles and Scents Garden Decor • Home, Lake and Lodge Decor • More!

Junction of Routes 16 and 25 (Next to McDonald’s) • West Ossipee Open Seven Days • 539-5700

Oct. 1, 24th Annual NH Marathon at Newfound Lake, Bristol, 9 am race start, info: 744-2713. Oct. 1, Fall Foliage Ride, 9 am – 2 pm, Laconia Harley Davidson, Rt. 3, Meredith, registration opens at 9 am, includes lunch and live entertainment. 279-4526. Oct. 1, Hike on Copple Crown Trail, Brookfield, 10 am, Lakes Region Conservation Trust, preregister: Oct. 1, Hiroya Tsukamoto, guitar/vocal concert, 7:30 pm, Franklin Opera House, 316 Central St., Franklin, tickets/info: 934-934-1901, Oct. 1, Ice Dance International, 7 pm, Hanaway Rink, Plymouth State Univ., Plymouth, 535-ARTS.

Autumns Glow Fabric Leaf Pins by Jane Balshaw

surround yourself with beautiful things

League of NH Craftsmen Meredith Fine Craft Gallery 279 DW Hwy. • Meredith • 603-279-7920 • Like us on Facebook so you can see other beautiful things made by NH’s finest artists ~

Oct. 1, Not So Ordinary Pumpkin Patch, 11 am – noon; 1 – 2 pm, naturalist led tour of pumpkin patch, Prescott Farm Environmental Education Center, White Oaks Rd., Laconia, pre-register: 366-5695. Oct. 1, Making Insulated Roman Shades Workshop, 10 am – 3 pm, Global Awareness Local Action workshop held at Kingswood Youth Center, 565 Center St., Wolfeboro, info: 539-6460, Oct. 1, M/S Mount Washington Autumn Lobsterfest, departs from Weirs Beach, 5 pm, tickets: 366-BOAT. Oct. 1, Tappan Trail/Guinea Hill Hike, 9 am, historic walk and talk, refreshments to follow at Jonathan Beede House, Sandwich Historical Society, 284-6269. Oct. 1-2, 18th Annual Autumn Craft Festival, Mill Falls Marketplace, Rt. 3, Meredith, free admission, variety of crafts, Sat.: 10 am – 6 pm; Sun.: 10 am – 4 pm;, 332-2616. Oct. 2, Meet the Artist – Sussy-Rose Shields, noon – 2 pm, silversmith artist, League of NH Craftsmen Sandwich Gallery, 32 Main St., Center Sandwich, 284-6831. Oct. 2, Syrups for the Cold Season, 1 - 3 pm, Canterbury Shaker Village, 783-9511, www. Oct. 3, Climate as a Driver of Human Migration, talk at Plymouth State Univ., 7 pm, Smith Recital Hall, Plymouth, free, public welcome, 535-ARTS. Oct. 4 - Meredith Historical Society presents “Meredith and Center Harbor-A Shared History” by Dan Heyduk, 7 pm, Main Street Museum, Meredith, public welcome. Oct. 4, On This Spot Once Stood, 6:30 pm, buildings lost to demolition, talk by Maggie Stier, NH Humanities/Thompson-Ames Historical Society sponsored program, free, Gilford Public Library, Potter Hill Rd., Gilford, 524-6042. Oct. 4, Quint-Essential Winds music concert, 7 pm, Wright Museum, Center St., Wolfeboro, $8 p/p, limited seating; pre-register: 569-1212. Oct. 5, Eagle Pond Author’s Series featuring author Mark Doty, 7 pm, Plymouth State University, Plymouth, info/location: 535-ARTS. Oct. 5, Skiing Tuckerman’s Ravine on Mount Washington, 7 pm, Lake Winnipesaukee Museum, Rt. 3, Weirs Beach, 366-5950, Oct. 5-9, The Ghost in the Meadow, ghostly play, Winnipesaukee Playhouse, www., 279-0003. Oct. 6, Wine on the Winni, 5:30 - 7:30 pm, aboard the Winnipesaukee Belle, Wolfeboro Inn, N. Main St., Wolfeboro, 569-2200. Oct. 7, Coyotes and their Value to the Environment, talk by Chris Schadler, 2:30 pm, free, public welcome, Meredith Bay Colony Club, Upper Mile Pt. Drive, Meredith, pre-register: 279-

Page 7

September 26, 2016

NEW 2016 EXHIBIT 1500. Oct. 7, First Fridays at Millbrook Preserve, 4 – 6 pm, info: Squam Lakes Assoc., Holderness, info: 968-7336, pre-register: Oct. 7, Music in the Pub with the Sweetbloods, 6:30 pm, Corner House Inn, 22 Main St. Sandwich, 284-6219. Oct. 8, Apple Festival & Craft Fair, 33rd annual event, 9 am – 3 pm, Tapply-Thompson Community Center, N. Main St., Bristol, 300 homemade apple pies & other apple treats, home baked bread, baked beans, 744-2713. Oct. 8, Autumn in Effingham, events throughout the town, Ye Olde Sale Shop, craft fair, food and more. Call 539-7178. Oct. 8, Not So Ordinary Pumpkin Patch, 11 am – noon; 1 – 2 pm, naturalist led tour of pumpkin patch, Prescott Farm Environmental Education Center, White Oaks Rd., Laconia, pre-register: 366-5695. Oct. 8-10, Lakes Region Home Builders Assoc. Parade of Homes, open house of fine homes all over Lakes Region, info/tickets:

New Hampshire


Oct. 8-10, 20th Annual Lincoln Fall Craft Festival, Village Shops and Town Green, Main St., Lincoln, outdoor event, free admission, variety of crafts, Sat.: 10 am – 5 pm; Sun.: 10 am – 5 pm; Mon.: 10 am – 4 pm,, 332-2616. Oct. 8-10, Sandwich Fair, rides, crafts, midway, demos, farm animals, art exhibit, live music, food & more, 7 Wentworth Hill Rd., Rt. 109, Sandwich, 284-6112, Oct. 11, Life in Paris, Pictures & Stories with Prof. Henry M. Smith, talk/picture of travels to France, 10:30 am, Moultonboro Public Library, 4 Holland St., Moultonboro, 476-8895. Oct. 12, Nature Play Time, Squam Lakes Natural Science Center, Holderness, 10-11 am, outdoor free play for ages 3 and under, pre-registration required: 968-7194, Oct. 13, Being Mortal: What Happened to Natural Causes?, 6:30 pm, talk by Dr. Jackson, free, Gilford Public Library, Potter Hill Rd., Gilford, 524-6042. Oct. 13, Outdoor ID Walks, 10 – 11:30 am, walk and talk with museum educator/herbalist, Remick Country Doctor Museum & Farm, Tamworth, 323-7591, www.remickmuseumlorg. Oct. 13, Spain: A Magic Mystery Tour with John Chaston, 7 pm, travel program series, Great Hall, Wolfeboro Town Hall, free, public welcome, 569-2428. Oct. 13-16, Carrie The Musical, Hanaway Theatre, Plymouth State Univ., Plymouth, tickets/info: 535-ARTS. Oct. 14, Music in the Pub with Paul Hubert, 6:30 pm, Corner House Inn, 22 Main St. Sandwich, 284-6219. Oct. 15, Almost Full Moon Campfire & Walk, 7 – 8:30 pm, Remick Country Doctor Museum & Farm, Tamworth, free, donations accepted, 323-7591, www.remickmuseumlorg. Oct. 15, Annual Hoot ’n Howl, Squam Lakes Natural Science Center, Holderness, 6 – 8:30 pm, great family outdoor event, 968-7194, Oct. 15, Annual Lakes Region General Hospital Auxiliary Craft Fair, Laconia High School, 9 am - 3 pm, 345 Union Ave., Laconia, raises money in support of women and breast cancer in the Lakes Region. Free admission, info: 524-3211. Ext. 6172 Oct. 15, Bryson Lang, comedy, juggling and magic show, 7:30 pm, Franklin Opera House, 316 Central St., Franklin, tickets/info: 934-934-1901,

18th Annual Autumn

ONGOING Arts Walk, last Saturday of each month, 5 – 8 pm, self guided tour of galleries and arts locations in Wolfeboro, 569-2762, hosted by Governor Wentworth Arts Council, Belknap Mill, programs and self-guided tours of the Power House, 1823 historic former textile mill. Hours/information: 524-8813. The Mill Plaza, 25 Beacon Street East, Laconia. Benz Center Senior Meals, Sandwich, each Wednesday at noon. Well-balanced meal. Age 60 and older, small donation requested, 284-7211, Billiards Club, Monday nights at 6:30 pm, Tapply Thompson Community Center, Bristol, pickup pool games, chance to socialize, info: 744-8159. Book Sale, first Sat. of each month, Cook Memorial Library, Tamworth, 10 am – noon, 323-8510. Captain Enoch Remick House Tours, Monday–Saturday through October 8, 11 a.m. Historic house at Remick Country Doctor Museum & Farm, Tamworth Village, significant due to its influence on the town and for its architectural qualities. Includes original doctor’s office and medicine room. Included with $5 Museum admission; check in at Museum Center. 603-323-7591. Coffeehouse Open Mic Night, 1st Sat. of the month from Oct.-June, 7 pm, sign up to perform 6 – 6:50 pm, Doris L. Benz Community Center, 18 Heard Rd., Center Sandwich. Free, open to public. Community Photo Club NH Architecture in Black and White, through Sept. 30, exhibit at Silver Center, Plymouth State Univ., Plymouth, free, public welcome, 535-ARTS. Concerts at 12 Main, Arts Center at 12 Main, Sandwich village, 7:30 pm, select concerts. Info: 284-7115, Country, Bluegrass, and Gospel Music Jam, Tuesdays, 6:30 – 9:30 pm, Old White Church, Route 109A, Tuftonboro, across from Tuftonboro General Store and Post Office. Musicians and listeners welcome. Free. Call 569-3861. Country Acoustic Picking Party, Wednesdays, 7 – 9 pm, Tilton Senior Center, Tilton. Explore Squam Cruise, daily 11 am, 1 & 3 pm, Squam Lakes Natural Science Center, Holderness, 968-7194, Kirkwood Gardens, stroll the garden with many colorful plants and shrubs that naturally attract birds. Free and open to public. Squam Lakes Natural Science Center, 23 Science Center Road, Holderness, 968-7194,

Saturday October 1 10am - 6pm

Sunday October 2 10am - 4pm

Fine Jewelry, Country Wood Crafts, Watercolors, Pottery, Metal, Stemware, Photography, Ceramics, Candles, Bird Houses, Folk Art, Wearable Art, Fiber, Floral, Sea Glass, Fleece, Scarves, Tapestry, Recycled Fiber, Soaps, Turned Wood, Fire Colorant, Vintage Chic, Herbal Dips, Salsas, Sauces, Wine Slushy Mixes, Kettle Corn, Oils, Maple and more!

Free Admission ~ Rain or Shine Friendly Pets on a Leash are Welcome.

GPS Location: 312 Daniel Webster Highway, Meredith

From Route 93 take Exit 23, follow to Route 3

Page 8

September 26, 2016

Dine In or Pig Out Check Out the New Pig Pals Pub Lakes Region Camera Club Exhibit, thru Sept. 29, weekdays 10 am – 4 pm, (Sat. til 5 pm), free, open to public, VynnArt Gallery, Mill Falls Marketplace, Meredith,

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Large Picnic Area Dog Friendly

Corner of Routes 16 & 25W, West Ossipee, NH

NH’s Oldest Candy and Old-Fashioned Ice Cream Shoppe

Lakes Region Genealogy Interest Group, meets last Thursday of the month; weekly morning classes on Wednesday from 10 – 11:30 am at Wolfeboro Public Library, for more info call Cindy Scott: 569-2428. Lake Winnipesaukee Museum, Rte. 3, Weirs Beach. Preserving and promoting history of Lake Winnipesaukee and vicinity with memorabilia, photos, maps, models of famous steamboats 18331939, posters and photos of grand hotels plus artifacts ranging from Indian arrowheads to Big Band posters. Lectures and children’s corner. Call for hours: 366-5950, Live Blues, every Friday night at 8 pm, Pitman’s Freight Room, 94 New Salem St., Laconia. Call 494-3334, Live Jazz, every Thursday at 8 pm, Pitman’s Freight Room, 94 New Salem St., Laconia. Call 494-3334, Loon Cruise, Mondays & Wednesdays 3 – 4:30 pm, Squam Lakes Natural Science Center, Holderness, 968-7194, Masonic Breakfast, First Sunday of each month, 7 – 11:30 am, 35 Trotting Track Road, Wolfeboro. Fresh fruit, omelets made to order, scrambled eggs, hash browns, cereal etc. New Hampshire Boat Museum, “We’ve Got You Covered: Art From MotorBoating Magazine Covers 1914-1935”, an exhibit of boating magazine covers, runs through Oct. 10, 399 Center St., Wolfeboro, info: 569-4554, New Horizons Band of the Lakes Region, meets Tuesdays at 7 pm at Music Clinic, Rt. 3, Belmont, all musicians welcome, info: 528-6672.

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Homemade Chocolate Our Famous Make-Your-Own-Sundae Smorgasbord 10 Rooms of Wicked Cool Gifts! Hours: Weekdays 10am-6pm Saturday 10am - 9pm & Sunday 10am -6pm Route 3, Weirs Beach • 603-366-4466 • OPEN ALL YEAR

9/5-Open Mic/Jam Night, Thursdays, 7 – 11 pm, Hawg’s Pen Cafe, Farmington. All levels, styles, 10/3and genres welcome. Info: Open Mic, every Friday at 7:30 pm, The Back Room at the Mill Fudge Factory, 2 Central St., Bristol, 744-0405, Plymouth State University Art Faculty Exhibit: Roots & Growth, through Oct. 7, Karl Drerup Art Gallery, Plymouth, free, public welcome, info: 535-ARTS. Prescott Farm Environmental Education Center, dawn – dusk, 928 White Oaks Rd., Laconia. Historic farm with 160 acres offers three miles of hiking trails, gardens, bird and wildlife viewing plus barn. Special events and programs throughout the year. Call 366-5695, www.prescottfarm. org. Radio-Controlled Sailing on Back Bay, Bridge-Falls Path, Wolfeboro. One-meter Solings compete 1 pm Tuesdays, US12’s compete 1 pm Thursdays, both sessions weather permitting. Free-sailing Footy’s available for youngsters to try on Tuesday. More information at Railroad Museum, 1 Chapel St., Union, visit the restored 1911 Boston & Maine Railroad Station housing railroad artifacts, tour the 1903 Railroad Snowplow, and view the 1909 era Boston & Maine Model Railroad in the restored 1875 Freight House. Heritage Park Railroad Museum is open Saturdays and Sundays noon to 4 pm. Admission is free. Remick Country Doctor Museum & Farm, activities and tours, Monday-Friday, 10 am to 4 pm, Saturday 10 am to 3 pm, Tamworth, 323-7591, River Otter Feeding, every Mon., Wed. & Fri., 11:30 am, watch playful river otters enjoy lunch, Squam Lakes Natural Science Center, Holderness, info: 968-7194, Sandwich Farmer’s Market, Corner House Parking Lot, Center Sandwich, 9 – 11:30 am.

Music Beer German Food

Stein Hoist Contest

Cornhole Toss Face Painting & More

Sandwich Historical Society, “Old Highways: North Sandwich to the Notch” exhibit in the Wentworth Room at Elisha Marston House Museum, Sandwich through October 1, for more information: or 284-6269. Sculpture Walk, sponsored by Greater Meredith Program, free, open to public, tour outdoor, juried Meredith sculpture walk year round, info: Taking the Lead: Women and the White Mountains, through Oct. 7, exhibit at Museum of the White Mountains, 34 Highland St., Plymouth, info: 535-3214. Tamworth Farmer’s Market, Saturdays, through Oct. 22, parking lot of Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, Tamworth, 9 am – 1 pm, info: Thursday Laconia Outdoor Marketplace, weekly through Sept. 24, municipal parking lot, downtown Laconia, weekly market from 3 – 6 pm, veggies, breads, crafts, farm produce and more, info: 528-8541. Trails open, Squam Lakes Natural Science Center, Holderness, 9:30 am – 5 pm, last trail admission at 3:30 pm, interactive trail with live animal exhibits. Admission charge; 968-7194, Turtle Talk, every Tuesday at 1:30 pm, interactive discussion, Squam Lakes Natural Science Center, Holderness, info: 968-7194, Up Close to Animals, Saturdays and Sundays at noon and 2 pm through Oct. 9, Squam Lakes Natural Science Center, Holderness, info: 968-7194. Wolfeboro Farmer’s Market, through Oct. 6, Thursdays from 12:30 – 4:30 pm. Cate Park, Wolfeboro, info: Wolfeboro Inn Special Events, Sushi Night, every Tues., 4 – 9 pm; every other Thur. Date Night with free babysitting, 5 – 9pm; Sun. Brunch, every Sun. 10 am – 2 pm; Wolfe’s Tavern, Wolfeboro Inn, 90 N. Main St., Wolfeboro, 569-3016,

The Wolfeboro Inn & Wolfe’s Tavern 90 N Main St, Wolfeboro, NH 603.569.3016

Wolfeboro Rotary Club Meeting, Mondays, 5:30 pm, 1812 Room at Wolfeboro Inn, Wolfeboro, light dinner, guest speaker on various topics of interest, for more info:

Page 9

September 26, 2016

September 26, 2016

A stunning home A stunning home under construction designed & built with care and attention to detail. Enjoy amazing sunsets from this prime waterfront home with SW exposure. Floor plan is perfect with a Great Room that opens to waterside deck.The kitchen is beautifully appointed with high end appliances, comfortable work areas & a spacious eating bar.The dining area opens with a sliding wall to the screened porch with a fireplace and an enhanced living

Gilford, New Hampshire MLS #4485798 Offered at $2,995,000 Presented by

Sue Bradley

Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage area. Soaring ceiling & floor to ceiling fireplace are impressive. The main level master suite includes a spa-like bath, fireplace and a private sitting area.There are three en-suite bedrooms which complete the second level. Bonus area over the garage is finished with a private guest suite which includes sitting room, bedroom and bath. This is the perfect time to personalize with your choice of colors, flooring, fit and finish.A rare carriage house can be updated to include garages, in-law apartment, game room... all to your personal design.

Amazing Sunsets

Susan Bradley RealtorÂŽ, CRS, ABR, GRI

Direct: 603-493-2873 email: | 348 Court Street, Laconia, NH 03246 | 603-524-2255

Page 10

September 26, 2016

Island Real Estate

A division of Maxfield Real Estate


MOULTONBOROUGH // Spectacular Lake Winnipesaukee home features 2-story entry foyer with fireplace; lake and mountain views from most rooms. Home theater, study, granite countertops, breakwater, 2 docks and sunsets!

ALTON // Classic year round 4-bedroom Winnipesaukee Lake House with 220’ of waterfront & 2 detached garages. Enjoy lake & mountain views from the wrap-around porch. Crib dock & a sandy beach area. Full walkout foundation.

HOLDERNESS // Big Squam Lake immaculate 3-bedroom waterfront home with sandy beach and permanent dock. Newly remodeled – sparkling beauty. Open concept, skylights, screened porch, 2 fireplaces. Worth Seeing!!!

$1,975,000 (4228378)

$945,000 (4514460)

$775,000 (4484900)

Call 569-3128

Call 875-3128

Call 253-9360

Island REAL ESTATE NEW DURHAM // Merrymeeting Lake! Custom Cape built in 2005, with a Farmer’s Porch on a 1.55-Acre lot with 203’ of waterfront on a level peninsula. Private sandy beach, boat dock and boat launch area. Call 875-3128 $593,900 (4504751)

WOLFEBORO // Fantastic views from this private water access home on Lower Beech Pond with shared dock and beach. Large quality built Cape with fireplace, patio, porch, generator and much more.

TUFTONBORO // A two bedroom cottage in Red Gate Cottage Colony; this unit is one of the best with front row view of Lake Winnipesaukee; sandy beach, assigned dock and much more.

$549,000 (4411893)

$339,900 (4488742)

WOLFEBORO // Waterfront with 400’ sandy frontage and two cottages. Located in Fernald’s Basin to enjoy canoeing and kayaking. Just minutes to boating on The Big Lake. Start your family compound today! $299,000 (4498546) Call 569-3128

WOLFEBORO // Historic Schoolhouse c.1792, tastefully & completely renovated, 3 bedrooms & 2 baths, new kitchen & baths, 10’ ceilings with original hand hewn beams & bordered by a babbling brook. Charming! $179,000 (4492933) Call 569-3128

Call 569-3128

Call 569-3128

MOULTONBOROUGH // Well priced 4 season getaway in the popular Suissevale Community. 3 bedrooms with a great layout & open concept living with wood stove & fireplace. Oversize lot, shed & more. Needs a bit of TLC. $169,900 (4494126) Call 253-9360


TUFTONBORO // Winnipesaukee Basin Lot: 315 feet lakefront in very nice residential area. Boat access to main lake. Preferred western exposure. Generous 3.2 acre site. Call 569-3128 $310,000 (4351205)

ALTON // 1.17 Acre sloping and wooded lot has access to private 590’ shared sandy beach on Half Moon Lake. Expired 3-bedroom septic plan is available. Possible lake views. $59,900 (4484405) Call 875-3128

OSSIPEE // 26 acres, highly visible location on Route 28, borders the Poland Brook with nice water views, abuts Village District, development potential. $125,000 (2772893) Call 569-3128

HOLDERNESS // Wooded .23 acre lot close to Squam Lake. Enjoy nearby shopping, restaurants, skiing, public boat launch and private beach access. Bring your blueprints. Affordable lake living! $33,500 (4465989) Call 253-9360 • Maxfield Real Estate has been bringing people and homes together for over 60 years. Explore the thousands of properties now being offered in the Lakes Region and beyond from the comfort of your own home. is the go-to-site for buyers and sellers, with a wealth of information and resources to meet all your needs. Just one more reason why Maxfield is “simply the best.”

Wolfeboro: 15 Railroad Avenue • 603-569-3128 Center Harbor: Junction Rtes. 25 & 25B • 603-253-9360 Alton: 108 Main Street • 603-875-3128

COW ISLAND - TUFTONBORO 275’ of natural waterfront located in a quiet cove. Southern exposure, private 3.96 acres with State approved septic plan. Property is part of the Idlewild section of Cow Island. It has deeded access to 40 acres of common area, includes 2 beautiful sandy beaches & large dock. $225,000 (4483515) Call 569-3128

GANSY ISLAND – MOULTONBOROUGH Located on a very quiet & peaceful area of the lake. Songbirds, loons & views! 6 abutting parcels ranging from 1.24 acres with 300’ frontage to 2.58 acres with 520’ frontage. Offered from $195,000 to $235,000 Call 569-3128

RATTLESNAKE ISLAND – ALTON Are you a hiker? This island offers some great hiking, with lake and mountain views. 100’ waterfront with dock, views, and a small overnight cabin. $123,500 (4499947)

Call 569-3128

Page 11

September 26, 2016


EXIT Realty Leaders EXIT Realty Leaders

Ossipee- $262,568. Condo2-bedroom. Freedom - $890,000 Furnished. Lake access. 4 Bdrm,Freedom Ossipee Lake Home - $890,000

Ossipee- $59,999. Seasonal -Getway -2-bedEffingham $299,900 room ShortLake Walk to Lake 3 Bd, Province Home Effingham - $299,900

3 Bd, Province Lake Home

Brownfield- $199,900. Waterfront 3-bedroom, Year-round Ossipee -- $29,900 Cabana Knoxcottage Mtn ,with 1.4 -Ac Lot Cottage. Ossipee $29,900 Knox Mtn , 1.4 Ac Lot

4 Bdrm, Ossipee Lake Home

Bartlett- $259,900 Ossipee - $89,900 Townhouse3-bedroom. 22 Ac Lot, Close to garage. Boat Launch Ossipee - $89,900 2-car

Wakefield- $299,900.

Ossipee – $119,900 Water access Balch Lake, 2Bdrm, 2 Bth, 2.30 Acres Ossipee – $119,900 4-bedroom, Dock. 2Bdrm, 2 Bth, 2.30 Acres

22 Ac Lot, Close to Boat Launch

Wolfeboro- $184,000.

Ossipee $49,000 and Golf Close to -Downtown 2 Bdrm, 1 Bth, 1.44 Acre Ossipee - $49,000 Course, 3-bedroom On 1.40 A. 2 Bdrm, 1 Bth, 1.44 Acre

NEW SINGLE-FAMILY LAKE HOME The Pinehurst – 14 Skipper’s Court

• 1,766 sq ft | 3 beds | 2.5 baths • First-Floor Master Suite • Hardwood, Granite & Stainless

• Expansion Opportunities • Attached 2-Car Garage • Priced at $576,000

Ossipee$32,500. Ossipee - $39,000 1.5 Acre Corner Lot Ossipee - $39,000 Doublewide, 3-bedroom, deck 1.5 Acre Corner Lot


Ossipee- 6.51 Acres Build your dream retreat in this quiet country location. Close to village, skiing and golf, trails - 26x30 block Foundation. $45,000.

AMENITIES INCLUDE Swimming Pool· Tennis Courts· Fitness Center· Hiking Trails Access to Southworth clubs in the U.S., U.K. & Bahamas | 603.524.4141

Effingham – $249,900 Wakefield116,500. 2Bd, 1Bth, 53 Ac., Effingham – Views $249,900 Water access, 2-bedroom 2Bd, 1Bth, 53 Ac., Views Chalet-Belleau Lake.

603-539-9595 354603-539-9595 Rte 16B

GPS Address: 421 Endicott St. North, Laconia, NH 03246 Properties offered exclusively by Meredith Bay Lighthouse Realty, LLC. This is not an offer to sell property to, or solicitation of offers from, residents of NY, NJ, CT or any other state that requires prior registration of real estate. Prices and terms are subject to change without notice. Southworth reciprocal program is subject to change. See reciprocal program materials for full details.

Premiere Home on Tranquil Wakondah Pond

Effingham- $299,900. Brownfield$234,500. Effingham - $159,900 Freedom - $250,000 Waterfront, 3-bedroom, and2 Beam, concept, 64 Acres, 2Post Bdrm, Bth 6+-Open Acres Effingham $159,900 3 lots of- $250,000 record Freedom Cabin on Province Lake. On6+ 2.60 A. 23-Bedroom Bdrm, 2 Bth Acres 64 Acres, 3 lots of record

Ctr Ossipee, NH16B 354 Rte Ctr Ossipee, NH

Ossipee- 265 ft of river front. Nice private 7-acre lot with frontage on the Beech River for swimming, fishing and perhaps tubing. $31,900. Effingham - $43,999

Ossipee - $74,969

TamworthGreat 2-acre lot for that year-round home or business. Cor5.30Effingham Acres Level - Lot $43,999 2.38 Acs Total,-2$74,969 lots Ossipee ner lot on5.30 Route 41 and Ossipee Lake road. Close to King Pine Ski area Acres Level Lot 2.38 Acs Total, 2 lots and snowmobile trails. $28,500.

877-539-9500 877-539-9500

www.EXIT www.EXIT

603-569-4419 94603-569-4419 Center St Wolfeboro, NH St 94 Center Wolfeboro, NH

Unique Custom Designed Home Expansive Lake & Mountain Views Major renovations throughout Enormous master bedroom & bath Kitchen storage galore & center island Screened porch & composite decking 1.99 Acres of Land, 344 ft. waterfront Listing Agent Mary Lamprey Bare $749,000 – Moultonborough Wakondah Pond

249 Whittier Highway - Route 25 Center Harbor, New Hampshire Office (603)253.8131 • Toll Free (800)834.5759

Page 12

September 26, 2016

Governors Crossing

Secluded Country Retreat

Multiple Land Listings - Dalton

Unbeatable craftsmanship and high end finishes throughout over 2,500sq.ft with three bedrooms, oversized garage and finished lower level.

"The Clearing Farm" - a magical enclave tucked away from view on 64 acres on Tamworth's famed Cleveland Hill. Main home, guesthouse, artist studio plus private swimming pond.

The Ridge at Dalton's six remaining lots are now available together for purchase. A developers dream. Teeming with wildlife and spectacular views. Still available separately.

LACONIA, NH | $359,900 | MLS#4466821 ASHLEY DAVIS | 603.455.7110

TAMWORTH, NH | $1,295,000 | MLS#4486869 STEVE PATRIQUIN | 603.387.2532

DALTON, NH | $625,000 | MLS#4503272 SARA MAFFEI | 802.291.3850

Priceless Views

Halfmoon Lake

Camp Fisher

This home features views across the broads to the Ossipee Mountains, 2.9 acres of lush landscaping, a sandy beach and deep water covered docking with 261 acres of crystal clear frontage.

Looking for a lakefront vacation home - ski home - commuter property? This three bedroom ranch is centrally located to shopping, attractions, hiking and Gunstock Ski Area.

Vintage Winnipesaukee Compound located in a dream location on Smith Point in Alton. Staggering open water views to the Ossipee and Sandwich Mountain ranges.

ALTON, NH | $2,499,000 | MLS#4515649 ASHLEY DAVIS | 603.455.7110

ALTON, NH | $425,000 | MLS#4511756 CARL SACK | 603.566.2386

An Old Home with New Life

Spectacular Lot on Lake Winnipesaukee

ALTON, NH | $3,750,000 | MLS#4476288 CARL SACK | 603.566.2386

Lake Winnipesaukee Retreat

Dismantled, moved from its original Alton, NH location and meticulously reconstructed in 1990 by the current owners, this home artfully blends historic features with modern amenities and systems creating a wonderfully livable and charming residence.

300 feet of waterfront with a large sugar sand beach and sandy bottom 50 feet out. This is an extremely private residence on Sachem Cove which is one of the most desirable coves in Meredith.

This home blends contemporary and classic design with true luxury finishes. With panoramic views and western exposure, this home is one of the best locations on Winnipesaukee.

GILMANTON, NH | $399,900 | MLS#4478322 ROY SANBORN | 603.455.0335

MEREDITH, NH | $1,610,000 | MLS#4500098 RUTH NEIDHARDT | 603.455.0176

MOULTONBORO, NH | $2,350,000 | MLS#4471359 BRIAN NEIDHARDT | 603.738.3798

MEREDITH 603.677.7012


WOLFEBORO 603.941.1000

Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated.

Page 13

September 26, 2016

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center Harbor

MOULTONBORO A Winni waterfront that has it all! West/Southwest exposure, gorgeous Adirondack in a great location! 98’ of frontage. $2,350,000 #4515589

MOULTONBORO Spectacular Lake Winnipesaukee home with over 6000SF of luxury & custom architectural details. 250’ owned frontage. $1,895,000 #4401612


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MIDDLETON 3 - bedroom, 2 - bath on 7 quiet acres. Fruit trees, raised beds, & chicken coop. Huge 2-car garage. 31’ x 21’ open pole barn & greenhouse frame with materials to finish. $239,000 #4515346

MOULTONBORO Fabulous Lake Winnipesaukee waterfront home with 150’ of beautiful frontage, large private beach, double docks and crystal clear water in well loved WOLFEBORO - Immaculate 3 - bedroom, Buzzell Cove. $1,099,000 #4515441 2 - bath home in Port Wedeln with access to sugar sand beach, docks and grounds with Winter Harbor long view!! Open floor plan, double fireplace, woodstove. $282,500 #4514452

We Move More of The Lakes Region! WOLFEBORO: Winter Harbor waterfront home with WOLFEBORO: Spacious, in-town home with 2 master beautiful landscaping, dock, boathouse and wonderful bedrooms, gorgeous kitchen, screened-in porch and entertaining spaces. $1,675,000 MLS #4502333 extra lot for added privacy. $650,000 MLS #4506277

WOLFEBORO: A nature lover’s dream on 35 acres! Two MEREDITH: It’s all here! Park like setting with fantastic custom homes, boasting high end finishes with Willey views, a beautiful home, dock and 2-bay boathouse with Brook waterfront. $1,175,000 MLS #4493381 registered heliport. $3,750,000 MLS #4499086


MOULTONBORO Beautiful Waterfront property. Open Mountain views of the Ossipees. Includes a permanent 42’ dock. 106’ of frontage. Enjoy & Relax! $1,100,000 #4514099


348 Court Street • 603-524-2255 (NH) 1-800-639-5077

MEREDITH A rare, truly remarkable Winnipesaukee waterfront estate with unmatched privacy on over 2 acres. $4,250,000 #4515630

GILFORD Built in 1995 is this 4-bedroom, 2-bath home with 110’ of frontage on Winnipesaukee and close to everything. $819,900 #4515215

GILFORD Tremendous views from all 3 decks of this 3- bedroom, 2-bath condo with shared 505’ of waterfront. $275,000 #4515608

MEREDITH Very private 3,300 sf home sitting on 5 acres with private beach rights on Winnipesaukee. $339,900 #4494561

View these and all Lakes Region Listings on our Website!


MLS 4445640

MLS 4509175

MLS 4512635

MLS 4437707

$234,000 499 Eastside Drive Lake Winni Access & Shared private beach Fae Moore • (603) 833-0644

$299,900 8 Cathy Lane Lake Winni Dock & shared beach Nicole Shamlian • (603) 340-1025

$399,000 108 Eastside Drive Lake Winni waterfront Ames Oickle • (603) 520-7014

$828,000 21 Pumpkin Point Lake Winni Waterfront Fae Moore • (603) 833-0644

MLS 4484181

MLS 4415651

MLS 4497043

MLS 4436158

$839,900 25 Blueberry Hill Lake & mountain views Jodi Hughes-Emerson

$899,900 45 Suncrest Drive Lake & mountain views Roberta Takis • (603) 986-1855

$1,488,000 44 Eaglemere Lake Winni waterfront Peter Travers • (617) 823-1794

$2,995,000 230 Gov Wentworth Hwy Lake Winni waterfront Jodi Hughes Emerson • (603) 455-9533

22 South Main St., Wolfeboro, New Hampshire • 603-569-6060 ©2016 BHH Affiliates, LLC. An independently owned and operated franchisee of BHH Affiliates, LLC. Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices and the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices symbol are registered service marks of HomeServices of America, Inc.®. Equal Housing Opportunity.

Page 14

September 26, 2016

Meredith Through a private, gated entrance approach this extraordinary Post & Beam home with 6 bedrooms & 5 fireplaces. Meander to the water along walkways illuminated by gas lanterns. A serene Estate setting offers 12 acres, lush lawns, wildflowers & 155 feet of prime waterfront with beach & U-shaped dock. $4,875,000




This Queen Ann Victorian style home has been built with care and precision. The design, the attention to detail, the care with which it has been maintained … coffered ceilings, walls of cherry, raised panels, hardwood flooring … all are simply beautiful! Sandy beach and oversized, canopied docking. $4,695,000

Step into this home, and you will immediately be impressed with the unique style and the quality of workmanship. Beautifully and professionally decorated, it is being sold fully furnished. The five garages are perfect for cars and toys. The lot is level and tastefully landscaped. Just move in and enjoy! $1,999,000

On a sweeping lot with over an acre of land with 215’ of prime waterfront, this tasteful home is appealing.Waterside improvements are significant, and the sandy beach makes water access easy. It has a desirable SW exposure for ever changing and dramatic sunsets. Governor’s Island location. $1,849,000

Laconia - Sit on your spacious veranda and overlook a lovely lake view. Lush landscaping surrounds this gracious home with an open concept design. This special home includes a boat rack for summer fun. This home is private and well designed. It has lake views and is an easy walk to beach and marina. $899,000

Meredith - This tasteful and spacious single level 3-bedroom home shall be built on an outstanding 8-acre lot with dramatic lake and mountain views. Views from the lower level are fantastic. Amenities at Waldron Bay include beach, tennis and clubhouse.What a wonderful spot! $695,000

Gilford - Step into this home and be drawn to the picturesque mountain views. Soaring walls of windows overlook the peaceful, long vista. An easy floor plan is perfect for single level living. Additional bedrooms are on the second level, while a lower level provides entertainment space and additional bedrooms. $495,000

Gilford - This new home has been built with quality and style. Open in design with a Great Room with glowing hardwood flooring and sliders leading to an enormous deck that overlooks lovely mountain views. Irrigation, central air, alarm system, large expanse of lawn and covered porch. A wonderful new home. $395,000

Laconia - Enjoy canoeing, kayaking or fishing at this pristine and private 23 acre lot with over 1400 feet of prime waterfront on Pickerel Pond and more than 1100 feet on Meredith Center Road. It’s just minutes from downtown Meredith or Laconia. The lot has a gentle slope and is beautifully wooded. $299,000

Laconia - As you step into this tasteful, well-designed 3 bedroom home, you will be impressed. It is sun-filled and updated. The kitchen has newer appliances and cabinetry. Location is convenient in the gated community of Southdown with beaches, walking trails, docks and dry berth boat racks. $279,999

Susan Bradley Realtor®, CRS, ABR, GRI

Direct: 603-493-2873 email: | 348 Court Street, Laconia, NH 03246 | 603-524-2255

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Page 15

September 26, 2016

97 Daniel Webster Hwy., Meredith, NH • (603) 279-7046 | 1921 Parade Rd., Laconia, NH • (603) 528-0088 Moultonborough: Custom built five bedroom, four bath Colonial on 100' of Winnipesaukee waterfront with beautiful lake and mountain views. Relax on the screened porch and watch the sunset! Open concept main floor that includes the kitchen, dining area & family room. 1/2 bathroom and laundry room are on the main level with a 3/4 bathroom, laundry room and family on the lower level. The main house lot is .28 acres with an additional 1+/- acre lot across the street where there are two car ports and a drilled well for the house. Excellent summer rental history! In the last three years it has been rented 8-9 weeks for $4300 per week! $995,000 MLS# 4505190

MLS# 4514239 Laconia: Lake Winnipesaukee waterfront motel and Adirondack home. This commercial resort property features 150 feet of waterfront on Paugus Bay. Beautiful sunset views. Lakeside deck and patio, swimming area with sandy bottom, and 5 boat slips that can accommodate up to 30' boats and 3 moorings. $1,199,000

MLS# 4492954 Sandwich: This custom home is the ultimate retreat & private estate on 17 acres on Squam Lake. 313’ of shorefront & 2 large docks. The 4,886 sqft residence offers 3 bedrooms & 5 baths including a spacious 1st floor master suite w/ tiled en-suite bath & access to the expansive decks. $2,795,000

MLS# 4516023 Laconia: One of the most private homes in all of South Down Shores. This home provides a 3 car garage, private Hartru tennis court, huge private deck, and beach rights. Nice kitchen w/granite counter tops & island, hardwood and tile floors, pantry, fireplace in LR, and den w/wetbar. 1st floor master suite w/fireplace & whirlpool tub. $429,900

MLS# 4515689 Meredith: 12 rooms, 4 bedrooms, 3 full baths and oversized, finished, heated, attached direct entry 2 car garage. This home boasts mountain, Lake Winnipesaukee & Meredith Bay views from just about every room. Located in the prestigious community of Lake Ridge in Meredith, NH. $779,900

MLS# 4514054 Laconia: One of the last remaining traditional lake houses on Lake Winnipesaukee. Presidential views towards numerous mountain ranges, islands and an outstanding picture view of Mount Washington +/- 180' of waterfront. Docking includes a breakwater system, two 30' slips and a mooring. $899,900

MLS# 4510691

MLS# 4514792 Laconia: Rare vintage Lake Winnisquam lake house that features 250' of prime westerly facing shore front with all day sun, blazing sunsets, and outstanding privacy on 1.3 acres. This sits in an area of the lake perfect for waterskiing/ tubing, crystal clear water, and a great spot for taking walks and jogging. $499,900

MLS# 4469003 Laconia: Perfectly centered in the Lakes Region with unmatched recreation and leisure opportunities. 1,000 ft of Lake Winnipesaukee waterfront. Natural lighttone woodwork and serene colors accent the expansive window displays. High-end finishes throughout include granite counters, hardwood, and tile floors. $719,000

New Hampton: Beautiful post and beam home with 200’ of shorefront on Lake Winona. Nestled among the trees on a 3.68-acre lot, this tranquil home was architecturally designed with quality and craftsmanship throughout. Elements of character and warmth abound throughout the 4,424 sqft of living space that you can clearly see has been lovingly cared for. Just a few of the flawless features include cherry kitchen, maple floors, granite countertops, oversized screened porch, 4-bedrooms, 4-baths, open loft area, 3 car garage, game room, and numerous oversized windows that afford picturesque views of the lake and surrounding forest. $899,000

Moultonborough: Built in 2013, this Winnipesaukee waterfront home has many high efficiency mechanical components. The property has 112’ of frontage and is walking distance to downtown Center Harbor. 5,000 sqft. of flawless living space, with 11-rooms, and plenty of windows to take in the lake and mountain views. Protect your boat in the covered boat dock, swim from your natural sandy beach or toast some marshmallows on the additional perched beach with a fire pit. The home has solar power capabilities that will power the home for 8 months of the year. $2,495,000 MLS# 4511719 Since 1997 Roche Realty Group has sold over $1.7 billion of NH's properties involving 6,420 transaction sides, and has ranked in the top 10 real estate firms in the entire state of NH out of 2,267 firms statewide reporting sales during this 19-year period.* * Statistics obtained from NNEREN’s Firm Market Share Report covering the period of 1/1/1997 – 5/31/2016 for all real estate firms in NH

Page 16

September 26, 2016

Wolfeboro Area Chamber of Commerce presents

Christmas Bazaar planned for Nov. 5 Calling all crafters! Tuftonboro Central School’s PTCO is looking for crafters and artisans to participate in the 31st annual Christmas Bazaar. The cost to rent a table at the Christmas Bazaar is $35.00, plus a donated item for the PTCO raffle. The

Bazaar is being held at the Tuftonboro Central School’s gymnasium on Saturday, November 5 from 9:30 am to 2 pm. For more information and/or a registration form, contact Virginia Young at 603-970-1018.

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WOLFEBORO Traditional home w/nice privacy. Wonderful blend of comfortable & formal living spaces, high ceilings, crown molding, hardwood floors, grand staircase. Beautifully landscaped. Walk to Carry Beach. $1,500,000 (4122716)

TUFTONBORO Outstanding 1795 Colonial estate, pristine condition, masterfully restored interior and exterior, finest quality throughout, wide plank floors, fireplaces, 10 private acres, in-ground pool and barn. $1,295,000 (4427885)

WOLFEBORO Excellent, private, contemporary home with spectacular 180° mountain & lake views, cathedral ceilings, grand stone fireplace, complete privacy over 15 acres, minutes to downtown Wolfeboro. $975,000 (4311561)





ALTON Beautiful New England Cape on 50 private acres, lake & mountain views, first floor master, finished lower level, 3-car garage. Minutes to Gunstock Ski area and Lake Winnipesaukee beaches. $559,000 (4504076)

TUFTONBORO Magnificent Views and 55 acres of privacy! One-of-a-kind mountain retreat with rustic 3-season cabin. Enjoy the panoramic views of the Belknap Mountains and Lake Winnipesaukee! $500,000 4378696

TUFTONBORO Lovely 1780 farmhouse, original beams & floors, large rooms, beautiful sun porch overlooks spectacular mountain views, landscaped lot, huge backyard, 25 total acres, plus 2-bedroom guesthouse. $399,000 (4010740)

WOLFEBORO Wonderful, well-built Contemporary, 3-bedrooms, 3-baths, including master w/full en suite. Set on 1.12 acres, level lot, privacy & lovely landscaping. Short distance to town beach, shopping and restaurants. $299,000 (4508511)


“Welcome Home to the Lakes Region!”

Randy Parker-603-455-6913 Maxfield Real Estate • 603-569-3128 15 Railroad Avenue • Wolfeboro, NH 03894

Page 17

September 26, 2016

Squam Lakes Natural Science Center offering a 3-part series for children To help commemorate Squam Lakes Natural Science Center’s 50th anniversary this year, Senior Naturalist Dave Erler has published a book titled 50 Nature Activities for Kids. The publication helped launch a successful summer series helping children to get outside and learn more about New Hampshire ecology during the warmer months. As fall creeps upon us, the Science Center announces that Dave Erler will be leading another series called Investigating Autumn where his book will again serve as the basis for learning activities. Investigating Autumn is an exciting series suited for children aged 5 and over, and has taken into consideration their busy back-to-school calendars by hosting the Investigating Autumn events on weekends. The series happens on Sunday, October, 9 and Saturday, November 5. The jam-packed program offers fun, hands-on outdoor activities to stimulate and inspire your child. Such featured activities include Balsam Fir Blister Boats, Old Seed Sock Search,

Pinecone Peanut Butter Bird Feeder, and Checking Animal Burrows. Take advantage of this opportunity for your child to learn and explore with a naturalist at the Science Center! Children are to be accompanied by an adult at no extra charge. Each session is from 10 to 11:30 am; please be prepared for discoveries both inside and outside. The Investigating Autumn Series schedule with featured activities include: Investigating Autumn II (October 9) - How Tall is that Tree?, Pinecone Peanut Butter Bird Feeder, and Preserving Fall Foliage and Investigating Autumn III (November 5) - Milk Jug Bird Feeder, Checking Animal Burrows, and Temperature Mapping. The cost per session is $7/member child and $9/non-member child. If you are interested in reserving a spot for your child, please make reservations by calling 603-968-7194 x7. Dave Erler’s book, 50 Nature Activities for Kids is available for purchase in the Howling Coyote Gift Shop and online.


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Page 18

September 26, 2016

Get Ready for the New Hampshire Marathon around Newfound Lake! By Sarah Wright Photos courtesy Tapply-Thompson Community Center It’s time once again for the popular New Hampshire Marathon. Although it has a reputation for being a challenging race, it’s also known as a beautiful one. In fact, Runner’s World magazine named it the Best Small Town Race in 2013, and just recognized the race with its Runner’s Choice Award. The race spans a hilly 26.2 miles around scenic Newfound Lake, but if you’re not up for the full course, you can also participate in the half marathon (13.1 miles) or the 10K race (6.2 miles). There’s even a mile-long race for kids. The event attracts between 600 and 800 runners each year, with participants from 45 different states, as well as 10 countries. It’s also popular with spectators, who come out in droves to support this small-town event.

All of the races start at 9 am on October 1. Marathon and 10K racers will start on Lake Street in Bristol in front of the Newfound Memorial Middle School. From there, the course

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runs north on Route 3A, with the 10K racers turning where marked and returning to the finish at Kelley Park. The marathon runners continue on 3A to North Shore Road, turning left to run through the village of Hebron, then continuing straight to the turnaround. After retracing the route back to Hebron, the course turns south along the west shore of Newfound Lake, rejoining Route 3A and retracing the route back to the finish line, turning left on Union Street and right on North Main to Kelley Park. This is different from the route that half marathoners take, which starts beyond the Sculptured Rocks after a brief bus ride. (Water stations and bathrooms are also provided on the race route.) If you need something to focus on while you’re running the race, there’s a special pizza treat for the runners after they pass the finish line. Bristol House of Pizza and Village Pizza both donate about 20 to 25 pizza pies for hungry runners. Prize money is also awarded to first-, second-, and thirdplace finishers, as well as medals for all runners who complete the marathon and half marathon. There are also age group awards for each race.

Planning for the marathon is a yearround task, with Race Director Dan MacLean at the helm. This is his fifth year directing the race, which his father directed for a few years when it first started 24 years ago. Dan also enjoys running, and has participated in 5K and 10K races, but prefers planning marathons to running them. He’s also interested in what motivates people to run, and says that there are unique stories ever year. “There’s an 80-year-old man who has participated for multiple years, and also a barefoot runner who comes every year,” says Dan. “Last year, a man ran in his military uniform and boots to raise money for Wounded Warriors, and we’ve also had wheelchair entries in past years.” Two of the largest running groups in the country are the Marathon Maniacs and the 50 States Marathon Club, and they have participants in the race every year. Sometimes there are runners who finish their 50th state run with this New Hampshire race. There have also been celebrity participants like weatherman Kevin Skarupa from Channel 9 News, and Biggest Loser contestant Rebecca Meyer who set out to run a 10K in all 50 states. Spectators also enjoy cheering on the runners in the kids’ race, which is open to all children in grades kindergarten through eighth grade. Sponsored by Mid-State Health Center, kids are encouraged to fill up a race log with 25.2 miles prior to race day, when they will complete the final mile. Kids can include the miles they’ve walked, hiked, or even biked throughout the summer to reach their goal. The purpose of the program is to promote physical fitness, nutritious eating, and a healthy lifestyle among kids, and • Marathon Continued on page 19

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Page 19

September 26, 2016

Attack on Pearl Harbor Program at Wright Museum The Wright Museum in Wolfeboro will host the 18th session of the “Ron Goodgame and Donna Canney 2016 Educational Programming” on Tuesday, September 27, beginning at 7 pm. Doors open at 5 pm. The program of the evening is titled An Examination of the Attack on Pearl Harbor and is a lecture by Dr. Douglas Wheeler. Douglas Wheeler opens his talk with the following question: “As of December 6, 1941, the U.S. government was secretly reading Japan’s highest level diplomatic codes (MAGIC), so why were we so badly surprised on December 7, 1941?” During the course of the program,

Wheeler discusses the historic context of the attack, which propelled the U.S. into a Pacific and an Atlantic war. He also talks about how the U. S. intelligence system functioned at the time of the attack, presents theories on this still hotly debated topic and examines the events of December 7, 1941 and their consequences in World War II and global history. Admission is $8.00 per person and free for Wright Museum members. Space is limited; RSVPs are strongly recommended to ensure sufficient seating for all lecture attendees. Call 603-569-1212 to reserve your seat today. The Wright Museum is located on Center Street in Wolfeboro.

Ice/Dance Bringing Artistry on Ice to Plymouth Silver Center for the Arts at Plymouth State University (PSU) presents Ice/Dance 2016 on Saturday, October 1 at 7 pm at the Hanaway Rink at PSU Ice Arena. A performance overflowing with energy, technique and exuberant choreography, Ice Dance International (IDI) is building a bridge to develop figure skating as an internationally recognized art form. Embracing the worlds of both ballet and ice dance with a cast of 10 skaters of world renown, the company is filled with dynamic movement, artistry and joy. Skaters returning to perform in Plymouth include Kim Navarro, Brent Bommentre, Erin Reed, Carly Donowick, Joel Dear and Jonathon Hunt. The evening will include work by IDI founders and choreographers; America’s most famous male ballet dancer of all time and Kennedy Center Honoree, Edward Villella and IDI Artistic Director, Douglas Webster. This is the premiere tour of Ice Dance International’s exciting and engaging repertory.

Highlights of the evening will be Edward Villella’s Stardust and a premier Faure piece, an homage to Balanchine’s “Emeralds”, and Douglas Webster’s two premier pieces; the first, a reinterpretation of Vivaldi’s “Spring” by Max Richter and the second, to works by contemporary artist, Moby. IDI Artistic Director, Douglas Webster, co-founded Ice Dance International in 2014 with Edward Villella. In its second year, IDI is bound for success as an internationally recognized ice dance company with the mission to create classical and contemporary ice ballet with a professional company. Plymouth is part of IDI’s fall tour, which includes Sun Valley, ID, Park City, Utah, West Orange, New Jersey and Santa Rosa, California. For tickets, call the Silver Center Box Office, PSU at 603-535-2787 or online at For more information about IDI go to; or email douglas@icedanceinternational. org.

• Marathon Continued from page 18 parents are welcome to join the race with their children. Check-in for the kids’ race will begin at 8:00 a.m. at Kelley Park in Bristol with the race beginning just after 9 am. After the race, kids can join the celebration at the park to recognize their incredible achievement. Mid-State Health Center will provide medals and t-shirts for the participants. To fuel runners up the night before the race, the local Masons serve up an awesome spaghetti dinner at the Union Lodge at 61 Pleasant Street in Bristol from 5 to 7 pm. Volunteers go all out, even making homemade sauces, for what many visiting runners call, “the best dinner in the country.” There are also lots of desserts to help you fill up on carbs before the big race. The cost of the meal is $8.00 for runners and $10.00 for the public. If you’re one of the many locals or visitors who support the marathon, there’s also a wonderful arts and crafts show at the Newfound Memorial Middle School (155 North Main) from 9 am to 3 pm on marathon day. With

over 30 local crafters and artisans, you’ll find everything from jewelry to wood products. It’s a great opportunity to start your Christmas shopping. Dan credits all of the local sponsors and volunteers for making the marathon a successful event. “This race would not be possible without their help,” says Dan. The money raised from marathon registrations is given to local charities, which recently included the Mayhew Program for At-Risk Boys, the Circle Program for At-Risk Girls, and the Tapply-Thompson Community Center. Over the last 20 years, the New Hampshire Marathon has raised more than $200,000 for charity. For more information about the marathon or to register online for the race, visit Registering the day of the race will cost $10 more. (The kids’ race is free.) Check-in goes from 7 to 8:30 am, the morning of October 1, except for those running the half marathon who must register by 8 am to catch a bus to the starting line. If you would like to volunteer to help out for this year’s race, or even next year’s race, email Dan at See you at the starting line!

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Page 20

September 26, 2016

Make Your Own Immune Boosting “Fire Cider” Local organizations Global Awareness Local Action (G.A.L.A.) and Jack Mountain Bushcraft School are offering the next feature in their 2015 monthly NH Re-skill-ience Workshop Series, with hands-on workshops focusing on homesteading, sustainable living, and traditional bushcraft skills. Workshops are designed to help participants develop skills and knowledge that strengthen personal and community resilience.

The next workshop, Making Fire Cider with Lynnette Cumberland, takes place on Wednesday October 5 at the First Congregational Church of Wakefield. Lynnette is an herbalist, writer, medicine maker and founder of Uncommon Apothecary. Fire cider is a blend of spicy tubers and vegetables, bitter fruits and roots, savory herbs and sweet honey, infused in a base of apple cider vinegar. This historic, healing tonic builds the

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immune system and fights illness with its anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-parasitical properties. It is a wonderful circulatory mover, an antiinflammatory, and stimulating to the digestive tract and respiratory system. The wonderful thing about fire cider is that it can be easily altered according to the changing seasons and to an individual’s own energy, constitution and ailment. For example, if you were struggling with physical pain and inflammation, fresh turmeric root would be a great additive to this concoction. For those who want to detox the liver, skin, blood and digestive tract with bitters, an addition of fresh burdock root, dandelion and yellow dock is recommended. And for

extra immune building properties in the winter elderberries and Echinacea would be a great choice. For allergy season; nettle, goldenrod, rishi and Oregon grape root work wonders. In this hands-on workshop, participants will learn to craft their own fire cider, leave with an understanding of the ingredients used, and take home their own batch and recipe. Optional homework for this class would be to harvest or purchase custom-added herbs according to your constitution or present illness, or gear it towards the upcoming winter season. Some recommendations to harvest this fall for the class would be yellow dock, • Gala Continued on page 21

e monthly Re-skill-ience Workshop Series strengthen personal and community resilience

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, founder of Uncommon Apothecary, to learn and make your own Call us about on it! E G A R • Winter Storage Winterization O T tional remedy with deep roots in folk medicine. The tasty combination of S T A O B R • Shrink Wrap O Winter Work O D rful decongestant and spicy circulatory movers makes this recipe helps N I Spring Make Ready sses, stimulate digestion, and get you nice and warmed up on cold days. Boat Rentals • Slip Rentals • Valet FOR THE When:, Wed., October 5th 6:00-8:00pm FULL INSIDE DO-IT-YOURSELFER Where: First Congregational Church of Wakefield

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Page 21

September 26, 2016 • Gala Continued from page 20 burdock or dandelion root. And if you harvested elderberries last month, bring those in as well. Participants should bring their own ski goggles (for eye protection), a good chopping knife and cutting board – this will be a fun filled, teary eyed and educational workshop! Lynnette Cumberland is looking forward to sharing her skill and passion around Fire Cider with others. When Lynnette is not foraging, playing in the woods, gardening or making medicine, she can be found cooking whole, organic food (both vegan and non, raw, gluten free and medicinal) at a local natural food store or playing her guitar and singing, writing songs, poetry or essays and articles about the world of herbalism. Her company’s mission, Uncommon Apothecary, is to bring hope, healing and wisdom-safely and gently guiding the body, mind and spirit using organic, wild-crafted, and local herbs. The workshop takes place from 6 to 8 pm at the First Congregational Church of Wakefield, located at 2718 Wakefield Rd., Wakefield, NH. The cost to participate in the workshop is $25.00 p/p and pre-registration is requested at, or by calling 603-539-6460. Global Awareness Local Action (G.A.L.A.) is a nonprofit organization based in Ossipee, NH working to

translate sustainability education into local action that is practical, effective, and fun. Through strong cross-sector collaborations, G.A.L.A. offers educational, skill building, and community service opportunities that help participants grow food, conserve energy, save money, and strengthen both personal and ecological health. The organization’s most popular program is called Sustain-A-Raisers, a volunteer driven “eco” home and yard makeover initiative modeled after the barn-raiser. Each “raiser” consists of G.A.L.A. volunteers installing raised garden beds, compost bins, rain barrels, cold frames, and clotheslines at private homes, schools, food pantries, assisted living residences, and other community sites. G.A.L.A. also offers a monthly Reskill-ience Workshop where attendees can learn skills, including how to make nontoxic household cleaners, basic bee keeping, food preservation and canning, bike maintenance, campfire cooking, compass and map navigation, and more. During the winter months, G.A.L.A. hosts a Community Contra Dance Series and offers support for starting small sustainability Study Circles. To learn more about programs, become a member, or otherwise get involved, visit or call 603-539-6460.

Apples and More Apples in Bristol The Tapply-Thompson Community Center (TTCC) in Bristol will present the 33rd Annual Apple Festival on Saturday, October 8. This year’s events include a Craft Fair from 9 am to 2 pm in the TTCC gym. The Apple Pie & Food Sale will be held in the game room and will include pies, apple crisp, fresh bread, home baked beans, apple brownies, fresh applesauce and more. Pies will sell for $10.00 each and are made on Friday, October 7 by area

Your Where-To-Go, What-To-Do Guide for the Lakes Region

residents who come together at the Center and peel, slice, roll and bake 300 apple baked goods. Volunteers are still needed to help on Friday, October 7 with baking and prep. If you can help out, please call the TTCC at 744-2713. To reserve a table space for the Craft Fair, the price is $30.00 per six ft. space and $40.00 for an eight ft. table space. Pies can be reserved (uncooked, frozen available) by calling before Friday, October 7. Call 744-2713.

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Page 22

September 26, 2016

Give the Gift of Life, Blood Donors Needed The American Red Cross urges eligible donors to give blood and platelets this fall to help restock the shelves following a significant summer shortage to ensure an adequate blood supply for patients in need. “September is National Preparedness Month and we urge eligible donors to make an appointment now to give blood or platelets,” said Mary Brant, external communications manager of the Northern New England Blood Services Region. “Whether blood is needed for

a chronic condition like sickle cell disease, a routine surgery, a traumatic accident or a large-scale disaster, it’s the blood already on the shelves that helps save lives. Red Cross blood and platelet donors play an important role in helping communities be prepared for all kinds of emergencies.” To make an appointment to give blood, download the Red Cross Blood Donor App, visit www.redcrossblood. org or call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800733-2767). Donors are encouraged

to make appointments and complete the RapidPass online health history questionnaire at rapidpass to help reduce wait times. Upcoming blood donation opportunities will take place on October 6, Sacred Heart Hall-Laconia, 31 Gilford Avenue, Laconia, noon to 5 pm; October 8, Tanger Outlet Center, 120 Laconia Road, Tilton, 10 am to 3 pm; on October 7 in Freedom at Danforth Bay Resort, 196 Shawtown Rd. from 11 am to 4 pm; on October 14 at Madison

Elementary School, 2069 Village Rd./ Rt. 113, Madison from 1:30 to 6:30 pm; on Sept. 30 at the Moultonborough Lion’s Club, 139 Old Rt. 109A, Moultonborough from 1 to 6 pm; on October 5 at Brewster Academy, 80 Academy Rd., Wolfeboro from noon to 5 pm; on Sept. 27 at the Masonic Lodge, Rts. 3 and 25B, Holderness from 2 to 7 pm; on October 11 and 12 at Plymouth State University, 17 High St., Plymouth from 2 to 7 pm.

NH to celebrate historic preservation October 28 The N.H. Division of Historical Resource (NHDHR) will host “We’re Golden: Celebrating 50 Years of the National Historic Preservation Act,” a daylong symposium focusing on historic preservation in the Granite State, in Concord on October 28. Signed by President Lyndon Baines Johnson on October 15, 1966, the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) declared that “the historical and cultural foundations of the Nation should be preserved as a living part of our community life and development in order to give a sense of orientation to the American people.” “We’re Golden” will include presentations describing a wide range of New Hampshire preservation success stories, a panel discussion about the history of preservation in the state and a keynote address by Charlene Dwin Vaughn, assistant director at

the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation. “New Hampshire is well-known for our historic buildings, bridges, landscapes, cemeteries and archaeological sites – they are part of who we are,” said Elizabeth Muzzey, director of the NHDHR and state historic preservation officer. “We’re looking forward to sharing inspiring stories about the great work that can be accomplished when people come together to preserve elements of our past that are still very much part of both our present and our future.” People interested in learning more about historic preservation success stories in New Hampshire, including members of historic commissions, environmental and engineering firms, federal and state agencies, and cultural resource consultants are invited to attend.


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For more information about “We’re Golden” and to register, visit www. There is no fee to attend, but seating is limited and advance registration is required. New Hampshire’s Division of Historical Resources, the “State Historic Preservation Office,” was established in 1974. The historical, archeological, architectural, engineering and cultural resources of New Hampshire

are among the most important environmental assets of the state. Historic preservation promotes the use, understanding and conservation of such resources for the education, inspiration, pleasure and enrichment of New Hampshire’s citizens. For more information, visit us online at or by calling 603-271-3483.

Fall Benefit Concert…and Harvest Supper The Union Congregational Church, located at 80 Main Street in the village of Union, will host an annual benefit concert on Sunday, October 2 from 4 to 6 pm. A variety of musical styles and talent will provide the special entertainment for the afternoon. Refreshments will be offered following the performances. There is no charge for the concert, but freewill donations will be accepted. All proceeds will benefit the projects of the church’s Women’s Fellowship and the restoration of the Reunion GrangeHotchkiss Commons, across the street from the church. The church is conveniently located on Route 125, just off Route 16 in Wakefield. The public is invited to come and enjoy this great array of talent and the social time afterwards. For more information and directions, call Betty at 473-2727. A Traditional Harvest Supper will take place at the church on Thursday,

October 13. For over 50 years the women of the church have offered a traditional Harvest Supper featuring all the great vegetables of the fall season. This year, the supper will have two family-style servings - one at 5:30 pm and one at 6:15 pm. The huge, homecooked meal will include corned beef, potatoes, cabbage, squash, turnip, beets, carrots and rolls. Several types of homemade pies, coffee and punch finish off the meal. The cost is $9.00 per adult and $5.00 per child. The supper will be served in Drew Chapel, in the rear of the church. There is plenty of parking along the street, behind the church and across the street at the Union Grange-Hotchkiss Commons. Both sittings are on a first come, first served basis - there are no reservations accepted. All proceeds are used by the Women’s Fellowship to support the church and its outreach programs.

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Page 23

September 26, 2016

Autumn in Effingham On Saturday, October 8, Effingham will be the site of an annual Autumn Craft Show from 9 am to 2 pm to celebrate Columbus Day. Events will be happening all over town, so plan to stop by for delicious food, great handmade items and more. Ye Olde Sale Shoppe on Route 153 in Taylor City will hold an Annual Fall Open House from 10 am until evening. As always, shopkeeper Bill Taylor will offer an assortment of the old, the not so old, the whimsical and the special. Light refreshments will be served all day. For more information, call 539-7910 Mr. Taylor has offered his field to benefit the South Effingham Church Annual Craft Sale from 9 am to 2 pm. Additionally, the cooks of the South Effingham Church will offer hot dogs, homemade apple crisp, coffee and other beverages for lunch. Their Annual Great Bake Sale, postponed from July 2, will also be held – you can count on the best pies, cakes, and lots of other sweet treats. All proceeds benefit the South Effingham Church. For more information, call 539-7518.

The South Effingham Craft Sale will be run from 9 am to 2 pm. Susanne Foster Brown will offer her etched work and children’s crafts. Additionally, there will be a varied group of craftspeople offering their creations. Proceeds from the Craft Sale will benefit the Restoration of the South Effingham church. For more information, call 5397178. The Effingham Preservation Society, located on the corner of Route 153 and Town House Road will be open from 9 am to 1 pm. Visit and enjoy morning treats in the company of friends and neighbors in a warm, welcoming atmosphere. Come for coffee, a muffin or pastry, sit and relax. Check the market table for fresh vegetables and the flea market area for a book or a used and special treasure. Before you leave, pick out a dessert for supper; remember, this is the last Preservation event until next year. For more information, call 539-6976. For more general information, please call 539-7178 or e-mail iriordan9@

View the Season’s Best Colors Aboard the M/S Mount Washington Fall is upon us and the M/S Mount Washington is one of the best ways to view the Lakes Region’s colorful foliage. Cruising Lake Winnipesaukee during the fall offers the opportunity to enjoy some of New England’s best leaf peeping from the comfort and perspective of the ship. Sunset dinner cruises also provide great views. Fall Foliage dinner cruises run every Sunday through October 9 and depart from Weirs Beach at 5 pm. Single price tickets are adults $48, youth (ages 13 to 16) $38, children age 12 and under are free (two per family); children under age 5 are always free. Tickets include a buffet dinner and live music. Summer can get busy, so fall is one of the best times to take an evening cruise as well. Theme dinner cruises continue in September and October on Friday

and Saturday nights. Plus, guests 60 years and older get $10 off Friday night cruises in September. In addition to Swing to the Oldies and Rock, Roll and Remember cruises, Saturday, October 15 is a Full Moon Fantasy Cruise. The final cruise of the season is the annual Halloween Masquerade Ball Cruise on Saturday, October 22. The official 2016 daily cruising season for the M/S Mount Washington runs until October 16 offering daily cruises from its summer port of Weirs Beach and servicing the ports of Alton Bay and Wolfeboro. To learn more about the various vessels (Mount Washington, Doris E. and Sophie C.) and view a more complete schedule with cruise times and ticket prices, visit or call 603-366-5531.

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Page 24

September 26, 2016


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