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Calvary Mater Newcastle
• Access to ongoing professional development is also available through the hospitals general inservice program. • You will participate in four paid study days specifically designed to meet the learning needs of the GradStart RN • Opportunity after the GradStart program to participate in transition to Specialty Practice
Program to further develop knowledge and skills. Belmont Hospital offers a Transition to Specialty Practice- Critical Care program with participants rotating through Coronary
Care and the Emergency Department
Contact Cathy McDonald Belmont Nurse Educator Ph: 02 4923 2081 Email: catherine.mcdonald@health.nsw.gov.au
Calvary Mater Newcastle
Preference the hospital
GradStart • January intake • 12-month program • Temporary fulltime positions • Provides full hospital and ward orientation • 2 supernumerary days on the ward at commencement and 1 supernumerary day at the start of each new rotation • Clinical support available from ward-based mentors and Clinical Nurse Educators • Scheduled GradStart study days throughout the year • Annual leave is built into the program and any accrued annual leave is paid out at the end of the program • Opportunity to undertake clinical honours through UTAS • There are three GradStart Nursing programs available at Calvary Mater Newcastle • Calvary Mater GradStart rotations: 3 x 4-month rotations through Medical, Surgical,
Haematology, Oncology and Palliative Care. • Calvary Mater Newcastle Acute Care and HNELHD Mental Health Rotation: 2 x 6-month rotations. 6 months in a medical ward at Calvary Mater Newcastle, 6 months in mental health services. • Calvary Mater Newcastle Perioperative
Program rotation: 3 x 4-month rotations in
Anaesthetics, Instrument/Circulating, and
Post-Anaesthetic Recovery Unit - and one elective rotation of the New Graduate RN’s choosing from within the three perioperative specialties. • Surgical specialties provided at the Calvary
Mater Perioperative Services includes general, colorectal, hepatobiliary, thoracic, gynaecological-oncology, emergency surgical suite, and breast-related plastic and reconstructive surgeries, as well as endoscopy, diagnostic haematology procedures, and Electro-Convulsive Therapy. • Perioperative stream provides: a one-month supernumerary period with allocated specialty clinical preceptors. Mentorship is provided for the entirety of each rotation through experienced and dedicated Clinical
Nurse Specialists • Perioperative program is Monday-Friday with no night shifts, predominantly morning shifts. • After completion of the GradStart program opportunities also exist to apply for transition to speciality practice programs within
Calvary Mater Newcastle and HNELHD.
General Stream • January 2022 intake, temporary full-time positions only • 3 x 4-month rotations in Medical, Surgical,
Haematology, Oncology and Palliative Care. • 2 supernumerary days on the ward at commencement and 1 supernumerary day at the start of each new rotation • Clinical support available from ward-based mentors and Clinical Nurse Educators • Scheduled GradStart study days throughout the year • Annual leave is built into the program and any accrued annual leave is paid out at the end of the program • Opportunity to undertake clinical honours through UTAS • Opportunities also exist to apply for transition to speciality practice programs within
Calvary Mater Newcastle and HNELHD