3 minute read
Short Cuts
Emergency Department programs
Central Coast LHD Far West LHD Hunter New England LHD Illawarra Shoalhaven LHD Mid North Coast LHD Murrumbidgee LHD Nepean Blue Mountains LHD Northern NSW LHD 8 8 9 16 17 18 18 19
South Eastern Sydney LHD South Western Sydney LHD
21 25 Southern NSW LHD 25 St Vincent’s Hospital Network 26 Sydney LHD 26 Sydney Children’s Hospital Network 28 Western NSW LHD 29 Sydney Adventist Hospital 36
ICU Programs
Far West LHD Hunter New England LHD Illawarra Shoalhaven LHD Mid North Coast LHD Murrumbidgee LHD Nepean Blue Mountains LHD Northern NSW LHD 8 9 16 17 18 18 19
Northern Sydney LHD South Eastern Sydney LHD 21 21
South Western Sydney LHD
25 Southern NSW LHD 25 St Vincent’s Hospital Network 26 Sydney LHD 26 Sydney Children’s Hospital Network 28 Western NSW LHD 29 Western Sydney LHD 30 Healthe Care 32 Mater Hospital North Sydney 33 St Vincent’s Private Hospital 36 Perioperative Programs
Far West LHD Hunter New England LHD Illawarra Shoalhaven LHD Mid North Coast LHD Murrumbidgee LHD Nepean Blue Mountains LHD Northern NSW LHD 8 9 16 17 18 18 19
Northern Sydney LHD South Eastern Sydney LHD South Western Sydney LHD
21 21 25 Southern NSW LHD 25 St Vincent’s Hospital Network 26 Sydney LHD 26 Sydney Children’s Hospital Network 28 Western NSW LHD 29 Western Sydney LHD 30 Chris O’Brien Lifehouse 31 Healthe Care 32 Healthscope 33 Mater Hospital North Sydney 33 Mayo Private Hospitals 34 Ramsay 34 St Vincent’s Private Hospital 36 Sydney Adventist Hospital 36
Women’s Health/Gynaecology
Justice Health and Forensic Mental Health Network 16 Royal Hospital for Women (South Eastern Sydney LHD) 21 St Vincent’s Hospital Network 26 St Vincent’s Private Hospital 36
Central Coast LHD Far West LHD Hunter New England LHD John Hunter Children’s Hospital (Hunter New England LHD) Illawarra Shoalhaven LHD Mid North Coast LHD Nepean Blue Mountains LHD Northern NSW LHD South Eastern Sydney LHD South Western Sydney LHD Southern NSW LHD 8 8 9
9 16 17 18 19 21 25 25 Sydney LHD 26 Sydney Children’s Hospital Network 28 Western NSW LHD 29 Western Sydney LHD 30
Aged Care Programs
Central Coast LHD Hunter New England LHD Illawarra Shoalhaven LHD 8 9 16
Murrumbidgee LHD Nepean Blue Mountains LHD South Eastern Sydney LHD
18 18 21 South Western Sydney LHD 25 St Vincent’s Hospital Network 26 Sydney LHD 26 Anglicare 31 Catholic Healthcare 31 Ramsay 34 Regis 35
Mental Health Programs
Central Coast LHD Far West LHD Hunter New England LHD Illawarra Shoalhaven LHD 8 8 9 16
Justice Health and Forensic Mental Health Network 16 Mid North Coast LHD 17 Murrumbidgee LHD 18 Nepean Blue Mountains LHD Northern NSW LHD 18 19
Northern Sydney LHD South Eastern Sydney LHD South Western Sydney LHD
21 21 25 Southern NSW LHD 25 St Vincent’s Hospital Network 26 Sydney LHD 26 Western NSW LHD 29 Western Sydney LHD 30 Healthe Care 32 Healthscope 33 Mayo Private Hospitals 34 St Vincent’s Private Hospital 36
No night shift/Day and Afternoon shift only Programs
See perioperative programs Hunter New England LHD 9
Part-time employment Programs
Disclaimer: other programs may have the option to go part-time upon request. Listed below are programs that advertise part-time employment. Contact your chosen program for further detail.
Northern NSW LHD 19
South Eastern Sydney LHD
21 Southern NSW LHD 25 St Vincent’s Hospital Network 26 Sydney LHD 26 Sydney Children’s Hospital Network 28 Healthe Care 32 Healthscope 33 St Vincent’s Private Hospital 36
Post-graduate opportunity Programs (Clinical Honours and Research post-grads)
Hunter New England LHD 9
Justice Health and Forensic Mental Health Network 16 Murrumbidgee LHD 18 Nepean Blue Mountains LHD 18 South Eastern Sydney LHD 21 Sydney LHD 26 Sydney Children’s Hospital Network 28 Chris O’Brien Lifehouse 31 Mater Hospital North Sydney 33 St Vincent’s Private Hospital 36 Programs that offer 2nd year specialty programs (Transition to specialty programs)
Far West LHD Hunter New England LHD John Hunter Children’s Hospital (Hunter New England LHD) Murrumbidgee LHD Northern NSW LHD Royal North Shore (Northern Sydney LHD) South Eastern Sydney LHD Western NSW LHD Healthscope Regis 8 9
9 18 19
21 21 29 33 35
The information contained herein has been collated by the NSWNMA, as provided by the facilities referenced. The NSWNMA accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of the information nor the representations made. Details for each employer are provided to enable you to verify any information as required. All programs have differing annual leave policies and may include accommodation. Annual leave and accommodation offers are not included in this document. It is recommended that graduate nurses complete their own research.