December Special Issue 4 - A.Y. 2020-2021

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Letran rekindles 400-year glory through Grand Quadricentennial Retreat


BY ANDREA YSABEL ANDRES In line with the Colegio’s q u a d r i c e e n te n n i a l commemoration, Letran looks back on its history through an ecclesiastic event aptly named “Jubilate: The Grand Quadricentennial Retreat” on December 15. Rev. Fr. Gerard Franciso P. Timoner III, OP, Master of the Order from 2019 to present and Letran alumnus, was one of the guest speakers. He opened the first discussion by talking about gratitude as he encouraged Letranites “to thank the Lord for many blessings He has given us as we revisit the

past 400 years.” As Fr. Timoner, III pointed out: “It is interesting that this centennial anniversary of Letran is actually an invitation for all Letranites to come home to its alma mater, to come home to its mother, and that is Letran.” When reflecting on one of Letran’s core values, Fr. Timoner added that as part of the Jubilee, students must come home to its roots which is Letran. He added: “But even if we cannot be [physically] present, even if we cannot greet each Letranites face-to-face, at least virtually, we can do so. At least in spirit, we are coming home to Letran,” he added. Finally, the Master of the Order

of 2019 surmised that faculty, students, and staff must adhere to the the symbolic logo of the Colegio -; Deus, Patria, Letran stating that Letranites must stay loyal to Letran as it goes beyond until it reaches the love of country to love of God. He said: “Perhaps, Arriba Letran means all of these. It is a drive for excellence, a passion to win. And these are all very important. It means, Go up High, Letran! But I would like to believe it could also mean Go Beyond, Letran!” “In other words, when we say Arriba Letran, it is not just a battle cry, it is not just a call for excellence, it is actually a powerful reminder that from Letran, we go

to the love of country, and to the love and service of God. Arriba, Letran!” He added. The discussion zeroed in on other topics such as Gratitude, Foundational Inspirational: Mercy, Identity of Letran: Arriba Letran, Arriba as Transcendence: Fratelli Tutti, Alma Mater Letran, and Hope respectively. Aside from Rev. Fr. Timoner III. OP, other facilitators that graced the virtual retreat are Rev. Fr. Timothy Peter Joseph Radcliffe, OP, Master of the Order 1992-2001 and Rev. Fr. Bruno Cadore, OP, Master of the Order of Preachers 2010-2019. The event was aired live on Letran’s Official Facebook page.


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“Paskong Arriba” 2020: A festive celebration like no other PHOTOS FROM LETRAN FACEBOOK PAGE

BY JOANNA FLORES Letran Manila, in collaboration with the Letran Student Council (LSC) and Alumni and Public Relations Department (APRD), continued to ignite the “Arriba Spirit” among Letranites through a virtual celebration of “Paskong Arriba 2020” last December 16. In spite of the “Covid-19” pandemic, the Colegio has preceded another glorious event in line with the much- awaited Quadricentennial year.

THE KNIGHTS OF THE NEW CENTURY Despite the pandemic, the Colegio proceeded with the Quadricentennial celebrations. After four years, the search for Mr. and Ms. Letran returned as one of the highlights of the event. In an interview with The LANCE, Letran Student Council President Mitch Costales shared how they wanted to bring back the pageant after four years. “It was APRD’s idea to bring it back. When we were formulating the council’s operational plan for this academic year, we thought of bringing it back but we chose not to include it,” he said. “Two months after the start of our term, APRD consulted us if we wanted to partner with them for this event. Though we are in a virtual set-up, bringing back Mr. and Ms. Letran is very timely,” he added. Costales admitted that they went through several virtual

meetings amid the struggle in communications. “Although virtual meetings are also real-time, we can’t deny the fact that the interactive feeling when preparing for an event and executing it is much better. Pageants are usually done on a stage with a huge crowd but we had to compromise and do it [virtually],” said Costales. Through the help of his cocommittee head, Broadcasting Senator Judea Bernardo, and the LSC officers, they were able to partner with the other 32 Recognized Student Organizations (RSO) of Letran Manila, the Senior High School Student Council, and the Letran Bataan Student Council. The LSC President also added how they prepared the candidates from the Collegiate and SHS departments of Letran Manila and Bataan through video calls, virtual bonding, and webinars which spanned a month before the pageant. “As the committee head of this event, we were with the candidates for more than a month. We discovered their respective passions, advocacies, and personalities,” he emphasized. True to their tagline #GabaySaMakabagongLakbay, LSC fulfilled their goal to be with all the Letranites in this very unique journey. When asked about their vision for the Mr & Ms. Letran 2020, Costales emphasized how they wanted to create a platform for

aspiring candidates to promote the advocacies that they are passionate about. “We are in a progressive society full of youth advocates that are willing to change the narratives of past generations,” said Costales. “After all, as Letranites, we see ‘Patria’ as one of the driving forces of this pageant,” he added. “We wanted to raise awareness and involve our fellow students on socio-political issues among our community and help them to be better Filipino citizens.” he continued. Through the respective judges, the LSC emphasized that the pageant primarily weighed the candidates’ advocacies and characters. “This year, we wanted them to intensify their advocacies as part of the youth especially on pressing issues during this pandemic,” Costales expressed. On December 16, the Colegio crowned Mr. and Ms. Letran 2020 (tagged as the “Knights of the New Century”) who will be given the opportunities to embody their advocacy. They are Ron Juaquin Samonte is the newly crowned Mr. Letran 2020 and was also recognized as Mr. Patria) and Mhikaela Clarivel Ruiz, both BSBA students. They were also bestowed the “Shining Knight” awards. While the pageant’s vision is to unleash new role models and harbingers of hope, Samonte seeks to promote “equal job opportunities during a pandemic”

while Ruiz aims to “educate and empower individuals.” Meanwhile, Mark Ernest Tolentino (SHS II) and Junella Pomer (Letran-Bataan) won the First Runner Up title. Tolentino also won Mr. Deus 2020, while Pomer won Ms. Deus and Ms. Patria 2020. Jan Adrian Angeles (SHS I) and Ashley Deocareza (CLAS) won second runner-up, with the latter’s male counterpart Alvi Santos (CLAS) having nailed the Best in Talent award. As for the LSC, it is more than the crown: “What’s important is, we have this kind of platform to promote something that we are passionate about and influence others to do the same,” Costales asserted.

OTHER EVENTS Coinciding the Mr. and Ms. Letran 2020 pageant is the LSCsponsored “Letran E-Sports League”. And to cap off the virtual Paskong Arriba, the Colegio mounted an online concert that was streamed at the Letran Manila’s official Facebook page. As of writing, it was seen by more than 11,000 audiences. Distance and pandemicrelated health restrictions-wise, this year’s “Paskong Arriba” festivities have shown how innovative and resilient the Letranites are amidst the current depressing social context. Indeed, the “Arriba” spirit goes on and will not waver - no matter the circumstances.






NEWS WRITER Andrea Ysabel Andres Joanna Flores FEATURES WRITER Samantha Bernardo Liza Pore Alexi Aquilino SPORTS WRITER Paolo Trinidad Zenylin Yap Juan Gabriel Balcos CONTRIBUTORS Patricia Lara CHIEF PHOTOGRAPHER Arali Santiago PHOTOGRAPHERS Jemverick Viray Janea Orate

ASST. PROF. MANUEL DASIG, JR., PHD. PUBLICATION ADVISER Published monthly, THE LANCE has its office at 3F Student Center Building, Colegio de San Juan de Letran, Intramuros Manila FOR COMMENTS, SUGGESTIONS AND LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Email us at

Patricia Jenelle Bonghanoy, President, Blank Canvas Advertising House; third year BA-Advertising student “Hati” pa ko honestly towards the announcement. I am glad because online classes allow me to work on my own and move into my own space. Also, given the pandemic, of course, it is much safer to have classes online. However, the said process isn’t good enough as well. Even though we work with our own choice of time and in the comforts of our home, the system also causes burnout. Frankly speaking, some professors weren’t able to teach well yet the outputs were very hard. There were also times that the deadlines of all the subjects were too close to each other that we weren’t able to manage well. However, we understand the weight of the changes and we should also do our part to make the new system work. We are hoping that we can figure ways on how to make the system more efficient for all the students.

“What are your views on Letran’s announcement to proceed with the online mode of classes in the second semester of Academic Year 2020-2021?”

Rhodora Yumol, Third Year BSBA Entrepreneurship student To be honest, I was a bit skeptical after hearing that Letran will proceed with the online mode of classes this semester. Even though we are only staying at our home and seizing the opportunity of having a laptop, still, both my mind and body always find themselves in an exhausting situation. And I believe that there are also students who also feel the same, as they are finding it difficult due to lack of equipment, poor internet connection, and some personal matters. This sudden switch brought by the pandemic becomes a struggle for both professors and students as we are not prepared for it. I also appreciate the efforts and compassion of professors and student leaders, and so I hope this year will be a hopeful year for each and everyone of us. Let us all embrace the mission and vision of our Colegio, wherein we will always look for something to hold onto so that the deprived will also hold onto us.

JC Poblete, President, SCRIBE – Journalism Society; third year BA-Journalism student I agree with the Colegio’s decision to proceed with the online mode of classes this second semester because it’s the best way to continue learning despite the massive effect of the pandemic. I do consider that this decision might affect some due to the lack of resources. However, if the online classes won’t push through, more people will be affected - the students who want to continue with their studies, employees, and staff of the Colegio. Mostly, the health and welfare of everyone will be at stake if we undergo face-to-face classes. Dexter Agustine, Third Year BA-Broadcasting student

I think it’s only appropriate for Letran to continue their classes online, notwithstanding the challenges we have faced since the first semester. With the unclear decision of the government and the risk needed for the face to face situation, it is only rightful to stay at home and take lessons virtually. Pinky Genove, Third Year BA-Communication Arts student

Personally, I think that Letran is too early [to announce about the second semester] because I believe some students will not be able to continue their studies the next semester [due to financial matters], so hopefully Letran could be transparent to the letranites.



A tribute to Paskong Pinoy: Disney’s 2020 festive campaign

What awaits us in the Marvel Cinematic Universe



Christmas à la 2020 BY SAMANTHA BERNARDO Bust out your colorful parols and wrap those presents because it is that time of the year again! It is no secret that Christmas is one of the yearly traditions that Filipinos look forward to. As soon as September arrives, Filipinos will already begin planning. Needless to say, a lot of preparation happens within those 4 months. During this period, most gussy up their homes with different ornaments while some flock to the malls to buy presents. Interestingly, both activities cannot go without the Christmas tunes sung by the legends themselves: Jose Mari Chan and Mariah Carey. By mid-December, people will be visiting their local parishes to partake in the Simbang Gabi and, on the way, may be greeted left and right with seasonal treats like bibingka, puto sulot, and puto

bungbong that serve as a sign that, truly, Christmas is near. On the 25th of December, Christmas comes. Relatives from all sides of the family visit one another to finally celebrate the occasion. They bring their share for the potluck and gifts for the children. Let’s not forget the friendly pestering of the pamangkins for their pamasko from the ninongs and ninangs. At the end of the day, all is well. Christmas is simply just one of those moments that can warm the heart and is worth looking back to. However, this year’s celebration of Christmas is not what everyone envisioned it to be. Before the pandemic, people would be out and about in the midst of Christmas preparations. Though as expected, crowded places and mass gatherings are a big no during this time as there is the possibility of transmission of the disease. One might have even thought

that with the continuing threat of the coronavirus, the several typhoons that wreaked havoc upon the country, and with everything else in between, no one would be in the mood to celebrate Christmas. Unsurprisingly, the people’s holiday spirit never faltered. Rather, the festivity was taken as a sign of hope amidst the rocky path that 2020 paved. Even though this year’s Christmas was unlike any other, Filipinos still found ways to celebrate it while following the safety protocols. When people were advised to celebrate Christmas traditions at home with small circles and to hold mass gatherings virtually, they did. Several livestreams and live telecasts of the Misa de Gallo were made available on different social media platforms so that everyone could still be “together”. As for parties, the now-ordinary terms like Zoom and Google Meet made


it so that those far away, even ones abroad, could be with their loved ones for Christmas. Of course, money should be spent wisely especially during hard times like this pandemic. The grand Noche Buena was absent from most, if not all, households. The situation called for a much simpler celebration of the holiday which made people focus on what is more important. This year’s Christmas is definitely out of the ordinary. It might not be as extravagant as last year’s but at the end of the day, celebrating the birth of Christ and being with the ones we love need not be over the top. In many ways, this unconventional Christmas celebration is even a ray of hope. If the people were able to celebrate the occasion in high spirits (while observing proper health protocols!) despite the pandemic, what more when it is finally over?


2020 in Photos: Wrapping up the year





A tribute to Paskong Pinoy: Disney’s 2020 festive campaign


BY LIZA PORE Lights flickering, sudden boom of loud music, and the chilly breeze to top it all off. You’d think this was an opening to a horror remake, but no, it’s just Christmas. This means that the streets will be filled with lights of blue and green, the classic Jose Mari Chan songs will be on repeat, and the cold “-ber” months weather will be there to keep the feeling of Yuletide alive. The celebration of this festive holiday has long been part of the tradition of the Filipino family; one that has been known throughout the world as something special. It came as a pleasant surprise to Filipinos when some aspects of Filipino Christmas were portrayed in the latest Christmas advert by the renowned entertainment conglomerate, the Walt Disney Company. “From Our Family to Yours” highlights the Filipino culture

perfectly: from the mano gesture, the handwritten “To Lola” (which is the grandmother’s actual name and for us Filipinos, means our beloved grandmothers in general), and of course, the parol, which is an iconic symbol that represents Filipino Christmas. The three-minute ad tells the story of a grandmother and her granddaughter’s celebration of Christmas time throughout the years, with the appearance of the staple mascot of Disney, Mickey Mouse. The animated advert is also a celebration of the company’s 40-year partnership with the nonprofit organization Make-A-Wish foundation. With all the things we have faced this year, from the COVID-19 pandemic to the natural calamities that ravaged the country, the short ad gave Filipinos a lasting sense of comfort and nostalgia that was much needed in these uncertain times. Garnering multiple likes and shares on various social

media platforms, Filipino netizens expressed their joy for Disney showing the world what Christmas in the Philippines looks like. Far from being just about presents, Christmas for

Filipinos is a lot of things. It is a time for giving thanks to God, catching up with family, and sometimes, as shown in the Christmas advert, it is about the simple gestures we do for the ones we love.


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What awaits us in the Marvel Cinematic Universe


BY ALEXI AQUILINO Without doubt, 2020 has given us lots of things, like feelings of unease on the whole situation, a bad back from all the online classes, and a compulsion to keep shopping online. Though there’s no denying that the one with the most impact is the pandemic. With the way this year has been, one wouldn’t even realize how much was lost. It doesn’t mean that the remaining days left have to be bad. As we near the end of this seemingly fast-paced year, the people in Marvel Studios appear to have a special treat that just might lift our spirits up and have us look forward to what lies ahead as 2020 nears its conclusion. The year saw TV and film productions being put to a halt because of COVID-19, which resulted in a lesser number of motion pictures being released. The giant that is Marvel Studios likewise saw the year with a lack of releases of its acclaimed superhero movies. But on Disney’s Investor Day 2020, the company dropped

massive news by announcing a lengthy list of original shows and movies that it set to deliver for the next few months starting with the launch of ‘WandaVision’ on January 15, 2021 on Disney+, Disney’s own streaming service. For the rest of the year, ‘The Falcon and the Winter Soldier’ (March 2021), ‘Loki’ (May 2021), ‘What If...?’ (mid-2021), ‘Ms. Marvel’ (late 2021), and ‘Hawkeye’ (late 2021), will all be expected to arrive on the same platform soon after. But that’s not all, ‘Black Widow’ (May 2021), ‘Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings’ (July 2021), ‘Eternals’ (November 2021), and an untitled SpiderMan: Far From Home sequel (December 2021) are also scheduled to be put out in theatres worldwide. If 2021’s releases weren’t enough to have you geek out, maybe a series starring She-Hulk and one starring Moon Knight will. While these two do not have any exact dates yet, they are expected to premiere sometime in 2022 on Disney+. On the other hand, ‘The Guardians of the

Galaxy Holiday Special’ is already set for release in 2022 on the same platform. Big titles like ‘Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness’ (March 2022), ‘Thor: Love and Thunder’ (May 2022), ‘Black Panther II’ (July 2022), and ‘Captain Marvel 2’ (November 2022) are films to look out for by that time. If you think that the announcements stop there, well, brace yourself because Marvel Studios has also announced that Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 is apparently set to be released in 2023. The following titles are also in store, albeit, with no definite dates for their release yet: ‘Secret Invasion’, ’Ironheart, ‘Armor Wars’, and ‘‘I am Groot’. You should also expect ‘Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania’, ‘Blade’, and ‘Fantastic Four’ in the near future. It appears that despite the whirlwind of events that we faced this 2020, the creators that brought to life some of the most beloved superheroes are here to save us yet again. Let’s face it, even if you’re not a big comic book fan,

watching these superheroes do the extraordinary is a sight to see. And for those who were already avid followers of the MCU, what delight they must have felt to find out that after a year of close to zero content, they’re blessed once again with various upcoming releases to look forward to. These shows and films waiting to be released may be Marvel’s way of saying that they too are going to move forward and continue in giving the people a source of entertainment, relief, and even hope from the chaos that we see outside and from the ones that we feel on the inside. Though the year has proven itself to be with many struggles and obstacles, the idea of rising up in the face of these challenges and finding hints of optimism wherever possible is one that has persisted throughout history, and perhaps more so during this period. Even if the world appears to have stopped turning, sooner or later, it’ll surely start spinning again and life will go on like it should. So, at our own pace, we too should try to move forward as best as we can.




CEIT Bloodbath, AFROR, PYK, Champions in Letran Esports League 2020


BY PAOLO TRINIDAD In line with celebrating the Colegio’s Quadricentennial year, the Letran Esports League championship was held for Letranites to showcase their teamwork and skills in the world of online gaming. The event was broadcasted live on the Letran Student Council Facebook page as each player from respective categories was witnessed by their fellow Letranites in a completely different form of intensity. The College of Engineering and Information Technology (CEIT)’s Bloodbath, AFROR, and PYK dominated their own league as all three went undefeated the whole tournament. CEIT Bloodbath had an amazing run in the Mobile Legends championship as they went 2-0 in the finals. Team captain, Mark Arellano said that the secret to their team’s success revolves around their

trust in each other and their discipline. “Always keep in mind to not be swayed or provoked by your opponents’ words. Being quiet and patient will always be a better way to conquer them effortlessly,” said Jessica Geronimo, CEIT Bloodbath’s MAGE, as she shared her takeaway from the latest tournament, who also led the team in assists on their way to victory. Other players who were a part of the team’s victory include, Reinor Chandler Daplas, Carl Jonas Lopez, Joshia Emmerson Hilario, and Alexander Lisama. AFROR took over in the Call of Duty: Mobile league after a dominating 3-0 finish that was led by Robin Villareal who became the match MVP in 2 of the 3 matches in the finals. Villareal exclaimed that they have learned to trust each other and stay humble in victory or in defeat. He thinks that the most

important thing that they have learned after the tournament is to work and practice hard to build composure and chemistry that is very useful during every game. AFROR’s members such as Willmark Lacanienta, Justin Lenard Joaquin, Juan Alberto Blanco, Victor Vince Kyoji Reyes, and Red Louise Constantino, who contributed to the team’s triumph have mentioned that getting into the last stage of the finals has been their best moment that has pushed them even further to work harder and achieve their breakthrough. PYK also had a great run in the Valorant series after finishing 2-0 in the championship. Duelists Diego Osabel and Darrel Kyle Jasmin steered the team to a spotless record throughout the tournament. “We have rough days in our practice, but we choose to stay positive in the game, and unity is the key to success,” stated by their

initiator, Jonathan Jamolin Jr. The team has also mentioned that their bond as friends and their shared interest in FPS (firstperson-shooter) games is what made their team special. PYK also consists of Dan Henry So, Jeremy Vendivel, and Ralph Obana. Lance Redor and Julianna La Rosa, the project heads of the event shared the reason for how the student council came up with the event. “The Letran Student Council created an avenue of sportsmanship, camaraderie, leadership, and fun for all Letranites. Despite the absence of this year’s sports events, as well as merely institutional mass gathering, we pursue to uphold students’ social and mental welfare, by hosting an Esports tournament. We aim to give a token of distraction and entertainment even without physical contact amidst the ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic.”


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Lawmakers: no more contact sports for minors


BY JUAN GABRIEL BALCOS In a new house bill filed, the fate of competitive contact sports is hanging in the balance. AKO Bicol representatives Alfredo Garbin and Elizaldy Co filed House Bill No. 1526 titled “Banning Minors from FullContact Competitive Sports”. The said proposed legislation seeks to ban those below the legal age of 18 years old from competitive full-contact sports “including boxing, MMA, Jiu-Jitsu, Muay

Thai, Judo and various forms of full contact Karate”. “While acknowledging the important benefits and values that can be derived from these sports, this bill also recognizes the paramount need to protect the minors.”, the bill’s explanatory note read. A fine ranging from fifty to two-hundred thousand pesos has also been stipulated in the event of noncompliance should this be enacted into law. This would mean that athletic

associations such as the NCAA and UAAP will have to scrap their junior’s division for the sports about to be banned; not to mention the Youth Olympics wherein the Philippines have been actively participating since 2010. The bill received mixed reactions from Filipinos with some of them against it due to the idea that athletes should start while they are young. Contrary to this, those pushing for it in the House are citing

the 2013 death of Jonas Garcia in a Dep-Ed supervised boxing match as a reason for what Garbin and Co hope will be a “swift passage”. The passage of this should it come into realization will hurt the Filipino grassroots program in contact sports. Big names such as taekwondo stars Japoy Lizardo and Donnie Geisler and Wushu athlete Agatha Wong are just some of the successful products of what some might refer to as “starting ‘em young”.

Letran Knights Asst. Coach LA Tenorio crowned as Philippine Cup Finals MVP BY ZENYLIN YAP

Barangay Ginebra’s guard and Letran Knights Men’s Basketball Assistant Coach, LA Tenorio, bags the Honda-PBA Press Corps Finals MVP award, setting a mark on PBA’s first bubble in Clark, Pampanga. December 9, 2020, Game 5 of the finals kicks in, leaving the TNT Tropang Giga overwhelmed, losing their chance to claim the title when Barangay Ginebra’s driving force LA Tenorio pushed a momentum for his team that results to an averaged 13.6 points, 2.8 rebounds, 6.2 assists and 1.4 steals ending an 82-78 in the best-of-seven games Tenorio led the team to a 4-1 tourney, as he left some 22

crucial points in Game 4 leaving no choice for the Gin Kings to go further to their victory. Before the season started, the 36-year-old player was among the last to enter the PBA bubble and was about to give 30% of his engines (Said Coach Tim Cone in his official interview with ESPN), as he previously faced one of his most difficult battles when he underwent an appendectomy. Luckily, it didn’t stop the veteran baller from striving. Despite the 14-year career throughout his first draft last 2006, the Iron Man continuously stretched his prowess to a larger scale and defined his win as another blessing. He stated at one of his official interviews for Spin. ph “Ang bait ni Lord. Hiningi ko


lang [all-Filipino] championship, binigay pa sa akin ‘to,” he claims, still proud of the moment for subtly paving a way on game 5 for the Gin Kings to win their first Philippine Cup title in 13 years. Tenorio already had 6 PBA titles under his sleeves but aimed to eye out another grand slam

onto his next endeavors. Apart from being one of the outstanding playmakers of Barangay Ginebra and in the Philippine Basketball Association, Tenorio entered his first coaching career in 2019, designated as the assistant of Letran Knight’s head tactician Coach Bonnie Tan.

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