3 minute read
Teacher Tributes
from 2021 Senior Issue
by The Lancer
Mrs. Navarro Mr. Daigneault
First of all, I would like to thank you for the help freshman year when I used a centrifuge without a counterweight and nearly knocked all of the lab supplies off the table, and then again junior year when I mistakenly did it again. Your patience during labs was incredible. Biology was one of my favorite classes and you one of my favorite teachers so much that I decided to take AP Biology junior year. Though I am disappointed we did not finish March Mammal Madness the past year, some of my fondest high school memories were in your class. A few that come to mind: asking for much needed help with the dihybrid Punnett squares, completing the Amgen Biotechnology labs, and persistently trying to create a diagram of each cycle of cell respiration. I would also like to thank you for sparking my curiosity in biology and health sciences throughout these years. I will miss you and the comfort of E9!
-Darby Adema
There are some teachers who take the course material, and simply relay it out to their students. You on the other hand, bring fun, comedy and creativity into the classroom which has a way of compelling students throughout your lecture. Whenever I would come in for help on a subject you took your time, and broke it down for me until I could understand it. Hiding behind your monotone yet sarcastic personality, is a teacher who goes out of his way to not only create an interactive classroom, but a thought-provoking learning environment. Thank you for commitment to tohs students, and providing me with a classroom that I looked forward to
TEACHER going to everyday. -Taylor Olgin Mr. Park (Or Coach Park, to me), You’ve been such an important figure TRIBUTES in my life since I began playing volleyball 6 years ago. I started off being scared of you, (and rightfully so), but since then I’ve grown so much as a player and a person under your leadership. Thank you so much for being an amazing coach and teacher. You’ve Mrs. Santangeloalways made the volleyball team feel like a family, and whether it was 8 a.m. From the very beginning of freshman year, you welcomed me into your class practices or Korean barbecue with with open arms. Not only do you teach us how to be better singers on a daily the team, I always knew there were basis, but you show us how to become better people as well. You encourage people who had my back. You are so an environment in which nobody feels left out or uncomfortable. Everyone in passionate in everything you do, and your classes cares about one another and that stems from the example you always want the best for everyone. set. You genuinely care about each and every one of your students and are You taught me to be confident in my- invested in their lives, their ups, their downs, their successes, their failures, and self and to fight for what I want, and everything in between. You make a concerted effort to connect with every those are lessons that I will take with single student on a personal level. You check in on how we are doing almost me long after I’ve graduated. Thank every day. Thank you for not only being our teacher for the past four years, you for sticking with me all these but also a role model for all of us. years. I will miss you!
-Sophie Crivier -Kyle Lobenhofer
What does it mean to be an adult?
idk you tell me seggsy time taxes you pay rent be 18 to have freedom to have your sh*t together
bills and kids being eligible for moderna and j&j vaccines