10 minute read
Senior Leaders
from 2021 Senior Issue
by The Lancer
Sophie Crivier Lancer Editor-in-Chief
Having known Sophie Crivier for 13 years, we know that not only is she a wonderful journalist, she is also passionate, kind, trustworthy, and a great friend. Over the years we have seen her flourish under pressure and witnessed her growth as a writer. She has been involved in journalism since freshman year and has taken her role on The Lancer staff very seriously and with pride.
Sophie approaches her work with integrity and she very clearly highlights the individuality of the people she interviews, creating a personal tone that cannot be achieved without a true passion for writing. This passion expands into other avenues of her life, including volleyball. Sophie has spent four years on the TOHS Girls Volleyball team while also participating in an outside club volleyball team.
Sophie will continue on this path as a writer, as she will be attending UCLA in the fall, where she will be majoring in English. We can’t wait to hear about her adventures and formative life experiences in LA.
We love you, Sophie! Thank you for your unwavering support throughout the years, we’ll miss you. - Maycie Cereghino & Kate Waldman
I don’t think there is anyone I’ve yelled at more times over the last four years than Tanner Patterson. Whether he was slacking off on journalism, not showing up to important meetings, or asking me to write this letter for him at the last minute, Tanner frustrates me often. Nevertheless, I adore him, and I will miss him dearly.
Sophomore year, Tanner and I were both section editors. It was a lot of responsibility for both of us, but even more so for Tanner. I watched in awe as Tanner as sophomore ran the longest section of the paper by himself, all while being a dedicated basketball player. Even with too much on his plate, he still had time to give feedback on my stories, which was always so helpful.
Tanner is a talented writer, and he designs really cool pages. He’s a great editor, and he’s been really fun to try and run The Lancer with. I’ll really miss him cracking jokes about my pages and us fighting over the spinny chair. While we probably get more work done separately, there’s nobody else I’d want to work alongside in I-4. –Natalie Venable
Natalie is many things including one of our closest friends. We met freshman year at swim, and continued to grow closer each year. As we got to know her, we learned how much of a hardworking, genuine, and supportive person Natalie truly is.
We have seen her put so much of her effort and time into her work at the Lancer. Multiple times Natalie has sent us the finished issue of her most recent work, and without even knowing what section she wrote, we can pick out her writing because her narrative voice is so unique, compelling and engaging. Natalie definitely could have written a more complex and better worded note about herself, but we’re honored that she asked us.
Natalie knows what she stands for and is unwaveringly true to her values. She is unafraid to converse about uncomfortable topics whether it be in person, on social media or through her writing. We always find ourselves learning something new when we talk to her and we wouldn’t want it any other way.
Natalie’s honesty and thoughtfulness makes her a wonderful advice giver, and through high school she has been consistently supportive. She shares excitement for our accomplishments, is ready to provide an outside perspective and is much wiser and more perceptive than the two of us. Natalie was an excellent team captain for the swim team last year and was always ready to help.
We will miss her a ton next year but look forward to working on a NYT Crossword Puzzle over Zoom together and to see her continue to grow as both a person and journalist at Cal Poly SLO. We love you Nat. –Julia Tushla & Lilly Woldman
I have known Oliver since the end of Sophomore year and to be quite frank he is one of the people I have a lot of trust in and can rely on for most matters. When I first met him, before we actually became acquainted, I noticed that he radiated very positive energy, which I found to be quite refreshing because it seemed so genuine to me.
As hard as he is on himself I think he’s done great, because despite the stress he has been under he’s been able to push through it and get it done. It is something I admire about him, when it is something of importance to him he’ll give his best effort and follow through with it.
Despite the demands of being the EIC of the yearbook and having to create this book during the pandemic, he’s gone through with it, and he didn’t give up. It’s funny too because I know it gave him a lot of stress during junior year and I told him to quit since it would be too much of a strain on him, yet he didn’t, because it was important to him, most importantly he didn’t give up and gave it his best efforts for a positive outcome.
I’m really proud of him, and I know that he can be hard on himself, but if he puts his mind to it, he can get anything done, I just know it. –Naomi Moya Aguilar

Tanner Patterson Lancer Editor-in-Chief
Natalie Venable Lancer Editor-in-Chief

What is your favorite slang word?
sheeeesh broski bruh baller salty tea dude yeet fam
seggsy shawty fool

Oliver Cellejas Yearbook Editor-in-Chief

Kiara Benioff ASB President
When I fi rst met Kiara Benioff in seventh grade, I had no idea how close we would become. We reconnected during freshman year, and she was a big reason why I decided to join ASB my sophomore year. During my three years in ASB, I was able to watch her grow as a leader as she held class offi cer and cabinet positions.
Whether it’s acting as ASB President, speaking at Student Site Council, or guiding the track team as a Varsity Captain, Kiara is a leader everywhere she goes. She took on the role as ASB President during this past year when school was a giant question mark. Kiara decided to look at the unknown in a positive way.
Not only is Kiara a phenomenal leader, but she maintains high grades in all of her AP classes. Most importantly, she is a great person. Kiara is the type of person who puts everyone else before herself, and she always makes sure that others are happy before focusing on her own needs.
Kiara is one of the most creative people I’ve ever met. She can think on her feet to come up with new activities and uses out-of-the-box thinking in ways that I can barely wrap my head around. I have no doubt that she will fi nd immense success as a bear at UC Berkeley for the next four years and far beyond her college education.
I truly look up to Kiara as a person and as a friend. After spending so much time with her at TOHS, being apart from her for the next four years is defi nitely going to feel diff erent, but I can’t wait to see what she accomplishes. – Olivia Harrington
Chauncey Walker
ASB Vice-President

I met Chauncey my freshman year of high school during cheer tryouts. I had just transferred districts and knew absolutely no one, but Chauncey immediately introduced himself and became one of my closest friends. He was always the one I went to when I had a bad day, when I didn’t know how to do a math problem, or when I needed someone just to support me.
During cheer practices I always relied on his ability to push me to be my best. Chauncey is the type of person to inspire you to reach for the impossible and never back down from a challenge.
When he joined ASB and won ASB Vice President I knew it was the best possible thing that could happen. He always came into the classroom with new ideas about fundraisers, rally games, and ideas about how to get the whole school involved. His creativity and personality shined through each 50 minute period, and made the class, and entire school better.
You could ask any person on campus and they would know of Chauncey. He has impacted everybody’s experience at Thousand Oaks High School, whether they know it or not.
I’ve had the privilege of knowing Chauncey my whole four years at Thousand Oaks, and I can honestly say that he was one of the people who made my memories here so special. I cannot wait to see where life takes him, because I know wherever he ends up he’ll make it his own. Good luck Chauncey! Never stop being amazing! – Brooke Austin
I fi rst met Katie our freshman year through cross country, and ever since then she has been one of my best friends.
For as long as I’ve known her, Katie has always been a natural born leader and been involved in any way she could. She started high school as class president freshman year and is ending high school as class president senior year. She would always put her best eff orts into everything she was asked to do. Even in cross country everyone knew she would be a captain her junior and senior year without a question because she was always the one to make an eff ort to talk to everyone and congratulate them and cheer them on.
Cross country defi nitely allowed me to grow so close to her and really get to know who she is because we spent so much time together. She is one of the most fun and kindhearted people I know. No matter what we do, where we are, or who we’re with she is able to make the situation enjoyable. She also always makes sure all of her friends are okay and have anything they need and listen to whatever they would have to say. Whenever I needed help on anything or even a hair tie she would be there to help.
I know that she is going to have an amazing time at UCLA and have a successful future because she has worked so hard for it up until this point and will continue to work hard going forward. It is going to be hard not being a two minute drive from her and her mom and I will miss her so much, but I know we will always be friends. – Catherine Nolan
Chloe has been a good friend of mine since middle school, and looking back on it, she is exactly the type of person everyone should have by their side while growing up. She has a naturally kind heart enabling her to care for all of those around her and for those around her to adore her. It is impossible to not see the love and talent that radiates from Chloe as she is undoubtedly one of the most genuine people I have ever met.
Since knowing her, Chloe has been dedicated to her school and community. She participated in ASB for her entire high school career and took on the role of Senior Class VP which she performed perfectly, working as best as she could to make our senior year as exciting as possible under such unprecedented circumstances. Her love for her community shows through her hours of volunteer work and participation in community events. Her leadership abilities and desire to work with others to brighten our community is what made her the perfect VP.
Chloe is the type of friend you never want to lose, is always willing to listen, gives advice, and supports her friends whenever necessary. Her tenacity to excel in every aspect of her life tells me that she will have no problem fi nding success in her future. I absolutely adore Chloe and could not be prouder of what she has accomplished. I look forward to watching her become the outstanding woman she is destined to become. - Alyssa Mueller
my friends seeing the teachers everyday nothing
Mrs. Grano food fights in the quad the simplicity Chinese class with Mr. Loose the refreshing, crisp water from the PAC drinking fountain

Katie Daniels
Senior Class President
Chloe Schalyo
Senior Class Vice-President