March 11, 2011 :: Northern

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March 11, 2011 NORTHERN EDITION (800) 657-4665 P.O. Box 3169, Mankato, MN 56002 Š 2011

How do you feel about 2011?

THE LAND, MARCH 11, 2011

2 A “Where Farm and Family Meet”

P.O. Box 3169 418 South Second Street Mankato, MN 56002 (800) 657-4665 Volume XXX ■ Number V 56 pages, 2 sections, plus supplements Cover photo illustration by Tom Royer

COLUMNS Opinion Farm and Food File Cookbook Corner Ace of Spades The Back Porch Calendar New Products Back Roads Marketing DairyLine Auctions/Classifieds Advertiser Listing

2A-5A 5A 8A 10A 11A 12A 17A 32A 1B-4B 3B 7B-24B 7B


“Where Farm and Family Meet”

Publisher: Jim Santori: General Manager: Vail Belgard: Editor: Kevin Schulz: Assistant Editor: Tom Royer: Staff Writer: Dick Hagen: Advertising Representatives: Kim Henrickson: Danny Storlie: Office/Advertising Assistants: Joan Compart: Dorothy Meyer: Ad Production: Brad Hardt: Website: For Customer Service Concerns: (507) 345-4523, (800) 657-4665, Fax: (507) 345-1027 For Editorial Concerns or Story Ideas: (507) 344-6342, (800) 657-4665, National Sales Representative: Bock & Associates Inc., 7650 Executive Drive, Minneapolis, MN 55344-3677. (952) 905-3251. Because of the nature of articles appearing in The Land, product or business names may be included to provide clarity. This does not constitute an endorsement of any product or business. Opinions and viewpoints expressed in editorials or by news sources are not necessarily those of the management. The Publisher shall not be liable for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement. The Publisher’s liability for other errors or omissions in connection with an advertisement is strictly limited to publication of the advertisement in any subsequent issue or the refund of any monies paid for the advertisement. Classified Advertising: $17 for seven (7) lines for a private classified, each additional line is $1.25; $22 for business classifieds, each additional line is $1.25. Classified ads accepted by mail or by phone with VISA, MasterCard, Discover or American Express. Classified ads can also be sent by e-mail to Mail classified ads to The Land, P.O. Box 3169, Mankato, MN 56002. Please include credit card number, expiration date and your postal address with ads sent on either mail version. Classified ads may also be called into (800) 657-4665. Deadline for classified ads is noon on the Monday prior to publication date, with holiday exceptions. Distributed to farmers in all Minnesota counties and northern Iowa, as well as on The Land’s website. Each classified ad is separately copyrighted by The Land. Reproduction without permission is strictly prohibited. Subscription and Distribution: Free to farmers and agribusinesses in Minnesota and northern Iowa. $22 per year for non-farmers and people outside the service area. The Land (ISSN 0279-1633) is published Fridays and is a division of The Free Press Media (part of Community Newspaper Holdings Inc.), 418 S. Second St., Mankato MN 56001. Periodicals postage paid at Mankato, Minn. Postmaster and Change of Address: Address all letters and change of address notices to The Land, P.O. Box 3169, Mankato, MN 56002; call (507) 345-4523 or e-mail to

globe can change how we feel right here in Spring is just around the corner, and the Midwest. It will really be interesting that means another growing season will to see how producers feel about their presbe getting fired up. ent and future when DTN/TPF releases But, are you fired up for the 2011 growthe new producer CI in a couple weeks. ing season? As we all know, in production agriculEvery year crop farmers start with a ture things can change pretty quickly. The pretty clean slate. Sure, you may have best-laid plans of a perfect growing season some grain left to sell, and bills always can be turned upside down in minutes need to be paid, but the ground is sitting with the wrath of Mother Nature in latethere, dormant; laid out like a big black LAND MINDS August, or an outbreak of microscopic canvas, just waiting for you to create yet pestilence along the way. another agricultural masterpiece. By Kevin Schulz You know where your confidence is, How do you feel heading into this year’s regardless if it matches with your fellow go-around? Are you optimistic, or do you producers. Everyone is built and wired feel that this year will be the one that differently. Some producers are optibites you in the butt? mistic, some are cautiously optimistic, while others Last spring, DTN/The Progressive Farmer starting are pessimistic. taking the pulse of producers and agribusinesses by Control your own domain. There’s a myriad of issuing two indexes – the Agriculture Confidence things that are beyond your control; do the best to Index and the Agribusiness Confidence Index. Both keep close tabs on what you can control. Everything indexes are published three times a year: before else is up to greater powers, and I don’t mean the planting, before harvest and at year’s end. seed and chemical companies. DTN/TPF just released the latest Agribusiness CI, A few things to feel good about and agribusinesses are looking forward to a good With that clean slate of an impending new growing year. season, we all have some things to feel pretty good DTN/TPF surveyed 100 owners or managers of ele- about. Though we will feel the ramifications, and vators, ag retailers, livestock companies, food product already are somewhat, of what is going on in northmanufacturers, ag services, bankers, cotton buyers ern Africa and the Middle East, at least we’re not and seed companies across the country. there. The next Agriculture CI will be released March 21. Our country has its own problems, but at least That’s when you’ll be able to see if your gut is telling we’re not living under a regime that has stated there you the same thing the gut of your fellow producers will be civilian deaths, as has taken place in Libya. is telling them. Another thing to feel good about is that every The most recent Agriculture CI was done in spring producers have at their disposal the best corn, December, and at that time the 500 producers surbean, wheat, sugar beet, oat, alfalfa, etc., seed availveyed were feeling pretty good about their situation. able to give their crop a fighting chance against most In the Midwest in particular, producers had an Agri- of what Mother Nature can throw their way. culture CI of 162.3. A 100 rating is seen a positive. Finally, at least you’re not Charlie Sheen or LindMidwest producers gave their current situation an say Lohan. Sure, they might be fun to hang around index rating of 214.7, with their expectations of the with for a little while, but c’mon, Charlie and Lindnext 12 months falling, but still positive at 125.8. say, grow up and become responsible adults. Here’s Both livestock and crop producers showed similar an idea — maybe the two of them should move in with each other. I have a feeling that if that were to confidence in the December CI of 151.6 and 151.5, respectively. Crop producers were a little more opti- take place, we wouldn’t be hearing about Charlie mistic about the next 12 months than their livestock Sheen or Lindsay Lohan for much longer. counterparts, 117.4 to 114.5. See, things are looking pretty good here in the MidKeep in mind that these numbers are coming after west. last fall’s harvest, and perception can change a lot in ••• only a few months. U.S. agriculture is part of the Kevin Schulz is the editor of The Land. He may be global economy, and the recent turmoil around the reached at


INSIDE THIS ISSUE: 13A — The best yields start by selecting the best corn hybrids. 15A — Best pest management practices getting complicated by ‘refuge in a bag’

21A-30A — North American Farm & Power Show ready to roll in Owatonna, Minn. 31A — Minnesota ag commissioner looking favorably on governor’s budget

3 A

THE LAND, MARCH 11, 2011

<< MILKER’S MESSAGE >> “Where Farm and Family Meet”

“Where Farm and Family Meet”

THE LAND, MARCH 11, 2011

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Letter: Walz afraid to vote for what’s right To the Editor: The old practices are still flourishing in our nation’s capitol. The voters last November said “no” to deficit spending but our elected flock of chickens sneaked their favorite earmarks through again. It is just like an addiction to these chickens — “We will stop deficit spending but we will do it tomorrow. First we have to please our lobbyists.” U.S. Representative Tim Walz, D-Minn., said he didn’t like the spending bill but he voted for it anyway. He said he had no choice. What do you mean you had no choice? First choice, you could have voted no. Second choice, you could have gone half-way with the Bush tax cuts, as you could have gone one year without the unemployment benefits, and dropped the benefits to half the second year, to give the people receiving the benefits some incentive to look for work. I don’t think American taxpayers are going to mind paying taxes if you would find the courage to pay on our debt and then be accountable. You sneak things into big tax bills all the time. Sort of like you don’t want your constituents to know how irresponsible you really are.


Someone sneaked funding into the bill for ethanol and biodiesel again. Get the picture people, we have been pouring money down the ethanol drain for 10 years or more. It still can’t stand on its merits. But no, it continues to drag our country down. As long as the country buys ethanol’s groceries what Tim Walz incentive do they have to learn how to make a profit? The United States hasn’t run out of crude oil. The problem is the environmentalists own the chickens. So Tim, you didn’t have a choice? I don’t think so. I think you are chicken to vote for what is right. If you go against party lines you lose support and funding come election time, right? Why don’t you run for reelection on your voting record like our representatives used to. Man-up, Tim. A leader is a person who does what is right even when no one is looking. A follower is a simple person. He or she can’t think for themselves. They just do what everyone does — you know, like chickens do. Paul B. Hoffman New Ulm, Minn.

Commentary: Krugman flunks food and history Paul Krugman is a big deal: Princeton professor, New York Times columnist and Nobel laureate (2008). Krugman wrote recently about the “food crisis, the second one to hit the world in the last three years.” His key statement: “what really stands out is the extent to which severe weather events have disrupted agricultural production. And these severe weather events are exactly the kind of thing we’d expect to see as rising concentrations of greenhouse gases change our climate — which means that the current food prices surge may be just beginning.” What warming? The puny 0.2 degrees Celsius we’ve had since 1940? On food, we’re currently diverting a huge proportion of the world’s crops to biofuels. We’ve created an artificial shortage of the world’s already-scarce cropland. Two years ago, the high food prices were driven by a very high price for oil, so our corn ethanol plants were running full-tilt. World food prices nearly doubled. This year, the high food prices are driven by a combination of high fuel prices, and diverse bad weather in the United States, Russia, Australia and China, to name a few weather-challenged regions. The farming gods are always fickle. They bring drought, floods, bitter winters, heatstroke summers, hailstorms and untimely frosts — at their whim. When humans started to farm, their most important gods were always the “earth mother” who watches over the crops, and a consort god in charge of rainfall. The farming villages held festivals in their honor, made sacrifices, and pleaded for good crops. Often they pled in vain. Talking about severe weather, how about Cahokia, the only city ever built by the American Indians? It was founded on corn, in Illinois, the heart of today’s Corn Belt. And it grew to perhaps as large as 50,000 people. After A.D. 1200, Cahokia suffered two 30year droughts in 60 years. The city disappeared. The people who could walked away. In 2200 B.C., a “little ice age” hit the whole world. A belt of irrigated agricultures around the world failed simultaneously — and didn’t recover for about 300 years. Southern Greece, the eastern Mediterranean, Egypt, and what’s now Iraq and Syria all collapsed. Many thousands died. Nomad shepherds took over the parched land. The first Chinese dynasty collapsed then in the Yellow River Valley due to drought — and “little ice ages” have since brought down five more-recent Chinese dynasties. The last to fall was the fabled Kublai Khan during the Little Ice Age. Meanwhile, in the Netherlands, the Little Ice Age brought three massive sea floods within a few decades, each of which drowned 100,000 people. The See AVERY, pg. 5A

Guebert: Mother Hubbard’s empty CCC cupboard


Krugman strikes out

crops to the government as repayment. As such, the usual method of building government stocks, forfeitures, has gone the way of $2 corn. Policy, too, plays an enormous role. Congress has used recent farm bills to lower loan rates as a way to limit government’s role and taxpayer cost in U.S. agriculture. As the rates fell, short-term CCC loans became less attractive. Fewer loans means fewer possible defaults and, in turn, fewer government stocks.

THE LAND, MARCH 11, 2011

That policy, of course, limits government costs but it also limits government assistance should calamity strike. Given the nation’s bottom-of-thebarrel “free” stocks, those held by the market, and not even one paper sack of groceries in the CCC pantry, how fast and far would food prices climb if just the threat of drought appeared anytime in the next six months? Right. So, let’s be wise as we begin to examine the key elements of the 2012 farm bill. Let’s use these extraordinarily good times to build a stronger, smarter farm and food policy that, at the very least, begins to restock our empty national cupboard. After that we can look at, say, elevated solar ranches in Arizona. ••• Alan Guebert’s “Farm and Food File” is published weekly in more than 70 newspapers in North America. Contact him at

“Where Farm and Family Meet”

On a sunny, subzero day 20 or so years stacked up against nervous stomachs, the ago, the great-grandson of a Kansas homehard evidence is very hard to refute. steader related one of the most important For example, current stocks of major lessons passed on to him by his family’s crops — record-low stored corn, ridicuboom-bust-boom generations of dry land lously short soybean levels, better but farming. still historically low wheat stocks, cotton “My grandfather,” he offered, “taught us supplies the lowest since 1924-25 — and that it’s not the choices you make in the the production year not even close to bad times that usually cause you the most bloom, who’s to say $7 corn, $14 beans trouble. Instead, it’s the choices you make and $2 cotton (per pound!) aren’t right? FARM & FOOD FILE in the good times that often lead to the Steep prices, however, carry steep consebiggest disasters. By Alan Guebert quences. A huge one is the bare cupboard “There’s a lot of wisdom in that idea,” at the nation’s pantry, the Commodity said his grandson, a respected financial Credit Corp. As of Feb. 7, the latest expert about to serve his nation as a monthly look-see, the CCC held not one member of the Board of Governors of pound of butter, nary a slice a cheese, the Federal Reserve System. no corn, not one soybean and zero wheat. That Kansas insight is as timely now as it might In fact, the CCC currently has nothing in-hand, on have been in 1915 or 1975 because the good times hand or near-to-hand. Not one bushel, hundredaren’t just rolling in agriculture today, they’re roarweight, pound or bale of barley, sunflowers, butter, ing. The strongest evidence of the present rocket ride cotton, dry peas, flax, nonfat dry milk, honey, chickis land prices; they’re past the moon and headed to peas or sorghum, let alone one kernel of any major Mars. Wow, $14,000 an acre in Iowa, $8k+ an irrifood or feed grain. gated acre in Nebraska? The Mother Hubbard act isn’t an act; it’s a fact dicGiven that blue, blue sky, it won’t be long before we tated by price and policy. see the proverbial bridge in Arizona offered for sale The price part rides on today’s hot markets. Curas a “uniquely elevated solar ranch.” rent commodity prices are so far above U.S. DepartAnd yet, when the hard evidence of flying times is ment of Agriculture’s loan prices — the legal price producers receive when posting their crops as collateral for short-term USDA loans — that few are “loaning” their production and no one is forfeiting AVERY, from pg. 4A coasts of Europe are lined with huge sand dunes created by hurricanes. Most of these dunes date from the Little Ice Age, not from the Medieval Warming. The peer-reviewed journal Natural Hazards in June 2005, published a special issue on extreme weather events over the last century. It found there is less severe weather as the world warms, with no increase in thunderstorms, hailstorms, tornados, blizzards, Asian monsoons, heat waves or floods. Blogger Jo Nova reports that a recent re-examination of global tropical storms and hurricanes found no trend in the past 30 years. Russia frequently has droughts and Australia has a cycle of flooding. Krugman is trying to frighten us about what’s likely the finest weather humanity has ever seen. Obviously, we’re still getting heat waves, blizzards and some hurricanes — but fewer of them. Nevertheless, you are three times as likely to read about the severe weather we do get — because the media are seeking it out. Our Nobel Prize Winner strikes out on both food and climate change. ••• This commentary was submitted by Dennis Avery, a senior fellow for the Hudson Institute in Washington, D.C., and the director for the Center for Global Food Issues. He was formerly a senior analyst for the Department of State. Readers may write him at P.O. Box 202, Churchville, VA 24421 or e-mail to

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“Where Farm and Family Meet”


THE LAND, MARCH 11, 2011

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Premier Lawn & Power Fargo, ND 701.365.0708 A-1 Outdoor Power Corcoran, MN 763.420.2748 Arnolds of St. Martin St. Martin, MN 320.548.3285 Arnolds of Willmar Willmar, MN 320.235.4898

Century Power Equip. Stillwater, MN 651.439.2035 Gerlach’s Outdoor Power & Equip. Hastings, MN 651.437.4401 Kranz Lawn & Power Hutchinson, MN 320.587.2102 Paul’s Small Engine Sales & Service Alexandria, MN 320.762.5167

Powerhouse Outdoor Equip. St. Cloud, MN 320.251.7478 Powerhouse Outdoor Equip. St. Joseph, MN 320.363.7478 Steve’s Equip. Montevideo, MN 320.269.7171 Waconia Farm Supply Waconia, MN 952.442.7326

sioner Dave Frederickson and Gov. Mark Dayton will be awarded to qualifying families, along with an outdoor sign signifying Sesquicentennial Farm recognition. Information on all Sesquicentennial Farm families will be available at the Minnesota Farm Bureau exhibit during the 2011 State Fair, Aug. 25 through Sept. 5. Applications are available by writing Sesquicentennial Farms, Minnesota Farm Bureau Federation, P.O. Box 64370, St. Paul, MN 55164; e-mailing or calling (651) 7682100. Applications are also available at Deadline for application is April 1. Previously recognized families should not reapply. Century Farms are not automatically recognized as Sesquicentennial Farms. Families must apply to receive Sesquicentennial Farm recognition. County Farm Bureaus are encouraged to work with county agriculture societies and county fair boards on local recognition of recipients. Recipients will be announced at the beginning of June. ••• This article was submitted by the Minnesota Farm Bureau.

A whole new way to read “Where Farm and Family Meet”

Check back for details

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Minnesota Farm Bureau’s Sesquicentennial Farm program will honor Minnesota families who have owned their farms for at least 150 years. Since the Sesquicentennial Farm program began in 2008, more than 129 farms have been recognized. The Sesquicentennial Farm program recognizes family farms according to the following qualifications. • The farm must be at least 150 years old this year according to the abstract of title, land patent, original deed, county land records, court file in registration proceedings or other authentic land records. Please do not send originals or copies of records. • Your family must have owned the farm for 150 years or more. “Family” is defined as parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, brothers, sisters, sons, daughters, first cousins and direct inlaws (father, mother, brother, sister, daughter, son-in-law). • Continuous residence on farm is not required, but ownership must be continuous. • The farm should consist of 50 or more acres, and currently be involved in agricultural production. A commemorative certificate signed by the Minnesota Farm Bureau Federation President Kevin Paap, Minnesota Department of Agriculture Commis-

.. . n oo s g n i m Co

THE LAND, MARCH 11, 2011

Sesquicentennial farm applications due April 1

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“Where Farm and Family Meet”

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THE LAND, MARCH 11, 2011

8 A

Bethany Reformed Church Women offer tempting treats Cookbook Corner By SARAH JOHNSON The Land Correspondent God bless church women. So many cookbooks come through our offices here at The Land, and a good many of them are the patient result of long hours of work by the women of many a church. Rural or city, large or small, it doesn’t matter; church women get the job done. They’ll sell you something for a good cause, but they’ll give you good value in return and you won’t regret your donation. Their cookbooks attest to the spirit of cooperation, friendship and worship these women have long brought to the table, both figuratively and literally. The Bethany Reformed Church Women of Clara City, Minn., are now offering a second printing of their popular cookbook for the bargain price of $15 including shipping. In it you will find many basic recipes for the starter cook (or for those of us whose minds are slipping) as well as ethnic classics, modern cuisine and lots and lots of sweets. (Did I mention church women also love to bake?) Here are a few tempting recipes from their collection. Add the bright flavors and colors of fresh melons to your winter table with Marinated Melon Balls and really knock their tastebuds off. Bathed in a luscious home-

made syrup infused with anise and lemon, these tasty tidbits will make you rethink fruit salad. Marinated Melon Balls Mrs. Calvin Grussing 3/4 cup sugar 1 1/2 tablespoons lemon juice 1 tablespoon anise seed 1 cup water 1/4 teaspoon salt 2 small cantaloupes 1 large honeydew Cook sugar, water, lemon juice, anise seed and salt over medium heat for 15 minutes or until mixture reaches a light syrup consistency. Chill thoroughly in the refrigerator. Prepare the melon balls or cut melons into bitesized chunks. Strain chilled syrup to remove the anise seeds. Pour syrup over melon balls. Refrigerate; stir occasionally. Makes 12 to 14 servings.



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“Where Farm and Family Meet”

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■ In high school, my best friend’s mother baked specialty cakes as a sideline, and we got to eat all we wanted of her bulletproof white frosting smeared liberally on graham crackers. I’m not sure what she did to make her frosting so addictive, but this recipe comes close. I made a batch and used it up right away on cookies for a potluck, so I can’t attest to how long it lasts, but the Johnson crew gave it four out of four wholehearted “yums.” And the hockey team seemed to enjoy them.

Frosting That Keeps Katie Asche 4 egg whites 1 cup Crisco 1/2 teaspoon salt 4 cups powdered sugar With an electric mixer, beat the egg whites, Crisco and salt. Add powdered sugar gradually and beat. The longer you beat it, the better it gets. Put into jars and refrigerate. This keeps at least six months. It is not so terribly sweet. ■ Yes, it’s past Valentine’s Day, but you can serve Valentine Cabbage all year long. Red cabbage makes a heavenly match with diced apples and onions and savory seasonings. Pair it with pork chops and potatoes and you’ve got a restaurant-style meal for very little money. Valentine Cabbage Mrs. Garbrand Peters 1 head of red cabbage 3/4 cup water 1/2 cup vinegar 1 apple 1/2 cup sugar 1 small onion 1/2 cup butter, melted 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon pepper 1/8 teaspoon cloves Shred the cabbage. Peel, core and slice the apple. Dice the onion. Simmer cabbage, water, vinegar, apple, onion and sugar together 20 to 30 minutes in a covered pan. Drain the excess liquid. Add butter and seasoning. Serves 6. ■ A variation on the traditional French silk, Almond Silk Pie gets a little extra pizzazz (and a light crunch) with the addition of toasted almonds. You can unleash your creative side with the garnishing. Almond Silk Pie Barb Goldenstein 1/2 cup butter or margarine 3/4 cup sugar 1 (1-ounce) square baking chocolate, melted See COOKBOOK, pg. 9A

COOKBOOK, from pg. 8A 1 teaspoon vanilla 2 eggs 3/4 cup slivered almonds, roasted 1 (8-inch) pie crust, baked and cooled Whipped cream

H E L P U S G R O W T H E L A N D ’ S C O O K B O O K L I B R A RY Submit your church or organization’s cookbook for review in

The Cookbook Corner Send cookbooks to: “The Cookbook Corner,” The Land magazine, P.O. Box 3169, Mankato, MN 56002 *Submission does not guarantee published review*

9 A THE LAND, MARCH 11, 2011

So much to try, so little space Combine the butter and sugar in a bowl. Beat until blended. Turn mixer to high speed; add the chocolate, vanilla and one egg. Beat for 5 minutes. Add the other egg and beat 5 minutes more or until light and fluffy. Stir in all but 1 teaspoon almonds. Pour into pie crust. Dot with whipped cream and garnish with the remaining almonds. ■ Those who love everything pumpkin and those who love everything chocolate are going to meet joyfully in the middle with the wonderfully named Choco-Dot Pumpkin Cake. Make sure you use regular canned pumpkin, not pumpkin pie filling, which is preseasoned. Any kind of plain, hearty cereal flakes will work, but bran flakes pump up the nutrition.


Choco-Dot Pumpkin Cake Eunice Johnson 2 cups flour, sifted 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon baking soda 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 1/2 teaspoons cinnamon 1/2 teaspoon ground cloves 1/4 teaspoon allspice 1/4 teaspoon ginger 2 cups sugar 4 eggs 2 cups pumpkin 1 cup vegetable oil 1 1/2 cups 40 percent bran flakes 1 (6-ounce) package semisweet chocolate chips 1 cup chopped nuts Confectioners’ sugar glaze (optional) Sift together the first nine ingredients and set aside. Beat the eggs foamy and add pumpkin, oil and bran flakes. Mix well and add the dry ingredients, mixing again only until combined. Stir in chocolate chips and nuts. Sprinkle evenly in an ungreased 10x4-inch tube pan. Bake at 350 F for 1 hour and 10 minutes. Cool completely before removing from the pan. Drizzle with confectioners’ sugar glaze if desired. Cookbook coordinator Marlene Harguth notes to be sure to try the fried doughnuts, the lyngen cookies, the Food for the Angels, the applesauce salad and, last but not least, the spec’n dicken. But you’ll have to buy the book for those recipes. To purchase a copy of this homespun cookbook, send a check made out to Bethany Reformed Church Women for $15 (includes postage) to Marlene Harguth, 5055 80th Ave. SE, Maynard, MN 56260.

“Where Farm and Family Meet”

Growing own food can help with the tight pocketbook

“Where Farm and Family Meet”


THE LAND, MARCH 11, 2011

10 A

Marzolf Implement Spring Valley, MN

Isaacson Implement Nerstrand, MN

Lake Henry Midway Farm Judson Implement Machinery Implement Paynesville, MN

Mountain Lake, MN

Lake Crystal, MN

Smiths Mill Willmar Farm Lodermeiers Goodhue, MN Implement Center Janesville, MN

Willmar, MN

Is it a good idea to plant a garden this year? Yes, with the economy the way it is, you certainly will help with the vegetables you grow in the garden. Plant tomatoes toward the end of May. Plant vine crops after June 1. It’s even good to plant some of the cool weather vegetables in September. Radishes, string beans, lettuce, peas, beets, etc. can be planted. When can I prune back my newly planted trees? It is best to wait for several years before pruning. Remember the first two to three years just the root system grows. Don’t prune any oak trees until after April 1. Pruning before can cause oak wilt in some cases. Are the blueberries a good crop to plant for ACE OF SPADES southern Minnesota? Yes, there are new varieties in By Hank Wessels this year’s seed catalogs. There also is a newer variety which can be planted in containers, and will winter over with some protection. We plan on planting two of these this spring and will keep you informed of their progress. These need to have at least a 5 percent acidic soil for better results. I’d be open to any blueberry growing advice from experienced gardeners. Please give me some tips on growing asparagus. Once you have planted asparagus, and even the first year of growth, as soon as the snow has melted, apply some crystal softener salt or pickling salt on these plants. Put a second application of salt on the asparagus bed, perhaps the first week of April, or before any new growth is appearing. For new gardeners, the asparagus seeds can be planted at about a 1/2-inch depth. Every year as my tulips and daffodils are emerging, the rabbits eat off the emerging leaves. What can I do to solve this problem? Putting chicken wire around these is the best cure. Hopefully once the growth is taller the rabbits will leave these alone. Last year my tea roses didn’t blossom, yet there were plenty of canes growing. What is the problem? You have mainly all suckers and these will not flower. You should dig these up and replace them with new plants. Another way of checking these extra canes, is that chances are they are taller with a different shade of green. As for the roses which have no suckers, these can be pruned back once the leaves begin to appear. ••• Hank Wessels is a Master Gardener in Watonwan County. He welcomes questions and comments from readers. He may be reached at 601 1st St. SW, Madelia, MN 56062, or (507) 642-8479.

Forgiveness is a deep and powerful thing for the soul

<< MILKER’S MESSAGE >> “Where Farm and Family Meet”

Marni’s mother and Aunt Ramona spend most of the movie trying to outdo one another while Marni does her best to expose her arch nemesis Joanna as the bully who nearly destroyed her life. While the credits were still rolling, my teenage daughter Melanie walked in the front door completely frustrated by a classmate who betrayed her girlfriends that night in an effort to impress a guy. Melanie went to bed disgusted. Mike shook his head, “Women!” For the record, women aren’t the only ones who can be pros at recordkeeping wrongs and holding generational grudges. The effects of unforgiveness and harbored resentments have destroyed and isolated men and women alike. Been there, done that. I’ve wasted more time than I care to recount replaying in my mind how someone hurt me, how I’d respond next time, how I’m justified in being angry, and so on and so forth. Bitterness is destructive and the one it hurts most is not the snide and cruel offender, but the offended one who refuses to forgive. When I think of what it means to forgive, faith hero Corrie ten Boom comes to mind. During World War II Corrie and her family secretly housed Jews in their home. When the Nazis discovered their activities, Corrie and her sister Betsie were sent to Ravensbruck, a German death camp. Within that camp Corrie experienced gut-wrenching horrors, including watching her sister die. After the war she returned to Germany to share her story and testify to God’s amazing grace. In her book, “Tramp for the Lord”, she wrote, “It was 1947, and I’d come from Holland to defeated Germany with the message that God forgives.” She told her listeners that when they confess their sins “God casts them into the deepest ocean, gone forever. And even though I cannot find a Scripture for it, I believe God then places a sign out there that says,

the will, and the will can function regardless of the temperature of the heart.” With a silent prayer to Jesus for His help to raise her hand, she did, woodenly, mechanically, and a miracle took place. “The current started in my shoulder, raced down my arm, sprang into our joined hands. And then this healing warmth seemed to flood my whole being, bringing tears to my eyes,” Corrie said. “I told him, ‘I forgive you, brother! With all my heart!’” Offering forgiveness is not always easy, but it is the most freeing, burden-lifting, relationship-healing choice we can make. Jay Adams said, “When a person forgives another, he is promising to do three things about the intended wrongdoing: not to use it against the wrongdoer in the future; not to talk about it to others; and not to dwell on it himself.” That’s wise advice for high school bullies, grumpy old men and yes, women, too. ••• Lenae Bulthuis is a wife, mom and friend who muses from her back porch on a Minnesota grain and livestock farm.

THE LAND, MARCH 11, 2011

‘NO FISHING ALLOWED’.” On Friday night we rented “You Again,” a 2010 Touchstone Pictures comedyAt the conclusion of her message a man romance. Although I didn’t find it all that made his way forward to the stage to greet funny and agreed with the Yahoo! movie her. As he walked toward her she recogcritics who gave it an average grade of a nized him. He was a guard from RavensD-plus, the plot resonated with me. Offerbruck. She remembered the shame of ing forgiveness can be a tough task. walking naked past this man. She recalled his cruel words and actions and her blood Within the movie, successful PR pro froze. Marni headed home for her older brother’s wedding only to discover that He held out his hand in front of her and THE BACK PORCH said, “A fine message Fraulein! How good his fiancée is Joanna, the head cheerleader who bullied and tormented her By Lenae Bulthuis it is to know that, as you say, all our sins throughout high school. In the eight are at the bottom of the sea!” years that had spanned since they’d last It was a pivotal moment for Corrie. As he seen each other, Joanna seemed to have undergone a spoke about how he was a guard at Ravensbruck complete character makeover from mean girl to Mother Teresa, but Marni couldn’t get herself to for- who was now a Christian, forgiven by God, she needed to make a choice: Would she forgive this man, give and forget. too? Marni’s mother, Gail, encouraged her to move on Corrie wrote, “It could have been many seconds and leave the past in the past. That was until that he stood there — hand held out — but to me it Joanna’s Aunt Ramona stepped in the story. Aunt seemed hours as I wrestled with the most difficult Ramona and Gail were best friends through high thing I had ever had to do. I stood there with coldschool until Aunt Ramona pushed her into the pool the night of their senior prom and made it clear that ness clutching my heart. But forgiveness is not an emotion — I knew that too. Forgiveness is an act of she wanted her out of her life forever.

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“Where Farm and Family Meet”

You Can Do It — The Power of You March 14, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Kelly Inn, St. Cloud, Minn. Info: Registration at 9 a.m.; educational seminar for women presented by AgStar Financial Services; call (866) 577-1831 to RSVP


Conservation Reserve Program Sign-up March 14-April 15 County Farm Service Agency Offices Info: Log on to www.fsa.

Meeker County Gardeners Gala March 15, 5:30-9 p.m. High School, Litchfield, Minn. Info: $10/person; contact Meeker County Extension Office, (320) 693-5275 or e-mail hedtk018@ or; log on to www.extension.umn. edu/county/Meeker/news/Gala Brochure.pdf for a brochure

Log on to for our complete events calendar Master Gardener Core Course March 15-April 9 West Central Research and Outreach Center, Morris, Minn. Info: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 6-9 p.m., Saturdays 9 a.m.-4 p.m. (except March 20); log on to amg.html

Centered on Sustainability Community Discussion Series March 17, 6-8 p.m. Bachman’s Heritage Room, Minneapolis Info: Sponsored by the Minnesota Project; $20/person donation appreciated; RSVP online at http://thoughtful or Meeker County Dairy Day call (651) 789-3325 Home Builders Seminar March 17, 10:30 a.m.-Noon March 15, 6-7 p.m. Pizza Ranch, Litchfield, Minn. Non-Timber Forest Holiday Inn, St. Cloud, Minn. Info: Contact the Meeker Products Info: Sponsored by AgStar County Extension Office, March 17, 6-9 p.m. Financial Services; call (866) (320) 693-5275 Hutchinson, Minn. 577-1831 Info: $20/person; advanced

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THE LAND, MARCH 11, 2011

12 Send us your events by e-mail to A

registration requested by contacting Kathy Eckwright, (507) 389-6972, (888) 2413214 or Horticulture Education Day March 19, 8:30 a.m. St. John’s University Peter Engel Science Building, Collegeville, Minn. Info: Registration begins at 7:45 a.m.; $27/person, and attendance by advanced-registration only by March 11 by calling (320) 255-6169 or (800) 4506171, or logging on to www. ns and click on the “Hot Topics” section, or log on to the Stearns County Master Gardener website at mgweb/stearns and click on “Upcoming Events”

McLeod County Extension Office, (320) 484-4334, soon because space is limited National Teach Ag Day March 24 Info: Log on to teachag Home Builders Seminar March 24, 6-7 p.m. Holiday Inn, St. Cloud, Minn. Info: Sponsored by AgStar Financial Services; call (866) 577-1831

Classes Without Quizzes April 2, 8 a.m.-1:30 p.m. University of Minnesota, St. Paul Info: Eight mini-seminars on garden remedies, healthy eating, water quality, sustainable buying and others; $30/person McLeod County Dairy Day with discounts for U of M Alumni Association members March 21, 10:30 a.m.-Noon Pizza Ranch, Glencoe, Minn. and students; optional $10 lunch follows seminars; log on Info: Contact the McLeod to or call County Extension Office, (612) 624-0822 (320) 484-4334 Farm Transition & Estate Planning: Building Your Exit Strategy March 23, 9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Hutchinson Event Center, Hutchinson, Minn. Info: Advanced registration $15/person, plus $10/additional person from same farm; $25/person at the door; contact

Equine Castration Clinic April 16 Siete Leguas Equine Vet Service, Cold Spring, Minn. Info: Interested stallion owners can contact Krishona Martinson, (612) 625-6776 or; must be scheduled in advance and appointments are limited



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Corn agronomist: Top yields start with best hybrids



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DKS52059 (102-day triple stack) TABLE 1 hybrid was planted into Normania clay Year Highest yielding hybrid Lowest yielding hybrid difference loam soils; at Waseca the soil was a 2006 264 bu./acre 193 bu./acre 73 bu. Nicollet-Clarion clay loam. Planting 2007 202 bu./acre 93 bu./acre 109 bu delayed until May 12 resulted in only 2008 262 bu./acre 170 bu./acre 92 bu 96 lost growing degree days; but GDD 2009 256 bu./acre 154 bu./acre 102 bu. loss was 233 when planting May 26. 2010 228 bu./acre 151 bu./acre 77 bu. Also each two-week delay in planting delayed silking by four to five days. rates work up to a point. Coulter also stressed the importance of good stand Planting rates ranging from 15,000 kernels per establishment which relates directly to proper seed acre to 44,000 kernels per acre at both Lamberton bed preparation. “Planting when soils are too wet and Waseca show 32,800 plants per acre maximized invariably results in two problems, a) poor seed-to-soil corn yields. The notable exception was the late-May contact, and b) sidewall compaction which seminal planting which showed a slightly higher yield at and nodal roots may not be able to penetrate,” he said. 38,000 ppa. Early May planting at 15,000 ppa averPlanting depth is also critical. Coulter suggested aged 165 bu./acre; at 27,000 ppa 200 bu./acre; at 1.5 to 2 inches deep is best. “Plant too shallow and 33,000 ppa 204 bu./acre; and 39,000 ppa 204 bu./acre. you’re likely to have poor nodal root development. If “But as you move north into the Grand Rapids, you see young corn plants toppling, very likely the Fergus Falls area you generally get a yield response seed was planted too shallow.” by heavier planting rates,” Coulter said. Seed bed conditions also directly affect seedling Are 20-inch rows or twin-row planting “manageemergence. Uneven emergence leads to uneven silkment strategies” that might coax extra yield? ing dates, and uneven ripening of the corn plants. At Lamberton and Waseca, 2009-10, 20-inch and Data at Lamberton showing two-leaf stage delay on every other plant resulted in a 17-percent yield 30-inch rows on corn following corn used three reduction. On late-May planting the yield impact hybrids: 95-day Pioneer 38P43; 101-day Pioneer was even greater with nearly a 50-percent yield loss. 37N68; and 105-day Pioneer 34F44. Each hybrid was planted at six populations in both row widths: Best planting rate Can you make up for a few “planting errors” by 15K, 21K, 27K, 33K, 39K, and 45K. Results: sticking more seed into the ground? And if so how • No yield difference between row widths; much more? • Response to plant population similar for both With seed costs today more than triple what they were just 15 years ago ($30/acre in 1995 versus row widths; $90/acre in 2009, FINBIN data), heavier planting See HYBRIDS, pg. 14A

THE LAND, MARCH 11, 2011

By DICK HAGEN The Land Staff Writer Discussing the agronomics of high-yield corn, Jeff Coulter, University of Minnesota Extension corn agronomist, quickly gets to the point: “It all starts with selecting the best hybrids.” Sharing five years of yield data (2006-10) at the Southwest Research and Outreach Center near Lamberton, Minn., — see Table 1 at right — he pointed out the yearly yield difference between the highest yielding hybrid and the lowest yielding hybrid ranged from 73 bushels to 109 bushels per acre. He simply said, “yield differences among hybrids are huge.” “Few management decisions are as important as those made concerning planting,” Coulter said emphasizing that hybrid selection is the critical starting point. He also presented five years of yield data comparing early versus mid- versus full-season hybrids. As expected, there was more yield with longer maturity, but there also was wetter corn with full-season hybrids. Comparing as many as 171 hybrids per year, yields averaged 186 bu./acre for the 95- to 96-day hybrids; 191 bu./acre for 99- to 100-day maturity; 202 bu./acre for 103- to 104-day maturity and 207 bu./acre for 105- to 106-day hybrids. Grain moisture at harvest for these maturities was 17.1 percent for 95- to 96day corn; 18.l percent for 99- to 100-day corn; 19.4 percent for 103- to 104-day hybrids; and 20.5 percent for 105- to 106-day hybrids. Late-April/early May is best Do you get better yields with early planting? Well, yes, up to a point. Planting at 34,000 seeds per acre in trials at both Lamberton and Waseca and with average planting dates of April 28, May 12 and May 26, Coulter said the data consistently proves that planting from April 21 to May 6 maximized yield, but a delay until late-May shows at least a 15-percent yield loss. Combining both Lamberton and Waseca trials, corn averaged 208 bu./acre when planted late-April; 204 bu./acre when planted mid-May; and 177 bu./acre when planted late-May. At Lamberton, the

13 A

“Where Farm and Family Meet”


THE LAND, MARCH 11, 2011

14 A


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Twin-row corn tough sell HYBRIDS, from pg. 13A • On average, yield maximized at 34,300 ppa; • Yield was 7 and 14 percent higher respectively with the 101- and 105-day hybrids compared to the 95-day hybrid. Twin-rows to the rescue? Just barely, based on limited 2010 Minnesota trials at Welcome and Wilmont. The testing compared 22-inch versus 30-inch rows and at three seeding rates: 33,300 seeds/acre; 38,000 seeds/acre; and 43,000 seeds/acre. The hybrid was DKC48-37, a 98-day triple stack. Results: • On average, no yield difference between row widths. • At 43,000 seeds/acre, twin-rows yielded 3 percent more (231 bu. average versus 225 bu.) but at 33,000 and 38,000 seeds/acre twin-rows showed no yield advantage regardless of row width. Coulter concluded, “twin-row interest is out there because growers keep looking at more ways to crank extra yield. But based on results I’ve seen, twinrow corn is a tough sell. You just don’t see consistent benefits.” Plus it requires special planting equipment. Starting with the “best” hybrids is No. 1 in his scenario on the agronomics of going for top yields. His “score card” for evaluating various yield factors:

• 59 percent: Hybrid selection (best vs. worst) • 13 percent: Uniform emergence and growth • 6 percent: 97- to 98-day hybrids versus longer-season hybrids • 2 percent: Planting late-April versus mid-May • 2 percent: Uniform in-row plant spacing • 1 percent: Final stand of 34,000 versus 30,000 plants/acre • 1 percent: Narrow rows versus 30inch rows A starting point for selecting “best hybrids” is the 2010 Minnesota Variety Trials booklet available through county Extension offices or Also FIRST trials across various Minnesota locations provide yield and agronomic information. Some Minnesota Corn Grower Association counties also conduct yield trials. Obviously, not all seed companies participate in plot trials so perhaps a better strategy is doing your own yield checks. Do this and the only bias to contend with is your own. Coulter spoke at the Feb. 16 annual meeting of the Renville County CornSoybean Growers Association.

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Best pest management complicated by ‘refuge in the bag’ Referring to what he calls “Potter philosophy,” he questions if genetic diversity is being bottlenecked because of the tremendous amount of research and marketing effort that the seed industry is putting into developing an ever-expanding number of specific trait technologies. “Traits are the protective

umbrella needed in view of the costs of crop production but perhaps we need even more research on genetics to build yield,” Potter said. Potter spoke at the Feb. 16 annual meeting of the Renville County Corn-Soybean Growers Association.


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“Where Farm and Family Meet”

By DICK HAGEN The Land Staff Writer University of Minnesota Extension Pathologist Bruce Potter admitted the challenges of “best” practices for European corn borer and corn rootworm are getting more complicated as more seed companies gear up for “refuge in the bag” marketing. “Probably the easiest way to meet the requirements is to buy all your seed from the same company. But how much fun is that?” Reviewing corn rootworm and corn borer refuge issues, Potter shared the following. • Intent was Traits are the protective to ensure Bt susceptible umbrella needed in individuals. view of the costs of • Strategies crop production but for corn rootperhaps we need even worm and more research on European corn genetics to build yield. borer should be different. — Bruce Potter • Compliance and logistic problems get challenging. • Refuge in a bag, individual and stacked traits, have different refuge requirements. • Refuge concept is rapidly becoming unmanageable, especially between companies. To preserve the benefits and insect protection of Bt corn technologies, a grower must have an Insect Resistance Management plan that includes a refuge. Also plant your refuge first before planting any insectprotected corn. This ensures the minimum refuge size requirement is met should adverse weather alter your planting schedule and strategy. An IRM plan is mandated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. A useful tool is the Insect Resistance Management Calculator available through the National Corn Growers Association. Log on to Potential new bugs in the Minnesota environment include an aphid-related bug called trochanter mealybug which apparently loves soybean roots and tends to show up with above-ground symptoms resembling potassium deficiency. Also be on the lookout for what looks like a giant Asian beetle except it’s more likely a brown marmorated stink bug, native to Asia but confirmed in Minnesota last year. These stinky creatures like to enter houses in the fall. Potter also mentioned corn blotch leafminer, another newcomer with a four- to six-week life cycle and three or more generations per year. Soybean aphids were minimal in most areas of Minnesota last year but unpredictable from season to season. Growers have choices of seed-applied insecticides and aphid-resistant varieties, but Potter said growers wonder about what strategy is best. “And so do we. We can’t do comparison checks on everything in the marketplace. And when it comes to seed treatments we have such a bewildering array of ‘insurance policies’, or are these products looking for a market?”

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THE LAND, MARCH 11, 2011

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The world is the Haukos Brothers’ marketplace By DICK HAGEN The Land Staff Writer When Willard Haukos started selling tractors, combines and used farm equipment from his farm in the 1950s, little did he realize that farmers from across the globe would one day come knocking on his door. In the early 1980s he switched to combine heads and planters exclusively, figuring there would always be a market for such good used equipment. Willard Haukos died this past year, but his grandson Jerad Huepenbecker, along with Jerad’s father, Wayne, and uncles Kim and Jan Haukos, continue to operate Haukos Bros. Inc. Known as national and international leaders in corn planter and corn head equipment exchanges, their headquarters is located on the north edge of Glencoe, Minn. “We have a unique business,” said the 31-year-old Huepenbecker. “Planters and combine headers are the only products we handle. We buy and sell planters and heads all across America and internationally. We’re quite a bit different from your local John Deere or Case IH dealer who mostly sells new equipment, and

Dick Hagen

Jerad Huepenbecker led Haukos Bros. to the internet and a worldwide marketplace. mostly sells to local customers.” Diversity is the key word when describing the Haukos Bros. operation. Some headers and planters are sold “as is” meaning without any repairs. But they also recondition certain pieces simply because they need some fixing to make them operate the way they’re supposed to operate. “It just depends on how a guy wants to buy a planter. We’ve got the mechanics to do a complete overhaul. Or the

Max your imize stor grain age!

“Where Farm and Family Meet”

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buyer knows what he’s getting and attends to the repairs after he gets his planter,” Huepenbecker said. Green machines Scanning the “parking lot” at Haukos, green paint seems to predominate. “Yes, we handle more Deere than any other brand,” he said, “but that’s just a matter of market penetration. We’re not brand specific. We sell whatever the market calls for.” When The Land visited in early February, John Deere, White, Case IH and Kinze planters and corn heads were lined up across the equipment lot. In fact, flex heads and corn heads are the bigger business for the firm, which moves about twice as many heads than the roughly 150 planters they market

each year. “Summer through early fall we sell tons of heads,” said Huepenbecker, who five years ago established a presence on the world wide web for Haukos Bros, giving them international access. “When I started, we mostly did trade publication advertising,” he said. “I decided to make a website and get us on the major farm websites. We quickly noted that most every phone call or e-mail was generated from my internet campaign.” Once they were online for everyone to see, foreign buyers started e-mailing and calling. “It started slowly with just a few overseas inquiries. Then I started to develop relationships with these buyers which led to even more business. At that point, we knew we had something so I decided to take a two-week business trip to Ukraine to meet with local buyers and sellers.” That trip proved to be productive and pushed the export business of Haukos Bros. to a whole new level. “Last year everything came together,” Huepenbecker said. “I had the relationships, the equipment and the knowledge to sell these customers. Plus the value of the dollar dropped while crop prices rose. This meant my foreign buyers had money to spend and American products were looking cheaper and cheaper.” See HAUKOS, pg. 18A

cultivate a premium specialty crop in a contracted, closed production system. The Enogen corn amylase trait is the first genetically modified output trait in corn for the ethanol industry. Enogen grain has been tested extensively at Western Plains Energy L.L.C

in Oakley, Kan. The most visible 17 A result for WPE has been an 8 percent increase in ethanol production combined with an 8 percent reduction in natural gas consumption. For more information, log on to

THE LAND, MARCH 11, 2011

Syngenta Seeds Inc. has received full deregulation from the U.S. Department of Agriculture for corn amylase

Event 3272. Syngenta Seeds plans to sell corn containing Event 3272 under the “Enogen” seed brand. Enogen corn provides ethanol producers a proven means to create more value per gallon while offering targeted corn growers an opportunity to

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Online sales opened up international opportunities

“Where Farm and Family Meet”


THE LAND, MARCH 11, 2011

18 A

Green paint dominates the Haukos Bros. yard, but “We’re not brand specific,” according to Jerad Huepenbecker. “We sell whatever the market calls for.”

Dick Hagen

HAUKOS, from pg. 16A How far does used equipment travel from this central Minnesota family business? American farmers still dominate their marketing, but the international market keeps growing, especially in Ukraine. “My biggest overseas market is Ukraine with Canada second and Russia third. China has become a customer but they are not yet a major market for us,” Huepenbecker said. What size equipment? In foreign markets 8-row and 16-row planters make up the majority of overseas sales, but get into the bigger farming regions of Ukraine and 24-row planters are becoming big items too. He’s even sold a 36-row unit into Ukraine. Row width changes overseas. Huepenbecker said that when selling into foreign countries, 70 centimeters (27.5 inches) is the standard row width. “So this means lots of repositioning of planter units before we box them up for overseas shipment.” Every planter gets knocked down into component parts before fitting into shipping containers. “We disassemble each planter. Depending upon the size of the planters, we can get up to six planters per container. Then it’s up to the buyer at the other end to reassemble each unit.” Haukos Bros. is well-known throughout the machinery world so sourcing used planters and corn heads isn’t an issue. Huepenbecker said, “most of the major implement dealers in the U.S. know us. We get lots of phone calls quizzing us on what particular planters are worth, what are we willing to pay for their planters, etc. “We’re wholesale driven so most implement dealers know that if they want to clean out some planter or corn header inventory we’re a logical outlet. And of course some dealers just don’t want used green equipment sitting on their lot if they’re a Case IH dealer, for example. “Plus we’re moving planters 12 months out of the year so if a dealer gets a June trade-in he’ll often call us because used planters just don’t sell very well in June. We’re always looking for planters because we’re always selling. The same with corn heads and flex heads; we take them any time of the year because with overseas markets, buyers are always in the marketplace.”

Online sales Marketing reconditioned planters and corn heads means each piece of equipment has to meet certain specifications. Haukos Bros. employs talented mechanics capable of rebuilding any planter. “Everything sold overseas is sold via the internet so we never see those buyers. But like American farmers, they too want every bit of information about each piece of equipment so we do lots of photo listings,” Huepenbecker said. Today there is a premium market for good equipment regardless the age, regardless the color. Although grateful for the expanding overseas market, Huepenbecker said they could do well just on U.S. sales currently. As you might expect, online sales are now the majority of all transactions of Haukos Bros. Farm magazines and machinery publications were once the vehicle for initiating sales but because the machinery business moves so fast these days, the bulk of their sales today are via the internet. Some farmers, however, still drive to Glencoe for onsite inspections of equipment. The market is strong, especially in January and February for planters. “I’m getting lots of calls from farmers across America and from overseas. So we’re constantly sourcing equipment via e-mail and telephone, plus whatever other device puts us in contact with dealers and/or farmers wanting to move some equipment.” The firm also provides trucking to buyers across America and coordinates container shipments to overseas buyers. The reality is that in this new era of world marketing, a planter put to work on a Minnesota farm two to five years ago, this spring could be planting in another state, or even Russia. As the world keeps shrinking more crop farmers across America and other countries are using American-made corn heads, flex heads and planters. “It’s a remarkable business,” Huepenbecker said. “I graduated in finance from the University of St. Thomas, St. Paul. Little did I realize that I would be involved in marketing ag equipment across America and overseas. It’s exciting. I marvel at the productivity of farmers.” For more information, log on to, e-mail sales@ or call (320) 864-5156.

Ten Minnesota governors defended our state, nation Marshall arrived in Minnesota in 1849 via Illinois and Wisconsin. He began his political career in the first territorial legislature. A few years later he chaired the convention that founded the Republican Party. Marshall, who fought in both the Sioux War and the Civil War, was commissioned a lieutenant colonel of the 7th Regiment of Minnesota Volunteers in 1862. He commanded the battalion at relief at Birch Coulee and Wood Lake during the Sioux War while another future governor, Colonel Stephen Miller (1864-66), was serving with the 1st Minnesota in the Army of the Potomac. In 1863, Marshall commanded the regiment in Gen. Sibley’s expedition to the upper Missouri to drive the Sioux further west. Then in October he joined Union forces and was commissioned colonel a month later. Marshall saw action on several fronts, the major battle being Nashville in December 1864. He was commissioned brevet

brigadier general for his service in that battle. A few months later he was wounded in the advance to Spanish Fort and was mustered out of the 7th Regiment at Fort Snelling in August 1865. Marshall easily won the governor’s elections in 1865 and 1867. During his post-war administration, the population doubled to 350,000 and railroad mileage quadrupled. Marshall successfully led in enacting black suffrage for Minnesota. He declared that the “free young state of Minnesota” was “now altogether free.” After retiring from politics, Marshall exercised his abilities as a banker and as a railroad and land commissioner. He moved to California in 1894 and died there two years later. Information obtained from “Minnesota in the Civil and Indian Wars, 1861-1865” (published by the state of Minnesota, 1891) and the Minnesota Historical Society.


Ridgley, Birch Coulee and Wood Lake, the four major battles of the Sioux War. At the conclusion of the battles, he received a miliWilliam Marshall tary commission to try the Sioux involved in the war. In recognition of his distinguished service, Sibley was appointed brigadier general and placed in command of the Minnesota military district. In 1865, President Johnson appointed him to the civil/military commission to negotiate treaties with the Sioux and other tribes. Sibley devoted nearly six decades of his life to the expansion and settlement of the northwestern frontier. His post-military responsibilities included the presidency of several organizations, including the University of Minnesota Board of Regents, Board of Indian Commissioners and the Minnesota Historical Society. William R. Marshall’s terms immediately followed the wars. Born in Missouri in 1825, he was Minnesota’s only southern-born governor, but that fact didn’t deter him from fighting in the Union Army against the Confederates.

THE LAND, MARCH 11, 2011

By CAROLYN VAN LOH The Land Correspondent Minnesotans had enjoyed statehood less than three years when the Civil War broke out in 1861. Two ex-governors served in the army, and eight Civil War veterans Henry Sibley later became governors. This article features Henry H. Sibley, Minnesota’s first governor, and William R. Marshall, who served from 1866-70. Sibley devoted his military service to the Sioux War in Minnesota, but Marshall served in both the Civil War and the Sioux War. Born in Detroit in 1811, Sibley arrived in Minnesota in 1834 to head up the American Fur Co. at Mendota. While representing Wisconsin in Congress from 1849-53, he influenced Congress to declare a part of Wisconsin and land west of the Mississippi River as Minnesota Territory. He also served in Minnesota’s territorial legislature as a Democrat. Sibley played a leading role in writing Minnesota’s constitution and was elected the state’s first governor in 1858. He chose not to run for re-election in 1860, and two years later his successor, Gov. Ramsey, appointed him military colonel to suppress the Sioux uprising. Sibley led valiantly at New Ulm, Fort

19 A

“Where Farm and Family Meet”

“Where Farm and Family Meet”


THE LAND, MARCH 11, 2011

20 A

Ag Day, Teach Ag Campaign team up Goal is to bring awareness to national shortage of agricultural educators Ag Day and the Teach Ag Campaign announced that they are combining forces to celebrate two important things — American agriculture and the need for more agricultural educators. National Ag Day on March 15 is

about recognizing and celebrating the abundance provided by agriculture in the United States. One key to that abundance has been a steady supply of people choosing careers in the agriculture industry. Many people learned

about those career opportunities in an agriculture program, whether at the high school level or beyond. Agricultural educators not only expose students to opportunities in agriculture, they give those students the practical and academic skills they need to be successful — whether they’re going into the production, technology or science areas of ag. However, agriculture programs are struggling to find qualified educators to fill open positions. National Teach Ag Day was started as a way for agricultural educators and advocates to celebrate the career of agricultural education and encourage students to consider a career in the field. This year, National Teach Ag day will fall on March 24, the week after Ag Day. “We are excited about our alliance with Ag Day,” said Ellen Thompson, National Teach Ag Campaign coordinator. “It’s a natural fit. Agricultural educators are in the classroom every day teaching students about the amazing industry that is

agriculture. Teach Ag Day is about promoting our own amazing career and helping more students choose to become agricultural educators.” The National Teach Ag Campaign is an initiative to bring attention to the need for more agricultural educators in the United States. It provides resources for those who wish to help promote the profession of agricultural education as well as for those who are interested in learning more about a career in agricultural education. It is led by the National Association of Agricultural Educators. The campaign is sponsored by Landmark Nurseries and the CHS Foundation as a special project of the National FFA Foundation, and also by Delmar Cengage Learning. To learn more about the career of agricultural education, log on to www. ••• This article is courtesy of the Agriculture Council of America. Log on to for more information on Ag Day activities.

AFA selects 25 to share ag message during National Ag Day Agriculture Future of America has selected a team of college-aged men and women to travel to Washington, D.C., to participate in National Ag Day on March 15. National Ag Day falls during National Ag Week, during which producers, agricultural associations, corporations, universities, government agencies and countless others from across America gather to recognize and celebrate the abundance provided by agriculture. Through its partnership with the Agriculture Council of America, the AFA is able to offer students the opportunity to share the message of agriculture by visiting Capitol Hill and meeting directly with legislators and advisers from the students’ home states. Students also have the chance to participate in training sessions to help them better understand policy and regulation impacts to agriculture, share morning coffee at the U.S. Department of Agriculture with the Secretary of Agriculture, attend a luncheon at the U.S. Capitol Visitor Center and network with other students passionate about agriculture and the legislative process. Students selected to take part in Ag

Day on behalf of AFA include: Pam Dahlman, University of Minnesota Katie Dogs, University of Wisconsin Nancy Faber, University of Minnesota TJ Masker, Iowa State University Brett Monson, South Dakota State University Shawna Robertson, North Dakota State University William Vincent, Iowa State University Laura Weisz, University of Minnesota The National Ag Day campaign, hosted by the Agriculture Council of America, encourages every American to understand how food and fiber products are produced, value the essential role of agriculture in maintaining a strong economy and appreciate the role agriculture plays in providing safe, abundant and affordable products. For more information about National Ag Day, log on to or contact the Agriculture Council of America at (913) 491-1895. The AFA’s mission is to create partnerships that identify, encourage and support outstanding college men and women who are preparing for careers in the agriculture and food industry. ••• This article was submitted by the Agriculture Future of America.

21 A THE LAND, MARCH 11, 2011

<< North American Farm & Power Show Guide >> “Where Farm and Family Meet”

<< North American Farm & Power Show Guide >>

THE LAND, MARCH 11, 2011

22 A

North American Farm & Power Show returns to Owatonna The North American Farm & Power Show returns to Owatonna, Minn., for 2011 March 17-19. Agriculture has changed over the years, and the NAFP Show has grown to meet these challenges. Producers, families and distributors come together for three days of education and entertainment at the Four Season Centre on the Steele County Fairgrounds. If you’re looking for new farm and ranch technology, feed and seed data, building suppliers, wind energy technology or free educational seminars, the NAFP Show provides all that. The Linder Farm Network will sponsor the March 17-18 educational seminars. Chris Nagel of Northstar Commodity is the feature speaker during the 10 a.m. March 17 market outlook seminar. Nagel will discuss the outlook for the world economy followed by outlooks for cattle, corn and beans. Be there with questions as this will be an in-depth dis-

cussion with Nagel. The 10 a.m. March 18 seminar will feature Terri Erickson, market analyst and commodity broker for Investors Commodity Services and Professional Marketing Associated for over 20 years. Erickson’s seminar outline will include “New Era of Marketing,” “Market Outlook for Corn and Beans,” “Bigger Opportunities Bigger Risks” and “Market Edge and Hot Commodities.” Erickson will host a questionand-answer session. The University of Minnesota Extension will handle the production of the March 17-18 afternoons. The 1 p.m. March 17 session will have four speakers with topics on “Soil Fertility,” “Farm or Supervise,” “Separating Science from the Sales Pitch” and “Synching Up Weather and the Markets.” The 1 p.m. March 18 meeting will feature the “Commercial Animal Waste Technician Training Session.” Custom manure applicators are encouraged to attend. There is no charge to attend any of these power-packed seminars — so be

there early to get the best seat. Highlights of the 2011 show include: Minnesota FFA Foundation Silent Auction (bids will be open until 3 p.m. March 19), farm and ranch equipment displays, alternate energy displays plus up-to-date technology by major manufacturers. Ag Power Enterprises Inc. will furnish a 19.5 hp John Deere D110 Lawn Tractor as an attendee grand prize. The grand prize drawing ($1,699 value) is 3:30 p.m.

March 19 in the main lobby of the Four Seasons Complex. All attending the farm show are encouraged to sign up. No admission charge plus free parking on the grounds. Show hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. both March 17 and March 18 and 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. March 19. ••• This article was submitted by Tradexpos.

Register to win All attendees of the North American Farm & Power Show are encouraged to register to win the grand prize of a John Deere D110 riding mower. This mower has a 19.5-hp Briggs & Stratton (AVS) one cylinder engine overhead valves, 2.4 gallon fuel tank with 3inch fuel opening, two-pedal control hydro transmission, one-piece frame edge 42-inch 12-gauge mower deck and 13 cutting positions. This prize is courtesy of Ag Power Enterprises Inc. of Belle Plaine, Hollandale, Owatonna and Waseca.

Stop at the registration desk located in the main lobby of the Four Seasons Centre to register for this grand prize. This John Deere D110 riding mower has a retail price of $1,699 and will be a great addition to any farm’s operation. The D110 is a new series for John Deere and is loaded with updated features. The drawing will be held 3 p.m. on March 19. You need not be present to win, but you need to be over 18 years of age to register. ••• This article was submitted by Tradexpos.

Challenger MT565B

“Where Farm and Family Meet”

4WD, cab, w/CVT, 31 mph., 785 hrs., 4WD susp. frt. axle, 380/90R46 tires, susp. cab, rear wiper, 4 hyd. remotes, front fenders, 4 work lights (Xenon), 15 wgts. w/fastener, quick hitch

$89,975 See us at Booth #220 Owatonna Show

23 A

Daily schedule of events Day Report Sponsored by U of M Extension 1-4:30 p.m.: “Commercial Animal Waste Technician Training” The public is invited attend any of the sessions they have interest in. 1 p.m.: Welcome 1:20 p.m.: Minnesota Manure Application Regulations: Steve Schmidt, MPCA 2 p.m.: Employees and OSHA: Chuck Schwartau, U of M Extension educator 3 p.m.: Manure Management Update: Jose Hernandez, U of M Extension educator 4 p.m.: Manure Application Panel Discussion: David Schmidt, U of M, James Masching, Peter Vogt, Dennis Hendrickson, Custom Applicators 5 p.m.: Exhibit floor closes Four Seasons Complex, Outside Displays March 19 9 a.m.: Exhibit floor open to the public Four Seasons Complex, Outside Displays 3:30 p.m.: Grand Prize Drawing (Need not be present to win) Information DeskMain Lobby — 19.5 hp John Deere D110 Lawn Tractor: Courtesy of Ag Power Enterprises Inc. 4 p.m.: Exhibit floor closes Four Seasons Complex, Outside Displays Thank you for attending this year’s show; see you March 15-17, 2012.

North American Farm & Power Show exhibitors Be sure to pay a visit to these companies’ booths as you stroll through the 2011 North American Farm & Power Show at Owatonna, Minn., March 17-19. 21st Century Ag: 721 Agro Culture liquid fertilizer 2-Way Radio of Minnesota Inc.: 638 Portable radios 2-way radio sales and service

A Abu Trailers Inc.: 407 Ag trailers

Inc.: 206 GSI, FFI, DMC AGCO Corp: 608 Farm equipment Ag Leader Technology: 330 Integra, PFadvantage EZ-Guide Plus, GPS1000 Plus, SMS mapping software Ag Power Enterprises Inc.:/Belle Plaine: 102 John Deere equipment Ag Power Enterprises Inc.:/Hollandale: 102 John Deere ag equipment

Agri Guardian: 635 Agri-Go: (Foliar Blend, Agri-Cel) Trelay Seeds, Agriguardian: (Micro Mix, Moly, Zinc, 0-0-6-6-3, 6-6-6 Agri-Systems Inc.: 703 Grain bins and handling products, construction, design, sales and service, Butler steel buildings, Brock grain bins

Systems/Express Pressure Washers Inc.: 433 Alkota pressure washers All American Pressure Washer: 239 All America pressure washers-hot and cold-gas and electric Aluma Trailer Mfg.: 832 Aluminum trailers

Asgrow/Dekalb, Roundup, Harness, Warrant Autofarm GPS System: 335 GPS auto steering

B Balzer Inc.: 320, 1214 Grain carts, shredders, liquid manure handling equipment

Banjo Corporation: 601 Banjo ball valves, quick couplers, American Family Insurance: transfer pumps, strainers, flow meters 734 Agro-Culture Liquid FertilizInsurance for farm families Batco Manufacturing: 310 ers: 721 Belt conveyors Liquid fertilizer Ameribuilt Buildings Inc.: Agrology Crop & Soil LLC: 251 Behlen Building Systems: 724 Post frame buildings 518 Pre-engineered metal buildings LG Seeds, starter fertilizer, liquid fertilizers, crop protection, Terramax, American Made Sales Inc.: B F Goodrich Ag Tires: 255 247 Eezy Gro, custom application Ag tires Drill bits misc. cutting tools AgStar Financial Services: Blue-Jet Fertilizer Division: Amsoil & Aggrand Prod828 127 Financial products and services, ucts: 804 Fertilizer equipment Amsoil synthetic lubricants, crop insurance, home mortgages Aggrand organic fertilizer Blue-Jet/Thurston Mfg. Co.: Airware America: 722 127 3M health and safety, Little Giant Arnold’s Of Mankato: 243 Blu-Jet conservation tillage and ferKinze, Miller-Nitro, Drago, Case-IH ladders, Trend, Pyramex, Peltor tilizer equipment Alkota Cleaning Asgrow/Dekalb: 616

Boomer Tractors: 202 35-60 hp tractors Boss Supply: 210 Raven Electronics, Teejet, Banjo, Ace, Norwesco, Micro-Track, Monarch Pumps, Squib, Continental NH3 products Bourgault Industries Ltd: 402 Air seed equipment Brent Equipment Co.: 243 Grain carts and gravity boxes Bridgestone Tire Co.: 123 Farm tires Brock Grain Systems: 302 Brock grain storage and dryers Brokaw Supply Company: 127 Blu-Jet fertilizer applicators Broskoff Structure Inc.: 310 Grain dryer, grain bins, augers, buildings, grain legs Buckey’s Sales & Service: 401 Nuhn liquid manure equipment

“Where Farm and Family Meet”

Accu-Steel Cover Buildings: Ag Power Enterprises 736 Inc.:/Waseca: 102 Accu Steel brand fabric covered John Deere consumer products steel truss pre-engineered hoop buildAg Power Enterprises ings for storage and confinement Inc.:/Owatonna: 102 John Deere sprayers, Greenstar ADS Mfg.: 800 Field tile Agri-Systems of Waterville: 612 ADS Bulk Seed Buggy: 530 Deluxe grain dryers Bulk seed buggy Agrigold Hybrids: 631 Ag Builders of Southern MN Agrigold Hybrids-hybrid seed corn Inc. and GDF Enterprises

Agri-Cover Inc.: 420 Tarps for ag use

<< North American Farm & Power Show Guide >>

ket strategy which can take a profitable advantage of climate trends. 5 p.m.: Exhibit floor closes Four Seasons Complex, Outside Displays March 18 9 a.m.: Exhibit floor open to the public Four Seasons Complex, Outside Displays Educational Seminars Four SeasonsSecond Level Meeting Room Sponsored by Linder Farm Network 10-11:30 a.m.: Terri Erickson, marketing consultant and broker for Professional Marketing Associates LTD & Investors Commodity Services Inc. Seminar outline: A. New Era of Marketing B. Market Outlook for Corn and Beans C. Bigger Opportunities Bigger Risks D. Hot Commodities Erickson will discuss MarketEdge, a customized marketing plan designed for your individual farming operation. MarketEdge takes into account basis levels, carry in the market, price trends and seasonal tendencies. Monthly progress reports are triggered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s monthly supply and demand report. PMA merchandisers have been marketing grain since 1969 and have extensive experience to handle the most complicated marketing scenarios. 12:30 p.m.: Linder Farm Network Mid-

THE LAND, MARCH 11, 2011

March 17 U of M Southern 9 a.m.: Exhibit floor open to Research and Outreach the public Four Seasons ComCenter, “Show Me Your plex, Outside Displays Stats: Separating SciEducational Seminars Four ence from Sales Pitch” Seasons-Second Level Meet2:30 p.m.: Jeff Vetsch, ing Room assistant scientist, U of M, Sponsored by Linder Farm Southern Research and Network Outreach Center, “Choose 10-11:30 a.m.: Chris Nagelyour Flavor: Soil Fertility or Northstar Commodity. March 17, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.; Philosophies” 3:30 p.m.: Bryce AnderMarch 18, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., son, senior DTN ag meteNagel has worked five years March 19, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. orologist, “Synching up as a commodity broker and 10 « Free admission « free parking « Weather and Markets” years as a NASDAQ Trader for «free ag seminars« the Royal Bank of Canada. He DTN Ag Meteorologist spent several years starting a small busi- Bryce Anderson explains the key feaness which is now operated by his wife. tures that will shape producers’ weather Nagel grew up on a family farm outside in 2011. The precise contents of this Winnebago, Minn. presentation will vary with the calendar. Seminar outline: The presentation will encompass such “The current outlook for the world econ- features as La Nina, the North Atlantic omy followed by outlooks for cattle, corn Oscillation and the Arctic Oscillation, and and beans.” their influence on the weather patterns Question and answer session to follow. for the upcoming growing season. Spe12:30 p.m.: Linder Farm Network Mid- cial focus will be given to the U.S. Corn Day Report Belt, Soybean Belt, winter wheat and Sponsored by University of Minnesota Northern Plains regions. Extension Service In addition, the outlook for the remainder 12:30 p.m.: Chuck Schwartau, U of M of the South America growing and harvest Extension educator, “I Want to Farm, not season and its impact on late-winter market Supervise” trends will be covered. Anderson’s presen1:30 p.m.: Gregg Johnson, agronomist, tation will provide the background for a mar-

THE LAND, MARCH 11, 2011

24 A

“Where Farm and Family Meet”

<< North American Farm & Power Show Guide >>

March 17-19 Four Seasons Complex Steele County Fairgrounds, Owatonna, Minn.

Visit your friends at The Land in Booth 504

25 A

North American Farm & Power Show exhibitors C

Caterpillar: 220 Rubber tracked tractors, combines, skid steer loaders Cenex: 617 Petroleum products

Culpitt Roofing Inc.: 510 Double-lock metal roofing display Culvers Restaurant: Main Lobby Full line of lunches and snacks

Central Boiler: 413 Wood and corn stoves

Double Coin Tire Mfg.: 255 Truck tires Dow Agroscience: 706 Ag chemical technology Drago/Dragotec Usa Inc.: 243 Corn head with chopping Drop’n Locks Hitches: 407 Goose neck trailers hitches DTN/The Progressive Farmer: 824 DTN/The Progressive Farmer delivers on-demand markets, cash commodity prices, industry news and location specific weather Dupont Crop Protection Chemicals: 607 Ag chemicals




FFI - Farm Fans, (The GSI Group): 206 Grain dryers, fans, air systems

For-Most Livestock Equipment: 613 Squeeze chutes, tubs and alleyways, headgates, Tru-Test scales

Flagpoles-Hazelwood Enterprises LLC: 837A Telescoping flagpoles, flags, Stratus rain gauges, E-Z fold stools

Freeborn’s Pride Builders Inc.: 626 M-C grain dryers, Hutchinson grain augers, Butler bins, Sudenga Forever Feeders: 1208, 1210 grain handling Forever bunks, fence, Hayfeeder Friesen Of Iowa: 634 wagons Friesen seed tenders


P it Pumps Maxi Pumps

See Us North A At The m Farm & erican Pow Show er Booth 6 Mar. 17 09 -19

Lagoon Pumps S c re w A g it a to rs

CHECK OUT THE LATEST FLOW METERS & LATEST DE-WATERING SYSTEMS FOR DAIRY NEW TANK SPREADERS: (1) - Houle 7300 (4) - Houle 6000 (1) - Houle 9500 USED TANK SPREADERS: (3) - Houle 9500 (1) - Houle 7300’s (8) - Houle 6000’s (1) - Waste Handler 7200

SEMI-TANKERS: (28) - 6000 gal. up to 9500 gal. NEW PUMPS: (2) - Various lengths Houle 8’ to 10’ vertical x 6” USED PUMPS: (1) - Houle 81⁄2’x8” LOAD CARTS: 8”x35’, 10”x35’

~ New & Used Load Stands Available ~ 6000 Gal. Rentals - CALL US ✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰

LARGE HOULE PARTS INVENTORY We Repair ALL Used Vac Tanks Full Service Shop For Your Equipment

For Current Pricing Call: - Chris or Mark

Courtland Waste Handling Inc.

507-359-4230 Courtland, MN

“Where Farm and Family Meet”

Custom Marketing Co. LLC: 426 Easyfarm-Vertical Solutions Grain storage, storage manageCentral Valley Co-op: 617 Inc.: 837 ment, pressure cure drying Cenex, Fillrite pumps, ComfortEasy Farm-farm management softmaker furnaces ware solutions D&R Grain Systems Inc.: 206 Challenger: 220 GSI, FFI, DMC Echo Mfg.: 622 Rubber tracked tractors, combines, Lawn equipment Dairyland Seed Company: 732 skid steer loaders, swathers, balers Dairyland seed-seed, corn, soyEidos Corporation: 821 Hitch Pro-Tec, industrial grade Campion Antenna Service: beans, alfalfa, forages ergonomic seating 404 Wingard ant., Wingard amps, ChanDalton Ag Products Inc.: 420 Fertilizer equipment Ellingson Companies: 251C nel Master Roto, Craig, HD boxes Farm drainage, pipe bursting, Chief Agri/Industrial DiviDavis Equipment Corp.: 420 directional drilling, pressurized sewer Sprayers, tillage sion: 115 developments, res. and com. sewer Bins and metal buildings Dawn Equipment Company Energy Panel Structures: 720 Pre-engineered buildings and tiltCHS Inc.: 814 Inc.: 430 Trashwheels, Curvetine closing Grain marketing, soybean processing up panel systems wheels, GFX Unit, 6000 Anhydra Claas Of America Inc.: 243 Exmark Manufacturing: 243 Hay and forage equipment Dekalb Seeds: 616 Exmark commercial lawn mowers Corn, soybeans, farm seeds Cleary Building Corp: 211 Express Pressure Washers Post frame buildings Delux Grain Dryers: 612 Inc.: 433 Delux grain dryers, Massop Electric, Alkota pressure washers Club Car Inc.: 601A Agri Systems of Waterville Golf cars and utility vehicles Farm Works Software: 602 Diers Ag & Trailer Sales Farm management software Colorado Built Mfg.: 407 Inc.: 407, 902 Stronghold cattle equipment, Drop’n Full line of ag trailers Farmstar Mfg.: 609 Locks goose neck hitch, Abu trailers, Manure handling equipment Conklin Agrovantage: 812 Colorado built trailers Conklin Fertilizer Micros, N Stabilizer Fastline Publications: 253A

FEI East: 420 Case, Raven, Waconia, Agco SpraCoupe, Banjo, B&B Trailers, AGCO Willmar, Tee Jet, Shurco, Agri-Cover, Dalton Ag, Ace, Squibb Taylor

Firestone Agricultural Tire Co.: 255 Ag tires

<< North American Farm & Power Show Guide >>

Cam Vac Usa: 618 Crary Industries: 429 Maintain quality diesel fuel through Big Top, Cyclone, Air Reel, Crary a full range of services including Wind System water and sludge removal, ongoing maintenance and visual validation Crystal Valley Co-op: 728 Dust control-residential-commercial, Case: 420 roads, yards, lanes, grain marketing Farm equipment Cub Cadet Corporation: 122 Case Construction: 202 Lawn mowers, snowblowers Construction equipment Culligan: 424 Case-IH: 243 Water softeners and iron filter proFarm equipment tection

Fastline magazines and web demos

THE LAND, MARCH 11, 2011

Building And Equipment Dixon Industries: 122 and Complete Agrovantage Crop System Outlet: 720 Lawn mowers EPS buildings, Sioux gating, ChoreContinental HN3 Products DMC - David Manufacturing time, Valco Inc.: 210 Company: 622 NH3 products and supplies Butler Mfg.: 622 Grain handling equipment Steel buildings Copperhead Ag Products: 818 The Furrow Cruiser spiked closing DMI: 420 wheel Tiger-Mate II field cultivator C&C Steel Roofing LLC: 625 Steel roofing, steel from Fabral Courtland Waste Handling Don & Dallas Loken Inc.: 609 Drainage & Excavating: 800 Calumet Mfg.: 609 GEA Houle, Farmstar, Calumet Tile drainage with ads and local Manure handling equipment manure handling equipment excavating

THE LAND, MARCH 11, 2011

26 A

North American Farm & Power Show exhibitors G

Great Plains Manufacturing Inc.: 622 Grain drills, landscape equipment

GEA Houle Inc.: 705 Manure handling equipment

Greener World Solutions LLC: 506 Home seal injection insulation, polyurethane spray foam insulation, sustainable roofing systems

Gehl Company: 202 Skid steer, construction equipment Geringhoff US Division: 608 Corn head

Greenway Co-op: 538 Fertilizer, seed, chemicals, Chevron, Castrol Cenex lubricants

Gold Country Seed: 825 Gold Country seeds GPS Services: 402 Auto steer, RTK guidance systems, placement fertilizer carts, crop services, Trimble, Ag Leader, Intuicom, Bourgault Grain Handler USA: 737 Grain dryers

Greystone Construction / Natural Light Fabric Structures: 724 Cover-All Building systems GSI Group: 206 GSI grain storage, drying and handling equipment GVM Inc.: 420 Sprayers

H H&H Trailers Mfg.: 102 Stock and utility trailers Hanson Silo Company: 726 Hanson bunker silos, silo repair and replastering, ValMetal feeding eq. and mixers, silo unloaders Heritage Commercial/Chris Jon Homes: 815 Ag office buildings, commercial offices, homes Hesston Mfg.: 622 Hay equipment

<< North American Farm & Power Show Guide >>

Check Out Our New Attachments! Rock Buckets Built to Last!

Available In 58”, 70” & 80”

Hewitt Drainage Equipment: 712 Soil Max Golddigger tile plow H H Fabrication & Repair LLC: 416, 1212 Skid steer attachments, tractor conversion kits, post hole digger

Hitch Pro-Tec Mfg.: 821 Protective hitch coverings Hodgman Drainage Co. Inc.: 131 Subsurface drainage, waterway and terrace construction, general excavation, septic design and installation, general earthwork, aggregates Hoover Tarp Sales: 637 Shur-Lok roll tarp products Husqvarna Power Equipment: 601A Outdoor power equipment Hyundai Construction Equipment: 202 Construction equipment

I International Steel Erectors Inc.: 737 Grain Handler USA, MFS/Stormor Investors Commodity Services Inc.: 806 Commodity brokerage, Market Edge, grain marketing, Premium Plus trading

Show Specials 10% Discount

Isaacson Implement Co. Inc.: 608, 910 White, Kinze, Wil-Rich, AGCO, Versatile, BP Air, Riteway

J J&D Manufacturing: 705 Livestock equipment Jamesway Mfg.: 705 Silage equipment

“Where Farm and Family Meet”

Jung Seed Genetics: 261 Seed corn, soybeans, alfalfa including HDS silage corn

K Kawasaki Motors: 622 ATVs and utility vehicles Kinze Manufacturing: 608 Kinze farm equipment KBS: 627 Design/build contractor, ag, commercial, municipal, industrial bldg.

Hi Pro Mfg.: 502A Hi-Pro Mfg.-fertilizer knives, Ag-Cam, cameras, GerbcoDisc sealers See us at the Owatonna Farm & Power Show Booth Outside 1212 Booth Inside 416

John Deere Company: 102 Full line farm equipment

J E I Energy Solutions: 236 Wind turbines, solar panels, battery storage

Kuhn Knight Manufacturing Corp: 122 Reel Auggie TMR feed mixers and manure spreaders Kumho Ag Tires: 123 Truck tires

L L&E Farm Drainage: 412 Installation of plastic tubing (tile) for more productive farming The Land Magazine: 504 Farm magazines, selling Volume III cookbooks Larson Contracting Inc.: 719 Full service contractor-commercial, ag bins and buildings, furnish and erect Brock bins, EPS buildings; Butler/Liberty steel buildings Lee J. Sackett Inc.: 708 Tractor restoration, parts and repair, DOT inspection and truck repair, sand blasting and painting, skid loader repair Lexion: 220 Combines LG Seeds: 713 Hybrid seed corn, alfalfa and soybeans Linder Farm Network: Main Lobby Farm Radio Network Lindell Sales & Service: 705 GEA Houle, Schuler, Kuhn Knight, Vermeer, Ritchie waterers, J&D Mfg., Jamesway, Polydome, Schaefer Line-X Spray On Bedliners: 413 Spray-on bedliners Lodermeier’s Inc.: 622 Brock, MC, Sukup, Kawasaki, McCormick, AGCO, DMC, Butler Buildings, Massey Ferguson, Great Plains, Echo, Simplicity Lowry Manufacturing Company: 133 Dump pit-underground drive over pit, structures and bins assemblies


Jet Company Inc.: 253 Side dumps, heavy haul detach, grain trailer (alum and Manke’s Outdoor Equipment & Appliances: steel), flatbeds, dropnecks, wire rollers, post drivers, tag 832 Toro zero-turn mowers, snowblowers, Toro Wheel Horse, trailers, roll tarp, electric tarps, pup trailers, specialty lawn and garden equipment, Aluma trailers, Lawn-Boy mowtrailers ers, Echo handheld equipment Joe’s Supplies Inc.: 820 Posi lock, Norseman drill bits, Grey Pneumatics, bolts, Marquette Grain Systems: 115 Ingersoll air tools, shop supplies GSI, Zimmerman dryers, Chief, Schlagel

North American Farm & Power Show exhibitors Massey Ferguson: 622 35-70 Hp tractors Massop Electric: 612 Deluxe grain dryers Mastiff Construction: 620 Span-Tech, truss arch buildings Mathews Company: 630 M-C grain dryers

ily farmers and rural communities Minnesota FFA Foundation: Main Lobby Promote FFA throughout Minnesota Monarch Industries: 210 Ag chemical pumps Monty’s Plant Food Company: 528 Monty’s Plant Food, soil conditioners and adjuvants Morton Buildings Inc.: 512 Wood frame buildings for farm, commercial and personal use

McCormick USA: 622 Farm tractors

Mustang Manufacturing Company Inc.: 122 Skid steer loader and mini excavators

M/C/M Fabrication: 606 Portable steel buildings

Mycogen Seeds: 706 Mycogen Seeds-Dow Agroscience-Smartstax hybrids

McPherson Crop Management: 602 Greenseeker Systems, Farmworks, Ag Consulting, Trimble, soil nutrient management, crop scouting

MFS/Stormor: 737 Grain storage and handling equipment Michelin Ag Tires: 123 Ag tires Micro-Trak Systems Inc.: 210 Electronic monitors and automatic control systems, acre counters, liquid, dry and anhydrous controllers, hydraulic seed rate controller

Preferred Welder Sales: 702 Thermal Arc, Thermal Dynamic, Smith, Victor Principal Financial Group: 830 Succession and estate planning

R Ram Buildings Inc.: 710 Specializing in post frame and steel frame equestrian, commercial, agricultural and hanger buildings, residential storage buildings Raven Industries: 420 Sprayer controls

Producers Hybrids: 508 Producers hybrids your supplier of cutting edge corn genetics

Real-Tuff Inc.: 119, 1224 Real-Tuff hoof trim chute, squeeze chute, windbreaks, 1/4 circle maternity pen

Northland Farm Systems Inc.: 122, 1216 Mustang, Kuhn/Knight, Dixon, Penta TMR, Cub Cadet Northland Buildings Inc.: 414 Post frame construction-garages, storage, horse barns, ag and commercial buildings

Norwesco Mfg.: 210 Sprayer poly tanks

Midwest Power Up of MN: 633 Power Up Lubricants, Kleenoil Filters, Bio-Matrix

Nutech Seed: 418 Nutech corn and soybeans

Midwest Ag Journal: 502 Midwest Ag Journal publication

Nutra-Flo Co.: 422 Nutra-Flo pure grade liquid starter and foliar plant fertilizer

Mike’s Repair: 123 Michelin, Firestone ag tires

OK Track Solutions: 263, 1208 Ag and construction rubber tracks

Miller Pro: 243 Sprayers

O’Reilly Auto Parts: 112 Ag-fleet and auto/truck parts

Miller-St Nazianz Inc.: 243 Miller-Nitro sprayers

Osakis Silo Repair Inc.: 805 Silo unloader and repairs

See Us The NA At F in Owa PS to Booth nna #712


Outback Guidance: 514 GPS, auto steer, RTK Owatonna Youth Hockey Association: Main Lobby Full line snacks and drinks

P Penta One Ltd.: 122 TMR mixers Pioneer Hi-Bred, A Dupont Business: 605 Pioneer Hi-Bred brand and services

“Where Farm and Family Meet”

Minnesota Farmers Union: 817 Membership based organization that works to enhance and protect economic interests and quality of life of fam-

Precision Planting Inc.: 801 Planter monitors, planter variable rate systems, meter enhancements, planter downforce controls, swath control, row cleaner control

Nordaas American Homes: 410 Custom stick-built homes

Midwest Autosteer LLC: 335 Auto Farm-GPS based steering

Minnesota Farm Guide: 259 Minnesota Farm Guide Publication

Q Quality Craft Tools: 522 Ingersoll Rand, Gear Wrench, Channellock tools and gloves

New Holland: 202 Farm equipment

Northern Energy Homes Inc.: 428 Pictures of custom built homes and floor plans

Minnesota Corn Growers Association: 113 Commodity group

Prairie Brand: 237 Soybeans, alfalfa, hybrid corn

Nasco: 314 Nasco farm and ranch catalog offers all ag products, dairy, livestock, grooming, testing equipment and farm products

Mid-Tech Mfg.: 210 Electronic chemical injection controls

Miner’s Outdoor & Rec: 601A Husqvarna outdoor power equipment, ATVs, UTVs, Club Car custom golf carts

Profit Pro LLC: 316 Probiotic feed additive, manure bioaugmentation products, manure management consulting services

<< North American Farm & Power Show Guide >>

Meridian Manufacturing: 634 Meridan bins, Seedmax bulk storage systems, Grain Max bins, bulk seed tenders


Polydome Inc.: 705 Poly livestock structures

THE LAND, MARCH 11, 2011

Marting Manufacturing/Smidly Products: 720 Smidly livestock equipment

27 A

THE LAND, MARCH 11, 2011

28 A

North American Farm & Power Show exhibitors Renewable Energy SD: 427, 912, 914 Electricity producing wind turbines Renk Seed Company: 328 Seed corn, soybeans, alfalfa seed, grass seed and inoculants

Schlagel Mfg. Co.: 115 Drying equipment

Rhino Mfg.: 416 Mowers and augers

Seal Deep Inc.: 810A Permanent concrete protection, concrete repair, lining systems for concrete, metal and wood

Sommers Masonry Inc.: 431 Superior Inc. grain bins, dryers, legs, we handle all grain system parts

Span Tech Mfg.: 620 Fabric hoop style buildings Spra-Coupe: 420 Spraying equipment

Rite Way Mfg. Co. Ltd.: 608 Rock pickers

S.E. Minnesota Silo & Equipment: 819 Valmetal silo unloader, feeders and conveyors, electric motors

Squibb-Taylor Inc.: 210 NH3 valves and controls

Ryan Manufacturing Inc.: 261A, 904 Rolling baskets for field ripper, skid-loader attachments

Shur-Co.: 637 Shur-Lok roll tarps

St. Joseph Equipment: 202 New Holland, Kubota, Case Construction, Gehl


S. I. Feeders, Div. Schoessow Inc.: 135 Steel cattle feeders wagons, bunks and panels

Sansgaard Seed Farms Inc.: 237 Prairie Brand soybeans seeds

<< North American Farm & Power Show Guide >>

Soil-Max Inc.: 712 The Gold Digger tile plow

South Central & Mn Farm Bureau: 411 Preserve, promote and strength american agriculture

Schuler Mfg.: 705 Livestock feed equipment, vertical mixers

Rim Guard Inc.: 520 Liquid tire ballast Ritchie Industries: 705 Livestock waterers

Simplicity Co.: 622 Lawn equipment

Schaefer Fan Co.: 05 Ventilation equipment


Stock Auction / Big Iron: 611 Provide an online internet auction service world wide of farm eq., construction eq. and fleet vehicles Stronghold Mfg.: 407 Cattle handling equipment

Sioux Automation Center Inc.: 720 Ag and building supplies Sioux Steel Company: 737 Grain bins Smidly Mfg.: 720 Livestock equipment

Sudenga Industries Inc.: 310 Grain, feed, and seed handling equipment for farm and commercial use Sukup Manufacturing Co.: 334 Grain handling equipment Sunopta Grains And Food Groups: 629 Contracting non-gm organic and commercial grains

37825 Cty. Rd. 63

Sunrise Ag Sales: 716 Lee fuel portable tanks, Wishek disc, Vernig attachments

• (507) 246-5032 •

Superior Inc.: 431 Grain handling and storage systems


Full Service Feed Mills & Elevators


Grain Marketing Services & Trucking Available 1-800-216-0742 •

Prices Subject To Change

“Where Farm and Family Meet”

Schaeffers Specialized Lubricants: 730 Farm, industrial, commercial and trucking lubricants, diesel and gas performance additives, surfactants for soil and chemicals, environmental friendly degreaser and cleaners, food grade H-1 lubricants.

NEW! 5195 ......105 6073 ................101 6043 ..................99 7902 ..................96 8001 ..................86



T Two Locations: Courtland, MN & Mankato, MN

Competitive Corn Prices State Bank of Gibbon is looking for good quality Real Estate Mortgage Loans 1) No origination fees 2) No Prepayment penalty. 3) Monthly, Semi-annual, or annual principal and interest payments.

3 Year* 5.95% Annual Percentage Rate Up to 80% financing of in-house appraisal. Ex.: For a 20-year amortization, annual payments would be $86.86 for each $1,000 borrowed. A balloon payment is applicable. *Rate is fixed for first three years and might increase or decrease. Call or stop by and visit with Mike who has 30 years of farming experience for more information and qualification requirements.

(507) 834-6556 (866) 251-9656 1049 - 1st Ave, PO Box 65 Gibbon, MN 55335

Teejet Midwest: 420 Sprayer parts and controls Terra-Therm Inc.: 312 Geothermal heating and cooling equipment The Land Magazine: 504 Farm magazines, selling Volume III cookbooks Thermo King Sales & Service/Kubota Tractor Corp.: 114 Compact tractors and implements, utility and ag tractors, lawn and garden tractors, zero turn mowers, utility vehicles Thermo King Sales & Service/Bobcat Mfg.: 118 Bobcat skid steer loaders and attachments, B&B trailers, Woods and Kubota tquipment Timpte Inc.: 103 Timpte-Bulk commodity trailers Titan Ag Tire Corporation: 123 Ag tires Titan Pro Sci: 823 Seed, chemicals, crop insurance, fertilizers, surfactants, ag financing Today’s Alternative Inc.: 413 Central boilers stoves-wood and corn, wood splitters Todd Norton Construction LLC: 808 Wicks Buildings

North American Farm & Power Show exhibitors

Toro Mfg.: 832 Mowers, snowblowers, lawn and garden equipment

Walters Buildings: 526 Post frame buildings, pole barns, machine sheds

Toro Wheel Horse Tractors & Mowers: 832 Toro lawn and garden equipment

Water Treatment & Conditioning Systems LLC: 810 Water equipment for homes, commercial, livestock

Tractorhouse: 802 Tractorhouse print publication, Tractor website,

29 A THE LAND, MARCH 11, 2011

Tom’s Farm Toys: East Lobby 500) Farm toys and custom toys Wallenstein Equip By EMB Top Air Sprayers: 608 Mfg.: 416 Sprayers Wood splitters

Westfield Industries: 310 Grain augers

Trelay Seeds: 807 West Texas Lee Co. Inc.: Trelay Seed corn, soybeans, alfalfa, 716 silage corn, Trelay Genuity products Portable fuel tanks Trimble GPS: 402 Ag electronics

White Mfg.: 608 Farm equipment

Trouble Free Lighting LLC: 117 Retrofit work lights



Val-Metal Inc. 726 Silage and cattle feeding equipment

Wilson Trailer Sales of MN: 827 Wilson grain hopper trailers, literaVanharen Construction Inc.: ture for Wilson products 408 Reward wall systems, concrete walls, Wingfield Dist. Inc.: 432 concrete floors, decorative concrete Wingfield flexible harrows and buckets forks Vermeer Mfg. Co. 705 Round balers, hay rakes, feeding Winpower Sales & Service: equipment 253C Winpower, Winco, Asco, Blue Star Versatile Mfg.: 608 Four wheel drive tractors Wishek Steel Mfg. Inc. 716 Tillage equipment, gang section Video Surveillance Soludisks tions: 101 Complete mobile, stationery, netWoods Equipment Co.: 118 workable video recording systems and Rear-mounted mowers live monitoring equipment

<< North American Farm & Power Show Guide >>

Wholesale Tire: 255 Firestone and Akuret farm tires, Firestone, BF Goodrich, Michelin, National passenger and light truck Uncle Tom’s Corn Burning & Pellet Stoves Plus Inc.: 701 tires, Yokohoma and Double Coin Harmon pellet, corn, coal and wood truck tires stove, wood pellets and anthracite Wick Building System: 808 coal, Simpson Duravent piping Buildings for farm and ranch Urethane Soy Systems Willmar Mfg.: 420 Company: 318 Sprayers Soy Therm (Soy-based polyurethane home insulation) and Biotuff (SoyWil-Rich: 711 Based urethane bedliners) Wil-Rich tillage, Wishek discs


Voland Supply: 406 Hella work lights, North America Signal Co. safety lighting

W Waconia Mfg.. Inc.: 420 Fertilizer blending equipment, conveying systems Waddle Exteriors: 534 Metal roofing (24 gauge Kynor

Yokohoma Ag Tires: 255 Farm tires

Z Ziegler Cat: 220 Caterpillar, Challenger, Lexion Zimmerman Mfg. LLC: 115 Grain ventilation fans ••• This exhibitor list is courtesy of Tradexpos, is current as of Feb. 28 and is subject to change.

“Where Farm and Family Meet”

Viring Mfg. Inc.: 716 Skid steer attachments

“Where Farm and Family Meet”

<< North American Farm & Power Show Guide >>

THE LAND, MARCH 11, 2011

30 A

Frederickson: Ag portion of budget looking OK been drinking out of a fire hose the last four weeks or so, but I’m We’ll make cuts as needed. It could be difficult at times but peo- working with some great employees, and legislators who ple across the state are telling all of us in government, ‘Come want to get their work done on on, let’s work together and get this budget issue taken care of.’ time. I even had to ask for directions for navigating the tunnel — Dave Frederickson connecting the Capitol with the House office building.” Agriculture Growth, Research and Inno- the “common sense” doctrine of if On a closing note, he doesn’t see the there’s a problem let’s fix it. Reflecting vation programs,” the MDA chief said. ag sales tax exemptions at risk, at least on his learning curve since becoming The governor’s proposed budget also based on conversations as of Feb. 18. calls for a $2 million reduction in the ag commissioner he chuckled, “I’ve MDA’s operating budget. “We’ll accomplish that by merging some divisions within the MDA. Merging of Ag Marketing and Ag Development and Financial Assistance is a suggestion. Some attrition via early retirements will also help us meet this adjustment,” Frederickson said. Currently the MDA has about 440 full-time employees with about 22 slated for early retirements this year. He indicated his department isn’t facing any major changes from a program perspective on an annual basis. “We’re continuing forward with the good programs that have been part of our service to Minnesota agriculture,” and that includes the Green Acres program which was started 40 years ago to tax high-value agriculture land near urban sprawl areas at agricultural rates rather than at fair market value. Frederickson acknowledged that challenges Reader Submitted to the Green Acre program are coming Recipes are now from the Department of Revenue. available! “How that is all going to come together we don’t really know but I Order yours now! think it vital that tillable land remain Books are $11.00 each in the program.” *Please add $3.00 S&H He pointed out this new legislature is having a significant amount of debate for each book ordered. and discussion at it relates to rule making. “I can’t comment specifically NAME because I haven’t yet seen the languages but from a general perspective ADDRESS I’m seeing a lot of focus and concern on rule making, permitting and the entire CITY STATE ZIP regulatory process as it relates to agriculture and food production. The misPHONE # of Books Amt. Due $ sion of our ag department is to enhance our ag economy and protect the METHOD OF PAYMENT: Check # integrity of the food system. We watch Credit Card: VISA / MasterCard / Am. Express / Discover this very carefully to ensure that farmers, particularly livestock farmers, are Card # Exp. / not negatively impacted by rules and regulations,” Frederickson said. Signature: He noted also Gov. Dayton’s executive order to simplify the permitting Mail order form & payment to: process to speed the development of agricultural development. “The LegisThe Land • P.O. Box 3169, Mankato, MN 56002 lature followed up by codifying the governor’s executive order to make cer*OR Use Your Credit Card to Call in Your Order! tain that it stays in statute.” 800-657-4665 or 507-345-4523 Frederickson likes to operate from

THE LAND, MARCH 11, 2011

, S R , S E E P E I C P I REC

! S E P I C E R Vol. #3 “Recipes From The Land”

<< MILKER’S MESSAGE >> “Where Farm and Family Meet”

By DICK HAGEN The Land Staff Writer “Tuned in” to the political challenges of the new Legislative biennium, Dave Frederickson, Minnesota’s new commissioner of agriculture, said, “I Dave Frederickson think we’ll come out of this with a good program for agriculture. We’ll make cuts as needed. It could be difficult at times but people across the state are telling all of us in government, ‘Come on, let’s work together and get this budget issue taken care of.’” Interviewed via cell phone Feb. 18 as he traveled to a “home-grown foods” event at Staples, Frederickson said he was pleased with the governor’s budget recommendation pertaining to agriculture. “He’s very supportive of agriculture and that’s reflective in his budget message to the Legislature.” Frederickson said he already is working closely with Senate ag Chairman Doug Magnus and House ag Chairman Rod Hamilton. “Both are friends of mine since years back. We’ll work together just fine.” The Minnesota Department of Agriculture operates on an $83 million annual budget, of which 54 percent comes from the state’s general fund. Frederickson noted a significant portion of that fund supports special functions such as county fair associations, the Agricultural Utilization Research Institute, as well as the ethanol support program dating back to the mid-1990s when farmers/organizers were struggling to finance the construction of the Minnesota ethanol industry. “The proposal of the governor is to pay off those remaining payments to several of those early ethanol projects and that will be the end of these special producer payments. To help finance the start-up of the ethanol program, the legislature granted a 20cents-per-gallon subsidy payment. In a recent biennium session that was cut to 13 cents but now it is the governor’s proposal to pay off that remaining seven-cent portion. That amounts to about $15 million. The governor would like to get that cleaned up this year. “The department has a $30 million baseline for ethanol and agricultural growth and research. So this leaves $15 million for a variety of new projects including the NexGen Board and other innovations turning ag products into energy. It also includes livestock investment grants. Going forward into the 201314 biennium we’d have about $10 million for each of those years to continue the

31 A

This week’s Back Roads is the work of The Land Correspondents Tim King (story) and Jan King (photo)

THE LAND, MARCH 11, 2011

Heinasirkka, Heinasirkka

“Where Farm and Family Meet”

32 A

t. Urho’s Day celebrations, which are held in communiS ties in the United States and Finland, are scandalous affairs that should be avoided by patriots and Christians alike. Although Urho — allegedly the only Lutheran saint — is said to be celebrated in Finland, Minn., by a modest cooking contest in a church, anthropologists say they do not yet know what transpires in the spruce bogs east of the northeastern Minnesota village on March 16, Urho’s feast day. Reports from Menahga, a town somewhat more accessible to civilized Minnesotans, say that at sunrise on March 16 women and children, clothed in green and purple, chant from frozen lakeshores “Heinasirkka, Heinasirkka, Menetaalta Hiiteen” while facing the sun. Those familiar with the ancient Finnish tongue say this probably means “grasshopper, grasshopper, go away.” Of course, when the grasshoppers hear this they promptly leave. These are the very words Urho, a lowly grape harvester, bellowed to chase the ravaging grasshoppers from the preglacial vineyards of the land now known as Finland. Finns know this, they claim, because the story was discovered carved in runes on the thighbones of a now extinct mammoth bear. Urho, they say, expelled the insects solely with the power of his voice. His voice was strengthened by foods savored by Finns to this day — curdled milk and fish head stew. Urho also skewered some of the bugs with a tool later adapted by ice fishermen for spearing northern pike. Anyway, reports from the far north say that men, women and innocent children celebrate these dubious events and the unlikely sainthood of a lowly proto-Lutheran working man. When the colorfully clad women and children chant, men clothed in green come out of the snowy forest kicking and hopping like wounded grasshoppers. Then they remove their green and put on royal purple costumes. This changing of clothes is referred to as the changing of the guard; these unpatriotic colors are the national colors of Finland. Following the Finnish fashion show it is unclear what happens next in Menahga, or other villages. There may be a round of golf on an icy lake, consumption of purple beer, planting of donuts, possibly a parade, a talent show and the coronation of village royalty. If you are curious about these rites but want to keep your children safe, there is a St. Urho shrine, just outside of Menahga, on U.S. Highway 71.

St. Urho’s Day, Menahga Do you have a Back Roads story suggestion? E-mail or write to Editor, The Land magazine, P.O. Box 3169, Mankato, MN 56002.




March 11, 2011

Cash Grain Markets corn/change* soybeans/change* Sauk Rapids Madison Redwood Falls Fergus Falls Morris Tracy Average: Year Ago Average:

$6.37 $6.48 $6.53 $6.42 $6.47 $6.49

+.32 +.37 +.29 +.28 +.34 +.29

$12.71 +.89 $13.13 +1.01 $13.30 +.92 $13.04 +.96 $13.10 +.97 $13.25 +.92






current average soybeans

$12 $ 9 $ 6 $ $ 3

year ago average soybeans

$ 0

THE LAND, MARCH 11, 2011

Local Corn and Soybean Price Index

1 B

current average corn year ago average corn Mar'10













Grain prices are effective cash close on March 7. The price index chart compares an average of most recently reported local cash prices with the same average for a year ago. *Cash grain price change represents a two-week period.

Grain Outlook Livestock Angles Corn finds a Exploding into comfortable range new high ground As we end February, the livestock markets continue their explosive advances into new high ground. Both the cattle and hog futures contracts have advanced into new all-time highs led by the speculative buying of the hedge and index funds. This buying is based on the idea that the supply of cattle and hogs will not meet the demand for meat in the future and the fear of advancing inflation, not the fundamental facts that effect these markets. The cattle market posted new JOE TEALE all-time highs in the last full Broker week in February as cash reached Great Plains Commodity $113 per hundredweight live Afton basis the Midwest and $184/cwt. dressed basis the Midwest. This action has led everyone to believe that numbers are tight and demand is strong. However, the reason packers can aggressively purchase cattle is the fact that the futures allow them to acquire the inventory and immediately hedge that inventory on the futures market and lock-in their margin. This is accomplished because of the excessive premiums provided by the futures market. If one were to look at the recent U.S. Department of Agriculture Cattle on Feed Report released Feb. 18, the number of cattle on feed was 5 percent greater than a year ago while placements were 4 percent greater than the previous year and marketing was only 1 percent greater than last year. Couple this with the USDA Cold Storage Report that indicated

On Feb. 25, the U.S. Department of Agriculture held its Outlook Forum, where they bring together many of the “movers and shakers” around agriculture. The outlook was bullish on grain prices, yet concern was voiced regarding livestock production. It was reported that the subject of the unrest in northern Africa and the Middle East was not discussed. The events coming from this region had the effect of “throwing gasoline on the fire” of price volatility. The USDA Outlook Forum foreTOM NEHER casts corn plantings at 92 million AgStar VP Agribusiness acres, trend yield of 161.7 bushels & Grain Specialist per acre, a crop of 13.73 billion Rochester bushels. The USDA sees a 50-million bushel increase in corn used to produce ethanol, to 5.0 billion bushels. This would lead to a carryover of 865 million bushels and stocks-to- use ratio of 6.4 percent. The average onfarm cash price is estimated to be $5.60 per bushel. Soybean plantings were estimated at 78 million acres, including acres that would result from “double cropping.” The USDA is estimating a crop of 3.345 billion bushels and a small cut in usage. This would lead to a carryover of 160 million bushels and stocks-to-use ratio of 4.8 percent. The average onfarm cash price is estimated to be $13 per bushel. The USDA estimated that 57 million acres would be planted to wheat and a crop of 2.080 billion bushels. They expect exports to be down 150 million bushels and a carryover of 663 million bushels. The

See TEALE, pg. 3B

See NEHER, pg. 2B

Information in the above columns is the writer’s opinion. It is no way guaranteed and should not be interpreted as buy/sell advice. Futures trading always involves a certain degree of risk.

“Where Farm and Family Meet”

The following market analysis is for the week ending March 4. CORN — Corn was unpredictable this week, at one point trading near limit lower as traders bought soybeans and sold corn to unwind existing positions, before finding support and cutting that loss in half, all in the same day. The U.S. dollar retreated lower throughout the week which helped limit grain losses, but couldn’t give grains a significant boost either. Corn’s action this week may be sig- PHYLLIS NYSTROM naling it has the bullish news facCountry Hedging tored in for the time being, and has St. Paul found a comfortable range prior to the U.S. Department of Agriculture reports on March 31. Now may be the time to make sure you have downside protection in place. May corn was up 6 cents on the week at $7.28 after trading a range from $7.07 to $7.42. The new crop December contract closed up 7 3/4 cents at $6.09 1/2 this week. On the continuous corn chart this week, we saw our highest price since July 2008. Export sales were impressive at 42.5 million bushels and bringing total commitments to 6 percent above last year when the USDA is forecasting a 1.8 percent increase in total exports. New crop sales were 4.8 million bushels, pushing that total to 60 million bushels. Last year we only had 24 million bushels of new crop sales on the books. Weekly ethanol production fell for the fifth straight week as strengthening corn prices cut into margins. We are still on track to use close to 5 billion bushels of corn See NYSTROM, pg. 2B

Grain Angles Supply-demand picture tight

THE LAND, MARCH 11, 2011

2 B

Snug carryout to keep beans in fight for acres NYSTROM, from pg. 1B for ethanol production this year. South Korea suspended import tariffs on corn and meal last weekend even as they battle foot-and-mouth disease. Events in the Middle East and North Africa are mostly unchanged from last week. Libyan President Moammar Gadhafi is holding onto his office with the use of force, protests continue in Bahrain, and the March 11 “Day of Rage” is still scheduled in Saudi Arabia. What’s new this week is that the Arab League is considering a peace plan for Libya outlined by Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. Libya says no help is needed. There were reports out of Saudi Arabia late in the week that non-violent protests were staged demanding the release of Shiite prisoners. The biggest fear in this area is that Saudi Arabian oil supplies are disrupted, as they are the largest OPEC producer. If prices of oil continue to rise, there is concern that it would slow economic growth, and in turn slow demand for commodities. For February, corn was up 9.6 percent, beans were 3.9 percent lower, Minneapolis wheat was down 5 percent, cotton was up 21.8 percent, coffee gained 11 percent, crude oil jumped

5.2 percent, gasoline increased 9.6 percent, hogs were up 1.8 percent and cattle were 3.6 percent higher. The leading gainer year-to-date has been cotton with a 41.7 percent increase as of the end of February. OUTLOOK: With funds still eager to add to their long positions, there are a few cautionary signs: feed wheat is working into feed rations in South Korea, ethanol production this week was down again and Argentine corn production estimates are growing. Supporting the uptrend is the bullish attitude fed by tight carryout forecasts, unconfirmed talk that China may cut import tariffs, and good export sales. Spring planting weather, exports and the March 31 prospective planting report are good items to monitor for future direction. The trend higher is still intact with a May range of $6.67 to $7.50 possible until the month-end USDA reports. Is anyone pining for the 40-cent price range we saw in 2003? Yes, in 2003 the range in nearby corn was only 40 cents. So far this year, the range in the nearby contract in corn has been $1.37 1/2 per bushel. SOYBEANS — New month, new money. U.S. beans are competitive into China versus South American origin as

China bought U.S. beans this week for the 2010-11 crop year. There also was trade talk that China had purchased two to four cargoes of U.S. beans off the Pacific Northwest. Reports surfaced this week that China is considering rescinding price controls and/or cutting export tariffs on edible oils. This would pave the way for processors to increase their crush. At least one trade group is predicting an 8-percent decline in China’s soybean acres this year as acres go to corn, cotton and wheat. Informa Economics this week upped their forecasts for South American soybean production. They are pegging Brazil’s crop at a record 71.4 million metric tons versus the USDA 68.5 mmt figure and 2.1 mmt higher than their last estimate. For Argentina, Informa is at 52 mmt, up from their last estimate of 49 mmt and USDA’s 49.5 mmt projection. Argentina’s bean harvest will begin in a couple of weeks while Brazil’s harvest should be around 25 percent complete. Export sales this week were better than expected at 13.3 million bushels, with nearly all of the old crop sales to China. Here’s an interesting tidbit: China’s population on Dec. 31 was 1.341 billion, up from 1.335 billion at the end of 2009, according to the National Bureau of Statistics in China. Old crop sales are maintaining the 10 percent increase over last year. New crop sales were good at 10.5 million bushels. We have 262 million bushels worth of 201112 soybeans booked versus only 32 million on the books last year.


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Sharply higher crude oil and heating oil markets lent support to the soy complex as well. Higher energy prices encourage biodiesel use, especially in Europe where the majority of vehicles run on diesel. In other Argentine news, the government raided 48 trading offices to search for evidence that they avoided paying taxes on exports. The government subsequently suspended three major grain companies from the important export registry list. OUTLOOK: Soybeans made up for last week’s losses as Argentine dock workers blocked access to two ports and crush plants in their strike for higher wages, rain delayed Brazilian bean harvest and export sales were decent. Meal deliveries against the March contract began this week and were heavier than anticipated, indicating that delivery is better than making new sales. The snug carryout number projection will keep beans in the fight for acres this spring and support any setbacks. Based on today’s numbers, soybeans are not as profitable to plant versus corn; but cotton looks even better. This week, May beans were 39 cents higher at $14.14 and the November contract was 31 1/2 cents higher at $13.61 per bushel. In May soybeans, first support lies at $13.50 and resistance is at $14.75 per bushel. Nystrom’s notes: The USDA monthly supply-demand report will be released March 10 and on March 31 the Prospective Plantings and Grain Stocks as of March 1 will be reported. The jobless rate fell to 8.9 percent in February, the third decline in a row.

“Where Farm and Family Meet”

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NEHER, from pg. 1B average on-farm cash price is estimated to be a record $7.50. Fundamentally, things have not changed; we will still have tight supply and demand factors. Yet, the events in northern Africa and the Middle East have reminded us of the fact that we are in a global market and that the threat of a disruption in the oil supply impacts the world economy. I was watching the news the other night about the conflict in Libya and my telephone rang. It was my brother and he asked me what I thought about the Libyan leader killing his own people with mercenaries and air attacks. I paused for a moment, feeling a vague sense of dread and I asked him if this was the birth of a “Baby Black

Swan.” He then replied, “We will have to see if this one grows up.” Making marketing decisions in this volatile environment can become emotionally challenging. Using the margin management approach to making marketing decisions rather than trying to guess where prices will trade; helps to take some of the emotion out of executing marketing plans. I can still hear my Grandpa telling me that “If you are going to do this year, what you should have done last year; you will most likely be wrong.” He was never a man who was afraid of “marching to the beat of a different drummer.” When we think back to when we should have sold last year’s crop to receive the highest price; let us remember this grain angle as we sell next year’s crop.

Cheese hits $2 per pound, 72 cents above a year ago


Gould said the markets are saying we will continue to have volatility in the Class III futures markets. It’s been quite volatile the last week or so, he said, and producers he talks to are concerned about the downside risk so, in addition to conventional risk management strategies, they have been “going whole hog” in the LGM program. As of Feb. 25, 15 million hundredweight of milk was insured, Gould said, raising the LGM total so far to 34.5 million, a little less than 2 percent of 2010’s total production. The LGM is “like a bundled option,” Gould said, “where you set a floor on your income-over-feed costs. You’re not locking in anything, you can take advantage of positive price movements and this is a federal insurance program available through licensed insurance brokers who sell crop insurance.” It’s also a self-financing program, Gould said, except the USDA pays the administrative overhead and the subsidies. “Basically USDA is taking the risk,” he said, “because the premiums are set such that in the long run the payouts will equal the payins.” For more information, Google “Understanding Dairy Markets,” which will take you to Gould’s website, and then click the “LGM Dairy” tab. ■ Checking the supply side, January butter production hit 167 million pounds, up 5.4 percent from December and 2.7 percent above January 2010, according to the USDA’s latest Dairy Products report.

THE LAND, MARCH 11, 2011

Butter closed Friday at $2.1175, up This column was written for the marketing 9.75 cents from the previous week, and week ending March 4. 66.75 cents above a year ago. Seventeen The February Federal order benchmark cars were sold. NASS butter averaged milk price took a badly needed jump Friday $2.0355, down 4.4 cents. as the U.S. Department of Agriculture Grade A nonfat dry milk closed Friday announced the Class III price at $17 per at $1.8150, down 1.75 cents on the week, hundredweight, up $3.52 from January, while Extra Grade held all week at $1.80. $2.72 above February 2010, 8 cents above California’s comparable 4b price, and the NASS powder averaged $1.4027, up 0.9 highest Class III price since October 2008. cent, and dry whey averaged 42.88 cents, DAIRYLINE down 0.6 cent. It equates to about $1.46 per gallon. Class By Lee Mielke III futures late Friday morning were por■ tending a peak of $19.55 in March, followed Meanwhile, the February Milk-Feed by April at $18.50, May, $17.72, June Price Ratio is 1.96, unchanged from $17.09, and July at $17.14. January, according to the USDA’s The Class IV price is $18.40, up $1.98 “Ag Prices” report and compares to from January, and $5.50 above a year ago. 2.36 in February of 2010. The Chicago Mercantile The National Agricultural Statistics Service-surveyed Exchange’s Daily Dairy Report points out that feed cheese price averaged $1.7449 per pound, up 33.7 cents costs are the highest since the summer of 2008, led by from January. Butter averaged $2.06809, up 22.5 cents. record-high corn which averaged $5.66 per bushel, up Nonfat dry milk averaged $1.3728, up 12 cents and dry 72 cents from January, and $2.11 above a year ago. The soybean price, at $12.10/bu., was up 50 cents whey averaged 42.34 cents, up 3 cents. from January, and $2.69 above a year ago. Baled California’s February 4b cheese milk price is alfalfa hay was $127 per ton, was up $6 from January $16.92/cwt., up $4.43 from January and $3.97 above and $17 above a year ago. February 2010. The 4a butter powder price is $17.88, Milk prices are rising and offsetting some of the up $1.39 from January and $5.04 above a year ago. higher feed prices. The All-Milk Price was estimated at All eyes were on the cheese market to see if it would $18.40/cwt., up $1.70 from last month’s estimate, and hit $2/lb. It did on Wednesday and the blocks closed $2.50 above a year ago. The DDR adds that, based on Friday at $2.02, up 3.25 cents on the week, the sixth adjustments to January grain prices, it doesn’t look week of gain and 72.25 cents above a year ago. Barrel like there will be an Milk Income Loss Contract payclosed at $1.98, up 3 cents on the week, and 73 cents ment for January and may not be any in February. above a year ago. Twelve cars of block and six of barBut, dairy producers well remember that what goes up rel traded hands on the week. The NASS U.S. average block price hit $1.8810, up 9.6 cents. Barrel averaged always comes down and are thus protecting themselves with the Livestock Gross Margin insurance program, $1.8878, up 7.9 cents. according to the University of Wisconsin’s Brian Gould.

3 B


Hog futures carrying large premiums The interesting fact was the recent USDA Cold Storage Report indicating that the amount of pork in cold storage increased last month. So if we are exporting more pork then there must be a decline in domestic consumption if we are to believe that numbers of hogs are on the decline. The fact that pork cutouts have moved above $90/cwt. and the movement of pork product has declined indicates a reluctance by the domestic retailer that there is some resistance to the higher prices by the public. As with cattle futures, the hog futures are carrying extremely large premiums. These premiums are based on the same idea that the hog herd is in decline and will not be enough to meet the demand of an expanding export market. These premiums provide the producers an opportunity to protect their spring and summer inventories against any adverse price movement. Considering the deteriorating economic conditions, and the speculation in the marketplace based solely on supply concerns, there is one element that has been totally forgotten. That is the fact that demand will dictate the price. Fear is currently driving the markets and these types of markets never last. The old adage of “the cure for high prices is high prices” will eventually prevail.

230/95R32 230/95R36 230/95R44 230/95R48 270/95R36 270/95R48 270/95R54 290/95R34 290/90R38 300/95R46 320/85R34 320/85R38

320/80R42 320/90R42 320/90R46 320/90R50 320/90R54 320/105R54 380/90R46 380/90R50 380/90R54 380/105R50 420/80R46

“Where Farm and Family Meet”

TEALE, from pg. 1B an increase in beef supplies over the previous month and the supply seems to be adequate to meet the declining demand. With the beef cutout over $170/cwt., the movement of boxed beef continues to decline, indicating a reluctance by the retailers to purchase the higher priced beef. This would be an indication that the consumer is not very interested in the higher cost at the retail level. Export business has improved but not nearly enough to offset the decline in domestic consumption as evidenced by the increase in cooler stocks. Therefore, producers should be completely aware that demand will dictate the future price direction in the market and should consider some protection against any adverse price movement. The hog market has followed a similar pattern that the cattle have followed. Speculative buying on the idea that export business will deplete the numbers of hogs available for domestic consumption. This is based to some degree on the announcement that South Korea will drop their import tariffs on pork and once again allow U.S. pork to be imported into the country.

THE LAND, MARCH 11, 2011

4 B

Slominski: Debate dairy’s future, don’t try to fix the past DAIRYLINE, from pg. 3B Nonfat dry milk totaled 117 million pounds, down 17.4 percent from December, and 9.2 percent below a year ago. American cheese, at 363 million pounds, was down 2.3 percent from December, but 4.4 percent above a year ago and total cheese output hit 883 million pounds, down 2.7 percent from December, but 5 percent above a year ago. The National Milk Producers Federation responded to a recent study of its “Foundation for the Future” dairy policy proposal by Informa Economics that was commissioned by the International Dairy Foods Association. The study showed that, had the FFTF been in place in the past decade, its Dairy Market Stabilization Program would have been triggered four times, with deductions in effect 18 months and dairy farmer payment withholdings would have totaled about $626 million. The NMPF’s Chris Galen said that “the opposite is true if you really do good economic analysis.” He said the NMPF examined what Informa did “and what they didn’t do, and the key thing that they didn’t do was to estimate how dairy farmers would respond if in fact our DMSP were in place.” “The DMSP cuts farmer prices when margins are compressed,” Galen said, “and if that happens and the money withheld from their checks is used to help stimulate demand, that actually increases farm prices ultimately because it spurs a recovery in markets and margins and improves the economic situation for farmers much more quickly.” The problem with Informa’s study, Galen said, is that “it made no attempt to estimate how producers would

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“Where Farm and Family Meet”

have altered their milk output. The NMPF believes that ultimately the DMSP would have increased total farm revenue by about $3 billion just in 2009 alone.” Galen said they want people to “look carefully at how this program is designed to work.” Had it been applied in 2009 when prices and margins were terrible, the DMSP would have actually spurred a recovery more quickly, he argued. The FFTF is still a work in progress as many details need to be worked out, and Galen pointed out that once Congress gets a hold of it there’ll be negotiations on a variety of things but “with respect to the DMSP, we think that we have a very good vehicle to lightly apply the brakes to milk production, only as needed.” The NMPF’s report has been corroborated by independent analysis, he said. The University of Missouri agrees FFTF is a net positive for producer revenue. ■ The age-old debate about supply management in the dairy industry continues. One side of it was voiced by the International Dairy Foods Association’s Jerry Slominski, beginning with one of his favorite sayings: “If you don’t know where you are going, any road will do.” He said that’s something to consider as debate begins on the next farm bill and said that “instead of trying to fix the past, we should be debating where we want our dairy industry to go because different policies will take us in different directions.” He cited the Bain Report which was commissioned two years ago by the Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy, funded by dairy producers, to study the future of the dairy industry. The report was seen by many processors and producers as a breakthrough that could finally build consensus in the industry, Slominski said. The Bain report studied world markets and reported


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that demand for dairy products was growing rapidly in developing countries. It then looked at international competition, Slominski said, and found they were “incapable of fully taking advantage of the opportunity for growth, but that the U.S. dairy industry was ready and fully capable of doing so.” “The Bain report basically said that we could attempt to isolate our domestic market, an option called Fortress USA,” Slominski said, “or we could become a consistent exporter by adopting policies that would allow us to take advantage of those growing international opportunities.” “Choosing Fortress USA means that we would adopt government policies like supply management that attempt to control the price volatility that is the unavoidable result of competing in dairy markets,” he said, but “becoming a consistent exporter meant that we need to develop tools to help farmers manage the risk of price volatility. “As we move into the debate over what policies to adopt in the next farm bill, some proposals seem to want to go down both paths at the same time,” he said. “But we can’t control price volatility with a government program and at the same time take full advantage of the opportunity to grow our industry. Saying it is temporary or emergency won’t change the road taken.” The “IDFA believes the Bain report got it right by recommending that we go down the road that will allow our industry, producers and processors alike, to grow,” he said. “We have to choose which road we take.” Speaking of exports; the Cooperatives Working Together program accepted two requests for export assistance this week from Darigold to sell 608,470 pounds of cheese to customers in Asia. The product will be delivered in April. ■ Dairy Profit Weekly editor Dave Natzke recently discussed some taste tests which showed that consumers preferred milk with “total solids” standards that matched California’s levels. This week he cited follow-up information indicating that raising national fluid milk standards might not be all “peaches and cream” to other areas of the industry. One of the recommendations coming from the USDA’s Dairy Industry Advisory Committee is that more study is needed regarding higher “total solids” standards in fluid milk, Natzke said, and if those standards are implemented, processors nationwide would be required to fortify fluid milk with nonfat dry milk solids to raise protein and mineral levels. Also, the DIAC approved a final report to U.S. Ag Secretary Tom Vilsack that offers 23 recommendations concerning dairy farm profitability. Details are posted at our website at ••• Lee Mielke is the host of “DairyLine,” broadcast on more than 90 radio stations coast to coast, and writes a column by the same name which is printed in 11 weekly newspapers. He may be reached at lkmielke or you may log on to

Various approaches to tackling IDC problems line, Soygreen or Iron 6 percent as special additives at planting time. Kaiser conducted both treatments at two Renville County locations in 2010 using two Gold Country soybean varieties, GC2717 and FC3517. The 2717 soybean is a high-yielding variety; the 3517 is an IDC-tolerant variety. At one location, neither the oat seeding nor the Soygreen, provided as an in-furrow, 3-pound per acre application produced any extra yield compared to the controls. However, at the second location the field had a low-IDC area, a moderate-IDC area and a high-IDC area. The low-IDC area showed no yield response from the Soygreen treatment and there was no yield difference between the two varieties. In the moderate-IDC area, however, Soygreen produced five bushels more yield and the tolerant vari-

Pros, cons of ground rolling on beans to hurt yield. Advantages for rolling include harvestability, operator ease, residue control/breakdown and cleaner seed at harvest. Disadvantages include the time and fuel for an additional pass across the field, expense of equipment, possible soil crusting/sealing, tractor track damage to emerged plants, susceptibility to wind and water erosion, and breakage of brittle plants. For more information and tools, log on to The website is a cooperative effort among the University of Minnesota, University of Minnesota Extension and the Minnesota Soybean Research and Promotion Council. More Extension information about other commodity crops can be found at ••• This article was submitted by Doug Holen, University of Minnesota Extension crops educator.




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“Where Farm and Family Meet”

The idea of using land rollers is somewhat novel to row-crop farmers, but alfalfa producers have been rolling fields for decades. Ground roller equipment sales have increased substantially in the past five years, with soybean producers as a major new customer. To answer the question “When is the best time to roll soybeans?” University of Minnesota Extension carried out a three year (2008-10) research project with grant funding from the Minnesota Soybean Research & Promotion Council. We found that, while the rollers were designed to push rocks back into the ground, they were being used for many other reasons and in fields with little to no rocks. Some purposes included residue breakdown, field leveling, managing corn root balls and decreasing operator fatigue by improving crop harvestability. The research took place at 11 locations across western Minnesota over three growing seasons, and included multiple styles of land rollers. Our rolling treatments consisted of 1.) Pre-plant, 2.) Post-plant, 3.) 50-percent emergence, 4.) First trifoliate stage, 5.) Third trifoliate, and 6.) No rolling. Following the treatments, we collected data on residue decomposition, plant population, percent plant damage, seed protein, oil, moisture, test weight and yield. No significant differences for plant populations, seed oil, protein, moisture or test weight were found. Surprisingly, we did not find significant yield differences based on timing of treatments for each year of combined locations. We did document significantly more plant damage with the third-trifoliate treatment in two of the four sites in 2010 but did not see yield consequences. With good conditions, rolling can be done out to the third-trifoliate stage. Rolling at or after the third-trifoliate stage cannot be recommended. If the field is subject to erosion, the best time for rolling is pre-plant or post-emergence. The easiest time and most common for farmers is immediately after planting. However, if conditions don’t allow, a producer could roll post-emergence with careful attention to conditions and temperatures. We uncovered no yield advantage or disadvantage with this study, but certain conditions have potential

ety out-yielded the less-tolerant soybean. In the severe IDC area of this field, oats increased soybean yields on both varieties but there was little or no response from Soygreen. “So it looks like IDC is a field-by-field issue, or if you are GPS equipped and your fields are mapped for IDC scores, then adding the commercial products can get by an ‘on-the-go’ situation,” Kaiser said. However, until more consistent results can be documented, buying soybean varieties with the highest IDC tolerance scores is a better route. New information on herbicide labels Dave Nicolai, U of M regional Extension educator, shared a new system of herbicide labels which now include a standardized system informing of the product’s mechanism of action. A box labeled “Herbicide Group” is present near the top of the label. The number in the box is the MOA of the active ingredient bases on a system developed by the Weed Science Society of America. Premixes containing more than one mode of action will have multiple numbers listed. A similar system is also used on labels of insecticides and fungicides. “The intent is to reduce the likelihood of selecting herbicide-resistant weeds. If you are relying largely on herbicides for weed management, using herbicides with different MOAs is the primary method of managing resistance,” Nicolai said. • A Group 2 herbicide would provide little benefit for waterhemp since most waterhemp is resistant to these herbicides. • A Group 15 herbicide would provide little benefit for giant ragweed or other large-seeded broadleaves due to its poor activity on these weeds. Kaiser and Nicolai spoke at the Feb. 16 annual meeting of the Renville County Corn-Soybean Growers Association.

THE LAND, MARCH 11, 2011

By DICK HAGEN The Land Staff Writer Discussing iron-deficiency chlorosis trials, Dan Kaiser, University of Minnesota Extension soils specialist, said IDC was less an issue in 2010 soybean fields in Minnesota, perhaps because of moisture and soil temperatures producing less soil activity. “High bicarbonate levels trigger IDC symptoms,” he said. There are various management options to control IDC issues. Kaiser listed these: • Decrease soil lime content • Drain the soil • Plant tolerant varieties • Fertilize with special iron treatments Or consider broadcast seeding oats just ahead of planting, or use commercial products such as Ferra-

5 B

“Where Farm and Family Meet”


THE LAND, MARCH 11, 2011

6 B

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7 B

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THE LAND, MARCH 11, 2011

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Certified General appraiser 16.5 acres of tillable or buildK-BID specializing in: Livestock able land in Ottertail Coun**ONLINE AUCTIONS** conf., farms, dairy, & ty, Everts Twp, Sec 18, New Statistics... spec. ag facilities. Assist surrounded by good rec Over 2,380 in sales & mktg. lakes, was $44,000/ Now Auctions Conducted in (2010) 660-748-6306. Email: $39,900. 320-226-5067 Experience Counts! Over 10 Million Page Views of K-Bid We have extensive lists of Every Month! Land Investors & farm CROP MANAGER Want Top Dollar For Your buyers throughout MN. We (Operator) Merchandise? always have interested Full time position, for farm Use The Professionals buyers. For top prices, go in Washington/Chicago Cty with our proven methods MN; extensive experience over thousands of acres. Call for a FREE & Totally required for all aspects of Serving Minnesota Confidential Discussion of corn/hay planting & harAll Your Options! vesting. Experience re- Mages Land Co & Auc Serv Over 98,000 quired for repair of equip(800)803-8761 Registered Bidders ment & cow/calf experiHighest Internet Traffic ence a plus. Housing & othHighest Cash Recovery er benefits included. ReReal Estate Wanted Rapid Response Staff sume preferred. USE THE POWER WANTED: Land & farms. I NOW BOOKING have clients looking for March & April Auctions dairy, & cash grain operations, as well as bare land Visit our Popular Web Site Real Estate parcels from 40-1000 acres. Both for relocation & inSell your land or real estate vestments. If you have in 30 days for 0% commiseven thought about selling sion. Call Ray (507)339-1272 contact: Paul Krueger, Farm & Land Specialist, Edina Realty, SW SuburSeveral good quality ban Office, 14198 Cominvesment farms for sale merce Ave NE, Prior in SW MN. Lake, MN 55372. Farms from 80-400 acres








PRUESS ELEV., INC. 1-800-828-6642


We pay top dollar for your damaged grain. We are experienced handlers of your wet, dry, burnt and mixed grains. Trucks and Vacs available. Immediate response anywhere.

Hay & Forage Eq.

Hay & Forage Eq.

K-BID FOR SALE: JD 5830 forage New Oak flatbeds, hay **ONLINE AUCTIONS** harvester, 4WD, iron bunks, silage bunks, green 75 Auctions in Progress guard, 3370 hrs, new eng, chop boxes. (715)269-5258 24 Hours - 365 days new paint, re-built, $56,000. Real Buyers - Real Sellers Also, JD 6910 forage har- NH Baler 315, good cond. JD Real Auctions grain drill 10' grass seedvestor, 4WD, 3100 hrs/4400 Cars, Trucks, Trlrs, Skider, hyd, low rubber. JD hrs. $59,000. 507-427-3520 steers & Attachments, plow 16'' 5 bottom f1350, Construction Equip, Farm FOR SALE: Vermeer 23A f1450. ‘72 Int’l truck 1600 Mach & Tractors. Shop & new box, new hoist, low twin rake, less than 600 Pwr Equip, Tools, Guns, mileage. (651)437-9234 acres, exc cond. $7,950; alSporting Goods, Snowmoso AgShield 200 commerbiles, ATV’s etc. cial hay conditioner, very Western Wisconsin Horse Antique Estates, Collectibles good, $4750. 320-352-6691 or Sale, Sat. April 30, 2011, View Pics Online Now 320-808-0415 Dunn County Rec Park, Menomonie, WI. Tack FOR SALE: New Holland A TRUSTED AUCTION CO. 8:30, Horses Noon Catalog 565 baler w/hyd thrower & 763-479-3000 Lic #27-57 deadline March 15th. AcNew Holland side rake, Staggering Web Traffic cepting only 200 head of all both in very good cond. WORLDWIDE AUDIENCE breeds. Call now to catalog 952-353-2369 Now Booking for or consign. Al 715-556-3962 March & April Ed 715-687-4732 JD 348 small square baler, Auctioneers: John Marg hydraulic tension, no #231; Brian Craig #216 Visit ★★★★★★★★★★★★★ thrower, nice cond., $9,200. us at: 715-296-2162


Every Wednesday 10:30 AM - Farm Misc. 11:00 AM - Hay & Straw 12:00 AM - Livestock “Now every week!”


THE LAND, MARCH 11, 2011

8 B




FOR SALE: Claas rollant 44 round baler, 4’x4’ bale, good shape, $1,800. 507-2763174

Bins & Buildings JH SCHRADER Grain Handler & Deluxe Dryers Winter Discounts On New Sioux Grain Bins, Post Frame & Steel Buildings! 651-380-5059 or 651-388-4843

FOR SALE: JD 5400-5830 and 6000 series forage harvesters. Used kernel processors, also, used JD 40 knife Dura-Drums, and drum conversions for 5400 and 5460. Call (507)427-3520 Stormor Bins & EZ-Drys. 100% financing w/no liens or red tape, call Steve at Fairfax Ag for an appointFOR SALE: NH 259 side ment. 888-830-7757 rake; NH 276 chute baler; NH 67 chute baler; HesWANTED: Harvestor silos ston 1085 9’ haybine; (4) and Slurrystores, 20x80 & 9x18 Meyer throw racks, larger, 25x65 & larger, 1978 very nice; 14 & 16’ bale ra & newer, Slurrystores any cks; ‘99 Polaris 300 ATV, size. less 40 hrs use. 320-864-4583 Steel Constructors or 320-779-4583 (507)346-2374

ABSOLUTE LAND AUCTION (LIVE) 371 +/- ACRES - 7 PARCELS PREMIER BLUFF LAND & PRIME AG LAND NO MINIMUM - NO RESERVE SATURDAY, APRIL 9 • 11:00 AM Sharp LOCATED: 9 miles southeast of Prescott, Wisconsin on Hwy. 35 to 320th Ave., then northeast (up the bluff) 1⁄2 mi. to 990th street, then south. Auction will be held under cover. PLAT: Sections 13 T25N-R19W Diamond Bluff W Township; and Section 18 T25N-R18W Diamond Bluff E Township, Pierce County Wisconsin.

“Where Farm and Family Meet”

MILLION DOLLAR VIEWS - AWESOME BUILDING SITES PRIME TILLABLE LAND - RENTAL INCOME HEAVILY WOODED ACREAGE - EXCELLENT HUNTING PARCEL #1: 76 +/- Acres. Heavy, very high productive soils. 36.5 +/- Tillable. Balance heavily wooded. Parcel has been plotted into 17 lots! (To be sold $ per acre x 76). PARCEL #2: 40 +/- Acres. Heavy, very high productive soils. 35.8 +/- Tillable (To be sold $ per acre x 40). PARCEL #3: 79.69 +/- Acres. Heavy, very high productive soils. 53.5 +/- Tillable. Balance heavily wooded. (To be sold $ per acre x 80). PARCEL #4: 82 +/- Acres. Heavy, very high productive soils. 30 +/- Tillable. Balance heavily wooded. (To be sold $ per acres x 82) PARCEL #5: 30 +/- Acres. Heavy, very high productive soils. 25.35 +/- Tillable. Some wooded. Older farm site & buildings, as is. (To be sold $ per acre x 30) PARCEL #6: 23.68 Acres. Heavy, very high productive soils. 13 +/- Tillable. Balance heavily wooded. (To be sold $ per acre x 24). PARCEL #7: 40 +/- Acres. Heavy, very high productive soils. .98 +/- Tillable. Balance heavily wooded. (To be sold $ per acre x 40). BUYERS: Feel free to walk the property prior to sale date at your convenience. LOOKING FOR THE ULTIMATE INVESTMENT? This property has it ALL! Great rental income. Prime tillable land rates as some of the area’s highest quality ag land. Awesome views. Excellent hunting. Unlimited investment growth potential. Without a doubt, this is the FINEST PROPERTY WE HAVE EVER SOLD! TERMS: No buyer’s fee. 10% down per parcel sale date, balance cash at closing. FOR MORE INFORMATION: For more information and full terms, see the Internet at or call Barry J. Hager, Broker & Auctioneer at 715-273-4638. • PEOPLES BANK OF WISCONSIN — Owner

They want how much to sell your Farm?? We have sold thousands of acres using proven methods throughout MN at commissions that are often half that of other companies

88.5 Acre Excellent Nicollet Co. Farm Land, some of the very best land in the Midwest w/84.9Acres tillable, Sells at auction March 9th - 10 a.m. at Klossner Hosue 468 Acres Prime Freeborn Co. Farm Land, 4 parcels in Riceland Twp., sells at auction March 10th - 10:30 a.m., Clarks Grove City Hall, Clarks Grove, MN Wonderful 10 Acre Farm Site, 3 BR home, fireplace, updated kitchen, pole barn, $167,900 • 57821 300th St., Winthrop, MN 8.25 Acre Farm Site, 3 BR home, 2-stall detached garage, nice barn & mature grove, $32,900 • 66569 460th St., Fairfax, MN Highly Versatile Downtown Bldg, Commercial on main floor & 5 residental rental units upstairs, $119,900 • 229 Main St. W, Sleepy Eye, MN Wonderful Renovated 1.5 Acre Farm Site, 3 BR, completely remodeled on So. edge of town includes 30x50 shop, $114,900 • 47489 280th St., Gaylord, MN Beautiful 10.8 Acre Hobby Farm, 4 BR home w/nice outbuildings, grove & plenty of space for livestock, $134,900 • 54172 246th St., Winthrop, MN 100 Acres Hunting Land, CRP & CREP payments ‘til 2016 in Renville Cty., $1,350/Acre, Section 14, Hawk Creek Twp. Excellent Hunting Land, 80 Acres in Renville Cty., $990/Acre, near Cty. Rds. 11 & 54


Mages Land Co. & Auction Service

N4478 400th Street, Ellsworth, WI • 715-273-4638 BARRY HAGER, Registered Wisconsin Auctioneer #105


Bins & Buildings

Farm Implements

FOR SALE: 28,000 bu bin, w/ JD 3975 chopper, 3 RN head, 7.5 hayhead, exc cond, floor, 8” unload, 24” fan, $28,000, would consider (2) 16,000 bu bins, both w/ trade. 608-792-8051 full floors & 8” unload. 10,000 bu drying bin comWestendorf WL42 loader plete, full floor, 20hp cent w/quick tach, comes w/7’ fan & heater, w/ Neco sysbucket & bale spear, IH or tem. 19,000 bu bin w/ full JD mnts, $4,000. floor w/ 8” power sweep w/ (507)276-4194 7.5hp motor, 10hp cent Sukup fan. 507-697-6133 or Wilrich model 2500 24' digger w/3 bar time harrow, 507-430-4866 $3,200. (715)495-0873 3200 bu bins Free - You Hydrostatic & Hydraulic Repair Repair - Troubleshooting Move. Paul 320-220-1540 Sales - Design Custom hydraulic Grain Handling Eq. hose-making up to 2”. Service calls made. FOR SALE: (3) 380 Behlen STOEN’S corn dryers, LP single Hydrostatic Service phase, 2 operational, one 16084 State Hwy 29 N for parts. Call 507-276-6917 Glenwood, MN 56334 FOR SALE: ‘94 Super BSB (320)634-4360 500 VS dryer, stainless steel, quite fans, calcudri 05' JD 635F Flex platform, 35' full finger auger, 1 moisture/matic, paper owner, HH & contour sensprinter, LP 3 phase, 4495 ing, Stubble lights, Single hrs, $25,000. 612-703-9091, pt hook-up (60 series). Trailer avail. See it runFor Sale: Used grain bins, ning at www.guentzelfamifloors unload systems, rators, fans & heaters, $24,000/OBO. Call Jon at aeration fans, buying or (507)317-1958 selling, try me first and also call for very compet- ‘08 Houle 5250 manure wagive contract rates! on, flow meter, 6 knife DieOffice hours 8am - 5pm trich. $58,000. 712-210-2731 Monday-Friday 148 Loader w/ 5’ bucket. 946 Saturday 9am - 12 noon Moco discbine, hydo-swing 507-430-4866 or call 507-697w/ impeller, like new. 45 6133 Ask for Gary International 12 1/2’ digger w/ harrow. Roller mill valmetal. 715-495-7668 or 715FOR SALE: Convey-all seed 495-7669 tender (2) 110 bu hoppers w/ Honda motor. $5,500. 21' JD 722, soil finisher con507-330-3710 verted to 724, 5 bar spike harrow $5,900. 715-495-0873 ‘03 Super B SD 1000C grain dryer, 3 phase, 480 volt,, LP, quantum controller, stainless equalizer, soft start, 2680 hrs, nice, $45,000. Larry 320-583-1957 or 320-848-6103

Steffes Auction Calendar 2011 For More info Call 1-800-726-8609 or visit our website: Opening Thursday, February 24 & Closing Monday, March 14: IQBID Grafton Equipment Co., Kennedy, MN, Excellent Lineup of Quality Ag Equipment Wednesday, March 16 @ 10 AM: Swenson Partnership, Wessington Springs, SD, Late Model Livestock Equipment, Tractors, Trucks, Trailers, Tillage & More! Tuesday, March 22 @ 12 Noon: Quality Tested Hay Auction Consignment Event, Steffes Auctioneers Facility, Litchfield, MN Thursday, March 24 @ 10 AM: AgIron 25 Consignment Event, Steffes Auctioneers Facility, Litchfield, MN, Tractors, Harvest Equipment, Tillage, Trucks, Trailers, Grain Handling, Construction & Heavy Equipment & Much More! Tuesday, March 29 @ 11 AM: Williams Farm Inc., Fisher, MN, Sugarbeet & Row Crop Equipment Auction Wednesday, March 30 @11 AM: Jarred Olson Farm Auction, New Folden, MN, Farm Equipment Auction Tuesday, April 5 @ 11 AM: Elliott Farms Inc. Farm Auction, Grandin, ND, Large Farm Equipment Auction Thursday, April 7 @ 10 AM: DeWayne & Mary Praznicki, Livestock Auction, Clara City, MN Friday, April 8 @ 11 AM: Prante’s On The Lake, Real Estate Auction, Battle Lake, MN, Lakeside Restaurant & Lounge on 94’ of Otter Tail Lake Beach

Farm Implements

600-40-22.5 Alliant truck tires & rims for feedlot flotation traction. $1,000/each. 515- FOR SALE: Flexicoil 750 341-1276 gal sprayer, 80’ boom, $2250; Bobcat 630 skid Allied 295 loader. Never in a loader, $5750; Restored JD barnyard. Off of Ford 1900 4010 D, w/loader, $10,000. tractor. 507-767-3392 507-330-3945 FOR SALE & FOR SALE: Ag Chem sadWILL PURCHASE: dle tanks, 160 gal ea, exc. NH BALE WAGONS. 507-641-3177 ROEDER IMPLEMENT SENECA, KS 66538 FOR SALE: JD 4450 Trac(785)336-6103 tor, PS, 3pt, 3 hyds, new 18.4x38 tires, $27,750; Hoelschler 10pk accumulaFOR SALE: 500 gal saddle tor & fork, like new, tanks, for Cat 35 thru 55 $6,900; NH 1034 bale wagwide stanch, nice $2000. on, $2,900; JD 671 lefthand 507-878-3260 rake w/ dolly wheel. $2,450. 320-769-2756 FOR SALE: ‘97 1000 gal pull-between, has floater FOR SALE: JD 7000 8 row tires, Raven flow meter, 2 30” planter; JD 875 8 row shutoffs, hyd driven pump, 30” cult; JD 20’ rotary green & yellow, in very gd hoe; Glencoe 7400 7 shank cond. $4,000. 507-227-1877 soil saver; Glencoe 555 15’ soil finisher. 763-675-3432 FOR SALE: B&H 6RW cult,

212 4 belt grain pickup; ‘91 FOR SALE: C-IH 181MT roPolaris 2x4 ATV, 5100 tary hoe, 41’, low acres, miles. 507-220-1419 very nice. $11,900. ‘08 C-IH 1250 planter, 24R30, bulk FOR SALE: Vittetoe chaff spreader, works on JD or fill, Pro 600. $95,000. 507CIH combine, $1,000. 712525-2420 786-3341

If you’re having a Farm Auction, let other Farmers know it! Upcoming Issues of THE LAND Northern MN March 25 April 08 April 22 May 06 May 20 June 03

Farm Implements

Ask Your Auctioneer to Place Your Auction in The Land! Website:



Farm Implements

Farm Implements

JD 725 loader, w/30 Series FOR SALE: Parker 400 bu gravity box. 507-524-3486 mounting bracket, w/96” bucket, exc cond; Progressive sprayer, 1000 gal, 60’ Vertical Tillage Coulters For Sale: 36-Bolt-on booms, good cond. Amity twin coulter sets. 612-801-1093 or 612-868-5197 Used on only 1000 acres. Asking $8000/OBO. Call 218-731-2748


Auction Thursday, March 17, 2011 • 9:30 a.m. Gehling Implement & Auction Company Preston, MN


Loan/Lease Financing Available Bid Live on Line - Starting at Approximately 11:00 a.m. Selling Tractors including: IH 1586; IH 766 gas; IH 856D w/2350 loader; IH 826D, IH 674D w/Great Bend loader; (2) IH super C w/belly mowers; IH B w/belly mower; JD 630 w/Schwartz WF; Skidloaders: NH LS170; NH L160; Gehl 4635; Bobcat 641; Case 1830; JD 1830; JD 270, 3530 hrs w/78” bucket & pallet forks; New Skidloader Attachments: (3) Lowe post hole diggers; (2) Stout brush grapples; Stout material bucket; Stout rock buckets grapple; Stout grapple attachement; (2) Stout pallet forks; (4) Stout skidsteer plates; Hay & Forage Equipment: Round Balers: NH 688; CIH 551; Vermeer 555XL; Hesston 4570 inline w/thrower; JD 327 w/40 thrower; Choppers: JD 3970; Gehl 1265 & 1260; Hay Heads: JD 7’; (2) Gehl 7’; NH 890W; Planters: JD 7200, 12R30 front fold w/dry fert; JD 7000, 12R30 w/liquid; JD 7000, 6R30 w/dry fert, trash whips; Kinze 2200, 12R30 w/liq. fert., residue managers; Kinze 2200, 6/11 row w/no till coulters; CIH 900, 12R30; CIH 900 4R w/liq, very good; White 5100, 8R30 vert. fold w/dry fert.; Drills: JD 1530 Tru Vee no till, 15’, 15” spacing on Yetter coulter cart, low acres, always shedded, like new; Great Plains solid stand 30 w/new style drives; (2) JD 8300, 13’ on hitch; Plus all other types of Tillage & Miscellaneous Equipment. Bank Owned Farm Lind Selling at Approx. 11:30: NH TG305 MFWD, super steer, power shift, 480/80R50 w/duals; NH 380/80R30 w/duals; NH T6030 MFWD, plus 747 hrs, 18.4x38; JD 612C cornhead; NH ST460, 28’ disk, like new; Brent 780 grain cart, like new; (4) Brent 644 gravity boxes w/brakes & lights, (2) Red, (2) Green; Unverferth HT 30 header wagon.

For a complete listing & photos go to:, or call Gehling Auction Co. 507-765-2131. Terms: Loan/Lease Finance Available through AgStar, 1-866-577-1831 or 1877-381-0960 to pre-qualify. All other items Cash or Good Check, day of sale.

Website: Email:

9 B

“Where Farm and Family Meet”

Deadlines are 1 week prior to publication with Holiday deadlines 1 day earlier ** Indicates Early Deadline

PO Box 3169 Mankato, MN 56002 Phone: 507-345-4523 or 800-657-4665 Fax: 507-345-1027

Farm Implements


cut a ways, shields, ridig- FOR SALE: Loftness 20’ ing wings, for corn & soysemi-mount stalk chopper, beans, like new; (2) Hay $3,750; JD 4250 PS tractor, throw racks. 320-583-3131 3 hyds, 3pt, $25,750; Farm King HD 9’ 3pt blade, like FOR SALE: Balzer manure new, $1,850; Speed King 35’ spreader, box is 16’ long, 6’ belt conveyor w/ 5hp elec 6” width, 3’8” high, double motor, $3,500. 320-769-2756 apron & dbl beaters, hyd endgate, walking tandem FOR SALE: Tebben 56’ ridgrunning gear, no rust, exc id spike tooth drag; Mel$6,000/OBO 507-227-6645 roe 30’ Multi-weeder ; JD

Southern MNNorthern IA March 18 April 1 April 15 April 29 May 13 May 27

Farm Implements

FOR SALE: 30’ Hiniker ro- FOR SALE: NH 516 manure IH 800 8 row wide 36”, Cyclo- JD 18.4x42 duals w/ hubs for spreader, exc shape, paint Air corn planter; IH 133 8 JD 4455. Demco 500 gal tary hoe, good shape. 507still on floor. 507-430-1632 row 36” hyd folding cult, saddle tanks for JD 8000 641-3177 w/rowing shields; IH 710 5series tractor. Bourgault FOR SALE: CIH 720 mold- IH 720 5-16 toggle-trip plow, 18s, auto reset mounted MRB 18" fertilizer openboard plow, 5 btm 18”, plow. All in very good ers. Call (715)556-9090 or $750. Owatonna 50' elevaused on only 100 ac, alcond, retiring. 507-841-0898 (715)632-2319 tor PTO $500. H&S 16' 501 ways shedded; ‘09 Loftness or 507-847-2798 self-unload box/tand wagon 20’ stalk chopper, done less $3,500. (608)378-4553 than 700 ac. 605-983-5055

THE LAND, MARCH 11, 2011

45 Ft Mandako Land Roller (Heavy Duty Series) w/ Floating Hitch. JOHN DEERE 16 Ft. #610 3 Pt Chisel Plow (New Style) Super Heavy Shanks. Like New. 319-347-2349 Can Del

Farm Implements

THE LAND, MARCH 11, 2011

10 B

Farm Implements




“Where Farm and Family Meet”




Houle 9’ manure pump, ‘02 JD 7810 P-Quad 2WD twin jet, 3pt w/ Farmstar 14.9x46 hub duals, 5045 hrs, 10” load stand. $9,400. very sharp, 2nd owner; 348 515-341-1276 Farmhand quicktach loader. Farwell, MN 320-283We buy 5740, 320-760-4210, 320-424Salvage Equipment 0246 Parts Available Hammell Equip., Inc. JD 4430 CAH, $13,500; JD (507)867-4910 2840 & 148 Ldr, $9,500; IH 856D Open, $9,000; IH 856D Tractors Cab, $9,000; IH 1466 Open, $8,500; White 2-88 CAH, FOR SALE: Quantity of 8 $9,500; Ford 5000 Gas Row Firestone 20.8x42 tires, 4 Crop $4,500; Coming in: are at 40%, 4 are at 30%. JD 4630, JD 4430, JD $375 a piece. 320-359-2692 3010G, IH 686D. IH 2350 JD 4440 QR, 4400 IL grain Ldr, $3,500. Several Other farm hrs. Exc cond. Ldrs Available! Randy's $27,500. (608)214-1859 Farm Service 715-299-2210 FOR SALE: JD 8440, 3450 MF 1105, CAH, 4900 hrs, hrs, 3 pt, PTO, 3 hyd, new runs good. $6,400. 715-495cab interior, tires 30%, 0873 $22,000. 507-835-5733

JD 9530, PS, 710/70R42 ....$229,900 JD 9300, diff. lock, 24-spd.....$74,900 JD 8970, diff. lock, 24-spd.....$74,900 JD 8200, MFWD, PS, duals ..$72,900 JD 8130, MFWD, PS, duals $122,900 (2) JD 7830, MFWD, PS, duals ......................................$116,900 JD 7630, MFWD, PQ, duals $106,900 JD 7610, MFWD, PS, duals ..$65,900 JD 7520, MFWD, PQ, loader $67,900 (2) JD 7330, MFWD w/loaders ....................Starting @ $101,900 JD 7420, MFWD, IVT, duals..$79,900 JD 7230, MFWD, w/loader....$91,900 JD 7230, MFWD, 2-whl. ......$72,900 JD 7230, MFWD, standard....$66,900 JD 7130, MFWD, PQ, loader $81,900 JD 7210, MFWD, cab ..........$41,900 JD 6430, MFWD, PQ............$66,900 JD 6420, MFWD, PQ, loader $62,900 JD 5425, loader....................$38,900 JD 4640, PS, duals ..............$24,900 JD 4450, PS ........................$36,900 JD 4440, MFWD, PQ, loader $24,900 JD 4430, PQ, loader ............$14,900 JD 4240, MFWD, PQ, loader $24,900 JD 2755, loader....................$17,900 JD 4020, Clean ......................$9,900 Ford TW10, cab....................$11,900

‘04 JD 8120, 2550 hrs, deluxe ‘87 TW35 Ford MFD, FOR SALE: 7240 Magnum cab, whl wgts, rock box, AC/heat, 3 hyd. valves, tractor, 6100 hrs, good choice of tires. PTO, 18.4/42 rears w/duals, cond. 320-352-3629 (507)360-9800 16.9/28 fronts. New rear end in ‘09. Service records FOR SALE: ‘75 JD 4430, AC 185 tractor w/cab, new avail. Exc. Cond. 2675 hrs. cab, air, Quad range, clutches, new injector $29,500. 320-974-8368 18.4x38 Firestone tires, pump, new hyd. pump, 50%, over $11,000 spent in 1200 hrs on major OH, 7200 FOR SALE: (2) 24” tracks repairs, very tight, sharp hrs on tractor. off 8000 JD tractor. 507-838tractor inside & outside, (320)453-8672 8775 $14,500. 715-222-1737 • Case IH 7220 2WD,$34,000. FOR SALE: ‘03 C-IH MX230, • Case IH 8920 2WD,$35,500. 1405 hrs, MFWD, Creeper • Case IH 7120 2WD,$28,000. gear, deluxe cab, 3 PTOs, FOR SALE: ‘79 JD 4440, C/A/H, pwr shift, 18.4x38 • Case IH 7240 MFD,$45,000. a full wgt bracket, duals Firestone tires, 9,900 hrs, • IH 1086 $9,250 • NH 9682 frt & rear, 480/80R46 rears, $16,900. 715-222-1737 4x4, 6,000 hrs., $48,000. frt fenders, quick hitch, 4 • JD 4440 power shift,$17,500. hyd remotes, exc cond. FOR SALE: ‘83 JD 8650, • JD 7400 MFD$25,500. 763-441-6308 Quad range, PTO, 3 pt, Call (608)987-2373 80% tires, 6837 hrs, $34,500. FOR SALE: 185 AC w/loader 507-478-4491 or cell 507-370FOR SALE: 460 Int’l gas & bale spear, exc working 1853 tractor w/ NF. 507-534-2562 cond. 320-268-3281 or cell 320-424-0311 FOR SALE: ‘85 JD 4650, 2WD, PS, 18.4x42 duals, FOR SALE: 262 White trac90%, quick hitch, 2 SCVs, tor w/590 Allied loader, field ready, excellent con$9250 for both. Owner dition. $34,000. 641-231-1077 bought both new; JD 7300 ‘09 JD 9770 STS, RWA, CM, 12 Row - 22” planter w/herduals ..............................$245,900 bicide, $8500. All in very FOR SALE: ‘90 JD 8760, 4WD, 9850 hrs, recent eng good cond. 320-894-7356 ‘08 JD 9770 STS, RWA, CM, work, new 2 spd & clutch, 20.8x42 Firestone radiduals ..............................$234,900 FOR SALE: ‘50 JD G, new new al tires, 24 spd, good cond, rear tires, good running ‘06 JD 9760 STS, 2WD, CM $159,000 $45,000. Fairfax, MN 507cond, good paint, $6500. 426-7738 651-463-3248 evenings ‘08 JD 9670 STS, RWA, CM $204,900


‘02 JD 9650 STS, RWA, CM $119,900 ‘01 JD 9650, CM, dls. ..........$99,900 JD 9600, 2WD ....................$39,900 ‘08 JD 9570 STS, 2WD, CM $179,900 ‘07 JD 9560, RWA, CM, singles ......................................$169,900 ‘07 JD 9560, CM, dls. ........$155,000

Tillage Equipment JD 2800, 8-bottom, on land ....$7,900 JD 680, 31-shank ................$26,900 White 598, 5-bottom plow ......$4,900 JD 510, 7-shank ripper ..........$4,900

1947-2011 64 Years of Excellent Service!

Hwy. 55 • Watkins, MN 320-764-5310 •


FOR SALE: ’94 JD 7200, FOR SALE: JD 7800 MFWD, C/A/H, MFWD, 6930 hrs, PS, FF, rock box, radar, pwr quad re-built, narrow 540/1000 PTO, 3 SCVs, tires. $30,900; JD 400 gas 14.9x46(90%), 2340 hrs, exc tractor, ldr, backhoe, shutcond, $81,500/OBO. 507-351tle trans, works great, 1176 $7,200 Trade. 320-543-3523 FOR SALE: Caterpillar 75 FOR SALE: JD 8110 MFD, 420 or 480 R46 tires, comnew tracks, $34,000.; MM fort pkg, big pump, 7000 G-1000 propane 3 pt, $4500; hrs, thru JD shop w/rebuilt Agco 2960 unit coulters, tranny & field ready, $110 ea; ‘81 IHC 4200 grain $69,900 OBO. 507-384-8507 truck, 20’ box & hoist, $15,000. 218-955-0888 NEW AND USED TRACTOR PARTS FOR SALE: JD 420, complete overhaul, new rub- JD 10,20,30,40, 50, 55, 50 Series & newer tractors, ber, remote hyd, paint, AC- all models. WF, 12-V flushed trans fiLarge Inventory, We ship! nal drive, new oil seals put Mark Heitman in, $5600. 320-277-3834 Tractor Salvage (715)673-4829 FOR SALE: JD 4320 cab 2 hyd, 18.4x38 tires at 80%, Specializing in most Allis runs good, $10,500. Chalmers used tractor Annandale, MN 320-250-5098 parts for sale. Now parting FOR SALE: JD 4640 Quad, out WD 190XT #200 & D-17 18.4x42, 200hp, 2739 hrs, tractors. sharp tractor, $27,900/OBO. Rosenberg Tractor JD 8630, PTO, 3pt, w/ or Salvage w/out auto steer, sound 507-848-1701 or 507-236-8726 tractor, service records available. 507-920-1632 JD 4640 QR, 5400 hrs, duals; FOR SALE: JD 4955, 8300 hrs, MFWD, front fenders, 18.4x46, triple remotes, front wghts, rear wghts, very nice, $43,500. River Falls, WI 715-760-2094

‘69 JD 4020, gas, 5500 hrs, SR; ‘67 JD 4020, diesel, 1500 hrs on clutch & motor; ‘66 JD 3020, diesel, SR, $6000; 400 gal Century Saddle tanks. 952-451-1837


Planters JD 1770NT, 16R, 3 bu., liq. fert. ..................................$59,900 JD 1770, 12R, 3 bu., liq. fert. $45,900 JD 1770, 12R, dry fert. ........$43,900 JD 1750, 8R, dry fert. ..........$28,900 JD 1750, 8R, 3 bu., liq. fert...$32,900 JD 7300, 12R, liq. fert. ........$16,900 White 6100, 12R, liq. fert. ....$13,900


FOR SALE: ‘02 Challenger FOR SALE: JD 4960, MT 665, MFWD, 3000 hrs, MFWD, PS, 18.4x42 duals, 225 hp,, 520/46 Goodyear, all 75%, rockbox, 3 pt duals, 85% wghts front & quick hitch/1 lift assist, 3 back, $70,000. Wells MN SCV’s, 7150 hrs, exc cond. 507-553-5427 or 507-525-1978 320-212-7463


HARVEST INTERNATIONAL/AUGERS Built by Friesen Swing Hoppers on Hand T10-32, PTO Truck Auger T10-42 Truck Auger T10-52 Truck Auger H10-62 CALL H10-72 FOR LOW H10-82 PRICES! H13-62 MOST SIZES H13-72 ON HAND H13-82 H13-92 A-10-72 ~ Summer Sale ~ ..$7,999 18-44 Belt Conv., 7.5 hp ....$9,950 12 Volt Auger Mover............$1,995 Hyd Auger Mover ................$1,350 E-Z TRAIL GRAIN CARTS 710 Bu...............................$17,795 510 Bu. ............Starting at $10,995 Used Unverferth Carts, 6250, 7250, 8250, 1015......CALL GRAVITY WAGONS 600 Agrimaster, On Hand..$12,500 500 E-Z Trail, On Hand ..............................$7,995-$9,020 400 E-Z Trail ..........$5,895-$7,250 HITCH DOC SEED TENDERS 2 Box Tandem, On Hand ....$9,250 4 Box Tandem, On Hand ..$15,100 6 Box Gooseneck..............$24,000

COMBINE HEAD MOVERS E-Z Trail 4-Wheel 21’ ..........................$2,550-$2,750 ON 26’ ..........................$2,890-$3,090 HAND 30’ ..........................$3,120-$3,320 Koyker Stor-Mor Grain Baggers & Bag Unloaders ...........In Stock NEW KOYKER LOADERS Call for Other Sizes 510 Loader, On Hand..........$1,995 NEW ROUND BALE RACKS 10’x23’, On Hand ................$1,995 10 Bale LowPro Trailer........$3,800 NEW WHEEL RAKES 10 Wheel, V Rake, On Hand ..........................$4,295 5 Wheel, 3pt. Rake, On Hand ..........................$1,125 USED EQUIPMENT Hitch Doc seed tender, 2-box ..........................................$8,000 AC 7040 tractor ..................$8,250 AC 7000 tractor ..................$7,250 International 6600 tractor ....$9,000 Ajax 10-bale mover ............$6,500 ‘10 Harvest 10x62 auger ....$7,900 Feterl 12x72 auger..............$7,500 Hutch 10x62 auger..............$3,500 ‘10 E-Z Trail 510 grain cart w/tarp ..............................$11,750 E-Z Trail 500 grain cart ......$6,750

• Agco-Challenger • Hardi Sprayers • REM Grain Vac • Woods Mowers • J&M Grain Carts • Westfield Augers • Sunflower Tillage • White Planters • Wilrich Tillage

USED EQUIPMENT • White 8524-22 planter • Westfield 10x71 hopper • Westfield 10x60 hopper • Feterl 8x60 hopper • Wilrich 614, 30’ disc • Wishek 862, 38’ disc • Wishek 862, 30’ disc • Wishek 862, 26’ disc • Wishek 862, 22’ disc • White 271, 21’ disc • Riteway 52’ coil packer • DMI 45’ crumbler • DMI 40’ crumbler • Pickett thinner, 24-22 • Alloway 22’ shredder, (2) • Balzer 20’ shredder • UTF 760 grain cart • ‘09 Salford 570, 41’ • ‘09 JD 2700, 7-30/harrow • Wilrich 957, 7-30/harrow • (2) JD 510, 7-30

• Brillion Land Commander, 7-24 • Wilrich QuadX 60’ w/rolling basket • ‘05 JD 2210, 42’ w/harrow • JD 980, 44’ F.C. w/harrow • JD 1060, 54’ w/harrow • Wilrich 3400, 54’ F.C. w/harrow • IH 4900, 48’ • IH 4900, 40’ • Hardi 6600, 132’ • Hardi Nav. 1000, 66’ • Hardi HC950, 90’ • Blumhardt 750, 60’ • Spray Coupe 220, 60’ • ‘10 Amity 12-22, (2) • Amity 8-22, (3) • Amity 6-22 • ‘09 Artsway 6812, 12-22 • ‘08 Artsway 6812, 12-22 • ‘05 Artsway 6812, 12-22 • Artsway 898, 8-22, (2) • Amity 12-22 topper • Amity 12-22 topper St. Ft., (2) • Artsway 12-22 topper St. Ft., (2) • Alloway 12-22 topper St. Ft., (2) • Alloway 12-22 folding topper, (3) • Alloway 9-22 topper

Clara City, MN 56222 320-847-3218


Harvesting Equip.

Harvesting Equip.

Planting Equipment

11 B

Harvesting Equip.

FOR SALE: JD corn sheller w/ drag & PTO, (2) Gehl running gear, (1) 5T & (1) 6T. 6RW Danish cultivator, hyd fold. 507-856-1948

FOR SALE: ‘09 Brent 1082 grain cart, scale, tarp, diamond tread tires, green in color, very low use, will deliver, $37,000 OBO. FOR SALE: IH 810 5 belt 715-797-9510 pickup head, very nice cond. 651-564-0606 daytime FOR SALE: 30’ reel for CIH 1020 bean head, very good condition, reasonably priced. Call 507-9208442

FOR SALE: ‘06 Drago 8-30 chopping cornhead, head height control, done about 4,000-4,500 acres, plastic snouts, in good shape. Fits C-IH combine, $45,000. Call 507-920-8442 1050 Kinze Grain Cart; 840 Kinze Grain Cart; 1040 Kinze Grain Cart; 640 Kinze Grain Cart. Call Harold @ 515-272-4538 Combine for Sale: ’97 JD 9500 combine. Exc cond. 1726 combine hrs, 86 hrs on concave & rasp bars. Maurer tank ext, chaff spreader, 500 hrs. on new 30.5x32 tires, long auger. ‘96 693 cornhead poly snouts. Call 605-983-5055 or 605-530-9800 FOR SALE: ‘02 CIH 2208 cornhead, 8R30, ‘97 CIH 1020 bean head, 30’ w/ SCH cut. 507-340-8446

FOR SALE: 04-2388, 1503 eng hrs, 1250 sep hrs, field tracker, AFX rotor, 12R, ready, mapping, 2spd, hydro, 20.8x42 duals, big rear tires, heavy rear axle, Mauer topper, extra round bar concaves, bubble up auger. Call 507-920-8442

Our Experience and Knowledge Make the Difference

USED TRACTORS (I) (I) (R) (O) (R) (R)

(I) (R) (I) (R)

‘03 JD 6420, MFWD, 90 hp., cab, 24-spd., PQ, loader, 4000 hrs. Coming March ‘05 JD 7220, MFWD, 95 hp., cab, 16-spd., PQ, 820 hrs. ........................$65,900 ‘95 JD 6200, 2WD, 66 hp., cab w/heat & A/C, turf tires, 3120 hrs. ........$19,500 ‘83 JD 2750, 2WD, 75 hp., canopy, loader ..............................................$16,500 ‘75 IH 674, 60 hp., IH loader, 3630 hrs. ....................................................$6,500 ‘98 Case CX60, 4WD, 50 hp., cab, 9.5-24R3, 18.4-26R3 tires, 8-spd., 5840 hrs., (8’ broom - add $2,500) ........................................................$22,900 ‘89 JD 2355, 2WD, 56 hp., cab, loader, 6600 hrs. ..................................$17,500 ‘97 Case 4210, 4WD, 60 hp., cab, 8-spd. shuttle, D-SCV, 14-17.5R4’s, 19.5L-24R4’s, 2740 hrs. ..........................................................................$23,900 ‘76 Ford 6600, 2WD, 70 hp., cab, A/C, (eng. & clutch OH 800), 16-spd. Hi-Lo, rear tires 20%, front good, 4500 hrs. ............................................$10,500 ‘89 JD 2955, 4WD, 90 hp., cab, A/C, 16-spd. Hi-Lo, tires 80%, 7956 hrs. ................................................................................................................$23,900 ‘09 JD 6430, MFWD, 95 hp., cab, A-Quad 24/24 LH reverser, 540/1000 PTO, 18.4-34R1, 3-SCV, wiper, mirrors, 673 S/L loader, 500 hrs. ............$69,900 ‘80 JD 4040, 91 hp., cab, Syncro ............................................................$17,900 ‘02 JD 5420, MFWD, 65 hp., cab & A/C, 12/12 reverser, 1400 hrs. ........$33,000 ‘03 JD 6420, 4WD, 90 hp., cab, 24-spd. PQ, loader, 3200 hrs. ..............$56,500 ‘93 JD 7600, MFWD, 130 hp., cab, PS trans., 7992 hrs. ........................$38,500

(I) (I) (O) (R) (I) (I) (I) (R)

‘98 JD 1750, 6-row planter, dry fertilizer, 30” rows ..............................$19,500 JD 935 MoCo, 11’6”, side pull, impeller conditioner, 1000 PTO, hook up$12,500 JD 750 Drill, 16’, 7.5” spacing, Good Condition ......................................$14,500 JD 327 Square Baler, bale chute ..............................................................$6,450 ‘01 JD 467 Round Baler, mesh & twin wrap, push bar ..........................$19,500 ‘05 JD HPX diesel, hard side cab, heat, 4WD, power box lift ....................$8,995 ‘07 JD 620i XUV, 4x4, EFI, poly cab, power box lift, bed liner ..................$8,500 ‘09 JD TX, 4x4 Gator, HDAP tires, bed liner, front bumper ........................$6,995

(R) (R) (R) (R) (R)


© 2010 CNH America LLC. New Holland is a registered trademark of CNH America LLC

TJOSVOLD EQUIPMENT Sales & Service • West Hwy. 212 — Granite Falls, MN 56241 800-337-1581 • 320-564-2331 • After Hours (320) 212-4849

TRACTORS ‘94 NH 9280, 4WD, 20.8R38 duals, (85%), 4600 hrs........$65,500 ‘04 NH TC33DA, boomer, hydro, super steer, w/15LA loader, 850 hrs ............................................................................$17,900 ‘95 Ford 9280, 4WD, 18.4R38 (80%), Nice ......................$71,500 ‘92 Ford-Vers. 976, 750 Trells, 3 pt, 5950 hrs ..................$57,500 ‘91 Ford-Vers 876, 20.8R38, 3 pt, 3800 hrs ......................$51,500 ‘90 Ford TW35, 2WD, 18.4R42 (80%), 4300 hrs ..............$24,500 ‘87 Ford TW25, FWA, 18.4R38 duals, 6700 hrs ................$23,500 ‘79 Ford TW30, 2WD, 480/80R38 duals ............................$16,500 ‘05 Buhler 2180, 14.9R46 duals, SS/Megaflow, 2400 hrs. $97,500 ‘03 Buhler-Vers. 2180, FWA, 480/80R46 duals, 1900 hrs $92,500 ‘85 Versatile 256, bi-dir w/loader, grapple, 8000 hrs ........$25,500 ‘83 IH 254, 2WD ..................................................................$7,500 ‘80 IH 1586, 20.8R38 duals ..............................................$15,500 IH 806 D, WF........................................................................$4,500 IH 460, gas, NF, Clean! ........................................................$3,500 ‘09 Case Farmall 35, compact FWA, 37 hrs ......................$17,900 ‘82 Case 2290, FWA, 14.9R46 duals, 6200 hrs ................$22,500 ‘80 Case 4690, 4WD, 3 pt & PTO, duals ........................Coming In ‘81 JD 4640, 14.9R46 duals, 5500 hrs ..............................$22,500 JD 3010, gas, WF, w/loader & bucket ..................................$7,500 ‘81 White 2-155, 208-38 duals ..........................................$10,500 ‘80 Yanmar YM185, w/mower..............................................$5,950 Allis Chalmers WD, gas, WF, w/Woods 6’ mower ..............$3,950

SKID STEERS ‘07 NH L175, cab/air, hyd Q/A, 72” bucket ........................$29,000 ‘01 NH LS180, ROPS ........................................................$19,000 ‘08 NH L170, cab/heat, 3200 hrs ......................................$19,000 ‘02 NH LS170, ROPS, bucket & forks, 1600 hrs................$16,900 ‘92 NH L250, 42” bucket, 1500 hrs......................................$7,500




North Hwy. 65, Isanti (I) (763) 444-8873

Hwy. 101 & I94, Rogers (R) (763) 428-4107

‘08 NH CR9060, 520/80R42 duals, RWA, loaded ..........Coming In ‘01 NH 73C, 25’ flexhead ................................................Coming In ‘01 NH 96C, 8R cornhead ..............................................Coming In ‘97 NH TR98, 18.4R42 duals, loaded, 1650 hrs ................$65,500 (3) ‘98 NH 973, 30’ flexheads......................................Ea. $10,500 ‘95 NH TR97, 18.4R42 duals, loaded, 1700 hrs ............Coming In

‘95 NH TR97, 30.5-32 duals, loaded, 1450 hrs., Nice! ......$51,500 ‘93 NH 974, 6R30”, Nice! ..................................................$56,950 ‘96 NH 973, 25’ flexhead w/rock guards ..................................Call ‘88 NH 973, 20’ flexhead......................................................$5,950 ‘95 NH TR97, terrain tracer, 18.4R42 duals, 1820 sep hrs $49,500 ‘95 NH TR97, terrain tracer, 18.4R42 duals, 1710 sep hrs $49,500 ‘90 NH TR96, terrain tracer, 30.5-32 ..............................Coming In ‘86 NH TR86, terrain tracer, 24.5-32 tires ..........................$21,500 ‘03 Gleaner 800, 30’ head ..............................................Coming In ‘01 Gleaner R62, w/18.4R42 duals, loaded, 2005 hrs ..............Call ‘84 Gleaner F3 ..........................................................................Call ‘82 Gleaner F2, w/heads, 4row corn & tables ................Coming In

MISCELLANEOUS EQUIP. ‘10 EZ-Trail 510 cart w/tarp................................................$13,500 ‘08 NH BR7090, new wrap, low bales ............................Coming In ‘08 NH 617 disc mower, 9’ ..................................................$6,950 NH 479 haybine ....................................................................$2,500 NH 7312, front end loader w/joystick ..................................$5,950 NH 456, 7’ mower ................................................................$2,500 ‘07 Wilrich Quad X, 48’ field cult., w/baskets ....................$44,500 ‘02 Wilrich 6600 ripper ......................................................$17,500 Morris CT712, 16’ chisel plow..............................................$3,950 ‘06 Loftness 240, pull type shredder..................................$18,500 Flexi-Coil 750 gal oval 1 tank ......................................................Call ‘01 Flexi-Coil 75, (1 ⁄2”) 45’ coil tine packer ....................$15,500 Artsway 240B, 20’ shredder ................................................$9,500 Balzer 1400 shredder ..........................................................$3,950 DMI 900, 5-shank ripper w/leveler ....................................$11,950 DMI Coulter Champ II, 5 shank rippper ..............................$7,950 Glencoe 9-shank soil saver ..................................................$2,950 ‘04 Grasshopper 616, w/48” deck........................................$4,950 ‘96 Grasshopper 720, w/61” deck........................................$4,950 ‘96 Bush Hog ZT2200, w/61” deck ......................................$3,950 Brent 674 grain cart, 18.4R42 duals ..................................$18,900 Unverferth 850 grain cart w/tarp, 30.5-32’s ....................Coming In Lundell wagon, 350 bu ........................................................$2,250 ‘09 Dixon RA44 ZTR mower ................................................$4,500 ‘09 NH H6730 5-disc mower ................................................$5,200 NH 456 7’ mower..................................................................$2,250

“Where Farm and Family Meet”

FOR SALE: ‘04 JD 9550 side hill combine, 2211 sep hrs, 2 spd 4x4, 865R32 drive tires, 28Lx26 rear tires, has JD Hi-Inertia cylinder installed, ($7000 option) 60 Series updates, w/single pt hookups, new Ag Leader InSite yield monitor, w/GPS maping, includes SMS advanced software, on Dell computer, all updates done in ‘10, stored inside, $115,000. 715-797-9510

JD 3970 chopper, 7.5' hay head, 2RN corn head, just spent $$$ on new parts. $6,000. 715-572-5678


FOR SALE: ‘97 CIH 2188 combine, specialty rotor, rock trap, field tracker, yield monitor, duals, $65,000/OBO. 507-340-8446

THE LAND, MARCH 11, 2011

JD 4640 QR, 5400 hrs, duals; FOR SALE: ‘05 Loftness 22’ FOR SALE: ‘10 Head sight #6100 White (8-36) Pull-Type Planter (Hyd Pump) Vert ‘69 JD 4020, gas, 5500 hrs, stalk chopper, semi mountautomatic head height conFold. Yetter Trash WhipSR; ‘67 JD 4020, diesel, ed, 4 caster wheels on trol system, $1,500/OBO. pers/Coulters/Liq Inj Plus 1500 hrs on clutch & morear, 2 front gauge wheels, 320-583-3353 Rear Hitch Plus 1000 Gal tor; ‘66 JD 3020, diesel, all new knives, very nice, FOR SALE: ‘97 Geringhoff, Tank w/ Trailer. C-IH 1086 SR, $6000; 400 gal Century $10,500. 612-756-0106 6 row rotary disc cornRecent OH, CAH, Duals, Saddle tanks. 952-451-1837 FOR SALE: ‘07 Geringhoff head, rebuilt in ‘08, $18,500. Has Warranty. All Real MM R (2x) Both shedded, chopping cornhead, CIH 952-446-1120 Good. 319-347-6282 Can Del not running, $900/OBO for red, 8R30, 4800 acres, exc FOR SALE: C-IH 1020 bean pair. (320)282-6658 cond, $48,500. 507-240-0294 head, 30’ Crary air reel, field tracker, about 3500 7200 JD 8RN, no till, vac WE HAVE PARTS! FOR SALE: Combine Headplanter, trash whippers. acres on new 3” cutter bar, Parts for Tractors, er Transports. 2 Wheel, 4 ‘91 "last yr", liquid fert, no rock damage, very good Combines, Machinery, Wheel & Caster Wheel w/pumps, field ready, shape, $18,000. 507-920-8442 Hay Equipment, and more... models. Brackets sold sepnice! $11,500. 715-223-3664 All makes & Models. Used, arately to build your own. FOR SALE: C-IH 1020, flex- Int’l 500 16R22" planter, new, rebuilt, afterSatisfaction guaranteed! head, beanhead, 30’ Crary market. All States Ag Parts (320)563-4145 or (320)808-7644 new Yetter row units in ‘91 air reel, field tracker, very Call: 877-530-4430 to reach - one season on scrapers, Ask for Denny! nice, new guards. $20,000. the store nearest you! seed flow monitor. See All Of Our Trailers 612-756-0106 $1,500/OBO. 320-848-2718

KIMBALL, MN • 320-398-3800

12 B

Sales: • Al Mueller • Wayne Mackereth • Allen Schramm • Rollie Jurgens

THE LAND, MARCH 11, 2011

ST. MARTIN, MN • 320-548-328 Sales: • Dan Hoffman • Joe Mehr • Erik Mueller


Sales: • Richard Dammann •

Equipment Solutions . . . For A Changing TRACTORS 4WD




CIH 3294, '84, 5065 hrs ..................................................$22,500 CIH 125 Pro, '09, 1200 hrs..............................................$69,000 JD 7330, '08, 2110 hrs....................................................$67,500 JD 2955, '89, 2330 hrs....................................................$28,950 McCormick XTX165, '09, 85 hrs......................................$89,500 NH 8870, '95, 3895 hrs ..................................................$67,900 NH 8770 ..........................................................................$54,900 NH 8670A, '02, 3645 hrs ................................................$67,500 Versatile 2145, '05, 2085 hrs ..........................................$79,500 White 6144, '96, 4020 hrs ..............................................$38,900

IH 800, 6R30 ....................................................................$3,500 (2) JD 7300, 12R30 ............................................$9,500 $12,500 JD 7000, 12N ..................................................................$10,950 (2) JD 1770NT ..............................................$71,500 & $99,900 JD 1760, 8R30 ................................................................$19,500 Kinze 3700, 36R20 ..........................................................$62,500 Kinze 3140, 12R30 ..........................................................$39,500 White 8524, 24R30........................................................$117,500 White 8100, 12R24..........................................................$59,000 White 8100 ......................................................................$23,000 (2) White 6700 ..............................................$17,500 & $23,500 White 6180, 16R30..........................................................$29,500 CIH 5500, 30' Drill ..........................................................$22,000 CIH 5500MT ....................................................................$18,000 CIH 5400, 20' Drill ..........................................................$12,900 (2) CIH 5400MT, 20' Drill ..................................$7,500 & $9,500 Great Plains 2000, 20' Drill..............................................$12,500 (2) JD 455, 30' Drill ......................................$14,500 & $18,500 CIH SDX40, 40' Seeder..................................................$129,500

Chase Groskreutz, East - (320) 248-3733 Randy Olmscheid, West - (320) 583-6014



CIH 535 Quad, '10, 690 hrs ..........................................$297,500 CIH 535 Quad, '10, 570 hrs ..........................................$297,500 CIH 530 Quad, '07, 1200 hrs ........................................$235,000 CIH 530 Quad, '07, 1500 hrs ........................................$230,000 CIH 530 Quad, '07, 1750 hrs ........................................$225,000 CIH 530 Stegier, '07, 1485 hrs ......................................$211,900 CIH STX530, '06, 990 hrs..............................................$240,000 CIH STX530, '06, 2150 hrs............................................$225,000 CIH STX500Q, '05, 3160 hrs ........................................$178,000 CIH STX500Q, '04, 2600 hrs ........................................$192,500 CIH STX500Q, '04, 2195 hrs ........................................$188,500 CIH 485 Quad, '08, 2205 hrs ........................................$228,900 CIH 430 Steiger, '07, 2335 hrs ......................................$149,500 CIH STX430, '06, 960 hrs..............................................$169,500 CIH STX425, '04, 2025 hrs............................................$152,000 CIH 385 Quad, '09 ........................................................$232,500 CIH STX375, '05, 3560 hrs............................................$129,500 CIH 9390, '00, 5165 hrs ..................................................$89,500 CIH 9250, '92, 6585 hrs ..................................................$48,500 CIH 9250, '90, 9245 hrs ..................................................$39,500 CIH 9150, '87, 5535 hrs ..................................................$48,500 Case 4890, '81, 425 hrs ..................................................$12,500 Case 4690, '79, 4835 hrs ................................................$15,500 Case 550H, '00, 1425 hrs ................................................$35,500 IH 3388, '79, 4845 hrs ....................................................$10,950 Cat MT765B, '07, 1885 hrs............................................$179,950 JD 9630, '09, 930 hrs....................................................$229,000 JD 9620T, '07, 1135 hrs ................................................$218,000 JD 9620T, '04, 3575 hrs ................................................$179,500 JD 8650, '88, 6295 hrs....................................................$36,750 NH 9482, '95, 4505 hrs ..................................................$69,000 NH 9282, '97, 3360 hrs ..................................................$69,500 NH T9060, '08, 1395 hrs ..............................................$212,000 Steiger CR1225, '86 ........................................................$27,900 Steiger ST280, '82, 7425 hrs ..........................................$21,500

CIH CX70, '02, 500 hrs....................................................$24,500 CIH 7120, '88, 10400 hrs ................................................$35,500 CIH 7110, '88, 13345 hrs ................................................$24,500 CIH 5230, '94, 4175 hrs ..................................................$28,900 CIH 2594, '85, 10000 hrs ................................................$15,500 Case 2390, '81, 7550 hrs ................................................$13,500 Case 2290, '82, 6680 hrs ................................................$12,500 Case VAC ..........................................................................$2,500 Farmall H, '41 ....................................................................$1,500 Farmall Super M, '53 ........................................................$2,250 IH 5288, '82, 7820 hrs ....................................................$15,900 IH 3288............................................................................$12,500 IH 1586, '76, 5210 hrs ....................................................$14,500 IH 1086, '79, 9770 hrs ....................................................$12,500 IH 1086, '79, 7210 hrs ....................................................$13,500 IH 1086, '76, 8585 hrs ......................................................$9,500 IH 986, '77, 8735 hrs ......................................................$11,000 IH 886, 5400 hrs................................................................$9,500 IH 656, '72, 3235 hrs ........................................................$6,250 IH 606, '62, 7595 hrs ........................................................$5,500 Allis C ................................................................................$1,750 Ford 8830, '91, 3250 hrs ................................................$35,000 Ford 8830, '90 ................................................................$27,900 Ford 8830, '90, 7530 hrs ................................................$27,900 JD 4440, '79, 9220 hrs....................................................$19,950 JD 4240, '78, 8245 hrs....................................................$19,500 JD 2630 ............................................................................$9,500 JD 2350, 4890 hrs ..........................................................$14,900



CIH Farmall 45, '08, 20 hrs..............................................$27,500 Agco ST 40, '02, 425 hrs ................................................$18,500 Kubota B6100, 935 hrs......................................................$3,950 Kubota B3030, '06, 1045 hrs ..........................................$14,900 Kubota B2710HSD, '00, 245 hrs......................................$10,250 Kubota BX2200, '03, 395 hrs ............................................$8,650 Kubota BX2200, '02, 320 hrs ............................................$8,000

“Where Farm and Family Meet”

PLANTING & SEEDING PLANT - CIH 1240, 16R30 ..............................................$72,900 CIH CX70, '00, 4100 hrs..................................................$18,900 CIH JX95, '05, 1630 hrs ..................................................$30,000 CIH 335 Mag, '08, 1880 hrs ..........................................$164,500 CIH 305 Mag, '10, 515 hrs ............................................$182,500 CIH 305 Mag, '08, 625 hrs ............................................$165,500 CIH 305 Mag, '08, 1235 hrs ..........................................$169,900 CIH MX305, '06, 4325 hrs ............................................$125,500 CIH MX285, '04, 6885 hrs ..............................................$87,500 CIH 275 Mag, '10, 850 hrs ............................................$159,500 CIH 275 Mag, '08, 315 hrs ............................................$149,500 CIH 275 Mag, '07, 2450 hrs ..........................................$122,000 CIH MX270, '99, 5400 hrs ..............................................$78,500 CIH MX245, '09 ............................................................$149,000 CIH MX240, '01, 3255 hrs ..............................................$62,500 CIH MX230, '03, 3500 hrs ..............................................$95,000 CIH 215 Mag, '10 ..........................................................$144,900 CIH MX210, '05, 2500 hrs ..............................................$89,500 CIH MX200, '02, 5190 hrs ..............................................$75,000 CIH MXM120, '04, 1960 hrs............................................$59,500 CIH 7240, '95, 5115 hrs ..................................................$66,000 CIH 7140, '88, 7870 hrs ..................................................$42,000 CIH 7130, '91, 7385 hrs ..................................................$43,500 CIH 7120, 21105 hrs ......................................................$27,900 Case 4694, '84, 5970 hrs ................................................$18,900 CIH 3394, '87, 5000 hrs ..................................................$28,900

SPRING TILLAGE CIH TT 200, 60.5' Fld Cult ..............................................$69,500 CIH 60.5' Fld Cult ............................................................$57,500 CIH 60.5' Fld Cult ............................................................$37,500 CIH 44.5' ACS Fld Cult ....................................................$49,500 CIH 4900, 45' Fld Cult ......................................................$5,500 CIH 4900, 43.5' Fld Cult ....................................................$5,500 CIH 4900, 39' Fld Cult ......................................................$6,500 CIH 4900, 32' Fld Cult ......................................................$7,500 CIH 4800, 32.2' Fld Cult ....................................................$7,500 CIH 4800, 31' Fld Cult ......................................................$7,950 CIH 4800, 25.5' Fld Cult ....................................................$7,500 (2) CIH 4800, 24' Fld Cult ......................................choice $7,500 CIH 4600, 46.5' Fld Cult ..................................................$37,500 CIH 4600, 28.5' Fld Cult ....................................................$5,995 CIH 4300, 28.5' Fld Cult ....................................................$7,500 CIH TMII, 48.5' Fld Cult ..................................................$39,500 CIH TMII, 45.5' Fld Cult ..................................................$36,900 CIH TMII, 44.5' Fld Cult ..................................................$32,000 CIH TMII, 36.5' Fld Cult ..................................................$27,500 CIH TMII, 28.5' Fld Cult ..................................................$25,500 DMI TMII, 46.5' Fld Cult ..................................................$22,500 DMI TMII, 44.5' Fld Cult ..................................................$35,000 DMI TMII, 39.5' Fld Cult ..................................................$22,900 IH 4700, 30.5' Fld Cult ......................................................$1,950 IH 4600, 32.5' Fld Cult ......................................................$6,900 IH 4600, 30.8' Fld Cult ......................................................$4,950 IH 4600, 26.5' Fld Cult ......................................................$4,900 Glencoe 4300, 38.5' Fld Cult..............................................$7,900 JD 2210 Fld Cult ..............................................................$59,500 JD 2210, 44.5' Fld Cult ....................................................$49,500 JD 2210, 38.5' Fld Cult ....................................................$34,500 JD 985, 50' Fld Cult ........................................................$22,500 JD 985, 41.5' Fld Cult ......................................................$13,500 (3) JD 980, 38.5' Fld Cult................................$24,900 - $27,500 JD 960, 44.5' Fld Cult ........................................................$5,900 (2) JD 960, 30.5' Fld Cult ..................................$6,250 & $7,500 Melroe 40' Fld Cult ............................................................$2,900 Wilrich FCW, 41' Fld Cult ..................................................$2,500 Wilrich 2500, 27.4' Fld Cult ..............................................$2,995 Wilrich 16R30 Row Crop Cult............................................$5,000 CIH RMX340 Disk............................................................$29,500 CIH 3900, 33' Disk ..........................................................$17,900 CIH 496, 33' Disk ............................................................$16,900 CIH 496 Disk....................................................................$11,900 CIH 330, 34' Disk ............................................................$58,900 CIH 330, 34' Disk ............................................................$57,500 CIH 330, 34' Disk ............................................................$55,900 IH 496, 24' Disk ................................................................$8,995 (2) IH 480 Disk ..................................................$2,800 & $2,850 Ezee-On 3800, 38.5' Dish ................................................$29,500 JD 220, 20' Disk ................................................................$4,850

SPRAYERS - SELF-PROPELLED Rudy Lusk - (507) 227-4119 Miller 4275, 615 hrs ......................................................$209,000 Miller 2275HT, '06 ........................................................$134,900 Miller 2275HT, '05, 960 hrs ..........................................$149,900 Tyler Patriot XL, '95, 4020 hrs ........................................$34,000 Tyler Patriot XL, '94, 4460 hrs ........................................$32,500

SPRAYERS - PULL-TYPE CIH 1240, 24R22 ............................................................$92,500 CIH 1240, 12R30 ............................................................$89,900 CIH 1240, 12R30 ............................................................$57,900 CIH 1200, 36R22 ............................................................$95,500 CIH 1200, 36R20 ............................................................$97,500 CIH 1200, 32R22 ............................................................$72,500 CIH 1200, 24R22 ............................................................$42,500 CIH 1200, 24R20 ............................................................$73,500 CIH 1200, 12R30 ............................................................$48,500 CIH 955, 16R22 ..............................................................$17,900 (2) CIH 955, 12R30 ..............................................choice $17,500 CIH 950, 16R22 ..............................................................$17,900 CIH 950, 6R30 ..................................................................$5,250 CIH 900, 6R30 ................................................................$11,900

Financing provided by

CNH Capital ® 2011 CNH America LLC. All rights reserved. Case IH is a registered trademark of CNH America LLC. CNH Capital is a trademark of CNH America LLC.

Demco Conquest ............................................................$22,500 Fast 1000 Gal ....................................................................$7,950 Hardi 1000 ......................................................................$13,500 Hardi 500, 60'....................................................................$8,500 Hardi Commander............................................................$47,500 Hardi HAC900 ....................................................................$8,950 Millerpro 500-45................................................................$5,950 Redball 690......................................................................$39,500 Redball 690, 2000 Gal ....................................................$26,500 Spraymast 1000, 90' ........................................................$9,950 Top Air NAV1100, '06 ......................................................$22,500 Top Air 500, 45' ................................................................$4,000 Top Air 60' ........................................................................$5,995

SP FOR HARV - Claas 980, '08, 1495 hrs ....................$255,000 Claas 980, '07, 1650 hrs................................................$220,000 Claas 900 GE, '07, 1190 hrs ..........................................$198,000 Claas 890, '05, 2230 hrs................................................$173,000 Claas 890, '02, 1560 hrs................................................$189,500 Claas 870, '09, 645 hrs..................................................$228,500 Claas 870 GE, '07, 410 hrs ............................................$239,000 Claas 870CC, '07, 760 hrs ............................................$189,000 Claas 870, '05, 1820 hrs................................................$165,000 Claas 870, '04, 2915 hrs................................................$137,500 Claas 850, '08................................................................$186,000 JD 7500, '03, 3635 hrs..................................................$109,500 JD 6810, '96, 4590 hrs....................................................$59,500 JD 6850, '98, 4865 hrs....................................................$65,000 JD 5730, '91, 3210 hrs....................................................$34,000 NH FX60, '05, 2480 hrs ................................................$105,000 NH FX60, '03, 1970 hrs ................................................$115,000 NH FX58, '02, 1410 hrs ................................................$108,000

FORAGE Gehl 1285 Forg Harv........................................................$17,750 Gehl 1075, '00 Forg Harv ................................................$14,500 Gehl 1065, '96 Forg Harv ..................................................$6,950 JD 3950, '94 Forg Harv ....................................................$5,500 JD 3950, '91 Forg Harv ....................................................$5,500 NH FP240, '04 Forg Harv ................................................$23,000 (5) Claas PU380HD Hayhead ........................$14,500 & $24,500 (2) Claas PU380 Pro Hayhead ......................$17,500 & $23,000 (6) Claas PU380 Hayhead ..............................$12,500 - $15,000 (2) Claas PU300 Hayhead ................................$9,500 & $11,500 (2) Gehl HA1210 7' Hayhead..................................choice $1,250 Gehl HA1110, '95 Hayhead................................................$1,250 Gehl 7' Hayhead ................................................................$1,250 (2) JD 630A Hayhead ............................................choice $8,500 JD 630 Hayhead ................................................................$8,500 JD 7HP, 7' Hayhead ..............................................................$600 JD 5HP, 5.5' Hayhead ..........................................................$850 NH 3500 Hayhead..............................................................$6,500 (2) NH 355W Hayhead ..........................................choice $8,500 NH 340W Hayhead ............................................................$5,000 NH 29P Hayhead................................................................$3,500 (2) Claas Orbis 750 Cornhead........................$69,000 & $76,000 (6) Claas RU600, 8R30 Cornhead ..................$24,500 - $59,000 Claas RU450XTRA Cornhead ..........................................$42,000 (12) Claas RU450 Cornhead............................$29,000 - $53,000 Gehl TR3038N Cornhead ..................................................$1,400 (3) Gehl TR330 Cornhead ..................................$4,200 - $5,900 JD 688 Cornhead ............................................................$51,500 JD 676 6R Cornhead ......................................................$52,000 JD 4R30 Cornhead ............................................................$5,500 (2) Kemper 4500 Cornhead ..........................$26,000 & $29,500 NH 360N6 Cornhead........................................................$15,000 NH 360U6 Cornhead........................................................$16,500 NH 3PN Cornhead..............................................................$8,500 (2) NH R1600 Cornhead ................................$39,500 & $42,500

BALERS (3) CIH RBX562 Rnd Baler ............................$14,500 - $18,500 CIH RBX561 Rnd Baler ......................................................$9,950 CIH RB564, 5x6 Rnd Baler ..............................................$27,500 CIH 8460, 5x6 Rnd Baler ..................................................$5,950 Claas 280RC, 5x4 Rnd Baler............................................$19,900 Claas 280 Rnd Baler ........................................................$16,500 Gehl RB2580 Rnd Baler ....................................................$9,950 Gehl 2880, 5x6 Rnd Baler..................................................$9,950 JD 567, 5x6 Rnd Baler ....................................................$22,500 JD 566, 5x6 Rnd Baler ....................................................$15,500 NH BR780A Rnd Baler ....................................................$19,800 NH BR780 Rnd Baler ......................................................$17,900 CIH 8575 Rec Baler ........................................................$32,500 CIH 8530 Rec Baler ........................................................$10,400 NH BB940A Rec Baler......................................................$67,000 NH 590 Rec Baler ............................................................$35,500 NH 273 Rec Baler ..............................................................$2,300

HAY EQUIPMENT CIH 8840, '93, 3345 hrs ..................................................$12,500 CIH 8830, '96, 1430 hrs ..................................................$17,900 JD 4995, '07, 525 hrs......................................................$78,000 JD 2360 ..........................................................................$12,500 CIH DC515, 15' Mow Cond................................................$9,500 CIH DCX161 MowCond....................................................$17,800 Gehl DC2412 MowCond ....................................................$8,500 Gehl 2412 MowCond ........................................................$9,950 Kuhn FC400RG MowCond ..............................................$16,500 NH 1475 MowCond ........................................................$14,500 NH 1475 MowCond ..........................................................$9,000 NH 1431, 13' MowCond ..................................................$12,500 Vermeer 1030, 13.5' MowCond ......................................$19,500 Duetz 7' Disc Mower..........................................................$1,650 CIH FC60, 60" Rotary Mower ................................................$550 Kubota B3487, 48" Rotary Mower ........................................$825


Progress 65-2, 12' Rotary Mower ....................... Woods BB72N, 72" Rotary Mower........................ H & S HM2000 Wind Merg................................... H & S TWN2-P Wind Merg................................... (5) Millerpro 14-16 Wind Merg ......................$28 (2) NH 166 Wind Merg ......................................$3 Tebben 4200 Wind Merg....................................... Kuhn GA8521 Rake............................................... Kuhn GA7301 Rake............................................... Wishek 862NT, 26' Disk .......................................


CIH 9120, '10, 295 hrs ......................................... CIH 9120, '10, 300 hrs ......................................... CIH 9120, '10, 395 hrs ......................................... CIH 8120, '10, 210 hrs ......................................... CIH 8120, '09, 590 hrs ......................................... CIH 8120, '09, 840 hrs ......................................... CIH 8010, '07, 1100 hrs ....................................... CIH 8010, '07, 1650 hrs ....................................... CIH 8010, '06, 1430 hrs ....................................... CIH 8010, '05 ....................................................... CIH 8010, '04, 1605 hrs ....................................... CIH 8010, '04, 1685 hrs ....................................... CIH 8010, '04, 2100 hrs ....................................... CIH 8010, '04, 2440 hrs ....................................... CIH 7120, '09 ....................................................... CIH 7088, '10, 810 hrs ......................................... CIH 7088, '09,745 hrs ......................................... CIH 7010, '08, 315 hrs ......................................... CIH 7010, '08, 900 hrs ......................................... CIH 7010, '08, 955 hrs ......................................... CIH 7010, '07, 1100 hrs ....................................... CIH 7010, '07, 1150 hrs ....................................... CIH 7010, '07, 1365 hrs ....................................... (2) CIH 6088, '10, 600 hrs ................................c CIH 6088, '10, 680 hrs ......................................... CIH 6088, '10, 710 hrs ......................................... CIH 6088, '09, 435 hrs ......................................... CIH 2588, '08, 1420 hrs ....................................... CIH 2577, '07, 1870 hrs ....................................... CIH 2388, '06, 1425 hrs ....................................... CIH 2388, '05, 1615 hrs ....................................... CIH 2388, '04, 1900 hrs ....................................... CIH 2388, '03, 2740 hrs ....................................... CIH 2388, '02, 2505 hrs ....................................... CIH 2388, '02, 2930 hrs ....................................... CIH 2388, '01, 2385 hrs ....................................... CIH 2388, '01, 2835 hrs ....................................... CIH 2388, '01, 3015 hrs ....................................... CIH 2388, '99, 2635 hrs ....................................... CIH 2388, '98, 3775 hrs ....................................... CIH 2388, '98, 3065 hrs ....................................... CIH 2388, '98, 2565 hrs ....................................... CIH 2388, '98, 3750 hrs ....................................... CIH 2366, '02, 3125 hrs ....................................... CIH 2366, '01, 2705 hrs ....................................... CIH 2366, '00, 2810 hrs ....................................... CIH 2366, '99, 3845 hrs ....................................... CIH 2366, '98, 2490 hrs ....................................... CIH 2166, '97, 4145 hrs ....................................... CIH 2166, '96, 3000 hrs ....................................... CIH 2166, '96, 3155 hrs ....................................... CIH 1688, '94, 4160 hrs ....................................... CIH 1688, '94, 4205 hrs ....................................... CIH 1688, '93, 4325 hrs ....................................... CIH 1680, '90, 3180 hrs ....................................... CIH 1680, '86, 4920 hrs ....................................... CIH 1660, '92, 3615 hrs ....................................... CIH 1660, '92 ....................................................... CIH 1660, '91, 6940 hrs ....................................... CIH 1660, '88, 3675 hrs ....................................... CIH 1640, '89, 3300 hrs ....................................... CIH 1640, '86, 2640 hrs ....................................... CIH 1640, '86, 2920 hrs ....................................... IH 1440, '83, 3670 hrs ......................................... Gleaner R52, '96, 2795 hrs................................... Gleaner R50, '89, 3150 hrs................................... JD 9660STS, '06, 2100 hrs ................................. JD 9660STS, '04................................................... JD 9650STS, '03, 2050 hrs ................................. JD 9610, '96, 3265 hrs......................................... JD 9600, '89, 4020 hrs......................................... JD 9510, '98, 2940 hrs......................................... JD 8820, 7325 hrs ............................................... NH CR960, '06, 410 hrs ....................................... NH CR940, '04, 1185 hrs ..................................... NH TR86, '89, 3860 hrs ....................................... NH TR86, '85, 3245 hrs ....................................... NH 970, '03, 2020 hrs .........................................


(4) CIH 2062, 36' Beanhead............................$49 (6) CIH 2020, 35' Beanhead............................$25 CIH 2020, 30' Beanhead ....................................... (21) CIH 1020, 30' Beanhead ..........................Sta (13) CIH 1020, 25' Beanhead ..........................Sta


Sales: • Bob Pfingston • Nate Scharmer

• Christy Hoff • Bob Lindahl • Tim Hansen

NO. MANKATO, MN • 507-387-5515 Sales: • Randy Rasmussen • Ed Nowak • Leon Rasmussen • Jay Pederson • Brad Wermedal • Spencer Kolles

20-864-5531 • 952-442-5908

• Randy Uecker • Steve Schramm • Mike Wettengel

g World


..............$5,800 .................$975 ............$10,950 ............$22,500 8,500 - $38,500 3,500 & $3,950 ..............$1,900 ............$23,500 ............$10,750 ............$56,500

9,000 - $49,500 5,000 - $37,500 ............$24,500 arting at $3,550 arting at $7,900

FALL TILLAGE (3) CIH MRX690 Suboiler ..............................$18,900 - $28,500 (7) CIH 9300, 22.5' Subsoiler ........................$27,500 - $38,500 CIH 9300, 22' Subsoiler ..................................................$48,500 CIH 9300, 9 Shank Subsoiler ..........................................$26,500 (3) CIH 870, 22' Subsoiler ..............................$61,875 - $72,500 (2) CIH 870, 18' Subsoiler ............................$46,800 & $51,800 CIH 870, 14' Subsoiler ....................................................$35,000 CIH 730B Subsoiler ........................................................$23,500 (4) CIH 730C, 17.5' Subsoiler ........................$31,900 - $43,500 CIH 530B, 12.5' Subsoiler ............................$24,900 & $26,500 CIH 530C, 12.5' Subsoiler ..............................................$32,000 DMI 9300, 22' Subsoiler..................................................$29,500 (2) DMI 730B Subsoiler ................................$17,500 & $23,500 DMI 730B, 17.5' Subsoiler ..............................................$16,500 DMI 730B, 7' Subsoiler ..................................................$25,500 DMI 730, 17.5' Subsoiler ................................................$11,000 DMI 530B, 12.5' Subsoiler ..............................................$16,900 DMI 530 Subsoiler ..........................................................$16,500 (2) DMI Tiger II Subsoiler..................................$5,900 & $7,950 DMI Turbo T Subsoiler ......................................................$9,500 Bourgault 2200, 30' Subsoiler ........................................$92,400 (6) JD 2700 Subsoiler ....................................$20,000 - $41,000 JD 512, 9 Shank Subsoiler ..............................................$32,500 JD 512, 12.5' Subsoiler ..................................................$15,900 JD 510, 17.5' Subsoiler ..................................................$12,900 JD 510, 7 Shank Subsoiler ..............................................$11,500 JD 510, 5 Shank Subsoiler ..............................................$10,950 M & W 2900 Subsoiler ....................................................$19,900 M & W 2500 Subsoiler ....................................................$32,500 M & W 2200 Subsoiler ....................................................$19,500 M & W 1875 Subsoiler ....................................................$15,500 NH ST770, 7 Shank Subsoiler ........................................$24,900 (2) Sunflower 4412, 7 Shank Subsoiler ..............choice $32,000 Sunflower 4411, 5 Shank Subsoiler ................................$24,950 Wilrich V957DVR Subsoiler ............................................$36,900 Wilrich V957DDR Subsoiler ............................................$23,500

SKID LOADERS/RTV’s/EXCAVATORS Case 60XT, '04, 875 hrs ..................................................$16,500 Case 1840, '01, 4445 hrs ................................................$10,500 Case 1840, '93, 5100 hrs ..................................................$8,950 Case 1840, '91 ..................................................................$9,850 Case 1840, '91, 3840 hrs ..................................................$8,950 Case 1840, '90 ..................................................................$8,750 Case 1840, 4355 hrs........................................................$10,750 Case 1835B, 3150 hrs ......................................................$7,950 Case 1816C, '82, 1490 hrs ................................................$3,995 Case 430, '08, 3135 hrs ..................................................$21,900 Case 430, '06, 3095 hrs ..................................................$22,500 Case 420, '07, 1160 hrs ..................................................$16,900 Gehl 7810 Turbo, '04, 3215 hrs ......................................$34,500 Gehl 5640E, '08, 2975 hrs ..............................................$21,700 Gehl 5240, '08 ................................................................$22,900 Gehl 4625SX, 2845 hrs....................................................$10,500 Gehl 4825SX, '98, 5640 hrs ..............................................$8,500 Gehl 3935SX, '01, 1735 hrs ..............................................$9,950 Mustang 921, '92, 3650 hrs ..............................................$3,900 Case Maxi-C, '99, 745 hrs Excavator ..............................$13,500 JD 310D, 5495 hrs ..........................................................$29,500 JD Pro900, '03 Excavator ..................................................$3,900 Artic Cat Prowler, '11 ......................................................$12,750 Cub Cadet 4x4D Trail, '06 ..................................................$7,975 JD Gator, 6x4, '98, 900 hrs................................................$5,925 Kubota RTV900W, '05, 370 hrs ........................................$8,000 Steiner Hawk, '00 ..............................................................$3,250

MISCELLANEOUS Alloway 20' Shredder ......................................................$10,500 Balzer 5205M, 30' Shredder ..............................................$8,900 Balzer 520PT, 15' Shreder ................................................$8,500 JD 520, 20' Shredder ......................................................$18,500 JD 220, 20' Shredder ......................................................$11,500 JD 120, 20' Shredder ........................................................$7,500 (2) Loftness 264, 22' Shredder ..........................$8,000 $15,900 Loftness 2644SM54S Shredder ........................................$7,500 (2) Loftness 240, 20' Shredder......................$19,500 & $20,500 Loftness 180BS-HNG Shredder ........................................$6,500 (2) Loftness 20' Shredder..............................$14,000 & $19,500 Wilrich 22' Shredder........................................................$12,900 Wilrich 20' Shredder........................................................$10,900 Woods S20CD Shredder ..................................................$16,750 Woods 20' Shredder........................................................$12,500 Woods 15' Shredder........................................................$12,500 Field Queen 1408N Forage Box..........................................$3,000 (7) CIH 600 Forage Blower..................................$2,850 - $5,500 Gehl 1580 Forage Blower ..................................................$1,250 Ag Bag G6009 Forage Bagger..........................................$19,750 JD 450 Manure Spreader ..................................................$3,900 JD 350 Manure Spreader ..................................................$1,250 Kuhn 1224T Manure Spreader ..........................................$8,750 NH 357 GrindMixer............................................................$2,500 (2) Feterl 8x60 Auger ........................................$2,900 & $3,000 Feterl 8x56 Auger ..............................................................$1,350 GSI 10x31E Auger ............................................................$3,800 J & M Fert Auger ..................................................................$250 Unverferth 16' Auger ........................................................$1,200 Degelman 7200, 16' Blade ..............................................$27,000 Farm Star 72" Blade ..............................................................$345 Woods HBL84, 7' Blade........................................................$675 CIH 520 Loader..................................................................$6,500 IH 2000 Loader..................................................................$1,750 GB 800 Loader ..................................................................$1,500 Kubota LA514 Loader ........................................................$3,200 Bradford 240/316 Grav Box ..............................................$2,650 Huskee 225, 250 bu Grav Box ..........................................$2,300 Husky 225 ........................................................................$1,500 Killbros 500 Grav Box........................................................$4,500 Unverferth 325 bu Grav Box ..............................................$5,500 (2) Brent 1194 Grain Cart ....................................choice $41,500 Brent 1080 Grain Cart......................................................$26,500 Brent 672, 650 bu Grain Cart ..........................................$14,500 J & M 1326-22 Grain Cart ..............................................$50,900 Kinze 840 Grain Cart........................................................$15,500 Summers 60" Rockpicker ..................................................$3,500 Tractor Snowblower ..........................................................$1,695


“Where Farm and Family Meet”


FALL TILLAGE Continued DMI CCII, 14' Chisel Plow ................................................$4,500 DMI CCII, 12' Chisel Plow ................................................$4,500 White 445 Chisel Plow ......................................................$7,950 White 445, 13 Shank Chisel Plow......................................$7,950 JD 2800, 7 Bottom MB Plow ............................................$7,500 (2) CIH 110, 50' Crumbler ..............................$9,900 & $11,900 DMI 110, 40' Crumbler......................................................$9,500 DMI 50' Crumbler ............................................................$13,250 DMI 40' Crumbler ..............................................................$7,250 Flexicoil 38' Crumbler ........................................................$6,500 Summers 54' Crumbler ..................................................$24,000


..........$314,900 ..........$349,950 ..........$285,500 ..........$279,000 ..........$255,500 ..........$265,000 ..........$220,000 ..........$192,500 ..........$184,500 ..........$149,500 ..........$169,500 ..........$157,500 ..........$155,000 ..........$159,000 ..........$259,900 ..........$231,000 ..........$225,500 ..........$245,500 ..........$239,900 ..........$207,900 ..........$197,500 ..........$195,500 ..........$209,000 hoice $225,000 ..........$217,500 ..........$217,500 ..........$220,000 ..........$194,500 ..........$169,500 ..........$164,900 ..........$149,000 ..........$147,500 ..........$135,000 ..........$119,000 ..........$115,000 ..........$108,500 ..........$103,500 ............$94,500 ............$99,500 ............$89,000 ............$87,900 ............$89,500 ............$89,500 ............$93,500 ............$98,500 ............$92,500 ............$79,500 ............$85,500 ............$65,500 ............$69,500 ............$69,500 ............$39,500 ............$52,500 ............$39,500 ............$39,500 ............$26,500 ............$39,500 ............$29,500 ............$33,900 ............$30,000 ............$26,500 ............$25,000 ............$19,500 ..............$7,500 ............$42,500 ............$19,900 ..........$159,500 ..........$155,000 ..........$115,000 ............$69,500 ............$36,500 ............$69,500 ..............$8,500 ..........$179,500 ..........$137,500 ............$22,500 ............$15,000 ..........$139,000

BEAN/CORNHEADS Continued (4) CIH 1020, 22.5' Beanhead ............................$6,000 - $7,900 (5) CIH 1020, 20' Beanhead..............................$4,900 - $17,900 IH 820 Beanhead ..............................................................$1,500 Deutz Allis 320 Beanhead ..................................................$4,300 Gleaner 820 Beanhead ......................................................$9,950 JD 925, 25' Beanhead........................................................$5,950 Macdon 974, 35' Beanhead ............................................$48,500 NH 973, 25' Beanhead ......................................................$5,000 (23) NH 74C, 30' Beanhead ............................$19,500 - $29,900 (3) CIH 2612 Cornhead ..................................$79,000 - $83,500 (2) CIH 2608 Cornhead..................................$55,000 & $59,500 CIH 2412 Cornhead ........................................................$49,500 (3) CIH 2212 Cornhead ..................................$32,500 - $41,900 (8) CIH 2208 Cornhead ..................................$26,500 - $31,500 (2) CIH 1222 Cornhead ..................................$12,500 - $15,000 (13) CIH 1083 Cornhead ................................$10,500 - $21,000 (2) CIH 1063, 6R30 Cornhead................................choice $8,500 CIH 1043 Cornhead ..........................................................$4,900 CIH 1000, 12R22 Cornhead ............................................$16,900 (2) CIH 12R22 Cornhead ..............................$15,000 & $16,900 CIH 10R22 Cornhead ......................................................$15,500 CIH 9R22 Cornhead ........................................................$15,000 IH 12R22 Cornhead ........................................................$15,500 IH 983, 9R22 Cornhead ..................................................$11,500 (2) IH 963 Cornhead ..........................................$4,950 & $5,900 IH 944 Cornhead................................................................$2,500 Cat 1622 Cornhead ..........................................................$39,500 Clarke 922, 9R22 Cornhead ............................................$25,500 Cressoni 6R30 Cornhead ................................................$21,500 Drago 12R30 Cornhead ..................................................$87,500 (5) Drago 12R22 Cornhead ............................$52,500 - $84,500 (2) Drago 12R20 Cornhead............................$43,900 & $54,500 Drago 10R22 Cornhead ..................................................$65,500 (10) Drago 8R30 Cornhead ............................$38,500 - $53,500 Drago 8R22 Cornhead ....................................................$33,000 (3) Drago 6R30 Cornhead ..............................$43,900 - $45,000 (3) Geringhoff Roto Disc ................................$38,500 - $43,500 Geringhoff PC63 Cornhead ................................................$8,000 Gleaner Hugger Cornhead..................................................$9,950 Gleaner 830 Cornhead ....................................................$12,000 Gleaner 630 Cornhead ......................................................$5,500 Harvestec 4113C Cornhead ............................................$59,500 (4) Harvestec 8R30 Cornhead ........................$29,500 - $39,500 JD 1293, 16R22 Cornhead ..............................................$24,500 JD 1293, 12R30 Cornhead ..............................................$51,500 (2) JD 1290, 12R20 Cornhead ........................$7,900 & $12,500 JD 1092, 12R22 Cornhead ..............................................$23,500 (3) JD 893, 8R30 Cornhead ............................$17,500 - $29,500 JD 843 10R22 Cornhead ................................................$14,500 JD 843, 8R30 Cornhead ....................................................$7,500 JD 690, 6R30 Corhnead ..................................................$26,500 (2) JD 643 6R30 Cornhead................................$4,950 & $7,500 NH 98-C, 8R30 Cornhead ................................................$28,500 (3) NH 974 Cornhead ..........................................$4,500 - $5,500 (2) IH 810, 13' Pickup ..........................................$400 & $3,500 Gleaner 10' Pickup ............................................................$1,200 JD 100, 13' Pickup ..............................................................$350

Visit our website: for more used equipment listings!

13 B THE LAND, MARCH 11, 2011


WILLMAR, MN • 320-235-4898

Planting Equipment

14 B

Planting Equipment

THE LAND, MARCH 11, 2011

Corn Planters: 3600 Kinze 16R w/ int; 3700 Kinze 24R30”; 3200 Kinze 12R30” Call Harold @ 515-272-4538 FOR SALE: 11 Kinze pusher interplant units, complete w/transmission & monitor, $2000; JD 7000 16-30 front fold planter, LFI soy meters, nice, $8500; Deutz 385 8-30 planter, $1500; White 5100 16-22 planter, 3000. Trades considered 320-583-9641 FOR SALE: 24 Dawn trash whippers w/ top adjust, also John Blue liq fert, ground driven, piston pump, & elec valves. Call 320-269-8719 or 320-226-0296 FOR SALE: 4 box seed vac system, 35’ SS flex hose, 10 hp Briggs, used 4 yrs, always shedded, $3000 w/Dodge $7000. 320-981-0239

Planting Equipment

FOR SALE: 12 Dawn curve FOR SALE: Christensen feed vac, w/2 section gravitine closing wheels off JD ty box, $4,575. 507-240-0294 7300 planter, $75 ea. Grove City, MN 320-699-0585 FOR SALE: Freisen 220 FOR SALE: 5100 C-IH grain seed tender, like new drill, 12’ 6” spacing, grass $4,900. 3 bu seed boxes for seeder, packer wheels, JD planter. 715-556-9090 or very good condition. 320715-632-2319 859-4180 or 320-766-0197 FOR SALE: IH 800 corn FOR SALE: 520 JD drill, 20’ planter, 8R30”, good cond. on 10” spacings, $3100. (507)439-6626 or (507)380-7018 Courtland, MN 507-359-2867 FOR SALE: IHC 800 8R 36” FOR SALE: 5400 Min Till cycle planter, hgt performgrain drill, 20’, 3pt, 10” ance monitor, liq fert, inspacings, w/ markers, trac sect & herb boxes, trash erasers, shaft sensors & 2 whippers. Also, IHC 8R36” bar harrow. Exc Shape. flat fold cult. Both items $7,000/OBO. 218-476-2497 very sharp. 507-764-3609 or Leave message. 507-764-3943 FOR SALE: ‘94 White 6100 planter, w/ 3 sets of plates, FOR SALE: IHC 955 12x30 cyclo planter. IHC 900 trash whippers & liquid 12x30 cyclo planter. Both fert, w/double disc openers w/ trash whippers, recent & monitor, $12,500. disc openers. 218-926-5545 507-533-6227

ATV DUMP TRAILERS This Trailer is built to haul 1-Ton of Rocks Fits 20”, 22”, 30” rows


LAMPLIGHT MFG., INC. 320-392-2684


NEW SUNFLOWER 1550 - 50 disc., 50’ - COMING IN APRIL

Customer Appreciation Day

TRACTORS • • • • • •

MF 8660, MFD, 225 PTO hp. MF 6499, MFD, 180 PTO hp. ‘02 MF 481 platform ‘79 MF 4840, 4WD, 7655 hrs., 280 hp. ‘05 MF 451, 363 hrs., 45 hp. - Like New ‘93 Agco 5680, MFD, loader

COMBINES • • • • • • • • • •

‘10 MF 9695 ‘09 MF 9795, 282 hrs. ‘05 Challenger 670, 1476 hrs. ‘96 MF 8570, RWA, 2330 sep. hrs. ‘90 MF 8570, 2240 hrs. ‘77 MF 750 ‘82 MF 850, variable speed, 3535 hrs. MF 9750 pu table MF 9120 beantable MF 1859 beantables, 15’, 18’, 20’

“Where Farm and Family Meet”

Come see new MF Tractors, Combines, Hay & Tillage Equipment

GRAIN HANDLING • • • • • • • • •

• • • • ‘08 Geringhoff 630, RD • • ‘03 Geringhoff 630, RD • • ‘94 Geringhoff 630, PC • • ‘91 Geringhoff 630, PC • ‘92 Gleaner 1222 hugger • • ‘94 Gleaner 830 hugger • • • ‘04 CIH 2206, HDP • ‘06 CIH 2208, 8R30” • CIH 922 GVL poly • ‘90 CIH 1083 • • JD 1022 • • ‘02 JD 893, knife rolls • • MF 9483 • • ‘96 MF 864 • • ‘99 NH 996, 12R20” • • ‘09 NH 98D, 18R20” • • ‘05 NH 98C, 12R20” •

CORNHEADS • ‘08 Geringhoff 1822, RD • ‘07 Geringhoff 1822, RD • ‘07 Geringhoff 1622, RD • ‘04 Geringhoff 1622, RD • ‘08 Geringhoff 1222, RD • ‘07 Geringhoff 1222, RD • ‘08 Geringhoff 1220, RD • ‘05 Geringhoff 1020, RD • ‘09 Geringhoff 830, RD • ‘08 Geringhoff 830, RD • ‘07 Geringhoff 830, RD • ‘05 Geringhoff 830, RD • ‘06 Geringhoff 830, RD • ‘00 Geringhoff 830, RD • ‘92 Geringhoff 830, PC • ‘05 Geringhoff 822, RD • ‘07 Geringhoff 820, RD

Wednesday, March 23rd Meal Served: 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. 10% Discount on all parts purchased that day.

Brandt 5200 EX grain vacs Brandt 1515 LP, 1535, 1545, 1585 Belt Conveyors Brandt 1390 HP swing • Brandt 10x35 auger Brandt 1080 swing hopper • Brandt 8x42 auger Brandt 8x47 auger • Feterl 10x60 auger, Parker 1348 grain cart, 1300 bu. PTO drive Parker 938 grain cart, 1000 bu. Parker 505 gravity box, 550 bu., brakes Feterl 10x60 straight auger

HAY & LIVESTOCK Chandler litter spreader 22’&26’ MF 3743, manure spreader, 430 bu. MF 2756A, baler, net wrap MF 1375, 15’ disk mower cond. Sitrex DM5, DM6, DM7 disc mowers Sitrex RP5 3 pt. wheel rake Sitrex MK12 & MK 14 wheel rakes Sitrex 10 & 12 wheel rakes on cart Westendorf 3 pt. bale spear

MISCELLANEOUS Krause 4241 field cult., 44’ JD 220 stalk chopper Balzer 22’ stalk chopper Balzer 20’ stalk chopper Leon rock picker, reel type Loftness 30’ stalk chopper, SM (5) Mauer 28’ to 42’ header trailers WRS 30’ header trailer

NEW Massey 8670, FWA..................................ON HAND NEW Massey 1635, FWA, w/loader ................ON HAND NEW Massey 5480 FWA, w/loader..................ON HAND Massey 4840, 4WD ..............................................$16,000 ‘01 CIH STX440 ..................................................COMING ‘04 Versatile 2425, 1525 hrs...............................$128,500 Versatle 256 Bidi ..................................................$26,500 NH 8970, FWA, SS ..............................................$67,500 ‘03 NH TG285 w/duals ........................................$94,500 ‘05 Agco RT120, FWA..........................................$73,000 ‘78 Ford 2600 ........................................................$4,500 JD 2840, 2WD, ROPS w/148 loader....................$10,500 ‘78 Ford 2600 ........................................................$4,500 ‘89 NH TD5050 w/loader ........................................CALL Massey Ferguson 220............................................$7,000 White 6195, FWA..................................................$54,500 Oliver 1465, 2WD ..................................................$6,500


‘06 Gleaner R75 w/CDF ....................................COMING ‘05 Gleaner R65..................................................$150,000 Gleaner R60..........................................................$29,500 ‘08 Fantini 12-30 chopping cornhead ................$68,000 NEW Fantini chopping cornhead ............................CALL


Planting Equipment FOR SALE: JD 1280 8-30” row, plate planter, new seed discs. Dry fert, herb, & insec boxes, $1850. Brownton, MN 320-328-5734 FOR SALE: JD 30’ soybean drill, (2) 515 3 pt mounted drills on 530 folding drill cart, markers & track scratchers on 10” spacing $4000. 320-766-7633 FOR SALE: JD 7200 24R vac planter, JD pneumatic DP, plastic 3 bu boxes, tw, starter, 350 monitor, $45,000/OBO. 319-239-5400 FOR SALE: MM 11’ grain drill, new low rubber, hyd lift; MM 11’ drill steel wheel w/grass; JD 494A planter w/dry fert; JD 495 planter; Clark 300 field sprayer 44’ boom; (2) 200 gal saddle tanks; ‘99 Polaris Model 300 ATV, less than 40 hrs use; Glencoe 1250 20’ 3 pt digger. 320-864-4583 or 320-779-4583 For Sale: White 5100 corn planter. 8R36’’ vertical fold, monitor, insecticide, no fertilizer. $3,000. (507)995-7446 Great Plains #1525P (2007) 6 Row (Twin Row) 6-30 or 15 Ft 3 PT No-Til Planter, Loaded, w/ Markers, Sunco Trash Disk, Soybean Meter, Monitor, 800 Acres, Like New. Farm King 10x31 Auger. Can Deliver. 319-347-2349

(2) JD 520, JD drills, 10” spacing............................CALL


‘03 NH ST740, 7-shank ........................................$18,500 DMI 527B ............................................................COMING DMI 530 w/leveler ................................................$10,500 JD 960, 36’ FC........................................................$8,000


New Hesston & NH Hay Tools On Hand JD 1209, 9’..............................................................$2,000 Hesston 1150, 12’ ..................................................$1,800


NEW Salford RT units ..............................................CALL NEW Westfield augers ..................................AVAILABLE NEW Rem 2700 vac ................................................CALL NEW Century HD1000, 60’ sprayers ......................CALL NEW Riteway rollers ................................................CALL NEW Lorenz snowblowers ......................................CALL NEW Batco conveyors ............................................CALL NEW Brent wagons & grain carts ..........................CALL NEW E-Z Trail seed wagons....................................CALL NEW rock buckets & pallet forks .......................... CALL NEW Hardi sprayers ................................................CALL REM 2700, Rental ....................................................CALL Unverferth 8000 grain cart ..................................$19,000 Kinze 1050 w/duals..............................................$48,500

(DMI Parts Available) NEW White planters ................................................CALL ‘05 White 8186, 16-30, LF, ins., row cleaners ....$65,500 Hiniker 30’ seeder ................................................$21,500 White 6122, 12-30, insect ....................................$14,000 NEW NH skidsteers on hand ..................................CALL ‘02 Kinze 2210, 12-30, w/liquid insect, res ........$28,500 Case 1845 ..............................................................$7,500


SMITHS MILL IMPLEMENT Hwy. 14, 3 miles West of Janesville, MN

Phone (507) 234-5191 or (507) 625-8649 Mon. - Fri. 7:30-5:00, Sat. 7:30-Noon

Planting Equipment

Planting Equipment

Tillage Equipment

Machinery Wanted

Used parts for IH 720 plows, toggle/auto reset. Steel grain tank, 3000 bu, bottom under loading w/ or 1/2 price of new or less. w/out bottom screen. NoWe ship anywhere. till grain drill. Chemical Call Maple Valley Farms sprayer w/ 40' boom. 18' Randy Krueger car hauler, bumper hitch, (715)250-1617 older style w/ stake pock-

ets. (608)374-2722 Wilrich 47’ tri-fold field cult, hi clearance, exc cond, Wanted to Buy: 20'-36' packer or cultimulcher. shedded, 1 owner, $20,000. 715-572-5678 712-870-3792






We carry a full line of Behlen & Delux dryer parts; Mayrath and Hutch augers parts. Large inventory of welda sprockets, hubs, bearings, chain & pulleys. See us for your Fall Farm needs

Will consider Trades! CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE!!! Delivery Available!

‘03 JD 8220, MFWD, 4470 hrs., 3 pt., 1000 PTO, 5 hyd., big pump, 380x50 tires & duals ....................................$93,500 ‘02 JD 8120, MFWD, 4921 hrs., 3 pt., 1000 PTO, 540 capable, big pump, 380x50 tires & duals........................$89,000 ‘01 JD 8110, MFWD, 4 hyd., 3 pt., 540/1000 PTO, 420x46 tires & duals, 4209 hrs. ........................................................$82,500 ‘96 JD 8400, MFWD, 3 hyd., 10000 PTO, 3 pt. hitch, 14.9x46 tires & duals, 8360 hrs. ........................................$62,500 JD 4760, MFWD, 9200 hrs, 3 pt., 1000 PTO, rear tires, 18.4x42 duals, all tires 80% ........................................................$49,000 ‘89 JD 4555, MFWD, 8716 hrs., 3 hyd., 3 pt., 1000 PTO, 14.9x46 tires & duals ........................................................$39,000 ‘90 JD 4455, 2WD, 8801 hrs., 3 hyd., 3 pt., 540/1000 PTO, 14.9x46 tires & duals ........................................................$37,500 ‘09 C-IH 275 Magnum, 795 hrs., 3pt., 540/1000 PTO, 420x46 tires & duals ......................................................$137,500

tires & duals, 3 pt., 1000 PTO ......$125,000 ‘06 C-IH MX215, MFWD, 1850 hrs., 3 pt., 540/1000 PTO, 20.8x42 duals $92,000 C-IH MX240, MFWD, 3428 hrs, 3 pt, 1000 PTO, 18.4x46 rear, tires & duals, tractor has 4 new tires ................................$72,000 ‘06 C-IH 120MXM, MFWD, Pro cab, 1699 hrs., 3 hyd., 540/1000 PTO, 18.4x42 tires....................................$52,000 Case 2096, cab/air, 3 pt., 540/1000 PTO, 18.4x38 singles, 6300 hrs. ..............$17,500 Case 2290, cab/air, 3 pt., 540/1000 PTO, 18.4x38 tires & duals, 6500 hrs. ....$13,500 Allis 7080, cab/air, 3 pt., 3 hyd., 1000 PTO ....................................................$7,500

COMBINES ‘06 C-IH 8010, 1350 eng./1050 sep. hrs., chopper, rock trap, tracker, 20.8x42 duals ................................$159,000 ‘06 JD 9660STS, 1815 eng./1315 sep. hrs., contour master, bullet rotor, hi-capacity unload, chopper, 20.8x38 duals ....$135,000 ‘05 JD 9760STS, 1462 eng./1086 sep. hrs., Contour Master, 20.8x38 duals, chopper, header controls ..............$135,000 ‘04 JD 9760STS, 2358 eng./1612 sep. hrs., hi-capacity unload, Contour Master, chopper, Greenstar yield & moisture monitor, 800x32 tires ....................$129,000 ‘04 JD 9660STS, 1761 eng./1289 sep. hrs., 18.4x42 duals, Green Star, yield & moisture monitor, touch set..........................$124,000 ‘01 JD 9550, 2348 eng./1729 sep. hrs., hi/lo contour master, chopper, yield & moisture monitor, 18.4x38 duals ....$85,000

LOADER TRACTORS ‘09 JD 7230 Premium, MFWD, 706 hrs., 24-spd., Auto Quad, 3 pt., 540/1000 PTO, w/JD 741 self-leveling loader ..........$89,000 ‘83 JD 4050, cab, QR 9300 w/JD 158 loader w/grapple ..............................$25,000

GRAIN HEADS ‘07 JD 635, 35’ flex head, Sharp ......$29,000 ‘06 JD 635, flex head, Very Nice........$28,000 ‘07 IH 1020, 30’, 11⁄2” sections ............$9,000 Check Out Our Website For Pictures & More Listings @

LARSON IMPLEMENTS 5 miles east of Cambridge, MN on Hwy. 95


Call 320-212-5220 or 320-392-5361

luxury cab, 620x42 tires & duals ..$176,000 ‘08 C-IH 435 Steiger, 404 hrs, 24 spd. trans., 710x42” duals, big pump, diff. lock ................................................$168,000 ‘97 C-IH 9390, 8394 hrs., 24. spd. trans., 20.8x42 triples, 4 hyd. ....................$64,000 ‘91 C-IH 9270, 5995 hrs., 12 spd. manual trans., 4 hyd., 23.1x30 tires & duals, Outback auto guidance system ........$49,000 ‘97 JD 9300, 24 spd., 5568 hrs., 20.8x42 duals ................................................$80,000 ‘95 JD 8870, 24 spd., diff. lock, 5300 hrs., Raven auto steer systm ..................$65,000 ‘87 JD 8760, 12 spd., 6600 hrs., 20.8x38 duals ................................................$49,000 ‘03 JD 8420, 4486 hrs., 3 pt., 1000 PTO, P.S. trans., 380x50 tires & duals, front wgts. ..............................................$110,000 ‘06 JD 8230, 2427 hrs., IVT trans., 3 pt., 540/1000 PTO capable, 4 hyd., 320x54” tires & duals, front wgts. ..............$127,000 ‘89 Ford 946, 4WD, 9100 hrs., 325 hp., 20.8x42 duals, 4 hyd.......................$32,500

1409 Silver Street E. Mapleton, MN 56065 507-524-3726


763-689-1179 Look at our Web site for pictures & more listings Free delivery on combines in MN, Eastern ND & SD

“Where Farm and Family Meet”

‘97 Red River 42’ Live Bottom, New ‘05 Spek Tek 26’ AL, SR, 80% T, New Brakes & Lights, w/Air Lift Door for Plastic, Sandblasted & Painted ............................................$19,750 Trash or Silage, New Cylinder, ‘97 Trinity Farm Belt, 42’, 41” Chain, Plastic Liner, Like New ......$27,500 ‘97 STECO, 26’, 80% T&B, New Plastic, 70” New Side Walls steel box ............................$11,250 Rebuilt, New Hyd. Door, All New Lights & Brakes, Tires 80%, AL DROP-DECKS & Whls., w/New Tarp..............$27,500 DOUBLE DROPS (2) ‘03 & ‘04 Transcraft 53’, AL Floors HOPPERS & Cross Members, 70% T&B ‘92 Timpte, 42’ AL Hopper, 78” ............................$18,000 & 19,000 sides, SS Corners, New Cross ‘95 Dunnen Drop Deck, 48/102 Members & New Lights, 60% T, 80% B, SR ..........................$16,500 AR, Canadian spread, 70% T&B ....................................$13,900 VANS ‘86 Dorsey Drop Deck, 48/96, (10) ‘96 To ‘01 53/102 AL, AR Closed Tandem, SR, New Brakes, Roadworthy Dry Vans for Freight or Seed, etc. ............$4,500-$7,500 80% T..................................$10,750 Engineered Beavertails for Drop (20) 48/53x102, for storage or water....................$2,500-$6,000 Deck or Double Drops, w/ramps, Includes All Electrical & Paint FLATBEDS ..............................Installed $5,000 ‘89 Hot Shot 48’x96” flatbed, ......................Unassembled $3,000 Clean ....................................$4,750 DAY CAB TRUCKS ‘91 Wilson AL Combo, 48/96 SX/AR, 70% T&B, Clean ..Ea. $6,000 ‘03 Freightliner FLD120, 12.7L 60 Series Detroit, 10-spd., ..........................$7,000 w/Haysides 620,000 mi. ........................$23,500 (2) ‘95/’96 Wilson AL Curtain Side MISCELLANEOUS Combos, 48/102, AL FLR & CM, AR/SR Suspensions For Trailers 10 Winches, Closed Tandem, ..........................$1,200 to $1,650 80% T&B, Excellent for Water Trailers..................Ea. $6,000 35 to 40 hp. Reefer Diesel PUP 20’ Flatbed Trailer............$4,000 Engines ....................................$400 (5) Thermal King Refrigeration Custom Haysides for flatbed or drop-deck on any trailer ..$1,250 Units ............................$500-$1,200 Ingersoll-Rand dsl. 4000 watt Light Plant ....................$3,250

Machinery Wanted Machinery Wanted 15


FOR SALE: IH model 720, 6x18 plow, 3 pt., on-land hitch, $3,600. (612)987-2790


Machinery Wanted

WANTED TO BUY: JD or WANTED TO BUY: NH 499 FOR SALE: JD 980 field cul- All kinds of New & Used WANTED TO BUY haybine. 218-738-5438 farm equipment - disc Great Plains No Til Drill, tivator, 20’, excellent conFARM MACHINERY chisels, field cults., plant- Complete lines of Retiremust be in good condition. dition. 507-276-3753 WANTED: 12- Precision ers, soil finishers, cornCall 507-354-1069 or 507-404ment machinery or indicorn meters for JD 7000 or heads, feed mills, discs, 0580 vidual pieces. 507-234-5842 Great Plains 28 Ft One Kinze. Before #3000 Series balers, haybines, etc. PassFinisher Series 7, Reor just fingers & backing (507)438-9782 WANTED TO BUY: 2-105 WANTED TO BUY: Small al Good. Mandako 30’ Land plate w/adjustable brush; White tractor in good conRoller (3 Sections) Like farmer looking for 60-100 7080 tractor; Wisconsin Disc chisels: JD 714 & 712, dition; 4 or 5 btm pull type New. Brent #672 Grain hp loader tractor; also VF4 motor for parts. Glencoe 7400; Field Cults plow. 218-338-6184 Cart w/ Scale. Real Good. looking for IH 1206, both Portland, ND 701-430-3411 under 30’: JD 980, small 319-347-6138. Can Deliver must be in good shape, grain carts & gravity box- WANTED TO BUY: JD 7000 reasonably priced es 300-400 bu. finishers un6RN, liq fert, must be (507)438-2100 Soil Max Gold Digger Pro der 20’, clean 4 & 6R stalk good! 320-266-3567 Tile Plow, 3 pt hitch, has choppers; Nice JD 215 & 6", 8", & 10" boots, Laser 216 flex heads; JD 643 & Receiver, $14,000. 320cornheads Must be 4WD & TRACK TRACTORS ‘07 C-IH 305 Magnum, 2100 hrs., 392-5952 or 320-760-9446 clean;JD corn planters, 4380/54” tires & duals, 380x38 front 6-8 row. 715-299-4338 ‘08 C-IH 435 Steiger, 470 hrs., powershift,

THE LAND, MARCH 11, 2011

FOR SALE: JD 7200 830 White 6100 Corn Planter Conservation corn planter, 8R30”, SM3000 Monitor, vac, insec & row cleaners, $12,750. Ed Salonek at 952computer track 250 moni649-9900 tor, wing fold, new chains, very nice. 507-964-5625 or YETTER New residue mancell - 507-995-2513 agers (row cleaners). Also, full line of Yetter JD 455 Drill, 30' folding, 3 Equipment available. sect, pull type, markers, 507-236-1934 (C) 10” spacing, hyd down 507-235-9593 (H) pressure, See pics at 8:00am to 5:00pm www.guentzelfamilyfarms. com/pics/past/. This one is field ready! $8,850/ Tillage Equipment OBO Call Jon at (507)3171958 19' Sunflower soil finisher. New blades, new bearings, JD 7000 12-30 Precision knock off shovels, always Planting fingerpickup meshedded. $12,500/OBO. 715ters, Liquid Fert, Pin ad556-0677 just residue managers, Row units rebuilt (tight), 47 Ft Great Plains Discovabolt on style gauge wheel, tor/Finisher Series 7, updated lever-adjust (bolt (2002) Low Acres, Very on) closing wheels, JD250 Good. TRADE for Smaller monitor, $8,000/OBO. 507One Pass Finisher 30-38 381-0879 Ft. Must Be Good. 319-3476676. Can Deliver Very gd cond: ‘98 1780 JD planter, 24 R/20", insect FOR SALE: ‘07 JD 2210 47 incl., precision planting 1/2’ field cult, 4 bar harequipment, E-sets, for row, all new shovels, beans & corn, precision Knockons, 200psi shanks, down pressures, call for stabilizer whls, always more info. $43,500/OBO. shedded, exc cond. 715-296-4099 $46,000/OBO. 507-227-6645

THE LAND, MARCH 11, 2011

16 Machinery Wanted Machinery Wanted B WANTED: 12R30” single WANTED: Grain drill 6” spacing Case IH; JD great shank cult. 507-387-5985 plain 24’ to 30’ w/road tanWANTED: 30’ Crumbler, sport low acres exc cond. prefer DMI, w/ 7/8 bar, 320-664-4517 good cond. 320-365-4206 or 320-522-1224 WANTED: JD four row 7000, 7100, or 71 planter, in good WANTED: Brillion tapered cond (for purchase or donboard feeder chain- 21" ation) The planter would model that is in good congo to a Orphange in Afridition. (715)746-2329 cia, so could be deducted if WANTED: Gleaner F, F-1, donated. 320-275-2596 or F2 combine, in good cond, w/corn & soybean WANTED: Row cleaners or heads & also Cyclo 400 IH trash whippers for a CIH planter. 507-583-7193 955 planter. 320-834-2846 WANTED: Rock windrower or rock rake. 320-597-2544

Spraying Equip.

Norwood Young America 952-467-2181


A family business since 1946 with the Lanos: Jack, Paul, Bob and Andy ‘84 White 5100, 8x38, vert. fold, liq. fert. $4,750 USED TRACTORS ‘88 White 5100, 4x38 twin row, dry fert. $7,500 (2) ‘91 Ford 846, 3 pt. hitch, 3650 hrs. ........................................Starting at $35,900 Sunflower 20’ drill, pull cart, 10” spacing, ‘99 NH 8870, MFD, 4000 hrs.................$75,900 press wheels........................................$7,950 ‘79 Ford 5600, 4700 hrs. ........................$7,750 ‘08 NH T-2210, MFD, 48 hrs. ................$15,900 ‘03 Versatile 2160, MFD, 1500 hrs. ......$86,500 ‘92 White 6195, MFD, 5100 hrs.............$49,900 ‘89 White 160, MFD, 10,600 hrs. ..........$25,000 ‘92 White 6085, MFD, loader, 2400 hrs. $21,500 IH 856, diesel, loader ..............................$7,950 ‘94 Agco Allis 9670, MFD, 4650 hrs. ....$44,900 ‘06 Agco ST52A, MFD, loader, 287 hrs. $18,500 ‘99 MF 6290, MFD, 4500 hrs. ..............$41,900 ‘03 Challenger MT295, MFD, loader, 270 hrs. ..........................................................$14,000 ‘99 Cub Cadet 7205, MFD, 60” mower deck, 843 hrs. ..............................................$7,500 ‘86 CDS 710C Industrial Tractor Loader ..$7,900 ‘09 Bobcat CT-122, MFD, loader, 22 hrs$12,500

USED COMBINES ‘08 Gleaner A-75, 450 sep. hrs., 20.8x42 duals ................................................$193,000 ‘80 NH TR-75, 4x30 corn head................$7,250 ‘81 NH TR-95 ..........................................$7,950

“Where Farm and Family Meet”

USED TILLAGE ‘03 JD 2200, 35.5’, 4 bar harrow, floating hitch ..................................................$23,100 ‘01 JD 2200, 36.5’, 3 bar harrow, floating hitch ..................................................$23,500 ‘95 JD 980, 44.5’, 3-bar harrow............$14,500 ‘97 DMI Tigermate 2, 34.5’, 3 bar harrow ..........................................................$14,200 ‘92 DMI Tigermate, 48’, 3-bar harrow ..$14,500 ‘92 C-IH 4900, 47.5’, harrow ..................$7,250 Glencoe 300, 261⁄2’, harrow......................$2,750 ‘07 Wilrich 957, 7-shank ripper, harrow $26,500 ‘05 Wilrich 957, 5-shank ripper, harrow $16,500 ‘09 Wilrich 957, 5-shank ripper, harrow, 50 acres ............................................$38,500 International 55, 15-shank chisel ............$1,950 White 271, 27’ disc ................................$4,250


‘09 JD 4895, 14’ header, 270 hrs. ........$62,900 ‘88 Hesston 8200, high contact rolls ....$20,750 ‘99 C-IH DC-515, 15’ discbine ..............$12,500 ‘98 NH 499, 12’ haybine ........................$8,000 ‘80 NH 489, 9’ haybine ..........................$2,750 Gehl 2160, 9’ haybine ............................$2,950 ‘84 Versatile 4814, 14’ haybine for 276/9030 ............................................$3,500 ‘06 NH BB-940A big square baler, applicator, cutter ................................................$61,500 ‘05 NH BB-940A, big square baler, applicator ..........................................................$44,900 ‘08 NH BR-7090 round baler, netwrap ..$22,500 ‘08 NH BR-7070, round baler, netwrap..$24,500 ‘08 NH BR-7060 round baler, netwrap, bale slice............................................$19,500 ‘07 NH BR-780A round baler ................$20,000 (2) NH BR-780 round balers, netwrap ........................................Starting at $10,500 ‘06 NH BR-750A round baler, netwrap ..$17,500 ‘06 NH BR-740A round baler, autowrap, only 1100 bales..................................$16,500 ‘90 NH 848 round baler, wide pickup ......$3,995 ‘05 C-IH RBX562 round baler, netwrap ..$21,500 ‘83 NH 316 w/75 kicker ..........................$5,500 ‘01 NH FP-240 chopper, 3x30 & hay head ..........................................................$24,250 IH 781 chopper, 2 heads..........................$3,000 Crop Processor for FP-240 chopper ........$2,950 (2) Gehl 980 forage boxes and wagons ..$7,950 (2) ‘83 H&S 500 forage boxes & wagons $2,450

USED MISCELLANEOUS NH 355 mixer mill ..................................$4,500 (2) NH 195 spreaders ..........Starting at $9,950 NH 190 spreader ....................................$5,000 NH 3106 spreader ..................................$4,250 H&S 1802 spreader ................................$5,500

USED PLANTERS White 6700, 12x30, 3 pt., lift assist ......$14,500 ✔ Check us out at: ‘98 White 6100, 12x30, vert. fold, liq. fert. ..............................................$18,900 AGCO ALLIS WHITE GLEANER

Spraying Equip.

‘06 L&D Land Pro Sprayer, FOR SALE: 1200 gal 90’ front fold 80' Boom, 1000 boom pull-type sprayer, gal tank, Rinse tank, Hynewer tires, 440 Raven pro pump, triple nozzle controller, GPS speed, bodies, 14.9/46" tires, Ravnewer elec ball valves. en 440 monitor, elec ball $9,700/OBO. 507-951-0611 valves. $15,500. ph# 507382-2850 FOR SALE: 60’ Blumhardt pull type 500 tank, hyd FOR SALE: ‘05 Nitro 2275 pump, good cond, $1850. sprayer, 90’, 1400 gal S/S. 320-359-2692 1650 hrs, $120,000. Also, ‘99 FOR SALE: ATV sprayer, Nitro 200, 1200 gal S/S, 3250 C&R, 150 gal, 30’ boom, 3 hrs, new frt tires, AirRide hp Honda eng, hand wand, cab, $69,000. 507-427-3520 Micro Track 3000 spray monitor, used very little, $1195. 507-530-6280 FOR SALE: Demco 3pt 400 gal sprayer, 60’ boom, used 4 seasons. 507-383-2862


Feed, Seed, Hay

WANTED TO BUY! USED 1200 pound rounds, 1st crop for sale. 608-374-2722 BULK MILK COOLER ALL SIZES. 920-867-3048 1st Crop 4x4 round bale, WANTED TO BUY: Pedal clean grass hay. $25/bale, car. 507-220-1419 delivery avail. within 125 mi. of Rice Lake, WI. Call WANTED TO BUY: Small (715)296-2162 PTO feed grinder. Also small bale feeder, small waterers for calves & pigs 3x3 Alfalfa bales, individual507-334-9934 ly wrapped, 35-40% moisture, 1st, 2nd & 3rd crop, WANTED TO BUY: Smidley 130-170 RFV, 21-24 protein. Steer Stuffers, Smidley Dry alfalfa bales also Hog feeders, Smidley Hog avail. 866-575-7562 huts; Sioux gates; Squeeze chutes, crowding tubs, hay Conventional Seed Corn & silage feeder wagons, Silage specific. Also offersteel bunks. Call Larry ing VT3, RR, HXLL, 3,000 Sorensen Sales & Rentals GT, and GT hybrid seed Hutchinson, MN corn. Maturities range from 75-100 days. WANTED: 320/90R54 or Terning Seeds 380/90R50 duals for 60 Ser800-483-7646. ies JD; WANTED: Liquid Ask for Dan or Adam fertilizer disc for JD planter. 507-276-3289

FOR SALE: Hardi Navigator 1100 gal sprayer, like new, 60’ boom, 2500 controller, 3 way nozzle, 12.4x42 tires, Chem-Fill. JD 875 6-30 cultivator, al- WANTED: Approx 10,000 bu Corn Stalk Bales for Sale: grain bin dryer set up 500 net-wrapped 70” bales. ways shedded. 320-584-5665 w/equipment. - good cond; Delivery Available. (507) WANTED: 51’ 8” auger. 641-5384 FOR SALE: Sprayer to fit 507-645-5119 JD 960 or 980, 500 gal tank, Dairy Quality Alfalfa nozzles for 32’, 8100 Hinik- WANTED: Lowry portable Tested big squares & round holding bin w/roof. er monitor, $1,500. 507-317bales, delivered from Gibbon, MN 507-828-0856 3396 South Dakota WANTED: Quick hitch atJohn Haensel Snyder 200 gal saddle tanks, tachments, JD hyd cylin(605)334-0643 JD 800T mounting brackders, disc hillers, & hay ets, $650. 515-570-1125 crimpers. Older style Dairy quality western alfalpackers. 507-276-5196 Wanted fa, big squares or small WANTED: Rubber cow squares, delivered in semi WANTD TO PUCHASE: mats; Brillion seeder. loads. Used Hanson ring drive si- Write- Daniel GingerichClint Haensel lo unloader. Please call 13397 Keller Dr, St. (605) 310-6653 with Price. 507-534-3406 Charles, MN 55972

USED EQUIPMENT FROM A NAME YOU CAN TRUST! ‘08 T-320, glass cab & heater, 1100 hrs. ....$37,500 ‘07 T-190, glass cab w/AC, 2900 hrs. ................$26,900 ‘06 T-140, 429 hrs. ..$22,000 ‘07 MT-52, 171 hrs...$12,500 ‘08 S-250, glass cab & heater, 2-spd., 3150 hrs. ..............................$21,500 ‘00 763G, glass cab & heater, 3500 hrs. ....$13,500 (2) S-130, glass cab & heater, 2000 hrs. & up ............Starting at $12,750 ‘95 751, 2800 hrs. ......$9,500 (2) ‘90 642B, 3000 hrs. ..........................Ea. $6,750

‘98 553, glass cab & heater, 2000 hrs. ......$9,000 ‘74 Melroe 610, cage, Quick Tach ................$3,995 ‘01 NH LS-170, 1975 hrs., New Engine ............$16,900 ‘00 NH LS-160, glass cab & heater, 3200 hrs...$14,500 ‘05 NH LS-120, gas, 1100 hrs. ..................$9,250 ‘07 Gehl 4240E, glass cab & heater, 2250 hrs...$17,500 ‘06 I-R 36” tree spade $7,500 Case 480C tractor loader backhoe ..................$11,500

Feed, Seed, Hay FOR SALE: 400 perfectly net wrapped tight round bales of Heifer grass hay. No rain or weeds. Approx 1600 lbs. $55/bale. Can deliver. 507-525-1034 FOR SALE: Alfalfa 3x3 squares, first cutting, 160 RFV, using super conditioning rows, $135 a ton. Delivery available. 507-427-2050 Mountain Lake FOR SALE: Certified Organic/Alfalfa hay, 4x5 net wrapped round bales. Call for info & price. 715-222-1737 FOR SALE: Straw, small square bales. 507-524-3486 FREE GLYPHOSATE/ Generic Roundup with your G.T. seed corn order. SAVE on seed costs & get free glyphosate. Visit or call 320-237-7667. “It’s the place to be!” Grass Hay For Sale: Approx 250 tons, 4x3 squares, stored inside, $75/ton. 612203-2403 Hay for Sale. LeRoy Ose, Thief River Falls, MN 218681-7796 or cell 218-689-6675 Hay For Sale: Big squares, round bales, some grass, no mold. (715)235-8610 Organic certified hay, 1st & 2nd crops, 1500 lb round bales, net wrapped, stored in shed on pallets. (608)685-3508 SEED CORN ONLY $69.90! 82 TO 93 Day Conventional Hybrids. Also save big on industries top insect and herbicide technology hybrids. Visit WWW.KLEENACRES.COM 320-237-7667 “IT‘S THE PLACE TO BE”

South Dakota Western Alfalfa 3x3x8. Various RFB's Low Potassium Grass KNS Hay & Transport. (605)9991118 WANTED & FOR SALE ALL TYPES of hay & straw. Also buying corn, wheat & oats. Western Hay available Fox Valley Alfalfa Mill. 920-853-3554 WANTED TO BUY: DAMAGED CORN. Wet or dryalmost any condition. Schwieger Grain Fairmont, MN 800-658-2314 or 507-236-5181 cell

Poultry ✔ Check us out at

Norwood Young America 952-467-2181 A family business since 1946 with the Lanos: Jack, Paul, Bob and Andy

FOR SALE: Incubator & hatcher for large birds, Goose, Emo, Ostrich, 40 egg capacity, auto turning can be used for chickens or ducks $200 ea. Albert Lea, MN 507-256-7524 For Sale: Laying hens, 10 mo. old, some older. total of 370 hens. Selling for health reasons. (651)4367287

Call 651-923-4430 or 651-380-6034

• 5/8” drum roller wall thickness • 42” drum diameter • 4”x8” frame tubing 3/8” thick • Auto fold FOR THE BEST DEAL ORDER NOW!


GREENWALD FARM CENTER Greenwald, MN • 320-987-3177 14 miles So. of Sauk Centre

~ NEW EQUIPMENT/BIG INVENTORY ~ • Port-A-Hut Shelters (Many Sizes) • Smidley & Vern’s Portable Calf Creeps • Bergman Cattle Feeders • Lorenz & Farm King Snowblowers • Mandako Land Rollers, 12’-60’ • GT (Tox-O-Wic) Grain Dryers, 350-800 bu. • Smidley Steer Stuffers & Hog Equip. • Sheep & Calf Feeders • Sioux Calving Pens • Livestock Equipment by Vern’s Mfg. • Powder River Crowding Tub & Alley • Mister Squeeze Cattle Chutes & Hd. Gates • Wishek Discs • Notch Land Levelers & Rock Buckets • Garfield Earth Scrapers • MDS Buckets for Loaders & Skidloaders • Powder River Livestock Equipment • Powder River Horse Equipment • Sioux Haymax Feeders & Gates • Notch Feeders, Bale & Silage • Tire Scrapers for Skidsteers, 6’-9’ • Jari Sickle Mowers • Grasshopper Lawn Mowers • “Tire” feeders & waterers

• We Also Buy & Sell Used GT Tox-O-Wic Dryers Or We Can Rebuild Your Dryer For You

• MDS Roto King Round Bale Processor for skidsteers, tractors, loaders or telehandlers • Good Stock of parts for GT Tox-O-Wic Grain Dryers, Also, Some Used Parts • Sitrex Wheel Rakes - MX Model In Stock • Brillion Alfalfa & Grass Seeders • Bale Baskets • SI Feeders & Bunks • Enduraplas Bale Feeders, Panels & Tanks • Notch Feeders & Bunks • E-Z Trail Wagons, Boxes & Grain Carts • Notch Bale Trailers • Calftel Hutches & Animal Barns • R&C Poly Bale Feeders • Hiniker Stalk Shredders • Farm King Augers and Mowers • Corral Panels & Horse Stalls • Smidley & Bohlman Livestock Waterers • EZ-Trail Head Movers & Bale Racks • Roda 25, 50 & 85 bu. Mini-Spreaders • Sioux Cattle Equipment • Amish Built Oak bunk feeders & bale racks • Walco log splitter • Goat & Sheep feeders

W il.

W il.

‘09 JD 8320T, Track, 320 hp., ‘04 NH TG255, MFWD, 38024” tracks, 4 hyds., 522 hrs. 90R50, triples, 5 hyds., 3167 hrs. ....................................$215,000 ....................................$102,500

‘90 JD 8560, 4WD, 18.4x38, 24- ‘95 JD 8770, 4WD, 300 hp., spd., 3 hyds., 4600 hrs. $52,000 520-42, 3 hyds., 4980 hrs. ......................................$68,500

‘08 JD 9230, 4WD, 325 hp., ‘08 JD 9630, 4WD, 530 hp., 380-90R54, 5 hyds., 1312 hrs. 850-55R42, 4 hyds., 922 hrs. ....................................$179,000 ....................................$255,000


‘05 JD 2210 field cult, 55’, 111 shanks, harrow ..............................$52,000 JD 960 field cult, 30’, 59 shanks, harrow ..........................................$5,500 ‘91 JD 960 field cult, 40’, 4” shovels, harrow ....................................$4,500 ‘95 JD 980 field cult, 44’6”, hyd, 89 shanks ....................................$14,900 ‘96 JD 980 field cult, 25’6”, fold, 51 shanks ....................................$14,900 ‘97 JD 980 field cutl, 38’6”, 77 shanks, harrow ..............................$15,950 09 JD 2510H anhydrous applicator ......................................................CALL Flexicoil 30 coil packers, 30’, hyd fold ..............................................$6,000 JD 200 seedbed finisher, 39’ ............................................................$10,250 ‘10 JD 200 seedbed finisher ................................................................CALL ‘08 Salford 24RTS residue tilage tool, 24’ ......................................$38,000 ‘09 Salford RTS41 residue tillage tool, 41’ ......................................$74,500 ‘10 Salford RTS41 RTS, 41’ ............................................................$79,500 ‘10 Salford RTS50-5 residue tillage tool, 50’ ..................................$94,500

CS/IH 460, 2WD, 8460 hrs, 60 hp, 15.5x38, 5-spd, 2 hyds ..............$4,250 Ford 3400, 2WD, 48 hp, 13.6x28, loader, 1 hyd................................$6,950 ‘67 JD 2510, 2WD, 5464 hrs, 50 hp, 15.5x38, 1 hyd ........................$5,500 ‘06 JD 3120, 4WD, 350 hrs, 29.5 hp, loader, 61” bucket, 1 hyd ....$19,250 ‘66 JD 4020, 2WD, 10,090 hrs, 95 hp, 18.4x34, 1 hyd, cab ..........$10,000 ‘76 JD 4230, 2WD, 7680 hrs, 100 hp, 14.9x38, 2 hyds ..................$16,500 ‘84 JD 4250, MFWD, 9450 hrs, 120 hp, 18.4R38, 4 hyds ..............$31,900 ‘83 JD 4450, MFWD, 10,625 hrs, 140 hp, 18.4x38, 2 hyds ............$33,000 ‘90 JD 4555, MFWD, 7760 hrs, 157 hp, 14.9x46, 3 hyds ..............$42,500 ‘75 JD 4630, 2WD, 7827 hrs, 150 hp, 18.4x38, 2 hyds ..................$16,900 ‘93 JD 4760, MFWD, 9986 hrs, 175 hp, 14.9x46, 3 hyds ..............$44,950 ‘89 JD 4955, 2WD, 200 hp, 14.9x46, 3 hyds ..................................$37,500 ‘98 JD 5210, 2WD, 2753 hrs, 45 hp, 13.6x28, 9-spd, 1 hyd ..........$12,900 ‘93 JD 6400, MFWD, 85 hp, 18.5x38, loader, 2 hyds ......................$27,500 ‘08 JD 6603, MFWD, 118 hrs, 95 hp, 18.4x38, 2 hyds ..................$31,000 ‘08 JD 6603, MFWD, 359 hrs, 109 hp, 18.4x38, 2 hyds ................$35,000 ‘07 JD 7430, MFWD, 140 hp, 480-80-42, loader, 3 hyds ................$95,000 ‘07 JD 8130, MFWD, 1582 hrs, 180 hp, 380-90-50, 4 hyds ........$132,500 ‘99 JD 8970, MFWD, 3690 hrs, 210 hp, 380-90-50, triples ............$74,950 4WD’s ‘96 JD 8870, 4668 hrs, 350 hp, 710-38, 3 hyds..............................$74,000 ‘01 JD 9400, 4055 hrs, 425 hp, 710-70R38, 4 hyds ....................$110,000 ‘02 JD 9420, 2493 hrs, 425 hp, 710-70R42..................................$155,000 ‘09 JD 9430, 690 hrs, 425 hp, 800-38, 4 hyds..............................$222,000 ‘04 JD 9520, 8447 hrs, 450 hp, 710-42, 4 hyds ..........................$122,000 ‘09 JD 9630, 2443 hrs, 530 hp, 800-70R38, 4 hyds ....................$217,500 ‘09 JD 9630, 506 hrs, 350 hp, 800-70R38, 4 hyds ......................$262,000 ‘07 JD 9630, 1426 hrs, 530 hp, 800-70R38..................................$240,000 ‘02 JD 9520T, 4151 hrs, Track, 36”, radar, wide drawbar..............$140,000 ‘09 JD 9530T, 406 hrs, Track, 36”, 475 hp, 4 hyds ......................$272,500 ‘84 Steiger, 197 hp, 18.4x38, 4 hyds ..............................................$21,500

PLANTERS JD 750, Drill, 15’, 10” spacing ........................................................$13,900 ‘03 JD 1770, 120 hrs, 24R30, mechanical drive..............................$72,000 ‘97 JD 1770, 16R30, front fold, vacuum ........................................$44,900 JD 7100, 12R30, vertical fold, monitor..............................................$7,500 JD 7100, 12R30, 3 pt, mounted, monitor ..........................................$7,500 ‘95 JD 7200, 24R30, front fold, vacuum ........................................$34,000 JD 7300, 18R22, vacuum, monitor..................................................$20,000 JD 7300, 24R22, monitor ................................................................$36,000 JD Assist, lift assist, single, 16-row......................................................$500 ‘09 JD DB44, 24R22, pull type, vacuum........................................$132,500 ‘07 JD DB88, 48R22, CCS, 3 variable drives ................................$209,000 K&M, 24R22, 3 bu, liquid fert..........................................................$32,000 ‘02 Kinze, 12R30, pull type..............................................................$56,900 ‘06 White 8524, 24R22, pull type....................................................$79,500

SPRING TILLAGE CS/IH 4300 field cult, 24’6”, 7” points, harrow ................................$10,500 JD 1060 field cult, 54’6”, 7” shovels, harrow ....................................$7,500

MISCELLANEOUS AG EQUIPMENT ‘10 AFAB fuel trailer, 750 gal, electric pump ......................................$7,950 ‘95 NH 1475 MoCo, 16’, 1000 PTO, hydra swing ..............................$8,950 ‘03 NH 1475 MoCo, 16’, swing tongue............................................$12,500 ‘05 JD 567 round baler, 1000 PTO, mega wide................................$19,500 ‘98 JD 566 round baler, 540 PTO, 61” width pickup........................$14,950 ‘08 JD 568 round baler, surface wrap, single axle ..........................$34,500 Bush Hog rotary cutter, 20’, pull type ..............................................$14,900 Friezen seed tender trailer, 240 bu, 2 axle ......................................$13,800 Hardi sprayer, 1000 gal tank, 60’ boom ..........................................$13,900 ‘01 Redball sprayer, 1350 gal, 90’ boom ........................................$16,900 Hardi sprayer, 1500 gal, 120’ boom ................................................$43,500 ‘07 Blumhardt sprayer, 500 gal, 60’ boom ........................................$4,995

CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT Yanmar Mini-Excavator, ROPs, push blade ......................................$31,500 (2) ‘08 JD 1810E Scraper, 18 yd, ejector ..............................................CALL ‘06 JD 1810E Scraper, 18 yd, ejector ..............................................$59,500 ‘05 Ashland Scraper, 18 yd, ejector, 10’ cut ....................................$39,900 Gehl SL3825 Skid, 33.5 hp, 27x8.5-15, 72” bucket ..........................$8,900 ‘10 JD 315 Skid, 49 hp, power quick tach, 60” bucket ........................CALL ‘08 JD 325 Skid, 195 hrs, 76 hp, cab, 24-spd, 78” bucket ..............$31,900 ‘05 JD 325 Skid, 76 hp, cab, 78” bucket..........................................$28,500 ‘09 JD 332 Skid, cab, 2-spd, 84” bucket..........................................$39,000 ‘10 JD 318D Skid, 9 hrs........................................................................CALL ‘10 JD 320D Skid, cab, 76” bucket ..................................................$31,250 ‘10 JD 326D Skid, 2-spd, cab, 84” bucket ......................................$35,900 ‘06 JD CT322 Skid, 1984 hrs, 69 hp, 12.6” tracks, cab ..................$29,500 ‘06 JD CT322 Skid, 1410 hrs, 69 hp, 18” tracks, 84” bucket ..........$35,900 ‘07 JD CT332 Skid, 82 hp, 18” tracks, cab, 84” bucket ..................$49,995 ‘06 JD CT332 Skid, 1080 hrs, 82 hp, 18” tracks, 84” bucket ..........$41,000 ‘06 JD CT332 Skid, 2188 hrs, 82 hp, 18” tracks, cab ......................$32,750 ‘90 Bobcat 642B Skid, 32 hp, gas, 60” bucket ..................................$6,950

Complete Used Equipment Listing with Photos at:

• We Buy & Sell Used Smidley Steer Stuffers Or We Can Rebuild Your Steer Stuffer For You • Farm Hand tub grinder • 5600 Brady 15’ Windrower Shredder • 10”x70’ Farm King Auger w/swing hopper, Exc. • #580 GT Tox-O-Wic PTO dryer • Smidley 100 bu. steer stuffer, Like New

We have 15 acres of new and used short-line farm and livestock equip. Sales Lot, Hwy. 7 E., Hutchinson, MN. We will sell machinery on consignment for you. • We buy good used clean short-line equip. FARM, HOME & CONSTRUCTION

Office Location - 305 Bluff Street Hutchinson, MN 55350

320-587-2162, Ask for Larry


Neil G





Neil C



Visit Us Online At:


“Where Farm and Family Meet”

E Hwy 12 - Willmar 320-235-8115 Hwy 24 - Litchfield 320-693-2438

~ USED EQUIPMENT ~ • 225 bu. Meyers spreader, poly board box & hyd. endgate, V.G. • JD BWF 20’ disk w/duals, 20”-21” disks, Exc. • ‘10 Mandako 45’ land roller, 1500 acres • 842 Wishek 14’ Disc, 30” blades, 3 yrs old, Exc. • Westgo hyd. rock picker

Lit .

W il.

W il. ‘09 JD 8230, MFWD, 200 hp., 380-90R50, 4 hyds., 810 hrs. ....................................$143,000



‘09 JD 7830, MFWD, 205 hp., 320-90R54, 3 hyds., 441 hrs. ....................................$129,000

W il.

FOR SALE: DeLaval model ANGUS SALE 78 vac pump w/ oil reclaimer 7 1/2hp motor, 30 Bulls & Heifers. Calving ease, performance & disgal PVC tank & controller, position. Midland & Denvery good, $1,350. 2” pipever Winners. Free catalog. line w/ s/s receiver jar, 3/19/11. Brand Angus since new pump, auto washer 1974. 651-764-1281 panel, 250’ manger liner, Berg ccw chain & head. (2) 4’ end wall fans. 320- BULL SALE - Private treaty 352-6691 or 320-808-0415 Limousin. Sale held on April 16th. Excellent selection. Call for details. Mill For Sale: Great Cows, great Road Limousin 715-665-2605 pedigrees, lots of milk, just too many. Call (715)537-5413.

17 B THE LAND, MARCH 11, 2011

Glyphosate - American Made • $8.50/gal. Kendo (aphids) • $65/gal. Generic Lorsban (aphids) • $25/gal. Arrow • $65/gal. (Vol Corn) *Licensed to meter chemicals. Complete line of Generic and Name Brand chemicals. • Herbicides • Fungicides • Insecticides OEM Ag Equipment Parts Grain Storage & Distribution Systems, Steel Buildings

W il.

Beef Cattle

W il.


Black Angus Yearling bulls; 40 Holstein Steers at 375 lbs, 110 Steers at 260 lbs, 45 Hamp, Chester & YorkSteers at 200 lbs, deshire boars & gilts. horned, vacc., implanted, Alfred Kemen(320)598-3790 knife cut castrated. Call Dairy 715-229-2162

THE LAND, MARCH 11, 2011

18 B

Beef Cattle

Beef Cattle


FOR SALE: Holstein steers 165 @ 350 lbs, 120 @ 460 lbs, REGISTERED BLACK ANGUS 95 @ 570 lbs, vaccinated & Bulls, 2 year old & yearimplanted & dehorned, sell lings; bred heifers, calvany number. 320-732-6259 ing ease, club calves & bal ance performance, AI sired. In herd improve- For Sale: Open Angus Beef ment program. Heifers. (608)685-3614 J.W. Riverview Angus FOR SALE: Polled purebred Farm black or red Salers bulls, Glencoe, MN 55336 low birth weights, top Conklin Dealer blood lines, ETD available, (320)864-4625 easy calfing, good selection. Oak Hill Farms FOR SALE: 39 red beef Madelia, MN 507-642-8028 cows, 40 black Angus cows, good gentle cows for spring freshening, will FOR SALE: Registered sell any number; ‘970 Shorthorns, open heifers, Case tractor. 320-760-5622 bulls, & bred heifers. All heifers are bred to Nitro FOR SALE: Herd of Black who is the leading calving Beef cows, bred for spring ease shorthorn bull. freshening, real gentle Faxon Creek Cattle Co cows. 320-760-5622 Morrison Family Belle Plaine, MN 612-419-2139

“Where Farm and Family Meet”


DAMAGED GRAIN WANTED ANYWHERE We buy damaged corn and grain any condition - wet or dry TOP DOLLAR We have vacs and trucks CALL HEIDI OR LARRY


Beef Cattle


FOR SALE: Due to health - FOR SALE: I am selling my team of Hampshire/Yorkshire Belgian Geldings, 16 & 17 gilts & Hampshire/Duroc yrs, 17.1 & 17.2 hands, 2200 & Yorkshire boars. 4-H lbs ea, very quiet & gentle, pigs also available. Many broke to all farm machiwinners over the years. nery, hay & sleigh rides, Exc herd health. No parades, good beginner PRRS. Hogs raised on team, $3600 for both OBO. outside cement lots. (763)389-7825 Delivery available. Stan Adelman 320-568-2225


WANTED TO BUY: Dairy FOR SALE: 2000 hd continous feeder pig source, heifers and cows. US origin, custom finsh(320)235-2664 ing barns also available. Garvin, MN 507-746-4482 Horses

19 B THE LAND, MARCH 11, 2011

Red & Black Angus Bulls, FOR SALE - Horse Trailer: most AI sired. weaning ‘01 S&H Contender Sport 2 wgts 750-850 lbs., Will hold horse slant, load pump, until May 15. Meado-West pull, tack room, steel, Farms (715)664-8854 very good cond, $4000. 507-931-0041 or 507-995-0576 Reg. Shorthorn bred heifers & cows, due mid March - Miniature horses: 2 Mares, April. Ed Barrett, 1 Gelding, 1 stallion. $200/ea neg. Good home only. (608)339-7685 Registered Texas Longhorn breeding stock, cows or Sheep heifers or roping stock, top 4-H & FFA Club Lambs For blood lines. Sale : Black Face, (507)235-3467 Speckle & White Face. Roe Family Club Lambs, Two (2) Registered Hereford Frost, MN (507) 525-0970 February yearling bulls for sale from J&J Hanson Herefords located near Swine Comfrey, Minnesota. A BOARS-BRED GILTS-York September ‘09 commercial Duroc-YxD Cross, OutHereford bull is also avail. door cond. 712-297-7644 All are thick muscled w/ Marvin Wuebker great disposition suitable for any cattle herd. Avail Compart’s total program at earliest request. Contact features superior boars & us at (507) 877-3631 or open gilts documented by BLUP technology. Duroc, York, Landrace & F1 lines. Terminal boars TWO YEARLINGS offer leanness, muscle, Limousin bulls. Dbl black, growth. Maternal gilts & dbl polled. $1,000 each or boars are productive, trade for steers. 715-292lean, durable. All are 1748. stress free & PRRS free. Semen also available WANT TO BUY: Butcher through Elite Genes A.I. cows, bulls, fats & walkaMake ‘em Grow! ble cripples; also horses, Comparts Boar Store, Inc. sheep & goats. Toll free: 877-441-2627 320-235-2664

ROBERT BAUER of Hastings, MN says – I only need to run in THE LAND. I’ve run 3 ads in THE LAND & scored each time!


Keith Bode Fairfax, MN 55332 507-381-1291 or 507-426-7267

“Where Farm and Family Meet”

‘07 JD 8430, MFWD, powershift, 380/90R54 duals, 380/80R38 fronts, 22 front weights, 1400 lb. rear weights, 60 GPM hyd. pump, 18,300 lb. Cat IV 3 point w/quick hitch, standard 1300 front axle, 3300 hrs ......................$131,000 ‘08 CIH 305 Magnum, MFWD, 320/90R54 duals, front duals, 5 remotes, high flow hyd., front fenders, 540/1000 PTO, front weights, 1350 hrs.................................$131,000 ‘07 JD 9760STS combine, 20.8R38 duals, Contour Master, 1483 sep. hrs ........................................................$133,000


THE LAND, MARCH 11, 2011

20 B

USED PARTS LARSON SALVAGE Case IH MX275, duals, frt wgts, 3 PTO’s, approx. 650 hrs ....$138,000

Hardi Commander 6600, 120’, duals ..................................$68,500

8N Boomer, Remake of a Classic 50 hp. FWA, Great Winter Price ..........................................$27,800


Krause 4821, 28’ coulter chisel, 2 seasons ..........................$39,500 Krause 4850, 15’, under 2000 acres ..................................$38,800 Krause 4850, 18’ Demo machine ..................................CALL JD 960, 421⁄2’............................$8,500 JD 960, 30’..............................$5,000 Wilrich 6600 ..........................$5,500 Wilrich 2800, 251⁄2’ ..................$6,250


Ford 1210, 1500 hrs. ..............$8,500 NH TJ500 ............................$175,000 ‘10 NH 7030, FWA, 18.4x42 duals ..................................$99,500 NH T7040, New 320/90R54 $105,000 NH TC34D, 4WD, SS, 30 hrs. ................................$17,250 NH TC210, loader....................$9,900 JD 4430, powershift, recent OH ................................COMING IN JD B ........................................$1,500 Allis 9130, 2WD....................$12,500 Versatile 876, 5938 hrs ........$42,500 Ford Versatile 876, 5940 hrs ............................$42,500 Versatile 876, 88’, gone through, 5980 hrs. ......................COMING IN Versatile 876 ..................COMING IN Ford TW35, MFD, 2675 hrs. ..........................................$33,000 Ford TW25, 2WD, 7267 hrs.......CALL CIH 7140, 2WD ..........................CALL Case MX275, FWA, clean....$138,000 CIH MX210, 380/50 ............$105,000 IH 1086, cab ....................COMING IN IH 1066, cab, duals, decent ....$9,500 IH 1066, open station, new torque ..................................$8,950 IH 544, gas, IH 2000 ..............$5,900 TG230, new rubber, 1400 hrs. ......................................COMING IN


New F-3, 42’ ..Lease Pmt. $6,645.74 New F-3, 46’ ..Lease Pmt. $7,054.25 New F-5, 62’ Lease Pmt. $10,083.19 New F-5, 68’ Lease Pmt. $10,770.68 Riteway F5-68, 1-season......$47,500

FALL TILLAGE “Where Farm and Family Meet”


S PECIAL L O W R ATE F INANCING O N A L L E QUIPMENT ~ 3 YRS. - 4% • 4 YRS. - 4.5% • 5 YRS. - 4.75%



(2) Meyers 2400 ..................$12,500 Meyers 560, horizontal beaters ......................................COMING IN NI 3739, hyd. upper beater ....$9,250 H&S 560, upper beater ....COMING IN NI 3726, S/A............................$3,500 IH 575, T/A, upper beater........$2,950 Gehl 1315, T/A, decent mach. $7,300 NH 195, floats ........................$8,900 AUGERS NH 195, upper beater, 385 hrs. Westfield MK 13x71 GLP........$9,950 ..........................................$10,500 Westfield MK 13x71 GLP......$13,500 NI 3739, 1 yr. on apron ..........$8,750 Westfield MK 13x71 GLP......$13,750 SPRAYERS Westfield MK 13x71 GLP......$10,900 Hardi Navigator 1100, 80’ ....$27,500 Westfield MK 13x71 GLP........$5,950 Hardi Navigator 1100, 90’ ....$26,500 Westfield MK 10x91 GLP......$14,950 Hardi Navigator 1100, 90’ ....$23,500 Feterl 10x60 mechanical swing ....................................$2,550 Hardi Navigator 1100, 66’ ........CALL Hutchinson 10x60 swing ........$2,500 Hardi Navigator 1000, 60’, Westfield WR 6x41 ................$1,750 Hy Eagle, 120” axle ............$15,500 Hutchinson 8x60 EMD................$950 Hardi Navigator 1000, 60’ ....$13,500 Westfield MK 13x71 GLP........$7,500 Hardi Navigator 550, 60’, loaded ................................$15,500 GRAIN VACS Hardi Navigator 550, 60’, REM 2500, 440 hrs...............$15,500 2500 rate controller ......COMING IN REM 2100, standard equip. ..$11,500 Hardi Commander 1200+, 120’, REM 2500 ..................................CALL FM chemical inductor ........$44,900 Walinga 510............................$8,950 Hardi Commander 1200, 120’ ....................................$35,900 PLANTERS Hardi Commander 1200, 88’ White 8222, 12R30, liq. fert., force ..................................$34,500 1600 Allis ......................COMING IN Hardi Commander 1200, 80’ $24,500 White 6100, 8R36, insect. ......$7,500 Hardi 6600, 120’, steering White 6100, 8R36, dry duals ..................................$68,500 fert. ....................................$10,500 Hardi MK105, 100 gal., 20’ ....$3,250 White 5100, 12R30, PTO Hardi TR500, 42’, S/A ............$2,750 pump ......................................CALL Century 1000, 60’, chemical NEW Yetter row cleaners, inductor ................................$9,950 Early Order ..............................CALL Century 750, 60’, FM ..............$7,500 Kinze 8R30 dawn row Century 500, 40’, man. fold ....$3,250 cleaners ................................$4,900 Top Air 1600, 132’, duals, JD 1750, 6R30 dry fert ........$19,500 FM ......................................$46,500 JD 7300, 16R22 ......................$9,500 Top Air 1000, 60’, T/A ............$4,950 White 6100, set up as twin Top Air 700, 60’, T/A ..............$4,950 row ....................................$29,500 Spraymaster 1000 gal., 60’, JD 1710, 3 bushel boxes ......$19,000 Raven 440 ..........................$11,500 SKIDSTEERS Ag Chem 1000, 90’ ..............$10,500 NH LS160 ..............................$14,900 Miller Pro 1000, 60’, 13.6x38 $8,950 NH LX885 ..............................$17,500 Fast 1000, 60’, 13.6x38 ..........$8,850 JD 6675, 2600 hrs. ..............$13,000 Demco 600, 45’, hi-lo T/A ......$3,900 Mustang 345 ..........................$4,850 Many More In 1000-1500 gal. ..CALL

chlauderaff Impl. Co. 320-693-7277

60240 U.S. Hwy. 12 Litchfield, MN Ask for John, Jared, Roger or Rick

Good selection of tractor parts - New & Used All kinds of hay equipment, haybines, balers, choppers parted out. New combine belts for all makes. Swather canvases, round baler belting, used & new tires. 6 miles East of

CAMBRIDGE, MN 763-689-1179 We Ship Daily Visa and MasterCard Accepted

Livestock Equipment

Landrace-Duroc, Hamp-Dur- FOR SALE: Mix mill model oc & York-Landrace ‘D’ stationary electric, inBoars & Gilts. Excellent cludes electric panel, 5 quality & health. storage compartments, & Charles DeGrote 5hp motor. Used on small (320)894-7356 or (320)847-2175 hog farm in So MN. $950. 507-256-4233 SHOW PIGS -D-H-Y-X, Boars and Open Gilts. Gehl 7210 4 auger horizontal Owens Genetics, Durand, TMR, scale, flotation tires, 715-672-5717 rebuild discharge apron, good condition. 507-450-5841 Pets & Supplies & farrowing For Sale: Red & Blue Heeler Gestation crates for sale. Also chore Puppies. $50. (715)279-3756 time feed system; Solid Great Pyrenees puppies rod crates by Barron w/ born 1/20, both parents on S/S feet. Tender foot pads site, great livestock guardgo w/ farrowing. crates. ian dogs & family pets, Call Wally Runck Fairfax $400. (715)235-8610 507-426-7645 eves

Livestock Equipment Barn roofing Hip or round roof barns & other buildings. Also barn & quanset straightening. Kelling Silo 1-800-355-2598

Massey Ferguson 15 mixermill, 2 ton capacity, good condition. 507-450-5841

Trucks & Trailers

‘95 Freightliner FLB120, Cummins M11, 22.5 tires, FOR RENT: 2500 head nurs10spd, day cab. $7,000. 515ery barn, available imme838-2244 diately, exc. shape. (507)530-1075 FOR SALE: (81) 40’ Timpte For Sale: Factory built cathopper, very good cond, tle loading chute. Call Jim $11,000. 507-645-5625 shop, or (920)627-0037 507-649-1888 or 507- 649-1887

LOCAL TRADES TRACTORS ‘10 CIH MX275, 200 hrs. ‘90 CIH 9150 w/3 pt., 4 New 20.8x42’s ‘96 CIH 9380, triples, 24-spd. ‘91 CIH 9270 IH 5288 Allis 175D w/Ldr Bobcat 642 ‘05 Case 445, cab, air Case 586C Forklift ......$9,900 ‘07 LX770 Ldr, Like New ........................$11,900

COMBINES ‘10 CIH 7120, 350 hrs. ‘07 CIH 2577, 800 hrs. ‘08 CIH 7010, 429 hrs.

‘06 CIH 2388, 1570 hrs. ‘98 2388, 2670 hrs. ‘97 CIH 2166 ‘01-’08 1020, 25’ ‘98 Geringhoff 8-30 2206-2208


‘09 CIH 1250, 12-30, bulk fill, liquid fert. ‘08 1200, 16-30 Pivot CIH 5400, 20’ drill CIH 1830, 12-30 VS Cult. JD 2210, 441⁄2’, 4-bar

TILLAGE DMI 530B DMI 730B ripper CIH 930, 9 shank ripper

Carryover Aluma Trailers - 6 Units Left SAVE! Last Year’s Prices

RABE INTERNATIONAL, INC. 1205 Bixby Road (across from fairgrounds), Fairmont, MN 507-235-3358 or 800-813-8300 • Get the Rabe Advantage

Case IH and CNH Capital are registered trademarks of CNH America LLC

Visit our Web Site at

Trucks & Trailers

Trucks & Trailers

Trucks & Trailers


EQUIP., LLC • 320-598-7604 •

Madison, MN From Hwy. 75 & 212 Jct., 3.5 mi. W., 2.5 mi. S.

JD 750, 20’ no till drill, Reconditioned ............Call Late, JD 444, 4RW, oil corn head ..............$2,000 IH 843, IH 863 corn heads ................$950/$2,500 IH 1084, 8RW corn head............................$6,500 ‘00 CIH 1020, 30’ flex head ........................$9,900 NH 8RN, plastic snoot, Low Acres............$17,500 NH BR780 baler, net wrap ........................$12,500 (2) JD 566 round balers ................$7,900/$8,900 JD 2020, gas, Nice ....................................$6,900 JD 3010, gas, loader ..................................$5,500 ‘72 JD 3020 D, WF, 3 pt. ..........................$12,500 (2) JD 4020, PS, side console ..$12,500/$15,500 JD 4040, PS ..............................................Coming JD 4430 Quad, JD 4430, PS ......$12,500/$14,500 JD 4240 Quad, JD 4240 PS........$18,000/$19,500 JD 4455, FWA, PS, JD 280 loader............$42,500 JD 4455, New Engine, 0 Hrs. ..................$37,500 JD 4960, MFD ..........................................$39,000 ‘84 IH 5088, cab, air ................................$13,900 IH 986 ......................................................$12,500 IH 1066, red cab, WF, 3 pt. ........................$6,200 IH 200 w/belly mower, Collector ................$2,500 MF 40 Utility, loader, Nice ..........................$4,500 JD 843 loader, Like New ..........................$12,500

JD 840 loader, JD 8000 mts. ......................$9,500 JD 740 loader ............................................$7,500 JD 720 loader, off JD 4020 ........................$5,500 (3) JD 148 loaders ............$2,500/$3,250/$4,000 JD 158 loader ............................................Coming (2) IH 2350 loaders ........................$3,000/$3,500 Leon 1000 grapple, off JD 8100 ................$5,500 Leon loader, off JD 4020 ............................$1,500 Dual 3100 loader, blue cylinder ..................$1,250 Dual 310 loader ..........................................$3,000 Farmhand 27 loader, grapple......................$1,000 Farmhand F358 loader, IH mts...................$3,250 FH 662, New!, off IH 5088 ........................$5,750 Miller loader, black/grapple ........................$2,500 Miller PL-4 loader ......................................$3,500 Buhler 2595, New!, JD 6000 mts...............$3,500 JD 120, 8RN shredder ................................$3,900 JD 331, 30’ disc..........................................$3,900 JD 235, 22’ disc, harrow, Nice ..................Coming JD 235, 20’ disc ........................................$3,500 New & Used Schweiss snowblowers ..............Call New Box Scrapers, 10’/12’ ............................Call New & Used Skidsteer Buckets ......................Call


JD 637, 29’3” Disk, 8-whls., Like New!................$31,000 JD 2200, 30’6” Field Cult., harrow ......................$22,500 JD 980, 36’6” Field Cult., harrow ........................$12,900 JD 960, 30’6” Field Cult., 6-whls., harrow ............$5,900 JD 512, 7x30 Folding Disc Ripper........................$29,500 JD 2700 7x30 Folding, leveler ..............................$31,500 Case/DMI 530B Ecolotiger, disc leveler................$15,500 DMI 530 Ecolotiger 5 std, lead shanks ................$13,500


JD 1790, 16/32 CCS, 350 monitor ......................$79,500 JD 1790, 16/31 CCS, 350 monitor ......................$76,500 JD 7000, 16R30, 1.6 bu., no fert. ..........................$8,950 JD 7300, 12R30, 1.6 bu., 200 monitor ................$11,500


GR Star Light Bar System, Complete ........................$895 Westfield MK 130 Plus, 81’ Auger, Like New ......$15,900 XX King Kutter, 48’ Tiller........................................$1,250 Brent 420 Side Auger Cart, 23.1-26 ......................$9,750 JD 1065 Gear, Dakon box ......................................$1,500 NEW Frontier GM1060R, 60’ Grooming Mower ....$1,400

NEW Loftness 962H silage blower, 96”, 540 PTO ..............................................................$9,950


JD Z930A, 29 hp., 60”, C&C pkg., 119 hrs. ..........$9,750 JD Z840A Z-Trak, 26 hp., 60”, liq., 110 hrs. ..........$9,000 JD X724, 62X, 128 hrs...........................................$7,950 JD X744, 62X, dsl., AWS, 515 hrs. ........................$7,950 JD 425, AWS, 60” deck, 1066 hrs. ........................$2,850 JD 737 Z-Trak, 23 hp., 60”, 640 hrs. ....................$5,450 JD 737 Z-Trak, 23 hp., 43”, 310 hrs. ....................$6,000 JD Z445 EZ-Trak, 25 hp., 54X deck, 78 hrs. ..........$3,650 JD F725, 20 hp., 54”, 546 hrs. ..............................$4,150 JD F725, 20 hp., 54”, Black grill, 961 hrs. ............$3,450 JD LX188, 17 hp., 44”, mulching deck ..................$1,250 JD L120 Lawn Tractor, 22 hp., 48” ........................$1,250 JD 314, hydro, 46” deck............................................$600


‘11 XUV825i, lift, liner, roof, Dlx. LT, 23 hrs. ..........................................................RENTAL RETURN ‘07 XUV620i, hard cab, 350 hrs., Loaded ............$11,500 ‘07 Brinley-Hardy, 72” blade..................................$1,900 ‘07 XUV620I, box lift, bedliner, soft cab, 311 hrs. $9,350 ‘07 XUV620I Gator, roof, windshield, 166 hrs. ......$8,950 RENTAL Gator TX, box lift, Dlx. LT, 135 hrs...........$7,500 ‘07 Gator TX, box lift, box liner, DLX LT, 309 hrs...$6,500 ‘08 Gator TX, box liner, windshield, Dlx. Lts., 350 hrs. ............................................................................$5,800 ‘06 JD Gator TX, bedliner, Dlx. Lts., 246 hrs. ........$5,300 JD Front Blade, 72”, hyd. lift, (for HPX-620i)........$1,450

DETKE-MORBAC CO. Blue Earth, MN • 507-526-2714 http//


21 B

888 210 Ave. • Avoca, MN 56114 • Ph. 800-653-2676 or 507-335-7830 • Fax: 507-335-7808 • Mobile: 507-227-6728 40+ Used Sprayers On Hand We are dealers for Top Air, Sprayer Specialties, Gregson Sprayers, new & used on hand Wheathart, Westfield, FarmKing, Brandt Vacs & Balzer Equipment • We have NEW Balzer stalk choppers on hand • Truckload prices on NEW Westfield augers, Brandt grain vacs, Batco belts Financing Available

NEW SPRAYERS Several New Sprayers On Hand Early Order Pricing - Top Air 1100, 2400 gal. w/60-132’ booms Early Order Pricing - Gregson 1000 gal. w/60’ booms Early Order Pricing - Sprayer Specialties 1000-1500 gal. w/60-90’ booms Top Air 1600, 60-120” adj. axle, 132’ boom, 20” spacing, Raven 450, hyd pump, rinse, duals..$61,000 Top Air 1600 gal., 60-120” adj. axle, 90’ boom, 20” spacing, Raven 450, hyd. pump, rinse, 380x90x46 tires ................................................$43,655 Silverwing Broyhill 1500 gal, 60-120” adj. axle, 90’ boom, 20’ spacing, Raven 450, hyd. pump, rinse, galv. booms - New to the Market $34,700 Silverwing Broyhill 1200 gal., 60-120” adj. axle, 90’ boom, 20” spacing, Raven 450, hyd. pump, rinse, galv. booms - New to the Market..$34,100 Gregson 1000 gal., 60-120” adj. axle, 60’ boom, Raven 440, hyd. pump, 12.4x38 tires ..........................$26,100

USED SPRAYERS Top Air 1600 gal., 90’ boom, tracks, Raven 450, hyd. pump, adj. axle, Excellent ................................$61,000 Top Air 1600 gal., 132’ boom, Raven 440, w/height control, hyd. pump, 380x90x46 tires......................$58,000 Top Air 1600 gal., 120’ boom, Raven 450, hyd. pump, elec. hyd. control, 380x90x46 tires, Excellent, Like New ................................$54,000 Top Air 1600 gal., 90’ new boom, hyd. pump, Raven 450, adj. axle, 14.9x46 tires ..........................$38,000 Schaben 1600 gal., Big Wheel, 90’ boom, Raven 450, rinse tank, inductor, Excellent ................$29,000 Sprayer Specialties 1250, 90’ boom, adj. axle, foamer, 450 controller, hyd. pump ..............................$24,000 Red Ball #670, 1200 gal., 90’ boom, 120” axle, 320x90x38 tires, Raven 440, Excellent ........................$24,000 Redball 680, 1000 gal., 90’ boom, Raven 450, rinse, foamer, Big Wheel, walking tandem, 320-x90x42 tires ........................................$23,000 Demco Conquest 1000 gal., 60’, 60-120” adj. axle, 13.6x38 tires, Micro Trak controller ............$19,750 Top Air 1100 gal., 90’ boom, hyd. pump, Raven 440, Big Wheel, adj. axle 60-120” ..................................$19,000 Gregson 1000 gal., 90’ boom, 20”, 72-120” axle, no-drip plbg., Raven 440, rinse, 14.9x46 tires, hyd. pump ......................................$16,000 Demco Conquest 1100 gal., 90’ F-fold boom, Big Wheel, adj. axle, hyd. pump, foamer, elec. over hyd., 844 Teejet control ..................$16,000 Sprayer Specialties, 1000 gal., 60’ F-fold boom, hyd. pump, Raven 440, 12.8x38 tires, Good Condition16,000 Redball 680, 2 pt., 90’ boom, Raven 440, hyd. pump, electric over hyd. control, 380x90x46 ................$14,000 Hardi 650 gal., 60’ F-fold boom, plbg., triple nozzle, 20” center,

Hardi pump, Hardi control, Hardi air pump, 60” axle, 13.6x38 tires ................................................$13,000 Blumhardt 1000 gal., 90’ boom, Big Wheel, PTO pump, 203 controller ..................................................$8,500 NYB tandem, 1000 gal., 90’ boom, hyd. pump, Raven 440 ............$7,800 Blumhardt 1000 gal., 90’ boom, 440 Raven, radar, foamer ..............$6,800 Blumhardt 1000 gal., 72’ boom, tandem, hyd. pump, 203 controller ..................................$6,500 Blumhardt 1000 gal., 90’ boom, tandem, hyd. pump, 440 controller ..................................$6,500 Blumhardt 750 gal., 90’ boom, tandem, Raven 440..................$6,000 Demco 500 gal., 45’ boom, hyd. pump, 203 controller, foamer ..$6,000 500 gal., 60’ boom, 203 controller ..................................$5,500 Flexi-coil 1600 gal., 120’ boom, TeeJet controller ......................$5,500 Blumhardt 1000 gal., tandem, 90’ boom, hyd tip & center lift, hyd. pump, spray system plbg., no control ......................................$5,500 Blumhardt 60’ boom, hyd. fold, hyd. center lift, hyd. pump, rinse, foamer, Micro Trak, Nice Shape ..........$5,500 Top Air 750 gal., 50’ boom, tandem, Raven 440, PTO pump ............$5,500 Top Air 750 gal., 60’ boom, vertical fold, 203 control, hyd. pump ..$5,500 Century 750 gal., 60’ X-fold boom, Raven 440, PTO pump, foamer, tandem ....................................$5,500 Pleasure Products 1200 gal., 90’ boom, Raven 440 controller, Honda gas w/pump, tandem ..............$4,500 Broyhill 1000 gal, 60’ hyd cross fold boom, Raven 440, tandem ......$4,500 Blumhardt 500 gal., Raven 440, foamer, hyd. pump, tandem, 120” ..........................................$4,500 Top Air 800 gal., Blumhardt boom, foamer, 203 control, hyd. pump ........................................$4,500 Broyhill 750 gal., 60’ boom, 203 controller ..................................$4,200 Homemade 750 gal., Big wheel, Ag Chem boom, Raven 440, PTO pump ........................................$3,500 Ag Chem 500 gal., 60’ boom, 440 control, hyd. pump, tandem....$3,500 Homemade 500 gal. RD tank, tandem, 60’ Demco boom, foamer, Raven 440, PTO pump ................................$3,500 Bestway 500 gal., pull-between, 60’ Blumhardt boom, Raven 440, hyd. pump ................................$3,200 Bestway 500 gal., 60’ boom, hyd. pump, 203 control, dripless plbg., tandem wheels ........................$3,000 Demco 500 gal., 45’ boom, Tandem, new tank, Micro Trak, hyd. pump, foamer ......................................$2,900 Blumhardt 500 gal., 60’ boom, 203 control, hyd. pump, foamer, tandem ....................................$2,800 Horvick 500 gal., pull between, hyd. pump, 203 control, 60’ NYB boom ........................................$2,500 Blumhardt 560 gal., 60’, hyd. fold boom, foamer, hyd. pump, 203 control, Nice ............................$2,300

NEW WATER & FERTILIZER TANKS ON HAND! Willmar 4-WD, 750 gal. tank, Raven

SELF PROPELLED 440, hyd. adj. axle..................$24,000 Spray Coupe 220, 3-whl., air, foamer, Raven 440, 1831-2200 hrs. ....................................Choice $7,000 Hahn HiBoy 312, 45’ boom, drop nozzle, p.s. ..................................$800 Marflex 500 gal., 90’ hyd. fold boom,

PICKUP SPRAYERS Raven 440, foamer, 11 hp. Honda eng. ..........................................$8,000 NYB 500 gal., 60’ boom, foamer, Raven 450, ball valves ............$3,000 F&S 500 gal., 80’ fold-up, hyd. tilt, manual height, triple nozzle body, no-drip plbg., 8 hp. Honda eng. ..........................................$3,000 Blumhardt 400 gal. fiberglass tank, Raven 440 ................................$2,700 Ag Chem 450 gal., 58’ boom, Micro Trak control ....................$2,500 Blumhardt 500 gal., 60’ boom, Raven 440 ............................................$2,000 Blumhardt 500 gal., 60’ boom ..$1,200 NYB 500 gal., 90’ boom, 3 pt., pump

3 PT. SPRAYERS & contol ....................................$7,500 Top Air 3 pt, 500 gal., 60’ X-fold boom, hyd. pump, no controller ....................................Choice $5,700 NYB 3 PT, 500 gal., 90’ boom, hyd. pump, hyd. tilt, dripless plbg., ball valve, 203 controller ................$5,500 Blumhardt 3 pt, 500 gal, 90’ boom ........................................$3,500 3 pt., 500 gal., 45’ boom ..........$3,500 3 pt., 500 gal. Demco, 60’ Blumhardt boom, Raven 440, no pump....$2,500 Sprayer Specialties 500 gal., 3 pt. ..........................................$2,000 3 pt., 300 gal., 45’ boom ..........$1,800 New & Used Top Air 60’ X-fold

BOOMS Booms, 3-Pt. & Trailer Mount Marflex 90’ front fold hyd. boom, 1000 gal. tank, Raven 440, hyd. pump, radar ..........................$12,000 Top Air 80’, X-fold, Excellent ....$8,000 New Top Air 60’, hyd X-fold booms, 3 pt. & trailer mount ................$7,450 (2) 60’, 3 pt., hyd. X-fold booms ......................................$4,000 Hardi 60’, H-frame, trailer mount, hyd. fold, Hardi plbg. ..............$3,000 (2) Blumhardt 80’-90’ booms, spraysystems, no drip plbg.............................Choice $2,800 Blumhardt 80’, Blumhardt plbg., trailer mount or 3 pt.................$2,600 Used Ag Chem 60’ X-fold boom ........................................$2,000 Blumhardt 60’ narrow center ....$1,200 Wheel boom, 60’, flat fold, 20” no-drip plbg.................................$700 Bestway wheel boom, 60’, 20” no drip plbg. ....................................$700 (4) Demco 45’ flat fold ....Choice $450 Several more items on hand!

“Where Farm and Family Meet”



‘04 JD 9420, 710/70R42, 1421 hrs. ..................$178,500 ‘90 JD 8760, 20.8x42 duals, 5183 hrs., Sharp! ..$55,000 ‘80 JD 4640, P.S., 18.4x38, 6570 hrs. ................$21,500 ‘04 JD 2210, MFWD, 62C deck, 210 loader, 325 hrs. ............................................................$10,500 NEW JD 2720, MFWD, 200CX loader ......................CALL




THE LAND, MARCH 11, 2011

FOR SALE: ‘10 Timpte hop- For Sale: ‘75 Chevy grain FOR SALE: ‘79 GMC 7000 truck w/18' box, 366 eng, per bottom, 43x96x72, ag tandem, twin screw, 427 4spd x 2 & Top Air sprayhoppers, roll tarps, alum gas, 48,000 orig miles, 18’ er w/ 500 gal tank & Hinikwheels, white sides, stainsteel box, newer hoist & er 8100 monitor. Call 507less front & rear, trailer lift system, exc cond. 327-1436 has less than 6000 mi of 320-843-4788 leave message use, stored inside, $30,000 715-797-9510 FOR SALE: ‘78 Ford CL9000 Miscellaneous semi tractor, 3406A Cat FOR SALE: (2) 18.4x34” eng, 13spd, 4:35 rears, 24.5 FOR SALE: ‘71 Chevy C/50 rear tractor tires, good for tires, DOT’d every year. truck chassis, 350 eng, 4x2 dual use, $200 for the set. $3,000; ‘83 Barret hopper trans, recent eng overhaul, Fairmont, MN 507-238-4174 trailer, 42’, alum, good new clutch - radiator, seat tarp, 24.5 tires, DOT’d evrecovered, tires very good, ery year. $8,000 or pkg FOR SALE: (8) 14.9-46 tires well maintained, have redeal $10,000. 507-993-6491 & rims w/ interchangable cords, some body rust, centers to fit CIH 9330, $2000 OBO. 507-317-5828 $6,500. 641-495-6387

THE LAND, MARCH 11, 2011

22 B

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“Where Farm and Family Meet”


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23 B

FOR SALE: 1966 Alone A2 air coupe airplane, 2654 hrs, instrument equip, $22,000. 507-822-1223

THE LAND, MARCH 11, 2011

See Us at Booth #102 at the Owatonna Show

FOR SALE: 2 JD rims, 10 bolt hole fits 20.8x38 tires, $150. 507-381-4208 FOR SALE: 500 gal farm fuel tank w/pump, good cond. 651-463-8896 or cell 651-295-2875 GENERATORS:15kW-500kW PTO & automatic gen sets, new & used. Low time hospital take-outs. Standby Power - Windom Serving farmers since 1975 (800) 419-9806, 9-5 Mon-Sat Get ready for spring flooding - New 25,000 G.P.H. Water/Trash pump, 9 hp, Honda motor, no hoses. 507-945-8367 or 507-370-2149 Irrigation For Sale: ‘85 Reinke center pivot, 8 span, rotators, pipes like new on inside, nice tires, $18,500 disassembled. ‘80 Reinke 7 span, fair tires $13,500 disassembled. Ag Rain 4170 hard hose traveler 4x1250, nice shape, needs hose, $8,500. Ag Rain 45A hard hose traveler, 4.5x1250, nice shape, $16,500. Have pics. WANTED: Large fanning mill. Call Scott 320-693-7196

ONAN ENGINES 25 hp rebuilt engine for skid loader; rebuilt Onan engines 16 to 20 hp for JD garden tractors and others. Prices start at $1095.00 exchange. BCM, Inc. (763)755-0034

ONE CALL DOES IT ALL! With one phone call, you can place your classified ad in The Land, Farm News, AND The Country Today. Call The Land for more info @ 507-345-4523 • 800-657-4665 or place your ad online @


New pumps & parts on hand. Call Minnesota’s largest distributor HJ Olson & Company 320-974-3202 Cell - 320-894-6276

Winpower Sales & Service Reliable Power Solutions Since 1925 PTO & automatic Emergency Electric Generators. New & Used Rich Opsata - Distributor (800) 343-9376

4WD TRACTORS (O)’10 JD 9630, 150 hrs. ................$264,900 (B)’10 JD 9530, Lease return ..........$248,500 (O)‘09 JD 9530, 846 hrs. ................$214,900 (O)’07 JD 9620, 1355 hrs. ..............$207,900 (O)’06 JD 9620, 1449 hrs ................$201,900 (O)’98 JD 9400, 3822 hrs. ..............$107,900 (H)’03 JD 9520, 5775 hrs. ..............$108,900 (H)’90 Ford 876, 5822 hrs. ................$38,500 (H)’78 Steiger ST270 ........................$12,500

TRACK TRACTORS (O)JD9630T, Lease return................$299,900 (O)’10 JD 9530T, 496 hrs. ..............$279,900 (O)’08 Case 485, 750 hrs.................$249,900 (H)’05 JD 9620T, 2116 hrs...............$184,900 (B)’03 JD 9520T, 1787 hrs ..............$179,900 (B)’07 JD 8230T, 1095 hrs...............$142,000 (H)’00 CIH 9380, 4819 hrs.................$87,900

ROW CROP TRACTORS (O)’09 CIH Magnum 305, 548 hrs. ..$179,500 (O)’10 CIH Magnum 305, 350 hrs. ..$178,900 (O)’10 CIH Magnum 305, 350 hrs. ..$178,900 (O)’08 CIH MX275, 1258 hrs. ..........$155,000 (O)’10 CIH Magnum 245, 250 hrs. ..$149,900 (O)’03 JD 8320, 2197 hrs ................$129,900 (B)’09 JD 7330, IVT, Lease Return ....$96,900 (B)’04 JD 7420, IVT, 2452 hrs. ..........$72,900 (H)’08 JD 8230, 2215 hrs. ................COMING (B)’96 JD 8200, 8163 hrs. ................$68,900 (B)’97 JD 7210, 1086 hrs. ................$67,950 (W)’04 JD 7220, loader, 4800 hrs......$62,000 (H)’89 JD 4955, 5700 hrs. ................$49,900 (B)’90 JD 4455, 2WD, 8220 hrs. ......$38,900

‘05 Agco 7650, 1690 hrs. ........................................$87,500

‘03 JD 9520T, 1788 hrs. ......................................$179,900

(W)’89 CIH 7110, 5720 hrs. ..............$33,500 (B)‘78 IH 1486 ..................................$11,900 (W)’77 White 2-155, 20.8x38 ............$11,900 (W)’78 White 2-135, 5927 hrs...........$11,900 (B)’77 White 2-105 ..............................$8,900 (B)’77 MF 1135, 4865 hrs. ..................$8,900 (B)’66 JD 4020, gas ............................$7,595 (B)’67 JD 4020, gas ............................$6,900 (B)’67 Oliver 1650................................$5,500

(O)’08 JD 9670, 627 sep. hrs...........$199,900 (H)’09 JD 9570, 447 sep. hrs. ........$199,900 (B)’08 JD 9770, PRWD ....................$195,900 (O)’06 JD 9760, 1175 sep. hrs. ......$189,000 (H)’07 JD 9660, 500 sep. hrs...........$189,500 (W)’06 JD 9660, 1361 sep hrs.........$179,900 (H)’06 JD 9660, 1331 hrs. ..............$159,900 (B)’06 Case 2388, 1201 sep. hrs. ....$154,900 (O)’03 JD 9650, 1012 sep. hrs. ......$135,000 (H)’00 JD 9750, 2132 sep. hrs. ......$121,900 (O)’99 JD 9650, 2238 sep. hrs...........$95,000 (B)’98 JD 9510, 2040 sep. hrs...........$72,900 (W)’98 JD 9610..................................$69,500 (H)’96 JD 9600, 1913 sep. hrs. ........$59,900 (W)’97 JD 9600, 2682 sep. hrs. ........$52,500

UTILITY TRACTORS (H)’84 JD 2750, loader, 4260 hrs. ....$16,900 (H)’83 JD 2950, 6705 hrs ..................$15,900 (B)’93 JD 5200, loader ......................$15,900 (H)’79 JD 2640, loader ......................$14,900 (B)’78 JD 2640, loader ......................$12,900 (B)’80 JD 2640, 4466 hrs. ..................$8,900 (B)’74 Ford 5000, gas ..........................$7,500 (W)’64 JD 3020, gas, WF ....................$7,000 (O)’69 IH 656, gas ..............................$6,900 (B)’63 JD 3010D, NF............................$5,900


SPRAYERS (O)’08 JD 4930, 1485 hrs. ..............$205,000 (B)’09 JD 4830, 550 hrs., 90’ boom $201,900 (O)’07 JD 4930, 1464 hrs. ..............$193,500 (O)’08 JD 4930, 1800 hrs. ..............$189,000 (O)’07 JD 4830, 1300 hrs. ..............$181,000 (O)’09 JD 4730, 690 hrs. ................$179,000 (O)’08 JD 4830, 1450 hrs. ..............$179,000 (O)’07 JD 4830, 1681 hrs. ..............$178,500 (O)’05 JD 4920, 1923 hrs. ..............$161,500 (O)’05 JD 4720, 2304 hrs. ..............$134,900 (O)’02 C-IH 4260, 3010 hrs. ..............$97,900 (O)’05 Spray Coupe 7650, 1690 hrs. $87,500 (O)’97 Ag-Chem 854, 4451 hrs. ........$44,900 (H)Tyler Patriot, 3241 hrs. ................$29,900

(O)’10 JD 9870, 380 sep. hrs. ........$310,000 (O)’10 JD 9870, 300 sep. hrs...........$289,000 (B)’09 JD 9870, 497 sep. hrs...........$279,900 (O)’08 JD 9870, 635 sep. hrs. ........$242,000 (O)’09 JD 9770, 466 sep. hrs. ........$242,900 (B)’07 JD 9870, 722 sep. hrs...........$239,900 (H)’10 JD 9670, 318 sep. hrs. ........$239,900 (O)’10 JD 9670, 328 sep. hrs. ........$239,900 (O)’10 JD 9670, 395 sep. hrs. ........$239,900 (H)’10 JD 9570, 130 sep. hrs. ........$218,900 PLANTERS & DRILLS (H)’08 JD 9670, 564 sep. hrs. ........$217,900 (O)’06 JD 1790, 31R15” ....................$97,500 (B)’08 JD 9670, 532 sep. hrs...........$214,900 (O)’01 Kinze 3140, 16R30” ................$38,500 (O)’10 JD 9570, 240 sep hrs............$214,900 (B)’03 Kinze 3200, 12R30” ................$34,900

‘09 JD 4730, 690 hrs. $179,000

(H)White 6100, 12/23 row ................$21,900 (B)Friesen 24R30” ............................$19,900 (B)’97 JD 455, 30’ drill ......................$22,900 (B)’91 JD 450, 13’ @ 6” spacing ........$9,900 (B)’97 JD 1520, 10” spacing, markers $7,900 (O)JD 7000, 8R30” ..............................$6,595

(H)IH 800, 8R30” ............................$2,950

TILLAGE (B)’08 JD 2310, 39’9” mulch finisher $69,900 (B)’06 JD 726, 38’3” mulch finisher ..$41,900 (O)’02 JD 2200, 64’5’ F.C...................$38,900 (O)’10 Riteway 45’ Land roller ..........$33,000 (B)’94 JD 980, 44.5’ ..........................$16,900 (O)’95 DMI Tigermate, 50.5’ F.C.........$14,500 (B)JD 960, 44.5’ ................................$13,500 (B)’90 JD 960, 36.5’ ............................$7,500 (B)Case 4900, 42.5’ ............................$5,900 (H)JD 960, 32.5’ ..................................$5,450 (B)White 226, 24’ ................................$4,500 (O)’90 JD 960, 42.5’ ............................$4,495 (W)AC 1300E, 26’ ................................$1,250

HAY & FORAGE (B)’08 JD 458, silage special ............$25,900 (H)’03 JD 557, surface wrap..............$24,500 (O)’93, JD 535, Heartland chopper ......$9,900 (W)’01 Gehl 1875 round baler ............$6,500 (O)’89 Gehl 1865 round baler, 6’ bale..$6,900 (H)’85 NH 858 round baler, 7’ bale ......$2,900 (B)’05 JD 956, 14’6” center pivot ......$24,900 (B)’05 JD 525 MoCo ..........................$13,900 Call Paul Gohlke for JD Crop Insurance needs (612)756-0001

Your Southern Minnesota & Western Wisconsin John Deere Commercial Sprayer Center

“Where Farm and Family Meet”


‘09 CIH 305, front suspension, Accu Guide Ready ......$179,500

THE LAND, MARCH 11, 2011

24 B



Interest Waiver or Low Rate Financing Available ••• Call For Details ‘10 CIH 9120, track drive, RWA, 313 hrs., leather, loaded, On Hand........$339,500 ‘10 CIH 9120, track drive, RWA, 275 hrs., leather, loaded, Coming In ....$345,500 ‘07 CIH 8010, corn & bean use, 935 eng. hrs., 620/42 duals....................$199,900

‘08 CIH 7010, 782 eng./632 sep. hrs., duals, Excellent ............................................$194,500

‘02 CIH STX450Q, 85% tracks, good outback steering..................$117,000

‘05 CIH STX450Q, Quad Track, PTO, 6023 hrs. ............................$129,500

‘10 CIH Magnum 245, Lux. cab, frt. & rear duals, 350 hrs...........$144,500

‘09 ‘07 ‘10 ‘10 ‘08 ‘10 ‘10 ‘10 ‘08 ‘03 ‘98 ‘97 ‘97 ‘91

CIH 3408, 8R30” ......................................................................................$44,500 CIH 2208, 8R30” ......................................................................................$32,500 CIH 2608, 8R30 chopping corn head ....................................................$64,500 CIH 3408, 8R30 corn head ......................................................................$48,500 CIH 3208, 8R30 corn head ......................................................................$38,500 CIH 2020, 35’ platform, 11⁄2”, rock guard ..........................................COMING IN CIH 2020, 35’ platform, air reel, 11⁄2”..................................................COMING IN CIH 2020, 35’ platform, Crary air reel, 3” knife ......................................$39,900 CIH 2020, 35’ platform, 3” knife, rock guard..........................................$32,900 CIH 1020, 30’ platform, 11⁄2” knife, tracker..............................................$14,900 CIH 1020, 25’ platform, 3” knife ..............................................................$12,800 CIH 1020, 25’ platform, 11⁄2” knife ......................................................COMING IN CIH 1020, 25’ platform, 3” knife ........................................................COMING IN CIH 1020, 20’ platform, 3” knife ................................................................$6,900


‘06 CIH STX 480, HD, 1275 hrs .......... ............................................$179,000

‘10 CIH Steiger 435, Lux. leather cab, PTO, Auto Guide ready..$208,500

‘07 CIH Steiger 435, Lux. leather cab, PTO, Auto Guide ready..$212,900

‘04 CIH STX450, 710/70R42 tires, 2214 hrs., Lux. cab, HID lgts.$143,900

‘10 CIH 9120, Tracks, RWA, 232 sep. hrs. ......................................$345,500

‘07 CIH 8010, corn & bean use, 620/42 duals, 935 eng. hrs. $199,900

Up To Two Years Interest Free ••• Call For Details ••• ‘10 CIH Steiger 535 Quad, Scraper, Lux. cab, HID lgts., big hyd. pump, Auto Guide Ready, 1100 hrs. ......................................................................$246,000 ‘09 CIH Steiger 535 Quad, Scraper Quad Track, Lux. cab, 1476 hrs., Good Condition............................................................................................$229,900 ‘10 CIH STeiger 535 Wheel, Lux. leather cab, 800/70R38, HD hyd., HID lgts.........................................................................................................$224,900 ‘10 CIH Steiger 435, Lux. leather cab, Auto Guide ready, 71070R428 duals, w/PTO, 590 hrs. ..........................................................................................$212,900 ‘10 CIH Steiger 435, Lux. leather cab, Auto Guide ready, 620/42 duals, w/PTO ..........................................................................................................$208,500 ‘09 CIH Steiger 485 Quad, Ag only use, Lux. leather cab, HD hyd., HID lgts., E-Z steer, 785 hrs. ..........................................................................COMING IN ‘09 CIH Steiger 435HD, Scraper ready, Lux. cab, 710/70R42, HD axle, diff. locks, 810 hrs. ......................................................................................$179,900 ‘06 CIH Steiger 480HD, 710/70R42 tires, Trimble auto steer w/500 screen, 1275 hrs. ......................................................................................................$179,000 ‘04 CIH STX450, 710/70R42 tires, Lux. cab, HID lgts., 2214 hrs. ............$143,900 ‘05 CIH STX450Q, Quad Track, PTO, 6023 hrs. ........................................$129,500 ‘02 CIH STX450Q, 85% tracks, good outback steering, 5400 hrs. ..........$117,000 STX and STEIGER PTO, TOW CABLE & 3 PT. KITS ON HAND!!!

USED 2WD TRACTORS ‘05 CIH 1200, 16R30”, pivot fold, central....................................$59,000

(8) Trelleborg twin 414, 850x55x42 .. ..........................................$750 each


“Where Farm and Family Meet”

Call For Details


Up To One Year Interest Free ••• Call For Details ••• ‘10 CIH Magnum 245, Lux. cab, front & rear duals, 4 hyd. remotes, HID lgts., Auto Guide ready, 350 hrs. ..........................................................................$144,500 ‘06 Volvo EX160BLC Excavator, 900 hrs., Excellent Unit............................$94,500 ‘06 Volvo EX140BLC, Excavator, includes full hyd. thumb, 1700 hrs. ......$74,500

I-35 & Highway 60 West • Faribault, MN • 507-334-2233

CNH Capital’s Commercial Revolving Account provides financial assistance for parts and service when you need it, keeping your equipment running as its best with the quality parts and service you’ve come to expect from Case IH. Contact your local dealer or visit today for details.

©2011 CNH Capital America LLC. All rights reserved. CNH Capital and Case IH are registered trademarks of CNH America LLC. Printed in the USA.


March 11, 2011



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