March 25, 2011 :: Northern

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March 25, 2011 NORTHERN EDITION (800) 657-4665 P.O. Box 3169, Mankato, MN 56002 Š 2011

The Murray County Classic Draft Horse Show is going strong. Story on Page 10

BOLD FFA’ers Paige Larson, Robyn Lubitz and Rae Larson on Food Checkout Day.

THE LAND, MARCH 25, 2011


“Where Farm and Family Meet” P.O. Box 3169 418 South Second Street Mankato, MN 56002 (800) 657-4665 Volume XXX ■ Number VI 48 pages Cover photo by Richard Siemers

COLUMNS Opinion Farm and Food File Calendar Milker’s Message DairyLine The Outdoors Pet Talk The Yield Ace of Spades Marketing Farm Programs Auctions/Classifieds Back Roads

2-8 5 9 19-23 19 26 26 28 28 29-32 31 33-47 48

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“Where Farm and Family Meet”

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$27,000 day for Food Shelf

Dick Hagen

The newspaper headline read: “When does from FFA students as you walk into the 1 equal 9?” The story in the Renville County store pretty much guaranteed that shoppers Register explained why the county Farm would drop some cash, or food items, as they Bureau was putting the emphasis on cash left the store,” said Renville County Farm instead of food products for their Feb. 24 Bureau board member Jim Zenk. Food Checkout Day event conducted at area Sometimes hearts were really big. At food stores. The citizens responded big time. Terry’s Food Store in Olivia, a lady came to Cash and check donations totaled $1,500. the checkout pushing two carts. The first The Renville County Farm Bureau elected to cart was loaded with 31 food items. That match the cash donations, meaning $3,000 entire cart was donated to the Food Shelf. LAND MINDS cash was donated to the Food Shelf. And Her second cart had three items, “Only thanks to the “buying power” of Second Harwhat I needed when I walked into the store. By Dick Hagen vest, a Twin Cities organization that But when the FFA girls told me why they sources food products for county Food Shelf were greeting we shoppers it suddenly organizations across the state, each dollar was an easy decision for me to fill collected locally buys $9 worth of food. Bingo: another cart just for our local Food Shelf,” that’s $27,000 of food for the county Food Shelf. said the shopper. (She didn’t wish to be identified.) Checks were still coming in four days later. Thanks BOLD FFA students assisting at Terry’s as well as to this great opportunity of $1 cash buying $9 worth Maynard’s in Bird Island included FFA President of food, it looks like Feb. 24 (2-6 p.m. at four food Lisa Roker, Vice President Rae Larson, plus Paige stores) was nearly a $30,000 day. Larson, Robyn Lubitz and Wendy Anderson. “It was Food donations totaled another 265 pounds. Figure a fun experience meeting the shoppers and telling them just a bit about food and farmers,” Rae Larson an average price of about $5 per pound adds up to said. “The feeling of giving to people who are needy about $1,000 worth of food also donated by caring made it even more special.” FFA students from Bufand sharing shoppers. We are truly blessed with falo Lake-Hector-Stewart and Renville County West folks who care about others. also assisted in this year’s project, with Farm Bureau What really made this such a success were FFA stuoffering $100 to each FFA chapter. dents from three different schools who met shoppers as they came into the food stores. “Getting a ‘sales pitch’ See MINDS, pg. 3


INSIDE THIS ISSUE: 13-14 — The Minnesota Horse Expo is on its way, April 29-May 1

17-18 — Midwest grape growers, winemakers need to be on same page for industry to flourish 6, 15, 16, 22 — Be prepared for flooding

Food shelf demand continues to increase each year ing 8,455 individuals and dispersed 154,340 pounds of food. Up to 30 volunteers graciously donate their time four days each week helping to serve those in need. So a special thanks to all you folks with big hearts and generous billfolds who continue to make the Minnesota Food Shelf program so outstanding. True love is always on display. To learn more about Second Harvest, log on to or call (888) 339-3663. ■ A closing thought relating to the political bickering at St. Paul, Washington, D.C., and very likely every state legislature across the country are these words of the late Adrian Rogers: “You cannot legislate the poor into freedom by legislating the wealthy out of freedom. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other

half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friend, is about the end of any nation. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.” On behalf of The Land staff, to those of you facing inevitable flood waters, our prayers are with you. You will once again persevere through this incredible challenge. ••• Dick Hagen is staff writer of The Land. He may be reached at

THE LAND, MARCH 25, 2011

MINDS, from pg. 2 Minnesota Farmers Union provided a colorful handout depicting the “Farmer’s Share of Retail Food Dollar” for 15 grocery items. For example the farmer’s share of a one-pound carton of $4.39 bacon is 55 cents, and 15 cents of a $3.39 loaf of bread. “Too often the farmer gets blamed for high food costs but that just isn’t so. Farmers and ranchers receive only 20 cents of every food dollar that consumers spend on food,” Zenk said. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture studies, off-farm costs including marketing, processing, wholesaling, distribution and retailing account for the other 80 cents of that food dollar. Mark Grasmon, store manager at Terry’s, indicated the store’s share of that food dollar is also a small amount, generally 20 cents or less. Like Food Shelves everywhere, the demand keeps increasing year by year. In 2007, the Renville County Food Shelf assisted 2,091 families involving 7,775 individuals and 117,640 pounds of food was given out. In 2010, the county helped 2,426 families involv-


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“Where Farm and Family Meet”

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THE LAND, MARCH 25, 2011


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Jeesh. The letter also explains that the Committee, when not skinning the EPA, will “‘audit’ or inventory” all policies under its “jurisdiction” to prepare to write the 2012 farm bill. This effort will, of course, necessitate “field hearings” — trips to, say, key ag districts in Oklahoma during football season and maybe even Minnesota districts during pheasant season — so “affected groups” can help “establish the framework” on which “programs need to be eliminated or consolidated.” Golly, why have hearings anywhere on anything if you already know that “programs need to be eliminated or consolidated”? Oh, that’s right; football and pheasants. After Lucas and Peterson signed, sealed and sent the Committee letter to the budget chairman March 15, the full House approved, according to the House Appropriations Committee, another $358 million in cuts to USDA’s yet-to-be-enacted 2011 budget. Both Lucas and Peterson voted for the additional cuts. Hey, this ag policy stuff is easy. Now, somebody see a horse? ••• Alan Guebert’s “Farm and Food File” is published weekly in more than 70 newspapers in North America. Contact him at

THE LAND, MARCH 25, 2011

implemented through oversight, hindsight Sometimes Capitol Hill apples are too and no sight. easy to pick. This is one of those times. For example, the March 15 letter On March 15, the U.S. House ag commitinforms the Budget chairman — as if it tee approved and sent a three-and-a-third matters to him — that “Regulations page letter to Rep. Paul Ryan, chairman of appear to be promulgated in spite of negathe House budget committee, that notes tive real-world economic consequences its “recommendations ... with respect to which will undermine U.S. producers in the suite of policies within the Commitproviding the world’s safest, most abuntee’s jurisdiction” for the “fiscal year 2012 dant, most affordable food and fiber in the budget cycle.” FARM & FOOD FILE world.” Drain the “suite” gibberish from the letLet’s hit the high points of that sentence ter and its purpose is singular: here’s By Alan Guebert again, shall we? what House aggies will do to help Ryan piece together a 2012 federal budget “Regulations ... in spite of negative that will “keep American agriculture real-world ... consequences which ... and rural communities strong and our appear” to undermine the “world’s safest citizens healthy and safe.” ... food and fiber in the world.” First thing, claim its signers, Committee chief Yep, that’s what I thought; three “worlds,” two Frank Lucas of Oklahoma and ranking member verbs and not one fact. Collin Peterson of Minnesota, will be “oversight of A page later the regulation horse is trotted out regulations that affect jobs and the economies of again for Lucas and Peterson to beat again — this rural communities.” time with more fog and bigger wet noodles. If you don’t know what that means, you haven’t “If this Congress is successful in lowering the cost been paying attention to the hearing schedule of the of compliance by reigning in the overzealous EPA,” ag committee since Republican Lucas took over. the letter reports, “the Committee will review conserRecent hearings have featured a review of U.S. vation programs to see if conservation benefits are Department of Agriculture oversight of biotech being administered as efficiently as possible under seeds, slowing the implementation of new commodity current fiscal and regulatory conditions.” trading rules under 2010’s banking reform law and, And if “this Congress” isn’t successful in the politias noted on the Committee’s website, a “Public hearcal goal of “lowering the cost” of an “overzealous ing to consider reducing the regulatory burdens posed by the case of National Cotton Council v. EPA.” EPA” the Committee won’t review conservation programs for efficiency “under current fiscal and regulaAs such, House aggies aren’t exactly tied up with tory conditions” — whatever that means? policy debates to address, say, today’s soaring food prices, the nation’s perilously thin food stocks or a dysfunctional federal dairy policy. They are, however, The Trailers We quite busy ensuring Big Ag’s political agenda is


Commentary: Spring bringing floodwaters to state; have response plan ready

THE LAND, MARCH 25, 2011


Spring fieldwork can be delayed by After a long and snowy winter, it’s only natural to look forward to spring slow-draining fields. Livestock facili— especially if you are a Minnesota ties and farm outbuildings can be damaged or destroyed. farmer. Unfortunately, along with warmer weather the As you’d expect, there are spring of 2011 is shaping up to special risks for farm-related bring us major flooding. businesses such as agricultural chemical facilities, grain While the last two springs elevators and grocery stores. brought damaging floods along To help these businesses prethe Red River and a few other pare, we have posted tip sheets locations, meteorologists are calling for near-record flooding Dave Frederickson for vulnerable facilities on the MDA website at across much of Minnesota this year. Many of the farmers, Moderate-to-severe ranchers and facility manflooding is all but certain along the Red, Minnesota and Missis- agers in flood-prone areas already know what they sippi rivers, and need to do. Howthe National ever, not everyone Weather Service estimates that It’s not just the big rivers who is at risk may realize they are at chances are that are going to present risk. greater than one in big problems. Saturated three that we will For example, the soils, heavy snow cover see record flooding Minnesota Departin some communiand a delayed thaw ment of Commerce ties. make serious flooding reports that up to It’s not just the big likely along many of the 25 percent of flood damage claims rivers that are going to state’s smaller rivers, come from areas present big problems. streams and creeks. not considered Saturated soils, heavy high risk. With snow cover and a — Dave Frederickson, that in mind, here delayed thaw make Minnesota ag commissioner are some tips to serious flooding likely keep in mind along many of the state’s smaller rivers, streams and regarding spring flooding. creeks. • Have a plan for minimizing your The Minnesota Department of Agri- losses. This may mean moving valuable culture is taking action to help Min- equipment, livestock or stored grain to nesota’s agriculture community pre- other locations before the flood waters pare. Our field personnel have been hit your area; contacting at-risk businesses such as • Know how to contact your local agricultural chemical storage facilities police and fire officials, as well as the and retail food businesses in recent state duty officer, call (800) 422-0798, if weeks to make sure they are prepared you have an emergency; and have all the information they need. • Check your insurance coverage to We are updating our records for these make sure it is up-to-date and fits your facilities, and as flood waters rise, we circumstances; and will team up with the Minnesota • As the waters recede, watch for Department of Public Safety and other partners to provide a coordinated information about recovery resources and guidance from local, state and fedresponse to any emergencies. eral agencies. The Minnesota Recovers Spring flooding doesn’t typically website is cause the catastrophic crop damage we a great place to start. see with summer floods because crops ••• are not yet planted. However, flood waters can still damage fields, This commentary was submitted by drainage structures and erosion con- Minnesota Department of Agriculture trol features. Commissioner Dave Frederickson.


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Forty thousand researchers and clinicians have just written to the journal Science — through their professional societies — asking for broader and quicker testing of “new chemicals in our environment.” Eight societies, including the geneticists, endocrinologists, developmental biologists and others say that 12,000 new substances are being registered with the America Chemical Society every day. They admit that not many of these “new substances” will ever make it into the environment. Still, the societies are asking the federal government to broaden testing beyond toxicology, into such unproven dangers as trace levels of bodily toxins and potential endocrine disruption. This would, of course, employ far more of the learned societies’ members. Do these professional societies think they have learned a lesson from the cli-

mate modelers? To whit: if you want more of your members profitably employed, get the Feds to give them lots of nice, salaried government jobs with hefty retirements — to solve some newly concocted media-driven scare The public is always looking for another scare to tickle their fear genes and the congress will happily fund such projects, with your money. Climatologists are now the thirdbest-paid profession in the world, with many billions of dollars flowing into their research projects — since they elevated a net global warming of 0.2 degrees C over the last 70 years into an international emergency. I recently got invited to a lecture on detoxifying my body, presented by a genuine “former professional tennis


See AVERY, pg. 8



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Meet Dennis R. Krenz our winner in THE LAND subscription drawing.

7 THE LAND, MARCH 25, 2011

Commentary: Toxins move up on world worry list

ADVERTISERS: You’ll want to advertise in these “Keeper” Issues Deadlines are one week prior, except for Farmfest which is July 8th

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THE LAND, MARCH 25, 2011


Letter: Who is Dennis Avery and why should we listen to him? To the Editor: Who is Dennis Avery? Why is he so concerned because a few smaller family farms refuse to just go away and make way for a “better” agriculture dominated completely by biotech, chemicals and corporate factory farms? He claims organic farms only produce 1 percent of our food, yet he seems to feel that somehow they are “threatening the whole world’s food production future.” Again, I ask who is Dennis Avery? Who is the Hudson Institute he claims to represent. He is also a director for the Center for Global Food Issues. Who are they? I won’t go into a whole lot of detail, but anyone with a computer and a little curiosity can follow the money and see where it leads. Avery has a long history of making questionable claims about a variety of subjects relating to agriculture and climate, and a lot of the information he puts out is not all that credible. One of the things we were taught in history class was that dictators are able to make people believe unbelievable things by repeating them over and over again. With that in mind, maybe it’s time to cut back on Avery’s divisive drivel and devote more publication space to some of the more important issues agriculture is facing, like how do we create an agriculture that can support more farm families instead of fewer? How do we keep our small towns prosperous? How do we keep our schools and churches going? How do we keep our young people from leav-


ing? How do we slow the loss of good farmland to urban sprawl and development? If current trends continue, who are you going to send The Land to? A few hundred corporate managers? There is a worldwide land rush from the non-farm investment community to take control of farmland and food production assets. For this to take place, “human resources” are being removed from agriculture all across the globe. Yes, in other words, farmers. Again, please don’t just take my word, but get on the internet and do a little research. Check out large land investments in Africa, Asia, Australia and South America and see what effect it is expected to have on independent farmers. If you want a real eye

opener, research Indian farmer suicides. Isn’t it about time we start building an agriculture that’s based on something besides the greed-based system Avery and his corporate sponsors are so proud of? Our future food production system will be a direct result of what we as farmers and consumers do today. Should we leave our future food security in the hands of a greed-based system of fewer and fewer corporate-sponsored “growers”? Or, should we insist that both consumers and independent farmers have a voice in what’s for dinner? Where did it come from? How was it grown? Don Koep Clitherall, Minn.

Distractions from the real issues AVERY, from pg. 7 player.” I managed to resist the invitation, but I did go on the web to look at the detox alternatives out there. Some of them were outright shilling for organic farming: • “Most of the animals we eat are raised on factory farms. Seek a butcher shop where organically farmed meat is sold. It will be more expensive, perhaps that will help curb your consumption.” • “Our crops of fruits and eatables are mass farmed ... have led to less nutrient-rich food products. ... Organically farmed food will really boost your nutrient intake.”

Call Mike’s at 507-233-4470

• “Our water supply is also filled with impurities such as lead, rust and chlorine ... purchase a Brand X water filter. ... It is critical to your health”... Then there are the product-pushers: Toxin detox capsules; Detox blood purifier capsules with Goldenseal, a potent, cleansing herbal combination; Liver Renew Capsules; and the Hot Seaweed Bath three-packs. My favorite is the website of the ayurvedic healing system from India. “You need this ‘renewal’ periodically if you feel ‘a general lack of zest for life’, feel ‘spaced out’; if you have ‘a general sense of malaise’.” Naturally, they recommend cleansing your system under the care of an ayurvedic physician. Some of the advice they give is actually pretty sound: Stick to lighter, easier-to-digest foods, and eat lots of cleansing fruits and vegetables. However, their “detoxifying tea” is probably just tea. I prefer to heed the wisdom of Dr. Graham Colditz, a cancer epidemiologist from the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, on the occasion of another cancer scare report being delivered to President Obama last May. “We already know what causes most cases of cancer, and it’s not pollution or chemicals lurking in our water bottles. It’s tobacco use and other unhealthy behaviors. ... Maybe up to 4 percent of cancer in the western world is caused by contaminants and pollution and yet we are chasing new, unknown causes. ... The damage is it distracts us, as a society, from actually acting on the things that are already in our grasp.” He mentioned giving up smoking, eating a pound of fruits and vegetables per person per day (cutting cancer risk by 25 percent), drinking less alcohol and eating less red meat. Thanks to our secure and safe food and water supply and world-class access to modern medicine, we are living long enough to get the diseases associated with old age. As baby boomers see 65 in the rear view mirror, they may treasure the remaining years enough to take Colditz’s advice. ••• This commentary was submitted by Dennis Avery, a senior fellow for the Hudson Institute in Washington, D.C., and the director for the Center for Global Food Issues. He was formerly a senior analyst for the Department of State. Readers may write him at P.O. Box 202, Churchville, VA 24421 or e-mail to

Send us your events by e-mail to water quality, sustainable buying and others; $30/person with discounts for U of M Alumni Association members and students; optional $10 lunch follows seminars; log on to cwq or call (612) 624-0822

Polka Town Hog Show March 26, 1 p.m. Brown County Fairgrounds, New Ulm, Minn. Info: Market hog weigh-in 8:30-10:30 a.m.; judging contest for 4-H, FFA and general public 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.; free admission; pork lunch available; contact Dan Hacker, (507) 227-1077 or

Protecting the St. Croix Basin Conference April 5 University of WisconsinRiver Falls Universirty Center, River Falls, Wis. Info: $50/person, $25/student; log on to www.stcroixriverassociation. org or call (715) 635-7406 Minnesota Horse Expo April 29-May 1 Minnesota State Fairgrounds, St. Paul

Info: Log on to http://mnhorse or call (952) 922-8666 or (877) 462-8758 Granite City Train Show April 30, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.

National Guard Armory, St. Cloud, Minn. Info: Call (320) 255-0033. e-mail or log on to www.GraniteCity

<< MILKER’S MESSAGE >> “Where Farm and Family Meet”

Spanish Pork Quality Assurance Plus Webinar April 7, 2 p.m., Associated Milk Producers Info: Registration is limited, so Inc. Annual Meeting contact Orlando Gil, (712) 240March 28-29 0624, or Sheraton Hotel, Bloomington, the Minnesota Pork Board, Minn. (800) 537-7675, by March 31 Info: Log on to Minnesota Alpaca Expo “This Perennial Land” Open April 9-10 House and Book Signing Four Season Centre, OwaMarch 29, 1-3 p.m. tonna, Minn. Farmamerica, Waseca, Minn. Info: Free to the public; log on to Info: “This Perennial Land,” a, recently released book, proor contact Nancy Walz, wrra@ vides a vision for third crops, or (651) 583-2915 blue earth and a restorative agriculture for the landscape of Annual Conference of the the greater Blue Earth River National Institute for watershed area; contact Rural Animal Agriculture Advantage, (507) 238-5449 or April 11-14 San Antonio, Texas Info: Log on to Corn Stover for Ethanol Conference Recreational Trails March 31 April 14, 1-4 p.m. Southwest Research and OutHenderson, Minn. reach Center, Lamberton, Minn. Info: $20/person; advanced Info: Contact Doug Tiffany, registration requested by (612) 625-6715 or contacting Kathy Eckwright, (507) 389-6972, (888) 2413214 or Nuts and Bolts of Timber Sales Equine Castration Clinic March 31, 6-9 p.m. April 16 St. Peter, Minn. Siete Leguas Equine Vet SerInfo: $20/person; advanced vice, Cold Spring, Minn. registration requested by Info: Interested stallion owncontacting Kathy Eckwright, ers can contact Krishona (507) 389-6972, (888) 241Martinson, (612) 625-6776 or 3214 or; must be scheduled in advance and Artificial Insemination in appointments are limited Swine Production: Swine Training Program Quality Assurance Training March 31-April 1 April 20 Southern Research and Out- Minnesota Pork Office, reach Center, Waseca, Minn. Mankato, Minn. Info: Register by logging on Info: Pork Quality Assurance, to or by 10 a.m.-Noon; Transport calling (800) 537-7675 Quality Assurance, 1:30-4 p.m.; registration requested Classes Without Quizzes to or April 2, 8 a.m.-1:30 p.m. (800) 537-7675 or log on to University of Minnesota, St. Paul Info: Eight mini-seminars on gar- Renewable Materials den remedies, healthy eating, Summit: Emerging Markets

in the Upper Midwest April 27, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Courtyard Hotel,Moorhead,Minn. Info: Hosted by the West Central Minnesota Renewable Materials Coalition; log on to

THE LAND, MARCH 25, 2011

Conservation Reserve Program Sign-up Through April 15 County Farm Service Agency Offices Info: Log on to crp

Log on to for our complete events calendar 9

Cover story: Slayton draft horse show powers on Murray County (Minn.) Classic now in its fifth year By RICHARD SIEMERS The Land Correspondent The Murray County Classic Draft Horse Show will be five years old this summer, and already it is one of the best draft horse shows in the Midwest. On the second weekend in July, 14 six-horse hitches will compete at the Murray County Fairgrounds in Slayton, Minn. It is an Joe Biren impressive display. The Percheron, Belgian, Clydesdale and Shire horses will pull highclass wagons and wear their finest harness. Even their hooves will be polished. The premier event of the show is the six-horse hitch, but there are also classes of four-horse hitch, unicorn hitch (three horses), team and single-horse carts. Last year area farm teams also put on an exhibition. Joe Biren, one of the founding fathers of the Murray County Classic, has been the chairperson from the beginning. He is also one of the Biren family members who drives their Belgians in shows. The idea grew from conversations following a show in which he had driven. “We all had the same problem,” Biren said. “There are a number of hitches that are year-round; they have a crew and that’s all they do. Year-round they work out with the horses. Then you have a number of family operations where they start working with them in the summertime and try to get them ready. We kind of felt there was a need for an early show. That way you can get in the ring and get the kinks See DRAFT HORSE, pg. 11

Entrants in the Murray County Classic Draft Horse Show team competition make their way around the ring in Slayton, Minn.

Richard Siemers


THE LAND, MARCH 25, 2011



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County fairgrounds accommodating to major horse show

11 THE LAND, MARCH 25, 2011

Photos by Richard Siemers

Above: Participants in the six-horse hitch competition fill much of the available pen space at the Murray County Fairgrounds. Right: A horse gets its hooves polished in preparation for competition.

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The Classic committee has purchased box stalls, and they’ve refitted the sheep barn with portable pens so it can be used for sheep during the fair and horses for the show. Showing draft horses is an expensive proposition. Biren said some of the hitches have $40,000 to See DRAFT HORSE, pg. 12

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“Where Farm and Family Meet”

Up to 80% financing of in-house appraisal. Ex.: For a 20-year amortization, annual payments would be $86.86 for each $1,000 borrowed. A balloon payment is applicable.

largest in the area. Last year they had to turn away some teams because housing limits them to 14 sixhorse hitches. That’s a total of 84 large draft horses, and many teams bring spares. “We worked with the Murray County Commissioners to get it set up to house that many horses at the Murray County Fairgrounds,” Biren said. “The county has worked with us quite nicely.”


DRAFT HORSE, from pg. 10 worked out right away.” Draft horse shows typically run from July through October, and the Murray County Classic is one of the first of the season. In addition to being an early show where they can get “the kinks worked out,” another draw is that the Murray County Classic is a double point show. You might compare it to a double-header. Teams can win points in the Saturday show, and again in the Sunday show. “The points really add up fast at a show like ours,” Biren said. That’s important on a circuit where points have become valuable. The top four hitches in each breed are invited to a championship every year. What is impressive is not only the horses themselves, but that a group of local volunteers has been able to pull off such a large show — in fact, one of the

“Where Farm and Family Meet”

This year’s ‘Classic’ horse show slated for July 9, 10


DRAFT HORSE, from pg. 11 $50,000 hitch wagons, and a set of harness that is equally as expensive. “I’m sure there were horses in the ring that were bought for $1,100 a piece, and horses that were $35,000 to 45,000 a piece,” he said. “But the purchase is the cheap part. The maintenance and everything is more expensive on the big horse — the feed, equipment, horses shows.” So why do folks do it? Basic to it all is the love of horses. That’s how the Biren family got into it. His dad loved horses. “My dad (LeRoy) was given a first anniversary present by my mom (JoAnn), a Belgian mare,” Biren said.

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of the bigger-name hitches are willing to spend decent money on horses,” Biren said. They may offer to buy a horse they see at a show. “Selling What is impressive is not only the horses horses helps the family operations pay for what themselves, but that a group of local volunthey do, and they continue to have fun and start teers has been able to pull off such a large working on some new horses again.” show — in fact, one of the largest in the area. The show is run by volunteers, and most of the financial support comes from local sponsors. “She wonders if she didn’t make a mistake, but they’ve Admission is $5 per person, or $15 per family. never looked back and we’ve been building and building “We want our admission to be family friendly,” and getting better. Right now my dad has varying from 25 to 40 head of horses running at the place. He raises Biren said. “Our one goal is to figure out how we can become self-sufficient. In a community this size, you on average 10 foals a year. He has a lot of fun doing it.” can ask sponsors for so much money for only so long.” Showing can also help support the love of having Biren said they are modeling their show on the one horses. Many family operations are small, and “some in Britt, Iowa, a town similar in size to Slayton. That show is in its 29th year, has grown to 18 six-horse hitches, and draws a crowd of over 5,000. But it took them 10 to 15 years to get there. “Everything is possible,” Biren said. The confidence with which he spoke, and given what the Murray County Classic has achieved in a little over four years, makes his words believable. The 2011 show is July 9-10 at the Murray County Fairgrounds in Slayton. At press time, the Murray County Classic Draft Horse Show was developing a new website, so a web search in the near future will provide more information.




THE LAND, MARCH 25, 2011


TILE PLOWS FARM DRAINAGE PLOWS, INC. or Wurdinger Tile Plows has been purchased by

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Personality influences your relationship — with your horse According to Lynch, “Heartfelt leadership with your horse means learning how your emotions influence whether your horse sees you as having the capacity to be their leader. As prey animals, horses are looking for a leader that will help them feel safe. Often the misbehavior we see in our horses is due to our behavior and our emotional state but we blame the horse. Sometimes we feel like a predator to our horse. At Epala we ask, ‘Are you a mountain lion or a herd leader with your horse?’ At Epala ‘connection’ refers to learning to ‘read’ horse language at the subtlest of levels in order to understand why horses behave the way they do. ‘Respect’ refers to estab-

lishing a partnership with your horse, not dominance. Anybody who rides, shows or spends time with horses will agree that to get the most out of your horse you need to lead and listen, set boundaries and allow expression, be clear and be creative.” Log on to or call (877) 462-8758 for the Horse Expo event schedule including clinicians’ times and topics, information about Coliseum arena demonstrations, PRCA rodeos, daily admission, hours and more.

THE LAND, MARCH 25, 2011

Juli Lynch will be among the speakers presenting information to horse owners and enthusiasts at the 29th Minnesota Horse Expo, April 29-May 1 at the Minnesota The session is State Fairgrounds in St. engaging and enterPaul. taining and you’ll walk away with an Sponsored by the Minawareness of how your nesota Horse Council, the Cindi McGrath relationship with your Horse Expo is the largest horse is heavily influequine trade show and breed Juli Lynch with Ike. enced by who you are. exhibition in the state. Lynch is from Epala, an organization Lynch will be sharing her “Who Am I with My Horse” approach for deter- that offers clinics and trainings for mining how your personality influ- individuals interested in the growing ences and impacts your relationship field of equine-assisted personal develwith your horse. Whether you ride, opment and equine-assisted therapy. show or just enjoy your horse as a Epala’s mission is to transform the backyard companion, learn which of lives of people and horses through five possible personalities you mani- heartfelt leadership, connection and respect. fest with your horse.


••• This article is courtesy of the Minnesota Horse Expo.

<< MILKER’S MESSAGE >> “Where Farm and Family Meet”

THE LAND, MARCH 25, 2011


Minnesota Horse Expo on its way to State Fairgrounds Plans are well under way for the 29th Minnesota Horse Expo to be held at the Minnesota State Fairgrounds April 29-May 1 sponsored by the Minnesota Horse Council. The popular Professional Rodeo Cowboy Association rodeos featuring stock from the legendary Barnes rodeo producers of Cherokee, Iowa, and the entertainment of the “One Arm Bandit,” John S. Payne, will return to the Minnesota Horse Expo for daily performances April 29-30 at 7 p.m. and a 3 p.m. Sunday matinee. Barnes PRCA Rodeo is the nation’s longest-running professional rodeo company. Bob Barnes was honored as PRCA Stock Contractor of the Year in 1984, and inducted into the Hall of Fame in 1994. Barnes has supplied rodeo stock for the National Finals Rodeo, currently held in Las Vegas, for all 50 years of its existence.


“Where Farm and Family Meet”


of St. Peter, MN 37825 Cty. Rd. 63

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Prices subject to change

April 29-May 1 Minnesota State Fairgrounds April 29: 8:30 a.m.-9:30 p.m. April 30: 8:30 a.m.-9:30 p.m. May 1: 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. $9 adults 13-61 $6 ages 6-12, 62 and over Children 5 and under, free

Payne has been named the PRCA “Specialty Act of ent breeds and — the Year” nine times. Watch all seven PRCA events registries Free parking at each of the rodeos: Women’s Professional Rodeo are stalled in Association barrels, saddle bronc riding, bareback the State Fair Extra charge for PRCA rodeo events Barn riding, bull riding, tie down roping, steer wrestling Horse and team roping. From the opening Grand Entry to making it conFor information, log on to the final contestant, the action will be non-stop and venient to find the excitement explosive. Rodeo ticket information your favorite breed and talk can be found at The Minnesota Horse Expo is a shopping extrava- to the owners, trainers and riders seen in the demonganza for horse-related products, equipment, sup- strations. In addition, the Horse Barn houses the plies, tack, trailers, art, jewelry and more with over stallions at Expo, sale horses, and commercial horse 600 vendor booths both indoors and out. Shop and farms promoting their breeding, training and lesson compare with ease — see what’s new or find what programs. Pat Parelli will present “Parhas worked. In addition to all elli’s Secret to Love, Language the vendors with new merand Leadership” on the afternoon chandise and product lines, The Minnesota Horse Expo April 30 and be available at his the 4-H Horse Association manages a public consignis a shopping extravaganza booth afterwards, the Parelli Event Team will be at Expo all ment sale in the Dairy Buildfor horse-related products, three days. Clinicians Tommy ing during the Minnesota equipment, supplies, tack, Garland, Richard Shrake, Lainie Horse Expo which is this trailers, art, jewelry and DeBoer, Juli Lynch and more will group’s major fundraising more ... also provide tips on horse care, event. training and communication The proceeds from this sale go throughout the three days of the to the Minnesota 4-H Horse Association to help pay Minnesota Horse Expo with Coliseum demos and for the state 4-H Horse Show, Winter Roundup and all the other 4-H horse project events. Consider lectures. A complete schedule of events will be available at checking out your tack at home and bringing it to the sale. For more vendor booth information and 4-H in mid-March. consignment sale information, log on to Money raised at the Minnesota Horse Expo is returned to the horse community by the Minnesota The variety of horse breeds at the Minnesota Horse Council in the form of educational scholarHorse Expo changes every year, but always provides ships, equine facilities development grants, direct for an engaging, enlightening and educational funding support and individual recognition awards. Parade of Breeds each day at noon in the Coliseum. In September, Glen Eaton presented a check for This hour-long presentation of the large and small, $225,000 to Minnesota Horse Council President familiar and exotic horses at Expo with commentary Mark Ward, representing the proceeds of the 2010 prepares the audience for the more comprehensive Minnesota Horse Council. breed demonstrations April 29-30 afternoons at The Minnesota Horse Expo is open every morning Expo. at 8:30 a.m. and closes April 29-30 at 9:30 p.m. (some All the horses at Expo — from more than 50 differ- vendor buildings close at 7 p.m.) and May 1 at 5 p.m. Daily Expo admission is $9 for adults (ages 13-61) and $6 for ages 6-12 and seniors 62 and over; free for children 5 and under. Parking in the State Fair lots is free. PRCA Rodeo admission is extra with ticket prices ranging from $4 to $10 for reserved seating. Rodeos are scheduled for 7 p.m. on April 29-30 and 3 p.m. on May 1. Advance Expo and rodeo tickets are available Full Service Feed Mills & Elevators with the ticket ordering form available at Two Locations: Courtland, MN & Mankato, MN ••• Grain Marketing Services & Trucking Available This article was submitted by the Minnesota Horse Expo. 1-800-216-0742 •

Competitive Corn Prices

How early to plant soybeans in northwest Minnesota?

••• This article was submitted by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency.

“Where Farm and Family Meet”

The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency urges home and business owners to think about potential spring flooding and to walk through the house, garage and sheds to gather up unwanted or expired household products that could become hazardous waste if flooded. Take batteries, solvents, paints, paint thinners, pesticides, household cleaners and other chemicals that you no longer need to your county’s household hazardous waste facility. Store products you plan to keep in a place that is not likely to be flooded. After the flood, any products exposed to floodwaters must be considered contaminated and will need to be disposed of properly. Minnesota residents can find their household hazardous waste facilities at More information about minimizing pollution and health risks from flooding is available on the MPCA’s website at

result in only a 10-percent chance that the air temperature will drop below 28 degrees at soybean emergence. When environmental factors are favorable (soil temperature and moisture), northern soybean producers should be ready to capitalize on them even if the calendar has not turned the page to May. The research results from these trials can be found on the University of Minnesota Northwest Research and Outreach Center website at under the section “On-Farm Cropping Trials Northwest and West Central Minnesota.” For more educational information and tools, log on to The website is a cooperative effort among the University of Minnesota, University of Minnesota Extension and the Minnesota Soybean Research and Promotion Council. More Extension information about other commodity crops can be found at www.extension.umn .edu/CommodityCrops. ••• This article was submitted by Russ Severson, University of Minnesota Extension crops educator.


Move items that could become hazardous wastes

Early planting increased the dry matter yield and number of nodes and branches per plant; however, this did not always translate into increased yield. Yield results were variable for early planting (April 10 to May 15), with yield penalties of 0 to 5 percent or up to 3 bushels per acre. Average yield penalties for late planting (late May to early June) averaged 5 to 26 percent or 3 to 16 bushels per acre. Populations were not significantly impacted by early planting and delayed emergence. There was a 1.1-percent increase in oil content and a 0.7-percent decrease in protein content with early versus late planting of soybean. The main environmental factor contributing to whether the early or the late relative maturity out yielded each other was related to the amount of precipitation received in August. A dry August favored the early relative maturity soybean. Freezing temperatures were not encountered in any of the five years of the trials. The recent trends of a more sub-tropical climate extending further north into Minnesota place the odds more favorable for early planting to be successful. Pushing the planting window ahead to April 21 versus May 10-15 for the Crookston region may

THE LAND, MARCH 25, 2011

Producers have been asking about the idea of early soybean planting in northern Minnesota as soybean production pushes further north. Soybean acreage has dramatically increased with better-yielding varieties and the introduction of glyphosate-tolerant soybeans. To answer the question “How early do we dare plant soybeans in northwest Minnesota?” University of Minnesota Extension carried out a five-year (2006-10) research project with grant funding from the Minnesota Soybean Research and Promotion Council. We found that with soybean following sugar beets in a rotation, the soil is dry enough to facilitate early planting, and that early planting could increase dry matter accumulation and the number of nodes and branches on the plant. These factors ultimately lead to increased yields. The drawback to early planting was the risk of spring frost killing the soybean crop if seeded too early. The research took place in Crookston over five growing seasons, and included weekly planting of two soybean varieties with relative maturities of 00.9 and 0.4 planted on eight consecutive weeks. Planting started as soon as the soil was fit in the spring, which ranged from April 10 in 2010 to April 26 in 2009 with an average first planting date of April 19. Planting continued for 10 weeks in 2010. Each year, we collected data on these factors: days from planting to emergence, hourly soil temperature, hourly air temperature, population, dry matter yield, oil percentage, protein percentage, moisture and grain yield.


“Where Farm and Family Meet”


THE LAND, MARCH 25, 2011


Precautions prevent fuel tank problems in flooding The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency urges Minnesotans to prepare their fuel oil, gasoline and other petroleum tanks for the flooding expected this spring. This will reduce damage that spilled petroleum products wreak on property and buildings as well as reduce damage to the environment. Because water is heavier than fuel,

floodwater can enter buried tanks, displacing the fuel. Farmers and other rural residents who have underground fuel storage tanks should make sure their tanks are vented above the height of potential floodwater. “The best way to prepare above-ground fuel storage tanks for a flood is to have them emptied,” MPCA Emergency

Responder Walt Haas said. “If that is not possible or practical, the tanks should be secured to concrete anchors in the ground so they cannot float away. “If floodwater comes into contact with unsecured fuel oil tanks in basements, it will cause them to become unstable, tip over and/or float on the surface of the water. If a tank’s vent, fill pipe or other openings are not watertight, floodwater will enter the tank and displace the fuel into the home or office. In addition to creating fire and environmental hazards, the fuel will be absorbed by any porous material it comes in contact with, such as carpet, wood, cinder block and drywall. Once that happens, fuel vapors may persist in the building indefinitely.” If floodwaters are forecast to be high enough at your home or office to cause your tank to tip over or float: Contact a bulk fuel distributor to remove the fuel from the tank before flooding begins, and plug its vent and fill pipes. Although this

will make the tank more buoyant in floodwater, it will prevent or reduce leakage of fuel into a home or office should floodwater tip the tank over or enter the tank through an opening. If the tank is no longer in service, remove the unused equipment, including all piping, and seal the vent and fill openings. Secure the tank so that it will remain upright if floodwater causes it to float. The tank may float like a bobber if your basement floods, so anything used to secure the tank must be able to withstand these buoyant forces. Also, the fill and vent must be plugged to prevent water from entering the tank and displacing the fuel. More information on what to do before and after floods to minimize risks to health and damage to property and the environment is on the MPCA’s website at ••• This article was submitted by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency.

A new industry quietly keeps ramping up in Minnesota. In 1990, Minnesota had eight grape growers. Today, there are nearly 600 vineyards. In 1997, Minnesota had three licensed wineries. Today there are 31. Today the Minnesota wine and grape industry is a $40 million business. In Iowa, Tourism and Economic Development groups have made Iowa vineyards and Iowa wineries a major business. And for good reason. Studies by Iowa State University indicate this relatively “new industry” has a $230 million impact. The data showed that for each $1 spent on “Iowa wine,” $34 is cycled through the economy. If the “grape growing fever” is catching you, a good starting point is the publication, “Growing Grapes in Minnesota.” Now in its eighth edition, this booklet is available through the Minnesota Grape Growers Association. Log on to — Compiled by Dick Hagen, The Land staff writer nesota grown grapes, but the May 8 frost last season necessitated buying some out-of-state juices to meet market demand. The winery started originally on a farm west of Morgan, however in the wine business, traffic drives the deal. So last fall Fieldstone Winery relo-

cated to Redwood Falls which has both north-south and east-west major highways crisscrossing. With the growing popularity of Minnesota wines, Wedge questions if the industry might be getting saturated. See WINE, pg. 18



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$35.00 / UNIT Prices Subject To Change

“Where Farm and Family Meet”

when the new vintage is bottled there’s By DICK HAGEN a huge influx of sales which skews all The Land Staff Writer Grape growers and winemakers need the numbers at least temporarily. My to be on the same page to make the guess is that Marquette runs third to La Crescent or Frontenac gris, industry flourish. and Frontenac in a rose style. “The game is changing. The Out here in the prairie sugar highest quality fruit needs still sells,” Wedge said. to be the goal of both grape Fieldstone Vineyards has grower and winemaker, at 24 contract growers and all times. We winewith Mother Nature makers need closer cooperating, Wedge has contact with our a good estimate of growers,” said Mark grape tonnage to be Wedge of Fieldstone delivered to his winery Vineyards at Redeach season. However, wood Falls, Minn. that all changed last Wedge said, “if you year with a May 8 frost want to be in the that severely damaged game it’s important Frontenac and La Cresthat you undercent vines plus some of stand the best culthe Swensen varieties. tural practices. “Our production of It’s your business. whole fruit coming in You need to figwas down about 40 perure out how to cent and that obviously make your fruit presented some chaldesirable or at some lenging issues.” point you will be left behind.” That May 8 Mother’s Day weekend frost wasWedge emphasized n’t abnormal because that a working relaearly-May doesn’t get tionship between There are more you out of the frost-free winemakers and things to look at period in Minnesota. growers is vital. “It’s than just brix. Instead it was the rush the only way to start There’s a multitude of above-normal temps improving quality.” in March and April His point being that of stepping stones spurring early bloomwine quality starts in to higher quality. ing that made vines the vineyard but You can’t make susceptible to the May because of the youth good wine from 8 freeze. The frost-damof the Minnesota wine bad grapes. aged vines should be industry (barely a 20back to normal for year history), this cul— Mark Wedge 2011. tural relationship hasn’t been practiced He described the frost as it should. damage as a rebuilding “There are more things to look at issue for vines to put on green matter than just brix. There’s a multitude of and build bud count and with the genstepping stones to higher quality. You erous snow covering Minnesota vinecan’t make good wine from bad yards this winter, sap flowing should be on target. Obviously the early and grapes.” The Minnesota grape and wine deep snows last fall curtailed winter industry continues to expand prima- pruning of vineyards. The key is getrily because of winter-hardy varieties ting vines pruned before the sap is developed by University of Minnesota moving. Grape prices don’t show quite the researchers. Predominant varieties include Frontenac, Frontenac gris, La volatility seen in corn and soybean Crescent and Marquette (introduced prices. Last year $1,300 per ton delivin 2006). Minnesota grape acreage is ered was the going price. Figure much now estimated at nearly 1,400 acres. the same for 2011 which translates to Marquette has come on fast and now 60 to 65 cents per pound with some 70drives the market in the dry red style cent pricing on quality. wines. Fieldstone Vineyards for five years “In our winery, Marquette as a dry had the distinction of being the largest red is our best seller. Across the board Minnesota winery using only Min-

17 THE LAND, MARCH 25, 2011

Grape growers, winemakers must work as a team Grape ‘farming’ is growing

THE LAND, MARCH 25, 2011


Restaurants should be Minnesota winery boosters By DICK HAGEN The Land Staff Writer In a special session on wine marketing at the recent Cold Climate Conference sponsored by the Minnesota Grape Growers Association, panel speakers pointed out that wines with higher natural acidity (which cold climate grapes tend to be) are foodfriendlier wines. Local wineries are already keen on this idea. Steve Zeller at Parley Lake Winery at Waconia, Minn., makes a Frontenac that he admits is too acidic to enjoy on its own, because it’s specif-

ically designed to be a complement to food. “It’s not just about making a local product,” Zeller said. “We’re passionate about what we do. We’re serious about making great quality wines; we’re not just trying to put sweet wine on the table. You have to try it, pair it with food correctly. If you do, you’ll be coming back for our wines all over the state.” The panel also suggested that wineries capitalize on their unique purpose. “The ability to explain where this wine

comes from, why it matters, who created it, where the grapes came from,” Lee Zukor said, “all those things fill out a story that’s really interesting to the chefs and restaurant owners. It’s not just about the product, it’s about the story that connects people to the product.” Zukor, of Minneapolis, is the founder of Simple, Good and Tasty, a web-based business focused on helping providers of good food connect with consumers. One way to do that is to make a greater effort to get people out to the wineries — especially while the law is

on their side. “Wineries have the edge over breweries right now,” said Dan Schwarz, who recently launched Lift Bridge Brewing Co. in Stillwater, Minn. “To be able to get people to your place and see how you make your product, and then sell them a glass or a bottle of wine to go, is illegal in Minnesota for breweries. But not for wineries. People can sit and soak up the experience that much more. Even if you can’t afford to staff a tasting room all the time, set some hours and use social media to get the word out.”

“Where Farm and Family Meet”


Investigate end market before diving head-first WINE, from pg. 17 But excitement prevails with over 1,000 acres of Marquette already in the fertile soils of Minnesota and more vineyards sprouting each year. Wedge said, “There’s no such thing as oversupply of high-quality fruit. Sometimes the responsibility is for us winemakers to come up with new flavor styles, new uses for these Minnesota varieties. We started our winery in 2002 and at the time were the 10th winery in Minnesota. The first Minnesota winery dates back to 1978. This spring Minnesota will have 32 wineries.” He remains confident about the future of the Minnesota wine industry. An informal “hand count” at the Cold Climate Conference sponsored by the Minnesota Grape Growers Association showed only about 25 percent were first timers. “That tells me that most growers attend each year and view this as their opportunity for more ‘professionalism’ in their business. This is a tremendous educational event with speakers from across the country, both specialists in growing grapes and specialists in making wine. Plus great marketing sessions on how to sell, how to promote, how to keep your vineyard healthy,” Wedge said. About 60 vendors exhibiting a variety of vineyard equipment, wine making tools and pesticide information added to the professional flavor of the conference. Some attend just to see if this is an opportunity. New faces are always welcome but Wedge suggested that before a potential grower starts up, check with local wineries for market access. He complimented the quality of

research and instruction at the University of Minnesota Horticultural Research Station near the U of M Arboretum. Staff members include Peter Hemstad, Jim Luby, Katie Cook and John Thull, manager of the 12acre vineyard which includes about 10,000 experimental vines. Currently more than 100 U of M advanced selections are being tested, as well as more than 400 cultivars and selections from other breeding programs. The Grape Growers Association estimates there are now over 300 vineyards in Minnesota, and Minnesota wines are available virtually everywhere. Fieldstone Vineyards for example has products in nearly 200 Minnesota retail outlets plus 16 Minnesota restaurants. Iowa now has 90 wineries. But Iowa has a different situation. “In Iowa politics at the local level drives the market,” said Mike White, Iowa State University Extension viticulturist. For example wine can be bought from grocery stores as well as liquor markets. In essence the “liquor lobby” at the State Capital in Iowa doesn’t carry the same clout as it does in Minnesota. Plus for a $25 fee, wine-tasting events are often part of public functions throughout the state. Wedge spoke at the recent Cold Climate Conference sponsored by the Minnesota Grape Growers Association. For more information about U of M grape work, log on to For more information on Fieldstone Vineyards, log on to www.field or call (507) 627WINE.

MARCH 25, 2011




THE LAND, MARCH 25, 2011

Milker's Message

How high will milk, dairy prices go for consumers?



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“Where Farm and Family Meet”

a year ago. This column was written for the marketing week endGenerally, a penny moveing March 18. ment on cheese represents a dime on the milk price. Consumers will be seeing higher milk and dairy Twenty-three cars of block prices. How much remains and 16 of barrel traded to be seen as dairy product hands on the week. The lagprices, particularly cheese, ging NASS-surveyed U.S. took a hit the middle week average block price hit of March. $1.9842, up 4.1 cents, while DAIRYLINE the barrels averaged The U.S. Department of $1.9733, up 3.5 cents. Agriculture announced the By Lee Mielke April federal order Class I Even the butter price lost base milk price Friday ground, closing Friday at morning at $19.43 per hundredweight, $2.07/lb., down a nickel on the week, up $1.20 from March and a whopping but still 60 cents above a year ago. $6.21 above April 2010. That amounts Eleven cars were sold on the week. to about $1.67 per gallon for you soccer NASS butter averaged $2.0671, up 5.6 moms. Compare that with what you’re cents. paying at retail. Cash Grade A nonfat dry milk closed The Class III advanced pricing factor Friday at $1.79 and Extra Grade closed became the “higher of” in driving the at $1.80, both were unchanged on the Class I value for the first time since week. NASS powder averaged $1.4766, March 2010 and the National Milk Pro- up 0.6 cent. Dry whey averaged 46.28 ducers Federation’s Roger Cryan does cents, up 0.6 cent. not expect a Milk Income Loss Con■ tract payment for producers. Downes-O’Neill dairy economist Bill The National Agricultural Statistics Service butter price averaged $2.0363 Brooks said that it’s been a long time per pound, down 4.6 cents from March. since we’ve had that steep of a decline Nonfat dry milk averaged $1.4733, up in the block (cheese) market and, after the previous Friday’s market saw the 12.7 cents. Dry whey averaged 46.18 blocks inch up a quarter-cent and the cents, up 4.7 cents, and cheese averbarrels hold, there might have been a aged $1.9735, up 33.5 cents. feeling of stability. Monday morning’s tremor was in “That didn’t last,” Brooks said, “and Chicago and not Japan as cheese prices plummeted at the Chicago Mercantile right now is not the time of year we typically are going to see prices moving Exchange. The blocks lost 13.5 cents, higher.” the barrels were down a nickel and a quarter, and the free fall continued He also pointed to the inverted spread from there as the markets awaited Fri- with the barrels over the blocks, saying day afternoon’s February milk produc- there may be more support in the barrel tion data. market as traders anticipate May, the start of the barbecue and travel season, The blocks finished Friday at $1.6850/lb., down 33 cents on the week, although he believes it will be more barbecue than travel, considering gas prices. but still 41.5 cents above a year ago. Barrel finished at $1.70, down 26.5 cents on the week and 43.5 cents above See DAIRYLINE, pg. 20

THE LAND, MARCH 25, 2011


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Japanese crisis hits dairy on numerous fronts of the Japanese economy,” DAIRYLINE, from pg. 19 Natzke said. “Corn and soyHow low will the blocks go? bean futures prices are moving Brooks suggests the $1.50s. He up and down based on how doesn’t think they’ll fall to the effective the markets feel $1.30s seen in December-early Japan is at containing fallout January but admits he didn’t from failing nuclear reactors,” think they would get that low Kohl said. then either. There’s uncer“And, as we saw earlier this tainty where the markets are David Kohl week in Fonterra’s Global going to be, Brooks said, but Dairy Trade auction, the uncertainty in he thinks there’ll be support in the financial markets has already driven $1.50s. down milk powder prices, with prices Monday’s powder prices were down 10 to 13 percent from two weeks unchanged and butter remained at ago,” Natzke said. $2.12, but Brooks said the markets Kohl predicted that, while the price were probably waiting on Fonterra’s bidecline in feed commodities is welmonthly dairy trade auction on Tuesday. There’s a lot of world uncertainty, comed by farmers buying feed, both grain and dairy markets will likely he said — the Middle East and the become even more volatile, making the earthquake in Japan — and how that timing of purchasing and selling deciwill impact that auction. The next day the CME’s Daily Dairy sions critical. The impact could reach beyond comReport said that the weighted average modity prices to credit availability and whole milk powder price fell 11.4 percent from the March 1 auction, the first interest rates, Kohl said, because, decrease in four months, and the skim while most news reports cite China’s control of large shares of U.S. debt, milk price was down 4.6 percent. Regarding butter, Brooks said we’re a Japan is actually the biggest lender to little over a month away from Easter so the United States. As Japan struggles there’s probably some stockpiling going to recover to rebuild its infrastructure, on although, given current price levels, less money will be available on the world credit market, causing interest there’s probably not a great deal. rates to rise, Kohl said. Brooks expects an impact on the Closer to home, Kohl warned the U.S. dairy markets from the earthquake in economy is not “out of the woods,” noting Japan. Japan was an importer of cheese, he said and, “with the destruc- housing, unemployment and government debt are “headwinds.” He warned that $4 tion that has taken place and the loss of life, imports are likely to slow down per gallon gasoline prices have both a so that product that might be slated to financial and psychological impact on consumers, causing them to pull back on move into that country over the next month or two probably won’t and it will purchasing plans. Using a football analogy, Kohl urged be looking for a home out there so that dairy producers to “play offense by mancould very well place pressure on aging their revenues; defense, by managcheese market especially.” ing their input costs; and special teams, ■ by managing credit and interest rates.” The events in Japan were part of the ■ discussion this week in Madison, Wis., The USDA’s Livestock, Dairy, and at the annual business conference of Poultry Outlook says milk production the Professional Dairy Producers of is forecast to expand this year as the Wisconsin. number of cows increases. Milk per cow Dairy Profit Weekly editor, Dave is also forecast to increase, albeit at a Natzke, was there and said that Virginia Tech emeritus agricultural econo- slower pace in 2011. High feed prices and softening milk mist David Kohl warned PDPW memprices may ultimately blunt the expanbers that the ongoing crisis in Japan sion in cow numbers, according to the could impact U.S. dairy producers on Outlook, but through the first part of the multiple fronts. year, strong export demand for all prod“With commodity markets being ucts and recovering domestic demand has driven both by supply-demand issues supported milk prices, trumping higher and confidence in financial markets, and due to the size and global influence See DAIRYLINE, pg. 21

Herd freshening underlying expansion

21 THE LAND, MARCH 25, 2011

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“Where Farm and Family Meet”




DAIRYLINE, from pg. 20 feed prices for most producers. Corn prices in 2010-11 are expected to be high by historic standards, averaging $5.15 to $5.65 per bushel for the crop year. The USDA did not revise the corn supply, demand and price forecast this month. The soybean meal price is forecast to average $340 to $370 a ton in 2010-11, and this month’s forecast was revised downward slightly. Feed ingredient prices could push the 16-percent mixed ration value up by more than $2/cwt. from the $7.25 calculated for 2010. Milk yield per cow rose by nearly 2.8 percent in 2010 and is forecast to climb by only slightly more than 1 percent in 2011, a rate much closer to longterm trend. Downward revisions in output per cow in late-2010 and slower than expected growth in January contribute to the forecast. Along with this, dairy cow slaughter has been trending upward since last fall, based on year-earlier comparisons. The higher implied culling, along with an ample supply of dairy heifers, suggests that herd freshening may be underlying the expansion, and the introduction of a greater number of heifers could also slow the growth rate in milk per cow in 2011 as the younger cows typically will not hit their production stride in the first lactation, according to the USDA. ■ The Cooperatives Working Together program accepted 12 requests for export assistance from Dairy Farmers of America, Darigold and Foremost Farms to sell a total of 2.9 million pounds of cheese abroad this week. Details are posted at ■ The NMPF also praised the long-awaited arrival of the promotion checkoff on dairy imports. The USDA finalized its regulation Friday. We’ll have details in the future. ••• Lee Mielke is the host of “DairyLine,” broadcast on more than 90 radio stations coast to coast, and writes a column by the same name which is printed in 11 weekly newspapers. He may be reached at lkmielke@ or you may log on to

THE LAND, MARCH 25, 2011


Prepare your livestock operation for spring floods The impact of a natural disaster on a community always makes headlines. If you happen to be a livestock farmer, the impact on you seldom makes headlines, but it makes a big impact on you, your livestock and the viability of your operation. “Many natural disasters give you little or no warning, but flooding is usually forecast, giving farmers time to think about contingency plans and take action,” said Chuck Schwartau, a

livestock educator with University of Minnesota Extension. Questions for planning Your specific plan of action will vary by the type of livestock operation, but there are many common questions to address if flooding is a possibility at your farmstead or livestock facility. Schwartau recommends that you consider these questions for your livestock operation.


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• Where can I take livestock that is safe from floodwaters? • How will I move livestock? • Where will I secure enough trucks/trailers to move livestock in a timely fashion? • Who will be available to help? Might they have their own livestock to move? • Is there appropriate shelter and fencing at the temporary site? • Is there feed at the site or will I have to haul feed there? • How and when will I move feed? • How much feed will I need? • Do I need to move implements and feeding equipment? • Where will I access fuel for implements? • If my usual source of commercial feed is unable to deliver feed, what alternative sources do I have? • If I have to reduce feeding amounts to stretch the supply, how will I ration it out? • What about bedding material? • Is there adequate water on the site? • Are there adequate water fountains or tanks? • If I am able to stay in my home, will I be able to get to the livestock location? Plan for power loss If you are able to leave your livestock at home but the power goes off for hours or even days: • How will you water your livestock? • How will you provide ventilation for your stock? • How will you milk the cows? • How will you cool the milk? • How will you get the milk into a

k c a B ads Ro

tanker and off to market? • How long can you store milk on the farm before you have to dump some of it? • If the road washes out or is blocked, how can you get milk out? • If you have an emergency power generator, will it start when you need it? • How long can your generator run continuously? • How is the generator fueled and can you keep it supplied? • If injured livestock needs to be euthanized, how will you do it? • How and where will you dispose of mortalities? • If your labor force is disrupted, where can you find the help to get the work done? • Have you considered whether you would re-establish the business you now have if it entirely disappeared due to a natural disaster? “You probably don’t have answers to all those questions right now,” Schwartau said, “but start thinking about them. Engage the innovative thinking of the rest of your family and people who are part of your farming operation.” Additional resources Find articles and links to help prepare your family, housing and farm, with research-based tips on immediate and long-term flood issues. Flood Information Line: (800)2329077, For questions about water, crops, horticulture and climatology issues. ••• This article was submitted by University of Minnesota Extension.

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THE LAND, MARCH 25, 2011

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“Where Farm and Family Meet”


CIH CX70, '00, 4100 hrs..................................................$18,900 CIH 305 Mag, '10, 515 hrs ............................................$182,500 CIH 305 Mag, '08, 625 hrs ............................................$165,500 CIH 305 Mag, '08, 1235 hrs ..........................................$169,900 CIH MX305, '06, 4325 hrs ............................................$125,500 CIH MX270, '99, 5400 hrs ..............................................$78,500 CIH 245 Mag, '09, 1390 hrs ..........................................$139,000 CIH MX200, '02, 5190 hrs ..............................................$75,000 CIH MXM140, '03, 1600 hrs............................................$71,200 CIH MXM120, '04, 1960 hrs............................................$59,500 CIH 7130, '91, 7385 hrs ..................................................$43,500 CIH 7120, '88, 6375 hrs ..................................................$49,500 CIH 7120, 21105 hrs ......................................................$27,900 CIH 7110, '90, 5500 hrs ..................................................$47,900 Case 4694, '84, 5970 hrs ................................................$18,900 CIH 3394, '87, 5000 hrs ..................................................$28,900 CIH 3294, '84, 5065 hrs ..................................................$22,500 CIH 125 Pro, '09, 1200 hrs..............................................$69,000 Ford 8970, '94, 8140 hrs ................................................$62,500 JD 7330, '08, 2110 hrs....................................................$67,500 JD 2955, '89, 2330 hrs....................................................$28,950 McCormick XTX165, '09, 85 hrs......................................$89,500 NH 8870, '95, 3895 hrs ..................................................$67,900 NH 8770 ..........................................................................$54,900 NH 8670A, '02, 3645 hrs ................................................$67,500 Versatile 2145, '05, 2085 hrs ..........................................$79,500 White 6144, '96, 4020 hrs ..............................................$38,900

CIH 1240, 16R30 ............................................................$72,900 CIH 1240, 24R22 ..........................................................$92,500 CIH 1240, 12R30 ............................................................$89,900 CIH 1240, 12R30 ............................................................$57,900 CIH 1200, 36R22 ............................................................$95,500 CIH 1200, 36R20 ............................................................$97,500 CIH 1200, 32R22 ............................................................$72,500 (2) CIH 1200, 24R22 ............................................choice $42,500 CIH 1200, 24R20 ............................................................$73,500 CIH 1200, 12R30 ............................................................$48,500 (3) CIH 955, 12R30 ........................................$17,500 - $23,900 CIH 950, 16R22 ..............................................................$17,900 CIH 950, 6R30 ..................................................................$5,250 CIH 900, 6R30 ..................................................................$5,900 IH 800, 6R30 ....................................................................$3,500 JD 7300, 12R30 ................................................................$9,500 JD 7000, 12N ..................................................................$10,950 (2) JD 1770NT ..............................................$71,500 & $99,900 Kinze 3700, 36R20 ..........................................................$62,500 Kinze 3140, 12R30 ..........................................................$39,500 White 8524, 24R30........................................................$117,500 White 8100, 12R24..........................................................$59,000 White 8100 ......................................................................$23,000 (2) White 6700 ..............................................$17,500 & $23,500 (2) CIH 5500, 30' Drill ..................................$19,500 & $22,000 CIH 5500MT ....................................................................$18,000 CIH 5400, 20' Drill ..........................................................$12,900 (2) CIH 5400MT, 20' Drill ..................................$7,500 & $9,500 Great Plains 2000, 20' Drill..............................................$12,500 (2) JD 455, 30' Drill ......................................$14,500 & $18,500 CIH SDX40, 40' Seeder..................................................$129,500

Miller 4275, 615 hrs ......................................................$209,000 Miller 2275HT, '06 ........................................................$134,900 Miller 2275HT, '05, 960 hrs ..........................................$149,900 Tyler Patriot XL, '95, 4020 hrs ........................................$34,000 Tyler Patriot XL, '94, 4460 hrs ........................................$32,500

SPRAYERS - PULL-TYPE Demco Conquest ............................................................$22,500 Fast 1000 Gal ....................................................................$7,950 Hardi 1000 ......................................................................$13,500 Hardi 500, 60'....................................................................$8,500 Hardi Commander............................................................$47,500 Hardi HAC900 ....................................................................$8,950 Hardi HC800 ......................................................................$7,250 Millerpro 500-45................................................................$5,950 Redball 690......................................................................$39,500 Redball 690, 2000 Gal ....................................................$26,500 Redball 670, 1200 Gal ....................................................$22,900 Spraymast 1000, 90' ........................................................$9,950 Top Air NAV1100 ............................................................$22,500 Top Air 1100R60XF..........................................................$14,500 Top Air 500, 45' ................................................................$4,000 Top Air 60' ........................................................................$5,995



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CNH Capital ® 2011 CNH America LLC. All rights reserved. Case IH is a registered trademark of CNH America LLC. CNH Capital is a trademark of CNH America LLC.

FORAGE Gehl 1285 Forg Harv........................................................$17,750 Gehl 1075, '00 Forg Harv ................................................$14,500 Gehl 1065, '96 Forg Harv ..................................................$6,950 JD 3950, '94 Forg Harv ....................................................$5,500 JD 3950, '91 Forg Harv ....................................................$5,500 NH FP240, '04 Forg Harv ................................................$23,000 (4) Claas PU380HD Hayhead ........................ $14,000 - $16,500 Claas PU380 Pro Hayhead ..............................................$23,000 (6) Claas PU380 Hayhead ............................ $12,500 - $15,000 (2) Claas PU300 Hayhead ................................$9,500 & $11,500 (2) Gehl HA1210 7' Hayhead..................................choice $1,250 Gehl HA1110, '95 Hayhead................................................$1,250 Gehl 7' Hayhead ................................................................$1,250 (2) JD 630A Hayhead ............................................choice $8,500 JD 630 Hayhead ................................................................$8,500 JD 7HP, 7' Hayhead ..............................................................$600 JD 5HP, 5.5' Hayhead ..........................................................$850 NH 3500 Hayhead..............................................................$6,500 NH 355W Hayhead ............................................................$8,500 NH 340W Hayhead ............................................................$5,000 NH 29P Hayhead................................................................$3,500 Claas Orbis 750 Cornhead ..............................................$76,000 Claas Orbis 600 Cornhead ..............................................$65,000 (6) Claas RU600, 8R30 Cornhead ..................$24,500 - $59,000 Claas RU450XTRA Cornhead ..........................................$42,000 (10) Claas RU450 Cornhead............................$29,000 - $45,000 Gehl TR3038N Cornhead ..................................................$1,400 (3) Gehl TR330 Cornhead ..................................$4,200 - $5,900 JD 688 Cornhead ............................................................$51,500 JD 676 6R Cornhead ......................................................$52,000 JD 4R30 Cornhead ............................................................$5,500 (2) Kemper 4500 Cornhead ..........................$26,000 & $29,500 NH 360N6 Cornhead........................................................$15,000 NH 360U6 Cornhead........................................................$16,500 NH 3PN Cornhead..............................................................$8,500 (2) NH R1600 Cornhead ................................$39,500 & $42,500

Claas 980, '08, 1495 hrs................................................$255,000 Claas 960, '10, 225 hrs..................................................$295,000

(3) CIH RBX562 Rnd Baler ............................$14,500 - $18,500 CIH RBX561 Rnd Baler ......................................................$9,500 CIH RB564, 5x6 Rnd Baler ..............................................$27,500 CIH 8460, 5x6 Rnd Baler ..................................................$5,950 Claas 280RC, 5x4 Rnd Baler............................................$19,900 Claas 280 Rnd Baler ........................................................$16,500 Gehl RB2580 Rnd Baler ....................................................$9,950 Gehl 2880, 5x6 Rnd Baler..................................................$9,950 JD 567, 5x6 Rnd Baler ....................................................$22,500 JD 566, 5x6 Rnd Baler ....................................................$15,500 NH BR780A Rnd Baler ....................................................$19,800 NH BR780 Rnd Baler ......................................................$17,900 CIH 8575 Rec Baler ........................................................$32,500 CIH 8530 Rec Baler ........................................................$10,400 NH BB940A Rec Baler......................................................$67,000 NH 590 Rec Baler ............................................................$35,500 NH 273 Rec Baler ..............................................................$2,300

HAY EQUIPMENT CIH 8840, '93, 3345 hrs ..................................................$12,500 CIH 8830, '96, 1430 hrs ..................................................$17,900 JD 4995, '07, 525 hrs......................................................$78,000 JD 2360 ..........................................................................$12,500 CIH DC515, 15' Mow Cond................................................$9,500 CIH DCX161 MowCond....................................................$17,800 Claas 8550C MowCond....................................................$28,750 Gehl DC2412 MowCond ....................................................$8,500 Gehl 2412 MowCond ........................................................$9,950 NH 1475 MowCond ........................................................$14,500 NH 1475 MowCond ..........................................................$9,000 NH 1431, 13' MowCond ..................................................$12,500 Vermeer 1030, 13.5' MowCond ......................................$19,500 Duetz 7' Disc Mower..........................................................$1,650 CIH FC60, 60" Rotary Mower ................................................$550 Kubota B3487, 48" Rotary Mower ........................................$825 Progress 65-2, 12' Rotary Mower ....................................$5,800 Woods BB72N, 72" Rotary Mower........................................$975 H & S HM2000 Wind Merg..............................................$10,950 H & S TWN2-P Wind Merg..............................................$22,500 (5) Millerpro 14-16 Wind Merg .................... $28,500 - $38,500 (2) NH 166 Wind Merg ......................................$3,500 & $3,950 Tebben 4200 Wind Merg....................................................$1,900


Claas Liner 3000 Rake .......................................... Kuhn GA8521 Rake................................................ Kuhn GA7301 Rake................................................


CIH 9120, '10, 295 hrs .......................................... CIH 9120, '10, 300 hrs .......................................... CIH 9120, '10, 395 hrs .......................................... CIH 8120, '10, 210 hrs .......................................... CIH 8120, '09, 590 hrs .......................................... CIH 8120, '09, 840 hrs .......................................... CIH 8010, '07, 1100 hrs ........................................ CIH 8010, '07, 1650 hrs ........................................ CIH 8010, '06, 1430 hrs ........................................ CIH 8010, '05 ........................................................ CIH 8010, '04, 1605 hrs ........................................ CIH 8010, '04, 1685 hrs ........................................ CIH 8010, '04, 2100 hrs ........................................ CIH 8010, '04, 2440 hrs ........................................ CIH 7120, '09 ........................................................ CIH 7088, '10, 810 hrs .......................................... CIH 7088, '09,745 hrs .......................................... CIH 7010, '08, 315 hrs .......................................... CIH 7010, '08, 900 hrs .......................................... CIH 7010, '08, 955 hrs .......................................... CIH 7010, '07, 1100 hrs ........................................ CIH 7010, '07, 1150 hrs ........................................ CIH 7010, '07, 1365 hrs ........................................ (2) CIH 6088, '10, 600 hrs CIH 6088, '10, 680 hrs .......................................... CIH 6088, '10, 710 hrs .......................................... CIH 6088, '09, 435 hrs .......................................... CIH 2588, '08, 1420 hrs ........................................ CIH 2577, '07, 1870 hrs ........................................ CIH 2388, '06, 1425 hrs ........................................ CIH 2388, '05, 1615 hrs ........................................ CIH 2388, '04, 1900 hrs ........................................ CIH 2388, '03, 2740 hrs ........................................ CIH 2388, '02, 2505 hrs ........................................ CIH 2388, '02, 2930 hrs ........................................ CIH 2388, '01, 2385 hrs ........................................ CIH 2388, '01, 2835 hrs ........................................ CIH 2388, '01, 3015 hrs ........................................ CIH 2388, '98, 3775 hrs ........................................ CIH 2388, '98, 3065 hrs ........................................ CIH 2388, '98, 2565 hrs ........................................ CIH 2388, '98, 3750 hrs ........................................ CIH 2366, '02, 3125 hrs ........................................ CIH 2366, '01, 2705 hrs ........................................ CIH 2366, '00, 2810 hrs ........................................ CIH 2366, '99, 3845 hrs ........................................ CIH 2366, '98, 2490 hrs ........................................ CIH 2166, '97, 4145 hrs ........................................ CIH 2166, '96, 3000 hrs ........................................ CIH 2166, '96, 3155 hrs ........................................ CIH 1688, '94, 4160 hrs ........................................ CIH 1688, '94, 4205 hrs ........................................ CIH 1688, '93, 4325 hrs ........................................ CIH 1680, '90, 3180 hrs ........................................ CIH 1680, '86, 4920 hrs ........................................ CIH 1660, '92, 3615 hrs ........................................ CIH 1660, '92 ........................................................ CIH 1660, '91, 6940 hrs ........................................ CIH 1660, '88, 3675 hrs ........................................ CIH 1640, '89, 3300 hrs ........................................ CIH 1640, '86, 2640 hrs ........................................ IH 1460, '81, 4600 hrs .......................................... IH 1440, '83, 3670 hrs .......................................... Gleaner R52, '96, 2795 hrs.................................... Gleaner R50, '89, 3150 hrs.................................... JD 9660STS, '06, 2100 hrs .................................. JD 9660STS, '04.................................................... JD 9650STS, '03, 2050 hrs .................................. JD 9610, '96, 3265 hrs.......................................... JD 9600, '89, 4020 hrs.......................................... JD 9510, '98, 2940 hrs.......................................... JD 8820, 7325 hrs ................................................ NH CR960, '06, 410 hrs ........................................ NH CR940, '04, 1185 hrs ...................................... NH TR86, '89, 3860 hrs ........................................ NH TR86, '85, 3245 hrs ........................................ NH 970, '03, 2020 hrs ..........................................


(4) CIH 2062, 36' Beanhead............................$49 (6) CIH 2020, 35' Beanhead............................$25 CIH 2020, 30' Beanhead ........................................ (20) CIH 1020, 30' Beanhead ..........................Sta (13) CIH 1020, 25' Beanhead ..........................Sta (4) CIH 1020, 22.5' Beanhead ............................$ (5) CIH 1020, 20' Beanhead..............................$4 IH 820 Beanhead .................................................. Deutz Allis 320 Beanhead ...................................... Gleaner 820 Beanhead .......................................... JD 925, 25' Beanhead............................................ Macdon 974, 35' Beanhead .................................. NH 973, 25' Beanhead ..........................................

WILLMAR, MN • 320-235-4898 Sales: • Bob Pfingston • Nate Scharmer

• Christy Hoff • Bob Lindahl • Tim Hansen

NO. MANKATO, MN • 507-387-5515 Sales: • Randy Rasmussen • Ed Nowak • Leon Rasmussen • Jay Pederson • Brad Wermedal • Spencer Kolles

20-864-5531 • 952-442-5908 Randy Uecker • Steve Schramm • Mike Wettengel

g World


...........$13,500 ...........$23,500 ...........$10,750

,000 - $49,500 ,000 - $37,500 ...........$24,500 arting at $3,550 arting at $7,900 6,000 - $7,900 ,900 - $17,900 .............$1,500 .............$4,300 .............$9,950 .............$5,950 ...........$48,500 .............$5,000

JD 680, 25' Chisel Plow ..................................................$24,500 White 445 Chisel Plow ......................................................$7,950 White 445, 13 Shank Chisel Plow......................................$7,950 JD 2800, 7 Bottom MB Plow ............................................$7,500 (2) CIH 110, 50' Crumbler ..............................$9,900 & $11,900 DMI 50' Crumbler ............................................................$13,250 DMI 45' Crumbler ..............................................................$8,950 DMI 37.5' Crumbler ..........................................................$7,250 Flexicoil 38' Crumbler ........................................................$6,500 JD 200, 36' Crumbler ........................................................$9,500 Summers 54' Crumbler ..................................................$24,000

FALL TILLAGE (3) CIH MRX690 Suboiler ..............................$18,900 - $28,500 (7) CIH 9300, 22.5' Subsoiler ........................$27,500 - $38,500 CIH 9300, 22' Subsoiler ..................................................$48,500 CIH 9300, 9 Shank Subsoiler ..........................................$26,500 (3) CIH 870, 22' Subsoiler ..............................$61,875 - $72,500 (2) CIH 870, 18' Subsoiler ............................$46,800 & $51,800 CIH 870, 14' Subsoiler ....................................................$35,000 CIH 730B Subsoiler ........................................................$23,500 (3) CIH 730C, 17.5' Subsoiler ........................$42,500 - $43,500 CIH 530B, 12.5' Subsoiler ............................$24,900 & $26,500 CIH 530C, 12.5' Subsoiler ..............................................$32,000 DMI 9300, 22' Subsoiler..................................................$29,500 DMI 2500, 5 Shank Subsoiler............................................$7,995 (2) DMI 730B Subsoiler ................................$17,500 & $23,500 DMI 730B, 17.5' Subsoiler ..............................................$16,500 DMI 730B, 7' Subsoiler ..................................................$25,500 DMI 730B, 7 Shank Suboiler ..........................................$18,500 DMI 730, 17.5' Subsoiler ................................................$11,000 DMI 530B, 12.5' Subsoiler ..............................................$16,900 DMI 530 Subsoiler ..........................................................$16,500 (2) DMI Tiger II Subsoiler..................................$5,900 & $7,950 DMI Turbo T Subsoiler ......................................................$9,500 Bourgault 2200, 30' Subsoiler ........................................$92,400 (8) JD 2700 Subsoiler ....................................$20,000 - $41,000 JD 512, 9 Shank Subsoiler ..............................................$32,500 JD 512, 12.5' Subsoiler ..................................................$15,900 JD 510, 17.5' Subsoiler ..................................................$12,900 JD 510, 7 Shank Subsoiler ..............................................$11,500 JD 510, 5 Shank Subsoiler ..............................................$10,950 M & W 2900 Subsoiler ....................................................$19,900 M & W 2500 Subsoiler ....................................................$32,500 M & W 2200 Subsoiler ....................................................$19,500 M & W 1875 Subsoiler ....................................................$15,500 NH ST770, 7 Shank Subsoiler ........................................$24,900 (2) Sunflower 4412, 7 Shank Subsoiler ..............choice $32,000 Sunflower 4411, 5 Shank Subsoiler ................................$24,950 Wilrich V957DVR Subsoiler ............................................$36,900 Wilrich V957DDR Subsoiler ............................................$23,500 DMI CCII, 14' Chisel Plow ................................................$4,500

SKID LOADERS/RTV’s/EXCAVATORS Case 1840, '01, 4445 hrs ................................................$10,500 Case 1840, '93, 5100 hrs ..................................................$8,950 Case 1840, '91 ..................................................................$9,850 Case 1840, '91, 3840 hrs ..................................................$8,950 Case 1840, '90 ..................................................................$8,750 Case 1840, 4355 hrs........................................................$10,750 Case 1835B, 3150 hrs ......................................................$7,950 Case 435, '06, 1600 hrs ..................................................$22,500 Case 435, '06, 1650 hrs ..................................................$22,500 Case 420, '07, 1160 hrs ..................................................$16,900 Gehl 7810 Turbo, '04, 3215 hrs ......................................$34,500 Gehl 5640E, '08, 2975 hrs ..............................................$21,700 Gehl 4625SX, 2845 hrs....................................................$10,500 Gehl 4825SX, '98, 5640 hrs ..............................................$8,500 Gehl 3935SX, '01, 1735 hrs ..............................................$9,950 Mustang 921, '92, 3650 hrs ..............................................$3,900 Case Maxi-C, '99, 745 hrs Excavator ..............................$13,500 JD 310D, 5495 hrs ..........................................................$29,500 JD Pro900, '03 Excavator ..................................................$3,900 Artic Cat Prowler, '11 ......................................................$12,750 Cub Cadet 4x4D Trail, '06 ..................................................$7,975 JD Gator, 6x4, '98, 900 hrs................................................$5,925 Kubota RTV900W, '06, 800 hrs ........................................$9,900 Kubota RTV900W, '05, 370 hrs ........................................$8,000 Steiner Hawk, '00 ..............................................................$3,250

MISCELLANEOUS Alloway 20' Shredder ......................................................$10,500 Balzer 5205M, 30' Shredder ..............................................$8,900 Balzer 520PT, 15' Shreder ................................................$8,500 JD 520, 20' Shredder ......................................................$18,500 JD 220, 20' Shredder ......................................................$11,500 JD 120, 20' Shredder ........................................................$7,500 (2) Loftness 264, 22' Shredder ..........................$8,000 $15,900 Loftness 2644SM54S Shredder ........................................$7,500 (2) Loftness 240, 20' Shredder......................$19,500 & $20,500 Loftness 180BS-HNG Shredder ........................................$6,500 (2) Loftness 20' Shredder..............................$14,000 & $19,500 Wilrich 22' Shredder........................................................$12,900 Wilrich 20' Shredder........................................................$10,900 Woods S20CD Shredder ..................................................$16,750 Woods 20' Shredder........................................................$12,500 Woods 15' Shredder........................................................$12,500 Field Queen 1408N Forage Box..........................................$3,000 (7) CIH 600 Forage Blower..................................$2,850 - $5,500 Gehl 1580 Forage Blower ..................................................$1,250 Ag Bag G6009 Forage Bagger..........................................$19,750 JD 450 Manure Spreader ..................................................$3,900 JD 350 Manure Spreader ..................................................$1,250 Kuhn 1224T Manure Spreader ..........................................$8,750 NH 357 GrindMixer............................................................$2,500 (2) Feterl 8x60 Auger ........................................$2,900 & $3,000 Feterl 8x56 Auger ..............................................................$1,350 GSI 10x31E Auger ............................................................$3,800 J & M Fert Auger ..................................................................$250 Snowco 8x65 Auger ..........................................................$2,850 Unverferth 16' Auger ........................................................$1,200 Degelman 7200, 16' Blade ..............................................$27,000 Farm Star 72" Blade ..............................................................$345 CIH 520 Loader..................................................................$6,500 IH 2000 Loader..................................................................$1,750 GB 800 Loader ..................................................................$1,500 Kubota LA514 Loader ........................................................$3,200 Bradford 240/316 Grav Box ..............................................$2,650 Huskee 225, 250 bu Grav Box ..........................................$2,300 Killbros 500 Grav Box........................................................$4,500 Parker 4800, 480 bu Grav Box ..........................................$5,900 (2) Brent 1194 Grain Cart ....................................choice $41,500 Brent 1080 Grain Cart......................................................$26,500 Brent 672, 650 bu Grain Cart ..........................................$14,500 J & M 1326-22 Grain Cart ..............................................$50,900 Kinze 840 Grain Cart........................................................$15,500 Summers 60" Rockpicker ..................................................$3,500 Tractor Snowblower ..........................................................$1,695


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.........$314,900 .........$349,950 .........$285,500 .........$279,000 .........$255,500 .........$265,000 .........$220,000 .........$192,500 .........$184,500 .........$149,500 .........$169,500 .........$157,500 .........$155,000 .........$159,000 .........$259,900 .........$231,000 .........$225,500 .........$245,500 .........$239,900 .........$207,900 .........$197,500 .........$195,500 .........$209,000 hoice $225,000 .........$217,500 .........$217,500 .........$220,000 .........$194,500 .........$169,500 .........$164,900 .........$149,000 .........$147,500 .........$135,000 .........$119,000 .........$115,000 .........$108,500 .........$103,500 ...........$94,500 ...........$89,000 ...........$87,900 ...........$89,500 ...........$89,500 ...........$93,500 ...........$98,500 ...........$92,500 ...........$79,500 ...........$85,500 ...........$65,500 ...........$69,500 ...........$69,500 ...........$39,500 ...........$52,500 ...........$39,500 ...........$39,500 ...........$26,500 ...........$39,500 ...........$29,500 ...........$33,900 ...........$30,000 ...........$26,500 ...........$25,000 .............$7,500 .............$7,500 ...........$42,500 ...........$19,900 .........$159,500 .........$155,000 .........$115,000 ...........$69,500 ...........$36,500 ...........$69,500 .............$8,500 .........$179,500 .........$137,500 ...........$22,500 ...........$15,000 .........$139,000

BEAN/CORNHEADS Continued (23) NH 74C, 30' Beanhead ............................$19,500 - $29,900 (3) CIH 2612 Cornhead ..................................$79,000 - $83,500 (2) CIH 2608 Cornhead..................................$55,000 & $59,500 CIH 2412 Cornhead ........................................................$49,500 (3) CIH 2212 Cornhead ..................................$32,500 - $41,900 (9) CIH 2208 Cornhead ..................................$26,500 - $31,500 (2) CIH 1222 Cornhead ..................................$12,500 - $15,000 (12) CIH 1083 Cornhead ................................$10,500 - $21,000 (3) CIH 1063, 6R30 Cornhead ..........................$8,500 - $10,900 CIH 1000, 12R22 Cornhead ............................................$16,900 (2) CIH 12R22 Cornhead ..............................$15,000 & $16,900 CIH 10R22 Cornhead ......................................................$15,500 CIH 9R22 Cornhead ........................................................$15,000 IH 12R22 Cornhead ........................................................$15,500 IH 983, 9R22 Cornhead ..................................................$11,500 (2) IH 963 Cornhead ..........................................$4,950 & $5,900 IH 944 Cornhead................................................................$2,500 Cat 1622 Cornhead ..........................................................$39,500 Clarke 922, 9R22 Cornhead ............................................$25,500 Cressoni 6R30 Cornhead ................................................$21,500 (5) Drago 12R22 Cornhead ............................$52,500 - $84,500 (3) Drago 12R20 Cornhead ............................$43,900 - $84,500 Drago 10R22 Cornhead ..................................................$65,500 (10) Drago 8R30 Cornhead ............................$38,500 - $53,500 Drago 8R22 Cornhead ....................................................$33,000 (3) Drago 6R30 Cornhead ..............................$43,900 - $45,000 (4) Geringhoff Roto Disc ..................................22,900 - $43,500 Geringhoff PC63 Cornhead ................................................$8,000 Gleaner Hugger Cornhead..................................................$9,950 Gleaner 830 Cornhead ....................................................$12,000 Gleaner 630 Cornhead ......................................................$5,500 Harvestec 4113C Cornhead ............................................$59,500 (4) Harvestec 8R30 Cornhead ........................$29,500 - $39,500 JD 1293, 16R22 Cornhead ..............................................$24,500 JD 1293, 12R30 Cornhead ..............................................$51,500 (2) JD 1290, 12R20 Cornhead ........................$7,900 & $12,500 JD 1092, 12R22 Cornhead ..............................................$23,500 (3) JD 893, 8R30 Cornhead ............................$17,500 - $29,500 JD 843 10R22 Cornhead ................................................$14,500 JD 843, 8R30 Cornhead ....................................................$7,500 JD 690, 6R30 Corhnead ..................................................$26,500 (2) JD 643 6R30 Cornhead................................$4,950 & $7,500 NH 98-C, 8R30 Cornhead ................................................$28,500 (3) NH 974 Cornhead ..........................................$4,500 - $5,500 (2) IH 810, 13' Pickup ..........................................$400 & $3,500 Gleaner 10' Pickup ............................................................$1,200 JD 100, 13' Pickup ..............................................................$350

25 THE LAND, MARCH 25, 2011


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THE LAND, MARCH 25, 2011


Tastes like chicken? Sampling the gamut of wild game I’ll give my wife credit. Most gals who grew up in a non-hunting family might harbor serious reservations about sampling wild game. But after being married to a hunter for so many years, she’s developed a real sense of adventure about sampling wild things. So when I told her I was going to whip up a batch of chili using the pound of bear burger a friend recently

gave me, her response was “sounds good to me.” Having never sampled bear and despite assurances from my bear-hunting friend that it was excellent table fare, I harbored a few more reservations than she did. However, it turned out just fine. In fact, it was quite good. One of the great things about hunting and fishing is the dividends that are paid at the end of our outdoor adventures. Sit-


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Horse foaling requires preparation, patience




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ting down to a spread of the yellow perch caught from fruits of our outdoor passions, lakes like Mille Lacs or something we had a direct Winnie are as round as footrole in getting from the field balls, stuffed with skeins of to the table, borders on a spirmature eggs. itual experience. At the urging of an oldCertainly, the bounties of timer fishing friend who the outdoors provide plenty swore they were tasty when beyond the domestic fares of dipped in beaten egg, rolled poultry, pork or beef. There’s in cracker crumbs and then THE OUTDOORS the usual wild duck, goose, fried, I finally sampled venison, pheasant, rabbit, them. They tasted like — By John Cross well — like fish. elk, moose and yes, even bear. I have never eaten crow, except in the But over the years, my passion for the outdoors and wild things has presented figurative sense. the opportunity to sample some things I called my friend the other morning to that push beyond the boundaries of con- thank him for the bear meat and to ventional fish and game cuisine. assure him that, in spite of my initial The statute of limitations has long trepidation, it was quite good. Our consince expired, so I’ll confess to having versation then turned to the unusual or dined on robin roasted over a fire nearly unconventional things we had consumed 50 years ago during a youthful Tom as the result of our outdoor adventures. Sawyer-like adventure. With apologies He confessed a story from a long time to bird lovers, it tasted a lot like dove. ago where, as a young man, he and a (Interestingly, during the mid-1800s, it couple of friends caught and dispatched was not unusual for area hotel eateries an unlucky bull snake that swam in to feature species like meadowlarks and front of them as they canoed down a blackbirds on their menus.) local river. One of them, a taxidermist, Then there were the frog legs and skinned the snake and they proceeded crayfish gathered during a Boy Scout to cook the delicate white meat over a outing and boiled in an old coffee can. driftwood fire on a sandbar. Otherwise, in more recent years, I’ve “I suppose it tasted just like chicken, had the opportunity to sample huh,?” I said. muskrat, woodchuck, raccoon, alligator, “Naw, a little smokey” he replied. coot, carp, bullheads and suckers. “And a lot like beer.” Some were very good, others were Imagine that. merely palatable and often times ••• smothered in cream of mushroom soup or barbecue sauce. Frequently, a beer John Cross is a Mankato (Minn.) Free chaser or several helped. Press staff writer. Contact him at (507) At this time of year, the jumbo female 344-6376 or



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Newborns evoke a smile and the birth of a foal is no different. Horse owners greatly anticipate the birth of a foal and are wise to prepare the mare for the birth. “On average, a mare is pregnant 340 days before giving birth,” said Glennon Mays, clinical associate professor at the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences. “But, mare pregnancies can range from 315 to 387 days.” “Preparation for foaling should begin prior to the birth,” Mays said. “Daily exercise will help the mare in foal tone body muscles and maintain a healthy heart and lungs which can benefit the mare and foal during birthing.”

During the first eight months of pregnancy your mare can maintain nutritional balance on good pasture, quality hay, feed and minerals supplements, but the last three months of pregnancy require dietary changes, Mays said. The unborn foal doubles in size during the last 90 days. Consequently, there is a great need for more protein, minerals and vitamins to support the foal’s growth. Additionally, the mare needs more nutrients to prepare for lactation. Quality roughage should be the major portion of your mare’s diet. “Grain should be reduced the week See PET TALK, pg. 27

Vet: Mares prefer privacy when they are foaling If the foal requires assistance to stand, remember the young bones are soft. Aggressive handling can compromise bone structure, especially at the rib cage. Don’t rush in to “help.” Give the foal and mare some time alone unless foal distress is obvious, Mays said. Mother Nature has done quite well for a long time without human intervention. The foal should stand without assistance within an hour, start nursing within three hours and nurse at least once every hour. Some veterinarians prefer to do com-

plete blood count and chemistry on the foal after 12 hours to determine if it received enough colostrum (and therefore antibodies) to help keep it healthy. It is important that the foal build immunity to fight exposure to bacteria in its new environment. ••• Pet Talk is a service of the College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, Texas A&M University. More information is available at http:// This column is distributed by CNHI News Service. CNHI is parent company to The Land.


“Mares prefer privacy when they are foaling and the majority of mares foal at night,” Mays said. “This could be a survival trait that ensured the mare and foal would be less susceptible to predators during the birthing process when horses were in the wild.” Appropriate foaling facilities assure a safe and sanitary environment for the mare and her foal. This may be a grassy paddock or pasture small enough with sufficient lighting to allow visualization of the mare for monitoring the birth process. Mares having difficulty with the delivery process may need assistance. Foals are born two front feet first and then their nose follows. Any deviation from this warrants a call to your veterinarian. “The mare is in active labor for about 30 minutes and once the foal is born, both mare and foal may lie quiet for another 30 minutes,” Mays said.

THE LAND, MARCH 25, 2011

PET TALK, from pg. 26 before foaling,” Mays said. “Oats and bran are good feed choices at this time since they will help decrease the likelihood of constipation. After foaling, grain can be increased gradually to resume full ration.” Regular worming will ensure that the mare will not contaminate the pasture and foaling stall with worm larvae that the foal can ingest, Mays said. “Consult your veterinarian about recommended vaccinations for your pregnant mare. Generally, six weeks prior to the foaling date, the mare should receive a tetanus vaccination to boost the antibodies in her colostrum (first milk). A mare will only produce colostrum for the first six to 12 hours after birth, after that she will produce milk. The colostrum helps protect the foal against disease and aids in eliminating fecal material which can build up in its intestinal tract,” Mays said.


“Where Farm and Family Meet”


THE LAND, MARCH 25, 2011


Encouraging, positive thinking is called for in the bleak of wintertime Large snowflakes and rain pelted the enjoy the nostalgic smells and memories bedroom windows, announcing there that this place brings to mind. would be no church again this week. I After shopping we stopped at our was disappointed; our Bible and radio favorite restaurant in Fairmont, and Stan would be church again. Positive thinkordered his favorite meal, chicken and bising was called for. All I could think of at cuits, made by one of the lady chefs. I had the moment was an open screen door the half sandwich, and salad bar, which is and fresh air in the house. Until that is a favorite of mine. real, I can enjoy the pristine white snow It was about one year ago that we had of winter. THE YIELD made plans to add on to our house, and The next day we traveled to a wonderwe asked this lady if she would share her By Sue Peterson ful farm store where we frequently go recipe with us, and she did. We had these days. Stan is building a new way planned to prepare her special chicken to haul our Curved Dash Oldsmobile. and biscuits for the workers, but somehow it just The familiar smell of wood, hardware, oil, new didn’t get done. Both of us think it may not have clothes and freshly popped popcorn was pleasant. been as good anyway. Two young Girl Scouts were sitting with their As winter drags on, my thoughts are sometimes mom near the front door. Several boxes of cookies negative. However, Philippians 4:8 KJV tells us: were arranged in a tempting manner. “How much Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatare they?” I asked, pulling out my billfold. soever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, I enjoyed the pride in the mother’s eyes as she whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are viewed the transaction. It’s no small task to greet lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there the customers, inform them of the price and make be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on change. These girls did well. these things. Next I stopped at the displays of children’s farm True — Loyal, Honest — Trustworthy, Just — toys, books and clothing. When I visit these disEquitable, Pure — Perfect, Lovely — Beautiful, plays I miss our grandchildren. I often buy small Good report — Encouraging, Virtue — Goodness, gifts here and send them in the mail to them. I Praise — Commend often visit with the children and their parents at ••• stores, restaurants, etc. Could that be because I Sue Peterson has been writing “The Yield” column miss my own grandchildren? Visiting a place where since 1978 and has been a staple of The Land. She there are children gives me a good kid fix. may be reached at or 1010 We both really like the fleet supply store. Stan East 5th St., Blue Earth, MN 56013. often finds bits and pieces for his projects, and I Matthew 6; Psalm 37:5-7

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Unless you run a nursery, hold off on planting tomatoes Can I be planting my tomato seeds at this time? In most cases it is better to wait until the second week in April to plant tomato seeds, unless you are growing the plants for future sales, such as at a greenhouse and nursery. In the long run, however, it’s best to buy already started plants from a nursery. When doing so, make sure to check the condition of the plants, and check that there are actually four plants in a ACE OF SPADES carton of four. By Hank Wessels With all of the snow we’ve had, should I be pruning my fruit trees at this time? Normally this is the best time to do the pruning of all fruit trees, but you should wait until the snow melts. You will have more, and better, fruit if you prune your fruit trees. Visit your nearest Extension office to get a pamphlet on pruning fruit trees; most Extension offices have these available. When should I apply crystal softener or pickling salt to my asparagus bed for weed and grass control? Once the snow is melted on your asparagus bed, it’s time to make the first application. About two weeks later — normally the first or second week in April — apply the second application of salt. Make sure you apply this before any asparagus spears have emerged. Apply about the same thickness of salt as you spread fertilizer in your garden. When is the best way and time to start a new asparagus bed? There are two ways in starting an asparagus bed. One way is to buy the roots and plant them at least 8 inches deep in the soil. The easiest way, however, is to plant them as seeds, which are available at some stores. You may need to ask for them. Feel free to e-mail me at for a place where we purchased some seeds about four years ago. You do not use the spears until the third year, and then pull the spears sparingly until the fourth year. ■ Correction from my last column: Prune oak trees from November until mid-March; don’t prune between March and October. ••• Hank Wessels is a Master Gardener in Watonwan County. He welcomes questions and comments from readers. He may be reached at 601 1st St. SW, Madelia, MN 56062, or (507) 642-8479.

Local Corn and Soybean Price Index corn/change* soybeans/change* Sauk Rapids Madison Redwood Falls Fergus Falls Morris Tracy Average: Year Ago Average:

$5.97 $6.21 $6.35 $6.14 $6.20 $6.27

-.40 -.27 -.18 -.28 -.27 -.22

$12.48 $12.84 $13.00 $12.75 $12.80 $12.95

-.23 -.29 -.30 -.29 -.30 -.30






current average soybeans

$12 $ 9 $ 6 $ $ 3

year ago average soybeans

$ 0

current average corn year ago average corn Apr'10 May







Dec Jan'11


THE LAND, MARCH 25, 2011

Cash Grain Markets



Grain prices are effective cash close on March 22. The price index chart compares an average of most recently reported local cash prices with the same average for a year ago. *Cash grain price change represents a two-week period.

Grain Outlook Markets watching Asian world

The livestock markets are still proving to be unpredictable and extremely volatile as we work our way through the first few weeks of March. This volatility and unpredictability are not expected to retreat from these markets in the near future. The cattle market has been and still is on a mission to move to higher prices. Not based on fundamentals as much as it is following the influx of speculative money into the marketplace, the futures are the main driving force behind the strength in prices. Considering that there are more cattle on feed than a year ago and export business is only slightly greater and domestic consumption is JOE TEALE declining, the facts are not supportBroker ing this sharp increase in prices. Great Plains Commodity Afton Grilling season is just around the corner and retailers are expected to make some advanced purchases of beef which will keep the cutouts supported. However, with the price the packers are paying for cattle currently, the beef cutout will have to rise considerably higher than it is currently. The problem here is that each time we have seen the beef cutout rise above the current $170 per hundredweight level, retailers have resisted expanding their purchases. With the amount of beef in cold storage increasing last month and market-ready cattle expected to increase in the next several weeks, the current rally may be in jeopardy in the weeks ahead. To anticipate where and how the price will move in the near-term will depend on several factors which are the flow of speculative money, exports and domestic demand, with the emphasis on the flow of money. Producers

The world certainly is brimming with volatility as Libya continues to boil in civil turmoil, coupled with the earthquake and tsunami in Japan that has rocked the world. The news out of Japan is horrific and unimaginable. Fears of nuclear “meltdowns” and many thousands feared dead, leaves the world markets churning with uncertainty. In my last column, I asked the question if a “baby black swan” had been born in Libya. Little did I know that such grave events were just around the corner in Japan? We still do not know how this will TOM NEHER all play out in the markets, but we have seen a short-term correction AgStar VP Agribusiness & Grain Specialist to the downside in commodities. Rochester As we try to understand how these events impact the supply and demand of commodities, we are left with many unanswered questions. Japan was the second largest importer of crude oil in the world, how will these events effect their consumption? They are a major import market for U.S. pork, corn and soybeans. Will this impact their ability to logistically handle the imports? What will these events do for the demand for cement, steel, copper, lumber and other building materials? Could these events spur employment opportunities for foreign workers or companies? Will Japan look to U.S. companies and labor or will they look for less expensive labor elsewhere? If there ever was a picture of volatility, we are looking at it today.

See TEALE, pg. 30

See NEHER, pg. 30

Information in the above columns is the writer’s opinion. It is no way guaranteed and should not be interpreted as buy/sell advice. Futures trading always involves a certain degree of risk.

“Where Farm and Family Meet”

The following market analysis is for the week ending March 18. CORN — It’s been a week since the earthquaketsunami combination hit Japan and it’s still uncertain what the outcome will be for the nuclear reactors. Workers continue to battle a nuclear reactor meltdown by showering it with sea water by helicopter and any other way they can. At last report, three of six reactors are said to be relatively stable and radiation levels have fallen. They are now working to restore electricity, and if successful, hopefully the cooling system could be restarted. PHYLLIS NYSTROM The Fukushima nuclear plant Country Hedging is 40 years old and is approxiSt. Paul mately 135 miles north of Tokyo. It was reported that up to 200,000 metric tons of corn were being delayed at unload at Japanese ports. Ships that were bound for the northern ports will likely be diverted to ports in the southern part of the country. As background on how important Japan is as a grain trading partner, they are the world’s largest importer of corn (the largest importer of U.S. corn), the third biggest importer of soybeans in the world, and the fourth in line on world wheat imports. Fund selling swamped the market in the first half of the week before end-users came in as buyers. A week ago, we traded limit lower, Tuesday of this week we traded limit lower, and Thursday and Friday of this week we traded limit higher. Where’s my whiplash collar? Trade rumors that China was in the market to buy from 250,000 to 500,000 metric tons of U.S. corn See NYSTROM, pg. 30

Livestock Angles Grain Angles Markets still Uncertainty swells unpredictable in grain markets

THE LAND, MARCH 25, 2011


Analysts lowering Brazilian soybean estimates NYSTROM, from pg. 29 The market shot through our downside support by a fair margin this week pushed corn to lock limit up on before regaining its footing. I may date Thursday. The plummeting U.S. dollar attracted fund buying back into the grain mar- myself, but I can remember when a limit or near limit move in corn was something that made the phones ring ket in an aggressive fashion. off the hook. And that was back when the limit was less Informa Economics released their acreage survey than 10 cents per day, not 30. Now that kind of action is results on March 18. Their survey said that 91.758 mil- almost met with a shrug of the shoulders. lion acres would be planted to corn in the United States With funds leaning long, we were probably bound to this year. This is up 3.566 million acres from last year, sell off further than many expected. Expect the high but less than the U.S. Department of Agriculture Outvolatility to remain and markets to be swung sharply on look Forum’s prediction for 92 million acres. rumor and at the whim of fund money movement. First The balance sheets are snug this year and we’ll support lies at this week’s $6.08 low and resistance at need to avoid any planting and growing problems the contract high of $7.44 1/4 per bushel. this year to keep the pipeline full. The USDA March SOYBEANS — Soybean action mimicked that of 31 Planting report will be anxiously awaited. corn and for mainly the same reasons. Adding supExport sales were big again this week at 48 mil- port was rain in northern Brazil that is delaying lion bushels. We are not seeing any let-up in harvest and now quality problems are beginning to demand, ethanol and feeders are in the black, flood- surface with reports of some beans being rejected ing will be on the front page quickly (raising plant- due to low quality. ing concerns), farmers are disengaged from selling, Private analysts are lowering their Brazilian bean delayed planting of the second corn crop in South America due to rain, and until March 31 tells us dif- estimates by approximately 1 million metric tons and are now closer to the USDA forecast of 70 mmt. ferent — stocks are tight. News from the China Soybean Industry Association One report this week cited that Brazil has predicted that China could cover up to 30 percent of imported 150 million liters of U.S. ethanol this year. their soybean needs within three years, up from the curOUTLOOK: The weekly trading range in the May rent 22 percent. Export sales were neutral to disapcorn contract was wider at 83 1/2 cents than last pointing this week at 5.4 million bushels with Asian week’s 80 3/4-cent range. business slow and virtually nothing for China. The average daily price move in nearby corn this Informa Economics’ new acreage update this week month has been 22 cents. May corn settled 19 1/4 cents higher for the week at $6.83 1/2; the December contract was up 20 3/4 cents at $5.98 1/2 per bushels. This week we traded May from a low of $6.08 per bushel to a high of $6.91 1/2. TEALE, from pg, 29 should continue to approach the market with some skepticism and consider taking some price protection on this current rally. The hog market has already run into some resistance despite the fact that recent positive events such as South Korea announcing the resumption of importing U.S. pork products. The premiums the futures have been carrying are excessive on the expectation that hog numbers are going to decrease • Free Stall because of high feed costs. The fact is that numbers have remained enough to offset most of the increase • Drive Thru in demand and cold storage showed an increase in Alleys


was 2.135 million acres lower than their last soybean number. Their survey indicates there will be 75.269 million acres of soybeans planted in the United States this spring. This compares to 77.4 million acres that were planted last year. While the acreage number is less than what the trade was expecting, the world is well supplied. Events in the Middle East/North Africa had a significant change on Friday when Libya declared an immediate cease fire. This occurred after the United Nations had voted to impose a no-fly zone over Libya and authorized “all necessary measures” to protect Libyan civilians. In Bahrain, Shiite opposition leaders were arrested. China raised their banks’ reserve rate by 1/2 percent on March 18, the third increase this year. This was largely ignored by the trade prior to Informa’s acreage estimates and in light of Brazil’s wet harvest conditions. OUTLOOK: May soybeans took out the February low support this week, but the next support at $11.83 remains intact. Outside influences should continue to exert their presence over the soybean market. And last, but certainly not least, let’s not lose sight of current events in the Middle East and North Africa. May soybeans were up 28 cents at $13.62 1/2 this week. This week’s low at $12.70 is support with first resistance at $14.24 1/2. The November soybean contract was 34 cents higher at $13.34 for the week.

Hog market running into resistance



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supplies of pork product in the recent U.S. Department of Agriculture Cold Storage Report. As in the cattle, money has been an important factor in the price movement of the hog market during the past several months. Pork cuts have been able to maintain above the $90/cwt. level for some time which reflects the better demand for pork. The problem may now come from the fact that with the recent earthquake and resulting tsunami in Japan, the export business may be temporarily lighter until Japan recovers from these events. Considering the large premiums in the futures, producers should consider protecting spring and summer inventories.

Remember today is not to be taken for granted NEHER, from pg. 29 While the world seems so confusing, the snow continues to melt in Minnesota and Iowa. The hours of sunlight in a day are growing longer and we wake up to sounds of birds singing outside our windows. Spring is working her way into our lives and the promise of rebirth in the soil sparks our spirits. In a few short weeks we will be looking at putting steel to the earth in the hopes of a new crop to feed a hungry world. This is our responsibility and opportunity as we are charged as stewards of the earth’s resources. Our blessings abound as we see the sunrise on a new day. With this dichotomy of a world rolling in volatility and

the hope of a new day, we find ourselves feeling rather dazed. We must stay centered and focused on the things in our lives we have some control over and have faith in a higher power to handle those things beyond our control. When we look at the things that we can control, we must focus on production, risk management and margin management. The fact that we have a great deal of control over our attitude and outlook stares at us as we look into the mirror. Each day that we are given the blessings of life, is put into perspective when we look at the lives shattered in Japan. Remember those that are most important to you and let them know the hope of a new day is a gift not to be taken for granted.

Farm custom rates on the rise with fuel costs for 2011


2011 custom rates Following are the average custom rates for some common farming practices for 2011, based on the “Iowa Farm Custom Rate Survey.” Custom farming rates Harvesting grain (Includes tillage, planting and harvesting costs) • Corn combine: $30.90/acre ($33.45 with • Corn: $108.95 per acre (Range — $65-$145) chopper head) • Soybeans: $96.40/acre (Range — $60-$130) ($40.80/acre with grain cart and truck) • Small grain: $81.45/acre (Range — $60-$100) • Soybean combine: $29.65/acre ($38.15/acre with grain cart and truck) Tillage • Small grain combine: $27.40/acre • Moldboard plow: $15/acre • Grain cart (in field): $5.65/acre • Chisel plow: $13.70/acre • Hauling grain (on farm): $0.10 per bushel • V-ripper (deep tillage): $17.05/acre • Grain auger use (on farm): $0.06/bu. • Field cultivator: $11.45/acre • Tandem disk: $11.80/acre Harvesting forages • Row cultivator: $10.95/acre • Windrowing hay: $12.25/acre • Chopping cornstalks: $10.35/acre • Hay baling (small square bales): $0.50 per bale • Hay baling (large square bales): $9.45/bale Planting • Hay baling (large round bales): $9.95/bale • Planter with attachments: $15.70/acre • Corn stalk baling (large bales): $11.20/bale • Planter without attachments: $14.80/acre • Silage chopping: $36.80 per hour per head row • No-till planter: $16.30/acre • Haylage chopping: $9.05/hour per foot head width • Soybean drill: $14.85/acre • Grain drill: $13.55/acre lease as compared to a custom agreement with a landowner. Landowners also find several advantages to a Custom Farming Agreement. Landowners with small acreages can make most of the crop production and grain marketing decisions without the investment into a full-line of farm machinery. The landowner does not have to negotiate land rental rates, or worry about collecting lease payments, since the

THE LAND, MARCH 25, 2011

owner receives all of the crop proceeds. The landowner does have to pay the farmer an agreed upon per acre fee for the custom farming services by specified dates. The landowner is considered to be the material participant for income tax purposes, and the landowner is typically entitled to all government farm program payments, crop insurance indemnity payments, etc. See PROGRAMS, pg. 32

“Where Farm and Family Meet”

2011 custom rates Due to the high cost of Average 2011 farm cusinvestment in farm machintom rates for some typical ery, an ever-increasing numtillage, planting and harber of farmers are hiring vesting practices, as well as others to provide some or all custom farming rates, are of their machinery resources listed in the adjoining table. for their farm operation. The complete 2011 “Iowa This is especially true with Farm Custom Rate Survey” new and younger farmers, is available online at www. and with children who decide FARM PROGRAMS to start farming with their crops/pdf/ a3-10.pdf. parents. Also, some land By Kent Thiesse All listed custom rates investors are choosing to in the Iowa survey operate the farm themresults include fuel selves rather than cash and labor, unless renting the land to listed as rental rates or otherwise another farmer. In that case, the landowner is generally hiring a farmer specified. The average fuel price for diesel fuel assumed in the quoted to provide necessary tillage, planting and harvesting crop operations under a custom rates was $2.25 per gallon. A fuel price increase of $0.50 per gallon custom farming agreement. would cause most custom rates to Some farmers also hire specific farm operations through a custom arrangement increase by approximately 5 percent. These average rates are only meant with another farmer, such as combining or hay baling. Many farmers negotiate these to be a guide for custom rates, as types of custom rate and custom farming actual custom rates charged may vary depending on continued increase in arrangements in the spring. fuel costs, availability of custom operaCustom rates increasing As would be expected with increasing tors, timeliness, field size, etc. fuel costs, average 2011 custom rates Custom farming agreements for farm work have also risen, comAn alternative to leasing farmland is a pared to 2010 and 2009 custom rates. “Custom Farming Agreement.” In a typiMost custom rates for farm work in cal Custom Farming Agreement, the 2011 are listed at 3 to 6 percent above custom operator agrees to perform all the rates a year earlier, with an averthe machine operations on the owner’s age increase of about 4 percent. land in exchange for a set fee or rate. In addition to higher fuel costs, (Note: Average custom farming rates increasing cost for new and used for 2011 are listed in the 2011 Custom machinery is also a factor in the higher Rate Survey Table.) custom rates. The landowner pays for all seed, ferThese results are based on the tilizer, chemicals, crop insurance, and annual “Iowa Farm Custom Rate Sur- other input costs; receives all the grain vey” that is coordinated and analyzed produced and all eligible farm program by Iowa State University. The survey payments on the land; and is responsisampled 179 custom operators, farm ble to store and market the grain. managers and ag lenders on what they One obvious advantage to the custom expected 2011 custom farm rates to be operator is that a Custom Farming for various farm operations. Agreement provides some extra farm The survey summary lists the averincome, with little or no additional age custom rate and the range for vari- operating capital or farm machinery ous tillage, planting, fertilizer and investment. Fuel, lubrication and chemical application, grain harvesting, repairs are usually the only added and forage harvesting functions on the costs. In addition, custom farming offers farm. The survey also includes many a fixed return per acre to the custom miscellaneous farming practices, lists operator, and although there is some average machine rental rates for some possibility of higher repair bills, this is equipment, and includes a formula for minor compared with the price and estimating average machinery rental yield risks typically faced by a farmer rates. The survey also lists average in a normal cash rental contract. custom farming rates for corn, soyOf course, in a good year, profits from beans and wheat. a Custom Farming Agreement will be Over the years, the average custom lower than under most cash rental rates for farm operations in southern leases. However, in this era of much Minnesota have been close to the aver- higher land rental rates there is much age Iowa custom rates. more risk to the farmer with a cash


THE LAND, MARCH 25, 2011


Many factors go into custom farming agreements PROGRAMS, from pg. 31 Key issues with custom farming agreements Although the concept of a Custom Farming Agreement is simple, close communication between the custom operator and the landowner is essential. A written contract for the Custom Farming Agreement should definitely be prepared that specifies the amount of payment by the landowner to the custom operator, and all other pertinent details. Following are some points to consider for a Custom Farming Agreement. • The Custom Farming Agreement should specify the payment amount per acre that the landowner will pay the custom operator, and should list the payment dates. • There needs to be an accurate count on the number of acres that will be under the Custom Farming Agreement for payment purposes, and so that the farmer can accurately plan tillage, planting and harvesting schedules. • The normal field practices to be included

under the Custom Farming Agreement should be listed (tillage, planting, weed control, harvesting, etc.). Typically, these agreed upon practices are part of the per acre custom farming payment for the year that is negotiated between the custom operator and the landowner. • Additional tillage trips or replanting due to weather conditions, or added spraying applications of pesticides to control weeds, insects or diseases, which are provided by the custom operator, are usually charged to the landowner at a custom rate per acre that is over and above the base custom farming rate. • Timing of planting and harvesting operations should be discussed and negotiated between the custom operator and the landowner prior to the growing season. This can become a tenuous issue, especially in years with challenging weather conditions. • The custom operator may be asked for advice by the landowner regarding the seed corn hybrid or soybean variety to plant, fertilizer rates, chemical appli-


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cations, levels of crop insurance coverage, or grain marketing decisions. However, the final decisions on these items lie with the landowner, and the custom operator needs to be careful not to take responsibility for the final authority on those decisions. • Typically, the harvested grain of the landowner is delivered by the custom operator to a farm storage facility owned or rented by the landowner, or to an agreed upon area grain elevator, as part of the Custom Farming Agreement. Any grain deliveries beyond the local area usually result in the landowner paying an extra custom rate charge for grain hauling. Also, if the landowner uses the custom operator’s grain drying and handling facilities, there is typically an added charge for these services. ••• Kent Thiesse is a government farm programs analyst and a vice president at MinnStar Bank in Lake Crystal, Minn. He may be reached at (507) 726-2137 or

Never too late to establish a budget Many producers have inputs preordered or prepaid. Most have a good idea of what the crop year will cost and now all that’s left to do is wait for the snow to melt and wait for planting season to begin. According to specialists, however, this time of the year can show a lot of change in the markets and with most commodity prices at agreeable levels it may be time to consider putting a yearly budget together and finding ways to protect your margin. Consider a budget that includes direct costs, power and equipment costs as well as labor and overhead. Factor in your own cost of living and personal draw as well.Then consider expected revenue without forgetting government payments. There is a resource found at http://swroc.cfans

Winter Ph. (204) 475-8153 Summer Ph. (807) 224-4534 Fax: (204) 475-8153 Visit us on the web at: /index.htm that helps figure break-even price. The results are often revealing of either the need to lock-in current profit levels or the ability of a producer to bid up land or take out additional personal draw. There are a lot of pricing options that offer some level or price protection. Forward pricing and simple cash contracts are the simplest and most common forms but there are other options that can accommodate upside potential in the markets as well. Calls and puts can be expensive but can also offer good peace of mind to those with strong market opinions who also want to protect themselves. Many elevators offer hedge-to-arrive and basis-only contracts to accommodate different market strategies as well. ••• This article was submitted by Christian Lilienthal, University of Minnesota Extension educator for Nicollet County, Minn.

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Auctions All Your Options! Over 98,000 Registered Bidders Highest Internet Traffic Highest Cash Recovery Rapid Response Staff USE THE POWER NOW BOOKING April & May Auctions Visit our Popular Web Site

33 THE LAND, MARCH 25, 2011

Collectibles ADVERTISING NOTICE: 16.5 acres of tillable or build- WANTED: Land & farms. I K-BID K-BID able land in Ottertail Coun**ONLINE AUCTIONS** **ONLINE AUCTIONS** Please check your ad the have clients looking for 1-Owner ‘54 IH Super M-TA, ty, Everts Twp, Sec 18, 81 Auctions in Progress New Statistics... first week it runs. We dairy, & cash grain operaTA IND PTO, WF, PS, surrounded by good rec 24 Hours - 365 days Over 2,380 make every effort to avoid tions, as well as bare land 14.9x38, Fast Hitch, w/3 pt lakes, was $44,000/ Now Real Buyers - Real Sellers Auctions Conducted in (2010) errors by checking all parcels from 40-1000 acres. adapter, exc cond w/3-26” $34,900. 320-226-5067 Real Auctions Experience Counts! copy, but sometimes erBoth for relocation & incoulter disc plows, 2 pt Cars, Trucks, Trlrs, SkidOver 10 Million rors are missed. Therevestments. If you have fast hitch blade & platform steers & Attachments, Page Views of K-Bid fore, we ask that you re- 40A Hobby Farm w/ 30A tilleven thought about selling carrier, all wghts & Construction Equip, Farm Every Month! view your ad for correctcontact: Paul Krueger, able. Currently used for chains. 651-463-2812 Mach & Tractors. Shop & Want Top Dollar For Your ness. If you find a mistake, Farm & Land Specialist, 900 head finishing hogs. Pwr Equip, Tools, Guns, Merchandise? please call (507) 345-4523 Edina Realty, SW SuburOther bldgs avail for exSporting Goods, SnowmoUse The Professionals immediately so that the ban Office, 14198 Com- FOR SALE: ‘53 JD 60 Tracpansion. 5 BR, 2BA, ranch biles, ATV’s etc. error can be corrected. We merce Ave NE, Prior tor w/F11 Farmhand loadhome w/ new siding, roof & regret that we cannot be Lake, MN 55372. Call for a FREE & Totally er, $2800 OBO. 320-664-4804 Antique Estates, Collectibles windows in ‘10. Lg heated View Pics Online Now responsible for more than Confidential Discussion of detached garage & workone week’s insertion if the (952)447-4700 WANTED: Horse machishop. 30 mi NW of St error is not called to our nery, grain binder, thrash- A TRUSTED AUCTION CO. Cloud. Call 320-249-5886 or attention. We cannot be lier, silo filler, hay loader, 763-479-3000 Lic #27-57 able for an amount greater corn sheller, & barn for Staggering Web Traffic than the cost of the ad. salvage. Amish Farmer. WORLDWIDE AUDIENCE THE LAND has the right 715-421-9914 Now Booking for Sell your land or real estate to edit, reject or properly April & May in 30 days for 0% commisclassify any ad. Each classion. sified line ad is separately Call Ray copyrighted to THE (507)339-1272 LAND. Reproduction without permission is strictly We have extensive lists of prohibited. Land Investors & farm buyers throughout MN. We always have interested buyers. For top prices, go For More info Call 1-800-726-8609 with our proven methods Employment over thousands of acres. or visit our website: Be An Auctioneer & Serving Minnesota Personal Property Mages Land Co & Auc Serv Appraiser Tuesday, March 29 @ 11 AM: Williams Farm Inc., Fisher, MN, Continental Auction Schools (800)803-8761 Sugarbeet & Row Crop Equipment Auction Mankato, MN & Ames, IA 507-625-5595 Wednesday, March 30 @11 AM: Jarred Olson Farm Auction, New Folden, MN, Farm Equipment Auction


Steffes Auction Calendar 2011

Heidelberger Farm Equip LLC.


WANTED: FT two person milking team to milk & do barn chores on our 100 cow dairy. Housing, benefits & regular time off. References required. 715-877-2603


Every Wednesday 10:30 AM - Farm Misc. 11:00 AM - Hay & Straw 12:00 AM - Livestock “Now every week!”


Crop Assistant - Knowledgeable & experienced in planting & harvesting incl fertilizer application & spraying. CDL required, GPS & Agronomy experience helpful. West-Central WI. 715-559-2061



Tuesday, April 5 @ 11 AM: Elliott Farms Inc. Farm Auction, Grandin, ND, Large Farm Equipment Auction Wednesday, April 6 @ 10 AM: DeSoto Equipment & IA Area Farmers, DeSoto, IA, Excellent Line of Machinery Thursday, April 7: IQBID Farmland Auction, Aurora Township, SD, NE 1⁄4, Section 6-103-64 Thursday, April 7 @ 10 AM: DeWayne & Mary Praznicki, Livestock & Equipment Auction, Clara City, MN

Consign early to take advantage of FREE advertising!

Spring Consignment Auction April 2nd at 9:30 a.m.

Friday, April 8 @ 11 AM: Prante’s On The Lake, Real Estate Auction, Battle Lake, MN, Lakeside Restaurant & Lounge on 94’ of Otter Tail Lake Beach

Consignments accepted until Thursday, March 31st at 7:00 p.m.


Friday, April 8 @ 3 PM: Ervin B. Smith Estate, Farmland Real Estate Auction, Steffes Auction Facility, Litchfield, MN, 77.98 acres in Section 1-119-31, 74.76 FSA acres in Meeker County


Opening Saturday April 2nd & Closing Tuesday, April 12: IQBID TriState April Consignment Auction, various ND, SD & MN locations, Ag Construction, Trucks & More!

Located 2 miles north of Braham, MN on Hwy. 107, then east 5 miles on Hwy. 70, OR from I-35 & Hwy. 70 (Rock Creek/Grantsburg exit). Go west 3 miles on Hwy. 70. Watch for auction arrows.

N Hwy 15 Hutchinson, MN



Certified General appraiser specializing in: Livestock conf., farms, dairy, & spec. ag facilities. Assist in sales & mktg. 660-748-6306. Email:

Monday, April 4 @ 6 PM: Gary Paxman Estate, Steffes Auction Facility, West Fargo, ND, Private Gun Collection of 64 Pieces

Items Already Consigned • 20 Tractors • Misc. Shop Equipment • 10 Skid Steers • Trucks & Trailers • Large Selection of Tillage, Planters, Hay, Grain Drills, etc. • Rough Lumber — Oak, Maple, Birch For complete listings, pictures & updates check our website at

For more info., to consign, or to book your auction call Dale 320-629-1122

Heidelberger Farm Equip LLC. 3923 State Hwy. 70 • Pine City, MN 55063

“Where Farm and Family Meet”

THE LAND, MARCH 25, 2011


It’s worth getting up early for something this


800-657-4665 • 507-345-4523 •

Hay & Forage Eq.

Hay & Forage Eq.

Hay & Forage Eq.

Hay & Forage Eq.

Hay & Forage Eq.

‘92 JD 3950 forage chopper, 5 For Sale or Trade: JD 930 FOR SALE: ‘87 NH 499 12’ FOR SALE: JD 327 baler, JD 348 small square baler, $3850; Pro Quality hay haybine, rubber rolls very disc bine, 11' 6" cut, will hydraulic tension, no 1/2’ hay pickup, 2R cornbasket, $1100. Both in good good cond, has spare trade for Gehl or New Idea thrower, nice cond., $9,200. head, $8,500; (2) 16’ forage cond. 320-420-7177 parts, $4000; ‘98 Hesston 9'. Sell for $7,500. (715)698715-296-2162 wagons, 12 ton tandem 4755 34,630 bales, Dohr3098 gear, choice $4,500; 10’ JD 567 round baler, net wrap mann applicator, 100 gal FOR SALE: JD 5400-5830 Brillion seeder, no hydaul& twine. 2353 bales, no tank, Delmhorst moisture ics, $4,000; Wic small bale FOR SALE: 144 NH inverand 6000 series forage harstalks, push bar, high ter, canvas 2 yrs old, very tester, aux lights & twine, shredder w/Honda eng., vesters. Used kernel promoisture kit, monitor. Alnice condition, 2800 hrs. $30,000. 320-212-2300 $1,000. (507)340-8147 cessors, also, used JD 40 ways shedded. $24,500. 507507-227-2602 knife Dura-Drums, and 534-3481 FOR SALE: 2 Pro Quality FOR SALE: Claas rollant 44 drum conversions for 5400 round baler, 4’x4’ bale, hay baskets, both in very and 5460. Call (507)427-3520 JD 5820 forage harvester, good shape, $1,800. 507-276good cond. 4WD, new eng, rebuilt 3174 (507)448-2880 gear boxes; 3000 Kemper 10’ head. 320-632-6867 For Sale: Hay buster rock-oFOR SALE: JD 5830 forage matic rock picker in new harvester, 4WD, iron New Oak flatbeds, hay cond. Hesston #10 stacker guard, 3370 hrs, new eng, bunks, silage bunks, green in good cond. (715)289-3166 new paint, re-built, $56,000. chop boxes. (715)269-5258 Also, JD 6910 forage harvestor, 4WD, 3100 hrs/4400 Bins & Buildings hrs. $59,000. 507-427-3520 3200 bu bins Free - You Move. Paul 320-220-1540 FOR SALE: NH 259 side JH SCHRADER rake; NH 276 chute baler; Grain Handler NH 67 chute baler; (4) & Deluxe Dryers 9x18 Meyer throw racks, Winter Discounts On New very nice; 14 & 16’ bale ra Sioux Grain Bins, Post cks; ‘99 Polaris 300 ATV, Frame & Steel Buildings! less 40 hrs use. 651-380-5059 or 651-388-4843 320-864-4583 or 320-779-4583

Antique JD Tractors, 2 Cylinder Parts & Full Line of Farm Machinery & Equipment

Estate Auction

Saturday - April 9th, 2011 - 9:30 am 2 Cylinder Parts Selling at Approx. 10:30 & Tractors Sell at Approx. 1:00 pm


21384 225th St - New Ulm, MN Directions: From New Ulm, take St. Hwy. 14 W Approx 5 mi. or From Sleepy Eye, take St. Hwy. 14 E approx. 7 mi. to Co. Rd. 11, Then go Approx. 3 mi. S & turn W on 225th St., go 1/3 mi. & watch for sign. Auctioneers Note: Greg was a farmer, John Deere enthusiast, and a mechanic. All Machinery and Equipment has always been in sheds and well maintained. Antique Tractors & 2 Cylinder Parts: '50 JD G, totally restored; Older Restored Tractors include: '40 JD A; '35 JD A w/round spoke wheels, '36 Farmall F-20 w/wide rearend; A5620 block; several racks of assorted 2 cylinder JD parts Antique Tractors Consigned by Neighbor: '36 JD B, unstyled; '38 JD A, unstyled; '48 JD G, styled Modern Tractors & Bobcat: '88 JD 4650, 3800 hrs, quad shift, w/3 hyd, duals, 3 pt quick hitch, cab & pto; JD 4450, 3386 hrs, quad shift, w/2 hyd, duals, 3 pt hitch, cab & pto; JD 4010 wf, 5466 hrs, dual hyd, 3 pt & cab, JD 2630 wf w/dual hyd, quick hitch, 3 pt, 9800 hrs; '58 JD 620 w/wf, single hyd, 3 pt, power steer; '57 JD 620 nf; Bobcat M600, 1716 hrs, w/Wisc eng, cage, manure & material buckets; Lowe 1200 XL post hole auger for Bobcat w/quick attach Combine & Harvest Machinery: JD 6620 Titan II combine, 1190 hrs; JD 444 4 row wide corn head; JD 300 2 row corn picker w/244 head & husking bed; JD 220 bean head; JD dummy head; Mpls-Moline E pto corn sheller; NH silage chopper w/2 row corn head; Gehl flail chopper; JD 3 pt head mover; Head trailer; 2-JD #105 combines for parts Field Machinery: JD 7000 planter, 8x36 row; JD Donahue trailer; Case IH 4800, 28' cultivator; 8 row cultivator; IH 153 4 row cultivator; JD 145H plow; 3-JD pull type plows; 2-IH 720 plows; IH 700 plow; IH 14’ pull type chisel plow; JD 13 AW disc; JD 400 rotary hoe; Demco & Snyder Industries sprayers; and more


Annual Area Farmer - Dealer - Lender

Consignment Equipment Auction Saturday, March 26, 2011 @ 9:30 A.M. (Blizzard/Storm Date: Tuesday, March 29, 2011 @ 9:30 A.M. - Please call if weather is inclement.)

SALE LOCATION: The I-90 Expo Center which is approximately 11⁄2 miles south of Sherburn, MN on County Road #13.

Livestock Items, Equipment Parts & Misc: JD 38 sickle mower; Loftness 961 BTS snowblower; Farmhand 822 hyd mixer mill; NH 185 manure spreader; 3 pt post hole digger; Several nice trailers & carts; Miscellaneous livestock items; 4 racks of misccellaneous gear & large assortment of tractor & implement parts & rims/tires; 3 pt. blade; 1000 gal. steel water tank; Assorted iron; and much more

HIGHBOYS: 2000 Ag Chem 1254 RoGator w/4273 hrs.; 1997 Ag Chem 854 RoGator w/3,256 hrs.; 1995 Ag Chem 844 RoGator w/4549 hrs. TRACTORS - LOADERS & SKIDLOADERS: JD 8200T w/only 4930 hrs.; C-IH 7240 MFD w/1887 original hrs.; JD 4640; IH 684; JD 4010 (D); JD 2020 (G) w/JD 145 ldr.; IHC 3514 loader/backhoe; Farmall 400 & H; Wrangler III 4x4 wheel loader; Case 1840 skidloader; Koyker 345 loader; and others • PICKUPS & CARS: Several semi tractors, straight trucks & other vehicles • TRAILERS: Including several grain hopper trailers, flatbeds & other specialty trailers • SPRAYER - FERTILIZER EQUIPMENT - ANHYDROUS TRAILERS - FIELD EQUIPMENT - WAGONS - LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT & OTHER EQUIPMENT.

Owner: Greg L. Hoffmann Estate

Check our websites for complete listings & photos. or ALL ITEMS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE.

Carita Hoffmann 507-276-1417 or Bill Hoffmann 507-404-0580

AUCTIONEERS: Doug Wedel, Fairmont, MN ,507-236-4255; Kevin, Ryan & Allen Kahler, Sherburn, MN, 507-920-8060 & 507-227-8528; Dan Pike, CAI #32-11-010, Jackson, MN, 507-847-3468 or 507-841-0965; Dustyn Hartung, Fairmont, MN, 507-236-7629; Darwin Hall, Butterfield, MN, 507-327-0535

Grain Handling & Hay Equipment: JD 1219 haybine; JD 24T baler; JD #5 cycle mower; Good selection of gravity & flair boxes; NH side rake; Portable wet holding bin; Corn dryer; Good selection of grain augers & elevators; Hayracks Tools & Shop Items: Wilton 3410 band saw; Winco 20kw generator w/pto; Atlas metal turning lathe; Duracraft band saw; Orbit drill press; Wissota grinder; Assorted benches & stands; Forney FS 235 amp arc welder; Porta Power; electric motors; Sand blaster; Assorted shop items; Hardware, Hand & power tools; Jacks & ramps; Parts, Equip. & IT Service Manuals; Bobcat parts & filters; and more

“Where Farm and Family Meet”

~ “Back to Nights” ~ 2ND ANNIVERSARY BEEF FEEDER SPECIAL Wednesday, March 30th • 7:00 PM We are expecting the pens over full of good quality crossbred beef and Holstein feeders from 200 to 700#’s. Misc. 5:30 PM — Hay & Straw 6:30 PM Plan now to attend! BRAD THELEN doing business @ the HOTOVEC AUCTION CENTER N. Hwy. 15, Hutchinson, MN 320-266-0724 or 320-587-3347

Auctioneer: Joe Maidl 507-276-7749 Auctioneers: Matt Mages - New Ulm • Larry Mages - Lafayette • John Goelz - Franklin • Joe Wersal - Winthrop Clerk: Mages Land Co & Auction Service LLC All Items Sold "AS IS" - Not Responsible for Accidents - Restroom Available on Site

Bins & Buildings

Grain Handling Eq.

Farm Implements

Farm Implements

Farm Implements

Saturday, April 16, 2011 • 9:00 A.M. Location: 27913 Jade Rd., St. Cloud, MN 56301 (2 mi. So of St. Joseph on Cty. Rd. 121, right on Jade Rd. to farm) Auctioneers Note: We are excited to auction the farm equipment, feed and personal property for “The Spring Valley Dairy Farm”. This farm has been in the Heinen family for over 100 years and a few pieces were used many years and many generations. Please join us as we close the door on a neighborhood legend.

Tractors IH 1256, has new clutch IH 966, needs clutch work IH 826 tractor IH 686, has new clutch IH 460 w/farm hand loader IH 450 tractor w/wide front IH H tractor w/wide front Leyland 245 JD MT, N.F. Planting & Misc. IH grain drill IH 800 cyclone planter, wide row

Brillion seeder #1201 Bush Hog 9’ Saw rig for tractor Pumps & Spreaders Liquid spreader wagon Balzer 8700 L-M-325 Liquid spreader wagon Badger M-3200 Gehl 315 Scavenger manure spreader N-Tech manure pumper built 4-Row manure injector for liquid manure Hay Equipment Gehl 2240 Gehl 7-wheel rake

Farm Implements


FOR SALE: Balzer manure spreader, box is 16’ long, 6’ 6” width, 3’8” high, double apron & dbl beaters, hyd endgate, walking tandem running gear, no rust, exc $6,000/OBO 507227-6645




Farm Implements

THE LAND, MARCH 25, 2011

FOR SALE: 27’ Martin FOR SALE: MC 2000 tower FOR SALE: (2) bale forks FOR SALE: C-IH 181MT ro- 42 Ft MANDAKO LAND grain bin to be moved, 16’ for handling round bales, 1 grain dryer, 2000+ bph @ 5 tary hoe, 41’, low acres, ROLLER w/ Floating sidewalls, $1600. fits universal skid ldr pts, dryer sustained fire very nice. $11,900. ‘08 C-IH Hitch. C-IH 1086 w/ Cab, Lafayette, MN 507-240-0247 mounts, other fits JD 260 damage in ‘09 drying sea1250 planter, 24R30, bulk Compl Engine OH, Also ldr. $400/ea. 507-227-3992 son, easy repair, asking fill, Pro 600. $95,000. 507TA/Clutch Etc. Nice Unit Sleepy Eye MN $36,000/OBO. 715-797-9510 525-2420 (Has Warranty). Cheap MF 175. 2000-10,000 bushel HP Can Del. 319-347-6676 grain bin. 12''-24'' fans. 28'' fan & burner. 1000 gal fuel FOR SALE: ‘07 Kubota RTV For Sale: Used grain bins, barrel w/pump. 12,0001100 utility vehicle, C/A/H, floors unload systems, sti45,000 KW PTO generators. 500 hrs, $11,500. 320-987rators, fans & heaters, 8''x57'' auger. 16' tilt trail3233 or 320-292-0154 aeration fans, buying or er. Onan 12.5 KW gen set. selling, try me first and (320)859-4629 also call for very compet- FOR SALE: 12 or 24 Dawn screw type trash whippers, ive contract rates! $140 ea; 5” JD 10 bolt exStormor Bins & EZ-Drys. Office hours 8am - 5pm tensions, $150 ea; JD front 100% financing w/no liens Monday-Friday suitcase or rear round or red tape, call Steve at Saturday 9am - 12 noon wghts, $85 ea; (4) 23.1x26 Fairfax Ag for an appoint507-430-4866 or call 507-697tires & rims for a Rowgament. 6133 Ask for Gary tor Sprayer, $1900 for the 888-830-7757 set; New grill guard for a tractor, $250. Grain Handling Eq. NEW 10X71 WESTFIELD: 7000 JD320-769-2756 Brand new low profile Farm Fans 420j 1982 LP, 1 swing hopper auger, ph & DMC Hi-Cap model $8,599. Contact: Mike @ FOR SALE: 853 Bobcat, 4500 40 screener. Both for hrs, well maintained, self507-848-6268 $11,500. 507-450-1776 leveling, nice condition. Asking $8,500. 507-227-9792 Farm Implements FOR SALE: (3) 380 Behlen corn dryers, LP single ‘08 Houle 5250 manure wag- FOR SALE: Demco gravity phase, 2 operational, one on, flow meter, 6 knife Diebox, tarp, running gear, w/ for parts. Call 507-276-6917 trich. $58,000. 712-210-2731 16’ auger. $2,500; 1000 gal fiberglass tank, trailer, & For Sale: 8500 bu GSI grain 600-40-22.5 Alliant truck tires pump, $1,500; 12 disk closbin. DMC LP dryer, stira& rims for feedlot flotation ing whls for JD planter, tors, distributor, bin traction. $1,000/each. 515$1,400; ‘72 VW for parts or sweep, 8" unloading auger, 341-1276 restoring, $1,200; Duals & extra augers for filling & hardware for combine w/ unloading, motors incl., 30.5x32 tires, $800; 612-390good cond, $15,500. 715-9052643 1148

IH 425 square baler w/thrower no. 15 NH round baler, no. 654 (8) Hay racks for thworer (2) Flat hay racks (2) Hesston stackers Stack mover Hay elevator, 48’ NH grinder mixer #354 (2) NI corn pickers #325 & #327 Grain elevator Gehl 860 chopper w/corn & hay heads (4) Gravity boxes

“Where Farm and Family Meet”

Your Black Diamond Auction Team: Col. Frank Imholte • Lic. 73-05-003 Col. Keith Sharer • Lic. 73-05-002 Col. Andrew Inholte • Lic. 73-05-001 Col. Joseph Imholte • Lic. 73-05-032 To review complete sale bill go to: 800-440-9398


THE LAND, MARCH 25, 2011


Farm Implements

Farm Implements

Farm Implements

Farm Implements

05' JD 635F Flex platform, FOR SALE: JD 330 24' disc. FOR SALE: NH 316 baler w/ FOR SALE: Vittetoe chaff $2,500; JD B, new tires, 35' full finger auger, 1 70 hyd thrower, super spreader, works on JD or electric start & lights. owner, HH & contour sens sweep, one owner, always CIH combine, $1,000. 712$1,500. 715-468-2556 ing, Stubble lights, Single shedded, exc; (3) 16’ H&S 786-3341 pt hook-up (60 series). & Meyers throw racks/big FOR SALE: JD 7000 4RW Houle 9’ manure pump, twin Trailer avail. See it runwagons; Smidley 100 bu corn planter, w/monitor & jet, 3pt w/ Farmstar 10” ning at www.guentzelfamily steer stuffer, exc, IH 37 insec boxes; JD 215 tanload stand. $9,400. 12” disc. 952-955-1810 dem wheel disc; Lindsay 5 1276 $24,000/OBO. Call Jon at sec spike tooth drag on (507)317-1958 Hydrostatic & Hydraulic Repair FOR SALE: Pepin 56’ ridgid wheel draw bar; JD 38 Repair - Troubleshooting spike tooth drag; Melroe mower; 16’ H&S Super Sales - Design 30’ Multi-weeder ; JD 212 4 FOR SALE: Farm King 9’ 7+4 self unloading silage Custom hydraulic belt grain pickup; ‘91 PoHD 3pt blade, like new. box, right hand; EZ Flow hose-making up to 2”. laris 2x4 ATV, 5100 miles. $1,850; JD 4450 pwr shift 220 gravity box & EZ Trail Service calls made. 507-220-1419 tractor, 3pt, 3 hyd, 18.4x38 230 bu gravity box; ‘95 STOEN’S tires, $27,500; JD 4455 pwr Jamboree Fleetwood 21’ Hydrostatic Service shift tractor, 3pt, 3 hyd, motor home w/only 8400 FOR SALE: Pr 18.4x38 ma16084 State Hwy 29 N chine cut tractor tires, 18.4x38, $35,500; 18.4x38 9 mi. 320-395-2207 Glenwood, MN 56334 16x38 9 bolt pan rims, $500; bolt duals w/ IH 3 1/2” (320)634-4360 Pr 16.9x34 tractor tires on hubs, $375; 320-769-2756 FOR SALE: JD 724 30’ soil 15x34 9 bolt pan rims, $400; finisher; JD cult 12R30”, S Pr 15x34 tractor rims 9 Hyster forklift, 12' lift, 42" FOR SALE: Flexicoil 750 tines, equipped side dress, forks, continental eng, bolt pans, $200; Pr 3” 9 gal sprayer, 80’ boom, ground driven Demco hard tires, good runner, bolt M&W hubs, $200; JD $2000; Bobcat 630 skid pump. 651-303-8188 LP. $1,500. 320-596-2118 straight pedestal 6 bolt loader, $5750; Restored hubs $200. Cash, no checks. IH 800 8 row wide 36”, CycloJD 4010 D, w/loader, 507-461-2332 Waseca $10,000. 507-330-3945 Air corn planter; IH 133 8 row 36” hyd folding cult, w/rowing shields; IH 710 518s, auto reset mounted plow. All in very good cond, retiring. 507-841-0898 or 507-847-2798

Farm Implements

Farm Implements

Farm Implements

JD 18' wing disc, coned Owatonna 40’ elev., $320; JD Westendorf WL42 loader 10’ grain drill, $430; Farmblades, exc. condition, w/quick tach, comes w/7’ all H, new tires, $1,000. $2,750; A rare find! JD 2 bucket & bale spear, IH or (507)354-4665 bar digger, $750; JD 8' JD mnts, $4,000. quack digger, $600. 715-946(507)276-4194 Planter JD 7300 12 R, 30" 3225, 6pm - 9pm rows, finger pickup, JD Tractors mon, starter fert system JD 3975 chopper, 3 RN head, w/ all plumbing incl. Yet- ‘02 JD 7810 P-Quad 2WD 7.5 hayhead, exc cond, ter coulters, Demco pump. 14.9x46 hub duals, 5045 hrs, $28,000, would consider JD 520 soybean drill, 20' w/ very sharp, 2nd owner; 348 trade. 608-792-8051 10" spacings, 3 bar mntd Farmhand quicktach loadharrow. Soil finisher JD er. Farwell, MN 320-283JD 542 ldr, came off 5525, 724, 30'. Cultivator JD 12R, 5740, 320-760-4210, 320-424will fit others as well, 8 S-tines, equipped to side 0246 mos. old, used only for rest w/ ground driven snow, new $7,000 will sell Demco pump. 651-770-3326 for $5,800. (715)495-0873 ‘79 Ford TW30, 6000 hrs, or 651-303-8188 OH’d, 2WD, 20.8 duals, one JD 7200 12 RN vacuum. 200 owner, nice. Ashland 5 yd mon, drive fert., cross scraper. 30' Great Plains WANT MORE READERS augers, dbl disc openers, front fold drill, 15" spacTO SEE YOUR AD?? row cleaners, HD down ing. 218-567-8292 Expand your coverage springs, flex fold, 14 3/4 area! The Land has ‘83 JD 4450, 9695 hrs QR, openers. $15,500. (715)684teamed up with Farm 2WD, duals, very gd cond. 9451 News, and The Country $25,000. Century sprayer, Today so you can do just 1300 gal 90’ Midmount New Equipment Specials: that! Place a classified boom, triple body nozzles, 10”x31’ Farm King PTO augad in The Land, and foam markers, $18,000. er, $ 4,360 -$3,500 have the option of plac507-278-4118 16’ SI 4 whl feeder wagon, ing it in these papers as $4,250 $3,500. Call Larry, well. More readers = Caterpiller 55 row crop Sorensen Sales & Rental, better results! Call The tractor 16” tracks at 85% Hutchinson 320-587-2162 Land for more informaon 88” spacing. 6100 hrs w/ tion. 1000 hrs on a Ziegler factoNH 28 Blower. Exc. condi- (507)345-4523•(800)657-4665 ry reman CAT 3126 260hp tion. Asking $3,500. 715-946eng. High flow 43gpm hyd 3225, 6pm - 9pm pump, 4 remotes, 3 pt QH, 1000 PTO, full set of nose & We buy chin wgts, rock box, cusSalvage Equipment tom built full frame pushParts Available er, Hella light. Very nice Hammell Equip., Inc. all purpose tractor. (507)867-4910 $70,000. 320-905-8683

SPRING AUCTION Sat., April 2 • 9 AM

“Where Farm and Family Meet”

Sale Site: Earl Hamilton Auction Co. off Interstate 90 at Dexter, MN, exit #193, then 1/4 mile east on Hwy. 16. Selling with 2 rings. Sales tax on applicable items. For complete listing & pictures check website: or Online bidding available thru Proxibid Real nice selection of farmer owned equipment including equipment from area lending institution. Tractors, payloaders, skidloader, forklift, JD 1770, 12R planter, other planters & drills, bean & corn heads, semi tractors, trailer, straight trucks, dump trucks, skidloader trailer, rock pickers, rock windrow pickers, disc’s, spray truck, other sprayers, tanks, rippers, diggers, stalk choppers, portable bldg, camper, large selection of shop and hand tools, grain bins to be removed, wagons, all sizes, augers, shop and bldg. materials, lawn & garden, hay , livestock equip., toys & knives, other cars & pickups, etc. For information, call: Hamilton Auction Co. at 507-584-0133, office or check website listed above. Terms: Cash or good check.

EARL HAMILTON AUCTION CO. 130 State Hwy. 16 Dexter, MN 55926 Auctioneers: Earl Hamilton, #50-24, Dexter, MN, phone 507-584-0133; Dean Eastman, #50-57; Terry Hamilton, #50-06-012; Andrew Hamilton, #50-86.





FOR SALE: ‘03 C-IH MX230, 1405 hrs, MFWD, Creeper gear, deluxe cab, 3 PTOs, a full wgt bracket, duals frt & rear, 480/80R46 rears, frt fenders, quick hitch, 4 hyd remotes, exc cond. 763-441-6308 FOR SALE: 185 AC w/loader & bale spear, exc working cond. 320-268-3281 or cell 320-424-0311

FOR SALE: ‘52 Farmall Super C, Serial #161728 w/72” Artsway belly mower, nice shape. Courtland, MN 507-354-3465 or 507-317-3194 FOR SALE: ‘68 JD 3020 diesel, 3 pt WF, exc cond, $8000; ‘62 JD 3010 diesel, NF, 2 pt, new paint, good Int H w/Woods 6’ belly mower, good tires & tin, works well, $2200; JD 36A loader, w/controls, wide bucket, $1100. 507-428-3572 FOR SALE: ‘70 IH 826 diesel, 9294 hrs, 3 pt hitch, dual hyds, 18.4x34 radials, axle mount duals, rock box, 2nd owner, shedded, clean orig condition, $8250. Waltham, MN 507-440-1990

FOR SALE: ‘75 JD 4430, cab, air, Quad range, 18.4x38 Firestone tires, 50%, over $11,000 spent in repairs, very tight, sharp tractor inside & outside, $13,900. 715-222-1737 FOR SALE: ‘79 JD 4440, C/A/H, pwr shift, 18.4x38 Firestone tires, 9,900 hrs, $16,900. 715-222-1737

Massey Ferguson Exclusive

Allows operator to preset ground speed. Tractor will automatically control engine rpm & transmission ratio for maximum fuel efficiency. 1) MF Exclusive: CVT Transmission with no clutch packs. 2) Option of both suspended cab & front axle for a smoother ride. 3) Headland Management: Can operate up to 35 different tractor & implement functions with the touch of one button. 4) Dual Speed PTO: Allows full 1000 PTO rpm at either 1970 or 1605 engine rpm

Now Taking Consignments for

CONSIGNMENT AUCTION Saturday, April 30 • 9:00 a.m.

Tractors On Hand Now At Very Reasonable Prices

Auctioneer taking Consignments: Matt Mages • 507-276-7002

MF 8660, MFD, duals, Auto Steer Ready, 265 hp.

Location: 55780 St. Hwy. 19, 1/4 mile west of Hwy. 19 & 15 intersection on Hwy. 19 west of Winthrop, MN

Can be purchased for payments as low as:


Turn Your Unused Items into Cash! Farm Equipment & Machinery, Vehicles, Collectible Tractors & Cars, Motorcycles, Snowmobiles, Boats, Motors, Trailers, RV’s, ATV’s, Lawn & Garden Equipment, Tools, Guns, Fishing Equipment & Sporting Goods, Furniture, Antiques & Collectibles, toys and More! Advertising Deadline is Monday, April 11th Items can be brought to the sale site on Thursday, April 28th and Friday, April 29th, 8 am - 8 pm All items must be on the lot no later than 8 PM, the day before the auction. Guns: Consignors must have a valid drivers license along at check-in time. Vehicles and Titled items MUST have a clear title along at time of check-in.

MF 6499, MFD, duals, 215 hp. Can be purchased for payments as low as:

$14,345/year TRACTORS

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Freed, Owners Atwater, MN • Saturday • April 9 • 10:00 AM The Following Described Property Will Be Sold At Farm Located: 21⁄2 miles West of Atwater, MN on US Hwy. #12, then 4 miles South on Kandihohi County Road #4, being 4600 County Road 4 SE, Atwater, MN TRACTORS: Allis Chalmers 6080, FWA, diesel tractor, 3 pt., 1500 hrs. on engine & trans. overhaul, w/Allied 594 loader, 1-owner, SN: 68805440F Case 1070 diesel tractor, cab, WF, 3 pt., & Case XL 90 loader, 5600 hrs., band duals, SN: 8804987 Steiger Bearcat II 4WD tractor w/CAt 3208 engine, duals, bareback, 3 hyds., SN: 3075 MACHINERY: JD 1600, 13-shank chisel plow w/new points JD 2600 5x18 mounted plow White 256, 18’ tandem wheel disc AC 8’ tandem disc Case IH 4700, 32’ field cultivator w/tandems & folding wings JD 7000 8R30” planter w/dry fert., herb. & insect. & Dickey John monitor, rebuilt 2010 JD 12 double disc grain drill w/grass seeder COMBINE & HEADS: Gleaner R50 combine, rotary w/Deutz diesel engine, bin extensions, 24.5x32 tires, 3500 engine hrs., used on 200 acre farm, (Excellent Condition), SN: R5K002997H8989 Gleaner 8R30” corn head Gleaner R320 bean head, 20’ w/Tiger Jaws (2) 20’ header trailers, 8-ton & 11-ton GRAIN DRYER & AUGERS: Super B AS-300 automatic batch dryer, 5 hp. dryer fan motor, new in ‘09, new unload & load-out augers in ‘08, single phase

Lowery 1000 bu. & holding bin w/roof Hutchinson 6”x16’ Hutchinson 8”x52’ PTO auger on transport Hutchinson 8”x32’ auger on transport w/5 hp. electric motor (new motor in ‘09) SKID: Mustang 921 skid loader, Onan gas engine, 1-owner, 2641 hrs., material bucket, bale forks, SN: SD920124 FARM MISCELLANEOUS: 6 hp. 4000 watt portable generator 5 hp upright air compressor, 30 gallon Heat Hauser for 6080 Allis Chalmers Hydraulic orbit motor w/hoses Aeration fan w/71⁄2 hp. fan & motor, good 71⁄2 hp. HP dryer fan • 71⁄2 hp. HD auger motor 5” Auger on stand Pile of dryer bin liner sheets from 30’ grain bin Small Creep pig feeders • Rock box Pressure washer (15) Wood framed screened turkey doors 1978 Yamaha 400cc dirt bike click on Ziemer Usual Terms of Auction (cash or approved check day of sale.) No items to be removed until settled for. — Number system used —

Donald Ziemer, Check our website: for a complete auction bill. Lic. 34-07, New London, ZIEMER AUCTION SERVICE (320) 354-4329 20380 Co. Rd. 5 NW, New London, MN

Mark Ziemer, Lic. 34-46, New London, (320) 354-4312

• • • • • •

MF 8660, MFD, 225 PTO hp. MF 6499, MFD, 180 PTO hp. ‘02 MF 481 platform ‘79 MF 4840, 4WD, 7655 hrs., 280 hp. ‘05 MF 451, 363 hrs., 45 hp. - Like New ‘93 Agco 5680, MFD, loader

• • • • • • • • • •

‘10 MF 9695 ‘09 MF 9795, 282 hrs. ‘05 Challenger 670, 1476 hrs. ‘96 MF 8570, RWA, 2330 sep. hrs. ‘90 MF 8570, 2240 hrs. ‘77 MF 750 ‘82 MF 850, variable speed, 3535 hrs. MF 9750 pu table MF 9120 beantable MF 1859 beantables, 15’, 18’, 20’


GRAIN HANDLING • • • • • • • • • • • •

• • • • ‘08 Geringhoff 630, RD • • ‘03 Geringhoff 630, RD • • ‘94 Geringhoff 630, PC • • ‘91 Geringhoff 630, PC • • ‘92 Gleaner 1222 hugger • • ‘94 Gleaner 830 hugger • • ‘04 CIH 2206, HDP • ‘06 CIH 2208, 8R30” • CIH 922 GVL poly • • ‘90 CIH 1083 • • JD 1022 • • ‘02 JD 893, knife rolls • • MF 9483 • • ‘96 MF 864 • • ‘99 NH 996, 12R20” • • ‘09 NH 98D, 18R20” • • ‘05 NH 98C, 12R20”

CORNHEADS • ‘08 Geringhoff 1822, RD • ‘07 Geringhoff 1822, RD • ‘07 Geringhoff 1622, RD • ‘04 Geringhoff 1622, RD • ‘08 Geringhoff 1222, RD • ‘07 Geringhoff 1222, RD • ‘08 Geringhoff 1220, RD • ‘05 Geringhoff 1020, RD • ‘09 Geringhoff 830, RD • ‘08 Geringhoff 830, RD • ‘98 Geringhoff 830, RD • ‘05 Geringhoff 830, RD • ‘06 Geringhoff 830, RD • ‘00 Geringhoff 830, RD • ‘92 Geringhoff 830, PC • ‘05 Geringhoff 822, RD • ‘07 Geringhoff 820, RD

NEW SUNFLOWER 1550 - 50 disc., 50’ COMING IN APRIL

Brandt 5200 EX grain vacs Brandt 1515 LP, 1535, 1545, 1585 Belt Conveyors Brandt 1390 HP swing Brandt 1080 swing hopper Brandt 10x35 auger Brandt 8x47 auger Brandt 8x42 auger Feterl 10x60 auger Parker 1348 grain cart, 1300 bu., PTO drive Parker 938 grain cart, 1000 bu. Parker 505 gravity box, 550 bu., brakes Feterl 10x60 straight auger

HAY & LIVESTOCK Chandler litter spreader 22’&26’ MF 3743, manure spreader, 430 bu. MF 2756A, baler, net wrap MF 1375, 15’ disk mower cond. Sitrex DM5, DM6, DM7 disc mowers Sitrex RP5 3 pt. wheel rake Sitrex MK12 & MK 14 wheel rakes Sitrex 10 & 12 wheel rakes on cart Westendorf 3 pt. bale spear

MISCELLANEOUS Krause 4241 field cult., 44’ JD 220 stalk chopper Balzer 22’ stalk chopper Balzer 20’ stalk chopper Leon rock picker, reel type Loftness 30’ stalk chopper, SM (5) Mauer 28’ to 42’ header trailers WRS 30’ header trailer

“Where Farm and Family Meet”

FOR SALE: ‘75 Case 2470, 4x4 dual remotes, no 3pt,, PTO good cond, 9400 hrs, recent eng work at local college, $5000 or will trade for cows or calves. Staples, MN 320-241-2227

Dynamic Tractor Management



FOR SALE: 4-rear Good Year DT 800 Super Traction, 480-80/R50 on 10 bolt rims $11,000; 4-front Good Year DT 800 Super Traction 420-85/R34 on rims w/Centers from CIH MX 335, $5000 or $15,000 for complete set; Also have rear weights for inside rims, 500 lbs, each $300. Ceylon, MN 507-381-1871

10% - 25% Fuel Savings

THE LAND, MARCH 25, 2011

‘87 TW35 Ford MFD, FOR SALE: ‘88 JD 4650 2090 Case tractor, good rub- FOR SALE: 12’ Tilther rotaAC/heat, 3 hyd. valves, MFWD, 5164 hrs, PS, 3 pt ry tiller, Model RC160, 3pt, ber; 30’ Wilrich field cult, PTO, 18.4/42 rears w/duals, quick hitch, 3 SCV, 1000 $2000 OBO. 763-972-6790 walking tandems, new 7’ 16.9/28 fronts. New rear PTO, 20.8x42 duals, new sweeps; Broyhill 40’ boom SALE: Firestone end in ‘09. Service records front tires, $36,000. sprayer, 500 gal tank, new FOR 14.9x46 5-star radials, on avail. Exc. Cond. 2675 hrs. Wells, MN 507-525-0705 controls. 320-833-5989 step up rims for 30-50 ser$29,500. 320-974-8368 ies JD & CIH 66-magnum FOR SALE: ‘89 CIH 9180, FOR SALE: ’94 JD 7200, series, also 10 bolt duals at C/A/H, MFWD, 6930 hrs, CIH 7240 MFD $45,000; CIH 375hp, 12spd PS, 24.5x32 80% rubber. $4,500/OBO. pwr quad re-built, narrow 7120, 2WD, $28,000; CIH Firestone radials, 4 hyds, 507-425-3120 tires. $30,900; JD 400 gas 7130, 2WD, $27,000, extra 3pt w/ HD quick hitch, uptractor, ldr, backhoe, shutsharp; NH 9682 4x4, 6000 dated axle, 7400 hrs, tle trans, works great, FOR SALE: Gravity wagons hrs, $48,000; JD 8410, $36,500. 507-227-3182 3 like new, 275 to 600 bu; $7,200 Trade. 320-543-3523 MFD, $67,500; JD 7400, IH 560 gas, Ford 600, WF MFD, $25,500; Coming in: for IH; 3 pt rotary cutters, JD 7810, 2WD, JD 7210, FOR SALE: ‘90 JD 8760, FOR SALE: Caterpillar 75 Mowers, 7’ blade; Loaders 4WD, 9850 hrs, recent eng 2WD, CIH 7120 5600 hours. new tracks, $34,000.; MM Vaughn like new, Antique work, new 2 spd & clutch, (608)987-2373 G-1000 propane 3 pt, $4500; Super 6; 10 & 12 ton runnew 20.8x42 Firestone radiAgco 2960 unit coulters, ning gears, 10x32 auger. al tires, 24 spd, good cond, $110 ea; ‘81 IHC 4200 grain FOR SALE: (2) 24” tracks Peterson Equip - New Ulm $45,000. Fairfax, MN 507truck, 20’ box & hoist, off 8000 JD tractor. 507-838507-276-6957 or 6958 426-7738 $15,000. 218-955-0888 8775

THE LAND, MARCH 25, 2011




FOR SALE: ‘94 Ford Versatile 9280, 4 remotes, 65% rubber, 2900 act hrs, very clean; ‘91 JD 8960 rear weights, 4 remotes, 95% rubber, fresh 2 spd rebuild, 8900 hrs, sharp. Eagle Lake, MN 507-3270858






FOR SALE: JD 8110 MFD, FOR SALE: IH 656 as trac- FOR SALE: JD 4055 2WD, FOR SALE: JD 4640 Quad, FOR SALE: JD 4955, 8300 For Sale: JD 730 gas. 420 or 480 R46 tires, comtor, 7100 hrs, real good 18.4x38 tires, 50%, 15 PS, 18.4x42, 200hp, 2739 hrs, hrs, MFWD, front fenders, (507)523-3305 or (507)450-6115 fort pkg, big pump, 7000 cond, paint good, new front 6000 hrs, sharp, $38,500; sharp tractor, $27,900/OBO. 18.4x46, triple remotes, FOR SALE: JD 7800 MFWD, hrs, thru JD inspection, rubber, $5400; Round bale JD 8300 grain drill w/grass JD 8630, PTO, 3pt, w/ or front wghts, rear wghts, PS, FF, rock box, radar, field ready. 507-384-8507 hauler, made for 4’ long seeder, $3850; JD 444 cornw/out auto steer, sound very nice, $43,500. 540/1000 PTO, 3 SCVs, bales, haul 6 or 8 bales. head. 320-510-0468 tractor, service records River Falls, WI 715-760-2091 14.9x46(90%), 2340 hrs, exc $600. 507-875-2425 available. 507-920-1632 FOR SALE: JD 8310 MFWD, cond, $81,500/OBO. 507-351480R46 tires, 80%, w/ du1176 als, new Michelin 420R30 frts, 4 SCVs, frt & rear For Sale: JD 7800 Tractor, wgts, quick hitch, 7000 1 14.9x46 tires, duals, rockowner hrs, very clean. 507box, 4467 hrs, 3 hyd & PB, 789-6049 2WD, PS, nice. $52,000. 320-894-2409 FOR SALE: M Farmall w/ live hyd, Paulson ldr, w/ hyd up & down & tilt, new tires. 763-434-5282

LARGE MULTI PARTY FARM EQUIPMENT AUCTION Thursday, April 14, 2011 — 9:30 a.m.

Location: Leeds, ND — Bud Larson Equipment lot on Hwy. 2


Auctioneers Note: Each year this auction is always big with excellent variety. Live internet bidding is available through proxy bid. Note equipment is categorized by owners rather than by type of equipment

Glenn Ewert, Langdon ND — 701-256-3207 - 1998 21’ Case IH 8210 p.t. swather • James Kirk, Devils Lake ND — 701-350-8142 - 1985 Vers. 256 Bi-directional; - 8’ Leon blade; - 2” water pump; - Winco PTO generator; - JD F510 mower; - Hyd. soil sampler • Dale Pfeifer, Esmond ND — 701-249-3377 - 2001 90’ Summers Ultimate high wheel sprayer • Fred Rance, Webster ND — 701-230-3205 - 1974 IHC 1066 2WD tractor w/3 pt.& loader • Greg Graber, Wolford ND — 701-5832271 - JD square baler; - Squeeze chute; - Grinder mixer • Henry Miller, Cando ND — 701-351-4644 - 1974 Ford single axle truck; - 1967 Chevy single axle truck; - HydroTek 2,500 PSI steam cleaner • Tri S Farms/Wayne Slaubaugh, Wolford ND — 701-771-2408 - 70’ Brandt 7000 harrow; - 7” x 41’ Westfield w/Honda; - 7”x39’ Sakundiak w/Honda; - 7 tube Kwik Kleen; - Leon rock picker; - Wet kit; - Soil probe; - (2) Summers harrows • Brock Hoime, Devils Lake ND — 701-351-6116 - 1972 Ford Dually flatbed • Allan Brossart, Rugby ND — 701-208-0821 - 20’ 9350 JD press drills; - Du-al manure spreader • Ken Hager, Devils Lake ND — 701-351-4017 - JD 510 round baler; - 9’ MacDon hay conditioner • Arden Loken, Brinsmade ND — 701-473-5506 - 1974 IHC grain truck, nice; - JD 718’s plow w/packer; - 30’ header trailer; - A&L 500 bushel grain cart; - 5 tube Kwik Kleen • Jody McGarvey, Leeds ND — 701-739-2468 or 701-466-2684 or 701-466-2685 - 1990 JD 8560 4WD tractor, PTO, 8700 hrs; - 28’ Hutchmaster disk; - 25’ MacDon p.t. swather; - 35’ Morris chisel w/harrows; - 35’ JD field cultivator w/harrows; - 1979 GMC dually w/flatbed; - 1981 Ford pickup; - 220 V steam washer; - Air compressor w/Honda • Ritterman Trucking, York ND — 701-739-0995 - (2) 48’ reefer vans • Ted Bjornstad, Cando ND — 701-739-0980 -1994 Chev 3/4 ton 4WD diesel pickup; -22’ Versatile 4400 s.p. diesel swather; - 53’ De-tach lowboy semi trailer; - NH 6 row corn head; - 22’ Case IH flex head; - Concord 200 air seeder w/28’ 2812 seeding tool • Glen Slaubaugh, Wolford ND — 701-771-0079 - 98’ Bourgault sprayer; - 38’ JD 960 field cult w/harrows; - 1981 42’ Merrit hopper; - 60’ 3 pt. sprayer; - 5’ 3 pt. mower • Rich Gross, Rugby ND — 701-330-2433 - 1992 Peterbuilt semi, 752,800 miles; - 1988 42’ Timpte hopper • Keith Smith, Maddock ND — 701-351-7012 - 88’ Hardi high wheel sprayer; - 60’ Jet Stream sprayer; - 70’ Summers harrow; 1480 IHC combine for beans; - IHC 8 row planter • Jason Leer, Wolford ND — 701-771-2593 - 4630 JD tractor, w/loader, grapple; - NH grinder mixer; - 56’ Herman harrow; - (20) 9’-12’ panel gates; - Ritchie fountain; - Livestock reservoir • Joe Goeser, Munich ND — 701-370-1750 or 701-682-5207 - JD 20’ head w/SSR pans; - 20’ JD tandem disk; - 10” jump auger • Bill Hartl, Starkweather ND — 701-290-4443 - IHC 8 row planter; - 32’ Donahue trailer; - Swather transport; - 400 Versatile double swath w/gas engine • William Tank Estate & Doris Tank, Leeds ND — 701-771-1511 - 4640 JD tractor, outstanding cond., 9150 hrs; - 4430 JD tractor, 9500 hrs; - 4320 JD tractor, 3 pt., loader; - 4010 JD diesel tractor w/loader; - 8820 JD Titan II combine, outstanding, 4875 hrs; - JD 7700 diesel combine, ex. cond. 3900 hrs; - 24’ JD head; - 30’ header trailer; -1975 Dodge grain truck, 28,000 miles; - 1966 GMC grain truck, 63,000 miles; - 28’ JD 787 air seeder, clean; - 32’ Wilrich field cult.; - Morris 25’ chisel; - 25’ IHC Vibrashank; - 18’ IHC Vibrashank; - 24’ IHC 480 tandem disk; - JD 616’s plow w/JD drill & packer; - JD 516’s plow w/JD drill & packer; - JD 15’ chisel; - Melroe spray coupe, cab, 900 hrs; -1979 400 Versatile 18’ outstanding; - Case IH 8370 14’ mower conditioner; - 24’ Rowse dump rake; - Westfield hyd. drill fill; - 6”x41’ Sakundiak w/engine; - REM 1026 grain vac; - Fuel tanks; - 1997 Cadillac • Doug Dulmage, Leeds ND — 701-351-2637 -1997 Ford NH 9682, 42” tires (90%) 5500 hrs; - 1963 GMC single axle grain truck; - 25’ MacDon swather; - 25’ Case IH 725 swather; - 20’ 400 Versatile swather, gas; - 30’ JD finger reel; - 30’ JD bat reel; - 25’ MacDon reel; - (2) Hyd. Keer Sheers; - 12” hyd. belt conveyor; - Jump auger • Disher Farms, Hansboro ND — 701-266-5534 1979 42’ Cornhusker hopper; - 42’ DMI NH3 applicator • Kevin Kakela, Rolla ND — 701-477-5115 or 701-550-9156 - 27’ JD 1600 chisel; - Degelman rock picker; - Crown rock picker • Greg Westlind, Cando ND — 701-739-8275 - A/C G tractor w/Woods mower • Duane Schuler, Munich ND — 701-682-5290 - 25’ Premier swather w/finger reel & Keer Sheer, nice; - 30’ MacDon swather; - 22’ JD head w/new SSR pans w/trailer; - JD 7100 Max Emerge 8 row planter • Randy Oppen, Towner ND — 701-208-0144 - JD Max Emerge 7000 8 row planter; - 32’ IHC 490 disk w/harrows; - 8’ flatbed • Darrell Odegard, Egeland ND — 701-230-1613 35’ JD 1600 chisel, NH3, harrows; - (2) 45’x8” PTO augers • Don Mattern, Crary ND — 701-398-3116 - 1947 Willys Jeep CJ-2, outstanding • Josh & Jeremy Martin, Sarles ND — 701-370-8511 or 701-370-1787 - 1981 8820 combine, vg; - 1983 JD 8820 combine, vg; - JD 212 pickup; - JD 30’ 930F flex head; - 643 JD 6 row corn head • Jerry Thomas, Towner ND — 701-537-5884 -IHC 856 2WD tractor • Glen Heilman, Harvey ND — 701-341-1159 -90 ft. Summers 2 pt. sprayer • Bruce Teubner, Cando ND — 701-303-0170 -JD 875 12 row cult; - (2) Case IH 183 12 rows • Arlan Bachmeier, Sykeston ND — 701-653-5954 - (2) 1600 gal. poly tanks; -8’ canola roller • Steven Neameyer, Mylo ND — 701-739-7557 -740 Champion road grader, cab, gas • Ron Hausmann, Churchs Ferry ND — 701-230-2518 -JD 9600 combine, mid 1990’s, always shedded, excellent cond., • John Fjellanger, Rugby ND — 701-208-0506 -JD 853A all crop head; -Truck frame bale trailers; - 29’ WilRich chisel, NH3, harrows; - 1984 IHC 1480 combine; - 24’ 810 straight head; - 22 ⁄ ’ 820 flex head • Merle Beachy, Mylo ND — 701-370-1705 - 2000 Volvo 610 semi • Von Christianson, Langdon ND — 701-370-1311 -88’ high wheel sprayer • Dan Pederson, Rolla ND — 701-550-9263 - (2) 1994 41’ Flexicoil chisel plows w/harrows; - 8’ red fiberglass topper; - 7x51 Westfield auger w/Briggs • Tom Kirkeide, York ND — 701-583-2289 - 12 Row cult.; - 25’ MacDon p.t. swather like new • John Skifton, Harvey ND — 701-341-1400 - 30’ JD head w/finger & bat R.; -30’ header trailer • David Sears, Minnewaukan ND — 701-739-9082 -57’ Flexicoil air seeder, 9”space, w/2340 cart, variable rate • Dale Farbo, Cando ND — 701-303-0846 or 701-968-3091 - 18’ Kiefer stock trailer; - 72’ Summers pickup sprayer w/Honda; - 25’ Westward p.t. swather w/finger reel; - 843 JD corn head w/trailer • Richard Bergeth, Devils Lake ND — 701-662-5803 - 1988 Ford Taurus; - 1975 XL100 Honda motorcycle, less than 200 miles • Rick Galow, Bisbee ND — 701-656-3278 - 1990 Freightliner tandem grain truck, Cummins; - Case IH 3650 round baler; - 90' Valley sprayer • David Ahlberg, Cando ND — 701-739-9448 - 1500 bu. Lowry hopper bin • Duane Anderson, Leeds ND — 701-739-6911 - 24'JD 9350 grain drills; - Kuhn drill transport; - Summers 60' 3 pt. sprayer; - 8 row IHC cultivator; - Flexicoil 1610 tank • Virgil Anderson, Leeds ND — 701-739-5911 - Melroe 7 x 16 plow; - JD 20' field cult.; - Versatile 8" x 44' auger; - Summers 54' Herman harrow; - 20' pull type sprayer • Dean Borstad, Cando ND — 701-740-7774 - 1993 Chevy C3500 dually 4 dr. flatbed, air comp., fuel tanks, more; - 2001 Bison 53' double combine trailer; - Picket One Step, 8 x 30, rock cushion dividers; - JD 590 swather, 30'; - Summers sprayer, 2 pt, tip lift; - 25' MacDon swather; - 375 bu. gravity wagon; - 7" x 35' Westfield auger, gas w/ Wheatheart; - 1000 gal water tank on trailer; - 1000 gal fuel tank on trailer; - 500 gal propane tank on trailer; - Kawasaki 400 4x4 4 wheeler; - JD STX38 lawn mower • Claire Vigesaa, Lakota ND — 303-656-8671 or 701-247-3007 - 2003 31' Keystone Mountaineer camper, mint • Jeff Domres, Wales ND — 701-370-2278 - 1993 Vermeer 605K baler • Wilgoth Carlson, Sheyenne ND — 701-996-4505 or 701-350-1933 - 2003 Hesston 814 baler, always store inside • Other equipment - 2001 Volvo 610 semi, (engine bad); - (2) 1,000 gal. NH3 tanks; - (2) NH3 cold flow units, new style

“Where Farm and Family Meet”



Visit our website at Dakota Auctioneers, Larry Swenson, Professional Auctioneer & Appraiser, Lic. #508, 525 Main St., Cando ND 58324

They want how much to sell your Farm?? We have sold thousands of acres using proven methods throughout MN at commissions that are often half that of other companies

Wonderful 10 Acre Farm Site, 3 BR home, fireplace, updated kitchen, pole barn, $167,900 • 57821 300th St., Winthrop, MN 8.25 Acre Farm Site, 3 BR home, 2-stall detached garage, nice barn & mature grove, $32,900 • 66569 460th St., Fairfax, MN Highly Versatile Downtown Bldg, Commercial on main floor & 5 residental rental units upstairs, $119,900 • 229 Main St. W, Sleepy Eye, MN Beautiful 10.8 Acre Hobby Farm, 4 BR home w/nice outbuildings, grove & plenty of space for livestock, $134,900 • 54172 246th St., Winthrop, MN 100 Acres Hunting Land, CRP & CREP payments ‘til 2016 in Renville Cty., $1,350/Acre, Section 14, Hawk Creek Twp. Excellent Hunting Land, 80 Acres in Renville Cty., $990/Acre, near Cty. Rds. 11 & 54

Mages Land Co. & Auction Service






New - Used - Farm Equipment Buy — Sell — Trade

DORDAL FARM EQUIPMENT Hwy. 65 & Cty. Rd. 3, P.O. Box 37 Stanchfield, MN 55080

THE LAND, MARCH 25, 2011

FOR SALE: Used JD 8000 JD 8640, 225hp, 8900 hrs, du- Specializing in most Allis Chalmers used tractor als front & back, gone Series 24” tracks, 30%, parts for sale. Now parting through JD shop, delivery $1500. 507-964-5548 or 507out WD 190XT #200 & D-17 avail. $22,500. (715)667-3403 327-1903 tractors. Ford 6610 Series 2 tractor, Rosenberg Tractor 3650 hrs, new rear tires & MM For Sale: G1000 Vista Salvage Dsl, super 670 gas, 5 star battery, C/A/H, good cond, 507-848-1701 or 507-236-8726 LP, U302 super gas, U302 $16,500. 715-905-1148 LP, Jet star 3 super w/ldr, IH 1456 exc. cond., collector U w/WF, dual hyds, pwr WE HAVE PARTS! quality, needs rear tires, steering, All have been Parts for Tractors, $12,500. JD 3020 dsl, 70% checked out through the Combines, Machinery, restored, 3300 hrs., syncro, shop. 335 gas parade Hay Equipment, and more... 2 remotes, JD WF w/ frt ready. River Dale Farms All makes & Models. Used, wgts, $9,500. (715)698-3098 (920)295-3278 new, rebuilt, aftermarket. All States Ag Parts IHC 1086, 6000 hrs, duals, Call: 877-530-4430 to reach new frt tires & 134A AC, MM tractors wanted for the store nearest you! rock box, 2 tool boxes, parts/fixing. Have MM $17,500. 515-368-3732 parts for 445-G1000 & others, River Dale Farms JD 2640 tractor 146 loader, (920)295-3278 Harvesting Equip. 3pt, 1 hyd., 5565 hrs. $10,500 (507) 327-5353 ‘01 JD 9650STS w/ 930 flex NEW AND USED head, 2600/1900 hrs, MaurJD 4440 QR, 4400 IL grain TRACTOR PARTS er ext, choice of 20.8x42 farm hrs. Exc cond. JD 10,20,30,40, 50, 55, 50 Serrubber straddle duals for $27,500. (608)214-1859 ies & newer tractors, 22 or 30” rows, yearly inAC- all models. JD 4955, MFWD, reman enspected/serviced, mainteLarge Inventory, We ship! gine, PS, hub duals. Very nance records, very nice Mark Heitman clean & sharp. $39,500. combine. $92,500/OBO. Tractor Salvage (715)926-5376 or (715)577Ph. 320-212-7882 (715)673-4829 9311

(320) 396-2978 Metro (763) 689-1133 Keith Dordal, Owner

Our Experience and Knowledge Make the Difference

(R) (R) (R) (R) (R) (I) (R) (I) (R)

‘03 JD 6420, MFWD, 90 hp., cab, 24-spd., PQ, loader, 4000 hrs. Coming March ‘05 JD 7220, MFWD, 95 hp., cab, 16-spd., PQ, 820 hrs. ........................$65,900 ‘95 JD 6200, 2WD, 66 hp., cab w/heat & A/C, turf tires, 3120 hrs. ........$19,500 ‘83 JD 2750, 2WD, 75 hp., canopy, loader ..............................................$16,500 ‘75 IH 674, 60 hp., IH loader, 3630 hrs. ....................................................$6,500 ‘98 Case CX60, 4WD, 50 hp., cab, 9.5-24R3, 18.4-26R3 tires, 8-spd., 5840 hrs., (8’ broom - add $2,500) ........................................................$22,900 ‘89 JD 2355, 2WD, 56 hp., cab, loader, 6600 hrs. ..................................$17,500 ‘97 Case 4210, 4WD, 60 hp., cab, 8-spd. shuttle, D-SCV, 14-17.5R4’s, 19.5L-24R4’s, 2740 hrs. ..........................................................................$23,900 ‘76 Ford 6600, 2WD, 70 hp., cab, A/C, (eng. & clutch OH 800), 16-spd. Hi-Lo, rear tires 20%, front good, 4500 hrs. ............................................$10,500 ‘89 JD 2955, 4WD, 90 hp., cab, A/C, 16-spd. Hi-Lo, tires 80%, 7956 hrs. ................................................................................................................$23,900 ‘09 JD 6430, MFWD, 95 hp., cab, A-Quad 24/24 LH reverser, 540/1000 PTO, 18.4-34R1, 3-SCV, wiper, mirrors, 673 S/L loader, 500 hrs. ............$69,900 ‘80 JD 4040, 91 hp., cab, Syncro ............................................................$17,900 ‘02 JD 5420, MFWD, 65 hp., cab & A/C, 12/12 reverser, 1400 hrs. ........$33,000 ‘03 JD 6420, 4WD, 90 hp., cab, 24-spd. PQ, loader, 3200 hrs. ..............$56,500 ‘93 JD 7600, MFWD, 130 hp., cab, PS trans., 7992 hrs. ........................$38,500

OTHER EQUIPMENT ‘98 JD 1750, 6-row planter, dry fertilizer, 30” rows ..............................$19,500 JD 935 MoCo, 11’6”, side pull, impeller conditioner, 1000 PTO, hook up$12,500 JD 750 Drill, 16’, 7.5” spacing, Good Condition ......................................$14,500 JD 327 Square Baler, bale chute ..............................................................$6,450 ‘01 JD 467 Round Baler, mesh & twin wrap, push bar ..........................$19,500 ‘05 JD HPX diesel, hard side cab, heat, 4WD, power box lift ....................$8,995 ‘07 JD 620i XUV, 4x4, EFI, poly cab, power box lift, bed liner ..................$8,500 ‘09 JD TX, 4x4 Gator, HDAP tires, bed liner, front bumper ........................$6,995



North Hwy. 65, Isanti (I) (763) 444-8873

Hwy. 101 & I94, Rogers (R) (763) 428-4107

Versatile 575, 4WD, 575 hp. ..............................$269,900

‘92 JD 8760, 4WD, 5006 hrs., “Clean” ............$65,000

White 8524, 24R20”, w/liq. fert.................$68,000 Sunflower 4411-7......................................$27,900 JD 8760, 4WD, 325 hp., 5006 hrs., Clean $65,000 JD 8760, 260 hp., 5163 hrs., Clean ..........$59,500 JD 9400, 4WD, 425 hp., 3516 hrs. ........$109,000 McCormick ZTX230, MFWD, 230 hp., 1700 hrs. ................................................$89,900 Meyer 518, 12-ton E-Z Trail running gear ..$8,500 Gehl CB860, very clean chopper, only chopped corn, has good 3038 2R30” head ............$3,900 Gehl CB1060, 2R30” corn head ..................$3,400 C-IH 2062, 30’ draper header, new sickle & drapers ....................................................$49,000 ‘10 MF 1328, 8’, 3 pt. disc mower ..................Call

Priced Right - Ready To Plant!

Seed Shuttle Special ................................$15,900

White 8524, 24R20” or 16R30” ....................$68,000

JD 9400, 425 hp., 3516 hrs. ..............................$109,000

McCormick ZTX230, 230 hp., 1700 hrs. ................$89,900

C-IH 1190-9, 9’ haybine, Nice Shape ..........$3,800 Hesston 1340, 12’ cut, nice clean machine, came from small dairy ............................$14,500 JD 1219, 9’, Nice Machine ..........................$3,400 NH 411 disc mower cond., Completely Reconditioned ..........................................$7,900 NH 488 ........................................................$6,900 NI 5209, Completely Reconditioned ............$9,900 C-IH 8465A, 6’x5’ bale w/auto monitor ....$10,500 MF 1756 new baler w/kicker & mesh wrap$26,000 Vermeer 605L bale kicker, hyd. bale lifter..$14,800 H&S 310, Completely Reconditioned ..........$9,500 AC 200, 2WD, good runner, new clutch ......$7,900

C-IH 5250, 4WD, loader, grapple, includes radar..........................................$39,000 JD 4240, 2WD, 110 hp. ............................$22,900 MF 7485, MFWD, 130 hp., CVT trans., 3 remotes ................................................$74,900 McCormick CX105, MFWD, 105 hp., McCormick L750 loader ............................................$41,900 McCormick MTX150, MFWD, 150 hp. ......$63,900 Agco White 6085, 4WD, 80 hp. ................$29,500 International 504D, 2WD, 54 hp., one of a kind! Completely Restored ..............................$11,900 MF 583, MFWD, 80 hp. ............................$39,900


Hwy. 212 320-864-5118 Glencoe, MN 800-778-9854

“Where Farm and Family Meet”

(I) (I) (O) (R) (I) (I) (I) (R)

Mark Jungclaus from Jungclaus Implement has announced that Dan Brinkman, a former dairy farmer from NorwoodYoung America recently joined their sales force. For any of your equipment questions call Dan at 320-864-5118


USED TRACTORS (I) (I) (R) (O) (R) (R)

THE LAND, MARCH 25, 2011


S PECIAL L O W R ATE F INANCING O N A L L E QUIPMENT ~ 3 YRS. - 4% • 4 YRS. - 4.5% • 5 YRS. - 4.75%

Case IH MX275, duals, frt wgts, 3 PTO’s, approx. 650 hrs ....$138,000


TRACTORS NH TJ500 ............................$175,000 ‘10 NH 7030, FWA, 18.4x42 duals ..................................$99,500 NH T7040, New 320/90R54 $105,000 NH TC34D, 4WD, SS, 30 hrs. ................................$17,250 JD B ........................................$1,500 Allis 9130, 2WD....................$12,500 Versatile 876, 5938 hrs ........$42,500 Ford Versatile 876, 5940 hrs ............................$42,500 Versatile 876, 88’, gone through, 5980 hrs. ......................COMING IN Versatile 876 ..................COMING IN Ford TW35, MFD, 2675 hrs. ..........................................$33,000 Ford TW25, 2WD, 7267 hrs.......CALL CIH 7140, 2WD ..........................CALL Case MX275, FWA, clean....$138,000 CIH MX210, 380/50 ............$105,000 IH 1066, open station, new torque ..................................$8,950

NEW & USED LANDROLLERS New F-3, 42’ ..Lease Pmt. $6,645.74 New F-3, 46’ ..Lease Pmt. $7,054.25 New F-5, 62’ Lease Pmt. $10,083.19 New F-5, 68’ Lease Pmt. $10,770.68 Riteway F5-68, 1-season......$47,500



“Where Farm and Family Meet”


Krause 4821, 28’ coulter chisel, 2 seasons ..........................$39,500 Krause 4850, 15’, under 2000 acres ..................................$38,800 Krause 4850, 18’ Demo machine ..................................CALL JD 2200, 50’, floating hitch ..$37,500 JD 980, 381⁄2’, HD shanks ......$22,900 JD 960, 361⁄2’ ..............................CALL JD 960, 421⁄2’ ..........................$8,500 JD 960, 30’, T/A ......................$5,000 DMI Tigermate II ..................$17,500 DMI 42’ crumbler ....................$8,500 IH 4300, 35’, 3 bar, T/A ........$12,500 CIH 4800, 261⁄2’, T/A ................$9,950 Wilrich 6600 ..........................$5,500


Hardi Commander 6600, 120’, duals ..................................$68,500


NH 195 ....................................$8,500 NH 185, newer apron..............$7,950 Westfield MK 13x71 GLP........$9,950 NI 3739, 1 yr. on apron ..........$8,750 Westfield MK 13x71 GLP......$13,500 SPRAYERS Westfield MK 13x71 GLP......$13,750 Westfield MK 13x71 GLP......$10,900 Hardi Navigator 1100, 80’ ....$27,500 Westfield MK 13x71 GLP........$5,950 Hardi Navigator 1100, 90’ ....$23,500 Westfield MK 10x91 GLP......$14,950 Hardi Navigator 1100, 66’ ....$20,500 Hardi Navigator 1000, 60’, Feterl 10x60 mechanical swing ....................................$2,550 Hy Eagle, 120” axle ............$15,500 Hutchinson 10x60 swing ........$2,500 Hardi Navigator 1000, 60’, Westfield WR 6x41 ................$1,750 hyd. cont.............................$14,500 Hutchinson 8x60 EMD................$950 Hardi Navigator 1000, 60’ ....$13,500 Westfield MK 13x71 GLP........$7,500 Hardi Navigator 550, 60’, loaded ................................$15,500 GRAIN VACS Hardi Commander 1200+, 120’, REM 2500, 440 hrs...............$15,500 FM chemical inductor ........$44,900 REM 2100, standard equip. ..$11,500 Hardi Commander 1200, REM 2500 ..................................CALL 120’ ....................................$35,900 Walinga 510............................$8,950 Hardi Commander 1200, 80’ $24,500 PLANTERS Hardi 6600, 120’, steering duals ..................................$68,500 White 8524-20, trash cleaners, LF, Clean ............................$74,500 Hardi HC950, 90’ ..................$13,500 White 6180, 16R30, LF....COMING IN Hardi TR1000, 60’, T/A, clean $6,500 Hardi MK105, 100 gal., 20’ ....$3,250 White 6100, set up as twin row ....................................$29,500 Hardi TR1000, 60’, chemical White 6100, 8R36, insect. ......$7,500 inductor ..................................CALL Hardi TR500, 42’, S/A ............$2,750 White 6100, 8R36, dry fert. ....................................$10,500 Century 1000, 60’, chemical inductor ................................$9,950 White 5100, 12R30, PTO pump ......................................CALL Century 750, 60’, FM ..............$7,500 Century 750, 60’, T/A, clean NEW Yetter row cleaners, Early Order ..............................CALL hyd. fold ..................................CALL Century 500, 40’, man. fold ....$3,250 Kinze 8R30 dawn row cleaners ................................$4,900 Top Air 1600, 132’, duals, JD 1710, 3 bushel boxes ......$19,000 FM ......................................$46,500 JD 7100, 12R30 ......................$4,500 Top Air TA1600, 88’, Raven controller, duals ..................$22,500 SKIDSTEERS Top Air 700, 60’, T/A ..............$4,950 NH LS160 ..............................$14,900 Spraymaster 1000 gal., 60’, NH LX885 ..............................$17,500 Raven 440 ..........................$11,500 JD 6675, 2600 hrs. ..............$13,000 Miller Pro 1000, 60’, 13.6x38 $8,950 Mustang 345 ..........................$4,850 Bestway 750, 60’, Raven 440 $4,500 Demco 600, 45’, hi-lo T/A ......$3,900 SPREADERS (2) Meyers 2400 ..................$12,500 Many More In 1000-1500 gal. ..CALL NI 3739, hyd. upper beater ....$9,250 H&S 560, upper beater ....COMING IN NI 3726, S/A............................$3,500 NH 680, T/A, new sides ..........$2,500 IH 575, T/A, upper beater........$2,950 Gehl 1315, T/A, decent mach. $7,300 ‘08 NH 195, upper beater ....$13,750 NH 195, floats ........................$8,900

We Sell New Westfield Augers

60240 U.S. Hwy. 12 Litchfield, MN

Harvesting Equip.

1050 Kinze Grain Cart; 840 Kinze Grain Cart; 1040 Kinze Grain Cart; 640 Kinze Grain Cart. Call Harold @ 515-272-4538 ‘98 CIH 2388 AFS Combine, Loaded. 2472 sep hrs. RWA, Duals, 2 spd hyd, 12R ready, RT, YM, FT, 300 bu. tank, auto steer, Kile rotor flighting & rasp bars. $99,500/ORO. PH: 507-227-6028


chlauderaff Impl. Co. 320-693-7277

Harvesting Equip.

USED PARTS LARSON SALVAGE Good selection of tractor parts - New & Used All kinds of hay equipment, haybines, balers, choppers parted out. New combine belts for all makes. Swather canvases, round baler belting, used & new tires. 6 miles East of

CAMBRIDGE, MN 763-689-1179 We Ship Daily Visa and MasterCard Accepted

Harvesting Equip.

‘03 Geringhoff 12 row 22” FOR SALE: ‘09 Brent 1082 chopping cornhead, hyd grain cart, scale, tarp, diadeck plates, auto height mond tread tires, green in control, GVL plastic, exc color, very low use, will cond, $44,900. 507-964-5548 deliver, $37,000 OBO. or 507-327-1903 715-797-9510 FOR SALE: ‘04 JD 9550 side FOR SALE: ‘87 Gleaner hill combine, 2211 sep hrs, R60, enclosed rotor, Mauer 2 spd 4x4, 865R32 drive hopper extension, near tires, 28Lx26 rear tires, new 30.5x32 tires. 320-352has JD Hi-Inertia cylinder 7926 installed, ($7000 option) 60 Series updates, w/single pt FOR SALE: C-IH 1020 bean head, 30’ Crary air reel, hookups, new Ag Leader field tracker, about 3500 InSite yield monitor, acres on new 3” cutter bar, w/GPS maping, includes no rock damage, very good SMS advanced software, shape, $18,000. 507-920-8442 on Dell computer, all updates done in ‘10, stored inFOR SALE: C-IH 1020, flexside, $115,000. 715-797-9510 head, beanhead, 30’ Crary air reel, field tracker, very nice, new guards. $20,000. FOR SALE: 04-2388, 1503 612-756-0106 eng hrs, 1250 sep hrs, field tracker, AFX rotor, 12R, FOR SALE: Combine Headready, mapping, 2spd, hyer Transports. 2 Wheel, 4 dro, 20.8x42 duals, big rear Wheel & Caster Wheel tires, heavy rear axle, Mamodels. Brackets sold sepuer topper, extra round arately to build your own. bar concaves, bubble up Satisfaction guaranteed! auger. Call 507-920-8442 (320)563-4145 or (320)808-7644 Ask for Denny! FOR SALE: ‘05 Loftness 22’ See All Of Our Trailers stalk chopper, semi mount- ed, 4 caster wheels on rear, 2 front gauge wheels, all new knives, very nice, FOR SALE: Gleaner L3 hydro straw chopper, w/320 $10,500. 612-756-0106 flex head, Crary cutting bar, new pipe reel, & 630 FOR SALE: ‘06 Drago 8-30 cornhead. Brooten, MN chopping cornhead, head 320-352-2484 or 320-352-7926 height control, done about 4,000-4,500 acres, plastic FOR SALE: IH 1680 comsnouts, in good shape. Fits bine, 800 hrs eng, many exC-IH combine, $45,000. Call tras, exc; 1020 30’ head, 507-920-8442 39K; 976 Vers 6000 hrs. Chokio, MN 320-324-2689 FOR SALE: ‘07 Geringhoff chopping cornhead, CIH JD F925 Reel w/ hyd motor, like new cond. Ph 507-451red, 8R30, 4800 acres, exc 7626 evenings. Owatonna cond, $48,500. 507-240-0294

~ NEW EQUIPMENT/BIG INVENTORY ~ • Port-A-Hut Shelters (Many Sizes) • Smidley & Vern’s Portable Calf Creeps • Bergman Cattle Feeders • Lorenz & Farm King Snowblowers • Mandako Land Rollers, 12’-60’ • GT (Tox-O-Wic) Grain Dryers, 350-800 bu. • Smidley Steer Stuffers & Hog Equip. • Sheep & Calf Feeders • Sioux Calving Pens • Livestock Equipment by Vern’s Mfg. • Powder River Crowding Tub & Alley • Mister Squeeze Cattle Chutes & Hd. Gates • Notch Land Levelers & Rock Buckets • Garfield Earth Scrapers • MDS Buckets for Loaders & Skidloaders • Powder River Livestock Equipment • Powder River Horse Equipment • Sioux Haymax Bale Feeders • Sioux Gates • Notch Feeders, Bale & Silage • Tire Scrapers for Skidsteers, 6’-9’ • Jari Sickle Mowers • Grasshopper Lawn Mowers • “Tire” feeders & waterers

• We Also Buy & Sell Used GT Tox-O-Wic Dryers Or We Can Rebuild Your Dryer For You

• MDS Roto King Round Bale Processor for skidsteers, tractors, loaders or telehandlers • Good Stock of parts for GT Tox-O-Wic Grain Dryers, Also, Some Used Parts • Sitrex Wheel Rakes - MX Model In Stock • Brillion Alfalfa & Grass Seeders • Bale Baskets • SI Feeders & Bunks • (Hayhopper) Bale Feeders • Enduraplas Bale Feeders, Panels & Tanks • Notch Feeders & Bunks • E-Z Trail Wagons, Boxes & Grain Carts • Notch Bale Trailers • Calftel Hutches & Animal Barns • R&C Poly Bale Feeders • Farm King Augers and Mowers • Corral Panels & Horse Stalls • Smidley & Bohlman Livestock Waterers • EZ-Trail Head Movers & Bale Racks • Roda Mini-Spreaders • Sioux Cattle Equipment • Amish Built Oak bunk feeders & bale racks • Walco log splitter • Goat & Sheep feeders

• We Buy & Sell Used Smidley Steer Stuffers Or We Can Rebuild Your Steer Stuffer For You

~ USED EQUIPMENT ~ • 48” Grasshopper Zero Turn Mower, Very Good • Bush Hog GT 48” Rotary Cutter w/13 hp Eng., PT • 225 bu. Meyers spreader, poly board box & hyd. endgate, V.G. • JD BWF 20’ disk w/duals, 20”-21” disks, Exc. • 842 Wishek 14’ Disc, 30” blades, 3 yrs old, Exc.

• Westgo hyd. rock picker • Farm Hand tub grinder • 5600 Brady 15’ Windrower Shredder • #580 GT Tox-O-Wic PTO dryer • 3 pt. Brillion 6’ Landscape Seeder • #370 GT Grain Dryer

We have 15 acres of new and used short-line farm and livestock equip. Sales Lot, Hwy. 7 E., Hutchinson, MN. We will sell machinery on consignment for you. • We buy good used clean short-line equip. FARM, HOME & CONSTRUCTION

Ask for John, Jared, Roger or Rick

Office Location - 305 Bluff Street Hutchinson, MN 55350

320-587-2162, Ask for Larry

Harvesting Equip.

Planting Equipment

Planting Equipment

Planting Equipment

Planting Equipment



Corn Planters: 3600 Kinze 16R w/ int; 3700 Kinze 24R30”; 3200 Kinze 12R30” Call Harold @ 515-272-4538 For Sale: (2) 12' Case IH 5300 drills, 6" spacing, factory 2-drill hitch, marker tires. no grass seed’, blades measure 13-13.5". Can email pic. Pair for $5,950. 320-567-2336


For Sale: (2) fertilizer cross augers for 6 row planters, Unverferth plastic tub and auger. Good condition. (763)670-7262 FOR SALE: 12 Great Plains Terra-Tine row cleaners, w/frame mounted brackets, exc cond, $100 per row. 320-236-7947 FOR SALE: 12 Yetter trash whippers, JD mounts, $150 ea; CIH 900, 16 row 30” planter, rear fold, new openers in ‘10, shedded, $10,000 OBO. 507-530-1630 FOR SALE: 24 Dawn trash whippers w/ top adjust, also John Blue liq fert, ground driven, piston pump, & elec valves. Call 320-269-8719 or 320-226-0296

FOR SALE: Christensen feed vac, w/2 section gravity box, $4,575. 507-240-0294 FOR SALE: CIH SDX40 40’ no-till drill, 7 1/2” spacings, w/monitor & ADX 3380 cart w/fill auger, nice low acre machine, $79,000; JD 4250 PS tractor, 3 hyd, 3 pt w/quick hitch, $25,500. 320-769-2756 or 320-841-1209

1-800-828-6642 If you’re having a Farm Auction, let other Farmers know it! Upcoming Issues of THE LAND Southern MNNorthern IA April 1 April 15 April 29 May 13 May 27 June 10

MISCELLANEOUS Northern MN April 08 April 22 May 06 May 20 June 03 June 17

Deadlines are 1 week prior to publication with Holiday deadlines 1 day earlier ** Indicates Early Deadline

PO Box 3169 Mankato, MN 56002 Phone: 507-345-4523 or 800-657-4665 Fax: 507-345-1027

COMBINE & HARVEST EQUIP. ‘04 CIH 2388, RWA, field tracker, 2200 hrs., SN:JJC0275552 ......................................................$129,000 ‘07 CIH 8010, RWA, 1300 hrs, SN:HAJ200285 ........$219,000 ‘96 CIH 1020, 25’ flexhead W/3” cutting, field tracker, SN: JJC0220057........................................................$11,000 CIH 1020, 25’ flexhead, field tracker, SN:JJC0220272 ........................................................$10,500 CIH 1020, 25’ flexhead, field tracker, SN: JJC00063532 ........................................................$7,900 CIH 1020, 25’ flexhead, SN: 57705 ..............................$4,500 ‘02 CIH 1020, 30’ flexhead, SN: JJC0328308, Good..$18,500 CIH 1083, 8R30” corn head, SN: JJC0150471 ..........$12,500 CIH 2208, 8R30” corn head, Excellent ......................$31,000 Artsway 240B, 20’ shredder, AW 240B, Good Unit, Needs Knives, SN: M982931 ..................................................$5,500 Alloway 22CD, 22’ shredder, SN: 25782 ......................$8,900 J&M 875 grain cart w/duals ......................................$23,500 ‘09 J&M 1151 grain cart w/walking tandems, scale, 22” row spacing, Excellent ....................................................$44,500 Farm King 10”x60’ auger w/swinghopper, SN:9101788 ................................................................$3,900

Ask Your Auctioneer to Place Your Auction in The Land! Website:


Feterl 8’ snowblower ..................................................JUST IN Dual 3100 loader w/IHC 86 Series MTG’s ....................$3,900 J&M 6-wheel header trailer..........................................$4,900 Cub Cadet 1440 w/42” deck mower, engine OH’d ......$1,500 ‘08 Leon 425 bu. manure spreader, vertical beater, New ..........................................................................$30,425 (2) ‘09 Leon 9 yard scrapers......................................$29,900

Pederson’s Agri-Service, Inc. 320-677-2255 Fax: 320-677-2257 101 3rd St. E, Herman, MN E-mail: Web site: ©2010 CASE CORPORATION Visit our web site at Case IH and Case Credit are registered trademarks of Case Corporation

“Where Farm and Family Meet”

FOR SALE: ‘95 White 6700 18 row 22” verticial fold, Yetter row cleaners, corn, bean & beet plates. 320-847-3211 or 320-212-9975


PLANTERS / TILLAGE CIH 1200, 16R31” pivot planter, Exc., SN: CBJ025653 ........................................................$79,000 ‘89 JD 960, 441⁄2’ field cultivator w/mulcher, SN:N0960X006252 ....................................................$12,500 DMI Tigermate, 39’ field cultivator w/mulcher..........$19,800 CIH Tigermate II, 54¹’ field cultivator w/4 bar mulcher, Very Good ..................................................................$38,000 NEW CIH 50’ crumbler ................................................$16,000 ‘05 JD 512, 9 shank disc/ripper ..............................$34,500


We pay top dollar for your damaged grain. We are experienced handlers of your wet, dry, burnt and mixed grains. Trucks and Vacs available. Immediate response anywhere.

41 THE LAND, MARCH 25, 2011

Massey 9113 bean head, U2 FOR SALE: 4 box seed vac FOR SALE: 11 Kinze pusher FOR SALE: JD 7000 4 row FOR SALE: IH 800 corn planter, 8R30”, good cond. reel w/ hyd drive, 1 1/2’ interplant units, complete system, 35’ SS flex hose, 10 wide planter, w/df, IH good cut, poly skids, IH or Masw/transmission & monitor, monitor, nice unit; MM 11’ (507)439-6626 or (507)380-7018 hp Briggs, used 4 yrs, alsey mounts, $3,500. 507$2000; JD 7000 16-30 front ways shedded, $3000 grain drill, new low rub240-0569 fold planter, LFI soy mew/Dodge $7000. 320-981-0239 ber, hyd lift; MM 11’ drill FOR SALE: JD 7100 planter, 12R30”, herb & insect boxters, nice, $8500; Deutz 385 steel wheel w/grass; JD es, 250 monitor, Yetter row 8-30 planter, $1500; White 495 planter; Clark 300 field RETIRING: JD ‘03 9650 FOR SALE: Freisen 220 cleaners, JD bean meters, seed tender, like new 5100 16-22 planter, 3000. sprayer 44’ boom; (2) 200 combine, STS 999 mach (2) lift assist wheels, al$4,900. 3 bu seed boxes for Trades considered gal saddle tanks; ‘99 Pohrs, 18.4x42 duals, tank exways shedded. 507-723-6672 JD planter. 715-556-9090 or 320-583-9641 laris Model 300 ATV, less tension, moisture monitor. 715-632-2319 than 40 hrs use; Glencoe $125,000; ‘08 30’ 630 beanFOR SALE: JD 7200 24R vac 1250 20’ 3 pt digger. head, 643 cornhead. all in planter, JD pneumatic DP, FOR SALE: IHC 800 8R 36” FOR SALE: IHC 955 12x30 320-864-4583 or 320-779-4583 very gd cond. 507-828-7644 plastic 3 bu boxes, tw, cycle planter, hgt performcyclo planter. IHC 900 starter, 350 monitor, ance monitor, liq fert, in12x30 cyclo planter. Both Planting Equipment $45,000/OBO. 319-239-5400 sect & herb boxes, trash w/ trash whippers, recent FOR SALE: JD 7100 11 row whippers. Also, IHC 8R36” 20” bean planter, monitor, disc openers. 218-926-5545 7200 JD 8RN, no till, vac flat fold cult. Both items JD radial bean meters, FOR SALE: JD 7300 12R30”, planter, trash whippers. finger pick up, JD monitor very sharp. 507-764-3609 or nice shape, $3250. ‘91 "last yr", liquid fert, FOR SALE: JD 1280 8-30” w/ radar, starter fert sys507-764-3943 w/pumps, field ready, row, plate planter, new Sleepy Eye, MN 507-227-3587 tem, all plumbing w/ Yetnice! $11,500. 715-223-3664 seed discs. Dry fert, herb, ter coulters & Demco FOR SALE: IHC 800 Cyclo & insec boxes, $1850. pump. 651-303-8188 planter, 8R30” insect, herb Brownton, MN 320-328-5734 CIH 950 corn planter Pull boxes, (discs, pts, shoes, type, 12R30", dry fert, eargd cond). IH performance FOR SALE: JD 1760 corn ly riser monitor, corn & monitor, $3,500; IHC Cyclo planter, 12R30” w/ 3 bu bean drums, always shedplanter, 8R36”. insect, boxes, 250 monitor, very ded, exc shape, herb boxes, dry fert, good cond, low acres. 507$19,500/OBO. Call Dale (discs, pts, shoes, very 530-7880 320-468-6886 or 320-630-6886 good). IH Performance ceter monitor, $3,200. WANTFOR SALE: JD 30’ soybean CIH 955 12/23 row front fold, ED: (2) saddle tanks, 200 drill, (2) 515 3 pt mounted no till coulters, liquid fert, gals,+ brackets & plumbdrills on 530 folding drill population monitor, new ing, very gd cond. 507-629cart, markers & track disc opener kits 2010. 4441 or 507-626-0124 or 507scratchers on 10” spacing (608)778-6600 629-3186 $4000. 320-766-7633

TRACTORS JD 8430, 4WD w/PTO/50 series engine ....................$12,900 JD 4840, w/power shift, new tires ............................$27,000 ‘04 JD 9520RT, 2500 hrs, nice, SN:903187 ............$149,000 Versatile 876, 4WD, SN:223103, good unit ..............$35,000 ‘77 IHC 1586, 18.4x38 w/duals, Recent Work Done, SN: 10859 ........................................................................$11,900 ‘80 IHC 384, w/new Allied 395 loader, Like New ......$17,500 IHC 5488, 2WD, 6100 hrs, SN:2499............................$17,500 ‘88 CIH 7140, MFD, SN: JJA0006804 ........................$48,500 ‘01 CIH MX220, MFD, w/autoguidance, 5000 hrs, nice, SN:JJA0110720 ........................................................$79,000 ‘99 CIH MX240, MFD, front/rear duals, high output hyd, Nice Unit....................................................................$89,500 ‘04 CIH MX285, MFD w/autoguidance ready, triples, Exc...............................................................$129,000 ‘01 CIH STX375, Quad, 2200 hrs, SN:JEE0097668..$150,000 Case 40XT skidsteer, w/cab/heater, 220 hrs, SN:JAF0369935, Excellent! ......................................$22,500

THE LAND, MARCH 25, 2011


Planting Equipment

Planting Equipment

Planting Equipment

Planting Equipment

Planting Equipment

DAMAGED GRAIN WANTED ANYWHERE We buy damaged corn and grain any condition - wet or dry TOP DOLLAR We have vacs and trucks



Call 651-923-4430 or 651-380-6034

LOCAL TRADES ‘97 CIH 2166 ‘01-’08 1020, 25’ ‘10 CIH MX275, 200 hrs. ‘96 CIH 9380, triples, 24-spd. ‘98 Geringhoff 8-30 2206-2208 IH 5288 ‘06 Bobcat S150 w/heat SPRING EQUIPMENT Bobcat 642 ‘09 CIH 1250, 12-30, bulk ‘05 Case 445, cab, air fill, liquid fert. Case 586C Forklift........$9,900 ‘08 1200, 16-30 pivot ‘07 LX770 Ldr, Like Kinze 3600, 12-30 PT New ..........................$11,900 CIH 5400, 20’ drill CIH 1830, 12-30 VS cult. COMBINES ‘10 CIH 7120, 350 hrs. TILLAGE ‘07 CIH 2577, 800 hrs. DMI 530B ‘08 CIH 7010, 429 hrs. DMI 730B ripper ‘06 CIH 2388, 1570 hrs. CIH 930, 9 shank ripper ‘98 2388, 2670 hrs. Carryover Aluma Trailers - 6 Units Left SAVE! Last Year’s Prices





We carry a full line of Behlen & Delux dryer parts; Mayrath and Hutch augers parts. Large inventory of welda sprockets, hubs, bearings, chain & pulleys. See us for your Fall Farm needs

1205 Bixby Road (across from fairgrounds), Fairmont, MN 507-235-3358 or 800-813-8300 • Get the Rabe Advantage

Visit our Web Site at

Soil Max Gold Digger Pro Tile Plow, 3 pt hitch, has 6", 8", & 10" boots, Laser & Receiver, $14,000. 320392-5952 or 320-760-9446

Used parts for IH 720 plows, toggle/auto reset. 1/2 price of new or less. We ship anywhere. Call Maple Valley Farms Randy Krueger (715)250-1617 Wilrich 47’ tri-fold field cult, hi clearance, exc cond, shedded, 1 owner, $20,000. 712-870-3792

Machinery Wanted

JD 980, 17 1/2’ field cult, no WANTED TO BUY wings, spike harrow, FARM MACHINERY knock off shovels new, like Complete lines of Retirenew condition. $7,950. ment machinery or indi(715)495-0873 vidual pieces. 507-234-5842

RABE INTERNATIONAL, INC. Case IH and CNH Capital are registered trademarks of CNH America LLC

Tillage Equipment Kent/Great Plains 29 Ft Series 8 Discovator/Finisher,. Mandako 30’ Land Roller (3 Sections). Both Like New. Farm King 13x36 Auger PTO/Elec. 319-3472349 Can Deliver

All kinds of New & Used farm equipment - disc chisels, field cults., planters, soil finishers, cornIH 4600 Field Cult 24' w/5 heads, feed mills, discs, Bar McFarlane Spike Harbalers, haybines, etc. row, New Sweeps, Clean (507)438-9782 $4,950; IH 720 Plow 6-18" SAR On-Land, New Paint, New Moldboards, Shares, Disc chisels: JD 714 & 712, Glencoe 7400; Field Cults Disks, SHARP! $5,400; IH under 30’: JD 980, small 720 Plow 4-18" SAR, grain carts & gravity boxVery Good, Clean & Origies 300-400 bu. finishers unnal. $2,400. ‘90 JD 9600 der 20’, clean 4 & 6R stalk Combine, 4WD. Call: 715choppers; Nice JD 215 & 250-1617 216 flex heads; JD 643 cornheads Must be JD 28’ #230 disc w/3 bar harclean;JD corn planters, 4row, all good blades, 6-8 row. 715-299-4338 $4,950. (715)495-0873


“Where Farm and Family Meet”

Tillage Equipment

FOR SALE: CIH 900 12R30” FOR SALE: JD 520 20’ bean Great Plains #1525P (2007) 6 JD 1240 planter, 4RW, newer FOR SALE: IH 500 skip row 32' Brillion field cult w/4 bar fert boxes, always shedspring tang harrow. $9,000. drill, 10” spacings, w/ 3 bar planter, trash whippers, H planter, 13/15”, exc discs, Row (Twin Row) 6-30 or 15 ded, $1,000. 715-495-4656 651-430-1070 mounted harrow. 651-303& I boxes, ER monitor, $900 OBO; IH 620 14’ drill, Ft 3 PT No-Til Planter, 8188 good openers, exc cond. w/grass seeder. Both al(For Corn & Beans) Load48 Ft Great Plains One Pass $4,750/OBO 507-425-3120 ways shedded. 507-354-5209 ed, w/ Markers, Sunco JD 455 Drill, 30' folding, 3 Finisher (Late Model) Low Trash Disk, Soybean Mesect, pull type, markers, Acres, Real Good. TRADE FOR SALE: JD 7300 vac- FOR SALE: Kinze 2200 12R ter, Mon, Like New. Farm 10” spacing, hyd down JD 7200 4R planter. Dry fert, planter, Econo Fold, startFor Smaller One Pass Finuum planter, rigid, King 8x31 Auger/Eng. Can trash whippers. 3 bu seed pressure, See pics at er fert pump & plumbing, isher 30-36 Ft. Must Be 13R22”, will sell at 12R22”, Del. 319-347-2349 boxes w/monitor. $4,500. www.guentzelfamilyfarms. row cleaners. Disc openGood. 319-347-6138 Can Del row cleaners, lift assists, Also, JD 158 ldr. 7' bucket, com/pics/past/. This one is ers, seed tubes & scrapers, monitor, 1.6 bu hoppers, real good. $2,500. 715-541field ready! $8,850/ all replace last yr. 507-236FOR SALE: Hiniker 1000 insect, herb. 320-752-4756 2462 or 715-296-1746 OBO Call Jon at (507)3172869 or 507-632-4505 row crop 12 row cult, 30” 1958 w/folding bar, 19” single Used Freison 240 unit seed sweeps, always shedded, tender w/ conveyer $5,500. Glyphosate - American Made JD 7000 Planter 8R36 front Call Mike @ 507-383-9631 only used on 500 acres, like new. 507-240-0247 fold, dry fertilizer. $4,500. • $8.50/gal. Call 507-365-8914 Kendo (aphids) • $65/gal. Tillage Equipment FOR SALE: Hiniker 8R/30” Generic Lorsban (aphids) Series 1000 row cult, alJD 7000, 12R30, front fold, 3pt 6x30 Mueller cultivator. • $25/gal. ways shedded, great cond. (507)523-3305/(507)450-6115 Kinze units, good condiMapleton, MN 507-524-3529 Arrow • $65/gal. (Vol Corn) tion, always shedded. $6,500. 515-679-4403 FOR SALE: ‘07 Wishek 862 FOR SALE: IH 720 7 bottom *Licensed to meter chemicals. NT 26’ rotary scrapers on plow on land, 3 pt hitch Complete line of Generic and JD 7100 13 row 20” bean rear, used on 2500 acres, w/coulters, $4500 OBO. Name Brand chemicals. planter, 2 lift assist, vert $52,500; ‘02 Clarke ma320-394-2291 or 320-760-0395 • Herbicides • Fungicides fold, selective markers, chine cornhead, 12x20”, 2 • Insecticides $3000 OBO; Parting out JD seasons on knife rolls, FOR SALE: JD 875 12 row 30” cult, $3500 OBO. OEM Ag Equipment Parts 7000 8 row wide, good GVL poly, fits JD, Cat or Arco, MN 507-530-1630 Grain Storage & frame, markers, cylinders, Claas combine, always finger pickup units, liquid Distribution Systems, shedded, $17,500. FOR SALE: JD 875 cult fert set up. 507-327-4892 Steel Buildings Bird Island, MN 320-212-2300 12R30”, rolling shields, lift assist wheel, shedded. 507629-3805

1409 Silver Street E. Mapleton, MN 56065 507-524-3726

HARVEST INTERNATIONAL/AUGERS Built by Friesen Swing Hoppers on Hand T10-32, PTO Truck Auger T10-42 Truck Auger T10-52 Truck Auger H10-62 CALL H10-72 FOR LOW H10-82 PRICES! H13-62 MOST SIZES H13-72 ON HAND H13-82 H13-92 A-10-72 ~ Summer Sale ~ ..$7,999 18-44 Belt Conv., 7.5 hp ....$9,950 12 Volt Auger Mover............$1,995 Hyd Auger Mover ................$1,350 E-Z TRAIL GRAIN CARTS 710 Bu...............................$17,795 510 Bu. ............Starting at $10,995 Used Unverferth Carts, 6250, 7250, 8250, 1015......CALL GRAVITY WAGONS 600 Agrimaster, On Hand..$12,500 500 E-Z Trail, On Hand ..............................$7,995-$9,020 400 E-Z Trail ..........$5,895-$7,250 HITCH DOC SEED TENDERS 2 Box Tandem, On Hand ....$9,250 4 Box Tandem, On Hand ..$15,100 6 Box Gooseneck..............$24,000

COMBINE HEAD MOVERS E-Z Trail 4-Wheel 21’ ..........................$2,550-$2,750 ON 26’ ..........................$2,890-$3,090 HAND 30’ ..........................$3,120-$3,320 Koyker Stor-Mor Grain Baggers & Bag Unloaders ...........In Stock NEW KOYKER LOADERS Call for Other Sizes 510 Loader, On Hand..........$1,995 NEW ROUND BALE RACKS 10’x23’, On Hand ................$1,995 10 Bale LowPro Trailer........$3,800 NEW WHEEL RAKES 10 Wheel, V Rake, On Hand ..........................$4,295 5 Wheel, 3pt. Rake, On Hand ..........................$1,125 USED EQUIPMENT Hitch Doc seed tender, 2-box ..........................................$8,000 AC 7040 tractor ..................$8,250 AC 7000 tractor ..................$7,250 International 6600 tractor ....$9,000 Ajax 10-bale mover ............$6,500 ‘10 Harvest 10x62 auger ....$7,900 Feterl 12x72 auger..............$7,500 Hutch 10x62 auger..............$3,500 ‘10 E-Z Trail 510 grain cart w/tarp ..............................$11,750 E-Z Trail 500 grain cart ......$6,750

Machinery Wanted

Machinery Wanted

Spraying Equip.

Spraying Equip.



GREENWALD FARM CENTER Greenwald, MN • 320-987-3177 14 miles So. of Sauk Centre

USED EQUIPMENT FOR SALE • 2005 L&D Land Pro Sprayer, 90’-80’ boom, 100 gal. tank, rinse system, 440 Raven, Very Nice: $14,750 • 2008 NH L170 Skid Steer Loader, cab w/heat, hyd. bucket latch, new tires, new bucket, serviced: $16,750

Model 8650 Field Sprayers Model 8600 Field Sprayers Comes in 90’, 120’/1650 gal. Comes in 60’ & 90’/1200 gal. booms • $29,500 & 132’ booms • $45,500

MISCELLANEOUS AR/SR Suspensions For Trailers ............................$1,200 to $1,650 35 to 40 hp. Reefer Diesel Engines ....................................$400 (5) Thermal King Refrigeration Units ............................$500-$1,200 Ingersoll-Rand dsl. 4000 watt Light Plant ....................$3,250


Will consider Trades!

Financing Available

Call 320-212-5220 or 320-392-5361

Emerson Kalis


Easton, MN 56025 • 507-381-9675



‘99 Transcraft 48/102 Drop Deck, AL Floor, New Recaps, 80% B..$14,750 (2) ‘03 & ‘04 Transcraft 53’, AL Floors & Cross Members, 70% T&B ............................$18,000 & 19,000 ‘95 Dunnen Drop Deck, 48/102 AR, Canadian spread, 70% T&B ....................................$13,500 ‘86 Dorsey Drop Deck, 48/96, Closed Tandem, SR, New Brakes, 80% T..................................$10,500 Engineered Beavertails for Drop Deck or Double Drops, w/ramps, Includes All Electrical & Paint FLATBEDS ..............................Installed $5,000 ‘99 HAULIN Expandable Truss Trailer, ......................Unassembled $3,000 48’-70’, 102” wide, 22.5 Rubber, DAY CAB TRUCKS Excellent Paint ....................$16,250 ‘03 Freightliner FLD120, 12.7L ‘99 Dorsey 48/102 Steel, New B, 60 Series Detroit, 10-spd., 50% T, wood Floor, SP/AX, AR ..............................................$6,950 620,000 mi. ........................$23,500 ‘93 International 8000 Series, 3406 ‘90 Utility 43/96, New B, 80% T ..............................................$5,000 Cat, 9 Speed, AR, 270,000 Miles, Wet Kit, New 22.5 Tires ......$12,750 ‘89 Hot Shot 48’x96” flatbed, Clean ....................................$4,550 ‘93 White GMC Aero, N14 Cummins, 10-spd., AR, new B, 70% T, ‘91 Wilson AL Combo, 48/96, SX/AR, 70% T&B, Clean ..Ea. $6,000 Nice Truck ..........................$10,750

..........................$7,000 w/Haysides (2) ‘95/’96 Wilson AL Curtain Side Combos, 48/102, AL FLR & CM, 10 Winches, Closed Tandem, 80% T&B, Excellent for Water Trailers..................Ea. $6,000 Custom Haysides for flatbed or drop-deck on any trailer ..$1,250

wall thickness • 42” drum diameter • 4”x8” frame tubing 3/8” thick • Auto fold


‘05 Spek Tek 26’ AL, SR, 80% T, New Brakes & Lights, w/Air Lift Door for Trash or Silage, New Cylinder, Plastic Liner, Like New ......$27,500


Delivery Available!

Seed Shuttles For Sale

Landrollers come in widths up to 60’, with 12’ transport width & 42” drum • $42,000 1 45’ left for preseason price of $34,500

We also carry new skid loader buckets and attachments See us for sprayer fittings, pumps, hose, valves, nozzles and much more.

B&R Repair • 76184 CR 3 • Hector, MN 320-848-2476 •

“Where Farm and Family Meet”

‘05 JD 9660, 700 sep. hrs...................$145,000 ‘06 JD 8530, 3900 hrs. ........................$158,500 ‘01 JD 8410, 6500 hrs., new belts, AT ready ................................................$85,000 ‘95 Ford 9680, 4600 hrs. ......................$64,000 ‘78 JD 2940, MFWD w/loader ..............$18,500 ‘93 JD 410D backhoes, cab 4x4, ext-hoe ..................................................$28,000 ‘08 Krause Dominator, 18’ ..................$42,000 ‘08 Challenger 965B, 800 hrs............$199,500 ‘06 Lexion 590R, 950 sep. hrs ..........$170,000 ‘98 JD 1770, 24-30 planter, E sets, airforce trash whippers ..........................$61,000 ‘00 Hagie STS12....................................$85,000



Farm Equipment For Sale


Summers Ultimate NT sprayer, 80’ boom, 20’ nozzle spacing, brand new tires & rims, Goodyear 320/90R50, Raven 450 control, hydro pump, $25,000. 507-381-3843 or 507-327-8143


Midwest Ag Equip


FOR SALE: Top Aire WANTED TO BUY: Smidley WANTED TO BUY: Pedal WANTED: Liquid manure tank, 3000-4000 gal, will Steer Stuffers, Smidley TA1100 80’ sprayer, high car. 507-220-1419 consider repairable to Hog feeders, Smidley Hog clearance, all hyd, 20” nozready to use. 507-450-0745 huts; Sioux gates; Squeeze WANTED: Harvestor or zle spacing, 440 Raven, chutes, crowding tubs, hay $10,900; Top Aire style 60’ Stave silos for salvage & WANTED: Rubber cow & silage feeder wagons, 3pt sprayer boom, all hyd, large volumes of scrap mats; Brillion seeder. steel bunks. Call Larry 20” spacing, self leveling, iron. 952-292-5255 Write- Daniel GingerichSorensen Sales & Rentals $1,750; Ag Chem saddle 13397 Keller Dr, St. Hutchinson, MN tanks, 250 gal per tank, 2 WANTED: Lowry portable Charles, MN 55972 320-587-2162 sets, $375 per set. All items holding bin w/roof. OBO. 507-736-8305 Gibbon, MN 507-828-0856 Feed, Seed, Hay WANTED: 320/90R54 or 380/90R50 duals for 60 Ser- WANTED: Quick hitch at- 1st Crop 4x4 round bale, Snyder 200 gal saddle tanks, ies JD; WANTED: Liquid JD 800T mounting brackclean grass hay. $25/bale, tachments, JD hyd cylinfertilizer disc for JD plantets, $650. 515-570-1125 delivery avail. within 125 ders, disc hillers, & hay er. 507-276-3289 mi. of Rice Lake, WI. Call crimpers. Older style Stainless Steel Inboard (715)296-2162 packers. 507-276-5196 Tanks 500 gal capacity. Fits JD 8000T series tractors. Has 2" plumbing w/ sight gauges. $2,200. 507• 5/8” drum roller 525-2564

THE LAND, MARCH 25, 2011

WANTED TO BUY: 2-105 WANTED: NH A inverter FOR SALE: Demco 500 gal sprayer, 45’ boom, good 166 or 144 model, 763-434White tractor in good concond. $650. 507-381-6488 5282 dition; 4 or 5 btm pull type plow. 218-338-6184 WANTED: Saddle tanks & FOR SALE: Hardi sprayer, hyd pump for spraying to WANTED TO BUY: JD or 1100 Navigator, 1000 gal fit ‘07 Versatile 2375. Great Plains No Til Drill, tank, 3 way nozzles, hyd must be in good condition. 507-632-4519 leave message pump, 2500 controller, 60’ Call 507-354-1069 or 507-404boom, $10,000/OBO. 507-828Spraying Equip. 0580 7644 ‘06 Hardi 550 Nav sprayer, WANTED TO BUY: Small 60’ Eagle boom, foam FOR SALE: Schaven 90’ 3 pt farmer looking for 60-100 markers, flush & rinse spray boom, TeeJet conhp loader tractor; also tanks, triple nozzle, extra troller, $8000; Sprayer Spelooking for IH 1206, both tips & parts, like new, alcialites 1200 gal pull type must be in good shape, ways shedded. Raven controller, $18,000. reasonably priced $16,500/OBO (507) 420-3806 Items located at Morris, (507)438-2100 MN. 320-760-2029 ‘94 Hagie 284 diesel self proWANTED: 12- Precision pelled front boom sprayer, FOR SALE: Sprayer to fit corn meters for JD 7000 or in good cond, dual 400 gal JD 960 or 980, 500 gal tank, Kinze. Before #3000 Series tanks, 2” quick fill, 3 noznozzles for 32’, 8100 Hinikor just fingers & backing zle bodies, Raven 440 coner monitor, $1,500. 507-317plate w/adjustable brush; troller, 60’/80’ boom, 3500 3396 AC 7080 tractor; Wisconsin hrs, radial tires, 90% tread VF4 motor for parts. on front, near new on rear, Portland, ND 701-430-3411 134a A/C fre-on, very de- FOR SALE: Top Air 750 gal sprayer, 60’ boom, manual pendable, $33,000 OBO. fold, Ace hyd pump, Thalmann Seeds WANTED: 34” wheels & 13.6x26 tires, Micro-Trak Plato, MN 320-238-2185 rims for 3 1/8” axle off JD 3000 controller, $4500. 4010 or similar; 34” rims Gibbon, MN 507-240-0406 w/middle mounted steel FOR SALE: ‘05 Nitro 2275 centers going on JD 6400. sprayer, 90’, 1400 gal S/S. Faribault, MN 507-330-3945 1650 hrs, $120,000. Also, ‘99 Nitro 200, 1200 gal S/S, 3250 WANTED: 40 Cockshutt, the hrs, new frt tires, AirRide man that called me twice cab, $69,000. 507-427-3520 please call me again. I have the wrong number. BELTED TRAILER FOR SALE: 1200 gal 90’ (507)665-2476 boom pull-type sprayer, ‘97 Red River 42’ Live Bottom, New Plastic, Sandblasted & Painted newer tires, 440 Raven ............................................$18,750 controller, GPS speed, WANTED: CIH 5240 or 5250 newer elec ball valves. ‘97 Trinity Farm Belt, 42’, 41” Chain, w/cab & MFWD in good New Plastic, 70” New Side Walls $9,700/OBO. 507-951-0611 cond. 715-673-4970 Rebuilt, New Hyd. Door, All New FOR SALE: 60’ Blumhardt Lights & Brakes, Tires 80%, AL WANTED: Clean cab for 190 pull type 500 tank, hyd Wheels, w/New Tarp ..........$26,500 AC tractor; WANTED: 2pump, good cond, $1850. HOPPERS 135 or 2-155 White tractor 320-359-2692 ‘92 Timpte, 42’ AL Hopper, 78” or MF 2675 in good cond, FOR SALE: ATV sprayer, sides, SS Corners, New Cross low hrs. 320-562-2424 C&R, 150 gal, 30’ boom, 3 Members & New Lights, 60% T, hp Honda eng, hand wand, 80% B, SR ..........................$16,500 WANTED: Clean cab for Micro Track 3000 spray 3020 JD tractor. VANS monitor, used very little, Jeffers, MN 507-628-4609 (10) ‘96 To ‘01 53/102 AL, AR $1995. 507-530-6280 Roadworthy Dry Vans for Freight WANTED: NH 848, 853 or or Seed, etc. ............$4,500-$7,500 855 round baler, prefer net FOR SALE: Demco 3pt 400 gal sprayer, 60’ boom, (20) 48/53x102 trailers for storage wrap, shed kept, good or water....................$3,500-$6,000 used 4 seasons. 507-383-2862 working cond. 320-980-1498

THE LAND, MARCH 25, 2011


Feed, Seed, Hay Conventional Seed Corn Silage specific. Also offering VT3, RR, HXLL, 3,000 GT, and GT hybrid seed corn. Maturities range from 75-100 days. Terning Seeds 800-483-7646. Ask for Dan or Adam

Feed, Seed, Hay

Feed, Seed, Hay

3x3 Alfalfa bales, individually wrapped, 35-40% moisture, 1st, 2nd & 3rd crop, 130-170 RFV, 21-24 protein. Dry alfalfa bales also avail. 866-575-7562

Dairy quality western alfalfa, big squares or small squares, delivered in semi loads.

Dairy Quality Alfalfa Tested big squares & round bales, delivered from South Dakota John Haensel (605)334-0643


“Where Farm and Family Meet”


‘08 C-IH 435 Steiger, 470 hrs., powershift, luxury cab, 620x42 tires & duals ..$176,000 ‘08 C-IH 435 Steiger, 404 hrs, 24 spd. trans., 710x42” duals, big pump, diff. lock ................................................$168,000 ‘97 C-IH 9390, 8394 hrs., 24. spd. trans., 20.8x42 triples, 4 hyd. ....................$64,000 ‘91 C-IH 9270, 5995 hrs., 12 spd. manual trans., 4 hyd., 23.1x30 tires & duals, Outback auto guidance system ........$49,000 ‘97 JD 9300, 24 spd., 5568 hrs., 20.8x42 duals ................................................$80,000 ‘95 JD 8870, 24 spd., diff. lock, 5300 hrs., Raven auto steer systm ..................$65,000 ‘87 JD 8760, 12 spd., 6600 hrs., 20.8x38 duals ................................................$49,000 ‘89 Ford 946, 4WD, 9100 hrs., 325 hp., 20.8x42 duals, 4 hyd.......................$32,500

ROW CROP TRACTORS ‘03 JD 8430, MFWD, 3400 hrs., 300x50 duals, 4 hyd., 3 pt., 1000 PTO ......$115,000 ‘06 JD 8230, 2427 hrs., IVT trans., 3 pt., 540/1000 PTO capable, 4 hyd., 320x54” tires & duals, front wgts. ..............$127,000 ‘03 JD 8420, 4486 hrs., 3 pt., 1000 PTO, P.S. trans., 380x50 tires & duals, front wgts. ..............................................$108,000 ‘03 JD 8220, MFWD, 4470 hrs., 3 pt., 1000 PTO, 5 hyd., big pump, 380x50 tires & duals ....................................$93,500 ‘02 JD 8120, MFWD, 4921 hrs., 3 pt., 1000 PTO, 540 capable, big pump, 380x50 tires & duals........................$89,000 ‘01 JD 8110, MFWD, 4 hyd., 3 pt., 540/1000 PTO, 420x46 tires & duals, 4209 hrs. ........................................................$82,500 ‘96 JD 8400, MFWD, 3 hyd., 10000 PTO, 3 pt. hitch, 14.9x46 tires & duals, 8360 hrs. ........................................$62,500 JD 4760, MFWD, 9200 hrs, 3 pt., 1000 PTO, rear tires, 18.4x42 duals, all tires 80% ........................................................$49,000 ‘89 JD 4555, MFWD, 8716 hrs., 3 hyd., 3 pt., 1000 PTO, 14.9x46 tires & duals ........................................................$39,000 ‘90 JD 4455, 2WD, 8801 hrs., 3 hyd., 3 pt., 540/1000 PTO, 14.9x46 tires & duals ........................................................$37,500 ‘09 C-IH 275 Magnum, 795 hrs., 3pt., 540/1000 PTO, 420x46 tires & duals ......................................................$137,500 ‘07 C-IH 305 Magnum, 2100 hrs., 380/54” tires & duals, 380x38 front tires & duals, 3 pt., 1000 PTO ......$125,000

Feed, Seed, Hay

Feed, Seed, Hay

Feed, Seed, Hay

Alfalfa hay, small squares, FOR SALE: Alfalfa 3x3 FOR SALE: Large round no rain, 2nd, 3rd, 4th. $3. squares, first cutting, 160 bale brome grass hay for Edgerton, WI. 608-576-3565 RFV, using super condisale. 507-236-7282 Trimont tioning rows, $135 a ton. FOR SALE: 4x5 Round Net FREE GLYPHOSATE/ Delivery available. Clint Haensel Wrapped Green Low Po- 507-427-2050 Mountain Lake Generic Roundup with your (605) 310-6653 tassium Grass, Alfalfa G.T. seed corn order. Leafy Dry Different Quali- FOR SALE: Certified OrSAVE on seed costs & get FOR SALE: 400 perfectly ties & Some Bedding. Can free glyphosate. Visit ganic/Alfalfa hay, 4x5 net net wrapped tight round Deliver - $30 - $50/Bale. wrapped round bales. Call bales of Heifer grass hay. 320-382-6288 or 320-905-6195 or call 320-237-7667. for info & price. 715-222-1737 No rain or weeds. Approx “It’s the place to be!” 1600 lbs. $55/bale. Can deliver. 507-525-1034

‘06 C-IH MX215, MFWD, 1850 hrs., 3 pt., 540/1000 PTO, 20.8x42 duals $92,000 C-IH MX240, MFWD, 3428 hrs, 3 pt, 1000 PTO, 18.4x46 rear, tires & duals, tractor has 4 new tires ................................$72,000 ‘06 C-IH 120MXM, MFWD, Pro cab, 1699 hrs., 3 hyd., 540/1000 PTO, 18.4x42 tires....................................$52,000 Case 2096, cab/air, 3 pt., 540/1000 PTO, 18.4x38 singles, 6300 hrs. ..............$17,500 Case 2290, cab/air, 3 pt., 540/1000 PTO, 18.4x38 tires & duals, 6500 hrs. ....$13,500 Allis 7080, cab/air, 3 pt., 3 hyd., 1000 PTO ....................................................$7,500

COMBINES ‘06 C-IH 8010, 1350 eng./1050 sep. hrs., chopper, rock trap, tracker, 20.8x42 duals ................................$159,000 ‘06 JD 9660STS, 1815 eng./1315 sep. hrs., contour master, bullet rotor, hi-capacity unload, chopper, 20.8x38 duals ....$135,000 ‘05 JD 9760STS, 1462 eng./1086 sep. hrs., Contour Master, 20.8x38 duals, chopper, header controls ..............$135,000 ‘04 JD 9760STS, 2358 eng./1612 sep. hrs., hi-capacity unload, Contour Master, chopper, Greenstar yield & moisture monitor, 800x32 tires ....................$129,000 ‘04 JD 9660STS, 1761 eng./1289 sep. hrs., 18.4x42 duals, Green Star, yield & moisture monitor, touch set..........................$124,000 ‘01 JD 9550, 2348 eng./1729 sep. hrs., hi/lo contour master, chopper, yield & moisture monitor, 18.4x38 duals ....$85,000

LOADER TRACTORS ‘10 JD 7230 Premium, MFWD, 252 hrs., 16-spd., Quad, 3 pt., 540/1000 PTO, 741 self-leveling loader....................$99,000 ‘09 JD 7230 Premium, MFWD, 706 hrs., 24-spd., Auto Quad, 3 pt., 540/1000 PTO, w/JD 741 self-leveling loader ..........$89,000 ‘83 JD 4050, cab, QR 9300 w/JD 158 loader w/grapple ..............................$25,000 ‘91 CIH MX200, MFWD, 3200 hrs., 14.9x46 duals, leather seat, w/Bulhler Allied 2895 loader ............................$75,000 ‘02 CIH MXM120, MFWD, 4265 hrs., w/LX162 loader................................$44,000

GRAIN HEADS ‘07 JD 635, 35’ flex head, Sharp ......$29,000 ‘06 JD 635, flex head, Very Nice........$28,000 ‘07 IH 1020, 30’, 11⁄2” sections ............$9,000 Check Out Our Website For Pictures & More Listings @

LARSON IMPLEMENTS 5 miles east of Cambridge, MN on Hwy. 95 763-689-1179 Look at our Web site for pictures & more listings Free delivery on combines in MN, Eastern ND & SD


• 320-598-7604 •

Madison, MN From Hwy. 75 & 212 Jct., 3.5 mi. W., 2.5 mi. S.

JD 750, 20’ no till drill, Reconditioned ............Call (2) ‘10 JD 9350 press drills........................$2,250 Late, JD 444, 4RW, oil corn head ..............$2,000 IH 843, IH 863 corn heads ................$950/$2,500 IH 1084, 8RW corn head............................$6,500 ‘00 CIH 1020, 30’ flex head ........................$9,900 NH 8RN, plastic snoot, Low Acres............$17,500 NH BR780 baler, net wrap ........................$12,500 (2) JD 566 round balers ................$7,900/$8,900 JD 2020, gas, Nice ....................................$6,900 JD 3010, gas, loader ..................................$5,500 (2) JD 4020, PS, side console ..$12,500/$15,500 JD 4430 Quad, JD 4430 PS........$12,500/$14,500 JD 4240 Quad, JD 4240 PS........$18,000/$19,500 JD 4455, FWA, PS, JD 280 loader............$42,500 JD 4455, New Engine, 0 Hrs. ..................$37,500 JD 4455, PS ............................................$33,000 JD 4960, MFD ..........................................$39,000 ‘84 IH 5088, cab, air ................................$13,900 ‘81 IH 1586, 3000 hrs., Sharp ..................Coming IH 986 ......................................................$12,500 IH 1066, red cab, WF, 3 pt. ........................$6,200 IH 200 w/belly mower, Collector ................$2,500 MF 40 Utility, loader, Nice ..........................$4,500

JD 843 loader, Like New ..........................$12,500 JD 840 loader, JD 8000 mts. ......................$9,500 JD 740 loader ............................................$7,500 JD 720 loader, off JD 4020 ........................$5,500 (2) JD 148 loaders ........................$2,500/$3,250 JD 158 loader ............................................$3,250 (2) IH 2350 loaders ........................$3,000/$3,500 Leon 1000 grapple, off JD 8100 ................$5,500 Leon loader, off JD 4020 ............................$1,500 Dual 3100 loader, blue cylinder ..................$1,250 Dual 310 loader ..........................................$3,000 Farmhand 27, grapple................................$1,000 Farmhand F358 loader, IH mts...................$3,250 Farmhand 662, New!, off IH 5088 ............$5,750 Miller loader, black/grapple ........................$2,500 Miller PL-4 loader ......................................$3,500 Buhler 2595, New!, JD 6000 mts...............$3,500 JD 331, 30’ disc..........................................$3,900 JD 235, 20’ disc ........................................$3,500 New Box Scrapers, 10’/12’ ............................Call New & Used Skidsteer Buckets ......................Call Bobcat 300T Skidsteer, tracks, gold pkg., cab, air ..................................................$21,000


NEW Massey 8670, FWA..................................ON HAND NEW Massey 1635, FWA, w/loader ................ON HAND NEW Massey 5480 FWA, w/loader..................ON HAND Massey 4840, 4WD ..................................................CALL ‘01 CIH STX440 ..................................................COMING ‘04 Versatile 2425, 1525 hrs...............................$128,500 Versatle 256 Bidi ..................................................$26,500 ‘97 NH 8970, FWA, SS ........................................$67,500 ‘98 NH 8970, FWA, SS ........................................$67,500 JD 2020, 2WD ..........................................................CALL Allis 7030 ..................................................................CALL ‘03 NH TG285 w/duals ........................................$94,500 ‘78 Ford 2600 ........................................................$4,500 ‘89 NH TD5050 w/loader ........................................CALL Massey Ferguson 220............................................$7,000 White 6195, FWA..................................................$54,500


‘06 Gleaner R75 w/CDF ....................................COMING ‘05 Gleaner R65..................................................$150,000 Gleaner R60..........................................................$29,500 ‘08 Fantini 12-30 chopping cornhead ................$68,000 NEW Fantini chopping cornhead ............................CALL


Feed, Seed, Hay FOR SALE: 100 3x3x8 alfalfa bales, 3rd cutting, good quality, $100/ton. 100 bales med quality 3rd cutting, $90/ton. 507-227-3992 Sleepy Eye MN. Grass hay, no rain, small squares, 48 lbs, very good. Near Courtland, $2.40 per bale. Can deliver, $1 per loaded mile. 507-359-2790 Hay For Sale: Big squares, round bales, some grass, no mold. (715)235-8610 HAY FOR SALE: Large rounds net wrapped; grass, low patassium; 1st, 2nd & 3rd cutting of alfalfa, St Cloud area. 507-3813776 Organic certified hay, 1st & 2nd crops, 1500 lb round bales, net wrapped, stored in shed on pallets. (608)685-3508 SEED CORN ONLY $69.90! 82 TO 93 Day Conventional Hybrids. Also save big on industries top insect and herbicide technology hybrids. Visit WWW.KLEENACRES.COM 320-237-7667 “IT‘S THE PLACE TO BE”

South Dakota Western Alfalfa 3x3x8. Various RFB's Low Potassium Grass KNS Hay & Transport. (605)9991118

(2) JD 520, JD drills, 10” spacing............................CALL


‘03 NH ST740, 7-shank ........................................$18,500 JD 2700, 7-shank ................................................$27,500 DMI 530 w/leveler ................................................$10,500 JD 960, 36’ FC........................................................$8,000


New Hesston & NH Hay Tools On Hand JD 1209, 9’..............................................................$2,000 Hesston 1150, 12’ ..................................................$1,800


NEW Salford RT units ..............................................CALL NEW Westfield augers ..................................AVAILABLE NEW Rem 2700 vac ................................................CALL NEW Century HD1000, 60’ sprayers ......................CALL NEW Riteway rollers ................................................CALL NEW Lorenz snowblowers ......................................CALL NEW Batco conveyors ............................................CALL NEW Brent wagons & grain carts ..........................CALL NEW E-Z Trail seed wagons....................................CALL NEW rock buckets & pallet forks .......................... CALL NEW Hardi sprayers ................................................CALL REM 2700, Rental ....................................................CALL Unverferth 8000 grain cart ..................................$19,000 Kinze 1050 w/duals..............................................$48,500

NEW White planters ................................................CALL (DMI Parts Available) ‘05 White 8186, 16-30, LF, ins., row cleaners ....$65,500 ‘07 White 8516, 16-22, CF ..................................$64,500 Hiniker 30’ seeder ................................................$21,500 White 6122, 12-30, insect ....................................$14,000 NEW NH skidsteers on hand ..................................CALL ‘02 Kinze 2210, 12-30, w/liquid insect, res ........$28,500 Case 1845 ..............................................................$7,500


SMITHS MILL IMPLEMENT Hwy. 14, 3 miles West of Janesville, MN

Phone (507) 234-5191 or (507) 625-8649 Mon. - Fri. 7:30-5:00, Sat. 7:30-Noon

Feed, Seed, Hay

45 THE LAND, MARCH 25, 2011

WANTED TO BUY: DAMAGED CORN. Wet or dryalmost any condition. Schwieger Grain Fairmont, MN 800-658-2314 or 507-236-5181 cell

Fertilizer & Chemicals FOR SALE: 2 DMI toolbars, (1) 32 1/2’ w/ Dickey John controller, (1) 42 1/2’ w/ hyd continental control, have Raven super cooler, bars are all hyd, Also avail, NH3 Piston ground drive pump w/ coolers complete. 507-273-0127 FOR SALE: ‘88 Tyler, 18-20” fert bander, coulters or row cleaners, mole knives, covering discs, 5 ton dry capacity, w/winch for NHS hookup, Raven SCS 440 flow adjuster monitor, 18 hp, Kohler eng for blower motor, $20,000. 320-212-2300 NH3 Applicator 9500 Continental controller, hyd shutoff, 11 knives, 3pt, $2,500. 515-368-3732


For Sale: Laying hens, 10 mo. old, some older. total of 370 hens. Selling for health reasons. (651)4367287

Livestock Black Angus Yearling bulls; Hamp, Chester & Yorkshire boars & gilts. Alfred Kemen(320)598-3790 FOR SALE: 3 yr old Red Angus Bull, $1200. 507-595-3345 Kilkenny, MN if no answer leave message.

Dairy Very nice young herd of cows. Low SCC, good udders & feet & legs. $1,350 ea. Please leave message. (608)214-6971

Beef Cattle

60 steers, 60 heifers, all black, completely pre conditioned, long term weaned, & very green. 40 mi from Dubuque, IA. 319448-4667 Beef cows for spring freshening, preg checked, wormed, poured, vaccinated. Very gentle cows, will deliver. 320-760-5622

‘09 JD 4830, 597 hrs., 90’ boom ......................................$201,900

(B)’66 JD 4020, gas ............................$7,595 (H)’09 JD 9570, 447 sep. hrs. ........$199,900 (O)’10 JD 9630, 150 hrs. ................$264,900 (B)’67 JD 4020, gas ............................$6,900 (B)’08 JD 9770, PRWD....................$195,900 (B)’10 JD 9530, Lease return ..........$248,500 (B)’67 Oliver 1650................................$5,500 (O)’06 JD 9760, 1175 sep. hrs. ......$189,000 (O)’07 JD 9620, 1355 hrs. ..............$207,900 UTILITY TRACTORS (W)’06 JD 9660, 1361 sep hrs.........$179,900 (O)’06 JD 9620, 1449 hrs................$201,900 (H)’84 JD 2750, loader, 4260 hrs. ....$16,900 (H)’06 JD 9660, 1331 hrs. ..............$159,900 (O)’98 JD 9400, 3822 hrs. ..............$107,900 (H)’83 JD 2950, 6705 hrs..................$15,900 (B)’06 Case 2388, 1201 sep. hrs. ....$154,900 (H)’03 JD 9520, 5775 hrs. ..............$108,900 (B)’93 JD 5200, loader ......................$15,900 (O)’03 JD 9650, 1012 sep. hrs. ......$135,000 (H)’90 Ford 876, 5822 hrs. ................$38,500 (H)’79 JD 2640, loader ......................$14,900 (H)’00 JD 9750, 2132 sep. hrs. ......$121,900 TRACK TRACTORS (B)’78 JD 2640, loader ......................$12,900 (O)’99 JD 9650, 2238 sep. hrs...........$95,000 (W)’98 JD 9610..................................$69,500 (O)JD9630T, Lease return................$299,900 (B)’80 JD 2640, 4466 hrs. ..................$8,900 (H)’96 JD 9600, 1913 sep. hrs. ........$59,900 (O)’10 JD 9530T, 496 hrs. ..............$279,900 (B)’74 Ford 5000, gas..........................$7,500 (W)’97 JD 9600, 2682 sep. hrs. ........$52,500 (H)’05 JD 9620T, 2116 hrs...............$184,900 (W)’64 JD 3020, gas, WF ....................$7,000 SPRAYERS (B)’03 JD 9520T, 1787 hrs ..............$179,900 (O)’69 IH 656, gas ..............................$6,900 (B)’07 JD 8230T, 1095 hrs...............$142,000 (B)’63 JD 3010D, NF............................$5,900 (O)’08 JD 4930, 1485 hrs. ..............$205,000 (B)’09 JD 4830, 550 hrs., 90’ boom$201,900 (H)’00 CIH 9380, 4819 hrs.................$87,900 COMBINES ROW CROP TRACTORS (O)’10 JD 9870, 380 sep. hrs. ........$310,000 (O)’07 JD 4930, 1464 hrs. ..............$193,500 (O)’08 JD 4930, 1800 hrs. ..............$189,000 (O)’10 CIH Magnum 305, 350 hrs. ..$178,900 (O)’10 JD 9870, 300 sep. hrs...........$289,000 (O)’07 JD 4830, 1300 hrs. ..............$181,000 (O)’10 CIH Magnum 305, 350 hrs. ..$178,900 (B)’09 JD 9870, 497 sep. hrs...........$279,900 (O)’08 JD 4830, 1450 hrs. ..............$179,000 (O)’08 CIH MX275, 1258 hrs. ..........$155,000 (O)’08 JD 9870, 635 sep. hrs. ........$242,000 (O)’07 JD 4830, 1681 hrs. ..............$178,500 (O)’10 CIH Magnum 245, 250 hrs. ..$149,900 (O)’09 JD 9770, 466 sep. hrs. ........$242,900 (O)’05 JD 4920, 1923 hrs. ..............$161,500 (B)’09 JD 7330, IVT, Lease Return ....$96,900 (B)’07 JD 9870, 722 sep. hrs...........$239,900 (O)’02 C-IH 4260, 3010 hrs. ..............$97,900 (H)’04 JD 7820, 2WD, 879 hrs. ........$85,900 (H)’10 JD 9670, 318 sep. hrs. ........$239,900 (O)’05 Spray Coupe 7650, 1690 hrs. $87,500 (B)’04 JD 7420, IVT, 2452 hrs. ..........$72,900 (O)’10 JD 9670, 328 sep. hrs. ........$239,900 (B)’03 Wilmar 8500, 2361 hrs. ........COMING (B)’96 JD 8200, 8163 hrs. ................$68,900 (O)’10 JD 9670, 395 sep. hrs. ........$239,900 (B)Ag-Chem 854, 80’ boom ..............COMING (W)’04 JD 7220, loader, 4800 hrs......$62,000 (H)’10 JD 9570, 130 sep. hrs. ........$218,900 (O)’97 Ag-Chem 854, 4451 hrs. ........$44,900 (B)’90 JD 4455, 2WD, 8220 hrs. ......$38,900 (H)’08 JD 9670, 564 sep. hrs. ........$217,900 (O)’97 Ag-Chem 854, 5274 hrs. ........$44,900 (W)’77 White 2-155, 20.8x38 ............$11,900 (B)’08 JD 9670, 532 sep. hrs...........$214,900 PLANTERS & DRILLS (W)’78 White 2-135, 5927 hrs...........$11,900 (O)’10 JD 9570, 240 sep hrs............$214,900 (B)’77 White 2-105 ..............................$8,900 (O)’08 JD 9670, 627 sep. hrs...........$199,900 (O)’06 JD 1790, 31R15” ....................$97,500

‘07 JD 4920, 1610 hrs., 120’ boom ............................$193,500

(O)’01 Kinze 3140, 16R30”................$38,500 (B)’03 Kinze 3200, 12R30” ................$34,900 (H)White 6100, 12/23 row ................$21,900 (B)Friesen 24R30” ............................$19,900 (B)’97 JD 455, 30’ drill ......................$22,900 (B)’91 JD 450, 13’ @ 6” spacing ........$9,900 (B)’97 JD 1520, 10” spacing, markers $7,900 (O)JD 7000, 8R30” ..............................$6,595

(H)IH 800, 8R30” ............................$2,950

TILLAGE (B)’08 JD 2310, 39’9” mulch finisher $69,900 (O)’10 Riteway 45’ Land roller ..........$33,000 (B)’95 JD 985, 48.5’ ..........................$19,900 (B)’94 JD 980, 44.5’ ..........................$16,900 (O)’95 DMI Tigermate, 50.5’ F.C.........$14,500 (B)JD 960, 44.5’ ................................$13,500 (B)’90 JD 960, 36.5’ ............................$7,500 (H)JD 960, 32.5’ ..................................$5,450 (B)White 226, 24’ ................................$4,500 (O)’90 JD 960, 42.5’ ............................$4,495

HAY & FORAGE (B)’08 JD 458, silage special ............$25,900 (H)’03 JD 557, surface wrap..............$24,500 (O)’93, JD 535, Heartland chopper ......$9,900 (W)’01 Gehl 1875 round baler ............$6,500 (O)’89 Gehl 1865 round baler, 6’ bale..$6,900 (H)’85 NH 858 round baler, 7’ bale ......$2,900 (B)’05 JD 956, 14’6” center pivot ......$24,900 (B)’05 JD 525 MoCo ..........................$13,900

Your Southern Minnesota & Western Wisconsin John Deere Commercial Sprayer Center

“Where Farm and Family Meet”

30 Polled Herefords Sell Noon April 09, 2011, UWRF Mann Valley Farm; Registered Bred & Open Heifers & Bulls. Catalogs (715)425-8141 or visit


‘95 DMI Tigermate, 50.5’ ........................................$13,900


FOR SALE: Incubator & hatcher for large birds, Goose, Emo, Ostrich, 40 egg capacity, auto turning can be used for chickens or ducks $200 ea. Albert Lea, MN 507-256-7524

‘90 Ford 876, 5662 hrs. ........................................$38,500




THE LAND, MARCH 25, 2011

‘08 CIH 7010, 782 eng./632 sep. hrs., duals, Excellent ............................................$194,500

Interest Waiver or Low Rate Financing Available ••• Call For Details ‘10 CIH 9120, track drive, RWA, 313 hrs., leather, loaded, On Hand........$339,500 ‘09 CIH 3408, 8R30” ......................................................................................$44,500 ‘10 CIH 9120, track drive, RWA, 275 hrs., leather, loaded, Coming In ....$345,500 ‘07 CIH 2208, 8R30” ......................................................................................$32,500 ‘07 CIH 8010, corn & bean use, 935 eng. hrs., 620/42 duals....................$199,900 ‘10 CIH 2608, 8R30 chopping corn head ....................................................$64,500 ‘10 CIH 3408, 8R30 corn head ......................................................................$48,500 ‘08 CIH 3208, 8R30 corn head ......................................................................$38,500 ‘10 CIH 2020, 35’ platform, 11⁄2”, rock guard ..........................................COMING IN ‘10 CIH 2020, 35’ platform, air reel, 11⁄2”..................................................COMING IN ‘10 CIH 2020, 35’ platform, Crary air reel, 3” knife ......................................$39,900 ‘08 CIH 2020, 35’ platform, 3” knife, rock guard..........................................$32,900 ‘03 CIH 1020, 30’ platform, 11⁄2” knife, tracker..............................................$14,900 ‘02 CIH STX450Q, 85% tracks, good ‘05 CIH STX450Q, Quad Track, PTO, ‘10 CIH Magnum 245, Lux. cab, frt. ‘98 CIH 1020, 25’ platform, 3” knife ..............................................................$12,800 outback steering..................$117,000 6023 hrs. ............................$129,500 & rear duals, 350 hrs...........$144,500 ‘97 CIH 1020, 25’ platform, 11⁄2” knife ......................................................COMING IN ‘97 CIH 1020, 25’ platform, 3” knife ........................................................COMING IN ‘91 CIH 1020, 20’ platform, 3” knife ................................................................$6,900



Up To Two Years Interest Free ••• Call For Details ••• ‘06 CIH STX 480, HD, 1275 hrs .......... ............................................$179,000

‘10 CIH Steiger 435, Lux. leather cab, PTO, Auto Guide ready..$208,500

‘07 CIH Steiger 435, Lux. leather cab, PTO, Auto Guide ready..$212,900

‘88 CIH 9170, 5600 hrs., PS ..$49,900

‘10 CIH 9120, Tracks, RWA, 232 sep. hrs. ......................................$345,500

‘07 CIH 8010, corn & bean use, 620/42 duals, 935 eng. hrs. $199,900

‘10 CIH Steiger 535 Quad, Scraper, Lux. cab, HID lgts., big hyd. pump, Auto Guide Ready, 1100 hrs. ......................................................................$265,000 ‘09 CIH Steiger 535 Quad, Scraper Quad Track, Lux. cab, 1476 hrs., Good Condition............................................................................................$229,900 ‘10 CIH Steiger 435, Lux. leather cab, Auto Guide ready, 71070R428 duals, w/PTO, 590 hrs. ..........................................................................................$212,900 ‘10 CIH Steiger 435, Lux. leather cab, Auto Guide ready, 620/42 duals, w/PTO ..........................................................................................................$208,500 ‘09 CIH Steiger 485 Quad, Ag only use, Lux. leather cab, HD hyd., HID lgts., E-Z steer, 785 hrs. ..........................................................................COMING IN ‘09 CIH Steiger 435HD, Scraper ready, Lux. cab, 710/70R42, HD axle, diff. locks, 810 hrs. ......................................................................................$189,900 ‘06 CIH Steiger 480HD, 710/70R42 tires, Trimble auto steer w/500 screen, 1275 hrs. ......................................................................................................$179,000 ‘05 CIH STX450Q, Quad Track, PTO, 6023 hrs. ........................................$129,500 ‘02 CIH STX450Q, 85% tracks, good outback steering, 5400 hrs. ..........$117,000 STX and STEIGER PTO, TOW CABLE & 3 PT. KITS ON HAND!!!

‘90 CIH 7120, 5194 hrs., duals ..............................................$42,500

‘09 Kubota RTV1000, 129 hrs., cab with A/C ................................$13,950

‘05 CIH 1200, 16R30”, pivot fold, central....................................$59,000

USED 2WD TRACTORS Up To One Year Interest Free ••• Call For Details •••


“Where Farm and Family Meet”

(8) Trelleborg twin 414, 850x55x42 .. ..........................................$750 each


‘10 CIH Magnum 245, Lux. cab, front & rear duals, 4 hyd. remotes, HID lgts., Auto Guide ready, 350 hrs. ..........................................................................$144,500 ‘06 Volvo EX160BLC Excavator, 900 hrs., Excellent Unit............................$94,500 ‘06 Volvo EX140BLC, Excavator, includes full hyd. thumb, 1700 hrs. ......$74,500

I-35 & Highway 60 West • Faribault, MN • 507-334-2233

CNH Capital’s Commercial Revolving Account provides financial assistance for parts and service when you need it, keeping your equipment running as its best with the quality parts and service you’ve come to expect from Case IH. Contact your local dealer or visit today for details.

©2011 CNH Capital America LLC. All rights reserved. CNH Capital and Case IH are registered trademarks of CNH America LLC. Printed in the USA.


Beef Cattle


Livestock Equipment


Gehl skidloader 4635SX, new 67” utility bucket, 4200 hrs, Duetz oil cooled eng(non turbo) $9,500. 507-240-0569



‘95 Freightliner FLB120, Cummins M11, 22.5 tires, 10spd, day cab. $7,000. 515838-2244 ‘97 F250, Automatic, 460, 4x4, 4Dr, Silver, in good cond. $5,000. 608-343-8972 FOR SALE: (81) 40’ Timpte hopper, very good cond, $11,000. 507-645-5625 shop, or 507-649-1888 or 507- 649-1887 FOR SALE: ‘02 Volvo day cab, 365 VED eng, 10 alum wheels, 730K, nice clean truck, $16,500. 507-327-7079

4-H & FFA Club Lambs For Livestock Equipment Sale : Black Face, Speckle 16 Osbourne feeders fiber- FOR SALE: ‘62 IH grain/water truck, 345 V8 eng, 1650 & White Face. glass/Stainless Steel finishgal poly tank, pump, hose Roe Family Club Lambs, er feeders, $1,600 for all or complete, $1,500. 507-381Frost, MN (507) 525-0970 $125/ea. ‘06 Kiefer Built 6488 Aluminum Stock trailer 3 Katahdin Rams coming four compartments, (2) 8,000 FOR SALE: ‘78 Ford 9000, yrs, reg. RR twins, red, 400 Cummins, 566,318 mi lbs. axles w/14ply tires, white $200 each. Call 71510spd, OD, 11R22.5 new $16,000. 507-402-0637 774-3989 tires. $4,000. 320-212-2300

New pumps & parts on hand. Call Minnesota’s largest distributor HJ Olson & Company 320-974-3202 Cell - 320-894-6276

FOR SALE: ‘79 GMC 7000 FOR SALE: 500 gal farm tandem, twin screw, 427 fuel tank w/pump, good Irrigation For Sale: gas, 48,000 orig miles, 18’ cond. 651-463-8896 or cell ‘85 Reinke center pivot, 8 steel box, newer hoist & 651-295-2875 span, rotators, pipes like lift system, exc cond. new on inside, nice tires, RANGER PUMP CO. 320-843-4788 leave message FOR SALE: 6’ used cul$18,500 disassembled. ‘80 Manufacturer of Water Lift verts, $50/ft. 507-330-3710 Reinke 7 span, fair tires Pumps for Field FOR SALE: ‘89 Ford single $13,500 disassembled. Ag Drainage. Built to fit axle semi tractor, ‘03 28’ FOR SALE: IH Cub Cudet Rain 4170 hard hose travel780 lawnmower, 42” deck, your Neville grain trailer w/ er 4x1250, nice shape, front mount snowblower, needs since 1984. elec tarp, $20,000/OBO. needs hose, $8,500. Ag Rain $1500. 507-530-1630 Sales & Service. 320-583-6840 or 507-964-5890 45A hard hose traveler, 507-984-2025 or 406-314-0334 GENERATORS:15kW-500kW 4.5x1250, nice shape, FOR SALE: ‘89 Volvo semi PTO & automatic gen sets, $16,500. Have pics. WANT- THE BEST FLOOR HEAT high miles, mechanically new & used. Low time hosED: Large fanning mill. WATER TUBING. sound, 430hp Detroit, pital take-outs. Call Scott 320-693-7196 FREE ESTIMATES. Com$4,900. Standby Power - Windom pare & Save! GUARAN507-964-5548 or 507-327-1903 Serving farmers since 1975 TEED LOWEST PRICES. (800) 419-9806, 9-5 Mon-Sat FOR SALE: ‘92 IH 4900 - S, tandem, 12/40 axles, DT 1-800-446-4043 ONE CALL DOES IT ALL! 466 diesel, AT, 17’ double Get ready for spring floodWith one phone call, you frame to back of tires, foring - New 25,000 G.P.H. Winpower Sales & Service can place your classified mer sanitation truck, Water/Trash pump, 9 hp, Reliable Power Solutions ad in The Land, Farm $7700. 507-259-8937 Honda motor, no hoses. Since 1925 News, AND The Country 507-945-8367 or 507-370-2149 PTO & automatic Today. Call The Land for FOR SALE: ‘96 Freightliner Emergency more info @ ONAN ENGINES 120 flat top, N-14 CumElectric Generators. 507-345-4523 • 800-657-4665 mins, 9 spd Eaton, 358 rear 25 hp rebuilt engine for skid New & Used or place your ad online @ loader; rebuilt Onan enends, good rubber & alum Rich Opsata - Distributor gines 16 to 20 hp for JD rims, $10,000. 507-381-1871 (800) 343-9376 garden tractors and othWANTED: Semi truck 200ers. Prices start at $1095.00 220” WB, short flattop exchange. BCM, Inc. sleeper, any make or mod(763)755-0034 el. 320-360-6487


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Trucks & Trailers ‘81 IH triple axle 20’ steel grain box, roll tarp, 335 hp, Det diesel, 10 spd,, exc paint & cond, DOT insp, $18,500. 612-232-4078


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“Where Farm and Family Meet”

WANT TO BUY: Butcher cows, bulls, fats & walka- Landrace-Duroc, Hamp-Duroc & York-Landrace ble cripples; also horses, Boars & Gilts. Excellent sheep & goats. quality & health. 320-235-2664 Charles DeGrote WANTED TO BUY: Dairy (320)894-7356 or (320)847-2175 heifers and cows. SHOW PIGS -D-H-Y-X, (320)235-2664 Boars and Open Gilts. Owens Genetics, Durand, Yearling Polled Charolais 715-672-5717 bulls for sale, Performance, scan & fertility info, Show Pigs All ages, many past winners. easy calving & out ing dispositions. Your Per608-576-6593 formance Charolais Leader since 1962. Wakefield Pets & Supplies Charolais 507-402-4640 Blue & Red Heeler puppies for sale, $50/best offer. Call Horses 715-288-6434 8 yr-old Reg Qtr Horse, gelding; started barrels & Great Pyrenees puppies poles. 23 yr-old Reg Appaborn 1/20, both parents on loosa mare, trail horse. site, great livestock guard608-343-8972 ian dogs & family pets, $400. (715)235-8610

Trucks & Trailers

FOR SALE: ‘78 IH semi cab FOR SALE: (2) Firestone Homesteader30.5x32 14 ply diamond over, 355 Cummins, 13spd, Happy Valley Ranch tread tires, 2 yrs old, exc Apple Cider press & grinder. new tires all around, shape. $2,400. 651-764-3612 $2,000. 507-381-6488 507-734-3022

THE LAND, MARCH 25, 2011

Show Lambs, high quality. Barn roofing Hip or round roof barns & other buildAlso Southdown Breeding REGISTERED BLACK ANGUS ings. Also barn & quanset Stock. Lamb Sale, April Bulls, 2 year old & yearstraightening. Kelling Silo 2nd Smerchek Farms, lings; bred heifers, calving 1-800-355-2598 (715)342-0306. ease, club calves & ance performance, AI sired. In herd improveBrooder stoves & feeders for ment program. starting chicks, also, adult Swine J.W. Riverview Angus Farm poultry feeders. Choretime BOARS-BRED GILTS-York Glencoe, MN 55336 bulk tanks, various sizes, Duroc-YxD Cross, Outdoor Conklin Dealer very good cond. Choretime cond. 712-297-7644 Marvin (320)864-4625 feed line fill systems Wuebker w/motors & power heads. (507)227-6645 Compart’s total program FOR SALE: Holstein steers features superior boars & FOR RENT: 2500 head nurs165 @ 350 lbs, 120 @ 460 lbs, open gilts documented by ery barn, available imme95 @ 570 lbs, vaccinated & BLUP technology. Duroc, diately, exc. shape. implanted & dehorned, sell York, Landrace & F1 lines. (507)530-1075 any number. 320-732-6259 Terminal boars offer leanness, muscle, growth. Ma- FOR SALE: 14” roller mill, FOR SALE: Polled purebred $775; 24’ aluminum gooseternal gilts & boars are black or red Salers bulls, neck livestock trailer, 2 diproductive, lean, durable. low birth weights, top viding gates, $10,500; Gehl All are stress free & PRRS blood lines, ETD available, 170 mixer, scale magnet, free. Semen also available easy calfing, good seleclong auger, electric rethrough Elite Genes A.I. tion. Oak Hill Farms motes, always shedded, Make ‘em Grow! Madelia, MN 507-642-8028 $12,750. 320-583-3131 Comparts Boar Store, Inc. Toll free: 877-441-2627 FOR SALE: 2 hoop barns, Red & Black Angus Bulls, 30x72, 12 yrs old; 10 & 12 most AI sired. weaning FOR SALE: 2000 hd contiton Chore-Time bulk bin. wgts 750-850 lbs., Will hold nous feeder pig source, US Clements, MN 507-766-0928 until May 15. Meado-West origin, custom finshing Farms (715)664-8854 FOR SALE: Headlocks 80’, barns also available. 10’ section, 6 holes, very Garvin, MN 507-746-4482 Registered Texas Longhorn good condition. Asking $275 breeding stock, cows or FOR SALE: DDL Swine per section. 507-227-2602 heifers or roping stock, top Nurseries, 1-200 hd / 1-300 GEHL 1329 Scavenger Manblood lines. hd. Clean, excellent shape. ure Spreader. 5 yrs old, no (507)235-3467 Ready To Go - Priced Rearust! LIKE NEW! $12,500. sonable. Matthew Voxland 715-926-5376 OR 715-577-9311 Two (2) Registered Hereford Kenyon, MN 507-789-5963 or February yearling bulls 507-259-9385 Industrial & for sale from J&J Hanson Herefords located near FOR Construction SALE: Comfrey, Minnesota. A Hampshire/Yorkshire gilts September ‘09 commercial & Hampshire/Duroc & ‘73 4500 Ford backhoe, ldr, Hereford bull is also avail. good shape, 5800 hrs. Yorkshire boars. 4-H pigs All are thick muscled w/ $5,500. 320-841-0318 also available. Many wingreat disposition suitable ners over the years. Exc FOR SALE: JD 850B dozer, for any cattle herd. Avail herd health. No PRRS. long track, C/A/H, tracks, at earliest request. Contact Hogs raised on outside cerollers & rails, 90%+, us at (507) 877-3631 or ment lots. Delivery availagreat machine. $32,500. ble. Stan Adelman 320-568612-790-4191 2225 FOR SALE OR LEASE

THE LAND, MARCH 25, 2011


This week’s Back Roads is the work of The Land Correspondent Carolyn Van Loh

Souvenir of the defenders ising from the boulevard of New Ulm’s Center Street, the Defenders R Monument is a reminder of the tragic events of August 1862. New Ulm suffered great loss from the siege by the Sioux (Dakota) during the Dakota

“Where Farm and Family Meet”

Conflict. They burned 190 of the 250 buildings; casualties included 34 dead and 60 wounded. Hearing of the attack, Traverse des Sioux resident Charles E. Flandrau took his family to St. Peter where he gathered 100 volunteers who marched with him to New Ulm. He led in the defense of the town, and after the Sioux fled, Flandrau organized a train of 153 wagons that evacuated women, children and the wounded to Mankato. Although Flandrau had no previous military experience, he was familiar with the Sioux and their way of life because he had worked with them and had served as an Indian agent. “I look upon the success of the whites in these several attacks on the Fort (Ridgley) and New Ulm as the most important events of the war,” Flandrau said, looking back on the Sioux battles. The 1890 Minnesota Legislature authorized a memorial to honor the memory of those who defended New Ulm during the conflict of 1862. This monument stands as a reminder to those who drive by of the sacrifices made by early settlers. An estimated 10,000 to 15,0000 spectators gathered in New Ulm for the dedication of the monument on Aug. 22, 1891. Surviving defenders received a medal engraved with the words “souvenir to the defenders of New Ulm August 18 to 24, 1862.” Several speakers, including Gov. Merriam, Mayor Wagner, Col. Flandrau, ex-governor Ramsey and veteran Freeman Talbot, spoke to the significance of the occasion. Major Sanders, LeSueur Tigers No. 2 at the Battle of New Ulm, was the English-speaking orator of the day, and Peter Scherer was the German-speaking orator. The festive day concluded with “musical, theatrical and otherwise, which the Germans know so well how to present,” wrote Flandrau in his account of the event. For information on the 150th anniversary of the New Ulm Battle next year, log on to

Defenders Monument, New Ulm, Minn. Do you have a Back Roads story suggestion? E-mail or write to Editor, The Land, P.O. Box 3169, Mankato, MN 56002.

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