July 1, 2011 :: Northern

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(800) 657-4665 www.TheLandOnline.com theland@TheLandOnline.com P.O. Box 3169, Mankato, MN 56002

Story on Page 13A

A farm kid’s county fair dreams

THE LAND, JULY 1, 2011

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P.O. Box 3169 418 South Second Street Mankato, MN 56002 (800) 657-4665 Volume XXX ■ Number XIII 40 pages, 2 sections Cover photo by Dick Hagen

COLUMNS Opinion Calendar Farm and Food File The Back Porch Cookbook Corner Marketing Mielke Market Weekly Auctions/Classifieds Advertiser Listing Back Roads The Land’s County Fair-Goers Guide

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“Where Farm and Family Meet”

Publisher: Jim Santori: jsantori@cnhi.com General Manager: Vail Belgard: vbelgard@TheLandOnline.com Editor: Kevin Schulz: editor@TheLandOnline.com Assistant Editor: Tom Royer: troyer@TheLandOnline.com Staff Writer: Dick Hagen: dickhagen@mvtvwireless.com Advertising Representatives: Kim Henrickson: khenrickson@TheLandOnline.com Mike Schafer: mike.schafer2@gmail.com Danny Storlie: theland@TheLandOnline.com Office/Advertising Assistant: Joan Compart: theland@TheLandOnline.com Ad Production: Brad Hardt: lndcomp@mankatofreepress.com Website: www.TheLandOnline.com For Customer Service Concerns: (507) 345-4523, (800) 657-4665, theland@TheLandOnline.com Fax: (507) 345-1027 For Editorial Concerns or Story Ideas: (507) 344-6342, (800) 657-4665, editor@TheLandOnline.com National Sales Representative: Bock & Associates Inc., 7650 Executive Drive, Minneapolis, MN 55344-3677. (952) 905-3251. Because of the nature of articles appearing in The Land, product or business names may be included to provide clarity. This does not constitute an endorsement of any product or business. Opinions and viewpoints expressed in editorials or by news sources are not necessarily those of the management. The Publisher shall not be liable for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement. The Publisher’s liability for other errors or omissions in connection with an advertisement is strictly limited to publication of the advertisement in any subsequent issue or the refund of any monies paid for the advertisement. Classified Advertising: $17 for seven (7) lines for a private classified, each additional line is $1.25; $22 for business classifieds, each additional line is $1.25. Classified ads accepted by mail or by phone with VISA, MasterCard, Discover or American Express. Classified ads can also be sent by e-mail to theland@TheLandOnline.com. Mail classified ads to The Land, P.O. Box 3169, Mankato, MN 56002. Please include credit card number, expiration date and your postal address with ads sent on either mail version. Classified ads may also be called into (800) 657-4665. Deadline for classified ads is noon on the Monday prior to publication date, with holiday exceptions. Distributed to farmers in all Minnesota counties and northern Iowa, as well as on The Land’s website. Each classified ad is separately copyrighted by The Land. Reproduction without permission is strictly prohibited. Subscription and Distribution: Free to farmers and agribusinesses in Minnesota and northern Iowa. $22 per year for non-farmers and people outside the service area. The Land (ISSN 0279-1633) is published Fridays and is a division of The Free Press Media (part of Community Newspaper Holdings Inc.), 418 S. Second St., Mankato MN 56001. Periodicals postage paid at Mankato, Minn. Postmaster and Change of Address: Address all letters and change of address notices to The Land, P.O. Box 3169, Mankato, MN 56002; call (507) 345-4523 or e-mail to theland@TheLandOnline.com.

of several heats, the rider with the fewest As a kindergartner, I wanted to be a cowboy. total points is the victor. In first grade, an artist. In second grade, I was shooting for an artist/astronaut combo. In This 9-year-old was instantly hooked by third grade, just a regular astronaut. But by the artistry of the sport, and I pleaded with fourth grade — the year I peaked athletically my dad that my next motorcycle had to be with a third-place finish in the boys 400 meter a trials bike. At some point during that relay on track and field day — I finally decided fourth grade year, he came through for me. what I truly wanted to be when I grew up. I don’t know how he found it, but one day Dad came home with a used 1974 Bultaco I wanted to be a motorcycle trials rider. LAND MINDS Sherpa T 250. I wasn’t aware of its signifiIt all started in the summer of 1980, By Tom Royer cance at the time, but the lightweight, twowhen I went with my family to the West stroke, Spanish-made Bultaco Sherpa Pottawattamie (Iowa) County Fair, bethad popularized the sport of trials riding ter known as Westfair. It had everya decade earlier in Europe, and even thing a farm kid could ever dream of: country music, cotton candy, barrel races, demolition managed to find mild success in the United States. derbies, weird chickens ... you name it. For a couple of years I rode that beautiful orange While walking outside the grandstand area, my eyes bike all across the farm, oh-so-slowly through the fell upon an unusual sight. An obstacle course of some woods and over creeks. I’d climb it up cliffs, navigate between equipment and fencelines, and — only rarely sort had been set up with fences, walls and big rocks, — really open it up to see how fast it’d go down our and guys on goofy looking motorcycles were ever-somile-long gravel lane. (It could go fast, by the way.) I slowly creeping their way over and around it all. would picture myself standing on the world champiI had grown up riding motorcycles — everyone in onship podium in Barcelona, holding aloft a giant my family had one, and I learned to ride my tiny shining trophy, feeling even prouder than when I Suzuki JR50 before I could pedal a bicycle — but brought home that third-place relay ribbon. this slow-motion spectacle before me was completely As with most boyhood obsessions, however, my interalien. These guys standing up on the pedals of their est in trials riding eventually waned. By the time sixth skinny, no-seat, grunty bikes weren’t trying to go as grade rolled around I decided once and for all that I fast as they could, but rather to be as balanced and was going to be a computer programmer; the Bultaco precise in their movements as possible. exiled to the old barn, touched for years only by spiders What I had discovered was trials riding, also called and sparrows. And yet, for a brief moment in a young observed trials. Observed, because as the riders slowly boy’s life, the inspiration of something altogether new make their way around the course, they are watched by and exciting brought a tremendous amount of joy. a judge. Every time a rider puts a boot on the ground to What will inspire a child’s dreams at your county balance themselves, they are assessed a point. If they fair this summer? make it all the way around without touching down at ••• all — known as “cleaning the section” — they receive Tom Royer is assistant editor of The Land. He may the ideal zero points. If a rider can’t finish the course — a “fiasco” — they’re socked with five points. At the end be reached at troyer@TheLandOnline.com.


Send us your events by e-mail to editor@TheLandOnline.com Log on to http://bit.ly/landcalendar for our complete events calendar Sheep for Profit School July 6-9 Pipestone, Minn. Info: Intense 3 1/2-day workshop limited to 20 participants; log on to www.pipestonesheep.com, call (800) 658-2330, e-mail jodi.christensen@mnwest.edu or write Pipestone Lamb and Wool Management Program. Minnesota West Community and Technical College, P.O. Box. 250, Pipestone, MN 56164 for more information Organic Field Day July 7

Southwest Research and Outreach Center, Lamberton, Minn. Info: Preview of two new hard red spring wheat varieties for 2012 growing will be among crop discussions Crops Field Day July 8 West Central Research and Outreach Center, Morris, Minn. Info: Preview of two new hard red spring wheat varieties for 2012 growing will be among crop discussions

INSIDE THIS ISSUE: 6A — ‘Energy beets’ may offer ethanol alternative to corn

Corn Stover for Ethanol Conference July 11 University of Minnesota Continuing Education and Conference Center, St. Paul Info: Contact Doug Tiffany, (612) 625-6715 or tiffa002@umn.edu Red River On-Farm Trials Plot Tour July 11, 5 p.m. Fergus Falls, Minn. Info: Preview of two new hard red spring wheat varieties for 2012 growing will be among crop discussions

Red River On-Farm Trials Plot Tour July 12, 5 p.m. Perley, Minn. Info: Preview of two new hard red spring wheat varieties for 2012 growing will be among crop discussions Red River On-Farm Trials Plot Tour July 13, 9 a.m. Oklee, Minn. Info: Preview of two new hard red spring wheat varieties for 2012 growing will be among crop discussions

8A — Small wind farms making big impact 1F-8F — The Land’s Fair-Goers Guide

Round and round we go, where it stops dead in its tracks



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Then it was sent to the House where it will go ’round and ’round because, as noted by the June 17 Wall Street Journal, “the House is expected to reject it and the White House opposes the measure.” So the House isn’t going to adopt the Senate’s ethanol bill and the Senate won’t touch the House’s USDA funding bill because all of the dancing is just a prelude to the worst-kept secret in Washington: there will be a continuing budget resolution — not a budget — hopefully by December. See what I mean about the Washington, D.C. streets? Around and around ... ••• Alan Guebert’s “Farm and Food File” is published weekly in more than 70 newspapers in North America. Contact him at agcomm@farmandfoodfile.com.



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“Where Farm and Family Meet”

Makes it the year to buy... A NEW HOME FROM

dards. Fine, don’t pay; but how do you square that action with calls for more free trade by nearly every House member every day? You can’t, so the antiWTO vote is nothing but political hypocrisy by political hypocrites. And then there’s ethanol. On June 14, the Senate, on a 40-59 vote, defeated an effort by Oklahoma Republican Tom Coburn to kill two of ethanol’s three government subsidies, the 45-cents-per-gallon blending credit and the 51-cents-per-gallon import tariff. Two days later, however, the Senate overwhelmingly approved nearly identical legislation by a heavily bipartisan 73-27 vote, only this time it was introduced by a Dem, Dianne Feinstein of California.

THE LAND, JULY 1, 2011

receive 74 percent of all proThe mid-June Congresgram payments, according sional action on ag programs to the USDA, will pocket 7.7 seems to confirm why Washtimes more taxpayer cash ington, D.C.’s, streets feature than the estimated 200,000 roundabout upon roundto 350,000 women and chilabout: moving left or right dren dropped from WIC by — a big deal on Capitol Hill the cuts would have now — usually lands you received in food aid. back where you started. Does anyone believe cutFor proof, look no further than the House of Represen- FARM & FOOD FILE ting $685 million in food aid to the poor and politically tative’s 217-203 vote June By Alan Guebert weak while sending more 16 to approve 2012 U.S. than $5 billion in farm Department of Agriculture program money to the betspending. Not one Dem ter off and politically powvoted with the majority erful will balance the 2012 Repubs and only two House ag committee Repubs, newcomer Kristi federal budget? Noem, S.D., and Steve King, Iowa, No, but the emptiness of budget gimvoted with the Dems. (Both wanted micks like this has never stopped camdeeper cuts.) era-ready politicians from pulling down That means every other House GOP the powerless in order to stand taller among the powerful. Shame, shame. aggie, from Chairman Frank Lucas, Okla., to senior members like Bob The entire bill, forwarded to that Goodlatte, Va., and Tim Johnson, Ill., giant roundabout known as the U.S. voted to slice $3 billion from USDA dis- Senate, is going nowhere because its cretionary funding, gut mandatory con- Democratic leaders are loath to servation funding by $1 billion and cut endorse any Republican action, let $685 million from the Women, Infant alone one that cuts food aid to the poor, and Children feeding program. takes a big bite out of soil and water Prior to that let-the-poor-eat-nothing conservation and puts a knife in the heart of the farm bill’s Conservation vote, members passed two biscuits to Security Program. some of their wealthiest constituents. First, the House defeated an amendBut wait, there’s more roundabout ment to cap annual program payments legislating. at $125,000 and, later, voted down an For example, the House bill orders effort to lower program eligibility to Congress not to pay $147 million to the farmers with yearly gross incomes Brazilian Cotton Institute as required under $250,000, $500,000 if married. by the World Trade Organization when Back-of-the-envelope math shows it ruled that U.S. cotton subsidies (in that if the House bill becomes law, the the 2002 farm bill) violated WTO stan10 percent of American farmers who

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“Where Farm and Family Meet”


THE LAND, JULY 1, 2011

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Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world Within two weeks at three different speaking events various women asked me, “Have you read the book, ‘Heaven is for Real’?” A friend of a friend had passed the book on to me to read, but because I was preparing for the speaking events, I didn’t take time to crack its covers. On a Sunday afternoon after things had simmered down a bit, the book became my priority. After reading it, I wish I had made the time for this special book sooner. “Heaven is for Real” is a true story by Todd Burpo about his son Colton,

who was 3 years and 10 months at time of surgery when he experienced heaven. The book’s subtitle tells it all: “A Little Boy’s Astounding Story of His Trip to Heaven and Back.” His story is exactly what the subtitle promises it to be — astounding. Of all the amazing parts of Colton’s mustread story, the part that revisits my mind most often is how Colton would tell his parents, “Jesus told me to tell you, He really loves the children.” He would remind his mom and dad morning, noon and night of this message. It almost hinged on annoying to

wicked Eli’s sons were. them, but because of the Samuel did not have an easy repeated memo, they didn’t life, but God took care of miss its significance: Jesus him.” loves children. Even though Samuel was Had Hank Wessels, the surrounded by the wickedAce of Spades, seen my ness of Eli’s sons Hophni small flower garden this and Phinehas, the Lord was spring he would’ve been with Samuel as he grew up, horrified. It contained a and he let none of his words dozen beautiful tulips THE BACK PORCH fall to the ground (1 Samuel within a grassy, weedy 3:19). mess. Between my crazy full By Lenae Bulthuis spring schedule and more What was true for the rainy days than prophet Jeremiah is true sunny ones, the small for each and every child: flower patch was neg‘Hey, Dad, Jesus “For I know the plans I lected. It was a disastold me to tell you, have for you,” declares ter. Yet the tulips the Lord, “plans to prosHe really loves the bloomed. per you and not to harm children.’ Seeing tulips thrive you, plans to give you in less-than-ideal con‘Remember, Jesus hope and a future. Then ditions pointed me to really loves the chilyou will call upon me the God of hope who and come and pray to dren.’ loves children. There me, and I will listen to are children every‘Hey, Daddy, don’t you. You will seek me where living in lessforget, Jesus really, and find me when you than-ideal conditions. seek me with all your really loves the chilSome live in home sitheart. I will be found by dren!’ uations that are a disyou.” (Jeremiah 29:11couraging, ugly mess. — Colton Burpo 14a) • No spiritual guidThink about the child ance in your neighborhood or your extended • Severed, dysfunctional families family for whom your heart grieves • Abuse most. God will do His part in the life of • Poverty each and every child. Will we do • Neglect ours by praying for children, • Rejection loving them and doing • Isolation all that we can to provide safe, nurturing And yet, like tulips surenvironments for the rounded by weeds, God children in our homes, can still cause children neighborhoods and across to grow, bloom and the world? thrive. Albert Einstein said, “The After talking to world is a dangerous place to Mary Jo, a dear live. Not because of the people friend and wise who are evil, but because of the woman, about an people who don’t do anything ugly home situaabout it.” tion that grieves my heart, she sent Let’s daily resolve to be people an e-mail filled with who do something about it. We encouragement. The day after must do all we can to weed evil out we talked she said that she opened her of the lives of children and point Bible to read the Old Testament selec- them to the God of hope. tion that she was up to and it was 1 There are children everywhere. This Samuel. summer you’ll see them on the street, The child we spoke about together playing at the pool or in the park, at was fresh on her mind, and as she read the mall or in your home. And Jesus she was filled with hope by the way loves them all. God took care of Samuel in difficult cir••• cumstances. She wrote, “I guess it struck me that right after Hannah Lenae Bulthuis is a wife, mom and dropped Samuel off at the temple to friend who muses from her back porch live with Eli, she sang a song of praise on a Minnesota grain and livestock and then the Bible describes how farm.

The Johnson clan gives four out of four ‘yums’ to Strawberry Pretzel Dessert using old-fashioned, clear-your-sinuses horseradish. You may want to add a little more or less depending on your sensibilities. Some people loathe the taste of horseradish; others can’t get enough. Go figure. Horseradish Potato Salad Submitted by Wayne Golly 10 pounds red potatoes 2 large mild/sweet onions, diced 12 eggs, hard boiled 3 cups mayonnaise 1 1/2 cups yellow mustard 2 tablespoons horseradish 1 tablespoon garlic powder 1 tablespoon salt 1 teaspoon black pepper 1/3 cup sugar 1 cup milk Scrub and cook unpeeled potatoes until tender (no salt). Let cool, then dice into 1/2- to 3/4-inch cubes. Add chopped onions and eggs. In a blender, mix the remaining ingredients; blend until smooth and pour over the potatoes, onions and eggs. Fold all of the ingredients together. Cold milk or water may be added to achieve the desired consistency. Cover with film wrap and refrigerate for 12 hours. Makes 60 1-cup servings. ■ This dessert is reminiscent of a popular dish served at a local hospital to its patients on holidays and to lucky staff members at special feasts. The sweet-and-

5th Annual * Double Point *


salty crunch of the pretzel crust, the creamy dairy layer and the strawberries-in-gelatin topping are exquisite to taste and beautiful to look at, but this dessert doesn’t stay pretty long. People really dig in. Four out of four “yums” from the Johnsons. Strawberry Pretzel Dessert Submitted by Herb Sikkink First layer: 1 1/2 cups crushed pretzels 1/2 cup sugar 1/2 cup butter, melted Second layer: 1 cup sugar 1 (8-ounce) package cream cheese, softened 1 (8-ounce) container Cool Whip Third layer: 1 (6-ounce) package strawberry jello 2 cups hot water 2 packages frozen strawberries First Layer: Mix the first three ingredients and spread in a 9x13-inch cake pan. Bake 7 minutes at 375 F. Cool. Second Layer: Cream the sugar and the cream cheese together and fold it into the Cool Whip. Spread on cooled crust. Third Layer: Stir together until almost set the Jello, hot water and frozen strawberries. Spread on top of cream cheese layer. Refrigerate until set. Serve with whipped cream or Cool Whip. To order “Gifts Great and Small”, send a check for $9.50 plus $2 shipping to: First Presbyterian Church, 52931 Cloverdale Road, Sandstone, MN 55072. The e-mail address is ciscoe@localnet.com for further information. ••• If your community group or church organization has printed a cookbook and would like to have it reviewed in the “Cookbook Corner,” send us a copy to “Cookbook Corner,” The Land, P.O. Box 3169, Mankato, MN 56002. Please specify if you wish to have the cookbook returned, and include information on how readers may obtain a copy of the cookbook.

JULY 9 & 10, 2011

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“Where Farm and Family Meet”

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By SARAH JOHNSON The Land Correspondent When we cook, we transform the gifts of the earth into nourishment for our bodies. The title of the new cookbook by First Presbyterian Church of Hinckley, Minn., “Gifts Great and Small,” reminds us that although we are surrounded by “great” gifts — peace in our land, relative prosperity, sunshine, chocolate, gravity — we should delight in smaller everyday gifts as well. Homemade brownies, garden peas and those first ears of summer sweet corn are all mouthwatering testaments to the wonders of our world. For those on restricted diets, the book contains many recipes that are low in fat, gluten-free, egg-free and dairy-free. Whether you’re looking for a few new entrée ideas or a special beverage for those hot summer days, your search will be rewarded in “Gifts Great and Small.” So let’s cook then! Here are some recipes celebrating the bounty of our American farmers (and their international partners). Let us give thanks for the fertile soil, the bountiful food, the energy to cook it and the family that eats it. ■ Two “hot” flavors in the culinary world right now — chipotle peppers and butternut squash — combine their robust flavors in this substantial entrée-style soup. Tender vegetables swim in a savory stew that’s a good choice on warm days: Spicy food actually helps cool you down once the initial burn has faded. Chipotle Butternut Squash Soup Submitted by Kathy Kendall 2 cups diced, peeled butternut squash 1 small carrot, finely chopped 1 green onion, sliced 2 cloves garlic, minced 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin 1 tablespoon olive oil 2 cups vegetable broth, divided 1 (14 1/2-ounce) can diced tomatoes, undrained 1 (3-ounce) package cream cheese, cubed 1/4 cup fresh basil, minced 1/2 to 1 chipotle pepper in adobo sauce, chopped 1 (15-ounce) can black beans, rinsed and drained 1 (11-ounce) can Mexicorn, drained 2 cups fresh baby spinach In a large saucepan, sauté the squash, carrot, onion, garlic and cumin in oil for 10 minutes. Add 1 1/2 cups broth; bring to a boil. Reduce heat. Cover and simmer for 10 to 12 minutes or until vegetables are tender; cool slightly. Transfer mixture to a blender; add the tomatoes, cream cheese, basil, chipotle pepper and remaining broth. Cover and process for 1 to 2 minutes until smooth. Return to the saucepan; stir in the beans, corn and spinach. Cook and stir until spinach is wilted and soup is heated through. If garnish is desired, sprinkle butternut squash seeds with 1/8 teaspoon salt. Place on a baking sheet. Bake at 350 F for 10 to 13 minutes or until golden brown. ■ Picnic season means potato salad, and here’s a recipe

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Cookbook delights in the small, everyday gifts of life Cookbook Corner


THE LAND, JULY 1, 2011

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‘Energy beets’ may offer ethanol alternative to corn By DICK HAGEN The Land Staff Writer Could sugar beets become a major player in the production of renewable fuels, specifically ethanol? That intriguing prospect was pre- Maynard Helgaas sented by Maynard Helgaas, partner in a West Fargo, N.D., firm called Green Vision Group. According to Helgaas, Green Vision’s ambition is to be the catalyst in building 12 processing facilities using “energy beets” grown in the irrigated agricultural areas around Jamestown, N.D. Some specifics: • Each plant to be designed with a 20 million gallon ethanol production capacity.

• This would require 30,000 acres of sugar beets per plant. • Anticipated production is 26.4 gallons of ethanol per ton of sugar beets. • On a comparative basis, sugar beets can produce about twice as much ethanol per acre as corn. • The ash byproduct would provide fuel to power the plant or be marketed as a field fertilizer. • Each plant has a projected cost of $53 million and would employee 23 workers. A unique construction strategy is that the components of each plant would be pre-manufactured, then shipped to the designated locations of these 12 proposed processing facilities, and assembled into the finished product. “Based on this concept we think each

plant could be operational about six weeks after delivery of component parts,” Helgaas said. A major partner, especially in the design of the processing equipment, is Heartland Renewable Energy, a Muscatine, Iowa, firm with considerable engineering and technical expertise. “I worked at a corn ethanol plant for 28 years. I realized early in the game that corn was not the perfect way to make ethanol,” said Rick Whittaker, president of Heartland Renewable Energy. “We learned that the best bang for your buck was with beets.” Helgaas said his firm began a serious study of the project in 2007. Both Heartland Energy and North Dakota State University experts in chemistry, agronomy and engineering continue to explore all aspects of this potentially huge new endeavor. The firm also has major support of Syngenta and Betaseed, both major players in the European seed industry and each with a history of genetic research on sugar beets. According to Helgaas, this “energy beet” is similar to the current sugar beet but slightly larger and it could carry a few more “impurities.” Purity of beets grown for the sugar market is critical because of the delicate slicing that starts the sugar-making process

and the resulting food-grade product. Potentially there might be several cultivars of the energy beet with greater yield and higher sugar content. “Our NDSU biofuels technology consultants have had field trials growing the beets, plus they’ve run sugar content and essay tests on the pulp material and the extracted juices. We’ll know a lot about this crop before we start signing up growers,” Helgaas said. Sugar beets for renewable fuels is already commonplace in much of the beet growing areas of Germany and France so the Green Vision Group is not dealing in new chemistry or new technologies. “It would seem we could just adopt their techniques in our own work, but USDA and other licensing agencies don’t take kindly to that logic. They insist the agronomic and mechanical processing of the beets has to first be certified here in the United States,” Helgaas said. Therein lies the rub. The Green Vision Group intends to first build a small-scale demonstration plant to verify the various mechanics and chemistries of their project. This twomillion-gallon “demo plant” will cost about $7 million. “Venture capital See BEETS, pg. 7A


“Where Farm and Family Meet”

LEGAL DESCRIPTION: The NW 1⁄4 of Section 35, Township 113 North, Range 28 West, Sibley County, Minnesota containing 160 acres, more or less, Sibley County, Minnesota TERMS: Potential buyer shall submit a sealed bid with “POQUETTE SEALED BID” identified on the outside of the envelope, accompanied by a certified check in the amount of $10,000. The check should be made payable to Anderson & Skubitz Trust Account and submitted to John Skubitz of Anderson & Skubitz, PLLC, 108 S. Main St., Le Sueur, MN 56058. The bids and checks shall be received by 10:00 a.m. on July 8, 2011. Checks for unsuccessful bidders shall be returned at the conclusion of the sale. The bids shall be opened at the Anderson & Skubitz, PLLC (see address above) at 10:00 a.m. on July 8, 2011. All bidders will be identified and have a chance to raise their bids. The successful bidder will be required to execute a purchase agreement at the completion of the bidding. The property is being sold in an “AS IS” condition. The owner reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Seller reserves the right to establish a minimum starting bid upon commencement of the bidding process. Complete terms and additional information may be requested by contacting John Skubitz at 507-665-3349.

ANDERSON & SKUBITZ, PLLC 108 S. Main St., LeSueur, MN 507-665-3349

Helgaas: ‘Wanna-be’ beet farmers may drive project This “new crop” may not even be in conflict with existing corn producers. Tom Lilja, executive director of the North Dakota Corn Growers Association, said the state’s corn growers “hope anybody that can make a profit in agriculture finds a way to do so. We certainly hope they can make it work.” Admittedly both time and money are slowing the project right now. Experience with the proposed two-million-gallon demo plant may be needed to “get all the ducks lined up.” “But we know interest is building,” Helgaas said. “And if our Congress gets real serious about reducing our dependency on imported oils, we think energy beets could rapidly become a major player in our renewable fuels industry.” For more information, call (701) 320-3667, e-mail maynardhelgaas@hotmail.com or log on to www.beetsallbiofuel.com.

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and helps maintain a cleaner environment. • Beet harvest conveniently fits in after harvest of soybeans and before corn harvest. • About a 10-day harvest schedule is projected to handle the 30,000 acres grown for each plant. According to Helgaas, about 50 percent of the designated growing area for these 12 plants is irrigated land so drought doesn’t necessarily figure as a major impediment to growing the crop. “Based on comparative yields and today’s commodity prices,” he said, “the model suggests energy beets for ethanol could produce about twice the net income per acre of any other crop.” Perhaps a bit of a driving force in favor of this new industrial crop is that North Dakota has lots of “wanna-be” sugar beet growers. But the Red River Valley sugar beet industry is strictly limited to an acreage allocation program with each grower growing only the beet acres he has under contract. Because growing beets for ethanol would have no such acreage allocation, Helgaas and his group think a considerable number of North Dakota farmers might strongly consider becoming energy beet farmers. Using beets instead of corn also sidesteps the controversy associated with using a food product for fuel. The company hopes to produce 240 million gallons of ethanol. North Dakota has a current capacity to produce about 350 million gallons of corn ethanol.

THE LAND, JULY 1, 2011

BEETS, from pg. 6A today is hard to find. And USDA grants are even more difficult. The questionable world economy definitely has become a bit of challenge,” Helgaas said. Even Fagan Construction, the Granite Falls, Minn., firm that rapidly became the construction leader of ethanol plants across America is hesitant to get onboard with front-end money on this project. Helgaas has hopes the state of North Dakota, suddenly “rich” because of its ballooning oil industry, might step up to the plate with some start-up economic development dollars. He ventures, too, that both Syngenta and Betaseed might become sustaining members. He also indicated that a German research firm is close to developing the chemistry that would permit long-term storage of both the unprocessed sugar beets and the molasses extracted via a screw-press design. Long-term storage of the harvested beets and the sugar juice would be vital to keep the processing plant operational year-round. “We anticipate about a one-month shut down for maintenance and cleanup work for each plant. Besides the energy beet, we’re also looking at sugar cane as a potential feedstock plus, of course, the extracted molasses.” According to preliminary feasibility work, the processing of sugar beets for ethanol requires only about 1 1/2 gallons of water per 1 gallon of ethanol. Corn processing takes upwards of six to seven gallons of water per gallon of ethanol. NDSU agronomists are suggesting a four-year rotation for potential growers with corn, soybeans and wheat in the mix. Other potential pluses for adding sugar beets into the crop mix: • Because of its deep root (up to 8 feet), beets act as a mop in utilizing deep soil nutrients. • Beets are more tolerant to alkaline soils. • Roundup Ready beet seed reduces chemical costs

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Livestock, Hay, Machinery & Grain Storage, etc. Pete Schilling

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Extension Educator Agricultural Production Systems • 2 Positions Available • Winona County - 0.5 FTE Rice & Steele Counties - 1.0 FTE

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• Self-leveling spring-cushioned boom suspension

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• High capacity electric ball valves

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Glyphosates • Herbicides • Insecticides Fungicides • Voluntary Corn Killers • Adjuvants Other Products: AgriMaxx Poly Tanks, Traeger Smoker Grills, Fertilizer, Seed

Chris & Holly Dahl 27296 730th Avenue • Albert Lea, MN 56007 www.dahlfarmsupply.com

Required Education: Bachelor’s degree is required; Master’s degree is preferred. At least one degree in a field related to agriculture is required. To obtain a complete position announcement and apply online visit: http://www.extension.umn.edu/units/director/hr/positions.html or call 612-624-3717 WINONA COUNTY APPLICATION DEADLINE: June 28, 2011 initial application review; position will remain open until filled RICE & STEELE COUNTIES APPLICATION DEADLINE: July 22, 2011 initial application review; position will remain open until filled The U of MN is an equal opportunity educator and employer.

“Where Farm and Family Meet”

Get higher clearance, stronger understructure, & safer clean-out with the new HD750 & HD1000 trailer sprayers.

These Extension Educator positions will primarily focus on providing support for EFANS’s programs that are relevant to the local community. These supports will involve local program development, delivery, marketing, evaluation, coordination, logistics and possibly participation in scholarly research. These positions will also provide technical assistance and information in the area of crops, livestock, agricultural business management, and horticulture. Special effort will be required to maintain competency on multiple discipline areas of agricultural production as well as knowledge of local/federal/state agency programs.

THE LAND, JULY 1, 2011

8 A

‘Small wind’ packs an affordable power punch Incentives can bring $268K pricetag down 90 percent; investment payback in six or seven years Aerial view of the “small wind” turbines at Warren and Rachel Krohn’s farm near Nicollet, Minn.

“Where Farm and Family Meet”



By DICK HAGEN The Land Staff Writer With the engineering attributes of a large wind turbine, several direct-drive small wind units are springing up on both farm and non-farm installations. Permanent magnet, variable resistant direct drive systems describes the Polaris turbine which is marketed by Renewable Energy SD, an Excelsior, Minn., firm. These Polaris units sold into the Minnesota market have a 50 kW capacity but are turned back to the 39.9 kW level to meet current Minnesota net metering laws. Net metering apparently varies from state to state. Iowa, for example, has a 50 kW net metering allowance; in Wisconsin the cap is 100 kW. New Jersey has no limit. Two Polaris turbines mounted on 160-foot towers were erected in April on the Warren and Rachel Krohn farm northwest of Nicollet, Minn. Said Dave Thorp, Renewable Energy sales technician, “because there is no gearbox, direct-drive technology considerably reduces yearly maintenance. It also extends functional life span. These units have only three grease points needing service once a year.” Each turbine has three 25-foot blades with hollow core component resins. The direct-drive system is manufactured in Ohio. The magnet generator is Italian-made and has tremendous reliability as a diesel generator in many commercial applications. They already have 50 of these direct-drive units “in the ground” in Minnesota, with another 60-plus in the planning and permit application process for 2011. Their primary turbine into the small-wind market is a 39.9 kW unit. This size qualifies for the Minnesota net metering program, which permits “surplus” electricity to be metered back to the local utility at the average “selling price” of electricity by that particular utility. This retail rate is about twice the wholesale rate at which wind farms sell. Rates are

going up about 5.4 percent annually in Minnesota, according to Thorp . Renewable Energy SD installs their turbines on a 160-foot steel lattice tower, which positions the hub at 164 feet. “That gets you up into that more stable wind area. The typical blade will be 189 feet, just below the 200-foot FAA ceiling limit.” Power and pricetags How much electricity do they produce? In productive wind areas, the Polaris 39.9 will deliver 160,000 to 190,000 kWs annually. Based on an average statewide consumption of approximately 7,900 kwh per home annually, a single unit powers 20 Minnesota homes. Turnkey cost for this Polaris 39.9 kW system is $268,000, which includes the 39.9 kW turbine/generator, 160-foot tower, permits, internal connections, etc. Federal grant money covers 30 percent of the project cost. State monies are also available for smaller wind turbines of 35 kW or less, with a maximum award value of $10,000 for residential connections and $25,000 for commercial. The turbine needs to be rated under 35 kW for this fund. Thorp clients have obtained over $200,000 of these funds used on the 34 kW Enertech turbine. Small wind systems also qualify for rapid depreciation schedules, 85 percent over the first five years of operation. “Obviously the government is paying a large portion of that investment cost to help develop small-wind energy,” Thorp said. Nicollet-area pork producer Warren Krohn shared information with The Land on two Polaris systems just installed on their home farm this spring. “We’ve got Serial No. 1 and Serial No. 3 so we obviously have the very newest units of this design,” Krohn said. He, wife, Rachel, and sons Brent, 26, and Bryce, 20, plus their business partner at their sow farm, raise about 40,000 pigs per year. Wind is now a See WIND, pg. 9A

Wind turbines to power energy-sucking hog facilities help the tax issues of Minnesota,” Krohn said. If a small wind tower generates $10,000 revenue per year, it is in fact also generating about $800 tax revenue at the 8 percent tax rate. And that’s a deposit into the state revenue coffers every year, year after year.

What tax revenue to Minnesota from the big towers? If the ownership is all out of state, you know the answer. For more information, write to Renewable Energy SD, 810 Excelsior Blvd., Excelsior MN 55331, log on to www.renewableenergysd.com or call call (952) 474-4908.

<< MILKER’S MESSAGE >> “Where Farm and Family Meet”

seven years these units should be paid for,” Krohn said. How long will the “up front” frosting be available? Krohn can only speculate. “The more people learn about these incentives, the more traffic there will be and if the pot stays the same size, it means fewer dollars for late arrivals. That was a reason we pushed now because that grant money seems more a certainty today that it will be two years from now.” Big and small How did the Krohns zero in on the Polaris brand? “We found that others are still gear-box driven. And based on research we did, plus conversations with other wind users, the payback just wasn’t there with these older styles. Lots more maintenance plus when you go from a gear-driven to a direct-drive system there’s a 25 to 30 percent savings in energy expended. Which is the same as saying it takes considerably less wind to generate the same amount of electricity. “Our generator spins at the same speed as the blades, which is between 50 and 67 rpm. But in gear-driven units, that gear box cranks up the generator to 1,800 rpm on an equivalent wind basis. That’s why you’ve got maintenance issues, plus you lose ‘horse power’ in the process. Our units kick in at 6 mph. At 23 mph, it’s generating at that 39.9 kW capacity. At 56 mph winds, the system automatically locks up and stops.” Could an influx of small wind generators impact the cost of electricity? That concern sparked some legislative discussion about net metering, i.e., whether it should even exist. But facts get distorted, and educating people about the “whole story” to show the many benefits of new business in rural Minnesota is important. For example, most of the “big wind” turbines sprouting across Iowa and southern and western Minnesota are 2.2 mgw or larger. “One big 2 mgw generator is the same as 50 of these 39.9 kW units. And there’s only 60 or so of these small wind turbines in the state right now, and even if there’s going to be another 100 of these little ones, that’s like only two more of the big tower units. Today these outfits put up 75 towers in just one area so one shouldn’t worry about small wind driving up the cost of electricity. “Plus you don’t need to rebuild the grid to handle small wind. The money these little units like we have, all stays in Minnesota. ‘Big Wind’ often has outof-state owners which certainly doesn’t

THE LAND, JULY 1, 2011

WIND, from pg. 8A major energy provider for this farming operation. They have six units at three locations, all within a mile of each other. The first two towers are 3-phase, the rest are single-phase. Early adopters Looking toward the future, the Krohns realized wind energy was rapidly becoming a growing force because of Minnesota’s net metering law which allows Minnesota residents to put “small wind” electricity back online and get paid at the same rate as what their local utility charges. Also there is a federal government mandate that 25 percent of the state’s energy (wind, solar, etc.) be renewable by 2025. According to Krohn, their local energy provider is already 20 percent wind generated, strongly driven by “Uncle Sam” paying 30 percent of the development costs. “So our thinking is that it’s a good deal if you get into wind energy now,” Krohn said, “because if you wait, those state and federal dollars might not be there.” There’s another 25 percent REAP federal grant package available, and sweetening the pot is that 85 percent depreciation opportunity. “You can take all of that the first year if you want, just like you can with a new combine or tractor.” The arithmetic is intriguing. Starting with that $268,000 initial cost, that first 30 percent grant money reduction drops the cost to $187,600. Subtract that 25 percent federal REAP money puts the project at $140,700. And if that 85 percent depreciation write-down is applied the first year, net investment cost of a Polaris 39.9 kW system is $21,105. The several confinement hog barns in the Krohn operation are high energy consumers, especially during the summer with dozens of exhaust fans in operation. “We use about $1,000 of electricity per month during that summer schedule but that drops considerably into fall and winter. We should be doing some net metering back to our local utility from December to May,” Krohn said. With electrical rates of about 8 to 8.5 cents/kw, rapid depreciation options, and 30 percent “up front” grant money, when does the Krohn spreadsheet show a positive cash flow for this investment? “It sort of depends upon which grants you get, and which you don’t. It looks like everyone will get the 30 percent grant. If we get both the 30 percent and the 25 percent, in six or

9 A

Local Corn and Soybean Price Index

THE LAND, JULY 1, 2011

10 A

Cash Grain Markets Sauk Rapids Madison Redwood Falls Fergus Falls Morris Tracy Average: Year Ago Average:


current average soybeans

corn/change* soybeans/change* $ 12 $6.43 $6.53 $6.55 $6.50 $6.51 $6.57

-.67 -.66 -.70 -.75 -.62 -.68

$12.27 $12.66 $12.81 $12.50 $12.64 $12.81

-.32 -.32 -.37 -.40 -.34 -.32






year ago average soybeans


$ $

6 current average corn

$ 3 $ 0

year ago average corn July'10






Jan'11 Feb





“Where Farm and Family Meet”

Grain prices are effective cash close on June 28. The price index chart compares an average of most recently reported local cash prices with the same average for a year ago. *Cash grain price change represents a two-week period.

Grain Outlook Fund tsunami rolls corn

Livestock Angles June positive for livestock

Grain Angles It’s all about weather

The following market analysis is for the week ending June 24. CORN — A tsunami wave of fund selling this week rolled over the corn market, joined by a stronger U.S. dollar, sharply lower energy markets, the absence of a weather threat and mixed economic news pushed corn prices to their lowest level since March. The July and September contracts locked down the 30-cent limit mid-week on fund selling and when earlier forecasts that mentioned a possible high pressure ridge building in the Midwest were toned down. Warmer, drier weather is anticipated for PHYLLIS NYSTROM Country Hedging the next week, but a blocking St. Paul ridge or dome is not expected to develop. The exit of money from commodity markets in general was noticeable throughout the week. Persistent rumors circulated about Chinese interest in the United States, but nothing concrete surfaced during the week. Weekly ethanol production was up 2.4 percent as corn prices plunged. Weekly export sales were in-line with projections at 16 million bushels for old crop and 4.7 million bushels for new crop. U.S. corn is competitive into southern China. There were rumors circling the trade this week that China had bought U.S. corn, although there was never any confirmation. South Korea did buy one cargo of U.S. corn and passed on another. Crop conditions should hold steady this week as

June is proving to be a positive month for livestock prices. Both cattle and hog prices have improved since the start of the month on the increase in domestic demand, as the weather improved. The cattle market has experienced a sharp rally coming on the heels of short covering in the futures market and aggressive buying by the packers. The large discount the futures were carrying created hedges to be lifted as the basis was at an unusual discount to the current cash trade. This blossomed into the packers paying higher prices for live inventory since their profit marJOE TEALE gin was extremely positive. Broker These events created the sharp Great Plains Commodity Afton rally in both cash and futures over the past few weeks. On June 17, the U.S. Department of Agriculture released the Monthly Cattle on Feed Report. The results are: cattle on feed as of June 1, 104 percent; placed during May, 89 percent; marketed in May, 107 percent. This report was seen as bullish by the trade as the lower placement number and the higher marketing figure were a positive. This will likely keep the market on the recent rally into the following week. As we pass the Fourth of July holiday buying, demand will once again become a question mark with the faltering economy. Therefore, producers should continue to monitor the market and consider protecting inventories as the market heads into the $114 area. The hog market has been creeping higher, unlike

Summer has finally arrived to the Upper Midwest. Heat units and rain are kicking the row crops into gear. As the young crops set roots, the ear size will soon be established for corn. Without much stress on the crop, the potential for large ears becomes a real possibility. As the pollination window has been pushed back due to later planting, the weather in the latter part of July will become more critical. It is all about weather for the next 60 days. Commodity markets have experienced some significant retracements. Crude oil has lost $21 since its high on May 2. Corn lost TOM NEHER $1 in six trading days after AgStar VP Agribusiness & Grain Specialist nearly topping the $8 mark. Rochester Wheat has lost over $1.50 since late May. Soybeans have languished in a sideways trading range, with most traders focusing on the corn market. The Dow Jones Industrial Index has lost more than 500 points as traders fear a double dip recession. Have we been seeing the beginning of a bear market or is this just a correction? Have the fundamentals of supply and demand changed? I am of the opinion that they have not changed. We are still looking at a tight stocks-to-use ratio in corn. I do think that some of the market’s perceptions have changed. It has been said that the “reaction of markets to news is more important than the news itself.” It appears that some of the fear that was priced into the markets has diminished. It appears that the

See NYSTROM, pg. 11A

See TEALE, pg. 11A

See NEHER, pg. 11A

Information in the above columns is the writer’s opinion. It is no way guaranteed and should not be interpreted as buy/sell advice. Futures trading always involves a certain degree of risk.

Soybeans extend losses on improving conditions Soybeans are playing second fiddle to both corn and wheat, so we will look for them to play the follower role until we see the June 30 stocks and acreage numbers. pullbacks, we need to see demand or fund buying interest pick up to stifle another tumble. Cash markets were steady/better with a pipeline that is extremely tight. July corn fell another 30 1/4 cents this week to settle at $6.70 and the December corn lost 28 cents at $6.32 per bushel. SOYBEANS — Soybeans extended last week’s losses on improving crop conditions, money exiting and following corn’s lead. Weaker energy markets and a stronger U.S. dollar also contributed to the weak price action. However, there was a small resurfacing of demand for new crop bushels. China bought 120,000 metric tons of new crop, in addition to rolling some old crop purchases to new crop shipment. Weekly export sales for this year were a net negative 1.2 million bushels, dropping total sales commitments for the year down to 7 percent ahead of last year. New crop sales this week were 8.7 million bushels. In May, we crushed 128


Be careful, protect inventories on rally TEALE, from pg. 10A the rapid rally experienced by the cattle. In recent weeks there has been fair demand for pork product, which has warranted packers aggressively accumulating product. The available numbers of hogs has been fairly consistent and, with the renewed interest for product and the strength in the cattle market, hogs began to follow higher. A problem has begun to arise, though. As the pork cutout rose, the demand for product has once again slowed. This is, of course, a concern as to whether the recent rally can be sustained as we come into more

available inventories of live animals. Seasonal patterns would also suggest that we have more than likely put in the late-spring high, so an extended rally would more than likely not be in the picture in the weeks ahead. From an economic standpoint, demand for pork product will also be in question as discretionary income is shrinking from inflation and high taxes, causing less money to be available for more expensive cuts of meat. This would suggest that producers be extremely careful and protect inventories on the current rally.

Time to enjoy friends and family NEHER, from pg. 10A old trading adage “buy the rumor, sell the fact” may be at work. I do not believe that the volatility has left the markets and that there will be plenty of reaction.

In their efforts to manage margins, they try to keep their input costs closely tied to the price of ethanol.

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“Where Farm and Family Meet”

There will be plenty of volatility in the basis as well as the futures prices. The current hot spots for basis bids are around the ethanol plants. Ethanol plants typically have less storage and must rely on a steady flow of grain from the country. The fact that it is difficult to fix ethanol prices for more than 30 days, keeps more of their buying in the nearby markets.

This creates some opportunity to capture some strong basis moves that may only be available for a short time. As we make our final old crop sales one could capture a Grain Angle by checking around for bids in the market, more often than not. As we wrap up our spraying and clean up our equipment from the planting season, we have a little time to enjoy the summer activities. Some like to play golf, while others like to fish or go camping. Many in these parts of the country enjoy a family cabin. It is a time for families to come together and enjoy nature and the great outdoors. Let us take the time to appreciate the relationships that we have with friends and family during the next few weeks.

million bushels of soybeans. This was slightly higher than in April, but down 3.7 percent from last year. OUTLOOK: Weather is front and center for soybean price direction. Without threatening forecasts, new crop soybeans could test the May low of $12.87 1/4 in the November contract. For the week, July beans were down 12 3/4 cents at $13.20 1/4 and November beans were 24 cents lower at $13.09 1/4 per bushel. Soybeans are playing second fiddle to both corn and wheat, so we will look for them to play the follower role until we see the June 30 stocks and acreage numbers. Nystrom’s notes: Contract changes for the week ending June 24 — Minneapolis wheat crashed 71 1/4 cents lower, Kansas City wheat fell 56 cents and Chicago wheat was down 36 1/2 cents. The International Energy Agency this week surprisingly announced the release of 60 million barrels of crude oil, 30 million of which will come from our Strategic Petroleum Reserves. This is only the third time that the IEA has done this, while there have been several times the SPR has been tapped. Many were questioning the timing of this action since the U.S. retail price of gasoline has been falling daily for over the last three weeks. For the week, WTI crude oil was down $2.24 at $91.16, Brent crude oil was down $7.69 at $105.52, heating oil was 23.3 cents lower, gasoline fell 17 cents and natural gas dropped 9.6 cents. The U.S. dollar index gained 0.64 points this week, gold fell $38.90 and the Dow lost 69 points.

THE LAND, JULY 1, 2011

NYSTROM, from pg. 10A the benefits from sun in some areas are offset by heavy rains in others. Informa Economics is estimating that only 8 percent of the U.S. corn crop will be silking by July 3 versus 12 percent on average. The Greek government survived a vote of confidence last week, paving the way to receive their full July bailout payment from the European Union and International Monetary Fund. The lenders still want to see further austerity measures before fully committing to the next payment. The weakness of the euro has been supplying strength to the U.S. dollar. The Federal Open Market Committee met this week (a part of the Federal Reserve). In their released statements and press conference, they said the economic recovery is occurring at a slower pace than expected, interest rates will stay low for an extended period of time, no QE3 is currently planned and growth targets were revised slightly lower. OUTLOOK: July corn options expired as we brought the week to a close, pushing corn even lower. Since June 10 when July corn hit the record high of $7.99 3/4 to this week’s low of $6.39, July corn lost 20 percent of its value or $1.60 3/4 per bushel. For the December contract, from the June 9 high at $7.22 3/4 to this week’s low of $6.20, the price has fallen 14.2 percent or $1.02 3/4 per bushel. While this drop in value is more than the previous two

11 A

THE LAND, JULY 1, 2011

12 A

Major-state milk production hits 16 billion pounds ing more quickly in Florida, up 3.7 percent from a year where heat and humidity is ago, thanks to 17,000 more impacting cow comfort. cows and a 55-pound gain May milk production in the top 23 per cow. Wisconsin was Class I demand is settling dairy states hit 16 billion pounds, down 1.8 percent, on a 40into “summer mode,” accordMay cow numbers in the 23 major according to the U.S. Department of pound loss per cow, though ing to the USDA. Most Agriculture’s preliminary estimate, up dairy states totaled 8.45 million head, cow numbers were up 5,000 schools have closed for the up 15,000 from April, and 103,000 1.5 percent from May 2010, and the head. New York was down summer, thus bottling schedhighest month on record, according to more than a year ago. Output per cow 1.4 percent, due to a 25ules are geared toward retail FC Stone dairy economist Bill Brooks. averaged 1,899 pounds, up 6 pounds pound loss per cow, while MIELKE MARKET needs which aren’t great. cow numbers were WEEKLY Cream market trends were May’s 50-state total was 17.3 billion from 2010. unchanged. Idaho was up firming and butter prices California’s May milk production was pounds, up 1.3 percent from a year By Lee Mielke 5.4 percent, on 18,000 were trending slightly more cows and a 40higher but that may pound gain per cow. reverse with this week’s Pennsylvania was off drop in cash butter. 0.8 percent on a 20-pound loss per cow. Cream demand is showing gains from Cow numbers were up 2,000 head. ice cream accounts, however, with Minnesota was down 2.7 percent, on a increasing interest noted. Offerings are 50-pound loss per cow. Cow numbers moderate to heavy for this time of the Not our sideline were up a thousand head. season and holding up well. The biggest increase occurred in L a goon P it ■ P u m p s Texas, up 8.8 percent, thanks to 20,000 Fluid milk sales continue to be a chalPumps more cows and a 70-pound gain per cow. Colorado was next, up 6.7 percent, lenge to the dairy industry. The USDA estimates that just over 4.4 billion followed by Arizona, up 6.4 percent. S c re w Maxi pounds were sold in April, down 2.3 perThe biggest decline was in Ohio, down A g it a to rs Pumps cent from April 2010 after being adjusted 5.9 percent, followed by Illinois at 4 percent, and Missouri, down 3 percent. for calendar composition. Estimated sales of total conventional fluid milk The USDA’s latest Livestock Slaugh- products decreased 2.9 percent from CHECK OUT THE LATEST FLOW METERS & ter report shows an estimated 220,000 2010 though total organic fluid milk LATEST DE-WATERING SYSTEMS FOR DAIRY culled dairy cows were “retired” from products sales increased 19.9 percent. the dairy industry in May, down about SEMI-TANKERS: NEW TANK SPREADERS: The cash markets showed little reac17,800 head from April, but 10,900 more than May 2010. January-to-May tion to the USDA’s Milk Production (1) - Houle 7300 (20) - 6000 gal. up to 9500 gal. report Monday as it awaited Wednes2011 dairy cow slaughter was esti(4) - Houle 6000 NEW PUMPS: mated at 1.24 million head, up 83,300 day’s Cold Storage data and showed lit(1) - Houle 9500 tle reaction to that. The block cheese (11) - Various lengths Houle 8’ to from the same period in 2010. ComUSED TANK SPREADERS: pared to May 2010, culling increased in price closed the last Friday of June at 10’ vertical x 6” the East, Southeast and Midwest, but $2.13 per pound, up a penny on the (3) - Houle 9500 USED PUMPS: week, 72 cents above that week a year declined in the Southwest. (1) - Houle 7300’s 1 ago, and averaged $2.13 for the week, (1) - Houle 8 ⁄2’x8” ■ up from $2.1125 the previous week. (8) - Houle 6000’s (1) - Houle 6”x8’ The USDA’s weekly update reports (1) - Waste Handler 7200 The barrels closed at $2.0775, also up LOAD CARTS: milk production across the country is a penny on the week, 68.25 cents above “at or on both sides of seasonal high a year ago and averaged $2.0695, down 8”x35’, 10”x35’ levels.” Hot humid weather, especially from $2.0725 the previous week. Only ~ New & Used Load Stands Available ~ in the southern tier of states from four cars of block and none of barrel Florida to Arizona, was significantly traded hands on the week. The 6000 Gal. Rentals - CALL US influencing a down tick in milk volume. National Agricultural Statistics SerFurther north, hot humid weather ✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰ vice-surveyed U.S. average block price ✰ ✰ moderated in some areas but milk vol- hit $1.9514, up 16.1 cents, while the ✰ ✰ umes lost during the period were hav- barrels averaged $1.9924, up 13.6 cents. ✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰ ing difficulty recovering. Spot butter closed at $2.06, down 8 We Repair ALL Used Vac Tanks Triple-digit temperatures hit Califor- cents on the week, but 34 cents above a Full Service Shop For Your Equipment nia’s Central Valley and hotter-thanyear ago, and averaged $2.10 on the normal weather was expected to week, down from $2.14 the previous remain until the weekend, according to week. Nine cars sold on the week. NASS the Chicago Mercantile Exchange’s butter averaged $2.1188, down 2.7 cents. Daily Dairy Report. Temperatures are ••• fairly typical in the Upper Midwest Lee Mielke is a syndicated columnist and Northeast leaving cows in good who resides in Everson, Wash. His condition, according to the DDR. Extremely hot, dry weather in Arizona, weekly column is featured in newspapers across the country and he may be New Mexico and Texas was putting a reached at lkmielke@juno.com. dent in productivity. Output is declinThis column was written for the marketing week ending June 24.

ago. Revisions added 3 million pounds to the 23-state April estimate, putting it at 15.5 billion, up 1.7 percent from a year ago.


“Where Farm and Family Meet”


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Cover story: In aerial applicating, time is money

• Chemicals • Seeds • Fertilizer



THE LAND, JULY 1, 2011

age age is getting up there, probably By DICK HAGEN close to 50 now. Used to be quite a few The Land Staff Writer younger guys getting into this work June 7 was too windy but the tremendous costs have slowed — and too hot, at a blazthat drastically.” ing 104 F — for aerial crop work, so 27-year Spray planes are expensive. A new veteran aerial applicaAir Tractor costs about $800,000. “But tor Rich Sigurdson of smaller and less costly airplanes are Olivia, Minn., took a Rich Sigurdson also available,” he said. “It’s where I few minutes for an was several years back and that’s OK interview with The Land. for getting a start. Insurance is the bug-a-boo. Very expensive, like several “This spring brought in a little more thousand dollars per year for my rig. work than normal,” he said, “and we’re And often a first-year pilot can’t even already working different crops. This is get insurance. the latest for putting crops in the ground since I’ve been in the business.” “Today technology is big time, especially with GPS providing precise So far this spring, most of his flying Rich Sigurdson’s AirTractor 502B sits parked in his “drive-through” hangar, swath patterns plus guiding us from has been herbicide work on sugar beets, grounded from spraying this day due to high winds and high temperatures. field to field and back to the hangar; corn and soybeans. He’s also doing insecalso adjustable flow rates depending ticide work on cutworms in sugar beet critical, especially considering the winds of Minfields. nesota. Generally, lower gallon rates apply to most on the product. Plus planes are simply stronger and Sugar beets are a huge crop in his area, so with herbicides; higher rates (up to 5 gallon per acre) with better than they used to be.” Power and reliability fields too wet for ground applications it’s airplanes to some of the fungicides. Sigurdson is big on turbine power. “When turbines the rescue. Piloting his Air Tractor (that’s the actual Expensive business came into the market for us aerial applicators, it name) at 140 mph and with a 64-foot swath, he’s covHe’s one of almost 150 licensed aerial applicators ering 125 acres — even up to 200 acres — per hour in Minnesota. Sigurdson started as a 19-year-old. was a huge step forward. The reliability factor is so depending upon the product being applied and the Two local college students are working with him this See PLANE, pg. 14A crop below his wings. season. Their task is mixing the various products, Like all aerial applicators, Sigurdson is a quick precisely loading the right amount of each product ~ In Business for over 60 Years ~ read of trends in crop spraying, like the growing use for each fill, keeping the loading pad clean and restocking new chemicals as needed. of fungicides as a “protectant” product. “We’re seeing a big interest in fungicides on corn over the last couOne of his employees will be enrolling in the twople of years,” he said. “We’ve been pretty steady on year aerial applicators program at Crookston Comsoybean aphids the past half-dozen or so years.” munity College this fall. Sigurdson said, “Our averHis Air Tractor 502B is turbine powered and has a 500-gallon product tank. At a two-gallon application rate, that math works out to 250 acres per fill. That’s Visit our website: important in aerial application work when time is www.letcherfarmsupply.com

13 A



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THE LAND, JULY 1, 2011

14 A

Drive-through hangar provides for efficient reload PLANE, from pg. 13A much more than with a piston-powered plane. I’ve flown Air Tractors now for about 20 years. I think they make the best spray plane in the market. Plus they haul more; they get you to your target fields quicker. We all remember those earlier days with smaller planes when we’d use the nearest road for reloading; only 65 to 80 gallon tanks, too.” Another advantage of the turbine is less frequent downtime and no set schedule for “majors.” “About every 1,200 hours we break the engine down and look at the components,” he said. “That’s called a ‘hot

section’ inspection and you replace only what is needed.” Time is money Sigurdson’s operation has a new 60foot by 80-foot “taxi-through” hangar, featuring 65-foot-wide bi-fold doors on both ends. “It’s a matter of time,” he said. “When coming in for a refill, I taxi directly into the hangar through the west door. My guys do the refill in three minutes or less. I taxi out the east door and am airborne again in about five minutes. That was the reason for bi-folds on both ends. In essence I’ve got a drivethrough load facility.” Acknowledging the hazards of his

Seed Sales Professional Are you a little disappointed with your current situation?


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profession, Sigurdson admits to crashlanding twice due to engine failure. Fortunately he received no bodily damage from either incident. His take on the 2011 crop season? “Tremendously sporadic so far but that too should level out,” Sigurdson said. “When things get in late some farmers get reluctant to do the crop work because they reason there’ll be a lesser crop so they think ‘spend less money.’ I read that just the opposite. If you think you’ll have a shorter crop then do whatever is needed to maximize that crop.” The Minnesota Agricultural Aircraft Association is the “governing board” for aerial applicators. A board of directors is elected at each state convention. Some considerations of the MAAA: • An aerial applicator must meet federal and state requirements both for flying skills and for the safe handling

of chemicals. • Aerial applicators must have a commercial pilot license as well as a letter of competency to work as an agricultural pilot. • Overseen by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture, the state has some of the strongest laws in the nation governing agricultural aviation. • A licensed applicator must attend 12 hours of continuing education classes each year to stay current on new products, application usage of these products plus any new rules and regulations. • Aerial applicators are required by law to keep detailed records of every application and make those records available to MDA inspectors as well as veterinarians and health professionals throughout the state. For more information, log on to www.mnagaviation.com.

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Friday, July 22nd @ 10 AM: George Ohmann Antique Tractor Auction, Montgomery, MN, Seam & Stationary Engines, Antique Tractors & much more! Wednesday, July 27th @ 9 AM: AgIron 58 Consignment Event, Red River Valley Fairgrounds, West Fargo, ND, Tractors, Combines, Heads, Trucks, Semis, Tillage, Construction Equipment, Hay & Livestock Equipment & Much More! Advertising Deadline: Friday, June 29th Thursday, August 11th @ 9 AM: AgIron 26 Consignment Event, Steffes Auctioneers Facility, Litchfield, MN, Tractors, Combines, Heads, Trucks, Semis, Tillage, Construction Equipment, Hay & Livestock Equipment & Much More! Advertising Deadline: Friday, July 15th



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“Where Farm and Family Meet”

8 Acre Farm w/Extraordinary Home, turn of the century home built w/Artstone brick & top quality materials & craftsmanship, original woodwork & hardwood floors throughout, beautiful yard & excellent outbuildings, $129,900 • 64197 460th St., Fairfax, MN Beautiful Wooded Country Lot, $24,900 • Section 34, Courtland E. Twp., Nicollet County Perfect 3.36 Acre Lot for Business w/3 BR home, 2 heated shops & home, $114,900 • 391 Lafayette Ave., Lafayette, MN 5 Acre Hobby Farm, 4 BR, 2 bath, hardwood floors, heated garage, barn, WOW! $129,900 • 25684 595th Ave., Gibbon, MN Wonderful 10 Acre Farm Site, 3 BR home & pole barn, $159,900 • 57821 300th St., Winthrop, MN 100 Acres Hunting Land, $1,350/Acre, Section 14, Hawk Creek Twp. Excellent Hunting Land, 80 Acres in Renville Cty., $890/Acre, near Cty. Rds. 11 & 54


Earn $4,000/mo Part-time in the livestock or equipment appraisal business. Agricultural background req. Classroom or home study courses avail. 800-448-7570. www.amagappraisers.com

Steffes Auction Calendar 2011

Thursday, June 30th @ 10 AM: Cass County, ND Farmland Auction, Arthur Town Hall, Arthur, ND, Farmland in Arthur Township


Class A Drivers June 15-October 15, hauling peas & sweet corn to Montgomery & Waseca plants. Job is located in Northfield, Montgomery, Waseca, MN. Interested applicants contact Lisa at (612)363-9626

Delivering insightful articles to keep you informed on the latest farming technology

Tuesday, June 28th @11 AM: Richard & Jane Nerem, Lamberton, MN, Farm Retirement Auction


Be An Auctioneer & Personal Property Appraiser Continental Auction Schools Mankato, MN & Ames, IA 507-625-5595 www.auctioneerschool.com


Ag Power Enterprises ........................................27A 15 Anderson & Skubitz..............................................6A A Andrson Seeds ....................................................13A Arnolds of Kimall Inc ................................16A, 17A Avoca Spray Service............................................31A Balzer Equipment..................................................6A Country Cat ..........................................................4A Courtland Waste Handling ................................12A Dahl Farm Supply ................................................7A Duncan Trailers LLC..........................................28A Emerson Kalis......................................................25A Factory Home Center Inc ....................................3A Fast Distributing....................................................9A Greenwald Farm Center ....................................22A Haas Equipment ..................................................24A Henslin Auctions ..................................................15A Holland Auction Service ....................................19A Hotovec Aucton Center ......................................15A Judson Implement ................................................7A Kohls Weelborg Ford ..........................................29A Lano Equipment ..................................................23A Larson Brothers Implement ..............................24A Letchers Farm Supply ........................................13A Mages Auction Service ..............................18A, 15A Mankato Spray Center ......................................11A Massop Electric ..................................................26A Matejcek Implement ..........................................30A Mathews Co. ..........................................................7A Midway Farm Equipment, Inc ..........................26A Midwest machinery Co ..............................20A, 21A MN Federal Seed Co ..........................................14A Murray County Draft horse Show ......................5A Northern Ag Service............................................25A Northern Insulation ............................................13A Pruess Elevator Inc ............................................18A Rabe International Inc........................................22A Ryan Chemical ....................................................23A Schlauderaff ........................................................28A Schweiss Inc ........................................................19A Silverstream Shelters ............................................7A Smiths Mill Implement ......................................24A Sorensen Sales & Rentals ..................................22A Steffes Auctioneers Inc........................................15A The American Community ................................25A University of MN Extension Service....................7A Upper Midwest Allis Club ....................................3A Ventera Wind Power ............................................8A Wearda Implement..............................................25A Whitcomb Brothers ............................................14A Willmar Farm Center ........................................25A Willmar Precast ..................................................13A Wingert Realty & Land Service ........................18A Woodford Ag LLC......................................23A, 26A Ziegler Inc ............................................................22A COUNTY FAIR SECTION Benton County Fair ..............................................6F Brown County Fair................................................5F Dakota County Fair ..............................................7F Douglas County Fair ............................................8F Faribault County Fair ..........................................6F Fillmore County Fair ............................................3F Goodhue County Fair............................................6F Kandiyohi County Fair ........................................2F LeSueur County Fair ............................................3F Mower County Fair ..............................................1F Pope County Fair ..................................................1F Scott County Fair ..................................................2F Sibley County Fair ................................................7F Steele County Fair ................................................2F Waseca County Fair ............................................3F Watonwan County Fair ........................................8F Winona County Fair..............................................7F THE LAND, JULY 1, 2011


Sell your land or real estate in 30 days for 0% commission. Call Ray (507)339-1272

THE LAND PO Box 3169 • 418 S 2nd Street Mankato, MN 56002 theland@thelandonline.com

Real Estate



ADVERTISING NOTICE: 120 ACRE FARM FOR Please check your ad the SALE IN AUGUSTA, WI. first week it runs. We 115 tillable acres. Call for make every effort to avoid information. 360-273-8142 or errors by checking all 360-701-2287 copy, but sometimes errors are missed. There- Agency representing an investor looking to purchase fore, we ask that you recommercial real estate view your ad for correctbldg & lease back to user. ness. If you find a mistake, He prefers an investment please call (507) 345-4523 in the $1-5 million range to immediately so that the a user of good credit. Ideal error can be corrected. We property would be distriburegret that we cannot be tion center, office wareresponsible for more than house, or manufacturing one week’s insertion if the facility but will consider error is not called to our other properties. Investor attention. We cannot be liwill also consider farmable for an amount greater land. Call Carl/Agent 952than the cost of the ad. 944-8737 or Wayne/Broker THE LAND has the right 952-890-9177 to edit, reject or properly classify any ad. Each classified line ad is separately copyrighted to THE FARM FOR SALE: 233 LAND. Reproduction withacres, 4 BR older home, out permission is strictly large barn, (3) grain bins, prohibited. hay shed, machine shop, Quonset. Todd County. 320-630-0583

KIMBALL, MN • 320-398-3800

16 A

Sales: • Al Mueller • Wayne Mackereth • Allen Schramm • Rollie Jurgens • Chase Groskreutz


THE LAND, JULY 1, 2011

GLENCOE, MN • 320-864-5531

Sales: • Richard Dammann • Randy Uecker • Steve Schramm • Mike We

NO. MANKATO, MN • 507-387-55 Sales: • Randy Rasmussen • Ed Nowak • Leon Rasmussen • Jay Pederson • Spencer Kolles

Equipment Solutions . . . For A Changing TRACTORS 4WD

CIH 535 Quad, '10, 690 hrs ..........................................$297,500 CIH 535 Quad, '10, 570 hrs ..........................................$297,500 CIH 535 Quad, '10, 1100 hrs ........................................$282,500 CIH 530 Quad, '07, 1500 hrs ........................................$230,000 CIH 530 Quad, '07, 1750 hrs ........................................$225,000 CIH 530 Steiger, '07, 1485 hrs ......................................$211,900 CIH 500 Steiger, '11, 125 hrs ........................................$265,500 CIH STX530, '06, 990 hrs..............................................$240,000 CIH STX530, '06, 2150 hrs............................................$225,000 CIH STX430, '06, 960 hrs..............................................$169,500 CIH 385 Quad, '09 ........................................................$232,500 CIH 9390, '00, 5165 hrs ..................................................$89,500 CIH 9370Q, '98, 7835 hrs................................................$90,000 CIH 9370, '96, 5000 hrs ..................................................$83,500 CIH 9270, '91, 4815 hrs ..................................................$72,900 CIH 9250, '92, 6585 hrs ..................................................$48,500 CIH 9150, '87, 5535 hrs ..................................................$48,500 Case 550H, '00, 1425 hrs ................................................$35,500 Cat CH85C, '95, 5940 hrs ................................................$67,000 Cat MT765B, '07, 1885 hrs............................................$179,950 JD 9630, '09, 930 hrs....................................................$229,000 JD 9620T, '04, 3575 hrs ................................................$179,500 JD 9520T, '04, 1520 hrs ................................................$168,000 JD 9400, '98, 3245 hrs..................................................$109,900 JD 8850 ..........................................................................$27,500 NH 9482, '95, 4505 hrs ..................................................$69,000 NH 9282, '97, 3360 hrs ..................................................$69,500 NH T9060, '08, 1395 hrs ..............................................$212,000 Steiger ST280, '82, 7425 hrs ..........................................$21,500 Versatile 835, '78 ............................................................$21,500



CIH 305 Mag, '08, 1235 hrs ..........................................$169,900 CIH MX305, '06, 2370 hrs ............................................$134,900 CIH MX305, '06, 4325 hrs ............................................$125,500 CIH 245 Mag, '10, 1465 hrs ..........................................$129,500 CIH 245 Mag, '10, 1505 hrs ..........................................$129,500 CIH 245 Mag, '07, 3300 hrs ............................................$99,500 CIH MX200, '02, 5190 hrs ..............................................$75,000 CIH 180 Puma, '08, 1290 hrs ........................................$102,000 CIH MXM140, '03, 1600 hrs............................................$71,200 CIH 140 Pro, '08, 1900 hrs..............................................$75,000 CIH MX120, '98, 3700 hrs ..............................................$39,900 CIH 115 Value, '07, 1100 hrs ..........................................$34,500 CIH 8950, 8700 hrs ........................................................$62,500 CIH 7140, '89, 6745 hrs ..................................................$53,500 CIH 5240, '92, 9390 hrs ..................................................$25,900 Case 4694, '84, 5970 hrs ................................................$18,900 Case 580M, 2720 hrs ......................................................$39,500 Challenger CH45, '96, 2355 hrs ......................................$59,500 Ford 8970, '94, 8140 hrs ................................................$62,500 JD 7810, '00, 2745 hrs....................................................$81,500 JD 7330, '08, 2110 hrs....................................................$67,500 JD 2955, '89, 2330 hrs....................................................$28,950 Kubota M6800, '03, 755 hrs............................................$24,500 McCormick TTX230, '09, 580 hrs....................................$90,000 McCormick XTX165, '09, 85 hrs......................................$89,500

COMPACT TRACTORS CIH 40 Farmall CVT ........................................................$36,250 Agco ST 40, '02, 425 hrs ................................................$18,500 JD 3520, '10, 65 hrs........................................................$34,750 Kubota B3030, '06, 1045 hrs ..........................................$14,900 Kubota B1750, '96, 225 hrs ..............................................$6,000 Kubota BX2230, '05 ..........................................................$7,995 Kubota BX2230, '04, 685 hrs ............................................$7,950

“Where Farm and Family Meet”


CIH 7120, '88, 10400 hrs ................................................$35,500 CIH 7110, '88, 13345 hrs ................................................$24,500 CIH 5140, '90, 7860 hrs ..................................................$19,500 Case 2290, '81, 6515 hrs ................................................$12,500 Case 1370, '78, 5270 hrs ..................................................$9,500 Case 530B, 1070 hrs ........................................................$9,500 Case 930, '66, 2185 hrs ....................................................$4,500 Case VAC ..........................................................................$2,500 Farmall 300........................................................................$2,450 Farmall H, '41 ....................................................................$1,500 Farmall Super M, '53 ........................................................$2,250 IH 5088, '82, 11590 hrs ..................................................$12,000 IH 1086, '79, 9770 hrs ....................................................$12,500 IH 1086, '76, 8585 hrs ......................................................$9,500 IH 1066, '73, 7925 hrs ......................................................$9,000 IH 986, '77, 8735 hrs ......................................................$11,000 IH 966................................................................................$6,500 IH 856, '69 ........................................................................$5,000 IH 686, '80, 9000 hrs ........................................................$7,500 IH 656, '69 ........................................................................$7,250 IH 460................................................................................$2,500 IH 400................................................................................$2,500 Ford 8830, '90, 7530 hrs ................................................$27,900 JD 4840, '81, 7815 hrs....................................................$25,000 JD 4840, '79, 8000 hrs....................................................$21,500 JD 4640, '82, 5760 hrs....................................................$22,975 JD 4020, 11380 hrs ..........................................................$7,900 White 2/85, '77, 9035 hrs..................................................$7,500

JD 1260, 36R22 ............................................................$185,000 CIH 1240, 16R30 ............................................................$72,900 CIH 1240, 12R30 ............................................................$89,900 CIH 1200, 36R22 ............................................................$95,500 CIH 1200, 36R20 ............................................................$97,500 CIH 1200, 32R22 ............................................................$72,500 (2) CIH 1200, 24R22 ............................................choice $42,500 CIH 1200, 24R20 ............................................................$73,500 (3) CIH 1200, 12R30 ......................................$26,000 - $48,500 CIH 955, 6R30 ................................................................$11,500 CIH 900, 6R30 ..................................................................$5,900 Friesen 2400RT................................................................$15,500 JD 7000, 12N ..................................................................$10,950 JD 7000, 8R30 ..................................................................$4,250 JD 1770, 16R30 ..............................................................$46,300 JD 1770NT ......................................................................$71,500 Kinze 3700, 36R20 ..........................................................$62,500 Kinze 3140, 12R30 ..........................................................$39,500 White 8524, 24R30........................................................$117,500 White 8100 ......................................................................$23,000 White 6100, 24R22..........................................................$24,500 CIH 5500, 30' Drill ..........................................................$22,000 CIH 5500MT ....................................................................$18,000 CIH 5400MT, 20' Drill ........................................................$7,500 (2) IH 510 Drill ..................................................$1,500 & $2,600 (2) Great Plains 20' Drill ....................................$4,950 & $5,500 JD 750NT, 15' Drill ..........................................................$15,000 JD 520, 20' Drill ................................................................$4,500 JD 455, 30' Drill ..............................................................$18,500 Sunflower 9412, 20' Drill ................................................$17,900 CIH SDX40, 40' Seeder..................................................$129,500

SPRING TILLAGE CIH 60.5' Fld Cult ............................................................$69,500 CIH 4900, 53.5' Fld Cult ....................................................$8,950 CIH 4900, 43.5' Fld Cult ....................................................$5,500 CIH 4900, 32' Fld Cult ......................................................$7,500 CIH 4800, 31' Fld Cult ......................................................$7,950 CIH 4800, 28.5' Fld Cult ....................................................$7,750 CIH 4600, 46.5' Fld Cult ..................................................$37,500 CIH TMII, 44.5' Fld Cult ..................................................$32,000 DMI TMII, 46' Fld Cult ....................................................$35,500

Financing provided by

CNH Capital ® 2011 CNH America LLC. All rights reserved. Case IH is a registered trademark of CNH America LLC. CNH Capital is a trademark of CNH America LLC. www.caseih.com


FORAGE Continued

Flexcoil 820, 40' Fld Cult ................................................$11,500 Glencoe 4300, 38.5' Fld Cult..............................................$7,900 JD 2210, 44.5' Fld Cult ....................................................$42,500 JD 1000, 22.5' Fld Cult ......................................................$1,650 JD 985, 50' Fld Cult ........................................................$24,900 JD 985, 48.5' Fld Cult ......................................................$17,500 JD 980, 30.5' Fld Cult ......................................................$22,000 Melroe 40' Fld Cult ............................................................$2,900 Wilrich 2500, 27.4' Fld Cult ..............................................$2,995 CIH 1830, 16R Row Crop Cult ..........................................$6,500 CIH 3900, 33' Disk ..........................................................$17,900 CIH 3900, 32' Disk ..........................................................$17,500 CIH 496 Disk....................................................................$13,500 CIH 330, 34' Disk ............................................................$58,900 CIH 330, 34' Disk ............................................................$57,500 IH 770, 16' Disk ................................................................$4,950 IH 480, 19' Disk ................................................................$2,500 Big G 3026, 28' Disk..........................................................$7,500 Ezee-On 3800, 38.5' Disk ................................................$29,500

JD 4R30 Cornhead ............................................................$5,500 Kemper M4500CL-8 Cornhead ........................................$17,000 (2) Kemper 4500 Cornhead ..........................$26,000 & $29,500 (2) Kemper 3000 Cornhead ..........................$18,000 & $20,000 Kemper 360 Cornhead ....................................................$34,000 NH 360N6 Cornhead........................................................$15,000 NH 360U6 Cornhead........................................................$16,500 NH 3PN Cornhead..............................................................$8,500 (2) NH R1600 Cornhead ................................$39,500 & $42,500

SPRAYERS - SELF-PROPELLED Rudy Lusk - (507) 227-4119

SPRAYERS - PULL-TYPE Blumhardt Trailmaster ......................................................$4,900 (2) Demco Conquest......................................$18,900 & $22,500 Demco 500, 3NT................................................................$1,650 Hardi 500, 60'....................................................................$8,500 Hardi Commander............................................................$47,500 Hardi HAC900 ....................................................................$8,950 Hardi HC800 ......................................................................$7,250 Millerpro 1000, 60' ..........................................................$8,500 Redball 690......................................................................$39,500 Redball 690, 2000 Gal ....................................................$32,900 Redball 690, 2000 Gal ....................................................$26,500 Redball 670, 1200 Gal ....................................................$22,900 Redball 565......................................................................$15,500 Top Air NAV1100 ............................................................$22,500 Top Air 1100R60XF..........................................................$14,500

SELF PROP. FORAGE HARVESTERS Chase Groskreutz, East - (320) 248-3733 Randy Olmscheid, West - (320) 583-6014 Claas 980, '08, 1495 hrs................................................$255,000 Claas 970, '08, 1245 hrs................................................$288,000 Claas 900, '02................................................................$115,000 Claas 890, '05, 2230 hrs................................................$159,900 Claas 890, '02, 1560 hrs................................................$189,500 Claas 890, '02, 2555 hrs................................................$147,000 Claas 880, '95, 3820 hrs..................................................$68,000 Claas 870CC, '07, 760 hrs ............................................$189,000 Claas 870 GE, '06, 2580 hrs ..........................................$184,500 Claas 870, '05, 1820 hrs................................................$165,000 Claas 870, '04, 2915 hrs................................................$137,500 Claas 870, '03, 2790 hrs................................................$162,000 JD 7500, '03, 3635 hrs..................................................$109,500 JD 6810, '96, 4590 hrs....................................................$59,500 JD 6850, '98, 4865 hrs....................................................$65,000 JD 5830, 3800 hrs ..........................................................$42,500 JD 5730, '91, 3210 hrs....................................................$34,000 NH FX60, '03, 1970 hrs ................................................$115,000 NH FX58, '02, 1410 hrs ................................................$108,000

BALERS (2) CIH RBX562 Rnd Baler ..........................$14,500 & $15,500 CIH RB564, 5x6 Rnd Baler ..............................................$27,500 CIH 8460, 5x6 Rnd Baler ..................................................$5,950 Claas 280RC, 5x4 Rnd Baler............................................$19,900 Claas 280 Rnd Baler ........................................................$16,500 Gehl RB2580 Rnd Baler ....................................................$9,950 Gehl 2880, 5x6 Rnd Baler..................................................$9,950 JD 567, 5x6 Rnd Baler ....................................................$22,500 JD 566, 5x6 Rnd Baler ....................................................$15,500 NH 853, 5x5 Rnd Baler ......................................................$3,250 (2) NH BR780A Rnd Baler ............................$16,500 & $19,800 NH BR780 Rnd Baler ......................................................$17,900 Vermeer 505SI, 5x5 Rnd Baler ..........................................$6,500 CIH LBX432 Rec Baler ....................................................$67,500 CIH 8575 Rec Baler ........................................................$32,750 CIH 8530 Rec Baler ........................................................$10,400 Claas 255UNI Rec Baler ..................................................$27,900 JD 327 Rec Baler ..............................................................$3,950 JD 100, 3x3 Rec Baler ....................................................$28,900 NH BB940A Rec Baler......................................................$67,500 NH 590 Rec Baler ............................................................$35,500

HAY EQUIPMENT CIH 8830, '96, 1430 hrs ..................................................$17,900 CIH DC515, 15' Mow Cond................................................$9,500 NH 1441, 16' PT Windrower............................................$24,400 CIH DCX161 MowCond....................................................$17,800 CIH 8360, 12' MowCond ..................................................$6,900 CIH 8312, 12' MowCond ................................................$12,500 CIH 1490 MowCond ..........................................................$2,900 Claas 8550C MowCond....................................................$28,750 Gehl DC2412 MowCond ....................................................$8,500 JD 1600, 14' MowCond ....................................................$6,995 JD 956 MowCond ............................................................$15,900 IH 1190 MowCond ............................................................$1,500 NH 1475 MowCond ..........................................................$9,000 Vermeer 1030, 13.5' MowCond ......................................$19,500 NH 456, 7' Sickle Mower ..................................................$1,950 CIH FC60, 60" Rotary Mower ................................................$550 Farm King 72" Rotary Mower ............................................$1,250 JD 709, 7' Rotary Mower ..................................................$1,250 JD 613, 72'' Rotary Mower ..................................................$450 Landpride FDR2584 Rotary Mower ..................................$2,750 Woods BB48 Rotary Mower ................................................$550 Gehl WM2109 Wind Merg ..............................................$13,900 H & S TWN2-P Wind Merg..............................................$22,500 (5) Millerpro 14-16 Wind Merg .................... $28,500 - $38,500 NH H4510, 9' Wind Merg ................................................$17,900 NH 166 Wind Merg............................................................$3,750 Tebben 4200 Wind Merg....................................................$1,900 Kuhn GA8521 Rake..........................................................$23,500


FORAGE Gehl CB1265 Forg Harv ....................................................$7,500 Gehl 1075, '00 Forg Harv ................................................$14,500 Gehl 1065, '96 Forg Harv ..................................................$6,950 JD 3950, '94 Forg Harv ....................................................$5,500 JD 3950, '91 Forg Harv ....................................................$5,500 NH FP240, '04 Forg Harv ................................................$23,000 (3) Claas PU380HD Hayhead ........................ $14,000 - $14,500 (2) Claas PU380 Pro Hayhead ......................$20,000 & $23,000 (7) Claas PU380 Hayhead ............................ $12,000 - $14,500 (2) Claas PU300 Hayhead ................................$9,500 & $11,500 (2) Gehl HA1210 7' Hayhead..................................choice $1,250 Gehl HA1110, '95 Hayhead................................................$1,250 Gehl 7' Hayhead ................................................................$1,250 JD 630A Hayhead ..............................................................$8,500 JD 630 Hayhead ................................................................$8,500 (2) JD 7HP, 7' Hayhead ........................................$600 & $1,600 JD 5HP, 5.5' Hayhead ..........................................................$850 NH 3500 Hayhead..............................................................$6,500 NH 355W Hayhead ............................................................$8,500 NH 340W Hayhead ............................................................$5,000 NH 29P Hayhead................................................................$3,500 (2) Claas Orbis 750 Cornhead........................$75,000 & $76,000 (5) Claas RU600, 8R30 Cornhead ..................$24,500 - $59,000 Claas RU450XTRA Cornhead ..........................................$42,000 (9) Claas RU450 Cornhead..............................$29,000 - $40,000 Gehl TR3038N Cornhead ..................................................$1,400 (3) Gehl TR330 Cornhead ..................................$4,200 - $5,900 JD 688 Cornhead ............................................................$51,500 JD 676 6R Cornhead ......................................................$52,000

CIH 9120, '10, 295 hrs ..................................................$314,900 CIH 9120, '10, 395 hrs ..................................................$285,500 CIH 8120, '10, 210 hrs ..................................................$279,000 CIH 8120, '09, 590 hrs ..................................................$255,500 CIH 8120, '09, 840 hrs ..................................................$265,000 CIH 8010, '08, 910 hrs ..................................................$235,000 CIH 8010, '07, 1100 hrs ................................................$220,000 CIH 8010, '07, 1650 hrs ................................................$192,500 CIH 8010, '06, 1430 hrs ................................................$184,500 CIH 8010, '05 ................................................................$149,500 CIH 8010, '04, 1605 hrs ................................................$169,500 CIH 8010, '04, 1685 hrs ................................................$157,500 CIH 8010, '04, 2100 hrs ................................................$155,000 CIH 8010, '04, 2440 hrs ................................................$159,000 CIH 7120, '09 ................................................................$259,900 CIH 7088, '10, 240 hrs ..................................................$245,000

COMBINES Continued

CIH 7088, '10, 810 hrs ............................................ CIH 7088, '09,745 hrs ............................................ CIH 7010, '08, 900 hrs ............................................ CIH 7010, '07, 1100 hrs .......................................... CIH 7010, '07, 1150 hrs .......................................... CIH 7010, '07, 1365 hrs .......................................... CIH 6088, '10, 600 hrs ............................................ CIH 6088, '10, 680 hrs ............................................ CIH 6088, '10, 710 hrs ............................................ CIH 2588, '08, 1420 hrs .......................................... CIH 2588, '08, 1480 hrs .......................................... CIH 2577, '07, 1870 hrs .......................................... CIH 2388, '06, 1425 hrs .......................................... CIH 2388, '03, 2740 hrs .......................................... CIH 2388, '03 .......................................................... CIH 2388, '02, 2455 hrs .......................................... CIH 2388, '02, 2505 hrs .......................................... CIH 2388, '02, 2930 hrs .......................................... CIH 2388, '01, 2385 hrs .......................................... CIH 2388, '01, 2835 hrs .......................................... CIH 2388, '01, 3015 hrs .......................................... CIH 2388, '98, 3775 hrs .......................................... CIH 2388, '98, 3065 hrs .......................................... CIH 2388, '98, 2565 hrs .......................................... CIH 2388, '98, 3750 hrs .......................................... CIH 2366, '02, 3125 hrs .......................................... CIH 2366, '01, 2705 hrs .......................................... CIH 2366, '00, 2810 hrs .......................................... CIH 2366, '99, 3845 hrs .......................................... CIH 2366, '98, 2490 hrs .......................................... CIH 2166, '97, 4145 hrs .......................................... CIH 2166, '97 .......................................................... CIH 2166, '96, 3000 hrs .......................................... CIH 2166, '96 .......................................................... CIH 1688, '94, 4160 hrs .......................................... CIH 1688, '94, 4205 hrs .......................................... CIH 1688, '93, 4325 hrs .......................................... CIH 1680, '86, 4920 hrs .......................................... CIH 1660, '92, 3615 hrs .......................................... CIH 1660, '91, 6940 hrs .......................................... CIH 1660, '90 .......................................................... CIH 1660, '88, 3675 hrs .......................................... CIH 1640, '89, 3300 hrs .......................................... CIH 1640, '86, 2640 hrs .......................................... IH 1480, '82, 4100 hrs ............................................ IH 1480, '79 ............................................................ IH 1480, '79, 5860 hrs ............................................ IH 1460, '82, 4535 hrs ............................................ Gleaner R52, '96, 2795 hrs...................................... Gleaner R50, '89, 3150 hrs...................................... JD 9870STS, '09, 830 hrs ...................................... JD 9660STS, '06, 2100 hrs .................................... JD 9660STS, '04...................................................... JD 9650STS, '03, 2050 hrs .................................... JD 9610, '96, 3265 hrs............................................ JD 9600, '89, 4020 hrs............................................ JD 8820, 7325 hrs .................................................. MF 750, '77 ............................................................ NH CR940, '04, 1185 hrs ........................................ NH TR97, '95 .......................................................... NH TR86, '89, 3860 hrs .......................................... NH TR86, '85, 3245 hrs .......................................... NH 970, '03, 2020 hrs ............................................


CIH 2162, 40' Beanhead .......................................... (4) CIH 2062, 36' Beanhead............................$49,0 (4) CIH 2020, 35' Beanhead............................$25,0 (2) CIH 2020, 30' Beanhead ..........................$24,50 (22) CIH 1020, 30' Beanhead ..........................Start (16) CIH 1020, 25' Beanhead ..........................Start (4) CIH 1020, 22.5' Beanhead ............................$6 (2) CIH 1020, 20' Beanhead ..............................$6,9 CIH 1015 Beanhead ................................................ IH 820 Beanhead .................................................... Deutz Allis 320 Beanhead ........................................ (2) JD 930F, 30' Beanhead ............................$13,90 (2) JD 635F, 35' Beanhead ............................$26,00 MacDon 974, 35' Beanhead .................................... (2) NH 973, 25' Beanhead ................................$5,0 (2) NH 74C, 30' Beanhead ............................$19,90 (3) CIH 2612 Cornhead ..................................$79,0 (2) CIH 2608 Cornhead..................................$55,00 CIH 2412 Cornhead ................................................ (3) CIH 2212 Cornhead ..................................$32,5 (10) CIH 2208 Cornhead ................................$26,5 (2) CIH 1222 Cornhead ..................................$12,5 (10) CIH 1083 Cornhead ................................startin (3) CIH 1063, 6R30 Cornhead ..........................$8,5 CIH 1000, 12R22 Cornhead .................................... (2) CIH 12R22 Cornhead ..............................$15,00 CIH 10R22 Cornhead .............................................. CIH 9R22 Cornhead ................................................ IH 12R22 Cornhead ................................................ IH 983, 9R22 Cornhead .......................................... IH 963 Cornhead...................................................... IH 944 Cornhead......................................................


Sales: • Bob Pfingston • Nate Scharmer

• Christy Hoff • Bob Lindahl • Tim Hansen

ST. MARTIN, MN • 320-548-3285 Sales: • Dan Hoffman • Joe Mehr • Erik Mueller • Randy Olmscheid • Jamie Pelzer

ALDEN, MN • 507-874-3400

Sales: • Brad Wermedal • Tim Wiersma • Tim Engebretson

Visit our website www.arnoldsinc.com for more equipment listings!

g World


FALL TILLAGE (4) CIH MRX690 Suboiler ..............................$18,900 - $28,500 (7) CIH 9300, 22.5' Subsoiler ........................$27,500 - $38,500 CIH 9300, 22' Subsoiler ..................................................$48,500 (3) CIH 9300, 9 Shank Subsoiler ....................$26,500 - $36,000 (3) CIH 870, 22' Subsoiler ..............................$61,875 - $69,900 CIH 870, 14' Subsoiler ....................................................$35,000 CIH 730B Subsoiler ........................................................$23,500 (3) CIH 730C, 17.5' Subsoiler ........................$42,500 - $43,500 CIH 730C, 7 Shank Subsoiler ..........................................$32,500 CIH 530B, 12.5' Subsoiler ..............................................$26,500 CIH 530C, 12.5' Subsoiler ..............................................$32,000 DMI 9300, 22' Subsoiler..................................................$29,500 DMI 2500 Subsoiler ..........................................................$8,500 (3) DMI 730B Subsoiler ..................................$17,500 - $23,500 (2) DMI 730B, 17.5' Subsoiler ......................$16,500 & $19,000 (3) DMI 730B, 7 Shank Subsoiler ..................$18,500 & $25,500 (2) DMI 530B, 12.5' Subsoiler ......................$16,900 & $19,500 DMI 530 Subsoiler ..........................................................$16,500 DMI TMII, 5 Shank Subsoiler ............................................$7,950 DMI Tiger II Subsoiler........................................................$5,900 DMI Turbo T Subsoiler ......................................................$9,500 Bourgault 2200, 30' Subsoiler ........................................$92,400 Brillion LC Subsoiler ..........................................................$8,500 Glencoe SS7400 Subsoiler ................................................$9,500 (6) JD 2700 Subsoiler ....................................$20,000 - $37,500 JD 915 Subsoiler ..............................................................$8,500 JD 512, 9 Shank Subsoiler ..............................................$32,500 JD 512, 12.5' Subsoiler ..................................................$15,900 JD 510, 7 Shank Subsoiler ..............................................$11,500 JD 510, 5 Shank Subsoiler ..............................................$10,950 JD 510 Subsoiler ............................................................$12,500 Krause 4850, 18' Subsoiler ............................................$43,500 Landoll 2320, 5 Shank Subsoiler ....................................$15,950 M & W 2900 Subsoiler ....................................................$19,900 M & W 2500 Subsoiler ....................................................$32,500 M & W 2200 Subsoiler ....................................................$19,500 M & W 1875 Subsoiler ....................................................$15,500 NH ST770, 7 Shank Subsoiler ........................................$24,900 (2) Sunflower 4412, 7 Shank Subsoiler ..............choice $32,000 Sunflower 4411, 7 Shank Subsoiler ................................$18,500 Wilrich V957DVR Subsoiler ............................................$36,900 Wilrich V957DDR Subsoiler ............................................$23,500 JD 610, 30' Chisel Plow ..................................................$12,500 JD 610, 23' Chisel Plow ..................................................$10,000 Kent 21098, 9 Shank Chisel Plow......................................$3,950 White 445 Chisel Plow ......................................................$7,950 White 445, 13 Shank Chisel Plow......................................$7,950 JD 3710, 10 Bottom MB Plow ........................................$21,500 DMI 50' Crumbler ............................................................$10,500 Summers 54' Crumbler ..................................................$24,000

SKID LDR’s/RTV’s/EXC Case 1840, '01, 3830 hrs ................................................$10,950 Case 1840, '96, 5045 hrs ................................................$10,500 Case 1840, '91 ..................................................................$9,850 Case 1840, '90 ..................................................................$8,750 Case 1840, '90, 8035 hrs ..................................................$6,900 Case 1840, 4355 hrs........................................................$10,750 Case 1835B, 3150 hrs ......................................................$7,950 Case 465, '08, 2000 hrs ..................................................$31,500 Case 435, '08 ..................................................................$23,900 Case 435, '06, 2650 hrs ..................................................$19,900 Case 430, '08, 3950 hrs ..................................................$19,800 Case 430, '06 ..................................................................$22,000

SKID LDR’s/RTV’s/EXC Continued

Case 420, '08, 1410 hrs ..................................................$21,900 Case 420, '08, 3615 hrs ..................................................$16,900 Case 60XT, '03, 1775 hrs ................................................$16,900 Gehl 7800, '01, 6395 hrs ................................................$18,500 Gehl 7810 Turbo, '04, 3215 hrs ......................................$34,500 Gehl 6625, '94, 3695 hrs ..................................................$8,500 Gehl 4825SX, '98, 5640 hrs ..............................................$8,500 Gehl 4625SX, '92, 4470 hrs ............................................$10,800 Gehl 3935SX, '01, 1735 hrs ..............................................$9,950 JD 317, '08, 2415 hrs......................................................$17,250 NH LS170, '01, 1160 hrs ................................................$17,900 Erskine 1812, 6' Skid Snowblower ....................................$3,200 Felling FT12P, 16' Trailer....................................................$4,690 Case Maxi-C, '99, 745 hrs Excavator ..............................$13,500 JD Pro900, '03 Excavator ..................................................$3,900 Bobcat 2200D, 265 hrs......................................................$7,995 Cub Cadet 4x4D Trail, '06 ..................................................$7,975 Kubota RTV900W, '06, 800 hrs ........................................$9,900 Kubota RTV900W, '05, 370 hrs ........................................$8,000 Polaris 500, '00, 2000 hrs ................................................$3,995 Steiner Hawk, '00 ..............................................................$3,250

MISCELLANEOUS CIH 60, 15' Shredder ........................................................$3,950 Alloway 20' Shredder ......................................................$10,500 Balzer 2000, 20' Shredder ................................................$8,500 Balzer 5205M, 30' Shredder ..............................................$8,900 Balzer 520PT, 15' Shredder ..............................................$8,500 JD 520, 20' Shredder ......................................................$18,500 JD 220, 20' Shredder ......................................................$11,500 JD 120, 20' Shredder ........................................................$7,500 (2) Loftness 264, 22' Shredder ..........................$8,000 $15,900 Loftness 2644SM54S Shredder ........................................$7,500 (2) Loftness 240, 20' Shredder......................$19,500 & $20,500 (2) Loftness 20' Shredder..............................$14,000 & $19,500 Wilrich 22' Shredder........................................................$12,900 Wilrich 20' Shredder........................................................$14,900 Wilrich 20' Shredder........................................................$10,900 Woods S20CD Shredder ..................................................$16,750 Woods 20' Shredder........................................................$12,500 Woods 15' Shredder........................................................$12,500 Dump Chief 504CF, 12' Forage Box ..................................$7,500 Field Queen 1408N Forage Box..........................................$3,000 (7) CIH 600 Forage Blower..................................$2,850 - $5,500 Gehl 1580 Forage Blower ..................................................$1,250 Ag Bag G6009 Forage Bagger..........................................$19,750 JD 350 Manure Spreader ..................................................$1,250 Artsway 5165 Grinder Mixer............................................$19,900 (2) Feterl 8x60 Auger ........................................$2,900 & $3,000 Feterl 8x56 Auger ..............................................................$1,350 Grain King 8x65 Auger ......................................................$4,580 GSI 10x31E Auger ............................................................$3,800 Snowco 8x65 Auger ..........................................................$2,850 Unverferth 16' Auger ........................................................$1,200 Westfield 8x26 Auger ........................................................$2,150 Degelman 14' Blade ........................................................$10,500 Farm Star 72" Blade ..............................................................$345 CIH LX760 Loader ..........................................................$10,500 IH 2000 Loader..................................................................$1,750 GB 800 Loader ..................................................................$1,500 Kubota LA514 Loader ........................................................$3,200 Bradford 240/316 Grav Box ..............................................$2,650 Farm King 200 bu Grav Box ..............................................$2,500 Huskee 225, 250 bu Grav Box ..........................................$2,300 JD 500, 500 bu Grav Box ..................................................$6,250 Parker 4800, 480 bu Grav Box ..........................................$5,900 Brent 1282, 1200 bu Grain Cart ......................................$48,500 (2) Brent 1194 Grain Cart ....................................choice $41,500 Brent 570, 550 bu Grain Cart ..........................................$12,500 J & M 1326-22 Grain Cart ..............................................$50,900 Killbros 1810, 975 bu Grain Cart ....................................$28,900 Kinze 840 Grain Cart........................................................$15,500 Summers 60" Rockpicker ..................................................$3,500 Tractor Snowblowers..............................................$475 - $1,695


“Where Farm and Family Meet”

.........$66,000 000 - $49,500 000 - $37,500 00 & $28,500 ting at $3,550 ting at $7,900 ,000 - $7,900 950 & $9,500 ...........$3,000 ...........$1,500 ...........$4,300 00 & $16,900 00 & $39,500 .........$48,500 000 & $5,500 00 & $29,900 000 - $83,500 00 & $59,500 .........$49,500 500 - $41,900 500 - $32,500 500 - $15,000 ng at $10,500 500 - $10,900 .........$16,900 00 & $16,900 .........$15,500 .........$15,000 .........$15,500 .........$11,500 ...........$5,900 ...........$2,500

BEAN/CORNHEADS Continued IH 883 Cornhead................................................................$7,500 Cat 1622 Cornhead ..........................................................$39,500 Clarke 922, 9R22 Cornhead ............................................$25,500 Cressoni 6R30 Cornhead ................................................$21,500 (6) Drago 12R22 Cornhead ............................$52,500 - $84,500 (3) Drago 12R20 Cornhead ............................$43,900 - $84,500 (2) Drago 10R22 Cornhead............................$60,000 & $65,500 (11) Drago 8R30 Cornhead ............................$38,500 - $63,500 Drago 8R22 Cornhead ....................................................$33,000 (5) Drago 6R30 Cornhead ..............................$42,500 - $54,500 (4) Geringhoff Roto Disc ..................................22,900 - $43,500 Geringhoff PC63 Cornhead ................................................$8,000 Gleaner Hugger Cornhead..................................................$9,950 Gleaner 830 Cornhead ....................................................$12,000 Gleaner 630 Cornhead ......................................................$5,500 Harvestec 4113C Cornhead ............................................$59,500 (4) Harvestec 8R30 Cornhead ........................$29,500 - $39,500 JD 1293, 16R22 Cornhead ..............................................$24,500 JD 1293, 12R30 Cornhead ..............................................$51,500 JD 1290, 12R20 Cornhead ..............................................$12,500 (3) JD 893, 8R30 Cornhead ............................$17,500 - $22,500 JD 843 10R22 Cornhead ................................................$14,500 JD 643 6R30 Cornhead ....................................................$7,500 Lexion C512-30 Cornhead ..............................................$38,000 (4) NH 974 Cornhead ..........................................$4,500 - $5,500 (2) IH 810, 13' Pickup ..........................................$400 & $3,500 Gleaner 10' Pickup ............................................................$1,200 JD 100, 13' Pickup ..............................................................$350 Toe Head 25' Head Transport ............................................$1,000


.......$231,000 .......$225,500 .......$239,900 .......$197,500 .......$195,500 .......$209,000 .......$225,000 .......$217,500 .......$217,500 .......$194,500 .......$194,500 .......$169,500 .......$164,900 .......$135,000 .......$113,500 .......$124,000 .......$119,000 .......$115,000 .......$108,500 .......$103,500 .........$94,500 .........$89,000 .........$87,900 .........$89,500 .........$89,500 .........$93,500 .........$98,500 .........$92,500 .........$79,500 .........$85,500 .........$65,500 .........$69,500 .........$69,500 .........$67,900 .........$39,500 .........$52,500 .........$39,500 .........$26,500 .........$39,500 .........$33,900 .........$32,500 .........$30,000 .........$26,500 .........$25,000 ...........$7,500 ...........$9,500 ...........$5,500 ...........$7,500 .........$42,500 .........$19,900 .......$275,000 .......$159,500 .......$155,000 .......$115,000 .........$69,500 .........$36,500 ...........$8,500 ...........$3,500 .......$137,500 .........$32,000 .........$22,500 .........$15,000 .......$139,000

17 A THE LAND, JULY 1, 2011


WILLMAR, MN • 320-235-4898

Real Estate

18 A

State Bank of Gibbon Farm/Investment Real Estate Mortgage loans with competitive rates & no origination fees. Member FDIC, Equal Housing Lender. Call Mike @ 507-834-6556 or 866-251-9656


Hay & Forage Eq.

Land Specialists

1160 Victory Drive, Suite 6, Mankato, MN 56001

Sealed Bid Land Auction July 12th • 433± acres, Getty & Raymond Township, Stearns County • Farm Land “Call or View Online for all upcoming Auction Details” Auctioneer # 07-53

Absolute Auction No Buyers Premium

Tuesday, July 19th, 2011 - 9:00 am Auctioneers taking consignments:

@ 800-730-LAND (5263) or 507-345-LAND (5263)

Location: Excellent Location - 55780 St. Hwy. 19 - located on N side of the Hwy. 1⁄2 mile W of the St. Hwys. 19 & 15 intersection on the W end of Winthrop, MN



Turn your equipment into cash, CONSIGN your tractors, combines, field & livestock machinery, livestock equipment of all kinds, grain handling equipment, wagons, trailers, trucks, pickups, cars, RVs, construction equipment, guns, tools, hay, straw, just about anything. Absolutely no junk. We have the right to reject items we feel won’t sell. All items sold in “AS IS”condition.


Advertising deadline is Monday, June 27th. We advertise this auction over a very wide area and have had excellent results. If you want top dollar, it shoud be advertised, we’re not miracle workers, if it isn’t advertised, no one will know it’s there.

We pay top dollar for your damaged grain. We are experienced handlers of your wet, dry, burnt and mixed grains. Trucks and Vacs available. Immediate response anywhere.

Items can be brought to the sale site starting on Thursday, July 14th. We’ll have someone to check you in from 8:30 am-5:00 pm daily except Sunday. Sunday our hours will be 1:00 pm-5:00 pm. If it is just impossible for you to deliver your items during these hours, call and we’ll try to work something out for you. All items must be on the lot no later than 5:00 pm, the day before the auction. Vehicles & Titled items MUST have clear title along to be considered. We will not consign your item without it. No Exceptions! Commission for this Sale: If the combined total of your items sold is $1000 or less the commission rate is 12%. If the total is $1001-$50,000, the commission rate is 8%, over $50,000, commission is 5%. We still have the lowest commission rates around for this type of auction. There will be absolutely no protection on ANY items. If you decide to buy back an item you will have to pay for it at the window like normal, then we will send a check to you minus the commission. This is one of the reasons we always have an excellent auction, buyers know what they’re bidding on will sell.


Considering an auction of your own? Call for our very reasonable rates and excellent service. The bigger the auction, the lower the rates.


To Consign Call Matt Mages @ 507-276-7002 or Joe Maidl @ 507-276-7749



IH 1190 mower-conditioner, good cond., shedded & extra clean, $3,000; Cam Spray hot water washer model 1450, 2 gal/min, like new cond., $1,000. (507)354-3987 JD 275, 9’ disk mower, $4,200; Ford NH 492 haybine, $4,500; NH 68 baler, low acreage, $900. (320)864-3837 JD 338 baler w/#40 JD kicker hydraulic tension adjust. Nice condition. $7,950. 320221-0319 JD 567 round baler. Megawide coverall & silage special. Exc. cond. $17,000/OBO. 608-792-8051 JD 945 Moco 13’ disc cut, $12,000. JD 446 4x4 round baler, double twine arms, bale ramps. $8,200. Both shedded & exc. 715-296-2162 Lilliston 30” rolling cult; JD F145 semi mounted plow. 10’ IH hyd field cultivator. All in working condition. 952-649-9533 MF 36 grain swather. Old but few hours. Details 507527-2066

New ''Koyker Bale Caddie'' BALE ACCUMULATOR. The only way to handle sm sq bales w/2 grabbers only GEHL 1400 round baler, $14,850. 715-296-2162 completely dealer gone thru, all new belts, plus up- NH 1600 Chopper w/350W hay head, completely redates, new tires & 1 extra built, $3,500. Also, NH tire, 3.2 wheel rake, good 880W hay head, $300. paint, always shedded. (715)822-3897 320-282-2925 or 320-286-2926

Now Taking Consignments For Area’s Largest Machinery & Vehicle

Matt Mages: 507-276-7002 & Joe Maidl: 507-276-7749

Hay & Forage Eq.

FOR SALE: JD 5830 forage FOR SALE: Hesston 1090 harvester, 4WD, iron windrower, 9’ cut/crimp, guard, 3370 hrs, new eng, $1,000. 712-297-7951 new paint, re-built, $56,000. Hesston 8400 self-propelled Also, JD 6950 forage harhaybine. 14' cut, exc. cond. vester, 4WD, 3100 hrs/4400 Asking $19,000/OBO. 608hrs. $59,000. 507-427-3520 792-8051

FOR SALE: JD F145H, 316 semi-mount plow, very nice cond. w/cyl. & guage whl., $1,250; JD F145H, 416 semi-mount plow, w/cyl, good cond. $1,250; JD Model 4D, 214 plow on steel, very nice restored cond., FOR SALE: JD 5830 forage We have extensive lists of $600; JD model 44, 214 harvester, 4WD, iron Land Investors & farm plow, hyd. lift, rebuilt, guard, 3370 hrs, new eng, buyers throughout MN. We nice, $750. new paint, re-built, $56,000. always have interested (320)732-3370 Also, JD 6950 forage harbuyers. For top prices, go vester, 4WD, 3100 hrs/4400 with our proven methods hrs. $59,000. 507-427-3520 over thousands of acres. Serving Minnesota WANTED: 1909-1940 Ford Mages Land Co & Auc Serv cars & parts. Also old gas FOR SALE: NH #55 hay www.magesland.com pumps, gas pump globes & rake, $500. 712-297-7951 (800)803-8761 old tin & porcelain signs. John Alinder FOR SALE: NH 1000 bale 29633 State Hwy 112 wagon, holds 54 bales. Real Estate Wanted LeSueur, MN 56058 Saves the Back! $1,500. (507)665-6893 712-297-7951 WANTED: Land & farms. I have clients looking for dairy, & cash grain operaFOR SALE: NH hayliner Hay & Forage Eq. tions, as well as bare land #68, small square baler, parcels from 40-1000 acres. FOR SALE: JD 3970 forage works great, $1,500. 712harvester, used very little, Both for relocation & in297-7951 w/ hay & cornhead. Exvestments. If you have tras. (2) Badger forage even thought about selling FOR SALE: RMS bale hanboxes model 1416, 14’ w/ contact: Paul Krueger, dle, 10 bale capacity, fits newer 12T running gear. Farm & Land Specialist, ldr/quicktach, $2,250. 712IH model 56 silo blower. Edina Realty, SW Subur297-7951 507-359-1164 ban Office, 14198 Commerce Ave NE, Prior FOR SALE: SnoCo 40 & 48’ Lake, MN 55372. bale elevators, extra secFOR SALE: JD 5400-5830 paulkrueger@edinarealty.com tions avail; H&S 500 forage and 6000 series forage har(952)447-4700 box unloading unit; Hesvesters. Used kernel proston stack mover; 14 & 16’ cessors, also, used JD 40 bale flat racks on gears. knife Dura-Drums, and 320-864-4583 or 320-779-4583 drum conversions for 5400 and 5460. Call (507)427-3520 www.ok-enterprises.com FOR SALE: Versatile 400 swather, 15’ cut, hydromatic drive, $1,000. 712-2977951

Online: www.wingertrealty.com/Kulzer

“Where Farm and Family Meet”

Antiques & Collectibles

If you’re having a Farm Auction, let other Farmers know it! Upcoming Issues of THE LAND Southern MNNorthern IA July 22 August 05 August 19 Sept 02 Sept 16 Sept 30

Northern MN July 01 July 15 July 29 Aug 12 Aug 26 Sept 09

Deadlines are 1 week prior to publication with Holiday deadlines 1 day earlier ** Indicates Early Deadline

PO Box 3169 Mankato, MN 56002 Phone: 507-345-4523 or 800-657-4665 Fax: 507-345-1027

Ask Your Auctioneer to Place Your Auction in The Land! Website: www.TheLandOnline.com

e-mail: theland@TheLandOnline.com

Bins & Buildings (2) 20,000 bu. & (1) 10,000 bu. bins. Hector, MN (320)583-4267 or (320)583-9409 1500 bu Butler grain bin, disassembled, good cond, $625/OBO. (715)772-4430 2 bins w/floors, holding bin, augers, etc. (715)832-4527 5 Used 20-22,000 bu. bins, 3 Butler & 2 Superior, starting at $7,500; 22’ wet bin structure w/15’ 2000 bu. Butler hopper bin on top, $9,900. (320)224-1968 FOR SALE: (2) grain rings, (1) 60’ dia 20,000 bu capacity w/ pull out auger w/ motor & fan & (1) 70’ dia 30,000 bu capacity w/ pull out auger & motor, tarps. Roger Legred 507-525-3586 FOR SALE: (3) 75,000 bu bins, 18 rings high, 32” rings, 48’ dia, 60’ catwalk w/ 12” U-Trough. 507-7545238 or 507-421-6756 FOR SALE: (4) 24,000 bu bins, w/full floors, 8” unloads, U-trough & catwalks to load them with, approx 70’ of drag to unload them. 507-697-6133 or 507-430-4866

Bins & Buildings

Grain Handling Eq.

Farm Implements

The Land

800-657-4665 • 507-345-4523 www.thelandonline.com • theland@thelandonline.com << MILKER’S MESSAGE >>

54’ Stanhoist & Kewanee FOR SALE: Westfield auggrain elevators, great er, 13”x71’ plus, low profile shape. $500/ea. 712-363-3843 hopper. Call 320-212-0604 Farm King 13x70 Auger w/ Low Hopper. J&M 750 Bu MC 690 grain dryer, 3ph, 20hp, good condition, Grain Cart/Corner Auger $12,500. 507-259-9531 w/ Tarp. Both Real Good. M&W #1165 5 Shank Disk WANTED: Kansun 10-21-210 Ripper. Excellent Cond. dryer or similar size modCan Deliver. 319-347-6676 el. (507)381-5925

19 A THE LAND, JULY 1, 2011

FOR SALE: 2400 bu. bin FOR SALE: (2) Gravity ‘08 NH FP 240, K/P tandem, boxes, 1-Kilbros & 1-M&W, w/aeration tubes for natual 9' hay, low wear, sharp, 265-270 bu; (2) Feterl augair drying; 3600 bu. bin, $31,000. 2 or 3 row corners, 1-6”-52’ long, 1-8”-55’ both need to be moved. heads avail. CIH LBX 332 long. Call evenings. 507(320)589-3429 3x3 baler, tandem, cutter, 375-4289 auto applicator, very nice, $45,000. 715-669-3381 Looking to purchase a large quantity of used pole barn FOR SALE: Behlen 850 paneling. Please call John grain dryer, very little use 1000 gal fiberglass water 262-225-0628 tank, good running gear, since new fan motors, motor & chem tank, good breaker panel & main Old granary built in 1942, cond. $1,750. 712-424-3843 breaker repaired. move it or tear it down for $3,000/OBO. 507-764-3806 15 Ft Rhino Model SE15-4A the lumber. (507)237-2661 Flex-Wing Cutter, 6 SALE: FarmFans Wheels, Good Cond. Bush SHEDS FOR SALE: 16’x22’ FOR 1000H dryer. Call Steve Hog 8-30 Danish Row Crop shed, $1,500; 20’x20’ shed, Fairfax Ag - 888-830-7757 Cult, Hyd Fold. Brady 6-30 insulated, $3,000. Can deWindrow Shredder. Good liver. 320-220-3114 FOR SALE: MC 2000 tower Cond. 319-347-2349 Can Del SILO DOORS Wood or steel dryer, 2000 bph, dryer was doors w/ stainless steel fasdamaged by fire in ‘09 sea- ‘96 JD 6675 skid loader, 1454 teners shipped promptly to son, dryer taken down & actual hrs, used to move your farm. Hardware on pallets, very repairable. snow around farm yard & available. 1-800-222-5726 Call for more info. pick rocks, tires 75%, cab LandWood Sales LLP $35,000/OBO. 715-797-9510 & heat. $12,500. Mike 320237-4255 Stormor Bins & EZ-Drys. FOR SALE: MC corn dryer, 100% financing w/no liens model CF620C, 300 hrs., Early Summer Sale On New or red tape, call Steve at RHINO Bat-Wing Cutters, single phase, like new, Fairfax Ag for an appoint15 & 20 Ft. Heaviest Gear $34,000. (712) 253-8134 ment. Boxes on Market. Rhino 888-830-7757 Heavy Duty 3 Pt Disk For Sale: Used grain bins, Mowers 7-8-9 Ft. Rhino 10 floors unload systems, stiGrain Handling Eq. rators, fans & heaters, & 12 Wheel Hi-Capacity Wheel Rakes & Hay Tedaeration fans, buying or 4000 bph grain leg w/strucders. All On Hand. Old selling, try me first and ture, 110’ tall, new belt & Price. Can Deliver Dealer also call for very competbuckets, 8 hole 10” distrib319-347-6282 Let it Ring ive contract rates! utor, $19,900; 10’ Kansun Office hours 8am - 5pm dryer, 22’ high, $5,000. Monday-Friday (320)224-1968 Saturday 9am - 12 noon 507-430-4866 or call 507-69742’ Air Floor out of a grain 6133 Ask for Gary bin. $5,000. 218-756-2112 or 219-639-3059. Ask for Kevin

“Where Farm and Family Meet”

“Where Farm and Family Meet”


THE LAND, JULY 1, 2011

20 A

Farm Implements

Farm Implements

5500# capacity pallet forks FOR SALE: Frontier 450 bu. NEW. Skid steer Mount Hydrapush manure $875. JD Loader Mount spreader, exc cond. $1000. 715-296-2162 (608)792-8051 Farmall H tractor, parade FOR SALE: JD CX15 Batwing, used on 300 acres, ready; Int’l 616 auto reset has all options, $11,500. pull-type plow; JD 24’ Canby, MN 507-223-7365 disk, rock gang; 150 gal. farm fuel tank. (320)760FOR SALE: JD HX20 rotary 5622 cutter, shredding kit, very good, $17,700. (712)253-8134 Feed Haulers-HydWet Kitair switch, PTO, tandem FOR SALE: Vittetoe chaff pump, 40 gal reservoir, all spreader, works on JD or couplers, ball valves, fitCIH combine, $1,000. 712tings, only used 6 months. 786-3341 $3,100. 515-846-6391 FOR SALE: White 374 6/8 R30 cult, RS, set up to FOR SALE & push or pull, used w/bi-dir, WILL PURCHASE: $350; Ford 3 pt Tumble NH BALE WAGONS. Bug dirt bucket, $150; AugROEDER IMPLEMENT er 6x26 w/Wis gas eng, SENECA, KS 66538 $150; Platform scale, 1500 (785)336-6103 lb, $50; 2- screw in grain aerators, $40 ea; 2 wheel FOR SALE: (1) pr front trailer w/wood box, fenders w/ brackets for 44x57x26, $150. 507-340-2820 MX Series Magnum tractors, like new. Asking $800. Phone 507-236-1387 Forks for JD 148 ldr, JD 50 7’ mower; JD 350 7’ mower; IH 100 7’ pull mower; FOR SALE: 1680 IH comJD 640 rake; JD 24T baler; bine, 8R30 poly 1083, New 16’ bale racks; JD 606 12R30 Hiniker cult; 12R 3pt 6’ cutter; Gehl 6’ pole JDc ult; 1183 Massey ch; cutter; JD 425 60” all whl 708 & 706 W & N ch; 694 steer mower; (2) post hole CIH ch; 175 Michigan ldr; augers; B Farmall tractor, 12R30 JD planter; 10x91 very nice; Schweiss 16’ 3 Westfield auger, PTO; axle trailer; Hesston 10 Hiniker field cult; Big A stack hand. Koestler ldr; 5700 rotary hoe. Equipment 507-399-3006 507-380-5324 FOR SALE: 3010 JD WF, all new tires, $5,800; Tires: Hydrostatic & Hydraulic Repair (15”, 16” 18” 20”) (2) Repair - Troubleshooting 18.4x26. JD & Int’l whl Sales - Design wgts. 710 4 btm Int’l semi Custom hydraulic mounted plow. 507-380hose-making up to 2”. 1856 Service calls made. STOEN’S FOR SALE: 4 Bar JD side Hydrostatic Service rake & JD 720 dsl tractor, 16084 State Hwy 29 N WF. Mondovi. 715-926-5194 Glenwood, MN 56334 (320)634-4360 FOR SALE: ‘84 JD 8450, 90% 18.4x38 duals, PTO, quick 3pt, 3 hyds, eng IH 5088 tractor, 3 pt, 3 hyds, trash screens, 6400 hrs. 18.4x38 duals, $12,900; IH Clean, great cart tractor, 706 tractor, German dsl, $25,000; ‘97 JD 680 15’ chis WF, 3 pt, $4,500; CIH 1063, el plow, 15 standards, 3 6x30 cornhead w/CIH poly bar JD harrow, w/walk& new knives & chains, ing tandems; 05/06 JD $11,500; JD 566 rnd baler, Buck 650 EXT ATV, hyd pickup & bale kicker, (dump box), WS & mir$7,250. (320)769-2756 rors, 813 mi, mint, collectible, $4,000. Dave - 320JD 3800 Chopper in good 855-2428 cond; NH 28 Whirlapeed FOR SALE: ‘98 Polaris Silo Blower; (2) H&S 16' Trail Boss 250, excellent chopper boxes w/ running condition, runs good. gear. 715-399-2615 $1,500. 507-249-3985 JD Model 260 loader. In good FOR SALE: JD #35 forage cond, $1,400. Grapple fork chopper w/cornhead & for tractor ldr 84" bucket. hay head; Owatonna 42’ Exc cond. 715-235-9272 elevator; Killbros 250 bu. Kuhn 4000 12' discbine, 2 pt, grav. box w/11T running $11,850; JD 466, twine, gear & truck tires. $6,800; JD 660 rake, $2,100; (320)327-2769 JD 336, $4,200. (608)489FOR SALE: JD 400 15’ roto 4180 hoe, JD RM rear mntd cult, JD #38 sickle mower, Land Pride PD35 12" auger w/ext, $900. 3pt rear round 16’ super 7+4 H&S silage bale mover, $150. Farm box w/ 10T wagon RH untrailer, 12' longx52" wiloading. EZ Trail 230bu dex20" deep, has tongue grav box w/ 8T wagon; 21’ jack, $200. Combo hay & motorhome. 320-395-2207 grain feeder, $100. (2) 375 gln. stock tanks, like new, FOR SALE: JD 520 high $125/ea 715-235-6451 speed stalk chopper, used on 500 acres. $20,500; DMI 530B, red, lead shanks, New Oak flatbeds, hay bunks, silage bunks, green covering boards. 507-530chop boxes. (715)269-5258 3156

Farm Implements


Parts Available Hammell Equip., Inc. (507)867-4910

Tractors ‘03 JD 7810 MFWD, CAH, power shift, 8600 hrs, $42,500. JD 7405 2WD, power quad trans., high hrs., $17,500. 715-667-5353

21 A THE LAND, JULY 1, 2011

Tractor Loaders for older FOR SALE: JD 7800 AC, Ford, IH, Oliver. $150 MFWD, PS, FF, rock box, to $3,650. Pomeroy 712-299radar, 540/1000 PTO, 3 6608 SCVs, 14.9x46(90%), 2340 hrs, exc cond, $81,500/OBO. Tractor Plows 1, 2, 3, 4, 5B, 2/3pt or pull, AC, Ford, IH, Mankato, MN 507-351-1176 JD, MM, Oliver. $100 to Oliver 550 Utility w/ 1505 $1,050. Pomeroy 712-299hyd loader, newer bucket, 6608 1850 hrs. nice tractor. $6,000. 515-824-3656 WANT MORE READERS TO SEE YOUR AD?? WE HAVE PARTS! Expand your coverage Parts for Tractors, area! The Land has Combines, Machinery, teamed up with Farm Hay Equipment, and News, and The Country more... Today so you can do just All makes & Models. that! Place a classified Used, new, rebuilt, afterad in The Land, and market. All States Ag Parts have the option of placCall: 877-530-4430 to reach ing it in these papers as the store nearest you! well. More readers = www.tractorpartsasap.com better results! Call The Harvesting Equip. Land for more information. ‘09 Brent 1082 grain cart, (507)345-4523•(800)657-4665 green in color, 20 ply diamond tread tires, roll tarp, scale, very low use, basically new. $32,000. 715We buy 797-9510 Salvage Equipment ‘91 CIH 1020 flex head, 20’, hyd fore & aft, 1 1/2” knife poly, $5,500. Wells MN 507-553-3754 9500 JD sidehill combine. ‘93 & ‘92 models. 4200 eng/2800 sep hrs. $37,850 & $39,985. 643 JD low tin oil head $4,895. Call 715-7724255

“Where Farm and Family Meet”

Farmall Super C w/ cult, FOR SALE: ‘01 JD 9550 side hill, 2234 sep hrs, starts, runs great, 2spd 4WD, 800 65R32 drive $3,200/OBO. 715-772-4430 tires, 28Lx26 rear tires, updates installed in ‘10, FOR SALE: ‘57 JD 620, w/ AgLeader yield mon w/ 3800 original hrs, one ownGPS mapping, including er, NH 256 rake. 507-847Dell computer w/ SMS 5489 advanced software, JD high inertia cylinder & FOR SALE: 9270 CIH w/ concave ($7,000 cost + 1000 PTO, Cummins pwr, install), Maurer grain 400+HP, pwr shift, 23.1x32 tank extensions. Combine tires w/ duals, everything is stored inside & works, no leaks, very in exc cond. $125,000/OBO. straight tractor, ‘07 JD 630F flexhead w/ $65,000/OBO. 715-797-9510 Crary air reel, head has only cut 500 acres total FOR SALE: ‘97 CIH 9330, since new, stored inside, 18.4X38 Michelen Agri like new. $32,500. ‘01 JD Ribs, 4450 hrs, no PTO, 918F flexhead, w/ contour wgts, P/S. 507-524-4675 Madrive shafts, stored pleton inside. exc cond. $15,000 715-797-9510 For Sale: JD 730 gas. ExcelSALE: ‘04 JD lent Condition. (507) 523- FOR 9660STS, 18.4x42 duals, 3305 or (507) 450-6115 1736 hrs, ContourMaster & hopper extension. 320-815FOR SALE: Used Oliver 9889 tractor parts for most Oliver Series 66-2255 incl FOR SALE: ‘06 JD 1293, 880D parts hyd unit, WF, 12R30”, loaded, single sheet metal, power boospoint hookup, hyd plates, ter, tires & rims, frt wgts knife rolls, CM, auto slap type & rear whl wgts, height, auger cover, outer Also have a lot of motor dividers, PTO drives, exc parts for most Olivers, gas shape, $36,250. 507-383-0114 & dsl. 218-564-4273 For Sale: 1460 IH Combine, new motor, $5,000. 820 20’ IH 1486 tractor, 4990 hrs, w/ flex head, $700. Also, ‘79 duals, excellent shape, Ford L9000, 3406 Cat, $17,500. 715-308-5356 13spd, long frame, twin screw w/ tag axle, 330K NEW AND USED miles, $4,000. Contact TRACTOR PARTS John at 218-849-4588 JD 10,20,30,40, 50, 55, 50 Series & newer tractors, AC- all models. FOR SALE: ‘71 JD 6600 w/ Large Inventory, We ship! 329 gas engine, 3986 hrs, Mark Heitman w/13’ platform, $2,200; JD Tractor Salvage 344 cornhead, $1,700. 507(715)673-4829 847-2695

Harvesting Equip.

22 A THE LAND, JULY 1, 2011

FOR SALE: ‘97 Case 2188, Fields Tracker, RWA, hopper ext, well maintained, 6500eng, 4800 sep hrs, feeder house reverser. $35,000 in work orders done over last 3 yrs. $42,000/OBO. Greg 320-304-1668 FOR SALE: ’97JD 922F poly skid plates, auto reel speed control, $9,500. 320-212-4462

Case IH 8010 2008 Model, 741/558 hrs., Pro 600 Monitor, 620/70R42 Tires



• 5/8” drum roller wall thickness • 42” drum diameter • 4”x8” frame tubing 1/4” thick • Auto fold FOR THE BEST DEAL ORDER NOW!

EQUIPMENT SPECIALS Case IH 7250 Magnum, MFD, 3200 hrs. ....................................$82,000 Case IH 7120 Magnum, MFD, 5400 hrs. ....................................$48,000 Ford New Holland 8670, MFD, 2300 hrs. ..................................$68,000 New Holland 355 Grinder w/scale ..............................................$12,500 Gehl 125 Grinder w/scale............................................................$12,500 New Holland 1411 Discbine, Like New ......................................$17,000 (4) Demco 365 Gravity Boxes ......................................................$5,600 (2) Demco 650 Gravity Box ........................................................$12,900 John Deere 714 Disc Chisel, 9-shank ..........................................$9,500 We carry a wide variety of twine and wrap products, plastic wrap, and net wrap



‘98 Geringhoff 8-30 2206-2208

“Where Farm and Family Meet”

‘97 CIH 8940 ‘97 CIH 8920 SPRING EQUIPMENT JD 8450, 4W ‘09 CIH 1250, 12-30, bulk fill, liq‘05 Case 445, cab, air uid fert. ‘07 LX770 Ldr, Like New ..$11,900 ‘08 1200, 16-30 pivot CIH 5400, 20’ drill COMBINES CIH 1830, 12-30 VS cult. ‘10 CIH 7120, 350 hrs. ‘07 CIH 2577, 800 hrs. TILLAGE ‘08 CIH 7010, 429 hrs. DMI 530B ‘06 CIH 2388, 1570 hrs. DMI 730B ripper ‘98 2388, 2670 hrs. CIH 930, 9 shank ripper ‘97 CIH 2166 JD 2700, 9 shank ‘01-’08 1020, 25’ J&M 750 grain cart w/scale

Carryover Aluma Trailers - 6 Units Left SAVE! Last Year’s Prices

RABE INTERNATIONAL, INC. 1205 Bixby Road (across from fairgrounds), Fairmont, MN 507-235-3358 or 800-813-8300 • Get the Rabe Advantage

Greenwald, MN • 320-987-3177 14 miles So. of Sauk Centre

~ NEW EQUIPMENT/BIG INVENTORY ~ Notch Equipment: • Rock Buckets • Grapple Forks • Manure Forks • Bale Spears • Hi-Volume Buckets & Pallet Forks • Bale Transports & Feeder Wagons, 16’-34’ • Adult & Young Stock Feeders & Bale Feeders • Land Levelers

Smidley Equipment: • Steer Stuffers • Hog Feeders • Hog Huts • Calf Creep Feeders • Lamb & Sheep Feeders • Cattle & Hog Waterers • Mini Scaler

Sioux Equipment: • Gates • Calving Pens • Haymax Bale Feeders • Cattel Panels • Feeders Panels • Head Gates • Hog Feeders • Squeeze Chutes & Tubs • Port-A-Hut Shelters (Many Sizes) • Bergman Cattle Feeders • Lorenz & Farm King Snowblowers • Mandako Land Rollers, 12’-60’ • GT (Tox-O-Wic) Grain Dryers, 350-800 bu. • Sheep & Calf Feeders • Livestock Equipment by Vern’s Mfg. • Powder River Crowding Tub & Alley • Mister Squeeze Cattle Chutes & Hd. Gates • Garfield Earth Scrapers • Peck Augers • MDS Buckets for Loaders & Skidloaders

• We Also Buy & Sell Used GT Tox-O-Wic Dryers Or We Can Rebuild Your Dryer For You

• Powder River Livestock & Horse Equipment • Tire Scrapers for Skidsteers, 6’-9’ • Jari Sickle Mowers • Grasshopper Lawn Mowers • “Tire” feeders & waterers • MDS Roto King Round Bale Processor for skidsteers, tractors, loaders or telehandlers • Good Stock of parts for GT Tox-O-Wic Grain Dryers, Also, Some Used Parts • Sitrex Wheel Rakes - MX Model In Stock • Brillion Alfalfa & Grass Seeders • Bale Baskets • SI Feeders & Bunks • (Hayhopper) Bale Feeders • Enduraplas Bale Feeders, Panels & Tanks • E-Z Trail Wagons, Boxes & Grain Carts • Calftel Hutches & Animal Barns • R&C Poly Bale Feeders • Farm King Augers and Mowers • Corral Panels & Horse Stalls • EZ-Trail Head Movers & Bale Racks • Roda Mini-Spreaders • Amish Built Oak bunk feeders & bale racks • Walco log splitter • Goat & Sheep feeders

• We Buy & Sell Used Smidley Steer Stuffers Or We Can Rebuild Your Steer Stuffer For You

~ USED EQUIPMENT ~ • 45’ Mandako Lanroller, ‘10, used on 3200 acres • 48” Grasshopper Zero Turn Mower, Very Good • 60”, 3 pt., PTO, Rototiller • Bush Hog GT 48” Rotary Cutter w/13 hp Eng., PT • Brady 5600, 6K stalk chopper/windrower • Hiniker 1700, 15’ stalk shredder/end trans., Exc.

• Steer Stuffer & Hog Feeders • Farm Hand tub grinder • 3 pt. Brillion 6’ Landscape Seeder • 380 GT Tox-O-Wic grain drayer, rebuilt • (2) 8-yard scrapers


Office Location - 305 Bluff Street Hutchinson, MN 55350 Case IH and CNH Capital are registered trademarks of CNH America LLC

Visit our Web Site at http://www.caseih.com

320-587-2162, Ask for Larry

FOR SALE: Combine Header Transports. 2 Wheel, 4 Wheel & Caster Wheel models. Brackets sold separately to build your own. Satisfaction guaranteed! (320)563-4145 or (320)808-7644 Ask for Denny! See All Of Our Trailers www.klugmanwelding.com FOR SALE: IH 810 5 belt pick up head, belts are like new; 230 IH 14’ swather, good condition. 320-226-5067 FOR SALE: JD 215 rigid head, low use, good head, $3,000/OBO; JD 444 cornhead, very good cond, $2,750/OBO. 715-797-9510 FOR SALE: JD 6601 pulltype combine, w/grain head pickup. (320)630-2791 FOR SALE: JD 822 cornhead, GVL plastic, JD knife rolls, set up for 9000 Series combine, exc cond. $7,500/OBO. 320-365-4721 FOR SALE: JD 9400 combine, 3100 sep hrs, 4000 eng hrs, always shedded, very good machine. 320-232-8567 FOR SALE: White 704 cornhead, 36”, 15’ quick cut bean head, 5 belt pickup head, all in good condition. 320-596-2303 RETIRING. ‘82 JD 6620 hydro combine, 2168 act hrs, 216 flex platform & 443 cornhead. Always shedded. 507-235-5843

Planting Equipment FOR SALE: Clark & Welsh 300 gal field sprayers, good pumps; (2) E-Z 220 gravity boxes on 10 ton Easy Trail gear; JD RM 6 RN cult. Glencoe, MN 320-864-4583 or 320-779-4583

Tillage Equipment 3pt 6x30 Miller cultivator. 2 stabilizer coultures & rolling shields. 507-523-3305 or 507-450-6115 FOR SALE: ‘98 JD 980 30 1/2’ field cult, 3 bar harrow, walking tandem, New JD sweep, good cond. $13,750. 507-380-7863 FOR SALE: CIH 8RN cult, f-fold, R.S., like new $2,000; IH 4600 field cult, 28’ w/ mulcher, rear HD hitch, very gd, $6,000; DMI Ecolo 500, 3pt ripper, 5 shank, $7,000. JD #21 hay cond. $500. 320-328-5794 FOR SALE: IH 720 plow, 518” onland hitch, auto reset, coulters. Delivery possible. $4,950. 507-380-7863

Tillage Equipment

Spraying Equip.

JD 825 8R30” cult, rolling FOR SALE: ‘80 JD 6000 shields & extra sweeps, sprayer, 60’ boom, foam exc cond. Bought new & markers, new tires, cab, has always been shedded. air, shields, & drop noz$575. 507-236-8898 zels, asking $5000. Westbrook, MN 507-274-5936 Wilrich 47’ tri-fold field cult, hi clearance, exc cond, FOR SALE: 80’ Top Air Xshedded, 1 owner, $20,000. fold spray boom, Raven 712-870-3792 controller. 507-553-3592




Machinery Wanted

FOR SALE: ‘89 JD 6000 hicycle sprayer, w/ cab, a/c, All kinds of New & Used 60’ boom, Raven 400 monifarm equipment - disc tor & foamer, Nice shape. chisels, field cults., plantField ready. Asking $9,500. ers, soil finishers, corn507-210-0735 heads, feed mills, discs, balers, haybines, etc. FOR SALE: Heavy Duty (507)438-9782 1,075 gal water trailer on walking tandems, w/ chem Disc chisels: JD 714 & 712, inductor, & near new 2” Glencoe 7400; Field Cults Banjo pump w/ 5.5hp, Inunder 30’: JD 980, small tertec Briggs eng. Asking grain carts & gravity box$1,000. Call 507-210-0735 es 300-400 bu. finishers under 20’, clean 4 & 6R stalk Hagie 284 Sprayer, 80' boom, choppers; Nice JD 215 & good cond, $32,000/OBO. 216 flex heads; JD 643 515-689-2547 or 515-689-0907 cornheads Must be clean;JD corn planters, 4Wanted 6-8 row. 715-299-4338 WANTED: Harvestor or Stave silos for salvage & WANTED TO BUY: Oliver large volumes of scrap or White tractors, can be iron. 952-292-5255 good running ones, parts tractors, or ones that need Farm Services fixing, all years & models. Custom round baling w/ late 218-564-4273 model JD baler. Makes up to 5x6 bale. Twine or net WANTED: 2 - 150 gal. fert. wrap. Contact Steve Mestanks w/mounting brackets serli 507-276-4595 to fit a 7”x7” bar; also, Will Travel double disk fert. openers & 2 - 8R squeeze pumps. (320)333-2742 WANTED: 8T fertilizer spreader, 540 RPM, hyd and cover. 6 row chopping cornhead. 952-446-1120 WANTED: A pair of 8 bolt dual hub extentions; also, set of flat-fold markers for 8RW or 12RN planter. (320)333-2742 WANTED: B&H 9100 16 row ridge till cult. 507-259-2677 WANTED: Gleaner grain or soybean head for Model M combine. 608-323-7297 WANTED: Gleaner R60 w/ 6-30 head. 320-597-2544 WANTED: IH planter, model 950 or 955, 16R22”. 320968-6616 WANTED: JD 4055 or 4255 2WD tractor w/ cab in good condition. Daytimes only. 651-564-0606

Spraying Equip.

FOR SALE: 1000 gal. SS tank & pump on 8T trlr, $2,800; 1000 gal. poly tank & pump on AgChem tandem trlr, $3,250; 500 gal. SS tank on 6T trlr, $1,750; 8’x16’ tilt bed trlr, $1,100. Olivia, MN (320)523-1099




$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $ FOR $1 MORE on your classified $ $ $ $ line ad, you can put your website $ $ on your ad and have a direct link $ $ $ $ from The Land e-edition to your $ $ website. Just let THE LAND Staff $ $ $ know when placing your ad. $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$


Call 651-923-4430 or 651-380-6034

Norwood Young America 952-467-2181 A family business since 1946 with the Lanos: Jack, Paul, Bob and Andy


USED EQUIPMENT FROM A NAME YOU CAN TRUST! ‘09 5600, glass cab w/AC, hi flow aux., 370 hrs. ..$32,500 ‘07 T-300, glass cab & heater, hi flow aux., 500 hrs. ..$31,500 ‘07 T-190, glass cab w/AC, 2900 hrs. ....................$26,900 ‘06 T-140, 450 hrs. ......$22,000 ‘02 S-250, glass cab & heater, 2-spd., 3150 hrs. ........$21,500 (3) ‘06 & Newer S-205, glass cab & heater, AC ................Starting at $15,900 ‘07 S-185, glass cab w/AC, 2-spd., 1800 hrs. ........$22,900 ‘05 S-185, glass cab w/AC, 2165 hrs. ....................$19,900 ‘09 S-175, glass cab & heater, 2-spd., 2700 hrs. ........$17,900

‘07 S-150, glass cab & heater, 4500 hrs. ....................$14,950 (3) S-130, glass cab & heater, 2000 hrs. & up ................Starting at $12,750 ‘84 743, glass cab & heater ......................................$8,500 ‘79 732, 175 hrs. eng. OH$6,500 ‘04 463, glass cab & heater, 3025 hrs. ......................$7,750 ‘74 Melroe 610, cage, Quick Tach ....................$3,995 ‘01 NH LS-170, 1975 hrs., New Engine ................$16,900 ‘97 NH LX-485, 3550 hrs.$8,950 ‘05 NH LS-120, gas, 1100 hrs. ......................$9,250 ‘79 Gehl 2600 ................$3,250 ‘06 I-R 36” tree spade ....$7,500

✔ Check us out at www.lanoequipofnorwood.com

Norwood Young America 952-467-2181 A family business since 1946 with the Lanos: Jack, Paul, Bob and Andy


‘99 NH 8870, MFD, 4000 hrs.................$75,900 ‘98 NH TS-110, MFD, cab, loader, 965 hrs. ..........................................................$40,000 ‘08 NH T-2210, MFD, 48 hrs. ................$15,900 ‘89 White 160, MFD, 10,600 hrs. ..........$25,000 ‘80 White 2-135, MFD, 6800 hrs. ..........$15,500 ‘06 Agco ST52A, MFD, loader, 287 hrs. $16,500 ‘99 MF 6290, MFD, 4500 hrs. ..............$41,900 ‘51 Farmall M..........................................$1,650 ‘99 Cub Cadet 7205, MFD, 60” mower deck, 843 hrs. ..............................................$7,500 ‘86 CDS 710C Industrial Tractor Loader ..$7,900 ‘84 CDS 706D Fork Lift, 6000 lb. rating, 30’ lift ..................................................$8,500

USED COMBINES ‘08 Gleaner A-75, 450 sep. hrs., 20.8x42 duals ................................................$193,000 ‘80 NH TR-75, 4x30 corn head................$7,250 ‘81 NH TR-95 ..........................................$7,950

USED TILLAGE ‘04 Wilrich Quad X, 32’, 4 bar harrow....$21,900 ‘01 JD 2200, 36.5’, 3 bar harrow, floating hitch ..................................................$20,500 (2) ‘07 Wilrich 957, 7-shank ripper, harrow ................................................Each $26,500 ‘09 Wilrich 957, 5-shank ripper, harrow, 50 acres ............................................$38,500 Wilrich 6600 ripper, 7-shank ..................$5,350 International 55, 15-shank chisel ............$1,950 Cook 10-shank chisel..............................$1,250 Oliver 14’ disk............................................$750 IH 720 plow, 6 bottom ............................$1,700

Sunflower 20’ drill, pull cart, 10” spacing, press wheels........................................$7,950

USED HAY EQUIPMENT ‘88 Hesston 8200, high contact rolls ....$20,750 ‘81 IH 4000, 12’, cond., gas ....................$3,500 OMC 260 swather, 12’ head, cond. ........$4,250 ‘99 C-IH DC-515, 15’ discbine ..............$12,500 (2) ‘04 NH 1411, 10’ discbine ........................................Starting at $11,500 ‘95 JD 820, 9’ MoCo ..............................$5,950 ‘84 Versatile 4814, 14’ haybine for 276/9030 ............................................$3,500 ‘06 NH BB-940A big square baler, applicator, cutter ................................................$61,500 ‘05 NH BB-940A, big square baler, applicator ..........................................................$44,900 ‘07 NH BR-780A round baler ................$20,000 ‘04 NH BR-780 round baler, netwrap ....$17,500 ‘03 NH BR-780 round baler, bale slice ..$17,000 ‘06 NH BR-750A round baler, netwrap ..$17,500 ‘04 NH BR-740 round baler, bale slice, netwrap..............................................$13,900 ‘90 NH 848 round baler ..........................$3,250 ‘05 C-IH RBX562 round baler, netwrap ..$21,500 ‘00 NH 570 square baler, 72 thrower ....$10,250 ‘78 NH 320 square baler, chute & hitch ..$3,500 ‘04 H&S FRHD, 18’ front & rear unload, 15-ton wagon ......................................$9,750 (2) Gehl 7190 feeder wagonsStarting at $3,250 JD 65 forage blower ..................................$350 ‘81 Uni 802 tractor w/767 chopper, 2 heads ............................................................13,500


‘05 NH 195 spreader ..............................$9,950 ‘97 H&S 1802 spreader ..........................$5,500 ‘11 Great Plains, 24 twin row planter, ‘11 MIllcreak 15 spreader ......................$1,450 Demo ..............................................$119,900 ‘10 Artsway 8x55 grain auger ................$4,500 ‘01 White 6100, 12x30, vertical fold......$16,500 ✔ Check us out at: White 6700, 12x30, 3 pt., lift assist ......$13,500 www.lanoequipofnorwood.com ‘88 White 5100, 4x38 twin row, dry fert. $7,500



“Where Farm and Family Meet”

FOR SALE: ‘05 Nitro 2275 sprayer, 90’, 1400 gal S/S. 1650 hrs, $120,000. Also, ‘99 Nitro 200, 1200 gal S/S, 2900 hrs, new frt tires, call for price. 507-427-3520

Don’t brood--

23 Glyphosate - American Made A • $8.50/gal. Kendo (aphids) • $65/gal. Generic Lorsban (aphids) • $25/gal. Arrow • $65/gal. (Vol Corn) *Licensed to meter chemicals. Complete line of Generic and Name Brand chemicals. • Herbicides • Fungicides • Insecticides OEM Ag Equipment Parts Grain Storage & Distribution Systems, Steel Buildings

THE LAND, JULY 1, 2011

FOR SALE: ‘09 4511 Sun- FOR SALE: ‘01 JD 4700 sprayer, 3100 hrs, 90’ flower disc chisel, 9 shank, boom, $55,000. 507-475-7021 nice shape, 952-467-3081.

24 A THE LAND, JULY 1, 2011

Call today to place your classified ad in The Land!



EQUIP., LLC • 320-598-7604 •

Madison, MN From Hwy. 75 & 212 Jct., 3.5 mi. W., 2.5 mi. S.

IH 863 corn head ..............................$2,250 ‘00 CIH 1020, 30’ flex head ..............$9,900 NH 8RN, plastic snoot, Low Acres ..$17,500 JD 800 swather, 15’ ..............................$950 Hume reel, 15’, (JD 800) ......................$250 Hesston 6550, auger head swather ..$5,500 Hesston 6450, 18’ double swather ....$6,500 NH BR 780A baler, net wrap ............$15,000 NH BR 780 baler, net wrap ..............$14,000 NH BR 780 baler, twine....................$10,500 JD 566 baler, net wrap ....................$11,000 (2) JD 566 round balers ........$7,900/$8,900 New, 12 wheel rakes, hi capacity ....$7,800 12 wheel rake, Like New ..................$4,500 JD 2020, gas, Nice ............................$6,900 JD 3010, gas, loader..........................$5,500 (3) JD 4010 D........................$4,900-$6,500 (2) JD 4020, PS ....................$7,500/$8,900 (3) JD 4020, PS, side console ......................................$10,500-$15,500 JD 4430, PS ....................................$14,500 JD 4240, Quad ................................$18,000 JD 4240, Quad, (B range needs work) ........................................................$9,500 JD 4440, PS ....................................$19,250 JD 4650, PS ....................................$23,500

(2) JD 4960, MFD..............$39,000/$51,000 JD 7800, FWA, JD 740 loader..........$45,000 IH 7110, FWA, FH 1140 loader ........$37,500 ‘84 IH 5088, cab, air ........................$13,900 IH 986 ..............................................$12,500 IH 1066, red cab, WF, 3 pt. ................$6,200 IH 1066 ..............................................$4,500 ‘94 CIH 9280, 12-spd., triples, Nice $55,000 JD 843 loader, Like New ..................$12,500 JD 840 loader, JD 8000 mts...............$9,500 JD 148, JD 158 loaders ..........................Call JD 146 loader....................................Coming (2) IH 2350 loaders ..............$3,000/$3,500 Leon 1000 grapple, off JD 8100 ........$5,500 Dual 3100 loader, blue cylinder ........$1,250 Dual 310 loader ................................$3,000 Farmhand 27, grapple ......................$1,000 Farmhand F358 loader, IH mts. ........$3,250 Miller loader, black/grapple ..............$2,500 Miller PL-4 loader..............................$3,500 Buhler 2595, New!, JD 6000 mts. ....$3,500 JD 331, 30’ disc ................................$3,900 New Box Scrapers, 10’/12’ ....................Call New & Used Skidsteer Attachments......Call Pallet Forks, Grapples, Rock Buckets ..Call


USED PARTS LARSON SALVAGE Good selection of tractor parts - New & Used All kinds of hay equipment, haybines, balers, choppers parted out. New combine belts for all makes. Swather canvases, round baler belting, used & new tires. 6 miles East of

CAMBRIDGE, MN 763-689-1179 We Ship Daily Visa and MasterCard Accepted

USED TRACTORS NEW Massey 1635, FWA, w/loader ......................ON HAND NEW Massey 5480 FWA, w/loader ........................ON HAND ‘01 CIH STX440 ........................................................$112,000 Buhler 2210, SS, 1475 hrs..........................................$94,900 ‘79 Versatile 875, 4WD, w/3 pt ..................................$24,000 Versatile 256 Bidi ........................................................$26,500 JD 2020, 2WD ..............................................................$6,950 Massey Ferguson 220 ..................................................$7,000 Ford TW20, FWA ......................................................COMING Massey 1190, FWA ....................................................$11,500 MM 302 w/loader..........................................................$4,500


NEW White planters ......................................................CALL Hiniker 30’ seeder ......................................................$19,500 ‘92 JD 455, 30’ ............................................................$14,000

TILLAGE ‘03 NH ST740, 7-shank ..............................................$18,500 JD 2700, 7-shank........................................................$27,500 DMI 530 w/leveler ......................................................$10,500


“Where Farm and Family Meet”


‘06 Gleaner R75 w/CDF............................................COMING ‘05 Gleaner R65 ........................................................$150,000 ‘03 Gleaner R65 ........................................................COMING Gleaner R60 ................................................................$29,500 ‘08 Fantini 12-30 chopping cornhead ......................$68,000

NEW Fantini chopping cornhead ..................................CALL


New Hesston & NH Hay Tools On Hand Hesston 1150, 12’ ........................................................$1,800


NEW Salford RT units ....................................................CALL NEW Westfield augers..........................................AVAILABLE NEW Rem 2700 vac........................................................CALL NEW Century HD1000, 60’ sprayers ............................CALL NEW Riteway rollers ......................................................CALL NEW Lorenz snowblowers ............................................CALL NEW Batco conveyors ..................................................CALL NEW Brent wagons & grain carts ..................................CALL NEW E-Z Trail seed wagons ..........................................CALL NEW rock buckets & pallet forks.................................. CALL NEW Hardi sprayers ......................................................CALL REM 2700, Rental ..........................................................CALL Unverferth 8000 grain cart ........................................$19,000 Kinze 1050 w/duals ....................................................$48,500 ‘09 Artsway 5165 mill ................................................$21,000

(DMI Parts Available)


NEW NH skidsteers on hand ........................................CALL ‘08 L175, 2-spd., 360 hrs. ..........................................$25,500 ‘06 Mustang 2066, 1623 hrs.......................................$18,500 ‘02 NH LS170 w/bucket & fork ..................................$14,500

SMITHS MILL IMPLEMENT Hwy. 14, 3 miles West of Janesville, MN

Phone (507) 234-5191 or (507) 625-8649 Mon. - Fri. 7:30-5:00, Sat. 7:30-Noon

Feed, Seed, Hay

Feed, Seed, Hay

Feed, Seed, Hay

#1 Soft 3rd crop grass hay. 600 small, sq. bales. Delivery available. 715-296-2162

Dairy quality western alfalfa, big squares or small squares, delivered in semi loads.

Round bales of hay & straw for sale. (715)748-2533

South Dakota Western Alfalfa & Grass 3x3x8. Various Alfalfa mixed & grass hay in Clint Haensel RFB's rounds & big squares, de(605) 310-6653 KNS Hay & Transport livered from South Dakota, 605-999-1118 Jerry Haensel FOR SALE: Alfalfa 3x3 (605)363-3402 or (605)321-9237 squares, first cutting, 160 Straw, Grass, Alfalfa & Corn RFV, using super condiDairy Quality Alfalfa Stalks In Large Rounds & tioning rows, $135 a ton. Tested big squares & round Large Squares, Delivery available. bales, delivered from in net & plastic twine. 507-427-2050 Mountain Lake South Dakota Delivered in semi loads. John Haensel Call Tim at 320-221-2085 Hay for Sale: LeRoy Ose, (605)334-0643 Thief River Falls, MN 218681-7796 or cell 218-689-6675

4WD & TRACK TRACTORS ‘08 C-IH 435 Steiger, 470 hrs., powershift, luxury cab, 620x42 tires & duals ..$176,000 ‘08 C-IH 435 Steiger, 24 spd. trans., 404 hrs, 710x42” duals, big pump, diff. lock ........................................$168,000 JD 8770, 12 spd. syncro, 5211 hrs., 20.8x38, radial tires & duals 85%, 4 hyd.......$62,500 JD 8870, 24 spd., 6330 hrs., eng. OH ‘09, 20.8x38 tires & duals 75%, 4 hyd., diff. lock ..........................................$65,000 ‘97 JD 9300, 24 spd., 5568 hrs., 20.8x42 duals ................................................$78,000 ‘89 JD 8760, 12 spd., 6600 hrs., 20.8x38 duals ................................................$46,000

ROW CROP TRACTORS ‘04 Cat 765, 3000 hrs., 18” tracks,, 120” track spacing, 3 pt., 1000 PTO, 4 hyd., frt. wgts., Nice ....................................$125,000 ‘97 JD 8300, MFWD, 8350 hrs., 3 pt., 1000 PTO, 4 hyd., 14.9x46 duals ....$60,000 ‘03 JD 8420, 4486 hrs., 3 pt., 1000 PTO, P.S. trans., 380x50 tires & duals, front wgts. ..............................................$108,000 ‘03 JD 8220, MFWD, 4470 hrs., 3 pt., 1000 PTO, 5 hyd., big pump, 380x50 tires & duals ....................................$93,500 ‘02 JD 8120, MFWD, 4921 hrs., 3 pt., 1000 PTO, 540 capable, big pump, 380x50 tires & duals........................$89,000 ‘98 JD 8100, MFWD, 7530 hrs., 420x46 tires & duals, 3 pt., 1000 PTO, 8 frt. wgts., big hyd. pump..................................$63,500 ‘08 JD 7230 Premium, MFWD, 450 hrs., cab, air, 3 pt., 540/1000 PTO, 3 hyd., 18.4x38 tires....................................$78,000 ‘90 JD 4455, 2WD, 8801 hrs., 3 hyd., 3 pt., 540/1000 PTO, 14.9x46 tires & duals ........................................................$37,500 ‘09 C-IH 275 Magnum, 795 hrs., 3pt., 540/1000 PTO, 420x46 tires & duals ......................................................$137,500 ‘07 C-IH 305 Magnum, 2100 hrs., 380/54” tires & duals, 380x46 front tires & duals, 3 pt., 1000 PTO ......$123,000 ‘06 C-IH MX215, MFWD, 1850 hrs., 3 pt., 540/1000 PTO, 20.8x42 duals $92,000

‘06 C-IH 120MXM, MFWD, Pro cab, 1699 hrs., 3 hyd., 540/1000 PTO, 18.4x42 tires....................................$52,000 Case 2096, cab/air, 3 pt., 540/1000 PTO, 18.4x38 singles, 6300 hrs. ..............$17,500 ‘07 NH TG275, MFWD, 1050 hrs., 18.4x50 duals, front duals, front wgts., 540/1000 PTO ..............................................$115,000 Allis 7080, cab/air, 3 pt., 3 hyd., 1000 PTO ....................................................$7,500

COMBINES ‘06 JD 8010, 1325 eng./1050 sep. hrs., 20.8x42 duals, tracker, chopper, rock trap, auto header, Sharp!........................$155,000 ‘06 JD 9660STS, 1815 eng./1315 sep. hrs., Contour Master, bullet rotor, hi-capacity unload, chopper, 20.8x38 duals ....$135,000 ‘06 JD 9760STS, 1783 eng./1207 sep. hrs., Contour Master, bullet rotor, Touchset, HID lights, 20.8x42 duals ..............$140,000 ‘05 JD 9760STS, 1462 eng./1086 sep. hrs., Contour Master, 20.8x38 duals, chopper, header controls ..............$130,000 ‘04 JD 9760STS, 2358 eng./1612 sep. hrs., hi-capacity unload, Contour Master, chopper, Greenstar yield & moisture monitor, 800x32 tires ....................$125,000 ‘04 JD 9660STS, 1761 eng./1289 sep. hrs., 18.4x42 duals, Green Star, yield & moisture monitor, touch set..........................$120,000 ‘03 JD 9650STS, 2732 eng./1962 sep. hrs., Contour Master, bin ext. 18.4x42 duals ........................................................$89,000 ‘02 JD 9550, 2693 eng./1673 sep. hrs., 4WD, Contour Master, bin ext., chopper, JD chaff spreader ............................$89,000 ‘05 Cat 560 Lexion, 1032 eng./810 sep. hrs., 20.8x42 duals, auto contour, 3D sieves, chopper, walker machine ................$98,000

LOADER TRACTORS ‘08 NH T7030, MFWD, 1085 hrs., 18.4x42 duals, 540/1000 PTO, NH 850TL loader w/grapple & joystick........................$89,000 ‘02 NH TM125, MFWD, 3483 hrs., cab, air, 3 pt., 540/1000 PTO, Buhler 2795 loader w/joystick control..................$49,000

Check Out Our Website For Pictures & More Listings @ www.larsonimplements.com

LARSON IMPLEMENTS 5 miles east of Cambridge, MN on Hwy. 95 763-689-1179 Look at our Web site for pictures & more listings Free delivery on combines in MN, Eastern ND & SD


Feed, Seed, Hay


WANTED TO BUY: DAMAGED CORN. Wet or dryalmost any condition. Schwieger Grain Fairmont, MN 800-658-2314 or 507-236-5181 cell

25 A


THE LAND, JULY 1, 2011

WANTED & FOR SALE Black Angus Yearling bulls; ALL TYPES of hay & Hamp, Chester & Yorkstraw. Also buying corn, shire boars & gilts. wheat & oats. Western Hay Alfred Kemen(320)598-3790 available. Fox Valley AlDairy falfa Mill. 920-853-3554 (1) Milking Short Horn Jersey cross, springing heifer, Also reg. Jersey cows, milking up to 100 lbs/day. Classification scores 287 pts. Also, (1) 9 mo. old reg. Jersey bull. (715)3050825 leave message if no answer

WESTERN ALFALFA. Exc quality, 1st crop tested. Lg 3" stainless steel, double loop pipeline for 24 stall square bales 3x3x8. Millmilking parlor. 4 inlet reard Brothers 800-535-7715. ceiver. (3)-24 unit pulsator controllers, infinite speed Fertilizer & & time control, front or Chemicals rear, works on Boumatic & other pulsators. 715-205NH3 Applicator, hydraulic 9994 shut-off, 11 knives, 3pt, $2,000/OBO. 515-368-3732

Plow Right In and-


THE LAND 1-800-657-4665



ANYWHERE We buy damaged corn and grain any condition - wet or dry TOP DOLLAR We have vacs and trucks CALL HEIDI OR LARRY



Midwest Ag Equip Farm Equipment For Sale

USED EQUIPMENT • White 6700 18-22 planter • Westfield MK 13x91 hopper • Westfield 10x60 hopper • Feterl 8x60 hopper • Wilrich 614, 30’ disc • Wishek 862, 38’ disc • Wishek 862, 30’ disc • Wishek 862, 26’ disc • Wishek 862, 22’ disc • Pickett thinner, 24-22 • Alloway 22’ shredder • Balzer 20’ shredder • Kilbros 1810 cart, tracks • UTF 760 grain cart • ‘09 Salford 570, 41’ • ‘09 JD 2700, 7-30/harrow • Wilrich 957, 7-30/harrow

• (2) JD 510, 7-30 • Brillion Land Commander, 7-24 • JD 960, 36’ F.C. w/harrow • Wilrich 3400, 54’ F.C. w/harrow • Hardi Comm. 1200, 99’ • Hardi Nav. 1000, 66’ • Redball 570, 1200, 88’ • Blumhardt 750, 60’ • Spray Coupe 220, 60’ • Brittonia 500, 60’ • Amity 10’, 12-22, (2) • Amity 8-22, (3) • Amity 6-22 • ‘09 Artsway 6812, 12-22 • ‘08 Artsway 6812, 12-22 • ‘05 Artsway 6812, 12-22 • Artsway 898, 8-22, (2) • Amity 12-22 topper • Amity 12-22 topper St. Ft., (2) • Artsway 12-22 topper St. Ft., (2) • Alloway 12-22 topper St. Ft., (2) • Alloway 12-22 folding topper, (2) • Alloway 9-22 topper

Financing Available

Emerson Kalis Easton, MN 56025 • 507-381-9675

Clara City, MN 56222 320-847-3218 www.wearda.com

COMBINES • • • • • • • • •

‘09 MF 9795, 282 hrs. ‘05 Challenger 670, 1476 hrs. ‘96 MF 8570, RWA, 2330 sep. hrs. ‘90 MF 8570 ‘77 MF 750 ‘82 MF 850, variable speed, 3535 hrs. MF 9750 pu table MF 9120 beantable MF 1859 beantables, 15’, 18’, 20’

CORNHEADS • ‘08 Geringhoff 1822, RD • ‘07 Geringhoff 1822, RD • ‘07 Geringhoff 1622, RD • ‘04 Geringhoff 1622, RD • ‘07 Geringhoff 1222, RD • ‘03 Geringhoff 1222, RD • (2) ‘08 Geringhoff 1220, RD • ‘05 Geringhoff 1020, RD • ‘98 Geringhoff 830, RD • ‘06 Geringhoff 830, RD • ‘03 Geringhoff 830, RD • ‘01 Geringhoff 830, RD • ‘00 Geringhoff 830, RD • ‘92 Geringhoff 830, PC • ‘06 Geringhoff 822, RD • ‘05 Geringhoff 822, RD • ‘07 Geringhoff 820, RD • ‘08 Geringhoff 630, RD

• ‘07 Geringhoff 630, RD • ‘94 Geringhoff 630, PC • ‘91 Geringhoff 630, PC • ‘92 Gleaner 1222 hugger • ‘94 Gleaner 830 hugger • ‘04 CIH 2206, HDP • ‘06 CIH 2208, 8R30” • CIH 922 GVL poly • ‘90 CIH 1083 • ‘00 JD 893, knife rolls, HDP, HHC • ‘02 JD 893, knife rolls • MF 9483 • ‘03 MF 3000, 6R30” • ‘96 MF 864 • ‘99 NH 996, 12R20” • ‘09 NH 98D, 18R20” • ‘05 NH 98C, 12R20”

GRAIN HANDLING • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Brandt GBU-10 grain bag unloader Brandt GBL-10 grain bag loader Brandt 5200 EX grain vacs Brandt 1515 LP, 1535, 1545, 1575, 1585 belt conveyors Brandt 1390 HP swing Brandt 1390 XL swing Brandt 1070 swing Brandt 10x35 auger Brandt 8x47 auger Brandt 8x42 auger Feterl 10x60 auger Parker 1348 grain cart, 1300 bu., PTO drive Parker 938 grain cart, 1000 bu. Parker 505 gravity box, 550 bu., brakes Feterl 10x60 straight auger

• • • • • • • •

Chandler litter spreader 22’&26’ ‘07 JD 956, 15’ ‘78 JD 1209, 9’ Sitrex DM5, DM6, DM7 disc mowers Sitrex RP5 3 pt. wheel rake Sitrex MK12 & MK 14 wheel rakes Sitrex 10 & 12 wheel rakes on cart Westendorf 3 pt. bale spear

• • • • • • • • • • • • •

JD 330 disc, harrow Balzer 22’ stalk chopper Balzer 20’ stalk chopper Leon rock picker, reel type Loftness 30’ stalk chopper, SM (5) Mauer 28’ to 42’ header trailers WRS 30’ header trailer Sunflower 1550 disc, 50’ Degelman 6000 HD rock picker Degelman RR1500 rock rake Degelman RD320 rock digger Degelman LR7645 land roller Degelman 7999 Straw Master, 50’



“Where Farm and Family Meet”

‘08 Challenger 965B, 800 hrs ......$199,500 ‘07 JD 9230, 3 pt., PTO ..................$130,000 ‘08 Cat MT755, 1900 hrs. ..............$160,000 ‘07 CIH MX305, 4600 hrs., warranty ........................................................$115,000 ‘05 JD 9660, 700 sep. hrs. ............$145,000 ‘95 Ford 9680, 4600 hrs. ..................$64,000 ‘78 JD 2940, MFWD w/loader ..........$18,500 ‘93 JD 410D backhoes, cab 4x4, ext-hoe ..............................................$28,000 ‘08 Krause Dominator, 18’ ..............$42,000 ‘06 Lexion 590R, 950 sep. hrs ......$170,000 ‘98 JD 1770, 24-30 planter, E sets, airforce trash whippers ......................$61,000 ‘00 Hagie STS12 ..............................$85,000 ‘08 Cat 226B2 skidsteer, 400 hrs. ....$23,000

• Agco-Challenger • Hardi Sprayers • REM Grain Vac • Woods Mowers • J&M Grain Carts • Westfield Augers • Sunflower Tillage • White Planters • Wilrich Tillage

TRACTORS • MF 8660, MFD, 225 PTO hp. • ‘02 MF 481 platform • ‘05 MF 451, 363 hrs., 45 hp. - Like New • MF GC2600 Compact, 26 hp. • MF 1529 Compact, 29 hp., loader • ‘93 Agco 5680, MFD, loader • ‘67 JD 3020


THE LAND, JULY 1, 2011

26 A

USED TRACTORS ‘08 MF 1540 w/loader, 40 hp., 380 hrs.........$17,900 ‘05 MF 1533 w/loader, 400 hrs. ....................$14,900 Agco RT150, 1400 hrs., all options ..............$89,500 Agco Star 8360, 4000 hrs., new tires & clutch ..................................................................$69,500 ‘02 Challenger MT565, 2000 hrs. ................$69,500 Challenger MT525B, ‘04, 800 hrs. ................$54,500 Challenger MT465B, ‘07, 1100 hrs. ..............$46,900 Agco 9455, 2WD, duals ................................$26,500

AC 8550, 4WD, duals, Cummins ..................$16,900 Agco Allis 8745, 2WD, WL27 loader ............$19,900 ‘07 Agco RT155A, FWA, 900 hrs. ................$99,500 ‘07 Agco ST28A w/loader, 8 hrs. ..................$14,900 AC 7030, duals, recent eng. OH ......................$8,950 ‘79 AC 7020, PD ............................................$8,950 Ford TW35, FWD, 5700 hrs. ........................$27,900 JD 2030 w/JD 48 ldr. ......................................$8,950 ‘78 JD 850 w/Koyker loader, 1400 hrs. ..........$6,450


USED COMBINES & HEADS ‘10 Gleaner R66, 169 hrs., all options ........$229,500 ‘07 Gleaner A65, 300 hrs. ..........................$189,500 ‘07 Gleaner A-65, duals, 500 hrs. ..............$179,500 ‘05 Gleaner R-65, 543 hrs., all options ......$159,500 (3) ‘03 Gleaner R-75’s, 1100 hrs.....Choice $139,500 ‘04 Gleaner R-65, 1000 hrs. ......................$139,500 ‘02 Gleaner R-72, duals, 1100 hrs. ............$129,500 ‘05 Challenger 670, 800 hrs. ......................$127,500 ‘95 Gleaner R-62, 2000 hrs. ........................$59,500 ‘01 Gleaner 8R30 hugger..............................$21,900 ‘91 Gleaner R-60, 4600 eng. hrs...................$19,900 ‘98 Gleaner R-72, duals, 2500 hrs. ..............$79,500 ‘00 Gleaner R-62, 2300 hrs. ........................$79,500 ‘98 Gleaner R-62 duals, 1400 hrs. ................$84,500 ‘89 Gleaner R-50 w/320 flex, 2700 eng. hrs. $19,900 ‘79 Gleaner N6 ................................................$4,950 ‘04 NH CR970, 1000 hrs.............................$149,500 ‘02 White 8516, 16R30, 3 bu., LF ................$54,500 NH 890 forage harvestor, cornhead, hay head$2,950 ‘09 MF 8650, 1500 hrs. ..............................$134,500 ‘99 MF 8780, Smart track, 1800 hrs. ............$79,500 ‘03 MF 8000, 25’ w/Crary air reel ................$24,900 ‘05 Gleaner 3000, 8R30 cornhead ................$32,500

‘09 Gleaner 8200, 35’ flex, air reel, new ......$39,900 ‘07 Gleaner 8200, 30’ flex, “A” mtg. ............$26,500 ‘98 Gleaner 8R22 hugger..............................$18,900 (5) Gleaner 8R30 huggers ..............$11,900-$24,900 ‘98 Gleaner 12R22 hugger............................$24,900 (4) Gleaner 6R30 huggers ................$9,950-$18,900 ‘00 Gleaner 830 flex w/new Crary air reel ....$24,900 ‘02 Gleaner 830 flex w/air reel ......................$24,900 ‘99 Gleaner 820C flex....................................$14,900 ‘98 Gleaner 825 flex......................................$14,950 ‘01 Gleaner 830 flex......................................$14,900 ‘01 Gleaner 830 flex, Pro drive ....................$14,900 ‘00 Gleaner 820 flex, w/air reel ....................$16,900 ‘96 Gleaner 525 flex, SCH ..............................$7,950 ‘95 Gleaner 525 flex........................................$5,950 ‘94 Gleaner 525 flex........................................$9,950 ‘99 Gleaner 830C, SCH ................................$15,900 ‘78 Gleaner L2 hydro, 20’, A436 ............Pkg. $6,950 ‘81 Gleaner LM, 20’ ........................................$1,995 Gleaner N630A, ‘82 & up ................................$1,500 Gleaner N636A................................................$1,975 Fieldstar II yield monitor for GL, MF, CH ........$3,950 Straddle duals, 18.4x42, for Gleaner ..............$6,950

MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT ‘06 White 8524, 24R22, 3 bu. ......................$79,500 ‘02 White 8524 20”, 3 bu., LF ......................$54,500 ‘02 White 8523, 12R30/23R15, 3 bu. ..........$49,500 ‘99 White 6524, 24R30, 2 bu. ......................$34,500 White 5100, 12R30, SM3000 ........................$3,950 JD 7200, 16R30 vac, 250, LF ......................$26,900 JD 7000 12R30, wing fold ..............................$4,950 ‘95 Krause 5215 no-til drill ............................$7,950 Deutz Allis 385, 8R30, 300 monitor................$2,495 ‘08 Wilrich V957, 7x30 ................................$39,900 ‘00 Wilrich 6600, 7x30 disc ripper................$12,950 ‘09 Wishek 862NT, 14’, 400 acres ................$26,900 ‘07 Wishek 862NT, 16’ ..................................$25,900 ‘03 JD 2400, 28’ chisel plow ........................$26,900 ‘02 Sunflower 4510, 15-shank......................$22,900 ‘06 Sunflower 4511, 15-shank......................$32,500 DMI 5-bottom plow............................................$995 Ford 5-18 plow (same as White) ....................$1,795 Bush Hog 12’ mtd. chisel plow ..........................$995 ‘06 New Idea 5512 disc mower cond. ..........$18,900

Wilrich V957, 7x30 ......................................$34,900 ‘03 CIH LBX331, 3x3, big square..................$39,500 ‘02 NI 6364, 4x6, ‘02, (Hesston 846) ..........$12,500 ‘07 Hesston 856, 5x6 baler ..........................$14,900 AC 3500 engine, rebuilt, fits AC D-21, 210, 220 ..............................................................$4,500 ‘06 Balzer 2000 shredder..............................$16,900 ‘09 Loftness 240 window shredder, 600 ac. $17,900 Feterl 10x66 CSW ..........................................$4,950 ‘08 Westfield 10x71 swing hopper..................$7,250 Hutchinson 10x61 w/hopper, pwr. whl. kit......$2,950 Feterl 10x60 HF w/hopper ..............................$2,950 Westgo 10x71 w/hopper ................................$1,950 Brent 570 grain cart........................................$8,950 Balzer V6 pump, little use ..............................$6,950 Kilbros 375 wagon..........................................$2,975 (21) JD no-til coulters..................................Ea. $100 Schweiss 6’ snowblower, 2 auger ..................$1,995 Loftness 8’ snowblower, single auger ............$2,995

NEW RENTAL RETURNS Gleaner R-76 combine ................................$269,500 Wishek 862NT, 16’, w/harrow ......................$31,900 MF 8650, FWD ............................................$169,500 Brandt 5200 EX grain vac ............................$19,900 Wilrich 614 disc, 30’ ....................................$55,900


“Where Farm and Family Meet”

Beef Cattle

Exceptional Young Brown 2 Registered Black Angus Swiss Bulls - Elite GenetBulls. 1 yearling; (1) 3-yr ics (715)537-5413 old. Calving ease. www.jerland.com 715-667-5245

Hiniker 1000, 12R30 cult. ..............................$3,950 White 6145, FWD, duals, 6000 hrs. ..............$29,500 AC 185 ............................................................$7,950 AC 170 gas, new paint ....................................$6,950 White 5100, 12R30 ........................................$2,950 Wilrich 13CPW, 25’ chisel plow ......................$5,950 Gehl 1850 baler ..............................................$2,950

Wilrich 10CPW, 14’ chisel plow ......................$2,950 ‘06 C-IH Tigermate 200, 401⁄2’ ......................$39,500 JD 350 mower, 7’ ..............................................$695 ‘09 White 8186, 16R30 ................................$59,500 White 378, 8RW, flat fold cult. ..........................$795 White 5100, 8RW............................................$1,495 ‘08 White 8202, 12R30 ................................$38,900

We Rent Brandt Grain Vacs We Rent and Sell Wishek Discs Midway Farm Equipment

507-427-3414 or 800-657-3249 www.midwayfarmequip.com


USED DRYERS 700 BEHLEN, 3 Ph., LP 700 BEHLEN, 3 Ph., DOUBLE BURNER 10’ DELUX LP 3Ph., 300 BPH, 5 PT 10’ DELUX LP 3Ph., 300 BPH, 5 PT 20’ DELUX DPXSL, 1000 BPH, 5 PT. SS SCREENS



We carry a full line of Behlen & Delux dryer parts; Mayrath and Hutch augers parts. Large inventory of welda sprockets, hubs, bearings, chain & pulleys. See us for your Fall Farm needs

1409 Silver Street E. Mapleton, MN 56065 507-524-3726

FOR SALE: Red & white Angus Bulls for Sale: Forspringing heifers, a few age based genetics, AI'd, black & white (NICE). passed a breeding sound$1,750/ea. Also, milk cows ness exam. Yearling & 2 available. Mike Gerner, yr olds. Tschanz Farms, Sand Creek Area, 715-658Blair, WI. 608-989-2223 1603. If no answer, leave Angus Bulls: Yearlings & 2 message yr olds. Stout, heavy muscled bulls w/ exc performFor Sale: Registered Ayrance genetics. Fertility shire 60 cow dairy herd. Atested. Sullivan Angus KelI breed, rotational grazed, logg, MN 507-767-3361 Denexc udders, cell count 120 ny 612-799-7736 Tim 220. Quiet, profitable dairy cows. Would prefer to sell as a herd but can pick 50 Bull for Sale: Black polled yearling South Devon, low of your choice $1,750 per birthweight good disposihead. Call 608-623-2834. tion, $2,000. 715-594-3805 Leave message evenings or weekends Herd of 50 Reg. Holstein COWS FOR SALE: (5) 3rd cows. Herd average 25,000 calf, cow/calf prs, & (5) lbs of Milk. (608)723-2987 3rd calf cows yet to calve. or (608723-2989 PACMA Limousin, Odin MN 507-736-2413 Jersey cows fresh March & April & springing heifers, FOR SALE OR LEASE on official test Woodmohr REGISTERED BLACK ANGUS Jerseys. Home 715-568-4425 Bulls, 2 year old & yearor Cell 715-271-0281 lings; bred heifers, calving ease, club calves & balWANTED TO BUY: Dairy ance performance, AI heifers and cows. sired. In herd improve(320)235-2664 ment program. J.W. Riverview Angus Farm Glencoe, MN 55336 Conklin Dealer (320)864-4625 FOR SALE: (6) Black Simmental bulls, Polled, exc quality, good disposition; Black Yearlings & 2 yr old heifers, open or bred, by the lb. **40 yrs of Simmental breeding. Jerry Polzin Polzin Riverside Simmentals Cokato, MN 320-286-5805

For Sale: Two Red White Face Hereford Bulls. 715781-6104 For Sale: Watusi cattle. Breeding stock & young stock. 715-296-4485 or 715537-3193 LIMOUSIN BULLS for sale from top AI sires, red & black, yearling & 2 yr olds, Green Fields Crossing Limousin (715)273-0310 LIMOUSIN BULLS for sale. Reds, Blacks, yearling & two yr olds. Performance bred. Mill Road Limousin 715-665-2605 PINZGAUER Breeding Age Heifers from registered stock. Choice or all 18. 715-344-7133 Purebred Registered yearling Fleckvieh Simmental bull, great disposition, or a 2 yr old Black Angus bull. Your choice, $2,500. Wide Spread Farm Simmentals. 715-235-6285 Dan Reg. Polled Hereford yearling bulls & heifers. Top genetics. Christ the Rock Herefords. St. Croix Falls, WI 715-483-1184, www.CTRherefords.com

Beef Cattle

27 A THE LAND, JULY 1, 2011

FOR SALE: Semen tested Limousin bulls, 2 yrs olds & yrlings, low birth wgt, super growth, John Goelz 507-557-8394 or Larry 507825-5509 Registered Texas Longhorn breeding stock, cows or heifers or roping stock, top blood lines. (507)235-3467 Two Yearling Angus Bulls. 715-926-5376 WANT TO BUY: Butcher cows, bulls, fats & walkable cripples; also horses, sheep & goats. 320-235-2664 Yearling Black Angus, Black Simmental & Red Simmental bulls, all Polled, Performance tested, calving ease. AI & MN Central tested. Bulls sired. Located at Long Prairie farm. Dr. Charles Christians’ Genetic Superb Cattle Company. 763-238-8824 or farm 320-732-6657

Horses 12 yr old Haflinger stallion. Draft configuration. $900. 507-354-6448 Leave message

BEAUTIFUL MATCHED TEAM OF BELGIAN MARES. 8 yrs old, broke the best. $3,500/OBO. (715)435-3915 Horse Trailer. ‘95 WW 3 horse slant goose neck trailer w/ tack room. Good Cond. $2500. 715-643-6018 Mule Appaloosa, very sharp, 6 yrs old, 15 hand, started, $700/OBO. Registered POA Philly, started, $800/OBO. (715)667-3823 WANTED TO BUY: 2-horse trailer bumper pull. 715556-0678

Sheep FOR SALE: Registered Suffolk Tried ewes, Yrly ewes, ewe lambs, ram lambs. RRNN. Martens Suffolks 507-380-1828

‘78 White 2-135,5927 hrs. ........................................$11,900

4WD TRACTORS (B)’10 JD 9530, Lease return....................................$248,500 (O)’06 JD 9620, 1449 hrs ........................................$201,900 (B)’99 JD 9400, 3653 hrs. ........................................$109,900 (O)’98 JD 9400, 3822 hrs.........................................$107,900 (W)’96 JD 8870, PTO, 6200 hrs. ................................$76,900

TRACK TRACTORS (B)’09 JD 9630T, 450 hrs. ........................................$299,900 (O)JD9630T, Lease return ........................................$299,900 (B)’10 JD 8320RT ....................................................$238,500 (H)’00 CIH 9380, 4819 hrs. ........................................$87,900

ROW CROP TRACTORS (H)’10 JD 8345R, 767 hrs. ......................................$229,500 (O)’10 CIH Magnum 305, 350 hrs. ..........................$178,900 (B)’10 CIH Magnum 305, 350 hrs. ..........................$178,900 (O)’08 CIH MX275, 1258 hrs. ..................................$155,000 (O)’10 CIH Magnum 245, 250 hrs. ..........................$149,900 (O)’03 JD 8320, 4701 hrs.........................................$109,900 (W)’89 JD 4555, 7240 hrs. ........................................$49,500 (W)’87 JD 4850, 6300 hrs. ........................................$45,500 (B)’90 JD 4455, 2WD, 8220 hrs. ................................$38,900 (O)’83 JD 4650, 2WD, 7600 hrs. ................................$37,900 (B)’84 JD 4650, MFWD, 12,708 hrs. ..........................$37,900 (W)’94 MF 3660, 5712 hrs. ........................................$24,500 (W)’77 White 2-155, 20.8x38 ....................................$11,900 (W)’78 White 2-135, 5927 hrs. ..................................$11,900 (B)’67 JD 4020, gas......................................................$6,900 (B)’67 Oliver 1650 ........................................................$5,500

UTILITY TRACTORS (B)’10 JD 6430, IVT, 626 hrs. ....................................$71,000 (B)’99 Ford NH TN75S, loader, 1029 hrs. ..................$29,900 (B)’99 JD 5410, 11’ Lco blade ....................................$25,500 (H)’84 JD 2750, loader, 4260 hrs. ..............................$16,900 (B)’93 JD 5200, loader................................................$15,900 (B)’59 JD 730, 3 pt., PTO ............................................$9,900 (B)’74 Ford 5000, gas ..................................................$7,500 (O)’69 IH 656, gas ........................................................$6,900 (B)’59 IH 460, diesel ....................................................$4,900 (B)’49 Ford 8N, loader ..................................................$2,750

Swine Compart’s total program features superior boars & open gilts documented by BLUP technology. Duroc, York, Landrace & F1 lines. Terminal boars offer leanness, muscle, growth. Maternal gilts & boars are productive, lean, durable. All are stress free & PRRS free. Semen also available through Elite Genes A.I. Make ‘em Grow! Comparts Boar Store, Inc. Toll free: 877-441-2627


(O)’09 JD 9770, 466 sep. hrs. ..................................$242,900 (B)’07 JD 9870, 722 sep. hrs. ..................................$239,900 (O)’10 JD 9670, 395 sep. hrs. ..................................$239,900 (O)’10 JD 9670, 328 sep. hrs. ..................................$239,900 (H)’08 JD 9670, 564 sep. hrs. ..................................$217,900 (B)’08 JD 9670, 532 sep. hrs. ..................................$214,900 (O)’08 JD 9670, 627 sep. hrs. ..................................$199,900 (H)’09 JD 9570, 447 sep. hrs. ..................................$199,900 (O)’06 JD 9760, 1175 sep. hrs. ................................$189,000 (W)’06 JD 9660, 1361 sep hrs. ................................$179,900 (H)’06 JD 9660, 1331 hrs.........................................$159,900 (H)’04 JD 9760, 1237 hrs.........................................$155,900 (B)’06 Case 2388, 1201 sep. hrs. ............................$154,900 (H)’00 JD 9750, 2132 sep. hrs. ................................$121,900 (O)’99 JD 9650, 2238 sep. hrs. ..................................$95,000 (W)’98 JD 9610 ..........................................................$69,500 (W)’97 JD 9600, 2682 sep. hrs. ................................$52,500 (O)’91 JD 9600, 2195 sep. hrs. ..................................$36,000


‘08 JD 9670, 709 eng. hrs. ......................................$214,900

(O)’95 DMI Tigermate, 50.5’ F.C. ................................$14,500 (B)JD 960, 44.5’ ........................................................$13,500 (H)JD 960, 36.5’ ..........................................................$4,950 (H)JD 230, 25’ disk ......................................................$4,200 (B)Glencoe 12R30” ......................................................$2,900 (H)JD 825, 8R30” ........................................................$1,200

HAY & FORAGE (O)’90 JD 5830, heads, 4200 hrs. ..............................$46,000 (B)’07 JD 568, surface wrap ......................................$34,900 (B)’05 JD 956, 14’6” center pivot ..............................$24,900 (H)’03 JD 557, surface wrap ......................................$24,500 (W)’02 JD 567, surface wrap......................................$22,900 (B)NH 1431, MoCo ....................................................$20,900 (W)’03 JD 457SS, surface wrap ................................$18,900 (B)’05 JD 525 MoCo ..................................................$13,900 (O)’93, JD 535, Heartland chopper ..............................$9,900 (B)’98 NH 664, 2200 lb. bale ........................................$8,995 (B)Vermeer MC830, rotary MoCo ................................$8,900 (B)’89 Gehl 1865 round baler, 6’ bale ..........................$6,900 (H)JD 336 square baler ................................................$3,950 (H)’85 NH 858 round baler, 7’ bale ..............................$2,900 (B)NH 40 forage blower ........................2 @ $1,995 & $3,900 (B)Hesston 10 stacker ..................................................$1,995 (H)Bale Basket, holds 90 bales ....................................$1,895

(O)’08 JD 4930, 1500 hrs.........................................$205,000 (O)’08 JD 4830, 1450 hrs.........................................$179,000 (O)’06 JD 4920, 2335 hrs., dry applicator ................$170,000 (H)’04 JD 4710, 2284 hrs.........................................$121,500 (O)’05 Spray Coupe 7650, 1690 hrs. ..........................$87,500 (B)Top Air TA1200 ......................................................$25,900 FALL TILLAGE (O)Sprayer Specialties, 80’ boom ..............................$21,500 (H)’07 JD 2700, 7-shank, folding ..............................$33,500 (H)’02 Modern Flow FM3, 60’ boom, 3511 hrs. ........$18,500 (H)JD 3710, 8-bottom ................................................$33,500 (B)’06 JD 2700, 7-shank ............................................$32,900 PLANTERS & DRILLS (H)’09 JD 1790, 24R20”, liq. fert. ............................$115,500 (B)’03 JD 512, 9-shank ..............................................$29,900 (O)’06 JD 1790, 31R15” ............................................$97,500 (H)’03 JD 2700, 7-shank, folding ..............................$29,500 (B)CIH 1200 Bauer Built bar, 36R20”..........................$94,900 (B)’01 JD 2700, 7 @ 24” ............................................$26,900 (H)’00 JD 750, 20’ no till drill ....................................$26,900 (H)’07 JD 2700, 5-shank ............................................$26,500 (B)’97 JD 455, 30’ drill ..............................................$22,900 (O)’04 JD 2700, 7-shank ............................................$25,900 (B)Friesen bar, 24R30” ..............................................$19,900 (B)’03 JD 2700, 5-shank ............................................$24,900 (B)’94 JD 455, 25’, 10” spacing ................................$19,900 (O)’04 JD 2700, 7 @ 30” ............................................$24,900 (B)’91 JD 450, 13’ @ 6” spacing ..................................$9,900 (B)’03 JD 2700, 7-shank ............................................$23,500 (O)JD 7000, 8R30” ......................................................$6,595 (W)’99 JD 510, 7-shank..............................................$13,900 (H)JD 7100, 12R30” ....................................................$5,000 (H)’96 JD 510, 7-shank ..............................................$13,500 (H)’96 JD 510, 7-shank ..............................................$10,900 TILLAGE (B)’08 JD 2310, 39’9” mulch finisher ........................$69,900 (B)’97 JD 510, 7-shank ..............................................$10,500 (B)’02 JD 2200, 64’6” ................................................$49,900 (B)JD 2810, 5-bottom ..................................................$7,995 (H)’07 JD 2210, 45’5’ ................................................$41,500 (O)Glencoe F553A, 32’ chisel plow ..............................$7,950 (O)’08 Riteway 42’ Land roller ....................................$29,900 (H)M&W 1475, 7-shank................................................$7,950

(O)’10 JD 9870, 380 sep. hrs. ..................................$310,000 (O)’10 JD 9870, 300 sep. hrs. ..................................$289,000 (B)’09 JD 9870, 497 sep. hrs. ..................................$279,900 (H)’05 JD 2210, 38.5’ ................................................$29,500 (O)’08 JD 9870, 635 sep. hrs. ..................................$242,000 (H)’01 JD 980, 36.5’ ..................................................$24,900


Your Southern Minnesota & Western Wisconsin John Deere Commercial Sprayer Center

“Where Farm and Family Meet”

Goats For Sale: Reg. Saanen bucklings from high production dams. Call 507-828-6059 or 507-828-6069

‘09 JD 9870, 647 eng. hrs., PRWD ..........................$279,900


35 quality sound Percherons. 6 geldings. 29 mares. 715-205-9994

‘04 JD 2700, 7-shank, covering boards ............................$24,900

THE LAND, JULY 1, 2011

28 A


S PECIAL L O W R ATE F INANCING O N A L L E QUIPMENT ~ 3 YRS. - 4% • 4 YRS. - 4.5% • 5 YRS. - 4.75%

FOR SALE: Hampshire, Yorkshire, & Duroc boars. Also Hamp/Yorkshire gilts, genetics from top AI sires. Exc herd health, No PRSS, hogs raised on outside cement lots. Compartively priced. Delivery available. Stan Adelman 320-568-2225

Pets & Supplies New Holland TG285, S.S. duals ..........................................$97,500

NEW Apache 1010, 80’, w/90’ ..............................................CALL

FOR SALE: Blue Heeler puppies from outstanding working parents. Cleveland, WI. Home 920-6938161 or cell 920-377-0902

Hardi Commander 6600, 120’, duals ..................................$68,500

JD 843 ......................................$10,000 Century 1000, 60’, chemical JD 843, Decent ........................$14,500 inductor....................................$9,950 NH TJ500................................$175,000 Gleaner 6R30 ............................$7,500 Century 1000, 60’, X-fold NH TG285, duals, 4055 hrs ......$97,500 MF 864, 36”................................$3,000 hydraulic ..................................$8,950 NH TM175, FWA, duals, 50” ....$69,500 AUGERS Century 750, 60’, FM..................$7,500 NH T9020, PTO ..................COMING IN Century 750, 60’, T/A, clean Westfield MK 10x71 GLP ..........$8,250 NH 8770, SS, 3600 hrs. ..........$67,500 hyd. fold......................................CALL Westfield MK 10x71 GLP ..........$7,750 NH TV145 ......................................CALL Century 500, 40’, man. fold........$3,250 Westfield MK 13x71 GLP ........$11,950 ‘08 NH 3040, loader ................$25,500 Red Ball 665 1000 gal., 60’ NH TC34D, 4WD, SS, 30 hrs. ..$17,250 Westfield MK 13x71 GLP ........$17,800 X-fold ....................................$14,900 Westfield MK 13x71 GLP ........$11,250 NH TC34DA, loader ..................$16,700 Westfield MK 13x71 GLP ........$11,750 Bestway 750, 60’, Raven 440 ....$4,500 JD 8970, near new tires, EZ steer, Demco 600, 45’, hi-lo T/A ..........$3,900 4600 hrs. ..............................$90,500 Westfield MK 13x71 GLP ........$11,500 Ag-Chem 502, 42’, S/A, clean ....$3,250 Westfield MK 13x71 GLP ........$10,900 JD 6400, loader ............................CALL Many More In 1000-1500 gal. ......CALL Westfield MK 13x71 GLP ..........$9,950 JD 4010, 2WD, no cab ..............$7,450 Westfield MK 13x71 GLP ..........$7,500 DISK RIPPERS & CHISELS JD B ............................................$1,500 IH 706, NF, w/loader ..................$4,750 Westfield MK 13x71 GLP ..........$7,750 (2) Krause 4850-18, all parabolics, Versatile 876, 5938 hrs............$42,500 Westfield MK 8x51........................CALL 10’..........................................$44,500 Versatile 876 ......................COMING IN Farm King 8x51 ..........................$1,950 Krause Dominator, 21’ rolling Ford TW35, MFD, 2675 hrs. ....$33,000 Westfield MK 10x61 ..................$7,500 basket ....................................$57,500 Many Other Used Straight & Ford 8730, FWA, 7970 gearshift Krause 4821, 28’ w/heavy harrow Swing Hoppers On Hand - CALL ..............................................$29,500 ..............................................$39,500 Ford 8000, open station ................CALL ‘05 JD 2700, 9-24 ....................$26,500 SKIDSTEERS Agco RT-115, loader............COMING IN DMI 7-30 w/lead shanks ......COMING IN NH LS180, cab, 2-spd. ..................CALL GRAVITY BOXES/GRAIN CARTS NH L150, heater ............................CALL Glencoe 7400, 7-shank, spring shank ......................................$6,900 Parker 500, corner auger ..........$9,500 NH LS160 ................................$14,900 Glencoe 11-shank ......................$6,400 J&M 1075 ................................$21,500 NH LX885 ................................$17,500 DMI 730, standard shanks ............CALL M&W 400, T/A, 540 PTO............$3,750 JD 6675, 2600 hrs. ..................$13,000 DMI 530B, 5-shank leads ........$12,000 Mustang 345 ..............................$4,850 New Parker & J&M Grain Carts CIH 530B, lead shanks, Red ..........CALL On Hand DMI 2500, 5-shank w/coulters ..$6,250 SPREADERS We Are Your Harvestec Knight 8124 ..................................CALL Kent 9-shank, S/A, newer blades $2,750 Corn Head Headquarters Knight 1230, 1-season ..............$9,500 Brillion 5-shank, 30” ..................$8,500 DMI Coulter Champ II ................$2,995 Call Us For New & Used Heads SPRAYERS Krause 4850-18, 200 acres ......$52,000 COMBINE HEADS Krause 4850-15, Clean Mach. ..$38,800 Hardi Commander 1500, 132’, ‘06 Harvestec 4308C................$42,500 duals ..........................................CALL White 445, 5 deep tills, 17-shank CALL White 445, 5 deep tills, 15 shank ‘09 Harvestec 4306C................$44,000 Hardi Commander 1200 Plus, Harvestec 4212C, 1000 acres ..$85,400 120’, clean ........................COMING IN ................................................$7,500 Harvestec 4212C, 1500 acres ..$79,500 Hardi Navigator 1100, 90’, HAYBINES & INVERTERS Harvestec 4308C, 2500 acres ..$44,500 flush & rinse ..........................$27,500 ‘06 CIH DX101 ..........................$14,950 Harvestec Gen. III, 8R30 ........$33,500 Hardi Navigator 1000, 60’, Harvestec Gen. III, 8R30 ........$22,500 controller................................$14,500 ‘97 NH 1431 ............................$15,900 Harvestec Gen. III, 8R30 ........$29,000 Hardi Navigator 1000, 60’........$13,500 NH 276, for bidirectional ............$2,750 Harvestec Gen. III, 8R30 ........$26,500 Hardi Commander 1200, 120’..$35,900 Gehl 2240 ......................................CALL Gehl 2412, std. hitch................$11,250 JD 43 Series Units, 12R22 ......$22,500 Hardi 6600, 120’, steering IH 963, 6R30 ................................CALL duals ......................................$68,500 MacDon 5020, hydra swing......$11,900 IH 1063 ......................................$7,950 Hardi HC950, 90’......................$13,500 MacDon, 9’, nice ........................$9,200 JD 643, 6R30 ................................CALL Hardi TR1000, 60’, T/A, clean ....$6,500 NH 499 ......................................$5,250 Tebben hyd. drive inverter ..........$1,150 JD 12R22, tin, Clean ..................$8,950 Hardi TR1000, 60’, chemical Geringhoff 6R30, PC ..................$8,500 inductor....................................$7,750 NH 144, decent ..........................$2,950 JD 643, 6R30..............................$5,500 Hardi TR500, 42’, S/A ................$2,750 Hesston 1120, 9’, Rolls Good ....$4,950

“Where Farm and Family Meet”




chlauderaff Impl. Co. 320-693-7277

60240 U.S. Hwy. 12 Litchfield, MN

Great Pyrennes Spanish Mastiff Tatra cross puppies. Working parents both of site. Excellent guard dogs. 563-219-5235



!! y l o f J u 4th From All of Us at THE LAND

300 4x6 pasture mat rubber filled cow mattresses, excellent condition, $8 each/OBO. (507)689-2504 Farm feed scale; digital livestock scale; LB White heater; Smedley feeders; Berg barn cleaner head & chain & manure auger; exhaust fans; elec. floor scraper. 608-582-2412 FOR SALE: ‘07 7300 gal Houle manure tank / Disc Incorporators, exc cond. Morris, MN 320-760-7694

HANCOCK, MN HOPPERS ‘87 Cornhusker 42’/66” AL Hopper Bottom, 50% T, New B, Clean & Straight ..............................$14,500

VANS & WATER TRAILERS ‘96 Featherlite, 50’/102”, Drop Deck Furniture Van, AR, 80% T&B, 3 Side Doors ....................................$6,750 ‘89 Kentucky 48’/102” Drop Deck Furniture Van, AR, 80% T&B, 3 Side Doors ....................................$6,000 ‘95 Utility Curtainside Flatbed, 48’/102”, Great for Water Trailer ..............................................$6,500 (10) ‘96 To ‘01 53’/102” AL, AR Roadworthy Dry Vans for Freight or Seed, etc. ............$4,500-$7,500 (10) 48/53x102 trailers for storage or water....................$3,500-$6,000

‘89 Hot Shot Steel, 48’x96”, Spread Axle, New B, 70% T, New Paint ............................$4,250 w/haysides ..........................$5,250 Custom Haysides for flatbed or drop-deck on any trailer ..$1,250

FRAME TYPE END DUMPS ‘05 Spek Tek 28’ AL, SR, 80% T, New Brakes & Lights, w/Air Lift Door for Trash or Silage, New Cylinder, Plastic Liner, Like New ......$26,500 ‘75 Fruehauf 28’ Steel, Roll Tarp, 80% T&B, New Plastic Liner, Good Paint ..........................$10,750


‘86 Dorsey Drop Deck, 48/96, Closed Tandem, SR, New Brakes, 80% T, New Paint................$10,500 Engineered Beavertails for Drop Deck or Double Drops, w/ramps, DAY CAB TRUCKS Includes All Electrical & Paint ‘93 International 8000 Series, 3406 ..............................Installed $5,000 Cat, 9-spd., AR, 270,000 Miles, Wet Kit, New 22.5 Tires ......$10,500 ......................Unassembled $3,000 ‘93 White GMC Aero, N14 Cummins, MISCELLANEOUS 10-spd., AR, new B, 70% T, AR/SR Suspensions For Trailers Nice Truck ............................$9,500 ............................$1,000 to $2,000 Used Truck 22.5/24.5 Steel Truck FLATBEDS ‘97 Transcraft, 48’x102”, AL Floor, AL Wheels ................................Ea. $45 1/4” Thick Plastic Liner, Cross Members, Closed Tandem Slider, 80% T, 80% B, Clean ..$8,000 10’ Wide ..............................$30/Ft. ‘87 CITY 45’/96” AL Flatbed, SX/AR, (5) Thermal King Refrigeration 50% T, New B........................$6,750 Units ............................$750-$1,250 ‘03 Thermal King Whisper ‘78 Transcraft 40’/96” Steel, SR, Good Paint ............................$4,750 Refrigeration Unit, 8000 Hrs., Slight ‘99 HAULIN Expandable Truss Trailer, Damage ................................$3,000 48’-70’, 102” wide, 22.5 Rubber, Excellent Paint ....................$15,500

Will Consider Trades! Call 320-212-5220 or 320-392-5361

Ask for John, Jared, Roger or Rick

Livestock Equipment (3) Apache Creep Self feeders, on whls. 2 stationary wood feeders. (715)748-2533

CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE!!! www.DuncanTrailersInc.com Delivery Available!

FOR SALE: 1315 Mono mixer w/scale, always shedded, used very little past 6 yrs, exc cond. 507-227-4657 Misc Equipment For Sale: 150KW generator, grain bins, gestation stalls, farrowing crates, panels, sliding-gates, stainless steel milk pipeline, steel tubing & 500 gal fuel barrel. Located in Central MN. Call Deb (320)351-4583 or text Kristy (320)491-6528 New steer feeders, 3/4, 2, 3, 4, 6 & 8 Ton calf & finisher sizes. Call 920-948-3516 Used DeLaval 2000 gallon bulk tank. 608-863-0010 WANTED TO BUY! USED BULK MILK COOLER ALL SIZES 920-867-3048

Industrial & Construction FOR SALE: ‘99 Intl tri-axle dump truck; ‘04 Cat 315 CL excavator; ‘04 Trail King tri-axle trailer; ‘04 Felling 20 ton tandem trailer. (952)240-1916 JD 210C, 4x4 industrial tractor/loader w/3 pt. box blade, $11,750; Ford 555B loader/backhoe, 4600 hrs., $9,500; 20 sets of A1 6’ walk thru scaffolding w/nice stand, $125 a set. (320)361-0065 or (320)769-2756

29 A THE LAND, JULY 1, 2011

<< SPECIAL SECTION NAME >> “Where Farm and Family Meet”

THE LAND, JULY 1, 2011

30 A

We’re Hosting A 4-WHEEL DRIVE TRACTOR INFORMATION CLINIC This informative clinic will address service, maintenance, and upgrades available for your STX Steiger 4 wheel drive and Quadtrac Tractors. “Learn how to run end of row features” Tier 4 Steiger and Magnum on hand. Experts from Case IH will take you for a test drive

Call To Register TUESDAY, JULY 19, 2011 • 10:00 AM Now

‘10 CIH Steiger 535Q, 1250 hrs. ............................................$265,000

‘09 CIH Steiger 535Q, 1479 hrs. ............................................$229,000

‘10 CIH 535Q, 36” tracks, Lux. cab, full auto guide, 395 hrs. ......$309,900

‘10 CIH Steiger 385, full auto guide, PTO ......................................$199,500

‘11 Magnum 340, susp. front axle, full auto guide......................$235,000

‘10 CIH Magnum 335, Lux. cab, full auto guide, HID lights ..........$209,900

‘08 CIH 7010, 632 sep. hrs. ............................................$194,500

‘’07 CIH 8010, 700 sep. hrs. ............................................$199,500

‘10 CIH 9120, Track Drive, RWA, 257 sep. hrs.........................$339,500

USED 4WD TRACTORS Up To One Year Interest Free ••• Call For Details ••• ‘11 CIH Steiger 600 Quad, 36” tracks, Lux. cab, cab suspension, full auto guide, 142 hrs. ..$379,900 ‘10 CIH Steiger 535 Quad, 36” tracks, Lux. cab, full auto guide, 395 hrs., Farm Use Only ..............................................................................................................................$309,900 ‘10 CIH Steiger 535 Quad, Scraper, Lux. cab, HID lgts., big hyd. pump, Auto Guide Ready, 1250 hrs. ........................................................................................................................................$265,000 ‘09 CIH Steiger 435HD, Scraper ready, Lux. cab, 710/70R42, HD axle, diff. locks, 810 hrs. ..........................................................................................................................................$179,900 ‘10 CIH Steiger 385, 6720/70R42 tires, PTO, Lux. cab, auto guide ready, HID lights ..............$199,500 ‘96 JD 8770, 3 hyd. remotes, diff. lock, mech. green star, 2708 hrs. ............................................$84,000 STX and STEIGER PTO, TOW CABLE & 3 PT. KITS ON HAND!!!


Up To One Year Interest Free ••• Call For Details ••• ‘11 CIH Magnum 340, susp. front axle, Lux. cab, HID lights, full auto guide............................$235,000 ‘10 CIH Magnum 335, susp. front axle, Lux. cab, HID lights, full auto guide............................$209,900 ‘95 CIH 7240, 6344 hrs.....................................................................................................................JUST IN CIH Pumu 180CVT, CVT trans., front 3 pt./front PTO, susp. front axle ......................................$119,900 CIH Puma 210, susp. front axle, Deluxe cab, Auto Guide Ready............................................COMING IN CIH Farmall 95, MFD, cab, 750 hrs. ................................................................................................$35,900 ‘79 IH 886, cab, 18.4x38 tires, 3790 hrs. ........................................................................................$14,900 ‘06 Volvo EC160BLC Excavator, 900 hrs., Exc. Unit......................................................................$94,500 ‘06 Volvo EC140BLC Excavator, includes full hyd. thumb, 1700 hrs., Exc. Unit..........................$74,500

Be Ready Service Now 4 WHEEL DRIVE Upgrade your Quad Track!* Clear Cap Kit. Includes: Clear Caps, O-Rings, Special 50 wt. Synthetic Oil, Labor Inc...............................$2,23647

Hyd. & Trans. Oil & Filter Change* Filter Containment Inspection, Labor Inc. Small Frame ........................$1,46989 Large Frame ........................$1,54331

Magnums & 4 Wheel Drive* Service Computer Hookup. (1) troubleshoot controller fault codes and software updates (2) Recalibrate controllers ........$37900







Free Inspection*

Post-Season Planter Inspection at Your Farm

Discount of


per Hour Labor

Includes: Free Trucking 10% Off Parts & Service Done By Us *Call for details

10% Discount on Parts installed by us *Call for details Travel distance can affect pricing

$15 During the Month of

July 2011

USED COMBINES Interest Waiver or Low Rate Financing Available ••• Call For Details ‘10 ‘10 ‘07 ‘08 ‘09 ‘07 ‘10 ‘10 ‘08 ‘10 ‘10 ‘07 ‘10 ‘08 ‘03 ‘98 ‘97 ‘04 ‘98

CIH 9120, track drive, RWA, 313 hrs., leather, loaded, On Hand ..........................................$339,500 CIH 9120, track drive, RWA, 275 hrs., leather, loaded, Coming In........................................$345,500 CIH 8010, corn & bean use, 935 eng. hrs., 620/42 duals ......................................................$199,900 CIH 7010, 782 eng./632 sep. hrs., duals, Excellent ..............................................................$194,500 CIH 3408, 8R30” ........................................................................................................................$44,500 CIH 2208, 8R30” ........................................................................................................................$32,500 CIH 2608, 8R30 chopping corn head........................................................................................$64,500 CIH 3408, 8R30 corn head ........................................................................................................$48,500 CIH 3208, 8R30 corn head ........................................................................................................$38,500 CIH 2020, 35’ platform, 1 ⁄ ”, rock guard..............................................................................COMING IN CIH 2020, 35’ platform, air reel, 1 ⁄ ” ....................................................................................COMING IN CIH 2020, 35’ platform, Crary air reel ......................................................................................$39,900 CIH 2020, 35’ platform, Crary air reel, 3” knife ........................................................................$39,900 CIH 2020, 35’ platform, 3” knife, rock guard ............................................................................$32,900 CIH 1020, 30’ platform, 1 ⁄ ” knife, tracker ................................................................................$14,900 CIH 1020, 25’ platform, 3” knife ................................................................................................$12,800 CIH 1020, 25’ platform, 1 ⁄ ” knife ........................................................................................COMING IN CIH 1020, 30’ platform, 3” knife, Crary air reel ........................................................................$24,900 CIH 1020, 25’ platform, 3” knife ................................................................................................$12,800 1









Matejcek’s Matejcek’s Matejcek’s 3040 Hwy. 60 West Faribault

3040 Hwy. 60 West Faribault

3040 Hwy. 60 West Faribault




Call For Details

“Where Farm and Family Meet”

*Call for details


I-35 & Highway 60 West • Faribault, MN • 507-334-2233

CNH Capital’s Commercial Revolving Account provides financial assistance for parts and service when you need it, keeping your equipment running as its best with the quality parts and service you’ve come to expect from Case IH. Contact your local dealer or visit www.cnhcapital.com today for details.

www.matejcek.com ©2011 CNH Capital America LLC. All rights reserved. CNH Capital and Case IH are registered trademarks of CNH America LLC. Printed in the USA.


Trucks & Trailers

Trucks & Trailers


Recreational Vehicles

tor, good solid truck, ‘00 Harley DWG, Sharp! $3,750. (507)259-2677 12,073 miles, lots of extras! ONE CALL DOES IT ALL! $9,995/OBO. 608-412-1090 FOR SALE: ‘81 Ford 9000 With one phone call, you twin screw, 18’ Crysteel can place your classified box, twin cyl hoist, 2,000 16’ Lund Fishing Boat w/ ad in The Land, Farm mi OH on eng, w/ roll tarp. trailer & tarp, 20hp MercuAsking $14,000. 320-562-2449 News, AND The Country ry motor, $1,500. 712-7922954 Noon hour or evenings Today. Call The Land for FOR SALE: ‘89 Ford LA1000 more info @ single axle grain truck, w/ Miscellaneous 7.8 ltr dsl eng, 6 spd man507-345-4523 • 800-657-4665 ual, w/16’Lx94”Wx58”H (2) 18.4x38 Firestone all or place your ad online @ traction, 23 degree tires & metal grain box; Shur-lock tubes, 33% rubber, www.thelandonline.com roll tarp, & foldable poly $400/OBO. (2) 14.9x28 Miseed auger, new frt & rear chelin radials, 25% rubber, tires. Asking $9,000. Call $300/pr. 66" rubber tire Organic Equipment For 507-210-0735 to ask for deSale: 8R Flameburner-new scraper skidloader, univertails. 250 gal tank hyd shut-off, sal mount, exc cond, $550. $3,500; 40’ organic drag, (651)345-3164 $8,500; New Idea rotary FOR SALE: ‘89 Ford LA1000 disc mower, late model, single axle tractor w/ 7.8 $4,500. Pictures avail. ltr dsl eng, Allison auto- FOR SALE: 15’ 6” 7 1/2hp Gene Meyer, 507-383-8545 electric motor, lift or matic, new tires, w/ ‘91 26’ eemeyer@frontiernet.net drainage pump. Call after Jet grain trailer. Call for 5pm. 952-873-6603 details. Asking $17,500. 507210-0735 PARMA DRAINAGE PUMPS FOR SALE: JD 1445 front New pumps & parts on hand. mount mower, 4WD w/ 7 Call Minnesota’s largest FOR SALE: ‘90 AUTO Car iron 72” deck, like new, ondistributor tri axle grain/silage truck, ly 768 hrs. HJ Olson & Company 400hp Cat, 13spd, 20,000# Call John at 612-968-3800 320-974-3202 frt axle, 46,000# rear w/ Cell - 320-894-6276 quad locking rearends, 22’ Scott box w/ hyd tailgate, FOR SALE: Used phase 3 grain doors, Scott 3000 converter, 60 hp max, hoist, roll tarp, truck in $1500. 507-220-7910 RANGER PUMP CO. very good overall cond. Manufacturer of Water Lift $32,500/OBO. 715-797-9510 Pumps for Field GENERATORS:15kW-500kW Drainage. Built to fit your PTO & automatic gen sets, needs since 1984. new & used. Low time hosFOR SALE: ‘96 Int’l 9400, Sales & Service. pital take-outs. 72” bunk, 650K+ mi, N14 507-984-2025 or 406-314-0334 Standby Power - Windom eng, 9spd. ‘87 Timpte Suwww.rangerpumpco.com per Hopper, in ‘09 $11,000 Serving farmers since 1975 (800) 419-9806, 9-5 Mon-Sat new updates & repairs, including new tarp. Call for Winpower Sales & Service more info. $22,000/OBO, JD 875 cult, 8 row 30”; JD Reliable Power Solutions will divide. 612-205-5016 Since 1925 20’ rotary hoe; NH L785 PTO & automatic skid loader; Glencoe 7400 7 Emergency shank soil saver; Glencoe FOR SALE:Wilson hopper Electric Generators. 555 15’ soil finisher; Hesgrain trailer, 43’x66” sides, New & Used ston 1014 hydro swing, 12’; spring ride, lift blocks, can Rich Opsata - Distributor Walsh 2x200 gal saddle unload into swing hopper, (800) 343-9376 tanks; 16 bander units. new tires, $15,900. 507-995Montrose, MN 763-675-3432 4573

(800) 657-4665 P.O. Box 3169, Mankato, MN 56002

AVOCA SPRAY SERVICE 888 210 Ave. • Avoca, MN 56114 • Ph. 800-653-2676 or 507-335-7830 • Fax: 507-335-7808 • Mobile: 507-227-6728 40+ Used Sprayers On Hand We are dealers for Top Air, Sprayer Specialties, Gregson Sprayers, new & used on hand Wheathart, Westfield, FarmKing, Brandt Vacs & Balzer Equipment • We have NEW Balzer stalk choppers on hand • Truckload prices on NEW Westfield augers, Brandt grain vacs, Batco belts Financing Available

Truckload Special on 2 semi loads of Enduraplas water/fertilizer tanks at early order prices!


Redball 680, 2 pt., 90’ boom, Raven 440, hyd. pump, elect. over hyd.

Several New Sprayers On Hand control, 380x90x46..........................$14,000 Early Order Pricing - Top Air 1100- Hardi 650 gal., 60’ F-fold boom, 60” 2400 gal. w/60’-132’ booms axle, Big Wheel, Hardi pump & control, Early Order Pricing - Gregson 1000 13.6x38 tires ....................................$13,000 gal. w/60’ booms Blumhardt 1000 gal., 90’ boom, Early Order Pricing - Sprayer Big Wheel, PTO pump, 203 controller Specialties 1000-1500 gal. ..........................................................$8,500 w/60-90’ booms Top Air 80’ boom & saddle tanks ......$8,500 Silverwing Broyhill 1500 gal., 60”-120” adj. axle, 90’ boom, 20” spacing, Raven 450, hyd. pump, rinse, galv. booms New to the Market ..........................$35,455 Silverwing Broyhill 1200 gal, 60”-120” adj. axle, 90’ boom, 20” spacing, Raven 450, hyd. pump, rinse, galv. booms, - New to the Market........................$34,890 NEW Top Air 1600, 60”-120” adj. axle, 132’ boom, 20” spacing, Raven 450, hyd. pump, rinse, duals ..................$61,000 NEW Top Air 1600, 60”-120” adj. axle, 90’ boom, 20” spacing, Raven 450, hyd. pump, rinse, 380x90x46 tires $43,655 NEW Gregson 1000 gal., 60”-120” adj. axle, 60’ boom, Raven 440, 12.4x38 tires ..................................................$26,100

USED SPRAYERS Top Air 2400 gal., 132’ boom, duals, 54” tires, Raven 450, adj. axle, rinse tank ..................................................$61,000 Top Air 1600 gal., 90’ boom, tracks, Raven 450, hyd. pump, adj. axle, Excellent ..........................................$61,000 Top Air 1600 gal., 90’ new boom, hyd. pump, Raven 450, adj. axle, 14.9x46 tires ....................................$38,000 Top Air 1600 gal., 90’ boom, duals, 46” tires, hyd. pump, rinse tank ....$34,400 Schaben 1600 gal., Big Wheel, 90’ boom, Raven 450, rinse tank, inductor, Excellent ..........................................$29,000 Brandt 1600 gal., 90’ boom, Raven 450, adj. axle, 46” tires ..................$29,000 Brandt 1600 gal., 90’ boom, Raven 450, 46” tires ..................................$29,000 Red Ball 670, 1200 gal., 90’ boom, 120” axle, 320x90x38 tires, Raven 440, Excellent ..........................................$24,000 Sprayer Specialties 1250 gal., XLRD, 90’ S-3 boom, 20” no-drip plbg., 60”-120” adj. axle, Raven 450, foamer, chem inductor ................................$24,000 Redball 680, 1000 gal., 90’ boom, Raven 450, rinse, foamer, Big Wheel, walking tandem, 320x90x42 tires ..................................................$23,000 Demco Conquest 1000 gal., 60’ boom, 60-120” adj. axle, 13.6x38 tires, Micro Trak controllers ..............................$19,750 Gregson 1000 gal., 90’ boom, 20” no-drip plbg., hyd. pump, Raven 440, rinse, 14.9x46 tires ....................................$16,000 Demco Conquest 1100 gal., 90’ F-fold boom, Big Wheel, adj. axle, hyd. pump, foamer, elec. over hyd., 844 Teejet control............................$16,000 Sprayer Specialties, 1000 gal., 60’ F-fold boom, hyd. pump, Raven 440, 12.8x38 tires ......................................16,000 Sprayer Specialties VLU, 1000 gal., 60’ F-fold boom, Raven 440, hyd. pump, adj. axle, 38” tires................$14,500

NYB tandem, 1000 gal., 90’ boom, hyd. pump, Raven 440......................$7,800 Blumhardt 1000 gal., 90’ boom, Raven 440, radar, foamer ............................$6,800 Blumhardt 1000 gal., 72’ boom, tandem, hyd. pump, 203 controller ................$6,500 Blumhardt 1000 gal., 90’ boom, tandem, hyd. pump, 440 controller ................$6,500 Demco 500 gal., 45’ boom, hyd. pump, 230 controller, foamer ......................$6,000 Blumhardt 750 gal., 90’ boom, tandem, Raven 440..........................................$6,000 Blumhardt 60’ boom, hyd. fold, hyd. center lift, hyd. pump, rinse, foamer, Micro Trak, Nice Shape ....................$5,500 Top Air 750 gal., 50’ boom, tandem, Raven 440, PTO pump......................$5,500 Top Air 750 gal., 60’ boom, vertical fold, 203 control, hyd. pump ............$5,500 Century 750 gal., 60’ X-fold boom, Raven 440, PTO pump, foamer, tandem ....$5,500 Blumhardt 1000 gal., tandem, 90’ boom, hyd. tip & center lift, Spray System plbg., no control ..........................................$5,500 Flexi-coil 1600 gal., 120’ boom, TeeJet control................................................$5,500 500 gal., 60’ boom, 230 control..........$5,500 Pleasure Products 1200 gal., 90’ boom, Raven 440 controller, Honda gas w/pump, tandem ..............................$4,500 Broyhill 1000 gal, 60’ hyd cross fold boom, Raven 440, tandem ..............$4,500 Blumhardt 500 gal., Raven 440, foamer, hyd. pump, tandem, 120” ................$4,500 Top Air 800 gal., Blumhardt boom, foamer, 203 control, hyd. pump ......$4,500 Broyhill 750 gal., 60’ boom, 203 controller............................................$4,200 Ag Chem 500 gal., 60’ boom, Raven 440 control, hyd. pump, tandem ......$3,500 Homemade 750 gal., Big Wheel, Ag Chem boom, Raven 440, PTO pump ........................................$3,500 Homemade 500 gal. RD tank, tandem, 60’ Demco boom, foamer, Raven 440, PTO pump ........................................$3,500 Bestway 500 gal., pull-between, 60’ Blumhardt boom, Raven 440, hyd. pump..........................................$3,200 Bestway 500 gal., 60’ boom, hyd. pump, 203 control, dripless plbg., tandem wheels ..................................$3,000 Demco 500 gal., 45’ boom, tandem, new tank, Micro-Trak, hyd. pump, foamer................................................$2,900 Blumhardt 500 gal., 60’ boom ............$2,800 Horvick 500 gal., pull-between, hyd. pump, 203 control, 60’ FT NYB boom..................................................$2,500 Blumhardt 550 gal., 60’, hyd. fold boom, foamer, hyd. pump, 203 control, Nice ..........................................................$2,300 300 gal., 50’ boom ..............................$2,200

Demco 500 gal., 3-wheel, 45’ boom, 203 control ........................................$2,000 Demco pull between, 60’ hyd. fold boom, no-drip plbg, no pump......................$2,000 Pony Cart 500 gal., hyd pump, boomless nozzle ................................................$1,200


SELF PROPELLED Willmar 4WD, 750 gal. tank, Raven 440, hyd. adj. axle ..........................$24,000 Spray Coupe 220, 3-whl., air, foamer, Raven 440, 1831-2200 hrs. Choice $7,000 Hahn HiBoy 312, 45’ boom, drop nozzle, P.S. ............................................$800

PICKUP SPRAYERS NYB 500 gal., 90’ boom, Raven 450 ..........................................................$5,000 NYB 500 gal., 60’ boom, foamer, Raven 450..........................................$3,000 F&S 500 gal., 80’ fold-up , hyd. tilt, manual height, no-drip plbg., 8 hp. Honda eng. ........................................$3,000 Ag Chem 450 gal., 58’ boom, Micro Trak control ............................$2,500 Blumhardt 500 gal., 60’ boom, Raven 440 ....................................................$2,000 Blumhardt 500 gal., 60’ boom ............$1,200

3 PT. SPRAYERS NYB 500 gal., 90’ boom, pump & control ............................................$7,500 Top Air 500 gal., 60’ X-fold boom, hyd. pump, no controller ............Choice $5,700 NYB 500 gal., 90’ boom, hyd. pump, hyd. tilt, dripless plbg., ball valve, 203 controller ....................................$5,500 Blumhardt 500 gal, 90’ boom ............$3,500 500 gal., 45’ boom ..............................$3,500 Demco 500 gal., 60’ Blumhardt boom, Raven 440, no pump ........................$2,500 Sprayer Specialties 500 gal. ..............$2,000 300 gal., 45’ boom ..............................$1,800

BOOMS New & Used Top Air 60’ X-fold Booms, 3-Pt. & Trailer Mount Marflex 90’ front fold, hyd. boom, 1000 gal. tank, Raven 440, hyd. pump, radar ....................................$12,000 Top Air 80’, X-fold, Excellent ..............$8,000 New Top Air 60’, hyd. X-fold booms, 3 pt. & trailer mount ..........................$7,450 (2) Top Air 60’, hyd. X-fold booms ..............................................Choice $4,000 Hardi 60’, H-frame, trailer mount, hyd. fold ............................................$3,000 (2) Blumhardt 80’-90’ booms ..............................................Choice $2,800 Blumhardt 80’ trailer mount or 3 pt. ..$2,600 Ag Chem 60’ X-fold boom..................$2,000 Blumhardt 60’ narrow cener ..............$1,200 Wheel boom, 60’, flat fold, 20” no-drip plbg. ......................................................$700 Bestway wheel boom, 60’, 20” no-drip plbg. ......................................................$700 (4) Demco 45’ flat fold ..............Choice $450 Several more items on hand!

“Where Farm and Family Meet”


31 A THE LAND, JULY 1, 2011

‘81 IH triple axle 20’ steel RETIRING. ‘97 Ford AeroONAN ENGINES grain box, roll tarp, 335hp, max S/A tractor, M11, 25 hp rebuilt engine for skid Detroit diesel, 10spd,, exc 10spd, air susp, 502,250 mi; loader; rebuilt Onan enpaint & cond, DOT inspect‘00 Jet 26’ steel tandem gines 16 to 20 hp for JD ed, $17,750. 612-232-4078 grain trailer w/ elec tarp. garden tractors and oth$22,500. 507-235-5843 ers. Prices start at $1095.00 exchange. BCM, Inc. FOR SALE: ‘71 Ford Louis(763)755-0034 ville twin screw semi trac-

THE LAND, JULY 1, 2011

32 A

This week’s Back Roads is the work of The Land Correspondents Tim King (story) and Jan King (photo)

Soda jerks

“Where Farm and Family Meet”

The MinneSODA Fountain, downtown Park Rapids, Minn.

f you have just one malt this summer IAvenue at The MinneSODA Fountain on Main in downtown Park Rapids, you will remember it through the following fall, the long dark winter, spring’s hopefulness, until finally, you can once again make a summer pilgrimage to this 90year-old icon of sweetened dairy products. So, it’s just a malt, the uninitiated skeptic may say. I say you can have a malt in any one of hundreds of Minnesota cafes with back-to-the-’50s decor and it just isn’t the same. A malt is not a malt because the waitress wears bobby socks, there are James Dean photos on the wall, and Coca-Cola are in even the rest rooms. That’s decor. Don’t get me wrong. Since The MinneSODA Fountain was actually around in the ’50s, there’s decor. But malts require more than decoration. It’s the malt powder. And something else. Whatever the magic is you will taste the difference in MinneSODA’s chocolate, cherry, vanilla, marshmallow, blueberry, root beer, butterscotch and 11 other flavors of malts. And you’ll remember. Beth Belfiori and her staff at The MinneSODA call themselves soda jerks. Now I know what a soda jerk does because I’m old enough to have been served by a genuine 1950s soda jerk named Bunny Eifert. It was at Schenk’s Drug Store. I don’t know why Mr. Eifert was called a jerk, however. “It’s because you jerked the handle of the fountain back to get charged water in the phosphate drinks,” Belfiori said. The original fountain is visible, but idle, at MinneSODA so there’s no actual sodajerking going on. I suppose that’s decor. But staff does serve up real phosphates in cherry, strawberry, vanilla, chocolate, lime, lemon and green river. Bunny Eifert made something with all the flavors combined that he called The Suicide. Belfiori says she’s never made one but would be glad to try. MinneSODA serves other concoctions that regulars at Schenk’s Drug Store would remember. There are orange floats, brown cows (an ice cream soda with chocolate syrup and a touch of root beer), banana or hot fudge splits and banana slides. There is also a line-up of 10 different sundaes, including four named after candy bars. Since milk and sugar do not provide all the nutrients necessary to sustain life, MinneSODA serves 17 different sandwiches. I’d recommend the Chicago Style Hot Dog. Think of it as sort of a vitamin supplement.

Do you have a Back Roads story suggestion? E-mail editor@TheLandOnline.com or write to Editor, The Land, P.O. Box 3169, Mankato, MN 56002.

1 F


Pope County Fair

August 3rd - 7th • Glenwood, MN •




of County Fair!


www.PopeCountyFair.org Look for us on Facebook!

• TUESDAY, AUGUST 9th Demolition Derby ............................7:00 • WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10th MotoKazie Supercross ....................7:00 • THURSDAY, AUGUST 11th Autocross ........................................7:00 • FRIDAY, AUGUST 12th Truck & Tractor Pull ........................7:00 • SATURDAY, AUGUST 13th Greater Frontier Bull Riding ............7:00 • SUNDAY, AUGUST 14th Demolition Derby ............................2:00

p.m. p.m. p.m.

• Free Entertainment Daily • Live Music Nightly in the Beer Garden • Carnival Rides by Merriam’s Midway Lots and Lots More! Telephone: 507-433-1868

p.m. E-mail: mowfair@smig.net p.m. p.m.

Complete Schedule of Events Available Late June at: www.mowercountyfair.com

“Where Farm and Family Meet”

125 Friday Years Saturday

• Senior Citizens Day, Draft Horse Pull and Live Music by Pure Country • Family Day, Truck and Tractor Pull • Armed Services Day, Monster Trucks • Demolition Derby featuring cars, trucks and combines


Waseca County


2011 Fair-Goers Guide The Land’s 2009

2011 Minnesota county fair schedule This year’s Minnesota county fairs are listed below in alphabetical order. Websites and Midway providers are listed where available. Turn to Pages 4F-5F to map your summer fun! Aitkin County Fair, Aitkin July 13-16 Crescent City Amusements www.aitkincountyfair.org

Benton County Fair, Sauk Rapids Aug. 1-7 Gopher State Expositions www.BentonFairMN.com

Carlton County Fair, Barnum Aug. 18-21 Stipe’s Shows www.carltoncountyfair.com

Chisago County Fair, Rush City July 14-17 Magel Carnival Midways www.chisagocountyfair.org

Big Stone County Fair, Clinton July 14-17 Minnesota Magic Midway www.bscfair.org

Carver County Fair, Waconia Aug. 10-14 Gold Star Amusements www.carvercountyfair.com

Clay County Fair, Barnesville July 14-17 Mighty Thomas Carnival www.mnclaycountyfair.com

Anoka County Fair, Anoka July 26-31 Gopher State Expositions www.anokacountyfair.com

Blue Earth County, Garden City July 28-31 Superior Rides www.blueearthcountyfair.org

Cass County Fair, Pillager July 6-10 www.pillagerfair.com

Clearwater County Fair, Bagley Aug. 3-7 Family of Fun Shows

Becker County Fair, Detroit Lakes July 27-30 Amusement Attractions beckercountyfair.tripod.com

Brown County Free Fair, New Ulm Aug. 10-14 All American Amusements www.browncountyfreefair.com

Cass County Fair, Pine River June 30-July 3 All American Amusements www.thecasscountyfairmn.org

Cook County Fair, Grand Marais Aug. 19-20 Game World

Beltrami County Fair, Bemidji Aug. 10-14 Gopher State Expositions beltramicountyfair.org

Cannon Valley Fair, Cannon Falls June 30-July 4 Crescent City Amusements www.cannonvalleyfair.com

Chippewa County Fair, Montevideo Aug. 4-6 Bounce Around Inflatables www.chippewacofair.com

“The Five Best Days of Summer”



2 F

Wed., July 27 - Sun. July 31, 2011

GRANDSTAND EVENTS: Motorcycle Supercross Wed. July 27 @ 7:00 pm

Auto Cross Racing Extravaganza Fri. July 29 @ 7:00 pm

Tractor, Pickup & Semi Pull Thurs. July 28 @ 7:00 pm

Demolition Derby Sat. July 30 @ 7:00 pm

Draft Horse Shows, Stock Dog Trials, & Carnival Fun

SCOTT COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS, JORDAN, MN • 952-492-2436 www.scottcountyfair.com

Saturday, Aug. 13th: Demolition Derby - 7:00 pm Talent Contest - 4:00 pm Ranch Sorting - 7:00 p.m. KIDS DAY!!!

✯ ✯

Pig Racing - 5:00, 7:00 & 9:00 pm Blue Grass Music - All Day Demolition Derby - 7:00 pm -Senior Citizens Day-


Tractor Pull - 7:00 pm James Wedgewood - 3:00 & 5:00 pm Bluez Brotherz - 8:00 pm • Livestock shows & judging all through the fair. • Exhibits open for viewing every day. • Commercial exhibits and buildings open every day.

August 9th

Friday, Aug. 12th:

“Where Farm and Family Meet”


KRA Speedway Auto Racing - 6:30 pm Bullriding - 7:30 pm Fourforty Band - 8:00 pm

Thursday, Aug. 11th:

All American Lumberjack Shows Cash Drawings • MCM Carnival Midway Midway from


Carnival Midways August 10 - 13 MCM They have wristband hours each day

2011 Kandiyohi County Fair ✯ ✯

Visit our website at: www.kandifair.com

Wednesday, Aug. 10th:

Cottonwood County Fair, Windom Aug. 17-20 McDermott Carnival

2011 Minnesota county fair schedule

3 F

Fillmore County Fair, Preston July 19-23 J&K Concessions and Rides www.fillmorecountyfair.com

Houston County Fair, Caledonia Aug. 17-21 Crescent City Amusements www.houstoncountyfair.com

Kanabec County Fair, Mora July 20-24 Magel Carnival Midway www.kanabecfair.org

Dakota County Fair, Farmington Aug. 8-14 Midwest Rides www.dakotacountyfair.org

Freeborn County Fair, Albert Lea Aug. 2-7 Merriam’s Midway Shows www.freeborncountyfair.com

Hubbard County Fair, Park Rapids July 6-10 All American Amusements

Kandiyohi County Fair, Willmar Aug. 10-13 MCM Carnival Midway www.kandifair.com

Dodge County Fair, Kasson July 13-17 Midwest Rides, Inc. www.dodgecountyfreefair.com

Goodhue County Fair, Zumbrota Aug. 9-14 Amusement Attractions www.goodhuecountyfair.com

Douglas County Fair, Alexandria Aug. 18-21 Magel Carnival Midways www.mndouglascofair.com

Grant County Fair, Herman July 21-24 Cody Rides www.grantcountyfair.net

Faribault County Fair, Blue Earth July 19-23 Minnesota Magic Midway www.faribaultcountyfair.com

Hennepin County Fair, Corcoran June 16-19 Gopher State Expositions www.hennepincountyfair.com

Isanti County Fair, Cambridge July 20-24 Gopher State Expositions www.isanticountyfair.com

Kittson County Fair, Hallock July 7-10 Game World

Itasca County Fair, Grand Rapids Aug. 17-21 Gopher State Expositions www.itascacountyfair.org

Koochiching County Fair, Northome Aug. 12-14 Rentertainment

Jackson County Fair, Jackson Aug. 3-7 www.jacksoncountyfairmn.com

Lac qui Parle County Fair, Madison Sept. 8-11 McDermott Family Shows

Wed. - 7 pm - Free MN Mini-e-Rods Tractor Pull Thurs. - 7 pm - Compact Car Race Fri. - 7 pm - Demolition Derby Sat. - 7 pm - Enduro Auto Race Sun. - 1 pm - :Day of Mayhem”

August 18th, 19th, 20th, 21st Thursday, Aug. 18:





BEER GARDEN: “Free” Entertainment Nightly Wed. - 7:30 pm - Ladies of the 80’s Band & Rock it Science Band Thurs. - 7:30 pm - Brian Gleason Band Fri. - 7:30 pm - The What Nots Band Sat. - 7:30 pm - PopRocks Band

July 13-17, 2011

“Free” Entertainment All Week Long!!!

• LeCenter MN •

• Free Sweet Corn Feed - 5:00 pm • Amateur Talent Contest - 7:00 pm


Friday, Aug. 19:

• RADZoo Shows - Noon - 6:00 pm GRANDSTAND EVENTS: • Center Stage Dance Studio - 6:00 & 7:00 pm Friday: Demo Derby - 7:00 pm • Led Penny Band - 8:00 pm - Midnight Saturday: LeSueur Cty. Truck & Tractor Pull

Saturday, Aug. 20: • • • •

Kid’s Pedal Pull - 12:30 pm Lollipop the Clown - Afternoon Raptor Center Shows - 3:00 pm & 4:00 pm Downtown Sound - 8:30 pm - Midnight

- 3:00 pm NTPA Truck & Tractor Pull - 7:00 pm Sunday: Demo Derby - 2:00 pm FOOD, FUN, ANIMALS ~ EVERY DAY!!!

Sunday, Aug. 21: • • • •

Novotny the One Man Band - 12:30 pm Seniors Award & Century Farm Program - 1:00 pm Ranch Rodeo - 1:00 pm Lollipop the Clown - Afternoon

North American Strong Man Challenge VI: Saturday at 10:00 am Kid Davie - 3 times daily Antique Tractors on display daily Auto & Cycle Show & Shine - Sun., 12-5 pm

Carnival provided by Cody Rides



“Crescent City Amusements”

July 19th-23rd, 2011 • Preston, MN

Providing larger, more exciting rides for all ages!


For mor e infor mation visit www.wasecacountyfair.or g Check us out on Facebook! Fair Books available at local businesses, online & at fair grounds

F re e E n t e r tainment All W eekend Long!!

SAT., JULY 23rd Poker Tournament Registration Deadline Fri., July 22 See Website for further details

TUES., JULY 19: — BULL RIDING • 7:00


• $5.00


WED., JULY 20: — TRIPLE B RODEO • 7:00


• $10.00



• $5.00


FRI., JULY 22: — LADIES OF THE 80’S • 8:00-11:30 PM • $3.00 SAT., JULY 23: — DEMOLITION DERBY • 7:00 PM • $10.00

4-H Judging

✯ FREE NIGHTLY ENTERTAINMENT ~ UNDER THE BIG TENT ✯ www.fillmorecountyfair.com

“Where Farm and Family Meet”

Advance Ride Tickets - 20 tickets: $25 (One Ride Per Ticket!) Available June 30th at HyVee & Waseca County Extension Office


2011 Le Sueur County Fair



Crow Wing County Fair, Brainerd Aug. 2-6 Minnesota Magic Midway www.brainerd.com/fair

• Wheaton


• Canby



• Clinton




Park Rapids

• Bird Island










• • Rush

Pine City

•• •




Lake Elmo





• Anoka






Cambridge City


Elk River

• Mora



Two Harbors


COOK Grand Marais

theland@thelandonline.com PO Box 3169, Mankato MN 56002 (800) 657-4665








Howard Lake






Grand Rapids


Sauk Rapids











Little Falls

• •Motley


• Pine River

Sauk Centre

Long Prairie













• Morris




• Perham


• Fergus Falls


Detroit Lakes















• Roseau

• Thief River Falls



Fertile NORMAN







“Where Farm and Family Meet”


4/5 F





• Spirit Lake

• Algona




• Thompson


Mason City


Albert Lea





Charles City


• Waverly



• West Union


• Decorah







• •Postville CLAYTON Waukon


HOUSTON Caledonia

•St. Charles



• Rochester







• Kasson


• Cannon Falls Zumbrota • GOODHUE


Winnebago County Junior Show & Fair, Thompson July 21-24

Humboldt County Fair, Humboldt July 26-Aug. 1

Check our website for complete schedule - www.browncountyfreefair.com

Demo Derby - Wednesday, Aug. 10 — 7 p.m. • $10 Moto Cross - Friday, Aug. 12 — 7 p.m. • $10 Demo Derby - Saturday, Aug. 13 — 7 p.m. • $10 Truck/Tractor Pull - Sunday, Aug. 14 — Noon • $5


- AUGUST 10 -14 , 2011 TH

Sioux County Youth Fair, Sioux Center July 11-14

Mighty Howard County Fair, Cresco June 21-26

O’Brien County Fair, Primghar July 16-21

Mitchell County Fair, Osage July 27-31

Lyon County Fair, Rock Rapids July 25-28

Kossuth County Fair, Algona Aug. 2-7

Pocahontas County 4-H & FFA Fair, Pocahontas July 14-18

Hancock County Junior Fair, Britt July 26-Aug. 1 Emmet County Agricultural Show, Estherville July 28-31

Franklin County Fair, Hampton July 13-17

Dickinson County 4-H/ FFA Fair, Spirit Lake July 25-28


Buena Vista County Fair, Chickasaw-Big Four Fair, Alta Nashua July 20-24 Sept. 1-5

Cherokee County Fair, Cherokee July 7-10

Plymouth County Fair, Le Mars July 28-31

Floyd County Fair, Charles City July 20-24

Clayton County Fair, National Aug. 2-8

Wright County District Junior Fair, Eagle Grove July 6-11

Worth County Fair, Northwood June 15-19

Winneshiek County Fair, Decorah July 12-16

Palo Alto County Fair, Emmetsburg July 21-24

Fayette County Fair, West Union July 26-30

Clay County Fair, Spencer Sept. 10-18

Osceola County Fair, Sibley July 13-16

2011 Iowa county fair schedule

Bremer County Fair, Waverly July 31-Aug. 6

Free Gate!

• Owatonna •






Blue Earth



• BLUE Garden City



Le Center

POCAHONTAS WRIGHT FRANKLIN HUMBOLDT Eagle Grove Humboldt Hampton Pocahontas






St. James

DICKINSON Estherville

• •Alta








This year’s Iowa county Butler County Fair, fairs in The Land’s coverage Allison area are listed below in June 22-26 alphabetical order. Cerro Gordo-North Iowa Allamakee-Big Four Fair, Fair, Mason City Postville July 20-24 June 17-19 Cherokee-Marcus Allamakee County Fair, Community Fair, Waukon Marcus July 20-24 Aug. 11-14



• Primghar



• Sibley


• Slayton

Redwood Falls REDWOOD



Le Mars

Sioux Center


LYON Rock Rapids








6 F

2011 Minnesota county fair schedule Lake County Fair, Two Harbors Aug. 25-28 www.thelakecountyfair.com

Mahnomen County Fair, Mahnomen Aug. 25-28 Gopher State Expositions www.mahnomencountyfair.com

Mille Lacs County Fair, Princeton Aug. 11-14 Stipe’s Shows Inc. www.millelacscountyfair.com

Lake of the Woods County Fair, Baudette Aug. 25-28 Cody Rides

Marshall County Fair, Warren July 27-31 Family Fun Shows

Morrison County Fair, Motley June 24-26 Cody Rides www.motleyfair.com

Le Sueur County Fair, Le Center Aug. 18-21 Cody Rides www.lesueurcountyfair.org

Martin County Fair, Fairmont Aug. 15-21 Gold Star Amusements www.theotherbigfair.com

Lincoln County Fair, Tyler Aug. 21-24

McLeod County Fair, Hutchinson Aug. 17-21 Gold Star Amusements www.mcleodcountyfair.com


Lyon County Fair, Marshall Aug. 3-6 Cody Rides www.lyoncountyfair.com

Meeker County Fair, Litchfield Aug. 4-7 All American Amusements

2011 BENTON COUNTY FAIR August 1st - 7th ~ Sauk Rapids, MN Military Day: Friday, August 5th

GRANDSTAND EVENTS Tues., Aug. 2nd - Motocross: 7:00 pm Wed., Aug. 3rd - Demolition Derby: 7:30 pm Thurs. Aug. 4th - Truck Pull: 6:00 pm Fri., Aug. 5th - Tractor Pull: 5:00 pm Sat. Aug. 6th - Demolition Derby: 6:30 pm Sun., Aug. 7th - Demolition Derby: 1:00 pm For More Info Call 320-253-5649 or Checkout our website: BentonfairMN.com




“Where Farm and Family Meet”


Tuesday, Aug. 9th - Johnny Holm Band - 8:30 pm Wednesday, Aug. 10th - Demolition Derby - 7:00 pm Thursday, Aug. 11th - Tractor Pull & Truck Pull - 6:30 pm Friday, Aug. 12th - Rockie Lynne/A Tribute to the Troops - 7:30 pm Saturday, Aug. 13th - Demolition Derby - 6:00 pm Saturday, Aug. 14th - Ranch Rodeo & Talent Show - 1:00 pm • Carnival • Contests • Exhibits • Free Entertainment • Food


Morrison County Fair, Little Falls Aug. 11-14 Crescent City Amusements www.morrisoncountyfairlittlefalls.com Mower County Free Fair, Austin Aug. 9-14 Merriam’s Midway Shows www.mowercountyfair.com Murray County Fair, Slayton Aug. 17-20 Mad Jax

Nicollet County Fair, St. Peter Aug. 10-14 www.nicolletcountyfair.net Nobles County Fair, Worthington Aug. 11-14 McDermott Shows www.noblescountyfair.com Norman County Fair, Ada June 22-25 Mighty Thomas Carnival www.krjbradio.com Northern Minnesota District Fair, Littlefork Sept. 2-5 Cody Rides www.northernmndistrictfair.com Olmsted County Fair, Rochester July 25-31 Gold Star Amusements www.olmstedcountyfair.com

2011 Minnesota county fair schedule Polk County Fair, Fertile June 29-July 3 Murphy Bros. Expositions www.polkcountyfairfertilemn.com

Renville County Fair, Bird Island Aug. 17-19 All American Amusements www.renvillecountyfair.com

Sherburne County Fair, Elk River July 14-17 Gopher State Expositions www.sherburnecountyfair.org

Otter Tail County Fair West, Fergus Falls July 20-23 Mighty Thomas Carnival www.wotcountyfair.com

Pope County Fair, Glenwood Aug. 3-7 www.popecountyfair.org

Rice County Fair, Faribault July 19-24 Gold Star Amusements www.ricecountyfair.net

Sibley County Fair, Arlington Aug. 3-7 JK Concessions and Rides www.sibleycountyfair.com

Rock County Fair, Luverne July 21-23 Midwest Rides

South St. Louis County Fair, Proctor July 6-10 Midwest Rides and Concessions www.proctorduluthfair.com

Ramsey County Fair, Maplewood July 13-17 Pennington County Fair, Thief River Gold Star Amusements Falls www.ramseycountyfair.com July 20-24 Todd Armstrong Shows Red Lake County Fair, Oklee www.penncofair.com June 24-26 http://ow.ly/5kevw Pine County Fair, Pine City Aug. 3-7 Redwood County Fair, Redwood MCM Shows Falls www.pinecountyfair.com July 7-10 Merriam’s Midway Shows Pipestone County Fair, Pipestone www.redwoodcountyfair.com Aug. 3-6 Midwest Rides and Expositions

Roseau County Fair, Roseau July 17-22 Crescent City Amusement / Amusement Attractions www.roseaucountyfair.com

St. Louis County Fair, Chisholm July 27-31 Todd Armstrong Shows www.stlofair.org

Scott County Fair, Jordan July 27-31 Merriams Midway www.scottcountyfair.com

Stearns County Fair, Sauk Centre July 27-31 Crescent City Amusements www.stearnscountyfair.com


JULY 6-10, 2011


n Free Admissio to Fairgrounds Daily Parking: $4 Season Pass: $7

Thur., July 7 Fri., July 8 Sat., July 9 Sun., July 10 -

7:00 pm - Tractor Pull 7:00 pm - Trailer Races 1:00 pm - Donkey Races 7:00 pm - Rodeo 8:30 am - Antique Tractor Pull 6:00 pm - IPM Demolition Derby




Otter Tail County Fair East, Perham July 21-24 Family Fun Shows www.eotcountyfair.org

7 F

Midway-Gopher State Exposition Visit Our Website: www.winonacountyfair.com

Visit our website for a detailed list of events

August 3rd-7th, 2011 GRANDSTAND EVENTS Wed., August 3 - Free ATV Pull • 7:00 PM Thurs., August 4 - Night of Destruction • 7:00 PM Fri., August 5 - Redneck Drag • 7:00 PM Sat., August 6 - Auto Races • 7:00 PM Sun., August 7 - Demolition Derby • 7:00 PM For more information call 507-327-7652

“Where Farm and Family Meet”

Livestock Shows Lumberjack Shows Demolition Derbies Motocross Tractor Pull Free Entertainment Nightly Dakota City Heritage Village


8 F

2011 Minnesota county fair schedule Steele County Free Fair, Owatonna S.W. St. Louis County Fair, Aug. 16-21 Floodwood Merriam’s Midway Shows Aug. 26-28 www.scff.org Swift County Fair, Appleton Stevens County Fair, Morris Aug. 17-21 Aug. 10-14 Family Fun Shows Family Fun Shows www.swiftcountyfair.org www.scfair.net





Featuring: “ALL AMERICAN AMUSEMENT” Ride Special - Mega Wristband ride for the whole fair Entertainment Grandstand Events: in the Beer Garden: Thursday: 7 am - Tractorcade • 507-375-5118 Thursday - Tammy & Friends Karaoke 6 pm - Antique Tractor Pull Friday - “Undefined Purpose” Friday-6:00 pm: Saturday - “Sweet Siren” Out of Field Tractors & Trucks Sunday - Noon - Honor Sr. Citizens 4:30 pm - Medallions in Paper Saturday-5:00 pm: Demolition Derby Thursday thru Sunday Fireworks at Dark Bingo under the Big Tent Sunday-1:00 pm: Purchase pre-fair “All American Compact Enduro Race Amusement” ride tickets from the Other Events: Extension Office, St. James Chamber of Commerce or Farmers State Bank in Friday, 6 pm - Horse Pull Madelia. For Booth rental, Thursday-Friday - Livestock Shows call 507-630-0058 Saturday, Noon - Dart Tournament Sunday, Noon - Bean Bag Tournament For More Fair Details www.co.watonwan.mn.us

Todd County Fair, Long Prairie July 28-31 Magel’s Carnival Midways www.toddcountyfair.com

Washington County Fair, Lake Elmo Aug. 3-7 Gold Star Amusements www.washingtoncountyfair.org

Traverse County Fair, Wheaton Aug. 25-28 Midwest Rides www.co.traverse.mn.us/traversecounty-fair

Watonwan County Fair, St. James July 20-24 All American Amusements www.co.watonwan.mn.us

Wabasha County Fair, Wabasha July 13-16 J&K Rides and Concessions www.wabashacountyfair.org Wadena County Fair, Wadena July 27-30 Midwest Rides www.wadenacountyfair.com Waseca County Fair, Waseca July 13-17 www.wasecacountyfair.org Crescent City Amusements

Winona County Fair, St. Charles July 6-10 Gopher State Expositions www.winonacountyfair.com Wright County Fair, Howard Lake Aug. 3-7 Amusement Attractions, Inc. www.wrightcountyfair.com Yellow Medicine County Fair, Canby July 28-31 All American Amusements www.ymcfair.com


August 18th through the 21st * * * FAIR HIGHLIGHTS * * * “Where Farm and Family Meet”

Wilkin County Fair, Breckenridge July 14-17 All American Amusements http://ow.ly/5kefg

Tri-County Fair, Mankato Aug. 17

• Free entertainment at the 4-H stage every day • 25 delicious food booths • 100 commercial vendors • Daily K-9 demonstrations • Several buildings full of interesting 4-H and open class exhibits • Many farm animals and pets on display in the 4-H barns • An exciting petting zoo and children’s barnyard • DNR barn displaying wild animals and fish • Magel’s Carnival Midway • Public safety equipment on display • Free parking for everyone • Savings bond, bicycle and bicycle lock giveaways daily • Children’s coin hunt • Turtle Races • Kids toy tractor pull • Vintage tractor displays • Vintage car parade • Available for an additional fee: Douglas County Pork Producer’s pork chop feed • Wissota Stock Car Racing • Tractor and Truck Pull, and Demolition Derbys

• All new entertainment at the 4-H stage. • Rock climbing wall located in the East Runestone Arena sponsored by the Minnesota Army National Guard. Also in the Runestone Center is a display by the Alexandria Model Railroad Club. • The new Agricultural Commodities Corner in the Bus Garage. • A 2:00 p.m. Sunday tractor and truck pull (additional ticket required). • Balloon artist & face painting on Friday & Saturday, kids days. • Several new food vendors in Calorie Lane. • New activities at the Old Country Schoolhouse includes: kids coloring contest, apron contest, quilting contest, kids construction contest, and a senior’s spelling bee. PARKING! West gate, free parking for the general public. East gate, parking is for bicycles, motorcycles and handicap permit parking only. Gates open at 8:00 a.m. each day. Kids under 12 enter for free. Adults may purchase a $6.00 daily ticket or $15.00 4/day pass. For additional information watch our website at www.MnDouglasCoFair.com

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