July 15, 2011 :: Northern

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July 15, 2011 (800) 657-4665 www.TheLandOnline.com theland@TheLandOnline.com P.O. Box 3169, Mankato, MN 56002


Pennycress rosette

Pennycress seedpods

Pennycress flowers

The ‘house’ that built me

THE LAND, JULY 15, 2011


P.O. Box 3169 418 South Second Street Mankato, MN 56002 (800) 657-4665 Volume XXX ■ Number XIV 32 pages Main cover photo by Dick Hagen; inset photos courtesy Purdue University Extension

COLUMNS Opinion Farm and Food File Marketing The Pork Professor Mielke Market Weekly The Yield The Bookworm Sez Calendar Auctions/Classifieds Advertiser Listing Back Roads

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“Where Farm and Family Meet”

Publisher: Jim Santori: jsantori@cnhi.com General Manager: Vail Belgard: vbelgard@TheLandOnline.com Editor: Kevin Schulz: editor@TheLandOnline.com Assistant Editor: Tom Royer: troyer@TheLandOnline.com Staff Writer: Dick Hagen: dickhagen@mvtvwireless.com Advertising Representatives: Kim Henrickson: khenrickson@TheLandOnline.com Mike Schafer: mike.schafer2@gmail.com Danny Storlie: theland@TheLandOnline.com Office/Advertising Assistants: Joan Compart: theland@TheLandOnline.com MaryAnn Harty: auctions@TheLandOnline.com Ad Production: Brad Hardt: lndcomp@mankatofreepress.com Website: www.TheLandOnline.com For Customer Service Concerns: (507) 345-4523, (800) 657-4665, theland@TheLandOnline.com Fax: (507) 345-1027 For Editorial Concerns or Story Ideas: (507) 344-6342, (800) 657-4665, editor@TheLandOnline.com National Sales Representative: Bock & Associates Inc., 7650 Executive Drive, Minneapolis, MN 55344-3677. (952) 905-3251. Because of the nature of articles appearing in The Land, product or business names may be included to provide clarity. This does not constitute an endorsement of any product or business. Opinions and viewpoints expressed in editorials or by news sources are not necessarily those of the management. The Publisher shall not be liable for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement. The Publisher’s liability for other errors or omissions in connection with an advertisement is strictly limited to publication of the advertisement in any subsequent issue or the refund of any monies paid for the advertisement. Classified Advertising: $17 for seven (7) lines for a private classified, each additional line is $1.25; $22 for business classifieds, each additional line is $1.25. Classified ads accepted by mail or by phone with VISA, MasterCard, Discover or American Express. Classified ads can also be sent by e-mail to theland@TheLandOnline.com. Mail classified ads to The Land, P.O. Box 3169, Mankato, MN 56002. Please include credit card number, expiration date and your postal address with ads sent on either mail version. Classified ads may also be called into (800) 657-4665. Deadline for classified ads is noon on the Monday prior to publication date, with holiday exceptions. Distributed to farmers in all Minnesota counties and northern Iowa, as well as on The Land’s website. Each classified ad is separately copyrighted by The Land. Reproduction without permission is strictly prohibited. Subscription and Distribution: Free to farmers and agribusinesses in Minnesota and northern Iowa. $22 per year for non-farmers and people outside the service area. The Land (ISSN 0279-1633) is published Fridays and is a division of The Free Press Media (part of Community Newspaper Holdings Inc.), 418 S. Second St., Mankato MN 56001. Periodicals postage paid at Mankato, Minn. Postmaster and Change of Address: Address all letters and change of address notices to The Land, P.O. Box 3169, Mankato, MN 56002; call (507) 345-4523 or e-mail to theland@TheLandOnline.com.

Country singer Miranda Lambert has a manure spreader backed up to the barn. song, “The House That Built Me.” I pitched a lot of manure from that old It’s a song of returning to a childhood barn. Not that I have ever presented a mushome to find yourself: cular physical presence, but I would have been even more of a wimp had I not had the If I could just come in I swear I’ll leave repetition of scoop-shovel weightlifting. Won’t take nothing but a memory After I went off to college, the barn door From the house that built me was widened, a skid steer purchased and I recently had a flashback of sorts. manure handling got a lot easier. I stopped to visit an old high school buddy Then, years later, the old barn quit LAND MINDS as he was supervising his new football team being used all together. in the weight room. As the young athletes By Kevin Schulz Now, the barn is no more, only the were waking up through their clanging of cement slab of the barn and the feedlot curls and bench presses, my buddy and I remains. were talking about how far the weight programs have come for athletes. I spent a lot of time in that barn. PitchToday they were complaining about the makeshift ing manure and caring for hogs in the lower level, weight room in the school’s shop area; wouldn’t it be and stacking straw in the massive hay mow. We also great to have a nicer facility for the student-athletes had a makeshift basketball court up there, when we had used up enough of the straw supply so the and the public to use as a general workout area. “court” was revealed. Yes, it would be great, but my buddy and I recalled I learned a lot in that barn: you couldn’t always how many years ago we were thrilled when our high school got a universal weight set. By nowadays stan- trust the float on the water tank, you shouldn’t leave a pitchfork under lose straw (especially tines up) and dards, it was pretty minute, but compared to what the best way to throw a scoop shovel of slurry into a we had prior, it was great. strong south wind. Being a farm kid, most of my weight lifting wasn’t I also learned that things aren’t always as nice or done with barbells or universal weights. No, my as easy as you would like them to be. weightlifting was done in the barn, in the form of manure, feed buckets and straw bales. As I walk the slab that remains, a lot of those In weight training programs they stress repetition. memories and lessons learned come back; memories Well, I got plenty of that. There were always barns to of the “house” that built me. clean, fresh bedding to spread and feed to grind. ••• After we’d get home from school and sports practice, Kevin Schulz is the editor of The Land. He may be we knew what our evening held for us when we saw the reached at editor@TheLandOnline.com.


Letter: Who failed, and where do we go now? To the Editor: Last November the voters went to the polls and elected a Republican Senate and House of Representatives and a Democrat governor. The governor presented the budget to the Legislature. Legislators spent four months going over it voting on every item, listening to department heads, citizens and anyone interested in the legislation. Always they were open to the public. Then it was sent to the governor’s office for his signature in a timely fashion. The Legislature had done their duty but the governor refused to sign. Even though this budget is the biggest ever passed he wanted to spend and tax more. His proposed budget was voted on in the House and lost on a vote of 130-1. The governor is the only one who can call the Legislature back into session. He insisted that he would not call them back until he had agreements with the leaders of the caucuses made behind closed doors. Normally something like this is considered blackmail. My representative won’t be able to get in the discussions; will yours?

MORE ONLINE: bit.ly/theland-cava — Transportation infrastructure big advantage for U.S. ag

Why did the governor close down the state? Because it’s the greatest political gimmick around. He can blame the legislators for everything and you can see it in the headlines every day — “Hold legislators accountable for dilly dallying,” “Legislators’ childish behavior,” etc. — all the while the governor keeps getting headlines and the Legislature can do nothing. Almost all the states in the Union have problems with their budgets but only one governor has closed down the state in order to increase the budget. The governor has the authority to selectively or totally veto bills, close the government or call the Legislature into session. He has no authority to originate tax bills; those must come from the House. Who failed? Governor, it’s all in your hands. You shut the state down and you must call the Legislature back into session without trying to blackmail them. Let the people see and hear what you are proposing instead of shutting down the state. Minnesota has a short construction season and a lot of people out of work. Al Schumann Eyota, Minn.

bit.ly/theland-sediment — Effects of sediment not just a farm issue anymore bit.ly/theland-wasioja — Wasioja home to Civil War recruiting station

Mail call — Columns brought tears, sickness to readers


mail or letter I received 10 complimentary, even generous, ones. An overwhelming number arrived after a Memorial Day column that explained why — and why not — a World War I soldier named Tobey Farmer died in France one day before the armistice that ended the War to End All Wars. Most of the letters featured shaky penmanship like the one from John in Minnesota who wrote to say the column “brought tears to my eyes.” Thank you, John. Indeed, thanks to all who wrote letters and sent e-mails. Keep ’em coming. And, oh, try to keep your lunch down, too. ••• Alan Guebert’s “Farm and Food File” is published weekly in more than 70 newspapers in North America. Contact him at agcomm@farmandfoodfile.com.

THE LAND, JULY 15, 2011

product I buy and every product Six months have passed I sell.” That reality, he urged, is since readers have had their a fact “you need to reflect on (in) say about me, my work and I would like to ask your future writings ...” its effect on their digestive you if you have any system. Turns out the first Another writer, on a card source of income two often riles the third as postmarked in Honolulu, other than your poor in a mid-April e-mailer, who Hawaii, offered his insight to signed his missive “All Small excuse of a 2-cent, the food safety column, also. Farmers,” noted. narrow-minded, rural“Food inspections are like flood “I would like to ask you,” removed column? insurance. If you subsidize a way of FARM & FOOD FILE he queried about a column life in which people don’t need to — Guebert reader that offered a few tongue-inBy Alan Guebert pay attention to the food supply to cheek solutions (like “annex avoid getting seriously ill or killed, Canada”) to America’s balbe a shameful apologist for then you will end up with a large populalooning deficit, “if you all things agriculture ... tion ... who feels that the best thing to think have any source of income (when) a more balanced about is who’s gonna win ‘American Idol.’” other than your poor perspective ... would have Think that’s cold? The card’s postexcuse of a 2-cent, narrow-minded, been more constructive and appreciated.” script adds, “Let evolution operate to rural-removed column?” A late-winter e-mailer missed the remove them from the gene pool.” With the niceties out of the way, he spring rush to hammer me by sending Whoa. galloped on for 250 or so more words his message Feb. 6. “Alan,” the e-mail before he concluded with this luscious read, “you have been away from the For every critical or anger-laced eidea: “I’ll try not to puke whenever I farm too long. Start writing about somehear your name.” thing else and leave us farmers alone.” (I did reply — something I rarely do A mid-June column that condemned the for someone so unsatisfied — to sugthen-proposed, now-passed, House of Repgest he may have missed my weak resentative cuts to federal food safety proattempt at humor. Still, he’s entitled to grams brought brickbats from far and his opinion; he just might not want to wide. One Minnesota letter sender, a read mine while enjoying lunch.) “majority owner of an edible bean processing plant,” wrote to suggest my defense of Another e-mailer, responding to the same column, suggested that he “would new food safety rules was badly misplaced. like to see people like (me) identified so “Just because you spend government I know who not to help when they come money and call it food safety doesn’t knocking on the door.” mean the result is actually safer food,” This writer concluded with a forecast: he explained. “Some day I will look back and say In fact, “This year is my last year of a ‘Guebert helped run us into the ground very productive and profitable busiwith his writing.’” ness” because the 2010 Food Safety Some less-than-satisfied customers saw Modernization Act, that I praised in the my columns as unbalanced. “You seem to column, “extends my liability for every



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“Where Farm and Family Meet”

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THE LAND, JULY 15, 2011


Cover story: Three crops, two seasons, one good idea By DICK HAGEN The Land Staff Writer They say that corn is king, soybeans are gold and wheat is wonderful. However, based on work being done by research geneticists and agronomists around the country, the landscape of North America may gradually do some changing. One of the big drivers in the changing scenario of American crop production is the Agricultural Research Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Terry Isbell at the Peoria, Ill., facility of ARS-USDA, notes seven different crops. Some fit Midwest climates, others work on the West Coast, while some are better suited for arid southwestern states. But all are oil-producing crops geared for enriching nutritional values of human foods and livestock feeds, improving moisturizing values for cosmetics, adding lubricity to engine lubes and lowering cholesterol in snack foods. Perhaps most important in this day of escalating land costs is that some of these “new opportunity” crops provide the option of three crops in two years. A good example is pennycress. “Pennycress has some future,” Isbell said. “Because it’s a winter annual we’re doing fall seeding in corn stubble, then spring combining just ahead of soybean planting. That’s how you squeeze three crops into two seasons.” As a potential new biofuels crop, pennycress has produced up to 2,200 pounds per acre in plot trials at the Peoria station. “We’re researching different seeds to build better yields,” Isbell said. “Pennycress runs about 36 percent oil in the feed, grows 30 to 36 inches tall and produces about 100 gallons of oil per acre based on that 2,000-pound yield.” What’s the big advantage of pennycress? It grows off-season so it’s not impacting food production plus

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Pennycress has some future. Because it’s a winter annual we’re doing fall seeding in corn stubble, then spring combining just ahead of soybean planting. Terry Isbell it doesn’t compete with commodity crop pricing. “Grow a crop with its own independent price structure gives you an advantage,” he said. Also as a winter annual there usually is no weed competition so no need for herbicides. Isbell and his team hired an aerial applicator to do about 1,000 acres last fall. “People who have worked with the crop are excited,” he said. “We have a local firm gearing up full-scale for both seed production and oil processing. Their goal is about 250,000 acres in three to four years with a business plan to also build a biodiesel plant in the Peoria area.” Pennycress leaves little plant residue after harvest. Isbell has baled some of the product for bedding purposes. Continued research, including animal feeding trials, is underway to verify additional energy value as a feed product. Seed pods of pennycress look a bit like a penny, thus the name. Fertilization after corn may be needed to maximize yields. Pennycress gets combined before soybean planting which could present some timing issues. The challenge is getting that fall stand established. The Peoria team is doing different planting dates to see how late they can go and still get good stands. It doesn’t need to be tilled into the soil to get a stand established. Fall rains seem to get the crop germinated.

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Other crops being investigated at Peoria include: • Coriander: Only 25 percent oil content but potentially a good source of detergents and nylon 66. At this stage there is no commercial acreage of this crop in the United States. In Canada it is mainly grown as a condiment. • Cuphea: Also a crop for detergent markets. It produces the C10 and C12 fatty acids. “But cuphea has a lot of agronomic problems especially indeterminate growth and seed shattering,” Isbell said, pointing out that best results are in Minnesota trials at the University of Minnesota’s West Central Research and Outreach Center at Morris, where it has produced up to 1,000 pounds of seed per acre; 2,000 pounds is the necessary goal to be economical. • Lesquerella: No commercial acreage at this point but this winter annual produces a hydroxyl oil. It yields up to 1,800 pounds per acre under irrigation in plot work in southwestern states. Lesquerella is roughly 30 percent oil and would be a supplement, or replacement of castor oil which is an imported oil used heavily in industry as a lubricant. It could serve as an alternative to cotton production. • Meadowfoam: Fits in rotation with grass seed production in Oregon where about 10,000 acres are grown annually. “It produces really nice, stable longchain oil very suitable in many lubricant applications,” Isbell said. Hair care products, skin moisturizers and many other derivatives are already in the hopper from this crop. • Crambe: For plastics made from crop oil has been around for some time and continues to be investigated, along with other rape-seed products, at ARSUSDA stations. • Sunflowers: Especially newer high-oleic types, continue to be developed because of their increasing market value as lubricants. “We see high-oleic sunflowers with real industrial potential,” Isbell said, pointing out these flowers already have established markets as cosmetics and food usage. Because sunflowers are fairly drought-tolerant it has growing acceptance in many high plains areas of both the United States and Canada.

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THE LAND, JULY 15, 2011

<< MILKER’S MESSAGE >> “Where Farm and Family Meet”


THE LAND, JULY 15, 2011


Soldiers’ heroic charge protects Union line The First Minnesota Volunteer Regiment at Gettysburg By RICHARD SIEMERS The Land Correspondent It was the summer of 1863, and the First Minnesota Volunteer Regiment was on a hard march north through Maryland. The day was hot and humid, and dust stirred up by thousands of soldiers’ feet hung around the road. They had seen tough fighting, but it wasn’t over yet for these veterans. The regiment was about two years old. It was formed right at the beginning of the Civil War, made up of 1,000 young Minnesota men, mostly farm boys but also clerks, lawyers and school teachers. When they departed from Fort Snelling, most of the 10,000 residents of St. Paul had turned out to see them off. Outfitted by local businessmen in red shirts, black pants and black hats, they were a striking group of men. They showed their mettle at First Bull Run, being among the soldiers who fought a rear-guard action that prevented the defeat from turning into a disaster. It was there they learned that red is not a good color to wear in battle, and got themselves some regulation blues.


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They went on to fight in some of the Hill. The shank of the fishhook ran south from major battles — Antietam, Fredericks- Cemetery Hill. The high ground, called Cemetery burg, Chancellorsville. Now it was Ridge, tapered down, then rose again at Little Round the end of June 1863, and their reg- Top and Big Round Top. In those days, whoever took iment had been reduced to about the high ground and could hold it usually won the 300 battle-hardened veterans, led battle. When the fighting ended that day, the Union by Col. William Colville. They were generals had their soldiers planted on that high proud to be part of the II Corps, one of ground. the best fighting corps in the Union Army. The evening of July 1 found the First Minnesota It was led by Gen. Winfield Scott Hancock, a tall, three miles south of Gettysburg. As they set up camp dashing man who inspired after a full day of marching, his soldiers. they could hear the guns of They were heading north battle. They knew they would The evening of July 1 found after some crushing defeats. be in that fight the next day. the First Minnesota three Confederate Gen. Robert E. The Minnesotans were up miles south of Gettysburg. Lee had invaded Pennsylvaearly on July 2 and soon at nia. The North was growing As they set up camp after a Gettysburg, only to stand and tired of the war and its full day of marching, they wait. They were held in losses. Lee reasoned that if reserve behind Cemetery could hear the guns of bathe could invade the North, Ridge. Three companies were tle. They knew they would and win a battle there, detached for other duty, so now be in that fight the next day. maybe the people would call the regiment numbered 262 it quits and let the South go men. its own way. The Confederates were slow to get their attack On the morning of July 1, some of Lee’s troops were under way and the fighting started around 3 p.m. headed toward Gettysburg, looking to replace their The First Minnesota was eventually sent to be supworn-out shoes. They ran into Union cavalry, which port for an artillery battery on Cemetery Ridge. was trying to keep track of Lee’s army. No one There they got their first look at the battlefield. planned to fight a battle at Gettysburg, but when the From where they were, the land sloped down to a dry shooting broke out, each side kept funneling in more creek bed at the bottom, then leveled out into a wide troops. Lee’s troops got the upper hand and pushed field where the fighting was going on. the Union troops back through the town of GettysThe fighting was fierce. They watched the two burg. armies going back and forth. Soldiers of the III Corps Behind Gettysburg was high ground in the shape out in front of them were hard pressed, and around 7 of a fishhook. Just south of Gettysburg was Ceme- p.m. they couldn’t take any more. After three hours tery Hill. To its right, forming the hook, was Culp’s of hard fighting, they collapsed under the onslaught of fresh Confederate troops and headed toward the rear. That opened a gap in the Union line. The Confederate generals saw the gap. They ordered two brigades to charge through that gap, led by General Wilcox’s 1,600 Alabama troops. If they could penetrate, they could get up on Cemetery Ridge, split the Union line in half, and drive them from the ridge. That action would carry the day, likely win the battle, and possibly win the war. Insulation Products General Hancock also saw the break in the line all types installed and removed and ordered up reserves, but they needed a few min• Tax Credits Available! • Free Estimates utes to get in line. It would be a race to see who got their first, and the Confederates had a head start. *** Polyurethane Spray Foam Insulation Hancock needed to slow down the Confederate advance. He tried to rally the retreating troops, get *** Blown Attic Insulation them to turn and fight just a few more minutes, but • Livestock Barns • Grain Bins they would not heed his call. • Shops & Buildings That’s when he spotted a small cluster of troops in the middle of Cemetery Ridge. Hancock galloped up • Residential Insulation, to them shouting, “What regiment is this?” new or existing Col. Colville replied, “The First Minnesota, sir.” Call The Experts MN “Do you see those colors?” Hancock asked, pointing to the Confederate battle flag leading their charge. In Gibbon: 1-507-834-6519 Colville nodded. Hancock ordered, “Then take them.” www.northern-insulation.com

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See CHARGE, pg. 7

Small regiment knew significance, possible outcome of ensuing battle


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“Where Farm and Family Meet”

CHARGE, from pg. 6 The Minnesotans knew exactly what that meant. Their small regiment was to be sacrificed to buy time for the Union army. But when Col. Colville ordered them to form up, not a single man hesitated. With bayonets fixed, they formed a line about 100 yards long and started down the slope double time. Now out in the open, they took heavy fire from the Confederates and many of the men went down. The others did not stop or fire back. They just kept going, covering the 300 yards in a minute or two. As they neared the Confederates, Col. Colville shouted “Charge!” They lowered their bayonets and ran the remaining yards as fast as they could, 262 men charging into 1,600. They met the first line of Wilcox’s troops at the dry creek bed. They hit them with such a fury that they stunned the Confederates, who faltered and fell back. The Minnesotans dropped into the creek bed and for the first time fired their weapons. The whole Confederate advance was paralyzed for a few minutes. They had this hornet’s nest in their midst that they had to clear out before they could continue. The Minnesotans were so greatly outnumbered that it wasn’t As they neared long before they were partly surthe Confederates, rounded and taking Col. Colville fire from three sides. shouted ‘Charge!’ How long did this They lowered their fighting last? Ten bayonets and ran minutes, maybe 15 the remaining — no one is certain. yards as fast as But it was all the they could, 262 time needed for the reinforcemen charging into Union ments to get in line 1,600. and plug the gap. They let loose a withering fire into the Confederates. It was more than the exposed men could take. The stalled Confederates began to fall back and retreat. When the fighting began to quiet down for the day, the Minnesotans were ordered to pull back up the hill and rejoin the line. Two hundred sixty-two men went charging down that hill. Forty-seven were able to walk back up. According to most accounts, the First Minnesota did not capture the Alabamans’ flag. But they didn’t lose their flag, either. What they did capture was a place in history. Today you cannot read a good account of the battle of Gettysburg without hearing of the heroic charge of the First Minnesota Volunteer Regiment. (While not all sources agree on the details of July 2, this story is a likely scenario put together from numerous accounts.)


“Where Farm and Family Meet”


THE LAND, JULY 15, 2011


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RC&Ds lose federal funds; many likely to close I’d like to say ‘thank you’ to all of the people that have been a part of WesMin RC&D over the years. Thanks also to those groups we’ve had the privilege of helping. — Ralph Peterson

Ralph Peterson

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“Where Farm and Family Meet”

WesMin closes its door, Peterson said. Joe Domeier, of Three Rivers RC&D, agrees that the NRCS support will be sorely missed. “The National RC&D program was an extremely effective program,” Domeier said. “It leveraged nearly $7 in state and local funding for every federal dollar invested. We are currently administering a $34,000 grant from the Farmers Market Promotion Program to assist the Mankato Farmers Market. In the past five years Three Rivers RC&D has brought over a million dollars in federal funds to Minnesota to establish conservation practices on ag land. These funds also helped establish just under 900 acres of perennial conservation crops such as native prairie and biomass crops statewide. We also assisted several organizations in developing markets for perennial crops.” Three Rivers RC&D includes nine counties in south central Minnesota. Domeier and Peterson say that some of Minnesota RC&Ds will attempt to continue their work at some level. “I was at a meeting with the Minnesota Association of RC&D Councils in early May, and the general consensus among the councils was that they would like to continue their work in rural community development and natural resource conservation,” Domeier said. “The biggest obstacle for the councils right now is funding for staff.” There are some RC&Ds that have their own employee,” Peterson said. “They fund those positions with grants.” Prairie Country RC&D, which includes nine counties northwest of Three Rivers, has its own staff. Janell Holien works for Prairie Country RC&D. “The Prairie Country RC&D Council is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that has many active projects,” Holien said. “We will continue to provide the same services as when we received the federal funding. We will miss the direction and time that our coordinator previously was able to provide that enabled the council to take on and

Although the loss of federal funding will affect each RC&D differently, they all will see a decline in activity over the long run. In many ways the loss of federal funding is the end of an era that started more than 50 years ago when the country’s first RC&D, WesMin, was founded. “I’d like to say ‘thank you’ to all of the people that have been a part of WesMin RC&D over the years,” Peterson said. “Thanks also to those groups we’ve had the privilege of helping.”

THE LAND, JULY 15, 2011

By TIM KING The Land Correspondent GLENWOOD, Minn. — The federal contribution to hundreds of Resource Conservation and Development programs was eliminated when Congress cut costs in April. Minnesota has eight RC&Ds. All of them will curtail their work in conservation and rural economic development and some may discontinue their work entirely. Iowa has 17 RC&Ds. All of those lost their funding as well. Nationally, roughly $50 million a year was provided to RC&Ds via the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resource Conservation Service. “Our operating money came from NRCS but we are a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization,” said Ralph Peterson, chairman of WesMin RC&D. “It provided us with a coordinator who was an NRCS employee and a half-time secretary — also an NRCS employee. They also provided us with office space and computer hook-ups through NRCS.” Peterson said that without the operating money from NRCS, WesMin, which includes 14 counties in west central Minnesota, will have to figure out how to complete its current projects and then it will likely close its doors. At the end of April, WesMin, which is the oldest RC&D in the United States, finished a project to assist the city of Wadena to plant thousands of trees. Much of the urban forest in Wadena was destroyed in a June 2010 tornado. “We helped get some of the money they needed in Wadena,” Peterson said. WesMin is currently involved in an improvement project for the Glacial Ridge Trail, improvements at the Phelps Mill Park in Otter Tail County, rain gardens in a number of areas and lakeshore restoration projects in Douglas County. Part of WesMin’s vision is to assist other organizations with projects that have an economic development and conservation-minded focus. “We helped rescue Smoky Timbers Camp,” Peterson said. “It was a Girl Scout camp that the Girl Scouts decided to close and sell. A local group came to us and asked us if they could use our 501(c)(3) tax status. We then helped them raise some money to keep it running as a camp. There was about 15 acres on the lake and this helped protect it from development.” That sort of collaborative effort and volunteer energy will disappear when


Local Corn and Soybean Price Index

THE LAND, JULY 15, 2011


Cash Grain Markets Sauk Rapids Madison Redwood Falls Fergus Falls Morris Tracy Average: Year Ago Average:


current average soybeans

corn/change* soybeans/change* $ 12 $6.44 $6.64 $6.71 $6.69 $6.31 $6.79

+.01 +.11 +.16 +.19 -.20 +.22

$12.58 $12.96 $13.20 $12.84 $12.81 $13.15

+.31 +.30 +.39 +.34 +.17 +.34






year ago average soybeans


$ $

6 current average corn

$ 3 $ 0

year ago average corn July'10


Sep Oct


Dec Jan'11







“Where Farm and Family Meet”

Grain prices are effective cash close on July 12. The price index chart compares an average of most recently reported local cash prices with the same average for a year ago. *Cash grain price change represents a two-week period.

Grain Outlook

Livestock Angles

Grain Angles

Chinese purchases finally confirmed

Volatility the new market norm

Corn estimates surprise trade

The following market analysis is for the week ending July 8. CORN — Chinese purchases of U.S. corn were finally confirmed this week with an announcement of 540,000 metric tons of new crop sold to China and 300,000 mt of new crop sold to an unknown destination. According to reports, China has bought 3.2 million mt of U.S. corn combined old and new crop, and with recent purchases to unknown assumed to be to China, that total could be closer to 4 mmt to 5 mmt. U.S. corn is the cheapest corn in the world as evidenced by Egypt buying 120,000 mt of old crop corn and South Korea purchasing PHYLLIS NYSTROM Country Hedging 225,000 mt new crop. Weekly sales St. Paul from June 24-30 at 2.4 million bushels for old crop and 34.2 million bushels for new crop were slightly bigger than expected. Next week’s sales should be strong as well with the recent Chinese purchases. China’s food trader called out the U.S. Department of Agriculture this week, stating that last week’s crop data were “an insult” and make hedging risk extremely difficult. This week, the U.S. Senate voted to repeal the 45-cent blender’s tax credit for ethanol and the 54-cent-per-gallon ethanol import duty at the end of this month. The bill may be attached to debt limit legislation to try and get passed, or it must pass the House and get signed by the president on its own. The savings from ending the credits early would be directed to reducing the deficit by $1.3 billion and $668 million would be pegged for blender pumps, ethanol storage tanks, electric car plugins, natural gas development and production of ethanol from sources other than corn. If the bill isn’t passed before the August recess,

The one thing you can say about the livestock markets these days is that volatility is definitely the norm. Large moves in a short timespan for both cattle and hog markets have been the dominant feature over the past year and it does not appear to be ending anytime soon. Cattle have bounced back over the past couple of weeks in preparation for the Fourth of July holiday. Retailers scrambled to acquire inventory for the specials to be offered over the long weekend surrounding the holiday events. This forced a quick turnaround in the beef cutout, increasing the packer margin and allowing a quick burst upward in what packers were willing to pay JOE TEALE for live inventory. Broker As this holiday buying spree Great Plains Commodity started to unwind, so did the Afton aggressiveness of the packers, and prices stabilized and began to slip. Boxed beef movement, which had been strong, began to wither also as retailers backed away from the higher costs in procuring beef. This reflected into lower bids for live animals and a slipping cattle market. The rally brought back the hedge funds to the long side which has helped sustain the rally in the futures, but once again the fundamentals appear to be weak and the rally is beginning to fade. The supply of market-ready cattle continues to look sufficient and with demand starting to decline, the probability of further rally seems remote. Producers should use this current strength to protect summer and early fall inventories. Hogs have had a similar fate as the cattle over the past couple of weeks. Good holiday buying of pork by the retailers sent prices soaring to new all-time highs for

The U.S. Department of Agriculture June Planted Acres and Stocks report stated that U.S. farmers planted 92.3 million acres of corn, higher than the highest estimate of 91.5 million acres. The report estimated corn stocks at 3.67 billion bushels, indicating that farmers have more corn in storage than the industry expected. It is estimated that U.S. farmers planted 75.2 million acres of soybeans. This was somewhat below the lowest estimate of 75.5 million acres. Soybean stocks were estimated at 619,000 bushels, this is somewhat higher than the markets were expecting. TOM NEHER This report was a surprise to the market and immediately sparked a AgStar VP Agribusiness & Grain Specialist fury of debate about the numbers Rochester accuracy. The biggest surprises were the corn estimates. Many could not believe that we could have planted 92.2 million acres with all of the late planting and flooding. The common perspective was that we were going to run out of corn this summer, causing people to question the corn stocks number. The soybean estimates were not so widely debated. The USDA will be sending surveys on Aug. 1 to producers in the northern Corn Belt to double-check planted acres that may have been hindered by weather and flooding. My experience in the markets over the last 25 years is that people tend to “talk their own position.” If one is in a position to profit from prices advancing, they tend to talk about all the production problems and lack of inventory. Those who stand to profit from a decline in prices, tend to talk about large supplies and resilient crop genetics. People also tend to view their own crop conditions as

See NYSTROM, pg. 11

See TEALE, pg. 11

See NEHER, pg. 11

Information in the above columns is the writer’s opinion. It is no way guaranteed and should not be interpreted as buy/sell advice. Futures trading always involves a certain degree of risk.

Firmer U.S. dollar largely ignored in soy complex report. The balance sheets could be interesting since the USDA said any changes resulting from the resurvey of Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota and Montana won’t be reported until the Aug. 11 report. What about any changes not resulting from the resurvey?! Informa Economics on Friday updated their harvested corn acreage number to 84.688 with yield at 162.5 bushels per acre for a crop of 13.759 billion bushels for this fall. The yield figure is 1.1 bu./acre less than their last estimate, but is 3.8 bu./acre higher than the USDA June forecast. The USDA’s June crop size was forecast at 13.2 billion bushels. Informa did not release updated carryout figures. OUTLOOK: Good demand from the export side, ethanol plants and livestock feeders is keeping basis strong, and yields are still in question, which would suggest further bounces. Pollination weather will have a strong impact on where we eventually trade into harvest. December corn this week filled the gap at $6.20 1/2 left after the June 30 USDA reports. First support comes in at that level, with the next support near $5.90 in the December contract. Resistance doesn’t show up on the charts until $6.49 (50 percent retracement from the June 9 high to July 1 low), then $6.66 to $6.85/bu. December corn for the week was up 40 1/4 cents at $6.37 and the September contract was up 35 1/2 cents at $6.42 1/4 per bushel. The average trade guesses for July 12: old crop corn carryout at 911 million versus 730 mil-


Demand will remain key hog director TEALE, from pg. 10 both the pork cutout as well as the live price paid for hogs. However, as with the cattle, as the holiday buying began to subside, so did the packer begin to back down on the aggressiveness to acquire live inventory. With the pork cutouts at new highs, the retailers also became reluctant to take on large inventories of pork product. This has resulted in a sharp drop in volume as well as a drop in the pork cutout in an attempt to move product. Based on the recent Hogs and Pigs report, there

has been little reduction in the hog herd which reflects an ample supply of live inventory for the packers to pick over. Therefore, demand will remain the key to the direction of hog prices in the upcoming months. With the futures contracts now discount to the current cash market, this is reflecting the attitude that hog prices are expected to seasonally decline, and that inventories are more than ample to meet future demand. Producers should be cognizant of this situation and use strength to lock-in summer and fall inventories.

lion in June; new crop carryout at 1.013 billion versus 695 million on the June report. SOYBEANS — Weather influences plus rallying corn and energy markets lent support to the soy complex. A firmer U.S. dollar was largely ignored this week. Soybean news is similar to the corn news, so there are limited fresh articles to bring to your attention. The soybean balance sheets are tight and have little room for crop adversity. If everything goes smoothly, prices could slip to sub-$12. With problems, $15 could again be attainable. Weekly soybean sales were neutral at 11.2 million bushels of old crop and 4.8 million of new crop bushels. There were net cancellations in both old crop bean meal and bean oil. Informa Economics lowered their soybean yield estimate by 1 bu./acre from their previous projection to 43.1 bu./acre. This is just 0.3 bu./acre less than the June USDA forecast of 43.4 bu./acre. Informa is forecasting harvested soybean acreage at 74.258 million acres for a crop of 3.203 billion bushels. In June, the USDA pegged this year’s bean crop at 3.285 billion bushels. The average trade estimate for the July 12 USDA report: old crop carryout at 193 million versus 180 million in June; new crop carryout at 172 million versus 190 million on the June report. OUTLOOK: Both old and new crop soybeans were up 34 cents for the week with the August contract settling at $13.46 3/4 and the November at $13.46 1/2 per bushel. The first resistance in November soybeans is $13.59 3/4, then closer to $14/bu. Support for November is $13.23 1/4, then near $13/bu. Continue to monitor weather forecasts for hints of yield-robbing conditions.

THE LAND, JULY 15, 2011

NYSTROM, from pg. 10 some say the proposed savings will be compromised and they could no longer support the bill. Currently, ethanol margins are in the black and ethanol prices are below gasoline prices, which should limit any impact of losing the tax credit on ethanol production. Sugar-based ethanol from Brazil isn’t economically feasible at this time due to the high cost of sugar. This week’s ethanol production was up 11,000 barrels per day from the previous week at 904,000 bpd. The USDA also announced a $105 million loan guarantee to Poet to build a large-scale cellulosic ethanol plant in Iowa. Weather is once again a main talking point in the market. Dryness has crept into eastern Iowa, northern Illinois and Indiana, southern Wisconsin and extending into Ohio. Forecasts present the possibility of a high-pressure ridge forming across that area over the next six to 10 days. Some corn will be pollinating and this may be detrimental to yield potential. These areas will be looking for moisture next week, so stay tuned to what the meteorologists say about any ridging activity. A late-June frost in Brazil has resulted in corn estimates being reduced. Losses in Parana could be as high as 2.8 mmt. Next week is the monthly USDA crop production


‘Beware when everyone runs to same side of the boat’ grain trader told me after a market-moving surprise on trading floor of the Kansas City Board of Trade. We were worn out and smelled of frantic perspiration from a crazed day in the pit. He put his hand on shoulder and said, “Son, always beware when everyone runs to the same side of the boat; lest she roll over.” As I pondered his words of wisdom, I know that would be a Grain Angle that I would never forget. As the dog days of summer march on, let us remember that rain and heat units make grain. For this we must be grateful. It is the harvest that allows us to feed a hungry world and support our families. Remember to let those who are the most important to you, know how much they mean to you. Life is short and so are weather markets.

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• Strong, all-welded 2” x 6” tubular frame

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JUDSON IMPLEMENT Just off MN 68, Judson, MN


“Where Farm and Family Meet”

NEHER, from pg. 10 representative of the crop all around the world. This behavior is natural and a great example of human nature. The news from this report is an example of the types of surprises that move markets. The bullish perceptions had already been priced into the market. With this news, the market’s job was to discover the fair market value. It remains to be seen if this report signaled a change in the price trend. Volatility will still be rampant with the tight stocks-to use ratios in corn and soybeans. All eyes will be on the weather forecast for the next 60 days, as crop development will be the key to filling the pipeline this fall. I will never forget the words that a grizzled old

Switching DDGS in and out of diets does not affect performance The current high cost of feed is driving pork producers and nutritionists to seek out low-cost feed ingredients capable of reducing overall feed expense without compromising pig performance and carcass quality. tages captured by Currently, there is an economic including DDGS at advantage for feeding diets containhigh levels could be ing high levels (40 to 50 percent) of erased by reduced dried distillers grains with solubles performance if pigs THE PORK but little data has been published respond negatively PROFESSOR regarding how these high levels affect to these rapid By Lee J. Johnston pig performance and carcass dietary changes. quality. Large variaDue to fluctuations in DDGS tions in nutrient prices or availability, the inclucontent and amino sion of DDGS in swine diets may only be acid digestibility of DDGS exist among economical periodically throughout the ethanol plants due to differences in progrower-finisher phase. So, diets might cessing and drying procedures. Conseinclude DDGS during one feeding period quently, if DDGS cannot be secured from a but not in the next period. The pig’s single-source, these variations can lead to response to rapid fluctuations in dietary inconsistencies in the final feed product DDGS content has not been docubeing delivered to the pigs. If it is possible mented. to rapidly introduce and remove DDGS of differing amino acid digestibility without Conceivably, any economic advan-

“Where Farm and Family Meet”


Marzolf Implement

Judson Implement

Midway Farm Equipment

Spring Valley, MN

Lake Crystal, MN

Mountain Lake, MN

Lake Henry Implement

Willmar Farm Center

Paynesville, MN

Willmar, MN


Change in ADFI, lb.

THE LAND, JULY 15, 2011


a 0.61a 0.67

0.60 0.40


0.20 0.00


0.00 compromising pig perform-0.11 -0.20 ance, pork producers would -0.18 be more likely to include -0.40 -0.33 DDGS at high levels in -0.60 -0.56 commercial grower-finisher -0.80 -0.76 swine diets. -1.00 CL CH LL HL HH CC LH LC HC Therefore, our research n= (18) (24) (18) (12) (18) (24) (6) (12) (12) group conducted an experiDietary sequence ment to determine whether relatively high Figure 1. Effect of dietary sequence on ADFI. (Diet Sequence: CL = CON folby Lo, CH = CON then Hi, LL = Lo then Lo, HL = Hi then Lo, HH = Hi dietary levels of DDGS (40 lowed then Hi, LH = Lo then Hi, CC = CON then CON, HC = Hi then CON, LC = Lo percent) of differing amino then CON). abcd Means without a common superscript differ (P < 0.05). acid digestibility can be fed highly digestible amino acid content continuously throughout the grower-fin- diminished some of the negative effects isher phase, or intermittently added to observed when continuously feeding the diet without affecting overall growth 40-percent DDGS diets. Dietary performance and carcass quality. switches also affected ADFI (Figure 1). A total of 324 crossbred pigs weighing 73 Feed intake data over the first three pounds on average were housed in one of days following a diet change were used 36 pens in an environmentally controlled to determine the effect of abrupt diet finishing barn. Each pen was assigned ran- changes on ADFI. Interestingly, the domly to one of six dietary treatments con- switch from a corn-soybean meal diet sisting of a corn-soybean meal control to a 40 percent DDGS based diet (CL (CON); CON plus 40 percent low amino and CH) caused a reduction in feed acid digestibility DDGS (Lo); CON plus 40 intake but pigs compensated for this percent high amino acid digestibility depression in feed intake over the DDGS (Hi); and diets alternating between, remaining feeding period resulting in Lo and CON (Lo-CON); Hi and CON (Hisimilar intakes and gains among pigs CON); or Hi and Lo (Hi-Lo). continuously or intermittently consumFeed switches for Lo-CON, Hi-CON ing a corn-soybean meal diet. and Hi-Lo were implemented at phase Our results confirm previous studies changes which occurred at an average indicating that amino acid digestibility of pen weight of 111 pounds, 151 pounds DDGS, or overestimation of digestible and 201 pounds. Pigs were harvested amino acid content, can influence pig peron a single date after 98 days on feed. formance. More importantly, our results Growth performance and carcass qual- suggest that there may be temporary ity of pigs switching between a corn-soy- depressions in feed intake of pigs when bean meal diet and a DDGS diet, regard- switched abruptly from a corn-soybean less of the amino acid digestibility of the meal diet to a diet containing 40 percent DDGS (Lo-CON and Hi-CON), did not DDGS. However, over the entire feeding differ from pigs continuously consuming a period, growth performance does not corn-soybean meal diet (Table 1). Howappear to be negatively affected if pigs are ever, the continuous feeding of a diet con- switched abruptly between corn-soybean taining 40 percent DDGS with low meal diets and diets high in DDGS. digestible amino acid content, reduced ••• average daily gain, average daily feed “The Pork Professor” is a monthly column intake and dressing percentage compared created by members of the University of to pigs continuously consuming a cornMinnesota Swine Extension team. This colsoybean meal diet. umn was written by Lee J. Johnston, proThis may have been a result of over- fessor and swine Extension specialist at the University of Minnesota West Central estimating the digestible amino acid Research and Outreach Center at Morris, content of this DDGS source. It Minn. appears that the use of DDGS with bc





Table 1. Effects of DDGS quality and inclusion Trait CON Lo-CON Hi-CON ADG, lb. 2.01 2.01 2.04 ADFI, lb. 5.89 5.95 6.08 Feed:Gain 2.93 2.96 2.98 Carcass lean, percent 51.8 52.1 52.1 Dressing percentage 76.2 75.8 76.0

and removal on Lo Hi 1.88 1.94 5.61 5.88 2.98 3.05 51.3 52.3 74.7 75.1

pig performance Hi-Lo 1.93 5.87 3.05 50.8 74.6

VanDam: Cheese sales good, but fortunes may change


ber and raised the CWT’s 2011 cheese exports to 48.6 million pounds. ■ Speaking of exports, Dairy Profit Weekly editor Dave Natzke said that a better year for U.S. dairy exports was mirrored in individual state totals for fiscal year 2010. The latest estimates from the USDA’s Economic Research Service shows Wisconsin remains No. 1, with export sales estimated at $712 million. California is No. 2 at $705.7 million. Those two states alone saw the value of dairy exports improve from about $953 million in FY 2009 to $1.4 billion in FY 2010, an increase of $465 million or 49 percent.

New York was third at $288.3 million, followed by Idaho at $208.2 million, New Mexico at $177.8 million; Minnesota at $153 million; Pennsylvania at $121.9 million; Ohio at $60 million; Iowa at $59 million; and South Dakota at $58.2 million. Overall FY 2010 U.S. dairy exports increased 48 percent compared to FY 2009, an increase of $1.12 billion, Natzke said. ••• Lee Mielke is a syndicated columnist who resides in Everson, Wash. His weekly column is featured in newspapers across the country and he may be reached at lkmielke@juno.com.

THE LAND, JULY 15, 2011

Basement & Garage Packages Available

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“Where Farm and Family Meet”

to FC Stone dairy economist This column was written Bill Brooks, and “that will for the marketing week endkeep the market tight for a liting July 8. tle while,” but he predicts it Cash cheese prices had litwill eventually back up and tle change following the “we’ll start to see price Fourth of July holiday. declines in the U.S. market.” The blocks closed the shortCash Grade A nonfat dry ened week at $2.11 per milk held all week at $1.6250 pound, down a penny and a MIELKE MARKET and Extra Grade remained at half, but still 58.25 cents WEEKLY $1.61. NASS powder averaged above a year ago. The barrels $1.6638, up a half-cent, and inched a half-cent higher, to By Lee Mielke dry whey averaged 54.76 $2.1025, 60.25 cents cents, up 1.7 cents. Over above a year ago. Seven40 percent of U.S. powder teen cars of block and is exported. three of barrel traded hands on the week. California’s August Class I milk price The National Agricultural Statistics Service-surveyed U.S. average block price hit was announced by the California Department of Food and Agriculture at $23.24 $2.0884, up 5.8 cents on the week. The per hundredweight for the north and barrels averaged $2.0735, up 1.6 cents. $23.51 for the south. Both are up 86 cents U.S. Department of Agriculture from July, are $5.91 above August 2010, reports that sluggish summer pizza sales have some producers discounting and equate to about $2 and $2.02 per gallon respectively. mozzarella to clear product. The The northern price average now stands Alliance of Western Milk Producer’s at $20.27/cwt., up from $16.38 at this Bill VanDam warned in his July 1 time a year ago. The southern price avernewsletter: “The trading this week gives no hint of uneasiness in this mar- age is $20.54, up from $16.65 a year ago. ket but there is a growing feeling in the The federal order Class I base price is announced by the USDA on July 22. ‘trade’ that significant volumes of cheese are sold on the basis of ‘the The USDA’s May Dairy Products average of the previous month.’” report put butter output at 155.9 milThe average June Chicago Mercantile lion pounds, down 1.8 percent from Exchange price was clearly over $2/lb. April, but 18.3 percent above May 2010. Nonfat dry milk, at 147.7 million while May’s price is some 40 cents lower, he wrote. “That means the price pounds, was up 1 percent from April, for such customers will be much higher but down 4.6 percent from a year ago. starting July 1. There just has to be an American-type cheese production explanation for something like this totaled 371.2 million pounds, up 3.9 perthat will shed light on why block (and cent from April, but 0.1 percent below a barrel) prices seem to be defying the year ago. Cheddar output was lower for apparent fundamentals. Cheese sales the fourth month in a row, according to have been good, but if much of the Brooks, who said “that could be tempercheese is being purchased to beat the ing the decline in spot cheese prices” but price increase, we may well see a he still expects cheese prices to “continue change of fortunes this next week.” to work their way lower.” The international market isn’t helping as Italian-type cheese totaled 393.6 milprices continued to soften in Fonterra’s July 5 lion, up 2.2 percent from April, and 6.6 Global Dairy Trade auction.The CME’s percent above a year ago, with mozDaily Dairy Report said the weighted averzarella output totaling 308.9 million age price for skim milk powder fell to pounds, up 2.9 percent from April and $1.68/lb., down 15 percent from June 1 and 5.1 percent above a year ago. the lowest since January.The whole milk Total cheese production amounted to powder price, at $1.65/lb., was down 4 per915.2 million pounds, up 3.8 percent from cent from a month earlier, and the lowest since December.The anhydrous milkfat price April, and 3.9 percent above a year ago. was $2.39/lb., down 7 percent from a month Some of that cheese will be leaving us. ago, and the lowest since last October. The Cooperatives Working Together pro■ gram accepted six requests this week for Spot butter closed Friday at $2.03, export assistance from Dairy Farmers of down a penny on the week, but 26.75 America and Bongards Creamery to sell a cents above a year ago. Only one car total of 2.5 million pounds of Cheddar was sold all week. NASS butter avercheese to customers in the Middle East, aged $2.0887, down 3.9 cents. North Africa and Central America. The Butter is still moving offshore, according product will be delivered through Novem-


THE LAND, JULY 15, 2011


Comfort of family important during shared time of loss “Sue?” Debbie’s searching voice queried. “Mom is a lot worse today. The head nurse at the nursing home had me call the family members, because she will probably die sometime tomorrow. Can you come tonight?” I hadn’t seen Mom for a few days. I was surprised by the number of pillows propping her up to make her feel comfortable. She didn’t

respond to the “I love you Mom, you will be with Dad and Jesus soon.” It was a dark ride home. We were anxious about tomorrow. Her quality of life made it easier to face the fact that she would soon die. The next morning we received the call that Mom had died. Debbie said, “We meet at the funeral home with the family to plan the serv-


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“Where Farm and Family Meet”

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2012 Neville 40’ tandem axle steel twin hopper w/center divider trailer, 1160 bu. capacity, 10,800 lbs. empty wgt., ladders & catwalks, viewing windows, Gator hyde coating on hoppers, Shurlock tarp w/twin ridge straps & front cable return, 11:00R22.5 new recapped tires, $22,400, plus taxes & registration.

2012 Neville 28’ tandem axle steel single hopper trailer, 790 bu. capacity, 8,150 lbs. empty wgt., ladders, viewing windows, Gator hyde coating on hopper, Shurlock tarp, 11:00R22.5 new recapped tires, $19,900, plus taxes & registration.

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2012 Neville 22’ single axle steel single hopper trailer, 650 bu. capacity, 6,300 lbs. empty wgt., ladders viewing windows, Gator hyde coating on hopper, Shurlock tarp, 11:00R22.5 new recapped tires, $15,100, plus taxes & registration.

2012 Neville 40’ tandem axle alum. twin hopper trailer, 1,150 bu. capacity, 8,900 lbs. empty wgt., ladders & catwalks, viewing windows, Shurlock tarp w/dbl. ridge straps & front cable return, New 11:00R22.5 Lo Pro tires, alum. outer rims, $29,500, plus taxes & registration.

ice and make arrangements.” I was surprised how tranquil I felt until Debbie said, “Mom wants to be cremated.” Cremation is not what I want for myself, although Dad was cremated, I wanted my parTHE YIELD ents’ wishes to be honored. It was encouraging to me By Sue Peterson how well the planning went with no disagreements about the arrangements. As planned, the next day, just the family met at the gravesite. It was an old Civil War cemetery. Mom’s grandchildren and great grandchildren gathered by the graveside. There was music provided by family members. Two guitars with two song leaders, led us all in the singing of some of Mom’s favorite hymns. The urn (The pastor’s) was passed to each member of message was the immediate one of hope. family as the Even in the music contindeath of our ued. loved ones, we After the urn as Christians can was put in have peace and place, the young joy. children, each in turn, shoveled soil back into the grave. Then the adults completed the task, as the music continued and then we were all off to the funeral home. The current pastor from St. Peter’s Lutheran church in Vernon Center led the service. His message was one of hope. Even in the death of our loved ones, we as Christians can have peace and joy. John 3:16 KJV: For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him, should not perish, but have everlasting life. In an atmosphere of love and affection all the guests were asked to share a meal with the family. It was a wonderful time of sharing memories, and it was evident how important “family” is in times that are difficult. I know it is a privilege and honor to be part of such a family, and I am very grateful for them. ••• Sue Peterson has been writing “The Yield” column since 1978 and has been a staple of The Land. She may be reached at sustan2@bevcomm.net or 1010 East 5th St., Blue Earth, MN 56013. Matthew 6; Psalm 37:5-7

Woman makes transformation from city girl to sheep farmer Friend gives her readers a sense of the bucolic. She lulls us into total serenity with her poetic descriptions of her flock — and then she knocks us upside the funnybone with asides that are dyed-in-thewool hilarious. In between, Friend has a way of bringing tears to our eyes before she pulls us back to the funny farm. If a taste of the country is what you crave this summer, if you’re a farmer or a wanna-be, a knitter, or just love a wooly tale, here’s a book you’ll enjoy.

“Sheepish” is perfect for ewe. ■ Look for the reviewed book at a bookstore or a library near you. You may also find the book at online book retailers. ••• The Bookworm is Terri Schlichenmeyer. Terri has been reading since she was 3 years old and never goes anywhere without a book. She lives in Wisconsin with three dogs and 10,000 books.

THE LAND, JULY 15, 2011

, S R , S E E P E I C P I REC

! S E P I C E R


You tried everything. our shores. English lawmakers tried to outlaw the When you had trouble sale of wool but colonists with insomnia the other managed to outwit the night, it seemed like Brits and wool-gathering nothing would lull you became patriotic. back to sleep. Warm milk tasted bad. That previSheep “show up everyously-boring book on where in our language,” your bedside table sudFriend says, and they’re denly turned intriguing. good for supper, of THE BOOKWORM Even infomercials held course, but it’s their wool SEZ your interest, so you that she fell in love with. started counting sheep. By Terri Schlichenmeyer Because of the price of Then you got to wonderfleece, she says, many ing ... why sheep? Why not farmers shear their “Sheepish: Two count cows or dogs? Is it sheep and throw the Women, Fifty Sheep because sheep are, well, wool away. Most small & Enough Wool to like sheep? Author operations won’t get rich Save the Planet” Catherine Friend wonon their wool, but Friend By Catherine Friend discovered the rich colors dered that herself because she has a flock of them on of wool dyes. Although c.2011, Da Capo her Minnesota farm, and she first makes fun of Lifelong Books in her new book “Sheep“fiber freaks” (knitters $16 ish” she writes of the good who bleat rhapsodically and the ba-a-a-ad, the about wool fibers), she 263 pages wild and the wooly. couldn’t wait to see what “her sheep” produced. Though her grandmother raised them on a Montana ranch, Friend had But life on the farm isn’t always laid little experience with sheep — that is, back. Where there’s livestock, “there’s until her partner, Melissa, wistfully dead stock,” says Friend. Animals, like admitted her dream of owning a farm humans, don’t always do what you want and raising the critters. them to do; they’re never born at convenAnd thus it came to pass that Cather- ient times; and sometimes, they get sick. When these things happen, even Backup ine had a little lamb. Farmers do their best for their animals — Fifteen years later, Friend has morphed even if it means giving those animals up. from City Girl to Backup Farmer. It hasn’t Imagine a serene pasture filled with been a gentle-as-a-lamb transformation, contented (nameless) sheep. Then but Friend now appreciates her flock. imagine a reluctant shepherdess at the Ovines have a long history in North helm, add in llamas, cats and dogs, America, she says. Sheep were shipped to chickens and a peacock, frisky calves, the New World in 1609 and within 60 knitters, and Elvis, and you’ve got a years, there were over 100,000 sheep on good yarn called “Sheepish.”


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NAME Send us your events by e-mail to editor@TheLandOnline.com Log on to http://bit.ly/theland-calendar for our complete events calendar July 18, 10:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Bob and Theresa Mueller Dairy, Melrose, Minn. Info: Registration begins at 10 a.m.; farm located north and west of Melrose at 40974 County Road 170, take County Road 65 west about 0.3 miles and then County Road 170 2.7 miles north and west, watch for signs; Festival of Farms advanced registration July 16, 10:30 a.m.-4 p.m. requested for meal count by Various Minnesota locations calling the Stearns County Info: Sponsored by SustainExtension office, (320) 255able Farming Assoc. of Minn.; 6169 or (800) 450-6171; log on to festivaloffarms.com download a brochure by logging on to Dairy Tour: A Focus on http://tinyurl.com/63ybgsg Cow Comfort

Alfalfa & Grass Forage Plot Day July 18, 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Hutchinson, Minn. Info: Free and open to the public; plot located at 22023 Walden Ave., 4.4 miles west of Hutchinson on Minnesota Highway 7 and 1.6 miles north on Walden Avenue; contact McLeod County Extension Office, (320) 484-4334 Red River On-Farm Trials Plot Tour July 19, 9 a.m. Hallock, Minn. Info: Preview of new hard red spring wheat varieties for 2012 among crop discussions




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“Where Farm and Family Meet”

Organic Mushroom Production in a Northern Climate Field Day July 16, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Duluth, Minn. Info: Free; located at 3971 Rehbein Road; contact Jill Jacoby, (218) 724-9786 or pumilios@aol.com, or Jeanne Ciborowski, (651) 201-6217


KIMBALL, MN • 320-398-3800


Sales: • Al Mueller • Wayne Mackereth • Allen Schramm • Rollie Jurgens • Chase Groskreutz


THE LAND, JULY 15, 2011

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Sales: • Richard Dammann • Randy Uecker • Steve Schramm • Mike W

NO. MANKATO, MN • 507-387-55 Sales: • Randy Rasmussen • Ed Nowak • Leon Rasmussen • Jay Pederson • Spencer Kolles

Equipment Solutions . . . For A Changing TRACTORS 4WD

CIH 535 Quad, '10, 690 hrs ..........................................$297,500 CIH 535 Quad, '10, 570 hrs ..........................................$297,500 CIH 535 Quad, '10, 1100 hrs ........................................$282,500 CIH 530 Quad, '07, 1750 hrs ........................................$225,000 CIH 530 Stegier, '07, 1485 hrs ......................................$211,900 CIH 500 Steiger, '11, 125 hrs ........................................$265,500 CIH STX530, '06, 990 hrs..............................................$240,000 CIH STX430, '06, 960 hrs..............................................$169,500 CIH STX425, '03, 2545 hrs............................................$149,500 CIH 385 Quad, '09 ........................................................$232,500 CIH 9390, '00, 5165 hrs ..................................................$89,500 CIH 9350, '97, 3960 hrs ..................................................$72,500 CIH 9270, '91, 4815 hrs ..................................................$72,900 CIH 9250, '92, 6585 hrs ..................................................$48,500 CIH 9230, '91, 6650 hrs ..................................................$43,900 CIH 9150, '87, 5535 hrs ..................................................$48,500 Case 550H, '00, 1425 hrs ................................................$35,500 Cat MT765B, '07, 1885 hrs............................................$179,950 Challenger MT865C, '09, 1235 hrs ................................$279,500 Ford 9680, '95, 4770 hrs ................................................$82,500 JD 9630, '09, 930 hrs....................................................$229,000 JD 9620T, '04, 3575 hrs ................................................$179,500 JD 9400, '98, 3245 hrs..................................................$109,900 JD 9120, '04 ..................................................................$140,000 JD 8850 ..........................................................................$27,500 NH 9482, '95, 4505 hrs ..................................................$69,000 NH 9282, '97, 3360 hrs ..................................................$69,500 NH T9060, '08, 1395 hrs ..............................................$212,000 Steiger ST280, '82, 7425 hrs ..........................................$21,500 Versatile 835, '78 ............................................................$21,500


CIH 5240, '92, 9390 hrs ..................................................$25,900 Case 4694, '84, 5970 hrs ................................................$18,900 Case 580M, 2720 hrs ......................................................$39,500 Allis 8070, '83..................................................................$24,500 Challenger CH45, '96, 2355 hrs ......................................$59,500 Ford 8970, '95, 5600 hrs ................................................$57,500 Ford 8970, '94, 8140 hrs ................................................$62,500 JD 8520, '02, 2050 hrs..................................................$142,500 JD 7810, '00, 2745 hrs....................................................$81,500 JD 7330, '08, 2110 hrs....................................................$67,500 JD 2955, '89, 2330 hrs....................................................$28,950 Kubota M6800, '03, 755 hrs............................................$24,500 McCormick TTX230, '09, 580 hrs....................................$90,000 McCormick XTX165, '09, 85 hrs......................................$89,500


“Where Farm and Family Meet”

TRACTORS AWD/MFD CIH 305 Mag, '08, 1235 hrs ..........................................$169,900 CIH MX305, '06, 2370 hrs ............................................$134,900 CIH MX305, '06, 4325 hrs ............................................$125,500 CIH 245 Mag, '10, 1505 hrs ..........................................$129,500 CIH 245 Mag, '07, 3300 hrs ............................................$99,500 CIH MX200, '02, 5190 hrs ..............................................$75,000 CIH 180 Puma, '08, 1290 hrs ........................................$102,000 CIH MXM140, '03, 1600 hrs............................................$71,200 CIH 140 Pro, '08, 1900 hrs..............................................$75,000 CIH 115 Value, '07, 1100 hrs ..........................................$34,500 CIH 8950, 8700 hrs ........................................................$62,500 CIH 7140, '89, 6745 hrs ..................................................$53,500

FORAGE Continued NH 340W Hayhead ............................................................$5,000 NH 29P Hayhead................................................................$3,500 (2) Claas Orbis 750 Cornhead........................$75,000 & $76,000 (5) Claas RU600, 8R30 Cornhead ..................$24,500 - $59,000 Claas RU450XTRA Cornhead ..........................................$42,000 (9) Claas RU450 Cornhead..............................$29,000 - $40,000 Gehl TR3038N Cornhead ..................................................$1,400 (3) Gehl TR330 Cornhead ..................................$4,200 - $5,900 JD 688 Cornhead ............................................................$51,500 JD 676 6R Cornhead ......................................................$52,000 JD 4R30 Cornhead ............................................................$5,500 Kemper M4500CL-8 Cornhead ........................................$17,000 (2) Kemper 4500 Cornhead ..........................$26,000 & $29,500 (2) Kemper 3000 Cornhead ..........................$18,000 & $20,000 Kemper 360 Cornhead ....................................................$34,000 NH 360N6 Cornhead........................................................$15,000 NH 360U6 Cornhead........................................................$16,500 NH 3PN Cornhead..............................................................$8,500 (2) NH R1600 Cornhead ................................$39,500 & $42,500

SPRAYERS - PULL-TYPE Blumhardt Trailmaster ......................................................$4,900 (2) Demco Conquest......................................$18,900 & $22,500 Hardi 500, 60'....................................................................$8,500 Hardi Commander............................................................$47,500 Hardi HAC900 ....................................................................$8,950 Hardi HC800 ......................................................................$7,250 Redball 690......................................................................$39,500 Redball 690, 2000 Gal ....................................................$32,900 Redball 690, 2000 Gal ....................................................$26,500 Redball 670, 1200 Gal ....................................................$22,900 Redball 565......................................................................$15,500 Top Air NAV1100 ............................................................$22,500 Top Air 1100R60XF..........................................................$14,500

SELF PROP. FORAGE HARVESTERS Chase Groskreutz, East - (320) 248-3733 Randy Olmscheid, West - (320) 583-6014

TRACTORS 2WD CIH 7120, '88, 10400 hrs ................................................$35,500 CIH 7110, '88, 13345 hrs ................................................$24,500 CIH 5140, '90, 7860 hrs ..................................................$19,500 Case 2290, '81, 6515 hrs ................................................$12,500 Case 1370, '78, 5270 hrs ..................................................$9,500 Case 530B, 1070 hrs ........................................................$9,500 Case 930, '66, 2185 hrs ....................................................$4,500 Case VAC ..........................................................................$2,500 Farmall 300........................................................................$2,450 Farmall H, '41 ....................................................................$1,500 Farmall Super M, '53 ........................................................$2,250 IH 5088, '82, 11590 hrs ..................................................$12,000 IH 1086, '79, 9770 hrs ....................................................$12,500 IH 1086, '76, 8585 hrs ......................................................$9,500 IH 1066, '73, 7925 hrs ......................................................$9,000 IH 986, '77, 8735 hrs ......................................................$11,000 IH 966................................................................................$6,500 IH 856, '69 ........................................................................$5,000 IH 656, '69 ........................................................................$7,250 IH 656G, 4075 hrs ............................................................$4,750 IH 460................................................................................$2,500 IH 400................................................................................$2,500 Ford 8830, '90, 7530 hrs ................................................$27,900 JD 4840, '81, 7815 hrs....................................................$25,000 JD 4840, '79, 8000 hrs....................................................$21,500 JD 4640, '82, 5760 hrs....................................................$22,975 JD 4020, 11380 hrs ..........................................................$7,900 White 2/85, '77, 9035 hrs..................................................$7,500

SPRING TILLAGE CIH 60.5' Fld Cult ............................................................$69,500 CIH 4900, 43.5' Fld Cult ....................................................$5,500 CIH 4900, 32' Fld Cult ......................................................$7,500 CIH 4800, 31' Fld Cult ......................................................$7,950 CIH 4800, 28.5' Fld Cult ....................................................$7,750 CIH 4600, 46.5' Fld Cult ..................................................$37,500 CIH TMII, 50.5' Fld Cult ..................................................$57,500 CIH TMII, 44.5' Fld Cult ..................................................$32,000 CIH TMII, 32.5' Fld Cult ..................................................$28,500 DMI TMII, 46' Fld Cult ....................................................$35,500 DMI TM, 32.5' Fld Cult ......................................................$9,500 Flexcoil 820, 40' Fld Cult ................................................$11,500 Glencoe 4300, 38.5' Fld Cult..............................................$7,900 JD 2210, 44.5' Fld Cult ....................................................$42,500 JD 1000, 22.5' Fld Cult ......................................................$1,650 JD 985, 48.5' Fld Cult ......................................................$17,500 (2) JD 980, 44.5' Fld Cult ..............................$19,900 $ $24,500 JD 980, 30.5' Fld Cult ......................................................$22,000 Melroe 40' Fld Cult ............................................................$2,900 Wilrich 2500, 27.4' Fld Cult ..............................................$2,995 CIH 3900, 33' Disk ..........................................................$17,900 CIH 3900, 32' Disk ..........................................................$17,500 CIH 496 Disk....................................................................$13,500 CIH 330, 34' Disk ............................................................$58,900 CIH 330, 34' Disk ............................................................$57,500 IH 770, 16' Disk ................................................................$4,950 IH 480, 19' Disk ................................................................$2,500 Big G 3026, 28' Disk..........................................................$7,500 Ezee-On 3800, 38.5' Disk ................................................$29,500

CIH 40 Farmall CVT ........................................................$36,250 Agco ST 40, '02, 425 hrs ................................................$18,500 JD 3720, '09 ....................................................................$36,500 JD 3520, '10, 65 hrs........................................................$34,750 Kubota B3030, '06, 1045 hrs ..........................................$14,900 Kubota B1750, '96, 225 hrs ..............................................$6,000 Kubota BX2230, '05 ..........................................................$7,995 Kubota BX2230, '04, 685 hrs ............................................$7,950 MF GC2300, '07, 230 hrs ..................................................$9,850

PLANTING & SEEDING CIH 1260, 36R22 ..........................................................$185,000 CIH 1250, 24R30 ......................................$113,900 & $121,000 CIH 1240, 12R30 ............................................................$89,900 CIH 1200, 36R22 ............................................................$95,500 CIH 1200, 36R20 ............................................................$97,500 CIH 1200, 32R22 ............................................................$72,500 (3) CIH 1200, 24R22 ............................................choice $42,500 CIH 1200, 24R20 ............................................................$73,500 (3) CIH 1200, 12R30 ......................................$26,000 - $48,500 CIH 955, 6R30 ................................................................$11,500 CIH 900, 6R30 ..................................................................$5,900 Friesen 2400RT................................................................$15,500 JD 7000, 12N ..................................................................$10,950 JD 1770, 16R30 ..............................................................$75,000 JD 1770, 16R30 ..............................................................$46,300 JD 1770NT ......................................................................$71,500 Kinze 3700, 36R20 ..........................................................$62,500 Kinze 3140, 12R30 ..........................................................$39,500 White 8524, 24R30........................................................$117,500 White 8100 ......................................................................$23,000 White 6100, 24R22..........................................................$24,500 CIH 5500, 30' Drill ..........................................................$22,000 CIH 5500MT ....................................................................$18,000 CIH 5400MT, 20' Drill ........................................$6,995 & $7,500 (2) IH 510 Drill ..................................................$1,500 & $2,600 (2) Great Plains 20' Drill ....................................$4,950 & $5,500 JD 750NT, 15' Drill ..........................................................$15,000 JD 520, 20' Drill ................................................................$4,500 JD 455, 30' Drill ..............................................................$18,500 Sunflower 9412, 20' Drill ................................................$17,900 CIH SDX40, 40' Seeder..................................................$129,500

Financing provided by

CNH Capital ® 2011 CNH America LLC. All rights reserved. Case IH is a registered trademark of CNH America LLC. CNH Capital is a trademark of CNH America LLC. www.caseih.com

Claas 980, '08, 1495 hrs................................................$255,000 Claas 970, '08, 1245 hrs................................................$288,000 Claas 900, '02................................................................$115,000 Claas 890, '05, 2230 hrs................................................$159,900 Claas 890, '02, 1560 hrs................................................$189,500 Claas 890, '02, 2555 hrs................................................$147,000 Claas 880, '95, 3820 hrs..................................................$68,000 Claas 870CC, '07, 760 hrs ............................................$189,000 Claas 870 GE, '06, 2580 hrs ..........................................$184,500 Claas 870, '05, 1820 hrs................................................$165,000 Claas 870, '04, 2915 hrs................................................$137,500 Claas 870, '03, 2790 hrs................................................$162,000 JD 7500, '03, 3635 hrs..................................................$109,500 JD 6810, '96, 4590 hrs....................................................$59,500 JD 6850, '98, 4865 hrs....................................................$65,000 JD 5830, 3800 hrs ..........................................................$42,500 JD 5730, '91, 3210 hrs....................................................$34,000 NH FX60, '03, 1970 hrs ................................................$115,000 NH FX58, '02, 1410 hrs ................................................$108,000

BALERS (2) CIH RBX562 Rnd Baler ..........................$14,500 & $15,500 CIH RB564, 5x6 Rnd Baler ..............................................$27,500 CIH 8460, 5x6 Rnd Baler ..................................................$5,950 Claas 280 Rnd Baler ........................................................$16,500 Gehl RB2580 Rnd Baler ....................................................$9,950 Gehl 2880, 5x6 Rnd Baler..................................................$9,950 JD 567, 5x6 Rnd Baler ....................................................$22,500 JD 566, 5x6 Rnd Baler ....................................................$15,500 NH 853, 5x5 Rnd Baler ......................................................$3,250 (2) NH BR780A Rnd Baler ............................$16,500 & $19,800 NH BR780 Rnd Baler ......................................................$17,900 Vermeer 605XL, 5x6 Rnd Baler ......................................$10,900 Vermeer 505SI, 5x5 Rnd Baler ..........................................$6,500 CIH LBX432 Rec Baler ....................................................$67,500 CIH 8575 Rec Baler ........................................................$32,750 CIH 8530 Rec Baler ........................................................$10,400 Claas 255UNI Rec Baler ..................................................$27,900 JD 100, 3x3 Rec Baler ....................................................$28,900 NH BB940A Rec Baler......................................................$67,500 NH 590 Rec Baler ............................................................$35,500

HAY EQUIPMENT CIH 8830, '96, 1430 hrs ..................................................$17,900 CIH DC515, 15' Mow Cond................................................$9,500 NH 1441, 16' PT Windrower............................................$24,400 CIH DCX161 MowCond....................................................$17,800 CIH 8360, 12' MowCond ..................................................$6,900 Gehl DC2412, 12' MowCond ............................................$8,500 JD 1600, 14' MowCond ....................................................$6,995 JD 956 MowCond ............................................................$15,900 IH 1190 MowCond ............................................................$1,500 NH 1475 MowCond ..........................................................$9,000 NH 116, 14' MowCond ......................................................$6,500 Vermeer 1030, 13.5' MowCond ......................................$19,500 Kuhn GMD55 Disc Mower ................................................$3,900 NH 456, 7' Sickle Mower ..................................................$1,950 CIH FC60, 60" Rotary Mower ................................................$550 Farm King 72" Rotary Mower ............................................$1,250 Landpride FDR2584 Rotary Mower ..................................$2,750 Woods BB48 Rotary Mower ................................................$550 H & S TWN2-P Wind Merg..............................................$22,500 (5) Millerpro 14-16 Wind Merg .................... $28,500 - $38,500 NH H4510, 9' Wind Merg ................................................$17,900 NH 166 Wind Merg............................................................$3,750 Victor 245 Wind Merg ....................................................$34,800 Kuhn GA8521 Rake..........................................................$23,500 Vermeer WR220 Rake........................................................$3,550



FORAGE Gehl CB1265 Forg Harv ....................................................$7,500 Gehl 1075, '00 Forg Harv ................................................$14,500 Gehl 1065, '96 Forg Harv ..................................................$6,950 JD 3950, '94 Forg Harv ....................................................$5,500 JD 3950, '91 Forg Harv ....................................................$5,500 NH FP240, '04 Forg Harv ................................................$23,000 (3) Claas PU380HD Hayhead ........................ $14,000 - $14,500 (2) Claas PU380 Pro Hayhead ......................$20,000 & $23,000 (7) Claas PU380 Hayhead ............................ $12,000 - $14,500 (2) Claas PU300 Hayhead ................................$9,500 & $11,500 (2) Gehl HA1210 7' Hayhead..................................choice $1,250 Gehl HA1110, '95 Hayhead................................................$1,250 Gehl 7' Hayhead ................................................................$1,250 JD 630A Hayhead ..............................................................$8,500 JD 630 Hayhead ................................................................$8,500 (2) JD 7HP, 7' Hayhead ........................................$600 & $1,600 JD 5HP, 5.5' Hayhead ..........................................................$850 NH 3500 Hayhead..............................................................$6,500 NH 355W Hayhead ............................................................$8,500

COMBINES Continued CIH 8010, '07, 1100 hrs ....................................... CIH 8010, '07, 1650 hrs ....................................... CIH 8010, '06, 1430 hrs ....................................... CIH 8010, '05, 1535 hrs ....................................... CIH 8010, '04, 1605 hrs ....................................... CIH 8010, '04, 1685 hrs ....................................... CIH 8010, '04, 2100 hrs ....................................... CIH 8010, '04, 2440 hrs ....................................... CIH 7120, '09, 745 hrs ......................................... CIH 7088, '10, 240 hrs ......................................... CIH 7088, '10, 810 hrs ......................................... CIH 7088, '09, 745 hrs ......................................... CIH 7010, '08, 900 hrs ......................................... CIH 7010, '07, 1100 hrs ....................................... CIH 7010, '07, 1150 hrs ....................................... CIH 7010, '07, 1365 hrs ....................................... CIH 6088, '10, 600 hrs ......................................... CIH 6088, '10, 680 hrs ......................................... CIH 2588, '08, 1420 hrs ....................................... CIH 2588, '08, 1480 hrs ....................................... CIH 2577, '07, 1870 hrs ....................................... CIH 2388, '06, 1425 hrs ....................................... CIH 2388, '03, 2740 hrs ....................................... CIH 2388, '03, 2170 hrs ....................................... CIH 2388, '03, 2540 hrs ....................................... CIH 2388, '02, 2455 hrs ....................................... CIH 2388, '02, 2505 hrs ....................................... CIH 2388, '02, 2930 hrs ....................................... CIH 2388, '01, 2385 hrs ....................................... CIH 2388, '01, 2835 hrs ....................................... CIH 2388, '01, 3015 hrs ....................................... CIH 2388, '98, 3775 hrs ....................................... CIH 2388, '98, 3065 hrs ....................................... CIH 2388, '98, 2565 hrs ....................................... CIH 2388, '98, 3750 hrs ....................................... CIH 2366, '02, 3125 hrs ....................................... CIH 2366, '01, 2705 hrs ....................................... CIH 2366, '00, 2810 hrs ....................................... CIH 2366, '99, 3845 hrs ....................................... CIH 2366, '98, 2490 hrs ....................................... CIH 2166, '97, 4145 hrs ....................................... CIH 2166, '97, 3615 hrs ....................................... CIH 2166, '96, 3000 hrs ....................................... CIH 2166, '96, 3430 hrs ....................................... CIH 1688, '94, 4160 hrs ....................................... CIH 1688, '94, 4205 hrs ....................................... CIH 1688, '93, 4325 hrs ....................................... CIH 1680, '86, 4920 hrs ....................................... CIH 1660, '91, 6940 hrs ....................................... CIH 1660, '90, 3440 hrs ....................................... CIH 1660, '88, 3675 hrs ....................................... CIH 1640, '89, 3300 hrs ....................................... CIH 1640, '86, 2640 hrs ....................................... IH 1480, '82, 4100 hrs ......................................... IH 1480, '79, 4260 hrs ......................................... IH 1480, '79, 5860 hrs ......................................... IH 1460, '82, 4535 hrs ......................................... Gleaner R52, '96, 2795 hrs................................... Gleaner R50, '89, 3150 hrs................................... JD 9870STS, '09, 830 hrs ................................... JD 9660STS, '06, 2100 hrs ................................. JD 9660STS, '04, 2115 hrs ................................. JD 9650STS, '03, 2050 hrs ................................. JD 9610, '96, 3265 hrs......................................... JD 9600, '89, 4020 hrs......................................... JD 8820, 7325 hrs ............................................... MF 750, '77 ......................................................... NH CR940, '04, 1185 hrs ..................................... NH TR97, '95, 3955 hrs ....................................... NH TR86, '89, 3860 hrs ....................................... NH TR86, '85, 3245 hrs ....................................... NH 970, '03, 2020 hrs .........................................

CIH 9120, '10, 295 hrs ..................................................$314,900 CIH 9120, '10, 395 hrs ..................................................$285,500 CIH 8120, '10, 210 hrs ..................................................$279,000 CIH 8120, '09, 590 hrs ..................................................$255,500 CIH 8120, '09, 840 hrs ..................................................$265,000 CIH 8010, '08, 910 hrs ..................................................$235,000

CIH 2162, 40' Beanhead ....................................... (4) CIH 2062, 36' Beanhead............................$49 (4) CIH 2020, 35' Beanhead............................$25 (2) CIH 2020, 30' Beanhead ..........................$26, (23) CIH 1020, 30' Beanhead ..........................Sta (16) CIH 1020, 25' Beanhead ..........................Sta (4) CIH 1020, 22.5' Beanhead ............................$ CIH 1020, 20' Beanhead ....................................... CIH 1015 Beanhead ............................................. IH 820 Beanhead ................................................. Deutz Allis 320 Beanhead ..................................... (2) JD 930F, 30' Beanhead ............................$13, (2) JD 635F, 35' Beanhead ............................$26, Macdon 974, 35' Beanhead ................................. (2) NH 973, 25' Beanhead ................................$5 (2) NH 74C, 30' Beanhead ............................$19, (3) CIH 2612 Cornhead ..................................$79 (2) CIH 2608 Cornhead..................................$55, CIH 2412 Cornhead ............................................. (3) CIH 2212 Cornhead ..................................$32 (10) CIH 2208 Cornhead ................................$26 (2) CIH 1222 Cornhead ..................................$12


Sales: • Bob Pfingston • Nate Scharmer

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ST. MARTIN, MN • 320-548-3285 Sales: • Dan Hoffman • Joe Mehr • Erik Mueller • Randy Olmscheid • Jamie Pelzer

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SKID LDR’s/RTV’s/EXC Case 1840, '01, 3830 hrs ................................................$10,950 Case 1840, '96, 5045 hrs ................................................$10,500 Case 1840, '91 ..................................................................$9,850 Case 1840, '90 ..................................................................$8,750 Case 1840, '90, 8035 hrs ..................................................$6,900 Case 1840, 4355 hrs........................................................$10,750 Case 465, '08, 2000 hrs ..................................................$31,500 Case 435, '08 ..................................................................$23,900 Case 435, '06, 2650 hrs ..................................................$19,900 Case 430, '08, 3950 hrs ..................................................$19,800 Case 430, '06, 2015 hrs ..................................................$17,900 Case 430, '06, 3905 hrs ..................................................$22,000 Case 420, '08, 1410 hrs ..................................................$21,900 Case 420, '08, 3615 hrs ..................................................$16,900 Case 60XT, '03, 1775 hrs ................................................$16,900 Bobcat S185, '05 ............................................................$22,950 Gehl 7800, '01, 6395 hrs ................................................$18,500 Gehl 7810 Turbo, '04, 3215 hrs ......................................$34,500 Gehl 6625, '94, 3695 hrs ..................................................$8,500 Gehl 4825SX, '98, 5640 hrs ..............................................$8,500 Gehl 4625SX, '92, 4470 hrs ............................................$10,800 Gehl 3935SX, '01, 1735 hrs ..............................................$9,950 JD 317, '08, 2415 hrs......................................................$17,250 NH LS170, '01, 1160 hrs ................................................$17,900 Erskine 1812, 6' Skid Snowblower ....................................$3,200 Felling FT12P, 16' Trailer....................................................$4,690 Case Maxi-C, '99, 745 hrs Excavator ..............................$13,500 JD Pro900, '03 Excavator ..................................................$3,900 Bobcat 2200D, 265 hrs......................................................$7,995 Cub Cadet 4x4D Trail, '06 ..................................................$7,975 Kubota RTV900W, '06, 800 hrs ........................................$9,900 Steiner Hawk, '00 ..............................................................$3,250

FALL TILLAGE (4) CIH MRX690 Suboiler ..............................$18,900 - $28,500 (7) CIH 9300, 22.5' Subsoiler ........................$27,500 - $38,500 CIH 9300, 22' Subsoiler ..................................................$48,500 (3) CIH 9300, 9 Shank Subsoiler ....................$26,500 - $36,000 (3) CIH 870, 22' Subsoiler ..............................$61,875 - $69,900 CIH 870, 14' Subsoiler ....................................................$35,000 CIH 730B Subsoiler ........................................................$23,500 (3) CIH 730C, 17.5' Subsoiler ........................$42,500 - $43,500 (2) CIH 730C, 7 Shank Subsoiler ..................$32,500 & $37,900 CIH 530B, 12.5' Subsoiler ..............................................$26,500 CIH 530C, 12.5' Subsoiler ..............................................$32,000 DMI 9300, 22' Subsoiler..................................................$29,500 DMI 2500 Subsoiler ..........................................................$8,500 (3) DMI 730B Subsoiler ..................................$17,500 - $23,500 (3) DMI 730B, 17.5' Subsoiler ........................$16,500 - $19,000 (4) DMI 730B, 7 Shank Suboiler....................$18,500 & $25,500 (2) DMI 530B, 12.5' Subsoiler ......................$16,900 & $19,500 DMI 530 Subsoiler ..........................................................$16,500 DMI TMII, 5 Shank Subsoiler ............................................$7,950 DMI Turbo T Subsoiler ......................................................$9,500 Bourgault 2200, 30' Subsoiler ........................................$92,400 Brillion LC Subsoiler ..........................................................$8,500 Glencoe SS7400 Subsoiler ................................................$9,500 (6) JD 2700 Subsoiler ....................................$20,000 - $37,500 JD 915 Subsoiler ..............................................................$8,500 JD 512, 9 Shank Subsoiler ..............................................$32,500 JD 512, 12.5' Subsoiler ..................................................$15,900 JD 510, 7 Shank Subsoiler ..............................................$11,500 JD 510, 5 Shank Subsoiler ..............................................$10,950 JD 510 Subsoiler ............................................................$12,500 Krause 4850, 18' Subsoiler ............................................$43,500 Landoll 2320, 5 Shank Subsoiler ....................................$15,950 M & W 2900 Subsoiler ....................................................$19,900 M & W 2500 Subsoiler ....................................................$32,500 M & W 2200 Subsoiler ....................................................$19,500 M & W 1875 Subsoiler ....................................................$15,500 NH ST770, 7 Shank Subsoiler ........................................$24,900 (2) Sunflower 4412, 7 Shank Subsoiler ..............choice $32,000 Sunflower 4411, 7 Shank Subsoiler ................................$18,500 Wilrich V957DVR Subsoiler ............................................$36,900 Wilrich V957DDR Subsoiler ............................................$23,500 JD 610, 30' Chisel Plow ..................................................$12,500 JD 610, 23' Chisel Plow ..................................................$10,000 Kent 21098, 9 Shank Chisel Plow......................................$3,950 White 445 Chisel Plow ......................................................$7,950 White 445, 13 Shank Chisel Plow......................................$7,950 JD 3710, 10 Bottom MB Plow ........................................$21,500 JD 726, 34' Combo Mulch ..............................................$29,500 DMI 50' Crumbler ............................................................$10,500 Unverferth 1225, 33' Crumbler........................................$15,900 Summers 54' Crumbler ..................................................$24,000

MISCELLANEOUS CIH 60, 15' Shredder ........................................................$3,950 Alloway 20' Shredder ......................................................$10,500 Balzer 2000, 20' Shredder ................................................$8,500 Balzer 5205M, 30' Shredder ..............................................$8,900 Balzer 520PT, 15' Shreder ................................................$8,500 JD 520, 20' Shredder ......................................................$18,500 JD 220, 20' Shredder ......................................................$11,500 JD 120, 20' Shredder ........................................................$7,500 (2) Loftness 264, 22' Shredder ..........................$8,000 $15,900 Loftness 2644SM54S Shredder ........................................$7,500 Loftness 240, 20' Shredder ............................................$20,500 (2) Loftness 20' Shredder..............................$14,000 & $19,500 Wilrich 22' Shredder........................................................$12,900 Wilrich 20' Shredder........................................................$14,900 Wilrich 20' Shredder........................................................$10,900 Woods S20CD Shredder ..................................................$16,750 (2) Woods 20' Shredder ......................................choice $12,500 Woods 15' Shredder........................................................$12,500 Dump Chief 504CF, 12' Forage Box ..................................$7,500 Field Queen 1408N Forage Box..........................................$3,000 (7) CIH 600 Forage Blower..................................$2,850 - $5,500 Gehl 1580 Forage Blower ..................................................$1,250 Millerpro 1060 II Forage Blower ........................................$7,500 Ag Bag G6009 Forage Bagger..........................................$19,750 JD 350 Manure Spreader ..................................................$1,250 Artsway 5165 Grinder Mixer............................................$19,900 (2) Feterl 8x60 Auger ........................................$2,900 & $3,000 Feterl 8x56 Auger ..............................................................$1,350 Grain King 8x65 Auger ......................................................$4,580 GSI 10x31E Auger ............................................................$3,800 Snowco 8x65 Auger ..........................................................$2,850 Unverferth 16' Auger ........................................................$1,200 Degelman 14' Blade ........................................................$10,500 Farm Star 72" Blade ..............................................................$345 CIH LX760 Loader ..........................................................$10,500 GB 800 Loader ..................................................................$1,500 Kubota LA514 Loader ........................................................$3,200 Bradford 240/316 Grav Box ..............................................$2,650 Farm King 200 bu Grav Box ..............................................$2,500 Huskee 225, 250 bu Grav Box ..........................................$2,300 (3) Minnesota 350BA Grav Box ..........................$2,600 - $2,650 Parker 4800, 480 bu Grav Box ..........................................$5,900 Brent 1282, 1200 bu Grain Cart ......................................$48,500 (2) Brent 1194 Grain Cart ....................................choice $41,500 Brent 672, 650 bu Grain Cart ..........................................$15,500 Brent 570, 550 bu Grain Cart ..........................................$12,500 J & M 1326-22 Grain Cart ..............................................$50,900 Killbros 1810, 975 bu Grain Cart ....................................$28,900 Kinze 840 Grain Cart........................................................$15,500 Schulte RSH4 Rockpicker..................................................$6,900 Summers 60" Rockpicker ..................................................$3,500 Tractor Snowblowers..............................................$475 - $1,695


“Where Farm and Family Meet”

...........$66,000 9,000 - $49,500 ,000 - $37,500 200 & $28,500 arting at $3,550 arting at $7,900 $6,000 - $7,900 .............$9,500 .............$3,000 .............$1,500 .............$4,300 900 & $16,900 000 & $39,500 ...........$48,500 5,000 & $5,500 900 & $29,900 9,000 - $83,500 000 & $59,500 ...........$49,500 ,500 - $41,900 6,500 - $32,500 ,500 - $15,000

BEAN/CORNHEADS Continued (10) CIH 1083 Cornhead ................................starting at $10,500 (2) CIH 1063, 6R30 Cornhead................................choice $8,500 CIH 1000, 12R22 Cornhead ............................................$16,900 (2) CIH 12R22 Cornhead ..............................$15,000 & $16,900 CIH 10R22 Cornhead ......................................................$15,500 CIH 9R22 Cornhead ........................................................$15,000 IH 12R22 Cornhead ........................................................$15,500 IH 983, 9R22 Cornhead ..................................................$11,500 IH 963 Cornhead................................................................$5,900 IH 944 Cornhead................................................................$2,500 IH 883 Cornhead................................................................$7,500 Cat 1622 Cornhead ..........................................................$39,500 Clarke 922, 9R22 Cornhead ............................................$25,500 Cressoni 6R30 Cornhead ................................................$21,500 (6) Drago 12R22 Cornhead ............................$52,500 - $84,500 (3) Drago 12R20 Cornhead ............................$43,900 - $84,500 (2) Drago 10R22 Cornhead............................$60,000 & $65,500 (10) Drago 8R30 Cornhead ............................$38,500 - $54,500 Drago 8R22 Cornhead ....................................................$33,000 (5) Drago 6R30 Cornhead ..............................$42,500 - $54,500 (3) Geringhoff Roto Disc ................................$22,900 - $40,000 Geringhoff PC63 Cornhead ................................................$8,000 Gleaner Hugger Cornhead..................................................$9,950 Gleaner 630 Cornhead ......................................................$5,500 Harvestec 4113C Cornhead ............................................$59,500 (4) Harvestec 8R30 Cornhead ........................$29,500 - $39,500 Harvestec 6R30 Cornhead ..............................................$15,900 JD 1293, 16R22 Cornhead ..............................................$24,500 JD 1293, 12R30 Cornhead ..............................................$51,500 JD 1290, 12R20 Cornhead ..............................................$12,500 (3) JD 893, 8R30 Cornhead ............................$17,500 - $22,500 JD 843 10R22 Cornhead ................................................$14,500 JD 643 6R30 Cornhead ....................................................$7,500 Lexion C512-30 Cornhead ..............................................$38,000 (4) NH 974 Cornhead ..........................................$4,500 - $5,500 (2) IH 810, 13' Pickup ..........................................$400 & $3,500 Gleaner 10' Pickup ............................................................$1,200 JD 100, 13' Pickup ..............................................................$350 Toe Head 25' Head Transport ............................................$1,000 Unverferth 30' Head Transport ..........................................$2,900 Walco CHCF36 Head Transport..........................................$5,100


.........$220,000 .........$192,500 .........$184,500 .........$149,500 .........$169,500 .........$157,500 .........$155,000 .........$159,000 .........$259,900 .........$245,000 .........$231,000 .........$225,500 .........$239,900 .........$197,500 .........$195,500 .........$209,000 .........$225,000 .........$217,500 .........$194,500 .........$194,500 .........$169,500 .........$164,900 .........$135,000 .........$131,000 .........$113,500 .........$124,000 .........$119,000 .........$115,000 .........$108,500 .........$103,500 ...........$94,500 ...........$89,000 ...........$87,900 ...........$89,500 ...........$89,500 ...........$93,500 ...........$98,500 ...........$92,500 ...........$79,500 ...........$85,500 ...........$65,500 ...........$69,500 ...........$69,500 ...........$67,900 ...........$39,500 ...........$52,500 ...........$39,500 ...........$26,500 ...........$33,900 ...........$32,500 ...........$30,000 ...........$26,500 ...........$25,000 .............$7,500 .............$9,500 .............$5,500 .............$7,500 ...........$42,500 ...........$19,900 .........$275,000 .........$159,500 .........$155,000 .........$115,000 ...........$69,500 ...........$36,500 .............$8,500 .............$3,500 .........$137,500 ...........$32,000 ...........$22,500 ...........$15,000 .........$139,000

17 THE LAND, JULY 15, 2011


WILLMAR, MN • 320-235-4898

“Where Farm and Family Meet”


AUCTIONS &CLASSIFIEDS They want how much to sell your Farm?? We have sold thousands of acres using proven methods throughout MN at commissions that are often half that of other companies

143 Acre Farm Land Auction, August 9th, Cottonwood Township Hall, Searles, MN, 6:30 p.m. Excellent farm land in SW 1⁄4 of Section 7 of Cottonwood Twp. in Brown County MN. Great 5 Acre Rural Residence, 3 BR, 11⁄2 bath spacious home in quiet setting w/attach. garage, new septic, nice grove & landscaping, 42x64 pole shed & 26x36 shop, $209,900 • 15252 120th Ave., Hanska, MN 8 Acre Farm w/Extraordinary Home, turn of the century home built w/Artstone brick & top quality materials & craftsmanship, original woodwork & hardwood floors throughout, beautiful yard & excellent outbuildings, $129,900 • 64197 460th St., Fairfax, MN Beautiful Wooded Country Lot, $24,900 • Section 34, Courtland E. Twp., Nicollet County Perfect 3.36 Acre Lot for Business w/3 BR home, 2 heated shops & home, $114,900 • 391 Lafayette Ave., Lafayette, MN 5 Acre Hobby Farm, 4 BR, 2 bath, hardwood floors, heated garage, barn, WOW! $129,900 • 25684 595th Ave., Gibbon, MN Wonderful 10 Acre Farm Site, 3 BR home & pole barn, $159,900 • 57821 300th St., Winthrop, MN 100 Acres Hunting Land, $1,350/Acre, Section 14, Hawk Creek Twp. Excellent Hunting Land, 80 Acres in Renville Cty., $890/Acre, near Cty. Rds. 11 & 54

Mages Land Co. & Auction Service




Be An Auctioneer & ADVERTISING NOTICE: Personal Property Please check your ad the Appraiser first week it runs. We make every effort to avoid Continental Auction Schools Mankato, MN & Ames, IA errors by checking all 507-625-5595 copy, but sometimes errors are missed. There- www.auctioneerschool.com fore, we ask that you review your ad for correctness. If you find a mistake, Earn $4,000/mo Part-time in the livestock or equipment please call (507) 345-4523 appraisal business. Agriimmediately so that the cultural background req. error can be corrected. We Classroom or home study regret that we cannot be courses avail. 800-448-7570. responsible for more than www.amagappraisers.com one week’s insertion if the error is not called to our attention. We cannot be li- Reliable, honest helper on able for an amount greater Wisconsin Dells family than the cost of the ad. dairy farm. Exp. a plus, or THE LAND has the right will train. 608-963-8649 or to edit, reject or properly 608-254-2864 classify any ad. Each classified line ad is separately Real Estate copyrighted to THE LAND. Reproduction with- FARM FOR SALE: 233 out permission is strictly acres, 4 BR older home, prohibited. large barn, (3) grain bins, hay shed, machine shop, Quonset. Todd County. 320-630-0583 Sell your land or real estate in 30 days for 0% commission. Call Ray (507)339-1272



Every Wednesday

5:30 PM - Farm Misc. 6:30 PM - Hay & Straw 7:00 PM - Livestock Sheep & Goats 2nd Wed. at 8:00 PM


PO Box 3169 • 418 S 2nd Street Mankato, MN 56002 theland@TheLandOnline.com


Abrahams Farm Repair ............4 Ag Power Enterprises Inc ......29 AGCO ..................................7, 12 Arnolds of Kimball Inc ....16, 17 Case IH ......................................8 Crysteel Truck Equipment ....14 Cyrilla Beach Homes ..............13 Dahl Farm Supply ....................6 Detke Morbac ..........................25 Duncan Trailers ......................27 Emerson Kalis ..........................23 Factory Home Center Inc ........3 Fahey Inc ..................................18 Farm Rite Equipment ............26 Farmfest ......................................5 Greenwald Farm Center ........23 Haas Equipment......................23 Haug Implement ....................25 Hotovec Auction Center ........18 Johns Sales................................27 Judson Implement ..................11 Keith Bode ................................24 Kerkhoff Auction ....................19 Larson Brothers Imp ........23, 28 Mages Auction Service ....18, 19 Mankato Spray Center ............4 Massop Electric........................26 Matejcek Impl ..........................30 Mathews Co ..............................6 New Holland ............................9 New Ulm Tractor & Equip ....26 Northern Ag Service ..............26 Northern Insulation Products 6 Pruess Elevator Inc ................22 Rabe International Inc ............24 Rule Tire & Auto ......................4 Ryan Chemical ........................22 Schlauderaff Impl Co. ............27 Schweiss Inc ............................24 Silverstream Shelters ................4 Smiths Mill Impl......................28 Sorensen Sales & Rentals ......24 Steffes Auctioneers ....19, 20, 21 The American Community ....25 Willmar Farm Center..............22 Woodford Ag LLC ..............3, 24



THE LAND, JULY 15, 2011






State Bank of Gibbon Farm/Investment Real Estate Mortgage loans with competitive rates & no origination fees. Member FDIC, Equal Housing Lender. Call Mike @ 507-834-6556 or 866-251-9656 We have extensive lists of Land Investors & farm buyers throughout MN. We always have interested buyers. For top prices, go with our proven methods over thousands of acres. Serving Minnesota Mages Land Co & Auc Serv www.magesland.com (800)803-8761

Real Estate Wanted WANTED: Land & farms. I have clients looking for dairy, & cash grain operations, as well as bare land parcels from 40-1000 acres. Both for relocation & investments. If you have even thought about selling contact: Paul Krueger, Farm & Land Specialist, Edina Realty, SW Suburban Office, 14198 Commerce Ave NE, Prior Lake, MN 55372. paulkrueger@edinarealty.com

(952)447-4700 WANTED: LAND to RENTFor Richland, Ransom, Sargent, ND; Traverse, Wilken Grant, MN; Roberts, Marshall, SD Counties. 701-640-5875

WANTED: Looking for farmsite to buy or rent w/ good useable hog barn or barn. Call 507-251-3952 after 6 pm.

Antiques & Collectibles

Hay & Forage Eq.

Hay & Forage Eq.

Hay & Forage Eq.


Wednesday, July 27th @ 9 AM: AgIron 58 Consignment Event, Red River Valley Fairgrounds, West Fargo, ND, Tractors, Combines, Heads, Trucks, Semis, Tillage, Construction Equipment, Hay & Livestock Equipment & Much More! Advertising Deadline: Friday, June 29th Opening July 29th & Closing August 8th: IQBID Park River Implement Internet Only Auction, complete details at www.IQBID.com

Wednesday, August 24th @ 10 AM: Renstrom Antique Tractor Auction & Robert Zasmeta Pedal Tractor Auction, Aitkin, MN, Excellent line of Restored Equipment & Pedal Tractors

Friday, August 26, 2011 • 10:00 AM TO CONSIGN, CONTACT: Kerkhoff Auction & Real Estate Co. Doug Kerkhoff, Auction Coordinator kerkhoff@redred.com Call 507-644-8433 or 507-829-6859 (cell) Terry R. Marguth • 507-829-5067

Call Now!! Large Ad Budget • Huge Mailing List

Don’t Miss Ad Deadline

Wednesday, July 20th Large Advertising Budget OVER 500 BIDDERS!

Antique Farm Equipment, Tractors, Combines & Heads, Tillage, Livestock & Horse Equipment, Trucks & Trailers

Thursday, August 25th @ 10 AM: William McConnell Estate, Casselton, ND, Antique Tractors, Collectibles, Parts & Much More!


Friday, August 26th @ 10 AM: Ouse Family Museum, Rothsay, MN, Large amout of Unique Antiques & Collectible Auction

1500 East Bridge Street Redwood Falls, MN 56283

Thursday, September 1st @ 10 AM: Ken & Harley Myllykangas, Kimball, MN, Antique Tractor Auction

Location: 55780 St. Hwy. 19, Winthrop, MN Taking Consignments until 5:00 pm July 18th

*** www.kerkhoffauction.com ***

Hay/Livestock Machinery & Equip: ‘08 Vermeer WR22 10 wheel V-rake; NH 1003 bale stacker; JD 800 swather w/hay cond; Bush Hog 3 pt rotary mower; Gehl FC72C flail chopper; Hesston 7160 chopper w/3 row corn head and hay pu.; Badger 1416 silage box w/tandem gear; H&S 500 silage box w/HD gear; NH 27 silage blower, 1000 rpm, 80’ silo pipes and goose neck w/clamps; rack w/gear; Houle manure pump, 6”x10’ on trailer w/agitator nozzles, field pipe, & stand; Patz gutter cleaner head; (2) 24’ hog chutes; Grain Handling Equip & Wagons: Demco 365 gravity wagon w/12T gear and surge brakes; Parker 2500 gravity wagon w/gear; (2) Parker 250 bu gravity wagons w/8T MN gear; J&M 250 bu gravity wagon w/o gear; MN 130 bu box w/hoist & MN 6T gear; (2) flair boxes w/hoist & gear; Hi capacity grain screener; Augers include - Westfield 10”x71, hyd lift & low pro swing hopper; SnowCo, 8x51, PTO; Mayrath 10x61 PTO; SnowCo 8x57 PTO; 4”-6” & 8” - auger tubes and flighting; Lawn Equip, Recreation Vehicles & Tools: ‘79 Honda Goldwing Cycle, 44k miles, hard saddle bags, loaded; ‘79 Nomad 5th whl camper, 261⁄2’, sleeps 6; Nu-Techsys Omni-Mig 325 wire feed welder; Skill Model 736 HD roto drill w/bits & case; DeWalt 16” radial arm saw, 5 hp, 3 phase; 500 gal fuel barrel w/Gasboy elec pump; fuel barrel w/stand; fence post; 75 gal poly yard pond w/waterfall; 7+ boxes 10’ picture framing; Ind shoe polish/sander; 8k & 5k BTU window AC; Snapper 30” ride mower, 10 hp w/elec start; Snapper ride mower, 12 hp w/elec start; Air compressor; Jeri sickle mower, 5 hp; Troy built tiller, 7 hp, rear, elec start; Troy Built tiller, 5 hp, rear, elec start; Wheel barrow; Challenger wrench set; Cistern pump; Hay knives; Diamond 15” adjust wrench; Wood stove; Lorex surveillance camera; 10’ fiberglass HD & assorted step ladders; Shovels; Estate trimmer/mower; Ariens tiller; 3-4 loads of hand & power tools; Antiques, Horse Equip & Misc: McCormick Deering horse spreader; 2-person horse cart; Star milk cooler; horse collars; Youngers Cast wood cook stove, lt blue & gray; milk cans; Roth iron bed; Dressers; Feather tick; McCormick Deering separator; (2) Surge milk buckets; Milk pump; New canner; Case 2 bottom plow; Steel wheel rake; JD corn sheller; Schnitzel bunk; Used - Pella windows and patio door; Kitchen cupboards and built in oven cabinet; Trailer home axles; HD hyd wood splitter w/hyd cradle on wheels;

Local Farmers Consigning Auctioneers: Matt Mages - New Ulm - 507-276-7002 Joe Maidl - Lafayette - 507-276-7749 Clerk: Mages Land Co. and Auction Service LLC


“Where Farm and Family Meet”

Thursday, August 11th @ 9 AM: AgIron 26 Consignment Event, Steffes Auctioneers Facility, Litchfield, MN, Tractors, Combines, Heads, Trucks, Semis, Tillage, Construction Equipment, Hay & Livestock Equipment & Much More! Advertising Deadline: Friday, July 15th

Tuesday, July 19th, 2011 - 9:00 AM


Friday, July 22nd @ 10 AM: George Ohmann Antique Tractor Auction, Montgomery, MN, Seam & Stationary Engines, Antique Tractors & much more!

Absolute Neighborhood Machinery Auction

Field/Harvest Machinery & Spray Equip: JD #235 disk, 251⁄2’; JD rotary hoe; JD VanBrunt drill w/grass, low rubber; MM 11’ drill; IH & MM 12’ drill on rubber w/grass; Wilrich mounted sprayer w/mixing tanks and 60’ boom; Demco 500 gal sprayer w/45’ boom, tandem; AgChem 300 gal pickup sprayer; IH 153 8RW cult; IH 12RW cult w/hyd fold; Case 2RW stalk chopper; IH 45 - 22’ vibra shank digger; 150 gal saddle tanks; 3 pt digger, 20’ hyd fold; 30’ Wilrich field cult; IH 80 snow blower, dbl auger; hyd chute; IH 963 6x30” corn head; IH dummy head; JD 220 bean head; 12 JD disk; Melrose spring tooth drag; JD sickle mower, 1000 gal and 1600 gal poly tanks; HMD seed wagon w/vac system; 7.5 hp elec water pump on cart; (2) reels of 2” water hose; Hipro 1000 PTO spray pump; 16.9x34-band duals w/30”spacing; single disc;

Le Sueur, MN

Wednesday, July 20th @ 10 AM: Wayne Simon Farm Retirement Auction, Hampden, ND, Tractors, Harvest Equipment, Grain Cart, Air Drill, Tillage & More!

www.thelandonline.com • theland@thelandonline.com

Pioneer Power Show

Consignment Auction

Wednesday, July 13th @ 10 AM: Tom McInnes Jr., Large Farm Realignment Auction, Hillsboro, ND, Tractors, GPS Equipment, Combines, Tillage, Sprayers & More!

800-657-4665 • 507-345-4523

Consign Now

For More info Call 1-800-726-8609 or visit our website: www.steffesauctioneers.com Tuesday, July 12th @ 10 AM: Jon Olson Farm Retirement Auction, Buxton, ND, Tractors, Loader, Harvest Equipment, Planter & More!

The Land

Backhoe, Tractors, Trucks & Trailers: JD 310C loader backhoe, D, 2WD, cab, 3406 hrs, Ser# T0310CA738419; IH 464 utility tractor, wf, 3 pt, gas, w/Schwartz 1300 hyd loader; Farmall M, wf, live pwr w/loader; Agri Drain Maxi-Stringer Series “J” tile reel trailer; ‘86 Fruehauf 42’ alum flatbed, speed axle and air ride; General Engine Co. tri-axle trailer, 18’ w/ramps; ‘26 Model “T” truck, oak box, restored; ‘78 Ford F700 grain truck, 400 bu box w/hoist; (4) 295-75R-22.5 truck tires; 14.9x38 rim & tire; 8’ Combo grain and Livestock rack for pickup; 2 wheel enclosed trailer; 2-wheel trailer;

Steffes Auction Calendar 2011

Opening July 7th & Closing July 21st: IQBID Kibble Equipment Internet Only Auction, complete details at www.IQBID.com

19 THE LAND, JULY 15, 2011

6600 Hesston diesel swather FOR SALE: NH hayliner JD 275, 9’ disk mower, 16' draper head, exc cond, $4,200; Ford NH 492 hay#68, small square baler, FOR SALE: JD F145H, 316 $4,250/OBO. 715-778-5092 or bine, $4,500; NH 68 baler, works great, $1,500. 712semi-mount plow, very 715-781-1825 low acreage, $900. 297-7951 nice cond. w/cyl. & guage (320)864-3837 whl., $1,250; JD F145H, 416 FOR SALE: JD 5400-5830 FOR SALE: RMS bale hanand 6000 series forage harsemi-mount plow, w/cyl, dle, 10 bale capacity, fits JD 945 Moco 13’ disc cut, vesters. Used kernel progood cond. $1,250; JD Modldr/quicktach, $2,250. 712$12,000. JD 446 4x4 round cessors, also, used JD 40 el 4D, 214 plow on steel, 297-7951 baler, double twine arms, knife Dura-Drums, and very nice restored cond., bale ramps. $8,200. Both drum conversions for 5400 For Sale: SnoCo 40&48 bale $600; JD model 44, 214 shedded & exc. 715-296-2162 and 5460. Call (507)427-3520 plow, hyd. lift, rebuilt, elev; 16’ bale elev; 14 & 16’ www.ok-enterprises.com nice, $750. bale flat racks; 6-8-10T (320)732-3370 running gears; H&S forage FOR SALE: Hesston 1090 box unloading unit; Heswindrower, 9’ cut/crimp, We can take your ston stack mover; DaKon FOR SALE: ‘30 McCormick $1,000. 712-297-7951 power box on gear; Paclassified ad right over Deering 1020 tractor, repeck 1 row field chopper, the phone when you use painted. Full Steel & extra BALE WRAPPER. Tubeline good; GSI 24x24’ 7 ring your VISA, MasterCard set of rubber tires. Model 5500. One owner. drying bin, $10,000. 320-864or Discover Card $1,000/OBO. 952-353-2369 Shedded, exc. cond. 4583 or 320-779-4583 $15,900. 715-792-2565 WANTED: 1909-1940 Ford cars & parts. Also old gas FOR SALE: JD 5830 forage harvester, 4WD, iron FOR SALE: Versatile 400 pumps, gas pump globes & guard, 3370 hrs, new eng, swather, 15’ cut, hydroold tin & porcelain signs. new paint, re-built, $56,000. matic drive, $1,000. 712-297John Alinder Also, JD 6950 forage har7951 29633 State Hwy 112 vester, 4WD, 3100 hrs/4400 LeSueur, MN 56058 hrs. $69,000. 507-427-3520 (507)665-6893 GEHL 1710 Roll Baler. Exc. cond, field ready. One owner. Always shedded. Sale: Kelly Ryan 9' siHay & Forage Eq. For 608-989-2170 lage bagger w/ beater bar & hyd rewind. New con#311 NH baler. Like new. veyor chain. $8,950. 608Kicker w/ elec controls. Gehl 2412 hydro swing disc Call 507-345-4523 797-5664 or 608-792-0672 920-388-2093. Low $. bine. 12'. Good cond, or $7,000. Mondovi. 715-563FOR SALE: JD 3970 forage FOR SALE: NH #55 hay 1-800-657-4665 4524 rake, $500. 712-297-7951 harvester, used very little, w/ hay & cornhead. ExFOR SALE: NH 1000 bale tras. (2) Badger forage wagon, holds 54 bales. boxes model 1416, 14’ w/ Saves the Back! $1,500. newer 12T running gear. 712-297-7951 IH model 56 silo blower. 507-359-1164

“Where Farm and Family Meet”


THE LAND, JULY 15, 2011




LOCATION: Red River Valley Fairgrounds, on the west edge of West Fargo, ND, I-94, Exit 343 AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: Auctioneers will run multiple rings with two live online rings powered by IQBID.com. Registration, terms & details at www.steffesauctioneers.com. Equipment removal by Friday, July 29, unless other arrangements are made. This is a very condensed listing! Hauling and loading are available. Contact auctioneers for owner information, new consignments, or changes at (701) 237-9173 or (800) 726-8609.

TRACK & 4WD TRACTORS 2002 JD 9520T, powershift, deluxe cab, 4 hyd., integrated Auto Trac, wide swing drawbar, 36" belts, 4,700 hrs. 1998 JD 8400T, powershift, deluxe cab, 3 hyd., radar, new 16" belts, 72" spacing, front suitcase weights, AM/FM, new rear drives & bogeys 2008 JD 9630, deluxe cab, 530 hp, powershift, integrated Auto Trac, 4 hyd., radar, diff lock, 800/70R38 metric duals, (4) 1,400 lb. front weights, rear weights including (2) 165, (4) 1,400 & (6) 450 lb. weights, electric mirrors, greasable steer pins, active seat, HID lights, Greenstar ready, shows 2,177 hrs. 1994 JD 8870, 24 spd., 4 hyd., diff lock, Greenstar harness, no valve, Firestone DT 710 metrics, 65%, 6,480 hrs., 2nd owner, OH at 4,500 hrs., records available 1995 Ford NH 9680, 12 spd. gear, 4 hyd., rear weights, triples, 7,750 hrs., oil analysis available 1994 Ford NH 9680, 4 hyd., Degelman AccuTrack auto steer, 520/85R42 tires, 6,760 hrs. 1991 Versatile 876, 12 spd. gear, 4 hyd., diff lock, 18.4-42 duals, 5,200 hrs. 1985 Versatile 936, Designation 6, 12 spd. gear, 4 hyd., Trimble 500 auto steer, 20.8-42 duals, 75% rubber, approx. 7,500 hrs., recent trans. OH 1980 Versatile 855, 12 spd. gear, 4 hyd., 20.8-38 duals, 75% rubber, approx. 8,500 hrs., recent trans. OH Versatile 800, Cummins, 3 hyd., 18.4-38 tires, 25% rubber, no 3 pt. or PTO, shows 2,766 hrs. 1983 Steiger Cougar 3, 855 Cummins, 3 hyd., 20-8-38 tires, approx. 8,000 hrs. 1976 JD 8430, 3 hyd., 3 pt., quick hitch, PTO, 184-38 tires, 9,000 hrs. MF 1805, 3 hyd., 2,500 hrs. on 3208 Cat, 18.438 tires MFWD & 2WD TRACTORS 2002 JD 8220, MFWD, powershift, 3 hyd., 3 pt., quick hitch, 1000 PTO, radar, diff lock, Greenstar ready, 18.4-46 press steel duals, 14.9-34 fronts, front fenders, 3,490 hrs. 1995 JD 7700, MFWD, Power Quad, joystick, 2 hyd., 3 pt., 540/1000 PTO, 14-9-28 fronts, new 18-4-38 singles, foot throttle, JD 740 loader, grapple, shows 10,170 hrs. 1984 Case 3594, MFWD, powershift, 3 hyd., 3 pt., PTO, 18.4-42 rear duals, 90% rubber, 14.928 fronts, 90% rubber, single owner, 7,200 hrs. 2003 JD 7810, CAH, powershift, 2 hyd., 3 pt., 540/1000 PTO, front weights, front fenders, 16.9-28 fronts, 520/85R38 rears, new rubber, 9,667 hrs. 1996 JD 8100, powershift, 3 hyd., 3 pt., quick hitch, 1000 PTO, diff lock, 480/80R46 rears, new 11:00-24s, new inside rubber, 9,487 hrs. 1994 JD 4560, CAH, powershift, 3 hyd., 3 pt., quick hitch, PTO, front suitcase weights, new 480/80R46 rears, 11:00-16 fronts 1989 JD 4755, CAH, powershift, 3 hyd., 3 pt., quick hitch, 1000 PTO, diff lock, front suitcase weights, new 480/80R42 rears, new 14L-16 fronts, 1,871 hrs. 1985 JD 4650, quad range, 3 hyd., power beyond, 3 pt., quick hitch, 1000 PTO, diff lock, 14.9-46 press steel duals, 10,436 hrs.

1988 JD 4450, powershift, 3 hyd., 3 pt., 540/1000 PTO, front fuel & suitcase wgts., 18.4-38 hub duals, single owner, 5,517 actual hrs., S/N29376 1985 JD 4450, quad range, 2 hyd., 3 pt., 540/1000 PTO, front weight bracket, new 460/85R38 rears, 11:00-16 fronts, 9,716 hrs. 1973 JD 4630, syncro, 2 hyd., 3 pt., quick hitch, 1000 PTO, diff lock, 20.8-38 singles, shows 2,723 hrs. 1973 JD 4630, powershift, 3 hyd., 3 pt., quick hitch, 1000 PTO, 20.8-42 band duals, 6,685 hrs. JD 5410 tractor w/JD 541 self-leveling loader 1960 JD 2010, open station, syncro, 1 hyd., 3 pt., 540 PTO, Koyker K2 loader, 66" bucket, 12.4-36 rears, shows 4,478 hrs. 2005 JD 5225, JD 5 cyl. turbo, 56 hp, PTO at 45 hp, 9 spd. forward/3 reverse, 2 hyd., 3 pt., 6' broom, 953 hrs. 1981 IHC 1086, 2 hyd., 3 pt., 540/1000 PTO, 18.4-38 hub duals, 6,318 hrs. 1978 IHC 1086, CAH, TA, 3 pt., 18.4-38 singles IHC 1086, CAH, 3 hyd., 3 pt., 540/1000 PTO, 18.4-38 duals, tach shows 5,448 but hrs. unknown 1974 IHC 1066, no cab, 2 hyd., 3 pt., good TA, 18.4-38 singles IHC 706, gas, 2 hyd., 540/1000 PTO, fenders, good paint AC 190, gas, 18.4-34 tires 1974 Case 2470 Traction King, 18-4-34 tires, 8,190 hrs. Case 1270, powershift, 2 hyd., 3 pt., 1000 PTO, 18.4-38 hub duals Case 830 Standard 1969 Ford 9600, 2 hyd., 3 pt., 540 PTO, good fronts & 40% rear tires, 7,800 hrs. MF Super 90, diesel, 3 pt., 540 PTO, multi-power, excellent paint, good rubber LOADERS Farmhand XL940 loader, shop-built grapple, tractor hyd. Farmhand F258 loader, 4440 mounts & JD joystick Woods Dual 3100 loader, 8' bucket, grapple fork, 3-spool hyd. ANTIQUE TRACTORS 1964 AC WD45, runs good, paint & tires good Ford 8N, 90% restored, new rubber, runs Dirt box scraper, 3 pt., for Ford 8N Fordson cultivator, 8' IHC B with Ford shaft drive undermount mower, 12v system, runs & mows excellent JD B, late model, 6 spd., like new rear tires, w/12-38 dual wheels 1957 JD 620 Collector, narrow front, gas, 1 hyd., PTO, 12v, new rear tires, new wiring, new manifold intake, new water pump, Green Dash SKID STEER LOADERS 2007 Bobcat T190 track skid steer loader, open station, aux. hyd., std. bucket, approx. 2,000 hrs. 2006 Bobcat T190, open station, aux. hyd., quick tach bucket, recent sprockets, 1,950 hrs. 2006 NH C185 track skid steer, 2 spd., heat, foot controls, aux. hyd., 84" bucket, hyd. quick tach, 30% rubber, 1,698 hrs. Bobcat 642, gas, general material bucket, 10:0016.5 tires, 3,126 hrs. Bobcat 530, gas Kohler engine, general material bucket, 10:00-16.5 tires SKID STEER LOADER ATTACHMENTS Bobcat 72 sweeper attachment broom w/bucket Bobcat grapple fork, 60" Bobcat rototiller, 54" Bobcat manure bucket, 4-1/2' 2011 Lowe 750CLH auger attachment, new, 14" dia., 3-4' auger bits

2011 Sweepster attachment, new, hyd. angle, 6' broom (2) 2010 bucket grapples 2010 brush mower, 60" (8) 2010 pallet forks, 4,000 lb. (3) 2010 round bale spears (8) 2010 square bale spears Caterpillar forks, 4', quick tach Approx. 40 units skid steer loader attachments of all kinds COMBINES 2010 Case-IH 8120, AFX rotor, AFS, corn/soybeans, deluxe cab, rear wheel, integrated auto steer, Pro 600 Y&M, power reverser, feeder chain update, long auger, auto hopper topper, self-contained air compressor, rock trap, chopper, aux. light pkg., HID lights, 520/85R42s set for 30" rows, Field Tracker, HD lift cyl., 600/65R28 rears, leather seats, 2 spd. RWD, power sieve adj., power heated mirrors, 542 sep. hrs., 761 engine hrs. 2008 JD 9870, STS, Contourmaster, premier cab, deluxe controls, power RWD, Greenstar Y&M less display, grain tank ext., high cap. unload, round bar concave, 20.8-42 straddle duals, 814 sep. hrs. 2009 JD 9770, STS, Contourmaster, premier cab, deluxe controls, integrated AutoTrac, high cap. unload, fine cut chopper, Y&M less display, grain tank ext., round bar concave, 20.8-42 straddle duals, 18.4-26 rears, 30" space, 650 sep. hrs., 950 engine hrs. 2006 JD 9760, STS, Contourmaster, deluxe controls, bullet rotor, high cap. unload, fine cut chopper, round bar concave, Greenstar Y&M, 20.8-42 straddle duals, 18.4-26 rears, 22" space, 1,459 sep., 1,958 engine hrs. 2003 JD 9650, STS, Contourmaster, fine cut chopper, Y&M monitor, Mauer hopper topper, long auger, like new 800/650R32 Michelin tires, 2,861 sep. hrs., 3,921 engine hrs., many new parts, service records available, engine chipped to 9750 specs 1997 Case-IH 2188, chopper, 30-5-32 drive tires, 16.9-26 rears, RWA, 2,676 sep. hrs., 3,894 engine hrs. 1992 Case-IH 1680, Cummins, rock trap, chopper, reverser, AHH, specialty rotor, acceller kit on rotor, wheat/soybeans only, always shedded, 3,465 engine hrs. 1991 Case-IH 1680, Cummins, rock trap, chopper, reverser, long sieves, 30.5-32 tires, 3,632 hrs. 1987 Case-IH 1680, IHC motor, rock trap, chopper, reverser, AHH, std. rotor, wheat/soybeans only, accelerator kit on rotor, always shedded, 4,825 total hrs., 1,200 hrs. on remfg. motor, excellent maintenance 1988 JD 8820 Titan II, rear wheel assist, hopper ext. w/bubble up auger, long unloading auger, 18.4-38 duals, 400 hrs. on new bars, 5,000 hrs., uses no oil, good machine (3) 1982 JD 8820s 1981 JD 8820 1982 JD 6620, hydro, AHH, chopper, 4,400 hrs. 1982 IHC 1480, edible bean combine, bean rotor, conveyor unload auger, chopper 1980 IHC 1480, specialty rotor, small & large wire concaves, chopper, header height control, reverser, 3 sprocket feeder chain, rock trap, 6,000 hrs., $10,000 in recent work orders, S/N17202344034725 1981 Gleaner N7, all updates, 24.5-32 singles 1980 Gleaner L2, Corn/Bean Special, hydro, S/NLK19889H 1978 Gleaner L2, hydro, S/NL6357HY 1983 MF 860, V8, hydro, 4 cyl. header lift, hopper ext., long auger, 24.5-32 singles, 4,800 hrs.

1976 NH 1500, 3208 Cat, gear drive, hopper ext., NH pickup with 11' Sund pickup, stored inside last 14 yrs., new bars, rebuilt concave (33+) PICKUP HEADS (10) Case-IH 1015; Gleaner w/late model Westward pickup; (2) AC pickup heads, 13', fits L2; (3) IHC 810; (4) JD 914; (10) JD 212 (15+) STRAIGHT HEADS 2004 Caterpillar Challenger GH30; (3) JD 930; JD 925; JD 230; (3) JD 224; (2) JD 222; Case-IH 1010; IHC 810; (2) AC 20‚; Gleaner 27‚ (35+) FLEX HEADS New 2011 JD 635F flex head, transport damage, 100% repaired, no warranty; 2005 & 2006 JD 635, 70 & 60 Series; (2) 2005 JD 630; (7) JD 930F; (5) JD 925; (3) HD 220; 2006 Case-IH 2020; (7) Case-IH 1020; NH 960 floating cutter bar; 2001 Gleaner Agco 800; (3) AC 320; (2) 1996 Agco Gleaner 825 flex heads, 25'; 1989 Gleaner, 24' DRAPER HEADS 2010 JD 635 draper platform, 35', finger reel, 70 Series drives, slow speed transport 2009 JD 635 draper platform, 35', finger reel, 70 Series drives, slow speed transport 2007 Case-IH 2062 flex draper, 36' CORN HEADS Geringhoff chopping corn head, 9 row, hyd. deck plates, JD 9770 hookups 1992 Geringhoff chopping corn head, 8x30 1996 Case-IH 1063 corn head, 6x30" (2) IHC 963 corn heads, 6x30", knife rolls, high top back IHC 863 corn head, 8x22", poly snouts JD 843 corn head, oil drive, fluted rolls 1989 JD 643 corn head, 6 row, low tin JD 444 corn head, low tin, non-oil JD 443 corn head, 4x30", low tin (2) MF 63C corn head, 8x22" (20+) OTHER HEADS & ATTACHMENTS ConveyAll edible bean head, 18'; (2) IHC 810 bean heads; (3) JD 653 All Crop; JD sunflower head, 20'; (2) Floating cutting bars for L2; (4) MacDon finger reels; plus asst. sunflower pans: 20' New J, 9"; 30' Bonco 9"; New J 18' reel; Bonco 20' & 25' reels HEADER TRAILERS Elmers, 30', 2-wheel, flex bar EZ Trail, 25', like new H&S single axle, single pole, for 25' head Kilbros 4-wheel corn head trailer Mattson, 25‚ Model Industries, 2-wheel Unverferth, 35', 4-wheel Vulcan single, 30' (3) Single pole header trailer, 30‚ Several shop-built trailers, 4 & 2-wheel (2) New header trailers, 32', tandem wheels, lights, fenders (2) New header trailers, 36', tandem wheels, lights, fenders New header trailer, 42', tandem torsion axles, brakes, light pkg., fenders, heavy duty New bumper hitch header trailer, 25', single pole GRAIN CARTS Ficklin CA1400 grain cart, 700 bu., corner auger, roll tarp, 1000 PTO, 24.5-32 tires Ficklin 1400 grain cart, 650 bu., corner auger, new roll tarp, 30.5-32 singles 2007 Demco 950 grain cart, roll tarp, 900 metrics J&M 750 grain cart, corner 14" auger, roll tarp, 24.5 tires, shedded, red J&M grain cart, 750 bu., KLM roll tarp, corner auger, 30.5-32 singles Vakota 1717 grain cart, 700 bu., scale, 30.5-32 tires, 70% rubber, always shedded Valkota 750 grain cart, 750 bu., roll tarp

Brent 550 grain cart, roll tarp, 28L-26 diamond tires Brent grain cart, 30.5-32 tires Richardton 750 sugarbeet cart, 15-18 ton (20+) PULL-TYPE SWATHERS Case-IH 8220, 25'; (2) Case-IH 8210, 21'; CaseIH 725, 25'; Case-IH 721, 21'; (5) IHC 75; (2) JD 590; JD 580; (2) MF; Vers 10 & more (12+) SELF-PROPELLED SWATHERS Case-IH 8840, A/C, 16' haybine head with crimper, 1,400 hrs.; IHC 4000; (2) IHC 210; JD 2320; (2) JD 800; (5) Versatile 400 DRILLS Case-IH 6200 press drills, three 14's, 6" space, rubber press, dry fertilizer, hyd. fold markers, factory transport Case-IH press drills, 40', end hitch, JD markers IHC 620 drill, two 14's, transport IHC 620 press drills, two 14's, 6" space, rubber press, transport PLANTERS 2008 Case-IH 1250 planter, 24x30", front-fold, bulk fill, 600 Series monitor, liquid fertilizer, markers, hyd. drive, wing flex, Early Riser Advanced seed metering, pneumatic down pressure, 2 pt. & drawbar hitches, less than 4,000 acres JD 7000 front-fold, 16x30", liquid fertilizer, insecticide, hyd. variable rate drive, near new population monitor, good shape White 6100 planter, 12x30", wing fold, dry fertilizer, monitor White 5100 planter, 6x30", corn/bean/sunflower plates, monitor, new drive gears CHISEL PLOWS 2009 Case-IH Flexi Till 600 chisel plow, 47', narrow transport frame Case-IH 5600 chisel plow, 33', 3-bar harrow, new tines 1991 Frigstad chisel plow, 35' JD chisel plow, 21' JD 610 chisel plow, 17', walking tandems, Summers harrow Wil-Rich 4400 chisel plow, 33', tandems across, setup for dry & NH3, AgTron blockage monitor, 3-bar harrow Wil-Rich chisel plow, 35', NH3, harrow Wil-Rich chisel plow, 24', high clearance VERTICAL TILLAGE & DISC CHISELS 2008 Salford RTS vertical tillage, 41', tandems across, 3-bar harrow, rolling baskets, weight pkg., new blades Krause disc chisel, 19 chisel pts., singles across, wing fold, leveling harrow Landoll Soilmaster disc chisel, 16', Summers 3bar harrow White 445 disc chisel, 17', hyd. disc adj., 5-row spike tooth harrow (11) PLOWS & PACKERS IHC 720 plow, 5 bottom IHC 700 plow, 8x16" White 449 on land plow, 8 bottom, auto reset Plow packer, 8' (2) JD 3600 plow, 8x16‰ & 5x16‰, double hitch IHC auto reset plow, 5x16", semi-mount IHC plow, 6x14", trip beam, trailing JD F145 trip plow, 5x14" (2) JD plow packer, 4' DISCS Big G heavy duty tandem disc, 32' Case DOT disc, 32', wing fold, tandems across Hutchmaster disc, 28', wing fold, tandems across Kewanee tandem disc, 25', dual corner wheels, 9" space AC 2500 disc, 25' JD 220 tandem disc, 22', 9" space

Rome TAW-2028SF offset disc, 12' Buhler Farm King 605 tandem disc, 6', category 1 (2) Craftsman lawn & garden discs FIELD CULTIVATORS 2009 JD 2210, 50', full floating hitch, Accu Depth, tandems across, 5-bar harrow 1992 JD 1060, 48', 4-bar ext. frame, 3-bar harrow JD 1060, 50', rear hitch, 3-bar harrow, new teeth in 2011 JD 1000, 42', walking tandems on wings & main, stretched to 4 rank, 2-bar harrow, rear hitch JD 960, 44-1/2', tandems across, single pt. depth, 4-bar Summers harrow, 6" space Case-IH 4300 vibrashank, 45', tandems across, wing fold, 3-bar harrow, Nichols knock-on sweeps IHC vibrashank, 28-1/2', NH3 kit, hyd. shut-off IHC 45, 24', NH3 attachment IHC 45 vibrashank, 18' Wil-Rich 3430, 41', 3-bar harrow, bi-fold, S/N196 Wil-Rich 3400, tandems across, floating hitch, 3-bar harrow, double spring Wil-Rich field cultivator, hyd. fold, harrow JD pull-type, 12' ROW CROP Alloway 2030 cultivator, 12x22", 3 pt., Youngkrantz shields, cutaways Dakon folding cultivator, 16x30", 3 pt., rolling shields Farmhand cultivator, 8x30", 3 pt. Wil-Rich cultivator, 8x30" Wil-Rich cultivator, 6x30", 3 pt., rolling shields Alloway stalk shredder, 20' Alloway stalk chopper, 22' Alloway stalk shredder, 22', 3 pt. Loftness pull-type stalk shredder, 20', 1,000 acres on complete rebuild SUGARBEET & BEAN EQUIPMENT 1997 Red River harvester, 6x22", rear wheel, belted boom & kicker chain WIC 826C harvester, 6 row, late model Artsway 690B harvester, 6x22‰ 1995 WIC defoliator, 12 row, triple rubber, knife scalpers Pickett TwinMaster edible bean combine 2008 Pickett edible bean cutter, 8x30" or 12x20", 1-1/4 rod top & bottom 2000 Pickett edible bean cutter, 8x30" or 12x20", 1-1/4 rod top & bottom WHEEL LOADERS 1991 Caterpillar IT28B wheel loader, cab, quick tach, 3rd spool hyd., 2 yd. quick tach bucket, shows 11,600 hrs., completely rebuilt by Butler Cat at 7,500 hrs. 1989 Caterpillar 950E wheel loader, 2-1/2 yd. bucket, 20.5-25 tires, 11,327 hrs., full Butler maintenance program in place Fiat Allis FR20, cab, heat, 10' bucket, bolt-on cutting edge, 26.5-25 tires, runs good, transmission rebuilt, S/N81C00409 JD 644C wheel loader, 3rd valve, 3-1/2 yd. bucket, approx. 5,800 hrs., complete JD rebuild JRB 416 adapter coupler for wheel loader Owatonna 880 articulating wheel loader, 1 yd. bucket, bolt-on blade, spare rim & tire DOZER & TRENCHING EQUIPMENT 1974 Caterpillar D7, ROPS, powershift, hyd. blade, angle & tilt, cable spool rear, recent head work on motor JD 555 crawler loader backhoe, low hrs., excellent condition Ditch Witch V30 trencher with backfill blade, 1,579 hrs.




LOCATION: Red River Valley Fairgrounds, on the west edge of West Fargo, ND, I-94, Exit 343

rears, new 21' box, combo gate, tarp, new aggressive grip recaps, all aluminum wheels, beet equipped 1992 Peterbilt 377 day cab, 12.7 Detroit, 430 hp, 9 spd., 18' Grainmaster box, new ShurLok roll tarp, grain & cargo door, poly floor, 11R22.5s on aluminum, 170,000 miles on major OH, work orders available 1986 IHC tandem, diesel, box, hoist, roll tarp, plumbed for drill fill 1984 IHC 2375 tri-axle, L10 Cummins, 9 spd., dual wheel 3rd axle, 24' aluminum box, pintle hitch, rear air 1982 Ford 9000 twin screw, 3rd axle pusher, 855 Cummins, 7 spd., 21' Midland unibody box, roll tarp 1981 Mack TL600, 237 Mack, automatic, 18' Loadline box, Headlift hoist, roll tarp, 3 pc. endgate, 10:00-20 rubber 1981 GMC tandem, diesel, box, hoist, roll tarp 1979 Chevrolet C70 twin screw, 427, 5&4 spd., 20' Midland box, ShurLok roll tarp, 3 pc. endgate, twin fuel tanks, 10:00-20 rubber, 95,600 miles Ford Louisville L Series twin screw, 250 Cummins, 10 spd., 20' metal box, hoist, roll tarp, combination endgate, 11:00-22.5 tires 1976 Ford 900, 534 gas, automatic w/3rd spd. aux., 19' box, hoist, roll tarp 1975 GMC 6500 tag tandem, 366, 5&2 spd., 19' steel box, hoist, roll tarp, 10:00-20 fronts & drivers, 9:0020 tags, shows 77,300 miles 1975 IHC 1800 Loadstar twin screw, 446 gas, Allison automatic, 19' box, hoist, roll tarp, 3 pc. endgate, plumbed for drill fill 1975 IHC 1800 Loadstar, 446 IHC gas, 5&3 spd., 18' Buffalo box, scissor lift hoist, 3 pc. endgate 1974 Ford 880 twin screw, 534 gas, 5&4 spd., 19' box, hoist, roll tarp 1974 Ford F600 single axle, 361 HD, 5&2 spd., 14' wood box, hoist, new master brake cyl & Holley carb., both need to be hooked up 1970 Chevrolet C50 single axle, 350, 4&2 spd., 151/2' box, hoist, roll tarp, plumbed for drill fill, shows 66,000 miles, less than 10,000 miles on rebuilt motor 1964 Chevrolet, 2 ton, box, hoist, roll tarp 1959 Chevrolet single axle, 261 6 cyl., 4&2 spd., box, hoist, 38,000 miles BOOM TRUCKS 1995 GMC Topkick single axle boom truck, 366 gas, 5&2 spd., air brakes, 26,000 lb. gvw, new 12' Rugby flatbed, 1995 Weldco Hydralift HL800, 16,000 lb. cap., 37' boom, set outriggers, live power, 275/80R22.5 tires, 61,828 miles 1981 IHC 2155 single axle boom truck, National Crane 4137 Series 4, S/N11453, Cat 3208 diesel, rebuilt engine, live power, rear pintle hitch, needs work 1975 Chevrolet C65 single axle boom truck, gas, 5&2 spd., live power, National Crane Corp 2T-28 crane, 28', 2 stage, set outriggers, 10:00-20 tires, inspection expired May 2010, 81,798 miles DUMP TRUCKS JD 300C, OM442 Merc, 251 hp, A frame, 22 cyl. cap., 99,648 lb. machine, 23.5R25 tires, 60% rubber, box in good shape, 8,922 hrs., S/NBAT1704 1995 Ford dump truck 1994 Peterbilt 377 dump truck, 60 Series Detroit, 365 hp, 8 spd. Fuller, power divider, 20,000 lb. front, 46,000 lb. rear, 234" WB, spring ride, 22.5 tires on aluminum, 2 air up/down pusher axles, 18' box, electric tarp, air hookups, pintle hitch, air gate, 527,000 miles 1988 Hendrickson VT100 tandem axle dump truck w/pusher, 350 hp Cummins, 8LL, 18,000 lb. front, 17-1/2' box 1985 GMC Topkick single axle, 3208T Cat, 250 hp, 5&2 spd., spring ride, 12,000 lb. front, 23,000 lb. rear, very clean 1981 Ford 8000 single axle, diesel, 10' box, 11' blade 1978 Ford L8000 dump truck, 3208 Cat, 210 hp, 5&4 spd. Hendrickson, 12,000 lb. front, 38,000 lb. rear, nice 15' gravel box

SERVICE TRUCKS 2006 Ford F450 XL Super Duty heavy duty 1 ton dually, Powerstroke diesel, automatic, 2WD, A/C, AM/FM, C/W 9"x95" service body, 54-1/2" inside, 6 compartment, tommy lift, shows 195,952 miles 2006 Ford F350 XL Super Duty 1 ton dually, Powerstroke diesel, automatic, 2WD, A/C, AM/FM, Omaha 9'x95" service body, 54-1/2" inside, 6 compartment, tommy lift, shows 133,313 miles 1999 Chevrolet C6500 service truck, 3126 Cat diesel, 6 spd., 10' Reading service body w/drawers, work lights, steel step bumper & Class IV hitch, Miller Trailblazer 250G welder, toolbox, Hitachi air compressor & 2 hose reels, Auto Crane boom, 245/70R19.5 tires on aluminum, shows 187,102 miles 1981 Chevrolet C70 single axle, gas, 5&2 spd., service body, hyd. reel carrier, pintle hitch, 10:0020 tires 1985 Chevrolet service truck, diesel, on board air compressor, 650 gal. fuel tank, tool racks 1980 Ford F700 single axle, 5&2 spd., service body, hyd. reel lift 1979 Chevrolet service truck, 350, 5&2 spd., 12,000 actual miles 1970 GMC single axle fuel/service/lube truck, 6 cyl. gas, 4&2 spd., 1,000+ gal., 5 compartment storage, (2) hose reels, (2) pumps (meters don't work), tool storage, 80% rubber, ext. maintenance & service records, oil analysis, shows 86,275 miles (25+) PICKUPS Includes Chevy; Ford; GMC; Dodge; 4WD, 2WD, short & long box; 1 ton dually, reg. and ext. cab HOPPER BOTTOM TRAILERS (2) 2009 Timpte hopper bottom, 40'x96"x72" sides, ag hopper, roll tarp, air ride, SS back & front corners, front & rear catwalks & ladders, low pro 24.5 tires on aluminum 2003 Wilson Pacesetter aluminum hopper bottom, 43'x96"x66" sides, air ride, roll tarp, SS rear & corners, LED lights, 2 spd. hopper doors, front & rear ladders, front & rear catwalk 2000 Magnum hopper bottom, 36', seed/fertilizer setup, 4 comp., hyd. rear belt conveyor, electric roll tarp, spring susp., sight glass, 11-24.5 tires on steel 1998 Timpte hopper bottom, 42'x66", spring ride, aluminum floor, 2 holes, 2 spd. hopper doors, front & rear ladders, front & rear catwalk, roll tarp 1996 Magnum steel hopper bottom, 36', roll tarp, new tires & new paint 1987 Timpte Super Hopper hopper bottom, 42'x76"x96", spring ride, 285/75R24.5s on steel, current DOT 1986 Timpte hopper bottom, 42'x78", std. tub, roll tarp, 11-24.5s on steel 1985 Wilson hopper bottom, 42'x66" sides, standard tub, roll tarp, spring susp., 11-22.5s on steel 1980 Hawkeye hopper bottom, 42'x66" 1980 Kane aluminum tandem axle hopper bottom, 42', roll tarp, 11-22.5 tires on Budd wheels 2003 SSR tandem axle shop-built pup trailer, 16' box, hoist, roll tarp 1979 Bocat pup trailer, 22', roll tarp, good shape 1979 Doonan pup trailer, 22', roll tarp, good shape END DUMPS & BELLY DUMPS 2008 J-Mar live bottom belt trailer, 42', triple Super Singles, all aluminum 1997 TrailStar end dump, new S cams, new S cam bushings, new air bags 1987 Wilson tandem axle belly dump gravel trailer, 40' 1986 City tri-axle aluminum end dump, 34', spring ride, roll tarp, combo gate, 11-22.5 tires on steel 1981 Tribrook tri-axle end dump, 33' frame, 31' box, roll tarp, poly floor 1980 East rebuilt aluminum end dump, 34' aluminum frame, 31' aluminum tub, sugarbeet ready 1978 Benson end dump, 30' steel frame, spring susp., electric tarp, air gate 1977 East tandem axle aluminum end dump, 28', sugarbeet ready

LIVESTOCK TRAILERS 2011 Hillsboro Enduro gooseneck tandem axle stock trailer, 7'x24', extruded aluminum floor, center slide gate, 7,000 lb. torsion axles with brakes, 10 ply radials, 10 yr. limited warranty 2007 Silverlite aluminum gooseneck horse trailer, 19-1/2'x77" wide, tack room, (2) 5,200 lb. axles King gooseneck tandem axle stock trailer, 20' Triggs bumper hitch livestock trailer, 16' ENCLOSED TRAILERS 2005 UXT enclosed trailer, 8-1/2'x20', single fold down ramp & side door, 7,000 lb. tandem axles 2004 CargoMate toy hauler, 8x22, rear ramp & side walk-in doors, refrigerator/freezer, sink, microwave, bathroom with shower, heat & A/C, double fold-up bunks, 10,400 lb. tandem axles, electric jack 2004 Royal enclosed trailer, 26', tandem 7,000 lb. axles, rear ramp door, black/white checkered floor, inside lights, front storage with shelves, side door, sells with equalizer hitch, very low miles, original tires 1998 Avenger, 8x16, side door, rear double doors, 7,000 lb. tandem axles REEFER, STEP DECK & OTHER TRAILERS 1995 Utility reefer, 48', Carrier unit, 9,730 hrs., tandem slide, 295/75R22.5 tires on steel 1982 Stewart step deck trailer, 42', air ride, 24.5 tires, DOT'd, good shape 1980 Wilson Trail King tandem trailer, 19' deck, 5' dovetail, pintle hitch 1997 Ward flatbed trailer, 16', adj. tongue, excellent rubber 1973 Comet tandem axle flatbed semi trailer, 36', steel, 24.5 tires 1956 Trailmobile single axle flatbed, 40', spring ride 1986 Fruehauf single axle dry van, 28', (2) 1,500 gal. poly tanks, (2) chemical mix cones, 2", 6 hp pump, roll-up door 1977 Fruehauf dry van, 42' Dry van trailer, 28' & dolly 1982 Eaton reel trailer Reel trailer, yellow with hyd., 2 batteries 2004 Haul R gooseneck trailer, 34', tandem duals, dovetail, flip up ramps 2000 Load Trail car trailer, 7x18, 2' dovetail, flip up ramps 1992 Fechtner car hauler, 16' Reds tandem axle car trailer, 8'x16' with ramps 2002 Road Boss 5th wheel trailer, 24' full width deck, dovetail, (3) 7,000 lb. greasable torsion axles, winch, dual drop leg jacks Shop-built gooseneck tandem axle trailer, 25', dual wheels Shop-built gooseneck trailer, 20', 3' beavertail 2008 Aluma 638 aluminum ATV/utility trailer, 63"x96", 2,000 lb. torsion axle w/Easy Lube hubs, Phantom aluminum wheels, removable aluminum fenders, LED lights, 39-1/2" folding ramp, removable side & front rack kit, 2 yrs. left on warranty, used very little FLOATER & SPRAYERS 2001 Case-IH FLX4375 Titan floater, 3176 Cat, 6 spd. auto, 2 spd. HiLo, Mid Tech auto steer, 70' Flexi-Air boom, Tyler flex controller, power roll tarp, foamer, 8 ton bin, 73-4400-32 rears, 800/45R26 fronts, 3,189 hrs. 2000 Case-IH SPX3200B self-propelled, 90' booms, air control, 800 gal. SS tank, 5-way nozzles, Raven 460 controller, 380/90R46 tires, 75% rubber 1995 Flexi-Coil 65, 120' booms, 1,000 gal. bottom fill tank, Hypro pump, dual nozzle bodies, MicroTrak MT3000 controller, 16.5-16.1 diamond tires, S/N700091 Shop-built pull-type, 106' booms, 1,000 gal. tank, 60 gal. rinse tank, Raven 440 monitor, 14.9-46 tires Summers wheel boom sprayer, 90', 1,000 gal. poly tank, hyd. pump, TeeJet monitor NYB skid sprayer, 70', 400 gal. tank, foam markers, 8 hp Honda, 2008 MicroTrak monitor Horvick pickup sprayer, mid-mount 60' booms, 300 gal. tank, Vanguard engine Pickup sprayer, 60' mid-mount booms, 8 hp B&S motor, 400 gal. fiberglass tank Summers, 60' booms, 3 pt., 300 gal. poly tank

CompuSpray pull-type, 60' booms, 500+/- gal. tank, ground drive pump Hagie 437 self-propelled high tractor sprayer, 30' boom Pull-type sprayer, 26', 300 gal. Melroe 115 spra-coupe, cab, 160 gal. tank, runs, glass broken on door HAY & FORAGE 2004 Case-IH DCX161 discbine, 16', hyd. swing, hitch mount JD 1600 mower conditioner, 14', 1000 PTO, rubber rolls MF haybine, 9', new bearings & belts Rowse double 9' sickle mower with NH heads MHT9-65 JD 530 round baler, 1000 PTO, monitor, belts good shape, stored inside JD 510 baler Krone 180 round baler, mechanical tie NH 851 baler Vermeer 605G round baler, hyd. tie 1987 Vermeer 605F round baler, wide belt, hyd. tie JD 327 square baler Tonutti rake, 14-wheel, hyd. fold Westward rake, 9-wheel JD side delivery rake H&S hay tedder, 7' Farmhand accumulator, 8 bale NH 1033 bale wagon, 105 bales RotoMix 274-12B TMR feed wagon, single axle, 540 PTO, side discharge, scale, 275 cu. ft. cap. Farmhand 900B hay grinder, newer floor, works good, belt has been removed but is included Gehl MX170 mixer mill, 540 PTO, all hyd., scale, stored inside, S/N6990 IHC 1150 mixer mill JD 3940 corn chopper JD 38 silage chopper w/head, two row wide JD chopper head, 2 row wide, green S&H bunk feed wagon SEED TENDERS 2009 Friesen Meridian seed tender, conveyor system, (3) 7,000 lb. axles, scale, tarp, Honda motor, electric start 2008 Friesen 240RT seed tender, conveyor, 192 bu., 5.5 hp Honda, 2 compartment, 180 degree swing conveyor, rubber-lined hood Haul All seed tender, 475 bu., twin compartment, 90 degree swing, Honda 5.5 hp gas, rectangle belt conveyor, roll tarp PLUS: Livestock Equipment; Fertilizer, Chemical & NH3 Equipment; Truck accessories; soil finishers & other tillage; Augers & Grain Handling, Conveyors; Blades, Mowers; Lawn & Garden; Vans, SUVs, ATVs; Cars, Motors; Tanks; Recreation Items; Shop Equipment; Large assortment of tires & implement parts TERMS: All items sold as is where is. Payment of cash or check must be made sale day before removal of items. Statements made auction day take precedence over all advertising. $35 documentation fee applies to all titled vehicles. Titles will be mailed. ND Sales Tax law applies. Canadian buyers need Bank Letter of Credit to facilitate border transfer. AUCTIONEERS AND CLERK: Steffes Auctioneers Inc., 2000 Main Avenue East, West Fargo ND 58078 (701) 237-9173 Scott Steffes ND81, Brad Olstad ND319, Bob Steffes ND82, Clark Sather ND463, Ashley Huhn ND843, Eric Gabrielson ND890, Randy Kath ND894

“Where Farm and Family Meet”

2001 IHC 9100 twin screw day cab, N14 Cummins, 10 spd., air ride, A/C, cruise, 177" WB, dual aluminum fuel tanks, aluminum bumper, 24.5 rubber, white 2000 Freightliner 120 day cab, N14 Cummins, 10 spd., sliding 5th, polished fuel tank, near new 22.5 rubber on aluminum fronts 1999 Freightliner 120 day cab, N14 Cummins, 10 spd., sliding 5th, polished fuel tank, near new 22.5 rubber on aluminum fronts (2) 1999 Ford 9500 day cabs, N14 Cummins, 370 hp, 9 spd., air ride, 3:58 rears, 184" WB, 12,000 lb. fronts, 40,000 lb. rears 1998 Kenworth T800 day cab, non-runner, on aluminums 1998 Volvo day cab, 285 Cummins, 9 spd., Hendrickson susp., wet kit, 295/75R22.5 tires (2) 1997 Kenworth T800 day cabs, 3406E Cat, 265 hp, 8 spd. Fuller, 12,000 lb. fronts, 36,000 lb. rears, DS404 rear axles, diff lock, wet kits, Reyco spring ride, 22.5 tires on disc wheels, 3.90 rears 1997 Freightliner FLD, N14 Cummins, 435 hp, 10 spd., air ride, 12,000 lb. front, 40,000 lb. rear, shows 278,000 miles, clean southern truck 1997 Peterbilt single axle day cab, M11 Cummins, white 1996 IHC 9200 day cab, 60 Series Detroit, 9 spd. Eaton Fuller, 192" WB, sliding 5th, A/C, cruise, air ride, PTO, 11-22.5 tires, 50% rubber, 591,650 miles 1995 IHC 9200 Eagle day cab, 3176 Cat, 10 spd. Eaton Fuller, 208" WB, 5th wheel plate, air ride, cruise, 11-22.5 tires, 50% rubber, 782,600 miles 1995 Peterbilt 379 day cab, 425 hp Cat, 10 spd., jake brake, air ride, 11-24.5s on aluminum 1995 Volvo WIA64T, M11 Cummins, Super 10 spd., air ride, air slide, 11-22.5s on steel, shows 810,000 miles 1995 Volvo WCA day cab, 3406E Cat, 9 spd., air ride, fixed plate, 11-22.5 tires on steel, unknown miles 1994 Freightliner FLD120 day cab, N14 Cummins, 9 spd., wet kit, new injectors, 24.5 low pro tires, 50% rubber, aluminum fronts, steel rears, current DOT 1994 IHC 8300 day cab, M11 Cummins, 10 spd., air ride, 11-22.5s on steel 1993 IHC 8300 day cab, S60 Detroit, 10 spd., air ride, 165" WB, 450,000 miles 1988 Peterbilt 377 day cab, 425 hp Cat, 13 spd., jake brake, air ride, 11-22.5s on aluminum 1988 Ford LTL, 400 Cummins, 13 spd., air ride, used for lowboy application 1987 Freightliner FLC112 day cab, Cummins, 9 spd. Eaton Fuller, 181" WB, sliding 5th, 295/75R22.5 tires, 50% rubber, 262,350 miles CABOVERS 1985 Kenworth K100 cabover, 400 Cummins, 9 spd., air ride, 3:55 ratio, 11-22.5 tires, aluminum fronts, rear steel, shows 880,000 miles 1984 IHC 9670 cabover, 855 Cummins, 9 spd., power steering, A/C, spring ride, new clutch 1984 Kenworth K100 cabover, 3406 Cat, 400 hp, 13 spd., power steering, 24.5 rubber on steel Buds Western Star cabover, 3406 Cat, 10 spd., farmer owned since 1995, DOT'd last year BOXED TRUCKS 2005 Sterling, steerable 3rd axle, air up/spring down, Cat C13, Rockwell 10 spd., 21'x8' Dakota aluminum box, 68" sides, hoist, roll tarp, 150 gal. aluminum tanks, 22.5 rubber, 533,635 miles 1999 Peterbilt 330, 3126B Cat, 300 hp, 8LL, air ride, 12,000 lb. front, 40,000 lb. rear, new 21' box, combo gate, tarp, new aggressive grip recaps, beet equipped 1998 Freightliner FLD120 twin screw, 3rd axle trailing, N14 Cummins, Rockwell 10 spd., air ride, Kann 22'x102" box, hoist, 904,564 miles 1996 Freightliner FLD120 tri-axle, dual push air up/down, 3165B Cat, 365 hp, RTL-D147B trans., Magnum 8'x22 grain/beet box, 216 Head hoist air control, rear controls, roll tarp, aluminum tanks, new RT40-145 grip rears on aluminum wheels, full 4-way locker, aluminum tanks, cruise, A/C, jake brake 1995 IHC 8100 tandem axle, M11 Cummins, 9 spd., air ride, 4:10 rears, 12,000 lb. fronts, 40,000 lb.


DOZER & TRENCHING EQUIPMENT CONT. 1979 Ditch Witch R40 vibrator plow/trencher Ditch Witch 6510 Deutz diesel trencher plow combo with 6' push blade and a backhoe attachment Ditch Witch 6510 Model A630, ROPS without canopy, diesel, 6' push blade, backhoe attachment, A655 vibra plow, no knife for plow CRANES 1978 P&H Omega crane, 18 ton, 84" reach with jib, 4WD, all wheel steer, full outriggers, new Anti II block, new hoist movement indicator, hrs. unknown 2003 Caterpillar TH360B, 3054E Cat, 100 hp, Cat 4 forward/3 reverse Power Syncro trans., enclosed cab & heat, 3 position steering, two wheel, crab, circle steer, max height 44', rotating carriage, wide frame, quick coupler, hyd. service to boom head, diff lock, 3 position stabilizer, rated load cap. 7,000 lbs., full light pkg., battery disconnect, rear hitch, 13-24 HD Cat tires, single owner, 2,180 hrs. LIFTS & FORKLIFTS 1989 Hyster Z90C telescoping forklift, diesel, 9,000 lb. max, 13x24 rubber 1998 Lull 1044C-54 telehandler, 4WD, all wheel steer, rotating carriage, 54' reach, 10,021 hrs. Upright 65700-020 electric scissor lift AgCrane boom, 3 pt., 12', seed tote basket Clark Yardlift 40 forklift, 4,000 lb., LP with tank Clark 300-40 forklift, 16' mast, LP, slight trans. slippage AC tractor forklift, 2WD, gas, 6,000 lb. lift Caterpillar T80DSTR forklift, LP, 8,000 lb. lift Forklift for JD 5410 CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT Caterpillar CT433C self-propelled packer, 68" drum Caterpillar BP18B skid steer broom/sweeper, front swivel wheel 2007 Sweepster 20072M-0022 hyd. box sweeper, 3000 psi, 16.8 cu. ft., 920 lbs. Sno Dozer snow push box, 18', connection for JRB Sheepsfoot rollbar & much more SLEEPER SEMI TRACTORS 2005 Peterbilt 387, C15 Cat, 465 hp, autoshift, cruise, A/C, tilt, jake brake, diff lock, aluminum fuel tanks, shows 625,981 miles 2004 Volvo, conventional sleeper, 460 engine, autoshift, air ride, 11-22.5s on aluminum, shows 663,578 miles, trans. needs some work 2003 Freightliner Columbia XL, mid-roof, 500 hp 60 Series Detroit, 13 spd. Eaton, air ride, air slide, dump valve, 11-22.5 tires on aluminum, shows 918,000 miles 2000 Volvo VNL, standup sleeper, 60 Series Detroit, 430 hp, 10 spd., 3:58 rears, jake brake, diff lock, sliding 5th, 22.5s on full set of aluminum, red Kenworth T800, 60" Aerodyne II sleeper, C12 Cat, 10 spd., 40,000 lb. rear ends, 3:70 ratio, engine brake, air ride, A/C, tilt & telescoping steering wheel, cruise control, 234" WB, 11R22.5 tires on aluminum disc wheels Kenworth T800, 62" Aerocab flattop, N14 Cummins, 435 hp, red top, 10 spd., 40,000 lb. rear, 3:70 ratio, engine brake, air ride, A/C, tilt, cruise, 230" WB, 24.5 low profile tires, polished aluminum step tanks, shows 935,359 miles, 400,000 miles on recondition Kenworth T800, C12 Cat, 380 hp, 10 spd., daylight doors, engine brake, sliding 5th, 40,000 lb. rears, air ride, A/C, tilt, cruise, 212" WB, 11R24.5 tires on aluminum discs, green 1996 IHC 9200 Transport, 12.7 Detroit, 10 spd., air ride 1996 Ford LTL Transport, M11 Cummins, 10 spd., air ride 1979 GMC General, Detroit 8V92, 13 spd., sliding 5th, dual 75 gal. fuel tanks NON-SLEEPER SEMI TRACTORS 2002 Freightliner CL112, ISM Cummins, 10 spd. autoshift, air ride, air ride cab, jake brake, 171" WB, 4:33 rears, low pro 22.5s on steel, 575,000 miles, white 2001 Freightliner 112 factory day cab, C12 Cat, 10 spd., full locking rears, cruise, A/C, air ride, sliding 5th, dual aluminum fuel tanks, 22.5 rubber, steel rears, alum fronts, 90% rubber, shows 821,160 mi.

THE LAND, JULY 15, 2011



Hay & Forage Eq.


Complete line of Generic and Name Brand chemicals. • Herbicides • Fungicides • Insecticides OEM Ag Equipment Parts Grain Storage & Distribution Systems, Steel Buildings

TRACTORS • MF 8660, MFD, 225 PTO hp. • ‘04 MF 481, MFD, cab, loader, 700 hrs. • ‘05 MF 451, 363 hrs., 45 hp. - Like New • MF GC2600 Compact, 26 hp. • MF 1529 Compact, 29 hp., loader • ‘93 Agco 5680, MFD, loader • ‘67 JD 3020

COMBINES • • • • • • • • •

‘09 MF 9795, 282 hrs. ‘05 Challenger 670, 1476 hrs. ‘96 MF 8570, RWA, 2330 sep. hrs. ‘90 MF 8570 ‘77 MF 750 ‘82 MF 850, variable speed, 3535 hrs. MF 9750 pu table MF 9120 beantable MF 1859 beantables, 15’, 18’, 20’

• ‘08 Geringhoff 1822, RD • ‘07 Geringhoff 1822, RD • ‘07 Geringhoff 1622, RD • ‘04 Geringhoff 1622, RD • ‘07 Geringhoff 1222, RD • ‘03 Geringhoff 1222, RD • (2) ‘08 Geringhoff 1220, RD • ‘05 Geringhoff 1020, RD • ‘98 Geringhoff 830, RD • ‘06 Geringhoff 830, RD • ‘03 Geringhoff 830, RD • ‘01 Geringhoff 830, RD • ‘00 Geringhoff 830, RD • ‘92 Geringhoff 830, PC • ‘07 Geringhoff 820, RD • ‘08 Geringhoff 630, RD • ‘07 Geringhoff 630, RD

GRAIN HANDLING • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

• • • • • • • ‘94 Geringhoff 630, PC • • ‘91 Geringhoff 630, PC • • ‘92 Gleaner 1222 hugger • • ‘94 Gleaner 830 hugger • • ‘04 CIH 2206, HDP • ‘06 CIH 2208, 8R30” • CIH 922 GVL poly • • ‘90 CIH 1083 • • ‘00 JD 893, knife rolls, • HDP, HHC • • ‘02 JD 893, knife rolls • • MF 9483 • • ‘03 MF 3000, 6R30” • • ‘96 MF 864 • • ‘99 NH 996, 12R20” • • ‘09 NH 98D, 18R20” • • ‘05 NH 98C, 12R20” • •

CORNHEADS “Where Farm and Family Meet”

Bins & Buildings

Bins & Buildings

For Sale: Owatonna 260 14’ 2 bins w/floors, holding bin, SHEDS FOR SALE: 16’x22’ augers, etc. (715)832-4527 hydro swather w/ condished, $1,500; 20’x20’ shed, tioner, 320-826-2113 insulated, $3,000. Can de6,000 bushel bin w/floor, fan liver. 320-220-3114 & Sukup unloading equipLilliston 30” rolling cult; JD ment. Also, 4,000 bushel Stormor Bins & EZ-Drys. F145 semi mounted plow. bin and unloading auger. 10’ IH hyd field cultivator. 100% financing w/no liens Both in excellent condition. All in working condition. or red tape, call Steve at 608-484-1663after 4:00pm. 952-649-9533 Fairfax Ag for an appointment. MF 36 grain swather. Old FOR SALE: (2) grain rings, 888-830-7757 but few hours. Details 507(1) 60’ dia 20,000 bu ca527-2066 pacity w/ pull out auger w/ Grain Handling Eq. motor & fan & (1) 70’ dia New ''Koyker Bale Caddie'' 30,000 bu capacity w/ pull 54’ Stanhoist & Kewanee BALE ACCUMULATOR. out auger & motor, tarps. grain elevators, great The only way to handle sm Roger Legred 507-525-3586 shape. $500/ea. 712-363-3843 sq bales w/2 grabbers only $14,850. 715-296-2162 FOR SALE: (4) 20,000 bu 600 Bu Unverferth (Brent) #6225 Grain Cart (Corner bins, down & ready to Bins & Buildings Auger) w/ Tarp, Like New. load, $9,500/ea. (2) 24’ air Feterl 10x62 Auger/New (2) 20,000 bu. & (1) 10,000 bu. floors, $1,250/ea. Heavy Style Mech Dr Low Hopper bins. Hector, MN narrow core sheets & stiffGood Cond. 319-347-6138 (320)583-4267 or (320)583-9409 eners. Great to raise bins Let It Ring Can Deliver with. Avail now. 507-6971500 bu Butler grain bin, dis6133 assembled, good cond, FOR SALE: 27’ GSI bin $625/OBO. (715)772-4430 14,000 bu, 11 rings, full FOR SALE: 2400 bu. bin floor, fan, vertical unload. w/aeration tubes for natual $6,500. 507-276-0465 MornGlyphosate - American Made air drying; 3600 bu. bin, ings only. • $8.50/gal. both need to be moved. (320)589-3429 Kendo (aphids) • $65/gal. FOR SALE: 475 EZ Flow Grain Cart, very good Generic Lorsban (aphids) FOR SALE: Building cond, always shedded, new • $25/gal. 26’X46’X8’ Tall, insulated, gear box. Asking $4500. Arrow • $65/gal. (Vol Corn) $5,000. 320-877-7577 or 320Goodhue area, call 651-380*Licensed to meter chemicals. 220-3114 5438

Brandt GBU-10 grain bag unloader Brandt GBL-10 grain bag loader Brandt 5200 EX grain vacs Brandt 1515 LP, 1535, 1545, 1575, 1585 belt conveyors Brandt 1390 HP swing Brandt 1390 XL swing Brandt 1070 swing Brandt 10x35 auger Brandt 8x47 auger Brandt 8x42 auger Feterl 10x60 auger Parker 1348 grain cart, 1300 bu., PTO drive Parker 505 gravity box, 550 bu., brakes Feterl 10x60 straight auger

HAY & LIVESTOCK Chandler litter spreader 22’&26’ ‘07 JD 956, 15’ ‘78 JD 1209, 9’ MF 1328 disc mower MF 1329 disc mower Sitrex DM7 disc mower Sitrex RP5 3 pt. wheel rake Sitrex MK12 wheel rake Sitrex 10 & 12 wheel rakes on cart Westendorf 3 pt. bale spear

MISCELLANEOUS JD 330 disc, harrow Balzer 22’ stalk chopper Balzer 20’ stalk chopper Leon rock picker, reel type Loftness 30’ stalk chopper, SM (5) Mauer 28’ to 42’ header trailers WRS 30’ header trailer Sunflower 1550 disc, 50’ Degelman 6000 HD rock picker Degelman RD320 rock digger Degelman LR7645 land roller - Rental Returns Degelman 7999 Straw Master, 50’

Call 651-923-4430 or 651-380-6034

Looking to purchase a large For Sale: 80-Conrad Ameriquantity of used pole barn can wide core bin sheets, paneling. Please call John like new, 2-Cal-cu-dry con262-225-0628 trol boxes, $500 each 507697-6133, 507-430-4866 Old granary built in 1942, move it or tear it down for FOR SALE: Behlen 850 the lumber. (507)237-2661 grain dryer, very little use since new fan motors, Retirement Sale: Grain breaker panel & main Bins: (4) 18’ dia, (3) 24’ breaker repaired. dia, (1) 30’ dia, (1) 36’ dia. $3,000/OBO. 507-764-3806 Floors, Fans. 507-822-3888

Northern MN July 29 Aug 12 Aug 26 Sept 09 Sept 23 Oct 7

Deadlines are 1 week prior to publication with Holiday deadlines 1 day earlier ** Indicates Early Deadline

PO Box 3169 Mankato, MN 56002 Phone: 507-345-4523 or 800-657-4665 Fax: 507-345-1027

For Sale: Used grain bins, floors unload systems, stirators, fans & heaters, aeration fans, buying or selling, try me first and also call for very competive contract rates! Office hours 8am - 5pm Monday-Friday Saturday 9am - 12 noon 507-430-4866 or call 507-6976133 Ask for Gary

John Deere 15 Ft #HX15 Bat Wing Cutter (6 Wheels) Very Good. Buhler Farm King 13x95 Auger w/ Power Hopper (New Style). H&S 12 Wheel Pull VRake. 319-347-6677 Can Del Retirement Sale: Augers: (1) 8x50 elec, (2) 8x50 PTO, (1) 10x50 PTO, (1) 10x50 hopper, (1) 10x60 hopper. 507-822-3888 WANTED: Kansun 10-21-210 dryer or similar size model. (507)381-5925 WESTFIELD AUGERS Before you buy a new auger, call us! Best Prices in Southern MN & Northern IA with the highest quality assembly. Contact Mike at 507-848-6268

Farm Implements

SILO DOORS Wood or steel FOR SALE: Caldwell bin doors w/ stainless steel fasdrying burner, bought ‘08 NH FP 240, K/P tandem, 9' hay, low wear, sharp, teners shipped promptly to new, fan included; also $31,000. 2 or 3 row cornyour farm. Hardware Sukup 2 auger stirator for heads avail. CIH LBX 332 available. 1-800-222-5726 21’ bin. Everything works 3x3 baler, tandem, cutter, LandWood Sales LLP good. $1,500/OBO 952-467auto applicator, very nice, 2717 $45,000. 715-669-3381 FOR SALE: FarmFans 1000H dryer. Call Steve Fairfax Ag - 888-830-7757

If you’re having a Farm Auction, let other Farmers know it! Upcoming Issues of THE LAND Southern MNNorthern IA July 22 August 05 August 19 Sept 02 Sept 16 Sept 30

Grain Handling Eq. For Sale: Super B 233 bu auto batch LP dryer, 220V, 1 phase, controls for aux. equip. Waseca, MN 507835-4176

Ask Your Auctioneer to Place Your Auction in The Land! Website: www.TheLandOnline.com

e-mail: theland@TheLandOnline.com


DAMAGED GRAIN STATE-WIDE We pay top dollar for your damaged grain. We are experienced handlers of your wet, dry, burnt and mixed grains. Trucks and Vacs available. Immediate response anywhere. CALL FOR A QUOTE TODAY

PRUESS ELEV., INC. 1-800-828-6642

Farm Implements

Farm Implements

Farm Implements

Farm Implements


Farmall H tractor, parade ready; Int’l 616 auto reset pull-type plow; JD 24’ disk, rock gang; 150 gal. farm fuel tank. (320)760-5622


FOR SALE: 1680 IH combine, 8R30 poly 1083, 12R30 Hiniker cult; 12R JD cult; 1183 Massey ch; White 708 & 706 ch; 694 CIH ch; 175 Michigan ldr; 12R30 JD planter; 10x91 Westfield auger, PTO; Hiniker field cult; Big A sprayer; 5700 rotary hoe. 507-380-5324 FOR SALE: 3010 JD WF, all new tires, $5,800; Tires: (15”, 16” 18” 20”) (2) 18.4x26. JD & Int’l whl wgts. 710 4 btm Int’l semi mounted plow. 507-380-1856

Farm Equipment For Sale

‘95 Ford 9680, 4600 hrs. ..................$64,000 ‘78 JD 2940, MFWD w/loader ..........$18,500 ‘93 JD 410D backhoes, cab 4x4, ext-hoe ..............................................$28,000 ‘08 Krause Dominator, 18’ ..............$42,000 ‘06 Lexion 590R, 950 sep. hrs ......$170,000 ‘98 JD 1770, 24-30 planter, E sets, airforce trash whippers ......................$61,000 ‘00 Hagie STS12 ..............................$85,000 ‘08 Cat 226B2 skidsteer, 400 hrs. ....$23,000

Financing Available

Emerson Kalis Easton, MN 56025 • 507-381-9675




EQUIPMENT SPECIALS Case IH 7250 Magnum, MFD, 3200 hrs. ....................................$82,000 Case IH 7120 Magnum, MFD, 5400 hrs. ....................................$48,000 Ford New Holland 8670, MFD, 2300 hrs. ..................................$68,000 New Holland 355 Grinder w/scale ..............................................$12,500 Gehl 125 Grinder w/scale............................................................$12,500 New Holland 1411 Discbine, Like New ......................................$17,000 (4) Demco 365 Gravity Boxes ......................................................$5,600 (2) Demco 650 Gravity Box ........................................................$12,900 John Deere 714 Disc Chisel, 9-shank ..........................................$9,500 We carry a wide variety of twine and wrap products, plastic wrap, and net wrap

GREENWALD FARM CENTER Greenwald, MN • 320-987-3177 14 miles So. of Sauk Centre


• 320-598-7604 •

Madison, MN From Hwy. 75 & 212 Jct., 3.5 mi. W., 2.5 mi. S.

IH 863 corn head ..............................$2,250 ‘00 CIH 1020, 30’ flex head ..............$9,900 NH 8RN, plastic snoot, Low Acres ..$17,500 JD 800 swather, 15’, crimper ............$1,250 Hume reel, 15’, (JD 800) ......................$250 Hesston 6550, auger head swather ..$5,500 Hesston 6450, 18’ double swather ....$6,500 NH BR 780 baler, net wrap ..............$14,000 NH BR 780 baler, twine....................$10,500 JD 566 baler, net wrap ....................$11,000 (2) JD 566 round balers ........$7,900/$8,900 New, 12 wheel rakes, hi capacity ....$7,800 12 wheel rake, Like New ..................$4,500 JD 2020, gas, Nice ............................$6,900 JD 3010, gas, loader..........................$5,500 (3) JD 4010 D........................$4,900-$6,500 JD 2510, JD loader ............................$7,700 JD 2510, gas......................................$5,500 (2) JD 3020, PS ..................$8,500/$17,500 (2) JD 4020, PS ....................$7,500/$8,900 (3) JD 4020, PS, side console ......................................$10,500-$15,500 JD 4430, PS ....................................$14,500 JD 4240, Quad ................................$18,000 JD 4240, Quad, (B range needs work) ........................................................$9,500 JD 4440, PS ....................................$19,250 JD 4650, PS ....................................$23,500

(2) JD 4960, MFD..............$39,000/$51,000 JD 4255, new engine, 0 hrs. ..................Call JD 4455, PS......................................Coming JD 7800, FWA, JD 740 loader..........$45,000 IH 7110, FWA, FH 1140 loader ........$37,500 ‘84 IH 5088, cab, air ........................$13,900 IH 986 ..............................................$12,500 IH 1066, red cab, WF, 3 pt. ................$6,200 IH 1066 ..............................................$4,500 ‘94 CIH 9280, 12-spd., triples, Nice $55,000 JD 843 loader, Like New ..................$12,500 JD 840 loader, JD 8000 mts...............$9,500 JD 148, JD 158 loaders ..........................Call JD 48, loader ....................................$2,100 JD 146 loader....................................Coming (2) IH 2350 loaders ..............$2,800/$3,500 Leon 1000 grapple, off JD 8100 ........$5,500 Dual 3100 loader, blue cylinder ........$1,250 Dual 310 loader ................................$3,000 Farmhand 27, grapple ......................$1,000 Farmhand F358 loader, IH mts. ........$3,250 Miller loader, black/grapple ..............$2,500 Miller PL-4 loader..............................$3,500 Buhler 2595, New!, JD 6000 mts. ....$3,500 JD 331, 30’ disc ................................$3,900 New Box Scrapers, 10’/12’ ....................Call New & Used Skidsteer Attachments......Call Pallet Forks, Grapples, Rock Buckets ..Call

“Where Farm and Family Meet”

FOR SALE: Great Plains Hoelscher 10 pack accumulator & fork, $5,750; JD 347 solid stand 20’ grain drill, 7 baler w/hyd tension, 1/2” spacing, $1,800; Life$3,900; JD 566 round baler time hyd livestock trailer w/converging whls, $6,900; 6’x20’, $2,200; (35) LifeNH 1033 bale wagon, time gestation crates, $2,650; Farmhand 8 bale $70/ea. 507-352-6091 fork, $850. (320)769-2756 or (320)361-0065 FOR SALE: IHC 6’ blade w/ fast hitch hook-up. Mas- Hydrostatic & Hydraulic Repair sey straw chopper for 510 Repair - Troubleshooting combine. Both are in good Sales - Design shape with new paint. 507Custom hydraulic 375-4719 hose-making up to 2”. Service calls made. FOR SALE: JD #35 forage STOEN’S chopper w/cornhead & hay Hydrostatic Service head; Owatonna 42’ eleva16084 State Hwy 29 N tor; Killbros 250 bu. grav. Glenwood, MN 56334 box w/11T running gear & (320)634-4360 truck tires. (320)327-2769

Midwest Ag Equip

• 5/8” drum roller wall thickness • 42” drum diameter • 4”x8” frame tubing 1/4” thick • Auto fold


Feed Haulers-HydWet Kitair switch, PTO, tandem pump, 40 gal reservoir, all couplers, ball valves, fittings, only used 6 months. $3,100. 515-846-6391

Forks for JD 148 ldr, JD 50 Tractor Plows 1, 2, 3, 4, 5B, tractor parts 2/3pt or pull, AC, Ford, IH, 7’ mower; JD 350 7’ mowJD, MM, Oliver. $100 to - New & Used er; IH 100 7’ pull mower; $1,050. Pomeroy 712-299JD 640 rake; JD 24T baler; All kinds of 6608 New 16’ bale racks; JD 606 hay equipment, 3pt 6’ cutter; Gehl 6’ pole WANT MORE READERS cutter; JD 425 60” all whl haybines, balers, TO SEE YOUR AD?? steer mower; (2) post hole Expand your coverage choppers augers; B Farmall tractor, area! The Land has parted out. very nice; Schweiss 16’ 3 teamed up with Farm axle trailer; Hesston 10 New combine belts News, and The Country stack hand. Koestler Today so you can do just for all makes. Equipment 507-399-3006 that! Place a classified Swather canvases, ad in The Land, and round baler belting, have the option of placGehl 4840 skid steer, 1560 ing it in these papers as used & new tires. hrs. NH FX 45 chopper w/ well. More readers = kp 6RN cornhead, 10' hay6 miles East of better results! Call The head. Krone SW 1010 rake. Land for more informaCAMBRIDGE, MN H&S 370 spreader. 715-299tion. 4405 763-689-1179 (507)345-4523•(800)657-4665 We Ship Daily Gravity wagons: Demco, Visa and MasterCard Accepted Parker,Unverferth, 6-500 bu, 650 5 300-375 plus more. Roll tarp for gravity wagon,light pkg. Skids: Case 1835C, 1825, NH250, 7’ trailer mower, 3pt 6’ finishing mower, 3pt Woods rotary cutter, Tractors: Ford 600, 4000, IH Super ‘08 Challenger 965B, 800 hrs ......$199,500 M, MH33, wheel; Discs: ‘07 JD 9230, 3 pt., PTO ..................$130,000 IHC, Kewanee, 20’ hyd ‘08 Cat MT755, 1900 hrs. ..............$160,000 fold, JD roll bar, IH fenders, NH 350 mixer Mill. ‘07 CIH MX305, 4600 hrs., warranty Peterson Equipment, New ........................................................$115,000 Ulm, MN 507-276-6957 or 6958 ‘05 JD 9660, 700 sep. hrs. ............$145,000

23 THE LAND, JULY 15, 2011

1000 gal fiberglass water 5500# capacity pallet forks FOR SALE: ‘98 Polaris JD 7000 4R corn planter. AlTrail Boss 250, excellent tank, good running gear, so fert attachment & transNEW. Skid steer Mount condition, runs good. motor & chem tank, good mission for 7000 planter. $875. JD Loader Mount $1,500. 507-249-3985 cond. $1,750. 712-424-3843 McCormick PTO corn $1000. 715-296-2162 binder for parts, wood can JD 1075 running gear w/ 8 FOR SALE: JD 520 high be gone. 507-532-6120 8 Ft Rhino SE8A-3Pt Cutter, bolt whls, $1,450; CIH 1063 speed stalk chopper, used 3 Gear Boxes w/ Chains. 6x30 cornhead, CIH poly, on 500 acres. $20,500; DMI Brady 6-30 Windrow ChopWe buy new chains & knives, 530B, red, lead shanks, per w/ Auger Good Cond. Salvage Equipment $10,900; JD 1610 31’ chisel covering boards. 507-530Noble 8-30-38 Danish Cult. Parts Available plow w/ Summers harrow, 3156 H.F. Good Cond. 319-347Hammell Equip., Inc. $8,900; JD 2800 6 btm on6676 Can Deliver (507)867-4910 FOR SALE: JD 9500 comland spring re-set plow, bine, big engine, long aug$2,900. 320-769-2756 ‘93 9500 JD side hill comer, chaff spreader; 4050 JD Tractors bine. 4300 & 2800 hrs. 7700 hrs, C/A/H, radio, 3 JD 3975 forage harvestor. (2) JD 4320s, good shape, $38,995. 643 JD low tin oil hyds, 3pt, 925 rigid head. 7.5’ hay head. New knives. both OH’d, 18.4x38s; JD head. $4,895. 7210 JD tracRetired. Call 218-995-2406 Exc. cond. $20,000. 3 row (‘67, 12V elec 18.4x34, & tor MFD, cab, power quad. at Wolverton MN. cornhead, 1 yr. old. ‘70) 4020s, good rubber, New tires. 8800 hrs. $11,500. 715-723-4259 M&W turbo kit for 4020. ‘66 $29,975. Call 715-772-4255 FOR SALE: JD HX20 rotary JD 3020, ‘67 JD 2510. All D. cutter, shredding kit, very JD Model 260 loader. In good Nick 952-451-1837 cond, $1,400. Grapple fork AO Smith Goliath 20' Ungood, $17,700. (712)253-8134 for tractor ldr 84" bucket. loader. 651-249-5654 FOR SALE: Koyker auger Exc cond. 715-235-9272 55’ long, 7 1/2”, inside augBrandt 13x90 auger w/ low er used only 2 years; Late New Oak flatbeds, hay profile swing hopper, bunks, silage bunks, green 40s Massey swather, 10’, $10,500; IH 983 8x30 cornchop boxes. (715)269-5258 needs wood parts; 20’ comhead, $3,900; Polaris 500 partment feed delivery box 6x6 lift dump box, $2,500; Tractor Loaders for older mounted on dual axle IH 706 tractor, German AC, Ford, IH, Oliver. $150 truck frame. 507-469-1543 dsl, 3pt, WF, $4,500. 320to $3,650. Pomeroy 712-299or 507-332-6841 361-0065 or 320-769-2756 6608


THE LAND, JULY 15, 2011


~ NEW EQUIPMENT/BIG INVENTORY ~ Notch Equipment: • Rock Buckets • Grapple Forks • Manure Forks • Bale Spears • Hi-Volume Buckets & Pallet Forks • Bale Transports & Feeder Wagons, 16’-34’ • Adult & Young Stock Feeders & Bale Feeders • Land Levelers

Smidley Equipment: • Steer Stuffers • Hog Feeders • Hog Huts • Calf Creep Feeders • Lamb & Sheep Feeders • Cattle & Hog Waterers • Mini Scaler

Sioux Equipment: • Gates • Calving Pens • Haymax Bale Feeders • Cattel Panels • Feeders Panels • Head Gates • Hog Feeders • Squeeze Chutes & Tubs • Port-A-Hut Shelters (Many Sizes) • Bergman Cattle Feeders • Lorenz & Farm King Snowblowers • Mandako Land Rollers, 12’-60’ • GT (Tox-O-Wic) Grain Dryers, 350-800 bu. • Sheep & Calf Feeders • Livestock Equipment by Vern’s Mfg. • Powder River Crowding Tub & Alley • Mister Squeeze Cattle Chutes & Hd. Gates • Garfield Earth Scrapers • Peck Augers • MDS Buckets for Loaders & Skidloaders

• We Also Buy & Sell Used GT Tox-O-Wic Dryers Or We Can Rebuild Your Dryer For You

• Powder River Livestock & Horse Equipment • Tire Scrapers for Skidsteers, 6’-9’ • Jari Sickle Mowers • Grasshopper Lawn Mowers - Special Price Now! • “Tire” feeders & waterers • MDS Roto King Round Bale Processor for skidsteers, tractors, loaders or telehandlers • Good Stock of parts for GT Tox-O-Wic Grain Dryers, Also, Some Used Parts • Sitrex Wheel Rakes - MX Model In Stock • Brillion Alfalfa & Grass Seeders • Bale Baskets • SI Feeders & Bunks • (Hayhopper) Bale Feeders • Enduraplas Bale Feeders, Panels & Tanks • E-Z Trail Wagons, Boxes & Grain Carts • Calftel Hutches & Animal Barns • R&C Poly Bale Feeders • Farm King Augers and Mowers • Corral Panels & Horse Stalls • EZ-Trail Head Movers & Bale Racks • Roda Mini-Spreaders • Amish Built Oak bunk feeders & bale racks • Walco log splitter • Goat & Sheep feeders

• We Buy & Sell Used Smidley Steer Stuffers Or We Can Rebuild Your Steer Stuffer For You



• 45’ Mandako Lanroller, ‘10, used on 3200 acres • 48” Grasshopper Zero Turn Mower, Very Good • 60”, 3 pt., PTO, Rototiller • Bush Hog GT 48” Rotary Cutter w/13 hp Eng., PT • Brady 5600, 6K stalk chopper/windrower • Hiniker 1700, 15’ stalk shredder/end trans., Exc.

• Steer Stuffer & Hog Feeders • Farm Hand tub grinder • 3 pt. Brillion 6’ Landscape Seeder • 380 GT Tox-O-Wic grain dryer, rebuilt • 20’ JD BWF disk w/duals, Very Good • Wishek #842, 30” blades, 3-yrs. old


Office Location - 305 Bluff Street Hutchinson, MN 55350

320-587-2162, Ask for Larry


‘98 Geringhoff 8-30 2206-2208

“Where Farm and Family Meet”

‘97 CIH 8940 ‘97 CIH 8920 SPRING EQUIPMENT JD 8450, 4W ‘09 CIH 1250, 12-30, bulk fill, liq‘05 Case 445, cab, air uid fert. ‘07 LX770 Ldr, Like New ..$11,900 ‘08 1200, 16-30 pivot CIH 5400, 20’ drill COMBINES CIH 1830, 12-30 VS cult. ‘10 CIH 7120, 350 hrs. ‘07 CIH 2577, 800 hrs. TILLAGE ‘08 CIH 7010, 429 hrs. DMI 530B ‘06 CIH 2388, 1570 hrs. DMI 730B ripper ‘98 2388, 2670 hrs. CIH 930, 9 shank ripper ‘97 CIH 2166 JD 2700, 9 shank ‘01-’08 1020, 25’ J&M 750 grain cart w/scale

Carryover Aluma Trailers - 6 Units Left SAVE! Last Year’s Prices

RABE INTERNATIONAL, INC. 1205 Bixby Road (across from fairgrounds), Fairmont, MN 507-235-3358 or 800-813-8300 • Get the Rabe Advantage

Case IH and CNH Capital are registered trademarks of CNH America LLC

Visit our Web Site at http://www.caseih.com



Harvesting Equip.

1962 Ford. Gas, live PTO, 45 For Sale: JD 730 gas. Excel- Oliver 550 Utility w/ 1505 hyd FOR SALE: Combine Headlent Condition. (507) 523loader, newer bucket, 1850 HP, 5 speed, 2700 orig. hrs. er Transports. 2 Wheel, 4 3305 or (507) 450-6115 hrs. nice tractor. $6,000. $3950. 715-829-2224 Wheel & Caster Wheel 515-824-3656 models. Brackets sold separately to build your own. Farmall Super C w/ cult, FOR SALE: Used Oliver Satisfaction guaranteed! WE HAVE PARTS! tractor parts for most starts, runs great, (320)563-4145 or (320)808-7644 Parts for Tractors, Oliver Series 66-2255 incl $3,200/OBO. 715-772-4430 Ask for Denny! Combines, Machinery, 880D parts hyd unit, WF, FOR SALE: ‘39 JD B, SN See All Of Our Trailers sheet metal, power boos- Hay Equipment, and more... 600221. 507-336-2484 All makes & Models. Used, www.klugmanwelding.com ter, tires & rims, frt wgts new, rebuilt, afterslap type & rear whl wgts, FOR SALE: ‘51 Oliver 77, Also have a lot of motor market. All States Ag Parts FOR SALE: JD 822 cornrecent motor OH as a SuCall: 877-530-4430 to reach parts for most Olivers, gas head, GVL plastic, JD per, orig. body, $2,400. the store nearest you! & dsl. 218-564-4273 knife rolls, set up for 9000 (320)594-2852 www.tractorpartsasap.com Series combine, exc cond. $7,500/OBO. 320-365-4721 FOR SALE: ‘66 3010 JD, Ford 946 blue Destination 6, gas, NF, 3pt, dual hyds, digital dash, 20.8x42 triple, Harvesting Equip. FOR SALE: JD 9500 com5600 hrs, exc cond all 360 hp, 5700 hrs, completebine, 18.4x38 duals, Maurer around. $6,200. 612-581-3220 ly serviced & thru shop. ‘72 Gleaner K Combine. 238 ext, 3250 sep hrs, always cornhead & 10' grain head. or 952-466-5661 Best one you can find, shedded. 320-573-2046. Always shedded. 608-626must sell, $45,000 OBO. Leave message. 2631 FOR SALE: ‘97 CIH 9330, 701-640-4697 18.4X38 Michelen Agri FOR SALE: JD 9650STS, duRibs, 4450 hrs, no PTO, IH 1486 tractor, 4990 hrs, w/ ‘91 CIH 1020 flex head, 20’, als 18.4x42, 2465 eng hrs, hyd fore & aft, 1 1/2” knife wgts, P/S. 507-524-4675 Ma1707 sep hrs, nice shape. duals, excellent shape, poly, $5,500. Wells MN pleton 320-848-2104 or 320-979-7920 $17,500. 715-308-5356 507-553-3754 For Sale: International W400 NEW AND USED FOR SALE: White #`11 com‘93 JD 9400 combine. Many tractor, new paint, parade TRACTOR PARTS bine header w/ Melroe new parts, good condition. ready, ‘91 Ford 1 ton crew- JD 10,20,30,40, 50, 55, 50 Serpickup head, always shed715-308-3734 cab duals, 114K mi. 8’ toolies & newer tractors, ded, exc condition. $650. box w/ ladder rack bolted AC- all models. 320-212-1031 FOR SALE: ‘06 JD 1293, to 8’ steel flat bed. DOT’d Large Inventory, We ship! 12R30”, loaded, single GEHL 1060 Chopper; McCorto 3-2012, Bobcat 873, 2500 Mark Heitman point hookup, hyd plates, mick #64 full type comhrs, bucket, forks. 320-355Tractor Salvage knife rolls, CM, auto bine, always shedded. 2369 (715)673-4829 height, auger cover, outer 608-248-2758 dividers, PTO drives, exc IH 810 5 belt pick up head, shape, $36,250. 507-383-0114 hydraulic drive; IH 4000 Swather 14' draper head; FOR SALE: 6620 Sidehill Gehl 1265 chopper w/1210 combine RWA, very good hay head. 715-772-4463 or cond, always shedded, 643 715-308-3835 Cornhead, asking $12,000 for pkg. Goodhue area. IH model 810-10 5 belt grain Call 651-380-5438 pickup. $750. 320-857-2627 JD 212 4 belt pickup head, FOR SALE: ‘71 JD 6600 w/ new belts.715-684-9231 329 gas engine, 3986 hrs, w/ 13’ platform, $2,200; JD 344 Vittletoe twin fan chaff spreader, works on JD or cornhead, $1,700. 507-847Case IH combines, $1,000. 2695 712-786-3341 FOR SALE: ‘97 Case 2188, Planting Equipment Fields Tracker, RWA, hopper ext, well maintained, FOR SALE: Case IH 36x22” 6500eng, 4800 sep hrs, feedon Bauer bar, central fill, er house reverser. $35,000 variable drives, 750 gal in work orders done over liquid fert, auto swath conlast 3 yrs. $42,000/OBO. trol, row cleaners. Greg 320-304-1668 $118,000. 320-564-4598

EQUIPMENT FOR SALE ‘08 JD 8430T, powershift, narrow stance, 25” tracks, weights, 3 pt. hitch w/quick hitch, 3300 hrs.........................................$119,000 ‘06 JD 5425, MFWD, cab, 12/12 power reverser trans., 542 selfleveling loader w/joystick control, 2 rear SCV’s, 390 hrs ........$38,500 ‘95 JD 8870, 24 speed trans., 18.4R46 duals, PTO, 12,000 hrs $35,500 ‘10 CIH 7088 combine, 20.8R42 duals, RWD, field tracker, rock trap, chopper, 350 sep. hrs. ............................................$196,000 ‘06 JD 9860STS combine, bullet rotor, Contour Master, 20.8R42 duals, Maurer tank extension, 913 sep. hrs. ....................................$144,000 ‘09 JD 9770STS combine, Contour Master, 20.8R42 duals, 641 sep. hrs. ..........................................................................$178,000 ‘08 JD 9870STS combine, Contour Master, 18.4R42 duals, 5 spd. Feederhouser, Premier cab, 671 eng. hrs, 448 sep. hrs ........$189,500 ‘08 JD 6430 Premium MFWD, cab, 16 spd. power quad trans. w/left hand reverser, 673 loader, 18.4R34 tires, rack & pinion rear axle, 960 hrs ......................................................................................$62,500 ‘08 JD 9770STS combine, 20.8R42 duals, Contour Master, 28Lx26 rear tires, 951 eng. hrs., 666 sep. hrs. ......................$175,000 ‘09 NH BC5050 small square baler, Like New............................$11,500

Keith Bode Fairfax, MN 55332 507-381-1291 or 507-426-7267

Lit .

Machinery Wanted


‘76 JD 4630, 2WD, 150 hp., 18.4-38, duals, 2 hyds., 8099 hrs. ......................$15,750

‘09 JD 9630, 4WD, 530 hp., 800-70R38, duals, 4 hyds., 2243 hrs. ....................$217,500

‘96 JD 510 Mulch Ripper, ‘91 JD 9500, 3261 sep. hrs., 5-shank, 12’6”, 7” points, 235 hp, 30.5x32, 4880 hrs. ......................................$39,000 3510 hrs. ......................$10,900

Lit .

Lit .

AMS, Great Selection of Used AMS On Hand ....................CALL

W il.

WANTED: Gleaner grain or soybean head for Model M combine. 608-323-7297

‘91 JD 4555, 2WD, duals., 2275 hrs. ......................$48,900

W il.

WANTED: Gleaner F2 dsl combine, w/ 4-30 cornhead, must be in good shape. 218338-6184

‘03 JD 9520T, Track, 450 hp., 4 hyds., 3592 hrs. ..........$154,900

‘01 JD 512 Disk Ripper, 7-shank, ‘98 JD 9610, 2170 sep. hrs., 17’6”, rigid, 3500 hrs. ..$16,900 14.9x38, duals, 3115 hrs. ......................................$79,000

‘08 JD 6603, MFWD, 109 hp., 18.4x38, 2 hyds., 359 hrs. ......................................$35,000

(3) JD 1810E, Scraper, 18 yd., For Sale or Rent ................CALL

‘97 JD 650 Disk, 74 disks, 25” ‘03 JD 9650STS, 1954 sep. disks, 800 hrs. ..............$24,500 hrs., 18.4x42, duals, 2895 hrs. ......................................$99,000

W il.

‘93 JD 4760, MFWD, 175 hp., 14.9x46, duals, 3 hyds., 9989 hrs. ......................$44,950

Lit .

Lit .

W il.

WANTED: JD 4055 or 4255 2WD tractor w/ cab in good condition. Daytimes only. 651-564-0606

W il.

WANTED: IH planter, model 950 or 955, 16R22”. 320968-6616

W il.

WANTED: Gleaner R60 w/ 6-30 head. 320-597-2544

For Sale: White 225 181/2’ field cult. hyd. wings, tandem, A-1 condition, no mulcher. $2500 763-227-8620

JD 265 disc mower, QC hitch............................$6,900

DETKE-MORBAC CO. Blue Earth, MN • 507-526-2714 www.detkemorbac.com


LI t.

W il.

‘06 JD CT322, Skid, 69 hp., 18” tracks, 84” bucket, 1410 hrs. ......................................$35,900

DMI 530B Disk Ripper, 5-shank, ‘01 9750STS, 1778 sep. hrs., 12’6”, 10” points ..........$22,900 710-38, duals, 2597 hrs. ....................................$126,500

W il.

‘04 JD 9520, 4WD, 450 hp., 710-42, duals, 4 hyds., 8461 hrs. ..............................$122,000

Yanmar Mini-Excavator, ROPS, push blade ....................$27,500

‘08 JD 9770STS, 950 sep. hrs., Salford RTS24 Residue Tillage Tool, 24’, harrow ..........$38,000 20.8-42, duals, 1590 hrs. ....................................$205,000


Neil G





W il.

W il.

W il.

‘01 JD 9400, 4WD, 425 hp., 710-70R38, duals, 4 hyds., 4055 hrs. ....................$110,000

W il.


‘04 JD F725 FM, 20 hp, 54”, 756 hrs ..............$3,650 ‘06 JD X744, dsl., AWS, 62X, 3pt., PTO, 352 hrs. ........................................................$8,950 ‘07 JD X744, dsl., AWS, 62C, 536 hrs. ............$7,950 ‘07 JD 757 Z-Trak, 25 hp, 60”, 263 hrs............$6,950 ‘06 JD 757 Z-Trak, 25 hp., 60”, 421 hrs...........$6,350 ‘90 JD F910, 20 hp., Onan, 50”, 583 hrs. ......$1,850 ‘00 JD LX288, 18 hp., Briggs, 48C ..................$1,950 ‘01 JD 345, 20 hp., 54”, 2 bag, p. flow, 843 hrs. ........................................................$3,650 ‘05 JD LX289, hydro, liq., 48C, 280 hrs. ..........$2,650

‘05 JD 9660STS, 956 sep. hrs., ‘04 JD 2700 Mulch Ripper, 18’, 9-shank, 10” points ......$27,900 520-85R42, duals, 1376 hrs. ....................................$159,000

W il.

Kinze 3600, 16/31 planter ..............................$49,500 JD 1780 16/31, 3 bu. hopprs ..........................$37,500 JD 7300, 12R30, 1.6 bu., 200 monitor ..........$11,500

W il.

W il.



‘05 JD 325, Skid, 76 hp., cab, 78” bucket, 459 hrs.......$28,500

W il.


‘09 JD 9770, duals, auto track ready,403/646 hrs. ..................................................................$235,000 ‘04 JD 9660STS, duals, 1465/1998 hrs. ......$145,000 ‘01 JD 9550, 30.5x32, CM, 1934/2742 hrs ....$84,500 ‘90 JD 9500, 4WD, 30.5x32, 2977/4567 hrs ............................................$34,900 ‘08 JD 635F, 2” stone DAM, L/S ....................$35,000 ‘07 JD 635F, 1” DAM ....................................$33,000 ‘95 JD 930 flex, DAS, reg. drive........................$7,500 ‘97 JD 925 flex, DAM,DAS, F&A, poly snouts ..$9,950 ‘93 JD 925 flex, reg. auger................................$7,950 ‘95 JD 925 flex, steel dividers ..........................$6,950 ‘81 JD 220 flex, JD sickle ................................$2,500 ‘02 JD 1293 CH, hyd. deck plate ....................$22,500 ‘01 JD 893 CH, hyd. deck plate, multi PT ......$24,500 ‘81 JD 843, reg. drive, poly snouts ..................$8,500 ‘78 JD 643 CH, JD poly snouts ........................$5,500

‘06 843 loader, 96” bucket ..............................$13,000 JD 148 loader, 96” bucket ................................$3,500 NH 489 haybine, 9’ cut, rubber rolls ................$2,950 Westfield MK130 Plus, 81’ Auger, Like New..$15,900 Brent 420 side auger cart, 23.1-26 ..................$9,750 Parker 2600 wagon, 12.5Lx16..........................$3,750 Parker 2500 wagon, 12.5Lx16..........................$3,250 JD 1065 gear, Dakon box ..................................$1,500 JD 637, 29’3” disk, 8 wheels, Like New! ........$31,000 JD 512, 7x30 folding disc ripper ....................$29,500

‘95 JD 8100, 2WD, 160 hp., 320-50, duals, 4 hyds., 6930 hrs. ......................$57,000

Neil C



Visit Us Online At: www.haugimp.com


“Where Farm and Family Meet”


‘04 JD 9220, PS, 20.8x42, 1590 hrs. ..........$147,500 ‘04 JD 6420, MFWD, new 673SNSL loader, 837 hrs. ......................................................$59,900 ‘09 JD 6430, MFWD, SL643 loader, 1883 hrs, Loaded ........................................................$67,900 (2) Used 36” tracks ................................(Pair) $1,500



Lit .

Machinery Wanted Disc chisels: JD 714 & 712, Glencoe 7400; Field Cults under 30’: JD 980, small grain carts & gravity boxes 300-400 bu. finishers under 20’, clean 4 & 6R stalk choppers; Nice JD 215 & 216 flex heads; JD 643 cornheads Must be clean;JD corn planters, 46-8 row. 715-299-4338


JD 825 8R30” cult, rolling shields & extra sweeps, exc cond. Bought new & has always been shedded. $575. 507-236-8898


THE LAND, JULY 15, 2011

WANTED: A pair of 8 bolt dual hub extentions; also, set of flat-fold markers for 8RW or 12RN planter. (320)333-2742

W il.

Machinery Wanted

W il.

Tillage Equipment

3pt 6x30 Miller cultivator. 2 Looking for DMI or other 527 stabilizer coulters & rollRipper, good cond. Call ing shields. 507-523-3305 or Steve at 952-292-2019 507-450-6115 WANTED TO BUY: JD 3970 silage chopper; Gehl 980 FOR SALE: ‘09 4511 Sunsilage box; MF 180 tractor. flower disc chisel, 9 shank, (320)282-4846 nice shape, 952-467-3081. WANTED TO BUY: Oliver FOR SALE: ‘98 JD 980 30 or White tractors, can be 1/2’ field cult, 3 bar hargood running ones, parts row, walking tandem, New tractors, or ones that need JD sweep, good cond. fixing, all years & models. $13,750. 507-380-7863 218-564-4273 FOR SALE: CIH 8RN cult, f-fold, R.S., like new WANTED: 2 - 150 gal. fert. tanks w/mounting brackets $2,000; IH 4600 field cult, to fit a 7”x7” bar; also, 28’ w/ mulcher, rear HD double disk fert. openers & hitch, very gd, $6,000; DMI 2 - 8R squeeze pumps. Ecolo 500, 3pt ripper, 5 (320)333-2742 shank, $7,000. JD #21 hay cond. $500. 320-328-5794 WANTED: 7’ or 8’ 3pt disk. 320-251-8317 or 320-290-8584 FOR SALE: IH 720 plow, 58T fertilizer 18” onland hitch, auto re- WANTED: spreader, 540 RPM, hyd set, coulters. Delivery posand cover. 6 row chopping sible. $4,950. 507-380-7863 cornhead. 952-446-1120 FOR SALE: JD 510 disc ripper, 7 shank, good unit. Make offer. 507-665-3739

Spraying Equip.

THE LAND, JULY 15, 2011





Bobcat Compact Tractors 0% Financing 12 to 60 Months, 1.9% Financing for 72 Months, or up to $3,000 in rebates Call For Details! NEW Bobcat M Series - In Stock

Equipment Specials MANY USED MACHINES TO CHOOSE FROM SKID-STEER LOADERS COMPACT TRACK LOADERS Bobcat 440 ................ Starting @ $4,500 Bobcat 542B....................................$6,900 Bobcat 743 ....several Starting @ $6,500 Bobcat 751 ....several Starting @ $9,900 Bobcat 763 ..................Starting @$10,900 Bobcat 773....several Starting @ $11,900 Bobcat 863, cab & heat ..............$13,900 Bobcat 873F, cab & heat ................................Starting @ $14,500 Bobcat S130, many w/cab & heat ................................Starting @ $14,500 Bobcat S160, 1900 hrs. ................................Starting @ $18,900 Bobcat S175, open cab ................................Starting @ $17,900 Bobcat S185, various hrs. w/heat, ......................many Starting @ $14,500 Bobcat S250, cab/heat ......................many Starting @ $23,500

Bobcat T190..several Starting @ $15,000 Bobcat T200 several Starting @ $15,000 Bobcat T250..several Starting @ $24,900 Bobcat T300..several Starting @ $25,900 Bobcat MT50/MT52/MT55 ..................................Starting @ $8,500

“Where Farm and Family Meet”

Feed, Seed, Hay FOR SALE: 1000 gal. SS tank & pump on 8T trlr, Alfalfa mixed & grass hay in $2,800; 1000 gal. poly tank rounds & big squares, de& pump on AgChem tanlivered from South Dakota, dem trlr, $3,250; 500 gal. Jerry Haensel SS tank on 6T trlr, $1,750; (605)363-3402 or (605)321-9237 8’x16’ tilt bed trlr, $1,100. Olivia, MN (320)523-1099 Certified organic H1 moisture in harvestore hay. Big squares. Big Rounds. Good FOR SALE: ‘80 JD 6000 quality. Stored inside. 608sprayer,, 60’ boom, foam 539-2731. MOSA Certified markers, new tires, cab, air, shields, & drop nozClover/Timothy 4x4 Round zels, asking $5000. Bales. No rain. Stored inWestbrook, MN 507-274-5936 side. $18/ea. 715-842-0035 Hagie 284 Sprayer, 80' boom, Dairy Quality Alfalfa good cond, $32,000/OBO. Tested big squares & round 515-689-2547 or 515-689-0907 bales, delivered from South Dakota Wanted John Haensel (605)334-0643 WANTED: Cow mats, worn out; 10T running gear. 507Dairy quality western alfal450-0745 fa, big squares or small squares, delivered in semi WANTED: Harvestor or loads. Stave silos for salvage & Clint Haensel large volumes of scrap (605) 310-6653 iron. 952-292-5255

SUMMER SAVINGS SPECIALS NEW EQUIPMENT SPECIALS Vicon HC1240, 12-wheel hay rake w/hyd. cart ......................$6,460 Vicon CM 1700, 4 rotor disc mower, 5’6” cut ........................$7,500 Horst 8-ton running gear, 11Lx15 8-ply tires..........................$1,852 Horst 12-ton running gear, tandem reach, 12.5x15 tires ........$1,243 Meyers 125 bu. manure spreader, poly floor & sides ........................................................................Reduced To $5,000 Paquea 80 bu. spreader, T-rod apron, poly floor ....................$3,850 Paquea 50 bu. spreader, T-rod apron, poly floor ....................$3,750 Artsway 10x34’ truck auger, w/540 PTO ................................$4,733 Land Pride BH2584, 3 pt. backhoe, 8’ depth, 18” bucket ......$9,000 Land Pride SH30 hyd. post hole digger, 15” bit, universal plate ....................................................................................$2,600



Bobcat 331 .. several Starting @ $14,900 Bobcat 328 ..several Starting @ $22,500 Bobcat 442 ..several Starting @ $45,000

‘08 Kubota MX5100, 2WD, 50 hp. dsl., 140 hrs. ..................$16,800 Allis Chalmers WC, NF, good paint ............................................$850 1 set 20.8R38 2 Star Goodyear radials on Ford rims, (NEW!)..$2,500



JD 325 w/heat, 2 spd ..........................Call NH LS190 w/heat, 2 spd ....................Call JD CT322 ............................................Call NH L175 w/heat ..............Call For Details JD 250 ..............................Call For Details IH 686 w/loader................Call For Details

‘08 Kubota RTV1100, fact. cab w/AC, 4WD, 400 hrs ............$14,000 ..........................................................w/front snow blade $16,895 ‘06 Honda 350 4x4 Rancher ATV............................................$3,600 New Kubota RTV1140, 4 passenger, Camo, ATV tires, roof ..$14,200


‘09 ExMark Lazer ZXS, 25 hp. Kubota dsl., 72” deck............$10,500 ‘97 JD F935 w/72” deck ................................................COMING IN! Walco 5’ 3 pt. mounted grooming mower..................................$975 Ford 917 3 pt. mounted flail mower ..........................................$475

T-250 / T-300 Replacement Call Us For Your Replacement Tracks Tracks ....................$1,750 ea. For Your Compact Track Loader • Many new & pre-owned machines • “G” Series Excavator • Huge Trailer Selection • Bobcat attachments, and Much, Much More!

FARM-RITE EQUIPMENT INC. W. Hwy. 12 • Dassel, MN “Skid City” www.farmriteequip.com

Toll Free

Feed, Seed, Hay

Fertilizer &


ANYWHERE We buy damaged corn and grain any condition - wet or dry TOP DOLLAR We have vacs and trucks

Check Out Our Bobcat Forestry Cutter and many other Bobcat rental units available

Farm Services

Chemicals FOR SALE: ‘05 Nitro 2275 Custom round baling w/ late FOR SALE: Alfalfa 3x3 sprayer, 90’, 1400 gal S/S. model JD baler. Makes up squares, first cutting, 160 NH3 Applicator, hydraulic 1650 hrs, $120,000. Also, ‘99 to 5x6 bale. Twine or net RFV, using super condishut-off, 11 knives, 3pt, Nitro 200, 1200 gal S/S, 2900 wrap. Contact Steve Mestioning rows, $135 a ton. $2,000/OBO. 515-368-3732 hrs, new frt tires, $68,000. serli 507-276-4595 Delivery available. 507-427-3520 Will Travel 507-427-2050 Mountain Lake

(888) 679-4857 One Tough Animal www.bobcat.com



FRESH Chopped Sweetcorn Silage from Montgomery & Other Locations. For Trucking Charges & Silage Cost, Call Brian Kaisershot at 612-756-2917

Black Angus Yearling bulls; Hamp, Chester & Yorkshire boars & gilts. Alfred Kemen(320)598-3790

Dairy 55 Dairy Cows For Sale. (715)695-2903

Hay for Sale: LeRoy Ose, Thief River Falls, MN 218- 7 Jersey Heifers, 1 Cross Bred Heifer. Ages 12-16 681-7796 or cell 218-689-6675 mos. 715-429-0795 Lg round bales alfalfa/grass mix, 1500 lb, wrapped, no Exceptional Young Brown Swiss Bulls - Elite Genetrain. Albert Lea. $60/bale. ics (715)537-5413 507-402-0255 www.jerland.com South Dakota Western Alfalfa & Grass 3x3x8. Various FOR SALE: 7 Reg. Jersey cows, all stages of lactaRFB's tion. Good pedigrees. Also, KNS Hay & Transport FOR SALE: Service bull 605-999-1118 age Reg. Jersey bulls. Good pedigrees. 608-606Straw, Grass, Alfalfa & Corn 2277 Stalks In Large Rounds & Large Squares, in net & plastic twine. FOR SALE: 8 open Holstein Delivered in semi loads. heifers, 750# Nice. Call Tim at 320-221-2085 715-977-1415 For Sale: 8-15 Holstein dairy WANTED & FOR SALE cows. DHIA profitested. ALL TYPES of hay & 715-985-2273. Please leave straw. Also buying corn, message wheat & oats. Western Hay available. Fox Valley Al- FOR SALE: Registered falfa Mill. 920-853-3554 breeding age Jersey bulls. 608-524-4786 WANTED TO BUY: DAMAGED CORN. Wet or dry- HERD OF 34 HOLSTEIN almost any condition. DAIRY COWS & 7 SpringSchwieger Grain ing heifers, due in Sept. Fairmont, MN 715-235-0751 800-658-2314 or 507-236-5181 cell Herd of 50 Reg. Holstein cows. Herd average 25,000 WANTED: Feed Barley. lbs of Milk. (608)723-2987 Call 320-267-9950 or (608723-2989




We carry a full line of Behlen & Delux dryer parts; Mayrath and Hutch augers parts. Large inventory of welda sprockets, hubs, bearings, chain & pulleys. See us for your Fall Farm needs

JD 800 swather, 15’ head, conditioner rolls ..........................$1,975 JD 567, 5 wheel, pull type rake ................................................$675

MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT Meyers 12’ aluminum boat w/2010 trailer & 3 hp. motor ..........$500 12-year old registered Haflinger Stallion ..................................$500

New Ulm Tractor & Equipment Inc. 13144 Co. Rd. #25 New Ulm, MN

507-354-3612 Kubota, Land Pride, Vicon, Meyers, Artsway

1409 Silver Street E. Mapleton, MN 56065 507-524-3726


Beef Cattle

MATCHED FOR SALE: Red Angus BEAUTIFUL TEAM OF BELGIAN bulls, 2 yrs old, $1600; (1) MARES. 8 yrs old, broke Yearling bulls, $1300. the best. $3,500/OBO. Oehler Red Angus (715)435-3915 Cleveland, MN 507-931-5758


NEW Apache 1010, 80’, w/90’ ..............................................CALL

Hardi Commander 6600, 120’, duals ..................................$68,500

JD 843 ......................................$10,000 Century 1000, 60’, chemical JD 843, Decent ........................$14,500 inductor....................................$9,950 NH TJ500................................$175,000 Gleaner 6R30 ............................$7,500 Century 1000, 60’, X-fold NH TG285, duals, 4055 hrs ......$97,500 MF 864, 36”................................$3,000 hydraulic ..................................$8,950 NH TM175, FWA, duals, 50” ....$69,500 AUGERS Century 750, 60’, FM..................$7,500 NH T9020, PTO ..................COMING IN Century 750, 60’, T/A, clean Westfield MK 10x71 GLP ..........$8,250 NH 8770, SS, 3600 hrs. ..........$67,500 hyd. fold......................................CALL Westfield MK 10x71 GLP ..........$7,750 NH TV145 ......................................CALL Century 500, 40’, man. fold........$3,250 Westfield MK 13x71 GLP ........$11,950 ‘08 NH 3040, loader ................$25,500 Red Ball 665 1000 gal., 60’ NH TC34D, 4WD, SS, 30 hrs. ..$17,250 Westfield MK 13x71 GLP ........$17,800 X-fold ....................................$14,900 Westfield MK 13x71 GLP ........$11,250 NH TC34DA, loader ..................$16,700 Westfield MK 13x71 GLP ........$11,750 Bestway 750, 60’, Raven 440 ....$4,500 JD 8970, near new tires, EZ steer, Demco 600, 45’, hi-lo T/A ..........$3,900 4600 hrs. ..............................$90,500 Westfield MK 13x71 GLP ........$11,500 Ag-Chem 502, 42’, S/A, clean ....$3,250 Westfield MK 13x71 GLP ........$10,900 JD 6400, loader ............................CALL Many More In 1000-1500 gal. ......CALL Westfield MK 13x71 GLP ..........$9,950 JD 4010, 2WD, no cab ..............$7,450 Westfield MK 13x71 GLP ..........$7,500 DISK RIPPERS & CHISELS JD B ............................................$1,500 IH 706, NF, w/loader ..................$4,750 Westfield MK 13x71 GLP ..........$7,750 (2) Krause 4850-18, all parabolics, Versatile 876, 5938 hrs............$42,500 Westfield MK 8x51........................CALL 10’..........................................$44,500 Versatile 876 ......................COMING IN Farm King 8x51 ..........................$1,950 Krause Dominator, 21’ rolling Ford TW35, MFD, 2675 hrs. ....$33,000 Westfield MK 10x61 ..................$7,500 basket ....................................$57,500 Many Other Used Straight & Ford 8730, FWA, 7970 gearshift Krause 4821, 28’ w/heavy harrow Swing Hoppers On Hand - CALL ..............................................$29,500 ..............................................$39,500 Ford 8000, open station ................CALL ‘05 JD 2700, 9-24 ....................$26,500 SKIDSTEERS Agco RT-115, loader............COMING IN DMI 7-30 w/lead shanks ......COMING IN NH LS180, cab, 2-spd. ..................CALL GRAVITY BOXES/GRAIN CARTS NH L150, heater ............................CALL Glencoe 7400, 7-shank, spring shank ......................................$6,900 Parker 500, corner auger ..........$9,500 NH LS160 ................................$14,900 Glencoe 11-shank ......................$6,400 J&M 1075 ................................$21,500 NH LX885 ................................$17,500 DMI 730, standard shanks ............CALL M&W 400, T/A, 540 PTO............$3,750 JD 6675, 2600 hrs. ..................$13,000 DMI 530B, 5-shank leads ........$12,000 Mustang 345 ..............................$4,850 New Parker & J&M Grain Carts CIH 530B, lead shanks, Red ..........CALL On Hand DMI 2500, 5-shank w/coulters ..$6,250 SPREADERS We Are Your Harvestec Knight 8124 ..................................CALL Kent 9-shank, S/A, newer blades $2,750 Corn Head Headquarters Knight 1230, 1-season ..............$9,500 Brillion 5-shank, 30” ..................$8,500 DMI Coulter Champ II ................$2,995 Call Us For New & Used Heads SPRAYERS Krause 4850-18, 200 acres ......$52,000 COMBINE HEADS Krause 4850-15, Clean Mach. ..$38,800 Hardi Commander 1500, 132’, ‘06 Harvestec 4308C................$42,500 duals ..........................................CALL White 445, 5 deep tills, 17-shank CALL White 445, 5 deep tills, 15 shank ‘09 Harvestec 4306C................$44,000 Hardi Commander 1200 Plus, Harvestec 4212C, 1000 acres ..$85,400 120’, clean ........................COMING IN ................................................$7,500 Harvestec 4212C, 1500 acres ..$79,500 Hardi Navigator 1100, 90’, HAYBINES & INVERTERS Harvestec 4308C, 2500 acres ..$44,500 flush & rinse ..........................$27,500 ‘06 CIH DX101 ..........................$14,950 Harvestec Gen. III, 8R30 ........$33,500 Hardi Navigator 1000, 60’, Harvestec Gen. III, 8R30 ........$22,500 controller................................$14,500 ‘97 NH 1431 ............................$15,900 Harvestec Gen. III, 8R30 ........$29,000 Hardi Navigator 1000, 60’........$13,500 NH 276, for bidirectional ............$2,750 Harvestec Gen. III, 8R30 ........$26,500 Hardi Commander 1200, 120’..$35,900 Gehl 2240 ......................................CALL Gehl 2412, std. hitch................$11,250 JD 43 Series Units, 12R22 ......$22,500 Hardi 6600, 120’, steering IH 963, 6R30 ................................CALL duals ......................................$68,500 MacDon 5020, hydra swing......$11,900 IH 1063 ......................................$7,950 Hardi HC950, 90’......................$13,500 MacDon, 9’, nice ........................$9,200 JD 643, 6R30 ................................CALL Hardi TR1000, 60’, T/A, clean ....$6,500 NH 499 ......................................$5,250 Tebben hyd. drive inverter ..........$1,150 JD 12R22, tin, Clean ..................$8,950 Hardi TR1000, 60’, chemical Geringhoff 6R30, PC ..................$8,500 inductor....................................$7,750 NH 144, decent ..........................$2,950 JD 643, 6R30..............................$5,500 Hardi TR500, 42’, S/A ................$2,750 Hesston 1120, 9’, Rolls Good ....$4,950


John’s Sales Used Equipment Sale JD 345, 20 hp, water cooled, hydro, 54” deck ................................$3,900 Simplicity 16 hp, front cut, hydro, 48” w/bag ....$1,495 (2) JD 318, 46” deck, 18 hp, hydro, pwr. steer. ....$2,500 JD GT 235, 18 hp, hydro, 54” deck & bagger ..$3,350 LX 279, 17 hp, hydro, 40” deck ........................$2,550 JD 445, 22 hp, hydro, EFI, 54”, 574 hrs ............$5,450 JD LT180, 18 hp Kawi, 48” deck & pwr. bagger ..$2,450 JD X720, 27 hp, 62c deck, pwr. steer, EFI ..........$7,750 JF F725, front mount, 54” deck, water cooled ..$4,995 (2) JD LX188, 17 hp, hydro, 48” cut, water cooled ................................$1,750 JD LX280 AWS, hydro, 18 hp Kawi, 48” deck ....$2,750 JD X485 AWS, 25 hp, hydro, 54” deck........$7,150 JF F510, 14 hp, hydro, front mount, 38” deck ......$1,250 CX Gator, 1 yr. old, nice ................................$4,450 Yamaha Breeze, nice ....$950 JD 5303, 65 hp, utility tractor, 219 hrs ......$14,995 JD 955, 33 hp, compact tractor w/hard cab, front snow blower & 60” midmower....................$12,900 JD 4610, 44 hp, compact tractor & new 400 CX loader ....................$20,900 GX 345 & 54 deck, 20 hp, hydro, 54” edge deck, 222 hrs. ..........................$4,650


Will Consider Trades!

John’s Sales

Call 320-212-5220 or 320-392-5361

Across from wind generators

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Delivery Available!

The Coffees’s Always On!

North Hwy. 71 Willmar, MN


chlauderaff Impl. Co. 320-693-7277

60240 U.S. Hwy. 12 Litchfield, MN Ask for John, Jared, Roger or Rick

“Where Farm and Family Meet”

3AX/1 Lift, new liner 80% T&B ............................................$22,500 ‘87 Cornhusker 42’/66” AL Hopper ‘05 Spek Tek 28’ AL, SR, 80% T, New Bottom, 50% T, New B, Clean & Straight ..............................$14,500 Brakes & Lights, w/Air Lift Door for Trash or Silage, New Cylinder, VANS & WATER TRAILERS Plastic Liner, Like New ......$26,500 ‘95 Utility Curtainside Flatbed, ‘75 Fruehauf 28’ Steel, Roll Tarp, 48’/102”, Great for Water Trailer 80% T&B, New Plastic Liner, ..............................................$6,500 Good Paint ..........................$10,750 (10) ‘96 To ‘01 53’/102” AL, AR DROP-DECKS/DOUBLE DROP Roadworthy Dry Vans for Freight or Seed, etc. ............$4,500-$7,500 ‘97 Trail King, Mechanical RGN, Double Drop, 29’6” Well, 22/255 (10) 48/53x102 trailers for storage or water....................$3,500-$6,000 AR, Outriggers, Attachment for Flip Axle, Sandblasted, Painted, Clean DAY CAB TRUCKS Floor, 80% T&B ..................$27,900 ‘93 International 8000 Series, 3406 ‘86 Dorsey Drop Deck, 48/96, Cat, 9-spd., AR, 270,000 Miles, Closed Tandem, SR, New Brakes, Wet Kit, New 22.5 Tires ......$10,500 80% T, New Paint................$10,500 ‘93 White GMC Aero, N14 Cummins, Engineered Beavertails for Drop 10-spd., AR, new B, 70% T, Deck or Double Drops, w/ramps, Nice Truck ............................$8,500 Includes All Electrical & Paint FLATBEDS ..............................Installed $5,000 ‘97 Transcraft, 48’x102”, AL Floor, AL ......................Unassembled $3,000 Cross Members, Closed Tandem MISCELLANEOUS Slider, 80% T, 80% B, Clean ..$8,000 Clark Fork Lift, 5000 Lb. 11’ Lift, 42” ‘78 Transcraft 40’/96” Steel, SR, Forks, 700x15 Rubber, 2-Spd., Exc. Good Paint ............................$4,750 Runner, Triple Mast ..............$2,750 ‘99 HAULIN Expandable Truss Trailer, DieYou 5000 Lb. Fork Lift less eng., 48’-70’, 102” wide, 22.5 Rubber, Side Shift, Triple Mast ..........$1,500 Excellent Paint ....................$12,500 AR/SR Suspensions For Trailers ‘89 Hot Shot Steel, 48’x96”, ............................$1,000 to $2,000 Spread Axle, New B, 70% T, Used Truck 22.5/24.5 Steel Truck New Paint ............................$4,500 Wheels ................................Ea. $45 Custom Haysides for flatbed 1/4” Thick Plastic Liner, or drop-deck on any trailer ..$1,250 10’ Wide ..............................$30/Ft. FRAME TYPE END DUMPS (3) Thermal King Refrigeration ‘88 EAST 34/33 AL Frame, AL Box, Units ............................$750-$1,250


New Holland TG285, S.S. duals ..........................................$97,500



FOR SALE: Semen tested For Sale: Horse equip. Covered wagon. Mint cond. Limousin bulls, 2 yrs olds Bio plastic harness for & yrlings, low birth wgt, draft horses & collars. Othsuper growth, John Goelz er tack. 2R cult. Exc. 507-557-8394 or Larry 507cond. Parts for a large 825-5509 sleigh.715-491-0701

S PECIAL L O W R ATE F INANCING O N A L L E QUIPMENT ~ 3 YRS. - 4% • 4 YRS. - 4.5% • 5 YRS. - 4.75%

THE LAND, JULY 15, 2011

Jersey cows fresh March & Angus Bulls for Sale: ForApril & springing heifers, age based genetics, AI'd, on official test Woodmohr passed a breeding soundJerseys. Home 715-568-4425 ness exam. Yearling & 2 or Cell 715-271-0281 yr olds. Tschanz Farms, Blair, WI. 608-989-2223 WANTED TO BUY: Dairy LIMOUSIN BULLS for sale heifers and cows. from top AI sires, red & (320)235-2664 black, yearling & 2 yr olds, Green Fields Crossing Beef Cattle Limousin (715)273-0310 6 Hereford Heifers. 5 Polled, 1 Horned. Ready to be Registered Texas Longhorn bred. $950/apiece. 715-644breeding stock, cows or 2377 heifers or roping stock, top blood lines. (507)235-3467 BLACK ANGUS OPEN HEIFER. 18 months old. New Richmond, WI. 715-808-3323 Two Yearling Angus Bulls. 715-926-5376 FOR SALE OR LEASE WANT TO BUY: Butcher REGISTERED BLACK ANGUS cows, bulls, fats & walkaBulls, 2 year old & yearble cripples; also horses, lings; bred heifers, calving sheep & goats. 320-235-2664 ease, club calves & balance performance, AI sired. In herd improveHorses ment program. AQHA Foundation Quarter J.W. Riverview Angus Farm Horses. Dock Bar, GunGlencoe, MN 55336 smoke, Driftwood, Blanton Conklin Dealer Mares, Geldings, Year(320)864-4625 lings. 608-526-3970 evenings

THE LAND, JULY 15, 2011


Horses $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $ FOR $1 MORE on your classified $ $ $ $ line ad, you can put your website $ $ on your ad and have a direct link $ $ $ $ from The Land e-edition to your $ $ website. Just let THE LAND Staff $ $ $ know when placing your ad. $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$




JD 8770, 12 spd. syncro, 5211 hrs., 20.8x38, radial tires & duals 85%, 4 hyd.......$62,500 JD 8870, 24 spd., 6330 hrs., eng. OH ‘09, 20.8x38 tires & duals 75%, 4 hyd., diff. lock ..........................................$65,000 ‘97 JD 9300, 24 spd., 5568 hrs., 20.8x42 duals ................................................$78,000 ‘89 JD 8760, 12 spd., 6600 hrs., 20.8x38 duals ................................................$46,000

‘06 JD 8010, 1325 eng./1050 sep. hrs., 20.8x42 duals, tracker, chopper, rock trap, auto header, Sharp!........................$149,000 ‘07 JD 9660,1738 eng./1230 sep. hrs., Contour Master, Premium cab, Delux header controls, chopper, hi-unload, 18.4x42 duals ......................................................$140,000 ‘06 JD 9760STS, 1783 eng./1207 sep. hrs., Contour Master, bullet rotor, Touchset, HID lights, 20.8x42 duals ..............$140,000 ‘05 JD 9760STS, 1462 eng./1086 sep. hrs., Contour Master, 20.8x38 duals, chopper, header controls ..............$130,000 ‘04 JD 9760STS, 2358 eng./1612 sep. hrs., hi-capacity unload, Contour Master, chopper, Greenstar yield & moisture monitor, 800x32 tires ....................$125,000 ‘04 JD 9660STS, 1761 eng./1289 sep. hrs., 18.4x42 duals, Green Star, yield & moisture monitor, touch set..........................$120,000 ‘03 JD 9650STS, 2732 eng./1962 sep. hrs., Contour Master, bin ext. 18.4x42 duals ........................................................$89,000 ‘02 JD 9550, 2693 eng./1673 sep. hrs., 4WD, Contour Master, bin ext., chopper, JD chaff spreader ............................$89,000 ‘05 Cat 560 Lexion, 1032 eng./810 sep. hrs., 20.8x42 duals, auto contour, 3D sieves, chopper, walker machine ................$98,000 ‘98 CIH 2366, 2314 eng./1746 sep. hrs., rock trap, chopper, specialty rotor, yield & moisture monitor, bin ext., 30.5x32 tires, Nice Combine ..................................$69,000

“Where Farm and Family Meet”


ROW CROP TRACTORS ‘04 Cat 765, 3000 hrs., 18” tracks,, 120” track spacing, 3 pt., 1000 PTO, 4 hyd., frt. wgts., Nice ....................................$125,000 ‘97 JD 8300, MFWD, 8350 hrs., 3 pt., 1000 PTO, 4 hyd., 14.9x46 duals ....$60,000 ‘03 JD 8420, 4486 hrs., 3 pt., 1000 PTO, P.S. trans., 380x50 tires & duals, front wgts. ..............................................$108,000 ‘03 JD 8220, MFWD, 4470 hrs., 3 pt., 1000 PTO, 5 hyd., big pump, 380x50 tires & duals ....................................$93,500 ‘02 JD 8120, MFWD, 4921 hrs., 3 pt., 1000 PTO, 540 capable, big pump, 380x50 tires & duals........................$89,000 ‘98 JD 8100, MFWD, 7530 hrs., 420x46 tires & duals, 3 pt., 1000 PTO, 8 frt. wgts., big hyd. pump..................................$62,500 ‘08 JD 7230 Premium, MFWD, 450 hrs., cab, air, 3 pt., 540/1000 PTO, 3 hyd., 18.4x38 tires....................................$78,000 ‘90 JD 4455, 2WD, 8801 hrs., 3 hyd., 3 pt., 540/1000 PTO, 14.9x46 tires & duals, power shift ......................................$37,500 ‘09 C-IH 275 Magnum, 795 hrs., 3pt., 540/1000 PTO, 420x46 tires & duals ......................................................$137,500 ‘07 C-IH 305 Magnum, 2100 hrs., 380/54” tires & duals, 380x46 front tires & duals, 3 pt., 1000 PTO ......$123,000 ‘06 C-IH MX215, MFWD, 1850 hrs., 3 pt., 540/1000 PTO, 20.8x42 duals $92,000 ‘06 C-IH 120MXM, MFWD, Pro cab, 1699 hrs., 3 hyd., 540/1000 PTO, 18.4x42 tires....................................$49,000 Case 2096, cab/air, 3 pt., 540/1000 PTO, 18.4x38 singles, 6300 hrs. ..............$17,500 ‘07 NH TG275, MFWD, 1050 hrs., 18.4x50 duals, front duals, front wgts., 540/1000 PTO ..............................................$115,000

LOADER TRACTORS ‘08 NH T7030, MFWD, 1085 hrs., 18.4x42 duals, 540/1000 PTO, NH 850TL loader w/grapple & joystick........................$89,000 ‘02 NH TM125, MFWD, 3483 hrs., cab, air, 3 pt., 540/1000 PTO, Buhler 2795 loader w/joystick control..................$49,000

GRAIN CARTS ‘67 Parker 739, 750 bu. grain cart w/roll tarp, 24.5x32 tires ..........................$23,500 Parker 938, 1000 bu. cart, 35.5x32 tires ........................................................$24,500 Check Out Our Website For Pictures & More Listings @ www.larsonimplements.com

LARSON IMPLEMENTS 5 miles east of Cambridge, MN on Hwy. 95 763-689-1179 Look at our Web site for pictures & more listings Free delivery on combines in MN, Eastern ND & SD



Livestock Equipment

Horse Trailer. ‘95 WW 3 FOR SALE: Hampshire, Dairy Equip: Almost New horse slant goose neck Yorkshire, & Duroc boars. Zabel 620 slant feed hyd trailer w/ tack room. Good Also Hamp/Yorkshire gilts, manure pump complete Cond. $2500. 715-643-6018 genetics from top AI sires. w/Power Pack & 7.5 hp Exc herd health, No PRSS, motor. Health failure, hogs raised on outside ceforced sale of dairy herd. Sheep ment lots. Compartively New price $10,634. Will sell FOR SALE: Purebred Janupriced. Delivery available. for half & help what I can ary Dorset rams. $350 each Stan Adelman 320-568-2225 to remove w/tractor & roll320-212-1031 ers thru steel barn wall. (715)765-4593 Pets & Supplies FOR SALE: Purebred registered Polypay ram & ewe Border Collie Puppies. Pure lambs, Jan & Feb born, bred, no papers, black & FOR SALE: Alkota pressure RRs & QRs. 507-223-5486 or washer, 10 gal/min 1500 white. Born 5/27/11. Have 507-829-8748 psi, 50amp, 220 volt, 310 1st shots & wormed. Pahrs of use, $4,500. 507-456rents work cattle. Good WANTED: Karakul Sheep. 3283 w/kids. Exc. disposition & Any information appreciattemperament. Males $150 ed. FOR SALE: Icelandic ea. Females $250 1 Fe- JD CT322 Skidsteer. CHA. Lambs. 715-379-5654 340 hrs. Very nice. Sold male, 2 blue eyes $350. cows & don't need any(715)672-8587 leave mesGoats more! 715-220-5253 sage WANTED TO BUY! USED DAIRY GOATS:Reg. Alpine BULK MILK COOLER & Togg buck & buckling ALL SIZES 920-867-3048 for sale. Exc. breeding/ Livestock Equipment milk lines. $200-$600. 2 1/2T Pax Bulk Bin, 60’ flex Industrial & 608-783-8181 auger drive; (3) 20” varispd fans; (4) Smidley Construction For Sale: 65 Spring Doelstainless finish feeders; ings, from top quality (4) Farm weld stainless FOR SALE: ‘99 Intl tri-axle Bucks. Serious inquiries grower feeders; 5’ barn dump truck; ‘04 Cat 315 CL only! (608)476-2234 scraper, motor & drive. excavator; ‘04 Trail King Phone 5070370-2200 or 507tri-axle trailer; ‘04 Felling Swine 478-4260 20 ton tandem trailer. (952)240-1916 Compart’s total program features superior boars & Cap-chur Gun, Powder ProTrucks & Trailers jector. 32 Gauge Special. open gilts documented by (608)989-2170 BLUP technology. Duroc, ‘01 JD 8110, 2030 hrs, 2WD, York, Landrace & F1 lines. PS, 18.4x46 duals-90%, 4 Terminal boars offer lean- FOR SALE: ‘07 7300 gal SCVs, frt fenders, Dlx cab. ness, muscle, growth. MaHoule manure tank / Disc Always shedded, just servternal gilts & boars are Incorporators, exc cond. iced. Super, super clean. productive, lean, durable. Morris, MN 320-760-7694 $75,900. 507-995-4808 All are stress free & PRRS free. Semen also available through Elite Genes A.I. Make ‘em Grow! Comparts Boar Store, Inc. Toll free: 877-441-2627

USED TRACTORS NEW Massey 1635, FWA, w/loader ......................ON HAND NEW Massey 5480 FWA, w/loader ........................ON HAND ‘01 CIH STX440 ........................................................$112,000 Buhler 2210, SS, 1475 hrs..........................................$94,900 ‘79 Versatile 875, 4WD, w/3 pt ..................................$24,000 Versatile 256 Bidi ........................................................$26,500 Allis WD 45, wide front ................................................$2,500 Massey Ferguson 220 ..................................................$7,000 Ford TW20, FWA ......................................................COMING Massey 1190, FWA ....................................................$11,500 MM 302 w/loader..........................................................$4,500


NEW White planters ......................................................CALL Hiniker 30’ seeder ......................................................$19,500 ‘92 JD 455, 30’ ............................................................$14,000


‘03 NH ST740, 7-shank ..............................................$18,500 JD 2700, 7-shank........................................................$27,500 DMI 530 w/leveler ......................................................$10,500


‘06 Gleaner R75 w/CDF............................................COMING ‘05 Gleaner R65 ........................................................$150,000 ‘03 Gleaner R65 ........................................................COMING Gleaner R60 ................................................................$29,500 ‘08 Fantini 12-30 chopping cornhead ......................$68,000

Trucks & Trailers ‘81 IH triple axle 20’ steel grain box, roll tarp, 335hp, Detroit diesel, 10spd,, exc paint & cond, DOT inspected, $17,750. 612-232-4078 FOR SALE: ‘04 Featherlite 7x24, 3 compartment livestock trailer, excellent condition. low miles, stored since ‘06. Asking $12,500/OBO. 320-275-3778 or 320-224-7686 For Sale: ‘70 & ‘72 single axle grain trucks, 14’ box w/ hoist, low miles, good cond 320-826-2113 FOR SALE: ‘71 Ford Louisville twin screw semi tractor, good solid truck, $3,750. (507)259-2677 FOR SALE: ‘74 Int’l 1800, 550 gas, 5x4, twin screw, 20’ steel box, roll tarp, nice truck. Make offer. 507-6653739 For sale: ‘76 Ford F 600 ,grain truck, 16’ box & hoist,V-8, 4 spd w/ 2 spd axel, good condition. 507847-2798, 507-841-0898 FOR SALE: ‘96 Int’l 9400, 72” bunk, 650K+ mi, N14 eng, 9spd. ‘87 Timpte Super Hopper, in ‘09 $11,000 new updates & repairs, including new tarp. Call for more info. $22,000/OBO, will divide. 612-205-5016 Retirement Sale: ‘97 Peterbilt 377 Day cab, 410 Cat, 13spd, Red, 3.73 gears, 508M. ‘05 Wilson grain trailer, 10M. $62,500. 507822-3888

NEW Fantini chopping cornhead ..................................CALL


New Hesston & NH Hay Tools On Hand Hesston 1150, 12’ ........................................................$1,800


NEW Salford RT units ....................................................CALL NEW Westfield augers..........................................AVAILABLE NEW Rem 2700 vac........................................................CALL NEW Century HD1000, 60’ sprayers ............................CALL NEW Riteway rollers ......................................................CALL NEW Lorenz snowblowers ............................................CALL NEW Batco conveyors ..................................................CALL NEW Brent wagons & grain carts ..................................CALL NEW E-Z Trail seed wagons ..........................................CALL NEW rock buckets & pallet forks.................................. CALL NEW Hardi sprayers ......................................................CALL REM 2700, Rental ..........................................................CALL Unverferth 8000 grain cart ........................................$19,000 Kinze 1050 w/duals ....................................................$48,500 ‘09 Artsway 5165 mill ................................................$21,000

(DMI Parts Available)


NEW NH skidsteers on hand ........................................CALL ‘08 L175, 2-spd., 360 hrs. ..........................................$25,500 ‘06 Mustang 2066, 1623 hrs.......................................$18,500 ‘02 NH LS170 w/bucket & fork ..................................$14,500

SMITHS MILL IMPLEMENT Hwy. 14, 3 miles West of Janesville, MN

Phone (507) 234-5191 or (507) 625-8649 Mon. - Fri. 7:30-5:00, Sat. 7:30-Noon

Recreational Vehicles

29 THE LAND, JULY 15, 2011

16’ Lund Fishing Boat w/ trailer & tarp, 20hp Mercury motor, $1,500. 712-7922954 Noon hour or evenings FOR SALE: 05/06 JD Buck 650 EXT ATV, (dump box), windshield & mirrors, 2” receiver hitch, 813 mi, mint, collectible, $4,000. Dave - 320-855-2428

Miscellaneous FOR SALE: JD 1445 front mount mower, 4WD w/ 7 iron 72” deck, like new, only 768 hrs. Call John at 612-968-3800 GENERATORS:15kW-500kW PTO & automatic gen sets, new & used. Low time hospital take-outs. Standby Power - Windom Serving farmers since 1975 (800) 419-9806, 9-5 Mon-Sat Heartland Corn Shares for sale.for 50 cents per share. 320-282-9455

ONE CALL DOES IT ALL! With one phone call, you can place your classified ad in The Land, Farm News, AND The Country Today. Call The Land for more info @ 507-345-4523 • 800-657-4665 or place your ad online @ www.thelandonline.com


New pumps & parts on hand. Call Minnesota’s largest distributor HJ Olson & Company 320-974-3202 Cell - 320-894-6276

RANGER PUMP CO. Manufacturer of Water Lift Pumps for Field Drainage. Built to fit your needs since 1984. Sales & Service. 507-984-2025 or 406-314-0334 www.rangerpumpco.com

Winpower Sales & Service Reliable Power Solutions Since 1925 PTO & automatic Emergency Electric Generators. New & Used Rich Opsata - Distributor (800) 343-9376

4WD TRACTORS (O)’06 JD 9620, 1449 hrs ..............................................$201,900 (O)’08 Versatile 435, Deluxe cab, 931 hrs. ....................$149,000 (B)’99 JD 9400, 3653 hrs. ..............................................$109,900 (O)’98 JD 9400, 3822 hrs. ..............................................$107,900 (O)’91 JD 8760, 6206 hrs. ................................................$58,900

TRACK TRACTORS (B)’09 JD 9630T, 450 hrs. ..............................................$299,900 (O)JD9630T, Lease return ..............................................$299,900 (H)’00 CIH 9380, 4819 hrs. ..............................................$87,900

ROW CROP TRACTORS (H)’10 JD 8345R, 767 hrs...............................................$229,500 (O)’10 CIH Magnum 305, 350 hrs. ................................$178,900 (B)’10 CIH Magnum 305, 350 hrs...................................$178,900 (H)’08 CIH MX275, 1258 hrs. ........................................$155,000 (O)’10 CIH Magnum 245, 250 hrs. ................................$149,900 (H)’05 JD 8320, 1997 hrs. ..............................................$129,900 (O)’03 JD 8320, 4701 hrs. ..............................................$109,900 (W)’89 JD 4555, 7240 hrs. ..............................................$49,500 (B)’87 JD 4850, 6300 hrs. ................................................$45,500 (O)’83 JD 4650, 2WD, 7600 hrs. ......................................$37,900 (B)’84 JD 4650, MFWD, 12,708 hrs. ................................$37,900 (O)’84 JD 4450, 2WD, 7800 hrs. ......................................$34,500 (W)’94 MF 3660, 5712 hrs. ..............................................$24,500 (B)’71 JD 4320, Syncro ....................................................$12,900 (W)’77 White 2-155, 20.8x38 ..........................................$11,900 (B)’67 JD 4020, gas............................................................$6,900 (B)’67 Oliver 1650 ..............................................................$5,500 (W)’60 Farmall 560, gas ....................................................$5,200


‘06 JD 9660, 1759/1340 hrs., 20.8x42’s ......................$159,900

(O)’10 JD 9670, 395 sep. hrs. ........................................$239,900 (O)’10 JD 9670, 328 sep. hrs. ........................................$239,900 (H)’08 JD 9670, 564 sep. hrs. ........................................$217,900 (B)’08 JD 9670, 532 sep. hrs. ........................................$214,900 (O)’08 JD 9670, 627 sep. hrs. ........................................$199,900 (O)’06 JD 9760, 1175 sep. hrs. ......................................$189,000 (W)’06 JD 9660, 1361 sep hrs. ......................................$179,900 (H)’06 JD 9660, 1331 hrs. ..............................................$159,900 (H)’04 JD 9760, 1237 hrs. ..............................................$155,900 (B)’06 Case 2388, 1201 sep. hrs. ..................................$154,900 (H)’00 JD 9750, 2132 sep. hrs. ......................................$121,900 (O)’99 JD 9650, 2238 sep. hrs. ........................................$95,000 (W)’98 JD 9610 ................................................................$69,500 (W)’97 JD 9600, 2682 sep. hrs. ......................................$52,500 (O)’91 JD 9600, 2195 sep. hrs. ........................................$36,000

CORN HEADS (B)’10 JD 612C, 12R20” chopping (B)’09 JD 612C, 12R30” chopping (O)’08 JD 612C, 12R30” chopping (H)’08 JD 612C, 12R20” chopping (O)’08 JD 612C, 12R20” chopping

..................................$92,500 ..................................$89,900 ..................................$81,000 ..................................$75,500 ..................................$73,900

(O)’10 Geringhoff RD830, row sensors ......................$67,500 (O)’06 Geringhoff RD830, chopping ..........................$52,900 (H)’06 Geringhoff RD830, chopping ..........................$51,500 (B)’09 JD 606C, 6R30” chopping ..............................$48,900 (W)’06 Drago 8R30” chopping ..................................$38,900 (O)’07 JD 1293, 30” knife rolls ..................................$37,900 (H)’06 JD 1293, 30” knife rolls ..................................$37,900 (O)’05 JD 1293, 30” knife rolls ..................................$36,900 (B)’01 JD 1290, 20” knife rolls ..................................$31,900 (O)’04 JD 1293, 30” knife rolls ..................................$23,900 (O)’02 JD 1293, 30” knife rolls ..................................$29,900 (B)’03 JD 1293, 30” knife rolls ..................................$29,900 (W)’03 JD 1291, 22” hyd. deck plates ........................$29,900 (B)’00 JD 1290, 20” knife rolls ..................................$29,000 (H)’97 JD 1290, 20” knife rolls ..................................$23,000 JD 893, 8R30” ..............................(9) from $19,900-$35,500 JD 843, 8R30” ..................................(4) from $5,500-$8,900

(B)’10 JD 6430, IVT, 626 hrs. ..........................................$71,000 (H)’99 JD 5410, 11’ Lco blade..........................................$25,500 (H)’84 JD 2750, loader, 4260 hrs. ....................................$16,900 (B)’93 JD 5200, loader......................................................$15,900 (B)’59 JD 730, 3 pt., PTO....................................................$9,900 (B)’74 Ford 5000, gas ........................................................$7,500 (O)’69 IH 656, gas ..............................................................$6,900 (W)’64 Oliver 550, loader....................................................$5,895 (B)’59 IH 460, diesel ..........................................................$4,900 (O)’08 JD 4930, 1500 hrs. ..............................................$205,000 (B)Ford 8N ..........................................................................$2,195 (O)’08 JD 4830, 1450 hrs. ..............................................$179,000 (O)’06 JD 4920, 2335 hrs., dry applicator ......................$170,000 (O)’10 JD 9870, 380 sep. hrs. ........................................$310,000 (H)’04 JD 4710, 2284 hrs. ..............................................$121,500 (O)’10 JD 9870, 300 sep. hrs. ........................................$289,000 (O)’05 Spray Coupe 7650, 1690 hrs. ................................$87,500 (B)’09 JD 9870, 497 sep. hrs. ........................................$279,900 (B)Top Air TA1200 ............................................................$25,900 (O)’08 JD 9870, 635 sep. hrs. ........................................$242,000 (O)Sprayer Specialties, 80’ boom ....................................$21,500 (O)’09 JD 9770, 466 sep. hrs. ........................................$242,900 (H)’02 Modern Flow FM3, 60’ boom, 3511 hrs. ..............$18,500 (B)’07 JD 9870, 722 sep. hrs. ........................................$239,900 (H)Alloway 1000, 90’ boom ................................................$6,000



‘09 JD 612C, 12R30, chopping ........................................$89,900

PLANTERS & DRILLS (H)’09 JD 1790, 24R20”, liq. fert. ..................................$115,500 (O)’06 JD 1790, 31R15” ..................................................$97,500 (B)CIH 1200 Bauer Built bar, 36R20”................................$94,900 (W)’07 JD 1990, air seeder ..............................................$90,000 (H)’00 JD 750, 20’ no till drill ..........................................$26,900 (B)’97 JD 455, 30’ drill ....................................................$22,900 (B)Friesen bar, 24R30” ....................................................$19,900 (B)’94 JD 455, 25’, 10” spacing........................................$19,900 (B)’91 JD 450, 13’ @ 6” spacing ........................................$9,900 (O)JD 7000, 8R30” ............................................................$6,595 (H)JD 7100, 12R30” ..........................................................$5,000 (O)JD 7000, 6R30”, dry fert. ..............................................$2,995 (H)’05 JD 1760, 12R30, liqiud fert. ..................................Coming

HAY & FORAGE (B)’05 JD 956, 14’6” center pivot ....................................$24,900 (H)’03 JD 557, surface wrap ............................................$24,500 (W)’02 JD 567, surface wrap............................................$22,900 (B)NH 1431, MoCo ..........................................................$20,900 (W)’03 JD 457SS, surface wrap ......................................$18,900 (B)’05 JD 525 MoCo ........................................................$13,900 (O)’93, JD 535, Heartland chopper ....................................$9,900 (B)’98 NH 664, 2200 lb. bale ..............................................$8,995 (B)Vermeer MC830, rotary MoCo ......................................$8,900 (O)’89 Gehl 1865 round baler, 6’ bale ................................$6,900 (H)’85 NH 858 round baler, 7’ bale ....................................$2,900 (B)NH 40 forage blower ..............................2 @ $1,995 & $3,900 (B)Hesston 10 stacker ........................................................$1,995 (H)Bale Basket, holds 90 bales ..........................................$1,895 (W)’09 JD 468, 5429 bales ......................................................Call

FALL TILLAGE (H)’07 JD 2700, 7-shank, folding......................................$33,500 (H)JD 3710, 8-bottom ......................................................$33,500 (B)’06 JD 2700, 7-shank ..................................................$32,900 (B)’03 JD 512, 9-shank ....................................................$29,900 (H)’03 JD 2700, 7-shank, folding......................................$29,500 (B)’01 JD 2700, 7 @ 24” ..................................................$26,900 (H)’07 JD 2700, 5-shank ..................................................$26,500 (O)’04 JD 2700, 7-shank ..................................................$25,900 (B)’03 JD 2700, 5-shank ..................................................$24,900 (O)’04 JD 2700, 7 @ 30” ..................................................$24,900 (B)’03 JD 2700, 7-shank ..................................................$23,500 (W)’99 JD 510, 7-shank....................................................$13,900 (H)’96 JD 510, 7-shank ....................................................$13,500 (H)’96 JD 510, 7-shank ....................................................$10,900 (B)’97 JD 510, 7-shank ....................................................$10,500 (B)JD 2810, 5-bottom ........................................................$7,995 (H)M&W 1475, 7-shank......................................................$7,950

Your Southern Minnesota & Western Wisconsin John Deere Commercial Sprayer Center

“Where Farm and Family Meet”

Ultra-lite Airplane, T-Bird 1, single seater, 503 Rotax, elec start. Like new w/ only 40 hrs total time, always hangered, asking $8,000. call 651-380-5438 Goodhue Area

‘10 JD 9670, 475/328 hrs., 20.8x38’s ......................$239,900


ONAN ENGINES 25 hp rebuilt engine for skid loader; rebuilt Onan engines 16 to 20 hp for JD garden tractors and others. Prices start at $1095.00 exchange. BCM, Inc. (763)755-0034

‘07 JD 9870, 1246/722 hrs., PRWD..............................$23,900

THE LAND, JULY 15, 2011


We’re Hosting A 4-WHEEL DRIVE TRACTOR INFORMATION CLINIC This informative clinic will address service, maintenance, and upgrades available for your STX Steiger 4 wheel drive and Quadtrac Tractors. “Learn how to run end of row features” Tier 4 Steiger and Magnum on hand. Experts from Case IH will take you for a test drive

Call To Register TUESDAY, JULY 19, 2011 • 10:00 AM Now

‘10 CIH Steiger 535Q, 1250 hrs. ............................................$265,000

‘09 CIH Steiger 535Q, 1479 hrs. ............................................$229,000

‘10 CIH 535Q, 36” tracks, Lux. cab, full auto guide, 395 hrs. ......$309,900

‘10 CIH Steiger 385, full auto guide, PTO ......................................$199,500

‘11 Magnum 340, susp. front axle, full auto guide......................$235,000

‘05 CIH STX375, 710/70R38 duals, 4 hyd remotes, 1556 hrs. ....$154,900

‘10 CIH Max 140 Pro, 4 hyd. remotes, 540 PTO, diff. lock, 44 hrs. ......JUST IN

‘’07 CIH 8010, 700 sep. hrs. ............................................$199,500

‘10 CIH 9120, Track Drive, RWA, 257 sep. hrs.........................$339,500

USED 4WD TRACTORS Up To One Year Interest Free ••• Call For Details ••• ‘11 CIH Steiger 600 Quad, 36” tracks, Lux. cab, cab suspension, full auto guide, 142 hrs. ..$379,900 ‘10 CIH Steiger 535 Quad, 36” tracks, Lux. cab, full auto guide, 395 hrs., Farm Use Only ..............................................................................................................................$309,900 ‘10 CIH Steiger 535 Quad, Scraper, Lux. cab, HID lgts., big hyd. pump, Auto Guide Ready, 1250 hrs. ........................................................................................................................................$265,000 ‘09 CIH Steiger 435HD, Scraper ready, Lux. cab, 710/70R42, HD axle, diff. locks, 810 hrs. ..........................................................................................................................................$179,900 ‘10 CIH Steiger 385, 6720/70R42 tires, PTO, Lux. cab, auto guide ready, HID lights ..............$199,500 ‘96 JD 8770, 3 hyd. remotes, diff. lock, mech. green star, 2708 hrs. ............................................$84,000 STX and STEIGER PTO, TOW CABLE & 3 PT. KITS ON HAND!!!

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THE LAND, JULY 15, 2011



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“Where Farm and Family Meet”

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This week’s Back Roads is the work of The Land Correspondent Kristin Kveno

THE LAND, JULY 15, 2011


On the farm

“Where Farm and Family Meet”

Hoffman dairy farm, New Ulm, Minn.

Ulm Farm-City Hub Club and was an opportunity for families to come out opened up their dairy farm near New and see firsthand what all goes into having a successful dairy operation. Ulm, Minn., to the public so that peoThe Hoffmans provided walking ple could experience everyday life on tours of their dairy, giving families an the farm. up-close view of their operation. The This event was hosted by the New milking parlor offered a chance for

a beautiful summer evening in OnJune, Steve and Kerry Hoffman

children to see exactly where their milk comes from. (The cows and children seemed equally curious about the other.) Life never stops on the farm. That was evident with the birth of twin calves that morning. Meanwhile, the Farm-City Hub Club provided tasty

dairy treats to visitors as they enjoyed the farm experience. Also on-hand with a calf was Minnesota dairy industry’s Princess Kay of the Milky Way, Katie Miron. It was hard to tell if the kids were more impressed by Miron’s adorable calf or her sparkly crown.

Do you have a Back Roads story suggestion? E-mail editor@TheLandOnline.com or write to Editor, The Land, P.O. Box 3169, Mankato, MN 56002.

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