June 8, 2012 :: Southern :: The Land

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Š 2012


(800) 657-4665 www.TheLandOnline.com theland@TheLandOnline.com P.O. Box 3169, Mankato, MN 56002

Reduced haylage waste and spoilage adds up to increased profits, thanks to a new piece of equipment ~ Page 16A

America is still the greatest

THE LAND, JUNE 8, 2012

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P.O. Box 3169 418 South Second St. Mankato, MN 56002 (800) 657-4665 Vol. XXXVI ❖ No. XII 52 pages, 2 sections, plus supplement

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Cover photo by Dick Hagen

COLUMNS Opinion Farm and Food File Calendar Marketing Mielke Market Weekly Table Talk Pet Talk The Bookworm Sez BBQMyWay The Outdoors The Land Funpage Back Roads Auctions/Classifieds

2A-6A 6A 7A 10A-15A 10A 23A 25A 26A 27A 28A 31A 32A 4B-20B

“Where Farm and Family Meet”

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STAFF Publisher: Jim Santori: jsantori@cnhi.com General Manager: Kathleen Connelly: kconnelly@TheLandOnline.com Editor: Kevin Schulz: editor@TheLandOnline.com Assistant Editor: Tom Royer: troyer@TheLandOnline.com Staff Writer: Dick Hagen: dickhagen@mvtvwireless.com Advertising Representatives: Kim Henrickson: khenrickson@TheLandOnline.com Mike Schafer: mike.schafer2@gmail.com Danny Storlie: theland@TheLandOnline.com Office/Advertising Assistants: Vail Belgard: vbelgard@TheLandOnline.com Joan Compart: theland@TheLandOnline.com Ad Production: Brad Hardt: lndcomp@mankatofreepress.com For Customer Service Concerns: (507) 345-4523, (800) 657-4665, theland@TheLandOnline.com Fax: (507) 345-1027 For Editorial Concerns or Story Ideas: (507) 344-6342, (800) 657-4665, editor@TheLandOnline.com National Sales Representative: Bock & Associates Inc., 7650 Executive Drive, Minneapolis, MN 55344-3677. (952) 905-3251. Because of the nature of articles appearing in The Land, product or business names may be included to provide clarity. This does not constitute an endorsement of any product or business. Opinions and viewpoints expressed in editorials or by news sources are not necessarily those of the management. The Publisher shall not be liable for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement. The Publisher’s liability for other errors or omissions in connection with an advertisement is strictly limited to publication of the advertisement in any subsequent issue or the refund of any monies paid for the advertisement. Classified Advertising: $17 for seven (7) lines for a private classified, each additional line is $1.25; $22 for business classifieds, each additional line is $1.25. Classified ads accepted by mail or by phone with VISA, MasterCard, Discover or American Express. Classified ads can also be sent by e-mail to theland@TheLandOnline.com. Mail classified ads to The Land, P.O. Box 3169, Mankato, MN 56002. Please include credit card number, expiration date and your postal address with ads sent on either mail version. Classified ads may also be called into (800) 657-4665. Deadline for classified ads is noon on the Monday prior to publication date, with holiday exceptions. Distributed to farmers in all Minnesota counties and northern Iowa, as well as on The Land’s website. Each classified ad is separately copyrighted by The Land. Reproduction without permission is strictly prohibited. Subscription and Distribution: Free to farmers and agribusinesses in Minnesota and northern Iowa. $24 per year for non-farmers and people outside the service area. The Land (ISSN 0279-1633) is published Fridays and is a division of The Free Press Media (part of Community Newspaper Holdings Inc.), 418 S. Second St., Mankato MN 56001. Periodicals postage paid at Mankato, Minn. Postmaster and Change of Address: Address all letters and change of address notices to The Land, P.O. Box 3169, Mankato, MN 56002; call (507) 345-4523 or e-mail to theland@TheLandOnline.com.

interest and some crop protection proI had the privilege of a rare “double gram. But it was not a good era for agriheader” May 16. culture. I drove to Wayzata for an interview with “In came Reagan. He didn’t pass any Chuck Conner, CEO of the National Coungreat big stimulus bill. He lowered taxes cil of Farmer Cooperatives. Sharp guy. You and made the administration more busican read a question-and-answer session ness friendly. And business people with him starting on Page 19A in this responded with more expansion; more issue. people were hired. That started the best In the very same building the Boschwitz 25 years this country has ever experifamily maintains their business offices. In LAND MINDS enced. 1982 U.S. Sen. Rudy Boschwitz appointed By Dick Hagen “Today Congress seems stymied on my son Michael into the U.S. Military many issues. I think some blame is due Academy at West Point, N.Y. That, as to 24-7 news coverage. The news people you can imagine, is a huge favor to a think the only thing that makes news is country family from Olivia, Minn. when they can capture politicians arguing. And it Over the past 20-plus years I’ve occasionally had the opportunity of a brief greeting and thank you to gets worse when the numbers are close like they are the senator. And now this unexpected privilege came in the current Congress. Today’s Senate is 53 Democrats and 47 Republicans. Both sides need to be once again. accommodating and the competition does get a little I cautiously opened the door and asked if the sena- rougher.” tor was in. He was. I asked if I might say “hello.” The Always a political purveyor, the senator said, “but person who looked like a younger Boschwitz if we elect a Republican president this fall said, “Go right ahead. He’s in that office and get a Republican Senate plus keep the right there” pointing to an open door. I Republicans in control of the U.S. House, looked in; saw the senator sitting at his comthen we can fix this country because it needs puter. He waved me in. My goodness, his to be fixed.” office is Washington, D.C., personified with Boschwitz said he enjoyed being on the pictures of the senator and political friends Senate committee and it got better when abundantly displayed. Dick Lyng became Secretary of Agriculture I reminded him of his generosity 30 years earlier when my son became a West Point Rudy Boschwitz in 1986. “Dick Lyng was the canniest, the smartest of anyone in agriculture with cadet. whom I served. I introduced him one time at a speHe offered a chair and our conversation began. I cial birthday of USDA. I told the audience that Dick was curious about his take on Congress today versus Lyng was a canny old dude. I was asked to introduce the 12 years he served as Minnesota senator from again at a later date. He came over and whispered in 1978 to 1990. He reminded me that he was on the my ear ‘call me a canny old dude again’.” Senate ag committee those 12 years. “We used to How does an 80-year-old former U.S. Senator keep have set aside and diversion programs; lots more up with the pace of the world? Obviously Boschwitz government involvement in agriculture at that time. I was always an opponent of government in agricul- is well connected. In 2005 he was designated as ture. I felt the marketplace should be the key driver Ambassador Rudy Boschwitz and served as head of the U.S. delegation to the 61st Session of the United of market prices for farm production. Nations Commission on Human Rights. “Senator Born (of Oklahoma) and I sponsored the “I enjoy life as it is but I keep up with the world as legislation that became the Freedom-to-Farm Bill. best I can. And that’s why I enjoy life. It’s a challengThe 1980s were difficult for agriculture. The worst ing intellectual environment we’re living in. You recession since the Depression years of the ’30s. have to read a lot. You have to pay attention. But Interest rates into the 20 percentile. Unfortunately don’t give up on America and don’t give up on this many farmers went bankrupt. The 1985 farm bill included provisions to provide farm loans with low See MINDS, pg. 4A


INSIDE THIS ISSUE: 9A — Finalists named for 2012 Princess Kay of the Milky Way 17A — Dry corn in fall slowed expansion of silage bag storage 19A — U.S. agriculture strength driven by farmer-owned cooperatives 28A — World-class carver finds niche that floats

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THE LAND, JUNE 8, 2012

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“Where Farm and Family Meet”

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THE LAND, JUNE 8, 2012

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Letter: Educating youth on ag To the Editor: As you pointed out in the Opinion section of your May 25 edition, it is an important but daunting task to educate consumers about where their food comes from. It is always enjoyable to hear what children think, and the third graders in this survey were no exception. A group of farmers and agribusiness people in south central Minnesota have decided to tackle the task of educating our consumers this summer. We are organizing a one-day camp called Farm Camp Minnesota for children in grades 3 to 6. The purpose of this camp is to provide a fun, educational experience for the campers to learn about modern agriculture and to understand how and where their food is produced. The campers will be able to interact with farmers and agribusiness people as they

learn about corn, soybeans, pork, dairy, beef and poultry. They will be able to participate in many fun activities and also be able to ride in a tractor. The camp will be held at Farmamerica, west of Waseca, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. on Aug. 13. Lunch will be provided and everybody will receive a T-shirt and a lot of fun things to take home. Registration information is available by contacting Farmamerica at their website www.farmamerica.org or by calling (507) 835-2052. I want to express my appreciation to the agribusinesses, producer groups and individuals who are donating their time and resources to make this happen. I would like to invite your readers to help us tell the story by encouraging any 3 to 6 graders they know to join us at Farm Camp Minnesota for a day of fun and learning. Kathy Guse Janesville, Minn.

Letter: Learn before you burn need to read all the terms of your To the Editor: burn permit. Make sure to contact In response to the article pubyour local county solid waste offilished in The Land magazine on Dec. 2, 2011, “Trashing the old barn,” we cial and the MPCA before burning or burying would like to address the approach of dispos- any material on the land without a permit. Consider hiring inspectors, as well as a certiing farm buildings. In general, it is illegal to burn old farm fied excavator. It may cost more upfront, but buildings and farm debris in order to dispose will be worth it in the end. of them. Disposing of old farm sites through Reed and Lynae Burgstahler burning can result in significant fines and Stewart, Minn. penalties from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, as we have experienced firsthand. MINDS, from pg. 2A Additionally, a burn permit does not allow for the burning of material other world. than vegetative matter and clean “After World War II, there were only 12 democradimensional lumber (not plywood, cies in the world. Today there are 100 democracies. painted or preserved). Burning farm- The important element is this simple fact: There has houses and other farm structures typi- never been a war between two democracies. So cally results in the burning of prohibi- despite the turmoil on Planet Earth, the world is gettive materials. A disposal facility permit ting better. We have a bunch of crazies in this world is generally required to dispose of farm unfortunately. Much of this turmoil is people trying demolition debris with the exception of to get rid of their dictatorial leadership. These peoconcrete and reinforcing bar. Burning ple, too, want democracy. And as that continues to waste before burying it may result in happen around the world we will become a better the need to manage that waste at a per- world. mitted landfill, at increased cost. “Despite our great discontent, America is better If you are considering burning, you today than any time in our great history. Democracies only work when people respect each other and are willing to work together for the common cause.” My brief visit with Sen. Boschwitz reaffirmed me of his great faith in America. As he walked me out of his office he gently took my hand, “remember that faith in America starts with a strong religious faith.” Still ramrod straight and standing tall, he is indeed a proud American. Dick Hagen is staff writer of The Land. He may be reached at dickhagen@mvtvwireless.com. ❖


Starts with strong faith

Commentary: 150 Years of ‘The Peoples’ Department’


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them to put healthy meals on the table, We’ll keep working closely with even when times are tough, and we’re America’s agricultural producers to serving healthier school breakfast and maintain a dependable safety net for lunch to 32 million students a day. their work — which ultimately is conToday, the USDA truly remains a “Peo- nected to one in 12 American jobs — ples’ Department” that touches the life of and ensure the food supply we need to feed a growing world every American. Folks population. depend on us. That’s why I’m committed to leveragI hope Americans USDA is looking ing the efforts of our will join us in our comdepartment and more memoration of 150 forward to than 100,000 hardworkyears of the USDA. addressing the ing USDA employees to This is a great time to changing needs continue creating jobs, learn about this of agriculture supporting rural commudepartment’s contribuand rural nities and helping our tions to the strength of country prosper. our nation, and to see America. how we can continue to As we commemorate partner with Ameri150 years of accomplishments, the USDA is looking forward to addressing cans working to provide a better life the changing needs of agriculture and for their families. rural America. I invite everyone to log on to www.usda.gov/usda150 to learn more For our small towns and communiabout the USDA’s history and our ties looking to compete in a globalizing world, we’ll be there with access to plans for the future — as the “Peoples’ broadband, critical infrastructure and Department” continues serving all Americans, every day and every way. support for new businesses. This commentary was submitted by The USDA will continue its support the U.S. Department of Agriculture on for the next generation of renewable fuels and help promote advanced, bio- behalf of USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack. ❖ based products.

THE LAND, JUNE 8, 2012

One hundred and fifty years — making a record number of ago, in 1862, President Abrafarm loans, maintaining a ham Lincoln signed into law strong safety net, and expandan act of Congress establishing ing markets to drive record the U.S. Department of Agriexports. culture. Two and a half years We’ve stood by rural commulater, in what would be his nities — supporting more than final annual message to Con6,000 community facilities gress, Lincoln called the USDA projects, providing more than Tom Vilsack “The People’s Department.” 50,000 loans to help rural President Lincoln knew businesses create jobs and the importance of agriculinvesting in thousands of ture to our prosperity — infrastructure projects that particularly at a time when about half have delivered modern broadband, of all Americans lived on the farm. water and electric services to millions. While that number today stands at We’ve enrolled a record number of about 2 percent, our values are still acres in conservation programs, and rooted in rural America. laid out a sensible new planning rule As the United States has changed for 193 million acres of national forests and evolved over the years, at the to promote job growth while conservUSDA we have not lost sight of Lin- ing the environment. coln’s vision. Through our work on The USDA has continued its history food, agriculture, economic develop- of groundbreaking research. For examment, science, natural resource conser- ple, we’ve invested about $320 million vation and a host of other issues, the to accelerate research on the next genUSDA has impacted the lives of gener- eration of renewable energy — so we ations of Americans. can create jobs and ensure America’s Over the past three years, we have energy security for years to come. furthered that commitment to this We’re also helping families lead healthy nation. lives. The USDA provides nutrition assisThe USDA has supported producers tance for one in four Americans, enabling

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THE LAND, JUNE 8, 2012

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Go ahead, armchair economists; bet against Europe When I hopped on the ag wrong — on both counts. journalism jet in 1981, the Not only did the EuroEuropean Union (known peans continue their rich then as the European Ecoag spending, they expanded nomic Union) forecast it it and their “common marwould spend a fabulous ket” to other nations for 30 sum — $5 billion or so — more years. In 2008, CAP on its farm support procosts topped 55 billion gram, the Common AgriEuros, or $70 billion. (CAP cultural Policy. will cost about 53 billion FARM & FOOD FILE Euros this year.) By comparison, the U.S. Department of Agriculture At the same time, U.S. By Alan Guebert estimated total 1981 farm farm program spending did program costs here would everything but drop. The be about $2 billion. The go-go 1970s gave way to estimate was pretty going-going 1980s and accurate; actual U.S. farm gone-gone 1990s. Ag proprogram expense totaled $1.9 billion gram costs here grew to $16.7 billion in 1981. in 1987 and, after hovering between The disparity between the two com- $8 billion and $13 billion for a decade pelled the smart money to bet that thereafter, soared to $24.4 billion in not only would America’s farm pro2004. gram spending flatten out, and perToday, after a re-jiggering of ag polhaps fall, as the good years of the icy in 2008 and two of the three most 1970s stretched into the 1980s, but profitable years in the history of that European farm program spend- American agriculture, federal farm ing would, because of its massive out- program spending still weighs in at a lays and talked-about expansion, sim- hefty $11 billion. ply implode. Those 30-year-old predictions — and Not one nation and certainly not their dismal results — come to mind one group of nations, forecasted any as the smart money once again lines ag economist worth his slide rule and up to bet against Europe, its currency, bowtie back then, could sustain the the Euro, and its resolve to stand Continent’s wild-eyed ag spending. together. According to conventional economic thought, the European The bowtie gang was, of course,

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ready to cash in and move out of the Euro or the EU. In fact, a May 29released survey shows 71 percent of No one — not even all Greeks, the highest of any nationthe Greeks who are ality polled, want to stay with both the staggering through an currency and the union. EU-imposed austerity Another sign of recovery, or at least program — are ready less chaos, comes from changes in political leadership throughout much to cash in and move of the region. Key EU members like out of the Euro or the France, Italy and Greece have new EU. leaders who were elected to balance yesterday’s recession-inducing austerUnion and the Euro will sink in a cold ity programs with tomorrow’s growthsummer soup of debt, doubt and divi- building public spending ideas. Both sion. are needed to reel in debt while nurAnd, like the 1981 view that Europe turing business activity. couldn’t continue its farm program Despite these changes, the EU and spending, there is plenty of evidence the Euro still could go south. That liketo suggest the conventioneers might lihood, predicts the conventional gang, be right. After all, national debt to involves global bond traders ganging gross domestic product for troubled up on the European Central Bank as it EU members like Greece is 165 perattempts to prop up, say, Greek debt or cent. That means, at current rates, if slow capital flight from Rome. every cent of the Greek economy went ’Course they said the same thing to pay its debt, it would take one year about European ag spending in 1981. and nine months to cover it. Back then, we thought it was about Other nations face similar woe. money. To the Europeans it was about Italy’s debt to GDP is 120 percent, freedom from war and want. Portugal’s is 107 percent and even Still is, I’d bet. solid, stolid Germany, the anchor for the leaky EU ship, is 81 percent. Alan Guebert’s “Farm and Food File” is published weekly in more than 70 And yet, no one — not even the Greeks who are staggering through an newspapers in North America. Contact EU-imposed austerity program — are him at agcomm@farmandfoodfile.com. ❖

Backds Roa

See it on Page 32A


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Send us your events by e-mail to editor@TheLandOnline.com

Log on to http://bit.ly/theland-calendar 7 for our full events calendar A

Info: Contact Glen Schmidt, glen@mfu.org or (651) 2884066

Info: $50/person, $35 for second participant from same group; call (877) 232-4002 or log on to www.farmlandconference.com; space is limited

mile south of Mayo High School; bus ride is free providing at least one member of your family is wearing a Rochesterfest button, buttons will be available at the bus and the farm; $6/adult, $3/child ages 5-12; contact Beth Lecy, (507) 545-0112 Steele County Breakfast on the Farm June 23, 8 a.m.-1 p.m. Clover Glen Dairy Farm, Claremont, Minn. Info: $3/adult; bus transportation provided from the fairgrounds, handicap parking only at the farm; farm is located at 9368 SE 18th Street; contact Deb Johnson, (507) 528-2699

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Milkapalooza at Cedar Summit Farm June 23, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Cedar Summit Farm, New Prague, Minn. Info: Help Cedar Summit celebrate 10 years of farmbottled, certified organic, 100 percent grass-fed milk; log on to www.cedarsummit.com or contact steve@cedarsummit.com or (612) 819-1924 for more information

THE LAND, JUNE 8, 2012

Info: Farm is located at 30111 agdm/info/meetings.html 620th Ave.; contact Ardis Jensen, (507) 567-2269 Winona County Breakfast on the Farm Evaluating Your Estate Solar Energy Workshop June 21, 5-8 p.m. Plan June 12 Daley Farm, Lewiston, Minn. June 19, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. West Central Research and Info: $7/adult, $25/family Forage Field Tour and Northwest Iowa Community ticket for two adults and four Outreach Center, Morris, Minn. Dairy Tour College, Sheldon, Iowa Info: Register online at children under 16, $4/child June 15, 11 a.m. Info: $50/person, advanced http://renewables.morris.umn.edu Earl and Darlene Felling under 10; brats, hot dogs, registration required by call- chips, beans and root beer Farm, St. Anthony, Minn. ing (712) 737-4230; log on to floats; contact Winona Area Quality Assurance Info: Planned for rain or Ag Decision Maker website, Chamber of commerce, (507) shine, with a machine shed Minnesota Farmers Union Training www.extension.iastate.edu/ag 452-2272 June 13 available; contact Dan Day Camp dm/info/meetings.html Nobles County Government Martens, University of June 9, 1-4 p.m. Evaluating Your Estate Lake Crystal Area Rec. Cen- Center, Worthington, Minn. Minnesota Extension Evaluating Your Estate Info: Pork Quality Assurance, educator for Stearns, Plan ter, Lake Crystal, Minn. Plan 10 a.m.-Noon; Transport June 22, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Info: Contact Glen Schmidt, Benton and Morrison June 20, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Quality Assurance, 1-3:30 Linn County Extension glen@mfu.org or (651) 288counties, (800) 964-4929, Adair County Extension p.m.; registration requested Office, Marion, Iowa 4066 or Craig Roerick, Stearns Office, Greenfield, Iowa to colleen@mnpork.com or Info: $50/person, advanced County Extension, (800) Info: $50/person, advanced (800) 537-7675 or log on to registration required by callGopher Dairy Camp registration required by call- ing (319) 377-9839; log on to www.mnpork.com 450-6171 June 10-12 ing (641) 743-8412; log on to Ag Decision Maker website, University of Minnesota, St. Advanced Swine www.extension.iastate.edu/ag Minnesota Farmers Union Ag Decision Maker website, Paul www.extension.iastate.edu/ dm/info/meetings.html Day Camp Info: $60/person; for youth who Reproduction Seminar agdm/info/meetings.html June 14, 10 a.m.-3:30 p.m. June 15, 11 a.m.-2:30 p.m. have completed grades 6 Civic Center, Waverly, Iowa Olmsted County Breakfast Pahl’s Market Apple Valley, through 11; check with MinEvaluating Your Estate on the Farm Minn. nesota Extension offices, log on Info: $30/person; contact Plan Mark Storlie, (563) 425-3331 Info: Contact Glen Schmidt, June 23, 6:30-11:30 a.m. to www.ansci.umn.edu/gopher June 21, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. or mstorlie@iastate.edu to Gar-Lin Dairy, Eyota, Minn. glen@mfu.org or (651) 288dairycamp or call (507) 995Mahaska County Extension register to guarantee a lunch 4066 Info: Breakfast serves until 7084 for more information Office, Oskaloosa, Iowa noon; farm is 15 miles southeast of Rochester off Highway Mower County Breakfast Info: $50/person, advanced Minnesota Farmers Union This Land is Your Land registration required by call- 90 on Eyota Exit 224; take a 2012 on the Farm Day Camp ing (641) 673-5841; log on to bus ride from Willow Creek June 15, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. June 16, 8-11:30 a.m. June 11, 1-4:30 p.m. Ag Decision Maker website, Hy-Vee Conference Center, Middle School’s north parkEugene Anderson Dairy Dairy Day Camp, Goodhue, www.extension.iastate.edu/ West Des Moines ing lot on County Road 1, 1 Farm, Waltham, Minn. Minn. Invention & Idea Show June 8-9, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Redwood Area Community Center, Redwood Falls, Minn. Info: $5/person; contact Minnesota Inventors Congress, info@minnesotainventors congress.org, (507) 627-2344, (800) INVENT1 or log on to www.minnesotainventors congress.org

“Where Farm and Family Meet”

THE LAND, JUNE 8, 2012

8 A

The Land wants to hear from you. Minnesota State Cattlemen’s Tour set for July 10 in Little Falls Send letters to the editor to: Editor, The Land, P.O. Box 3169, Mankato, MN 56002 or e-mail: editor@TheLandOnline.com Please keep letters to 250 words or less. They must be signed originals, and have the writer’s name, address and telephone number (for verification purposes). Letters sent anonymously will be discarded.


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“Where Farm and Family Meet”

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The Mississippi Valley Cattlemen’s Association will be hosting this year’s Minnesota State Cattlemen’s Tour on July 10, with headquarters at the Morrison County Fairgrounds in Little Falls, Minn. Tour stops Smude Sunflower Oil Tom and Jennifer Smude bottle oil from their sunflowers, as well as run a 400- to 500-head feedlot. Hanneken Angus Ralph and Carla Hanneken operate one of the most progressive and successful Angus herds in Minnesota. HB Farms The John, Greg and Bennie Holtz families raise purebred Charolais, as well as having a modern dairy heifer operation. DLCC Ranch Dar, Lynn, Lane and Leah Geiss have some of the best South Devon cattle, with genetics spread out across the world. Virnig Farms Mark and Kevin Virnig installed state-of-the-art robotic milkers to save on labor costs. Camp Ripley Military Base Tour the National Guard base and Minnesota Military Museum. Vince Waldoch Farm Cow-calf operation Rolling Thunder Ranch Custom grazing The Mississippi Valley Cattlemen’s Association has members from Crow

Wing, Morrison and Todd counties. Agriculture is a major industry in this region. Todd County is situated in the geographical center of Minnesota. Livestock farming is Todd County’s No. 1 private employer and their livestock ranking within Minnesota is eighth in dairy, fifth in beef cows and 10th in poultry. Morrison County is located east of Todd County. Agriculture is prominent in Morrison County, which ranks third in the state in total livestock production, third in beef cattle, dairy and poultry and 15th in total agriculture. Crow Wing County is located north of Morrison County and ranks 20th in the state for total beef production and 65th in total livestock production. Registration begins at 6:15 a.m. with tours starting at 6:40 a.m. Lunch will be served at the farm beginning at 11:30 am. After the tours are complete, dinner will be served at the fairgrounds starting at 5:15 p.m. Registration before June 15 is $25 per adult; after June 15 cost goes to $35. There are no refunds. Make checks payable to MVCA. Mail payment to Darv Keehr, 22810 175th Avenue, Little Falls, MN 56345. Contact Keehr at (320) 745-2431 or Clint Kathrein at (320) 232-7336, or email mvcattlemen@yahoo.com or log on to mnsca.org for more information. ❖

Princess Kay of the Milky Way finalists named


• Maggie Stiles, 18, Lakeville, representing Dakota County, daughter of Mike and Tina Stiles. Princess Kay serves as the official goodwill ambassador for the state’s dairy farmers, and makes appearances to help explain their commitment to taking care of the animals and resources while pro-

viding wholesome, nutritious and affordable dairy products. Midwest Dairy Association manages the program, which is in its 59th year. This article is courtesy of the Midwest Dairy Association. ❖


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Spray Tips Foam Markers Norwesco Poly Tanks 14 or 25 gal. ATV Sprayers 450 Motorized Boom Valves Top Air Spray Booms, 3 pt., or trailer mount Micro Trak Spraymate Controllers Raven Controllers Astro Series of GPS Based Speed Sensors

The 2012 Princess Kay of the Milky Way finalists are, back row, left to right: Aly Schwartau, Valerie Grimm, Elizabeth Nix, Kirsten Meier, Kelsey Buss, Maggie Stiles and Kelsey Mussman. Front row, left to right, are: Laura Rosenhammer, Victoria Haler, Laura Mesenburg, Meg Hintzen and Christine Reitsma.

THE LAND, JUNE 8, 2012

This year’s finalists for the title of Princess Kay of the Milky Way have been named; selected at the conclusion of a three-day event for county dairy princesses held in St. Joseph, Minn. Each of the 12 will be sculpted in butter during the 2012 Minnesota State Fair. Princess Kay is crowned each year the night before the State Fair opens. The finalists are: • Kelsey Buss, 20, Hutchinson, representing McLeod County, daughter of Kevin and Lori Buss; • Valerie Grimm, 18, Waconia, representing Carver County, daughter of Joel and Barb Grimm; • Victoria Haler, 18, Waconia, representing Carver County, daughter of Rick Haler and Connie Haasken; • Meg Hintzen, 21, Carlos, representing Douglas County, daughter of Leonard and Jodi Hintzen; • Kirsten Meier, 19, Watkins, representing Stearns County, daughter of Vernon and Michelle Meier; • Laura Mesenburg, 19, Byron, representing Olmsted County, daughter of Dan and Amy Mesenburg; • Kelsey Mussman, 19, Claremont, representing Steele County, daughter of Mike and Julie Mussman; • Elizabeth Nix, 21, Plato, representing McLeod County, daughter of Tim and Ann Nix; • Christine Reitsma, 17, Sauk Centre, representing Stearns County, daughter of Paul and Carolyn Reitsma; • Laura Rosenhammer, 20, Sleepy Eye, representing Brown County, daughter of John and Patty Rosenhammer; • Aly Schwartau, 19, Red Wing, representing Goodhue County, daughter of David and Jane Schwartau; and

9 A

THE LAND, JUNE 8, 2012

10 A

Lower milk prices, high feed costs make for tough times Happy Dairy Month This column was written $1.5215 per pound, down 1.5 for the marketing week endcents from April. Butter ing June 1. averaged $1.3657, down 9.8 cents. Nonfat dry milk averThe May federal order aged $1.1551, down 9.6 benchmark Class III milk cents, and dry whey averprice was announced at aged 53.89 cents, down 5.3 $15.23 per hundredweight, cents. down 49 cents from April, $1.29 below May 2011, and ■ equates to about $1.31 per MIELKE MARKET Looking “back to the gallon. WEEKLY futures,” after factoring in That put the 2012 Class the announced Class III By Lee Mielke III average at $15.96, milk prices and the down from $16.65 at remaining futures, the this time a year ago, average Class III milk and compares to $13.57 price for the first six in 2010 and $10.23 in 2009. months of 2012 stood at $15.65 on March 2; $15.70 on May 10; and $15.94 Looking ahead, Class III futures on May 25. The last half of 2012 was were trading late Friday morning as averaging $15.95 on April 20; $15.61 follows: June, $15.57; July, $16.07; on April 27; $15.08 on May 4; $15.44 on August, $15.89; September, $15.96; May 11; $15.69 on May 18; $16.13 on October, $16.11; November, $16; and May 25; and was trading around $16 December, $16. late morning June 1. The May Class IV price is $13.55, ■ down $1.25 from April and a whopping $6.74 below a year ago. Its 2012 Meanwhile, things remain tough on average now stands at $15.24, down the farm. Lower average milk prices, from $18.86 at this time a year ago. combined with higher alfalfa hay The Agricultural Marketing Service prices, more than offset steady soybean See MIELKE, pg. 12A surveyed cheese price averaged

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As I contemplated writing another “Dairy Month” salute, I took a look at what I said a year ago. I talked about how Dairy Month has been a great promotional event for the U.S. dairy industry for many years because it “calls our city slicker cousins back to their roots and back to the land where their food comes from.” It also provides a great promotional venue to retailers to spotlight and specially price milk, cheese and ice cream and let’s not forget the latest dairy “wonder of the world,” Greek yogurt. It is the dairy industry’s desire for consumers to enjoy and appreciate dairy products in this special month of recognition but consumers also need to be aware and reminded of the hard work, dedication, and animal and land stewardship, plus the tough economic times dairy farmers endure to provide that gallon of milk or block of cheese that grocery store shoppers never worry there’ll be a shortage of.

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Like so many things in life, it’s easy to take it all for granted but it doesn’t just magically appear. I need some cheese for the pizza tonight or a gallon of ice cream for the birthday party this afternoon so I simply run to the store and get it because it’s always there, right? But, what if it wasn’t? I occasionally receive comments from non-farm readers about the things I write about each week and how interesting and yet complex this industry is. That’s encouraging because the people who really know what’s behind that gallon of milk or that chunk of cheese will appreciate it a little more and will complain a little less when they may have to pay a little more for it. Milk is said to be one of nature’s most perfect foods and we are blessed to have it and an industry that is so dedicated to providing it. Drink up Mr. and Ms. Consumer. It’s Dairy Month. — Lee Mielke

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11 A THE LAND, JUNE 8, 2012

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On the bright side — cash dairy markets see strength MIELKE, from pg. 10A prices and slightly lower corn prices, sending the May 2012 milk-feed price ratio to the lowest level in two decades, according to the May Ag Prices report. The May 2012 milk-feed price ratio, at 1.38, is down from a revised 1.42 in April and 1.73 in May 2011 and is the 14th consecutive month it has been below 2.0, reports Dairy Profit Weekly.

At $16.40/cwt., the U.S. average milk price is the lowest since July 2010. Average hay prices rose $8, to $215 per ton; soybean prices were steady, at $13.70 per bushel; and corn prices dropped 12 cents, to $6.34/bu. The April Milk Income Loss Contract payment to producers will be $1.2110/cwt. On the bright side, the cash dairy markets saw more strength the final

MN TRUCK & TRACTOR Mankato, MN • 507-388-4599

“Where Farm and Family Meet”

week of the month with 40-pound block cheese closing Friday June 1 at $1.65/lb., up 8 cents on the week, but 40 cents below a year ago when they jumped 24 cents, to $2.05. The 500pound barrels closed at $1.5325, up 6.25 cents on the week and 42.75 cents below a year ago. Two cars of block and four of barrel traded hands on the week. AMS-surveyed block cheese averaged $1.5210, across the United States, down 0.6 cent. The barrels averaged $1.4932, up a half-cent. ■ Cheese production nationally remains heavy, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Increased milk supplies have been moving to manufacturing facilities with cheese plants taking much of the increase. This has increased stocks in cold storage, but manufacturers are reported to be comfortable with current inventories. Export sales are being assisted by the Cooperatives Working Together program. American cheese stocks are above year-ago and last month’s levels. “Other” natural cheese stocks were below year-ago levels, but increasing from last month.


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THE LAND, JUNE 8, 2012

12 A



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A recent earthquake in Italy is reported to have damaged over 300,000 wheels of aged cheese worth hundreds of millions of dollars. The CWT accepted 14 requests for export assistance the last week of May to sell a total of 875,235 pounds of cheese and 1.664 million pounds of butter to customers in Asia, North Africa, Central America and the Middle East. The product will be delivered through November and raised 2012 CWT cheese exports to 54.7 million pounds plus 44.7 million pounds of butter and anhydrous milk fat to 27 countries. Totals of both were adjusted due to cancellations. Cash butter saw a fourth week of gain, closing Friday at $1.40, up 1.25 cents on the week but 74.25 cents below a year ago. Six cars traded hands. AMS butter averaged $1.3450, up a penny from the previous week. Butter demand has been fair for the current time of year, according to the USDA’s Dairy Market News. Butter feature activity has been light to moderate, but expected to increase as more co-featuring is occurring with sweet corn and the unofficial start of barbeSee MIELKE, pg. 13A

Production costs give producers more to chew on well as milk prices and fluid milk sales, Natzke said. This week, California wrapped up a public hearing to consider petitions to change pricing formulas for milk used to manufacture cheese in the state, Natzke said. Producer organizations filed petitions requesting changes in how dry whey is valued in the formula, saying disparity between federal and California’s state milk marketing order formulas created a


wide gap in the prices received for milk used to make cheese. California’s Department of Food & Agriculture now has about 60 days to announce any changes to the milk pricing formula, Natzke said. Lee Mielke is a syndicated columnist who resides in Everson, Wash. His weekly column is featured in newspapers across the country and he may be reached at lkmielke@juno.com. ❖

THE LAND, JUNE 8, 2012


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“Where Farm and Family Meet”

The bottom line, the MIELKE, from pg. 12A cue season during the Memorial Day holi- DPW says, is that; although the 23-state day weekend. Lower retail butter prices gross income rose an average of are also helping sales, the USDA said. $3.94/cwt. in 2011 compared to 2010, that Cream demand increased, surprising was more than offset by a $4.69/cwt. many ahead of the holiday weekend. increase in total feed costs. Cream supplies are declining due to less The average total feed costs for all of standardized cream available as school the states analyzed was $14.85/cwt. in milk needs decline, lower milk output in some areas and declining milkfat levels in 2011, compared to $10.16 in 2010. Total milk. Butter production remains moder- feed costs ranged from a low of $10.64/cwt. in Idaho to highs of nearly ate to heavy at seasonal levels. $21 in Maine and Oregon (in part due ■ to a higher percentage of organic milk production). On average, purchased Cash Grade A nonfat dry milk closed Friday at $1.1850, up 3 cents on the week feed costs accounted for 75 percent of the total feed cost increase. on 11 cars traded, while Extra Grade remained at $1.09. AMS powder averaged California averaged $17.73/cwt. in $1.1317, down 1.3 cents, and dry whey total feed costs, about $4.40 more than averaged 52.4 cents, down 1.8 cents. Wisconsin. Perhaps more amazing, the DPW said, California’s purchased feed The USDA reports that Northeast costs jumped $6.71/cwt. in 2011, from milk production likely leveled off in just $7.04 in 2010 to $13.75/cwt. in early May. Nevertheless, production 2011. Wisconsin’s purchased feed costs remained heavy and drying at some rose $2.08/cwt., pushing total feed costs plants remained at full capacity. Milk up $2.28/cwt. production in the Southeast is declining overall except in the mid-Atlantic. When compared to gross value of proThis has kept manufacturing capacity duction (including the milk price, cattle in the Southeast at sales and other income) about 60 to 70 peron a per-hundredcent of capacity. weight basis, average When allocated 2011 return over operMilk intakes and overhead costs are ating costs ranged from component levels are a high of $10.05/cwt. in added, the DPW gradually receding Florida and $7.63 in from seasonal highs in said producers in Idaho, to losses of the Central region. only two states $1.47/cwt. in Maine, 26 Various marketing repwere in the black in cents in Kentucky and resentatives and coopera2011: Idaho, at Tennessee, and 3 cents tive managers indicate the $4.12/cwt., and in California. The allcompetition for farm milk state average return is increasing steadily in Florida, at $1.58. after operating costs some areas of the Central was $4/cwt. in 2011, region where cheese and compared to $4.96 in 2010. butter-powder plants are numerous. When allocated overhead costs are ■ added, the DPW said producers in only California milk output is mostly two states were in the black in 2011: steady and remains at or near the sea- Idaho, at $4.12/cwt., and Florida, at sonal peak. Weather has been warm $1.58. Losses were highest in Kenduring the daytime but cooler at night. tucky, Tennessee and Maine. The allArizona milk production is trending state average was minus $3.73/cwt. for lower on a week-to-week basis. Hotter 2011, compared to minus $2.75 in temperatures are a main cause, along 2010, according to the DPW. with time in milk and feeding changes ■ made because of high feed costs, according to the USDA. Dialing in the radio, DPW editor Milk production in the Pacific North- Dave Natzke kicked off Dairy Month west has slowed from the heavy levels talking about how farmers, organizations and communities are gearing up a few weeks ago but remains heavy. to host local and regional dairy celebraThe USDA’s preliminary 2011 milk cost tions, but added, “they can’t be blamed of production estimates are giving dairy if at least part of their attention is policy leaders and others new numbers to diverted toward policymakers and the digest. Production costs across the 23 dairy economy.” major dairy states analyzed are in a wide The 2012 farm bill and federal dairy range, reports Dairy Profit Weekly, with regional similarities often difficult to find. policy reforms are one of the issues as

13 A

Local Corn and Soybean Price Index

THE LAND, JUNE 8, 2012

14 A

Cash Grain Markets corn/change* Dover Edgerton Jackson Janesville Cannon Falls Sleepy Eye Average: Year Ago Average:



average soybeans average soybeans year prior



$12 $ 9 $ 6 $ $ 3



$ 0

$5.58 $5.82 $5.92 $5.96 $5.71 $5.83

-.22 -.24 -.29 -.11 -.13 -.19

$13.05 -.20 $13.16 -.21 $13.08 -.27 $13.42 +.31 $13.29 +.10 $13.15 -.16

average corn average corn year prior June'11 July











Grain prices are effective cash close on June 5. The price index chart compares an average of most recently reported local cash prices with the same average for a year ago. *Cash grain price change represents a two-week period.

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Grain Outlook Rain keeps bulls at bay

Livestock Angles Grain Angles Will June be good In the cycle of for prices? greed, hope, fear

The market analysis is for the week ending June 1. CORN — Corn extended the downtrend this week by closing lower four consecutive days of the Memorial Day shortened week. July corn declined 27 cents to $5.51 1/2 and the December contract lost 11 1/2 cents to close at $5.10 per bushel. An absence of any fresh export interest, a firming dollar, disappointing economic reports and enough rain to keep the bulls at bay were adequate to outweigh non-existent farmer sales. Cash basis levels had been flat on the domestic side while PHYLLIS NYSTROM export basis has been falling for Country Hedging the last 10 days. As June St. Paul arrived, both the export and processor markets exhibited life as pipelines are not being replenished. Early wheat harvest in the Plains showing decent yield and good quality possibly may push wheat out of feed channels and back to the wheat balance sheet. This could increase demand for corn as we head into mid-summer. While most of the Midwest received rainfall the last week of May, it was not enough to mitigate the general dryness, particularly in southern Illinois and Indiana. However with most areas receiving some measure of moisture, the market has not reacted to a drought threat at this time. The high heat of late May has subsided, putting that threat on the back burner for now. However, the current growing conditions have begun to cast some doubt on the record 166-bushel-

It appears the beginning of June is starting out as possibly a positive month for livestock prices. Both the cattle and hog markets have experienced a firming cash and futures markets. The cattle market, which has seen prices drop on what appears to be declining demand, has seen the packers continue to remain fairly aggressive in their bidding for live inventory. This despite the fact that show lists have increased in recent weeks, suggesting that there is plenty of inventory to meet the current slaughter needs. The beef cutout has moved back JOE TEALE into the upper-$190 per hundredBroker weight area, and with that the Great Plains Commodity Afton, Minn. volume in the boxed sales have decreased once again. This continues to point to the fact that there is still consumer resistance to the higher beef prices. A major factor in the futures market is the different commodity funds that have dominated to some degree the prices paid in the cash market. If these funds decide to take a position in the futures market on either side, that could have a bearing on the direction of the cash trade in the weeks ahead. Over the short run a further rally in prices is anticipated, however the overall trend in the cattle market is, at present, down. Therefore, the producers should be aware that if the current rally begins to falter, a return to lower prices could be in the offing. This would signal a return to protection of inventories.

For the next six weeks the grain markets will be focused on the three-times-a-day, updated six- to 10day weather forecasts. Or will they? It seems like the noncommercial, fund investors are trading in the opposite way than the fundamentals suggest they should. Over the last couple of weeks, I have started hearing more grumbling about the weaknesses of the U.S. Department of Agriculture crop reporting system. People are starting to wonder about conspiracies with the manner in which China trades in the cash markets and how the fund managers don’t use fundamental analysis; that TOM NEHER the new trading hours are geared AgStar VP & Team Leader to aid in their manipulation of — Grain Industry Rochester, Minn. the market prices. This tells me that we have some grain producers who are on the “wrong side of the market” and they are starting to “talk their position.” Could this be at the mid-point of the “Greed, Hope, Fear Cycle” that haunts our human marketing psyche? Those who are finding that they are on the “wrong side of the market” clearly are operating under the trading paradigm of trying to guess where the markets will go and predict the future. This is a dangerous approach to making marketing decisions. This is simply because no one can predict the future with consistent accuracy. The markets are not logical; they are subject to the human emotions of greed, hope and fear. Humans are innately social animals who are influenced by others in the herd. This does not lead to logical or rational processing of market intelligence.

See NYSTROM, pg. 15A

See TEALE, pg. 15A

See NEHER, pg. 15A

Information in the above columns is the writer’s opinion. It is no way guaranteed and should not be interpreted as buy/sell advice. Futures trading always involves a certain degree of risk.

Fasten your seatbelts; we’re in for a bumpy ride

Hogs may have finally turned corner TEALE, from pg. 14A The hog market appears to have finally turned the corner and is on the road to a continued rally. It started with a turn in the pork cutouts and has carried over into a firmer cash market. The fact that pork cutouts were less than half the price of the beef cutouts prompted retailers to take advantage of this discrepancy and feature more pork. This despite the fact that there is plenty of pork in storage. The movement of pork product has been on the increase and should begin to draw down these

excesses in storage over the next few months. To assist in this current recovery in prices are the seasonal trends, which normally peak in late spring and early summer. The caveat to this whole scenario is the fact that the hog market is still in a long-term downtrend and a rally could meet strong resistance at higher prices. On the other hand, since this recent low is later than normal, the rally in hog prices may extend further than normal. Since there are premiums in the futures, producers should still consider protection of inventories if premiums exceed normal carry. ❖

Become a student of our business give one the edge when it comes to growing and maintaining the financial health of your business. Those with the best records and reports will have the edge when it comes to acquiring new land to farm. This edge will also be found when it comes to securing financial support from lenders, investors or partners. Given all of the volatility and uncertainty that we experience in our lives and businesses today, we must remember that we cannot control everything. We in farm country know this all too well. Yet we do have control over many of our managerial practices and this will be an angle that can lead to success. During the next six weeks anything could happen that could impact the yield of our crops. As my Grandpa used to remind me: “Tommy, it’s not a crop until it’s in the bin.” ❖

USED EQUIPMENT Trailer Sprayers • Land Manager 1000 gal., 60’ boom, 3 section, elec. ball valves, 440 Raven, hyd. pump, 18.4-26 tires – Red – $10,250 ea. • Hardi 1000 gal., 60’ FF boom, 3 section, Banjo ball valves, 440 Raven, hyd. pump, 13.6-38 tires – Red – $11,500 • Demco 750 gal., 60’ boom, 3 section, elec. ball valves, 440 Raven, hyd. pump, 18.4-26 tires – Red – $8,500 • Land Manager 1000 gal., 60’ BH boom, 3 section, elec. ball valves, 440 Raven, PTO pump, 18.4-26 tires – Green – $6,500 • Kuker 850 gal., 60’ boom, manual fold, tandem axle, 3 section, Raven, hyd. pump – Red – $4,550 • Demco 600 gal., 60’ X-fold, tandem, Raven, 3 section – $6,900 • Top Air 1100 gal., 80’ X-fold, Raven, 4 section – Green 13.6-38 – $15,000 • Bandit 500 gal., 60’, 3 pt. BH, 3 section – $4,500

3-Pt. Booms • Top Air 80’, 3 pt., 20” spacing, triple nozzle bodies, 4 sections – Black – $5,950 • Top Air 80’, 3 pt., 20” spacing, 3 sections – Green – $4,800 • Demco 60’ X-fold, 15” spacing, triples – $4,150

Seed Tenders • Meridian Seed Titan 4 SE – 1 Year Old – $14,750


“Where Farm and Family Meet”

NEHER, from pg. 14A If there ever was a time for becoming a “student of our business,” it is today. Becoming a student of our business entails studying and using the best production practices on a timely basis. It involves knowing our cost of production and finding ways to lower them without compromising production. It involves taking that cost of production and coupling it with market intelligence to discover sound marketing strategies and opportunities. It involves generating and maintaining the highest standards of accounting and record keeping. In the competitive, volatile environment that we find ourselves in today, the use of the best accounting and record keeping practices is a Grain Angle that will separate the winners from the losers. I know that this statement sounds harsh, but it’s what will

Brazil. Weekly export sales for soybeans were less than expected at 8.8 million old crop and 6.5 million new crop bushels. Soybean emergence as of May 28 was 61 percent versus only 30 percent on average. OUTLOOK: July soybeans settled for the week at $13.44 1/4, down 37 3/4 cents for the week; November beans collapsed 44 1/4 cents to close out the week at $12.45 per bushel. With the nearly 50 percent retracement of the December-May rally, soybeans may be poised for a rally, depending on weather and export demand. As in corn, we’ll look for high volatility to stay in the markets. Any missed rain forecasts could propel up sharply higher. July beans ranged during the short Memorial Day week from $13.17 1/2 to $14.02 and the November range was $12.45 to $13.07 3/4 per bushel. Bottom line, we need to see outside markets regain some confidence in tandem with fundamental reasons to rebound back to the higher end of the ranges, but short term I would expect choppy, higher movement. Nystrom’s notes: Contract changes for the week ending June 1 — Minneapolis wheat dove 40 3/4 cents this week, Chicago plummeted 67 3/4 cents and Kansas City dropped 63 cents. July crude oil crashed $7.63 to $83.23, heating oil fell 20 1/2 cents, gasoline was down 17 1/2 cents and natural gas lost 30 cents. The U.S. dollar index was up 0.40 points, the stock market was 326 points lower as it fell into negative territory for calendar 2012, and June gold jumped $57.10 to $1,626 per ounce. ❖

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corn as a “buy”? First support for July corn is $5.50, resistance near $5.78 per bushel. For the December contract, the range is $5 to $5.50 per bushel. Fasten your seatbelts, boys; it looks like we’re in for a bumpy ride. SOYBEANS — A choppier week in soybeans than corn this week, as soybeans were sharply lower for the week as funds liquidated length on a lack of new sales. On the continuous soybean chart, beans retraced nearly half the December-to-May rally. Weak economic data pushed grains lower as the week drew to a close with non-farm payrolls only gaining 69,000 when 150,000 had been expected. The May U.S. unemployment rate climbed 0.1 percent to 8.2 percent. China’s Purchasing Managers Index fell from 53.3 in April to 50.4 in May, a signal of a slowing economy. Looking ahead in South America, it’s reported that Brazilian farmers have already sold a record 27 percent of next year’s crop, in addition to having already purchased large amounts of seed and fertilizer. Some analysts are predicting that soybean acreage could be up as much as 2 million hectares next year in


THE LAND, JUNE 8, 2012

NYSTROM, from pg. 14A per-acre yield that the U.S. Department of Agriculture is forecasting, at least this early. Michael Cordonnier lowered his corn yield estimate from 165 to 164 bu./acre while Planalytics pegged this year’s corn yield at 157.8 bu./acre in a report released this week. Weekly export sales were discouraging at only 7.4 million bushels of old crop and 3.7 million bushels of new crop. The market tried to rally on rumors of Chinese and Mexican interest, but since the sales are unconfirmed, the gains were fleeting. Total export commitments are down 12 percent from last year when the USDA is only forecasting a 7 1/2 percent decline, so don’t be surprised with a smaller export line on the June crop report. Crop conditions fell as of May 28 from 77 percent to 72 percent good/excellent. This was a larger drop than anticipated, but after post-Memorial Day rains conditions are expected to regain a few points. OUTLOOK: Rumors of Chinese interest in U.S. corn pushed prices into a big range as the week ended, but nothing was confirmed going home for the week. Weak global economics are expected to overshadow major rally attempts. Now the caveat: after the free-fall in corn over the last few weeks, with even a little encouragement from the weatherman, will money once again eye

15 A

Cover story: A clean haylage shave is the payoff By DICK HAGEN The Land Staff Writer Called an SS8 and mounted on a Case skid loader with a 10-foot reach, the Easy Rake used by Wright County, Minn., dairy farmer Andy Thorson quickly and cleanly scrapes haylage out of the nine-foot diameter plastic bags used on Diers Corp. Farm. With this rig, he rakes down 5,500 pounds of haylage in only two minutes. The beauty of this system is a perfectly clean face so there’s no dry down, no spoilage and no waste prior to the next feeding 24 hours later. Thorson, 37, the crops and weekend feeding guy at the 200-cow operation which has been using haylage bags (mostly 250-feet long and 9-feet diameter) for several years, said, “it was a struggle every day with just a bucket on my skid loader to get the feed out clean. Haylage out of a bag is difficult because of how tightly it compresses. However with this Easy Rake this Dick Hagen

“Where Farm and Family Meet”

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THE LAND, JUNE 8, 2012

16 A

Andy Thorson finds a lot less waste and spoilage in his bagged haylage once he started using an Easy Rake mounted on his skid loader.

We Salute the workers in the Dairy Industry!

chore is a piece of cake.” Originator of the Easy Rake system is Riverview LLP, a dairy operation in the Morris, Minn., area. Hanson Silo of Lake Lillian, Minn., purchased the manufacturing and marketing rights of the system and now markets eight different sized rakes throughout the livestock industry in the United States and Canada. Thorson had seen the units at farm shows and also at a neighboring dairy farm in a bunker storage system. He also checked out working demos at the Easy Rake website. He reasoned this rake would work well cutting silage out of a silage bag and keep a nice face on the remaining silage. It definitely looked like a time saver also. He talked it over with his wife, Colette, and father-in-law, Gary Diers. However neither was real excited about the $4,000 price. However, last fall they harvested some of their corn silage and stored it in a “drive-over” covered silage pile. “But when we started feeding out of that pile last December, I couldn’t believe how hard it was to keep a nice face on the pile with just a bucket. I See COVER STORY, pg. 18A

Flat storage still expanding

THE LAND, JUNE 8, 2012 << www.TheLandOnline.com >>

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By DICK HAGEN The Land Staff Writer The exceptionally dry and generally easy harvest last fall certainly slowed the expansion of “white plastic flat storage,” especially when 99 percent of the corn crop was field dried and ready for the bin without any artificial heat. Get into flat storage for 6 cents a Marc Van Buren bushel, and white plastic continues to be the most cost-effective answer for growers still needing a facility for handling extra grain even if “bin-dry” at harvest. For cattle feeders, silage bags are especially quick and convenient when bunkers need some extra temporary capacity. “Demand for storage dropped off last fall because of the very favorable weather, but since we first got into flat storage a few years back it’s been a good run,” said Marc Van Buren, with Lange Ag Systems of Willmar, Minn. He said usage of these flat storage bags for things other than high-moisture corn or silage keeps happening. “Just last week we had a customer in western Minnesota who bagged some urea. So temporary storage for other products is continuing to surprise us.” The grain bags filled with the Loftness grain bagger are available in 10-foot and 12-foot diameter sizes. A 300-foot-long bag, 10-foot diameter, gives you 14,000to 15,000-bushel storage. The 12-foot machine used on a 500-foot bag provides up to 33,000 bushels of temporary storage. “If you own the Loftness machine, your plastic costs for a 500-foot bag are about 6 cents a bushel. Or you can rent a machine and that about doubles your storage costs,” Van Buren said. He said they have customers who own several machines and have built a healthy business doing both silage and grain filling. But individual producers are now often buying their own machines. Van Buren said that farmers still speak confidently about 2012 being another good year, especially if spring rains regenerate soil moisture. Lange Ag Systems gets a good read on both grain and livestock farmers since the firm markets across Minnesota, into North Dakota, South Dakota, Wisconsin and Iowa. If there’s a sudden demand for flat storage this fall, it shouldn’t be a problem for Lange, since they usually inventory 300 to 500 grain bags at their Willmar facility. The factory supplier of the bags — Up North Plastics — is only a couple hours away, at Cottage Grove, Minn. The AG-BAG machine for silage is manufactured at Saint Nazianz, Wisc. The Loftness Grain Bagger and Grain Unloader machines are made at Hector, Minn. Van Buren speaks highly of the engineering and construction quality of these two brands of machines for filling flat storage. “There are a lot of these units still out there since the early 1990s. So with routine maintenance, these are long-lasting pieces of equipment,” he said. Van Buren was interviewed at the Willmar, Minn., farm show this spring. For more information, log on to langeagsystems.com. ❖

17 A

Damaged silage a big concern with high feed prices COVER STORY, from pg. 16A was also surprised at how tightly compacted the silage was in that drive-over pile.” Thorson is also involved with a custom harvesting operation (Otto Farms Chopping Inc.) doing haylage, corn silage and earlage across central Minnesota. “We pride ourselves on the packing job we do for our customers.” A Claas self-propelled harvester with Kenworth trucks and Meyers forage boxes with both side and rear unloaders lets them unload directly into plastic bags. He also recognizes the cost of damaged silage. When corn was $2 and silage maybe only $20 a ton, he wasn’t so concerned about some waste. Not

Unless you leave a clean face on that haylage bag, you’re losing some feed value, particularly in warmer weather with a haylage face left jagged and a lumpy mess each day after feeding. — Andy Thorson so today. “Unless you leave a clean face on that haylage bag, you’re losing some feed value, particularly in warmer weather with a haylage face left jagged and a lumpy mess each day after feeding,” Thorson said. “I was spending like half an hour

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THE LAND, JUNE 8, 2012

18 A

each day with my skid loader and bucket trying to properly face the silage pile. We were feeding about 14,000 pounds from that pile each day. So it was a winter feeding from that pile that convinced me the rake system was better than pealing down with the bucket each day. “But I really wanted to see how the rake would work on the haylage bags. We use bags for most of our haylage so I needed some assurance that the Easy Rake would do the job. I hauled a load of hay to a farmer near Lake Lillian (Minn.) so I was only a few miles from the Hanson Silo plant. Mike Hanson said haul it home and see how it works for you.” He was immediately impressed. “I couldn’t believe how quick and clean it pulled the haylage out and left such a clean face. The same on our corn silage pile. Just two to three minutes to pull down 14,000 pounds of corn silage,” said Thorson, who couldn’t come up with a single disadvantage of his unit. “You never get out of the cab. There

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aren’t any hydraulic hoses to hook up. You’re hitched up and raking forage in 30 seconds. There’s just no maintenance. It’s what I call ‘stupid/simple’. “I know there are a lot of dairy farmers who are always doing some fixing on their hydraulic facers. But this unit looks to me to be pretty much indestructible.” Brother-in-law Scott Diers does the weekday feeding; bunk feeding with a TMR wagon. The daily ration includes corn silage, high-moisture ear corn silage, dry supplements, haylage, even wheat straw when it fits the ration. He makes up three batches totaling 24,000 pounds of feed per day. Cows are group fed, one of three different rations based on age and production. Diers Farm runs about 800 crop acres, slightly over 1,000 acres including the hay ground. Corn and alfalfa are the primary crops but also some soybeans to spread out the harvest season. All the manure from this dairy farm gets used for corn ground. The Thorsons have three daughters: Mikayla, 9, Malorie, 7, and Victoria, 4. Despite vacillating milk prices, Thorson thinks dairy farms producing most of their own feed, have a good future in Minnesota. “It’s a challenging business. Input costs keep rising. To be successful, you need to micromanage. I think that even boils down to how clean a face you leave on your silage piles each day.” ❖

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Q&A: Chuck Conner on the state of agriculture gram. But agriculture has always been challenging. Today is no different than 30 years ago. Sure, having a family connection already in farming makes it more doable. Our Farm Credit System, which is also a farmerowned cooperative, is a tremendous provider for both first-time beginning farmers and established farmers. Q: Isn’t agribusiness today a much bigger employer than production ag? Conner: Very definitely. Our National Council of Farm Cooperatives is now an organization of more than 3,000 U.S. farmer-owned businesses. Plus private industry in U.S. agriculture continues to seek new talent as the industry expands. The demand for young, energetic graduates to work in agribusiness is very, very strong. At a time when most college graduates are finding it difficult to get jobs, not so for the young graduates studying any of the many different vocational choices in agriculture. Q: By 2050 world population is See CONNER, pg. 20A

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Conner: American agriculture is doing well; remarkably well. But even our recent history reveals tougher times in agriculture. My father — an Indiana producer — farmed 50 years and often struggled during certain years just to provide for the family. Agriculture struggled just to exist during the 1980s. Many farmers didn’t survive. So it’s refreshing to see this much healthier economy for U.S. farmers today. Will some individual farmers still be battling to exist? Yes, that’s the very nature of this industry which has become so capital intensive. We do know there will be down periods at some point. Q: In view of this competition, how can younger people find opportunity in agriculture? Conner: When I graduated from Purdue University in 1980 people were saying it was impossible to go out and stake your future in production agriculture. And that reality did, in fact, force me to seek other work to provide for me and my family. My father and my older brother were running our farm. I perhaps was ‘one child too many’ to also fit into our farming pro-

THE LAND, JUNE 8, 2012

ops just in Minnesota with By DICK HAGEN 2010 gross sales of nearly $18 The Land Staff Writer billion. The two largest cooperWith a pedigree that includes ative in America are Minnesota U.S. Department of Agriculture cooperatives — CHS and Land farm bill legislation under seven O’Lakes. But other national U.S. presidential administraleaders based in Minnesota are tions, Chuck Conner, president Associated Milk Producers, and CEO of the National Council of Farmer Cooperatives, Chuck Conner AgriBank, AgStar, American Crystal Sugar and Southern brings some Washington-insider policy thinking to any negotiating table. Minnesota Beet Sugar Cooperative. With more than 25 years of experience Q: Some say there are too many in national and state government and co-ops and they compete unfairly agricultural trade associations work, against private business. Your take? Conner generates respect and regard. Conner: The numbers just don’t back Q: Minnesota is regarded as the up that argument. The growth of co-ops ‘Co-op Capital’ of American agri- is inevitable. They’ve had to grow and culture. When did the National change just like the thousands of farmCouncil of Farmer Cooperatives ers who are, in fact, the ownership of all start, and why? cooperatives. If you look at the ‘peers’ of Conner: Formed in 1929, primarily farmer-owned co-ops, in essence the prito bring more voice and more strength vately owned ag business that co-ops for U.S. agriculture at both state and compete against, their growth in recent national levels; and increasingly at years greatly exceeds the growth of cointernational trade and marketing ops. I would argue that even with the events also. The early inertia of the co- growth of U.S.-based agricultural coopop movement was the recognition that eratives we’re a step behind the private an organized cooperative voice could do industry world of agriculture. for farmers what individual farmers Q: American agriculture is curcould not do. This business structure is rently enjoying ‘golden years’ of as relevant today as it was back in the financial growth. Are there any 1920s. Today there are 206 farmer co- leaks emerging in this bubble?

19 A

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20 A

Farm bills only pass with broad support from ag CONNER, from pg. 19A projected to be 9 billion. Can agriculture find the means to feed 2 billion more people over the next 40 years? Conner: I describe this as the next generation’s greatest challenge. It will involve careful planning on the part of U.S. food and agricultural policy people, plus world agricultural policy. It presents almost unlimited opportunities to U.S. farmers and U.S. farm

cooperatives. The rapidly emerging middle class of people around the world is anxious to improve their diets. They’re demanding more protein, and more variety in their daily food. Some predict as much as a 70-percent increase in total food production will be needed by 2050. Q: You are a world traveler. Is the agricultural cooperative movement strong elsewhere? Conner: Farmer-owned co-ops have

a strong presence throughout Europe, Canada, even in the developing world. They serve the same fundamental purpose of providing group action when individual efforts just wouldn’t work. It may, for example, be just a small coffee bean operation in an underdeveloped country in Africa. But by banding together they, too, generate better marketing opportunities. Q: Are we making the right kind of progress on the new 2012 farm bill? Conner: I’ve been involved in seven farm bills dating back to the days of President Jimmy Carter, when Sen. Herman Tallmadge was chairman of the Senate ag committee for the 1981 farm bill. Tallmadge already was an institution in agricultural circles. So when the Senator spoke, we listened. It’s more challenging today. But compared with other issues, agriculture clearly is more bipartisan and historically that has been the nature of farm bill legislation. The division comes more at regional lines than party lines. In essence, strong differences between southern agricultural interests and Middle America still persist. For example, the Senate ag committee farm bill proposal has received very high praise from corn and soybean interests but sharp criticism from rice, peanut and cotton growers. The Southern farmers still favor direct payment provisions in the farm bill. But that’s not likely to work in the next farm bill. Our corn and soybean producers are willing to give up direct payments if there is a stronger risk management program. Ultimately farm bills only pass when broadly supported by all sectors of agriculture. Will we have a new farm bill before the November election? I don’t know. Q: But you do sense that farm

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legislation is on the right track for all groups? Conner: I think the one track that unites is that we’re all pleased that the process has started. It’s been my experience with seven farm bills that the toughest part is simply getting them out of the ag committee; getting them out of the chute so to speak. At this point the new proposed bill is only out of the Senate ag committee on a 12 to 5 vote; the House committee apparently wants more time to listen to more issues. Q: Speaking of the House, any particular advice for Minnesota Rep. Collin Peterson? Conner: Collin is a friend of mine, and a friend of cooperatives. He gets reelected because he looks after his farm constituency very well. He understands what agriculture needs to continue sustainably. And he knows full well that you need to reach across political points of view, particularly in the U.S. House of Representatives, which basically has few agricultural votes and often little real understanding of American agriculture. You’re not going to pass a farm bill through the House just with the farm delegation. That segment will get you less than one-quarter of votes needed. Today most of U.S. food production comes from only about 200,000 producers. In voting terms when you are relating to 300 million people, that’s a small slice. Q: Is agriculture being treated ‘fairly’ on the issue of renewable energy? Conner: First recognize that the National Council of Farmers Cooperatives has been deep in the development of the renewable fuels industry See CONNER, pg. 21A

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Regulatory environment ag’s biggest challenge today

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simply because we’ve got to meet that challenge. And Department of Labor and, in some cases, even from there’s no better way to do that than through American our own Department of Agriculture. As more and farmers and the co-ops they represent. more regulations get implemented it simply adds to Q: What is agriculture’s biggest challenge ahead? our cost of doing business. In the case of EPA, there seems to be a de-link between the cost of impleConner: We’re all about public policy perspective menting particular regulations and the good to the as it relates to challenges in the marketplace. The public derived from those regulations. The common biggest challenge day-in and day-out is the regulatory environment, be that from EPA, FDA, OSHA, See CONNER, pg. 22A

THE LAND, JUNE 8, 2012

CONNER, from pg. 20A in America virtually since Day One. Many — in fact, most — of the original ethanol plants started as farmerowned cooperatives. So, too, the original biodiesel facilities were cooperative businesses. But we’re also cognizant of our livestock production industry and feed cost issues. We understand both sides of the argument. The case that the ethanol industry needs to make to the American public is the fact that the pump price for virtually all Americans is lower because of the inputs of ethanol fuels. Some say that thanks to ethanol, pump prices are about 50 cents a gallon cheaper. It’s a noteworthy difference that simply is not understood by most folks pulling into a station for a fill-up. Q: How does your council assist ‘start-up’ groups wanting to produce and market as a cooperative? Conner: This is an important part of our total mission. Because the co-op is a unique business structure it requires unique tax and accounting systems. We have a legal tax and accounting group within our structure that assists both existing co-ops and new co-ops as well. Specialists within the council meet with producers and marketers across the country. Information is also available electronically via our website at www.ncfc.org. Q: Do we have too many co-ops? Conner: It can’t happen! Q: Because of better genetics, more innovations and even more smart farmers, will American agriculture continue to improve production per acre? Conner: I see enormous growth potential in total productivity of American agriculture going forward. This global world has to face the reality of tremendously much more production with few new acres to bring into food production. I believe we will meet that challenge

21 A

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THE LAND, JUNE 8, 2012

22 A

Global market access key to U.S. ag success CONNER, from pg. 21A sense question is what is the public getting out of this proposal. And way too often it seems the answer is ‘not much.’ The pesticide registration issue, which may soon require a farmer to get a pesticide registration every time he goes to the field with a particular product, is simply nonsense. The Department of Labor and their effort to take kids away from farm work is another example of ineptitude. Thankfully, common sense did prevail on that issue. Also, we face a very competitive world market today. Much of that competition comes from co-ops outside the United States. We need a business-friendly environment that recognizes the importance of global trade, and also the strong pricing support that many European farmers enjoy through their governments. Q: Without exports U.S. agriculture would be financially insolvent. What does your council do to enhance U.S. agricultural exports? Conner: You’re right, without exports U.S. agriculture would be in a world of hurt. This year we’re estimating over $130 billion of U.S. food and agriculture exports. Nearly 50 percent of U.S. soybean production gets exported; about 15 percent of U.S.

dairy production; upwards of over 20 percent of U.S. pork, and it looks like a record potential for U.S. corn exports, too. The next farm bill has to address the trade challenges, however, faced by U.S. farmers in world markets. Sanitary and phyto-sanitary trade barriers are an issue. Market development funds are crucial. The Market Access Program enables us to match our competitors overseas. Let me bullet point how MAP levels the playing field for U.S. farmers and ranchers in world trade. • Our competitors in the world market — including the European Union, Australia, Argentina, China, Russia and others — outspend the United States by several magnitudes when it comes to market development. • According to the World Trade Organization, the EU alone spends over $1 billion in promoting their agricultural products abroad and in member states. This is more than four times what the United States spends. • Government-backed industry associations in other countries are now actively promoting non-U.S. agricultural products across the Chinese market. • MAP connects tens of thousands of farmers, ranchers and growers to the international market-

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place, something nearly impossible for an individual producer to do. • Every billion dollars in U.S. ag exports creates 8,400 American jobs. MAP and foreign market development programs have boosted farm income by about $1.5 billion per year. Q: Does U.S. agriculture need a farm bill? Conner: Yes, we need a farm bill. We can all be champions of a free-market agriculture, but that’s not a reality in today’s world market scenarios. The first farm bill I worked on was five titles; today’s farm bill is 16 titles, so the mere complexities of world agriculture sort of demands agricultural legislation with its own checks and balances. The fundamental principal of a farm bill is to provide a safety net for the producer. That need is as strong today was it was in 1981. There are a lot of opportunities in agriculture today, but also tremendous variabilities. When you depend upon the Chinese, for example, for your market, what happens when there is a disruption? That safety net shouldn’t dictate production, it shouldn’t drive the farmers’ planning decisions, but it should be there to provide some cushion when there is a temporary drop in the agricultural economy. Q: If you were writing the next farm bill, what would you include? Conner: Give production agriculture the resources necessary to sustain food production. The cost of farm programs has come down precipitously since 1981. I’m not aware of any federal programs with a declining rate of spending. Don’t treat agriculture like it is part of our deficit problem. Don’t forget about the market export program. Exports today are so very critical to American agriculture and very definitely to the increasing role of feeding more of the world’s population. And last, help us out on some of this regulatory stuff. Let’s put some sort of ‘common sense’ test into play before rules are made. Give us these three issues and farmers and the co-ops they own will be able to meet the challenges this world is going to present. ❖

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Birthing calves (yawn) just another day for a farm wife sonal angle told a different story. I got around behind this particular cow, and of course — since there had been no calves born for a couple of weeks, and now I needed to be somewhere in 40 minutes — I saw a calf hoof out in plain view. It was a classic case of “Murphy’s Law of the Farm” if I ever saw one — nothing happens until you’re ready to go somewhere.

THE LAND, JUNE 8, 2012

It was one of those days that is so typical on the farm. I had somewhere to I got around behind this particular cow, and of be, and since all of our guys course ... I saw a calf hoof out in plain view. It was were out running field cultia classic case of ‘Murphy’s Law of the Farm’ if I vators, anhydrous tanks and ever saw one — nothing happens until you’re oat seeders, it was my job to ready to go somewhere. check the sheep and cows before I left to see if there were any impending babies. are only a select group of A glance from the 50-yard-line didn’t TABLE TALK women I know who would show any new calves anywhere, but a I had decided earlier that view from a more up-close and peras long as I didn’t have to By Karen Schwaller be OK with people coming around to see if some part of check myself for impending them is hanging out behind babies before I left, that I them. was still ahead of the game. Not expecting anything much out in You know you’re a farm wife when the yards since there had been quite a you don’t think anything of running around behind farm animals to look at lull in the action for a couple of weeks, I slipped on my “you-know-what”-kicktheir behinds to see if anything is hanging out of there. While in the past ers and headed toward the sheep barn. Nothing going on there, so it was out to I have felt a little like a well-meaning pervert as I’ve checked pregnant farm the lady bovines, who were looking quite pristine as they stood around animals, I’m amazed at how “highchewing their cud, looking at me and brow” societal norms are for humans waiting to be moms. under the same circumstances. There

23 A

See TABLE TALK, pg. 24A


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CREW CABS 2011 Chev 1/2T 4x4 LT - E85, leather, Z71, 24,000 miles, Steel Green - Certified* ........................................$30,900 2010 Chev 1/2T 4x4 LTZ - E85, leather, sunroof, 11,000 miles, Black - Certified* ..........................................$34,900 2009 Chev 1/2T 4x4 LT - E85, cloth, Z71, 27,000 miles, Deep Ruby - Certified* ............................................$26,990 2009 Chev 1/2T 4x4 LTZ - E85, leather, 53,000 miles, Silver Birch - Certified* ..............................................$28,450 2009 Chev 1/2T 4x4 LT - E85, cloth, 26,000 miles, Blue Granite - Certified* ..................................................$26,890 2008 Chev 3/4T 4x4 LTZ - Duramax, leather, 120,000 miles, Graystone ........................................................$33,990 2008 Chev 1/2T 4x4 LT - E85, cloth, Z71, 42,000 miles, Victory Red - Certified* ..........................................$27,500 2008 Chev 1/2T 4x4 LT - E85, leather, 83,000 miles, Victory Red ..................................................................$21,900 2004 Chev 3/4T 4x4 LT - Cloth, 139,000 miles, Summit White ......................................................................$14,990 2004 Ford 1/T 4x4 Lariat - 6.0 diesel, leather, 150,000 miles..........................................................................$18,900

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Schwaller: ‘Home Economics class didn’t prepare for me for that’ TABLE TALK, from pg. 23A So — I dialed up “1-800-Husband” to see if there were any specific instructions. I’ve seen many pigs and sheep be born, but never a calf — even at my age. One of our sons came home and took over the midwife role. I was officially relieved of that duty. Had I been the one to do this myself, my relief would probably have taken a much different form … especially thinking about possible complications as the process went on. We got the cow into the barn and let her settle down, while our son and I chatted quietly in the next room, peering through an opening between the gate and the wall so we could watch her. Our son was tallying up the number of calves they had with this one, and was doing the financial math, dreaming of what could someday be for he and his brother. It’s fun when your children tell you their dreams. The cow was only about half settled about 20 to 30 minutes into it when our son said he had a lot of other things to get done that day, and decided he was “going in.” It was pretty official — he grabbed the O.B. sleeves and some twine string. I would have





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grabbed the safety goggles, hip waders, rubber gloves and saran wrap, and covered my entire body. You never know. We then penned her up in a smaller area so we could get her into the chute. She was like a supersized bagel trying to fit into a bread-sized toaster slot. “Oh, poor mama,” I thought. I began to feel compassion toward this beast. She and I could have something in common — there have been plenty of times when I didn’t fit in, too. Going with what we could do, our son grabbed the two suggestions of feet and legs that were sticking out by then, and pulled with all his might, as the cow just stood there acting like it was all in a day’s work. After a concerted effort at pulling that calf into the light of day, she arrived. A nice, big, healthy heifer calf. And what a welcome into the world — a plop onto the hay-covered ground from about chest height. And the cow remained standing up the whole time to have her baby, barely flinching as it was all taking place behind her. Big show off. It’s always amazing to see the instincts of baby animals kick in — holding their heads up right away, standing within 20 to 30 minutes, knowing where to look to get something to eat. It was all pretty mesmerizing until the cow discovered all that “other stuff” on the ground that is part of the birthing process, and started snacking, as farm animals do. Somehow, my high school Home Economics class didn’t prepare me for that. Karen Schwaller brings “Table Talk” to The Land from her home near Milford, Iowa. She can be reached at kschwaller@evertek.net. ❖

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Ligament tears don’t just affect professional athletes places, playing or getting the animal’s leg caught in something. “It takes a fair bit of force to rupture a cruciate ligament, and it tends to occur more often in overweight cats,” Kerwin said. However, in dogs, this injury is often the result of a chronic degeneration of the ligament and occurs much more frequently than it does in cats. “In dogs, we think the injury may be related to weight and body structure, meaning that some large breeds such as Rottweilers, Labradors and Chow Chows, may be predisposed to CCL injuries,” Kerwin said. “In some cases, we think it’s either the shape of their tibia or the shape of their femur that predisposes them to this injury.” A ruptured ligament is usually characterized by limping or inactivity. In cats, they will not want to play the way

they used to, and dogs will often appear lame and sit awkwardly with their leg sticking out, signaling a possible knee problem. Kerwin said if your pet shows signs of an injured leg, schedule an appointment with your veterinarian who will conduct a lameness exam in order to diagnose the problem. The injury is often treated in cats with medical management by placing overweight cats on a strict diet with exercise restriction for three to six weeks, followed by a check-up measuring progress. If the injury fails to heal, surgery is often recommended to explore and stabilize the joint. When dogs are afflicted with CCL injuries, many times the best option is surgery as quickly as possible. “Dogs often don’t do well with medical management, the injury will often worsen over time as the arthritis in the knee builds,” Kerwin said.

Dogs often require eight to 12 weeks of recovery including strict rest and rehabilitation. Once your pet has undergone the recommended period of exercise restriction, it is important to encourage it to exercise its leg with slow leash walks or through playtime activities. “The biggest way to prevent CCL tears is to keep your pet at a proper weight,” Kerwin said. It is easy for animals to gain weight, especially if they spend most of their time indoors, because they do not get the same level of exercise. Your veterinarian can advise you on the proper weight for your dog or cat. Pet Talk is a service of the College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, Texas A&M University. More information is available at http://tamunews.tamu.edu. This column is distributed by CNHI News Service. CNHI is parent company to The Land. ❖

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THE LAND, JUNE 8, 2012

While ligament tears can cause serious setbacks in an athlete’s career, a similar injury can mean surgery and rehabilitation for your frisky kitty or romping Rover. According to Sharon Kerwin, professor at the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, anterior cruciate ligament tears or cranial cruciate ligament injuries, as they are referred to in animals, occur almost as often as they do in humans. “Cats and dogs have the same ligaments that we have in our knees,” Kerwin said. “The cruciate ligament stabilizes your femur and your tibia so you don’t get too much motion between those two bones.” CCL tears in cats often occur the same way ACL tears occur in humans. Often, there is some traumatic injury that occurs as a result of jumping from high

25 A

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THE LAND, JUNE 8, 2012

26 A

Give your kids the straight poop with ‘Poopendous!’ When you were a little kid, you probably heard your mother say “Eeeeuuuuuww, don’t pick that “Poopendous!” up!” really often. By Artie Bennett, There were lots of nasty, icky illustrations by Mike Moran things that you thought were c.2012, Blue Apple Books interesting then (and you might $16.99 still), but that your mother knew 36 pages Artie Bennett were definitely meant to be left alone. Mud, for instance, bugs, or THE BOOKWORM SEZ yucky stuff that was outside way too long. Bleah. By Terri Schlichenmeyer Those were the things you Termites live in learned to ignore, but there’s one icky substance mounds of poop. that’s actually very useful and kinda cool. In the Dung beetles new book “Poopendous!” by Artie Bennett, illustrause it as food tions by Mike Moran, you’ll see what it is. (ick!). Poop Before you do anything, though, be sure that can carry you’ve got a strong stomach. Then take a deep seeds around the breath, swallow hard, hold your nose, and let’s go ... world and once the seeds are dropped, the poop First of all, here’s something you already know: will help plants take root and grow. poop happens. Every living thing on Earth does it Farmers and gardeners use poo for that inside or outside (or both!), and there are lots of words for it: ca-ca, doo-doo, flop, guano, scat or dung. very reason. Monkeys sometimes like to throw poop, and people at fairs do it, too (only they call it a “cowBig animals leave big poop. Little creatures (like pie” or a “cow chip”). In either case, that poo is really flies) leave little spots of poo. In the animal kingdom, poop can be round (rabbits) or tubular pellets far-flung dung. Yuck! Poop can mark a trail, or it can mark territory. If (raccoons), it can be white (like from birds) or cubed (Australia’s wombat). It can be dry (from a camel) or you like to hike, poop can tell you if animals may be nearby. Some people build houses of poop and others flat and messy (like what cows leave behind). use it as fuel for cooking or to stay warm. Then there

are those who use poo as a souvenir or even for making jeeeuuuuwwelry! What in the world would we do without doo-doo? Read this book and find out. You’ll be the most poopular kid in the neighborhood. So your child has made exploration his doodie ... er, duty? He thinks scat is all that? So why not step in his world and read to him something he’ll love? Yes, indeed, “Poopendous!” is cute. The rhyme that makes the story will give your child piles of giggles. But Bennett also teaches kids a smidge of science and a bit of biology inside this book, a benefit that doesn’t wipe away the silliness one bit. Add in illustrations by Moran that run poopendicular to the narrative, and you’ve got a book that kids will never want to leave alone. Meant for children ages 5 to 7, I think this book might de-squirm the right preschooler, too. If your child wants the scoop on poop, “Poopendous!” is a book to pick up. ■ Look for the reviewed book at a bookstore or a library near you. You may also find the book at online book retailers. The Bookworm is Terri Schlichenmeyer. Terri has been reading since she was 3 years old and never goes anywhere without a book. She lives in Wisconsin with three dogs and 10,000 books. ❖

West central antique show set This year’s West Central Antique Power Show will feature “Minnesota-Made” tractors and machinery, including a 1915 gas-powered tractor called the Little Oak, originally built in Willmar and owned by Ralph Hall of Atwater, Minn. You’ll also see a 1915 Hustler gas engine also built in Willmar and owned by Byron Boike of Willmar. There will also be some equipment built by inmates at the Minnesota State Prison when machinery construction was a major industry of the prison. The show takes place June 23-24 at its show site 1.5 miles east of the junction of U.S. Highway 71 and Minnesota Highway 7 (south of Willmar). “We call it an antique tractor show but it keeps expanding. Now we have antique cars, antique trucks, antique machinery, a flea market plus various vendors. Even our garden tractor category for both pull and show keeps growing,” said Bill Luepke, president of the group which now includes 85 dues-paying members. The $15 membership fee includes two pork chop dinners at the Saturday evening event. Admission is $5 but free for kids 15 and under. Attractions include kids barrel train rides; farm toy show (buy and sell); a shady playground; gas engine power displays; wood shingle making; corn shelling and grinding; huge saw mill in action; live music and a swap meet. Gates open at 8 a.m., and there is plenty of free parking including handicap parking. — Dick Hagen, The Land staff writer

Burger boot camp — Here’s how to get ’em done right

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your burgers and focus. One thing I have noticed is that people like to play with their burgers once they are on the grill. The only time you will touch your burger is to turn it, or to move it to the cool area of your grill if flame ups occur. You will know it’s time to turn your burger when juices start forming on the top of the meat. Depending on the thickness of your burger, this will happen after five minutes or so. • When you turn the burger count on a big flame from the juices that have formed. Don’t freak out and pour water on the flame. Feel free to move the burgers to the cool side until the flames subside. Oh, and do not ever squish

your burger to flatten it out. You create flames and you are forcing out the moistness of the meat. Cooking the second side will take roughly one-half the time of the first side. When doing gas, you can shut the lid if you prefer. Personally, I grill on gas with the lid open so I can see what is going on. So there you go Tex, and all gas grillers, a column just for you on how to grill the perfect burger. BBQMyWay is written by Dave Lobeck, a barbecue chef from Sellersburg, Ind. Visit his website at www.BBQMyWay.com. He writes the column for CNHI News Service. CNHI is parent company of The Land. ❖

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favorite spices (personally I stick to salt, pepper and a little Worcestershire sauce) create a ball barely larger than a baseball. This should be around one-third of a pound. Do not squeeze it together too tightly. Flatten it out on a cutting board to the shape of a normal burger. Now, make the middle one-third of the burger thinner than the outer twothirds of the burger. The reason you do this is while cooking, the meat pulls inward, which is why most people end up with a meatball. You can see this technique at YouTube.com/BBQMyWay. Once you get there, search for “hamburger.” • Preheat your grill to medium heat. Make sure you take a steel brush and clean the grate once it is nice and hot. Now, take an old towel and carefully apply olive oil to the grate. This helps eliminate potential sticking, which will destroy your burger. When I use a gas grill, I have one area of the grill set up with no heat. You will see how helpful this is in a bit. • Place the patties over the heat and DO NOT GO ANYWHERE. On a gas grill, flame ups will occur. Don’t go inside for water, an adult beverage, or to check a sports score. Grilling a burger doesn’t take long, so stay with

THE LAND, JUNE 8, 2012

I have a good friend who is a regular reader of my column. He said something that I have heard on occasion from other readers via e-mail. “Dave, almost every article you do is for charcoal. I don’t do charcoal, I do gas.” Tex, (that’s my friend’s name) this column is for you and all those grillers who have not yet taken the leap to a charcoal grill. We are going to discuss the basic, classic, grilled burger. When outdoor cooks attempt to make a grilled hamburger, the end result can be less than desirable. Many times the burger resembles an oddly shaped meatball, crusty black on the outside and undercooked on the inside. That’s a problem waiting to happen. If you follow the basic skills outlined in this column, you will say “goodbye forever” to the oddly shaped grilling embarrassment. • The first step is to buy good ground beef. Too lean and the burger will be dry. Too much fat and you will have severe burger shrinkage and a possible fiery inferno on your hands. What you are looking for is 80-20, meaning 20 percent fat content. • This could be the most important step. After seasoning the beef with your

27 A

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THE LAND, JUNE 8, 2012

28 A

To win at worlds, decoy carver finds out that hope floats To compete in the Ward World Championship Wildfowl Competition held each April on the banks of historic Chesapeake Bay at Ocean City, Md., is to be in some pretty rarefied atmosphere. Named after Lem and Steve Ward, historic baymen and prolific decoy makers during THE OUTDOORS the late-1800s, the annual competition attracts some of By John Cross the best wildfowl carvers in the world. It quickly became clear to Dave Jackson of rural Mankato, Minn., when he first traveled to the event several years ago to compete that he still had some things to learn. “I’d entered a pair of wood ducks in the hunting decoy division,” he said. Understandingly, as working decoys, the counterfeit versions have to resemble the real McCoys. His pair fared pretty well, at least until they got tossed into the drink. Holding true to working decoy’s purpose, the entries are judged as they float in the real world environment of wind-swept Chesapeake Bay. “During the judging, I looked at one of my wood ducks and it had begun to list terribly,” Jackson said. “It was embarrassing after the competition when I had to pick it up.” Closer inspection revealed the glue he had used to fuse the body shells and which claimed to be waterproof turned out to be no match for the bay’s saltwater environment. A seam had split in the hollow duck body, allowing it to flood with water. “I use a 3M marine glue now — the same stuff

stick to it.’” After a little experimentation, it proved to be the perfect solution to give the illusion of transparent, flexible fins. Of course, the merganser, with its carved feathers and detailed paint, is artwork destined for the mantle. But in Jackson’s and many carvers’ minds, the real challenge of the Ward Worlds is to be found in the Hunting Division, where creations are judged less on detail than on their ability to do what decoys are supposed to do — lure waterfowl into shotgun range. In a world of working decoys, exquisite detail and delicate carvings are trumped by stylized features and practicality. They must right themselves in the water, have sturdy features and durable paints, yet John Cross/Mankato Free Press have enough minimalist detail to represent a Mankato, Minn., carver Dave Jackson displays a pair of coot particular waterfowl species. confidence decoys that garnered a first place and second place “If you’re a hunter, you don’t want decoys in the recent world decoy carving competition in Maryland. upside down when you toss them out,” he said. “Decoys have to right themselves immediately they use on boats,” he said. “When you use that, it on the water.” And of course, delicate features and won’t come apart.” Davis took up the hobby of decoy carving 20 years paints wouldn’t fare particularly well in the real rough-and-tumble world of waterfowl hunting. ago for something to do after he retired and his And they still have to look convincing on the water. recent success at the 42nd staging of the prestigious Thus at the Ward World Competition, hunting competition suggests he has come a long way from entries are scrutinized by judges from a floating that leaking wood duck. In April, he took a second place in the novice class platform as the entries bob on storied Chesapeake of the Decorative Life-size Floating Waterfowl Divi- Bay. Jackson entered a pair of coot, admittedly an sion with an exquisitely detailed red-breasted merunglamorous species, in the Gunning Pair Division, ganser, right down to a minnow with delicate fins Confidence Bird Category. “Confidence birds are dangling from its bill. those species that a duck might see that tell them it “The fins on that minnow were a challenge,” he said. “First I tried thin copper ... too thick. I was lay- is safe to land — blue herons, geese, coots, sea gulls,” ing awake at midnight and thought, ‘Maybe the stuff he said. His entry garnered a first place in the Best of a toothpaste tube is made of if I could get paint to Species and a second in Best of Category. In spite of his recent success, Jackson still figures he’s only “an average carver. ... When you go the Worlds and you see some of those creations — well, my work pales by comparison,” he said. John Cross is a Mankato (Minn.) Free Press staff 420 CLEVELAND • MANKATO, MN 56001 writer. Contact him at (507) 344-6376 or jcross@mankatofreepress.com or follow him on Twit507-345-8115 ter @jcross_photo. ❖


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31 A THE LAND, JUNE 8, 2012

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This week’s Back Roads is the work of The Land Correspondent Richard Siemers

THE LAND, JUNE 8, 2012

Conversation starter

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32 A

123 W. Main St., Luverne, Minn. and author Frederick Manfred — are featured on one postcard. There are historic buildings like the Palace Theater, the stone Hinckley House and the old Carnegie Library building. The Rock County Fine Arts Association for five years talked about a mural, said Cindy Reverts, A current National Guard soldier stands next to the association’s treasurer. With Legacy Amendthe veteran’s statue in the Veteran’s Memorial Garment funds available for public art, in January den. The current and first hospital buildings are 2010, Reverts agreed to spearhead the project. Ten there, as well as the high school building with formonths later the eye-catching Postcards mural was mer and current Luverne Cardinal logos. unveiled. “We were fortunate to get Gary Hartenhoff as the The postcard theme came during brainstorming. artist,” Reverts said. Hartenhoff was able to comIt was a way to highlight Luverne landmarks, both bine his sign-painting experience with his fine art the historic and the current. skills to create the 16-by-80-foot scene. “We want people to look at it and start a converWith the assistance of his professional artist sation,” Reverts said. “We have so much history. We daughter and a talented granddaughter, they put some old and new together.” painted the 40 4-foot-by-8-foot sheets of plywood in Famous sons — photographer Jim Brandenburg three months. Assembled and attached to the build-

“Where Farm and Family Meet”

ike a great empty canvas, the 90-foot side of the L building at 123 W. Main Street in Luverne, Minn., had beckoned to be filled.

ing with brackets, it will be more permanent and easier to maintain than painting on the brick wall. A $10,000 Legacy funds grant through the Southwest Minnesota Arts and Humanities Council was supplemented with $15,000 donated by local businesses, organizations and families. The city donated a crew to install the mural, and construction companies volunteered lift equipment. Many in the community contributed to this tribute to Luverne and the area — farm fields and Blue Mounds State Park are also represented. Fortunately it is situated above a parking lot where you can stop and study the postcards. If you’re lucky, you’ll catch someone from Luverne and start a conversation on just what it all means. The mural is easy to spot. It is on Main Street, one block east of U.S. Highway 75. ❖

Do you have a Back Roads story suggestion? E-mail editor@TheLandOnline.com or write to Editor, The Land, P.O. Box 3169, Mankato, MN 56002.




June 8, 2012

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whether X-rays could be used to and other livestock pests. The only thing that sterilize screwworm flies. Muller stands between the Live screwworms are not allowed in wrote back immediately, indicating the United States, however, so the lab United States and an his interest in the idea. invasion of cattlecan only work with DNA from the killing screwworms is a That exchange — and subsequent screwworm. The live-screwworm daily flight of airplanes experiments demonstrating that the work is performed at the Screwworm flooding a 100-mileidea worked, including research by Research Unit in Pacora, Panama, the wide section of the Isthcolleague Raymond Bushland show- site of a huge factory that produces mus of Panama with ing that sterile male screwworms sterile males for release. The Kermale screwworm flies could be raised in a laboratory and rville lab continues to research effecraised in a laboratory function normally after release, tive, less expensive methods to control and sterilized with including mating with nonsterile insect pests of livestock. radiation in Panama. females — led to the historic screw- Keeping soil where it belongs worm eradication program. The screwworm infesAnother example of USDA research tations of the past The sterile insect technique has changing history occurred in 1938, would probably come been used to eradicate screwworms when the USDA Soil Conservation back if the releases elsewhere, including north Africa — Service — now the Natural Resources stopped for a couple of where they were accidentally intro- Conservation Service — and the months or so, said Dan duced — in the 1990s and most Texas Agricultural Experiment StaStrickman, Agriculrecently from Aruba. The technique tion created a laboratory in Bushland, tural Research Service has proved useful in controlling Texas, in the wake of a dramatic wind national program other pests as well, such as the erosion event. leader for veterinary Mediterranean fruit fly and the Poor agricultural practices for years, and medical entomolAPHIS tsetse fly. coupled with severe drought, left the ogy. Flesh-eating screwworms once plagued some southern The USDA screwworm research soil of extensive U.S. farmland exposed. “This is a great exam- U.S. states but have been eliminated from and kept out of began under the auspices of the The result was a multiyear period of ple of agricultural the country because of continuing efforts of USDA sciendepartment’s Bureau of Entomology severe dust storms in the 1930s. research changing the tists. and Plant Quarantine, which was Known as the “Dust Bowl,” it was charhistory of this country, transferred to the Agricultural acterized by thick, black clouds of dirt and it’s a cutting-edge When Knipling came up with the Research Administration (which example of integrated pest manage- idea, there was no known way of steril- became the Agricultural Research Ser- and dust stretching across several states and millions of acres. ment,” Strickman said. izing the male flies. Then one day he vice by the end of 1953). The laboratory The Bushland lab’s charge was to This year marks the U.S. Depart- read an article by the Nobel Prize-win- at Menard, Texas, was incorporated into prevent the intolerable conditions of ment of Agriculture’s 150th anniver- ning geneticist Hermann Joseph the U.S. Livestock Insect Laboratory in another potential Dust Bowl and to sary, making it a particularly appro- Muller in Scientific American showing 1946, which, in 1988, was renamed the priate time to look at this and other that X-rays sterilized male fruit flies Knipling-Bushland U.S. Livestock minimize wind erosion, working with other state experiment stations — examples of history in the making. without interfering with their normal Insects Research Laboratory in honor of such as those in Kansas and Ohio — the two pioneering scientists. The facilThe screwworm was wiped out of the functions. ity, located in Kerrville, Texas, works on and other USDA labs. United States by 1966 and Mexico by Knipling wrote to Muller to see cattle fever ticks, horn flies, stable flies See USDA, pg. 2B 1991. The purging continued south to include Central America until the “barrier” reached across the entire narrow Isthmus of Panama, and the screwworm was declared eradicated from Central and North America. Before the USDA eradicated the species from the United States, the screwworm — larvae of which eat living tissue of people and other animals — had plagued the Southwest, all of Florida, and parts of Georgia. In 1937, Edward F. Knipling, then at a USDA laboratory in Menard, Texas, got the idea of flooding areas with sexually sterilized male screwworm flies. He believed that by releasing large numbers of sterile male flies, they would mate with nonsterile female screwworm flies and that the resulting George E. Marsh, NOAA, Department of Commerce NOAA, Department of Commerce “unsuccessful” mating would decrease A dust storm approaching Stratford, Texas, in 1935. Wind erosion in the Dust Bowl lasted for years in the 1930s, the population over time, driving the moving dramatic amounts of valuable soil — enough to flies to extinction. practically bury this farm machine.

THE LAND, JUNE 8, 2012

Taming of the screwworms among USDA’s legacy

1 B


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“Where Farm and Family Meet”

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THE LAND, JUNE 8, 2012

2 B

Arnolds Equipment

Schlauderaff Implement

Werner Implement

St. Cloud, MN

Litchfield, MN

Vermillion, MN

Smiths Mill Implement

Hyland Motors

Lano Equipment

Janesville, MN

Spring Valley, MN

Norwood Young America, MN

Modern Farm Equipment

Melrose Implement

A&C Farm Service

Titan Machinery

Sauk Centre, MN

Melrose, MN

Paynesville, MN

Albert Lea, MN

Conservation tillage research continues and improves yet today USDA, from pg. 1B They developed stubble mulch tillage, leaving the residue of harvested crops on the land over winter to keep soil from blowing away and to save precious soil moisture. This was the forerunner of the highly successful practice of no-till and other forms of conservation tillage that drastically reduced erosion, whether by wind, rain or snowmelt. ARS research was spurred further by the drought of the 1950s. At the time, there were limitations to stubble mulch, mainly lower yields, so ARS set out to overcome those limitations and, in time, succeeded in making conservation tillage an NRCS-recommended “best practice.” ARS Bushland scientists continue conservation tillage research to this day, improving techniques and adjusting to modern challenges. They have learned to harness wind energy to produce electricity for use in homes and on farms. They continue research on water conservation, taking advantage of the latest technology. Today, that means getting information on soil moisture from satellites. It is unlikely that the Great Plains will suffer another Dust Bowl as severe as the one in the 1930s. Isolated yet significant storms are inevitable, but the conservation tillage and crop residue management techniques developed from ARS research will certainly reduce the severity of dust storms in agricultural regions. Six nutrition research centers and four regional research centers USDA-ARS human nutrition research also changed the history of the nation and continues to do so. This research has long affected the daily lives of Americans, although the average person may not realize it. Let’s start with breakfast: The calorie content, fat percentage and nutrient content on the label of the cereal box are required by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, using ARS data that traces back to the work of Wilbur Olin Atwater, the father of American nutrition, in 1894. He began the food analysis that today is listed on food containers. He also pioneered the surveys of people’s eating habits that continue to the present.

Today, nutrition research is carried out by six ARS human nutrition centers in Arkansas, California, Maryland, Massachusetts, North Dakota and Texas. For example, definitive human feeding studies at the Beltsville, Md., center showed the health benefits of limiting trans fat consumption. This led to the FDA requiring food labels to include trans fat content and to food companies reformulating products to lower their trans fat content. Ironically, nutrition research in the early days was directed at making sure Americans got enough to eat; today, research has to deal with obesity problems as well. Many new products in the home — both food and nonfood — were a result of USDA-ARS research beyond the human nutrition labs. Many of these were from research efforts at four regional research centers established in 1938 to find new uses for agricultural commodities. Today, all four of these centers are designated American Chemical Society historical landmarks for specific scientific achievements. Those centers, strategically located across the country — in California, Illinois, Louisiana and Pennsylvania — were created to help end chronic farm depression by finding new, value-added uses for surplus crops. By the end of 1940 and early 1941, research began at the centers, and many new valueadded products — still in use today — were created as a result. Adding lactose-free milk to cereal? ARS technology is used to make that milk. That glass of orange juice made from frozen concentrate tracks to ARS’s development in the 1950s of a way to freeze the concentrate. Popping a frozen waffle in the toaster? ARS developed techniques for freezing that waffle and other foods. ARS scientists began a project in 1948 that eventually led to nine principles for freezing vegetables that remain the industry standard. Jelly on toast? ARS had a hand in developing jelly from fruits. More recently, ARS worked with industry partners to develop a process for making sunflower seed butter as an alternative to peanut butter for children allergic to peanuts. “Frozen orange juice, sunflower seed butter and See USDA, pg. 3B

Wartime research leads to peacetime solutions can be used as markers for serotypes of escherichia coli that produce Shiga toxin. Through this work, they have worked with industry partners to develop assays for Shiga toxin-producing E. coli, including E. coli O157:H7, which causes foodborne illness. This food safety program traces back to earlier research: A USDA chemist in 1882 was one of the first to analyze the bacterium that causes tuberculosis. USDA scientists over the years also

showed the value of pasteurizing milk and determined the cooking temperature needed to kill the pathogen that causes trichinosis. This article is excerpted from a piece originally published in the May/June 2012 issue of Agricultural Research magazine and was written by Don Comis, formerly with ARS, Tara Weaver-Missick, ARS, and Robert Sowers, Agricultural Research Service information staff. ❖

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“Where Farm and Family Meet”

ber Project during World War II — aimed at finding domestic rubber sources — research at Wyndmoor, Pa., and other USDA labs helped improve the production of synthetic rubber. Their research was essential to the Allied victory, and remains useful to this day for producing domestic rubber. ARS researchers developed DEET to repel mosquitoes and other pests during wartime while looking for alternatives to citronella — which was in short supply at the time. ARS also came up with techniques for making military clothing resistant to biting insects, mildew, rot and oil-based liquid chemical weapons. Other wartime discoveries included better bandages, dextran (a blood plasma substitute made from sugar beet pulp and sugarcane), and MRE (Meals Ready to Eat) food items for the military. Many of ARS’s discoveries and techniques developed during wartime have led to peacetime uses that have extended to today. Abundant, safe food ARS research has always had an international aspect. Perhaps the best example is the work leading up to the Green Revolution — a period of increased worldwide agricultural production. In 1946, an ARS agronomist collected seeds of short-statured wheats in Japan. These seeds were later distributed to various U.S. wheat breeders, including a team led by ARS breeder Orville Vogel, in Pullman, Wash. The group developed high-yielding, semi-dwarf wheat varieties that were further improved by Norman Borlaug, of the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center, to avert famines worldwide. Upton Sinclair’s “The Jungle,” an exposé of meat-processing practices of the past, resulted in the Meat Inspection Act of 1906 and the beginnings of a formal food safety agency at the USDA. Although the USDA-ARS research has always had a food safety aspect, a formal national research program was created in 1997 with the Food Safety Initiative under President Bill Clinton. Today, ARS’s food safety research includes robotic inspections of poultry and goes beyond meat to include all foods. A good example is an effort over the past decade by ARS researchers at Clay Center, Neb., and their colleagues. These scientists have been sequencing genes to find those that

THE LAND, JUNE 8, 2012

USDA, from pg. 2B lactose-free milk are probably among the top food and drink products developed with ARS technology in terms of dollar value in sales,” said David Klurfeld, ARS national program leader for human nutrition. USDA-ARS successes from research conducted at the centers also include instant mashed potatoes, explosionpuffed dehydration technology used to dry foods, and the SuperSlurper starch-based product used in making super-absorbent diapers, baby powder, wound dressings, automotive products and agricultural and horticultural products, to name a few. The list goes on: a coating to keep fresh-cut fruit, like apple slices, from browning, now available at fast-food restaurants and grocery stores; Oatrim fat substitute made from oat bran, used in ice cream and other foods to lower fat and calorie content; Sucromalt low-glycemic sweetener used in some food products to help consumers stabilize and lower blood sugar levels; soy-based fuels, inks and hydraulic fluids; and compostable bowls, cups, plates and trays. People who wake up between cotton sheets and put on cotton clothing — whether permanent press, wash-andwear, or flame-retardant — may not realize that they are benefiting from ARS research on improving cotton quality, processing and use. The war effort and beyond ARS researchers started shaping history immediately, and their efforts supported the United States and allies in World War II. In 1940, ARS chemists in Peoria, Ill. — at the request of Great Britain — found a way to produce penicillin, discovered in 1928, as a powder suitable for medicine. Then they found a way to produce the drug in quantity, using their expertise in growing molds in large fermentation vats. By the end of 1942, 17 U.S. firms were making penicillin pills. Peoria researchers found a superior, more productive penicillium strain on a moldy cantaloupe from a local market. They gave that mold to the drug companies, and the companies produced enough penicillin to treat allied soldiers wounded on D-Day. The Peoria lab’s expertise and techniques have been used in developing many other products — including the food thickener xanthan gum, biobased fuels and other biobased products — and in modern genetic research. As part of the U.S. Emergency Rub-

3 B

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4 B


PRIME FARMLAND FOR SALE PARCEL 1: Legal - 1/2 NE 1/4 & E 1/2 NW 1/4, located in Section 23, Brookville Township, Redwood County. Directions from Springfield: Left on County 16, then right on 190th St., 1st grove on right. 160 acres ±. Includes building site with house & buildings, as is. 153 acres ± tillable. Sealed bid offers accepted on or before July 15, 2012.

“Where Farm and Family Meet”

PARCEL 2: Mostly level topography & tile drained farmland for sale. Legal - S 1/2 SE 1/4 & S-46 Acres of N 1/2 SE 1/4-126 Acres of which 116.51 is tillable acres ± with building site and house, as is, located in Section 21, Sundown Township, Redwood County. Directions: Approximately 8 miles NW of Springfield, W on U.S. 14, right on County Hwy. 2 then turns into Redwood County Hwy. 1. Sealed bid offers accepted on or before July 15, 2012.

For bidding information for either or both parcels, call



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Real Estate



SATURDAY, JUNE 16, 2012 – 10:00 A.M. LOCATION: From Kiester, MN - 4 mi. north on Hwy. 22, then east on 85th St. 1 mi. to 585th Ave., go north on 585th Ave. 3/4 mi. - on west side of road ~ COME PREPARED - WE MAY BE SELLING WITH 2 RINGS! ~ TRACTORS TO BE SOLD AT NOON BARREL & PUMP • Case FEED CHEVY PICKUP - 3/4-ton, 2WD FARM EQUIPMENT


Krupp & Associates AUCTIONEERS: Marlin Krupp - #22-01 • Home (507) 943-3485 • Cell (507) 340-2624 Ryan Berndt, Blue Earth - #22-60 • (507) 526-5234

CLERK: Krupp & Associates • 4630 370th Ave. • Elmore, MN 56027 TERMS: CASH OR GOOD CHECK

“Where Farm and Family Meet”

1941 JD ‘B’ TRACTOR, SN: WAGON • (4) JD PLOW MOLD • 1973 GMC 2500 PICKUP, 4WD, Spicer hubs • 1968 CHEVY B109675 - w/fenders & 2-row BOARDS • Yamaha DIRT BIKE cultivator, WF, w/3 pt. Yakima hitch • GRAVITY BOX & GEAR • BARGE PICKUP, 2WD - parts truck • 1976• 1954 JD 60 TRACTOR, SN: BOX & GEAR w/hoist • (4) JD 77 GMC PICKUP, 4WD, 3/4-ton parts truck • CHEVY S-10 PICKUP 60331950, WF, fenders, power RUNNING GEARS & BOXES steering, 4-row front mount • Black & Decker RADIAL ARM - parts truck • 1960 CHEVY PICKUP - for parts • 1980 CHEVY cultivator • 1966 JD 4020 SAW • CULTIVATOR MIRROR TRACTOR, dsl., cab, 3 pt., quick • GRAVITY BOX & Bush Hog GEAR PICKUP, 4WD - for parts • GMC coupler, 1 outlet, WF, 6900 hrs., • JD 20’ DIGGER • JD C-10 18’ SUBURBAN - for parts • JD 45 duals, SN: T213R131388R • JD 55 DIGGER • Melroe 7-section DRAG COMBINE - for parts • 1/2” Corn Special COMBINE - 15 • (2) JD #400 ROTARY HOES • JD SOCKET SET • OPEN END & BOX GRAIN HEAD, 234 CORNHEAD, HAY RAKE • JD 6-row END WRENCHES • Craftsman 3RW • JD 7100 8-row PLANTER, 3 CULTIVATOR • Imperial DIGGER heavy-duty BAND SAW for iron pt., wide row • JD 12’ cone-blade w/mulcher • (2) Bush Hog 8-row • KT industrial DRILL PRESS DISK • Case 830 TRACTOR, gas, CULTIVATORS • JD DISKS - 14’- • TOOL BOXES & TOOLS • DRILL WF, cab, & NI 503 loader w/hyd. 16’, some good, some need repair PRESS • PRESS • BOLT BINS bucket, 3 pt. & quad coupler • MW • (3) JD 1450 4-bottom MOLD • BOLTS • MISC. TOOLS DRILL, 16’, 3 pt. • Dakon 3 pt. BOARD PLOWS • JD 1450 3- ATTN. BUYERS - LOTS OF IRON PLANTER - Tator Digger • New bottom PLOW • 18’ 3 pt. DRILL ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES LITTLE RED WAGON on • FANNING MILLS • BARGE BOX Case DC TRACTOR w/WF, selfon Case RUNNING GEAR w/hoist gooseneck trailer • (2) Tandemstarter, lights • Antique Edison axle FLAT BED TRAILERS • JD 4- • Oliver #82 7- section MOWER RECORD PLAYER • Antique 1-arm • ASSORTED AUGERS • 3 pt. Port row CULTIVATOR • Steel-wheel Ford LOADER - for 8N • BUGGY WAGON w/endgate SEEDER • 8- Huan BACK HOE • 3 pt. 1-row JD TONGUES • 1-row HORSE row SPRAY BAR, 3 pt. • 7-section PLANTER UNIT • 3 pt. 3-row JD CULTIVATOR • Antique HAND DRAG • BARGE BOX & RUNNING PLANTER UNIT • GRAVITY BOX & CORN PLANTERS • Wooden RUNNING GEAR • 3 pt. BLADE GEAR • OVERHEAD PULLEYS round-top CHAIR • Antique • Ford LOADER for 8N • LP TANKS COOKSTOVE • PLATFORM SCALE • FORAGE • JD SICKLE MOWER 1000 gal. & 2500 gal. • 1988 • Craftsman DRILL PRESS • OIL • POTATO DIGGER • SEPARATOR LUNCH ON GROUNDS. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS.

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Wednesday, June 20, 2012 • 9:30 a.m.

Gehling Implement & Auction Co. • Preston, MN Loan/Lease Financing Available Call Terry at Ag Star - 1-866-577-1831 Live Online Bidding Available Starting At Appproximately 10:30 www.gehlinglive.com

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Selling Tractors including: JD 4955, MFWD; 4450; 4430; 4620; 3010; A; Case 2390; 2470; IH 84 hydro; 460 w/F.H. & 2000 loader; M Ford 800; 8N; AC WD45; Assortment of 8N attachments; Combines: ‘97 JD 9600, 2258 sep. hrs., 4x4, 38” w/duals; ‘90 9600, 2953 sep. hrs., 38” w/duals; 930 & 925 flex; 212 Dummy w/4-belt; 212 w/6-belt; IH 1440; CIH 1044; (2) 1020, 15’; 1020, 30’; CIH 2208 cornhead; IH 963; Drago 630 chopping cornhead; Skid Loaders including: NH LS160; L555; JD 325; 317; 7775; (60) 40 lb. suitcase weights; Bobcat 943; Case 1835B; 1845; 1816; Hay Equipment including: Balers; JD 567 w/cover edge; NH BR780N; Vermeer 605K; JD 930 MoCo; IH 210 windrower w/10’; H&S M9 hydra swing 14’ merger; New Tonutti 10-wheel rake; Sitrex 10-wheel rake; Roto King 500 bale processor w/skid loader mts.; Haybuster 256 Plus II bale processor; Miscellaneous Equipment including: Kuhn Knight 1140 spreader, like new; Knight 3042 reel augie; Gehl 7210 feeder wagon; Bearcat & Lorenz mill mixers; Assortment of gravity boxes & augers; ‘99 JD 4700 sprayer, 4873 hrs., 90’ boom, hyd. tread adjustment; Hardy 1100 gal. sprayer w/90’ boom, 42” rubber, nice; (4) New Easy Kleen Magnum 4000 hot water pressure washers. Assortment of New Skid Loader Attachments. Lance Rasmussen Farm Equipment - Selling at 11:00 A.M. - for more information call Lance at 507-450-1880 after 7:00 P.M.: CIH 1594, MFWD w/G.B. 440 loader; JD 926 MoCo; NH 688 baler; Kuhn SR110 rake; Big bale rack on gear; 1999 Ford F250 4x4 crew cab, 214,895 mi. ±220 Acres of Prime Yellow Medicine County Farm Land in Section 19 Friendship Township Auction Location: Granite Falls Community Center, Granite Falls, Minnesota

LAND LOCATION: From Clarkfield, MN go one mile West on Cty. Road 67, go South on 410th St. for two miles, go West on 250th Ave. for 1⁄2 mile. Look for auction signs.

• There is tile on the farm

• Parcels are surveyed

“Where Farm and Family Meet”

• Level farm, with no wetlands

• CPI of 90.4

Parcel 1: ±71 deeded acres, ±69 tillable acres Parcel 2: ±81 deeded acres, ±79 tillable acres Parcel 3: ±68 deeded acres, ±66 tillable acres Auctioneers Comment: Folks, this farm has been in the family for a century, and the Smiths, have decided that the time has come for another owner or operator to enjoy the benefits of any or all of this land. This is a great opportunity for you to expand your farming operation. If you are looking for prime farmland, don’t miss this auction on June 14. For additional questions or an informational packet, please call Kristine at #320-212-9379 or email me at: Kristine@FladeboeAuctions.com Kindest regards, Kristine, Glen and Dale



Kristine Duininck - 320-212-9379 Glen Fladeboe - 651-208-3262 Dale Fladeboe - 320-894-9392

• We’re Experienced • We’re Professional • We’re Family

Scott & Mindy Daniels Farm Line - Selling at approx. 11:30 A.M. - for more information call 507-273-8861: JD 4650 2-wheel, 7246 hrs.; Quad, 42” w/duals; 4440, Quad, 7367 hrs., 38” w/duals; JD 960, 24’ field cult w/3 bar; Glencoe 11-shank soil saver; White 6122, 12R30” planter w/liquid fert., row cleaners, new PTO pump; Hesston 7155S chopper, 2R30” cornhead; NH 28 blower; Gehl 980 chopper box on Gehl T.A. gear; Bush Hog 3 pt. squealer; (3) Creep feeders. Plus A Large Assortment Of Lawn & Garden Equipment including: (6) Late Model Gravely commercial mowers; Plus JD; Dixons; Bush Hog; Husqvarna; Ariens & mower. Assortment Of Vehicles including: 1995 Jet 34’ tandem axle hopper bottom trailer; 1990 Chevy Top Kick, Cat diesel w/contractors box; 1986 Ford F700 w/contractors box, tilt bed; and utility trailers w/ramps; Assortment of carpenter tools; Landscaping tools & equipment.

For a complete listing - more information & photos go to: www.gehlingauction.com Or call Gehling Auction Co. at 1-800-770-0347 TERMS: Cash or Good Check day of sale. Ag Star Loan/Lease Financing w/prior approval. Auctioneers: Gehling Auction Co. – Denny Bagsse 230-5009; Ron Gehling; Matt Gehling; Dave Holsten; Roger Bullerman; Roger Bentley • Clerk: Gehling Auction Co. Inc. www.gehlingauction.com - Email: gehling@gehlingauction.com

Antiques & Collectibles


Hay & Forage Equip


Hay & Forage Equip


Hay & Forage Equip


Badger Chopper Box 16', 12T gear. Yetter rotary hoe. NH 278 baler w/ thrower. NH 27 blower. (715) 792-2165 FOR SALE: '08 Kuhns, MFG 1834, small square bale accumulator & a 618 grabber w/ JD mounts, exc shape. $12,500. Call 507-317-8103 FOR SALE: 10 bale handler, small square bales, fits 3pt or tractor loader, $1,500. 712-297-7951 FOR SALE: CIH 8530 baler w/thrower, nice. $8,500. 320-837-5360 FOR SALE: JD 5400-5830 and 6000 series forage harvesters. Used kernel processors, also, used JD 40 knife Dura-Drums, and drum conversions for 5400 and 5460. Call (507)427-3520 www.ok-enterprise.com FOR SALE: NH Hayliner 68, small square baler, $1,500. Ray Moeller 712-297-7951

FOR SALE: OMC 596 Series II round hay baler. Makes 5' wide x 6' dia. bale. Very good condition. Call (715) 322-5636 JD 260 3pt disk mower, JD 24 T baler; JD 338 baler; IH 990 hay bine; JD 640 rake; Gehl 8 wheel rake, 3pt. 320-864-3837 or 320-583-4531



Saturday, July 21, 2012 @ 9:00 A.M. SALE LOCATION: 1/2 mile north of Comfrey, MN at the Tom Veerkamp farm


If you’re having a Farm Auction, let other Farmers know it! Upcoming Issues of THE LAND Southern MNNorthern IA June 22 July 6 July 20 August 3 August 17 August 31

Northern MN June 15 June 29 July 13 July 27 August 10 August 24

Deadlines are 1 week prior to publication with Holiday deadlines 1 day earlier ** Indicates Early Deadline

PO Box 3169 Mankato, MN 56002 Phone: 507-345-4523 or 800-657-4665 Fax: 507-345-1027

Ask Your Auctioneer to Place Your Auction in The Land! Website: www.TheLandOnline.com

e-mail: theland@TheLandOnline.com

Forenoon Farm Equipment

AUCTION Saturday, June 16, 2012 @ 9:45 A.M. LOCATION: 59222 830th Street, Alpha, MN. From the I-90 exit at Alpha, MN, 21⁄2 miles north & 3⁄4 miles west

COMBINE & HEADS: ‘98 C/IH 2344 Axial Flow combine w/only 1972 sep. & 2657 eng. hrs., #174025; ‘98 C/IH 1063 6RN cornhead, #244143; C/IH 1020 20’ flex platform; IH #820 15’ head; IH 900 Series converted 4RN cornhead. TRACTORS: ‘95 C/IH 7220 MFD w/only 2630 hrs., #56677; ‘89 C/IH 7110 w/only 4615 hrs., #13023; Farmall B w/Woods mower. FIELD EQUIPMENT: ‘98 White 6300 12RN vacuum planter w/front fold flex frame; Tebben 5 shank ripper; Ag Chem 750 pull-type sprayer; Wilrich 24’ PT field cultivator; IH #720 6 bottom plow; (3) Parker 2600 gravity wagons; Kewanee 1020 20’ disk; Other equipment items. BINS (to be moved) & AUGERS - GUNS - ROAD GRADER - CATTLE FEED BUNKS - SHOP EQUIPMENT - TOOLS - HOUSEHOLD & MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS 410 Springfield Parkway Jackson, MN 56143 507-847-3468 www.danpikeauction.com

For complete listing: www.danpikeauction.com


Warren & Shelley Olson

For more information call Warren @ Phone # 507-236-7951

• All consignments MUST be at the sale site not later than Thursday, July 19th @ 3:00 P.M. • All titled vehicles & trailers must have been transferred into consigning sellers name and all titles MUST be given to auction company at time that the unit is delivered to the auction site for consignment. • All titles vehicles & trailers MUST be at sale location by Thursday, July 19th @ 11:00 A.M. TO CONSIGN CONTACT US BY CALLING Dan Pike 507-847-3468 or 507- 841-0965; Joe Wersal 507-220-5561 or Tom Veerkamp 507-227-2352 or 507-877-3632

SALE CONDUCTED BY Joe Wersal Auction

Commission Rates

Items $30,001 & Above 6% - NS Fee $300 Items $20,001 & $30,000 7% - NS Fee $200 Items $5,001 to $20,000 8% - NS Fee $125 Items $2,501 to $5,000 10% - NS Fee $100 Items $501 to $2,500 12% - NS Fee $50 Items $500 & Under 15% - NS Fee $40 Call Dan @ 507-847-3468 or Joe @ Call for rates on complete or 507-220-5561 or check our web site at large lines of equipment. Above rates are on a per item basis. www.danpikeauction.com

Steffes Auction Calendar 2012 For More info Call 1-800-726-8609 or visit our website: www.steffesauctioneers.com Opening Friday, June 1 & Closing Monday, June 11: IQBID June Auction, Selling Ag, Construction, Trucks, RV’s & More! Wednesday, June 13 @ 10 AM: D&D Heating & Sheet Metal Inc., Real Estate & Business Liquidation, Manvel, ND Thursday, June 14 @ 10 AM: Dwain & Stacy Kaiser, Fairmount, ND, Farm Retirement Auction Opening Thursday, June 14 & Closing Wednesday, June 27: IQBID Park River Implement, Equipment located in Park River, Rolla & Cando, ND Opening Friday, June 15 & Closing Monday, June 25: IQBID Oppegard’s Collectible Auction, Steffes Auctioneers Facility Friday, June 22 @ 11 AM: Becker County, MN Land Auction, Calloway Community Center, 119+/Farmland Acres in Calloway Township Wednesday, June 27 @ 11 AM: Andrew & Lorraine Deck, Esmond, ND, Farm Retirement Auction Friday, June 29 & Saturday, June 30 @ 9 AM: Keith Johnson Estate, Ayr, ND, Collectible Cars, Primitives, Antiques, Gas Station & Coca Cola Memorabilia, Gas Pumps, Globes & Signage Opening Sunday, July 1 & Closing Tuesday, July 10: IQBID Oppegard’s Pre-Harvest Auction, Hillsboro, ND Opening Tuesday, July 10 & Closing Wednesday, July 18: IQBID Kibble Equipment Inc., Montevideo, MN, Farm Equipment Wednesday, July 25 @ 9 AM: AgIron 61 Consignment Event, Red River Valley Fairgrounds, West Fargo, ND, Advertising Deadline: Wednesday, June 27

“Where Farm and Family Meet”

FOR SALE: NH Stackliner 1000 automatic bale wagon, $1,500. Ray Moeller 712-297-7951

Mages Land Co. & Auction Service


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'05 Case IH DCX161 Discbine, $17,500; '93 JD 6810 SPFH w/ 6R Kemper & 15' hay head, $90,000; H&S 7+4 HD 18' & 20' front & rear unload forage boxes, $17,000. 507-276-4536

Wonderful 5 Acre Building Site, perfect for horses/livetock, 3 bedroom rambler w/updates, $124,900, additional 5 adjacent acres available for sale at $30,000 • 57821 300th St, Winthrop, MN 10 Acre Rural Residence: All new since 2001, 3 bedroom home & amazing 36x64 shop/utility building w/office, $389,900 • 58638 382nd St, Lafayette, MN 4.5 Acre Horse Ready Hobby Farm, beautiful 3 bedroom home, spacious & charming w/large attached garage, new roof & updated septic. Shed currently set up for horses, $107,900 • 64340 220th St., Gibbon, MN


7 B THE LAND, JUNE 8, 2012

'55 Ferguson PO35, absolute- JD 336 small square baler, JD discbine Model 925. Cut only 630 acres before retirgood working condition, ly showroom condition. 320ing. Always stored inside. $3,200. 715-702-2884 568-2381 $9,800. (608)513-4964 1959 541 Offset Ford, with JD 660 5 bar hay rake. Very good condition, $2,900. cultivator, mint condition, Bins & Buildings 033 715-896-1050 $10,000. 712-297-9926 NH 56 side rake; SnoCo 40' 2 Insulated heavy duty shop doors w/ windows, bale elev. on transport; 16' Auctions 030 10'Hx9'W, $250 each, exc. bale elev. w/motor; JD cond. 952-442-4259 7000, 4RW planter, all atALPACA PEN SALE FOR tachments; JD 5 sect. drag, QUECHUA BENEFIT FOR SALE: Building 26' no cart. 320-864-4583 or 320June 9, 9am-4pm wide, 14' long 8' tall, insu779-4583 Join us in alpaca ownership lated, good shape, $3,500. to help Peruvian orphans & SnoCo & Allied bale elev's, 320-220-3114 Burlington FFA! Sale will 16'-20'; SnoCo bale elev's on SILO DOORS be conducted w/ sealed bids cart, 24'-48'; bale flat rack so YOU determine what the on gears; David Bradley Wood or steel doors shipped promptly to your farm alpaca is worth to you! We side rake; Kewanee elev. stainless fasteners will be shearing that day & sect's & hoppers; Owatonhardware available. Burlington FFA will be asna & Kewanee 40' & 44' (800)222-5726 sisting & selling food; food elev's. 320-864-4583 or 320Landwood Sales LLP proceeds to FFA, ONE 779-4583 HALF of alpaca sales go to help Peruvian kids! Please help the orphans & Burlington FFA! ALL SURI SALE! EARTHCARE SURI They want how much to sell your Farm?? ALPACAS LLC We have sold thousands of acres using proven methods throughout earthcare@wi.rr.com MN at commissions that are often half that of other companies 262-534-4091

THE LAND, JUNE 8, 2012

8 B

Bins & Buildings


Grain Handling Equip


Grain Handling Equip


Grain Handling Equip


Grain Handling Equip


Farm Implements

035 Farm Implements

Westfield Augers, New: Stormor Bins & EZ-Drys. '07 Mauer Grain Hopper, 10”x41' Westfield auger w/10 Farm Fans grain dryer, CFCase 1825 skid, nice; 4800 SA650M, 3 ph, LT, exc, 3277 hp single phase motor, al10-61...... $8,199 100% financing w/no liens electric, tarp. $12,500. utility; MH 33, WF, sharp; hrs, $25,000. 563-532-9687 most brand new. 507-32710-71...... $8,799 or red tape, call Steve at 641-425-9070 IH 560 w/wo loader; 3 pt., 6' 8143 All sizes available. Fairfax Ag for an appointfinishing mwr; Ford 501, 7' Call Mike 507-848-6268 ment. 888-830-7757 Delux DP 2515 Grain Dryer FOR SALE: 1200 bu steel FOR SALE:Used grain bins, mwr.; 7' & 8' 3 pt. blades; 7 300 BPH with 3 phase congrav. wagons, 250-500 bu.; floors unload systems, stibulk seed or fertilizer tank, verter. $2500. 12'x26' ButAlloway 56' auger; quick rators, fans & heaters, aer- Farm Implements pretty good shape w/ seed 035 Grain Handling Equip 034 ler hopper bin. $500. hitches & more. ation fans, buying or sellladder. 320-212-8551 507-274-5936 after 4 pm. Peterson Equipment ing, try me first and also '05 GSI 1226 dryer, 3 phase, New Ulm, MN FOR SALE: Kansun 10-25call for very competitive '06 NH BR780A round baler FOR SALE: '10 Convey-All w/net wrap & wide pickup, low-hour, excellent condi507-276-6957 or 6958 215 dryer, stainless steel contract rates! Office TC10-35 top end drive con$12,500; IH 183 12x30 cult., tion, 1200bu/hr@5pt. Can in3ph; Stormor top dry 5000 hours 8am-5pm Monday – veyor. Handled less than $1,450; CIH 183 6x30 Danish clude phase converter. bu; Batco portable drive Friday Saturday 9am - 12 30,000 bu, good shape. tooth cult., $850; CIH 2250 507-995-9699 noon or call 507-697-6133 over pit, 1 yr old. 320-212-8551 loader, 7' bucket, exc. Ask for Gary 320-562-2178 or 320-583-8465 cond., $3,250; 10x34 auger w/low profile swing hopper & 10 hp elec. motor, $3,450. 320-361-0065


AUCTION Located at GILFILLAN ESTATE GROUNDS 6 mi. East of Redwood Falls on Hwy. 67 or 5 mi. West of Morgan on Hwy. 67

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SATURDAY, JUNE 16, 2012 - 10:00 A.M. Tractors: Int. Cub w/sickle mower, WF; JD B, elec start, lights; 1953 AC WD45, WF; VAC Case; SC Case; DC Case w/Eagle hitch; JD A; 1937 JD A; 460 Industrial, low profile w/Industrial loader; 1948 Farmall MD; Farmall MD; IH McCormick W6, dsl; IH McCormick W9; 1945 JD Industrial L; Farmall Super MD; Machinery: JD 2 btm steel wheel plow; front mnt 2 row Int. cult.; JD 290 corn planter w/fert.; Case manure 2 wheel spreader; JD 490 corn planter; JD 2 btm plow on steel; JD Model 121 2 btm plow; McCormick Deering #6 & #7 5 hay mower; IH 2 row horse drawn cultivator; JD 3 btm plow, hyd lift, rubber tires; JD single disk; Mowers: Snapper HiVac 33 mower w/11hp B&S engine; Snapper Z1805KV zero turn mower w/deck; Golf Carts: 2-1998 Club Car elec golf carts; Other: Ag Tec Model 2004 sprayer system; 5 section wood horse drawn drag; Lundell wagon hoist; Cupola, Minnesota running gear & barge box/hoist; Int. split tractor weights; tires & rims; platform scale; buck saws; saddle rack; steel buggy frame & axles; single horse buggy eveners; 36C hand cultivator; Planter Jr #2 hand planter; horse cultivator w/seat; JD horse drawn 2 row planter; JD corn shellers; McCormick Deering corn sheller; running gear; 4-side hoods for Oliver tractor; Briggs motors; Pot belly stove/pipes; More items by sale date. Check website for updates. Please view our webpage for pictures and auction poster.

Auctioneers: Doug Kerkhoff & Terry R. Marguth

Yes, another Auction by Triple R Auctioneering!

LAND AUCTION Friday, June 29th • 1:00 pm

“Where Farm and Family Meet”

29 acres of prime farm land in Jackson County, Section 12, Middletown Twp. Here is your chance to buy some fantastic land with a CPI of 94, and good quality soil. Very productive land, a great investment for anyone. Seller reserves the right to rent land back thru 2016 for $320.00 per acre. You will want to look at this land, an opportunity like this doesn’t come up often. Directions: 3.5 miles south of Jackson on Hwy. 71, turn east 1 mile, on north side of road. For private inspection call Jim at 507-847-3622. Or view at your own leisure. For information pack call Ray at 507-339-1272. AUCTION WILL BE HELD AT THE HAMPTON INN, FAIRMONT, MN Attorney Chris Butzon will handle purchase agreement and earnest money. A 6% buyers premium will be added to final bid to equal full purchase price. Terms: $20,000 down day of sale, non-refundable, non-contingent. Balance due on August 1st, 2012.

AUCTIONEER Ray R. Rew #81-27 301 - 14th Avenue NW Waseca, MN • Office: 507-835-1958 507-339-1272 Home: 507-835-3387 Cell: 507-339-1272 Visit our websites for upcoming auctions: triplerauctions.com or auctionsgo.com


Attention Organics: Kovar long tine harrow, 24', 3 pt, hyd wings, very good, $2,800. Call (507)665-2030 CIH 183, 8x30 cult., $950; NH BR750 baler, 4'x6' bales w/wide hyd. pickup, $9,500; CIH 1100, 9' sickle mower, $2,750; NH 258 rake, $2,450; Hoelshler 10 bale accumulator & fork, $4,750. 320-7692756 Dearborn Model I97I Loader w/ front pump, off 8N Ford tractor. 320-752-4782 FOR SALE: '08 3739 AgcoNew Idea. 390bu manure spreader, 2 beaters, 2 spd apron, hyd endgate, tandem axle, like new, shedded condition, $8,750/OBO. (651)345-3164 FOR SALE: '09 Mandako 40' roller, 1500 acres, $28,000. 320-987-3177 Days FOR SALE: 3 Yale & 1 Mitsubishi forklifts, 5000 lb. lifts, 2 w/side shift. 320-2671467 or 507-354-1807 FOR SALE: 3pt grader blade, 7' wide, pull-type, $350. Ray Moeller 712-297-7951 FOR SALE: 4R pusher power cultivator for small corn & veg, works best on 9030 Ford. Krane high lift, never used. Small bale bed chopper. (608)523-4942 FOR SALE: 730 Case dsl tractor; 2 bottom down lift plow, 5-18 JD auto reset plow. 320-219-1367 FOR SALE: Case IH 10 bottom flex plow, black canisters & walking tandem axle, $11,000. 507-920-8217 FOR SALE: JD 400, 15' roto hoe; JD RM, 4R, rear mtd. cultivator; H&S Super 7+4 silage box w/10 ton wagon, right hand unload; EZ Trail 230 bu. grav. box w/8 ton wagon. 320-395-2207 For Sale: John Deere 12 row 30” cult. Folding Bar R. shields. For Sale:Imperial 12 row 30” cult. Folding bar Danish Tine Rolling Shields. 320-328-4349. FOR SALE: Orthman Tracker III; set of 12R Kinze markers, (4) JD dry fert boxes w/ ext, mounted on 20' bar. 507-456-1164 FOR SALE: Riteway F3-42' land roller, used very little, $31,000. 507-317-1757 Gehl 3pt 10 whl V rake. Exc cond, $1,750. 515-570-5215 Hardi TR500 sprayer, sgl axle, hyd pump, 45' boom; Gehl 600 chopper w/1110 hay head, manual controls & 540 PTO, stored since '87; JD 300 picker w/244 corn head. 763-300-3070 Hydrostatic & Hydraulic Repair Repair-Troubleshooting Sales-Design Custom hydraulic hose-making up to 2” Service calls made. STOEN'S Hydrostatic Service 16084 State Hwy 29 N Glenwood, MN 56334 320634-4360

Farm Implements

035 Tractors


9 B

Toro GT2200, 50” cut, Kohler 25 hp, 35 hrs.; Allis Chalmers WD45 w/ldr.; Ferguson 35 w/3 pt. mower. 651-485-7590 Winthrop, MN We buy Salvage Equipment Parts Available Hammell Equip., Inc. (507)867-4910 Tractors


'04 Case IH JX95 tractor, 1400 hrs., exc. cond., $28,500. 631-687-0870 '04 TB110 NH tractor. Open station, 540/1000 PTO, dual hydraulics, 1150 hrs. Looks like new, always shedded. $17,850. (608)513-4964 '53 Ford 8N Tractor. New rubber, Runs great, $3,200. 515-227-0702 '57 MF TO35, 3pt blade & 72" Bush Hog mower. $3,500/OBO. 515-955-1462

FOR SALE: CA Allis Chalmers w/Woods belly mower & mounted field cult.; Onan 6500 generator. 507-456-6181 FOR SALE: M5 Moline, 75% rubber, new paint & parts, powershift wheels, $5,000/OBO. 608-423-4039 FOR SALE: MF 5455, 20 hrs, cab, 4WD, rock box, 2 valves, radial tires, air seat, power shuttle, 16 spd. List $86,733. Cash $47,500. 952-466-5538 JD 3010, dsl, WF, Hiniker cab, good clean tractor, 4000 hrs, $8,900/OBO. 712-260-6400 JD 7820, 3100 hrs., MFWD, IVT transm., duals, fenders, 3 hyd. outlets, exc. cond. 507-220-5647 JD 8430 tractor, front diff OH'd, new hi low unit, 18.4x38 tires, new of rear, ok on front $12,000. 515-890-9793 NEW AND USED TRACTOR PARTS JD 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 55, 50 Series & newer tractors, AC-all models, Large Inventory, We ship! Mark Heitman Tractor Salvage 715-673-4829 NH TN75DA, Blue cab. FWD w/810TL loader. Only 2,000 hrs. $36,000. Call 715-7743989 after 7pm. Specializing in most AC used tractor parts for sale. Now parting out WD, 190XT, #200 & D-17 tractors. Rosenberg Tractor Salvage 507-848-1701 or 507-236-8726

'98 JD8300, 5000 hrs, MFWD. 651-338-6861 1991 J.D. 4755 2WD, 7263 hrs, 3 hyd. New 18.4x42 duals, White 2-155 tractor, very good cond, AC/ heat work radar, weights, exc. cond. well, 5500 hrs, duals, $37,900. 507-478-4221 $10,250/OBO. 515-681-6279 FOR SALE: '62 JD 4010 diesel, 2 hyds. 320-583-5951 Harvesting Equip 037 FOR SALE: '64 JD 4020 gas, '04 JD 635F bean head, sgl. PS, WF, 3pt, 1 hyd outlet, pt. hookup, exc. cond., 7048 hrs, fenders, clean, $18,900. 507-327-1903 or 507straight, $6,250. 507-261-3042 964-5548 Can Deliver. or 507-438-1320


WILLMAR FARM CENTER a division of aemsco

3867 East Highway 12, Willmar, MN • Phone 320-235-8123 TRACTORS • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

‘12 MF 8660, MFD, cab, 225 PTO hp. ‘12 MF 7619, MFD, 140 PTO hp. ‘12 MF 2680, MFD, cab, 83 PTO hp. ‘12 MF 2680, MFD, cab, 83 PTO hp. ‘11 MF 8690, MFD, cab, 280 PTO hp. ‘07 MF 7495, MFD, 155 PTO hp., 2625 hrs. MF 5460, MFD, cab, 95 PTO hp. MF 1529 Compact, 29 hp., loader, hydro MF 1652 Compact, 42 hp., loader, cab, hydro MF 1652 Compact, 52 hp., 12x12 Power Shuttle MF GC2400 Compact, 24 hp., 60” deck IH 70 Hydro w/F11 Farmhand loader ‘05 MF 451, 45 PTO hp., 400 hrs. ‘07 MF 3645, MFD, 75 PTO hp., cab, loader

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

‘07 Geringhoff 1822, RD ‘11 Geringhoff 1230, RD, folding ‘03 Geringhoff 1222, RD ‘08 Geringhoff 1222, RD ‘07 Geringhoff 1220, RD ‘05 Geringhoff 1220, RD ‘04 Geringhoff 1220, RD ‘08 Geringhoff 836, RD ‘08 Geringhoff 830, RD ‘06 Geringhoff 830, RD ‘04 Geringhoff 830, RD ‘03 Geringhoff 830, RD ‘01 Geringhoff 830, RD ‘00 Geringhoff 830, RD ‘07 Geringhoff 820, RD ‘10 Geringhoff 630, RD ‘08 Geringhoff 630, RD ‘07 Geringhoff 630, RD ‘01 Geringhoff 630, RD ‘05 NH 98C, 12R20” ‘99 NH 996, 12R20” ‘04 JD 1290, reg. rolls ‘93 JD 843, LT, OD ‘88 JD 843, LT, OD JD 822 JD 1022 ‘06 CIH 2212, 12R20” w/8010 mounts CIH 1083 CIH 822, GVL, Poly CIH 822 White 708N MF 1163, fits MF 8570 combine

• • • •

‘06 ‘07 ‘92 ‘98


COMBINES MF 9690, duals, 429 hrs. MF 9790, duals, 1034 hrs. Gleaner R62, 2063 hrs. Gleaner 800, 25’ flexhead

• • • • • •

‘90 MF 8570, duals ‘85 MF 9720, 3292 hrs. MF 9750 PU table MF 9120 bean table MF 1858 bean table, 15’, 18’, 20’ MF 8000, 30’ bean table

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Brandt 1070XL, swing hopper auger Brandt 1080XL, swing hopper auger Brandt 1390XL, swing hopper auger Brandt 7500 hp. grain vac. Brandt 5200 EX grain vac. ‘05 Brandt 1070XL swing hopper Brandt GBU-10, bagger Brandt GBL-10, unloader Brandt 1515 LP, 1535, 1545, 1575, 1585 belt conveyors Brandt 10x35 auger Parker 605 gravity box, 625 bu. Parker 505 gravity box, 550 bu., brakes EZ Flow 220 bu. gravity box w/auger, tarp Hutchinson 10x61 auger Wheatheart transfer auger, 8”

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Kodiak 60”, 72”, 84” 3 pt. rotary cutters MF 1375 disc mower conditioner, 15’ MF 1328 & 1329 3 pt. disc mowers MF 828 round baler, auto tie MF 200 SP windrower, cab ‘11 MF 1372 disc mower conditioner Sitrex DM7 & DM5 disc mower Sitrex RP2 or RP5 3 pt. wheel rake Sitrex MK 14 wheel rake Sitrex 10 & 12 wheel rakes on cart Sitrex TR 9 wheel rake Westendorf 3 pt. bale spear H&S 16’ bale wagon Chandler 22’, litter spreader Meyer 4620 TSS forage box w/19T gear

• • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Sunflower 5055-62 field cult., 5-section, 62’ Sunflower 4610-9 disc ripper Sunflower 4412-07 disc ripper Sunflower 4530-19 disc chisel Sunflower 1444-36 disc Sunflower 4511-11 disc chisel Brady 20’ stalk choppper ‘08 JD 520 stalk chopper Loftness 30’ stalk chopper, SM Maurer 28’-42’ header trailers ‘12 Degelman LR7645 land roller Degelman 320 rock digger ‘11 SB Select snowblowers, 97” & 108”, 3 pt. Lucke 8’ snowblower, 3 pt.




We pay top dollar for your damaged grain. We are experienced handlers of your wet, dry, burnt and mixed grains. Trucks and Vacs available. Immediate response anywhere. CALL FOR A QUOTE TODAY

PRUESS ELEV., INC. 1-800-828-6642 Yes, another Auction by Triple R Auctioneering!

LAND AUCTION Friday, July 6th • 1:00 pm

Otter Tail County, Section 13, Elmo Twp. Parkers Prairie, MN 60 acres on Wing River Lake, w/2600’ of lake shore. Trees and Grassland. Good fishing and hunting, upland game, turkey, waterfowl, and deer. Perfect setting for home or cabin. If you are in the market for a dream place you will want to check this out. 5 miles north of Parkers Prairie on Hwy. 29, then east on County Road 40, 2 miles. To view this property call Jim at: 218-639-5323. Visit web page for pictures and more information. auctionsgo.com. AUCTION WILL BE HELD AT THE HOLIDAY INN, ALEXANDRIA, MN Attorney Dave Velde will handle purchase agreement and earnest money. A 6% buyers premium will be added to final bid to equal full purchase price. Terms: $20,000 down day of sale, non-refundable, noncontingent. Balance due on August 4th, 2012.

AUCTIONEER Ray R. Rew #81-27 301 - 14th Avenue NW Waseca, MN • Office: 507-835-1958 507-339-1272 Home: 507-835-3387 Cell: 507-339-1272 Visit our websites for upcoming auctions: triplerauctions.com or auctionsgo.com

“Where Farm and Family Meet”

'82 JD 4640, 8 speed pwr shift, 2 hydro, 20.8x38 w/band duals, 14Lx16 front tires, 3 pt., 6,050 hrs., asking $22,000. 507-794-5138

FOR SALE: 310C JD Back Hoe 2WD, full cab, 1900 hrs, excellent condition. $13,500 firm. 608-412-1692


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cbine, 18' head, 201 hrs., 600 acres. $80,000/OBO. JD 945 hydro swing MOCO, disc cut, impeller conditioner, exc, $12,000. NH 252 pivot tongue w/ pulls, two 9 1/2' bar rakes, triple rubber teeth, $5,500. Miller pro 1100 rotary rake, $2,800. 715-296-2162 Power-Pack 5000T, EL5500, brushless, 11HP Briggs Stratton $200/OBO. 515-955-1462 Snapper front-tine tiller. 3HP Briggs & Stratton. $100/OBO. 515-955-1462

THE LAND, JUNE 8, 2012

Husqvarna CRT53 R tine FOR SALE: '66 JD 4020 w/ tiller. 5.5HP industrial pwr 4440 front end, brand new Briggs & Stratton CRT53, hood, diesel pump gone $400/OBO. 515-955-1462 through, in good shape, asking $11,500. JD 148 loadJD 212, grain pickup, 4 belt , er, asking $3,500. large auger, very nice. 507507-747-2749 or 507-430-5854 220-1419 JD 530 tractor, 3 pt., fenders, FOR SALE: '69 Two-Twenty Allis Chalmers, PTO, 2800 restored; JD 158 ldr.; JD hrs, 24-5-32 rubber, good 46A ldr.; CIH 2255 ldr.; JD rubber, orig frnt tires, to be 350, 3 pt. 7' mower; NH 455 restored. Delivery can be pull-type 7' mower; JD 851 arranged. $9,000. hay rake; 3 pt. post hole Call 701-265-2220 drill; JD 290, 2R planter; JD 1R, 3 pt. planter; JD FOR SALE: '93 JD 7800, Trail Buck 500 cc ATV, 1400 MFWD, duals, wgts, good act. miles. 507-399-3006 rubber, 13,000+ hrs, Koestler $37,900. St. Cloud area. 320-291-2620 Mowers 5, 6, 7, 9, $150 to $1,850; plows 1, 2, 3, 4, 5B, FOR SALE: '95 JD 7700, PS, $150 to $950. 712-299-6608 MFWD, joystick, no loader, tires 50%, hrs unknown, NEW Rhino 7 Ft #DM5-3 Pt uses no oil, $45,000/OBO. Disc Mower List $8,927 Sale 507-823-4753 or 507-530-1894 $6,950. New H&S 12 Wheel Pull V-Rake $5,500. Several FOR SALE: 1755 Oliver, cab, Used Mandako Rollers 303pt, quick hitch, all new 42-45 Ft Rental Units. Dealrubber, 6361 hrs, 30 hrs on er. We Trade/Deliver AnyOH, excellent original tracwhere. 319-347-6282 tor, 2nd owner, $10,000. 507-213-0600 or 507-451-9614 NH HW365 self propelled dis-

10 B

KIMBALL, MN • 320-398-3800 Sales: • Al Mueller • Wayne Mackereth • Mike Schneider

<< www.TheLandOnline.com >>

THE LAND, JUNE 8, 2012

• Allen Schramm • Rollie Jurgens • Chase Groskreutz

GLENCOE, MN • 320-864-5531

Sales: • Richard Dammann • Randy Uecker • Steve Schramm • Mike W

NO. MANKATO, MN • 507-387-55 Sales: • Randy Rasmussen • Ed Nowak • Leon Rasmussen • Jay Pederson • Spencer Kolles • Rick Miller


CIH 535 Quad, '10, 800 hrs ..........................................$299,000 CIH 530 Quad, '07, 2335 hrs ........................................$225,000 CIH 500 Steiger, '11, 405 hrs ........................................$265,500 CIH 485 Steiger, '10, 425 hrs ........................................$229,500 CIH STX450Q, '02, 5095 hrs ........................................$149,000 CIH 435 Steiger, '08, 1250 hrs ......................................$205,000 CIH 330 Steiger, '07, 1840 hrs ......................................$150,000 CIH STX325, '02, 2250 hrs............................................$132,500 CIH STX275, '02, 2875 hrs............................................$125,000 CIH 9390, '97 ..................................................................$88,500 CIH 9380, '97, 4600 hrs ..................................................$79,500 CIH 9380, '96, 8075 hrs ..................................................$65,000 CIH 9370, '97, 4325 hrs ..................................................$84,500 CIH 9270, '91, 4815 hrs ..................................................$72,900 CIH 9180, '89, 7600 hrs ..................................................$39,900 CIH 9170, '89, 7825 hrs ..................................................$56,500 Challenger MT865B, '06, 3745 hrs ................................$199,500 Ford 846, '93, 5785 hrs ..................................................$39,900 JD 9620T, '06, 3205 hrs ................................................$195,000 JD 8960, '91, 6540 hrs....................................................$64,500 NH T9060, '08, 1440 hrs ..............................................$212,000 NH TJ330, '07................................................................$139,500 Steiger KP1360, '83, 5330 hrs ........................................$29,500 Versatile 846, '88, 5510 hrs ............................................$30,000 Versatile 835, '78, 11,000 hrs..........................................$15,500


CIH JX70, '08, 250 hrs ....................................................$18,500 CIH 2404, '68, 5805 hrs ....................................................$4,950 CIH 1896, '84, 8565 hrs ..................................................$17,500 IH M, '49............................................................................$2,500 IH 5088, '82, 9545 hrs ....................................................$19,500 IH 1086, '79, 6000 hrs ....................................................$16,900 IH 1086, '79 ......................................................................$5,000 IH 1086..............................................................................$7,500 IH 986, '81, 9130 hrs ......................................................$12,900 IH 756................................................................................$7,500 IH 706, '64, 8120 hrs ........................................................$4,900 Allis 7060, '76, 3140 hrs ..................................................$9,900 Deutz 9170, '90, 3565 hrs ..............................................$23,500 Oliver 1650, '67, 8475 hrs ................................................$6,500

“Where Farm and Family Meet”

TRACTORS AWD/MFD CIH 335 Mag, '11, 50 hrs ..............................................$219,000 (2) CIH 335 Mag, '10 ........................................choice $151,900 CIH 305 Mag, '11, 1300 hrs ..........................................$167,500 (2) CIH 305 Mag, '10 ........................................choice $182,500 (2) CIH 305 Mag, '10 ........................................choice $151,900 CIH 305 Mag, '09, 1595 hrs ..........................................$182,500 CIH 290 Mag, '11, 180 hrs ............................................$192,500 CIH 275 Mag, '11, 600 hrs ............................................$172,500 CIH 275 Mag, '10, 600 hrs ............................................$172,500 CIH 275 Mag, '10, 800 hrs ............................................$175,000 CIH 275 Mag, '10, 950 hrs ............................................$155,500 CIH 275 Mag, '09 ..........................................................$175,000 CIH MX275, '06, 2020 hrs ............................................$129,500 CIH 245 Mag, '11, 300 hrs ............................................$153,500 CIH 245 Mag, '09, 2250 hrs ..........................................$129,500 CIH 245 Mag, '09, 2460 hrs ..........................................$129,500 CIH MX230, '04, 4400 hrs ..............................................$89,500 CIH 215 Mag, '11, 335 hrs ............................................$152,000


CIH 215 Mag, '11, 695 hrs ............................................$130,000 CIH 215 Mag, '10, 3100 hrs ..........................................$105,000 CIH 215 Mag, '09, 770 hrs ............................................$129,000 CIH 215 Mag, '09, 880 hrs ............................................$129,500 CIH MX200, '99, 8865 hrs ..............................................$65,000 CIH 180 Mag, '09 ..........................................................$102,500 CIH 8950, 8725 hrs ........................................................$62,500 CIH 8940, '97, 4325 hrs ..................................................$67,500 CIH 7240, '95, 5125 hrs ..................................................$64,900 CIH 7140, '91 ..................................................................$45,900 CIH 7130, '87, 5610 hrs ..................................................$45,500 CIH 585, '88, 4975 hrs ....................................................$14,900 Case 580M, '06, 4400 hrs ..............................................$39,500 IH 6388, 7785 hrs............................................................$16,500 Challenger MT665C, '09, 755 hrs ..................................$148,500 Ford 8970, '94, 8140 hrs ................................................$57,500 JD 4955, '91, 4530 hrs....................................................$55,000 McCormick XTX215, '06, 870 hrs....................................$85,000 NH TC55, '05, 2785 hrs ..................................................$18,500 White 6175, '94, 8020 hrs ..............................................$42,500


COMBINES Continued

CIH TMII, 50.5' Fld Cult ..................................................$46,900 CIH TMII, 46.5' Fld Cult ..................................................$39,895 CIH 4300, 35' Fld Cult ....................................................$12,500 DMI TMII, 49.5' Fld Cult ..................................................$39,500 DMI TM, 44.5' Fld Cult ....................................................$12,500 Flexcoil 820, 40' Fld Cult ................................................$11,500 JD 2210, 64.5' Fld Cult ....................................................$61,500 JD 2210, 50.5' Fld Cult ....................................................$55,900 JD 2210, 45.5' Fld Cult ....................................................$36,900 JD 2200, 38.5' Fld Cult ....................................................$24,500 JD 1000, 26.5' Fld Cult ......................................................$1,000 JD 980, 44.5' Fld Cult ......................................................$17,500 JD 980, 43.5' Fld Cult ......................................................$16,900 JD 980, 36.5' Fld Cult ......................................................$13,900 JD 980, 24.5' Fld Cult ......................................................$14,900 JD 980 Fld Cult ................................................................$14,500 JD 960, 36.5' Fld Cult ........................................................$6,900 Sunflower 5053, 39' Fld Cult ..........................................$19,900 White 375 Fld Cult ............................................................$3,500 Wilrich Quad5 Fld Cult ....................................................$21,950 Wilrich Quad5, 32' Fld Cult..............................................$16,500 Wilrich 2500, 27.4' Fld Cult ..............................................$1,950 Wilrich 13BWFC, 28' Fld Cult ............................................$2,500 CIH 3950, 22.5' Disk........................................................$21,500 CIH 3900, 33' Disk ..........................................................$14,900 CIH 370, 31' Disk ............................................................$58,200 CIH 330, 34' Disk ............................................................$61,500 JD BWF, 19' Disk ..............................................................$2,000 Sunflower 1434, 23' Disk ................................................$33,000 White 6x16 Disk ................................................................$1,500 Worksaver 940420 Disk........................................................$525

CIH 2388, '98, 3210 hrs ..................................................$77,500 CIH 2388, '98, 3250 hrs ..................................................$85,700 CIH 2388, '98, 3780 hrs ..................................................$82,500 CIH 2366, '00, 2810 hrs ..................................................$89,500 CIH 2366, '00, 3135 hrs ..................................................$89,500 CIH 2366, '99, 3845 hrs ..................................................$79,500 CIH 2366, '91, 2845 hrs ..................................................$79,500 CIH 2188, '97, 3800 hrs ..................................................$69,500 CIH 2188, '97, 2365 hrs ..................................................$79,000 CIH 2188, '96, 2950 hrs ..................................................$72,500 CIH 2188, '96, 3045 hrs ..................................................$79,500 CIH 2188, '95, 3875 hrs ..................................................$56,500 CIH 2166, '97, 4150 hrs ..................................................$62,500 CIH 2166, '96, 3250 hrs ..................................................$59,500 CIH 2166, '96, 3430 hrs ..................................................$63,500 CIH 1688, '94, 3305 hrs ..................................................$49,500 CIH 1688, '94, 4160 hrs ..................................................$39,500 CIH 1688, '93, 4560 hrs ..................................................$47,500 CIH 1666, '93, 3180 hrs ..................................................$49,500 CIH 1660, '91, 3650 hrs ..................................................$27,000 CIH 1660, '90, 4360 hrs ..................................................$29,500 CIH 1660, '87, 4605 hrs ..................................................$27,500 CIH 1640, '86, 3845 hrs ..................................................$14,500 CIH 1460, '80, 3500 hrs ....................................................$7,500 CIH 1440............................................................................$5,900 Gleaner N6, '84, 3120 hrs..................................................$9,500 JD 9870STS, '09, 830 hrs ............................................$275,000 JD 9870, '09, 1100 hrs..................................................$256,000 JD 9860STS, '04, 2000 hrs ..........................................$169,500 JD 9770S, '08, 890 hrs..................................................$217,000 JD 9660, '07, 1805 hrs..................................................$169,500 JD 9660STS, '04, 2115 hrs ..........................................$149,000 JD 9610, '96, 3265 hrs....................................................$62,500 JD 9600, '95, 4375 hrs....................................................$39,900 JD 9500, '89, 4520 hrs....................................................$37,950 JD 9400, '91, 4720 hrs....................................................$35,950 JD 6620, '82 ....................................................................$11,000 MF 750, '77 ......................................................................$3,500 NH TR97, '95, 3955 hrs ..................................................$29,500 NH TR86, '89, 3860 hrs ..................................................$18,500 NH TR86, '85, 3245 hrs ....................................................$9,900 NH 970, '03, 2020 hrs ..................................................$139,000


COMPACT TRACTORS / RTV’s CIH 40 Farmall CVT ........................................................$36,250 CIH DX25E, '04, 175 hrs..................................................$13,900 Agco ST 40, '02, 435 hrs ................................................$15,500 Deutz 5220, '87, 1540 hrs ................................................$5,995 JD 4310, '02, 1090 hrs....................................................$21,000 Kubota B2920HSD, '08, 180 hrs......................................$17,100 Kubota B2920HSD, '08, 195 hrs......................................$16,250 Kubota BX2360T, '09 ........................................................$8,950 Kubota BX2230, '05, 310 hrs ............................................$8,950 Kubota BX2230, '04, 1965 hrs ..........................................$7,750 Kubota BX2200, '01 ..........................................................$8,750 Kubota BX1830, '04 ..........................................................$6,950 Kubota BX1500, '04, 1235 hrs ..........................................$6,100 Kubota L3240HST, '08, 100 hrs ......................................$21,900 Artic Cat 500, '02, 950 hrs ................................................$2,950 Cub Cadet 4x4D Trail, '06, 670 hrs....................................$7,975 Kawasaki Mule, '02, 2670 hrs............................................$5,500 Kubota RTV900W, '06, 800 hrs ........................................$7,900 Kubota RTV900, '06, 935 hrs ............................................$7,950 Kubota RTV900, '05, 950 hrs ............................................$8,550 Kubota RTV900W, '04, 830 hrs ........................................$8,200 Steiner Hawk, '00 ..............................................................$3,250

PLANTING & SEEDING CIH 1260, 36R22 ..........................................................$185,000 CIH 1250, 24R30 ..........................................................$113,900 (2) CIH 1250, 12R30 ....................................$58,000 & $59,000 CIH 1240, 24R22 ............................................................$98,500 CIH 1200, 36R20 ............................................................$49,500 (2) CIH 1200, 24R22 ....................................$49,900 & $66,900 (2) CIH 1200, 16R30 ....................................$38,000 & $59,500 CIH 1200, 16R22 ............................................................$30,000 (2) CIH 1200, 12R30 ....................................$48,500 & $52,500 CIH 955, 12R30 ..............................................................$18,500 CIH 955, 8R30 ................................................................$15,900 CIH 950FF ........................................................................$19,500 CIH 950, 12R30 ..............................................................$16,900 CIH 900, 16R30 ..............................................................$14,900 CIH 900, 12RVF ................................................................$6,900 (2) CIH 900, 8R30 ..................................................choice $6,500 IH 800, 8R30 ....................................................................$2,100 JD DB44, 24R22 ............................................................$106,500 (2) JD 7300, 12R30 ......................................$12,500 & $12,900 JD 7300, 12R22 ..............................................................$10,900 JD 7200FF........................................................................$16,500 JD 1770, 16R30 ..............................................................$46,300 White 8524, 24R30........................................................$109,900 CIH 5400MT, 20' Drill ........................................................$6,950 CIH 5400, 20' Drill ............................................................$6,500 Great Plains 30' Drill........................................................$10,500 (3) Great Plains 20' Drill ....................................$4,500 - $5,800 JD 520, 20' Drill ................................................................$4,500

SPRING TILLAGE (2) CIH TM 200, 60.5' Fld Cult ............................choice $67,500 CIH TM 200, 50.5' Fld Cult ..............................................$57,900 (2) CIH TM 200, 48.5' Fld Cult ........................................$55,000 CIH TMII, 54.5' Fld Cult ..................................................$35,500

Financing provided by

CNH Capital ® 2012 CNH America LLC. All rights reserved. Case IH is a registered trademark of CNH America LLC. CNH Capital is a trademark of CNH America LLC. www.caseih.com


CIH 9120, '11, 290 hrs ..................................................$320,000 CIH 9120T, '10, 655 hrs ................................................$329,000 CIH 9120, '09, 725 hrs ..................................................$289,000 CIH 8120, '11, 210 hrs ..................................................$309,000 CIH 8120, '11, 250 hrs ..................................................$309,000 CIH 8120T, '10, 970 hrs ................................................$319,000 CIH 8120, '10, 190 hrs ..................................................$315,000 CIH 8120, '09, 930 hrs ..................................................$253,400 CIH 8120, '09, 1120 hrs ................................................$265,000 CIH 8120, '09, 1265 hrs ................................................$249,500 CIH 8120, '09, 1060 hrs ................................................$260,000 CIH 8010, '07, 1100 hrs ................................................$215,000 CIH 8010, '07, 1740 hrs ................................................$195,000 CIH 8010, '06, 865 hrs ..................................................$175,000 CIH 8010, '06, 1410 hrs ................................................$191,500 CIH 8010, '06, 1900 hrs ................................................$164,500 CIH 8010, '06, 1900 hrs ................................................$166,000 CIH 8010, '04, 2115 hrs ................................................$139,000 CIH 8010, '04, 2440 hrs ................................................$159,000 CIH 7120, '11, 285 hrs ..................................................$269,000 CIH 7120, '09, 915 hrs ..................................................$252,500 CIH 7088, '11, 585 hrs ..................................................$249,000 CIH 7088, '11, 640 hrs ..................................................$249,000 CIH 7088, '10, 470 hrs ..................................................$245,000 CIH 7088, '10, 810 hrs ..................................................$225,000 CIH 7088, '09, 845 hrs ..................................................$215,000 CIH 7010, '07, 2875 hrs ................................................$155,000 CIH 6088, '11, 470 hrs ..................................................$239,000 CIH 6088, '11, 545 hrs ..................................................$239,000 CIH 6088, '11, 500 hrs ..................................................$239,000 CIH 6088, '10, 450 hrs ..................................................$228,500 CIH 6088, '10, 525 hrs ..................................................$235,000 CIH 6088, '10, 500 hrs ..................................................$225,000 CIH 2588, '07, 1910 hrs ................................................$178,900 CIH 2388, '06, 1440 hrs ................................................$159,500 CIH 2388, '05, 2320 hrs ................................................$126,900 CIH 2388, '04, 1270 hrs ................................................$125,000 CIH 2388, '03, 2740 hrs ................................................$135,000 CIH 2388, '03, 2415 hrs ................................................$140,000 CIH 2388, '03, 2540 hrs ................................................$117,900 CIH 2388, '03, 2550 hrs ................................................$125,000 CIH 2388, '03, 2760 hrs ................................................$119,900 CIH 2388, '02, 2975 hrs ..................................................$99,000 CIH 2388, '01, 2400 hrs ..................................................$99,500 CIH 2388, '01, 2580 hrs ................................................$106,500 CIH 2388, '01, 2840 hrs ..................................................$99,500 CIH 2388, '01, 3250 hrs ..................................................$99,900 CIH 2388, '00, 2000 hrs ................................................$115,000 CIH 2388, '00, 3295 hrs ..................................................$86,500

CIH 3020, 30' Beanhead ..................................................$30,000 CIH 2162, 35' Beanhead ..................................................$59,900 (2) CIH 2062, 36' Beanhead ..........................$45,000 & $48,000 CIH 2062, 30' Beanhead ..................................................$39,500 (3) CIH 2020, 35' Beanhead............................$27,900 - $33,500 (6) CIH 2020, 30' Beanhead............................$19,500 - $33,500 (3) CIH 2020, 25' Beanhead..........................$$18,900 - $23,000 CIH 2020, 20' Beanhead ..................................................$24,000 (30) CIH 1020, 30' Beanhead ..........................Starting at $4,900 (23) CIH 1020, 25' Beanhead ..........................Starting at $5,500 (3) CIH 1020, 22.5' Beanhead ............................$4,950 - $9,700 (3) CIH 1020, 20' Beanhead..............................$6,500 - $15,500 CIH 1020, 15' Cornhead ....................................................$8,500 CIH 920 Beanhead ............................................................$3,500 Deutz All 320 Beanhead ....................................................$3,500 (5) JD 930F, 30' Beanhead ................................$8,999 - $11,900 JD 920, 20' Beanhead........................................................$5,900 (4) JD 635F, 35' Beanhead ..............................$32,000 - $39,900 JD 630F Beanhead ..........................................................$36,900 MacDon 2162, 40' Beanhead ..........................................$55,000 MacDon 2162, 35' Beanhead ..........................................$47,000 Macdon 974, 35' Beanhead ............................................$45,000 Macdon 30' Beanhead ....................................................$41,500 MF 9750, 25' Beanhead ....................................................$7,000 NH 960 Beanhead ..............................................................$1,400 CIH 3408, 8R30 Cornhead ..............................................$44,000 (2) CIH 2612 Cornhead..................................$81,500 & $82,300 (3) CIH 2608 Cornhead ..................................$52,900 - $65,000 (8) CIH 2208 Cornhead ..................................$26,500 - $35,500 (4) CIH 2206 Cornhead ..................................$24,500 - $30,000 CIH 1222 Cornhead ........................................................$16,900 (14) CIH 1083 Cornhead ..................................starting at $9,500 (3) CIH 1063 Cornhead ....................................starting at $9,500 IH 12R22 Cornhead ........................................................$15,500 IH 983, 9R22 Cornhead ..................................................$10,500 (2) IH 963, 6R30 Cornhead ..............................$4,500 & $7,950 (2) IH 883 Cornhead ..........................................$3,500 & $4,000 (2) IH 863 Cornhead ..........................................$2,500 & $4,500 Cat 1622 Cornhead ..........................................................$29,500 Cressoni 6R30 Cornhead ................................................$21,500 (6) Drago 12R22 Cornhead ............................$70,500 - $85,000 (2) Drago 12R20 Cornhead ............................................$84,500 Drago 10R30 Cornhead ..................................................$65,500 (3) Drago 10R22 Cornhead ............................$39,500 - $65,500 (17) Drago 8R30 Cornhead ............................$29,500 - $64,900 (2) Drago 8R22 Cornhead..............................$33,000 & $44,900 (3) Drago 6R30 Cornhead ..............................$41,500 - $51,500 Geringhoff 12R30 Cornhead ............................................$89,750 Geringhoff 12R22 Cornhead ............................................$69,500 Geringhoff 8R30 Cornhead ..............................................$29,900 (3) Geringhoff Roto Disc ................................$29,900 - $36,500 Gleaner Hugger Cornhead..................................................$8,950 Gleaner 6R30 Cornhead ....................................................$3,500 Harvestec 4306C Cornhead ............................................$34,000 (4) Harvestec 8R30 Cornhead ........................$25,000 - $39,500 Harvestec 6R30 Cornhead ..............................................$15,900


JD 1293, 12R30 Cornhead ................................... JD 1290, 12R20 Cornhead ................................... JD 10R22 Cornhead ............................................. (5) JD 893, 8R30 Cornhead ............................$14 JD 843, 8R30 Cornhead ....................................... JD 843, 8R22 Cornhead ....................................... JD 643, 6R30 Cornhead ....................................... Lexion C512R30 Cornhead ................................... NH 962 Cornhead ................................................. (2) IH 810 Platform............................................$1 JD Platform........................................................... Homemade 4 Wheel Head Transport ................... Maurer 1230, 30' Head Transport.........................


(8) CIH 870, 22' Subsoiler ..............................$59 (3) CIH 870, 18' Subsoiler ..............................$54 CIH 870, 14' Subsoiler ......................................... (4) CIH MRX690 Suboiler ..............................$19 (5) CIH 9300, 22.5' Subsoiler ........................$24 (2) CIH 9300, 9 Shank Subsoiler ..................$36, (6) CIH 730B Subsoiler ..................................$17 (5) CIH 730C, 17.5' Subsoiler ........................$32 (3) CIH 730C, 7 Shank Subsoiler ....................$34 (2) CIH 730B, 7 Shank Subsoiler ..................$22, CIH 530B, 12.5' Subsoiler ................................... DMI 9300, 22.5' Subsoiler ................................... DMI 9300, 22' Subsoiler....................................... DMI 1300, 17.5' Subsoiler ................................... DMI 730B Subsoiler ............................................. (5) DMI 730B, 17.5' Subsoiler ........................$15 (3) DMI 730B, 7 Shank Suboiler ....................$17 (4) DMI 730, 7 Shank Subsoiler .................. $12 DMI 530B, 12.5' Subsoiler ................................... (2) DMI 530, 5 Shank Subsoiler ....................$11, DMI 527, 5 Shank Subsoiler................................. (2) DMI CCII, 11.5' Subsoiler ............................$5 Bourgault 2200, 30' Subsoiler ............................. Glencoe SS7400 Subsoiler ................................... (17) JD 2700 Subsoiler ..................................$21 JD 960 Subsoiler ................................................. (2) JD 512, 22.5' Subsoiler ..................................c (3) JD 512, 22' Subsoiler................................$40 (2) JD 512, 17.5' Subsoiler ..................................c (3) JD 512, 9 Shank Subsoiler ........................$23 JD 510, 17.5' Subsoiler ....................................... JD 510, 7 Shank Subsoiler ................................... Krause 4850, 18' Subsoiler ................................. M & W 2900 Subsoiler ......................................... M & W 2200 Subsoiler ......................................... M & W 1875, 17.5' Subsoiler ............................... (2) M & W 1860, 9 Shank Subsoiler..................$8 M & W 1465, 7 Shank Subsoiler ......................... NH ST770, 17.5' Subsoiler ................................... Sunflower 4411, 9 Shank Subsoiler ..................... (6) Wilrich V957DDR Subsoiler ......................$23 CIH 6500, 13 Shank Subsoiler ............................. IH 4700, 30' Chisel Plow ..................................... Hiniker 816M Chisel Plow..................................... (2) CIH 800, 10 Bottom MB Plow ....................$8, CIH 800, 9x18 MB Plow ....................................... IH 720, 6x18 MB Plow ......................................... JD 3710, 9 Bottom MB Plow ............................... JD 724, 30' Combo Mulch ................................... DMI 18' Crumbler ................................................. Great Plains 20' Crumbler.....................................


Chase Groskreutz, East - (320) 2 Randy Olmscheid, West - (320) 5

Claas 980, '10, 655 hrs......................................... Claas 980, '10, 915 hrs......................................... Claas 980, '09, 1135 hrs....................................... Claas 980, '08....................................................... Claas 980, '08, 1495 hrs....................................... Claas 970, '08, 1040 hrs....................................... Claas 900, '09, 1625 hrs....................................... Claas 900, '07, 1935 hrs....................................... Claas 900, '07, 2430 hrs....................................... Claas 900, '06, 2645 hrs....................................... Claas 900, '03, 2275 hrs....................................... Claas 890, '02, 2100 hrs....................................... Claas 890, '02, 2555 hrs....................................... Claas 870 GE, '06, 2590 hrs ................................. Claas 870, '05, 1995 hrs....................................... Claas 870, '03, 2790 hrs....................................... JD 7800, '05, 3870 hrs......................................... JD 6810, '96, 4590 hrs......................................... JD 5400, 2660 hrs ............................................... NH FX60, '03, 1970 hrs ....................................... NH FX58, '02, 1410 hrs .......................................


Gehl CB1265 PT Forg Harv................................... Gehl CB1065 PT Forg Harv................................... Gehl 1075 PT Forg Harv ....................................... NH FP240 Forg Harv.............................................


ST. MARTIN, MN • 320-548-3285

June 15th & 16th

ALDEN, MN • 507-874-3400

Arnold’s has tickets for sale!

Sales: • Bob Pfingston • Nate Scharmer • Brian Lingle • Christy Hoff • Bob Lindahl • Tim Hansen • Jeff Ruprecht



Sales: • Dan Hoffman • Joe Mehr • Erik Mueller • Randy Olmscheid • Jamie Pelzer

Sales: • Brad Wermedal • Tim Wiersma • Tim Engebretson • Bob Joubert


...........$45,500 ...........$49,950 .............$8,500 4,500 - $33,000 .............$7,500 ...........$10,000 .............$5,500 ...........$38,000 .............$1,400 1,500 & $2,250 .............$1,500 .............$1,000 .............$3,995


248-3733 583-6014

.............$7,500 .............$5,500 .............$9,500 ...........$23,000

BALERS CIH RB564 Rnd Baler ......................................................$27,900 (3) CIH RBX562 Rnd Baler ..............................$12,500 - 14,500 CIH 8530 Rec Baler ..........................................................$7,500 CIH 8480, 5x6 Rnd Baler ..................................................$6,000 CIH 3650, 5x6 Rnd Baler ..................................................$6,995 (2) Claas 280RC Rnd Baler ............................$19,500 & $21,500 Hesston 530, 4x4 Rnd Baler ..............................................$8,500 JD 567, 5x6 Rnd Baler ....................................................$19,500 NH BR780A Rnd Baler ....................................................$17,800 NH BR780 Rnd Baler ......................................................$15,900 New Idea 4865, 5x6 Rnd Baler ..........................................$9,500 Vermeer 504I Rnd Baler ....................................................$5,950 CIH LBX432 Rec Baler ....................................................$64,500 CIH 8575 Rec Baler ........................................................$29,500 (2) CIH 8530 Rec Baler ..........................................choice $7,500 JD 327 Rec Baler ..............................................................$4,950 (2) NH BB940A Rec Baler ..............................$49,500 & $67,500 NH 315 Rec Baler ..............................................................$3,500 NH 276 Rec Baler ..............................................................$3,195

Rudy Lusk - (507) 227-4119 CIH 4420, '09, 1570 hrs ................................................$175,000 CIH 4260, 98, 4270 hrs ..................................................$79,900 Hagie STS10, '03, 2690 hrs ............................................$82,900 Tyler Patriot XL, '94, 4360 hrs ........................................$37,900 Tyler Patriot II, '92, 4220 hrs ..........................................$35,900 Willmar 765, 2650 hrs ....................................................$22,900

SPRAYERS - PULL-TYPE Ag Chem 1000 ................................................................$13,500 Bestway 500 Gal ..................................................................$975 Blumhardt 60' ....................................................................$3,350 Demco Conquest ............................................................$19,500 Femco 27D, 150 Gal ..........................................................$1,250 Hardi 500, 60'....................................................................$7,900 Redball 690, 2000 Gal ....................................................$29,500 Redball 670, 1200 Gal ....................................................$21,500 Redball 670, 90' ............................................................$20,000 Redball 565......................................................................$15,500 Top Air 500, 45' ................................................................$3,800 Top Air 112R60, '10 ........................................................$25,000 Top Air 1600G90, '11 ......................................................$41,000 Top Air 1600R90, '11 ......................................................$41,000 Top Air 1600R90, '11 ......................................................$42,500

SKID LOADERS/EXCAVATORS Case SR250, '12, 2 hrs....................................................$42,500 Case 1845C, '94 ..............................................................$12,900 Case 1840, '95, 4395 hrs ................................................$10,500 Case 1840, '91, 6355 hrs ..................................................$9,850 Case 1840, '89, 3350 hrs ..................................................$9,900 Case 1825, '89, 4000 hrs ..................................................$5,500 Case 450CT, '08, 1570 hrs ..............................................$41,500 Case 445, '06, 1975 hrs ..................................................$30,500 Case 440CT, '10, 1690 hrs ..............................................$38,900 Case 440, '10, 575 hrs ....................................................$31,500 Case 440, '07, 1250 hrs ..................................................$24,900 Case 440, '07, 2330 hrs ..................................................$22,500 Case 435, '07, 1050 hrs ..................................................$20,900 Case 430, '09, 1500 hrs ..................................................$27,500 Case 430, '09, 2560 hrs ..................................................$21,500 Case 430, '08, 400 hrs ....................................................$27,500 Case 430, '06, 2105 hrs ..................................................$17,900 Case 430, '06, 3905 hrs ..................................................$22,000 Case 90XT, 2505 hrs........................................................$22,900 Case 40XT, '02, 1735 hrs ................................................$15,900 Bobcat S-185, '07, 3100 hrs............................................$21,500 Cat 257B, 2705 hrs..........................................................$22,500 Cat 236B, '06, 1975 hrs ..................................................$23,500 Daewoo 2060XL, '02, 3070 hrs ........................................$9,500 Gehl 7800, '01, 6395 hrs ................................................$18,500 Gehl 7810 Turbo, '04, 3350 hrs ......................................$34,500 Gehl 5640E, '06, 1650 hrs ..............................................$19,750 Gehl 5240E, '10, 380 hrs ................................................$27,500 Gehl 4840E, '06, 1160 hrs ..............................................$18,500 Gehl 4840, '05, 770 hrs ..................................................$19,900 Gehl 4835SXT, '00 ..........................................................$10,900 Gehl 4825SX, '98, 5640 hrs ..............................................$8,500 Gehl 4640, '05, 3295 hrs ................................................$18,000 Gehl 3825 ..........................................................................$9,500 JD 328, '05, 5180 hrs......................................................$19,500 JD 320, 2210 hrs ............................................................$19,900 NH LX565, '96 ..................................................................$7,900 Rounder L600....................................................................$2,300 Kubota KX91-2, '97 ........................................................$14,500


MISCELLANEOUS Alloway 22CD, 22' Shredder............................................$12,500 (2) Alloway 20' Shredder ..................................$4,500 & $5,500 Alloway 15' Shredder ......................................................$11,500 Balzer 5205M, 30' Shredder ..............................................$7,400 Hiniker 5600, 15' Shredder..............................................$12,500 Hiniker 1700, 20' Shredder..............................................$11,500 JD 520, 20' Shredder ......................................................$17,500 JD 220, 20' Shredder ......................................................$12,500 JD 120, 20' Shredder ........................................................$3,950 JD 115, 15' Shredder ......................................................$12,000 Loftness 360BS Shredder................................................$10,000 Loftness 264, 22' Shredder ............................................$15,900 (3) Loftness 240, 20' Shredder......................$13,500 & $19,500 (2) Loftness 20' Shredder..................................$3,500 & $8,500 Rhino RC15, 15' Shredder ..............................................$12,500 Wilrich 22' Shredder........................................................$12,900 (2) Woods S20CD Shredder ..........................$15,900 & $16,750 (2) Woods 22' Shredder ..................................$5,500 & $10,500 (2) Woods 20' Shredder ..................................$7,900 & $10,900 Woods 15' Shredder........................................................$10,500 Alcart 1520 Forage Box ..................................................$44,000 Millerpro 9015 Forage Box ..............................................$42,000 NH 816 Forage Box............................................................$8,000 (5) CIH 600 Forage Blower..................................$1,500 - $4,500 Gehl 1580 Forage Blower......................................................$500 CIH 1360 Grinder Mixer ..................................................$11,900 Lorenz 100 Grinder Mixer..................................................$3,500 Brandt 1060 SWD Auger ..................................................$5,500 Feterl 8x60 Auger ..............................................................$2,500 Feterl 8x55 Auger..................................................................$750

“Where Farm and Family Meet”

.........$335,000 .........$295,000 .........$275,000 .........$275,000 .........$255,000 .........$279,000 .........$242,000 .........$175,000 .........$180,000 .........$165,500 .........$168,000 .........$158,500 .........$147,000 .........$184,500 .........$175,000 .........$162,000 .........$155,000 ...........$59,500 ...........$24,000 .........$115,000 .........$108,000

HAY EQUIPMENT CIH 8830, '96, 1430 hrs ..................................................$15,900 Owatonna 260, 12' ............................................................$2,500 Owatonna 260, 12', 2710 hrs ..............................................$500 Owatonna 260, 12', 1780 hrs ............................................$1,500 Versatile 400, '76 ..............................................................$2,800 NH 1441, 16' PT Windrower............................................$21,500 CIH DHX181 Windrower Head ........................................$20,000 (2) CIH 8360, 12' MowCond..............................$4,900 & $6,900 CIH 8340, 9' MowCond ....................................................$7,950 CIH 8312, 12' MowCond ..................................................$9,500 CIH DCX161 MowCond....................................................$20,500 CIH DCX131, 13' MowCond ............................................$19,500 CIH SC412 MowCond ........................................................$7,900 Hesston 1160, 14' MowCond ............................................$5,350 JD Moco946 MowCond ..................................................$29,500 JD 1600, 14' MowCond ....................................................$6,995 JD 945, 13' MowCond ....................................................$15,000 NH 1475 MowCond ..........................................................$7,500 NH 1411 MowCond ..........................................................$6,500 NH 499, 9' MowCond ........................................................$3,500 NH 415, 11' MowerCond ..................................................$5,500 (2) NH 116, 14' MowCond ................................$5,900 & $6,500 Vermeer 1030, 13.5' MowCond ......................................$18,500 CIH 3205, 6' Disc Mower ..................................................$2,650 JD 260A, 6' Disc Mower....................................................$1,650 Kuhn GMD55 Disc Mower ................................................$3,900 IH 120, 7' Sickle Mower ......................................................$795 CIH FC60, 60" Rotary Mower ................................................$550 Cyclone 17-C50-RD Rotary Mower....................................$1,850 Landpride AFM4211 Rotary Mower ................................$12,500 Landpride FDR2584 Rotary Mower ..................................$2,750 Tonutti FM180 Rotary Mower ............................................$1,850 Woods RD7200D Rotary Mower ......................................$1,895 H & S TWM9 Wind Merg ................................................$26,500 H & S 166 Wind Merg ......................................................$3,850 (3) Millerpro 14-16 Wind Merg .................... $26,500 - $33,500 NH H5410, 9' Wind Merg ................................................$17,900 (2) NH 166 Wind Merg ......................................$3,750 & $4,800 Oxbo 14-16 Wnd Merg ....................................................$48,000 Rowse 8' Wind Merg ........................................................$5,800 Kuhn GA8521 Rake..........................................................$23,500 Kuhn GA7301 Rake..........................................................$14,500


<< www.TheLandOnline.com >>

9,000 - $77,500 4,500 - $57,500 ...........$43,000 9,000 - $28,500 4,500 - $45,000 000 & $36,500 7,500 - $26,000 2,500 - $41,500 4,900 - $39,900 500 & $24,000 ...........$18,500 ...........$40,000 ...........$29,500 .............$9,500 ...........$17,500 5,000 - $19,500 7,000 - $19,500 2,500 - $13,900 ...........$17,000 900 & $12,900 .............$9,500 5,250 & $7,750 ...........$92,400 .............$4,950 ,500 - $38,000 .............$6,500 choice $49,500 0,000 - $46,500 choice $17,000 3,900 - $27,750 ...........$10,500 ...........$10,500 ...........$43,500 ...........$14,900 ...........$14,900 ...........$12,900 8,900 & $9,300 .............$8,500 ...........$22,500 ...........$21,500 3,500 - $33,900 .............$4,500 .............$3,950 .............$2,200 900 & $11,500 ...........$10,500 .............$6,500 ...........$22,000 ...........$15,500 .............$6,200 .............$1,650

FORAGE Continued (5) Claas PU380HD Hayhead ........................ $14,000 - $15,000 (2) Claas PU380 Pro Hayhead ......................$23,000 & $24,500 (8) Claas PU380 Hayhead ............................ $11,500 - $14,500 Claas PU300 Hayhead........................................................$9,500 (3) Gehl HA1210 7' Hayhead................................ $500 - $1,850 Gehl HA1110, '95 Hayhead ..................................................$500 Gehl 7' Hayhead....................................................................$500 JD 640B Hayhead ............................................................$11,500 JD 7' Hayhead ......................................................................$800 JD 5HP, 5.5' Hayhead ..........................................................$400 NH 3500 Hayhead..............................................................$6,500 NH 355W Hayhead ............................................................$8,500 NH 340W Hayhead ............................................................$5,000 (3) Claas Orbis 900 Cornhead ....................$110,000 - $111,000 (3) Claas Orbis 750 Cornhead ........................$76,000 - $79,000 Claas Orbis 600 Cornhead ..............................................$68,000 (13) Claas RU600, 8R30 Cornhead ................$24,500 - $59,000 (2) Claas RU450XTRA Cornhead ..................$42,000 & $46,000 (12) Claas RU450 Cornhead............................$28,000 - $48,000 (4) Gehl TR330 Cornhead ..................................$2,600 - $5,500 (2) JD 688 Cornhead ....................................$28,000 & $51,500 JD 678, 8R30 Cornhead ..................................................$43,000 JD 666, 6R30 Cornhead ..................................................$12,500 JD 4R30 Cornhead ............................................................$5,500 JD 3R30 Cornhead ............................................................$2,600 Kemper 4500 Cornhead ..................................................$29,500 Kemper 3000 Cornhead ..................................................$22,000 NH 3PN Cornhead..............................................................$8,500 (2) NH R1600 Cornhead ................................$39,500 & $42,500

11 B THE LAND, JUNE 8, 2012

WILLMAR, MN • 320-235-4898


THE LAND, JUNE 8, 2012

12 B

~ NEW EQUIPMENT/BIG INVENTORY ~ Notch Equipment: • Rock Buckets • Grapple Forks • Manure Forks • Bale Spears • Hi-Volume Buckets & Pallet Forks • Bale Transports & Feeder Wagons, 16’-34’ • Adult & Young Stock Feeders & Bale Feeders • Land Levelers

Smidley Equipment: • Steer Stuffers • Hog Feeders • Hog Huts • Calf Creep Feeders • Lamb & Sheep Feeders • Cattle & Hog Waterers • Mini Scaler

Sioux Equipment: • Gates • Calving Pens • Haymax Bale Feeders • Cattle Panels • Feeders Panels • Head Gates • Hog Feeders • Squeeze Chutes & Tubs • Port-A-Hut Shelters (Many Sizes) • Bergman Cattle Feeders • Lorenz & Farm King Snowblowers • Mandako Land Rollers, 12’-60’ • GT (Tox-O-Wic) Grain Dryers, 350-800 bu. • Sheep & Calf Feeders • Livestock Equipment by Vern’s Mfg. • Powder River Crowding Tub & Alley • Mister Squeeze Cattle Chutes & Hd. Gates • Garfield Earth Scrapers • Peck Grain Augers, 8” - 10” - 12” • Special Price • MDS Buckets for Loaders & Skidloaders • Powder River Livestock & Horse Equipment • Tire Scrapers for Skidsteers, 6’-9’

• Jari Sickle Mowers • Grasshopper Lawn Mowers - Special Price Now! • “Tire” feeders & waterers • MDS Roto King Round Bale Processor for skidsteers, tractors, loaders or telehandlers • Good Stock of parts for GT Tox-O-Wic Grain Dryers, Also, Some Used Parts • Sitrex Wheel Rakes - MX Model In Stock • Brillion Alfalfa & Grass Seeders • Bale Baskets • SI Feeders & Bunks • (Hayhopper) Bale Feeders • Enduraplas Bale Feeders, Panels & Tanks • E-Z Trail Wagons, Boxes & Grain Carts • Calftel Hutches & Animal Barns • R&C Poly Bale Feeders • Farm King Augers and Mowers • Corral Panels & Horse Stalls • EZ-Trail Head Movers & Bale Racks • Roda Mini-Spreaders • Amish Built Oak bunk feeders & bale racks • Walco log splitter • Goat & Sheep feeders


<< www.TheLandOnline.com >>

• Steer Stuffer & Hog Feeders • 225 bu. Meyers poly board spreader w/endgate • Grasshopper 723 Zero turn mower w/52” power fold deck, DEMO unit, 14 hrs. WANTED TO BUY: • GT (Tox-o-wik) Grain Dryers • 4 & 6 Row Stalk Choppers • Earth Scrapers • Steer Stuffer • Good hog feeders


Office Location - 305 Bluff Street Hutchinson, MN 55350

320-587-2162, Ask for Larry We Have the Best Selection of


2107 25th St., Emmetsburg, IA 50536

712-852-3003 “Where Farm and Family Meet”


• Koyker RBT7000 • Anderson TRB1000 • TubeLine 980 • Morris/ProAg 1400 HayHiker • Pride of the Prairie 14 bale • Woodford Ag trailers

Delivering insightful articles to keep you informed on the latest farming technology

• Field & Brush Mowers • Roto-Hog Power Tillers • Stump Grinders • Log Splitters • Chippers • Power Graders • Power Wagons • Leaf & Lawn Vacuums • Versa-trailers

~ USED EQUIPMENT ~ • Bush Hog 48” GT pull-type brush cutter w/13 hp engine • #206 Vermeer stump chipper, 16 hp. rebuilt engine • Aitchinson 7’ 3-pt. (grass farmer) inter-seeder • Kewanee rock flex disk, 141⁄2’ • 6’ Green chopper • IHC 500 plow disk, 12’ w/new front notch blades • H&S 9x16 bale rack w/JD wagon • Gehl #312 Scavenger II spreader, 260 bu., VG



• 2006 Buhler 1500 • 2008 Buhler 2500 • Rolin 400B Accumulator • Koyker RBT7000 Demo

HANCOCK, MN HOPPERS ‘87 Cornhusker, 42’, 20” hopper height, new brakes/tarp, 80% tires ..................................$12,900 ‘90 Timpte, elec. tarp, 80% tires/brakes, AL wheels, lift kit, Clean ....................$15,000 ‘92 Wilson, 43’ AL hopper, roll tarp, 80% tires, lift kit, new brakes/seals, AL wheels ..$16,500 ‘88 Wilson, 43’ AL hopper, roll tarp, 80% tires, new brakes/seals, lift kit, AL wheels ..................$14,500 ‘85 Timpte, new tarp, new brakes, 80% tires, lift kit ..$12,000 Lift Kits for your existing hopper. Our Lift Kits will help you achieve a 20” hopper height ........Kit $650 ............................Installed $1,350

‘95 Utility Curtainside, 48/102, steel trailer w/wood floor, sandblasted, new paint ......$8,500 ‘99 Transcraft, 48/102, AL Combo ..........................$9,250 3’-6’ Custom Extensions to fit any trailer back ....................$350 Custom Haysides Standard ..............................$1,250 NEW Tip-In Tip-Out................$1,750

END DUMPS ‘04 Mac, 32’, 72” sides, new cyl., brakes & lights, 50% tires $25,000


‘92 Trailmobile, 48x96, SX/AR ........................................$16,500 ‘87 Transcraft, 48/96, SPAX/AR, 22.5 tires, AL wheels, new brakes, paint & lights ......$16,500 DAY CAB TRUCKS Engineered Beavertail for ‘90 Int’l 9400, 196” WB, Drop Deck ..........Installed $5,500 AR ....................................$11,500 ......................................Kit $3,500 ‘04 Freightliner, CL12042ST VAN TRAILERS Century Class, 350K, 350 Good Selection (over 30) of Van Mercedes, 10-spd., 3.70 ratio, Trailers ‘95-’01, 48/102-53/102, SX ....................................$17,500 great for water storage or over or w/Twin Screw ..............$22,500 the road hauling ....$4,000-$8,250 ‘02 Freightliner, CL12064ST, 48’ & 53’ Van Trailers to rent. – 410 hp. Cummins, 10-spd., $135.00 per month plus tax. 800K, 3.90 ratio, 230” WB, $1.50/mile for pickup & delivery New Rods & Main, New Recaps, MISCELLANEOUS 48” Flattop........................$18,500 Axles & Suspensions FLATBEDS For Trailers..........$1,000 AR/Axle, ‘79 Ravens, 45/96, Winch Rail ................................$500 SR/Axle w/winches, SX/AR ..............$7,250 1/4” Plastic Liner, ‘97 Wilson 48/102, All Aluminum, 10’ Wide ........................$27.50/Ft. Spread Axle, AR ................$10,000 Rims - 22.5 & 24.5 steel & ‘74 Fontaine, 40’ ..................$4,750 aluminum ....$60/steel or $175/AL ‘77 Wilcox, 42’, New Paint, Floor & Lights, 80% Tires & Brakes ..........................................$5,500

• All Trailers DOTable •

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Harvesting Equip

037 Tillage Equip

'03 JD 9550 Combine, 1893 hrs-1187, been thru shop, like new, $92,000. 515-360-7564 '97 JD 9500 Combine, hrs2979-2126, very sharp & field ready, $52,000. 515-490-9539 FOR SALE: '98 JD 920 flexhead, poly snout, Crary sickle, re-built auger, stubble lights, DAM, F/A, good shape. 507-951-5237


FOR SALE: JD 25' 235 black cushion gang disc. $7,950. 320-212-3201 IH 12R30" 183 cult, $1,200. IH 8R30" cult, $200. 515-227-0702 JD RWA 12' disk, nice; JD 220, 20' disk, field ready; 3 pt. Ford 216 plow; New Idea 327, 2RW picker. 320864-4583 or 320-779-4583

Remlinger 12R Strip Till folding bar $10,000. FOR SALE: Four 18.4 x 46 712-358-2489 tires & rims. Complete setup for 22" rows on CIH or Several Good Used Row NH combine. 90% tread, Crop Cultivators 4-6-8 Row one season of use. $7,500. Danish/C Shank Good Cond. 507-640-1850 Feterl 12x116 Ft ('05) Comm Auger w/ Low HopFOR SALE: Lilliston 6200 per (Original Flighting) edible bean combine w/ Flighting All Real Good A-1 Pickett pickup; Pickett one Cond 319-347-6138 Can Del step 6R30”; Elmer's 8R30” knifer. 320-562-2178 or 320583-8465 Machinery Wanted 040 For Sale:IH 943 Corn Head, All kinds of New & Used very low acres, excellent farm equipment – disc chiscondition. Retiring. els, field cults, planters, Call 507-438-9553 soil finishers, cornheads, and leave message. feed mills, discs, balers, Gehl 1060 tandem chopper, haybines, etc. 507-438-9782 hay & cornheads, new knives, excellent condition. Disc chisels: JD 714 & 712, Glencoe 7400; Field Cults (608)248-2758 under 30': JD 980, small Geringhoff 2002 chopping grain carts & gravity boxes cornhead, 12R22”, head 300-400 bu. Finishers under height sensor, JD sgl pt. 20', clean 4 & 6R stalk chophookup, hyd. deck plates, pers; Nice JD 215 & 216 exc. cond., $44,900. 507-327flex heads; JD 643 corn1903 or 507-964-5548 Can Deheads Must be clean; JD liver. corn planters, 4-6-8 row. 715-299-4338 Gleaner R60, enclosed rotor. 320-352-2484 WANTED: Snapper head New Idea 324, 2R corn pickfor a Gehl 1250 2R chopper. er; 12' Intl 120 pull-type (320)384-0844 swather; JD T4 front mount cultivator. 507-673- WANTED: Want to find my Dad's '68 1750 Oliver gas 2275 tractor, Serial# 203401. Call 507-317-8103 Planting Equip 038 041 '92 JD 7300, 8R30", vacuum, Spraying Equip insect monitor, & trash '79 Chevy 3/4 ton Pickup cleaners, $6,400. Sprayer. 454 engine. 500 gal 712-480-4564 Blumhardt sprayer w/ 60' Case IH 5500 30' folding Soyboom. MT3000 Microtrac bean Special drill. 15” monitor. $2,200/OBO spacing, markers, electric Jeff 320-420-9995 clutches, early riser monitor, w/24 seed sensors, Low Blumhardt 500 gal sprayer, acres, excellent condition. 60' boom, PTO pump, elec651-463-4521 651-387-2085 tric controls, good condition, $2,500. 507-926-5935 FOR SALE: 6100 White planter, 16R30”, 31R15”, no FOR SALE: 500 gal sprayer, till coulters, very good con45' boom, hyd pump, $1,200. dition, $40,500/OBO; 2 sets 515-291-7721 30” cat belts, $1,200 & FOR SALE: Blumhardt 400 $3,800. 701-640-4829 gal., 3 pt., sprayer, hyd. IH 4R, model 800 cycle corn pump & wing lift, Raven planter w/ monitor, $1500. 440, Dicky John radar, al(715)289-3497 ways shedded. 507-368-9291 Tillage Equip

039 FOR SALE: Horvick 12R30” band sprayer, always shed8 RW cultivator, hyd. wings, ded, hyd fold wings, 300 gal good condition, $1,500. poly tank, 3pt hitch, like 715-702-2884 new cond. 320-212-2936 FOR SALE: IHC moldboard FOR SALE: Sprayrite 3 pt. plow, 6 btm, 16” pull type, mounted crop sprayer, 60' new wear parts, $4,900. Call boom. 507-450-0745 320-220-3114 FOR SALE: JD 2410 chisel For Sale:Top Air, 1100 gal sprayer. Hydraulic pump, plow, 17', tru-depth stanBlumhardt 60' boom, dards, floating hitch, $14,500; JD 610 chisel plow, electric controls, 15', walking tandems, good condition. $2,950. 507-964-5625 507-995-2513 $8,600. 507-380-7863 FOR SALE: JD model 85 JD 6000 hi-cycle sprayer, 60' folding cult, 12R30”, exc hyd. boom, tow hitch, $7,000 cond, always shedded, set OBO. 507-236-3371 of rowing shields & speed JD 734 high cycle sprayer, 3 shields also w/ JD lift assist cyl gas engine, front mount wheel. Best Offer. tow bar, $950. 515-852-4241 320-212-2936



WANTED: Crowder wheels for 435 JD baler, no junk. 218-385-2168 WANTED: Gooseneck livestock trailer, steel or aluminum in good condition. 320-327-2721 WANTED: Roller type drum dryer for milk. Can need work. 920-982-6783 or 920878-0688 Farm Services



Milking Shorthorn Bulls for sale. AI sired. Production records on dams. Can Deliver. (715)294-2511 WANTED TO BUY! USED BULK MILK COOLER ALL SIZES 920-867-3048



FOR SALE: Colored & pure White Homing Pigeons. 715-246-4784 Livestock


Black Angus Yearling bulls: Hamp, Duroc & Yorkshire Boars & Gilts Alfred Kemen 320-598-3790 Dairy



Jersey Cross 1st calf heifers, cert. organic. $1400/ea. David Renno, W4413 County Rd. N, Owen, WI 54460

Dairy Cows For Sale Herd of 32 Cows. Half of herd is Holstein, other half are Crosses. Willing to split herd. Please call Ron Strommen at 608-214-4551


~ EARLY DEADLINE ~ for CLASSIFIED LINE ADS Due to the July 4th holiday, our office will be closed, therefore our ‘deadline’ for the July 6th issue is Friday, June 29th — at Noon

Hundreds more at www.zieglercat.com/used Challenger MT765C Tractor, ‘09 Model 1390 Hrs., Powershift, 16F/4R Hyd. Standard GPM, 4 Valves, 3 Pt., B9630



Neil G



‘80 JD 4440, 2WD, ‘75 JD 4630, 2WD, 130 hp, 18.4x38, 150 hp, 18.4x42, duals, 2 hyds..............$21,900 2 hyds..............$15,500

‘11 JD 5085M, MFWD, ‘10 JD 6115, MFWD, 85 hp, 18.4R30, 118 hp, 18.4x38, 2 hyds, 11 hrs ......CALL 2 hyds, 128 hrs ........................$39,900

‘11 JD 7330, MFWD, ‘79 JD 8640, 4WD, 150 hp, 18.4x42, duals, 275 hp, 20.8x38, duals, 60 hrs ............$129,900 3 hyds, 5992 hrs ........................$20,500

‘06 JD 9620, 4WD, ‘11 JD 9630, 4WD, 500 hp, 800/70R38, 530 hp, NA, RI, 255 hrs 4 hyds, 4150 hrs ............................CALL ......................$172,000

‘11 Kubota L3540, ‘06 JD 2210, 58’, 7” 4WD, 35 hp, cab, sweeps, harrow loader, 72” bucket, ........................$59,500 37 hrs ..............$32,900

‘95 JD 985, 50’, 99 Wilrich Quad 5, 37’6”, shank, harrow..$19,500 9” sweeps, harrow ........................$19,750

JD 956 MoCo ......CALL ‘98 JD 566 Round Baler, 540 PTO, 61” width pickup ....$14,950



Neil C



Visit Us Online At: www.haugimp.com

“Where Farm and Family Meet”

12 Reg. Jersey show cows, all cows are 2 & 3 yrs old, one milking short horn 4 yr old cow, & 1 reg. Jersey breeding bull. (715)305-0825


TRACTORS ‘02 CS/IH MX200, MFWD, 165 hp, 380-90R50 ..$85,000 ‘07 CS/IH MXU135, MFWD, 135 hp, 18.4x38......$67,500 ‘09 JD 2720, MFWD, 30 hp., 36x14, 62” deck ....$13,500 ‘70 JD 3020, 2WD, 16.9x34, Snycro ....................$11,950 ‘08 JD 4120, MFWD, 43 hp., 44x18-20, ldr ........$29,000 ‘88 JD 4650, 2WD, 165 hp, 12.4x54 ....................$32,900 ‘92 JD 4760, 2WD, 175 hp, 14.9x46, 7682 hrs ..$52,500 ‘10 JD 7130, MFWD, 125 hp, 18.4x38, 300 hrs..$97,000 ‘10 JD 7830, MFWD, 165 hp, 320-90R54..........$137,000 ‘03 JD 8120, MFWD, 170 hp, 320-85R38..........$107,500 ‘11 JD 8260R, MFWD, 260 hp, 380-90R50 ..............CALL ‘06 JD 8330, MFWD, 225 hp, 280-90R50..........$160,000 ‘12 JD 8335R Track, 335 hp, 25” tracks, 1 hr............CALL ‘79 JD 8640, 4WD, 20.8x38, 5992 hrs ................$20,500 ‘91 JD 8760, 4WD, 300 hp, 18.4x42 ....................$53,500 ‘03 JD 9220, 4WD, 310 hp, 18.4x46, 3285 hrs $145,000 ‘10 JD 9230, 4WD, 325 hp, 380-90R54 ............$222,000 ‘11 JD 9230, 4WD, 325 hp, 279 hrs ..........................CALL ‘10 JD 9330, 4WD, 375 hp, 710-70R38 ............$225,000 ‘06 JD 9620, 4WD, 500 hp, 800-38, 3154 hrs ..$189,500 ‘09 JD 9630, 4WD, 530 hp, 800-70R38 ............$266,900 ‘10 JD 9630, 4WD, 530 hp, 800-70R38 ............$270,000 ‘10 JD 9630, 4WD, 530 hp, 800-70R38 ............$277,000 ‘10 JD 9630, 4WD, 530 hp, 800-70R38 ............$275,000 CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT ‘08 JD 315, 1464 hrs, 60” bucket ........................$17,500 ‘10 JD 318D, 18 hrs, 72” bucket ................................CALL ‘10 JD 320D, 745 hrs, 68 hp, cab, 76” bucket ....$29,900 ‘11 JD 323D, Tracks, 480 hrs, 2-spd, cab ............$41,000 JD 325’s – Your Choice of Three!..........................$23,500 ‘06 JD CT322, 1333 hrs, 69 hp, 18” tracks ..........$35,900 JD CT332’s – Your Choice of Three! ..........................CALL Bobcats – Four on Hand! ............................................CALL CS/IH 40XT, 537 hrs, 60 hp, cab, 60” bucket ......$15,500 ‘08 JD 1810E – Two Units for Sale or Rent................CALL COMBINES CS/IH 2388 – Your Choice of Two Units! ..................CALL ‘81 JD 7720, 18.4x38, hydro, 6045 eng hrs ........$13,900 ‘98 JD 9610, 18.4R42, 1345 sep/2086 eng..........$89,000 ‘99 JD 9610, 18.4x38, 2312 sep/397 eng, AWD $86,000 ‘01 JD 9650STS, 18.4x42, 2052 sep/2731 eng $113,900 ‘03 JD 9650STS, 520-85R42, 2423 sep ............$115,000 ‘05 JD 9660STS, 520-85R42, 956 sep ..............$159,000 ‘09 JD 9670STS, 710-70R38, 408 sep/555 eng$255,000 ‘02 JD 9750STS, 20.8x42, 1382 sep/1807 eng $132,500 ‘07 JD 9760STS, 20.8x42, 1163 sep/1658 eng $205,000 ‘06 JD 9760STS, 710-38, 1452 sep, AWD ........$182,900 JD 9770STS – Four Units In Stock ............................CALL ‘07 JD 9860STS, 20.8x42, 1222 sep/1755 eng $215,000 PLANTERS ‘10 JD 1770NT, 24R30, CCS, liquid fert..............$157,000 ‘08 JD DB44, 24R22, fert, XP Unit......................$139,500 ‘11 JD DB66, 36R22, CCS ..................................$195,000 ‘11 JD DB88, 48R22, CCS, fert............................$249,000 White 6700, 18R22, 1.8 bu, monitor ....................$18,000 SPRING & FALL TILLAGE ‘06 JD 2210 Cult, 41’6”, 83 shanks ......................$39,900 JD 960 Cult, 42’6”, harrow ......................................$4,250 Mankato Land Roller, 45’, 42” drums ..................$31,500 ‘09 Salford TRS30 Residue Tillage Specialist, 22’$34,500 ‘05 JD 2410 Chisel Plow, 3” shovels ....................$26,500 ‘05 JD 2410 Chisel Plow ........................................$59,900 JD 2700’s – Several MULCH RIPPERS On the Lot....CALL JD 2800 Plow, 6-bottom ..........................................$4,995 ‘11 D 3710 Plow, 10-bottom..................................$45,000 ‘00 JD 512 Disk Ripper, 7’6”, 7-shank ..................$18,250 ‘10 JD 637 Disk, 35’4”, 24” blades........................$49,500 ‘04 DMI 730B Ripper, 17.5’, 7-shank ....................$24,900 ‘10 Salford Plow, 14-bottom, med ........................$58,900 OTHER EQUIPMENT ‘97 CS/IH 8312 MoCo, 11’, disc, 1000 PTO............$8,995 ‘06 JD 567 Rd Baler, net wrap, 1000 PTO ............$24,950 ‘06 NH BR740A Rd Baler, surf wrap, 540 PTO ....$22,000 ‘10 Fast 9518E Sprayer, 120’ boom, 1800 gal ....$52,000 TopAir Sprayer, 60’ boom, 1100 gal ......................$11,500 ‘05 Demco Conquest Sprayer, 60’ boom..............$18,500

<< www.TheLandOnline.com >>

Silo demolition. We pay cash 6 black Simmental bulls, for Harvestors, & charge good disposition, exc. qualifor take-down of stave ty, steer price; also, 10 silos. Dennis 507-995-2331 yearling heifers, by the pound, open or we can breed. Riverside SimmenFeed Seed Hay 050 tal, Gerald Polzin, 320-2865805 Dairy Quality Alfalfa Tested big squares & round Angus Yearling Bulls w/ exc bales, delivered from South performance records. InDakota John Haensel (605) formation on website. 351-5760 Steve Schmalenberger 515-570-5215 Dairy quality western alfalcenturyacresangus.com fa, big squares or small squares, delivered in semi loads. Clint Haensel (605) 310-6653

WANTED AND FOR SALE ALL TYPES of hay & straw. Also buying corn, wheat & oats. Western Hay available Fox Valley Alfalfa Mill. 920-853-3554

‘07 JD Gator, winch, bed lift, 163 hrs $9,900

Holstein Bulls from great type & production Dams. (715)537-5413 www.jerland.com

Barn roofing, Hip or round roof barns & other build- WANTED TO BUY: Dairy heifers and cows. 320-235ings. Also, barn & quonset 2664 straightening. Kelling Silo 1-800-355-2598 Cattle 056 Custom Hay Baling, Large & Small Squares & Rounds. 2 PB Milking Devon Cows; From Windrow through also, (7) Devon open baling process, we cover it heifers - PB & Crosses. all. Lee Leiferman Also, PB 5 yr. old bull, very 507-317-8848 gentle. (608)624-5457

Sm. squares brome orchard blue grass mix heavy bales, call for price, delivery available. 515-571-0171

13 B

Fancy, fresh, Holstein 2 & 3 yr olds. All fresh in the last 2-6 wks. Low S.C.C. Nice udders, good feet & legs. Also, 6 fresh HolsteinJersey crosses. Very gentle. Will deliver upon approval. All are priced reasonable. 608-214-1618. Please leave a message.

THE LAND, JUNE 8, 2012

Trade:Have 2 Firestone radial 14.9-46 tires, rims & 10bolt duals to trade for 2 Firestone radial 18.4-42 tires, rims & 10-bolt duals. Mounted on Case IH 7220. 320-395-2063



THE LAND, JUNE 8, 2012

14 B

Midwest Ag Equip Farm Equipment For Sale ‘08 Cat 965B, 800 hrs ....................$196,500 ‘04 Cat 855, 3000 hrs. ....................$185,000 ‘07 JD 9860STS, 800 hrs., loaded w/all options....................................$175,000 ‘07 Cat MT755B, 2100 hrs. ............$150,000 ‘89 Versatile 846, 4000 hrs., (So. MN tractor) ................................$40,000 ‘08 Lexion 595R, 650 hrs. ..............$245,000 ‘08 Krause Dominator, 18’ ..............$38,000 ‘04 DMI Tiger Mate II, (50.5’) ..........$37,500 ‘96 Terragator 1844, 1800 gal., 3900 hrs. ............................................$45,000 ‘09 Hagie STS14, 120’ boom, loaded ........................................................$195,000 ‘03 Wilrich 957 VDR, nice shape ....$12,000

<< www.TheLandOnline.com >>

Financing Available

Emerson Kalis Easton, MN 56025 • 507-381-9675


© 2011 CNH America LLC. New Holland is a registered trademark of CNH America LLC

TJOSVOLD EQUIPMENT Sales & Service • West Hwy. 212 — Granite Falls, MN 56241 800-337-1581 • 320-564-2331 • After Hours (320) 212-4849 www.tjosvoldequip.com ‘97 NH TR98, 30.5-32, 1212 hrs., Loaded......$65,000 ‘11 NH 8N Collector, loader ready, 35 hrs. ............Call ‘95 NH 973, 30’ flex head ..............................$10,900 ‘11 NH T6030 w/830TL loader, 200 hrs. ........$79,500 ‘90 Gleaner R50 w/6 row cornhead & 20’ flex head..........................................Pkg. $38,500 ‘04 NH TG230, susp. FWA, mega-flow, 320 metric F&R duals, 2450 hrs. ..................................$125,500 ‘96 NH 9682, 4WD, 520/85R42 duals (95%), ‘99 NH 644, A.T.W round baler ......................$10,500 wgts., 3400 hrs. ............................................$85,500 ‘11 NH SG110, 45’ coil-tine packer w/inserts $27,500 ‘97 NH 9682, 4WD, 20.8R42 duals, PS, ‘94 NH 452, 7’ disc mower ..............................$3,250 6500 hrs. ......................................................$75,500 ‘08 Wilrich 9x24’ 957DDR w/harrow ..............$34,500 ‘08 CIH STX435, Quad Track, 1250 hrs., ‘08 Wilrich 5850, 45’ chisel plow w/harrow ..$41,500 Like New ......................................................$249,500 ‘09 NH H6750, 7 disc mower ..........................$8,500 ‘87 CIH 2294, MFWD, 18.4R38 duals, 5600 hrs. ‘93 Vermeer 6020, 6 disc mower ....................$3,250 ......................................................................$27,000 ‘01 Wilrich QX, 47’ field cult. w/4 bar harrow $35,500 ‘78 Case 2090, 2WD, 18.4-34 duals ................$8,950 Black Max 96” snowblower, 2-stage/auger, IH 856, dsl., WF ..........................................Coming In hyds.................................................................$3,950 IH 656, gas, NF, hitch ..................................Coming In Used Case 12’ mtd./hyd. chisel plow, Nice ......$1,950 ‘94 Ford 9880, 20.8R42 triples, 5300 hrs., ‘05 Wilrich 957, DDR, 9-shank, 24” w/harrow Nice! ..............................................................$89,500 ......................................................................$29,900 ‘01 Grasshopper 721, dsl. 61” folding deck ....$7,500 ‘02 JD 2400, 29’ chisel plow ......................Coming In ‘01 Grasshopper 720, 61” fold-up deck ..........$5,500 ‘01 Flexi-Coil 340, 34’ chisel plow..............Coming In ‘09 Dixon Grizzly, 27 hp., 61” deck ..................$7,500 ‘93 DMI 5000, mounted, 5-shank ....................$5,500 ‘11 Tebben TC94, 10’ rotary cutter ..................$5,950 ‘04 Brent 640 wagon w/tarp............................$12,950 ‘08 NH CR9070, 520/80R42 duals, Y/M, 7805 hrs., Loaded ......................................$239,000 ‘05 Parker 6250, red wagon ..........................$12,000 Several 7’ & 8’ Snowblowers ‘05 NH CR960, RWA, 18.4R42 duals, Y/M, ............................................From $1,500 to $3,500 1587 hrs. ....................................................$159,500


“Where Farm and Family Meet”



‘03 NH CR960, 18.4R42 duals, Y/M, GPS ....$129,500 ‘03 NH 74C, 30’ flex head ..............................$21,000 (2) ‘01 NH 73C, 30’ flex head ........................$20,900 ‘07 NH 74C, (CR) 35’ flex head ......................$26,500 ‘08 NH 99C, 8F30” chopping cornhead ..........$59,500 ‘09 NH 99C, 8R30” chopping cornhead..........$64,500 ‘99 NH 996, 6 row 30” cornhead ....................$19,950 ‘98 NH 973, 25’ flex head ................................$9,500 ‘88 NH 974, 6R30” cornhead............................$6,950


‘94 Commander 8000, 72 hp., 72” bucket, rubber tracks ................................................$19,000 ‘10 NH C175 track loader, cab/heat, 450 hrs...$33,950 ‘08 NH L185, 2-spd., w/cab, A/C, hi flow hyd., Q/A, pilot controls, 475 hrs. ..........................$31,900 ‘92 NH L250, 42” bucket, 1800 hrs. ................$7,950 ‘07 JD 332, AC, hyd. QA, 1750 hrs.................$26,500

Visit Us At: www.tjosvoldequip.com

‘08 Challenger MT765B, ultra wide gauge, 16” tracks, 2300 hrs...........................................$145,500 ‘11 NH T8020 MFWD, 480/80R46 duals, 5 remotes, front & rear wgts., high flow hyds., guidance ready, 1000 PTO only, 840 hrs., Warranty ‘till 11-29-12, Power Train Warranty ‘till 11-14-12 ..................$124,000 ‘07 JD 5625 MFWD tractor, cab, 24-spd. pwr. reverser transmission, 542 loader w/joystick controls, 3 rear SCV’s, 1370 hrs.....................................................$42,500 ‘08 JD 9770STS combine, Contour Master, autotrac ready, extended wear pkg., 800/65R32 single tires, 835 sep. hrs. ......................................................$149,500 ‘03 JD 8420 MFWD, 380/90R50 duals, 4 remotes, front & rear wgts., 5225 hrs., just through service program ................................................................$99,500 ‘11 Case 580SN 4WD tractor loader backhoe, extendahoe, cab, air, ride control, Case controls, 330 hrs. ................................................................$74,000 ‘09 NH BB9060 big square baler, tandem axle, no cutter, Phiber AC3104 3-bale accumulator, also has roller chute, 11,400 bales ......................$58,500 ‘10 JD Gator 825I, 40 hrs. ......................................$9,800 ‘10 JD Z950A ZTrak mower, 60” mulch on demand, deck, 56 hrs. ..........................................................$7,900 ‘95 CIH 7230 MFWD, 18.4R42’s, 4 remotes, wgts., 11,600 hrs. ..........................................................$29,500 ‘95 JD 8100 MFWD, 420/80R46 duals, 11,000 hrs. ..............................................................................$37,500 ‘08 CIH 2020, 35’ flexible platform, full finger auger ..............................................................................$18,500 ‘94 Cat D4C Series III dozer, 6-way blade, ripper, open station, 3800 hrs. ........................................$20,500 ‘06 Sullair 185 CFM portable air compressor, JD dsl., 2194 hrs.....................................................$6,500

Keith Bode Fairfax, MN 55332 507-381-1291

056 Cattle


Beef Up your herd. Nice se- FOR SALE OR LEASE: lection of yearling & comPurebred Registered ing two year olds. Semen Charolais bulls, Heifers & Tested. View online at Cows. Great bloodlines, exc www.millrd.com or call performance, balanced 715-665-2605 EPD's, low birth weights. Delivery available. Beef Up your herd. Online Laumann Charolais. bull sale. www.millrd.com Mayer MN 612-490-2254 or call 715-665-2605 FOR SALE: 6 nice Black AnFOR SALE OR LEASE gus Cows to calve in June. REGISTERED BLACK (715)772-4461 ANGUS Bulls, 2 year old & yearlings; bred heifers, FOR SALE: Angus Bulls. Stout, heavy muscled bulls calving ease, club calves & w/exc. performance genetbalance performance. Al ics. Semen tested. Sullivan sired. In herd improvement Angus, Kellogg, MN. program. J.W. Riverview 507-767-3361 Angus Farm Glencoe, MN 55336 Conklin Dealer 320FOR SALE: Pinzgauer 864-4625 Bulls. Can be Registered. 715-837-1469 or 715-205-2929

MACHINERY SPECIALS NH TC29, MFD ......................................$7,995 JD 5403, MFD, 600 hrs. ......................$19,900 JD 4650, PS ..........................................$29,900 ‘77 JD 4630, PS....................................$15,900 JD 4620, w/cab, air ..............................$11,900 JD 4440, PS ..........................................$18,900 JD 4430, Quad, open station ..............$14,900 JD 4230, Quad......................................$14,900 (2) JD 4020, dls., PS ............................$12,900 IH 856, Custom ......................................$8,900 IH 1086 w/46” rubber ..........................$10,900 IH 1066, open station ..........................$12,900 IH 1026, Hydro ..........................................$AVE IH 460 & 560, gas ..........................from $3,000 JD Sound Guard Cabs................................Call Gehl 4635 Skid Steer, 6’ bucket ............$7,995

KIESTER IMPLEMENT, INC. 110 S. Main, P.O. Box 249 • Kiester, MN

507-294-3387 www.midwestfarmsales.com The Affordable Way To Tile Your Fields Building Quality Tile Plows Since 1983

Available in 3 Point Hitch And Pull Type Models

• Our Design Pulls Straight Through the Soil for Better Grade Control and Easier Pulling • Laser or GPS Receiver Mounts Standard on all Units • Installs Up To 8” Tile Up To 5 1/2 Ft. Deep

O’Connell Farm Drainage Plows, Inc. Earlville, IA • Potosi, WI 53820

(563) 920-6304 www.farmdrainageplows.com




FOR SALE: Shorthorn cow/calf pairs, calves by Asset, Jazz. Cows already re-bred AI to Prince of Jazz. $2,750/pr. 320-510-1123


FOR SALE: Yearling Angus bulls, sired by EXAR Lutton & Gambles Hotrod. Call for pricing. Plum Creek Angus 712-348-3145

Good selection of tractor parts - New & Used All kinds of hay equipment, haybines, balers, choppers parted out. New combine belts for all makes. Swather canvases, round baler belting, used & new tires.

POLLED HEREFORD BULLS. Good selection of quality yearlings, semen tested, delivery available. Jones Farms, Le Sueur MN 507-317-5996 Reg Angus Bulls, calving ease, EPDs, 3 calfs & a small ass, fertility tested, Lausted's Green Meadows, Menomonie, WI 715-308-9954 Registered Texas Longhorn breeding stock, cows, heifers or roping stock, top blood lines. 507-235-3467


FOR SALE: 15/16th Arab gelding, 12 yrs. old, 15 HH, trained w/Clinton Anderson technique, needs intermediate rider, been on numerous trail rides, $600. Call Vi 320-968-6654 or 320-290-4665 Morgan Percheron Crossbreds For Sale. Many to choose from. (608)553-3466 Goats


Herd of dairy goats for sale. Approx. 60 does of all ages. Please call: (715) 427-5543 Swine


BOARS BRED GILTS Large White, YxD, HxD, outdoor cond. 712-297-7644 Marvin Wuebker

FOR SALE: Duroc, Hampshire, Yorkshire, & Hamp/Duroc boars. Also Hamp/York gilts. Genetics from top AI sires. Exc herd health. No PRSS. Delivery Available. Stan Adelman. 320-568-2225 Pets & Supplies

We Ship Daily Visa and MasterCard Accepted

A family business since 1946 with the Lanos: Jack, Paul, Bob and Andy

LOCAL TRADES TRACTORS JX 90 w/loader CIH 7130, 2WD CIH 5240, 2WD CIH MX275, MFD CIH Farmall 35 w/loader, 50 hrs.

‘07 1200, 16-30 Pivot, bulk fill - $72,500 ‘08 1250, 24-30, bulk fill, 3500 acres - $118,500 JD 1760, 12-30 - $34,500


‘90 1660, 4258 hrs ‘98 2388, 3400 hrs TILLAGE ‘09 6088, 553 hrs CIH 527 ‘10 7088, 265 hrs CIH 527B ‘08 7010, 428 hrs CIH 730C ‘97-’05 1020, 25’ platforms DMI Tigermate II, 44’, 4-bar IH 983, 8-30 - $5,950 CIH 9300, 9-shank - $22,500 CIH 1083, 8-30 - $8,950 Artsway 240, 8-30 shredder CIH 2206, 6-30 Artsway 180, 6-30 shredder CIH 2208, 8-30 - $28,500 PLANTERS ‘08-’10 CIH 2608, 8-30 ‘08 1200, 16-30 Pivot, bulk fill, chopping head 2500 acres - $79,500 ‘97 JD 893, 8-30 - $18,500

RABE INTERNATIONAL, INC. 1205 Bixby Road (across from fairgrounds), Fairmont, MN 507-235-3358 or 800-813-8300 • Get the Rabe Advantage


Australian Shepherd puppies. Vet check/ shots/ dews/ dewormed. 715-279-3756

Case IH and CNH Capital are registered trademarks of CNH America LLC

Visit our Web Site at http://www.caseih.com



‘07 NH TG-245, MFD, 2100 hrs.................$108,900 ‘78 Ford 4600, loader, 2398 hrs. ..................$9,250 ‘46 Oliver 70, Restored ................................$4,500 ‘75 AC 7060............................................Coming In ‘83 AC 6080, 4488 hrs. ................................$8,950 ‘65 IH 706 ....................................................$3,250 IH 544 ..........................................................$6,000 Farmall M, new tires, repainted ....................$1,950 ‘68 JD 3020, dsl., 1000 hrs. on eng. OH........$7,950 ‘76 JD 2640, 148 loader, 4000 hrs. ............$12,900 Zetor 8540, cab ..........................................$10,500

‘88 Hesston 8200, high contact rolls ....$20,750 ‘99 C-IH DC-515, 15’ discbine ..............$12,500 ‘07 NH 1441, 15’ discbine......................$22,600 ‘07 NH 1431, 13’ discbine, 2 pt. swivel hitch ....................................................$19,500 ‘09 NH H7230, 10’ discbine....................$17,900 ‘00 NH 1411, 10’ discbine......................$10,900 (2) ‘98 NH 1465, 9’ haybine ..Starting at $8,250 ‘88 NH 488, 9’ discbine............................$3,950 ‘98 JD 1600A, 14’ MoCo..........................$7,500 ‘06 Hesston 1120, 9’ haybine ..................$7,950 Hesston 1091, 9’ haybine ........................$3,000 ‘87 Gehl 2170, 9’ haybine........................$2,250 ‘84 Versatile 4814, 14’ haybine for 276/9030 ..............................................................$3,500 ‘08 NH BR-7080 round baler, net wrap & twine ..................................................$21,900 ‘07 NH BR-780A round baler..................$20,000 ‘05 NH BR-780 round baler....................$16,500 ‘06 NH BR-750A round baler, net wrap ..$17,500 NH 664 round baler, net wrap ................$12,500 ‘78 NH 310 square baler w/70 thrower ....$2,950 NH 271 square baler, chute & rear hitch ......$950 JD 336 w/40 kicker..................................$2,750 ‘83 Hesston 4600 baler, chute & rear hitch ..............................................................$4,000 ‘09 NH FP-240, 29P hay head, chopped hay only ..............................................$38,900 ‘88 NH 900, 900 W hay head, 824 cornhead ............................................................$12,500 NH F62B forage blower ............................$2,950

USED COMBINES ‘89 Gleaner R-60, 2400 hrs. ......................$28,500 ‘80 NH TR-75, 4x30 cornhead ......................$7,250 ‘08 Gleaner 8200, 30’ flex header ..............$26,500

USED TILLAGE ‘09 Wilrich XL2, 60’, 3 bar harrow w/rolling basket ................................................$58,500 ‘98 JD 985, 49’, 3 bar harrow ................$21,000 ‘96 JD 980, 44.5’, 3 bar harrow ............$18,500 ‘94 JD 980, 36.5’, 3 bar harrow ............$14,900 Brady 27’ cult., 3 bar harrow ..................$2,250 ‘07 Wilrich 957, 7-shank ripper, harrow $26,500 ‘03 DMI 730B, 7-shank disc ripper ........$19,900 ‘03 CIH 530B, 5-shank disc ripper ........$17,750 Wilrich chisel, 17-shanks ........................$2,650 Kovar 30’ Multi Weeder, 400 gal. tank......$2,500 Case 25’ disk ..........................................$8,000 JD 230 24’ disk........................................$2,650

USED PLANTERS ‘96 White 6700, 12x30, 3 pt., lift assist $13,500 ‘89 White 5100, 12x30 ............................$8,950 ‘00 Kinze 3700, 24 row, 20” spacings ..$56,000 ‘01 JD 1770, 16 row, 30” spacings, liquid fert.......................................................$47,500 Flexi Coil 2340 air cart ..........................$22,500

USED MISCELLANEOUS ‘06 NH 185 spreader ................................$9,000 ‘04 H&S 270 spreader..............................$7,250 NI 3639 spreader......................................$5,500 ‘11 Meyers 190A spreader ......................$6,750 ‘05 NH 3110 spreader ..............................$4,750

✔ Check us out at: www.lanoequipofnorwood.com

“Where Farm and Family Meet”

Compart's total program features superior boars & open gilts documented by BLUP technology. Duroc, York, Landrace & F1 lines. Terminal boars offer leanness, muscle, growth. Maternal gilts & boars are productive, lean, durable. All are stress free & PRRS free. Semen also available through Elite Genes A.I. Make 'em Grow! Comparts Boar Store, INC. Toll Free: 877-441-2627

Norwood Young America 952-467-2181

6 miles East of

<< www.TheLandOnline.com >>


‘04 S-160, glass cab & heater, 3650 hrs. ....................................$18,900 ‘04 S-130, glass cab & heater, 3200 hrs. ....................................$14,900 ‘01 753, glass cab & heater............$14,500 ‘84 743 ............................................$7,500 ‘84 642B, 1450 hrs. ........................$8,900 ‘06 NH L-185, glass cab & heater, 1275 hrs. ....................................$22,900 (3) ‘08 NH L-175, glass cab w/AC, 1500 hrs. & Up..........Starting at $20,750 ‘03 NH LS-160, glass cab & heater $13,900 ‘08 JD 328, glass cab & heater, 2-spd., 4000 hrs. ....................................$21,750 ‘09 Gehl 5240E, glass cab & heater, 1900 hrs. ....................................$17,900 ‘06 Gehl 4240E, glass cab & heater, 2375 hrs. ....................................$14,500 Berlon Silage Defacer ......................$3,000


CAMBRIDGE, MN 763-689-1179

Semen tested Limousin bulls, 2 yr. olds & yearlings, low birth wgts., super growth. John Goelz 507-557-8394 WANT TO BUY: Butcher cows, bulls, fats & walkable cripples; also horses, sheep & goats. 320-235-2664

(2) ‘05 T-250, glass cab & heater, 1875 hrs. ....................................$29,500 ‘11 T-190, glass cab w/AC 565 hrs. ....................................................$35,900 ‘07 S-330, glass cab w/AC, 2-spd., 4000 hrs. ....................................$29,500 ‘08 S-300, glass cab w/AC, 3600 hrs. ....................................................$29,900 ‘10 S-250, glass cab w/AC, ACS controls, 1800 hrs. ....................................$30,000 ‘01 873, glass cab w/AC, 4200 hrs.$18,000 ‘01 863, 1760 hrs...........................$15,000 ‘07 S-205, glass cab w/AC, 2-spd., 4250 hrs. ....................................$20,500 ‘09 S-205, glass cab w/AC, 2-spd., 2650 hrs. ....................................$23,900 (2) ‘08 S-185, glass cab w/AC, 2-spd., 1200 hrs. ..................Starting at $22,900 ‘10 S-175, glass cab & heater, 4000 hrs. ....................................................$18,950

15 B THE LAND, JUNE 8, 2012

FOR SALE: Pure bred Black Angus bulls, Long Yearlings & 2 yr olds, great EPD's. John 507-327-0932 or Brian 507-340-9255 JRC Angus – LeCenter, MN

16 B THE LAND, JUNE 8, 2012

800-657-4665 PLACE YOUR AD TODAY!

P.O. Box 3169, Mankato, MN 56002 • 800.657.4665 • www.TheLandOnline.com • theland@TheLandOnline.com ‘04 JD 9760STS, 2358 eng./1612 sep. hrs., hi-capacity unload, Contour ‘11 CIH Magnum 275, MFWD, 850 hrs., Master, chopper, Greenstar yield & 3 pt., 540/1000 PTO, 4 hyd., HD moisture monitor, 800x32 tires $119,000 drawbar, 18 front wgts., 380x54 duals, ‘09 CIH 7088, 1235 eng./910 sep.hrs., 380x38 front duals ..................$152,000 20.8x42 duals, tracker, rock trap, Pro ‘07 NH TG215, MFWD, 1288 hrs, 600 monitor w/yield moisture ..$167,000 4 hyd, 840/1000 PTO, 380x54” ‘03 CIH 2388, 3300 eng./2195 sep. hrs., tires & duals................................$95,000 tracker, chopper, 18Hx42 duals, AFS, ‘03 NH TG255, MFWD, 3463 hrs., yield & moisture monitor, Maurer bin 3 pt., 4 hyd., 1000 PTO, frt wgts, ext...............................................$82,500 18.4x46 tires & duals ................$80,000 ‘06 CIH 1688, 3734 eng. hrs., rock ‘95 JD 8100, 2WD, cab, 540/1000 trap, chopper, auto header, thru shop PTO, 3 pt., 3 hyd., 9426 hrs., 18.4x46 ..................................................$34,500 tires & duals ..............................$42,500 COMBINE HEADS ‘94 JD 7800, 2WD, cab, air, 3 pt., 540/1000 PTO, 9760 hrs., 14.9x46 JD 693, 6R30” cornhead ..............$12,500 duals, front wgts. ........................$42,500 LOADER TRACTORS ‘98 JD 6410, cab, air, MFWD, 16 spd. ‘10 JD 6330 Premium, MFWD, 2000 pwr quad, w/reverse, 8795 hrs., 18.4x38 tires ..............................$31,000 hrs., cab, 3 pt., 540/1000 PTO, JD 673 self-leveling loader w/joystick ....$65,000 ‘89 JD 4755, 2WD, 9500 hrs., 3 pt., ‘09 NH T7030, MFWD, cab, 1080 hrs., 3 hyd., PS, 1000 PTO, 18.4x42 tires & duals........................................$31,000 3 pt, 540/1000 PTO, NH 860TL loader, 20.8x4 tires ........................$92,000 ‘88 JD 4650, 2WD, 7450 hrs., PS, ‘08 NH T7030, MFWD, cab, 1325 hrs., 3 pt., 1000 PTO, 28.8x38 tires & duals ..........................................$29,500 3 pt., 540/1000 PTO, NH 860TL loader w/joystick, 20.8x42 rear tires......$88,000 TRACK TRACTORS ‘07 NH T7040, MFWD, cab, 3056 hrs., ‘11 JD 9630T, w/PTO, 36” tracks, 3 pt., 540/1000 PTO, NH 860TL loader, 546 hrs, 4 hyd, front wts., 18.4x42 tires ..............................$78,000 well equipped ............................$282,000 ‘05 JD 5525, MFWD, 1100 hrs., cab, JD 542 loader, 3 pt., 2 hyd., 540 PTO COMBINES ..................................................$38,500 ‘05 JD 9660, 1777 eng./1282 sep. hrs., Case 685, 3 pt., 540/1000 PTO Contour Master, chopper, 20.8x38 w/CIH 2255 loader ......................$12,500 duals ........................................$123,000 WHEEL LOADERS ‘06 JD 8010, 1325 eng./1050 sep. hrs., 20.8x42 duals, tracker, chopper, rock ‘11 Case 621E, 6 hrs., ride control, trap, auto header, Sharp!..........$138,000 aux. hyd. bucket........................$135,000 ‘08 JD 9670, 919 eng./1389 sep. hrs., ‘00 Volvo 90D, cab/air, 3-yd. bucket, Contour Master, chopper, Premium 7896 hrs. ....................................$65,000 cab............................................$162,000 ‘05 JD 444J, cab/air, 3rd valve, bucket ‘05 JD 9760STS, 1462 eng./1086 w/grapple, 10,600 hrs. ..............$57,000 sep. hrs., Contour Master, 20.8x38 ‘04 Komotsu WA200, cab, air, duals, chopper, header controls 10,000 hrs., quick coupler w/bucket ................................................$128,000 ..................................................$55,000

“Where Farm and Family Meet”

<< www.TheLandOnline.com >>


LARSON IMPLEMENTS 5 miles east of Cambridge, MN on Hwy. 95 763-689-1179 Look at our Web site for pictures & more listings Free delivery on combines in MN, Eastern ND & SD



USED EQUIPMENT basket • JD 985, 55’, harrow • CIH TII, 45’, harrow • Hardi Com. 1200, 90’ • Hardi Nav. 1100, 90’ • Hardi Nav. 1100, 88’ • Hardi Nav. 1000, 88’ • Hardi Nav. 950, 88’, (2) • Hardi Nav. 1000, 66’ • Amity 11’, 12-22 (2) • Amity 10’, 12-22 USED EQUIPMENT • Amity 11’, 8-22 • Westfield 10x60 hopper • Amity 10’, 8-22 • Wishek 862, 38’ disc • Amity 8-22, (3) • Wishek 862, 30’ disc (2) • Amity 6-22 • Pickett thinner, 24-22 • ‘11 Artsway 6812, 12-22 • Alloway 20’ shredder • ‘05 Artsway 6812, 12-22 • Alloway 15’ shredder • Artsway 898, 8-22, (2) • Balzer 20’ shredder • Artsway 692, 8-22 • Killbros 1810 cart, tracks • ‘07 Artsway 12-22 topper • UTF 760 grain cart • Amity 12-22 topper St. Ft. • J&M 750 grain cart • Alloway 12-22 topper St. • REM 2100 grain vac. Ft. • Wilrich 957, 7-30 • Alloway 12-22 folding w/harrow topper • DMI 730B, 7-30 • Alloway 9-22 topper • Tebben 5-30 deep till • Alloway 8-22 topper • Wilrich Quad X, 55’, rolling




DELUX 13575, 12”X71’ MAYRATH SWINGAWAY 1350 BPH 10”X61’ MAYRATH DELUX 3015, SWINGAWAY 300 BPH 10”X71’ MAYRATH (2) 380 BEHLEN, SWINGAWAY 1 Ph., LP 700 BEHLEN, 3 Ph., DOUBLE BURNER We carry a full line of Behlen & Delux dryer parts; Mayrath and Hutch augers parts. Large inventory of Welda sprockets, hubs, bearings, chain & pulleys.

1409 Silver Street E. Mapleton, MN 56065 507-524-3726 massopelectric.com

• Agco-Challenger • Hardi Sprayers • REM Grain Vac • Woods Mowers • J&M Grain Carts • Westfield Augers • Sunflower Tillage • White Planters • Wilrich Tillage

Clara City, MN 56222 320-847-3218 www.wearda.com

Livestock Equip


17 B THE LAND, JUNE 8, 2012

305 gallon Sunset bulk tank & 3 hp compressor. DeLaval floor bucket. 715-239-6665 New Oak flatbeds, hay & silage bunks, green chop boxes. 715-269-5258 New steer feeders, calf & finisher models 1 ton to 8 ton capacity. Call 920-9483516. www.steerfeeder.com Schlueter Safegard double 6 parallel parlor removed, $8,000/OBO. Call (715)672-3606 Cars & Pickups


'67 GMC ¾ ton long box pickup, 350 V8, 4 spd., pwr steering & pwr. brakes, 50,000 act. miles, showroom clean, parade ready, no rust. 320-568-2381 Trucks & Trailers


'06 7x20' Featherlite GN Stock trailer & '05 GMC HD2500 pickup. Only 50,000 miles. Call 715-774-3989 after 7pm. '09 Chevy Silverado 1500LT, blue/blk, Z71, Chevy certified, 42K miles, $24,000. 712-325-1062

'90 Intl 9200 Day cab, big block eng, new paint, $8500. Great corn hauler. 515-851-0590 '92 Freightliner semi tractor, good shape, $7,000. 515-851-0590 '94 Ford S350 dually w/8' bed, exc. rubber, just installed all new brakes & drums, good truck; '96 Chev 350 dually, crew cab, 4x4, 8x10 aluminum bed, 3-8' factory tool boxes, will make nice farm service truck. 320-8644583 or 320-779-4583 FOR SALE: '04 Columbia Freightliner, 10 spd auto shift, 714K miles, rear fenders, $28,500. 507-920-8217 FOR SALE: '75 Int'l 1800 Loadstar grain truck w/tandem axles, 392 gas eng., 5 spd. Allison auto. transmission, 18' Crysteel box, 96,000 miles, $4,000 OBO. 507-227-4896 Leave Message FOR SALE: '79 Ford F700 fuel truck, 1500 gal Brownie tank, new front tires, $2,500. 507-920-8217 FOR SALE: '86 Ford tandem twin screw, 3406 CAT, 9spd, 20' box, hoist & tarp. 320-562-2178 or 320-583-8465

FOR SALE: '95 Cornhusker 42' grain hopper, mini air ride, good tires, brakes & tarp, $18,500. 507-920-8217 Ravens alum flatbed, 96”x46' spread axle new LED lights & wiring harness, good tires, brakes & deck, new 5th whl plate, side kick avail, 2 boxes, exc cond, $10,500. 507-261-3042

4WD TRACTORS (W)’11 JD 9630, Lease Return ..........................................$279,000 (O)’11 JD 9630, Lease Return ............................................$279,900 (O)’11 JD 9630, Lease Return ............................................$279,900 (B)’11 JD 9630, 285 hrs., Lease Return ............................$279,900 (O)’11 JD 9530, 207 hrs., Lease Return ............................$264,900 (O)’10 JD 9630, 810 hrs., Extended Warranty ....................$255,900 (H)’11 JD 9330, 475 hrs. ....................................................$245,000 (H)’97 JD 9300, 4343 hrs. ....................................................$99,900

TRACK TRACTORS (B)’09 JD 9530T, 1556 hrs. ................................................$259,900 (O)’11 JD 8310T, 300 hrs., 25” tracks ................................$233,900 (O)’11 JD 8310T, 400 hrs., 18” tracks ................................$226,900 (B)’07 JD 9620T, 2283 hrs. ................................................$209,900 (O)’00 JD 9400T, 6150 hrs., 36” tracks ..............................$109,000


New Holland 499, 12’ center pivot ......................$8,450

‘04 JD 9560, side hill, 1525 sep. hrs. ..............$139,900

(B)’83 JD 6620SH, sidehill, 3700 hrs. ..................................$15,900 (B)’79 JD 6620......................................................................$15,900 (H)’80 JD 7220, 4365 hrs. ....................................................$11,900 (H)’79 JD 7720 ....................................................................$11,900 (B)’81 JD 7720, 4590 hrs. ......................................................$9,900

(O)’99 Ag-Chem 854, 3190 hrs., 90’ boom ..........................$43,900 (O)’05 Hardi CM1500, 90’ boom ..........................................$23,900 (O)Sprayer Specialties, 110 gal., 80’ boom ..........................$21,500 (O)’06 Hardi Navigator 1100, 90’ boom................................$21,000 (W)Hardi NP1100, 90’ boom ................................................$20,900 (O)Spraymaster, 1100 gal., 80’ boom ..................................$18,500 (O)’11 JD 2410, 52’ chisel plow ..........................................$60,000 (H)Hardi Navigator 800, 60’ boom........................................$13,500 (H)’09 JD 2700, 7-shank ripper ............................................$39,500 (H)Top Air 1000, 60’ boom ....................................................$6,500 (B)’10 JD 512, 7-shank ripper ..............................................$37,900 (B)’08 JD 2700, 7-shank ripper ............................................$37,900 (B)’06 JD 1770NT, 16R30” ..................................................$79,000 (O)Krause 4850, 5-shank ripper ..........................................$29,900 (B)’96 JD 1770, 16R30”........................................................$44,900 (B)’00 JD 680, 27’ chisel plow..............................................$29,900 (B)CIH 1200, Bauer Built bar, 36R20” ..................................$79,900 (B)’02 JD 2700, ripper ..........................................................$29,900 (H)’03 JD 1790, 16/31 row ..................................................$79,500 (H)’90 JD 630, 30’ disk ........................................................$27,500 (B)’05 JD 1770NT, 12R30” ..................................................$54,900 (B)DMI 530B, 5-shank ripper................................................$19,500 (O)’97 JD 1780, 24R20” ......................................................$48,500 (H)DMI 730, 7-shank ripper..................................................$13,500 (H)’07 JD 1760, 12R30”, LF ................................................$39,500 (B)’92 JD 714, mulch tiller....................................................$12,900 (B)’02 JD 1560, 15’ no till ....................................................$24,900 (B)DMI 530, 5-shank ripper..................................................$11,900 (B)JD Van Brunt drill, 10’ grass ................................................$995 (O)’98 Wilrich 4830, 15’ chisel plow ....................................$10,000 (H)M&W 1465, 7-shank ripper ..............................................$6,995 (B)’10 JD 468, silage special ................................................$29,900 (H)’81 JD 2800, 7-bottom plow ..............................................$6,900 (B)’07 JD 568, surface wrap ................................................$29,900 (H)Case 14, 7-shank ripper ....................................................$6,500 (B)’07 JD 568, surface wrap ................................................$29,900 (B)JD 2700, 5-bottom plow ....................................................$4,950 (H)’08 JD 468, silage special, 6800 bales ............................$25,900



(O)’11 JD 8310R, 356 hrs...................................................$219,900 (O)’04 Case IH MX285, 1183 hrs. ......................................$130,900 (B)’11 JD 6430, IVT, 410 hrs ................................................$74,900 (B)’89 JD 4755, 9781 hrs. ....................................................$49,900 (H)’91 JD 4055, 2WD, PS, 726 loader ..................................$47,500 (H)’91 JD 4055, 2WD, PS ....................................................$44,500 (B) ‘01 NH TM165, 10,136 hrs., MFWD................................$37,900 (H)’74 JD 4630, FWA ............................................................$16,900 (W)IH 560, loader, diesel ........................................................$5,495 (B)’11 JD 855 XUV diesel, Lease Return ..............................$11,900 (B)’10 JD 850 XUV diesel, loaded, camo ..............................$10,900 (O)’10 JD 620I XUV, 83 hrs., loaded ....................................$10,700 (W)’10 JD 9870, 295 sep. hrs., PRWD ..............................$325,000 (B)’10 JD 620I XUV, 117 hrs., loaded ..................................$10,500 (O)’11 JD 9870, 1467 sep. hrs. ..........................................$314,900 (B)’11 JD 625I, 219 hrs., loaded ..........................................$10,200 (O)’11 JD 9870, 261 sep. hrs. ............................................$297,500 (B)’10 JD 620I XUV, loaded ....................................................$9,500 (O)’11 JD 9770, 213 sep. hrs., PRWD................................$284,900 (H)’10 JD 620I XUV, 1500 hrs., cab........................................$9,500 (O)’11 JD 9770, 256 sep. hrs. ............................................$268,900 (B)’08 JD 620I XUV, 226 hrs., loaded ....................................$9,500 (H)’11 JD 9770, 300 sep. hrs. ............................................$265,000 (O)’08 JD 620I XUV, 257 hrs., loaded ....................................$9,500 (H)’10 JD 9870, 559 sep. hrs. ............................................$259,900 (O)’10 JD 620I XUV, 454 hrs., loaded ....................................$9,350 (H)’09 JD 9870, 490 sep. hrs. ............................................$257,900 (B)’07 JD 620I XUV, loaded ....................................................$8,250 (H)’10 JD 9770, 405 sep. hrs. ............................................$239,900 (B)’04 Rhino 660, 336 hrs. ....................................................$7,595 (H)’10 JD 9770, 552 sep. hrs. ............................................$233,500 (B)Kawaskai 3010S4, 4 person, 118 hrs. ..............................$6,950 (O)’10 JD 9570, 419 sep. hrs., duals..................................$206,000 (W)’08 Arctic Cat XT650 Powler, 4162 hrs. ............................$6,250 (O)’09 JD 9670, 990 sep. hrs., auto trac ready ..................$199,000 (O)’08 Kawasaki Brute 750 ATV, 47 hrs. ................................$6,250 (H)’08 JD 9570, 475 sep. hrs., duals..................................$198,900 (W)’06 JD 6x4, loaded, 1034 hrs. ..........................................$5,500 (O)’08 JD 9570, 418 sep. hrs. ............................................$196,000 (O)’06 JD 6x4, 631 hrs ..........................................................$5,500 (B)’08 JD 9770, 1011 sep. hrs. ..........................................$188,000 (B)Cub Cadet Big Country 4x2, 439 hrs. ................................$4,500 (O)’07 JD 9660, 1032 sep. hrs. ..........................................$179,900 (B)’07 Yamaha 660 ATV, 2694 mi. ..........................................$4,250 (O)’07 JD 9660, 1185 sep. hrs., duals................................$164,900 (H)’04 JD 9560, 1200 sep. hrs., duals................................$153,900 (B)’04 JD 9560SH, walker, 1525 sep. hrs...........................$139,900 (O)’10 JD 4930, 1010 hrs., 120’ boom ..............................$235,900 (H)’04 JD 9860, 2121 sep. hrs. ..........................................$136,900 (O)’10 JD 4930, 1330 hrs., 120’ boom ..............................$228,500 (W)’01 JD 9650, 2932 sep. hrs., PRWD ..............................$99,500 (O)’09 JD 4930, 2213 hrs., 120’ boom ..............................$199,750 (O)’01 JD 9550, 3433 hrs, walker ........................................$86,900 (O)’09 JD 4930, 1619 hrs., 90’ boom ................................$189,500 (H)’98 JD 9510, 2284 sep. hrs., PRWD................................$79,900 (O)’09 Miller 4240, 750 hrs., 90’ boom ..............................$182,500 (H)’95 JD 9500, 1851 sep. hrs., duals..................................$53,900 (B)’06 JD 4720, 1362 hrs., 90’ boom ................................$159,900 (H)’96 JD 9500, 2100 sep. hrs. ............................................$45,000 (B)’07 JD 4720, 1305 hrs., 90’ boom ................................$149,900 (O)CIH 1660, 3800 hrs ........................................................$36,500 (O)’07 AgChem 1074, 1700 hrs., 100’ boom......................$142,900 (O)’99 JD 4700, 3525 hrs., 90’ boom ..................................$74,900





(B)’05 JD 946, 13’ MoCo ......................................................$23,900 (O)’00 JD 466, 10,000 bales ................................................$21,900 (B)’05 JD 956, 14’6” center pivot ........................................$19,900 (W)’02 JD 567, surface wrap................................................$19,900 (B)’08 NH BR7090, twine only..............................................$19,900 (B)’03 JD 467, cover edge ....................................................$16,500 (B)NH 499, 12’ MoCo ............................................................$8,450 (B)’98 NH 664, 2200 lb. bale ..................................................$6,995 (B)’92 JD 1600, center pivot, MoCo ......................................$5,900 (B)JD 1219 MoCo ..................................................................$4,995 (B)NI 5408 disc mower ..........................................................$3,995 (B)NH 278 square baler ..........................................................$3,500 (B)Meyer throw wagon ....................................................2@ $1,995 (B)JD 100 forage blower ........................................................$1,595

SKIDSTEERS (W)’06 JD CT332, 943 hrs., tracks ......................................$39,900 (B)’08 JD CT332, 1496 hrs., tracks ....................................$37,900 (W)’08 JD 332, 1200 hrs., cab/heat/AC ................................$34,900 (O)’10 JD 326D, 625 hrs., EH joystick ..................................$29,900 (B)’97 AVS, MD70, 1728 hrs., tracks....................................$23,900 (W)’05 JD 328, 3200 hrs., cab/heat/AC ................................$21,900 (B)’06 JD 328, 4100 hrs., 2-spd., cab ..................................$19,900 (O)’04 JD 260, 4600 hrs., cab/heat/AC ................................$16,900 (B)’96 Gehl 6625SX, 72” bucket ..........................................$12,500 (B)’75 Hydra Mac, 3100 hrs., gas ..........................................$6,500

ROW CROP CULTIVATORS (B)White 378, 12R30” ............................................................$2,495 (B)JD RM830, 8R30” ..........................................................2@ $750 (B)Royal 4 row 30/36 ................................................................$250

Your Southern Minnesota & Western Wisconsin John Deere Commercial Sprayer Center

“Where Farm and Family Meet”

FOR SALE: '88 Volvo semi tractor, 9spd, exc tires, $6,000. 507-920-8217

‘06 Hardi Navigator 1100, 90’ boom ........................$21,000

<< www.TheLandOnline.com >>

'76 Chevrolet C65 tandem truck, 427 V8, 5x4 transm., 20' Crysteel box w/roll tarp & hoist, in very good cond., $11,500. 507-330-5503

‘06 JD 4720, 1362 hrs., 90’ boom ......................$159,900

Trucks & Trailers

THE LAND, JUNE 8, 2012

18 B

USED TRACTORS ‘08 Challenger 665B, 2400 hrs. ............$129,500 Challenger MT645 w/ldr, 1900 hrs ..........$79,500 ‘White 6175, 2WD, 5100 hrs ..................$39,500 ‘02 Agco DT200, 3000 hrs.......................$82,500 Agco-Allis 9690, duals............................$39,500 Agco RT120, CVT w/Miller loader, 2900 hrs. ..............................................$69,500

‘97 NH 8770, 3800 hrs. ..........................$69,500 ‘02 Massey Ferguson 8280, 2800 hrs. ....$87,500 MF 1533 w/loader, hydro, 450 hrs ..........$15,900 ‘79 AC 7020, PD ........................................$8,950 AC 8050, PW, FWD, duals ......................$27,500 AC 7045, PS ..............................................$9,950

USED COMBINES & HEADS ‘03 Gleaner R-75’s, 1100 hrs.................$139,500 ‘02 Gleaner R-72, duals, 1100 hrs.........$129,500 ‘93 Gleaner R72, 2800 hrs ......................$59,500 ‘08 Gleaner R65, 600 hrs ......................$189,500 ‘09 Gleaner R66, 397 hrs ......................$219,500 ‘05 Gleaner R65, duals, 460 hrs ............$159,500 ‘01 Gleaner R62, duals, 1300 hrs ..........$109,500 ‘01 Gleaner R62, duals, 900 hrs ............$109,500 ‘01 Gleaner R62, duals, 1500 hrs ............$99,500 ‘92 Gleaner R-62, 2300 hrs. ....................$39,500 ‘98 Gleaner R52, duals, 1700 hrs ............$69,500 ‘08 Gleaner 8200, 25’ R series ................$24,900 ‘05 Gleaner 8000, 30’ flex w/air reel ........$27,900 ‘04 NH CR970, 1000 hrs. ......................$149,500 ‘02 Gleaner R62, 1500 hrs ......................$89,500 ‘05 Gleaner R75, 1000 hrs ....................$159,500 ‘81 Gleaner N5 ..........................................$5,950 ‘99 MF 8780, Smart track, 1800 hrs. ......$79,500 ‘97 MF 8780, 25’ , 863, 2400 hrs ............$79,500

‘03 MF 8000, 25’ w/Crary air reel ............$24,900 ‘10 Gleaner 8200, 25’ flex w/air reel ........$32,500 ‘95 Gleaner 530 flex ..................................$8,900 ‘96 Gleaner 525 flex w/Crary air reel ......$13,900 ‘97 Gleaner 515 flex ..................................$8,950 (5) Gleaner 8R30 huggers ........$11,900-$39,900 (6) Gleaner 6R30 huggers ..........$9,950-$15,900 ‘93 Gleaner 8R36 hugger ........................$11,900 ‘90 Gleaner, 4R36 hugger ..........................$4,950 ‘80 Gleaner N803A cornhead ....................$2,950 Harvest Tech cornhead, 8R30..................$22,900 JD 843 cornhead, 10R22, Gleaner or JD ..$7,950 JD 843 cornhead, 8R30, Gleaner or MF ....$9,950 ‘99 Gleaner 830C, SCH ............................$15,900 ‘78 Gleaner L2 hydro ................................$4,950 Gleaner N630A, ‘82 & up ..........................$1,500 (15) Used Flexheads ......................................Call Fieldstar II yield monitor for GL, MF, CH ..$3,950

<< www.TheLandOnline.com >>

MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT ‘10 White 8816, CFS, 16R30, un-used ....$92,500 ‘02 White 8500, 12R30, 2 bu...................$34,500 ‘05 White 8722, 16R22............................$39,500 White 6900, 11R30 splitter........................$8,950 CIH 900, 16R30, rear fold........................$11,900 White 5100, 12R30, VF..............................$3,950 Wilrich Quad X, 55’, 4 bar harrow ..........$34,500 JD 980, 30’ FC ..........................................$9,950 White 6100, 8R36, VF, trash whippers ......$6,950 White 5100, 8R36, VF................................$3,950 CIH 4800, 32’ ............................................$9,950 Rawson dual hyd drive, 2 yrs old ..............$2,950 M&W 1875, 7x3 disc ripper ......................$9,950 Bush Hog 12R30 cult. ..................................$795 ‘05 Krause 7300, 27’ rock flex disc ........$29,900 Wishek 962NT, 22’ disc ..........................$47,500 ‘06 NH 616 disc mower ............................$5,950 ‘08 Hesston 3008 disc mower ..................$6,950 Bush Hog HM2009 disc mower ................$4,450 ‘11 Wishek 862 NT, 26’............................$62,500 Wishek 862NT, 26’ disc ..........................$44,500 ‘06 WilRich V957, 5x30 ..........................$24,900 WilRich V957, 7x30 ................................$24,900

Wilrich V957, 7x30 ..................................$34,900 ‘05 Wilrich V957, 7x30 ............................$17,900 Wilrich Excel, 32’ ....................................$21,500 White 598, 6 bottom on-land plow ............$6,950 Balzer 2000 shredder, semi-mounted ........$5,950 JD 27 shredder ..........................................$2,950 ‘02 Parker 737 grain cart, duals ..............$18,900 NEW 16’ harrow for Wishek disc ..............$3,500 Killbros 490 grain cart ..............................$8,950 Parker 510 grain cart ................................$9,950 Hiniker 1325, 15’ chisel plow ....................$3,950 Feterl 10x60 w/GH hopper ........................$1,995 Feterl 10x60 HF w/hopper..........................$2,950 Westgo 10x71 w/hopper............................$1,950 Feterl 8x46 PTO auger ..............................$2,950 Feterl 8x60 PTO auger ..............................$1,995 Feterl 10x76 HF auger w/hopper................$1,975 Hesston 856, 5x6 round baler ..................$9,950 New Idea 5x4 round baler..........................$2,995 Schweiss 6’ snowblower, 2 auger..............$1,995 Loftness 8’ snowblower, single auger........$2,995 ‘10 Farm King Y840, 84” snowblower ......$2,950 Bradford 225 bu. wagon ..............................$995

NEW RENTAL RETURNS Brandt 5200 EX grain vac ........................$16,500 Krause 4850-18 Dominator ....................$54,900 MF 7490, FWD ......................................$129,500 Wilrich 657-13 ........................................$29,900 Sunflower 4511-11 ..................................$37,900

“Where Farm and Family Meet”

JUST IN Gehl 1340, 4x4 round baler ......................$2,950 ‘09 CIH MD72 disc mower ........................$5,950 Challenger MT655B, 1500 hrs. ..............$129,500 AC 7045 PD ..............................................$7,950 AC 7040 PD, new rubber ..........................$8,950 White 5100, 6R30 w/5 interplants ............$5,950 CIH 955, 12R30 ........................................$9,950 DA 385, 8R30 ............................................$2,495 ‘11 Wishek 826NT, 26’, 1000 acres ........$62,500 ‘08 Wishek 862NT, 30’, w/harrow............$52,500 Wishek 862NT, 16’, w/harrow..................$24,900

Bush Hog PZ3061 Zero-Turn, 70 hrs.........$7,450 JD 737 Zero-Turn, 300 hrs. ......................$5,950 Toro Titan Zero-Turn, 170 hrs. ..................$2,950 ‘07 Feterl 12x72 CSW ................................$9,950 ‘08 Gleaner N6 w/320 flex ........................$6,950 ‘89 Gleaner R-50, 3400 hrs. ....................$14,900 MF 1183 cornhead ......................................CALL ‘09 Challenger or Gleaner 30’ flex w/air reel ..............................................................$29,900 ‘08 Gleaner 8200, 30’ flex w/air reel ........$33,900 ‘10 Gleaner 8200, 25’ flex w/air reel ........$32,500

DAMAGED GRAIN WANTED ANYWHERE We buy damaged corn and grain any condition - wet or dry TOP DOLLAR We have vacs and trucks



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‘06, 9200, Big Power ‘94, 9200, low miles ‘00 Freightliner, Big Power, auto shift

507-383-8976 Cell 507-373-4218 • 507-448-3306



NEW Versatile 435, 4WD ............................CALL NEW Versatile 250, FWA ............................CALL NEW Versatile 305, FWA ............................CALL NEW NH TD5050, FWA, w/cab ..................CALL NH T8 300 FWA, Demo ..............................CALL NEW Massey HD2680, FWA, w/cab ..........CALL NEW Massey 8670, FWA............................CALL ‘08 NH 6070 w/cab, 2WD ......................$69,000 ‘90 Ford 7710II, cab, 2WD ......................$25,000 ‘75 Allis 185 ..............................................$8,500 ‘06 IH 560, WF ..........................................$5,200 White 2-85 w/loader ..............................$12,500 White 2-60 w/loader ................................$8,500 IH 806, gas, w/Allied loader ....................$7,850 ‘66 Allis 190, gas ......................................$6,000 ‘54 Farmall 300 w/loader ..........................$2,550

‘94 Gleaner R72 w/new engine ..............$58,000 ‘00 Gleaner R72 w/CDF ..........................$82,500 ‘03 Gleaner R65 ....................................$125,000 ‘95 Gleaner R52, Cummins, Mauer ext. $67,900 ‘08 Fantini 12-30 chopping cornhead....$68,000 NEW Fantini chopping cornhead ..............CALL

TILLAGE M&W 9-shank, 24” w/leveler ..................$14,500 DMI Tigermate II, 5-shank ........................$8,500 Brillion HC 32’ ........................................$13,950 DMI Chisel Champ, 11-shank ..................$2,500 JD 960, 36’ w/3-bar ..................................$6,950 ‘07 JD 3710, 10-bottom..............................CALL White 588, 4-bottm ..................................$1,800 Wilrich 3400, 50.5’ w/4 bar ....................$14,900

SKIDSTEERS NEW NH skidsteers on hand......................CALL ‘06 NH L170 ............................................$17,500 Westendorf WL40 w/IH mts ....................$2,600

HAY TOOLS New Hesston & NH Hay Tools On Hand NH 1412 discmower cond. ..................COMING ‘11 NH BR7090 n/t.500 bales ................$33,900 ‘07 NH BR750A ......................................$20,500

MISCELLANEOUS NEW Salford RTS units ..............................CALL NEW Unverferth seed tenders............ON HAND NEW Westfield augers ......................AVAILABLE NEW Rem 2700 vac ....................................CALL NEW Century HD1000, 60’ sprayers..........CALL NEW Riteway rollers ..................................CALL NEW Lorenz snowblowers ........................CALL NEW Batco conveyors ..............................CALL NEW Brent wagons & grain carts ..............CALL NEW E-Z Trail seed wagons ......................CALL NEW rock buckets & pallet forks .............. CALL NEW Hardi sprayers ..................................CALL REM 2700, Rental ......................................CALL Unverferth 8000 grain cart......................$19,000 Kinze 1050 w/duals ................................$48,500 (DMI Parts Available)

PLANTERS NEW White planters....................................CALL

We Rent Brandt Grain Vacs We Rent and Sell Wishek Discs Midway Farm Equipment

507-427-3414 or 800-657-3249 www.midwayfarmequip.com

SMITHS MILL IMPLEMENT Hwy. 14, 3 miles West of Janesville, MN



Fully enclosed 12' trailer, Generator-Genset, 45 KW generator. Runs on LP. 208 drop down ramp door, near volt 3 phase. Runs great, new tires, $2,500. has an outdoor enclosure. 712-297-7951 $1,950.00. Call John at 612-750-8203 Miscellaneous 090 GENERATORS: 15kW500kW PTO & automatic FOR SALE: 1000 gal fuel gen sets, new & used. Low tank w/ elec FillRite pump time hospital take-outs. w/ meter, w/ long hoses, Standby Power-Windom exc cond, always shedded. Serving farmers since 1975 $950. 952-442-4259 800-419-9806 9-5 Mon-Sat

Phone (507) 234-5191 or (507) 625-8649 Mon. - Fri. 7:30-5:00, Sat. 7:30-Noon www.smithsmillimp.com



19 B

Lincoln wire feed welder model 140, excellent condtion, $425. 715-702-2884


PARMA DRAINAGE PUMPS New pumps & parts on hand. Call Minnesota's largest distributor HJ Olson & Company 320974-3202 Cell – 320-894-6276

• 1/4” Uni-body Construction • 5” and 6” Solid Steel Spindles in Sleeves • Long Tongue and PTO • 5,000, 6,000 and 6,750 gallon sizes available

Grain Carts

Winpower Sales & Service Reliable Power Solutions Since 1925 PTO & automatic Emergency Electric Generators. New & Used Rich Opsata-Distributor 800-343-9376

NEW EQUIPMENT NEW KOYKER LOADERS Call For Other Sizes 510 Loader - On Hand............Call for Quote COMBINE HEAD MOVERS E-Z Trail 4-wheel 21’-30’ ....................................$2,550-$3,250 Koyker Stor-Mor Grain Baggers & Bag Unloaders ..............................In Stock NEW ROUND BALE RACKS 10’x23’ - On Hand ..............................$1,995 NEW WHEEL RAKES 14 Wheel, high capacity ....................$8,995 12 Wheel, high capacity ....................$8,495 10 Wheel, V Rake - On Hand..............$3,750 5 Wheel, 3 pt. Rake - On Hand ..........$1,325 Land Levelers, 10’ & 12’ ..............On Hand


Woodford Ag 507-430-5144 37666 300th St. • Redwood Falls, MN WWW.WOODFORDAG.COM


V-Pump • Up to 4000 gallons per minute

The most durable and dependable high capacity pump available. Other:

- Doda 13’ vertical pump - Clay 12’ vertical pump - N Tech vari width vertical manure pump - ‘09 Doda 10’ vertical pump - Nuhn 540, 8’ vertical pump - Balzer Doda 6’ Super 150

vertical pump - Balzer 314 agitator - 8”x30’ wheeled load stand - Balzer 38’ lagoon pump - ‘06 Hydro Engineering, 16 shank, 30’ folding injector bar

- Spray Specialites XLRD 1500 gal., 80’ boom sprayer - Redball 570, 1200 gal., 90’ boom w/Raven 450 monitor - Top Air 1100 gal., 88’ boom, Raven 450 monitor - Top Air 1100 gal., 60’ boom - Blumhardt tandem axles, 1000 gal., 90’ boom w/foamer - Century HD 1000 gal., 60’ boom - Demco Conquest 1000 gal, 60’ boom, Raven 440 - Walsh 500 gal., 45’ boom - New Hardi 150 gal., 32’ PTO sprayer - (2) Brent 600 GREEN gravity wagons - Parker 505 RED gravity wagon - Brent 1080 grain cart - Brent 774 grain cart - Brent 674 grain cart - Brent 472 grain cart - Brent 420 grain cart - JD 1210A, 400 bu. grain cart - PFM hydraulic rock picker - New Lee Mfg. 975 trailer dsl. fuel tank - Krause Model 8200, 36’ disk - IH 706, gas, WF - JD Model 2700, 7 shank chisel plow - DMI 730B, 7 shank chisel plow - Balzer Model 10-16 silage accumulator conveyor box - JD 980, 32.5’ field cultivator - JD 960, 32.5’ field cultivator w/3 bar harrow - New Balzer Model 2000 & Model 1500 pull type stalk choppers - Brady 14’ stalk chopper - JD 9620T w/2165 hrs. - C-IH Puma 165, MFWD, 14.9x46 rears, 535 hrs. - IH 986, 18.4x38 tires, 840 actual hrs. - JD 1600, 3 pt., 12-shank chisel plow - Loftness 8’ sgl. auger 2-stage snowblower - Tox-o-Wic 370 PTO drive grain dryer

“Where Farm and Family Meet”

TRACTORS ‘05 JD 9320, 3 pt., 3200 hrs. ..........$133,000 ‘01 JD 9200, 3 pt., 8500 hrs. ............$69,500 ‘89 CIH 7140, MFWD, 6100 hrs.......$44,500 ‘90 Ford 946, 6100 hrs. ....................$39,000 ‘90 Ford 876, 6200 hrs. ....................$42,500 GRAIN CARTS Crysteel 650 bu., Like New ..............$10,250 Parker 450 ..........................................$5,250 WAGONS ‘10 E-Z Trail 3400 w/brakes................$6,900 Parker 2500 ........................................$1,850

• New 900 x 32 flotation tires, under 10psi • 24” Unload Auger “Fastest in the industry!” • Auto-Trail Steerable Axle System • New independent horizontal “feeder” & vertical “unload” auger operation

<< www.TheLandOnline.com >>

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E-TRAIL GRAIN CARTS 710 Bu. - On Hand ............................$18,795 510 Bu. - On Hand..........Starting at $10,995 GRAVITY WAGONS 500 E-Z Trail - On Hand ........$7,995-$9,020 400 E-Z Trail............................$6,895-$7,250 HARVEST INTERNATIONAL/AUGERS T10-32 - 52 Truck Auger ........$3,500-$4,950 H10-62 - 82 Swing Hopper ....$8,500-$9,750 H13-62 - 92 Swing Hopper $13,500-$18,500 12 Volt Auger Mover ..........................$1,995 Hyd. Auger Mover ..............................$1,350 HITCH DOC SEED TENDERS 2 Box Tandem - On Hand ..................$9,850 4 Box Tandem - On Hand ................$15,950 6 Box Gooseneck..............................$25,000

- Balzer 10,000 gal. 5th wheel slurry - Balzer 7400 gal. disc wheel slurry w/5 unit injector - Houle 6000 gal. slurry w/4 unit disk injector - Balzer 4800 slurry w/4 unit spring tank sweep injector - Balzer 4200 gal. vacuum w/3-tank injector - Balzer 4200 gal. slurry w/5 unit spring shank injector Express - Calumet 3750 gal. vacuum manure tank w/3-unit disc injector Lagoon Pump - Balzer 3750 w/4-shank injector - Better Bilt 3400 gal. vacuum tank - Balzer 3350 vacuum tank - Better Bilt 1650 vac tank - Badger 1500 gal. vacuum tank - Better Bilt 1300 single axle vacuum tank - Badger 800 gal. single axle vacuum tank - Dietrich 5 unit sweep injector

Balzer Express Tank

RANGER PUMP CO. is a Custom Manufacturer of Water Lift Pumps for field drainage & lagoon agitation pumps. Sales & Service 507-984-2025 or 406-314-0334 www.rangerpumpco.com

New Tanks & Pumps: Any Size Available Used Tanks:

THE LAND, JUNE 8, 2012

One call does it all! With one phone call, you can place your classified ad in The Land, Farm News, AND The Country Today. Call The Land for more info @ 507-345-4523 • 800-6574665 or place your ad online @ www.thelandonoline.com

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THE LAND, JUNE 8, 2012

20 B

Steiger Quadtrac Undercarriage Re-Seal and Bearing Inspection • As low as $12,248.76 parts and labor ‘92 JD 8960, 6650 hrs., PTO, triples, JD auto steer ........................$79,900

‘11 Magnum 215, 280 hrs., Loaded................................$149,900

‘10 CIH Puma 155, PS, 555 hrs, w/loader. ............................$114,900

‘10 CIH Puma 140 w/L760 loader, 457 hrs., susp. axle, PS ........103,000

‘89 CIH 7120, 8106 hrs.......$42,500

‘11 CIH Magnum 275, 432 hrs., Loaded................................$174,800

‘11 CIH 9120, Tracks, RWA, 290 hrs. ..........................................$359,000

‘11 CIH 7120, 205 eng./170 sep. hrs. ....................................$257,000

CIH 5088, 290 hrs. ............$189,000

‘01 CIH 2388, 3907 hrs.......$80,000

‘92 CIH 7110, 3479 hrs.......$39,500

11 Bobcat S650, 199 hrs., 2-spd., hi-flo hyd., cab w/AC ............$37,900

Bobcat 642............................$5,500

Bobcat 5600 Toolcat ..........$26,900 60” SB200 snowblower..........$4,500

Up To One Year Interest Free ••• Call For Details ••• CIH Steiger 600Q, 36” tracks, Full Pro 700 Auto Guide, 390 hrs. ..................$376,800 CIH Steiger 550Q, Lux. cab, big pump, HID lights, 360 hrs. ..........................$346,400 CIH Steiger 550Q, Lux. cab, big pump, HID lights 183 hrs., Very Nice ........$331,000 CIH Steiger 550Q, scraper tractor, Lux. cab, big pump, HID lights, 638 hrs. $311,000 CIH Steiger 550Q, scraper tractor, Lux. cab, big pump, HID lights, 732 hrs.$306,000 CIH Steiger 500Q, Lux. cab, big pump, HID lights, 236 hrs. ..........................$340,000 JD 8960, PTO, JD auto steer, 20.8x42 triples, 6650 hrs. ....................................$79,900 STX and STEIGER PTO, TOW CABLE & 3 PT. KITS ON HAND!!!

USED 2WD TRACTORS Up To One Year Interest Free ••• Call For Details ••• ‘10 ‘10 ‘11 ‘11 ‘89

CIH Puma 155, PS, suspension axle, L760 loader, 555 hrs.............................$114,900 CIH Puma 140, PS, suspension axle, L760 loader, 457 hrs.............................$103,000 CIH Magnum 215, Lux. cab, 360 light pkg., 330 hrs. ......................................Comng In Magnum 275, Lux. cab, 430 hrs., Loaded ......................................................Coming In CIH 7120, MFD, 18.4x42 tires & duals, 8016 hrs. ..............................................$42,500


‘11 870, 18’ Ecolo-Tiger, Demo CALL

• Roller wheel & idler wheel hub removal • Cleaning & inspection of bearings, wheels, hubs & shafts • Installation of wheels and hubs with the newest seals and new cap o-rings • Fill with Case IH recommended lubricant • Clear View caps available for an additional $557.10 • Premium synthetic lubricant available for an additional charge

USED COMBINES Interest Waiver or Low Rate Financing Available ••• Call For Details ‘11 ‘11 ‘09 ‘01 ‘11 ‘95 ‘08 ‘03 ‘92


9120, track drive, RWA, 290 eng./248 sep. hrs., leather, loaded..............$359,000 7120, 205 eng./170 sep. hrs. ......................................................................$257,000 5088, 290 eng./230 sep. hrs., 30.5x32 tires, hyd. folding covers ............$189,900 2388, 3907 eng./2800 sep. hrs., duals, chopper, topper ............................$80,000 2608, 8R30” chopping cornhead..................................................................$64,500 1083, 8R30” cornhead ..................................................................................$13,900 2020, 35’ w/air reel ........................................................................................$34,900 1020, 30’ platform, 11⁄2” knife, tracker ..........................................................$14,900 1020, 20’ platform, 3” knife ............................................................................$6,500


‘10 Bobcat S650, std. controls, cab w/air, 2-spd., float tires ..................................$32,900 ‘08 Bobcat T190, std. controls, cab w/air, new wide tracks, 1815 hrs. ..................$28,900 Bobcat 642, water cooled Ford motor ........................................................................$5,500 ‘03 Bobcat 5600 Toolcat, 605 hrs.............................................................................$26,900 ‘05 Bobcat 5600 Toolcat, 2000 hrs...........................................................................$19,900 “Where Farm and Family Meet”

• Minimize Downtime! • Be ready for the upcoming season!

• Includes:

USED 4WD TRACTORS ‘11 ‘12 ‘11 ‘11 ‘11 ‘12 ‘92

(STX 450 after PIN #JEE0107427 or Steiger 535)

Paul I-35 & Highway 60 West • Faribault, MN • 507-334-2233 CNH Capital’s Commercial Revolving Account provides financial assistance for parts and service when you need it, keeping your equipment running as its best with the quality parts and service you’ve come to expect from Case IH. Contact your local dealer or visit www.cnhcapital.com today for details. ©2012 CNH Capital America LLC. All rights reserved. CNH Capital and Case IH are registered trademarks of CNH America LLC. Printed in the USA.



© 2012


(800) 657-4665 www.TheLandOnline.com theland@TheLandOnline.com P.O. Box 3169, Mankato, MN 56002

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