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I also hope, as I’ve encouraged candiThere are less than 100 days before the dates in the past, that each of them will general election. With all of the negative tell me and the Farmfest audience what advertising that we have seen, and will they plan to do for their constituents and continue to see, it can’t come soon enough. the country, rather than what their oppoWho are you going to vote for on Nov. 6? nents will (or will not) do or have done. What is your stand on the referendums to In years past as I have settled into my be presented? duty at The Land’s booth after these canThose are important questions that votdidate forums, people approach me, askers in Iowa, Minnesota and across the ing me what I thought of the forum. country will be asking themselves as they LAND MINDS I appreciate them valuing my opinion, head to the polls. but my response has been, “it doesn’t matBy Kevin Schulz However, an even more-important question ter what I think, but what did you think each voter should ask themselves is “Why about what the candidates had to say.” am I going to vote the way I plan to?” If you take in the Farmfest candidate America is in a world of hurt right now; forums, absorb what the candidates are the level of hurt depends upon who you are saying, and use that information to form listening to. That right there is the key. your stand on a candidate Please listen. and the issues. Listen to people you trust, I find it ironic that people those who share similar values want the media’s opinion on to yourself. If you plan to some topics, but then blast vote Democrat, I hope it us when we offer opinions is because you agree on other topics. with the values of the All too often today Democratic Party, and people want to be told not simply because you’ve what to believe and what always voted with the to think. As I mentioned Democratic Party. before, it is good to listen If you plan to vote Republito people to get as much can, I hope it’s because of background and informathe homework you have tion as possible so that done on the issues and the you can vote intelligently. stands of the candidates Just be careful not to get themselves, and not all of your background inforbecause of what some mation from the same opposing candidate’s political party or the advertisement has to say same platform. about the incumbent. The voter’s obligation I have the honor of doesn’t end on Nov. 6. It is being one of the media panel members to ask questions of U.S. Sen. Amy Klobuchar up to us to keep tabs on the elected officials and their work. If they stray from what you thought you and challengers Republican Kurt Bills and Indepenelected them for, let them know. dent Glen Menze during the candidates forum Aug. 8 If you like what they are doing once elected, let at Farmfest. them know that as well. I have been a member of similar panels in the past, Also, if your man or woman doesn’t get elected, and this one holds promise of possible value. Previous don’t give up. Elected officials are chosen to reprepanels have been thick with candidates thus there was limited amount of meat from the candidates. By sent all constituents, not just the ones who voted for them. the time introductions were done, and time allowed at the end for each candidate to wrap-up their stance, We shouldn’t forget, and we better not let them forwe were limited on the depth of questioning. This get that. year, with only three candidates on the panel, we may Kevin Schulz is the editor of The Land. He may be get a few questions actually answered, and we may reached at editor@TheLandOnline.com. ❖ actually get a chance for some follow-up questions.
INSIDE THIS ISSUE: 14A — Man has ‘strong’ desire to grow alternative crop 20A — Minnesota soybean farmers travel to meet Chinese customers
22A — Book strengthens legend of Minnesota’s ‘Seed Queen’ 24A — Rodeo competition makes the cut for Minnesota State Fair debut
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“Where Farm and Family Meet”
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4 A
Congressional talk is cheap, inaction expensive Somewhere along the line the lazy dog days of August turned loud and bitter. Three years ago, August was consumed by what was to be a debate on national health care but quickly turned into a shouting match that found Grandma standing before government-led “death panels.” The noise lessened that winter and the Affordable Care Act became law in early 2010.
roasted by record-breaking heat and toasted by a near record-breaking drought. Brown, not green, is the nation’s color as crop yields continue to evaporate and livestock feed, if available, is almost as precious as rain.
As bad as the farm and ranch picture appears, the FARM & FOOD FILE nation’s food picture is almost certain to get worse. By Alan Guebert As noted here two weeks ago, food and commodity stocks held by the U.S. Department of AgriculLast August was to feature’s Commodity Credit ture the Grand Bargain, a time when Corp., our national pantry, do not exist. political leaders, after some friendly The CCC holds neither one pea nor one golf, were to strike a deal that delivslice of bacon. ered less federal spending, more tax reform and a clear route to budget Moreover, as regional crop insurance sanity. experts debate — really just guess — how bad the drought and its impacts The leaders, however, bogeyed, then will be on rural America, few experts handed the ball to a bipartisan Super anywhere have examined how much Committee that was neither bipartithe drought will cost all Americans, 85 san nor super. In the end, all agreed to out of 100 who still believe groceries not agree. grow in air-conditioned grocery stores. This August appears on the same, So what is being done to address the failing path as the nation’s key farm still-building consequences of the worst and ranch areas continue to be drought in more than a half-century?
Not much. In Washington, the Senate, which completed its 2012 farm bill in June, awaits the House to act on its ag committee’s recently-passed proposal. Until the House passes that bill all work on any farm bill remains on hold and nothing can be done to marry the two plans together in time for September action.
leaders because, for the 33rd time since the Affordable Care Act became law in 2010, the House voted to repeal it. Like the 32 times before, however, the vote was meaningless posturing because actual repeal requires the Senate to repeal and a presidential signature, and neither of those actions had not and will not happen anytime soon.
So as replays of lost battles continue to consume our leaders’ time in Washington — the House has devoted 80 hours of floor debate to its 33 goingnowhere votes to repeal the health law and, as of July 25, not one minute to the 2012 farm bill — no one seems If a 2012 farm bill deal is out of reach, so too may be any disaster-based capable of focusing on our farm and food needs for the coming year. action. No one in either party seems capable of bridging their deep divisions But it’s a pretty sure bet that most of to stave off a massive market mess, on the farm and in the supermarket, come our political leaders will be yipping, yapping and yakking everywhere in winter. the coming weeks because it’s August Indeed, about the only thing any of and that’s what they do in August. the leaders now seem to agree on is the Talk, of course, is cheap. Doing nothneed to hightail it out of town for the traditional, month-long August recess. ing often isn’t. And they need it; they haven’t had a Alan Guebert’s “Farm and Food File” is vacation since the first week of July. published weekly in more than 70 newspapers in North America. Contact him at On top of that, July has been a very agcomm@farmandfoodfile.com. ❖ taxing month for the House and its In fact, House leaders spent most of July’s last week carefully avoiding any farm bill action because the GOP-led chamber couldn’t muster the necessary votes to muscle it through.
Letter: Start with Congress cuts
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
To the Editor: Jim Woster’s column that was reprinted in the “Land Minds” space in the July 20issue of The Land was well written and I agree that we are an entitlement society. I also know there is no free lunch. I have known about Jim for a long time and I do respect his opinion. However, when we talk about cuts, everyone goes to a similar part of our society. I have no problem with his analogy, but let’s include another segment that no one ever mentions. How about our Washington crew? They line up at the trough and never seem to think they are required to make any kind of sacrifice. How about they go on that same health insurance that we are required to have? How about them having a not-so-lucrative retirement program? How about they take a cut in salary? How about them giving up some of the fringe benefits,both the ones we know about and the ones that we don’t? They make all of the problems that we have, and then have the nerve to not repair any of them. How about not spending so much in the future and practicing a little fiscal responsibility? I think my frustrations are about the same as anyone else in our rural communities. I sure wish they would change for the better. Al Jensen Heron Lake, Minn.
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To the Editor: I have read The Land for many years and find it useful. I have read Alan Guebert for many years and have found him sometimes interesting and sometimes useless. His July 20 column causes me to write to you because it’s totally against everything on the subject and it causes me to think about him in my broader view as follows. • I am generally disdainful of activism because it is all about being negative or against issues, and never about how to proceed in solving issues. It takes very few brains to be against issues; that is easy and many people join that activity. It takes brains and tenacity to figure out solutions and relatively few people join that camp. • Guebert’s July 20 column finally galvanizes my opinion about him: he is always about criticizing issues/situations and never about actual solutions. Tens of millions (maybe hundreds of millions) know how to do that. I will not read another Guebert column and I suggest you are wasting your money if you are actually paying him for these columns. • If he is doing his columns for free, well then heck, keep throwing him in the mix. After all, I did not say I would stop reading your magazine, only I will not read Guebert. You do have quite a few contributors who actually have solution ideas on many subjects. I appreciate that. Ken Floren Dassel, Minn.
5 A THE LAND, AUGUST 3, 2012
Letter: Guebert criticizes, never offers solutions
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6 A
Commentary: Is urban farming an urban myth? I recently read an article that waxed eloquently about the virtues of urban farming in the United States and Canada, using the example of someone who was growing lettuce in the saddlebags of a rusted, old bicycle leaning against a garage. True, this was the delightful handiwork of a resourceful and imaginative gardener, but the author got carried away and used this as yet another example of how the urban farming movement has a meaningful impact on the nation’s overall food supply. As if four heads of lettuce were really going to have an impact on feeding the world. First a little disclosure — I spend many happy hours in my half-acre urban garden attempting to grow raspberries, cherries, pears, apples, hazelnuts, kiwis, tomatoes, zucchinis, etc., with varying degrees of success where I once had lawns. Unfortunately, natural maples (I also harvest the syrup) have matured and rendered my fruit trees unproductive in recent years. Furthermore, squirrels, groundhogs and birds, including gold finches and the occasional wild turkey, share my harvest. As enjoyable as my hobby is, highlighted by more tomatoes than we can possibly eat or preserve over six weeks, my efforts have little impact on our family’s food requirements, although rela-
tives, friends and neighbors do appreciate my fleeting bounty. This year has been a disaster; a hail storm has left my veggies a tattered mess. Indeed, to compare my gardening effort to farming would be akin to elevating a stamp collector to postmaster.
sights, universities, airports, etc., where nothing can be planted. Realistically, I would be surprised if the food production potential of the available urban land would amount to even 1 percent of that available on conventional farms utilizing open fields, pastures and rangeland.
At any garden center there are mountains of topsoil available in convenient plastic bags and by the truckload. That soil does not just ‘happen;’ it was once farmland that has forever been removed from productivity in its natural setting. Taking a look at the big picture of national land use places the movement in perspective. The U.S. landmass is classified at 2.1 percent urban and 19.5 percent cultivated farmland (pasture and rangeland are not included). While the farmland is 100 percent dedicated to and capable of producing food, the urban landscape was originally selected because of a natural harbor or other factors usually related to convenient transportation. Thus, the quality of the urban terrain is often marginal for food production. Indeed, the world is a better place where cities do not spring up on prime farmland. Then there is the clutter of houses, schools, hospitals, roads, railways, office buildings, historic
Then there is the question, “where are all those urban dwellers with the skills and the inclination to seriously grow food?” I maintain there has been plenty of hype and encouragement in recent years for city folk to get out and grow food. It would be surprising if there is a latent population of closet gardeners who might spontaneously become active and tear up their lawns and make a go with veggies or fruit trees. It is doubtful if even this 1 percent of potential urban land resource could ever be utilized, given the lack of enthusiastic and capable gardeners. However, it should be noted that in developing countries food security issues, land use patterns, the presence
of recent migrants with farming skills and household labor ability are quite different than in North America and, in such an environment, significant quantities of food are produced in urban settings. What about the sustainability of urban farming in North America? At any garden center there are mountains of topsoil available in convenient plastic bags and by the truckload. That soil does not just “happen;” it was once farmland that has forever been removed from productivity in its natural setting. For example, as my urban home is located on a stony ridge, the original owners of the house brought in black soil by the truckload so they could have a lawn and plant some foliage and flowers. This is a classic case of urban land that was unsuitable for agriculture being made somewhat arable at the expense of productive farmland. Does anyone worry about “soil miles?” Another often overlooked factor with urban farming is the water requirement. The water we get delivered to our homes by pipelines is potable and from a sophisticated and costly treatment system that is has little excess capacity for irrigation. For good reason, watering of lawns is frequently banned or restricted during dry periSee URBAN, pg. 8A
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8 A
Letter: We put our faith, trust in Christ to save us To the Editor: This is in reply to Assistant Editor Tom Royer’s July 6 opinion and this comment that the Bible is not clear. Why because one chooses to have sex with his roommate should one receive special recognition and a tax break? As for the Bible, read Romans chapter 1: “For the truth about God is known by man. God has put this knowledge in our hearts. Instead of believing the truth about God, they believe lies. Men instead of having normal sex relationships with woman burn with lust for each other. Men doing shameful things with other men.” Just like legalizing abortion doesn’t take away the post-abortion depression, neither will marriage free gays. The Good News tells us that God makes us ready for heaven, makes us right in God’s sight, when we put our faith and trust in Christ to save us. Rodney Marquardt Waverly, Minn.
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
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Letter: Editorial touched heart, mind, soul To the Editor: A brief note to thank The Land Assistant Editor Tom Royer for his wonderful editorial on the “marriage amendment.” I appreciated it a great deal. Years ago, before I retired as a United Methodist minister, a very insightful friend said that every ser-
mon should touch the heart, mind and soul of those who listen. I would imagine the same could be said of an editorial, and this did. I took the liberty of sharing it on my Facebook page. Thank you again. Greg Renstrom Minneapolis, Minn.
Gardening will not feed the world URBAN, from pg. 6A ods. Furthermore, the gardener with the saddlebags (where did his soil come from?) and indeed all plants growing in containers face accelerated evaporation and require a lot more water to thrive than those plants growing in conventional soil. Rooftop gardens for food production are also water guzzlers, given that the thin layer of soil on a cement surface requires much more than naturally provided by rain. This is because such a base for plants leads to higher soil temperature levels, accelerated evaporation and an inability to develop subsurface moisture reserves. Yes, household gray wastewater is a potential resource, but how many homes are realistically capable of capturing the water from showers, washing machines and the kitchen sink? In Toronto, to enhance city beautification, to reduce air conditioning energy requirements and to control waste water run off, all new commercial, industrial and public buildings with a flat roof of over 2,000 square feet must be developed (city bylaw) into some sort of garden. Because of the
water issue, food production is out of the question and sedums, with their drought-tolerant waxy leaves, are the plant of choice. The cost of such gardens run at $270 a square foot or over $11 million per acre, which is about 3,000 times more expensive than some of the best prime farmland. Not much promise here to feed the world. As hobbies go, gardening arguably tops the list of activities that provide exercise, exposure to nature and a sense of pride in producing fresh nutritious food. Furthermore, as all human indulgences have some impact on the environment, the guilty pleasure of using some topsoil or water from the hose to grow a bit of food is perfectly acceptable. However, the bottom line is that urban farming is a myth when it comes to being a significant contributor to the nation’s food supply. Gardeners everywhere — just get out there and enjoy yourselves and the bounty of your efforts. The burden of feeding the world, or even your community, should not be your concern. This commentary was submitted by author Maurice J. Hladik. Information on his new book, Demystifying Food from Farm to Fork, can be found at http://foodfarmfork.authorsxpress.com/ ❖
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Commentary: God is the one to whom we are accountable
know Jesus. What translation is your This is in response to Tom Royer’s Bible?” I responded, “King James, I Land Minds column entitled “Love and think.” (I didn’t even realize there was marriage.” Unrepentant sinners will face an eternity without the anything else.) Royer states that marriage is about blessing of being part of God’s Kingdom. The Gospel “Get yourself a copy of The Living love, and on that I agree. Marriage is a message is simple. Confess our sin, repent of our sin, Bible,” he said. “It is written as a paraunion instituted by God himself, and is accept the pardon for our sin that Jesus Christ has phrase and is much easier to underclearly exclusively between one man and already won for us, and tell other about our faith. stand than the King James.” I didn’t one woman. God clearly commands a know what a paraphrase was, but did go man to love his wife as Jesus Christ loves to Target and got a copy of The Living the Church. There is no greater Christ has already won for us, and tell others Bible. At the time I didn’t know that The Holy Spirit love. about our faith. A very pertinent question might Another question that must be considered is: helps us to understand the Bible, and that this help be, how do we decide what is right and what is If you know that someone is on the path to eternal is crucial to our being able to understand, and “get wrong? I believe the Bible is the answer, since mar- destruction, is it loving to just accept the fact, and to know Jesus Christ.” As I read I was convinced that God loved me, and riage is God’s plan and the Bible is His word. The encouraging that person to stay on the path? I think that the salvation offered by Jesus was actually for union of two homosexuals is clearly not what God not. had in mind. There are many verses in the Bible one could me. I did pray a simple prayer, something like, “Those who live immoral lives, who are idol wor- quote, but one that must be considered is Proverbs “Lord Jesus, if you are really there and you do love shipers, adulterers, or homosexuals, will have no 14:14 — “Godliness exalts a nation, but sin is a me, please forgive my sins and let me get to know share in His kingdom. Neither will thieves or greedy reproach to any people.” To condone sin as a state or you.” Instantly I felt this very warm sensation, and people, drunkards, slanderers, or robbers.” 1 nation then puts us at odds with God’s will. How can at the same time I knew without a doubt that God loves me, the Bible is true, and Jesus wanted me to Corinthians 6:9-10 TLB He continue to bless us in a case like that? know Him. The joy I felt was overwhelming. I had “For the Word of God is alive and powerful. It is Why do I think that the Bible is our authority or never experienced anything like it before and not sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting standard? Forty years ago this year God’s word really since. between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. became very real to me. I was facing difficulty in my This is a very abbreviated version, but I hope it It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires. life, going through a divorce. My life up to that point Nothing in all creation is hidden from God. Every- was mostly about me. Yes, I was selfish and knew lit- does relate my story, in a way that it might encourthing is naked and exposed before His eyes, and He tle about true wisdom. My life seemed hollow and age others to want to “Know Jesus Christ.” I do is the one to whom we are accountable.” Hebrews worthless. At this time my life insurance man asked believe with all my heart that the Bible is God’s 4:12-13 New Living Translation me, “Do you know Jesus Christ?” I responded, “I word, and it is our standard to live by. It is also a very important part of how God imparts truth, Some folks reject God’s wisdom in this matter, and know of Him.” He said that it was possible to know faith, hope, encouragement, wisdom, peace, joy and perhaps Proverbs 14:12 explains why. “Before every him personally. His love to us. man there lies a wide and pleasant road that seems I thought that he was not a religious nut case, so You will know the truth, and the truth will set you right but ends in death.” TLB his statement really got me to thinking that he may free. The book of John in the New Testament is a actually know what he was talking about. He asked, God does, however, command us to “love our neighgood place to start. bor” and that certainly includes homosexuals as well “Do you have a Bible?” I responded, “Yes, I do someThis commentary was submitted by Stan Johnson as all other sinners. We as Christians know full well where.” He said, “Do you read it?” I responded, “Why ❖ that we are all sinners. We certainly have God’s com- would I do that?” He said, “That is how you can get to of Blue Earth, Minn. mand to love and respect everyone. To do less than that is to disobey God’s command, and is also sin. Unrepentant sinners will face an eternity without the blessing of being part of God’s Kingdom. The Gospel message is simple. Confess our sin, repent of our sin, accept the pardon for our sin that Jesus
9 A
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10 Send us your events by e-mail to editor@TheLandOnline.com A North American Elk Breeders Association Annual Conference & International Antler Competition Through Aug. 4 Northland Inn, Brooklyn Center, Minn. Info: www.naelk.org or (320) 543-2686
Log on to http://bit.ly/theland-calendar for our full events calendar
tb-wcf@hotmail.com or (763) 972-1086
North American Elk Breeders Association Select Quality Elk Auction Aug. 4, 8 p.m. Northland Inn, Brooklyn Center, Minn. Info: Sale including animal and semen sale lots; not a IH Featured Tractor live animal sale; can also bid Summer Show by phone; log on to Through Aug. 5 www.naelk.org to call (320) Wright County Fairgrounds, 543-2686 to request a catalog Howard Lake, Minn. or for more information Info: Part of the Wright County Fair; bring your IH Good Old Days and tractors, equipment and Threshing Show unique items; anything IH is Aug. 4-5, 7:30 a.m.-5 p.m. welcome; brought to you by Minnesota’s Machinery the Wright County Fair Museum, Hanley Falls, Minn. Board and IHCC Chapter Info: Featuring International 15; log on to www.wrightHarvester tractors, Cub Cadets countyfair.org or contact ad engines; all makes and modTroy Beise, WCF director, els of tractors and gas engines
welcome; log on to www.mn machinerymuseum.com or call (507) 768-3556 Garden Walk Aug. 5, 1-5 p.m. Waseca, Minn. Info: Free; hosted by the Waseca Garden Club; maps for the selfguided tour of seven gardens are available at 315 2nd Ave. NW, Waseca on the day of the tour; contact (507) 461-1222 or kathy oftedahl@gmail.com
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dren entering grades 3-6; have fun learning about cows, pigs, poultry, corn and soybeans; ride a tractor; register by contacting Crystal at Farmamerica, (507) 835-2052 or log on to farmamerica.org
4th Annual Twin Cities Farmfest Urban Agriculture Bus Aug. 7-9 Tour Gilfillan Estate, Redwood Aug. 14, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. County, Minn. University of Minnesota, St. Info: 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Aug. 7-8, 8 Paul a.m.-4 p.m. Aug. 9; $10/person, Info: $15/person; contact Low-Cost Parlor Tour 18 and under are free, free Betsy Wieland, (612) 596Aug. 6, 10:30-11:30 a.m. parking; log on to 1175 or eliza003@umn.edu Marv Ernzen Farm, Holy www.ideaggroup.com/farmfest Cross, Iowa Low-Cost Parlor Tour Info: Ernzen Farm is the first of Threshing Day and Aug. 14, 10:30-11:30 a.m. three stops on this tour; log on Antique Tractor Display Jeff and Melinda Walz Farm, to www.extension.iastate.edu/ Aug. 12, 1 p.m. West Union, Iowa dairyteam for details of this Heritage Acres, Fairmont, Minn. Info: Walz Farm is the first of and other tours; contact Jenn Info: Contact John Hilgenthree stops on this tour; log on Bentley, (563) 382-2949 or dorf, (507) 728-8713; Heritage to www.extension.iastate.edu/ jbentley@iastate.edu Acres open through Oct. 31, dairyteam for details of this buildings open during special and other tours; contact Jenn events or by appointment Bentley, (563) 382-2949 or jbentley@iastate.edu Farm Camp Minnesota Aug. 13, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Scott-Le Sueur Dairy Farmamerica, Waseca, Minn. Series Info: $10/camper, limited Aug. 14, Noon-2 p.m. space available; open to chil- Scott and Le Sueur Counties,
WINTER DISCOUNTS IN AUGUST! Ask Dave about the many features such as:
Organic Dairy Day Aug. 7, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. West Central Research and Outreach Center, Morris, Minn. Info: Free; call WCROC, (320) 589-1711 or e-mail hein0106@umn.edu for more information
Walk thru door, high tensile/fully overlapping roof panels, roof vents that set GSI ahead of the others.
Minn. Info: Free; log on to http://z.umn.edu/slsds for a brochure; contact Laura Kieser, torb0022@umn.edu or (952) 492-5386 Quality Assurance Training Aug. 15 University Center Heintz Center, Rochester, Minn. Info: Pork Quality Assurance, 10 a.m.-Noon; Transport Quality Assurance, 1-3:30 p.m.; registration requested to colleen@mnpork.com or (800) 537-7675 or log on to www.mnpork.com Automatic Milking Systems Tour Aug. 15, 10:30-11:30 a.m. Matt and Jolene Nierling Farm, Decorah, Iowa Info: Nierling Farm is the first of two stops on this tour; log on to www.extension. iastate.edu/dairyteam for details of this and other tours; contact Jenn Bentley, (563) 382-2949 or jbentley@iastate.edu See CALENDAR, pg. 11A
11 A
Come Grow With Us: Reinvigorating Your Iris Aug. 15, 5 p.m. West Central Research and Outreach Center, Morris, Minn. Info: Free, donations accepted; Fun Fossils activity for children during Iris class; in case of inclement weather, class will be held in AgCountry Auditorium at WCROC; call WCROC, (320) 589-1711
ment; gathering of the Orange National Show; $6/adult, $12/three-day pass, children 12 and under free; log on to www.heritagehill.us
Elm Creek Research: Perennials and Nurse Crops Aug. 21, 1-3 p.m. Roberts Research Plot, Granada, Minn. Info: Free; from Granada exit off Interstate 90 travel north on 260th Avenue/County 10th Annual Soils Lab Road 53 for 6.2 miles, the site Field Day will be north of the farm Aug. 16, 9:30 a.m. driveway and south of 190th North Central Soil Conservation Street about 1/4 mile, site is Research Lab, Morris, Minn. on the east side of the road; Info: Buses leave lab 10 a.m.; carpooling is suggested; concomplimentary lunch, spontact Jill Sackett, (507) 238sored by the Barnes-Aastad 5449 Soil & Water Conservation Research Association, will fol- Tri-State Conservation low at the Soils Lab; call Grazing Workshop (320) 589-3411 or log on to Aug. 21-22 www.ars.usda.gov/mwa/ncscrl Hankinson, N.D. for more information Info: $50/person/day; log on to
Organic ‘Blue Fruits’ Production Field Day Aug. 16, 1-4 p.m. Blue Fruit Farm, Winona, Minn. Info: Free, but advanced registration strongly encouraged by calling (715) 778-5775, e-mailing angie@mosesorganic.org or log on to mosesorganic.org/ fd.html and for general information, log on to www.mosesorganic.org
Minnesota Valley Antique Farm Power and Machinery Association 32nd Annual Threshing Show Aug. 17-19 Heritage Hill, Montevideo, Minn. Info: 4 miles east of Montevideo; featuring Allis
Farmland Leasing Workshop Aug. 22, 9 a.m. Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Manly, Iowa Info: $20/person, $25 is less than two days before workshop; call Worth County Extension Office, (641) 3241531 to register or for more information
or (800) 225-2333
10 a.m.-Noon; Transport Quality Assurance, 1-3:30 Quality Assurance Training p.m.; registration requested Aug. 29 to colleen@mnpork.com or AmericInn, Marshall, Minn. (800) 537-7675 or log on to Info: Pork Quality Assurance, www.mnpork.com
Potato Days Festival Aug. 24-25 Barnesville, Minn. Info: Log on to www.potatodays. com or call (800) 525-4901 Antique Tractor Pull Aug. 25, 11 a.m. Heritage Acres, Fairmont, Minn. Info: Registration at 9 a.m.; contact John Hilgendorf, (507) 728-8713; Heritage Acres open through Oct. 31, buildings open during special events or by appointment Donnelly Threshing Bee Aug. 25-26 Donnely, Minn. Info: Oliver equipment featured; contact Harry Kruize, (320) 246-3337, (320) 287-1298 or chkruize@runestone.net Midwest Shippers’ Specialty Grains Conference & Trade Show/Export Shipping Conference Aug. 27-29 Hilton, Minneapolis
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
‘Planning for Your Farm’s Future’ Workshop Aug. 17, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Library Building, Fergus Falls, Minn. Info: $25/first family member, $10/each additional family member; register by Aug. 15 at http://bit.ly/FergusTransitions or call Sarah, (612) 8711541
www.ag.ndsu.edu/2012 conservationgrazingworkshop or call (800) 627-0326, Ext. 456, mention the workshop
Feeding Quality Forum Aug. 28, 10 a.m.-4:15 p.m. Grand Island, Neb.
Info: $50/person if submitted before Aug. 6, after that (space permitting) it is $75; log on to www.CABpartners.com/events or contact Marilyn Conley, mconley@certifiedangusbeef.com
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Automatic Milking Systems Tour Aug. 16, 1-2 p.m. Scott and Nathan Adams Farm, Waucoma, Iowa Info: Adams Farm is the first of two stops on this tour; log on to www.extension.iastate.edu/ dairyteam for details of this and other tours; contact Jenn Bentley, (563) 382-2949 or jbentley@iastate.edu
on to www.grainconference.org
CALENDAR, from pg. 10A Chalmers tractors and equip- Info: Call (952) 253-6231 or log
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12 A
Pasture rotations give dairy cows ‘fresh salad perk’ although Thorvin kelp, minerals By TIM KING and a little molasses are provided The Land Correspondent as nutritional supplements. HOLMES CITY, Minn. — Kathy Hoffman of Fruitful Seasons “Rotational grazing is much betDairy makes cheese two times per ter for the pastures than continuweek during the grass harvest. In ous grazing,” Marv said. “Some peoher spotless cheese-making room ple move the cattle every three days right next to the milk room she proor so. The goal is to get them off an duces Gouda, Tomato-Basil Gouda, Kathy Hoffman Marv Hoffman area before it starts to re-grow. Colby, Caerphilly, Holmes City Having it clipped down again at Spice (onion, garlic and chili pepper Gouda) and that point weakens the roots.” Farmhouse Cheddar. Instead of moving the cows every three days the Caerphilly is a traditional Welsh cheese with a Hoffmans move them three times a day. The rich buttery color, a lemony tang and a thin light brown pastures, with a broad diversity of grasses and clover rind. and the cattle hungrily grazing, speak volumes “When it has been aged about the wisdom of doing four months or more it Some people move the cattle so. has its characteristic every three days or so. The goal crumbly center and is “The cattle really love is to get them off an area before smooth and creamy on getting a fresh salad bar the outside,” Kathy said. it starts to re-grow. Having it three times a day,” Marv clipped down again at that point said. “They eat more, and All the cheese that better. For example, on a Kathy, her husband, Marv, weakens the roots. hot summer day they don’t and their six children pro— Marv Hoffman necessarily feel like eating duce is made from raw milk much during the heat of from their small herd of Jersey cows. It is aged at least 60 days and often more the day. But, if you go out there after lunch and give them a fresh salad they perk right up.” than that. The intensive rotational grazing is not only “We make raw milk cheese because you can get the best cheese that way,” Kathy said. “It has the improving the health of the paddocks. It is also best flavors and all of the healthful properties of the increasing the plant diversity. milk are still intact. We add different cultures to the “When we started grazing these pastures there milk to help steer the milk in the right direction for wasn’t much clover,” Kathy said. “Now there is a lot. the particular cheese.” We have found that just improving the fertility of an Jersey milk is rich in solids and during the grass area makes all kinds of desirable forage grow withseason the cows only eat from the rotationally grazed paddocks. No grain or dry hay is fed See DAIRY, pg. 13A
igh Te nsile Fencin Speed g rite E nergiz ers Water ing Sy stems Grazin g Sup plies
Daniel & Terese Hall Jeremy • Andy • Tony • Mike 40133 - 620th Ave.
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Jan King
Whey not wasted
Backds Roa
Boom town See it on Page 40A
THE LAND, AUGUST 3, 2012 << www.TheLandOnline.com >> “Where Farm and Family Meet”
DAIRY, from pg. 12A out having to add any seed.” The Hoffmans generally milk their Jerseys in their four-stall flat parlor two times a day during the height of the grass season. They have experimented with oncea-day milking but haven’t been entirely satisfied. “We lose about 30 percent of the production when we milk only once a day,” Marv said. “Later in the season we do drop back to one time a day in preparation to drying the cows up in November.” Cheese making itself reduces the milk quantity by a substantial percentage. “When you make cheese it is normal to get a 10 percent to 12 percent yield,” Kathy said. “In other words, up to 90 percent of a batch of milk ends up as whey.” Whey, however, is not a waste product on the Hoffman farm. They are experimentYou can raise ing with using some of pigs feeding it to fertilize their pasthem solely on tures. The major use for whey, however, is whey forage, to raise pigs. and food “You can raise pigs feedscraps from the ing them solely on whey garden. forage, and food scraps from the garden,” Marv — Marv Hoffman said. “There’s no grain to buy. This year all our pigs were spoken for before we got them for the summer.” Not all of the milk at Fruitful Seasons Dairy goes to make cheese. The Hoffmans also feed their calves some milk from a milk bar. “Last year we separated the calves from the cows and fed them from a milk bar,” Marv said. “This year we started out with a nurse cow. It worked great for the calves but not so great for the cow. She had three calves on her and was getting too thin, getting damaged teats, and the calves mostly ignored one of her quarters. So we put her back with the herd and got the calves back on the milk bar. The calves also have kelp and salt on their own pastures.” The cows start to freshen with new calves in early April, just before the grass starts to grow. They have their own pasture near a loafing barn. The youngest calves are kept in the loafing barn, on deep-bedded straw, until they are old enough to graze. Fruitful Seasons Dairy is diverse with its Jersey cows and its whey-fed pigs. The family also raises layer hens and fryer chickens. “My sons are responsible for the hens,” Marv said. The Hoffmans welcome customers and visitors to the farm. They prefer to have them come on Saturdays so they can focus on farm work and selling at farmers markets throughout the week. But the customer contact is important to them. “We like to show people how their food is raised and where it came from,” Marv said. Fruitful Seasons also sells cheese to the Whole Farm Cooperative in Long Prairie, Minn., and can be visited online at www.fruitfulseasonsdairy.com. ❖
13 A
14 A
Garlic growing a profitable, laborious business Gene Raak has been growing and selling garlic for eight years on his farm between Edgerton and Trosky, Minn.
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Westfield is proud to introduce a New Dealer serving the South Central Minnesota area: Ritter Ag Inc. Mike, Charlie, Ed & John at Ritter Ag say:
Westfield has a complete line of augers from the largest swing hopper augers to nearly any size straight with diameters from 6” to 13”
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New sprayer on hand are 2011 priced 2012 Hardi Nav 3500, 60’ Dia. Pump 2012 Hardi Ranger 550, 60’ Hyd.
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By RICHARD SIEMERS The Land Correspondent If you want to grow garlic for sale, you had better count the cost. The cost in labor, that is. That’s the advice of Gene Raak, who has been growing and selling garlic for eight years on his farm between Edgerton and Trosky, Minn. Over the years he has known a couple of folks who saw what garlic sold for, did the math, and liked what they saw. Garlic could be quite profitable. “They’ll put in 10,000 to 30,000 plants,” Raak said. “That lasts about one year. They find out how much labor it takes and that’s the end of that.” Eight years ago Raak purchased Dakota Garlic from After the garlic is the family that planted, I chop started it in North my bean stubble Dakota. The purchase involved a database and put that of customers, a couple over top of it as pieces of equipment mulch, because and some seed stock. garlic does not He had sold his dairy like huge swings cattle and decided to embark on a new venin temperature. ture. It can take cold, Raak is still in but not the big dairy, working on his swings that brother’s dairy farm. come around He also still plants March. about 200 acres of corn and soybeans on — Gene Raak his farm, but an acre or so is now dedicated to hardneck garlic. (What’s available in supermarkets is primarily the softneck garlic shipped in from California or China.) It is a labor-intensive crop. He does what he can mechanically, beginning with hilling the soil. “The soil is good and rich around here and makes a nice size bulb,” Raak said, “but it is heavy wet soil and garlic does not like wet saturated soil.” So he hills the soil and makes a planting trench down the middle. Planting happens in October. Each bulb averages five cloves, and they must be separated by hand to avoid bruising. Then each clove must be hand planted, with the growing point up. “No machine can do that,” he said. He fills the trenches back in mechanically. He plants 40-inch rows, one clove about every six inches. That translates to roughly 30,000 cloves per acre. Last fall he planted 40,000 cloves, and hopes to expand this year. “After the garlic is planted, I chop my bean stubble and put that over top of it as mulch, because garlic does not like huge swings in temperature,” he said. “It can take cold, but not the big swings that come around March.” The plant takes root in the fall, lies dormant over winter, and begins to grow in the spring. The next piece of hand labor comes during the growing seaSee GARLIC, pg. 15A
Old milk house converted to garlic drying facility
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
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While Gene Raak does sell garlic to consumers for eating, he warns buyers that his hardneck garlic is much more flavorful than the softneck found in supermarkets.
gested the fire-breathing dragons in Chinese folklore were just ordinary people who had eaten too much garlic.) Ninety-five percent of his sales are as seed stock sold from his website, and three-fourths of that goes to the East Coast. “They’ve been hit with garlic bloat nematode, which has raised havoc with their garlic,” Raak said. The agricultural websites of Eastern colleges describe the bloat nematode as a plant parasite that can affect not just garlic but all of the allium plants, such as onions and leaks. It entered the northeastern United Sates from Canada and ruined some entire fields in New England. “It’s been working its way west,” Raak said. “Last summer there were two places in Minnesota that tested positive.” Because of that, all vendors at the Minnesota Garlic Festival in August are required to test for bloat nematode. Raak’s test came back negative, as See GARLIC, pg. 16A
GARLIC, from pg. 14A son. Each plant puts out a scape, a woody tentacle that grows up from the plant. To keep the scape from using energy needed to grow the bulb, he walks the rows and snaps off the scapes. Harvest happens in July. Raak has modified a potato digger to unearth the garlic bulbs. Each bulb is picked up and taken home where — by hand — the roots are trimmed off, the stalk is cut back to within three inches of the bulb, and the bulb is washed. He has converted his old milk house to a climate-controlled drying facility, and made special drying racks for forced-air drying. After a three-week curing stage that puts it into dormancy, the garlic is ready for shipping. Raak will sell garlic for eating, and when he does he warns the buyer that hardneck garlic has much more flavor than the softneck garlic found in supermarkets. “I tell them use half as much as you are used to using, because if you use the same amount it will be way overpowering,” he said. (One food writer on the internet sug-
15 A
16 A
2012 proving to be challenging growing season GARLIC, from pg. 15A he expected. He has a closed system. Each year he keeps back his own garlic for the fall planting. Also, since bloat nematode is a soil-based problem, it is recommended that garlic be planted on a four-year rotation. Raak uses a six-year rotation. Raak is not alone in growing Minnesota garlic. There is a Minnesota Garlic Festival held each August in Hutchinson where 13 growers will be selling garlic. The festival’s website says they limit the number of vendors and invites other growers to sign up for a waiting list. Most do not grow on the scale that Raak does, but grow the garlic along with other produce they market.
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
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This has been one of Raak’s most difficult growing seasons.
7th Annual Minnesota Garlic Festival Aug. 11, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. McLeod County Fairgrounds in Hutchinson, Minn. www.mngarlicfest.com Adults: $5; children under 12: $3; stroller/carried babies free No pets please All weather event! “Last fall we planted it in dry ground, and I planted extra deep to get it into the moisture,” he said. “They survived the winter pretty well. The warm early spring in March brought them out of dormancy. They sprouted, came up, and then we had
three nights in a row when the temperature got down to 21 F. That injured them, but they came back. Then we had three weeks of wet weather that caused root rot to start, followed by dry weather, 90-degree temperatures, and high winds. I’m surprised it’s alive at all.” Raak said it is not going to be a bumper crop. “I do give it credit — it’s a pretty resilient plant,” he said. “I will know by the first of August what I have to sell. I sold out last year in about three weeks. I’ve already got orders for several hundred pounds.” You have to give growers like Gene Raak credit. He’s doing his best to keep fire-breathing dragons from becoming extinct. The Dakota Garlic website is dakotagarlic1.com. Or meet Gene Raak at the Minnesota Garlic Festival, Aug. 11 at the McLeod County Fairgrounds in Hutchinson. Their website is www.mngarlicfest.com. ❖
Notice is hereby given of the proposed sale and call for bids by the Estate of Paul Rasmussen, Sr., on the following real estate, all located in Milford Township, approximately 2.5 miles west of New Ulm, Minnesota and generally described as follows:
Notice is hereby given of the proposed sale and call for bids by the Estate of Paul Rasmussen, Sr., on the following real estate, all located in Milford Township, approximately 2.5 miles west of New Ulm, Minnesota and generally described as follows:
An undivided one-half (1⁄2) interest in and to the Southwest Quarter (SW1⁄4), Section 22, Township 110N, Range 31W, Brown County.
The South Half of the Northeast Quarter (S1⁄2 of NE1⁄4), Section 21, Township 110N, Range 31W, Brown County.
The property for sale consists of: an undivided one-half (1⁄2) interest in 160 acres, more or less; tillable FSA acres = 115.14; CER rating = 81.78/89.76.
The property for sale consists of: 80 acres more or less; is subject to a RIM easement on 13.2 acres; tillable FSA acres = 61.68; CER rating = 88.92.
The real estate is offered for sale subject to the following procedures, terms and conditions:
The real estate is offered for sale subject to the following procedures, terms and conditions:
1. Any buyer wishing to purchase must submit a sealed bid specifying the total amount bid and reference the above property. Bids must be no less than $337,500.00. Each sealed bid must be accompanied by a certified check, cashier’s check or bank draft in the amount of Ten percent (10%) of the bid payable to Gislason & Hunter LLP Trust Account.
1. Any buyer wishing to purchase must submit a sealed bid specifying the total amount bid and reference the above property. Bids must be no less than $345,000.00. Each sealed bid must be accompanied by a certified check, cashier’s check or bank draft in the amount of Ten percent (10%) of the bid payable to Gislason & Hunter LLP Trust Account.
2. All bids must be submitted and received either by Gislason & Hunter LLP, 2700 South Broadway, New Ulm, MN 56073, on or before 5:00 p.m., August 7, 2012, or by personal delivery to seller at Gislason & Hunter LLP, New Ulm, Minnesota by 9:00 a.m., Wednesday, August 8, 2012. Any sealed bids received after those times will be rejected.
2. All bids must be submitted and received either by Gislason & Hunter LLP, 2700 South Broadway, New Ulm, MN 56073, on or before 5:00 p.m., August 7, 2012, or by personal delivery to seller at Gislason & Hunter LLP, New Ulm, Minnesota by 9:00 a.m., Wednesday, August 8, 2012. Any sealed bids received after those times will be rejected.
3. All those submitting sealed bids are invited to be present at the Herbeck Room, Recreation Center, Vogel Fieldhouse, 122 South Garden Street, New Ulm, Minnesota, at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, August 8, 2012, by which time and place all sealed bids will have been tabulated. All those who have submitted sealed bids will be given an opportunity to increase their previously submitted bid at that time and place. Bids may not be withdrawn until the bidding process is concluded and an earnest Money Contract signed.
3. All those submitting sealed bids are invited to be present at the Herbeck Room, Recreation Center, Vogel Fieldhouse, 122 South Garden Street, New Ulm, Minnesota, at 11:00 a.m. on Wednesday, August 8, 2012, by which time and place all sealed bids will have been tabulated. All those who have submitted sealed bids will be given an opportunity to increase their previously submitted bid at that time and place. Bids may not be withdrawn until the bidding process is concluded and an earnest Money Contract signed.
4. The successful bidder or bidders on the above real estate must be prepared to enter into an Earnest Money Contract at the conclusion of the bidding on August 8, 2012, at which time earnest money in the amount of Ten percent (10%) of the successful bid price must be paid. The balance of the successful bid price shall be due and payable in cash at closing which shall be on or before 30 days from the date of the Probate Court’s order confirming the sale.
4. The successful bidder or bidders on the above real estate must be prepared to enter into an Earnest Money Contract at the conclusion of the bidding on August 8, 2012, at which time earnest money in the amount of Ten percent (10%) of the successful bid price must be paid. The balance of the successful bid price shall be due and payable in cash at closing which shall be on or before 30 days from the date of the Probate Court’s order confirming the sale.
5. The property is subject to a Farm Lease which will end December 31, 2012. No fall tillage will be performed by current tenant or owner. Buyer may have access to the land after crops are removed after the 2012 growing season to prepare for the 2013 crops.
5. The property is subject to a Farm Lease which will end December 31, 2012. No fall tillage will be performed by current tenant or owner. Buyer may have access to the land after crops are removed after the 2012 growing season to prepare for the 2013 crops.
6. The real estate taxes due and payable in the year 2012 on the 1⁄2 interest shall be prorated to date of closing.
6. The real estate taxes due and payable in the year 2012 shall be prorated to date of closing.
7. Seller reserves the unqualified right to reject any and all bids and to waive any irregularities in the bidding.
7. Seller reserves the unqualified right to reject any and all bids and to waive any irregularities in the bidding.
8. Anyone desiring additional information, a copy of the exact legal description on the subject property, or to schedule a viewing should contact Attorney Reed Glawe, Gislason & Hunter LLP, 2700 South Broadway, New Ulm, MN 56073, Telephone 507-354-3111.
8. Anyone desiring additional information, a copy of the exact legal description on the subject property, or to schedule a viewing should contact Attorney Reed Glawe, Gislason & Hunter LLP, 2700 South Broadway, New Ulm, MN 56073, Telephone 507-354-3111.
Announcer grows up at Butterfield threshing show
His tractor blood runs green
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2013 Forest River Salem, 371⁄2’,3 queen 2013 Keystone Retreat,- $29,900 41’, 2 S/O, 35’, S/O, beds, gas station 2 S/O, Skylight $21,900 Patio 33’, Over 15’ of Awning storage$32,900 space
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
By DICK HAGEN The Land Staff Writer With many farmers, tractors sort of get in their blood. Often that means that instead of trading in the old rig it sort of just David Kuehl hangs around the farm. Sometimes it pulls corn and bale wagons. Sometimes it PTOs the grain auger. Sometimes it gets cranked up when the grandkids come to visit. Sometimes it just collects dust and rust. However, for unexplainable reasons a good number of these old-time memory tractors show up at the big Butterfield, Minn., Steam & Gas Engine Show — locally known as the Butterfield Threshing Bee — every year the third weekend of August. David Kuehl, Ormsby, Minn., farmer started hauling his 1938 B John Deere to Butterfield a few years back. “And as long as both my tractor and me are still running, I’ll keep bringing it back. I’m just a poor old farm kid and I like my John Deere tractors so this parade is a good way for me to show my old time favorites.” Getting your old tractor into this big show is no big deal. Kuehl said, “you haul your tractor to the show, you register. If you want to be in the parade they give you a magnetic number to display on your tractor. At the starting end of the parade your number gets called back to the announcer’s booth. Someone in the booth pulls out your registration info so when you and your tractor get to the announcer’s booth he’s got the name, age, model of your tractor plus who’s the clown driving this old rig. “There’s no cost, plus I got two of the $8 Butterfield show buttons. So it’s like they paid me $16 just to bring my old John Deere for the parade.” Between he and his son, seven JDs are in the power lineup at the Kuehl farm, plus two of his dad’s old M Farmalls and an 8N Ford. Next year that old B stays home and gets replaced by a JD 435. “There were only 4,600 of those built. I’ve only seen three in my lifetime and I’ve owned this one for 35 years so it’s pretty special.” Why the green blood in Kuehl’s veins? It started with his dad who had a John Deere A but David admits the M Farmall was a better tractor so two of those got into the lineup. “But then the neighbors started buying 4020s (John Deere) and they looked pretty good so I bought a 4010 and I’ve had John Deeres ever since. My son doesn’t even know there’s another color,” said Kuehl, always ready to embellish the “truth” with his own flavor. ❖
event goes back 45 years since he grew up just 3 miles north of town. Around 300 tractors of all ages, manufacturers and sizes participated in the 2011 parade. “I started coming out here when I was 6 years Bryan Ebbenga old and have been sort of hooked on this event ever since,” said Ebbenga, who said his family has been in the business of selling tractor books and operator manuals since the late-1970s. “I have a little company called Antique Tractor Supply so this tractor business is deep in my blood. I owned by first tractor, a 1936 model F12, when I was 13 years old. It was built in November of 1936 so it was one of the first red tractors. IH trac- One of the highlights of the Butterfield, Minn., Threshing Bee is the tractor parade, showing off farm equipment from years gone tors were gray when they first started.” by. His second tractor was a 1956 Allis Chalmers WD45 but his most enjoyable tractors survive? He said they only had 6 percent market were the Olivers. From about 1935 and into the share even though they were the first to use the 1960s he felt the Oliver brand was the most modern assembly-line system for mass-produced tractors. tractor being built. “They were ahead of other brands They also were the first to use the word “tractor” in in special features,” Ebbenga said. “They used a six- their advertising. But they never established a cylinder engine and wrapped it with a streamlined country-wide distribution and marketing network. cowl and hood. It was quiet. It had live PTO, live Plus, the Oliver was a more expensive tractor and hydraulics and in the ’60s they introduced the hydro never captured enough market share to survive in shift transmission which I think was one step above the tremendously competitive world of tractor sales. the International TA system. You could give the edge Ebbenga adds some special chatter as he to John Deere when they introduced the power shift, announces, often giving a bit more information however.” So why didn’t Oliver, located at Charles City, Iowa, See TRACTORS, pg. 19A
By DICK HAGEN The Land Staff Writer The best information source for the Butterfield, Minn., Threshing Bee is Bryan Ebbenga. He’s announced this tractor parade for the past two years but his tractor legacy for the Butterfield
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See The Land at Booth 2402 in Ag Tent 1 at Farmfest, Aug. 7-9 on the Gilfillan Estate, Redwood County, Minn.
46th Annual Butterfield Threshermen’s Steam and Gas Engine Show Hope is all well and good, but confidence in the proven potential of NorthStar Genetics carries you through the season. For every seed variety we sell,
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we raise it ourselves first. They’re tested in local conditions that match your own - sold and conditioned by local growers you trust.
Until harvest, confidence is all you’ve got. So what are
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you raising?
See Us at the 2012 Farmfest Booth #SR14
Aug. 18-19 Butterfield, Minn. Admission Adults, 13 and older: $8 Children: Free 5:30 p.m. Aug. 17, stock antique tractor pull 7 p.m. Aug. 17, open stage Aug. 18-19, Bluegrass Music on stage in the shade of Voss Park Equipment parade 2:15 p.m. Aug. 18-19 • More than 200 magnificently restored antique tractors. • Big collection of classic cars and trucks • Pioneer buildings form a village featuring early school, church, homestead, general store/drug store, blacksmith, livery, print shop, broom-making shop, harness shop, log cabin from early area homestead, depot and more! • Crafts and antiques on display — watch lefse baked, rope made, butter churned, corn husk dolls created and more! • Bus tours welcome • Working replica of windpowered grist mill. • Hundreds of beautifully restored gas engines running. • See these antiques running: tractors, steam engines, cars, gas engines, saw mill, broom making, veneer mill, duplicators, steam locomotive, steam threshing 10 acres of oats. • Steam Building featuring stationary steam engines including Corliss with 10-foot flywheel. • Stationary gas engine building with huge engines from the oil fields. • Interdenominational outdoor church service at 9 a.m. Aug. 19. Anyone welcome to bring gas or model engines! Free parking • Camping facilities available • Shaded lakeside site Pets are not allowed on exhibit grounds For further information write: BTA, Box 209, Butterfield, MN 56120
Pioneer Village also offers trip down memory lane ash trees, 40 feet wide and half-mile long, set the stage. One end houses the campground area. The other end under the shade of these towering ash trees houses the food stands, special displays of gas engines and other artifacts of earlier rural life, plus all the free music performances. Also included is an authentic Pioneer Village. Adding to the environmental beauty is Lake Butterfield, located at
the west end of this approximately 80-acre showground. “And that’s why I call this the best little show in the Midwest,” said Ebbenga, now a ripe 50 year old. Its history dates back to 1967 when it was a one-day event. The Butterfield Threshing Association is governed by a nine-member board with Howard Madson, the current president. ❖
657 DCR Combination Disc, Chisel See Us At FARMFEST – Lot 701
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TRACTORS, from pg. 17A about particular rigs. “I’ve been reading tractor books since I was about 10 years old so I’ve learned a few things about tractors, especially the many antiques that make up our Butterfield event. “The first president of this show was Art Peat who also announced the parade for many years. Then Rows of large ash trees provide show goers plenty of shade, his son Dan Peat as well as a picturesque view to take in the many displays. announced for several years. These two men, both tors lining both sides of the mile-long now passed on, really set the stage for parade route.” making this a truly informative and Until three years ago, a special perhaps one of the more unique tractor antique tractor owned by one of the parades in America.” threshing association members led the Ebbenga said having a natural “gift parade. The 2011 event featured Case for gab” perhaps helps but his daugh- with a Case 65 horsepower steamer that was part of this show when it ter also helps in special ways. Case was the featured brand for the started. Featured for the 2012 event, 2011 tractor parade so his daughter Aug. 18-19, is the kerosene-powered went into the Case collectors’ website Waterloo Boy, forerunner to the John which detailed the history of the Case Deere tractor. tractor company. “So whenever there Owned by the city but donated by was a lull between units I would use A.R.Voss in the late 1940s, the show this Case ‘factoid’ to share some infor- grounds for this event are incredibly mation with the hundreds of specta- picturesque and comfortable. Rows of
19 A
The Award-Winning Wil-Rich 657 DCR (Disc, Chisel) is the outstanding performer for today’s farmer. The 657 DCR is available with hydraulic depth control cutting gang. The 20 inch diameter cutting blades can be your choice of smooth blades, for slicing residue, allowing more residue to remain on top soil. Or concave blades, slicing and mixing residue with soil for blacker top soil. For mixing and breaking the soil, you have the options of chisel plow shanks or a combination of chisel plow shanks followed by deep till shank.
See these dealers for Wilrich products United Farmers Coop
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Titan Machinery of: Graceville, MN • Marshall, MN • Pipestone, MN • Redwood Falls, MN • Roseau, MN • Winger, MN
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
Isaacson Implement Co. Inc.
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20 A
Soybean farmers visit China, see key export market By DICK HAGEN The Land Staff Writer Twenty-nine Minnesota soybean farmers took a bit of a trip earlier this year. They traveled to China as part of a “See for Yourself” mission of the Minnesota Soybean Growers Association. “We wanted to show our soybean pro-
ducers the positive things that are happening as a result of their checkoff dollars,” said Paul Simonson, vice chairman of the Minnesota Soybean Growers Research and Promotion Council. “And since China is the largest international market of Minnesota soybeans, China was our destination.”
None of these Minnesota growers “One day we drove about 50 miles in the had ever been to China; few had even country and did see two small tractors. So traveled overseas before. “So it was hand labor is still how much of China’s indeed an eye-opening experience crops are handled. And right from the very start,” he said. every square foot that can grow some crop is “Most couldn’t believe the modern, being used for food prosky-scraper look duction.” of these big cities in China. They Making an impact saw the sea port on this group of MinThey saw facilities where nesota farmers was soybean most U.S. and processing Paul Simonson the tremendous infraMinnesota soystructure — roads plants, beans come into and bridges — even tofu plants China. already in place, or being where special Minbuilt, wherever they trav“They saw soyeled. Simonson said that nesota soybeans bean processing the Communist ideology get processed into plants, even tofu may not be the most effiplants where spea hugely popular cient, but when projects cial Minnesota Chinese food. get under way, money and soybeans get “need” aren’t issues. processed into a hugely popular Chinese food.” “We saw miles of freeways with few cars and trucks traveling on them. Direct farm contact was limited since the purpose of the tour was to show the This huge highway system is apparmarketing impact of checkoff dollars. ently to accommodate the continuous But Simonson said that in their train consolidation of country people moving and bus tours between cities, the Chi- into the cities for better jobs, better livnese farms they viewed were mostly ing conditions.” small plots with just a couple of people working and no machinery. See CHINA, pg. 21A
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Simonson: Chinese buyers want to meet our farmers comes to buying and selling U.S. soybeans. These people like sitting at the table with Minnesota farmers. They’d rather talk to a farmer than the big corporation guys. They trust our farmers and they want their opinions,” Simonson said. He said most of the Chinese business people speak English because English is now taught beginning in early grades in their schools. The older people who
run these trading houses don’t speak English but interpreters were provided. With significant reductions apparent in the 2012 U.S. soybean crop, will there likely be significant cutbacks in checkoff dollars? Likely, Simonson said, indicating that when final production figures are available there will be some decisions on what to do, and what not to do, for 2013 programs. ❖
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1979 CHEVROLET BRUIN, Caterpillar 3208, 13-spd., 4 spring suspension, 18’ Scott grain box w/roll tarp, pusher axle goes w/truck, eng. has 22,000 mi. on OH, w/3 new ring pistons, 265,540 mi. Stk# 9V145239. $12,900
2005 INTERNATIONAL 9200i, ISX Cummins 435 hp., dsl., 10-spd. w/OD, engine brake, 4 bag air ride suspension, 3.55 ratio, Lo Pro 22.5 tires, all steel wheels, 169” WB, 643,432 mi. Stk# 5C003423. $32,450
1997 INTERNATIONAL 9200 - Detroit 60 Series, 430 hp., 10-spd. w/OD, 3.90 ratio, 228” WB, Nav Air Ride trans., 24.5 LoPro tires on all alum. wheels,, Holland sliding 5th wheel, 1,141,636 mi.. Stk# VC073585. $12,900
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2012 MAURER - 40’ trailer, LED lights, tandem spring suspension, standard hopper w/modular shafts, 24.5 LoPro recap, black paint w/red graphics, red Shur-Lok tarp, easy off tarp stops. Stk# CS152328. $26,025
2012 MAURER - 40’ red grain trailer w/black graphics, LED lights, tandem string suspension, standard hopper w/modular shafts, black Shur-Lok tarp, easy off tarp stops, dbl. ridge straps. Stk.# CS152377. $24,700
2012 MAURER - 40’ dbl. hopper trailer, 4 spring suspension, 24.5 LoPro recaps, red tarp w/graphics, dbl. ridge straps w/easy-off tarp stops, side windows, front & rear ladders. Stk# CS152247. $24,460. FET included in price
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2004 PETERBILT 379, Caterpillar C13 ACERT, 430 hp., 13-spd., w/OD, Pete Flex Air suspension, 3.55 ratio, 22.5 all aluminum wheels, 196” WB, tandem rear axles, left hand drive, 580,363 mi. Stk# 4M832165. $53,900
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AgStar video contest for FFA, 4-H participants To celebrate agricultural education, AgStar has launched a purple ribbon video contest, asking participants to showcase their life as a fair showman. AgStar will announce the winners of the contest at the Grand Opening/Dedication of the AgStar Arena at the Minnesota State Fair on Aug. 23. The winners of the three age groups, aged 14-21, will receive a $500 scholarship. Contestants will compete for “likes” on Facebook. Steve Pomerenke, associate vice president of financial services at AgStar, said that AgStar recognizes the importance of reaching out to organizations such as 4H and FFA, who are heavily involved in their county fair and the Minnesota State Fair. “The 4-H and FFA organizations are an important training ground for the next generation of agricultural leaders. The young people in 4-H and FFA learn life skills that will be invaluable to their future careers. They develop communication skills, a strong work ethic, responsibility, the ability to work as a team and decision making skills. AgStar Financial Services believes in the future of agriculture, and 4-H and FFA members will play a large role in agriculture’s future,” Pomerenke said. To enter the contest, contestants will produce a video that shows their preparation of their animal for the fair. Contestants will be divided into three age groups: 14-15 years old, 16-18 years old and 19-21 years old. Videos should be no longer than two minutes. Videos must be submitted by Aug. 12. Voting takes place Aug. 13-19. For complete contest rules, log on to http://agstar.com/Pages/Rules.aspx. Wisconsin residents in AgStar’s service area are also eligible to enter the contest. ❖
CHINA, from pg. 20A According to Simonson, the global economic slowdown appeared to be affecting the Chinese economy as well. He said in the big cities, like Shanghai, huge building cranes were everywhere but they were mostly just sitting there doing nothing. Yet wherever they traveled, Simonson said you could sense tremendous amounts of activity. “The younger generation is definitely on the go in China, too.” Simonson said about half of U.S. soybean production is now being exported and about half of this total now goes to China. Southeast Asia, especially Vietnam, Indonesia, Japan, Korea and the Philippines are also growing markets for U.S. soybeans. He mentioned two new soybean processing plants recently opened in Vietnam, and the United States will likely be a major source of soybeans for these plants. “Our farmers got to see directly how checkoff dollars are being used to generate new markets for our beans. They sat down across the table from Chinese business people who are buying our Minnesota beans so they got a feeling of what’s it like to sit down and ‘do some bargaining’ on the value of our product. “We weren’t buying and selling but it was a prime example of how the business world functions when it
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‘Seed Queen’ lives on in book, State Fair display By TIM KING The Land Correspondent Lillian Colton entered crop art competitions at the Minnesota State Fair from 1966 until 2006. During those four decades visiting with Lillian and seeing her work was an important part of a visit to the State Fair for thousands of Minnesotans. They wanted to see what Lillian had been up to during the last year. She eventually became known as
the “Queen of Crop Art” and, in 2004, became only the second woman to be inducted into the Minnesota State Fair Hall of Fame. Lillian Colton died in 2007. That same year Colleen Sheehy completed writing, and the Minnesota Historical Society Press published, “Seed Queen: The Story of Crop Art and The Amazing Lillian Colton.” If you are like me, and didn’t know any-
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“Where Farm and Family Meet”
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Lillian Colton, Sheehy is able to take thing about Lillian Colton or the reader behind the scenes. even crop art, Sheehy’s book is a wonderful discovery. If There are great photos of you are a regular visitor to Colton at work in her the Ag-Hort building durstudio at her home in ing Minnesota’s Great Owatonna, Minn., as Get-Together and you well as photos of her huge know all about Mrs. seed storage closet. There Colton then the book are also descriptions of her will likely be a bit of technique. a homecoming for “Early on, Lillian developed you. It will also, a technique to work easily deepen your with tiny seeds,” Sheehy knowledge of and writes. “She learned to put a respect for, a great stream of glue onto the support Minnesota artist. material, sometimes cardboard, Colton went to the 1965 State sometimes canvas or Masonite. Fair specifically to see the crop art She then dipped a toothpick into a competition display. Years later she small dot of Elmer’s glue and lightly modestly told Sheehy, “I thought it picked up a seed with the sticky adhelooked like something I could do.” sive.” Sheehy’s book is loaded with pictures In addition to shining a spotlight on of seed art that Lillian Colton did do. Colton’s art, Sheehy includes biograThere is, for example, her 2004 por- phy of her as a farm girl, county fair trait of Eleanor Roosevelt created from goer, young artist, and finally successthe seeds of birdsfoot ful hairdresser. This trefoil, canola, timoinformation, she says, thy, poppy, brome, helps the crop art fan grits, cream of wheat, understand the evoluLillian often pumpkin and salsify. tion of Lillian’s crop art. derived source It also provides a backIf you’ve seen material for her ground for the ongoing Colton’s work you crop art ... In this story of crop art now won’t be surprised by that Lillian Colton’s her capacity to bring case she used an reign as “Queen of Crop the toothy former illustration of Art” has come to an end. first lady to life with Grandma Moses these surprising Although “Seed from Time magamaterials. If you Queen” is primarily a zine to create an haven’t seen it before book about Lillian oil painting, which Colton and her work, you will be amazed. she in turn used to Sheehy includes a subThere is also her 1992 create a piece of stantial section on work Bill Clinton, 2005 Mother that has been inspired Teresa, 1978 Billy Gracrop art. by, and diverges from, ham, 2004 Johnny Cash, — as written by Colton’s trail-blazing 1983 Willie Nelson, and Colleen Sheehy art. many more. To create these portraits of celebriLillian’s daughter, ties and political figures she usually Linda has been showing crop art at the worked from a photograph. She didn’t State Fair almost as long as Lillian did. have a photograph for her 1976 por- So has the remarkable Darlene Thotrait of Grandma Moses. rud. Then there is what Sheehy calls “Lillian often derived source mate- the Postmodern School of Minnesota rial for her crop art from found images Crop Art with its genre-bending such as magazine photos or even her “youngsters.” Sheehy includes fascinatown work,” Sheehy writes. “In this case ing images from many of their works. she used an illustration of Grandma “Seed Queen” is an important, enjoyMoses from Time magazine to create able and beautiful book. It is finally, a an oil painting, which she in turn used book about the American Dream. It to create a piece of crop art.” shows how a Minnesota farm girl “Seed Queen” includes images of that turned hairdresser can become a Time cover, the oil painting and the Queen. crop art portrait of Grandma Moses. Look for the reviewed book at a bookBut Sheehy’s book isn’t just a coffee- store or a library near you. You may table book of Colton’s artwork. Since also find the book at online book she spent a lot of time interviewing retailers. ❖
Minnesota’s Dakota War: Personal accounts behind the scenes
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left in their “kubbe rulle” — wagon with solid wooden wheels — pulled by oxen, but they never reached their destination of St. Peter, Minn. When the family of four came upon a man who had been massacred, the bloody scene caused the oxen to become uncontrollable. Their third child also chose that moment to be born, so they took refuge at the Gurit and Olie Sobel farm. Torgrim returned home to retrieve pork and flour to augment the dwindling food supply at the Sobel’s. A long line of Dakotas approached him as he neared his cabin. The chief pulled Torgrim’s hair and made a sign of scalping him to demonstrate his fate if he didn’t leave. Torgrim recognized the chief covered with war paint as the man whose life he had previously saved. Company B, 9th Minnesota VolunDave Van Loh teers arrived in 1863 and built a fort Built in 1857, the Torgrimson family home can now be seen at a Brown to protect settlers, but no further vioCounty park on Lake Hanska. lence occurred. The Torgrimsons had three more children, and Torgrim Ingrid nursed him back to health. That act of kindness gave each of his five sons a farm before his death in 1892. and others like it caused their Dakota neighbors to Thanks to Yvonne Torgrimson Blomquist, greattrust the Torgrimsons and their close neighbors. On the eve of the August 1862 war, the man whose life was granddaughter of Torgrim and Ingrid for sharing ❖ saved stopped by to urge the family to “go east.” They materials for this story from her family files.
By CAROLYN VAN LOH The Land Correspondent The Dakota War of 1862 is often overshadowed by the nation’s Civil War; however, this year marks the sesquicentennial anniversary of the war that dramatically affected Minnesotans, especially those living in southern Minnesota. Accounts of the conflict between white settlers and the Dakota tribe vary in their perspective of the causes, the participants and the outcomes of the battle. Survivors of the war often wrote from a personal perspective, but they didn’t have the volumes of resources available to contemporary writers. Torgrim and Ingrid Torgrimson’s experience was preserved primarily through family oral tradition until descendants began recording their story, beginning with their journey from Norway in 1852. The eight-week boat trip brought them to Quebec, but the immigrants settled near Beloit, Wis., for a few years. In 1857, Torgrim and his cousin Omsrud laid claim to land in Brown County, Minn., making them among the first white settlers in the area. The Torgrimsons were spared the atrocities of the 1862 war because of their friendly relationship with the Native Americans. Ingrid gave them things like salt, pork and fresh bread when she was able to. One time, however, she had nothing to give, so the Indians stole a pig to demonstrate their displeasure. Torgrim supplied his family with meat from a trap line stretching from Hanska north to New Ulm. The Native Americans knew where the traps were, and they sometimes skinned the trapped animals, took the meat and left the skins for Torgrim to sell because they knew white settlers didn’t eat muskrats or mink. One time Torgrim found a Dakota man unconscious and near death on a frozen lake known to the Dakotas as “minne hanska” meaning “long water,” today’s Lake Hanska. Torgrim took the man home where he and
23 A
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24 A
High school rodeo cutting debuts at Minnesota State Fair By DICK HAGEN The Land Staff Writer Something new at this year’s Minnesota State Fair will be taking place 11 a.m. Aug. 29 in the new Ag Star Livestock Arena. And if you like watching kids on horseback you’re going to see some real action. Leanne Oftedahl of Pemberton, Minn., and volunteer for Region 4 of the State High School Rodeo Association, said, “we’re talking about the High School Rodeo Cutting Competition. This cutting horse event has been in high school rodeos for several years but this is the first time we’re doing it at the State Fair. In past years we would do this competition at different locations around the state.”
Cutting is where a horse and rider are judged on their ability to separate a single animal away from a cattle herd and keep it away for a short period of time. “Being able to stage this event at the State Fair and inside this fantastic new arena is a thrill for all of us in the horse world. And I know the kids will be even more excited. The State Fair is just something special for all livestock people, but especially for kids and their horses.” She expects upwards of 16 youngsters competing in this new event, which includes divisions for both young men and young ladies, and is open only to high schoolers. Her son Submitted
Chance Oftedahl of Pemberton, Minn., will be bringing his cutting skills to the Minnesota State Fair this year. Above, he is competing in the 2012 National High School Rodeo Final in Rock Springs, Wyo.
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Chance, a junior this fall at St. Clair High School will be in his third year of competition. Two years ago he was the reserve champion cutter, this year he was state champion in the high school rodeo cutting competition. He rides a quarter horse named Missy and also competes in steer wrestling and team roping, events staged at the older livestock pavilion at the State Fair.
Oftedahl said, “there seems to be growing interest in high school kids in horseback riding. And when you can get them involved in competitive events like this the interest is that much stronger. Yes, horses are somewhat expensive hobbies but you watch kids with horses and you can sense some real companionship. Kids learn a bunch about themselves and responsibilities when they have a horse.” ❖
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
We service combines, crop sprayers (RogatorTM) and skid loaders, etc. Get your combine ready for a Great Harvest!
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If the roommate has another pet, she advises that both the Keeping our furry, feathered or scaly pet friends on a pets are introduced to good quality diet will save money in the future to each other early and avoid unnecessary veterinary visits and expense. have time to socialize and become friends — M.A. Crist before they are left alone. Doing such little things to make the pet feel Students can take advantage of the discounted at home would go a long way in making pet ownerservices offered by veterinary offices at different ship by busy college students more manageable. times of the year. Pet Talk is a service of the College of Veterinary Aside from nutrition and regular checkups with Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, Texas A&M Univerthe veterinarian, a budget for pet care needs to sity. More information is available at include the costs of unexpected emergencies. Stuhttp://tamunews.tamu.edu. This column is distribdents also need to plan ahead for events such as uted by CNHI News Service. CNHI is parent comroad trips and parties. pany to The Land. ❖ “Situations have occurred where students have had parties, and their pet got into a fight with another pet brought to the household by another partygoer,” Crist said. She also cites instances where pets have been lost or injured during parties when students have been too distracted to notice. However, with care and attention, students can certainly make good owners of happy pets. Crist suggests that adopting a pet earlier in the summer would help one to know more about the pet and train it before school starts. Having a roommate who also likes pets helps avoid any potential conflict Michelin • Firestone • Goodyear • Titan in the future.
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“Where Farm and Family Meet”
It’s that time of the year again. Students have entered another phase of their academic lives, and there is so much to take care of at once — excelling in academics and sports, eating healthy and staying stress-free. Many students live away from their homes during college, and a pet can be a great companion when students miss having their family around. But a big question remains: Is maintaining a pet while at college a good idea? “Having a pet in college has its challenges but it is not impossible,” said M.A. Crist, clinical assistant professor at the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences. Students need to think about a number of factors before deciding to own a pet. An important consideration is the amount of time the owner is prepared to spend. “Pets need to be walked, fed and socialized and this can take up quite a bit of a student’s free time,” Crist said. Hence, aquarium pets like fish, which only need regular maintenance, are a good choice — especially when sharing apartments with roommates. Similarly, cats make great indoor pets for students who do not have time for walks. Dogs are a popular choice even though they require more time for walks and socialization. “More and more college towns are developing dog parks to have areas where students can enjoy their canine friends,” Crist said. Apartment complexes may sometimes require special deposits for keeping pets and students need to plan for that extra expense. Some students love horses, but they need to make arrangements for a stall at an equine facility and a pasture for riding. Pet nutrition is another concern for many students. Veterinarians recommend specific diets for pets based on individual requirements. According to Crist, the most important thing in pet nutrition is “to maintain continuity.” A constantly changing diet can cause gastrointestinal problems like diarrhea and vomiting. In some cases, this may even lead to illness or death, she said. However, healthy pets can be maintained on a student budget. “Many manufacturers of the commercial pet foods will provide coupons for your pet if you contact the company directly by e-mail,” Crist said. “Such student discount coupons are also available on the internet. Keeping our furry, feathered or scaly pet friends on a good quality diet will save money in the future to avoid unnecessary veterinary visits and expense.” A new pet needs to have an initial visit to the vet and must finish the series of puppy/kitten vaccinations. “It is recommended to spay or neuter, and microchip their pet, as well as keep them on heartworm and flea prevention,” Crist said.
25 A
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26 A
From shooting-competition rookie to unexpected champ Most shooters would agree that when ducks are settling into the decoys, it’s all about picking a target and letting instinct take over. Most hunters also would agree that shooting in organized competitive events like trap, skeet or sporting clays is far different. THE OUTDOORS The calculated act of stepBy John Cross ping up to the line or shooting station offers all kinds of opportunities for self-doubts and what-ifs to creep into an undisciplined shooters mind — a good case of the yips. Having hunted everything from ducks to deer since he was 5, Adam Burt certainly knows how to handle a shotgun in the field. But as it turns out, the young man can give a pretty good accounting for himself in the highenergy, high-tension environment of the shooting line, too. In his first attempt ever at sporting clays, the 17year-old Mankato (Minn.) East High School senior shot his way to top honors in the C Class 28 Gauge Competition recently during the National Sporting Clays Association’s U.S. Open Championship, hosted by the Caribou Gun Club near Le Sueur, Minn. “He’d never shot competitively, never shot an overunder, never shot a 28 gauge before last Sunday,” said his father, Mike Burt. Submitted Adam Burt earned a trophy and perhaps some respect In fact, his son had gone along with his dad to from more experienced shooters by winning the Class assist in the Brunton Optics vendor booth. “But C 28-gauge Division during the National Sporting Clays Association’s U.S. Open Championship at the Caribou Gun Club near Le Sueur, Minn.
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when I saw all of those trophies lined up, I thought I’d really like to shoot,” Adam said. “Problem was, while I was signed up to shoot, he wasn’t,” Mike said. “And to tell you the truth, I really didn’t have the $300 for the registration,” “But then the vendor I was helping out said ‘well, why didn’t you say he wanted to shoot’,” he said. In no time, Adam was registered to shoot in the big event, courtesy of Brunton Optics. The only catch was that the only category still available for registration was in the adult Class for 28-gauge shotguns, which presented challenges. First of all, the 28-gauge is a relatively uncommon gun. Not too many shooters at any level own one. Burt certainly didn’t. And second, hitting whizzing targets with a 12gauge shotgun is tough; busting clay targets with the relatively petite 28-gauge with a far smaller payload is particularly challenging, even for experienced competitive shooters. But the Browning Arms rep in the vendor booth next door happened to have a 28-gauge Grade 1 Citori in his display, which he offered to lend to Adam. During his session on the course, he managed to break 73 out of 100 targets, not at all too shabby for rookie. “I was looking at the score board for my name and didn’t see it,” Adam said, adding that he expected to be somewhere in the middle. Turns out, his expectations were too low. Way too low. He should have been looking at the top of the board, where he was tied for first place with a veteran competitor. Because of the tie, a shoot-off would be needed to determine the overall winner. But so late in the day, that presented yet another challenge since the borrowed Browning had been returned to the rep. “By the time we figured out he needed to be in a shoot-off, the rep had left,” Burt said. With a shootoff scheduled for 6 p.m., CZ Arms offered up one of See CROSS, pg. 27A
Would have liked opportunity to win it out-right Unaware that his score had been equaled and that a shoot-off loomed, the other shooter had put his firearms away for the day, put his feet up and already had enjoyed a cold one.
firearms, he was required automatically to forfeit the shoot-off to Adam. “I still would have liked to have an opportunity to have won it out-right,” Adam said. Given what seems to be a natural talent, he is hoping to expand his opportunities to shoot in more events. In the meantime, we’ve all heard that old saying about how the apple rarely falls too far from the tree.
Perhaps. The elder Burt, a veteran competitive shooter, also competed in the U.S. Open Championships. “I finished someplace in the middle,” Mike said. John Cross is a Mankato (Minn.) Free Press staff writer. Contact him at (507) 344-6376 or jcross@mankatofreepress.com or follow him on Twitter @jcross_photo. ❖
CROSS, from pg. 26A their 28 gauge guns for Adam to use. But that turned out not to be necessary. Unaware that his score had been equaled and that a shoot-off loomed, the other shooter had put his firearms away for the day, put his feet up and already had enjoyed a cold one. In keeping with the understandably strict policy regarding alcohol and
27 A
FFA scholarships to Iowa, Minn. students from Ziegler experience, community service, leadership skills and academics, and is based on academic records, FFA achievements, leadership, and other school and community activities. Supervised agricultural experience programs and future goals are all considered in the scholarship award. Founded in 1914, Ziegler is a family owned company headquartered in Minneapolis, employing more than 1,450 people in 23 communities in Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin and Missouri. Ziegler introduced the first rubber-tracked Challenger tractor in 1987 and is now one of the largest and most successful AGCO and Lexion dealers in the country. ❖
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Ziegler is pleased to announce that as an approved National FFA scholarship sponsor it has, in cooperation with AGCO, awarded $1,000 scholarships to two Minnesota and two Iowa high school graduates — Ashley Neu of Pelican Rapids, Minn., and Ryan Frederick of Cleveland, Minn., Katelyn Blake of Walnut, Iowa, and Jacob Lage of Sheffield, Iowa — for the 2012-13 school year. With support from local FFA chapters, the scholarship program was offered through more than 55 Massey Ferguson, Challenger, and Gleaner dealers across the United States. Ziegler awarded a total of five scholarships. Scholarship selection takes into consideration FFA involvement, work
See Us At Farmfest 2012 – Booth #223
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
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28 A
Farmers show affection in all sorts of little ways If you’re a farmer’s wife, seems to get the official then we know that you “okie-dokie” as the best way have fallen in love at least for a man to tell a woman once in your life. We also that he loves her. But over know that you have spent time, that diamond can much of your time since often be out of range for then falling into (and stepyour average farmer — ping into) things you especially in years when haven’t always seen comshopping for a tractor or ing, and some that you manure spreader is neceshave seen coming — cow sary; or in those years when TABLE TALK pies, barbed wire fences paying the bills becomes By Karen Schwaller larger than the list of Elizaand the occasional friendly reminder from your banker beth Taylor’s ex-husbands. via the mailbox, saying that If you’re a farmer’s wife, surely you you need to sell some grain before you have noticed there are many ... well, less get to have a personal relationship expensive ways in which your farmer with the county sheriff. husband can show you all year long that Falling in love is easy, but as they he loves you. Here are just a few everysay — staying in love really can take day examples that I have come up with. some work. The diamond — the • When you’re out working together crowned jewel of all precious stones —
in the hog or cattle yards, he offers to take the deeper end, which is much more full of natural fertilizer. If you listen to him long enough, though, it seems if some of that fertilizer has been ingested through the skin and ends up as vocal manure eventually. And don’t tell me you haven’t noticed it. • He doesn’t yell as loudly at you when you do something wrong while loading hogs. This is a tricky one, however, and can be directly related to how well the hogs are loading. If it’s not going well, the farmer will most likely find himself driving them to the buying station in bachelor style. Temperaments can be as unpredictable as the grain markets, and once that job begins, there’s no turning back. When the trailer door is finally closed behind them all and you’re wallowing in the aftermath, that’s when the vodka is
usually needed by all parties involved, no matter that it’s only 7:30 a.m. at the time. It could save the marriage on hog-loading day. • When you can’t open your twist-off beverage and need his help with it, he will work to find a clean spot on his handkerchief to use in order to help him get the job done. • He offers to take the role of veterinarian when it becomes apparent that a prolapse needs to be repaired. While you’re skilled at sewing things in the house, the farm wife gets the job of handing him the things he needs so he can do the sewing out in the barns. Keep a feed bucket handy, though — your lunch may show up again. Yeesh. • He cleans up your hair dryer before See TABLE TALK, pg. 29A
Swing on over to Booth 2402 in Ag Tent I to visit The Land staff at Farmfest Aug. 7-9 in Redwood County, Minn.
harvest, the farmer’s truck is filled with all the necessities of life, right down to bathroom supplies, food and beverage needs, tools for any job he may encounter at that time of year, and a wardrobe for hot, cold or rainy days. It all takes room, and if he clears a spot for you to accompany him for lunch on a rainy day in the fall, you know you’ve made the cut. The farmer must be careful, however, of the size of area he clears out for you to sit. Too large of a spot, and the farmer’s wife could leave him to dine on his own. For awhile. • He apologizes as he tells (or shows) you of a pair of jeans he tore that day, knowing how much you hate to mend blue jeans. It’s a little reminiscent of the hog-loading process — complete with the eye rolling, occasional language and the vodka coming out during and after that whole obnoxious repair process. So ladies of the farm, take heart. You’ve already taken his, and if diamonds are out of the question for you this year, look at all the other ways your farmer tells you all year long that he loves you. Even if you don’t see it coming. Karen Schwaller brings “Table Talk” to The Land from her home near Milford, Iowa. She can be reached at kschwaller@evertek.net. ❖
Submit your church or organization’s cookbook for review in
The Cookbook Corner Send cookbooks to: “The Cookbook Corner,” The Land magazine, P.O. Box 3169, Mankato, MN 56002 *Submission does not guarantee published review*
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TABLE TALK, from pg. 28A giving it back to you after using it to keep a new baby lamb warm. You have to save them all, you know. Nothing is spared in that process — including dry hair. • When the calves get the scoots, he hoses off his own manure-soaked jeans outside before he brings them into the garage for later laundering in the house. Even then, you hope for a nice day because the combination of high temperatures and manure-covered jeans can curl the hair in your nose; and who knows what would happen to the paint on the car in the garage with the source of such noxious fumes so close by? • When he spits his tobacco out, he becomes a one-man Federal Aviation Administration team and checks the wind speed and direction first, being sure to aim clear of where you are standing. That would be important. Yes. • He acts just as mad as you are when the sheep get out and eat all of your flowers and half of the garden. Secretly, knows he better not say anything about the garden usually looking like CRP acres in previous years, leading the sheep to think it’s fair game for grazing any other year. To my husband’s dismay, they left the rhubarb last time. You might know. • He cleans out a spot for you to sit in his truck. Let’s face it — during the fall
29 A
Spits tobacco in the other direction? That’s true love
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30 A
Spice up your weekend with a history helping of jambalaya My wife was able to check an item off her bucket list recently. She successfully ran a mini-marathon, a 13.1-mile trek weaving through downtown Louisville, Ky., and Churchill Downs. I figured a milestone like that was worthy of a surprise gathering of friends and family, along with a big batch of authentic creole jambalaya. I love dishes steeped in history. The origins of jambalaya seem to originate in the Spanish region with a dish known as paella. Once the Spanish made it to the new world, they attempted to recreate their homeland dish. The end result is the American version called jambalaya. The first actual written reference to this dish was in a cookbook from 1878. There are two types — creole and Cajun. One main difference is creole uses tomatoes while Cajun does not. Today’s recipe is creole jambalaya. It’s basically a one-pot meal. While it takes a while to prepare, it is worth it. If you can, smoke the chicken. It adds an authentic outdoor flavor that enriches the dish. In the video version I use smoked chicken thighs. In my latest dish I used smoked chicken breasts. Either works fine. You can view a video of the preparation of the dish at www.BBQMyWay.com.
Click on “poultry.” A couple of suggestions before I send you down the road of authentic jambalaya. First, prepare, cut and chop all of your ingredients before you start cooking. Everything comes together quickly once you get rolling. Second, after you chop the jalapeno peppers, do not touch your face or rub your eyes until you have thoroughly washed your hands. I know this from experience. One last thing. Use a big pot, or better yet, a large Dutch oven. This is a lot of jambalaya. Creole Jambalaya 3 1/2 lbs. smoked chicken cut into bite-sized pieces. If not smoked, cooked. 2 lbs. smoked sausage — cut into slices 2 cups chopped bell peppers 2 cups chopped yellow onion 1 cup chopped celery 7 cloves chopped garlic 2 jalapeno peppers, seeds removed, unless you want things real spicy 1 bunch of green onions: Separate the white from the green. Chop both and keep separate 4 chopped tomatoes (14.5 oz. can of diced tomatoes is fine if tomatoes are not in season) 5 cups chicken broth
1 tsp. cayenne pepper 1 to 3 teaspoons of hot sauce 1/4 cup tomato paste 1 teaspoon of freshly ground black pepper 1 tsp. of crushed dry thyme 1 bay leave 3 cups of brown or white rice (not the instant) 1 lb. of cooked shrimp Sauté the sausage in 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Once slightly browned, remove any excess oil and add the peppers, onion, celery, garlic, jalapeno peppers and whites of the green onions. Stir over medium heat until the onions are starting to become translucent. Now add all remaining ingredients and spices other than the rice. Allow to simmer on low heat for an hour or so. Add the rice and cover, leaving the heat on low or medium-low. Serve when rice is tender and all fluids are gone. If you choose to use brown rice, which in my opinion is the best option, add 45 minutes to the cooking time as brown rice takes longer to cook. Serve, topping each bowl with three or four pieces of pre-cooked shrimp. Enjoy the delicious taste of history. BBQMyWay is written by Dave Lobeck, a barbecue chef from Sellersburg, Ind. Visit his website at www.BBQMyWay.com. He writes the column for CNHI News Service. CNHI is parent company of The Land. ❖
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
See Us at Farmfest Booth 603
• Smiths Mill Impl. – Janesville, MN • Judson, Impl. – Lake Crystal, MN • Dave’s Repair – Hills, MN
• Villard Impl. – Villard, MN • Lake Henry Impl. – Pierz, MN • Midway Farm Equip – Mt. Lake, MN
Mike Lundon – Area Representative – 507-381-3335
Drought, heat worsen spider mite outbreak in parts of Minnesota these ingredients, have been shown to work. Follow all instructions for application. Log on to http://bit.ly/MZP2n0 for more information on two-spotted spider mites in soybeans, including scouting advice, a threshold scale to use when scout-
ing and recommended insecticides. This article was submitted by Ken Ostlie, University of Minnesota entomologist, and Bruce Potter, a University of Minnesota integrated pest management specialist. ❖
THE LAND, AUGUST 3, 2012 << www.TheLandOnline.com >> “Where Farm and Family Meet”
Drought-stressed crops are more susceptible to pest damage, and two-spotted spider mites are making the most of this year’s hot, dry weather. University of Minnesota Extension researched spider mite control during the last major outbreaks in 1988, 2007 and 2009; the recommendations below are based on that research. For farmers and crop advisers not familiar with spider mites, the damage they cause may be mistaken for drought symptoms. Infestations usually begin on fields edges, particularly adjacent to cut grass or alfalfa. If you see a discoloration of the lower leaves on your soybeans or corn, you need to get in the field and scout for mites. To do so: • Start at the field edge where symptoms occur. • Examine leaves from the bottom upwards. Look at the underside of leaves. Note yellow spots (stippling), webbing and how far up the plant the damage has progressed. • Tap damaged leaves over a white sheet of paper and look for mites with a hand lens or magnifying glass. They are very small — half the size of a soybean aphid nymph. • If mite presence is verified, it’s time to progress into the field. Move at least 100 feet into the field before making your first stop. Walk a “U” pattern, checking at least two plants at each of 20 locations. • Check fields every four to five days if drought persists. Treatment is recommended only if damage and mites are detected throughout the field. Edge treatments are not effective since mites are usually spreading throughout the field before any visual symptoms are noticed. For soybeans, a general guideline is that if stippling reaches mid-canopy leaves, a treatment is likely necessary. For corn, the goal is simply to keep damage from reaching the ear leaf; treat when the lower onefourth to one-third of the canopy shows damage and mites can be seen in the middle third of the canopy. Spider mites live on the undersides of leaves and are more concentrated lower on the plant. If you decide to spray, canopy penetration is critical. Do not skimp on water — for ground applications, use 20 or more gallons per acre; for aerial applications, use 3 to 5 gallons. Evaluate control three to five days after spraying. If you’ve decided that an infestation warrants spraying, don’t hold up a spray waiting for rain. Instead, if rain is unlikely to occur before the spray dries, go ahead with the spray. Reducing spider mite pressure will allow the crop to take full advantage of any moisture from the rain. If your field is infested with both spider mites and soybean aphids, base the treatment decision on the worse problem. As drought intensifies, spider mites become the predominant problem and they are more difficult to control. Some aphid treatments can cause spider mite infestations to flare up, so check previously sprayed fields. For dual mite/aphid infestations, only chlorpyrifos and bifenthrin, and mixes containing
31 A
Local Corn and Soybean Price Index
32 A
Cash Grain Markets corn/change* Dover Edgerton Jackson Janesville Cannon Falls Sleepy Eye Average: Year Ago Average:
$7.61 $7.81 $7.76 $7.78 $7.59 $7.77
+.10 +.23 +.29 +.14 +.20 +.30
average soybeans
soybeans/change* $16.82 +.60 $17.06 +1.04 $16.76 +.87 $15.63 -.30 $16.43 +.36 $16.91 +.97
average soybeans year prior
$15 $10
average corn
$ 5
average corn year prior
$ 0
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Grain prices are effective cash close on July 31. The price index chart compares an average of most recently reported local cash prices with the same average for a year ago. *Cash grain price change represents a two-week period.
Grain Outlook December corn hits record $8
Livestock Angles Cattle led again by futures
Grain Angles This will be a year of contrast
The following market analysis is for the week ending July 20. CORN — Mark it down, December corn set an alltime record high for that contract July 23, 2012, at $8 per bushel. After the December contract started out the week on a firm note, it slipped slightly lower in consolidation fashion throughout the week on scattered rain events across the Midwest. The September contract drifted lower all week, narrowing the September-December inverse as basis levels stayed on the defenPHYLLIS NYSTROM sive. This behavior can be typical of St. Paul rationing, which was confirmed by the extremely poor weekly export sales. Both old and new crop marketing years showed net cancellations. This is the first time since at least 1990 that this has occurred in both crop years during the same week. Net cancellations for old crop were about one-half million bushels and 5.2 million bushels of new crop. So why didn’t corn crash and burn if we’re in the process of rationing? There is still the uncertainty over what the national average corn yield will actually turn out to be since the crop has yet to stabilize and domestic demand has not totally dried up. As of July 22, corn conditions fell 5 percent to 26 percent good/excellent. The report also indicated that 45 percent of the crop was rated poor/very poor, up 7 percent from the previous week. The crops in Illinois and Indiana are worse than 1988, Iowa
The livestock markets are trying hard to put in their respective seasonal lows as we move into August. Both the cattle and hogs will meet fairly stiff resistance from the packers as the packers try to hold on to their profit margins. The cattle appear to be led once again by the futures market as commodity funds have stepped back into the long side of that market. The cash side of the market continues to struggle as beef cutouts continue to slide. This has made the packers reluctant to bid higher for live inventory as they try to protect their margins. Surprisingly, weights have JOE TEALE remained well above a year ago Broker despite the fact that cattle feed- Great Plains Commodity Afton, Minn. ers are supposedly moving cattle before they are finished because of the drought and excessive heat. With the cold storage reflecting large quantities of beef in storage, it would seem that the cutouts will continue to remain weak until this abundant supply is dispersed. The lack of moisture and the high temperatures have forced grain prices higher which has brought replacement cattle tumbling over the past month. This weather pattern, should it remain for the near future, could force more cattle to market as well as continue to weigh on feeder cattle prices as the grain markets move higher. This would put into question whether or not the cattle market can sustain any significant rallies at this time from a fundamental standpoint. On the other hand, if commodity funds continue to
This could be the year of the “Haves-and-the-HaveNots.” There are those who have received timely rains and those who have missed them. There are those who sold grain when prices looked to be headed lower and those who did nothing. There are those who have low land cost and those who have high land cost. Some people will enjoy incredible profits and others will struggle to cover their cost of production. This will truly be a year of contrast. Drought-driven markets fueled by tight stocks and strong demand are beyond volatile, they are violent. These are the toughest markets to manage through TOM NEHER and decisions that we make can AgStar VP & Team Leader “leave a mark.” This places a — Grain Industry Rochester, Minn. paramount emphasis on the use of risk management tools, including cash forward, futures, options and hedge-to-arrive contracts. These are tools that we use to manage price risk. Crop insurance is another powerful risk management set of tools. Multi-peril insurance policies help manage production risk, while the newer revenue insurance policies work to manage both price and production risk. The addition of hail insurance fills in much of the gap in production risk. In an effort to manage the inherent risks in grain production, it is necessary to have a full toolbox of risk management tools and the knowledge of how to use the individual tools to maximize protection. Grain producers have enjoyed some profitable years and the challenge will be to keep as much of the recent gains on the books.
See NYSTROM, pg. 33A
See TEALE, pg. 34A
See NEHER, pg. 34A
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Country Hedging
Information in the above columns is the writer’s opinion. It is no way guaranteed and should not be interpreted as buy/sell advice. Futures trading always involves a certain degree of risk.
Nystrom: ‘Don’t count this rally complete as yet’
to 35 percent. In 1988, the soybean yield was 81 percent of trend. If the same holds this year, the soybean yield would be near 35 bu./acre. As of July 22, 36 percent of the crop was setting pods as compared to 19 percent on average, keeping the time frame for improvement narrower than normal. Another unanswered question is what will abandonment be this year? Basis levels were steady/firmer this week and export sales were good for soybeans and meal. Old crop soybean sales were 7.1 million bushels, bringing total commitments for the year to 1.407 billion bushels. The USDA forecast has already been surpassed. New crop sales were 19 million bushels, bringing total new crop sales to 553.7 million or 40 percent of the USDA 1.37 billion bushel projection. Meal sales continue to impress at 150,500 metric tons old crop and 106,400 mt for new crop. New crop meal sales are over double what was on the books last year.
Out of Brazil, Celeres reported that growers have sold 97 percent of old crop versus 80 percent on average and 39 percent of anticipated new crop bushels when normally little is sold this early. Informa Economics’ new projection for the U.S. soybean crop is a yield of 38.5 bu./acre versus their last prediction of 40.0 and the USDA’s July 40.5 bu./acre estimate. Informa cut harvested acres to 75.1 million as compared to the USDA’s 75.3 million on the July report. Production would come in at 2.9 billion bushels, slightly lower than July’s USDA 3.05 billion bushel projection. Informa Economics’ state-by-state yield breakdown looks like this: Illinois, 41; Indiana, 37; Iowa, 48; Minnesota, 45; Wisconsin, 42; and Nebraska 47 bu./acre. OUTLOOK: Brazil growers have essentially sold their entire old crop, U.S. basis levels have not collapsed, See NYSTROM, pg. 34A
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160; Minnesota, 174; Wisconsin, 137; and Nebraska 150 bu./acre. Informa dropped harvested acres to 85.67 million versus the USDA’s July forecast of 88.9 million acres. This sets the stage for an 11.5 billion bushel crop when the USDA’s July figure was 12.97 billion bushels. OUTLOOK: There are signs that rationing is taking place, but based on the questionable crop conditions it may be premature to call the rally complete. We are still heavily dependent on perceptions of what we will harvest this fall. This week was one of consolidation, which is expected in both bull and bear markets. Mother Nature and traders’ emotions will tell us when the top is in, but for now it looks like we have additional upside potential. December corn was down 2 1/2 cents for the week at $7.93 1/2 per bushel. The range for the week was $8 to $7.45 1/2 per bushel. SOYBEANS — Slightly wetter forecasts briefly pushed soybeans down the 70-cent limit the day after the crop conditions report, and that pullback was extended throughout the week. Soybean conditions didn’t fall as much as anticipated and any moisture should benefit yield potential. It is unclear how bad the severe heat and dryness affected the bean plant’s potential. Crop conditions as of July 22 were rated 31 percent good/excellent, down 4 percent from the previous week and versus 25 percent in 1988. The poor/very category increased 5 percent
NYSTROM, from pg. 32A barely better, and Missouri the worst it’s ever been with 79 percent rated poor/very poor. Don’t count this rally complete as yet. July was among the hottest and driest on record in several states in the last 75 years. Harvest will begin the first week of August in southern Illinois. Yield reports will be scrutinized for indications of what the national average may eventually be. A St. Louis firm ran a crop tour in Iowa and came up with a 117 bushels per acre yield versus 175 bu./acre last year. Beans were estimated at 39 bu./acre, down from 50.5 bu./acre last year. Weekly ethanol production fell 6,000 barrels per day to 796,000 barrels per day which is 9 percent lower than last year. It is also the lowest level in over two years. Ethanol stocks dropped 23 million gallons to 798 million gallons. There are still suggestions of a reprieve from the Renewable Fuel Standard mandate, but until the “official” balance sheets show a smaller carryout than last year it appears unlikely. Informa Economics updated their crop forecast on July 27 using the assumption that August weather will be unfavorable. They will issue another estimate Aug. 3 using their survey results as of Aug. 1. This week’s corn yield forecast was pegged at 134 bu./acre. This compares to their last estimate of 142.5 and the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s 146.0 bu./acre. By state, the yields were expected to be Illinois, 120; Indiana, 110; Iowa,
33 A
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Swing for the fence, you’ll likely strike out
With sows moving to market, expansion virtually over
NEHER, from pg. 32A While making marketing decisions during a drought-driven market, it is helpful to spread our risk around to others. Make more numerous, but smaller sales. It is easier to clean up a small problem than a large one if they occur. Spread our sales around to multiple buyers. This spreads the counter-party risk that the buyer will still be in business around. Use futures and options on futures contracts to manage price until we know what kind of crop to expect. “Paper trades” are easier to unwind than cash contracts if we come up short on yield. If the corn crop has been stressed by drought, check for aflatoxin before it is co-mingled with undamaged grain. The discounts for damaged grain can
TEALE, from pg. 32A push the futures higher, the packers may be forced to follow the futures and be forced to pay the higher prices to acquire inventory. Nevertheless, cattle producers should approach the cattle market with extreme caution and protect inventories when needed. As for the hog market, the prospects for further rally from the lows made in July, seem a bit more promising. The pork cutouts have been improving as of late and numbers of market-ready hogs seem to be shrinking ever so slight. Pork product has moved pretty well over the past few months, however there is still plenty of pork in storage.
be considerable. Check for high nitrate levels if we are going to chop drought-damaged corn. Sick or dead livestock damages more than our “bottom line.” Drought-driven markets can give us high prices, but they are a challenge to manage. Watching a Twins game the other night, I remembered my Grandpa telling me that hitting homeruns in baseball makes you feel great. “Son, if you are going to swing for the fence, you will strike out more times than not!” He would then ask me how it felt to strike out. Then he would quietly tell me that I could win more ballgames hitting singles and doubles than homeruns. Willie Mays was my hero, so I would still swing for the fence. As the years have gone by, I now understand what he was trying to teach me. ❖
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34 A
We Salute the workers in the Dairy Industry!
Given this fact it will be a task for the hog market to make any substantial moves at this time. Considering the value of pork to its other meat competitors, pork is by far the best value to the consumer. With the current high grain prices, many sows have moved to market, which leads one to believe that expansion is virtually over in the hog industry for the time being. This should help hog prices in the fourth quarter and into the spring provided the world economies can improve. Producers should keep a watchful eye on market conditions and act to protect inventories when necessary. ❖
More rationing to do NYSTROM, from pg. 33A and exports continue to be strong; however, if general rains develop, yield ideas could stabilize. At this juncture, I’m not convinced scattered rain events will be enough to stem the tight supply situation. We have more rationing to do, which foretells further upside. November soybeans dropped 84 1/2 cents to $16.01 3/4 for the week after trading a weekly range from $16.91 1/2 to $15.36 per bushel. Nystrom’s notes: Contract changes for the week ending July 27: Minneapolis
September wheat down 59 1/2 cents, Chicago down 45 1/4 and Kansas City dropped 35 cents. September crude oil fell $1.70 to $90.13, heating oil pulled back 3 1/2 cents, gasoline was 4 3/4 cents lower, and natural gas lost 6 cents. The U.S. dollar declined 0.83 points, the Dow rallied 260 points and August gold jumped $40.20 per ounce. The next USDA crop report is Aug. 10. The ProFarmer crop tour will be conducted from Aug. 19-23. This year they will probably have to dodge some combines. ❖
Drought has potential three-year ‘tail’ on beef production in open cows this year means producers need to pregnancy-check cows to minimize the use of expensive feeds. When forages are in short supply, there is little reason for producers to feed non-productive animals. Instead, they can consider marketing culled cows earlier than normal to take advantage of higher market prices. “If we’re short on forage we have the option of sliding by, but if cows are thin going into the fall, fewer will be bred, calves will be lighter at weaning time this year and fewer calves will be born next year,” Lemenager said. “Then, if cows are thin heading into next breeding season, fewer cows will be bred and colostrum quality will be lower, meaning a lower calf survival rate which affects productivity in years two and three.” To avoid the three-year “tail,” he said producers might need to pay the price now to supplement feed and make sure cows are healthy and in moderate body condition. Healthy cows will breed better and can shorten the time producers face fallout from the drought. In addition to monitoring body condition, Lemenager and Purdue Extension forage specialist Keith Johnson offered producers a list of steps they can take to manage drought and heat stress. • Avoid overgrazing and employ rotational grazing. • Creep-feed calves to create nearnormal weaning weights. • Early-wean calves to take pressure off of both cows and pastures. • Identify and manage poisonous plants in pastures and hay fields.
Ron Lemenager/Purdue Animal Science
Without proper nutrition and pasture management in a drought year, beef herd performance can suffer for years to come. • Establish summer annuals to increase late-season forage production. • Pregnancy-check and market cull cows earlier than normal to reduce feed needs. • Inventory hay and other feed resources. • Analyze feeds for nutrient profiles to help determine supplemental feed needs. • Use alternative feeds to supplement and stretch forage supplies. • Limit hay access time to stretch forage supplies. • Limit-feed a high-concentrate diet to stretch forage supplies. • Graze crop residues and stockpiled forages to reduce harvested feed needs. • Use drought-stressed corn for graz-
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ing, green chop or silage. • Make sure cattle have access to a clean, cool water supply. • Moisten the soil around ground rods of electric fences. More detailed information about each of these steps, including sample diet formulations, can be found in Lemenager and Johnson’s publication, “Beef Management Practices for Coping With a Short Forage Supply” on the Purdue Animal Sciences Beef Center website at www.thebeefcenter.com. Click on “Dealing with Drought” on in the left column. Other Purdue Extension droughtrelated resources are available at www.agry.purdue.edu/ext/corn/cafe/ drought/index.html. This article was submitted by the Purdue University Agricultural Communications Department. ❖
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Livestock producers who fail to properly manage the drought could find themselves dealing with the consequences long after the rains return, says a Purdue Extension beef specialist. Exceptionally high temperatures and extremely low rainfall have combined to stress livestock and reduce their feed supplies. Producers can take steps to manage a situation that might cost some money now but could pay off in big ways in the long run. “The tail on this can be pretty long if we don’t manage things right in a drought year,” Ron Lemenager said. “One thing that I think is really important for producers to consider this year is body condition. If you use condition scores of these cows as a barometer of where you’re at nutritionally, we can’t do much about the heat or drought, but we can make sure we don’t have any nutritional deficiencies.” In a drought year, forages are low in both quality and quantity, which can leave cows thin and undernourished. Less-than-optimal body conditions can have reproductive consequences not only this year, but next year as well. Heat stress coupled with poor nutrition can create a double whammy by lowering oocyte and sperm quality, as well as embryo survival if fertilization does occur, Lemenager said. “The environmental conditions we are experiencing have ratcheted stress forward into the heart of the breeding season for those that calve in the spring, meaning it’s very probable we’ll see more open cows than normal this fall,” he said. Lemenager said the likely increase
35 A
36 A
How do you spell relief? Don’t bother, it’s likely too late This column was written for the marcents below a year ago. keting week ending July 27. The barrels closed at $1.6850, down a Hot weather remains the center of penny on the week and 44.5 cents below a attention across most of the nation with year ago. Eight cars of block and four of little to no relief in sight and likely too barrel traded hands on the week. The late anyway. Agricultural Marketing Service-surveyed U.S. average block price inched 0.4 cent Ramifications will be with us for higher to $1.6488, and the barrels avermonths and maybe years. U.S. Agriculaged $1.6895, down 0.4 cent. ture Secretary Tom Vilsack thus called MIELKE MARKET on House lawmakers to pass the farm bill The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s WEEKLY before it adjourns. July 20 Dairy Market News reported that the cheese market is “unsettled” as manuBy Lee Mielke Dairy wise, milk supplies and milk facturers and buyers try to anticipate composition is falling due to the heat. its direction. Cheese makers are Dairy Profit Weekly reported that increasingly using nonfat dry milk or Vilsack designated 76 additional condensed skim to fortify milk for the counties in six states as primary natvats, thus powder prices have strengthened. Cheese ural disaster areas. Some 1,369 counties across 31 states have been declared disaster areas, 1,234 due stocks are adequate but some storage facilities report lower inventories than previous years. to drought, making qualified farmers in the areas eligible for low-interest emergency loans. Cash butter closed the week 8 cents higher, at $1.67, 43 cents below a year ago. Twenty-one cars ■ found new homes, 16 on Friday. AMS butter averMeanwhile, the Cheddar blocks closed the last aged $1.5487, up 1.1 cent. Friday of July at $1.7050 per pound, down 1.25 cents on the week, up 6.5 cents on the month and 45 Butter markets remain firm. In most regions cream volumes are declining as milk production decreases and butterfat levels fall. Cows are eating less and drinking more, thus not maintaining a positive dry matter-to-liquid balance, the USDA said. Cash Grade A nonfat dry milk finished the week at $1.3750, up 1.5 cents. Extra Grade was up a nickel to $1.30. AMS powder averaged $1.1759, up 1.7 cents, and dry whey averaged 51.02 cents, up 1.5 cents. ■ Drought across the grain states is causing produc-
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ers to reevaluate their feed on hand, crop yields, projected feed input costs, financial resources and herd size that will allow them to stay in business through winter, the USDA said. Lots of cows are going to slaughter because farmers can’t afford to feed them. Daily Dairy Report market analyst Sarina Sharp said in the DDR’s “Daily Dairy Discussion” (a free download at www.dailydairyreport.com) that the June Milk Production report indicated that dairy cow numbers have been declining since April and quite significantly. The July 20 Cattle Inventory report confirmed that, she said, as heifer and milk cow numbers were unchanged from a year ago. “We have fewer cows than we did earlier this year and production per cow is slowing,” Sharp said. She blamed the heat and the rising cost of production as “spot corn is over $8 per bushel. New crop is flirting with $8, and nearby soybean meal is well over $500. A lot of dairy producers who grow their feed are concerned they won’t have the production they were counting on and will therefore have to purchase this very expensive feed.” She warned that grains, protein and forage will be hard to come by at a reasonable price and reported that farmers in the Great Lakes region are mowing their corn under as “there are no ears or grains on the stalks so they’re simply chopping these stalks into silage and will feed it but this low-quality forage can really hurt milk production in the long run and in the short-term we’re dealing with the heat so per cow production can really take a hit thanks to this drought.” Nitrate levels can also be problematic in drought-stressed corn. See MIELKE, pg. 37A
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IDFA: Stabilization program would have cut revenues
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dangerously low levels, those who volunteer to use the proposed program will be insured against these low margins and they are also expected to trim their milk output until margins reach healthy levels,” the NMPF said. “These summer temperatures, and the possibility of a poor crop harvest, are exactly why we need a dairy farm safety net that takes into account higher feed prices, and also gives us a tool to better align supply and demand. Relying on the weather to perform this process is foolish.” ■ Out west, a California Department of Food and Agriculture hearing panel found that, based on the testimony provided at the recent hearing, there should be no change in the California 4b milk price formula. However Agriculture Secretary Karen Ross, concerned about the increasing costs of feed, made the decision to increase prices by modifying the formula in such a way that as of Aug. 1, the Class 4b milk price will be improved by a maximum of 10 cents per hundredweight when the price of dry whey exceeds 60 cents a pound. See MIELKE, pg. 38A
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The National Milk Producers Federation shot back saying, “IDFA has mischaracterized the real issue facing dairy farmers this summer. Summer heat always leads to a slowdown in milk output. This year will be no different, but the USDA reported last week that milk production in the second quarter of 2012 was up 2 percent compared to 2011, while the first quarter was up a whopping 5.3 percent. The U.S. is well on track to produce a record volume of milk this year, a hot summer notwithstanding. “As a result, farmers’ prices this June were down 18 percent from June 2011, 30 cents a gallon less. Consumers really should be asking if the price they pay at retail for dairy products has dropped by the same amount. The answer is, retail prices haven’t changed, even as the farm price this year has reflected the fact that supply has raced ahead of demand. Meanwhile, grain prices reflect the opposite: that supplies are short in relation to demand. “The dairy policy provisions in the Senate and House farm bills are tied to the critical difference between the farmer’s milk price, and the cost of feed. When that margin contracts to
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ber, she said, however inventories are still almost 30 percent higher than a year ago. ■ In dairy politics, the International Dairy Foods Association charged this week that the Dairy Market Stabilization Program proposal in the new farm bill would have been limiting U.S. milk production since May, if it had been in effect, even as agriculture economists and the USDA are warning that the drought throughout the country will reduce milk supply and raise consumer prices. “Dairy farmers enrolled in the program would have had their revenue reduced from 2 to 6 percent in May and possibly by 3 to 7 percent in June,” according to an IDFA press release. “As a result of the lost revenue, farmers would be expected to reduce their milk production, most likely by reducing herd size.” “Not only will consumers be facing higher prices in the near future, because cows produce less milk during high heat conditions, and the cost of feed will be higher, but this new program would have already dug the hole deeper,” said Connie Tipton, IDFA president and CEO.
MIELKE, from pg. 36A ■ Checking supplies, June butter holdings, at 350.8 million pounds, were down 18.9 million pounds or 7 percent from May but were 52.4 million or 28 percent above June 2011, according to the latest Cold Storage report. American cheese, at 629.9 million pounds, was up 9.9 million or 2 percent from May and 10.8 million or 2 percent above a year ago and the highest June inventory in 10 years, according to the DDR. Total cheese stocks at a little over 1 billion pounds are also up 2 percent from May but unchanged from a year ago. The Cold Storage data was “bearish to cheese,” according to Sharp, who said the growing cheese stocks are priced out of the global market but added the caveat that most U.S. cheese is produced in the drought-plagued Midwest where heat is taking its toll on milk production so that will likely keep a floor under the cheese market. Butter is a different story, Sharp said. Butter stocks usually peak in June, she said, but it appears they peaked in May this year. June showed the first month-overmonth decline in stocks since Novem-
37 A
38 A
Doubling corn prices makes double-trouble for dairymen MIELKE, from pg. 37A
this hearing, while disappointing to those with high expectations, should not have been a surprise to anyone. A CDFA hearing is not a political contest, it is not a court of law, nor is it a popular vote of the people. It is an economic exercise in which decisions are based on cold hard economic facts.”
The price floor of 25 cents was not changed but each bracket in the sliding scale will increase an extra 1.25 cents. At the current dry whey value of 49.5 cents/lb. the improvement will be 6.25 cents per hundredweight.
The Alliance of Western Milk Producers Bill Van Dam wrote in his newsletter, “the results of
California’s Milk Producers Council’s Rob Van-
denheuvel wrote in his newsletter, “Disappointing is a huge understatement” in describing the announcement. Complete details are at the MPC website, www.milkproducerscouncil.org. ■ Getting back to high corn prices, the Alliance’s Bill VanDam points out that “there was huge financial suffering as dairy producers adjusted to the first doubling ($2 to $4 per bushel) of corn prices. Now the second doubling has occurred ($4 to $8) and it looks as if a way has to be found to adjust to $8 corn prices.” One source told me double-digit corn prices are possible.
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“The combined livestock industries were not able to get an adjustment in the ethanol mandates when they attempted to reduce them a few years ago. It made sense then and makes even better sense now that the ethanol mandates be cut from 10 to 5 percent of our U.S. gasoline the amount that is needed to oxygenate the gasoline,” VanDam wrote. “The balance of the U.S. ethanol program cannot be justified.” “The drought is real and is persistent. On the ‘Market to Market’ show this morning the analyst opined that if not later this year then next year corn is likely to hit $9 a bushel and perhaps $10. At some point demand destruction comes into play as users get priced out of the market. Doesn’t it make better sense to reduce the artificial demand dictated by government decree? Cut it in half,” VanDam said. Corn and soybeans aren’t the only feed prices going up. Dairy Profit Weekly reports that the whole cottonseed dry spell is expected to intensify in 2013, as competing crops threaten to cannibalize even more cotton acres in 2013. Cotton farmers planted 14 percent fewer cotton acres in 2012, said Tom Wedegaertner, director of agricultural research, Cotton Inc. “While a more ‘normal’ summer could produce more harvestable acres of cotton, and more cottonseed, we anticipate the amount of whole cottonseed available for dairies will remain flat compared to 2011.” If the USDA’s June 29 forecast of 17 million bales holds true, the crop could produce 5.7 million tons of cottonseed, of which 3 million tons would be available for feeding. By the way, Cotton Inc. now offers a Cottonseed Marketplace publication for farmers to receive periodic updates. Sign up for the Whole Cottonseed E-newsletter at www.wholecottonseed.com. Lee Mielke is a syndicated columnist who resides in Everson, Wash. His weekly column is featured in newspapers across the country and he may be reached at lkmielke@juno.com. ❖
39 A THE LAND, AUGUST 3, 2012
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40 A
This week’s Back Roads is the work of The Land Correspondent Richard Siemers
Boom town Jensen said. He cuts his own steaks and makes his own twicebaked potatoes and cole slaw, but describes the menu as your 21, but Bergen, Minn., (Pop. basic restaurant food. Still peo14) has a booming business ple drive a couple hundred miles district. Both businesses are and wait an hour to get in. highly touted. Bergen’s sign says it was Jay and Paulette Scott have established in 1895. There were operated Bergen more people around Meats since 1979, when U.S. Highand have won way 71 ran both state and through national awards the town. for their cuts of Paulette meat. They Scott says it process cattle and was once a hogs, and make “booming litall their tle town.” She can own sausage and recall bygone busicured meats, nesses like the gas seven kinds of station, grocery snack meats and store, post office a couple kinds of and blacksmith jerky. It’s a family shop. Her dad business that told her there draws from a wide would be area. 100 kids in The other town on draw in town is Friday and also a family business — the Bergen Bar & Saturday nights, watching outdoor movies. Grill. Steak has replaced movies on “We serve over 200 people on Friday and Saturday nights,” weekend nights. Bergen Meats and the Bergen Bar & Grill said Tait Jensen, who purhave made this crossroads a chased the Bergen Bar in 1996, expanded the menu with popular food destination. But what has people standing in steak and seafood and the long lines? Jensen’s description name to Bergen Bar & Grill, may be the best. and now watches the people “It’s a little bar in the middle pour in. On a typical weekend night of nowhere that has good food.” Bergen Meats is open Mondaypeople begin lining up outside Friday, 8 a.m.-noon and 1-5:30 the door 45 minutes before p.m. and Saturday 9-11 a.m. Their opening. When the door is opened at 5 o’clock, customers website is www.bergenmeats.com, with timely updates on Facebook. stream in until all space is filled (seats 48 to 50), and the Bergen Bar & Grill is open daily rest write their names on the for lunch 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. and for dinner 5-9 p.m. Sunday-Thurswaiting list and go back outday, 5-10 p.m. Friday and Saturside to sit on the deck. day. Closed holidays. ❖ “Steak is the No. 1 draw,”
t’s just a crossroads between IJackson Windom and Jackson, at County Roads 30 and
Bergen, Minn.
Do you have a Back Roads story suggestion? E-mail editor@TheLandOnline.com or write to Editor, The Land, P.O. Box 3169, Mankato, MN 56002.
AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: In case of rain, racks & household sold in machine shed. Thanks! Ziemer Auctioneers
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Donald Ziemer, Check our website: www.ziemerauctions.com for a complete auction bill. Lic. 34-07, ZIEMER AUCTION SERVICE New London, (320) 354-4329 20380 Co. Rd. 5 NW, New London, MN
Mark Ziemer, Lic. 34-46, New London, (320) 354-4312
• PO Box 3169 • 418 S 2nd Street • Mankato, MN 56001 • theland@thelandonline.com
FARM MISCELLANEOUS: (2) round bale feeders • round hog feeder • (5) cattle gates • 4”x20’ augers w/electric motor • lawn sprayer to mount on 4-wheeler • JD jack • platform scale • used tires • stock tanks • DeLaval milker pump • hyd. cylinders • Poulan chain saw • MTD riding lawn mower • Stihl O15L chain saw • Stihl brush cutter • forks • rakes • shovels • mauls • axes • 3rd members • sheets of used tin • misc traps • round wooden posts • rolls of fencing wire • fuel barrel on stand • gas weed ships • MURRAY 17 HP 46’ LAWN TRACTOR • For-Most A-25 cattle head gate 4-WHEELER • SNOWMOBILE: ‘01 Bombardier 4-wheeler 4x4 step-thru Traxter, front & back racks, windshield, 3000 miles • ‘91 Skidoo Formula Plus VIN: 375900067 VEHICLES: ‘03 Chevrolet LS extended cab 4x4 gas pickup, V8, automatic, 60,939 actual miles, VIN: 1GCEK19T93E269446 • ‘95 Buick Century V6, 3100 engine, automatic, 4 dr, good rubber, 94,500 actual miles GUNS: Browning A-5, 12 ga 3” automatic, made in Belgium, 726-95187 • Winchester model 37, 20 ga single shot • Winchester model 67, 22 SLLR, single shot • Winchester model 94, 30:30, lever action, SN:3659315 • Tristar model 390, 12 ga over/under • Stevens model 85, 22 SLR automatic w/scope • Daisy 880 power line 177 cal HOUSEHOLD, ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES too numerous to mention. See all the pictures in full color at: midwestauctions.com ziemerauctions.com
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
TRACTORS: White 6510 MFWD dsl, good cab, 18.4x30 radial rear rubber, 540/1000 PTO, 1243 hrs & Allied 595 True-Self leveling loader w/material bucket & bale fork (1-owner nice!) SN:127117 • Farmall 350 gas, NF, fast hitch, 13.6x36 rear rubber & Paulson trip bucket loader, SN: 10206 • Farmall H, gas, NF, 12.4x38 rear rubber, SN: 389745 • Farmall B, gas, w/Woods #59 belly mower (nice) SN: 143846 • Farmall 460, dsl., NF, fast hitch, 14.9x38, rear rubber, w/Mpls Moline loader, hyd. bucket & bale forks, SN: 5903 • Farmall H, gas, NF, 12.4x38 rear rubber, SN: 256736 • Gehl 3310 gas skidloader w/material bucket, 1737 hrs. MACHINERY: JD Van Brunt 10’ grain drill w/grass seeder on low rubber • NH #56 roll-a-bar rake • New Idea 4855 round baler (nice) SN: 16765 • Dakon 280 bu. gravity box on Harms 8-ton running gear • Stone boat • J&M 200 bu. gravity box on electric 7-ton running gear • potato digger • White 408 5-btm mounted AR plow • Ford 7’ 3 pt blade • MF 12’ pull chisel plow • Intl #100 fast hitch sickle mower • Lindsey 4 section drag on cart • Int’l 4R 3 pt cult. • drag sections • New Idea 3618 manure spreader w/poly floor (nice) • NH #80 3 pt bale fork • 8’ field cult. on low rubber, manual lift • IH corn binder (needs repair) • JD 12’ disc (parts or repair) • NH 325 manure spreader (parts or repair) • flare box on MN 7-ton running gear • flare box on 7-ton running gear • MN 7-ton running gear w/flat rack • JD 494A, 4RW corn planter • rock wagon w/hyd. lift • JD grain & bale elev. w/hopper • IH #45 vibra-shock 18.5’ w/mulcher • Oliver14’ tandem disc on wheels SHOP EQUIPMENT & TOOLS: Schumacher battery charger • socket sets • Lincoln 225 amp arc welder • air tank • portable air compressor • Handyman jack • log chains • pipe wrenches • Come-along • wrenches • misc. tools • 1/2” electric drill • battery charger • machinery jack • Knipco heater • extension cords • leg vise
The Following Described Property Will Be Sold At Farm Located: 2 mi. west and north of Long Prairie, MN, on Todd Co. Rd. 38, then 4.5 mi. west on Todd Co Rd 36, being 18241 Co Rd 36, Long Prairie, MN
S om m ers Mas on ry I n c ....................27A S oren s en S ales ................................22B S ou t h C en t ral S eed & C h em ical ........9A S ou t h w es t MN K- Fen ce ..................12A S t arr C ycle ......................................8A S t eele C ou n t y Free Fair ..................37A S t ef f es A u ct ion eers I n c ..............6B, 7B S u es s A u ct ion S ervice ......................4B S u n co Mark et in g ............................34A S yn gen t a ..........................................7A S yn t ex ............................................30A Ted s RV Lan d ................................17A Th e A m erican C om m u n it y ................4B Triad C on s t ru ct ion ........................29A Wagn er Tru ck s ..............................12A Was eca Mot or & Bearin gs ..............33A Wayne’s ..........................................21B Weard a I m p lem en t ..........................19B Wern er Farm S eed s ..........................8B Wes t b rook A g Pow er ........................8B Wes t m an Freigh t lin er ....................26A Wes t ru m Tru ck & Bod y I n c ............21B Wh it com b Brot h ers ........................20A Wick Bu ild in gs LLC ......................13A Wil R ich ........................................19A Willm ar Farm C en t er ......................10B Willm ar Precas t ..............................26A Wils on Trailer S ales ........................24A Win gert R ealt y & Lan d ....................3B Wood f ord A g LLC ..................16B, 22B Wood f ord Eq u ip m en t ......................11B Ziegler ..........................................14B Ziem er A u ct ion ................................1B Zierk e Bu ilt Mf G I n c ......................31A FA R MFES T A gri S ys t em s /S ys t em s Wes t ..............8F A lb ert Lea S eed h ou s e ........................3F Balzer Eq u ip m en t ............................4F Brok aw S u p p ly C o ..................12F, 27F C h ris t ian s on S ys t em s I n c ................24F C ou n t ry C at ....................................28F C ou rt lan d Was t e Han d lin g ..............28F C rys t eel Tru ck Eq u ip m en t ..............21F D airylan d S u p p ly ..............................9F D is t el Grain S ys t em s I n c ................16F D od a U S A I n c ................................14F Ed n ey D is t rib u t in g C o I n c ......12F, 30F Eid e Bailly A ccou n t in g ....................19F En es t ved t S eed C o ..........................23F En t ers Liq u id Fert ilizer I n c ............26F FEI Eas t ........................................16F GD F En t erp ris es I n c ......................19F Gib b on Tru ck S ales ........................22F Green En ergy Prod u ct s ..................13F Grizzly Bu ild in gs I n c ......................26F H H Fab ricat ion ..............................31F Hew it t D rain age Eq u ip m en t ........4F, 5F Hit ch D oc ......................................17F Holt Tru ck C en t er ..........................24F Hu gh es A u ct ion S ervice LLC ............6F K & S Millw righ t s ..........................11F Klob u ch ar f or Min n es ot a ................23F Mas s ey Fergu s on ............................10F Min n es ot a S oyb ean ..........................8F MN Farm Bu reau Fed erat ion ..........32F Mu s t an g S eed ..................................20F N A PA A u t o Part s ............................29F N ord aas A m erican Hom es ................22F N ort h lan d Farm S ys t em s ..................2F Prid e S olu t ion s ..............................24F Prof it Pro ........................................22F R am Bu ild in gs ................................23F R ed w ood Met al Work s ....................14F S om s en Mu eller ................................6F S t ar Trailer S ales I n c ......................18F S t in e S eed ......................................25F U n it ed Prairie Ban k ........................20F Wayn es I n c ....................................31F Wh it e Plan t ers ................................15F
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Donald Andersen Estate, Owner • Sharon Vergin, P.R. • Saturday • August 18 • 10 AM
A g D i st ri b u t i n g . . . . . .........................19A A g S t a r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..........................11A A rn o l d C o m p a n i es In c ............12B, 13B B i g G a i n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .........................23A B o b B u rn s S a l es & Service ..............15B B o ss S u p p l y In c . . . . . . ..........................6A B ro sk o f f S t ru ct u res ........................10A B u ck ey s S a l es & S ervice ..................18B B u t t erf i el d T h resh i n g S h ow ............26A C & C R o o f i n g . . . . . . ..........................12A C a rl so n W h o l esa l e I n c ....................34A C l a y s C a t t l e Tri m m in g ....................12A C o u n t ry S i d e H o m e s ......................35A C u rt’s Tru ck & D i esel S ervice ........21A D & D A g S u p p l y . . . .........................35A D a v e S y v erso n Tru ck C en t ers ..........37A D et k e Mo rb a c . . . . . . . ...........................9B D i ers A g S u p p l y . . . . ..........................36A D o u b l e B Ma n u f a ct u rin g ................25A D u n ca n Tra i l ers L LC ......................21B E m erso n K a l i s . . . . . . ..........................15B E x cel si o r H o m es Wes t I n c ................4A F a b er B u i l d i n g & S u p p lies ..............33A F a ct o ry H o m e C en t er I n c ..................6A F a n t i n i N o rt h A m erican ..................30A F a rm D ra i n a g e P l o ws I n c ................18B F a st D i st ri b u t i n g . . . .........................20A F o rm A F eed . . . . . . . . . .........................10A F ru n d t F ru n d t J o h ns on ....................2B G eh l i n g Im p l em en t & A u ct ion ..........3B G i sl a so n & H u n t er . .........................16A G reen w a l d F a rm C en t er ..................10B H a l l A u ct i o n S erv i c e ........................5B H a ro l d S w a n so n E q u ip m en t ..............8B H a u g Im p l em en t . . ..........................14B Isa a cso n Im p l em en t C o I n c ............16B J a n esv i l l e Tire S ervice ....................36A J a y co x Im p l em en t In c ....................21B K eep ers RV C en t er ........................15A K ei t h B o d e. . . . . . . . . . . . . .........................15B K e l t g e n Tires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 A K erk h o f f A u ct i o n & R eal Es t at e ..2B, 4B K i est er Im p l em en t ..........................22B K o h l s Weel b o rg F o rd ......................23B Lager’s of Mankato ........................23A L a n o E q u i p m en t - N orw ood ..............9B L a n o E q u i p m en t - S h ak op ee ............27A L a rso n B ro t h ers Im p lem en t ......8B, 11B L a w n s A re U s . . . . . . . ...........................8A L o f t n ess Mf g . . . . . . . . . .........................28A M J H y d ro st a t i cs . . . .........................24A M S D i v ersi f i ed . . . . ..........................19B Ma g es A u ct i o n S ervice ..........3B, 4B, 5B Ma n k a t o Im p l em en t ........................16B Ma sso p E l ect ri c . . . . . .........................22B Ma t ej cek Im p l em en t ......................24B Mel C a rl so n C h ev ro let I n c ..............22A Mi d w est Ma ch i n ry Co ............18B, 19B Mike’s Collision . . . . ..........................15A N ef f C o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..........................17B N o rt h ern A g S erv i ce ........................16B N o rt h ern In su l a t i o n Prod u ct s ..........36A N o rt h l a n d B u i l d i n g I n c ....................9A N o rt h st a r G en et i cs LT D ..................18A P i o n eer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...........................3A P o et B i o ref i n i n g . . . ...........................7B P reu ss E l ev a t o r . . . . . .........................22B P ri d e S o l u t i o n s . . . . ..........................10B P ro f i t P ro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .........................30A R a b e In t ern a t i o n a l I n c ....................11B R i t t er A g In c . . . . . . . . ..........................14A R i v ersi d e Tire . . . . . . . .........................25A R o o n ey A u ct i o n . . . . ............................7B Ry erso n A u ct i o n s . . . ...........................1B S ch w ei ss In c . . . . . . . . . .........................14B S i l v er S t rea m S h el t e rs ....................38A S i l v erst rea m - S ch i llin g ....................9A S m i t h s Mi l l Im p l em en t I n c ................9B S n el l Mo t o rs In d o o r A u t o C en t er ......5A
1 B
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Where Farm and Family Meetâ&#x20AC;?
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2 B
010 Employment
Real Estate
Be An Auctioneer & ADVERTISING NOTICE: Central MN Personal Property Please check your ad the Business Opportunity first week it runs. We make Appraiser Meat Processing Business every effort to avoid errors Continental Auction Schools Newer Building & Equip. by checking all copy, but Mankato, MN & Ames, IA By Broker Call sometimes errors are 507-625-5595 320-250-5391 missed. Therefore, we ask www.auctioneerschool.com that you review your ad for Central MN Farm/Land correctness. If you find a Earn $75,000/yr Part Time 144 acres Bare Land. mistake, please call (507) 120 Acre Farm With, in the livestock or equip345-4523 immediately so Lakeshore On Good ment appraisal business. that the error can be corFishing Lake, Nice Home Agricultural background rected. We regret that we & More By Broker Call required. Classroom or cannot be responsible for 320-250-5391 home study courses more than one week's inavailable. Good Quality Investment sertion if the error is not 800-488-7570 Farms for sale SW MN. 80called to our attention. We 400 acres. Northwestern cannot be liable for an Farm Management C. Broamount greater than the ker. Marshall, MN 507-532cost of the ad. THE LAND Herdscouple w/ many years 5120 Land@nfmco.com has the right to edit, reject experience & familiar w/ all www.nfmco.com or properly classify any ad. aspects of dairy farming Each classified line ad is looking for position on a Sell your land or real estate separately copyrighted to farm for one or both. in 30 days for 0% commisTHE LAND. Reporduction (715) 530-1168 or sion. Call Ray 507-339-1272 without permission is fallcreek5@aol.com or reply strictly prohibited. to: CP102, P.O. Box 570, We have extensive lists of Eau Claire, WI 54702 Land Investors & farm buyers throughout MN. We alPosition available on hog farways have interested buyrowing farm, experience w/ ers. For top prices, go with farm animals required. our proven methods over New Prague MN thousands of acres. 612-756-0198 or 952-292-9915 Serving Minnesota Mages Land Co & Auc Serv www.magesland.com 800-803-8761
Real Estate
020 Antiques & Collectibles
3 B
rental opportunity in the 031 following counties: NICOL- Hay & Forage Equip LET, SIBLEY, BROWN, BLUE EARTH, & LE 970 16' Gehl silage wagon, SUEUR. Will fairly negotiWestendorf single axle runate & pay competitive rent. ning gear; 1050 16' Badger Pat 507-995-1364 silage wagon, tandem axle. Both wagons above average WANTED: Land & farms. I cond. $3,500/ea. 507-220-1051 have clients looking for or 507-227-5588 dairy, & cash grain operations, as well as bare land FOR SALE: Gehl WR320 10 parcels from 40-1000 acres. wheel V-rake, 3 pt hookup. Both for relocation & in320-847-2519 vestments. If you have even thought about selling contact: Paul Krueger, Farm & Land Specialist, Edina Realty, SW Suburban Office, 14198 Commerce Ave NE, Prior Lake, MN 55372.
Wednesday, August 15, 2012 - 10:30 A.M. Steve Wilke • 83314 400th Street • Lewisville, MN Location: From Truman - 5 miles North on Hwy. 15, then East 14⁄10 miles on 400th St.
Live online bidding available - www.gehlinglive.com
TUESDAY - AUGUST 14TH, 2012 - 10:30 A.M. 17280 CTY. RD. 27 - NEW ULM, MN DIRECTIONS: FROM NEW ULM GO 2 MILES WEST ON CTY. RD. 27 Machinery Preview August 11th, 9:30-11 a.m., or 2 Hours before the start of the Sale
Note: Sellers and seller’s agents have provided information to the best of their knowledge. This is a guide. Information provided the day of the auction takes precedence over any written material. Auctioneer has the right to run the sale however best serves the seller.
ALAN BRANDEL ESTATE Auctioneer: Matt Mages • 507-276-7002 • Lic. # 08-12-006 Auctioneers: Larry Mages - Lafayette • Joe Maidl - Lafayette • John Goelz - Franklin • Joe Wersal - Winthrop Clerk: Mages Land Co. & Auction Service LLC - All Items Sold “As Is” - Not Responsible for Accidents - Restroom & Lunch Available on site.
For a complete listing and photos go to www.gehlingauction.com email: gehling@gehlingauction.com, or call Steve - 507-276-1767, or Gehling Auction - 1-800-770-0347 Terms: Cash or Good Check day of sale AUCTIONEERS: Gehling Auction Co. Denny Brusse - 230-5009 Ron Gehling - 230-5012 Matt Gehling - 230-5014
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
tank; Sureflo 2 ring hog feeders; JD 350 flite elev. w/PTO; (2) Hay conveyors; Gehl Hi-throw silage blower. Vehicles: ‘84 Charger, 2-dr. hatchback, auto., A/C, 96K mi.; ‘78 Military Dodge pickup, 4x4 w/gas 360 eng.; ‘76 Ford 1T 4x4 van; Bed liners; Tool box. Guns: Rem. 10-12 ga.; Stevens breach load single shot 12 ga.; Kmart 151-410 single shot; Winchester 94 lever action 30-30, Ser# 293521; Ruger 22 cal. auto. pistol, Ser.# 14-66012; Ruger 22 cal. long Mark 1 auto. pistol, Ser.# 15-21984; Rem. 742 Woodmaster 30-06; Springfield semi-auto. w/4-9 pwr. Weaver scope; Moser Action 22250 hvy. barrel custom, bolt action w/Weaver Microtrak scope; Rem. 721 bolt action 270 w/3x9 Weaver Microtrak scope. Guns & Sporting Equipment: Redfield 12x static scope; Weaver scope w/mnt.; Weaver Challenger 3-9 pwr. scope; Aimpointe electronic Mark III sight; Gun cleaning kits; Nice assortment of gun equipment; Kawasaki street bike motorcycle seat cover; Gas fish house stove; Old horse saddle & harness; Fire Arms buyers must have valid drivers license; Pistol buyers must have valid “permit to purchase.” Tools & Miscellaneous: Winpower 6PT2 PTO gen., single phase 6.5 kw; Brunner 150 lb. air compressor; Case eng.; 8x10 & 8x16 mtd. insulated OH garage doors; 10 hp. single phase motor w/hyd. pump; Hyd. hoist; Load of shop tools; Jacks; Chains; Platform scale; Implement, tractor & truck tires; REA poles; Steel posts; Sump pump; Misc. iron; Fuel barrel on stand; Metal 15’ chimney. Antiques, Collectibles, Toys & Glassware, Furniture & Household
TRACTORS: ‘09 JD 9430, 417 hrs., PS, 800/70R38; ‘10 8225 R, MFWD, 333 hrs., IVT, 380/90R50 w/duals; ‘10 6330, 2-whl., 111 hrs., PQ, 420/85R34; ‘69 Ford 5000, gas,, 18.4x34 • COMBINE: ‘09 JD 9670STS, 230 sep./339 eng. hrs., CM, G.S. & A.T. ready, chopper, 520/85R38 w/duals; ‘09 JD 608C w/K.R., H.D.P; ‘09 JD 630F, hydra flex; (2) Head Trailers • PLANTER: ‘12 JD 1770NT, 16R30”, CCS, w/liquid fert., 500 gal. tank, planted 933 acres • GREEN STAR EQUIPMENT: JD 2600 Display, Starfire ITC dome • TILLAGE EQUIPMENT: CIH 200 Tigermate, 461⁄2’ field cultivator w/harrow & blade type rolling basket; CIH MRX690, 7x30, 171⁄2’ ripper; CIH 4300, 53’ field cultivator, used as bean ground tillage tool; CIH 181MT, 40’ rotary hoe; ‘11 JD 200, 41’ seed bed finisher • GRAIN HANDLING EQUIP.: Demco 650 grain cart; (2) Brent 744 gravity boxes w/455/55R22.5 Michelin; Westfield WR100-61 auger; Feterl 10x34 auger • MISCELLANEOUS EQUIP.: Top Air TA116, 1600 gal. sprayer; 2000 gal. poly tank on 13-ton gear; 1000 gal. poly tank; Gnuse, 3 pt. 10’ forklift; CIH 40, 8’ 3 pt. blade; Woods MD184, 3 pt. 7’ rotary cutter; IH & JD planter units • TRUCK: ‘88 GMC 5500, 110,584 mi., 366 propane, very clean • LAWN & GARDEN: ‘08 JD 2520, MFWD, 115 hrs., dsl., hoist w/72” deck; Cub Cadet 55 hp. walk-behind 22’ snowblower; JD PR3400 pressure washer w/Honda eng.; Lawn sprayers & spreader • COLEMAN 17’ CANOE • Assortment of Miscellaneous Spare Tires • Miscellaneous Parts & Attachments • Speed Hitches • Assortment of Shop Equipment & Tools
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Tractors & Combines: JD 9600, jump seat cab, hold tank ext., chopper, 5608 hrs., & 3423 sep. hrs.; JD 930 bean head; JD 10x22 cornhead; JD pick-up head; JD 4640, hyd. frt. whl. assist, quad shift, trip. hyd.; JD 4320 w/cab, dual hyd., 9130 hrs.; JD 2510, WF, syncro, dual hyd.; JD 620 NF, dual hyd. pwr. steer.; Farmall B Cult-a-vision, NF w/belly mower; ‘41 JD B styled w/fenders; (4) JD 14.9R-46 rims & tires; JD 6600 hydro combine for parts w/good eng.; 2x handmade head trailer; JD quick hitch; 34” & 38” band duals; 34” & 38” sets of tire chains. Field Machinery & Grain Equipment: Balzer 1400 stalk chopper; JD 7100 14x22 planter, 3 pt. mt., assist. wheels, monitor, corn & bean units; JD 8300 drill; (2) JD 1350-1450 5-bottom plow; Glencoe 6shank chisel plow; JD 1000 28’ field cult.; JD Westgo 14x22 cult.; AC tandem disk; Single disk w/wings; 3 pt., 1-row planter; (2) 250 gravity boxes on gear; Westfield gravity box on gear; Parker gravity box on gear; Kilbros gravity box on gear; (2) MN barge boxes w/hyd. hoist; SnoCo screener; 8x50 SnoCo auger, PTO; Koyker Super 85 8x70 auger, PTO; 6x20 auger, elec.; Grain bin floor; Poly planter plates; Misc. JD parts; JD 3 pt. digger for parts; (3) Steel tooth drag sections; Hitches & Axles. Livestock/Dairy & Hay Equipment: ‘10 Werkmeister 20’ feed wagon; NH 195 manure spreader, tandem axle, slop gate & single beater; Keifer steel trailer; NH 268 Hayliner baler; NH 489 haybine w/cond.; Handmade round bale trailer, heavy duty; JD flail chopper; JD 5 semimt. sickle mower; Sunmaster stalk chopper; NH 55 side rake; SS bulk tank, approx. 800 gal. w/vac. unit & Boumatic pump; SS 500 gal. bulk
Selling or Buying Farms 1959 541 Offset Ford, with cultivator, mint condition, or 1031 Exchange! $10,000. 712-297-9926 Private Sale or Sealed Bid Auction! Call “The Land Specialists!” FOR SALE: 1939 IH Parts Tractor. (715)983-5762 Northland Real Estate 612-756-1899 or 320-894-7337 FOR SALE: JD model 44 2www.farms1031.com 14 hyd lift plow, very nice cond, lots of new parts, new Real Estate Wanted 021 tires & rims, w/ original style JD cylinder & D Family farming operation clutcher, $850; JD F350 hyd looking to add the next genre-set plow, 4-16 w/ coulters eration to expand & keep & gauge wheels, $850. growing. Seeking tillable 320-630-7456 farmland for long term
Hay & Forage Equip
4 B
FOR SALE: NH hay liner, 273, small square baler w/ 54A thrower, $3,350/OBO. 507-461-1828
Hay & Forage Equip
TRACTORS, COMBINES, FARM MACHINERY, GRAIN & LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT & TOOLS Thursday, August 9th, 2012 – 10:30 AM 57585 - 446th St • New Ulm, MN Directions: From State Hwy 14/15 Int. north of New Ulm, take Hwy 14E 3 miles to 446th St, then turn left on the gravel road to the top of the hill. Tractors, Combines & Heads: ‘77/’78 JD 4430 pwr shift, dual hyd w/pwr beyond, AC, quick hitch, dual lift assist on 3 pt, hub duals, JD cab, 6460 hrs; ‘65 Farmall 706, WF, gas, dual hyd w/Schwartz loader & bucket, heat houser; ‘83 IH 1460 Ax-flow comb, D, elec controls, reel to grnd, stone trap, hopper ext, chopper, cab, AC, 4600 hrs; ‘78 IH 1460 Ax-flow comb, D, “mud hog” rear assist, 500 hrs on remaining eng, AC & PTO is out; Case IH 1063 6RW-30 cornhead w/tall corn shld; CIH 1020, 20’ bean head, rock plate, 3” sickle sect & guards, new in 2011; 3 pt head mover; spare combine radiator; 18.4x34 or 38 road chains; 18.4x34 IH hub duals; 2-11.00x16 comb tires & rims; Grain Trucks: ‘79 IH F1924 S series cab, twin screw, 446 gas eng, 5x2 trans, air brakes, 21’ Loftness steel box & hoist, 700 bu cap, Shurlok roll tarp, 3 pc endgate, 163K mi; ‘78 IH 1700 sng ax, 16’ Road King wood box & hoist, tires & brakes, 404 gas eng, 5x2 trans; ‘72 IH Cargo Star tand w/elec lift, 20’ Pankhurst steel box & hoist, 392 gas eng, 5x2 trans, rear endgate/removable rear hitch; ‘67 IH 1800 twin screw 16’ steel box & hoist, 392 gas eng, 5x3 trans, 3 pc endgate; ‘67 IH 1800 twin screw 18’ Schwartz wood box & hoist 345 gas eng, str 5 spd trans, air brakes, not running, for parts; 2100x20 tires & rims; 42” full wood endgate for Road King box; steel truck, endgate; Farm Machinery & Equipment: CIH 40.5 Tiger Mate II, trip fold, 4 bar drag, walking tand field cult; CIH 955 Cyclo Air, 12RW 30 vert fold mnt planter w/trash whips & perform center monitor; CIH 183 12RW 30, flat fold cult, V-shk w/shields; Imperial 6RW30, danish, cult w/shields; Demco-Conquest
sprayer 60’x-frm boom, 1100 gal tank, foamer, TJet 244 monitor, all hyd; JD 27, 15’ stalk chop PT; JD 510-7 shk disk ripper; DMI Turbo-Tiger II, 5 shk ripper w/disk leveler in rear; Lahman skidsteer w/Koehler 20 hp gas eng, cage, hydro, dirt & grapple/fork bucket; Ford 197, 6’ offset flail mower; tractor 3 pt backhoe; pallet of digger Cshanks to fit 4900 ser fld cult & others; Owatonna 560 stacker for parts; 2 quick hitches for Cat-2; mountable pallet forks for bucket; 450, 1100 & 1500 gal poly water tanks; transfer pump & induction tank; 2-set of cult-a-visions; 2-550 gal skid fuel tanks w/elec pumps; brackets for IH 2250 loader; pick-up cushion hitch; 3 & 7 hp motors; Dynamark 1036 trac mower for parts; Grain & Livestock Equipment: Farm Fans 190, cont flow dryer w/18’ loading auger & 5 hp motor; Lowry 22 bu dump pit w/3 hp motor, cover & cement; SnoCo 8x61 PTO auger; Feterl 6x52 stirrable auger w/elec 5 hp motor on transport; Speed King 8x60 auger w/10 hp elec motor; 4” transfer auger; 30’ bin sweep w/motor; 4-cement H bunks; round bale feeder; 4T Pax bulk bin w/unload auger & 2-slates to mount; 5-16’ heavy cattle gates; steel posts; woven wire fence; plastic snow fence; stock tank; platform scales; Jet Co PTO; elec fence winder; Shop Items: load of shop tools; S-Cam elec pressure washer w/hose & nozzle; 30T shop press; overhead chain hoist w/steel rolling frame; Assorted Antiques & Household Note: Sellers and seller’s agents have provided information to the best of their knowledge. This is a guide. Information provided the day of th auction takes precedence over any written material.
OWNER: BRAD & JAN ECKSTEIN 507-276-4627 Auctioneers: Joe Maidl 507-276-7749 Auctioneers: Matt Mages, New Ulm; Larry Mages, Lafayette; John Goelz, Franklin; Joe Wersal-Winthrop Clerk: Mages Land Co. and Auction Service LLC. Terms: All Items sold “AS IS’ Not Responsible for Accidents. Preview 1 hour before Sale. Restroom Available on site.
farm misc., tools, & more!
Open Monday - Friday from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm Consignments welcome sale morning View full listing, photos, & late consignments on our website at: suessauction.com OR at midwestauction.com
<< www.TheLandOnline.com >>
Hay & Forage Equip
Grain Handling Equip
JD 458 Silage Special Round NH BB940A Big Square '05 GSI 1226 dryer, 3 phase, Baler 5,200 bales. Auto Baler. 10,000 bales. Roto low-hour, excellent condichain oiler. 2 yrs old. Like Cut. Very good cond. tion, 1200bu/hr@5pt. Can innew cond. 920-324-4069 920-324-4069 clude phase converter. 507-995-9699 JD 780 swather 10' draper 033 head, exc. cond., always Bins & Buildings '07 Mauer Grain Hopper, shedded. $1375 obo. (715) electric, tarp. $12,500. Barn roofing Hip or round 778-5092 or (715)781-1825 641-425-9070 roof barns & other buildN.I. 484 Round baler. Good ings. Also barn & quonset belts, shedded, field ready. straightening. Kelling Silo 2-8” Sukup power sweep for Manual electric tie. $3,000 42' bin w/7½ hp motor; 11-800-355-2598 or best offer. (608) 685-3111 20,000 bu. bin, complete w/floor, unload & fan. 507NH BB940A big square baler. FOR SALE: (1) 3200 bu 697-6133 or 507-649-7167 Behlen hopper bin; (1) 1600 10,000 bales, Roto cut. Very bu Behlen hopper bin. good cond. 920-324-4069 320-286-2222 20,000 bu. bins, $7,000 ea.; H&S Linewrapper bale wrapper. Wraps rounds + NH HW365 self propelled dis18,000 bu. bin, $6,800; 14,000 cbine, 18' head, 201 hrs., FOR SALE: Stormor 12,000 squares. Very good Cond. bu. bin, $5,200; 10,000 bu. bu bin w/ 8” unload & full $75,000; NH 252 pivot $14,500. 920-324-4069 bin, $3,400; 4,000 bu. bins, floor EZ-dryer system less tongue w/ NH 258 & JD 660 $1,250 ea.; some floors JD 458 Silage Special Round fan & burner, still standing, 9 1/2' bar rakes, triple rubavailable; approx. 4,000 Baler 5,200 bales. Auto you take down & move. ber teeth. Pull both rakes new floor supports, $2.00 chain oiler. 2yrs. old. Like$4,000/OBO. Call 320-522together. $5,500. ea.; large amount of used new cond. 920-324-4069 0704 715-296-2162 28” fan & transitions. 507-697-6133 Kasten 14' forage box, nice; Versatile model 10 pull type GSI grain bin, 48', 11 ring, www.usedbinsales.com Farmhand 14' forage box; swather 15', hume & bat equipped w/ new full floor, reels, very good, always JD 24T chute baler; 16' & unload w/ power sweep, 20' bale elev.; 34' & 40' bale shedded, used little. $400; 10hp, cent fan, roof auger, Brent 644, green, train wagon, mint cond., used only 2 elev. on cart; extra SnoCo Hay or swath fluffer. Genpkg price w/out concrete, seasons, $15,000 firm; sections; 5T & 6T running tly picks up & moves swath $65,250. Call 320-630-8403 Parker 4800 grav. box, 528 gears; Owatonna 40' elev. to dry ground. Made from bu., w/16.5x22.5 truck tires, w/gas engine. 320-864-4583 6 belt Melroe pickup. $300. SILO DOORS must see to apprec., $7,750, or 320-779-4583 Call 320-246-3480 evenings Wood or steel doors shipped both sheded 320-238-2269 promptly to your farm • AUCTION • AUCTION • AUCTION • AUCTION • AUCTION • AUCTION • stainless fasteners FOR SALE:Used grain bins, hardware available. floors unload systems, sti(800)222-5726 rators, fans & heaters, aerLandwood Sales LLP ation fans, buying or selling, try me first and also Steel ag building to be taken SAT., AUGUST 11th • 9:30 AM • RACINE, MN call for very competitive down, 40'x250', wood contract rates! Office LOCATED: 15 miles So. of Rochester, MN on Hwy. 63 rafters, steel ceiling. 507hours 8am-5pm Monday – 381-4316 Huge auction featuring antique tractors, Friday Saturday 9am - 12 Stormor Bins & EZ-Drys. noon or call 507-697-6133 machinery, & toys, plus a full consignment of 100% financing w/no liens Ask for Gary or red tape, call Steve at tractors, skid loaders, combines, Fairfax Ag for an appointhay & forage equip., tillage, livestock equip., ment. 888-830-7757 • AUCTION • AUCTION • AUCTION • AUCTION • AUCTION • AUCTION • AUCTION •
FOR SALE: NH 855 round baler; NH 851 round baler; NH 90 3pt lg bale handler; JD 95 combine & bean head for parts. These are all workable units. Make offer. 763-682-1257 or 763-226-4783
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
Hay & Forage Equip
FOR SALE: H&S HD 7+4 FOR SALE: NH 269 small square baler, clean, $1,500. 16'; H&S super 7+4 16'; 320-286-5679 Gehl 1200 chopper; HA1210 hay head; TR3038 corn- FOR SALE: PF240 NH chophead; Gehl 1560 Forage per w/large hay head & blower. All shedded & in 3R30” cornhead, has metal good shape. 507-525-2007 alert & tandem tires, reconditioned, all in exc. cond., FOR SALE: JD 5400-5830 field ready. 507-524-3695 or and 6000 series forage har507-340-1291 vesters. Used kernel processors, also, used JD 40 H&S 22' 7+4HD No roof Forage boxes On 617, 17T tanknife Dura-Drums, and dem gears conveyor ext. 3 drum conversions for 5400 yrs old. Very good cond. and 5460. Call (507)427-3520 $16,500 each 920-324-4069 www.ok-enterprise.com
They want how much to sell your Farm?? We have sold thousands of acres using proven methods throughout MN at commissions that are often half that of other companies
Wonderful 5 Acre Building Site, perfect for horses/livetock, 3 bedroom rambler w/updates, $114,900, additional 5 adjacent acres available for sale at $30,000 • 57821 300th St, Winthrop, MN 10 Acre Rural Residence: All new since 2001, 3 bedroom home & amazing 36x64 shop/utility building w/office, now $379,900 • 58638 382nd St., Lafayette, MN 4.5 Acre Horse Ready Hobby Farm, beautiful 3 bedroom home, spacious & charming w/large attached garage, new roof & updated septic. Shed currently set up for horses, $99,900 • 64340 220th St., Gibbon, MN
Mages Land Co. & Auction Service
Wednesday, August 15, 2012 - 9:30 a.m. LOCATED: Kerkhoff Auction Center, 1500 Bridge St., Redwood Falls, MN 56283
30 Acres More or Less Located in Section 24 of Three Lakes Township, Redwood County Parcel # 69-024-1020 FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: Doug Kerkhoff - 507-829-6859 or Doug@KerkhoffAuction.com TERMS: Successful bidder is required to enter into a purchase agreement and pay a $30,000 non-refundable down payment the day of auction. Balance is due with certified funds on or before September 28, 2012, the date of closing. A buyers premium to apply. Buyer is able to enter the land prior to closing if needed. New buyer to plow back the land after crops have been removed. Possession will be after the 2012 crops have been removed. Seller to pay real estate taxes on the 2012 tax statement and buyer to pay thereafter. Seller to survey if needed. Seller to retain all 2012 rents. All information is obtained from reliable sources, however, the auctioneers or agents do not accept responsibility for information presented, as it is the buyer’s responsibility to verify information.
1500 Bridge Street Redwood Falls, MN 56283 507-644-8433 Office
Grain Handling Equip
Farm Implements
035 Farm Implements
(7) Gravity Wagons, 275 – 650 bu, (2) 800 Ford utilities, PS, 40hp; IH 560, H, Massey 33, WF, LPTO, Case 1825 skid, nice. Mowers: JD 350, 420 rider. 6' 3pt finishing mower. Plows: JD 4 btm IH 8 btm, Allied 57' auger. Plus more. Peterson Equipment New Ulm 507-276-7657 or 7658
FOR SALE: '10 CIH 7088, 580 eng 441 sep hrs, RT, C, FT, duals. $189,500. '10 CIH 2020 30' head, $22,900. '08 CIH 385 710x38 duals, 1190 hrs, $179,500. '10 CIH 305 Magnum, 19spd, PS, suspended axle, deluxe cab 480x50 tires, 1,085 hrs, $169,500. 320-894-8791
035 Farm Implements
035 Farm Implements
035 Farm Implements
035 Farm Implements
Feterl Grain Cleaner. 57' JD FOR SALE: H&S 16' super FOR SALE: IH 820 20' bean FOR SALE: JD 329 dsl 6 cyl FOR SALE: MF 750 combine 7+4 silage box w/ 10T wagengine out of a 6600 comw/ 6R cornhead, $3,000. MF head, Poly pads, 3” cut, Bale Conveyor w/ hangers. on right hand unload; EZ bine, tires & rims: 23.1-26 #15 grinder/mixer, $700. 507-330-0421 715-671-3142 trail 230 bu gravity box w/ at 70%, 11.00-16SL at 75%. 507-649-1944 FOR SALE: JD 12R 7200 8T wagon; '95 Jamboree 21' Call 320-221-1984 FOR SALE: '05 JD 120 stalk FOR SALE: Parts or whole, vacuum planter, liq starter, motor home w/ 8400 miles. chopper; also '02 JD 925 MF 655, 755 swathers, hy2 piston pumps, Keeton FOR SALE: JD 8640, loaded, 320-395-2207 grain flex platform. 507-340drostatic pumps, hay seed firmer, spike trash new 50 Series motor, exc 2937 crimpers, good to exc. FOR SALE: Houle 3 yr old whls & closing whls, herb tractor w/ duals, very good cond., $600 OBO each. 50742' Trail Ag pump for laboxes, $16,500; Hiniker 5000 shape, must see, field FOR SALE: '11 JD 2210 field 381-3298 goon & 42' agitation unit. 12R30” cult, has rolling ready, $28,000; Glencoe cult, 58 ½', 4 bar harrow, '91 7300 gal Houle liquid shields, heavy NH3 hitch & 3500 field cult, 30' w/ 7” H+S 22' 7+4HD No roof Forknock on sweeps, exc cond, tank w/ disk. For more deshutoff valve, $4,750. 507age Boxes on 617, 17T tansweeps, walking tandems always shedded. $62,500. tails please call 507-391-0098 525-4350 dem gears Conveyor Ext. 3 all around, factory 4 bar 507-847-4519 or 507-841-0506 or 507-874-3424 yrs old. Very good cond. tine drag, very nice, always FOR SALE: JD 2020 tractor, $16,500/ea 920-324-4069 shedded, field ready, $3,600. FOR SALE: 1680 CIH com- FOR SALE: IH 720 auto renew engine, w/ loader. 507-273-4666 bine, 8RN poly 1083 CH; 964 set 5-16 plow, exc; Killbros Husqvarna CRT53 R tine $8,500. Bobcat 743 skidloadCIH, 6RW CH; 8RN poly 385 box w/ ext & 1280 runtiller. 5.5HP industrial pwr er, $7,500. (2) Parker boxes FOR SALE: Loader for 3000 Massey, elec adjustning gear, exc; also, headBriggs & Stratton CRT53, Massey Harris Mustang, w/ JD gears, $1,000 & ment, big A floater; 175 er trailer, nice. 320-492-4630 $400/OBO. 515-955-1462 $200/OBO. 651-686-8247 $2,000. 507-330-3945 Michigan loader; 708 & 706 narrow CH; 3300 Hiniker cult; 10x91 Westfield auger; 4994 CIH tr, 450HP. White plows & parts; (10) JD plow coulters. 507-3805324
5 B THE LAND, AUGUST 3, 2012
FOR SALE: Feterl auger (2) Universal grain legs, 55' tall, 2000 bph; '37 JD trac10”x66', w/ swing hopper, tor, 2R cult. & mechanical very good cond. 507-276-3498 lift, partly restored. 507-327Kinze 640 grain cart, rollover 6663 tarp, always shedded, 24x60 Machine Shed to be small farm, $17,500/OBO. moved or torn down. Steel 515-408-3122 roof & siding, $500/OBO. MK 1371 auger, good cond., 515-490-9780 $7,500; 20' Howell conveyor, gear reduction drive $850; Drago 830 chopping head, plastic snoots, hay trash 20'x8” Westfield auger, like reel, 2400 acres, $45,000. new, $500; 8” unload 36' 515-570-0155 bin, complete, $550; Neco spreader, $475. 507-828-3396 DRY SUMMER SALE!! NECO dbl. drum grain New Rhino 20 Ft #FR240 Flex-Wing Cutter (Loaded), screener, exc. cond. 50720 Ft List $30,855, Sale 828-1036 $22,989 OR New #FR180 Walinga 7614 grain vac, 7” Flex-Wing Cutter (Loaded), machine, 4000 bph, pre15 Ft List $22,051 Sale cleaner, hyd. boom lift & $16,499. Both Units Have rotation, dual inlets, 35' 250HP Front Gear Box, hose, used very little, Wing & Center 210HP. $21,900. 320-523-1099 Dealer-Deliver Anywhere. 319-347-6282 Let It Ring Farm Implements 035
FOR SALE: Brent 876 grain cart, tarp, scale, 30.5x32 tires, exc cond, always shedded, $26,000. 507-847-4519 or 507-841-0506
FOR SALE: Case IH 2166, fully equipped; '99 MX270, FWA, deluxe cab; KanSun 1021 210 corn dryer. 507-695-2373
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THURSDAY UGUST 16TH, 2012 - 10:00 A.M. 54054 FORT RD. - NEW ULM, MN DIRECTIONS: FROM KLOSSNER (N OF NEW ULM ON ST. HWY. 15), TAKE CTY. RD. 5 (FORT RD.) - APPROX. 3 MI. E, LOOK FOR SIGN Floor model grindstone; Bench model drill press; Craftsman bench model metal cut saw; Craftsman wood lathe; Sears table saw. Lawn, Yard & Garden Equipment: Snapper NXT 23 hp. lawn tractor w/46” deck; Allied 8’, 2-stage PTO snowblower w/adj. spout; MF 3 pt. grader blade; Royobi weed whip, like new; Homelite chainsaw; Garden tools; Well pipe; (2) 500 gal. fuel tanks w/elec. pumps; 300 gal. fuel tank. Chicken/Livestock Items: Lloyd’s Cooler Door & compressor (to build cooler room); (2) Chicken gas brooders; 6-Trough chicken feeders; Wood chick crates; Chicken catcher; Several 60 bu. PAX feeders. Farm Related Antiques & Miscellaneous: Clipper fanning mill; Hand corn sheller; Steel wheel windrow fluffer; Milk cans; Old water bucket; Britchen horse work harness; Scythe; Cloth seed sacks; Piles of iron; Fire wood; Used lumber.
Note: Sellers and seller’s agents have provided information to the best of their knowledge. This is a guide. Information provided the day of the auction takes precedence over any written material.
Home Phone: 507-956-3671 – Cell Phone: 507-380-7518 • 361st LN. BUTTERFIELD, MN
Ken Biel - Personal Rep. • 320-493-0759 Auctioneer: Larry Mages • 507-240-0030 Auctioneers: Matt Mages - New Ulm • Joe Maidl - Lafayette • John Goelz - Franklin • Joe Wersal - Winthrop Clerk: Mages Land Co. & Auction Service LLC - All Items Sold “As Is” - Not Responsible for Accidents Preview 1 Hour Before Sale • Restroom & Lunch Available on site.
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
Tractors & Bobcat: White 2-135, factory cab, dual hyd., rock box, 18.4x38 duals, 4225 hrs.; Ford 960 LP gas tractor, row crop, 3 pt.; Bobcat 642B w/dirt & fork buckets, 3405 hrs.; Bobcat 2wheel trailer; (2) MM rear wheel wgts. Field & Grain Handling Equipment: JD 1100, 24’ field cult. w/harrow; Oliver 252, 21’ tandem disk; JD RM830 cult. w/rolling shield; Imperial Danish 4RW cult. w/shield; MM 5-bottom 3 pt. plow; Walsh 300 gal. sprayer w/boom; 250 gal. LP tank on 2-wheel transport; Habco DP 136 portable corn dryer fan; 750 bu. portable wet holding wagon; Flair box w/hoist on MN 6T gear; Howse 5’, 3 pt. rotary mower; Hutchinson 41x6” w/gas eng. auger; Feterl 6x34 auger. Tools: Kato Light 20kw generator, PTO on cart; Peerless ceiling hung gas heater; (2) Loads of good tools & shop items; 20th Century welder; Torch kit & cart; Table model coping saw; Craftsman table saw; Craftsman router table;
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
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THE LAND, AUGUST 3, 2012 6 B
Farm Implements
035 Farm Implements
035 Tractors
036 Tractors
7 B
FOR SALE: 7800 JD, FOR SALE: White 4-180 tractor, 3pt, PTO, $4,000. MFWD, 840 ldr w/ joystick Phone 507-236-6672 149x46 duals, 6921 hrs, PS, clean; 4455 JD, 6827 hrs, IH 1486, 4085 hrs. new a/c, duals, 184x42, PS, clean; new cab liner, Pioneer cou4440 JD, 9047 hrs, clean. All plings, 2 spd PTO. exc. tractors in exc cond, sale cond. $11,500. (715)495-0873 due to partial retirement. 320-598-3485 IH 3588 2 + 2 parts or fixed. $4,000/OBO. (715)644-0122 FOR SALE: All items below run very nicely: '94 Chevy IH 806 diesel, 7200 hrs., 4x4 HD pickup w/ goose18.4x38 tires, Year-A-Round neck ball, runs & drives cab, clean, asking $7,500. exc, $2,200; Farmall 460 320-583-3087 tractor, $1,700; Gehl 360 hyJD 4020, 1970, side console, drostatic mini skidloader, synchro, 4700 act. hrs., $2,800; Bobcat 510 skidloadYear-A-Round cab, 18.4x34s er, $2,500; '92 Chevy miniw/hub duals, asking $12,900; van, $650. 320-766-3758 JD 4020, pwr shift, 18.4x34s @ 85%, new batteries, askFOR SALE: Case 930 dsl ing $8,800. 320-327-2310 tractor, 3 pt, cab; 1030 Case dsl w/o cab & 3 pt. 320-760- JD 6420 MFWD, 1700 hrs., 16 5622 forward/16 reverse, w/640 self-leveling loader, bucket FOR SALE: IH 784 row crop & bale fork, many extras utility tractor like new, including premium cab, 15.5x38 tires, diff lock, work lights, light duty us540/1000 PTO, 2 hyd outlets, 036 age, $59,000. 507-383-6867 3 pt hitch, injection pump
Steffes Auction Calendar 2012
Grain Buyer POET Biorefining - Lake Crystal, MN an ethanol biorefinery, is currently looking for a Grain Buyer.
Qualified candidates must have a B.S. in AgBusiness or Marketing & 3-5 years experience working with the grain marketing industry.
Apply online at poet.com/careers POET is an equal opportunity employer.
Opening Monday, August 6 & Closing Tuesday, August 14: IQBID Chokio Area Farm Retirement, Chokio, MN, See complete details at www.iqbid.com Wednesday, August 8 @ 10 AM: Mike Moldenbauer Estate, Jud, ND, Large Farm Estate Auction Thursday, August 16 @ 10 AM: AgIron 29 Consignment Event, Litchfield, MN. Opening Monday, August 20 & Closing Thursday, August 30: IQBID Five Star Pumping, New London, MN, See complete details at www.iqbid.com Opening Saturday, September 1 & Closing Monday, September 10: IQBID September IQBID Auction, Call now to consign your excess equipment! Selling Ag, Construction, Trucks, Vehicles, RV’s & More! Advertising Deadline: Wednesday, August 15th Thursday, September 6 @ 11 AM: Floyd Lehne Antique Tractor Auction, Richville, MN, Collectible Farmall & JD Tractors, Other Tillage, Parts & Tires Friday, September 7 @ 11 AM: Neil Holmgren Dairy Dispersal, Litchfield, MN, Dairy & Forage Equipment & Complete Dispersal of 90 Head of Red Holsteins
Located: Hwy. #9, west edge of Armstrong, Iowa, or 18 miles east of Estherville, Iowa, or 18 miles south of Fairmont, MN Partial Listing (For complete list, check websites: www.howellrealestateandauction.com midwestauction.com
Features: 2008 JD 7330, 2WD w/4770 hrs., one-owner; 1998 JD 9510, 1725 hrs., 2-owner; 1998 JD 9510, 2321 sep. hrs.; 1991 & 1992 JD 9600’s, 2325 & 2200 sep. hrs.; 1988 JD 7720 Titan II, 3500 hrs.; 1996 2188, 1721 sep. hrs.; 1996 2388, 2519 sep. hrs.; MF 760 dsl. hydro w/heads, 2600 hrs.; 1986 C-IH 1660; JD 6600 dsl., Clean; ‘2002 C-IH 2366, 2200 hrs. (pending); 1994 JD 893; 843 OD; (2) 643 OD; JD 444, Rebuilt; C-IH 2208, 1-yr. on knife rolls; IH 1083 & 1063, Rebuilt; JD 300 w/343 cornhead; (2) JD 930; 2004 JD 630-F; (3) JD 925; (6) JD 220; (2) JD 216; IH 810 p.u. heads; JD 4430, 1500 hrs. on OH; 4320 w/148 header; IH 886, new clutch & TA; White 2-155, 4300 hrs.; MF 1155, 3500 hrs.; IH 1466; 806 dsl.; Super MTA & M, Reconditioned; Case 930 Wheatland; Bobcat 873 dsl.; Cat 257-B, track; Case 1835 skidloaders; New skidloader; Buckets; Augers; Forks; Bale spears; Grapple buckets; Rock buckets and other attachments; 2003 JD 567 Mega Wide w/surface wrap; JD 535; NH 195; NI 354 spreaders; JD 348 square baler, Sharp; JD 336; Gehl 940 & 980 silage wagons; NH 499; JD 240 conditioners; MC 12’ scythe; Kinze 840 grain cart w/tarp; Brent 640; Killbros 500; Parker 4000, 2600 & 2500 grain wagons; Brent 450; Killbros 385. Past sales have had 75 plus wagons of all kinds; 2008 JD 120 stalk cutter, 1000 acres; JD 27; C-IH 60; MC 6-row, Sharp; IH 50 & 60 stalk cutters; DMI 530-C, Sharp; C-IH MRX-690, 7 shank; C-IH 730-B disc ripper; JD 1610 & 1600 17’ & 27’ chisel plows; IH 5500, 24’ chisel plows; IH 490, 475, 480; IH 500 plow discs; White 271 rockflex; IH 710, 8-16; 735 5-bottom; Plows; Glencoe 11 shank Series III ripper; Kewanee 820 disc; JD 7200 4-row planter, dry fert.; C-IH 4800; JD 960, 1010, 1100 field cults.; White 226 24’ field cult; Landtracker 12-30 fert. app.; (4) WL-42; West TA 26-B loaders; WL-30 & WL-40 loaders; 2010 Hutch 10”x34’ trk. auger w/sw. hopper; Hutch 10”x31’; Feterl 10”x76’ auger, Plus Others; 1975 Ford grain truck, twin screws; 1978 IH grain truck; 1989 IH semi; 2004 Dodge Ram w/new Snow Dog blade; 2007 Harley Davidson Softail, 531 miles; 2012 12’ ATV side dump trailer; (2) JD 345 hydro. mowers; 8300 gal. alum. semi trailer; Johnson pull-type tile plow, Excellent Condition; 1977 Koerhing 600 tile machine, Excellent Condition; 2002 towmaster 40-ton tandem trailer; Hancor tile trailer; Pro-tough PT-15 mini-excavator, Good Condition; Plus a large run of all types/kinds of farm equipment. (check websites) Live On-Line Bidding through Proxibid. To register contact: Paul Strunge @ 612-390-0535. Some items subject to change, always a lot more items than advertised. Yard Hours: 8-5 p.m. August 3-12. No consignments Monday, August 13
Jack Rooney 507-235-5279 eves. • Cell: 712-260-9694
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
The Grain Buyer is responsible for procuring corn & managing a producer & commercial database. Additional duties include: • Monitor competitiveness for cash corn bids • Maintain inventory tracking systems • Monitor the Chicago Board of Trade & inform management of movements, USDA reports, & future projections • Conduct producer & commercial site visits • Manage grain grading & dockage according to USDA specifications • Support & participate in continuous improvement initiatives
August 8: IQBID August Auction. Selling Ag, Construction, Trucks, Vehicles, RV’s & More!
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JD 158 loader, w/grapple Tractors fork, $3,750; Brent 1080 grain cart, 900 metric tires, '57 MF TO35, 3pt blade & 72" just gone through, new JD 7930 MFWD Tractor, 1825 w/scale, exc. cond., $29,500; paint, clutch & TA 2 yrs Bush Hog mower. hours, IVT Transmission, 4 '91 Int'l low profile truck, 5 ago. $9,750. 507-830-0213 $3,500/OBO. 515-955-1462 Hyd's, 1000 PTO/540 capaspd., 7.3 dsl., 16' steel ble, Deluxe Comfort Cab AC 8030, 2WD, complete enFOR SALE: JD collectorsflatbed, $4,750; Westfield pkg w/ HID lighting & Acgine OH 3000 hrs. ago, good MT, AR, 420, G, 50, 620, 720 10x31 auger, 7½ hp, 1 phase tive Seat, Autotrac Ready, to exc. shape, sharp! 507gas, 70 gas adj. standard, motor, $2,850. 320-769-2756 $128,000. 218-790-9478 829-9678 730 dsl. adj. standard, low JD 4840, new tires. NH 499 NEW AND USED TRACTOR hrs., most have new rubhaybine. Willrich finisher. Case 2290 tractor. 8050 hrs, PARTS JD 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, ber. 320-584-5179 or 320-492fair condition. $6,500 OBO. 9 Shank chisel plow. 55, 50 Series & newer trac8298 (715)669-3847 (507) 421-1195 tors, AC-all models, Large FOR SALE: M5 Moline gas, Inventory, We ship! Mark Factory IH super C, WF JD336 like new, JD24T, 30 power shift wheels, new Heitman Tractor Salvage w/hubs. $450/OBO. kicker, NH273 all guaranpaint, $4,200. (608)423-4039 715-673-4829 (715)644-0122 teed to tie. 715-556-1400 FOR SALE: '36 JD A, stored Loaders for Sale. Schwartz, 25 yrs, good rear rubber, IH Mts. $1,495; JD #245, runs good, still in it's work For More info Call 1-800-726-8609 $2,500; Slightly used Buhclothes. 507-831-1308 lers, #695 & #895 loaders, or visit our website: JD Mts., $5,500 & $6,500. FOR SALE: '71 Case 970, 8 www.steffesauctioneers.com 320-543-3523. spd. trans., 4,750 hrs., very nice tractor, $8,500. 507-557Pequa 8 round bale transOpening Tuesday, July 30 & Closing Thursday, August 2157 or 507-430-2946 port, like new, $4,000; DMI 9: IQBID VR Trucking, Browerville, MN, See complete 500 3pt 5 shank ripper, FOR SALE: '88 8650 JD trac$6,000/OBO; CIH 183 8x30 details at www.iqbid.com tor, reg maintenance, nice, RC cultivator, $2,500; JD one owner, PTO, 3pt hitch. hay conditioner, steel For information call Opening Wednesday, August 1 & Closing Wednesday, rollers, $500. 320-328-5794 507-427-2892
Gehl 3pt 10 whl V rake. Exc Mowers 5, 6, 7, 9, $150 to cond, $1,750. 515-570-5215 $1,850; plows 1, 2, 3, 4, 5B, $150 to $950. 712-299-6608 Hydrostatic & Hydraulic Repair Repair-Troubleshoot- Power-Pack 5000T, EL5500, brushless, 11HP Briggs ing Sales-Design Custom Stratton $200/OBO. hydraulic hose-making up 515-955-1462 to 2” Service calls made. STOEN'S Hydrostatic Ser- Snapper front-tine tiller. 3HP vice 16084 State Hwy 29 N Briggs & Stratton. Glenwood, MN 56334 320$100/OBO. 515-955-1462 634-4360 We buy IH 7' Sickle bar, belt dr. field Salvage Equipment mower, semi-mount, nice Parts Available unit, ready to go. $950. Hammell Equip., Inc. 515-824-3656 (507)867-4910 IH 806 tractor, IH 418 reset Westendorf 12 ton, HD runplow, IH 12' disc, $8,100. 42" ning gear, w/truck tires, drum barn fan on wheels, $1,450; JD 443, oil drive, $300. 200 bu. gravity box w/ cornhead w/knife rolls, 10 ton running gear, $2,000. $3,450; IH 2250 loader, IH 715-778-4387 or 763-521-6395 mnts., like new, $3,250; JD 1600, 27' chisel plow w/SumJD 110 pickup head, 4 belt, mers mulcher, $3,450; Gehl $1,125; '70 Chevy C50 truck, 940, 16' forage box, no gear, box & hoist, Shurlock roll $250. 320-769-2756 tarp, $1,750. 507-317-3396
8 B
White 2-155 tractor, very Harvesting Equip 037 good cond, AC/ heat work well, 5500 hrs, duals, '03 JD 9550 Combine, 1893 $10,250/OBO. 515-681-6279 hrs-1187, been thru shop, like new, $92,000. 515-360-7564 '10 Demco 550 grain cart, new 24.5x32 tires, green, light kit, very little use, new cond. 507-828-3495
New & Used Grain Carts and Planters
4406 30 Avenue Armstrong, IA 50514 15 miles south of Fairmont
6 miles East of
515-272-4538 Cell: 515-320-2256
CAMBRIDGE, MN 763-689-1179 We Ship Daily Visa and MasterCard Accepted
'11 Unverferth HT30 header trailer, lights, tie downs, used twice, $3,900. 507-5252420 '79 6620 JD combine, 3523 hrs, hopper ext., battery is good, air good, straw chopper & many new parts. $10,500. 715-556-0045 '80 JD 6620 combine, hydro, 4300 hrs, lots of new parts on it, good shape. 507-9433322 Evening5 '89 JD 9400 combine, 4168 hrs. on eng., 2906 hrs. on sep., 920 bean head, only 300 acres on all new cutting parts, $30,000. 507-402-4631 '97 JD 9500 Combine, hrs2979-2126, very sharp & field ready, $52,000. 515-490-9539 454A Row crop head, 36", all chain tighteners, always shedded, looks new. $3,000. 712-358-3324
‘11 Case Int’l Magnum 235, 4WD, 480/80R46 w/duals, 420/40R30 frt. tires, frt. fenders, 4 elec. remotes, 18-spd. PS, HD front axle, 10 frt. wgts., 1546 hrs. - Stock # 60926 - Only $135,950
‘75 White 2-85, 2WD, cab w/heat, 18.4x34 rear tires @ 70%, top link. One owner tractor. Good runner. Could use paint - Stock # 60587 - $8,350
NEW ‘12 Summers 700 rock picker with hydraulic swing tongue, 165LX16.1 14-ply tires, field ready. List Price: $21,548 - Stock # 60742 - $16,975
NEW ‘12 Brent 678 grain cart, 630-bushel capacity, 17” corner auger, 120” rigid axle, 24.5x32 R1 12-ply tires, factory roll top kit, Green color - Stock # 60923 - Only $25,920
L $ is pl 128 ts @ us , fre 450 ig ht
www.westbrookagpower.com Hwy. 30 West • WESTBROOK, MN • Ph. (507) 274-6101
Lig Roa ht d Ki t
th Fa F ru ct ul Se . W l pt ar . 2 r. 01 3
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LARSON SALVAGE Good selection of tractor parts - New & Used All kinds of hay equipment, haybines, balers, choppers parted out. New combine belts for all makes. Swather canvases, round baler belting, used & new tires.
Harold Swanson Equipment
‘06 NH TJ480, 1900 hrs. ....................................$189,000 ‘08 NH T8050, 1300 hrs. ....................................$176,900 ‘95 NH 8970, FWA, 7500 hrs. ................................$52,900 ‘00 NH TM165, FWA, 4000 hrs. ............................$59,900 ‘02 NH TM165, 2WD, 1600 hrs. ............................$54,900 ‘05 NH TV145, bi-directional, 1600 hrs. ................$89,900 ‘98 NH 1530, Boomer, hydro., 1800 hrs. ............Coming In ‘09 Versatile 435................................................Coming In ‘06 Versatile 485, 1800 hrs. ..............................Coming In ‘07 Genesis 2160, SS, PS, 4863 hrs. ....................$79,900 IH 666, 5675 hrs. ....................................................$5,900
‘11 NH 99C, 8R30, Demo Unit ..............................$74,900 ‘09 NH 99C, 8R30..................................................$59,900 ‘08 NH 99C, 8R30..................................................$54,900 NH 996, 8R30........................................................$14,900
‘78 Case 2290, 2WD, 8-spd., 18.4x38 Firestone drive tires w/band duals, cab w/heat, 2 rear remotes, 3 pt. w/top link, 540/1000 PTO, rock box, Original Paint - Stock # 60820 - $12,950
So l de by d ne ale ou w rsh r ip
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
036 Tractors
JD 8430 tractor, front diff White 2-70 w/ cab, AC does not work, 4 new tires, 4500 OH'd, new hi low unit, hrs, exc. cond. M5 Moline 18.4x38 tires, new of rear, w/ all hyd. loader, very ok on front $12,000. good cond. (320)629-2468 515-890-9793
‘07 Gleaner 8200, 35’ w/Crary ..............................$29,900 ‘10 NH 74C, 35’ w/Crary air ..................................$34,900 ‘07 NH 74C, 35’ w/Crary........................................$32,900 ‘03 NH 74C, 30’ ....................................................$18,500 ‘05 NH 74C, 25’ ....................................................$16,900 ‘01 NH 73C, 25’ ....................................................$11,900 MISCELLANEOUS ‘95 NH 973, 30’ ......................................................$7,900 Brent 400 cart ........................................................$4,500 ‘98 NH 973, 25’ ......................................................$5,900 Demco 650 wagon, fenders, tarp ..........................$15,500 JD 930F w/Crary ....................................................$9,900 ‘09 Wilrich 20’ shredder ........................................$18,900 TILLAGE ‘06 Wilrich 20’ shredder ........................................$16,900 Wishek 862 LNT, 34’ w/harrow..............................$83,500 ‘05 Balzer 2000 shredder ......................................$12,500 ‘08 Wilrich 957, 7-30 ............................................$32,900 Alloway 20’ shredder ..............................................$5,900 ‘04 Wilrich 957, 7-30 ............................................$24,900 Miller P-12 loader....................................................$5,250 ‘09 Kraus Dominator 18, 11-shank........................$46,900 Rem 2100 vac. ........................................................$5,900 M&W 2200 Earthmaster ........................................$29,900 Dakon 280 wagon ..................................................$1,500 DMI 527B ..............................................................$10,900 Dakon 280 wagon ..................................................$1,250 Wilrich 357, 7-30 w/levelers....................................$9,900 Bradco 609 SSL backhoe ........................................$6,250 Wilrich Quad X, 47.5’, 4 bar ..................................$29,900 (2) Gehl BU86, 14’ silage box ............................Each $850 Wilrich Quad X, 37.5’, 4 bar ..................................$22,900 COMBINES Wilrich 34’ chisel plow ..........................................$21,900 ‘09 NH CR9060, 600 hrs. ....................................$229,000 DMI Tigermate II, 32’ ............................................$17,900 ‘03 NH CR960, 1275 hrs. ....................................$149,000 Allis 1400 F.C., 341⁄2’ ................................................$3,900 ‘00 NH TR-99, 1600 hrs. ......................................$79,900 DRILLS & PLANTING ‘00 NH TR-99, RWA, 2255 hrs. ..............................$72,500 Kinze 3600, 16/31 ................................................$74,900 ‘92 NH TR-96, 4000 hrs.....................................Coming In Kinze 3600, 16/31 ................................................$64,900 Kinze 2600, 16/31 ................................................$39,900 SKIDLOADERS ’06 NH L-190, 1650 hrs.........................................$26,900 JD 520 drill, 10” spacing ........................................$5,900 ‘08 NH L-175, 3600 hrs., cab, heat........................$19,900 Great Plains 15’, 10”, markers & coulter cart ..........$6,500 Gehl 4840, 2600 hrs., cab & heat ..........................$16,900 HAY EQUIPMENT Case 1840, 1800 hrs. ............................................$13,900 ‘06 NH BR780A, twine/net ....................................$19,900 Bobcat 553............................................................$11,500 ‘03 NH BR780, twine/net ......................................$19,900 NH 688 baler ........................................................$11,900
Disk in exc. condition. Unit is field ready
‘90 White 273, 25’ disk, 9” spacing, blades measure 22” on frt. & rear, scrapers are all exc., 125LX15 tires, center coil tooth, furrow fillers, rear hitch w/anhyd. kit - Stock # 60741 - $13,450
Ripper att. can be removed to use as 3 pt. ripper
New ‘11 M&W 1165 Earthmaster disc chisel plow w/5 auto reset parabolic shanks @ 30” spacing, auto-reset, H.D. 8” wing points, H.D. 3bar coil-tine harrow - Stock # 60107 - $28,980
‘12 Brent 1194 grain cart, 11’x3’ hyd. tensioned tracks w/steel idler whls., 22” unload auger w/cutout clutch, 13⁄4-20-spline PTO, 410 scale pkg., Green color - Stock # 60796 - Only $97,640
New Brent 1194 grain cart, 76-50.00x32 R1 tires, 22” unload auger w/cutout clutch, 13⁄4-20spline PTO, roll tarp, 410 scale pkg., Green color - Stock # 60504 - Only $66,870
Werner Implement Company, Inc. Vermillion, MN 55085 • www.wernerimplement.com Call Mel, Randy or Charlie
(651) 437-4435 • (800) 770-4634
FOR SALE: '01 JD 9750STS combine, 2884 sep hrs w/ 635 '05 bean head, both in good cond. $93,500. 507-3271903 or 507-964-5548 FOR SALE: '02 Case IH 2366, field tracker, field monitor, chopper, 2000 eng/1400 sep hrs, 30.5x32 tires, real nice shape. 507-872-5267 or 507-530-8875 FOR SALE: '07 Case IH 2577 combine, field ready, 975 hrs, $155,000. With or w/out 30' 1020 bean head w/ Crary air reel. $21,000. 507-7532128 evenings after 6 p.m. FOR SALE: '07 NH CR9070, 453 hrs, like new, serviced out & field ready. $179,500. 641-592-1212
(2) ‘05 T-250, glass cab w/AC, 1525 hrs. ....................................$29,900 ‘07 S-330, glass cab w/AC, 2-spd., 4000 hrs. ....................................$29,500 ‘08 S-300, glass cab w/AC, 3600 hrs. ....................................................$29,900 ‘10 S-250, glass cab w/AC, ACS controls, 1800 hrs. ....................................$30,000 ‘07 S-220, glass cab w/AC, 105 hrs. ......................................$28,000 ‘01 873, glass cab w/AC, 4200 hrs.$18,000 ‘07 S-205, glass cab w/AC, 2-spd., 4250 hrs. ....................................$20,500 ‘09 S-205, glass cab w/AC, 2-spd., 2650 hrs. ....................................$23,900 (5) S-185, glass cab w/AC, 2-spd., 1200 hrs ..............................Starting at $16,500 ‘04 S-160, glass cab & heater, 3650 hrs. ....................................$18,900
‘98 JD 9510, narrow duals, ‘01 JD 1760, 12R30, 3 bu., L&D LFA, 1518/2323 hrs. ..............................$79,900 250 monitor ....................................$36,500 ‘99 JD 9510, 30.5x32, dual CH SP, ‘96 JD 1760, 12R30, JD LFA ............$31,500 2004/3464 hrs. ..............................$72,500 ‘91 JD 7300, 12R30, insect, 250 monitor, ‘93 JD 930F, DAS, F&A ......................$6,900 flat corn disc ..................................$12,500
DETKE-MORBAC CO. Blue Earth, MN • 507-526-2714 www.detkemorbac.com
USED TRACTORS NEW Versatile 435, 4WD ................................CALL NEW Versatile 250, FWA ................................CALL NEW Versatile 305, FWA ................................CALL NEW NH TD5050, FWA, w/cab ......................CALL NH T8 300 FWA, Demo ..................................CALL NEW Massey HD2680, FWA, w/cab ..............CALL NEW Massey 8670, FWA ................................CALL NEW Massey 5450, FWA, cab, loader............CALL ‘08 NH 6070 w/cab, 2WD ............................$69,000 NH 8870 ......................................................$69,000 ‘90 Ford 7710II, cab, 2WD ..........................$25,000 Ford 5000, diesel, w/cab ..........................COMING ‘06 IH 560, WF ..............................................$5,200 IH 806, gas, w/Allied loader ..........................$7,850 ‘66 Allis 190, gas............................................$6,000 ‘54 Farmall 300 w/loader ..............................$2,550
TILLAGE JD 985, 54.5 field cult. w/3 bar ......................CALL M&W 9-shank, 24” w/leveler ......................$14,500 DMI Tiger Two, 5-shank ................................$8,500 Brillion HC 32’ ..............................................$13,950 DMI Chisel Champ, 11-shank ......................$2,500 JD 960, 36’ w/3-bar ......................................$6,950 ‘05 JD 2700, 9-24 shank..............................$27,000 White 588, 4-bottom......................................$1,800 CIH 800, 9-bottom ....................................COMING Wilrich 3400, 50.5’ w/4 bar..........................$14,900
PLANTERS NEW White planters ........................................CALL
COMBINES ‘94 Gleaner R72 w/new engine ..................$58,000 ‘94 Gleaner R62, Cummins w/CDF rotor....Coming ‘00 Gleaner R72 w/CDF ..............................$82,500 ‘95 Gleaner R52, Cummins, Mauer ext. ....$67,900 ‘08 Fantini 12-30 chopping cornhead ........$68,000 NEW Fantini chopping cornhead ..................CALL
Norwood Young America 952-467-2181 A family business since 1946 with the Lanos: Jack, Paul, Bob and Andy
‘10 NH T-8020, MFD, 701 hrs. ....................$127,500 ‘07 NH TG-245, MFD, 2100 hrs...................$108,900 ‘78 Ford 4600, diesel, loader, 2400 hrs.........$10,500 ‘11 Bobcat CT-230, 7TL loader, MFD, hydro, 94 hrs. ......................................................$15,500 ‘77 White 2-105, 4900 hrs ............................$9,500 ‘66 Oliver 1550, gas, 1850 hrs. ......................$7,250 ‘46 Oliver 70, Restored ..................................$4,500 ‘83 AC 6080, 4488 hrs. ..................................$8,950 ‘10 McCormick CX110, MFD, cab, 530 hrs ..$45,900 ‘65 IH 706 ......................................................$3,250 ‘68 IH 544 ......................................................$6,000 ‘53 Farmall Super C w/72” belly mower ........$2,250 ‘90 JD 2955, cab, 1528 hrs...........................$31,900 ‘68 JD 3020, diesel, 1000 hrs. on eng. OH ......$7,950 ‘77 David Brown 885, diesel ..........................$3,950 Zetor 8540, cab ............................................$10,500
‘89 White 5100, 12x30 ..................................$8,950 ‘01 JD 1770, 16 row, 30” spacings, liquid fert. ............................................................$47,500 JD 8300, 13’ drill, 6” spacings, grass seeder, press wheels ................................................$3,350
New Hesston & NH Hay Tools On Hand ‘11 NH BR7090 n/t.500 bales......................$33,900
‘89 Gleaner R-60, 2400 hrs. ........................$28,500 ‘80 NH TR-75, 4x30 cornhead ........................$7,250 ‘08 Gleaner 8200, 30’ flex header ................$26,500
NEW Salford RTS units ..................................CALL NEW Unverferth seed tenders ................ON HAND NEW Westfield augers ..........................AVAILABLE NEW Rem 2700 vac ........................................CALL NEW Century HD1000, 60’ sprayers ..............CALL NEW Riteway rollers........................................CALL NEW Lorenz snowblowers ..............................CALL NEW Batco conveyors ....................................CALL NEW Brent wagons & grain carts ..................CALL NEW E-Z Trail seed wagons ..........................CALL NEW rock buckets & pallet forks .................. CALL NEW Hardi sprayers ........................................CALL REM 2700, Rental............................................CALL Unverferth 8000 grain cart ..........................$19,000 Kinze 1050 w/duals ....................................$48,500 (DMI Parts Available)
SMITHS MILL IMPLEMENT Hwy. 14, 3 miles West of Janesville, MN
Phone (507) 234-5191 or (507) 625-8649 Mon. - Fri. 7:30-5:00, Sat. 7:30-Noon www.smithsmillimp.com
USED TILLAGE ‘09 Wilrich XL2, 60’, 3 bar harrow w/rolling basket ........................................................$54,000 ‘07 Wilrich Quad X, 58’, 3 bar harrow w/rolling basket ........................................................$52,500 ‘07 Wilrich Quad Z, 55’, 3 bar harrow w/rolling basket ........................................................$52,000 ‘09 JD 2210, 53’, 5 bar spike harrow............$52,300 ‘96 JD 980, 44.5’, 3 bar harrow....................$18,500 ‘94 JD 980, 36.5’, 3 bar harrow....................$14,900 Brady 27’ cult., 3 bar harrow ..........................$2,250 ‘07 Wilrich 957, 7-shank ripper, harrow ......$26,500 ‘03 DMI 730B, 7-shank disc ripper ..............$19,900 ‘03 CIH 530B, 5-shank disc ripper ................$17,750 Wilrich chisel, 17-shanks................................$2,650 Kovar 30’ Multi Weeder, 400 gal. tank ............$2,500 Case 25’ disk ..................................................$8,000 JD 230 24’ disk ..............................................$2,650
USED HAY EQUIPMENT ‘88 Hesston 8200, high contact rolls ............$20,750 ‘99 CIH DC-515, 15’ discbine........................$12,500 ‘09 NH H7230, 10’ discbine ..........................$17,900 ‘98 JD 1600A, 14’ MoCo ................................$7,500 ‘06 Hesston 1120, 9’ haybine ........................$7,950 Hesston 1091, 9’ haybine ..............................$3,000 ‘87 Gehl 2170, 9’ haybine ..............................$2,250 ‘84 Gehl 2160, 9’ haybine ..............................$2,950 ‘84 Versatile 4814, 14’ haybine for 276/9030 $3,500 ‘08 NH BR-7080 round baler, net wrap & twine..........................................................$21,900 ‘07 NH BR-780A round baler ........................$20,000 ‘05 NH BR-780 round baler ..........................$16,100 ‘06 NH BR-750A round baler, net wrap ........$17,500 ‘07 NH BR-740A round baler, bale slice, netwrap......................................................$21,500 NH 664 round baler, net wrap........................$12,500 ‘90 Hesston 530 round baler ..........................$3,950 JD 336 w/40 kicker ........................................$2,750 ‘83 Hesston 4600 baler, chute & rear hitch ....$4,000 ‘09 NH FP-240, 29P hay head, chopped hay only ....................................................$38,900 ‘00 H&S 7+4 18’ forage box, 415 gear ........$12,500 (2) NH 258 rakes ......................................Ea. $1,850 JD 660 rake, from dolly wheel ........................$2,350 (6) Cond. Rolls for 2300-HS14 NH headers, NEW ..........................................................Ea. $800
USED MISCELLANEOUS ‘06 NH 185 spreader ......................................$9,000 ‘04 H&S 270 spreader ....................................$7,250 ‘01 Meyers M300 spreader ............................$3,750 ‘05 NH 3110 spreader ....................................$4,750 MF 3743 spreader ........................................$14,900
✔ Check us out at: www.lanoequipofnorwood.com
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
SKIDSTEERS NEW NH skidsteers on hand ..........................CALL ‘06 NH L170 ................................................$17,500
Westendorf WL40 w/IH mts ..........................$2,600
‘10 S-160, glass cab w/AC, 2-spd., 2850 hrs. ................................................$21,500 ‘05 S-150, glass cabe, 2750 hrs.....$14,400 (3) S-130, glass cab & heater, 3200 hrs. & up ..........................Starting at $14,500 ‘01 753, glass cab & heater............$14,500 ‘84 743 ............................................$7,500 ‘88 642B, 3785 hrs ..........................$7,500 (3) ‘08 NH L-175, glass cab w/AC, 1500 hrs. & Up..........Starting at $20,750 ‘03 NH LS-160, glass cab & heater $13,900 ‘08 JD 328, glass cab & heater, 2-spd., 4000 hrs. ....................................$21,750 ‘09 Gehl 5240E, glass cab & heater, 1900 hrs. ....................................$17,900 ‘06 Gehl 4240E, glass cab & heater, 2375 hrs. ....................................$14,500 ‘70 Hyster H80C forklift ..................$4,150 Berlon Silage Defacer ......................$3,000
9 B
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FOR SALE: '79 IH 140 combine w/ 20' bean platform, Ag Leader yield monitor, reman eng, chaff spreader, grain tank ext, 24.5x32 tires. 507236-8356
‘97 JD 925F, DAM, DAS, F&A ............$7,900 ‘93 JD 925F, reg. auger ......................$5,900 IHC 504, gas, Utility Tractor, 2000 ‘10 JD 612C, 12R30”, Stalkmaster ..$84,500 loader, 2053 hrs. ..............................$6,950 ‘10 JD 612C, 12R20”, Stalkmaster ..$87,500 ‘90 JD 8960, 4WD, 3 pt., eng. OH’d, ‘95 JD 693 CH, knife rolls..................$14,900 6084 hrs. ........................................$65,000 ‘90 JD 4955, MFWD, duals, 9036 hrs. ........................................................$45,900 JD 2700, 7x30 mulch ripper, new points ‘98 JD 6110L, MFWD, open station, ........................................................$39,500 loader, new tires, 2752 hrs. ............$36,900 Hiniker #1700, 20’ shredder, 4 whls...........IN ‘97 JD 6400, MFWD, 640NSL loader, SOON 4916 hrs. ........................................$27,900 Westfield MK130, 81’ plus auger, ‘97 Ford/New Holland 7635 tractor Like New!........................................$15,900 & loader, 1288 hrs. ........................$34,900 Brent 1080 grain cart, Trelleborg ......$28,500 ‘79 JD 4640, QR, 18.4x42 duals, Brent 880 grain cart, 30.5x32............$26,500 6736 hrs. ........................................$23,500 Brent 420 side auger cart, 23.1-26......$9,750 ‘75 JD 4630, QR, 18.4x42, duals, JD 275 disc mower, QC hitch, 7 disc ..$9,500 7639 hrs. ........................................$17,900 JD 843 loader, 96” bucket, Like New!$13,000 ‘10 JD 6330, MFWD Premium, 540/1000, NH 105A, 3 pt., 50” tiller, 540 PTO ....$1,200 1685 hrs. ........................................$62,500 JD #35 48” tiller, Cat. 1, 540 PTO........$1,750
FOR SALE OR TRADE: Tires & rims off of combine mudhog, 600-65-28, 8 bolt wheel. 507-427-3070
✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰ ✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰
4R 36" JD Corn head 444 High tin, total rebuilt '11. Always shedded, $3,000. 712-358-3324 Firestone 24.5x32 tires on CIH rims, 60%, $2,000; JD 27x32 rims, 8 bolt, $500; complete rear axle for CIH 2166 w/wheels, $1,000. 763227-3037
Harvesting Equip
Harvesting Equip
10 B
037 Harvesting Equip
037 Harvesting Equip
FOR SALE: '81 6620 JD side- FOR SALE: '86 Case IH hill combine, 3700 hrs, good 1660, 3368 hrs, new engine cond, $14,500. JD 643 cornw/ 1 yr warranty, hydro head, $3,500. '92 JD 9500 trans, chopper, rock trap, sidehill combine, RWA, mareverse feeder, grain hopjor 10 updates, 1500 hrs on per ext, $25,900. 641-592-1212 combine, 2000 hrs on motor, $65,000. 507-282-9262 FOR SALE: '88 JD 7720 Titan II combine, 3500 hrs, exc cond. $15,500. FOR SALE: '81 JD 7720 com507-236-0691 bine, 4800 hrs, RWA, chaff spreader, 18.4x42 duals, 16.9x29 rears, 70% rubber, FOR SALE: '90 JD 9600 combine, re-built, big topper, many new parts & extras; fine cut chopper, dust di643 cornhead; 212 4 belt verter, R134 A/C, Mud Hog grain head. Always shed4WD, new tires, 30-32s, alded, $25,000. 507-430-5349 ways stored inside. Call 320-563-8784
• 5/8” drum roller wall thickness • 42” drum diameter • 4”x8” frame tubing 1/4” thick • Auto fold
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AVAILABLE Twine Net Wrap & Bale Tubes -USED TRACTORSCIH 8920, Magnum, FWA, 18.4x42, 4700 hrs ..$69,500 CIH 8920, FWA, 2500 hrs ..............................Coming In CIH 7120, 2WD, 18.4-42 tires, 6200 hrs. ..........$45,000 CIH 5240, 2WD, 4000 hrs. ................................$42,000 CIH 7250, 3600 hrs., FWA..................................$76,000 CIH 140 Pro, FWA, 1100 hrs. ............................$72,000 CIH 7140 Magnum, FWA, new motor, new tires, new paint ........................................................$65,000 CIH 7140, 2WD, 3800 hrs. ................................$39,000 CIH 3294, Case 7700H, FWA..............................$25,000 MX120, MFD, 4200 hrs., 18.4x42 ......................$54,000 MX120, MFD, 1900 hrs., no cab ........................$46,000 IH 886, 2600, hrs., Nice ....................................$21,000 IH 1086, 5800 hrs., new clutch & TA..................$17,500 IH 986, w/turbo, 7500 hrs ..................................$15,500 IH Farmall C, NF..................................................$2,200
-MISCELLANEOUS-S“Where Farm and Family Meet”
FOR SALE: AC 327, 24' bean head, field ready, automatic header hgt., feather sheets, always shedded. 507-829-9678
CIH 527B ..........................................................$19,500 CIH 4800, 28’ & 26’ field cultivators ....................$9,500 CIH 4800 field cult. w/mulch, 24’ & 22’ ..............$8,500 CIH 4800 field cult., 30’, Like New ....................$10,500 Mandako Roller, 30’, 42” drum w/steerable wheel,
HD 10-16.5 & HD 12-16.5 2011 w/200 acres ............................................$26,500 CIH 3950 disc w/mulcher, cushion gang, 24’ ....$26,000 CIH 496 w/mulcher, 24’, cushion gang ..............$14,500 CIH 496 w/mulcher, cushion ............................$14,500 DMI 500, 5-shank, 3 pt. mount ripper w/disc leveler ................................................................$7,500 DMI 527B w/spike tooth drag ............................$15,500 DMI 527 w/disc leveler ......................................$13,500 Demco 550 grain cart, 3 yrs. old, Like New ......$14,900 Demco 650 gravity box......................................$12,900 (6) Demco 365 boxes ....................From $5,500-$6,500 Demco used gravity boxes, all sizes available ..........Call Gehl 125 mixers ....................................Choice $12,500 Gehl 125............................................................$18,500 Gehl 170 mixer ..................................................$18,500 NH 355 ..............................................................$12,500 NH 166 hay inverter, New ....................................$5,500 New Mandako Land Rollers in stock........................Call H&S 12-wheel rake, 1 yr. old................................$4,800 DMI Tigermate II, 27’........................................$22,000 White 435 disc chisel, 12 & 8-shank ..................$6,500 JD AR stander,, 1952 ..........................................$2,900
New Sitrex Rakes Available
Many New & Used Rakes Available
GREENWALD FARM CENTER Greenwald, MN • 320-987-3177 14 miles So. of Sauk Centre • www.greenwaldfarmcenter.com
037 Harvesting Equip
loss monitor; 1020 20' flex; FOR SALE: JD grain swath both exc cond. 507-249-3227 header w/ Melroe 5 belt Morgan MN pickup head, field ready & at a price that is right. Call 320-808-7080
WILLMAR FARM CENTER a division of aemsco
3867 East Highway 12, Willmar, MN • Phone 320-235-8123 TRACTORS • • • • • • • • •
037 Harvesting Equip
'00 JD 930F bean head in FOR SALE: Brent 440 gravi- FOR SALE: 824 NH corngood shape, $10,350. Please ty wagon, green, truck head. Excellent condition. call Joe at 612-290-6964 tires, brakes, lights, always 715-495-0757 shedded, very nice paint. FOR SALE: '92 Gleaner R52 FOR SALE: IH 1460 com$7,950. 507-380-7863 combine, 2291 hrs, exc bine, rock trap, straw chopcond, many new parts, field per, low hours, very nice; ready, Duetz engine, new FOR SALE: Hiniker 1700 CIH 1020 flex head, 20', 3” stalk chopper w/ 1000 PTO drive tires, $30,000/OBO. cut, like new. 320-304-2311 shaft, 6R, always shedded, 320-260-1634 great cond., $7,000. FOR SALE: JD #45 square FOR SALE: 2010 JD 320-238-2269 back combine, cornhead, 9770STS, 760 sep hrs, ext bean head, grain pickup, PT warranty till July 2014. FOR SALE: IH 1460 comworks good, $700/OBO. Motivated to sell! Priced bine, Redekop stalk chop763-972-3224 right! $198,000. 507-351-1176 per, cross flow fan, grain
• • • • • •
‘12 MF 8660, MFD, cab, 225 PTO hp. ‘12 MF 7619, MFD, 140 PTO hp. ‘12 MF 2680, MFD, cab, 83 PTO hp. ‘11 MF 8690, MFD, cab, 280 PTO hp. ‘07 MF 7495, MFD, 155 PTO hp., 2625 hrs. MF 5460, MFD, cab, 95 PTO hp. MF 1529 Compact, 29 hp., loader, hydro MF 1652 Compact, 42 hp., loader, cab, hydro MF 1652 Compact, 52 hp., 12x12 Power Shuttle MF GC2400 Compact, 24 hp., 60” deck IH 70 Hydro w/F11 Farmhand loader ‘05 MF 451, 45 PTO hp., 400 hrs. ‘07 MF 3645, MFD, 75 PTO hp., cab, ldr ‘78 MF 1085, cab, 83 hp., 365 hrs. ‘74 MF 1155, 150 hp
CORNHEADS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
‘07 Geringhoff 1822, RD ‘08 Geringhoff 1230, RD ‘99 Geringhoff 1230, RD ‘08 Geringhoff 1222, RD ‘07 Geringhoff 1220, RD ‘05 Geringhoff 1220, RD ‘04 Geringhoff 1220, RD ‘08 Geringhoff 836, RD ‘08 Geringhoff 830, RD ‘06 Geringhoff 830, RD ‘04 Geringhoff 830, RD ‘03 Geringhoff 830, RD ‘01 Geringhoff 830, RD ‘00 Geringhoff 830, RD ‘07 Geringhoff 820, RD ‘08 Geringhoff 630, RD ‘07 Geringhoff 630, RD ‘05 NH 98C, 12R20” ‘99 NH 996, 12R20” ‘93 JD 843, LT, OD ‘84 JD 643 JD 822 JD 1022 ‘06 CIH 2212, 12R20” w/8010 mounts CIH 1084 ‘93 CIH 1063 White 708N MF 1163, fits MF 8570 combine
• • • • • • • • •
‘06 MF 9690, duals, 429 hrs. ‘07 MF 9790, duals, 1034 hrs. ‘92 Gleaner R62, 2063 hrs. ‘98 Gleaner 800, 25’ flexhead ‘86 MF 8560 ‘85 MF 9720, 3292 hrs. MF 9750 PU table MF 9120 bean table MF 1858 bean table, 15’, 18’, 20’
• MF 8000, 30’ bean table
GRAIN HANDLING • • • • • •
• • • • • •
Brandt 7500 hp. grain vac. Brandt 5200 EX grain vac. Brandt GBU-10, bagger Brandt GBL-10, unloader Brandt drive over grain deck Brandt 1070, 1080, 1390 swing hopper augers Brandt 1515 LP, 1535, 1545, 1575, 1585 belt conveyors Brandt 10x35 auger Parker 605 gravity box, 625 bu. Parker 505 gravity box, 550 bu., brakes EZ Flow 220 bu. gravity box w/auger, tarp Hutchinson 10x61 auger Wheatheart transfer auger, 8”
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
JD sickle mower JD 275 disc mower, 9’ IH 5-bar rake Kodiak 60”, 72”, 84” 3 pt. rotary cutters MF 1375 disc mower conditioner, 15’ MF 1328 & 1329 3 pt. disc mowers MF 828 round baler, auto tie MF 200 SP windrower, cab ‘11 MF 1372 disc mower conditioner Sitrex DM5 disc mower Sitrex RP2 or RP5 3 pt. wheel rake Sitrex MK 14 wheel rake Sitrex 10 & 12 wheel rakes on cart Sitrex TR 9 wheel rake Westendorf 3 pt. bale spear H&S 16’ bale wagon Chandler 22’ & 26’, litter spreader Meyer 620 forage box
MISCELLANEOUS • Sunflower 5055-62 field cult., 5-section, 62’ • Sunflower 4610-9 disc ripper • Sunflower 4412-07 disc ripper • Sunflower 4530-19 disc chisel • Sunflower 1444-36 disc • Sunflower 4511-11 disc chisel • JD 220 high speed stalk chopper • ‘08 JD 520 stalk chopper • Loftness 30’ stalk chopper, SM • Loftness 20’ stalk chopper • Maurer 28’-42’ header trailers • ‘12 Degelman LR7645 land roller • Degelman 320 rock digger • Woods 8400, 3 pt. finish mower, 7’ • Everest 3 pt. finish mower, 7’ • ‘11 SB Select snowblowers, 97” & 108”, 3 pt. • Lucke 8’ snowblower, 3 pt.
SPECIAL PRICED ITEM (NEW) MF 1372 disc mower conditioner, 12’, steel rollers ..............$27,950 (Plus 3.9% Financing)
Harvesting Equip
037 Tillage Equip
Tillage Equip
Tillage Equip
FOR SALE: New Idea 3R30” super picker, 12R husking bed, $3,000. 507-841-1108 FOR SALE: NH TR70 combine, Cat hydro, $3,000; 974 8R30” cornhead, $4,000; 972 20' bean head, $500. Phone 507-236-6672 FOR SALE: Oliver 7300 combine w/ 3R30” cornhead. Runs OK. $500. 507-225-3305 FOR SALE: SCH easy cut cutting system, includes sickle & guards for 22' JD head. $300. 320-834-2846 FOR SALE: Very nice, low houred '79 IH 1480 combine, 3800 hrs., 30.5x32 singles, no chopper, deal. 507-665-3739
JD 6620 combine, w/443 corn head, field ready. Will separate. $10,000. 715-541-2462 or 715-357-3689 JD 6620 Sidehill, '83 model, well maintained. 715-4959083 New Idea 708 Uni, 1455 hrs., w/844 cornhead, 717 combine, 727 husking bed, $6,500 OBO. 763-658-4948 Planting Equip
'05 JD 1760 Maxi-Merge XP, SN: 710114, trash whippers, 3 bu. boxes, 3 sets of disks 14 5/8” diameter, 4150 acres, always shedded, retired from farming. 507-2206810 '92 JD 7300, 8R30", vacuum, insect monitor, & trash cleaners, $6,400. 712-480-4564 Tillage Equip
FOR SALE: CIH #14 7 shank ripper with Campbell hitch; NH 256 rake. 507-847-5489 FOR SALE: DMI 730 disk ripper, 7 shank disk leveler, 10” pts, covering boards, very good shape. 507-2368356 FOR SALE: Hiniker disk chisel model 7500, 14' wide, near new blades, very good, $2,750. 507-220-1051 or 507-227-5588
COMBINES ‘11 JD 9870, 557 eng./382 sep. hrs., 4x4 Premium cab, Pro drive trans., 5-spd. feederhouse, has twin disc spreader, no choppper, Warranty Until Sept., 1, 2012 ..................$223,000 ‘08 JD 9770, 4WD, 1225 eng./835 sep. hrs., Contour Master, chopper, 20.8x42 duals, 28Lx26 rear tires ................................................$175,000 ‘05 JD 9660, 1777 eng./1282 sep. hrs., Contour Master, chopper, 20.8x38 duals ........................................$123,000 ‘08 JD 9670, 919 eng./1389 sep. hrs., Contour Master, chopper, Premium cab............................................$162,000 ‘99 JD 9610, 3300 eng./2400 sep. hrs., chopper, chaff spreader, 18.4x38 duals ..........................................$59,000
COMBINE HEADS JD 693, 6R30” cornhead ..............$12,500 ‘08 CIH 2020, 35’ flex head ..........$22,000
LOADER TRACTORS ‘07 JD 7830, MFWD, 4510 hrs., 4V, 710x38, JD 746 loader..............$105,000 ‘09 NH T7030, MFWD, cab, 1080 hrs., 3 pt, 540/1000 PTO, NH 860TL loader, 20.8x4 tires ........................$92,000 ‘08 NH T7030, MFWD, cab, 1325 hrs., 3 pt., 540/1000 PTO, NH 860TL loader w/joystick, 20.8x42 rear tires......$88,000 ‘07 NH T7040, MFWD, cab, 3056 hrs., 3 pt., 540/1000 PTO, NH 860TL loader, 18.4x42 tires ..............................$78,000 ‘05 JD 5525, MFWD, 1100 hrs., cab, JD 542 loader, 3 pt., 2 hyd., 540 PTO ..................................................$38,500
LARSON IMPLEMENTS 5 miles east of Cambridge, MN on Hwy. 95
2107 25th St., Emmetsburg, IA 50536
712-852-3003 NEW & ON HAND
• Koyker RBT7000 • Anderson TRB1000 • TubeLine 980 • Morris/ProAg 1400 HayHiker • Pride of the Prairie 14 bale • Woodford Ag trailers
• 2006 Buhler 1500 • 2008 Buhler 2500 • Rolin 400B Accumulator • Koyker RBT7000 Demo OTHER MODELS CAN BE ORDERED!
See www.woodfordequipment.com for our complete line of equipment!
JD 1760, 12-30 - $34,500
CIH 5240, 2WD COMBINES CIH MX275, MFD ‘98 2388, 3400 hrs. CIH Farmall 35 w/loader, 50 hrs. ‘09 6088, 553 hrs. ‘10 7088, 265 hrs. TILLAGE ‘08 7010, 428 hrs. DMI Tigermate II, 44’, 4-bar ‘97-’05 1020, 25’ platforms CIH 9300, 9-shank - $22,500 IH 983, 8-30 - $5,950 Artsway 240, 8-30 shredder CIH 1083, 8-30 - $8,950 PLANTERS CIH 2206, 6-30 ‘08 1200, 16-30 Pivot, bulk fill, CIH 2208, 8-30 - $28,500 2500 acres - $79,500 ‘08-’10 CIH 2608, 8-30 chopping ‘07 1200, 16-30 Pivot, bulk fill head - $72,500 ‘97 JD 893, 8-30 - $18,500 ‘08 1250, 24-30, bulk fill, 3500 acres - $118,500
RABE INTERNATIONAL, INC. 1205 Bixby Road (across from fairgrounds), Fairmont, MN 507-235-3358 or 800-813-8300 • Get the Rabe Advantage
763-689-1179 Look at our Web site for pictures & more listings Free delivery on combines in MN, Eastern ND & SD
Case IH and CNH Capital are registered trademarks of CNH America LLC
Visit our Web Site at http://www.caseih.com
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
FOR SALE: '08 Case IH 527B, Ecolo-Tiger w/ hydro disk, level'r unit, exc cond, $23,500. 320-238-2269 Green Isle MN
4WD & TRACK TRACTORS ‘95 JD 8970, 6443 hrs., 12-spd. synchro, 4 hyd., Ezee steer, 20.8x42 tires & duals ..................................................$60,000 ‘10 JD 9630, 1144 hrs., PS, 800x38 tires & duals, wgt. pkg., big hyd pump ................................................$225,000
24.5-32 ......................................$38,000 ‘90 JD 9500, 4206 eng./2867 sep. hrs., 30.5-32 ......................................$35,000 ‘11 JD 9870STS, 557 eng./382 sep. hrs., 4x4, CM, 5-spd., Pro-Drive, twin disc spreader ....................................$225,000 ‘05 JD 9760STS, 1462 eng./1086 sep. hrs., Contour Master, 20.8x38 duals, chopper, header controls ................................................$128,000 ‘04 JD 9760STS, 2358 eng./1612 sep. hrs., hi-capacity unload, Contour Master, chopper, Greenstar yield & moisture monitor, 800x32 tires $119,000 ‘06 CIH 8010, 1325 eng./1050 sep. hrs., 20.8x42 duals, tracker, chopper, rock trap, auto header, Sharp!..........$138,000 ‘09 CIH 7088, 1235 eng./910 sep.hrs., 20.8x42 duals, tracker, rock trap, Pro 600 monitor w/yield moisture ..$167,000 ‘03 CIH 2388, 3300 eng./2195 sep. hrs., tracker, chopper, 18Hx42 duals, AFS, yield & moisture monitor, Maurer bin ext...............................................$82,500 ‘97 CIH 2188, 3625 eng./2650 sep. hrs., rock trap, chopper ......................$52,500 ‘96 CIH 2188, 3500 eng./2350 sep. hrs., rock trap, chopper, auto header, 30.5x32 tires ............................................$49,000 ‘94 CIH 1688, 3734 eng. hrs., rock trap, chopper, auto header, thru shop ..................................................$34,500
We Have the Best Selection of
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FOR SALE: White 7300 combine w/ windrow pick up head. Runs OK. $500 507-225-3305 Intl 1440 combine, 4RN cornhead, 17' bean head, dummy grain head, $6,500 for all, will sell separately. Terry Morrison 612-619-2048
‘11 CIH Magnum 275, MFWD, 850 hrs., 3 pt., 540/1000 PTO, 4 hyd., HD drawbar, 18 front wgts., 380x54 duals, 380x38 front duals ..................$152,000 ‘03 CIH MXM190, MFWD, cab, air, PS, 540/1000 PTO, 650x42 rear tires, 7604 hrs., Good Condition..........$50,000 ‘03 NH TG255, MFWD, 3463 hrs., 3 pt., 4 hyd., 1000 PTO, frt wgts, 18.4x46 tires & duals ................$80,000 ‘01 JD 8110, 2WD, 4818 hrs., cab, 3V, 3 pt., 540/1000 PTO, 20.8-42 duals ..................................................$65,000 ‘95 JD 8100, 2WD, cab, 540/1000 PTO, 3 pt., 3 hyd., 9426 hrs., 18.4x46 tires & duals ..............................$42,500 ‘94 JD 7800, 2WD, cab, air, 3 pt., 540/1000 PTO, 9760 hrs., 14.9x46 duals, front wgts. ........................$42,500 ‘98 JD 6410, cab, air, MFWD, 16 spd. pwr quad, w/reverse, 8795 hrs., 18.4x38 tires ..............................$31,000 ‘89 JD 4755, 2WD, 9500 hrs., 3 pt., 3 hyd., PS, 1000 PTO, 18.4x42 tires & duals........................................$31,000
11 B THE LAND, AUGUST 3, 2012
FOR SALE: JD 300 corn FOR SALE: JD 610 17' tru Intl 5x18's pull-type plow, IH 800 plow, 10x18” walking auto reset,: JD 5x18's auto bean hinge w/coulters, depth chisel plow w/ harpicker, 2RN, good shape, reset pull-type plow. 320$9,000. 320-352-3374 row, excellent condition. $3,800. 507-364-7785 594-2763 Call 320-815-1057 Remlinger 12R Strip Till FOR SALE: JD heads (2) folding bar $10,000. 930 flexheads Crary air FOR SALE: Tebben 7 shank Late model Tebben ripper, 712-358-2489 rails, $7,500/ea, 930 flexmodel DT5M-30, blackleaf ripper, 2 rank 24” spacing, head, $7,000; (2) 930 spring re-set shanks, cover- Machinery Wanted buster bar leveler $3,250; 040 straight heads, $5,000/ea. ing boards, HD shank levelGehl 309 manure spreader, 643 oil cornhead 9R22”, ers, HD skidsteer tires on $1,750. Phone 507-236-6672 All kinds of New & Used $8,000. OBO on all items. gauge whls, exc shape. farm equipment – disc chis701-640-4737 or 701-640-4697 507-822-1238 or 507-822-1237 IH 700 hi-clear plow, 7x18's els, field cults, planters, auto resets, no coulters, FOR SALE: MF 9120 20' soil finishers, cornheads, $3,600 OBO. 612-987-2790 ask bean head w/ SCH sickle, feed mills, discs, balers, for Robert always shedded, very good haybines, etc. 507-438-9782 cond, $4,500?OBO. MF 1163 6R30” cornhead, $3,000/OBO. 507-340-1001 ROW CROP TRACTORS ‘93, JD 9400, 2681 eng./2037 sep. hrs.,
12 B
KIMBALL, MN • 320-398-3800 Sales: • Al Mueller • Wayne Mackereth • Mike Schneider
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• Allen Schramm • Rollie Jurgens • Chase Groskreutz
GLENCOE, MN • 320-864-5531
Sales: • Richard Dammann • Randy Uecker • Steve Schramm • Mike W
NO. MANKATO, MN • 507-387-55 Sales: • Randy Rasmussen • Ed Nowak • Leon Rasmussen • Jay Pederson • Spencer Kolles • Rick Miller
CIH 535 Steiger, '11, 455 hrs ........................................$309,500 CIH 535 Quad, '10, 800 hrs ..........................................$299,000 CIH 530 Quad, '07, 2335 hrs ........................................$225,000 CIH 500 Steiger, '11, 405 hrs ........................................$265,500 CIH STX500, '05, 2945 hrs............................................$172,500 CIH 485 Steiger, '10, 425 hrs ........................................$229,500 CIH STX450Q, '02, 5095 hrs ........................................$149,000 CIH 435 Steiger, '08, 1250 hrs ......................................$205,000 CIH 385 Steiger, '10, 310 hrs ........................................$199,500 CIH 330 Steiger, '07, 1840 hrs ......................................$150,000 CIH STX325, '02, 2250 hrs............................................$132,500 CIH STX275, '02, 2875 hrs............................................$125,000 CIH 9390, '97 ..................................................................$88,500 CIH 9380, '97, 4600 hrs ..................................................$79,500 CIH 9380, '96, 8075 hrs ..................................................$65,000 CIH 9370, '97, 4325 hrs ..................................................$84,500 CIH 9180, '89, 7600 hrs ..................................................$39,900 CIH 9170, '89, 7825 hrs ..................................................$56,500 Challenger MT865B, '06, 3745 hrs ................................$199,500 Ford 846, '93, 5785 hrs ..................................................$39,900 JD 9620T, '06, 3205 hrs ................................................$195,000 JD 9320T, '05, 1940 hrs ................................................$159,900 JD 8960, '91, 6540 hrs....................................................$64,500 NH T9060, '08, 1440 hrs ..............................................$212,000 NH TJ330, '07................................................................$139,500 Versatile 846, '88, 5510 hrs ............................................$30,000 Versatile 835, '78, 11,000 hrs..........................................$15,500
CIH 215 Mag, '10, 3100 hrs ..........................................$105,000 CIH 215 Mag, '09, 770 hrs ............................................$129,000 CIH 215 Mag, '09, 880 hrs ............................................$129,500 CIH MX200, '99, 8865 hrs ..............................................$65,000 CIH MXM190, '02, 2940 hrs............................................$67,500 CIH 125 Value, '08 ..........................................................$56,500 CIH 8950, 8725 hrs ........................................................$62,500 CIH 8940, '97, 4325 hrs ..................................................$67,500 CIH 7140, '91 ..................................................................$45,900 CIH 7130, '87, 5610 hrs ..................................................$55,000 Case 2590, '79, 6035 hrs ................................................$14,900 Case 580M, '06, 4400 hrs ..............................................$41,500 Challenger 65E, '01..........................................................$37,500 Ford 8970, '94, 8140 hrs ................................................$57,500 JD 5525, 1235 hrs ..........................................................$39,900 JD 4650, 6550 hrs ..........................................................$42,900 McCormick XTX215, '06, 870 hrs....................................$85,000 NH TG245, '06, 2670 hrs ..............................................$105,500 NH T7050, '08, 2720 hrs ................................................$84,000 White 185, '88, 4510 hrs ................................................$29,000
COMPACT TRACTORS / RTV’s CIH 40 Farmall CVT ........................................................$36,250 CIH DX25E, '04, 175 hrs..................................................$13,900 Agco ST 40, '02, 435 hrs ................................................$15,500 Deutz 5220, '87, 1540 hrs ................................................$5,995 JD 4310, '02, 1090 hrs....................................................$21,000 Kubota B7800HSD, '06, 270 hrs......................................$18,200 Kubota B2920HSD, '08, 195 hrs......................................$16,250 Kubota BX2360T, '09 ........................................................$8,950 Kubota BX2230, '05, 310 hrs ............................................$8,950 Kubota BX2230, '04, 1965 hrs ..........................................$7,750 Kubota BX2200, '01, 565 hrs ............................................$7,900 Kubota BX1500, '04, 1235 hrs ..........................................$6,100 Kubota L3430, '03, 2470 hrs ..........................................$22,500 Bobcat 5600 ....................................................................$28,900 JD Gator CS, '05, 280 hrs..................................................$2,850 Kawasaki Mule, '02, 2670 hrs............................................$5,500 Kubota RTV1100, '10, 725 hrs ........................................$14,900 Kubota RTV900W, '06, 800 hrs ........................................$7,900 Kubota RTV900, '06, 935 hrs ............................................$7,950 Kubota RTV900, '05, 950 hrs ............................................$8,550 Kubota RTV900W, '04, 830 hrs ........................................$8,200 Steiner Hawk, '00 ..............................................................$3,250
COMBINES Continued
SPRING - (2) CIH TM 200, 60.5' Fld Cult ............choice $67,500 (5) CIH TM 200, 50.5' Fld Cult ........................$50,900 - $62,500 CIH TM 200, 44.5' ACS Fld Cult ......................................$51,500 CIH TMII, 54.5' Fld Cult ..................................................$35,500 (2) CIH TMII, 50.5' Fld Cult ..........................$42,500 & $46,900 CIH TMII, 48.5' Fld Cult ..................................................$44,000 (2) CIH TMII, 46.5' Fld Cult ..........................$38,500 & $39,895 CIH TMII, 44.5' Fld Cult ..................................................$32,500 (2) CIH TMII, 36.5' Fld Cult ........................$32,500 & $32,9000 CIH TMII, 30.5' Fld Cult ..................................................$27,900 CIH 4800, 32' Fld Cult ......................................................$7,500 CIH 4300, 43' Fld Cult ....................................................$14,000 CIH 4300, 35' Fld Cult ....................................................$12,500 DMI TMII, 49.5' Fld Cult ..................................................$39,500 DMI TMII, 40.5' Fld Cult ..................................................$34,500 DMI TM, 44.5' Fld Cult ....................................................$12,500 JD 2210, 64.5' Fld Cult ....................................................$61,500 JD 2210, 50.5' Fld Cult ....................................................$55,900 JD 2200, 38.5' Fld Cult ....................................................$24,500 JD 1000, 26.5' Fld Cult ......................................................$1,000 JD 985, 50.5' Fld Cult ......................................................$28,500 JD 980, 44.5' Fld Cult ......................................................$17,500 JD 980, 43.5' Fld Cult ......................................................$16,900 JD 980, 42.5' Fld Cult ......................................................$11,900 JD 980, 36.5' Fld Cult ......................................................$13,900 JD 980, 24.5' Fld Cult ......................................................$14,900 JD 980 Fld Cult ................................................................$14,500 JD 960, 36.5' Fld Cult ........................................................$6,900 JD 960, 34.5' Fld Cult ........................................................$7,300 Sunflower 5053, 39' Fld Cult ..........................................$19,900 White 375 Fld Cult ............................................................$3,500 Wilrich Quad5, 32' Fld Cult..............................................$16,500 Wilrich 2500, 27.4' Fld Cult ..............................................$1,950 Wilrich 13BWFC, 28' Fld Cult ............................................$2,500 CIH 1830, 12R Row Crop Cult ..........................................$4,800 CIH 3950, 22.5' Disk........................................................$21,500 CIH 3900, 33' Disk ..........................................................$14,900 CIH 496 Disk....................................................................$12,900 CIH 370, 31' Disk ............................................................$58,200 (2) CIH 330, 34' Disk ....................................$58,500 & $61,500 CIH 330, 25' Disk ............................................................$45,500 JD BWF, 19' Disk ..............................................................$2,000 Sunflower 1434, 23' Disk ................................................$33,000 White 6x16 Disk ................................................................$1,500 Worksaver 940420 Disk........................................................$525
CIH 6088, '10, 500 hrs ..................................................$225,000 CIH 2388, '05, 2320 hrs ................................................$126,900 CIH 2388, '04, 2185 hrs ................................................$127,900 CIH 2388, '04, 2375 hrs ................................................$129,900 CIH 2388, '04, 3965 hrs ..................................................$99,900 CIH 2388, '03, 2740 hrs ................................................$135,000 CIH 2388, '03, 2415 hrs ................................................$140,000 CIH 2388, '03, 2540 hrs ................................................$117,900 CIH 2388, '03, 2550 hrs ................................................$125,000 CIH 2388, '03, 2760 hrs ................................................$119,900 CIH 2388, '02, 2975 hrs ..................................................$99,000 CIH 2388, '01, 2400 hrs ..................................................$99,500 CIH 2388, '01, 2580 hrs ................................................$106,500 CIH 2388, '01, 3250 hrs ..................................................$99,900 CIH 2388, '00, 3295 hrs ..................................................$86,500 CIH 2388, '98, 3250 hrs ..................................................$85,700 CIH 2388, '98, 3780 hrs ..................................................$82,500 CIH 2377, '06, 1670 hrs ................................................$149,500 CIH 2366, '00, 2810 hrs ..................................................$89,500 CIH 2366, '00, 3135 hrs ..................................................$89,500 CIH 2366, '99, 3845 hrs ..................................................$79,500 CIH 2366, '91, 2845 hrs ..................................................$79,500 CIH 2188, '97, 3800 hrs ..................................................$69,500 CIH 2188, '97, 2365 hrs ..................................................$79,000 CIH 2188, '96, 2950 hrs ..................................................$72,500 CIH 2188, '96, 3045 hrs ..................................................$79,500 CIH 2188, '96, 5140 hrs ..................................................$39,000 CIH 2188, '95, 3875 hrs ..................................................$56,500 CIH 2166, '97, 2535 hrs ..................................................$69,000 CIH 2166, '97, 4150 hrs ..................................................$62,500 CIH 2166, '96, 3250 hrs ..................................................$59,500 CIH 2166, '96, 3430 hrs ..................................................$63,500 CIH 1688, '94, 3305 hrs ..................................................$49,500 CIH 1688, '94, 4160 hrs ..................................................$39,500 CIH 1688, '93, 4560 hrs ..................................................$47,500 CIH 1680, '92, 3385 hrs ..................................................$29,500 CIH 1680, '87, 3115 hrs ..................................................$29,500 CIH 1666, '93, 3180 hrs ..................................................$49,500 CIH 1660, '90 ..................................................................$26,500 CIH 1660, '87, 4605 hrs ..................................................$27,500 IH 1460, '82, 4665 hrs ....................................................$10,500 IH 1440, '79 ......................................................................$5,900 JD 9870, '09, 1100 hrs..................................................$256,000 JD 9860STS, '04, 2000 hrs ..........................................$169,500 JD 9660, '07, 1805 hrs..................................................$169,500 JD 9610, '96, 3265 hrs....................................................$62,500 JD 9600, '95, 4375 hrs....................................................$39,900 JD 9600, '90, 2620 hrs....................................................$34,500 JD 9500, '89, 4520 hrs....................................................$37,950 JD 9400, '91, 4720 hrs....................................................$35,950 NH TR97, '95, 3955 hrs ..................................................$29,500 NH TR86, '89, 3860 hrs ..................................................$18,500 NH TR86, '85, 3245 hrs ....................................................$9,900 NH 970, '03, 2020 hrs ..................................................$139,000
BEAN/CORNHEADS Financing as low as 0% available for up to 60 months on select used Combine Heads!
PLANTING & SEEDING CIH JX70, '08, 250 hrs ....................................................$18,500 CIH 2404, '68, 5805 hrs ....................................................$4,950 Case Vac, '47 ....................................................................$1,150 IH M, '49............................................................................$2,500 IH 5488, '82, 6270 hrs ....................................................$21,500 IH 5088, '82, 9545 hrs ....................................................$19,500 IH 1086, '79, 6000 hrs ....................................................$16,900 IH 986, '81, 9130 hrs ......................................................$12,900 IH 756................................................................................$7,500 IH 686, 8175 hrs..............................................................$11,750 Allis 7060, '76, 3140 hrs ..................................................$9,900 Deutz 9170, '90, 3565 hrs ..............................................$23,500 Oliver 1650, '67, 8475 hrs ................................................$6,500
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
TRACTORS AWD/MFD CIH CX90, '99, 3715 hrs..................................................$22,500 CIH 335 Mag, '11, 50 hrs ..............................................$219,000 (2) CIH 335 Mag, '10 ........................................choice $151,900 CIH 305 Mag, '11, 1300 hrs ..........................................$167,500 (2) CIH 305 Mag, '10 ........................................choice $182,500 (2) CIH 305 Mag, '10 ........................................choice $151,900 CIH 305 Mag, '09, 1595 hrs ..........................................$182,500 (2) CIH 260 Mag, '12 ..............................................................Call CIH 290 Mag, '11, 180 hrs ............................................$192,500 CIH 275 Mag, '11, 600 hrs ............................................$172,500 CIH 275 Mag, '10, 600 hrs ............................................$172,500 CIH 275 Mag, '10, 950 hrs ............................................$155,500 CIH 275 Mag, '09 ..........................................................$175,000 CIH MX275, '06, 2020 hrs ............................................$129,500 CIH 245 Mag, '11, 300 hrs ............................................$153,500 CIH 245 Mag, '09, 2250 hrs ..........................................$129,500 CIH 245 Mag, '09, 2460 hrs ..........................................$129,500 CIH MX230, '04, 4400 hrs ..............................................$89,500 CIH 215 Mag, '11, 695 hrs ............................................$130,000
CIH 1260, 36R22 ..........................................................$185,000 (3) CIH 1250, 24R30 ..................................$113,900 - $163,000 CIH 1250, 16R30 ............................................................$98,500 (2) CIH 1250, 12R30 ....................................$58,000 & $59,000 (2) CIH 1240, 24R22 ..................................$98,500 & $125,000 CIH 1200, 36R20 ............................................................$49,500 CIH 1200, 16R30 ............................................................$38,000 (2) CIH 1200, 12R30 ....................................$41,500 & $48,500 CIH 955, 16R30 ..............................................................$21,500 (2) CIH 955, 12R30 ......................................$18,000 & $18,500 CIH 950, 16R30 ..............................................................$22,000 CIH 950FF ........................................................................$19,500 (2) CIH 950, 12R30 ......................................$10,500 & $16,900 CIH 950, 8R30 ..................................................................$7,800 CIH 950, 6R30 ..................................................................$7,500 CIH 900, 16R30 ..............................................................$14,900 CIH 900, 12RVF ................................................................$6,900 (3) CIH 900, 8R30 ..............................................$5,995 - $6,500 IH 800, 8R30 ....................................................................$2,100 JD DB44, 24R22 ............................................................$106,500 JD 7300, 18R22 ..............................................................$19,500 (2) JD 7300, 12R30 ......................................$12,500 & $12,900 JD 7200, 12R30 ..............................................................$17,950 JD 7200FF, 12R30............................................................$16,500 JD 1750, 6R30 ................................................................$21,900 (2) JD 1770, 16R30 ......................................$46,300 & $52,500 Kinze 3600, 12R30 ..........................................................$39,900 White 8524, 24R30........................................................$109,900 CIH 5400MT, 20' Drill ........................................................$6,950 CIH 5400, 20' Drill ............................................................$6,500 Great Plains 30' Drill........................................................$10,500 (3) Great Plains 20' Drill ....................................$4,500 - $5,800 JD 1520, 20' Drill ............................................................$17,250 JD 520, 20' Drill ................................................................$4,500
Financing provided by
CNH Capital ® 2012 CNH America LLC. All rights reserved. Case IH is a registered trademark of CNH America LLC. CNH Capital is a trademark of CNH America LLC. www.caseih.com
Financing as low as 0% available for up to 60 months on used Combines! CIH 9120, '11, 290 hrs ..................................................$320,000 CIH 9120T, '10, 655 hrs ................................................$329,000 CIH 9120, '09, 725 hrs ..................................................$289,000 CIH 8120, '11, 210 hrs ..................................................$309,000 CIH 8120, '11, 250 hrs ..................................................$309,000 CIH 8120T, '10, 970 hrs ................................................$319,000 CIH 8120, '10, 190 hrs ..................................................$315,000 CIH 8120, '10, 1275 hrs ................................................$260,000 CIH 8120, '09, 930 hrs ..................................................$253,400 CIH 8120, '09, 1120 hrs ................................................$265,000 CIH 8120, '09, 1265 hrs ................................................$249,500 CIH 8120, '09, 1060 hrs ................................................$260,000 CIH 8010, '07, 1100 hrs ................................................$215,000 CIH 8010, '06, 865 hrs ..................................................$175,000 CIH 8010, '06, 1410 hrs ................................................$191,500 CIH 8010, '06, 1900 hrs ................................................$164,500 CIH 8010, '06, 1900 hrs ................................................$166,000 CIH 8010, '04, 2115 hrs ................................................$139,000 CIH 8010, '04, 2440 hrs ................................................$159,000 CIH 7120, '11, 285 hrs ..................................................$269,000 CIH 7120, '09, 915 hrs ..................................................$252,500 CIH 7120, '09, 940 hrs ..................................................$252,500 CIH 7088, '11, 585 hrs ..................................................$249,000 CIH 7088, '11, 640 hrs ..................................................$249,000 CIH 7088, '10, 470 hrs ..................................................$245,000 CIH 7088, '10, 810 hrs ..................................................$225,000 CIH 7088, '09, 845 hrs ..................................................$215,000 CIH 6088, '11, 545 hrs ..................................................$239,000 CIH 6088, '11, 500 hrs ..................................................$239,000 CIH 6088, '10, 450 hrs ..................................................$228,500 CIH 6088, '10, 525 hrs ..................................................$235,000
CIH 3020, 30' Beanhead ..................................................$30,000 CIH 2162, 35' Beanhead ..................................................$59,900 (2) CIH 2062, 36' Beanhead ..........................$45,000 & $48,000 CIH 2020, 35' Beanhead ..................................................$27,900 (6) CIH 2020, 30' Beanhead............................$19,500 - $33,500 (3) CIH 2020, 25' Beanhead..........................$$18,900 - $23,000 CIH 2020, 20' Beanhead ..................................................$24,000 (30) CIH 1020, 30' Beanhead ..........................Starting at $5,900 (27) CIH 1020, 25' Beanhead ..........................Starting at $5,500 (3) CIH 1020, 22.5' Beanhead ............................$4,950 - $9,700 CIH 1020, 20' Beanhead ..................................................$15,500 Deutz All 320 Beanhead ....................................................$3,500 (5) JD 930F, 30' Beanhead ................................$8,999 - $11,900 JD 920, 20' Beanhead........................................................$5,900 (3) JD 635F, 35' Beanhead ..............................$32,000 - $39,900 JD 630F, 30' Beanhead ....................................................$26,500 MacDon 2162, 40' Beanhead ..........................................$55,000 MacDon 2162, 35' Beanhead ..........................................$47,000 Macdon 30' Beanhead ....................................................$41,500 MF 9750, 25' Beanhead ....................................................$7,000 NH 960 Beanhead ..............................................................$1,400 (2) CIH 2612 Cornhead..................................$81,500 & $82,300 (2) CIH 2608 Cornhead..................................$52,900 & $72,500 (8) CIH 2208 Cornhead ..................................$26,500 - $35,500 (3) CIH 2206 Cornhead ..................................$24,500 - $30,000 (2) CIH 1222 Cornhead ................................$13,900 & $ 16,900 CIH 922 Cornhead ............................................................$9,500 (11) CIH 1083 Cornhead ..................................starting at $7,950 (3) CIH 1063 Cornhead ..................................starting at $13,500 IH 983, 9R22 Cornhead ..................................................$10,500 IH 963, 6R30 Cornhead ....................................................$7,950 (2) IH 883 Cornhead ..........................................$1,500 & $4,000 IH 863 Cornhead................................................................$4,500 Clark 1820, 18R20 Cornhead ..........................................$59,000 Cressoni 6R30 Cornhead ................................................$21,500 (6) Drago 12R22 Cornhead ............................$74,950 - $85,000 (2) Drago 12R20 Cornhead ............................................$84,500 Drago 10R30 Cornhead ..................................................$65,500 (3) Drago 10R22 Cornhead ............................$39,500 - $65,500 (17) Drago 8R30 Cornhead ............................$29,000 - $64,900 Drago 8R22 Cornhead ....................................................$33,000
(2) Drago 6R30 Cornhead..............................$42, Fantini 8R30 Cornhead ......................................... Geringhoff 12R30 Cornhead ................................. Geringhoff 8R30 Cornhead ................................... Geringhoff 6R30 Cornhead ................................... (3) Geringhoff Roto Disc ................................$29 Gleaner Hugger Cornhead..................................... Harvestec 4306C Cornhead ................................. (4) Harvestec 8R30 Cornhead ........................$25 Harvestec 6R30 Cornhead ................................... JD 1293, 12R30 Cornhead ................................... JD 1290, 12R20 Cornhead ................................... (5) JD 893, 8R30 Cornhead ............................$15 JD 843, 8R30 Cornhead ....................................... (2) JD 843, 8R22 Cornhead ..........................$10, Lexion C512R30 Cornhead ................................... (2) IH 810 Platform............................................$1 JD Platform........................................................... Homemade 4 Wheel Head Transport ................... J & M 30' Head Transport ................................... Maurer 1230, 30' Head Transport......................... Maurer HT30, 30' Head Transport .......................
(6) CIH 870, 22' Subsoiler ..............................$59 (3) CIH 870, 18' Subsoiler ..............................$54 (2) CIH 870, 14' Subsoiler ............................$41, (6) CIH MRX690 Suboiler ..............................$19 (6) CIH 9300, 22.5' Subsoiler ........................$24 (2) CIH 9300, 9 Shank Subsoiler ..................$36, (9) CIH 730B Subsoiler ..................................$17 (8) CIH 730C Subsoiler ..................................$31 CIH 530B, 12.5' Subsoiler ................................... (2) CIH 530C, 12.5' Subsoiler........................$29, (2) DMI 9300, 22.5' Subsoiler ......................$29, DMI 1300, 17.5' Subsoiler ................................... DMI 730B Subsoiler ............................................. (5) DMI 730B, 17.5' Subsoiler ........................$15 (3) DMI 730B, 7 Shank Suboiler ....................$17 (4) DMI 730, 7 Shank Subsoiler .................. $12 DMI 530, 5 Shank Subsoiler................................. DMI CCII, 11.5' Subsoiler ..................................... Bourgault 2200, 30' Subsoiler ............................. Brillion LCS7-2 Subsoiler ..................................... (21) JD 2700 Subsoiler ..................................$19 JD 960 Subsoiler ................................................. (2) JD 512, 22.5' Subsoiler .................................. (3) JD 512, 22' Subsoiler................................$40 (2) JD 512, 17.5' Subsoiler .................................. (3) JD 512, 9 Shank Subsoiler ........................$23 JD 510, 7 Shank Subsoiler ................................... Krause 4850, 18' Subsoiler ................................. M & W 2900 Subsoiler ......................................... M & W 2200 Subsoiler ......................................... M & W 1875, 17.5' Subsoiler ............................... M & W 1165 Subsoiler ......................................... (2) M & W 1860, 9 Shank Subsoiler..................$8 M & W 1465, 7 Shank Subsoiler ......................... NH ST770, 17.5' Subsoiler ................................... Sunflower 4411, 9 Shank Subsoiler ..................... (7) Wilrich V957DDR Subsoiler ......................$23 IH 5500, 10' Chisel Plow ...................................... IH 4700, 30' Chisel Plow ..................................... Hiniker 816M Chisel Plow..................................... Sunflower 4510, 13' Chisel Plow ......................... CIH 800, 9x18 MB Plow ....................................... IH 730, 5 Bottom MB Plow................................... IH 720, 6x18 MB Plow ......................................... IH 700, 8x18 MB Plow ......................................... JD 3710, 9 Bottom MB Plow ............................... JD 724, 30' Combo Mulch ................................... DMI 45 Crumbler ................................................. DMI 18' Crumbler ................................................. Great Plains 20' Crumbler..................................... Riteway F5-62, 60' Crumbler ............................... Walco 45' Crumbler ............................................. Hiniker 5700, 24' Rotary Hoe ............................... (2) JD 400, 30' Rotary Hoe................................$3
Chase Groskreutz, East - (320) 2 Randy Olmscheid, West - (320)
Claas 980, '10, 655 hrs......................................... Claas 980, '10, 915 hrs......................................... Claas 980, '09, 1135 hrs....................................... Claas 980, '08....................................................... Claas 980, '08, 1495 hrs....................................... Claas 970, '08, 1040 hrs....................................... Claas 900, '09, 1625 hrs....................................... Claas 900, '07, 1935 hrs....................................... Claas 900, '07, 2430 hrs....................................... Claas 900, '06, 2645 hrs....................................... Claas 900, '03, 2275 hrs....................................... Claas 890, '02, 2100 hrs....................................... Claas 890, '02, 2555 hrs....................................... Claas 870 GE, '06, 2590 hrs ................................. Claas 870, '05, 1995 hrs....................................... Claas 870, '03, 2790 hrs.......................................
WILLMAR, MN • 320-235-4898
ST. MARTIN, MN • 320-548-3285
ALDEN, MN • 507-874-3400
for more used equipment listings
,500 & $51,500 ............$34,000 ............$89,750 ............$29,900 ............$21,900 9,900 - $36,500 ..............$8,950 ............$34,000 5,000 - $39,500 ............$15,900 ............$45,500 ............$49,950 5,900 - $33,000 ..............$7,500 ,000 & $10,500 ............$38,000 1,500 & $2,500 ..............$1,500 ..............$1,000 ..............$3,000 ..............$3,995 ..............$3,300
248-3733 583-6014
Sales: • Brad Wermedal • Tim Wiersma • Tim Engebretson • Bob Joubert SP FORAGE HARVESTERS Continued
JD 7800, '05, 3870 hrs..................................................$155,000 JD 6810, '96, 4590 hrs....................................................$59,500 JD 5400, 2660 hrs ..........................................................$24,000 NH FX60, '03, 1970 hrs ................................................$115,000 NH FX58, '02, 1410 hrs ................................................$108,000
CIH 4260, 98, 4270 hrs ..................................................$79,900 Patriot Widetrack, '98, 4310 hrs......................................$49,000 Redball Raptor, '05, 1250 hrs..........................................$86,500
Rudy Lusk - (507) 227-4119
Gehl CB1265 PT Forg Harv................................................$7,500 Gehl 1075 PT Forg Harv ....................................................$9,500 NH FP240 PT Forg Harv ..................................................$23,000 NH FP230 PT Forg Harv ..................................................$25,900 (4) Claas PU380HD Hayhead ........................ $14,000 - $15,000 (2) Claas PU380 Pro Hayhead ......................$23,000 & $24,500 (7) Claas PU380 Hayhead ............................ $11,500 - $14,500 (2) Claas PU300 Hayhead ..................................$8,500 & $9,500 (2) Gehl HA1210 7' Hayhead .............................. $500 & $1,850 Gehl 7' Hayhead....................................................................$500 JD 640B Hayhead ............................................................$11,500 JD 7' Hayhead ......................................................................$800 JD 5HP, 5.5' Hayhead ..........................................................$400 NH 3500 Hayhead..............................................................$6,500 NH 355W Hayhead ............................................................$8,500 NH 340W Hayhead ............................................................$5,000 NH 27P Hayhead................................................................$3,200 (3) Claas Orbis 900 Cornhead ....................$110,000 - $111,000 (3) Claas Orbis 750 Cornhead ........................$76,000 - $79,000 Claas Orbis 600 Cornhead ..............................................$68,000 (13) Claas RU600, 8R30 Cornhead ................$24,500 - $59,000 (2) Claas RU450XTRA Cornhead ..................$42,000 & $46,000 (11) Claas RU450 Cornhead............................$28,000 - $48,000 Gehl TR330 Cornhead........................................................$2,600 JD 678, 8R30 Cornhead ..................................................$43,000 JD 4R30 Cornhead ............................................................$5,500 JD 3R30 Cornhead ............................................................$2,600 Kemper 6008 Cornhead ..................................................$51,500 Kemper 3000 Cornhead ..................................................$22,000 NH 824, 2R Cornhead........................................................$3,900 NH 3PN Cornhead..............................................................$8,500 (2) NH R1600 Cornhead ................................$39,500 & $42,500
Ag Chem 1000 ................................................................$13,500 Bestway 500 Gal ..................................................................$975 Blumhardt 60' ....................................................................$3,350 Century 750, 60' ................................................................$4,900 Demco Conquest ............................................................$19,500 Femco 27D, 150 Gal ..........................................................$1,250 Hardi Commander............................................................$59,500 Hardi NAV1000 ..................................................................$4,250 Hardi NP1100, 60' ........................................................$12,500 Redball 690, 2000 Gal ....................................................$29,500 Redball 670, 1200 Gal ....................................................$21,500 Redball 670, 90' ............................................................$20,000 Redball 565......................................................................$15,500 Top Air 1600R90, '11 ......................................................$39,500 Top Air 1600R90, '11 ......................................................$41,000 Top Air 1600R90, '11 ......................................................$42,500
HAY EQUIPMENT Versatile 400, '76 ..............................................................$2,800 CIH DHX181 Draper Head................................................$20,000 CIH 8370, 14' Mow Cond ..................................................$5,500 CIH 8340, 9' MowCond ....................................................$7,950 CIH 8312, 12' MowCond ..................................................$9,500 CIH DCX161 MowCond....................................................$20,500 Hesston 1160, 14' MowCond ............................................$5,350 JD Moco946 MowCond ..................................................$29,500 JD 1600, 14' MowCond ....................................................$6,995 JD 945, 13' MowCond ....................................................$15,000 NH 1475 MowCond ..........................................................$7,500 NH 415, 11' MowerCond ..................................................$5,500 (2) NH 116, 14' MowCond ................................$5,900 & $6,500 CIH MDX81 Disc Mower....................................................$5,800 Kuhn GMD600 Disc Mower ..............................................$4,000 Kuhn 6MD 500S Disc Mower ............................................$2,995 NH H6730 Disc Mower ......................................................$7,750 NH HM235, 6' Disc Mower................................................$5,750 CIH FC60, 60" Rotary Mower ................................................$550 Cyclone 17-C50-RD Rotary Mower....................................$1,850 Landpride AFM4211 Rotary Mower ................................$12,500 Landpride FDR2584 Rotary Mower ..................................$2,750 Tonutti FM180 Rotary Mower ............................................$1,850 Woods RD7200D Rotary Mower ......................................$1,895 H & S TWM9 Wind Merg ................................................$26,500 H & S 166 Wind Merg ......................................................$3,850 (3) Millerpro 14-16 Wind Merg .................... $26,500 - $33,500 NH 166 Wind Merg............................................................$3,750 Oxbo 14-16 Wnd Merg ....................................................$48,000 Gehl 420 Rake ..................................................................$2,650 Kuhn GA8521 Rake..........................................................$23,500 Kuhn GA7301 Rake..........................................................$14,500
BALERS CIH RB564 Rnd Baler ......................................................$27,900 (3) CIH RBX562 Rnd Baler ............................$12,500 - $14,500 CIH 3650, 5x6 Rnd Baler ..................................................$6,995 (3) Claas 280RC Rnd Baler ............................$19,500 - $21,500 Claas 255 Rnd Baler ........................................................$26,500 Claas 180RC Rnd Baler....................................................$10,900 Hesston 530, 4x4 Rnd Baler ..............................................$8,500 JD 567, 5x6 Rnd Baler ....................................................$19,500 NH BR780A Rnd Baler ....................................................$17,800 NH BR780 Rnd Baler ......................................................$15,900 New Idea 4865, 5x6 Rnd Baler ..........................................$9,500 CIH LBX432 Rec Baler ....................................................$64,500 CIH 8575 Rec Baler ........................................................$29,500 CIH 8530 Rec Baler ..........................................................$7,500 JD 327 Rec Baler ..............................................................$4,950 MF 124 Rec Baler ..............................................................$2,500 (3) NH BB940A Rec Baler ..............................$49,500 - $67,500 NH 315 Rec Baler ..............................................................$3,500
Case SR250, '12, 2 hrs....................................................$42,500 Case 1845C, '94 ..............................................................$12,900 Case 1840, '95, 4395 hrs ................................................$10,500 Case 1840, '91, 6355 hrs ..................................................$9,850 Case 1840, '89, 3350 hrs ..................................................$9,900 Case 1840, 5695 hrs..........................................................$8,500 Case 1825, '89, 4000 hrs ..................................................$5,500 Case 450CT, '08, 1570 hrs ..............................................$41,500 Case 445, '06, 1975 hrs ..................................................$30,500 Case 440, '08, 3360 hrs ..................................................$22,500 Case 440, '07, 1250 hrs ..................................................$24,900 Case 440, '07, 2330 hrs ..................................................$22,500 Case 435, '07, 1050 hrs ..................................................$20,900 Case 430, '09, 1500 hrs ..................................................$27,500 Case 430, '09, 2560 hrs ..................................................$21,500 Case 430, '08, 400 hrs ....................................................$27,500 Case 430, '08, 990 hrs ....................................................$24,900 Case 430, '07, 1275 hrs ..................................................$22,500 Case 430, '07, 4750 hrs ..................................................$16,900 Case 430, '06, 2105 hrs ..................................................$17,900 Case 430, '06, 3905 hrs ..................................................$22,000 Case 420, '06, 2750 hrs ..................................................$15,000 Case 90XT, '00, 4430 hrs ................................................$16,500 Case 40XT, '02, 1735 hrs ................................................$15,900 Bobcat S-250, '05, 4615 hrs............................................$24,500 Bobcat S-185, '07, 3100 hrs............................................$21,500 Bobcat T250, '04, 4820 hrs ............................................$17,800 Cat 236B, '06, 1975 hrs ..................................................$23,500 Daewoo 2060XL, '02, 3070 hrs ........................................$9,500 Gehl 7800, '01, 6395 hrs ................................................$18,500 Gehl 7810 Turbo, '04, 3350 hrs ......................................$34,500 Gehl 5240E, '10, 380 hrs ................................................$27,500 Gehl 4840, '05, 770 hrs ..................................................$19,900 Gehl 4840, '05, 5730 hrs ................................................$12,700 Gehl 4835SXT, '00 ..........................................................$10,900 Gehl 4825SX, '98, 5640 hrs ..............................................$8,500 Gehl 4640, '05, 3295 hrs ................................................$18,000 Gehl 4625SX, '98 ............................................................$10,500 Gehl 4625SX, 425 hrs........................................................$9,950 Gehl 3825 ..........................................................................$9,500 JD 328, '05, 5180 hrs......................................................$19,500 JD 320, 2210 hrs ............................................................$19,900 NH LX565, 1920 hrs ........................................................$10,250 NH LX565, '96 ..................................................................$7,900 NH 175, '11, 525 hrs ......................................................$26,900 Rounder L600....................................................................$2,300 Kubota KX91-2, '97 ........................................................$14,500
MISCELLANEOUS Alloway 22CD, 22' Shredder............................................$12,500 (3) Alloway 20' Shredder ....................................$4,500 - $5,900 Alloway 15' Shredder ......................................................$11,500 Balzer 5205M, 30' Shredder ..............................................$7,400
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
..........$335,000 ..........$295,000 ..........$275,000 ..........$275,000 ..........$255,000 ..........$279,000 ..........$242,000 ..........$175,000 ..........$180,000 ..........$165,500 ..........$168,000 ..........$158,500 ..........$147,000 ..........$184,500 ..........$175,000 ..........$162,000
Sales: • Dan Hoffman • Joe Mehr • Erik Mueller • Randy Olmscheid • Jamie Pelzer
Visit Our Website:
<< www.TheLandOnline.com >>
9,000 - $77,500 4,500 - $57,500 ,500 & $43,000 9,000 - $28,500 4,500 - $48,500 ,000 & $36,500 7,500 - $26,000 1,900 - $41,500 ............$18,900 ,900 & $32,000 ,000 & $40,000 ..............$9,500 ............$16,500 5,000 - $19,500 7,000 - $19,500 2,500 - $13,900 ............$11,900 ..............$5,250 ............$92,400 ............$11,500 9,950 - $38,000 ..............$6,500 choice $49,500 0,000 - $46,500 choice $17,000 3,900 - $27,750 ............$10,500 ............$43,500 ............$14,900 ............$14,900 ............$12,900 ..............$6,500 8,900 & $9,300 ..............$8,500 ............$22,500 ............$21,500 3,500 - $33,900 .................$995 ..............$3,950 ..............$2,200 ............$17,500 ............$10,500 ..............$3,000 ..............$6,500 ..............$3,900 ............$22,000 ............$15,500 ............$11,500 ..............$6,200 ..............$1,650 ............$49,900 ............$29,500 ..............$1,800 3,500 & $4,000
Sales: • Bob Pfingston • Nate Scharmer • Brian Lingle • Christy Hoff • Bob Lindahl • Tim Hansen • Jeff Ruprecht
13 B THE LAND, AUGUST 3, 2012
Machinery Wanted
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
<< www.TheLandOnline.com >>
14 B
TRACTORS JD 4120, 08, 300 HRS, MFWD, 43HP, 44X18-20, LDR ....................$29,000 JD 4430, 75, 8973 HRS, 2WD, 125HP, 18.4X38 ..............................$16,500 JD 4650, 88 HRS, 2WD, 165HP, 12.4X54 ........................................$32,900 JD 5085M, 09, 696 HRS, MFWD, 85HP, 16.9X30 ............................$43,900 JD 5085M, 11, 11 HRS, MFWD, 85HP, 18.4R30 ....................................CALL JD 6115, 10, 128 HRS, MFWD, 118HP, 18.4X38 ..............................$39,900 JD 7130, 10, 323 HRS, MFWD, 125HP, 18.4X38, LDR ....................$97,000 JD 7330, 11, 60 HRS, MFWD, 150HP, 18.4X42 ..............................$129,900 JD 7830, 10, 300 HRS, MFWD, 165HP, 320-90R54 ........................$137,000 JD 7930, 08, 3669 HRS, MFWD, 180HP, 710-70R38 ......................$134,000 JD 8225R, 11, 1270 HRS, MFWD, 380-90R54, IVT ........................$173,000 JD 8300, 96, 4905 HRS, MFWD, 230HP, 14.9X46 ............................$75,000 JD 8310R, 12, 310HP ............................................................................CALL JD 8330, 06, MFWD, 225HP, 380-90R50 ........................................$160,000 JD 8335R, 12, 43 HRS, TRK, 335HP, 25" TRK ......................................CALL JD 8760, 91, 4WD, 300HP, 18.4X42..................................................$53,500 NH 8830, 90, MFWD, 175HP, 480-80R38..........................................$34,500 JD 9220, 03, 3285 HRS, 4WD, 18.4X46, 310HP ............................$145,000 JD 9230, 10, 400 HRS, 4WD, 325HP, 380-90R54 ..........................$222,000 JD 9230, 11, 279 HRS, 4WD, 325HP, NA, RI ..................................$212,000 JD 9330, 07, 2050 HRS, 4WD, 18.4X46, TRIPLES..........................$208,000 JD 9330, 10, 433 HRS, 4WD, 375HP, 710-70R38 ..........................$225,000 JD 9420T, 05, 1639 HRS, TRK, CAB, RADAR..................................$179,000 JD 9620, 06, 3154 HRS, 4WD, 500HP, 800-38 ..............................$189,500 JD 9620, 06, 4154 HRS, 4WD, 500HP, 800-70R38 ........................$172,000 JD 9630, 09, 616 HRS, 4WD, 530HP, 800-70R38 ..........................$266,900 JD 9630, 09, 1467 HRS, 4WD, 800-70R38 ....................................$246,000 JD 9630, 10, 934 HRS, 4WD, 530HP, 800-70R38 ..........................$270,000 JD 9630, 10, 420 HRS, 4WD, 530HP, 800-70R38 ..........................$277,000 JD 9630, 10, 432 HRS, 4WD, 530HP, 800-70R38 ..........................$275,000 JD 9630, 11, 255 HRS, 4WD, 530HP, NA, RI ........................................CALL JD 9630T, 10, 1524 HRS, TRK, 36" TRK..........................................$290,000 KUBOTA L3540, 11, 56 HRS, 4WD, 35HP, CAB, LDR, 72" BKT ........$32,900 CS/IH MX200, 02, 4520 HRS, MFWD, 165HP, 380-90R50................$85,000 CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT JD 325, 1760 HRS, 76HP, 76" BKT, CAB............................................$23,500 JD 325, 1091 HRS, 76HP, CAB, 78" BKT ..........................................$26,000 JD 320D, 853 HRS, 68HP, CAB, 76" BKT ..........................................$29,900 MELROE S205, 1279 HRS, 66HP, 72" BKT, CAB................................$24,500 MELROE S330, 1257 HRS, 85HP, 84" BKT, CAB................................$34,900 JD 325, 2SPD, CAB, 78" BKT ............................................................$28,900 JD 318D, 18 HRS, HYD QUICK TACH, 72" BKT ......................................CALL JD 323D, 498 HRS, TRK, 2SPD, CAB, 76" BKT ................................$41,000 JD CT322, 1340 HRS, 69HP, 18" TRK, 84" BKT ................................$35,900 JD CT332, 557 HRS, 82HP, 18" TRK, CAB, 84" BKT ..........................$47,995 JD CT332, 975 HRS, 82HP, 18" TRK, 84" HD BKT ............................$41,000 JD CT332, 198 HRS, 18" TRK, CAB, 2SPD ........................................$49,995 JD 1810E SCRAPER, 18 YD, EJECTOR ..........................FOR SALE OR RENT UTILITY VEHICLES JD GATOR, 60 HRS, UTILITY VEHICLE ............................................$17,500 JD GATOR, 50HP, CAB, WINCH..........................................................$14,500 JD GATOR, 450 HRS, 620I, BED LIFT ..................................................$8,900 JD GATOR, 150 HRS, 825I, CAB, CAMO ..........................................$18,000 POLARIS 700, 6562 HRS, ATV, 4X4, WINCH ......................................$2,950 COMBINES CS/IH 2388, 1711 HRS, 1331 SEP HRS, 420-80R46 ........................$98,000 CS/IH 2388, 2996 HRS, 2092 SEP HRS, 18.4X42 ............................$89,000 JD 8820, 30.5X32, 255HP ................................................................$14,900 JD 9410, 2675 HRS, 1796 SEP HRS, 24.5X32 E ..............................$65,000 JD 9600, 3874 HRS, 2454 SEP HRS, 18.4X42..................................$52,500 JD 9650STS, 2731 HRS, 2052 SEP HRS, 18.4X42 ........................$113,900 JD 9650STS, 3518 HRS, 2423 SEP HRS, 520-85R42 ....................$115,000 JD 9660STS, 1376 HRS, 956 SEP HRS, 520-85R42 ......................$159,000 JD 9660STS, 1616 HRS, 18.4X42 ..................................................$156,900 JD 9670STS, 408 SEP HRS, AWD ..................................................$255,000 JD 9750STS, 1382 SEP HRS, 20.8X42............................................$132,500 JD 9760STS, 1658 HRS, 1163 SEP HRS, 20.8X42 ........................$205,000 JD 9760STS, 1800 HRS, 1452 SEP HRS, AWD, 710-38 ................$182,900 JD 9770STS, 685 HRS, 566 SEP HRS, 520-42 ..............................$247,000 JD 9770STS, 701 HRS, 534 SEP HRS, AWD ..................................$275,000
Neil G
JD 9860STS, 1755 HRS, 1222 SEP HRS, PRWD, 20.8X42 ............$215,000 CORNHEADS CS/IH 863, 6R30, STEEL SNOUTS ......................................................$3,850 CS/IH 2212, 12R22, KNIFE, HHC ......................................................$39,000 GERINGHOFF 1222, 12R22, HHS, CHOPPING ..................................$62,500 JD 1022, 10R22, POLY ......................................................................$10,500 JD 1291, 12R22, HHS, KNIFE............................................................$39,000 JD 12R22, 12R22, STEEL SNOUTS ..................................................$12,500 JD 612C, 2300 HRS, 12R20, KNIFE ROLLS ......................................$62,500 JD 612C, 12R20, CHOPPING ............................................................$97,000 JD 612CC, 2000 HRS, 12R22, CHOPPING, KNIFE ............................$92,000 JD 612CC, 4000 HRS, 12R30, CHOPPING ........................................$91,900 JD 643, 6R30, THREE ON HAND ..............................................FROM $4,250 JD 843, 8R30, LOW TIN ......................................................................$8,900 JD 843, 8R30, LOW TIN ......................................................................$8,500 JD 893, 8R30, LOW TIN ....................................................................$19,900 DRAGO, 12R22, CHOPPING, HHS ....................................................$69,900 DRAGO, 6R30, CHOPPING ................................................................$34,500 HARVESTER, 8R30, LOW TIN ..........................................................$42,500 HARVESTER, 12R22, CHOPPING, KNIFE ..........................................$69,900 PLATFORMS CS/IH 1020, 30', TWO UNITS ................................................FROM $12,000 JD 630F’s, 30', THREE ON HAND ..........................................................CALL JD 635F’s, 35', FOUR IN STOCK ............................................FROM $27,900 JD 925, 25', DAS, DAM ......................................................................$8,250 JD 925, 25', POLY SKIDS, DAM ..........................................................$4,900 JD 930, 30', POLY SKIDS, THREE ON HAND ..........................FROM $6,750 JD 930F’s, 30', FOUR IN STOCK ............................................................CALL PLANTERS JD 1770NT, 24R30, CCS, LIQUID FERT ..........................................$157,000 JD 1720, 16R30, 3.0 BOX..................................................................$44,900 JD 750, NO TILL DRILL, 15'..............................................................$11,900 SPRING TILLAGE JD 2210’s, SEVERAL ON HAND..............................................................CALL DMI, 46'6" HARROW ........................................................................$57,500 CS/IH TIGERMATE, 30', 51 SHK, HARROW ......................................$32,900 SALFORD RTS22, RTS ......................................................................$34,500 FALL TILLAGE JD 2410 CHISEL PLOW, 57 BTM, ACCUDEPTH ................................$59,900 JD 2700’s, SEVERAL UNITS IN STOCK ..................................................CALL JD 3710 PLOW, 10 BTM ....................................................................$45,000 JD 510 DISK RIPPER, 5 SHK, 10" PTS ..............................................$10,500 JD 512 DISK RIPPER, 7'6", 7 SHK ....................................................$18,250 JD 637 DISK, 35'4", 24" BLADES ......................................................$49,500 DMI 730B RIPPER, 17.5', 7 SHK, 10" SHVL ......................................$24,900 SALFORD 8214 PLOW, 14 BTM, MED ..............................................$58,900 MANDAKO LAND ROLLER, 40', 42" DRUM ......................................$27,360 OTHER AG EQUIPMENT FARMKING 13X85 AUGER 13X85........................................................$8,900 FARMKING 8X56 AUGER, 8X56, 540 PTO ..........................................$2,175 UNVERFERTH 7000 GRAIN CART, 700 BU ........................................$15,900 CS/IH 9400 GRAIN TRUCK, 22' BOX ................................................$40,000 PARKER GRAVITY BOX, 500 BU ..........................................................$6,750 PATZ MIXER ......................................................................................$52,800 CS/IH 8312 MOCO, 11', DISC, 1000 PTO ............................................$8,995 JD 956 MOCO ........................................................................................CALL JD 566 RD BALER..............................................................................$14,950 JD 567, 9650 HRS, RD BALER ..........................................................$24,950 NH BR740A, 7600 HRS, RD BALER ..................................................$22,000 CS/IH 60 SHREDDER ..........................................................................$4,250 LOFTNESS 240SH SHREDDER, 20', PULL-TYPE ..............................$15,750 LOFTNESS 264 SHREDDER, 22', SEMI MTD ......................................$7,500 FAST SPRAY BOOM, 88', Z-FOLD, 3PT MTD ......................................$3,000 FARMRITE SPRAYER, 500 GAL, 3 SECTION........................................$1,650 DEMCO CONQUEST SPRAYER, 66' BOOM, 1100 GAL TANK ............$18,500 TOPAIR SPRAYER, 80' BOOM, 20" NOZZEL ........................................$6,500 HARDI SPRAYER, 90' BOOM, 1000 GAL ..........................................$11,900 TOPAIR SPRAYER, 90' BOOM, 1600 GAL..........................................$27,500 JD 120 STALK CHOPPER, 20', 1 3 8, 1000 PTO..................................$9,900 WOODS STALK CHOPPER, 264",1000 PTO ......................................$10,900
Neil C
Visit Us Online At: www.haugimp.com
Disc chisels: JD 714 & 712, Glencoe 7400; Field Cults under 30': JD 980, small grain carts & gravity boxes 300-400 bu. Finishers under 20', clean 4 & 6R stalk choppers; Nice JD 215 & 216 flex heads; JD 643 cornheads Must be clean; JD corn planters, 4-6-8 row. 715-299-4338 WANTED TO BUY: Case IH Magnum tractor under 5,000 hrs, 150hp. Please call 320-352-3878 WANTED: 15' FLEX HEAD TO FIT M2 GLEANER. (608)534-6662 WANTED: 16' stalk shredder prefer JD 116, but will consider others also. 320-886-5543 or 320-766-2682 WANTED: 380 Case or 885 David Brown Tractor for parts, or just transmission case. (715) 483-3866 WANTED: Cab for Int'l 666; Int'l model #80 snowblower; Int'l 2000 loader, must be in exc. cond. 612-280-1729 WANTED: Disk chisel plow; 6R stalk chopper & 6T or 8T running gear, must be in good cond. 320-493-3394 WANTED: Drive hub extension for Case IH 1620 or 1420 combine. 715-495-0757 WANTED: Gleaner R-42 combine, 6R30” cornhead, 20' flex head, low hours & exc. cond. Evenings 651-4335259 WANTED: Hydraulic lift hog trailer preferably in good shape. 507-236-1952
Hundreds more at www.zieglercat.com/used ‘10 MT 655C TRACTOR 600 hrs., MFWA, CVT, Hyd. 46 GPM, 4 Valves, 3 Pt., Quick Hitch, PTO, Radar, Wgts. Front, 20x45 w/Tow Hook, (4) 250KG Wheels, Diff. Lock, Fenders, Lights, HID Tires Rear w/Duals
Machinery Wanted
15 B
WANTED: JD 400 30'-40' rotary hoe, end transport only. 320-583-4110
WANTED: Water winch irrigation gun. 715-495-0757 Spraying Equip
FOR SALE: '98 Miller Nitro 200, 1200 gal S/S tank, 100 gal rinse, 3 way nozzle, fence row nozzle, foamer, 5.5' clearance, hyd tread adj, 14.9-46 tires at 90%, 3197 hrs, $59,000. Call 320-808-8961 FOR SALE: 500 gal sprayer, 45' boom, hyd pump, $1,200. 515-291-7721 JD 734 high cycle sprayer, 3 cyl gas engine, front mount tow bar, $950. 515-852-4241 Wanted
WANTED: Cement sow bunks & Erickson farrowing crates. 507-456-7746
Custom Hay Baling, Small Squares & From Windrow baling process, we all. Lee Leiferman 507-317-8848 Feed Seed Hay
045 Large & Rounds. through cover it
3X3X8 Square Bales Straw. Delivery Avail. 715-556-0677 4x5 round bales, mixed grass, clover and tree foil. 715-278-3777 4x5 round bales. Clean, first crop grass. Net wrap. No rain, no must, no mold. $60/ea. Delivery avail. within 125 mi. of Rice Lake, WI. (715)296-2162 Big round bales of very nice grass hay, $40 each OBO. 612-597-1125 Dairy Quality Alfalfa Tested big squares & round bales, delivered from South Dakota John Haensel (605) 351-5760 Dairy quality western alfalfa, big squares or small squares, delivered in semi loads. Clint Haensel (605) 310-6653 FOR SALE: 200 bales of 1st & 2nd cutting small square alfalfa hay, no rain. 507-276-3498
Sm. squares brome orchard blue grass mix heavy bales, call for price, delivery available. 515-571-0171 STRAW FOR SALE: 3X3X8 medium square bales. 612-490-0507 Rogers MN
Keith Bode Fairfax, MN 55332 507-381-1291
Midwest Ag Equip Farm Equipment For Sale ‘08 Cat 965B, 800 hrs ....................$196,500 ‘04 Cat 855, 3000 hrs. ....................$185,000 ‘07 JD 9860STS, 800 hrs., loaded w/all options....................................$175,000 ‘07 Cat MT755B, 2100 hrs. ............$150,000 ‘89 Versatile 846, 4000 hrs., (So. MN tractor) ................................$40,000 ‘08 Lexion 595R, 650 hrs. ..............$245,000 ‘08 Krause Dominator, 18’ ..............$38,000 ‘04 DMI Tiger Mate II, (50.5’) ..........$37,500 ‘96 Terragator 1844, 1800 gal., 3900 hrs. ............................................$45,000 ‘09 Hagie STS14, 120’ boom, loaded ........................................................$195,000 ‘03 Wilrich 957 VDR, nice shape ....$12,000
Financing Available
Emerson Kalis Easton, MN 56025 • 507-381-9675
• 1/4” Uni-body Construction • 5” and 6” Solid Steel Spindles in Sleeves • Long Tongue and PTO • 5,000, 6,000 and 6,750 gallon sizes available
Grain Carts • New 900 x 32 flotation tires, under 10psi • 24” Unload Auger “Fastest in the industry!” • Auto-Trail Steerable Axle System • New independent horizontal “feeder” & vertical “unload” auger operation
V-Pump • Up to 4000 gallons per minute
The most durable and dependable high capacity pump available. Other:
- Doda 13’ vertical pump - Clay 12’ vertical pump - N Tech vari width vertical manure pump - ‘09 Doda 10’ vertical pump - Nuhn 540, 8’ vertical pump - Balzer V-6, 8‘ pump
- Balzer Doda 6’ Super 150 vertical pump - Balzer 314 agitator - 8”x30’ wheeled load stand - Balzer 38’ lagoon pump - ‘06 Hydro Engineering, 16 shank, 30’ folding injector bar
- Spray Specialites XLRD 1500 gal., 80’ boom sprayer - Top Air 1100 gal., 88’ boom, Raven 450 monitor - Top Air 1100 gal., 60’ boom - Blumhardt tandem axles, 1000 gal., 90’ boom w/foamer - Century HD 1000 gal., 60’ boom - Demco Conquest 1000 gal, 60’ boom, Raven 440 - Ag Chem 750 gal., 60’ X-fold boom - Walsh 500 gal., 45’ boom - New Hardi 150 gal., 32’ PTO sprayer - (2) Brent 600 GREEN gravity wagons - Parker 505 RED gravity wagon - Brent 1080 grain cart - Brent 774 grain cart - Brent 674 grain cart - Brent 472 grain cart - Brent 420 grain cart - JD 1210A, 400 bu. grain cart - PFM hydraulic rock picker - Krause Model 8200, 36’ disk - IH 706, gas, WF - JD Model 2700, 7 shank chisel plow - JD 960, 32.5’ field cultivator w/3 bar harrow - New Balzer Model 2000 & Model 1500 pull type stalk choppers - Brady 14’ stalk chopper - JD 9620T w/2165 hrs. - C-IH Puma 165, MFWD, 14.9x46 rears, 535 hrs. - CIH MX255, MFWD, 1274 hrs. - IH 986, 18.4x38 tires, 840 actual hrs. - JD 1600, 3 pt., 12-shank chisel plow - Loftness 8’ sgl. auger 2-stage snowblower - Tox-o-Wic 370 PTO drive grain dryer - Westfield model MK, 130-61T grain auger springaway-auger used once - Vermeer WR22 10 wheel rake - IH 480, 21’ disk - JD 210, 16’ disk
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
Mixed hay - Timothy, Birchwood Tree Foil, Alfalfa, Orchard grass, Clover & Reed Canary (low alkaloid). 5X5 -1,000 lb bales. Delivery available in 24-28 bale loads. 715-374-2211
EQUIPMENT FOR SALE ‘09 JD 9870STS combine, 20.8R42 duals, RWD, 5 spd. feederhouse, Contour Master, extended wear pkg., Premier cab, 740 sep. hours ..........$183,500 ‘08 Challenger MT765B, ultra wide gauge, 16” tracks, 2320 hrs., front wgts., 3 pt w/quick hitch, nice tractor w/excellent tracks ........................$144,500 ‘11 NH T8020, MFWD, 480/80R46 duals, 5 remotes, front & rear wgts., high flow hyds., guidance ready, 1000 PTO only, 840 hrs., Warranty ‘till 11-29-12, Power Train Warranty ‘till 11-14-12 ................$121,500 ‘06 NH W130 wheel loader, cab, air, 5350 hrs.....$52,500 ‘03 JD 8420, MFWD, 380/90R50 duals, 4 remotes, front & rear wgts., 5225 hrs., just through service program ..............................................................$99,500 ‘08 CIH 2020, 35’ flexible platform, full finger auger ............................................................................$17,600 ‘94 Cat D4C Series III dozer, 6-way blade, ripper, open station, 3800 hrs. ......................................$20,500 ‘06 Sullair 185 CFM portable air compressor, JD dsl., 2194 hrs...................................................$6,500
- Balzer 10,000 gal. 5th wheel slurry - Balzer 7400 gal. disc wheel slurry w/5 unit injector - Houle 6000 gal. slurry w/4 unit disk injector - Balzer 6000 gal. express slurry tank - Balzer 4200 gal. slurry w/5 unit spring shank injector - Balzer 3750 w/4-shank injector - Balzer 3350 vacuum tank Express - Better Bilt 2600 gal. tandem axle vacuum tank Lagoon Pump - Better Bilt 1650 vac tank - Better Bilt 1500 vac tank - Badger 800 gal. single axle vacuum tank - Dietrich 5 unit sweep injector
<< www.TheLandOnline.com >>
WANTED: Roller type drum dryer for milk. Can need work. 920-982-6783 or 920878-0688 Farm Services
Balzer Express Tank
New Tanks & Pumps: Any Size Available Used Tanks:
WANTED: Lowry wet holding bin & JD 893 cornhead w/ hyd deck plates. 507-645-8771 WANTED: Straw chopper w/drive for JD 6600 combine. 608-372-5275
16 B
Feed Seed Hay
DAMAGED GRAIN WANTED ANYWHERE We buy damaged corn and grain any condition - wet or dry TOP DOLLAR We have vacs and trucks CALL HEIDI OR LARRY
050 Dairy
FOR SALE: Small square FOR SALE: 18 Jersey & Jersey-Holstein cross milk afalfa bales. 507-381-1936 cows, 1st, 2nd, 3rd lactaWANTED AND FOR SALE tion. (608) 323-3021 ALL TYPES of hay & Holstein Bulls from great straw. Also buying corn, type & production Dams. wheat & oats. Western Hay (715) 537-5413. available.Fox Valley Alfalwww.jerland.com fa Mill. 920-853-3554 Registered Holstein bulls. Good maternal lines, good Dairy 055 sires. Some are red facFOR SALE: 12 Holstein tored. Delivery available. milk cows. Your choice out Merritt's Elm-Chris Farm of our herd. (715) 797-3262 (715)235-9272 FOR SALE: Certified Organ- WANTED TO BUY: Dairy heifers and cows. 320-235ic & Certified Grass fed 2664 Dairy Cows. Choose 20 cows from 25. Crossbred Will sell 5 or 6 registered Jersey-Milking ShorthornJersey cows. Best of type & Dutch Belted-Holstein-Red high components & SCC. Polled. All calves born this 715-684-9928 year were Polled except for 056 one. Selling Due to health Cattle issues. Milking parlor trained. Very Hearty cat- (400) Approx. 200 lbs Holstein steers, de-horned, tle. $2,000 per head for your nice cut, implanted, comchoice. Must take 20. Phone plete vac. program. Will 608-822-6939 or e-mail sell in groups of 50 or more. tredw@tds.net 715-613-2072 10 Quiet, fertility tested, pasture ready polled Hereford bulls. ‘08 JD 612C, 12R20”, KR, CM, poly snouts ................$62,500 larsonherefordfarms.com. ‘08 JD 612C, 12R30”, non-chop., CM, poly..................$62,500 (715) 772-4680 ‘09 JD 608C, 8R30”, KR, CM........................................$59,000 5 Red Angus Bulls. King Rob ‘08 JD 608C, 8R30”, stalk stompers............................$62,500 bloodlines. 14 to 16 mo. old. ‘07 JD 893, 8R30”, poly snouts, stubble lights............$35,000 (715) 495-3452 ‘05 JD 893, 8R30”, CM, stubble lights, KR ..................$32,000 ‘05 JD 893, 8R30”, KR - Fits 9500 ..............................$27,000 ‘02 JD 893, 8R30”, KR, CM, poly, lights ......................$23,500 ‘00 JD 893, 8R30”, CM, lights ....................................$23,000 ‘98 JD 893, 8R30”, KR, stubble lights..........................$22,500 ‘95 JD 893, 8R30”, KR, chain coupler drives ..............$16,500 ‘96 JD 893, 8R30”, KR, lights, poly..............................$16,900 ‘92 JD 843, 8R30”, low profile, tin snouts ....................$9,500 ‘83 JD 843, 8R30”, metal snouts ................................$10,500 ‘84 JD 643, 6R30”, GVL poly in 2010 ............................$8,000 ‘92 JD 643, 6R30”, new chains & sprockets ................$6,900 ‘84 JD 643, 6R30”, low profile, KR ................................$6,500 ‘82 JD 1290, 12R20”, poly snouts ..............................$17,500 JD 643, 6R30”, high tin ..................................................$3,500 JD 643, 6R30”, high tin..........2 Available Starting At $3,250 Geringhoff, 12R20” ......................................................$57,500 ‘07 CIH 2208, 8R30”, poly snouts................................$35,000 ‘03 JD 893, 8R30”, CM, stubble lights, poly snouts, KR............................................................$29,500
<< www.TheLandOnline.com >>
~ A Great Harvest Starts Here! ~ COMBINES
‘11 JD 9870STS, PRWD, CM, YM, AHHS, hyd. F&A, RT, 22.5’ auger, chopper, Maurer Topper, 575/428 hrs. ....................................................Select From 2 at $297,000 ‘11 JD 9870STS, Prem. cab, CM, YM, AHHS, hyd. F&A, chopper, 650/85R38 duals, 463/326 hrs. ..................$295,000 ‘10 JD 9870STS, Prem. cab, 5-spd. FH, Pro drive, CM, AHHS, hyd. F&A, chopper/chaffer, 650/85R38 w/duals, & 28L-26, pwr. RWD, 221⁄2’ auger, 786/572 hrs. ........$275,000 ‘10 JD 9870STS, Prem. cab, CM, YM, TR, AHHS, hyd. F&A, 221⁄2’ auger, Dick’s Topper, 824/562 hrs.....................$260,000 ‘08 JD 9770, 1150/875 hrs., CM, 20.8-42, TPR ........$195,000 ‘08 JD 9770, 1530/1210 hrs., CM, 20.8-42, TPR ......$192,500 ‘06 JD 9760STS, CM, YM, RT, AHHS, 20.8-42 duals, 2057/1430 hrs...........................................................$167,000 ‘04 JD 9760STS, PRWD, CM, YM, AHHS, RT, Maurer Topper, 2234/1524 hrs...........................................................$169,500 ‘04 JD 9660, 2250/1650 hrs., CM, 20.8-42, 2 whl. ..$150,000 ‘00 JD 9650, Walker, 3379/2087 hrs., L/L, 20.8-38 duals ........ ....................................................................................$69,500 ‘02 JD 9650STS, AHHS, hyd. F&A, chopper, 20’ auger, YM, RT, Maurer Topper, 3872/2251 hrs. ......................$85,000 ‘95 JD 9500, AHHS, RT, 17’ auger, chopper, Maurer Topper, 3715/2534 hrs.............................................................$39,500 ‘94 JD 9600, PRWD, AHHS, chopper, 20’ auger, 4178/2840 hrs.............................................................$39,500 ‘00 JD 9550, 220 hp., L/L, GreenStar YM - less display, Del. HH ctrl., Dial-a-speed, hyd. F&A, chopper, 17’ auger, 2387/1585 hrs.............................................................$92,500 ‘95 CIH 1688, Crary Topper, 18.4-38 duals, 3561/2361 hrs. ....................................................................................$39,500 ‘90 JD 9600, AHHS, 20’ auger, 18.4-38 duals, 4335/2953 hrs. ....................................................................................$39,000 ‘87 JD 7720II, 4348 hrs., 30.5-32, TPR ......................$14,900
(2) ‘11 JD 635, 35’, composite fingers ........................$37,500 ‘10 JD 625, 35’, 1500 acres on head ..........................$39,500 ‘10 JD 635, 35’ ..............................Select From 2 at $35,900 ‘10 JD 635F, 35’, High Stone Dam, 2000 acres ..........$27,500 ‘09 JD 635F, 35’, composite fingers ............................$33,900 ‘09 JD 635F, 35’, full finger auger ..............................$29,500 ‘04 JD 635F, 35’, Used On 1500 Acres ........................$26,000 ‘04 JD 635, 35’, Short Stone Dam, lights ....................$22,500 ‘06 JD 630F, 30’ flex, CM, Low Stone Dam, header height sensing........................................................................$26,500 ‘06 JD 635F, 35’, Low Stone Dam................................$25,000 ‘06 JD 630F, 30’, Del. header height control ..............$22,500 ‘04 JD 630F, 30’, CM, stubble lights ............................$22,500 ‘03 JD 930F, 30’, full finger auger, poly snouts ..........$11,000 ‘02 JD 930, 30’, poly skids, CM sensors......................$12,000 ‘01 JD 930F, 30’ flex, poly skids, stubble lights, AWS wind system................................................................$17,900 ‘97 JD 930, 30’, poly skid plates ................................$11,500 ‘96 JD 930, 30’, poly snouts ..........................................$8,500 ‘91 JD 930, 30’, poly skid shoes....................................$5,000 ‘03 JD 925F, 25’, CM, poly skids & dividers ................$14,000 ‘01 JD 925, 25’, 2011 Tiger Jaws ................................$12,900 ‘97 JD 925, 25’, Level Land, poly snouts ......................$9,500 ‘92 JD 920, 30’, steel dividers, poly skid plates ............$8,500 ‘77 JD 220, 20’, Yellow Reel, new poly & skids ............$2,750 JD 220, 20’, Black Reel, stainless steel seals ................$1,200 JD 30’ reel - off of 630 platform ......................2 Ea. At $2,500 ‘04 CIH 1020, 30’ ........................................................$16,000 ‘11 MacDon FD70 flex draper, 40’, 1800 acres ..........$67,500
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
‘07 Brent 1084, 1000 bu., 20” auger, tarp, walking tandems ....................................................................................$42,500 ‘04 Brent 1084, 1000 bu., dbl. auger, scale, tarp ........$32,500 ‘07 Parker 938 grain cart, 1000 bu., 18” in-line auger, 36” tracks....................................................................$55,000 Parker 4800, 500 bu. ....................................................$6,250 JD 740, 345 bu., side dump, 15’ brush auger ................$5,500 Parker 450, 450 bu., side auger, small 1000 PTO..........$5,500
‘10 Unverferth 636, 36’ twin axle & brakes..................$7,000 Unverferth 30’, small tires..............................................$3,900 ‘01 30’, lights - Fits 600 Series Platforms ......................$4,250 25-30’ Header Trailer, 4 wheels, LP tires ....................$2,750 Killbros UT125, 25’, 4 wheels, wagon style ..................$2,500 May Wes 20’ header trailer ............................................$1,200 CORNHEADS ‘11 JD 616, 16R30” Stalkmaster, 2500 acres ..........$129,500 ‘94 Minnesota 25, 25’, 4 wheels, MN gear ..................$1,250 (3) JD 612C, 12R20” - Fits 9770..................................$99,500 John Deere Crop Insurance ‘11 JD 612C, 12R20” Stalkmaster, KR, hyd. Available at Our Locations deck plates..................................................................$92,500 Contact: Kory Bundy ‘09 JD 612C, 12R30”, Stalkmaster, 70 Series hook-up, (507) 327-1084 CM, KR ........................................................................$77,000 kory.bunde@mycropsolutons.com ‘10 JD 612C, 12R30”, chopping head..........................$87,500 ‘09 JD 612C, 12R30”, KR, CM, plastic snouts..............$75,000 Check Out Our New Website ‘08 JD 612C, 12R22”, Updates Done ..........................$86,500 ‘08 JD 612C, 12R30”, chopping cornhead ................$82,500 ‘08 JD 612C, 12R30”, chopping head, CM ..................$79,500
Hwy. 22 South • Mankato, MN • www.mankatoimplement.com
1426 S. Broadway • New Ulm, MN
(507) 387-8201 • (800) 624-8983
(507) 354-6818
Angus Yearling Bulls w/ exc performance records. Information on website. Steve Schmalenberger 515-570-5215 centuryacresangus.com Big, Thick, Polled Hereford yearling bulls. Calving ease, semen tested. (715) 597-2036. brookviewacres.com Early 2012 crossbred heifer & bull calves. Highland, Hereford, shorthorn & Angus. 100% grass fed. (608) 272-3883 or gypsy2@centurylink.net FOR SALE OR LEASE REGISTERED BLACK ANGUS Bulls, 2 year old & yearlings; bred heifers, calving ease, club calves & balance performance. Al sired. In herd improvement program. J.W. Riverview Angus Farm Glencoe, MN 55336 Conklin Dealer 320864-4625 FOR SALE: 30 young blk & bwf summer calving pairs, 9/1 delivery. Can keep longer at buyers expense, $1,750. 605-832-2076 FOR SALE: 9 crossbred solid mouth cows, w/ black calves at side. Cows exposed to Angus bull. 507-768-3589
Mankato Implement New Ulm Location
Nicollet Location Hwy. 11 No. • Nicollet, MN
(507) 225-3464
Kiester Location
Minnesota Lake Location
Albert Lea Location
214 East State St. • Kiester, MN
Hwy. 22 South • Minnesota Lake, MN
35W & Int. 90 • Albert Lea, MN
(507) 294-3244
(507) 462-3828
(507) 373-6418
1999 R72 dual 1998 R72 dual 1992 R72 dual 1988 R50 1989 R50 1998 R62 1992 R52 1992 R62
Gleaner, 2712 sep. hrs., Gleaner, 2519 sep. hrs., Gleaner, 3081 sep. hrs., Gleaner, Gleaner, Gleaner, Gleaner, Gleaner,
2630 3860 1025 1847 3800
sep. hrs. eng. hrs. sep. hrs. sep. hrs. sep. hrs.
BEAN HEADS (5) 830 flex bean heads, 30’ 825 flex bean head 8200 flex bean head, 38’ 8200 flex bean head, 30’ 525 flex bean head, 25’ (2) 520 flex bean heads, 20’
CORN HEADS 3000, 8R30 corn head (3) Geringhoff RD 8R30 chopper head Geringhoff P.C. 8R30 chopper head Cressoni 12R20”, IH head sep. Loftness • Top Air • Summers • Versatile • Riteway • Geringhoff
Isaacson Implement Visit us at our website - www.isaacsonimplement.com NERSTRAND, MN (507) 789-6672 OR (507) 334-4059
Kinze • Parker • Bush Hog • White • Wilrich • Gleaner • Sunflower
P.O. BOX 710 - 112 MAIN ST. • AVON, IL 61415 PHONE: 309/465-3184 • TOLL FREE: 800/448-8373 VISIT OUR WEB PAGE - neffcoag.com
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
good augers & bars, 2691/3570 hrs ....................................................................................$59,000 1999 JD 9610, 18.4x35 duals, Ag Leader 3000 monitor, JD chaff spreader, Maurer tank ext., 1791/2612 hrs ........................................................................................................................$69,000 2000 JD 9650STS, contour master, duals, no yield monitor, tank extension, 2726/3732 hrs ................................................................................................................................................$85,000 2001 JD 9650STS, Ag Leader with GPS, 2 ext. unload auger, 30.5x32 tires, CM, tank ext., has been gone through every fall , has many updates, 2144/2963 hrs..............................$89,000 2001 JD 9650 Walker, CM, 20' auger, chopper, 20.8x38 duals, 16.9x26, JD chaff spreader, 2078/2938 hrs ........................................................................................................................$75,000 2004 JD 9660STS, CM, GreenStar, touchset, 18.4x42, 16.9x21, chopper, tank ext., 1617/2341 hrs ......................................................................................................................$119,000 2004 JD 9660STS, 20.8x42 duals, CM, GreenStar yield monitor w/display, 1387/2136 hrs ..............................................................................................................................................$115,000 2008 JD 9670STS, Premier cab, Autotrak ready, CM, hi torque reverser, hi capacity lift cylinders, hi capacity unload auger, 18.4x42 duals, block heater, side hill performance package, 783/1030 hrs ......................................................................................................$179,000 2008 JD 9670STS, Premium cab, CM, HD reverser, GreenStar yield monitor, 22.5' hi cap. auger, 20.8x38 duals, 18.4x26 rear, 700/977 hrs................................................................$175,000 2009 JD 9670STS, Premium cab, HID lights, 510 sep hrs., 22.5' auger, 20x38 duals ......$199,000 2009 JD 9670STS, Premium cab, CM, hi-torque, 20.8x42, 18.4x26, 22.5' auger, 384/646 hrs ..............................................................................................................................................$197,000 2009 JD 9670STS, CM, hi torque reverser, 18.4x42 duals, 18.4x26 rears, approx 1057/1431 hrs, available soon ......................................................................................................................$165,000 2009 JD 9670STS, CM, hi torque reverser, hi capacity 22'5" auger, 20.8x42 duals, 18.4x26, side hill cleaning pkg., approx 753/1050 hrs, ....................................................................$185,000 2009 JD 9670STS, Premier cab, HID lights, CM, hi torque reverser, 22.5 'auger, 20.8x38 duals, 18.4x26 tires, 510/767 hrs ..................................................................................................$199,000 2001 JD 9750STS, CM, 20.8x42 duals, 18.4x26, tank ext., Ag Leader sensors only, 2558/4183 hrs ........................................................................................................................$89,900 2004 JD 9760STS, 20.8x42 duals - poor, CM, GreenStar yield monitor, Maurer tank extension, approx 2008/2800 hrs, availabe Sept. ..............................................................................$125,000 2006 JD 9760STS, CM, Hi torque reverser, GreenStar no mapping, 20.8x42, 18.4x26, chopper, 981/1341 hrs ........................................................................................................................$154,000 2006 JD 9760STS, Deluxe header controls, 20.8X42 duals, 28LX26, sidehill cleaning shoes, touch set, HID lights, GreenStar, 983/1330 hrs..................................................................$155,000 2007 JD 9760STS, CM, 20.8x42 duals, 28Lx26, 22.5' auger, 901/1173 hrs ......................$169,000 2007 JD 9760STS, Premium cab, CM, hi torque reverser, GreenStar yield monitor with display, chopper, 20.8x42 duals, 28Lx26, remote heated mirrors, approx. 1250/1750 hrs, available late August ..................................................................................................................................$155,000 2007 JD 9760STS, 76x50x32 floater tires (off 9770 from Blout) 28Lx26, CM, hi torque reverser, GreenStar yield monitor, 1338/1779 hrs ............................................................................$155,000 2007 JD 9760STS, 20.8x42 duals, CM, GreenStar yield monitor, 28Lx26, 888/1195 hrs..$165,000 2007 JD 9760STS, CM, 20.8x42 duals, 28Lx26, GreenStar, Maurer tank ext. 1110/1574 hrs ..............................................................................................................................................$155,000 2008 JD 9770STS,CM, 20.8x42 duals, 18.4x26, Maurer tank ext., Premium cab, adj. rear axle, high cap. lift cylinders, Deluxe header control, GreenStar monitor no display, round bar concave, deep tooth chaffer, HD final drive, HD spindal, sidehill cleaning, 857/1342 hrs ..............................................................................................................................................$189,000 2008 JD 9770STS, Premium cab, CM, Hi torque reverser, 22.5 hi capacity auger, 20.8x42 duals, 18.4x26, block heater, approx. 900/122 hrs, available late August ......................$185,000 2009 JD 9770STS, 20.8x42 duals, contour master, 22.5' auger, 575/787 hrs ..................$220,000 2009 JD 9770STS, Premier cab, CM, hi torque rev., round bar, deep tooth chaffer, 20.8x42 duals, 28Lx26, sidehill cleaning shoe pkg., 799/1046 hrs ................................................$195,000 2010 JD 9770STS, CM, hi torque reverser, chopper, 22.5' auger, 20.8x42 duals, 18.4x26, 464/543 hrs ........................................................................................................................$230,000 2010 JD 9770STS, Premier cab, CM, hi torque reverser, self leveling shoe, 22.5' hi capacity auger, 20.8x42 duals, 28Lx26, approx. 670/830 hrs, avaiable early August ....................$215,000 2011 JD 9770STS, Premier cab, CM, hi torque reverser, extra hi capacity lift cylinders, extended wear rotar, extended wear grain handling, 650/85R38 duals, 28Lx26, 4WD, 26' auger, sidehill performance pkg., 225/289 hrs ............................................................$285,000 2005 JD 9860STS, 20.8x42 duals, 28Lx26 rear, CM, new augers, 1459/2002 hrs ............$142,000 2005 JD 9860STS, CM, GreenStar no mapping, 20.8x42 duals, 18.4x26, HID lights, Maurer tank ext., no chopper, 1350/1934 hrs ................................................................................$155,000 1989 CIH 1660 rock trap, approx 4000 hrs, 30x32 tires, chaff spreader ............................$24,000
<< www.TheLandOnline.com >>
TRACTORS 2010 JD 2305 compact, 4WD, 3 point, 62" deck, 300 hrs....................................................$11,000 1977 JD 2440, needs steer gear, independent valve, tires 60%, runs good, w/JD 146 loader, 72" bucket..............................................................................................................................$10,500 1985 JD 2750 open station, 2WD, 18x34, 9534 hrs ..............................................................$12,000 1964 JD 4020 diesel, syncro, 18.4x38-60%, 1 remote, JD wide front, looks good, hr meter not right ....................................................................................................................................$8,000 1983 JD 4450, 2WD, 1000 hours on engine over haul, 18.4x38 = 90%, 2 remotes, with FBS valve, 11.0x16 50%, quad range, 8694 hrs ..........................................................................$29,000 1987 JD 4450, MFWD, PS , 18.4x38 20%, 16.9x24 10%, 2 SCV, 12,233 hrs Westendorf TA46 loader, bucket, pallet fork, bale spear ..................................................................................$28,000 1983 JD 4650, 2WD, 20.8x38, quad range, 8 fronts, 7951 hrs ............................................$23,500 2001 JD 6410, cab, 16 speed power quad, 18.4x38-poor, 13.6x28-70%, FWD, 4736 hrs, with Great Bend 2166 loader ................................................................................................$39,900 2004 JD 6415, open station, 18.4x34 - 40%, 13.6x24 - poor, 16 speed power quad, 2 remotes, 7200 hrs, w/JD 640 SL loader ..............................................................................................$27,500 2005 JD 6420, cab, MFWD, 16/16 power quad, 2 remotes, corner exhaust, with JD 640 SL loader, 5483 hrs ....................................................................................................................$44,000 1994 JD 7800, MFWD, PS, 3 remotes, 18.4x42 & duals - 30%, fronts 14.9x30 - 30%, front fenders, 10 front weights, 10,516 hrs ..................................................................................$37,900 1998 JD 8200, 2WD, inner rears 80%, duals 50%, looks good, 5896 hrs ..........................$55,000 1997 JD 8300, 18.4x46 & duals, 16.9x30, 540 small 1000 & big 1000 PTO, 22 frt wts, 2 pair 450, Cat 3, MFWD, 30 GPM hyd. Pump, 2357 hrs ......................................................................$95,000 1996 JD 8400, MFWD, 20.8x42 duals, tach shows 1318 but not correct............................$62,000 1995 JD 8400, MFWD, 18x46 duals, fenders, wts, runs great 7064 hrs ..............................$69,000 2001 JD 8410, 4072 actual hours, 20x42 duals, 3 hyd., front/rear wts - sharp ................$112,000 2008 JD 8430, deluxe cab, 4 remotes, 16F/4R power shift, 60 GPM hydrualic pump, 520/85R46-80%, 420/85R34 & duals-70%, ILS, front fenders, radar, HD drawbar support, instructional seat, 1 pair 1400 front weight bracket, approx 1800 hrs, in soon ..............$180,000 1991 JD 8560 4WD, Approx. 2000 hours on Kinze-Cummings engine, 24 speed, bare back, 20.8x38 tires & duals, 6616 hrs ............................................................................................$55,000 1999 CIH MX270, 20.8x42 & duals - 70%, front duals - 60%, PS, 3 remotes, 6993 hrs ....$65,000 1993 CIH 5250, cab, MFWD, with Great Bend 660 loader, 8240 hrs ..................................$29,500 1973 IH 1466, engine over hauled at 7,000 hours, red cab, hub duals, 7447 hrs ................$8,000 1995 MF 283, 18.4x30-60%, 2 remotes, Approx 1250 hrs, in soon ....................................$11,000 2007 NH TG245, 18.4x46 & duals - 65%, 14.9x34 - 50%, 4 remotes, super steer, 20 front weights, 1 pair rear weights, 2257 hrs ..............................................................................$110,000 2007 NH TN75A, 4460 actual hrs, FWD, open station, ROPS, 16 speed, w/reverser, 16.9x24, 2 hyd wts & NH 810TL SL loader w/joy stick, in soon ........................................................$27,000 1988 NH Versatile 936, 4WD, Cummings 855 engine (Over hauled @ 4500 hours) 20.8x42 duals - 75%, 12 speed power shift, bare back, 6348 hrs ..................................................$39,000 COMBINES 2003 JD 9550 approx, 1400 sep hrs (240HP) extension, in soon ........................................$87,000 2004 JD 9560STS, new tires 2010, vertical auger, unloading auger, new chains, new chopper knives, Ag Leader 3000, GreenStar ready, LL, 30.5x32, 14.9x24, 1715/26101 hrs ..........$105,000 2006 JD 9560STS, LL, 30.5x32, 14.9x24, Greenstar yield monitor, tank ext., round bar concave, shaffer, sidehill performance pkg., 1185/1608 hrs ............................................................$119,000 2009 JD 9570STS, Deluxe cab, CM, HD reverser, deep tooth chaffer, 21.5' auger, 18.4x38 duals, 16.9x26, block heater, sidehill performance pkg., Maurer Tank Extension, 595/940 hrs $170,000 2010 JD 9570STS, Deluxe cab, round bar concave, deep tooth chaffer, chopper, 30.5x32 tires, 18.4x26, sidehill performance pkg, CM, approx 254/332 hrs, available late August ......$200,000 2010 JD 9570, Deluxe cab, CM, HD reverser, 305x32 tires, 16.9x26, sidehill perforamnce pkg., Maurer tank extension, approx 589/745 hrs, available late July ......................................$185,000 2010 JD 9570, Premier cab, CM, heavy duty reverser, 21' auger, extended wear grain handling, 18.4x38 duals, tank extension, approx 375/500 hrs, available late August ....................$195,000 1991 JD 9600, 18.4x38 duals, 4WD, PF advantage, Ag Leader monitor, good chrome rasp bars, good augers, 2015/2836 hrs ................................................................................................$39,000 1992 JD 9600, 420/80r46 duals, level land tank extension, no dings or dents, 17' auger, 3511/5295 hrs ......................................................................................................................$39,000 1996 JD 9600, 18.4x36-60%, rear tires-60%, Bish grain tank extension, level land, 20' unloading auger, no yield monitor, no dents or scratches, field ready, 2304/3591 hrs ....$55,000 1998 JD 9610, 18.4x38 duals, 20' auger, new vertical auger, new reverser, 2316/3257 hrs ................................................................................................................................................$58,000 1998 JD 9610, 18.4x38 duals, CM, double vittetoe, chaff spreader, Ag Leader monitor,
17 B
18 B
056 Cattle
FOR SALE: Reg. Dexter Limousin Bulls Purebred, polled, out of top AI sires, Bulls, polled, DOB 2010, and our best cows. Winona Chondro/PHA free. MN area (507)452-2470 (715)247-5454 FOR SALE: Registered Reg. Polled Herefords. Durango & Huth genetics. 26 Black Angus Bulls, w/ good head includes cow/calf growth & disposition; Regpairs, 1 & 2 yr. old heifers istered Black Angus Cows & (4) 15 month old bulls. w/ calves at side. All breedCall Springbrook Farms ing out of 100% Schiefelbein (920) 410-7012 genetics. 320-597-2747 FOR SALE: Yearling Angus Registered Angus Cow-BullHeifer ONLINE Auction bulls, sired by EXAR LutVisit: ton & Gambles Hotrod. Call www.pinehillauctions.com for pricing. Plum Creek or call 715-265-4374 Angus 712-348-3145 Downing, WI
(1) = GLENCOE 320-864-5571 800-558-3759 4561 HWY 212 GLENCOE, MN 55336
(2) = HOWARD LAKE 320-543-2170 866-875-5093 5845 KEATS AVE. SW HOWARD LAKE, MN 55349
(3) = STEWART 320-562-2630 800-827-7933
<< www.TheLandOnline.com >>
78412 CO, RD 20 STEWART, MN 55385
(4) = ST. CLOUD 320-252-2010 800-645-5531
• 9000 Gal. TEAMCO Manure Tank, Quad axle with 3 steerable axles, many nice features, top of the line tires.
See Us At Farmfest Lot #318 Call Buckey’s Sales & Service
507-525-0911 www.BuckeysSales.com The Affordable Way To Tile Your Fields Building Quality Tile Plows Since 1983
Available in 3 Point Hitch And Pull Type Models
1035 35TH AVE. NE SAUK RAPIDS, MN 56379
(5) = GLENWOOD 320-634-5151 888-799-1495 1710 N. FRANKLIN GLENWOOD, MN 55334
(6) = SAUK CENTRE 320-352-6511 888-320-2936 1140 CENTRE ST. SAUK CENTRE, MN 56378
(7) = ALEXANDRIA 320-763-4220 888-799-1490 5005 STATE HWY 27 E ALEXANDRIA, MN 56308
(8) = PAYNESVILLE 320-243-7474 866-784-5535 725 LAKE AVE. S PAYNESVILLE, MN 56362
(9) = PRINCETON 763-389-3453 800-570-3453
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O’Connell Farm Drainage Plows, Inc. Earlville, IA • Potosi, WI 53820
(563) 920-6304 www.farmdrainageplows.com
056 Cattle
‘11 JD 9570STS, 346 hrs., CM, 18.4x38’s w/duals, singles available, chopper, Maurer ext. ........................$205,000 ..............................Cash No-Trade $195,000 ‘10 JD 9670STS, 585 hrs., CM, 20.8x42’s w/duals, self-leveing shoe, chopper, bin ext. ..............................................$199,500
19 B THE LAND, AUGUST 3, 2012
Red Dexter cows. ALSO, Cow/Calf Prs & Fall Calving Cows for Sale. 507-273-6941 WANTED: Heeler puppy. Manitowoc. Mornings (920) WANTED: Breeding Heifers, 684-1776 summer or fall calving Registered Texas Longhorn cows, or cow/calf pairs, to breeding stock, cows, dry lot for summer mons & heifers or roping stock, top beyond, can A.I. & calf out, blood lines. 507-235-3467 some grazing & ref. avail upon request. 605-832-2076 WANT TO BUY: Butcher cows, bulls, fats & walkable Yearling white faced bull, no cripples; also horses, papers, fair market value. sheep & goats. 320-235-2664 715-374-2211
(The Above Combines Have An Additional 1 Year Of JD PowerGard Warranty) ‘11 JD 606C non-chopping cornhead, 500 acres..............................................$39,500 ‘10 JD 606C StalkMaster chopping cornhead, 1200 acres..........................$52,500 ‘10 JD 635 Hydra-Flex ........................$34,500 ‘10 JD 612C non-chopping cornhead ..............................................................$59,500 ‘09 JD 608C non-chopping cornhead $42,500
Bus. 800-432-3564 800-432-3565 • Res. 507-426-7648
Clara City, MN 56222 320-847-3218 www.wearda.com
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
• Tebben 5-30 deep till • IH 800 10-bottom plow • Wilrich Quad X, 55’, rolling basket • JD 985, 55’, harrow • JD 980, 44’, harrow • JD 45’ crumbler • CIH TII, 45’, harrow • Hardi Com. 1500, 132’ • Hardi Com. 1200, 90’ USED EQUIPMENT • Hardi Nav. 1100, 88’ • Tebben 45’ Land Roller • Hardi Nav. 1000, 88’ • Wishek 862, 38’ disc • Hardi Nav. 950, 88’, (2) • Wishek 862, 30’ disc • Hardi Nav. 1000, 66’ • Pickett thinner, 24-22 • Amity 11’, 12-22 • Alloway 20’ shredder • Amity 10’, 12-22 • Alloway 15’ shredder • ‘05 Amity, 12-22 • Balzer 20’ shredder • Amity 11’, 8-22 • Killbros 1810 cart, tracks • Amity 8-22, (4) • UTF 760 grain cart • ‘11 Artsway 6812, 12-22 • Brent 410 grain cart • Artsway 898, 8-22, (2) • Westfield MK 10x71 • Artsway 692, 8-22 • Westfield 8x61 • Alloway 12-22 topper St. • Batco 1835 belt conveyor Ft. (3) • REM 2100 grain vac. • Alloway 9-22 topper • Wilrich 957, 7-30 w/harrow • Agco-Challenger • Hardi Sprayers • REM Grain Vac • Woods Mowers • J&M Grain Carts • Westfield Augers • Sunflower Tillage • White Planters • Wilrich Tillage
<< www.TheLandOnline.com >>
Lease/Finance Programs Available!
20 B
(B) Belle Plaine, MN 1051 Old Hwy. 169 Blvd.
(952) 873-2224
(507) 889-4221
(O) Owatonna, MN 3555 SW 18th St.
(W) Waseca, MN 3555 SW 18th St.
(507) 451-4045
(507) 835-3880
(H) Hollandale, MN W. Hwy. 251
NOTE: New Store Location for Owatonna and Waseca
12 yr old Percheron Draft Mule, john 15 hands, $800. 9 yr Sand Paint Mare 15 hands, $500. Both broke to ride & drive. 715-977-0626 FOR SALE: Welsh ponies. Red Ace Pony Farm 507-273-0706 Jet Black Friesian/Shire Cross Mare. 3 yr old, broke to drive & ride. (218)828-9127 Miniature 6 yr. old leopard Appaloosa stallion. 34”, 1/2 Falabella. Others available, $750. (608) 272-3883 or gypsy2@centurylink.net Western WI Horse & Equipment Sale. Dunn Co. Rec Park, Menomonie, WI. Sept. 7th & 8th. Accepting Consignments. Call 715-556-3962 or email akziehl@wwt.net Exotic Animals
‘09 JD 9870, 490 sep. hrs. ......................................$257,900
‘07 JD 9660, 1161 sep. hrs. ......................................$179,900
‘09 JD 9530T, 1662 hrs. ......................................$259,900
‘06 Geringhoff RD830, 8R30” ........................................$49,900
(H)’80 JD 7220, 4365 hrs. ........................................................$11,900 (H)DMI 730, 7-shank ripper ......................................................$13,500 (H)’79 JD 7720..........................................................................$11,900 (B)’92 JD 714, mulch tiller ........................................................$12,900 (W)’11 JD 9630, Lease Return................................................$279,000 (B)’81 JD 7720, 4590 hrs. ..........................................................$9,900 (H)DMI Tiger II, 5-shank ............................................................$7,950 (O)’11 JD 9630, Lease Return ................................................$279,900 (W)DMI Tiger II, 5-shank ............................................................$6,950 (O)’11 JD 9630, Lease Return ................................................$279,900 (B)Glencoe 9-shank soil saver ....................................................$6,500 (B)’11 JD 9630, 285 hrs., Lease Return..................................$279,900 (B)’08 JD 635............................................................................$32,900 (H)’11 JD 9530, 207 hrs., Lease Return ................................$264,900 (H)’08 JD 635............................................................................$29,900 (B)’10 JD 9630, 920 hrs., Extended Warranty ........................$255,900 (H)’04 JD 630............................................................................$26,500 (O)’10 JD 4930, 1010 hrs., 120’ boom ..................................$235,900 (H)’11 JD 9330, 475 hrs. ........................................................$245,000 (W)’04 JD 635 ..........................................................................$25,900 (O)’10 JD 4930, 1330 hrs., 120’ boom ..................................$228,500 (H)’90 JD 8760, 7462 hrs. ........................................................$45,000 (O)’06 JD 630............................................................................$21,900 (O)’09 JD 4930, 2213 hrs., 120’ boom ..................................$199,750 (O)’05 JD 630............................................................................$21,900 (O)’09 JD 4930, 1619 hrs., 90’ boom ....................................$189,500 (W)’04 JD 625 ..........................................................................$21,900 (O)’09 JD 4730, 850 hrs., 90’ boom ......................................$185,900 (B)’09 JD 9530T, 1659 hrs. ....................................................$259,900 (H)’04 JD 630............................................................................$21,900 (B)’07 JD 4720, 1305 hrs., 90’ boom ....................................$149,900 (O)’11 JD 8310T, 400 hrs., 18” tracks ....................................$226,900 (B)’04 JD 635 ............................................................................$19,900 (O)’07 AgChem 1074, 1700 hrs., 100’ boom ..........................$142,900 (B)’07 JD 9620T, 2283 hrs. ....................................................$209,900 (O)’00 JD 930M, air reel............................................................$16,900 (O)’99 JD 4700, 3525 hrs., 90’ boom ......................................$74,900 (O)’00 JD 9400T, 6150 hrs., 36” tracks ..................................$109,000 (H)’00 JD 930, full finger ..........................................................$15,900 (O)’05 Hardi CM1500, 90’ boom ..............................................$23,900 (O)’02 JD 925, full finger ..........................................................$14,900 (O)Sprayer Specialties, 110 gal., 80’ boom ..............................$21,500 (O)’11 JD 8310R, 356 hrs.......................................................$219,900 (O)’02 JD 930, full finger ..........................................................$13,500 (W)Hardi NP1100, 90’ boom ....................................................$20,900 (W)’11 JD 7330, auto quad, 237 hrs.......................................$117,500 (O)’01 JD 930............................................................................$13,500 (O)Spraymaster, 1100 gal., 80’ boom ......................................$18,500 (B)’97 JD 8400, 7317 hrs. ........................................................$79,900 (W)’00 JD 925, full finger..........................................................$13,500 (B)’99 Redball 680, 80’ boom ..................................................$13,900 (B)’89 JD 4755, 9781 hrs. ........................................................$49,900 (B)’03 JD 930, full finger ..........................................................$12,900 (H)Hardi Navigator 800, 60’ boom ............................................$13,500 (O)’91 JD 4055, 2WD, PS ........................................................$44,500 (B)’02 JD 930, full finger ..........................................................$12,900 (O)’03 Hardi Navigator 1000, 60’ boom ....................................$11,900 (B) ‘01 NH TM165, 10,136 hrs., MFWD ....................................$37,900 (O)Case IH 1020........................................................................$11,000 (H)Top Air 1000, 60’ boom ........................................................$6,500 (H)’81 JD 2940, loader..............................................................$16,900 (H)’95 IH 1020, 25’ ....................................................................$9,900 (W)JD 2840, 6870 hrs, 148 loader ..........................................$13,500 (H)’94 JD 920, low acres ............................................................$8,500 (H)’06 JD DB66, 36R22”, CCS, liq fert....................................$143,900 (B)Ford 8000, new rubber, 6738 hrs...........................................$7,500 (H)’08 JD 1770, 16R30”, CCS ..................................................$89,900 (W)IH 560, loader, diesel ............................................................$5,495 (W)’11 JD 612, 12R20”, chopping............................................$99,500 (B)’06 JD 1770NT, 16R30”........................................................$79,000 (B)AC D14, wide front ................................................................$2,750 (O)’10 JD 612, 12R30”..............................................................$76,900 (B)’96 JD 1770, 16R30”............................................................$44,900 (B)’08 JD 612, 12R30”..............................................................$74,900 (B)CIH 1200, Bauer Built bar, 36R20” ......................................$79,900 (W)’10 JD 9870, 295 sep. hrs., PRWD ..................................$325,000 (O)’11 JD 608 8R30” ................................................................$69,900 (H)’03 JD 1790, 16/31 row ......................................................$79,500 (O)’11 JD 9870, 261 sep. hrs. ................................................$297,500 (B)’05 Geringhoff, RD1800, 18R22” ........................................$69,900 (B)’05 JD 1770NT, 12R30”........................................................$54,900 (O)’11 JD 9770, 213 sep. hrs., PRWD ....................................$284,900 (H)’08 JD 612, 12R20”..............................................................$67,500 (H)’11 JD 1760, 12R30”............................................................$49,900 (O)’11 JD 9770, 256 sep. hrs. ................................................$268,900 (O)’10 JD 608, 8R30”................................................................$64,500 (O)’97 JD 1780, 24R20”............................................................$48,500 (H)’11 JD 9770, 300 sep. hrs. ................................................$265,000 (H)’06 Geringhoff, RD830, 8R30” ............................................$49,900 (O)White 6100, 12R30” ............................................................$15,500 (H)’10 JD 9870, 559 sep. hrs. ................................................$259,900 (B)’07 Geringhoff, RD830, 8R30”..............................................$49,900 (B)IH 900, 12R30” ......................................................................$4,195 (H)’09 JD 9870, 490 sep. hrs. ................................................$257,900 (B)’05 Calmers, 18R20” ............................................................$49,900 (B)JD 520, grass seed ................................................................$3,900 (H)’10 JD 9770, 552 sep. hrs. ................................................$233,500 (O)’06 Geringhoff, 8R30” ..........................................................$48,500 (W)’82 JD 7100, 12R30” ............................................................$3,500 (O)’10 JD 9570, 419 sep. hrs., duals ......................................$206,000 (H)’08 JD 608, 8R30”, non-chpping ........................................$46,900 (O)’09 JD 9670, 990 sep. hrs., auto trac ready ......................$199,000 (H)’07 Cat 1822, 18R22” ..........................................................$32,900 (B)’07 JD 568, surface wrap ....................................................$29,900 (H)’08 JD 9570, 475 sep. hrs., duals ......................................$198,900 (O)’02 JD 1293, 12R30”............................................................$29,900 (H)’08 JD 468, silage special, 6800 bales ................................$25,900 (O)’08 JD 9570, 418 sep. hrs. ................................................$196,000 (H)’03 JD 1293, 12R30”............................................................$29,900 (B)’11 NH BC5070, 2000 bales, ejector ....................................$24,900 (B)’08 JD 9770, 1011 sep. hrs. ..............................................$188,000 (B)’98 JD 1290, 12R20”............................................................$25,900 (B)’07 JD 468S, surface wrap ..................................................$23,900 (O)’07 JD 9660, 1032 sep. hrs. ..............................................$179,900 (B)’97 JD 693, 6R30”, knife rolls ..............................................$22,900 (B)’05 JD 946, 13’ MoCo ..........................................................$23,900 (O)’07 JD 9660, 1185 sep. hrs., duals ....................................$164,900 (B)’97 JD 693, 6R30”, knife rolls ..............................................$19,900 (O)’00 JD 466, 10,000 bales ....................................................$21,900 (H)’04 JD 9560, 1200 sep. hrs., duals ....................................$153,900 (W)’02 JD 567, surface wrap ....................................................$19,900 (B)’04 JD 9560SH, walker, 1525 sep. hrs. ..............................$139,900 (O)’11 JD 2410, 52’ chisel plow................................................$60,000 (B)’08 NH BR7090, twine only ..................................................$19,900 (W)’01 JD 9650, 2932 sep. hrs., PRWD ..................................$99,500 (H)’09 JD 2700, 7-shank ripper ................................................$39,500 (B)’03 JD 467, cover edge ........................................................$16,500 (O)’01 JD 9550, 3433 hrs, walker ............................................$86,900 (B)’10 JD 512, 7-shank ripper ..................................................$37,900 (B)’10 JD 458 Standard, 1000 bales ........................................$15,900 (H)’98 JD 9510, 2284 sep. hrs., PRWD ....................................$79,900 (B)’08 JD 2700, 7-shank ripper ................................................$37,900 (B)’92 JD 1600, center pivot, MoCo............................................$5,900 (B)’97 JD 9500, 1068 sep. hrs., duals ......................................$65,900 (O)Krause 4850, 5-shank ripper................................................$29,900 (B)JD 1219 MoCo ......................................................................$4,995 (O)CIH 1660, 3800 hrs..............................................................$36,500 (B)’00 JD 680, 27’ chisel plow ..................................................$29,900 (B)NI 5408 disc mower ..............................................................$3,995 (B)’83 JD 6620SH, sidehill, 3700 hrs. ......................................$15,900 (B)’02 JD 2700, ripper ..............................................................$29,900 (B)NH 278 square baler ..............................................................$3,500 (B)’79 JD 6620..........................................................................$15,900 (H)’90 JD 630, 30’ disk ............................................................$27,500 (B)Gehl 1090, 9’ ..........................................................................$1,950 (B)’84 JD 7720, 5105 hrs, PRWD ............................................$15,900 (B)DMI 530B, 5-shank ripper ....................................................$19,500 (O)Kuhn GMD60 disc mower ......................................................$1,750
<< www.TheLandOnline.com >>
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
Your Southern Minnesota & Western Wisconsin John Deere Commercial Sprayer Center
FOR SALE: Alpaca's starting at $700. Call (608)269-8039 Sheep
Fall born PolyPay rams, RR & QR, Neaton PolyPays, 952-240-2192 FOR SALE: Large framed, fast growing Suffolks, rams, ewe lambs, & tried ewes. Martens Suffolks 507-380-1828 FOR SALE: Registered Suffolk ewe lamb yearlings & brood use, also big boned, muscular ram lambs. 507-360-4722 or 507-425-2890 Sydell fleece skirting table, $225. Four head milking stanchion, $800. 320-396-2361 Goats
For Sale: Herd of Dairy Goats. All milking and feeding equipment. Milkers, doelings, buck. Serious inquires only.(608)476-2234
FOR SALE: Meat breed Boer & Boer/Kiko cross doelings. All ages. Show quality. Call 507-824-2316 Herd of 160 dairy goats. Mostly Alpines & Saanens. 85 milking, 18 dry, 50 doelings, 6 bucks. MDII Therma-King, 600 gal. Delaval bulk tank. (715) 754-5278. Moses Borntrager, W12949 Buss Rd., Caroline, WI 54928 Swine
BOARS BRED GILTS Large White, YxD, HxD, outdoor cond. 712-297-7644 Marvin Wuebker Compart's total program features superior boars & open gilts documented by BLUP technology. Duroc, York, Landrace & F1 lines. Terminal boars offer leanness, muscle, growth. Maternal gilts & boars are productive, lean, durable. All are stress free & PRRS free. Semen also available through Elite Genes A.I. Make 'em Grow! Comparts Boar Store, INC. Toll Free: 877-441-2627
065 Livestock Equip
Trucks & Trailers
Call 320-212-5220 or 320-392-5361
CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE!!! www.DuncanTrailersInc.com Delivery Available!
-Day Cab‘04 Freightliner, Columbia, auto shift ‘04 IH 9200, low miles (3) ‘03 Columbia, 10-spd. ‘99 Freightliner, auto shift ‘97 Sterling ‘00 Freightliner, Big Power, auto shift
507-383-8976 Cell 507-373-4218 • 507-448-3306 RT (JJC0197121) ..................$79,500 (L*) CIH 2377, ‘06, 935 s hsr, 30.5x32, FT, RT, YM (HAJ295865) ........Just In (L) CIH 2388, ‘05, 1261 s hrs, Pro 600 ................................$149,500 (W) CIH 2366, '98, 2475 s hrs, 30.5x32, YM, RT (JJC0186186) ..........$86,500 (W) CIH 2366, ‘98, 1186 s hrs, 30.5x32, YM, RT (JJC0184810) ..........$94,500 (W) CIH 2188, ‘97, 2403 s hrs, 30.5x32, 2 spd, RT, FT, CH, YM..............$69,500 (L*) CIH 2166, ‘97, 2790 sep hrs, (JJC0182033) ........................$57,500 (L*) CIH 2166, ‘97, 3500 sep hrs, RT, FT, YM, mudhog (JJC0183001) ..$59,500 (LP)CIH 1660, '88, 4420 hrs, RT, FT, CH ....................................$25,500 (L) CIH 1660, ‘89, 3400 hrs , RT, YM, CH, bin ext ............................$24,000 (L) CIH 2366, ‘98, 2100 s hrs, 2800 e hrs, Y&M, M, RT, BE ............$8,900
Consertils, chisels, & Subsoilers
ER monitor ............................$16,500 (LP)CIH 1200, 12RN, ‘05, pivot, bulk, 22 gpm, Universal display ....Coming In (W) CIH 1250 24RN, ‘08, bulk, 22 gpm, TW..........................................$97,500 (L) CIH 1250, ‘08, 24-row, bulk, M, LF, Y, RM, TruCount ................Coming In (W) CIH 1250, 12RN, ‘09, TW, mech, ER4 mon................................$66,500 (W) CIH 1200, 16/31, ‘04, liq fert, Pro600, pivot ........................$74,500 (W) CIH 1200, 12/23, ‘04, Pro600$59,500 (LP)Great Plains YP1625, var rat, starter bulk, twin row............$99,000 (LP)JD 750, 15’, Yetter markers, dolly whl, 2 bar (8903)....................$15,950 (LP)JD 1760, 12RN, TW, liq fert, 250 monitor ..............................Coming In (W) Kinze 3600 16/31, KPMIII, '06, set up as twin rows ..............$84,950 (W) Kinze 3600 12/23,'02, KPMIII, TW (616026) ..........................$57,500 (W) Kinze 2600 16/31, ‘98, 3000 mon, TW..........................................$39,500 (W) Kinze 2600 16/31, ‘98, 3000 mon, TW..........................................$39,500 (W) Kinze 2600 16/31, ‘98, 3000 mon, TW..........................................$39,500 (LP)Flexi-coil 2320 & 6000, 10” spacing, 32.5’, markers ......................$21,000 (LP)GP solid stand 30’, no till coulters, Fuerst harrow ........................$12,900 (LP)CIH insect boxes, 800, 900, 950 planters ..............................$200/row (L) JD 7000, ‘82, 13R22”, frt fold, ins, rebuilt in ‘11, trash whippers..$9,900
(W) CIH 820, 22’, ‘11, roller basket, 11 shk ....................................$69,500 (W) CIH 870, 18’, 11, 9 shank ....$49,500 (W) CIH 9300 Ecolo Tiger, 9-30”, ‘09 Summers harrow ..................$46,900 (W) CIH 9300 Ecolo Tiger, 9-30”, ‘05 ..........................................$36,500 (W) CIH 730C Ecolo Tiger, 7-30”, ‘07, cushion, Summers harrow....$33,500 (LP)CIH 730B Ecolo Tiger, 7-30”, ‘04, cushion ..........................$25,500 (W) CIH 730B Ecolo Tiger, 7-30”, ‘00 ..........................................$19,500 Sprayers (LP)CIH 730B Ecolo Tiger, 7-30” ..........................................Coming In (L*) Hardi Commander 1200+, ‘06, 80’ boom, triples, 2500 cont ......$25,750 (W) DMI 730B Ecolo Tiger, 7-30”, ‘00 ..........................................$17,500 (LP)Hardi Com 4400, ‘07, 90’ boom, triples, 5500 control, steer....$39,500 (W) DMI 730B Ecolo Tiger, 7-30”, leas, ‘98 (823957) ..........................$18,500 (LP)Hardi Commander 6600, ‘09, 120’ boom, 380/105/50, steer ......$56,500 Field Cultivators (LP)Hardi Com 1500, ‘09, 80’ boom, (W) CIH TMII 60.5’, ‘07, 4-bar ....$49,500 triples, 5500 ..........................$35,900 (W) CIH TMII 60.5, ‘05, ACS (LP)Hardi ESC500, ‘91, 50’ manual round ....................................$52,500 boom ......................................$2,950 (LP)CIH TMII 28.5’, ‘05 ACS (W) Demco Conquest 1250, ‘05, 90’ round ................................Coming In boom, 440 Raven..................$22,500 (LP)CIH TMII 48.5’, ‘05, 4 bar Coming In (W) Demco 1000 gallon big wheel, (LP)JD 2210, 47.5’, ‘09, 4 bar Coming In ‘04, 60’, MT3405....................$17,950 (LP)CIH 4300, 40.5, sgl fold, (W) Summers 1500 gallon, 120’ boom, 3 bar ......................................$11,000 ‘07 ..........................................$35,950 (LP CIH 4900, 37’, 3-bar................$6,500 (L) Top Air 1000 gallon, 60’ hyd. fold, (W) IH 4900, 41’, 3-bar mulcher ....$5,950 tandem, PTO pump, MT3000 $7,000 (W) IH 4700, 48', 3-bar mulcher....$4,250 Used ATV’s & Utility Vehicles (W) DMI Tiger Mate 30’, 3-bar ....$10,950 (L) Kawasaki Brute Force 750, 4x4i (L) DMI Tiger Mate II, 44.5’, 3 bar M V-twin, ‘08, 3780 mi, Camo, frt (721501) ................................$27,000 window ....................................$5,950 (W) JD 2210, 58.5’, 4-bar, ‘05......$39,500 (W) JD 980, 35.5’, 3-bar, ‘00........$18,950 (L) Polaris Ranger 500 6x6, ‘05, 883 hrs, green, canopy ..........$5,500 (W) Wilrich Quad X2, 50.6’, ‘09 rolling basket....................................$57,500 (L) Polaris Ranger XP SE, ‘08, blue, cab/htr, 5930 mi, 700 twin, Planters & Drills ind rear ....................................$9,450 (W) CIH 955, 12RN, ‘96, VF,
Lake Park • 712-832-3151 Worthington • 507-376-3147 Luverne • 507-283-2319 Case IH and Case Credit are registered trademarks of Case Corporation Visit Case’s Web Site at http://www.casecorp.com
Check us out on the internet at www.jaycoximplement.com
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
Will Consider Trades!
1907 E. Main. Albert Lea, MN 56007
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21 B THE LAND, AUGUST 3, 2012
FOR SALE: Duroc, Hamp- FOR SALE: Artsway #450 '92 Freightliner semi tractor, shire, Yorkshire, & grinder/mixer, always good shape, $7,000. Hamp/Duroc boars. Also shedded, $2,500. 507-525-2806 515-851-0590 Hamp/York gilts. Genetics from top AI sires. Exc herd FOR SALE: Gilts & boars. '96 Timpte, '97 Timpte hopPurebred Durocs. Also, health. No PRSS. Delivery pers; '97 Ford 1 ton power feeder pigs. Roger Guse, Available. Stan Adelman. stroke. 507-456-3709 Whitehall, WI. (715)983-5763 320-568-2225 '97 Mack RD688, non-sleeper semi-tractor, Allison 4560 FOR SALE: Spot, Chester FOR SALE: Hanson ring drive silo unloaders, 20' & auto transmission, Mack White, Hampshire, & Duroc 16' w/ or w/out motors. 507E7 350, camelback susp., boars & gilts available for 525-2007 wet kit, 138,000 mi., $25,900. sale. 507-456-7746 507-525-2420 Patz barn cleaner & motor, runs counter-clockwise, 100' Pets & Supplies 070 FOR SALE: '73 Int'l Load+ of chain, $500; 10 dairy star 1700, box & hoist, 63K tie stalls, like new, includes AKC Corgi Puppies. 2 M, 1 miles, $3,000; '57 Ford F350 water lines & chains, F, tails docked, dew claws V8, 4spd, 84K miles, $2,000. straps, etc., make offer. removed, vet checked, $400 507-649-1944 320-584-5179 or 320-492-8298 ea. (715)664-8340 FOR SALE: '74 Int'l 1800 WANTED TO BUY! USED twin screw, 392 engine, FOR SALE: 570 NH baler. BULK MILK COOLER 5+3spd, 20' steel box, good exc. cond. $11,500. (715) ALL SIZES 920-867-3048 hoist, DOT'd, $10,000/OBO. 495-0757 320-349-0290 Trucks & Trailers 084 FOR SALE: Pug puppies. shots, vet, de-wormed. $350 CHECK US OUT ON THE INTERNET AT: '04 Ford E350 Passenger OBO. (715)279-3756 www.jaycoximplement.com or jaycoxpowersports.com Van. Seats 12, 34,000 miles. Excellent Cond. $11,600. (W) Bobcat S330, ‘09, 1145 hrs, A91, Tractors 4WD Registered English shepherd 920-324-4069 hi-flow, 2 speed, radio ..........$38,000 (W) CIH 550 Steiger, '11, 233 hrs, pups, beautiful tri-colored. (W) Bobcat S300, '07, 2178 hrs, A91, Accuguide, susp cab, 800's279,500 507-261-7742 '09 Chevy Silverado 1500LT, 2 speed, radio ..........$28,500 blue/blk, Z71, Chevy certi- (W) CIH 535 Steiger Quad, ‘10, 559 hrs, (W) hi-flow, Bobcat S130, ‘04, H51, Accuguide, lux cab ............$315,900 fied, 42K miles, $24,000. Livestock Equip 075 cab/heat ................................$21,500 (L) CIH 9350, ‘98, 1800 hrs, 712-325-1062 12 spd................................Coming In (W) Case 430, ‘08, 225 hrs, cab/heat ................................$26,500 FOR SALE: 20' gooseneck '90 Intl 9200 Day cab, big (W) CIH 9280, ‘91, 4025 hrs, PS, 20.8x42 triples, OH 2 yrs ago ............$73,500 (LP)Case 465, 05, cab, heat, ac, livestock trailer, asking block eng, new paint, $8500. 1650 hrs ................................$36,500 (L*) CIH 9270, ‘91, PS, 8095 hrs, 24.5x32 $1,500. 320-693-8403 or 320Great corn hauler. tiger style ..............................$59,500 (LP)Case75XT, ‘03, 1943 hrs, 699-0715 515-851-0590 (JAF0379919) ........................$19,500 (W) NH 9882, ‘98, 3800 hrs, 12 spd man, 750/65R38 Trellborgs............$99,500 (W) Case75XT, ‘00, 3858 hrs, no bucket $15,900 (W) Versatile 895, ‘82, metrics ....$31,500 (LP)Case 75XT, ‘02, 3450 hrs, 72” (W) JD 9300, ‘00, quad, 5080 hrs, bucket (JAF0379717) ............$16,950 710/70R38, PTO..................$104,500 (LP)Case 420, '06, 1900 hrs, (L) CIH 9370, ‘96, 4500 hrs, 24 spd, (N5M411704) ........................$16,500 (JEE0037417) ....................Coming In ‘97 Reitnouer, 48/96, SA/AR, (LP)Case side windows, fits 410-465 HOPPERS Tractors MFD skidloaders ................................$600 Lift Axle, All Aluminum, ‘95 Timpte, 42’ AL hopper, (W) CIH Magnum 305, ‘10, lux cab, 627 (W) JD 317, ‘09, 1880 hrs, 66” sides, roll tarp, AL wheels, lift Clean..................................$10,900 hrs, front duals ....................$182,500 cab/ac....................................$19,950 (W) CIH Magnum 275, ‘10, lux cab, frt kit ......................................$16,000 3’-6’ Custom Extensions to fit (W) Kubota KX91R1AS2 mini excavator, duals, 340 hrs......................$179,500 any trailer back ......................$350 ‘08, 24” bkt ............................$32,950 ‘90 Timpte, elec. tarp, 80% (W) CIH Magnum 215, ‘10, lux cab, 228 (W) Bobcat 96" v-plow ..................$3,950 Custom Haysides tires/brakes, AL wheels, hrs........................................$142,500 (W) Bobcat 84” v-plow ..................$2,650 lift kit ................................$15,000 Standard ................................$1,250 (W) CIH Magnum 335, ‘08, lux cab, high (L) Case 40XT, ‘01, 3100 hrs, 1-owner, ‘88 Wilson, 43’ AL hopper, roll tarp, NEW Tip-In Tip-Out ................$1,750 flow, auto pilot, 1570 hrs ....$182,500 local trade, 68” bucket ........$18,000 80% tires, new brakes/seals, lift (L) CIH Magnum 305, ‘08, 2050 hrs, BELTED (L) Bobcat S300, 6704 hrs, cab, heat, 5 hyd, AFS ........................Coming In kit, AL wheels ....................$14,500 ‘02 Trail King, 42’, 50” belt ..$25,000 AC, power bobtach ..............$19,500 (W) CIH Magnum 245, ‘08, 1638 hrs, (L) Case 445, ‘09, 2300 hrs, cab, AC, ‘99 Timpte, 42’ AL hopper, 78” sides, DROP-DECKS lux cab, frt duals, hi-flow....$135,000 2-spd, ride control ................$29,000 roll tarp, lift kit ..................$17,000 ‘74 Trailmobile, 35’ ................$6,000 (L) CIH Magnum 215, ‘08, 350 hrs, ‘97 Wilson, 41’ AL hopper, 66” sides, Combines deluxe cab, (Z8RZ05492)....$130,000 12 month interest Waiver roll tarp, lift kit ..................$17,000 Engineered Beavertail for (W) CIH Magnum 210, ‘05, 2200 hrs, Drop Deck ............Installed $5,500 all Used Combines/heads ‘95 Wilson, 43’ AL hopper, 66” sides, hi-flow, 14.9x54, 540/1000..$109,500 roll tarp, lift kit ..................$16,000 ......................................Kit $3,500 (W) CIH MX255, ‘04 ..................$105,000 (W) CIH 8120, ‘10, 20.8x42, 412 sep hrs, Accuguide rdy, YM, FT ......$259,500 VAN TRAILERS (LP)CIH MX270, ‘00, 6700 hrs, ‘85 Timpte, new tarp, new (LP)CIH 8010, '07, 20.8x42, YM, FT, 4 remotes, 480/80/46, brakes, 80% tires, lift kit ..$12,000 53’ Van Trailer converted to a CH (HAJ200292)..................$195,500 frt duals ................................$82,500 Hog Trailer, holds 700 to 800 Lift Kits for your existing hopper. (LP)Cat Challenger MT665, ‘04, 225 hp, (W) CIH 8010, ‘07, 20.8x42, 1014 sep weanling pigs ......................$3,500 hrs, YM, FT, CH, mudhog ..$205,500 Our Lift Kits will help you achieve 480/80R46, 4 remotes ..........$72,500 a 20” hopper height ..........Kit $650 Good Selection (over 30) of Van (W) New Holland TN75S, '04, 2863 hrs, (W) CIH 8010, '06, 20.8x42 duals, 1661 s hrs, YM, FT..............$169,500 turf tires ................................$26,500 ..............................Installed $1,350 Trailers ‘95-’01, 48/102-53/102, (L*) CIH 8010, ‘05, 1696 s hrs, duals, (L) CIH JX75, ‘06, ROPS, MFD, great for water storage or over the DAY CAB TRUCKS YM, FT (HAJ106135) ..........$149,500 500 hrs ..............................Coming In road hauling ............$4,000-$8,250 (LP)CIH 8010, '04, FT, YM, Pro600 ‘04 Freightliner, CL12042ST 48’ & 53’ Van Trailers to rent. – Tractors 2WD (HAJ105617) ........................$189,000 Century Class, 350K, 350 (L) CIH 7120, ‘88, 7650 hrs, 3 hyd, ..........$135.00 per month plus tax. (W) CIH 7120, ‘09, 590 s hrs, FT, Mercedes, 10-spd., 3.70 ratio, 540/1000, 18.4x42 duals ......$33,500 Pro600, duals ......................$239,500 ....$2.00/mile for pickup & delivery SX ......................................$17,500 (W) IH 5288, '81, 18.4x42, 8771 hrs (W) CIH 7010, '08, 20.8x42, 826 sep hrs, MISCELLANEOUS or w/Twin Screw................$22,500 ..............................................$16,900 mudhog, YM, FT, CH ..........$215,500 Axles, Suspensions (W) IH 1086 ..................................$13,950 (W )CIH 7010, ‘08, 20.8x42, 750 sep hrs, ‘03 Kenworth T800, 380/410 (W) IH 1566, ‘75, 4500 hrs, 1 owner, mudhog, YM, FT, CH ..........$205,500 For Trailers............$1,000 AR/Axle Caterpiller, 13-spd., 3.70 ratio, nice, cab/ac ..........................$12,500 (W) CIH 6088, ‘11, 189 s hrs, 18.4x42, AR, walk-in sleeper ..........$23,500 ..................................$500 SR/Axle (W) JD 5205, ‘03, 780 hrs, ROPS $14,900 mudhog, YM, FT, CH ..........$245,000 1/4” Plastic Liner, FLATBEDS (W) JD 3010 gas, ‘63, 46A loader, (LP)CIH 2388, '06, 1161 s hrs ..$156,000 10’ Wide ........................$27.50/Ft. WF............................................$7,950 (LP)CIH 2388, ‘06, 931 sep hrs, ‘97 Wilson 48/102, All Aluminum, (W) AC WD w/belly mower............$2,295 (HAJ295215) ........................JUST IN Spread Axle, AR..................$10,000 Rims - 22.5 & 24.5 steel & (LP)Farmall H, loader ....................$1,950 (W) CIH 2388, ‘05, 18.4x42 duals, 1593 ‘74 Fontaine, 40’ ....................$4,750 aluminum ......$60/steel or $175/AL (L) IHC 560D, ‘61, wide front ......$4,100 sep hrs, YM, FT, 4WD ........$149,500 ‘99 Transcraft, 48/102, We can also convert flatbed (L) IHC 560, gas, WF, 2 pt (LP)CIH 2388, ‘04, 1492 s hrs/1928 AL Combo ............................$9,250 trailers to be used as a bridge. (40798) ....................................$3,500 e hrs, FT, YM ......................$129,500 (LP)Farmall SMTA, WF ..................$6,750 (LP)CIH 2388, ‘03, 1506 s hrs, FT, YM, ‘02 Transcraft, 48/102, SA/AR See our website. (L) JD 3010 gas, ‘63, NF, great tires, RT (JJC0273577) ................$115,000 ............................................$9,900 nice shape ..............................$6,500 (LP)CIH 2388, '02, 18.4x38 duals, 1350 • All Trailers DOTable • (L) IH 806, gas, WF, 3 PT (26248) $5,100 sep hrs, YM, RT (JJC0271006) (L) IHC Farmall C, NF, 540 PTO, 72” ............................................$112,000 deck mower, 11.2x36..............$3,500 (LP)CIH 2388, '01, RT, FT, 2026 s hrs, (W) Farmall A, repainted, WF........$2,595 (JJC0269007) ......................$103,000 CIH 2388, '00, 1989 sep hrs, RT, FT, Skidloaders & Telehandlers, (W) YM (JJC0268398) ..................$95,000 (L*) CIH 2388, ‘00, 1780 s hrs Excavator (JJC0267273) ........................$87,500 (W) Bobcat 772, ‘01, 1325 hs......$16,500 (LP)CIH 2388, '99, 2418 sep hrs, FT, YM,
Trucks & Trailers
22 B THE LAND, AUGUST 3, 2012
~ NEW EQUIPMENT/BIG INVENTORY ~ Notch Equipment: • Rock Buckets • Grapple Forks • Manure Forks • Bale Spears • Hi-Volume Buckets & Pallet Forks • Bale Transports & Feeder Wagons, 16’-34’ • Adult & Young Stock Feeders & Bale Feeders • Land Levelers
Smidley Equipment: • Steer Stuffers • Hog Feeders • Hog Huts • Calf Creep Feeders • Lamb & Sheep Feeders • Cattle & Hog Waterers • Mini Scaler
Sioux Equipment: • Gates • Calving Pens • Haymax Bale Feeders • Cattle Panels • Feeders Panels • Head Gates • Hog Feeders • Squeeze Chutes & Tubs • Port-A-Hut Shelters (Many Sizes) • Bergman Cattle Feeders • Lorenz & Farm King Snowblowers • Mandako Land Rollers, 12’-60’ • GT (Tox-O-Wic) Grain Dryers, 350-800 bu. • Sheep & Calf Feeders • Livestock Equipment by Vern’s Mfg. • Powder River Crowding Tub & Alley • Mister Squeeze Cattle Chutes & Hd. Gates • Garfield Earth Scrapers • Peck Grain Augers, 8” - 10” - 12” • Special Price • MDS Buckets for Loaders & Skidloaders • Powder River Livestock & Horse Equipment • Tire Scrapers for Skidsteers, 6’-9’
• Jari Sickle Mowers • Grasshopper Lawn Mowers - Special Price Now! • “Tire” feeders & waterers • MDS Roto King Round Bale Processor for skidsteers, tractors, loaders or telehandlers • Good Stock of parts for GT Tox-O-Wic Grain Dryers, Also, Some Used Parts • Sitrex Wheel Rakes - MX Model In Stock • Brillion Alfalfa & Grass Seeders • Bale Baskets • SI Feeders & Bunks • (Hayhopper) Bale Feeders • Enduraplas Bale Feeders, Panels & Tanks • E-Z Trail Wagons, Boxes & Grain Carts • Calftel Hutches & Animal Barns • R&C Poly Bale Feeders • Farm King Augers and Mowers • Corral Panels & Horse Stalls • EZ-Trail Head Movers & Bale Racks • Roda Mini-Spreaders • Amish Built Oak bunk feeders & bale racks • Walco log splitter • Goat & Sheep feeders
• Field & Brush Mowers • Roto-Hog Power Tillers • Stump Grinders • Log Splitters • Chippers • Power Graders • Power Wagons • Leaf & Lawn Vacuums • Versa-trailers
~ USED EQUIPMENT ~ • GT (Tox-O-Wic) 580 elec. grain dryer • 6’ Green chopper • Toro Z-Master zero-turn mower, 72” deck, dsl., 570 hrs. • RediHaul skidsteer trailer • 15’ Hiniker stalk shredder, exc. shape w/end transp. • Hesston 30A Stakhand, very good • Bush Hog 48” P.T. brush cutter, 13 hp. eng. • IHC 500 plow disk, 12’ w/new front notch blades
• Steer Stuffer & Hog Feeders • 225 bu. Meyers poly board spreader w/endgate • Grasshopper 723 Zero turn mower w/52” power fold deck, DEMO unit, 27 hrs. WANTED TO BUY: • GT (Tox-o-wik) Grain Dryers • 4 & 6 Row Stalk Choppers • Earth Scrapers • Steer Stuffer • Good hog feeders
<< www.TheLandOnline.com >>
Office Location - 305 Bluff Street Hutchinson, MN 55350
320-587-2162, Ask for Larry
NEW EQUIPMENT E-TRAIL GRAIN CARTS 710 Bu. - On Hand ............................$18,795 510 Bu. - On Hand..........Starting at $10,995 GRAVITY WAGONS 500 E-Z Trail - On Hand ........$7,995-$9,020 400 E-Z Trail............................$6,895-$7,250 HARVEST INTERNATIONAL/AUGERS T10-32 - 52 Truck Auger ........$3,500-$4,950 H10-62 - 82 Swing Hopper ....$8,500-$9,750 H13-62 - 92 Swing Hopper $13,500-$18,500 12 Volt Auger Mover ..........................$1,995 Hyd. Auger Mover ..............................$1,350 HITCH DOC SEED TENDERS 2 Box Tandem - On Hand ..................$9,850 4 Box Tandem - On Hand ................$15,950 6 Box Gooseneck..............................$25,000
NEW KOYKER LOADERS Call For Other Sizes 510 Loader - On Hand............Call for Quote COMBINE HEAD MOVERS E-Z Trail 4-wheel 21’-30’ ....................................$2,550-$3,250 Koyker Stor-Mor Grain Baggers & Bag Unloaders ..............................In Stock NEW ROUND BALE RACKS 10’x23’ - On Hand ..............................$1,995 NEW WHEEL RAKES 14 Wheel, high capacity ....................$8,995 12 Wheel, high capacity ....................$8,495 10 Wheel, V Rake - On Hand..............$3,750 5 Wheel, 3 pt. Rake - On Hand ..........$1,325 Land Levelers, 10’ & 12’ ..............On Hand
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
USED EQUIPMENT TRACTORS ‘05 JD 9320, 3 pt., 3200 hrs. ..........$133,000 ‘90 Ford 946, 6100 hrs. ....................$39,000 ‘90 Ford 876, 6200 hrs. ....................$42,500 GRAIN CARTS Crysteel 650 bu., Like New ..............$10,250 WAGONS Parker 2500 ........................................$1,850 (4) Unverferth 630 wagons ..$9,900-$10,500 MISCELLANEOUS IH 4900, 44’ field cultivator ................$3,500 Maurer gooseneck grain trailer ..........$8,500 ‘89 Skytrak 6036 telescoping forklift..............................................$14,000
‘96 Skytrak 6036 telescoping forklift..............................................$16,000 Walco 12’ Land leveler ......................$2,900 Feterl 10”x36’ truck auger, electric ....$2,150 Westfield 10”x71’, 4 years old............$7,000 Westfield 10”x71’ swing hopper w/right angle drive........................................$4,750 TELESCOPING FORKLIFT RENTALS GRAIN BAGGER AND BAG UNLOADER RENTALS GRAIN VAC RENTALS SKID LOADER RENTALS 3 TELESCOPING FORKLIFTS FOR RENT
37666 300th St. • Redwood Falls, MN WWW.WOODFORDAG.COM
CIH 7120, MFD............................................$32,900 IH 1086 w/46” rubber..................................$12,900 (2) IH 1026, hydro ..............................From $12,900 JD 4230, Quad ............................................$15,900 NH TC29, MFD ..............................................$7,900 JD 4650, 2WD ............................................$29,900 CIH MX270 ..................................................$69,900 JD 4630, PS ................................................$16,900 IH 460, 560, 560D ..........................................CALL JD loaders, many to choose from ....................................................Starting at $2,495 New Koyker loaders ......................................CALL Gehl 4635 skid loader ................................$12,900 CIH 4800, 30’ field cult. ..................$9,900 or B.O. IH 826, German diesel ......................Coming Soon CIH 5120, MFD ................................Coming Soon JD 4030..............................................Coming Soon Cub Cadet HDS 3225, 280 hrs. ....................$2,995 Cub Cadet 782 ..............................................$1,695 IH Super MTA ....................................Coming Soon IH 856D..........................................................$8,900 IH 756, gas ....................................................$7,900 IH 810 oat head w/pickup ..............................CALL JD Loaders - Special: 46, 48, 148, 158, 640 CALL New Koyker 510 loader ..................................CALL
DAMAGED GRAIN STATE-WIDE We pay top dollar for your damaged grain. We are experienced handlers of your wet, dry, burnt and mixed grains. Trucks and Vacs available. Immediate response anywhere. CALL FOR A QUOTE TODAY
110 S. Main, P.O. Box 249 • Kiester, MN
SWINGAWAY DELUX 13575, 10”x71’ MAYRATH 1350 BPH SWINGAWAY MC 690, 1 Ph. 8”X57’ KEWANEE BEHLEN 380, 1 Ph. PTO
12”x71’ MAYRATH HOPPER TANKS BEHLEN, 1600 bu. SWINGAWAY We carry a full line of Behlen & Delux dryer parts; Mayrath and Hutch augers parts. Large inventory of Welda sprockets, hubs, bearings, chain & pulleys.
507-294-3387 www.midwestfarmsales.com If you’re having a Farm Auction, let other Farmers know it! Upcoming Issues of THE LAND Southern MNNorthern IA August 17 August 31 September 14 September 28 October 12 October 26
Northern MN August 10 August 24 September 7 September 21 October 5 October 19
Deadlines are 1 week prior to publication with Holiday deadlines 1 day earlier ** Indicates Early Deadline
Woodford Ag 507-430-5144
One call does it all! RANGER PUMP CO. FOR SALE: '98 Timpte 40' WANT MORE READERS Custom Manufacturer of aluminum hopper bottom, With one phone call, you can TO SEE YOUR AD?? place your classified ad in Expand your coverage area! Water Lift Pumps for field aluminum wheels, Air The Land, Farm News, drainage & lagoon agitation Ride, $18,400. 507-841-0800 The Land has teamed up pumps. AND The Country Today. with Farm News, and The Sales & Service Call The Land for more Ready for Fall - 42' semi Country Today so you can 507-984-2025 or 406-314-0334 info @ 507-345-4523 • 800-657trailer, repainted, ag hopdo just that! Place a classi4665 or place your ad online www.rangerpumpco.com pers, good tarp, fied ad in The Land and @ www.thelandonoline.com $12,750/OBO. 515-408-3122 have the option of placing it Winpower Sales & Service in these papers as well. Reliable Power Solutions DRAINAGE Miscellaneous 090 PARMA More readers = better reSince 1925 PTO & automatPUMPS New pumps & sults! Call The Land for ic Emergency Electric parts on hand. Call MinGENERATORS: 15kWmore information. 507-345Generators. New & Used nesota's largest distributor 500kW PTO & automatic 4523 • 800-657-4665 Rich Opsata-Distributor HJ Olson & Company 320gen sets, new & used. Low 800-343-9376 974-3202 Cell – 320-894-6276 time hospital take-outs. Standby Power-Windom Serving farmers since 1975 800-419-9806 9-5 Mon-Sat
1409 Silver Street E. Mapleton, MN 56065 507-524-3726 massopelectric.com
PO Box 3169 Mankato, MN 56002 Phone: 507-345-4523 or 800-657-4665 Fax: 507-345-1027
Ask Your Auctioneer to Place Your Auction in The Land! Website: www.TheLandOnline.com
e-mail: theland@TheLandOnline.com
23 B THE LAND, AUGUST 3, 2012
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We’re at Lot 432 ~ Farmfest 2012
24 B
IMPORTANT COMBINE UPDATE Affected Models: Model Year 2007 & Newer 7010/8010/7120/8120/9120/7230/8230/9230 ‘92 JD 8960, 6650 hrs., PTO, triples, JD auto steer ........................$79,900
‘05 CIH STX425, 5900 hrs. ..........................................$119,900
‘11 Magnum 215, 280 hrs., Loaded................................$149,900
To improve the overall header height performance, an enhanced software has been released. The Gen II software improves header response and reaction time when harvesting. The new software increases header reaction time for both lateral tilt and header up/down. The Gen II software also has new features that an operator can select to tailor the header height to the field conditions. These improvements maximize grain saving by providing improved cutting performance when harvesting in uneven terrain conditions. The header height software also utilizes a new calibration procedure that ensures all sensors are properly calibrated.
MATEJCEK’S IS OFFERING A SPECIAL DEAL ~ OR ~ $100.00 Software Update ‘10 CIH Puma 155, PS, 555 hrs., w/loader. ............................$114,900
‘10 CIH Puma 140 w/L760 loader, 457 hrs., susp. axle, PS ........103,000
‘89 CIH 7120, 8106 hrs.......$42,500
10% Off Parts installed by Matejcek’s
We Come To You
Free 42-Point Combine Inspection
$100.00 Software Update
Free Trucking (for legal load)
Plus Travel Time
USED 4WD TRACTORS Up To One Year Interest Free ••• Call For Details •••
<< www.TheLandOnline.com >>
‘92 JD 8960, PTO, JD auto steer, 20.8x42 triples, 6650 hrs. ....................................................................$79,900 ‘05 CIH STX425 HD, 620R42 duals, 5 remotes, 5900 hrs. ....................................................................$119,900 ‘12 CIH 600Q, Lux. cab, susp. cab, full HID lights, full Pro 700 steering, 218 hrs., Loaded ..........COMING IN STX and STEIGER PTO, TOW CABLE & 3 PT. KITS ON HAND!!!
USED 2WD TRACTORS ‘11 CIH Magnum 275, 432 hrs., Loaded................................$174,800
‘12 Farmall 50B w/loader ............................................$27,500
‘11 CIH 9120, Tracks, RWA, 290 hrs. ..............................$359,000
Up To One Year Interest Free ••• Call For Details ••• ‘12 ‘10 ‘10 ‘11 ‘11 ‘10 ‘89
Farmall 50B w/loader....................................................................................................................$27,500 Puma 140, PS, suspension axle, L760 loader, 457 hrs.............................................................$103,000 Puma 155, PS, suspension axle, L760 loader, 555 hrs. ............................................................$114,900 Magnum 215, Lux. cab, 380R54 rear tires & duals, 360 HID lights ........................................$149,900 Magnum 275, Full Pro 600 Auto Guide, 360 HID lights, 432 hrs. ............................................$174,800 Magnum 335, NEW 520x46 tires, Lux cab, big pump/drawbar, 1502 hrs. ..............................$189,000 7120, MFD, 18.4x42 tires & duals, 8016 hrs.................................................................................$42,500
USED PLANTERS ‘08 CIH 1250, 24R30”, liq. fert., 3 pt. mount, bulk fill ............................................................................$108,900
‘11 CIH 7120, 205 eng./ 170 sep. hrs. ......................$257,000
01 Bobcat 753, 2850 hrs. ..$11,900
Bobcat 5600 Toolcat ..........$26,900 60” SB200 snowblower..........$4,500
USED SKIDLOADERS ‘01 ‘08 ‘12 ‘03 ‘05 ‘09
Bobcat Bobcat Bobcat Bobcat Bobcat Bobcat
753, std. controls, 2850 hrs.....................................................................................................$11,900 S185, 2-spd. hydro., cab w/heat, 1353 hrs. ..........................................................................JUST IN S175, 2-spd. hydro., cab w/heat, 53 hrs. ..............................................................................$26,900 5600 Toolcat, 605 hrs. ............................................................................................................$26,900 5600 Toolcat, 2000 hrs. ..........................................................................................................$19,900 E-32, Dlx. seat, cab w/air, hyd. X-Change, 24” trenching bucket ........................................$36,900
USED COMBINES Interest Waiver or Low Rate Financing Available ••• Call For Details
‘11 870, 18’ Ecolo-Tiger, Demo ..................................................CALL
‘08 CIH 1250, 24R30”, liq. fert., 3 pt. mount, bulk fill ..................$108,900
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
Call For Details
‘11 ‘11 ‘80 ‘11 ‘11 ‘95 ‘11 ‘11 ‘08 ‘08 ‘03 ‘92
9120, track drive, RWA, 282 eng./228 sep. hrs., leather, loaded..............................................$359,000 7120, 205 eng./170 sep. hrs. ......................................................................................................$257,000 1480 ..................................................................................................................................................$4,900 2608, 8R30” chopping cornhead ..................................................................................................$64,500 2608, 8R30” chopping cornhead ..................................................................................................$64,500 1083, 8R30” cornhead ..................................................................................................................$13,900 3020, 35’ platform w/Crary air reel ..............................................................................................$42,900 3020, 35’ platform w/Crary air reel ..............................................................................................$42,900 2020, 35’ platform w/Crary air reel ..............................................................................................$34,900 2020, 35’ platform w/Crary air reel ..............................................................................................$29,000 1020, 30’ platform, 11⁄2” knife, tracker ..........................................................................................$14,900 1020, 20’ platform, 3” knife ............................................................................................................$6,500
Paul I-35 & Highway 60 West • Faribault, MN • 507-334-2233 CNH Capital’s Commercial Revolving Account provides financial assistance for parts and service when you need it, keeping your equipment running as its best with the quality parts and service you’ve come to expect from Case IH. Contact your local dealer or visit www.cnhcapital.com today for details. ©2012 CNH Capital America LLC. All rights reserved. CNH Capital and Case IH are registered trademarks of CNH America LLC. Printed in the USA.
Your guide to Farmfest, courtesy of your friends at The Land
Visit us at booth 2402 in Ag Tent I
2 F
Farmfest the place to be to get the pulse of modern ag By DICK HAGEN The Land Staff Writer A new feature at Farmfest 2012, Aug. 7-9, is a forum each morning, “IDEAginterconnectivity
— the Future of Farming.” Each forum will feature special presentations by agricultural innovators and company repre-
Aug. 7-9 at the Gilfillan Estate, Redwood County, Minn. Aug. 7, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Aug. 8, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Aug. 9, 8 a.m.-4 p.m.
These VERTICAL workhorses from Mustang are ready to power through any challenges they meet during the workday. HIGH LIFTING m Vertical-lift design provides more than 131 inches of lift height on the 3300V for easy truck loading and material handling. HIGH-RATED OPERATING CAPACITIES m Get the raw power you need for heavy-duty jobs with a rated operating capacity of 3,300 lbs. on the 3300V. POWERFUL m A 70.7-hp. Interim Tier IV turbocharged Yanmar diesel engine provides 206 ft.-lbs. of torque for raw power and performance.
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
Getting there The Gilfillan Estate is located on the corner of Highway 67 and County Road 13 between Morgan and Redwood Falls in Redwood County.
FARM SYSTEMS 3695 HWY 14 WEST Owatonna, MN 55060 800-385-3911 • 507-451-3131 www.northlandfarmsystems.com
See Us At The 2012 Farmfest ~ Booth #709
Admission $10/person 18 and under free Free parking * No pets allowed on the show grounds, this includes pets on leashes (unless ADA approved service animals)
sentatives in the latest advancements in technology that are already impacting the agriculture industry. You may also be entitled to a free Farmfest admission ticket (more about that later). Ray Bianchi, Farmfest coordinator, said, “we did our first IDEAginterconnectivity event in Des Moines June 28-29 and the response was amazing. Dave Frederickson About 300 Upper Midwest farmers attended. They couldn’t say enough good things about the information and new technology ideas they were exposed to. “We believe the future of farming is indeed tied to the interconnectivity concept with new Kevin Paap equipment, new systems available online and new products in the marketplace all geared to increase the production efficiency of today’s modern, highpowered farms.” Each of these 9 a.m. presentations will be in the Farmfest Forum Tent. Bianchi said com- Doug Peterson pany reps will be both “talking and showing” their particular new technology. Raven, AT&T, and John Deere are just a few of the presenters. A University of Minnesota specialist in “computer agriculture” will also be on the scene. So how might you get a free ticket to Farmfest which has a $10 admission price? Bianchi said that if you are a crop farmer and/or a livestock producer you can log on to the Farmfest website — www.ideaggroup.com/farmfest — and See FARMFEST, pg. 3F
Loos: Stop making excuses defending modern ag ity Initiative — Board of Water and Future Impacts on Soil Resources Farmers.” Executive Director John Jasche and Because of Minnesota Polludrought conditions tion Control Agency across much of Assistant CommisAmerica’s breadsioner Rebecca basket, the focal Kent Thiesse Trent Loos Flood. Also dispoint of this forum cussing this volatile topic will be will be various state and federal Kevin Paap, Minnesota Farm water-quality initiatives. And because farmers continue to get Bureau president; Doug Peterson, blamed for much of the “dirty Minnesota Farmers Union presiwater” issues of Minnesota rivers dent; and Lawrence Sukalski, Minand streams, emotions might sur- nesota Ag Water Resource Centers face during this panel presenta- chairman. tion. Next in the Forum Tent on Aug. 7 is the equally volatile topic: The Panel members include MinRenewable Fuel Standard. nesota Agriculture Commissioner Dave Frederickson, Minnesota Keynote speaker is U.S. Sen. Al Department of Natural Resources Franken. His panel will include Commissioner Tom Landwehr, Tom Buis, CEO of Growth Energy;
Tim Rudnicki, Minnesota Biofuels Association; Brad Nelson, Minnesota Ethanol Producers Association, and Chad Willis, Minnesota Corn Growers Association. Forums have become a standard agenda of Farmfest because of the ongoing popularity of the forum concept. “I get ideas each year from people across the Midwest landscape for suggestions of new forum topics and new speakers. Plus Lynn Ketelsen’s noon-time show and special entertainment in the ‘Big Tent’ just seems to fit the overall agenda of Farmfest,” said Kent Thiesse, Farmfest forum coordinator. ‘Stop defending agriculture’ Trent Loos, a nationally recog-
FARMFEST, from pg. 2F register for the Interconnectivity forums and a free Farmfest admission ticket will be sent your way. “We’re doing this because we really want to highlight the producers coming to Farmfest. Various exhibitors will be sending out promotional offers to those farmers who preregister. It’s a real simple five-second registration and that gives them special VIP access to Farmfest,” Bianchi said. In addition to the IDEAginterconnectivity forums, Farmfest once again offers a solid lineup of political and ag-interest forums each day. Guaranteed to stir up the forum audience on the opening day, Aug. 7, is the 1 p.m. forum “Water Qual-
3 F
See FARMFEST, pg. 4F
<< MINNESOTA FARMFEST >> “Where Farm and Family Meet”
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
4 F
Farm organizations offer free breakfast, watermelon FARMFEST, from pg. 3F demand unrestrained livestock and pestinized spokesperson for agriculcide free crop producture, cuts to the quick when he tion. talks modern agriculture. Loos will speak 1:15 “It’s time to stop right now comp.m. Aug. 8, in the ing up with excuses defending Forum Tent. Followmodern agriculture. Our agriculing his presentation, tural industry continues to be the Eric Kaler a panel takes on the envy of the world. We’ve got 7 biljuicy topic, “Consumer Preference lion people on Planet Earth today; — Future Changes for the Liveby 2050 world population will be 9 stock Industry. billion. Go figure,” are his blunt works, especially to that audience Panel participants are Cariss Neth, of uninformed protesters who Agricultural Utilization Research
Institute meat scientist; Kevin Hugoson, Minnesota Pork Producers Association president; Steve Olson, Minnesota Turkey Growers and Broiler/Egg Association executive director; Duane Alberts, dairy producer and Minnesota Farm Bureau vice president, and a representative from the Minnesota Beef Cattlemen’s Association. On Aug. 9, the University of Minnesota gets explored during the 10:30 a.m. forum “Innovation in Agriculture — Opportunities from your University.” University President Eric Kaler opens this particular debate. Additional input will be voiced by University department heads and directors including Brian Buhr, Applied Economics; Nancy Ehlke, Agronomy and Plant Genetics;
Mike White, Animal Science and Ira Muscovice, Rural Health Research Center. At 1:30 p.m. Aug. 9, Farmfest presents its annual “Farm Family of the Year Recognition which this year honors more than 70 farm families from throughout Minnesota. Minnesota Farm Bureau will offer a free breakfast in the Forum Tent 8-10 a.m. on Aug. 8, and the Minnesota Farmers Union will have a free watermelon feed at 1:15 p.m. on Aug. 7. “So besides the many, many exhibitors and the tremendous agricultural history display at Gilfillan Estate, Farmfest does indeed provide information, education, good food and a tremendous opportunity to readily touch base with the pulse of modern agriculture,” Thiesse said. ❖
Call Hewitt Drainage Equip.
<< MINNESOTA FARMFEST >> “Where Farm and Family Meet”
All of the following forums will take place in the Forum Tent in the center of the Farmfest site on the Gilfillan Estate in Redwood County, Minn. Aug. 7 9 a.m.: “IDEAg Interconnectivity — the Future of Farming” 10 a.m.: Keynote Address by U.S. Senator Al Franken (Invited) 10:30 a.m.: “Congressional Candidate’s Forum on Agriculture and Rural Issues” Noon: Linder Farm Network Ag Jamboree 1 p.m.: Keynote Address by Minnesota Gov. Mark Dayton (Invited) 1:15 p.m.: “The New MN Water Quality Program — What It Means for Farmers ? ” 3 p.m.: “Grain Marketing Strategies for the 2012 Crop” Aug. 8 8 a.m.: “Minnesota Farm Bureau Breakfast” 9 a.m.: “IDEAg Interconnectivity — the Future of Farming” 10:30 a.m.: “U.S. Senate Candidate’s Forum on Agriculture and Rural Issues” Noon: Linder Farm Network Ag Jamboree 1 p.m.: Minnesota Pork Ambassador Program 1:15 p.m.: “Consumer Preferences — Future Changes for the Livestock Industry?” 3 p.m.: “Stop Defending Agriculture” Featuring Trent Loos, nationally recognized speaker on agriculture issues Aug. 9 9 a.m.: “IDEAg Interconnectivity — the Future of Farming” 10:30 a.m.: “Innovation in Agriculture — Opportunities from the University” Featuring University of Minnesota President Eric Kaler Noon: Linder Farm Network Ag Jamboree 1:30 p.m.: “Farm Family of the Year” Recognition Program For more information, contact Kent Thiesse, Farmfest forum coordinator, (507) 381-7960 or kent.thiesse@minnstarbank.com. ❖
Farmfest forums for 2012
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
6 F
Follow The Land on Twitter during Farmfest for show updates and special offers @TheLandOnline
7 F
Aug. 7-9 Gilfillan Estate, Redwood County, Minn.
Ag Tent 1
Ag Tent 2
Ag Tent 3
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
8 F
Minnesota Farmfest exhibitor’s guide Be sure to pay a visit to these exhibitors during your trip to Farmfest. This list is subject to change. 1st and 7th Congressional District Republican Party of Minnesota: 3212 2-Way Radio of Minnesota Inc.: 3105
A A Home of Your Own Inc.: 4413 Abilene Machine Inc.: 1011 ABM Inc.: 3612 Above & Beyond Construction: 3305 Accu-Steel Inc.: 536 Acme Furnace Company: 132E Acme Tools: 411 Action Sports: 325 ADM Crop Risk Services: 3611 Adrian Mfg. Inc.: 435 Advanced Ag Construction: 217
Advanced Comfort Technology Inc.: 330 Advanced Drainage Systems: 209 aemsco Inc.: 522 Aero Industries: 3508 Ag Alternatives/Y Drop LLC: 534 Ag Concepts: 4102 Ag Dryer Services Inc.: 905S Ag Leader Technology: 2603 Ag Wetland Services Inc.: 2404 AGCO Corporation: 922 Agile Manufacturing LLC: 19W Agri Drain Corp.: 4405 Agri News: 410S
Co m Us e Se F a Bo rm at e oth fe #4 st 11 0
Agricultural Utilization Research Institute: 612 AgriDry LLC: 2313 AgriGold Hybrids: 3204 Agri-Systems Inc.: 4110 Agri-Tec Lubricants: 3303 AgStar Financial Services: 220 AgWeek: 4308 Ahlers Farm: 224S Air Design Inc.: 3604 AKE Safety Equipment: 4212 Alkota Cleaning Systems Inc.: 111N All America Pressure Washers: 321 All States Ag Parts Inc.: 211 Allied Distribution: 2409 Ameribuilt Buildings Inc.: 5 American Garage Door Co.: 3310
Minnesota Farmfest exhibitor’s guide
C C&N Sales Co: T4106 CamVacUSA: 4409
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
Bad Boy Mowers: 304 Bakko Industries: 637W Balzer Inc.: 825 Bayer Truck and Equipment: 925 Baywood Home Care: 3410 Behlen Country: 10 Behlen USA/Northstar Steel Buildings: 3301 Big Iron/Stock Auction: 2502 Blair’s Disc Sharpening: 3312 Blazing Trails Company: Blue Hilltop Inc.: 830 Bluff Ridge Inc.: 208 BLU-JET by Thurston Mfg. Co.: 1005 Blume Welding: 4302 Boss Supply: 831 Brandt Agricultural Products Inc.: 727 Brock Grain Systems — CTB Inc.: 620 Brokaw Supply Company: 1007 Buckey’s Sales & Service: 318 Buhler Industries: 1013 Buhler Industries: 908 Bulk Seed Systems Inc.: 401 Burchland Ag. Equipment: 132W Buzzard Gulch Inc.: 101
Case IH: 918 Catholic United Financial: 212S CBM Electronic Lighting: 4303
CanCooker Inc.: 3408 Cargill Inc.: 3401 Carlson Wholesale Inc.: 221
American Honda Motor Co. Inc.: 16 American Made Sales Inc.: 3501 American Steel Systems: American Tire Distributors: 810 AmerSeal: 3606 Amsoil: 2106 Animat Inc.: 3603 Apache Mfg.: 305 Applegate Livestock Equipment: 13 Aqua-Therm LLC: 201 Archer Petroleum: 4412 Arletta Rue & Co.: Arnold Companies Inc.: 634 Arvig Telecommunications: 2303 Avoca Spray Service: 511 AWS Air Reels: 816 AY Global Inc.: 54W Azland Inc.: 736
9 F
Minnesota Farmfest exhibitor’s guide Cedar Creek Energy Inc.: 303S Central Plains Industries LLC: 934N CGB — Diversified Services: 2606
Channel Bio Corp.: SR09 Christianson Systems Inc.: 301 CHS Inc.: 316
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
10 F
CHS Inc.: 2608 ClampTite: 3107 Clarks Ag Supply: 335S Clean Burn/Derson Mfg.: 2611 Clean Cutter Flail & Tiller Blade Co.: 2408 Cleary Building Corp.: 812 Collins Enterprises: 46E Components Plus LLC/Tracks Plus: Congressman Collin C. Peterson: 414S Conklin Products: 2304 Conrad American: 1003 Convey-All by Hamilton Systems Inc.: 636 Copperhead Ag Products: 2512 Country Cat: 1037 Country Enterprises Inc.: 410N Countyline Creations LLC: 2607 Courtland Waste Handling Inc.: 402 Crary Industries: 901 Crop Sweeper: 522 Croplan Genetics: SR19 Cross-Dillon Tire: 42W Crysteel Truck Equipment Inc.: 430 Curt’s Truck & Diesel Service Inc.: 1031 Custom Marketing Co. Inc.: 507
Judson Implement • Lake Crystal, MN Smiths Mill Implement • Janesville, MN Midway Farm Equip. • Mountain Lake, MN Lodermeiers • Goodhue, MN Marzolf Implement • Spring Valley, MN Willmar Farm Center • Willmar, MN Isaacson Implement • Nerstrand, MN Freeport Farm Center • Freeport, MN
Dairyland Seed Co. Inc.: 103S Dairyland Supply Inc.: 711 Dakota Micro Inc.: 4408 Dakota Security Systems Inc.: 4208 Dawn Equipment Co. Inc.: 527 DDSI: 416 Degelman: 522 Delta Grain Bag Systems Inc.: 218N Delux Grain Dryers: 421 Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party of Minnesota: 3102 Dennis Carpenter Ford Reproduction Parts: 3213 Dick Hansen Sales Inc.: 423 Dick’s Welding Inc.: 2210 Diers Ag & Trailer Sales Inc.: 9 Diesel Specialties Inc.: 4306 Distel Grain Systems Inc.: 226N DK Diesel Injection Inc.: 2111 Dodge of Burnsville: 1001 DTN — The Progressive Farmer: 520E
E East Side Oil Companies: 2102 Easy Way Cattle Care: 517S
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11 F
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See us at the NECO Booth at Farmfest or give us a call “Where Farm and Family Meet”
K&S Millwrights Inc. 320-833-2228 Buffalo Lake, MN www.ksmillwrights.com
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
12 F
Minnesota Farmfest exhibitor’s guide ecojiva Solar ComEquipment Technolopany: 412S gies: 915 Edney Distributing Erickson Marketing: Co. Inc.: 916 530 Eide Bailly: 3608 Excelsior Homes Inc.: 836 Electric Cleaner Company Inc.: 3302 Exmark Mfg.: 624 Endless Energy — Agri SC: 311 Extreme Panel Technologies Inc.: 4604 Energy Panel Structures: 637 Enestvedt Seed Co.: SR06
Fabra Dome: 230 Fair Manufacturing Inc.: 111S Fantini North America: 603 Farm Country Trader Inc.: 2605 Farm Forum: 3411 Farm Rescue: 2310 Farm Safety 4 Just Kids: 7 Farmchem: 113 Fast Distributing Inc.: 532 Fastenal: 218S Fastline Publications: 3106 FEI East: 605 Fellowship of Christian Farmers Inc.: 4100
FHR Farms/BRT Ag & Turf: SR03 First Security Bank: 3308 For-Most Inc.: 537 Friends of the Minnesota Valley: 4406 Frost Services — Spray Barn: 54E
G Gallagher/Miraco: 41E Gates Mfg Inc: 935 GDF Enterprises Inc.: 119 Geringhoff: 522 Giant Rubber Water Tanks Inc.: 4E Gideons International: 2205 Gold Country Seed Inc.: SR12
<< MINNESOTA FARMFEST >> “Where Farm and Family Meet”
14 F
Minnesota Farmfest exhibitor’s guide Good Earth Agri Products: 3201 Good Feet: T3102 Good On Ya:
Gopher State One Call: 4301 Graham Tire Co.: 815 Grain Handler USA Inc.: 909
Great Plains Mfg. Inc.: 932 Greener World Solutions LLC: 4508 Greystone Construction Co.: 729 Grizzly Buildings Inc.: 2103 Growers Mineral Solutions: 903N Growth Energy: 934E GSF Inc.: 4609 GSI Group LLC: 720 G-Tec Flitz L.L.C.: 2306 GVL Polymers Inc.: 505S
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
Stop by Booth 632 at Farmfest 2012 August 6 - 9
H&S Manufacturing Co. Inc.: 730 Hagie Manufacturing Company: 601 Hancor Inc.: 927 Hansen Agri-Commodities LLC: 3110 Hanson Silo Company: 313N HARDI North America Inc.: 202 Harms Manufacturing Inc.: 937 Harvest International Inc.: 731 Harvestec: 726S Haven Industries: 307S Hawke & Company Ag: 203 Hawkins Manufacturing Inc.: 914W Hazelwood Enterprises LLC: 308S HCR Marketing: 18 Heartland Ag Business Group: 4411 Hector Tile Co. Inc.: 2513 Hewitt Drainage Equipment: 323 HH Fabrication & Repair LLC: 716 High Plains Journal: 2505 Hiniker Company: 606 Hi-Pro Mfg. Inc.: 3600 Hitchdoc: 403 Honeyville Metal Inc.: 436S Hoover Tarp Sales: 2206 Horizon Products: 3403 Horvick Inc.: 531 Hotsy Cleaning Equipment Inc.: 15 Hutchinson/Mayrath & NECO: 604 Hydra-Deck LLC: Hydro Engineering Inc.: 629
I Independent Community Bankers of Minnesota: 2208 IntelliAir: 3405 Iverson Tree Farms LLC: 52E
15 F
Minnesota Farmfest exhibitor’s guide J&K Sunglass Creations: T1 J.C. Ramsdell Enviro Services Inc.: 310N J.R. Dale Sales & Leasing Inc.: 404N Jamesway Farm Equipment: 326 Janice Martin: Jet Company Inc: 319 Jewels by Jacquelyn: T3114 Jim Hawk Truck Trailers Inc.: 6W JMC: 535S Joe’s Supplies Inc.: 313S John Day Company: 232E John Deere — Kibble Equipment: 51 Johnson Drainage Plows: 40 Johnson Mfg. Inc.: 327N Jung Seed Genetics Inc.: SR18
Lester Building Systems LLC: 715 LG Seeds: SR05 Liebrecht Manufacturing: 505N Lingbeek Designs: T1109 Loftness: 506 Logos Leathercraft: T2102
Lorenz Manufacturing Co.: 207 Louie’s Toy Box: T1113 Loup Electronics Inc.: 2410 Lowry Mfg. Co.: 225S Lundell Plastics: 913
K&M Manufacturing: 4201 K&O Manufacturing Co Inc.: 332 Kaler Farms — Corn Stalk Guide: 4602 Keltgens Inc.: 503 KEYC-TV: 617N K-Fence: 117 KM Neisen Silo Demolition: 4209 KNUJ AM 860/SAM 107.3 FM: 516N Kohls-Weelborg Ford Merc. Inc.: 432 Kongskilde Industries Inc.: 817 Koyker Manufacturing Inc.: 333N Krueger Diesel: 14 Kruger Seeds Inc.: 803 Kuchar Combines: 115 Kugler Company: 533 Kuhn Krause Inc.: 822 Kuhn North America Inc.: 826 KZValve: 2508
Midway Farm Equip. Willmar Farm Center
Goodhue, MN
Mountain Lake, MN
Willmar, MN
Judson Implement
Smiths Mill Implement
Lake Crystal, MN
Janesville, MN
Marzolf Implement
Isaacson Implement
Spring Valley, MN
Nerstrand, MN
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
La Crosse Forage & Turf Seed LLC: 2110 LA Stuart: T3106 The Land Magazine: 2402 Landoll Corporation: 717 Lankota Inc.: 928 Lano Equipment Inc.: 833 Latham Hi-Tech Seeds: 4106 Lee J. Sackett Inc.: 2609 Lee Unlimited Inc.: 535N Legend Seeds Inc.: SR20
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
16 F
Minnesota Farmfest exhibitor’s guide M M&E Sales: 2509 M/C/M Fabrication: 6E Magic Water Inc.: 4112 Mark Seed Company: 3602 Mast Productions Inc.: 707 Matheson Linweld: 718 Mathews Company: 820 Maverick “Tile Finder": 4506 May Wes Mfg.: 907 McDaniel Sales: 726N McPherson Crop Mgmt/FarmWorks: 2308 MDS Mfg Co Inc: 610 Meg-Mo Systems: 3203 Meridian Mfg. Group: 802 Metalcraft by K: 206N Meyer Manufacturing Corporation: 722 MFS/York/Stormor: 602 Miche Bags: T2109 Micro-Trak Systems Inc.: 2510 Midland Garage Door Mfg. Co.: 2112 Midsota Manufacturing Inc.: 738 Midwest Metal Works Inc.: 335N Midwest Organic & Sustainable Education Service (MOSES): 4511 Midwest Power Up of Minnesota: 2602 Mike Hansen Roofing & Const. LLC: Mike’s Sales & Distributing: 635 Miller Legal Strategic Planning Ctrs.: 2203 Miller Sellner Implement Inc.: 808 Miller St. Nazianz Inc.: 921 Minnesota Association of Farm Mutual Ins. Co.: 2506 Minnesota Bio-Fuels Association Inc.: 4605 Minnesota Corn Growers Association: 702 Minnesota Department of Agriculture: 619 Minnesota Farm Bureau Federation: 7 Minnesota Farm Guide: 224N Minnesota Farmers Union: 509 Minnesota Pneumatic Products: 437N Minnesota Soybean Research & Promotion Council: 618 Minnesota State Patrol: 225N
Minnesota Farmfest exhibitor’s guide
P, Q
NaChurs Alpine Solutions: SR17 NAPA Auto Parts Stores/STAR Group: F2
Northstar Genetics, Ltd.: SR14 National Ag: 2610 Par-Kan Company LLC: 103N Norwex: T1111 National Farmers Patz Inc.: 433N Organization: 228N Norwood Sales Inc.: 626 Pequea Machine Corp: 905N Nature’s Best: 4512 Notch Manufacturing Inc.: 1019 Peterson Motors: 306 NDY Manufacturing Inc.: 3413 Novozymes: SR24 Pioneer Hi-Bred Int. Inc.: SR07 New Tec Inc.: 827 N-Rich Plant Food Inc.: 4206 Pluto Legal, PLLC: 3211 Nextire Inc.: 213S Nuss Truck & Equipment: 1033 Polar Furnace Mfg. Inc.: 41W Nordaas American Homes: 4104 NuTech Seed LLC: SR04 Poly Tech Inc.: 903S Norstar Industries Ltd.: 131 Nutra-Flo Company: 407 Prairie Brand Seed/Sansgaard Seed: North Country Marketing Inc.: 930 902E North Star Scale Inc.: 4503 Prairie Trailer: 906E Oaks Sales Inc.: 412N Northern Cedar Homes: 3506 Preferred Welder Sales: 320 Ochoa Roadrunner Products: 4501 Northern Grain Design & ConstrucPrincipal Financial Group: 3609 O’Connell Farm Drainage Plows Inc.: tion Inc.: 934S Prinsco Inc.: 931 226S Northern Insulation Products: 4210 Pritchett Twine & Netwrap: 4101 Office of the Minnesota Secretary of Northern Plains Track: 929 Producers Hybrids: SR21,SR26 State: 3503 Northern Tractor & Implement: 1029 ProfitPro LLC: 904E OK Tire Stores Inc.: 417 Northland Buildings Inc.: 419 Progressive Planting Systems Inc.: O’Reilly Auto Parts: 4108 Northland Farm Systems: 709 607 Northland Ford Dealers: 502 PT Steel & Fabrications: 109 P&R Countryside: Northstar Commodity: 2403 Quality Craft Tools: 125
Minnesota Truck & Tractor: 48 Minnesota Deer Breeders Association: 3103 Minnesota Department of Natural Resources: SR25 Minnesota Dept of Commerce: 4311 Mobile Washer: 436N Moly Mfg. Inc.: 438 Monsanto: SR15 Montag Manufacturing Inc.: 911 Monty’s Plant Food Co. Inc.: 4510 Moore Automation Inc.: 4211 Morton Buildings Inc.: 422 Mustang Seeds: 501 MVTV Wireless: 2411 My Pillow Inc.: 4401
17 F
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
18 F
Minnesota Farmfest exhibitor’s guide R R&E Enterprises of Mankato Inc.: 3404 Ralco Nutrition dba AgNition: 52 RCIS: 2405 RDO Equipment Co.: 936 Real-Tuff Inc.: 2 Redwood Area Chamber & Tourism: 4111 Redwood Metal Works: 632 Redwood Soil & Water Conservation District: 4305 Reinke Manufacturing Co. Inc.: 633 REM/Dairyland Supply: 614 Remlinger Manufacturing Co.: 724 Renewable Energy SD: 538 Renk Seed Company: 302 Rhino/Earthmaster: 331N Rick’s Welding Inc.: 409 Rite Way Mfg. Co. Ltd.: 732 Road Machinery & Supplies Co.: 914E Robert E. Hinton — Nature’s Whisper: T2100 ROBO Rock Picker Mfg.: 19E
Roto-Mix LLC: 814 Runnings Farm & Fleet: 917 Rural Advantage: 4608 Rust Sales Inc.: 307N Ryan Manufacturing Inc: 526
S S&R Sales Inc.: 433S S.I. Distributing Inc.: 214 S.I. Feeders: 205 Scentsy Independent Consultant: Schaben Industries Inc.: 1017 Schaeffer Oil: 327S Schweiss Doors: 519 Seedpoint Solutions: 806 Select Comfort: 4505 Senator Al Franken: 2209 SFP: 222 Shivvers Mfg. Inc.: 517N Shoup Manufacturing Co: 2311 Show-Me Shortline Company LLC: 834
A family run business for over 35 years ★ Doug, Mike, Jeff & Paul Stock
1120 Center St., North Mankato, MN 56003 ★ 1-800-324-8167 Authorized dealer of • Cornhusker • Fontaine • Barrett • Jet • Eby • Trailmobile • Transcraft • Mac • Stoughton
2012 STOUGHTON GRAIN TRAILERS • 34’, 40’ or 42’, Ag Tubs, White or Black Skin • 68” or 74” Side Height • Neway Air Ride or Spring Ride • Aluminum or Steel Subframes • 2-Rows of 5 LED Lights • Aluminum or Steel Wheels
We’re at Lot 818 at Farmfest
See this Equipment at Farmfest “Where Farm and Family Meet”
Shur-Co: 415 Silver Stream Shelters: 312 Simes Systems: Sioux Falls Ford Lincoln: 57 Sioux Steel Company: 334 Skarpohl Pressure Washers Inc.: 413 Smart Massage: 2305 SoCal Flashlights LLC: 2401 Solvita Respiration Test Systems: 2504 Sommers Masonry Inc.: 223 Soucy International Inc.: 832 South Central College: 2204 Southwest Minnesota K-Fence/K-Fence: 117 Sparks Trailers: 1E Stalk Smasher: 4603 Star Trailer Sales Inc.: 818 State Farm Insurance: 228S Steel Tech Inc: 4600 Steinbauer Tuning Technology Corp.: 3610 Stine Seed Company: SR10 Stor-Loc: 3111 Structural Buildings Inc.: 2412 Sudenga Industries Inc.: 329 Sukup Manufacturing Company: 622 Summers Mfg. Co.: 723 Sunrise Ag Sales: 107N Sunrise Gardening/PT Steel & Fabrication: 109 Superior Concrete Block Co.: 428 Swede’s Portable Buildings: 406 Syngenta: SR11
1. 2013 EBY Hog/Cattle Pot, Air Ride, Spread, Aluminum Wheels , Winter Kit 2. 2013 Stoughton 40’x96”x74”, Neway Air Ride, Stainless Steel Front & Rear Panel, 22.5 Aluminum Wheels, Black Skin, All LED Lites 3. 2013 Cornhusker Hopper - 42’x791⁄2”x102” Ultra Lite Neway Air Ride, Aluminum Wheels, White skin - Michelin Super Singles, Shurlok 4500 Series Tarp 4. 2013 Jet hoppers. Spring Ride — See Us About Great Show Deals!
★ Financing Available ★ Call For Specs and Pricing!
★ Lease-to-own Financing Available ★ Good supply of used trailers on hand See us at Farmfest in Redwood County • mike.stock@startrailersales.com
T.H. Equipment, Direct Enterprises Inc.: 4606 T.R.S. Industries Inc.: 513S Talk Inc.: 33N TapLogic LLC: 2406 Taylor Made Clothing: T1105 Te Slaa Manufacturing: 210 Teamco Inc./Snowblast: 923 Tebben Enterprises Inc.: 638 Ted’s RV Land: 838 Terra-Therm Inc.: 437S The Blue Book Building & Construction: 3208 The Land Magazine: 2402 The Legal Professionals: Somsen, Mueller, Lowther & Franta, PA: 3109 Timpte Inc.: 408 Titan Machinery Inc.: 938 Titan Pro SCI: 314
Minnesota Farmfest exhibitor’s guide Vander Haag’s Inc.: 821
W, Y, Z
Tools-N-Toys: T1100 Touchstone Energy Cooperatives: 2301
United Prairie Bank: 206S
Track, Incorporated/ Tucker: 56
United States Senator Amy Klobuchar: 3412
TractorHouse: 215S
Universal Cooperative Inc.: 2105
Traeder Enterprises Inc.: 735
Universal Industries Inc.: 902W
Trimble: 216
University of Minnesota: 516S
Tri-State Neighbor: 2211 Tri-States Grain Conditioning Inc.: 2511 Trouble Free Lighting (TFL Lighting): 3605
Unverferth Mfg. Co. Inc.: 621 Upper Midwest Management Corp.: 2413 Usborne Books & More: T2107 USDA — National Agricultural Statistics Service: 4403
True North Steel: 1035 Twin Valley Tire: 20 Two Guys From Scott County Inc.: T2103
USDA — NRCS: 4404 USDA Farm Service Agency: 4402 USDA Rural Development: 4304
U.S.A. Fuel Trailers LLC: 906W
Valley Engineering Inc.: 34
United FCS: F1
Van Ahn & Company Inc.: 2107
See what’s new & hot from at Farmfest ‘12 Power your way to top performance with the Bobcat S750. With 11’ of vertical lift, improved hydraulic flow and ability to use powerful Bobcat attachments, the S750 is one of the most versatile skid-steer loaders you can buy. Like all M-Series models, the S750 has an industryleading cab design that offers improved comfort, visibility and operator-friendly features.
NEW!! Bobcat 3400G Utility Vehicles If you require traction, the Bobcat 3400 4x4 is an excellent choice. The hard-working utility vehicle is ideal for farming or ranching.
Be sure to see all our inventory at:
GDF Enterprises, Inc. Windom, MN • 507-831-2600 or 507-831-5342 gdfbobcat.com
Willmar Fabrication LLC: 32 W.W. Tire Service Inc: 55 Wabasso Diesel Service: 303N Wil-Rich LLC: 701 Walco USA Inc.: 528 Wilson Trailer Sales of Minnesota Waste Oil Furnace Distributing LLC: Inc.: 912 404S Winkler Structures: 107 Water Furnace International: 2100 Winnebago Manufacturing: 50 Water Treatment & Conditioning System LLC: 2501 Wisconsin Plastic Drain Tile Corp.: 3313 Watkins Products: T3101 Wayne’s Inc: 309 WNAX: 520W Weigh Rite Scale: 3306 Wood & Conn Corporation: 721 Wensman Seed: SR13 Woodford Ag LLC: 736 Werk Weld Inc.: 12 Wood-Mizer Products Inc.: 837 West Point Design Inc.: 331S Worthington Ag Parts: 418 Westfield Industries c/o Ag Growth: 322 Your Next Tire: 518 Westman Freightliner Inc.: 337 Ziegler CAT: 1021 Westmor Industries: 317N Zinniel Electric Company: 414N WFS: 308N Zoske’s Sales & Service Inc.: 328N ❖
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
With its 49 horsepower engine and premium three-point hitch, the CT450 is fully equipped for a wide variety of heavyduty chores and grounds maintenance jobs. The easy operation, extended comfort and great implement performance will help you do more, do it faster and do it better.
Wieser Concrete Products: 121
United Farmers Coop: 4610
Wick Buildings LLC: 431
Tom’s Farm Toys: T4100
19 F
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
20 F
New state Pork Ambassador to be named at Farmfest The 2013 Minnesota Pork Ambassador and the first and second runners-up will be selected, Aug. 8 at Farmfest. The public is encouraged to attend the program. The pork ambassador candidates will be introduced and the winners announced at a special 1 p.m. program in the Forum Tent on the Farmfest grounds. Program emcee will be farm broadcaster Lynn Ketelsen of the Linder Farm Network. A three-judge panel will select the top three individuals from a field of 17 county pork ambassadors. The candidate judging takes place on Aug. 6-8. The selection process includes a personal interview with the judges, public presentation on a swine-related topic, written essay and group interaction. The public is also encouraged to attend the pork ambassador candidates’ public presentations from 8 a.m. to 4:15 p.m., Aug. 7, in the Minnesota Soybean/Minnesota Pork Tent. The Minnesota Pork Ambassador and runners-up will represent the state’s 4,200 pork producing families at various educational and promotional functions throughout the year. The top placing individual earns a $1,500 scholarship, and first and second runners-up receive $750 and $500 scholarships, respec-
tively. Judges also recognize the writer of the best essay with a $250 scholarship and the ambassadors will select a congeniality winner. Pork Ambassador event schedule Aug. 6 Noon-4:15 p.m.: Pork Ambassador Personal Interviews, Select Inn, Redwood Falls 5:30 p.m.: Pork Ambassador Supper and Orientation Meeting, Pizza Ranch, Redwood Falls Aug. 7 8-10 a.m.: Pork Ambassador Presentations, Minnesota Soybean/Minnesota Pork Tent 2:30-4:15 p.m.: Pork Ambassador Presentations, Minnesota Soybean/Minnesota Pork Tent 5:30 p.m.: Pork Party, 4-H Building, Redwood County Fairgrounds, Redwood Falls 6:30 p.m.: Biodiesel Tractor Pull, Grandstand, Redwood County, Fairgrounds Redwood Falls Aug. 8 9 a.m.: Group Activity Noon: Pork Ambassador Group Pictures 1 p.m.: Pork Ambassador Awards, Program, Forum Tent ❖
Meet your candidates Blue Earth County Samantha Smith, the daughter of Bart and Patty Smith of Amboy, is ambassador for the Blue Earth County Pork Producers Association. Smith will study agribusiness production at South Central College, North Mankato, Minn., in the fall. After many years of working in barns, Smith’s interest in swine has grown immensely. Smith’s enthusiasm for pork production, combined with her motivational and leadership skills, are qualities she would bring to the position of Minnesota Pork Ambassador. “There are a lot of negative messages that are being said about the swine industry and it is my goal to help end those negative messages,” she said. Smith is active in her community and as a member of the Blue Earth County Pork Producers Association. She enjoys volunteering at grilling events and promoting the swine industry throughout the county. Smith believes antibiotics and sow housing are the most critical
issues for the swine industry today. As an ambassador, it’s her goal to help educate the public on critical issues and to help consumers see how producers care for their animals. “We are doing what we can to produce the amount of pork needed to feed the world,” Smith said. Dakota County Brad Kluver, the son of Rusty and Nancy Kluver of Northfield, represents the Dakota County Pork Producers Association. Kluver is an elementary education major at Gustavus Adolphus College, St. Peter, Minn. His career goal is to teach in Minnesota for a few years and return to college for a master’s degree. Kluver states that he enjoys educating the public, especially youth, on agricultural topics. Growing up on a farm and being involved with pigs his entire life has made Kluver passionate See PORK, pg. 22F
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2012 Neville 22' grain trailer Model GT2211HR, 650 Bushel heaped capacity, 6300 lbs. approximate empty weight, 102" wide with 64" tall sides, 9'4" overall height, 2"x6"x3/16" steel main rail, 4" square top rail, Horizontal smooth rib sides, New 25,000# Rockwell air brake axle, 15" King pin set back on 3/8" king pin plate, Single hopper with two 16" wide doors
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2012 Neville 40' aluminum grain trailer, polished aluminum outside rims, new 11:00R 22.5 tires, Shurlock tarp with double ridge straps and front cable assist return, 2 load viewing windows, front and rear catwalks, full height hopper divider, 8900 lbs. empty weight
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“Where Farm and Family Meet”
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22 F
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
Meet your candidates PORK, from pg. 20F for the swine industry. Because 4-H had a significant influence on Kluver, he continues his 4-H involvement by helping at the county fair auction and swine show. He also volunteers at the Minnesota State Fair Oink Booth, helps with after-school activities at the elementary school in St. Peter and is a summer baseball coach. He says a key issue the swine industry faces is consumers’ lack of knowledge about pork production. “Farmers have done a better job getting out and interacting with the public, but they can continue to talk with consumers,” he said. East Central Counties Molly Briggle, the daughter of the Lee and Patty Todnem of Milaca, represents the East Central Pork Producers Association as its ambassador. Briggle plans to attend Central Lakes Community College, Brainerd, Minn., to study photojournalism or education. Her long-term goal is to start her own herd of pigs to raise and show. Briggle has been an active member of the local pork producers association by volunteering at promotional events and engaging with consumers. Briggle’s involvement has taught her many life-long skills and the importance of being involved. Briggle believes the myths consumers are exposed to is one of the pork industry’s greatest challenges. “The opportunity to become a Minnesota Pork Ambassador gives me the tools to properly interact with and educate the general public about the swine industry,” she said. “Many years of
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interacting with the general public at the Minnesota State Fair has shown me the common beliefs and manufactured myths of the swine industry. With some simple searching and asking, everyone can see the beauty and benefits of pigs worldwide.” East Central Counties Kirsten Pike, the daughter of Gary and Carrie Pike of Braham, represents the East Central Pork Producers Association as its ambassador. Pike plans to attend South Dakota State University, Brookings. At SDSU Pike will be majoring in childhood education and would like to obtain her coaching certificate. Pike has been active in 4-H and many other school activities. Being involved has helped her become an organized and goal-orientated person. It is her goal to educate producers and showmen on how to properly feed hogs when preparing for shows. Encouraging pork producers to share how they care for their animals is one goal Pike would set for herself as a Minnesota Pork Ambassador. Not only does she want to interact with the producers, she also wants to meet consumers and help them understand that pork is safe to eat. “I’m not afraid to stand up in front of a crowd and talk to consumers about the swine industry, an industry that I am very passionate about,” Pike said. Freeborn County Annabelle Randall, the daughter of Tim and Melody Randall of Hollandale, is the Freeborn County Pork Producers Association Ambassador. Randall will attend Oral Roberts University, Tulsa, Okla. this fall to study elementary education and Spanish. “My plans after college are what really excite and motivate me,” she said. “I want to find a job in an underprivileged area where many of the kids have a challenging home life. Besides helping the children See PORK, pg. 23F
We’re in Booth 4104 Farmfest 2012
23 F
Meet your candidates
PORK, from pg. 22F get an education, I want to influence them in ways that will impact their life: caring about them, teaching them life skills and being a role model.” Randall is active in her school, church and community. Through her involvement, Randall has gained many skills that she will continue to use while achieving her life goals and promoting the swine industry as an ambassador. Randall sees public criticism as the biggest issue the swine industry is dealing with today. While on a trip to Washington, D.C., she had the chance to experience an animal rights demonstration. While listening to what the lady had to say, thoughts flooded Randall’s head. Her goal as a pork ambassador is to help the public better understand the pork industry. “Being a pork producer is my family’s business. We care about our animals and we would lose money if we abused our hogs like the woman said pork producers routinely do,” Randall said.
Le Sueur County Brad Richter, the son of Dave and Karen Richter of Montgomery, is an ambassador for the Le Sueur County Pork Producers Association. Richter will attend South Central College, North Mankato, Minn., in the fall where he will focus on agriculture and diesel mechanics. His goal is to develop skills that will allow him to properly maintain and repair farm and livestock equipment. Upon completion of his college career, Richter would like to return to his family’s farm. As an active 4-H and FFA member, Richter has served in many leadership positions and continues to help mentor young members in livestock programs. Showing livestock and being a member of the general livestock judging team has given Richter the opportunity to show his passion for agriculture. Richter feels the pork industry’s greatest challenges are animal welfare, gestation stall use, antibiotic use, increased input costs, See PORK, pg. 24F
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“Where Farm and Family Meet”
Meet your candidates
24 F
Le Sueur County Brett Schwartz, the son of Alan and Barb Schwartz of Le Sueur, is an ambassador for the Le Sueur County Pork Producers Association. Schwartz majors in agricultural education and minors in agronomy and animal science at the University of Minnesota. After college, he would like to return to the family farm. Management and organizational skills, plus a good work ethic are just a few qualities Schwartz possesses that would serve him well if selected as the Minnesota Pork Ambassador. “I have dealt with diverse problems in the pork industry and have been able to listen to different views that people have about swine production,” he said. Schwartz is involved in 4-H as a showman and as a county superintendent. He has also volunteered at the Minnesota State Fair Oink Booth. As an advocate for the swine industry, Schwartz’s goal is to influence and engage consumers on its importance and to show the public that animal care is a top priority on hog farms.
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“Where Farm and Family Meet”
PORK, from pg. 23F herd health and export markets. “Communicating with consumers about the pork industry is one way that every pork producer can help the pork industry overcome specific issues,” Richter said.
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Martin County Haley Ammann, the daughter of David and Michele Ammann of Truman, represents the Martin County Pork Producers Association as an ambassador. Ammann plans to attend cosmetology school in Mankato, Minn., and would like to also earn a business degree and open her own business. Ammann has been active in 4-H and her projects include exhibiting livestock. In school, Ammann is involved in student council and helps mentor younger students. “Being a leader in my school has shown me I’m confident and always positive,” she said. “I always try to bring out the best in people.” Ammann would like to serve as the Minnesota Pork Ambassador because she wants to teach others about the pork industry and share a positive story about Minnesota pork production. She believes showing consumers that hog farmers care about their animals is a challenge the industry faces today. It is important to Ammann that the public knows that her family cares about the animals they are raising. “We take pride in raising pigs, not because it’s our job, but because we care,” Ammann said. Martin County Braden Grefe of Fairmont is pork ambassador for the Martin County Pork Producers Association and See PORK, pg. 26F
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Meet your candidates
PORK, from pg. 24F is the son of Brian and Julie Thate and Jeff Grefe. Grefe will attend the University of Minnesota or Iowa State University, Ames, to study veterinary medicine. Upon completion of college, Grefe would like to return to a rural community to practice large animal veterinary medicine. His work experience as a herdsman in a swine barn has given Grefe many hands-on experiences that will be useful as a veterinary medicine student. Grefe says that sow housing is the
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“Where Farm and Family Meet”
biggest challenge the swine industry currently faces. “My perspective is that there are both advantages and disadvantages to each housing system,” he said. “I believe there needs to be more research completed on the topic before people move forward.” Grefe is active in 4-H, his church and as a member of the national and state Shorthair Pointer Clubs. Responsibility, character, an outgoing personality and being a hard worker are just a few skills that Grefe has to offer to the Minnesota Pork Ambassador program. Mower County Lee Kloeckner, the son of John and Barb Kloeckner of Adams, is the Mower County Pork Producers Association Ambassador. Kloeckner is a University of Minnesota student studying veterinary science. His career goals include acceptance into the VetFAST program and eventually open a veterinary clinic. Kloeckner is active in 4-H, church choir and the U of M’s Agricultural Education Club and Block and Bridle. “My involvement in the FFA has had the greatest impact on my goals,” Kloeckner said. Kloeckner aspires to be the Minnesota Pork Ambassador because he wants to help promote the swine industry and it’s an opportunity to meet new people and share his ideas with others. Negative publicity from animal rights groups is one challenge he feels the swine industry faces. Kloeckner believes this problem can be combated with increases in advertising by the pork industry. “Something needs to be done to decrease the negative publicity and I feel that I can help take action,” Kloeckner said.
26 F
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Olmsted County Matthew Welter, the son of Randy and Myrna Welter of Stewartville, is ambassador for the Olmsted County Pork Ambassadors Association. Welter plans to attend Iowa State University, Ames, to pursue a bachelor’s degree in agricultural biochemistry and to eventually earn his doctorate degree in agricultural biochemistry. His career goal is to work in plant genomics for a seed company. Welter is involved in FFA, soccer, track and field, band, National Honor Society and church youth group. Welter looks to his role models for advice. Challenges Welter sees for the pork producers are the PRRS virus and feed cost increases. A positive outlook, the willingness to work with others and the ability to strike-up conversations with strangers are strengths that Welter can bring to the Minnesota Pork Ambassador program. “I am a very friendly person who can have good conversations with almost anyone,” Welter said. Scott County Maria Brekke, the daughter of Jon and Barb Brekke of Shakopee, is the Scott County Pork Producers Association Ambassador. Brekke is a University of Minnesota student with majors in history, English and Arabic studies. She plans to travel abroad after college and serve as a diplomat and ambassador. Strong communication skills and swine industry knowledge are qualities that Brekke has to offer as Minnesota Pork Ambassador. “Having to educate my friends and other consumers about pork products is something I do on a daily basis,” Brekke said. Being part of a family that has been involved in agriculture for generations is the primary reason her interest in the swine industry continues to grow. If selected as Minnesota Pork Ambassador, Brekke says she’ll communicate with consumers and lead other young agricultural advocates. Issues that face pork producers is the balance between the economies of scale and environmental concerns. She believes these issues can be addressed through economic, environmental and animal health research. Some experiences that have influenced Brekke are participation in 4H, serving as a National 4-H Conference delegate to Washington, D.C., and the emphasis her family places on hard work and determination. Stearns County Erin Anderson, the daughter of John and Shirley Anderson of Belgrade, represents the Stearns County Pork Producers Association See PORK, pg. 27F
27 F
Meet your candidates production agriculture, agriculture literacy is a challenge, she said. If selected as Minnesota Pork Ambassador, her goal would be to help shrink this farm-to-table knowledge gap by educating others about pork production. ❖
Steele County Alyssa Anderson, the daughter of Brian and Candace Anderson of Owatonna, represents the Steele County Pork Producers Association as its ambassador. Anderson is a University of Minnesota student pursuing a degree in veterinary medicine with an emphasis in swine. Anderson achieved her goal of being accepted into the VetFAST program this spring and looks forward to course work that will prepare her to be a swine veterinarian. Creativity, self-motivation, responsibility, perseverance and a vast knowledge of swine production are just a few skills that Anderson has to offer the pork industry if selected as the Minnesota Pork Ambassador. “The Minnesota Pork Ambassador Program will allow me to share my unique experiences in the swine industry with consumers,” Anderson said. Experiences that have had an impact on Anderson’s goals are working on a hog farm, job shadowing numerous veterinarians and obtaining good grades. Anderson’s experiences have not only motivated her to be a swine veterinarian but have also inspired her to be an advocate for the pork industry. Issues Anderson says the pork industry faces are odor, animal welfare and the way society views the swine industry. “I have many ideas that could help the pork industry overcome challenges it faces and decrease the target that is on our industry,” she said.
information on hog production and promotes pork. Marketon says that her experiences in FFA and growing up on a farm developed her strong work ethic and a sense of responsibility unparalleled by many jobs. With only 2 percent of the U.S. population actively involved in
PORK, from pg. 26F as ambassador. Anderson will be attending North Dakota State University, Fargo, N.D., to pursue an education in animal science and agricultural economics. Her career goal is to return to her family’s farm and take over their swine operation in partnership with her cousins. Working in the CHS Miracle of Birth Center at the Minnesota State Fair taught Anderson how to more effectively communicate with consumers about modern pork production and the safety of pork. Anderson is a state FFA proficiency winner in diversified livestock. Through her supervised agriculture experience, Anderson has gained hands-on experience in several areas of production agriculture. Anderson feels the issues most critical to pork production today are animal welfare, feeding the world with limited resources and herd health. “To address these issues we need to work together to educate the general public on what we, as producers, do to provide consumers with the highest-quality pork possible,” Anderson said.
Stevens County Lloyd Lesmeister, the son of Wayne and Jean Lesmeister of Morris, is the Stevens County Pork Producers Association Ambassador. He attends North Dakota State University, Fargo, N.D., where he studies animal science. Lesmeister plans to earn a master’s degree in animal science with the goal of working for a large company within the livestock industry. Public speaking, leadership skills and swine production knowledge are qualities he can offer the Minnesota Pork Ambassador program. “Some experiences that have influenced my goals are being heavily involved in livestock events, which have allowed me to increase my passion for animal agriculture,” he said. Lesmeister views PRRS as a challenge the swine industry is facing. He believes that the industry can address this issue by continuing research to eliminate the PRRS virus. If selected as Minnesota Pork Ambassador, Lesmeister would like to inform the public about the swine industry. “I feel that people are unaware of how well we take care of our animals to ensure that the pork is a high-quality product,” Lesmeister said. “Where Farm and Family Meet”
Wright County Sarah Marketon, the daughter of Robert and Annette Marketon of Howard Lake, is pork ambassador for the Wright County Pork Producers Association. Marketon studies agricultural education at the University of Minnesota. Her post-college goals are to promote hog production in the United States and to work at growing U.S. pork exports. “Export markets are important to me because many commodities, especially hogs, are exported around the world,” Marketon said. Community involvement has helped Marketon develop her leadership and communication skills, which are important as she shares
28 F
U of M recognizes 2012 Farm Families of the Year Seventy-six families from around Minnesota, one from each participating county, have been named a “2012 Farm Family of the Year” by the University of Minnesota. The families will be officially recognized in a ceremony Aug. 9 at the annual Farmfest near Redwood Falls, Minn. Profiles of the 2012 honorees and information on the recognition event can be found on the University’s
farm family website at http://mnfarm families.cfans.umn.edu. “Farm families and agriculture are a major driver of Minnesota’s economy and the vitality of Minnesota’s rural communities,” said Bev Durgan, dean of University of Minnesota Extension. “The University of Minnesota is proud to recognize these outstanding families for their contributions to agriculture and their communities.”
Families were selected by their local county Extension committees for having demonstrated a commitment to enhancing and supporting agriculture. Farmfest runs Aug. 7-9 at the Gilfillan Estate, near Redwood Falls, Minn. More information on Farmfest is available at www.ideaggroup.com/farmfest. County: Family/Farm Aitkin: 4R Charolais and Angus Ranch Anoka: Daniel Johnson, Curtis Johnson, Dave Johnson, Drew Johnson, Aaron Johnson, Lee Johnson Becker: Jay and Anna Brown Family
See FAMILIES, pg. 29F
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Benton: Jeremy and Barb Larson Family Big Stone: Gerald and Peggy Heck Family Blue Earth: Bradley and Linda Leiding Brown: Greg and Kari Scholtz Family Carlton: Newman Dairy Carver: Heuer Dairy Inc. Cass: Greg Booth and Vickie Kettlewell Chippewa: Tony and Stacie Schuler Family Chisago: Roger and Linda Blazek Clay: Donald Schenck Clearwater: Dale and Lois Miller Cottonwood: Tom and Marilyn Fast Family Dakota: Bremer Farms: Roy and Karen Bremer and John and Janet Bremer
2012 farm families
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“Where Farm and Family Meet”
FAMILIES, from 28F Dodge: The Alberts Family Douglas: Max and Lyla Radil Faribault: Mark and Sharon Obermeyer Family Fillmore: LeRoy and Darleen Johnson’s Rolling Acres Freeborn: Andrew and Jody Bakken Goodhue: Rostad Farms Grant: Reuss Grain Farms: Randy and Connie Reuss Hennepin: Marvin D. Johnson Houston: Viking Valley Farm: Gerald, Duron and Darin Bratland Isanti: David and Donna Whitney — Dew Fresh Produce and Jacob Whitney — Jake’s Apple Shack Jackson: Christopher Family Kanabec: Anderson Standing Rock Ranch Kandiyohi: Carlson Dairy, LLP Kittson: Justin and Donna Dagen Lac qui Parle: Duane and Suzi Haugen Lake of the Woods: Lyle and Millie Wiskow Le Sueur: Curt and Joyce Bohlen Family Lincoln: Dwight and Peggy Buller Family Lyon: Bruce and Juanita Bot Family Mahnomen: The Geray Farm Martin: Gary and Dorothy Janssen and Family McLeod: Duane and Mary Nelson Meeker: Dave and Katie Hendrickson Family Mille Lacs: Eller Family Farm Morrison: Oberton Honey Farm Mower: Gene Anderson Dairy Farm Murray: Bill and Merri Post Family and Ben and Connie Post Family Nicollet: Jeff and Natalie Leonard and Doug and Nancy Wenner Nobles: Perkins Norman: Bryan and Theresa Hest Family Olmsted: Kroening Farms Pine: Martin’s Greenhouses Pipestone: Marlin and Donna Berg and Philip and Laurel Berg and Family Polk: Chuck and Barbara Schulstad Pope: Arne E. Stoen Family Ramsey: Dave and D.J. Roeser Red Lake: Roger and Janel Walter Family Redwood: Breitkreutz Family Farm Renville: Agre Farms Rice: Joe and Pat DeGrood Bros. Rock: The Christians Family Farm Roseau: Eugene and Eunice Millner St. Louis: Byrns Erickson Families Scott: Casey Acres, Inc. Sherburne: Edling Farms Inc. Sibley: Neyers Stearns: Dan and Jolene Schlangen Steele: Rodney and Michelle Krell Family Stevens: Lampert Farms Swift: Kevin Voorhees Family Todd: Lunemann Family’s Twin Eagle Dairy Traverse: Bruce and Joann Conroy Family Wabasha: Hyde Park Holsteins: Kevin and Kay Siewert Family and Kerwin and Sandy Siewert Wadena: Mertens Family Dairy Farm Waseca: Paul and Marijo Beckstrand Washington: Gary and Lori Swanson Family Watonwan: Anderson Farm Winona: David and Kristi Tveten Family Wright: Valley View Dairy: Dan and Erica Elsenpeter and Luke and Elizabeth Elsenpeter Yellow Medicine: Paul and Jamie Kvistad Family ❖
29 F
Impact of growing food — Family farmers are job creators
The political talk this summer is all about jobs and job creators. Much of this discussion often seems to focus on urban jobs in manufacturing plants. That focus overlooks the important role agriculture plays in creating jobs in both rural communities and big cities. Minnesota’s farm families created jobs through-
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
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out the Great Recession. The strength of agriculture is a big reason why our state unemployment rate remains lower than the national average. The Minnesota Department of Agriculture reports that 342,000 Minnesotans have jobs because of the impact of growing and processing food. Those jobs are part of a total economic impact of $75 billion to Minnesota’s economy and a strong contributor to our
state’s export strength. Minnesota exports of corn, soybeans, wheat, pork, beef, dairy products, poultry and a host of other items bring about $5 billion of additional money into our state each year. The economic engine that is Minnesota agriculture starts at the kitchen tables of farm families throughout the state. For while farming is a big business in Minnesota, the business of farming in Minnesota is family driven. According to U.S. Department of Agriculture statistics, 95 percent of Minnesota farms are family owned. Other than family ownership, there is no standard way to Farm families describe Minnesota famare the main ily farms. These are drivers improventrepreneurs who build ing the fabric unique businesses based of many rural on their land and potential markets. They find communities. opportunities, apply They are the technology and develop ones who the skills needed to invest time in become successful. Many making a diffocus on the workhorses of Minnesota agriculture ference by — corn, soybeans, serving on wheat, dairy, pork, beef, township poultry, sheep, sugar boards, school beets and sunflowers. boards and Others branch into spechurch councils. cialized pursuits and produce apples, navy beans, maple syrup, honey, deer, tomatoes, landscape trees or organic crops. The ways that Minnesota family farms create jobs is just as varied as the landscape of our state. The business plans and economic impact of these family farms are only part of the story. Farm families are the main drivers improving the fabric of many rural communities. They are the ones who invest time in making a difference by serving on township boards, hospital boards, school boards and church councils. Despite all the good they do, farm families often do not receive the recognition they deserve. The University of Minnesota started the Farm Family of the Year program some 30 years ago to recognize successful farm families for their impact on our economy and rural communities. This year, families from 76 Minnesota counties will be recognized for their contributions to agriculture, our economy and rural communities at an Aug. 9 ceremony at Farmfest, the state’s largest farm gathering. The University of Minnesota is proud to lead this effort to recognize the contributions of farm families. Log on to http://mnfarmfamilies.cfans.umn.edu for profiles of the 2012 honorees and information on the recognition event. This article was submitted by Bev Durgan, dean of University of Minnesota Extension and the director of Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station. ❖
Join Farm Bureau at Farmfest
Visit with the Land Staff at Farmfest 2012 Ag Tent • Booth #2402
Farmfest Booth #716
Check Out Our New Attachments!
at the 1:15 p.m. Aug. 8 forum “Consumer Preferences — Future Changes for the Livestock Industry?” Eat at the Farm Bureau Food Stand The MFB Foundation and the Lyon County Farm Bureau will once again be serving pork chops. This fundraiser will raise funds for agriculture and safety education, agricultural leadership development and agricultural research programs. Besides pork chops, Schwan’s ice cream, pickles and assorted beverages will also be served. The booth is located on the north central side at the end of Sixth Street. Visit the Farm Bureau Tent and Farm Safety Carnival The Farm Bureau display will be located in the same tent as the pork chop stand in booth number 007 on the north side of the Farmfest grounds. The Farm Safety Carnival runs all three days in the Farm Bureau tent and is co-sponsored with the local Farm Safety 4 Just Kids chapters. To learn more about Farmfest and other Cygnus Farm Show events, log on to www.ideaggroup.com/farmfest or call (800) 827-8007. ❖
The Minnesota Farm Bureau Federation will be among more than 600 companies displaying on over 50 acres of land at the 2012 Farmfest. Farmfest takes place Aug. 7-9 at the Gilfillan Estate in Redwood County, Minn. Farm Bureau Day — Aug. 8 Farm Bureau Day at Farmfest will be Aug. 8. The MFBF will be serving a free pancake breakfast to the first 1,000 people 8-10 a.m. in the Forum Tent. Trent Loos at Farmfest On Aug. 8-9, Trent Loos will be in the Farm Bureau tent signing his new book, “Loos Tales.” He will also be in the Forum Tent the afternoon of Aug. 8 moderating the 1:15 “Consumer Preferences — Future Changes for the Livestock Industry?” panel and at 3 p.m. delivering his own “Stop Defending Agriculture” presentation. Featured forums On Aug. 7, MFB President Kevin Paap will participate in the panel for “Water Quality Initiatives — Future Impacts for Farmers?” beginning at 1:15 p.m. in the Forum Tent. MFB Vice President Duane Alberts will be on the panel on
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“Where Farm and Family Meet”
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“Where Farm and Family Meet”
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Farmfest 2012
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Farmfest 2012
July/August 2012 FARMFEST EDITION (800) 657-4665 www.thelandonline.com theland@TheLandOnline.com P.O. Box 3169, Mankato, MN 56002 Copyright 2012Š
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