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January 11, 2013
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Déjà vu all over again
P.O. Box 3169 418 South Second St. Mankato, MN 56002 (800) 657-4665 Vol. XXXII ❖ No. I 40 pages
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Cover photo by Dick Hagen
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With new year’s resolutions now safely out. He acknowledges that too much tucked aside, perhaps it’s time for a bit of income disparity is a problem. But he déjà vu. I’m writing this Dec. 28 with a pointed out last January that 47 percent of new farm bill and fiscal cliff still hanging our population now pays zero income tax. in limbo. Regardless, I think we’ll be Apparently Candidate Romney overplayed dealing in uncertainty forever in Amerthat bit of reality. Baize questions our U.S. ica. Common sense took a hike long ago. tax policy. With the richer already paying a Now it’s egos and power strokes that conhuge portion of our total taxes why stick it tinue this downward spiral of governto them even more, he wondered. ment. Just maybe Congressman Boehner is on LAND MINDS So what’s ahead? You be the judge. the right track in his reluctance to increase Even without a farm bill I think Amertaxes on the super rich. Their contributions By Dick Hagen ica’s farmers will still be OK. That soto most major charities across America are called “protective belt” of Washington, also huge, incidentally. Baize bluntly D.C., is becoming more illusionary to says America has been living beyond its everyone. And with so many new faces means a long time and now we’re pushin D.C., St. Paul and Des Moines, there certainly ing a $16 trillion national debt. We’ve already won’t be shirt tails carrying the next legislative pushed up wage rates beyond our ability to compete requests from our “ag belt.” in a global market. We have unemployment benefits extending out to 99 weeks which obviously has The reality is that more politicians don’t know because they don’t listen. And unfortunately a goodly became a strong disincentive to go looking for a job. number don’t care because it might jeopardize their Baize has no answer for how or when America reelection efforts the next time around. Even Ag comes out of this mess. It’s not a simple “spend less, Chief Tom Vilsack is a bit pessimistic about rural tax more” solution. But he did comment that unless America. “It’s becoming some miracle happens we less and less relevant,” he are continually lowering the said in a Dec. 10 speech at standard of living in AmerBaize has no answer for how or a forum sponsored by ica. And that should be trouwhen America comes out of this Farm Journal magazine. bling the conscience of Vilsack said that rural mess. ... But he did comment that everyone. America’s biggest assets unless some miracle happens, we The miracle is simply a — food production, recrerude awakening that Amerare continually lowering the ational areas, energy — ica is going broke. When standard of living in America. are being overlooked as incomes no longer are susAnd that should be troubling the the U.S. population containable, then you have the tinues shifting to cities, conscience of everyone. possibility of riots and total suburbs and exurbs. indifference to law and Explaining why we don’t order. We’re seeing those “break outs” in several have a farm bill, Vilsack said the shrinking populaEuropean countries almost on a regular basis. And tion of rural America is making agriculture and with 47 percent of Americans not paying income farmers less important in the political mainstream of taxes, Baize observed that it’s now the norm in America. America that the vote goes to whomever makes the I’m recalling an interview I had a year ago with bigger promises. That was again evident in the John Baize, a veteran international traveler and November 2012 election. renowned spokesman for the American Soybean So is the glimmer lessening for America’s “Golden Association. That day I asked him, “Is America well Age of Agriculture” which started ramping up in on its way to becoming a socialistic society because 2008? Last January Baize said very definitely. I’m voters keep voting for the source of their entitlecertain he’ll say much the same this January when ments?” he speaks at the Linder Marketing/Management sesBaize responded that America is on a troubling sions in a few weeks. He pointed out that although trend. He reflected that lots of people are still hurtthe United States is only 3 percent of the world’s ing financially. That means people are open to anypopulation, we’re subject to whatever happens elsebody who offers a lifeline. But the flip side is that where in the world. And today lots of farmers in millions of younger people who got fired up about other countries are gearing up their production to Candidate Obama in 2008 are now disenchanted hopefully also enjoy better times. That means more with what they see. competition. He noted that U.S. agriculture is doing about $100 billion in profits but water, worldwide What troubles Baize is that we’ve become a country of two nations: those with wealth and those with- See LAND MINDS, pg. 4
INSIDE THIS ISSUE: 5 — Environmental services of increasing importance to farmers
6 — Will feed additives be taking on more value in 2013? 13-16 — The Land’s Minnesota Pork Congress preview
You and I shouldn’t have been on any ‘cliff’ to begin with
Sure, America was saved from the ‘dairy cliff’ but you and I should not have been on any cliff to begin with. We were placed there by politicians playing a can’t-win game of I-win, youlose politics. How this played out for farmers and ranchers is both informative and instructive.
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in the coming decade hardly seems like any cut. Another explanation is that the bill’s dairy reforms, also contained in the Senate bill, rankled Boehner. No one knows if this son of greater Cincinnati understands dairy policy — it’d be news if he did — but everyone on Capitol Hill knows that dairy processors hated the changes. Boehner, in turn, took to calling the pending dairy policy “socialism” and “Soviet-style central planning.” Boehner and McConnell’s differences with each bill would hardly be noteworthy if not for the key role each would play in the fiscal cliff talks. Boehner’s hard effort to meet White
House demands stumbled when he went back to his Republican caucus to take their temperature on a nearlycompleted “big deal” the week before Christmas. He got his head handed to him when GOP tea party members held their hard line against any new taxes. Poetically, perhaps, most of those nonew-tax House members were the very same rural and ag committee members who earlier had demanded a vote on a farm bill. Speaker Boehner had denied them because he thought it far-too-rich. Now they denied him. That put the burden of negotiating any fiscal cliff deal on Senate Republican leader McConnell. Recall he had voted openly, almost happily, against the Senate farm bill in June because it lacked cotton and rice price protection. With that same bill as the working model for any fiscal cliff-farm bill-New Year’s deal and McConnell as the chief GOP negotiator, no 2012 farm bill was the likely outcome and, to no one’s surprise, no 2012 farm bill it now is. Why any of this is surprise, however, is, well, a surprise. When the bottom line to any Congressional deal must include a political I-win, you-lose score, you and I will always lose because we’re not politicians. We’re just Americans. Alan Guebert’s “Farm and Food File” is published weekly in more than 70 newspapers in North America. Contact him at agcomm@farmandfoodfile.com.❖
In an almost endless stream erners all, they preferred a of post-vote analyses Jan. 2, bill titled more toward rice Capitol Hill pundits focused and cotton than the curmostly on who the political rently favored corn and winners and losers were in soybeans. the Christmas-to-New Year’s That geographic split Grinch-vs.-Grinch brawl to was — is — common in “save” the nation from a “fisfarm bills. What was cal cliff.” uncommon about these That’s to be expected because four, however, was that one it’s a lot more fun to read about FARM & FOOD FILE was — is — Kentucky’s sandbox fights between 7-yearMitch McConnell, the SenBy Alan Guebert olds than reason-driven ate’s Republican leader. A debates between well-edufew eyebrows were raised cated adults. Lost in the holiwhen the party’s boss day ugliness, however, was voted against a clearly the failure of Congress to pass bipartisan farm bill. a 2012 farm bill. House ag committee members comSure, America was saved from the pleted their bill in late July; it, too, “dairy cliff” but you and I should not packed trouble despite a commanding have been on any cliff to begin with. We 35-11 bipartisan committee vote. That were placed there by politicians playtrouble became evident when Speaker ing a can’t-win game of I-win, you-lose of the House John Boehner slipped the politics. How this played out for farm- committee’s bill into his suit jacket and ers and ranchers is both informative went home. He later returned; the bill and instructive. never did. Farm bills used to be simple; not so in Boehner’s refusal to bring the farm 2012. When the House ag committee, bill to the floor for an up-or-down vote the historic leader in farm bill writing, has been explained several ways. The blew through 2011 without action, its most common is that the bill’s $16.5 counterpart, the Senate ag committee, billion cut in 10-year food stamp spendtook over. To its members’ credit, a ing wasn’t enough for many in his “reform” farm bill — that contained lit- party’s tea-drinking wing so he simply tle real reform — passed the Senate in sat on the bill while waiting for a beta bipartisan 64-35 late-June vote. ter path for it to pass. That vote, however, held trouble. Four The explanation has merit. After all, Senate Republican ag committee mem- cutting $16.5 billion out of more than bers were among the 35 nays. South$750 billion of food assistance spending
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
Water scarcity becoming global issue Letter: People
LAND MINDS, from pg. 2 water, may soon become the biggest issue. With rising world populations, water demand is skyrocketing. Already lack of water is becoming a limiting factor in food production in many parts of the world. We became dangerously close across much of our “farm belt” this past year. It could be worse for 2013. Encouraging from Baize was his comment that American farmers will always be a major player because of the continually rising world population. He says agriculture will always be the bedrock industry but leaner times are likely. Last January he was speculating that land prices will fall back. Cash rents will need to be adjusted. And just maybe U.S. agriculture can survive in a free market economy if all nations play by the same rules. However fat chance with China, home of the world’s largest agriculture, pretty
much calling the shots. At a November Agri-Growth conference, Wells Fargo economist Michael Swanson shared a comment by economist John Keynes who said, “the market can stay stupid longer than you can stay solvent.” Swanson cautioned his audience that while one could recognize an opportunity where the market is out of adjustment and bet against it, the market can also do something even more stupid and blow out your investment. He cautioned that when the market eventually corrects itself we won’t be able to predict the cause, and that might be a panic situation for which you should prepare. My closing comment: Be prepared, and a blessed 2013 for you and your family. Dick Hagen is staff writer of The Land. He may be reached at dickhagen@mvtvwireless.com. ❖
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To the Editor: “What’s ahead for America?” by Staff Writer Dick Hagen (“Land Minds,” Nov. 30 issue) was an outstanding opinion. It showed the impossible thinking our country is doing. We will need to sharpen our wits if we are to survive our overwhelming government in our lives. We have to quit overspending and overtaxing our people to survive and flourish. Middle-income people will be paying a lot if we don’t wake up on taxes and spending. Soaking the rich only happens once and is not the answer. It is only class envy being promoted. It is also destructive to destory socalled rich, as you don’t get a job from a poor person. Dolores McClernon Tintah, Minn.
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must wake up on taxes, spending
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Engineer: Farmers seeking environmental services
The National Buffalo Foundation is excited to announce the launch of its new website and a fund drive for an upcoming research project. Both projects are the result of a November 2011 survey to bison producers and supporters focusing on education and research. The www.nationalbuffalofoundation.org website went live Dec. 3, and features basic information about the foundation as well as listing ways to give to the Foundation. The site also includes overviews of Foundation-supported projects and partner testimonials. A special section is dedicated to a fundraising campaign to support a TB testing research study also just launched by the Foundation.
The National Buffalo Foundation is proud to support efforts to conduct a one-time through TB testing and is excited to take the lead role in funding this research project. Our November 2011 survey to National Bison Association members promised to utilize the information gathered to guide the National Buffalo Foundation in funding future projects. This is a direct result of that promise. One-time through TB ranked in the top five research project suggestions. For more information about either the website or TB testing projects, contact NBF President Gail Griffin at (507) 452-8951 or buffalo@hbci.com. ❖
Bison website, research launched
manure facilities for hogs and cattle, soil erosion issues plus a bucketful of “little fixes” where the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency has identified a pollution problem is the daily agenda. “My approach is to look for commonsense solutions that will protect the environment without infringing on the strategic operation of that particular client,” Skonard said. As slat-floored confinement structures become more commonplace, livestock producers often ask about animal safety and comfort. “Livestock people know that concrete can chew up hooves, sometimes causing lameness, even downers. And that is why we’re seeing rubber mats being used more and more on concrete slats. It’s a matter of comfort,” he said. Lagoons are sometimes still part of the engineering process. “And that’s simply because a lagoon is often the most cost-effective way of handling livestock manure. But each site is unique,” Skonard said, “and sometimes county regulations don’t permit lagoons.” Bollig Inc. starts with a site evaluation to get a handle on what type of services will be needed. Then preliminary cost estimates would likely be done on a “lump-sum” basis that identi-
fies individual key components. Hourly charges, however, are more common if there are weather conditions or contractor issues that can’t be controlled by Bollig Inc. Is the strong economy of agriculture creating more interest in engineering services? “Yes, we see farmers more frequently asking if and how they can better manage the environment of their particular farming operation. A common question is what will it take to get them into compliance and what will it cost. Yes, I see a definite concern from farmers about how they can become better stewards of the land,” Skonard said. This means constant study and understanding by engineering firms of rules and regulations as they pertain to livestock and crop production. He said he’s on the telephone weekly to various feedlot engineers in various counties. “I explain what I think needs to happen on this particular farm. I ask, ‘What are you saying?’ Sometimes compromise is the solution. They’ve been real good working with us on these issues,” Skonard said. ❖
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State Cattlemen Association in Alexandria. He said a key issue when working with consulting engineers is that farmers understand each project is different. “We’re not going to be there every day so getting it to work for that particular client is what our business is all about.” Bollig Inc. provides services across the board to municipalities, manufacturing facilities, business firms and more recently a growing business in the agricultural world. Cattle feedlots,
By DICK HAGEN The Land Staff Writer “I’m not going to tell a farmer how to manage his site. He tells me how he wants to manage it and I will engineer around that.” That candid response was from Cris Skonard, PhD., P.E., and senior engineer with Bollig Inc., an engineering and environmental firm at Willmar, Minn., when asked how his firm works with farmers. His firm exhibited at the December annual conference of the Minnesota
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
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Livestock feed costs drive interest in additives By DICK HAGEN The Land Staff Writer There’s nothing like higher feed costs to drive interest in new additives that potentially increase feed efficiency in your livestock. Ben Holland, technical services specialist with Merck Animal Health, said, “the higher costs of commodity feedstuffs have definitely created an incentive amongst cattle feeders to become more efficient, both economically and environmentally in usage of their resources.” A good example is Merck’s Zilmax, a beta agonist agent that acts directly on the muscle cell causing it to increase in size. “Zilmax binds to each muscle cell with the net result of more carcass weight in the finished animal without requiring any additional feed, water or other resources,” Holland said. He said that in all muscles there is an ongoing buildup and breakdown of muscle tissue; it’s a constant cycle in all livestock — humans, too. The addition of Zilmax in the finishing ration alters and slows that process so the ratio of what’s being deposited is greater than what’s being broken down. “And the net result is an increase in muscle mass,” Holland said. Additives obviously have a cost-effectiveness consideration. A plus for Zilmax is that it produces results with only a 20-day usage in the finishing ration. However the product has Food and Drug Administration clearance for usage the last 20 to 40 days, with a three-day withdrawal prior to marketing. Marketed as a feed additive, the label indicates 6.8 grams per ton of ration in a Total Mixed Daily
Ration program. The product’s cost is adjusted monthly based on live carcass price values. “This gives a continual return to the feeder at a 2-to-1 ratio. If cattle prices go up, the cost of Zilmax goes up and vice versa with declining cattle prices,” Holland said. Based on current cattle prices, the product costs a feeder $26 to $28 per head for a 20-day feeding period. More than 50,000 head of cattle have been studied with Zilmax in more than 20 different locations to verify performance data, both from a biological standpoint and a performance standpoint. When “altering” muscle structure of a beef critter, are you altering taste and flavor? Not so, Holland said, noting consumer taste panels involving more than 3,000 people with no taste difference from beef finished with the Zilmax additive, versus no Zilmax.
The product has been in the U.S. market since 2007; globally since the late-1990s. Holland said the product continues to enjoy a growing market. He estimated over 6 million head of U.S. beef will be marketing with Zilmax in the finishing ration this year. Tom Revier, of Revier Cattle Co. near Olivia, Minn., pays extreme attention to feeding costs. The firm markets over 15,000 head of cattle yearly from both confinement (on slats) and open feedlots. “(Zilmax is) a fabulous product,” he said. “Our only issue is that it slightly lowers the grade of the finished carcass. But the big plus is that it adds size to the highest valued portions of the carcass, the loins and the rib section. ... And for an industry that might soon be short of beef for the consumer market, this added tonnage might take on significant impact.” Holland was interviewed at a Dec. 13 Minnesota Cattle Feeders Day event at Tracy, Minn. ❖
Pearson named Wheat Growers’ senior VP, operations Wheat Growers announced that Chris Pearson has accepted the position of senior vice president of operations. He will join Wheat Growers’ staff Jan. 14. He was most recently the chief operations officer with Farmer’s Cooperative, a $1.2 billion cooperative headquartered in Ames, Iowa. “Chris brings a wealth of executive, cooperative and operations experience to our organization,” Dale Locken, Wheat Growers CEO, said. “He will be responsible for the strategic alignment of the operations, safety, maintenance and construction functions of Wheat Growers. His strategic vision, people skills
and business intelligence strategies are tremendous assets for our company.” “I’m excited to join this progressive cooperative that continues to demonstrate its leadership in the industry and depth of commitment to member-owners,” Pearson said. “I look forward to working with Wheat Growers’ leadership team, board of directors and delegates to contribute to the continued success and growth of one of the most dynamic ag cooperatives in this country.” Pearson is a graduate of Iowa State University, with a B.S. in ag studies. He, his wife, Rachel, and their children are moving to Aberdeen, S.D. Log on to www.wheatgrowers.com. ❖
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“Where Farm and Family Meet”
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THE LAND, JANUARY 11, 2013 8
Champion auctioneer contest Jan. 17 in St. Cloud items and also go through an interview on stage answering questions pertaining to the auction industry. The contest will get under way at 6 p.m. and is open to the public. There will be five judges, all local, national and international experts in auctions, productions and organizational management. The contest is part of the Minnesota State Auctioneers Association Conference and Show. Auctioneers from throughout the Midwest and Canada will be in St. Cloud celebrating over 60 years of the MSAA. The conference runs through Jan. 19. The purpose of the Auctioneer Championship is to promote the Auction Method of Marketing of real and personal property and to emphasize the importance of the auctioneer as an
effective marketing specialist. The new champion will serve as a goodwill ambassador for the association during the upcoming year. For more information contact MSAA
Public Relations Chairman Tammy Tisland
(218) 766-9607.
W anted:
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Your Feedback
Minnesota’s premier showcase auction event will take place on Jan. 17 at the Holiday Inn Convention Center, St. Cloud. The 25th Annual Minnesota State Auctioneer Championship will feature the association’s top auctioneers from Minnesota and Canada. The new champion will receive the Championship Trophy, ring or belt buckle, and the entry fee paid by the Minnesota State Auctioneers Association to the International Auctioneers Championship to be held in Indianapolis, Ind., in July. The contest itself is a genuine auction, with each contestant selling three items. Auctioneers will be judged on presentation, chant/voice and effective auctioneering. After the preliminary round, five finalists will be named. Those finalists will then sell three more
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Melrose, MN
Janesville, MN
Spring Valley, MN
Schlauderaff Implement
Arnolds Equipment
Modern Farm Equipment
St. Cloud, MN
Sauk Centre, MN
Lano Equipment
A&C Farm Service
Werner Implement
Norwood Young America, MN
Paynesville, MN
Vermillion, MN
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
Litchfield, MN
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
Cover story: WWII plane museum is Fagen’s pride By DICK HAGEN The Land Staff Writer Ron Fagen is a Granite Falls, Minn., entrepreneur whose name became an industrial legend during the construction boom days of the U.S. ethanol industry. During that exploding era — late-1990s until the mid-2000s — his firm was building about 80 percent of all the new ethanol plants being constructed in the United States, more than 100 in all. Fagen Construction is still going strong in the energy world, including erecting towers for wind farms across the north central states, building a full-scale cellulosic (corn stover) ethanol plant in Iowa, and expanding globally with European projects. Ron Fagen has completed an entirely different and personal project to show off these days — a new World War II Fighter Plane Museum which officially opened Sept. 29 at the Granite Falls airport. This structure has already captured the fancy of aviation enthusiasts across America. Built as a tribute to his late father, Raymond, who participated in the June 6, 1944, D-Day Utah Beach invasion of Europe, this museum is 90 feet wide, 200 feet long and 28 feet tall. Steel framed and steel rafter construction, this tremendously spatial interior is now a world-class showcase of pristine World War II fighter and trainer air planes. The WWII-era planes on display inside this museum include a P-51 Mustang monogrammed as “Sweet Revenge,” a Lockheed P-38 Lightning “Ruff Stuff,” a P-40 Flying Tiger labeled “Desert Shark” and a BT-13 trainer. This same hangar also houses General Omar Bradley’s D-Day Willy
Left: Granite Falls, Minn., entrepreneur Ron Fagen, with “Sweet Revenge,” his P-51 Mustang. Below: Fagen’s new WWII aviation museum is located at the Lenzen-Roe-Memorial Airport in Granite Falls. Page 12: A Utah Beach invasion scene features life-sized bronze sculptures of U.S. Army G.I.s.
Photos by Dick Hagen
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Jeep, a Harley Davidson WLA escort motorcycle and a D-Day veteran WC54 Dodge ambulance. This structure also has an upstairs library with books, photos, posters, WWII newspaper stories and other literature about the era. On both of the main walls of this 18,000-square-foot structure are several interactive touch video screens, plus a huge mural by Nebraska artist Dave Reiser depicting the Allied invasion of Normandy. A smaller gallery hangar features a Waco CG4A combat glider (built in Minnesota) that carried U.S. Army personnel from England which often See MUSEUM, pg. 12
Send us your events by e-mail to editor@TheLandOnline.com
Pork Quality Assurance Training Feb. 6 University Center Heintz Center, Rochester, Minn. Info: See Jan. 23 event
Winter Crops Days Jan. 16, 17, 18 Caledonia, Arlington, Lake Crys- Sustainable Farming tal, Kasson and Waseca, Minn. Association of Minnesota Info: Topics include nutrient management for atypical Minnesota Elk Breeders weather, efficient grain and Association Conference silage production, scouting plant diseases, corn rootJan. 12 Holiday Inn, Alexandria, Minn. worm trait failures and more; Info: 20th anniversary celebra- $35/person includes materition; log on to www.mneba.org als, refreshments and lunch; or call (320) 543-2686 e-mail Deanne Nelson, nelso191@umn.edu or call Managing Prices for (507) 835-3620 Optimal Crop Returns Jan. 14-15 Dairy Producer Ag Red Wing, Minn. Employee Workshop Jan. 17, 24, 31 Info: $300/person; limited to 30 participants with a miniSouth Dakota State Univermum of 10; offered by AgStar sity Extension Regional Cenin partnership with Commod- ter, Sioux Falls, S.D. ity & Ingredient Hedging Info: See Jan. 15 event LLC; call (866) 577-1831 to register; log on to Upper Midwest Regional Fruit & Vegetable www.agstaredge.com Growers Conference and Trade Show Dairy Producer Ag Jan. 17-18 Employee Workshop River’s Edge Convention Jan. 15, 22, 29 Pizza Ranch, Pipestone, Minn. Center, St. Cloud, Minn. Info: $125/person, $80/addiInfo: Contact the Minnesota tional person from same opera- Fruit & Vegetable Growers tion; contact Tracey Renelt, Association, (763) 434-0400, Extension Dairy Field Special- mfvga@msn.com or log on to ist, Watertown Regional Exten- www.mfvga.org sion Center, 1910 W. Kemp Ave., Watertown, SD 57201, Northern States Beef tracey.renelt@sdstate.edu or Conference Jan. 17-18 (605) 882-5140 Regional Extension Center, Minnesota Crop Watertown, S.D. Improvement Association Info: $150/person, $80/student; Annual Meeting contact Warren Rusche, Warren.Rusche@sdstate.edu or Jan. 15-16 Bigwood Event Center, Fer(605) 882-5140, or Julie Walker, Julie.Walker@sdstate.edu or gus Falls, Minn. Info: Contact MCIA (800) (605) 688-5458, of Allen Bridges, 510-6242 or www.mncia.org gbridges@umn.edu or (218) 3274490, or Carl Dahlen, Come Grow With Us — Carl.Dahlen@ndsu.edu or (701) Creating Shade Gardens 231-5588, or Alfredo Jan. 16, 12:15 p.m. DiCostanzo, Dicos001@umn.edu or (612) 624-1272 West Central Research and Outreach Center, Morris, Minn. Info: Landscape gardener Pork Quality Assurance Bernie Angus wil share how to Training Jan. 23 plan for your garden in the shade; free admission, donaSouthern Research and Outtions accepted, bring a lunch; reach Center, Waseca, Minn. 30-minute program; coffee, tea Info: Registration requested and dessert provided; call (320) to colleen@mnpork.com or 589-1711 or e-mail Jean Spohr, (800) 537-7675 or log on to spohrjm@morris.umn.edu www.mnpork.com
Managing Prices for Optimal Crop Returns Jan. 16-17
Midwest Forage Association Forage
Feb. 15-16 Minnesota Landscape Arboretum, Chaska, Minn. Info: Log on to www.sfa-mn.org
Feb. 20 Minnesota Pork Board Office, Mankato, Minn. Info: See Jan. 23 event
Pork Quality Assurance Training
Midwest Organic & Sustainable Education
Service Organic Farming Conference Feb. 21-23 LaCrosse Center, LaCrosse,Wis. Info: Register by Jan. 16 for best price; log on to www.mosesorganic.org
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
Minnesota Pork Congress Jan. 16-17 Convention Center, Mpls. Info: $15/person; www.mnpork.com/porkcongress
Research Summit Feb. 7-8 Rochester, Minn. Info: Call (651) 484-3888
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Mankato, Minn. Info: See Jan. 14-15 event
Minnesota Organic Conference Jan. 11-12 River’s Edge Convention Center, St. Cloud, Minn. Info: Log on to www.mda.state. mn.us/food/organic or call (651) 201-6012
Log on to www.TheLandOnline.com 11 for our full events calendar
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
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D-Day scene honors father MUSEUM, from pg. 10 Granite Falls for this beachfront depicwere nighttime missions to quietly tion. transport troops into enemy territory If you’re wondering how all of these across the English Channel. This planes and other items gained access gallery also houses reconstructed Army to Fagen’s museum, that would be training planes including a PT-19, a courtesy of a 70-foot by 18-foot bifold PT-22 and a PT-26. Other hardware door manufactured by Schweiss Doors here includes an anti-aircraft half of Fairfax, Minn. Weighing 22,000 track, a CCKWX troop carrier (better pounds, with special steel sheeting and known as a Deuce inside insulation, this and a half truck), a workhorse hangar Cushman Model 32 door is powered by The sculpture of scooter and an unrethree 5-hp electric Fagen’s father is the stored 1943 Harley motors; 20 straps do Davidson WLA cycle. lead soldier departing the heavy lifting of from the landing craft this monster door A significant nonwhich is built to aviation highlight of as it hits the French withstand 190 mph Fagen’s museum is a shoreline. winds. three-dimensional Utah Beach invasion scene Two additional featuring life-sized bronze sculptures hangars, a WWII Quonset depicting a of U.S. Army G.I.s exiting a U.S. land- flight operations center and a WWII ing craft as it hits the French shore- control tower, make up the complex. line. The museum is located at the LenzenThe sculpture of Fagen’s father is the Roe-Memorial Airport in Granite Falls, lead soldier departing from the landing Minn. Guided tours are available for draft as it hits the French shoreline. A groups of 10 or more. Call (320) 564total of 160,000 Allied troops were part 6644 and ask for Greg Gibson, director of this assault on the beaches of Nor- of the WWII museum. mandy. Adding to the historical accuFor more information, log on to racy is the fact that actual sand from www.fagenfighterswwiimuseum.org. ❖ that very beach was transported to
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<< 2013 MINNESOTA PORK CONGRESS >> “Where Farm and Family Meet”
Minnesota Pork Congress seminar schedule
Jan. 16
Messages That Resonate With Consumers 9-10 a.m. Presenter: Jarrod Sutton, National Pork Board assistant vice president, Foodservice, Retail and Channel Marketing. Sponsor: John Morrell What we say and what the consumer hears can often be two very different things. We use terms such as pork producer and pork industry to help con-
sumers understand modern food production practices, but what do these positive sounding phrases mean to consumers? National Pork Board staff member Jarrod Sutton will discuss research showing that, for consumers, these words communicate negative images of animal agriculture. This seminar will provide alternative messages that inspire positive perceptions of pig farmers. Operation Main Street Refresher Course
(4) 2002-05 International 9400’s, 241,000 to 490,000 miles
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10-11:45 a.m. Presenter: Al Eidson, principal of Eidson & Partners, Fairway, Kan. The Operation Main Street Refresher Course will give members of the OMS speaker core an opportunity to hear updates on pork industry topics and issues, share presentation ideas and learn what’s ahead for OMS speaker outreach. This seminar is open to all Pork Congress attendees who have an interest in the program or who would like to learn more about communicating their stories to the public. Financial and Management Planning for Young Producers 10-11 a.m. Presenter: David Kohl, professor emeritus, Agricultural Finance and Small Business Management, Virginia Tech In this session, Kohl will cover the basics of operating your farm business effectively. He will focus on reading balance sheets, income statements and cash flows. Plus, you will learn the golden rules of managing your farm during challenging times. Discover your operation’s success formula while learning important farm business guidelines. What to Expect in the 2013 State Legislative Session 10-11 a.m.
Panelists: Sen. Dan Sparks (District 27 – Austin), Rep. Rod Hamilton (District 22B – Mountain Lake), Rep. Jeanne Poppe (District 27B – Austin) (invited), Commissioner Dave Frederickson, Minnesota Department of Agriculture (invited). Sponsor: Minnesota Farm Bureau The recent elections have shifted the balance of power at the state legislature. There is a new majority, new committee chairs and first-term legislators who will get their crack at making policy while balancing the $1 billion budget deficit. Our legislative panelists will share their thoughts on the potential effect these changes will have on agriculture during the 2013 state legislative session. Keynote Address: Good to Great in Agriculture: Vision 2020 Noon-1:30 p.m. Presenter: David Kohl, professor emeritus, Agricultural Finance and Small Business Management, Virginia Tech. Sponsor: AgStar Financial Services Welcome to the wild world of global and domestic economics with “black swans” or unusual events around every corner. Kohl will discuss the major game changers influencing the agricultural See SEMINARS, pg. 15
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Minnesota Pork Congress seminar schedule
PRRS Elimination Efforts 9:30-10:30 a.m. Presenters: David Wright, DVM, Voluntary Regional PRRS Elimination Project coordinator; Kurt Rossow, DVM, Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, University of Minnesota; Scott Dee, DVM, director of Swine Research
changes from the Food and Drug Administration. Will the use of antimicrobials that are important to pork production be further restricted or even eliminated? Wagstrom will offer some insight into the future of antibiotic use in pork production and how possible future decisions may affect your animal care practices. Swine Production Benchmarks 12:30-1:30 p.m. Presenter: Mike Brumm, Brumm Swine Consultancy, North Mankato, Minn. Benchmarking is commonly spoken of but rarely implemented in pork production. The reason benchmarking works is it provides a tool to see beyond our current practices. Individuals become so focused and entrenched in their operation they fail to see other ways to improve productivity and profitability. Brumm will provide swine production benchmark information and tips for applying this information on your farm. ❖
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“Where Farm and Family Meet”
Jan. 17
for Pipestone Veterinary Clinic, Pipestone, Minn. PRRS continues to be a significant challenge for pork producers. Wright will give an update on the N212 (North of Highway 212) PRRS Elimination Project, including strategies that have effectively increased producer cooperation. Rossow will discuss the development of a PRRS mapping database to assist in the sharing of information for producers and their veterinarians who voluntarily participate. Dee will share the latest in PRRS prevention research and discuss new PRRS challenges. The Future of Antibiotic Use in Pork Production 11 a.m.-noon Presenter: Liz Wagstrom, chief veterinarian of the National Pork Producers Council, Washington, D.C. The use of antibiotics in livestock production has been under scrutiny from public health officials, consumers and some federal lawmakers. This pressure has already resulted in some
educator of nutrient management, University of Minnesota Find out how to optimize your precision agriculture practices and manure application for maximum value-added nutrient management that is environmentally and economically beneficial. 3:30 p.m. — Biosecurity and PRRS virus Prevention Presenter: David Wright, DVM, Voluntary Regional PRRS Elimination Project Coordinator Manure applicator’s biosecurity practices can help prevent a costly PRRS outbreak on a hog farm. Wright will discuss the important role that custom applicators can play in controlling the introduction of the PRRS virus, recommend biosecurity measures that applicators should consider, and explain how to implement these practices. 4 p.m. — How to Put What We Learned Into Practice The workshop wraps-up with a panel of custom manure applicators giving their thoughts on how to incorporate the workshop topics into their daily business practices. Managing High Feed Costs 2-3 p.m. Presenter: Joel DeRouchey, professor and swine Extension specialist, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kan. High feed costs caused by last summer’s drought and other factors have had a major influence on pork producers’ potential for profits. DeRouchey will explore management options to consider when dealing with higher feed costs. In addition, he will cover the need to balance animal performance with the various challenges associated with alternative feed ingredients. Market Outlook 4-5 p.m. L100 F-G Presenter: Steve Meyer, president of Paragon Economics What’s in store for the hog markets in 2013? Meyer will cover several factors influencing your bottom line, including grain supplies and prices, protein demand, hog price and supply projections, consumer trends and pork exports. Meyer will address 2013 crop scenarios, pending trade agreements and the farm bill.
SEMINARS, from pg. 14 landscape, along with a quick tour of how world economics influence land values, commodities and input costs. Kohl will give valuable insight to complex questions such as whether agriculture is an asset or credit bubble, the top challenges agriculture will face in the next five years and the direction of the U.S. economy. Improving your economic literacy is not a boring venture when Kohl has the microphone. This is a do-not-miss program that is critical to managing your farm business and household. Manure Applicators Workshop Noon-5 p.m. The Manure Applicators Workshop is for certified commercial animal waste applicators who need continuing education hours and livestock producers who want to learn more about developments in manure application. Noon. — Certified Animal Waste Technician Licensing and Certification Presenter: Kay Sargeant, Minnesota Department of Agriculture, Pesticide and Fertilizer Division Sargeant will open the workshop with an update on the CWAT program, including licensing and certification requirements. 12:20 p.m. — Regulatory Update: Setbacks and Manure Planning Presenter: Wayne Cords, Feedlot Program, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Cords will review current MPCA requirements for manure management plans, permits, record keeping, reporting and manure transfer, plus provide audience members with an update on other MPCA regulations that are relevant to manure management and application. 1:05 p.m. — Managing Nitrogen and Phosphorus Credits Presenter: Grant Pearson, nutrient management specialist, USDA-NRCS Properly managed nitrogen and phosphorus credits help ensure that manure application rates will meet crop nutrient needs while avoiding over-application and the potential for nutrient runoff. 2 p.m. — Highway Safety. Highway Law. Presenter: Minnesota Department of Transportation A representative from the Minnesota Department of Transportation will provide participants with highway safety information and updates on laws that are relevant to custom manure applicators. 3 p.m. — Precision Ag Presenter: Jose Hernandez, Extension
Minnesota Pork Congress honors industry leaders Minnesota Pork Board Award winners and outgoing executive board leaders will be honored for their work, guidance and expertise at a special award and recognition reception 5-6:30 p.m. on Jan. 15 at the Minneapolis Hilton. Recipients of the 2013 Minnesota Pork Industry Awards who will be honored at the event are: Environmental Steward Fiedler Finishing, Villard Paul and Stephanie Fiedler Pork Promoters of the Year Reuben and Judy Bode, Courtland Family of the Year Chris and Clare Veldhuizen Family, Edgerton Swine Manager of the Year David Wubbena, Riverdale Inc., Fairmont Distinguished Service Bob Christensen, Christensen Farms, Sleepy Eye MPB retiring Leadership Minnesota Pork Board leaders who will be retiring from the executive board are Bill Crawford of Fairmont, Curt Johnson of Jasper, Mary Peichel
of Fairfax and Doug Stade of Eden Valley. These four individuals have contributed valuable insight and many hours to assure that Minnesota Pork Checkoff dollars were invested wisely into promotional, educational and research programs. • Bill Crawford served eight one-year terms, including two terms as MPB president. He is active on MPB committees, takes part in consumer outreach and classroom educational programs and represents the MPB on the PRRS Eradication Task Force. Crawford works at the swine production management company, Preferred Capital Management, where he helps hog farmers with permitting and their environmental and manure management plans. He also raises finishing hogs and beef cattle. • Curt Johnson was first elected to the executive board in 2007. He served two years as the MPB vice president and was the MPB representative to the U.S. Meat Export Federation. He also co-chaired the MPB Human Capital Committee where he provided strong leadership and advocacy for the Minnesota Pork Ambassador program. Johnson, together with his wife, Diane,
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
We’re at Booths 330-341 at the 2013 MN Pork Congress
and their three sons are regular volunteers at pork promotions and public educational events. He is owner-operator of a wean-to-finish operation in Pipestone County. • Mary Peichel was elected to the board in 2008 and has served as the MPB secretary. She is a member of the MPB Promotion and Image Committee and the Pork Congress Committee. Peichel was the MPB representative to the Pork Leadership Academy and is a graduate of the Minnesota Agricultural and Rural Leadership program. She uses the leadership skills gained through these programs as an advocate
for Minnesota pork producers and agriculture. Peichel is owner-manager of contract finishing and nursery barns. • When Doug Stade joined the board in 2009, he brought with him a great deal of experience and a long history in pork production. Stade served three terms on the executive board and is a member of the Pork Congress Committee and the Public Affairs Committee. He raised and sold purebred breeding stock for many years. Stade is an active pork promoter, volunteering his time grilling and serving pork at Grandma’s Marathon, Twins Baseball, and Vikings and Gophers football games. ❖
2013 Minnesota Pork Congress exhibitors A.J. O’Mara Group 427 Absolute Swine Insemination 319 ADA Enterprises Inc. 44-445 Aerotech Ventilation Systems — Munters Corp. 348-350 Ag Property Solutions & Fenced Air 515-517 Agrivolt Inc. 48 Agtronix/Pella Electronics Co. Inc. 641 Alkota Cleaning Systems 314-316 All America Pressure Washers 430 Altenburg Construction Inc. Slat Replacement 108 American Resources/ROTECNA 315-317 Anez Consulting Inc. 111 Animal Health International 426-428 Applied Remediation LLC 534 Atten Babler Commodities 329 AURI 516 Automated Production Systems 245 Babcock Genetics Inc. 120 Balzer Inc. 645 BEI — EPI Air 150-251 Better Air MFG 109 Bioverse Inc. 241 Boar Max Inc/Passion for Pigs 416 Boehringer Ingelheim 540 Bollig Inc. 429 Boss Supply/Nuhn 535-537 Brookstone Builders 438 CHR Hansen Inc. 605 CHS 419 CIH 549 CLARCOR Air Filtration Products 536 Compart’s Boar Store 330-431 Courtland Waste Handling Inc. 424 D&D Distributing 440 Dakota Steel and Trim Inc. 608-610 Danbred North America 611 Devenish Nutrition 551 Direct Biologicals Inc. 226 Diversified Imports 140 Double L Group 105-107 DPI Global 417 Easy Automation Inc. 615-617-619621 EIP Manufacturing LLC 441 Elanco Animal Health 104 Energy Panel Structures Inc. 410 ePigFlow 529 FarmPropane 436 Farmweld Inc. 325-327 Fast Genetics 250-351
FBS Systems Inc. 127 Feedstuffs Magazine 520 Form-A-Feed Inc. 409 Genesus Genetics 511 GENETIPORC 539-541 Greener World Solution 211 Gro Master Inc. 225 Hamlet Protein Inc. 519 Hawk Alarm Systems Inc. 218 Hen-Way Mfg. Inc. 235-237-239 HerdStar LLC 228-230 Hermitage NGT 414 Hog Slat Midwest 320-421 Hormel Foods Corporation 215 Hubbard Feeds Inc. 306-308-310 Hurley & Associates Agri-Marketing Centers 110 Hydro Engineering Inc. 244 I&S Group 224 I.M.V. International Corp. 131 J&D Manufacturing 346 JBS United Inc. 425 John Morrell & Co 205 Katolight By MTU-Onsite Energy 220321 Lange Ag Systems 135-137 LB White 338 Liphatech Inc. 106 Lloyd’s Construction Services Inc. 434 Lynch Livestock Inc./Premium Iowa Pork 206 Manitoba Pork Council 507-509 Manitoba Starch Products/MPS[RS] 336 Merck Animal Health 304-405 MetaFarms Inc. 609 Midwest Livestock Systems Inc. 345 Minnesota Ag and Rural Leadership — MARL 627 Minnesota Corn Growers Assn. 309 Minnesota Farm Bureau 407 Minnesota Farm Network 151 Minnesota Pollution Control Agency 210 Minnesota Pork Board 626 Minnesota Pork Board Media 147-149 Minnesota Soybean 204 Minnesota Valley Testing Laboratories 103 Mistral/MMi 530 Motomco Ltd. 113 National Pork Board 555 National Pork Producers Council 214216 Nedap Agri, North America 328
Newport Laboratories 349 Newsham Choice Genetics 340 Norsvin 117-119 Northstar Commodity 531 Novartis Animal Health US Inc. 525 Octaform Systems Inc. 447 Osborne Industries Inc. 607 PALS Inc. 420-521 Perkins Lumber Inc. 418 Pfizer Animal Health 305-307 Phibro Animal Health 415 PIC GTC 526 PIC North America 524-625 PigChamp 238 PigTek Pig Equipment Group 335 PitCharger 138 Prairie System 318 Preserve International 444 Prima Tech USA 311 ProfitPro LLC 324-326 Puck Custom Enterprises 450 Purina Animal Nutrition LLC 504-506508-510 PW Aire Technologies 134-136 QC Supply/Gillis Ag 234 Ralco Nutrition Inc. 437-439 Renewable Energy SD LLC 634 Schick Enterprises 139-141-143-145 SD Industries LLC 604-606 SFP 246 Skarpohl Pressure Washer Sales 406408 Slat Saver/Slat Lock 129 Southwest Agri-Plastics 240-341 Stur-D Equipment 545-547 Sudenga Industries Inc. 339 Superior Concrete 528 Supp-Le-Milk USA 331 Swine Robotics Inc. 121-123-125 Tech Mix Inc. 514 The Park’s Companies 411 Thorp Equipment Inc. 334-435 Tomco 527 Topigs USA Inc. 207-209 Tralmer Enterprises 337 U of M — 4-State Ventilation Trailer 354 U.S. Pork Center of Excellence 518 University of Minnesota 451 USDA-National Agricultural Statistics Service 236 VAL-CO 221 Vet Sales/EZ Preg Checkers 347 Vita Plus Corporation 208
The Johnson clan gave three out of three ‘yums’ to Pepper Jack Chicken Pasta smothered in a spicy cheese sauce — so good on a cold day! Three out of three “yums” from the Johnson clan. Make sure you fix enough for tomorrow’s leftovers. Pepper Jack Chicken Pasta Submitted by Judy Jacobs Mosticalli noodles 1 onion, diced 1 red bell pepper, diced 1 tablespoon garlic 2 cups cooked chicken 1 can black beans, drained 2 cups Monterrey Jack cheese 1 can Southwest pepper jack soup Cook noodles, drain. Saute onion,
peppers and garlic. Add chicken, beans, cheese and soup. Mix with noodles. Bake for 45 minutes at 350 F. ■ My dessert of choice at a Mexican restaurant: crispy, donut-y sopaipillas. These sweet little fried-dough pillows are the perfect finale to a spicy meal, especially when drizzled with a little chocolate sauce and a blob of whipped cream. Sopaipillas Submitted by Lora Davidow 4 cups sifted flour 1 teaspoon baking powder 2 teaspoons salt 1/4 cup vegetable shortening 1 1/3 cups cold water Mix dry ingredients together in a bowl. Cut in shortening with a pastry blender. Add water a little at a time until dough holds together. Remove to a floured board and knead slightly until smooth. Roll out with a rolling pin until very thin. Cut into small squares or triangles using a pastry cutter or knife. Heat up two inches of oil at 350 F in an electric fry pan, deep fryer or heavy kettle. Fry sopaipillas
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See COOKBOOK, pg. 18
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until they puff up and turn golden brown. Turn over while frying. Drain on paper towels. Serve warm topped with honey or cinnamon/sugar. ■ If you’re looking for a cookie that’s the epitome of “indulgence,” look no further than German Chocolate Toffee Cookies. Rich and dense with high-quality chocolate, pecans, Heath chips and white chocolate chips, these cookies are sure to impress. German Chocolate Toffee Cookies Submitted by Linda Bennett 1/2 cup butter 1/2 cup Crisco 1 1/4 cup white sugar 1/4 cup brown sugar 2 oz. German sweet chocolate, melted 2 eggs 1 teaspoon water 1 teaspoon vanilla 3 1/4 cups flour 3/4 teaspoon salt 3/4 cup chopped pecans 3/4 cup Heath brickle chips 1 cup white chocolate chips
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By SARAH JOHNSON The Land Correspondent Since 1905, Janesville, a small Waseca County, Minn., town with big heart, has been keeping the community spirit alive with its annual Hay Daze celebration, complete with parade, pageant, beer tent and Sunday morning worship service (also in the beer tent, perhaps to remind sinners of recent misdeeds). Keeping this thing going year after year is no easy task, and it doesn’t pay for itself, either. So organizers are hoping to get some extra revenue from the sale of a community cookbook, “What’s Cooking in Janesville,” full of recipes that Janesvillers love, and so will you. The cookbook is beautifully bound and features both up-to-the-minute recipes as well as old family favorites. It was produced by the Chamber of Commerce and is available at local merchants. Here are a few sample recipes. ■ For a quick dinner that tastes like you spent all day in the kitchen, try Pepper Jack Chicken Pasta. Thick mosticalli noodles (alternatively spelled mostaccioli), tender chicken and black beans
17 THE LAND, JANUARY 11, 2013
Pepper Jack Chicken Pasta a tasty choice on a cold day Cookbook Corner
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
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Be sure to look for your 2013 Subscription Card in your January 25th Land
When in Rome ... COOKBOOK, from pg. 17 Preheat oven to 350 F. Lightly grease baking sheets. Cream butter, Crisco and both sugars. Beat in melted chocolate. Add eggs, one at a time. Add water and vanilla. Combine flour and salt and add to creamed mixture. Stir in pecans, Heath chips and white chocolate chips. Drop by tablespoons onto cookie sheets. Bake 12 to 15 minutes. ■ Sometimes this crazy mixed-up world spawns awesome creations, such as rhubarb salsa, a Mexico-Minnesota combo if I ever heard one. Usually sweet salsas feature tropical fruits such as mango, pineapple or papaya, but “when in Rome” ... use rhubarb. Rhubarb Salsa Submitted by Dianne Thissen 4 cups rhubarb 1 medium onion, chopped 1 red pepper, chopped 1 yellow pepper, chopped 1 chili pepper, seeded and minced 2 tablespoons lime juice 2 small palms cilantro Brown sugar to taste Cook all ingredients in a sauce pan until rhubarb cooks down and peppers are tender. Pour in hot jars and seal. ■ Take one pumpkin pie, fluff it up into a pancake shape, and that’s pretty much the flavors you’re going to get with Pumpkin Pancakes. Break out of your routine and serve these the next time you’re craving buttery hotcakes. Pumpkin Pancakes Submitted by Ken and Lisa Schnoor 2 cups all-purpose flour 3 tablespoons brown sugar 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon baking soda 1 teaspoon ground allspice 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 1/2 cups milk 1 cup pumpkin or squash 1 egg 2 tablespoons vegetable oil 2 tablespoon vinegar Combine the flour, brown sugar, baking powder, baking soda, allspice, cinnamon, ginger and salt. In a separate bowl, mix together the milk, pumpkin, egg, oil and vinegar. Stir dry ingredients into pumpkin mixture just enough to combine. Heat a lightly oiled griddle or fry pan over medium heat. Pour or scoop the batter onto the griddle, using about 1/4 cup for each pancake. Brown on both sides and serve with warm maple syrup. If your community group or church organization has printed a cookbook and would like to have it reviewed in the “Cookbook Corner,” send us a copy to “Cookbook Corner,” The Land, P.O. Box 3169, Mankato, MN 56002. Please specify if you wish to have the cookbook returned, and include information on how readers may obtain a copy of the cookbook. Submission does not guarantee a review. ❖
New year’s challenge: True humility, silent service community. That’s OK. Pastor and author Rick Warren puts it in perspecWhen we volunteer or make a donation is it out of tive when he says, “Being true care and concern for the ones we’re serving or important isn’t important. are we hoping for some recognition and approval Be loving.” from others? Do we purchase what we purchase Loving, humble acts of because we need it or because we’re hoping to service matter. This world, impress people? this year, will be a better place when we care less about being another soul about the amount of time they spend recognized and more about recognizing how many each day on their knees. people need us to reach out to them in love. These people will probably never be named Time’s Lenae Bulthuis is a wife, mom and friend who Person of the Year, or make national headlines, or muses from her back porch on a Minnesota grain receive awards or accolades from the international and livestock farm. ❖
THE LAND, JANUARY 11, 2013 << www.TheLandOnline.com >>
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“Where Farm and Family Meet”
The mailboxes in our church narthex are an easy and convenient way to receive church news and for people to bless one another with cards. It’s an especially popular, postagefree option at Christmas. On a mild Friday afternoon in December as I was inserting Christmas cards in the mailboxes I worked alongside three THE BACK PORCH others who were doing the By Lenae Bulthuis same. “I wonder what you have to do to get a plate of treats?” I said, noticing that a number of people had small plates of yummy Christmas goodies in their boxes. “You don’t want to be on that list,” said one of the men standing there. His wife nodded in agreement. “Those are for the elderly widows and widowers.” I don’t know the demographics of your congregation, but for us that’s a lot of plates. “Wow!” I said, thinking through how much time that must’ve taken. I assumed the youth group or a women’s Bible study made them. When I asked if they knew the gift givers, the gentleman pointed to his wife and gave the order not to tell anyone. They wanted their gift to remain anonymous. I found their act doubly inspiring — the labor of love in making the goodies and the motive of the heart in keeping themselves nameless. Their obscurity flies in the face of a culture that thrives in self-importance. We track how many friends we have on Facebook, followers on Twitter, how many people send us birthday cards, or recognize us and our achievements within our community. Deep within our souls, whether we verbalize it or not, we want to be known for something. We want to make a mark on this world. Within his book, “Embracing Obscurity — Becoming nothing in light of God’s everything,” the author Anonymous (how’s that for walking the talk?), writes, “we’re intoxicated with a desire to be known, recognized, appreciated and respected. We crave to be a ‘somebody’ and do notable things, to achieve our dreams and gain the admiration of others. To be something — anything — other than nothing.” It’s a book that teaches true humility and challenges readers to evaluate their motives for doing what they do. When we volunteer or make a donation is it out of true care and concern for the ones we’re serving or are we hoping for some recognition and approval from others? Do we purchase what we purchase because we need it or because we’re hoping to impress people? It’s a convicting read. It’s what made the anonymous gifts of goodies especially sweet. I thought of all the nameless faces across our landscape who care for children, who scoop snow in subzero weather for the elderly, who volunteer behind the scenes at schools and churches, who give generously without recognition, who put the needs of others before themselves, who spend hours in prayer for people without ever telling
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IH 1586, '91, 5000 hrs ....................................................$13,200 IH 1086, 9955 hrs............................................................$11,500 IH 1066, 9775 hrs............................................................$12,500 IH 986, '78, 5665 hrs ........................................................$8,500 IH 986, '76, 6830 hrs ......................................................$13,500 IH 966, '73, 11200 hrs ......................................................$6,900 IH 686, 8175 hrs..............................................................$11,750 IH 656, '68, 4740 hrs ........................................................$7,250 IH 656H ............................................................................$5,500 IH 560D, 6420 hrs ............................................................$5,250 IH 454, 2675 hrs................................................................$5,500 Allis Chalmers 190XT111, 5740 hrs ..................................$6,900 JD 7330, '07, 700 hrs......................................................$69,500 JD 4440, '79, 1285 hrs....................................................$19,500 JD 410, 8080 hrs ............................................................$12,500 McCormick 560 ................................................................$4,900
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CIH 9380 Quad, ‘00, 5370 hrs. ..$98,000 CIH 600 Quad, '12, 500 hrs ..........................................$359,500 CIH 600 Quad, '11, 765 hrs ..........................................$355,000 CIH 535 Quad, '09, 2500 hrs ........................................$259,000 CIH 535 Quad, '07, 1620 hrs ........................................$271,500 CIH 530 Quad, '07, 2510 hrs ........................................$230,000 CIH STX530Q, '06, 2700 hrs ........................................$212,000 CIH STX500, '05, 2950 hrs............................................$172,500 CIH 485 Quad, '10, 1155 hrs ........................................$275,000 CIH 485 Steiger, '10, 1600 hrs ......................................$225,000 CIH 485 Quad, '09, 1390 hrs ........................................$275,000 CIH 485 Steiger, '09, 2000 hrs ......................................$210,000 CIH 450 Quad, '12, 265 hrs ..........................................$312,000 CIH STX450Q, '05, 2750 hrs ........................................$180,000 CIH STX450, '02, 3710 hrs............................................$144,500 CIH STX440Q, '01, 3870 hrs ........................................$156,000 CIH 435 Steiger, '10, 850 hrs ........................................$235,000 CIH 385 Quad, '10, 1825 hrs ........................................$237,500 CIH STX375Q, '01, 3750 hrs ........................................$147,500 CIH 350 Steiger, '12, 65 hrs ..........................................$235,000 CIH 350 Steiger, '12, 220 hrs ........................................$235,000 CIH 350 Steiger, '12, 375 hrs ........................................$235,000 CIH 350 Steiger, '11, 1260 hrs ......................................$185,000 CIH 350 Steiger, '11, 1590 hrs ......................................$182,500 CIH 335 Steiger, '11, 550 hrs ........................................$225,000 CIH 335 Steiger, '10, 1200 hrs ......................................$185,000 CIH 9380 Quad, '00, 5370 hrs ........................................$98,000 CIH 9380, '97, 4120 hrs ..................................................$87,000 CIH 9380, '97, 4490 hrs ..................................................$85,000 CIH 9350, '96, 5970 hrs ..................................................$79,500 CIH 9330, '97, 4435 hrs ..................................................$69,500 CIH 9270, '94, 6135 hrs ..................................................$59,500 CIH 9270, '92, 5435 hrs ..................................................$59,900 CIH 9180, '89, 7660 hrs ..................................................$39,900 CIH 9170, '90, 8530 hrs ..................................................$49,900 CIH 9170, '89, 5480 hrs ..................................................$52,500 CIH 9170, '89, 7930 hrs ..................................................$56,500 CIH 9170, '87, 7290 hrs ..................................................$47,500 CIH 9170, 6315 hrs ........................................................$49,500 Ford 846, '93, 5800 hrs ..................................................$39,900 JD 9630, '11, 1050 hrs..................................................$269,900 JD 9620T, '06, 3485 hrs ................................................$195,000 JD 8650, '84, 7510 hrs....................................................$35,500 JD 8440, '79, 9300 hrs....................................................$15,500 NH T9060, '08, 1440 hrs ..............................................$212,000 NH T9050, '09, 1350 hrs ..............................................$209,000 NH 9020, '10, 360 hrs ..................................................$165,000 NH TJ425, '03, 3200 hrs ..............................................$129,500 Steiger Cougar, '87, 6920 hrs..........................................$49,500 Steiger Panther, '86, 9410 hrs ........................................$37,500 Steiger Puma 1000, '86 ..................................................$28,900
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
TRACTORS 2WD Continued
IH 686, 8175 hrs. ..................$11,750 CIH 7110, '89, 3300 hrs ..................................................$46,500 CIH 125 Value, '08, 710 hrs ............................................$59,500 Case 1370, '74, 5280 hrs..........................................call for price Case 970, 11,000 hrs ........................................................$5,500 Case 854C, 7640 hrs ........................................................$9,500
CIH TM 200, 44.6' Fld Cult ..............................................$48,900 CIH TM 200, 30.5' Fld Cult ..............................................$34,500 (2) CIH TMII, 54.5' Fld Cult ............................starting at $35,500 CIH TMII, 50.5' Fld Cult ..................................................$42,500 CIH TMII, 49.5' Fld Cult ..................................................$29,000 (2) CIH TMII, 48.5' Fld Cult ............................starting at $44,000 CIH TMII, 46.5' Fld Cult ..................................................$44,000 CIH TMII, 44.5' Fld Cult ..................................................$34,500 CIH TMII, 30.5' Fld Cult ..................................................$29,500 CIH 4900, 38' Fld Cult ......................................................$6,950 CIH 4800, 31.5' Fld Cult ....................................................$8,950 CIH 4800, 26' Fld Cult ......................................................$8,250 CIH 4300, 30' Fld Cult ....................................................$11,500 DMI TMII, 54.5' Fld Cult ..................................................$31,500 DMI TMII, 49.5' Fld Cult ..................................................$39,500 DMI TMII, 45.5' Fld Cult ..................................................$41,900 (2) DM TMII, 44.5' Fld Cult ............................starting at $33,500 TRACTORS AWD/MFD DMI TMII, 40.5' Fld Cult ..................................................$34,500 DMI TM, 44.5' Fld Cult ....................................................$12,500 DMI TM, 38.5' Fld Cult ....................................................$25,500 JD 2210, 64.5' Fld Cult ....................................................$61,500 JD 2210, 50.5' Fld Cult ....................................................$55,900 JD 1000, 27.5' Fld Cult ......................................................$2,250 JD 1000, 26.5' Fld Cult ......................................................$1,000 (2) JD 985, 48.5' Fld Cult ..............................starting at $15,500 JD 980, 44.5' Fld Cult ......................................................$17,500 JD 980, 42.5' Fld Cult ......................................................$11,900 JD 980, 38.5' Fld Cult ......................................................$16,500 JD 960, 36.5' Fld Cult ........................................................$7,250 Kent Mulchovat Fld Cult ....................................................$7,500 Wilrich 2500, 36.5' Fld Cult ..............................................$6,500 CIH 1830, 12R30 Row Crop Cult ......................................$4,500 CIH 490, 30' Disk ..............................................................$6,000 CIH 330, 42' Disk ............................................................$79,900 (5) CIH 330, 34' Disk......................................starting at $55,500 CIH 330, 25' Disk ............................................................$46,900 IH 490, 28' Disk ................................................................$7,200 Great Plains 3000TT, 30' Disk..........................................$41,000 CIH MX200, ‘99, 8870 hrs.........$65,000 JD 230, 24.5' Disk ............................................................$4,500 JD 200, 30' Disk ..............................................................$11,500 CIH 335 Mag, '11, 120 hrs ............................................$219,000 Sunflower 1434, 23' Disk ................................................$33,000 CIH 305 Mag, '10, 625 hrs ............................................$182,500 Riteway F5-62, 60' Crumbler ..........................................$49,900 CIH 305 Mag, '10, 3385 hrs ..........................................$151,900 Walco 45' Crumbler ........................................................$29,500 CIH 305 Mag, '10, 3410 hrs ..........................................$151,900 PLANTING & SEEDING CIH 305 Mag, '09, 1710 hrs ..........................................$182,500 CIH 305 Mag Gold, '08, 1700 hrs..................................$169,500 (4) CIH 1250, 24R30 ....................................starting at $113,900 CIH 290 Mag, '12, 390 hrs ............................................$192,500 (2) CIH 1250, 16R30 ......................................starting at $98,500 CIH 290 Mag, '11, 465 hrs ............................................$192,500 (2) CIH 1250, 12R30 ......................................starting at $59,000 CIH 275 Mag, '11, 425 hrs ............................................$185,000 CIH 1200, 36R20 ............................................................$49,500 CIH 275 Mag, '10, 700 hrs ............................................$172,500 CIH 1200, 16R30 ............................................................$38,000 CIH 275 Mag, '10, 1820 hrs ..........................................$165,000 (3) CIH 1200, 12R30 ......................................starting at $41,500 CIH 275 Mag, '07, 1100 hrs ..........................................$165,000 CIH 1200, 8R30 ..............................................................$26,000 CIH 225 Mag, '11, 445 hrs ............................................$149,000 CIH 955, 12R30 ..............................................starting at $15,900 CIH MX220, '00, 3600 hrs ..............................................$86,500 CIH 950, 16R30 ..............................................................$22,000 CIH 215 Mag, '08, 1235 hrs ..........................................$139,500 CIH 950, 16R22 ..............................................................$16,500 CIH MX200, '99, 8870 hrs ..............................................$65,000 (2) CIH 950, 12R30 ........................................starting at $15,000 CIH 190 Mag, '11, 235 hrs ............................................$167,000 CIH 900, 16R30 ..............................................................$14,900 CIH 190 Mag, '09, 3545 hrs ..........................................$115,000 (2) CIH 900, 12R30 ..........................................starting at $7,500 CIH 200 Puma, '11, 380 hrs ..........................................$141,500 Flexicoil 36R20 ................................................................$49,000 CIH 125 Pro, '08, 2100 hrs..............................................$76,000 Flexicoil 2340 ..................................................................$17,500 CIH 7120, '93, 5450 hrs ..................................................$46,000 JD 1770, 24R30 ............................................................$115,000 Case 3394, '87 ................................................................$29,900 (4) JD 1770, 16R30........................................starting at $44,500 Challenger 65E, '01, 5385 hrs ........................................$37,500 JD 1760, 12R30 ..............................................................$54,500 Ford 7740, '95, 3000 hrs ................................................$34,500 JD 1760, 8R30 ................................................................$19,900 JD 8110, '01, 4950 hrs....................................................$89,500 Kinze 3700, 24R20 ..........................................................$63,900 JD 4560, '92, 5510 hrs....................................................$52,500 NH SP580, 16R20............................................................$72,500 JD 4630, '76, 7920 hrs....................................................$17,500 White 8524, 24R30........................................................$109,900 NH T8040, '10, 1075 hrs ..............................................$179,000 White 8524, 24R20..........................................................$94,900 NH T8010, '08, 1900 hrs ..............................................$126,500 CIH 5400MT, 20' Drill ........................................................$6,950 (2) Great Plains 20' Drill ..................................starting at $4,500 COMPACT TRACTORS / RTV’s JD 1520, 20' Drill ............................................................$17,250 CIH DX25, '02, 485 hrs....................................................$12,900 JD 520, 20' Drill ................................................................$4,500 IH 184, '79 ........................................................................$4,500 CIH 3900, 23.4' Seeder....................................................$15,950 Cub Cadet 7254, '05, 95 hrs..............................................$7,900 SPRAYERS - SELF-PROPELLED Deutz 5220, '87, 1540 hrs ................................................$5,995 Ford 1200, 500 hrs ............................................................$5,200 Rudy Lusk - (507) 227-4119 JD 4610, '04, 4720 hrs....................................................$16,500 JD 4310, '04, 1345 hrs....................................................$21,900 CIH 4420, '09, 1750 hrs ................................................$199,000 JD 4310, '02, 1090 hrs....................................................$21,000 CIH 4420, '09, 2145 hrs ................................................$185,000 JD 2305, 120 hrs ............................................................$12,500 JD 4930, '11, 620 hrs....................................................$279,000 Kubota B2410, '03, 300 hrs ............................................$10,900 JD 4830, '07, 1570 hrs..................................................$215,000 Kubota B7510, '04, 1040 hrs ..........................................$10,500 Miller 4365, '10, 1075 hrs ............................................$269,000 Kubota B7300HSD, 1265 hrs ............................................$6,500 Miller 2275HT, '05, 1400 hrs ........................................$149,000 Kubota BX2360T, '09, 485 hrs ..........................................$8,950 Miller 2200TSS, '04, 4400 hrs ........................................$84,900 Kubota BX2350, '07, 200 hrs ..........................................$10,500 Miller 200, '01, 2365 hrs ................................................$77,000 Kubota BX23, '05, 495 hrs ..............................................$13,950 Patriot WT, '96, 3635 hrs ................................................$39,900 Kubota BX2230, '04, 1985 hrs ..........................................$7,750 Redball Raptor, '05, 1250 hrs..........................................$86,500 Kubota BX2200, '01, 565 hrs ............................................$7,900 Kubota BX1800, '00, 1510 hrs ..........................................$6,600 SPRAYERS - PULL-TYPE Kubota L3430, '06, 1420 hrs ..........................................$22,000 Massey 1532, '11, 85 hrs ................................................$17,900 Ag Chem 750, 60'..............................................................$5,500 Kubota RTV900R, '08, 1475 hrs........................................$8,995 Demco Conquest ............................................................$19,500 Kubota RTV900, '06, 1015 hrs ..........................................$7,950 Fast 7446, 2400 Gal ........................................................$29,900 Kubota RTV900W, '04, 840 hrs ........................................$8,200 Hardi Commander............................................................$29,500 Polaris ATP 500, '05, 2270 hrs..........................................$3,999 Hardi CM6600..................................................................$66,000 Hardi NAV1000 ..................................................................$4,250 Redball 690, 2000 Gal ....................................................$29,500 SPRING TILLAGE (4) CIH TM 200, 60.5' Fld Cult ......................starting at $65,000 (2) Redball 680, 1600 Gal ..............................starting at $19,950 CIH TM 200, 54.5' Fld Cult ..............................................$65,000 Redball 670, 1200 Gal ....................................................$21,500 (7) CIH TM 200, 50.5' Fld Cult ......................starting at $50,900 Redball 670, 90' ............................................................$20,000
Financing provided by
CNH Capital ® 2013 CNH America LLC. All rights reserved. Case IH is a registered trademark of CNH America LLC. CNH Capital is a trademark of CNH America LLC. www.caseih.com
SPRAYERS - PULL TYPE Continued Redball 565......................................................................$15,500 Spray Air 3600, 120'........................................................$31,700 Top Air 1600R90, '11 ......................................................$39,500 Top Air 1600R90, '11 ......................................................$41,000 Top Air 1600R90, '11 ......................................................$42,500 Top Air 1600, 120' ..........................................................$40,000 Top Air 1200, '06 ............................................................$27,500 Top Air TA1100, 60' ........................................................$18,500 Walsh 500, 45' ..................................................................$2,400 Walsh 500, 45' ..................................................................$2,400
FORAGE EQUIPMENT Bob Joubert, East - (507) 402-3147 Randy Olmscheid, West - (320) 583-6014 Claas 980, '11, 1260 hrs................................................$305,000 Claas 980, '09, 1860 hrs................................................$275,000 Claas 960, '11, 575 hrs..................................................$309,000 Claas 960, '10, 870 hrs..................................................$312,000 Claas 940, '08, 1435 hrs................................................$219,000 Claas 900, '10, 1080 hrs................................................$248,000 Claas 900 GE, '09, 1485 hrs ..........................................$245,000 Claas 900, '09, 1775 hrs................................................$242,000 Claas 900, '05, 3205 hrs................................................$208,000 Claas 900, '04, 4475 hrs................................................$129,500 Claas 900, '02, 4015 hrs................................................$130,000 Claas 900, '01, 3110 hrs................................................$138,000 Claas 890, '05, 2885 hrs................................................$152,000 Claas 890, '02, 2725 hrs................................................$147,000 Claas 870 GE, '06, 2760 hrs ..........................................$184,500 Claas 870, '05, 1930 hrs................................................$165,000 Claas 870, '03, 2790 hrs................................................$162,000 Claas 830, '09, 1190 hrs................................................$179,000 Claas 690, '88..................................................................$28,000 JD 7800, '05, 3870 hrs..................................................$155,000 JD 7550, '11, 1055 hrs..................................................$247,000 JD 6810, '96, 4590 hrs....................................................$59,500 JD 6710, '93, 6270 hrs....................................................$39,500 JD 5830, 3230 hrs ..........................................................$46,000 JD 5460, '79, 4400 hrs....................................................$23,500 NH FX60, '03, 1970 hrs ................................................$115,000 NH FX58, '01, 3660 hrs ..................................................$78,000 Gehl CB1085 PT Forg Harv..............................................$12,500 NH 900 PT Forg Harv ........................................................$7,500 NH 790H PT Forg Harv ......................................................$6,500 NH FP240 PT Forg Harv ..................................................$23,000 (6) Claas PU380HD Hayhead ..........................starting at $14,500 (2) Claas PU380 Pro Hayhead ........................starting at $24,500 (8) Claas PU380 Hayhead ..............................starting at $11,500 (2) Claas PU300 Hayhead ................................starting at $8,500 (2) JD 640B Hayhead ....................................starting at $11,500 (2) JD 630 Hayhead..........................................starting at $8,500 NH 3500 Hayhead..............................................................$6,500 NH 365W Hayhead ............................................................$7,900 NH 355W Hayhead ............................................................$8,500 NH 340W Hayhead ............................................................$5,000 (3) Claas Orbis 900 Cornhead ......................starting at $110,000 (3) Claas Orbis 750 Cornhead ........................starting at $78,000 (5) Claas Orbis 600 Cornhead ........................starting at $68,000 (16) Claas RU600, 8R30 Cornhead ................starting at $24,500 (2) Claas RU450XTRA Cornhead ....................starting at $42,000 (7) Claas RU450 Cornhead ............................starting at $29,000 Claas 6R30 Cornhead ........................................................$8,500 Claas 4R30 Cornhead ......................................................$11,500 JD 688 Cornhead ............................................................$62,000 JD 684 Cornhead ............................................................$36,500 (2) JD 678, 8R30 Cornhead............................starting at $43,000 JD 3RRC Cornhead............................................................$4,500 Kemper 6008 Cornhead ..................................................$51,500 Kemper 4500 Cornhead ..................................................$26,500 Kemper 3000 Cornhead ..................................................$22,000 (2) Krone 6000 Cornhead ..............................starting at $38,000 NH 3PN Cornhead..............................................................$8,500 (2) NH R1600 Cornhead ................................starting at $39,500
HAY EQUIPMENT CIH WDX1701, '02 SP Windrower ..................................$59,500 CIH 8830, '88, 2535 hrs SP Windrower ..........................$17,500 Hesston 8260, '04, 560 hrs SP Windrower ....................$69,000 Massey 775 SP Windrower ..............................................$2,995 CIH 8340, 9' MowCond ....................................................$7,950 CIH 8312, 12' MowCond ..................................................$9,500 CIH DC132, 13' MowCond ..............................................$24,500 CIH DCX161 MowCond....................................................$20,500 CIH DCX131, '08 MowCond ............................................$22,500 Claas 9300C MowCond....................................................$58,000 Claas DD520 MowCond ..................................................$48,000 Hesston 1160, 14' MowCond ............................................$5,350 JD 1600A, 15' MowCond ..................................................$5,750 JD 945, 13' MowCond ....................................................$15,000 (2) Krone 9140EV, 30' MowCond ..................starting at $44,000 NH 1475 MowCond ..........................................................$7,500 NH 1431, 13' MowCond ..................................................$12,500 NH 499 MowCond ............................................................$3,500 NH 492, 9' MowCond ........................................................$5,500 NH 415, 11' MowCond ......................................................$5,500 CIH MDX31 Disc Mower....................................................$3,500 Agco 3008 Disc Mower ....................................................$6,900 NH H6730 Disc Mower ......................................................$7,750 NH HM235, 6' Disc Mower................................................$5,750
New Idea 5410, 10' Disc Mower............................ (2) H & S TWM9 Wind Merg ..........................start Kuhn 900, 30' Wind Merg .................................... (2) Millerpro 310, 30' Wind Merg ..................start (2) Millerpro 14-16 Wind Merg ......................start Oxbo 310 Wind Merg ............................................ Oxbo 14-16 Wnd Merg .......................................... (2) Phiber SM848 Wind Merg ........................start Krone SWADRO Rake ............................................ Kuhn GA7301 Rake................................................ Kuhn GA4120 Rake................................................ M & W 8 Wheel Rake ............................................ Twin Star RA203C Rake ........................................
CIH RB564P, '11 Rnd Baler.................................... (2) CIH RB564 Rnd Baler ..............................start CIH RBX563 Rnd Baler .......................................... (2) CIH RBX562 Rnd Baler ..........................start CIH 8430, 4x4 Rnd Baler ...................................... CIH 3650, 5x6 Rnd Baler ...................................... Claas 280RC Rnd Baler.......................................... Gehl RB2880 Rnd Baler ........................................ Hesston 5500 Rnd Baler........................................ NH 855 Rnd Baler.................................................. NH 850, 5x6 Rnd Baler .......................................... NH BR780A Rnd Baler .......................................... NH BR780 Rnd Baler ............................................ NH 664, 5x6 Rnd Baler .......................................... New Idea 486 Rnd Baler ........................................ CIH LB333, '11 Rec Baler ...................................... Claas 2200 Rec Baler ............................................ JD 327 Rec Baler .................................................. (2) NH BB940A Rec Baler ..............................start NH 315 Rec Baler ..................................................
CIH 2588, ‘07, 1510 hrs...........$
Financing as low as 0% avail Up to 60 months on used Com
CIH 9120, '12, 360 hrs .......................................... CIH 9120T, '11, 825 hrs ........................................ CIH 9120, '11, 605 hrs .......................................... CIH 9120, '10, 995 hrs .......................................... CIH 9120T, '09, 1260 hrs ...................................... CIH 8230, '12, 375 hrs .......................................... CIH 8120, '12, 370 hrs .......................................... CIH 8120, '12, 900 hrs .......................................... CIH 8120, '11, 215 hrs .......................................... CIH 8120, '11, 395 hrs .......................................... CIH 8120, '11, 510 hrs .......................................... CIH 8120T, '11, 960 hrs ........................................ CIH 8120, '10, 1275 hrs ........................................ CIH 8120, '09, 1030 hrs ........................................ CIH 8120, '09, 1230 hrs ........................................ CIH 8120, '09, 1265 hrs ........................................ CIH 8010, '10, 1475 hrs ........................................ CIH 7120, '10, 1145 hrs ........................................ CIH 7120, '09, 940 hrs .......................................... CIH 7120, '09, 1715 hrs ........................................ CIH 7088, '12, 770 hrs .......................................... CIH 7088, '12, 780 hrs .......................................... CIH 7088, '09, 650 hrs .......................................... CIH 7010, '08, 1435 hrs ........................................ CIH 7010, '07, 1415 hrs ........................................ CIH 6088, '12, 675 hrs .......................................... CIH 6088, '12, 695 hrs .......................................... CIH 6088, '12, 785 hrs .......................................... CIH 6088, '09, 965 hrs .......................................... CIH 2588, '07, 1510 hrs ........................................ CIH 2588, '07, 1700 hrs ........................................ CIH 2588, 1035 hrs .............................................. CIH 2388, '06, 2410 hrs ........................................ CIH 2388, '03, 2425 hrs ........................................ CIH 2388, '03, 2550 hrs ........................................ CIH 2388, '03, 3500 hrs ........................................ CIH 2388, '02, 3030 hrs ........................................ CIH 2388, '02, 2975 hrs ........................................ CIH 2388, '01, 2580 hrs ........................................ CIH 2388, '01, 3230 hrs ........................................ CIH 2388, '01, 3245 hrs ........................................ CIH 2388, '00, 3325 hrs ........................................
.............$6,500 ting at $26,500 ...........$97,500 ting at $68,500 ting at $26,500 ...........$78,000 ...........$48,000 ting at $28,500 ...........$16,500 ...........$14,500 .............$5,250 .............$3,150 .............$9,950
lable for mbines!
ST. MARTIN, MN • 320-548-3285 Sales: • Dan Hoffman • Erik Mueller • Randy Olmscheid • Jamie Pelzer
ALDEN, MN • 507-874-3400
Sales: • Brad Wermedal • Tim Wiersma • Tim Engebretson • Bob Joubert COMBINES Continued CIH 2388, '99, 4370 hrs ..................................................$66,500 CIH 2388, '98, 3230 hrs ..................................................$79,900 CIH 2388, '98, 3250 hrs ..................................................$85,700 CIH 2366, '02, 3535 hrs ..................................................$99,500 CIH 2366, '00, 3135 hrs ..................................................$89,500 CIH 2188, '97, 3200 hrs ..................................................$72,000 CIH 2188, '96, 3095 hrs ..................................................$79,500 CIH 2188, '96, 4480 hrs ..................................................$59,900 CIH 2188, '96, 4700 hrs ..................................................$62,500 CIH 2188, '95, 3875 hrs ..................................................$56,500 CIH 2166, '96, 3480 hrs ..................................................$63,500 CIH 2166, '96, 4050 hrs ..................................................$63,500 CIH 1688, '94, 2775 hrs ..................................................$43,500 CIH 1688, '94, 2910 hrs ..................................................$43,500 CIH 1688, '94, 4150 hrs ..................................................$48,500 CIH 1680, '90, 4860 hrs ..................................................$28,500 CIH 1660, '91, 2690 hrs ..................................................$37,500 CIH 1660, '90, 4365 hrs ..................................................$29,500 CIH 1660, '87, 3460 hrs ..................................................$24,900 CIH 1660, '87, 4605 hrs ..................................................$27,500 CIH 1660, '87 ..................................................................$17,500 CIH 1640, '86, 4700 hrs ..................................................$23,500 IH 1460, '83, 4160 hrs ......................................................$8,500 IH 1460, '81, 5870 hrs ......................................................$7,500 IH 1460, '79 ......................................................................$6,500 JD 9650, '01, 3390 hrs....................................................$79,500 JD 9600, '92, 3835 hrs....................................................$31,500 JD 4400, '74, 1225 hrs......................................................$2,500
BEAN/CORHNEADS Financing as low as 0% available for up to 60 months on select used Combine Heads! (2) CIH 3020, 35' Beanhead ..........................starting at $34,250 (2) CIH 2162, 40' Beanhead ..........................starting at $59,000 (4) CIH 2162, 35' Beanhead ..........................starting at $62,000 (3) CIH 2062, 36' Beanhead ..........................starting at $43,000 (8) CIH 2020, 35' Beanhead ..........................starting at $26,500 (3) CIH 2020, 30' Beanhead ..........................starting at $26,500 (2) CIH 2020, 25' Beanhead ..........................starting at $18,900 CIH 2020, 20' Beanhead ..................................................$24,000 (22) CIH 1020, 30' Beanhead ..........................starting at $5,900 (26) CIH 1020, 25' Beanhead ..........................starting at $5,500 (2) CIH 1020, 22.5' Beanhead ..........................starting at $4,900 (6) CIH 1020, 20' Beanhead ............................starting at $5,500 CIH 1020, 17.5' Beanhead ................................................$5,500 Deutz All 320 Beanhead ....................................................$3,500 (2) JD 930F, 30' Beanhead ..............................starting at $8,999 JD 930, 30' Beanhead........................................................$7,450 (2) JD 925, 25' Beanhead ................................starting at $6,500 JD 920, 20' Beanhead........................................................$5,900 (3) JD 635F, 35' Beanhead ............................starting at $32,000 (2) JD 630F, 30' Beanhead ............................starting at $26,500 MacDon FD70, 40' Beanhead ..........................................$55,000 (5) MacDon FD70, 35' Beanhead....................starting at $47,000 CIH 3408, 8R30 Cornhead ..............................................$44,900 (2) CIH 3208, 8R30 Cornhead ........................starting at $39,500 (4) CIH 2612 Cornhead ..................................starting at $81,500 (3) CIH 2608, 8R30 Cornhead ........................starting at $57,500 CIH 2412, 12R30 Cornhead ............................................$46,500 (2) CIH 2408, 8R30 Cornhead ........................starting at $37,000 (3) CIH 2212 Cornhead ..................................starting at $33,900 (3) CIH 2208 Cornhead ..................................starting at $26,500 (2) CIH 2206 Cornhead ..................................starting at $21,900 (17) CIH 1083 Cornhead ..................................starting at $7,500 (8) CIH 1063 Cornhead ....................................starting at $8,500 IH 983, 9R22 Cornhead ..................................................$10,500 IH 963, 6R30 Cornhead ....................................................$4,800 IH 883, 8R30 Cornhead ....................................................$5,500 IH 844, 4R36 Cornhead ....................................................$2,250 IH 843, 4R30 Cornhead ....................................................$3,200 Agco 630 Cornhead ........................................................$15,000 (2) Clarke 1820, 18R20 Cornhead ..................starting at $49,900 Drago 18R22 Cornhead ................................................$137,000 (4) Drago 12R30 Cornhead ............................starting at $52,000 (3) Drago 12R22 Cornhead ............................starting at $52,500 (3) Drago 12R20 Cornhead ............................starting at $79,000 Drago 10R22 Cornhead ..................................................$60,000 (7) Drago 8R30 Cornhead ..............................starting at $29,000 (2) Drago 8R22 Cornhead ..............................starting at $39,500 (4) Drago 6R30 Cornhead ..............................starting at $42,500 Fantini 8R30 Cornhead ....................................................$34,000 Geringhoff 18R20 Cornhead ............................................$99,500 Geringhoff 12R30 Cornhead ............................................$89,750 Geringhoff 12R22 Cornhead ............................................$72,100 (2) Geringhoff 8R30 Cornhead ......................starting at $29,900 Geringhoff GD1600B Cornhead ......................................$98,900 (2) Geringhoff Roto Disc ................................starting at $29,900 Gleaner Hugger Cornhead..................................................$8,950 JD 1293, 12R30 Cornhead ..............................................$45,500 (2) JD 1290, 12R20 Cornhead........................starting at $36,000 JD 1290, 12R20 Cornhead ..............................................$49,950 (4) JD 893, 8R30 Cornhead............................starting at $15,900 JD 843, 8R30 Cornhead ....................................................$6,500 JD 608C, 8R30 Cornhead ................................................$51,500 (2) JD 643, 6R30 Cornhead..............................starting at $5,500 Lexion C512R30 Cornhead ..............................................$38,000
Visit our website for more used eqipment listings, www.arnoldsinc.com
FALL TILLAGE 0% interest financing available on select used fall tillage (4) CIH 870, 26' Subsoiler..............................starting at $78,500 (13) CIH 870, 22' Subsoiler............................starting at $57,500 (8) CIH 870, 18' Subsoiler..............................starting at $46,500 CIH 870, 14' Subsoiler ....................................................$42,500 CIH MRX690, '07, 7 Shank Subsoiler..............................$28,500 CIH MRX690, '04, 7 Shank Subsoiler..............................$22,000 CIH MRX690, '03, 7 Shank Subsoiler..............................$23,900 CIH MRX690, '02, 7 Shank Subsoiler..............................$19,000 (5) CIH 9300, 22.5' Subsoiler ........................starting at $29,500 CIH 6800, 18' Subsoiler ..................................................$13,500 CIH 6800, 14' Shank Subsoiler........................................$12,000 (6) CIH 730B Subsoiler ..................................starting at $14,900 (10) CIH 730C Subsoiler ................................starting at $30,500 CIH 730, 17.5' Subsoiler..................................................$34,500 (2) CIH 530C, 12.5' Subsoiler ........................starting at $32,500 (9) DMI 730B, 17.5' Subsoiler........................starting at $14,500 (7) DMI 730, 17.5' Subsoiler.......................... starting at $8,500 (2) DMI 527, 5 Shank Subsoiler ......................starting at $8,500 DMI 1300 11 Shank Subsoiler ........................................$12,500 DMI Tiger II Subsoiler........................................................$6,500 Brillion Land CMDII, '03 Subsoiler ..................................$15,000 JD 2700, '06, 9S30 Subsoiler..........................................$29,900 JD 2700, '10, 9S24 Subsoiler..........................................$33,500 (2) JD 2700, '08, 9S24 Subsoiler ..................starting at $36,500 JD 2700, '07, 9S24 Subsoiler..........................................$24,500 JD 2700, '06, 9S24 Subsoiler..........................................$29,900 JD 2700, '05, 9S24 Subsoiler..........................................$26,500 (2) JD 2700, '04, 9S24 Subsoiler ..................starting at $25,500 JD 2700, '03, 9S24 Subsoiler..........................................$26,500 JD 2700, '01, 9S24 Subsoiler..........................................$23,900 JD 2700, '09, 7S30 Subsoiler..........................................$32,500 JD 2700, '06, 7S30 Subsoiler..........................................$26,500 JD 2700, '10, 7S30 Subsoiler..........................................$34,900 JD 2700, '07, 7S30 Subsoiler..........................................$25,000 (4) JD 2700, '04, 7S30 Subsoiler ..................starting at $22,500 (4) JD 2700, '03, 7S30 Subsoiler ..................starting at $21,500 JD 2700, '02, 7S30 Subsoiler..........................................$15,000 JD 2700, '07, 7S24 Subsoiler..........................................$28,500 JD 2700, '04, 7S24 Subsoiler..........................................$27,000 JD 512, '09, 9S30 Subsoiler............................................$43,500 JD 512, '08, 9S30 Subsoiler............................................$37,500 (2) JD 512, '04, 7 Shank Subsoiler ................starting at $22,500 JD 512, '01, 7 Shank Subsoiler ......................................$18,500 JD 511, 7 Shank Subsoiler ..............................................$13,800 Krause 4850, '08, 18' Subsoiler ......................................$43,500 Landoll 2320, '96, 9S24 Subsoiler ..................................$12,900 (2) M & W 2200, 18' Subsoiler ......................starting at $14,900 M & W 1875, 9S24 Subsoiler..........................................$14,500 M & W 1475, 17.5' Subsoiler ............................................$8,900 Sunflower 4411, 18' Subsoiler ..........................................$9,500 (4) Wilrich V957DDR Subsoiler ......................starting at $23,500 CIH 6650, 9 Shank Chisel Plow ........................................$9,500 IH 800, 9x18 MB Plow ......................................................$8,900 IH 720, 5x16 MB Plow ......................................................$2,450 IH 700, 8x18 MB Plow ......................................................$5,000 JD 3710, 10 Bottom MB Plow ........................................$49,500 JD 2800, 6 Bottom MB Plow ............................................$4,500 Oliver 448, 6x18 MB Plow ................................................$2,750 JD 2210, 44.5' Combo Mulch..........................................$44,900
SKID LOADERS/EXCAVATORS/ TLB Case SR250, '12, 15 hrs..................................................$42,500 Case SV300, '11, 1800 hrs ..............................................$41,500 Case SV250, '11, 240 hrs ................................................$34,500 Czase 1845C, '98, 4405 hrs ............................................$12,500 Case 1845C, '97, 5085 hrs ..............................................$12,600 Case 1845C, '94, 5780 hrs ..............................................$12,900 Case 1845C, '93, 4580 hrs ..............................................$11,500 Case 1840, '95, 3515 hrs ..................................................$8,900 Case 1840, '95, 4415 hrs ................................................$10,500 Case 1840, '91, 6395 hrs ..................................................$9,850 Case 1840, '89, 2570 hrs ................................................$10,900 Case 1816, '82, 1705 hrs ..................................................$4,250 Case 440, '10, 3105 hrs ..................................................$25,900 Case 440, '07, 2330 hrs ..................................................$22,500 Case 430, '06, 2185 hrs ..................................................$17,900 Case 430, '06, 4060 hrs ..................................................$22,000 Case 40XT, '05, 4220 hrs ................................................$15,500 Case 40XT, '02, 2620 hrs ................................................$17,900 Bobcat 863, 8900 hrs ........................................................$7,500 Bobcat 632, '79, 2580 hrs ................................................$5,500 Bobcat 610 ........................................................................$3,750 Bobcat S-250, '05, 4640 hrs............................................$24,500 Bobcat S-185, 2190 hrs ..................................................$23,500 Bobcat S-185, 5500 hrs ..................................................$13,900 Bobcat S-130, '05, 3750 hrs............................................$13,900 Cat 236B, '06, 1985hrs....................................................$23,500 Gehl CTL80, '08, 795 hrs ................................................$38,000 Gehl 5640E, '08, 650 hrs ................................................$26,900 Gehl 4840, '05, 5730 hrs ................................................$12,700 Gehl 4840, '04, 3100 ......................................................$15,900 Gehl 4835SXT, '99, 5150 hrs ............................................$9,500 Gehl 4640, '05, 3295 hrs ................................................$18,000 Gehl 4625SX, 440 hrs........................................................$9,950 JD CT322, '06..................................................................$28,000
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
.........$329,500 .........$306,500 .........$302,500 .........$271,000 .........$279,000 .........$339,000 .........$315,000 .........$265,000 .........$312,000 .........$309,000 .........$311,500 .........$326,500 .........$260,000 .........$253,400 .........$265,000 .........$249,500 .........$197,500 .........$249,500 .........$252,500 .........$225,000 .........$245,000 .........$245,000 .........$219,000 .........$199,900 .........$197,000 .........$239,000 .........$239,000 .........$235,000 .........$219,000 .........$189,500 .........$185,500 .........$189,500 .........$152,500 .........$140,000 .........$125,000 ...........$99,900 .........$107,900 ...........$99,000 .........$106,500 ...........$89,500 ...........$89,500 ...........$86,500
• Christy Hoff • Bob Lindahl • Tim Hansen • Jeff Ruprecht
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...........$32,500 ting at $20,000 ...........$18,500 ting at $12,500 .............$6,800 .............$4,500 ...........$19,500 ...........$10,900 .............$2,995 .............$3,500 .............$3,250 ...........$17,800 ...........$15,900 .............$8,500 .............$3,500 ...........$69,000 ...........$30,000 .............$4,950 ting at $49,500 .............$3,500
Sales: • Bob Pfingston • Nate Scharmer • Brian Lingle
WILLMAR, MN • 320-235-4898
Local Corn and Soybean Price Index
22 THE LAND, JANUARY 11, 2013
Cash Grain Markets Sauk Rapids Madison Redwood Falls Fergus Falls Morris Tracy Average: Year Ago Average:
current average soybeans
corn/change* soybeans/change* $6.49 $6.64 $6.76 $6.49 $6.60 $6.74
-.15 -.11 -.10 -.15 -.09 -.10
$13.33 $13.61 $13.61 $13.44 $13.63 $13.57
-.52 -.58 -.54 -.50 -.47 -.50
year ago average soybeans
$15 current average corn
year ago average corn
Grain prices are effective cash close on Jan. 8. The price index chart compares an average of most recently reported local cash prices with the same average for a year ago. *Cash grain price change represents a two-week period.
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
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Grain Outlook Market drifting, uninspired The following market analysis is for the week ending Jan. 4. CORN — Corn continued to suffer from liquidation trading and a lack of demand as we stepped into 2013. Without something to inspire buyers to re-enter the market, the market may drift into the Jan. 11 U.S. Department of Agriculture report stuck in its recent trading range. Open interest increased during the price decline, indicating fresh short positions being established. Fundamentally, the balance sheet is tight and may get tighter when updated tables are released by the USDA on Jan. 11. Production may be lowered PHYLLIS NYSTROM CHS Hedging Inc. slightly more than exports are cut St. Paul to reinforce a situation that there likely is more rationing to be done before the 2013 harvest. The Buenos Aires Cereals Exchange lowered their corn production estimate to 26 million metric tons to 27 mmt as opposed to the current USDA 27.5 mmt forecast. Corn planting there is 82 percent complete, just 2 percent behind last year. Informa Economics updated their crop estimates as the Jan. 11 final USDA production report approaches. They pegged the 2012 corn crop at 10.8 billion bushels, 75 million bushels higher than the USDA’s last estimate of 10.725 billion bushels. Informa cut harvested acres to 87.6 million, down 150,000 from the USDA, while increasing the yield to 123.3 bushels per acre, up 1 bushel from USDA. Informa Economics did not release updated balance sheets at this time. The news pushed March corn to fill the gap at $6.83 1/2 left from July. This week’s low was $6.79 1/2 per bushel. March corn closed out the week at $6.80 1/4, down 13 3/4 and the December was 28 cents lower at $5.71 3/4 per bushel. See NYSTROM, pg. 23
Livestock Angles Grain Angles Cattle end 2012 Demand-driven near record highs markets stronger At the end of 2012, cattle prices were near their alltime highs, while hog prices were in the mid-range of their entire year’s range. As we move into the new year, the prognosticators will be guessing at how cattle and hog prices will be through the entire upcoming year based upon what happened last year. The problem being that some new factors will effect the markets over the next 12 months, which will be mainly economic factors that will have a direct bearing on demand for meat products. The cattle market has been in a long-term upward trend for most of the year. This trend has been fueled by the supply of cattle which JOE TEALE has been on a downward trend for Broker years. At the same time the domes- Great Plains Commodity tic demand for beef has also been Afton, Minn. on a downward trend, although at a slower decline than the supply of cattle. Export business has improved over the past year which appears to be the underlying strength to the market rather than the softening domestic demand. Cattle numbers are expected to remain smaller through the year, which should keep the supply bulls satisfied. From the demand standpoint, with advent of a series of new taxes on the American public, disposable income will undoubtedly shrink the demand for beef, when compared to the less expensive meats and meat alternatives. Overall, it would appear that the cattle market will continue to remain at price levels that are in the upper half of the price over the past several years. Producers should continue to monitor the market and protect inventories as events warrant. The hog market, in difference to the cattle market, has had no supply problems as numbers of hogs has remained at fairly stable levels. In fact the latest U.S.
As we look toward the 2013 crop year, we see that many questions remain unanswered. We have talked about the need for an above-average crop coming out of the southern hemisphere. We have talked about the fears of a back-to-back drought and how that could affect prices. We keep focusing on the supply side of the equation, but we must remember that the heart and core of this market has been the Renewable Fuels Standard passed in 2005. This political action created a demand-driven market. As we know, demand-driven markets are much stronger and last longer than supply-driven markets. As we have watched the TOM NEHER political powers grinding away in AgStar VP & Team Leader gridlock on the “fiscal cliff” debate, — Grain Industry Rochester, Minn. the larger markets have traded lower while deleveraging their risk in the markets. This is another example of how the political climate can impact prices. The political action that created the RFS could be changed with the stroke of a pen. The political element is just one thing that could impact demand for corn. The greatest impact could be if we were to have a production problem in 2013 and prices take run to the upside. This could crack the demand bubble, with greater long-term damage to grain demand than the political risk could inflict. When true demand from livestock feeders and our export customers is damaged, it takes longer to recover than many producers with high land costs may endure. If we look at the long-term global demand projection for 2012-13 corn, we see the first decrease in 19 years. This decrease of 15.25 million metric tons includes a projected drop in U.S. demand of 24.57 mmt. When we compare this to an increase in
See TEALE, pg. 23
See NEHER, pg. 23
Information in the above columns is the writer’s opinion. It is no way guaranteed and should not be interpreted as buy/sell advice. Futures trading always involves a certain degree of risk.
They say we avoided the cliff, but did we really? OUTLOOK: The gap in March corn was filled and yet March corn continued to struggle for traction. The December contract is feeling pressure from increased attention now that we’re into 2013 and forecasts for planted acreage and new crop prices are beginning to surface. March corn has traded the limit in each of the last six years on the day of the January report, settling at the limit except in 2011. In 2007 and 2008 it settled up the 20-cent limit; in 2009 and 2010 it closed down the 30cent limit; in 2011 in closed up 24 cents after trading limit higher; in 2012 it closed down the 40-cent limit. For December, corn was down 6.7 percent and for the year it was up 8 percent. SOYBEANS — Yeah, they say we avoided the fiscal cliff, but did we really? Spending cuts haven’t been discussed, but will need to be in the next two months. Beans opened sharply higher when the opening bell rang to
TEALE, from pg. 22 Department of Agriculture Quarterly Hogs and Pigs Report released on Dec. 28, indicated that the hog inventory was equal with the previous year. The results were as follows: All hogs and pigs as of Dec. 1, 100 percent; Kept for breeding, 100 percent; and Kept for marketing, 100 percent. This report was seen as slightly negative as pre-report estimates suggested that the overall inventory would be on the decline. The outlook for hog prices would suggest that the price range of 2012 will be close to
the price range for 2013. The interesting point is that demand for pork products has been on the increase throughout the year, both export and domestic. This increase in interest appears to be the result of the price for pork products being a better value than its competitive meat sources. Should this trend continue, this would be supportive to prices in the long term. Producers are urged to keep abreast of market conditions and protect inventories when opportunities arise. I would like to wish everyone a very happy and prosperous new year. ❖
NEHER, from pg. 22 demand from foreign countries of 9.31 mmt, we have to conclude that the threat to the demand market in corn comes from the United States and not from the developing countries. In the United States the projected feed demand is down to 4.15 billion bushels, the lowest since 1988-89, while export demand of 1.15 billion bushels is the lowest since 1974-75. Could it be that our global competitors are waiting to fill any disruption in the U.S. supply chain? We see the early projections for the 2013 corn acres planted increasing to nearly 98 million acres, up from 96.9 million acres planted in 2012. If we use a below trend line yield of 150 bushels per acre and assume that 91.5 percent of the planted acres is harvested it
would produce a 13.4 billion bushel corn crop. This would be a new record crop for the United States. As I said at the beginning of this column, there are many questions still unanswered. The markets will keep a close eye on production in South America and the growing conditions in the United States will be monitored on a regular basis. There will be many days of volatility yet ahead of us to leverage. With the markets trading lower to sideways at best, we must wonder what is being priced into the market. Could it be the impact of crumbling demand? I have met few bears in this market lately and it is starting to remind me of some advice that my Grandpa shared with me many years ago: “Beware when everyone runs to the same side of the boat.” ❖
Informa Economics’ latest update included raising 2012 production by 65 million bushels over the USDA’s last projection to 3.04 billion bushels. This was accomplished by increasing yield from the USDA’s 39.3 bu./acre to 40.1 bu./acre. How this will pan out on the Informa Economics’ balance sheet ending stocks will be interesting. Exports and possibly crush should show an increase to at least partially offset the additional production. Weekly export sales for beans were above expectations at 16 million bushels of old crop and 2.3 million for new crop. This keeps old crop sales 28 percent ahead of last year. Weekly sales would only need to average 8.2 million bushels per week to hit the current USDA forecast. Some traders are anticipating that weekly soybean sales will sharply decline once South American supplies start to flow, but not everyone is on board with that assumption. OUTLOOK: After retreating in the holiday-shortened trading week, March soybeans crumbled in post-Informa release trading, March soybeans matched the post-harvest low from November at $13.56 per bushel before regaining its footing. Pre-January report trading, position liquidation, and stable South American weather were the obvious culprits for the decline. This material has been prepared by a sales or trading employee or agent of CHS Hedging Inc. and should be considered a solicitation. ❖
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Pork demand up through 2012
start 2013, only to quickly fall off their own cliff and trade to six-week lows. What about that pesky debt ceiling issue? As part of the Washington announcement, the farm bill was extended for another year. The $1 tax credit for biodiesel was reinstated retroactively for 2012. This should supply support for the oil market. Another round of Chinese soybean cancelations punctuated the week when the USDA announced a 315,000 mt cancellation. Additionally, the USDA announced a sale of 140,000 mt of beans to unknown. Popular theory suggests the Chinese cancellations are being replaced with cheaper Brazilian soybeans. Index rebalancing was also thought to be behind a portion of this week’s setback. According to estimates, funds need to sell 35,000 bean contracts, buy 55,000 meal contracts and sell 12,000 oil contracts. Brazil’s soybean planting was pegged at 85 percent complete, on pace with last year. Rain is in the forecast for the dry northern regions of Brazil, but in general crops are in good shape. The U.S. attaché in Brazil raised their estimate from 82 mmt to 83 mmt and compared to the current USDA 81 mmt forecast. Others cautioned against jumping on the high end of estimates since the crop is nowhere near in the bin and there have been pockets of dryness. Brazil is poised to overtake the United States as the largest exporter of soybeans in the world with 39 mmt of exports, leaving the United States in second place with 36.6 mmt.
NYSTROM, from pg. 22 Next week’s final 2012-13 balance sheets will also be accompanied by the Dec. 1 grain stocks report. The corn stocks number is expected to imply feeding levels below last year and possibly at a multi-year low. In three out of the last four years pre-report estimates of Dec. 1 grain stocks were less than the actual figure by 225 million to 275 million bushels. Weekly export sales were a disappointment once again at only 1.9 million bushels. We need to average 20.6 million bushels per week in sales to have any chance to achieve the USDA forecast and we’ve only had one week so far in this marketing year that we’ve done that. Weekly ethanol production was down 27,000 barrels to 807,000 barrels per day. For the year, the annualized average production equivalent is 4.538 billion bushels of corn. Ethanol stocks fell slightly to 20.2 million barrels.
Many days of volatility ahead
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
Start planning crop insurance now for the new year It is not too early to start planning crop insurance strategies for the 2013 crop year, even though the crop insurance enrollment deadline for corn, soybeans and spring wheat in the Upper Midwest is not until March 15. The coming crop year will likely feature a high level of grain price volatility, FARM PROGRAMS along with considerable By Kent Thiesse drought risk in many areas of the Upper Midwest. The Trend-Adjusted Actual Production History — TA-APH for short — yield endorsement for corn and soybeans was introduced for the 2012 crop year in several states, and will be continued for 2013, with wheat being added in selected areas of the region. Crop insurance premiums were adjusted downward for many Upper Midwest crop producers in 2012, and will again be adjusted downward for the 2013 crop year. The combination of the TA-APH yield endorsement, along with lower premium rates, allows producers the opportunity to enhance their insurance coverage for 2013, with only minimal extra premium investment. Producers should contact their crop insurance agent early to find out all the crop insurance options that are available for 2013 before finalizing their risk management strategies. Trend-adjusted APH yield endorsement For the 2013 crop year, producers purchasing federal crop insurance for corn and soybeans will again have the option to use the TA-APH yield endorsement on their crop insurance policies, rather than the standard Actual Production History. The TAAPH option was initiated by the U.S. Department of Agriculture Risk Management Agency for corn and soybeans in 2012, and will be available in 2013 on a county basis in parts of numerous states, including large portions of Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin, North Dakota and South Dakota, and encompassing most major corn and soybean producing counties in the
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Table 1 Trend-Adjusted Actual Production History Yield example for corn Reported Yield Adjusted Year Yield Adjustment Yield ——— Bushels Per Acre —— 2003 152 25.0 177.0 2004 157 22.5 179.5 2005 175 20.0 195.0 2006 176 17.5 193.5 2007 173 15.0 188.0 2008 157 12.5 169.5 2009 183 10.0 193.0 2010 188 7.5 195.5 2011 194 2.5 (5.0) 196.5 2012 180 2.5 182.5 ————————————————————— Avg. 173.5 + 13.5 187.0 APH Trend Adj. TA-APH Assumptions : • Producer had reported yields for all 10 years (2003-12). • Yield adjustment factor is 2.5 bushels per acre per year (each county is different). • Yield “cap” for a year is the highest yield plus the yield adjustment factor. (Max. Yield = 194 Bu./A. + 2.5 Bu./A. = 196.5 Bu./A.) region. New for 2013: Wheat producers in most of west central and northwest Minnesota, northeast South Dakota and most of North Dakota will also be eligible for the TA-APH endorsement for wheat. The TAAPH will likely be quite attractive to many Midwest corn and soybean producers, as well as wheat producers in those selected areas. The decision regarding the TA-APH endorsement must be made by the 2013 crop insurance enrollment deadline, which is March 15, for corn, soybeans and spring wheat in the Upper Midwest. The APH yields have been used for many years to determine crop insurance guarantees for both Yield Protection and Revenue Protection policies. The APH yield is determined by a minimum of four years, and up to a maximum of 10 years, of actual yield history
Table 2 Trend-Adjusted Actual Production History Yield example for soybeans Reported Yield Adjusted Year Yield Adjustment Yield ——— Bushels Per Acre —— 2003 45 4.0 49.0 2004 35 3.6 38.6 2005 41 3.2 44.2 2006 50 2.8 52.8 2007 51 2.4 53.4 2008 48 2.0 50.0 2009 45 1.6 46.6 2010 44 1.2 45.2 2011 53 0.4 (0.8) 53.4 2012 48 0.4 48.4 ————————————————————— Avg. 46.0 +2.2 48.2 APH Trend Adj. TA-APH Assumptions : • Producer had reported yields for all 10 years (2003-12). • Yield adjustment factor is 0.4 bushels per acre per year (each county is different). • Yield “cap” for a year is the highest yield plus the yield adjustment factor. (Max. Yield = 53 Bu./A. + 0.4 Bu./A. = 53.4 Bu./A.) on a crop insurance “unit.” If there are more than 10 years of yield history, the most recent 10 years are used to determine the APH. If there are less than four years of APH yields, then pre-set T-yields are used until there is a four-year history. For many years, corn, soybean and wheat producers in high production areas have felt that the 10year average APH yields used for crop insurance guarantees were not reflective of current yield potential that exists due to enhanced seed genetics and improved production practices. Producers also felt that there was sometimes a “yield penalty” on farm units with a longer yield history, due to the more recent yield increases. The TAAPH was developed by the RMA to help improve See PROGRAMS, pg. 25
Drought-hit 2012 yields will affect 2013 calculations • To be eligible for the TA-APH yield endorsement for corn, soybeans or wheat in 2013, the farm unit must be in a county that is eligible for the TA-APH endorsement. • The decision to utilize the TA-APH yield endorsement is crop specific, and is on a county basis. So, a producer could choose to use TA-APH for corn and not for soybeans, or they could use TAAPH in one county, but not in another county. • The TA-APH yield endorsement is a continuous insurance policy, and will continue in effect unless the producer chooses to drop the endorsement, or unless RMA ends the TA-APH endorsement. If a producer switches crop insurance companies, they will need to re-select the TA-APH endorsement to have it continue. • A producer must have at least one actual reported yield for a crop from a farm unit in the past four years for that crop and farm unit to be eligible for the TA-APH endorsement, which must be an actual yield, and not a T-yield that was used. • There must be a minimum of four reported annual yields in past 12 years for a crop insurance farm unit to be eligible for the full TA-APH yield adjustment; otherwise the yield adjustment factors will be reduced as follows: See PROGRAMS, pg. 26
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adjustment factor. For example, if the highest reported corn yield on a farm unit was 190 bu./acre, and the yield adjustment factor was 2.5 bu./acre, the “cap” yield for any year, after adjustments, would be 192.5 bu./acre. In the TA-APH example for corn in Table 1, the highest yield was 194 bu./acre in 2011, so the “cap” yield is 196.5 bu./acre. Based on the TA-APH formula, the yield adjustment for 2011 would be 5.0 bu./acre; however, since that would exceed the “cap” yield, an adjustment of 2.5 bu./acre was used to arrive at a final maximum yield of 196.5 bu./acre. This situation will likely affect 2013 TA-APH calculations for many corn and soybean producers in parts of the Upper Midwest, due to 2012 yields being lower than 2010 and 2011 yields, as a result of the 2012 drought. Other details on the TA-APH yield endorsement • The TA-APH yield endorsement is available for both Yield Protection and Revenue Protection policies for corn and soybeans in 2013 at all coverage levels, except the catastrophic level of 50 percent. Group crop insurance policies, such as GRIP or GRP, also utilize TA-APH yields for policy guarantees. • The decision on whether to use the TA-APH yield endorsement for the coming year must be made by the crop insurance sales closing date, which is March 15 for corn, soybeans and spring wheat in most Upper Midwest states.
PROGRAMS, from pg. 24 these issues on selected corn, soybean, and wheat crop insurance policies. TA-APH yield adjustments The TA-APH yield adjustment factors are made on a county basis, based on historical annual increases in county-average corn, soybean and wheat yields, as calculated by the National Agricultural Statistics Service. Most counties in south central and southwestern Minnesota had a TA-APH yield adjustment factor of 2.2 to 2.5 bushels per acre for corn, and 0.35 to 0.50 bushels per acre for soybeans in 2012. Producers should check with their crop insurance agent for the TA-APH yield adjustment factors for 2013 in their county. A producer’s actual APH yields (four to 10 years) are then used with the county TAAPH adjustment factors to arrive at a final TA-APH yield. The TA-APH yield adjustment factor is added for each year of production history, up to a maximum of 10 years. For example, if the yield adjustment factor for corn is 2.5 bushels per acre, then 2.5 bu./acre is added for the most recent year (2012), 5.0 bu./acre is added for the preceding year (2011), and 7.5 bu./acre for the year before that (2010), etc. The maximum yield adjustment for year 10 (2003) would be 25 bu./acre (2.5 bu./acre x 10 years). See Table 1 for a TA-APH example for corn, and Table 2 for a TA-APH example for soybeans. The TA-APH yield does have a yearly maximum or “cap” for any given year during the four to 10 years that are used to calculate the final TA-APH. The yield “cap” for any year is the highest reported yearly yield during the four to 10 years plus the yield
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Producers encouraged to contact insurance agent PROGRAMS, from pg. 25 • 100 percent adjustment for four or more years of reported yields in the past 12 years. • 75 percent adjustment for three years of reported yields. • 50 percent adjustment for two years of reported yields. • 25 percent for one year with a reported yield. • The use of the TA-APH yield endorsement will not directly affect crop insurance premiums, as the premiums are based on the level of coverage and dollar guarantee. Impacts of selecting the TA-AYP endorsement For producers with four or more years of actual production history for corn and soybeans on a farm unit, which has shown increasing yields over that period, there should be a noticeable yield increase with the TA-APH yield endorsement. The yield improvement will vary depending on the actual yield history on the farm unit, the number of years of production history, and the county yield adjustment factor. Based on the TA-APH example for corn shown in Table 1, there was a yield improvement of 13.5 bu./acre, from 173.5 bu./acre with the standard APH
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to 187.0 bu./acre with TA-APH. The TA-APH example for soybeans in Table 2 showed an increase of 2.2 bu./acre, from an APH yield of 46.0 bu./acre to 48.2 bushels per acre with TA-APH. Insurance Coverage Example from Table 1 for an 80 percent RP Policy (corn): • 173.5 bu./acre APH yield x $6/bushel = $1,041 x 0.80 = $832.80/acre guarantee • 187.0 bu./acre TA-APH yield x $6/bu. = $1,122 x 0.80 = $897.60/acre guarantee • Increased guarantee with the TA-APH endorsement = $64.80/acre Crop insurance premisum reductions for 2013 Crop insurance premiums for corn, soybeans and wheat in 2013 will be adjusted for the 2013 crop year in most areas of the Upper Midwest. These premium adjustments are based on updated RMA crop insurance actuarial data for several years. The crop insurance premium adjustments for 2013 will also apply to cotton, rice and grain sorghum in other areas of the United States. The reason for the premium adjustments is that the total crop insurance loss ratio in the United States from 1995-2011 averaged 0.84, meaning that 84 cents was paid out in crop insurance losses for every dollar paid in to the crop insurance program from producer premiums and federal subsidies. The crop insurance premium adjustments for 2013 will be on a state-by-state basis. States with crop insurance loss ratios lower than the U.S. average loss ratio will receive larger crop insurance premium reductions for 2013, while states with higher loss ratios will see premium increases in 2013. Crop insurance premiums for 2013 on comparable insurance coverage for corn are expected to drop by an average of 3 percent in Minnesota and 6 percent in
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Iowa, while increasing by 15 percent in South Dakota and 11 percent in North Dakota. Soybean premiums in 2013 on comparable insurance coverage are expected to decrease by an average of 4 percent in Minnesota and 9 percent in Iowa, while increasing by 2 percent in both North Dakota and South Dakota. This year’s wheat premiums should be about 10 percent lower in Minnesota, and slightly higher in North Dakota and South Dakota. Actual crop insurance premium adjustments will vary by county, and will depend on the insurance coverage level selected. Bottom line The TA-AHP yield endorsement looks to be an attractive option for many producers on their 2013 crop insurance policies. The combination of the TAAPH endorsement, along with the reductions in crop insurance premiums at comparable coverage levels for most producers, will allow many producers to enhance their crop insurance revenue guarantees for corn, soybeans and wheat in 2013. This should allow crop producers to be more aggressive in forward pricing a higher percentage of their anticipated 2013 crop production during these times of highly volatile market prices. Producers are encouraged to contact their crop insurance agent well ahead of the March 15 deadline for 2013 crop insurance enrollment to find out more details about the TA-APH yield endorsement. There is a lot of variation with the TA-APH endorsement from county to county, farm unit to farm unit, and between corn, soybeans and wheat. Crop insurance agents can help producers analyze the various scenarios with the TA-APH endorsement, and to look at the best crop insurance strategies for 2013. Kent Thiesse is a government farm programs analyst and a vice president at MinnStar Bank in Lake Crystal, Minn. He may be reached at (507) 726-2137 or kent.thiesse@minnstarbank.com. ❖
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No spilled milk over the fiscal cliff, but questions remain
Kozak expressed satisfaction that the This column was written for the marketlatte, R-Va., and David Scott, D-Ga., in proposing a ing week ending Jan. 4. overall fiscal cliff deal prevents the estate margin insurance program, a safety net, for dairy tax from returning at punitively high levels farmers that does not impose new government rules Lawmakers have extended the farm bill in 2013. The package includes a 40-percent and conditions on milk production. This approach has for another year, including the Dairy rate on estates valued at more than $5 mil- broad support from consumer and taxpayer groups, Price Support program and the Milk lion, up from the previous 35-percent rate, from farm organizations and from across the food Income Loss Contract program. But, as of but far less than the 55-percent top rate on manufacturing and retail industry.” Jan. 2, while resumption of the MILC is $1 million estates that could have become assured, Dairy Business Update (formerly ■ permanently absent in the new package. Dairy Profit Weekly) reports that several Farm milk prices continue their descent, with the questions remain regarding its implemenThe International Dairy Foods Associa- December federal order Class III benchmark plunging MIELKE MARKET tation and administration. tion applauded the extension of the farm $2.17, to $18.66/cwt., 11 cents below December 2011, WEEKLY bill. An IDFA press release stated “we A last-minute amendment by Sen. Pat but $2.36 above California’s 4b price, and equates to By Lee Mielke appreciate that the bill includes provi- about $1.60 per gallon. That put the 2012 average at Leahy, D-Vt., reportedly extended the sions that will avoid the resurrection $17.44/cwt., down from $18.37 in 2011, and compares MILC program at the pre-September of dairy policies from more than 50 2012 level, 45 percent of the differto $14.41 in 2010, and $11.36 in 2009. years ago. This agreement allows ence between the federal order Class I The December Class IV price is $17.83, down 83 cents base price trigger for Boston, Mass., ($16.94 per hun- Congress time to fully and openly consider future from November but is 96 cents above a year ago. Its reforms to our nation’s dairy policies.” dredweight) and the actual Class I price, with 2012 average was $16.01, down from $19.04 in 2011, adjustments made based on national average feed “Dairy manufacturers are an important segment of and compares to $15.09 in 2010 and $10.89 in 2009. costs. Leahy’s amendment keeps the feed cost our nation’s economy, and we are committed to workadjuster at the lower $7.35/cwt. level; and annual ing with Congress this year as formulation of the 2013 The four-week, Agricultural Marketing Servicepayments are capped at 2.985 million pounds of milk farm bill begins. The interdependence of this industry surveyed cheese price averaged $1.7925 per pound, down 22.2 cents from November. Butter averaged production, as they were pre-September 2012. from farmer to consumer is critical, and our nation’s $1.5981, down 24.3 cents. Nonfat dry milk averaged dairy policies deserve to be updated and supported. Based on this formula, University of WisconsinWe commend the bipartisan effort of Reps. Bob GoodSee MIELKE, pg. 28 Madison’s Brian Gould forecasts a small retroactive payment for October, with higher payments starting in February 2013. With the potential for a small retroactive payment for last October (the first month of fiscal year 2013), it’s unclear how the MILC payment “start month” for some larger producers, subject to the milk production cap, will be affected, says the DBU. In the past, a producer’s previous “start month” was on file with the Farm Service Agency, and remained the same in the subsequent year, unless the producer did the proper paperwork to change months. There were no MILC payments made in October 2011, so it’s likely few if any larger producers had October as Second Annual All Beef Breed Female & Bull Sale a “start month.” Presumably, those producers would have selected start months of July, August or June 2012, when payments were the highest. However, once a payment to an individual producer had been initiated, “start months” could not be changed. If an October 2012 retroactive payment is made, would that impact the “start month” for some producers? Or, would those larger producers be eligible to declare a February 2013 MILC start month by Jan. 14, 2013? As they often say, “the devil is in the details.” Stay tuned. ■ The National Milk Producers Federation said it will continue its push in the 113th Congress for a five-year farm bill that includes the Dairy Security Act. NMPF President and CEO Jerry Kozak charged Prime Sponsor– that “we need to spend the coming months figuring AgCountry out how to move farm policy forward. The status quo Farm Credit Services is not an acceptable outcome, either for farmers or taxpayers. The renewal of current programs doesn’t Choice Sponsors– offer dairy farmers a meaningful safety net.” Cattle Business Weekly As the Senate and House agriculture committees scharpe8@frontiernet.net ProfitPro begin work next month on a full, five-year farm bill, Livestock Plus Kozak said that dairy farmers would “reiterate the value of the Dairy Security Act, which eliminates the dairy product price support program, direct payments and export subsidies, and establishes a voluntary risk management tool for farmers that saves the government money.”
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A new year has arrived, but what will it bring for cheese?
MIELKE, from pg. 27 $1.5384, up 2.4 cents, and dry whey averaged 66.1 cents/lb., up 1.3 cents from November. Class III futures, as of late-morning Jan. 4; portend another slip in January to $18.02. The February contract was trading at $18.45; March, $18.41; April, $18.50; May, $18.58; and June at $18.71.
California’s December 4b cheese milk price is $16.30/cwt., down $2.18 from November but $1.16 above December 2011 and $2.36 below the FO Class III price. The 4b averaged $15.54 in 2012, down from $16.37 in 2011 but $2.37 above the 2010 average. It averaged $1.91 below the FO Class III in 2012. The 4a butter-powder price is $17.47, down 80 cents from November but 88
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cents above a year ago. The 4a averaged $15.63 on the year, down from $18.82 in 2011 but 82 cents above the 2010 average. ■ A new year has arrived but what will it bring? Cash block cheese closed the first Friday of 2013 at $1.76/lb., up 2 cents on the holiday-shortened week and 15 cents above a year ago. Barrel also inched up 2 cents but gave back a penny to close at $1.72, up a penny on the week and 13 cents above a year ago. Thirteen cars of barrel were sold on the week. The AMS-surveyed U.S. average block price fell to $1.7648, down 1.9 cents. Barrel slipped a penny, to $1.7046.
Cheese production was higher Christmas week as increased volumes of milk were offered to plants, according to USDA’s Dairy Market News. Lower Class I usage combined with some plants shuttered for the holidays increased the volume of milk for manufacturing. Cheese demand is lackluster, according to the DMN, and buyers are “taking a wait-and-see attitude in many cases until they feel prices have bottomed” and “export buyers are watching price movement.” Lee Mielke is a syndicated columnist who resides in Everson, Wash. His weekly column is featured in newspapers across the country and he may be reached at lkmielke@juno.com. ❖
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Beginning @ 9:00 AM CST – Bid at www.delpeterson.com
Floaters: ‘’04 Terra Gator 8104, dry; (2), ‘03 IHC Loral 4000 SS, dry; ‘97 IHC Center Ride, liquid; ‘95 Tyler Titan 3300, liquid; ‘94 Ford L8000, liquid; (2) ‘95 Terra Gator 1844, dry; ‘95 IHC Center Ride, dry; ‘94 Ford, dry. Sprayers: ‘09 GVM Prowler 9275; ‘08 JD 4840; ‘05 RoGator 1264C; Michelin 650/75R32 flotation tires forRoGator 1264. Combine: ‘11 JD 9770STS. Farm Implements: JD 8630; Allis Chalmers 7000; Krause 12 row crop cultivator 4692F3; Schlagel PC-4400A caddy; Sunflower 6432 Land Finisher. Heads: ‘12 JD 640FD Flexdraper; ‘11 madCon Fd70 Flexdraper; ‘11 JD 612CX cornhead; ‘11 JD 635D draper; ‘10 JD 635D draper; ‘11 JD 630F flex head; ‘10 JD 608CX cornhead; NH 996, 8RN cornhead. Grain Cart: ‘08 Brent 1394 Avalanch grain cart. Trucks: ‘07 FL Columbia day cab; ‘06 FL day cab; ‘05 FL Columbia day cab; ‘03 Peter 387 Conventional; ‘97 Peter 379 Ultracab; ‘98 FL FLD 120; ‘97 FL FL112; ‘93 FL; ‘90 Ford L9000 AeroMax; ‘90 White/GMC; ‘90 IHC 8300 day cab; ‘88 GMC 70; ‘87 GMC Brigadier; ‘87 FL; ‘84 IHC S1900; ‘83 IHC 4300 grain box. Dump & Bucket Trucks: ‘03 Western Star alum. dump; ‘90 Mack CH dump; ‘91 IHC 4900, 6x6 bucket. Service Trucks: ‘99 IHC 4700, crew cab; ‘96 FL FL60 & ‘97 Ford F350 Super Duty. Dry & Liquid Tender Trucks: ‘00 FL FL70, dry; ‘97 Mack CH613, dry; ‘90 Volvo, dry; ‘87 GMC Brigadier, dry; ‘86 GMC General, dry; ‘85 IHC 2200, liquid; ‘84 Mack RS686, dry; ‘84 Ford L9000, dry; ‘84 IHC S1900, dry; ‘84 GMC Brigadier, liquid; ‘80 Ford 9000, liquid; ‘78 Ford 8000, liquid. Trailers: ‘06 Eagle Rock alum. end dump; ‘06 KBH 26 ton S.S., dry tender. ‘99 JetCo Stepdeck trailer; ‘94 Trail King TK6MG-482; ‘90 Hart 25T fert./grain trailer; ‘89 Fruehauf 9200 gal. alum. tanker; ‘84 Bar-Bel 4500 gal. S.S. liquid transport; ‘00 B&B sprayer trailer; ‘99 B&B sprayer trailer; ‘79 Bobgo dump trailer; Jantz 53’ combine trailer; Befort 2800 combine trailer; Stake bed trailer; Econoline 6 ton tilt trailer; 24’ gooseneck trailer. Pickups: ‘05 Ford F150 Quad Cab 4x4; ‘02 Dodge Ram 1500; ‘01 Chevy 2500 HD 4x4; ‘99 Chevy 2500 4x4; (2) ‘98 Dodge Ram 2500 4x4; ‘98 Dodge Ram 1500 4x4; (2) ‘98 Chevy 3500 4x4; ‘98 Chevy 2500 4x4; (6) ‘97 Chevy 3500 4x4; ‘97 Chevy 2500; ‘95 Dodge Ram 2500 4x4; ‘95 Chevy 3500 4x4; ‘95 Chevy 2500 4x4; ‘95 Ford F350 4x4; ‘95 Dodge Ram 2500 4x4; ‘94 Ford F350 4x4; ‘94 Dodge Ram 2500; ‘91 Chevy 2500 4x4; ‘88 Chevy 3500 4x4; ‘84 Chevy 20 4x4. Crane: Grove RT635C crane. Track Loader: ‘06 JD 655C. Loaders & Tractor: Wilmar Wrangler Loader; Allis Chalmers WD45 tractor. (4) Skid Steers, (4) Forklifts, (4) ATV’s, (1) Liquid Blender, (10) Liquid Storage Tanks: 19,000-2,550 gallon, (17) Liquid Equipment, (6) Dry Equipment, (2) Seed Equipment, (4) Weigh Wagons, (1) Trencher, (100+) Anhydrous Nurse Tanks: 1430-1000 gallon, (18) Anhydrous Tool Bars: 35 Knife-9 knife; DMI, Ag Systems, Tyler & Blu Jet. Many more related items. Go to www.delpeterson.com for more information and photos.
For more information, contact: Del Peterson & Associates 419 W Judy Dr., Fremont, NE 68025, 800-492-9090 or 402-721-4388, Fax: 402-721-4583 Email: auction@delpeterson.com Website: www.delpeterson.com
Grain Handling Equip
BRAND NEW! WESTFIELD 10-71 low profile swing hopper $8,925. All sizes available. Mike 507-848-6268 FOR SALE: 3 hp 18” fans w/controls, 277/480 volt & 5 hp motors, all 3 phase, like new. 320-269-8719 Eves. or 320-226-0296 For Sale: Truck and Trailer 1999 Int. 9100 semi-tractor also 1993 Jet 26 ft. double axle trailer $20,000 (507) 236-0827 FOR SALE:Used grain bins, floors unload systems, stirators, fans & heaters, aeration fans, buying or selling, try me first and also call for very competitive contract rates! Office hours 8am-5pm Monday – Friday Saturday 9am - 12 noon or call 507-697-6133 Ask for Gary
on New Buhler Farm King Augers, Lots of Sizes, 10”x31', 10”x36', 13”x36', Also Swing Hoppers 10x50, 10x60, 10x70, 10x80, 13x70, 13x85, 13x95, 12X112. Dealer. 319-347-6282 Can Deliver Farm Implements
'90 CIH 9180, 5500 hrs, 20.8X42 duals, farmer owned. 641-373-6303 3
bottom Int'l pull plow, mech & hyd lift $350/OBO; 953 JD running gear, $450/OBO. 515-290-2421
72'' Brush Grapple for skid cyl. loader, one year old, 1 cly., works excellent. $1,250. (715)556-0045 FOR SALE: (1) JD mower 7', trailer type; (1) Paulson loader. 320-294-5506 FOR SALE: 8' Fair snowblower, recent rebuild. ALSO, (2) Parker 5250 gravity boxes, truck tires, exc cond. 507-381-3813 FOR SALE: 8' Sair snowblower, recent rebuild. ALSO, (2) Parker 5250 gravity boxes, truck tires, exc cond. 507-381-3813 FOR SALE: JD 9200 4WD, $75,000; 960 field cult, 34', $6,000; 7000 8RN planter, $6,000; 7200 7RN inter planter, $4,000; Caterpillar D6, new tracks. $11,000. Owner retiring. 507-330-3945 Hydrostatic & Hydraulic Repair Repair-Troubleshooting Sales-Design Custom hydraulic hose-making up to 2” Service calls made. STOEN'S Hydrostatic Service 16084 State Hwy 29 N Glenwood, MN 56334 320634-4360 JD 4455 tractor, QR, 18.4x38, auto steer, 3 hyds, $36,500; JD 7400 MFW tractor, PQ, 3 hyds, 320x50 rear tires, $32,500; 320-80x42, 420x34, 18.4x26, 11.25x28 on JD 12 bolt rims – Call; 380-90x50 JD bolt on & 10 bolt duals, $4,400 set; 18.4x42 10 bolt duals, $1,750. 320-769-2756 JD 700 feedmill, hydraulic loading auger, new tires, exc condition. $3450/OBO. (715)495-0873
Farm Implements
035 Tractors
FOR SALE: '96 Case IH 9350 Top Air 32' belt conveyor, 5 1956 IH Super WDR-9 tracSteiger, 3900 hours, M11 entor, good cond, low produchp, like new, $3,900; JD gine, front weights, 20.8x38 tion number, $4,600. 712-2881760, 12x30 vacuum planter, tires new 300 hours ago, 6442 hyd fold, JD liq fert, trash 24spd, bareback. 507-276whippers, 3 bu. boxes, 250 4962 mon., $26,500; (12) JD disk FOR SALE: '02 8420T JD, exc cond, new 24” tracks, FOR SALE: JD 4955, 2WD, 3 type trash whippers from 5143 hrs, farmer owned. 1760, $75 ea.; CIH 1830, hyd, 15spd, powershift, $79,000. 507-327-1903 or 50712x30 cult., $5,450; CIH 14.9x46 tires, approx 8300 964-5548 1820, 12x30 cult., $3,900. 320hrs, sharp tractor. Phone: 769-2756 320-894-9272 FOR SALE: '48 Farmall M, live hyds, 2 spd, M&W FOR SALE: Oliver 1755 We buy trans, new paint & decals, diesel tractor, all new tires, Salvage Equipment 80% rubber, runs good; tin straight, paint good, enParts Available WANTED: JD 60, prefer gine runs good but needs Hammell Equip., Inc. PS, maybe trade. 507-383some work, otherwise good, (507)867-4910 5973 $2,900. 507-381-6488 Tractors
036 FOR SALE: '91 JD 4955, JD 7200 MFWD, CAH, pwr MFWD, 18/42 rubber w/ duquad, 7200 hrs., choice of '90 JD 4555, FWA, pwr shift, als & wgts, recent OH, 7200 back tires, good cond., radar, 3 hyds., rock box, hrs, very sharp, $42,000. $30,900; IH 884, 73 hp, dsl., front fenders, front hub 507-995-7424 or 952-873-2321 16/8 spd., utility, $8,500 OBO exts., 6,182 hrs. 320-760-1582 Le Sueur trade. 320-543-3523
Keith Bode Fairfax, MN 55332 507-381-1291
“More Coming In” Hoppers For Rent
Northern MN January 25 February 8 February 22 March 8 March 22 April 5
Deadlines are 1 week prior to publication with Holiday deadlines 1 day earlier ** Indicates Early Deadline
PO Box 3169 Mankato, MN 56002 Phone: 507-345-4523 or 800-657-4665 Fax: 507-345-1027
Ask Your Auctioneer to Place Your Auction in The Land! Website:
w/harrow • DMI 730B, 7-30 • Tebben 5-30 deep till • IH 800 10-bottom plow • Wilrich Quad X, 55’, rolling basket • JD 985, 55’, harrow • JD 980, 44’, harrow • CIH TII, 45’, harrow • Hardi Com. 1500, 132’ USED EQUIPMENT • Hardi Com. 1200, 90’ • Tebben 45’ Land Roller • Hardi Nav. 1100, 88’ • Pickett thinner, 24-22 • Hardi Nav. 1000, 88’ • Alloway 22’ shredder • Hardi Nav. 950, 88’, (2) • Alloway 20’ shredder • Hardi Nav. 1000, 66’ • Alloway 15’ shredder • Amity 11’, 12-22 • Killbros 1810 cart, tracks • ‘05 Amity, 12-22 • Brent 410 grain cart • Amity 8-22, (3) • Sheyenne 1410, 10x66 • ‘06 Artsway 6812, 12-22 hopper • Artsway 898, 8-22 • Feterl 12x72 hopper • Artsway 692, 8-22 • Feterl 8x51 hopper • Alloway 12-22 topper St. • Batco 1835 belt conveyor Ft. (3) • REM 2100 grain vac. • Alloway 9-22 topper • ‘09 JD 2700, 7-30 • Agco • Hardi Sprayers • REM Grain Vac • Woods Mowers • J&M Grain Carts • Westfield Augers • Sunflower Tillage • White Planters • Wilrich Tillage
Clara City, MN 56222 320-847-3218 www.wearda.com
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
‘06 Peterbilt 379 Daycab, C13, 10 spd., all alum., 170,000 orig. miles ............................................$56,000 ‘08 Peterbilt 388 Daycab, C13, 10 spd., all alum., 903,000 miles ....................................$39,000 (2) ‘13 Timpte, 40’x66”, Ag tub, black, air ride ..$33,900 (2) ‘13 Timpte, 40’x66”, Ag tub, black, spring ride ..........................................................................$31,900 (4) ‘13 Timpte, 40’x66”, Ag tub, air ride ............................................................Starting $31,900 (2) ‘12 Timpte, 40x66, Ag tub, black, electric roll tarp, LOADED ............................................................$34,900 (4) ‘12 Timpte, 40x66, Ag tub, air ride ................$31,000 (2) ‘12 Timpte, 40x66, Ag tub, spring ride ..........$29,500 ‘11 Timpte, 42x66, air ride, 4 alum ....................$29,900 ‘09 Timpte, 42x66, Ag tub, air ride, SS corners & rear, 8 alum. ..............................................................$29,900 ‘08 Timpte, 38x66, Ag tub, black, spring ride ....$27,900 ‘06 Timpte, 40x66, air ride, Ag tub, electric tarp w/remote ............................................................$26,900 ‘06 Wilson, 43x66, spring ride, Commander, alum. wheels ................................................................$23,900 ‘05 Wilson, 43x66, spring ride, Commander, alum. wheels ................................................................$22,900 ‘04 Timpte, 40x66, air ride, 8 alum ....................$22,900 ‘99 Timpte, 42x66, air ride, 8 alum ....................$19,900 ‘97 Timpte, 40x78, air ride, 2 spd. ......................$16,900
Southern MNNorthern IA January 18 February 1 February 15 March 1 March 15 March 29
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‘11 CIH 8120 combine, 520/85R42 duals, field tracker, rock trap, chopper, 540 sep. hrs. ....$205,000 ‘12 Parker 1039 grain cart, 1000 bu., roll tarp, 900/60R32 tires, unused................................$32,000 Westfield MKF1381 grain auger, 13x81, flex hopper, unused ..........................................................$13,500 ‘08 JD 512, 9-shank folding disk ripper ........$26,000 ‘08 NH T7050, MFWD, 18.4R42 duals, 700 hrs...........................................................$92,500 ‘10 JD Gator 825I gator, olive green, no bed lift, 81 hrs...............................................................$8,950 ‘05 NH LM435A telescopic handler, powershift, cab, air, 17.5L-24 tires, bucket, 4350 hrs. ....$38,500 ‘03 JD 8420T, 16” tracks, wide stance, 5 remotes, wgts., 5150 hrs., just through service program ........................................................$85,000 ‘05 JD 7720, MFWD, 16 spd. power quad trans. w/left hand reverser, heavy duty front axle, 18.4R42 singles, 746 loader w/96” bucket, 5500 hrs. $81,500 ‘06 NH W130 wheel loader, cab, air, 5350 hrs.........................................................$52,500 Power rear wheel drive off of ‘09 JD 9870 combine with Pro-drive, includes, 28L-26 tires and wheels ....................................................$10,500
If you’re having a Farm Auction, let other Farmers know it! Upcoming Issues of THE LAND
SNOWBLOWER FOR SALE: IH 80, 7', 3pt, 540 PTO, hydraulic spout, works good, paint good, $1,700. 507-3816488
036 Tractors
1953 AC WD, 1/2 breed, late FOR SALE: '09 CIH 275 Magnum, full auto steer SN#, w/WD45 parts as trans RTX, 5 hyds., 380x50 triples head & dist, have started & front duals, exc. cond. restoration, $14,500/OBO. 320-583-5895 712-330-3612
JD 7610 MFWD w/ldr, 2300 hrs. JD 4430. (608)797-0692
AZLAND BOX SEED TENDERS 2 Box Standard..................................................................$9,950 4 Box Scale & Talc ..........................................................$20,950 4 Box Skid Type ..............................................................$13,610 SEED SHUTTLE BULK SEED TENDERS SS290 ..............................................................$14,000-$16,500 SS400 ..............................................................$20,500-$27,500 SS500..............................................................................$26,000 E-TRAIL GRAIN CARTS 710 Bu ---ON HAND ........................................................$18,795 510 Bu ---ON HAND ......................................Starting at $10,995 GRAVITY WAGONS 500 E-Z Trail, On Hand ........................................ $7,995-$9,020 400 E-Z Trail..........................................................$6,895-$7,250 HARVEST INTERNATIONAL/AUGERS T10-32 – 52 Truck Auger ......................................$3,500-$4,950 H10-62 – 82 Swing Hopper ..................................$8,500-$9,750 H13-62 – 92 Swing Hopper ..............................$13,500-$18,500 12 Volt Auger Mover ........................................................$1,995 Hyd Auger Mover ..............................................................$1,350
STROBEL BOX SEED TENDERS 2 Box ................................................................................$8,950 4 Box ..............................................................................$12,850 STROBEL BULK SEED TENDERS BT-200 ..............................................................Starts at $17,750 BT-300 ..............................................................Starts at $22,500 NEW KOYKER LOADERS CALL FOR OTHER SIZES 510 Loader, On Hand..............................................Call for Quote Koyker 210 Auger Vac ....................................................$23,500 Koyker Stor-Mor Grain Bgrs & Bag Unloaders . In Stock COMBINE HEAD MOVERS 21’-30’ ..................................................................$2,750-$3,520 NEW ROUND BALE RACKS 10’x23’, On Hand ..............................................................$1,995 NEW WHEEL RAKES 14 Wheel, high capacity ....................................................$8,995 12 Wheel, high capacity ....................................................$8,495 Land Levelers, 10’ and 12’............................................ON HAND
WILLMAR FARM CENTER a division of aemsco 3867 East Highway 12, Willmar, MN • Phone 320-235-8123 YEAR END SAVINGS ON NEW EQUIPMENT
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‘91 Ford 946 ....................................................................$39,000 Oliver 1800 tractor, diesel, very nice ................................$5,750 Bobcat 530 ........................................................................$3,750 1989 6036 Skytrak, telescoping forklift ..........................$10,500 1996 6036 Skytrak, telescoping forklift ..........................$16,000 H&S 12 Wheel V Rake ......................................................$2,750 10”x71’ Westfield, swing hopper w/ right angle drive ......$4,750 Maurer, gooseneck grain trailer ........................................$8,500 470 grain cart ....................................................................$6,500
Parker gravity wagon, roll tarp & seed vac........................$5,250 12’ Walco, land leveler ......................................................$2,900 Brillion, 7 shank, land commander....................................$6,250 Case IH 7-18, onland pull type plow ................................$5,250
JD 2700, 5-shank, Nice CIH Tigermate II, 441⁄2’ SOLD IH 735, 5-toggle CIH 4900, 34’, 3 bar
‘08 1200, 16-30, bulk fill ‘09 1250, 24-30, bulk fill JD 1760, 12-30
• • • • •
‘11 CIH Farmall 35 w/loader - $21,000 ‘97 CIH MX135, MFD, w/TA46 loader ‘92 CIH 5240, 2WD ‘08 CIH MX275, MFD ‘07 CIH MX305
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
FOR SALE: 1963 MM G-705 tractor, LP gas, very good, $3,800. 712-288-6442
‘07 CIH 2588 ‘09 CIH 6088 CIH 1666 ‘91 CIH 1680 CIH 1660 ‘06 CIH 1020, 30’ CIH 1083, 8-30 CIH 2208, 8-30 CIH 1020, 25’ ‘09 CIH 2608, 8-30 chopping head ‘06 Geringhoff 8-30 JD 893, 8-30
EZ Trail 510 grain cart NH 1412 mower cond.
1205 Bixby Road (across from fairgrounds), Fairmont, MN 507-235-3358 or 800-813-8300 • Get the Rabe Advantage
Case IH and CNH Capital are registered trademarks of CNH America LLC
Visit our Web Site at http://www.caseih.com
Sunflower 5055-62 field cult. - $75,150 Sunflower 4412-07 disk ripper - $46,075 Sunflower 1444-36 disk - $66,900 Sunflower 4530-19 disc chisel - $74,825 MF 1375 disk mower cond. - $36,350
• • • • • • • • •
‘97 Gleaner R62, duals, 2052 sep. hrs. ‘92 Gleaner R62, 2063 hrs. ‘98 Gleaner 800, 25’ flexhead Gleaner 8000-30 bean table ‘86 MF 8560 MF 8570, RWA, 5007 hrs. MF 9320 beantable MF 9118 bean table MF 8780, RWA, 1964/2835 hrs.
• • • •
• • •
‘12 MF 8660, MFD, cab, 225 PTO hp. MF 3650 w/TA5 loader MF 1529 Compact, 29 hp., loader, hydro MF 1652 Compact, 42 hp., loader, cab, hydro MF 1652 Compact, 52 hp., 12x12 Power Shuttle MF GC1705 Compact ‘05 MF 451, 45 PTO hp., 400 hrs. ‘90 Ford 8830, 4787 hrs.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
‘10 Geringhoff 1622, RD ‘10 Geringhoff 1220, RD ‘10 Geringhoff 830, RD ‘09 Geringhoff 1822, RD ‘09 Geringhoff 1230, RD ‘08 Geringhoff 1622, RD ‘08 Geringhoff 1230, RD ‘08 Geringhoff 1222, RD ‘08 Geringhoff 830, RD ‘07 Geringhoff 1622, RD ‘07 Geringhoff 1222, RD ‘07 Geringhoff 1220, RD ‘07 Geringhoff 630, RD ‘07 Geringhoff 630, RD ‘05 Geringhoff 1220, RD ‘05 Geringhoff 830, RD ‘04 Geringhoff 1220, RD ‘04 Geringhoff 830, RD ‘04 Geringhoff 830, RD ‘03 Geringhoff 1222, RD ‘03 Geringhoff 830, RD ‘02 Geringhoff 1222, RD ‘02 Geringhoff 1220, RD ‘01 Geringhoff 830, RD ‘00 Geringhoff 630, RD ‘97 Geringhoff 630, RD ‘99 NH 996, 12R20” JD 843, steel JD 643, GVL, poly, O.D. CIH 2208, 8R22” ‘04 CIH 2208, 8R30”
• • • • •
• • • • • • • • •
Brandt 7500 hp. grain vac. Brandt 5200 EX grain vac. Brandt 4500 EX grain vac. Brandt GBU-10, bagger Brandt 1070, 1080, 1390 swing hopper augers Brandt 1390 XL, swing hopper Brandt 1515 LP, 1535, 1545, 1575, 1585 belt conveyors Brandt 10x35 auger ‘09 Brandt 8x47 auger Brandt 8x45 auger, 18 hp., Briggs Brandt 845 auger, 18 hp., gas EZ Flow 220 bu. gravity box w/auger, tarp Hutchinson 10x61 auger Parker 839 grain cart Parker 1039 grain cart Unverferth 5000 grain cart
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
JD sickle mower JD 275 disc mower, 9’ IH 5-bar rake CIH 8480 round baler Chandler 26’ litter spreader Chandler 20’ litter spreader Kodiak 60”, 72”, 84” 3 pt. rotary cutters ‘13 MF 1745 baler, ramp, elec. tie ‘12 MF 2856 baler MF 1375 disc mower conditioner, 15’ MF 1328 & 1329 3 pt. disc mowers MF 200 SP windrower, cab NI 528 disc mower, 6-disc ‘11 NH H6750, 3 pt. disc mower, 110” Sitrex DM5 disc mower Sitrex RP2 or RP5 3 pt. wheel rake Sitrex MK 14 wheel rake Sitrex 10 & 12 wheel rakes on cart Sitrex TR 9 wheel rake Westendorf 3 pt. bale spear H&S 16’ bale wagon
• • • • • • • • • • • • •
‘08 JD 520 stalk chopper Loftness 30’ stalk chopper, SM Niemeyer 15’ soil finisher Maurer 28’-42’ header trailers ‘12 Degelman LR7645 land roller ‘12 Degelman 6000 HD rock picker Rock-O-Matic 546 rock picker Degelman RR1500 rock rake Woods 8400, 3 pt. finish mower, 7’ Everest 3 pt. finish mower, 7’ ‘11 SB Select snowblwrs, 97” & 108”, 3 pt. Lucke 8’ snowblower, 3 pt. Loftness 96” snowblower
• •
JD 8200, 2WD, new tires, axle duals, PS, 4,000 hrs., very nice, $57,500. (715) 495-0873 JD 8630 w/50 Series engine, 7500 hours on tractor, 4500 on engine, 3 pt PTO, $12,000. 507-330-4028 Leave Message JD 8630, 1,000 hrs. on 50 series motor, 20.8 tires & duals, 85%, cold air, just serviced, PTO, triple hyds, $18,500. (715)495-0873 NEW AND USED TRACTOR PARTS JD 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 55, 50 Series & newer tractors, AC-all models, Large Inventory, We ship! Mark Heitman Tractor Salvage 715-673-4829 Specializing in most AC used tractor parts for sale. Now parting out WD, 190XT, #200 & D-17 tractors. Rosenberg Tractor Salvage 507-848-6379 or 507-236-8726 We can overhaul your Allis Chalmers WD & WD45 tractor motors, all new parts. $2,500. 507-848-6379 Harvesting Equip
Case 1660 combine Cummins engine. 2930 hours. Chopper, grain loss monitor, tank extension, 30.5 single tires. $27,500 OBO (507) 920-7862 FOR SALE: '07 Loftness 30' high speed chopper, end transport, exc. cond., $15,000. 320-583-5895 FOR SALE: '90 JD 9500, 643 cornhead, oil bath; 220 platform. All for $36,000. 641-430-3193 FOR SALE: '91 JD 643 cornhead, 6RN, low tin, low acres, good cond., $6,500. 507-249-3985 or 507-249-3334 FOR SALE: JD '04 9860 combine, PRWD, exc cond, 1,407 sep hrs, $119,000. 507327-1903 or 507-964-5548 FOR SALE: JD 635 flex head, single pt. hookup, exc. cond., $14,500. 320-5835895 JD 643 low tin, oil bath, corn head, poly end row road dividers, year saver, good deck plate, late model, very good. $5,950. (715)556-0045 Planting Equip
24-30 CaseIH 1200 central fill planter 24-30". 60 bu central fill. Hydraulic drive. Row cleaners. Big John monitor. Owned this planter since new. $53,000 OBO (or best offer) (320) 212-2125
Planting Equip
038 Planting Equip
038 Tillage Equip
Machinery Wanted
PRUESS ELEV., INC. 1-800-828-6642
Buy Factory Direct & $AVE!
‘12 CIH 290, 305 hrs., suspended MFWD, 23-spd. w/Creeper gear, 3 pt., 540/1000 PTO, leather seat, HD drawbar, 18.4x50 duals, front duals, has Auto Steer system w/Pro 700 screen, loaded ............$182,500 ‘09 JD 6430 Premium, cab, MFWD, 2450 hrs, 3 pt 2 hyd, 540/1000 PTO ......................................$55,000 ‘95 JD 8100, 2WD, cab, 540/1000 PTO, 3 pt., 3 hyd., 9426 hrs., 18.4x46 tires & duals ..........$42,500 ‘94 JD 7800, 2WD, cab, air, 3 pt., 540/1000 PTO, 9760 hrs., 14.9x46 duals, front wgts. ................$39,500 ‘89 JD 4755, 2WD, 9500 hrs., 3 pt., 3 hyd., PS, 1000 PTO, 18.4x42 tires & duals ................................$31,000 ‘10 CIH 290, MFWD, 310 hrs, 3 pt, 1000 PTO, front & rear duals, lux. cab ..............................$172,500 ‘04 Buhler Versatile 2210, MFWD, 4086 hrs., pwr shift, 3 pt, 1000 PTO, 20.8x42” rear tires & duals, has front duals & wgts. ..............$75,000
4WD & TRACK TRACTORS ‘07 JD 8530T, 1250 hrs., 36” Durabilt 5500 tracks, HID lights, radar, 26 frt. wgts. ............$205,000 ‘10 NH T9020, 502 hrs., 3 pt., PTO, Luxury cab, 18.4x50 tires & duals ..............................$180,000
‘08 JD 9870, 1350 eng./682 sep. hrs., 5-spd., feederhouse, chopper, Contour Master ..................$165,000 ‘10 JD 9770, 950 eng./755 sep. hrs., Contour Master, duals, Premier cab, Pro-drive trans. ..................$185,000 ‘98 JD 9610, 3578 eng/2379 sep hrs, chopper, dial-a-matic, fore & aft, bin ext., 20.8x42” tires & duals ................................$55,000 ‘10 CIH 7120, 2WD, lux cab, 804 eng/666 sep, rock trap, chopper, tracker, 20.8x42 duals........$185,000 ‘11 CIH 7088, 692 eng/509 sep hrs., tracker, chopper, rock trap, yield & moisture w/mapping, 20.8x42 duals ....................$175,000 ‘94 CIH 1688, 3734 eng. hrs., rock trap, chopper, auto header, thru shop..............................$30,000
COMBINE HEADS ‘06 JD 630F, fore & aft, single point, low DAM ..............................$19,500 ‘06 JD 635 flex, fore & aft......$19,000 JD 693, 6R30” cornhead........$12,500 ‘08 CIH 2020, 35’ flex head ..$19,500
LOADER TRACTORS ‘09 NH 6070, 976 hrs., bi-directional, 3 pt., PTO, w/loader ............$87,000 ‘07 NH T7040, MFWD, cab, 3056 hrs., 3 pt., 540/1000 PTO, NH 860TL loader, 18.4x42 tires ............$78,000
‘07 Brent 780, 750 bu., w/roll tarp ‘11 JD 9670, 4x4, 869 eng./643 and scale, nice cart, augers sep. hrs., Contour Master, hi torque, sharp!....................................$21,000 vari speed, HID lights, 20.8x42 Check Out Our Website For Pictures & duals, well equipped ..........$197,000 More Listings @ ww.larsonimplements.com
LARSON IMPLEMENTS 5 miles east of Cambridge, MN on Hwy. 95
763-689-1179 Look at our Web site for pictures & more listings Free delivery on combines in MN, Eastern ND & SD
• 320-894-6560
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
'11 JD 9530, 4WD, 875 Hrs., 800/70R38 Michelin's, 6000# Weight Pkg., AutoTrac Ready, Premier Lighting Pkg. ........................................$249,500 '09 JD 9530T, 1280 Hrs., 36" Belts, 26 Front Weights, Wide Swing Drawbar, Premier Lighting Pkg., 4-Remotes, AutoTrac Ready ....................$224,500 '12 CIH AF 7230, 220 hrs., 20.8 x 42's w/duals, chopper, Bin Ext, Lateral Tilt w/rock trap, leather ..............$249,500 '09 JD 9770STS, 463 Hrs., Premier Cab, 20.8X42's, CM w/Hi-Tourque Rev., Chopper ................................$209,500 '09 JD 9770STS, 506 Hrs., Premier Cab, 20.8X42's, CM W/Hi-Tourque Rev., Chopper ........................$199,500 '08 JD 9670STS, 894 Hrs., Premier Cab, 76X50-32 Flotation Tires, CM W/ High Tourque Rev., Chopper..$164,500 Financing Available!
<< www.TheLandOnline.com >>
We pay top dollar for your damaged grain. We are experienced handlers of your wet, dry, burnt and mixed grains. Trucks and Vacs available. Immediate response anywhere.
33 THE LAND, JANUARY 11, 2013
FOR SALE: 7000 12R planter JD 750 drill, 20', w/electric FOR SALE: Oliver White 28 All kinds of New & Used scale & markers, exc cond, farm equipment – disc chis½' lock flex disk, no weld, precision plant meters, liq $12,500/OBO. 712-299-1478 very good blades, $6,500. els, field cults, planters, fert, end transport, $3,500. 507-220-4425 soil finishers, cornheads, FOR SALE: '93 Chev x-cab feed mills, discs, balers, 3500, non dolley dsl, 255K Tillage Equip 039 FOR SALE: Salford 570 miles, $3,900. 612-282-1184 haybines, etc. 507-438-9782 RTS 30' new blades, Wanted: IHC FOR SALE: JD 7000 6RN '98 JD 980 24 ½' field cultivaweight kit, 3 coil tine har- Machinery PTP corn binder, M-M corn tor, 3 bar harrow, walking planter w/ monitor, dry row, rolling basket, sheller, JD 7000 corn tandems, good cond, fert, Yetter row cleaners, $39,990. 507-430-5328 planter. Write to: Daniel $14,250. 507-380-7863 $6,500. 320-232-3992 Schrock S877A County Road JD 1760 vacuum planter, row 30 Ft GREAT PLAINS (2011) Machinery Wanted D Cashton, WI 54619 040 cleaners, insect., box ext's, Series 2 Turbo-Til H.D. WANTED: Ag Chem pickup 250 monitor, very clean, Model. Also 18 Ft H.D. Tur- Disc chisels: JD 714 & 712, sprayer w/ 60' booms, any $31,500. 320-226-5442 Glencoe 7400; Field Cults bo-Til Rental Units (Has condition. Call 320-769-2257 under 30': JD 980, small Warranty). 33 Ft Great grain carts & gravity boxes WANTED: Buying Tractors, YETTER New residue Plains Discovator/Finisher 300-400 bu. Finishers under managers(row cleaners). Skid Loaders, Equipment 2 Years Old Like New Deal20', clean 4 & 6R stalk chopone piece or entire line or Also, full line of Yetter er 319-347-6282 Can Deliver pers; Nice JD 215 & 216 Estate. Send list to: PO Equipment available. flex heads; JD 643 cornBox 211, Oronoco, MN 55991 507-236-1934 C Disk rippers 5-7SH, $6,900 & heads Must be clean; JD 507-235-9593 H up; Wagons 400-750bu. WANTED: corn planter, corn planters, 4-6-8 row. 8:00am to 5:00pm $3,500 & up. 515-795-2943 4R30". (715)821-1975 715-299-4338
YOUR HARVEST HEADQUARTERS (B) Belle Plaine, MN • 1051 Old Hwy. 169 Blvd.
34 THE LAND, JANUARY 11, 2013
(952) 873-2224
(H) Hollandale, MN • W. Hwy. 251
(507) 889-4221
(O) Owatonna, MN • 3555 SW 18th St.
(507) 451-4054
Machinery Wanted
Spraying Equip
‘10 JD 8225R, 510 hrs., PS ....................................$169,900
‘11 JD 4830, 928 hrs., 100’ SS ‘07 JD 1770NT, CCS, 24R30” boom ..........................$215,500 ....................................$144,900
<< www.TheLandOnline.com >>
FOR SALE: Ag Chem 750 gal, TA, 60' hyd fold boom, foam marker, rinse tank, HyPro PTO pump, SM 1000, Spray Mate II 3 section cc controller, very good cond, $8,750. 507-340-2820
Feed Seed Hay
(O)’12 JD 9560R, 400 hrs., IF tires ........................................................$319,900 (O)’12 JD 9560R, 400 hrs., Ext. Warranty..............................................$312,500 (O)’12 JD 9650R, 400 hrs., Lease Return ............................................$312,500 (O)’12 JD 9650R, 400 hrs., Lease Return ..............................................$312,500 (O)’12 JD 9510R, 400 hrs., Lease Return ..............................................$289,900 (B)’08 JD 9630, 572 hrs. ........................................................................$269,900 (H)’11 JD 9330, 540 hrs.........................................................................$245,000 (H)’07 JD 9530, 2170 hrs, 800/38’s ......................................................$199,900 (O)’06 JD 9320, 2002 hrs., PS ..............................................................$169,500 (B)’04 JD 9120, 2140 hrs., PS ..............................................................$129,900 (O)’96 JD 8870, 4687 hrs., Recent OH ....................................................$79,900 (H)’96 JD 8870, 4871 hrs.........................................................................$72,500 (H)’76 JD 8430, 7142 hrs., 3 pt., PTO......................................................$16,900
(O)’12 JD 9560RT, 400 hrs., Lease Return ............................................$339,900 (O)’10 JD 9630T, 1650 hrs. ....................................................................$287,500 (O)’09 JD 9630T, 1720 hrs. ....................................................................$283,000 (O)’12 JD 8335RT, 595 hrs., IVT, 18” tracks ..........................................$269,900 (O)’12 JD 8310RT, 218 hrs., IVT, 18” tracks ..........................................$264,900 (H)’11 JD 8335RT, 880 hrs., IVT ..........................................................$258,900 (B)CIH 535 Quadtrac, 2262 hrs. ............................................................$249,500 (O)’05 JD 9320T, 3500 hrs., 3 pt, PTO ..................................................$184,900 (O)’06 JD 9520T, 3504 hrs., Auto Trac ready ........................................$159,900 (B)’03 JD 9320T, 4545 hrs., 36” tracks ................................................$139,900 (O)’01 JD 9400T, 3100 hrs., 3 pt. ..........................................................$129,900
(O)’12 JD 8335R, 266 hrs., IVT..............................................................$254,900 (B)’10 JD 8345R, 1732 hrs., IVT, triples ................................................$239,900 (B)’06 CIH MX215, 7450 hrs., PS ............................................................$79,900 (B)’02 JD 7510, 2154 hrs., power quad ..................................................$74,900 (O)’04 Agco RT100, 975 hrs, MFWD ........................................................$64,900 (B)’11 JD 5085M, 275 hrs., reverser ........................................................$45,900 (O)’07 JD 5325, 320 hrs., loader, os ........................................................$36,900 (H)’81 JD 2940, 7000 hrs, loader ............................................................$16,900 (B)’77 JD 2440, 5800 hrs., loader ..............................................................$9,500 (B)’65 David Brown 990, 1 owner ..............................................................$4,900
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
WANTED: JD 7000/7200 6R30 planter w/ liquid fertilizer, in good condition. 612-2909912
(H)’12 JD S680, 232 sep. hrs. ................................................................$339,900 (H)’12 JD S680, 246 sep hrs..................................................................$329,900 (H)’12 JD S670, 256 sep. hrs., Ext. Waranty..........................................$324,900 (B)’11 JD 9870, 511 sep. hrs., PRWD, 800/70R38 ................................$309,900 (O)’12 JD S560, 231 sep. hrs., 2630 display..........................................$305,900 (O)’10 JD 9870, 671 sep. hrs., PRWD....................................................$299,000 (O)’11 JD 9870, 700 sep. hrs., PRWD....................................................$294,900 (O)’12 JD S670, 336 sep. hrs., ext. warranty ........................................$289,900 (B)’10 JD 9770, 328 sep. hrs., PRWD....................................................$275,000 (B)’09 JD 8970, 814 sep. hrs., PRWD ....................................................$249,900 (B)’09 JD 9770, 945 sep. hrs., PRWD....................................................$239,900 (B)’08 JD 9870, 1068 sep. hrs., PRWD ..................................................$210,900 (B)’10 Gleaner A76, 382 sep. hrs. ..........................................................$199,900 (B)’06 JD 9760, 1661 sep hrs., PRWD ..................................................$169,900 (H)’06 JD 9760, 1500 sep. hrs., 20.8x42’s ............................................$167,500 (O)’06 JD 9760, 1363 sep. hrs., duals....................................................$162,900 (H)’03 JD 9660, 1547 sep. hrs., duals....................................................$133,500 (B)’03 JD 9650STS, 1243 sep. hrs., PRWD ..........................................$124,900 (O)’03 JD 9650, 1740 sep. hrs., duals....................................................$114,900 (O)’00 JD 9650STS, 1567 sep. hrs., 30.5x32’s ........................................$99,900 (B)’02 JD 9750STS, 2270 sep. hrs., PRWD ............................................$95,900 (B)’98 CIH 2388, 2750 sep., hrs., duals ..................................................$75,900 (H)’98 JD 9510, 1930 sep. hrs., duals......................................................$75,000 (H)’99 JD 9510, 2751 hrs., duals ............................................................$69,500 (O)’90 JD 9600, 2655 sep. hrs., duals......................................................$35,900
(B)’82 JD 6620SH, side hill, 3231 hrs. ....................................................$20,900 (B)’82 JD 8820, 5571 hrs., duals ............................................................$13,900 (B)’80 JD 7720, 5000 hrs. ........................................................................$12,900 (H)’79 JD 7720 ........................................................................................$11,900 (O)’81 JD 7720, 3927 hrs.........................................................................$10,500 (O)’80 JD 7720, 5600 hrs...........................................................................$8,000
‘11 Bobcat S205, 54 hrs., 2-spd. ..........................$37,500
(O)’11 JD 4730, 658 hrs., 90’ boom ......................................................$208,500 (O)’12 JD 4730, 800 gal., 90’ boom ......................................................$210,250 (O)’10 JD 4830, 871 hrs., 90’ boom ......................................................$204,900 (O)’10 JD 4830, 934 hrs., 90’ boom ......................................................$203,500 (O)’10 JD 4830, 1104 hrs., 90’ boom ....................................................$201,900 (O)’07 JD 4930, 3093 hrs., dry box........................................................$200,000 (O)’10 JD 4830, 1050 hrs., 100’ boom ..................................................$199,500 (O)’11 JD 4730, 859 hrs., 90’ boom ......................................................$190,750 (O)’11 JD 4730, 800 gal., 90’ boom ......................................................$189,900 (O)’09 JD 4730, 1050 hrs., 90’ boom ....................................................$185,900 (O)’09 JD 4930, 1808 hrs., 90’ boom ....................................................$179,900 (O)’10 AgChem 1184, 1350 hrs., 90’ boom ..........................................$174,900 (O)’08 Miller Nitro 4240, 1810 hrs., 90’ boom ......................................$162,500 (O)’06 CIH SPX3310, 700 hrs., 80’ boom ..............................................$134,900 (O)Ag Chem SS1074, 2314 hrs. ............................................................$122,500 (O)’02 JD 4710, 2587 hrs, 90’ boom......................................................$117,900 (O)’97 Willmar 8400, 3221 hrs., 120’ boom ............................................$71,900 (O)’05 Apache AS500, 2350 hrs., 90’ boom ............................................$60,900 (O)’04 Apache 500, 2897 hrs, 80’ boom ..................................................$50,900 (O)’96 Ag Chem 544, 2103 hrs., 80’ boom ..............................................$48,000 (B)’09 Demco 740G, 80’ boom................................................................$24,900 (O)’06 Top Air TA1200, 90’ boom ............................................................$24,900
(B)’07 JD 1770NT, 24R30”, CCS ............................................................$144,900 (O)’08 JD 1770NT, 24R30”, CCS ............................................................$136,900 (H)’11 JD 1790, 24R20”, liq. fert. ..........................................................$127,900 (O)’08 Case IH 1250, 24R30”, CCS ........................................................$126,900 (H)’04 JD 1890 CCS, 40’10” spacing ......................................................$69,500 (O)’06 JD 1990, 30’ 15” spacing ..............................................................$61,000 (B)’05 JD 1770NT, 12R30”, 3 bu ..............................................................$54,900 (O)’97 JD 1770, 16R30”, liq. fert. ............................................................$49,500 (H)’05 JD 1720, 12R30”, stac fold ..........................................................$44,900 (O)’00 JD 1760, 12R30”, liq. fert. ............................................................$42,500 (O)’99 JD 1760, 12R30”, liq. fert. ............................................................$42,500 (B)’98 JD 1760, 12R30” liq fert................................................................$41,900 (O)’08 JD 1720, 12R30”, finger................................................................$39,900 (O)’92 JD 7200, 16R30” ..........................................................................$32,000 (B)’98 JD 1760, 12R30” ..........................................................................$26,900 (B)’02 JD 455, 25’ 10” spacing ................................................................$19,900 (B)JD 7000, 4R36”, dry fert. ......................................................................$2,950 (O)’11 JD 2410, 52’ chisel plow ..............................................................$60,000 (B)’12 JD 3710, 10-bottom ......................................................................$57,900 (B)’12 JD 2210, 58.5’ ..............................................................................$69,900 (O)’11 JD 3710, 10-bottom ......................................................................$52,500 (B)’11 JD 2210, 60.5’ ..............................................................................$69,900 (H)’10 JD 3710, 10-bottom ......................................................................$44,900 (H)’10 JD 2210, 55.5’, rolling basket........................................................$69,900 (H)’11 JD 3710, 8-bottom ........................................................................$38,500 (O)’09 JD 2210, 64.5’ ..............................................................................$63,900 (H)’10 JD 2410, 33’ chisel plow ..............................................................$36,900 (O)’06 JD 2210, 45’5’ ..............................................................................$42,500 (H)’02 JD 2400, 24’ chisel plow ..............................................................$26,900 (B)’03 JD 2200, 38.5’ ..............................................................................$33,900 (B)’04 JD 512, 5-shank ............................................................................$20,900 (H)’01 JD 985, 48.5’ ................................................................................$26,900 (O)’03 JD 2700, 9-shank ..........................................................................$20,900 (H)’97 JD 985, 48.5’ ................................................................................$24,000 (H)DMI 530, 5-shank................................................................................$19,500 (H)’98 JD 980, 36.5’ ................................................................................$17,900 (O)’98 JD 510 ripper ................................................................................$13,900 (H)Unverferth RH130, 50’ rolling basket ....................................................$8,500 (H)M&W 1465, 7-shank, 24” spacing ........................................................$7,950 (B)International Harvester 4900 ................................................................$5,900 (B)White 588, 4-bottom, reset....................................................................$2,900 (B)JD 1010, 25.5’ ......................................................................................$2,900 (H)IH 700, 7-bottom ..................................................................................$4,995 (B)Hiniker 35’..............................................................................................$2,900 (B)IH 710, 4-bottom ......................................................................................$995
(B)’07 JD 468 silage special ....................................................................$23,900 (B)’11 JD 825I, 4x4, EFI, 101 hrs. ............................................................$12,495 (B)’12 JD 885D, 4x4, diesel, 152 hrs. ......................................................$11,900 (O)’10 JD 850D, 4x4, diesel, Camo ..........................................................$10,250 (O)’12 JD 4940, 701 hrs., 120’ boom, injection system ........................$297,750 (B)’11 JD 625I, 4x4, EFI, 227 hrs. ............................................................$10,200 (O)’12 JD 4940, 489 hrs., 120’ boom ....................................................$292,750 (O)’09 JD 620, 4x4, EFI, 438 hrs. ..............................................................$9,500 (O)’12 JD 4940, 467 hrs., dry box..........................................................$290,500 (B)’08 JD 620I, 4x4, EFI, 314 hrs. ..............................................................$8,500 (O)’12 JD 4940, 1200 gal., 120’ boom ..................................................$284,500 (H)’08 JD 850D, 4x4, diesel, 700 hrs. ........................................................$8,500 (O)’11 JD 4930, 1098 hrs., 120’ boom ..................................................$252,650 (B)’07 JD 620I, 4x4, EFI ............................................................................$8,250 (O)’11 JD 4930, 1343 hrs., 120’ boom ..................................................$249,750 (O)’08 JD 620I, 4x4, EFI, 700 hrs. ..............................................................$7,950 (O)’11 JD 4930, 1216 hrs., 120’ boom ..................................................$245,900 (B)’07 JD 620I, 4x4, EFI, 922 hrs. ..............................................................$7,500 (O)’12 JD 4830, 410 hrs., 90’ boom ......................................................$235,950 (O)’08 JD 620I, 4x4, EFI, 450 hrs. ..............................................................$6,500 (O)’12 JD 4830, 358 hrs., 90’ boom ......................................................$235,950 (B)’10 JD 4x2, 144 hrs., hyd. lift ................................................................$6,500 (O)’12 JD 4830, 90’ boom......................................................................$235,000 (B)’06 JD 6x4, 642 hrs., hyd. lift ................................................................$6,000 (O)’10 JD 4930, 1053 hrs., 120’ boom ..................................................$224,900 (O)’06 Cub Cadet 4x4, Camo ......................................................................$5,950 (O)’11 JD 4830, 610 hrs., 90’ boom ......................................................$220,750 (B)’07 JD HPX, 4x4, hyd. lift, 472 hrs. ......................................................$5,950 (O)’11 JD 4830, 713 hrs., 90’ SS boom ................................................$220,500 (B)’05 JD 6x4, 802 hrs., hyd. lift ................................................................$5,750 (O)’11 JD 4830, 1000 gal., 90’ boom ....................................................$220,500 (O)’06 JD 6x4, 1034 hrs., hyd. lift ..............................................................$5,500 (O)’11 JD 4830, 543 hrs., 90’’ boom......................................................$219,900 (O)’06 Polaris Sportsman 500 ....................................................................$4,995 (O)’12 JD 4730, 242 hrs., 100’ boom ....................................................$216,750 (B)’08 JD 4x2, 226 hrs. ..............................................................................$4,950 (O)’11 JD 4830, 910 hrs, 100’ boom......................................................$215,750 (B)’06 JD 4x2, 261 hrs. ..............................................................................$4,500 (O)’12 JD 4730, 800 gal., 90’ boom ......................................................$209,900 (O)’93 JD 4x2, hyd. lift ..............................................................................$3,495 (O)’12 JD 4730, 532 hrs., 90’ boom ......................................................$209,800 (O)’93 JD 4x2 ............................................................................................$2,950 (O)’12 JD 4730, 520 hrs., 90’ boom ......................................................$209,700 “Contact Paul Gohlke about JD crop insurance (O)’12 JD 4730, 490 hrs., 90’ boom ......................................................$209,600 (O)’12 JD 4730, 800 gal., 90’ boom ......................................................$209,500 and Total weather insurance, at 612-756-0001”
Your Southern Minnesota & Western Wisconsin John Deere Commercial Sprayer Center
Dairy Quality Alfalfa Tested big squares & round bales, delivered from South Dakota John Haensel (605) 351-5760 Dairy quality western alfalfa, big squares or small squares, delivered in semi loads. Clint Haensel (605) 310-6653 FOR SALE: 5x6 round bales grass hay, net wrapped, 1350# bales, want $45/bale at Buxton ND. 218-201-0218 FOR SALE: All types of hay & straw in round bales & lg squares, tested separately, net & twine wrapped, delivered in semi loads. Tim 320-221-2085 HAY FOR SALE: Round or large square bales alfalfa or grass hay. Delivery available by semi. Ose Hay Farm, Thief River Falls, MN. Call or text LeRoy at 218-689-6675 SEED CORN ONLY $89! Top quality, new production. Order early, last season we sold out! Catalog at WWW.KLEENACRES.COM
or call 320-237-7667. “It's the place to be!”
WANTED AND FOR SALE ALL TYPES of hay & straw. Also buying corn, wheat & oats. Western Hay available. Fox Valley Alfalfa Mill. 920-853-3554 Dairy
FOR SALE: Reg red & black Angus replacement heifers. Meado-West Farms 715-6648854 FOR SALE: Registered Holstein bulls. Breeding age, high production, excellent type. Call Ken Jackson at (715)537-3432 SPRINGING HEIFERS Brown Swiss, Jersey, milking Shorthorn, cross breds, also open heifers. Will trade for feeder catlle & beef cows. 608-788-6258 or 608-792-4223 WANTED TO BUY: Dairy heifers and cows. 320-2352664 Cattle
(12) 2012 Angus Hereford highland short horn cross steers. Some poled, vaccinated, wormed, heifers also available. gypsy2@centurylink.net or (608)272-3883
We can take your classified ad right over the phone when you use your VISA, MasterCard or Discover Card
FOR SALE OR LEASE REGISTERED BLACK ANGUS Bulls, 2 year old & yearlings; bred heifers, calving ease, club calves & balance performance. Al sired. In herd improvement program. J.W. Riverview Angus Farm Glencoe, MN 55336 Conklin Dealer 320864-4625 FOR SALE: Herd of black Angus beef cows, bred to registered Angus bull, calving March & April, will sell one or more, $1,335/ea. 320905-4490 FOR SALE: Registered Shorthorn beef cows & heifers. 218-924-2337 Gene Robben Verndale MN
Red & Black Angus Bulls, most AI sired, weaning wgts 700-850 lbs., Care is including through May 15th in price, 1/3 down, balance when picked up. Meado-West Farms (715)664-8854 Reg. Black Angus cows and yearling heifers. (715)4833866 Registered Texas Longhorn breeding stock, cows, heifers or roping stock, top blood lines. 507-235-3467 Replacement Quality Hereford heifer calves, all shots, Bangs vaccinated, can be registered. Klages Hereford, Ortonville, MN 320273-2163 St. Croix Valley Bull Test Sale - April 20 SCVBT.com (715)265-4374
ANYWHERE We buy damaged corn and grain any condition - wet or dry TOP DOLLAR We have vacs and trucks CALL HEIDI OR LARRY
Call 507-345-4523 or
USED EQUIPMENT FROM A NAME YOU CAN TRUST! ‘05 5600 Toolcat, 402 hrs. ................$29,500 ‘10 V-638 Versahandler, 38’ lift ........$49,500 ‘01 T-200, glass cab & htr., 2600 hrs. $19,995 ‘08 S-300, glass cab w/AC, 2-spd., 3681 hrs. ........................................$29,900 (2) S-220, glass cab w/AC ....................................Starting at $23,900 (5) S-185, glass cab w/AC, 2-spd., 1200 hrs.......................Starting at $16,500 (2) ‘05 S-175, glass glass cab & htr. ....................................Starting at $15,500 ‘00 773G, glass cab & htr., 3600 hrs. $14,250 (3) ‘10 S-160, glass cab w/AC, 2 spd., 2850 hrs.......................Starting at $15,900 (3) S-130, glass cab & htr., 3200 hrs. & up..............................Starting at $12,900 ‘91 742B, 1800 hrs. ............................$6,900 ‘71 600 ................................................$2,500 ‘12 NH L-230, glass cab w/AC, 150 hrs. ......................................................$42,700 ‘06 NH LS-190B, glass cab w/AC, 1520 hrs. ........................................$25,900 ‘05 NH LS-185B, glass cab & htr., 2-spd., 1500 hrs. ........................................$24,900 ‘07 NH L-185, glass cab & htr., 1825 hrs. ......................................................$24,500
• 320-598-7604 •
Madison, MN From Hwy. 75 & 212 Jct., 3.5 mi. W., 2.5 mi. S.
‘96 Rogator 854 sprayer, 90’ ..............$39,000 IH 300, nice tires ..................................$1,750 JD 2510, gas, WF, 3 pt., nice ................$6,500 ‘70 JD 3020, gas, late ..........................$6,500 JD 3010 D, WF, 3 pt...............................$4,750 JD 4010 D, WF ......................................$5,000 JD 4320, 5800 hrs...............................$10,500 JD 4250, PS, FWA ..............................$28,500 ‘88 JD 4450, FWA................................$39,000 JD 840 loader, JD 8000 mts. ................$9,500 JD 725 loader ........................................$7,500 (2) JD 740 loaders, nice..........$7,500/$10,500 JD 260 loader, self-leveling, nice ..........$4,500 JD 741 loader, Sharp, hardly used ......$11,500 (2) JD 158, (2) JD 148 loaders $2,500/$4,500 (2) IH 2350 loaders ..................$3,000/$3,250 CIH 520 loader ......................................$3,750 Dual 345, (off IH 856) ..........................$1,250 Farmhand 1140, grapple ......................$7,500 Farmhand F358 loader, (IH mts.)..........$3,250 Miller PL-4 loader..................................$3,500
‘99 NH LX-985, glass cab & htr., 7400 hrs. ........................................$11,500 ‘07 NH L-175, glass cab & htr., 2500 hrs. ......................................................$20,750 ‘04 NH LS-170, glass cab & htr., 8100 hrs. ..........................................$9,000 ‘01 NH LS-160, glass cab & htr., 4900 hrs. ........................................$11,500 ‘10 Cat 246C, glass cab w/AC, 105 hrs. ......................................................$35,000 ‘08 Gehl CTL75, glass cab w/AC, 1200 hrs. ........................................$33,000 Gehl 3825SX, 3915 hrs. ....................$10,750 ‘90 Gehl 3310, 1260 hrs. ....................$5,500 ‘82 Hydra Mac 9C11 ..........................$5,500 Ram Rod 905, bucket & sweeper, 26 hrs. ........................................................$7,500 ‘95 JD 7775, glass cab & htr., 1100 hrs. ......................................................$11,500 ‘09 Case 420 Series 3, glass cab & htr., 650 hrs. ..........................................$22,250 Bobcat 8A chipper, used very little ......$6,250 ‘11 Bobcat 84” snow blade ................$1,800 ‘10 Bobcat 60” V snow blade ..............$3,250 Loegering LVP90, 90” V snow blade....$1,995
Miller M12 loader, nice ..........................$2,500 Westendorf WL-40, WL-45......$2,250/$3,500 New Box Scrapers, 10’/12’ ......$1,750/$1,850 New & Used Skidsteer Attachments ........Call Pallet Forks, Grapples, Rock Buckets ......Call New & Used Batco & Conveyall belt conveyors ................................................Call Bobcat T300, T320 skidsteers ............................................$27,500/$32,500 ‘11 CIH 5088 combine, duals, 160 hrs., loaded, Sharp! ................................$195,000 CIH 2608, 8RN chopper head ............$35,000 ‘12 CIH 2608, 12RN ch. hd., like new $85,000 CIH 2208, 8RN cornhead, off 2388 ....$20,000 CIH 2208, 8RN cornhead, off 8010 ....$19,000 JD 8R20” cornhead, IH adapter ............$2,400 JD 444, 4RW cornhead ........................$1,500 (2) CIH 2020 30’/35’ flex heads..................Call IH 1020 25’/30’ flex heads ..........................Call Donahue 32’ trailer ................................$1,750 Grizzly backhoe, nice ............................$3,500
Norwood Young America 952-467-2181 A family business since 1946 with the Lanos: Jack, Paul, Bob and Andy
‘08 NH T9060, 1880 hrs. ....................................$189,000 ‘04 NH TG-285, 3218 hrs. ..................................$107,500 Ford 8700, cab, 5800 hrs. ......................................$8,950 ‘02 NH TL-80, 52LA loader, cab, 596 hrs...............$28,900 Ford 5200, row crop, 8-spd. ..................................$4,750 ‘56 Ford 640 ..........................................................$3,750 ‘03 Versatile 2145, 2775 hrs. ..........................Coming In ‘46 Oliver 70, Restored ..........................................$4,500 ‘68 AC 180, diesel ..................................................$5,500 ‘52 AC CA, 2 row cultivator ....................................$2,150 ‘47 AC C ................................................................$1,800 ‘68 IH 656, hydro, gas, cab, loader..........................$5,500 ‘73 IH 766, Year-A-Round cab ................................$9,750 ‘58 IH 340, gas, fast hitch ......................................$4,500 ‘45 IH M..................................................................$1,650 ‘50 IH H, w/belly mower..........................................$1,850 ‘80 JD 4640, 14.9x46 duals..................................$21,500 ‘76 JD 4430, 148 loader ......................................$18,500 Ferguson TO20 ......................................................$1,950 ‘86 CDS 710C, Industrial Tractor Loader, 3 pt., PTO, cab ......................................................................$6,500 Yanmar YM2210D, loader, 307 hrs. ........................$5,750
‘84 Gleaner N6 ......................................................$8,500 ‘08 Gleaner 8200, 30’ flex header ........................$26,500 ‘05 JD 630F, 30’ bean head..................................$22,500
‘06 White 8524, 24x20, central fill, liq. fert. ..........$77,000 ‘89 White 5100, 12x30, vertical fold ......................$8,950 ‘01 JD 1770, 16 row, 30” spacings, liq. fert. ........$47,500 Kinze PT8, 8x30, corn & bean units ........................$9,500 Great Plains 15’ no till drill, pull cart ....................$10,900
‘88 Hesston 8200, high contact rolls ....................$20,750 ‘03 NH 1431, 13’ discbine ....................................$14,500 ‘11 NH H-7230, 10’ discbine ................................$18,750 ‘97 NH 1411, 10’ discbine ....................................$10,900 ‘97 NH 1465, 9’ haybine ........................................$8,200 (2) ‘85 NH 489, 9’ haybine ................................Ea. $4,000 ‘99 CIH DC-515, 15’ discbine ..............................$12,500 ‘98 JD 1600A, 14’ MoCo ........................................$7,500 ‘93 JD 1600, 12’ MoCo ..........................................$4,750 ‘83 JD 1219, 9’ MoCo ............................................$3,600 ‘06 Hesston 1120, 9’ haybine ................................$7,950 ‘01 Gehl 2412, 12’ discbine....................................$9,500 ‘84 Versatile 4814, 14’ haybine for 276/9030 ........$3,500 ‘08 NH BR-7080 round baler, netwrap & twine......$21,900 ‘08 NH BR-7080 round baler, Only 1500 Bales......$17,350 ‘05 NH BR-780 round baler ..................................$16,100 ‘07 NH BR-7060 round baler, twine & netwrap......$17,800 ‘11 NH BR-7060 round baler, 1200 Bales Only......$20,500 ‘06 NH BR-750A round baler, twine only ..............$18,250 ‘04 NH BR-740 round baler ..................................$13,950 ‘00 NH 688 round baler ..........................................$9,250 ‘98 NH 664 round baler ..........................................$8,750
(2) NH 195 spreaders ..........................Starting at $6,250 ‘06 NH 185 spreader ..............................................$9,000 NH 680 spreader, New Apron ..................................$4,500 NI 3639 spreader ....................................................$4,500 ‘07 H&S 270 spreader ............................................$7,250
✔ Check us out at: www.lanoequipofnorwood.com • Mapleton, MN Massop Electric, Inc. 507-524-3726 www.massopelectric.com
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
‘09 Wilrich XL2, 60’, 3 bar harrow w/rolling basket ..........................................................................$54,000 ‘07 Wilrich Quad X, 55’, 3 bar harrow w/rolling basket................................................................$52,000 ‘96 Wilrich Quad 5, 47’, 4 bar harrow ..................$17,500 ‘09 JD 2210, 53’, 5 bar spike harrow....................$52,300 ‘97 JD 985, 49.5’, 3 bar harrow ............................$21,500 ‘96 JD 980, 44.5’, 3 bar harrow............................$18,500 JD 980, 38’, 3 bar harrow ....................................$12,500 ‘94 JD 980, 36.5’, 3 bar harrow............................$14,900 JD 960, 34.5’, 3 bar harrow ....................................$9,500 ‘97 Tigermate II, 45’, 4 bar harrow ......................$23,500 ‘08 JD 200 crumbler, 30’ ........................................$9,900 ‘12 Wilrich 513 Soil Pro, 9-shank, 1500 acres ....$48,500
‘07 Wilrich 957, 7-shank ripper............................$22,500 Wilrich 6600, 5-shank ripper..................................$7,950 ‘10 CIH 870, 7-shank ripper..................................$38,500 ‘08 CIH 730C, 7-shank ripper................................$36,500 ‘00 DMI 530B, lead shanks, hyd. levelers ............$19,500 ‘93 DMI Ecolo Tiger 530, 5-shank ripper ............$11,900 White 598 plow, 4+1, coulters ................................$3,500 Kovar 30’ Multi Weeder, 400 gal. tank ....................$2,500
<< www.TheLandOnline.com >>
GM Angus Bulls 100% Schiefelbein Farms Genetics, www.goldmeadows.com Go to Angus tab on website 320-597-2747
Black & Red Gelbvieh and Balancer heifer calves, excellent pedigrees and phenotype, had all shots & poured; also, as always, Gelbvieh, Balancer & Angus bulls. Will deliver. Since 1975. 320-573-4119 or 320-630-4146
36 THE LAND, JANUARY 11, 2013
Midwest Ag Equip Farm Equipment For Sale
<< www.TheLandOnline.com >>
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
WANT TO BUY: Butcher cows, bulls, fats & walkable cripples; also horses, sheep & goats. 320-235-2664 WANTED: Slaughter cattle, lame & thin, also, foundered & lumpjawed. Will pay cash. 320-905-4490
‘13 Challenger MT775D, loaded ..$250,000 ‘13 Challenger MT675D, loaded, all options........................................$245,000 ‘08 Cat 965B, 1300 hrs. ..................$196,500 ‘06 Challenger MT765B, 1300 hrs. ........................................................$180,000 ‘04 Cat 855, 3000 hrs. ....................$185,000 ‘04 Challenger MT765, 2700 hrs. $152,500 ‘07 JD 9860STS, 800 hrs., loaded w/all options....................................$170,000 ‘89 Versatile 846, 4000 hrs., (So. MN tractor) ................................$40,000 ‘08 Lexion 595R, 650 hrs. ..............$245,000 ‘08 Krause Dominator, 18’ ..............$38,000 ‘04 DMI Tiger Mate II, (50.5’) ..........$37,500 ‘03 Wilrich 957 VDR, nice shape ....$12,000
‘02 Great Dane Reefer, 36’, Curbside & roadside doors, Sliding Tandem ....................$7,500 ‘01 Great Dane Reefer, 45’, Curbside door w/liftgate, 11R22.5 Disc Wheels..................................$7,500 (5 Ea.) Step/Drop Van Trailers, 44’50’, 22.5 LP tires, AR, Curbside & Roadside doors ........$6,750-$7,750 Good Selection (over 30) of Van Trailers ‘95-’01, 48/102-53/102; Great for water storage or over the DAY CAB TRUCKS road hauling ............$3,500-$7,500 ‘03 Kenworth T800, 380/410 48’ & 53’ Van Trailers to rent. Caterpiller, 13-spd., 3.70 ratio, AR, Walk-In Sleeper............$22,500 ..........$135.00 per month plus tax. ....$2.00/mile for pickup & delivery ‘02 Freightliner, CL12064ST, 410 hp. MISCELLANEOUS Cummins, 10-spd., 800K, 3.90 ratio, 230” WB, new rods & main, ‘89 Case 688 Excavator on tracks, new recaps, 48” flattop......$18,500 36” bucket, 6400 hrs., 1 owner ..........................................$16,500 ‘74 Ford LN800 Implement Truck, 391 V8, gas, 5+2 trans., 26’ steel Axles, Suspensions bed, hyd. winch, hyd. tip down, sgl. For Trailers ............$1,000 AR/Axle axle, Clean, Exc. Cond. ........$6,000 ..................................$500 SR/Axle FLATBEDS Rims - 22.5 & 24.5 steel ..........$60 ‘00 Wabash, 48/102, Conestoga, aluminum ..............................$175 New Tarp, AL Wheels Outside, Kubota Tractor L2950, 3,079 hrs., Winches & Chain Tiedowns, 3 cyl. dsl., 4WD, live PTO, Roll-Over SPR ....................................$13,750 Protection ............................$7,500 ‘99 Transcraft, 48/102, Tires: (4) 385 Super Singles AL Combo ............................$9,250 w/polished AL rims; 2 new, 1 @ ‘94 Fontaine, 48/96, SPX/AR ..$8,000 50%, 1@ 40% ........$2,000/set of 4 ‘94 Wabash, 45/96, SPX/AR, Just In Tires: (2) 445 Super Singles ............................................$6,500 w/AL rims........................$1,000 pr. (2) ‘93 Fontaine, AL Combo, 48/96, Pre-Hung Interior Doors: Oak, SPX/AR ................................ $8,000 Cherry, Maple, Pine & Painted. Sizes from 18x80-36x80. LH/RH ‘93 Featherlite AL Combo, 48/96, SPX/AR, Just In ....................$8,750 openings. Styles from 2 panel to 6 ‘74 Fontaine, 40’ ....................$4,750 panel. Over 50 doors to choose from ........................Call For Details DROPDECKS ‘99 Timpte, 42’ AL Hopper, 78” sides, roll tarp ..............................$17,500 ‘90 Timpte, 42’ AL Hopper, 78” sides, roll tarp ..............................$15,000 ‘96 Wilson 41’ AL Hopper, 66” sides, AR, AL disc wheels, roll tarp ..........................................$23,000 ‘94 Wilson Convert-a-Hopper, 45x102, 78” sides, 80% virgin rubber, AL wheels, electric door openers ..............................$16,500
‘07 Fontaine 48/102, Brand New Never Pulled ......................$27,500 ‘98 Wabash Drop Deck, 48/102, Clean, New Paint, Add a Beavertail & it becomes a 53’ trailer ..$18,500
Will Consider Trades!
Call 320-212-5220 or 320-392-5361
CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE!!! www.DuncanTrailersInc.com Delivery Available!
Pioneer Fore Cart almost new, draft size mechanical brakes, bench seat, fenders, sled runners, & pole. $1,400. (715)653-4187 Will pick up unwanted horses. 320-905-2626 Sheep
FOR SALE: Reg Suffolk sheep dispersal, 20 bred, 2 yr old ewes, ultrasound preg checked, due Feb 1, also 40 reg 2012 ewe lambs, would make good FFA or 4H project. 507-360-1190
— 6 convenient locations —
‘10 JD 8320R, 408 hrs, IVT, ILS, 4 SCV..............$245,000 ‘07 JD 8230, MFWD, 2400 hrs, 5 SCV, 18.4x46 $147,500 ‘95 JD 8100, MFWD, 4080 hrs., 18.4-46 duals, 3 SCV ..................................................................$79,500 ‘11 JD 8335RT, 1200 hrs., P/shift, 5 SCV, 16” tracks. ........................................................$239,000 ‘10 JD 8345RT, 5 SCV, 16” tracks, 1200 hrs. ....$242,500
‘12 JD 836QRT, 482 hrs, 24” tracks, 5 SCV ......$275,000
‘01 JD 240, skid, hand controls, 72” bkt.............$14,500
‘08 JD 9570, 900/650, CM, 30.5x32, TPR..........$205,000 ‘04 JD 9560STS, 1986/146, CM, 30.5-32, TPR $137,500 ‘05 JD 9660STS, 2334/1665,m CM, 20.8x42 duals....................................................$135,000 ‘08 JD 9670, 1410/979, 20.8-42, mud hog ......$192,500 ‘08 JD 9770STS 1530/1210, CM, ext. wear kit, 20.8X42 duals ..................................................$185,000 ‘09 JD 9870STS, 1654/1126, CM, 650/85R38, PRWD ................................................................$210,000 ‘11 JD 9870STS, 860/611, CM, 20.8x42 duals, PRWD ................................................................$280,000 ‘05 JD 630F, F/finger, air system ........................$27,500 ‘11 JD 612, 12R20, Stalkmaster..........................$92,500 ‘09 JD 608C, 8R30, Stalkmaster ........................$52,500 ‘12 JD 616, 16R30, Stalkmaster, 2000 acres....$132,500
‘11 NEW never Used JD 637 disc, 45’ - 5’ sect. fold ......................................................................$87,500 ‘04 CIH PTSX300, C/plow, 34’, 12” spacing........$26,500 ‘07 JD 2410 C/plow, 61’, 30” spacing ................$42,000 ‘10 JD 2410, 50’, 12” spacing, new stnd. ..........$59,500 ‘10 JD 2510H, hi speed bar, 16R30, mtd. ..........$52,500 ‘11 JD 3710, 7-btm., spring reset, coulters ........$35,000
New Set of 380/80R38 Firestone front duals ........$6,000 ‘07 JD 568, baler, surf wrap, H.M. kit..................$25,500
Kinze 800 cart, 800 bu., 30.5x32 ........................$17,500 ‘05 Frontier 1107, G/cart, 750 bu, 30.5x32’ ......$19,500 ‘07 Brent 1084, 900’s singles, scale, tarp ..........$32,500 ‘07 Brent 1084 cart, 1000 bu., 18.4x42 w/tandem, tarp......................................................................$42,500
John Deere Crop Insurance Available at Our Locations
Contact: Kory Bundy (507) 327-1084
Hardi 1000, pull type, 1000 gal., 90’ ..................$19,500 ‘00 AgChem 1254, 2468 hrs., 90’ boom, Raven $89,500 ‘03 Wilmar Eagle 8500, 2503 hrs., 80’ boom, ins. ......................................................................$75,000 ‘11 JD 4730, 150 hrs, 90’, 380/90R46, L/inj ....$227,500 ‘11 JD 4940, 377 hrs, 120’, Load Command, B/Trac................................................................$310,000
‘00 Hiniker 483G, 40’ drill, 15” spacing, markers ..............................................................$26,000 ‘97 JD 1700, 8R30, vac, 1.6 bu., L/fert., 250 mon. ............................................................................$13,500 ‘97 JD 1760, flex frame, 12R30, 3 bu., L/fert ......$33,500 ‘01 JD 1780, 24R20, 3.0 bu., R/cleaners, field ready ............................................................................$47,500 ‘03 JD 1720, 16R30, 3.0 bu., R/cleaners ............$49,900 ‘92 JD 7200, 24R30, finger pickup, 3.0 bu., R/cleaners ..........................................................$32,500 ‘05 JD 1770, 24R30, CCS, liquid fert., R/cleaners ............................................................................$92,500 ‘11 JD DB60, 26R30, CCS, R/cmnd., R/cleaners ..........................................................................$172,500
Check Out Our New Website
Mankato Implement Potter Implement
Hwy. 22 South • Mankato, MN • www.mankatoimplement.com
1426 S. Broadway • New Ulm, MN
(507) 354-6818
(507) 387-8201 • (800) 624-8983
Zins Implement Hwy. 11 No. • Nicollet, MN
(507) 225-3464
Erlandson Implement
Minnesota Lake Implement
Erlandson Implement
214 East State St. • Kiester, MN
Hwy. 22 South • Minnesota Lake, MN
35W & Int. 90 • Albert Lea, MN
(507) 294-3244
Complete Southdown show sheep flock for sale. 10 bred ewes due Feb. 1st. & 5 yearling ewes. (608)8573315 or (608)790-7508
Easton, MN 56025 • 507-381-9675
‘97 CIH 9380, 6051 hrs., PS, 4 SCV, 710/70R38..$87,500 ‘94 JD 8870, 9990 hrs., 24-spd., 3 SCV, 20.8-42................................................................$47,500 ‘02 JD 9120, 3878 hrs., PS, 4 SCV, PTO, 18.4-46..............................................................$109,500 ‘04 JD 9220, 3162 hrs., PS, D/lock, 710/70R38 ........................................................$145,000 ‘01 JD 9300T, 24-spd., 30” tracks, 3225 hrs. ..$124,500 ‘09 JD 9330, 682 hrs., 4 SCV, 620/70R46, P shift................................................................$229,500 ‘99 JD 9400, 7912 hrs., D/lock, 710/70R42 ........$79,500 ‘02 JD 9520T, 86’ tracks, AT ready, 6783 hrs. ..$102,500 ‘11 JD 9530T, 700 hrs., 36” tracks, fact. warr. $295.000 ‘04 JD 9620T, 30” tracks 80%, 4 SCV ..............$147,500 ‘11 JD 9630, 800/70R30, fact. warr., 478 hrs...$290,000 ‘11 JD 9630T, 1782 hrs., 36” tracks, Xenon .... $279,500 ‘12 JD 9510RT, 608 hrs., 36” tracks, fact. warr. ..........................................................................$319,500 ‘12 JD 9560RT, 368 hrs., 4 SCV, 36” tracks ......$355,000 ‘04 CIH STX450, 5297 hrs., PS, 4 SCV, 800/70R38 ........................................................$142,500 ‘08 JD 5303, MFWD, 870 hrs., 16.9-28, ‘05 JD 522 ldr ....................................................$24,500 ‘68 JD 4020, dsl., D/lock, 18.4-34 w/148 ldr. ....$13,950 ‘92 JD 2955, MFWD, 7153 hrs., 18.4-34, JD 265 ldr. ..........................................................$20,900
FOR SALE: Re-built bobsled, call for info. 320-4444690
Emerson Kalis
We can also convert flatbed trailers to be used as a bridge. See our website.
• All Trailers DOTable •
Financing Available
(507) 462-3828
(507) 373-6418
BOARS BRED GILTS Large White, York, YxD, HxD - outdoor condition. Marvin Wuebker 712-297-7644
USED PARTS LARSON SALVAGE Good selection of tractor parts - New & Used All kinds of hay equipment, haybines, balers, choppers parted out. New combine belts for all makes. Swather canvases, round baler belting, used & new tires.
FOR SALE: Available- Spot, Duroc, Chester White boars & gilts. 507-456-7746 Pets & Supplies
Purebred English Shepherd pups, very good watch dogs & pets. 507-261-7742 Livestock Equip
6 miles East of
We Ship Daily
320-587-2162, Ask for Larry
3186 hrs., MFWA, CVT trans., 4 hyd. valves, 3 pt., diff. lock, radar, std. lights, cab susp., 16 front wgts., 1 belly wgt., 2 rear wgts., big & small PTO #B10789
NEW NH T9.560, 4WD ......................................CALL NEW NH T7.185, FWA ......................................CALL NEW Massey 8670, FWA ..................................CALL NEW DEMO Massey 7620, FWA ......................CALL NEW Massey 5450, FWA, cab, loader ..............CALL ‘08 NH 6070 w/cab, 2WD ..............................$69,000 NH 8870, SS ................................................COMING Ford 5000, diesel, w/cab ............................COMING ‘06 IH 560, WF ..................................................$5,200 IH 806, gas, w/Allied loader ............................$7,850 White 2-105 ..................................................COMING Allis 5020 ............................................................CALL ‘54 Farmall 300 w/loader ................................$2,550
JD 985, 54.5 field cult. w/3 bar ........................CALL M&W 9-shank, 24” w/leveler ........................$14,500 Brillion HC 32’ ................................................$13,950 DMI Econo Champ II, HD, 11-shank ..............$7,500 ‘05 JD 2700, 9-24 shank ................................$27,000 ‘12 JD 3710, 10 bottom ....................................CALL ‘10 JD 3710, 10 bottom ....................................CALL Wilrich 3400, 50.5’ w/4 bar ............................$14,900
NEW NH skidsteers on hand ............................CALL NH LS170............................................................CALL ‘06 NH L170....................................................$17,500 NH LS160............................................................CALL Westendorf WL40 w/IH mts ............................$2,600
NEW White planters ..........................................CALL White 6222, 12-30 front fold..............................CALL
White 6186, 16-30, liq., ins., res. ................COMING White 6186, 16-30 ..............................................CALL White 5100, 8-30 ................................................CALL
‘08 Gleaner R75, loaded, 880 sep. hrs. ............CALL ‘94 Gleaner R72 w/new engine ....................$58,000 ‘01 Gleaner R72, just thru shop ..................COMING ‘03 Gleaner R65, CDF, lat ..................................CALL ‘90 Gleaner R60 w/duals..............................COMING ‘08 Fantini 12-30 chopping cornhead ..........$68,000 Gleaner N6........................................................$6,750 NEW Fantini chopping cornhead ......................CALL
New Hesston & NH Hay Tools On Hand
NEW Salford RTS units......................................CALL NEW Salford Plows ..................................AVAILABLE NEW Unverferth seed tenders ..................ON HAND NEW Westfield augers ............................AVAILABLE NEW Rem 2700 vac ..........................................CALL NEW Century HD1000, 60’ sprayers ................CALL NEW Riteway rollers ..........................................CALL NEW Lorenz snowblowers ................................CALL NEW Batco conveyors ......................................CALL NEW Brent wagons & grain carts ....................CALL NEW E-Z Trail seed wagons..............................CALL NEW rock buckets & pallet forks .................... CALL NEW Hardi sprayers ..........................................CALL REM 2700, Rental ..............................................CALL Unverferth 8000 grain cart ............................$19,000 Kinze 1050 w/duals........................................$48,500
(DMI Parts Available)
SMITHS MILL IMPLEMENT Hwy. 14, 3 miles West of Janesville, MN
Phone (507) 234-5191 or (507) 625-8649 Mon. - Fri. 7:30-5:00, Sat. 7:30-Noon www.smithsmillimp.com
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
• Foremost 125 squeeze chute w/450 headgate • 72” Woods 3 pt. snowblower • Reconditioned Smidley 7’ & 10’ Steer Stuffers & Used Smidley Hog Feeders • Several gravity boxes & wagons, 250-300 bu. • 25’ Skywitch Scissors lift
Office Location - 305 Bluff Street Hutchinson, MN 55350
Visa and MasterCard Accepted
‘05 Challenger MT665B
• Field & Brush Mowers • Roto-Hog Power Tillers • Stump Grinders • Log Splitters • Chippers • Power Graders • Power Wagons • Leaf & Lawn Vacuums • Versa-trailers
• New Lorenz Snowblowers - at “no snow” prices • New Bergman Cattle Feeders - at special prices • New 10 Bale Trailers - special price • New Peck Augers – Extra Big Discounts • IHC #80 Snowblower, excellent • Gehl 312 Scavenger II spdr., 260 bu., very good • Meyers 225 bu. poly box spreader w/hyd. gate
CAMBRIDGE, MN 763-689-1179
Hundreds more at www.zieglercat.com/used
<< www.TheLandOnline.com >>
Sheep & Goat Owners–Discount Prices on All Remaining Inventory of RAM HANDLER Sheep Equipment–-Turn Cradles, Run & Corral Panels, Slide Gates 2 & 3 Way Sort Gates, Creep Panels, Mineral Feeders Etc. NOTICE-Also All the Jigs. Can Deliver 319-347-6282 Let It Ring
• Port-A-Hut Shelters (Many Sizes) • Bergman Cattle Feeders – Special Prices • Lorenz Snowblowers – Special Prices • GT (Tox-O-Wic) Grain Dryers, 350-800 bu. • Sheep & Calf Feeders • Livestock Equipment by Vern’s Mfg. • Powder River Crowding Tub & Alley • Mister Squeeze Cattle Chutes & Hd. Gates • Peck Grain Augers – Big Discounts • MDS Buckets for Loaders & Skidloaders • Powder River Livestock & Horse Equipment • Tire Scrapers for Skidsteers, 6’-9’ • Hay feeders for horned animals • Jari Sickle Mowers
• Grasshopper Lawn Mowers – Special Price Now! • “Tire” feeders & waterers • MDS Roto King Round Bale Processor for skidsteers, tractors, loaders or telehandlers • Good Stock of parts for GT Tox-O-Wic Grain Dryers, Also, Some Used Parts • Sitrex Wheel Rakes • Walco 3 pt. Mowers • Bale Baskets • SI Feeders & Bunks • (Hayhopper) Bale Feeders (Prices Lowered) • Enduraplas Bale Feeders, Panels & Tanks • E-Z Trail Wagons, Boxes & Grain Carts • Calftel Hutches & Animal Barns • R&C Poly Bale Feeders • JBM hay & grain feeders & bunks • Corral Panels & Horse Stalls • EZ-Trail Head Movers & Bale Racks • Roda Mini-Spreaders • Amish Built Oak Bunk Feeders & Bale Racks • Walco Bale Trailers • Goat & Sheep Feeders
Compart's total program features superior boars & open gilts documented by BLUP technology. Duroc, York, Landrace & F1 lines. Terminal boars offer leanness, muscle, growth. Maternal gilts & boars are productive, lean, durable. All are stress free & PRRS free. Semen also available through Elite Genes A.I. Make 'em Grow! Comparts Boar Store, INC. Toll Free: 877-441-2627
Notch Equipment: • Rock Buckets • Grapple Forks • Manure Forks • Bale Spears • Hi-Volume Buckets & Pallet Forks • Bale Transports & Feeder Wagons, 16’-34’ • Adult & Young Stock Feeders & Bale Feeders • Land Levelers Smidley Equipment: • Steer Stuffers • Hog Feeders • Hog Huts • Calf Creep Feeders • Lamb & Sheep Feeders • Cattle & Hog Waterers • Mini Scaler Sioux Equipment: • Gates • Calving Pens • Haymax Bale Feeders • Cattle Panels • Feeders Panels • Head Gates • Hog Feeders • Squeeze Chutes & Tubs
‘12 CIH Steiger 600Q, 246 hrs. ..........................................$379,500
‘12 CIH Steiger 500Q, loaded, 251 hrs. ..............................$324,500
‘10 CIH Steiger 485, loaded, 1036 hrs. ............................$199,500
‘90 CIH 9170, 5641 hrs. ............................................$59,000
‘12 CIH Magnum 315, 530 hrs., 380R54 tires ......................$219,900
Up To Two Years Interest Free ••• Call For Details •••
<< www.TheLandOnline.com >>
‘11 CIH Steiger 400, loaded, 900 hrs. ................................JUST IN
‘12 CIH Steiger 450Q, 490 hrs. ..........................................$299,500
‘12 CIH Magnum 340, 1053 hrs. ........................................COMING IN
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Up To Two Years Interest Free ••• Call For Details ••• ‘12 CIH Farmall 95, MFD, cab, loader ............................................Coming In ‘94 CIH Maxxum 5250, MFD, cab, 520 loader, 4435 hrs...................$44,500 “Where Farm and Family Meet”
‘12 CIH Steiger 450, 378 hrs. ..........................................$259,900
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USED 2WD Cont.
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Up To 5 Years Interest Waiver Thru Case Credit ••• Call For Details ‘12 CIH 9230, 315 eng. hrs., track drive, RWA, folding covers ......$359,900 ‘12 CIH 7120, 384 eng. hrs. ..............................................................$259,900 ‘06 CIH 2388, 1986 eng. hrs., 1563 sep. hrs, duals..........................$135,900 ‘12 CIH 2608, 8R30” chopping cornhead ..................................................Call ‘11 CIH 2608, 8R30” chopping cornhead ..........................................$64,500 ‘12 CIH 3020, 35’ platform w/Crary air reel ........................................$44,900 ‘12 CIH 3020, 35’ platform ..............................................................Coming In ‘10 CIH 2020, 35’ platform ..................................................................$30,500 ‘10 CIH 2020, 35’ platform w/air reel ..................................................$34,400 ‘06 CIH 1020, 30’ ..............................................................................Coming In ‘00 CIH 1020, 30’ w/air reel ................................................................$16,900 ‘91 CIH 1020, 20’ platform, 11⁄2” knife ....................................................$6,500 CIH 1020, 16.5’, 11⁄2” knife ......................................................................$4,000
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Semi rust-free southern Water Trailers in many sizes; several sizes of tanks, cones, pumps, etc. www.rydelltrailers.com (701)474-5780
'00 & '01 Trailmobile, 28' single axle van trailer, 1 side door, alum floors, $3,500. Also, 36' tandem trailers, 2 side doors, $5,000. Houston, MN. (507) 459-2823 Miscellaneous
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FOR SALE: Katolight 17.5KW generator, single phase, 120-240V, 4 cyl White dsl, 162.8 hrs, on 2 wheel cart w/ fuel tank, small welder platform, temp, oil pressure & amp gauge. 507381-3813
Dry hardwood firewood, One call does it all! FOR SALE: 7 farrowing '01 IH 9100I, day cab tan$45/face cord. MC. Borncrates, finger type, raised dem, Cummins ISM, With one phone call, you can treger, 28774 Longbow place your classified ad in centers, $100 each; also, 400HP, 10spd, new tires, Ave., Wilton, WI 54670 The Land, Farm News, (10) 5x7 tenderfoots w/suplow miles, starting at ports, $50 each. 218-736-6295 AND The Country Today. $19,000. (507) 459-2823 WANT MORE READERS Call The Land for more info @ 507-345-4523 • 800-657TO SEE YOUR AD?? '07 IH 9200i daycab, 328,000 FOR SALE: Gestation 4665. Expand your coverage area! mi., C13 Cat, 430 hp, 10 spd crates/finishing feeders, 47 The Land has teamed up ultra, 108” WB, all aluBarron gestation crates, 4 DRAINAGE with Farm News, and The minum, exc. rubber, jake, PARMA Osborne finishing feeders PUMPS New pumps & Country Today so you can no rust; '08 Wilson hopper (507) 426-7645 do just that! Place a classitrlr, 38', 30,000 mi., both parts on hand. Call Minfied ad in The Land and units exc. 507-545-2402 nesota's largest distributor New steer feeders, calf & have the option of placing it HJ Olson & Company 320finisher models 1 ton to 8 in these papers as well. 974-8990 Cell – 320-894-5336 ton capacity. Call 920-948- FOR SALE: '73 Auto Car More readers = better recap engine, 13spd trans, 3516. www.steerfeeder.com sults! Call The Land for power steering, air brakes, RANGER PUMP CO. more information. 507-34520' box, Crysteel StingRay Custom Manufacturer of 4523 • 800-657-4665 hoist, 60” sides, 3pc end Cars & Pickups 080 Water Lift Pumps gate, A-1 cond. 507-947-3172 for field drainage Winpower Sales & Service FOR SALE: Ford 7.3 dsl enSales & Service Reliable Power Solutions gines, transmissions & ser- FOR SALE: '76 Chevy C60 507-984-2025 or 406-314-0334 Since 1925 PTO & automattruck, 350 V-8, 4 & 2 trans, vice & parts, new & used. www.rangerpumpco.com ic Emergency Electric 15 ½' x 52” metal box w/ Greg's Diesel 320-583-0881 Generators. New & Used wood foldup stock rack & Rich Opsata-Distributor hoist, 920 tires, $2,900/OBO. 800-343-9376 Industrial & Const. 083 218-342-2821
Cooperative effort
This week’s Back Roads is the work of The Land Correspondents Tim King (story) and Jan King (photo)
ast year was the International Year of the CoopL erative, 168 years after the first modern cooperative started on Toad Lane in Rochdale, in the United
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
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Everybody’s Market Cooperative, Long Prairie, Minn. Do you have a Back Roads story suggestion? E-mail editor@TheLandOnline.com or write to Editor,
Kingdom, back in 1844. At that time the Rochdale Society of Equitable Pioneers had a vision. They envisioned a cooperative organization. Their organization would serve the membership and the membership would own the organization and receive its profit. Membership would be open, voluntary and democratic. These new organizations would serve members economically and educationally. The Rochdale Pioneers laid out these ideas and lived by them. Their cooperatives were successful and their principles became the guiding principles for the international cooperative movement for generations. Minnesota has always had a strong cooperative movement. In the 1860s and 1870s farmers, tired of poor treatment from private storeowners, formed their own cooperative stores across Minnesota’s farm country. A hundred years later, rural and urban Minnesotans, who were looking for an alternative to increasingly processed food turned again to the cooperative model founded by those British pioneers. “Next year will be our 35th year,” said Kay Bradlich, of Everybody’s Market Cooperative in Long Prairie. “I don’t know if we were the first but we were one of the first cooperatives to start back then. A lot of us started in the 1970s.” In the 1970s young people were looking for simple foods such as whole-wheat flour, oatmeal and dried fruits in bulk produced without chemicals. Those people also found the idealism of the Rochdale Pioneers and the Minnesota immigrant farmers appealing. Today, many of the products that were sold by the cooperatives in the 1970s are now labeled organic and have become part of the huge organic industry. “We were out in front on that,” Bradlich said. “We were also way ahead on the local foods movement. Co-ops have always supported buying from local farmers and craftsman.” The cooperative movement comes, goes, and comes back again. Many of those 1970s co-ops are gone but others, like those in Windom, Ortonville, Blue Earth, Hackensack and Ely have prospered. Organic bulk foods are still central to the business of those co-ops. But so are other things like canned and frozen organic foods, vitamin supplements, locally produced maple syrup, gluten-free flour and drinks made without high fructose corn syrup, Bradlich said. But continued membership involvement in a cooperTheative Land, P.O. Box 3169, Mankato, MN 56002. is as important as the products it sells, she said.