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April 12, 2013
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SOUTHERN EDITION Dan Sorum, ag teacher at New Richland-Hartland-EllendaleGeneva High School in New Richland, Minn., was reporter for the 1987-88 Minnesota State FFA Officer Team
Inside this special FFA-Ag Education issue of The Land
Page 2A ~ Editor Kevin Schulz introduces the 1987-88 Minnesota State Officer Team Pages 6A-17A ~ Meet the team, 25 years later: Brian Hegland, Joan Stevermer, Christy (Pankonin) Jackson, Barbara Van Zomeren, Dan Sorum and Charles Krause
A whole different world than ’87
THE LAND, APRIL 12, 2013
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P.O. Box 3169 418 South Second St. Mankato, MN 56002 (800) 657-4665 Vol. XXXVII ❖ No. VIII 60 pages, 2 sections, plus supplement
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Cover photo by Kevin Schulz
COLUMNS Opinion Farm and Food File Calendar Marketing Farm Programs The Bookworm Sez Pet Talk Table Talk The Outdoors Milker’s Message Mielke Market Weekly Back Roads Auctions/Classifieds Advertiser Listing
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A lot has changed since 1987. It was a big year for Minnesotans as we celebrated a World Series championship by the Minnesota Twins. My how times have changed. For six young Minnesotans a lot has also changed for them. In 1987, (from left to right in the above graphic) Brian Hegland, Joan Stevermer, Christy Pankonin, Barbara Van Zomeren, Dan Sorum and Charles Krause were at the top of their game as they were elected at that year’s Minnesota FFA Convention. Turn to Pages 6A-17A to see how their lives have changed. Here’s a glimpse of what was happening in the world around them while they were developing into strong leaders of Minnesota’s FFA organization, back when FFA still stood for Future Farmers of America. In 1987, the year they were elected to serve FFA, the average cost of a new home was $92,000, average annual income was $24,350 and the average price for a new car was $10,355. One gallon of gas cost 89 cents and you could send a letter with a 24-cent stamp, back when you would actually send a letter. Social media back then consisted of writing a letter or placing a phone call on a device that was attached to a wall, and you could only travel as far as the cord
would stretch. The U.S. population was estimated at 244.6 milLAND MINDS lion, while the world’s population By Kevin Schulz was approximately five billion. In a bit of timely news, considering she recently passed away, Margaret Thatcher was elected as prime minister of the United Kingdom for the third time. In the United States, Ronald Reagen was president and Alan Greenspan succeeded Paul Volcker as chairman of the Federal Reserve Board. Michael Jackson was “Bad” on the airwaves, while U2 planted “Joshua Tree” on the record charts. “The Simpsons” were seen on TV for the first time, while people were heading to the theaters to see “Beverly Hills Cop II,” “Good Morning, Vietnam” and “Dirty Dancing.” Kevin Schulz is the editor of The Land. He may be reached at editor@TheLandOnline.com. Back in 1987, he was graduating from college and looking to make an honest living. Still looking. ❖
Spring backward with the markets That lion-in/lamb-out thing about and I’ll show you the farmers and ranchMarch didn’t offer much lamb this year ers who, more than likely, are making it, but it did deliver several platters of snow. not leaving it for neither love nor “cash.” Oh, spring arrived on time; winter just Still, the economic and political numbers didn’t leave on time. Stockman uses to reach his conclusion The struggle between seasons finally should cause everyone to at least think sorted out Holy Week. Palm Sunday about coming trouble. They include: brought eight inches of snow, howling • “Over the last 13 years … American winds and drifted roads to nowhere. households lost $5 trillion in the dot-com Easter Sunday delivered sunshine, 70 FARM & FOOD FILE (stock market) bust and more than $7 trildegrees and an open road to eternity. lion in the 2007 housing crash.” By Alan Guebert The news that week was equally stark. • “Since … March 2000 … economic outFor example, on March 30, the New York put has grown by an average 1.7 percent Times published a grab-your-socks essay on the per year (the slowest since the Civil War); payroll job global economy by David Stockman, the goggle-eyed count has crept up at a negligible 0.1 percent … real boy wonder of the Reagan White House and Reagan median family income growth has dropped 8 percent woodshed. ...” The bleak, 2,700-word article ends with this warn• Meanwhile, “The real net worth of the ‘bottom’ 90 ing: “When the latest bubble pops, there will be noth- percent has dropped by one-fourth (and) the number ing to stop the collapse. If this sounds like advice to of food stamp and disability aid recipients has more get out of the markets and hide out in cash, it is.” than doubled, to 59 million, about one in five Americans.” Get out of the markets? Hide out “in cash”? While all this economic debris was piling up, he Farmers and ranchers are in the “markets” every notes, “the Dow Jones and Standard and Poor’s 500 day; the feed market, fuel market, corn market, fat cattle market, machinery market. Show me a market See GUEBERT, pg. 4A
INSIDE THIS ISSUE: 5A — Farmers given deadline to meet federal fuel storage rules
18A — From the Fields: Updates from across Minnesota and northern Iowa 30A — Table Talk: Advice for FFAers from those who have been there
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THE LAND, APRIL 12, 2013
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Stockman’s forecast gloomy, correct GUEBERT, from pg. 2A indexes reached record highs on” March 28. The money underwriting it all, he claims, is not coming from a healthy, stable economy but from the Federal Reserve’s “egregious flood of phony money” that has “expanded (the Fed’s) balance sheet six-fold, to $3.2 trillion from $500 billion,” since the year 2000. Stockman may not be an economist (he’s a history graduate from Michigan State University) but he is a keen observer. The Fed’s flood not only kept interest rates low for borrowers, it kept them even lower — as in barely above zero — for savers. As such, “Soon Americans stopped saving and consumed everything they earned and all they could borrow.” That may be the most honest assessment of what today’s money-grubbing, me-me global economy is all about: We want it, we want it now and we want
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“Where Farm and Family Meet”
someone and something else — the federal government, export markets, the neighbor’s failure — to make it happen. Stockman’s view, like his forecast, may be too gloomy for many but his larger point is largely correct. In fact, it’s always been correct: When we place stupidly large bets in markets that swing on completely stupid, logic-defying elements — like Cypriot banks laundering ill-gotten Russian rubles in Greek government bonds — why are we surprised when the crack-up comes? For the same reason, I guess, we’re always surprised when it snows in March. We think we’re in charge when, in fact, we’re no more in charge than the barn swallows now gaily dipping and darting in my backyard. The swallows, by the way, are not stupid. They didn’t arrive until the day after Easter’s 70-degree sunshine. Alan Guebert’s “Farm and Food File” is published weekly in more than 70 newspapers in North America. Contact him at agcomm@farmandfoodfile.com. ❖
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Letter: Keep your beliefs out of others’ bedrooms To the Editor: The letter in the March 29 issue of The Land about marriage and contraceptives definitely outlines the letter writer’s concept of marriage: It’s for sex resulting in children. His statement that “Emotional love should not be used as a basis for any marriage” is exceptionally crude, in my opinion. In other words, he does not believe in loving one’s husband or wife, but only marrying to have sex resulting in children. And he states that sex without creating children is morally wrong. In his world, perhaps, but not in the one the rest of us live in. If the letter writer does not believe in contraception, he should not use it. He should, however, keep his beliefs out of everyone else’s bedrooms and lives. He reminds me of former vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan, who keeps trying to pass laws against using contraception. Ryan has only three children himself, but given normal gestation cycles should have at least 10 by now, and have the 11th ready for birth. Rosemary Schaffer Windom, Minn.
Deadline set for farmers to meet fuel storage rules deadline for the plans to be in place, but that deadline is likely to be pushed to the fall. “I tell people not to procrastinate. They’re going to have to do it.” And, Sunderland said, most farmers are technically supposed to already have a plan and tank protections in place. That’s because any farm established before 2002 is already required to be in compliance. “There aren’t too many farms that have
started after 2002,” he said. With the size of today’s farms, virtually all of them will have to come into compliance. “The 1,320gallon threshold isn’t much. So you’re looking at virtually every farm needing to do this.” More information is available at www.epa.gov. The Mankato Free Press is a sister publication to The Land under The Free Press Media. ❖
THE LAND, APRIL 12, 2013 << www.TheLandOnline.com >>
By TIM KROHN Mankato Free Press If you are a farmer, you are likely already out of compliance with federal fuel storage rules. “If I had to guess, I’d say less than 20 percent are in compliance,” said Toby Sunderland, an engineer who assists farmers across southern Minnesota with fuel tank spill prevention. The Environmental Protection Agency requires two main things for farms that store more than 1,320 gallons of oil products. The tanks have to have some type of containment dike around them in case fuel is spilled, and the farm owner must have a Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasures plan completed and on their farm. Sunderland of Sunderland Engineering in Maynard, Minn., said the containment can take several forms. “It can be an earthen dike with poly liner, concrete, a corrugated steel ring with a liner or they have portable poly totes for smaller 1,000 gallon tanks.” As for the spill prevention plans, different requirements are needed depending on the size of fuel storage. For farms with 10,000 gallons of fuel and no tank larger than 5,000 gallons, farmers can do a non-certified plan using a template on the EPA website. “It’s a 20-plus page form that takes some time, but people can do it themselves.” Larger farms need a certified plan, something people such as Sunderland can do. Sunderland said he’s heard concerns that the information will be held by the EPA, but he said the plan is not filed with the EPA or any agency. “They are just supposed to stay on your farm. In the event of a spill, you have protocol on what to do, numbers to call and you can respond quicker. “And, if you get inspected, you need to be able to hand them your plan.” The EPA has set a May 10
5 A
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25 Years Later: FFA more than just a blue jacket
THE LAND, APRIL 12, 2013
6 A
By KEVIN SCHULZ The Land Editor
Pictured, from left: President Brian Hegland, Vice President Joan Stevermer, Secretary Christy (Pankonin) Jackson, Treasurer Barbara Van Zomeren, Reporter Dan Sorum and Sentinel Charles Krause.
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those weeds!
Brian Hegland, President It was the lure of the blue jacket. When Brian Hegland was heading into high school at Lanesboro in southeastern Minnesota, he looked on with interest as he saw the upperclassmen in their blue FFA jackets. Brian Hegland “There was just something about seeing those guys in those jackets,” Hegland said from his home in Bakersfield, Calif. “I joined as a freshman not knowing what it was all about, but I knew I wanted to be a part of it. ... those jackets were the best advertising there was.” Hegland quickly learned that there was a lot more to FFA than just the blue corduroy jacket. Hegland and his two younger brothers had been in 4-H, where they showed cattle, and the natural progression was to take that to the FFA level. He remembers his parents not necessarily encouraging him to join FFA, instead they lead by example. “Mom was involved in 4-H and dad was involved in different organizations,” he said. “That lit the fire in me.” Early on in his FFA involvement, role models were abundant, starting with Lanesboro adviser Vern Groen. “What he did for me with leadership, he said ‘just try it’.” Hegland worked his way through the ranks of FFA offices: chapter reporter, chapter vice president and then chapter president, in addition to district offices, ending up as Region 8 vice president. “Especially See HEGLAND, pg. 7A
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Hegland: ‘I would not be where I’m at without FFA’ corn and soybean farm, Hegland has worked in the agrochemical industry centered on sugar beets and wheat, and 40 different perennial crops and fruits and vegetables. “Right now I’m basically concentrating as a sales rep. for Telone, and almonds and grapes are the main crops that I work with now.” Even though his title is sales representative, Hegland sees himself more of a “technical manufacturer representative,” advising his clients more on the stewardship of the use of Telone. California has a highly regulated environmental landscape, so Hegland said it is imperative that he work with growers because “as long as we steward the product it is very effective. “With these crops, if you can’t fumigate, you won’t get a crop, or at least one that’s economically feasible.”
THE LAND, APRIL 12, 2013
HEGLAND, from pg. 6A wanted to do in our future, and I think we all ended doing after that year as regional vice presiwhat we said we dent I really set my sights on state offiWhen I looked wanted to do.” cer.” at the other offiIn his eyes, FFA expoHe did take a year off, from FFA that cers, they were sure has definitely is, before deciding to run for the state helped in his career. all outstanding. I office. “I think it did add a year of matu“Absolutely not, I would never felt there rity” to take that year off. After gradunot be where I’m at ating from high school in 1985, he was a hierarchy; without FFA,” he said. attended North Dakota State Univereveryone “Being in FFA really sity in Fargo, and didn’t run for state brought their gives you extra clout in office until the spring of 1987. strengths to the the agbusiness world.” Even though he was the elder statestable and that’s Former state FFA adviser Paul man of the 1987-88 state officer team, how the work Day wrote a letter of endorsement to “when I looked at the other officers, Dow AgroSciences on behalf of Heggot done. they were all outstanding. I never felt land. “Well it must have worked,” there was a hierarchy; everyone said Hegland, who has been with — Brian Hegland brought their strengths to the table and the company since 1989, in Bakersthat’s how the work got done.” field, Calif., since 2000. Hegland remembers back to an exercise when the Coming from a southeastern Minnesota cattle, six officer team members told each other “what we
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See HEGLAND, pg. 8A
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THE LAND, APRIL 12, 2013
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Draws from skills HEGLAND, from pg. 7A His sales territory is the entire state of California, but he lives “in the heart of ag country” on the southern edge of the San Joaquin Valley. Hegland has seen many changes in the agrochemical world, but his FFA training has aided in preparing for those changes. “Our leadership in FFA helped us anticipate situations and be prepared, then you think of the situations before they arrive. The stuff you don’t see coming will get you.” From the farm of his parents, Roger and Elizabeth, where he and his younger brothers Darin and Martin worked and showed cattle, to the rich ag country of California, Hegland has always remembered his FFA days. “Not a day goes by that I don’t draw from my FFA skills.” Having lived the FFA experience, and knowing firsthand the organization’s benefits, he could see his daughter, Bradee, flourishing in FFA. “She knows the extent of my involvement, but she’s more into the performing arts. My folks never pushed me, and I haven’t pushed Bradee.” Bradee is Hegland’s daughter from his first marriage, and he remarried to Sandra in 2004. ❖
25 Years Later: Opportunity to pursue leadership ault County 4-H Federation president and finally state 4-H ambassador. “FFA dovetailed off of my 4-H career.” She was in her first year at the University of Minnesota, living on the St. Paul campus, when she was encouraged by Mark Enter and Dean Harder (both past state FFA officers) to run for state office. She accepted their challenge, ran for state office at the end of her college freshman year, and, as they say, the rest is history. “I didn’t know any of the other state officers” prior to taking office, “but I think we each brought good qualities to the table to make a good
team. Brian (Hegland) was the definite leader of the team. He was good at listening to everyone’s input. … Brian was always tactful, always calm. I was more in-your-face.” Even though the team grew close over the year of serving together, they have lost touch with each other. “It’s kind of sad that we haven’t kept in touch.” After the year as state officer, she continued her education at the U of M’s Carlson School of Management, graduating in 1990 with a bachelor’s degree with an accounting emphasis. Upon graduation, she passed the Certified Public Accounting exam in 1990 and landed a public accounting job with Deloitte and Touche. She and See STEVERMER, pg. 10A
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THE LAND, APRIL 12, 2013
Joan Stevermer, Vice President and was chosen to be the chapter’s sweetheart. Joan Stevermer made the most out of an FFA career that “I reluctantly joined FFA almost wasn’t. after that,” she said. She was not reluctant in her involveShe grew up in a 4-H family. ment once she joined FFA. “It wasn’t an option; you were going to be in 4-H, and I wanted “It probably was my junior to be in 4-H. My Dad (Ray) grew year that I went to my first up with 4-H and it was instilled state convention,” she said. Joan Stevermer She was involved in the livein us to also participate.” stock judging (a carryover from Joan’s older brother, Chuck, was in her 4-H days), job interview and FFA, but her older sisters Julie and speech contests, “but I really loved the Jackie were not. leadership aspect of FFA. … I liked to She wasn’t even an FFA member be in charge of things.” until her sophomore year in high Stevermer credits her high school ag school at Wells-Easton in Faribault adviser, Dan Johnson, for giving her County. the opportunity to pursue leadership “My path wasn’t your normal path roles. “He encouraged me to run for for an FFA member,” she said. Back in chapter president,” she said. those days FFA chapters chose a Going back to her 4-H roots, Stever“sweetheart,” and a group of candidates had been named, but one of the mer was developing her leadership in girls moved away. Stevermer replaced that organization. She had served as that girl in the group of candidates, her club’s president, then on to Farib-
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THE LAND, APRIL 12, 2013
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Goal-setting, leadership skills have ‘opened doors’ STEVERMER, from pg. 9A Kenneth Satre married in 1992 and started a family a year later with the birth of Will. “After we had Will I decided to spend more time at home and have worked part-time,” she said. After Will, now 19, Joan and Kenneth also had Wyatt, 17, and Maria, 14. Over the years she has worked in a variety of positions, all utilizing her skills and expertise as a financial analyst and senior accountant. “I am currently working as a financial/accounting consultant for SALO,” where her current client is MWCX Real Estate LLC. Joan and Kenneth live in Plymouth, Minn., and the children have gone through the Benilde-St. Margaret’s school. Will has graduated from high
school and is now a plebe (a.k.a. freshman) at the U.S. Naval Academy. Wyatt is a freshman and Maria is an eighth grader. Kenneth is a portfolio manager for Thrivent Financial for Lutherans. Plymouth is not geographically far from where she grew on Ray and Margaret Stevermer’s farm south of Easton, but it’s a long way from her agricultural roots. “Where we live there isn’t FFA. I regret that my kids didn’t have that,” she said. Ken also grew up on a farm, so the couple has tried their best to instill an appreciation for agriculture. “My Dad told me to always be proud of where you came from,” she said. Ray passed away a few years ago. In addition to Julie, Jackie and Chuck, Joan also had brother Rob and Sheldon.
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On top of the Stevermer roots she was raised with, FFA helped make Joan what she is today. “Being involved in FFA meant a great deal to me and my development. One of the areas I found most beneficial was the emphasis placed on goal setting. As a parent of teenagers I have seen what can happen when kids either do not set goals or they lack the ability to correctly identify the steps necessary to reach their goals,” she said. Joan has put her leadership qualities to work as she’s been involved on advisory councils and administrator searches in the children’s school system. Once Maria graduates from high school, Joan may work back into full-time work. Regardless of what the future holds for Joan, skills learned in FFA will carry her through. “FFA has opened a lot of doors for me.” ❖
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25 Years Later: FFA experiences guided life trict in southwest Minnesota. Christy is open about telling her children about the benefits of joining FFA, and so far so good. Carlie is in the RRC FFA chapter, and plans on following her mother’s footsteps to attend South Dakota State
University in Brookings, S.D., to major in animal science. “I’m 100 percent sure that Cole will also be in FFA. He seems to be pretty good around the equipment. See JACKSON, pg. 12A
THE LAND, APRIL 12, 2013 << www.TheLandOnline.com >>
Christy (Pankonin) Jackson, Secretary Joining FFA was never a question for Christy Pankonin. “I grew up on a farm and was always outside playing on the farm, and also working on the farm,” the now Christy Jackson said. When she joined the Sanborn-Lamberton FFA chapter as a freshman at Sanborn High School she said it was natural to commit to the judging teams that FFA had to offer. “I knew the judging aspect of FFA, having been involved in judging in 4-H,” she said, “but I didn’t know how much more there was to being in FFA, and how much more Christy Jackson you could do.” She credits her high school FFA adviser Ron Kelsey with opening those doors to her. “He really encouraged me to go for a chapter office, then district office, and then ultimately the state office. ... I felt blessed to be given the opportunity and that he invested the time and effort in me.” That FFA involvement exposed her to many different people. “The life decision-making and public speaking experiences have really helped me throughout my life,” she said. “I learned a lot of this that still comes in handy as I’m trying to guide my children and being a good role model.” Christy and Frank have three children: Carlie, 17, a junior, Cole, 14, an eighth grader and Jake, 7, a first grader, all in the Red Rock Central school dis-
11 A
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THE LAND, APRIL 12, 2013
12 A
Jackson: More ag-smart voices needed in the world JACKSON, from pg. 11A “I hope they view it as me just showing them the opportunities that are available to them in FFA,” she said referring to her strong encouragement to join.
1990 with an animal science degree, she worked for 2 1/2 years for the American International Charolais Association in Kansas City as the advertising director of the Charolais Journal.
Christy said how she and Frank emphasize strong academics, but also push involvement in extracurricular activities to build the whole person.
A trip to the Tulsa State Fair during that time proved fruitful, where she met Frank Jackson who was showing Angus cattle.
After graduating from SDSU in
She then moved to Bentonville, Ark.,
where Frank was a ranch manager. Christy applied for a position with Walmart to sell over-the-counter diabetes and home diagnostic kits. She proved herself to Walmart, when she was asked in her interview why she should be hired when she had a lot of experience in agriculture, but not in human pharmaceuticals. “I proved that I was flexible.” She stayed with Walmart for six years, and during that time she was making connections with people from Eli Lilly & Co. Lilly had an opening in pharmaceutical sales in northwest Arkansas and Christy applied. She stayed in that position for 13 1/2 years, and the flexibility it provided was invaluable when also raising a family. Christy is the oldest of four children of Wayne and Judy Pankonin. Brother Brad lives near the Twin Cities and sister, Carrie Pederson lives in Mankato, Minn. Tragedy hit the family last fall as Christy’s brother Barry
died in a motorcycle accident. In 2003, Wayne needed help on the farm and Lilly happened to have an opening in the Minnesota area, so the Jacksons came north to work into a partnership with Christy’s parents. Frank does the feedlot chores on the farm, and he and Christy also have a Simmental-Angus herd. They have built up a clientele of beef customers. “We have a nice base of people that we sell to in the Twin Cities metro area,” she said. “There are about 20 families that order beef from us. ... more and more people are looking for that connection where their food comes from.” That is just one of the reasons Christy recommends youth today seriously consider joining FFA. “So few people in the world today know or understand where food and fiber come from,” she said. “We need as many voices as possible.” ❖
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25 Years Later: ‘It was very inspirational to me’ live near Brainerd with their three children: Katherine, 10, Isabella, 7, and Nathan, 6. Bernie and Betty Van Zomeren also had a son, Brian Van Zomeren, who would follow his big sister into FFA leadership, but that is a story for another year. ❖
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Spray Tips Foam Markers Norwesco Poly Tanks 14 or 25 gal. ATV Sprayers 450 Motorized Boom Valves Top Air Spray Booms, 3 pt., or trailer mount Micro Trak Spraymate Controllers Raven Controllers Astro Series of GPS Based Speed Sensors
expertise with students, first as an adjunct professor at the University of Minnesota, in early 1999, and then as a professor at the College of St. Scholastica in Brainerd, Minn., since the fall of 2001. Van Zomeren and her husband, John Chaussee,
THE LAND, APRIL 12, 2013
Barbara Van Zomeren, Treasurer Editor’s note: Multiple attempts to talk with Barbara Van Zomeren were unsuccessful. What follows is a compilation of information gleaned from an e-mail questionnaire and her submitted resume. Barbara Van Zomeren came through the FFA program run by her father, Bernie, at Jefferson Senior High School in Alexandria, Minn. She looks back on her FFA days with fondness. “It was very inspirational to me. It is where I made many long-lasting friends and learned many skills that I use on a day-to-day basis,” she said in an e-mail correspondence. She ran for state FFA office, and was elected, the spring of her senior BarbaraVanZomeren year in high school. After high school she attended the University of Minnesota, graduating in 1991 with a bachelors degree in agriculture business administration. She furthered her education at the Hamline University School of Law in St. Paul, graduating in 1995. Van Zomeren worked her way up from her first job as law clerk in St. Louis District Court in Duluth, Minn. She has been attorney/director of BISYS Retirement Services in Brainerd, Minn., since March 1999. In between St. Louis District Court and her current job, Van Zomeren completed a masters degree in business administration from St. Thomas University, as well as working as an attorney for both Farm Credit Services of Southern Minnesota in Mankato and the law firm of Doherty, Rumble and Butler in St. Paul. She has also taken the time to share her legal
13 A
25 Years Later: ‘No accident I’m an ag teacher’ Dan Sorum, Reporter Well, he was elected chapter sentinel that year and had his It’s amazing what one class eyes opened to FFA’s leaderrequirement can do for a pership opportunities. son’s future. “It is not an accident that I “I was going to be big in 4am an ag teacher,” he said from H,” Dan Sorum said. That his classroom at New Richland was until he took his first Hartland Ellendale Geneva agriculture class under Vern Dan Sorum High School in New Richland, Groen at Lanesboro High Minn. “I always wanted to be School. “If you were in an ag class you had to fill out an application for chap- an ag teacher. I remember the Food for America program where you would go ter office.”
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THE LAND, APRIL 12, 2013
14 A
into elementary classrooms to teach children where their food comes from. “I remember we took a Styrofoam hamburger into the classroom and we took it apart in front of the kids and told them where each part comes from. ... It was just so much fun to do that, not just making the hamburger, but taking it in to the kids. I just always enjoyed doing that stuff. ... just seeing the kids learn.” He remembers taking a career survey when he was in high school, and “it said I should either go into the military or teaching, and that agriculture was an area of interest of mine. ... so I looked at that, let’s see, teaching and agriculture, maybe I should teach agriculture.” To solidify his decision he took a closer look at Vern Groen. “I looked at him, and thought ‘he doesn’t look poor, he looked happy, his family looks healthy’,” he said. “I wasn’t looking to be wealthy, but I wanted to be comfortable.” Comfort can be found when you are confident and at home. That describes Sorum in a high school ag department. After four years at the University of Minnesota, Sorum found himself teaching high school ag at Murray County Central in Slayton, Minn. “I loved the program there, I was there 12 years, and we would still be there, but we were three-and-a-half hours from the closest
family. We wanted to start a family, but we wanted to be closer to family.” After looking for an opening for an ag teacher, one closer to family, Sorum found NRHEG. “It’s a perfect fit. When I walked in here, it was like the program I left in Slayton. ... I don’t plan to leave here until I retire.” Sorum’s parents, Duane and Nancy, live near Fountain, Minn., moving off the dairy farm Dan grew up on, a casualty of the farm crisis of the 1980s. “Our cows went to slaughter through the dairy herd buyout program.” The tough times of the farm crisis and the opportunities FFA offered to Sorum allowed him to never question his decision to head into the classroom. “I suppose when I was younger I probably wanted to farm. What kid doesn’t want to do what their parents do?” he said. “My parents questioned where I got my public speaking skills from, because they admit it’s not from them,” he said. Without FFA, Sorum said he may still very well be in a classroom, but probably teaching biology, not agriculture. “I really enjoyed biology in high school.” Sorum credits his parents for their support.“You know what they say FFA stands for: ‘Father Farms Alone.’ That was true at our place. My dad never complained when I was never around for chores.” See SORUM, pg. 15A
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Sorum: It doesn’t matter if you don’t succeed at first He also teaches that at home. Sorum and his wife, Barbara, live with their daughter, Elena, 4 1/2, on an acreage north of Ellendale. “I want her to have a connection to agriculture, so she knows where her food comes from,” he said. “We have a large garden and we raise about 100 chickens that we sell, and I tell people who buy the chickens from us that each one has been ‘4-year-old hugged and kissed.’ She just loves the chickens.” ❖
THE LAND, APRIL 12, 2013
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SORUM, from pg. 14A Starting out as chapter sentinel, he worked his way up to chapter president and then District 16 sentinel and District 16 president. He ran for state FFA office the spring of his senior year in high school, but didn’t make the team. “I use that with my students. That it doesn’t matter that you may not make it the first time, but try again and you I don’t know if might succeed.” I was a better Obviously he did try officer because again, and made the I didn’t get in slate at the state the first time, reporter spot. but I know I “I don’t know if I was a was a better better officer because I didn’t get in the first interviewer. I time, but I know I was a was more conbetter interviewer; I was fident. Maybe more confident. Maybe that made me that made me a better a better leader; leader; I don’t know.” I don’t know. Sorum teaches 10 ag classes at NRHEG, and — Dan Sorum he speaks highly of opening the world of ag education to seventh and eighth graders. “All seventh and eighth graders have to take an ag class — one quarter as a seventh grader, one quarter as an eighth grader,” he said. “I want them in my classroom as soon as possible, so they can at least see what it (agriculture) is all about.”
15 A
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25 Years Later: An FFA career that almost wasn’t Charles Krause, Sentinel Charles Krause knew he wanted to be in the Buffalo (Minn.) High School FFA chapter. He just didn’t know the challenges he would face to make that a reality. Krause is the youngest of five born to Warren and Carol Krause, dairy farmers west of Buffalo, Minn., and followed his
Charles Krause
siblings into 4-H, “but I was the only one to really get active in FFA. … It just seemed like the natural progression for me to join FFA.” That progression almost met an unnatural death. “I had five instructors during my FFA experience,” he said. “During my junior year the school board wanted to cut the ag program.” He
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THE LAND, APRIL 12, 2013
16 A
remembers that he, Bonnie Kowalke and Buffalo High alum Robin Kinney lobbied the school board to maintain the program. “I saw Bonnie a little while ago, and we were talking about when we were in front of the school board,” Krause said. “We remembered that one of the administrators interrupted her and she told him ‘wait a minute, let me finish.’ She was only a sophomore at the time.” Kowalke, Krause and Kinney must have been pretty convincing because the school board decided not to cut the high school ag program, albeit maintain a half-time offering. That was over 25 years ago, and the program is now back up to full-time. “At the time we didn’t really realize how big a deal it was to save the program.” It became a big deal for Krause, who made the most of his time in the part-time ag program. He remembers his mother coming home from freshman-year parent-teacher conferences saying the ag teacher had told her “your son has the potential to be a national FFA officer.” “I hadn’t really thought of that, that I had what it took. … I just knew that I wanted to pursue leadership.” He decided to run for state FFA office the spring of his senior year in high school, and was elected. “That kind of changed my life forever.” Krause looks fondly back on the year as state officer. “I got to fly in a jet for the first time” when a few of the state officers went to St. Louis for a meeting. “Barb (Van Zomeren) and I did our Goodwill tour, visiting five to seven schools a day for a week in southwestern Minnesota,” he said. “Barb and I got to be close friends, had a lot of fun. … it’s funny how close we all got that year, but now we haven’t been together since we left our last state convention 25 years ago.” The year Krause served as state FFA sentinel was also his first year at the University of Minnesota, where he majored in animal science with a dairy emphasis. He graduated in 1991 and headed back to the farm, to join his dad, Warren, in the dairy business. “I’ll be doing this for the rest of my life.” The Krause Holstein herd is now milking 200 head, but that will be bumping up to 275 once the See KRAUSE, pg. 17A
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FFA leadership a Buffalo tradition for Krause family Now he has the chance to see his children follow his FFA footsteps, and continue the Krause FFA legacy. Warren Krause, Charles’ father, also served as chapter president of the Buffalo FFA Chapter in 1955. Andrew is a senior at Buffalo High School, and is the FFA chapter president and Region 4 president. Morgan is a sophomore at Buffalo and the chapter historian, as well as serving as Region 4 reporter. “Both of them have shown an interest in coming home to the farm after college and I think that’s great,” he said. “You don’t discourage anyone from doing what they want to do.” While he’s watching his son and daughter blaze their FFA trails, he is also using the skills learned in the FFA to lead and give back to his industry. In addition to serving as the president of the Buffalo FFA Alumni Chapter, Krause also serves on the Dairy
Herd Improvement Association board, the local Holstein board, is involved with the Midwest Dairy Association and Dairy Farmers of America, where the Krause farm’s milk is shipped. “I always tell my kids that ‘if you don’t tell your story, someone else with a different agenda will tell the dairy story, so why don’t we tell our own story’. ... FFA was the key thing to get me to do all of this.”
In addition to being an “agvocate,” Krause does a pretty good job on the farm as well, with his herd often being recognized for its performance and production. “I’m really happy where I’m at,” he said. “When we were in high school we had to write where we wanted to be when we were 40 or 45. I wrote that I wanted to be respected as a dairy farmer.” ❖
THE LAND, APRIL 12, 2013
KRAUSE, from pg. 16A operation is full. The family is two months into new free-stall barn. “We’ve had a freestall barn before, but we just weren’t getting the production that we’d like,” he said. Even though they’ve only been in this new barn a limited time, they are already seeing the results. “We’ve already seen production jump 12 pounds per cow.” Krause almost got an earlier start to his dairy career, a start that would have halted his FFA career. Warren suffered a heart attack when Charles was a sophomore in high school. “When I was out there milking cows, I thought about not even going to school, that I would just be a dairy farmer for the rest of my life.” Obviously, he did not forgo college and his FFA leadership days. “I am so glad that I didn’t to that,” he said. “I would have missed out on so much. … I would have never met (wife) Robyn if I hadn’t gone to the U of M.”
17 A
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THE LAND, APRIL 12, 2013
18 A
From the Fields: Hurry up and wait for planting there doing something.” The reality, however, is that it “looks like it’s going to be a later spring.” Last year’s spring temps were clearly abnormal, but “this year is starting to look abnormal in a cooler way,” Messner said. While he admits he’s anxious about the weather, he knows that when field conditions improve “things are going to get busy.” And being busy on the farm is a good thing.
By KRISTIN KVENO The Land Correspondent
The Brandts Ada, Minn.
What do you love most about springtime on the farm? The fresh spring air? The newborn animals? The planting of crops? The mud? Danny Brandt For Danny Brandt’s children, running around in the mud is what spring farm living is all about. When The Land caught up with him on April 2, he was taking in the brisk night air while watching his children, Anna and Evan, play in the muddy farmyard. Brandt himself, meanwhile, is ready for drier conditions, as well as warmer temps to melt away all of the white stuff on the ground. In the meantime Brandt has been hauling corn and wheat to the elevator in Ulen, Minn., for the last week. Once that’s done in a day or so, he’ll focus on the equipment side — his beet planter is in the shop. Besides basic maintenance, Brandt works hard in the “off-season” to make sure the farm machinery is ready to go in the spring. “I try to go through things before parking them,” he said. “Last year at this time we were seeding wheat,” Brandt said. With 6 to 8 inches of snow cover in the area, planting will definitely have to wait. “You always want an early spring.” Brandt is hoping that by May 5 they can get the wheat in the ground, with corn and beets planted right after that. Living in the Red River Valley area, he’s hearing warnings on the news that flooding may occur in the FargoMoorhead area, but feels confident that due to “good slow melt” at his farm, major flooding won’t be a concern. The area rivers, sloughs and ditches froze dry, which will help with any flooding issues. For now Brandt looks ahead to warmer days, no snow and maybe a chance to play in the mud with the children one more time before all the “busy-ness” of planting cranks up.
Bacok R ads
The Laubenthals Swea City, Iowa
The Johnsons Starbuck, Minn.
The Messners Northfield, Minn.
It’s cold but getting warmer. This sentiment describes the optimism of a farmer waiting for signs that spring is actu- Scott Johnson ally going to do its job and warm up the ground. For Scott Johnson, while spring this year may seem a bit tardy at the moment, his farm is right “on schedule.” “Last year was so abnormally early” when it came time for planting, he said. He’s anxious to get out in the field, but is quick to point out it “doesn’t pay to rush it, either.” When The Land spoke to Johnson on April 2 the weather outlook indicated a warm-up for the rest of the week. That forecast was music to Johnson’s ears; he predicted it would only be two to three more weeks until he got out in the field. Once the fields are ready, his first job is to “go out and pick a few rocks.” Until then Johnson is staying busy getting equipment ready for planting. Meanwhile, the snow-covered fields — rocks and all — wait for the ground to thaw and a little bit of water to run off. Spring is officially here. Now if someone could just poke Mother Nature in the ribs and tell her that.
Cold weather hasn’t allowed for any planting in the field — and for Chris Messner, he wouldn’t mind that changing, and fast. Chris Messner When The Land spoke to Messner on April 4 he was busy at Central Valley Co-op getting seed delivered to customers. Just like them, he’s playing the waiting game. Last year at this time Messner had already applied fertilizer and anhydrous ammonia to his fields. Soil conditions this year are dictating a substantial delay. He reported that the ground was still frozen two inches below the surface. Thanks to that and remaining snow, there’s some standing water. “We need the moisture to get the frost out of the ground,” Messner said. With snow and rain in the forecast that will help, but the lack of warm temperatures is frustrating. “You’d like to get in there early.” Early planting won’t be happening in 2013, but Messner feels that “as long as corn is planted by May 5, you’re in good shape.” At his job at the co-op, he gets the opportunity to talk with fellow farmers who, like him, “would like to be out
Hard-working art
Charlie Laubenthal’s springs are busy, with delivering seed to customers, working his full-time job, and getting ready Charlie Laubenthal for planting. But there’s a lot of waiting, too. Like all farmers in the region, spring can’t come fast enough. The Land caught up with Laubenthal on April 1 while commodity markets, corn in particular, were on his mind. “The market was down 83 cents in two days,” he said. Even with that sharp decline, he admits that agriculture has been strong for at least three years, so it’s a wait-and-see game to find out which way prices will go. Within the last week snow cover has melted off fields and the “tiles have opened up.” Warm temperatures are still elusive, with plenty of frost still in the ground in some areas. Winter in his area started off mild in terms of precipitation, but Laubenthal believes they had more “winter” in March than the preceding three months. In 2012 “we did have a couple guys plant corn March 31 and it did make it,” he said. March 31 this year has already come and gone, however, and the fields are still untouched — they’ve gone from one extreme to another, Laubenthal said. He calls the field conditions good, however, and is happy to report they’ve got no standing water. The goal is still to get corn planted by April 20. “Spring’s work will go fast,” Laubenthal said. While it’s been pretty quiet around the farm, it’s only a matter of time before the hum of tractors fills the countryside. ❖
See it on Page 40A
Farmer’s friend — ‘Tile Finder’ locates trouble spots The utility locator device detects the electrical signal up to 15 feet deep, so depth of tile isn’t an issue. The dispenser comes with 650 feet of coiled tubing. A hand crank lets you retract the line. “It saves so much time,” Hewitt said. “When you have a malfunctioning tile line it’s frustrating to locate the problem spot. This device lets you get the job done quickly and easily. Farmers really like the convenience.” It comes with a one-year warranty but if used properly, the $4,750 device should last indefinitely. Made by a firm near Des Moines, Hewitt first saw the Maverick Tile Finder at Farmfest 2012. “I told the guy at his exhibit booth to bring one up and we’d try it. He did. We shoved it up a tile line. It’s a simple, easy tool. I’m now the Minnesota distributor. I’ve done some 500-foot long probes. One guy can push the line that far.”
Besides custom tiling, Hewitt also sells Gold Digger Tile Plows, either pull-type or 3-point hitch mounted. He thinks the tiling boom in Minnesota is just warming up. “I had one customer that put in 400,000 feet of tile last year; another did 300,000 feet and both are just a few miles from where I live,” he said. Hewitt sells equipment and does custom work, so his tiling “bias” is not exactly a secret. But despite the huge boom in farmland tiling across southern Minnesota the past few years, he said, “I think we’re just seeing the tip of the iceberg. There’s so much farmland that’s been rented for 20 to 30 years that simply needs a new tiling system put in place.” Hewitt said renters are now paying to tile this ground because with costs of production continuing to ramp up, they can’t afford to farm it unless it has a good, well-designed drainage system.
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“We’re talking $600 to $700 per acre to grow an acre of corn,” he said, “and if you’re only getting 120-bushel yields because of poor drainage you know what needs to be done. Often the landowner won’t tile because he knows he can rent the ground regardless. But of course if the renter pays for the tile a long-term rental agreement should be in place also.” Hewitt is a water quality guy, too. He’s eliminated all surface tile inlets on his own farming operation and generally pushes that idea with his customers. “We either go rock inlets or pattern tile.” For more information, e-mail krh@myclearwave.net, log on to www.hewittdrainageequipment.com or call (507) 327-7629. Hewitt spoke recently at a week-long series of ag outlook meetings sponsored by Minnesota Soybean Growers and Amstar Financials. ❖
THE LAND, APRIL 12, 2013
By DICK HAGEN The Land Staff Writer Kevin Hewitt, a LeSueur, Minn., ag business entrepreneur who already cuts a wide swath in custom farming and farm drainage equipment, now has a tool — the Maverick Tile Finder — that just might make him a farmer’s favorite friend. “You shove this coiled, 3/8-inch copper rod up your existing line, either at the tile outlet or accessing through a surface inlet,” he said, explaining the Maverick. “You then walk the tile line with a ‘utility locator’. This device tracks the copper rod and helps you detect exactly the trouble spot in that particular tile line.” The Maverick sends 82 ohms of electrical current through the copper rod which is readily picked up by the locator. Once you find where the rod ends, you’ve located the blockage spot. Then you back hoe down to that tile location and fix it.
19 A
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‘89 White GMC, S/A, W/98 Maurer 28’ Hopper $18,900 ‘06 Freightliner Columbia Day Cab 515 HP Det, 10 Spd Ultra Shift $34,900 ‘91 White 24’ Ag Hopper $6,950
‘07 Timpte 40’ Ag Hoppers A/R $24,250
New, ‘13 Jet 38’ Ag Hoppers Alums $26,900 ‘04 Freightliner Columbia Day Cab 410 hp, 10 spd Auto Shift $23,500 ‘00 Volvo S/A Daycab 345 hp, 10 spd, Alums $12,900
‘04 Freightliner Century 112, 370 hp, 10 spd, 400k miles, Alums New Rears $25,500
‘90 Hellwood 28’ Single Hopper, Nice $10,500 ‘08 Timpte 331⁄2’ Ag Hoppers A/R Alums $24,900 29’ Drop Deck Tandem Axles, Dual Wheels, New Tires, Just In
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20 A
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Send us your events by e-mail to editor@TheLandOnline.com Cornerstone Restaurant, Melrose, Minn. Info: Free, and lunch is provided, but space is limited; contact Bobbi Ruesch, (507) 3372801 or bmruesch@umn.edu
Congress Invention & Idea Show April 19-20, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Redwood Falls, Minn. Info: Log on to www.minnesota inventorscongress.org
Training May 22 McLeod County Fairgrounds Commercial Building, Hutchinson, Minn. Info: Registration requested to colleen@mnpork.com or (800) 537-7675 or log on to www.mnpork.com
four sites will be June 25; log on to precisiondairy.umn.edu for contact Marcia Endres, miendres@umn.edu
Pork Quality Assurance Training Aug. 14 Southern Research and Outreach Center, Waseca, Minn. Info: Registration requested to colleen@mnpork.com or (800) 537-7675 or log on to www.mnpork.com Pork Quality Assurance Training Aug. 28 West Central Research and Outreach Center, Morris, Minn. Info: Registration requested to colleen@mnpork.com or (800) 537-7675 or log on to www.mnpork.com
Looks Like Late Spring Planting. Looks Like There Could Be Wet Corn This Fall.
36th Annual Le Sueur County Pioneer Power Association
Friday, Saturday & Sunday, April 26, 27 & 28, 2013 Public admittance to showgrounds Friday, Saturday and Sunday • 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Vendor admittance to showgrounds Thursday, April 25, TBA • Friday, April 26 • 6:00 a.m. at the Le Sueur County Pioneer Power Showgrounds
Prepare NOW Check with Dave for your dryer needs!
NECO Commander Control grain dryers coupled with the Dryer-Master Control embedded moisture control system deliver the best value in the industry, period!
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Pork Quality Assurance Training July 10 Urban Agriculture Expo Pork Quality Assurance Training April 20, 9 a.m.-1:30 p.m. University Center Heintz April 17 Sabathani Community CenCenter, Rochester, Minn. Nobles County Government ter, Minneapolis Info: Registration requested Pork Quality Assurance Center, Worthington, Minn. Info: $5/person suggested dona- Training to colleen@mnpork.com or Minnesota Alpaca Expo Info: Registration requested tion; more information at (800) 537-7675 or log on to June 12 April 13-14 to colleen@mnpork.com or www.misa.umn.edu and click on Minnesota Pork Board Office, www.mnpork.com Four Seasons Centre, Owa(800) 537-7675 or log on to “Urban Ag Expo” pdf; Sabathani Mankato, Minn. tonna, Minn. www.mnpork.com Community Center is located at Info: Registration requested Pork Quality Assurance Training Info: www.MinnesotaAlpaca 310 East 38th St., Minneapolis; to colleen@mnpork.com or July 24 Expo.com Ed Frederick Retirement contact Betsy Wieland, (612) (800) 537-7675 or log on to Celebration and Open 596-1175 or eliza003@umn.edu www.mnpork.com AmericInn, Marshall, Minn. Employee Management House Info: Registration requested U.S. Precision Dairy Skills for Today: Planning April 19, 4-8 p.m. Equine Castration Clinic to colleen@mnpork.com or for Success Conference and Expo (800) 537-7675 or log on to Farmamerica, Waseca, Minn. May 18 April 15, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Info: Ed Frederick retired after Carlton County Fairgrounds, June 26-27 www.mnpork.com Brown County Office Build60-plus years with the Univer- Barnum, Minn. Mayo Civic Center, Rochester, ing, Sleepy Eye, Minn. sity of Minnesota; those wish- Info: Minnesota Horse Welfare Minn. Horticulture Night July 25, 5-9 p.m. Info: Free, and lunch is proing to contribute to a “Memory Coalition’s Gelding Project Info: Optional farm tour of vided, but space is limited; con- Book of Letters” can send letassists horse owners experienctact Bobbi Ruesch, (507) 337ters to Sue Rosenau, 12298 ing economic hardships; castra2801 or bmruesch@umn.edu 350th Avenue, Waseca, MN tions must be scheduled in 56093; contact Deanne Nelson, advance by contacting Krishona Employee Management nelso191@umn.edu with ques- Martinson, (612) 625-6776 or Skills for Today: Planning tions or for more information krishona@umn.edu for Success April 16, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Minnesota Inventors Pork Quality Assurance
West Central Research and Outreach Center Horticulture Display Garden, Morris, Minn. Info: Free; contact Steve Poppe, (320) 589-1711 or log on to www.wcroc.cfans.umn.edu
21 A THE LAND, APRIL 12, 2013
Dairy Safety Short Course April 12, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. State Bank, Belle Plaine, Minn. Info: Register online at www.uwrf.edu/CenterFor DairyFarmSafety or register with the Carver, Scott or Sibley County Extension offices by finding them at www.extension.umn.edu/about/ offices or call (715) 425-3240
Log on to www.TheLandOnline.com for our full events calendar
Located 6 miles East of Le Sueur, MN on County Road 26 (Lexington Rd.)
Held Rain or Shine - Free Admission Food Available on Grounds; Motels and Campgrounds Nearby. Friday & Saturday Morning
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Inside Vendors: Contact: Nancy Krenik • 5406 N. Shore Court • Madison Lake, MN 56063 • (507) 931-4009 – Inside Space must be reserved Outside Space: Contact: Mike Bluhm • 46167 Jefferson Lake Dr. • Cleveland, MN 56017 (507) 934-5841 (home) or (507) 327-4927 (cell) – or Gene Hallock • 203 So. 5th St. • Cleveland, MN 56017 • (507) 340-9847 (cell) - (507) 931-4666 (D)
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
$50 Charge for Outside Space - If you need an oversized space, please consider paying double - No reservation required - Call 507-327-4927 $60 Charge for Inside Space - Paid in advance with registration - Call 507-931-4009
Local Corn and Soybean Price Index
THE LAND, APRIL 12, 2013
22 A
Cash Grain Markets corn/change* Dover Edgerton Jackson Janesville Cannon Falls Sleepy Eye Average: Year Ago Average:
$6.15 $6.51 $6.49 $6.48 $6.31 $6.49
-.87 -.90 -.89 -.87 -.89 -.87
average soybeans
soybeans/change* $13.78 $14.05 $14.10 $14.02 $13.86 $14.06
-.23 -.42 -.32 -.38 -.36 -.35
average soybeans year prior
$15 $10
average corn average corn year prior
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
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Grain prices are effective cash close on April 9. The price index chart compares an average of most recently reported local cash prices with the same average for a year ago. *Cash grain price change represents a two-week period.
Grain Outlook Corn skids after stocks report
Livestock Angles Cattle, hog markets erratic
Grain Angles USDA finds more grain out there
The following market analysis is for the week ending April 5. CORN — Corn extended its skid lower from Monday’s opening bell after last week’s game-changing U.S. Department of Agriculture stocks report. Corn experienced the largest two-day decline in history on March 28 and April 1. For the week, May plummeted 66 1/4 cents to close at $6.29 compared to only a 3 1/2-cent loss in the December contract, which settled at $5.35 per bushel. May corn has traded a range from the March 27 high of $7.37 3/4 to this week’s low of $6.26 1/2 per PHYLLIS NYSTROM CHS Hedging Inc. bushel. The May left a gap on the St. Paul chart from $6.95 1/4 down to $6.79 per bushel. The startling March 1 stocks number which was 380 million higher than expectations was the tipping point, but long liquidation throughout the week continued to overwhelm buying volume. Producer sales have evaporated, which has helped maintain basis levels. Adding insult to injury, reports this week of bird flu in China also lent pressure to commodities. Uncovered end-users, however, were smiling throughout the week as prices retreated. Depending on whose calculations you use, ethanol producers are experiencing their best margins in over a year. Weekly export sales at 13.9 million bushels offered neither support nor pressure with 13.0 million needed per week to reach the USDA export projection for this crop year and this was the first week in the last five to make that number. Total corn export commitments are running 54 percent behind last year when the USDA is expecting a 47-percent decline in exports compared to last year. The only
The start of April is indicating a lot of uncertainty in the hog and cattle markets. Both have started the month in an erratic manner, indicating a disparity in each of their supply and demand fundamentals. The cattle market, which has a decrease in available cattle ready for market, has seen a steady to higher cash market. However, the futures market has responded with a lower trade and finishing with a discount to the cash trade. This is continuing to indicate the general lack of demand for beef. This has been an ongoing problem — each time the beef cutout advances over $190 per hundredweight, the demand for JOE TEALE beef is quick to shrink. Broker The disappointing prospect Great Plains Commodity Afton, Minn. here is that we are approaching the grilling season which is normally a strong demand period for beef and as yet we have seen little response by the domestic retailer. With competitive meats in more abundant supply and at much lower cost per pound at the wholesale level, this will make it hard for beef to compete under these economic conditions. This will likely keep the cattle market in a rather choppy trading range for the near-term outlook. This battle of supply and demand should continue through the remainder of the spring; longer if the overall economic conditions do not improve. Because of this struggle, both cash and futures markets will likely see sharp moves in either direction on a weekly basis. For producers, caution should be advised and protection warranted when opportunity arises. The hog market has been attempting to make a seasonal bottom for several weeks now and has so far failed to accomplish that goal. The futures market,
There has been a lot of talk since the March 28 U.S. Department of Agriculture report was released. There are many opinions on how accurate the predictions are. Only time will tell. Most of the questions, however, centered around the stocks report, where the USDA found a bit more corn than many grain analysts were predicting. The USDA estimates that there are 5.4 billion bushels of corn and 1 billion bushels of soybeans in storage. The average estimates of the analysts were 5.030 billion bushels of corn and 947,000 bushels of soybeans. These are not drastic differences, stocks remain tight and there is less corn on hand than there has TOM NEHER been in the last nine years at this AgStar VP & Team Leader time. What this means is higher — Grain Industry Rochester, Minn. prices rationed by demand. The higher prices triggered cutbacks on ethanol production, fewer cattle on feed placements and reduced chick sets. The export market for corn has been flat during this timeframe as well. So it is little wonder that there were a few more bushels of corn in the stocks report. There were no big surprises in the planted acres estimates. The USDA estimated that U.S. farmers would plant 97.3 million acres of corn, which matched the average estimate of 97.3. They also estimated that 77.1 million acres of soybeans would be planted in the United States versus the average estimate of 78.5 million acres. The surprising part is the market’s reaction to the news. We saw a pronounced move to the down side with a limit move in corn on the day of the report. This can happen when too many people are trying to get out of their long positions at the same time. When this occurs, buyers back away from the market because
See NYSTROM, pg. 23A
See TEALE, pg. 23A
See NEHER, pg. 23A
Information in the above columns is the writer’s opinion. It is no way guaranteed and should not be interpreted as buy/sell advice. Futures trading always involves a certain degree of risk.
Not as severely as corn, but beans step lower concerned with any talk of delayed planting, but the drought focused mainly in the western Corn Belt should provide support near current levels. Improving ethanol margins and massive post-report fund liquidation should help stabilize old crop prices. However, rallies will be considered selling opportunities in both old and new crop. If we can’t hold this week’s low of $6.26 1/2, the next support is a gap left at $6 1/2 per bushel. First resistance will be the 38 percent retracement at $6.69 per bushel. The average ending stocks guess for this month’s April 10 USDA balance sheet is an increase to 836 million bushels with the range of estimates running from 686 million to 959 million bushels. SOYBEANS — While not as severe a fall as in corn, soybeans stair-stepped
Hog supply fairly constant TEALE, from pg. 22A
NEHER, from pg. 22A they think they will be able to buy it cheaper the next day. Lower prices increased the open interest in corn as end-users came back into the market, locking-in prices. We did see some panic selling from the holders of unpriced grain. U.S. weather forecasters remain wary of a drought after missing the 2012 surprise. Many of the most prominent forecasters freely admit that the models they have used in the past did not catch this drought until it was right on top of the Midwest. Some have called it a “flash drought” because it developed so quickly. This year many climatologists are re-working their models in hopes of gaining a quicker alert to the possibility of a returning drought this summer.
The topsoil may be wet right now, but the real question is how wet it is and how hot our summer will be. The one grain angle I hope that I have given you is that of margin management. This is the practice of making marketing decisions as financial decisions using cost of production and market offerings rather than trading decisions, trying to outguess the market. After nearly 30 years in the markets and watching the weather, I must admit that my “crystal ball” is not ever that clear to see the future. That’s the beauty of diligent margin management. Regardless of what the future brings, farmers who base grain marketing decisions on their production costs, and where prices need to be in order to make a profit, will have the most consistent success over time. ❖
which has been at a premium to cash for quite some time, is attempting to turn the corner and establish a spring low. However, it will certainly depend on the cash market to strengthen and for the demand for pork to continue strong. Demand has been the catalyst for the support in the hogs, which is just the opposite of the cattle market.
million bushels for old crop and 13 million for new crop. We need to sell only 4.3 million per week to achieve the USDA estimate. This week’s sales were the second highest in the last five weeks. Total bean commitments are 1.325 billion bushels when the USDA export forecast for the marketing year is 1.345 billion bushels. Brazil’s bean production is expected to be 83.25 mmt with Argentina’s production at 52 mmt, according to Informa Economics’ updated forecasts. The USDA is at 83.5 mmt and 51.5 mmt respectively. Argentine growers have only sold 10 mmt so far when last year they had priced 15.3 mmt, and this year’s crop is larger. OUTLOOK: The average estimate for ending stocks on the April 10 USDA report is 138 million bushels, with a range of 115 million to 160 million bushels. In March the figure was 125 million bushels. Soybeans may get some help from this week’s USDA balance sheets as they search for support. The fall low at $13.37 3/4 will act as first support for old crop, with first resistance close to $14 per bushel. Goldman Sachs lowered their threemonth price forecast for soybeans by 50 cents to $13.50 per bushel. Monitor the bird flu news; if it becomes a moot issue soybeans could see a quick turnaround. This material has been prepared by a sales or trading employee or agent of CHS Hedging Inc. and should be considered a solicitation. ❖
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The supply of hogs has remained fairly constant to a slight increase as evidence in the recent U.S. Department of Agriculture Hogs and Pigs Report. The pork cutout is reflecting a
slight increase in demand for pork as we move into the grilling season, as the volume in the pork trade has slightly improved. With such a sharp contrast in the pork cutout to the beef cutout, and the deteriorating economy, the consumer appears to be more attracted to the lower-priced pork. This could be the support the hogs need to turn the market higher and establish a spring rally. Given the overall economic situation, it is not likely that a large sustained rally is projected. Therefore producers should be patient and protect inventories when available. ❖
lower throughout the week. The May soybeans collapsed 43 cents for the week to settle at $13.61 3/4 with the November down 23 1/2 cents at $12.28 per bushel. As in corn, grower sales have evaporated with the price decline, keeping basis firm. A driving force in the soybeans this week was the lack of any new export sales announcements and the bird flu in China. With six people dead of the 14-plus reported cases of bird flu in China, soybeans and product export demand were called into question. Live poultry markets have been closed and at least 20,000 chickens have reportedly been slaughtered in efforts to curb the spread of the disease. So far, there is no evidence of human-to-human transmission of the disease. China is the world’s largest importer of soybeans and the biggest customer of the United States. Until the situation is better defined, buyers will likely move to the sidelines. The discovery of thousands of dead pigs in Chinese rivers over the last few weeks has yet to be explained. Vietnam has banned imports of poultry from China. The last time something of this nature occurred in China, the demand fears were more flash than bang in the long run. A soybean plant in Kansas this week announced they would be closing until new crop for maintenance and due to problems in securing beans. Basis levels in general are running 40 to 70 cents better than the five-year average. Export sales were strong at 14.4
THE LAND, APRIL 12, 2013
NYSTROM, from pg. 22A USDA sale announced during the week was 120,000 metric tons of new crop corn to unknown (thought to be China). Weekly ethanol production was 2,000 barrels per day higher this week at 807,000 barrels per day, stocks were unchanged. On an annual basis, ethanol production equates to an annual corn grind of 4.55 billion bushels, essentially right at the USDA forecast. Informa Economics this week pegged world corn production for 2013-14 at 976 million mt, 125 mmt higher than last year’s production. Goldman Sachs lowered their three-month price forecast by $1 to $6.50 per bushel. There has been corn planting reported as far north as Springfield, Ill. What’s your plan for new crop pricing? OUTLOOK: It’s too early to be overly
23 A
Margin management key
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
THE LAND, APRIL 12, 2013
24 A
High machinery investments result in higher custom rates Due to the high cost of investment in risen, compared to 2012 custom rates. farm machinery, an ever-increasing numMost custom rates for farm work in 2013 ber of farmers are hiring other farmers to are listed at 3 to 5 percent above the rates provide some or all of their machinery for similar operations in 2012, with an resources for their farm operation. average increase of about 4 percent. This is especially true with new and In addition to higher fuel costs, increasyounger farmers, and with children who ing cost for new and used machinery and decide to start farming with their parrising repair costs are also factors in the ents. Also, some land investors are chooshigher custom rates. ing to operate the farm themselves These results are based on the annual FARM PROGRAMS rather than cash renting the land to “Iowa Farm Custom Rate Survey” that is another farmer. In that case, the By Kent Thiesse coordinated and analyzed by Iowa State landowner is generally hiring a farmer to University. The survey sampled 249 cusprovide necessary tillage, planting tom operators, farm managers and ag and harvesting crop operations lenders on what they expected 2013 under a custom farming agreement. custom farm rates to be for various Some farmers also hire specific farm operations farm operations. The survey summary lists the averthrough a custom arrangement with another age custom rate and the range for various tillage, farmer, such as combining or hay baling. Many planting, fertilizer and chemical application, grain farmers negotiate these types of custom rate and harvesting, and forage harvesting functions on the custom farming arrangements in the spring of the farm. year. The survey also includes many miscellaneous Custom rates increasing farming practices, lists average machine rental rates As would be expected with increasing fuel costs, for some equipment, and includes a formula for estiaverage 2013 custom rates for farm work have also mating average machinery rental rates. The survey
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also lists average custom farming rates for corn, soybeans and wheat. Over the years, the average custom rates for farm operations in southern and western Minnesota have been close to the average Iowa custom rates. 2013 custom rates Average 2013 farm custom rates for some typical tillage, planting and harvesting practices, as well as custom farming rates, are listed in the adjoining table. The complete 2013 “Iowa Farm Custom Rate Survey” is available at www.extension.iastate.edu/agdm/crops/pdf/a3-10.pdf. All listed custom rates in the Iowa Survey results include fuel, labor, repairs, depreciation, insurance and interest, unless listed as rental rates or otherwise specified. The average fuel price for diesel fuel was assumed to be $3.50 per gallon. A fuel price increase of $0.50 per gallon would cause most custom rates to increase by approximately 5 percent. These average rates are only meant to be a guide for custom rates, as actual custom rates charged may vary depending on continued increase in fuel costs, availability of custom operators, timeliness, field size, etc. Custom farming agreements An alternative to leasing farmland is a “custom farming agreement.” In a typical custom farming agreement, the custom operator agrees to perform all the machine operations on the owner’s land in exchange for a set fee or rate. (Note: Average custom farming rates for 2013 are listed in the 2013 Custom Rate Survey table on Page 25A.) The landowner pays for all seed, fertilizer, chemicals, crop insurance and other input costs; receives See PROGRAMS, pg. 25A
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
2007 FREIGHTLINER CL 120 DAY CAB, Detroit 455HP, Ultrashift, Jake, Air-Ride, Air-Slide, 5th, 3.58 Rear Ends CALL
(2) 2004 FREIGHTLINER CL 120 DAY CABS, Detroit 430HP, 10 Spd, Cruise, Jake, Air-Ride, Air-Slide, 5th, 22.5 Tires, Excellent Rubber, 3.55 Rear Ends, 58K Miles.....$24,900
(2) 2007 INTERNATIONAL 9200i, ISX, 450HP, 10 Spd, Air-Ride, Air-Slide, 3.58 Rear Ends, Jake, 22.5 Rubber, 500K Miles.....CALL 2006 FREIGHTLINER CL 120, 48” Flat Top, MB 460 Eaton Automatic, Air-Ride, 216” WB, All Aluminum, 3.58 Rear Ends, 22.5 Tires, Excellent Rubber.....$25,500 (2) 2006 FREIGHTLINER COLUMBIA, Detroit, 455HP, 10 Spd, 3.73 Rear Ends, Air-Ride, Air-Slide, 5th, Jake, 22.5 Rubber, 500K Miles.....$31,000 2005 FREIGHTLINER CST 120, Midroof Detroit, 10 Spd, Air-Ride, Air-Slide, 5th, 3.58 Rear Ends, 22.5 Tires, 700K Miles.....$26,500 2004 FREIGHTLINER CL 120 DAY CAB, MB, 450HP, 10 Spd, Jake, Air-Ride, Air-Slide, 5th, 178” WB, 3.73 Rear Ends, 22.5 Tires, Excellent Rubber, 68K Miles.....$25,500
Custom farming offers advantages to both parties operator is that a custom farming agreement provides some extra farm income, with little or no additional operating capital or farm machinery investment. Fuel, lubrication and repairs are usually the only
Selected 2013 farm custom rates Harvesting grain Corn combine: $32.90/acre ($38 with chopper head) ($46.15/acre with grain cart and truck) Soybean combine: $32/acre ($43.80/acre with grain cart and truck) Small grain combine: $29.70/acre Corn grain cart (in field): $6.80/acre Soybean grain cart (in field): $5.60/acre Hauling grain (5 miles or less): $0.10/bu. Hauling grain (5 to 25 miles): $0.17/bu. Grain auger use (on farm): $0.07/bu. Harvesting forages Windrowing hay: $12.50/acre Hay baling (small square bales): $0.60/bale Hay baling (large square bales): $10.45/bale Hay baling (large round bales): $10.95/bale ($11.85/bale with wrap) Corn stalk baling (large bales): $11.70/bale ($13/bale with wrap) Silage chopping: $49.85/hour/header row Haylage chopping: $12.70/hour/foot header width
Hiring” “Now Today! Call Us
pay the farmer an agreed-upon peracre fee for the custom farming services by specified dates. The landowner is considered to be the material participant for income tax purposes, and the landowner is typically entitled to all government farm program payments, crop insurance indemnity payments, etc. Key issues with custom farming agreements Although the concept of a custom farming agreement is simple, close communication between the custom operator and the landowner is essential. A written contract for the custom farming agreement should definitely be prepared that specifies the amount of payment by the landowner to the custom operator, and all other pertinent details. Following are some points to consider for a custom farming agreement. • The custom farming agreement should specify the payment amount per acre that the landowner will pay See PROGRAMS, pg. 26A
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Following are the average custom rates for some common farming practices for 2013, based on the “Iowa Farm Custom Rate Survey.” Custom farming rates (Includes tillage, planting and harvesting costs) Corn: $126.65/acre (Range: $85 to $175) Soybeans: $112.40/acre (Range: $68 to $165) Small grain: $83.25/acre (Range: $50 to $100) Tillage Moldboard plow: $16.15/acre Chisel plow: $15.20/acre V-ripper (deep tillage): $19.60/acre Field cultivator: $13.35/acre Tandem disk: $13.60/acre Row cultivator: $12.50/acre Chopping cornstalks: $11.40/acre Planting Planter with attachments: $18.45/acre Planter without attachments: $16.60/acre No-till planter: $18.45/acre Soybean drill: $15.75/acre Grain drill: $14.90/acre
added costs. In addition, custom farming offers a fixed return per acre to the custom operator, and although there is some possibility of higher repair bills, this is minor compared with the price and yield risks typically faced by a farmer in a normal cash rental contract. Of course, in a good year, profits from a custom farming agreement will be lower than under most cash rental leases; however, in this era of much higher land rental rates there is much more risk to the farmer with a cash lease as compared to a custom agreement with a landowner. Landowners also find several advantages to a custom farming agreement. Landowners with small acreages can make most of the crop production and grain marketing decisions without the investment into a full line of farm machinery. The landowner does not have to negotiate land rental rates, or worry about collecting lease payments, since the owner receives all of the crop proceeds. The landowner does have to
THE LAND, APRIL 12, 2013
PROGRAMS, from pg. 24A all the grain produced and all eligible farm program payments on the land; and is responsible to store and market the grain. One obvious advantage to the custom
25 A
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Custom operator has no responsibility for decisions PROGRAMS, from pg. 25A the custom operator, and should list the payment dates. • There needs to be an accurate count on the number of acres that will be under the custom farming agreement for payment purposes, so that the farmer can accurately plan tillage, planting and harvesting schedules. • The normal field practices to be included under the custom farming agreement should be listed (tillage, planting, weed control, harvesting, etc.). Typically, these agreed-upon practices are part of the per acre custom farming payment for the year that is negotiated between the custom operator and the landowner.
• Additional tillage trips or replanting due to weather conditions, or added spraying applications of pesticides to control weeds, insects or diseases, which are provided by the custom operator, are usually charged to the landowner at a custom rate per acre that is over and above the base custom farming rate. • Timing of planting and harvesting operations should be discussed and negotiated between the custom operator and the landowner prior to the growing season. This can become a tenuous issue, especially in years with challenging weather conditions. • The custom operator may be asked
for advice by the landowner regarding the seed corn hybrid or soybean variety to plant, fertilizer rates, chemical applications, levels of crop insurance coverage or grain marketing decisions. However, the final decisions on these items lie with the landowner, and the custom operator needs to be careful not to take responsibility for the final authority on those decisions. • Typically, the harvested grain of the landowner is delivered by the custom operator to a farm storage facility owned or rented by the landowner, or to an agreed upon area grain elevator, as part of the custom farming agree-
ment. Any grain deliveries beyond the local area usually result in the landowner paying an extra custom rate charge for grain hauling. Also, if the landowner uses the custom operators grain drying and handling facilities, there is typically an added charge for these services. For more details on custom farming agreements and other farm machinery information, refer to the Iowa State University “Ag Decision Maker” website, www.extension.iastate.edu/agdm. Kent Thiesse is a government farm programs analyst and a vice president at MinnStar Bank in Lake Crystal, Minn. He may be reached at (507) 726-2137 or kent.thiesse@minnstarbank.com. ❖
North Mankato native awarded scholarship A University of Wisconsin-River Falls journalism student received a $1,500 Wisconsin Newspaper Association Foundation scholarship at the Wisconsin Newspaper Association’s 159th annual convention Feb. 28-March 1. Originally from North Mankato, Minn., Ashley Goettl is a senior studying at the UWRF, majoring in journalism, communication studies and political science. For the past two years, Goettl has been
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THE LAND, APRIL 12, 2013
26 A
editor-in-chief of the Student Voice, River Falls’ student newspaper. Prior to that, she has served as a page editor and columnist. Goettl is also a member of the UWRF softball team, which has won the Wisconsin Intercollegiate Athletic Conference championship for the past two seasons. She does play-by-play for the campus radio station, WRFW, and upon graduating in May, Goettl hopes to work for a community newspaper with the goal of someday running one. ❖
10 Firestone Drive, Mankato, MN 56001
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‘Women of the Frontier’ a moving, sobering adventure
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THE LAND, APRIL 12, 2013
Your bedroom is just Their trip usually began with great to own land long before they were perfect — finally. excitement that quickly soured. River allowed to vote. Since feminine comcrossings were dangerous, Indians pany was scarce, women often had You’ve got everything weren’t always friendly, the heat their choice of men and divorce was “Women of the Frontier” just where you want it. was unbearable and walking easily attainable. Women owned busiThe bed is comfortable, By Brandon Marie Miller for hours each day nesses, wore pants, escaped slavery your possessions are on c.2013, Chicago Review Press sapped a perand found work. They could make a lot nice shelves, and you $19.95 son’s of money — or they could lose everycan get a little bit of 246 pages, includes index energy. thing. privacy if you want it. Pioneers Yep, this bedroom is Edge of my seat. That’s where I was slept in the while reading “Women of the FronTHE BOOKWORM SEZ much better than the dirt and one in your last house. tier.” By Terri Schlichenmeyer meals (when Spending your entire Miller packs this book with excitethere was food west of the Mississippi River. childhood in one place is pretty rare to be had) came ment, heartbreak and adventure as these days; in fact, Americans move up well as blunt truth and painful realiMost of them were pennifrom an open to 14 times in a lifetime. So imagine less, but they were optifire. The burden ties, and she’s adept at making the moving across the country on foot, leav- mistic. The newly narrative personal. What I mean is was greater for ing everything you love behind, carry- expanded United States that it’s hard to read what’s here withmothers of young ing your belongings — and sometimes held opportunity and a children and women out imagining yourself in the pitiful your children — on your back. chance at a new life. who were pregnant. shoes of our foremothers. Could you withstand losing your family, pets and Many of the emigrants In “Women of the Frontier” by Brandon And yet, there were precious possessions, bit by bit? How Marie Miller, you’ll see what it was like. came from Germany advantages to being a would you start over with nothing? and Scandinavia. Most were woman on the frontier. Nearly 200 years ago, when the single men, but a relatively small United States was hit by economic See FRONTIER, pg. 29A Women were allowed handful were women. depression, Americans began looking for For the women, the decision to emia ray of hope. They’d been reading the ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ accounts of traders, trappers and adven- grate was usually made by their hus★ ★ bands and, while wives eagerly anticiturers in the West and so, beginning SYSTEMS ★ ★ pated the possibility of better lives, around 1841, many people packed their Special Of The Month ★ they hated leaving their homes, posses- ★ belongings in wagons and carts and ~ ‘12 JD 4940 ~ ★ ★ headed to California, Oregon and parts sions and families — maybe forever. 600 hrs, 120’ booms, ★ ★ 2 sets of tires, autosteer, ★ auto height, Swath Pro, ★ CIH 4420, 3285 hrs., 1200 gal. SS like new ★ ★ ‘08 tank, 100’ booms, Raven, Aim, $290,000 ★ ★ Autopilot ............................$145,000 ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★
27 A
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
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THE LAND, APRIL 12, 2013
28 A
Bored birds can do some strange things, but you can help Nail-biting, gum smacking, knuckle popping — they can be irritating habits people have. Even birds display their share of odd behaviors. Feather plucking is a common habit among parrot-type birds, said Alice Blue-McLendon, a veterinarian with the Winnie Carter Wildlife Center at the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences. While most adult birds lose their feathers naturally once or twice a year in a process called molting, it is not natural for a bird to pluck out its own feathers, Blue-McLendon said. One of the clues that a bird is plucking its feathers is to look at the bird’s head. Since a parrot cannot pluck feathers from its own scalp, a featherplucking bird will have a full head of feathers but be missing a lot of feathers on other parts of its body. As simple as it may sound, the most common reason for a bird to pluck out its own feathers is boredom, Blue-McLendon said. “When a bird isn’t stimulated by its environment, it may begin plucking its feathers for entertainment or out of
frustration,” she said. Because of birds’ high intelligence level, environmental enrichment is extremely important for them, Blue-McLendon said. They need plenty of toys to play with, especially ones they can chew. “The more time they spend chewing on toys and food, the less time they have to chew on their feathers,” she said. Some birds enjoy playing with their own feathers after they have fallen out naturally through molting. Although feathers are cheap and simple toys,
they aren’t appropriate ones. Playing with loose feathers may spawn a nasty plucking habit. “You don’t want to encourage your bird to pluck its feathers out to have something to play with,” Blue-McLendon said. “Remove the feathers from the cage as soon as they fall out.” Excessive grooming, or “preening” as it is known in the avian arena, is also not an appropriate pastime for birds. “You should curb this behavior early,”
Blue-McLendon said. “If you allow it to continue, some birds, especially cockatoos, can become overzealous in their preening.” Preening can be another common precursor to feather plucking. Again, occupying its time with other activities can help rid your bird of its obsession with grooming, Blue-McLendon said. She said it’s important to try to break any bad habits as soon as you notice them. “Temporarily changing your bird’s environment is a good start,” BlueMcLendon said. “Try adding new toys to its cage or simply rearranging its existing toys. Also, consider moving its cage to another area of the house, possibly one with heavier traffic.” If your bird’s meals consist of only seeds, try to incorporate new foods and flavors into its diet, Blue-McLendon said. Add colorful fruits and vegetables, especially those that can double as chew toys like celery, carrots and green beans. However, know that change is not always the best remedy. Sometimes variation, especially sudden and draSee FEATHERS, pg. 29A
Book suitable for young and old Make changes gradually; monitor your bird’s progress
29 A
FRONTIER, from pg. 27A
Did you miss the custom farming rates for 2013? Turn back to the “Farm Programs” column by Kent Thiesse on Pages 24A-26A
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‘89 Ford 8000 Contractor Body, 3208 Cat eng., 7-spd. trans., single axle, 14’ contractors body & hoist, air brakes, good tires, 316,000 mi. Sale Price: $7,500
1997 Timpte Aluminum Grain Trailer, 42’, 66” sides, spring ride suspension, new roll tarp, aluminum rims, good tires, DOT inspected. Sale Price: $17,250
Deductible: Age Band 19-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 1 Child 2 Children 3+ Children
$97.62 $97.62 $97.62 $108.46 $124.72 $157.26 $206.08 $265.74 $292.84 $82.01 164.01 246.02
$89.42 $89.42 $89.42 $99.35 $114.25 $144.06 $188.78 $243.43 $268.25 $75.12 150.24 225.36
$83.02 $83.02 $83.02 $92.23 $106.06 $133.74 $175.25 $225.98 $249.03 $69.74 139.47 209.21
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Super Spring Savings
THE LAND, APRIL 12, 2013
FEATHERS, from pg. 28A atic variation, in a bird’s ... if your mother could convince environment can also lead you to stop biting your nails, to feather plucking, Bluethere’s a good chance you can McLendon said. help your bird eliminate its Stressful events, such as feather fixation. moving, a death in the family or a reduction in time — Alice Blue-McLendon spent with its owner, can more “Breaking a bad habit can be quite a than ruffle your bird’s feathers. They can cause anxiety-based behaviors like feat,” Blue-McLendon said. “But, if your mother could convince you to stop bitscreaming and, of course, feather ing your nails, there’s a good chance plucking. Be sure to make changes you can help your bird eliminate its gradually and monitor your bird’s feather fixation.” progress. Pet Talk is a service of the College of Also, before you make any changes, Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Scibe sure your bird doesn’t have a medences, Texas A&M University. More ical reason for plucking its feathers information is available at such as mite infestation, a hormone http://tamunews.tamu.edu. This colimbalance or skin infection. These problems would warrant a visit to your umn is distributed by CNHI News Serveterinarian. vice. CNHI is parent company to The Land. ❖
Look for the reviewed book at a bookstore or a library near you. You Those are sobering scenarios, and defimay also find the book at online book nite food for thought. retailers. While this book is meant for readers The Bookworm is Terri Schlichenages 12 and up, I absolutely think meyer. Terri has been reading since adults of any age will enjoy it, too. His- she was 3 years old and never goes torians, feminists, adventure-lovers anywhere without a book. She lives in Wisconsin with three dogs and 10,000 and whiners will surely find “Women books. ❖ of the Frontier” to be very moving.
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THE LAND, APRIL 12, 2013
30 A
A little advice for FFAers from those who have been there In one of his lesser house to help scrape it out, romantic notions, my husor to the barn to load pigs. I band recently asked me to guess in a way I’ve moved accompany him to Des up the ladder, if only slightly Moines to a day-long semi— coming back from a day nar on what’s coming down together not smelling like the pike in agriculture something I had to scrape or today. power wash. If you hadn’t known it It would have been all the before, now you can see same if we had gone to hear TABLE TALK that we’ve been married politicians speak that day. awhile. Having married a By Karen Schwaller I know that for most former FFA chapter presiladies, a trip to the capital dent, I guess I should not city might sound pretty expect any more in the ways of inviting, but going to an all-day semiromance. Not that much has changed, nar on what’s going down in farming really. Thirty years ago he would ask today? Please. me to accompany him to the farrowing
Check out our “Dynamic Duo” for rock picking! Rock Trailer • Heavy duty farm rated frame with walking tandems • Double acting hydraulic scissor hoist • Premium quality powder coat finish • Perfect trailer to have around, use to haul and dump field rock, logs, firewood, brush, demo, gravel, dirt, anything...
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
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See TABLE, pg. 31A
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to see what other farmers had to say to their much younger counterparts in agriculture. Here is a sampling of what we read as we thought of what we would say to those FFAers. • “Practice having positive outcomes in your life — expectations influence outcomes.” • “Farming is a way of life (and) a business. Manage your farm like a business.” • “You miss 100 percent of the shots you don’t take.” • “Over the years Grandpa and Dad always expected us to know certain
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But for a farm wife who has come through a couple of serious farm crisis years with her husband, I felt like my time was better spent beside him, learning about the things he was there to learn about as well. Gloria Steinem would have been so ashamed. While I didn’t soak in all of the specifics that he did, I was intrigued by one of the things the group did while they were there. Part way into the day, the leader held up a book of blank pages and asked that each farmer in the room write some kind of advice they would give to today’s FFA members. It was a stellar idea, and I couldn’t wait for the book to come around to us,
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It takes a village to raise a child â&#x20AC;&#x201D; as well as tomorrowâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s farmers. Karen Schwaller brings â&#x20AC;&#x153;Table Talkâ&#x20AC;? to The Land from her home near Milford, Iowa. She can be reached at kschwaller@evertek.net. â?&#x2013;
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History tells us that weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re destined to repeat the mistakes of our forefathers if we donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t learn from them. These words are an outreach to tomorrowâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s farm families. Theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re meant to not only teach their own children what they know about being good farmers, but to teach your children about it as well â&#x20AC;&#x201D; because the future of the world
THE LAND, APRIL 12, 2013
TABLE, from pg. 30A ence. Ten percent of life is what happens to things about farming. This is a good you. Ninety percent of life thing because if you are expected to is how you deal with it.â&#x20AC;? know something, you will learn it.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;&#x153;Too soon old, too â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s never too late to come back and late smart.â&#x20AC;? (Old Gerpursue your man saying) dream.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;&#x153;Treat people you â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;&#x153;Adopt new History tells do business with the technology way you want to be us that weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re early.â&#x20AC;? treated.â&#x20AC;? destined to â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;&#x153;Take care â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;&#x153;Farming takes everything repeat the misof the land and youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve got â&#x20AC;&#x201D; financially, physitakes of our it will take care cally, emotionally and spirituof you. It is a forefathers if ally. You can manage them all privilege to be a we donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t learn by always keeping your head in steward of the from them. the game.â&#x20AC;? land. Letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s be faithful stewFarmers are not showy peoards and pass it ple. They are hard workers who on to the next generation.â&#x20AC;? are more willing to listen than they are to give advice. Most donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t feel qualâ&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;&#x153;Business goes where it is invited ified to advise â&#x20AC;&#x201D; after all, most farmand stays where it is served.â&#x20AC;? ers have had at least one bad year. â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;&#x153;Try again next year.â&#x20AC;? But maybe stumbling at least once in â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;&#x153;Learn from your mistakes and this business gives us the courage to improve.â&#x20AC;? be able to reach into the depths of our â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;&#x153;To grow 300 bushel corn, we have hearts and think of what we would tell someone daring to get into this busito think 300 bushel corn.â&#x20AC;? ness that has offered us so much satisâ&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;&#x153;God and hard work.â&#x20AC;? faction â&#x20AC;&#x201D; and so much pain some â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;&#x153;Agriculture is the optimistic sciyears.
31 A
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
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THE LAND, APRIL 12, 2013
32 A
When it comes to learning how to fish for trout, Ask the other guy By the time the Minnesota stream trout Sueur County Road 23 (the fishing season opened last year, many Ottawa Road) once again will be anglers already had logged plenty of fishstocked with rainbow trout ing time on area lakes. trucked from the Department of Natural Resource’s cold water Thanks to an exceptionally mild winter, hatchery near Lanesboro, just in the ice went out of southcentral Mintime for Saturday’s opener. nesota lakes in early March, a full month earlier than usual. According to Scott Mackenthun, assistant supervisor at the But even if winter-weary anglers got to Department of Natural Resources scratch their open water fishing itch THE OUTDOORS Waterville (Minn.) Hatchery, 1,500 early, many still lined the banks of the St. yearling rainbows weighing about By John Cross Peter trout ponds, elbow-to-elbow, when a half-pound each are scheduled the traditional mid-April stream trout to be stocked in the ponds Friday. fishing season opened. After all, there just aren’t many places in this part To sustain fishing opportunities, additional trout stockings will be done later, Mackenof Minnesota where one can angle for trout. thun said, with another 1,500 on April 19, So it ought not to come as a surprise that the trio of 1,000 more on May 3, and a final stocking of ponds, which really are dug-out sections of spring-fed 1,000 fish on May 17. Paul’s Creek and the site some 60 years ago of a trout Hatchery trout, fresh off the truck can be hatchery, are such a popular destination. easy to catch. But can and be are the operaThe area located northeast of St. Peter on Le tive words here. In such a clear water environment, light lines, small hooks, small split-shot and bobbers, sometimes none at all, will tip the odds in anglers’ favor. Crappie minnows typically are the favorite See CROSS, pg. 33A
Mankato Free Press File Photo
The St. Peter, Minn., Trout Ponds are a popular destination every April for hundreds of anglers. The ponds will be freshly stocked with rainbow trout in time for the Minnesota Stream Trout Opener April 13.
P.O. Box 3169, Mankato, MN 56002 theland@TheLandOnline.com www.TheLandOnline.com 800.657.4665
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CROSS, from pg. 32A live bait. However, worms, wax worms, spikes, even a pinch of Velveeta cheese rolled into a pea-sized ball or a kernel of sweet corn slipped onto a hook can trip a trout’s trigger at times. Anglers preferring to use artificial hardware usually toss small spinners. Variations of artificial, soft, flavored baits of the “Gulp” variety that resemble fish eggs also can work well. Artificial flies also can produce. However, given the size of crowds around the ponds early on, chances are greater for catching a fellow angler rather than a trout. Of course, catching fish is never a sure thing and sometimes, even hatchery trout can be as finicky as, well, trout. Consider last year: After a hiatus of several years, a friend and I joined the opening day party, confident we at least would catch enough trout for an evening meal, if not our five-fish-limits, in short order. Four hours later, in spite of everyone else catching trout around us and having tried a variety of baits, we didn’t score a single fish. On the other hand, a fellow just a few yards down the bank was casting an artificial bait, catching a scrappy trout on virtually every retrieve. We did our best to sneak a peak at his magical lure, to no avail. I’m still wondering just exactly what that fellow was using. Gotta’ get me one, whatever it was. John Cross is a Mankato (Minn.) Free Press staff writer. Contact him at (507) 344-6376 or jcross@mankatofreepress.com or follow him on Twitter @jcross_photo. ❖
Work safely this spring ... ... your life depends on it
33 A THE LAND, APRIL 12, 2013
Catching fish is never a sure thing
P ck - In Sto all C A s U e Giv
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
THE LAND, APRIL 12, 2013
34 A
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This column was written Cash block cheese closed for the marketing week endthe first Friday of April at ing April 5. $1.7625/lb., up 7 cents on the week and 27.5 cents Farm milk prices slipped above a year ago. Barrels for the fifth month in a row finished at $1.6925, up 9.5 but have likely bottomed cents, 23.25 cents above a out for 2013. The U.S. year ago, but 7 cents below Department of Agriculture the blocks. Five cars of block announced the March Fedand seven of barrel traded eral order Class III price at MIELKE MARKET hands on the week. The $16.93 per hundredweight, WEEKLY AMS-surveyed U.S. average down 32 cents from FebruBy Lee Mielke block price inched up 1.1 ary but $1.21 above March cent, to $1.6217, while the 2012, $1.91 above California’s 4b barrels averaged $1.6499, up 3.2 cents. cheese milk price (even with the state’s temporary price increase), and equates USDA’s Dairy Market News reports to $1.46 per gallon. The March Class that cheese production across the counIV price is $17.75, unchanged from try continues at an accelerated pace comFebruary and $2.40 above a year ago. pared to last year. Midwest cheese manufacturers are noting abundant milk The April Class III futures contract supplies are available and the East and was trading late Friday morning at West are above year-ago levels as well. $17.56. May was at $18.35; June, $19.33; and peaked at $19.35 in July. FC Stone market analyst Ryan Cox The 2013 Class III average now stands wrote in his April 5 eDairy Insider Openat $17.44, up from $16.28 a year ago, ing Bell that “milk production is strong and compares to $16.63 in 2011 and and we can expect product inventories to $13.85 in 2010. The Class IV average is build as we go through the flush.” now at $17.71, up from $15.94 a year Sales have been sufficient to keep ago, and compares to $18.08 in 2011 inventories from building excessively, and $13.22 in 2010. the USDA said, and export demand has The March Agricultural Marketing been good, assisted by the Cooperatives Service-surveyed cheese price averaged Working Together program. “Good $1.6467 per pound, down 1.6 cents export sales are important in keeping from February. Butter averaged inventories at manageable levels,” the $1.6146, up 7.1 cents. Nonfat dry milk DMN said, but “buyers are hesitant to averaged $1.5208, down 3.5 cents, and purchase above immediate needs.” dry whey averaged 60.48 cents, down The CWT accepted 28 requests for 3.2 cents from February. export assistance this week to sell 5.9 California’s 4b cheese milk price was million pounds of cheese and 1.6 milannounced by the California Department lion pounds of butter to customers in of Food and Agriculture at $15.02/cwt., Asia, Europe, the Middle East, North down 39 cents from February but $1.35 Africa and Oceania. above a year ago. The 4b average for Speaking of the world market; milk 2013 now stands at $15.42, up from powder prices moved sharply higher in $13.77 a year ago and $15.39 in 2011. Tuesday’s Global Dairy Trade auction The 4a butter-powder price is $17.87, and the trade-weighted average for all down 14 cents from February but $2.54 products increased 14.2 percent. The above a year ago. Its 2013 average is April 3 Daily Dairy Report said that the now at $17.65, up from $15.67 a year ago sharp increase follows previous and $17.81 in 2011. The prices for Febru- biweekly gains of 14.8 and 10.4 percent. ary to May include the temporary price Second half 2012 GDT prices moved increases resulting from the Dec. 21, 2012, public hearing. See MIELKE, pg. 35A
United States ‘well positioned’ to capture market share average $2.31/lb., the highest price recorded since July 2008.” Tightness in the WMP market has spilled into other markets, according to the DDR. Skim milk powder posted the largest price gain from the last auction largely due to limited offerings by Fonterra in the June through October contract periods. The DDR adds that the United States is the only top-five dairy exporting country to post higher milk production in 2013. More important, the 1
percent increase in U.S. milk production during Fourth Quarter 2012 contributed to strong dairy product production and stock building. “With ample stocks and lower domestic prices versus global mar-
kets, the United States is well positioned to capture market share over the next several months,” the DDR said. See MIELKE, pg. 36A
THE LAND, APRIL 12, 2013
MIELKE, from pg. 34A modestly higher, but the recent gains are in response to lower-than-anticipated milk production in drought-stricken New Zealand. The DDR points out that New Zealand, the world’s largest exporter of whole milk powder, exported 98 percent of its 2012 WMP production, “Therefore, it comes as no surprise that WMP prices have posted significant price gains during recent auctions. WMP prices rose 7 percent on April 2, to an
35 A
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THE LAND, APRIL 12, 2013
36 A
No word yet on sequestration’s effect on MILC payments MIELKE, from pg. 35A Butter closed April 8 at $1.71, up 8 cents on the week and 28 cents above a year ago. Three cars sold. The AMS butter price averaged $1.6586, up 2.9 cents. Cash Grade A nonfat dry milk closed Friday at $1.6825, up a whopping 12.25 cents on the week. Three cars were sold. Extra Grade closed at $1.59, up 3 cents, on bids. AMS powder averaged $1.5066, down 0.3 cent, and dry whey averaged 58.16 cents, down a penny. February dairy product production was down a little from a year ago on some products, according to the USDA’s latest Dairy Products report but February had one less day of production this year so the comparisons are skewed due to last year being a leap year. Butter output, at 171 million pounds, was down 8.9 percent from January but 1.1 percent above a year ago. Nonfat dry milk production, at 138 million pounds, was down 3.7 percent from January and 20 percent below a year ago. FC Stone dairy economist Bill Brooks said “the Dairy Products report showed reduced nonfat production and higher skim milk powder output. I think that will continue given the international market conditions. With more milk going into SMP and mov-
ing offshore, it will help firm up nonfat prices.” American-type cheese, at 347 million pounds, was down 7.8 percent from January but 1.3 percent above a year ago. Italian-type cheese output, at 361 million pounds, was down 9.7 percent from January and 2.6 percent below a year ago. Total cheese output hit 857 million pounds, down 8.4 percent from January and slightly below that of a year ago. Dairy product commercial disappearance from November 2012 through January totaled 49.2 billion pounds, up 0.6 percent from a year ago. Butter was down 14.8 percent; American cheese, up 1.7 percent; other cheese, up 1.2 percent; NDM, down 33.6 percent; and fluid milk products were off 2.1 percent. Fluid milk consumption remains a challenge. Interestingly, Jerry Dryer’s March 29 Dairy and Food Market Analyst reports that refrigerated “alternative” beverage sales were up 15.2 percent in January versus January 2012. Alternatives to milk include soy, almond, coconut and rice-based beverages, horchata, goats’ milk and other substitutes for cows’ milk. The total alternative volume for the month was 12.9 million gallons, compared to 299 million gallons of milk.
New Zealand milk output continues to suffer from severe drought. Some analysts predict milk output in the final months of the season could be 15 to 20 percent lower than last year with seasonal totals falling 1 to 2 percent. Australia production is also trending lower due to drought. Back home, there’s still no definitive word from the USDA regarding sequestration-affected Milk Income Loss Contract payments, however, with the USDA’s latest Ag Prices report establishing the feed cost adjuster, the February MILC payment would be 52.22 cents/cwt., according to the March 29 DairyBusiness Update. University of Wisconsin-Madison dairy economist Brian Gould said preliminary March milk and feed price estimates indicate the March MILC payment will be about 76.96 cents. His updated MILC projections, based on milk and feed futures prices at the close of trading on March 27, show April at 67.98 cents; May, 37.16 cents; June, 16.85 cents; and nothing projected for July to September. The March 29 Daily Dairy Report said restaurant sales are projected to strengthen this year but at a See MIELKE, pg. 37A
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Cheese leads list
37 A THE LAND, APRIL 12, 2013
MIELKE, from pg. 36A lower-than-average pace, according to the National Restaurant Association. Restaurant sales are increasingly important to dairy consumption because they now account for 47 percent of total food dollars, according to the DDR, which adds that restaurants are working to increase healthy, local and sustainable menu items and “the good news for dairy is it made that list.” It cites the focus on expanding children’s nutrition with low fat and nonfat milk as a menu option and artisanal ice creams are expected to make further headway with consumers. Other positive news for dairy is that entrees using cheese continue to lead the “top 10” list of favorites with Italian foods and cheeseburgers holding the first and second positions. To subscribe to the DDR, log on to www.dailydairy report.com. The USDA announced this week that, starting April 19, the National Agricultural Statistics Service will provide a monthly estimate of U.S. milk production through September 2013, which is the end of the federal fiscal year. Last month, the USDA said it would suspend the report due to forced budget cuts from sequestration. Lee Mielke is a syndicated columnist who resides in Everson, Wash. His weekly column is featured in newspapers across the country and he may be reached at lkmielke@juno.com. ❖
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THE LAND, APRIL 12, 2013
38 A
Snow melt poses challenges for livestock manure management As a winter of heavy snowfall and freezing rain gives way to warming temperatures, rapid melting and potential for flooding pose challenges for manure management among the more than 25,000 livestock farms in Minnesota. Farmers who spread solid manure during winter must ensure that it doesn’t
run off with rapid snowmelt flowing to ditches, streams and other waters. Manure-contaminated runoff not only threatens water quality, it reduces the value of manure as a crop nutrient. If possible, farmers should refrain from spreading manure during periods of rapid melt. This may be even more important in some
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areas this year because of frozen snow conditions. In January and February the snow was saturated by rain, and then froze. This prevents surface-applied manure from soaking in to the soil, and more susceptible to runoff. Minnesota rules require a 300-foot setback from surface waters and open tile intakes for all manure spread onto frozen or snow-covered soil. However, this spring the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency encourages farmers to refrain from surface application until the snow and ice layers are melted. “We have already had several cases where manure was applied in accordance with the rule, but has negatively impacted surface and ground water a significant distance away,” said Wayne Cords, MPCA feedlot program supervisor. If manure land application can’t wait, to reduce the impact of manure applied to the surface of wet, frozen or snow covered soil, choose the flattest field or flattest parts of fields and follow these guidelines. • Field slope should be less than 6 percent slope for solid manure, 2 percent for liquid manure. • Do not apply non-incorporated manure within 300 feet of surface waters. If possible apply manure at even greater setback distances. • Do not apply in areas of the fields that contain other areas of concentrated flow. A 300-foot setback is required for intermittent streams; however, most fields also contain other areas such as grass waterways that receive concentrated flow. Keep back
far as possible from these other areas of concentrated flow. • Choose fields that contain the most crop residue; greater than 30 percent is recommended. • Avoid applying to fields where the furrows are full of ice and snow. • Keep application rates low enough to avoid runoff or ponding during application. • Choose fields that do not have adjacent non-tillable land containing areas of concentrated flow such as ravines, ditches with open side inlets, streams or dry runs. If this is not possible, stay away as far as possible from these offfield areas of concentrated flow. Livestock farms that experience manure runoff into waters of the state must report to the Minnesota Duty Officer by calling (800) 422-0798, and take immediate action to reduce environmental impact, such as creating temporary berms to stop discharge, temporarily plugging culverts and drain tile intakes to prevent manure inflow, and soaking up liquid with absorbent material, such as hay, straw, cornstalks or wood shavings. For more information, see the MPCA fact sheet, “Managing manure and land application during adverse weather conditions” at www.pca.state.mn.us/ publications/wq-f8-46.pdf, contact your county or MPCA feedlot staff, (log on to www.pca.state.mn.us/zihy6a1), or call the MPCA at (800) 657-3864. This article was submitted by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. ❖
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Farm Rescue selected to receive $78,000 in grants Beginning on Aug. 21, the 39th session of Iowa’s highly successful Master Woodland Managers Program will begin at the Chickasaw County Conservation Board office near Ionia, Iowa. This educational program involves 32 hours of intensive field- and classroomoriented forestry instruction designed specifically for woodland owners or managers, public land managers and natural resource consultants. Course instruction focuses on various aspects of woodland management, including tree and shrub identification, basic tree biology, land and tree measurements, protection from insects and diseases, tree planting and pruning, wildlife management, timber marketing, and wood utilization. Both indoor classroom instruction and outdoor laboratory sessions will be used in this program. Professionals from various agencies and organizations including Iowa State University, Iowa Department of Natural Resources, tree farmers and county conservation boards will provide instruction. A textbook and a reference notebook, plus various other technical handout materials will be provided as supporting materials. This educational program will consist of a total of 32 hours — 6 to 10 p.m. Aug. 21, 9
a.m. to 5 p.m. Aug. 28, 6 to 10 p.m. Sept. 4, and 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sept. 18 and 25. A $50 ($65 for couples) registration fee to help cover costs of materials is required, and graduates are expected to contribute at least 30 hours of public service after completing the course. Service projects could include a variety of activities designed to improve and expand tree resources in Iowa (assisting with 4-H projects, community tree plantings, forestry field days, etc.). The Master Woodland Managers Program is sponsored by ISU Forestry Extension, Iowa DNR Bureau of Forestry, the Iowa Tree Farm Committee and County Conservation boards. Since 1988, when the program was initiated, 934 individuals have graduated from this program and more than 22,000 public service hours have been contributed. Anyone interested in receiving more program information and an application form should contact Jesse Randall, ISU Extension Forester, 339 Science II, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, 50011-1021, call (515) 294-1168 or email randallj@iastate.edu. You can find more information on the web at www.extension.iastate.edu/forestry. Application deadline is July 1. A maximum of 20 people will be admitted to this educational program. ❖
Master Woodland Managers wanted
Rescue through the Walmart Foundation’s North Dakota and Iowa State Giving Programs, will be used for a truck purchase and general operations. “Walmart is a major sponsor of Farm Rescue, committed to helping farm families and rural communities,” said Bill Gross, Farm Rescue president and founder. “Walmart has donated more than $300,000 to the organization’s mission and their employees play an important role as active volunteers of Farm Rescue. We are very thankful to receive this funding which allows us to help more farm families during times of unexpected crises.” “The Walmart Foundation is proud to support Farm Rescue and their efforts to help farm families,” said Ryan Irsik, Walmart senior manager of public affairs. “Through these grants, we are hopeful that Farm Rescue and their volunteers can continue to provide assistance to farm families in the
region who without their help might lose their family farm.” The contributions to Farm Rescue were made possible through the Walmart Foundation’s State Giving Program. Through this program, the Walmart Foundation supports organizations that create opportunities so people can live better. The Walmart Foundation State Giving Program strives to award grants that have a long-lasting, positive impact on communities across the United States Farm Rescue was founded in 2006 and has helped more than 200 families since its inception. Farm Rescue helps farm families in North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, Minnesota and Iowa. Applications are currently being accepted for the 2013 planting season, which can be obtained by calling (701) 252-2017 or www.farmrescue.org. Priority deadline is April 15. ❖
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major illness, injury or natural disaster, received two grants totaling $78,000 from the Walmart Foundation. The grants, which were given to Farm
THE LAND, APRIL 12, 2013
Farm Rescue, a nonprofit organization that provides planting and harvesting assistance free of charge to farm families who have experienced a
39 A
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“Where Farm and Family Meet”
POET Biorefining-Lake Crystal is accepting bids for the mowing, baling, and removal of alfalfa-grass mix hay located adjacent to the ethanol plant. Interested bidder must be able to obtain liability insurance meeting POET Biorefining requirements. The successful bidder will be required to harvest the crop at least 3 times during the crop season. Harvested crop must be removed from POET property within 15 days of harvest. Bids can be submitted per acre annual lease or per ton harvested material (to be verified by POET scale). Bids will be accepted until April 26th at 5 p.m. The successful bidder notified on April 29, 2013.
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THE LAND, APRIL 12, 2013
40 A
Hard-working art
This week’s Back Roads is the work of The Land Correspondents Tim King (story) and Jan King (photo)
Jim Daly’s workshop, Royalton, Minn.
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
im Daly’s paintings sparkle. They dance. They J work hard. Daly, an Ohio artist who has found a home near Royalton, in Morrison County, Minn.,
says he never intended to develop a particular style. “I just wanted to capture what I saw,” he said. In Ohio, Daly’s neighbors were Amish. His painting of an Amish schoolyard is yellow and golden and green with a flash of scarlet — the schoolhouse — in the background. The Amish children enter the painting from the shaded green woods through a gate. They move slowly and are relaxed in the cool shade. Once they pass through the gate they enter warm honey-colored sunshine and they fly. “Jim is good at showing motion,” his wife, Katie, said. He is also good at showing wonder. His painting “Fireflies” makes you laugh with delight. In it he
again uses light and darkness to capture the wonder of a child discovering fireflies. How does he do that with simple old paint? “One of my favorite paintings is ‘First Kiss’,” Jim said. “I was inspired by the Impressionist painters.” The Impressionists understood light like Daly does but they didn’t paint anything like “First Kiss.” Those of you who remember your first kiss will be impressed with, and understand, the sun beams shining down on that young couple. That is another thing about Daly’s paintings. Although they would make attractive decorations to hang on your wall, each is more than a pretty picture. They communicate something to the viewer. The idea underlying “Woodcarver’s Epiphany” takes your breath away. And if you’ve ever repaired old and fallen fence lines you’ll recognize “Whitey.”
“He’s been working all morning and he wants to pull that last fence post before the rain comes,” Jim said. “A lot of people look at that painting and say, ‘I know who that is’.” All of these paintings are on Daly’s website, www.sciotarts.com. So are his hand-carved stools, canoe paddles and large murals. What are missing are Jim’s portraits. “Jim likes to draw portraits,” Katie says, as she shows off those of two grandchildren. Each portrait has a large central drawing of the child. That drawing is encircled by four or five smaller drawings of the grandchild in a baseball uniform, at a birthday party, etc. The drawings are from favorite photos. If you’d like to commission a portrait or a painting you can reach Jim at (320) 584-8171. ❖
Do you have a Back Roads story suggestion? E-mail editor@TheLandOnline.com or write to Editor, The Land, P.O. Box 3169, Mankato, MN 56002.
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A D V E RT I S E R L I S T I N G << www.TheLandOnline.com >> “Where Farm and Family Meet”
April 12, 2013
1 Stop Realty ..............................3B Abrahams Farm Repair ............10A Ag Power Enterprises, Inc ........13B Ag Systems Inc ..........................27A Ammerman Resource Center ....33A Anderson Seeds ..................9A, 31A Arnold Companies Inc ......10B, 11B Avoca Spray Service ..................12B Ballman Roofing ........................30A Bayer Truck & Equipment Inc ..39A Big Gain ....................................11A Bob Burns Sales & Service ........16B Boss Supply................................17A Brokaw Supply Co ....................28A Broskoff Structures ..................21A C & C Roofing ............................6A Capreno ......................................3A Chris Sonnek ............................38A Country Cat ..............................10A Country Side Homes ..................14A Courtland Waste Handling ........34A Custom Made Products Co ..........6A Cyrilla Beach Homes Inc ............8A Dahl Farm Supply ......................5A Detke Morbac ............................12B Diers Ag Supply ..........................4A Discipline Advisers ......................8A Distel Grain Systems Inc ............6A Double B Manufacturing ..........30A Duncan Trailers ........................19B Eaton Industries, LLC ..............12A Emerson Kalis..............................4B Enters Liquid Fertilizer Inc ......17A Faber Building & Supplies ........17A Factory Home Center Inc ..........39A Farm Drainage Plows ..................7B Fast Distributing........................31A Fragodt Auction Co ....................3B Freudenthal Dairy & Mfg Co ....36A Gehl Co ......................................37A Greenwald Farm Center ............16B Haas Equipment ........................12B Henslin Auctions ..........................3B Hewitt Drainage Equipment ......33A Holland Auction Co ....................4B Ingalls Honey ............................16A Interstate Center ........................6B K & S Millwrights Inc ..............38A Kannegiesser Truck Sales ..........27A Keepers RV Center ......................9A Keltgens Inc ..............................15A Kiester Implement ......................7B Kroubetz Lakeside Campers ........1B Lamplight Mfg Inc ......................4A Lano Equipment - Shakopee ......14A Larson Brothers Implement ..4B, 7B Lawns Are Us ..............................6A Letchers Farm Supply ..............10A
Lodermeiers ..............................15B Mages Auction Service ................3B Mankato Spray Center Inc ........13A Massey Ferguson ........................5A Massop Electric ..........................6B Matejcek Implement ..................17B Mel Carlson Chev Inc ................25A Messer Repair & Fabricating ....30A Mid-American Auction Co ..........3B Midwest Machinery Co ..............20B Mike’s Collision ........................32A Miller Sellner ............................18B Monson Motors ..........................24A MS Diversified ............................9B Mustang Mfg Co ........................35A NK Clerking ................................2B Northern Ag Service ..................19B Northern Insulation Products ....30A Northland Building Inc ..............15A Olinger Sales & Service ............12A Olsen Diesel Inc ........................29A Pioneer Power ............................21A Poet Biorefining ........................39A Pride Solutions ............................8B Profit Pro ..................................30A Pruess Elevator Inc......................4B R & E Enterprises of Mankato Inc ..............................6B Rabe International Inc ..............15B Resler Spots & Durocs ..............15A Riverside Tire ............................19A Schweiss Inc ................................7B Scott Gross ................................29A SI Feeder/Schoessow Inc ............35A Skaar Show Pigs ..........................2B Smiths Mill Implement ................8B Sonstegard Cattle Co LLC ..........5B Southwest MN K-Fence ............10A Sun Opta ....................................24A Sunco Marketing........................23A Syngenta ......................7A, 11A, 13A Syntex ........................................30A Titan Machinery ..........................5B United Farmers Cooperative ......9B United Prairie Bank ..................26A Versatile ....................................26A Vetter Sales & Service ..............32A Wagner Trucks ..........................19A Wahl Spray Foam Insulation ....19A Wearda Implement ......................7B Westbrook Ag Power....................6B Whitcomb Brothers....................25A White Planters ..........................16A Willmar Farm Center ..................9B Willmar Precast ........................15A Windridge Implements ..............14B Woodford Ag LLC ......................8B Ziegler........................................20A
Martin County MN Farmland Auction Tuesday Evening April 30th, 2013 @ 7:00 p.m. Auction held at Sherburn Legion Hall, Sherburn, MN
• 143.38 Acres to be sold in 2 Parcels •
Location of Farms: Parcel 1: 1.3 mi. S of Trimont, MN & 2 mi. W on Co. Rd. 36 Parcel 2: 3 mi. S of Trimont, MN & 4 mi. W on Co. Rd. 36 Legal: Parcel 1: 80 Acres located in S 1/2 of SE 1/4 in Section 15, Elm Creek Twp., 75.6 Tillable Parcel 2: 63.38 Acres located in SE 1/4 in Section 17, Elm Creek Twp., 52.3 Tillable. • Both Exc. Producing Farms. No Buyers Premium •
Open House: Tuesday Evening April 23rd 5-7 p.m. at Parcel 1 location
Please contact auctioneers or go to website www.auctioneeralley.com for full terms and info booklet.
Ervin Cordes Estate,
Earl Cordes Personal Representative • 763-242-2834
ADVERTISING NOTICE: Please check your ad the first week it runs. We make every effort to avoid errors by checking all copy, but sometimes errors are missed. Therefore, we ask that you review your ad for correctness. If you find a mistake, please call (507) 345-4523 immediately so that the error can be corrected. We regret that we cannot be responsible for more than one week's insertion if the error is not called to our attention. We cannot be liable for an amount greater than the cost of the ad. THE LAND has the right to edit, reject or properly classify any ad. Each classified line ad is separately copyrighted to THE LAND. Reproduction without permission is strictly prohibited. Employment
Agricultural Collateral Inspection and Appraisals. Ag background required. Training course available. Call 800-488-7570 or visit www.amagappraisers.com Be An Auctioneer & Personal Property Appraiser Continental Auction Schools Mankato, MN & Ames, IA 507-625-5595 www.auctioneerschool.com HELP WANTED On grain & livestock farm in St James, MN area, CDL license, experience preferred, dependable, references required. 507-920-8217
Darin Haugen, Att. For Estate • Auctioneers 507-238-4318
Kahlers, Wedel, Pike, Hartung & Hall Auctioneers 507-764-3591 or 507-920-8060
Skaar Show Pigs - 5th Annual Sale -
Friday, April 19th • 7 p.m. Lyon County Fairgrounds W. Hwy. 19 • Marshall, MN For more information
Call Earl • (507) 828-4475 www.skaarshowpigs.com
Real Estate
020 Real Estate Wanted
021 Antiques & Collectibles
3 B THE LAND, APRIL 12, 2013
$1,200/OBO. Looking for help for custom Sell your land or real estate WANTED: Land & farms. I B JD tractor have clients looking for in 30 days for 0% commis(715)283-4946 harvesting, 2013 season, dairy, & cash grain operasion. Call Ray 507-339-1272 truck drivers & combine tions, as well as bare land operators, clean driving 031 parcels from 40-1000 acres. Hay & Forage Equip Selling or Buying Farms record, 18 years old, CDL Both for relocation & inor Class B, meals & lodging or 1031 Exchange! vestments. If you have FOR SALE: Bale handler for included. 320-859-2894 or Private Sale or small square bales, even thought about selling 320-815-3495 Sealed Bid Auction! $1,000/OBO. Ray Moeller contact: Paul Krueger, Call “The Land Specialists!” 712-297-7951 Farm & Land Specialist, Northland Real Estate Real Estate 020 Edina Realty, SW Suburban 612-756-1899 or 320-894-7337 Office, 14198 Commerce www.farms1031.com 186 acres, Town of Oshkosh, Ave NE, Prior Lake, MN Winnebago Cty. Selling by 55372. We have extensive lists of "Sealed Bid Auction". Lopaulkrueger@edinarealty.com Land Investors & farm buycated Brooks Rd., County (952)447-4700 ers throughout MN. We alHwy. S & Hwy. 45. Offered ways have interested buyin 6 parcels or all together. ers. For top prices, go with All bids due April 24. Call our proven methods over to request your "Bid Packthousands of acres. age" today! Beduhn Real Serving Minnesota Estate & Auctions. RWA Mages Land Co & Auc Serv #2297. www.magesland.com www.BEDUHNSALES.com 800-803-8761 (920)428-7011
EQUIPMENT AUCTION Auction Location: Dawson, MN: 1/2 Mile West on Hwy 212
For Complete Brochure Ph. 320-760-2979 or see us online at: midamericanauctioninc.com
MID-AMERICAN AUCTION CO. INC JD 7800 tractor, 14.9x46 w/duals, power quad JD 2940 Tractor, 2wd, Syncro w/hi-lo, 18.4x34s, 10:00x16, 2 scv, JD 148 loader, 3 pt, 540 pto, SN:412927 JD 7520 MFWD, IVT 18.4x42 rubber, has 741 loader w/grapple
Wendy Forthun
Broker/REALTOR 507-251-1637
Gary Hotovec - REALTOR®, 612-202-5090 402 S. Mantorville Ave., Kasson, MN 55944 Tel.: 507-634-7033 • Fax: 507-634-7036
MISCELLANEOUS (4) segment tires, equivalent size 10:00x16.5 66” manure bucket for older L series New Holland Portable seed vac 2 grill guards for IH/ New holland tractor 22’ flat bed truck box w/3500 gal poly tank, 2 chem cones, no pump (2) H&H pallet forks
CIH 12/30 planter, vertical fold, insect, early rise monitor, mech drive, dual lift assist, 2pt drum, SNJJC0026228 Kinse 8/30 planter w/ liquid fert. JD 7000 8/30 planter for parts, dry fert & herb compartments IH 800 12/30 planter, monitor, insecticide
A64 Ford Payloader w/8’ dirt bucket, 1 year on hinge pin, SN:C540914 1990 Case 580-A, 2WD, Reg Backhoe, cab heat, new paint 2 rock buckets 2 grapple buckets 2 fence post puller bkts 2 quick tach plates 10 ft. box scraper Post hole digger skidsteer Skidsteer buckets and attachments
NH BR 780 baler w/ monitor NH Super hayliner #78 square baler JD 566 Round baler 10 bale Bale Hauler, like new 2007 JD 568, net wrap, large tires, megawide, monitor
JD 260 disc mower 7’9”, 540 pto, 3 pt, SN:E00260A986749 IHC 200 blade, rear mount, 6’, fast hitch, SN:D12-18A IELD QUIP Wet Corn holding bin, freestanding, 500 ILLAGE bushel, located 5 mi. Wilrich Field Cult., 24’, west of Milan, MN 7” spacing, 9” sweeps, 5’ Sunmaster rotary C shanks, mech. cutter depth control, PT, 4 13”x91’ Westfield low bar harrow, SN3684 profile auger w/swing JD 960 Field Cultivator, hopper 36 1/2’, 6” spacing, 6 row stalk chopper 7” sweeps, SGLPT, IH 1020 30’ flex head depth control, JD 4 bar harrow, PT, Knick Header trailer JD 158 loader ons, SN:B12-1762 JD 148 loader JD 235 Disc, 23-23 1/2 wide, 22’ blades, 9 1/2” EMI RAILERS spacing, hyd. wings (4) 2006 Wabash 53’ Case IH 4500 field cult., dry van trailers, w/ 18 1/2’ w/CIH harrow air ride suspension, Oliver 24’ disc, big transluscent roof blades, hyd. fold IH 4600 25’ field cult.
Auctioneer Notes: Fragodt Auction Company would like to thank all of our consignors for providing us with an excellent lineup of equipment to offer our buyers at auction. Do not miss this opportunity to attend and bid and buy some very nice, clean pieces. Be sure to check our website for additional pictures and additional items, as they will be added daily. Thanks. - Randy and Nathan @ Fragodt Auction Company.
1991 Ford L8000 Tri-Ax Dump Truck w/16 ft. box & hoist, 8 spd, Lo-Lo transmission 1984 Kodiak tandem axle w/14 ft. box & hoist 1974 Ford single axle truck w/16 ft. box & hoist 1988 IH 9300 Cat 3406, Eaton 9 spd, pto on tranny - no pump, 15-1/2 ft. frame behind cab, 24.5 rubber 60%+, 19,000 rears, 12,000 fronts 1980 IH truck w/Tyler 8 ton fertilizer tender box
Kawasaki 300 ATV 2WD, 5 spd, red, SN:MC13-4 1979 Mallard camper, PT, speels 4, hot water, air conditioning, fair condition 1977 Terry camper, 21’ bumper, good shape JD LA165 lawn tractor, hydro, air cooled, 48” deck, SN:GXA165A055670 Snapper walk-behind mower, 6.76 hp, 21’ deck, electric start, SN:D11-108
AUCTIONEERS & CLERK: Fragodt Auction Company, 3154 Hwy 40, Appleton, MN 56208 Randy Fragodt Nathan Fragodt 320-297-0578
Randy Fragodt, MN76-12
www.fragodtauction.com www fragodtauction com
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
139± acres in Sec. 13, Green Isle Twp., Sibley Co. 124± tillable with an 87 CPI. It is not often we are able to offer good tillable land with income, that may also have potential future use. “The Experienced Farmland Professionals” Kirk E. Swenson
JD 4455 MFWD, powershift, nice tires, 460/85R42 rears 90%, 14.9x30 fronts 60% JD 4630, 2WD, Syncro, 18.4x38 duals 10:00x16, 3pt, 1000 pto, 2 scvs, rock box, R134AC, SN:4630W005249 JD 7420 MFWD, 18.4x38 rubber, power quad w/ reverser, 741 loader w/grapple JD 4430 quad, WF, 3 pt, 2 hyd Farmall M w/loader
<< www.TheLandOnline.com >>
Friday, April 19, 2013 • 10:00 am
Hay & Forage Equip
THE LAND, APRIL 12, 2013
4 B
LOCATION: Hope, MN. From Owatonna, MN 7 miles south on I-35, then 1⁄4 mile west at Hope Cty. Rd. 4. Or 1⁄2 mile east of Hope, MN on Cty. Rd. 4 (or 93rd St.)
<< www.TheLandOnline.com >>
Auctioneer Note: A very good auction to attend. Will be running two auction rings all day. The majority of this farm equipment is locally farmer owned. Hope to see you auction day. AL SCHULTZ • FARM LINE • TO SELL AT 12:00 NOON VERY CLEAN LINE OF FARM EQUIPMENT • (507) 461-4300 • JD 8300, MFWD, 7414 hrs., 520/85R-42” tires w/axle duals, 420/90R-30” fronts, SN: RW8300P021459 • JD 7200 Conservation, Max Emerge II vac planter, 16R30”, precision meters, JD 250 monitor, Schlago press wheels, insect boxes, liquid in furrow, Red Ball system, piston pump, 1100 acres on recondition, SN: H07200D660221 • JD 630 disc, 28’, SN: N00630X004420 • JD 960 field cultivator, 33’ knock-on sweeps, 3 bar harrow, SN: N00960X15673 • DMI 530 Ecolo-Tiger, 5 shank, covering disks • JD 220 high speed stalk chopper, 20’, 4 wheels, 300 acres on recondition • 6’x20’ tandem axle trailer w/1100 gal. poly tank, 31⁄2 hp. transfer pump, 7000 lb. axles • Set of 500 gal. poly tanks • 16 single disk fertilizer openers off of JD planter • JD moisture tester.
EATON BROS. FARM • FARM EQUIPMENT • TO SELL AT 12:15 P.M. • Houle 8900 gal. manure tank, 4 axles, Model EL-48-8D-7400, 5 disc injectors, SN: 97-1428 • ‘80 JD 8640, 4x4, 6800 hrs., 1000 hrs. on rebuilt engine at Ag-Power, 3 pt., PTO, 18.4-38” tires, SN: 4593 • 1992 CIH 9230, 4x4, 8565 hrs., 3 pt., PTO, 18.4-38” tires • Red Ball 670 sprayer, 1200 gal. tank, 80’ booms, 320/85R-38” tires, SN: 02-01-072 • Hiniker 1428 chisel plow, 14’ • 1969 Ford grain truck, 18’ box & hoist, twin screw.
TRACTORS • BACKHOE • PLANTING • TILLAGE EQUIPMENT • JD 4850 FWA, duals, 20.8-42” tires, 6900 hrs., power shift, 15-spd. • (2) IH Farmalls, H, NF, hyd. • JD 3010, gas, NF, approx. 15 hrs. on rebuilt engine • IH 450, SN: 9898 • Farmall H, SN: 34508 • JD 620 w/Farmhand loader, SN: 62022298 • JD A, w/fenders, new tires, high-low 3 spd. • AC C w/Woods mower, SN: C-36502 • IH backhoe 260 Series A, hydrostatic, shows 4222 hrs., diesel, 30” bucket, like new rubber • IH 800 planter, 8R30”, liquid fertilizer, monitor • JD 455 bean drill, 30’, JD Precision seed units, 10” spacings, Yetter markers & drag, w/monitor (nice) • JD VanBrunt 10’ grain drill, grass seed, low rubber • Wilrich 36’ field digger w/harrow • AC tandem disc, 21’, w/folding wings • JD 2 bottom plow on steel • L&D Ag 3 pt. sprayer, 500 gal., 60’ booms, electric controls, • Flair box w/gear.
VEHICLES • WAGONS • LIVESTOCK, GRAIN & HAY EQUIP., MISC. ITEMS • 1998 Chevrolet 3/4-ton extended. cab, long box, 4x4 • 1990 Chevrolet pickup w/plow, 4x4 • 1975 Ford twin screw w/18’ box & hoist, 477 gas, 5x3 trans. • Ford 4x4, V6, auto. • 250 gravity wagon w/gear • Parker 250 bu. seed tender gravity wagon w/Top-Air belt conveyer, scale • NH 273 square baler • Bale thrower off of NH 273 baler • NH 890 forage chopper w/6’ hay head • Lorenz Model 100 mixer mill • 1990 Delta 20’ gooseneck livestock trailer, tandem axle • Glencoe 16’ field digger • Oliver 14’ tandem disk • JD 10’ grain drill, grass seed, low rubber • JD 820 hay conditioner w/crimper, 9’ head • 8’x16’ bale rack w/gear • Hydraulic seed bean auger • Set of 400 gal. tanks w/hardware off of IH 4x4 tractor • Misc. grain bin augers • 500 gal. fuel barrel • 400 gal. poly tank on gear • New Bosch pancake air compressor • 10’ Cultipacker • IH 720 chopper 2-row cornhead & hay head • NH 469 haybine • Minn. 10-ton running gear • (2) 6-ton running gears • NH 846 round baler • JD self-propelled swather • Dakon 3 comp. 300 bu. gravity wagon, 12-ton gear w/roll tarp • Flair box w/gear • Grain elevator, 40’.
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
• EZ Go golf cart, gas, SN: 541422, w/lawn sprayer • 1990 Club car, elec. • 1988 Club car, gas, top w/windshield • Hyundai golf cart, gas • EZ Go golf cart, elec., top • Snapper Zero-Turn mower • JD LX188 riding mower w/bagger & snowblower • 2006 aluminum stock trailer, 14’ • Grasshopper Zero-Turn mower, 48” deck • New Craftsman 36” riding mower • StarCraft 16’ boat, 50 hp. Merc. motor, trolling motor w/trailer • 1988 Wilderness 30’ pull-type camper • Gas generator • Woods 8’ land scraper rake • Misc. new tools • Lawn roller • (3) New floor jacks • Craftsman stackable toolbox • Lincoln SP100 wire feed welder w/cart & auto darkening helmet, gloves, 2-lbs. flux corewire • 20 gal. pull-type yard sprayer w/wand • Mr. Heater, 250,000 BTU (new) • Gas-powered generator, 4500 watt (new) • 1993 Arctic Cat Wildcat 700 EFI • JD planter parts: 7000, 7100, 1760 • JD 3020 radiator • Artificial insemination tank • 1985 Pace Arrow motor home, 454 eng., 32’ • 18.4x34’ band duals. – – – MORE ITEMS BY SALE TIME!!! – – – Please Note: Partial Listing. More items still to be consigned by sale time. Delivery of consignments will be on April 8, 9, 10 & 11, 2013. ABSOLUTELY NO CONSIGNMENTS ON APRIL 12th!!! Some items subject to change prior to sale. Loading of implements will be available day of Auction Only. TERMS: CASH or GOOD Check, and Picture ID required. All sales subject to MN Sales Tax. No property removed until fully settled for. Any verbal announcement made day of sale takes precedence over print. Sales Staff and Owners Not Responsible for Accidents. Lunch & Restrooms on Grounds. Clerk: Holland Auction Co.
(507) 684-2955
FOR FULL COLOR PICTURES & LISTING Visit Our Website www.hollandauction.com • A Professional Full Service Auction Company • Member of State & National Auctioneer’s Association
Hay & Forage Equip
Bins & Buildings
SATURDAY, APRIL 13, 2013 • 9:30 A.M. (SHARP)
FOR SALE: JD 5400-5830 FOR SALE: NH Hayliner 68, FOR SALE: 7,000 bu 30' diand 6000 series forage harfor small square bales, ameter Lindsay bin, ready vesters. Used kernel pro$1,250/OBO. 712-297-7951 to load, $3,000; 4,000 bu 18' cessors, also, used JD 40 diameter Coop bin, ready knife Dura-Drums, and H&S 860 Forage Blower, exc to load, $1,800. 507-647-4247 condition. 715-308-3734 drum conversions for 5400 and 5460. Call (507)427-3520 Patz 420 LP TMR mixer, ex- FOR SALE: Grain bins, GSI, www.ok-enterprise.com 65,000 bu, full floor, power cellent condition. Sold sweep unload, $45,000. Cows. $22,500 608-214-1859 FOR SALE: JD 7½' yellow Chicago bin, 18,500 bu, full hay head & 3RN yellow Small bale hay conveyor - 60' floor, 8” unload, $11,750; in barn, 30' outside. One cornhead, nice condition, We can erect. 320-360-7851 unit powers both. Very asking $5,500. 507-227-2602 good condition. Call 608-643FOR SALE: Used grain bins, 6029, ask for Ron or leave Hesston 30A stacker w/pwr 10,000 bu, $3,500; 15,000 bu, message. endgate, newer style pad$6,800; 21,000 bu, $9,000; dles w/bushings, relined up12,000 bu, $4,500; 24,500 bu, 033 per throat spout, mnted Bins & Buildings $11,000; 13,000 bu drying spare tire, unit is good bin, $1,400. Bins are down & cond., shedded since new 12,000 bu. hopper bin; 25,000 delivered for above prices. bu. w/floor & unload; 14,000 also, Hesston 30 stack 715-308-9649 bu. w/floor & pwr sweep; mover, $3,900. 507-267-4448 11,000 bu. w/floor & unload. FOR SALE: Used grain bins, 507-697-6133 10,000 bu, $3,500; 15,000 bu, www.usedbinsales.com $6,800; 21,000 bu, $9,000; 12,000 bu, $4,500; 24,500 bu $11,000; 13,000 bu drying bin, $14,000. Bins are down & delivered for above prices. Concrete & erection work. 715-308-9649
Col. Tracy Holland, #7405002 Ellendale, MN • (507) 684-2955 Col. Sam Peterson, #7410003 Ellendale, MN •(507) 455-9309 Col. Brandon Nelson, #7409008 Ellendale, MN
We pay top dollar for your damaged grain. We are experienced handlers of your wet, dry, burnt and mixed grains. Trucks and Vacs available. Immediate response anywhere. CALL FOR A QUOTE TODAY
PRUESS ELEV., INC. 1-800-828-6642
Midwest Ag Equip Farm Equipment For Sale ‘13 Challenger MT755D, loaded....................................$229,500 ‘08 Cat 965B, 1300 hrs. ......$190,000 ‘08 Cat 755B, 1000 hrs. ......$179,000 ‘04 Cat 855, 3000 hrs. ..........$185,000 ‘07 JD 9860STS, 800 hrs., loaded w/all options ............$160,000 ‘04 Cat 262B skidsteers ........$23,000 ‘08 Lexion 595R, 650 hrs.....$225,000 ‘12 Krause Dominator, 18’, Demo ......................................$58,500 ‘10 JD 8345RT, 1600 hrs. ....$232,500 ‘08 JD 8430, ILS, PS, 780 hrs. ..............................................$215,000
Financing Available
Emerson Kalis Easton, MN 56025 • 507-381-9675
SILO DOORS Wood or steel doors shipped promptly to your farm stainless fasteners hardware available. (800)222-5726 Landwood Sales LLC Stormor Bins & EZ-Drys. 100% financing w/no liens or red tape, call Steve at Fairfax Ag for an appointment. 888-830-7757 Grain Handling Equip
1 yr old 11' Gravity box fertilizer auger, $700. Going to liquid starter. Colfax, WI. Beyrer Farms. (715)6581555 10 x 71 Westfield auger, 1 yr old, hydraulic lift, $7,400/OBO. 651-380-6921 10x71 Buhler/Farm King auger, w/ Low Pro swing hopper, $6,500; Swinger 12V remote controlled hopper mover, only used 2 seasons, $1,200/OBO. 507-647-4247
USED PARTS LARSON SALVAGE Good selection of tractor parts - New & Used All kinds of hay equipment, haybines, balers, choppers parted out. New combine belts for all makes. Swather canvases, round baler belting, used & new tires. 6 miles East of
CAMBRIDGE, MN 763-689-1179 We Ship Daily
Visa and MasterCard Accepted
Grain Handling Equip
Farm Implements
035 Farm Implements
5 B
<< www.TheLandOnline.com >>
'05 JD 7520 MFW tractor, FOR SALE: '06 Arctic Cat Prowler UTV, $4,900; 20' IVT trans, 3pt, 3 hyds, budWoods batwing mower, dy seat, 18.4x42, front fend$1,800; IH 1480 combine, ers, JD 741 SL ldr w/ grap$5,900; JD 7000 16R planter, ple fork, $74,500; JD 1075 & $6,900. 507-236-4925 Westdendorf 12T running gears, $1,500/ea; Parker 5500 600 bu gravity box, FOR SALE: '50 JD G, new rear tires, $4,800; JD 7000 exc, 425x22.5 truck tires, planter, 4RW, dry fert, good cond, $6,950. 320-769$2,500. 651-463-3248 2756
035 Farm Implements
38' JD 1010 field cult, w/ rear Harms Mfg. Land Rollers, brand new, 16', $7,200; 32', leveler, very good condi$16,500; 42', $19,500. Any tion, $1,750. 515-852-4241 size available. (715)296-2162 FOR SALE: 3pt grader blade, 10' wide, will fit 2pt Hydrostatic & Hydraulic Reor 3pt or log chain, pair Repair-Troubleshoot$250/OBO. 712-297-7951 ing Sales-Design Custom hydraulic hose-making up FOR SALE: 4300 Rite Way to 2” Service calls made. roller, 42'; 12R 183 Case IH STOEN'S Hydrostatic Sercultivator w/ shields, Both vice 16084 State Hwy 29 N good condition. 507-227-0213 Glenwood, MN 56334 320or 507-381-1891 634-4360 FOR SALE: 50' Mandako Land Roller, $33,000; 320- JD 12' grain drill, hyd, low rubber, no grass; JD '50 808-5719 Model B w/ or w/out FOR SALE: DMI nitrogen Schwartz ldr, nice; JD 327 applicator, 13 shank pull baler w/ thrower; Snoco 40' type, DJ controller, $3,000. bale elevator; JD 26' bale 507-834-6321 elevator; Snoco sections FOR SALE: Fast 60' 3pt available; JD #5 sickle sprayer, 30” nozzle spacing, mower. 320-864-4583 or 320w/ pull behind 2 whl 800 gal 779-4583 tank, controls, monitor, hyd pump; (4) 200 gal saddle Kiefer hog trailer, aluminum, 7x24, inside ditanks & mounts for under vider, very good condition, tractor frame; Lil' $8,500. 507-766-5083 Thumper fert piston pump, model PP-1; Squeeze Krause Landsmen 6200 45' pumps; 80 gal air compressoil finisher, $39,000. (715) sor tank w/ pump; Orange 556-9090 or (715)632-2319 side rake, belt driven. 507227-0222 MACHINERY FOR SALE: IH 584 WF utility tractor, FOR SALE: JD 9200, pwr 60hp. Miller 6RN, high shift, 4WD, $75,000; JD clearance cult, always been 3010G w/ldr, $8,500; Gehl shedded. (2) 3,000 gal liq 2500 skidloader $2,500; manure tankers, one BadCaterpillar D4C bulldozer, ger, one AOSmith. All ma$8,000. Owner retiring. 507chinery priced to sell. Eau 330-3945 Galle. (715)495-1984 FOR SALE: Wil-Rich Quad 5 Model 4000 Mechanical field cultivator heavy harbrand transplanter, 3 row, row with spray attachment padded seats, optional plug $15,000/OBO. Trailmaster carousel extra timing 80ft sprayer 1000 gal tank gears, mounted on 3pt tool tandem axle with 440 bar. Very good cond, ready Raven. $3,900/OBO (507) to work, $5,500. 715-213-0770 276-1880
THE LAND, APRIL 12, 2013
350 bu. Parker gravity box '50 Ford 8N 12-volt exc metw/Parker seed auger on 10 al, new paint, good rubber, ton running gear. 507-451good runner w/ (2) King 7626 Leave Message Kutter Mowers-rotary & finish w/ blade & middle 50' galvanized auger, 8" dibuster, $5,000/OBO. (608) ameter, $750/OBO. 515-387776-3873 8707 or 515-864-8098 Approx. 165' of drag, 6 yrs. '90 CIH 9180, 5500 hrs, 20.8X42 duals, farmer old, 10,000 bu/hr.; 14,000 owned. $58,000 641-373-6903 bu., 30', 6 ring, wide core Sioux bin, full flr, 8” pwr '93 R52; 630 CH 3000 Elec sweep. 507-697-6133 plates; 20' flex 800; www.usedbinsales.com Artsway 180 chopper. 515368-4492 BRAND NEW! WESTFIELD 10-71 low profile swing hopper $8,925. All sizes avail- 30' flat fold JD 1010 field cult. w/rear leveler. Very able. Mike 507-848-6268 good condition, $1,500. 515FOR SALE: Hutchinson 852-4241 grain auger, 13” x 72' w/ swing hopper, PTO drive, 30' JD 400 Rotary Hoe, flat new, never used. Call Greg fold, always shedded, very Leland 507-383-0829 good condition, $5,000. 515852-4241 FOR SALE:Used grain bins, floors unload systems, sti- 7x7 tool bar, 30', folding 2 lift rators, fans & heaters, aerassist, made for tank on lift ation fans, buying or sellassist, $1,500/OBO. 712-260ing, try me first and also 8003 call for very competitive contract rates! Office Dakon gravity box w/ brush hours 8am-5pm Monday – auger & 2 compartments Friday Saturday 9am - 12 set up w/ tarp, exc cond, noon or call 507-697-6133 $1,000; JD 200 stacker, tanAsk for Gary dem flotation tires, runs smooth, new chain, works well, $2,500. 507-428-3572 Farm Implements 035
Sonstegard Cattle Co LLC 9th Annual Bull Sale
April 13th, 1:00 p.m. (CT) • Montevideo, MN SELLING: 55 Top Quality Yearlings and 12 Stout 2 yr. old Bulls
Offering bulls bred for calving ease, maternal, performance and carcass! All Bulls will have a carcass ultrasound, fertility test, and performance test. Take advantage of a family operation that has over 35 Years of Red Angus breeding experience.
Reg#1521727 • Powerful outcross growth bulls like this sell!
Reg#1521803 • Several calving ease bulls like this sell!
Reg#1521637 • 3 Full ET brothers like this sell!
Offering Free Delivery within 400 miles! Yardage until delivery for free! Plus a one breeding season Guarantee!
Reg#1521687 • Eye appealing spread bulls like this sell!
Contact us for more info or a Sale Catalog
Gary, Elaine, Tory, and Tyler Sonstegard • Phone: 320-226-2340 - 320-291-9384 Email: tjsonstegard@3scc.net • New Website: www.3scc.net Check out our Website for a complete bull list. Look for our catalog online in mid-March and videos of the bulls near the end of March.
77847 - 209th St • Albert Lea, MN 56007 507-373-9114 • Toll Free 877-267-0392 www.titanmachinery.com
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
Titan Machinery
Farm Implements
6 B THE LAND, APRIL 12, 2013
Saturday, May 4th, 2013 • 10:00 am Located 3 miles east of Sioux Falls on I-90 exit 402 Interstate Auction Center LLC will be selling 150-350 clean late model lawn mowers, tillers, snowblowers, skid loaders, acreage tractors and equipment, loaders, 3 and 4 wheelers, cycles, boats, campers, trees and shrubs, landscaping block, sprayers, pavers, trucksters, golf carts, guns, vehicles and MUCH MORE. Consign to the areas premier spring lawn and garden consignment auction. DEALERS AND PUBLIC ARE WELCOME.
<< www.TheLandOnline.com >>
Advertising deadline will be April 25th, Consignment deadline will be Friday, May 3rd. All titles must be in offices by consignment deadline.
INTERSTATE AUCTION CENTER, LLC WESTBROOK A G P OWER Call 1-605-331-4550 to consign www.westbrookagpower.com
Hwy. 30 West • WESTBROOK, MN • Ph. (507) 274-6101 TRACTORS
‘09 CIH Steiger 385, 875 hrs. ....................................$199,900 ‘09 Versatile 435, 1800 hrs. ......................................$156,900 ‘06 Versatile 485, 1800 hrs. ......................................$159,900 ‘02 Versatile 2360, 2700 hrs., 710 Metrics ................$114,900 ‘81 Versatile 875, 3 pt., 6100 hrs., Nice........................$25,900 ‘97 NH 9482, 3800 hrs. ................................................$69,900 ‘90 Ford 976, 6200 hrs.................................................$49,900 ‘10 NH T8040, FWA, 700 hrs., (305 hp.) ....................$169,900 ‘10 NH T8040, FWA, 1300 hrs., (305 hp.) ..................$159,900 ‘08 NH T8020, FWA, 1800 hrs., (255 hp.) ..................$126,900 ‘95 NH 8970, FWA, 7500 hrs. ......................................$49,900 ‘05 NH TV145, bi-directional, 3000 hrs. ........................$65,500 ‘98 NH 1530, Boomer, hydro., 1800 hrs. ........................$9,900 JD 2640 ........................................................................$9,900 IH 966, 7500 hrs., no cab ..............................................$7,900 IH 806 ............................................................................$5,900 Allis D17 ........................................................................$3,900 Farmall 400 w/New Idea loader ......................................$2,500
‘12 Mandako 42’ roller 36”, Demo Unit ........................$31,900 Killbros 690 cart ..........................................................$11,900 ‘07 Wilrich 20’ shredder ..............................................$16,900 Miller P-12 loader (off JD 4020) ....................................$4,900 Rem 2700 vac. ............................................................$15,900 Rem 2500 vac. ............................................................$12,900 Bradco 609 SSL backhoe ..............................................$4,950
Sudenga 6” brush auger (off Demco 550)................$1,100
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
‘08 NH CR9060, 750 hrs.............................................$219,900 ‘00 NH TR-99, 1612 hrs. ..............................................$84,900 ‘00 NH TR-99, RWA, 2255 hrs. ....................................$69,900 ‘92 NH TR-96, 4000 hrs. ..............................................$19,900 ‘07 R-75, 1040 hrs., Coming In ..................................$159,900 JD 9600, 2125 hrs. ......................................................$54,900 ‘92 Gleaner R-52, 2400 hrs. ........................................$34,900 ‘93 Gleaner R-52, 2500 hrs. ....................................Coming In
‘12 NH L-225, cab/heat/AC, 600 hrs.............................$37,500 ’06 NH L-190, 1950 hrs. ..............................................$26,900 ‘09 NH L-170, 2300 hrs. ..............................................$21,500 ‘01 NH LS-170, cab & heat, 5400 hrs...........................$12,900 ‘01 NH LS-170, 4800 hrs. ............................................$11,900 ‘05 JD 316, cab/heat, 1900 hrs. ..................................$17,900 Gehl 4840, cab & heat, 2600 hrs. ................................$16,900
‘08 NH 98C, 8R30 ........................................................$31,000 ‘11 Capello, 8R30, fits JD ............................................$69,900 ‘07 Harvestec 4308C, fits Gleaner ................................$29,900
Jess Donkersloot, Auctioneer
Lime Spreading
“Have you checked your soil PH lately”
‘11 MacDon FD 70 draper, 40’......................................$67,900 ‘10 NH 74C, 35’ w/Crary air..........................................$34,900 ‘07 NH 74C, 35’ w/Crary ..............................................$32,900 ‘05 NH 74C, 30’............................................................$19,900 ‘03 NH 74C, 30’............................................................$17,500 ‘98 NH 973, 25’..............................................................$4,000 ‘02 Gleaner 800, 30’ w/Crary air ..................................$17,900 ‘99 Gleaner 800, 25’ ....................................................$12,500 JD 930F w/Crary ............................................................$9,900
Wishek 862NT, 30’ w/harrow........................................$69,900 Wilrich 513, Soil Pro 9-24 ............................................$42,500 ‘08 Wilrich 957, 7-30....................................................$27,900 ‘05 Wilrich 957, 7-30....................................................$22,900 DMI 530 ......................................................................$11,900 DMI 527 ......................................................................$12,900 ‘09 Kraus Dominator 18, 11-shank ..............................$39,900 M&W 2200 Earthmaster ..............................................$24,900 Wilrich Quad X2, 60’, w/basket ....................................$59,900 Wilrich Quad 5, 41.5’, 4-bar ........................................$16,900 DMI Tigermate, 43’, 4-bar ............................................$14,900 DMI Tigermate, 28.5’, 4-bar..........................................$16,900 JD 980, 39.5’ ..............................................................$25,900 Wilrich 3400, 47’, 4 bar ..................................................$6,900 Case 4900, 37.5’ ............................................................$5,900
‘12 Kinze 3600 ASD-EV, 16R30 ..................................$105,900 Kinze 2600, 16/31 ........................................................$39,900 Kinze 2600, 12/23 ........................................................$39,900 Kinze 2210, 12R30 econo fold......................................$26,900 ‘07 JD 1770, 16R30, NTCCS ........................................$72,900 JD 7300 w/lift assist, 12R30 ........................................$11,900 Great Plains 20’ drill ......................................................$5,500 Friesen 240 BWT tender ..............................................$15,900
‘06 NH BR780A, twine/net, 15,000 bales......................$15,900 ‘03 NH BR780, twine/net, 9300 bales ..........................$15,900 ‘01 NH 499 ..................................................................$12,500 NH 688 baler ..................................................................$9,900 NH 851 baler ..................................................................$2,200 ‘08 NH 6740 disc mower................................................$6,450 Kuhn GMD 600 disc mower ............................................$5,250 CORN HEADS ‘09 NH 99C, 8R30 ........................................................$59,900 NH 6750 disc mower......................................................$4,950 ‘08 NH 99C, 8R30 ........................................................$54,900 CIH MDX81 disc mower..................................................$4,500 ‘09 NH 98D, 8R30 ........................................................$38,900 New Idea 527 disc mower..............................................$2,850 ‘09 NH 98D, 6R30 ........................................................$34,900
Advantages we offer: • We unload directly from the trucks to a floater (Terra Gator) without stockpiling material. This gives us a more uniform spread with no foliage to plug up the spreader. • With direct loading there is no stockpile, no wasted lime or mess in your field. • We use a floater (Terra Gator) to spread so we have less compaction. • We are equipped to spread variable rate using GPS mapping. • We service Minnesota and northern Iowa. Why apply Aglime: • A soil ph level of 5.5 nitrogen efficiency is only 77 percent. • A soil ph level of 6.0 nitrogen efficiency still is only 89 percent. • At a soil ph level of 7.0 fertilizer efficiency is 100 percent. for questions or prices please call
R & E Enterprises of Mankato, Inc.
035 Farm Implements
Rock picker (Westgo) with Woods Dixie cutter weed & hydraulic cylinders, $850. brush chopper, 5' 3pt. 515-852-4241 mount, $750. 515-852-4241 We buy Salvage Equipment Parts Available Hammell Equip., Inc. (507)867-4910
'08 JD 8330 MFWD, 480R50 rear tires w/duals, AutoTrac ready, 6000 hrs., 60 GPM hyd. pump, Active seat, buddy seat, 4 SCV's, Wilrich 3400 27' 8 wheel gray frt wgts, exc. cond., $115K shanks 2006, only used 3 OBO. 507-789-6049 yrs. Small farm - new cond. Agco 445 11x chisel 3 DMI, 1954 AC WD45 WF w/loader. Tires 90%. Conv. to 12v. late model. (715) 676-2330 $3,000/OBO. 515-408-7960
If you’re having a Farm Auction, let other Farmers know it! Upcoming Issues of THE LAND Southern MNNorthern IA April 26 May 10 May 24 June 7 June 21 July 5
Northern MN April 19 May 3 May 17 May 31 June 14 June 28
Deadlines are 1 week prior to publication with Holiday deadlines 1 day earlier ** Indicates Early Deadline
PO Box 3169 Mankato, MN 56002 Phone: 507-345-4523 or 800-657-4665 Fax: 507-345-1027
Ask Your Auctioneer to Place Your Auction in The Land! Website:
DELUX 13575, 1350 BPH MC 690, 1 Ph. BEHLEN 380, 1 Ph. HOPPER TANKS KANSUN 8-17-15 BEHLEN, 1600 bu. BEHLEN 700 USED LEGS USED AUGERS UNIVERSAL 1500 12”x71’ MAYRATH BU, 38’ SWINGAWAY BEHLEN 4000 BU, 10”x61’ MAYRATH 105’ SWINGAWAY We carry a full line of Behlen & Delux dryer parts; Mayrath and Hutch augers parts. Large inventory of Welda sprockets, hubs, bearings, chain & pulleys.
1409 Silver Street E. Mapleton, MN 56065 507-524-3726 massopelectric.com
036 Tractors
KIESTER IMPLEMENT, INC. 110 S. Main, P.O. Box 249 • Kiester, MN
The Affordable Way to Tile Your Fields 3 Point Hitch & Pull Type Models Available • Walking Tandem Axles • Formed V Bottom on w/425/65R22.5 Tires for Superior Grade Control • Tile Installation Depth Gauge
Buy Factory Direct & $AVE!
Shoe & Boot forms to Tile. No more Crushed Tile • Paralled Pull Arms, Zero Pitch for the Most Accurate Tile Placement
Clara City, MN 56222 320-847-3218 www.wearda.com
LARSON IMPLEMENTS 5 miles east of Cambridge, MN on Hwy. 95
763-689-1179 Look at our Web site for pictures & more listings Free delivery on combines in MN, Eastern ND & SD
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
• Wilrich 614, 26’ disc • Wilrich Quad X2 60’, rolling basket • Wilrich Quad X, 55’, rolling basket • CIH TII, 55’, rolling basket • CIH TII, 45’, harrow • WIC 24-22 cultivator • Hardi 6600, 132’ • Hardi Com. 1500, 132’ USED EQUIPMENT • Hardi Com. 1200, 132’ • Hardi Nav. 1100, 88’ • White 8524-22 planter • Hardi Nav. 1000, 88’ • Tebben 45’ Land Roller • Hardi Nav. 950, 88’, (2) • Picket one-step 8-22 • Hardi Nav. 1000, 66’ • Pickett thinner, 24-22 • ‘12 Amity 12-22/wheel • Alloway 22’ shredder • ‘12 Amity 12-22 • Alloway 20’ shredder • ‘10 Amity 12-22 • Killbros 1810 cart, tracks • ‘07 Amity 8-22 • Brent 410 grain cart • Amity 8-22, (3) • Westfield MK 13-91 • ‘11 Artsway 6812, 12-22 • Westfield MK 10x71 • ‘10 Artsway 6812, 12-22 • Sheyenne 1410, 10x66 • ‘11 Artsway 6812, 8-22 hopper • ‘06 Artsway 6812, 8-22 • Feterl 12x72 hopper • Artsway 898, 8-22 • Feterl 8x51 hopper • Artsway 692, 8-22 • Tebben 45’ Land Roller • Amity 12-22 topper, • REM 2100 grain vac. St Ft, (3) • ‘09 JD 2700, 7-30 • Alloway 12-22 topper, • Wilrich Soil-Pro, 9-24 St. Ft, (3) • Wilrich 957, 7-30 w/harrow • Artsway 8-22 topper • DMI 730B, 7-30 • Tebben 5-30 deep till • Agco • Hardi Sprayers • REM Grain Vac • Woods Mowers • J&M Grain Carts • Westfield Augers • Sunflower Tillage • White Planters • Wilrich Tillage
<< www.TheLandOnline.com >>
JD 8630, 4x4, 50 Ser. En.............................$19,900 JD 8450, 4x4 ..............................................$27,900 JD 7800, MFD, 740 loader..........................$59,000 CIH 8950, MFD............................................$59,900 JD 4440, P. shift ..........................................$22,900 IH 1256 ..............................................Coming Soon CIH DX25 w/mower ..........................Coming Soon CIH MX270, MFD ........................................$69,900 (2) IH 1026 hydro ..............................From $12,900 IH 756, gas ....................................................$7,900 Farmall SMTA ................................................$5,900 ‘77 JD 4630, PS ..........................................$16,900 IH 460, 560, 560D ..........................................CALL JD loaders, many to choose, ....Starting at $2,495 New Koyker loaders ......................................CALL Gehl 4635 skid loader ................................$12,900 IH 826, German diesel ..................................$8,900 CIH 5120, MFD w/loader ..........................$31,900 JD 4030, open station ................................$14,900 JD 3020, gas ................................................$7,900 JD 720, diesel................................................$6,900 JD 720, gas ..................................................$6,900 JD Loaders - Special: 48, 58, 146, 148, 158, Koyker 510, K5................................................CALL JD Soundguard Cabs, Call for Info
7 ROW CROP TRACTORS ‘11 JD 9430, 1100 hrs., 3 pt., B 1000 PTO, 620x42 tires & duals ‘12 CIH Magnum 290, MFWD, ..................................$229,000 590 hrs., , 3 pt., hyd. valves, ‘10 JD 9630T, 955 hrs., 30” 540/1000 PTO, luxury cab, 19 tracks, front wgts., 4 hyd. hyd. pump, 380x50 tires & ..................................$237,000 duals, front duals ......$178,000 ‘02 CIH STX325, 5924 hrs., ‘04 Buhler Versatile 2210, MFWD, 4081 hrs., 18-spd. PS, 3 pt. hitch, 4 hyd., 18.4x46 tires Super Steer, 4 hyd., 1000 PTO, & duals, power shift ....$88,000 ‘03 NH 425, 3750 hrs., 24-spd. 20.8x42 tires & duals, also front duals & wgts. ......$75,000 trans., 710x38 tires & duals, ‘94 NH 8770, MFWD, 5242 hrs., 4 hyd...........................$122,000 3 pt., 1000 PTO, 14.9x46 tires COMBINES & duals, 4 hyd. ............$55,000 ‘08 JD 9770, 1380 eng./938 sep. ‘02 NH TN75, MFWD, 3015 hrs., hrs., 4x4, HID lights, Contour open station, 3 pt., 540 PTO, Master w/hi-torque variable 3 hyd. w/NH 32LA loader spd., chopper, 1250/45/32 w/joystick control, 16.9x30 tires ............................$162,500 tires ..............................$20,000 ‘10 JD 9770, 917 eng./704 sep. ‘94 JD 7800, 2WD, 9760 hrs., hrs., Contour Master, Pro-drive PS, 3 hyd., 540/1000 PTO, trans., HID lights, hi-torque 14.9x46 tires & duals ..$39,000 variable spd., 20.8x42 duals, ‘94 JD 7800, 2WD, 8500 hrs., chopper ......................$185,000 PS, ........540/1000 PTO, 3 hyd., ‘98 JD 9610, 3578 eng./2379 18.4x42 tires & duals ..$41,000 sep. hrs., chopper, 20.8x42 ‘09 JD 6430 Premium, 2WD, duals, bin ext. ..............$55,000 1660 hrs., 16-spd., 3 pt. ‘09 CIH 7120, 905 eng./711 sep. ....................................$48,000 hrs., tracker, chopper, rock trap, ‘12 CIH Magnum 260, MFWD, Pro 600 w/yield, moisture & 525 hrs., Deluxe cab, auto mapping, 520x42 tires steer, 4 hyd., 540/1000 PTO, & duals ......................$175,000 3 pt., 420x46 tires & duals ‘09 CIH 7120, 1065 eng./816 ..................................$159,000 sep. hrs., Leather seat, tracker, ‘07 CIH Magnum 245, 3250 chopper, rock trap, Pro 600 hrs., 3 pt., 540/1000 PTO, w/yield, moisture & mapping, 4 hyd., 420x46 tires, 18.4x42” 20.8x42 tires & duals $175,000 duals ..........................$107,000 ‘09 CIH 7088, 748 eng./1007 4WD & TRACK TRACTORS sep. hrs., 4x4, tracker, chopper, rock trap, power bin ext., ‘12 JD 9510R, 1288 hrs., 18.4x42 duals ............$165,000 710x42 tires & duals, power ‘94 CIH 1688, 3734 eng. hrs., shift, 5 hyds., front & rear rock trap, chopper, bin ext., wgts. ..........................$235,000 30.5x32 tires ................$30,000 ‘12 JD 9510R, 550 hrs., 520x46 triple tires, 5 hyd., HID lights, ‘87 CIH 1640, 3468 hrs., rock trap, auto header, 24.5x32 Auto-Steer w/Starfire receiver ......................$262,500 tires ..............................$23,000 ‘12 JD 9410R, 225 hrs., 620x46 Check Out Our Large tires & duals, power shift, On-line Inventory of 5 hyds., warranty ........$227,000 Trucks, Semis & ‘12 CIH 500 Quad Trak, 1875 Industrial Equipment hrs., 30” tracks, 4 hyd., Luxury cab..............................$245,000 @ www.larsonimplements.com
THE LAND, APRIL 12, 2013
'92 Case IH 1680, 4530 hrs, '83 JD 8850, 24x5x32 tires, 400 hrs on new engine, field 7800 hrs., 2500 hrs. on OH, tracker, $39,500. 712-790- has PTO, mint cond. 5076698 251-1394
THE LAND, APRIL 12, 2013
8 B
036 Tractors
036 Tractors
036 Tractors
036 Tractors
036 Tractors
036 Tractors
<< www.TheLandOnline.com >>
LOST---ONE 4WD TRACTOR Looking for anyone who knows what may have happened to this tractor or if it's still around. Check your groves. $0 (952) 303-6344
NEW NH T9.560, 4WD ......................................CALL NEW NHT9.450 ..................................................CALL NEW NH T7.185, FWA ......................................CALL NEW NH Boomer 50 w/loader ..........................CALL NEW Versatile 250, FWA....................................CALL NEW Versatile 305, FWA....................................CALL NEW Massey 8670, FWA ..................................CALL NEW DEMO Massey 7620, FWA ......................CALL NEW Massey 5450, FWA, cab, loader ..............CALL ‘08 NH 6070 w/cab, 2WD ..............................$69,000 CIH 9150, 4WD ..............................................$57,900 NH 8870, SS ................................................COMING Ford 5000, diesel, w/cab ............................COMING ‘06 IH 560, WF ..................................................$5,200 White 2-105 ..................................................COMING Oliver 1855 w/cab ............................................$8,500 JD 8440, new rubber ........................................CALL
Nurse Trailers, 1000 gal, tandem axle, pump & hoses..$5,750
new blade
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
FOR SALE: '48 Oliver old 1956 IH Super WDR-9 trac- FOR SALE: '64 JD 3020 dsl FOR SALE: '01 JD 7810, FOR SALE: '94 Agco Allis FOR SALE: 933 dsl tractor, JD 4760 MFW w/ duals & style 88, gas, row crop tor, good cond, low producWF, good cond, new motor, MFWD, 5600 hrs, PS, duals, 9690, MFWD, 190HP tractor wgts. $32,500. JD 4450 QR 3pt, also WD45 gas tractor. w/cast WF, runs good; also, tion number, $4,600. 712-288new clutch 400 hrs ago, ask1 owner, very sharp! 651w/ 14.9x46 duals, 4541 hrs, no cab, needs TLC, runs 320-594-2763 have 88 gas w/hydraulics & 6442 ing $10,250; '05 JD 624J 338-6861 1000PTO, 18spd PS, 3pt w/ good, $12,000. (715) 299-4430 WF, runs good; 77 dsl row fenders, asking $100. JD quick hitch, 3 hyds, excel- FOR SALE: IH Super WD-6, channel frame, strong en- McCormick TTX210 MFWD, crop in running order. 218- FOR SALE: '70 MF 30 indussidehill combine levelling FOR SALE: '81 JD 4440, 5943 lent condition. 218-745-5048 trial ldr tractor, 2600 hrs, gine, $4,500. 712-288-6442 act hrs, QR, 18.4 x 38 w/ 10 564-4273 or 218-639-0315 box, $700. 651-278-5778 or 701-215-3844 836 hrs, 540 & 1000 PTO, duMF34 ldr w/ 80” material bolt hub duals, 1100x16 frt als, wgts, Estate tractor, FOR SALE: JD 2510 diesel, bucket & tine bucket, 60HP, tires, frt wgts, new style FOR SALE: '64 IH Farmall $97,500. 608-792-8051 FOR SALE: 1963 MM G-705 synchro, JD wide front, Perkins gas engine (easy FOR SALE: '72 Oliver 1755, steps & mirrors, 3 SCVs, 6300 hrs, 40 hrs on OH, all 706 gas, new clutch & new tractor, LP gas, very good, dual hyd., roll bar, on gas), Instant Reverse original, always shedded, NEW AND USED TRACTOR new rubber, cab, quick torque amplifier, 2pt hitch, $3,800. 712-288-6442 w/canopy, exc. cond. 320Trans w/ torque convertor, exc cond. $26,500. Call 320PARTS JD 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, hitch, 540/1000 PTO, 2nd good paint, runs good, tires 632-3995 very good cond, 468-6516 or 320-360-9106 55, 50 Series & newer tracowner, original, always infair; '55 Super 77 Oliver, FOR SALE: CIH 9230, row $6,000/OBO. Wanamingo tors, AC-all models, Large side, $9,800. 507-213-0600 good paint, also runs good. crop special, 3pt, PTO, 50% Ford 1950 8N 12V exc metal, MN area. Ask for Rodney, FOR SALE: '91 Case IH 7130 Inventory, We ship! Mark 507-642-8391 new print, good rubber, rubber, higher hours, well 507-272-8489 MFD, new 18.4x42 tires, Heitman Tractor Salvage good runner w/ 2 King Kutmaintained, good shape, new radiator, dual PTO, 715-673-4829 ter Mowers-rotary & finish $42,500. 507-327-0858 3pt, 4spd reverse. 507-477w/ blade & middle buster. 3171 or 507-460-9372 $5,000/OBO. (608)776-3873 Specializing in most AC used tractor parts for JD 2355, cab, new AC, 6,000 sale. Now parting out hrs., w/JD 175 ldr. & forks, WD, 190XT, #200 & D-17 great condition, $15,900; IH tractors. Rosenberg 826 dsl, 3 pt., good eng., Tractor Salvage torgue & tin work, $8,250 507-848-6379 or 507-236-8726 OBO, consider trade. 320543-3523 Harvesting Equip 037
Parker Gravity Wagon, roll tarp & seed vac ....................................$5,250
1996 6036 Skytrak Telescoping Forklift......................................$14,000 10”x71’ Westfield Swing Hopper w/right angle drive ....................$4,750 Maurer Gooseneck Grain Trailer..$6,500 ‘12 Walco Land Leveler................$2,900 ‘11 NH 6750 Disc Mower ............$7,750 ‘81 Versatile 555 Tractor, 5600 hrs., 3 pt., PTO, very nice ..............$12,750
JD 985, 54.5 field cult. w/3 bar ........................CALL JD 980, 44.5’ w/3 bar ........................................CALL M&W 9-shank, 24” w/leveler ........................$12,500 DMI Econo Champ II, HD, 11-shank ..............$7,500 ‘05 JD 2700, 9-24 shank ................................$25,000 ‘12 JD 3710, 10 bottom ....................................CALL ‘10 JD 3710, 10 bottom ....................................CALL JD 3600, 8 bottom, on land ............................$8,000
NEW NH skidsteers on hand ............................CALL NH LS170............................................................CALL ‘06 NH L170....................................................$17,500
NEW White planters ..........................................CALL ‘02 White 8186, 16-30. ..................................$46,500 White 6900, 11-row, splitter ........................COMING
FOR SALE: '01 JD 925F fullfinger flex head, multipoint hookup, PTO drive shafts, used on 9510, always stored inside when not used, low acres, $13,500 OBO. SC MN. 507-920-3249 FOR SALE: '92 Bidwell 666 combine w/8 bar Pickett header. 218-849-7601
White 6222, 12-30 front fold..............................CALL White 6122, 12-30 w/liq., ins., res. ..............COMING White 6122, 12-30 ........................................COMING
‘08 Gleaner R75, loaded, 880 sep. hrs. ............CALL ‘94 Gleaner R72 w/new engine ....................$58,000 ‘01 Gleaner R72, just thru shop ..................COMING ‘03 Gleaner R65, CDF, lat ..................................CALL ‘90 Gleaner R60 w/duals..............................COMING ‘08 Fantini 12-30 chopping cornhead ..........$62,000 NEW Fantini chopping cornhead ......................CALL Gleaner N6........................................................$6,750
New Hesston & NH Hay Tools On Hand
NEW Salford RTS units......................................CALL NEW Salford Plows ..................................AVAILABLE NEW Unverferth seed tenders ..................ON HAND NEW Westfield augers ............................AVAILABLE NEW Rem 2700 vac ..........................................CALL NEW Century HD1000, 60’ sprayers ................CALL NEW Hardi sprayers ..........................................CALL NEW Riteway rollers ..........................................CALL NEW Lorenz snowblowers ................................CALL NEW Batco conveyors ......................................CALL NEW Brent wagons & grain carts ....................CALL NEW E-Z Trail seed wagons..............................CALL NEW rock buckets & pallet forks .................... CALL REM 2700, Rental ..............................................CALL Unverferth 8000 grain cart ............................$19,000 Kinze 1050 w/duals........................................$48,500 Pre-owned Sprayers ..........................................CALL
(DMI Parts Available)
SMITHS MILL IMPLEMENT Hwy. 14, 3 miles West of Janesville, MN
Phone (507) 234-5191 or (507) 625-8649 Mon. - Fri. 7:30-5:00, Sat. 7:30-Noon www.smithsmillimp.com
Harvesting Equip
037 Planting Equip
9 B
‘12 JD 9410R, 4WD, 330 Hrs., ATR, 710/70R42’s w/Duals, Wgt. Pkg., Ext. Warr. ............................................$244,500 ‘11 JD Challenger 765C, 420 Hrs., 25” Belts, 5-Remotes, 3 Pt., PTO ....$224,500 ‘08 JD 9530, 4WD, 1400 Hrs., 800/70R38’s w/Duals, Active Seat, ATR, 6000# Wgt. Pkg...............................................$199,500 ‘12 CIH AF7230 combine, 220 Hrs., 20.8x42’s w/Duals, Lateral Tilt Rock Trap, Chopper, Long Auger (40’ Hds.) $249,500 ‘12 JD S670, 305 Hrs., 20.8x2’s w/Duals, HID’s, Chopper, ATR, GS3 7” Colored Monitor, Std. JD Bin Extension ..$269,500 ‘12 JD S660, 280 Hrs., 20.8x42’s w/Duals, HID’s, Chopper, ATR, GS3 7” Colored Monitor, Std. JD Bin Extension ..$249,500 ‘08 JD 9670STS, 894 Hrs., CM w/HiTorque Reverser, Duals or Singles, Premier Cab, Remote Mirrors, Chopper ......................................$158,000 Financing Available!
THE LAND, APRIL 12, 2013
M.S. Diversified Monte Sandifer-owner
Fairfax, MN
800-432-3565 • 320-894-6560 www.ms-diversified.com
United Farmers Cooperative
Main Office: Ag Service Center 840 Pioneer Avenue P.O. Box 4 Lafayette, MN 56054-0004
USED DRYERS & AUGERS Good Selection of Used Dryers - Call! Sheynne-Westco 10x91 swing, 1 year old ................................................................CALL Kansun 10-25-215, FF 190, GSI 260, GSI 1218 ................................................CALL Westfield MK 13”x71’ ............................$8,900 Feterl 10”x66’, swing ..............................$4,495 Sudenga 8”x51’, electric ........................$3,990 Sudenga 10”x41’, electric ......................$3,995 Sudenga 10”x41’, electric auger............$3,995 Sudenga 10”x31’, electric ......................$3,495 Feterl 12”x72’, swing drive ....................$7,495
Bobcat S850, heat, 2-spd.....................$44,900 Bobcat S750, heat, 2-spd.....................$38,800 Bobcat S205, heat, 2-spd. ......3 From $23,800 Bobcat A300, 2-spd. ............................$17,600 (3) Bobcat S130, heat ..........................$15,600 Bobcat 753, heat ..................................$14,900 Gehl 5640E, heat ..................................$22,900 Gehl 5240E, heat, 2-spd. ......................$24,900 Gehl 3610 w/bucket................................$7,250 NH 455, bucket ......................................$6,800
(2) Krause 18’ ripper ............................$44,800 Krause 12’ ripper ..................................$25,500 (3) Wilrich 957, 7 shank ..............From $22,600 (2) DMI 730 ripper ................................$16,900
507-228-8224 or 800-642-4104 www.ufcmn.com LeSueur • 800-252-5993
DMI 530, 5-shank..................................$12,900 JD 2700, 9-24 ripper ............................$26,900 JD 2700, 7-shank ..................................$25,900 Wilrich 513, 9-shank ............................$44,500 Wilrich 957, 9-shank ............................$39,600 Wilrich QX, 60’ basket ..........................$66,500 Wilrich QX2, 60’, basket ......................$52,900 Great Plains Turbo Till, 24’ ..................$39,800 Sunflower 4411-7 ..................................$16,950 JD 980, 44.5’, 3 bar ..............................$19,600 CIH Tigermate II, 54.5’ ..........................$41,500 CIH 730B ..............................................$20,900 CIH 4800, 36.5’, 3 bar ............................$6,975 JD 400 rotary hoe, 40’ ............................$8,900 JD 3 pt. plow, 5 bottom ..........................$2,850
Fast 1000 gal., 90’ boom ........................$9,900 Redball 580, 80’, 1600 gal. ..................$18,900 Redball 570, 1200 gal., 60’ boom ........$16,400 Redball 670, 1200 gal., 66’ boom ........$13,800 Hardi 6600 Commander, 132’ boom ....$63,900 Top Air 800/gal, 60 ’ boom ....................$9,350
Minnesota 250, 10 ton gear....................$1,900 Used grain legs............................................Call Loftness 15’ chopper` ............................$6,975 H & S 430 spreader, hyd drive................$9,900 Gehl 1410 spreader ................................$8,250 Woods Batwing mower, 15’....................$8,475 Used Snowblowers......................................Call
TRACTORS • ‘13 MF 1705, compact tractor • ‘12 MF 8660, 225 PTO hp. • ‘12 MF 1652, compact, 52 hp., LDR • ‘12 MF 1529, compact, 59 hp., LDR • ‘05 MF 451, 45 PTO hp., 400 hrs. • ‘90 Ford 8830, 4787 hrs. • ‘72 IH 656 hydro w/loader & MFD CORN HEADS • Geringhoff 1822RD, ‘09 • Geringhoff 1622RD, ‘08 • Geringhoff 1622RD, ‘07 • Geringhoff 1622RD, ‘04 • Geringhoff 1230RD, ‘09 • Geringhoff 1230RD, ‘08 • Geringhoff 1222RD, ‘12 • Geringhoff 1222RD, ‘08 • Geringhoff 1222RD, ‘07 • Geringhoff 1222RD, ‘03 • Geringhoff 1222RD, ‘02 • Geringhoff 1220RD, ‘11 • Geringhoff 1220RD, ‘05 • Geringhoff 1220RD, ‘04 • Geringhoff 1220RD, ‘02 • Geringhoff 830RD, ‘10 • Geringhoff 830RD, ‘08 • Geringhoff 830RD, ‘05 • Geringhoff 830RD, ‘04 • Geringhoff 830RD, ‘04 • Geringhoff 830RD, ‘01 • Geringhoff 830RD, ‘00 • Geringhoff 822RD, ‘08 • Geringhoff 630RD, ‘07 • Geringhoff 630RD, ‘00 • Geringhoff 630RD, ‘97 • Geringhoff, 630PC, ‘91 • NH 996, 12R20", '99 • JD 922, GVL poly • JD 893, KR, HDP, ‘04 • JD 643, GVL poly • JD 843, LT, ‘80 • CIH 2208, 8R30, ‘04 • CIH 2208, 8R22, ‘02 COMBINES • MF 8570, RWA • ‘87 MF 8590, 5178 hrs. • ‘86 MF 8560 • '98 Gleaner 800, 25' flexhead • ‘97 Gleaner R62, duals, 2052 sep. hrs. • ‘92 Gleaner R62, 2063 hrs. • MF 9750 PU table • MF 9118 bean table • MF 8000 30' bean table • ‘08 Geringhoff 822RD • ‘04 JD 893 KR HDP GRAIN HANDLING • ‘08 Batco 1335, grain belt, LP, electric motor • Brandt 7500HP, grain vac. • Brandt 5200EX, grain vac
GRAIN HANDLING (CONT.) • ‘09 Brandt 8x47 auger • ‘00 Brandt 4500 EX, grain vac. • ‘05 Brandt 1070, auger, PTO Drive, w/swing hopper • Brandt GBL-10, bagger • Brandt, 1515, 1535, 1545, 1575, 1585 belt conveyors • Brandt 8x45 auger, 18 hp., Briggs • Brandt 8x35, 8x37, 8x40, 8x47, 8x52, 8x57, 8x62, 8x67, 10x35, straight augers • Brandt 1060XL, 1070XL, 1080XL, 1380XL, 1390XL, swing hopper augers • Brandt 20 Series Drive Over Deck • Parker 1098 grain art, 1000 bu, tarp • Parker 1039, grain cart, w/tarp • Parker 839, grain cart, tarp, 850 bu. • Parker 605 gravity box • Parker 505 gravity box • Killbros 180 gravity box • Killbros 180 gravity box w/auger • Unverferth 5000, grain cart • EZ Flow, 220 bu., gravity box w/DrillFill auger • Hutchinson, 10x61 auger • A&L 8505 grain cart, 850 bu. tarp • ‘10 Westfield WC 1515, grain belt, electric motor HAY & LIVESTOCK • JD 275, disc mower, 9’ • JD 38, sickel mower, 7’ • CIH 8480, round baler • IH 14, 5 bar rake • Woods 8400, finish mower • MF 2856, round baler, net, twine • MF 1745, round baler • Gehl 1000 forage harvester, 2R30” • Badger 980 forabte box (2) • MF 1328 & 1330, 3 pt. disc mower • MF 200, SP windrower, cab, auger, header • ‘11 NH H6750, 3 pt., disk mower, 110” • NI 528, 3 pt., disc mower, 94” • Sitrex, 9 wheel inline rake • Sitrex DM 5 disc mower • Sitrex MKCG 14 wheel rake • Sitrex RP2, RP5 wheel rakes • Sitrex 10 & 12 wheel rakes on cart • Westendorf 3 pt. bale spear • H&S 16’ bale wagon • Chandler 22’ & 26’, litter spreader MISCELLANEOUS • DMI Coulter Champ II, 13 shank • Wil-Rich 36’, field cult. • Nyemeyer, soil conditioner • '08 JD 520 stalk chopper • Loftness 30' stalk chopper, SM • Loftness 20’ stalk chopper • Loftness 8’ snowblower • Mauer 28'-42' header trailers • Degelman 6000HD, rock picker • Degelman RR1500, rock rake •2011 SB Select Snowblower, 97” & 108”, 3 pt.
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
United Farmers Cooperative
<< www.TheLandOnline.com >>
FOR SALE: '97 2188 AFX ro- FOR SALE: 75' White 5400 6R planter w/30” spacings, tor 2WD, 3760 eng hrs, 2430 Dickey John seed counting sep hrs, '01 1020 bean head, monitor, exc. cond. 701-640Crary air reel. All exc, one 0671 or 218-557-8558 owner. $80,000/pkg/OBO. 507-227-2874 FOR SALE: 8 Yetter row cleaners w/mounts, disk JD 9500, sidehill combine, blades, $800 OBO. 507-3174WD, Ag Leader insight 3396 color display for yield & moisture. Chopper & FOR SALE: Hyd flat fold markers, to fit planter/ tool spreader, very good cond. bar, or custom fit, $3,000. 608-687-8265 or 507-429-4561 712-297-7951 Planting Equip 038 FOR SALE: JD 1520 20' notill drill, 10” spacings, HD markers w/ cart, exc cond, 10 lids for 1.6 bu. JD planter $12,000/OBO. 507-647-4247 box, hook in the middle; 10 monitor sensor adaptors, FOR SALE: JD 7000, 4RW corn planter, 36” rows, dry weather pack to Cannon fert, insect, good cond., sure seal harness (A3WPHshedded. 763-662-2663 SSS); Johnson sickle servicer, long handle; 4 CoopFOR SALE: JD 7100 corn er Discover ATR M+S planter, 16R22”, insect, hyd 235/85R16 tires. (2) Precifold, trash whips, corn & sion finger units for JD bean meters, gone through planter; (8) bullseye seed yearly, excellent condition. tubes for JD 7000 planter. 507-532-2094 507-317-2588 FOR SALE: Parts for JD 9300 drill, disks nearly new, 12' JD grain drill w/grass 1 disk $12.50 or disk assemseed attach., 7” spacings, bly w/seed boot & 2 disks, low rubber. 507-764-3609 spring & seed hose, $25; press whls, like new rubber CIH 800 planter, w/ DJ Feedon whl, $25. 320-834-2846 master 12R30", vertical fold, $4,800/OBO. 515-387Great Plains #1525P 8707 or 515-864-8098 6-30 TWIN Row (07)No-Til Planter (Has Finger Pick CIH 900 planter, 8R30”, pullup) PLANT in Standing type, liq fert, insect, 1,000 Stalks 3 Pt or Pull Type RPM pump, Early Riser 850 Acres Loaded Almost mon., exc. cond., $4,500. New. 319-347-6138 Can Del 507-276-8345 or 507-834-6409
<< www.TheLandOnline.com >>
THE LAND, APRIL 12, 2013
10 B
KIMBALL, MN • 320-398-3800 Sales: • Wayne Mackereth • Mike Schneider • Allen Schramm • Rollie Jurgens
GLENCOE, MN • 320-864-5531
Sales: • Richard Dammann • Randy Uecker • Steve Schramm • Mike We
NO. MANKATO, MN • 507-387-55 Sales: • Randy Rasmussen • Ed Nowak • Leon Rasmussen • Jay Pederson • Spencer Kolles • Rick Miller • Eric Hopp
TRACTORS 4WD CIH 600 Quad, '12, 500 hrs ..................................$359,500 CIH 600 Quad, '11, 765 hrs ..................................$355,000 CIH 550 Quad, '11, 885 hrs ..................................$318,000 CIH 535 Quad, '08, 825 hrs ..................................$295,000 CIH 535 Quad, '08, 2275 hrs ................................$269,900 CIH 535 Quad, '07, 1620 hrs ................................$271,500 CIH 530 Quad, '07, 2510 hrs ................................$230,000 CIH STX530Q, '06, 2700 hrs ................................$212,000 CIH 485 Quad, '10, 1155 hrs ................................$275,000 CIH 485 Steiger, '10, 1600 hrs ..............................$225,000 CIH 485 Steiger, '09, 1220 hrs ..............................$222,000 CIH 485 Quad, '09, 1390 hrs ................................$275,000 CIH 485 Steiger, '09, 2000 hrs ..............................$210,000 CIH STX450, '05, 3100 hrs ....................................$156,000 CIH STX450, '02, 3710 hrs ....................................$144,500 CIH STX450Q, '02, 4860 hrs ................................$154,900 CIH STX440Q, '01, 3400 hrs ................................$158,500 CIH STX440Q, '01, 3870 hrs ................................$156,000 CIH 435 Steiger, '10, 850 hrs ................................$235,000 CIH 435 Quad, '09, 1315 hrs ................................$250,000 CIH 385 Quad, '10, 1825 hrs ................................$237,500 CIH STX375Q, '01, 3595 hrs ................................$147,500 CIH 350 Steiger, '12, 65 hrs ..................................$235,000 CIH 350 Steiger, '12, 375 hrs ................................$235,000 CIH 350 Steiger, '11, 1260 hrs ..............................$185,000 CIH 350 Steiger, '11, 1590 hrs ..............................$182,500 CIH 335 Steiger, '11, 550 hrs ................................$225,000 CIH 335 Steiger, '10, 1200 hrs ..............................$185,000 CIH 335 Steiger, '09, 2100 hrs ..............................$169,500 CIH 9380, '97, 4490 hrs ..........................................$85,000 CIH 9370, '96, 5455 hrs ..........................................$80,000 CIH 9350, '96, 5970 hrs ..........................................$79,500 CIH 9330, '98, 3225 hrs ..........................................$79,500 CIH 9280, '93, 8900 hrs ..........................................$59,500 CIH 9270, '92, 5435 hrs ..........................................$59,900 CIH 9270, '92, 8925 hrs ..........................................$49,900 CIH 9270, '91, 7130 hrs ..........................................$55,000 CIH 9250, '92, 6530 hrs ..........................................$52,000
COMPACT TRACTORS/RTV’s Deutz 5220, '87, 1540 hrs ........................................$5,995 Ford 1920, '92, 4840 hrs ..........................................$7,900 Ford 1200, 500 hrs ....................................................$5,200 JD 4610, '04, 4720 hrs ............................................$16,500 JD 4310, '04, 1345 hrs ............................................$21,900 JD 4310, '02, 1090 hrs ............................................$21,000 JD 3520, '10, 215 hrs ..............................................$29,900 JD 2305, 120 hrs ....................................................$12,500 Kubota B7510, '04, 1040 hrs ..................................$10,500 Kubota B7300HSD, 1265 hrs ....................................$6,500 Kubota BX2360T, '09, 485 hrs ..................................$8,950 Kubota BX2360TV, '08, 135 hrs ..............................$10,500 Kubota BX2350T, '07, 485 hrs ..................................$8,250 Kubota BX2350, '07, 200 hrs ..................................$10,500 Kubota BX23, '05, 495 hrs ......................................$13,950 Kubota BX2230, '04, 1985 hrs ..................................$7,750 Kubota BX2200, '01, 565 hrs ....................................$7,900 Kubota BX1800, '00, 1510 hrs ..................................$6,600
CIH 290 Magnum, ‘12, 390 hrs. $192,500 CIH MX270, '99, 7780 hrs ......................................$79,000 CIH MX255, '03, 7500 hrs ......................................$92,000 CIH 225 Mag, '11, 445 hrs ....................................$149,000 CIH 215 Mag, '08, 1235 hrs ..................................$139,500 CIH MX200, '99, 8870 hrs ......................................$65,000 CIH 190 Mag, '11, 235 hrs ....................................$167,000 CIH 190 Mag, '09, 3545 hrs ..................................$115,000 CIH 200 Puma, '11, 380 hrs ..................................$141,500 CIH 170 Puma, '11, 545 hrs ..................................$120,000 CIH 125 Maxxum, '11, 890 hrs................................$89,000 CIH 7220, '94, 5280 hrs ..........................................$65,000 CIH 7130, '88, 6305 hrs ..........................................$49,500 Case 3394, '87, 5590 hrs ........................................$29,900 CIH 3294..................................................................$29,900 Challenger 65E, '01, 5385 hrs ................................$37,500 Challenger MT645, '02, 1915 hrs ............................$73,500 Ford 7740, '95, 3000 hrs ........................................$34,500 Holder C9700H, '98, 2245 hrs ................................$12,500 JD 8760, '90, 6545 hrs ............................................$49,500 JD 7720, '06, 1185 hrs ..........................................$120,000 JD 6300, '94, 4095 hrs ............................................$29,500 NH 8970, '94, 10080 hrs ........................................$42,000 NH T8040, '10, 1075 hrs ......................................$179,000 NH T8010, '08, 1900 hrs ......................................$126,500
Flexicoil 36R20 ......................$49,000
CIH TMII, 54.5’ Field Cult. ........
CIH TM 200, 60.5’ Field Cult.......$67,500
DMI TM, 44.5’ Field Cult. ..........
CIH 4800, 26.5' Fld Cult ................................... Flexicoil 36R20 ........................................................$49,000 Flexicoil 2340 ..........................................................$17,500 (2) DMI TMII, 54.5' Fld Cult....................starting JD 7200, 16R30 ......................................................$26,500 JD 7200, 8R30 ........................................................$10,900 JD 7000, 6R30 ..........................................................$5,500 (2) JD 7000, 4R36 ....................................starting at $1,700 (2) JD 1770, 16R30 ................................starting at $44,500 (2) JD 1760, 12R30 ................................starting at $35,000 Kinze 3700, 24R20 ..................................................$63,900 Kinze 2100, 16R30 ..................................................$18,500 NH SP580, 16R20....................................................$72,500 White 8524, 24R30 ................................................$109,900 White 6180, 16R30 ..................................................$20,000 White 6122, 12R30 ..................................................$17,500 Ag System 6200 Side Dress Cart ............................$17,950 CIH 5400MT, 20' Drill ................................................$6,950 (2) Great Plains 20' Drill ..........................starting at $4,500 520, 20' Drill ........................................................$4,500 Massey 1532, ‘11, 85 hrs. ........$17,900 JD JD 455, 30' Drill ......................................................$14,500 Massey 1532, '11, 85 hrs ........................................$17,900 CIH 3900, 23.4' Seeder............................................$15,950 Kawasaki 3010 Mule, '04, 1670 hrs ..........................$3,995 Brillion BOS61, 72" Seeder ........................................$9,500 CIH TMII, 49.5’ Field Cult. ........ Kawasaki 3000 Mule, '06, 1900 hrs ..........................$3,995 SPRING TILLAGE DMI TMII, 50.5' Fld Cult ................................... Kawasaki 650, '06......................................................$4,500 DMI TMII, 48.5' Fld Cult ................................... Kubota RTV900R, '08, 1475 hrs ................................$8,995 DMI TMII, 30.5' Fld Cult ................................... Kubota RTV900, '06, 1015 hrs ..................................$7,950 Kubota RTV900W, '04, 840 hrs ................................$8,200
CIH 9170, ‘89, 7930 hrs. ..........$56,500 CIH 9170, '89, 7930 hrs ..........................................$56,500 CIH 9170, '87, 7335 hrs ..........................................$47,500 CIH 9170, 6315 hrs ................................................$49,500 CIH 9130, '87, 5405 hrs ..........................................$41,500 Ford 9680, '95, 5940 hrs ........................................$53,500 Ford 846, '93, 5800 hrs ..........................................$39,900 JD 9630, '11, 1050 hrs ..........................................$269,900 JD 9400T, '01, 4370 hrs ........................................$126,500 JD 9620T, '06, 3485 hrs ........................................$195,000 JD 9400, '97, 6200 hrs ............................................$95,500 JD 8650, '84, 7510 hrs ............................................$35,500 JD 8440, '79, 9300 hrs ............................................$15,500 NH T9050, '09, 1350 hrs ......................................$209,000 NH 9020, '10, 360 hrs ..........................................$165,000 NH TJ425, '03, 3200 hrs ......................................$129,500 Steiger Cougar, '87, 6920 hrs ..................................$49,500 Steiger ST320, '75, 5000 hrs ..................................$19,500 Versatile 800, '75, 8905 hrs ....................................$10,500
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
TRACTORS AWD/MFD CIH 340 Mag, '11, 1460 hrs ..................................$206,000 CIH 340 Mag, '11, 1700 hrs ..................................$204,500 CIH 340 Mag, '11, 1750 hrs ..................................$204,500 CIH 340 Mag, '11, 1950 hrs ..................................$198,000 CIH 315 Mag, '12, 330 hrs ....................................$229,500 CIH 315 Mag, '12, 1450 hrs ..................................$193,500 CIH 305 Mag, '10, 625 hrs ....................................$182,500 CIH 305 Mag, '10, 3585 hrs ..................................$151,900 CIH 305 Mag, '09, 1710 hrs ..................................$182,500 CIH 290 Mag, '12, 390 hrs ....................................$192,500 CIH 275 Mag, '10, 700 hrs ....................................$172,500 CIH 275 Mag, '10, 1820 hrs ..................................$165,000 CIH 275 Mag, '09, 1625 hrs ..................................$159,500 CIH 275 Mag, '07, 1100 hrs ..................................$165,000
CIH 1250, 24R30 ..................$112,500 (3) CIH 1250, 24R30 ............................starting at $112,500 CIH 1250, 16R30 ....................................................$98,500 CIH 1200, 36R20 ....................................................$49,500 CIH 125 Value, '08, 710 hrs ....................................$59,500 (2) CIH 1200, 24R22 ..............................starting at $49,900 CIH JX95, '07, 950 hrs ............................................$25,000 (2) CIH 1200, 16R31 ..............................starting at $64,500 CIH JX95, '07, 970 hrs ............................................$25,000 CIH 75A Farmall, '11................................................$21,500 CIH 7130, '88, 1460 hrs ..........................................$39,000 CIH 7130, '87, 5240 hrs ..........................................$36,500 CIH 5130, '90, 9110 hrs ..........................................$27,500 Case 1370, '74, 5280 hrs ........................................$12,500 Case 854C, 7640 hrs ................................................$9,500 Farmall C, '48 ............................................................$2,500 IH 5088, '83, 11,075 hrs..........................................$14,900 IH 1086, '77, 7410 hrs ............................................$12,900 IH 1086, 9955 hrs....................................................$11,500 IH 966, '73, 5500 hrs ................................................$7,500 IH 966, '73, 11200 hrs ..............................................$6,900 IH 706D, '64, 4925 hrs ..............................................$4,200 IH 686, 8175 hrs......................................................$11,750 CIH 1200, 12R30 ....................$48,500 IH 656, '68, 4740 hrs ................................................$7,250 (4) CIH 1200, 12R30 ..............................starting at $29,500 IH 656H......................................................................$5,500 CIH 955, 16R22 ......................................................$22,500 IH 560D......................................................................$4,900 CIH 950, 16R22 ......................................................$16,500 IH 454, 2675 hrs........................................................$5,500 CIH 950, 12R30 ......................................................$16,900 Allis Chalmers 190XT111, 5740 hrs ..........................$6,900 (4) CIH 900, 12R30 ..................................starting at $6,500 Ford 800, '55 ............................................................$3,500 CIH 900, 6R30 ..........................................................$7,900 JD 2440, '77, 1565 hrs ............................................$10,900 CIH 800, 12R30 ........................................................$6,000 McCormick 560..........................................................$4,900 IH 800, 8R30 ............................................................$8,000
CIH 125 Value, ‘08, 710 hrs. ......$59,000
Financing provided by
CNH Capital ® 2013 CNH America LLC. All rights reserved. Case IH is a registered trademark of CNH America LLC. CNH Capital is a trademark of CNH America LLC. www.caseih.com
CIH TM 200, 60.5' Fld Cult ......................................$67,500 (2) DMI TM, 44.5' Fld Cult......................starting DMI TM, 32.5' Fld Cult ..................................... JD 2210, 55.5' Fld Cult ..................................... JD 2210, 44.5' Fld Cult ..................................... JD 2200, 37.5' Fld Cult ..................................... JD 1000, 26.5' Fld Cult ..................................... (2) JD 980, 44.5' Fld Cult ......................starting (2) JD 980, 38.5' Fld Cult ......................starting JD 980, 28' Fld Cult ......................................... Kewanee 380, 24' Fld Cult ............................... Wilrich Quad5, 50' Fld Cult ............................... Wilrich Quad5, 45' Fld Cult ............................... Wilrich 3400, 52' Fld Cult ................................. Wilrich 2500, 36.5' Fld Cult ............................. Wilrich 23' Fld Cult ........................................... CIH 183, 12R30 Row Crop Cult ....................... CIH TM 200, 50.5’ Field Cult.......$57,900 CIH 490, 30' Disk ............................................. CIH 330, 42' Disk ............................................. (2) CIH TM 200, 50.5' Fld Cult................starting at $57,900 (5) CIH 330, 34' Disk..............................starting (2) CIH TMII, 54.5' Fld Cult ....................starting at $35,500 CIH 330, 25' Disk ............................................. (2) CIH TMII 50.5' Fld Cult ....................starting at $45,000 IH 490, 28' Disk ............................................... CIH TMII, 49.5' Fld Cult ..........................................$29,000 Ford 242, 28' Disk ........................................... (3) CIH TMII, 48.5' Fld Cult ....................starting at $33,500 Great Plains 3000TT, 30' Disk........................... CIH TMII, 30.5' Fld Cult ..........................................$26,900 JD 200, 30' Disk ............................................... CIH 4900, 52.5' Fld Cult ............................................$9,900 Sunflower 1443, 29' Disk ................................. CIH 4900, 38' Fld Cult................................................$6,950 DMI 50' Crumbler ............................................. CIH 4900, 34' Fld Cult................................................$7,500 DMI 42.5' Crumbler ......................................... CIH 4900, 30' Fld Cult................................................$5,300 Sunflower 56' Crumbler ...................................
Sales: • Bob Pfingston • Nate Scharmer • Brian Lingle • Christy Hoff • Bob Lindahl • Tim Hansen • Jeff Ruprecht
ST. MARTIN, MN • 320-548-3285 Sales: • Dan Hoffman • Erik Mueller • Randy Olmscheid • Jamie Pelzer • Pat Linz
ALDEN, MN • 507-874-3400
Sales: • Brad Wermedal • Tim Wiersma • Tim Engebretson • Bob Joubert SPRAYERS - SELF-PROPELLED
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for more equipment listings!
Rudy Lusk - (507) 227-4119 CIH 3330, '11, 250 hrs ..........................................$244,000 CIH 3330, '09, 910 hrs ..........................................$199,000 JD 4930, '11, 620 hrs ............................................$264,000
11 B
THE LAND, APRIL 12, 2013
WILLMAR, MN • 320-235-4898
.........$8,900 g at $31,500
MIller 4365, ‘10, 1075 hrs. ......$269,000 Miller 4365, '10, 1075 hrs ....................................$269,000 Patriot II, '95, 5600 hrs ..........................................$34,900 Redball Raptor, '05, 1250 hrs ..................................$86,500
SPRAYERS - PULL-TYPE Ag Chem 750, 60' ....................................................$10,900 Demco 500 Gal, 60' ................................................$12,500 Fast 7446, 2400 Gal ................................................$29,900 (2) Hardi Commander, 1200 Gal ............starting at $27,500 Hardi CM6600..........................................................$66,000 Hardi NAV4000 ........................................................$31,000 Hardi NAV1000 ..........................................................$4,250
.......$29,950 .......$14,900 .......$16,500
Hardi 500, 60’..........................$7,900 Redball 690, 2000 Gal ............................................$29,500 Redball 690, 1600 Gal ............................................$25,000 (2) Redball 680, 1600 Gal ......................starting at $19,950 Redball 680, 1600 Gal ............................................$17,900 Redball 680, 1350 Gal ............................................$16,500 Redball 670, 1200 Gal ............................................$21,500 (2) Redball 670, 90' ................................startig at $19,500 Redball 570, 90' ......................................................$18,900 Redball 565..............................................................$15,500 Spray Air 3600, 120'................................................$31,700 Top Air 1600R132, '08 ............................................$45,500 Top Air 1600R90, '11 ..............................................$39,500 Top Air 1600R90, '11 ..............................................$41,000 Top Air 1600R90, '11 ..............................................$42,500 Top Air 1600, 120' ..................................................$40,000 Top Air 1200, 90' ....................................................$27,500 Top Air TA1100, 60' ................................................$18,500
SKID LOADERS/EXCAVATORS/TLB Case SR200, '11, 70 hrs ..........................................$34,000 Case SR200, '11, 725 hrs ........................................$31,500 Case SV300, '11, 1800 hrs ......................................$41,500 Case 1845C, '97, 5085 hrs ......................................$12,600 Case 1845C, '96, 6850 hrs ......................................$10,500 Case 1845C, '93, 4580 hrs ......................................$11,500 Case 1845, '75 ..........................................................$5,500 Case 1840, '95, 4415 hrs ........................................$10,500 Case 1840, '91, 5080 hrs ..........................................$7,950
Gehl 4640, ‘05, 3295 hrs.. ........$18,000 Gehl 4640, '05, 3295 hrs ........................................$18,000 Gehl 4625SX, 440 hrs................................................$9,950 JD CT322, '06, 725 hrs............................................$28,000 JD 328, '05, 5180 hrs ..............................................$19,500 JD 323D, '11, 695 hrs ............................................$40,900 JD 320D, '11, 450 hrs ............................................$29,900 JD 320, 2240 hrs ....................................................$19,900 JD 250, '01, 1850 hrs ..............................................$14,500 JD 250, '00, 1260 hrs ..............................................$13,500 Kubota SVL90, '11, 1025 hrs ..................................$50,000 Kubota SVL75, '11, 1000 hrs ..................................$42,000 Melroe 610, '74..........................................................$2,950 Mustang 930A, '97, 2055 hrs ....................................$9,400 NH LX865, '95 ........................................................$12,500 NH L445, 1640 hrs ....................................................$3,500 Kubota KX91-3, '02, 2680 hrs ................................$23,900 Kubota KX71ST1T3, '11, 175 hrs ............................$31,500
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
g at $10,950 .......$18,500 .......$54,900 .......$42,500 .......$29,900 .........$1,000 g at $17,500 g at $12,500 .......$19,950 .........$2,950 .......$27,500 .......$17,500 .........$9,500 .........$6,500 .........$2,900 .........$4,000 .........$6,000 .......$79,900 g at $55,500 .......$46,900 .........$7,200 .......$12,500 .......$41,000 .......$11,500 .......$25,900 .........$9,500 .......$10,900 .......$15,900
<< www.TheLandOnline.com >>
Case 1845C, ‘97, 5085 hrs. ........$12,600 Case 1840, '91, 6395 hrs ..........................................$9,850 Case 1835C, '88, 4175 hrs ........................................$6,500 Case 1816, '82, 1705 hrs ..........................................$4,250 Case 450CT, '06, 1920 hrs ......................................$28,500 Case 445CT, '06, 1470 hrs ......................................$35,500 Case 440, '10, 3105 hrs ..........................................$25,900 Case 440, '07, 2330 hrs ..........................................$22,500 Case 440, '05, 4230 hrs ..........................................$19,500 Case 430, '08, 2000 hrs ..........................................$24,000 Case 430, '07, 415 hrs ............................................$26,900 Case 430, '06, 2185 hrs ..........................................$17,900 Case 75XT, '840 hrs ................................................$19,500 Case 40XT, '05, 4220 hrs ........................................$15,500 Case 40XT, '02, 2620 hrs ........................................$17,900 ASV PT100, '08, 1170 hrs ......................................$39,500 Bobcat 632, '79, 2580 hrs ........................................$5,500 Bobcat S-250, '05, 4640 hrs....................................$24,500 Bobcat S-185, 2190 hrs ..........................................$23,500 Bobcat S-185, 5500 hrs ..........................................$13,900 Bobcat S-130, '05, 3750 hrs....................................$13,900 Cat 236B, '06, 1985hrs ............................................$23,500 Gehl CTL80, '08, 795 hrs ........................................$38,000 Gehl 7810E, '10, 1770 hrs ......................................$38,000 Gehl 5640E, '08, 1200 hrs ......................................$26,500 Gehl 5640E, '08, 3900 hrs ......................................$21,900 Gehl 4835SXT, '99, 5150 hrs ....................................$9,500
Planting Equip
HAAS EQUIP., LLC CIH 4400 digger, 25’, 30’..................Coming IH 566 round baler ............................$8,500 JD 7000 planter row units, parts ..........$250 JD 7000, 8RN planter........................$3,500 (2) JD 750 no till drills, 15’ w/hitch $26,000 ‘96 Rogator 854 sprayer, 90’ ..........$39,000 IH 300, Nice Tires..............................$1,750 IH 756 D, cab, Nice ..........................$6,900 JD 2510, gas, WF, 3 pt., Nice ............$6,500 JD 3020, gas, WF, 3 pt. ....................$5,500 JD 4320, 5800 hrs...........................$10,500 JD 4430 Quad..................................$12,500 (2) JD 4430 Quad..............$18,500/$19,500 JD 4640 ..........................................$18,500 (2) JD 4455, PS, FWA ......$42,500/$52,500 ‘88 JD 4450, FWA ..........................$39,000 JD 4455, PS, JD 4455 Quad............$36,000 JD 4755, FWA, PS ..........................$35,000 JD 4955, FWA, PS ..........................$40,000 JD 7810, FWA, 740 loader ..............Coming JD 280 loader ....................................$6,500 JD 840 loader, JD 8000 mts. ............$9,500 (2) JD 740 loaders, Nice ......$7,500/$8,500 NEW JD 740 Legend loader ..................Call JD 260 loader, self-leveling, Nice ......$4,500 JD 741 loader, Sharp, hardly used ..$11,500
• 320-598-7604 •
(2) JD 158, (2) JD 148 ldrs. $2,500/$4,500 (2) IH 2350 loaders ..............$3,000/$3,250 CIH 520 loader ..................................$3,750 Allied 595, (IH mts.), Sharp ..............$2,900 Farmhand F11, w/pump....................$1,500 Farmhand 1140, grapple ..................$7,500 Farmhand F358 loader, (IH mts.) ......$3,250 Miller PL-4 loader ............................$3,500 Miller M12 loader, Nice ....................$2,500 Westendorf WL-40, WL-42 ..$2,250/$3,500 New Box Scrapers, 10’/12’ ..$1,850/$1,950 New & Used Skidsteer Attachments ....Call Pallet Forks, Grapples, Rock Buckets ..Call New & Used Batco & Conveyall belt conveyors ............................................Call Bobcat T300, T320 skids ..$23,500/$32,500 CIH 8010, RWA, loaded, inspect. ..$110,000 CIH 1660, chopper, rock trap ..........$14,000 CIH 2608, 8RN chopper head..........$35,000 CIH 2208, 8RN cornhead, off 2388 $22,000 CIH 2208, 8RN cornhead, off 8010 $19,000 JD 444, 4RW cornhead ....................$1,500 (2) CIH 2020 30’/35’ flex heads..............Call IH 1020 25’/30’ flex heads......................Call Donahue 32’ trailer............................$1,750
‘09 JD 1770NTCCS, 24R30, refuge, no mon. ................................................................$133,900 ‘88 JD 7300, 12R30, NO I & H, 200 mon ....$10,900
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
JD 48C deck, (off JD LX tractor) ......................$450 JD 826, elec. start, tall spout, Won’t Run ..........Call JD 1032 Recoil, Parting Out - Eng. Bad ............Call JD 826 Recoil, Dirty Carb. - Won’t Run ............Call Pihrana 44” mulching deck from LX188 ............Call JD 567 baler, surface wrap ..........................$16,500 JD Power Pak Blower/Vac, 6 hp. from Brent 1080 grain cart, Trelleborg ................$28,500 445AWS ........................................................$350
JD 1545, 4WD, FM, 31 hp. dsl., 72”, 403 hrs. ....................................................$15,500 JD X729, 4WD/4WS, fuel inj., 62C, 354 hrs. $8,450 JD GX345, 20 hp., 54C deck, 483 hrs. ..........$3,950 JD Z720A, 25 hp. Kohler, 60”, 163 hrs. ........$6,250 JD 757 ZTrak, 25 hp., 60”, 439 hrs. ..............$5,950 JD 757 ZTrak, 25 hp., 60”, 618 hrs. ..............$4,950 JD X724 AWS, 27 hp., 62X, 216 hrs. ............$6,850 JD X485 AWS, 25 hp., 62C, OH’d eng., 705 hrs. ....................................................................$4,950 JD X534, AWS, 25 hp., 54X, 332 hrs. ..........$4,450 JD GX345, 20 hp., 54C, 292 hrs. ..................$4,250
JD GX345, 20 hp., 54C, 851 hrs. ..................$3,250 JD X360 Hydro, 48X, 411 hrs. ......................$3,450 JD LX280, 18 hp. Kaw, 48C, snowthrower, 806 hrs. ......................................................$2,250 JD LX279, 17 hp. liquid, 48C, 733 hrs. ........$1,750 JD LT180 Hydro, 48”, 498 hrs.......................$1,850 JD LX227, AWS, 17 hp., 48” ........................$1,450 Snapper 16 hp. rider, elec. start, 42” ................$650 NH 105A 3 pt. tiller, 50” wide ........................$1,200 JD #35 tiller, Cat1, 540 PTO, 48” ..................$1,750 Woods PRD 6000, 5’ grooming mower ........$1,250
DETKE-MORBAC CO. Blue Earth, MN • 507-526-2714 www.detkemorbac.com
Tillage Equip
Case IH 4800 FOR SALE: 6 or 7 bottom FOR SALE: field cultivator, good cond, trailer type plow; also 5-16 $8,000 OBO. 507-380-2956 Melroe pull type plow. 320594-2763 FOR SALE: JD 3 bottom 14” plow, fully mounted, good FOR SALE: 60' Flex Coil cond., shedded. 763-662-2663 -tine drag; JD 856 12R30” row crop cultivator. 507-327FOR SALE: JD 630 disc, 15', 6430 good blades, 9” spacings. 507-830-0721 FOR SALE: 7800 JD Plow 7 bottom onland- vari-width FOR SALE: JD 980 21½' cult spring re-set, with coulters, w/ rolling basket/harrow, good condition. 507-553-6218 $15,000; Case IH 4800 22½ ' (507) 327-8431 cult w/ 3 bar harrow, $9,000. Both very good condition. FOR SALE: IH 700 high 507-380-7863 clearance 7-18 spring auto re-set onland trailer plow, IH 720 6x18 on-land plow w/ solid & field ready, $5,700. coulters, $5,900. (715)377715-250-1617 2940
40+ Used Sprayers On Hand Financing Available
We are dealers for Top Air, Sprayer Specialties, Gregson Sprayers, new & used on hand Wheathart, Westfield, FarmKing, Brandt Vacs & Balzer Equipment • We have NEW Balzer stalk choppers on hand • Truckload prices on NEW Westfield augers, Brandt grain vacs, Batco belts
NEW SPRAYERS Top Air 1600 gal., 120’ boom, Raven 4400 ........................CALL Top Air 1600 gal., 90’ boom, Raven....................................CALL Gregon 1000 gal, 60’ boom target boom Raven 440, 380x90x46 duals (Clearance) ..............................$20,000
Parker 710 grain cart, 30.5x32, tarp............$15,900 Loftness 20’ shredder, shapr!......................$14,900 Woods 20’ shredder, mounted ....................$11,900 JD 275 disc mower, QC hitch, 7 disc ............$9,500 JD 843 loader, 96” bucket, Like New! ..........$13,000
038 Tillage Equip
888 210 Ave. • Avoca, MN 56114 • Ph. 800-653-2676 or 507-335-7830 • Fax: 507-335-7808 • Mobile: 507-227-6728
✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰ ‘00 JD 9200, 20.8x42, auto steer, 3541 hrs. ................................................$105,000 ‘04 JD 9420, 800/70R38, 5038 hrs. ..........$129,500 ‘02 JD 8420, duals,6760 hrs. ....................$109,000 ‘96 Cat 55, 25” tracks, 4412 hrs., Sharp!....$72,500 ‘90 JD 4955, MFWD, duals, 9142 hrs. ........$45,900 ‘84 JD 4650, MFWD, P. shift, 6511 hrs........$44,500 ‘97 JD 6400, MFWD, 640 NSL ldr, 4940 hrs ..................................................$27,900 ‘69 JD 4520, syncro, Allied ldr., 7990 hrs. ..$12,900 (2) Used 36” tracks ............................(Pair) $1,500 Used Wold 14.9x34 front duals for 8000 series ................................................$2,500
038 Planting Equip
FOR SALE: Soybean drill JD 750 drill, 20', w/electric scale & markers, exc cond, 20' TYE, 7 1/2” spacing, $12,500/OBO. 712-299-1478 pull type, very good shape, $2,000. 952-440-6713 Tillage Equip 039 Intl 800, 6R30” planter, 900 updates, dry fert, cross FOR SALE: '09 CIH Tiger auger, insect, $2,500 OBO. Mate 200, 28' w/ rolling bas507-456-2566 kets, $36,000. 320-987-3177 days JD 680, 15' chisel plow, Trudepth stds, $12,900; JD FOR SALE: 2004 John Deere 2700 Ripper, 5 shank, new 3710, 6 btm, on-land plow, cover boards, 70% left on coulters, auto-reset, $17,500. shovels, stored inside. Ex507-380-7863 cellent condition. $22,500 Seed vac w/2 section gravity (320) 295-2322 box, $3,995; forklift, 3 stage, fits tractor 3 pt., FOR SALE: 53' Summers $2,500; Brown box scraper, HD coil spring drag, very $1,900. 507-240-0294 good shape. 507-326-5861
Madison, MN From Hwy. 75 & 212 Jct., 3.5 mi. W., 2.5 mi. S.
<< www.TheLandOnline.com >>
THE LAND, APRIL 12, 2013
12 B
Top Air 1600 gal., 120’ boom, 380x60 duals, Raven 450, Ht. control............................................................................$55,000 Top Air 1600 gal., 120’ boom, 20’ no- drip plumbing, hyd. pump, adj. axle, 380x46 duals, Raven 450..................$53,000 Top Air 1600 gal., 90’ new boom, hyd. pump, Raven 450, adj. axle, 14.9x46 tires ..................................................$38,000 Schaben 1600 gal., 90’ boom, Raven 450, inductor, rinse tank ......................................................................$22,000 Top Air 1600 gal, 90’ boom, Raven 450, adj axle, 15” spacing, Command Center, rinse tank, hyd pump ....................$22,000 Brandt 1600 gal., 90’ boom, adj. axle, 46” tires............$29,000 Sprayer Specialties, 1250 gal., 80’ boom, Raven 450, oamer, 12.4x42 tires, inductor, adj. axle ......................$21,000 Sprayer Specialties, 1250 gal., 90’ boom, Raven 440, foamer (Choice of 2) ....................................................$21,000 Fast 1600, 90’..................................................................$20,000 Red Ball 670, 1200 gal., 80’ boom, Raven 440, (Red) ..$20,000 Gregson 1000 gal., 90’ boom, 20” plumbing, Raven 440, hyd. pump, rinse tank, 72-120 axle, 14.9x46 tires, Red ................................................................................$18,000 Spraymaster 1000 gal., 80’ boom, hyd. pump, rinse tank, Raven 440, 88-120” adj. axle, 13.6x38 tires ................$14,000 Red Ball 680, 90’ boom, Raven 440, hyd. pump, 380x90x46 tires, elec. over hyd. control, (Choice of Two) ............$13,000 Great Plains 1000 gal., 80’ Top Air X-fold boom, Teejet control, hyd. pump, 120” axle, 13.6x38 tires ............................$12,500 Hardi 1000 gal., 66’ hyd. fold boom, 120” axle, Raven 440, 13.6x38 tires ..................................................................$12,500 Top Air 1100 gal., 60’ X-fold boom, hyd. pump, adj. axle, 13.6x38 tires ..................................................................$11,000 Blumhardt 1000 gal., 90’ boom, Big Wheel, PTO pump, 203 controller..........................................................................$8,500 Top Air 550 gal., 60’ X-fold M boom, hyd. pump, Raven 440, adj. axle ..........................................................................$7,000 Blumhardt 1000 gal., 90’ boom, Raven 440, radar, foamer..............................................................................$6,800 Blumhardt 1000 gal., 72’ boom, tandem, hyd. pump. 203 controller ..................................................................$6,500 Blumhardt 1000 gal., 90’ boom, tandem, hyd. pump, Raven 440........................................................................$6,500 Blumhardt 750 gal., 90’ boom, tandem, Raven 440........$6,000 Demco 1000 gal, 60’ X-fold boom, Raven 440, hyd pump, foamer, tandem, (Choice of 2) ........................................$6,000 Top Air 750 gal., 60’ boom, vertical fold, 203 control, hyd. pump, (Choice of 2) ........................................................$5,500 Blumhardt 1000 gal., 60’ boom, hyd. tip & center lift, hyd. pump, Spray System plumbing, no control ..................$5,500 Blumhardt 1000 gal., 60’ boom, hyd. fold, hyd. center lift & fold, hyd. pump, rinse tank, foamer, Micro Trak, (Choice of 3) ....................................................................$5,500 Top Air 800 gal., Blumhardt boom, foamer, 203 control, hyd. pump........................................................................$4,500
Pleasure Products 1230 gal., 90’ boom, Raven 440, Honda gas w/pump, tandem ......................................................$4,500 Broyhill 750 gal., tandem, 60’ boom, 203 control ..........$4,200 Home Made 750 gal., Big Wheel, AgChem boom, Raven 440, PTO Pump ......................................................................$3,500 Blumhardt 1000 gal., 60’ boom, tandem, hyd. pump ....$3,500 Home Made 500 gal. RD tank, 60’ Demco boom, tandem, foamer..............................................................................$3,500 Bestway 500 gal., 60’ boom, hyd. pump, 203 control, tandem ............................................................................$3,000 Demco Single Wheel, 203 control, hyd. pump................$2,500 Horvick 500 gal. Pull Between, hyd. pump, 203 control, 60’ NYB boom ................................................................$2,500 Hardi 500 gal., 50’ boom, Hardi control, Hardi PTO pump ......................................................................$2,500 Rodman 300 gal., 50’ hydra-fold, foamer, PTO pump, 203 control, ....................................................................$2,400 Demco Pull Between, 60’ hyd. tip lift boom, no pump ..$2,000 Demco 500 gal., 3-wheel 45’ boom, 203 control ............$2,000 Kuker 500 gal., 45’ boom, single wheel, 203 control ......$1,500
USED SELF-PROPELLED SPRAYERS (2) Spra-Coups 220, 3-wheel, foamer, air, Raven 440, (Choice)............................................................................$7,000 Hahn 670 ..........................................................................$2,800
PICKUP SPRAYERS NYB 500 gal., 90’ boom, Raven 450, Honda motor ........$5,000 NYB 500 gal., 60’ boom, foamer, Raven 450, ball valves, (Choice of 3) ....................................................................$3,000 F&S 500 gal., 80’ boom, hyd. tilt, manual height, triple nozzle body, no-drip plumbing, 8 hp. Honda engine................$3,000 AgChem 450 gal., 58’ boom, Micro Trak controller ........$2,500 Blumhardt 500 gal., 60’ boom, Raven 440 ......................$2,000 Blumhardt 300 gal.............................................................$1,800 Blumhardt 500 gal., 60’ boom ..........................................$1,200
3PT SPRAYERS Marflex 1000 gal., 80’ boom, Raven 440 ......................$10,500 (Top Air 500 gal., 80’ X-fold boom, hyd. pump, 4-section ..........................................................................$9,500 NYB 500 gal., 90’ boom, pump & control, (Choice of 2) $7,500 NYB 500 gal., 90’ boom, hyd. pump, hyd. tilt, ball valves, 203 control, (Choice of 2)................................................$5,500 Marflex 1000 gal., 80’ boom ............................................$3,800 Blumhardt 500 gal., 90’ boom ..........................................$3,500 500 gal., 45’ boom ............................................................$3,500 JD 9300, 300 gal. front mount..........................................$2,000
BOOMS Top Air 90’ X-fold ..............................................................$9,000 Top Air 80’ X-fold ..............................................................$8,000 Top Air 80’ X-fold, (4) ........................................................$7,500 Top Air 60’ X-fold ..............................................................$4,000 Blumhardt 80’ & 90’, (Choice) ..........................................$2,800 Frame-mounted Magnum 300 gal. front mount ..............$2,200 Weatherall 60’ hyd. fold....................................................$2,000 Top Air 45’ manual fold ....................................................$1,400 (2) 60’ wheel booms, flat fold, 20’ no-drip plumbing, (Choice) ..............................................................................$700
Tillage Equip
YOUR SPRAYER HEADQUARTERS (B) Belle Plaine, MN • 1051 Old Hwy. 169 Blvd.
JD 980, 30' field cult., all new bushings & shovels, avg. paint, $11,500 OBO. 952-2402193 JD 980, 30½' w/3 bar harrow, $13,900; JD 980, 21½' w/3 bar harrow, $12,700. 507-3807863 Kent 48 Ft Discovator/ Finisher (Hi-Trash Shanks) New Blades Good Cond. Mandako 42 Ft Land Roller Like New (Bought Larger One). 319-347-6677 Can Deliver Reconditioned IH 800 9-13 bottom auto reset plows for sale. Call 507-830-2115 Sunflower 5034 field cult, 34', new tires, knock on sweeps, $16,000/OBO. 515-291-5530 Used parts for IH 720 plows, toggle/auto reset. ½ price of new or less. We ship anywhere. Call Maple Valley Farms Randy Krueger (715)250-1617 Machinery Wanted
Disc chisels: JD 714 & 712, Glencoe 7400; Field Cults under 30': JD 980, small grain carts & gravity boxes 300-400 bu. Finishers under 20', clean 4 & 6R stalk choppers; Nice JD 215 & 216 flex heads; JD 643 cornheads Must be clean; JD corn planters, 4-6-8 row. 715-299-4338 LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT WANTED: Portable digital livestock scale in good working condition. 507-8242316 WANTED TO BUY: 5 or 7 knife anhydrous ammonia side dress applicator in good to excellent condition. 952-556-5562 WANTED TO BUY: CIH cushion gang disc, 496 or 3900 or 3950, 20' – 30'. 320352-3878 WANTED TO BUY: JD 856 precision plus, 16R30” row crop cultivator; ALSO: 3000 bu cone bottom steel bin w/ holding bin for corn. 507327-6430 WANTED: Buying Tractors, Skid Loaders, Equipment one piece or entire line or Estate. Send list to: PO Box 211, Oronoco, MN 55991
Wanted: NH 9' sickle haybine. JD 7000 or newer 4R30" planter. (715)821-1975 Spraying Equip
'10 JD 4930, 120' boom, autosteer, 2600 display, very clean & rust free, farmer owned, $192,500 OBO. 507380-3158
(507) 889-4221
‘07 JD 1770NT, CCS, 24R30” ....................................$144,900
‘12 JD 2210, 58.5’ ‘12 JD 4730, 520 hrs., ......................................$69,900 90’ boom ....................$209,700
(O)’12 JD 9560R, 400 hrs., IF tires ..................................$319,900 (O)’12 JD 9560R, 400 hrs., Ext. Warranty ........................$312,500 (O)’12 JD 9650R, 400 hrs., Lease Return ......................$312,500 (O)’12 JD 9650R, 400 hrs., Lease Return ........................$312,500 (O)’12 JD 9510R, 400 hrs., Lease Return ........................$289,900 (B)’08 JD 9630, 572 hrs. ..................................................$269,900 (O)’06 JD 9320, 2002 hrs., PS ..........................................$169,500 (B)’04 JD 9120, 2140 hrs., PS ..........................................$129,900 (B)’04 NH 9682, 4039 hrs. ..................................................$84,900 (H)’96 JD 8870, 4871 hrs. ..................................................$72,500
(O)’10 JD 9630T, 1650 hrs. ..............................................$287,500 (O)’09 JD 9630T, 1720 hrs. ..............................................$283,000 (O)’12 JD 8335RT, 595 hrs., IVT, 18” tracks ....................$269,900 (H)’11 JD 8335RT, 880 hrs., IVT ......................................$258,900 (B)CIH 535 Quadtrac, 2262 hrs. ......................................$249,500 (O)’12 JD 8310RT, 205 hrs, ext. warranty ........................$246,900 (O)’05 JD 9320T, 3500 hrs., PTO......................................$184,900 (O)’06 JD 9520T, 3504 hrs., Auto Trac ready....................$159,900 (B)’03 JD 9320T, 4545 hrs., 36” tracks ............................$139,900 (O)’01 JD 9400T, 3100 hrs., 3 pt.......................................$129,900
(B)’10 JD 8345R, 1732 hrs., IVT, triples............................$239,900 (H)’04 JD 8420, 4750 hrs., front duals ..............................$134,900 (B)’12 JD 7330, 500 hrs., auto quad ................................$110,900 (O)’94 JD 7700, 5295 hrs., PS ............................................$56,000 (O)’07 JD 5325, 320 hrs., loader, os ..................................$36,900 (H)’07 JD 5325, 362 hrs., loader, MFWD............................$35,900 (H)’81 JD 2940, 7000 hrs, loader ........................................$16,900 (B)’77 JD 2440, 5800 hrs., loader ........................................$9,500
(B)’12 JD S680, PRWD ....................................................$369,900 (O)’12 JD S680, 511 hrs., Extended Warranty..................$345,000 (H)’12 JD S680, 232 sep. hrs. ..........................................$339,900 (H)’12 JD S680, 246 sep hrs ............................................$329,900 (B)’11 JD 9870, 511 sep. hrs., PRWD, 800/70R38 ..........$309,900 (O)’12 JD S560, 231 sep. hrs., 2630 display ....................$305,900 (O)’10 JD 9870, 671 sep. hrs., PRWD ..............................$299,000 (O)’11 JD 9870, 700 sep. hrs., PRWD ..............................$294,900 (O)’12 JD S670, 336 sep. hrs., ext. warranty....................$289,900 (B)’10 JD 9770, 328 sep. hrs., PRWD ..............................$275,000 (B)’09 JD 8970, 814 sep. hrs., PRWD ..............................$249,900 (B)’09 JD 9770, 945 sep. hrs., PRWD ..............................$239,900 (B)’08 JD 9870, 1068 sep. hrs., PRWD ............................$210,900 (B)’10 Gleaner A76, 382 sep. hrs. ....................................$199,900 (O)’06 JD 9760, 1918 sep. hrs., duals ..............................$179,900 (B)’06 JD 9760, 1661 sep hrs., PRWD ............................$169,900 (H)’06 JD 9760, 1500 sep. hrs., 20.8x42’s........................$167,500 (O)’06 JD 9760, 1363 sep. hrs., duals ..............................$162,900 (O)’04 JD 9760, 1192 hrs. PRWD ....................................$159,900 (H)’03 JD 9660, 1547 sep. hrs., duals ..............................$133,500 (O)’03 JD 9650, 1740 sep. hrs., duals ..............................$114,900 (O)’00 JD 9650STS, 1567 sep. hrs., 30.5x32’s ..................$99,900 (B)’02 JD 9750STS, 2270 sep. hrs., PRWD ......................$95,900 (B)’98 CIH 2388, 2750 sep., hrs., duals..............................$75,900
(H)’98 JD 9510, 1930 sep. hrs., duals ................................$75,000 (H)’99 JD 9510, 2751 hrs., duals ........................................$69,500 (H)JD 9500, 2812 hrs. ........................................................$49,900 (B)’82 JD 6620SH, side hill, 3231 hrs. ................................$20,900 (B)’82 JD 8820, 5571 hrs., duals ........................................$13,900 (B)’80 JD 7720, 5000 hrs. ..................................................$12,900 (H)’79 JD 7720 ....................................................................$11,900 (O)’81 JD 7720, 3927 hrs. ..................................................$10,500
(B)’07 JD 1770NT, 24R30”, CCS ......................................$144,900 (O)’08 Case IH 1250, 24R30”, CCS..................................$126,900 (H)’04 JD 1890 CCS, 40’10” spacing ..................................$69,500 (H)’02 Kinze 3600, 16R30”, liq. fert.....................................$58,500 (O)’97 JD 1770, 16R30”, liq. fert. ........................................$49,500 (H)’03 JD 1590, 10” spacing, no-till ....................................$45,900 (O)’00 JD 1760, 12R30”, liq. fert. ........................................$42,500 (O)’00 Kinze 3140, 16R30”, stack fold ................................$39,900 (O)’99 JD 1760, 12R30”, liq. fert. ........................................$42,500 (O)’92 JD 7200, 16R30” ......................................................$32,000 (H)JD 520, 20’, 10” spacing ..................................................$2,950 (B)JD 7100, 12R30” ..............................................................$2,900
(O) Owatonna, MN • 3555 SW 18th St.
(507) 451-4054
‘11 JD 4830, 928 hrs., 100’ SS boom ............$215,500
(O)’07 JD 4930, 3093 hrs., dry box ..................................$200,000 (O)’09 JD 4830, 1818 hrs., 100’ boom ..............................$189,500 (O)’09 JD 4830, 2400 hrs, 100’ boom ..............................$185,000 (O)’09 JD 4730, 1050 hrs., 90’ boom ................................$185,900 (O)’10 AgChem 1184, 1350 hrs., 90’ boom ......................$174,900 (O)’08 Miller Nitro 4240, 1810 hrs., 90’ boom ..................$162,500 (B)’05 JD 4720, 2227 hrs, 90’ boom ................................$139,900 (O)’05 JD 4720, 3720 hrs., 80’ boom ................................$129,500 (O)’04 JD 4710, 1375 hrs, 90; boom ................................$119,900 (O)’04 JD 4710, 2000 hrs., 90’ boom ................................$115,000 (O)’05 Ag Chem 1064, 1835 hrs., 80’ boom......................$114,500 (O)’01 JD 4710, 2400 hrs., 90’ boom ................................$109,900 (O)’99 JD 4700, 2940 hrs., 90’ boom ..................................$87,900 (O)’02 CIH SPX3200, 2946 hrs., 90’ boom ........................$77,750 (O)’97 Willmar 8400, 3221 hrs., 120’ boom ........................$71,900 (O)’08 Ford F550, 10,000 miles, 80’ truck boom ................$65,500 (O)’03 Willmar 8650 Eagle, 3326 hrs., 90’ boom ................$61,500 (O)’98 Ag Chem 854, 4393 hrs., 80’ boom ........................$53,900 (O)’98 Patriot 150, 2100 hrs. ..............................................$48,000 (O)’96 Ag Chem 544, 2103 hrs., 80’ boom ........................$48,000
(B)’12 JD 3710, 10-bottom ..................................................$57,900 (O)’11 JD 3710, 10-bottom ..................................................$52,500 (H)’12 JD 512, 9-shank ......................................................$51,900 (H)’10 JD 3710, 10-bottom ..................................................$44,900 (H)’12 JD 2700, 7-shank ....................................................$39,900 (H)’11 JD 3710, 8-bottom ....................................................$38,500 (O)’11 JD 2700, 7-shank, 30” ..............................................$37,900 (H)’02 JD 2400, 24’ chisel plow ..........................................$26,900 (B)’04 JD 512, 5-shank........................................................$20,900 (O)’03 JD 2700, 9-shank ....................................................$20,900 (H)DMI 530, 5-shank ..........................................................$19,500 (O)’98 JD 510 ripper, 7-shank ............................................$13,900 (H)M&W 1465, 7-shank, 24” spacing ....................................$7,950 (B)IH 710, 4-bottom..................................................................$995
(B)’12 JD 2210, 58.5’ ..........................................................$69,900 (O)’09 JD 2210, 64.5’ ..........................................................$63,900 (O)’08 JD 2210, 55.5’ ..........................................................$57,500 (H)’97 JD 985, 48.5’ ............................................................$24,000 *(B)’02 JD 980, 32.5’ ..........................................................$22,900 (O)’96 JD 980, 44.5’ ............................................................$21,900 (O)’98 JD 980, 44.5’ ............................................................$21,900 (O)’97 JD 980, 43.5’ ............................................................$20,900 (B)’96 JD 980, 36.5’, spike harrow ......................................$18,900 (H)’98 JD 980, 36.5’ ............................................................$17,900 *(H)’97 JD 980, 29.5’ ..........................................................$15,900 (B)’09 JD 200, 37’, rolling basket ........................................$15,900 (O)’94 JD 980, 30.5’ ............................................................$10,900 (B)CIH 4900, 44.5’ ................................................................$9,900 GATORS/UTILITY VECHICLES (H)JD 960, 24.5’ ....................................................................$4,650 (B)’11 JD 825I, 4x4, EFI, 101 hrs. ......................................$11,900 (B)Hiniker 35’ ........................................................................$2,900 (B)’12 JD 885D, 4x4, diesel, 152 hrs. ................................$11,900 (B)’11 JD 625I, 4x4, EFI, 129 hrs, Camo ............................$10,500 SPRAYERS (O)’10 JD 850D, 4x4, diesel, Camo ....................................$10,250 (O)’12 JD 4940, 701 hrs., 120’ boom, injection system ....$297,750 (B)’11 JD 625I, 4x4, EFI, 227 hrs. ........................................$9,950 (O)’12 JD 4940, 489 hrs., 120’ boom ................................$292,750 (O)’09 JD 620, 4x4, EFI, 438 hrs. ........................................$9,500 (O)’12 JD 4940, 467 hrs., dry box ....................................$290,500 (B)’08 JD 620I, 4x4, EFI, 314 hrs. ........................................$8,500 (O)’11 JD 4930, 1343 hrs., 120’ boom ..............................$249,750 (H)’08 JD 850D, 4x4, diesel, 700 hrs. ..................................$8,500 (O)’11 JD 4930, 1216 hrs., 120’ boom ..............................$245,900 (B)’07 JD 620I, 4x4, EFI ........................................................$8,250 (O)’11 JD 4830, 610 hrs., 90’ boom ..................................$220,750 (O)’08 JD 620I, 4x4, EFI, 700 hrs. ........................................$7,950 (O)’11 JD 4830, 543 hrs., 90’’ boom ................................$219,900 (B)’07 JD 620I, 4x4, EFI, 922 hrs. ........................................$7,500 (O)’11 JD 4830, 926 hrs., 100’ boom ................................$215,500 (O)’06 Cub Cadet 4x4, Camo................................................$5,950 (O)’11 JD 4830, 1030 hrs., 100’ boom ..............................$211,950 (B)’05 JD 6x4, 802 hrs., hyd. lift ............................................$5,750 (O)’12 JD 4730, 800 gal., 90’ boom ..................................$210,250 (B)’04 JD HPX, 932 hrs., 4x4 ................................................$5,300 (O)’12 JD 4730, 800 gal., 90’ boom ..................................$209,900 (O)’93 JD 4x2 ........................................................................$2,950 (O)’12 JD 4730, 532 hrs., 90’ boom ..................................$209,800 (B)Polaris Explorer, winch, 4x4 ............................................$2,500 (O)’12 JD 4730, 520 hrs., 90’ boom ..................................$209,700 (O)’12 JD 4730, 490 hrs., 90’ boom ..................................$209,600 HAY EQUIPMENT (O)’12 JD 4730, 800 gal., 90’ boom ..................................$209,500 (O)’06 JD 567, surface wrap ..............................................$21,900 (O)’10 JD 4830, 934 hrs., 90’ boom ..................................$203,500 (O)’10 JD 4830, 1104 hrs., 90’ boom ................................$201,900
Your Southern Minnesota & Western Wisconsin John Deere Commercial Sprayer Center
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
WANTED: Mid 90s Gleaner R42/R52, very low hrs w/ 6R cornhead & 20' bean head, must be exc cond. 651-4335259 evenings
(H) Hollandale, MN • W. Hwy. 251
<< www.TheLandOnline.com >>
All kinds of New & Used farm equipment – disc chisels, field cults, planters, soil finishers, cornheads, feed mills, discs, balers, haybines, etc. 507-438-9782
(952) 873-2224
13 B THE LAND, APRIL 12, 2013
JD 30' 235 Dura cushion disc. new bushings & hoses, harrow, $16,500. (715)377-2940
THE LAND, APRIL 12, 2013
14 B
Spraying Equip
Spraying Equip
Feed Seed Hay
050 Feed Seed Hay
050 Feed Seed Hay
050 Dairy
FOR SALE: '09 Hardi 4400 FOR SALE: CIH SPX 3150 Dairy Quality Alfalfa FOR SALE: All types of hay FOR SALE: Round Bales, 16 Springing Holstein Heifers sprayer, 500 hrs, 90' boom. Commander 1200 gal, 132' Tested big squares & round due approx May 1. All from & straw in round bales & lg quality 1st crop, net wrap, 402-893-3051 boom, duals set up for 22” bales, delivered from South 1 herd. (715)314-0103 900 lbs plus, $125 per bale. squares, tested separately, rows, exc cond, Dakota John Haensel (605) 715-340-5655 net & twine wrapped, deliv$41,500/OBO. 320-212-5380 351-5760 FOR SALE: Reg red & black ered in semi loads. Wanted 042 Angus replacement heifers. Tim 320-221-2085 We need Certified seed FOR SALE: 45' Top Air pull- WANTED TO BUY: JD 720 Dairy quality western alfalMeado-West Farms oats, seed wheat, seed SEED CORN ONLY $89! type sprayer w/updated ball 715-664-8854 fa, big squares or small barley grown. Acres or 730 dsl w/bad pony moTop quality, new production. valves, asking $3,000. 507squares, delivered in semi available, good premi- Very nice young herd of Holtor. 507-831-1308 Order early, last season 227-2602 loads. Clint Haensel ums. Albert Lea Seed 1steins. Most all are in 1st or we sold out! Catalog at (605) 310-6653 800-352-5247 Wanted: Old Barns for salWWW.KLEENACRES.COM 2nd lactation. Low SCC. For Sale: Demco Conquest vage. Paying cash for the or call 320-237-7667. Priced reasonable. Please Sprayer 1100 gallon. right ones. Wanted: old HAY or STRAW FOR SALE: “It's the place to be!” leave message. (608) 214Round or large square Livestock 054 With 60ft boom, foam style horse drawn machin4084 bales alfalfa or grass hay. WANTED & FOR SALE: marker, rinse tanks, hyery. Message -(608) 624-3990 Delivery available by semi. draulic pump, comes ALL TYPES of hay & FOR SALE: Purebred Black Ose Hay Farm, Thief River with Raven 440 monitor. WANTED: Rock rake, any Angus bulls, calf ease & straw. Also buying corn, Falls, MN. Call or text Excellent shape. (507) good disposition; also wheat & oats. Western Hay size. 320-760-6862 LeRoy at 218-689-6675 254-5278 Hamp & Hamp-Duroc available. Fox Valley Alfalboars & gilts. 320-598-3790 fa Mill. 920-853-3554
WANTED TO BUY! USED BULK MILK COOLER ALL SIZES 920-867-3048 WANTED TO BUY: Dairy heifers and cows. 320-2352664 Cattle
FOR SALE OR LEASE REGISTERED BLACK ANGUS Bulls, 2 year old & yearlings; bred heifers, calving ease, club calves & balance performance. Al sired. In herd improvement program. J.W. Riverview Angus Farm Glencoe, MN 55336 Conklin Dealer 320864-4625
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
<< www.TheLandOnline.com >>
‘09 CIH 5088, 1424 eng./957 sep. hrs., AFS Antenna, Y&M mon. w/display, 2-spd. feeder house lateral header tilt system, elec. grain tank cover, rock trap. #13634 - $196,850
‘00 CIH 2366, 2800 eng./2150 sep. hrs., Y&M monitor, auto header height, chaff spreader, feeder house field tracker, specialty rotor, no rock trap. #13796 - $96,800
‘06 CIH 8010, 1670 eng./1121 sep. hrs., AFS Y&M mon. w/GPS, duals tires w/ext. & HD drives, 21’ unloading auger, feeder house lateral header tilt system. #13990 - $189,900
‘10 CIH7120, 795 eng. hrs., C.I.D. 9.0L eng., AccuGuide ready, AFS antenna, 315 bu. grain tank capacity, 24’ unloading auger, feeder house hvy. lateral tilt. #13632 - $245,000
‘10 CIH 5088, 680 eng./513 sep. hrs., 37/35 ratio - 120” tread, 2-spd. lateral tilt feeder, auto crop settings, standard duty oil cooler, standard feeder drive. #13170 - $199,995
‘97 CIH 1020-20F Header Combine. #12619 $10,000
‘09 CIH 1020-30F Header Combine, Acre Meter: 500 acres, 30’ width, low acres. #12396 - $34,995
‘08 CIH 2020-30F Header Combine, long divider bundle, base. #13101 - $23,900
‘10 CIH 2020-30F Header Combine, 30’ width, long divider bundle, spare knife, Crary air reel. #13501 - $37,900
‘08 CIH 2020-35F Header Combine, 35’ width, medium divider bundle. #13130 - $25,995
2009 2004 2003 2010 1998 2006 2000 2009 2009 2003 1998 1995 1988 2010 1988 1996 1993 1993 2011 2010
Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case
5088, 2388, 2388, 6088, 2388, 8010, 2366, 7120, 5088, 2388, 2366, 2188, 1660, 7120, 1640, 2188, 1688, 1688, 7120, 5088,
#12469 ....................................................................................$191,000 #13508 ....................................................................................$126,000 #8914 ......................................................................................$134,375 #13638 ....................................................................................$235,500 #12686 ......................................................................................$72,500 #13990 ....................................................................................$189,900 #13796 ......................................................................................$96,800 #13988 ....................................................................................$227,180 #13634 ....................................................................................$196,850 #13874 ....................................................................................$112,000 #13417 ......................................................................................$74,500 #10848 ......................................................................................$52,995 #13642 ......................................................................................$14,995 #13632 ....................................................................................$245,000 #13460 ......................................................................................$29,500 #13584 ......................................................................................$69,900 #13100 ......................................................................................$49,500 #13145 ......................................................................................$49,995 #13159 ....................................................................................$254,000 #13170 ....................................................................................$199,995
2010 1996 2009 2007 1997 2002 2001 2007 1996
Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case
2020-30F ............................................................................................$34,000 1020-30F ............................................................................................$12,000 1020-30F, #12396................................................................................$34,995 1020-25F, #12582................................................................................$18,300 1020-20F, #12619................................................................................$10,000 1020-25F, #12577................................................................................$14,860 1020-30, #10523 ................................................................................$11,995 2020-30, #11565 ................................................................................$22,500 1020-30F, #12616................................................................................$12,000
2008 2003 2009 2008 2008 2002 2009 2010 1994 2000 2010 1996 2002 1999 1991 2007 1992 1997 2007 2004 2007 2010 2009 2010 2010 2004 2006 2009 2011 1986
Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case
2020-30, #12721 ................................................................................$23,800 1020-30, #8916 ..................................................................................$18,500 2020-30, #8980 ..................................................................................$25,900 2020-30F, #13101................................................................................$23,900 2020-35F, #13130................................................................................$25,995 1020-30F, #13113................................................................................$18,900 2020-30, #8961 ..................................................................................$23,500 2020-30, #8969 ..................................................................................$24,995 1020-20F, #13196..................................................................................$8,450 1020-25F, #13797................................................................................$13,995 2020-30F, #13501................................................................................$37,900 1020-25F, #13510................................................................................$11,700 1020-25F, #13552................................................................................$16,900 1020-30F, #13548................................................................................$14,995 1020-30F, #13572..................................................................................$6,791 1020-30, #10901 ................................................................................$22,995 1020-20F, #13594..................................................................................$8,595 1020-30, #10885 ..................................................................................$9,800 2020-35, #10970 ................................................................................$24,995 1020-30, #13777 ................................................................................$19,995
2004 2010 2009 1999 2010 1991 2002 2009
2003 Case IH 1200-12R PIVOT, #13,119 ..................................................................$51,000 1996 Agco White 6342, #13199 ................................................................................$17,500 2009 Case IH 1240-12/23, #13701 ............................................................................$90,000 White 6100-12R, #13416 ..........................................................................................$27,000 2009 Case IH 1250 - 24 Row, #13431 ....................................................................$120,000 2007 Agco White 8516, #13479 ................................................................................$74,900 2009 Case IH 1240 16/31, #12650 ..........................................................................$103,000 2007 Case IH 1240-16R, #12760 ..............................................................................$97,500 2010 Kinze 3600 PIVOT, #12829 ..............................................................................$67,500
2006 Case IH 2208, #13866 ......................................................................................$32,400 2007 Case IH 3408, #13565 ......................................................................................$47,500 2010 Case IH 2608, CHOP CORN HEAD, #13596....................................................$61,375 2007 Case IH 3206, #13624 ......................................................................................$34,500 Case IH 2606, #13599 ......................................................................................$52,500 1999 Harvestec 630-HSA, #13408 ............................................................................$19,895 Case IH 2206, #12726 ......................................................................................$27,500 Case IH 2606, #13635 ......................................................................................$49,995 Case IH 2606, #13639 ......................................................................................$58,500 Case IH 1063, #13424 ........................................................................................$6,800
Case IH 2206 ....................................................................................................$23,895 Case IH 2608, #13126 ......................................................................................$57,995 Case IH 3206, #13143 ......................................................................................$32,900 Case IH 1063, #13153 ......................................................................................$14,500 Case IH 3406, #13171 ......................................................................................$34,995 Case IH 1083, #13202 ........................................................................................$9,750 Case IH 2206, #DECBEB00009 ........................................................................$22,500 Case IH 3208, #12386 ......................................................................................$41,000
J&M 620, #13574 ..............................................................................................$20,500 Brent 1194, #12146 ..........................................................................................$43,500 Brent 882, #13476 ............................................................................................$32,000 J&M 620, #13575 ..............................................................................................$20,500
DECORAH, IA • 563-382-3614
Parker 2600, #13184 ..........................................................................................$4,995
ELKADER, IA • 563-245-2636
Full inventory listing & details, Go To: www.windridgeimplements.com
056 Cattle
056 Cattle
056 Cattle
056 Cattle
056 Cattle
056 Cattle
Don’t Forget to Return Your Completed Requester Card - Keep The Land Coming!! *ALL subscribers MUST return a completed card to continue receiving The Land. If you did not receive a card, please call The Land at 800-657-4665. Thank You!
‘92 CIH 5240, 2WD, PS - $28,500 ‘07 CIH MX305, MFD - $163,500 ‘08 CIH MX275, MFD - $153,500 ‘11 CIH Farmall 35, MFD w/loader, 50 hrs. - $21,000 New Farmall 31, MFD w/60” ‘09 CIH 485 Quad - Call ‘11 CIH 550 Quad - Call
‘99 DMI, 32’, 3 bar ‘98 4900, 34’, 3 bar - $8,950 CIH 4300, 32’, 3 bar - $12,500 ‘06 CIH Tigermate II, 32’, 4 bar - $29,500 ‘06 JD 1760, 12-30 - $43,500 4 Extra Units (1760) - $2,000
‘05 1200, 16-30 pivot, bulk fill - $62,500
‘08 1200, 16-30 pivot, bulk fill, 2500 acres - $79,500 ‘08 1250, 24-30, bulk fill, 3500 acres - $112,500
‘89 1660, monitor - $24,500 ‘90 1680, duals, - $28,500 ‘93 1666 - $32,500 ‘07 CIH 2588 - Call ‘09 CIH 6088 - Call ‘10 7120 - Call ‘06 CIH 1020, 30’ - Call ‘03 CIH 1020, 30’ - Call ‘98 CIH 1020, 25’ - $7,950 ‘81 JD 983, 8-30 - $4,500 ‘92 CIH 1083, 8-30 - $8,500 ‘95 CIH 1083, 8-30, plastic - Call ‘08 CIH 2608, 8-30 - Call ‘09 CIH 2608, 8-30 - Call ‘06 Geringhoff 8-30 - $15,000 JD 893, 8-30 - $17,500
1205 Bixby Road (across from fairgrounds), Fairmont, MN 507-235-3358 or 800-813-8300 • Get the Rabe Advantage
Case IH and CNH Capital are registered trademarks of CNH America LLC
Visit our Web Site at http://www.caseih.com
(651) 923-4441 Lodermeiers.net
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
Goodhue, MN 55027
<< www.TheLandOnline.com >>
15 B THE LAND, APRIL 12, 2013
FOR SALE OR LEASE: FOR SALE: Herd of black FOR SALE: (1) Pinzgauer Indianhead Polled Hereford Miller's Viewlawn Angus: Performance tested Polled Red & Black Angus Bulls, Angus beef cows, bred to Yearling bulls, heifers, 2 most AI sired, weaning Charolais bulls. 51 years in Purebred Registered Assoc. Spring Opportunity bull, coming to, could be registered Angus bull, calvyear old bulls, PI neg., ferwgts 700-850 lbs., Care is inthe seedstock business. Charolais bulls, heifers, & Sale. 5 bulls, 22 females, registered, $1,500/OBO. ing March & April, will sell tility tested, Johnes accr. cluding through May 15th in Good selection of growthy, cows. Great bloodlines, exUWRF farm #2, River (715)837-1469 one or more, $1,300/ea. 320free, since 1903. Mable, MN price, 1/3 down, balance good disposition, easy calvcellent performance, balFalls, WI. Noon, April 13. FOR SALE: Purebred polled 905-2626 507-743-8370 when picked up. ing, profit making Polled anced EPD's, low birth (715)781-2584 black Salers bulls, good, Meado-West Farms Charolais bulls. Complete www.indianheadherefords.com weights. Delivery availOne beautiful polled Heresound, well balanced bulls FOR SALE: Polled Hereford (715)664-8854 performance, carcass & able. ford bull for sale, approx 2 w/good EPD's for easy bulls, high quality yearfertility information. WakeLaumann Charolais yrs, approx 1400 lbs, posicalving & also some 2 yr lings, semen tested, delivfield Farms 507-402-4640 Mayer, MN 612-490-2254 tively $1,500. 715-927-4577 olds. Oak Hill Farms 507ery available. Jones 642-8028 Farms, Le Sueur, MN 507FOR SALE: 25 Limousin 317-5996 bulls, 2 yrs old & yearlings, HOLSTEIN STEERS low birth wgts, super 145 @ 460 lbs; 95@ 540 lbs, degrowth, 35 yrs of Limousin horned, vacc, implanted, breeding. John Goelz sell any number. Call Franklin MN. 507-557-8394 evenings 320-732-6259
THE LAND, APRIL 12, 2013
16 B
Balzer Express Tank
• 1/4” Uni-body Construction • 5” and 6” Solid Steel Spindles in Sleeves • Long Tongue and PTO • 5,000, 6,000 and 6,750 gallon sizes available
<< www.TheLandOnline.com >>
V-Pump • Up to 4000 gallons per minute The most durable and dependable high capacity pump available.
VISIT OUR WEBSITE: www.burns-sales.com Used Tanks:
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
• Balzer 7400 gal. disc wheel slurry w/5 unit injector • Houle 6000 gal. slurry w/5 unit disk injector • Balzer 4200 gal. slurry w/5 unit spring shank injector • Better Bilt 3400 gal. vac. tank, w/4 unit rear mount injector • LMT 3350 vac. w/3 shank rear injector • Balzer 3350, vac tank • Better Bilt vacuum, 2600 gal. w/3 shank std. injector • Balzer 1500 gal vac. tank • Better Bilt 1500 gal. vac tank • Better Bilt 1100 gal. vac tank • Better Bilt 800 gal. vac tank • Dietrich 5 unit sweep injector
Any Size Available
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056 Horse
057 Sheep
Registered Texas Longhorn BELGIAN STUD SERVICE For Sale: Fall 2012 born Polypay ewe lambs. 22 Sire King's Final, Dam breeding stock, cows, beautiful lambs from proBarney Mare. Thorp, (715) heifers or roping stock, top ductive NSIP high health 669-3288 blood lines. 507-235-3467 flock. Can be registered. $225 Holly Neaton WaterRegistered yearling polled FOR SALE: Pony bob sled town, MN (952) 240-2192 (New). 507-375-4669 Hereford bulls for sale, sehollyneat@juno.com men tested, halter broke. Will deliver. Klages Here- Will pick up unwanted horsSHEEP & GOAT OWNERS es. 320-905-2626 ford, Ortonville, MN 320NOTICE— Our TURNING 273-2163 CRADLE has 2 Guillotine Sheep 060 Gates (Turns On Side) SpeSt. Croix Valley Bull Test cial Price $895 While They Sale - April 20. SCVBT.com FOR SALE: Club Lambs, Last. Also Run & Corral (715)265-4374 pick your show lamb from Panels, Slide Gates at 2 & 3 over 120 lambs born since Way Sort Gates, Creep WANT TO BUY: Butcher January. Wethers & Ewe Panels, Mineral Feeders cows, bulls, fats & walkable lambs, Reg. Hamps, & Etc. NOTICE-Also All the cripples; also horses, Hamp Cross Suffolk. $150 & Jigs. Can Del 319-347-6282 sheep & goats. 320-235-2664 up. Colfax, WI Beyrer Farms (715)658-1555 WANTED: Slaughter cattle, lame & thin, also, foundered & lumpjawed. Will pay cash. 320-905-4490
• 5/8” drum roller wall thickness • 42” drum diameter • 4”x8” frame tubing 1/4” thick • Auto fold FOR THE BEST DEAL ORDER NOW!
IH 1566, New Motor & TA, no spouts, 1000 hrs., Nice ....$13,000 CIH 8920, FWA, 3100 hrs. ..................................................$83,000 IH 966, New Motor, New TA ..............................................$13,000 CIH 7130, FWA, 3800 hrs. ..................................................$65,000 CIH 7130, FWA, 3300 hrs., 540 & 1000 hp. PTO ..............$71,000 CIH 7130 Magnum, 2WD, 5700 hrs. ..................................Coming CIH 7120, 2WD, 7500 hrs. ..................................................$49,000 IH 5088, 2WD, Nice ............................................................$19,500 CIH 5240, 2WD, 4000 hrs...................................................$42,000 IH 5288, 2WD, 4150 hrs., Nice ..........................................$23,000 CIH 7220, 2WD, 5400 hrs. ..................................................$52,000 CIH 7220 Magnum, FWA, 941 hrs., duals, Sharp..........$105,000 CIH 7110, 2WD, 3600 hrs...................................................$55,000 IH 3488, 1 hyd., 831, 5178 hrs. ..........................................$23,500 IH Farmall C, NF ..................................................................$2,200 NH 166, inverter ....................................................................$3,500 CIH Tigermate II, 28’ w/split tooth drag, Red ..................$26,500 DMI Tigermate II, 27’ ........................................................$18,000 Demco 450, box....................................................................$8,500 CIH 496 w/mulcher, 24’, cushion gang..............................$14,500 CIH 496 w/mulcher, cushion ..............................................$14,500 DMI 527 w/disk leveler ......................................................$15,000 (6) Demco 365 boxes ..................................From $5,500-$6,500 Demco used gravity boxes, all sizes available..........................Call Gehl 125 ..............................................................................$16,000 New Mandako Land Rollers in stock ........................................Call Lorean 1250 grinder w/scale, Nice ....................................$8,500 DMI Tigermate II, 27’ ........................................................$22,000 New Sitrex Rakes Available Many New & Used Rakes Available
GREENWALD FARM CENTER Greenwald, MN • 320-987-3177 14 miles So. of Sauk Centre
17 B
‘05 CIH STX375Q, Farm Use, Excellent ........................$159,900
‘11 CIH Steiger 535Q, 2092 hrs., full auto steer ................$229,900
‘12 CIH Steiger 450, 378 hrs. ........................................$254,900
‘90 CIH 9170, 5641 hrs. ..........................................$59,000
‘12 CIH Steiger 450, 522 hrs., PTO, full steering pkg. ....$262,500
‘01 CIH Steiger 375, 6433 hrs. ..........................................$99,800
‘04 CIH Magnum 210, 2900 hrs. ..........................................$97,800
‘09 Challenger 645C, 544 hrs., 240 eng. hp., CVT trans. $139,000
‘12 CIH Puma 160, CVT, 300 hrs. ........................................$135,800
‘84 IH 584 ..........................$8,500
‘12 CIH 9230, Track, AWD, 260 sep. hrs. ..................$359,000
One Year Interest Free ••• Call For Details •••
‘09 Bobcat S330, 1483 hrs., cab w/air, 2-spd.......................$34,900
CIH 8600, 30’ air drill ........$8,900
White 6122, 12R30”........$22,000
One Year Interest Free ••• Call For Details •••
‘84 CIH 584, 2WD, cab....................................................................$8,500 ‘12 CIH Steiger 600Q, 513 hrs., Lux. cab, susp. cab, HID lites, Pro 700 steering, PTO, 6 remotes, 36” tracks ......................$369,500 ‘10 CIH 140 Maxxum, MFD, 1360 hrs., cab, loader ..................$69,800 ‘04 CIH MX210, 2900 hrs. ............................................................$97,800 ‘12 CIH Steiger 500Q, 516 hrs., susp. Lux. leather cab, HID lites, HD hyd., full Pro 700 steering ................................................$319,000 ‘09 Cat Challenger MT645C, MFD, 544 hrs., CVT trans., 240 eng. hp. ................................................................................$139,900 ‘12 CIH Steiger 450, 378 hrs., susp. Lux. leather cab, HID lites, HD hyd., full Pro 700 steering, PTO, 710R42 tires ................$254,900 ‘12 CIH Magnum 340, 1576 hrs., susp., Lux. cab, susp. front axle, full Pro 700 steering, big hyd. pump, 360 HID lites ..................$199,500 ‘12 CIH Steiger 450, 522 hrs., susp. Lux. leather cab, HID lites, HD hyd., full Pro 700 steering, PTO, 710/70R42 tires ..........$259,900 ‘05 CIH SXT375, Quad Track ................................................$159,900 ‘01 CIH STX375, 6433 hrs., 710/70R38 tires ..........................$99,800 ‘02 CIH STX375, 2600 hrs., 710/70R42 tires ........................$139,900 Interest Waiver Thru Case Credit* ••• Call For Details ‘95 Ford 9680, 350 hp., 5322 hrs., 20.8x42 tires ....................$65,000 ‘12 CIH 9230, 315 eng. hrs., track drive, RWA, folding covers ‘90 CIH 9170, 5641 hrs., 20.8x42 tires, powershift ................$59,000 ................................................................................................$359,900 STX and STEIGER PTO, TOW CABLE & 3 PT. KITS ON HAND!!! ‘06 CIH 2388, 1986 eng. hrs., 1563 sep. hrs, duals ..............$135,900 ‘12 CIH 2608, 8R30” chopping cornhead ......................................Call Call For ‘12 CIH 3020, 35’ platform....................................................Coming In LOW RATE FINANCING ‘06 CIH 1020, 30’, full finger auger, 3” knife, rock guard....Coming In Details AVAILABLE thru ‘91 CIH 1020, 20’ platform, 11⁄2” knife ........................................$5,500
<< www.TheLandOnline.com >>
‘93 JD 7800 ....................JUST IN
THE LAND, APRIL 12, 2013
‘12 CIH Steiger 500Q, 519 hrs. ........................................$319,000
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“Where Farm and Family Meet”
I-35 & Highway 60 West • Faribault, MN • 507-334-2233
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
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THE LAND, APRIL 12, 2013
18 B
BL BL BL BL BL BL TRACTORS BL ‘77 IHC 1586, 4266 ENG. HRS. ........................$8,950 BL ‘77 IHC 1586, 7368 ENG. HRS. ......................$14,950 ‘11 CIH MAGNUM 340, 1152 ENG HRS ........$199,950 ‘12 CIH MAGNUM 340, 241 ENG. HRS ........$249,000 BL ‘79 JD 4840, 7630 ENG. HRS.........................$29,850 SE ‘76 IHC 886, 4273 ENG. HRS. ........................$12,900 SE ‘11 CIH MAGNUM 340, 1152 ENG. HRS. ......$199,950 BL ‘80 IHC 1086, 5521 ENG HRS ........................$13,750 SE SE ‘00 JD 9400T, 6242 ENG. HRS. ......................$99,750 ‘85 VERSATILE 836, 5775 ENG. HRS. ............$25,000 ‘08 JD 9630, 1940 ENG. HRS ......................$235,000 ‘11 CIH 550 QUAD TRAC, 1106 ENG. HRS. ..$319,900
SE ‘95 FC 650 ......................................................$5,850 SE ‘03 REDBALL 665, 1000 GAL. ........................$13,500 SE SE SKIDSTEERS SE SE ‘06 CAT 410, 2475 HRS. ................................$19,900 BL SE ‘07 CAT 430, 2294 HRS. ................................$19,500 BL BL ‘86 CAT 1845C, 4800 HRS. ............................$14,750 BL SL ‘04 BOBCAT S185, 4986 HRS.........................$17,500 BL SL ‘05 BOBCAT S205, 3418 HRS.........................$17,500 BL SE ‘89 HV 1300, 2386 HRS ..................................$9,250 BL SL ‘08 NH L185, 3989 HRS. ................................$27,500 BL SL OWATONNA 345 MUSTANG, 6916 HRS.............$6,250 BL SL ‘07 BOBCAT S300, 4345 HRS.........................$26,500 BL SL ‘90 GEHL SL3510, 1083 HRS. ..........................$7,800 BL SL ‘90 BOBCAT 542B ............................................$5,500 BL SL ‘11 BOBCAT S650, 780 HRS ..........................$33,500 BL PLANTERS & DRILLS BL BL CIH 950--12X30 ............................................$13,500 BL BL ‘99 JD 1780 ..................................................$52,500 BL BL ‘96 CIH 950--12X30 ......................................$16,500 BL ‘90 CIH 900--12X30 ........................................$8,989 BL BL ‘07 CIH 1250--24--FF, 9500 ACRES ..............$79,900 SL BL CIH 950, 12X30 ..............................................$13,500 SL BL WHITE 1822 ..................................................$29,500 SL BL ‘99 JD 1780 ..................................................$52,500 SL BL ‘99 CIH 955 PT, VF ........................................$23,900 SL BL ‘97 CIH 955 ....................................................$20,900 SL SL ‘97 KINZE 2600..............................................$42,500 SL ‘08 CIH 1240--16X30 PIVOT ..........................$77,500 SL CIH 900 ............................................................$6,500 BL SL ‘10 CIH 1250--24 ........................................$133,000 BL SL ‘08 CIH 1250--24, 6500 ACRES ..................$122,500 BL SL ‘10 CIH 1250 ..................................................$79,500 SE BL ‘94 JD 750 NO TILL, 15’ ................................$13,775 SE SE FIELD CULTIVATORS SE SL ‘01 CIH TIGERMATE II, 54.5’ ..........................$36,500 SL ‘09 CIH TIGERMATE 200, 50.5’ ......................$62,500 BL ‘91 DMI TIGERMATE, 43.5' ..............................$9,875 SE SE ‘94 CIH 4900, 41’ ............................................$7,900 SE SE ‘98 DMI TIGERMATE II, 50.5’ ..........................$25,750 SE SE WILRICH QUAD X, 45’ ....................................$34,500 SE SE ‘06 JD 2210, 45.5’ ........................................$43,000 SE SE COMBINES SE ‘92 JD 9500, 4092 ENG. HRS.........................$35,000 SE SE ‘90 GLEANER R60, 3374 ENG. HRS. ..............$21,500 BL SE ‘93 CIH 1666, 3881 ENG. HRS. ......................$41,000 BL BL ‘04 CIH 8010, 2451 ENG./1835 SEP. HRS.....$179,950 BL BL ‘81 IHC 1440, 3881 ENG. HRS. ........................$9,950 BL BL ‘07 CIH 8010, 2400 ENG. HRS. ....................$185,900 BL BL ‘98 CIH 2388, 3428 ENG. HRS. ......................$78,950 BL BL ‘97 CIH 2166, 2540 ENG. HRS. ......................$74,900 BL BL ‘99 CIH 2388, 2520 ENG. HRS. ......................$98,500 BL BL ‘99 CIH 2388, 3597 ENG. HRS. ......................$88,950 BL BL ‘98 CIH 2366, 2932 ENG/2240 SEP HRS........$88,900 BL BL ‘09 CIH 7120, 1245 ENG./960 SEP. HRS.......$255,000 BL SL ‘03 CIH 2388, 2375 ENG./1861 SEP. HRS.....$127,500 BL SL ‘05 CIH 2388, 2030 ENG. HRS. ....................$142,500 SL SL DEEP TILLAGE SL ‘94 DMI 730 ....................................................$9,500 SL SL ‘98 DMI 730B ................................................$15,000 SL SL ‘95 DMI 730 ....................................................$9,500 SL SL ‘95 DMI 730 ....................................................$9,500 SL SL ‘07 CIH 730C..................................................$32,900 SL SE ‘08 JD 2700--9 ..............................................$38,850 SL SE ‘00 CIH 730B..................................................$25,500 SL SE ‘10 CIH ECOLO-TIGER 870-11S, 7500 ACRES $72,500 SL SE TEBBEN 5-SHANK, 30” ....................................$4,950 SL SE ‘03 JD 2700, 9-SHANK, 24” SPACING ............$26,850 SL SE ‘09 JD 2700, 9-SHANK, 24” SPACING ............$38,850 SL SE ‘08 CIH ECOLO-TIGER 730C ..........................$35,500 SL BL ‘01 WILRICH 957 ............................................$22,950 SL BL ‘08 KS 4850-18..............................................$42,500 SL BL ‘03 JD 2700-9................................................$27,900 SL BL ‘10 CIH ECOLO-TIGER 870-9S........................$58,900 SL BL ‘02 CIH 730B..................................................$19,850 SL
‘05 WILRICH 357 ..............................................$7,900 BRENT CPC-2007, 7 SHANK ............................$6,900 ‘98 DMI 730B ................................................$19,900 DMI 530B ......................................................$15,950 ‘10 CIH ECOLO-TIGER 870-9S........................$59,950 ‘03 JD 2700--7 ..............................................$23,500 ‘97 DMI 730B ................................................$18,750 ‘99 CIH 730B..................................................$23,795
‘10 JD 512 ....................................................$48,500 JD 510 ............................................................$9,800 ‘06 GR 4336, 36’............................................$34,500 ‘96 JD 3710, 9-BOTTOM ..............................$20,850 IHC 710 ............................................................$1,200 IHC 735, 5-BOTTOM, VARI WIDTH........................CALL
‘10 WHEAT SA 1071 ........................................$7,950 ‘95 FETERL 10X60 ..........................................$3,350 SUDENGA 8X60................................................$1,650 FETERL 10X66 ................................................$3,250 ‘09 WESTFIELD WC1335 ..................................$4,600 ‘94 FETERL 10X66 ..........................................$3,989 FETERL 12X72 ................................................$6,475 ‘02 WESTFIELD MK 13X71 FT GLP ..................$8,750 ‘99 WESTFIELD MK 13X91 GLP........................$9,850 FK 1070 ..........................................................$7,250 ‘96 SUDENGA TD450........................................$2,189 NEW IDEA 8X58.9” EMD ....................................$600 ‘90 SUDENGA 450............................................$4,989 ‘02 WESTFIELD WR 130X71 ............................$4,950 ‘87 ALLOWAY FIELD MASTER 8X61..................$2,150 ‘90 WESTFIELD WR 8X61 ................................$2,375 ‘09 PECK 1002 ................................................$5,775 ‘10 WESTFIELD WR10X51 SD ..........................$5,950
‘06 WO S20CD ..............................................$11,950 LOFTNESS 240 ................................................$9,000 LOFTNESS 240B ..............................................$7,500 ‘07 WR CD20LK..............................................$14,500 ‘94 WO S20CD ................................................$6,000 ‘95 WO S20CD ................................................$6,000 ‘05 ALLOWAY CD20........................................$10,000
‘80 EZ-FLOW 475 ............................................$5,500 ‘95 DEMCO 365................................................$5,200 ‘95 DEMCO 365................................................$6,250 DMI D390 ........................................................$2,350 ‘98 KILLBROS 655..........................................$11,900 PARKER 2600 ..................................................$4,650 ‘80 DAKON 280 ................................................$1,850
IHC 810 ............................................................$1,250 ‘90 CIH 1020-25’ ............................................$7,500 ‘95 CIH 1020-30’ ............................................$9,850 ‘94 CIH 1020-25’ ............................................$9,850 ‘90 JD 925-25’ ................................................$8,500 ‘01 CIH 1020-30’ ..........................................$14,000 ‘96 CIH 1020-25’ ............................................$9,500 ‘95 CIH 1020-25’ ............................................$8,500 ‘88 CIH 1020-30’ ............................................$6,000 ‘97 CIH 1020-30’ ............................................$8,500 ‘97 CIH 1020-30’ ............................................$9,000 ‘10 CIH 2020-30’ ..........................................$27,000 ‘06 CIH 2020-35’ ..........................................$23,900 ‘07 CIH 2020-35’ ..........................................$23,900 ‘09 CIH 2020-35’ ..........................................$29,000 ‘05 MB 974-36’..............................................$43,875 ‘91 CIH 1020, 25’ ............................................$9,375 ‘03 CIH 1020, 25’ ..........................................$12,500 ‘98 CIH 1020, 25’ ..........................................$11,900 ‘09 CIH 2020-30’ ..........................................$27,000 ‘91 CIH 1020-30’ ............................................$8,900 ‘10 CIH 2020-30’ ..........................................$25,500 ‘03 CIH 1020-30’ ..........................................$16,400 ‘95 CIH 1020-25’ ............................................$8,900 ‘96 CIH 1020-25’ ..........................................$10,500 ‘05 CIH 1020-30’ ..........................................$19,200 ‘96 CIH 1020-30’ ............................................$9,500 ‘04 CIH 1020-30’ ..........................................$18,500 ‘09 CIH 2020-30’ ..........................................$27,000 ‘04 CIH 2020-30’ ..........................................$19,900 ‘96 CIH 1083 ..................................................$10,900 ‘08 GERINGHOFF RD630 ................................$46,500 ‘97 CIH 1083 ..................................................$10,900 ‘95 CIH 1083 ....................................................$7,500 ’05 GERINGHOFF RD830 ................................$50,500 ‘00 GERINGHOFF RD630 ................................$28,500 ‘03 GERINGHOFF RD830 ................................$42,500 ‘98 CIH 1083 ..................................................$15,800
SE = Sleepy Eye BL = Bingham Lake SL = Slayton
(507) 794-2131 • (507) 831-1106 • (507) 836-8571
060 Miscellaneous
Compart's total program features superior boars & open gilts documented by BLUP technology. Duroc, York, Landrace & F1 lines. Terminal boars offer leanness, muscle, growth. Maternal gilts & boars are productive, lean, durable. All are stress free & PRRS free. Semen also available through Elite Genes A.I. Make 'em Grow! Comparts Boar Store, INC. Toll Free: 877-441-2627 FOR SALE: Shares in 5000 sow farrowing unit. Call 507-835-5640 FOR SALE: Show Pigs for 4H and FFA, Spot gilts and barrow. 507-340-6934 or 507-546-3162
Livestock Equip
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FOR SALE: '78 D65P-6 Komatzu dozer, 36” swamp tracks, UC 70%, 155HP Cummins, 8959 hrs, at 43,000 lbs, 13' tilt blade, doesn't use oil, C/H, ROPS. $19,000/OBO 507-822-1436 084
'90 Wilson grain trailer, 42', DOT'd, very good cond., $14,500. 507-920-1632 FOR SALE: '95 Int'l Eagle, sleeper cab, 10spd, Cummins eng M11, tires 295/75R225, 698,814 miles, stored in heated shed. 507327-8143 or 507-381-3843
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‘12 Peerless Grain Hopper, New, 43x96x72, AR, Steel Wheels, Roll Tarp ............................$32,500 ‘99 Timpte 42’ AL Hopper, 78” sides, New Tarp, New Brakes ......$16,500 ‘96 Wilson 41’ AL Hopper, 66” sides, AR, AL disc wheels, Clean, Roll Tarp ............................$21,750 ‘94 Wilson Convert-a-Hopper, 45x102, 78” sides, 80% Virgin Rubber, AL Wheels, Electric Door Openers ............................$16,000 ‘94 Wilson 43’ AL Hopper, SS Front & Rear, AR, AL Disc Wheels, Black..................................$17,500
‘89 Ford F-700, 6.6L Turbo Diesel, AT, 24’ AL Van Body, Roll-Up Door, 205” WB ..............................$4,900
‘02 Great Dane Reefer, 36’, Curbside & Roadside doors, Sliding Tandem ............................................$6,750 ‘97 Wabash AL, 42x96, 22.5 LP tires, Disc Wheels ........................$5,750 ‘89 Dorsey Furniture Van Trailer, 48/102, 22.5 LP Tires, Belly Boxes, AR, Curbside & Roadside Doors ............................................$7,000 Van Trailers, 48/102-53/102; Great for water storage or over the road hauling ....................$4,500-$7,500 48’ & 53’ Van Trailers to rent. ..........$145.00 per month plus tax. ....$2.00/mile for pickup & delivery
‘02 Freightliner, CL12064ST, 410 hp. Cummins, 10-spd., 800K, 3.90 ratio, 230” WB, New Rods, MISCELLANEOUS Main & Injectors, New Recaps, 48” Flattop ........................$16,750 ‘89 Case 688 Excavator on tracks, ‘98 Kenworth C12 Conv., 80,000 mi. 36” bucket, 6,400 hrs., 1 owner ..........................................$16,500 on complete OH, New T&B, 220” WB, Maint. Records, Clean Hyster Forklift, 6000 lb., side shift, ..........................................$16,900 131⁄2’ lift, 15” pneumatic tires ............................................$7,250 ‘97 Mack CH613 Daycab, 9-spd., AR, 160” WB, 350 hp. eng., New Axles, Suspensions Paint ..................................$13,000 For Trailers ..........$1,000 AR/Axle FLATBEDS ..................................$500 SR/Axle (2) ‘94 Fontaine, 48/96, SPX/AR Rims - 22.5 & 24.5 steel..........$60 ............................................$7,900 aluminum ..............................$175 ‘93 Featherlite AL Combo, 48/96, Tires: (4) 385 Super Singles SPX/AR ................................$8,250 w/polished AL rims; 2 new, 1 @ ‘74 Fontaine, 40’ ....................$4,750 50%, 1@ 40% ........$2,000/set of 4 Tires: (2) 445 Super Singles BELTED w/AL rims ......................$1,000 pr. ‘07 Aulick, 46/102, 72” sides, 54” belt, AR, AL Disc Wheels....$39,900 Pre-Hung Slab Interior Doors: Oak, Cherry, Maple, Pine. DROPDECKS All Sizes. Over 200 doors to ‘05 Transcraft 48/102 AL Combo, 80% T&B, Clean ................$22,000 choose from ................$10-$80 ea. ‘94 Kalyn, 48’ ............Call for Pricing 10,000’ of Oak & Maple trim ‘74 Trailcraft, 42’, good T&B, lights & ............................................$.50/ft. floor, sandblasted & painted .......... We can also convert flatbed ..........................................$11,750 trailers to be used as a bridge.
See our website. • All Trailers DOTable •
Will Consider Trades!
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“Where Farm and Family Meet”
'67 Chevrolet C50 grain truck, V8, 2 spd, good rubber, Omaha box & hoist, nice truck. 320-864-4583 or 320-779-4583
Reach Over 259,000 Readers!
Knight 3030TMR mixer, pulltype, scale, hay max kit, 3 auger discharge, nice shape. 952-467-3860
Trucks & Trailers
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Calving Pens, $1,295; 25 Squeeze Chutes, $2,035; 10 Crowding Tubs, $1,885 up; 24' free standing panels, $375; 16' rubber bunks, $350; 4'x26' bottomless bunks, $725; 1,000 gates, panels in stock. Bale feeders, $250 up. 218-352-6598
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Show Pigs for sale from 50 litters. $150. Sired by AI Boars from Genetic Edge, DDD Crossroads & Power Point. 16 litters by Roughneck. NBS 3rd class 3 boar. Many top placing pigs & champions have come from the herd in years past. Owens Purebreds & Cross breds, Durand. Jeff: (715) 672-5630 Roger: (715) 6725717 Cell: (715) 495-0986
19 B THE LAND, APRIL 12, 2013
One call does it all! RANGER PUMP CO. WANT MORE READERS FOR SALE: Quality wether FOR SALE: 2 pivots, 1 used & 1 new, exc cond. Can in- With one phone call, you can Custom Manufacturer of TO SEE YOUR AD?? type & south down sheep. stall. Also used pumps, enplace your classified ad in Expand your coverage area! Water Lift Pumps Rams Ewes & wethers gines etc. 715-457-5064 The Land, Farm News, for field drainage The Land has teamed up available. Annual Sale Sales & Service AND The Country Today. with Farm News, and The April 6. Call (715)342-0306, 507-984-2025 or 406-314-0334 Call The Land for more Country Today so you can smerchek@wildblue.com, FOR SALE: Goodyear racinfo @ 507-345-4523 • 800-657www.rangerpumpco.com www.smerchekshowlambs.com do just that! Place a classiing tires, $20/ea. 712-2974665. fied ad in The Land and 7951 have the option of placing it Winpower Sales & Service Swine 065 DRAINAGE Reliable Power Solutions FOR SALE: Kerosene brood- PARMA in these papers as well. PUMPS New pumps & Since 1925 PTO & automater stove for chicks, comMore readers = better reBOARS BRED GILTS parts on hand. Call Minic Emergency Electric plete. 507-430-1089 sults! Call The Land for Large White, York, YxD, nesota's largest distributor Generators. New & Used more information. 507-345HxD - outdoor condition. HJ Olson & Company 320Rich Opsata-Distributor 4523 • 800-657-4665 Marvin Wuebker 974-8990 Cell – 320-894-5336 800-343-9376 712-297-7644
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THE LAND, APRIL 12, 2013
, 480 hrs R 5 3 3 8 D J 2012 750 82479
320-864-5571 800-558-3759 4561 HWY 212, GLENCOE, MN 55336
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320-562-2630 800-827-7933 78412 CO RD 20, STEWART, MN 55385
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320-252-2010 800-645-5531 1035 35TH AVE. NE, SAUK RAPIDS, MN 56379
320-634-5151 888-799-1495 1710 N FRANKLIN GLENWOOD, MN 56334
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320-763-4220 888-799-1490 5005 STATE HWY 27 E, ALEXANDRIA, MN 56308
320-243-7474 866-784-5535 725 LAKE AVE. S, PAYNESVILLE, MN 56362
763-389-3453 800-570-3453 3708 BAPTIST CHURCH RD, PRINCETON, MN 55371
Over 900 items with pictures updated daily • Go to www.midwestmachineryco.com
320-543-2170 866-875-5093 5845 KEATS AVE. SW, HOWARD LAKE, MN 55349
$27 5
$328,0 0
$238, 7
, 778 hrs T R 0 6 3 8 D 2012 J 5,000
R, 199 hrs 0 6 5 9 D J 2012 00 91442
6 4 4 7 5 8 2 2 2 6 7 7 9 5 2 9 6 3
JD 7200, 12R30, 3 bu, ‘93.............................................................................$21,500 JD 1730, 12R22, 1.6 bu, ‘97...........................................................................$31,900 JD 1780, 12R30, 3.0 bu, ‘97...........................................................................$30,000 JD 1780, 12/23 split-row, ‘98.........................................................................$34,900 JD 1780, 24R20, ‘98.......................................................................................$38,000 JD 1780, 16R30, 1.6 bu, VRD, ‘97.................................................................$42,000 JD 1770, 16R30, 3 bu, ‘98..............................................................................$38,000 JD 1770, 16R30, 3 bu, ‘00..............................................................................$68,500 JD 1760, 12R30, 3 bu, ‘06..............................................................................$58,500 Case 1250, 16R30, CCS, ‘10..........................................................................$89,900 JD 1770NT, 16R30, CCS, ‘04.........................................................................$81,900 JD 1770NT, 16R30, CCS, ‘09.........................................................................$99,900 JD 1770NT, 16R30, CCS, ‘11.......................................................................$108,000 JD 1770NT, 16R30, CCS, ‘12.......................................................................$112,500 JD 1770NT, 16R30, 1.6 bu, ‘12....................................................................$109,000 JD 1770NT, 16R30, CCS, ‘12.......................................................................$127,000 JD 1770NT, 24R30, ‘10................................................................................$167,000 JD 1770NT, 24R30 CCS, ‘12........................................................................$169,900
6 6 6 8 4 5 1 7 6 9 4 1 8 2 7 2
JD 2755, 2wd, 6,590 hrs, 1987......................................................................$21,500 Case 5120, 2wd w/ 2250 ldr, 5,450 hrs, 1992...............................................$23,500 JD 5093E, MFWD, 338 hrs, 2012...................................................................$44,900 JD 5101E, MFWD, 241 hrs, 2012...................................................................$47,900 JD 5075M, MFWD, 500 hrs, 2011..................................................................$32,500 JD 5603, MFWD w/ 542 ldr, 2,320 hrs, 2008.................................................$42,500 JD 6125R, MFWD, 204 hrs, 2012...................................................................$99,500 JD 6130D, MFWD ldr, 200 hrs, 2012..............................................................$69,900 JD 6603, MFWD, 6,000 hrs, 2007..................................................................$42,500 JD 6330, MFWD w/ 673 ldr, 212 hrs, 2011....................................................$87,500 JD 6330, MFWD w/ 673 ldr, 600 hrs, 2012....................................................$91,000 JD 6400, MFWD w/640 ldr, 5,480 hrs, 1994..................................................$27,900 JD 6430, MFWD w/673 ldr, 1,800 hrs, 2008..................................................$59,900 JD 6430S, MFWD w/673 ldr, 324 hrs, 2011...................................................$67,500 JD 6430, MFWD , 1,400 hrs, 2008.................................................................$69,900 JD 6430, MFWD w/673 ldr, 803 hrs, 2011.....................................................$88,500
6 2 5 2 5 6 8 9 2
JD 4450, 2wd, 11,707 hrs, 1988....................................................................$29,500 JD 4560, 2wd, 4,716 hrs, 1983......................................................................$58,500 JD 4640, 2wd, 8,019 hrs, 1979......................................................................$25,500 JD 4850, 2wd, 11,000 hrs, 1985....................................................................$29,500 JD 7400, MFWD w/ ldr, 7,500 hrs, 1994........................................................$46,900 JD 7410, MFWD, 7,639 hrs, 1997..................................................................$46,000 JD 7420, MFWD, IVT, 5,500 hrs, 2003...........................................................$67,000 JD 7420, 2wd, 1,268 hrs, 2007......................................................................$72,500 JD 7810, MFWD, 3,744 hrs, 1997..................................................................$85,000
6 5 9 7 3 8 4 6 5 4 7 4 4 6 3 4 3 1 4 4 9 6 2 5 8 1 3 1 4 5 4 1 3 3 8 6 3
JD 7810, MFWD, 2,125 hrs, 1997..................................................................$92,500 JD 7230, MFWD, 1,760 hrs, 2009..................................................................$69,500 JD 7230, 2wd, 250 hrs, 2010.........................................................................$83,000 JD 7330, MFWD w/ ldr, 1,750 hrs, 2008......................................................$104,900 JD 7330, MFWD, 600 hrs, 2010...................................................................$116,900 JD 7330, MFWD, 160 hrs, 2012...................................................................$122,000 JD 7200R, MFWD, 150 hrs, 2011................................................................$152,500 JD 7230R, MFWD, IVT, TLS, 300 hrs, 2012.................................................$200,000 JD 7260R, MFWD, IVT, TLS, 171 hrs, 2012.................................................$192,500 JD 8120, MFWD, 3,340 hrs, 2002................................................................$122,000 JD 8130, MFWD, 3,200 hrs, 2007................................................................$133,000 JD 8230, MFWD, 2,000 hrs, 2008................................................................$154,000 JD 8320, MFWD, 4,135 hrs, 2002................................................................$122,500 JD 8420, 4,423 hrs, 2004.............................................................................$146,500 JD 8225R, MFWD, 500 hrs, 2010................................................................$176,000 JD 8235R, MFWD, 801 hrs, 2012................................................................$169,000 JD 8235R, MFWD, IVT, 500 hrs, 2012.........................................................$202,000 JD 8245R, MFWD, 1,200 hrs, 2010.............................................................$167,000 JD 8245R, MFWD, 1,000 hrs, 2010.............................................................$167,000 JD 8260R, MFWD, 737 hrs, 2012................................................................$180,000 JD 8270R, MFWD, 1,350 hrs, 2010.............................................................$174,000 JD 8270R, MFWD, 1,250 hrs, 2010.............................................................$178,000 JD 8270R, MFWD, IVT, 2,178 hrs, 2010......................................................$179,000 JD 8285R, MFWD, 353 hrs, 2012................................................................$198,000 JD 8285R, MFWD, 31 hrs, 2012...................................................................$215,000 JD 8285R, MFWD, IVT, ILS, 351 hrs, 2012..................................................$224,500 JD 8295RT, 1,350 hrs, 2010........................................................................$212,000 JD 8310R, MFWD, ILS, 462 hrs, 2012.........................................................$229,000 JD 8310R, MFWD, ILS, 668 hrs, 2012.........................................................$230,000 JD 8310R, MFWD, ILS, IVT, 283 hrs, 2012..................................................$246,500 JD 8310RT, 800 hrs, 2011...........................................................................$225,000 JD 8335R, MFWD, ILS, 478 hrs, 2012.........................................................$238,750 JD 8335R, MFWD, IVT, ILS, 212 hrs, 2012..................................................$265,000 JD 8335R, MFWD, IVT, ILS, 309 hrs, 2012..................................................$265,000 JD 8345R, MFWD, IVT, ILS, 1,300 hrs, 2010...............................................$250,000 JD 8345R, MFWD, IVT, ILS, 852 hrs, 2010..................................................$265,000 JD 8360RT, IVT, 702 hrs, 2012....................................................................$275,000
8 1 9 7 8 1 9 3
Ford 9280, 4,832 hrs, 1994............................................................................$55,000 JD 8560, 4,670 hrs, 1989...............................................................................$46,500 JD 8650, 6,480 hrs, 1983...............................................................................$29,500 JD 8760, 5,400 hrs, 1992...............................................................................$61,900 JD 8760, 5,337 hrs, 1992...............................................................................$63,500 JD 8970, 6,900 hrs, 1993...............................................................................$73,500 JD 9200, 6,105 hrs, 1998...............................................................................$86,000 JD 9220, 2,600 hrs, 2004.............................................................................$152,500
9 7 3 3 5 6 5 4 4 8 2 3 1 2 1 5 8 4 8 3 2 3 6
JD 9230, 1,065 hrs, 2008.............................................................................$195,000 JD 9230, 1,325 hrs, 2008.............................................................................$195,000 JD 9330, 647 hrs, 2011................................................................................$255,000 Steiger 350, 605 hrs, 2011..........................................................................$205,000 JD 9430, 302 hrs, 2011................................................................................$252,000 JD 9520, 3,918 hrs, 2003.............................................................................$159,000 JD 9530, 400 hrs, 2011................................................................................$262,000 JD 9530, 400 hrs, 2011................................................................................$267,000 JD 9530T, 1,314 hrs, 2011...........................................................................$278,000 JD 9530T, 1,108 hrs, 2011...........................................................................$269,000 Case IH STX485, Trk, 1,642 hrs, 2009.........................................................$250,000 JD 9630, 762 hrs, 2011................................................................................$272,000 JD 9630, 740 hrs, 2011................................................................................$275,000 JD 9630T, 792 hrs, 2010..............................................................................$272,000 JD 9630T, 573 hrs, 2011..............................................................................$305,000 JD 9460R, 110 hrs, 2012.............................................................................$289,000 JD 9460R, 200 hrs, 2012.............................................................................$304,500 JD 9510RT, 1,000 hrs, 2012........................................................................$315,000 JD 9510RT, 151 hrs, 2012...........................................................................$335,000 JD 9560R, 397 hrs, 2012.............................................................................$315,000 JD 9560R, 199 hrs, 2012.............................................................................$328,000 JD 9560RT, 1,000 hrs, 2012........................................................................$325,000 JD 9560RT, 196 hrs, 2012...........................................................................$361,000
6 5 9 8 8 5 4 3 8 9 7 2 4 4 1 7 8 4 4 4 7 6 1
JD 325, 1875 hrs, ‘07.....................................................................................$22,900 Bobcat T110, 369 hrs, ‘11..............................................................................$26,700 JD 318D, 360 hrs, ‘11.....................................................................................$33,900 JD 318D, 110 hrs, ‘12.....................................................................................$33,900 JD 320D, 500 hrs, ‘12.....................................................................................$33,750 JD 320D, 129 hrs, ‘12.....................................................................................$34,000 JD 320D, 241 hrs, ‘12.....................................................................................$34,900 JD 320D, 390 hrs, ‘11.....................................................................................$35,900 JD 326D, 2850 hrs, ‘11...................................................................................$27,900 JD 326D, 250 hrs, ‘10.....................................................................................$33,500 JD 326D, 563 hrs, ‘10.....................................................................................$33,900 JD 326D, 221 hrs, ‘11.....................................................................................$36,500 JD 326D, 40 hrs, ‘12.......................................................................................$39,500 JD 328D, 400 hrs, ‘12.....................................................................................$42,500 JD 332D, 1157 hrs, ‘11...................................................................................$39,750 JD 332D, 1381 hrs, ‘12...................................................................................$39,900 JD 332D, 194 hrs, ‘12.....................................................................................$45,900 Bobcat S750, 32 hrs, ‘13................................................................................$46,900 JD CT322, track loader, 885 hrs, ‘06..............................................................$24,000 JD 319D, track loader, 583 hrs, ‘11................................................................$33,900 JD 319D, track loader, 30 hrs, ‘11..................................................................$38,900 JD 323D, track loader, 225 hrs, ‘10................................................................$44,900 JD 323D, track loader, 150 hrs, ‘12................................................................$45,900
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
2,008 hrs 0 3 2 8 D J 2008 ,000
$154 ,0
, 16R30 T N 0 7 7 1 D 2012 J 2,500
$11 2
70, 16R30 7 1 D J 0 0 20 00 97398
$68,5 0
, 739 hrs R 0 6 2 8 D 2012 J ,000
$180 ,
Š 2013
April 12, 2013
(800) 657-4665 www.TheLandOnline.com theland@TheLandOnline.com P.O. Box 3169, Mankato, MN 56002
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