April 19, 2013 :: Northern :: The Land

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April 19, 2013

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NORTHERN EDITION Dan Sorum, ag teacher at New Richland-Hartland-EllendaleGeneva High School in New Richland, Minn., was reporter for the 1987-88 Minnesota State FFA Officer Team

Inside this special FFA-Ag Education issue of The Land

Beginning on Page 2 ~ Editor Kevin Schulz introduces the 1987-88 Minnesota State FFA Officer Team. Then meet the team, 25 years later: Brian Hegland, Joan Stevermer, Christy (Pankonin) Jackson, Barbara Van Zomeren, Dan Sorum and Charles Krause

A whole different world than ’87

THE LAND, APRIL 19, 2013


P.O. Box 3169 418 South Second St. Mankato, MN 56002 (800) 657-4665 Vol. XXXII ❖ No. VIII 40 pages, plus supplement

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Cover photo by Kevin Schulz

COLUMNS Opinion Farm and Food File Marketing Farm Programs Calendar Milker’s Message Mielke Market Weekly Auctions/Classifieds Advertiser Listing Back Roads

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Due to space considerations ‘The Bookworm Sez’, ‘Pet Talk’, ‘Table Talk’ and ‘The Outdoors’ are not in this Northern Edition of The Land. Log on to our website — www.TheLandOnline.com — to view these columns in the “E-Edition” of the April 12 Southern Edition.



Publisher: Jim Santori: jsantori@cnhi.com General Manager: Kathleen Connelly: kconnelly@TheLandOnline.com Editor: Kevin Schulz: editor@TheLandOnline.com Assistant Editor: Tom Royer: troyer@TheLandOnline.com Staff Writer: Dick Hagen: dickhagen@mvtvwireless.com Advertising Representatives: Kim Henrickson: khenrickson@TheLandOnline.com Mike Schafer: mike.schafer2@gmail.com Danny Storlie: theland@TheLandOnline.com Office/Advertising Assistants: Vail Belgard: vbelgard@TheLandOnline.com Joan Compart: theland@TheLandOnline.com Ad Production: Brad Hardt: lndcomp@mankatofreepress.com For Customer Service Concerns: (507) 345-4523, (800) 657-4665, theland@TheLandOnline.com Fax: (507) 345-1027 For Editorial Concerns or Story Ideas: (507) 344-6342, (800) 657-4665, editor@TheLandOnline.com National Sales Representative: Bock & Associates Inc., 7650 Executive Drive, Minneapolis, MN 55344-3677. (952) 905-3251.

“Where Farm and Family Meet”

A lot has changed since 1987. actually send a letter. Social media back then consisted of writing a letter or placIt was a big year for Minnesotans as we ing a phone call on a device that was celebrated a World Series championship attached to a wall, and you could only by the Minnesota Twins. My how times travel as far as the cord would stretch. have changed. The U.S. population was estimated at For six young Minnesotans a lot has also 244.6 million, while the world’s population changed for them. In 1987, (from left to right was approximately five billion. in the below graphic) Brian Hegland, Joan Stevermer, Christy Pankonin, Barbara Van In a bit of timely news, considering she LAND MINDS Zomeren, Dan Sorum and Charles Krause recently passed away, Margaret Thatcher were at the top of their game as they were was elected as prime minister of the United By Kevin Schulz selected at that year’s Minnesota FFA ConKingdom for the third time. In the United vention. Begin reading below to see how States, Ronald Reagen was president and their lives have changed. Alan Greenspan succeeded Paul Volcker as chairman of the Federal Reserve Board. Here’s a glimpse of what was happening in the world around them while they were developing into Michael Jackson was “Bad” on the airwaves, while U2 strong leaders of Minnesota’s FFA organization, back planted “Joshua Tree” on the record charts. “The Simpwhen FFA still stood for Future Farmers of America. sons” were seen on TV for the first time, while people were heading to the theaters to see “Beverly Hills Cop In 1987, the year they were elected to serve FFA, the average cost of a new home was $92,000, average II,” “Good Morning, Vietnam” and “Dirty Dancing.” annual income was $24,350 and the average price for Kevin Schulz is the editor of The Land. He may be a new car was $10,355. reached at editor@TheLandOnline.com. Back in One gallon of gas cost 89 cents and you could send 1987, he was graduating from college and looking to ❖ a letter with a 24-cent stamp, back when you would make an honest living. Still looking.

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25 Years Later FFA more than just a blue jacket By KEVIN SCHULZ The Land Editor Brian Hegland, President It was the lure of the blue jacket. When Brian Hegland was heading into high school at Lanesboro in southeastern Minnesota, he looked on with interest as he saw the upperclassmen in their blue FFA jackets. “There was just something about seeing those guys in those jackets,” Hegland said from his home in Bakersfield, Calif. “I joined as a freshman not knowing what it was all about, but I knew I wanted to be a part of it. ... those jackets were the best advertising there was.” Hegland quickly learned that there was a lot more to FFA than just the blue corduroy jacket. Hegland and his two younger brothers had been in 4-H, where they showed cattle, and the natural pro-

gression was to take that to the FFA level. He remembers his parents not necessarily encouraging him to join FFA, instead they lead by example. “Mom was involved in 4-H and dad was involved in different organizations,” he said. “That lit the fire Brian Hegland in me.” Early on in his FFA involvement, role models were abundant, starting with Lanesboro adviser Vern Groen. “What he did for me with leadership, he said ‘just try it’.” Hegland worked his way through the ranks of FFA offices: chapter reporter, chapter vice president and then chapter president, in addition to district offices, ending up as Region 8 vice president. “Especially See FFA, pg. 6


THE LAND, APRIL 19, 2013

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THE LAND, APRIL 19, 2013


Old school for old boys; Baucus, Tester different ‘D’s While Max Baucus and Jon Tester are both Democrats, both U.S. senators and both Montana country boys, last month’s hurried vote to fund nearly $1 trillion of current federal spending shows just how different these Big Sky legislators really are. Baucus, a ranch kid with two degrees from Stanford University, has spent nearly 50 years in state and federal politics. He is a six-term U.S senator, chairs its appropriations committee and is a senior member of the ag committee. He is up for reelection in 2014.

Politically, Baucus is more pragmatic than Democratic. He teamed with George W. Bush to pass the landmark Medicare prescription drug benefit and Barack Obama to pass the Affordable Care Act. In early April, Baucus was profiled by both the New York Times — http://nyti.ms/Zf5Euq — and the Washington Post. The Times piece was tough. It tied the Baucus-led finance committee’s effort to rewrite the nation’s tax code to “at least 28 former aides” who now work “as tax lobbyists, representing blue-chip clients



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that include telecommunications businesses, oil companies, retailers and financial firms …” And, noted the Times, “… many of those lobbyists have already saved their clients millions — in some cases, billions — of dollars after Mr. Baucus backed their requests to extend certain corporate tax perks… as FARM & FOOD FILE part of the so-called fiscal cliff legislation in January.” By Alan Guebert For example, “Baucus aides who later became lobbyists helped financial firms save $11.2 billion in tax deferments …” A current staffer explained the actions this way: “Every vote has to answer one question for him and that is: How is it impacting Montanans?” OK, just how are $11.2 billion in tax deferments to global financial firms impacting Montana’s farmers, ranchers, business owners and citizens? And more to the point, as chairman of the Senate’s most powerful committee, Baucus is now in charge of See GUEBERT, pg. 5

Congress needs more democracy, less cronyism OPINION

The vote represents more than just bad law being made by a bad process. It’s a scream for more transparent government because, regardless of which corporate mule carried these riders to completion, neither could have withstood an hour of sunshine had they been offered, discussed and voted on through the same open process that you and I conduct our church meetings. Congress should be no different. It needs more open

lawmaking and fewer lobbyists, more bottom-up debate and less top-down dismissiveness, more welllit transparency and less in-the-dark committee work. In short, it needs more old-school democracy and less old-boy cronyism. Alan Guebert’s “Farm and Food File” is published weekly in more than 70 newspapers in North America. Contact him at agcomm@farmandfoodfile.com. ❖

THE LAND, APRIL 19, 2013 << www.TheLandOnline.com >>

GUEBERT, from pg. 4 rewriting the entire federal tax code. That means he’s working for every American, not just every Montanan. Every Montanan includes his Senate colleague, Jon Tester, a music teacher by training and farmer by birth. Tester’s old school flat-top haircut is a billboard for who he is: the Senate’s only farmer who totes home-butchered beef to Washington, D.C. in his carry-on luggage. On March 20, Tester took a rhetorical butcher knife to the Senate floor to carve up the rules that had stopped debate on two riders to the must-pass, $1 trillion Continuing Resolution. The riders were odious. One repealed a successful, three-year campaign to give poultry farmers more power in negotiating production contracts; the other allowed genetically modified crops to continue to be grown despite any court ruling that required them stopped. Tester asked Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., for time to debate the two riders. Reid, under the dual pressures to keep the wheels of government turning and for Congress to leave town for a twoweek Easter holiday, turned him down. During consideration of the CR, however, Tester publicly objected to the riders and the process that delivered them. The “ultimate loser” to this in-thedark action Congress was ready to take, he explained, “will be our family farmers going about their business and feeding America the right way.” The Senate approved the CR, and both riders, by a 76 to 23 count. Tester was the only Democrat to vote against it; his fellow Montanan, Baucus, voted for it. (It became law within a week.)




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Hegland: ‘I would not be where I’m at without FFA’ FFA, from pg. 2 after that year as regional vice president I really set my sights on state officer.” He did take a year off, from FFA that is, before deciding to run for the state office. “I think it did add a year of maturity” to take that year off. After graduating from high school in 1985, he attended North Dakota State University in Fargo, and didn’t run for state office until the spring of 1987. Even though he was the elder statesman of the 1987-88 state officer team, “when I looked at the other officers, they were all outstanding. I never felt there was a hierarchy, everyone brought their strengths to the table and that’s how the work got done.” Hegland remembers back to an exercise when the six officer team members told each other “what we

wanted to do in our future, and I think we all ended doing what we said we wanted to do.” In his eyes, FFA exposure has definitely helped in his career. “Absolutely not, I would not be where I’m at without FFA,” he said. “Being in FFA really gives you extra clout in the agbusiness world.” Former state FFA adviser Paul Day wrote a letter of endorsement to Dow AgroSciences on behalf of Hegland. “Well it must have worked,” said Hegland, who has been with the company since 1989, in Bakersfield, Calif., since 2000. Coming from a southeastern Minnesota cattle, corn and soybean farm, Hegland has worked in the agrochemical industry centered on sugar beets and wheat, and 40 different perennial crops and fruits and vegetables. “Right now I’m basically concentrating as a sales rep. for Telone, and almonds and grapes are the main crops that I work

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THE LAND, APRIL 19, 2013


with now.” Even though his title is sales representative, Hegland sees himself more of a “technical manufacturer representative,” advising his clients more on the stewardship of the use of Telone. California has a highly regulated environmental landscape, so Hegland said it is imperative that he work with growers because “as long as we steward the product it is very effective. “With these crops, if you can’t fumigate, you won’t get a crop, or at least one that’s economically feasible.” His sales territory is the entire state of California, but he lives “in the heart of ag country” on the southern edge of the San Joaquin Valley. Hegland has seen many changes in the agrochemical world, but his FFA training has aided in preparing for those changes. “Our leadership in FFA helped us anticipate situations and be prepared, then you think of the situa-

tions before they arrive. The stuff you don’t see coming will get you.” From the farm of his parents, Roger and Elizabeth, where he and his younger brothers Darin and Martin worked and showed cattle, to the rich ag country of California, Hegland has always remembered his FFA days. “Not a day goes by that I don’t draw from my FFA skills.” Having lived the FFA experience, and knowing firsthand the organization’s benefits, he could see his daughter, Bradee, flourishing in FFA. “She knows the extent of my involvement, but she’s more into the performing arts. My folks never pushed me, and I haven’t pushed Bradee.” Bradee is Hegland’s daughter from his first marriage, and he remarried to Sandra in 2004. See FFA, pg. 7

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25 Years Later: Opportunity to pursue leadership “It probably was my junior She accepted their challenge, ran for state office year that I went to my at the end of her college freshman year, and, as they first state convention,” say, the rest is history. “I didn’t know any of the she said. She was other state officers” prior to taking office, “but I involved in the livestock think we each brought good qualities to the table to judging (a carryover make a good team. Brian (Hegland) was the definite from her 4-H days), job leader of the team. He was good at listening to interview and speech everyone’s input. … Brian was always tactful, contests, “but I really always calm. I was more in-your-face.” loved the leadership Even though the team grew close over the year of aspect of FFA. … I liked to be in charge of things.” See FFA, pg. 9 Stevermer credits her high school ag adviser, Dan Johnson, for giving her the opportunity to pursue leadership roles. “He encouraged me to run for chapter president,” she said. Going back to her 4-H roots, Stevermer was developing her leadership in that organization. She had served as her club’s president, then on to Faribault County 4-H Federation president and finally state 4H ambassador. “FFA dovetailed off of my 4-H career.” She was in her first year at the University of Minnesota, living on the St. Paul campus, when she was encouraged by Mark Enter and Dean Harder (both past state FFA officers) to run for state office.

THE LAND, APRIL 19, 2013

FFA, from pg. 6 Joan Stevermer, Vice President Joan Stevermer made the most out of an FFA career that almost wasn’t. She grew up in a 4-H family. “It wasn’t an option; you were going to be in 4-H, and I wanted to be in 4-H. Joan Stevermer My Dad (Ray) grew up with 4-H and it was instilled in us to also participate.” Joan’s older brother, Chuck, was in FFA, but her older sisters Julie and Jackie were not. She wasn’t even an FFA member until her sophomore year in high school at Wells-Easton in Faribault County. “My path wasn’t your normal path for an FFA member,” she said. Back in those days FFA chapters chose a “sweetheart,” and a group of candidates had been named, but one of the girls moved away. Stevermer replaced that girl in the group of candidates, and was chosen to be the chapter’s sweetheart. “I reluctantly joined FFA after that,” she said. She was not reluctant in her involvement once she joined FFA.


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THE LAND, APRIL 19, 2013



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Goal-setting, leadership skills have ‘opened doors’


Will, now 19, Joan and Kenneth also had Wyatt, Plymouth is not geographically far from where 17, and Maria, 14. she grew on Ray and Margaret Stevermer’s farm Over the years she has worked in a vari- south of Easton, but it’s a long way from her agriety of positions, all utilizing her skills and cultural roots. expertise as a financial analyst and sen“Where we live there isn’t FFA. I regret that my ior accountant. kids didn’t have that,” she said. Ken also grew up on “I am currently working as a finan- a farm, so the couple has tried their best to instill cial/accounting consultant for SALO,” an appreciation for agriculture. where her current client is MWCX Real “My Dad told me to always be proud of where you Estate LLC. came from,” she said. Ray passed away a few years Joan and Kenneth live in Plymouth, ago. Minn., and the children have gone through the In addition to Julie, Jackie and Chuck, Joan also Benilde-St. Margaret’s school. Will has graduated had brother Rob and Sheldon. from high school and is now a plebe (a.k.a. freshman) On top of the Stevermer roots she was raised at the U.S. Naval Academy. Wyatt is a freshman and with, FFA helped make Joan what she is today. Maria is an eighth grader. Kenneth is a portfolio See FFA, pg. 10 manager for Thrivent Financial for Lutherans.

THE LAND, APRIL 19, 2013

FFA, from pg. 7 serving together, they have lost touch with each other. “It’s kind of sad that we haven’t kept in touch.” After the year as state officer, she continued her education at the U of M’s Carlson School of Management, graduating in 1990 with a bachelor’s degree with an accounting emphasis. Upon graduation, she passed the Certified Public Accounting exam in 1990 and landed a public accounting job with Deloitte and Touche. She and Kenneth Satre married in 1992 and started a family a year later with the birth of Will. “After we had Will I decided to spend more time at home and have worked part-time,” she said. After


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THE LAND, APRIL 19, 2013


25 Years Later: FFA experiences guided life FFA, from pg. 9 “Being involved in FFA meant a great deal to me and my development. One of the areas I found most beneficial was the emphasis placed on goal setting. As a parent of teenagers I have seen what can happen when kids either do not set goals or they

lack the ability to correctly identify the steps necessary to reach their goals,” she said. Joan has put her leadership qualities to work as she’s been involved on advisory councils and administrator searches in the children’s school system. Once Maria graduates from high

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school, Joan may work back into full-time work. Regardless of what the future holds for Joan, skills learned in FFA will carry her through. “FFA has opened a lot of doors for me.” Christy (Pankonin) Jackson, Secretary Joining FFA was never a question for Christy Pankonin. “I grew up on a farm and was always outside playing on the farm, and also working on the farm,” the Christy Jackson now Christy Jackson said. When she joined the Sanborn-Lamberton FFA chapter as a freshman at Sanborn High School she said it was natural to commit to the judging teams that FFA had to offer. “I knew the judging aspect of FFA, having been involved in judging in 4-H,” she said, “but I didn’t know how much more there was to being in FFA, and how much more you could do.” She credits her high school FFA adviser Ron Kelsey with opening those doors to her. “He really encouraged me to go for a chapter office, then district office, and then ultimately the state office. ... I felt blessed to be given the opportunity and that he invested the time and effort in me.” That FFA involvement exposed her to many different people. “The life decision-making and public speaking experiences have really helped me throughout my life,” she said. “I learned a lot of this that still comes in handy as I’m trying to guide my children and being a good role model.” Christy and Frank have three children: Carlie, 17, a junior, Cole, 14, an eighth grader and Jake, 7, a first grader, all in the Red Rock Central school district in southwest Minnesota. Christy is open about telling her children about the benefits of joining FFA, and so far so good. Carlie is in the RRC FFA chapter, and plans on following her mother’s footsteps to attend South Dakota State University in Brookings, S.D., to major in animal science. “I’m 100 percent sure that Cole will also be in FFA. He seems to be pretty good around the equipment. “I hope they view it as me just showing them the opportunities that are

available to them in FFA,” she said referring to her strong encouragement to join. Christy said how she and Frank emphasize strong academics, but also push involvement in extracurricular activities to build the whole person. After graduating from SDSU in 1990 with an animal science degree, she worked for 2 1/2 years for the American International Charolais Association in Kansas City as the advertising director of the Charolais Journal. A trip to the Tulsa State Fair during that time proved fruitful, where she met Frank Jackson who was showing Angus cattle. She then moved to Bentonville, Ark., where Frank was a ranch manager. Christy applied for a position with Walmart to sell over-the-counter diabetes and home diagnostic kits. She proved herself to Walmart, when she was asked in her interview why she should be hired when she had a lot of experience in agriculture, but not in human pharmaceuticals. “I proved that I was flexible.” She stayed with Walmart for six years, and during that time she was making connections with people from Eli Lilly & Co. Lilly had an opening in pharmaceutical sales in northwest Arkansas and Christy applied. She stayed in that position for 13 1/2 years, and the flexibility it provided was invaluable when also raising a family. Christy is the oldest of four children of Wayne and Judy Pankonin. Brother Brad lives near the Twin Cities and sister, Carrie Pederson lives in Mankato, Minn. Tragedy hit the family last fall as Christy’s brother Barry died in a motorcycle accident. In 2003, Wayne needed help on the farm and Lilly happened to have an opening in the Minnesota area, so the Jacksons came north to work into a partnership with Christy’s parents. Frank does the feedlot chores on the farm, and he and Christy also have a Simmental-Angus herd. They have built up a clientele of beef customers. “We have a nice base of people that we sell to in the Twin Cities metro area,” she said. “There are about 20 families that order beef from us. ... more and See FFA, pg. 12

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11 THE LAND, APRIL 19, 2013


25 Years Later: Genetics, environment conspired FFA, from pg. 10 more people are looking for that connection where their food comes from.” That is just one of the reasons Christy recommends youth today

seriously consider joining FFA. “So few people in the world today know or understand where food and fiber come from,” she said. “We need as many voices as possible.”

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Barbara Van Zomeren, Treasurer Barb Van Zomeren is a product of genetics and her environment. Growing up the daughter of a high school ag teacher, Van Zomeren remembers being exposed to FFA Barbara members. “I kind of Van Zomeren grew up with it,” she said. “I remember the high school kids coming over to our place for FFA meetings.” Bernie Van Zomeren was the ag teacher and FFA adviser at Jefferson Senior High School in Alexandria, Minn., and it was just natural for Barb and younger brother, Brian, to join the FFA program. Barb Van Zomeren joined 4-H as early as she could, and that involvement parlayed into an FFA career. The family had a variety of livestock on their acreage outside of Alexandria before settling on Rambouillet sheep. “I think at one time we had about 300 sheep,” Barb said. “That became my FFA project.” She remembers participating in the creed contest as a freshman, but said the soils judging contest was her favorite. Being a “barny” was also a fond

memory of her FFA days, helping out at the Children’s Barnyard at the Minnesota State Fair. “I remember doing that even before I was a state officer,” she said. “That was a great time.” Van Zomeren worked her way through the chapter offices, before moving on to district and regional FFA offices, landing the Region 3 president spot, thus becoming a part of the 198687 state officer team. The regional presidents are considered a part of the officer team in addition to the six constitutional officers. The spring of her senior year in high school Van Zomeren ran for state office and was selected. “Just having that exposure as a kid to the (chapter) officer team, I knew that that was something I wanted to do,” she said. “I had a lot of mentors in the chapter. ... Dad gave me a lot of opportunities when I’d go to state convention with him. ... it was just the environment you were exposed to.” She remembers setting her sights on a state FFA office, “for sure when I was regional officer, but it probably was when I went to my first state FFA convention.” That year as state officer “was a lot See FFA, pg. 13

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Dream since junior high school was to become lawyer landed a job with the law firm of her erd with their three children: Katherine, dreams in May of 1997. She stayed 10, Isabella, 7, and Nathan, 6. All of the with Doherty, Rumble & children are in 4-H, and Butler until March of each year they raise 1999. “I had planned on some quail to be staying there forever, released, “to give the kids My goal was to but got married.” She some responsibility.” work in a law and John Chaussee It is too early to tell if firm that dealt married in 1998, and Katherine, Isabella or with the agrithey lived separately for Nathan will be in FFA, culture industry. about a year. John had a but their mother hopes job in the Brainerd area that they will “pick some— Barbara Van and Van Zomeren thing that offers them decided to relocate Zomeren leadership opportunities.” there, taking a job with Leadership opportuAscensus as a tax attorney. She has been there ever since. She nities and speaking skills are just a has maintained her maiden name since couple of the benefits that Van her professional career was established Zomeren gained from her FFA experience, benefits that she truly believes prior to her marriage to John. got her to where she is today. She has also taken the time to share As mentioned before, Bernie and her legal expertise with students, first as an adjunct professor at the Univer- Betty Van Zomeren also had a son, sity of Minnesota, in early 1999, and Brian, who would follow his big sister then as a professor at the College of St. into FFA leadership, becoming a state Scholastica in Brainerd, Minn., since FFA officer a few years after big sis. But that is a story for another year. the fall of 2001. Van Zomeren and John live near Brain- See FFA, pg. 14

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tion worked as a law clerk in St. Louis County District Court in Duluth, Minn. A job is a job, so even while working as a law clerk, she had her sights set higher. “My goal was to work in a law firm that dealt with the agriculture industry.” She worked in St. Louis County District Court until August 1996 when she went to work as an attorney at Farm Credit Services of Southern Minnesota in Mankato, Minn. As they say, “go big or go home,” so Van Zomeren scoped out what she saw as the premiere law firm that dealt with agriculture, and at that time that firm was Doherty, Rumble & Butler. “I became familiar with them when I was with the Department of Agriculture,” she said. “They (Doherty, Rumble & Butler) kept telling me that I needed experience, so I kept contacting them after I got more experience telling them what I had done.” Well, persistence paid off as she

THE LAND, APRIL 19, 2013

FFA, from pg. 12 of fun. I had such a great experience, made some lifelong friends.” Her term as state FFA treasurer coincided with her freshman year at the University of Minnesota in St. Paul, where she majored in agriculture business administration, graduating in 1991. After graduation, she worked a one-year internship at the National FFA Center in Alexandria, Va. After her internship, she lived in Australia for six months through a 4-H program. Ever since junior high school it had been Van Zomeren’s dream to be a lawyer, and she started toward that goal as she attended the Hamline University School of Law, earning her law degree in 1995. During law school Van Zomeren worked at the Minnesota Department of Agriculture, and then upon gradua-


“Where Farm and Family Meet”

25 Years Later: ‘No accident I’m an ag teacher’ FFA, from pg. 13 Dan Sorum, Reporter It’s amazing what one class requirement can do for a person’s future. “I was going to be big in 4-H,” Dan Sorum said. That was until he took his first agriculture class under Vern Groen at Lanesboro Dan Sorum

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THE LAND, APRIL 19, 2013


High School. “If you were in an ag class you had to fill out an application for chapter office.” Well, he was elected chapter sentinel that year and had his eyes opened to FFA’s leadership opportunities. “It is not an accident that I am an ag teacher,” he said from his classroom at New Richland Hartland Ellendale Geneva High School in New Richland, Minn. “I always wanted to be an ag teacher. I remem-

ber the Food for America program where you would go into elementary classrooms to teach children where their food comes from. “I remember we took a Styrofoam hamburger into the classroom and we took it apart in front of the kids and told them where each part comes from. ... It was just so much fun to do that, not just making the hamburger, but taking it in to the kids. I just always enjoyed doing that stuff. ... just seeing the kids learn.” He remembers taking a career survey when he was in high school, and “it said I should either go into the military or teaching, and that agriculture was an area of interest of mine. ... so I looked at that, let’s see, teaching and agriculture, maybe I should teach agriculture.” To solidify his decision he took a closer look at Vern Groen. “I looked at him, and thought ‘he doesn’t look poor, he looked happy, his family looks healthy’,” he said. “I wasn’t looking to be wealthy, but I wanted to be comfortable.” Comfort can be found when you are confident and at home. That describes Sorum in a high school ag department. After four years at the University of Minnesota, Sorum found himself teaching high school ag at Murray County Central in Slayton, Minn. “I loved the program there, I was there 12 years, and we would still be there, but we were three-and-a-half hours from the closest family. We wanted to start a family, but we wanted to be closer to family.” After looking for an opening for an ag teacher, one closer to family, Sorum found NRHEG. “It’s a perfect fit. See FFA, pg. 21


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Local Corn and Soybean Price Index Sauk Rapids Madison Redwood Falls Fergus Falls Morris Tracy Average: Year Ago Average:

$ 20 current average soybeans

corn/change* soybeans/change* $6.38 $6.49 $6.68 $6.30 $6.24 $6.63

+.23 +.24 +.23 +.30 +.15 +.23

$13.98 $13.97 $14.11 $13.55 $13.63 $14.10

+.19 +.23 +.17 +.03 +.05 +.16





year ago average soybeans

$ 15 $ 10

current average corn

THE LAND, APRIL 19, 2013

Cash Grain Markets


year ago average corn














Grain prices are effective cash close on April 16. The price index chart compares an average of most recently reported local cash prices with the same average for a year ago. *Cash grain price change represents a two-week period.

Cattle, hog markets erratic

USDA finds more grain out there

The following market analysis is for the week ending April 12. CORN — After last week’s debacle, the corn market was rewarded with five consecutive higher closes. May corn settled for the week at $6.58 1/2, up 29 1/2 cents and the December contract gained 15 cents to close at $5.50 per bushel. The highlight of the week was the U.S. Department of Agriculture monthly crop report. The market was curious how the USDA would incorporate the higher-thanexpected March 1 stocks from the March 28 report. Going into the April 10 report the average ending stocks guess was 824 million bushels. PHYLLIS NYSTROM U.S. ending stocks actually came in CHS Hedging Inc. at 757 million bushels, only a 125 St. Paul million increase, but still an increase. On the balance sheet, feed/residual was lowered 150 million bushels, ethanol was upped 50 million and exports were reduced 25 million bushels. The median average farm price went from $7.20 to $6.90 per bushel. World ending stocks were 125.3 million metric tons which was 5.1 mmt higher than the estimate. Argentina’s crop was left alone at 26.5 mmt and Brazil’s grew to 74 mmt from 72.5 mmt last month. With U.S. ending stocks number bullish and world ending stocks bearish, the market had to decipher mixed signals resulting in the market being pulled in two directions. This resulted in a quick spike higher to $6.66 3/4 followed by a plummet to $6.34 1/4 within 12 minutes. A 32 1/2-cent or quick 4.9-percent dive. When the final bell rang on report day, corn was nearly a nickel higher. Higher weekly ethanol production contributed to the stronger close. Production went from 807,000

The start of April is indicating a lot of uncertainty in the hog and cattle markets. Both have started the month in a erratic manner, indicating a disparity in each of their supply and demand fundamentals. The cattle market, which has a decrease in available cattle ready for market, has seen a steady-to-higher cash market. However, the futures market has responded with a lower trade and finishing with a discount to the cash trade. This is continuing to indicate the general lack of demand for beef. This has been an ongoing problem — each time the beef cutout advances over $190 per hundredweight, the demand for beef shrinks quick. The disappointing prospect here JOE TEALE Broker is that we are approaching the grilling season which is normally a Great Plains Commodity Afton, Minn. strong demand period for beef and as yet we have seen little response by the domestic retailer. With competitive meats in more abundant supply and at much lower cost per pound at the wholesale level, this will make it hard for beef to compete under these economic conditions. This will likely keep the cattle market in a rather choppy trading range for the near-term outlook. This battle of supply and demand should continue through the remainder of the spring; longer if the overall economic conditions do not improve. Because of this struggle, both cash and futures markets will likely see sharp moves in either direction on a weekly basis. For producers, caution should be advised and protection warranted when opportunity arises. The hog market has been attempting to make a seasonal bottom for several weeks now and has so far failed to accomplish that goal. The futures market, which has been at a premium to cash for quite some time, is

There has been a lot of talk since the March 28 U.S. Department of Agriculture report was released. There are many opinions on how accurate the predictions are. Only time will tell. Most of the questions, however, centered around the stocks report, where the USDA found a bit more corn than many grain analysts were predicting. The USDA estimates that there are 5.4 billion bushels of corn and 1 billion bushels of soybeans in storage. The average estimates of the analysts were 5.030 billion bushels of corn and 947 thousand bushels of soybeans. These are not drastic differences, stocks remain very tight and there is less corn on hand than there has been in the last nine years at this time. What this means is higher prices TOM NEHER rationed by demand. The higher AgStar VP & Team prices triggered cutbacks on ethanol Leader — Grain Industry Rochester, Minn. production, fewer cattle on feed placements and reduced chick sets. The export market for corn has been flat during this timeframe as well. So it is little wonder that there were a few more bushels of corn in the stocks report. There were no big surprises in the planted acres estimates. The USDA estimated that U.S. farmers would plant 97.3 million acres of corn, which matched the average estimate of 97.3. They also estimated that 77.1 million acres of soybeans would be planted in the United States versus the average estimate of 78.5 million acres. The surprising part is the market’s reaction to the news. We saw a pronounced move to the down side with a limit move in corn on the day of the report. This can happen when too many people are trying to get out of their long positions at the same time. When this occurs, buyers back away from the market because they think they will be able to buy it cheaper the next day. Lower prices increased the open interest in corn as end users came

See NYSTROM, pg. 16

See TEALE, pg. 16

See NEHER, pg. 16

Corn market rewarded after debacle

Grain Angles

Information in the above columns is the writer’s opinion. It is no way guaranteed and should not be interpreted as buy/sell advice. Futures trading always involves a certain degree of risk.

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Livestock Angles

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Grain Outlook

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Monthly report leaves beans ending stock same NYSTROM, from pg. 15 barrels per day to 854,000 barrels per day week on week, the highest level since June 2012. Ethanol stocks were slightly higher at 17.8 million barrels versus 17.5 million in the previous week. This comes on the heels of reports that some Iowa ethanol plants won’t contract DDGs past April because they have not secured corn supplies and are concerned they will be available. Weekly exports were better than trade estimates, but continue to be less than we need to achieve the new, minuscule 800-million-bushel 2012-13 export projection. Sales this week at 7.3 million bushels are too low when we need to average 12.1 million bushels per week, a level we’ve only reached twice in the last six weeks. The USDA is expected to publish the first corn planting progress report of the year on April 15. The five-year average planting pace for the first week of April is only 2 percent and 5 percent by April 16. OUTLOOK: Grower selling has disappeared in tandem with the sharp price decline since the end of March. The market will need to show further recovery to keep bushels in the pipeline. Attention on planting weather will grow the longer we go without warm, dry weather. Planting isn’t late yet, but it isn’t early either. If we can get the seed in the ground in a timely fashion, new crop prices at current levels are likely too high. In the meantime, until the crop begins to get in the ground, downside should be limited in new crop. An overall limiting factor to the upside will be the

anticipated, but continues to surpass what we need on a weekly basis to hit the USDA 1.35 billion bushel forecast. Sales were 11.7 million bushels which was below expectations, but nearly three times the 4.3 million bushels we need on a weekly basis to hit the USDA target. Total export commitments are running 13 percent above last year while the USDA is projecting a 1-percent decline in exports year-on-year. The only sale announced through the USDA reporting system this week for beans was a 110,000 mt sale to unknown for new crop. Meal exports were surprisingly strong at 227,000 mt, bringing total commitments to 41 percent above last year. Meal sales only need to average 14,500 mt per week. A strike for April 22 has been called in Argentina to protest robberies against truckers. It’s unclear if this will tangle logistics any worse than they are. The latest take on how the bird flu in China will affect feed demand is their soybean imports may fall year-onyear for the first time since 2004. There have been nine human deaths reported now in China reportedly due to bird flu. Measures to contain the disease include closing local live poultry markets and slaughtering animals. OUTLOOK: Basis levels are strong and the May-July inverse has widened which confirms virtually non-existent producer sales. This scenario suggests higher prices in the near term for old crop. The first upside target will be a close over $14.20, which looks likely soon. If that is accomplished, the secondary resistance is $14.53 per bushel. Support doesn’t come into play until last week’s low at $13.54 1/2 per bushel. This material has been prepared by a sales or trading employee or agent of CHS Hedging Inc. and should be considered a solicitation. ❖

Hog supply remains fairly constant 230/95R32 230/95R36 230/95R44 230/95R48 270/95R36 270/95R48 270/95R54 290/95R34 290/90R38 300/95R46 320/85R34 320/85R38

“Where Farm and Family Meet”

fact that ending stocks are growing, not shrinking. For now, old crop corn may make another run toward the gap that runs from $6.79 to $6.95 1/4 in the May contract, but this would be viewed as a selling opportunity if planting progress accelerates. First support currently lies at $6.26 1/2 per bushel which was last week’s low. SOYBEANS — Soybeans recovered to the $14 area this week with the May contract showing a 51 1/4-cent weekly gain, closing at $14.13 per bushel, while the November contract struggled to close only 3 3/4 cents higher at $12.31 3/4 per bushel. Basis levels continued to trend higher, pulling the spread inverse with it and suggesting better prices to come. The USDA monthly report left U.S. ending stocks unchanged at 125 million bushels when a 137 million bushel carryout was anticipated. The balance sheet did, however, show some category adjustments. The crush was increased 20 million bushels, exports were raised 5 million and residual use fell by 25 million bushels. The average farm price rose slightly to a $13.80 to $14.80 range. World carryover at 62.6 mmt was greater than the 60.1 mmt estimate due to both Brazil’s and Argentina’s unchanged production estimates at 83.5 mmt and 51.5 mmt respectively. China’s imports were decreased 2 mmt based on a slow shipment pace. While not as severe as the reaction in corn, beans traded a 24-cent range in the two minutes immediately following the report and closed nearly 3 cents lower on report day. Weekly exports were the reverse of corn expectations this week; in beans the actual number was less than


320/80R42 320/90R42 320/90R46 320/90R50 320/90R54 320/105R54 380/90R46 380/90R50 380/90R54 380/105R50 420/80R46

TEALE, from pg. 15 attempting to turn the corner and establish a spring low. However, it will certainly depend on the cash market to strengthen and for the demand for pork to continue strong. Demand has been the catalyst for the support in the hogs, which is just the opposite of the cattle market. The supply of hogs has remained fairly constant to a slight increase as evidence in the recent U.S. Department of Agriculture Hogs and Pigs Report. The pork cutout is reflecting a slight increase in demand for pork as we move

into the grilling season, as the volume in the pork trade has slightly improved. With such a sharp contrast in the pork cutout to the beef cutout, and the deteriorating economy, the consumer appears to be more attracted to the lower-priced pork. This could be the support the hogs need to turn the market higher and establish a spring rally. Given the overall economic situation, it is not likely that a large sustained rally is projected. Therefore producers should be patient and protect inventories when available. ❖

NEHER, from pg. 15

how wet it is and how hot our summer will be.

back into the market, locking in prices. We did see some panic selling from the holders of un-priced grain.

The one grain angle I hope that I have given you is that of margin management. This is the practice of making marketing decisions as financial decisions using cost of production and market offerings rather than trading decisions, trying to outguess the market.After nearly 30 years in the markets and watching the weather, I must admit that my “crystal ball” is not ever that clear to see the future. That’s the beauty of diligent margin management.

Margin management key ‘grain angle’ U.S. weather forecasters remain wary of a drought after missing the 2012 surprise. Many of the most prominent forecasters freely admit that the models they have used in the past did not catch this drought until it was right on top of the Midwest. Some have called it a “flash drought” because it developed so quickly. This year many climatologists are re-working their models in hopes of gaining a quicker alert to the possibility of a returning drought this summer. The topsoil may be wet right now, but the real question is

Regardless of what the future brings, farmers who base grain marketing decisions on their production costs, and where prices need to be in order to make a profit, will have the most consistent success over time. ❖

High machinery investments result in higher custom rates are listed in the adjoining table. The complete 2013 “Iowa Farm Custom Rate Survey� is available at www.extension.iastate.edu/agdm/crops/pdf/ a3-10.pdf. All listed custom rates in the Iowa Survey results include fuel, labor, repairs, depreciation, insurance and

interest, unless listed as rental rates or otherwise specified. The average fuel price for diesel fuel was assumed to be $3.50 per gallon. A fuel price increase of $0.50 per gallon would cause most custom rates to increase by approximately 5 percent. These average rates are only meant to be a See PROGRAMS, pg. 18

THE LAND, APRIL 19, 2013

Due to the high cost of In addition to higher fuel investment in farm machincosts, increasing cost for ery, an ever-increasing numnew and used machinery ber of farmers are hiring and rising repair costs are other farmers to provide also factors in the higher some or all of their machincustom rates. ery resources for their farm These results are based on operation. the annual “Iowa Farm CusThis is especially true with tom Rate Survey� that is new and younger farmers, coordinated and analyzed by FARM PROGRAMS Iowa State University. The and with children who decide to start farming with survey sampled 249 custom By Kent Thiesse their parents. Also, some operators, farm managers land investors are choosand ag lenders on what ing to operate the farm they expected 2013 custhemselves rather than tom farm rates to be for cash renting the land to various farm operations. another farmer. In that case, the The survey summary lists the average landowner is generally hiring a farmer custom rate and the range for various to provide necessary tillage, planting tillage, planting, fertilizer and chemical and harvesting crop operations under a application, grain harvesting, and forcustom farming agreement. age harvesting functions on the farm. Some farmers also hire specific farm The survey also includes many misoperations through a custom arrange- cellaneous farming practices, lists averment with another farmer, such as age machine rental rates for some combining or hay baling. Many farmers equipment, and includes a formula for negotiate these types of custom rate estimating average machinery rental and custom farming arrangements in rates. The survey also lists average the spring of the year. custom farming rates for corn, soybeans and wheat. Custom rates increasing As would be expected with increasing Over the years, the average custom fuel costs, average 2013 custom rates rates for farm operations in southern for farm work have also risen, comand western Minnesota have been close pared to 2012 custom rates. Most cus- to the average Iowa custom rates. tom rates for farm work in 2013 are 2013 custom rates listed at 3 to 5 percent above the rates Average 2013 farm custom rates for some for similar operations in 2012, with an typical tillage, planting and harvesting average increase of about 4 percent. practices, as well as custom farming rates,



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MODEL ........................ # .................. TANK..... BOOM ...PRICE FAST 94FM ......................................1107 ........................ 1000 .............. 80’ ..................$42,000 FAST 9518 .......................................1128 ........................ 1800 .............. 80’ ..................$34,800 FAST 9518 .......................................1145 ........................ 1800 .............. 120’ ................$41,500 FAST 9518 .......................................1151 ........................ 1800 .............. 120’ ................$65,000 FAST 9518 .......................................1154 ........................ 1800 .............. 90’ ..................$34,500 FAST 9518 .......................................1155 ........................ 1800 .............. 120’ ................$47,000 FAST 9420 .......................................1160 ........................ 1250 .............. 90’ ..................$21,900 FAST 9508 .......................................1165 ........................ 1800 .............. 120’ ................$46,500

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THE LAND, APRIL 19, 2013


Custom farming offers advantages to both parties

PROGRAMS, from pg. 17 guide for custom rates, as actual custom rates charged may vary depending on continued increase in fuel costs, availability of custom operators, timeliness, field size, etc. Custom farming agreements An alternative to leasing farmland is a “custom farming agreement”. In a typical custom farming agreement, the custom operator agrees to perform all the machine operations on the owner’s land in exchange for a set fee or rate. (Note: Average custom farming rates for 2013 are listed in the 2013 Custom Rate Survey table to the right.) The landowner pays for all seed, fertilizer, chemicals, crop insurance and other input costs; receives the all grain produced and all eligible farm program payments on the land; and is responsible to store and market the grain.

One obvious advantage to the custom operator is that a custom farming agreement provides some extra farm income, with little or no additional operating capital or farm machinery investment. Fuel, lubrication and repairs are usually the only added costs. In addition, custom farming offers a fixed return per acre to the custom operator, and although there is some possibility of higher repair bills, this is minor compared with the price and yield risks typically faced by a farmer in a normal cash rental contract. Of course, in a good year, profits from a custom farming agreement will be lower than under most cash rental leases; however, in this era of much higher land rental rates there is much more risk to the farmer with a cash lease as compared to a custom agreement with a landowner. Landowners also find several advan-

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tages to a custom farming agreement. Landowners with small acreages can make most of the crop production and grain marketing decisions without the investment into a full line of farm machinery. The landowner does not have to negotiate land rental rates, or worry about collecting lease payments, since the owner receives all of the crop proceeds. The landowner does have to pay the farmer an agreedupon per-acre fee for the custom farming services by specified dates. The landowner is considered to be the material participant for income tax purposes, and the landowner is typically entitled to all government farm



‘08 CIH 4420, 3285 hrs., 1200 gal. SS tank, 100’ booms, Raven, Aim, Autopilot ............................$145,000

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program payments, crop insurance indemnity payments, etc. Key issues with custom farming agreements Although the concept of a custom farming agreement is simple, close communication between the custom operator and the landowner is essential. A written contract for the custom farming agreement should definitely be prepared that specifies the amount of payment by the landowner to the custom operator, and all other pertinent details. Following are some points to consider See PROGRAMS, pg. 19

Selected 2013 farm custom rates Following are the average custom rates for some common farming practices for 2013, based on the “Iowa Farm Custom Rate Survey.” Custom farming rates (Includes tillage, planting and harvesting costs) Corn: $126.65/acre (Range: $85 to $175) Soybeans: $112.40/acre (Range: $68 to $165) Small grain: $83.25/acre (Range: $50 to $100) Tillage Moldboard plow: $16.15/acre Chisel plow: $15.20/acre V-ripper (deep tillage): $19.60/acre Field cultivator: $13.35/acre Tandem disk: $13.60/acre Row cultivator: $12.50/acre Chopping cornstalks: $11.40/acre Planting Planter with attachments: $18.45/acre Planter without attachments: $16.60/acre No-till planter: $18.45/acre Soybean drill: $15.75/acre Grain drill: $14.90/acre


Harvesting grain Corn combine: $32.90/acre ($38 with chopper head) ($46.15/acre with grain cart and truck) Soybean combine: $32/acre ($43.80/acre with grain cart and truck) Small grain combine: $29.70/acre Corn grain cart (in field): $6.80/acre Soybean grain cart (in field): $5.60/acre Hauling grain (5 miles or less): $0.10/bu. Hauling grain (5 to 25 miles): $0.17/bu. Grain auger use (on farm): $0.07/bu. Harvesting forages Windrowing hay: $12.50/acre Hay baling (small square bales): $0.60/bale Hay baling (large square bales): $10.45/bale Hay baling (large round bales): $10.95/bale ($11.85/bale with wrap) Corn stalk baling (large bales): $11.70/bale ($13/bale with wrap) Silage chopping: $49.85/hour/header row Haylage chopping: $12.70/hour/foot header width


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Custom operator has no responsibility for decisions these services. For more details on custom farming agreements and other farm machinery information, refer to the Iowa State University “Ag Decision Maker” website,


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www.extension.iastate.edu/agdm. Kent Thiesse is a government farm programs analyst and a vice president at MinnStar Bank in Lake Crystal, Minn. He may be reached at (507) 726-2137 or kent.thiesse@minnstarbank.com. ❖

Log on to www.TheLandOnline.com for our full events calendar Send us your events by e-mail to editor@TheLandOnline.com Minnesota Inventors Congress Invention & Idea Show April 19-20, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Redwood Falls, Minn. Info: Log on to www.minnesota inventorscongress.org Urban Agriculture Expo April 20, 9 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Sabathani Community Center, Minneapolis Info: $5/person suggested donation; more information at www.misa.umn.edu and click on “Urban Ag Expo” pdf; Sabathani Community Center is located at 310 East 38th St., Minneapolis; contact Betsy Wieland, (612) 5961175 or eliza003@umn.edu Equine Castration Clinic May 18

Carlton County Fairgrounds, Barnum, Minn. Info: Minnesota Horse Welfare Coalition’s Gelding Project assists horse owners experiencing economic hardships; castrations must be scheduled in advance by contacting Krishona Martinson, (612) 625-6776 or krishona@umn.edu Pork Quality Assurance Training May 22 McLeod County Fairgrounds Commercial Building, Hutchinson, Minn. Info: Registration requested to colleen@mnpork.com or (800) 537-7675 or log on to www.mnpork.com Pork Quality Assurance

Training June 12 Minnesota Pork Board Office, Mankato, Minn. Info: See May 22 event details U.S. Precision Dairy Conference and Expo June 26-27 Mayo Civic Center, Rochester, Minn. Info: Optional farm tour for four sites will be June 25; log on to precisiondairy.umn.edu for contact Marcia Endres, miendres@umn.edu Pork Quality Assurance Training July 24 AmericInn, Marshall, Minn. Info: See May 22 event details


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• Timing of planting and harvesting operations should be discussed and negotiated between the custom operator and the landowner prior to the growing season. This can become a tenuous issue, especially in years with challenging weather conditions. • The custom operator may be asked for advice by the landowner regarding the seed corn hybrid or soybean variety to plant, fertilizer rates, chemical applications, levels of crop insurance coverage or grain marketing decisions. However, the final decisions on these items lie with the landowner, and the custom operator needs to be careful not to take responsibility for the final authority on those decisions. • Typically, the harvested grain of the landowner is delivered by the custom operator to a farm storage facility owned or rented by the landowner, or to an agreed upon area grain elevator, as part of the custom farming agreement. Any grain deliveries beyond the local area usually result in the landowner paying an extra custom rate charge for grain hauling. Also, if the landowner uses the custom operators grain drying and handling facilities, there is typically an added charge for

THE LAND, APRIL 19, 2013

PROGRAMS, from pg. 18 for a custom farming agreement. • The custom farming agreement should specify the payment amount per acre that the landowner will pay the custom operator, and should list the payment dates. • There needs to be an accurate count on the number of acres that will be under the custom farming agreement for payment purposes, so that the farmer can accurately plan tillage, planting and harvesting schedules. • The normal field practices to be included under the custom farming agreement should be listed (tillage, planting, weed control, harvesting, etc.). Typically, these agreed-upon practices are part of the per acre custom farming payment for the year that is negotiated between the custom operator and the landowner. • Additional tillage trips or replanting due to weather conditions, or added spraying applications of pesticides to control weeds, insects or diseases, which are provided by the custom operator, are usually charged to the landowner at a custom rate per acre that is over and above the base custom farming rate.



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THE LAND, APRIL 19, 2013


From the Fields: Hurry up and wait for planting there doing something.” The reality, however, is that it “looks like it’s going to be a later spring.” Last year’s spring temps were clearly abnormal, but “this year is starting to look abnormal in a cooler way,” Messner said. While he admits he’s anxious about the weather, he knows that when field conditions improve “things are going to get busy.” And being busy on the farm is a good thing.

By KRISTIN KVENO The Land Correspondent

The Brandts Ada, Minn.

What do you love most about springtime on the farm? The fresh spring air? The newborn animals? The planting of crops? The mud? Danny Brandt For Danny Brandt’s children, running around in the mud is what spring farm living is all about. When The Land caught up with him on April 2, he was taking in the brisk night air while watching his children, Anna and Evan, play in the muddy farmyard. Brandt himself, meanwhile, is ready for drier conditions, as well as warmer temps to melt away all of the white stuff on the ground. In the meantime Brandt has been hauling corn and wheat to the elevator in Ulen, Minn., for the last week. Once that’s done in a day or so, he’ll focus on the equipment side — his beet planter is in the shop. Besides basic maintenance, Brandt works hard in the “off-season” to make sure the farm machinery is ready to go in the spring. “I try to go through things before parking them,” he said. “Last year at this time we were seeding wheat,” Brandt said. With 6 to 8 inches of snow cover in the area, planting will definitely have to wait. “You always want an early spring.” Brandt is hoping that by May 5 they can get the wheat in the ground, with corn and beets planted right after that. Living in the Red River Valley area, he’s hearing warnings on the news that flooding may occur in the FargoMoorhead area, but feels confident that due to “good slow melt” at his farm, major flooding won’t be a concern. The area rivers, sloughs and ditches froze dry, which will help with any flooding issues. For now Brandt looks ahead to warmer days, no snow and maybe a chance to play in the mud with the children one more time before all the “busy-ness” of planting cranks up.

Bacok R ads

The Laubenthals Swea City, Iowa

The Johnsons Starbuck, Minn.

The Messners Northfield, Minn.

It’s cold but getting warmer. This sentiment describes the optimism of a farmer waiting for signs that spring is actu- Scott Johnson ally going to do its job and warm up the ground. For Scott Johnson, while spring this year may seem a bit tardy at the moment, his farm is right “on schedule.” “Last year was so abnormally early” when it came time for planting, he said. He’s anxious to get out in the field, but is quick to point out it “doesn’t pay to rush it, either.” When The Land spoke to Johnson on April 2 the weather outlook indicated a warm-up for the rest of the week. That forecast was music to Johnson’s ears; he predicted it would only be two to three more weeks until he got out in the field. Once the fields are ready, his first job is to “go out and pick a few rocks.” Until then Johnson is staying busy getting equipment ready for planting. Meanwhile, the snow-covered fields — rocks and all — wait for the ground to thaw and a little bit of water to run off. Spring is officially here. Now if someone could just poke Mother Nature in the ribs and tell her that.

Cold weather hasn’t allowed for any planting in the field — and for Chris Messner, he wouldn’t mind that changing, and fast. Chris Messner When The Land spoke to Messner on April 4 he was busy at Central Valley Co-op getting seed delivered to customers. Just like them, he’s playing the waiting game. Last year at this time Messner had already applied fertilizer and anhydrous ammonia to his fields. Soil conditions this year are dictating a substantial delay. He reported that the ground was still frozen two inches below the surface. Thanks to that and remaining snow, there’s some standing water. “We need the moisture to get the frost out of the ground,” Messner said. With snow and rain in the forecast that will help, but the lack of warm temperatures is frustrating. “You’d like to get in there early.” Early planting won’t be happening in 2013, but Messner feels that “as long as corn is planted by May 5, you’re in good shape.” At his job at the co-op, he gets the opportunity to talk with fellow farmers who, like him, “would like to be out

Hard-working art

Charlie Laubenthal’s springs are busy, with delivering seed to customers, working his full-time job, and getting ready Charlie Laubenthal for planting. But there’s a lot of waiting, too. Like all farmers in the region, spring can’t come fast enough. The Land caught up with Laubenthal on April 1 while commodity markets, corn in particular, were on his mind. “The market was down 83 cents in two days,” he said. Even with that sharp decline, he admits that agriculture has been strong for at least three years, so it’s a wait-and-see game to find out which way prices will go. Within the last week snow cover has melted off fields and the “tiles have opened up.” Warm temperatures are still elusive, with plenty of frost still in the ground in some areas. Winter in his area started off mild in terms of precipitation, but Laubenthal believes they had more “winter” in March than the preceding three months. In 2012 “we did have a couple guys plant corn March 31 and it did make it,” he said. March 31 this year has already come and gone, however, and the fields are still untouched — they’ve gone from one extreme to another, Laubenthal said. He calls the field conditions good, however, and is happy to report they’ve got no standing water. The goal is still to get corn planted by April 20. “Spring’s work will go fast,” Laubenthal said. While it’s been pretty quiet around the farm, it’s only a matter of time before the hum of tractors fills the countryside. ❖

See it on Page 40

Bozic: Dairy Security Act ‘pays most when you need it most’

Sorum credits his parents for their support. “You know what they say FFA stands for: ‘Father Farms Alone.’ That was true at our place. My dad never complained when I was never around for chores.” Starting out as chapter sentinel, he worked his way up to chapter president and then District 16 sentinel and District 16 president. He ran for state FFA office the spring of his senior year in high school, but didn’t make the team. “I use that with my students. That it doesn’t matter that you may not make it the first time, but try again and you might succeed.” Obviously he did try again, and made the slate at the state reporter spot. “I don’t know if I was a better officer because I didn’t get in the first time, but I know I was a better interviewer; I was more confident. Maybe that made me a better leader; I don’t know.” See FFA, pg. 22



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“Where Farm and Family Meet”

FFA, from pg. 14 When I walked in here, it was like the program I left in Slayton. ... I don’t plan to leave here until I retire.” Sorum’s parents, Duane and Nancy, live near Fountain, Minn., moving off the dairy farm Dan grew up on, a casualty of the farm crisis of the 1980s. “Our cows went to slaughter through the dairy herd buyout program.” The tough times of the farm crisis and the opportunities FFA offered to Sorum allowed him to never question his decision to head into the classroom. “I suppose when I was younger I probably wanted to farm. What kid doesn’t want to do what their parents do?” he said. “My parents questioned where I got my public speaking skills from, because they admit it’s not from them,” he said. Without FFA, Sorum said he may still very well be in a classroom, but probably teaching biology, not agriculture. “I really enjoyed biology in high school.”


that the program “works as catastrophic risk insurance. It reduces extreme margin risk, as it pays you the most when you need it the most.” He said farmers will likely view the risk of not enrolling in the program as far from greater than being part of it. Lee Mielke is a syndicated columnist who resides in Everson, Wash. His weekly column is featured in newspapers across the country and he may be reached at lkmielke@juno.com. ❖


Sorum: It doesn’t matter if you don’t succeed at first


that the risk management approach embodied in the DSA “provides a cost-effective safety net for farmers.” University of Minnesota economist Marin Bozic reported that farmers who enroll in the DSA will find

THE LAND, APRIL 19, 2013

Milker's Message Milker's Message

This column was writNEWS & INFO ten for the marketing FOR MINNESOTA week ending April 12. AND NORTHERN IOWA DAIRY PRODUCERS DairyBusiness Update reports that absent another drought, dairy producers can look forward to moderating feed prices, MIELKE MARKET according to two ag WEEKLY finance specialists who spoke at the National By Lee Mielke Dairy Producers Conference, April 9, in Indianapolis. Farm fuel policy, could finally come to an end. Credit’s Leland Strom is quoted as say- He projects a slowdown in corn ing “if we had a good crop year this demand from China and forecasts corn year, I would not be surprised to see futures prices in the $4.50 to $5.50 per corn go sub-$4 per bushel.” bushel range for 2013-16, with soybean meal averaging about $350 per ton “Things are lining up to be a bin over the same period. He added that buster,” said Sam Miller, managing director of ag banking for DMO Harris, “when corn and soybean prices moderthe eighth-largest agricultural bank in ate, crop acreage shifts to other crops, which also could help moderate alfalfa the United States. While he said corn could approach $4 per bushel, he added hay prices.” “you could have said the same thing a Attendees were also told that “the year ago at this time. There’s a long benefits of adopting the Dairy Security way to go between now and harvest.” Act as part of the next farm bill will be obvious to farmers and policy makers Chris Hurt, Purdue ag economist, as Congress begins assembling new told attendees the impact of the past three years of below-trend corn produc- agricultural policy this spring,” accordtion, combined with federal renewable ing to a National Milk Producers Federation press release. Panelists agreed


THE LAND, APRIL 19, 2013


Sorum: ‘I want them to see what agriculture is all about’ FFA, from pg. 21 Sorum teaches 10 ag classes at NRHEG, and he speaks highly of opening the world of ag education to seventh and eighth graders. “All sev-

enth and eighth graders have to take an ag class — one quarter as a seventh grader, one quarter as an eighth grader,” he said. “I want them in my classroom as soon as possible, so they


can at least see what it (agriculture) is all about.” He also teaches that at home. Sorum and his wife, Barbara, live with their daughter, Elena, 4 1/2, on an acreage north of Ellendale. “I want her to have a connection to agriculture, so

she knows where her food comes from,” he said. “We have a large garden and we raise about 100 chickens that we sell, and I tell people who buy the chickens from us that each one has been ‘4year-old hugged and kissed.’ She just loves the chickens.” See FFA, pg. 23






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25 Years Later: An FFA career that almost wasn’t High alum Robin Kinney lobbied the school board to maintain the program. “I saw Bonnie a little while ago, and we were talking about when we were in front of the school board,” Krause said. “We remembered that one of the administrators interrupted her and she told him ‘wait a minute, let me finish.’ She was only a sophomore at the time.” Kowalke, Krause and Kinney must have been pretty convincing because the school board decided not to cut the high school ag program, albeit maintain a half-time offering. That was over 25 years ago, and the program is now

back up to full-time. “At the time we didn’t really realize how big a deal it was to save the program.” It became a big deal for Krause, who made the most of his time in the parttime ag program. He remembers his mother coming home from freshman-year parentteacher conferences saying the ag teacher had told her “your son has the potential to be a national FFA officer.” “I hadn’t really thought of that, that I had what it took. … I just knew that I wanted to pursue leadership.” He decided to run for state FFA office the spring of his senior year in high school, and was elected. “That kind of changed my life forever.” Krause looks fondly back on the year as state officer. “I got to fly in a jet for the first time” when a few of the state officers went to St. Louis for a meeting. “Barb (Van Zomeren) and I did our Goodwill tour, visiting five to seven

schools a day for a week in southwestern Minnesota,” he said. “Barb and I got to be close friends, had a lot of fun. … it’s funny how close we all got that year, but now we haven’t been together since we left our last state convention 25 years ago.” The year Krause served as state FFA sentinel was also his first year at the University of Minnesota, where he majored in animal science with a dairy emphasis. He graduated in 1991 and headed back to the farm, to join his dad, Warren, in the dairy business. “I’ll be doing this for the rest of my life.” The Krause Holstein herd is now milking 200 head, but that will be bumping up to 275 once the operation is full. The family is two months into new free-stall barn. “We’ve had a freestall barn before, but we just weren’t getting the production that See FFA, pg. 24

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THE LAND, APRIL 19, 2013

FFA, from pg. 22 Charles Krause, Sentinel Charles Krause knew he wanted to be in the Buffalo (Minn.) High School FFA chapter. He just didn’t know the challenges Charles Krause he would face to make that a reality. Krause is the youngest of five born to Warren and Carol Krause, dairy farmers west of Buffalo, Minn., and followed his siblings into 4-H, “but I was the only one to really get active in FFA. … It just seemed like the natural progression for me to join FFA.” That progression almost met an unnatural death. “I had five instructors during my FFA experience,” he said. “During my junior year the school board wanted to cut the ag program.” He remembers that he, Bonnie Kowalke and Buffalo


FFA leadership a Buffalo tradition for Krause family


THE LAND, APRIL 19, 2013


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Owatonna, MN

Lafayette, MN

FFA, from pg. 23 we’d like,” he said. Even though they’ve only been in this new barn a limited time, they are already seeing the results. “We’ve already seen production jump 12 pounds per cow.” Krause almost got an earlier start to his dairy career, a start that would have halted his FFA career. Warren suffered a heart attack when Charles was a sophomore in high school. “When I was out there milking cows, I thought about not even going to school, that I would just be a dairy farmer for the rest of my life.” Obviously, he did not forgo college and his FFA leadership days. “I am so glad that I didn’t to that,” he said. “I would have missed out on so much. … I would have never met (wife) Robyn if I hadn’t gone to the U of M.” Now he has the chance to see his children follow his FFA footsteps, and continue the Krause FFA legacy. Warren Krause, Charles’ father, also served as chapter president of the Buffalo FFA Chapter in 1955. Andrew is a senior at Buffalo High School, and is the FFA chapter president and Region 4 president. Morgan is a sophomore at Buffalo and the chapter historian, as well as serving as Region 4 reporter. “Both of them have shown an interest in coming home to the farm after college and I think that’s great,” he said. “You don’t discourage anyone from doing what they want to do.” While he’s watching his son and daughter blaze their FFA trails, he is also using the skills learned in the FFA to lead and give back to his industry. In addition to serving as the president of the Buffalo FFA Alumni Chapter, Krause also serves on the Dairy Herd Improvement Association board, the local Holstein board, is involved with the Midwest Dairy Association and Dairy Farmers of America, where the Krause farm’s milk is shipped. “I always tell my kids that ‘if you don’t tell your story, someone else with a different agenda will tell the dairy story, so why don’t we tell our own story’. ... FFA was the key thing to get me to do all of this.” In addition to being an “agvocate,” Krause does a pretty good job on the farm as well, with his herd often being recognized for its performance and production. “I’m really happy where I’m at,” he said. “When we were in high school we had to write where we wanted to be when we were 40 or 45. I wrote that I wanted to be respected as a dairy farmer.” ❖

015 Real Estate 020 Agricultural Collateral 186 acres, Town of Oshkosh, Inspection and Appraisals. Winnebago Cty. Selling by Ag background required. "Sealed Bid Auction". LoTraining course available. cated Brooks Rd., County Call 800-488-7570 or visit Hwy. S & Hwy. 45. Offered www.amagappraisers.com in 6 parcels or all together. All bids due April 24. Call Be An Auctioneer & to request your "Bid PackPersonal Property age" today! Beduhn Real Appraiser Estate & Auctions. RWA Continental Auction Schools #2297. Mankato, MN & Ames, IA www.BEDUHNSALES.com 507-625-5595 (920)428-7011 www.auctioneerschool.com Sell your land or real estate HELP WANTED On grain & in 30 days for 0% commislivestock farm in St James, sion. Call Ray 507-339-1272 MN area, CDL license, experience preferred, dependable, references required. 507-920-8217

April 19, 2013


Steffes Auction Calendar 2013 For More info Call 1-800-726-8609 or visit our website: www.steffesauctioneers.com

Opening Bid Saturday, April 20 & Closing Tuesday, April 30: IQBID Paint Store Liquidation, Steffes Auctioneers Facility, West Fargo, ND, Pittsburgh Paints, Stains, Signage, Computerized Colorant Dispensers, Mixers, Forklift, Vehicles & More! Wednesday, April 24 @ 10 AM: Retirement Business Liquidation, Stadum Plumbing & Gravel, Erhard, MN, JD Payloader, Trucks, Trailers, Excavator & More! Thursday, April 25 @ 10 AM: Brusseau Corp., Steffes Auctioneers Facility, West Fargo, ND, Seal Coating & Crack Sealing Equipment, Skid Steer Loader & Attachment, Trailers, Trucks & Pickups, Other Equipment & More! Opening Wednesday, May 1 & Closing Wednesday, May 8: IQBID May Auction, Call now to consign your excess equipment! Selling Ag, Construction, Trucks, Vehicles, RV’s, Recreational & More! Friday, May 10 @ 11 AM: Tom Zander Auction, Steffes Auctioneers Facility, West Fargo, ND, Hobby Farm Auction to include Lawn & Garden, Tractor, Attachments & More!

ADVERTISER LISTING CROPLAND FOR SALE 1,700 acres Kittson and Marshall Counties Currently in sugar beets, corn, beans and wheat ALL TILLABLE - WILL DIVIDE The Harrison Company "We Sell Farms" Call for a brochure 320-842-7303 - 320-760-2341


Abrahams Farm Repair ................9 Ag Power Enterprises Inc ..........33 Ag Systems ................................18 Agro-Culture Liquid Fertilizers....3 Anderson Seeds ......................6, 19 Avoca Spray Service ..................36 Brokaw Supply Co......................13 Case IH........................................11 Courtland Waste Handling..........21 Dahl Farm Supply ........................7 Detke Morbac ............................30 Diers Ag Supply............................4 Discipline Advisers ......................4 Double B Manufacturing ..............9 Duncan Trailers LLC ..................39 Emerson Kalis ............................27 Excelsior Homes West Inc............7 Faber Building & Supplies ........18 Farm Drainage Plows Inc ..........28 Fast Distributing ........................17 Freudenthal Dairy & Mfg Co ....23 Gehl Co ......................................24 Grain Millers Specialty Product ..4 Greater MN 2 Cylinder Club......26 Greenwald Farm Center..............36 Haas Equipment..........................29 Haug Implement ........................28 Henslin Auctions ........................26 Hewitt Drainage Equipment ......14 Hotovec Auction Center Inc ......26 Hughes Auction ..........................25 K & S Millwrights Inc................10 Keith Bode ..................................29 Keltgens Inc ................................16 Kiester Implement ......................31 Lamplight Mfg Inc........................9 Lano Eqiupment..........................27

Larson Brothers Impl............29, 32 Letchers Farm Supply ..................9 Mages Auction Service ..............26 Mankato Spray Center Inc..........14 Massey Ferguson ..........................5 Massop Electric ..........................31 Matejcek Implement ..................38 Midway Farm Equipment Inc ....29 Midwest Machinery Co ..............37 Mike’s Collision ............................9 Miller Sellner ..............................34 Monson Motors ............................4 Mustang Mfg Co ........................22 New Holland ..............................12 Northern Ag Service ..................31 Northern Insulation Products........4 Olinger Sales & Service ..............7 Pioneer Power ..............................6 Pride Solutions............................28 Pro Equipment Inc ......................28 Pruess Elevator Inc ....................28 Rabe Intl......................................27 Schweiss Inc ..............................35 SI Feeder/Schoessow Inc............22 Smiths Mill Implement Inc ........35 Sorensen Sales & Rentals ..........30 Steffes Auctioneers Inc ..............25 Sunco Marketing ........................17 The Harrison Co ........................25 Tjosvold Equipment....................31 United Farmers Coop..................32 Wearda Implement ......................31 Whitcomb Brothers ....................19 Willmar Farm Center ..................35 Willmar Precast ............................5 Woodford Ag LLC ......................30 Ziegler ..........................................8

Opening Saturday, June 1 & Closing Wednesday, June 12: IQBID RDO Farms, Perham, MN, Harvesters, Windrowers, Row Markers, Planters & More! Wednesday, July 31 @ 9 AM: AgIron West Fargo Consignment Event, Red River Valley Fairgrounds, West Fargo, ND. Advertising Deadline: Friday, June 28

• PO Box 3169 • 418 S 2nd Street • Mankato, MN 56001 • theland@thelandonline.com

“Where Farm and Family Meet”

Friday, May 17 @ 11 AM: Barnes County ND Farmland & Farmstead, Dazey, ND, E1/2 Section 25-143N-60W in Lake Town Twp., 221.7+/- tillable acres

<< www.TheLandOnline.com >>

Looking for help for custom harvesting, 2013 season, truck drivers & combine operators, clean driving record, 18 years old, CDL or Class B, meals & lodging included. 320-859-2894 or 320-815-3495

THE LAND, APRIL 19, 2013



Real Estate


020 Real Estate Wanted


THE LAND, APRIL 19, 2013

Every Wednesday

5:00 PM - Farm Misc. 6:00 PM - Hay & Straw 7:00 PM - Livestock Sheep & Goats 2nd Wed. at 8:00 PM







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“Where Farm and Family Meet”

021 Antiques & Collectibles


$1,200/OBO. WANTED: Land & farms. I B JD tractor Selling or Buying Farms (715)283-4946 have clients looking for or 1031 Exchange! dairy, & cash grain operaPrivate Sale or tions, as well as bare land Sealed Bid Auction! Hay & Forage Equip 031 parcels from 40-1000 acres. Call “The Land Specialists!” Both for relocation & inNorthland Real Estate vestments. If you have FOR SALE: '08 Kuhns MFG 612-756-1899 or 320-894-7337 1834 small square baler aceven thought about selling www.farms1031.com cumulator & a 618 grabber contact: Paul Krueger, w/ JD mounts, exc shape, Farm & Land Specialist, We have extensive lists of $12,500. Call 507-317-8103 Edina Realty, SW Suburban Land Investors & farm buyOffice, 14198 Commerce ers throughout MN. We alAve NE, Prior Lake, MN ways have interested buy55372. ers. For top prices, go with paulkrueger@edinarealty.com our proven methods over (952)447-4700 thousands of acres. Serving Minnesota Mages Land Co & Auc Serv www.magesland.com 800-803-8761

Farm Equip., Vehicles, Guns, Coins Tools, Antiques, Collectibles More!

Absolute Auction Saturday - April 27th, 2013 • 9 am

Don’t Miss This Huge 2-3 Ring Sale!

55780 St. Hwy. 19 - Winthrop, MN ::: 1/4 mile west of Hwy. 19 & Hwy. 15 Intersection Vehicles, Trucks & Trailer: ‘03 Mercury Grand Marquis GS, 47k mi ; ‘99 Chry LHS, 138k; ‘04 Dodge Ram , 4x4, quad cab; Ford Ranchro w/ 351 clev; ‘86 Plymouth Reliant, 4dr; ‘97 Kawasaki Vulcan 750; ‘46 Chevy grain truck w/hoist; ‘63 IH 6 ton feed truck; ‘78 Fontaine semi flatbed trailer 42’; ‘81 Polaris 340 Indy; Yamaha Zinger ATV 40cc; ‘96 Ski Doo jetski; Nstyle 80cc dirt bike; ‘97 Thor 22’ travel trailer; 2Horse trailer/ tac rm; Farm Machinery & Farm Items: ‘80 MF 550 combine-1 owner, 3670 hrs; MF 1143 corn hd 4 x 30; JD 4 belt grain hd; Ford 2000 gas tractor; CIH 1350 3 ton feed mill w/digital scale w/hyd aug; JD 336 baler w/bale ejector; NH 467 Haybine; H&S Tedder Haylifter; IH mixer mill; IH Drill w/grass; IH 990 Haybine w/cond; NH pull hay cond; Gehl 260 rotary rake; Kewanee 1010 18.5’ tandm disk; Kilbry 11.5’ digger w/hyd lift; IH digger 10’ w/hyd lift; JM gravity bx w/14’ brush auger w/10tn gr; 250 bu. gravity bx w/15’ brush auger & gr; Blumhart sprayer 500 gal; walking tandem 60’ bm, M3000 monitor; IH 45 18.5’ Digger/vibra shank pull type; Ferguson 2-14 3pt plow; Feterl 8” hopper auger; 500 gal Fuel tank on transport w/pump; 500 gal Fuel barrel w/Gasboy pump; 48” skid loader palletforks; barge box; Schwartz widefront; 4xJD drag secs; JD Aux fuel tank; 10’ Patz conveyor; 10’ Sioux cattle gate; 8xGoodyear tires 20.8 x 42”; 6x Yetter row cleaners; 6 x no till coulter; hog feeders; Post hole auger 3pt; 17 Big Rd bales-Alfalfa; 50+ grass/sm bales;

scope; Rem 788 22/250 bolt w/scope; Browning Century 12ga over/under; Stoeger Condor 12 ga over/under; Winchester Model 24, 12 ga dbl barrel; Browning Semi lite 12 ga; Rem .22 model 550 semi auto; Rem 870 express magnum 12ga; Savage model 67-DL 12 ga pump; Savage 12ga pump; Triumph Sgl shot 12 ga. H&R model 88 sgl shot 12ga; JC Heggins model 583-13 12 ga bolt; H&R model 158 12ga sgl shot; H&R model 480 sgl shot, .410; Hi-Standard model B .22; Iver Johnson Champion .410 sgl shot; Mon Wards Heruleas 12 ga, sgl shot; 2x J Stevens Arms 12ga, sgl shot; CVA 50 cal muzzle loader; Ammo for 12 ga 410, .308 .270 30-06; 8 Gun Cabinet; WWII Japanese bayonet w/sheath & frog; gun cases; empty brass includes: .7mm; .30-06; .243; .30-30; .270; 12x hand carved and painted duck and geese decoys; assorted reloading supplies; large assorted fishing items; Coins & Currency: $10 bill - ’29 Farmers Nat’l Bank of Hutch; 5x$1 Silver Cert; $2 bill red seal; $5 bill red seal; $5 bill silver cert; $10bill gold seal; 60+ - Silver Dollars; 25x Sliver 50c; 1876 Seated Liberty 25c; 250+ silver dimes; 32x liberty head nickels; 41x Indian head nickels; 45x Indian head cents; 161x Buffalo nickels; 100+ rolls wheat pennies; Prints, Antiques, Toys & Collectables: Prints include: “Golden moments”-Buzz Balyer; “Breaking Cover”-Jim Hansel; “Autumn Treasures”-Greg Benson; “Starting the V”Richard Bishoph; “If the shoe fits, wear it”-Jean Haefele; “North Reflections”Lerey Duerr; “Deer Trail”-Donald Blakney; Guns, & Sport Equip: Colt CAR-A3, .223, 2x “Winter Wonder”-Lea Starrs; “The w/bipods, ss barrel, 30rd mag & Leopold

Area Neighbors

Ingels” By Millett; “Wood Duck Haven”Robert Lewis; “Loon Song”-Jerry Raedeke; “Marsch Mist, Rerig-necked ducks” “Van Gilder;”-Thomast Gross; “Daylight”-Dean Johnson; “Drumming Grouse”-Robert Lewis; “Farm Land Fair Pheasant”-Stan Finnemore; Hand carved 1874 Woodburg clocks; 40’s Coke-Cola tray; Western chief royal H-1027 Forge blower w/cast iron on stand; Large collection “Bob White by Red Wing” glassware; crocks; several loads of items; Loom, Furniture & Household: Oak 8 harness loom; yarn for weaving; ‘00 Maytag washer and elec dryer; oak chairs; Lrg conference table; gas fireplace; rocking chairs; cedar trunks; 4 sets of china; bedrm sets; dark green velvet loveseat & chair; S/P shakers; Flat top guitar w/case; Crate &Yamaha guitar amps; bass accordion; records; Griswold items; enamelware; roaster; tricycle; kitchen utensils & misc; planters; toys; wash tubs; several loads of items; Lawn Mower, Snowblower, Tools & Shop Items: ‘90 JD 185 hydro 46” deck-1 owner; JD TRS 21” snowblower w/elec start; JD 54C deck for lawntractor; 2Pasload framing guns; Dewalt impact wrench; Bostitch brad nailer finish gun; cabinet hdwe 2x7’x9’ white garage doors w/openers & remotes; 12-24v float charger; router & guide; drills; battery recharger; Homelite weed wacker; Large selection of tools, hardware, lumber & yard items. This is only a partial list, Many more items by Sale Day! Preview of Small Items Starts at 7:30 am on Sale Day

Auctioneer: Matt Mages #08-13-006 507-276-7002

Auctioneers: Larry Mages-Lafayette • Joe Maidl-Lafayette • Joe Wersal-Winthrop • John Goelz-Franklin Terms: 10% Buyers Premium on all items, Everything sold “AS IS”, Everything to be paid for immediately after the auction. Sales Tax, License & Registration fees may apply on some items; Fire Arms buyers must have valid drivers lic, pistol buyers must have valid “permit to purchase” permit Clerk: Mages Land Co. and Auction Service LLC • Not Responsible for Accidents • Lunch & restroom on grounds





Due to the Memorial Day holiday our ‘deadline’ for the May 31st issue is Friday, May 24th — at Noon


Field Days, Swap Meet & Auction May 4 & 5, 2013 Morrison County Fairgrounds, Little Falls, MN

Auction: Saturday, May 4th - 10 AM

Items Wanted: Antique & Collectibles Tractors, Gas Engines, Garden Tractors, Snowmobiles, Machinery, Parts & Toys Contact: 320-355-2650 Swap Meet, Flea Market, Toy & Craft Show Outside Spots: 218-839-5116 Inside Spots: 218-736-4645 Featuring: Polaris Snowmobiles, Homelite, Sears, Wards & others built by Polaris John Deere Garden Tractors – All Models Industrial Tractors & Equipment – All Makes & Models Antique Tractor Pull: Sun., May 5 - 12 Noon Contact: 605-430-4320 Garden Tractor Pull: Sun., May 5 - 12 Noon Contact: 320-808-6306 Garden Tractor Plowing Contest: Sat., May 4th - 1 p.m. Pedal Tractor Pull: Sat., May 4th - 1 p.m. Tractor, Gas Engine & Snowmobile Displays, Plowing Demonstrations, Parade, Children’s Activities, Old Fashion Jam Sessions All Exhibitors, Musicians, Vendors Welcome - Camping Available General Info: 320-393-JDJD (5353) lamortenson@jetup.net • www.gmntcc.com

Hay & Forage Equip


Grain Handling Equip


FOR SALE: Bale handler for 50' galvanized auger, 8" diameter, $750/OBO. 515-387small square bales, 8707 or 515-864-8098 $1,000/OBO. Ray Moeller 712-297-7951 Approx. 165' of drag, 6 yrs. FOR SALE: JD 5400-5830 old, 10,000 bu/hr.; 14,000 and 6000 series forage harbu., 30', 6 ring, wide core vesters. Used kernel proSioux bin, full flr, 8” pwr cessors, also, used JD 40 sweep. 507-697-6133 knife Dura-Drums, and www.usedbinsales.com drum conversions for 5400 and 5460. Call (507)427-3520 Bradford gravity wagon, used 1-yr for fertilizer. W/ www.ok-enterprise.com S/S, 8" auger, used w/cross FOR SALE: JD 7½' yellow auger only, very good conhay head & 3RN yellow dition. $2,250. (715)556-0045 cornhead, nice condition, asking $5,500. 507-227-2602 BRAND NEW! WESTFIELD 10-71 low profile swing hopFOR SALE: NH Hayliner 68, per $8,925. All sizes availfor small square bales, able. Mike 507-848-6268 $1,250/OBO. 712-297-7951 SALE: Hutchinson H&S 860 Forage Blower, exc FOR grain auger, 13” x 72' w/ condition. 715-308-3734 swing hopper, PTO drive, new, never used. Call Greg Hesston 30A stacker w/pwr Leland 507-383-0829 endgate, newer style paddles w/bushings, relined upFOR SALE:Used grain bins, per throat spout, mnted floors unload systems, stispare tire, unit is good rators, fans & heaters, aercond., shedded since new ation fans, buying or sellalso, Hesston 30 stack ing, try me first and also mover, $3,900. 507-267-4448 call for very competitive Small bale hay conveyor - 60' contract rates! Office in barn, 30' outside. One hours 8am-5pm Monday – unit powers both. Very Friday Saturday 9am - 12 good condition. Call 608-643noon or call 507-697-6133 6029, ask for Ron or leave Ask for Gary message. Farm Implements 035 Bins & Buildings 033 '50 Ford 8N 12-volt exc met12,000 bu. hopper bin; 25,000 al, new paint, good rubber, bu. w/floor & unload; 14,000 good runner w/ (2) King bu. w/floor & pwr sweep; Kutter Mowers-rotary & 11,000 bu. w/floor & unload. finish w/ blade & middle 507-697-6133 buster, $5,000/OBO. (608) www.usedbinsales.com 776-3873 FOR SALE: 7,000 bu 30' di'90 CIH 9180, 5500 hrs, ameter Lindsay bin, ready 20.8X42 duals, farmer to load, $3,000; 4,000 bu 18' owned. $58,000 641-373-6903 diameter Coop bin, ready to load, $1,800. 507-647-4247 '93 R52; 630 CH 3000 Elec plates; 20' flex 800; FOR SALE: Barn Lumber Artsway 180 chopper. 515Barn loft lumber including 368-4492 2x8 joists, 6x6 and 8x8 timbers $400 (507) 327-1103 3 pt Hitch pumpkin platter, one row, 2 man operated, FOR SALE: GSI 14T bulk can be used for other seeds. bin, never been used, ladFertilizer attachment availder and auger, $2,800. 507able, $375. (920)526-3510 240-5773 FOR SALE: Used ship lap 7x7 tool bar, 30', folding 2 lift lumber, 16' long, 8” wide, assist, made for tank on lift plus shorter lengths, also assist, $1,500/OBO. 712-260tongue in groove. Reason8003 able offer accepted. 507-493CIH 950 16x22, 3 pt folding 5765 planter w/Early Riser SILO DOORS mon., $4,950; JD 520, 20', 3 Wood or steel doors shipped pt. drill, 10” spacing promptly to your farm w/markers, $1,750; Campstainless fasteners bell drill caddy, converts 3 hardware available. pt. to pull type, $1,250; (800)222-5726 18.4x42 10 bolt duals, $1,750; Landwood Sales LLC JD 3 3/8 & 3 5/8 10 bolt hubs, $600/pr. 320-769-2756 Stormor Bins & EZ-Drys. 100% financing w/no liens FOR SALE: '50 JD G, new or red tape, call Steve at rear tires, $4,800; JD 7000 Fairfax Ag for an appointplanter, 4RW, dry fert, ment. 888-830-7757 $2,500. 651-463-3248 034 FOR SALE: (2) 12.4x36 tires; (2) 14.9x28 tires; (2) 1 yr old 11' Gravity box fer20.8x38 tires; (4) 16.9x38 tilizer auger, $700. Going to tires. 507-430-1089 liquid starter. Colfax, WI. Beyrer Farms. (715)658- FOR SALE: 3pt grader blade, 10' wide, will fit 2pt 1555 or 3pt or log chain, 10x71 Buhler/Farm King $250/OBO. 712-297-7951 auger, w/ Low Pro swing hopper, $6,500; Swinger 12V FOR SALE: 4300 Rite Way remote controlled hopper roller, 42'; 12R 183 Case IH mover, only used 2 seasons, cultivator w/ shields, Both $1,200/OBO. 507-647-4247 good condition. 507-227-0213 or 507-381-1891 350 bu. Parker gravity box w/Parker seed auger on 10 FOR SALE: 50' Mandako ton running gear. 507-451Land Roller, $33,000; 3207626 Leave Message 808-5719 Grain Handling Equip

Farm Implements

035 Farm Implements


FOR SALE: JD 7200, 8R30 planter, insect., low acres, always inside, ready to go, $12,000 OBO; also, JD 925 bean head, stubble lights fore/aft, dial-a-speed, poly grates, low acres, inside, $11,500 OBO . 507-428-3572 FOR SALE: JD 9200, pwr shift, 4WD, $65,000; JD 3010G w/ldr, $8,500; Gehl 2500 skidloader $2,500; Caterpillar D4C bulldozer, $8,000. Owner retiring. 507330-3945 FOR SALE: Wil-Rich Quad 5 field cultivator heavy harrow with spray attachment $15,000/OBO. Trailmaster 80ft sprayer 1000 gal tank tandem axle with 440 Raven. $3,900/OBO (507) 276-1880

JD 12' grain drill w/grass; '50 JD B w/wo loader; Westgo rock picker; 6 sect. 35' harrow on hyd. cart; Snoco 40' bale elev.; JD 26' bale elev.; JD #5 sickle mower; JD 327 baler w/thrower, nice. 320-8644583 or 320-779-4583

‘13 Challenger MT755D, loaded....................................$229,500 ‘08 Cat 965B, 1300 hrs. ......$190,000 ‘08 Cat 755B, 1000 hrs. ......$179,000 ‘04 Cat 855, 3000 hrs. ..........$185,000 ‘07 JD 9860STS, 800 hrs., loaded w/all options ............$160,000 ‘04 Cat 262B skidsteers ........$23,000 ‘08 Lexion 595R, 650 hrs.....$225,000 ‘12 Krause Dominator, 18’, Demo ......................................$58,500 ‘10 JD 8345RT, 1600 hrs. ....$232,500 ‘08 JD 8430, ILS, PS, 780 hrs. ..............................................$215,000

Easton, MN 56025 • 507-381-9675

‘92 CIH 5240, 2WD, PS - $28,500 ‘07 CIH MX305, MFD - $163,500 ‘08 CIH MX275, MFD - $153,500 ‘11 CIH Farmall 35, MFD w/loader, 50 hrs. - $21,000 New Farmall 31, MFD w/60” ‘09 CIH 485 Quad - Call ‘11 CIH 550 Quad - Call


‘99 DMI, 32’, 3 bar ‘98 4900, 34’, 3 bar - $8,950 CIH 4300, 32’, 3 bar - $12,500 ‘06 CIH Tigermate II, 32’, 4 bar - $29,500 ‘06 JD 1760, 12-30 - $43,500 4 Extra Units (1760) - $2,000


Norwood Young America 952-467-2181

Emerson Kalis

‘05 1200, 16-30 pivot, bulk fill - $62,500

‘08 1200, 16-30 pivot, bulk fill, 2500 acres - $79,500 ‘08 1250, 24-30, bulk fill, 3500 acres - $112,500


‘89 1660, monitor - $24,500 ‘90 1680, duals, - $28,500 ‘93 1666 - $32,500 ‘07 CIH 2588 - Call ‘09 CIH 6088 - Call ‘10 7120 - Call ‘06 CIH 1020, 30’ - Call ‘03 CIH 1020, 30’ - Call ‘98 CIH 1020, 25’ - $7,950 ‘81 JD 983, 8-30 - $4,500 ‘92 CIH 1083, 8-30 - $8,500 ‘95 CIH 1083, 8-30, plastic - Call ‘08 CIH 2608, 8-30 - Call ‘09 CIH 2608, 8-30 - Call ‘06 Geringhoff 8-30 - $15,000 JD 893, 8-30 - $17,500


1205 Bixby Road (across from fairgrounds), Fairmont, MN 507-235-3358 or 800-813-8300 • Get the Rabe Advantage

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Financing Available


‘79 732 ................................................$5,750 ‘71 600 ................................................$2,500 ‘02 553, glass cab & heater, 2900 hrs. $7,900 ‘98 453, 1250 hrs.................................$6,500 ‘88 440B ..............................................$4,250 ‘12 NH L-225, glass cab w/AC, 300 hrs. ........................................................$39,100 ‘04 NH LS-160, glass cab & heater, 5500 hrs. ........................................$10,000 ‘79 NH L-325........................................$3,500 Cat 257B, glass cab & heater, AC, tracks-60%, 2004 hrs. ....................$22,500 Gehl 3825SX, 3915 hrs. ....................$10,750 ‘95 JD 7775, glass cab & heater, 1100 hrs. ........................................................$11,500 ‘01 Case 1840, glass cab & heater, 6200 hrs. ..........................................$8,950 Bobcat 8A Chipper, used very little ......$6,250 ‘10 Bobcat 60” V snow blade ..............$3,250 Loegering LVP90, 90” V snow blade ....$1,995

A family business since 1946 with the Lanos: Jack, Paul, Bob and Andy


‘08 NH T9060, autosteer, 1880 hrs. ....................$191,000 Ford 1910, MFD, cab, loader, 1176 hrs. ..................$9,900 ‘77 White 2-70, gas................................................$5,750 ‘46 Oliver 70, Restored ..........................................$4,500 ‘68 AC 180, diesel ..................................................$5,500 ‘52 AC CA, 2 row cultivator ....................................$2,150 ‘47 AC C ................................................................$1,800 ‘10 Bobcat CT-235, MFD, front mount snowblower, 50 hrs. ..............................................................$14,400 ‘58 IH 340, gas, fast hitch ......................................$4,500 ‘80 JD 4640, 14.9x46 duals..................................$21,500 ‘76 JD 4430, 148 loader ......................................$18,500 ‘00 JD 4310, cab, mid-mount mower, snowblower ..........................................................................$19,500 ‘90 MF 261, Turf and Ag tires, 282 hrs. ................$12,500 Ferguson TO20 ......................................................$1,950 ‘86 CDS 710C, Industrial Tractor Loader, 3 pt., PTO, cab ......................................................................$6,500


‘84 Gleaner N6 ......................................................$8,500 ‘08 Gleaner 8200, 30’ flex header ........................$26,500 ‘05 JD 630F, 30’ bean head..................................$22,500


‘07 Wilrich Quad X, 55’, 3 bar harrow w/rolling basket................................................................$52,000 ‘06 Wilrich XL 32-45, 45’, 3-bar harrow w/rolling basket................................................................$29,500 ‘09 JD 2210, 53’, 5 bar spike harrow....................$52,300 ‘97 JD 985, 49.5’, 3 bar harrow ............................$21,500 ‘96 JD 980, 44.5’, 3 bar harrow............................$18,500 JD 960, 34.5’, 3 bar harrow ....................................$9,500 ‘11 Wilrich 513 Soil Pro, 9-shank ........................$42,500 ‘07 Wilrich 957, 7-shank ripper............................$22,500 ‘08 CIH 730C, 7-shank ripper................................$36,500 ‘00 DMI 530B, lead shanks, hyd. levelers ............$19,500 ‘93 DMI Ecolo Tiger 530, 5-shank ripper ............$11,900 Brillion Soil Commander, 7-shanks ......................$6,950 ‘99 Blue Jet 220, 7-shank disc ripper ....................$8,500 ‘05 JD 512, 7-shank disc ripper............................$22,500 JD 2700, 7-shank disc ripper................................$17,500 White 435, 10-shank disc chisel ............................$2,750 White 598 plow, 4+1, coulters ................................$3,500

Kovar 30’ Multi Weeder, 400 gal. tank ....................$2,500


‘02 White 8524, 24x20, 3 bu. boxes, liquid fert.....$43,000 ‘08 White 8708, 8x30 mounted ............................$19,500 ‘83 White 5100, 4x36 ............................................$2,500 ‘98 Kinze 2600, 16x30 ........................................$34,900 Kinze PT8, 8x30, corn & bean units ........................$9,500 Great Plains 15’ no till drill, pull cart ....................$10,900


‘88 Hesston 8200, high contact rolls ....................$20,750 (2) NH 1431, 13’ discbines ................Starting at $14,500 (2) ‘97 NH 1411, 10’ discbines ..........Starting at $10,900 ‘00 NH 499, 12’ haybine ........................................$9,500 ‘97 NH 1465, 9’ haybine ........................................$8,200 (2) ‘85 NH 489, 9’ haybines ..............................Ea. $4,000 ‘93 JD 1600, 12’ MoCo ..........................................$4,750 ‘83 JD 1219, 9’ MoCo ............................................$3,600 (2) Hesston 1120, 9’ haybines ............Starting at $5,700 ‘01 Gehl 2412, 12’ discbine....................................$9,500 ‘84 Versatile 4814, 14’ haybine for 276/9030 ........$3,500 OMC 280 swather, 12’ header ................................$1,500 Gehl 800 chopper, corn & hayhead..........................$2,500 ‘08 NH BR-7080 round baler, netwrap & twine......$21,900 ‘08 NH BR-7080 round baler, Only 1500 Bales......$17,350 ‘05 NH BR-780 round baler ..................................$16,100 ‘11 NH BR-7060 round baler, 1200 Bales Only......$20,500 ‘06 NH BR-750A round baler, twine only ..............$18,250 ‘06 NH BR-740A round baler, twine & netwrap ....$18,900 ‘04 NH BR-740 round baler, twine only ................$13,950 ‘00 NH 688 round baler, twine only ........................$9,250 ‘90 NH 630 round baler ..........................................$5,950 ‘90 NH 855 round baler ..........................................$4,500 ‘03 CIH RBX-462 round baler ..............................$13,500 ‘91 Hesston 514 round baler ..................................$4,950 ‘88 NI 484 round baler ............................................$3,350 ‘10 Vermeer 604 small round baler, twine & netwrap ..........................................................................$23,000 (6) Cond. Rolls for 2300-HS14 NH headers, New Ea. $800


‘06 NH 185 spreader ..............................................$9,000 NI 3743 spreader ....................................................$8,500 ‘07 H&S 270 spreader ............................................$7,250 JD 780 spreader ....................................................$4,500

✔ Check us out at: www.lanoequipofnorwood.com

“Where Farm and Family Meet”

Hydrostatic & Hydraulic Repair Repair-Troubleshooting Sales-Design Custom hydraulic hose-making up to 2” Service calls made. STOEN'S Hydrostatic Service 16084 State Hwy 29 N Glenwood, MN 56334 320634-4360 IH 620, 24' press drill w/grass seeder, $2,450; IH 720, 6x16 on-land, spring reset plow w/coulters, shedded, $4,450; JD 7800, 2WD tractor, 3 pt, 3 hyd, PQ, 14.9x46 w/duals, $33,900; CIH 4500, 21.5' field cult, hyd fold, CIH mulcher, $2,350; 18.4x38, 10 bolt duals, $1,100 & up/set. 320-769-2756

Farm Equipment For Sale

‘11 T-870, A71 package, joystick controls, 400 hrs. ..........................................$58,500 ‘01 T-200, glass cab & heater., 2600 hrs. ........................................................$19,995 ‘03 S-300, glass cab w/AC, 2-spd., 1525 hrs. ........................................$26,900 ‘04 S-220, glass cab w/AC, 2-spd., 4600 hrs. ........................................$23,900 ‘89 843, glass cab & heater, 3500 hrs. $8,950 ‘11 S-650, A71 package, joystick controls ........................................................$32,500 (2) S-185, glass cab w/AC, 2-spd., 1200 hrs. ......................Starting at $19,500 (2) S-175, glass cab & heater, 2-spd. ....................................Starting at $15,500 ‘96 773, 3400 hrs...............................$10,500 (2) ‘10 S-160, glass cab w/AC, 2-spd., 2350 hrs. ......................Starting at $19,900 (2) S-130, glass cab & heater, 1600 hrs. & up ..............................Starting at $12,900

<< www.TheLandOnline.com >>

FOR SALE: Anderson Rock JD 7000 4R, dry fert, mon.; Picker & 10' rock windrow8x34' auger; Glencoe 8-30 er $3,500/pair. (262)692-2579 cult.; Tractors: 2-Ford 800's, IH 560, H; Kewanee 3 FOR SALE: B & H 8RN culpt blade; 3 pt 6' finishing tivator. 507-639-3181 mwr; Ford 501 mwr; digger; 4 quick hitches; post FOR SALE: Brillion seeder, hole digger; JD 1350 4-B alfalfa and grass, SS1201, plow; Westendorf ldr; 7 hyd lift. 507-391-0098 gravity wagons, 275-550 bu; FOR SALE: DMI nitrogen '96 GMC 1½ 4x4. Peterson applicator, 13 shank pull Equipment, New Ulm, 507type, DJ controller, $3,000. 276-6957 or 6958 507-834-6321 FOR SALE: Fast 60' 3pt MACHINERY FOR SALE: IH 584 WF utility tractor, sprayer, 30” nozzle spacing, 60hp. Miller 6RN, high w/ pull behind 2 whl 800 gal clearance cult, always been tank, controls, monitor, hyd shedded. (2) 3,000 gal liq pump; (4) 200 gal saddle manure tankers, one Badtanks & mounts for under ger, one AOSmith. All matractor frame; Lil' chinery priced to sell. Eau Thumper fert piston pump, Galle. (715)495-1984 model PP-1; Squeeze pumps; 80 gal air compressor tank w/ pump; Orange side rake, belt driven. 507227-0222

Midwest Ag Equip


THE LAND, APRIL 19, 2013

FOR SALE: 6R30" corn FOR SALE: JD 8000 series planter, spacing dry fertilboggie wheels, new condiized w/ Dickey monitor, like tion. 507-964-5548 or 507-327new condition, always shed1903 ded, $4,200/OBO; 930 Case with cab, 30 point; also 856 JD 1760, 12x30 vac. planter, IH tractor, $7,200/OBO. hyd frt fold, JD liq fert, HD (320)239-5529 down pressure, 3 bu boxes, $22,500; CIH 1820, 12x30 flat FOR SALE: Ag Bag – 10' Ag fold cult., $3,900; JD 4450, Bagger G6000, good shape, 2WD tractor, PS, 3 pt, 2 always shedded & well hyd, $25,750; DMC 54 grain maintained, $15,000; cleaner w/discharge auger, Hiniker 6R30” cult w/ $2,450; NH 195 spreader rolling shields, good shape w/385x22.5 truck tires, avg. always shedded, $2,500. cond., $3,950. 320-769-2756 507-420-7884

THE LAND, APRIL 19, 2013


E Hwy 12 - Willmar 800-428-4467 Hwy 24 - Litchfield 877-693-4333 www.haugimp.com

Farm Implements

035 Farm Implements

035 Farm Implements

035 Tractors


Harms Mfg. Land Rollers, JD low-tin oil bath, 643 corn- Kiefer hog trailer, alu- '02 JD 270, skidldr, 77HP, brand new, 16', $7,200; 32', minum, 7x24, inside diheads, choice of 3, $5,250. 2006 hrs, very nice, $16,500; 42', $19,500. Any vider, very good condition, (715)556-0045 $16,000/OBO. Consider trade size available. (715)296-2162 $8,500. 507-766-5083 for 30-100HP tractor. Gehl 2500 skidldr, dirt & manure Krause Landsmen 6200 45' bucket, $3,300. BF-Avery soil finisher, $39,000. (715) tractor, exc cond, $2,600. 556-9090 or (715)632-2319 '06 Ford 500, needs trans, $600. (3) Trader House MJM 12' fertilizer auger. axles $100. 320-766-3758 Only used on beans, exc cond, $900. (715)556-0045 '08 JD 8330 MFWD, 480R50 Rock picker (Westgo) with rear tires w/duals, Autohydraulic cylinders, $850. Trac ready, 6000 hrs., 60 515-852-4241 GPM hyd. pump, Active seat, buddy seat, 4 SCV's, We buy frt wgts, exc. cond., $115K Salvage Equipment OBO. 507-789-6049 Parts Available Hammell Equip., Inc. '83 JD 8850, 24x5x32 tires, (507)867-4910 7800 hrs., 2500 hrs. on OH, Wilrich 3400 27' 8 wheel gray has PTO, mint cond. 507shanks 2006, only used 3 251-1394 yrs. Small farm - new cond. Agco 445 11x chisel 3 DMI, '92 Case IH 1680, 4530 hrs, late model. (715) 676-2330 400 hrs on new engine, field tracker, $39,500. 712-790Woods Dixie cutter weed & 6698 brush chopper, 5' 3pt. mount, $750. 515-852-4241



‘09 JD 9630, 4WD, 1467 ‘04 JD 9620, 4WD, 3155 ‘07 JD 9330, 4WD, ‘00 JD 9300, 4WD, hrs., 800-70R38, duals, 18.4x46 triples, 5 hyds., hrs., 800-80R38, duals, 20.8x42 duals, 4 hyds., 4 hyds. ............$246,000 4 hyds. ............$185,000 2410 hrs...........$208,000 3291 hrs...........$102,000

‘95 JD 8770, 4WD, 4849 ‘04 JD 7820, 2WD, 4809 ‘08 JD 4120, MFWD, 354 ‘08 CS/IH 275 Magnum, hrs., 300 hp., 20.8-42, hrs., 155 hp., 320-90R50, hrs., 43 hp., 44x18-20, MFWD, 2995 hrs., 275 duals, 3 hyds. ....$76,500 duals, 3 hyds.......$79,000 loader, 1 hyd. ......$29,000 hp., 380-90R50, 5 hyds. ........................$149,000


We pay top dollar for your damaged grain. We are experienced handlers of your wet, dry, burnt and mixed grains. Trucks and Vacs available. Immediate response anywhere. CALL FOR A QUOTE TODAY

<< www.TheLandOnline.com >>

‘07 JD Gator 620i, Utility ‘11 JD 323D, 529 hrs., ‘05 JD 320 Skid, 966 ‘07 JD CT332 Skid, 738 Vehicle, 850 hrs., 4WD, tracks, 2-spd., cab, 76” hrs., 66 hp., power quick hrs., 82 hp., 18” tracks, cab ......................$7,495 bucket ................$41,000 tach, cab ............$23,900 cab, 84” bucket ..$47,995



‘08 JD 2210 Field Cult., JD DB90 ‘03 JD 956, MoCo, 14.5’, Rite-Way 50’ land roller 64’6”, 7” sweeps, ..............CALL FOR INFO 1000 PTO ..........$20,500 ..........................$30,500 129 shanks ........$62,500

‘94 NH 488, MoCo, 9’, ‘06 NH BR740A, 7600 ‘08 JD 568, Round Baler, ‘12 Fast FS9518, 132’, sickle, side pull ....$8,950 hrs., round baler, surface 1000 PTO, surface wrap, 1800 gal., 320-90R54 wrap, 540 PTO ..$22,000 8800 hrs.............$27,500 ..........................$77,000

‘97 JD 9600, 3711 eng./ ‘99 JD 9610, 3316 eng./ ‘03 JD 9650STS, 3518 ‘03 JD 9750STS, 3876 2432 sep. hrs., 18.4x42 2312 sep. hrs., AWD, eng./2423 sep. hrs., 520- eng./2510 sep. hrs., 480..........................$49,000 18.4x38 ..............$86,000 85R42, duals ....$115,000 80R46, duals ....$115,000

“Where Farm and Family Meet”


‘07 JD 9760STS, 1819 ‘10 JD 9770STS, ‘11 CS/IH 9120, 276 eng. ‘98 CS/IH 2388, 3003 /198 sep. hrs., AWD, eng./1265 sep. hrs., 942 eng./733 sep. hrs., eng./2092 sep. hrs., AWD, 20.8x42, duals 520-42, duals ..$247,000 38” tracks ........$390,000 18.4x42, duals....$89,000 ........................$205,120


Neil G





Neil C




Farm Fans CF 150, 1 phase, LP gas Farm Fans AB-8 LS, 1 phase, LP gas Farm Fans CF 225, 1 phase, LP gas Farm Fans AB-120, 1 phase, LP gas Farm Fans CF/SA 510, 1 phase, LP gas Super B SD-500 VQ, 1 phase, LP gas Super B SE-500 V, 1 phase, LP gas Super B SD-375 VQ, 1 phase, LP gas


Kuker 1000 gal. pull-type, 60’ hyd. fold boom Ag Chem 1000 gal., pull-type, 60’ hyd. fold boom Blumhardt 750 gal., pull-type w/60’ boom Century 750 gal., pull-type w/60’ boom


Batco Model 1335 TD conveyor Westfield MK 13071, GLP auger Westfield 10”x61’, EMD Westfield MK 13061, GLP Westfield 10”x61’, PTO Westfield 6”x56’ w/5 hp. motor Westfield 13”x71’, PTO Westfield 8”x61’, EMD Westfield 10”x41’, EMD

PRO EQUIPMENT SALES 2630 West Lincoln • Olivia, MN 56277 320-523-5050

The Affordable Way to Tile Your Fields 3 Point Hitch & Pull Type Models Available • Walking Tandem Axles • Formed V Bottom on w/425/65R22.5 Tires for Superior Grade Control • Tile Installation Depth Gauge

Buy Factory Direct & $AVE!

Shoe & Boot forms to Tile. No more Crushed Tile • Paralled Pull Arms, Zero Pitch for the Most Accurate Tile Placement

036 Tractors


1954 AC WD45 WF w/loader. NEW AND USED TRACTOR PARTS JD 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, Tires 90%. Conv. to 12v. 55, 50 Series & newer trac$3,000/OBO. 515-408-7960 tors, AC-all models, Large 1956 IH Super WDR-9 tracInventory, We ship! Mark tor, good cond, low producHeitman Tractor Salvage tion number, $4,600. 712-288715-673-4829 6442 FOR SALE: '01 JD 7810, MFWD, 5600 hrs, PS, duals, 1 owner, very sharp! 651338-6861 FOR SALE: '06 Challenger MT865B, 4600 hrs, new tracks, $125,000; '06 JD 2210 field cultivator, 51 ½' w/ rolling basket, $47,000. 507475-7021 FOR SALE: '42 H Farmall SN 1815 w/ ldr & snow bucket, $2,000; '54 Super MTA dsl, WF, fenders, good TA; AC D21, WF, good runner, real good rubber in back $10,500. 507-340-3235 FOR SALE: '64 IH Farmall 706 gas, new clutch & new torque amplifier, 2pt hitch, good paint, runs good, tires fair; '55 Super 77 Oliver, good paint, also runs good. 507-642-8391 FOR SALE: '64 JD 3020 dsl WF, good cond, new motor, new clutch 400 hrs ago, asking $10,250; '05 JD 624J fenders, asking $100. JD sidehill combine levelling box, $700. 651-278-5778

FOR SALE: '72 Oliver 1755, 6300 hrs, 40 hrs on OH, all new rubber, cab, quick hitch, 540/1000 PTO, 2nd owner, original, always inside, $9,800. 507-213-0600 FOR SALE: '91 Case IH 7130 MFD, new 18.4x42 tires, new radiator, dual PTO, 3pt, 4spd reverse. 507-4773171 or 507-460-9372 FOR SALE: 1963 MM G-705 tractor, LP gas, very good, $3,800. 712-288-6442 FOR SALE: 933 dsl tractor, 3pt, also WD45 gas tractor. 320-594-2763 Ford 1950 8N 12V exc metal, new print, good rubber, good runner w/ 2 King Kutter Mowers-rotary & finish w/ blade & middle buster. $5,000/OBO. (608)776-3873

LOST---ONE 4WD TRACTOR Looking for anyone who knows what may have happened to this tractor or if it's still around. Check your groves. $0 (952) 303-6344

Good selection of tractor parts - New & Used All kinds of hay equipment, haybines, balers, choppers parted out. New combine belts for all makes. Swather canvases, round baler belting, used & new tires. 6 miles East of

CAMBRIDGE, MN 763-689-1179 We Ship Daily

Visa and MasterCard Accepted

Keith Bode Fairfax, MN 55332 507-381-1291


• 320-598-7604 •

Madison, MN From Hwy. 75 & 212 Jct., 3.5 mi. W., 2.5 mi. S.

Mandako 50’ roller ..........................$17,500 Kinze 24 row units, New ................Ea. $375 JD 7000 planter row units, parts ..........$250 JD 7000, 8RN planter........................$4,000 Kinze 24RN fold planter, New Units ..$9,500 (2) JD 750 no till drills, 15’ w/hitch $26,000 ‘96 Rogator 854 sprayer, 90’ ..........$39,000 IH 300, Nice Tires..............................$1,750 IH 756 D, cab, Nice ..........................$6,900 IH 886, IH 986, lower hrs. ..............Coming IH 966, engine OH, cab ....................$7,500 JD 2510, gas, WF, 3 pt., Nice ............$6,500 JD 3020, gas, WF, 3 pt. ....................$5,500 JD 4020, PS, Nice ............................$9,500 JD 4320, 5800 hrs...........................$10,500 JD 4430 Quad..................................$13,500 JD 4040, PS, 6800 hrs., Nice ..........$27,000 JD 4440 Quad, 8500 hrs. ................$19,500 JD 4640 Quad..................................$18,500 (2) JD 4455, PS, FWA ......$42,500/$52,500 ‘88 JD 4450, FWA ..........................$39,000 JD 4455, PS, JD 4455 Quad............$36,000 JD 4755, FWA, PS ..........................$35,000 JD 4955, FWA, PS, 8000 hrs...........$40,000 JD 7810, FWA, 740 loader, reverser$72,500 JD 280 loader ....................................$6,500 JD 840 loader, JD 8000 mts. ............$9,500 (2) JD 740 loaders, Nice ......$7,500/$8,500 NEW JD 740 Legend loader ..................Call

JD 260 loader, self-leveling, Nice ......$4,500 JD 741 loader, Sharp, hardly used ..$11,500 (2) JD 158, (2) JD 148 ldrs. $2,500/$4,500 (2) IH 2350 loaders ..............$3,000/$3,250 CIH 520 loader ..................................$3,750 Farmhand F11, w/pump....................$1,500 Farmhand 1140, grapple ..................$7,500 Farmhand F358 loader, (IH mts.) ......$3,250 Miller PL-4 loader ............................$3,500 Miller M12 loader, Nice ....................$2,500 Westendorf WL-40, WL-42 ..$2,250/$3,500 New Box Scrapers, 10’/12’ ..$1,850/$1,950 New & Used Skidsteer Attachments ....Call Pallet Forks, Grapples, Rock Buckets ..Call New & Used Batco & Conveyall belt conveyors ............................................Call Bobcat T300, T320 skids ..$21,500/$32,500 CIH 8010, RWA, loaded, inspect. ..$110,000 CIH 1660, chopper, rock trap ..........$14,000 CIH 2208, 8RN cornhead, off 2388 $22,000 CIH 2208, 8RN cornhead, off 8010 $23,000 JD 444, 4RW cornhead ....................$1,500 (2) CIH 2020 30’/35’ flex heads..............Call IH 1020 25’/30’ flex heads......................Call Donahue 32’ trailer............................$1,750 CIH 4600 25’ digger ..........................$5,250 ‘06 Brent 50’ digger ........................$15,000 Wilrich Quad X, 60’ dbl. spring dig.$42,500 JD 1050 50’ digger ............................$4,500

USED COMBINES & HEADS ‘10 Gleaner R-76, 250 hrs. ....................$239,500 ‘03 Gleaner R-75’s, 1100 hrs.................$139,500 ‘02 Gleaner R72, duals, 1100 hrs. ........$129,500 ‘93 Gleaner R72, 2800 hrs ......................$59,500 ‘08 Gleaner R65, 600 hrs ......................$189,500 ‘08 Gleaner R-65, 700 hrs ....................$179,500 ‘05 Gleaner R-65, 1400 hrs. ..................$139,500 ‘04 Gleaner R-65, 900 hrs. ....................$139,500 ‘92 Gleaner R62, 2300 hrs.......................$39,500 ‘92 Gleaner R-62, 2100 hrs. ....................$29,900 ‘89 Gleaner R60, 3200 eng. hrs...............$22,900 ‘04 NH CR970, 1000 hrs. ......................$149,500 ‘89 Gleaner R50, 3400 hrs.......................$14,900 ‘05 Gleaner R75, 1000 hrs ....................$159,500 ‘03 Gleaner R-75, 2300 hrs. ..................$109,500 ‘86 Gleaner R-7, 2700 hrs. ......................$14,900 ‘81 Gleaner N5 ..........................................$5,950

‘08 MF 1533, hydro, loader, 250 hrs. ......$16,900 White 2-105 w/WL 42..............................$12,900 AC 6060, 2WD, w/loader ........................$11,900 AC 175, gas, cab........................................$6,950 AC 170, gas, cab........................................$5,950 AC 5020 w/60” mower, 1300 hrs. ............$4,750 Oliver 1600, gas ........................................$4,950 ‘94 Kubota L2650, 635 hrs. ......................$8,950 ‘86 Deutz Allis 5220 w/60” mower, 1200 hrs. ................................................................$4,950

‘81 Gleaner N5 w/20’ ................................$5,950 ‘79 Gleaner M2 HY, 18’, A430............Pkg. $8,950 ‘08 Gleaner 3000, 8R30 ..........................$39,500 ‘05 Gleaner 3000, 8RW ..........................$29,500 ‘08 Gleaner 8200, 25’ flex w/air reel ........$29,500 ‘99 MF 8780, Smart track, 1800 hrs. ......$79,500 ‘03 MF 8000, 25’ w/Crary air reel ............$24,900 ‘09 Challenger or Gleaner 30’ flex w/air reel ..............................................................$29,900 (5) Gleaner 8R30 huggers ........$11,900-$39,900 (6) Gleaner 6R30 huggers ..........$9,950-$15,900 ‘93 Gleaner 8R36 hugger ........................$11,900 ‘90 Gleaner, 4R36 hugger ..........................$4,950 ‘08 Harvest Tech 6R30 ............................$29,900 ‘99 Gleaner 830C, SCH ............................$15,900 ‘80 Gleaner LM538A cornhead ....................$995 (15) Used Flexheads ......................................Call

MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT ‘09 White 8222, 12R30............................$46,500 Kinze 2200, 12R30 ..................................$19,500 White 8202, 12R30, 3 bu.........................$32,500 White 8122, 12R30, VF, insect, LF ..........$31,500 White 6180, 8RW, DF, low acres..............$17,900 White 6100, 12R30, VF............................$14,900 ‘03 Sunflower 5055, 44’ F.C.....................$19,900 White 5100, 8R36, VF................................$3,950 White 227, 31’ field cult ............................$3,950 CIH 4800, 32’ ............................................$9,950 ‘05 Krause 7300, 27’ rock flex disc ........$29,900 Sunflower 4511, 15’ disc chisel ..............$34,900 JD 510, 7x30 disc rippper ........................$9,950 ‘12 Wilrich 513 Soil Pro, 9x24 ................$47,500 ‘06 Wilrich V957, 5x30 ............................$24,900 Wilrich V957, 7x30 ..................................$24,900 Wilrich V957, 7x30 ..................................$34,900 ‘05 Wilrich V957, 7x30 ............................$17,900 ‘04 Wilrich 5810, 20’ chisel plow ............$17,900 Wilrich 13CPW, 19’ chisel plow w/harrow $3,950 ‘03 JD 2400, 25’ chisel plow ..................$26,900 ‘07 Wishek 862NT, 16’ ............................$27,900 M&W 1865, 9x24 Earthmaster ..................$9,950 ‘02 CIH 730B ..........................................$19,900 Wilrich 657, 15-shank ............................$18,900 ‘12 Teslaa 30’ double roller crumbler ......$11,900 Hesston 1091 haybine ..............................$1,295

Hesston 5800, 5x6 baler............................$2,950 Hesston 4760 baler w/accumulator ........$49,500 ‘11 MF 1326 disc mower ..........................$6,500 ‘08 Agco Hesston 3007 disc mower..........$5,950 Bush Hog HM2007 disc mower ................$4,750 Woods U306 mower, “C” Farmall mtg. ........$795 Artsway 240, 20’ shredder ........................$4,450 ‘09 Parker 739 grain cart ........................$22,900 ‘02 Parker 737 grain cart, duals ..............$18,900 Unverferth GC5000 grain cart..................$11,900 Killbros 490 grain cart ..............................$8,950 Parker 510 grain cart ................................$9,950 ‘11 Parker 1048 grain cart, tarp, scale ....$39,500 ‘07 Feterl 12x72 CSW ................................$9,950 Feterl 10x55 Red TD auger ..........................$995 Feterl 10x60 HF w/hopper..........................$2,950 ‘04 Feterl 10x62 GSW auger......................$5,450 ‘11 Peck 12x43, PTO ................................$4,950 Feterl 8x46 PTO auger ..............................$2,950 Feterl 8x60 PTO auger ..............................$1,995 White 588, 4x18 ........................................$2,495 Schweiss 6’ snowblower, 2 auger..............$1,995 Loftness 8’ snowblower, single auger........$2,995 Hutchinson 10x61 w/low pro hopper ........$3,950 ‘10 Farm King Y840, 84” snowblower ......$2,950 Corn head reel ..........................................$1,250


Landoll 4420, 8R30 planter ......................$5,950 JD 7000, 6R30 ..........................................$3,950 MF 135 w/loader........................................$5,450 White 8122 VF, 3 bu., row cleaners ........$29,500 Brandt 500 EX grain vac ..........................$12,900 ‘07 Wilrich V957 SX30 ............................$19,900 ‘76 White 2-85, duals, 5000 hrs. ..............$7,950 ‘94 White 6100, 12R30 VF, LF ................$12,900 ‘87 White 5100, 12R30 VF ........................$3,950 White 6700, 20R22..................................$17,900 ‘95 Gleaner 6RW hugger ..........................$6,950

White 5100, 8R30, LF, row cleaners ..........$4,950 ‘08 Gleaner 8200, 35’ flex w/air reel ........$31,500 Balzer 2200 shredder, new knives ............$7,950 Westendorf WL64, AC mts., valve ............$4,750 White 140, 2WD, 6500 hrs., duals ..........Coming AC 180, gas, cab ......................................Coming ‘75 Oliver 1755D ......................................Coming AC 7030....................................................Coming ‘08 Wilrich Quad X2, 45’, baskets............$44,500 JD 7200, 8R30, LF ....................................$8,450 ‘93 Gleaner 324 flex ..................................$3,950

Midway Farm Equipment

507-427-3414 or 800-657-3249 www.midwayfarmequip.com For Sales ask for Jerry or Kyle midway@rconnect.com

“Where Farm and Family Meet”

JD 2355, cab, new AC, 6,000 hrs., w/JD 175 ldr. & forks, great condition, $15,900; IH 826 dsl, 3 pt., good eng., torgue & tin work, $8,250 OBO, consider trade. 320543-3523



Challenger MT655B, 1500 hrs. ..............$129,500 ‘08 Challenger 665B, 2400 hrs. ............$129,500 ‘08 Versatile 400, 4WD, 500 hrs. ..........$169,500 Versatile 2375, 4WD, PS, 1200 hrs. ......$139,500 Versatile 2425, 4WD, 3500 hrs. ............$129,500 Versatile 280, 1200 hrs., Auto-Guide ....$129,500 ‘07 Agco DT240A, 2400 hrs. ................$129,500 Agco RT155A w/loader, 2300 hrs. ........$107,500 AC 180D w/loader......................................$7,950 ‘10 MF 8650, 500 hrs., all options ........$149,500 ‘09 MF 8650, 1800 hrs. ........................$134,500

<< www.TheLandOnline.com >>

FOR SALE: '70 MF 30 industrial ldr tractor, 2600 hrs, MF34 ldr w/ 80” material bucket & tine bucket, 60HP, Perkins gas engine (easy on gas), Instant Reverse Trans w/ torque convertor, very good cond, $6,000/OBO. Wanamingo MN area. Ask for Rodney, 507-272-8489



‘10 JD 8270R, MFWD, PS, 1300 front axle, 380/90R50 duals, 4400 hrs. ........................$128,500 ‘09 JD 8430, MFWD, PS, 380/90R50 duals, 60 GPM hyd. pump, 4 remotes, wgts., 5210 hrs.......$126,000 ‘96 Cat 45, 16” tracks, 8600 hrs. ..................$28,500 ‘03 JD 9420, PS, 710/70R42 duals, 4500 hrs. Nice Tractor..................................................$125,000 ‘11 NH T9.560 tractor, 710/70R42 Michelin duals, high capacity hydraulic pump, auto steer, 310 hrs., warranty ......................................................$227,500 ‘11 NH T8.275, MFWD, 480/80R50 duals, 340 hrs., warranty ......................................$135,000 ‘07 CIH Puma 180, MFWD, PS, 14.9R46 singles, 3800 hrs.........................................................$63,500 ‘09 JD 9770 combine, Contour Master, duals, 1060 sep. hours ..........................................$152,500 ‘08 JD 9670 combine, 20.8R38 duals, Contour Master, 1137 sep. hrs. ................................$149,500 ‘08 JD 612C non-chopping 12x30 cornhead..$47,000 ‘11 JD 635F flexible platform, unused, shedded ......................................................................$36,500 ‘08 JD 512, 9-shank, 22’6” folding disk ripper ......................................................................$26,000 ‘08 JD 338 small square baler, no thrower ....$11,500


THE LAND, APRIL 19, 2013


THE LAND, APRIL 19, 2013



036 Tractors

036 Tractors

036 Tractors

036 Harvesting Equip

037 Harvesting Equip

• Mister Squeeze Cattle Chutes & Hd. Gates • Peck Grain Augers – Big Discounts • MDS Buckets for Loaders & Skidloaders • Powder River Livestock & Horse Equipment • Tire Scrapers for Skidsteers, 6’-9’ • Hay feeders for horned animals • Jari Sickle Mowers

• Goat & Sheep Feeders

• Hyd. Dump Trailer • Vermeer #206 16 hp. Stump Chipper • Gehl 312 Scavenger II Spdr., 260 bu., very good • Melroe 60’ Harrow • Kewanee #700, 141⁄2’ Rock Disk • JD BWA 20’ Disk • ‘05 Toro Z-master Zero Turn, 72” deck, 590 hrs. • Grasshopper Zero Turn, 48” deck

• Field & Brush Mowers • Roto-Hog Power Tillers • Stump Grinders • Log Splitters • Chippers • Power Graders • Power Wagons • Leaf & Lawn Vacuums • Versa-trailers

CIH 800 planter, w/ DJ Feedmaster 12R30", vertical fold, $4,800/OBO. 515-3878707 or 515-864-8098 FOR SALE: '02 Agco White 16x22 planter, dual list assist, Martin row cleaners, liq fert w/ elec pump, 3 corn & 1 soybean plates, also 4 extra row cleaners. 320-583-5324

• Bush Hog 3 pt. 72” Roto-tiller • Squeeze Chute w/wheels • Reconditioned Smidley 7’ & 10’ Steer Stuffers & Used Smidley Hog Feeders

Wanted to Buy: Reel-type rock picker; Rock windrower; Calf huts & Hog Feeders; GT grain dryers



Office Location - 305 Bluff Street Hutchinson, MN 55350

320-587-2162, Ask for Larry


Parker 710 grain cart, 30.5x32, tarp............$15,900 Loftness 20’ shredder, shapr!......................$14,900 ‘00 JD 9200, 20.8x42, auto steer, Woods 20’ shredder, mounted ....................$11,900 3541 hrs. ................................................$105,000 JD 275 disc mower, QC hitch, 7 disc ............$9,500 ‘04 JD 9420, 800/70R38, 5038 hrs. ..........$129,500 JD 843 loader, 96” bucket, Like New! ..........$13,000 ‘02 JD 8420, duals,6760 hrs. ....................$109,000 ‘96 Cat 55, 25” tracks, 4412 hrs., Sharp!....$72,500 ‘90 JD 4955, MFWD, duals, 9142 hrs. ........$45,900 ‘09 JD 1770NTCCS, 24R30, refuge, no mon. ‘84 JD 4650, MFWD, P. shift, 6511 hrs........$44,500 ................................................................$133,900 ‘97 JD 6400, MFWD, 640 NSL ldr, ‘88 JD 7300, 12R30, NO I & H, 200 mon ....$10,900 4940 hrs ..................................................$27,900 ‘69 JD 4520, syncro, Allied ldr., 7990 hrs. ..$12,900 (2) Used 36” tracks ............................(Pair) $1,500 JD 48C deck, (off JD LX tractor) ......................$450 JD 826, elec. start, tall spout, Won’t Run ..........Call Used Wold 14.9x34 front duals for 8000 series ................................................$2,500 JD 1032 Recoil, Parting Out - Eng. Bad ............Call JD 826 Recoil, Dirty Carb. - Won’t Run ............Call Pihrana 44” mulching deck from LX188 ............Call JD 567 baler, surface wrap ..........................$16,500 JD Power Pak Blower/Vac, 6 hp. from Brent 1080 grain cart, Trelleborg ................$28,500 445AWS ........................................................$350





JD 1545, 4WD, FM, 31 hp. dsl., 72”, 403 hrs. ....................................................$15,500 JD X729, 4WD/4WS, fuel inj., 62C, 354 hrs. $8,450 JD GX345, 20 hp., 54C deck, 483 hrs. ..........$3,950 JD Z720A, 25 hp. Kohler, 60”, 163 hrs. ........$6,250 JD 757 ZTrak, 25 hp., 60”, 439 hrs. ..............$5,950 JD 757 ZTrak, 25 hp., 60”, 618 hrs. ..............$4,950 JD X724 AWS, 27 hp., 62X, 216 hrs. ............$6,850 JD X485 AWS, 25 hp., 62C, OH’d eng., 705 hrs. ....................................................................$4,950 JD X534, AWS, 25 hp., 54X, 332 hrs. ..........$4,450 JD GX345, 20 hp., 54C, 292 hrs. ..................$4,250

JD GX345, 20 hp., 54C, 851 hrs. ..................$3,250 JD X360 Hydro, 48X, 411 hrs. ......................$3,450 JD LX280, 18 hp. Kaw, 48C, snowthrower, 806 hrs. ......................................................$2,250 JD LX279, 17 hp. liquid, 48C, 733 hrs. ........$1,750 JD LT180 Hydro, 48”, 498 hrs.......................$1,850 JD LX227, AWS, 17 hp., 48” ........................$1,450 Snapper 16 hp. rider, elec. start, 42” ................$650 NH 105A 3 pt. tiller, 50” wide ........................$1,200 JD #35 tiller, Cat1, 540 PTO, 48” ..................$1,750 Woods PRD 6000, 5’ grooming mower ........$1,250

DETKE-MORBAC CO. Blue Earth, MN • 507-526-2714 www.detkemorbac.com


✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰ ✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰

<< www.TheLandOnline.com >>


12' JD grain drill w/grass seed attach., 7” spacings, low rubber. 507-764-3609



“Where Farm and Family Meet”

037 Harvesting Equip

FOR SALE: IH Super WD-6, JD 4760 MFW w/ duals & McCormick TTX210 MFWD, Retiring, all farm equip. FOR SALE: '01 JD 925F full- FOR SALE: '97 2188 AFX ro- JD 9500, sidehill combine, wgts, $32,500. JD 4450 QR FOR SALE: '81 IHC 1086 tor 2WD, 3760 eng hrs, 2430 4WD, Ag Leader insight finger flex head, multi836 hrs, 540 & 1000 PTO, duchannel frame, strong enno cab, needs TLC, runs w/duals & rock box, 4,125 sep hrs, '01 1020 bean head, color display for yield & point hookup, PTO drive als, wgts, Estate tractor, gine, $4,500. 712-288-6442 good, $12,000. (715) 299-4430 hrs, shedded, $14,900. 763Crary air reel. All exc, one moisture. Chopper & shafts, used on 9510, always $97,500. 608-792-8051 263-2619 owner. $80,000/pkg/OBO. spreader, very good cond. stored inside when not 507-227-2874 608-687-8265 or 507-429-4561 used, low acres, $13,500 OBO. SC MN. 507-920-3249 ~ NEW EQUIPMENT/BIG INVENTORY ~ Specializing in most AC FOR SALE: New Gordon ro- Planting Equip 038 Notch Equipment: • Grasshopper Lawn Mowers – Special Price Now! used tractor parts for tor bars; used Air Foil • Rock Buckets • Grapple Forks • Manure Forks • “Tire” feeders & waterers sale. Now parting out FOR SALE: '06 JD 635F sieves for Case IH 2188, bean head, exc. cond., (2) JD 7000 planters. 6x30, 1 • Bale Spears • Hi-Volume Buckets & Pallet Forks • MDS Roto King Round Bale Processor for WD, 190XT, #200 & D-17 2388, or 2588s; Like new 6' $21,000. 320-979-6313 dry fertilizer & 1 without. • Bale Transports & Feeder Wagons, 16’-34’ skidsteers, tractors, loaders or telehandlers tractors. Rosenberg grain tank unload ext for • Adult & Young Stock Feeders & Bale Feeders • Good Stock of parts for GT Tox-O-Wic Grain $6,250 & $5,250. (715)556Tractor Salvage Case IH 6088 or 7088. 320• Land Levelers Dryers, Also, Some Used Parts 0045 FOR SALE: '92 Bidwell 666 507-848-6379 or 507-236-8726 693-9399 Smidley Equipment: • Sitrex Wheel Rakes combine w/8 bar Pickett 10 lids for 1.6 bu. JD planter • Steer Stuffers • Hog Feeders • Hog Huts • Walco 3 pt. Mowers header. 218-849-7601 box, hook in the middle; 10 • Calf Creep Feeders • Lamb & Sheep Feeders • Bale Baskets monitor sensor adaptors, • Cattle & Hog Waterers • Mini Scale • SI Feeders & Bunks weather pack to Cannon Sioux Equipment: • (Hayhopper) Bale Feeders (Prices Lowered) • Gates • Calving Pens • Haymax Bale Feeders • Mandako Land Rollers sure seal harness (A3WPH• Cattle Panels • Feeders Panels • Head Gates • E-Z Trail Wagons, Boxes & Grain Carts SSS); Johnson sickle ser• Hog Feeders • Squeeze Chutes & Tubs • Calftel Hutches & Animal Barns vicer, long handle; 4 Coop• Port-A-Hut Shelters (Many Sizes) • R&C Poly Bale Feeders er Discover ATR M+S • Bergman Cattle Feeders – Special Prices • JBM hay & grain feeders & bunks 235/85R16 tires. (2) Preci• Lorenz Snowblowers – Special Prices • Corral Panels & Horse Stalls sion finger units for JD • GT (Tox-O-Wic) Grain Dryers, 350-800 bu. • EZ-Trail Head Movers & Bale Racks planter; (8) bullseye seed • Sheep & Calf Feeders • Roda Mini-Spreaders tubes for JD 7000 planter. • Livestock Equipment by Vern’s Mfg. • Amish Built Oak Bunk Feeders & Bale Racks 507-317-2588 • Powder River Crowding Tub & Alley • Walco Bale Trailers


AZLAND BOX SEED TENDERS 2 Box Standard .......................... $10,550 4 Box Scale & Talc ......................$20,750 4 Box Skid Type ..........................$13,610 SEED SHUTTLE BULK SEED TENDERS SS290 ..........................$15,000-$17,650 SS400............................$20,500-$27,500 E-TRAIL GRAIN CARTS

710 Bu ---ON HAND ......................$18,795 510 Bu ---ON HAND ........Starting at $10,995 HARVEST INTERNATIONAL/AUGERS T10-32 – 52 Truck Auger ........$3,500-$4,950 H10-62 – 82 Swing Hopper......$8,500-$9,750 H13-62 – 92 Swing Hopper ..$13,500-$18,500 12 Volt Auger Mover ......................$1,995 Hyd Auger Mover ..........................$1,350 SNOWBLOWERS! ALL SIZES ON HAND!

STROBEL BOX SEED TENDERS 2 Box, ON HAND............................$9,080 4 Box........................................$13,566 GRAVITY WAGONS 500 E-Z Trail, ON HAND ........$7,995-$9,020 400 E-Z Trail ......................$6,895-$7,250 STROBEL BULK SEED TENDERS BT-200, ON HAND ............Starts at $18,620 BT-300, ON HAND ............Starts at $23,485 NEW KOYKER LOADERS CALL FOR OTHER SIZES 510 Loader, 2WD, ON HAND ............$5,895 585 Koyker loader, FWA ..................$6,995 Koyker 210 Auger Vac....................$23,500 COMBINE HEAD MOVERS 21’-30’ ..............................$2,750-$3,520 NEW ROUND BALE RACKS 10’x23’, On Hand ..........................$1,995 NEW WHEEL RAKES 14 Wheel, high capacity ..................$8,995 12 Wheel, high capacity ..................$8,495 Land Levelers, 10’ and 12’ ............ON HAND


‘08 Salford RTS, new blade ......$39,999

10”x71’ Westfield Swing Hopper w/right angle drive ..$4,750 Maurer Gooseneck Grain Trailer ..........................$6,500 ‘11 NH 6750 Disc Mower ....................................$7,750 ‘81 Versatile 555 Tractor, 5600 hrs., 3 pt., PTO, very nice ..................................................$12,750


FOR SALE: 7000 JD planters, 4, 6, & 8 row, w/ dry fert, some without. 6620 & 7720 combines, corn & bean heads; TW35 Ford, MFWD, completely OH'd. 320-351-8990 FOR SALE: 75' White 5400 6R planter w/30” spacings, Dickey John seed counting monitor, exc. cond. 701-6400671 or 218-557-8558 FOR SALE: Hyd flat fold markers, to fit planter/ tool bar, or custom fit, $3,000. 712-297-7951 FOR SALE: JD 1520 20' notill drill, 10” spacings, HD markers w/ cart, exc cond, $12,000/OBO. 507-647-4247 FOR SALE: JD 7000 8RN corn planter, herb & insect, finger pickup corn & soybeans cups, $3,250. 320-2862685 FOR SALE: JD 7100 corn planter, 16R22”, insect, hyd fold, trash whips, corn & bean meters, gone through yearly, excellent condition. 507-532-2094

Great Plains #1525P

6-30 TWIN Row No-Til Planter (07) (Has Finger Pick up) (Have Complete Units For Both Corn & Beans) PLANT in Standing Stalks 3 Pt or Pull Type 850 Acres Loaded Almost New. 319-347-6138 Can Del JD 750 No-til Drill 1993, 15', 10” spacing, $14,500. Two NH3 sidedress bars with Continental 9500 meters, 8 Stalk stompers for JD 608C cornhead, $950. Four Motorola VHF business band radios capable of narrow banding. For details and pictures www.koosmannfarms.com, or call (320) 808-8404

Planting Equip

038 Planting Equip


Seed vac w/2 section gravity box, $3,995; forklift, 3 28 Ft Great Plains/Kent Discovator/Finisher Series stage, fits tractor 3 pt., 7/High Residue Drag (Hi $2,500; Brown box scraper, Trash Shanks) Very Good. $1,900. 507-240-0294 #165 Unverferth 30 Ft Crumbler (16“ Diameter Truax flex II 10' grass drill, Basket) 319-347-2349 Can good cond., has 3 boxes for Deliver seeding a variety of grass species & small seed, $3,000. 507-235-6680

DAMAGED GRAIN WANTED ANYWHERE We buy damaged corn and grain any condition - wet or dry TOP DOLLAR We have vacs and trucks




DELUX 13575, 1350 BPH MC 690, 1 Ph. BEHLEN 380, 1 Ph. HOPPER TANKS KANSUN 8-17-15 BEHLEN, 1600 bu. BEHLEN 700 USED LEGS USED AUGERS UNIVERSAL 1500 12”x71’ MAYRATH BU, 38’ SWINGAWAY BEHLEN 4000 BU, 10”x61’ MAYRATH 105’ SWINGAWAY We carry a full line of Behlen & Delux dryer parts; Mayrath and Hutch augers parts. Large inventory of Welda sprockets, hubs, bearings, chain & pulleys.

110 S. Main, P.O. Box 249 • Kiester, MN




• Wilrich 614, 26’ disc • Wilrich Quad X2 60’, rolling basket • Wilrich Quad X, 55’, rolling basket • CIH TII, 55’, rolling basket • CIH TII, 45’, harrow • WIC 24-22 cultivator • Hardi 6600, 132’ • Hardi Com. 1500, 132’ USED EQUIPMENT • Hardi Com. 1200, 132’ • Hardi Nav. 1100, 88’ • White 8524-22 planter • Hardi Nav. 1000, 88’ • Tebben 45’ Land Roller • Hardi Nav. 950, 88’, (2) • Picket one-step 8-22 • Hardi Nav. 1000, 66’ • Pickett thinner, 24-22 • ‘12 Amity 12-22/wheel • Alloway 22’ shredder • ‘12 Amity 12-22 • Alloway 20’ shredder • ‘10 Amity 12-22 • Killbros 1810 cart, tracks • ‘07 Amity 8-22 • Brent 410 grain cart • Amity 8-22, (3) • Westfield MK 13-91 • ‘11 Artsway 6812, 12-22 • Westfield MK 10x71 • ‘10 Artsway 6812, 12-22 • Sheyenne 1410, 10x66 • ‘11 Artsway 6812, 8-22 hopper • ‘06 Artsway 6812, 8-22 • Feterl 12x72 hopper • Artsway 898, 8-22 • Feterl 8x51 hopper • Artsway 692, 8-22 • Tebben 45’ Land Roller • Amity 12-22 topper, • REM 2100 grain vac. St Ft, (3) • ‘09 JD 2700, 7-30 • Alloway 12-22 topper, • Wilrich Soil-Pro, 9-24 St. Ft, (3) • Wilrich 957, 7-30 w/harrow • Artsway 8-22 topper • DMI 730B, 7-30 • Tebben 5-30 deep till • Agco • Hardi Sprayers • REM Grain Vac • Woods Mowers • J&M Grain Carts • Westfield Augers • Sunflower Tillage • White Planters • Wilrich Tillage

Clara City, MN 56222 320-847-3218 www.wearda.com

© 2011 CNH America LLC. New Holland is a registered trademark of CNH America LLC

TJOSVOLD EQUIPMENT Sales & Service • West Hwy. 212 — Granite Falls, MN 56241 800-337-1581 • 320-564-2331 • After Hours (320) 212-4849 www.tjosvoldequip.com


‘10 NH T9040 HD, 4WD, 710/70R42 duals, 1025 hrs., 750-WAAS ................................$215,000 ‘05 NH TG210, MFD, susp., 380/90R50 duals, 4 remotes, 3650 hrs...................................$105,000 ‘97 NH 7740, SLE pkg., MFD, w/cab, A/C, loader & bucket ........................................Coming In ‘00 NH TL90, MFD, No Cab, w/Bush Hog loader, 3000 hrs. ......................................Coming In Spring ‘08 Buhler 435, 4WD, 710/70R42 duals, 2050 hrs.....................................................$175,000 ‘03 JD 4310, MFD w/power rev., 4210 loader & bucket ......................................................$17,900


‘96 CIH 2188 w/30.5x32 ............................Coming In ‘03 CIH 1020, 30’ flex head ......................Coming In ‘07 NH CR9060, 800 hrs., 420/80R46 duals ..................................................................$195,000 ‘03 NH CR960, 2000 hrs., 20.8R42 duals ..$129,000 ‘05 NH CR940 w/RWA, 1000 hrs., 520/85R42 duals ..........................................................$159,500 ‘01 NH TR99, 2100 hrs., 18.4R42 (4), Y/M, GPS ..........................................................Coming In ‘01 NH TR99, RWA combine, straddle duals, bin ext., chaff spreader, 40K in parts, field ready! ............................................................................Call ‘00 NH 996, 8R30” cornhead, Loaded ..........$25,500 ‘00 NH 996, 8R30” cornhead w/K&M chopper ....................................................................$39,950 ‘98 NH 973, 25’ flex head................................$9,500 (2) ‘97 NH 973, 30’ flex head ....................Coming In NH 974, 10R22” cornhead ........................Coming In ‘93 NH 974, 12R22” cornhead ..................Coming In ‘88 NH 974, 6R30” cornhead ..........................$6,950 ‘10 NH 99C, 8R30” chopping cornhead ....Coming In ‘04 NH 98C, 6R30” cornhead, Like New ......$33,000 ‘95 NH 974, 6R30” cornhead w/poly, Rebuilt ....................................................................$10,900 ‘00 NH 73C, 30’ flex head ..........................Coming In ‘00 NH TR99, 18.4R42 duals, Nice ............Coming In ‘95 NH TR97, 18.4R42, duals....................Coming In CIH 1000 Series, 8R22” cornhead ............Coming In


‘10 Case 100, 50’ crumbler, Like New ......Coming In ‘10 JD 200, 45’ crumbler ..............................$15,000 ‘11 Case 870, 11-shank, ripper w/spike harrow ..Call ‘07 Wilrich 5830, 31’ chisel plow w/harrow ..................................................................Coming In ‘10 NH H6730, 5 disc mower ....................Coming In ‘09 NH H6740, 6 disc mower ....................Coming In ‘08 NH 671, 6 disc mower ........................Coming In ‘11 Wilrich 657DCR, 23’ w/discs & rolling baskets......................................................Coming In ‘09 Wilrich 657DCR, 23’ w/discs & harrow ..$33,950 ‘00 JD 980, 45’ field cult. w/harrow, Nice! Coming In ‘88 CIH 4900, 45’ field cult. w/harrow ......Coming In ‘07 Wilrch Quad X 42’ field cult. w/harrow & baskets..................................................Coming In Glencoe 28’ field cult. w/harrow......................$1,800 ‘03 Alloway 22’ semi-mounted shredder ........$9,500 ‘09 Loftness 240 shredder, Like New ............$19,500 ‘00 Balzer 1500, 15’ shredder ........................$7,500 Westfield MK100-61 swing hopper auger............Call (2) Parker 2500 wagons ..........................Ea. $5,000 ‘05 Parker 505 wagon ..................................$12,900 Parker 2600 wagon w/roll tarp & brush auger ......................................................................$5,500 ‘05 Wilrich 957, DDR, 9-shank, 24” w/harrow ....................................................................$29,500 ‘11 Tebben TC94, 10’ rotary cutter ................$5,950 Red Devil 9654B 96” snowblower, 2-stage ....$2,950 ‘99 NH 648 A.T.W. round baler ....................$12,950


‘11 NH L220, 75 hrs., cab, AC, high flow plus, 2-spd...................................................................Call ‘05 NH LS185B, cab & heater, hyd. QA, 78” bucket, wgts. ............................................................$25,500 ‘97 NH LX485 w/cab & heat, 60” bucket ......$13,950 ‘05 NH LS185B w/cab & heat, hyd., QA, 1500 hrs.......................................................$24,500 ‘84 Case 1840, diesel, ROPS, w/bucket, 3100 hrs. ..................................................................Coming In

Visit Us At: www.tjosvoldequip.com

“Where Farm and Family Meet”

1409 Silver Street E. Mapleton, MN 56065 507-524-3726 massopelectric.com

KIESTER IMPLEMENT, INC. << www.TheLandOnline.com >>


31 JD 8630, 4x4, 50 Ser. En.............................$19,900 JD 8450, 4x4 ..............................................$27,900 JD 7800, MFD, 740 loader..........................$59,000 CIH 8950, MFD............................................$59,900 JD 4440, P. shift ..........................................$22,900 IH 1256 ..............................................Coming Soon CIH DX25 w/mower ..........................Coming Soon CIH MX270, MFD ........................................$69,900 (2) IH 1026 hydro ..............................From $12,900 IH 756, gas ....................................................$7,900 Farmall SMTA ................................................$5,900 ‘77 JD 4630, PS ..........................................$16,900 IH 460, 560, 560D ..........................................CALL JD loaders, many to choose, ....Starting at $2,495 New Koyker loaders ......................................CALL Gehl 4635 skid loader ................................$12,900 IH 826, German diesel ..................................$8,900 CIH 5120, MFD w/loader ..........................$31,900 JD 4030, open station ................................$14,900 JD 3020, gas ................................................$7,900 JD 720, diesel................................................$6,900 JD 720, gas ..................................................$6,900 JD Loaders - Special: 48, 58, 146, 148, 158, Koyker 510, K5................................................CALL JD Soundguard Cabs, Call for Info

THE LAND, APRIL 19, 2013

Intl 800, 6R30” planter, 900 White 5100 4R planter, dry updates, dry fert, cross fertilizer, 540 PTO pump, auger, insect, $2,500 OBO. SM3000 monitor, wide or 507-456-2566 narrow row. Very nice shape, $4,000. (715)821-8409 JD 750 drill, 20', w/electric scale & markers, exc cond, $12,500/OBO. 712-299-1478 Tillage Equip 039

LARSON IMPLEMENTS 5 miles east of Cambridge, MN on Hwy. 95

763-689-1179 Look at our Web site for pictures & more listings Free delivery on combines in MN, Eastern ND & SD


Tillage Equip


Tillage Equip


FOR SALE: '97 JD 980 38 ½' FOR SALE: 5/16 pull type auto reset plow; 6 or 7 botfield cultivator w/ 3 bar tom 18" auto reset pull type harrow, $13,500. 507-327-3476 plow. (320)760-5622 FOR SALE: 2004 John Deere 2700 Ripper, 5 shank, new FOR SALE: 6 or 7 bottom trailer type plow; also 5-16 cover boards, 70% left on Melroe pull type plow. 320shovels, stored inside. Ex594-2763 cellent condition. $22,500 (320) 295-2322 FOR SALE: 7800 JD Plow 7 bottom onland- vari-width spring re-set, with coulters, good condition. 507-553-6218 (507) 327-8431

Tillage Equip


Tillage Equip


FOR SALE: 53' Summers FOR SALE: JD 960 field cultivator 38 1/2' JD 960 Field HD coil spring drag, very cultivator w/3-bar harrow good shape. 507-326-5861 and walking tandem axles FOR SALE: Case IH 4800 good condition $6,400 (507) field cultivator, good cond, 327-1103 $8,000 OBO. 507-380-2956 FOR SALE: Summers drag, FOR SALE: Case IH Model 48', $1,750; JD 1100 mount4800 31' cultivator, 3 bar ed digger, $750; RM 8R drag, nice, asking $7,000. cult, $500; JD AW 13' disc, Phone: 507-430-2946 $350. 320-253-9194 FOR SALE: JD 630 disc, 15', good blades, 9” spacings. 507-830-0721

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THE LAND, APRIL 19, 2013 << www.TheLandOnline.com >>

‘12 CIH 500 Quad Trak, 1875 hrs., 30” tracks, 4 hyd., Luxury ‘12 CIH Magnum 290, MFWD, cab ............................$245,000 590 hrs., , 3 pt., hyd. valves, ‘11 JD 9430, 1100 hrs., 3 pt., 540/1000 PTO, luxury cab, 19 1000 PTO, 620x42 tires & duals hyd. pump, 380x50 tires & duals, front duals ......$178,000 ..................................$229,000 ‘10 JD 9630T, 955 hrs., 30” ‘04 Buhler Versatile 2210, MFWD, 4081 hrs., 18-spd. PS, tracks, front wgts., 4 hyd. Super Steer, 4 hyd., 1000 PTO, ..................................$237,000 ‘03 NH 425, 3750 hrs., 24-spd. 20.8x42 tires & duals, also front duals & wgts. ......$75,000 trans., 710x38 tires & duals, ‘94 NH 8770, MFWD, 5242 hrs., 4 hyd. ........................$122,000 COMBINES 3 pt., 1000 PTO, 14.9x46 tires & duals, 4 hyd. ............$55,000 ‘08 JD 9770, 1380 eng./938 sep. ‘02 NH TN75, MFWD, 3015 hrs., hrs., 4x4, HID lights, Contour open station, 3 pt., 540 PTO, 3 Master w/hi-torque variable hyd. w/NH 32LA loader spd., chopper, 1250/45/32 tires w/joystick control, 16.9x30 ..................................$162,500 tires ..............................$20,000 ‘10 JD 9770, 917 eng./704 sep. ‘94 JD 7800, 2WD, 8500 hrs., hrs., Contour Master, Pro-drive PS, 540/1000 PTO, 3 hyd., trans., HID lights, hi-torque 18.4x42 tires & duals ..$41,000 variable spd., 20.8x42 duals, ‘09 JD 6430 Premium, 2WD, chopper ......................$185,000 1660 hrs., 16-spd., 3 pt. ‘98 JD 9610, 3578 eng./2379 ....................................$48,000 sep. hrs., chopper, 20.8x42 ‘83 JD 2550, 2WD, 4510 hrs., duals, bin ext. ..............$55,000 Year Around cab, 3 pt., 540 ‘09 CIH 7120, 905 eng./711 sep. PTO w/JD 245 loader ..$15,500 hrs., tracker, chopper, rock ‘12 CIH Magnum 260, MFWD, trap, Pro 600 w/yield, moisture 525 hrs., Deluxe cab, auto & mapping, 520x42 tires & steer, 4 hyd., 540/1000 PTO, duals ..........................$175,000 3 pt., 420x46 tires & duals ‘09 CIH 7120, 1065 eng./816 ..................................$159,000 sep. hrs., Leather seat, tracker, ‘07 CIH Magnum 245, 3250 chopper, rock trap, Pro 600 hrs., 3 pt., 540/1000 PTO, w/yield, moisture & mapping, 4 hyd., 420x46 tires, 18.4x42” 20.8x42 tires & duals $175,000 duals ..........................$107,000 ‘09 CIH 7088, 748 eng./1007 ‘76 Ford 5600, cab, air, 3 pt., sep. hrs., 4x4, tracker, chopper, 2 hydraulics..................$12,500 rock trap, power bin ext., 4WD & TRACK TRACTORS 18.4x42 duals ............$165,000 ‘94 CIH 1688, 3734 eng. hrs., ‘12 JD 9560R, 680 hrs., PS, 4 hyd., 800x32 Michelin radials, rock trap, chopper, bin ext., duals ..........................$275,000 30.5x32 tires ................$30,000 ‘87 CIH 1640, 3468 hrs., rock ‘10 JD 9630T, 1055 hrs., PS, 30” tracks, front wgts., 5 hyds. trap, auto header, 24.5x32 ..................................$235,000 tires ..............................$23,000 Check Out Our Large ‘12 JD 9510R, 1288 hrs., On-line Inventory of 710x42 tires & duals, power Trucks, Semis & shift, 5 hyds., front & rear Industrial Equipment wgts. ..........................$235,000 @ www.larsonimplements.com

United Farmers Cooperative

United Farmers Cooperative

Main Office: Ag Service Center 840 Pioneer Avenue P.O. Box 4 Lafayette, MN 56054-0004

USED DRYERS & AUGERS Good Selection of Used Dryers - Call! Sheynne-Westco 10x91 swing, 1 year old ................................................................CALL Kansun 10-25-215, FF 190, GSI 260, GSI 1218 ................................................CALL Westfield MK 13”x71’ ............................$8,900 Feterl 10”x66’, swing ..............................$4,495 Sudenga 8”x51’, electric ........................$3,990 Sudenga 10”x41’, electric ......................$3,995 Sudenga 10”x41’, electric auger............$3,995 Sudenga 10”x31’, electric ......................$3,495 Feterl 12”x72’, swing drive ....................$7,495


Bobcat S850, heat, 2-spd.....................$44,900 Bobcat S750, heat, 2-spd.....................$38,800 Bobcat S205, heat, 2-spd. ......3 From $23,800 Bobcat A300, 2-spd. ............................$17,600 (3) Bobcat S130, heat ..........................$15,600 Bobcat 753, heat ..................................$14,900 Gehl 5640E, heat ..................................$22,900 Gehl 5240E, heat, 2-spd. ......................$24,900 Gehl 3610 w/bucket................................$7,250 NH 455, bucket ......................................$6,800


(2) Krause 18’ ripper ............................$44,800 Krause 12’ ripper ..................................$25,500 (3) Wilrich 957, 7 shank ..............From $22,600 (2) DMI 730 ripper ................................$16,900

507-228-8224 or 800-642-4104 www.ufcmn.com LeSueur • 800-252-5993

DMI 530, 5-shank..................................$12,900 JD 2700, 9-24 ripper ............................$26,900 JD 2700, 7-shank ..................................$25,900 Wilrich 513, 9-shank ............................$44,500 Wilrich 957, 9-shank ............................$39,600 Wilrich QX, 60’ basket ..........................$66,500 Wilrich QX2, 60’, basket ......................$52,900 Great Plains Turbo Till, 24’ ..................$39,800 Sunflower 4411-7 ..................................$16,950 JD 980, 44.5’, 3 bar ..............................$19,600 CIH Tigermate II, 54.5’ ..........................$41,500 CIH 730B ..............................................$20,900 CIH 4800, 36.5’, 3 bar ............................$6,975 JD 400 rotary hoe, 40’ ............................$8,900 JD 3 pt. plow, 5 bottom ..........................$2,850


Fast 1000 gal., 90’ boom ........................$9,900 Redball 580, 80’, 1600 gal. ..................$18,900 Redball 570, 1200 gal., 60’ boom ........$16,400 Redball 670, 1200 gal., 66’ boom ........$13,800 Hardi 6600 Commander, 132’ boom ....$63,900 Top Air 800/gal, 60 ’ boom ....................$9,350


Minnesota 250, 10 ton gear....................$1,900 Used grain legs............................................Call Loftness 15’ chopper` ............................$6,975 H & S 430 spreader, hyd drive................$9,900 Gehl 1410 spreader ................................$8,250 Woods Batwing mower, 15’....................$8,475 Used Snowblowers......................................Call


“Where Farm and Family Meet”




Tillage Equip

YOUR SPRAYER HEADQUARTERS (B) Belle Plaine, MN • 1051 Old Hwy. 169 Blvd.


IH 720 6x18 on-land plow w/ coulters, $5,900. (715)3772940 IHC 415 culti-packer, 16', shedded, like new, $8,900; Crustbuster 14', minimum till drill, $3,200; JD 3800 silage chopper, 2RW head, shedded, very good, $2,900. 507-760-8132 JD 30' 235 Dura cushion disc. new bushings & hoses, harrow, $16,500. (715)377-2940 JD 980, 30' field cult., all new bushings & shovels, avg. paint, $11,500 OBO. 952-2402193 Kent 48 Ft Discovator/ Finisher (Hi-Trash Shanks) New Blades Good Cond. Mandako 42 Ft Land Roller Like New (Bought Larger One). 319-347-6677 Can Deliver Sunflower 5034 field cult, 34', new tires, knock on sweeps, $16,000/OBO. 515-291-5530

Machinery Wanted


All kinds of New & Used farm equipment – disc chisels, field cults, planters, soil finishers, cornheads, feed mills, discs, balers, haybines, etc. 507-438-9782

WANTED: Buying Tractors, Skid Loaders, Equipment one piece or entire line or Estate. Send list to: PO Box 211, Oronoco, MN 55991 WANTED: Corn picker, 1R pull-behind, must be in good cond., stored inside. 218-736-7480 WANTED: Want to find my Dad's 1968 1750 Oliver gas tractor SN 203401. Call 507317-8103

(507) 889-4221

‘10 JD 4830, 934 hrs., 1000 gal. SS, 90’ SS boom $203,500

‘12 JD 4730, 490 hrs., 800 gal. ‘10 JD 8345R, 1749 hrs., IVT, SS, 90’ boom ............$209,500 triples ..........................$239,900


(O)’12 JD 9560R, 400 hrs., IF tires ..................................$319,900 (O)’12 JD 9560R, 400 hrs., Ext. Warranty ........................$312,500 (O)’12 JD 9650R, 400 hrs., Lease Return ......................$312,500 (O)’12 JD 9650R, 400 hrs., Lease Return ........................$312,500 (O)’12 JD 9510R, 400 hrs., Lease Return ........................$289,900 (B)’08 JD 9630, 572 hrs. ..................................................$269,900 (O)’06 JD 9320, 2002 hrs., PS ..........................................$169,500 (B)’04 JD 9120, 2140 hrs., PS ..........................................$129,900 (H)’97 JD 9400, 5712 hrs., 650/42’s ..................................$99,900 (B)’04 NH 9682, 4039 hrs. ..................................................$84,900 (H)’96 JD 8870, 4871 hrs. ..................................................$72,500 (H)’90 JD 8760, 4330 hrs. ..................................................$67,500


(O)’11 JD 9630T, 1200 hrs., Extended Warranty ..............$314,900 (O)’10 JD 9630T, 1650 hrs. ..............................................$287,500 (O)’09 JD 9630T, 1720 hrs. ..............................................$283,000 (H)’09 JD 9630T, 774 hrs. ................................................$279,900 (O)’12 JD 8335RT, 595 hrs., IVT, 18” tracks ....................$269,900 (H)’11 JD 8335RT, 880 hrs., IVT ......................................$258,900 (B)CIH 535 Quadtrac, 2262 hrs., rear PTO ......................$249,500 (O)’12 JD 8310RT, 205 hrs., Extented Warranty ..............$246,900 (O)’05 JD 9320T, 3500 hrs., PTO......................................$184,900 (O)’06 JD 9520T, 3504 hrs., Auto Trac ready....................$159,900 (B)’03 JD 9320T, 4545 hrs., 36” tracks ............................$139,900 (O)’01 JD 9400T, 3100 hrs., 3 pt.......................................$129,900


(B)’10 JD 8345R, 1732 hrs., IVT, triples............................$239,900 (H)’04 JD 8420, 4750 hrs., front duals ..............................$134,900 (B)’12 JD 7330, 500 hrs., auto quad ................................$110,900 (B)’94 JD 7700, 5295 hrs., PS ............................................$56,000 (H)’83 JD 4650, 5542 hrs., MFWD......................................$42,500 (O)’89 JD 4455, 7739 hrs., PS ............................................$41,500 (B)’84 JD 4450, 10,000 hrs., MFWD ..................................$34,900


(B)’12 JD S680, PRWD ....................................................$369,900 (O)’12 JD S680, 511 hrs., Extended Warranty..................$345,000 (H)’12 JD S680, 232 sep. hrs. ..........................................$339,900 (H)’12 JD S680, 246 sep hrs.............................................$329,900 (B)’11 JD 9870, 511 sep. hrs., PRWD, 800/70R38 ..........$309,900 (O)’12 JD S560, 231 sep. hrs., 2630 display ....................$305,900 (O)’10 JD 9870, 671 sep. hrs., PRWD ..............................$299,000 (O)’11 JD 9870, 700 sep. hrs., PRWD ..............................$294,900 (O)’12 JD S670, 336 sep. hrs., Extended Warranty..........$289,900 (B)’10 JD 9770, 328 sep. hrs., PRWD ..............................$275,000 (B)’09 JD 8970, 814 sep. hrs., PRWD ..............................$249,900 (B)’09 JD 9770, 945 sep. hrs., PRWD ..............................$239,900 (B)’08 JD 9870, 1068 sep. hrs., PRWD ............................$210,900 (B)’10 Gleaner A76, 382 sep. hrs. ....................................$199,900 (O)’06 JD 9760, 1918 sep. hrs., duals ..............................$179,900 (B)’06 JD 9760, 1661 sep hrs., PRWD ............................$169,900 (H)’06 JD 9760, 1500 sep. hrs., 20.8x42’s........................$167,500 (O)’06 JD 9760, 1363 sep. hrs., duals ..............................$162,900 (O)’04 JD 9760, 1192 hrs. PRWD ....................................$159,900 (H)’03 JD 9660, 1547 sep. hrs., duals ..............................$133,500

(O)’03 JD 9650, 1740 sep. hrs., duals ..............................$114,900 (O)’00 JD 9650STS, 1567 sep. hrs., 30.5x32’s ..................$99,900 (B)’02 JD 9750STS, 2270 sep. hrs., PRWD ......................$95,900 (B)’98 CIH 2388, 2750 sep., hrs., duals..............................$75,900 (H)’98 JD 9510, 1930 sep. hrs., duals ................................$75,000 (H)’99 JD 9510, 2751 hrs., duals ........................................$69,500 (H)JD 9500, 2812 hrs. ........................................................$49,900 (B)’82 JD 6620SH, side hill, 3231 hrs. ................................$20,900 (B)’82 JD 8820, 5571 hrs., duals ........................................$13,900 (B)’80 JD 7720, 5000 hrs. ..................................................$12,900 (H)’79 JD 7720 ....................................................................$11,900 (O)’81 JD 7720, 3927 hrs. ..................................................$10,500

(O) Owatonna, MN • 3555 SW 18th St.

(507) 451-4054

‘08 CIH 535 Quad, 2306 hrs., PTO ............................$249,500

(O)’09 JD 4730, 1050 hrs., 90’ boom ................................$185,900 (O)’10 AgChem 1184, 1350 hrs., 90’ boom ......................$174,900 (O)’08 Miller Nitro 4240, 1810 hrs., 90’ boom ..................$162,500 (O)’06 JD 4920, 2760 hrs., 120’ boom ..............................$159,900 (O)’05 JD 4720, 3720 hrs., 80’ boom ................................$129,500 (O)’07 Ag Chem SS1074, 2400 hrs., 90’ boom ................$123,900 (O)’04 JD 4710, 1375 hrs, 90; boom ................................$119,900 (O)’04 JD 4710, 2000 hrs., 90’ boom ................................$115,000 (O)’05 Ag Chem 1064, 1835 hrs., 80’ boom......................$114,500 (O)’01 JD 4710, 2400 hrs., 90’ boom ................................$109,900 (O)’02 CIH SPX3200, 2946 hrs., 90’ boom ........................$77,750 (O)’97 Willmar 8400, 3221 hrs., 120’ boom ........................$71,900 (O)’08 Ford F550, 10,000 miles, 80’ truck boom ................$65,500 PLANTERS/SEEDERS (O)’03 Willmar 8650 Eagle, 3326 hrs., 90’ boom ................$61,500 (B)’07 JD 1770NT, 24R30”, CCS ......................................$144,900 (O)’98 Ag Chem 854, 4393 hrs., 80’ boom ........................$53,900 (O)’08 Case IH 1250, 24R30”, CCS..................................$126,900 (O)’92 Tyler Patriot, 800 gal., 80’ boom ..............................$23,900 (H)’04 JD 1890, CCS, 40’ 10” spacing ................................$69,500 (B)Century 750, 60’ boom ....................................................$4,995 (H)’02 Kinze 3600, 16R30”, liq. fert.....................................$58,500 (O)’97 JD 1770, 16R30”, liq. fert. ........................................$49,500 FALL TILLAGE (H)’03 JD 1590, 10” spacing, no-till ....................................$45,900 (B)’12 JD 3710, 10-bottom ..................................................$57,900 (O)’00 JD 1760, 12R30”, liq. fert. ........................................$42,500 (O)’11 JD 3710, 10-bottom ..................................................$52,500 (O)’00 Kinze 3140, 16R30”, stack fold ................................$39,900 (H)’10 JD 3710, 10-bottom ..................................................$44,900 (O)’92 JD 7200, 16R30” ......................................................$32,000 (H)’12 JD 2700, 7-shank ....................................................$39,900 (H)JD 520, 20’, 10” spacing ..................................................$2,950 (H)’11 JD 3710, 8-bottom ....................................................$38,500 (B)JD 7100, 12R30” ..............................................................$2,900 (O)’11 JD 2700, 7-shank, 30” ..............................................$37,900 (H)’02 JD 2400, 24’ chisel plow ..........................................$26,900 SPRING TILLAGE (B)’04 JD 512, 5-shank........................................................$20,900 (O)’08 JD 2210, 55.5’ ..........................................................$57,500 (O)’03 JD 2700, 9-shank ....................................................$20,900 (H)’01 JD 985, 55.5’ ............................................................$26,900 (H)DMI 530, 5-shank ..........................................................$19,500 (H)’97 JD 985, 48.5’ ............................................................$24,000 (O)’98 JD 510 ripper, 7-shank ............................................$13,900 (O)’96 JD 980, 44.5’ ............................................................$21,900 (H)M&W 1465, 7-shank, 24” spacing ....................................$7,950 (O)’97 JD 980, 43.5’ ............................................................$20,900 (B)IH 710, 4-bottom..................................................................$995 (B)’96 JD 980, 36.5’, spike harrow ......................................$18,900 (H)’98 JD 980, 36.5’ ............................................................$17,900 GATORS/UTILITY VECHICLES (B)’97 JD 980, 38.5’ ............................................................$14,900 (B)’12 JD 885D, 4x4, diesel, 152 hrs. ................................$11,900 (O)’94 JD 980, 30.5’ ............................................................$10,900 (O)’10 JD 850D, 4x4, diesel, Camo ....................................$10,250 (B)CIH 4900, 44.5’ ................................................................$9,900 (B)’11 JD 625I, 4x4, EFI, 227 hrs. ........................................$9,950 (B)JD 960, 33.5’ ....................................................................$6,900 (O)’09 JD 620, 4x4, EFI, 438 hrs. ........................................$9,500 (B)’08 JD 620I, 4x4, EFI, 314 hrs. ........................................$8,500 SPRAYERS (H)’08 JD 850D, 4x4, diesel, 700 hrs. ..................................$8,500 (O)’12 JD 4940, 701 hrs., 120’ boom, injection system ....$297,750 (B)’07 JD 620I, 4x4, EFI ........................................................$8,250 (O)’12 JD 4940, 489 hrs., 120’ boom ................................$292,750 (O)’08 JD 620I, 4x4, EFI, 700 hrs. ........................................$7,950 (O)’12 JD 4940, 467 hrs., dry box ....................................$290,500 (B)’07 JD 620I, 4x4, EFI, 922 hrs. ........................................$7,500 (O)’11 JD 4930, 1343 hrs., 120’ boom ..............................$249,750 (O)’08 Can-Am Outlander 800, 1200 miles ..........................$6,500 (O)’11 JD 4930, 1216 hrs., 120’ boom ..............................$245,900 (O)’06 Cub Cadet 4x4, Camo................................................$5,950 (O)’11 JD 4830, 610 hrs., 90’ boom ..................................$220,750 (B)’05 JD 6x4, 802 hrs., hyd. lift ............................................$5,750 (O)’11 JD 4830, 926 hrs., 100’ boom ................................$215,500 (O)’02 JD TX 4x2, 637 hrs., power lift ..................................$3,800 (O)’11 JD 4830, 1030 hrs., 100’ boom ..............................$211,950 (O)’12 JD 4730, 800 gal., 90’ boom ..................................$210,250 UTILITY TRACTORS (O)’12 JD 4730, 800 gal., 90’ boom ..................................$209,900 (B)’11 JD 5085M, 271 hrs., reverser ..................................$48,900 (O)’12 JD 4730, 532 hrs., 90’ boom ..................................$209,800 (O)’07 JD 5325, 320 hrs., loader, OS..................................$36,900 (O)’12 JD 4730, 520 hrs., 90’ boom ..................................$209,700 (H)’07 JD 5325, 362 hrs., loader, MFWD ............................$35,900 (O)’12 JD 4730, 490 hrs., 90’ boom ..................................$209,600 (H)’81 JD 2940, loader ........................................................$16,900 (O)’10 JD 4830, 934 hrs., 90’ boom ..................................$203,500 (B)’77 JD 2440, 5800 hrs., loader ........................................$9,500 (O)’10 JD 4830, 1104 hrs., 90’ boom ................................$201,900 (B)’67 JD 3020G, NF, Syncro................................................$5,900 (O)’07 JD 4930, 3093 hrs., dry box ..................................$200,000 (B)’58 JD 620, NF, PS ........................................................$45,000 (O)’09 JD 4830, 1818 hrs., 100’ boom ..............................$189,500 (B)’57 JD 520, NF, PS ..........................................................$4,500 (O)’09 JD 4830, 2400 hrs, 100’ boom ..............................$185,000 (B)Ford 8N ............................................................................$1,500

Your Southern Minnesota & Western Wisconsin John Deere Commercial Sprayer Center

“Where Farm and Family Meet”

Disc chisels: JD 714 & 712, Glencoe 7400; Field Cults under 30': JD 980, small grain carts & gravity boxes 300-400 bu. Finishers under 20', clean 4 & 6R stalk choppers; Nice JD 215 & 216 flex heads; JD 643 cornheads Must be clean; JD corn planters, 4-6-8 row. 715-299-4338 LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT WANTED: Portable digital livestock scale in good working condition. 507-8242316 WANTED TO BUY: 5 or 7 knife anhydrous ammonia side dress applicator in good to excellent condition. 952-556-5562 WANTED TO BUY: JD 856 precision plus, 16R30” row crop cultivator; ALSO: 3000 bu cone bottom steel bin w/ holding bin for corn. 507327-6430

(H) Hollandale, MN • W. Hwy. 251

<< www.TheLandOnline.com >>

Used parts for IH 720 plows, toggle/auto reset. ½ price of new or less. We ship anywhere. Call Maple Valley Farms Randy Krueger (715)250-1617

(952) 873-2224

33 THE LAND, APRIL 19, 2013

FOR SALE: Wil-Rich 2800 field cultivator, 24' w/ 5 bar flexible harrow, adjustable mounted on cultivator. 320583-7360 FOR SALE: Wil-Rich field cultivator, 30' w/ 3 bar drag, $25,000. 320-587-8823

“Where Farm and Family Meet”

<< www.TheLandOnline.com >>

THE LAND, APRIL 19, 2013




BL BL BL BL BL BL TRACTORS BL ‘77 IHC 1586, 4266 ENG. HRS. ........................$8,950 BL ‘77 IHC 1586, 7368 ENG. HRS. ......................$14,950 ‘11 CIH MAGNUM 340, 1152 ENG HRS ........$199,950 ‘12 CIH MAGNUM 340, 241 ENG. HRS ........$249,000 BL ‘79 JD 4840, 7630 ENG. HRS.........................$29,850 SE ‘76 IHC 886, 4273 ENG. HRS. ........................$12,900 SE ‘11 CIH MAGNUM 340, 1152 ENG. HRS. ......$199,950 BL ‘80 IHC 1086, 5521 ENG HRS ........................$13,750 SE SE ‘00 JD 9400T, 6242 ENG. HRS. ......................$99,750 ‘85 VERSATILE 836, 5775 ENG. HRS. ............$25,000 ‘08 JD 9630, 1940 ENG. HRS ......................$235,000 ‘11 CIH 550 QUAD TRAC, 1106 ENG. HRS. ..$319,900


SE ‘95 FC 650 ......................................................$5,850 SE ‘03 REDBALL 665, 1000 GAL. ........................$13,500 SE SE SKIDSTEERS SE SE ‘06 CAT 410, 2475 HRS. ................................$19,900 BL SE ‘07 CAT 430, 2294 HRS. ................................$19,500 BL BL ‘86 CAT 1845C, 4800 HRS. ............................$14,750 BL SL ‘04 BOBCAT S185, 4986 HRS.........................$17,500 BL SL ‘05 BOBCAT S205, 3418 HRS.........................$17,500 BL SE ‘89 HV 1300, 2386 HRS ..................................$9,250 BL SL ‘08 NH L185, 3989 HRS. ................................$27,500 BL SL OWATONNA 345 MUSTANG, 6916 HRS.............$6,250 BL SL ‘07 BOBCAT S300, 4345 HRS.........................$26,500 BL SL ‘90 GEHL SL3510, 1083 HRS. ..........................$7,800 BL SL ‘90 BOBCAT 542B ............................................$5,500 BL SL ‘11 BOBCAT S650, 780 HRS ..........................$33,500 BL PLANTERS & DRILLS BL BL CIH 950--12X30 ............................................$13,500 BL BL ‘99 JD 1780 ..................................................$52,500 BL BL ‘96 CIH 950--12X30 ......................................$16,500 BL ‘90 CIH 900--12X30 ........................................$8,989 BL BL ‘07 CIH 1250--24--FF, 9500 ACRES ..............$79,900 SL BL CIH 950, 12X30 ..............................................$13,500 SL BL WHITE 1822 ..................................................$29,500 SL BL ‘99 JD 1780 ..................................................$52,500 SL BL ‘99 CIH 955 PT, VF ........................................$23,900 SL BL ‘97 CIH 955 ....................................................$20,900 SL SL ‘97 KINZE 2600..............................................$42,500 SL ‘08 CIH 1240--16X30 PIVOT ..........................$77,500 SL CIH 900 ............................................................$6,500 BL SL ‘10 CIH 1250--24 ........................................$133,000 BL SL ‘08 CIH 1250--24, 6500 ACRES ..................$122,500 BL SL ‘10 CIH 1250 ..................................................$79,500 SE BL ‘94 JD 750 NO TILL, 15’ ................................$13,775 SE SE FIELD CULTIVATORS SE SL ‘01 CIH TIGERMATE II, 54.5’ ..........................$36,500 SL ‘09 CIH TIGERMATE 200, 50.5’ ......................$62,500 BL ‘91 DMI TIGERMATE, 43.5' ..............................$9,875 SE SE ‘94 CIH 4900, 41’ ............................................$7,900 SE SE ‘98 DMI TIGERMATE II, 50.5’ ..........................$25,750 SE SE WILRICH QUAD X, 45’ ....................................$34,500 SE SE ‘06 JD 2210, 45.5’ ........................................$43,000 SE SE COMBINES SE ‘92 JD 9500, 4092 ENG. HRS.........................$35,000 SE SE ‘90 GLEANER R60, 3374 ENG. HRS. ..............$21,500 BL SE ‘93 CIH 1666, 3881 ENG. HRS. ......................$41,000 BL BL ‘04 CIH 8010, 2451 ENG./1835 SEP. HRS.....$179,950 BL BL ‘81 IHC 1440, 3881 ENG. HRS. ........................$9,950 BL BL ‘07 CIH 8010, 2400 ENG. HRS. ....................$185,900 BL BL ‘98 CIH 2388, 3428 ENG. HRS. ......................$78,950 BL BL ‘97 CIH 2166, 2540 ENG. HRS. ......................$74,900 BL BL ‘99 CIH 2388, 2520 ENG. HRS. ......................$98,500 BL BL ‘99 CIH 2388, 3597 ENG. HRS. ......................$88,950 BL BL ‘98 CIH 2366, 2932 ENG/2240 SEP HRS........$88,900 BL BL ‘09 CIH 7120, 1245 ENG./960 SEP. HRS.......$255,000 BL SL ‘03 CIH 2388, 2375 ENG./1861 SEP. HRS.....$127,500 BL SL ‘05 CIH 2388, 2030 ENG. HRS. ....................$142,500 SL SL DEEP TILLAGE SL ‘94 DMI 730 ....................................................$9,500 SL SL ‘98 DMI 730B ................................................$15,000 SL SL ‘95 DMI 730 ....................................................$9,500 SL SL ‘95 DMI 730 ....................................................$9,500 SL SL ‘07 CIH 730C..................................................$32,900 SL SE ‘08 JD 2700--9 ..............................................$38,850 SL SE ‘00 CIH 730B..................................................$25,500 SL SE ‘10 CIH ECOLO-TIGER 870-11S, 7500 ACRES $72,500 SL SE TEBBEN 5-SHANK, 30” ....................................$4,950 SL SE ‘03 JD 2700, 9-SHANK, 24” SPACING ............$26,850 SL SE ‘09 JD 2700, 9-SHANK, 24” SPACING ............$38,850 SL SE ‘08 CIH ECOLO-TIGER 730C ..........................$35,500 SL BL ‘01 WILRICH 957 ............................................$22,950 SL BL ‘08 KS 4850-18..............................................$42,500 SL BL ‘03 JD 2700-9................................................$27,900 SL BL ‘10 CIH ECOLO-TIGER 870-9S........................$58,900 SL BL ‘02 CIH 730B..................................................$19,850 SL

‘05 WILRICH 357 ..............................................$7,900 BRENT CPC-2007, 7 SHANK ............................$6,900 ‘98 DMI 730B ................................................$19,900 DMI 530B ......................................................$15,950 ‘10 CIH ECOLO-TIGER 870-9S........................$59,950 ‘03 JD 2700--7 ..............................................$23,500 ‘97 DMI 730B ................................................$18,750 ‘99 CIH 730B..................................................$23,795


‘10 JD 512 ....................................................$48,500 JD 510 ............................................................$9,800 ‘06 GR 4336, 36’............................................$34,500 ‘96 JD 3710, 9-BOTTOM ..............................$20,850 IHC 710 ............................................................$1,200 IHC 735, 5-BOTTOM, VARI WIDTH........................CALL


‘10 WHEAT SA 1071 ........................................$7,950 ‘95 FETERL 10X60 ..........................................$3,350 SUDENGA 8X60................................................$1,650 FETERL 10X66 ................................................$3,250 ‘09 WESTFIELD WC1335 ..................................$4,600 ‘94 FETERL 10X66 ..........................................$3,989 FETERL 12X72 ................................................$6,475 ‘02 WESTFIELD MK 13X71 FT GLP ..................$8,750 ‘99 WESTFIELD MK 13X91 GLP........................$9,850 FK 1070 ..........................................................$7,250 ‘96 SUDENGA TD450........................................$2,189 NEW IDEA 8X58.9” EMD ....................................$600 ‘90 SUDENGA 450............................................$4,989 ‘02 WESTFIELD WR 130X71 ............................$4,950 ‘87 ALLOWAY FIELD MASTER 8X61..................$2,150 ‘90 WESTFIELD WR 8X61 ................................$2,375 ‘09 PECK 1002 ................................................$5,775 ‘10 WESTFIELD WR10X51 SD ..........................$5,950


‘06 WO S20CD ..............................................$11,950 LOFTNESS 240 ................................................$9,000 LOFTNESS 240B ..............................................$7,500 ‘07 WR CD20LK..............................................$14,500 ‘94 WO S20CD ................................................$6,000 ‘95 WO S20CD ................................................$6,000 ‘05 ALLOWAY CD20........................................$10,000


‘80 EZ-FLOW 475 ............................................$5,500 ‘95 DEMCO 365................................................$5,200 ‘95 DEMCO 365................................................$6,250 DMI D390 ........................................................$2,350 ‘98 KILLBROS 655..........................................$11,900 PARKER 2600 ..................................................$4,650 ‘80 DAKON 280 ................................................$1,850


IHC 810 ............................................................$1,250 ‘90 CIH 1020-25’ ............................................$7,500 ‘95 CIH 1020-30’ ............................................$9,850 ‘94 CIH 1020-25’ ............................................$9,850 ‘90 JD 925-25’ ................................................$8,500 ‘01 CIH 1020-30’ ..........................................$14,000 ‘96 CIH 1020-25’ ............................................$9,500 ‘95 CIH 1020-25’ ............................................$8,500 ‘88 CIH 1020-30’ ............................................$6,000 ‘97 CIH 1020-30’ ............................................$8,500 ‘97 CIH 1020-30’ ............................................$9,000 ‘10 CIH 2020-30’ ..........................................$27,000 ‘06 CIH 2020-35’ ..........................................$23,900 ‘07 CIH 2020-35’ ..........................................$23,900 ‘09 CIH 2020-35’ ..........................................$29,000 ‘05 MB 974-36’..............................................$43,875 ‘91 CIH 1020, 25’ ............................................$9,375 ‘03 CIH 1020, 25’ ..........................................$12,500 ‘98 CIH 1020, 25’ ..........................................$11,900 ‘09 CIH 2020-30’ ..........................................$27,000 ‘91 CIH 1020-30’ ............................................$8,900 ‘10 CIH 2020-30’ ..........................................$25,500 ‘03 CIH 1020-30’ ..........................................$16,400 ‘95 CIH 1020-25’ ............................................$8,900 ‘96 CIH 1020-25’ ..........................................$10,500 ‘05 CIH 1020-30’ ..........................................$19,200 ‘96 CIH 1020-30’ ............................................$9,500 ‘04 CIH 1020-30’ ..........................................$18,500 ‘09 CIH 2020-30’ ..........................................$27,000 ‘04 CIH 2020-30’ ..........................................$19,900 ‘96 CIH 1083 ..................................................$10,900 ‘08 GERINGHOFF RD630 ................................$46,500 ‘97 CIH 1083 ..................................................$10,900 ‘95 CIH 1083 ....................................................$7,500 ’05 GERINGHOFF RD830 ................................$50,500 ‘00 GERINGHOFF RD630 ................................$28,500 ‘03 GERINGHOFF RD830 ................................$42,500 ‘98 CIH 1083 ..................................................$15,800

SE = Sleepy Eye BL = Bingham Lake SL = Slayton

(507) 794-2131 • (507) 831-1106 • (507) 836-8571


Spraying Equip




35 THE LAND, APRIL 19, 2013

FOR SALE: '06 Hardi 1100 Wanted: Old Barns for salvage. Paying cash for the Navigator, 100' boom, right ones. Wanted: old 12.4x42 tires, 1100 gal tank, style horse drawn machinbig pump, 3 way nozzles, ery. Message -(608) 624-3990 2500 controller, 5 section boom, always shedded, WANTED: Rock rake, any $20,000. 320-392-5480 size. 320-760-6862 FOR SALE: 2009 L & D Land 050 Pro Sprayer 1000 gal, 80' Feed Seed Hay front fold boom, 20” nozzle Dairy Quality Alfalfa spacing, Ag Leader control Tested big squares & round $22,000 (507) 460-0133 bales, delivered from South Dakota John Haensel (605) FOR SALE: 45' Top Air pull351-5760 type sprayer w/updated ball valves, asking $3,000. 507- Dairy quality western alfal227-2602 fa, big squares or small squares, delivered in semi loads. Clint Haensel For Sale: Demco Conquest (605) 310-6653 Sprayer 1100 gallon. With 60ft boom, foam FOR SALE: Round Bales, marker, rinse tanks, hyquality 1st crop, net wrap, draulic pump, comes 900 lbs plus, $125 per bale. with Raven 440 monitor. 715-340-5655 Excellent shape. (507) HAY or STRAW FOR SALE: 254-5278 Round or large square bales alfalfa or grass hay. FOR SALE: FAST Sprayer Delivery available by semi. FAST 132' sprayer. 2400 Ose Hay Farm, Thief River Gal tank, NORAC boom Falls, MN. Call or text control, 22" straddle duals. LeRoy at 218-689-6675 Exc condition. $49,950 (320) 284-2281 SEED CORN ONLY $89! Top quality, new production. Wanted 042 Order early, last season we sold out! Catalog at WWW.KLEENACRES.COM WANTED TO BUY: JD 720 or call 320-237-7667. or 730 dsl w/bad pony mo“It's the place to be!” tor. 507-831-1308


JD 985, 54.5 field cult. w/3 bar ........................CALL JD 980, 44.5’ w/3 bar ........................................CALL M&W 9-shank, 24” w/leveler ........................$12,500 DMI Econo Champ II, HD, 11-shank ..............$7,500 ‘05 JD 2700, 9-24 shank ................................$25,000 ‘12 JD 3710, 10 bottom ....................................CALL ‘10 JD 3710, 10 bottom ....................................CALL JD 3600, 8 bottom, on land ............................$8,000


NEW NH skidsteers on hand ............................CALL NH LS170............................................................CALL ‘06 NH L170....................................................$17,500



‘08 Gleaner R75, loaded, 880 sep. hrs. ............CALL ‘94 Gleaner R72 w/new engine ....................$58,000 ‘01 Gleaner R72, just thru shop ..................COMING ‘03 Gleaner R65, CDF, lat ..................................CALL ‘90 Gleaner R60 w/duals..............................COMING ‘08 Fantini 12-30 chopping cornhead ..........$62,000 NEW Fantini chopping cornhead ......................CALL Gleaner N6........................................................$6,750


New Hesston & NH Hay Tools On Hand


NEW Salford RTS units......................................CALL NEW Salford Plows ..................................AVAILABLE NEW Unverferth seed tenders ..................ON HAND NEW Westfield augers ............................AVAILABLE NEW Rem 2700 vac ..........................................CALL NEW Century HD1000, 60’ sprayers ................CALL NEW Hardi sprayers ..........................................CALL NEW Riteway rollers ..........................................CALL NEW Lorenz snowblowers ................................CALL NEW Batco conveyors ......................................CALL NEW Brent wagons & grain carts ....................CALL NEW E-Z Trail seed wagons..............................CALL NEW rock buckets & pallet forks .................... CALL REM 2700, Rental ..............................................CALL Unverferth 8000 grain cart ............................$19,000 Kinze 1050 w/duals........................................$48,500 Pre-owned Sprayers ..........................................CALL

(DMI Parts Available)

SMITHS MILL IMPLEMENT Hwy. 14, 3 miles West of Janesville, MN

Phone (507) 234-5191 or (507) 625-8649 Mon. - Fri. 7:30-5:00, Sat. 7:30-Noon www.smithsmillimp.com

TRACTORS • ‘13 MF 1705, compact tractor • ‘13 MF 8690, 350 hp., CVT • ‘12 MF 8660, 225 PTO hp. • ‘12 MF 1652, compact, 52 hp., loader • ‘12 MF 1529, compact, 59 hp., loader • ‘05 MF 451, 45 PTO hp., 400 hrs. • ‘93 MF 1220 Compact, MFD, loader, hydro. • ‘90 Ford 8830, 4787 hrs. • ‘72 IH 656 hydro w/loader & MFD CORN HEADS • Geringhoff 1822RD, ‘09 • Geringhoff 1622RD, ‘08 • Geringhoff 1622RD, ‘07 • Geringhoff 1622RD, ‘04 • Geringhoff 1230RD, ‘09 • Geringhoff 1230RD, ‘08 • Geringhoff 1222RD, ‘12 • Geringhoff 1222RD, ‘08 • Geringhoff 1222RD, ‘07 • Geringhoff 1222RD, ‘03 • Geringhoff 1222RD, ‘02 • Geringhoff 1220RD, ‘11 • Geringhoff 1220RD, ‘05 • Geringhoff 1220RD, ‘04 • Geringhoff 1220RD, ‘02 • Geringhoff 830RD, ‘10 • Geringhoff 830RD, ‘08 • Geringhoff 830RD, ‘05 • Geringhoff 830RD, ‘04 • Geringhoff 830RD, ‘04 • Geringhoff 830RD, ‘01 • Geringhoff 830RD, ‘00 • Geringhoff 822RD, ‘08 • Geringhoff 630RD, ‘07 • Geringhoff 630RD, ‘00 • Geringhoff 630RD, ‘97 • NH 996, 12R20", '99 • JD 922, GVL poly • JD 893, KR, HDP, ‘04 • JD 643, GVL poly • JD 843, LT, ‘80 • CIH 2208, 8R30, ‘04 • CIH 2208, 8R22, ‘02 COMBINES • MF 8570, RWA • ‘87 MF 8590, 5178 hrs. • ‘86 MF 8560 • '98 Gleaner 800, 25' flexhead • ‘97 Gleaner R62, duals, 2052 sep. hrs. • ‘92 Gleaner R62, 2063 hrs. • MF 9750 PU table • MF 9118 bean table • MF 8000 30' bean table GRAIN HANDLING • ‘08 Batco 1335, grain belt, LP, electric motor • Brandt 7500HP, grain vac.

GRAIN HANDLING (CONT.) • Brandt 5200EX, grain vac • ‘09 Brandt 8x47 auger • ‘00 Brandt 4500 EX, grain vac. • ‘05 Brandt 1070, auger, PTO Drive, w/swing hopper • Brandt GBL-10, bagger • Brandt 1515, 1535, 1545, 1575, 1585 belt conveyors • Brandt 8x45 auger, 18 hp., Briggs • Brandt 8x35, 8x37, 8x40, 8x47, 8x52, 8x57, 8x62, 8x67, 10x35, straight augers • Brandt 1060XL, 1070XL, 1080XL, 1380XL, 1390XL, swing hopper augers • Brandt 20 Series Drive Over Deck • Parker 1039, grain cart, w/tarp • Parker 839, grain cart, tarp, 850 bu. • Parker 605 gravity box, 625 bu. • Parker 250 gravity box • Killbros 180 gravity box • Killbros 180 gravity box w/auger • Unverferth 5000, grain cart • Hutchinson, 10x61 auger • A&L 850S grain cart, 850 bu. tarp • ‘10 Westfield WC 1515, grain belt, electric motor HAY & LIVESTOCK • JD 275, disc mower, 9’ • JD 38, sickle mower, 7’ • CIH 8480, round baler • IH 14, 5 bar rake • Woods 8400, finish mower • MF 2856, round baler, net, twine • MF 1745, round baler • Gehl 1000 forage harvester, 2R30” • Badger 980 forabte box (2) • MF 1328 & 1330, 3 pt. disc mower • MF 200, SP windrower, cab, auger, header • ‘11 NH H6750, 3 pt., disk mower, 110” • NI 528, 3 pt., disc mower, 94” • Sitrex, 9 wheel inline rake • Sitrex DM 5 disc mower • Sitrex MKCG 14 wheel rake • Sitrex RP2, RP5 wheel rakes • Sitrex 10 & 12 wheel rakes on cart • Westendorf 3 pt. bale spear • H&S 16’ bale wagon • Chandler 22’ & 26’, litter spreader MISCELLANEOUS • DMI Coulter Champ II, 13 shank • Wil-Rich 36’, field cult. • Nyemeyer, soil conditioner • '08 JD 520 stalk chopper • Loftness 30' stalk chopper, SM • Loftness 20’ stalk chopper • Loftness 8’ snowblower • Mauer 28'-42' header trailers • Degelman 6000HD, rock picker • Degelman RR1500, rock rake •2011 SB Select Snowblower, 97” & 108”, 3 pt.

“Where Farm and Family Meet”

NEW White planters ..........................................CALL ‘02 White 8186, 16-30. ..................................$46,500 White 6900, 11-row, splitter ........................COMING

White 6222, 12-30 front fold..............................CALL White 6122, 12-30 w/liq., ins., res. ..............COMING White 6122, 12-30 ........................................COMING

<< www.TheLandOnline.com >>


NEW NH T9.560, 4WD ......................................CALL NEW NHT9.450 ..................................................CALL NEW NH T7.185, FWA ......................................CALL NEW NH Boomer 50 w/loader ..........................CALL NEW Versatile 250, FWA....................................CALL NEW Versatile 305, FWA....................................CALL NEW Massey 8670, FWA ..................................CALL NEW DEMO Massey 7620, FWA ......................CALL NEW Massey 5450, FWA, cab, loader ..............CALL ‘08 NH 6070 w/cab, 2WD ..............................$69,000 CIH 9150, 4WD ..............................................$57,900 NH 8870, SS ................................................COMING Ford 5000, diesel, w/cab ............................COMING ‘06 IH 560, WF ..................................................$5,200 White 2-105 ..................................................COMING Oliver 1855 w/cab ............................................$8,500 JD 8440, new rubber ........................................CALL

THE LAND, APRIL 19, 2013


Feed Seed Hay

050 Dairy







40+ Used Sprayers On Hand Financing Available

Top Air 1600 gal., 120’ boom, Raven 4400 ........................CALL Top Air 1600 gal., 90’ boom, Raven....................................CALL Gregon 1000 gal, 60’ boom target boom Raven 440, 380x90x46 duals (Clearance) ..............................$20,000


<< www.TheLandOnline.com >>

056 Cattle

Top Air 1600 gal., 120’ boom, 380x60 duals, Raven 450, Ht. control............................................................................$55,000 Top Air 1600 gal., 120’ boom, 20’ no- drip plumbing, hyd. pump, adj. axle, 380x46 duals, Raven 450..................$53,000 Top Air 1600 gal., 90’ new boom, hyd. pump, Raven 450, adj. axle, 14.9x46 tires ..................................................$38,000 Schaben 1600 gal., 90’ boom, Raven 450, inductor, rinse tank ......................................................................$22,000 Top Air 1600 gal, 90’ boom, Raven 450, adj axle, 15” spacing, Command Center, rinse tank, hyd pump ....................$22,000 Brandt 1600 gal., 90’ boom, adj. axle, 46” tires............$29,000 Sprayer Specialties, 1250 gal., 80’ boom, Raven 450, oamer, 12.4x42 tires, inductor, adj. axle ......................$21,000 Sprayer Specialties, 1250 gal., 90’ boom, Raven 440, foamer (Choice of 2) ....................................................$21,000 Fast 1600, 90’..................................................................$20,000 Red Ball 670, 1200 gal., 80’ boom, Raven 440, (Red) ..$20,000 Gregson 1000 gal., 90’ boom, 20” plumbing, Raven 440, hyd. pump, rinse tank, 72-120 axle, 14.9x46 tires, Red ................................................................................$18,000 Spraymaster 1000 gal., 80’ boom, hyd. pump, rinse tank, Raven 440, 88-120” adj. axle, 13.6x38 tires ................$14,000 Red Ball 680, 90’ boom, Raven 440, hyd. pump, 380x90x46 tires, elec. over hyd. control, (Choice of Two) ............$13,000 Great Plains 1000 gal., 80’ Top Air X-fold boom, Teejet control, hyd. pump, 120” axle, 13.6x38 tires ............................$12,500 Hardi 1000 gal., 66’ hyd. fold boom, 120” axle, Raven 440, 13.6x38 tires ..................................................................$12,500 Top Air 1100 gal., 60’ X-fold boom, hyd. pump, adj. axle, 13.6x38 tires ..................................................................$11,000 Blumhardt 1000 gal., 90’ boom, Big Wheel, PTO pump, 203 controller..........................................................................$8,500 Top Air 550 gal., 60’ X-fold M boom, hyd. pump, Raven 440, adj. axle ..........................................................................$7,000 Blumhardt 1000 gal., 90’ boom, Raven 440, radar, foamer..............................................................................$6,800 Blumhardt 1000 gal., 72’ boom, tandem, hyd. pump. 203 controller ..................................................................$6,500 Blumhardt 1000 gal., 90’ boom, tandem, hyd. pump, Raven 440........................................................................$6,500 Blumhardt 750 gal., 90’ boom, tandem, Raven 440........$6,000 Demco 1000 gal, 60’ X-fold boom, Raven 440, hyd pump, foamer, tandem, (Choice of 2) ........................................$6,000 Top Air 750 gal., 60’ boom, vertical fold, 203 control, hyd. pump, (Choice of 2) ........................................................$5,500 Blumhardt 1000 gal., 60’ boom, hyd. tip & center lift, hyd. pump, Spray System plumbing, no control ..................$5,500 Blumhardt 1000 gal., 60’ boom, hyd. fold, hyd. center lift & fold, hyd. pump, rinse tank, foamer, Micro Trak, (Choice of 3) ....................................................................$5,500 Top Air 800 gal., Blumhardt boom, foamer, 203 control, hyd. pump........................................................................$4,500

Pleasure Products 1230 gal., 90’ boom, Raven 440, Honda gas w/pump, tandem ......................................................$4,500 Broyhill 750 gal., tandem, 60’ boom, 203 control ..........$4,200 Home Made 750 gal., Big Wheel, AgChem boom, Raven 440, PTO Pump ......................................................................$3,500 Blumhardt 1000 gal., 60’ boom, tandem, hyd. pump ....$3,500 Home Made 500 gal. RD tank, 60’ Demco boom, tandem, foamer..............................................................................$3,500 Bestway 500 gal., 60’ boom, hyd. pump, 203 control, tandem ............................................................................$3,000 Demco Single Wheel, 203 control, hyd. pump................$2,500 Horvick 500 gal. Pull Between, hyd. pump, 203 control, 60’ NYB boom ................................................................$2,500 Hardi 500 gal., 50’ boom, Hardi control, Hardi PTO pump ......................................................................$2,500 Rodman 300 gal., 50’ hydra-fold, foamer, PTO pump, 203 control, ....................................................................$2,400 Demco Pull Between, 60’ hyd. tip lift boom, no pump ..$2,000 Demco 500 gal., 3-wheel 45’ boom, 203 control ............$2,000 Kuker 500 gal., 45’ boom, single wheel, 203 control ......$1,500

USED SELF-PROPELLED SPRAYERS (2) Spra-Coups 220, 3-wheel, foamer, air, Raven 440, (Choice)............................................................................$7,000 Hahn 670 ..........................................................................$2,800

PICKUP SPRAYERS NYB 500 gal., 90’ boom, Raven 450, Honda motor ........$5,000 NYB 500 gal., 60’ boom, foamer, Raven 450, ball valves, (Choice of 3) ....................................................................$3,000 F&S 500 gal., 80’ boom, hyd. tilt, manual height, triple nozzle body, no-drip plumbing, 8 hp. Honda engine................$3,000 AgChem 450 gal., 58’ boom, Micro Trak controller ........$2,500 Blumhardt 500 gal., 60’ boom, Raven 440 ......................$2,000 Blumhardt 300 gal.............................................................$1,800 Blumhardt 500 gal., 60’ boom ..........................................$1,200

3PT SPRAYERS Marflex 1000 gal., 80’ boom, Raven 440 ......................$10,500 (Top Air 500 gal., 80’ X-fold boom, hyd. pump, 4-section ..........................................................................$9,500 NYB 500 gal., 90’ boom, pump & control, (Choice of 2) $7,500 NYB 500 gal., 90’ boom, hyd. pump, hyd. tilt, ball valves, 203 control, (Choice of 2)................................................$5,500 Marflex 1000 gal., 80’ boom ............................................$3,800 Blumhardt 500 gal., 90’ boom ..........................................$3,500 500 gal., 45’ boom ............................................................$3,500 JD 9300, 300 gal. front mount..........................................$2,000

BOOMS Top Air 90’ X-fold ..............................................................$9,000 Top Air 80’ X-fold ..............................................................$8,000 Top Air 80’ X-fold, (4) ........................................................$7,500 Top Air 60’ X-fold ..............................................................$4,000 Blumhardt 80’ & 90’, (Choice) ..........................................$2,800 Frame-mounted Magnum 300 gal. front mount ..............$2,200 Weatherall 60’ hyd. fold....................................................$2,000 Top Air 45’ manual fold ....................................................$1,400 (2) 60’ wheel booms, flat fold, 20’ no-drip plumbing, (Choice) ..............................................................................$700

056 Cattle


3 yr old registered black 43 Holstein Steers, 600 to 1000 lbs, $1.15 lb. (715)821-8409 Simmental Bull. (651)3806921 HOLSTEIN STEERS FOR SALE: Herd of black 145 @ 460 lbs; 95@ 540 lbs, dehorned, vacc, implanted, Angus beef cows, bred to sell any number. Call registered Angus bull, calvevenings 320-732-6259 ing March & April, will sell one or more, $1,300/ea. 320Miller's Viewlawn Angus: 905-2626 Yearling bulls, heifers, 2 year old bulls, PI neg., ferFOR SALE: Polled Hereford tility tested, Johnes accr. bulls, high quality yearfree, since 1903. Mable, MN lings, semen tested, deliv507-743-8370 ery available. Jones Farms, Le Sueur, MN 507- Performance tested Polled 317-5996 Charolais bulls. 51 years in the seedstock business. FOR SALE: Purebred polled Good selection of growthy, black Salers bulls, good, good disposition, easy calvsound, well balanced bulls ing, profit making Polled w/good EPD's for easy Charolais bulls. Complete calving & also some 2 yr performance, carcass & olds. Oak Hill Farms 507fertility information. Wake642-8028 field Farms 507-402-4640

We are dealers for Top Air, Sprayer Specialties, Gregson Sprayers, new & used on hand Wheathart, Westfield, FarmKing, Brandt Vacs & Balzer Equipment • We have NEW Balzer stalk choppers on hand • Truckload prices on NEW Westfield augers, Brandt grain vacs, Batco belts


“Where Farm and Family Meet”


WANTED TO BUY! USED 20 head of polled Hereford cows & heifers, bred to regBULK MILK COOLER istered Hereford bull, have ALL SIZES 920-867-3048 shots & preg. tested, due to WANTED TO BUY: Dairy calve in spring; Hereford heifers and cows. 320-235bulls; 10 polled Hereford/ 2664 Angus cross heifers, 500 lbs., open. 320-282-4846 Cattle 056 FOR SALE OR LEASE: FOR SALE OR LEASE Purebred Registered REGISTERED BLACK Charolais bulls, heifers, & ANGUS Bulls, 2 year old & cows. Great bloodlines, exyearlings; bred heifers, cellent performance, balcalving ease, club calves & anced EPD's, low birth balance performance. Al weights. Delivery availsired. In herd improvement able. program. J.W. Riverview Laumann Charolais Angus Farm Glencoe, MN Mayer, MN 612-490-2254 55336 Conklin Dealer 320FOR SALE: 25 Limousin 864-4625 bulls, 2 yrs old & yearlings, low birth wgts, super growth, 35 yrs of Limousin breeding. John Goelz Franklin MN. 507-557-8394 888 210 Ave. • Avoca, MN 56114 • Ph. 800-653-2676 or 507-335-7830 • Fax: 507-335-7808 • Mobile: 507-227-6728

FOR SALE: Wheat straw 16 Springing Holstein Heifers FOR SALE: 2000 gal dairy due approx May 1. All from kool bulk tank, double six Clean wheat straw 100 1 herd. (715)314-0103 parallel stalls. 12 Boumatic bales @ $4.50 (507) 327-1103 2000 automatic take-off milkers. (507)534-3482 WANTED & FOR SALE: ALL TYPES of hay & FOR SALE: 14 stall Germania parlor, auto take- FOR SALE: 35 Holstein straw. Also buying corn, offs, De Laval claws & Dairy cows & 4 close wheat & oats. Western Hay shells. Alfimilk system Heifers. 3.99 BF, 3.1 Pro., available. Fox Valley Alfalmilk meters w/12 dis160 SCC, 70 lbs. average. fa Mill. 920-853-3554 plays. Germania crowd Closed herd for 34 years. gate & controls air 20'. All A.I. bred, DHI records. Livestock 054 Milking parlor system. Adopted to free stall & For more complete deheadlocks (608)685-3814 tails please call 507-391FOR SALE: Purebred Black Very nice young herd of Hol0098 Angus bulls, calf ease & steins. Most all are in 1st or good disposition; also 2nd lactation. Low SCC. Hamp & Hamp-Duroc Priced reasonable. Please boars & gilts. 320-598-3790 leave message. (608) 2144084


• 5/8” drum roller wall thickness • 42” drum diameter • 4”x8” frame tubing 1/4” thick • Auto fold FOR THE BEST DEAL ORDER NOW!


CIH 8920, FWA, 3100 hrs. ..........................................................$83,000 IH 966, New Motor, New TA ......................................................$13,000 CIH 8920, FWA, 4400 hrs. ..........................................................Coming CIH 7220, FWA, 4200 hrs. ..........................................................$59,000 NH 8670 Genesis, 2WD, 2800 hrs. ..........................................$60,000 CIH 7130, FWA, 3800 hrs. ..........................................................$65,000 CIH 7130, FWA, 3300 hrs., 540 & 1000 hp. PTO ......................$71,000 CIH 7130 Magnum, 2WD, 5700 hrs. ..........................................Coming CIH 7120, 2WD, 7500 hrs. ..........................................................$49,000 IH 5488, 2WD, 5200 hrs. ............................................................$27,500 IH 5088, 2WD, Nice ....................................................................$21,000 IH 5488, 2WD, 12.4-50 tires, 5400 hrs. ......................................$21,000 CIH 7220 Magnum, FWA, 941 hrs., duals, Sharp ..................$105,000 CIH 4300, 26’ ..............................................................................$13,000 CIH 4300, 30’ ..............................................................................$10,900 DMI 530B ....................................................................................$16,500 NH 166, inverter ............................................................................$2,900 DMI Tigermate, 30’ ....................................................................$16,000 CIH Tigermate 200, 30’ w/basket ............................................$36,000 CIH Tigermate II, 26’..................................................................$26,000 Demco 450, box............................................................................$8,500 CIH 496 w/mulcher, cushion ......................................................$14,500 DMI 527 w/disk leveler ..............................................................$15,000 (6) Demco 365 boxes ..........................................From $5,500-$6,500 Demco used gravity boxes, all sizes available..................................Call Gehl 125 ......................................................................................$16,000 New Mandako Land Rollers in stock ................................................Call JD 8300, 13’ grain drill w/grass ..................................................Coming Gehl 135 grinder ..........................................................................Coming Gehl 125 grinder ..........................................................................Coming

New Sitrex Rakes Available Many New & Used Rakes Available

GREENWALD FARM CENTER Greenwald, MN • 320-987-3177 14 miles So. of Sauk Centre




, 480 hrs R 5 3 3 8 D J 2012 750 82479

320-864-5571 800-558-3759 4561 HWY 212, GLENCOE, MN 55336


320-562-2630 800-827-7933 78412 CO RD 20, STEWART, MN 55385 320-252-2010 800-645-5531 1035 35TH AVE. NE, SAUK RAPIDS, MN 56379


320-634-5151 888-799-1495 1710 N FRANKLIN GLENWOOD, MN 56334


320-352-6511 888-320-2936 1140 CENTRE ST, SAUK CENTRE, MN 56378


320-763-4220 888-799-1490 5005 STATE HWY 27 E, ALEXANDRIA, MN 56308


320-243-7474 866-784-5535 725 LAKE AVE. S, PAYNESVILLE, MN 56362


763-389-3453 800-570-3453 3708 BAPTIST CHURCH RD, PRINCETON, MN 55371



6 4 4 7 5 8 2 2 2 6 7 7 9 5 2 9 6 3

JD 7200, 12R30, 3 bu, ‘93.............................................................................$21,500 JD 1730, 12R22, 1.6 bu, ‘97...........................................................................$31,900 JD 1780, 12R30, 3.0 bu, ‘97...........................................................................$30,000 JD 1780, 12/23 split-row, ‘98.........................................................................$34,900 JD 1780, 24R20, ‘98.......................................................................................$38,000 JD 1780, 16R30, 1.6 bu, VRD, ‘97.................................................................$42,000 JD 1770, 16R30, 3 bu, ‘98..............................................................................$38,000 JD 1770, 16R30, 3 bu, ‘00..............................................................................$68,500 JD 1760, 12R30, 3 bu, ‘06..............................................................................$58,500 Case 1250, 16R30, CCS, ‘10..........................................................................$89,900 JD 1770NT, 16R30, CCS, ‘04.........................................................................$81,900 JD 1770NT, 16R30, CCS, ‘09.........................................................................$99,900 JD 1770NT, 16R30, CCS, ‘11.......................................................................$108,000 JD 1770NT, 16R30, CCS, ‘12.......................................................................$112,500 JD 1770NT, 16R30, 1.6 bu, ‘12....................................................................$109,000 JD 1770NT, 16R30, CCS, ‘12.......................................................................$127,000 JD 1770NT, 24R30, ‘10................................................................................$167,000 JD 1770NT, 24R30 CCS, ‘12........................................................................$169,900

6 6 6 8 4 5 1 7 6 9 4 1 8 2 7 2

JD 2755, 2wd, 6,590 hrs, 1987......................................................................$21,500 Case 5120, 2wd w/ 2250 ldr, 5,450 hrs, 1992...............................................$23,500 JD 5093E, MFWD, 338 hrs, 2012...................................................................$44,900 JD 5101E, MFWD, 241 hrs, 2012...................................................................$47,900 JD 5075M, MFWD, 500 hrs, 2011..................................................................$32,500 JD 5603, MFWD w/ 542 ldr, 2,320 hrs, 2008.................................................$42,500 JD 6125R, MFWD, 204 hrs, 2012...................................................................$99,500 JD 6130D, MFWD ldr, 200 hrs, 2012..............................................................$69,900 JD 6603, MFWD, 6,000 hrs, 2007..................................................................$42,500 JD 6330, MFWD w/ 673 ldr, 212 hrs, 2011....................................................$87,500 JD 6330, MFWD w/ 673 ldr, 600 hrs, 2012....................................................$91,000 JD 6400, MFWD w/640 ldr, 5,480 hrs, 1994..................................................$27,900 JD 6430, MFWD w/673 ldr, 1,800 hrs, 2008..................................................$59,900 JD 6430S, MFWD w/673 ldr, 324 hrs, 2011...................................................$67,500 JD 6430, MFWD , 1,400 hrs, 2008.................................................................$69,900 JD 6430, MFWD w/673 ldr, 803 hrs, 2011.....................................................$88,500

6 2 5 2 5 6 8 9 2

JD 4450, 2wd, 11,707 hrs, 1988....................................................................$29,500 JD 4560, 2wd, 4,716 hrs, 1983......................................................................$58,500 JD 4640, 2wd, 8,019 hrs, 1979......................................................................$25,500 JD 4850, 2wd, 11,000 hrs, 1985....................................................................$29,500 JD 7400, MFWD w/ ldr, 7,500 hrs, 1994........................................................$46,900 JD 7410, MFWD, 7,639 hrs, 1997..................................................................$46,000 JD 7420, MFWD, IVT, 5,500 hrs, 2003...........................................................$67,000 JD 7420, 2wd, 1,268 hrs, 2007......................................................................$72,500 JD 7810, MFWD, 3,744 hrs, 1997..................................................................$85,000



6 5 9 7 3 8 4 6 5 4 7 4 4 6 3 4 3 1 4 4 9 6 2 5 8 1 3 1 4 5 4 1 3 3 8 6 3

JD 7810, MFWD, 2,125 hrs, 1997..................................................................$92,500 JD 7230, MFWD, 1,760 hrs, 2009..................................................................$69,500 JD 7230, 2wd, 250 hrs, 2010.........................................................................$83,000 JD 7330, MFWD w/ ldr, 1,750 hrs, 2008......................................................$104,900 JD 7330, MFWD, 600 hrs, 2010...................................................................$116,900 JD 7330, MFWD, 160 hrs, 2012...................................................................$122,000 JD 7200R, MFWD, 150 hrs, 2011................................................................$152,500 JD 7230R, MFWD, IVT, TLS, 300 hrs, 2012.................................................$200,000 JD 7260R, MFWD, IVT, TLS, 171 hrs, 2012.................................................$192,500 JD 8120, MFWD, 3,340 hrs, 2002................................................................$122,000 JD 8130, MFWD, 3,200 hrs, 2007................................................................$133,000 JD 8230, MFWD, 2,000 hrs, 2008................................................................$154,000 JD 8320, MFWD, 4,135 hrs, 2002................................................................$122,500 JD 8420, 4,423 hrs, 2004.............................................................................$146,500 JD 8225R, MFWD, 500 hrs, 2010................................................................$176,000 JD 8235R, MFWD, 801 hrs, 2012................................................................$169,000 JD 8235R, MFWD, IVT, 500 hrs, 2012.........................................................$202,000 JD 8245R, MFWD, 1,200 hrs, 2010.............................................................$167,000 JD 8245R, MFWD, 1,000 hrs, 2010.............................................................$167,000 JD 8260R, MFWD, 737 hrs, 2012................................................................$180,000 JD 8270R, MFWD, 1,350 hrs, 2010.............................................................$174,000 JD 8270R, MFWD, 1,250 hrs, 2010.............................................................$178,000 JD 8270R, MFWD, IVT, 2,178 hrs, 2010......................................................$179,000 JD 8285R, MFWD, 353 hrs, 2012................................................................$198,000 JD 8285R, MFWD, 31 hrs, 2012...................................................................$215,000 JD 8285R, MFWD, IVT, ILS, 351 hrs, 2012..................................................$224,500 JD 8295RT, 1,350 hrs, 2010........................................................................$212,000 JD 8310R, MFWD, ILS, 462 hrs, 2012.........................................................$229,000 JD 8310R, MFWD, ILS, 668 hrs, 2012.........................................................$230,000 JD 8310R, MFWD, ILS, IVT, 283 hrs, 2012..................................................$246,500 JD 8310RT, 800 hrs, 2011...........................................................................$225,000 JD 8335R, MFWD, ILS, 478 hrs, 2012.........................................................$238,750 JD 8335R, MFWD, IVT, ILS, 212 hrs, 2012..................................................$265,000 JD 8335R, MFWD, IVT, ILS, 309 hrs, 2012..................................................$265,000 JD 8345R, MFWD, IVT, ILS, 1,300 hrs, 2010...............................................$250,000 JD 8345R, MFWD, IVT, ILS, 852 hrs, 2010..................................................$265,000 JD 8360RT, IVT, 702 hrs, 2012....................................................................$275,000

8 1 9 7 8 1 9 3

Ford 9280, 4,832 hrs, 1994............................................................................$55,000 JD 8560, 4,670 hrs, 1989...............................................................................$46,500 JD 8650, 6,480 hrs, 1983...............................................................................$29,500 JD 8760, 5,400 hrs, 1992...............................................................................$61,900 JD 8760, 5,337 hrs, 1992...............................................................................$63,500 JD 8970, 6,900 hrs, 1993...............................................................................$73,500 JD 9200, 6,105 hrs, 1998...............................................................................$86,000 JD 9220, 2,600 hrs, 2004.............................................................................$152,500


9 7 3 3 5 6 5 4 4 8 2 3 1 2 1 5 8 4 8 3 2 3 6

JD 9230, 1,065 hrs, 2008.............................................................................$195,000 JD 9230, 1,325 hrs, 2008.............................................................................$195,000 JD 9330, 647 hrs, 2011................................................................................$255,000 Steiger 350, 605 hrs, 2011..........................................................................$205,000 JD 9430, 302 hrs, 2011................................................................................$252,000 JD 9520, 3,918 hrs, 2003.............................................................................$159,000 JD 9530, 400 hrs, 2011................................................................................$262,000 JD 9530, 400 hrs, 2011................................................................................$267,000 JD 9530T, 1,314 hrs, 2011...........................................................................$278,000 JD 9530T, 1,108 hrs, 2011...........................................................................$269,000 Case IH STX485, Trk, 1,642 hrs, 2009.........................................................$250,000 JD 9630, 762 hrs, 2011................................................................................$272,000 JD 9630, 740 hrs, 2011................................................................................$275,000 JD 9630T, 792 hrs, 2010..............................................................................$272,000 JD 9630T, 573 hrs, 2011..............................................................................$305,000 JD 9460R, 110 hrs, 2012.............................................................................$289,000 JD 9460R, 200 hrs, 2012.............................................................................$304,500 JD 9510RT, 1,000 hrs, 2012........................................................................$315,000 JD 9510RT, 151 hrs, 2012...........................................................................$335,000 JD 9560R, 397 hrs, 2012.............................................................................$315,000 JD 9560R, 199 hrs, 2012.............................................................................$328,000 JD 9560RT, 1,000 hrs, 2012........................................................................$325,000 JD 9560RT, 196 hrs, 2012...........................................................................$361,000

6 5 9 8 8 5 4 3 8 9 7 2 4 4 1 7 8 4 4 4 7 6 1

JD 325, 1875 hrs, ‘07.....................................................................................$22,900 Bobcat T110, 369 hrs, ‘11..............................................................................$26,700 JD 318D, 360 hrs, ‘11.....................................................................................$33,900 JD 318D, 110 hrs, ‘12.....................................................................................$33,900 JD 320D, 500 hrs, ‘12.....................................................................................$33,750 JD 320D, 129 hrs, ‘12.....................................................................................$34,000 JD 320D, 241 hrs, ‘12.....................................................................................$34,900 JD 320D, 390 hrs, ‘11.....................................................................................$35,900 JD 326D, 2850 hrs, ‘11...................................................................................$27,900 JD 326D, 250 hrs, ‘10.....................................................................................$33,500 JD 326D, 563 hrs, ‘10.....................................................................................$33,900 JD 326D, 221 hrs, ‘11.....................................................................................$36,500 JD 326D, 40 hrs, ‘12.......................................................................................$39,500 JD 328D, 400 hrs, ‘12.....................................................................................$42,500 JD 332D, 1157 hrs, ‘11...................................................................................$39,750 JD 332D, 1381 hrs, ‘12...................................................................................$39,900 JD 332D, 194 hrs, ‘12.....................................................................................$45,900 Bobcat S750, 32 hrs, ‘13................................................................................$46,900 JD CT322, track loader, 885 hrs, ‘06..............................................................$24,000 JD 319D, track loader, 583 hrs, ‘11................................................................$33,900 JD 319D, track loader, 30 hrs, ‘11..................................................................$38,900 JD 323D, track loader, 225 hrs, ‘10................................................................$44,900 JD 323D, track loader, 150 hrs, ‘12................................................................$45,900


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320-543-2170 866-875-5093 5845 KEATS AVE. SW, HOWARD LAKE, MN 55349

, 778 hrs T R 0 6 3 8 D 2012 J 5,000

R, 199 hrs 0 6 5 9 D J 2012 00 91442

$238, 7


THE LAND, APRIL 19, 2013



$154 ,0


, 16R30 T N 0 7 7 1 D 2012 J ,500

$112 ,5


0, 16R30 7 7 1 D J 0 200 500 97398

$68, 5

, 739 hrs R 0 6 2 8 D 2012 J ,000

$180 ,


“Where Farm and Family Meet”

2,008 hrs 0 3 2 8 D J 2008 ,000

“Where Farm and Family Meet”

<< www.TheLandOnline.com >>

THE LAND, APRIL 19, 2013


‘12 CIH Steiger 500Q, 519 hrs. ........................................$319,000

‘05 CIH STX375Q, Farm Use, Excellent ........................$159,900

‘11 CIH Steiger 535Q, 2092 hrs., full auto steer ................$229,900

‘12 CIH Steiger 450, 378 hrs. ........................................$254,900

‘90 CIH 9170, 5641 hrs. ..$59,000

‘12 CIH Steiger 450, 522 hrs., PTO, full steering pkg. ....$262,500

‘01 CIH Steiger 375, 6433 hrs. ..........................................$99,800

‘04 CIH Magnum 210, 2900 hrs. ..........................................$97,800

‘09 Challenger 645C, 544 hrs., 240 eng. hp., CVT trans. $139,000

‘12 CIH Puma 160, CVT, 300 hrs. ........................................$135,800

‘75 JD 4230, 7500 hrs. ..$15,900

‘84 IH 584 ..........................$8,500

‘12 CIH 9230, Track, AWD, 260 sep. hrs. ..................$359,000

‘09 Bobcat S330, 1483 hrs., cab w/air, 2-spd.......................$34,900


CIH 8600, 30’ air drill ........$8,900

White 6122, 12R30”........$22,000


One Year Interest Free ••• Call For Details •••

Up To 2 Years Interest Free ••• Call For Details •••

‘12 CIH Steiger 600Q, 475 hrs., Lux. cab, susp. cab, HID lites, Pro 700 steering, 36” tracks ..............................................................$369,500 ‘12 CIH Steiger 600Q, 994 hrs., Lux. cab, HID lites, 36” tracks ....$334,900 ‘11 CIH Steiger 600Q, 924 hrs., Lux. cab, HID lites, full Pro 700 auto guide ..........................................................................................$344,900 ‘13 CIH Steiger 550Q, 445 hrs., Lux. cab, susp. cab, HID lites, auto guide ready ................................................................................$335,000 ‘12 CIH Steiger 500Q, 516 hrs., susp. Lux. leather cab, HID lites, HD hyd., full Pro 700 steering............................................................$319,000 ‘12 CIH Steiger 450, 378 hrs., susp. Lux. leather cab, HID lites, HD hyd., full Pro 700 steering, PTO, 710R42 tires ..........................$254,900 ‘12 CIH Steiger 450, 522 hrs., susp. Lux. leather cab, HID lites, HD hyd., full Pro 700 steering, PTO, 710/70R42 tires ......................$249,900 ‘11 CIH Steiger 535Q, 2092 hrs., Lux. cab, HID lites, big hyd. pump Pro 600 auto guidance ......................................................................$229,900 ‘05 CIH SXT375, Quad Track ............................................................$159,900 ‘01 CIH STX375, 6433 hrs., 710/70R38 tires ......................................$99,800 ‘02 CIH STX375, 2600 hrs., 710/70R42 tires ....................................$139,900 ‘90 CIH 9170, 5641 hrs., 20.8x42 tires, powershift ............................$59,000 ‘89 Ford 846, 5145 hrs., 3 pt. hitch, PTO ............................................$39,000 STX and STEIGER PTO, TOW CABLE & 3 PT. KITS ON HAND!!!

‘84 CIH 584, 2WD, cab................................................................................$8,500 ‘75 JD 4230, 7429 hrs., cab, 2 remotes ..................................................$15,900 ‘11 CIH Puma 155, 817 hrs., PS, w/L760 loader ..................................$119,800 ‘12 CIH Puma 160, 300 hrs., CVT trans., L765 loader, susp. axle......$135,800 ‘04 CIH MX210, 2900 hrs. ........................................................................$97,800 ‘09 Cat Challenger MT645C, MFD, 544 hrs., CVT trans., 240 eng. hp. ................................................................................................................$139,900


Interest Waiver Thru Case Credit* ••• Call For Details ‘12 ‘06 ‘12 ‘12 ‘06 ‘91


9230, 315 eng. hrs., track drive, RWA, folding covers ......$359,900 2388, 1986 eng. hrs., 1563 sep. hrs, duals..........................$135,900 2608, 8R30” chopping cornhead ..................................................Call 3020, 35’ platform ..............................................................Coming In 1020, 30’, full finger auger, 3” knife, rock guard ..............Coming In 1020, 20’ platform, 11⁄2” knife ....................................................$5,500

Call For Details


I-35 & Highway 60 West • Faribault, MN • 507-334-2233



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056 Livestock Equip




BELGIAN STUD SERVICE Sire King's Final, Dam Barney Mare. Thorp, (715) 669-3288 FOR SALE: Pony bob sled (New). 507-375-4669 Will pick up unwanted horses. 320-905-2626 Sheep


Martens Suffolk Sale, May 11th – 1 p.m., Lafayette, MN. Selling: Ram & Ewe Lambs & Yearling Ewes. Sheep on display day of sale beginning at 10 am. Can't make it contact: Carl 507-380-1828 or




Compart's total program features superior boars & open gilts documented by BLUP technology. Duroc, York, Landrace & F1 lines. Terminal boars offer leanness, muscle, growth. Maternal gilts & boars are productive, lean, durable. All are stress free & PRRS free. Semen also available through Elite Genes A.I. Make 'em Grow! Comparts Boar Store, INC. Toll Free: 877-441-2627 FOR SALE: Shares in 5000 sow farrowing unit. Call 507-835-5640

FOR SALE: Sow farm/nursery shares, receive 2,750 head of feeder pigs at 60 lbs every 20 weeks. Contact Jeff at caplathe@charter.net Pets & Supplies


Purebred Blue Heeler puppies born March 7, $50. Belgian stud service pulling bred. 20008 Jungle Rd. Tomah, WI











FOR SALE: '95 Freightliner sleeper, 642K miles, 50% rubber, no rust, exc cond, $7,500. 507-964-5548 or 507327-1903 FOR SALE: '95 Int'l Eagle, sleeper cab, 10spd, Cummins eng M11, tires 295/75R225, 698,814 miles, stored in heated shed. 507327-8143 or 507-381-3843

HANCOCK, MN ‘12 Peerless Grain Hopper, New, 43x96x72, AR, Steel Wheels, Roll Tarp ............................$32,500 ‘99 Timpte 42’ AL Hopper, 78” sides, New Tarp, New Brakes ......$16,500 ‘96 Wilson 41’ AL Hopper, 66” sides, AR, AL disc wheels, Clean, Roll Tarp ............................$21,750 ‘94 Wilson Convert-a-Hopper, 45x102, 78” sides, 80% Virgin Rubber, AL Wheels, Electric Door Openers ............................$16,000 ‘94 Wilson 43’ AL Hopper, SS Front & Rear, AR, AL Disc Wheels, Black..................................$17,500

Trucks & Trailers


‘89 Ford F-700, 6.6L Turbo Diesel, AT, 24’ AL Van Body, Roll-Up Door, 205” WB ..............................$4,900


‘02 Great Dane Reefer, 36’, Curbside & Roadside doors, Sliding Tandem ............................................$6,750 ‘97 Wabash AL, 42x96, 22.5 LP tires, Disc Wheels ........................$5,750 ‘89 Dorsey Furniture Van Trailer, 48/102, 22.5 LP Tires, Belly Boxes, AR, Curbside & Roadside Doors ............................................$7,000 Van Trailers, 48/102-53/102; Great for water storage or over the road hauling ....................$4,500-$7,500 48’ & 53’ Van Trailers to rent. ..........$145.00 per month plus tax. ....$2.00/mile for pickup & delivery

‘02 Freightliner, CL12064ST, 410 hp. Cummins, 10-spd., 800K, 3.90 ratio, 230” WB, New Rods, MISCELLANEOUS Main & Injectors, New Recaps, 48” Flattop ........................$16,750 ‘89 Case 688 Excavator on tracks, ‘98 Kenworth C12 Conv., 80,000 mi. 36” bucket, 6,400 hrs., 1 owner ..........................................$16,500 on complete OH, New T&B, 220” WB, Maint. Records, Clean Hyster Forklift, 6000 lb., side shift, ..........................................$16,900 131⁄2’ lift, 15” pneumatic tires ............................................$7,250 ‘97 Mack CH613 Daycab, 9-spd., AR, 160” WB, 350 hp. eng., New Axles, Suspensions Paint ..................................$13,000 For Trailers ..........$1,000 AR/Axle FLATBEDS ..................................$500 SR/Axle (2) ‘94 Fontaine, 48/96, SPX/AR Rims - 22.5 & 24.5 steel..........$60 ............................................$7,900 aluminum ..............................$175 ‘93 Featherlite AL Combo, 48/96, Tires: (4) 385 Super Singles SPX/AR ................................$8,250 w/polished AL rims; 2 new, 1 @ ‘74 Fontaine, 40’ ....................$4,750 50%, 1@ 40% ........$2,000/set of 4 Tires: (2) 445 Super Singles BELTED w/AL rims ......................$1,000 pr. ‘07 Aulick, 46/102, 72” sides, 54” belt, AR, AL Disc Wheels....$39,900 Pre-Hung Slab Interior Doors: Oak, Cherry, Maple, Pine. DROPDECKS All Sizes. Over 200 doors to ‘05 Transcraft 48/102 AL Combo, 80% T&B, Clean ................$22,000 choose from ................$10-$80 ea. ‘94 Kalyn, 48’ ............Call for Pricing 10,000’ of Oak & Maple trim ‘74 Trailcraft, 42’, good T&B, lights & ............................................$.50/ft. floor, sandblasted & painted .......... We can also convert flatbed ..........................................$11,750 trailers to be used as a bridge.

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“Where Farm and Family Meet”

FOR SALE: Show Pigs for 4H and FFA, Spot gilts and barrow. 507-340-6934 or 507-546-3162


One call does it all! RANGER PUMP CO. '90 Wilson alum. hopper bot- FOR SALE: JD rock wagon, WANT MORE READERS tom, 72” sides, shedded, Custom Manufacturer of steel bed w/ hoist, will With one phone call, you can TO SEE YOUR AD?? very good, $13,500; IHC 800 place your classified ad in Expand your coverage area! Water Lift Pumps straddle 30” rows; Befort planter, 12R30”, shedded, The Land, Farm News, for field drainage tri axle folding double The Land has teamed up very good, $1,950; Roorda Sales & Service header trailer. 320-693-9399 AND The Country Today. with Farm News, and The feed wagon, high lift, very 507-984-2025 or 406-314-0334 Call The Land for more Country Today so you can nice, $1,850. 507-760-8132 info @ 507-345-4523 • 800-657www.rangerpumpco.com do just that! Place a classiMiscellaneous 090 4665. fied ad in The Land and '90 Wilson grain trailer, 42', FOR SALE: Goodyear rachave the option of placing it Winpower Sales & Service PARMA DRAINAGE DOT'd, very good cond., Reliable Power Solutions in these papers as well. ing tires, $20/ea. 712-297PUMPS New pumps & $14,500. 507-920-1632 Since 1925 PTO & automatMore readers = better re7951 ic Emergency Electric parts on hand. Call Minsults! Call The Land for FOR SALE: '84 Ford 9000 FOR SALE: Kerosene broodGenerators. New & Used more information. 507-345nesota's largest distributor tri-axle grain truck, 855 Rich Opsata-Distributor 4523 • 800-657-4665 HJ Olson & Company 320er stove for chicks, comCummins, 7spd trans, 20' 800-343-9376 974-8990 Cell – 320-894-5336 plete. 507-430-1089 box, 300 bu pull behind pup trailer. $23,000. Call 763-2869442

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Trucks & Trailers

THE LAND, APRIL 19, 2013

FOR SALE: 50 Black Angus Calving Pens, $1,295; 25 Steers, 800 to 900 lbs. All Squeeze Chutes, $2,035; 10 vaccinations & boosters, no Crowding Tubs, $1,885 up; implants. 715-296-9422 24' free standing panels, $375; 16' rubber bunks, Reg. polled Hereford bulls, 3 $350; 4'x26' bottomless year old & 1 year old. 320bunks, $725; 1,000 gates, 796-0000 panels in stock. Bale feedRegistered Texas Longhorn ers, $250 up. 218-352-6598 breeding stock, cows, heifers or roping stock, top Notch Feeder Wagon 24' blood lines. 507-235-3467 heavy duty brand new used Registered yearling polled 2 days. 90" wide w/galvaHereford bulls for sale, senized side panel inserts, men tested, halter broke. single axle. Red $5,800/OBO Will deliver. Klages Here612-599-7334 ford, Ortonville, MN 320273-2163 Industrial & Const. 083 WANT TO BUY: Butcher cows, bulls, fats & walkable FOR SALE: '78 D65P-6 Kocripples; also horses, matzu dozer, 36” swamp sheep & goats. 320-235-2664 tracks, UC 70%, 155HP Cummins, 8959 hrs, at WANTED: Slaughter cattle, 43,000 lbs, 13' tilt blade, lame & thin, also, doesn't use oil, C/H, ROPS. foundered & lumpjawed. $19,000/OBO 507-822-1436 Will pay cash. 320-905-4490

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THE LAND, APRIL 19, 2013


Hard-working art

This week’s Back Roads is the work of The Land Correspondents Tim King (story) and Jan King (photo)

Jim Daly’s workshop, Royalton, Minn.

“Where Farm and Family Meet”

im Daly’s paintings sparkle. They dance. They work hard. Daly, an Ohio artist who has found a J home near Royalton, in Morrison County, Minn.,

says he never intended to develop a particular style. “I just wanted to capture what I saw,” he said. In Ohio, Daly’s neighbors were Amish. His painting of an Amish schoolyard is yellow and golden and green with a flash of scarlet — the schoolhouse — in the background. The Amish children enter the painting from the shaded green woods through a gate. They move slowly and are relaxed in the cool shade. Once they pass through the gate they enter warm honey-colored sunshine and they fly. “Jim is good at showing motion,” his wife, Katie, said. He is also good at showing wonder. His painting “Fireflies” makes you laugh with delight. In it he

again uses light and darkness to capture the wonder of a child discovering fireflies. How does he do that with simple old paint? “One of my favorite paintings is ‘First Kiss’,” Jim said. “I was inspired by the Impressionist painters.” The Impressionists understood light like Daly does but they didn’t paint anything like “First Kiss.” Those of you who remember your first kiss will be impressed with, and understand, the sun beams shining down on that young couple. That is another thing about Daly’s paintings. Although they would make attractive decorations to hang on your wall, each is more than a pretty picture. They communicate something to the viewer. The idea underlying “Woodcarver’s Epiphany” takes your breath away. And if you’ve ever repaired old and fallen fence lines you’ll recognize “Whitey.”

“He’s been working all morning and he wants to pull that last fence post before the rain comes,” Jim said. “A lot of people look at that painting and say, ‘I know who that is’.” All of these paintings are on Daly’s website, www.sciotarts.com. So are his hand-carved stools, canoe paddles and large murals. What are missing are Jim’s portraits. “Jim likes to draw portraits,” Katie says, as she shows off those of two grandchildren. Each portrait has a large central drawing of the child. That drawing is encircled by four or five smaller drawings of the grandchild in a baseball uniform, at a birthday party, etc. The drawings are from favorite photos. If you’d like to commission a portrait or a painting you can reach Jim at (320) 584-8171. ❖

Do you have a Back Roads story suggestion? E-mail editor@TheLandOnline.com or write to Editor, The Land, P.O. Box 3169, Mankato, MN 56002.

Š 2013

April 19, 2013


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