May 17, 2013 :: Northern :: The Land

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May 17, 2013

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Cow numbers are stablilizing, but it’ll be a ‘long road back’ for cattle feeders By DICK HAGEN The Land Staff Writer Beef cow numbers appear to finally be stabilizing, but at barely 28 million nationwide, this is the lowest beef cow count since the 1950s. The all-time high was 45.712 million in 1975. Minnesota accounted for 751,000 that year; by 2012, the number had dropped to 365,000, according to U.S. Department of Agriculture

data. Texas, Nebraska and Kansas continue as the top three states in cattle and calves, but with major cutbacks due to drought conditions the past three years, that ranking might soon be readjusted. “Cow numbers hopefully will stabilize this year but it will be a long road back,” said Roger Wallace, feedlot consultant working the Elkhorn, Neb., cattle feeding area. He said the cat-

tle feeding business has been in red ink for several months; hog production is unprofitable currently. He’s not so excited about the immediate future either. “If corn collapses this fall like some expect, that likely will get priced into the price of calves which is already ramped up because of the shortage of cows,” Wallace said. “We just won’t See CATTLE, pg. 8A

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